The East Carolinian, December 2, 1999

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
the I
Volume 74, Issue 79
Tasty treats pack on the pounds and
overeating abounds
30 days to go until 2000
Mobile-Alabama Bowl
For those fans who plan to attend the
Mobile Alabama Bowl on Dec. 22, the fol-
lowing hotel information may be useful.
Bowl tickets will go on sale from 9-4 p.m.
on Dec. 9 at the ticket office for $45. The
team will be headquartered in the Adam's
Mark (334-438-4000), while the band and
alumni headquarters will be the Admiral
Semmes (334-405-5944). Tickets to events
connected with the bowl can be purchased
through the bowl office at 334-635-0011.
The HealthSouth Fellowship of Christian
Athletes Breakfast (tickets $12) on Dec. 21
at the Clarion Hotel will feature Tennessee
coach Phil Fulmer as a guest speaker. The
GMAC Mayor's Luncheon (tickets $30) on
Dec. 21 at the Mobile Convention Center
will feature Pete Rose as the guest
speaker. The Greer's Mardi Gras Party on
Dec. 21 at the Mobile Convention Center
will be open to bowl game ticket holders.
The women's basketball team will play
UNC-Chartotte at 7 p.m. Saturday in Will-
iams Arena at Minges Coliseum.
Art Sale
The School of Art will hold its annual
holiday sale today through Saturday at the
Jenkins Fine Arts Center. The sale will run
from 9 a.m7 p.m. today and Friday, and
from 10 a.m3 p.m. on Saturday. Jewelry,
ceramics, sculptures, paintings, weaving,
hand-dyed silks and prints will be sold.
Fine Arts Presentations
The combined jazz ensembles of the
School of Music will perform at 8 p.m. Fri-
day in Wright Auditorium. The concert is
free and open to the public.
A recital featuring flutist Christine
Gustafson and guitarist Elliot Frank, sched-
uled for 6 p.m. tonight at the School of Mu-
sic, has been canceled.
Parking Lot Closed
Visitors of Pitt County Memorial Hospital
(PCMH) will be asked to park in an em-
ployee lot, across Moye Boulevard from the
hospital, from Nov. 29-Dec. 5 while the
main visitor parking lot undergoes mainte-
nance. Signs and parking staff will help di-
rect visitors to the designated parking lot,
and employee parking will be moved to
other lots to make room for visitor parking.
Hospital officials thank visitors for their co-
operation and apologize for any inconve-
nience this maintenance may cause.
Noteworthy Events
The Biomechanics Laboratory Lecture
Series will feature an address by Dr. Tho-
mas S. Buchanan, director of the Center for
Biomedical Engineering Research at the
University of Delaware. Buchanan's ad-
dress is entitled "Neural Control of Limb
Muscles: A Biomechanical Perspective His
address is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Friday in
Rooms 142 and 143 in Minges Coliseum.
pg. 10
Senior guard rallies women's b-ball
team to victory
Sunny, high of 53
and a low of 35
Do you feel safe on campus?
Vote online at
The results of last week's question:
Do you know someone infected with HIV?
World AIDS Day brought to light state.s
A crowd of 100 gathered to observe the 12th Annual World AIDS Day by holding a candlelight vigil, (photo by Emily Richardson)
Candlelight vigil held in
honor of AIDS victims
Angela Harne
Hope for a cure continues.
Yesterday was the twelfth an-
nual World AIDS Day. In honor
of the day, ECU, along with Pitt
County AIDS Service Organiza-
tion (PiCASO), ECU Student
Health Services, the Pitt County
Chapter of the American Red
Cross, Project Outreach and
Down East Pride held a candle-
light vigil last night.
The vigil began at 6 p.m. in
front of Joyner Library and was
open to staff, students and the
Participants gathered near
the Joyner clock holding candles.
Barry Elmore, director of educa-
tion services for PiCASO, started
the candle lighting. The group of
100 participants lit candles and
began their walk at Joyner and
continued along the mall, past
Umstead and Slay Halls, down
Tenth Street and up College Hill,
where they converged at the fi-
nal destination, Todd Dining
Participants embraced the
"We are hoping to achieve
awareness said Angela Carpen-
ter of the Pitt County Chapter of
the American Red Cross. "There
is no cure our weapon is pro-
"This is a great opportunity
to create awareness of AIDS said
Heather Zophy of Student Health
Services. "This day gives us a rea-
son to be aware, but I think we
need to be aware and educated
all year
Candles lit during the service
served a symbolic purpose.
"Our candles serve as a re-
membrance for those who have
died from AIDS Elmore said.
"They also stand as a hope for the
"Like all candle vigils our
burning flames will set us apart
from the norm said Aaron
Lucier, assistant coordinator of
technology for University Hous-
ing Services.
At Todd, refreshments were
served. Entertainment was pro-
vided by the ECU Gospel Choir.
The first few panels of the Pitt
County AIDS Quilt were on dis-
play at Todd, compliments of the
Greenville Quilters Guild.
According to the N.C. Bureau
of Vital Statistics, Pitt County has
over 140 residents who have died
as a result of AIDS since 1991.
The theme of this year's
World AIDS Day is "AIDS�End
the Silence: Listen, Learn, Live
The theme is to promote com-
munication with those who are
directly ai)d indirectly affected
The day aims to increase
awareness of the HIVAIDS epi-
demic. It also hopes to stimulate
the development of new pro-
grams for young people, to mini-
mize their vulnerability to HIV
and reduce the stigma and dis-
crimination surrounding the epi-
According to PiCASO, 33.4
million men, women and chil-
dren world-wide were estimated
to be living with HIVAIDS. If
trends continue, by the millen-
nium, 40 million adults will be
infected with HIV. Approxi-
c AIDS page 2
Report cites high
campus crime rate
ECU PD, StUdentS reported at ECU. 24 burgla
i i . r . ies have been reported and
QlSagree abOUt Safety three vehicle thefts have oc-
Sonic 'cicles
lly we get a
ited assaults
rted in 1997
vocirs, ' Jordon said. "1 believe The assault on Justin
ttat CTitne has lessened ovion Oct. 29
-ri'umiil ;u rated at least tea
BHMHHMoua VnHHt paye i.
audit of
NCSU camp
Auditor alerted to
possible misuse of funds
Terra Steinbeiser
Following a tip from a hotline
call, State Auditor Ralph
Campbell began an investigation
of the misuse of state funds by
the Mitchell 4-H Camp run by
the Cooperative Extension Ser-
vice at NCSU.
The Mitchell 4-H Camp is lo-
cated on 32 acres near the town
of Swansboro and is associated
with NCSU through the North
Carolina Cooperative Extension
Service (NCCCES). The NCCCES
focuses on 20 major programs
statewide, with an emphasis on
agriculture, forestry and protec-
tion of the environment. One of
these such programs is the 4-H
(Heart, Head, Hands and Health)
Club, whose mission, according
to their webpage, is to aid youth
and adults in becoming compe-
tent members of society.
In April of this year, allega-
tions were made concerning the
employees at the camp. Some of
the allegations included that the
camp director used camp funds
to pay for personal expenses,
casned.camRcljecks.but failed to
deposit the money, that camp
employees performed personal
services for the director and were
reimbursed with camp funds and
that the camp administrative as-
sistant falsified her time records.
"Upon completion of our in-
vestigation, we identified
$17,467.99 in expenditures and
activities by former and current
camp employees to be question-
able in nature Campbell said.
The names of the camp direc-
tor, extension specialist, admin-
istrative assistant and other camp
employees have not been re-
leased for legal reasons, and
therefore were not able to be
reached for comment.
According to the state
auditor's report, it was found that
the former camp director used
campstate money to pay for per-
sonal auto repairs, gas, as well
as personal cellular and long dis-
tance services.
Also, the administrative assis-
tant falsified her time sheets by
putting her hours on her
husband's time sheets so as not
to risk losing her disability pay-
ments. The NCSU extension spe-
cialist was aware of this and ac-
tually aided the administrative
assistant in circumventing the
payroll process.
Campbell made recommen-
dations to NCSU Chancellor
Marye Anne Fox concerning the
recovery of lost funds.
In a letter to Campbell, Fox
assured him that the university
was taking such measures.
"NC State University has ini-
tiated appropriate action to ad-
dress this recommendation Fox
said. "Further conective actions
have been initiated to address the
handling of funds, documenta-
tion for expenditures and per-
sonal matters
The auditor's report is now
being reviewed by public offi-
cials, including Governor Jim
Hunt, Molly Broad, president of
the UNC System and members of
the Joint Legislative Commission
on Governmental Operations.
This writer can be contacted at
The drop in temperature was evident by the Percussive Water Wall's frozen
waterfalls in the Sonic Plaza last evening. Continued declines on the
thermometer are expected, with nightly lows expected to reach freezing,
(photo by Emily Richardson)

The East Carolinian
Congressman Walter Jones gave a presentation to the Society for Advanced Management (SAM) on Tuesday in the
General Classroom Building, (photo by Emily Richardson)
Congressman Walter Jones
speaks on national issues
Jones highlights Capitol Hill's actions
on military, budget, foreign policy
Angela Harne
Society for Advancement Management (SAM) in-
vited Congressman Walter Jones to discuss issues con-
cerning the world and NC.
This past Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in GCB 1400 Jones
shared his views and opinions on relevant issues deal-
ing with the world.
According to Wendy Morrill, member of SAM, this
is the second time Jones has come to speak to their
"We are looking for answers Morrill said. "Deal-
ing with social security, flood relief and community
issues. Personally I want to know what congress is plan-
ning on doing to help with aftermath of the flood and
where ail the money is going
Jones was delighted to be at ECU.
"This is my second time here Jones said. "I am
delighted to talk to such an active group. I love to talk
to young college students. I believe all should be heard
and I am here to listen
Jones covered issues dealing with a balanced bud-
get, education, military, Medicare, social security and
welfare reform.
He claimed the nation is in debt.
"We are in debt and it needs to be reduced Jones
said. "I believe that we need to live within a balanced
budget. This is the first party since 1969 to achieve this
Jones believes that education is a state and local
"I am a State Rights Congressman Jones said.
"Therefore I believe that education issues should be
given to each individual state, giving the people the
rights within their state
Congressman Jones said that he has no military
background, but that he has served on the ARMS Ser-
vices for the past five years.
"I feel we are fortunate Jones said. "We have men
and women in uniform who are willing to fight for our
nation. We live in a very unsafe world. We have terror-
ists, cyberspace warfare we need a strong military.
By 2000 the main issue will be whether or not the US
should 'Police the World I don't think that it is neces-
sary, but I do believe that our NC bases are safe despite
actions in Panama
Jones feels that in the near future the U.S. may be
"I think that our prime threat is China Jones said.
"They are the top supplier of technology advancement
which could destroy us. North Korea is also a threat
due to their unstable government along with Iraq and
Iran due to their chemical warfare. And then there is
always the threat of terrorists
Jones believes that the millennium needs to be fo-
cused on foreign policy and our tax system.
"We need to get more involved with other parts of
the world Jones said. "We need a simple and fair tax
system. I didn't go to Washington to become part of
the problem. I went to find solutions for tax problems.
Debate has begun of how we are going to change the
system for the people
Medicare, social security and welfare were also dis-
"I am very concerned about Medicare Jones said.
"I think that by 2007 it might be insolvent. Congress
needs to get working now and not later. We need Medi-
care in the future.
Talsb feel that we need an alternative program for
social security for those that are under 35. At. the mo-
ment Congress is in the process of discussing a new
retirement system. Welfare is another big issue.
"Over the past presidency welfare has dropped 60.
Child support is up 25 and we no longer support
addicts, alcoholics or prisoners with welfare. That alone
has saved tax payers $9.3 billion
Farmers and fishermen of NC are being protected.
"The NC republican and democratic parties are
working together as a team Jones said. "By February
money will be coming for our commercial fishermen
through direct grants. I feel our farmers also need di-
rect payments. I am definitely pushing for support of
our farmers and fishermen
Congressman Jones wants students to be aware.
"Please vote and be educated on candidates Jones
said. "We need to face our problems of today and start
finding solutions
"He was a great speaker said senior Jeremy
Hoegemann. "He covered a lot of broad topics that I
am interested in, especially for.the next election
"This was very informative said senior Katie
Geniesse. "Jones was very straight forward
"I was very excited about hearing Jones' speech
said Chairman of College Republicans for ECU, Jason
Thuringer. "I have helped with his campaigns and he
has done a lot for Eastern NC. I'm very interested in
hearing about events in Washington, DC.
"All the events that take place in DC affect us and I
believe that we should all be involved. I am always in-
terested in finding new members for College Republi-
cans. Please call me if you wish to join at 353-2834
SAM is a group on campus which focuses on help-
ing management majors better understand the world
of business.
According to SAM President Jennifer Holleman, the
group takes plant tours, attends international confer-
ences and has regular guest speakers.
Jones has a bachelor degree in science and is a very
active NC Congressman of the republican conserva-
tive party. He has lead the fight against oil drilling on
the NC coast. Jones continuously works to improve the
water quality of NC and protect the wetlands. He has
been presented the Senior Friendly Award and Friend
of the Farmer Award.
This writer can be contacted at
aharne@studentmedia. ecu. edu.
from page 1
from page 1
mately 590,000 children under 15 and more than 2.5
million 15-24-year-olds. In the US, 688,200 people have
been reportedly infected with HIVAIDS as of 1998.
PiCASO claims World AIDS Day linked communi-
ties throughout the US last night when the White House
dimmed its lights. The demonstration signifies the com-
mitment to the fight against the global epidemic of
AIDS and will give tribute to people living with HIV
AIDS, as well as to those who have died from the dis-
This writer can be contacted at
"I heard that ECU had a high crime rate said fresh-
man Jodi Kaufmann. "The only crime I've heard about
was the recent assault. There are police everywhere and
I feel safe
According to Lt. Angela Carmon of UNC Crime Pre-
vention, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
educates people on their campus on crime through
regular communication with staff and students.
"We have your usual minimal theft Carmon said.
"We stress personal safety as every individual's respon-
sibility. Like if you have a lock, it's no good if you don't
use it. Our shuttles, emergency call boxes and visible
officers are also helpful in promoting safety
This writer can be contacted at
aharne&studentmedia. ecu. edu.
Thursday, Dec. 2,1999
Nov. 26
Alcohol Violations�A non-student was issued a
state citation for underage possession of malt bever-
age. One non-student and one student were Issued
state citations for selling alcohol to a minor. The
student was also cited for selling alcohol without a
NOV. 28
Damage to Personal Property�A student was is-
sued a campus appearance ticket after breaking two
to three plates at Todd Dining Hall after being dis-
satisfied with her meal.
Alleged Rape� Parents reported that their daugh-
ter was raped at an off-campus location. They were
referred to the Greenville Police Department.
Larceny�A non-student and a student reported
that an unknown person(s) stole two books and a
calculator from their desk on the third floor of Joy ner
Library. The victims had gone to bathroom during
the time of the incident.
Nov. 29
Larceny�A staff member reported that a micro-
wave was stolen from the housekeepers' closet In
Aycock Hall.
Larceny�A student reported that an amount of
money was stolen from her wallet in Aycock Hall. -
Larceny�A student reported that his bike was sto-
len from the rack northwest of the Brewster Build-
Larceny�A student reported that a camera and
tape recorder were stolen from her room in Belk Hall.
NOV. 30
Larceny�A student reported that his secured bike
was stolen from the rack south of Jones Hall.
Warnings forwarded by ECU PD
�If you receive a CELCOM screen saver, please do
not install it. This screen saver shows a NOKIA
handphone with time messages. After it is activated,
the PC will not boot up, goes very slowly and it de-
stroys your hard disk. The filename is CELLSAVER.EXE
�Beware! if someone named "SandMan" asks you
to check out his homepage, do not do it! The URL is
www.geocities.comvienna6318. This page hacks into
your hard drive.
�If you get an e-mail titled "Win A Holiday do
not open it. Delete it immediately. Microsoft an-
nounced that it Is a malicious virus that will erase your
hard drive. At this time there is no known remedy.
�If you receive an e-mail titled "Join the Crew" or
"Penpals do not open it. It will erase your hard drive!
"Penpal" appears to be a friendly letter asking you if
you are interested in a penpal, but by the time you fin-
ish reading the letter, it is too late. The Trojan horse
virus will have alreadv infected the boot sector of vour
hard drive, destroying all the data present.
It is a self-replicating virus, and once the message is
read it will automatically forward itself to anyone whose
e-mail address is present in your box.
This virus will destroy your hard drive and holds
the potential to destroy the hard drive of anyone whose
mail is in your box, and whose mail is in their box and
on and on.
Mark A. Ward
� DWI, Traffic, and Felony Defense
� NC Bar Certified Specialist in State
Criminal Law
� 24 hour message service
ttwMMfcywMmM imimnpiiMiini i��
� t�t annnnx, im.
Thursday, C
Student sui
rooms to evali
.dents at the ur
Attempt to jud
The survey
and administr;
portant roles ii
ary decisions.
Debra And(
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to create a noi
age completior
"It's much i
, SGA Preside
nounced that!
getting T-shirts
will cost $6 and
monthly Assoi
Governments n
this weekend.
Chris Loney
Marketing, disi
Alabama Bowl w
Dec. 22.
t. Loney said tl
go on sale Dec
froih 9-4 p.m.
dudes the gar
MaVdi Gras part
hotels are offerir
football game.
�� Webster con
last week's stude
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Thursday, Dec. 2, 1999
The East Carotin
�Opinion surveys allow students voice in education
Course evaluations
distributed this week
Maura Buck
Student surveys will be distributed this week in class-
rooms to evaluate the educational experience of stu-
dents at the university. These surveys consist of both a
imultiple-choice section and a short answer section that
Attempt to judge students' perceptions of their profes-
; The surveys are used for faculty self-development
;and administrative review, in addition to playing im-
portant roles in matters of promotion, tenure and sal-
ary decisions.
Debra Anderson, professor of foreign language and
literature, suggests that students take the time to com-
plete the survey.
"If for no other reason, students should complete
ithe survey to voice their opinions about an important
aspect of their university experience Anderson said.
Throughout the week, professors will be handing
pujt the optional surveys and then leave their classrooms
to create a non-threatening environment to encour-
age completion of the forms.
"It's much more appealing if you know that what
you are saying will not be counted against you, espe-
cially during finals said freshman Lisa Stoltenberg.
In some classes, the surveys will be distributed
Eugene Ryan, a philosophy professor, is distribut-
ing his survey forms online in two of his classes. He
feels that by using the online survey, "sloppiness" in
collection can be eliminated.
"The mechanics of the surveys using paper forms
leaves a lot to be desired Ryan said. "The data floats
around in sealed and unsealed envelopes, from one
hand to another, with no one supervising the process
until it finally comes to rest in the office that compiles
the data. It is frightening to think that such question-
able data would ever be used to make personal deci-
sions that would impact the whole professional life of
a faculty member
According to Moriah Hampton, a graduate assistant
professor in the English department, the questions
cover basic principles concerning the helpfulness of the
teacher, as well as the class structure, teaching style
and the selection of textbooks. She also feels the stu-
dent-teacher relationship should not be one-sided. She
believes that students should be able to critique their
learning experience.
However, Hampton stated that it would be more
useful to base the questions around her personal needs
rather than simply generalizing.
"If students don't like my choice of textbook, I need
to know specifically what about the textbook wasn't
useful, so I can order accordingly next semester Hamp-
ton said.
Some professors believe students do not take ad-
vantage of the free-response portion of the survey.
"Many students answer only the multiple-choice
answers, but the written-in ones are probably most
helpful said Charles Garrison, professor of sociology.
Although sophomore Darius Chisholm fills out both
sections of the evaluation, he feels that, in some ways,
it is a waste of time.
"They ask for your opinion and then as far as I can
see, they don't use it Chisholm said.
Freshman Brad Winston thinks it is a good idea to
"If the students are being honest, I think that if s a
great way to express their feelings he said. "If a cer-
tain professor is flunking three-fourths of a class, the
students can at least provide paper documentation of
the problem
"It is a much easier way to voice your opinion in-
stead of going to a dean to talk about it said fresh-
man Katie Evans. "It's anonymous and the professors
don't have any way of tracking you down
This writer can be contacted at
Ahem addressed lawmakers in Dublin i
before the British government was s
formally transfer powers to a new I
Catholic government for Northern Ireland.
In London, Prune Minister iaay Mai
nounced that Queen Elizabeth I! had ap
legislation transferring powers to the new!
em Ireland government.
"There are going to be many difficulties a
the way, but I believe one huge, giant step has
been taken glair told the House of Commons.
Britain transferred the powers to the North-
em Ireland government last evening at mid-
"With the full political settlement now about
to be implemented, we have the strongest pos-
sible basis for permanent peace in Ireland, such
as has never before been experienced in our his-
tory Ahem said.
"All sides have had to take risks for peace,
Ahem said. "This is the risk that we are taking
I SGA President Cliff Webster an-
nounced that SGA is looking into
getting T-shirts for the spring. They
will cost $6 and will be available to
According to Webster, the
monthly Association of Student
Governments meeting will be held
this weekend.
Chris Loney, employee of ECU
Marketing, discussed the Mobile
Alabama Bowl which will take place
Dec. 22.
'� p Loney said that bowl tickets will
go on sale Dec. 9 at the ticket office
froth 9-4 p.m. for $45 which in-
cludes the game and pre-game
Mardi Gras party on Dec. 21. Local
hotels are offering discounts for the
football game.
, Webster congratulated SGA on
last week's student fees meeting.
I "Representative Michael Orr an-
nounced that the SGA supports
PQK Honors Society's flood relief
program "Ts and Tales which is
supplying Pattillo Elementary
School with T-shirts and books.
Webster announced that the
SGA is sending four delegates to the
African-American Conference held
in Mississippi, which ECU attended
last year.
SGA granted the delegates
$1,500 for travel expenses.
According to Na'im Akbar,
member of the culture sensitivity
program, ECU has been asked to
share their ideas on diversity to
national colleges. Race relations
and cultural sensitivity will be dis-
Justin Mullarkey, Art Gordon,
Lauren Selim and Kesley Simpson
were screened into the SGA.
SGA Secretary Jessica Dowdy
announced that the SGA holiday
party will be held Wednesday at
9:30 p.m. at BW-3'S.
Webster said that Monday will
be the last meeting for the semes-
WTO conference presses on despite protests
SEATTLE (AP)�Stunned by vio-
lent street protests resulting in scores
of arrests, delegates to a 135-nation
trade gathering insisted they would
push ahead today with efforts to
launch a new round of talks. Presi-
dent Clinton pledged to work for a
"broader consensus" to meet the
protesters' concerns.
After touring a state-of-the-art
port facility for processing Washing-
ton state apples, Clinton told an
audience of farmers that he wel-
comed the thousands of protesters
who had come to Seattle to peace-
fully voice their concerns about how
the World Trade Organization oper-
"For those who came here to
break windows or hurt small busi-
nesses or stop people from going to
meetings I condemn them
Clinton said.
Clinton gave a strong defense of
the objectives of the WTO meetings
this week to launch a new round of
global trade negotiations.
He said that tearing down glo-
bal trade barriers erected against
American farm products, manufac-
tured goods and service companies
would make sure that the U.S.
economy remained strong and pros-
perous in the 21st century.
"We have to continue to open
markets but we can't do any of
that unless there is a broader con-
sensus on trade Clinton said.
Clinton's motorcade to the Se-
attle port traveled through a trashed
downtown where officials were
stepping up arrests of protesters to
regain control of the streets after
imposing an overnight curfew.
Washington Gov. Gary Locke
ordered as many as 200 members of
the National Guard and 300 state
troopers to the city, where they will
serve as backup to police who
battled rampaging protesters with
tear gas and pepper spray Tuesday.
Today, city officials declared a
no-protest zone for nearly all of the
city's downtown core, about 50 city
blocks, acknowledging they were
caught unaware by the magnitude
of the disturbance.
"Clearly, In hindsight, the ap-
proach we used yesterday did not
work and we're going to have to
take a different approach today
said Assistant Police Chief Ed Joiner
in a news conference.
Police, who arrested 68 people
Tuesday, moved in swiftly this
morning to break up pockets of
demonstrators and arrested about
250 of them, bringing in transit
buses to take them away. Most of
the protesters were nonviolent, go-
ing limp as police tried to pick them
"This conference will be a suc-
cess. The issues are far too impor-
tant to be ignored said Mike
Moore, director general of the World
Trade Organization.
Police chief Norm Stamper told
a news conference: "The downtown
area needs to be and will in fact be
made safe today for everyone
"I think we've secured the
town said Mayor Paul Schell, in-
terviewed on NBC's "Today
"Guard troops will be used pri-
marily for backup Schell said.
"They are not armed. I don't want
armed personnel in the streets. I
think that might even be more pro-
WTO delegates long had ex-
pected protests, but nothing like the
storm that hit Seattle when at least
40,000 activists took to the streets
on the day the conference was to
open. Some 5,000 protesters con-
fronted police, with a handful
launching an assault on the down-
town business area.
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j My Computer
Baf Floppy IA:
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The Penthouse Pimps and Players are:
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Standing (L-R)
Jeremy Sherill, Eric Gabriel, Dan Houck, Warren Rutledge, Johnathan Blackard, Travis Russell,
Adam Fink, Jason Evans, Curtis Bunch, Richard Floyd, Mike Vick
Kneeling (L-R)
Sherif Salem, Jason Blough, Tim Swain, Omar Perkins
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Phillip Gilfus
Susan Wright
Emily Richan
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�Thursday, Dec. 2,1999
The East Carolinian
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Holly G. Harris, Editor
Melissa Massey, Managing Editor
Phillip Gilfus, Atens firttor Stephen Schramm, Sports Editor
Susan Wright, Features Editor Melyssa Ojeda, Wsad Copy Editor
Emily Richardson, Photography Editor Jason Latour, Staff Illustrator
Dan Cox, Weft Mate 0recfor Janet Respess, Ad Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian
prints 11,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year. The lead editorial in each edition is the
opinion ol the majority ol the Editorial Board and is written in
turn by Editorial Board members. The East Carolinian welcomes
letters to the editor, limited to 250 words (which may be edited
for decency or brevity at the editor's discretion). The East Caro-
linian reserves the right to edit or reject letters lor publication.
All letters must be signed and Include a telephone number.
Letters may be sent by e-mail to
or to The East Carolinian, Student Publications Building,
Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For additional information, call
' If we needed a wake-up call about
has arrived. The College Community
� Crimecheck gave ECU a risk rating
of nine on a scale of one to 10n a
recent Uniform Crime Report.
Ten is the most dangerous
Many students consider our campus to be their home away from home.
We don't want to worry about someone coming into our haven and dis-
rupting it; whether it be through vandalism, theft or usually the greatest
concern, assault. But as much as everyone would like to believe "it won't
happen to me crime is an occurrence that can, and does happen every
day right here in Greenville.
If we needed a wake-up call about the level of the danger in this area,
it has arrived. The College Community Crimecheck gave ECU a risk rating
of nine on a scale of one to 10 in a recent Uniform Crime Report. Ten is
the most dangerous ranking. Although Sgt. Mike Jordan of the ECU Police
department said he doesn't believe that our crime rates are anywhere
near that high, it's still something our community should take into consid-
Each year statistics for such crimes as assault, burglary, theft and sex
offenses are listed. Although many of the statistics have fluctuated over
the years, it can be reassuring to know that some of the most violent
crimes have gone down. For example, in 1993 there were 11 reports of
aggravated assault; in 1998, there were only five.
The university does take great measures in ensuring our safety. Our
campus police department consists of 45 certified police officers, auxiliary
officers, approximately 25 student patrol officers, a total of eight telecom-
munications officers, three full-time support service personnel and up to
15 library guards. In 1998 it was one of eight law enforcement agencies in
NC to receive the Governor's Award for Excellence in Community Ori-
ented Policing.
However, students must also take a part in ensuring their own safety
by practicing the measures that have been taught to us over the years. If
the crime rates aren't truly as high as the report states, it isn't to say that it
could never be so. And if it is, students must be more aware of their sur-
roundings and protect themselves in hopes that a criminal does not find
his next victiman an easy mark.
Chris Sachs
No need to stress over exams
maybe you should choose another major. Let the class
die, and move on to what you are good at. That way
you can relax about the final, take the F with dignity,
and then go out drinking.
Students are always complaining to me about their
classes and how they don't get the concept and how
they screwed up the quiz or test. So I ask them if they
went to their professor. They say their prof, is never
there. Did you ask him for an appointment? No they
say. Did you ask another professor? Nope. Did you read
the book? nope. Did you try another book? Nope. Did
you go to the help centers? Nope. Did you ask your
friends for a study group? Nope. Did you talk to a coun-
selor? Nope. Well guess what, stupid, you deserve your
grade and I hope you fail miserably.
Maybe an "F" is just the wake up call you need to
realize that you are lazy and ignorant. The professor
teaches you your class about three hours a week. Ninety
percent of the learning you receive is on your own time.
You need to wake up and realize that not all professors
spoon feed you and you may need to think for your-
self for a change. They tend to pay for that unique fea-
ture out there in real world (unless you work for the
So work hard people, make sure you are in the major
that is right for you, and learn that when you have
mastered the subject, you can then go out and raise
hell and party all you want. You won't forget the stuff
in one night, believe me. You will do fine. And when
the final comes around, you will beat it like a rented
mule and you will feel great about. And for all you lazy,
ignorant, slack-jawed students who refuse to suck it up
and work, I hope you drown in F's and you better get
my order straight when I come to your drive-thru in
10 years.
' With final exams creeping up on us like a stalker,
ready to pounce and rape our brains, you can almost
feel the tension around campus. Students are getting
zts, getting no sleep, getting frustrated and most of
all-getting drunk. You would think the student body
just found out that the Ebola virus was discovered in
the dining hall. But it is not that serious, it's just final
exams. Students are panicking like there is no tomor-
row and I just don't see why. People should not be
scared of finals, If you have been keeping up with your
workall semester long. For those of you who have not,
then you're hosed.
' For weeks now I have told students that I tutored
2nd classes I have taught that final exams are the easi-
est tests of the entire year. Students look at me like I
just french-kissed their grandmother, but it's true. At
what other time in your college semester are you al-
lowed to take a test full of material that you have al-
ifcady seen before? That is all a final exam is: a compi-
lation of all the tests that you have already taken. It
should be a cake walk. That is, if you did well all se-
mester long.
� But if you didn't study much, barely passed the tests,
got drunk the night before big tests, then you deserve
Jo crumble under the pressure; it's your own fault. But
Jf you did well all semester, and balanced your drink-
ing and partying with adequate study time, then pre-
paring for finals should be just a review session and
pause you little or no stress.
�: If there were topics that you had trouble with dur-
ing the semester, then you should have gotten help
tfith them and knocked it out. But if you are just hope-
less in that subject and cannot, no matter what, get
the concept down, then it is survival of the fittest and
This writer can be contacted at
csachs&studentmedia. ecu. edu.
Americans want know-nothing president
R.W. Hobbs, Jr.
Since he began running for the office of president,
Governor George W. Bush has not been particularly
clear on where he stands on certain issues. And Bush
seems to test the waters before deciding which direc-
tion he is going to take. In fact, one gets the feeling
after following his campaign that he is running for
president just for the heck of it. It seems as if he knows
he is popular, and he is going to follow the popular
view on issues in order to get votes.
According to every poll to date, unless he makes a
catastrophic mistake in the mean time. Bush will be
our next president. It's a shame, too, because there are
so many really good candidates out there with punc-
tuated ideas and plans, namely Steve Forbes.
Forbes is a true Washington outsider, but is very
knowledgeable when it comes to the economy and
being a leader. He also has clear-cut answers for any
question on any topic, with no doubt of where he
would take America if elected.
With candidates who are obviously much better and
more reasonably motivated than Bush, what on earth
is America's problem? Why are we choosing a follower
instead of a leader? And after the whole Clinton-
Lewinsky debacle, why would we want to replace him
with someone so similar in approach-someone who
bases his every next move on polls and advisors rather
than what is in hisher heart?
Under President Clinton and the Republican-led
Congress, America is doing just fine. Sure, we have our
share of problems to work out. But compared to other
countries and our past, America is on top. We are espe-
cially going through a prosperous economic period.
And economic prosperity leads to benefits in other ar-
Unemployment has gone down and will probably
continue to do so. The good economy will eventually
lead to a rise of the minimum wage. The stock market
is also enjoying this period. And we can also be confi-
dent that social security will indeed be secure for at
least the foreseeable future. So, with everything going
so well, America is not really in dyer need of a candi-
date who wants to make big changes in our govern-
ment-even if those changes sound good. If it ain't
broke, don't fix it. So this time Americans want some-
one who will keep on rolling with the status quo, some-
one who looks and sounds like a President, who is'gen-
erally good and who will not cause big and controver-
sial chaos in Washington.
After last year's. Zippergate, apparently anything
goes as far as immorality is concerned. Cocaine use
doesn't matter. In fact, to a lot of people our age, it's
probably a plus (but then, most of you don't vote any-
way) but that's another story.
It's rather like choosing a car: you can have the Geo
Metro-not the most attractive or roomy car in the
world, but it's a wise choice for your wallet (Steve
Forbes). There's the Jaguar, which looks good and is
comfortable, but expensive-but hey, you can afford to
splurge (George W. Bush). Oh, then there's the hearse-
-the car for stiffs (Al Gore). In the end, anything is bet-
ter than Al Gore.
This writer can be contacted at
rhobbs@studentmedia. ecu. edu.
Microsoft decision does not consider consumer
Marvelle Sullivan
Microsoft is considered the most
valuable, and perhaps, the most
powerful corporation in the world.
In the tradition of all great things,
Microsoft's clout is now slowly com-
ing to an end. Judge Jackson in US
vs. Microsoft, ruled that Microsoft is
indeed a monopoly, abuses its
power by thwarting and manipulat-
ing competition and therefore
poses a threat to consumers' welfare
and interest.
This decision, of course, made
the Justice Department and many
others (not to mention Microsoft's
competitors) extremely exuberant
since they see Microsoft as a ghastly
monopoly whose current existence
violates American economic prin-
ciples. While there are legitimate
arguments on both sides, in this
case, the government's incessant
need to knock down a thriving busi-
ness is taking precedent over a com-
mon sense evaluation of Microsoft
and its role in technology and the
economy. Basically, justice has not
been served in this recent decision
against Microsoft.
Laws like the Sherman Antitrust
Act, along with similar acts, are de-
signed to "bust" trusts (which are
also referred to as monopolies) that
manipulate consumers and distort
markets. Standard Oil, IBM and
AT&T are all examples of companies
that were regulated under the ide-
ology that one entity should not
dominate or monopolize an indus-
try, good or service.
Microsoft owns 90 percent of the
PC operating systems market. So,
Microsoft definitely possesses a large
corner of the market to say the least.
However, being a monopoly is not
a crime in and of itself, but it does
subject the company to governmen-
tal regulation and that is where the
debate essentially lies.
The real crime depends on
whether Microsoft abuses its power
and therefore harms both the mar-
ket and the consumer. Microsoft
officials admit they have a large
share of the market but reasonably
asserts that they are not preventing
entrance into and competition
within the market. Furthermore,
they feel that they have been ac-
commodating governmental wishes
(through bundling software) and it
is not their fault if they are thriving
because they do what they do the
best. Besides, isn't that the nature
of the American economic design?
It seems that the government, in
this particular case involving
Microsoft, is less interested in pro-
tecting the consumer and more in-
terested in gaining the ability to
wield power over the leading inno-
vator of information technology. To
accomplish this, the Justice Depart-
ment, et al. are depicting Microsoft
as some dangerous monster. This
portrayal is ridiculous and should
not be entertained.
The extent of Microsoft's wrong-
doing and its punishment has not
yet been determined. Whatever the
extent, now, the government has its
hand in the affair. This is just an
attempt to meddle in private indus-
try. No matter how dangerous domi-
nating companies like Microsoft are
portrayed to be-the government
handling this trust problem, much
less information technology as we
know it, is entirely more frighten-
ing and more damaging to the con-
sumer and to any market.
This writer can be contacted at
Holidays test this writer's patience

Patrick McMahon
: Well, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and
Is well rested for the exam blast that is right around
the comer. My Thanksgiving sucked. First off, my fa-
ther decided he wouldn't speak to me for a couple of
days (even through Thanksgiving dinner) because of
liy eyebrow ring.
I have four earrings but does that bother him?
Noooooooooooooo. But since I got my EYEBROW
pierced he went ballistic. After that whole showdown,
I decided not to show him my tattoos, figuring that he
could probably do without the further trauma. So just
to appease my parents and to ensure that they would
continue to pay for my education, I took the eyebrow
ring out. Yeah! Everybody do the happy dance! Damned
parents. Just kidding, I'd do anything for them.
Thanksgiving further sucked really, really bad be-
cause of another reason. I'm gonna get serious for a sec
folks, so pay attention. A student here at ECU who was
also from my hometown decided to kill himself over
the holiday. It came as a shock to the entire commu-
nity. No one except for a select few knew about the
pain this kid felt inside, and his friends were mainly
shut out of it.
If you or anyone you know is contemplating sui-
cide, it is NOT the answer. If it is pain you want to get
away from then realize that all you are doing is caus-
ing more pain to those around you. If you want a way
out, just hop in your car and drive until it runs out of
gas and just settle down there.
There is a wonderful counseling center here on cam-
pus and numerous hotlines that are available 24 hours
a day that are there just for you. USE THEM.
The week just got better when me and my friends
played paper rock scissors to find who would be the
designated driver for the weekend. Just take a guess as
to who lost. Yep, I stayed sober the entire break while
out partying three nights with my friends. It wasn't
that bad, at least I could keep an eye on them and make
sure they stayed ok.
All in all, it was one of the worst Thanksgivings
ever but hopefully this upcoming week will treat me
better. I'm sorry I have to mention this, for all the com-
plaining I did previously about my dad, he truly is a
great man and he is going up for a HUGE promotion
this week so everyone say a little prayer for him (re-
gardless of how you feel about me) so that he gets it.
He worked his butt off to get where he is today and he
really deserves the position.
Everyone have a safe weekend and I'll see you again
next Thursday.
You can contact this writer at pmcmahonQ

1T The East Carolinian
American Novelists
Bom In St Louis. Miss, in 1928. this author, poet and
entertainer spent most of her childhood living with her
grandmother in rural Arkansas.
Angelou is best known for her portrayals of strong Af-
rican-American women. Her writing themes stress
courage, perseverance, self-acceptance and realiza-
tion of one's fall potential. In her wofcssh frequently
presents strong female role models. Her most promi-
nent writing includes her series of autobiographical
books, beginning with "I Know Why the Caged Bird
Sings The series continues witt� "Gather Together in
My Name "Singin'and Swingin "GettkV Merry Like
Christmas "The Heart of a Woman and "All God's
Children Need Traveling Shoes
Sylvia Plath
This poet is known for incorporating savage imagery
and themes of self-destruction in her work. Bom in
Boston, Mass. in 1972, Plath was educated at Smith
College and at the University of Cambridge, where
she was a Fulbright scholar. Her first book of poetry,
The Colossus revealed her meticulously crafted,
intensely personal style.
Kate Chopin
This writer is well-known for her depictions of culture
in New Orleans and of women's struggles for free-
dom. Chopin was bom in St. Louis, Miss, in 1850.
She later married Oscar Chopin, a Creole cotton
trader, and moved with him to New Orleans. After a
business failure, the family moved to a plantation
near Cloutierviile, La. where her husband died m
1882. Two years later Chopin returned to St Louis
with her six children, where she maintained a literary
salon and began her writing career.
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Dickinson is categorized as America's best-known fe-
male poet and one of the most prominent authors in
American literature. Bom in Amherst Mass
Dickinson was the middle child of a prominent lawyer
and one-term U.S. congressional representative, Ed-
ward Dickinson and his wife, Emily Norcross
Dickinson. During her lifetime, she published onty 10
of her nearly 2,000 poems in newspapers, Civil War
journals and a poetry anthology. The first volume of
poems, edited by Thomas Wentworth Higginson and
Mabel Loomis Todd, was published in 1890, after
Dickinson's death.
Thursday, Dec. 2, 1999
Costume design requires more than imagination
"Macbeth" costumes
under construction
Jennifer Brown
A man puts hours and hours of work behind each
play, but he is never seen or recognized during the
course of the performances. Costume design is an inte-
gral part of ever theatre production.
Jeff Phipps, of the ECU department of theatre and
dance, is the designer of every costume that goes into
every production here at ECU. For Phipps, the art of
costume design has been a profession and a passion
for the past 20 years.
"I worked professionally for 20 years and at the Uni-
versity of Miami and the University of Texas Phipps
Alice Walker
This writer focuses her writings to portray the lives of
poor, oppressed African-American women in the
early 1900s. She wrote most of her first volume of
poetry during a single week in 1964; it was published
in 1988 as "Once She won the American Book
Award and the Pulitzer Prize for her best-known
novel, The Color Purple which was praised for Hs
strong characterizations and clear, musical quality of
its informal language.
Photos and information courtesy of the World
Phipps, in conunction with the department of the-
atre and dance, is beginning to prepare for the long
hours needed to put on this spring's production of
"Macbeth The amount of costumes that they already
have Imitating the style of the period in which this
play is set determines the amount of new ones that
will have to be made.
"Costume designers are the original recyclers
Phipps said.
The number of costumes needed for a production
also depends on the number of people ip the cast and
the number of costume changes for each part. There
are 32 actors and actresses In the "Macbeth" cast, and
for main characters like Udy Macbeth, several costume
changes are necessary.
According to Phipps, the amount of time that cos-
tume designers must spend preparing for each produc-
tion also depends on the amount of detail that is put
into each one.
See COSTUMES, page 7
Jeffery Phipps uses gouche paint and Japanese rice paper
to design the costumes for upcoming Macbeth production,
(photo by Emily Richardson)
Anna Rice
Bom in 1941, this writer is known for her best-sellin
novels about the supernatural. Pice was bom
Howard Allen O'Brien in New Orleans, and in her
youth changed her first name to Anne, in Rice's first
novel, "Interview with the Vampire introduced the
reader to vampire history and culture. The book is the
first in a series of several other vampires books that
together make up the "Vampire Chronicles The se-
ries is noted for its sympathetic portrayal of vampires
as romantic individuals who live outside mainstream
iter WEIGHT GAIN str
during holiday season
People suffer from fat
traps, sedentary behavior
Susan Wright
On average, people gain 10 pounds during the
winter. The food and fun during the holiday sea-
son are two reasons why winter weight gain hits
the majority of Americans.
There is more to weight gain in the winter than
a voluntary change in the types of foods that are
eaten and the exercise that a person does. Sunnex,
a company that manufactures low-intensity lamps
for bright light therapy, believes that there is a
chemical change that contributes to seasonal
weight gain.
"In fall and winter, the signal to the area of
the brain that registers a signal of satiety is sup-
pressed in the evening according to
"In this manner, nature encourages mammals to
continue to eat and gain weight
In the evening, when people often have the
most access to snacks, their bodies do not signal
that they are full. This is a survival technique that
has been instilled in the body of all mammals,
which now causes weight gain that Is no longer
necessary to survive cold weather and food scar-
The food that people choose to eat, no matter
what the time of day, also contributes to weight
gain. -
"People have less access to fruits and vegetables
during the winter, and they tend to eat food that
contains more calories said Sylvia Escott-Stump,
dietetics programs director at ECU.
There are also more social gatherings during
the holiday season, and people can overeat be-
cause of social pressure. In order to avoid this trap,
it is best to either circle the table looking for some-
thing low in calories or to try a small amount of
"If you sample some of everything, the host-
ess will not be offended Escott-Stump said.
Typical holiday foods carry a lot of calories that
Krispy Kreme doughnuts are warm and sweet, but they are
also full of fat and calories. (Photo by Patrick Raulet)
Junior Renee Engstrom utilizes the abdominal machine at the
Rec Center to burn extra holiday pounds, (photo by Patrick
people do not usually consume during the year. For
example, one-half cup of eggnog contains between
500-600 calories, depending on how rich it was made
to taste.
"More people drink socially during the holidays
as well, and alcohol intake is a source of calories that
many people forget Escott-Stump said.
If a person was to consume an extra glass of egg-
nog a day, they would gain one pound every week
during the holiday season. A pound of fat is the
equivalent of 3,500 calories. If a person gained 17
pounds during the holiday season, it would take four
to five months to lose it and keep it off.
"It is healthy to lose between half-a-pound and
a pound per week Escott-Stump said. "If you lose
more than this on a fad diet or by depriving your-
self of food, it will come back
The best way to lose any extra pounds is through
a combination of exercise and healthy eating. Exer-
cise raises the metabolic rate in a person's body, this
rate determines how many calories a person burns
doing a certain activity.
"As we age, the metabolic rate slows per decade
Escott-Stump said. "This makes it more difficult for
a person to lose weight
According to Escott-Stump, the traditional col-
lege student has a high metabolism because they are
still young. Weight gain can still happen because
their eating habits typically change over the holi-
days. When they go home, they are around a lot of
food that they don't have access to at school.
"Usually I gain weight during the holiday sea-
son said Abby Lindsay, freshman. "1 eat all my
parent's food, and I am not used to eating that
Although all of those treats and holiday drinks
may taste good while the season lasts, once it is over,
it could take at least three or four months to lose
the 10 pounds you gained. If you do overindulge
this holiday season or have any questions about
weight loss or gain, contact Sylvia Escott-Stump at
328-1352. Dietitians are available to assist you.
This writer can be contacted at
Volunteers needed for drug testing dining CRITIQUE connects
researchers, subjects
Kenton Bell
them. Persons who are selected to participate are care-
fully screened to ensure the validity of the tests and
the safety of the patients.
"In order to reduce the number of variables that
must be considered when evaluating test results, most
studies seek to enroll patients with similar characteris-
tics said Denise Tomczak, director and creator of "Therefore, each study requires
patients with specific traits, such as illness or state of
health, ethnic background, medication history, gen-
der, etc. If you fit the characteristics for a particular
study, you may be eligible to participate
Some studies, such as those testing to see if a medi-
cine is safe for human consumption, look for young
healthy people, such as college students. All of the drugs
Courtyard Tavern
serves up delicious dishes
Nina M. Dry
Before testing, the drugs people take everyday could have
had horrendous side effects. (Photo by Patrick Raulet)
A student can earn up to $3,000 in one weekend by
agreeing to be a test subject for medical research. connects researchers and potential
subjects via the Internet.
The Internet web page was started in May, and since
then, 800 people have registered to be research sub-
jects. Fifty percent of the people who registered are
college students.
Clinical study relates to the avenue of medical re-
search conducted with patients to determine the va-
lidity of new experimental treatments. The studies are
designed to develop a working hypothesis about ben-
efits of certain drugs. The studies are set up to compare
these drugs against a control group which receives a
placebo in place of the actual drug.
Information available on
points to concerns relating to the benefits of the spe-
cific studies and the qualifications for participation in
The medicine injected into this student has been tested on
other students, (photo by Patrick Raulet)
have been tested on animals before they are given to
people, and the test subjects are also given a list of
known and possible side effects.
"Phase I testing, which does not test a drug against
a disease, but for safety, pays the most money of all of
the studies Tomczak said. "It pays up to $3,000 per
A different type of testing is when the drug is tested
See CLINICAL page 7
Students dine at Courtyard Tavern
in style, (photo by Emily Richardson)
"You want to go where people go; people are all the
same. You want to go where everybody knows your
name This tune from "Cheers" fills my head every
time I think of what I consider to be Greenville's best
kept secret: The Courtyard Tavern.
I've passed it many times while heading over to the
local Big K, but it wasn't until recently that I decided
to stop in and was immediately hooked. With its warm
atmosphere complemented by rich earth tones, the im-
mediate feeling of being welcomed was evident. I felt
as If I were walking into a holiday TV special without
the roaring fire and the 'chestnuts roasting on an open
fire' song playing softly in the background. After a long
day at work or school, this is definitely the place I would
recommend for a chance to come in and unwind.
The service was incredible because I was immedi-
ately greeted with a genuine smile and seated at the
nearest available booth. The booth I was sitting In was
- See COURTYARD, page 7

inese rice paper
beth production.
the year. For
lins between
1 it was made
the holidays
calories that
glass of egg-
1 every week
of fat is the
in gained 17
uld take four
i-pound and
"If you lose
riving your-
is is through
eating. Exer-
Vs body, this
jerson burns
per decade
: difficult for
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ause they are
ipen because
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ound a lot of
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'I eat all my
eating that
sliday drinks
nee it is over,
)nths to lose
stions about
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isist you.
wople are all the
)dy knows your
, my head every
Greenville's best
iding over to the
ly that I decided
d. With its warm
th tones, the im-
as evident. 1 felt
special without
sting on an open
und. After a long
the place I would
md unwind,
e I was immedi-
nd seated at the
as sitting in was
.Thursday, Dec. 2,1999
� Mill mmumaw
The East Carolinian
from page 6
from page
Macbeth costumes already designed,
they are just waiting forthe hands that
will make them to bring them to life.
(Photo by Emily Richardson)
"It depends on whether we have
to do dying and fabric modification
(applying airbrushed design) and
the elaborateness of the costume
Phipps said.
Lisa Devita, shop manager for
costume design, said she enjoys her
job, but she also realizes that there
are limitations for any costume de-
signer. Although she would recom-
mend the field to anyone with ar-
tistic talent and aspirations, there is
a catch.
"You can't just be a dreamer
Devita said, "You have to also have
technical skills as well because there
is a lot of hands on action -
Aubrey Harpman, senior, started
working with costume design as
part of her work-study program and
then decided to change her major
into this field.
"I hope to do this professionally
some day in New York, California,
London or some big city Harpman
Costume design is a competitive
field that demands both creativity
and technical expertise. At ECU, any
student can begin to develop their
interests and skills in costume de-
sign with the department of theatre
arts. For more information, contact
Jeff Phipps in the theatre arts depart-
This writer can be contacted at
for its efficiency in fighting a cer-
tain illness. In order to participate
in these studies, a person must have
the particular ailment.
"The patient will be evaluated by
a doctor to determine whether tra-
ditional current methods will be
effective in combating their illness
said Anderson, health information
manger for the M.D. Anderson Can-
cer Center. "If it is then determined
that the clinical study would be of
benefit to them and all require-
ments are met, they will sign the
informed consent form, and the
study will begin
These programs use several dif-
ferent methods to procure test sub-
jects for the studies. Newspaper ar-
ticles, radio broadcasts and fliers in
local neighborhoods have all been
used as methods to locate willing
"The more traditional forms
Shave been effective enough, but
they are very expensive compared
to the Internet Tomczak said.
The Clinical Research Institute
gives several reasons that one would
participate in a clinical study. Pa-
tients often resort to experimental
drugs when normal methods of
treatment fail. Patients often receive
the medicine in the study free of
charge. Certain studies will include
medical treatment for the problems
being studied outside of the medi-
cine being tested, and a few offer
monetary benefits. Everyone who
participates has their own reasons
for choosing to do so.
"It depends on the possible side
effects if I would do it or not said
senior Kate Tomlinson. "The money
is appealing, but it's not like I'd do
It if it had some crazy side effects
77its writer can be contacted at
Snowman patiently
awaits his season to shine
from page 6
Apply Now!
Call 328-6366 and ask
for Brandon, for more
Our office is
located on the
second floor of the
Student Publication
Building across
from joyner.
definitely not meant for the verti-
cally challenged, but it was com-
fortable nonetheless.
The Courtyard Tavern offer a
variety of appetizers to start the
evening out, such as its ever-popu-
lar mozzarella sticks and onion
bloom. For those who are a little
more daring and willing to taste
something different, I recommend
the artichoke dip, as well as the Ja-
maican chicken skewers which had
a Caribbean taste, seasoned to a tee.
For such a laid-back restaurant,
entree selections such as the bour-
bon salmon grill, filet mignon del
mar and margarita swordfish were
quite sophisticated. I had the
Parmesan chicken grill, a juicy
grilled chicken breast topped with
a rich Italian sauce, provolone and
Parmesan cheese, served on top of
fettuccine noodles. I was very im-
pressed with the hearty portion size
they brought me. The leftovers
made for a delicious lunch the next
Of course, if you're going to go,
you should go all out, so I saved
some room for the desserts. Al-
though they had so many delicious
dishes to choose from like choco-
late fondue and Southern pecan pie
topped with a scoop of vanilla ice
cream, I decided to go with the
apple cinnamon crisp.
If you like Applebee's apple-cin-
namon crisp, you will love the
Courtyard's. However, if you like
Chili's apple cinnamon tart, I sug-
gest you continue going to Chili's.
It's definitely different.
Although the menu has a vari-
ety of items to choose from, most
of it is at an affordable cost. If you
walk in with $10, you will be able
to eat well and possibly leave with
a doggy bag. Of course, if you feel
like splurging a bit, S20-J25 will do
the trick.
Overall, I enjoyed the Tavern
experience. In only an hour I was
able to sit back, enjoy the atmo-
sphere and dine on delicious cui-
This writer can be contacted at
www. attic-nig
Uptown Greenville
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The Christmas shopping season officially began the day after Thanksgiving.
Advent, the beginning of the Christian Christmas preparation, begins Sunday,
December 5. This little snowman begins his holiday season as soon as someone
grabs him off the shelf to take him home, (photo by Patrick Raulet)
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8 The East Carolinian
7-year-old to compete in national
Oreo stacking competition
Japanese pick instant
noodles as food of the century
Thursday, Dec. 2,1999
COLCHESTER, 111. (AP)�Seven-
year-old Nathaniel Keithley has a
good reason for getting into the
Oreo cookies: He's got to practice.
Nathaniel leaves Sunday for the
national Oreo stacking competition
at Walt Disney World in Orlando,
Fla where he will have one shot at
stacking the most cookies in 30 sec-
onds to earn a national title.
But with a wobbly dining room
table and a little brother who likes
to eat the cookies, practicing can be
a challenge.
Nathaniel's mother, Ten Hafther,
said her son qualified by stacking
34 cookies in 30 seconds at a
Nabisco Co. booth at a K-mart store.
She later found out from Nabisco
that the world record is 30.
If he wins the national title, the
second-grader would win a $20,000
savings bond and a walk-on role on
the television show "Honey I
Shrunk the Kids"�plus a year's sup-
ply of Oreos, Haffner said.
Nathaniel said his friends made
up a new nickname for him. "
"They're calling me 'Oreo Boy'
on the bus he said. "A lot of people
are also wondering if I'll get sick of
Oreo (cookies). The answer is 'no
TOKYO (AP)�For Japanese, the
food of the century is far from gour-
met�instant noodles, hamburgers,
curry and packaged lunches from
convenience stores, according to a
new survey.
The survey, by Japan Manage-
ment Association Research Institute,
a Tokyo think-tank, asked 1,493
people between the ages of 16 and
69 to pick three food items that rep-
resent the century.
The top choice was instant
noodles, picked by 79 percent of re-
spondents, followed by hamburgers
at 34 percent and prepackaged heat-
Escaped python winds up
under Hammond man's car
HAMMOND, La. (AP)�Police
had to contend with a hissing,
writhing 6-foot Burmese python
after a 9-year-old bey found it in a
driveway, lying under the family car.
"My son came in the house and
said there was a snake under the
car said John Wilkinson. "I
thought he meant an itty bitty
thing. Imagine my surprise
Wilkinson called police, who
had him put his car in neutral and
push it up the concrete driveway.
The snake stayed calm until Sgt.
Charlie Pittman, wearing gardening
gloves, grabbed it at the base of the
neck while Officer Matt Savona held
the tail. Then it hissed, writhed and
bared its teeth.
They had started to lower the
snake into a garbage can when ani-
mal control officers arrived with a
The snake was not poisonous
and would probably not have hurt
a person, animal control officer Lani
Loyd said. However, a small pet
might have made a meal for. the
David Holloway, a 20-year-old
college student who lives several
blocks from Wilkinson, had a happy
reunion with the python, named
Kamikaze, Loyd said. A few days
earlier, the snake had slithered out
of a cage that Holloway forgot to
"When we let her out of the sack
and she saw him, she was pretty
happy Loyd said. "Believe it or not,
they can recognize their owners

Due to Hurricane Floyd
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and-eat curry at 28 percent.
Other picks were packaged
lunches sold at the omnipresent
convenience stores, with 6 percent,
and sushi and colas, each with 3 per-
"Instant noodles are one of the
few foods that originated in Japan
and have spread throughout the
world. People are proud of that
said Fumiaki Kato, one of the re-
searchers who carried out the sur-
vey in September and October. It
was released Wednesday.
The average Japanese eats more
than 40 packs of instant noodles a
year. There are about 720 different
flavors and types on the market, an
industry group says. They were in-
vented in 1958 by Momofuku
Ando, founder of Nissin Food Prod-
ucts Co.
"Everyone from the emperor to
high-school kids eats instant
noodles Hiroshi Yamaya, spokes-
man for the Japan Association of In-
stant Food Manufacturers, said
Asked to describe the eating hab-
its of Japanese in the 20th century,
63 percent of respondents said "in-
stant food 43 percent replied "fast
food" and 30 percent said "Western-
style" food.
"We could say that the 20th cen-
tury is a period that places a lot of
emphasis on convenience in food
Kato said.
Miniature reindeer
line up in preparation
for Christmas
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, creatively made and non-traditional in form
eagerly wait for a customer to buy them and make them part of their holiday
decorating tradition.(photo by Patrick Raulet)
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Thursday, Dec. 2,1999
Man gets 90 days of
probation for barking
at police dog
ERIE, Pa. (AP)�You've heard
about the boy who cried wolf. What
about the man who barked?
Jeffrey Williams, 25, of Erie was
sentenced Thursday to 90 days of
probation for a conviction related
to the harassment of police dogs
who were Inside a car.
On June 5, Williams was riding
his bicycle in Erie when he came
upon dogs that were inside parked
police cruisers.
He "looked into the windows of
each vehicle and made barking
noises at the dogs inside, causing
them to go into a barking frenzy
police alleged.
Patrolman Lester Fetterman told
Williams to stop.
"He ignored me, and from about
a foot away from my cruiser win-
dow, he looked in and barked at my
dog, getting the same reaction
Fetterman said.
Williams told the officer he
could do whatever he wanted to in
his neighborhood.
Also Thursday, Judge William
Cunningham sentenced Williams
to 30 days of probation for mari-
juana possession.
The East Carolinian;
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jjW The East Carolinian
Bears' Miller to miss
rest of regular season
Chicago Bear's starting quarterback, Jim Miller,
has been suspended for the team final four regular
season game after testing positive for the use of
steroids violating the NFL. An NFL spokesperson
has said the Miller violated the leagues policy on
asabolic steroids and related substances. The
substance Miller was using was not identified. A
Bears' representative said that the team would not
comment until a Wednesday afternoon confer-
ence. Miller is the third NFL drug suspension in the
last two weeks. Others NFL players were New
York Giants rookie safety Lyle West and New York
Jets tackle Jason Ferguson.
SEC refs suspended
for fumble call
The crew that officiated the Georgia-Georgia
, Tech game has been suspended by the South-
eastern Conference after they missed a crucial
last minute call in Saturday's game. The seven
man crew was rated the best in the SEC but they
ruled Jasper Sanks fumble at the one yard line
wrong. Television replays show that the ball
popped out after Sanks hit the ground. The score
was tied 48-48 when the ball was awarded to
Tech, taking away the chance for a Georgia
fieldgoal. The Yellow Jackets went on to win 51-48
in overtime. It has been ruled that the team will not
officiate the ACC title game between Florida and
Alabama. Many officials involved will also lose
their post season assignments. The SEC has not
yet commented if the officials could be fired.
Rockets face up to six
weeks without Olajuwon
Houston Rocket's starting center Hakeem
Olajuwon did not have a groin strain but a hernia
that will require surgery. After further examination
Tuesday an inguinal hernia was revealed which
will bench Olajuwon for the next 4-6 weeks. At first
he was expected to miss 3-4 weeks due to the
groin strain but now will miss 4-6. A Rocket's
spokesperson said Olajuwon will have surgery
Wednesday to be performed by team physician Dr.
Walter Lowe. "I think that almost all of his symp-
toms are coming from the hernia Lowe said.
1 . Mf
�. 12i
d�3P"E -5
Man Uwins World Cup thriller
Manchester United beats Palmeiras of Brazil 1-
0 at the Tokyo National Stadium Tuesday to be-
come the first British club to win the World Club
Cup. United skipper Roy Keane scored a goal in
the 35th minute to give Man U the lead. Keane
lead his team to their fourth major honor of the
year winning the European Cup, the English
League Championship and the F. A. Cup last sea-
Thursday, Dec. V4.990
Home game attendance wanes
50,092 fans packed Oowdy-Ficklen Stadium for the Pirates home game against N.C. State (above), while fan support for other sports dwindles, (photo by Emily Richardson)
Lack of fan support
disappoints teams
Tiffany Waters
Sometimes empty seats can be
louder than the roar of a crowd.
"I'm sad that there is not more
support for our own teams said
sophomore spectator Cynthia
Laney. "1 don't understand why
people don't support other teams
like they do football
Football can probably be consid-
ered the most dominant sport at
ECU, but according to some stu-
dents, it's not the only one that de-
serves respect and fan support.
"Yeah, I think there should be
more people at all the games said
sophomore spectator John Lowe.
Yes, football finished very well
this year and accepted a bowl bid
but they are one of many teams that
have excelled this year.
The women's soccer team had its
best season ever, going 11-5-1, set-
ting a new school record for the
most season wins. The Lady Pirates
also set the record for most shutouts
with five straight in mid-season
With great accomplishments
like these, you would think the
stands would be packed full of
proud Pirates, yet they're not.
"Fans are apathetic said
women's basketball Head Coach
Dee Gibson. "1 feel that if you want
to have a winning team, support
them anyways
Women's basketball is another
sport at ECU that has lackluster fan
support. The team has had a few los-
ing seasons but showed promise last
year with a winning season and
having two players named to the
CAA second team.
Men's soccer has also shown vast
improvement over the years, but the
number of fans in the stands is
ECU students and staff are allot-
ted free tickets to most non-revenue
See ATTENDANCE. pagel 1
Empty seats are common at home basketball games, (photo by Emily Richardson)
ECU FacilityCapacities
Dowdy Ficklen StadiumFootball 50,000 I
-Williams Arena 'isketball 7,5001
Williams ArenaVolleyball 7,500
Harrington FieldBaseball 2,000
Bunting FieldSoccer 500
ECU Softball FieldSoftball 500
Source: ECU Media Relations
� -�
Game attendance
Womenjs soccer 7 home games .8away.gai654 2,292� 286.5 i
Men's soccer
6 home games 9 away games724 1,497120.67 166.33
Football 5 home games 4 away games 2 neutral site games �200,495 151,650 93,76040,099 37,912.5 46,880
Veney leads Lady Pirates to victory
Senior guard aims
to be among CAA elilte
Tiffany Waters
Senior guard Waynetta Veney is the perfect example
of leadership and excellence on and off the court.
"I think that she really rededicated herself this sum-
mer said Head Coach Dee Gibson. "She lost like 28
pounds, and she has really refocused herself
Veney, a 5-10 guard from Hampton, Va. begins her
second season at ECU after transferring from the Col-
lege of Charleston.
"I think as a person she really matured and changed
a lot, and I think that's for the better Gibson said.
"It's only going to make her a better person and a bet-
ter player
She is the lady Pirates' leading scorer with an aver-
age of 13.7 points per game.
"I think I know the game of basketball, and I do a
great job of reading it Veney said.
"I think I have a long ways to go and that there is
always room for improvement
Veney also lead the Pirate team with 106 assists in
the 1998-99 season. "She is one of our leaders this year,
and I think that she is doing a good job so far Gibson
said. "She's playing well and we're real pleased with
her effort so far
Veney was ranked fifth last year in CAA scoring with
an average of 14.2 points per game.
"She is pretty unstoppable off the dribble Gibson
said. "That was one of her trademarks last year
Veney was also CAA's third overall assist leader with
125 total and 4.46 average per game. Veney finished
fourth in free throw percentage making 118 of 151 with
a .775 season average.
"She shot the most free throws of anybody on our
team Gibson said. "That's because she can really take
the ball to the basket well
In 1998 Veney was named the CAA Player of the
Week for the week of Nov. 30.
"She's getting better defensively Gibson said. "Last
year we couldn't get her to help anybody else, but now
she's helping. But her on-ball defense isn't very good,
so we've got to get a happy medium
�� 111 i
Veney returns for her senior season and will assume a
leadership role on the Lady Pirates squad, (courtesy of ECU
Media Relations)
Veney is off to a great start this year as well.
"I want to win for my team and myself that's my
main goal Veney said. "I think if we're all successful
then all of the individual things records will fall into
Veney is currently gmked fifth in scoring with an
average of 21 points per game and is tied for fifth in
assists with an average of four per game.
"She really gets the team pumped up when she
plays said senior forward Danielle Melvin. "She has
great court vision and is great off the dribble
Teammate Rosalyn Canady and Veney are tied for
first in 3-point field goal percentage.
"Her shot off the dribble is really her best asset
Melvin said. "She's really leading the team now, too
Veney is majoring in communications and hopes
to be coach or cover collegiate basketball after college.
This writer can be contacted at
twaters@studentmedia. etu. edu.
Club sports
season complete
Teams returned to competition
despite hurricane, flood interruptions '
Susanne Milenkevich
As the semester comes to an end, many student
activities are wrapping up for the holiday break.
ECU club teams are a few of the activities that are;
finishing their semester long seasons before returning
after the break for spring semester competition.
Although some clubs missed events due to Hurri-
cane Floyd, they were able, to return to competition
and complete their seasons.
"They club sports did very well considering we
had to deal with the hurricane and the flood said;
Gray Hodges, recreational coordinator. "But after it, we;
did great
Many teams had stand-out finishes in competition;
and also hosted a number of tournaments this season
The ECU swim club traveled to Elon two times this;
year and hosted the annual Pirate Invitational at Minges
"We had some fast times this year said Michelle!
Neptun, swim club president. "We set some nevTtean
records as well
The swim club ended the season when they trav
eled to Elon College for the East Coast Swim ChampK
onships where the men's team placed second and thet
women's fourth in a field of 10 teams.
Ultimate frisbee traveled to the Sectional Champi
onships where they faced a mix of collegiate and club;
teams. Out of the 14 men's teams and eight women's
teams at the competition, ECU placed fifth but failed
to qualify for regional championships.
The ultimate frisbee team will conclude their sea�
son this weekend when the Ultimate Helios women's'
team hosts eight other teams and the Irates men's teani
hosts 18 men's teams at Blount Fields beginning at id
a.m. on Saturday. � � , ,
The rugby team played in seven matches, f Wishing"
5-4, this season then went to the state tournament in"
Fayetteville where the team finished third.
"We had a lot of new guys this year and start�rbul
on the rough side said Frank Snyder, rugby teajnjji�Si-
dent. "We finished third in the tournament, tMWigh;
so that's something good for us � .
See CLUBS, pagel 2
Thursday, Dt
Pete Rose has
! that he couldn
: baseball. Now o
get a chance.
Roger Makl
! sehted Rose sin
gambling inve
, ago will meet
baseball's top 1
;Rose termed it t
rfo end his life
"fjprJSR" Rose �
vived because I
Following ai
gambling, ba
leader agreed t
.Aumtt 1989.
I SSWile Ros
meeting with C
; on the road to
missioner Bud
Phillips' 21-ye
baseball's ump
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In a landslit
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Th� Natioi
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League Umpir
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"Today is
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whohelped les

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ind startetfbut
;by teainjesi-
Tfnirsday, Dec. 2,1999
The East Carolinian
Rose takes first steps toward reinstatement attendance
NEW YORK (AP)�For years,
Pete Rose has been complaining
that he couldn't plead his case to
baseball. Now one of his lawyers will
get a chance.
Roger Makley, who has repre-
sented Rose since early in baseball's
gambling investigation a decade
ago will meet in Dec. or Jan. with
basfibWJ's top lawyer, Bob DuPuy.
Rose termed it the start of a dialogue
fo end his lifetime ban from the
jZJtP last 10 years have been hell
fprgj�" Rose said Tuesday. "I sur-
vived because I'm a survivor '
Following an investigation of his
gambling, baseball's career hits
leader agreed to the lifetime ban in
Aung 1989.
SSQtlle Rose was hopeful the
meeting with DuPuy is the first step
on the road to reinstatement, com-
missioner Bud Selig played down
the development.
"Mr. Rose's attorney has written
me a letter Selig said at an owners
meeting In Irving, Texas. "I read it
very thoughtfully, very carefully,
and turned it over to Mr. DuPuy.
There's nothing more involved right
now than that, nor should there be
any more read into it
DuPuy described the meeting
more as of a courtesy in which he
would listen to what Rose's side had
to say and pass it along to Selig.
"About 10 days ago, they asked
to meet with commissioner Selig
and myself. Bud asked me to meet
with them DuPuy said. "We're al-
ways amenable to discussing mat-
ters with people
Rose twice said that baseball ap-
proached him about a meeting, a
claim denied by DuPuy and Selig
spokesman Rich Levin. Rose's busi-
ness manager, Warren Greene, said
he has been dealing with DuPuy on
a "daily basis but DuPuy said he
had spoken with Greene just once.
DuPuy said Selig would not be
part of the meeting and that he
would update Selig, who has said
many times that he has seen no new
evidence that would cause him to
alter the ban.
"After we meet with them and
see what they've got, he'll make a
determination and we'll see from
there DuPuy said, adding that
Selig did not set any timetable.
The 58-year-old Rose has been
in the headlines repeatedly in recent
weeks. First, he was among the 25
players elected to baseball'sjMl-Cen-
tury team. Then he received the
largest ovation among the All-Cen-
tury players introduced before
Game 2 of the World Series at
Atlanta's Turner Field.
"That's like outdoing God in
heaven Rose said. He also got a
surge of support from the public
after NBC reporter Jim Gray ques-
tioned him sharply about gambling
immediately after the on-field cer-
Rose said his side wrote to base-
ball two years ago and again five
months ago to ask for a meeting, but
received no response, another claim
Levin denied. The latest letter was
sent about 10 days ago, a few weeks
after the Atlanta ceremony, and
Rose said DuPuy answered within
24 hours.
"I don't know if that had any-
thing to do with his responding to
our letter Rose said, referring to the
ovation. "I had to think so
Rose applied for reinstatement
in September 1997 and still hasn't
received a formal response from
Selig. While the agreement he
signed made no formal finding,
Umpires form new union; Phillips ousted
then-commissioner A. Bartlett
Giamatti said he concluded Rose bet
on the Cincinnati Reds while man-
aging the team.
While baseball's rules allowed
Rose to apply to reinstatement af-
ter one year, he waited eight. He
didn't want to apply while Fay
Vincent was commissioner because
Vincent headed the Rose investiga-
tion as deputy to Giamatti and hired
John Dowd, who compiled the re-
port on Rose's gambling.
Rose said his lawyers would at-
tack the evidence gathered by
Dowd, who said he obtained betting
slips in Rose's handwriting and with
his fingerprints, along with corrobo-
rating telephone records.
"If you believe his handwriting
expert, why not believe mine?" Rose
said. "If you believe his gambling
expert, why not believe mine? Hold
your breath and give my people a
chance to speak
from page 10
"We were successful last year
and we have an opportunity to be
more successful this year said se-
nior women's basketball forward
Danielle Melvin. "I think we ust
have to get the community and the
student body more involved.
"We need to increase the aware-
ness of women's basketball
Melvin said, "l think our market-
ing and sport information people
are doing a great job this year
This writer can be contacted at
'� NEW YORK (AP)�Richie
Phillips' 21-year reign as head of
baseball's umpires is over. Just like
22"rnembers of his union, he's out
In a landslide vote, major league
umpires formed a new union Tues-
day that includes dissident AL um-
pires on its board.
ThI National Labor Relations
Board announced the results of a
mail ballot, with 57 umpires voting
foCtffi Major League Umpires In-
dependent Organizing Committee
and 3J voting to retain the Major
League Umpires Association. One
vote was voided because an umpire,
whom the NLRB did not identify,
signed his name to the secret bal-
"Today is a statement by all
umpires that it's time for a change
saWAL umpire John Hirschbeck,
whaheiped lead the dissidents who
overthrew Phillips. "We want a
union that is run by umpires and
advised by attorneys
Under federal law, a majority
determined the result of the elec-
tion. Dan Silverman, director, the
NLRB's New York region, will cer-
tify the election as official unless an
objection is filed by Dec. 7.
Phillips was in New York, but
didn't go to the NLRB for the vote
count and was not available for
comment, according to his staff in
Philadelphia. His side was repre-
sented by NL umpire Jerry
Crawford, the union president, and
lawyer Pat Campbell.
"The other union won. I'm up-
set said Crawford, who added that
it was likely Phillips' union would
file objections.
Joel Smith, a lawyer for the dis-
sidents, said the law allows objec-
tions to be filed by a party claiming
there was illegal conduct that af-
Richie Phillips was ousted as head of
the Major League Umpires Association.
(AP photo)
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Only mnites (ram LaddReebles Stacfum
fected the outcome. Silverman
would determine whether to reject
the objection or call a hearing be-
fore one of his aides.
Hirschbeck said that if Phillips
had attended, he would have told
him it's time to move on, thanked
him for what he'd done for the
umpires in their careers, and told
him that major league umpires
need to move in a new direction.
When the umpires splintered
into factions in July, Phillips had
the support of approximately 41 of
the then 68 umpires. At least six of
those umpires defected, more of
the 25 newly hired umpires sup-
ported Phillips' union.
In the weeks leading up to the
election, most AL umpires ap-
peared to support the dissidents,
who were organized by Hirschbeck,
Joe Brinkman and Dave Phillips-r-
who is not related to Richie
Phillips. The dissidents accused
Phillips of being autocratic and re-
sponsive only to the union board,
which is heavily influenced by se-
nior NL umpires.
Most NL umpires backed Richie
Phillips and Crawfoid. Crawford sat
with his elbows on the table Tues-
day, clasping his hands, fidgeting,
as the votes were counted.
Brinkman said it would take
about one year for a new union to
gain support of all umpires.
"1 think they'll come back
Brinkman said. "It's just a matter of
time. It's a healing process
Phillips and Crawford hoped to
force owners into an early start to
negotiations for a new labor con-
tract when they launched their mass
resignation strategy July 14. But
when many AL umpires either re-
fused to resign or quickly withdrew
the resignations, the union cracked.
Owners hired 25 new umps from
the minjr leagues.
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The East Carolinian
! Saban agrees to coach at LSU
Saban has a list of things to do-
hire a new staff, start recruiting, win
a national championship.
The new LSU coach will have to
do exactly that to convince dis-
gruntled fans he's worth the $1.2
million a year he'll be paid to turn
things around for the Tigers.
"1 think of guys that play hard.
1 think of relentless competitors. I
think of great defense Saban said.
"I think of a lot of good things and
1 can promise you that it will be our
goal an objective here at LSU to
have that kind of a football team,
that kind of a football program. I
think we should always be in the
Top 25, and that's certainly our first
That was welcome news at a
school that ust finished 3-8, its sec-
ond straight losing season. The Ti-
gers won just one conference game.
"I think he will make an imme-
diate impact athletic director Joe
Dean said. "1 think he's a guy our
team and fans can rally around. He's
got a reputation that will attract a
lot of young players
LSU lured Saban away from
bowl-bound Michigan State on
Tuesday with a five-year contract
that will make him one of the top-
paid coaches in the country, along
with Bobby Bowden of Florida State,
Steve Spurrier of Florida and Phillip
Fulmer of Tennessee.
Saban earned $697,330 a year at
Michigan State. His contract at LSU
calls for a base salary of $250,000,
with the balance coming in radio,
TV and Internet appearances, plus
other pay.
"Security is always something
that's important to you and to your
family Saban said. "But it's not the
reason I came here
Saban succeeds Gerry DiNardo
at football-mad LSU. After three
winning seasons, DiNardo was fired
with a game left when his teams fell
to 4-7 and 3-8 the last two years.
"I liked the challenge of this
football program Saban said. "I
think there is great tradition. I think
the Southeastern Conference is a
very competitive, outstanding foot-
ball conference. There's a challenge
to being part of that conference that
kind of intrigued me
A former NFL assistant, Saban
guided No. 10 Michigan State to
second place in the Big Ten. The
Spartans are headed to the Florida
Citrus Bowl, their first Jan. 1 game
since the 1989 Gator Bowl.
Michigan State's associate head
coach, Bobby Williams, was chosen
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Tuesday as interim head coach and
will lead the Spartans at the Citrus
Saban, with tears in his yes and
his voice shaking, recalled speaking
to his Michigan State players earlier
in the day�an event he called the
hardest thing he'd ever done pro-
"I like college football because
when I talked to my team today, the
effect that you have on some of the
players, their lives, means some-
thing Saban said.
LSU is redesigning its stadium,
raising its capacity to 91,700, mak-
ing it the fourth-largest on-campus
arena in the nation.
At LSU, Saban will run the state's
top college football program. At
Michigan State, he always stood in
the shadow of the University of
Michigan. "At Michigan State we
were never No. 1 Saban said. "That
was always Michigan. It was always
UM this or that. If I'd gone to Ohio
it would have been Ohio State, In-
diana it's Purdue, Chicago it's every
other school in the Big 10, in the
East it's Penn State. Wherever you
go you're looking at someone else
when you're recruiting, trying to
catch up, trying to convince some-
one you're up there
from page 10
The men's lacrosse team hosted
a tournament in early November
that brought the University of
Maryland, the University of Virginia
and Calvert College to Greenville.
Maryland won the tournament over
Virginia while ECU fell to Calvert
in the consolation game.
The Tae Kwon Do club traveled
to Polytech University in Pomona,
California for the National Colle-
giate Championships where John
Manson returned with a bronze
Other club teams that hosted
games at ECU include the men's
soccer club who fell to NC State 4-1
while the women's volleyball team
held a four team tournament.
This season also marked the in-
augural year for the bowling, roller
hockey, and women's field hockey
clubs. Bowling traveled to Atlanta
for an invitational in which they
placed 18th out of 28 teams.
The roller hockey club placed
third in their first ever tournament.
Club teams are open to all stu-
dents and faculty. Anyone inter-
ested in joining a club team can get
information from the Student Rec-
reational Center or by contacting
Gray Hodges at 328-6387. You can
also visit the rec center's web site at
This writer can be contacted at
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Pray For P
Da Fuzz 2
All-Stars 2-1
Spyder 1-2
Pimps NHo's 1-2
Crazy Utters 1-2
DG Wannabes 1-2
Case by Case 1-3
Da Freaks 1-3
Ambassadors Team 1 0-3.
Ambassadors Team 2 0-3
Gina and the Horses 0-3
Ruff Ryders 0-4
Fraternity Gold
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Sigma Phi Epsilon A" 2-1
Pi Kappa Phi "A" 2-1
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Sigma Nu 2-1
Lambda Chi Alpha "A" 2-1
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Delti Sigma Phi 1-2
Phi Kappa Tau "A" 1-2
Delta Chi.0-3
PrKappaAlpha'A" 0-3
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Phi Kappa (
Phi Kappa Tau B" 1-2
Lambda Chi Alpha "B" 1-2
Pi Kappa Alpha "B" 0-4
Men's Gold
ICAycock 2-1
703 2-1
4-Tee-Zic 2-1
Stinky Pants 1-1
Team Bucked 0-2
Strikers 0-2
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Penthouse 3-0
Gators 3-1
Nine 2-2
Rapids 2-1
Karachaye Republic 2-2
Dream Machine 2-2
Vegaflna 1-2
Crazies 0-4
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sewer, range, refrigerator, walk in clos-
et, pets OK with fee. Available Nov.
29th. aill Pitt Property Management
PINEBROOK APTS one two bed-
rooms; Free cable, water 9-12 month
leases ECU bus line pool private laun-
dromat pets allowed on-site mainte-
nace. management 758-4015.
1 or 2 bed rooms, 1 bath, range
refrigerator, free watersewer
'washerdryer hookups, laundry;
(facilities, 5 blocks from campus
�ECU bus services.
�All Properties have 24 hr. emer
maintenance- Call 758-192
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
bedroom Apt. at Wilson Acres w 2
imale roommates. $240mth 13
utilities. Call Neal 329-7160.
bedroom apt in Willougby Park near
Target. Have your own bedroom &
bath. Gaslogs. tennis courts, pool. If
interested call 493-0158.
GRADUATE STUDENT or profession-
al non-smoking roommate wanted to
share two bedroom apartment with
female graduate student. Convenient
to hospital and ECU. Must be respon-
sible. 551-7607.
TIRED OF where your living. Move
Out! 2 roommates needed in Dockside
$250 per person 13 utilities, all luxu-
ries included. Needed mid-Dec or
January. Call 757-8781.
moving to Greenville needs roommate.
(252) 537-5427 or (919) 832-5381.
2 bath MH. Five miles from campus,
quiet clean neighborhood. WD cen-
tral airheat $165mo 12 utilities.
Responsible student, call Chris 321-
One or two rooms available. Private
bathroom and phone line. Fully fur-
nished call anytime 768-8348.
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share a 3
BR. 1 bath house on Student St. with
two graduate students. One block to
ECU. $134mo. Call 830-9447 or 329-
MF TO sublease at Player's Club.
$260mo. 14 utilities negotiable. Ful-
ly furnished with washerdryer. On
ECU transit. Available after December.
Call Carla at 363-5056.
GRAD STUDENT or upper classman
needed to share 3 bedroom house
with 2 females. Located near campus.
Rent $260mo. Must be neat, friend-
ly, studious. Please call 329-8682.
take over lease 3 bedroom. 2 bath du-
plex deposit and rent paid already
through December. Rent $217.60 plus
13 bills washerdryer included. Must
not mind smoking or dogs. Call Meg-
an 764-2968 or Jennifer. 767-1280,
ASAP FEMALE roommate needed to
share 2 bed apartment very close to
campus. 176month 12 electric
and phone, call 696-0370.
mate to share two bedroom on bath
apt. approx. one mile from ECU on East
6th St. Rent $176 monthly, deposit
$176. 12 utilities. If interested call
Rick at 762-4669,
2 ROOMMATES needed. Player's
Club Apts. $260 14 utilities. Start
leasing January. WD. 2 floors, own
bathroom. Call Katie. Sarah, or Lisa at
ROOMMATE NEEDED to take over
lease of fully furnished apartment on
ECU bus route. Smoking is fine, must
be laid back. Please no neat freaks.
Call 695-0432.
FEMALE ROOMMATE needed spring
semester one block from campus 190
month plus 13 power phone and In-
ternet, please call Amanda or Kristina
NEED TO sell now) Couch, chair, cof-
fee table, and end table- all for $500
080. Queen sized boxspring and mat-
tress, brand name, top quality, great
condition. Pd $650 will sell for $175
OBO. Call 830-3933 ASAP.
Dental students: you'll find the best
prices on all your textbooks and sup-
plies at
OVERWEIGHT?? LOSE 7-14lbs per
month! All natural. Doctor developed.
19 years of guaranteed results! If your
weight is unbecoming to you. you
should be coming to me Call 931-
7197. Independent herbalife distributor.
DO YOU need a mature, creative,
trustworthy, organized person to pro-
vide enriching childcare, clean your
home or office, organize your closets,
cabinets, children's rooms, or your pa-
perwork (have a business degree).
Could also plan parties. References.
Call Patricia at 746-6928.
old boy. 6-8 afternoon hours per week,
flexible time. Call Diane at 353-1019
after 1129. $6hr.
This position provides overall project support including
receptionist, set-up and maintaining of job-site files and
records, and general secretarialclerical duties. Interested
candidates must have word processing (Word Perfect &
Excel) experience and excellent people skills. This is a part
time (16-24 hrswk) position for approx 2 years. High
payCasual dress Please send resumes to:
1724 Old River Road
Greenville, NC 27854
attn: DAP
r. .
Tvjimy Hilfigger SHIRTS, PANTS
Buying & Selling At
Our New Location
(At Buyers Market- Memorial Drive)
Come to Back Door Loading Dock!
OPEN FRI. 12:00-7:00,SAT 10:00-7:00,SUN. 12MS30
DANCERS EXOTIC Legal lap danc-
ing $1000-$ 1500week. First in the
state. Show up ready 8pm. Sid's Show-
girls. Goldsboro
LOOKING FOR several outgoing mon-
ey motivated guys and gals.for local
radio station phone promotion. Earn
i $6 per hour plus bonus Will train for
full and part time, morning, day and
evening hours available. Near campus
location at 223 West 10th Street Su-
ite �107 (inside Wilcar Executive Cen-
ter) just down the street from McDon-
ald's and Krispy Kreme. Apply ASAP
in person only 10am through 6pm (no
calls please).
$$MANAGE a business on your cam-
pus$$ an Internet note-
taking company is looking for an 'en-
trepreneurial student to .run business
on your campus. Manage students,
make tons of money, excellent oppor-
tunity! Apply on-line at www.versi- contact or
call 734-483-1600 ext. 888
BUS DRIVERS needed irnmediately-
Boys 8 Girls Clubs of Pitt County look-
ing for drivers for afternoon routes,
1:45 to 4:15. Monday through Friday.
Other hours available. Valid COL re-
quired. Pays $6-$7 per hour (depend-
ing on experience). Come by the Boys
6 Girls Clubs of Pitt County. 621 Fire-
tower Rd, Winterville to pick up an ap-
$7.00 PER hour plus $160.00 per
month housing allowance. Largest
rental service on the Outer Banks of
North Carolina (Nags Head). Call Dona
for application and housing info 800-
FULL-TIME or Part-time construction
management degreed student need-
ed. Flexible hours. Good experience,
good pay. Bring resume by office, 1525
S. Evans St. Handy Helpers. Inc.
YEAR 2000 internships "Don't
get a summer job run a
" summer business" www.tuition- email: tui- 353-4831.
HAVE YOU always dreamed of be-
ing on road rules but know you have
to face the real world? Now you can
do both! Pro Performance Marketing
is in search of out going, goal orient-
ed, recent college graduates to travel
in teams around the country to man-
age and execute on site promotions.
Full time position with all travel expens-
es paid. For more information call Sara
at 800-377-1924 ext 206 or fax resume
to 704-333-1186.
? 0 II I) ���skitucUom l-SOO-MMSMIj
cover your butte
better yet, help cover your

College can mean maneuvering through a lot of different
obstacles, but tuition payments shouldn't be one of them.
In Army ROTC, you'll tiave a shot at a scholarship worth
thousands. And make friends you can count on. Talk to an
Army ROTC advisor today. We've got you covered.
ARMY ROTC Unlike any other college course you can take.
For More Information
call The Army ROTC Department at ECU
WAITSTAFF NEEDED for the new In-
dian restaurant CTandoor") in Green-
ville. Excellent pay and flexible hours
available. Call 768-3231.
00 DIRECTII 1 Internet-based
Spring Break company offering
WHOLESALE pricing! We have the oth-
er companies begging for mercy) All
destinations! Guaranteed Lowest Price!
1-800-367-1262 www.springbreakdi-
NEED $$$ for your team. club, fra-
ternity or sorority? Earn1000-$2000
with easy 3 hour Fund Raiser event.
Groups love it because there's no sales
involved. Dates are filling up. so call
today! 1 �888-622-4360.
ity Bible Study. Tuesdays andor Thurs-
days 9-11:30. starting spring semes-
ter 766-9394.
PART-TIME interim youth minister po-
sition available. Great opportunity for
someone interested in working with
youth. 15 hours a week. Resume to
Janet Respess. Winterville Baptist
Church P.O. Box 1669. Winterville. NC
PART-TIME, Full-time, and substitute
positions available for teachers. Great
experience for CDFR and ELEM ma-
jors. Call Greenhouse preschool at
355-2404 for more information.
for Springbreak "2000 ALL destina-
tions offered. Trip Participants. Stud-
ent Orgs & Campus Sales Reps want-
ed. Fabulous parties, hotels & prices.
For reservations or Rep registration call
Inter-Campus Programs 800-327-6013.
ZETA TAU Alpha congratulates Cara
Smith on her lead role in McBeth we
love you!
ALPHA DELTA Pi would like to thank
Alpha Xi Delta. Delta Zeta. Kappa Sig-
ma, Phi Kappa Tau. and Pi kappa Al-
pha for the three on three social.
Petteway on your scholarship! We all
are so proud. Love your Alpha Xi Del-
ta sisters!
GAMMA SIGMA Sigma welcomes
the new sisters: Kim Barbour. Kelly
Boyette. Tracy Carr. Jennifer Chavers.
Andrea Collins. Lindsay Dishman, Lu-
cia Gambino. Kristie Hiso. Leslie Jeter,
Alyson Morguert. Ashley Misenheim-
er, Erin Mitchell. Samatha Moms, Bob-
bie Noms. Dana Peele. Casey
Pritchord. Kimberly Powell, Sunisha
Shavers. Yolanda Stancil. Brooke Wil-
lis. Megan Woolheater. and Sheri
Worters. Love the sisters.
ALPHA XI Delta congratulates Lau-
ren Carrier on being chosen to be Sig-
ma Pi's sweetheart. We love you!
THANKS FOR the Diva party Lauren.
We had a great time. Love your Alpha
Xi Delta pledge sistas!
initiated members of Sigma Sigma Sig-
ma: Olivia Anderson. Julianne Arnold.
Becky Blancher. Melissa Fox. Jessica
Godbey. Beth Hall. Carrye Hieronymus,
Meade Holland. Rebekah Huffman.
Lee Hughes. Lauren Lefebure. Krystal
Loren. Lindsay Rice. Heather Ryan,
Adrianne Smith, Devon Talbott. Jenny
Turnbolt. and Amy Weaver.
SAGE HUNIHAN, Congratulations for
earning the Kappa Alpha Order rose!
Love your Sigma sisters!
SIGMA SIGMA Sigma congratula-
tions our ECU football team on a won-
derful season!
KAPPA SIGMA we had a blast at the
tailgate for the State game. Love Al-
pha Delta Pi.
THE SISTERS of Alpha Xi Delta would
like to congratulate Meredith Galloway
on her performance in the Music Man
and Erin Wright for her performance
in the dance show.
ALPHA XI Delta congratulates it's
newest initiates: Jennifer Bickeh. Lau-
ren Britt, Ashley Creech. Betsy Des-
Prez, Katy Edwards. Jessi Givens. Lily
Haddix. Holly Houman. Stephanie Mc-
Coy, Jessica Novack. Sarah Roy. Nicole
Pallia, Megan Sherrif. Maureen Smith.
Lori Hewitt, Dana Williams! We love
you and are so proud to call you our
ZETA TAU Alpha wants to congratu-
late Delta Chi on their Game Ball Run
and thank you for the awesome time
after the state game!
The East Car
ma Sigma on your win in the socoer
game against Alpha Delta PI. love your
Sigma sisters.
I mSS� I
FREE SHEPPARD Lab mix. One year I
old neutered male. Has ail shots and "
on heart worm prevention. Lost home ' �
in flood and needs loving home 766- g
tice will be held Saturday, Dec. 4 from jgg
11 am-12:30pm at the Student recrea-
tion Center. Anyone interested in play- J
ing is welcome. For more informs- �
tion please call 328-6387. I
EXAM JAM '99. Tonight at 8:00pm
in the Student Recreation Center. Do
you need a break before exams? Well.
come relieve some stress because it
will be a night of games, prizes, food,
and fun and it's all FREE! For more in-
formation please call 328-6387.
GAMMA BETA Phi Society will meat
Thursday. December 2nd at 6pm in
Mendenhail Social Rm. Imp:
celebrates its first service at 1104
North Memorial Dr. since Hurricane
Floyd! Sunday. December 5. 8:30am.
11:00 am & 6:00pm.
GOLDEN KEY will meet on Monday
Dec. 6th at 5:30 in Mendenhail 244.
We will have subs and pizzas. E-mail to reserve your
food. Questions? Call Amy at 493-
EXAM JAM '99. Dec. 2 at 8pm in '
the Student Recreation Center. Do you.
need a break before exams? Well, mark
this date on your calendars because it
will be a night of games, prizes, food,
and fun and it's all FREE! For more in-
formation call 328-6387.
HOLIDAYS IN motion. Dec. 7 frortfr
5:30-6:30pm. You are invited to the
Holiday Party of the Year! This court-
side workout features multi-impact
dance moves set to tunes of the sea-
son guaranteed to get you in shape
for the holidays. Join us for lots of
spirit as we celebrate in a big way with
great music, fresh moves, and lots of
party favors and it's absolutely free!
for more information please call 328-
HOLIDAY IN motion. Dec. 7 from
5:30-6:30pm. You are invited to the:
Holiday Party of the Year! This court-1
side workout features multi-impact
dance moves set to tunes of the sea
son guaranteed to get you in shape
for the holidays. Join us for lots of spirit,
as we celebrate in a big way with great
music, fresh moves, and lots of party
favors and it's absolutely FREE! For
more information please call 3284387.
COPING WITH Grief and Loss: This
group is designed to provide support
to students who have experienced the
death of a loved one. Meeting every
Monday at 3:30. If you are interested,
please call The Center for Counseling
and Student Development at 328-6661
Disaster Relief Day. Saturday. Decem-
ber 11 at Community Christian Gym:
2009 Pactolus Highway from 9am to
12 noon. We are giving away bed-
ding.clothes shoes, and coats. For
more information please call 752
FREE AEROBICS, Dec. 6- Dec. 17 at
the Student Recreation Center for all
members. Check out the posted class .
schedule for the most current group
fitness information. Some classes may
fill to capacity so get here early and
try us out. For more information call
328- 6387.
TEST ANXIETY: The Center for Coun-
seling and Student Development is of-
fering the following workshop on De-
cember 6. 11:00. If you are interested
in this program, contact the center at j
3284661. ;
day on the rocks at our closest climb-
ing area. Expect a day of great climb- !
ing at Pilot Mountain State Park. Pilot
offers great diversity fro beginners as
well as advanced climbers. Come join
Adventure Programs for the last climb-
ing trip of the year. Cost is $30mem-
$40non-mem. Registration deadline
is Nov. 23. 6pm.
Try our campus calendar at

i i
Where do all your favorite artists call home? At you'll find the entire
music universe at your fingertips. Thousands of MP3s. Concert photos. Videos. The latest music
news. Even live concert webcasts. Not to mention fresh content from Rolling Stone and Down Beat. Tons of artists, tons
of music all under one virtual roof. It's all here at Come on in. DOWHBEATAZZ hlmmM.
� . � .ini�j i
Dec. 10 and
- ECU will
ates at two
8:30 a.m. ar
iams Arena
The first
and undergr
the Schools
Business, H
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Industry anc
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�Sciences an
tion and Mui
- Willie Me
and secretai
ees, will be 1
2,000 studei
grees this s
Many of
will hold reo
their 1999 U
The Red
drive from n
Les Brov
tional speak
how to "Live
day in Wrigl"
Ihor of "Live
host of a nal
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The won
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Board o
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hold its Chrii
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public is invi
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The resi

The East Carolinian, December 2, 1999
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 02, 1999
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Location of Original
University Archives
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