The East Carolinian, September 7, 1999

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Low: 70
High: 91
Online Survey
Should special undergrads
be exemptfrom araduate
entrance exams
ECU cruises past WVU.
See pg. 10
The Duke University Blue Devils will
play the ECU Pirates at Dowdy Ficklen
Stadium. The game will mark the first
time that Duke has played in Greenville.
The kickoff for the game is at 3:15 p.m.
Tickets are available at the Mendenhall
Central Ticket Office.
The William E. Laupus Health
Sciences Library will celebrate its 30th
anniversary in a 10:30 a.m. program in
the Brody Auditorium located at the
School of Medicine. The speaker for
the event is Dr. Fred W. Roper, dean of
the College of Library and Information
Science at the University of South
Carolina. A dedication, reception and
tour of the library are included in the
morning program.
Last Friday, ECU officials announced
a new plan to offer a select number of
incoming freshmen assured admission
to graduate programs in medicine,
physical therapy and occupational ther-
The new program will assure stu-
dents who are selected, if they main-
tain an appropriate level of perfor-
mance as ECU undergraduates, admis-
sion to medical school or the therapy
programs. The students will be exempt
from taking standardized tests such as
the Graduate Record Exam or the
Medical College Admissions Test.
Dr. Thomas Powell, director of
admissions, said these are the first
such programs at a public university in
North Carolina. They are designed to
make ECU even more attractive to out-
standing high school students who
want to pursue a health-care profes-
sion, he said.
FAYETTEVILLE-A 6-year-old pretend-
ing to be a criminal got a little taste of
the real thing when the toy handcuffs
he was wearing wouldn't unlock.
Becky Fisher called the Cumberland
County Sheriff's Department Saturday
after her son's toy handcuffs wouldn't
come off.
She tried one of the keys that came
with the toy. It broke. She tried the
other one. It broke, too, so she called
for help.
Deputy J.L. Farra came out and
tried his handcuff key, the kind he uses
to take handcuffs off of real suspects.
It wouldn't work, either.
Farra then used a pair of pliers to
break the hinge on the toy handcuffs to
finally free the child, who was not
Students borrow money
to finance school and fun
Loans can cause
financial hardships later
Kf.rry Pate
If you manage your finances poor-
ly during college, you can suffer
unfavorable effects for many years
down the road.
In order to raise awareness on
the need for responsible financial
management, the United States
Student Association (USSA) is
mounting a nationwide campaign
to educate students on this impor-
tant topic.
According to a press release
from the USSA:
"Beginning in September
USSA will reinforce responsible
spending and budgeting messages
in college newspapers and
through on-campus distribution of
educational materials.
"We will also direct students to
a financial education website that provides
useful information on budgeting,
repaying debts, responsible use of
a credit card, and maintaining a
solid credit history
Developing effective financial
management skills and responsi-
ble spending priorities is the goal
of several campus departments.
The Financial Aid office
requires entrance and exit loan
counseling for students who bor-
row federal loans to finance their
These counseling sessions are
designed to reinforce student's
understanding of the loan repay-
ment terms to avoid the adverse
effects from defaulting on federal
student loan aid.
Another campus department is
also trying a proactive approach to
preventing student debt-related
The Center for Counseling and
Human Development is offering
several "Managing Your Money"
workshops for the first time this
semester starting on September 7.
The workshop is designed to
be interactive and focus on indi-
vidual needs rather than in a lec-
ture format.
"This is the first time we've
ever done this and we have seen a
need for this type of service said
Dr. Al Smith, assistant Director of
the Center for Counseling and
Student Development.
"Hopefully we can raise their
awareness and provide them with
some financial management
"When we map out where their
money goes I think they will be
shocked at how much those candy
bars between classes really add
up Smith said.
Lack of planning for long-term
expenses can create burdens if a
student spends frivolously.
"I think the biggest problem is
the immediacy of spending where
they walk out after getting a pay-
check and spend it all immediate-
ly on clothes or entertainment, not
forecasting expenses and expect-
ing mom or dad to come to the res-
cue Smith said.
One area Dr. Smith sees the
most student difficulty is in prop-
erly managing credit card debt.
"Credit cards are where stu-
dents run into a lot of problems
with interest rates of 18 and
higher Smith said.
It is a sentiment echoed by stu-
dents on campus.
"I have three credit cards and I
am trying to consolidate all of
them into one said Kathy
Ringold, senior.
"I used to have twice the
amount of credit card debt said
Michelle Conner, junior. "Now
I'm setting aside $75 to $100 per
month and just paying off as many
bills as possible to try and be com-
pletely out of debt by the first of
the year
One student provided some
simple and direct advice to man-
aging finances.
"Don't spend more than you
have, " Conner said.
Managing Your Money work-
shops for Fall 1999:
Tuesday, September 7
Thursday, October 14
Wednesday November 17
For more information on life
skills workshops contact the
Center for Counseling and
Student Development at 328-
6661 or Dr. Al Smith at:
This writer can be contacted at
Managing Your Money
workshops cover:
1. How to meet expenses
and what are the different
ways in which to do so.
2. How to set ups and stick
to a budget.
3. Money management
issues (checking
accounts and credit
4. Self-control and ways to
avoid the temptations to
overspend (leaving
money at home).
5. Financial aid strategies
(realistic avenues for
earning money and
paying bills).
Federal grant to aid
in online education
University over $3 million
Ashley Roberts
staff writer
ECU is one of 29 universities in the
nation that was recently awarded a
$924,437 federal grant to help fund
on-line learning.
This grant will support the
School of Industry and
Technology's On-line Wireless
Learning Internet Solutions
(OWLS) project- The grant, award-
ed by the Department of
Education, will be provided to
ECU over the next three years.
The goal of the OWLS project is
to develop, expand, advance and
support long-distance education,
which the University has been
working toward for the past five
'This grant will allow ECU stu-
dents access to new ways to receive
information delivered to them by
the Internet said Dr. Darryl
Davis, dean of the School of
Industry and Technology. "Course
ware will be made more user-
friendly and artificial intelligence
will be incorporated said Davis.
According to Davis, the number
of on-line graduate students has
Student Union has
changes in store for fall
Seven committees
formed make events stums
Carolyn Heroi.d
staff writer
The ECU Student Union has an
exciting new year planned.
This organization provides all
the diverse social, educational and
cultural programs on campus,
designed specifically for students.
The Student Union receives its
funding for events from student
fees, which are part of every stu-
dent's tuition.
Their slogan is "Every student
is a part of the Student Union, but
not everyone is a member
"We want people to realize they
have a say said Shannon Connors,
Dannis Norton is the new prtttdtnt of the Studint Union.
marketing committee chair.
"We want people to gej
involved in the Student Union
The Student Union is in the
process of changing its image to
one of the best organizations on
campus. They are increasing the j
individual committees' involve-
ment in programs, and have creat-
ed an office that bespeaks to their
"With the millennium.
NC stiffens penalties for
providing alcohol to minors
Minimum $250fine
gven for first offense
Ted Howard
Buying alcohol for underage drinkers carries a fine of $250.
Senate Bill 120 passed the North
Carolina General Assembly over
Summer Break.
This bill closed a 19-20 year
loophole and sets mandatory penal-
ties of up to $1,000 and 150 hours of
community service for adults who
provide alcohol to underage per-
This act will go into effect
SB 120 states that if a person is
found guilty of providing alcohol to
any underage person, "the court
must include among the conditions
of probation a requirement that the
person pay a fine of at least $250 ag
and that the person complete at
least 25 hours of community ser-
The bill also says that if a person
is found guilty for the second time
in a four year period, the penalty
will be at least $500 and 150 hours
of community service.
Grants will allow students to learn online.
climbed to over 122. Approximately
eight to 10 undergraduate courses,
along with two complete master
degree programs, arc currently
offered on-line. They include
Industrial Technology and
Occupational Safety degrees.
"It will make courses easier to
get to and more interactive said
Davis, when asked how the long-
distance program will affect out-of-
state students. "We can have a CD-
ROM in a student's hand within
one day. With this, they will have
access to course material, web sites,
tests and assignments
The number of new classes that
will be developed because of the
grant has yet to be determined.
Davis estimates that 10 to 12 new
courses may develop.

The East Cirolinii
2 Tmidiy. Sipumbtt 7. 1999
The East Carolinian
Duke University�The pesky Y2K
bug threatens to interrupt services
af Duke University on Jan. I just
like anywhere else, but University
officials say their millennium-
induced problems should be mini-
-Still, Executive Vice President
Tallman Trask admitted that "no
matter what we do, there will be
something at Duke that doesn't
werk Me stressed, however, that
he thinks Duke's most vital ss-
tems arc Y2K-compliant.
-Trask said he was particularly
concerned about the possibility
thut the federal government's com-
I puters will lose data crucial for
renewing grants, contracts and
financial aid in the new year.
Because Duke relies on an elec-
tronic transfer of funds from the
L'niversity of Iowa�Almost half of
ill women making the transition
Vom high school to college will
;xperience depression, a recent
nfiLA study says.
�Dr. Uma Rao, a professor at the
I'ltjversity of California at Los
nKeles, said 47 percent of women
;r;ring college will be faced with
me or more bouts with depression.
�Rao's procedure, in which 150
A'(nen were followed for five years
ifftr high school graduation, and
finjlings were published in the July
ssje of the Journal of the Academy
� fChild and Adolescent Psychiatry.
fOne-third of the women we
government to its accounts, a glitch
on the federal level could have seri-
ous consequences.
The Y2K bug is a flaw in some
older computers that record years
in two-digit form. When the year
2000 rolls around in four months,
many computers may think it is
Officials say the Office of
Information Technology, which is
responsible for student computers,
administrative computer systems
and telephones, is almost com-
pletely Y2K-compliant.
For example, as of April 23, the
University's 20,000 telephone lines
on campus were compliant, said
Pam Riley, OlT's manager of cus-
tomer service and product develop-
ment for television and video com-
studied developed depression as a
new phenomenon Rao said.
"However, people who already had
depression were more likely to
become depressed
The idea of coming to college
ready to battle depression is not
stressed to incoming freshmen, as
are the need to study or the dangers
of drinking, said University of Iowa
freshman Amanda Ball.
After puberty, women are twice
as likely to develop depression than
men, Rao said.
The shift from high school to
college is usually the first consider-
able change in a young adult's life.
, ' . ,
Paris predicted a few "unfore-
seen glitches" on New Year's Day
and said OIT is working on contin-
gency plans. He added that OIT
has begun testing its systems by
separating off portions of its net-
work and running the clock to mid-
night Dec. 31.
Chips embedded in small elec-
tronic devices, like incubators and
calculators, can also be affected by
the bug, said Melissa Mills, assis-
tant dean for Arts and Sciences
At the Medical Center, adminis-
trators are remediating central
mainframe-based systems and
2,500 workstations and servers, as
well as organizing critical clinical
systems updates, said Dave Kirby,
Medical Center compliance officer
and manager of systems program-
Whether it's a good or bad experi-
ence, it's enough to spark bouts of
depression, she said.
Though most freshmen seem
caught up in the excitement of
their first week of college. Ball said,
she can see why depression is
prevalent among college women.
Ill associate psychology profes-
sor Sam Kuperman agreed with
Rao's findings, but, he said, the
numbers seemed high.
The study may not be complete-
ly accurate because the women
turned in self evaluations rather
than a professional evaluation,
Kuperman said.
Kirby said Duke's work on the
Y2K issue began in 1989, and con-
tinued "with an increased pace
starting about three-and-a-half
years ago Kirby said.
Kirby said several summer pro-
jects-including some departmental
systems, some Human Resources
work and some administrative sys-
tems-have not yet been completed,
but that they should be wrapped up
with time to spare.
Duke Power, which supplies the
University with electricity,
announced that it was ready as of
June 30. But still, part of Duke's
Y2K preparation included securing
a generator in case the power grid
fails, Trask said.
It is best to recognize the symp-
toms of depression early, such as
changes in eating and sleeping pat-
terns, feelings of self-worthless-
ness, spontaneous crying, lack of
energy and thoughts of suicide,
Kuperman said.
"Severe depression is not some-
thing that you can just snap out of;
it is genetic and biological, just like
any other medical disease Rao
said. "There is definitely help
available, especially while in col-
lege, where professional help is
more accessible
continued horn page I
ECU competed against 1,200
initial applicants for the federal
grant In the end, only 29 schools
received any type of funding.
"We simply have experience
Davis said. "ECU has been a pio-
neer in on-line education. We have
a good record of distribution and
the board seemed to recognize that
we have been successful
Professors played a vital role in
getting the grant. Co-director of
the OWLS project Dr. Barry
DuVall and Dr. David Ilillis, both
professors at the School of Industry
and Technology, helped rally sup-
port for the grant. These men ded-
icated much of their time and effort
to assure that the University would
benefit from the grant.
Another important factor in why
ECU was chosen for the grant is
Ericsson Wireless Internet
"Ericsson Wireless probably
encouraged the education system
of ECU for us to receive this
grant Davis said.
Ericsson will be putting more
money into the on-line project, giv-
ing ECU a total of over $3 million
dollars for the area of long-distance
"We -wanted to create opportu-
nities for students who cannot
come to ECU in the traditional
way Davis said. "We have stu-
dents participating in on-line class-
es from places such as Japan,
Korea, the Marshall Islands and
"Right now I do not think this
will affect me, but in the future it
might said Candice Kimbrough,
"The further development of
on-line classes may seem more dif-
ficult to some students said
Amber Barbour, senior. "Not hav-
ing face-to-face interaction with
your professor and other classmates
may confuse some students and
make usually easy concepts harder
to understand
Other schools that received
grants for various areas of study
include Central Missouri State
University, Eastern Michigan
University, Indiana State
University, NC State University,
UNC-Charlotte and the University
of Wisconsin.
This writer can be contacted at
continued liom page 1
approaching, I want the Student
Union to be remembered for its
quality programming, professional-
ism, competitiveness and satisfac-
tion it alternately provided its
members said Dennis Norton,
Student Union president.
The Student Union relegates all
of the work it has to do to seven dif-
ferent committees.
The Barefoot Committee han-
dles Barefoot on the Mall, the
Cultural Awareness Committee
brings culturally-diverse programs
to campus and the Films
Committee brings the movies to
Hendrix Theatre.
The Marketing Committee is
responsible for advertising the
events put on by the Student
Union, the Popular Entertainment
Committee brings bands to the
Pirate Underground, the Spectrum
Committee brings speakers and
such to campus and the Visual Arts
Committee does month long art
exhibits in the Mendenhall
Student Callery.
The Student Union has started
out this year with a bang. So far, the
turnout for events such as the
Humorous Hypnotist, the Carl
Billingsley art exhibit and the Lake
Trout concert at the Pirate
Underground have been the largest
"We have a very strong organiza-
tion this year said Lee Howard,
chair of the Visual Arts Committee.
"We are getting off to a great start
This writer can be contacted at
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' i i ii i mi mi
to a stu
Auto Ar,
Jones 1
that an
on the !
was obs
officer c
of Aycoi

I Carolinian
roject, giv-
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"Not hav-
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h long art
has started
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the Carl
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:e Howard,
�reat start
Kted at
The Em Carolinian
Taaiday, StiH�tf 7, HM 3
September 2
Possession of Stolen Property�A stolen handicapped parking
placard was found in a vehicle that was towed by Parking &
Traffic Services from north of Jones Mall. The vehicle belonged
to a student who was referred to Student Life.
Ano Accident�A staff member reported that he struck a
parked vehicle while attempting to park east of Minges
hireny�A student reported that someone stole the
commuter decal from his window while parked north of
Jones Hall.
Attempted Breaking & Entering�A staff member reported
that an unknown person attempted to B&E a concession stand
on the northwest side of Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
Alcohol Violation�A student was issued a campus
appearance ticket for underage possession of alcohol after he
was observed dropping a 12-pack of beer in the northwest
corner of Belk Hall.
Violation of Domestic Violence Protective Order�A student
reported that her ex-boyfriend violated a DVPO when he
approached her in the staff parking lot at 10th Street and
College Hill Drive. She was not injured and was escorted to the
magistrate's office where a warrant was obtained for his arrest.
September 3
Alcohol Violation�Two students were issued CATs after an
officer observed them in possession of alcohol on the west side
of Aycock Hall.
Clinton professes faith in Reno
THURMONT, Md. (AP) - Amid
serious questions over the role of
federal law enforcement agencies
in the Waco siege, President
Clinton said Saturday he has confi-
dence in Attorney General Janet
Reno, but stopped short of saying
the same for FBI Director Louis
Summoning reporters to the
presidential retreat at Camp David,
Md to speak about Mideast peace
developments, Clinton was asked if
he had confidence in Reno and
"Well I certainly have in the
Attorney General. You know she
told us what happened. She told us
she asked the right questions and
didn't get the right answers said
As for Freeh, while not casting
blame, Clinton remained reserved.
"I think that with regard to the
director there is going to be an
independent investigation which
she supports and which he has said
he supports Clinton said. "I don't
think it serves any purpose to
assign blame until the investigation
is concluded and the evidence is
Clinton said he thought Freeh
"did the right thing in saying that
there ought to be an independent
investigation and I think that is all
we can ask of him
The FBI admitted last week
that combustible tear gas was used
in the Waco siege, reversing six
years of statements to the contrary.
Reno ordered an investigation to
"get to the bottom" of why her
orders to use only non-burning tear
gas were ignored at Waco, which
ended with the death of cult leader
David Koresli and about 80 of his
Meanwhile, a congressman says
investigators are reviewing footage
obtained by a Colorado filmmaker
to see if it shows U.S. armed forces
firing into Koresh's compound at
the close of the Waco standoff.
"We have those tapes and have
given them to two experts to ana-
lyze Rep. Dan Burton, cTiairman
of the I louse CJovernment Reform
Committee, said Friday. Two sep-
arate entities are looking at them
He refused to disclose what
individuals are reviewing the film.
Filmmaker Mike McNulty said
he obtained the infrared film, taken
by an FBI surveillance aircraft at
about 9,000 feet, through the
Freedom of Information Act
McNulty, the filmmaker,
claimed to participants at a
Republican retreat Friday that his
footage indicates that the Army's
secretive Delta Forces fired at least
60 rounds into Koresh's compound
51 days after the siege started on
Feb. 28, 1993.
Pentagon officials have said
three Army special forces officers
were at the scene, but were there
only as observers.
Only under tightly prescribed
rules is the military allowed to par-
ticipate in domestic law enforce-
ment operations.
If it turns out that military forces
did open fire without proper autho-
rization, "then those who did it will
and should be prosecuted said
In Texas, a federal judge han-
dling a lawsuit brought by survivors
of the siege was forced to intervene
after federal agents tried to keep
Texas Rangers from entering a
Waco storage facility to search for
evidence. The Dallas Morning
News reported in Saturday's edi-
Agents with the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
assigned to maintain custody of a
storage locker containing evidence
recovered from Koresh's compound
reportedly told the Rangers that
their lawyers in Washington had
ordered them to deny the Rangers
entry, the newspaper said.
Law enforcement officials in
Texas, speaking on the condition of
anonymity, told the newspaper that
the Rangers were allowed to search
boxes only after U.S. District Judge
Walter Smith was called.
The Rangers were looking for a
spent pyrotechnic device that was
photographed in 1993 by investiga-
tors at the Branch Davidian com-
pound. Texas officials said they did
not find the missing round at the
storage locker.
Teachers garner 1
support for strike
DETROIT (AP)-As negotiators
for striking school teachers and the
school district met behind closed
doors Sunday, about 125 people ral-
lied outside to show support.
"No more second-class educa-
tion for Detroit youths said Cats
Tech High School math teacher
Steve Conn. "Equal opportunity, j
now. That should be the banner at,
the union hall. That should be the .
banner right here at the Schools,
Center Building. Give Detroit
youth and give Detroit teachers, ;
what they deserve
The rally was called by the
Strike to Win Quality Education
Committee, made up of a group of.
teachers and community support
ers who want the Detroit,
Federation of Teachers - the teach- ;
ers' union - to push harder for
smaller class sizes and other con-
There was no word Sunday one
how negotiations were going .
Reporters weren't allowed inside
the building and no one answered
the telephone Sunday afternoon.
But Conn said he believes
teachers could be called as soon as
Tuesday to vote on a new proposal.
Although he has not seen what has
been negotiated, he already is call-
ing on teachers to reject whatever,
contract is presented. �
"It will likely "have some
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at I
Minimus' lro� Ml 3
reforms that we want, but I'm here
to say it's not going to be enough.
It's not what we deserve: And it's
not really what we can get if we
continue to fight Conn said.
That was the message of speak-
er after speaker during the two-
hour rally. Speakers also criticized
David Adamany. the district's inter-
im chief executive. Mayor Dennis
Archer, who installed a reform
school board earlier this year, and
Gov. John Rngler, who supported
installing the reform school board.
The talks continued amid spec-
ulation that the teachers could face
increasing pressure this week to
head back to the classroom. House
Speaker Chuck Perricone, R-
Kalamazoo, and Senate Majority
Leader Dan DeGrow, R-Port
The East Carolinian
Huron, have said they will call back
state legislators this week, if neces-
sary, to explore action to end the
strike that began on Aug. 30.
A state law bans walkouts by
educators. Adamany has said law-
makers likely would invoke that
1994 no-strike law, which fines
teachers one day's pay for each day
on strike.
Teachers attending the rally
Sunday said they were not worried.
"I don't think they can do it. I
don't think they can levy fines
against 8,000 to 9,000 teachers
especially when there is an illegal
(school) board in place said Jim
Waslawski, a Harbour Middle
School teacher.
"I'm not going to let threats
scare mc said Reanatta Waldman,
a special education teacher at Joy
Middle School.
cominuad hem pig 1
If convicted of aiding and abet-
ting the sale of alcohol to a minor,
the penalty is steeper. The first
offense carries a minimum penalty
of $500 and 25 hours of community
service. Second time offenders,
though, will face $1,000 and 150
hours of community sen ice.
"I think it is a little strict, but I
think it ought to be said l,eigh
Ann Cobb, senior. "If you're going
to break the law, you have to be
willing to pay for it
The North Carolina General
Assembly lists those who intro-
duced SB 120 as Senators Allran
(R-26th District), Carpenter (R-
42), Cochrane (R-38), Forrester (R-
39), Foxx (R-12). Garwood (R-27),
Hartsell (R-22), Jordan (D-7),
iiroDiiLi inn" � eniii"
Pagers- $39
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Metcalf (D-28), Moore (R-27),
Phillips (D-23) and Shaw (R-19).
SB 120 cites studies conducted
in North Carolina as the motivation
for passing the bill. The bill states,
"79 percent of high school students
say that obtaining alcohol by hav-
ing an adult buy it for them is very
easy and 60 percent say that obtain-
ing alcohol from the homes of other
teens or adults is also very easy
"I am definitely fur it. I feel it's
about time a bill has been passed to
cut down on underage drinking
said Dan Radez, freshman.
If interested in finding more
information about SB 120 or other
bills in the North Carolina General
Assembly, go to
Ms writer cm be contacted at
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in writing in re
i-intuitive opir
laestro P oi
trick McMachi
I'd like to
hformative me
(attempted to pas
Yankees So I
straight, EVER1
person who has
without apologi;
time here at EC
Yankee? Wow! I

The East Carolinian
u can eat dinner:
eat Room, 6 p.m.
ad with tomatoes,
dressing; sauteed
ice; grilled salmon
r sauce); sauteed
nd olives; roasted
blueberry crisp.
I & 7:30PM
ent dinner tickets are
hall Student Center
r declining balance.
i.m. to 6:00 p.m.
For Details.
Tmrity Seeteatast 7,1IM 5
:� - � , r

Hoi.i.v (J. Makhis (Aim
SiKl'IIAMK K. Win i lock Manning EM
Cokv Siii:i:i i:� Nnrs Idiiot Sif.I'HKN Sciikamm Spufisldiior
Kiihin Vi ciivuai Ptmoguphf Edu� Mki.vksa Oikiia Head Com 'i�
Si s.w Whiiiiit hmmfMo Jason I.atimh Sialf Htaiimw
Kuil.v Kii:iiahiisii CtMcipmOesqnei :m I'iidkm ImnuiDtsgiw
Stkimiamk K. VViiiti.ock MUmigoMaoagei
Jaski Klxl'KHS MvxligngManage!
Kl ss Hl.ACKHI K iJYOoiDesignei
DAMKI. K. ClIN WbIi Meilu DnMiii
Strn li� ICU comMKin, wa I9A iht �i Cwrtnun puttihti 11.000coi"�m'v tuevla, nnl bMO lb didrtlwiilm 1KbKhinnu itit opnwi
ol iht nufxiif ol ihi Btn'rf mil n wuHn � rwn lAroitjl Ooiid mtnftin. IN tai lma� mtomn Ittiiii la ihi eiMoi Imnmj n 2S0 wwh
wfwh may l� tdnid Iw dtuiKr oi owl). I lit ln Lwoknnn njMives lit nohl w eiti 01 'itci Wwi lw uudk�n Al kiln, mux In iignul innn should
hIKHfllirtll) 0pmooid.loi IhdnlCwokniJn Sludtnt PubklIMm OuMing. (CO. Dwiw. ?fflW 4J53 fw mlomulffli cal ?S?.3?B 6366
When r)� tthinks
about fraternities
and sororrtios, crar-
tain things come to
mind- P.nrtiiss. �l
hoi, hazing and
"Animal House" am
usually the first; the
Rorwild McDonakl
House and causes
for kiHltfirod
women, however,
do not.
"You are my fire, my one desire
believe when I say I want it
that way
What the hell is this world com-
ing to? Every minute of every hour
' every day for the past week and
half I have had the Backstreet
Boys smash hit song "I Want it that
Way" in my head. I openly admit
and fully believe that I am not and
I repeat, not a fan of theirs, mainly
�'because I exceed age 14 and am not
Sporting pre-pubescent breasts
hough some may disagree about
lie latter.)
So why do I sing the song con-
:antly? Why haven't I gotten sick
if it yet? Why did I spend five min-
ites alone in my room trying to fig-
re out how to play the chords on
iy guitar so I could woo all the girlz
all the phatty-bxm-batty party?
'he answer to these questions is
mple.Someone suggested that
laybe I was trying to get in touch
ith my inner pre-pubescent girl
iersonaliry. Then after many days
if thought, I realized that was not
ie case. The real reason I have
ieen singing the Backtreet Boys is
cause (drum roll please)
I believe the Boys sold their
(souls to the Devil himself, more
(commonly known as Bill Z. Bub. I
jthink the Boys were all sitting
iund one day looking fly, trying to
j tfiink of a way to get "Wimmems
and Benjamins or as we all know,
women and money. Then POOF
Bill Z. Bub appears with a con-
tract�and I don't mean a record
He asks, "Do you Boys wanna
be famous?"
Flash to the last week of August
1999. Some poor bastard is walking
around Verdeville, NC singing "I
Want it that Way and what's more
is he is enjoying the song.
It has been on the radio for
months upon months and MTV
even had to retire the video from its
TRL countdown because it was
No. I forever. Still, every time the
song is on the radio or 'IY (VI1-1
still plays the video) I sjop and
watch it.
What's more, is that even my fel-
low peers are intrigued by the song;
in fact, one of my fellow Kast
Carolinian co-workers is going to
their "sold-out" concert in
Charlotte on Sept. 17�wow! Do
you believe yet? Why else would
millions and millions of people
enjoy such a lame song that we
would otherwise disregard as
"abominable boy-group bull excre-
ment" (and i don't mean number
one). Instead, we opt to remain left
of the dial and whistle along
because we are brainwashed by the
Dark Prince s powers.
The Devil is in control. He is
slowly taking over our world and
brainwashing us one at a time. If
you like the song, you are under the
spell. If you hate it, run because the
Devil has his hellhounds on your
trail so he can pull you into the
Backstreet Boy craze. Run! You can
still save yourself. It is too late for
me, pretty soon I will slick my hair
up and walk around campus with a
cane, even though I can walk just
fine without one.
Well Bill Z.Bub must have had a
field day when he saw his Boys
(and his sitle projects N'Syne and
98 Degrees) sweeping the charts as
well as the little girls' hearts. By the
way, isn't it coincidental that 98
Degrees is a pretty hot temperature
perhaps a I loll reference?
And oh yeah, the first line of "I
Want It That way" is "You are my
FIRE!? I guess the Boy-Band
schtick is gonna work for a while, or
at least until the Wallflowers and
the Spice Girls come back around.
Now that the millennium is
upon us, some predict that it is the
end of the world where the Devil
returns to wreak havoc on all
mankind. By the way, the
Backstreet Boys' latest album hap-
pens to be titled "Millennium
Coincidence? I think not.
This writer can be contacted
Not all Northerners say "ket" and "het"
Free Diet Coke, Spitijj
etCokeor ;
. Cola Classic
im writing in response to the ever-
i-intuitive opinion column that
Jaestro P or rather, Maestro
trick McMachon wrote regarding
yPamn Yankees
(First, I'd like to thank you for the
jFhformative message that you
attempted to pass along about "us
Yankees So let me get this
straight, EVERY SINGLE rude
person who has bumped into you
without apologizing during your
time here at ECU was indeed, a
Yankee? Wow! I must admit that I
am definitely intrigued by your infi-
nite knowledge regarding people
and their geographical location of
origin. Tell me, how does one
acquire such a gift for being able to
distinguish between a Yankee and a
Is it the type of clothing they wear?
Is it the way they walk? Or might it
be the way they they all say "ket"
and "het?"
I'm sorry to break it to you, but just
because there may have been one
Northerner who was rude to you
last year some time, doesn't mean
that all Northerners arc rude and
People are people regardless, it
shouldn't matter where they come
from. I do, however, have some-
thing against ignorant remarks
made by "folks" such as yourself;
but then again, I guess that's
"Southern hospitality for you
Michelle Lameza
Kmd cufLr$T$ToRrf 5cemttt5 mu $y
�mr �0MR)Tl�?& w�.t tfor CeA$B to (JoRk
UlLf. tUlN Un toWTvRtfoUvSfpjTrMC- U$
Ml I tiro Sl&l&H anp VSM&- ovg ftey K�e$
When one thinks about fraternities and sororities, certain things come to
mind. Parties, alcohol, hazing and "Animal House" are usually the first; the
Ronald McDonald rlouse and causes for battered women, however, do not.
The fact is, that in the late 1990s, Greeks are trying to change their image
and escape the negative stereotypes that have plagued them in the past.
In recent years, fraternities and sororities have been involved in charities
such as the Relay for Life, New Directions and the Boys and Girls Club.
Pledges to some organizations have to complete a number of community
service hours, while others must maintain a certain GPA in order to stay in
the organization.
These developments are a welcome departure from negative stories involv-
ing ECU's Greek community.
The plight of fraternities and sororities at ECU is parallel to the plight of the
school itself. F-CU was once ranked among the nation's lx:st party schools by
a major publication. ECU has had to work hard at overcoming this negative
stereotype, just as fraternities and sororities must do.
People think that all Greek organizations are social. In fact, many organiza-
tions are academic and service-oriented. Academic organizations are specif-
ic to a chosen field of study, while service groups help improve the commu-
nity. These are polar opposite to what most people think when they consid-
er Greek organizations, because even the social organizations give back to
the community. In fact, many raise money for local charities and causes
throughout the Greenville area. These organizations hope that in the future,
people will think of the positive effects each has had on the ECl I commu-
nity, instead of "Animal I louse
Satan has hand in pop music
Fifty ways to love your lever
I recently drove to the western part
of the state and spent the weekend
in the small town of Cherokee, NC.
Cherokee is actually an Indian
reservation and the new home of
I lerrah's casino.
This is a quiet town, except for
the loud noises made by screaming,
chain-smoking back-woods women
that just won $25 on a slot machine
which had previously taken over
$100 from her.
There is no alcohol to be found
anywhere, the town is "dry" and
the nearest place to get some booze
is about 15 miles away in an even
smaller town called Maggie Valley.
So if anyone is desperate enough�
and stupid enough�to drink, you
can drive half an hour along danger-
ous fog-covered mountain roads to
grab a brewski.
My friend and I made it to
Maggie Valley in about 15 minutes,
found a store called "Evolution's
Waiting Room" and bought warm
beer and stale chips. It sounds
depressing, but in college, week-
ends like this are what makes life
worth living.
Part of the college experience is
exploring new areas of life and
expanding your horizons. If you are
old enough to drink, the trip
becomes that much more exciting.
Just look at Homer's The Iliad,
where the men traveled all over,
and where ever they stopped for
the night they drank themselves
blind. Now if that does not describe
college life, I don't know what does.
But back to the story. I spent a
lot of time watching the peuple
gamble, and I noticed a trend:
People were losing money. Lots of
I laughed to myself as I watched
people dump wheelbarrows full of
quarters into computerized slot
machines only to see them an hour
later with an ashtray full of butts,
bags under their eyes and a counte-
nance like their son just showed
them his new dress. Plus, they had
an empty wheelbarrow.
But as I watched these pitiful
sheep line up to lose their money I
had a thought They deserve to lose
their money. They deserve to lose
it because of what we have done to
Indians for hundreds of years.
Now the Indians have come up
with a scheme to get back at the
blond, blue-eyed devils and they
have unleashed their weapon with
vigor. Now the Indians are getting
rich (and getting all the benefits
that come with it) and the
Americans are getting, well
scalped. So when your excess stui-
dent financial aid check comes in, I
say go gambling in Cherokee�and
don't forget your wheelbarrow.
This writer can be contacted at
edwardsm&tudentmedia i
Sachs should find outlet for aggression
Never has a TEC Opinion column
so warmed the cockles of my heart
while simultaneously producing a
moment of pure entrepreneurial
inspiration like Chris Sachs' "How
to avoid getting bum-rushed
Mr. Sachs' stunning insight into
the dynamics of human behavior,
his novel idea that those less fortu-
nate than him are put on earth sole-
ly to meet his entertainment needs
reminded me of why I read this
That "beggar" on the corner,
that "leech" of a being, as Mr.
Sachs' so eloquently describes, you
know, one of those "street urchins
who are getting lazier and lazier
(and we all know that's the reason
he's there in the first place,) the fact
is, that in all likelihood he has prob-
ably endured a long history of men-
tal illness, which only gives cre-
dence to his genetic inferiority.
Sachs' idea is pretty good: "to
make the beggars do hand-stands,
push-ups and cartwheels to get our
change I agree, these people are
definitely valuable and untapped
entertainment resources. Pure gold.
But I have a better idea.
At least one week out of the year
there should be special licenses
sold for "Lazy Street Urchin Bum"
hunting season. There aren't that
many of these guys, so we would
have to be careful not to decimate
the population too quickly. I assure
you, though, they're being churned
out a fairly steady rate so the popu-
lation growth equations wouldn't
be to hard to figure out.
The number of licenses would
have to be limited, as would be the
total number of bagged bums per
annual season. Not only that, but
these events could be televised
nationally. We talking prime time,
number one Nielson-rated material
here. I maintain that this will both
afford the general public high qual-j
ity entertainment and allow rea(
princes like Mr. Sachs to have thej
opportunity to release all those)
aggressive impulses that are really
rooted in intense feelings of self
loathing and inferiority. I'm talking
pure catharsis here.
Nothing makes you feel better
than treating other people like liter-
al garbage, you know? Hell, maybe!
I'm on to a revolutionary form of;
therapy. If we can implement this!
thing, maybe, just maybe, Mr
Sachs will stop feeling the need to!
not only "drink himself blind and!
then subsequently brag about it
He might even begin to start liking!
himself. Then he could be motivat-i
ed to start doing some volunteer!
work down at the homeless shelter'
to get these bums in healthy shape;
for the next season.
Michael Garden
Columnist neglects to check facts j
This article is in response to the
opinion column about Northern
students which was printed in last
Tuesday's issue of the F!ast
Carolinian. I don't know if the
author of that particular article took
time to read the cover story of that
paper, but his words were very hyp-
The story was regarding the
growth and prosperity ECU has
experienced over the past few years
and the further positive develop-
ment that the University is expect-
ing to gain over the next 10 years.
This semester's freshman class
was the largest ever at 3,253. 737 of
these new students were out-of-
state residents. It doesn't take a
math major to figure out some very
important numbers. The out-of-
state population represents about
2i percent of the incoming fresh-
men. When we examine costs we
see that out of the $6,001,854 in
tuition fees collected form the
freshman class this fall, $3,524,334
of that was paid out by guess who?
A good percentage of the money
being spent around here is deliv-
ered to the cashiers office in little
. white envelopes which were post-j
marked in states such as New York.J
New Jersey, Maryland andj
My advice to new students from
up North: don't change! Northern
kids are fun, outgoing and most are;
very open minded. That combina-J
tion will make a kid popular on any!
campus in the country.
Jay Annis

6 TmnUv. Swttnnw 7.
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Slat Night
iiichocolate lovers
raCream with chunk
New Yoi
walnuts, chocola
��dark chocolate ch
Peanut Bui
sfleese's when tl
iHream with wholi
-Hr cups?
And for tl
rilhe taste but
Mocha Lat
ice crean with
iitjwirls of iow fat

jflJeam with blacl

S'more's L
tdw fat chocolat
Mallow swirl and
ice cream with
Coconut C
sir earn with cocon
All these ft
id roughttoyo
,m nd can be
ol nations or
ij 'eezer.
Sage Hunihan, Chair
ECUSOA Homecoming Committee
Mendenhall Student Center Room 222
Greenville, NC27858
252.328.2305 ftnc

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, September 7, 19
The Ice Cream Scoop
Bovinity Divinity-A delectable
ombination of white and dark fudge cow
hips embedded in a swirl of milk and
white chocolate ice cream.
Cherry Garcia-ln memory of the
amous dead head, Cherry Garcia combines
meet cherries and dark chocolate chunks
ii its ice ream.
Chubby Hubby-For those who like
little salt with their sweets, there is
hocolate covered peanut butter-filled pret-
els in vanilla malt ice cream with swirls of
udge and peanut butter.
Chunky Monkey-Go ape over
i anana ice cream with walnuts and dark
locolate chunks.
Dilbert's World Totally Nuts-
utter almond ice cream with roasted
i azeluuts, praline pecans and almonds in a
� mite fudge shell.
Phish Food-Fudge fish swimming
f irough mounds of chocolate ice cream
ii lith a marshmallow nougat and caramel
Wavy Gravy-Caramel cashew
razilian nut ice cream with a chocolate
iihazelnut fudge swirl and roasted almonds.
Chocolate Fudge Brownie-For
diehocolate lovers, there's chocolate ice
' :cream with chunks of fudge brownies.
New York Super Fudge
il�hunk�Chocolate ice cream with pecans,
mwalnuts, chocolate covered almonds and
irfaik chocolate chunks.
Peanut Butter Cup-Why settle for
sfleese's when there's peanut butter ice
: cream with whole and broken peanut but-
air cups?
And for those looking for all
lithe taste but not the fat:
Mocha Latte-Sweet coffee low fat
nee crean with a hint of cinnamon and
�swirls of iow fat chocolate ice cream.
Blackberry Cobbler-Low fat ice
in earn with blackberry swirl and cobbler
: S'more's Low Fat Ice Cream-
vidfew fat chocolate ice cream with marsh-
iniallow swirl and graham crackers.
I I Chocolate Comfort-Chocolate truf-
lie ice cream with swills of white chocolate
�fe cream.
Coconut Cream Pie-Coconut ice
earn with coconut flakes and pieces of pie
All these flavors and more are
brought to you by Ben and Jerry's
,m nd can be found at any of their
d nations or your local grocer's
,tj -eezer.
f eat, 11 res
The East Carolinian,
Greek organizations
fight stereotypes
Fraternities, sororities
work for community
lll(( W �I I K k
Fraternities and sororities have
endured the reputation of being
rowdy groups of individuals whose
only purpose is to drink and party
because of the date rapes and binge
drinking at keg parties that have
occurred in fraternity houses.
ECU, as a university, has had the
same problem with a negative repu-
tation since Playboy published its
list of top party schools in 1987.
ECU was on the list.
The reputation of an organiza-
tion is not always accurate because
fraternities and sororities, like ECU,
offer more than just a good time.
"I think lately we have gotten
out of the 'Animal I louse' stigma
said Jason Forrest, president of Pi
Kappa Phi. "In order to stay around,
we had to change our actions in the
eyes of the University
Fraternities and sororities at
ECU, such as Omicron Delta
Kappa, have worked to put more
focus on academics and service in
addition to socialization.
"We look for people who are
active on campus and in the com-
munity said Overrun Harper,
Omicron Delta Kappa president.
This change in the focus of activ-
ities has attracted students that
might not have otherwise joined if
the party image was still prevalent.
"I want to rush a sorority said
Danielle McQueen, freshman. "I
think the sisterhood is a nice way to
help other people
"lraternities and sororities give
students discipline and competition
among themselves because they
have to maintain a certain CiPA to
get in and stay in said Alfrcda
Leathers, senior.
Presently, there are three types of
fraternities available to students. One
of these is the academic fraternities.
Academic fraternities hold high stan-
dards in scholastic, personal, service
and co-curricular endeavors.
One academic service fraternity
is Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK). It
currently has both student and non-
student members, including
Chancellor Kit hard Eakins, Dean
Ron Speier and the mayor of
Creenville, Nancy Jenkins.
Students must have junior or senior
vice fraternity, for undergraduate
and graduate students.
"We focus on four fields of ser-
vice said Trey Perry, Alpha Phi
Omega (AI'O) president. "They
include campus, community,
national and fraternal
With a makeup of 70 percent
female and 30 percent male, APO is
one of the most recognized coed
organizations in the nation.
"We're one of the first fraterni-
ties to be worldwide Perrv said.
Sigma Phi Epsilon is one of 33 social fraternities.
standing and a ,V0 CJI'A in order to
be nominated to join. Each year,
ODK recognizes three faculty and
staff members on campus who
serve as student advocates and sup-
ports the American Cancer
Society's Relay for Life.
"We try to do community service
ourselves Harper said. "We did a
campus fixid drive last year and this
year we will try again by maybe
sponsoring a family at Christmas
Service fraternities and sororities
focus on providing assistance tothe
community through volunteer
Alpha Phi Omega is a coed ser-
"We are currently represented in
the Phillipines and are looking into
Canada and Australia
Pledges of APO must complete
20 hours of community service
while active brothers must com-
plete 40.
"We are a family Perry said.
"Everyone is a brother, male and
Gamma Sigma Sigma (CSS) is a
sorority that provides community
service on a local and national level.
They, too, support the Relay for
Life. OSS is also involved in the
Ronald McDonald I louse and New-
Directions, which helps battered
Types of
& Sororities
Requires a certain level
of academic achievement,
community service and
personal integrity.
Alpha Kappa Delta
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Beta .Beta
Beta Gamma Sigma
Eta Sigma Gamma
Gamma Beta Phi
Lambda Alpha
Omicron Delta Kappa
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Sigma Pi
Phi Sigma Tau
Phi Upsilon Omicron
Pi Omega Pi
Pi Sigma Alpha
Psi Chi
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Sigma Tau Delta
Focused on community
service through
volunteer work.
Alpha Phi Omega
Epsilon Sigma Alpha -
Gamma Sigma Sigma
A suet essful rush is necessary
and the requirements vary
for each group.
Alpha Sigma Phi
Delta Chi
Delta Sigma Phi
Epsilon Chi Nu
Kappa Alpha
Kappa Alpha Psi
Kappa Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Beta Sigma
Phi Kappa Psi
Phi Kappa Tau
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Pi Lambda Phi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Pi
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Theta Chi
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Phi
Alpha Xi Delta
Chi Omega
Delta Zeta
Pi Delta
Sigma Gamma Rho
Sigma Omicron Epsilon
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Zeta Phi Beta
Zeta Tau Alpha
"We help out with My Sister's
Closet said Jenny Love, CJSS
president. "It's a thrift store where
the proceeds go to battered
CJSS also participates in the Boys
and Girls Club and Operation
"We're celebrating our 26th year
at ECU Love said. "We are Greek
bur we're unique. We end up with a
diverse srlrrrinn of firls ;md that
makes it a great organization to be
part of
CJSS has a non-selectivity policy
which also permits males to join the
"Ftom what I've seen, there is a
bigger emphasis in the Greek sys-
tem to getting rid of the stereotype
and giving back to the community
Love said.
Still, the old images of fraterni-
ties and sororities continue to exist
for some students.
tryouts end
New cheering squad
begins working together
ST H- tt HI I l:n
For a certain type of person, other-
wise known as a cheerleader, per-
forming fast-paced, exciting rou-
tines interspersed with bouts of
tumbling and gymnastics sounds
like the perfect way to spend a
Saturday afternoon.
Anxious students awaited their
chance to prove they could be a
strong member of the ECU cheer-
leading squad on Sunday, Aug. 29.
There were only 29 spots on the
team to be filled.
Corey Willard, an environmental
science major from Chocowinity,
NG, tried out for a position on the
team. Although he was on the team
last year, he is not guaranteed a spot
this year.
"You have to try out every
year Willard said. "At the end of
this vear, we'll have summer try-
outs. If we make it, we'll be on the
team next year
There is a considerable amount
of skill and strength involved in
Cheerleaders embody school spirit
"We have strength conditioning
for the men, and we run three miles
a day Willard said. "The guys
have to take weight tests, and you
have to be able to 'clean' at least
185 lbs push-press 155 lbs. and
one-arm press 75 lbs
More than just strength is
required to be a cheerleader, you
also have to be a certain kind of per-
"You've got to have an outgoing
personality Willard said. "You
need to be able to get along with
other people
Although the workouts arc-
intense and there is a push for peak
performance in front of a crowd,
people still try out for spots on the
"I think cheerleading is fun�
something to do said Craig
Chicne, a first-timer at the cheer-
leading tryouts from N.J. "Why
wouldn't a guy want to hang out
Alumni Association
establishes contacts
Students benefit from
additional assistance
Ni M. I)k
I I I I II k! s I IH
helping graduates and currently
enrolled students create contacts in
their respective fields and enhance
networking skills.
"The Alumni Association is pri-
marily two things Home said.
The Alumni Association is here to
help students in their transition
from college life into their profes-
sional fields.
"Many people think of the
Alumni Association as an organiza-
tion! that throws parties for alumni
in different counties and has a tent
set up at the football games, but it's
far more extensive than that said
Frank Dooley, director of commu-
nications for the Alumni
Association. "We do a lot to assist
our graduates
According to Phillip Home,
associate vice chancellor for alumni
relations, the Alumni Association
has been assisting students for over
half a century.
"The Alumni Association has
been available to students since
1912 Home said. "It was estab-
lished by ECU's second graduat-
ing class
Since its induction into the
ECU community, the Alumni
Association has been diligently
jyiL 1
� i
Alumni Association hard at work.
"It's a communications organiza-
tion and it is a customer service
As a communications organiza-
tion, the Alumni Association fosters
communication between alumni
and the University in a way that is
beneficial and informative for both.
As a customer service organization,
its purpose is to serve the needs of
- 41

Tkl Etlt Carolinian
New fraternity formed for band members
Kappa Kappa Psi
born in school of music
A new fraternity specifically tailored
to fit the needs of music students is
in its beginning stages. These music
students have joined together to col-
onize a fraternity�Kappa Kappa Psi.
Kappa Kappa Psi is a national
honor fraternity for band members,
and is a service organization to sup-
port the band programs at the uni-
"By bringing the fraternity to
ECU, we will help to diversify the
School of Music by presenting stu-
dents with the option of serving the
people and the music they love in a
laid-back, brotherly environment
said Danny Wunker, a colonizing
member and sophomore at BCtL
Until a beginning fraternity or
sorority reaches active chapter sta-
tus, they are referred to as a colony,
and therefore, all of the members are
colonizing members instead of
brothers or sisters.
Most students have probably
"We want to give
something bark to the
band programs and the
School of Music.
Kate Adams
never considered what goes into the
formation of an organization like
this, and it is much more involved
than one would think.
Becoming a chapter of Kappa
Kappa Psi, or any fraternity,
involves hard work and dedication
from the founding members. To
obtain active chapter status with
Kappa Kappa Psi, the group must
go through a colonization period.
This is a probationary time during
which the group keeps in close
contact with the national organiza-
tion and functions as a chapter to
prove its effectiveness in providing
a worthwhile organization and ser-
vice to the band programs.
The group must complete the
colonization process within two
semesters. The probationary peri-
od involves a lot of contact
between the colony and its advis-
ing chapter, which is the colony's
best possible resource.
At this stage in its development.
Kappa Kappa Psi is a co-ed organi-
zation, but it has a sister sorority,
Tau Beta Sigma.
"We wanted to start a band
fraternity, and wc wanted
something co-cd and also more
open to non-music majors
said Emily Hook, vice-presi-
dent and a sophomore at ECU.
In addition to serving the
bands during the probationary
period, the colony must also
attend convention, submit
monthly reports to the national
organization, provide records of
the program's progress and host
visits from representatives of
the National Organization.
"It seems like a lot of work,
but it's worth it said Kate
Adams, secretary and sopho-
more at ECU. "We want to
give something back to the
band programs and the School
of Music, and help them to pro-
vide us, and future students,
with more opportunities
This writer can be contacted at
continued limn page 7
with girls?"
Leigh Anne Potter from
Greenville, lias always wanted the
life of an ECU cheerleader. The
practices will never phase her,
though, because of the promised
glory of game day.
"I've been here all my life
Potter said. "I'd love to dress up in
those little uniforms. It would be
awesome to be a cheerleader and
get in front of a huge crowd. It'd be
a huge rush
Although cheerleading takes up
a considerable amount of time
between practices, strength train-
ing, running and games, many of
the team hopefuls were undaunt-
"When we go on away games,
we take our books and study
Willard said.
During football games, the 29
who make up the new squad will
be the ones screaming for the team
regardless of ECU's performance
in the game so far.
Brenda I loehn, a judge for the
team, was looking for "confidence,
smile and overall crowd appeal
These characteristics, as well as
personality, strength and skill, will
carry the squad through another
season at ECU.
This writer can be contacted at
edwardsmQstudentmedia ecu edu
Dennis hits home
Tropical storm Dennis hit on Saturday evening. The effects of the
hurricane can be seen all over Greenville. Our campus was no exception.
I �8Hi�ia8KouiwaxmKaiiTS8-o
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Ned is still alive by having another
man pose as him, and then to
divide the money between them.
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Tom Welles, private eye, is hired by a wealthy widow
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Years before he competed in the 1996 Olympics,
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Gebrselassie decided to run. The eighth of ten
children born to a farmer's wife in a mud hut in
Ethiopia, one of the world's poorest countries, Haile
would do anything to keep running.
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Individuals who require accommodations under ADA
should contact the Department for Disability Support
Services at 252.328.4802 forty-eight hours prior to the
start of the program.
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Mercury Cinema: Waking Ned Devine
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Sensational Saturday
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Wicked Wednesday
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Go one block over from 5th Street (on Holly St.) in front of Garrett Hall, St. Paul's is on the right.
continued lion page 7
the students.
"We exist to serve, the needs of
alumni, current students and
friends of the University Home
said. "We want our students and
our alumni from day one to feel like
ECU is always here for them
"Our goal is to challenge our-
selves Dooley said. "There is no
reason for ECU to be second class
The Association's web site is
also a source of information for
alumni as well as for students.
"We wanted to bring the
Alumni Association into the 21st
century Dooley said.
According to Dooley, the site
has been recognized by
Advancement Resources, a nation-
al review board, as one of the best
Alumni Association web sites.
Those who log on can find infor-
mation on events happening on
campus, dates of alumni gatherings
and an alumni map which lists the
number of people living in each
state that graduated from ECU.
The online alumni community site
allows an alumnus to reunite with
an old college buddy and also
access career and networking infor-
Soon to be added to the site is a
live video streaming from the
Alumni House. According to
Dooley, ECU graduates will be
able to enjoy a live showing of this
year's homecoming parade from
the luxury of their own homes via
their computers.
Current students can also con-
tact the Alumni Association via e-
mail through the web site.
"We have an open door policy
said Carol Davis, associate director
of Alumni Relations. "We encour-
age students to call us on our H(K)
number and e-mail us to get in
Ryanjasen Henne, a 1999 grad-
uate, speaks very highly of his
experiences through the Alumni
I louse.
"As a member of the Alumni
Association, you are connected to
so many people from the U.S. and
overseas Henne said. "The
amount of contacts is unparalleled
in the exposure and the network of
resources you.can pull from
Henne said he found his experi-
ence with the Alumni Association
beneficial because he gained many
skills that can be implemented into
his career.
"Through Jthe Alumni
Association, I made a lot of con-
tacts, brushed up on my network-
ing skills and found out what peo-
ple were looking for in the real
world of employment Henne
The Alumni Association is locat-
ed on the corner of Biltmore and
5th Street. For more information
contact them at 1-800-ECU-
This writer can be contacted at
ndrySstudentmedia. ecu. edu
continued Itum paqo 1
"I don't want to be in one
because they tend to hang together
just with others in their group said
Brandy I latchctt, sophomore.
"They don't have contact with oth-
ers outside the group
But, even the social organiza-
tions are stressing more importance
on academics and service.
We like to have a good time
and get things done at the same
time Forrest said.
PKP is the only fraternity with
their own philanthropy, PUSH
America, which helps handicapped
people. They participate in a bicy-
cle ride across the country, the
Journey of Hope, in order to raise
"Our academics are rising and
our CiPAs are coming up Forrest
said. "The fraternity and sorority
system has gotten better by produc-
ing leaders and preparing people for
their futures
This miter can be contacted at
mi man
nter, East
)3, or call
der ADA
ior to the
9 ;
1 Devine
1 Devine
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Applications are available
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on the second floor of
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Building (across from
Joyner and Mendenhall).
The application deadline
is September 15.
For more information, call
the Media Board office at

Tin Ei$t Citolinitn
Tuesday, September 7, 1899 11
Briefs j
Comets win Again
Cynthia Cooper earned the Finals
MVP as the Houston Comets won
their third straight WNBA
Championship on Sunday. The
Comets defeated the New York
Liberty in the third game of the
series, 59-47. The Comets are the
only champions the league has
ever known. In the three years of
this league's existence, the
Comets have won all three cham-
pionships. The Comets dedicated
the win to Kim Perrot, their point
guard who died of cancer this
Burton wins Southern 500
Jeff Burton won the Southern
500 in Darlington, S.C. on Sunday.
The race was shortened due to
rain. The win is Burton's second
win of the NASCAR season.
Williams into quarters of
U.S. Open
Venus Williams defeated Mary
Joe Fernandez at the U.S. Open
on Sunday. Despite a steady rain,
Williams, Monica Seles and
Martina Hingis all advanced to
the quarterfinals.
Weir wins Air Canada
Canadian Mike Weir won the
PGA Air Canada Championships
in British Columbia this weekend.
Weir won the event in front of a
pleased Canadian crowd.
US women beat Ireland
The U.S. Women's soccer team
defeated Ireland 5-0 in Foxboro,
M.A. on Saturday. It was the first
time the team took the field since
they won the Women's World Cup
earlier this summer.
Salaam cut
1994 Heisman Trophy winner,
Rasnaan Salaam was cut by the
Oakland Raiders. Salaam was
drafted by the Chicago Bears out
of the University of Colorado in
1995. After recording a 1,000 yard
season, he broke his leg and left
Pirates topple Mountaineers
Garrard, Wilson
spur comeback win
After weeks of practice and
months of anticipation, ECU final-
ly played football Saturday. The
Pirates answered all questions and
put to rest all concerns with a 30-23
victory over West Virginia.
David (Jarrard's one yard touch-
down run with 56 seconds remain-
ing gave ECU only its second win
over the Mountaineers. It capped a
chain of events in the final three
minutes that secured the win for
the Pirates.
With just under three minutes
remaining, West Virginia faced a
second and nine, deep in their own
territory and clinging. ECU line-
backer JefT Kerr came up the mid-
dle and sacked Bulger for a loss of
ten. On third and 19, Bulger's pass
to Carlos Osegueda fell incomplete,
forcing West Virginia to punt. Mark
Fazzolori's punt was taken by Keith
Stokes and returned to the ECU 43
yard line.
After two carries by Jamie
Wilson, the Pirates had a first and
10 at the West Virginia 41 yard line.
Garrard was forced out of the pock-
et and rumbled 30 yards to the West
Virginia 11.
After a Wilson run went
nowhere, the Greenville native got
the ball again and tore off an 11 yard
run that put the Pirates on the goal
line, (larrard scored and when
ECU's John Williamson intercept-
ed a Bulger pass on the ensuing
possession, the Pirates won 30-23.
"To win a game against West
Virginia and Don Neblen is a hum-
bling experience said ECU Head
Coach Steve Logan. "You can't get
too high or too low after a game like
In front of 47,000 fans in
Ericsson Stadium, Steve Logan's
Pirates won their second straight
game in Charlotte. Jamie Wilson
ran for a career-high 183 yards on 20
carries. Wilson also scored a touch-
down in the third quarter.
"Everything was just going my
way today Wilson said. "I went
out and was concentrating on get-
ting everything together and holes
just started opening up
he Pirates rushed for a total of
327 yards on 48 carries. ECU' aver-
aged only 150.7 yards per game on
the ground in 1998.
"Everyone worked really hard
on the rushing game in the
offseason, and it made it fun
coaching these kids today
Logan said.
Redshirt freshman Kevin
Miller hit three field goals and
nailed his only extra point
attempt. ECU only hit 11 field
goals in 1998.
"The guys backing me up
did a great job Miller said.
" Ryan Luckadoo) is playing
with a broken toe and Nick
Crabtreel got it down for me
every time. When those guys
get their jobs done, there is no
reason why I should not make
every kick
It was a Miller field goal in
the first quarter with 48 sec-
onds left that opened the scor-
ing. On ECU's second posses-
sion, Wilson fumbled on the
WVU 14. After a WVU punt,
the Pirates drove 71 yards to
the WVU 20 where Miller
nailed his first field goal.
"To win a game against
West Virginia ana" Don
Neien is a humbling expe-
rience, "
Steve Logan
ECU Head Coach
The Mountaineers got the
ball and showed why their
passing game is so feared.
Bulger connected on seven
passes including one for a
touchdown to Anthony
Green. Bulger led the
Mountaineers on an 80 yard
drive on only ten plays in four
and a half minutes.
On the next possession,
Logan made a change at quar-
terback. 1'rcshman Richard
Alston stepped in and drove
the Pirates 54 yards. Alston
gained 11 yards rushing and com-
pleted two of three passes on the 10
play drive. The drive ended when
Miller Ixioted his second field goal
of the afternoon, this one from 42
yawls away.
After the two teams exchanged
punts, the Mountaineers took over
on their own 20 yard line. Bulger
completed four passes and moved
the Mountaineers to the ECU 29
yard line. Bulger was then picked
off by Kevin Monroe at the ECU
two yard line.
Garrard took over and marched
the Pirates 98 yards. Garrard com-
pleted three passes and rushed for
ten yards, Wilson rushed for 43
West Virginia quarterback, Jamie Bulger, is sacked by the Pirate defense
yards and Garrard scored from the
one with 13 seconds left in the half.
On only nine plays, the Pirates
had driven 98 yards on a defense
that returned eight starters, and
they had done it in under three
minutes. The Pirates went into
halftiilie up 12-7.
In the third quarter, the Pirates
special teams made their first and
biggest mistake. WVU's K.C.
Shiller came in unblocked and
blocked an Andrew Bayes punt.
The Mountaineers recovered on
the ECU 13. The Pirates held
WVU to a field goal, and ECU led
Garrard then led ECU on a (2
yard touchdown drive capped by a
Wilson touchdown.
WVU answered with a drive of
60 yards on 10 plays ending with an
Avon Cobourne touchdown from
one yard out.
On the next ECU possession.
Miller nailed a 43 yard field goal
and ECU went up 22-17.
In the fourth quarter, after a
Garrard interception, the
Mountaineers got the ball on the
EC I' 25. After a fourth down con-
version, Bulger passed for a touch-
down and W'U led 23-22.
'This is a big win for this team
and the program said Jeff Kerr,
ECU linebacker. "We have Duke
next weekend and nine more
games after that. It is a long season
to start thinking about what you
have done. After a win like this, you
have to be able to bounce buck and
move on
This Writer can be contacted at
sportsSstudentmedia ecu edu
Seifert names
Beuerlein starter, cuts roster
Beuerlcin's reward for continued
steady but unflashy play was being
named the Carolina Panthers'
starting quarterback Sunday.
"Me understands and has a feel
for what we're doing said coach
George Seifert, who chose
Beuerlein from a four-way battle
that began at training camp in late
A 12-year NFL veteran,
Beuerlein started the final 12
games of the 1998 season but faced
several challenges this year. The
most prominent one came from
Jeff Lewis, who was acquired in
the offseason in the hopes he
would blossom into Carolina's
quarterback of the future.
But Lewis was unable to per-
form impressively enough to
unseat Beuerlein, and neither
were Steve Bono, a 15-year veter-
an signed in the offseason, or
Dameyune Craig, who was coming
off a record-setting season in NFL
Seifert will keep all four quar-
terbacks on the roster, but for now
"He's played in the league,
and he demands the respect of
his teammates and his coaches
George Seifert
Head coach
at least, the starter remains
Beuerlein, who completed 68 per-
cent of his passes in the exhibition
season. Beuerlein was not inter-
cepted in any of the four games,
but he also threw only one touch-
down pass.
Seifert, however, said his deci-
sion wasn't based solely on num-
"He's played in the league, and
he demands the respect of his
teammates and his coaches
Seifert said.
Beuerlein will be targeted to
get at least 70 percent of the snaps
in practice this week as Carolina
prepares for its opener Sunday in
New Orleans against the Saints.
Seifert said he had not decided
on the backup rotation behind
The decision on a starting quar-
terback came on the same day
Carolina made several transactions
to get down to the NFL-mandated
limit of 53 players on its active ros-
The Panthers waived 10 play-
ers, traded reserve tightend
Luther Broughton and placed
reserve cornerback Leonard
Wheeler on injured reserve with a
knee injury.
Pirates have
come long way
Kicking, rushing
aw greatly improved
spouts union
There must be something in the
Mecklenburg county water that
makes ECU invincible. For the
second time in four years, the
Pirates get a huge win on the turf at
Ericsson Stadium.
The 30-23 win over West
Virginia on Saturday told us many
things about the 1999 Pirates.
Improvements in the kicking
game, rush offense and a new
defense, give hints as to what may
become of this team in the weeks
In 1998, one major weakness in
the Pirates game was the lack of
consistency from their kickers.
Andrew Bayes and Brantlcy Rivi
combined to hit 11 field goals
last season. On Saturday, redsh
freshman, Kevin Miller hit th
field goals. In years past, Ste
Logan has gotten a reputation as
bit of a gambler on fourth downs.
His willingness to go for it was, in
part, due to a lack of trust in hte
kicking game.
Against WVU, when the Pirates
got the ball inside Mountaineer tes-
ritory, Logan was able to call upon
Miller to hit field goals that the
Pirates would not have been able to
hit in the past. Two of Miller's kicks
were from over forty yards out.
Another area of drastic improve-
ment was the running game. Jamie
Wilson, racked up a career-high
183 yards and the Pirates ran ft
total of 327 yards. The Pirates a
aged 150.7 yards per game in 1
The Mountaineers gave up 171.
rushing yards per game in 199&
improved offensive line, am
11 Tutidiy, I

Septembar 7. 1898 T
1 TimJlv, S�ptimbtr 7. 1999
� i ii m m i
fourth down am-
assed tor a touch-
led 1S-ZZ.
win for this team
i said Jeff Kerr,
"We have Duke
and nine more
It is a long season
about what you
i win like this, you
i bounce buck and
i be contacted at
rig way
:s and Hrantley Riv
hit 11 field goals
On Saturday, redsh
L-vin Miller hit th
In years past, Ste
men a reputation as1
:ler on fourth downs.
:ss to go for it was, in
a lack of trust in h
VI when the Pirates
iside Mountaineer tef-
was able to call upon
field goals that the
not have been able to
Two of Miller's kicks
er forty yards out.
ea of drastic improve-
: running game. Jamie
ed up a career-high
A the Pirates ran ft
trds. The Pirates av�
irds per game in 1
lineers gave up 17
; per game in 1998.
ffensive line, an
: TEAM . PAGE 12

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Contest open to currently enrolled students only. Must show ECU One Card
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Big Ten
winning early
(AP)�The first week of the sea-
' son is over and football's Big Ten is
looking pretty good. The league's
teams are 9-3 in nonconference
play so far.
In high-profile games Saturday,
Michigan squeezed by Notre Dame
26-22 while Iowa was trampled by
mighty Nebraska 42-7.
Also, Penn State crushed Akron
70-24, Purdue beat Central Florida
47-13, Illinois rolled to a 41-3 win
against Arkansas State, Miami, Ohio
downed Northwestern 28-3,
Minnesota defeated Ohio IT. 33-7,
Wisconsin buried Murray State 49-10
and Indiana got by Ball State 21-9.
In Ann Arbor, tailback Anthony
Thdmas scored from a yard out with
1:38 left for the Wolverines' victory.
"They hurt themselves with
penalties in the end, and we took
advantage of it said Lloyd Can,
Michigan coach, "It was as hard a hit-
ting football game as I've ever been
Playing before an NCAA-record
crowd of 111,523 at Michigan
Stadium, the Fighting Irish took a
22-19 lead with 4:08 remaining on
Jarious Jackson's fourth-down, 20-
yard touchdown pass to tight end
Jabari I lolloway. Leading just 7-0
after a mistake-laden first half,
Nebraska returned to form in the
continued Irom page ID
more experienced David Garrard
and Wilson have combined to cre-
ate a stronger rushing attack.
An area where the Pirates were
good before the season was in the
secondary. Cornerback, Kevin
Monroe and Safety, Forrest Foster
lead the experienced defensive
WVTI's Jamie Bulger completed
his first 13 passes and WVl' was
able to move the ball through the
air all day. I lowever the Pirates did
come up with two picks. We
should not be too disheartened by
this, Bulger and the Mountaineers
passing attack is among the best in
the country.
The win should give the Pirates
much momentum heading into
this weekend's game against Duke
in Greenville.
This Writer can be contacted at
sportsSstudentmedia. ecu. edu
Vols use second-quarter
burst to down Wyoming
KNOXVILLE, Tcnn. (AP) � No.
3 Tennessee didn't play like the
defending national champions for
much of the game against
Wyoming, only for about half of one
But, it was a devastating seven
and a half minutes for the
The Volunteers put four touch-
downs on the board late in the sec-
ond quarter to down the Cowboys
42-17 Saturday.
"The second quarter seemed to
last two and a half hours said
Dana Dimel, Wyoming coach.
The Cowboys led 10-7 when the
Vols broke loose. A 32-yard touch-
down by Jamal Lewis, two Tee
Martin-to-Cedrick Wilson touch-
down passes and a defensive touch-
down by linebacker Eric
Westmoreland were squeezed into
the waning minutes of the first half.
And even though Wyoming
played the Vols even the second
half, they could never recover.
"You improve the most between
the first game and the second game,
and obviously with the game we've
got coming up we're going to have
to do that said Tennessee coach
Phillip Fulnier, whose team's next
game is in two weeks against
Florida in Gainesville. "I think it
was probably real good for us to
have to fight into the fourth quar-
ter Fulmer said. "That will pay
dividends for us later on
Lewis returned from the knee
injury that ended his '98 season to
score three touchdowns and gain
159 yards in 25 carries. He also fum
bled twice.
Fulmer said he gave Lewis a
game ball and told him three
things: welcome back, good game,
"and carry it around for the next
couple of days
Martin hit Wilson with scoring
tosses of 55 and 16 yards, plus a 64-
yarder that set up Lewis' last score
with just 22 seconds left to play.
The Tennessee defense set a
school record with 13 sacks for a
minus 82 yards.
The Cowboys were hampered
by an injury to starting quarterback
Jay Stoner, who went out with the
score 21-10 in Tennessee's favor.
Stoner said he injured his left
shoulder. He said after the game he
did not think it was too serious.
Dimel said it's not yet known how
long Stoner will be out. Tennessee
piled up 522 total yards, but turned
the ball over three times. The Vols
defense held its own except for two
scoring drives by the Cowboys,
including a 98-yard, 12-play drive
that led to the Cowboy's final
The 13 sacks bested the previ-
ous record of eight, accomplished
three times. "I don't think it was
the defensive line as much as it was
the whole defense said Will
Overstreet, defensive end, who had
three of the sacks. "We've been
talking about getting all of our jobs
done all week
Martin was 14 of 21 for 264
yards, with the two TDs and no
interceptions. Wilson had seven
catches for 183 yards.
"We did pretty good in the pass-
ing game said Tee Martin. "I real-
ly didn't know what to expect until
we played. The guys were getting
open. We had some minor struggles
in pass protection, but it was pretty
good as far as I could see
Wyoming led 10-7 early in the
second quarter when the
Volunteers defense took over the
game for a time.
The Cowboys had minus-21
yards and two turnovers during the
decisive four-touchdown stretch by
the Vols, including the fumble thar
Westmoreland ran in from 18 yards.
Stoner was 6 of 9 for 65 yards
before being injured. Matt
Swanson came in and finished 16 of
21 for 130 yards, with a touchdown
and two interceptions.
Tommy Nash, brother of former
Tennessee receiver Marcus Nash,
led the Cowboys with four catches
for 41 yards. The Cowboys were
held to eight net yards rushing.
Georgia's Edwards has electrifying debut
ATHENS, Ga. (AP) � Tcrrenee
Kdwards didn't seem all that sur-
prised when his first college game
turned out to be one of the greatest
performances ever for a Georgia
receiver. Neither did anyone else,
for that matter.
Before ever playing a game,
Bulldogs coach Jim Donnan already
was comparing his super freshman
to former Florida great Jacqucz
Green. Kdwards' teammates have
gotten a firsthand look at his unique
combination of speed and strength
in practice. And Edwards has long
set his sights on following the path
set by his older brother, Robert.
"There's been pressure my
whole life with Robert as my big
brother said the younger
Edwards. "It's a little bothersome,
but not so much that is makes me
drop a pass
With big brother looking on
Saturday night, Edwards made an
electrifying debut, catching 10
passes for 1 yards and two long
touchdowns as No. 12 Georgia
rolled over Utah State 38-7 in the
season opener.
Robert Edwards, the former
Georgia running back who had a
superb rookie season with the
Patriots, suffered a career-threaten-
ing knee injury in February while
playing flag football. He bought a
home in Athens a few months ago
and is doing his rehabilitation on
"I think he was injured so he
could be sent here to watch over
me Terrence Edwards said. "He
was giving me tips as the game was
going on. I'm blessed to have a big
brother watching over me
The Bulldogs are blessed to
have a receiver like Edwards, who
stepped right in when expected
starter Michael Greer was held out
of the game because of lingering
"The only thing close to having
Robert Edwards out there
Donnan said, "is having his brother
out there
Terrence was supposed to play
at Georgia last year, but he didn't
receive a qualifying score on his col-
lege entrance exam soon enough to
enroll for the fall semester. He
entered school in January, playing
on the basketball team and looking
forward to getting back on the grid-
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CU AREA two three bedroom
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TO ECU - 1 bedroom apt.
25month, available now. 125
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BEDROOM, 1 bath duplex, wash-
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a(l Grey. 353-2314.
UBLEASE 1 bedroom apt. at Tow-
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ember. Move in Sept. 10. pay de-
oiit $325. No rent till October,
lujnn. 353-4153.
IEED FEMALE non-smoking room-
nqte for 4 bedroom house. $215
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jute. Call 752-0281.
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vithin walking distance to school. If
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yntbols included. Fitted with remo
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6600. Ask for Geoff 355398.
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'totieer Dolby digital CD laserdisc
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I990 BRONCO II. good deal, tape
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FOB SALE: Brother word processor
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power everything, sunroof, CD play-
er spoiler. 40K miles. Call Carrie
252-246-0757. Leave message.
CB650cc good condition, new bat-
tery, tires and other extras. Great
bike for beginners. Call 752-4242
and leave message! Asking only
TOP DOLLAR for Top Nanny 7-3
Monday-Friday. Must be articulate,
warm, and enjoy a happy three year
old. Available immediately. 321-
Faculty member seeks babysitter for
infant Tuesdays and or Thursdays.
No smokers please. Must have
transportation. Call 321-1619 or
days or Thursdays all day for my 3
and 6-year olds. Must have referenc-
es. No smokers, please. Call 355-
is looking for 3 parttime telephone
collectors to work evenings from 5
p.m. to 9 p.m. and every other Satur-
day from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Call Brian
Franey at 757-2130 or Andi Cullums
at 754-1615.
LOOKING FOR 20 guys and gals
for local radio station phone promo-
tion. Earn $6 plus bonus per hour.
Full and part time, morning, day and
evening hours available. Near cam-
pus location at 223 West 10th Street
Suite 107 (inside Wilcar Executive
Center) just down the street from
McDonalds and Krispy Kreme. Apply
ASAP in person only 10a.m. through
6p.m. (no calls please).
TEACHER NEEDED full-time to
teach 2 year olds class. Must have
experience. Also hiring substitutes.
Call Harmony Child Care, 756-6229.
ings for the following positions inf-
ant teacher, afterschool teacher and
3 & 4 yr teacher. Must be in relat-
ed field of study or have 1 yr. experi-
ence. Call 753-4866.
function in innovative community
practice serving patients needs, as-
sisting in patient care, filling pre-
scriptions. Must possess excellent
people skills, superb telephone eti-
quette, and ability to multi-task un-
der pressure. Positive attitude, wil-
lingness to work at any task, a yearn-
ing to tackle new responsibilities,
and cooperation with co-workers
definitely a must. No nights and
Sundays. Send resume to 615-B
South Memorial Drive. Greenville.
NC 27834. Exp. a must.
care for 3 year old and 1 year old
Tuesday and Thursday. Minimum
hours are 4PM until 8:30 pm. Possi-
ble full time hours for the right per-
son. Call 412-0876 or 329-8074.
ts looking lor nw jcva: hanuuh. to load vans and
unload trailer tor the am shift hours J:0Uhi n to 8am.
S 7.50Iiuur; tuition assistance available after JO days.
Future career opportunities In operations and manage-
ment possible. Applications can be filled out at 2410
United Drive (near the aquatics center) Greenville
Food Delivery Drivers Wanted
We offer:
Perfect hours & Flexible schedule for college students
5:30 pm � 10 pm � 11 pm on weekends (No dorm students)
Two way radio communication offers innovative freedom of
movement. Perfect for studying when not delivering
Competitive pay at $4-$5 per hour tips so your average
income ranges from $8-$ 15 per hour
We have over 1 year experience delivering in greenville.
Reliable transportation a must. Knowledge of Greenville
streets advantageous. (756-5527 after 6 pm, leave message)
HELP WANTED: hiring part-time
kitchen, dish, and wait staff. Apply at
Basil's Restaurant. 1675 E. Firetower
$$MANAOE a business on your
campus$$ an Internet
note-taking company is looking for
an entrepreneurial student to run
business on your campus. Manage
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lent opportunity! Apply on-line at contact jobsOvars- or call 734-483-1600 ext.
LOSERS WANTED) Need or want
to lose weight? Hottest guaranteed
diet in USA! Call 1-888-870-6032.
BUSY MOTHER of four needs help
3-5 days a week. Carpool. run er-
rands, babysit. Good paygood
children. Call 353-2627
ELEMENTARY ED major to keep 4
yr. old Monday and Wednesday af-
ternoons. Send resume to 3807
Sterling Trace Drive, Winterville, NC
28590. Own transportation required.
Fax number 353-8902.
EARN $50.00 to $100.00 per hour
modeling and dancing for local adult
entertainment agency. No experi-
ence required. Flexible work hours.
Discretion and confidentiality as-
sured. 830-0494.
Joan's Fashions, a local Women's
Clothing btore. is now filling part-
time positions. Applicants must be
available for Tuesday afternoons,
Thursday mornings andor Thursday
afternoons. The positions are for bet-
ween 7 and 20 hours per week, de-
pending on your schedule and on
business needs. The jobs are within
walking distance of ECU and the
hours are flexible. Pay is commensu-
rate with your experience and job
performance and is supplemented
by an employee discount. Apply in
person to Store Manager. Joan's
Fashions. 423 S. Evans Street.
Greenville (Uptown Greenville).
YOUTH IN-LINE Hockey Coaches.
The Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department is recruiting part-time
youth In-Line Hockey coaches. Ap-
plicant must possess some knowl-
edge of the hockey skills and have
the ability and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must be able to
coach young people ages 5-18. in
hockey fundamentals. This program
will run from early October to mid-
December. Salary rates start at
$5.15 per hour. Applications will be
taken until the positions are filled.
For more information, please call
Judd Crumpler. Michael Daly or Ben
James at 329-4550 after 2PM.
FREE BABY Boom Box Earn
$12001 Fundraiser for student
groups ft organizations. Earn up
to $4 par MasterCard app. Call
for info or visit our website.
Qualified callers receive a free
baby boom box. 1-800-932-0528
axt. 119 or ext. 125 www.ocm-
Mon-Thurs. 4:00 to 9:00. Call estab-
lished customer list to invite them to
see eastern NC ft Cypress Landing.
Qualified candidates willbe eager
to learn, have computer skills and
great phone voice. Great opportunity
for sales and marketing experience.
Call Lynn between 3 to 5 at 1-800-
FUN & free pictures. Looking to try
something new? Looking for fun?
Would you like to have special pic-
tures to give to your family or boy-
friend? I enjoy shooting pictures of
young women for my portfolio. If you
model for me. I will give you free pic-
tures. Reputable amateur photogra-
pher. References available (I've pho-
tographed dozens of ECU girls).
Please send a note, phone number
and a picture (if available - it will be
returned) to Paul Hronjak, 4413
Pinehurst Dr Wilson. NC 27893 or
call 252-237-8218 or e-mail me at
Call J.Arthur @ 252-412-0971
SPRING BREAK 2000 with STS -
Join America's 1 Student Tour Op-
erator to Jamaica, Mexico. Bahamas.
Cruises, and Florida. Now hiring on-
campus reps. Call 1-800-648-4849
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on your Theta Chi lavalier. Love your
Alpha Omicron Pi sisters.
ORDER OF Omega meeting tonight
at 6:00 in the Mendenhall Under-
THANKS TO all our Rho Chis! You
guys were wonderful! Love, the sis-
ters of Sigma Sigma Sigma!
THE SISTERS of Delta Ztea would
like to Congratulate all of the new
members. We love you guys!
derson, Shannon Braddden, Autumn
Bullock. Carina DiFiore. Dana Dunn.
Tasha Frisella. Jill Hastings. Shannon
Holder. Candace Leggett. Leslie
Overton. Minda Phinney. Grey Parish.
Katharine Schulwitz. Kelli Quelet. Tyl-
er Seymour. Kristen Thorton. Karla
Will, Hodges Willoughby on your
pinning. Love your Alpha Omicron
Pi sisters.
SIGMA SIGMA Sigma would like to
congratulate all sororities on a great
rush and wish all new members a
great semester!
CANDACE AND Katherine here is
clue number one. Get excited be-
cause the hunt has begun. Come to
the house to get your next clue and
you will see how much your big sis-
ters love you. Love your Alpha Omi-
cron Pi Big Sisters.
members of Sigma Sigma Sigma.
Olivia Anderson. Julienne Arnold.
Jessica Goodbye. Beth Hall. Carrye
Hieronymus. Rebekah Huffman. Lee
Hughes, Lauren Lefebure, Krystal
Loren. Lindsay Rice. Heather Ryan.
Adrianne Smith. Devon Talbott. Jen-
ny Turnbull. Amy Weaver, Mellissa
Fox. We love you!
SIGMA NU - Thank you for the so-
cial. We had a great time. Your new
guys really know how to break it
down. Love, Alpha Phi
fraternities on a great fall rush. The
sisters and new members of Pi Del-
fraternities on a great fall rush. The
sisters and new members of Pi Del-
DELTA ZETA would like to thank
Lambda Chi for the social last week!
We all had a good time.
The Millennium
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This offer applies to
Perkins Loans, Stafford
Loans and certain other
federally insured loans
which are not in default
And this is just the first of
many benefits the Army
will give you. Get the
whole story from your
Army Recruiter.
KITTEN GRAY tabby. 12 weeks old.
Needs a good home. Please call
767-2068 ASAP. Serious inquires
only please.
S PERCENT discount. ECU students
with this coupon. Hot dogs. subs,
and pizzas. Warren's 'Hot' Dogs.
1938 North Memorial Drive.
will be held on Tuesdays. September
Oct. 12 from 7-8 p.m. Please register
one week prior to session . Cost is
$16 for members and $26 for non-
every Wednesday in the Pirate Un-
derground at 7:30 pm. We will be
discussing homecoming.
Erev Rosh Hashana Saturday Sep-
tember 11 9:00 a.m. Rosh Hashana
1st Day Sunday September 12 9:00
a.m. Rosh Hashana 2nd Day Tashlich
And Ma'ariv 6:30 p.m. Call 830-1138
for place 5760 (1999) High Holy
Days Congregation Bayt Shalom.
Center for Counseling and Student
Development is now offering the fol-
lowing workshop on Wednesday
September 8 at 11:00. If you are in-
terested in joining us. please contact
us at 328-66ol.
in College: The Center for Counsel-
ing and Student Development is of-
fering the following workshop on
Wednesday September 8, 3:30. If
you are interested please contact the
Center at 328-6661.
September 7 11:00 The Center for
Counseling and Student Develop-
ment is offering the following work-
shop. If you are interested in this
workshop please contact the Center
at 328-6661.
BECOMING A Successful Student
3:30 The Center for Counseling and
Student Development is offering the
following workshop on Tuesday Sep-
tember 7. If you are interested in
this program, contact the canter at
ECU 1ST Year commuters don't
want to miss ECU Road Rules-Mis-
sion 3 The Romantic Road Trip
Attend Tuesday. Sept. 7 from 4-5
p.m. or Wednesday, Sept. 8 from 7-
8 p.m. in 212 Mendenhall. Learn dat-
ing tips and ways to maintain a
healthy relationship. Call 6881 for
more information.
Center for Counseling and Student
Development is now offering the fol-
lowing workshop on Tuesday Sep-
tember 7 at 3:30. Please join us by
contacting the Center at 328-6661.
DO YOU want to leam leadership
skills? Adventure Program is offering
WLT (Wilderness Leadership Train-
ing) classes starting Sept. 15. Reg-
ister by Sept. 13 at 5PM. Cost is
$125 for members and $225 for
Erev Shabbat Shuva Saturday Sep-
tember 18 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Shu-
va Sunday September 19 6:00 p.m.
Kol Nidre Monday September 20
9:00 p.m. Yom Kippur 5:30 p.m.
MinchaNe'ila Scedule of Services
for Congregation Bayt Shalom Call
830-1138 for more information.
The Center for Counseling and Stud-
ent Development is offering the fol-
lowing workshop on Thursday Sep-
tember 9. If you are interested
please contact the Center at 328-
LESSONS FOR success and sur-
vival as an adult student. Finding
support: The Center for Counseling
and Student Development is offering
the following workshop on Wednes-
day. September 8th. noon-1:00. If
you are interested in this workshop
please contact the Center at 328-
Advertise in
The East
for 25 or fewer words
additional words 5C each
for 25 or fewer words
additional words 5f each
Must present a valid ECU ID. to qualify. The East Carolinian
reserves the right to refuse fhis rate for any ad deemed to be
non-student or business related.
add to above line rate for either BOLD or
ALL CAPS type.
.All classified ads placed by individuals or campus
groups must be prepaid. Classified ads placed by a
business must be prepaid unless credit has been
established. Cancelled ads can be removed from the
paper if notification is made before the deadline, but
no cash refunds are given. No proofs or tearsheets
are available. The Personals section of the classi-
fieds is intended for non-commercial communication
placed by individuals or campus groups. Business
ads will not be placed in this section.
All Personals are subject to editing for indecent or
inflammatory language as determined by the edi-
4 p.m. FRIDAY
for the following TUESDAY'S issue
4 p.m. MONDAY
for the following THURSDAY'S issue
We reserve the right to change a deadline for holi-
days or as necessitated by other considerations.

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The East Carolinian, September 7, 1999
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 07, 1999
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