The East Carolinian, November 16, 1999

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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Volume 74, issue 76
Hispanic music and language
sweep the pop culture.
46 days to go until 2000
The Fountainhead, the arts and enter-
tainment magazine of The East Carolin-
ian, is looking for a new editor. All inter-
ested applicants must have a minimum
GPAof 2.0 and present a writing portfolio
and a statement of intent to Holly Harris at
TEC office, located on the second floor of
the Student Publications Building. For
more information, contact 328-6366.
A forum, "Promoting Positive Race Re-
lations and Cultural Sensitivity will be
held at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the Great
Room of Mendenhall Student Center.
A federal health advisory panel re-
cently urged first-year college students to
consider being immunized against bacte-
rial meningitis, an extremely rare but po-
tentially fatal infection. However, not all
health officials agree with the recommen-
dation. Infectious disease expert Dr. Chris
Ohl of the School of Medicine is not con-
vinced that the vaccine should be recom-
mended for all freshmen. "Because con-
tracting meningitis is so rare, it isn't a pub-
lic health event Ohl said. "Also, the vac-
cine doesn't cover all the strains of menin-
According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, the disease
strikes nearly four of every 100,000 col-
lege freshman dormitory residents.
The department of geography, in rec-
ognition of Geography Awareness Week,
will sponsor a program at 3 p.m. tomorrow
in B-102 of the Brewster Building. The
program will explain how the Geographic
Information System (GIS) was used as an
emergency management tool during Hurri-
cane Floyd. The speaker is Phil Sullivan,
a GIS specialist with Pitt County Manage-
ment Information Systems.
ECU and the office of International Af-
fairs will sponsor Nordic Night, a forum of-
fering a glimpse into the college life expe-
rience in Sweden and Finland. Exchange
students from these respective countries
will be available to answer questions. Stu-
dents who are interested in these coun-
tries or studying abroad are encouraged
to attend. Nordic Night will take place at 4
p.m. in the International House on Thurs-
Richard Kern, a noted naturalist and
travel film producer, will narrate his latest
film "Exploring Wild Florida" at 4 p.m. and
7:30 p.m. tonight in Mendenhall Student
Center. The program is part of the ECU
Travel-Adventure Film Series. A theme
dinner will be offered at 6 p.m. For tickets
and information call the Central Ticket Of-
fice at 328-4788 or 1 -800-ECU-ARTS.
The New York Woodwind Quintet will
perform at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the A. J.
Fletcher Recital Hall of the School of Mu-
sic. This is a ticketed event.
Do you believe in evolution?
Vote online at
The results of last week's question:
Did you register for classes online
Stokes Begins Onslaught;
Pirates cruise past Bearcats
Sunny, high of 56
and a low of 31
Great American Smokeout held in November
American Cancer Society plays
role in nationwide event
Ashley Roberts
The Great American Smokeout is a nation-
wide event that takes place the first Thursday
of November every year.
"The Great American Smokeout was begun
by the American Gancer Society (ACS) in 1971
in Randolph, Massachusetts said Jane H a
Gancer Information Specialist for the ACS. "The
people were asked to give up cigarettes for a day
and to donate the money they would have
bought cigarettes with, to a high school schol-
arship fund
According to the ACS, the first national
Great American Smokeout was in 1977. It has
been promoted by celebrities such as Sammy
Davis Jr. and Natalie Cole.
A survey in 1998 was done by the Ephilson
Group Inc. on the awareness of the Great Ameri-
can Smokeout. Results were that 74 percent of
people surveyed had heard of this event, 19 per-
cent participated and six percent gave up ciga-
rettes for 24 hours.
"The American Cancer Society is helping us
with the Great American Smokeout by support-
ing us with lots of materials and handouts said
Dr. Betty Strab, associate dean of student devel-
opment and director of health promotions.
"They are a very important partner with us
for the Smokeout. They are also providing us
with a $10,000 grant for this process
According to the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, the main reasons that
people smoke include to relax, to deal with an-
ger, because they feel uncomfortable without a
cigarette in their hand, it gives them a lift and
it is part of an enjoyable, daily routine. Many
smokers have a physiological addition. Most
smokers have found that many of these reasons
apply to them.
"1 think many students smoke for weight
loss Strab.said. "They like the image of smok-
ing because it seems to be a connection to drink-
ing. Some students, when asked about their
smoking habits, responded that they only
smoke when they drink
"Smoking could cause people to not be in-
terested in dating you because you could smell
or taste bad said freshman Jessica Lassiter. "1
mean, who wants to kiss something that tastes
like an ash tray
"1 hear a lot of students say they light up
because they are feeling anxiety said David
Lollar, graduate student.
According to the ACS, the main effects of smok-
ing are cancer and heart disease. Smokers who have
diabetes can experience reduced circulation. To-
bacco accounts for one-third of cancer deaths in
the U.S today. There is specifically increased risk
in smokers in the areas of cervix, mouth, kidney
and bladder cancer.
"Smoking can cause bronchitis and infezema
on long-term smokers said William Pryor, chair-
man of the department of comparative medicine.
"Also, smoking is a cause
andor a promoter of lung cancer
Heart disease and stroke are two other effects
caused by smoking usually found in women. Last
year, 34,000 worfrn'died from heart disease and
8,000 died from stroke. Each of these 42,000
deaths can be attributed to smoking.
"I think teenagers today smoke because they
see that their friends are doing it said Pryor.
"They are also at an age when the adverse effects
of smoking have no effect on them. They think
their health will not be effected, which is not true
When asked how much students spend on ciga-
rettes, Strab said, "for the students who only smoke
when they are drinking, I would think that they
See SMOKE, page 2
College students at ECU and across the country face the decision to
smoke or not smoke daily. The Great American Smokeout on the first
Thursday of November works anually toward the goal of extingusihing
the habit nationwide, (photos by Robin Vuchnich)
University, United Way offer
financial help to flood victims
$330,000 available
for students, staff
Angela Harne
The United Way and ECU are
entering Phase II of their flood
relief plan, which includes dis-
tributing funds donated by ECU
families and surrounding com-
munities to those affected by the
According to Leslie Craigle,
director of Marketing, grant
money is available to assist stu-
dents who incurred substantial
flood damage during and after
Hurricane Floyd. In order to ap-
ply for this financial assistance,
one must complete a "Phase II
ECU Family Relief Fund-Student
Application" form and provide
documentation of their situa-
tion. Completed forms and docu-
mentation must be submitted to
the Office of Student Financial
Aid by Friday.
Workshops for students and
staff took place yesterday in the
Wright Place from 3-6 p.m. An-
other workshop will take place
today in the Pat Draughon
Room, 2nd Floor in the Ward
Sports Medicine Building from 3-
6 p.m.
According to Rose Mary
Stelma, director of Financial Aid,
ECU has $330,000 left from the
half million dollars donated.
"ECU has already distributed
$170,000 from the $100 cash
gifts given out at the Todd Relief
Center Stelma said.
Stelma said that when stu-
dents fill out their applications
and state their needs, United
Way will review each application
and decide the amount that
should be given.
"Amounts distributed will
range from $0 to $2,000 Stelma
"Students must bring their
social security number, current
address and phone number, the
address of their floodeddam-
aged residence, a copy of esti-
mates for home repairs or re-
placement of contents, a copy of
vehicle repairs, a copy of docu-
ment showing rent or monthly
mortgage amounts, a copy of
document showing amount of
insurance deductibles and copies
of or a list identifying assistance
already received such as insur-
ance claims paid, FEMA, Red
Cross, SBA Loan offeredac-
cepted, andor Phase I ECU fi-
nancial aid grant amount
Craigle said.
If you are unable to attend
workshops, applications for sup-
port from Phase II are now avail-
able in the Office of Financial Aid
in the Old Cafeteria Complex
and at the SGA Office in Men-
denhall Student Center.
"This grant will have no im-
pact on other financial aid al-
ready given to the student
Stelma said. "The need is based
solely on need and what the stu-
dent has lost. Basic questions are
on the form like 'did you own or
rent your home? Was your car or
possessions destroyed or dam-
aged? Have you gotten any other
assistance or applied for any?'
The answers given will help de-
termine the amount that will be
granted. I recommend that stu-
dents bring a letter of explana-
tion of their losses and difficul-
ties they have encountered or are
going through now
"We are suspecting about 100
students at the workshops
Stelma said. "We are not exactly
sure who still is in need, but these
workshops will help us tap into
those who still need help and
"These workshops will be
very helpful said Laura Sweet,
assistant dean of Student Life
Dean of Students. "Students will
be able to ask questions, apply
for grants and get needed docu-
ments copied
According to Tonya Sanders
of the United Way, grant money
will be distributed sometime in
"At the moment I am review-
ing applications I have already
received Sanders said. "So far I
have received about 125 applica-
tions from staff. I think that
probably around 100 students
will try to get grant money
definitely not as many that went
through Todd
This writer can be contacted at
Concerned citizens
plead with university
Web warns students
about melanoma
Angela Harne
Stephen and Gail Fine are
spreading the word about the
dangers and health risks of
melanoma, the deadly skin
The Fines' son died at age
26 last year, and they do not
want others to be at risk, but
rather to be aware.
Chancellor Eakin received
a letter from the Fines asking
ECU to spread the word about
the dangers and the growing
spread of melanoma.
A Web site, http:, has been
setup by the Fines to offer ad-
ditional information about
melanoma and its dangers.
The site focuses on early
detection of melanoma by
self-examination of the skin
while the disease is still thin
and curable. Here are some
facts on melanoma:
1. There is a fatal gap in
melanoma education. In a
1996 survey, the Center for
Disease Control found that 74
percent of individuals in the
18-24 age group had little or
no knowledge of melanoma.
2. Among the 25-29 age
group, melanoma is the most
prevalent cancer. The inci-
dence is increasing by nearly
four percent every year, faster
than any other type of can-
cer. An average of one in ev-
ery 75 students in any cam-
pus community will develop
melanoma during their lives.
3. Melanoma is the easi-
est of all cancers to spot at the
earliest stages by simple self-
examination, when it is al-
most guaranteed curable by
painless removal in a
dermatologist's office. Wait-
ing allows it to invade inter-
nally, transforming it into
one of the most malignant
and incurable of all cancers.
According to the Fines, in-
formation at their site is from
the American Academy of
Dermatology (ADD), Na-
tional Cancer Institute (NCI)
and other reliable sources.
Both AAD and NCI have
added links to the site.
"There is no request for
contributions and no adver-
tising at our site the Fines
said. "The Fund is a non-
profit service organization
and there is no hidden
"Our son would likely be
alive today if he had received
this kind of information
about the disease, which is
much more prevalent and se-
rious than most people real-
ize the Fines said. "Please be
This writer can be contacted at
aharne&studentmedia. ecu. edu

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, Nov. 16,1999.
probably spend six dollars or less on
cigarettes. For the heavier smokers,
I would probably say ten dollars or
more ,
"I probably spend around three
dollars a week on cigarettes said
Freshman Whitney Boone.
When Jane H. was asked if she
smoked, she said, "I am not allowed
to give out that information, but I
can say that 1 have never known
anyone of the ACS to smoke. Most
everyone that works at the Cancer
Information Center has had their
life touched by cancer one way or
According to the ACS, those of
you smoking "light" cigarettes who
think that you cannot be affected
by cancer, think again.
According to a fax from the ACS,
in reality, the difference in nicotine
content across cigarette types is not
significant. "Light" and regular ciga-
rettes offer similar amounts of nico-
tine to the smoker. Smokers who
switch to "light" cigarettes, may
simply smoke harder and longer on
the "light" cigarettes. They do this
in order to achieve the same impact
and level of nicotine they would
obtain from a regular cigarette.
According to 1997 data provided
by the ACS, there were no signifi-
cant differences in the nicotine con-
tent of full flavor, "light" or "ultra-
light" cigarettes. Whether a ciga-
rette is classified as full flavor,
"light" or "ultra-light it is likely
to contain similar amounts of nico-
tine. For the average smoker, a
"light" cigarette delivers moderate
to high doses of nicotine, sufficient
enough to cause and maintain
heavy dependence.
"As someone who smoked for a
number of years, the best thing I
ever did for my health was quit
Pepsi recycling program lessens wildlife hazards
ECU vending works
with soft drink giant
Angela Harne
Despite some past com-
plaints, Pepsi is helping the the
Pepsi has been working with
ECU in recycling s'x-pack carri-
ers ever since the soft drink com-
pany became the main vendor a
year ago.
According to David Santa
Ana, stockroom manager of Stu-
dent Stores, ECU collects the ring
carriers and Pepsi does the rest
of the work.
"We don't have a vender that
accepts ring carriers Santa Ana
"So we collect them and
Pepsi takes them to their vendors
that recycle the packs. I really
support this program. Even
though we aren't really a part of
it, since Pepsi does all of the
work, It is still great plus it
helps the wildlife and environ-
ment. Ring carriers bring many
hazards to animals and the
world. Littering weakens the envi-
ronment, and it has been shown
that carriers have killed animals by
trapping them their wings, necks
or fins
This program was first imple-
mented in September 1997. The
North Carolina Vending Association
(NCVA) and the National Automatic
Merchandising Assn. (NAMA) began
the recycling program of six-pack
ring carriers.
"We are very proud to be offer-
ing this program said John Jack-
son, President of NCVA of Vermil-
lion Food Services in Kinston. "It
will have a positive effect on com-
munities in NC, while proving
NCVA's commitment to the envi-
The program plan was for par-
ticipants to collect and store the six-
pack rings that package cans of soft
drinks and water. Vending distribu-
tors will pick up the boxes of six-
pack rings and hold them until ITW
Hi-Cone returns them to its plant
in Itasca, 111 for recycling. The used
rings were to be recycled into new
rings, creating a closed-loop recy-
cling program.
"We are extremely excited to
bring this program that they can use
to increase their own company in-
volvement in offering our mem-
bers a program that they can use
to increase their own company
involvement in the community,
while increasing awareness of en-
vironmental issues at the sartie
time said Chana Alford, em-
ployee of InfoMarketing. "Every-
one can win with this program
According to Alford, distribu-
tors include VSA Inc Greensboro
and Vendor's Supply Salisbury.
The operators involved are All
Brands Vending Co Ashevllle,
Carolina Food Services Corp
Charlotte, Central Carolina
Vending Corp Biscoe, Gallins
Vending Co Winston-Salem,
Golden Ray Food Services Inc
Ashevllle, Horse Shoe Vending,
Mid-South Food Service, Aber-
deen, Northwest Food Service, N.
Wilkesboro, Piedmont Vending,
Hickory and Vermillion Food Ser-
vice in Kinston.
Alford claimed that ECU was
involved in the program in 1997,
but according to Santa Ana, ECU
did not join until Pepsi became
the primary vendor of the univer-
This writer can be contacted at
aharne@studentmedia. ecu. edu

November Is Native Aw.ericav heritage Moth
Join, east Carolina Native American Orgflm.zflti.ow.
With RV. VVilUflnA. Vitid on November r in central
Classroom .u'dcHnOj 1032 @ 6-?:30 f.vw
Religion traditions and lifestyles row. History to
Present will be discussed.
'd?mvioi rcmj
210 E. 5th St. 758-8612
MS 10-6 Sun 1-5
For The Whole Semester
That's right, McDonald's is reserving 6 parking
spaces for you. Visit the 10th Street location
and fill out an entry form for a chance to win
one ofourPrimo Parking Spaces for a semester.
The spaces are within easywalking distance ofthe Recreation
Center, Joyner Library, Mendenhall Student Center, Jenkins
Art Building and Student Health Department.
No purchase necessary to win
Winner will be notified by ph'
"Spaces good January Iff 2000 through May II, 2000"
said Pryor. "When trying to main-
tain good health practices, smoking
was incompatible with the things I
was trying to do from a health
According to a survey conducted
by the Epsilon Group, Inc after the
ACS's 22nd annual Great American
Smoke-out In 1998, smoking hab-
its have dramatically changed since
the inception of the ACS's Great
American Smoke-out. Reports show
the number of smokers has dropped
from 54.1 million to 48 million.
About 75 percent of the adult popu-
lation are non-smokers.
Meeting called to order.
SGA President Cliff Webster an-
nounced that N.C. university tu-
itions are said to increase $1,500
over the next five years.
ODK Honors Society had
planned on bringing local elemen-
tary children who were victims of
the flood to the Rec. Center. How-
ever school counselors felt that it
would be a strain on the children.
As a result, ODK Honors Society is
sponsoring a program, "T's and
Tales which will collect books and
t-shirts for local elementary schools
that lost everything in the flood
from now until Friday, December 3.
Tamika Morris, Robert Nicks,
Armstead Galiber, Dana Butry,
Amanda Murer, John Flanagan and
Rebecca Rey were welcomed into
the 1999 Academic Integrity Board.
Representative Christy Lynch
reported that last Wednesday's SGA
booth at the Wright Place was very
successful and they received ten
Webster announced that this
Saturday, in front of Minges, there
will be a ground-breaking of the
new Athletic Strength and Condi-
tioning Building.
Ade Galloway and Sarah
Franklin were screened into SGA.
Meeting adjourned.
NOV. 9
Forged Parking Decal?A staff member reported that a truck parked
south of Belk Hall was displaying a forged parking decal.The vehicle
was towed and decai was setzed.The student was arrested and issued
a campus appearance ticket for common law uttering of a forged
Auto Accident?A student and non-student were involved in an auto
accident when the non-student backed out of a parking space north-
east of Minges and struck the student's vehicle.
Larceny?A student reported that her secured bike was stolen from
the rack west of Umstead Hall.
Auto Accident?A non-student reported that he struck a parked ve-
hicle in the lot off Clinic Drive at Brody (School of Medicine).
Unwanted E-mail?A student reported receiving an unwanted e-mail
on her computer in Clement Hail from a subject who had previ-
ously sent such to her last year.
NOV. 10
Larceny?A staff member reported that someone stole a canvas top
off of a recycling trailer north of Aycock Hall.
Larceny?A staff member reported that someone stole a Motorola
radio from his desk in the Scales Field House.
Larceny?A student reported that 16 DVD movies and 334 compact
discs were stolen from his room in Scott Hall.
Nov. 11
Traffic Accident?Two students reported that they were both backing
out of parking spaces south of Aycock Hall when they struck each
other. No charges were filed.
Larceny?A student reported that her bike was stolen from the rack
east of Minges.
Larceny?A student reported that his bike was stolen from the rack
southeast of Clement Hall.
Nov. 12
Driving While License Revoked?A non-student was arrested for DWLR
after an officer observed him driving the wrong way down Reade
Driving While Impaired?A student was arrested for DWI after an of-
ficer stopped him on College Hill Drive for erratic driving.
Thank You!
UBE would like to thank all of our vendors who generously
donated their outstanding products to students who lost their
possessions in the devastating flooding in the aftermath of
Hurricane Floyd. Through their generosity, UBE was able to
donate thousands of items not only to students, but to families
located in both Pitt and Edgecombe counties who lost almost
everything that they owned.
Atapco Office Products Group
Roaring Springs Blank Book Co.
Marketsource Inc.
The Cotton Exchange
MBS Textbook Exchange Inc.
Art craft Inc.
Windsor Newton
Nebraska Book Company Inc.
Wallace's Book Co.
O'Henry Inc.
UBE would also like to extend a special thank you to the ECU
Student Stores in their tireless effort and complete co-opera-
tion with UBE in the loaning of thousands of text books to
students who lost their possessions in the flood.
Tuesday, No
: Duke U.?t
Vear for minori
as much to br;
early applicant
riority student
r)ool?about a
; Director
Ghristoph Gut
vary slightly, I
decrease came I
Which fell froi
sions office bo
all Latino app
from the year I
; Meanwhile,
and Native-Am
111 and from
number of blai
"In some s
certainly in ter
cants Gut
pretty typical t
Beyond thai
the number ol
early decision.
Guttentag s;
ultimately refl
"We've had
several years, b
matriculating a
decision pool i:
dents of color
I'm hesitan
minority presei
early decision
But Vice Pro
William Chafe
ther analysis. '
drop, if it mean
Trinity senk
of Mi Gente, s
for the lack of i
"For the mo
Duke fans, like
who are Duke ;
sion for Duke,
apply early sa
the admissions
students of col
Trinity senic
Black Student A
nority applican
when they deci
" Duke Uni
An ev

Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1999

j Duke U.?After touting 1998-99 as a record
year for minority recruitment, Duke may not have
as much to brag about. Although the number of
early applicants has hit a new high at 1,367, mi-
nority students comprise only 15 percent of the
rjool?about a S percent drop from last year.
; Director of Undergraduate Admissions
Ghristoph Guttentag said the final numbers may
vary slightly, but it seems that the most notable
decrease came in the number of Latino applicants,
Which fell from S3 to 30. Last year, the admis-
sions office boasted the highest number of over-
all Latino applicants ever?a 10 percent jump
from the year before.
; Meanwhile, the numbers of Asian-American
aTid Native-American applicants slid from 137 to
111 and from 13 to seven, respectively. Only the
number of black applicants went up, from 44 to
' "In some sense, last year was an aberration,
certainly in terms of the number of Latino appli-
cants Guttentag said. "What we're seeing is
pretty typical to what we've seen in past years
Beyond that, he could not explain the drop in
the number of minority students applying for
early decision.
Guttentag said he doubts the Class of 2004 will
ultimately reflect the early decision pool.
"We've had very nice successes over the last
several years, both for minorities applying to and
matriculating at Duke Guttentag said. "The early
decision pool is always a lower percentage of stu-
dents of color than the regular decision process
I'm hesitant to draw any conclusions about
minority presence in the applicant pool from the
early decision group
But Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
William Chafe said the decrease will require fur-
ther analysis. "It is a surprising and disturbing
drop, if it means anything over time Chafe said.
Trinity senior Rudy Spaulding, co-coordinator
of Mi Gente, speculated about possible reasons
for the lack of diversity in early decision pools.
"For the most part, I think only real die-hard
Duke fans, like people who have family members
who are Duke alumni or people with a real pas-
sion for Duke, are the only types of people who
apply early said Spaulding, who also works in
the admissions office. "And unfortunately, many
students of color do not fall into those catego-
Trinity senior Damani Sims, president of the
Black Student Alliance, said he thinks many mi-
nority applicants need to consider financial aid
when they decide where-and when-to apply.
" Duke University's tuition rate alone is
enough to give qualified prospective minority stu-
dents second thoughts about attending such an
institution he said. "The early .decision pro-
cess locks one into matriculation to a particular
school without receiving pertinent information
about financial aid, so prospective students
choose to wait and see what other schools will
offer them
Michigan State U.?Nine homemade bombs were
found outside of Philips Residence Hall at Michigan
State University last week. Three of the bombs ex-
ploded some time between Tuesday and Thursday but
did not injure anyone, MSU Police Detective Tony
Willis said.
Willis explained that the bombs were allegedly con-
structed with household chemicals in 20-ounce plas-
tic Gatorade bottles.
A Philips resident discovered the bombs in the
courtyard between Philips and the connecting Snyder
Residence Hall, and a staff member then informed
MSU Police of the explosives.
The police arrived at the scene early Wednesday
morning with the Michigan State Police bomb squad,
which operates out of Lansing. MSU Police evacuated
residents living in the basement and the first floor of
Philips whose rooms were adjacent to the courtyard.
Willis said police have no suspects, but he ex-
plained that MSU Police will first focus their investi-
gation on Philips residents and expand from there.
In addition to determining what chemicals were
used to make the bombs, police are attempting to iden-
tify a suspect by using fingerprints found on the
Any suspect found guilty of making the bombs
could be charged with a felony offense of possession
and creation of an explosive device, which carries a
minimum sentence of four years in prison.
Mohamad Pedram, who lives on the second floor
of Philips near the courtyard, said the bombs were
"pretty loud, like gunshots
Philips resident Ashley Dehr said the idea that the
bombs were placed in the courtyard, where many stu-
dents often play football, concerns her. "It doesn't
make us feel safe Dehr'said. "It makes us have to be
more careful a
Willis said yesterday's discovery is not connected
to any prior incidents at Philips.
"This is pretty much a random incident he said.
Willis said many reporters have been asking
whether the bombs were linked to the riots that oc-
curred in March when the MSU men's basketball team
lost to Duke University in the semifinals of the NCAA
men's basketball tournament. He said the incidents
are not related.
"Right now, it seems to be a college prank Willis
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Services: 328-6910, stop by Spilman 116,
or email:
This professional development presentation exclusively for ECU staff, faculty,
and students Is sponsored by ECU Business Services, the DMsion of
Administration and Finance, and the ECU School of Medicine.
The East Carolinian S
If s Your Place
To Fall In Love
Shakespeare In Love (R) To go or not to go? That's not the question. Just go! You
and a guest get in free when you present your valid ECU One Card.
To Oo Down To South Park
NOV. 18-20 AT 7:30 P.M. AND NOV. 21 AT 3 P.M.
South Park (R) "Oh My God, they killed Kenny! You
?$ What more can we say? You and a guest
get in free when you present your valid ECU One Card.
To Do A Little Dance
These routines may not be the ones you can use in a dance club, but they are sure
amazing to watch! The Don Cossacks of Rostov, an incredible dance troupe of
performers, will recreate the feel of Old Russia with their renditions of genuine folk
songs and dances, along with beautiful, authentic costumes. Show your valid ECU
One Card at the Central Ticket Office to get advance discount tickets. All tickets
purchased at the door will be full price.
To Jazz It Up
Jazz at night enters its fifth year and will show-
case the latest student talent from the ECU School
of Music backed up with several of the music fac-
ulty. Get your free tickets (limit two per ECU One
Card) by showing your valid ECU One Card at the
Central Ticket Office. Better hurrythese things
go quick!
To Win Phat CASH
You know the lingo, well now its time to BINGO. Bingo Night is fun for everyone,
especially when there is cash involved. But no need to bring cash to play - Bingo
Night is FREE to all ECU students with a valid ECU One Card.
To Catch a Ride
Want to get home to fill up on Mom's big Thanksgiving feast,
but don't have a ride? Don't be a turkey ? check out the Ride
Rider Board at the foot of the stairs as you venture into the
Pirate Underground.
Mendenhall Student Center will be closing early on Wednesday,
Nov. 24 at 5 p.m. and will remain closed through Sunday, Nov. 28
for Thanksgiving Break. It will reopen at 8 a.m. on Monday,
Nov. 29 with normal business hours.
MSC Hours: Mon-Thurs. 8 a.m - 11 p.m.Fri. 8 a.m. - MidnightSat. Noon-Midnight Sun. Noon -11 p.m.

Smoking Affect?
'? .
Be at Mendenhall for "The Great Debate
For additional giveaway opportunities,
bring some type of tobacco product
(cigarette, cigar, ashtray, lighter, dip, etc.)
to fuel our
You don't have to be a smoker to participate!
We don't expect you to stop smoking on
the spot that day, but you will receive
information on how to quit and upcoming
smoking cessation workshops.
son I
I Health (ViiiiiiWiiii- Cemrt Office nl llilih Prnmnlmn & the American Cancer Sue

? The East Carolinian
Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1999
Supreme Court deliberates over school prayer at school games
WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Supreme Court re-en-
tered the emotional debate over school prayer Mon-
day, agreeing to decide whether public schools can let
students lead group invocations at high school foot-
ball games.
A Galveston County, Texas, school board is asking
the justices to overturn a lower court ruling that said
student-led prayers over the public-address system at
football games violate the constitutionally required
separation of church and state.
"The school district is not causing prayer or endors-
ing prayer if it leaves to the student the choice of what
to say school district lawyer Lisa A. Brown said after
the nation's highest court granted review. "There's a
long tradition in many states of having this pre-game
ceremony of having a moment of reflection before the
game begins
But the Rev. Barry Lynn of Americans United for
Separation of Church and State contended such prayers
at officially sponsored school events violate the Con-
"The school's giving you the microphone; it will
sound like an officially sanctioned religious statement,
and that's what has no place at a high school football
game Lynn said.
The Supreme Court's decision, expected by late June,
could help clarify the jumbled state of the law surround-
ing school prayer.
The justices' last major school-prayer ruling, in
1992, barred clergy-led prayers at public school gradu-
ation ceremonies. "The Constitution forbids the state
to exact religious conformity from a student as the price
of attending her own high school graduation the
court said then.
The ruling was viewed by many as a strong reaffir-
mation of the highest court's 1962 decision banning
organized, officially sponsored prayers from public
But in 1993, the justices let stand a federal appeals
court ruling in a Texas case that allowed student-Ujd
prayers at graduations. That ruling, which also applii s
to Louisiana and Mississippi, conflicts with anothtr
federal appeals court decision barring student-leid
graduation prayers in nine Western states.
Monday's case comes from an area of the country
where some people joke that football is almost a rel i
Four students and their parents sued the Santa Fe
Independent School District in 1995, seeking to end
student-led prayers over the public-address system at
home football games in the Houston suburb.
TEC is looking for
someone to fill a top
management position
with significant
and good pay
Macintosh Experience
Experience Managing people
Organizing Employee Schedules
Coordinating Production & Press
Some late evenings required
Have you
worked at a college
publication before?
TEC has teamed up
with Barnes and Noble
to bring book review to
Wednesday's Fountainhead
in our new program
Reviews fa-
We aiv looking for fellow Ixxik lowrs to
read and review fet sellers fa- a "kxhI
ranst Each Semester we will donate Ihesr
l??,t sellers l? uV Ronald McDonald House
where the) will be availible for flu- famih
members of lerminalh ill children to read.
K vim would like In write a review
please call Miccah at 328-6366
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COPVrtoM 1999 Xranr MKMtttntlc.
m rmrvt IMrlght to Hntt outntttlts
Nono mm to dMMra.
Tuesday, N
Phillip Gilfus
Susan Wrigh
Emily Richan
Dan Cox, We
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Tuesday, Nov. 16,1999
Holly G. Harris, Editor
Melissa Massey, Managing Editor
Phillip Gilfus, News Editor Stephen Schramm, Sports Editor
Susan Wright, Features Editor Melyssa Ojeda, Head Copy Editor
Emily Richardson, Photography Editor Jason Latour, Statt Illustrator
Dan Cox, Web Media Director Janet Respess, Ad Manager
, FAX252-328-6558
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian
prints 11,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year. The lead editorial in each edition is the
opinion ot the majority of the Editorial Board and is written in
turn by Editorial Board members. The East Carolinian welcomes
letters to the editor, limited to 250 words (which may be edited
lor decency or brevity at the editors discretion). The East Caro-
linian reserves the right to edit or reject letters lor publication.
All letters must be signed and include a telephone number.
Letters may be sent bye-mail toeditor@studentmedia.ecu edu
or lo The East Carolinian, Student Publications Building,
Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Eor additional information, call
Not many people in this region
escaped Floyd's fury. If the storm did
not reach them, the floods did. For
North Carolinians to give this kind of
money to others when they, them-
selves are still struggling to make
ends meet is not only generous, it is
Fear of death controls minds
J Christianity is the product of the fear of death. In
?; fact, all religions are a product of the fear of death,
; including science. Why do you think science and reli-
gion have these constant battles over topics like evolu-
tion? We are all just trying to find out where we all
Religion works on the premise of belief and faith,
things that allow the pious to feel secure in the knowl-
edge of where they began and where they are heading
when the party is over. The best religions, however, are
the ones which allow a certain amount of flexibility in
thought and acknowledge the fact that there is no right
answer. These are mostly eastern beliefs since the hypo-
critical western ideal of worship leaves little room for
Science views death and says, "Hey, I'm gonna beat
you The constant drive in this brave new world to
perfect the human body and make it last forever makes
me sick. Stop worrying about how to make your life
longer and start worrying about how to make every
infinitesimally small moment you have in this para-
dise meaningful.
The biggest problem with science, and the reason
for its battle with immortality, is that it tells you that
when you die the chemicals in your body just stop
working and you simply decay back to the basic ele-
ments from which you were made. There is no notion
of afterlife because the afterlife cannot be measured.
This explanation, as a rule, does not make people fun-
damentally happier and thus people fear death.
In this universe, everything comes back onto itself.
It must do so in order to create an absolute balance.
There is no love without hate, there is no health with-
out illness and there is no life without death. Death is
the culmination of a life lived and should be embraced
as a part of the natural order of events.
Whether you belief in reincarnation, heaven and
hell or the universal mind fire, just know that you have
to believe and know that you cannot fear death. Hope,
love and passion are the only things which make this
life worthwhile so revel in their luminescence while
you can and do not fear, until we meet again.
This writer can be contacted
Joyner Library still inadequate
Marvelle Sullivan
ECU possesses many attributes. We have a great rec-
reation facility, a fairly centralized campus and a con-
venient location. There is one thing, though, that is
severely inadequate?our library.
Admittedly, the remodeled Joyner Library is very
nice looking, but the outside appearance is not the prob-
lem. In the first place, most universities the size of ECU
. have more than one general library on campus.
While it is strange that one of the largest universi-
ties in the state has only one library (music and medi-
cal libraries aside), it is absolutely appalling that ECU'S
sole library is not open 24 hours a day. For example, it
is embarrassing that the library closes at 8 p.m. on Fri-
days. To be sure, there isn't a mad dash to the books on
Friday evening for most, but out of 18,000 students,
there is probably enough of a demand to keep the place
If you can get over the fact that hours are insane,
it's almost impossible to overcome the perils of com-
ing and leaving there. Of course, there are only about
eight metered parking places to fight over if you do
not live on campus. You could walk to and from the
library, but at night, the lighting is so bad around the
mall and the back area, that it really has the potential
to be quite dangerous. It's hard enough to motivate
yourself to actually go, but to have to worry about park-
ing and dangerous unlighted areas too? That's really
? asking too much.
i ' ? As if the situation isn't bad enough, then there is
the actual quality of our library with which to con-
tend. Honestly, there is not an incredible amount of
books, reference material or anything relative to what
this university should have to offer. The library seems
huge and filled with books, but that's mainly because
it's laid out very poorly. Basically, it's an illusion?the
material is either scarce or non-existent.
Then, to add insult to injury, students are soon go-
ing to be required to pay for each page they print out.
Last time I checked, that should fall under "student
fees Here is an idea: Why doesn't the university take
the ridiculous Sonic Plaza?with the sounds, the wa-
terfall, the steam and the midnight jack-in-the-box?
and cash it in for some books and paper? You know,
the stuff that we are at this university for anyway.
I know that ECU isn't the academic center of the
country, but that doesn't mean that the one general
library that is here should have limited hours, limited
access and even more limited resources. There is no
excuse for it because the funds are definitely available,
or the Sonic Plaza wouldn't exist.
The library is a fundamental aspect of any univer-
sity. Joyner Library's inadequacy is a hard-and-fast in-
dicator of the general academic climate at this univer-
Improving the overall academic image of this school
is presently an administrative goal. To accomplish this,
upgrading the library by increasing hours, accesses and
resources is a step in the right direction in order to be
taken seriously in the future. The present condition
just serves to discourage students' frequent use of a place
that is designed to enhance the overall academic expe-
777s writer can be
contacted at
The East Carolinian
-the mnNC- wing o? -mm ?Jm0
mo m j&Ct ? Mil
Hurricane Floyd affected everyone at ECU. The damage wreaked by
the storm and the flood that followed left many with tattered lives. Relief
for those affected is still needed by many members of the staff and stu-
dents. Monetary relief is available from many sources. While FEMA and
other agencies have been taxed severely by victims of Floyd, other means
of relief are willing to take on people that need help.
For relief, some in the ECU community can look to the university itself
i for help. The United Way and ECU have teamed up to form the ECU Fam-
ily Relief Fund.
Phase I of the relief fund was implemented at Todd Dining Hall earlier
this semester. Students were able to get immediate relief in the form of
money and books to replace those the flood ruined.
Phase II will cover the more serious losses people have had to face
since the water tore through the city. It will help people to get back on
their feet in a more permanent manner, helping to replace major facets of
life, like cars and homes.
The ECU Family Relief Fund was set up to aid those in the community
affected by the hurricane. ECU families and private citizens in the Greenville
area have donated over half a million dollars for the cause; $330,000 of
this is left. The money will be available to both students and staff mem-
bers who were hurt by the flood.
While a large share of the relief comes from the government and other
sources, the fund's money comes expressly from eastern NC.
Not many people in this region escaped Floyd's fury. If the storm did
not reach them, the floods did. For North Carolinians to give this kind of
money to others when they, themselves are still struggling to make ends
meet is not only generous, it is heroic.
It is commendable that the university and those affected by the flood
are able to turn around and give back to those who were worse off.
Not all student politicians out for money
money. If elected as SGA president (something I have
wanted to do for nearly two years), I would love to
serve my constituents taking the altruistic attitude that
I have.
I feel that politics is a field in which each person
has a different mentality toward his or her office. Mr.
Webster has a certain mentality?one with which some
ECU students disagree. I encourage ALL 18,200 of ECU'S
students to vote in the next election and then, maybe,
someone would be representing you with whom you
would not find fault.
Dear Editor,
I was quite disturbed to read the letter from Dustin
Bennett in the 111199 edition of TEC. I agree with
Mr. Bennett on points that SGA is "an extracurricular
activity and a service but I felt like he was implying
that many collegiate politicians take Mr. Webster's view
that the job of president does not yield enough pay.
I understand that $400 is nearly a month's sal-
ary for many students who are working too hard to
even think about extracurricular activities like SGA
Many members of the ECU community must work in
order to supplement their college education and I com-
mend these individuals, as this is a very difficult life to
lead. Again, however, I want the university to know
that not ALL campus leaders are only "in it" for the
Michael C. Aho
Special education
Pokemon takes over American market
Ryan Kennemur
Don't attempt to adjust your tele-
vision screens, kiddies. The color and
contrast are both at the optimal lev-
els. That yellow blob with the light-
ning bolt tail that screams random
Japanese words is supposed to be
there and the worst thing is, it
doesn't look like it's going anywhere
Pokemon, or "pocket monster
has been taking the country by storm
for the past year and a half. The idea
is that these little monsters are found
in egg form, then hatched and
trained to fight other Pokemon, all
the while mutating into super mon-
sters that are unbeatable. To chil-
dren, this entire concept appears to
be incredibly addictive. To me, it
seems like the most explosive and
ingenious idea in the past 20 years
The Japanese have continually
beaten the collective snot out of
America in the children entertain-
ment industry over the past 15 years.
Think about it. What have the Japa-
nese given us, toy-wise? Those little
keychain babies that die, Furbys, and
basically every video game system on
the market all come to mind. And
what do we have to combat these
imported wonders? Can you say
Milton Bradley?
Indeed, the Japanese have a "Mo-
nopoly" over our "Sorry" children's
entertainment, and it "Boggles" the
mind why we never want to take a
"Risk" and make something worth
the "Toys backward R Us" shelves,
but I guess that's just "Life
Nintendo of America (motto:
Squash you like bug) has really got-
ten a hold of a good thing with this
whole Pokemon phenomenon. It
seems to have more staying power
than "Tickle-Me-Elmo "Tickle-Me-
Cookie Monster and "Stay-the-
Hell-Away-From-Me-Oscar the
First came the Gameboy game,
which is its top selling game of all
time after just over a year of release.
The game actually does some good
things according to some studies. It
teaches kids good decision making
skills and hand-eye coordination.
And instead of killing your oppos-
ing monster, you merely stun them.
It's like violence with just one calo-
On the other hand, those guys
overseas are not all into teaching our
kids right from wrong. Not when it's
their pockets that are desperately in
need ot precious, precious yen. They
introduced the game in two differ-
ent versions, red and blue (with an-
other coming soon). The only differ-
ence between the two games is that
they have different monsters to fight,
but the layout of the game and char-
acters remain the same. So instead
of buying one game for little Timmy,
we have to buy them the same game
twice. Genius.
Next comes the card game. Oh
God, the card game. I worked at a
summer camp last year and let me
tell you something. Kids would
rather resort to capital punishment
than have their Pokemon cards
taken away. The idea of the game is
based on all the other trendy "Magic-
ish" card games out there where you
are pitted against an opponent with
a deck of cards with random mon-
sters on it. If your card is stronger,
then you win their cards. This
teaches children a good lesson in
gambling, I think. But then again,
who cares when you can just get
your parents to buy more at the dime
There's also marketing galore
that crosses over to just about every
facet of our daily life, acter doing
nondescript Pokemon things. All of
this in conjunction with the daily
cartoon show and the movie that
brought in more than $30 million
last weekend alone?classifies a phe-
nomenon in my book. My best ad-
vice: move to Singapore. They'd cane
those critters quicker than you could
say Pikac.
This writer can be contacted at
Bad people make good seem even better
Christie Marra
I believe that a vast majority of
people in the world fall under two cat-
egories?the good and the bad. It
seems that for each good person we
meet there are always at least two bad
ones. I'm not sure why this is.
Maybe it's someone's way of mak-
ing us keep our feet on the ground
and not be too trusting of others, like
a defense mechanism of sorts. Per-
haps, it's just that there are so few of
the good ones around anymore.
I guess that all of those bad people
make you realize how truly lucky you
are to know some genuinely nice
people?for Instance, when you wait
on those people in a restaurant cheap
enough to leave $1 tip on a $30 meal.
Yes, those people really do exist and
some of them are probably reading
this right now.
You see, that table makes you ap-
preciate those that leave you $10 af-
ter their $30 meal even more. No, I'm
not going to complain about cheap
people or lousy tippers; instead I'm
going to thank the numerous bad,
cheap, mean, rude, demeaning dregs
of society.
First, I'd like to thank the noisy
people who live downstairs from me.
I appreciate the way you blare what
you call music when I have a big
Spanish four exam the next morning.
Also, I really love those nights when
you make it your mission to not let
me get a restful, undisturbed night of
sleep. If it was not for you guys, I
wouldn't be half as grateful as I am
for the quiet next-door neighbors.
You have made me aware of the fact
that one can actually function on two
hours of sleep.
I am indebted to the rude cash-
iers at a major discount store chain (I
won't name any names but it's the
one with the grocery store). On days
when I have no choice I have to go
in and wait two years in line only to
have someone feel it's part of their
job to act as though helping any cus-
tomer is far worse than sliding down
razor blades into a pool of iodine. If
it were not for your "friendly" per-
sonalities any past, pleasant shopping
experiences anywhere wouldn't have
been quite as pleasurable
An even bigger note of thanks for
what you did on those days when 1

would have seen nuclear annihilation
as the perfect ending to a less than
perfect day.
A much overdue note of recogni-
tion goes to any rude professor or
teacher I have had through my never-
ending education. All of you make
weekends and holidays some of the
greatest times on earth. For your un-
forgiving attendance policies, and the
fact that you dropped my grade a let-
ter because I was on my deathbed?
thanks. Also, the way you embar-
rassed me in front of the class when I
got the answer wrong made me thor-
oughly enjoy your class and teach-
ing style. It's teachers like you who
make me truly adore those who are
flexible and will cut me just a little
Someone once said, "Little friends
may prove great friends That per-
son was so right in their thinking. I
imagine he knew a few genuinely
caring people with no ulterior mo-
tives. Any of you mentioned have
affected a part of my life more than
you realize. To those I forgot, I'm sure
there's someone out there who would .
like to thank you for something.
This writer can be contacted at

The East Carolinian
Cleaning up after six billion
?450,000 trees could be saved if all notebooks were
made from recycled paper. When buying notebooks,
look for the "recycled" symbol. Try to purchase prod-
ucts made from 100 percent material.
?With each cycle, a washing machine uses 30-60
gallons of water. To conserve water, wait to wash
until you have a full load.
?Paper cups are often wax-coated which reduces
their biodegradability. Paper products make up over
40 percent of America's municipal solid waste. It's
best if one uses reusable cups, dishes and flatware.
?The manufacturing of a disposable battery uses 50
times as much energy as the battery will produce.
Use recycled and rechargeable batteries. This will
also reduce the amount of toxic chemicals in our
?Most home electronics waste electricity, even when
turned off. VCRs, for instance, use up to 13 watts
when turned off. One suggestion to decrease this
number is to purchase "Energy Star" products, which
use under four watts when turned off.
?Refrigerators are the second biggest energy user in
one's home. By keeping the fridge and freezer full,
less cold air will escape when the door is opened.
?The commercialized aspect of Christmas has turned
this season into a time of enormous waste. Try alter-
natives to store-bought wrapping paper, like the Sun-
day comics. Also reuse cookie tins, baskets and fes-
tive food containers.
?100 million trees are cut each year to make junk
mail. The average American uses over 740 pounds of
paper products each year. To remove yourself from
mailing lists, mail your name, home address and sig-
nature in a letter or on a postcard to:
Mail Preference Services
Direct Marketing Association
P.O. Box 9008 Farming dale, NY 11735-9008
Photos and information courtesy of the World Wide Web
Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1999
Choo teaches both cultural, academic lessons
Students test scores improve
because of tutor's dedication
Blaine J. Denius
Free time is not something Helen Choo has a lot of,
but what she does with that free time is changing Pitt
Choo is a straight A, pre-med honor student at ECU.
Despite all of the homework and studying required for
her major, as well as running her own business, Choo
still finds time to do what she loves?volunteering.
Choo spends most of her afternoons sharing her
time, knowledge and heart with the students of South
Greenville Elementary School. She commutes to her
morning classes, then to South Greenville and back to
From right-Helen Choo, Monica Barrett and Sha-be Hood
study hard together. (Photo contributed by Blaine Denius)
campus for her night classes.
"Volunteering is great because 1 learn from the kids
Choo said. "They teach me patience, confidence and I
am more organized. Every day is worth looking for-
ward to
Her first days as a volunteer tutor were not easy.
Many of the students had never met an Asian-Ameri-
can. The children asked why she looked different and
spoke with a strange accent. Nicknames followed one
after another, but Choo was determined. She patiently
answered the students' questions and worked to en-
lighten them on the rich ethnic and racial diversity in
the US today.
"(The students made fun of me and asked If I was
Italian, Mexican or Chinese, and they thought that the
Chinese ate cats Choo said. "Living In a high-tech
society, it's sad that some children are not exposed to
anyone but their neighbors and have never had a cul-
tural experience
An average day at South Greenville finds the chil-
dren greeting Choo with hugs and thanking her for
helping them learn a new word or math problem. Her
cultural differences are Insignificant now. What is most
important to the children is when Choo will be corn-
See CH00, page 7
culture adds
flavor to life
Latin rhythms, Spanish
speakers more prevalent
Nina M. Dry
America is considered a melting pot for different cultures.
As Americans, we are the product of the customs and tradi-
tions we have been exposed to over the years. The Hispanic
heritage is one culture a number of individuals call their own,
and it is captivating many Americans through the mediums of
media, authentic cuisine, culture and language.
Over the years, more people from Hispanic descent have
been coming to the States, bringing with them the "flavor" of
their respective countries. Americans can find a restaurant and
dine on authentic Spanish cuisine easily, or turn on the radio
and hear traditionally Latin beats from artists who, at many
times, are not Hispanic.
According to Dr. Dale Knickerbocker, an associate Span-
ish professor, Latin sounds have been present in some of the
music we have been listening to for many years.
"Many years ago, Anglo musicians incorporated Spanish
rhythms into their own music, allowing the Latins to come
forth with their music Knickerbocker said.
Since we have already had a taste of these rhythms, it's not
so far-fetched to love the sounds that are being produced by
today's popular Hispanic artists such as Big Punisher, Jennifer
Lopez, Marc Anthony, Selena, Fat Joe and Enrique lglesias.
ECU graduate Jeff Hill speaks Spanish fluently with amigo Raul Morales, (photo by Robin Vuchnich)
Although these artists have their own individual music style, each
has successfully incorporated the sounds of their heritage into their
A number of consumer products are equipped with instruc-
tions and warnings to accommodate both English and Spanish
speakers, while businesses announce their bilingualism with signs
stating "se habla espanol" (we speak Spanish).
According to Knickerbocker, more businesses will hire bilin-
gual employees in order to attract more Hispanic clientele.
One prime example of the need for a bigger Spanish-speaking
work force occurred during Hurricane Floyd.
"A lot of the staff and faculty spent time during the flood with
the American Red Cross as interpreters Knickerbocker said.
Students are making an effort to learn more about the lan-
guage and the culture. According to senior Quintin Gillus, the
Spanish language is so smooth it captivated him, making him want
to learn more about it. He found it to be a very relaxed culture.
"The Spanish culture Is accepting and open to people from
other cultures Gilfus said. "And once you learn the language you
can use it right away because of the growing population here
Here in Greenville, the Hispanic population has grown over
the years. According to Knickerbocker, there has been a surge in
the Hispanic population over the last two years he has been in the
Mexicos. Puerto Rtco
I 61" -?-JL- k 5 OtlMfS A) 22

Greenville area.
Senior and
Greenville resi-
dent Danielle
Custis believes
that the change
in population
has occurred be-
cause of the
growing num-
ber of Hispanics
who have made a permanent home here.
"When I first moved to Greenville, I would sec a seasonal
influx in the Hispanic population, but now I sec more resi-
dents of Spanish descent Custis said.
With this increase of Hispanics right here in the area, there
are many advantages to being bilingual.
"You are in demand job wise because people need to ser-
vice that particular population Custis said. "If you have the
language skills, you are more readily marketable
This writer can be contacted at
ndry@studentmedia. ecu. edu.
Research team measures flood's
psychological effects on students
NDSU team's findings
assists victims
Nina M. Dry
Although almost a month has
gone by since Hurricane Floyd bull-
dozed through Greenville, the ef-
fects of the storm are still being felt
by many people in North Carolina.
With all the trauma that has oc-
curred lately, many people from all
over the country have been doing
what they can to assist North Caro-
lina residents. Recently, a hurricane
research team from North Dakota
State University visited ECU to of-
fer testing and treatment in post-
disaster adjustment.
Clinical psychologist and North
Dakota State University psychology
professor, Dr. Kit O'Neill, headed the
research with the assistance of two
second-year graduate students.
Their interest in this particular type
of research came from dealing with
a situation like the flood damage
caused by Floyd.
"North Dakota had a major
flood in 1997 said O'Neill. "When
we heard about Floyd, we were in-
terested In helping here
According to O'Neill, they took
the knowledge gained from the '97
flood and created this test a year
ago. Their research was funded by
the Natural Hazard Institute Quick
Response Program. The destruction
caused by Floyd posed an opportu-
Reviving Ophelia delves
into adolescents' world
Young women's
perfectionism dictates lifestyle
Ryan Kennemur
The research team from North Dakota State University works to gather and
analyze results. (Photo by Nina Dry)
nity to put this testing treatment to
good use.
"The group initiated the con-
tact said ECU psychology profes-
sor and collaborator Dr. Susan
McCammon. "Once they heard
about the flood, they wanted to
During this testing, the group
was looking for factors related to
post-disaster adjustments. One part
of the testing included collecting in-
formation from people.
"We provided them with activi-
ties designed to assist them with
recovery from the flood O'Neill
For example, the team had the
participants fill out questionnaires
and write about flood related expe-
riences and how they are recover-
"This has been beneficial for
people who are recovering from di-
sasters O'Neill said.
Another part of the testing dealt
with saliva samples that were taken.
According to O'Neill, this is done
in order to measure the amount of
cortisol, a stress-related hormone,
that is in a person's system.
Along with the research- team
and McCammon, ECU psychology
graduate student Crystal L.
Williamson has been assisting with
the testing.
"I gained a lot of experience with
these experiments Williamson
said. "It gave people the chance to
communicate their experiences
through the flood
The research team has taken
their samples in order to continue
their testing and will do follow-ups
with the participants in about a
See RESEARCH, page 7
Reviving Ophelia tells the
truth. (Photo from the
World Wide Web)
Junior high is often a dif-
ficult time in a person's life,
and according to many who
have experienced it, life
wasn't fair, parents didn't
understand and peer pressure
was everywhere you turned.
According to Mary Pipher,
author of "Reviving Ophelia:
Saving the Selves of Adoles-
cent Girls young women
may have it much worse.
Young women's difficul-
ties with developing their
values, and this leads to more
problems in the future. Instead of getting their values -
from parents and elders, they get them from magazines
and peers that tell them how to dress, how much to
weigh, how to talk and tell them to be sexually active
at an early age.
Pipher reports around five case studies per topic,
naming them after the girl's first name and age. Her
topics range from drug and alcohol abuse to rape; from; ;
divorce to clothing choices and from depression to eat: ? ;
ing disorders. All of these things contribute to what
she calls "girl poisoning the Idea that the environ-1
ment and society turn young women into overdepen ?
dent and self-absorbed adults.
The most interesting thing about the book is the ? ?
fact that Pipher brings her own experiences from her ?
youth into the studies, so the reader really gets an idea;
of how things have changed. Also, she includes stories'
about her own daughter to show that even experts lit; '
the field, have trouble with the unpredictable behav !?
See0PHEU;page7 jr
Advance Stui
Tel: 252.328

. 16, 1999
were not easy,
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Ration and Parka Department
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from page 6
G.W. Barker
Isshinryu karate, WZMB, Phi Kappa
Psi and being loud
To become a radio DJ
from page 6
month to see how they are doing.
If you are interested in participating in this test and
were unable to last week, there is still time for you to
"We will continue our testing until we receive 30
more participants McCammon said.
There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board
outside of Room 130 in Rawl, for those wanting to par-
ticipate. Testing will take place on Thursday, Nov. 18.
The people who are needed are those who suffered
damage to property or forced evacuation from their
"This offers another option to helping people dur-
ing these difficult events McCammon said.
This writer can be contacted at
from page 6
ior that comes with adolescence.
This book is strongly recommended for anyone with
young girls in their family. It's an eye-opening epiphany
of the terrors of growing up female in the teenage years.
The only problem with the book is that it repeats itself
in its metaphors a little too often, so it can feel like
you're reading the same chapter over again and again.
If you can get past that one flaw, however, "Reviv-
ing Ophelia" is an enjoyable, page-turning work whose
shocking details of the hardships faced by women will
leave the reader wishing the book and the scenarios
described were fantasy.
This writer can be contacted at
ing back to see them again.
"I don't just teach the course
work, but also values and I try to
give them hope Choo said. "I tell
them they can be anything they
want to be and to believe in them-
selves. This Is a very challenging and
rewarding experience. Life is not
complete until you share your love
Mary Rose Stocks, volunteer co-
ordinator at South Greenville and
Wahl Coates Schools, believes Choo
gives the children proper guidance
in academics as well as right from
wrong. Stocks' program works to
create a triangle partnership be-
tween parents, teachers and volun-
teers working in the classroom.
"Choo is loved by all the chil-
dren Stocks said. "She has the skill
to teach them academics as well as
interact with them to improve so-
cial skills
Laurie Runyan teaches fifth
grade at South Greenville and works
regularly with Choo. Runyan be-
lieves Choo is very dedicated and
goes above and beyond the call of
"Choo is not only efficient, she
is good and always concerned about
the children Runyan said. "There
is a lot of minority representation
at the school and it is good for the
students to work with an Asian-
According to school officials, the
benefits of volunteering with the
school children are reflected in the
students' performance. A majority
of the children, after working with
a volunteer, showed grade level pro-
ficiency on end-of-course tests.
With such noticeable improve-
ments in student performance, vol-
unteers are becoming a precious
commodity for local schools.
Choo also believes in the edu-
cational rewards for the actual stu-
dent volunteer. She believes volun-
teering can teach student volunteers
confidence, organization and social
skills that are valuable in today's job
"Volunteering can teach time
management, patience and respon-
sibility Choo said. "Student volun-
teers can practice leadership before
they get to the real world
Choo has been volunteering
through the ECU Student Volunteer
Program (SVP). The SVP is directed
by Judy Baker and those interested
in volunteering should call her at
The East Carolinian
Play renews
victims' hope
Thespians for Diversity
empathize with suffering
Jennifer Brown
"What's in a storm besides trouble? There's Jesus
said Shenika Wright in a poem she read during the play
"After the Storm In the aftermath of Hurricane Floyd,
the Thespians for Diversity reached out to the commu-
nity to offer hope and consolation to those affected by
the flood.
"After the Storm is a play about a woman who
goes through many trials and tribulations, only to gain
peace at the end said Dr. Reginald Watson, an assis-
tant professor in the English department, who helped
the Thespians for Diversity put on this play.
After writing "Storm author Rudy Peele asked the
Thespians for Diversity to help her put on the produc-
"The play is a way for people to deal with the after-
Floyd blues, uplift some spirits and give people some
hope Watson said.
Wright read an opening poem she had written to
go along with the play after one of the Thespians sang
"Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
The play begins with a woman who is raising three
children of her own who has just experienced the death
of her mother. Her troubles multiply as she moves from
place to place and from job to job. Eventually, her baby
girl dies. But no matter what she loses, her faith in God
stays strong.
"It was really an uplifting play because it clearly
showed that God can bring you out of any storm and
any situation said student Kristen Brown, who at-
tended the play.
Wright said the Thespians for Diversity have been
working on the production for about a month and a
half now.
"The meaning behind the play is that no matter
what we go through, we will always come out of it even-
tually Wright said.
All proceeds from Tuesday's play went to benefit
the flood victims and can goods were collected as well.
There will be another performance at 7 p.m on Dec. S
at Martin Community College. All proceeds will also
go to flood victims. Attendees who donate a children's
toy will get $1 off admission.
TWs writer can be contacted at
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Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1999
The East Carolinian I
Jarrett wraps up
Winston Cup crown
An exclamation point was placed on the two big
gest stories of the NASCAR Winston Cup season
on Sunday when Tony Stewart won his third race of
the year and Dale Jarrett won it all.
After several near misses for himself and car
owner Robert Yates, Jarrett put the finishing
touches on his first Winston Cup championship with
a fifth-place finish in the inaugural Pennzoil 400 at
Homestead-Miami Speedway.
"We did what we had to do Jarrett said. "It's ah
most impossible to put into words what I feel
LPGA tour top
honors go to Webb
Karrie Webb lost the PageNet Championship
Sunday but she won the LPGA's major awards this
Webb bested Julie Inkster for Player of the Year,
Vare Trophy for lowest scoring average (69.43) and
the money title ($1,591,959).
"I really wanted to be Player of the Year Webb
Lewis wins a fair fight, finally
Eight months after his controversial draw
against Evandor Holyfield, Lennox Lewis gained a
measure of redemption.
Lewis, with superior size and strength, earned
an unanimous decision in the rematch Saturday
Lewis becomes the first unified heavyweight
boxing champion since Riddick Bowe in 1992.
Dayne delivers record
run to become No. 1
Now he's the Greatest Dayne. Ron Dayne broke
the major-college career rushing record Saturday
on a 31-yard run with 4:32 left in the second quarter
of No. 9 Wisconsin's 41-3 win over Iowa.
The run gave Dayne 6,288 rushing yards in his
career, breaking the record of 6,279 set just last
year by Texas' Ricky Williams. Dayne finished the
day with 216 yards in the game and 6,397 for his
career as the Badgers clinched their second
straight Rose Bowl berth.
Virginia Tech
destroys Miami 43-10
The Hokie Pokie is hip, and cornerbacks Ike
Charlton and Anthony Midget danced up a storm
against No. 19 Miami.
Charlton recovered three fumbles, returning one
51 yards for a touchdown, and Midget intercepted
three passes as No. 2 Virginia Tech sidestepped
the Hurricanes 43-10 Saturday night. Tech then
moved a step closer to a perfect season and a shot
at the national championship.
"We've got good athletes we keep the pressure
on defensively said Tech coach Frank Beamer.
Davenport takes
title from Hingis
Playing with a sore left wrist, second-ranked
Lindsay Davenport captured her sixth tennis title of
the year Sunday, toppling No. 1 Martina Hingis 6-3,
6-4 in the Advanta Championship final in vlllanova,
"I'm so excited I've finally won said Davenport,
who was beaten in the Advanta final the last two
Hingis hopes to gain a measure of vengeance at
the $2 million Chase Championship, the 16-player
finale which began Monday in New York.
Pirates top Cincinnati
JL in the whole country t
Team regains
winning form
Stephen Schramm
Before the 1999 sea-
son began, Head Coach
Steve Logan stressed
one thing to his team:
not losing two games in
a row.
Following the
team's first loss to
Southern Miss, the Pi-
rates whipped Tulane
52-7. With the team's
loss to UAB last week,
Logan saw the need to
respond with a victory
over Cincinnati.
"We made a big, big,
big issue preseason
about not losing two
games in a row Logan
said. "Both times that
we lost, we've responded
and gotten a victory
The Bearcats came Bobby Russell)
into Greenville with the nation's strongest punt de-
fense. On the Bearcats first punt, ECU's Keith Stokes
took it back 94 yards for the opening score.
The Bearcats came in having allowed only three
sacks all season. By game's end, the Bearcats' quarter-
backs had been sacked three more times and hit on
almost every play.
"I thought we played with a lot of heart today
said quarterback David Garrard. "It was just a great
showing by our offense
The win gave the Pirates eight wins on the season.
"An eight win season is extraordinary, by any
measure Logan said. "There won't be but IS, 18 teams
Richard Alston carries the ball against Cincinnati, (photo by
in the whole country that
win eight games. It's an ac-
complishment, and I'm
very proud for the kids
The win combined with
UAB's loss earlier in the day
assured the Pirates of a top
three finish in C-USA and a
bowl bid.
"Getting to a bowl
game, I don't care what
school you're at, is just big-
ger than big Logan said.
"It's a goal for every pro-
gram, that starts out every
August. Everybody's talking
about going to a bowl
The Pirates opened up a
31-9 lead at halftime. The
offensive outburst began
following the game's open-
ing drive, when the Pirates
forced the Bearcats to punt.
Stokes received the punt
inside the ECU 10-yard line.
He hit a seam in the Bearcat
punt coverage, faked out
the punter and easily
"Once I caught the ball,
my blockers did a real good
job Stokes said. "There was a big hole in the middle,
and it was me and the kicker, and I knew the kicker
wasn't going to tackle me
Coming into the game, the Bearcats had only al-
lowed 19 yards on punt returns all year.
"Our punt return team took that real personal, to
come out there with a big challenge, and we came up
to the challenge today real well Stokes said.
Stokes broke Tommy Bullock's single game punt-
return yardage record, gaining 148 return yards.
See PIRATES, page'9
Pernell Griffin, left, is rumored to be one of the better trash talk-
ers on the Pirate squad, (photo by Bobby Russell)
back, talking trash is part of the job.
The game within the game
Stephen Schramm
Football is a game dictated by physical strength
and detailed strategy. Fans see passes and blocks, cut-
backs and tackles; but what most fans don't realize is
that there Is an underlying mental aspect to the game.
During the course of a game, players try to throw
opponents off their game any way they can.
Whether it be with a late hit or a celebration after
a crushing tackle, players will try to gain any advan-
tage they can. Both methods are illegal in college
football and will be greeted with a flag. However,
there is one thing that players can do on the field to
get into another player's mind that does not warrant
a penalty and can go unnoticed by coaches and offi-
cials; trash talk.
"It can get you hyped. It can get the crowd going
because the other team's frustrated said running
back Jamie Wilson.
Trash talk has been around as long as football.
Whether coaches like it or not, almost every team
does It. ECU is no different.
"Sometimes, I've got to say what I've got to say
said linebacker Pernell Griffin. "Ifs just part of the
The Pirates don't claim to be among the loudest
mouths in college football, but they will talk when
?We're pretty laid back said cornerback Kevin
Monroe. "We don't necessarily talk trash unless they
start it with us
"I talk only if the guy says something first said
flanker, LaMont Chappell. "If they think their good
or say something conceded in the paper, then I may
go out there and start talking, to see if I can get them
out of their game a little bit
For players at certain positions, such as running
"I get hit on every play, so I'll tell them to 'bring
it or talk about their mama every once in a while.
Nothing really dirty, but I like to keep stuff going
Wilson said.
Some teams talk worse than others.
"Houston, they were pretty bad Wilson said.
"They talk a lot of junk. Their (defensive backs) were
kind of small so they had to do something to try
and get our mind off the game. Southern Miss, they
talked a lot of junk since they beat us. They were
like, Thanks for the Liberty Bowl tickets
While the Pirates claim not to be too big on talk-
ing junk, certain members of the team can jaw with
"Rashon Burns, he talks trash to everybody, he's
always out there trying to get something started
Wilson said.
Bums tries to keep his oratory confined to the
practice field.
"I really do talk a lot in practice, because what
happens in that is that, you get your defensive guys
that prepare you for the game each week, you get
them fired up and they want to show you up. It
makes you play harder and, in actuality, it makes
me a better player'Bums said.
Burns does not claim to be among the best talk-
ers in games.
"Game wise, I try to keep it toned Bums said.
"I try to let whatever I do speak for Itself
Another Pirate has gained a reputation for being
able to get into the heads of opponents.
"I think Pernell Griffin can do it with the best of
them Monroe said.
"Ifs like, 'I'm coming back! You'll see me every-
day, I'll be in your nightmares Griffin said.
And what do opponents say to Griffin, the Pi-
rates' leading tackier?
"There really haven't been too many people talk-
ing Griffin said.
This writer can be contacted at
Stokes has helped the Pirates to an 11.5 yard per punt
return average.(photo by Bobby Russell)
Stokes provides
spark for offense
Return man key
to season's success
Stephen Schramm
As an offensive coordinator in 1990, Steve,(,ogan
begged then Head Coach Bill Lewis for a return
man?a player whose only job was returning kicks.
Lewis obliged and gave Logan a scholarship. Logan
then found his man in junior college transfer Dion
Johnson had a productive career in the purple and
gold as a return man and a wide receiver.
Last year, Logan found himself in the same situa-
tion, scouring the junior college ranks for a quick fix
to a kick return game that lacked punch.
"We got Dion Johnson in 1990 and he impacted
our program, and I was trying to recreate the magic,
again with the same attitude
Since Johnson, few junior college transfers have
played for the Pirates.
"We've really divorced ourselves from junior col-
lege recruiting over the last five or six years Logan
said. "We've done really zero
Just like he did in 1990, Logan found his man.
This time it was Georgia Military College's Keith
Stokes. Stokes, from Dothan, Ala. ran back six punts
for touchdowns last season. ?
"He was extraordinary in junior college, But he's
about five-foot-six, and that's why we got him Lo-
gan said. "But he can play the game with the big
Stokes has proven that he can indeed play with
the big boys.
"Keith is an impact football player Logan said.
See STOKES, page 9
Volleyball team
defeats UNCW
Kaess is only the third Pirate with 1,000 digs for her
career, (photo by Robin Vuchnich)
Pirates come back
after losing first game
Emily Koperniak
ECU'S volleyball team defeated University of North
Carolina at Wilmington here on Wednesday.
The Pirates moved ahead with a 3-1 win (13-15,15-
6,15-6,15-8) and are 4-6 in CAA play and 9-13 for the
See VOLLEYBALL, page 9

)linian I
yard per punt
, Steve,pgan
for a return
timing kicks,
irship. Logan
transfer Dion
lie purple and
le same situa-
or a quick fix
I he impacted
ite the magic,
ransfers have
m junior col-
years Logan
ind his man.
)llege's Keith
ack six punts
lege, dUt he's
got him Lo-
with the big
:ed play with
" Logan said.
10 digs for her
rsity of North
in (13-15,15-
i 9-13 for the
9 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, Nov. 16,1999
"1 felt we came together as a
team finally, we played as a team,
and communicated as a team said
Cinta Claro. "We finally got our
heads out of our butts and just
wanted it more than them. Togeth-
erness was our motto for the night
Claro has played the setter posi-
tion for injured Lisa Donovan for
the past seven matches. Through-
out the last match she tallied nine
kills, thirty-three assists, sixteen
digs, and four blocks.
UNCW scored four points that
led to a victory for them in the first
game. ECU and UNCW's team hit-
ting average was equal. Throughout
the rest of the evening, the Pirates
outhit the Seahawks. ECU played
from page 8
well defensively with 12.5 team
blocks In comparison to UNCW's
"We started out slow but we
picked up and we really narrowed
our focus and played as a team
said Sarah Kary. The bottom line is
we had fun
After outscoring the Seahawks
15-6 In the second and third games,
the fourth game was an easy win
for the motivated Pirates. ECU
played well during the final game
with a high hitting percentage.
Lucinda Mason contributed ten
kills and twenty digs for the
"1 felt that we really came to-
gether as a team, and we played
hard and we played tough said Sh-
annon Kaess. "We started out slow
but decided that we wanted to win.
We picked it up the second, third
and fourth game and we won
Kaess gave the Pirates sixteen
kills and eight digs for the night.
She reached the 1,000 dig mark and
became the third Pirate to ever do
ECU'S volleyball team will start
CAA tournament play at 7:30 p.m.
on Nov. 19 in Williamsburg, Va.
They enter the tournament as the
No. 5 seed and will face the No. 4
seed, William & Mary.
This writer can be contacted at
ekoperniak@studentmedia. ecu. edu.
Thousands of people are
learning the skill of income
tax preparation from H&R
Block and are earning money
as income tax preparers.
H&R Block, the world's
largest tax preparation service,
is offering an income tax
course starting November 29 ,
afternoon, and evening classes
available. Classes will be
offered at area locations.
During the course, in addi-
tion to learning the nuts and
bolts of tax preparation, you
will receive clear explanation
of the recent tax laws to your
advantage. You'll receive this
'information from some of the
finest, most experienced tax
preparation instructors in the
country. And you'll have the
opportunity to expand or
enhance your job-related
H&R Block designed this
R Tax Course
ovember 29th
course to suit people who
want to increase their tax
knowledge and to save money
on taxes, or who are looking
for a second career or season-
al employment. It is perfect
for students or retirees
seeking part-time earnings.
Qualified course graduates
may be offered job inter-
views for positions with
Block. Many accept employ-
ment with Block because of
the flexible hours available.
However, Block is under no
obligation to offer employ-
ment, nor are graduates under
any obligation to accept
employment with H&R
One low course fee includes
all textbooks, supplies and
tax forms necessary for com-
pletion of the course.
Certificates and 6.6 continu-
ing education units will be
awarded upon successful
completion of the course.
Registration forms and a
brochure for the income tax
course may be obtained by
contacting H&R Block.
For more information,
call 1-800-TAX-2000
or visit our Web site at
?Completion of the course is neither an
offer nor a guarantee of employment.
Greenville 756-1209
Rocky Mount 442-1535
H&R Block
We know. Do you?
- ECU TRANSIT is looking for mature, dependable,
and outgoing individuals to provide quality service
for the transit system. Must be a registered ECU
Student or incoming student with at least two or
more semesters remaining to work.
- Punctuality a must!
Must have a good driving record!
(DWI'S and Frequently ticketed drivers need not apply!)
North Carolina class "B" CDL license with passenger
endorsement required.
We will help you obtain your license.
Previous experience is a plus, but not necessary.
Must be in good standing with the University and
have at least a 2.0 GPA.
. For more information and applications, stop by
Mendenhall Student Center Basement, around the
corner from WZMB or call 328-4724
Monday - Thursday 12:30PM-4:00PM
from page 8
The Pirates kept the Bearcats out of the end zone in
the first quarter, holding the Bearcats to one Joe Judge
field goal.
The Pirates got touchdown receptions from tight
ends Rashon Burns and Corey Floyd and an eight yards
Jamie Wilson touchdown run.
Cincinnati finally broke into the end zone with a
I a Da r is Vann touchdown catch in the second quarter.
The Pirates had trouble in their past two games run-
ning the ball. Against Houston and UAB, the Pirates
rushed for 76 yards on the ground. Against Cincinnati,
the Pirates racked up 244 yards on 45 carries.
Junior Leonard Henry got the start at the running
back slot for ECU. Henry started ahead of fellow junior
"He played a great game Wilson said, who rushed
for 87 yards on IS carries. "He went out and ran hard,
he just got his opportunity and took advantage of it
Henry was the Pirates' leading rusher on the day,
gaining 95 yards on 16 carries.
Cruising 48-19 late in the fourth quarter, Logan was
playing his second and third units, when the Bearcats
made it interesting.
A Robert Cooper one-yard touchdown run made
the score 48-26. Following an onside kick, Vann scored
on a touchdown pass from David Bertucci to make It
Mays scored the two point conversion to cut the
East Carolina lead to 14 with under a minute to go.
After the Pirates turned the ball over on downs, the
Bearcats drove inside the Pirates' 40. The game finally
ended on a Carlos Reyes interception as time expired.
"We got a little silly there at the end Logan said.
"That's what happens when you get down into your
third units, but we got them onto the field and that
was good for our program
This writer can be contacted at
from page 8
"The little guy goes out there and makes play after play.
He's a threat every time he touches the football. Every
team needs one of those guys and he supplies that for
Saturday, Stokes ran his first punt back for a touch-
down. He had run three punts back for apparent scores
earlier this season. All three had been nullified by pen-
"It feels great to finally break one without a flag
Stokes said. "I'm not really upset at our blockers. I know
their doing the best they can. They're out there work-
ing hard, doing the best they can. If they make a mis-
take it's all right
The return put the Pirates up 7-0 against Cincin-
"Keith deserved that said quarterback David
Garrard. "It sparked the whole team. Everybody just
felt that it was our day, we were going to come out
here and pound them
Stokes has also been about to provide the Pirates
with a weapon at receiver.
"We got the same bonus out of Keith that we did
out Dion Logan said. "That is his play at wide re-
"I want to help the team any way I can Stokes
said. "When they recruited me, all they told me all I
was going to do was return kicks, be a specialist. Play-
ing wide receiver is a little extra, so I can help the team
out a little bit
This writer can be contacted at
Wrote, a, Letter
to tk& Edjutor
Get your special
edition T-shirt!
Drop your
NC State
regardless of
its condition
in the wolf cage and
get a like ECU item
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rSirlltopher Kidd &
David Singleton,
co-authors of
Backyard Brawl
The ECU vs. NCSU Rivalry
Friday, November 19
12:00- 1:00 p.m.
Student Plaza
Play the Wolf Pack
Target Practice Game
re the
12:00- 1:00 p.m.
Friday, November 19
Student Plaza
Rain location: inside Student Store
Ronald E. Dowdy
Student Stores
Where Your Dollars Support Scholars!
Wrisht Building ? 328-6731 ?

M The East Carolinian
Tuesday, Nov. 16,1999
Got something to say? Need somewhere tg t
say it? Bring your letter to the easftarolinian
located on the 2nd floor of The Student
Publications Building
The Millennium Dance
Keachfor theStars at the
FridayNovember 19, 1999 from 10pm
Hi &M&Pi Ah
OkI Topavs SdovJ vJe are.
of.THs Uvlvkm!
Dress to Impress
(no Jans or sncikcn)!
Entrance fee will be $1.00 or two can goods.
Free food and drinks will be served!
All proceeds will hem-fit the housekeepers of the Residence Halls who were victims
of (he flood.
sponsored by: The Residence Hall Association
"a voice 4 your Hall"
Cyclemania Session II: Nov. 1 - Dec.8 Location: SRC Cycle Deck Time: See Schedule
Aerobics Fitness Challenge '99 Date: Nov.l - Dec. 6 Location: SRC 240 & 239 Time: See Schedule
Free Aerobics Date: Dec. 6 - Dec. 17 Location: SRC 240 & 239 Time: See Schedule
Holidays In Motion Date: Dec. 7 Location: SRC Courts 1& 2 Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm
Pilot Mountain Trip Date: Dec. 4 Trip Cost: $30 mem. $40 non-mem. Reg. Deadline: Nov. 23 5pm
Snowshoe Pre Christmas Party Trip Date: Dec. 17-20 Trip Cost: $165 mem. $185 non-mem. Reg. Deadline: Nov. 19 5pm
Wheelchair Basketball
Climbing Wall Workshop
Date: Saturday, Nov. 20 & Dec. 4 Time: 11 am - 12:30 pm Where: SRC
Date: Dec. 1 Time: 7 - 9 pm Where: SRC Climbing Wall
Tuesday, N(
apartment 2 b
3rd street $375
laundry HU av
ber 1st. Contac
bedroom a parti
Avery Street ne
pus. 758-6596.
bedroom apa
Available Jan
near campus.
campus, no pe
$600 830-208
ed to take over
tian roommate
$260mo. star
215-0078 for
Available Janus
$600 deposit i
Pets allowed -
leave message
bedroom apar
lage. Clean.
phone. Two be
balcony. Call:
private balcon
campus on 10
lease ASAP cal
mo. utilities i
1 or 2 bed re
'facilities, 5 bl
?ECU bus i
Now Tak
1 bedroor
bedroom aparti
plus 13 utilitie
in Courtney S
Ple9?BTall (255
take over lease
plex deposit a
through Decerr
13 bills washe
not mind smok
ed. Prefer grac
2000. Nice spa
2 baths. Chei
month, cable ii
sit call 752-06C
Out! 2 roommat
$250 per perso
ries included.
January. Call 7!
3 female roomi
utilities negotiat
Carla at 353-5C
1 bath furnishi
Walking distanc
mo with centra
included. Call
9447 leave me
. ? .
: "?'

4 tOO II
Tuesday, Nov. 16,1999
WALK TO campus 2 bdrm. 2 bath
apartment 2 blocks from campus or
3rd street $375mo $375dep garage
laundry HU available starting Decem-
ber 1st. Contact Kerry 752-3769 even-
bedroom apartment $315month 125
Avery Street near park. Walk to cam-
pus. 758-6596. Ask for MC.
WALK TO ECU. Newly remodeled 1
bedroom apartment $315month.
Available Jan 1st. 125 Avery Street,
near campus. 758-6596 ask for PG.
3 BEDROOM duplex 5 blocks from
campus, no pets. Avail. Dec. 1-5. rent
$600 830-2083 leave message.
MALE CHRISTIAN roommate want-
ed to take over lease. Two male Chris-
tian roommates already in apartment.
$260mo. starting mid December call
215-0078 for details. Player's Club
3 BEDROOM 2 bath spacious duplex.
Available January 1 st $750 per month.
$600 deposit 3 blocks from campus.
Pets allowed wfee. Call 752-5536
leave message.
bedroom apartment at Eastgate Vil-
lage. Clean, studious, non-smoker.
$242.50mo. plus utilities, cable,
phone. Two bedroom, one bath, wd,
balcony. Call 329-1154.
TWO BEDROOM fully furnished apt
private balcony, walking distance to
campus on 10th Street, need to sub-
lease ASAP call 8304907 rent is 450
mo. utilities and phone.
1 or 2 bed rooms, 1 bath, range
refrigerator, free watersewer
'washerdryer hookups, laundry
?facilities, 5 blocks from campus
?ECU bus services.
-Ml Properties have 24 hr. emergency
maintenance- Cell 758-1921
riop? ly
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
"Efficiency Apartments.
3feALL 752-2865
bedroom apartment. Rent is $196.66
plus 13 utilities and phone. Located
in Courtney Square off Arlington.
PleJBBTall (252) 363-8402.
take over lease 3 bedroom, 2 bath du-
plex deposit and rent paid already
through December. Rent $217.50 plus
13 bills washerdryer included. Must
not mind smoking or dog.
MALE OR female roommates want-
ed. Prefer grad student for Jan-June
2000. Nice spacious two bedroom 1
2 baths. Cheap utilities $202.50
month, cable included. On ECU tran-
sit call 752-0608 ASAP.
TIRED OF where your living. Move
Out! 2 roommates needed in Dockside
$250 per person 13 utilities, all luxu-
ries included. Needed mid-Dec or
January. Call 757-8781.
MF TO sublease at Player's Club with
3 female roommates. $260mo. 14
utilities negotiable. Avail. DecJan. Call
Carla at 353-5056.
1 bath furnished apt. at Elm Villas.
Walking distance to ECU. Rent $212.5
mo with central AC. heat & hot water
included. Call 328-6319(w) or 830-
9447 leave message.
mate to share two bedroom on bath
apt. approx. one mile from ECU on East
5th St. Rent $176 monthly, deposit
$176. 12 utilities. If interested call
Rick at 752-4659.
PENTIUM 120MHZ 16 megs RAM
1.2 gig harddrive win. 98 office 97 cd
rom free 14" color monitor free print-
er $350.00. Call David 353-5103.
SpringBreak Specials! 7 nights, air, ho-
tel, meals, drinks from $3991 1 of 6
small businesses recognized for out-
standing ethics!
AAAAI SPRING Break Specials! Ba-
hamas Party Cruise 5 days $279! In-
cludes most meals! Awesome
beaches, nightlife! Panama City, Day-
tona. South Beach, Florida $129! 1-800-678-
62 point Trillion Cut Sl-clarity H- color
appraised at $3300. Beautiful must
see. She'll love it! $2400 obo. Matt
DJ FOR Hire: Book now for your ev-
ent. Special discounts for students.
Music for any occasion and full lightn-
ing available. Competitive pricing and'
guaranteed fun! Call Jeff 757-2037.
OVERWEIGHT?? LOSE 7-14lbs per
month! All natural. Doctor developed.
19 years of guaranteed results! If your
weight is unbecoming to you. you
should be coming to me Call 931-
7197. Independent herbalife distributor.
GREAT HOURS and great pay Bo-
wen cleaners is seeking individuals to
fill part-time positions as customer
service representatives. Hours: 3p.m.
to 7 p.m. M-F: 8 a.m. to 5p.m. (every
other weekend). Qualified individuals
must have: a positive and quality con-
scious attitude, sales personality, ba-
sic computer skills. Applications ac-
cepted at the Balls Fork location.
BOOM BOX. 1-800-932-0628 EXT.
DANCERS EXOTIC Legal lap danc-
ing $1000-$1500week. First in the
.state. Show up ready 8pm. Sid's Show-
girls, Goldsboro
DO YOU need a good job? The ECU
Telefund is hiring student to contact
alumni and parents for the ECU An-
nual Fund. $5.50 per hour plus bo-
nuses. Make your own schedule. If in-
terested, call 328-4212. M-TH between
the hours of 3-6 p.m.
Parks Department, Gymnastics instruc-
tor needed for 3-7 year olds. Basic
tumbling and floor exercises: January
25- March 9 (Tuesdays 6 Thursdays)
3:30-5:30pm. Call 329-4542 to apply
What is the FjsU
station For Lady Pirate
basketball broadcasts?
91.3 FM on the dial
JOIN THE B.B.C. - The Buffalo Brew
Crew. BW-3 Buffalo Wild Wings is
now hiring 1 delivery driver. 1 cash-
ier, and 1 cook. 114 East 6th Street,
applications are accepted 2-4 p.m.
Mon-Thur. Please no calls.
GO DIRECT 1 Internet-based
Spring Break company offering
WHOLESALE pricing! We have the oth-
er companies begging for mercy! All
destinations! Guaranteed Lowest Price!
1-800-367-1252 www.springbreakdi-
EARN FREE Trips and Cash Spring
Break 2000. Cancun. Jamaica. For 10
years Class Travel International (CTI)
has distinquished itself as the most re-
liable student event and marketing or-
ganization in North America. Motivat-
ed reps can go on Spring Break FREE
and earn over10,000! Contact us to-
day for details! 800328-1509
6 STUDENTS needed immediately.
Internet related. Prefer students who
have created a web page. Location-
Greenville. Make your own schedule
10 to 20 hours per week. $200-$400
per week potential. Call (252) 527-
CLERICAL POSITION: ideal for busi-
ness student, general office duties. 2-
4 hours per day MonFri. Call 758-
0897 or apply in person at 1525 South
Evans Street.
panding earn $500-$ 1500 PT
$2000-$6000 FT per month. Health
fitness majors and International stud-
ents strongly encouraged! Only five
people needed! Full training! Call 757-
2763, ext.75.
DISCOUNTS FOR 6 800-838-
YEAR 2000 internships "Don't gat
a summer Job run a summer
businaas" www.tuitionpaint- email: tuipaint@bell-
? 353-4831.
needed. Make over $1500 weekly.
Must have transportation, phone and
be DRUG FREE. Call 758-2737 for more
NEED SSS for your team. club, fra-
ternity or sorority? Earn1000-$2000
with easy 3 hr Fund Raiser event.
Groups love it because there's no sales
involved. Dates are filling up. so call
today! 1-88-522-4350.
COMPUTER SCIENCE student need-
ed for new software company. Basic
computer skills a must. Flexible hours.
20hrswk. Call (252)756-8715. leave
PART-TIME, Full-time, and substitute
positions available for teachers. Great
experience for CDFR and ELEM ma-
jors. Call Greenhouse preschool at
355-2404 for more information.
JffiiifmyjflAsiXn business on your cam-
pus$$, an Internet note-
taking company is looking for an en-
trepreneurial student to run business
on your campus. Manage students,
make tons of money, excellent oppor-
tunity! Apply on-line at www.versi- contact or
call 734-483-1600 ext. 888
PART-TIME clerical position with lo-
cal construction company. Computer
experience a must. Flexible hours call
s & M custom builders at 916-9796,
916-9393, 321-1991. Ask for Jeffrey.
PART TIME jobs available. Joan's
fashions, a local women's clothing
store, has positions for students who
will remain in the area during Thanks-
giving and Christmas breaks. The po-
sitions are not limited to the holiday
period and can be for 7 to 20 hours
per week, depending on your sched-
ule and on business needs. Individu-
als must be available for Saturday
work. The jobs are within walking dis-
tance of ECU and the hours are flexi-
ble. Pay is commensurate with your
experience and job performance and
is supplemented by an employee dis-
count. Apply in person to store man-
ager, Joan's Fashions. 423 S. Evans
Street. Greenville (Uptown Greenville).
Job hunting?
You're in the right place!
Ii to-Ataf tor MCiMi Mamas to teatf v?m mri unload
tnllm fM HM M ?Mft hour 3:00am to lim.
S7.50hour; tuition aiititincf ivtlliblt afttr 10 by.
Mm CMttr SfSlUNlWM tit operations and maMfft-
PMftt potllbt. AMtlkBtfeM CM M fill (Hit It K1Q
Untttd Drtvt (MM tfct ?M?tk? CMtof) ?r?MV(U0
Jamaica. Canun, Florida. Barbados, Bahamas
Book now tor Fre Mtals 4 2 Frw Trips
Book by Dcctmlm- I7lh tor Lowtsl Rales
LOOKING FOR several guys and gals
for local radio station phone promo-
tion. Earn $6 per hour plus bonus. Will
train for full and part time, morning,
day and evening hours available. Near
campus location at 223 West 10th St.
Suite 107 (inside Wilcar Executive
Center) just down the street from Mc-
Donalds and Krispy Kreme. Apply
ASAP in person only 10am through
6pm (no calls please).
TAU KAPPA Epsilon. we had a great
time at Thursday's social. Love, Alpha
Oelta Pi
ALPHA OMICRON Pi would like to
congratulate Dustin Mitchel, Justin
Mularkey, Tim Hoffman, Ed lanuzzi.
John Strickland. Steve Lehrer. Steven
Branch, Randy Barnes, BJ Britt. Chris
Rey. Johnathan Taylor. Eric Reyes. Matt
Kirkendall. Joseph Mann. Brian Simp-
son. Chris Chandler, Cress Bell, for be-
ing chosen for Alpha Omicron Pi's Men
of ECU Calendar. And thanks to all
who tried out.
DJ FOR Hire: Sororities and Fraterni-
ties book now for your formal and oth-
er functions. Guaranteed lowest price
and guaranteed quality service! Latest
hits and old favorites make your get
together an event to remember. Full
lighting systems available upon re-
quest. Please call soon, limited dates
available! Cakalaky Entertainment
(Jeff) at 757-2037.
ALPHA DELTA Pi would like to thank
Lambda Chi Alpha for last Friday's so-
cial. Can't wait to get together again
ALPHA OMICRON Pi would like to
thank Delta Chi for letting us help you
move in. We love you guys.
ALPHA OMICRON Pi would like to
wish our sister sorority, Sigma Sigma
Sigma, a Happy Thanksgiving break.
ALPHA OMICRON Pi, congratula-
tions on being undefeated in soccer.
Love, your sisters
THERE WILL be Order of Omega
meeting on Tuesday November 11th
in the Pirate Underground. Fundraiser
money will be due.
PHI TAU, thanks for the great social
on Thursday. We had a wonderful
time! Love, Alpha Xi Delta
ALPHA XI Delta would like to thank
Sigma Nu, Alpha Delta Pi. and Sigma
Pi for the great social.
SNOWSHOE PRE X-Mas party. Dec.
17-20. Come experience lots of skiing
at one of the east's premiere ski re-
sorts. Long runs and fast lifts make
this a must for all skiers and boarders
looking to get the cobwebs off their
equipment. So come join adventure
programs for 3 days of fun in the snow.
Registration Deadline is Nov. 19.5pm.
Cost is $165mem-$185non-nriem.
For more information please call 28-
day on the rocks at our closest climb-
ing area. Expect a day of great climb-
ing at Pilot Mountain State Park. Pilot
offers great diversity fro beginners as
well as advanced climbers. Come join
Adventure Programs for the last climb-
ing trip of the year. Cost is $30merh-
$40non-mem. Registration deadline
is Nov. 23. 5pm.
EAST CAROLINA University School
of Medicine Readers Theater Compa-
ny presents: "The Girl With a Pimply
Face" by Carlos Williams. Pitt County
Memorial Hospital Cafeteria, Pine
Room, 12:30pm Friday November 12
& St. Paul's Episcopal Church 401 East
4th Street on Tuesday, November 16
at 7pm. For further information call
Counseling ad Student Development
is offering the following workshop on
November 15, 11:00. If you are inter-
ested in this program please call the
center at 328-6661.
FREE MEDICAL School! US Air Force
recruiters will be here Thursday, No-
vember 18 in Biology N-109 at noon
to talk about full scholarships for
Health Professional Schools. Call 328-
6306 for more information.
CHOOSING A Major and a Career: A
one-session workshop that helps you
explore your interests, values, abilities
and personality and find out which oc-
cupations match well with you. The
Center for Counseling and Student De-
velopment is mow offering the follow-
ing workshop on Thursdays at 3:30-5.
Contact the Center at 328-6661 if you
are interested.
THE EXSS Majors club will meet Tues-
day, November 23rd at 7:30pm in the
Pirate Club Building. All majors and
intended majors are invited to attend.
A SLIDE show of the Baha'i holy
places in Haifa Isreal will be shown
November 18 at 7pm in room 129
Speight building. A brief discussion on
the principles of the Baha'i Faith will
TEST ANXIETY: The Center for Coun-
seling and Student Development is
now offering the following workshop
to all students on November 16.11:00.
For more information please call 328-
The East Carolinian
Swedensound interesting? Come find
out more about how to study abroad
or take part in international exchange.
International affairs will be holding in-
formation tables on Nov. 10th on th?
1 st floor of GCB. in front of the Wright
Place on Nov. 17, and again on the 1st
floor of GCB on Nov. 24. Stop by to
find out more!
GAMMA BETA Phi Society will meet
Thursday. November 18th at 5pm in
Mendenhall social Rm. http:
Why wait
You can't learn much besides how
cheap and unappreciative people tend
to be.
We're looking for production workers
who can learn real-life computer and
graphics skills that translate into real
experience that employers are looking
for in their employees.
join us for the experience of a lifetime.
Come by our office or call 328 6366.
try our campus calendar at
Advertise in
The East
for 25 or fewer words
additional words 5$ each
for 25 or fewer words
additional words 5$ each
Must present a valid ECU ID. to qualify. The East Carolinian
reserves the right to refuse fhis rate for any ad deemed to be
non-student or business related.
add to above line rate for either BOLD or
ALL CAPS type.
.All classified ads placed by individuals or campus
groups must be prepaid. Classified ads placed by a
business must be prepaid unless credit has been
established. Cancelled ads can be removed from the
paper if notification is made before the deadline, but
no cash refunds are given. No proofs or tearsheets
are available. The Personals section of the classi-
fieds is intended for non-commercial communication
placed by individuals or campus groups. Business
ads will not be placed in this section.
All Personals are subject to editing for indecent or
inflammatory language as determined by the edi-
4 p.m. FRIDAY
for the following TUESDAY'S issue
4 p.m. MONDAY
for the following THURSDAY'S issue

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Friday, November 19th
@ the MSC Great Room
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FREE For Students with advanced ticket pick-up
from the Central Ticket Office. All other tickets 2.50
Sponsored by the ECU School of Music
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to ECU Students with
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Sunday November 21, 6pm
The Richest
and Most
Romantic Movie
of the Year!
Nothing short vMHH
Grade: Ar
akespeare In Love
For additional information contact the: Central Ticket
Office, Mendenhall Student Center, East Carolina
University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353, or call
252.328.4788, toll free 1.800.ECU.ARTS, or
VTTY252.328.4736,8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m Monday -
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9 the Pirate Underground I
Re views
ThurSat (a) 7:30 p.m. & Sun. (a) "?
Wicked Wednesday
Mercury Cinema: Shakespeare In Love
7:30pm Hendrix
Romantic comedy set in London in the late 16th century:
Young playwright William Shakespeare struggles with
his latest work "Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's
Daughter A great fan of Shakespeare's plays is young,
wealthy Viola who is about to be married to the cold-
hearted Lord Wessex, but constantly dreams of
becoming an actress. Women were not allowed to act
on stage at that time (female roles were played by men,
too), but dressed up as a boy, Viola successfully
auditions for the part of Romeo. Soon she and William
are caught in a forbidden romance that provides rich
inspiration for his play.
South Park is a quiet and peaceful place until the latest
Terrance and Philip movie comes out. Once all the kids
see it, all hell breaks loose, as the parents try to find a
way to stop their kids from saying all the naughty
words coming out of their mouths. The parents blame
Terrance and Philip, place them under Citizen's Arrest,
and declare ware on their home country, Canada. It is up
to the kids to save the world from Satan and keep
Terrance and Philip from being executed.
Thirsty Thursday
Blockbuster Film: South Park
7:30pm Hendrix
Mercury Cinema: Shakespeare In Love
10pm Hendrix
Fabulous Friday
Blockbuster Film: South Park
7:30pm Hendrix
Jazz at Night!
8pm MSC Social Room
Sensational Saturday
Blockbuster Film: South Park
7:30pm Hendrix
9pm Ficklen Stadium
Suuer Sunday
Blockbuster Film: South Park
Bingo Night!
6pm Pirate Underground

Thursday, Nov. 11,1999
The results are in!
The Fountainhead recognizes this year's best Halloween party SEE PAGE 2
Do you like scary movies?
Well, forget this one
G-Love stays the course ?l
The Ceramics Guild's got Q
the goods

We think we just found Waldo
Stay tuned next week for more of "Dick"
and his flood-weary sidekickl
The results are in!
recognizes this
year's best
Halloween party
Patrick McMahon
Many of you may have
seen me last week, handing
out fliers advertising our
Halloween Party of the Year
Contest here at the Foun-
tainhead. But judging from
the response, maybe you
Anyway, I acquired some
inside information on the
good parties, took my trusty
camera in hand and set out
Halloween weekend in
search of the most outra-
geous parties. The contes-
tants had a chance to win a
$20 gift certificate to CD Al-
ley, who was gracious
enough to sponsor the con-
I set out for my friend's
house Friday night to check
and see what they had heard
of. I couldn't get into the
parking lot without being
surrounded by people. Over-
whelmed by the immense
crowd, I had to see where all
these people were coming
It took me 10 minutes to
reach the apartment of the
eventual winner. There had
to be at least 200 people
there! I looked all around
for the guys throwing the
party, but to my sheer
amazement and joy it was a
group of girls that had the
cajones to break some laws
conducting this party.
It was wild and out of
hand, just the way I like it.
They really took their apart-
ment complex to a new
level. The proud hosts of
the party and winners of our
Halloween Party of the Year
were none other than
Lauren Behrends, Wendy
Snyder, Misty Ash and Tania
Hit' sHH
y JM BuL'
ft ?jfl
That's what he gets for washing down
Jim Beam with Texas Pete.
Cruse of apartment 28 in
Player's Club.
Honorable mentions go
to apartments 105 and 128
for the prodigious outpour-
ings of people and beer, and
also to the perpetrator of
that really stupid act that re-
sulted in a couple of people
going to the hospital.
I'm not going to mention
any names and most likely
the only people who know
what I am talking about
were the ones involved. Hey
man, I hope you get back
what you lost, but jeez, what
were you thinking? You
could have killed somebody!
Best of luck in all you guys'
Second place goes to
Theta Chi's late night on
Saturday night. Unfortu-
nately, I wasn't able to at-
tend, so I sent my photogra-
pher instead. Judging by his
pictures and stories, it must
have a sight to see.
The weekend went off
without a hitch and I would
like to thank Gil at CD Al-
ley for his great assistance in
sponsoring us. You really set
it off. Thanks to everyone
who participated, and start
looking for our future con-
tests. .
This writer can be contacted at
All Halloween photos by Patrick McMahon
The Halloween Party of the Year celebrates
the holiday the old-fashioned way BEER!
Hey, you! Yeah, you, the one sitting down!
How many gallons of Absolut have you had?
Everybody get out! The cops are here!
Someone get that girl on the right a boyfriend

moiie RGiieuj
"Scary house" thriller insipid at best
Twitching bad guy
Kenny Smith
Staff Writer
Since the beginning of
cinema, bad horror films
have outnumbered the
good ones 20:1. Some of
those movies are awfully
funny and become cult
classics (the Evil Dead se-
ries comes to mind), but
most are just poor pieces
of work haunted by weak
premises, bad acting and
even worse scripts.
House on Haunted Hill is
a re-make of a 1950s
Vincent Price movie,
which means it's like a
regular bad horror movie
done up with new hip actors
and neat special effects. But
at least this movie doesn't
start to putrefy until the last
Geoffrey Rush plays
Steven Price, the owner of
an amusement park and de-
signer of rides that does a
wonderful job of scaring the
hell out of people. His wife,
Famke Janseen, has an idea
for throwing a Halloween
party in a building that was
once a sanitarium. Rush and
Janseen have an interesting
relationship: he's a sick
piece of crap and she mar-
ried him for the money, so
you can imagine the rest.
The guest list consists of
five people who need
money, and the premise of
Stay away, but only because it
sucks. (World Wide Web photo).
the party is that all those
who survive the night get 1
million dollars apiece. Re-
maining guests get to divvy
a dead guest's money among
All five characters, Peter
Gallagher, a doctor; Taye
Diggs, former baseball
player; Ali Larter, a secretary
and Bridgette Wilson, a .
former TV personality ac-
cept their invitations. Chris
Kattan, the owner of the
house, is added to the list.
Through the early stages
of the movie, Rush thinks
that he is in control of things
happening in the house,
which has a curious mind of
its own. Kattan repeatedly
tells the guests, "It's the
house, were all gonna die
And he's right to a point.
The thing about this
house is that the doctor who
ran the sanitarium is a real
nut job who thought it was
fun to torture his patients.
The doctor has some serious
What do they put in that sauce ?
special sauce
keep flavor
Robbie Schwartz
Staff Writer
The innovators who mix
folk, rap and blues to form
their own sound have re-
leased a fourth album called
G. Love and Special
Sauce have put together an
album after two years in the
studio that should appeal to
the masses as a whole. Every
tune on Philadelphonic
evokes some
type of feel-
ing; the album
does every-
thing from
making you
want to get
out of your
seat and jam
to helping you
chill on the
the best song
is its second
track called
Sampling from the song
Clarence Reid's "Clean Up
Woman the tune combines
a phat beat with a good mes-
sage about never giving up
on dreaming. Dedicating the
song to his friend, Mario
Bradley, and "to all the good
people who had the courage
to follow a personal dream
G. Love reminds us that
"dreams are like fish, you
got to keep on reeling
For the first time, G.
Love reveals a little bit of a
religious side with the song
"Numbers The song has a
spoken intro taken from
Baird T. Spalding's Life and
twitching problems, which
come out during his appear-
He is the creepiest part
of the movie. But for some
reason, he disappears with-
out a trace halfway through
the film.
The really bad stuff is in
the basement, but I won't
give it away. Once the base-
ment scene is over, there's
no point in staying; might as
well just go home at that
This mdvie has a lot of
twists. An audience member
might think that at least four
different characters might
be calling the shots in the
Ghoulish parts abound,
although most of them in-
see THRILLER page4
Teaching of the Masters of the
Far East. The song also re-
fers to one of G. Love's
greatest influences, Bob
Some points in the day
there are times in which you
just want to kick back and
relax. For that, the album of-
fers the slower tempo track
"Relax which could easily
be mistaken for a Pink
Floyd track. Along these
same lines, the tracks
"Love" and "Kick Drum"
see SAUCE page 4

Artists create for cash
Students bought mugs and tumblers
sale. (Photo by Emily Richardson).
Help art students and
yourself by supporting
the Ceramics Guild
Maura Buck
Staff Writer
ECU is known regionally
and nationally for its strong
fine arts program. The Ce-
ramics Guild is one division
of the program that includes
students from the fine arts
department who aspire to
careers as ceramic artists.
The purpose of this non-
profit organization is to bring
together groups of students
that foster the same occupa-
tional aspirations and intro-
duce them to a number of
at last week's Ceramics Guild
unique experiences.
This year, for example,
some of the students will be
attending a national confer-
ence on ceramics in Colo-
rado. The guild also spon-
sored a ceramics convention
earlier this semester.
The group is committed
to continually furthering the
knowledge of its exclusive
trade by bringing in the
world's most renowned and
well-respected artists, to col-
lecting and sending funds to"
a small number of students
and holding national confer-
ences around the country.
To fund such beneficial '
experiences, the association
participates in a number of
sales every year, in-
cluding a Christmas
sale which will be held
this year Dec. 2-4 in
the first and second
floor lobby of the
Jenkins Building.
Although the Ce-
ramics Guild will be
attending, representa-
tives from the other
schools within the fine
arts program will be
selling items varying
-aj from ceramics and
rings to silk scarves
and wooden cutting
boards, with prices
ranging from $10-$100.
"The strongest
quality of the organiza-
tion is getting in visit-
ing artists said
Meleya Rhodes, presi-
dent of the Ceramics
Guild and a ceramics
major. "It introduces
us to fine arts around
the world
Last year alone, the guild
brought in artists from Ja-
pan, Norway and Australia
as well as various cities
within the US.
This enables students to
make a number of contacts
and enjoy new ideas along
with a wealth of creativity
from all over the world. Un-
doubtedly, the entire point
of the organization is to
strive to better each member
by offering once-in-a-lifc-
time educational opportuni-
ties that will forever influ-
ence the individual's life and
One way to aid the stu-
dents involved is by visiting
the sales they hold and pur-
chasing goods they create.
Quality pieces provide buy-
ers a chance to benefit while
helping fellow students go
places to improve their
knowledge of the trade.
If you are a fine arts ma-
jor in the division of ceram-
ics, look for posters around
the Jenkins Building for in-
formation about meetings.
The fee is $5 annually
which gives members the
privilege of participating in
the sales and voting on
which artists to bring in.
Members are also able to re-
quest money from various
venues synonymous with
the club to aid in paying for
summer school classes.
If you're only interested
in collecting art, there is
much to gain by supporting
these young artists. This
Christmas, pick up some-
thing unusual and beautiful
from the Ceramics Guild for
that someone you care about
while supporting our fabu-
lous and remarkably creative
art students.
This writer can be contacted at
continued from page 3
volve the doctor and his
freaky twitching.
The performances given
by Rush and Janseen are the
only ones worth mentioning
because they were the only
decent ones.
Haunted Hill is one of
those movies that has a re-
ally good set-up, but the cli-
max falls so flat that it's not
worth seeing again. The
movie is worth matinee
price, but not a full $6.75.
This writer can be contacted at
continued from page 3
are made for when you are
sitting on the couch in that
other zone.
For those times when it
seems hard to get out of
bed, or if you're one of those
people who rock their heads
back and forth in the car, the
tracks "No Turning Back"
and "Rodeo Clowns" will
definitely get you going.
Philadelphonic is the
group's first CD with pro-
ducer T. Ray. Vocalist G.
Love plays guitar and the
harmonica. Jimi "Jazz"
Prescott plays acoustic bass
and Jeffrey Clemens is on
the drums and percussion
G. Love and Special
Sauce, who also contributed
a song to the Woodstock '99
album, have found time to
release songs on the
soundtrack to Muppets from
Space, and have also collabo-
rated with blues legend
Little Milton Campbell on
his release, "Me and My
Philadelphonic is an inter-
active CD which allows you
to connect to the group's
home page, where you can
leave messages for the band
about your favorite song and
read the group's bio. You can
also check out the group's
tour dates, as they vow to
play 250 gigs during the
next year.
This writer can be contacted at

RAmBLin on
n page 3
tien you are
ouch in that
Ties when it
;et out of
: one of those
k their heads
in the car, the
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ou going.
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ocalist G.
tar and the
i "Jazz"
icoustic bass
mens is on
1 Special
j contributed
'oodstock '99
und time to
n the
Puppets from
; also collabo-
:s legend
Campbell on
e and My
tic is an inter-
;h allows you
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irite song and
's bio. You can
the group's
hey vow to
uring the
?mtacted at
Fast-paced, big-
budget flops are
where If sat
Ryan Kennemur
Senior Writer
Okay. Here's our best
pitch. Let's get Bea Arthur
to reprise her role as
Dorothy from TV's The
Golden Girls. Then, let's put
her in space where
only she can
breatheonly her
andBum bum '
Snipes, the last of the
The action just won
"Space Yaks the Jed-hi
slayers thought to be wiped
out for centuries.
Sound familiar? Doesn't
it just seem like this is the
best the filmmakers
can offer us lately? Oh,
sure, they have their Fight
Club and their
American Pie occasionally,
but for the most part, we be-
lieve it be nothing
short of camel crap.
Take for example the
horror movie genre in the
last few years. First there
came Scream, a movie
that didn't "reinvent" the
horror movie, but pretty
much "recycled" it.
Then came the sequel,
which instead of making you
scared, it settled for just
making you jump, much like
its predecessor. I'm pretty
sure that the third install-
ment (due this Christmas)
will not be much
differentjust more beauti-
ful faces to hack up.
Then came the spinoffs,
such as Urban Legend, I Know
What You Did Last Summer,
and StiU Know. I Have a
Pretty Good Idea of What
You '11 Be Doing Nfxt Summer
will probably follow.
All of these movies are
just a little too hip for me, as
if the ending credits should
include the words "Tampax
was there
And these ridiculous ac-
tion movies these days are,
well, ridiculous. The best
example that comes to mind
is that recent movie with
Cuba Gooding Jr. and Skeet
"I wish I was Johnny Depp"
Ulrich about fry cooks and
nuclear weapons.
You know, I'd rather
watch Marilyn Manson show
what he can do without
those extra ribs than sit
through something like that.
We here at The Fountain-
head, which is America's fa-
vorite entertainment
magazine (right?) believe
that if movies are going to
cost seven bucks to
attend, they should be
worth at least half that.
No more movies with the
stars of TV's Friends playing
baseball with monkeys or
passing up Gweneth Paltrow
for somebody's mother.
No more cops who play
by their own rules, no more
Van Damme. Just more
Christopher Walken and
Johnny Depp, thank you.
This vriter can be contacted nl
Couple ordered to split
Beanie Baby collection
vorced couple couldn't agree
on how to split their Beanie
Baby collection, so a judge
ordered them to divide up
the babies one by one in a
"It's ridiculous and em-
barrassing Frances Moun-
tain said Friday, moments
before squatting on the
courtroom floor alongside
her ex-husband to choose
first from a pile of dozens of
stuffed toys.
Maple the Bear was the
first to go, as a few people in
the gallery snickered.
Frances and Harold
Mountain divorced four
months ago and, according
to the divorce decree, were
supposed to split their
Beanie Baby collection, esti-
mated to be worth between
$2,500 and $5,000.
But they failed to do so,
and after Mountain filed a
motion to get his share of
the litter, the judge said he
had had enough.
"Because you folks can't
solve it, it takes the services
of a judge, a bailiff and a
court reporter Family
Court Judge Gerald
Hardcastle told the ex-
Sunken seaplane found In
(AP) The bottom of Lake
Champlain is continuing to
offer surprises to scientists
using an underwater camera
to map the bottom.
Now it's a 50-year-old
seaplane, sunk in about 200
feet of water, between
Ferrisburgh and Westport,
"It's pretty strange said
Arthur Cohn, director of the
maritime museum, which is
conducting an underwater
survey of Lake Champlain.
"We found 40 shipwrecks,
but this is the first aircraft
The single-engine sea-
plane was found this sum-
mer by a team of museum
The plane was discov-
ered lying upside down.
With its wings and body still
intact, the plane doesn't ap-
pear to have crashed.
Cohn thinks it sank while
floating on the water.
"It was in such good con-
dition, we didn't know if it
went down a week ago or
years ago said Cohn.
The museum contacted
the Federal Aviation Admin-
istration in Burlington and
the New York State Police,
hoping to trace the origin of
the aircraft, a Republic
Seabee, built in 1947.
At first, police thought
the plane might have been
involved in some illicit activ-
ity, namely drug smuggling,
because its demise went tin-
reported and its registration
numbers didn't check out.
But it was later deter-
mined that the plane's regis-
tration had not been re-
newed since 1955, leading
Cohn and others to believe
that the craft went down not
long after that. Given its
age, police have ruled out
foul play, Cohn said. There
are no plans to recover the
"We believe there are
people in the Champlain
Valley who know about this
incident said Cohn. "We
hope they will come forward
and help solve this mystery
More previously un-
known relics have been
found at the lake bottom,
also. "This summer, survey-
ors also discovered 10
wooden boats mostly canal
boats and other historic sail-
ing vessels, dating back to
the 19th century Cohn
The lake survey project
started in 19. Cohn ex-
pects it will take another
four years before researchers
have surveyed the entire
lake bottom.

top 10 list :noui SHOume
Thursday November 11
Backdoor: New Society of
Cat's Cradle: Mr. Bungle
The Cellar: In Tune Enter-
tainment Karaoke
(10:00 PM)
Peasant's Cafe: Chupacabra
Sports PadSplash: In Tune
Entertainment Karaoke
(10:00 PM)
Underwater Cafe: (Mug
(World Wide Web photo).
Entertainment Karaoke
(10:00 PM)
Wright Auditorium: Airman
of Note (8:00 PM)
Saturday November 13
Backdoor: Ladderback In-
sult to Inquiry Index
for Potential Inquiry
Marion Guyana
Beef Barn: Cynthia White
The Cellar: In Tune Enter-
tainment Karaoke
(10:00 PM)
Courtyard Tavern: Kat
Daddy's Fish House
The Illbilly Boys want to rock Friday at The Corner. (File photo),
Friday November 12
The Attic: Shootyz Groove
Backdoor: Chrome Donuts
10 Second Rule Quote
Beef Barn: Cynthia White
The Cellar: In Tune Enter-
tainment Karaoke
(10:00 PM)
TheCornen The Illbilly
Peasant's Cafe: Sankofa
Sports PadSplash: In Tune
Peasant's Cafe: Superfresh
Sports PadSplash: In Tune
Entertainment Karaoke
(10:00 PM)
Sunday November 14
Backdoor: Mad Hatters
Cat's Cradle: Dark Star Or-
Courtyard Tavern: (Yard
Party-No Cover)
Scearce and Kittner
Top 10 Ways to:Carmike12
! Have Fun Witht Blue Streak
? a FountainheadI PG-13
ay in Raleigh. :10.? Bringing Out Tie Dead? R
Raleigh Sports & Entertainment Center Limp ? Wrap around feet and tell parents you need new shoes.? Double Jeopardy ?R ft
Bizkit with special House On Haunted Hill
guests Methodman,ID .a? ?R ft
Redman, Dope, and9.
System of a Down Tape over windows brokenI Musk Of The Heart
Peasant's Cafe: (Open Micduring wild partyPG
Nitc)i (. Superstar
8. i Use to hide face when spy- PG-13
Monday November 15, The Bachelor
Backdoor: Pezz Spazmsing for the government.I PG-13
Lo-Fi '? Conspiracy The Best Man
Cat's Cradle: Sick of it All7.m ? R
Sports PadSplash: Monday One word: insulation. The Bone Collector
Night Wrasslin'? ? ? R
:6.? f The Insider
Tuesday November 16 Toss into corners that need? R
Hendrix Theatre: Travel Ad-more clutter.The Omega Code
venture Film: Exploring' PG-13
Wild Florida, Richard Kern, (4:00 and 7:305 m9 m?:?? ' The Story Of Us
PM) Use in art projects. R
Peasant's Cafe: (Mug Nite)4. ?? ?
Fat AppleCarolina East 4
' Keep some around for ? kindlin? American Beauty
Wednesday November 17 R
The Attic: (Comedy Zone):3.Fight Club ? ? R
Sports PadSplash: Free9 Makes for soft 'n' fluffy rus-
Shag Lessons (8:00-tic toilet paper. The Adventures Of
9:00)?s Elmo In Grouchland
Underwater Cafe: Karaoke:2?G ?
? Stack 'em high enough to Three To Tango
make an attractive end-I PG-13
table. ?? ft
? ?'The Buccaneer
? Bowfinger
Read it. ?I PG-13
? ? ?? Deep Blue Sea ? R ? ? Outside Providence
? ? ?
? ? ??R ?
? ??

ARIES: (March21 -April20)
Learn to recognize when you talk too much, or when your
co-workers seem uncomfortable. Be sensitive to others.
TAURUS- (April21 -May21)
Love is overflowing. Either a current mate will rekindle
your flame, or you may be introduced to a new and ex-
citing love.
GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21)
If the attitudes of those around you are holding you back,
it's time to be a little bit more self-centered in order to
move yourself closer to your goals.
CANCER: (June 22 - July 23)
Don't try so hard to keep everyone in your small circle
happy. Any attempts to patch up an old relationship
which is on the rocks will be met with frustration.
LEO: (July24-Aug.23)
Money will be tight, but cutting corners in other areas will
make the project possible.
VIRGO: (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23)
Life is not without flaws, and ihe sooner you convince the
perfectionist attitude in yourself, the happier you are
going to be.
LIBRA: (Sept.24-Oct.23)
Your plans may go completely awry this week. Make the
best of the situation and some good may come of it.
Something very promising may come from a missed op-
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Your hard work may not be noticed by others during the
week. Make sure to satisfy yourself first, for you will
never be able to count on others for your happiness.
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)
Get help with money matters - possibly bank statements
and transactions. Your financial footing may be much
more stable than even you expected.
CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)
Don't be so quick to judge others, you truly do not know
what motivates and influences others to do what they
AQUARIUS: (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
You may feel yourself being drawn into a very unusual rela-
tionship, but one that will keep your interest for many
years to come.
PISCES: (Feb. 20 - March 20)
If you keep your feelings under wrap, it will create emo-
tional upheavals, even though there is an illusion of
lationships better, avoid pettiness in all its forms when
interacting with those close to you.
: Hell Night '99 pounds Peasant's
Ithe sulphur Halloween
at Peasant's
Patrick "scared of his own
?shadow" McMahon
? Oct. 31 signals the bring-
?ing out of the of the de-
mons, the spirits and the
?mystic followers of the
'night. Halloween is a time
for the darker side of the
'world to reveal itself in all its
?gory gory- Peasant's Cafe
was the hallowed place
?where many chose to spend
this evil night, and those
that attended the annual
?Hell Night celebration of
ametal were greeted with
?outlandish sounds and fierce
'shows. It was a night to re-
The night featured four
?bands who were equally
Qualified in the crunch-and-
go metal sounds that have
"been absent from the Ameri-
can landscape for so long.
,The place was packed from
the get-go and the fans in at-
vtendance eagerly awaited
each song as if their very
souls depended on it. The
pure adrenaline that flowed
through the air was some-
thing to behold as numerous
people sported the glassy
.red eyes that only such a
Jrush can produce.
? The night opened up
tear it up.
with a bang as Mini Void
rocked the night awake with
their unique blend of hyper
vocals and a full-on assault
of sound. As someone who
only dabbles in metal (COC
and Godsmack are the only
disks I have), they truly
brought me in for the kill
and thoroughly delivered
without a hitch.
Then came another vi-
sual and sonic assault in
UNSOUND. More like UN-
GODLY. That's probably
the only way I can describe
their sound. Time after
time, they used music to
lure the listeners in and then
blasted them back with
more and more sound. The
effect was like a giant hurri-
cane blowing you back into
a trampoline that bounced
you back in for another gust
of wind.
Up next came the much-
anticipated return of Dan
Heath at drums for
Kuttphat's performance. Af-
ter a nine-month hiatus,
Heath returned with a ven-
geance. The bass and heavy,
almost helicopter-like beat-
ing of the drums were im-
pressive. While not entirely
drum-driven, the sound was
kick-ass. The vocals were
loud and aggressive and the
accompaniment was rock-
solid as well. The combina-
tion of Heath and irrepress-
ible vocals made this the
band of the night. Well, they
would have been if 7 Ton
Diesel hadn't shown up.
If you ever plan to see
Ton Diesel perform live, do
not, I repeat, do not wear ear
plugs. You need to feel the
music as well as hear it. Just
make sure you are healthy
and have no heart ailments
because these guys will
surely beat you to death
with sound. Picture a 7-ton
diesel engine and the pure
and unadulterated noise it's
capable of producing. With
that image in mind, you can
get a pretty close assump-
tion as to the nature of the
band's delightful show of ag-
gressive sonic blasting.
Attacking in full Hallow-
een garb and displaying
their love for pure noise,
they pushed the crowd into
a frenzy. I thought the
owner of Peasant's was
about to poop in his britches
because everyone moved in
a manner that reminded me
of a riot. With devilish vocals
and heavy bass and drums,
these guys wanted to pulver-
ize the joint into the ground
with a sledgehammer and
then run over everyone's
heads with a John Deere
Surprisingly, they did all
this without making my qjrs
bleed or giving me a head-
ache from the music. If you
missed Hell Night '99, you
missed one hell of a show.
This writer ran be contacted at


We think we just found Waldo
Stay tuned next we for more
and his flood-weary sidekick!
The results ore in!
recognizes this
Halloween party
Patrick McMahon
Many of you may have
seen me last week, handing
out fliers advertising our
Halloween Party.of the Year
Contest here at the Foun-
tainhead. But judging from
the response, maybe you
Anyway, I acquired some
inside information on the
good parties, took my trusty
camera in hand and set out
Halloween weekend in
search of the most outra-
geous parties. The contes-
tants had a chance to win a
$20 gift certificate to CD Al-
ley, who was gracious
enough to sponsor the con-
I set out for my friend's
house Friday night to check
and see what they had heard
of. I couldn't get into the
parking lot without being
surrounded by people. Over-
whelmed by the immense
crowd, I had to see where all
these people were coming
It took me 10 minutes to.
reach the apartment of the
eventual winner. There had
to be at least 200 people
there! I looked all around
for the guys throwing the
party, but to my sheer
amazement and joy it was a
group of girls that had the
cajones to break some laws
conducting this party.
It was wild and out of
hand, just the way I like it.
They really took their apart-
ment complex to a new
level. The proud hosts of
the party and winners of our
Halloween Party of the Year
were none other than
Lauren Behrends, Wendy
Snyder, Misty Ash and Tania
All Halloween photos by Patrick McMahon
That's what he gets for washing down
Jim Beam with Texas Pete.
Cruse of apartment 28 in
Player's Club.
Honorable mentions go
to apartments 105 and 128
for the prodigious outpour-
ings of people and beer, and
also to the perpetrator of
that really stupid act that re-
sulted in a couple of people
going to the hospital.
I'm not going to mention
any names and most likely
the only people who know
what I am talking about
were the ones involved. Hey
man, I hope you get back
what you lost, but jeez, what
were you thinking? You
could have killed somebody!
Best of luck in all you guys'
Second place goes to
Theta Chi's late night on
Saturday night Unfortu-
nately, I wasn't able to at-
tend, so I sent my photogra-
pher instead. Judging by his
pictures and stories, it must
have a sight to see.
The weekend went off
without a hitch and I would
like to thank Gil at CD Al-
ley for his great assistance in
sponsoring us. You really set
it off. Thanks to everyone
who participated, and start
looking for our future con-
This miter can be contacted at
The Halloween Party of the Year celebrates
the holiday the old-fashioned way BEER!
Hey, you! Yeah, you, the one sitting down!
How many gallons of Absolut have you had?
Everybody get out! The cops are here!
Someone get that girl on the right a boyfriend!

norember 1999
tor college students

The 2000

Frances Huffman
Chris Mann
Terry Tang. UCLA
Alenei Othenln-Glrard, U. of California. Berkeley
Klrstln Pesola. Loyola Marymount U.
1800 Century Parti East, Suite 620
Los Angeles, CA 30067
Tel. (310) 5511381 FAX (310) 551-1659
Web site:
Steven Gutjnan
Tel. (310) 5511381, e?. 5486
FAX: (310) 5511659
Jenelle Benolt
Marietta Mercado
William T. Uppe
blipoe@lippe!aylot com
Gerald L Taylor
Tel. (212) 5984400FAX (212) 5980621
Steven Gutman
Tel. (310) 551-1381. ert. 5486
FAX: (310) 551-1659
Joe Guenther, Peter Guenther
Tel. (312) 3359001 FAX (3121 335-8578
WHIam Cooley
Tel. (310) 457-8869 FAX (3101 456-5109
Gayle Morris Sweetland
Maria Spirtos
Steven M. Gutman
Paula Parker
Nancy Nip
u.? is published si limes a year and printed on recyclable
paper. Subscriptions are 118. Copyright? 1999. II U.
NafariM and U. Its Mtaaj Cetefe Narjadasare
registered trademarks of American Collegiate Network, Inc.
All Rgbts Deserved.
Please recycle U.
Click here to see
the web sites
that our student
panel of judges
say will make
college life
easier. 11
u. views
u. polls on campus
Should students be able
to decide how their reg
fees are spent? 6
big issue
The big reg fee debate
heads to the U.S.
Supreme Court 6
bitch box
Students bitch about
u. contributors
Meet some of the students
who helped put this issue
together. 6
u. We
the naked truth
No its, ands or butts
about it, Princeton bans
the Nude Olympics. S
lab rat
An MIT student subjects
himself to being a research
guinea pig for cash. 8
wanna get strip
The college rankings are
in and the No. 1 school is
well, it depends. 8
u. entrepreneur
A student magazine for
mixed-race students. 8
web pirate
The high cost of copying
downloads catches up with
a U. of Oregon student 9
click police
Online? Campus adminis-
trators may be watching. 9
interns wanted
Intern on the French
Riviera and schmooze
with A-list celebs. 9
show rue the money
You don't have to be rich
to invest in the stock
martlet. 18
huffy kicks ass
Duffy's headed for college
this season and we took a
stab at what her applica-
tion might look like. 17
do the right thing
A Ms. Dudley Do-Right 23
R2-D2 lands at MIT. 23
stopping stop day
Don't stop stopping. 23
buggin' out
Bug uppers zapped. 23
on campus
The Goo Goo Dolls,
Garbage and Live are
coming to campus. 20-21
cd reviews
Fiona Apple, STP, Counting
Crows and Big Bad voodoo
Daddy. 20
screen savers
Meat Friday, The Green
me, Man on the Moon
and Any Oven Sunday. 21
do it or don't
Sex: now or later? 22
All ahftllt ?? If you're wondering what (A Jnetonona
all aUUlfl U cafcge Mapuheh about, where it came
from and what the hen it's doing in your campus newspaper, we'll tell you. U. is
a national college magazine Iduhl that's written for students by students lyoul
notice that Ms of the photos and illustrations are by students, tool. U. covers
campus news, student lifestyles and entertainment ? pretty much anything
that appeals to us cortege types. I). is distributed through the campus newspa-
per at 275 campuses nationwide.
If you're interested in writing, taking photos or doing Mos for the magazine
or for our Web site lrrffiH"V??m Toml, let us know. Or if you have a story
idea or there's something happening at your school that you think we should
know about, send it our way. U. is your magazine, so tell us what you Hie about
it and what you think sucks. Tel us who you'd Hie to see on the cover and what
you'd Hie to read about Send your ideas to:
Cover hustration by Chris Maw
freshman SjOls.
Help those confused, incoming freshmen by send-
ing your responses to one or all of the following:
? Send us your best advice for freshmen
(serious, funny, any subject).
? Do you have a "First Week in Hell" story?
Tell us about it in 150 words or less.
? Tell us what you think is the most impor-
tant criteria in choosing a college.
? Tell us the three products freshmen can't
live without.
We'll print the best responses in a special
freshman issue of U. Send your responses to:
It's like the foosball game you've played in .uc.itles only now. you re
in the game. To find out how you can Kct fU.Shall .it youl
school, go to at See article on p L6.
h manf sball


ReG Fees aRe spem?
take the time to find out exactly where all those miscellaneous
fees go. Three law students at the U. of Wisconsin, Madison,
did take the time, and they didn't like what they found. In fact,
they were so pissed off about it. they sued the administration in 1996. Now, their
case, Southworth vs. Grebe, is headed for the U.S. Supreme Court.
In the case, students Scott
Southworth, Amy Schoepke
and Keith Bannach ? who
have since graduated ? claim
that paying mandatory fees
that go toward campus organi-
zations that oppose their ideo-
logical or political beliefs is a
violation of their free-speech
rights. Meanwhile, the univer-
sity argues that in a college
atmosphere of differing view-
points, all campus groups are
entitled to support.
"In order to attend a public
university, these students are
forced to fund groups who
advocate opposing beliefs. I
very coercive
u. polls on campus:
u. of georgetown
Photo by Robert Tony,
U. of California, Berkeley
Some students
might disagree, but
the school has to
guarantee freedom
of speech to all and
thus use the reg
fees as they see fit
Hsiang Chang, sophomore
Students should
support the right
to free speech even
if they don't person-
ally agree with the
views of certain
Jodie DeSantis, junior
I believe that stu-
dents'ideas, beliefs
and efforts should be
the onty thing that
drives the agenda of
the university.
Kevin Preis, junior
Students should have
control over not only
their living arrange-
ments and classes,
but their money aba
think it's
If they don't pay these
funds, they can't graduate, they cant get
their transcripts says Jordan Lorence,
the students' attorney.
So far, the law seems to be siding with
the students, who have gotten four more
UW students to join the plaintiff list. And
in a landmark ruling in August 1998. the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit decided the school did not have a
"vital policy interest" compelling enough
to require a student to pay fees for
groups with differing ideologies. Although
the court's decision only applies to uni-
versities in Illinois, Indiana and
Wisconsin, it will probably affect the reg-
ulation of student fees at public universi-
ties everywhere. Stay tuned.
By Tony Tang, UCLA, Editorial Intern
What do you think about
the reg fee debate?
Answer the poll question
at vryyw.umaBa2ine.c0m
or e-mail
My mistake!
Shortly after learning that the
Doppler Shift of the stars dated the
universe at roughly 15 billion years, I
ran into a campus preacher. He
Informed me that the universe was
but several thousand years old.
Imagine that! All this time, Ph.D.s
from the U. of California, Berkeley.
and MIT have spent decades studying
and quantifying galactic redshrft, radlotsotope dating, background radlaton
andcarbon-14 dating ? allfornothing!
It turns out that a Anger-pointing Bible-thumper, with no more than an
llth-grade education, has remained one step ahead of the country's
nuclear physicists. But campus preachers have to realize that they're not
trained scientists. In fact, they're trained In nothing but Mind belief.
Campus preachers will never convert me,
and I doubt they'll convert any other stu-
dents. How Ironic that a preacher who
would proudly shout the Christian con-
cept, "narrow Is the path to salvation,
would do so on a university campus ? the
very place least likely to endorse a narrow
mind. College Is a place for us to tran-
scend simple-mindedness ? a trait so
flamboyantly displayed by preachers.
The campus preachers around the
country, narrow themselves, represent
the worst part of Christianity: they are
loud, offensive, prejudiced, loud and
loud. While the campus preachers will
never be able to change me into an Irra-
tional, thoughtless creature motivated
only by a desire to avoid hell, they unde-
niably serve a unique and desirable purpose on campuses around the
country: entertainment. Students would ask them to leave but then what
would they do In between classes?
Andrew Knight, MIT, is the author of At Least in Hell the Christians Wont Harass
Me. available on
u. contributors
Tamela Blalock, sophomore
Meet students who contributed to this Issue of U.
Kirstin Pesola, Intern ? An English major at Loyola Manmount U
Kirstin (she's the one on the right) learned all about investing while
drinking Jamba luice and soaking up rays in L.A. ??-
- Matt Sedensky, Writer ? A journalism major at
New York U Mart enjoyed writing about the Nude Olympics, but says he still
writes all of his articles fully clothed.
Terry Tang, Intern ? An editor at UCLA's Daily Bruin, Terry wrote about the big
reg fee debate for this issue.
Alexei Othenin-Girard, Intern ? After helping judge the top 100 web
sites, this UC Berkeley freshman is a real web guru.
Kameron Flyim, Photographer ? A materials science and engineering major at
Northwestern U Kameron's also quite the photog (see his photo of the Nugget
investment group), and he says he makes a mean peach cobbler, too. ?-
Andrew Lyon, Photographer ? This UCLA freshman shot three of the stock-sawy
students for our investing story. Hope he got some inside trading tips.
i ? November 1999

tADisk Free Fax Business Games
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is liviNq on $700 dollARS
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buyiNq tNe season pass
ColUqE is Aboirr PmoRmEsr
wbq ssauisng sawEQ spods upjeas sBanoo ipJBas diusjBoips qojeas qop xej aaJd S!a V

news, students and
u. enTRePReneuR
name: MattiMw K?ney ?
College: WesleyanU.
DUSHieSS: Founder and editor-in-chief
of MAVIN. a print and online magazine targeted at college
students from mixed-race backgrounds.
read all abOUt it: The magazine explores the
mixed-race experience
through literature, inter-
views, in-depth articles, fashion layouts,
informational resources and an interactive
Web site.
multi-media man: Matthew, who is of
Korean and Caucasian descent, took a year
off from school to start the magazine but is
returning to Wesleyan this fall as a sophomore.
mixing it Up: "Too often, discourse on the
experiences of mixed race people is coming
from the outside Matthew says. 'MAVIN is
written by and for young mixed-race people
get HI Die miX: If you're interested in contributing to MAVIN
as a writer or photographer, or would like a subscription, e-mail MAVIN
at or call toll-free at (877) 262-8262.
By Lori Lefevre, Boston College ? Photos courtesy of MAVIN
In each Issue, a U. reader gets sub-
jected to a weird research project.
lab rat: Eric Wade, senior, mechan-
ical engineering major
college: Mrr
research project: a study in
-v amino acids and tysine
length: two eight-day periods
?t pay: Sfiio
kbJ lab rat experience: "Ail I could
eat was the pink stuff ? an amino
lB add drink ? and cookies, all issued
by the MIT Campus Research
Committee. I was given fiber, Turns
and other pills for nutrients. Each
meal occurred at a prescribed time. At home, I atedrank decaffeinated, unsweet-
ened tea or coffee, as wet as chicken and beef bouillkm cubes. This diet lasted for
seven days. On the eighth day, I went to the lab and received a six-hour IV
Hyou'd like to be a lab rat, or H you've already teen one In a research project, tell
us about it, and you could be In a Mure issue:
Photo by Chris Mortenson,
Pennsylvania State U.
This is
what you
won't be
seeing this
year at
eJ ?"
a new policy Is giving the boot to Princeton Us "Nude
Olympics an annual tradition when sophomores run butt
nekkld through a campus courtyard at midnight on the
day of the school year's first snowfall.
The au naturel event made headlines In January when a number of students were
treated for alcohol poisoning and cited for sexual misconduct and other offenses fol-
lowing the rowdy affair. "It was unlike anything I'd ever seen says Ryan Salvatore,
a sophomore and spectator at last year's balls-out celebration.
But Princeton officials had seen It all before and Anally opted to ban the bare-
ass run, stating that anyone defying the rule will be stripped of their education In
the form of a one-year suspension. "I believe we can no longer tolerate the risks
that It has come to pose to our students. I am simply not willing to wait until a
student dies before taking preventive action says the big cheese at Princeton,
president Harold Shapiro.
Ryan, who was considering dropping trow for this year's event, doesn't think
they're bluffing. "I definitely think It'll be enforced he says of the suspension pol
Icy. Looks like students will have to Just grin and. urn. "bare" It.
By Matt Sedensky, New York IS.
wanna get"
Today's Best College
Cartoonists (Andrews McMeel Publishing, $9,951. If
you're looking for a little l.o.l. college humor, sneak
a peek at this strip tease.
Errand (Middlesex Community Technical College),
Jacob M. lightbody (Orange Coast College! and Brett
Schroeder ((tingling School of Art
and Designl. Dont know who ?rTT" ?.
they are? You wH Ttas. stu- AftftES
-errtaareorfyumeofth. (fflWlSTO
college cartoonists featured in
Strip Search: Revealing
8 ? November 1999
By Jacob ? Lhlbody. Iran Slop SoaCT NMMnj Todays Bos, Un cnooMs
copyright 1999 by Umvenal Pro. Syndeals All rights r?Mr??d Repntmw with

mWv ttt iM duraw of aniMrilMntlnT tlMMMHtk of
? me?te dns and ssfhnra profmn
L??y coaM now fan an to Urn yean behind ban and,
And yea Um?M tbatM kM am bad.
MMm iwJaat I ajaj kttranay. iijmaraBlaanT Mbdi anlManVaBlnMnf anf
lead of data toast throath Ltvy1! in? and contacted
ft saews that Levy, a pufaUc poMcy n
Contmaional poides on ceeyritht JarilnteaiaiiL The
No Electronic Theft INET) Act, passed by
1997 itndor bMvy pressure fraM tfco
of copyiipnod
)BS ?
i "Nude
un butt
on the
ts were
rses fol-
I vatore,
ie bare-
atlon In
ie risks
until a
t think
Ion pol
BO pTWW ?aTrOnlWW? vOf WWW InQUpi
Levy wnnl ciuksmc any nonoy foe
?cent to Ms trite, hot gataf to
hare to pay up Wc-tim.
ntsMng out to support tho woo
pirate. Ti ft wu wiy prafTMR or
I- MAinna aakahiadr nut
???c nun sossvsws was preij oui
tor froo, I'd want mm typo of retri-
sopttomore at Syracuse U. "But for a coNoaj stwtorrt
who wasn t maMnf any monoy, aN tan b) too Mtcfc.
A largo fine would loavo any student hurting for a long
By DtrU KonopkM, Syncutt U llliamtkm by
Mil IMtmmnn. TnHi Maal lesalai folma
dick police
you did was monitored for good taste. Now add a
computer to the hypothetical. What do you get?
Acceptable Use Polices. Some schools are instituting
these policies to limit how we use the Web and to
make sure we act responsibly, ethically and lawfully
? guess they don't trust us to do that on our own.
The new emphasis on the dos and don'ts of comput-
er use on campus stems from changing technologies. A
few years ago, we couldn't download MP3s on the
web. And we certainly couldn't view high-quality video
or download large software programs instantly. Fast
university connections have made it easy to down-
load mondo files and hard to police ? those pesky
administrators can look over our shoulders in public
places like computer labs and libraries, but it's
almost impossible to keep an eye on us in our
dorm rooms. But that's not stopping them ?
many campuses are squelching the download
mania by limiting bandwidth. Leigh Chodos, a
Boston U. senior and computer lab T.A says,
"Our server limits downloads on our connection to
2MBs. which isn't large enough to download MP3s
or large software programs
Other common computer don'ts: e-mail spamming and
viewing pages that might harass others. And the U. of Georgia
takes an anti-entrepreneurial policy by forbidding advertising on personal
pages hosted by the university. If you're the next Bill Gates, you'd better check to make sure your
college doesn't crash your computer use.
By Hen Morico, U. of Connecticut ? Illustration by Mabel Andrea Lara, Brigham Young V.
were schlepping coffee and making copies during our summer Internships, Jana was schmoozing with celebs at
The Cannes Film Festival. Talk about cool, Jana did an unpaid PR Internship for the American Pavilion, working
with a variety of people In the film Industry, like actors, directors, production assistants and the media. The adver-
tising major describes the frenzy of press conferences and panels with the likes of Spike Lee, Ron Howard and
Hugh Hefner as "a sight LA. would relish Jana mainly assisted a well-known publicist, but she says other interns
had It easier "A select few of our peers were Invited to the Riviera with no other job requirement than to
'schmooze This word became our manifesto at the festival. It's the only way to H want to M .w ? to
gain access to parties And what about the celebs ? Val Kilmer, Jon Bon Jovl,
Klrsten Dunst, Salma Hayek, Heather Graham, Mike Myers and others? Jana
says, "Most were extremely friendly and nice, with the exception of one who will
remain anonymous, and probably Intoxicated
By Ken Morico, U. of Connecticut
next year's internship program
in Cannes, get an app by calling
13101 8370183 or go to Deadline for
apps is February 15, 2000.
November 1999 ? 9

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When we here at U. Magazine started getting press release on a daily basis from new web sites
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ones were just corporate America's way of getting us to fork om more cash. So we decfc
'em out to find out which sites were worth bootawrWnfr We went to staoento all ar
try to help us root out and judge the best sites. The crfouia? We won't gire you our secret
fomuita, ?Mrt we wffl say that the site
to stwtents. And even though we may siwid i?ere tta? downloading M
gossip than doing our homework, we didn't fcictade sites Ike that beem
dtk. So, here, after hours of clicking, dWdng and more clWu is our flr
100 web sites for college students. Of coiirse, we admtt tha we inay haw missed y
we did, you can teflus about it at editor@iimagak?x?m and maybe we?l

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The graphics are great the site Is easy to navkjate andUhe
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With about 50 colleges on its roster so far, this 100 stu-
dent-driven site which launched In July 1999 lets you
express your vlewpolm on eveiTtWng from your school s pro
fessors and politics to music and the local nightclub scene.
?Get the Inside scoop on classes and grading. Want to
know If your professor gives a lot of As? This is the site.
- Kfcstm Peeote, Loyola Merymount U.
If they had to choose from the following Items,
students could most easily live without:
55 Radio 50
Q TV 28
Internet Access 15
Phone 9
Q) source: U. Magtilno poll conducted on
Click here for discounts, auctions,
personals and a real feel for the
college community. "This site has
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ancfieablan link - Mrs. Hesess, toyok. mmymoimt V.
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by contributing to this student-written site.
Their catalog c
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The Gureek Pages
Greeks will love this collection of
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collage campuses. The site was founded m 1994 by Glenn
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Students In a crunch to turn In
term papers wffl And oodles of
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loaded at tf? very last minute to-aid" In the writing
process. This site to a good reference pornt for Ideas tor
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Their catalog of research reports contains 18.000 entries
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loadable papers ? at a flat rate of $6.95 per page. They
also perform custom research.
This sue offers a fairly wide selection of topics, and 'they
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Thorn's a new chaotor ?i loitAooli-tnirkiS. Ionwt ??? Win In woto J-i.?niil ???
it your ojwbw kuokokirs wkoro n? how to ajajjl ilown major ewe M In foot wo W for
om aomoslort wort ?f Mate) n-KrW. Now, w? a frw nk of ?? mr, r? can
Wanna fcy? 10 M, ?? no seopoil o?t wo Msajost enkno tour sotws "rot atnUi ??
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Morton Awlkotory of IsJht Ulorafcwo - amiwon sot outto o???o?? tomokooli??
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earaaao booMoro, M aj W fj wo work M itm wart town to. Nora's WM r? fow?J.
CkoooMt Total Moot Hasoraa ? ??JS
Foatoot Nkrr (wHkoot ooym ottral: VVsNvtoeks - 3 w?
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toot totani Pots Varoliytoaks ? 30 t aw UN's wok fair, Ifioy oay for aHookrg:
toot ? rate wWi ?awkeor. Barton - kknlntor
toot took-toartklna; fcaTH fcigtfcatal
tost tayaai IrakM: toirHmt.?oiii
tost MMMMMal Orae-am: Mpnb - ftofor kk?A?nt!?ot?Saorewimon
g?t? tw.tlmi of Uooil Son ?C?n?ao?
-ytmmU, M ! jflM :4
Use this site to edit and write
cover letters, resumes, term
papers and admissions essays. In
the future, a translation service will convert papers Into other
tanguages. Prices vary from $20.00 to several hundred dol-
lars. "They have many examples of essays and how their
editing service would work to Improve them ? Kefr
MuretHHOti, Wake Forest U.
Check out workshops and tips to help you writa those essays
for grad school applications. You can also get email
reminders about important test and application deadlines
and newlyreleased essay questions ? for a price, of course.
Fill out the comprehensive client questionnaire, and let
them help you write or rewrite your essays
using the answers and personal Informa-
tion you have supplied. One thing though
? it's pricey.
Chat about college sports and make your own picks.
Buy or trade tickets for colleges sporting events.
CollogaSpor t?
All college sports news all the time.
Total College Sports Network
The authority for gradschool research. Provides a roaoYnspfor
the entire application process ? Onnkfo Boss U. of mtarnf
Get stats, scores, conference
info and team merchandise.
Don't Just dream about your
spring vacation, go ahead and book It on this site.
This site offers mformatton about favorite vacation locales,
asweltaetlpsonhowtoflndthe best price on travel and
accomodatJon. Chat rooms and travel tips are also available.
College Tours
This site describes and details spring break trips to places
like Cancun and Acapulco. It also provides links to make
planning the trip that much easier.
Council Travel
"Get the 411 on all aspects of grad school from national rank-
Excellent student travel resource offering reduced airfares,
rail passes and accommodations. Students can also pur-
chase International Student ID cards and travel equipment
from the site. Also Includes special sections for "easy vaca-
tions studying sbroad and working abroad.
Ing to financial aid Issues ? !
Surf & Sun Tours
If you're looking for a spring break getaway, visit here for
alHncluslve package deals.
1 Free Stuff
Rnd out who's giving away soap, tooth-
paste, even lingerie on this site started by
a U. of Maryland student.
This site gives out points for cash,
coupons, certificates and free long
distance Just for clicking on web sites.
Plus, vote In surveys (see e-polls).
Save money, win free stuff. What could be
w?Minilmi iHMltlilfltll
"This sight provides the prospective employ-
er with your updated profile, while offering
an array of opportunities at the click of a
mouse ? OnmktB Roml, U. ofAfaami
Transferring schools? Bid on how much money you're
wttlng to pay per academic year and see If a college
win accept the old.
The Day of Silence
"This Is a great way for people to have a visible,
Intensely movlrg event on campus that really gets a
message across. This site has all the basics of
how to get Day of Silence to work on your campus
? MtMOttmiMlmd,U.ammla,BM?y
National Lesbian, Oay and
Bisexual Student Caucus
Lots of really good links and contact info for gay
students. ?
Tons of info, message boards, school resources, links and
more for queer youth.
University 10BT Programs
Unks to college sites that address LGBT issues.
night owl: When U. of Pennsylvania
sophomore Aaron Karo cant get any shut
eye, he writes down the random thoughts
keeping him from catching zzrt and e-
ruais them to people. And they love K. ?
think about that Two years after he e-mailed his initial issue to 20
friends, Aaron's Runmrtim on COegc We - on a?ects ranging from
class readings to hook-ups to things that piss him off ? has a direct
mail circulation of more than 7,500 subscribers, and his Website
received more than 34,000 hits last year. RUwhafwis has even gotten
the attention of readers from as far away as Finland and lapan. .money
matters: Aaron hat started tattle ads on the sad seis u? content to
.arious companies that market to colege students. "But I sbl do it for the
love Aaron says. ? check it out For a free subscription to ??i?s?6ons
on College Life (futures.wharton.uperKi.eduaaronkar), e-mai Aaron at ? ruminate on this: "Why do people fell
the need to take the shoe of! whet talohg a test or stonying?"
? rurmnate on MR " "fJofct ate hi axe a f?lie?? ?e e?cte Steep,
Beet; Eat, Work (a Stttel, Beer, repeat as nunnery" ? ruminate on this:
"Why are the last few days before yea team for coiege ??? yo? n?
around trying to see everyone you didnl bother to hang out with the
whole tumnierr'? ruminate on this: " "Hi many ways, going to class is
ate Sea World. If yon choose to s hi the M two rows, yoakaew yea are
gong to getcafcd on. Thafs the splash zone
Whether you're looking for that first real
Job, a part-time gig or an Internship, this
site takes the grunt out of Job searching.
This online recruiter for higlvtech college
students realty does the Job.
Cool Works
The perfect site for those searching for
seasonal employment from the
Black Diamond runs in the West to the
junior campsites of the Carolines.
This sight provides message boards
domestically and abroad, allowing the
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More than 800 colleges use this site,
which assumes that you're starting the
Job process with no prior knowledge
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Free to students, you can post your
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gory or (Ink to other career sites.
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Get news, polls, rankings, schedules
student elkObHKy info and more.
? 2
Percentage of students who have fc
O-pOll purchased textbooks online: 14
Source: V. pa) onaawtod on jM
Get oil bastes, young entrepreneur
profiles and tips on starting your own business.
Shop online with a pre-paid Internet

Rebate ite where It pays to be a shopaholic.
Shop'til you drop for dorm furniture, pagers, student loans,
magazine aubeeHpUor and more In this online catalog.
E-comrnerceslto gives college students the besWn-market
value on product from brand name companies like
Microsoft, ATM, Citibank and Sony so students can make
smart purchasing decisions. -The discounts are deep the
advice is solid, and It's all strictly for students. ? DnU
M. Honor aranmU.
crime on
Curious about how much dime thaw h on your campus? lake
a look at any of 500 college campuses' currant crtrnestats.
There's also a list of services for victims of campus crimes.
Buy or sell stuff to the highest
bidder at your school or at other schools around the nation.
A new site, this auction wilt be even better once more stu-
dents know about It
Trie calculator feature on this site Is a great toot tor flgur-
frig out exactly how much you will need to scholarships, ?
mu&tColta, U. of Ondmatt
aid sites
FAFSA on the Web
See this site before you wait In line
at the financial aid of flee. It'll answer most of your ques-
tions, and you can even apply for financial aid online. ?
Brio CaK tt ef CHeemetf
Chela Financial
16 of t?
for the first time In 1993 or earlier.
Source: U. poll conducted on
A new website of a satirical news magazine for collegei students.
The site also serves as an info source about free goodies and
ways to earn cash and to make students laugh out loud.
The Onion
Mmeliewsyouwon't And In your campus paper. You'll
bust a gut reading this newspaper parody.
Vengeful Buddha
www vfauoiBiaooiii
Chuckle at Hempsted College's ongoing wefrparody about a
no-talent college rock band. "Hey It's those guys with
beards that smell bad and live In communes Just off-cam-
pus I know them. This site takes mocking Phish to a whole
new level ? OevWM. Konopfte, Sjwcuee V.
Scholarship Resource
Network Express
This search engine database
of private scholarships produces a huge list of potential
scholarships Instantly, and It's free.
This site offers a free scholarship search along with other
resources for college students, from application advice to
online textbook company links.
2001 Colleges, College Scholarships and Financial AW
TMslB flrancW aid 101 for an of us who don't know any-
tWng about financial aid or getting a loan ? simple to
understand, and thorough.
n"SewltouSrstaei'wlll get the most out of this
site, but links to scholarship searches are great for everyone.
You can actually process student loans on this site, which
has areas for transfer students, new students and even for
the 'rents.
preSlflesyoufor a student loan In ID minutes and rec-
ommends a loan suited to your needs. You can also check
on the status of a loan.
Get all the usual financial advice plus Info on alternative
loans and a LoanRnder that'll find the right loan for you
from 4&phJS programs.
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The 2K way of furnishing a dorm
room. This Is an extremely useful
page for freshmen ? Urtmnm Rfim, Nuttmmfm V.
Started by students at Stanford U? UC Berkeley, Pomona
and Wellesley, this site offers funky furniture and more.
MyFF Company
Come here for beanbag chairs, lava lamps, posters and all
your groovy oornKlecoratlng needs.
This site Is beefing up with
listings for local restaurants,
easy recipes and school cafeteria
When you don feel Bke h?Bng the student store for note-
books and pens, shop this virtual store of school supplies.
The Institute of
International Education
Anyone considering studying
abroad should check out this list of exchange programs and
? '? ?
Collage students from all over the work) get wired online
and Interact with each other and the outside work).
Finally, find out what college students really do aH day long.
You may be surprised.
Hera and Now
?A sleek look, a kwr-price guaran-
tee against other online textbook
sellers and free shipping make
this my favorite online textbook
sits Matt Astfsnslrjt Mew
mm u.
Search tor books by school, pay a flat $4.95 shipping rate
and get books in a guaranteed one to three business days.
Home to three million Items, Is definitely
worth a visit
Percentage of students who have not
bought textbooks online but would be
willing to do so In the future: 68
58 of students have taken a class
that had a Web site specifically
designed for It.
Percentage of students who have
looked for a Job or Internship Maine: 63
34 of students have registered tar
classes online.
Source: U. poll conducted on
A 247 Dye Internet video
broadcast of real students.
Get the top stones from cam-
pus newspapers from around
the country.
Get college news updates
from coast to coast.
produced sites
EvenhanltoSndeJid outof-printbooks are available here,
phis there's a book buyback feature.
took for books using the required reading lists for classes
from hundreds of colleges.
Ruminations on College Ufa
A funny look at life as a college student, this site Is run by
Aaron Kara, U. of Pennsylvania. See related article p. 14.)
All Bred up about a cause? Check out this list of protest
events created by Hampshire College's Evan HenshawPlath.
The Dairy Jolt
The perfect resource online textbook shopping. Return and
bookmark ? Matt SsderertK Mew to U.
Two Amherst U. students give you the lowdown on every-
thing from classes to cafeteria reviews.
The Twinkles Project
The best site on the Internet is Rice Us Twinkles Project
This Is not my opinion, it Is a fact. It has been scientifically
proven several times
Your guide to nightlife, restaurants, shopping and culture.
Designed by students at Yale U. and Barnard College.
Tin Oracle of Bacon at Virginia
This computerized version of the "Kevin Bacon Game" Is
hosted by the computer science dept. at the U. of Virginia.
Started by Vvesleyan Us Matthew Kelley, this print and
online publication is written for and by mtxedrace students.
See related article p. 8.
prof info
College Pro-Net
Find out how your profs rank and "comment on how stellar
or sucky your prof is ? lany Tan UCLA
?Prof reviews are broken down Into ratings of 1 to 5 for friend
llness, difficulty and overall quality ? Any Tan UCLA
Play Quake 2 with student teams
at more than 500 colleges for a chance to win cash, prizes
and scholarships.
High School Alumni
College buds are cool, but do you
ever wish you could find that high school friend you lost
touch with? Find them here.
Just like U. Magazine, features stuoentproduced
content. Including an advice column, a college trivia game,
entertainment on campus and more.
nate artfjudfe Urn top tOO was sites. Mm Doug
tt; Kt MaweMRt HM? Ares U; AJaxaf Otaeafo-
U. ef C?HiUs, atarfceta); Otuwkto Boast U. at
OanfafefMaftUer Marytoa OevMM.
. to, tyraou-1 atnVsjsc Coas, U. of CtactaBatt;
KarfNNui) fym, MaYtMasetoiil LLf gbfl SaataNaji Men'
Mr U; Tny Tang; UCLA; md Kara ffstfna, RutgtnU.
Agree or disagree with our pkks for the top 100 wel
sites? Give in your vote at
h man i sball :M
There's a new game on campus mat's realfo blowing up, lit-
erally. Students from California to Florida are kicking ass this
fall playing the U. Mtguine version of foosball ?
fU.tbaH ? in ? (iant, inflatable anna. hU.roan fU.sball has
already been to more then ? doien campuses, like the U. of
M? l?l?i, ??t?Wppl SW. U. ?iid CtMt
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com and lots of free samples and premiums from (J. Magahhe hti.nan lU.slial sporawa. Hey, rt
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Participating sponsors
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Our favorite vampire stayer is currently kicking some college ass at the fictitious UC
Sunnydale, and we couldn't be happier about that But it also made us wonder what a
vampire slayer's college application might look like. Here's our take on what college
admissions officers might have received from Buffy Summers.
BUffY summers
s: rrSirrx: - - - -
entire senior class to destroy a.
on graduation day.
Sr5iiS??-?" - ??b?
friends with Cordelia?
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOK.NO J-SJSK' lot of evil spirits - werewolve-??? ?
Meel that over the past four yearsff& few. the same old i. a slayer,
I feel I've done everything I can here at
Ust four classes you ??? he Big Screen
Count Dracula ?? Dn-UUC Where it Counts
Anatomy of the dead. SUke e
S SSSS Oome-BacK Befo, the Kill
a6 r?t8 others TureUiB
Second. Bu?y -fti? ?ffijJ "
To Whom It May Conern:
It's safe to say this town wouldn't be
the same without Buffy Summers
Without Buffy, we would see oorpses
walking the streets and demons
sucking the innocence out of our
town. Do we really want to see
Sunnydale become another L.A.?
I wouldn't be the same without Buffy
either. She's been a true friend,
always ooaxlag me to explore my
talents. Without Buffy's encouragement,
I probably never would have learned
that the magic poHon for finding love
? or a vampire's soul ? is only a few
herbs and rat hairs away. Walt a
minute, why am I writing this letter?
It's admlt-Buffy-tc-college spell time.
Willow Rosenberg

It's Friday. You've spent 20 hours of the last week
elbow deep in soap suds and cafeteria trays. You pick
up your paycheck. It's peanuts. But hey, you're a
college student Low-paying jobs
are a pre-req, right? Thousands of students are proving
that theory wrong every day. They've taken the bull by
the horns and leapt on the back of today's booming
. And while you're
earning peanuts, they're feasting on some high-quality
cashews. Some of them, anyway. Like any investment,
stock trading is a risky business. But with a lot of
research, a little cash and a tiny click of the mouse,
you very well may be on the way to PlOTI I.
5 tips on starting
an investment dub
Mm Mam0M offers suggestions hi Mr book, investment OhMc vawtoStort
?nd Run One the Motiey Fool Wty.
1. Talk to students to find out who's fired up sbout investing.
2. Li.l fill ilM-inti ifflti I r MMMlftoJ
help study p?im?c?itiad companies; business students might be weB-
vereed in the reta indutby ?he says.
3. HaM a ii ifmlmiy H to ?M, MMMJr IMM
4. Divide the work so club members research different took.
5. Don't invest together right away. "Collecting and reconvening can get
HfJrabie, to start a ctob that kwrM, rimrthn and ??
iiMjiiiiiiiuiiiiii. kiiiii r -???-? i1 tr"
the nugget
Photo by nStnoroo rlyiw?,
schrjol: Northwestern U.
getting started: in iS97, ?
MBtj of NmUnmlam iladinh
formed the dub to leani about
money and how to make more of it
U Clubperks: "You can buy a lot mo
money talks: The group has made an
25-nercent annual retam on their
picking stocks:
hot stocks:
Students research stocks and rote on which ones to buy or sell, then
u don
r)s .?? ii i ,j ? M
J I1
J' U

"Everyone thinks it's
people with their MBAs
who are investing,
hut the concept is basic
and anyone can do it
trade secrets
Vto al Ml kaw AH MImwm Mmm M M4 ? tar
FMyrf WlMM?Mi t M)Ukl?JIM?MMJllMI
wwrtat U. NmdwmH finlwM w? UmmIU'i tM
0. m Ctaral ftafcta Mhr turn Mb
Mm to mm a "M? tat" Hta, ltal ?M MM J? ? ?? ?? "
M tss isKfc sttvfcst

lintMur's I'1

tan tir ? tab, ???? ?i mm cmmm- to $15.
MOM Mt MM ? ? taff W ?? W ? JMTM Mt fMMMj? "?
mm, m? ? ? ?????"
MMtaN MM ta MM 17. "Im kknt b I
join the club
TM MM, IM ?? Mt MM M) ?? ? "? MjMM b 1
U.m?TmNmm kmtaMl IkiM, ?? "Mil Mpl kMi Ml, to.
If Mt, tattac imt mm b mm. r?
?wliM'tatai mum?UtaiTfct
f Mm bm mm tak mm M ymr k
J I'
L fewest to
Photos by drew Lyo
"Look at past
performances of
stocks, read as
much as possible,
learn about economics
and get a good
on businesses

Fruit Loop being Captain Internet says Warner Broe. recording artist Jude,
who predicts that artist will soon be using the Internet to expand both their
fan base and their creative potential. Jude Is part of the all-collqge MP3 tour
which Is currently trekking across the country, spreading the word about the
musical power of the Web. Also on board are less-than-techno-savvy rockers
The Goo Goo Dolls. Bassist Robby Takae admits that he and the rest of the
Goos have been "slow moving Into computers but adds that "the availability
receive things directly Into their homes is going to make some changes In the i
(MP3 approached us about this tour, we thought It would
be a pretty good Way of getting Involved with It early on
The tour, which has already passed through colleges like
the U. of Illinois, Penn State 0 Temple U. and the U. of
Florida, will continue through the new millennium. The
revolution, these artists predict, has only Just begun.
For the full interview with Robby Takac, see i
By Brian Conant, Illinois State U.
cd reviews
? It washes you out. drags you under and never lets you
up for air. Sounds pretty ominous, but when you consider
the lyrical content of Distance fo Here, Lives fourth LP.
you realize the album actually has a massively positive
message. Just ask Ed Kowalczyk, the bands eccentric and
compassionate frontman. He says the new record is all
about being more positive and loving ? a message he
says makes the new record unique and worthwhile, espe-
cially to America's youth. "I think were on the cusp of
being able to incarnate a powerful group of people who
combine Intelligence, love and compassion for the world.
But I think we need more and more art ? even more rock 'n'
roll - to create a soundtrack for moving on In love and In posltlvlty Not only does Kowalczyk talk the
talk, but hell walk the walk with his upcoming tour which will bring his soundtrack of positive love
vibes to college venues. "It's Important to us with this fall U.S. tour to reintegrate with our fans on a
real basic level and that takes place In smaller venues he says. "Its really Important for us to get
out there and see people face to face with this record ? BC
For the full interview with Ed Kowalczyk, see
Fiona Apple When the Pawn
EpkRecords The title to Fiona Apple's
new CD is 90 wonts long Iws counted
twice Though it seems unpractical, there
is a subtle brilliance In the We poem that
precedes the young siren's sophomore (not
sophomoricl collection. The new CD isn't
short on Apple's trademark abrasive, emo-
tional lyricism, but this time around her outpouring is matched
equal parts of producer km Boon's eclectic Instrumsnta-
? which incorporates everything from synthesizers to a
Wurlitzer. The result is a record that, like si good poetry, is
bo controW and ambiguous.? BC Grade: A
Stone Temple PSotsAto. 4 Atlantic Records
STP frontman Scott Weiland's drug addic-
tion currently has him behind bars, and In
1996 it cost him Ms band. On STP's
straightforward fourth CD the depletion of
their leading man is chronicled by the jar-
ring lyrics and musk we have come to
expect from the tormented quartet But
ven though Weiland's addiction may be keeping him down,
there is remarkable lyrical and musical freedom to be found
in the caged bird's desperate, grinding cry. ? BC Grade: B
the new J
vixen of t
one singi
piece ore
Yet whi
more lik?
the first (
do lustici
? it's qt
Bond the
put toget
tional wii
? some
and eas
dig deep
ot threat
The vi
MTV. an
be in cir
in suppc
album V
whole c
time as
guys in
World c
ed by a
The Counting Crows This Desert Life
DGC'Geffen-lnterscope Once again, the
Counting Crows have constructed a mas-
terpiece by poking around in frontman
Adam Duritz's emotional wounds. But
there's a new twist this side of the Band-
Aid thanks to Cracker frontman David
Lowery who served as producer. Lowery's
hillbilly rock sensibility helps the Crows recover from
1996's melancholy and paranoid Recovering the Satellites
by pushing up the tempo Issve a few trademark ballads).
The band's first single "Hangingaround" is perhaps their
most spirited yet ? BC Grade: A
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy This Beautiful Life
Interscope Donl bother to tea this six-piece
SoimemMswirsjbmdthat swing has
already swung out of fashion. On the so cut
off their second CO, 77 Beautiful If, eroonsr
Scatty Morris bests you to the punchsne.
Things have changed And they are only get-
ting better Weed. On This BeautM IM,
these hippest of al hip-cats maintain thf smoky swagger and refy
fieaviy on thea honHhiven blend of swing that's so much damn
fun rrl make you wish rt was 1998 al over again. ? BC Grade: B
20 ? November 1999

on of
e jar-
the new James Bond film The World is Not Enough hits
screens worldwide this winter. Manson, who is the lead
vixen of the post-industrial superband Garbage, will be the
one singing Bond's theme song (with the help of an 83-
piece orchestra they used to help record the track).
Yet while being picked to croon the theme seems like the
ultimate in golden opportunities. Manson insists it was
more like destiny for her famed four piece.
"We've always wanted to do a Bond theme, literally from
the first day we came together, it was something we could
do lustice to. A lot of it has to do with the sound of my voice
- it's quite lower than some of the girls who have done
Bond themes in the past - they have all had sort of girlie
voices she says. "I also think the way the Bond songs are
put together is sort of the same as the way we put songs
together, in that you take something that is essentially tradi-
tional with some technological and classical elements
? something that seems very pop-oriented
and easy to digest at the surface, but if you
dig deeper, should you wish, there are sort
of threads in a darker vein
The video is already in circulation on
MTV, and soon enough Garbage will also
be in circulation via MTV as they ready to
headline MTV's fall College Invasion Tour
in support of last year's multi platinum
album Version 2 0.
"We wanted to come and tour the States before we quit this
whole cycle, and we were tying to put a tour together at the same
lime as MTV approached us to see if we would be interested ,n doing the Campus
invasion. Seerng as how we have such a huge following in the schools around Amenca we
thought it would make a really good package for our fans Manson says.
The College Invasion Tour also includes Orange County rockers Lit (you know, those
guys in the bowling videol and a free interactive daytime festival with booths where
concert-goers watch videos, play Playstation games, try out to be part of The Real
World cast o, even learn how to mix and sc-sc sc scratch records with lessons provid
ed by a guest DJ.
As hard as it is to believe, the College Invasion gig will be Garbage's first ever col-
lege-oriented tour. -Sometimes these things just don't work out. Sometimes when
we're touring, the colleges aren't in session or vice versa, and this is the first time it
has ,ust sort of clicked for our schedule. It's great because we know that a
groundswell of our support comes from the colleges and universities of America,
and this seems like a great way to finish up the tour No kidding. We ,ust hope they
really bond with the students on the tour. ? BC
For the full interne with Shirley Manson go to wmaoMSSnejaa-
screen savers
nextfriday ? NoSmokey
,Jh this time, but Craig lice
(? Cube) is back and he's
r farced to Sve with hi? rela-
M fives in the 'buibs. You can
f bet the quiet neighborhood
h h about to go up in smoke.
l cut
any given Sunday? Are
you ready far some feotfcatf
Director Oliver Stone and
players Al Pacino, Cameron
Diaz and Jamie Foxx sure
hope so as they try to score
with this gridiron drama.
the green mile ?
Based on a Stephen
King novella, this
flick chronicles the
surprising friend.
ship between a for-
r death row prison guard and an inmate.
man on the moon ? H
you ever saw "Taxi" on
Nick at Nile, you know
Andy Kaufman's crazy
character, Latka. But the
characters in Kaufman's
real life were even crazier.

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ve the advice
dear blabby, J
My boyfriend and I
have never had sex.
We're going to differ-
ent colleges next year
and he says that we
should have sex before
leaving for college to
prove our love for each
other. I'm not sure.
What do you think?
Do It or Don't?, soon-to-be-
freshman at U. of Oregon
Dump the creep! He's WAY out of line.
Save yourself for someone who respects
U and is less immature than trying to get
U knocked up. ? Liz, Whlttler College
We've been dating for more than two
years, and we've never had sex. In the
fall, we'll be going to different colleges
but we are still going to wait. We think it
proves that we love each other by keeping
our relationship alive over the distance
instead of using the separation as an
excuse for sex. It's easy to have sex but
waiting really proves how much you care
about each other. Why would sex prove
your love? People have sex all the time
for reasons other than love. If you really
were in love you would know it and wouldn't need to prove it with sex. ? Dan and
Karri, U. of Louisville and Anbury College
Don't do it! In fact, unless you two are going to the same college, break it off now,
or at least agree to see other people. There are so many opportunities that you
will miss out on because you're attached to someone who isn't at the same
school. The missed opportunities and jealousy will tear the relationship apart. ?
Chris, U. of Cincinnati
If I were you when your boyfriend made that statement, I would have slapped him
in the head. You don't have to have sex to prove your love before you go to col
lege or for any other reason! There are other ways to show your love for one
another: send each other mushy letters or silly presents, talk on the phone or
make a video of yourself telling your boyfriend how much you love him and miss
him. There are so many alternatives, you just have to have a creative mind. Sex
should be special, not a good-bye tactic, especially if you are both virgins. Do it
when you feel it's right and for the right reasons, not because you're leaving for
college. ? Marcle
Personally I think you should have sex with him. If you're going to different col
leges, but you're planning on sticking together then you won't have many other
chances to do it. And if you're planning on breaking up after senior year do it
anyway, because if he sucks you won't feel quite as bad leaving him, and if
he's good you can get a few pointers for when you go to college. ? Emily.
Bryn Mawr College
Have you no respect for yourself? Having sex is not the way for you to prove your
love to each other, even if you really want to and are completely ready for it.
Based on the fact that you are questioning it at all suggests to me that you are
not completely ready. If you were, you would have done it willingly already. If he
wants to prove his love to you, he should respect your comfort zone, not pres-
sure you into giving in to his carnal desires. ? Adrian Breltenbach, Metropolitan
State College of Denver
dear blabby,
My friend and I are in
the same English class
and we had to write a
paper for our final. I
worked really hard and
got a B- but my friend
bought her paper off
the Internet and got an
A. Now she's bragging
about how easy it is to
get good grades.
Should I rat on her?
Honest Abe at New York U.
Rat on her! You know very well the policy
that we have here at NYU: no plagiarism
You are doing no good keeping youi
mouth shut, you are shaming yourself
and your other classmates. Many profes
sors grade on a curve and your friend
could be throwing off the curve. Stand up
for what is right! And remember that if
you do, your grade might improve. You
can always write an anonymous letter to
the professor and drop it in their mailbox
- Christian, New York U.
It is your duty to find out where your
friend got the paper and report it to the
professor. Crime doesn't pay. Cheaters
never win. Heshe who laughs last
laughs best. You owe it to yourself. ?
I don't think this problem is so much about honesty as it is about you wanting
to receive praise for your honesty. You did the right thing ? you wrote your own
paper. Don't let your friend's laziness affect you so much. Relax, it'll all come
back to your friend in the long run. Karma, baby. ? Vlckl, Penn State U
University Park
My girlfriend goes to college In another state
so we talk on the phone all the time. I just got
my first phone bill and It's $280! I don't have
that kind of cash and I can't call mom and dad
to beg for money. What should I do?
Broke at Bryn Mawr
I'm gay, but I haven't told anybody yot. My
problem is that I'm starting to get a crush on
my roommate, but I'm afraid if I tell him, he'll
tell everyone about me. Should I tell him or
just suffer in silence?
StiKin the Closet at U. of California, Santa Cruz
To answer these questions or to ask your own question, e-mail or go to at
? November 1999


II the policy
leping youi
ng yourself
lany profes
your friend
e. Stand up
iber that it
tprove. You
us letter to
eir mailbox
where your
rt it to the
(. Cheaters
aughs last
'ourself. ?
'ou wanting
ie your own
'II all come
i State V
way-out news from a campus near you
Droid Hall
Maybe their light
sabers lost their luster.
Maybe Jabba the Hut's
stench started getting to
them. Whatever the rea-
son, Star Wars fanatics
at MIT refused to confine
the force to their dorm
rooms any longer. Off
they went, into the night, to deco-
rate the famous MIT dome as R2 D2.
Destructive? Heck no. These campus
pranksters acted with the honor of a jedi warrior ?
not only did they leave police detailed instructions on
dismantling the droid, they established an excellent
arrest-avoidance technique by leaving a box of dough-
nuts as well. Or maybe that was just a clever way to
keep the cops busy while they groomed campus grounds
into one of Queen Amidala's infamous hairstyles.
Stopping Stop Day?
U. of Kansas
For one day each year, this rebel school puts on Stop
Day. a one-day deal before finals week where everyone
puts the stop on everything ? from homework
to tests. Unfortunately, we think the power
may have gone to Kansas State Us head ?
there is actually talk of stopping stop day.
With respect to the long-standing tradition, we
have only two words for those whose toes are
applying the brakes: Stop it.
Do the Right Thing
Davidson College
Thirty bucks can buy a lot of things. But
it certainly can't buy sophomore Kim
Gardner's high moral code. The ethical
optimist, after finding $30 in the
street, taped a sign to the s
walk where she found the dough,
requesting the rightful owner
to give her a call. Turns
out. the rightful owner was
just to her right ? it was
lost by the friend with
whom she'd been walking
at the time. In the future.
we recommend a better
use for Kims masking
tape: to seal up her
friend's pockets.
Kansas State U.
And you ,
excess fat
on your food
was a pest?
Try excess pest
parts. That's right.
Researchers at Kansas State U. have determined that
the common bug zapper ? you know, that
buzzing, blue-lit thingamabob hanging
directly over your family picnic table ?
can blow bug bits like wings, antennae,
legs, eyes and innards up to six feet
away. Sounds yummy, huh? Well, never
fear. Microbiologist James Urban has
some reassuring words for fretful pic-
nickers: "I don't think it's as risky as
unsafe sex or something like that
Assuming no one tries to get busy with
one. of course.
By Alexei Othenin-Ciranl, Editorial Intern,
U. of California, Berkeley ? Illustrations
by David Nakayama, Washington II.
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The East Carolinian, November 16, 1999
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 16, 1999
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