The East Carolinian, April 15, 1999

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High: 76
Low: 50
High: 74
Low: 55
Online Survey
Do yo fael safe on campus after dark?
How to land a job that doesn't
ruin your summer.
See page 7.
Yahoo drops university from Most Wired list
School no longer
ranked in top 100
ECU has dropped off the list of
most wired universities. The May
issue of Yahoo! Internet Life has
selected The Top 100 Most Wired
Campuses in the nation. Three
hundred colleges and universities
were evaluated based on four cate-
gories: social use, academic use,
hardware and wiring and student
services. In 1997, ECU was 93rd,
then shot up to 25th in 1998. This
year this university didn't even
make the cut.
"I don't know why we aren't on the
top 100 list said Ernie Marshburn,
director of Strategic Initiatives. "I
think ECU is very well placed, as
far as technology goes Yahoo! did-
n't do a whole lot to let us know
why we didn't place or where we
stand with other North Carolina
Because grad-
ing criteria and
change yearly, so
do the numbers.
Last year's rat-
ings were based
on social use,
but focused pri-
marily on the
academic bene-
fits of using the
net. ECU did well
because it met all
including online registration and
Recently the
criteria did not
focus on these
and ECU's
standing suf-
fered because
of it.
" think ECU is very
well placed, as far as
technology goes
Ernie Marshburn
director nl Strategic Initiatives
in this category
of the criteria.
"The uni-
versities are a
moving target
because of changes in the criteria
said Dr. Darrvl Davis, dean at the
School of Industry and technology.
"Some categories we arc strong in,
but others we arc not like game
surfing part of the social criteria
So, who made it into the top
five? Case Western Reserve took
the top position, while MIT, Wake
Forest, New Jersey Institute of
Technology and Rensselaer
Polytechnic followed respectively.
Experts said it is a great accom-
plishment to make it on the list
because it shows that the institution
has a commitment to raising its
level of technology.
"ECU is more of a comprehen-
sive university, not very technical
like a lot of the other schools on the
list who focus a lot on computers
Davis said.
Tim Murphy, computer science
major, thinks there are substantial
reasons for the low ranking this
year. "The computer labs at ECU
are out of date, a lot of untrained
staff in the labs, students using the
schools computers for mostly e-mail
and not for academic purposes, and
not enough money is put toward
computer technology
Students concerned
for safety after dark
No plans to move
parking closer to classes
A.n WitAik
SSIS 1 S I KS I 1)1 I
Night classes begin at 6:30 p.m.
Most run till 9:30 p.m and some-
times even longer. Some students
have said that they are concerned
about safely getting to their car in
the dark after class.
According to Shirley Bazemore,
Parking and Traffic Control officer,
there arc Iparking lots that are not
open to students until 6:30 p.m.
such as the lot next to Rawl, where
many night classes are held.
, "These arc private parking lots
Bazemore said. "If they have a reg-
istered vehicle, they can park
But there are other places to park
before 6:30 p.m to avoid being tardy
to class.
According to Bazemore, all regis-
tered cars except freshmen can park
in the Brewster staff lot and in the
lot behind Speight after 4 p.m. All
other lots open at 5 or 7 p.m. If stu-
dents' cars are not university regis-
tered, or arc parked there before
these times, then they might
receive a ticket. Bazemore said that
ticketing goes on from 5:30 a.m. to
Students who have night classes
said they feel that this puts their
safety in jeopardy.
"Even though the parking lots
arc pretty well lit, I still don't like it
w hen I have to walk to my car alone
after class said LaToya
Washington, a senior majoring in
Bruce Flye, director of Facilities
Planning, says that there are no
plans to move parking closer to
night-class locations.
"But measures have been taken
to improve lighting and install new
emergency call boxes Flye said.
According to Flye, the new
Rcadc Street lot will have addi-
tional technological safety mea-
sures to ensure that students arc as
protected as possible.
"(The Reade Street lot) will
have the best lighting as of yet and
will be equipped with security
cameras Flye said.
Richard Brown, vice chancellor
for Administration and Finance,
said that safety is a top priority for
ECU, and that the campus is very
"No campus can be absolutely
safe Brown said. "Considering
we are in an urban area that is high-
ly populated, there is the potential
for dangerous situations
Some students agree and said
they do not fear for their safety on
campus after dark.
"I know it's not the best idea,
but I walk around campus alone
after dark often enough, and I've
never felt unsafe said Rachel
Jenu, freshman.
But not everyone is so opti-
"I hate walking to my car after
class at 9:30 said Chrissy Buckley,
sophomore. "They need to do
something before someone gets
Brown said he feels that stu-
dents also have a responsibility to
themselves for their own safety.
"The real key to safety is per-
sonal responsibility and people act-
ing responsibly Brown said. "If
you look at police records you
notice most accounts of crime
occur after midnight and alcohol is
Volunteers learn life's lessons
Program promotes
students' volunteerism
Jessica Reed
s T F V. RI T E R
Somewhere in Greenville a
student is picking up trash, act-
ing as a community counselor or
playing basketball with a kid.
And that person is just one of the
more than 7,000 students volun-
teers at ECU.
The ECU Student Volunteer
Program promotes volunteerism
among college students and pro-
vides them with opportunities to
volunteer at 80 health and
human service agencies in the
Students cite several reasons
for volunteering
opportunity to
options, ti
learning arid JVim
experience; jpsiiild a
most i
ty Bal
"Agencies in th
continue to tell TSejy
their .studmr volume
ing the difference
Students who volu'i
the university sponsoj
arc provided with insuf
charge. It covers the s1
to some experts,
ling of devoting
elp the commu-
ly rewards of a
lessor Rick Barnes
hts are starting to put
together with their vol-
unteer work.
"It's becoming something use-
ful on a job application, even if it's
not tied with your major Barnes
The program keeps records of
the volunteer work done by stu-
dents for references and resumes.
Barnes said that volunteering
requires someone with lots of ener-
gy and ability to communicate and
coordinate effectively.
April 19-24 is National
Volunteer Week. For more infor-
mation on the volunteer program
contact Judy Baker in 201
Christenbury Gymnasium or call
"We have a service available for
every student Baker said.
Computer-based GRE exams to replace traditional test method
Last pen, paper
testgpven this month
Tarvn Sikkema
staff writer
A computer-based general test for
the Graduate Record Exam is
replacing the traditional paper
based general test as of fall 1999.
The last paper based test will be
administered this month. After this
date, students will be required to
take the test via computer.
Both exams last 3.5 hours, cost
$96, cover the same content and
use the same types of questions.
But, the computer-based test uses
fewer questions than before. Now
the test is automatically adapted to
the individual and is tailored to the
test taker's performance and ability
as the test progresses. This new
feature has many students excited.
"I think this will show the stu-
dents' aptitude better said Brad
Calhoun, a senior planning on
attending graduate school. "Some
people are justbetter at math than
At the begin-
ning of the
exam, test tak-
ers are given
questions of
equal difficulty.
Using that
information, the
adjusts the next
question to the participant's ability.
The response determines the level
of difficulty of the next question.
Junior Beth Oels said she feels
that computer-adaptive test are
" feel as though I would do
better I would be more con-
fident and less discouraged
advantageous to
the individual.
"I feel as
though I would
do better Oels
said. "I would
be more confi-
dent and less
Beth Oels discouraged
Junior One of the
more controver-
sial features of the computer
administered exam is the fact that
once you choose an answer you can
not go back.
Junior Anna Cowperthwaite said
she thinks that not being able to go
back and check one's work is a
point of concern.
"I like to be thorough with my
work, Cowperthaite said. "Without
being able to check over my work, I
feel that it puts more stress on the
test taking process
An individuals' score depends
on the number of answered ques-
tions, time allotted and the perfor-
mance of the individual on the
given questions. The questions are
weighed according to their level of
Westmoreland savs that there
are advantages to the computer-
based exam, such as knowing the
grade on the exam as soon as you
complete the exam.
"You know your scores before
you leave Westmoreland said.
Student Lynsey Durishin said
that when you are scored based on
your individual ability it is an
advantage. And, because people
think differently, not everyone can
answer the same types of questions.
"The test is more personal. This
is a good way for your individuality
to come out Durishin said

Z Thurtdiy. April 16. 1899
The Eitt Carolinian
BOG honors professor
Bill would pay
historically black
schools for racism
RALEIGH (AP)�The state would
pay historically black North
Carolina universities millions of
dollars to compensate for past
racism and funding inequities
under a bill proposed by a Durham
legislator. Rep. Mickey Michaux's
measure would give the five histor-
ically black schools arid the
University of North Carolina at
Pembroke, which has a large
American Indian enrollment, an
extra $21 million a year to supple-
ment their budgets.
Lawmakers consider
$1 million to preserve
family farms
ing riot gear for his force following
the near-riot.
Man suspected of
robbing the same
bank twice is caught
ed bank robber was arrested
Monday after he allegedly held up
the same bank he robbed last
week, FBI officials said.
John Francis Bolton, 28, of
British Columbia was taken into
custody by Anchorage Police.
Bolton allegedly held up a
branch of Denali Alaska Federal
Credit Union inside the Carrs
store on Huffman Road at about
1:30 p.m. A witness who saw
Bolton drive away gave police a
description of the vehicle and he
was arrested a short time later.
Bolton is suspected of robbing
the same branch last Tuesday. He
is being held at the Cook Inlet
Pre-Trial Facility.
RALEIGH (AP)�As new develop-
ment pushes out from North
Carolina cities and paves over farm-
land, state lawmakers this year are
considering pumping taxpayer
money into an effort to temper
urban sprawl.
The General Assembly will con-
sider a bill that would put $1 million
into the state
Farmland Preservation Trust
Fund. The money would be
enough to protect about 4,000 acres
of agricultural land.
If the bill passed, it would be the
first major investment in the fund
created 13 years ago.
Arrest made in
near-riot at Clemson
CLEMSON, S.C. (AP) � Clemson
police are still tallying up the dam-
age following a massive outdoor
parry at Clemson University that
got out of hand.
Investigators plan to look at a
videotape of the incident before
making arrests.
Police Chief Johnson Link said
Sunday night's crowd, estimated at
5,000, caused several thousand dol-
lars worth of damage to police cars,
including a cracked windshield and
numerous dents.
Link says he is considering buy-
Pig-Out�The Great Pirate
PurpleGold Pigskin Pig-out Party
will begin at Dowdy-Ficklen
Stadium. There will be carnival
rides, games and food vendors.
Later, the competition for the pig-
cooking contest will begin.
Baseball�ECU and Richmond
duel in CAA conference game at 7
p.m. at Harrington Field.
PurpleGold�The Great Pirate
PurpleGold Pigskin Pig-out Party
continues at Dowdy-Ficklen
Stadium with carnival rides, games
and food. In the morning, judges
will rate the pigs cooked overnight
by Pig-out contestants. A light
scrimmage by the ECU Pirate foot-
ball team is slated for the afternoon.
A home and garden show is sched-
uled for the weekend at Minges
Softball�The ECU women's
softball team plays at Radford in a
doubleheader at 1 p.m.
Markowski invented
Peter Lenk
Political crisis
looms over India
NEW DELHI, India (AP)�
Political brokers of various hues
met behind closed doors Tuesday
after a member of the ruling coali-
tion categorically said it will pull out
of the government and form anoth-
er power structure with opposition
Focus shifted to the main oppo-
sition Congress Party, led by Sonia
Gandhi, the widow of former Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The
Congress, the second largest politi-
cal group in Parliament, is under
pressure to lead the new coalition.
Killer bacterium on
the rise in Singapore
SINGAPORE (AP) � A common
bacterium that causes respiratory
tract infections has evolved into a
killer bug that antibiotics cannot
fight in Singapore, doctors and
news reports said Tuesday.
The number of cases of strepto-
coccus pneumoniae bacterium that
proved resistant to antibiotics shot
up from 2 percent in 1991 to 43 per-
cent in 1997, said Dr. Ling Moi Lin,
a microbiologist at Singapore
General Hospital.
Edward "Mel" Markowski, a pro-
fessor in the child development and
family relations department, has
been chosen as the 1999 winner of
the Board of Governors Award for
excellence in Teaching, the top
teaching award presented by the
board to one faculty member on
each UNC campus.
Markowski, who is also the chair
of the North Carolina Marriage and
Family Therapy Licensure Board
was awarded this annual following a
nomination by the chair person of
his department,Cynthia Johnson.
Applicants must also submit a port-
folio which includes his or her
Philosophy of Teaching statement,
examples of course syllabi, letters
written by colleagues and students,
students' semester evaluations and
a video tape of one of the candi-
date's classes.
Dr. Markowski, and alumni of
Florida State University, has been
with the university for 26 years. He
has served as assistant dean, dean,
chairperson of his department and
Markowski initiated one of
ECU's most prestigious master's
opportunities, the marriage and
family therapy program. This pro-
gram requires 500 hours of actual
client contact and 100 hours of
supervision. A master's degree in
this program can lead to a license
from North Carolina as a family
This program accepts only 12
students a year from all over the
nation. This year, there were 40
Faculty Members said these
educational achievements, along
with his popularity with students
and faculty, led Markowski to win
the Top Board of Governors
Teaching Award.
"Because of his commitment to
teaching, learning and students, he
has been here many years and is
well respected said Dr. David
Dosser. "He is creative , innovative
and makes learning fun
Markowski said he is proud of
his award which reflects his love for
his profession.
"It means that perhaps I have
been learning and getting better
instead of just rising, plateauing and
on a decline ever since
Markowski said. "It's really an
award I share with all the faculty
and students. I know many teachers
here who are excellent teachers and
it's really a privilege accepting this
But, according to Markowski,
the most rewarding thing about his
job is the students.
" I enjoy seeing the enthusiasm
of students and their questions
which make me learn by thinking
about them and discussing them-
having the students teaching me
he said. "The more questions they
In the 413 issue of TEC,
we stated that the action to dismiss
Marc Schatz as manager of WZMB
was conducted in closed session.
By N.C. Open Records Law the
details and discussion concerning
any personal action are sealed. Only
the final decision is required to be
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Baseball�ECU and the
University of Richmond play at 7
p.m. at Harrington Field.
Concert�They call themselves
"Doc and Dawg but are formally
known as Doc Watson and David
Grisman and are considered leg-
ends on the guitar and mandolin.
The concert is at 8 p.m. in Wright
Auditorium. For information about
tickets, call or visit the Central
Ticket Office in Mendenhall
Student Center. The phone num-
ber 3284788.
Sunday '
Baseball� There will be a third
day of baseball between ECU and
Richmond. The game starts at 2
p.m. at Harrington Field.
Recital�ECU's Early Music
Ensemble will perform at 5 p.m. at
St. Paul's Episcopal Church.
Guest Recital�A recital by
guest pianist Sharyn Edwards will
be held at 5 p.m. in Fletcher Recital
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The East Carolinian
2nd Floor Student Pub. Building
Greenville, NC 27858
Vatican opposes pill
for Kosovo rape victims
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the "morning after" pill by rape
victims is tantamount to abortion, a
senior Vatican official said Tuesday,
expressing church opposition to
their distribution to Kosovo
refugees by U.N. aid workers.
He called the pill a "real abor-
tion technique" that should not be
confused with a contraceptive.
The position stated by
Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, vice pres-
ident of the Pontifical Academy for
Life, reflected the Vatican's firm
opposition to abortion and its con-
cern during the Bosnian civil war
that rape victims would end their
Sgreccia, writing in the Italian
Roman Catholic daily newspaper
Avvenire, was reacting to last
week's announcement by the U.N.
Population Fund that it was provid-
ing emergency reproductive health
kits for about 350,000 people.
The agency's spokesman criti-
cized the Vatican position Tuesday,
saying the kits had nothing to do
with abortions.
"They're intended to save
women's lives said Alex Marshall.
"To drag this abortion debate into
this is inhuman
Reports of rape suffered by eth-
nic Albanian women, who are over-
whelmingly Muslim, have been
increasing in recent days.
British Foreign Secretary Robin
Cook said Tuesday that reports
indicate that young ethnic
Albanian women are being separat-
ed from refugee columns and sys-
tematically raped at a Serb army
camp near the Albanian border.
Firsthand accounts from indi-
viduals are also beginning to
"I think many of the women are
afraid to come forward an Italian
doctor, Carlo Romanini, who
recently returned from Albania,
told a government briefing
The U.N. Population Fund said
in New York that the kits include
equipment to deliver babies with-
out medical facilities, pictorial
instructions, morning after pills for
rape victims and a variety of contra-
The Planned Parenthood
Federation of America, which con-
tributed50,000 to the kits, said it
was "unconscionable" that the
Vatican would express opposition
to their distribution.
The federation's president,
Gloria Feldt, said it was particularly
unthinkable to deny reproductive
health care to women in need
"when you take into consideration
the horrible psychological and
physical damage of sexual assault
The Vatican official said it was
important to distinguish between
"the act of violence suffered and
the reality of new human beings
who have begun their life
He rejected any comparison
with the distribution of contracep-
tive pills to nuns in the Congo in
the 1960s, which he called "legiti-
mate defense" against the possibil-
ity of rape.
Vatican critics often cite the case
of the Congo in the 1960s as an
example of the church willing to
bend its rules against contracep-
Sgreccia's position was attacked
by a leading woman member of
Italy's Greens party, who said the
Vatican's word could add to the suf-
fering of the Kosovo women.
"From the Vatican, which is so
involved in the search for peace, we
expect comfort for the suffering of
women said Annamaria Procacci.
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4 Ttwtrtiy. �rll 16.1989
Ths East Carolinian
April 12
Financial Card Theft and
Financial Card Fraud � A resident
of Scott Hall reported the larceny
of his NationsBank Visa. An officer
reviewed a tape at the State
Employee's Credit Union. The
tape revealed another Scott Hall
resident withdrawing money from
the victim's account. He was arrest-
ed and charged with financial card
theft and financial card fraud.
Possession of Marijuana and
Drug Paraphernalia�Officers
responded to a complaint of an odor
of marijuana burning in Fletcher
Hall. A Fletcher Hall resident was
issued a state citation after turning
over approximately one gram of
marijuana and various items of drug
paraphernalia. Another student was
issued a campus appearance ticket
for being in the room and admitting
to smoking marijuana.
Harassing Phone Calls �A resi-
dent of Greene Hall reported
receiving repeated phone calls
from an ex-boyfriend.
Possession of a Weapon on
Campus and Firing a Firearm in
City Limits �An Aycock Hall resi-
dent was arrested for discharging a
firearm within the city limits and
possession of a weapon on universi-
ty property. He was identified by
an eyewitness. While searching his
room, a 9mm magazine with one
round and a 9mm cleaning kit were
seized. A computerized scale and
automatic rifle magazine were
located in the student's vehicle.
The weapon was not located. The
weapon was discharged in the park-
ing lot northeast of Aycock Hall.
Obtaining Property by False
Pretense �A staff member report-
ed that a student had returned
books twice in the past few weeks
to the Student Stores. The student
used a possibly fraudulent medical
withdrawal form. It was discovered
that the student had not withdrawn
from school.
April 13
Larceny�A non-student report-
ed that an Ethernet card was taken
from a laptop computer while it was
part of a booth at Mendenhall
Student Center.
Simple Assault�A Scott Hall
resident was arrested at the Police
Department based on a warrant for
simple assault.
Suicide Threat�Officers
responded to the Family Therapy
clinic in reference a subject threat-
ening suicide. The subject was
extremely combative and resisted
officers' assistance. The subject
was restrained and transported to
the hospital.
Possession of Drug
ParaphernaliaPossession of a
Weapon on CampusSimple
Possession of MarijuanaPossession
of PyrotechnicsAlcohol Violation
A staff member reported the odor
of marijuana coming from a suite in
Scott Hall. The resident handed
over two small bags and one sand-
wich bag containing marijuana. A
consent search of the room
revealed two BB guns, a flask, a
safe, mason jars with an unidenti-
fied substance, a sandwich bag with
a white powder substance, and 26
fire crackers. The suspect was
arrested and charged with the
above crimes.
Possible Missing Person�A
student living off campus reported
that her roommate was missing.
The roommate was last seen at the
Wright Place at 1:45 pm on 41399.
The complainant contacted the
police department at approximate-
ly 6:10 am and advised that her
roommate had returned to their
- f
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Equal Kuuting
The East Carnli
April she
April flowe
With spr
; year and, o
Have yo
look there
and buildii
abhorred a
: These fl
� blooming
essential ps
tures such
beautiful a
It is nice
natural bea
. are gifts fro
These gi
flowers, gra
there at an
natural bea
read a bool
content to
Think of
which scho
many youn
thetic chan
ers. Or, atl
Well I'm back
case anyone mi
has set in and I
�lately, but that's
-story is that I h
cr for the last
because I'm re
and all, researcl
I cannot men tic
I will mention
don't quite und
The Kosovc
The Serb
Milosevic, is s
"whose name I
jMATO has dec
hate him and be
Stone age. An
being sent ov(
'fight this guy a
tire out is exact
interest in Rose
son given is to
So essentially w
in order to stop
pie. Is it just mi

I Carolinian

idies Free
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are as follows:
nice. Be sure to
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Thl Em Cirnliniin
,� B
Amv L.Rovitbi Edna
Amanda G. Austin MimiJuHwi Harris NmEdilm
Amv Wagner taaiMi Ntm Edim
Nina Drv FmmEfw
:irv Phoenix I
Stephen Schramm SpmE
Krisrv iianiei. ainiiuSum
Chris Knotts S
Michael smith usm
Stephanie Whitloce MDnajs
Janet Respess Annii�n
Russ Blackriirn Lskm
Bossr Tuoole
S.�i aa1DJ MHRkf in MS. � Eau Canaan naaan K.00O cttkl my aaaaa lal la��l� tai la i�ar�l � aica altia a Ra ajia
aw ol ma lajorilv at H�a tmial Boan) aaal at �ril��� �lm� a Mlanal ���� ��� TRa i�� C�llii�a ��Eiiai aj�m � Ita a�n���� gO
URaaafraHal aaaRaH a: Opaaa ata� ,Ha i� Cmaaw, Sajaaa IViriilllli Mil, Ed), iRRRfc IIHM3M, h illimlln ill
April showers bring May flowers. Well, it's not May yet, so April showers bring
i April flowers.
With spring comes many delightful things: warm weather, the end of the school
; year and, of course, flowers.
Have you looked around campus and seen all of the flowers? Everywhere you
look there are pink-laced trees and sunshine-yellow daffodils lining the sidewalks
and buildings. It reminds us of how pretty this campus really is, despite all the
abhorred construction.
: These flowers were planted a long time ago, but it takes care to keep them
� blooming year after year. It is good to see that the university has not forgotten this
: essential part of our campus. Hey, they don't just care about flashy, high-tech struc-
tures such as Sonic Plaza. The flowers are a cheap way to add grace to an already
beautiful campus.
It is nice to be able to walk around campus and admire the simple elegance of
natural beauty. There are not just squirrels, stray cats and classroom buildings; there
are gifts from Mother Nature to enjoy as well.
These gifts, in turn, make the campus a more enjoyable place. If there were no
flowers, grass or trees, just brick buildings and dirt paths, would people want to be
there at anytime they didn't have to be? Probably not Whether they know it or not,
natural beauty such as flowers make people want to spend time at a place�want to
read a book by the fountain, or walk their dog around the mall. Many people are
content to just to sit on the grass and take in some sun and gaze at the beautiful
Think of how it must look to visiting high-school seniors who arc trying to decide
which school to attend. Campus appearance alone helps to influence the minds of
many young students. The lush scenery and colorful flowers only add to the aes-
thetic charm of our school.
So the next time you find yourself rushing to class, slow down and smell the flow-
ers. Or, at least just look at them and enjoy their beauty.
Committing genocide in Kosovo
Well I'm back once again, just in
case anyone missed me. Spring-itis
�has set in and I've been pretty lazy
lately, but that's to be expected. My
itory is that I have been undercov-
er for the last couple of weeks,
because I'm really a secret agent
;and all, researching something that
I cannot mention at this time. What
I will mention is something that I
don't quite understand.
The Kosovo crisis�what is it?
The Serb leader, Slobodan
Milosevic, is another crazy man
"whose name I cannot pronounce.
jMATO has decided that we should
Jiate him and bomb him back to the
stone age. American troops are
being sent over to Yugoslavia to
�fight this guy and what I can't fig-
ure out is exactly why. What is our
interest in Kosovo? I know the rea-
son given is to stop the genocide.
So essentially we are killing people
in order to stop the killing of peo-
ple. Is it just me or does this sound
like a major contradiction? If I'm
not mistaken this feud or civil war
has been going on for centuries, so
why have we gotten involved now?
This is not a ploy by President
Clinton to divert attention from his
personal life�we are actually
about to go to war.
We fought against Communism
in Vietnam, we fought for justice
and oil in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,
now it's genocide in Kosovo. The
most interesting thing to me is that
they are comparing this guy to
Adolf Hitler. Hitler was also killing
innocent people, but we did not
just jump into the war. In fact, wc
actually waited until we thought
Hitler and Nazi Germany was a
threat to the United States before
jumping into the war, if I'm not
mistaken. So what threat to us is
Kosovo, or did we learn our lesson
in World War II? An unfortunate
product of this war is the possible
joining of Russia with Yugoslavia.
Apparently Russia may also have
an American-hating political figure
who is looking for the top position
in Russia. Abo, the Russian mad-
man is a former KGB agent who is
friends with Saddam Hussein,
that Iraq guy who we beat a couple
of years ago. This whole situation
looks bad because if all those
American hating groups get togeth-
er we'll have a new enemy.
I don't totally agree with the
United States' involvement over in
Kosovo. I don't like the idea of an
entire race being wiped out by a
madman either. So we are involved
in Kosovo, and nobody knows what
the next move will be. Hopefully
the best will come out of this and
the fighting will stop. Then the
Americans, Russians, Iraqis and all
other countries can join in song
while we eat chocolate chip cookie
dough ice cream from Dairy
flit Mid of ibe
strosUr is ri
(whaV's down there?)
to the Editor
Shocked over Schatz dismissal
As a former WZMB employee, I
am disappointed but not shocked
to learn of the details surrounding
the firing of Marc Schatz as General
Manager of WZMB. I spent three
years at WZMB, much of this time
working with Mr. Schatz and all of
it dealing with the questionable
competence and intentions of Paul
Wright and the Media Board.
Mr. Schatz is an excellent disc jock-
ey and a conscientious worker. He
has been deeply committed to
exposing the WZMB listening
audience to innovative, interesting
music and has put tireless effort
into discovering such music. He
has also fought hard to overcome
the persistent difficulties the sta-
tion has had to face in recent years,
namely employee absenteeism
(especially problematic when
involving disc jockeys) and the
strangehold of a media board which
has not been the least bit support-
While I do not have any firsthand
exposure to the details of this par-
ticular situation, I must say Mr.
Schatz's account of the inappropri-
ate methodology involved in his
termination is consisted with the
behavior of Paul Wright and, to a
lesser extent, the media board dur-
ing my tenure at the station. This
certainly would not be the first
time that these parties did not fol-
low, or, for that matter, know the
proper procedure to be followed in
such situations. Hopefully, the
media board will realize these
errors and reinstate Mr. Schatz.
Jeff Anderson
Editor's note: Please refer to clarifi-
cation on page 2 concerning the
413 issue of TEC regarding the
dismissal of Marc Schatz.
Herald Journal
SC needs privacy laws
South Carolina is not the only
state that assumes it owns all the
information it can amass about its
North Carolinians recently
learned that their state has com-
piled a database on 2.5 million of its
residents who attended college or
took vocational training courses
within the past nine years. The
database tracks their employment
history and their earnings.
The stated purpose of the data-
base is to analyze the effectiveness
of job training by looking at the
training taken and the jobs and
salaries to which that training led
South Carolinians were upset this
year to learn that the state had sold
their driver's license photos to
Image Data, a New Hampshire
company developing a system to
combat check and credit card fraud.
Image Data's system seems like
a worthwhile development that
represents a maximum benefit for a
minimum of intrusion. But the arro-
gance of state leaders in believing
that the images of all citizens were
theirs to trade in led to widespread
Gov. Jim Hodges has cancelled
the state's contract with Image
Data. But state officials have yet to
recognize the fact that they have no
right to sell the personal informa-
tion of individual South
Congress and state legislatures
should reassert wt ownership of
our information. When someone
compiles information about us our
names, addresses, Social Secuflty
numbers, employment and credit
histories, etc. (he or she) should
be able to engage in the com-
mercial trade of that information
without our permission.
State and federal lawmakers
should study the impact of encod-
ing these principles into law.
The Columbia
Check on patient compensation
When a state agency is in ques-
tionable financial health, it makes
sense to give it a checkup.
Especially when state taxpayers
depend on it.
That's why it was a smart move
when the five-member board of
the Legislative Audit Council
which audits and investigates state
agencies voted to send auditors to
examine the South Carolina
Patients Compensation Fund. The
PCF, an obscure state agency, han-
dles tens of millions of dollars a year
in providing malpractice insurance
for most of the state's private doc-
tors, nurses and hospitals.
The trouble with the PCF is that
no one really knows what's going on
there, as a recent superficial study
by an South Carolina Medical
Association task force found. The
study indicated the PCF may be
financially unstable. This is a seri-
ous matter. If the PCF goes belly-
up, state taxpayers may be stuck
with millions of dollars worth of
legal claims against doctors.
The PCF is a kind of insurance
fund, without the same rules that
govern real insurance companies.
Health professionals who are PCF
"members" pay what amounts to
malpractice insurance every year.
From that money, the PCF pays out
settlements when patients are hurt
or killed by medical negligence. For
years, before the era of high jury
verdicts, the PCF had plenty of
money. Its rates were the lowest in
the country. But in recent years, it
has paid out more than it was sched-
uled to take in. The PCF can assess
higher rates, but it isn't certain that
doctors will pay those rates over the
long haul. PCF officials say their
agency is fine. But it has never had
a serious audit.
The Legislative Audit Counsel
should plunge in quickly. It's
about time for a checkup.
Write, 0 Letter
��s; SfJ �� �& W '� -�' iv- Wi : �

6 THitfriw, A�nl 15, 1999
The East Carolinian
7 Thursday, Ap
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Ah, summ
year when sr
day when cla
can relax and
to their first
daily basis, no
Sadly, this
is reality to o
dents. The re
the long, hoti
making monc
school year,
some ways to
job more apf
even enjoyabl
Many stud
about what to
� "Right nov
arty summer
tig SOC
Luckily for
the student b
feet time to
many options
The first rt
come up w
Planning ahez
finding a sumi
. Brainstorm ah.
like to work, u
; qualify for an
; what you mig
; djc exgericna
' Do you
Greenville, 6c
spend the st
How about 1
Location beep
important con
when cjmtem
; summerjob.
��11 iii�� ����
- Diving
- Cattle
� Medici
- Salmoi
- Kodlak
- Tall Sh

;l Carolinian
'EC A?m
Mike Litwin
For Details.
7 Thunday, April 16, 1999
Tk East CaralWw
Ah, summe
year when stud
day when classed! end
can relax and devoti
to their first love
daily basis, not just I
Sadly, this summon
is reality to only a feij
dents. The rest of usj
the long, hot summer wod
making money for the
school year. There are,
some ways to make you
job more appealing, and
even enjoyable and usefsl.r
Many students are still un
about what to do after si
any summer
feet time to stan
many options for su
The first thing you should do is
come up with a game plan.
Planning ahead will ensure you
finding a summer job that you like.
� Brainstorm about where youmight
� like to work, what typfcs of jobs you
; qualify .for and would enjoy, and
what you might like'to get out of
; the experience.
Do you want to stay in
Greenville, or are yoti planning to
spend the" summer in Raleigh?
How about moving to Alaska?
lioeation becomes one of the.most
important considerations to make
be staying in North Carolina, there
are literally thousands of other pos-
sibilities to choose from if you are
p move out of state.
�you decide on a location or
area of the country you would like
to work in, consider what kind of.
experience you are looking for. If
you want to build up a resume and
make money at the same time, the
Cooperative Education program
might be an option for you.
' '� Co-Op experiences help you to
build a resume and develop profes-
sionalism said Mary Cauley,
director of Cooperative Education.
Through a summer experience,
you can meet people, make con-
tacts andnetwork"
Though this might not sound
too interesting, a little work on the
job search itself can turn a produc-
tive experience into a meaningful
one as well.
For example, some of the most
unique experiences that the co-op
when contemplating your dream
summerob. While most o us will office has placed students in are
also the most valuable to their
degree. Take thp biology major
who spent the summer surveying
bats and goshawks at the Grand
Canyon. Oijthe stfident traveling to
Italy this summer on a golf intern-
ship. Through dedication to find-
ing the best match for your skills
and degree, you can combine your
knowledge with a unique and
exciting summer job. And the best
part is, you're getting paid at the
same time.
For those considering a co-op
placement, several requirements
do exist. First, you should plan to
attend a seminar, held every
Monday and Thursday at the co-op.
office in room 2300 of theGenerall
'Classroom Building. Students "must
register to enroll in the program,
and a 2.0 GPAi is required for all
participants. ??�-fc
Once1 a student has filled
application, they are free to come
by and search the database of avail-
able summer jobs. This database
� TT
out an usually
has informa-
tion on the
pay informa-
tion and other
directly from
the employer.
In addition, it
also has on-
campus job
listings, as
well as list-
ings in
and around '
the United
selecting a
few jobs, a
resume will
required. For
those stu-
dents who do
riot already
have a resume
completed, a
trip to Career
Services is recommend
"Our job is to support the coop-
erative program as they try to find
temporary employment for ECtJ
students said Jim Wefctmorclandf
director of Career Services. JB.
� Some of the support they WSj
vide is in the area of prepaid
resumes to help students get;
su'rnmer jobs, and -then turrjfl
those experiences iiito market)
skills for permanent einployme
After the resume has been MJdB
mitred, the co-op office will pre-
sent it to prospective employer. "hand,
The office then acts as a liaison contain past work experiences and
The coolest summer jobs
ECU co-op stu'
- Diving instructor in the
between the student and the inter-
ested organization.
One of the components of any
summet experience that Jfeoth
Careejtr Sc&SJJB agdjK the"
Cooperative Education offierress
is experimentation. m
"Use your imagination
Westmoreland said. "The most
valuable summer cxperii
qualifications that try to match a
student's interests and experiences
to that ofthe job that is ssught.
"Basically, a data sheet should
indicate to trumployeFlhaebfi �lHrn up on ajtfpamrilMferch �"
Pyou have" woikjnSm�9unlUMk
the most glamorous of jobs. Being a �
waitress ataStuffy resort might not �
sound tike the best job, but living
somewhere like Aspen, Oplorada
might be worth it. 3
Another possibility tharmighr
- Cattle branding
Some. .Students
arb qHalifiiw aTM
done your
Westmoreland sai
to start looking.
may h�ady have a specific com-
pany in mind that theywould like
to work for. In this case, students
. should not hesitate to contact
someone who might hire diem, or
at least give them advice about
getting a job. The more you net-
work, the better the possibilities
for finding the work yon want.
Location again is an important
already hare a par-
dCUlar MWECCrelion of the coun-
classified ads
campshave their own web TOes.
Often, this becomes a mcaximgfiil.
experience that enabtes sl .muBciit.
to mature while helping younger
kids do the same�all the -viWte:
earning money in the process.
If you can't find whtatyrari
on the Internet, many companies-
such as Petcfserts and ftarron's
print yearly guidebooks that hst.
camp, resort, cruise or international
sMMBC i. i i'
By far, the most imp
to ten

9 Thursday, Ap
8 Ttarrtay. �rll IS. 1999
Thi East Carolinian
Authors David Bradley,
Shelley Fishkin come to campus
Event coordinated by
Writers Reading Series
Phillip Gilfus
senior whiter
Was Huckleberry Finn black? Was
Mark Twain? These are just some
of the many questions and topics
that will be discussed at the Annual
English Tag Lecture.
Novelist David Bradley and pro-
fessor and author Dr. Shelley
Fisher Fishkin will be visiting ECU
to give lectures and discuss their
novels that include Bradley's "The
Chaneysville Incident" and
Fishkin's "Lighting Out for the
Territory: Reflections on Mark
Twain and American Culture" and
"Was Huck Black?: Mark Twain
and African-American Voices
They will be working together
on a workshop which will discuss
"Huck Finn" and Mark Twain's
irony in writing it said Dr. Lillian
Robinson, the workshop's coordi-
Currently there is a controversy
in schools all over the nation about
whether "The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn" should be
taught in the schools. Many oppo-
nents point to the racist language
used in the novel.
"The novel is a satire on
racism Robinson said. "Both
authors coming to ECU will be tak-
ing the stance in the workshop that
the book is worth teaching
Dr. Fishkin's lecture will be pri-
marily about the travels she took
across the South, and the different
places where Twain lived.
"I'll be talking about this enig-
ma of a man, who was the son of
slaveholders and became the
author of the greatest anti-racist
novel Fishkin said.
Fishkin will speak about
Twain's hometown of Hannibal,
Mo where they hold a festival
every year honoring him.
"I'll note in my talk that they're
honoring an image that leaves out
David Bradley
more than is put in Fishkin said.
Joining Fishkin in the workshop,
Bradley will be discussing his views
and giving a separate lecture on his
Bradley will be speaking as part
of the Writers Reading Scries.
"This will be the last program of
the year and it proves to be the
best said Julie Fay, director of the
writers' series.
The Writers Reading Series
invites writers to Eastern North
Carolina each year to allow the
community, students and readers a
chance to meet and hear from the
them in person. The program gives
the authors an opportunity to give a
public reading, sign books and
attend a public reception in their
"IThe Writers' Series gives stu-
dents a chance to pick the writer's
brain Fay said.
The series is co-sponsored by
Women's Studies, Ethnic Studies
and other various departments.
The novel that Bradley will be
speaking about, "The Chaneysville
Incident was awarded the 1982
PENFaulkncr Prize and an
Academy Award from the American
Academy and the Institute of Arts
and Letters.
"In writing that book I had to
learn a whole lot of things Bradley
said. "A lot of the stuff that I kept
coming up with was just plain
funny. Part of the way the book
works is that he the main charac-
ter, an African-American historian
is both serious and negative his-
tory will do that to you
Students who wish to attend the
joint workshop arc encouraged to
speak to Dr. Robinson or call her at
328-6681. The workshop will be
held April 21 at noon in the General
Classroom Building, Room 2011.
Bradley's "Meet the Writer" pro-
gram will he held at 3 p.m.
Fishkin's lecture will take place in
GCB 1031 at 4 p.m.
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9 Thundiy. April 16,1999
Thi Etst Cirolirtiin
Medical Ml) &
Hope Medical Institute (HMI)is currently accepting applications for
SeptemberOctober 1999 semesters from committed students, If you are:
� College graduate with pre-med or pre-vet background
� College graduate without pre-med or pre-vet background
� 2-year college education with concentration in science courses
� High school graduate who wants to become a MO. or D.V.M.
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Counseling Center
provides support
Counselors available
to listen to issues
Nina M. Dry
"Will I get into grad school?" "I
really need to stop drinking, but
can I?" "I know he loves me and
he did say he wouldn't hit me
again Students live in situations
like these and many others. The
best thing is that there are people
who can help through these hard
The Center for Counseling and
Student Development houses five
counselors who are there to listen
to students in both individual and
group sessions.
"The primary role of the
Counseling Center is to provide
psychological and emotional sup-
port for students to help them get
through school said Dr. Al Smith,
assistant director of the Counseling
No matter how big or small you
may consider your problem to be,
the counselors will be there to offer
an objective, supportive ear.
"I help people look at their
options. A lot of times, if a stu-
dent talks to an objective person,
they can come up with resolu-
tions they might not have thought
of said Dr. Nancy Badger, psy-
chologist. "I try to ask questions in
such a way that they have to look a
little bit deeper inside of them-
selves for the answer
Although all five counselors are
generalises and discuss a wide
range of issues, they each have dif-
ferent disciplines.
According to Badger, Dr. Smith
focuses on career counseling, Dr.
Robert Morphet's concentration is
substance abuse, Dr. Valerie Kisler
works with eating disorders and
Dr. Lynn Roeder targets sexual
identity. Badger works with
women's issues and relationships.
"The college years are when
most people develop mentally,
trying to work on intimate relation-
ships Badger said.
Along with her concentration on
relationships and women's issues,
Badger also coordinates the acade-
mic study skills workshops. These
workshops are given throughout
the semester to serve students in a
wide range of issues such as time
management, note taking, test
preparation, test taking and acade-
mic motivation.
According to Dr. Bob Morphet,
students can receive guidance in
any of the previous concerns in'
both individual and group sessions.
"I enjoy group sessions
Badger said. "I consider them very
good for those who feel isolated on
a particular issue. It's good to know
there's others that are going
through the same thing
"The primary intent for work-
shops is to teach a skill to stu-
dents Smith said.
The Counseling Center goes
one step beyond to help students
by conducting outreach programs.
"We are proactive in our
approach to students Smith said.
"We visit fraternities, sororities,
Health 1000 classes and Family
Therapy Counselor Education pro-
grams to do educational outreach
programs Morphet said.
According to Badger, the issues
covered during these outreach pro-
grams include academics, relation-
ships, career, substance abuse,
stress management and sexual
So whether you attend a work-
shop, group session or individual
counseling, the counselors will pro-
vide you with the best assistance
they can.
"All counselors are versed in all
issues Smith said. "The
Counseling Center provides a safe
place students can come to get
help f
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Mike Mesmer"eyes

Tht Ent Cirolinim
400 meter stable
exceptionally deep
Stephen Schramm
ew sports at ECU have
trte-hrstory and national reputation
of Bill Carson's jfrrfBtee. The
men's track te
holds it's own
giants. Carson
filled with t
However, the tal
he 400 meters.
ECU has a long pcdjjfrfft I
d siiajfH&PBf pro-
12 all-Am.
400 meter relrthe 4J)0-
eters. It is a cjMft&milepwho'
Irviiw iiw
named aJjAmcricUlrtimcs in the
early '90M He also lehe two-time
�ll-AmelcanX400 Weter relay
squad fo the MNational
ChampionsMsif 199JM1991,
The lwJlyRt tcljas,
tremendouslyBdeep jeservi
exceptional fcartemilers.
Americans, DaBon Hayil, IjP'ick
Ingram, JamesBjMljJlike
Miller and freshrnHLawrence
Ward represent the
future of the ECU 400-meterTe
"Our program is based around
the 400. This year we've got five
really good ones. We put an empha-
sis on the 400. It's my strong point
Carson said.
Carson's program has built
around the 400 meters. The pro-
gram's success with the distance is a
product of Carson's mindset in
"Coach only recruits kids who
can run the quarter. If you can't run
the quarter, you don't get much
respect in the program Miller said.
The history of quarter-milers at
the school also propitiates the flow
of quality runners into the program.
"I was looking to go to a school
with a tradition of good 400-meter
runners. I looked at ECU's past and
all of the ail-Americans and I decid-
ed, this is the place for me Ward
iisynfcWcam boasts possibly
he school's nStable of 400
meter runners in tneMpol's histo-
e're going tfte a big
dition. We'vewoken
lth"eS�2K3kfcord twice andvge've
got tnwBicricans Milleiwd.
JamernBxander returns tdBbe
squad aftl redshirting in 1?
AlexanderMrned his all-Amerid
status in H7 as a piece of the1
4x400 metemelay squad that fin-
ished fifth mjkc nation.
"James smd. He is possiblyj
the best Jelirnan we've eve,
had Cah
YtJUM was anchored by
iunka5aWav's- Davis took
ut returned in 1999
5 tremendous season.
DalfBlngram is the most hon-
red irnBerof the group. A threej
tim4 aP rMMthgrarrj loots
encans. Carson ranks Ingram,
Davis and Irvin as the most gifted
athletes he has ever coached.
"Darrick is second to Brian Irvin
who was the best we've ever had.
Damon Davis is close, second or
third Carson said.
Miller, the only senior in the
group, was also an ail-American
from the team in 1997. Miller has
shown himself to be a skilled relay
Softball holds 29-14 overall record
Pirates notch
two sweeps
Jean Wiiarton
East Carolina Softball continues to
win both on the road and on home
After pulling off a weekend
sweep of Big South teams
Charleston Southern University
and Winthrop University, ECU
jumped back into action to defeat
Campell 2-1 in game one and 6-0 in
game two on Tuesday's double
The weekend on the road
pushed the Pirates winning record
further as ECU beat CSU 5-1 in the
first game and 12-1 in the second.
The Pirates out hit the Buccaneers
13-3 in game two and stole a season
high eight bases to move their
record 29-14 over all and 4-2 in the
Big South.
"It feels good, especially since
we've been splitting lately senior
Isonette Polonius said.
Polonius continues to lead the
team in batting, notching her 12th
home run of the season on Sunday
against Winthrop. Denise Reagan
pitched a pair of shutouts as ECU
downed Winthrop 5-0 in game one
and 4-0 in game two.
"I am very pleased to go home
with two conference road sweeps
under our belts head coach Tracey
Kee said.
ECU's winning season has been
a balance between strong hitting
lead by Polonius and tough pitching
by Reagan.
Coming off a stellar weekend,
Reagan kept the teams winning
record by hurling for yet another
shutout against Campbell.
"Everything just came togeth-
er Reagan said, "It felt really
Reagan's teammates support her
strong showing on the mound and
attribute much of the teams success
this season to the junior hurler.
"Reagan has been doing great
pitching for us Polonius said.
"We've battled and really come
The Pirates were able to keep
their momentum going againist
Campbell with Polonius going 3-
for-3 with two runs scored and one
RBI. Sophmore Keisha
Shepperson was l-for-2 with runs
scored and four stolen bases while
junior Amekea McDougald
notched ECU last hit and scored
one run and stole one base.
Although the Camels attempt-
ed to rally with seven hits ECU
defense was too much.
"We're playing really well
together as a team, that helps a
lot freshmen Eva Herron said.
ECU gears up for the next
series of games trying to maintain
their six game winning streak.
"We want to carry this to the
confrence games this weekend and
win the important ones Reagan
ECU is now 33-14 overall and
6-2 in the Big South. The Pirates
hit the road today April 15 as they
take on UNC-Greensboro in a
game that was rescheduled
because of rain.
Hornet's forward Mason not prosecuted
CHARLOTTE (AP) - Charlotte
Hornets forward Anthony Mason
won't be prosecuted as a result of a
Chicago woman's accusation that
Mason raped her in his Charlotte
home in January.
Mecklenburg prosecutor David
Wallace said Monday that there was
not sufficient evidence to prove a
rape or sexual assault occurred.
"She never told police there
were any sort of physical threats or
verbal threats Wallace said.
Mason has denied the accusation
since it became public nearly four
months ago.
The 20-year-old woman told
police she met Mason, 32, near her
Chicago home and had had prior
sexual contact with him before
agreeing to visit him at his home in
Charlotte, Wallace said.
In a search warrant affidavit.
police said the woman reported she
was in Mason's bedroom around 1
a.m. on Jan. 8 when Mason forced
her to have sexual intercourse.
She also said Mason invited a
second uniden-
tified man to
perform sex acts
on her and she
refused. Mason
then forced her
to have sex with
him again,
twice, the war-
rant said.
Later that
day, the woman returned home and
reported the incident to Chicago
police, who referred her to
Charlotte-Mecklenburg police, the
warrant said.
"When asked specifically what
she considered to be the force that
was used, she stated to the
Charlotte-Mecklenburg investiga-
tors that he didn't use a condom
Wallace said.
"There would be insufficient
evidence that
the crimes
Efforts to
reach the
woman for com-
ment Monday
were unsuccess-
ful, The
Observer reported.
Mason, sitting out for the abbre-
viated NBA season after arm
surgery, declined comment, but his
agent and attorney said they
expected Monday's decision.
"I'm glad it's been put to rest
ThyrtiliY. April 16, 1899 10
Pigskin Pig-Out
slated for April 18
Event showcases
Pirate athletics
Blaine Denius
senior writer
With the return of the Great Pirate
PurpleGold Pigskin Pig-Out, ECU
fans can tame their cravings for
good Southern cooking and that
first glimpse of the '99 Pirate foot-
ball team.
The 16th annual Pigskin Pig-
Out is scheduled to begin April 16
with a golf tournament and run
throughout the weekend conclud-
ing with a home and garden show
on April 18. The event is a carnival
style celebration that will be held in
Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
Activities will include numerous
"She never told police there
were any sort of physical
threats or verbal threats
David Wallace
Mecklenburg prosecutor
exhibits, rides and musical perfor-
mances, but the center of attention
will be the ECU athletic program.
The highlight of the weekend
showcases the Pirate football team
in their first official scrimmage of
the year before a crowd in Dowdy-
Assistant athletic director at
ECU, Lee Workman, says the main
purpose of this event is to create
some good exposure for the Pirate
athletic program. He also believes
the event provides an in-depth look
at ECU athletics and works to bring
new students and fans to the uni-
"It's a great activity for students
and fans to come in and have a good
time Workman said. "It's a great
day because it's free to come on site
and free to see the bands
said Frank Rothman, Mason's
New York attorney.
Rothman represented Mason in
an unrelated case last year in
which Mason and his cousin were
arrested in New York on charges of
felony statutory rape. Two girls,
ages 15 and 14, told police they
had consensual sex with the two
Prosecutors dropped the felony
charges against Mason in June
after Mason agreed to plead guilty
to two counts of misdemeanor
child endangerment and serve 200
hours of community service.
Mason's cousin, William
Duggins, pleaded guilty to one
count of statutory rape and one
count of child endangerment and
was sentenced to five years' pro-
bation and 800 hours of communi-
ty service.
Some may say
Expos team of 90s
MonttwFs pligfit
reflects state of the game
Stephen Schramm
At the close of every decade the
argument arises over which team
deserves to be called the "Team of
the Decade
In baseball the debate circles
around the Braves and the Yankees.
Though the Braves went to the
post-season every year since 1991,
they only have one ring to show for
it. Thus, I can't give them my
endorsement to call themselves the
best team of the decade. The
Yankees won two rings this decade
and last year put together the best
squad since the Cincinnati Reds of
the 1970s. However, they were
somewhat of a non-factor during
some points in the decade and
being an ardent Orioles fan I cannot
give them the nod as the decade's
best team.
Now that we've ruled two of the
front-runners, let me suggest one
more candidate. This team was not
the best team of the decade but
rather they were a team that was
indicative of baseball in the 1990s.
The Montreal Expos produced
some of the finest players of the
decade. Of course, for the bulk of
their career, they had been lured
away from the team before they
earned their fame. Also the Expos
have been hurt by the current eco-
nomic structure of baseball. A struc-
ture where almost half of the teams
arc out of contention before open-
ing day.
1997 NL MVP Larry Walker, Cy
Young Award winner Pedro
Martinez, and perennial All-Stars
Andres Galarraga and Moises Alou
all began their careers as Expos.
Former Expos are plentiful on the
rosters of contenders and World
Series teams.
The Expos are a team with an
excellent front office and great farm
system. However, the team is stuck
in the smallest of markets, in a
town who has shown themselves to
be largely apathetic towards pro
baseball and their team.
The Expos' plight has repeated
itself numerous times over the
course of the decade. Talent is
brought up. The players perform
well, and when their contracts run
out, the Expos can't afford to keep
them. So the players head to an
American team for more money.
The circle goes on and on, whether
it be Mike Lansing, Carlos Perez,
Delino DeShields or Marquis
Current Expos stars such as
Dustin Hermanson and Rondell
White will probably leave Montreal
when their contracts run out as well.
The Expos now sit on the poor
side of the chasm that separates
baseball's haves and have-nots. The
team did not get funding for a new
downtown ballpark and is threaten-
ing to move. If that is not a prime
example of where baseball is at
now.I don't know what is.
If there is a team that has been
producing the highest level of tal-
ent and is indicative of the current
economic structure of baseball it is
the Montreal Expos. So what if they
weren't the best team of the
decade. If you were to pick a team
that best fit the moniker "Team of
the Nineties" it would have to be
the Montreal Expos.
UConn Guard
El-Amin attested
HARTFORD, Connecticut
(Ticker) Khalid El-Amin, the start-
ing point guard for NCAA champi-
on Connecticut, was arrested
Tuesday and charged with marijua-
na possession.
According to Hartford police Sgt.
Dan Meehan, El-Amin was arrested
late Tuesday afternoon and charged
with misdemeanor possession of
less than four ounces of marijuana.
"El-Amin was released after
promising to appear for a court
date Meehan said.
El-Amin, who just completed his
sophomore season, averaged 13.8
points and 3.9 assists as the Huskies
captured the NCAA Tournament
tide for the first time in school his-
tory. Last week, he announced he
would return for his junior season
and help Connecticut defend its
title rather than enter the NBA
��!�- Vl.

1999 10
isical perfor-
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Orioles off to slow start
BALTIMORE (AP) � Will Clark
sat in front of his locker, a bulky ice
pack on his left knee and a strained
look on his face. He glanced at the
food in the middle of the club-
house, which to him appeared as
worthless as his .478 batting aver-
Clark contributed at least one
hit in each of his first six games in
Baltimore, capping his opening
week Sunday with a homer and two
RBIs. Yet the Orioles blew a 4-0
lead against the Toronto Blue Jays
and finished their opening homes-
tand 2-4 and in the AL East cellar.
"I'd trade the hits and homers
for wins said Clark, who signed a
two-year, $11 million contract in
December. "The food tastes a lot
better when you win
Unless the Orioles improve their
pitching, Clark will savor few
hearty meals this summer. His pro-
ductionahead of Albert Belle
who's hitting .409 with five RBIs
has been wasted because
Baltimore's pitching staff owns a
6.00 ERA.
"This team is going to score
some runs, but not five or six every
day manager Ray Miller said. "So
we're just going to have to pitch
Mike Mussina owns both Oriole
wins, closer Mike Timlin has two
saves and Heathcliff Slocumb has
yet to yield a run. That pretty much
covers the list of Baltimore pitchers
who have been effective this sea-
"But as bad as it's gone, it can
turn around quickly Clark said.
The Orioles plummeted after a
10-3 start last season, staggering to
the finish in fourth place with a 79-
83 record. At this point they've got
nowhere to go but up and to
Yankee Stadium.
After a day off Monday,
Baltimore begins an 11-game load
trip today with three games against
the defending world champion
Yankees. The key game is
Thursday's finale, when Mussina
faces Roger Clemens.
The Orioles went 0-6 at Yankee
Stadium last year in a controversial
series that included a questionable
call by an umpire and the fastball
from Armando Benitez that hit
Tino Martinez in the back and
staned a brawl.
The Orioles have little chance
to win if they performed as they did
Sunday, when a botched rundown
and a shoddy performance by the
bullpen produced a shower of jeers
from the soggy, chilled crowd.
"You've got to go up there and
play good baseball Clark said.
"You don't do that, you don't win
continued from page 10
Although the pig-out party
began in 1984 as a method to pro-
vide exposure for ECU, it has
evolved into an event that accom-
plishes much more. This weekend
is also one of the main drives to
raise funds for ECU's student ath-
letic scholarships. Although the
football team is spotlighted during
the weekend, the money raised is
used to provide scholarships for
students participating in all the
sports offered at ECU.
"We hoped this event would
turn into a fund-raiser for the stu-
dent scholarship program
Workman said. "The money for the
scholarships comes from the rides,
food and the home and garden
According to Workman, this
weekend is geared for brothers, sis-
ters, moms, dads and everyone
else. He hopes more ECU students
will become involved in this event
and become more familiar with the
athletic program at their university.
"I really encourage students to
come out and enjoy the weekend
and be a part of what we are doing
Workman said. "I hope students
will be a part of the bands, ride
rides, eat barbecue, watch the
games and bring all their friends to
have a good time
This year's pig-out party will be
even more sports focused. In years
past the football scrimmage was the
only sporting event for fans to
watch. However, the Pirate base-
ball and Softball teams will be join-
ing in the festivities this weekend
as fans are invited to enjoy home
matches for both clubs. The Pirate
baseball team will play April 16 and
17 at 7 p.m. and April 18 at 2 p.m.
at Harrington Field. The ECU
softball team will host Radford
April 17 at 12:30 p.m.
ECU baseball players are excit-
ed to be a part of this Pirate tradi-
tion and hope the large crowd will
make its way to Harrington Field
throughout the weekend.
"I think it's a great opportunity
to come see Pirate athletics and
raise money for us said Nick
Schnabel, junior infielder for the
ECU baseball team.
According to Travis Thompson,
senior pitcher for the Pirates, he
hopes this event can increase the
Greenville community's involve-
ment in Pirate athletics. He also
hopes to interact with those fans
who come to check out this cele-
bration and plans on the team play-
ing well for the hometown crowd.
"We get lots of support from the
community Thompson said. "I
hope the Pig-Out will bring in even
more support
Individuals interested in attend-
ing the Great Pirate PurpleGold
Pigskin Pig-Out can contact 1-800
DIAL ECU for more information.
University Housing Services will be
hiring student painters($7.50 per hour)
for the paint crew this summer.
Full and part-time positions available.
For details and applications, please
come to Office Suite 100, Jones Hall.
If you are interested, please apply by
April 30, 1999.


�.�� VI
Thi tut C�roliniin
inn .
Aikman inks new deal
with Dallas Cowboys
Thundiy. April 18. 1999 12
IRVING, Texas (AP) - Troy
Aikman once again is the highest-
paid player in the NFL, reworking
his contract with the Dallas
Cowboys so he'll get $85.5 million
through 2007, a league source who
asked to remain anonymous told
The Associated Press on Tuesday.
The deal includes a whopping
$20 million signing bonus. Aikman
already has received $13 million
and will get the remaining $7 mil-
lion in early 2001, the source said.
Neither Cowboys owner Jerry
Jones nor Aikman's agent, Leigh
Steinberg, would discuss the terms
of the deal other than to say it gives
the team much more flexibility
under the salary cap for several
"Our goal was to free up cap
room so that Troy could play with a
competitive team Steinberg said.
"He wants more rings on his fin-
Under a contract that previously
made Aikman pro football's salary
leader, Aikman was to make $6.5
million in 1999, $7.25 million in
2000 and $8 million in 2001. The
new deal drastically lowers those
figures but includes a six-year
extension, locking Aikman up
beyond his 41st birthday. The
source did not have the annual
breakdown of the new contract.
"We have extended the contract
of Troy Aikman to the point where
this franchise and our fans are sure
to have him for the rest of his
career Jones said. "We are very
pleased this agreement has been
Aikman has reworked his previ-
ous contract practically every sea-
son to help Dallas get under the
cap. The Cowboys were desperate
for space now because they're try-
ing to sign several free agents and
must have money left for the play-
ers they pick in the draft this week-
"It had been six years since
we'd last done Troy's last contract,
and in those six years there had
been major changes Steinberg
said. "Rarely docs someone play
that long on one contract
The deal was hammered out
mostly during an all-night negotiat-
ing session late Friday through
early Saturday. It was finalized
Monday and announced Tuesday
during a news conference that also
featured the signing of center Mark
Stepnoski, a former Cowboy and a
close friend to Aikman. Stepnoski
was given a five-year, $10.5 million
contract, plus a $3.5 million signing
bonus. Neither Aikman nor
Steinberg attended the news con-
3002 Kingston Circle � Greenville, NC 27053 � (252)750-7575
Kingston Garden Unit
two bedroom two bath townhouse
"Kingston GarJen
Free Water 4 itvtr
Free Basic Cable
Tun W.lac Bath
Central Air
Mini- Blinds
Bus Service
ke Makers
Equally Sized Rooms
Furnished Or
two bedroom two bath (reverse)
Free Water 1 Sewer
Washer 4 Dryer
Pn.ate Balcony
Central Air
Mini- Blinds
Washer 4 Dryer
to Service
Garbage disposals
Ice Makers
Equally Sized Fooms
Kingston ConAo Style Unit
two bedroom two and 12
bath (reverse)
'Miiston Condo
Stvle Unit"
w i:Arr ml '� t.
Mmr t'iini
U (Mrri
EqualK toad Ktfoit
unify! Air
Program Director
Sports Director
News Director
Production Manager
Grants Manager
Promotions Manager
Music Director
Web Engineer
For Summer Sessions and Fall 1999 Semester
Self-Motivation and Professional Attitudes are a must.
Applications are available at the office of WZMB in
the basement of Mendenhall Student Center
Deadline is April 30,1999
Continued from paga 10
"Mike Miller is a great relay run-
ner Carson said.
Ward begins his Pirate career
this year. He has raised eyebrows
making strong showings against the
toughest competition.
"Lawrence Ward is going to be
very good Carson said.
The squad's bond extend
beyond the track.
"Yeah, we're a pretty close team,
we've always been that way
Miller said.
�.� �
r ?�

APRIL 19-22
Monday, April 19: BE-AWARE
Noon - Wright Plaza
Tuesday, April 20: Magic of Awareness
Fun, Games, Food, Prizes
10 am-1 pm Wright Plaza
(Rain Site: Msc Multi-Purpose Rm)
Wednesday, April 21 "The Illusion of Drugs & Alcohol"
Don Parker, Magician.Speaker
7 pmWright Auditorium
Thursday, April 22: Fiesta Night Pool Party
Free, Food, Aqua 500,
7:30 - 9:30 pm SRC Outdoor Pool
� Tic One On For Alcohol Awareness
(yellow Ribbons Available Tuesday @ Wright Plaza)
Sponsored By:
East Carolina University Alcohol Awareness Committee
Thundiy, A

bedroom $31'
$400. near cai
free water anc
dryer hookup
pets consider
Property Man
Players Club
Summer month
for more info
bath house. Wi
tral heat and ail
rage. Call 83Q-I
washerdryer h
close to camp
Please call 751
Available imme
blocks from m
10Aug.) $275
St.). Call Andy i
lease one or tw
months mid t
HtS, 150 How
y-ille. SC 29615
2 BR. townhou
able May to A
able if chosen. I
Kris or Jason.
bedrooms, 2 1,
WD hook-up,
cious. 752-189!
2203 night.
1st and 2nd Su
House very clos
13 utilities. Co
bath. Tar River A
1 bathroom, bri
new central he
Call 353-2717 oi
2 bath fully fi
much lower thai
location. Ameni
plications for Si
bedroom, one b
block from ci
month. Available
sage at 355-531
sible a must.
lovely private h
pus. On-site par
10 and Antonel
smoking. No pe
1 bedroorr
Fall. 3 bedi
$225month. 1
cation! Must se
home with twi
Campus three b
ate student. Cer
washerdryer. !
(703) 680-1676.
� Stereos, (Sys

16, 1889 12
jond extend
:tty close team,
n that way
Thursday, April 15. 1999
Thi EM Carolinian
bedroom $310 & two bedroom
$400. near campus. ECU bus stop,
free water and sewer, washer and
dryer hookup and on site laundry,
pets considered. Call Wain right
Property Management LLC 756-
SUBLEASE UP to four bedrooms in
Players Club Apartments. For
Summer months, May thru July. Call
for more info 321-8664.
ECU AREA big three bedroom, one
bath house. Washerdryer with cen-
tral heat and air. Paved drive with ga-
rage. Call 830-9602.
DUPLEX 2 BR, 1 bath, heat pump,
washerdryer hook-up, private drive,
close to campus, no pets, $430.
Please call 756-8444 or 355-7799.
Available immediately!
SUBLEASING A 2 BR. apartment 2
blocks from main campus (15May-
10Aug.) $275 a month (on Summit
St.). Call Andy at 830-9032 to check
BLACK MALE prof. Ph.D wish to
lease one or two bedroom apt. three
months mid May-first week Aug.
HtS. 150 Howell Cr. 193. Green-
vUle. SC 29615
2 BR. townhouse. 1 12 bath, avail-
able May to August. Lease renew-
able if chosen. Call 439-0142, ask for
Kris or Jason.
bedrooms, 2 12 and 3 12 baths.
WD hook-up, lots of storage, spa-
cious. 752-1899 day; pager 561-
2203 night.
MF NEEDED to sublease room for
1st and 2nd Summer session.
House very close to campus. Rent
13 utilities. Contact Chris at 754-
SUBLEASE TWO bedroom, two
bath. Tar River Apartments. Call 830-
108 STANCILL DRIVE, 2 bedroom.
1 bathroom, brick duplex near ECU,
new central heatair, $425 month.
Call 353-2717 or 756-2766 or e-mail
DORM DWELLERS, we have 2 BR.
2 bath fully furnished apts. Price
much lower than dorms. Convenient
location. Amenities. Now taking ap-
plications for Summer and Fall. Call
IDEAL RENTAL opportunity! Two
bedroom, one bath, large home one
block from campus. $500 per
month. Available in May. Leave mes-
sage at 355-5310. Neat and respon-
sible a must.
MOM COMING? Room available in
lovely private home close to cam-
pus. On-site parking. Walk to China
10 and Antonello's restaurants. No
smoking. No pets. 752-5644.
NowTaking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
Fall. 3 bedroom townhouse,
$225month. 13 utilities. Great lo-
cation) Must seel Call Ashley, 353-
FEMALE. SHARE three bedroom
home with two female students.
Campus three blocks. Prefer gradu-
ate student. Central air, ceiling fans,
washerdryer. $250 plus utilities.
(703) 680-1676.
NON-SMOKER roommate wanted
for Summer sublease at Oakmont
Sq. Apartments. Rent $205 12
utilities. Call Dave. 353-7038.
to ahare three bedroom apart-
ment near campus. Include
washer and dryer and outdoor
pool access, 13 rant and utili-
ties. We're clean and friendly.
Call 782-8910.
ginning Aug. 1 to share 2 bedroom
apt. close to campus. Washer and
dryer included. Call 758-8848 and
ask for Ashley or leave a message.
share two bedroom apt. located on
downtown 5th St. across from cam-
pus. Prefer female. $237.50 a month
12 bills. Call NatalieRobin, 561-
block from campus, $187.50 rent,
water, sewer and cable included.
Call after 5 p.m ask for Amanda or
Kristina. 752-5886.
needed to share two bedroom apart-
ment at Eastbrook Apartments.
$133.33month 12 bills. Move in
mid-May. Pool on-site. Call 754-
SEVERAL NICE, reliable cars priced
from $1000 to $3000 dollars. Exam-
ple: 1993 Ford Tempo $2500. 1987
Toyota Tercel $1300. Call Rusty or
A.J. at 366-3620. Cars - R- Us
Good condition. Asking $100. Phone
754-2944 evenings or leave mes-
FOR SALE: double capacity dorm
refrig $85 and fold out sofa $25.
Call 561-7846.
ing Kenmore set. Perfect condition.
Beige. Call soon! Amy, 329-0040.
GOOD CONDITION 2 piece living
room suite, overstuffed couch and
loveseat, very comfortable. $200
OBO. Must no! CalJ 3216917
PART-TIME sales help wanted for
carpet retailing operation. Carpet
knowledge or interior design experi-
ence a plus; hours flexible; some Sat-
urday work required. Respond to
Debbje J52S6ML
SKATEBIKE Park and In-Line Hock-
ey Rink Attendant. The Greenville
Recreation and Parks Department is
recruiting individuals willing to work
15-30 hours a week with some back-
ground knowledge in one or more of
the following areas: in-line skating,
skateboarding and in-line hockey.
Applicants will be responsible for
overseeing both the skate park and
in-line hockey rink at the Jaycee
Park. The SkateBike Park is open
Tuesday-Sunday from 1 p.m. till dark,
and Saturdays 10 a.m. till dark. Sal-
ary rates range from $5.15 to $6.50
per hour. For more information,
please call Ben James or Michael
Dalv at 329-4550 after 2 p.m.
DO YOU love Christian music? Make
a difference sharing your relation-
ship with Jesus Christ through the
relevant vehicle of radio. Crossover, a
local radio program 8-12 a.m. Sat. &
Sun is looking for help to serve as
show head and DJ. Prayerfully con-
sider and call Jeff at 363-7212.
LIFEGUARDS AND swim instruc-
tors needed in Greenville. Call 355-
5009 or 756-2667.
"� !
We Need TlmberUnd boot
and jhoej! Good Jeaiw.
GOLD & SILVER � Jewelry & Coins � Also Bjaiksn Gold Pieces
� Stereos, (Systems, and Separates) � TVs, VCRs, CD Players � Home, Portable
TUESDAY - SATURDAY, 9:00 - 5:00
accepting applications for Fall 1999
employment for the following posi-
tions: Main Office Assistants, Cus-
tomer Services Desk. Fitness Train-
ers. Aerobics Instructors. Out-
doorAdventure Staff. Pick up an ap-
plication in the Main Office at the
Student Recreation Center. Monday-
Friday from 8 a.m6 p.m.
CAMP STAFF: accept the challenge
and make a difference in, the lives of
girls ages 6-17. Available positions in-
clude: lifeguards, business manager,
counselors, lead counselors, and
program director. Qualifications vary
by position. June to August resident
camp in Johnston County. Programs
include swimming, canoeing, horse-
back riding, arts and crafts, and out-
door skills. Contact Kate Hoppe at
Pines of Carolina Girl Scout Council,
919-782-3021 or 800-2844476. EOE
LIFEGUARDS AND beach vendors
needed in North Myrtle Beach for
1999 season. Will train. Housing pro-
vided if needed. For information call
Agent part-time positions available. I
need 1-2 people with lots of energy
and enthusiasm to answer phones,
give property tours, do campus pre-
sentations, run errands, etc. Hours of
availability need to be 12-6 M-F and
some weekends. Sat. 10-4. Sun 12-
4. Pays min. wage- $6.50 depending
on experience. Call Becky, 762-9995.
Summer for two boys ages nine and
eleven, two or three days per week.
Call 766-5360 or 816-7176.
28 PEOPLE needed to lose weight
and earn income. Call Darla for free
information at 262-322-3316.
NEED SUMMER help at Hatteras
Beach. Free housing. Need two
males or females for retail seafood
market. Bonus offered. Call 252-986-
2215 or e-mail riskyb�
HIRING: ADULT entertainers and
dancers. Must be at least 18, have
own phone, transportation and be
drug free. Make up to $1500 week-
ly. For interview, call 758-2737.
WANTED: PAYING $6.50 an hour I
plus bonuses for qualified telemar- '
keters. No Friday or Saturday work.
Hours: 5:30-9 p.m. Monday-Thurs-
day. 4:30-8 p.m. Sunday. Apply in
person between 5-6 p.m. at Energy
Savers Windows & Siding, Inc
1806 Dickinson Ave Greenville, at
the side door.
LOOKING FOR a summer job? Play
at day and work at night. The ECU
Telefund is hiring students for the
Summer and Fall of 1999 to contact
alumni and parents for the ECU An-
nual Fund Drive. $5.50 hour. Make
your own schedule. If interested, call
328-4212 , M-TH between the hours
of 3-6 p.m
soccer program is looking for a
men' Junior Varsity soccer coach
for the upcoming Fall 1999 season.
Anyone interested should call Head
Coach Mike Pritchard at 754-2729 or
Athletic Director Joe Tkach at 946-
PART-TIME Clerical: local company
interested in hiring part-time help
for general office duties. Approx. 15
hours per week in afternoons; $6.00
per hr. Respond to Tommy. 757-
adult entertainment is now hiring.
Call for interview. Playmates, 252-
A FEMALE executive with a local
company is seeking an individual to
help with childrens' needs. Children
are 10 and 14, so your own transpor-
tation is needed. Part-time during
school, full-time this summer. Experi-
ence working with children needed,
and references. If interested, please
contact Oenise Keel at 752-2111 ext.
297. Potential candidates will be in-
terviewed. Resumes can be faxed to
Earn $400-$ 1.500 per month PT.
Earn $2000-$6000 per month FT.
Call this week only. 5 people need-
ed. Call 651-3074. Free info.
BE SUM and trim in time to swimll
100 natural. Doctor approved. 1
in Europe! Call 757-2292. Free sam-
ples. Limited time offer.
GOT TAN- Want Pictures. Want pic-
tures to show off that tan from
Spring break? Or how about that big
smile because Summer break is al-
most here? Reputable amateur pho-
tographer wants young women for
portfolio shots. You get free pictures.
References available. Send note,
phone, and photo (if available - will
be returned). Paul Hronjak, 4413
Pinehurst Drive. Wilson. NC 27896-
9001. (252) 237-8218. hronjakOsim-
JEN BRYANT- so ha gave you his
lavalier and he calls you dear, we're
happy for you and we know his love
is true. Love, your Zeta sisters
Stanley on being accepted to Occu-
pational Therapy school. Love, your
sisters of Alpha Phi
TAU KAPPA Epsilon. we had a blast
at the social Friday night. Can't wait
to do it again soon. Love, the sisters
of Chi Omega
TO THE brothers of Kappa Alpha,
we had a wonderful time with you
guys last week. Let's get together
again soon! Love, the sisters and
new members of Delta Zeta
SIGMA PHI Epsilon- thanks for your
help yesterday) Bouncy Boxing was a
blast! Love. Zeta Tau Alpha
new SGA officers. Love, the sisters
of Chi Omega
ZETA TAU Alpha will host an Open
House on April 20 from 6:30 until
8:30. Call 762-8490 for rides and
more information.
SIGMA PI, thank you for the social
last week. We had a great time.
Love, the sisters of Chi Omega
PI KAPPA Alpha, we had a great
time hanging out with you guys
again. Let's do it again soon. Love.
the sisters of Chi Omega.
FREE to a good home.
Black and white. 9 weeks old.
Please call 363-2932 ASAP. Also
have 10-month old cat that needs a
friendly home.
Call J.Arthur @ 252-412-0971
SIGMA ALPHA Epsilon - we had a
blast singing with you guys on Friday
night. Thanks for showing us a great
time. Love. Alpha Phi
getting into OT school. Love, your
Chi Omega sisters
ZETA TAU Alpha hopes everyone
has had a great Greek Week!
TO THE brothers of Pi Kappa Phi.
thank you for sharing our big sis par-
ty with us. We had a blast. Love, the
sisters and new members of Delta
Is looking for m xv a. 11 vi 11 is to load vans and
unload trailers for the am shift hours 3O0am to Sam.
S 7.50hour; tuition assistance availaWe after 30 days.
Future career opportunities in operations and manage-
ment possible. Applications can be filled out at 2410
United Drive (near the aquatics center) Greenville
Summer Camp
lor private Co-ed youth camp
located in the beautiful mountains of
Western North Carolina Over 25
activities, including All sports, water
skiing, heated pod, terns, art, horse-
back Goarte. 615 to 816earn
$1350-$1750 plus room, meals,
laundry & great fun! Non-smokers
calf for applicationbrochure:
800-832-5539 or e-mail
CPPinewood� anytime!
!1 Cm II it,I Nl II T
� noundTHp
� 30-eOOay
Euroln ies i' H � - � �v; nlntik?
sep; irately from $249
Under the Army's
Loan Repayment
program, you could get
out from under with a
three-year enlistment.
Each year you serve
on active duty reduces
your indebtedness by
one-third or $1,500,
whichever amount is
greater, up to a $65,000
limit The offer applies
to Perkins Loans,
Stafford Loans, and cer-
tain other federally
insured loans, which are
not in default And debt
relief is just one of the
many benefits youll earn
from the Army. Ask your
Army Recruiter.
CHOOSING A Major or a Career
Workshop: 3:30-5PM. The Center for
Counseling and Student Develop-
ment is offering this workshop on
Thursday, April 15 and April 22. If
you are interested in this program,
contact the center at 328-6661.
BECOMING A Successful Student-
11a m-noon The Center for Coun-
seling and Student Development is
offering this workshop on Monday,
April 19 and Thursday, April 22. If in-
terested in this workshop, please
contact the Center at 328-6661.
TEST ANXIETY: 3:30P.M. The Cen-
ter for Counseling and Student De-
velopment is offering this workshop
on Monday, April 19. If you are inter-
ested, call 328-6661.
IT HAS been previously published
that students would be able to use
Web registration 24 hours a day. it is
necessary that the system be
brought down from 9 p.m. until 1
a.m. nightly for routine backups of
the system. Students trying to use
the Student Desktop during these
times will get a message that the
system is down and the time it is
scheduled to be available again. Tel-
ephonic registration is also unavail-
able from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. nightly
as published in the Schedule of
Classes. For your convenience the
scheduled hours of operation follow:
March 29. 1999 through August 24.
1999: Monday through Friday 1 a m-
6 p.m. 9 p.m12 a.m. Saturday 1
am -12 a.m. Sunday 1 a.m. -4 p.m. 7
p.m12 a.m.
11a.m-12noon.The Center for Coun-
seling and Student Development is
offering this workshop on Tuesday.
April 20. If you are interested in this
workshop, please contact the Center
at 328-6661.
Advertise in
The East
for 25 or fewer words
additional words 5t each
for 25 or fewer words
additional words 51 each
Must present a valid ECU I.D. to qualify. The East Carolinian
reserves the right to refuse fhis rate for any ad deemed to be
non-student or business related.
add to above line rate for either BOLD or
ALL CAPS type.
.All classified ads placed by individuals or campus
groups must be prepaid. Classified ads placed by a
business must be prepaid unless credit has been
established. Cancelled ads can be removed from the
paper if notification is made before the deadline, but
no cash refunds are given. No proofs or tearsheets
are available. The Personals section of the classi-
fieds is intended for non-commercial communication
placed by individuals or campus groups. Business
ads will not be placed in this section.
All Personals are subject to editing for indecent or
inflammatory language as determined by the edi-
4 p.m. FRIDAY
for the following TUESDAY'S issue
4 p.m. MONDAY
for the following THURSDAY'S issue

' sL�r a$6H
f I In
�H���Oflf'c I Off0k
In my opinion, the Student Government Association has accomplished many things this year. It is hard to believe that our terms on the SGA
executive council are almost over. There is still work to be done and I feel that we have the right people in place to make a difference. I would like
to congratulate Cliff Webster, John Meriac, Overton Harper and Jessica Dowdy on their recent election to the SGA executive offices. I am extremely
confident in their abilities to lead our student government into the next century.
I would like to personally thank all of the students who have taken it upon themselves to get involved and make a difference. These students have
allowed for this university to be more conducive to the welfare of the entire student body. The entire SGA is a team and every member is just as
important as the next Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to the welfare of your fellow students.
In one last piece of business, we are hosting all of the SGA leadership scholarship nominees on campus on April 21. This will give us an opportunity
to showcase the program and our University. We are excited about the impact many of these students will have on East Carolina.
Email the current or new SGA President at
Eric Rivenbark
SGA President I
March 29, 1999
Appropriations-No Report
Screenings-1 New
Student Welfare-No Report
Rules and Judiciary-1 New
Mr. Stancill announced that the funding workshop will be
Wed. in MSC 221. Mr. Harper announced that Jessica
Dowdy's Grandfather passed away. Please keep her in
your thoughts. Ms. Pulley passed out ballots for SGA
awards-and a sign-up sheet for the SGA banquet. Melissa
Hajimahalis announced that there are three positions open
for jobs as traveling representatives for the admissions
Mr. Shoffner introduced LB. 20-1: "Constitution for NC
Student Rural Health Coalition-Undergraduate Chapter of
ECU Mr. Harper introduced a list of candidates for the
Honor Board. All were approved. Mr. Rashid introduced
Philip Gilfus to be screened onto the Legislature. He was
approved and allowed to join the Legislature.
Screenings-Not meeting
Appropriations-Not meeting
Student Welfare-Not meeting
Rules and Judiciary-4:45
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20.
Respectfully Submitted,
John P. Meriac, SGA Secretary
Steve W. Marasco, SGA Speaker of the House
Name-Joshua Jeremiah
Year in school-Senior
Position on SGA - SGA Attorney
Duties - Head of the Judicial Branch
of the SGA, Make Constitutional
decisions and interpretations,
Represent the University in Honor
Board, Academic Integrity Board, & Review Board hearings. I make
sanctioning decisions for those who have violated a letter of the
code of conduct, I also have the authority to dismiss charges
brought against someone, though it is on very rare occasions when
that happens. Responsible for the training of the honor board.
Other Organizations - RA for two years, member of the National
Residence Hall Honorary, Vice President of the NRHH last semester.
Prior SGA Experience -1 was a member of the Honor Board for a Year
How and why did you get into SGA -1 got into SGA because I want-
ed to have an impact on the campus, & there was no better way to
do it The Honor Board enabled me to help, in a very real way, to
make a difference. After I spent Vyear on the board I ran for the
Attorney General position, becaVse I wanted to utilize the experience
that I received from the board, ap step up my involvement and I
have enjoyed every minute of my term as Attorney General.
Why should others get into SGA -1 believe that anybody who has
anything to offer this University, which is every student at ECU,
should get involved with SGA. There is no other organization on cam-
pus that allows you to better this campus, & make decisions that truly
do affect die entire campus as much as SGA does. I encourage
everybody to get involved.
What else would you like the students of ECU to know � If I could
add anything else, I would just like to let the students know about the
Judicial process. Most students do not even know that the Honor
Board exists. We are not just here to decide whether students have
violated policy or not but we are also here for students to bring
complaints to, if they feel that any of there rights have been violated
by other students. I would encourage everybody to get involved in
some way or another. If anybody has any questions regarding the
judicial branch of the SGA, they can contact me at my office at 328-
4722, or contact the Dean of Students.
April 5, 1999
Appropriations-1 New
Screenings-No Report
Rules and Judiciary-1 New, lOld
Student Welfare-1 New
Mr. Rivenbark passed around the SGA banquet sign-up sheet.
Mr. Stancill passed out the budget report. We have a current
balance of $0.00 and this Fri. April 9th is the deadline for
biannuals. Mr. Kaltenschnee announced that there are still
two open positions available for election committee members.
Mr. Shoffner introduced LB. 21-1: "Phi Sigma Tau Philosophy
Club Mr. Papera introduced LR. 21-1: "SGA Supports
Improved Lighting on the Central Campus Mall Mr. Harper
introduced LB. 21-2: "Phi Sigma Tau Philosophy Club
Mr. Shoffner revisited LB. 20-1: "Constitution of NC Student
Rural Health Coalition" and was favorably approved.
Mr. Marasco announced that if you need a copy of ECU SGA
Constitution or By-Laws, see Millie Murphy in MSC 255. Mr.
Rashid announced that no more candidates for the Legislature
will be screened on this semester.
Screenings-Not Meeting
Student Welfare4:45 rm. 242
Rules end Judiciary4:45
The meeting was adjourned at 5:10.
Respectfully Submitted,
John P. Meriac, SGA Secretary
Steve W Marasco, SGA Speaker of the House
As the year ends the Student Welfare committee is finishing up its projects and getting ready for the next school year. A bill currently in front of the
legislature is a bill supporting the improved lighting on the mall. We are also preparing to bring up a new academic grievance procedure for the university
in the fall. We are supporting a grievance procedure that would allow students to air their grievances to a committee made up of both faculty, staff, and
students to give the person bringing up the grievance a more balanced resolution.
Email the chair with questions or opinions about campus issues at:
NOTICE: All organizations that turned in requests for M-annual funding for the fall semester 1999 will be contacted within the next two weeks to set
XropSns Committeei of the Student Government Association has met with two groups since our last report. On Monday, March 22nd, the committee
met with ECU Model United Nations Club and appropriated $128.00 to be used for travel. The following Monday, March 29th, the committee met with the
Society for Technical Communication and appropriated $153.00 for travel. The next appropriations meeting will be on Monday, April 19 at 4:00 P.M. in MSC
212. The committee will begin meeting with organizations on that day for bi-annual funding for next fall.
Email the chair with questions about how to get your organization funded at:
ary Committee recommends tha
On March lst,the Rules and Jndicry Committee recommends that the SGA Legislature approve LB17-1, "Constitution of the Hockey Club Society of ECU On
March 22nd, the SGA Legislature approves LB17-1, "Constitution of the Hockey Club Society of ECU" by a unanimous vote. On March 29th, the Rules and
Judiciary Committee recommends that the SGA Legislature approve LB20-1, "Constitution for NC Student Rural Health Coalition-Undergraduate Chapter of ECU
On April 5th, the Rules and Judiciary Committee recommends that the SGA Legislature approve LB21-1, "Phi Sigma Tau (Philosophy Club) Constitution The
SGA Legislature approves LB20-1, "Constitution for NC Student Rural Health Coalition-Undergraduate Chapter of ECU" by a unanimous vote.
Email the chair about how to register your organization with SGA or questions about your organizations constitution at

Arts & Entertainment Magazine of The East Carolini
Thursday, April 15,1999
Rebecca Charny
Stag Writer
Thursday, March 25th was the long-awaited opening date of
Ham's sports restaurant and bar in Greenville. Since then, the
place has become a haven to crowds of people searching for rea-
sonably priced food, freshly brewed beer and a great atmosphere.
Ham's is a family establishment that's conveniently located off of
Evans Street, right across from the Marathon and Two Greeks
restaurants. The close location to both downtown and campus
and its late hours (Monday through Saturday from 11 am to 2
a.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.) appeals to droves of
college students.
This will be the 15th total Ham's restaurant in NC; Greenville is
now the home of one of the few Ham's within the Eastern part of
the state.
Ham's serves everything from pizza to hamburgers to pasta; a
variety of vegetarian dishes are also available. All of this is served
within a price range of four to seven dollars in a casual, down-to-
earth atmosphere.
"It has a friendly atmosphere with good service customer Xiao
Xin Lu said.
Megan Hopkins agrees about her visit. "The atmosphere was
great! It's a great new addition to Greenville she said.
Ham's place seems to bring out a good crowd, especially the night
"It's a great place to meet people" said Christy HoltonI like the
comfortable atmosphere
See Hams continued on page 6
New Kid in Town
M�$k$ time"
CD Review
DeNiro has had
his fill of being
a gangster, now
he needs some
Movie Review
Yol Kickin' it old school with Ozone and Turbo. You know they be Breakin Video Rimm
Doc and Oawg
may have sold
out Wright
Auditorium, but
for those who
are going
fountainhead � 2nd Floor Student Publications Building Greenville, NC 27858 � Phone 328-6366 � Fax 328-6558 � Advertising 328-2000 � www.fountainh.ead.

CD Review
Patrick McMahon
"Neon Ballroom"
Usually CD reviews are kind of easy
because they require only a light
amount of thinking and are pretty
straightforward when it comes to
writing one. Hut, as my luck would
have it, I get to review a CD this week
that requires a full range of thought
to listen to and "hear? Neon
Ballroom is the Australian band's fol-
low-up to the highly popular
Frogtomp, which blasted these three
young guys into instant stardom.
With a charismatic lead singer who
resembled Kurt Cobain a link too
much for comfort and sounded a lit-
tle too much like Eddie Vedder, the
band was widely criticized for trying
to copy other bands' highly success-
ful sounds. Despite the detractors,
the band became famous off distinc-
tive hits like "Fat Boy
So with that history comes their
newest release, Neon Ballroom (Epic
Records). It isn't one of those listen-
�o-once-and-get-the-picture kind of
disks. It is, well, deep. It seems as
though the band has developed a
social consciousness over the last
few years that becomes apparent on
the album. While a welcome addi-
tion to their lineup, some attempts
come off as a little silly. For instance,
the second song, "Anthem for the
Year 2000 is a really great song to
listen to while in your car or at
home. When you sit down and listen
to the lyrics, however, you find
cheesy "we are the youththe politi-
cians are so surewe are the
youthknocking on death's door
The CD really shine's when lead gui-
taristvocalist Daniel Johns has a
chance to display his range. From
the song"Emotion Sickness where
he croons over a full orchestra, to the
angry Kom-esque tune "Spawn
Again where he yells in a surpris-
ingly cool hook, Johns displays a sur-
prising ability to change vocal styles
at the drop of a hat
As he changes vocal styles, the band
also flips musical styles just as
quickly. From the rage-filled, guitar-
and-bass-driven "Spawn Again" to
the quiet acoustic jam "Black
Tangled Heart" the music alternates
styles a little too quickly for my taste.
If I would fault anything on this
album, it would be that. I mean, do
they want to sound like the hard-dri-
ving rockers that they seemingly are
or do they want to just make
mediocre rock songs and cool six-
minute ballads?
In all, the CD is a pretty decent
album. Would I recommend it for a
friend to purchase? Probably not, but
I'd definitely lend them my copy so
they can hear it and make up their
mind before buying it. I'm sure that
the band's newfound range of music
will turn off some die-hard rockers
but their style will definitely pick up
a few fans along the way. Don't get
me wrong, these guys haven't turned
into corporate ball boys doing light
radio rock so they can sell a few
records to aging Zeppelin fans in
need of something a little toned
down. They still know how to get
down to business ornmost of the
See CD. continued on page 6
Amy LRoyster Editor in Chief
Amanda G. Austin Managing Editor
Miccah Smith Editor
CalebRose Assistant Editor
Stephanie WhitlodtD
Janet Rgpcn Wmniwi M�p
Bobby TUggfeW
Smmt it (CU commurwi sret 876, ll EM droimaftputt
1lJX0cop�tWTluiidVirirlIhurt .000 rxpm o( flu
FouninhMd. our ntw tm and intinmnM mature, �� pub
luted rmi �twdi TteludadnofuriruthidMnolititEn
CaoKuan rs the opinion ol ifu tdnoraal Board Ttw Em Carohntan
Mtonts kauri 10 if �b)or. tailed to 760 wnfc. ftMi may be
edned lot dettney a brevity Tht Em Carohman mum itw lotu io
edu a nttci laws la punlcMnn Ml wnm must be waned Ltllttl
should bt Mjdrautd to 0puon editx .Thj Em Cwohfiwi. Sludtni
PuUcauom BuMng. ECU. GtMWli, ?fflbfl4353 Far i
cal9B 378 8366
Caleb Rose
Hreakdanciri fool
Watch this video and soon you will
be poppin stopin and breakin' in
no time at all. This classic flick stars
breakdancers"Shabba Doo"
Quinones and"Boogaloo"
Chambers. Of course these are the
actors' street names; disclosing their
real names would be punishable by
Anyway, there is a great storyline
behind this video-cassette dance
extravaganza. A classically trained
ballerina named Kelly is taken aback
by two street dancers at large named
Ozone (Shabba Doo Quinones) and
Turbo (Boogaloo Chambers). One
night KeDy witnesses these two
breakers get out-danced by their
rival "Electro Rock
'turbo and Ozone were missing one
key element in their dancing: a
female dancer. They form a plan to
incorporate Kelly into the dance mix
and the rivals are eventually danced
into oblivion.
The story line is classic. 80's hardass
street guy falls in love with the rich
proper girl, but things go wrong and
it is hard to be together. We don't
care about this thoughthe plot
can't hold a candle to the music, Ian
guage and best of all, cameo appear-
ances by Jean-Claude Van Damme
and Ice mothergrabbin T.
Comic moments include Jean Claude
dancing his lilty fanny off to the beat
of the "real" 80's version of'Airft
Nobody Does It Better" made popu-
lar by the 2 Skinnie ps
ice T also lays down the phat beats
for Ozone and Turbo to dance to. He
raps and scraps and diddle daps to
da bippity beat beat beat.
Most classic of all is the role played
be Christopher McDonald (most
know him from his role as Shooter
McGavin in "Happy Gilmore"). He
See Brukin continued on page 3
2 Thursday, Apri 15.1999
Its Your Place
To Be Scared
APRIL 15-17 AT 8 P.M APRIL 18 AT 3 P.M. IN
I Still Know What Ybu Did Last Summer ft) This one
takes place one year after the original movie by ECU
grad Kevin Williamson. Julie and her roommate,
Karla, take their boyfriends to the Bahamas, only to
find they are still being stalked by the hook- wield-
ing killer who knows what she did last summer
You and a guest get in free when you present your
valid ECU One Card.
To Jam Out
Bummed out because you can't afford to go see a
concert? Well, be bummed no morel The Pirate
Underground presents alternative band Fighting
Gravity free of charge on April 17.
72? Go Places
APRIL 20 AT 4:00 P.M. AND 7:30 P.M. IN
Travel to Italy with Dwayna Merry as he explores the
land of pasta in his travelogue Italy, which covers
everything from Pisa to pizza. Your valid ECU One
Card gets you in free. You can order an optional
gourmet, all-u-can-eat theme dinner for $12, but you
need to order today by 6:00 p.m. at the Central
Ticket Office located in Mendenhall Student Center
To Catch A Free Filch
APRIL22-24 AT 8 P.M APRIL 25 AT 3 P.M. IN
Saving Private Ryan (R) In the midst of World War
II, it is found that three casualties are brothers, and
the mother will be receiving three death notices on
the same day. Inquiries from the army reveal that
there are in fact four brothers, and one is still alive
deep into enemy territory. A mission is deployed to
find Private James Ryan and send him home. You
and a guest get in free when you present your valid
ECU One Card.
To Euess Who Did It
Peggy Sue Sot Murdered Join the ECU Student
Union as they present this hilarious interactive
Murder-Mystery Dinner Theatre. ECU students pay
only five dollars, and that includes a gourmet dinner
and a ticket to the playl Tickets are on sale now at
the Central Ticket Office in Mendenhall Student
MSC Hours: MonThurs 8 a.m-11 p.m Fri 8 a.mMidnight; Sat Noon-Midnight; Sun 1-11 p.m.

Movie Review
"The Godfather" on ice
By CrytttTi arm ii not
Ryan Kennemur
Film (not soap scum) guy
"Analyze This"
There's something inside of me that
wants to write "Analyze This" a good
review full of nothing but praise, but I
just don't think I can do that and be
able to look you good people in the eye
at dinner parties. The script is funny
and the acting is pretty good, but it's
just too familiar. Okay, I admit it. I've
been spoiled. See, it's like this. There's
this series on HBO called "The
Sopranosand in a way, it beat
"Analyze This" to the punch.
The movie is about a mafia boss
named Paul Vitti (the ever-squinting
Robert DeNiro) who is having panic
attacks and decides that he needs to
enlist the help of a psychiatrist (the
ever-Jewish Billy Crystal). This is the
exact plot of the "Sopranos almost to
The biggest difference is that "Analyze
This" has the subplot of a huge meet-
At only thing ikat has mn I Arir, Mat Mfiro
iag between all the mafia families from
all over the country.
After Vitti witnesses his best friend's
murder in a restaurant at the begin-
ning of the movie, he starts to have his
problems. He begins to realize that
someone is putting out a hit on him,
and he doesn't know how to play the
part of the prey, seeing as how he's
always been the predator. This puts
him into a spiral of anxiety that causes
him to lose his nerve when it comes to
killing. It gets so bad that he even cries
when watching a Merrill Lynch com-
So, it is Family Psychiatrist Ben Sobel's
job to make him better in the next two
weeks, or else. Ben's problem is that he
is taking off a week to get married, and
that puts a damper on Paul's wellness.
Paul and his boys, in turn, decide to
follow him to Miami and take little
snippets of his time with his fiance.
Since he is scared not to, Ben helps
Paul as much as he can, and eventually
he comes to the root of the problem. It
seems that Paul witnessed his father's
annoy in Aiutyntfw
murder in a restaurant and feels that
he could have done something to pre-
vent it. Pretty standard mafia-movie
That's not to say that the film isn't
worth watching. The screenplay is by
Harold Ram is, the man responsible for
such gems as "Groundhog Day
"Multiplicity" and "Stripes DeNiro is
nearly flawless in his comic timing.
The only time when he's not believable
is when he cries for the first timehe
looks like he's been cutting onions and
eating lemons simultaneously. And
Billy Crystal, although I'm not a fan,
finally has the role that can put him
back in the spotlight after clunkers like
"My Giant" and "Father's Day
In the end, the movie is funny and
entertainingjust don't go in expecting
"The Godfather on Ice If you want
the real deal, tune in to HBO on
Sunday nights for the "Sopranos It
being a series, we have a better chance
to care about the characters and thus
get more out of it.
A note from Christopher Walken
Staff Writer
Hi. How are you? Good. Sit down. Do
you know how hard it is to find infor-
mation in the public library node?
Listen. I was looking up information
on hot dogs, because 1 love hot dogs,
when all of the sudden the whole sys-
tem shuts downit was a mess. This
cannot happen ever again. I lost all of
the information I had on hot dogs in
a flash, boom! Gone. I had no other
choice but to burn the place down
and Tango on the ashes. So, remem-
ber this, until they make computers
that have no glitches in them, I will be
on a rampage of burning faulty com-
puter terminalsthat will teach them
to mess with me!
Breakin continued from page 2
plays the dance agent who bends
over backwards to book TKD
(Turbo, Kelly and Ozone) into a
dance competition. After many turn
downs, TKO rebels andweU you
know the happy ending stuff. It was
really hard to watch Christopher
McDonald try and act witty and
assertive and not say to yourself
"Breakin is fresh, though it is hard
to find in most video stores. It was
an obvious hit considering they
cared to create "Breakin" 2 (the
Electric Boogaloo) Perhaps one
day The Fountainhead can bring a
most compelling review of this
breathtaking picture as well buys,
sells, parties
Pat yo�r tarty on Urn MM boari t
Ryan Kennemur
Human Web-slinger
Unless you've been hiding under a rock
(or boulder) for the past five years,
then you have probably experienced
the wonderful world called the
Internet. Most people know that the
Internet is a place for learning, chatting
with people spanning the globe, and
looking at dirty pictures free of charge.
What they may not know, however, is
that there is much more to it than that.
Web sites such as Ebay, Amazon and have been working overtime
to change the way we look at the
Information Superhighway.
One of the newest and fastest growing
sites today is an auction forum called
Ebay ( The idea
behind it is that regular people can put
up items such as collectibles and musi-
cal merchandise for auction, and peo-
ple all around the world can place bids
on them. It's basically using the old
saying "one man's trash is another
man's treasure and creating a website
around that. And with sponsors like
Rosie O'Donncll auctioning off things
for charity, there is no telling just how
lucrative an idea it is.
"The best thing about it is that anyone
can get into it said sophomore Chris
"I think the only catch is that every-
thing is based on your faith in your fel-
low man. it would be easy to take
someone's money and gyp them out of
Sae continued on page 7
answers to Tuesday's East Carolinian Crossword
QD3 noQ uaaauQ
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anjorsuu aann hdg
EJuaaaB uuqlj nnn
Thursday, ApnH5,1999 3

April 15
A.J. Fletcher
Recital Hall-
Faculty Recital; Jcffery Bair,
Saxophone; Alisa Gilliam, Piano
8:00 PM
Cat's Cradle
The Cellar
-Karaoke 9O0-close
Chefs 505
-Arvid Ray Munson
-I Still Know What you did Last
Peasant's Cafe
-Ben Swift Band
-Karaoke IftOO-dose
April 16
-SullenspireThe ScariesAmish
JihadDistance by TravelEiffel
Tower High
-Karaoke !M)0-close
Chefs 505
-Arvid Ray Munson
Gray Art
-Red Sled Art Exhibit
-I Still Know What you did Last
Peasant's Cafe
-Dayroom (CD release party)
Son II Studio
-Line Dancing
-Karaoke IftOO-dose

Weekly Events Cale
� Your complete guide to upcoming events in Greenville an
-Sacade Burned BlackLegend of
the OverfiendMad Girl's
LovesongQubhouseThe Episode
Big Jake's Bar
-Karaoke and open mic
-Karaoke 9KX)-close
Chef's 505
-Arvid Ray Munson
-Aerosmith with The Afghan
Whigs (Call 1-888-ETM-TLXS)
-I Still Know What you did Last
Peasant's Cafe
-Cashmere Jungle Lords
Son II Studio
-Sound of Country
-Doc and Dawg; Doc Watson and
David Grisman 8O0PM
� r ����.
April 18
-I Still Know What you did Last
Peasant's Cafe
-Open Mic Night
April 19
A.J. Fletcher
Recital Hall
-Chamber Ensemble 8:00 PM
-Travel Adventure Film: Italy (4:00:
& 7:30 PM; Theme Dinner 6:00
PM, Mendenhall Great Room)
April 20
A Matter of
-Live Blues
-Groove Riders
Peasant's Cafe
-(Mugnite): Smokin' Grass
T �T 1
April 2.
-Comedy Zone
-Liberation Front
; Against World
Hardy's Original 1
-Karaoke 10O0-c
4 Thursday, Apr! 15,1999

nts in Greenville and surrounding areas
For More Information
The Attic
Greenville, NC 752-7303
Greenville, NC 752-7049
The Beef Barn
Greenville,NC 756-1161
Big Jake's Bar
WUliamston.NC 799-0022
Greenville, NC 758-9191
Cat's Cradle
Carrboro, NC
(252) 967-9053
The Cellar
Greenville, NC 752-4668
Chef's 505
Greenville, NC 355-7505
The Corner
Greenville, NC 329-8050
The Courtyard Tavern
Greenville, NC 321-0202
Greenville, NC 792-8938
The Elbo
Greenville, NC 758-4591
Hard Times
Greenville,NC 758-9922
On-Campus Activities
Pantana Bob's
Greenville, NC 757-3778
Peasant's Cafe
Greenville, NC 752-5855
Sports PadSplash
Greenville, NC 757-3658
Son II Studio
Greenville, NC 830-5279
Southern Nites Nightclub
Texas 2 Step
Greenville, NC 752-3600
Underwater Cafe
Greenville, NC 754-2207
Wrong Way Corrigan's
Greenville, NC 758-3114
April 21
The Attic
-Comedy Zone
-Liberation FrontTravailWorld
; Againsl World
Hard Times
-Shaggin mix at 6 w Steve
Hardy's Original Beach Party
-Karaoke lOOO-close
I .11141
Saturday April 17
Wright Auditorium
Doc and Dawg (Doc Watson
and David Grisman)
What? I'm sorry I didn't catch the
namedoes anyone out there
hear me screaming legends!?! Bill
Monroe may have been the father
of Bluegrass but these guys
helped put it on the map. Doc
Watson, a native of Deep Gap, NC
mind you, has been playing
Bluegrass foreverreally forever.
He is probably one of the most
skilled musicians who is still
alivc.not only has he perfected
the guitar and banjo among other
instruments, he did so blind as a
badger! David Grisman is no
slouch either. The "Dawg as he is
more commonly known, has all
the skills a mandolinist needs to
accompany such a talent as Doc
Watson. Dawg is most famous for
his GarciaGrisman project with
Grateful Dead frontman Jerry
What to expect Heaven holding
a guitar
Saturday April 17
Peasant's Cafe
Cashmere Jungle Lords
At first, you might think that this
band is a cross between that old
Zeppelin tune and a Walt Disney
moviethey are not. Think of the
beach and surf music.think
"Pulp Fiction Yeah. The
Cashmere Jungle Lords are
Richmond Virginia's tribute to the
old "Spy Hunter" arcade game.
They have been in the business
for many years now and they
were also the proud victors of the
Battle of the Bands which entided
them to the opening spot at last
year's Barefoot on the Mall. They
are also no strangers to the
Greenville music scene because of
this spectacular feat they accom-
plished last year.
What to expect Crazy "Pulp
Fiction" soundtrack songs where
they sing oogbagooo looga-
makooog or something
weekly top hits
Top 15 Songs
15. Collective Soul
14. Loudmouth
13. Gigolo Aunts
12.Harvey Danger
"Save it For Later"
"Accident Waiting to
9. Michael
"Gravity's Mot
8. Trinket
"High as Monkeys"
"Never Learn"
4. Jimmy Eat
"Lucky Denver Mint"
3.Big Rude Jake
"Sick of Goodbyes"
1 .Built to Spill
�u Were Right"
JuTJtfagsIrtoeAbotfTba PG-13
Analyze This ft
Doug's First Movie G
BdTV PG-13
fares Of Nature PG-13
Go R
Never Been Kissed PG-13
TheMatrix R
TheModSquad R
ThtOwOflbwaas PG-13
TJieltagK Carrie 2 R
TtoinDragons R
Located at Buccaneer 1685 East
Rre lower Rd. Greenville, KC
ABugfsLife G
BlMtFflwThePast PG-13
Stepmom PG-13
Located at Greenville Square
Shopping Center 275 Arlington
Blvd. Greenville, NC
Telephone 756-1449
Carolina East 4
Baby Geniuses
Life Is Beautiful
Shakespeare In Love
Located at Carolina East
Convenience Center Memorial
Drive Greenville, NC likphone:
ThistyApi 15,899 5

Balloon art: Not just clowning around
DALE CITY, Va. Patrick Brown is ligh
tning quick with his fingers. In a mat-
ter of minutes, he can transform a few
nondescript rubber balloons into a rai
nbow with a unicorn in the middle.
As a clown, he can entertain a room-
ful of kids, pulling coins from ears and
making Winnie the Pooh out of a han
11 fu I of orange balloons.
But his skills at being the center of atte
ntion were no help when he was recen-
ly crowned king of the balloon-twist-
ing world. The man who likes to make
balloon flowers for bank tellers and we
ar a green wig on the weekends was
The Dale City resident stumbled throu
gh a quick speech, seeming more
apologetic than proud. His idol, the ren
owned balloon- twist ing guru Marvin
Hardy,�tood next to him a fad Brow
n didn't realize until he later saw a vide
otape of the evening.
"Basically, I was speechless he said,
remembering the night That doesn't
happen often
Brown, 40, cleaned up on awards at the
first international balloon-twisting co
mention at the end of February in
Austin, Texas.
His sculpture King of the Gargoyles"
was first in the big category Clown
on Unicycle"was second in the medi-
um category. And Clown Car" was
first in the small category.
Of 140 balloon artists from 38 states
and six countries, Brown was named
the world's Top Twister
It was tough bringing him back to
Earth his wife, Debbie, said with a
During an interview at the couple's
home, the Browns were surrounded by
some of his creations.
Elvis on a coat hanger. A jester's hat on
top of a lamp. Sylvester the cat and
Tweety Bird side by side against the
After a few quick minutes, a blue dog
with bulging eyes joined the crowd.
Brown, wearing an apron, looked hap -
pily, almost paternally, over his crew.
He can transform a few gray, red, yel-
low and green balloons into almost
anything a pot overgrown with flow-
ers, a unicorn, a teddy bear stuck in a
heart. He made his wife Debbie a bal-
loon Fred Astaire and is working on a
Marilyn Monroe.
"Balloons can be art Brown said I
can take a simple sculpture and by ad
ding detail I make it art
Brown works as a mechanic for the
U.S. Postal Service at Dulles Internatio
nal Airport. On the weekends, he and
Debbie, 41, nin Noodles and Giggles
Clown and Magic Company. They play
birthday parties and children's lairs.
But Brown hasn't always been such a
balloon enthusiast A native of Vienna,
he studied physics at George Mason
University. After graduating he took a
job as a magic bartender at the
Limelight in Georgetown. There, he
met an ex- Ringling Brothers clown
nicknamed Lima Bean, who intro-
duced Brown to balloon twisting and
" He showed me how to make a poo-
dle and I thought it was neat Brown s
aid. "He had a half-bag of balloons,
went out to this car and when he came
back there was a roomful of poodles.
Now, he doesn't go anywhere without
at least a few balloons in his pockets.
If a co-worker asks for a littk some-
thing to brighten the day, Brown might
make a funny-looking down. If he's
out in public and he sees a kid cry-
ing, Brown will whip out a few bal-
loons and make a dog or a teddy bear.
He can't help himself.
Garfield does not do Polka
Blazejewski, staunch defender of the
polka, has a strong message for a cer-
tain cartoon cat named Garfield:
Shame on you.
Blazejewski said recent Garfield
cartoons unfairly lampooned the
polka, not to mention the accordion.
Thursday, he took his protest to The
Tunes Leader, a northeastern
Pennsylvania newspaper that publish-
es the comic strip.
The Polish people and Eastern
Europeans get stepped upon, stepped
upon, stepped upon and nobody says
anything said Blazejewski, also
known as Accordion Joe. " Most of
those cartoons were not even funny.
They were scornful, hateful
The cartoons in question appeared in
the newspaper last week. In one strip,
Garfield's owner Jon suggests a week-
end polka excursion Single file exit
to the left Garfield thinks.
Another cartoon has Jon making out a
will and asking that his ashes be
spread over his accordion. Garfield's
flippant reply Oh, but we'll be cre-
mating your accordion as well
Blazejewski, 65, of Plains, said
Garfield" creator Jim Davis has a
habit of browbeating accordion players
and polka musk.
Davis said he happens to like polka
music. Garfield, however, does not
The comic strip's job is to remind us
that life's not so bad, and we should all
learn to laugh at ourselves a bit Davis
said in a statement Thursday.
Garfield is a fictional character who
has lots of likes and dislikes
Blazejewski, a longtime accordion
player who has played in numerous
polka bands, also said the newspaper
should have shown more sensitivity to
its audience. Northeastern
Pennsylvania is home to many people
of Polish and Eastern European
Tunes Leader editor Allison Walzer
said the cartoon never specifically
mentioned Polish peopk.
The bottom line is we don't edit car-
toons she said. "In feet, we don't look
at them before publication
Blazejewski, who has played in polka
bands for 40 years, marched outside
The Tunes Leader building in his
Polish dancing costume, wh ile his
friend Bill Kukkwicz played the accor-
Passing motorists honked their horns
in approval.
The newspaper didn't mind at all.
"It's very nice to be serenaded by the
accordion, said Ms. Walzer, laughing.
mess with a classic?
Country singer Billy Ray Cyrus
recorded the theme song from
Scooby-Doo" Thursday at a
Nashville recording studio for use in
a direct-to-video cartoon titled
Scooby-Doo and the Witch's
Ghost He said he was a longstand-
ing fan of the mystery-solving dog of
Saturday morning cartoon fame.
1' I tried to stay as close to the origi-
nal as possible, and add some of my
own flavor to it said Cyrus, who
became a country musk star in 1992
with his No. 1 hit Achy Breaky
"I probably could have done it with
no practice at all, because I've been a
fan so long I know the song so well
already he said.
Scooby-Doo and the Witch's
Ghost" is set for release Oct. 5.
Hams continued from page 1
There are plenty of places to hang
out in Ham's, whether it's dining in
front of the restaurant, checking out
the "cigar room" upstairs, or drink-
ing on the patio deck and bar out
back where you can order some of
Ham's own freshly brewed beer. This
is the good stuff, too! Ham's brews its
own beer, which has been praised for
its cxcelle nt taste, in the back of the
You've got to come in and check this
place out! Drink a few, sit back, and
relax in a comfortable atmosphere.
CD. continued from page 2
tracks ("Satin Sheets"comes to
mind)Frogstomp"left such big
shows to fill in my mind; maybe I
was expecting a littk too much.
Overall, "Neon "Ballroom" is a good
disk that makes fens of Silverchair
wet their lips in anticipation of the
third album but bite their tongues at
the thought of this one.
TEC bias teamed up
vim Barnes and Noble
to bring book reviews to
Wednesday's fountainht'ad
in our new program
easti. �
Carolinian 2 McDf
' an' looking (r Irllow liook knits lo
livid anil review l�-J seftri Icr a good
r.uN1. Karh Sumnstir mi will donate thusc
best sofas to UV KihuIiI Mi Donald House
when' Itry will lie availabk' kr lie Tamil)
nroihm ti terminally ill liildivii lo nod.
If yon wonkl like lo wrili' a n'viow
6 Thursday, April 15,1999

It's time to let well enough alone.
Learn to recognize when you've done
all you can, and move on. Hindsight
is always 20-20, so learn from mis-
takes and decide to do better next
time. If you exercise a little patience,
your rewards will be evident.
Love is everywhere during the week.
Either a current love is rekindled or
you may be in for a new attraction.
In any case, the rules have changed,
and even if with an old flame, the
relationship is completely new. Being
around positive people will lift your
(May 22-June 21)
If the attitudes of others seem to be
holding you back, it's time to be a lit-
tle more self-centered in order to get
yourself back into the swing of what
is good for you. A little separation
from others can be a good thing.
Opportunities will abound, look for
(June 22-July 23)
You have a reason to be proud of
your output and quality of work this
week. Work will provide you with a
welcome respite from other worries.
If your attitude concerning a rela-
tionship does not seem to change,
you may be looking at the situation
from the wrong view. Don't try so
(July 24-August 23)
If you have been running yourself
ragged, preventative measures may
be needed to keep your health up to
par. Money is likely to be tight for the
near future, but don't let it stop you
from making plans to get away on
vacation. Your lover is an absolute joy
to you.
(August 24 - September 23)
If you ponder over the "what ifs
even more questions will arise. Ifs
not worth putting yourself through
such self criticism. What's done is
done, and you can only resolve to do
better next time. Your drive for per-
fection is unrealistic, for there is no
such thing as perfection.
(September 24 - October 23)
If there is a change in plans this
week, make the best of the situation.
Something very promising may
come of what seems to be a missed
opportunity. Your love life is getting
back on track, so take the opportuni-
ty to work out details, and go slowly
with your mate.
(October 24 - November 22)
Your handwork is not always noticed
or appreciated by others. Whatever
you do must satisfy you first - rely-
ing on others will keep you feeling
disappointed. Sweet memories may
cause you to look back on the past
with a sense of loss and some regret
-the good old days.
(November 23 - December 21)
It just might come to blows with a
loved one during this week. Give
each other time to cool off before
approaching the subject in a reason-
able mood. Good news about money
may lighten up your mood a bit The
way you use information presented
to you pleases your superiors.
(December 22 -January 20)
Your nature insists you follow the
rules, but an acquaintance who is
more of a free spirit, prefers spon-
taneity-learn from him. Don't fall
into the trap of judging others,
remember that you don't know what
motivates and influences others to
do what they do. Take a firm hand
on money matters.
(January 21 - February 19)
Your personal brand of creativity is
crying out to be let loose, allow time
for this expression to take place, and
don't be too attached to producing
immediate masterpieces. If a prob-
lem is backing you into a corner,
focus your energies on diffusing it.
(February 20-March 20)
Keeping your feelings under wrap
will create the illusion of control. If
you take the risk of expressing your-
self to a loved one, no one will care if
you break down. It's going to hurt
falling down - but you are better off
jumping in, instead of watching
from a distance.
DAY: Your creative energies express
themselves in very tangible ways.
You do not build castles in the sky,
but tend to put down roots and build
useful things which are meant to
last. Your life work will always
involve building and growing. continued from page 3
what they bid on
Another up-and-coming site is called
Amazon ( A few
years ago, this huge megasite began as
an online bookstore; sort of an online
Barnes and Noble, but without all those
dark colors. Nowadays, Amazon is one
of die leading shopping sites on the net,
branching out into music and video as
well as new and out-of-print books. The
cool thing is that it's not just for die con-
sumers anymore. Amazon gets its rare
books from smaller used bookstores in
the country.
ECU graduate and owner of Greenville's
used bookstore The Bookworm Steve
Hill said that "I make more money
through Amazon than I da in the store a
lot of the time. When Barnes and Noble
came out here, most of the other book-
stores in town like the Book Potato and
Book Warehouse went under. That
wouldn't hjive happened if they got into
selling online. That's where a lot of die
money is One of the newest entries to
the useful website milieu is called ( On this
shewtbsters" can do a number of
things regarding the personalization of
the Internet. It includes links to bee Web
Pages, free email, online horoscopes,
online comparison shopping, chat
rooms, personals and lottery results.
This has the potential to be one of the
most useful sites on the web, especially
for newcomers.
"You have die power to shop, check out
their horoscope and maybe even find
true love, all in one sitting. I hope it
catches on soon said Vance Daniels,
These are only a few of the tasty new
sites springing up lately. There are also
add-ons (or plug-ins) that can help
enhance your enjoyment, such as the
RealVideo player that allows browsers to
watch video in real time without down-
loading anything. Indeed the brains
have come a long way, but rest assured
they aren't done yet.
Microsoft CEO and richest man in die
world Bill Gates saidThe best is yet to
Needed at
the East Carolinian
V'l ! IH'I SC'( I I
I kiw Km v
Freshman quarterback
Garrard to rough up season
avid Garrard
gKSSrtg 701-
Apply at the Student
publications Building

7 Thursday, April 15,

put iifp Thee Eatst
Go to our nlflli il IIn lllll ' UN " the calendar link.
o4iust below llii i iif 'II liii j j, n Hill I rlv event submission form.
Or if you want n '$0 111 " an orl'oH" gvpntQ into your browser.
Then just enter your event onto our campus calendar.
It's just that easy. And it's one more free service of The East Carolinian.

The East Carolinian, April 15, 1999
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 15, 1999
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