The East Carolinian, November 10, 1998

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10 cotton
n assorted
s. Choose
satshirts &
High: 74
Low: 52
High: 75
Low: 62
Online Survey
Did you vote in the
November 3 election?
28 Yes 71 No
Did you use the telephone to register for next
Men's soccer prepares for Colonial Athletic Association
JMA) tournament at Virginia Beach this weekend
?Sports, page?
Forum held on campus to
create mission statement
Staff aids the Strategic
Planning Committee
s l M l wju'TKR
Several open forums were held
across campus last week to allow
faculty, students, and staff the
opportunity to aid the Strategic
Planning Committee in creating a
mission statement for ECU 2000-
The Strategic Planning
Committee is in the preliminary
process of developing ECU's goals
for the new millinea. They provide
budget and space planning for
the campus and are currently col-
lecting feedback through the
open forums and three campus
Members of the External
Environment Analysis.
Institutional Values Assessment
and Internal Strengths and
Weaknesses (Committees all took
part in the data collection
"We have a shared responsi-
bility said Bob Thompson,
Director of Planning and
Institutional Research,
Thompson coordinates the
strategic planning process, which
affects all departments on cam-
Staff sizes up ECU
Strengths mentioned
Attractive campus
Sense of community
Good interaction between students and staff
Beautification Committee
Overall friendliness
Weaknesses mentioned
Safety concerns new buildings
Need new focus on interdisciplinary learning
Cooperative programs within the university system
Information gathered at open staff forums
Telephone registration option
available to all students this week
Phone lines open at 8 am
to speed up process
K I. I M (i K Ml AM
ECU is ottering telephone registration,
starting November 9 for spring 1999 as an
alternative to going to a terminal to regis-
ter for classes.
Telcphojic-registration will prove most
beneficial to students that live off campus
including non-degree students and stu-
dents who live fa away. ?
The first time ECU had telephone reg-
istration available was a test run during
Spring 1998. The lines were opened at 10
am. The testing went well and students
this semester will be able to access the ser-
vice at 8 am this registration period.
So far there have been no complaints
and no glitches to deal with.
"Telephone registration is a good ser-
vice said Amy Bissete, assistant registrar,
"because you can check your grades, hous-
ing status, financial aid application status,
admission status, holding tags and more
Although you do not have to stand in
lines to use automated Voice Response
System (AYRS), the actual registration
process takes a little longer.
"If vou organize all of your informa-
tion said Bissette, " it can take you under
three minutes, where as if you use a termi-
nal it takes onlv about thirty seconds
Thommy Dean, a child development and family relations major, using telephone registration
ECU is one of the last schools in the
UNC system to receive the service. The
service was not made available to ECl' stu-
dents before because there were enough
terminals to do the job efficiently. ECU
has it now because it was mandated by the
board of trustees.
The telephone registration lines will
open November 9 at 8 am. This will be an
ongoing service until 9 p.m. each night.
Online distance learning begins in spring
ECU expands Community
College Partnership degree
s I A T I ? HI I B H
ECU will be expanding its Community
College Partnership degree program to
include online distance learning sites in
Dare and Paimico Counties.
Communications, management, office
and computer skills are all taught through
the Information ProcessingAdministration
Services (ASIP). The I Iniversity of North
Carolina General Administration has given
the program complete approval to award a
Bachelor of Science in Business Education
(BSBE) degree.
"This is a wonderful opportunity for
non-traditional students who have families
and live a good distance away from ECl' to
obtain a two year degree in conjunction
with the university said Dr. Ivan Wallace,
chair of ECU Department of Business,
Vocational and Tech. Education.
Beginning in January, for the first time,
courses will be taught at the College of the
Albemarlc Dare County Campus and at
Paimico Community College in
Grantsborro. Since 1996, Carterct
Community College in Morchead City and
Graven Community College in New Bern
and I iavelock have been "pilot project"
"Students that participated in the pilot
projects genuinely appreciated the oppor-
tunity and have been very dedicated said
Classrooms enhanced with computers
that are connected to the Internet and to
Nobel Prize winner to
speak on campus
Jose Ramos-Horta to lecture
atHendrix Theater
C a r o 1.1 n k Jordan
Internationally recognized human rights
activist and 1996 Nobel Peace Prize winner
Jose Ramos-Horta will deliver Phi Kappa
Phi's 1998 lecture tonight at 7:30 in
Hendrix Theater.
According to Lorraine Robinson, Phi
Kappa Phi public relations officer and lec-
turer with the ECU Department of
English, Ramos-Horta has been a consul-
tant for nonviolence for over the past two
decades since his homeland of East Timor
was overrun by Indonesia in 1975.
"It would be like a much larger nation
overrunning a much smaller one without
any provocation Robinson said.
Ramos-Horta, an East Timorese exile,
has spoken before the U.N. Security
Council and the European Parliament as
well as having addressed many other inter-
national organizations.
Ramos-Horta has been a heavy influ-
ence on the budding Timorese nationalism
movement. He served as the U.N. repre-
sentative for FRETILIN, a Timorese
national movement which works toward
nonviolent solutions.
"To respond in a measured, thoughtful
nonviolent thing is pretty remarkable con-
sidering the history of what has transpired
said Robinson.
In 1989 Ramos-Horta founded the
Diplomacy Training Program in New
South Wales Australia. DTP's aim is to
train natives, minorities and human rights
activists of the Asia Pacific area in the U.N.
human rights system.
Ramos-Horta and Bishop Carlos Filipe
Ximenes Belo, also an East Timorese
native, were awarded the Nobel Peace
Jose Ramos-Horta, winner of the 1996 Nobel
Peace Prize
Prize in 1996 for "sustained efforts to hin-
der the oppression of a small people The
Nobel Committee stated its hope that "this
award will spur efforts to Find a diplomatic
solution to the conflict of East Timor based
on the people's right to self-determina-
Now the Special Representative of the
National Council of Maubre Resistance, a
pro-independence movement organization,
Ramos-Horta's experiences are described
in the book Eunu: The Unfinished Saga of
East Timor.
"This furthers the academic climate at
ECU and in the region said Robinson.
According to Robinson. Ramos-Horta
was selected by the Phi Kappa Phi
Committee because of his dedication to the
enhancement of academics in all disci-
plines as well as his international statute
that fulfills the mission of Phi Kappa Phi.
The lecture, entitled "Peacemaking:
The Power of Nonviolence" is free and
open to the public. A reception in the
Mendenhall Student Center Great Room
will follow.
Career Services prepares
for Health Career Day
Students encouraged to
attend on Thursday
D f: v o N VV ti IT F.
The annual Health Career Day will be
held on Thursday, Nov.12 from 10 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. at the Carol Belk Allied Health
Building on the first and second floors.
All ECU students are encouraged to
come out to the Health Career Day to
speak with employer representatives.
Career days are planned to help students
learn about their opportunities and to make
initial contacts which can ultimately lead to
full-time employment opportunities.
"This is a great way to have these
employers come to campus and spend time
meeting with either students that are
about to graduate or those who want to
know more about their career opportuni-
ties said Dr. Jim Westmoreland, Director
of Career Services.
A shuttle bus will be running from the
back of the Nursing Building to the Carol
Belk Building everyfiftcen minutes.
' Although all majors are welcome, stu-
dents majoring in OCCT, NURS, PTHE,
NUHM and BIOL would benefit most
since numerous hospitals and medical cen-
ters will be attending the event.
"Students have a great chance to meet
people; nerwoFk.even if the institutions do
not pertain specifically to their major said
Some hints to help you make (farcer
Day a success include: greeting the
employer with a firm handshake, ask perti-
nent questions, and express vour interest in
their organization. Also, you should pro-
"Tiis is a great way to have these
employers come to campus and spend
time meeting with either students that
are about to graduate or those who
want to know more about their career
Dr. Jim Westmoreland
Director ol Caieei Services
vide a resume to the employers you are
seriously considering, obtain a business
card from each employer with whom you
talk, and last, but not least, write thank you
letters to the employers you meet and are
interested in pursuing further. When you
enter, you want to make sure you sign in at
the registration table. This will enable you
to be a part of a list that will be made avail-

2 TuMdty, Novtmtnr 10, 1998
Th? Ent Carolinian
Professor lectures on the
Spanish-American War
Wayne Morgan spoke
on November 5th
Peter Dawvot
assistant news editor
Guest speaker Professor Wayne
Morgan of the history department
influenced many on Nov. 5th with
his lecture on the 100th anniversary
of the Spanish American wai
Morgan, a professor at the
University of Oklahoma, has dedi-
cated much of his career to the
research of historical events and
people of the 19th century.
Morgan started writing in 1963
when at age 29 he published his
first book.
"I started with a book called
;William Mckinley and His
'America. Since that time I have
written 16 other books and edited 9
more said Morgan.
Morgan and his publications
have received numerous awards. In
1992, Morgan was Professor of the
year at the University of
Oklahoma, while in 1997 he was
the recipient of the first
Distinguished Historian of Society
for Historians of the Guildcd Age
and Progressive Era.
The Lawcrence F. Brewster
Lecture in History sponsor annual
lectures by renowned professors
and literary scholars across the
country. Morgan's speech entitled
18981998: Echoes and Lessons
from the Spanish American War
exposed lessons that the nation
should have learned from the war.
Morgan centered his speech on
the what ifs of the war.
"We must not forget how easily
the war started said Morgan
"The war was similar to that of a
mini world war and still the U. S.
labeled it 'that splendid little war
Morgan's speech while focusing
on the Spanish American War,
attempted to give the audience the
idea of just how easily war can
break our,
Morgan attempted to answer as
to why this war and many others
which have been fought have
received such opposition between
the public and political leaders.
"The government is composed
of people that are not people
Morgan said "They see the nations
self interests in a much different
light than the average citizen, thus
? we have such conflicts on the top-
ics of war from time to time
Charles Calhoun, professor of
History at ECU commended
Morgan for his work.
"Due to his work, scholars rec-
ognize Professor Morgan as a fore-
most expert on the late nineteenth
century said Calhoun.
New organizations to better library
Friends ofJoyner
create student branch
Peter Dawvot
Members of the Friends of Joyner
Library are working to start a
Student Friends of Joyner Library
Friends of Joyner Library was
founded in 1978 in attempt to pro-
mote and create an aggressive
image of support for the Academic
Library Services. Twenty years
later, the Friends have reached a
new level of membership with over
230 members currently involved in
the organization.
Members of the organization
recently decided to produce a new
organization called the Student
Friends OfJoyner Library, because
of the overwhelming support of the
original chapter. Friends of Joyner
Library hope the two organizations
will be able to work to find better
ways to serve the library's needs.
Advisor of Student Friends,
Peter McCraken created and began
organizing the group believes that
Student Friends will greatly help
students in the academic areas.
"Many students have no idea
how many unique events take
place in our library said
McCraken. "Student Friends is a
chance for students to learn just
what Joyner Library has to offer
Members of Friends and
Student Friends are given privi-
leges including invitations to ban-
quets hosted by guest speakers
such as one recently given by the
president of America On-Line,
along with many famous writers,
and journalists which also come to
the area.
Friends of Joyner Library also
hopes to cosponsor many events
with the Student Friends which
will be taking place in the near
future. Events such as the 1999
Celebrity Readers Theater held in
late January or early February are
among some of the events the two
groups plan to work together on.
Director of Friends, Carroll
Varner, is one of the members hop-
ing to see the two groups flourish
"I hope to continue to see the
libraries fine tradition of exception-
al services by members of both
organizations said Varner.
"Together, we can do much to
enhance teaching, learning, and
scholarship, while embarking on
many new paths which will
enhance the libraries role on cam-
pus and in the community. Our
goal is to create the most efficient
and effective library services
continued Irom page 1
November 5, 1998
4:05 am - Officers discovered
that the receiver on the pay tele-
phone outside Parking and Traffic
had been broken in half.
November 6,1998
3:16 pm - A faculty member
reported the larceny of her wallet
and checkbook from her office in
the Erwin Building.
9:48 pra- - Several students
reported the larceny of several
items from the lockers from the
women's basketball locker room.
10:33 pm - A resident of Jones
Hall reported that a non-student
had been harassing her. The sub-
ject had left the area prior to the
officer's arrival. The non-student
had been banned from campus in
the past. An officer will attempt to
secure a warrant for his arrest after
his investigation is complete.
November 7, 1998
7:24 am - A staff member
reported damage to a lock on her
vehicle while parked east of the
Old Cafeteria.
able to those institutions attending
Career Day.
All students, especially seniors
and graduate students, will want to
register and establish a file with
Career Services. This will save you
time when you need references in
your job search. You may register at
one of the Connection Sessions,
call 328-6050 to find out time and
continued liom page 1
continued from page 1
the university's distance learning
fesystem arc a must for the four sites.
jjjProfessors will conduct the class
sessions primarily from ECU,
while students will assemble in off-
campus classrooms where they
will participate in class by using
computers and Internet technolo-
gy. So the professors can communi-
cate with the students, the com-
puters have been equipped with
cameras and microphones to per-
mit desktop video conference.
The Internet tools that will be
used for the course are a web serv-
er, an e-mail server, an FTP server,
a RealMedia server, and CU-
SeeMe reflector. Occasionally,
professors will rotate throughout
the sites and provide students with
personal attention.
In 1996, the degrep program
began as a partnership project
between ECU and the community
colleges in Carteret and Craven
Counties. There were 23 students
initially enrolled in the business
education courses.
Information sessions will be
held at 6 p.m. at Craven
Community College, Nov. 3;
College of the Abermarle Dare
County Campus, Nov. 5; Palimico
Community College, Nov. 10; and
Carteret Community College,
Nov. 12.
For more information call the
ECU Division of Continuing
Studies at 328-6321 or e-mail You can
visit the Division of Continuing
Studies web site at
pus since all are required to submit
an annual update of their goals and
objectives. In this way they can
monitor the departments and plans
for their unit.
"The forums arc to gather per-
ceptions of ECU from the faculty
and staff said Sandy Pravica, also
in planning research.
Although the forums were open
to the campus, attendance was low.
However, Thompson stated that
through the surveys the commit-
tees will reach hundreds of people
on campus. This year the surveys
include a national survey for facul-
ty, which can be compared to
national norms, and two others, one
for students and one for staff.
The topics of the forum were
varied from the improvement of
interdisciplinary learning to trans-
portation. All of the topics dis-
cussed in the forums, which were
held all week, will be used in the
early stages of planning the goals
that will be instituted for ECU in
the year 2000.
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3 Tuesday. Nov
When we e:
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3 Tuesday, MflBtfu 18.1338
HEATHER BURGESS Mmaging fdilor
PETER DAWYOT Auiinni News Editor
AMANDA AUSTIN Features Editor
EMILY LITTLE Head Copy Editor
TRACY HAIRR AisiitiotSponiEditor
CHRIS KNOTTS Stall Illustrator
Jason Feather Photo Editor
JANET RESPESS ArJrertismg Manager
BRIAN WILLIAMS layout Manager
Serving rhe ICU community since 1925, the 11) Cwobnnn publishes II.DOO coo? (wy lunday and Ihundry the Feed rtnaiat in tKti rtinpn is ihc
opinion ol ihr Editorial Board the Em Carolinian wetcomes letrtn 10 rhi rditoi. limited lo 260 words. nich may be editid lot decency 01 bievily Ihe ten
Caioilman leseives the ihi 10 edit en onset tellers lor publication Alt leltais must be sejoed Lerrers slwukt be addressed to: Opinion editor .The tail
Carolinian. Student Publication! BuiUing. ECU. Graemnne. 278011-4333 For mlomuiion. cell ?b?3?tj 6366
Thr, Paul r.rolioiin
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Sometimes it seems like the voices of students go unheard by our administration.
Upperclassmen often feel that it's not really worth the trouble to take a stand on an issue.
When we express frustrations with sub-par conditions in our classrooms and on campus, our
opinions are the last to be considered.
When we complain about the inefficiencies and unfair ticketing policies by Parking and
Transit Services, we're ignored. When we suggest that money for more parking places would
be well-spent, we get useless surface building improvements.
When TEC inquired about the intolerably hot Brewster classrooms in mid-June, we were
brushed off with the excuse of "computer programming error
Not even the SGA, our elected leaders, can do much to reduce the list of things that drive us
crazy every day. But at least students have one more hope: their own teachers.
The teacher forums give professors, teachers, graduate assistants and ECU staff a chance to
speak out to the administration on how they feel about anything at ECU that bothers them.
This will be a good thing for students, especially if the forums raise questions about issues
we've already been championing for years. The administration may perceive an individual
student with a valid concern as just another kid with a problem, but there will be no denying
the credibility a respected teacher could lend by addressing the same issue.
Odd as it seems, the administration is more likely to listen to teachers, whom they pay, than
students, who pay them. But we're all humans, and we all want to feel safe and comfortable
in our environments, whether we're working or learning.
From poor lighting at night to bad parking to uncomfortable temperatures in the classrooms,
teachers experience the same frustrations with the ECU campus as students.
TEC encourages teachers, especially graduate assistants who recently spent four years here
as students with little influence, to attend the forums and speak out for improved quality of
facilities for everybody.
Tobacco, gun issue not the same
Guns, if used as intended, can
kill, but there are are also
other legitimate purposes to
own a gun, like hunting. These
other legitimate purposes are
what draws a fine line between
the tobacco and gun issue.
In order to be compensated for city
expenses related to gun violence,
New Orleans has filed a multi-
million dollar lawsuit against 15
gun manufacturers, three trade
associations, and other various gun
dealers. The city contends that in
order to reduce crime, police
budgets must increase and the city
should not have to bear this
financial burden alone.
Basically, the basis of the city's
suit is that a gun manufacturer or
dealer should be held liable for its
products' consequences. This
argument is absolutely ridiculous
for one practical reason, how can
any industry be held responsible
for an individual's use of their
product? It doesn't make sense.
This would be like suing the beef
industry because of the correlation
between consuming red meat and
heart disease. It is the consumer's
responsibility, not the producers, to
ensure proper use of any given
This lawsuit, though akin to the
tobacco suits, is different.
Cigarettes are deadly if used as
intended (whether or not this
means that people can sue cigarette
manufacturers is a different issue
entirely.) Guns, if used as intended,
can kill, but there are are also other
legitimate putposes to own a gun,
like hunting. These other
legitimate purposes are what draws
a fine line between the tobacco and
gun issue.
Admittedly, guns are dangerous
and deadly, but who doesn't know-
that? It's not as if the facts that
guns kill is some new discovery.
It's common sense, and likewise
guns should be used with common
New Orleans is just playing the
blame game. Passing the buck to
gun manufacturers is not going to
prevent crime, it just helps the city
pay for their police force. It is
understandable that New Orleans
is frustrated with their high crime
rates, but they are pointing the
finger in the wrong direction. This
is just another instance where
individual accountablitiy is thrown
out the window. Why is it the gun
manufacturers' fault when a killing
occurs, and not the person who
actually pulled that trigger. It
doesn't take a genius to see the
ever-abundant holes and flawed
reasoning in this case.
Even the people who are anti-
guns, anti-war and anti-hunting
should clearly see the hotrible
precedent it would set if New
Orleans actually wins this absurd
case. It would propagate a mass
influx of class-action lawsuits
against a wide range of companies
for even more ludicrous
complaints. First it was the tobacco
industry, now it's the firearm
industrv. What is next?
Jesse Ventura slams politics
What to do if you're a bore
was almost ready to face a
hard truth, I was either a
bored person or a boring
person. Fortunately, I was
only bored. But it got me
thinking. How many people
out there are not aware that
they are boring?
Just the other day, I was sitting
I around watching television. I was
watching the Golf Channel (official
motto: He's gotta be happy with
1 that one, Bob), and I had this weird
; feeling that something was amiss.
; As I sat there, I started to think
'?- about what I was doing. After about
i ten minutes of internal evaluation.
it came to me, I was watching the
golf channel!
I was almost ready to face a hard
truth, I was either a bored person or
a boring person. Fortunately, I was
only bored. But it got me thinking.
How many people out there are not
aware that they are boring?
A lot, apparently. The other day
at the movies, I had the pleasure of
sitting in front of three women who
shared a common interest in
everything uninteresting. Just
before the movie started, they
carried on a conversation that
consisted of
"Look at the size of this candy
"Wow! That's a big candy bar
"It's a Nestle Crunch candy
"It sure is big, Mary
"Yes, it is big
This conversation lasted about
10 minutes longer that it should
have. I believe it is up to you and
me, Joanie and Chachi Interesante,
to let these people know that they
are boring and what they can do
about it. You're probably
wondering, "Yo! Ryan-Dogg!
Who's to say what's boring and what
I am. If you want to know if you
are boring, look at your hobbies.
Actually, your hobbies will only be
exciting to those who share the
same hobbies as you, so in effect
you will always be boring to
someone. But you really must ask
yourself if your plate collection
consists of the Franklin Mint Elvis
Commemorative kind, or of a wide
variety of "Chinet If it is
"Chinet then you are boring.
Thrifty, but boring.
There is still hope for you, good
citizen! Pick yourself up from that
couch! Tear yourself away from that
cardboard box collection and that
giant rubber band ball you've been
working on since middle school! Go
to the Wright Place at lunchtime,
and scream with all your might,
"I'm tired of being boring! Look
out world! Here comes (your name
From that point on, you will no
longer be looked upon as "boring
You will have a multitude of new-
words to describe yourself, such as
"loser "freak" and the occasional
compound of "raving lunatic but
never again will you be considered
"boring I hope this helps.
"Speak the truth to the people. Talk sense to the people. Free them with reason.
Free them with honesty
Man Evans
can just imagine him being
sworn into office wearing a
neon body suit and a cape.
Maybe he will pick Rick
Flair and the NWO to be in
his cabinet. And while we're
at it, lets just elect any
entertainer that comes by to
serve as well.
I am still recovering from nearly
drowning myself in tears of
laughter when I heard that Jesse
"The Bodv" Ventura was elected
governor of Minnesota. Even
though there is a trend of
entertainers that are moving into
important positions in
government, I find it hilarious that
the people of the insanely cold
state of Minnesota would elect a
former professional wrestler to be
their governor.
I can just imagine him being
sworn into office wearing a neon
body suit and a cape. Maybe he
will pick Rick Flair and the NWO
to be in his cabinet. And while
we're at it, let's just elect any
entertainer that comes by to serve
as well. We can have Madonna as
the director of Planned Parenthood
and 'Ol Dirty Bastard as the head
of The Red Cross. Well
heckDale Earnhardt for
What is happening to us? Are
we so in need of entertainment
that we would let less qualified
entertainers serve over better
candidates because of their
entertainment value? Pot smoking
dissident Sonny Bono proved to be
as ineffectual and cowardly in
Congress as he was with Cher
when she would smack him
around. Would Jesse be different?
Probably not.
As a sole Libertarian in a state
legislature divided equally among
Republicans and Democrats, it's
unlikely that "The Body" will be
able to convince them to pass any
of his legislation. He favors
abortion, gay marriages and has ?
even said that he would consider
legalizing prostitution. I doubt
that the predominantly Lutheran
conservative constituents of
Minnesota would allow these
things to happen.
So it appears that we have
another governor that is
predestined to fail. I think that if
the people would have spent more
time listening to the issues, and
less time listening to the hype,
they would have made a better
decision. But now the American
political system is an even bigger
joke than 1 imagined. I never
thought I'd see the day when
watching C-Span is better than
watching Springer.
to the Editor
Private schools promote own agendas
This is a rebuttal statement for the
opinion column written by Britt
Honeycutt in the Oct. 29 issue.
I find it abhorrent that
Honeycutt has the conception that
the purpose of private religious
colleges is to teach acceptance for
all. A private religious college's
purpose is in fact the complete
Honeycutt states "there is a
slight hypocrisy in the views of
these colleges. They preach love,
but only for those who fit into their
ideal This is not hypocrisy, it is
their sole purpose. Private
religious colleges are forthright
with their purpose to teach their
separatist ideals.
Honeycutt feels that educated
people do not hate. I propose the
contrary is the truth. All
individuals are educated in one
aspect or another. If her feelings
were true, there would not be any
racism, and there definitely would
not be any college-educated
racists. Since there is racism, and
there are college-educated racists,
her argument that educated people
do not hate is irrational.
Everybody has boundaries. You
have a misconception that gays
experience love with no
boundaries. This idea is false.
Homosexual individuals have the
same emotions as any other
individual. Homosexual
individuals experience hate and
love the same as other individuals.
Simplifying their point of view and
putting their lifestyle on a pedestal
only serves to separate them
further from the rest of society.
Joseph W. Bednarz
4 Senior

?4 TuutHy, Novumtur 10. 1998
Vy J JL 1A A Vy O
The East Carolinian
Four Seats Left
Jason Latour
Ants Marching
Victoria Kidd
1 sterns
ftq TrtOljU,
In ew
VHu w
Love To
TVfe A Mofeo CtfflO.l
Go, Go
?.S. TVuf
CurVe, ccv,d
ftore. vvet
nnor. ?.?
frills swrwa
a ewj in
Y&u cWr bo
7VA6 av
Let's Go
Soft Prinks
24-pack 12-oz. cans
Cheese, Fat-Free or
Oscar Mayer
Beef Franks
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37 minute prepaid
calling card
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Skim Milk
Items & Prices Cood Through Novembers ,1998 In
Greenville. Copyright 1998 Kroger Mid-Atlantic. We
reserve the right to limit quantities. None sold to
Raymond Sanders
1 Deli heroes
5 Learned
9 Strong cotton
14 Make booties,
15 Turkish money
16 Being dragged
17 Waste time
18 Fossil fuel
19 Sudden
20 Tiny dwelling
22 Forest units
23 Purchase
24 Abscond
25 Shucks!
28 Music master
31 Colorado tribe
32 Morals
35 Sebaceous cyst
36 POW possibly
37 Swindles
38had enough!
39 Plus
40 Andes herd
41 On the briny
42 Blues or
44 Outer covering
45 Vexes
46 Brawl
49 Tropical porch
51 Sideshow
55 Select few
56 Turner of
'Peyton Place"
57 Flintstones' pet
58 Polonius,
Laertes, el al.
59 Trans-Siberian
Rfl stop
60 Melville novel
61 Constant anxiety
62 Mine
63 Song ending?
1 Squeal to a halt
2 Remove ties
3 List of fees
4 Adler and
5 Aluminum com
6 Too devout
7 Rub out
8 Dip in the
9 Lethargic
10 Habituates
11 Hip to urban
12 Box seat
13 She sheep
21 Conform strictly
24 Visages
25 Mountain lions
26 Work period
27 Starring in a
28 Complex silicate
Answers in Wednesday's Fountainhead
1Ii1f'?'110I ,h.3
29 Carouse 30 Either "PaperUI
Moon" starr1"
33 Assam and pekoe 34 Haw's partnerl'
37 Superlatively chancyH26?30
41 Before 43 Speaksii?32BM1u
46 " Vice" 47 German dadaist 48 Plumbingu'
49 Swan lady4?4047N
50 Arkin or King 51 Fail utterly40,iqaSfl
52 Duration 53 Slaughter in Cooperstown?i1.??
?1998 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All righis reserved.
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A m
C a
cur a
and i
cer is
Dendy rvc
N 1 N A
? fcach spring set
Carolina Flayhi
dance perform
being Dunce '9i
Pepartment ol
Dance have be
nave Mark Der
choreographer f
come and choree
the Dance '99 pro
? At the age of
?.dancing at the Ni
??Theatre School
"I took mode
and theatre class
Dcndy said. "I ;
Professional local
a Dendy went
.jfcarolina School
.Wnston-Salem v
?his BIA in danc
4pent to dance fo
Pooh Kaye and
'find studied ac
&weet and Kent (
l "I always mi
? ?
pance in my worl
hing Dendy sail
.k In 1983, Dent
fmpany called
ance and Theat
4or almost 16 year
.f. From Oct
November 5, Dei
uest artist 1
pepartment of Tl
"Ipaching master (
"ftg a new work w

The East Carolinian
ond Sanders
10 r. 12 13
i '
dory Nightclub,
I of CCU ond
ollege Ban in
m by Playboy
OcWWf 1997
5 Tuesday, November 10, 1998
The East Carolinian
prevention starts in college
Skin cancer prevention for both males and females should'begin during college years
Piiii.i.ii' Gili i.
I I I W H ! I K H
When the topic of skin cancer is
brought up, most people think about
the sun. In the warmer months of the
year, ECU students will flock to the
beach on weekends. But since the
weather has cooled, there is no reason to
worry about contracting skin cancer,
especially at our age, right? Wrong.
A ccor din g
to the
C a n c e r
Society, there
will be a pro-
jected 15,000
cases of highly
curable skin
cancers in
North Carolina
and one million in the nation in the next
year. The deadliest type of skin cancer,
melanoma, will be diagnosed to 845
North Carolinians and to 41,600 people
"By the year 2000, one out of fifteen
Americans will have melanoma said
Maxinc Edwards of the Leo Jenkins
Cancer Center.
The theory of what causes skin can-
cer is ultraviolet rays. Exposure to these
Moles are often found cancerous
rays that axe emitted from the sun can
damage UNA and cause tumors to
appear. Even minimal
exposure can cause
melanoma. A small percent-
age of people are born with
xeroderma pigmentosum
(XP), a rare condition that
slows DA from repairing
sun-damaged areas of the
skin. These people contract
melanoma easily. Moles are
also highly connected to
"Everyone should per-
form a self-exam-
ine every six to
eight weeks on
Edwards said.
"They should
check all moles in
the front and back
of their body
There is a
method of examin-
ing moles called the ABCD
rule. This is an acronym for
the steps in making sure a
mole is not changing or
growing in a way which
would indicate melanoma.
Asymmetry, Border, Color
and Diameter are all details to check on
a mole. Any sudden or dramatic increase
in size means that one should consult
his or her physician or a dermatologist
There arc certain member of the
population who are at high risk for
cancer can occur in males and females at any age.
melanoma. 'Those with a fair complex-
ion, light hair and eye color and freckles
should avoid and protect themselves
from ultraviolet exposure, Anyone who
received a sunburn at a
very early age is at risk as is usually
thought that ,
young people
and African-
Americans do
not ? have to
worry about skin
1 lowever, these
groups arc both
capable of con- Cancerous
t r a c t i n g
"Skin cancer has the most
common malignancy said
Mary Matthcis. area projects
director, of the American
Cancer Society in Greenville.
If someone is biopsied and
diagnosed as having skin can-
cer, there are many options.
The majority of such cancers
are benign, but if they turn
malignant, surgical removal is
the first step. The bigger the
tumor means the bigger the
incision that will be made dur-
ing surgery. It is also usually
necessary to remove a lymph
node so it can be checked as to
whether or not the cancer is
spreading. Chemotherapy is also used
for cancer sufferers.
After the cancer is removed and
thought to be cured, follow-up exami-
Melanoma comes in many shapes, forms and sizes.
nations are needed to see if the cancer
has reoccurred. This will include exam-
ination of skin and lymph nodes and
possibly other examinations including
chest x-rays. Also, a person who has pre-
viously had melanoma may still be at
risk for contracting it again. It is neces-
sary for patients who are cured of
melanoma to examine their skin every
month and avoid overexposure to the
'The Loo Jenkins Cancer Center,
located in the ECU Medical School, has
a skin cancer support group called
"Made in the Shade 'This group has
open discussions and educational meet-
ings. People who have suffered or are
currently suffering from all types of skin
cancer can attend its meetings.
Renowned New York choreographer Sperm, egg donation
works with Theatre Arts, Dance '99 not an easy process
Dendy received BFA
Nina M. Dm
s I. VI 0 ? W-jil TEJ
? Each spring semester, the East
Carolina Playhouse puts on a
dance performance, this year
being Dunce '99. 'This year the
Department of Theatre and
Dance have been privileged to
Jiavc Mark Dendy, a renowned
choreographer from New York,
come and choreograph a piece for
the Dance '99 program.
? At the age of 14, Dendy began
.dancing at the Nashville Academy
Theatre School of the Dramatic
"I took modern dance classes
and theatre classes after school
Dendy said. "I also appeared in
Professional local productions
,i, Dendy went on to the North
.?Carolina School of the Arts in
.inston-Salem where he received
-iis BEA in dance. Erom there he
ipent to dance for great names like
Pooh Kaye and Martha Graham
"tend studied acting with Ruth
&weet and Kent Cathcart.
F "I always mixed theatre and
'tfance in my work since the begin-
hing Dendy said,
.i. In 1983, Dendy began his own
company called the Mark Dendy
jbance and Theatre, creating works
,Jar almost 16 years.
.js. From October through
?Jovember 5, Dendy was a visiting
guest artist for the ECU
department of'Theatre and Dance,
"baching master classes and creat-
ing a new work with the students.
Only 3 to 5 percent
of applicants accepted
Mark Dendy, a professional choreographer from New York, has helped the Department of Theatre Arts prepare for Dance '99.
"We were very fortunate to be
" loved working with the stu-
dents, they are a talented
group Dendy said. "They
worked hard and the piece is
going to he a great hit
Mark Dendy
able to host a professional choreog-
rapher of Mark Dendy's caliber
said ECU dance teacher Patti
Weeks "He is in great demand
nationally and internationally with
ongoing projects in New York City
and Germany. He is enlightening
ECU'S dance students with New
York's current dance trends
Dendy choreographed one
piece with the dance students
called Roundabout Eree-for-all at
the Azerbaijani Truck Stop Cafe.
The title comes form a conglomer-
ation of the titles of the music used
in the piece.
According to Dendy, there is an
element of primitive spiritual ritual
of dancing in this piece.
"I loved working with the stu-
dents, they are a talented group
Dendy said. "They worked hard,
and the piece is going to be a great
Unfortunately Dendy will not
be able to be here for the Dance '99
performance. This month Dendy
will be in Germany until March,
choreographing Ssrart Late. Erom
there he will return to Now York for
the opening of his musical Diram
Analysis tin March 15, which Dendy
wrote, directed, choreographed and
is starring in.
"Dream Analysis is about a boy in
a psychiatrist's office telling the
psychiatrist about his dreams
Dendy said. "While the boy is talk-
ing about his dream, you see it
being acted out in the office
Next on Dendy's itinerary will
be choreographing The Wild Party,
produced by Jeffrey Seller, the pro-
ducer of the Broadway hit musical
Phillip G i i. i i s
Infertility is a problem faced by
many couples, and outside help is
in need if they wish to conceive.
'That is why egg and sperm dona-
tions are needed across the world.
But this process is not as easy as
one would think.
Before guys starr driving to the
nearest fertility clinic to make a
"donation there are many
recniirements they must meet.
Couples looking for a sperm donor
are very particular about the per-
son they choose. The form that is
filled out by the prospective par-
ents contains preferences about
appearance, education and per-
sonality. Such things considered
are hair and eye color, height,
build, weight, complexion and
nationality. One form from
OPTIONS, a fertility group, asks
potential sperm donors about their
"I tried donating once when I
lived in California said one male
business major. "But they said my
sperm count was average. They try
to get guys who have a super-
sperm count
Only three to five percent of
applicant donors are actually
allowed to donate. In order to
donate, a man must be 18-38 years
of age and have a medical history
that does not include inheritable
diseases, sexually transmitted dis-
eases, current infection, cancer or
substance abuse. A college educa-
tion is usually helpful if a man
wishes to donate his sperm; it
makes him a more attractive
A sperm donor who is accepted
by a fertility clinic is paid $35 to
$50 for donating. The sperm that
is donated is usually then cryo-
gcnically frozen. The infertile
woman, who is taking fertility
drugs, then inserts the frozen
sperm into herself and waits to see
if the procedure was successful.
"Every woman creates hun-
dreds of eggs that she will never
use in her lifetime according to
A college education is usually
helpful if a man wishes to
donate his sperm, it makes him
a more attractive donor.
the University Fertility Center of
Memphis, Tenn.
'The first egg donations began
in the early '80s. The first success-
ful ovum donation was reported in
Australia in 1984, though the preg-
nancy did not go to term. The first
baby born because of egg donation
happened in 1986 through invetro-
A woman has to go through the
same very selective process as the
male, if not more so. If she wishes
to donate her eggs, she must be 21
to 35 years old, should not be using
"Norplant" or taking injections of
"Depo Provcra" for birth control,
have normal menstrual periods
and it is generally preferred that
the woman already have one

6 Timdiy, Novtmbtr 10. 1998
Thi East Carolinian
continual) from page 5
healthy, normal child.
A woman produces one to two
eggs during each monthly ovula-
tion cycle. If a woman is actually
selected for the donation process,
she is given drugs that allow her to
"supcr-ovulate she will be able
to produce sometimes up to 15
eggs per cycle.
The donor is able to receive
information on the client family
that have selected her eggs. She
has the right, in some programs, to
approve or disapprove the family
that will be receiving her eggs.
The woman also goes through a
major legal process; she must
choose if. she will have a open,
semi-open or closed relationship
with the client couple and the
The egg donation process usu-
ally takes a 20 day time period
completely. She will have to take
daily injections for two to three
weeks and will have to be exam-
ined by a fertility doctor for ten
visits. When the day of donation
arrives, minor surgery is performed
to remove the eggs. This surgery
takes 20 to 40 minutes, and the
woman is given an epidural or an
intravenous anesthesia which pre-
vents any discomfort
Normal compensation for an
egg donor is $2,500 to $5,000.
They are paid per egg retrieval,
not per egg.
Though the money may attract
many people to donate, there are
also many moral decisions that
have to be made about a donor's
connection to the child.
Chimney Neglect?
Chimney ash and tar buildup can
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' AtmatHtMUeisstmtfyniJiaimmiumifsiuivlECl
?sdlromdingtlmrtxptrmas obtxad? a tHarj formal.
Thank you to those of you who have sent me e-mail with questions and
' I thought you may be interested in schooling over here (that is what
I came for). The system the English use requires a lot of discipline.
English students go to classes for very few hours. Each history course I
am taking has a one hour lecture and a one hour seminar each, for a total
of eight hours a week in class. This sounds easy, but we are required to
do much more work outside class. For this semester, I'll be writing eight
research papers - each of which cannot be done at the last minute.
Everyone had always told mc that the English food was bad. I refused
to believe this warning, until I got here. English food is not exactly bad?
it just doesn't have much flavor. Most of everything that is "traditional-
ly English food" is quite bland and is often deep fried. And beans, there
are beans with, on or in everything, which would be very good, that is, if
I liked beans.
There are also certain quirks in the language which I find interesting.
A sample conversation goes as follows:
"Alright. Are you better, then?"1'
"No, still quite knackered
"Are you still going to go out and get pissed tonight?"
"Yes, we'll go back to the Loaded Dog again Here have some
Last week I took a trip to London for some good old fashioned
touristin! In London I felt more at home. All around you when you walk
around the city, you see American tourists being obnoxious and a gener-
al nuisance?just like home.
London is an immense place that is fascinatingly clean and safe. The
Underground, London's subway system, has impeccably clean cars and
I saw no vagrants riding within. The
parks were beautiful and welcoming,
even at dusk. The streets are staffed
with cleaners to eliminate litter.
London makes New York look like
During the trip I visited the regu-
lar attractions and took in a play, Les
Miserables, at the Palace Theatre. The highlight, however, was a lesser
known attraction called the London Dungeon. It was a dark and hilari-
ous journey through torture devices, execution methods and an exhibi-
tion on Jack the Ripper. It takes a sick person to enjoy this.
London is a great city, but I wouldn't want to live here. Like the rest
of England, it's cold and rainy. In addition it's an expensive town, espe-
cially for Americans (things cost twice as much). I also couldn't stand the
number of tourists that arc everywhere. It would be terrible to live
among them. Now though, I'm in Leicester wishing I could go back. Oh
Blake Norman
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E-mail us at RTP ?? Clinics @
since 1983
jigit form
Travis 1
EaU's 24-21 view
last Thursday nigh
jam in the Confei
Jl'he Pirates
teAris tied for thi
ene at Z-2. Satur
aginst Louisville
in Jieciding confei
well as possible
berths. Both team
at fi-4 with two gai
?AA quart
Mario Sen
The No. 6 seed F
cejr team ended it:
0 (oss to No. 3 Gei
quarterfinals of tl
Athletic Associi
Sqcccr Champii
Vijrginia Beach
Thursday. The Pi
yejar at 10-7-1 and
their first ever
Gfcorge Mason a
semifinals on Fri
lost against No. 2
Mary, 2-0, to fin
with a overall reco
College of Willian
ed the University
0,ito capture the
and an automati
NCAA tournamen
!Asit did in its 7
in the regular
Men's soct
closes m
Eric C
le ECU men
cl sed their reg
W, idnesday and F
to N.C. State
C mmonwealth.
to) ival N.C. State
ar i then fell sh
As for the gan
th Rams jumped
in in the first mil
w h a penalty kicl
to VCU came 24
hi f when Kevin ,
gi e the Rams a h;
0 In the second h
af in with an ai
C pilla to stretch
3- . And finally in
ol the match, I)
hi ided in a goal
m lute score for tl
With this loss, t
th ir regular seas(
pi nting 3-14-1 re
w nt to 1-8 in t
P: Jtes now rank i
fc :nce standings.
Head coach Wi
th :less feels pos
te m's future in
tojrnanlfcnt. "We

Eitt Carolinian
Tuesday, November 10. 1998
' hope for bowl alive
The East Carolinian
Wour football teams
fyitfor remainingspot
or a
3 months
Laura Egeln
910.962.3815 (fax)
to attend
ous jobs
o help
128, 129

Travis Barki.ey
.senior whiter
E(?U's 24-21 victory over Cincinnati
last Thursday night has created a log
jaijn in the Conference USA stand-
ffhe Pirates are among four
tedjtns tied for third in the confer-
ence at Z-Z. Saturday's home game
agfinst Louisville will go a long way
in tlcciding conference standings as
well as possible post season bowl
berths. Both teams enter the game
at 6-4 with two games remaining.
The C-USA champion will play
in the Liberty Bowl on Dec. 31.
Tulane sits atop the conference at 4-
0 with games against Army and
Houston remaining. A win in either
of those two games would assure
Tulane the Liberty Bowl spot.
A second C-USA team, though
not necessarily the second place
team, will play in the Humanitarian
Bowl against the Big West
Champion on Dec. 30.
Senior noseguard Travis Darden
says the team isn't thinking about a
bowl; the players just want to finish
their season on a strong note.
"What we're thinking now is to
win the last two Darden said.
"Whatever happens, happens, but
all we can control is the wins and
losses of the last two games
The Halloween loss to Houston
hurt ECU's bowl chances, but head
coach Steve Logan said his team
can't worry about possible bowl sce-
"The Houston game was obvi-
ously a rough deal Logan said.
"But I told the players, we can be 5-
6, 6-5, or 7-4; what do you want to
be? Let's go win them. They're
going to be tough, but we've got two
games we can win or two games we
can lose. It depends on how we
, In addition to the two C-USA
guaranteed spots, there are At-Large
berths available in several bowl
games. These include the Las Vegas
Bowl on Dec. 19, the Motor City
Bowl on Dec. 23, and the Music
City Bowl to be held in Nashville on
Dec. 29.
ECU's chances of post season
play may be aided because several
conferences, most notably the Big
Ten, may not have enough bowl eli-
gible teams to fill their allotted
spots. For example, the Sunshine
Classic (the former CarQuest Bowl)
will pit the fourth place ACC team
(currently N.C. State) against the
sixth place Big Ten team. To be eli-
gible for a bowl, schools must have
at least six wins against Division 1-A
teams. As it stands now, the Big Ten
only has five teams bowl-eligible.
Freshman runningback Leonard
Henry says that while the team isn't
focusing on a bowl now, they
deserve a look if they win out.
"I don't know what the situation
is right now Henry said. "If we fin-
ish up 7-4,1 think we'll have a legit-
imate chance to go to some bowl
?? .C-USAAll Games
Southern Miss4-15-4
ECUJ 2-25-4
Source: Conference USA Release
Pirates' first ever winning season
i Women s soccer lost
CAA quarterfinal, 0-1
Mario Sciikr iiauke r
spouts editor
The No. 6 seed ECU women's soc-
cer team ended its season with a 1-
0 loss to No. 3 George Mason in the
qijarterfinals of the 1998 Colonial
Athletic Association Women's
Soccer Championships at the
Virginia Beach SportsPlcx on
Thursday. The Pirates finished the
yqar at 10-7-1 and 3-5 in the. CAA,
their first ever winning season.
George Mason advanced to the
selmifinals on Friday, where they
lost against No. 2 seed William 6k
Mary, 2-0, to finish their season
with a overall record of 12-8-1. The
College of William & Mary defeat-
ed the University of Richmond, 1-
0,ito capture the tournament title
and an automatic bid into the
NCAA tournament.
! As it did in its 7-1 win over ECU
in! the regular season, George
Mason controlled the game offen-
sively from the start. The Pirates
had excellent scoring opportunities
in the first half but were unable to
"What can I say; they put the
goal in and we couldn 't
materialize our chances.
Nevertheless, we made them feel
that they were in a tough battle. I
think we did a good job today
Amy Horton
ECU women's soccei goalkeeper
convert. GMU keeper Jaime
Pagliarulo stopped an Erin Cann
shot in the 25th minute from close
range while Shana Woodward
launched a shot over the crossbar
from five yards out less than seven
minutes later. A defender save on
the goal line thwarted arfottier ECU
opportunity in the 36th minute.
"I was very disappointed that I
couldn't hit one of my chances. I
just got really nervous when I was
about to score and that's probably
what made the difference between
me and Jennifer Jones) today said
sophomore Cann, who, along with
Kim Sandhoff and Dana Durbin,
was named to the All-CAA second
team by a vote of league coaches
last Wednesday.
The Patriots got on the board in
the 62nd minute with a goal by
senior forward Jennifer Jones. The
play materialized when Stephanie
Hancock advanced a pass down the
left wing to sophomore Andrea
Matthews who forwarded the ball
to Jones who scored on a 8-yard
blast past ECU keeper Amy Horton
into the far right corner. The goal
would stand as the lone score of the
game for the Patriots.
"What can I say; they put the
goal in and we couldn't materialize
our chances Horton said.
"Nevertheless, we made them feel
that they were in a tough battle. I
think wedidagood job today
GMU also awarded nine corner
kicks to the Pirates' two. The
Men's soccer team gets shutout
by Wolfpack and Rams
Mens soccer season
closes with losses
Eric Couch
Tie ECU men's soccer team
cl( sed their regular season on
W, dnesday and Friday with losses
toj N.C. State and Virginia
C mmonwealth. The Pirates lost
to- ival N.C. State by a score of 2-0
ar I then fell short in their last
h! ne game of the year to VCU 4-0.
As for the game against VCU,
thj Rams jumped out early by scor-
in in the first minute of the game
w h a penalty kick. The next goal
k VCU came 24:15 into the first
half when Kevin Jeffrey scored to
gi e the Rams a halftime lead of 2-
O.j In the second half Jeffrey struck
a; in with an assist to Ricardo
C pilla to stretch the VCU lead to
3- . And finally in the 89th minute
of the match, Dwayne Bergeron
hi ided in a goal to make a last
m iute score for the Rams.
With this loss, the Pirates ended
tli ir regular season with a disap-
pi nting 3-14-1 record overall and
w nt to 1-8 in the CAA. The
P ates now rank ninth in the con-
fc ence standings.
Head coach Will Wiberg never-
th :less feels positive about his
re m's future in the conference
tcjrnanlbnt. "We put forth a good
Garland Gill (center) dribbles around a VCU defender in the Pirates' last home game.
"This was a game of missed
opportunities. We created
scoring chances, but we just
did not finish them
Will Wiberg
Head ECU socceicoach
effort considering the fact that we
are missing seven starters Wiberg
said. "Chris Powell has been play-
ing well for us recently and Greg
Hoffman has provided a spark for
our team with his play. We hope to
have some healthy bodies back to
play American next w?k
Also in last week's play, the
Pirates dropped a game to N.C.
State by a score of 2-0.
Even with ECU outshooting the
Wolfpack 10-9, N.C. State was able
to capitalize on its opportunities at
the goal by scoring twice.
"This was a game of missed
opportunities Wiberg said. "We
created scoring chances, but we
just did not finish them
With the ninth seed in the tour-
nament, the Pirates will be travel-
ing to number eight seed American
University this afternoon at 2 p.m.
for the play-in game of the CAA
tournament. The winner of that
game will then go on to Virginia
Beach to play in the CAA men's
soccer tournament.
Patriots tallied 18 shots, compared
with ECU's nine. In goal for ECU,
junior Horton tallied off eight saves
with one goal allowed. GMU All-
American keeper Pagliarulo earned
four saves and the complete-game
shutout. Offensively for the Pirates,
sophomore Cann led the way with
Louisville at ECU Tulane at Army Houston aMSJijbinnati
?MempWsjBUjrn Miss
ECU 24, Cincinnati 21 Air Force 35, Army 7 Tulane 41, Memphis 31 ' .Southern Miss 21, Houston 15 ft 153? -Vi rffcource: Conference USA Press Relea&rfgjrVjS
Volleyball team wins close
match against GMU
ECU's volleyball team is trying to block an Eagels kill-attempt on Friday. The Pirates' defense turns out to be the backbone Saturday
Pirates losing to
American, win the next
Jason I.atoir
senior writer
The ECU Volleyball team had an
up and down weekend as the
Pirates split weekend home match-
es against Colonaial Athletic-
Association foes American and
George Mason. The Pirares came
out flat against regionally ranked
American on Friday, losing to the
Eagles 0-3, but managed to turn it
all around by rallying for a 3-2 win
over the George Mason Patriots on
Saturday. As a result the Pirates
moved into a tie for fourth place
with GMU in the CAA with only
one match remaining in the regular
While American scored the first
lOtpoints of the first game, ECU
continued to struggle, losing the
game 15-3. In the second game the
Pirates put up a tougher fight
before eventually losing the game
15-5, despite outblocking the
Eagles 4-1. In the third game the
Pirates continued their terrific
defense but struggled heavily on
offense, as the Eagles took a .319 to
.021 hitting advantage, eventually
winning 15-9. t.
"American is the team to beat in
the CAA and it showed (Friday)
ECU head coach Kim Walkers
said. " They have three seniors
who really lead the team and who
are terrific hitters.But we blocked
extremely well against them. We
played hard and the effort was
shown by all of our players
Liz Hall lead ECU with seven
kills, while Clinta Claro pitched in,
adding five kills and 10 digs.
Lucinda Mason, who is chasing the
single season team record for
blocks (set by her sister Lakeya last
season at 124) also recordes three
kills and a team high siblocks.
Ajola Berisha and Heather
Wintermcycr paced the Eagles
with recorded 11 kills each.
On Saturday the Pirates turned
it all around against GMU, winning
a tough match "S-Z. ECU came out
solid on all fronts in the first game
fighting back from deficits of 8-4
and 14-10 before losing 17-15. In
the second game the Pirates came
back blasting GMU 15-8. The
strong play carried over as they
pounded out the last seven points
to down the Patriots 15-11 in the
third game. However, GMU rallied
in the fourth winning 17-15, after a
controversial call gave them a 16-15
lead. The Pirates, however,
showed tremendous fortitude by
coming out blazing in the fifth and
final game, crushing GMU by a
score of 15-6.
When the dust cleared ECU
had recorded one of its biggest
wins of the season and had put up
big numbers to show for it Claro,
Mason and Staci Pleasant all

8 Tuesday, November 10, 1998
The East Carolinian
Kalajo lone representative
Pirate tennis competes
at Rolex championship
Todd Tallmadce
Roope Kalajo was the lone repre-
sentative for EXU men's tennis
team on Friday, Nov. 6, when he
played in the first round of the ITA
Region II indoor Championships
hosted by UNC-Chapel Hill.
'He competed against the no. 3
seed Dmitry Muzyka from Duke
in the first round. He was able to
pull off a major victory for ECU by
defeating Muzyka 7-5, 6-7(1), 6-3.
"Roope (Kalajo) played the best
I have ever seen him play today
ECU head coach Tom Morris said.
"He got stronger as the match went
on, and it was a great win against a
nationally-ranked player
Muzyka is ranked No. 98 on the
Division I Men's Singles Preseason
ITA Rankings. And Duke is
ranked No. 15 in the nation.
On Saturday, Kalajo played
against Benjamin Cassaigne from
Georgia Tech in the main singles
64-player draw. Kalajo was not able
to hold off Cassaigne, who was
seeded in the top eight in the tour-
nament, and lost the match 6-1, 6-
"The match was a lot closer
than the score shows Morris said.
"Roope (Kalajo) could not catch a
break and Cassaigne just did not
miss. Nevertheless, his good per-
formance should give him a lot of
confidence going into the spring
season -
Kalajo had surgery on his ankle
as a sophomore and had problems
with his Achilles tendon his junior
year. After struggling with these
injuries, he impressed not only his
coach, but also himself during the
"I played with confidence and I
am pretty pleased with the results
after being injured the last couple
of years Kalajo said. "This was
the best tournament I had played
this fall This tournament ended
the fall schedule for the ECU
men's and women's tennis teams.
The teams will continue to condi-
tion over the" winter, with the
spring schedule set to start in early
Women's Soccer
continued from page 7
three shots on goal.
"This was a great game with a
definite tournament atmosphere
conlmued from page T
recorded triple doubles, leading
the way as the Pirates outhit the
Patriots .462 167 and recorded 27
"This was an awesome match to
watch, to coach and for the players
to play in said Walker. " We got
better as the match went on. Our
blocking was outstanding again.
And to have three players reach
triple-doubles; I have never been
involved with anything like that on
any level. It's amazing and a tribute
to their abilities
Setter Lisa Donovan also
reached a personal milestone in the
match by recording her 1,000th
assist of her career. Donovan is now
fifth on the all-time ECU assist
charts and trails fourth place by
only 105 assists.
The Pirates will be in action
again today, as the team travels to
Wilmington to face in-state CAA
rival UNC Wilmington in their last
match of the regular season.
ECU head coach Neil Roberts said.
"Both teams played hard and
aggressive. Our team played a
super game, probably our .best
game of the year. I was pleased
with our level of play in a game that
was tough to lose. We gave it every-
thing, but we weren't, able to take
advantage of our opportunities
With the loss, ECU finishes a
very challenging and successful
1998 women's soccer season.
"I'm very proud of the way we
played this season. We just had
some unfortunate games we would
have deserved to win and today's
game might be one of them Cann
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9 Tuesday, Nov
7 m
Today 7 million
anorexia nervi
Nine in ten woi
disorder say tl
before they wer
? These shock
Bk an i
?IT you find yc:
what you eat, goi
or Fasting, or bin
you may suffer f
Odd food ritu
ing I00 for oth
tred clothing to
along with ceas
jtion, are other w
ciated with c
according to m'e
"One of the't-
was when I felt
ished. To hear r
and churn mad
Jennifer, 25. wh
real name not bt
a former student
"With my eat,
felt like I had
(east one tiling
what is ironic
Orders had coi
thought aboi
woke up t
went t
i Former
fired from anor
fir more than 10
Anorexia vict
suffer from mo
J&awal from socii
Ktionist attitud
possible eating d
J Bulimia, anot
Sfj.4fe anore
disorder t
W arrin

rhe East Carolinian
its for
9 Tuesday, November 10, 1998
The East Carolinian
Eating away at ihe insides
7 million women, 9 in 10, suffer from eating disorders
Bktii Oils
Today 7 million women suffer from
anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
Nine in ten women with an eating
disorder say the problem began
before they were 20. ?
? These shocking statistics are a
Symptoms of
disorders vary
result of society's obsession with
weight, shape and appearance,
. according to Dr. Elke D. Eckert,
author of Anorexia Nervosa and
Bulimia. Society's demand for the
"perfect image" is what pushes the
majority of women to develop an
eating disorder, experts say.
According to Eckert, girls are
more concerned about their weight
than boys are. Fifty-three percent
of 20-year-old women feel they are
fat, according to researchers, while
only 9 percent of 20-year-old men
feel they are overweight.
Researcher Susan M. Ice, med-
ical director of the Eating
Disorders Unit at Bclmont Center
for Comprehensive Treatment,
explained in her study that eating
disorders are not so much an ill-
ness, but an aberration in female
development. Effective treatment
is achieved through an understand-
ing of female behavior and of
women and relationships.
Experts say that typically an eat-
ing disorder begins innocently. A
young girl goes on a simple diet,
but before long the diet is out of
control. Soon the girl has a severe
eating disorder. The two most com-
mon eating disorders are anorexia
nervosa and bulimia.
Anorexia nervosa is a syndrome
that causes someone to refuse to
eat and maintain body weight.
Many sufferers weigh less than 85
percent of what is normal for their
ages and heights. To lose weight
the person restricts food intake.
Many develop an intense fear of
weight gain and feel fat even
though they are underweight. Most
are in complete denial of the seri-
ous loss of body weight, medical
experts say.
With eating disorders women
often stop menstruating. They also
suffer damage to the heart and
other vital organs. Other symptoms
include low blood pressure, consti-
pation, abdominal pain, loss of
muscle mass, hair loss, acne and
sensitivity to coldness.
Bulimia nervosa, more common
than anorexia nervosa, is also called
the binge and purge disease. It is
characterized by the consumption
Brandv Bowers
I (i( i s WRITER
?If you find yourself restricting
what you cat, going on severe diets
or fasting, or hinging and purging,
you may suffer from an eating dis-
Odd food rituals such as prepar-
ing food for others, and using lay-
ered clothing to hide weight loss,
?along with ceasing of menstrua-
tion, arc other warning signs asso-
ciated with eating disorders,
according to medical experts.
? "One of the best feelings to me
was when I felt completely fam-
ished. To hear my stomach growl
and churn made my day said
Jennifer, 25. who asked that her
real name not be used. Jennifer is
aformer student at ECU .who suf-
"With my eating disorders, I
felt lite I had control over at
least one thing in my life, but
T&hat is ironic is that my dis-
orders had control over me. I
thought about food or my
appearance from the time I
woke up to the time I
went to bed
i Foimer anorexic
fiired from anorexia and bulimia
Sir more than 10 years.
'?. Anorexia victims like Jennifer
iwffer from mood swings, with-
drawal from society, and have per-
Bctionist attitudes that indicate a
possible eating disorder.
2 Bulimia, another common eat-
Images of women in m
b kw v mp iijpwiRp
exacerbate problem
Dkubjk Nki wirtii
foci's WRITER
Thin is in. Just look at the
ideal body image present-
ed in today's media. Young
women are portrayed as
thin and waif-like. But in a
quest to attain that ideal
body image, many girls
indulge in extreme dieting
behavior that affects their
health. As a result, 4 to 22
percent of college women
engage in anorexic or
bulimic behavior trying to
achieve the type of body
they see.
Young women, who are
easily influenced by the
media, have an intense fear
of gaining weight, medical
experts say. According to a
recent study' published in
The Journal of Health, the
mass media is extremely ?
influential on young
women between the ages
of 12 and 25. The study
published by Dr. Garfinkel . ?
and Dr. Garner, revealed
that the mass media plays a
significant role in transmitting thinness
oriented norms and values. The study was
conducted on how the media contributes
to eating disorders of women.
"The media, have capitalized upon and
, promoted this image of thinness and
through popular programming have por-
trayed the successful and beautiful protag-
onists as thin writes Dr. Garfinkel, who
has spent years researching this issue.
The slim female form has been in fash-
ion in our society as early as the 1920s. A
recent article in Cosmopolitan looked at
how models influence young women to go
on diets as early as 12 years old. Pick up a
copy of magazines such as' Cosmopolitan,
Glamour and Seventeen, look at the titles
of articles; and you'll sec a constant preoc-
cupation with beauty, thinness and food.
In a May issue of Cosmopolitan, Megan
Fitzmorris McCafferty wrote about diets
and fat burning techniques.
"Diets work three times faster than
starvation McCafferty wrote.
Other magazines such as these portray
to us a slim and less curvaceous woman.
YVe are told and shown that a thin, slim fig-
ure is sexy and appealing. Victoria's Secret
catalogs show tall women with very thin
bodies mpdeling to us an image of beauty:
This is read'by young women and influ-
ences their views on themselves. Jill
Shirtz, manager of Victoria's
Greenville, feols that women with a high
self-esteem will not be affected by the
media's portrayal of ultra-thin women. She
believes only women who are not eonfi-
dent with themselves will be influenced
by these skinny models.
"A woman always wants to feel beauti-
ful, but some women look to others to
make them feel beautiful. If women look
to these models to improve their self-
esteem, they are looking in the wrong
place Shirtz said.
Kelly Stray, an ECU senior, feels stu-
dents are constantly bombarded with
information and articles about fat-free
products and diets.
"I dont want to feel that I have to
watch everything that goes into my mouth.
If I am constantly worried about gaining
weight it will be very hard to eat Stray
Other women may not be as resistant as
Stray is to such images. Some women, as a
result, resort to starving themselves to
achieve what they think is a perfect body.
The popular television show "Ally
McBeal" stars a young woman who went
from a size four to a siz,e one in the first
season of the show. Erin Pohgrid, an ECU
freshman, feels women should not view
these actresses and models as perfect.
"I think girls should eat what they want
as long as they exercise. Starving them-
selves down to a size one is not attractive
Pohgrid said.
Approximately 1 in 200 women
between the ages of 12 and 30
are anorexic. Anorexia is an eating
' isbrder that involves self-starvation.
W aning &Lgos:
Losing a significant amount of weitir
Continuing to diet (although thin)
Feeling fat, even after losing weight
earing-weight gain
Thjy menstrual period
with food, calories,
tion andor cooking
to diet in isolation
Health Center bro
, 7-1
Fame not enough for famous sufferers
B E t h H K L I.
Over the past 20 years, eating disorders
have emerged as serious and deadly
problems. Stories of well-known peo-
ple's eating disorders and deaths have
appeared in the media. Yet studies
show that eating disorders are accom-
panied by psychological disorders as
Specialist Tracey Smith from the
Medical Weight Loss Systems in
Greenville said, "Eating disorders can
stem from depression, major transi-
tions, death in the family, or can be a
way of getting attention
?Singer Karen Carpenter suffered
from anorexia and bulimia for years.
Reports suggest that she' always felt
like she was in her brother's shadow.
She sought treatment and went to a
psychiatrist. She expressed feelings of
being obsessed and trapped. On Feb.
4, 1983, Carpenter died of heart failure
caused bv chronic anorexia nervosa.
She was 32.
Tracey Gold, best known for her
character, Carol Scaver on the televi-
sion sitcom "Growing Pains also suf-
fered from anorexia. Gold was 12
The Hungry Sej
by K, Chernin
Transforming Body Image Leai
' M.G. Hutchinson
Peace Wifmrood
Counseling Center
316 Wright Buping

ECU School BMeriJe
Family Pract'plctenfi
ECU Dinii

10 Tmiity, Noy?mb?r 10, 1898
The East Carolinian
continued from pagi 9
of a large amount of food in one sit-
ting, afterwards "purged" by vomit-
ing, laxitives, diuretics or enimas.
Victims of the disorder also fast and
resort to excessive excercise to pre-
vent weight gain. As many as one-
fourth of the nation's young women
periodically binge then purge,
according to W. Stewart Agras,
author of Management of Bulimia.
Experts say women today are
more concerned than ever about
their bodies. Just take a look
around, on campus, in the dining
halls or at the rcc center. Dr. Jane
Ross, staff psychologist in Mental
Health Services at ECU, estimates
that 20 to 25 percent of women on
college campuses suffer from an
eating disorder.
According to Dr. Ross, separa-
tion from family, perfectionism,
anxiety, a strong need to be in con-
trol, and a desire to fit in are all com-
mon factors that tend to lead to eat-
ing disorders among college stu-
Dr. Ross said she does not get to
reach as many students as she
would like because students have
trouble admitting they have a prob-
"No one can help unless you ask
for it she said.
Fortunately, there is more hope
for those who suffer from an eating
disorder today than ever before.
Counseling centers are everywhere.
ECU Health Services offers coun-
seling, as does Pitt Memorial
Hospital. Family members and
friends need to be aware and pay
attention to outward signs. Early
intervention is important Experts
say that if caught early, eating disor-
ders are treatable.
"It is a very serious matter with a
long range of health problems. If
you are concerned, please ask for
help. It is not just a four-year college
problem. An eating disorder can
become unbeatable Ross said.
continued from page 9
when she was diagnosed by her
pediatrician. She also suffered from
Attention Deficit Disorder. Even
after participating in psychothera-
py, she still could not stop dieting.
Gold has recovered from the dis-
ease, but claims it was a quest for
control, when a lot of life seems out
of control.
Like these young celebrities,
many college-age women suffer
from eating disorders. Experts esti-
mate that about 4 percent of
women suffer from an eating disor-
der. Many sufferers say they felt a
quest for control that was met by
the disorder.
One young student at
ECU recovering from anorexia
says, "I just felt like every aspect of
my life was controlled by someone
else. But, no one but me could,con-
trol what or when I was eating
continued from page 9
ing disorder, is an abnormal craving
for food, and is characterized by
episodes of binging, or excessive
eating, and purging. Some warning
signs of bulimia include secret eat-
ing, evidence of missing food, pre-
occupation and constant talk about
food and weight, avoidance of
restaurants or social events where
food is present, and bathroom visits
right after meals.
Eating disorders such as anorex-
ia and bulimia are often accompa-
nied by mood shifts. Victims also
suffer from depression, guilt and
self-hate, experts say. They also
have a great need for approval.
Warning signs of both of these
eating disorders often include the
use of laxatives, enemas or diuretics
to dispose of food or bodilit fluids,
as well as rigid or harsh exercise
regimes, and a constant fear of
being fat or out of control, regard-
less of weight.
"With my eating disorders, I felt
-like I had control over at least one
thing in my life, but what is ironic is
that my disorders had control over
me. I thought about food or my
appearance from the time I woke
up to the time I went to bed
Jennifer said.
Families may contribute to the
onset of bulimia or anorexia, so
additional warning signs of these
disorders may be present in the
home. It is hard to prevent an eat-
ing disorder if the family is focused
excessively on perpetual dieting
and worries about weight, accord-
ing to Arnold Anderson, author of
Practical Comprehensive
Treatment of Anorexia- Nervosa
and Bulimia.
Take the scale out of the kitchen
and the picture of the pig off the
refrigerator, Anderson advises. A
family member or friend may inad-
vertently contribute to an eating
disorder by simply remarking that
the individual has gained a few
"I truly feel that I would not be
here on this earth today if it weren't
for my fiance' who took notice of
my eating disorders and confronted
me with the reality that I would
either stop doing what I had been
for most of my life or die. And here
I am Jennifer said.
She also commented on how the
mental aspect, of her disease still
exists, but at least she is alive to win
that battle too.
Accounts of Anorexia Nervosa
and Bulimia Nervosa have, been
described as far back as in of
Biblical times and the Middle Ages
as an illness of some sort related to
eating. Present day anorexia and
bulimia have become more preva-
lent and compose a characteristic in
ten to 15 percent of all Americans,
adults as well as children. The
warning signs of these disorders are
increasingly important to aid in the
prevention of anorexia and bulimia
before they begin to interfere with
the quality of a victim's life.
Without some intervention, who
knows where Jennifer would be
today? That is why catching
anorexia and bulimia in their begin-
ning stages and noticing the warn-
ing signs associated with them, and
other eating disorders, is so vital.
Fot help in breaking away from
an eating disorder, call Eating
Disorder Recovery toll free at 1-
Deadline for SGA Bi-Annuals
is November 13,1998
All requests must be turned into the
SGA office by 5:00pm
If you have any questions
you can call the SGA office
0 W A P P E A R I
new show
with a veteran cast
The curtain has gone up on The East Carolinian's new weekly arts
& entertainment tabloid.
Fountainhead builds upon the already successful Lifestyle section
of The East Carolinian, expanding into a weekly offering of mu-
sic, entertainment, arts, theatre and campus events.
All in a convenient, easy to handle tabloid distributed Wednes-
days. Look for the our distinctive black racks in these campus
locations: Mendenhall, Student Recreation Center, Student Stores,
General Classroom, Croatan, Todd, Brewster and Minges.
The Arts & Entertainment Weekly of The East Carol
11 Tuesday, Nov
Now Taki
1 bedroom
$35 dep. C
town and carr
hook-up, heath
unit. Available r
$285month. A
wood Apts 12!
ville - 5 blocks
tage in Historic
from campus ai
ity deposit reqi
$5O0month. 8
BRs available, w
eluded. Reduce
ber. Decembi
tenance, man
line. 9-12 mOntr
sublease 2 bei
townhouse, $41
it Basic cable
info, call 353-4
share 5 bedroo
house located
on 5th Street, o
town. Includes i
heat, WD. di
and more- mus
plus 14 utiliti
leave message.
sublease a two
River. Please ca
room townhoi
washerdryer, i
included. $241
leave message 1
plus 13 every!
No dogs Call 7
share three bed
Colindale Court
eludes WD, i
?liances. Begin
BR apartment
$240mo Wl
males preferrec
Dec. Two bedro
route. Ask for C
1 of 6 small b
recognized by t
Business Burec
ethics in the i
Forest-Florida S1
12 p.m. Great lo
year old, like n
lock, water bot
$325 0B0. 329-
leave message
processor: mc
art, spread sh
label program
even a year ol
er. Call Davin
goose chrome,
Reidell in-line n
12. $125 Call
RCA Home The
?nd 19 inch l
100. Call Jon
? are best or leavi
i cials! Bahamas
. $279! Includes
? some beaches
' from Florida! s
; 1-800-678-6386
i City! Room wit
? eludes 7 free pe
! New Hotspot-So
' coa Beach $1
i elcom 1-800-6'
; 4.4 CUBIC (lar
i great for on-ci
i only used one si
1 tion. Asking $8
j Sophie, 329-026
1 1997 JEEP v
i 21,000 miles,
i Call Amy, 321-0
' & Jamaica! 7 i
' from $399! Ir
i drinks, partie:
i 1-800-6
wd, 5-speed. gc
$1800 or best
! or e-mail GAM0
I NEW- One m
I Hardrock FS Ti
i and accessories
1 $290 or best of
j 0264 or 353-63
i ing Today for
? row. 13-year vet
! specializing in
Study Skills. Cc
? 8020.
DJ. F(
For all fun
?' Ca. J.Arthur

The Eist Carolinian
into the
0 U
11 Tuesday, November 10, 1998
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
: BEDROOM duplex, 811-A 1st St.
$35 dep. Convenient to down-
town and campus. Includes WD
hook-up, heating and air, storage
unit. Available now! Call 413-0337.
WALK TO ECU. 1 bedroom apt.
$285month. Available now. Tangle-
wooci Apts 125 Avery St. in Green-
ville - 5 blocks from campus. 758-
SECLUDED 2 Bedroom English cot-
tage in Historic District Two blocks
from campus and downtown. Secur-
ity deposit required. Small pets OK.
$500month. 830-2839.
BRs available, water sewer, cable in-
cluded. Reduced deposits Novem-
ber, December. On-site main-
tenance management. ECU bus
line. 9-12 month lease, pets allowed
SEEKING 2 females or males to
sublease 2 bedroom, 1 12 bath
townhouse, $410month. No depos
it Basic cable included. For more
info, call 353-4734.
share 5 bedroom2 bath, furnished
house located across from campus
on 5th Street, one block from down-
town. Includes cable, central air, gas
heat, WD, dishwasher, backyard
and more- must see! Rent $231 25
plus 14 utilities. Call 830-2069.
leave message.
FEMALE-flDOMMATE needed to
sublease a two bedroom apt. in Tar
River. Please call 561-8385.
room townhouse wdishwasher,
washerdryer, icemaker and cable
included $240month. Call and
leave message for Kevin, 754-2258.
plus 13 everything, includes WD.
No dogs Call 758-3274.
share three bedroom townhouse in
Colindale Court. $225 per month. In-
cludes WD, other furnishingap-
? Nances. Beginning DecJan. Call
BR apartment in Players Club.
$240mo WD, no deposit. Fe-
males preferred Call Alison W. ?
Dec. Two bedroom apt. on ECU bus
route. Ask for Cindy at 754-2719.
AAAA! SPRING Break Travel was
1 of 6 small businesses in the US
recognized by the Council of Better
Business Bureaus for outstanding
ethics in the marketplace! spring- 1-800-678-6386
FOR SALE: two tickets for the Wake
Forest-Florida State football game in
Winston-Salem on November 14 at
12 p.m. Great lower deck seats $45.
year old, like new, comes with seat
lock, water bottle cage and U-lock,
$325 0B0. 329-0786 ask for Benji or
leave message.
processor: monitor, printer clip
art, spread sheet, address book
label program and games. Not
even a year old $450 or best off-
er. Call Davina at 355-5450 or
BIKE AND in-line skates - Mon-
goose chrome, trick bike $150, and
Reidell in-line racing skates, size 9
12. $125. Call evenings, 752-6372.
TELEVISIONS FOR sale: 31 inch
RCA Home Theater wstand $400
fnd 19 inch Magnavox wremote
100. Call Jon at 353-5157 evenings
are best or leave a message.
AAAA! EARLY Spring Break Spe-
cials! Bahamas Party Cruise! 6 days
$279! Includes most meals! Awe-
some beaches, nightlife! Departs
from Florida!
AAAA EARLY Specials! Panama
City! Room with kitchen $129! In-
cludes 7 free parties! Davtona149!
New Hotspot-South Beach $129! Co-
coa Beach $149! springbreaktrav- 1-800-678-6386
4.4 CUBIC (large) mini-refrigerator"
great for on-campus. Orig. $130.
only used one semester, great condi-
tion Asking $80 or best offer. Call
Sophie, 329-0264.
1997 JEEP Wrangler, blacktan,
21,000 miles, excellent condition.
Call Amy. 321-0180.
AAAAI EARLY Specials! Cancun
& Jamaica! 7 nights air and hotel
from $399! Includes free food,
drinks, parties! springbreaktrav- 1-800-678-6386
FORD BRONCO II for sale, V-6 4-
wd, 5-speed, good condition asking
$1800 or best offer. Call 931-0255
or e-mail
NEW- One month old Specialize
' Hardrock FS Team Mountain Bike
' and accessories. Orig. $335 asking
$290 or best offer Call Sophie 329-
0264 or 353-6351.
ing Today for a successful tomor-
row 13-year veteran school teacher
specializing in Reading, Math and
Study SkilFs. Contact Robin @ 754-
For all functions S campus
Caf J.Arthur. @ 252-412-0971
k looking fur m .v .i iianhuks to load vans and
unload trailers for the am shift hour 3.00am to 8am.
$7.00hour; tuition assistance available after 30 days.
Future career opportunities in operations and manage-
ment possible. Applications can be filled out at 2401
United Drive (near the aquatics center) Greenville
SALES AND marketing internship.
Northwestern Mutual Life. Gain valu-
able sales experience and earn good
money. Looks great on resume. Call
Jeff, 355-7700
Earn $15-$30hr. Have fun and
make great $$$! Call for information
about our $99 Holiday Tuition Spe-
cial Offer ends soon! Call Raleigh's
Bartending School today Call toll
free at 1-888-676-0774.
FREE CD Holders. T-shirts, Prepaid
Phone Cards. Earn $1000 part-time
on campus. Just call 1-800-932-
0528 x 64.
over 21, must have great personality.
Experience preferred Flexible hours.
Please call 948-4788 after 6 p.m. or
946-8194 before 6 p.m.
1999 INTERNSHIPS! Attention un-
dergraduate business students. Now
interviewing on campus for manag-
ers across Virginia, North and South
Carolina for summer of 1999 Aver-
age earnings last summer $7,000
Call Tuition Painters at (800) 393-
4521 or e-mail at tuipaint@bell-
2" 2 Free Trips on Only 15 Sales
andEarn $$$$. Jamaica, Cancun,
Bahamas, Florida, Padre! lowest Pric-
es! Free Meals, Parties & Drinks.
"Limited Offer 1-800-426-
tive. Bowen Cleaners is seeking de-
pendable and dedicated individuals
to fill part-time positions as custom-
er service representatives. Part-time
positions have competitive hours
and great pay. Qualified individuals
must nave a positive and quality con-
scious attitude, sales personality,
and basic computer skills. Part-time
hours: 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. M-F. 8a.m
to5 p.m. Sat (every other weekend)
Applications will be accepted at the
Bells Fork location.
$1250 FUNDRAISER credit card
fundraiser for student organizations.
You've seen other groups doing it,
now it's your turn. One week is all it
takes. No gimmicks, no tricks, no ob-
ligation Call for information today. 1-
800-932-0528 x 65. www.ocmcon-
relations. Gain valuable experience
in public speaking and human re-
sources. Call Gerri at 355-7897.
function in innovative community
practice serving patients needs, as-
sisting in patient care, filling pre-
scriptions. Must possess excellent
people skills, superb telephone eti-
quette, ability to multi-task under
pressure. Positive attitude, willing-
ness to work at any task, a yearning
to tackle new responsibilities, and
cooperation with cc-workers defi-
nitely a must. No nights and Sun-
days. Send resume to 615-B South
Memorial Drive. Greenville, NC
toS1.000.00 wk. Day and night
shifts. Clean, secure working at-
mosphere. Playmates Adult En-
tertainment. 252-747-7686 f
for in-
MODELS FOR Portfolio. Reputable
amateur photographer seeking slim
young women for portfolio photos.
Send note, photo (if available), ad-
dress, and phone for immediate rep-
ly. Paul Hronjak. 3015-A Wynfall
Lane. Wilson. NC 27893-9677.
SYLVAN LEARNING Center is look-
ing for a Study Buddy for middle and
high school students in the following
areas: Spanish, chemistry, English,
and math. We are seeking a reliable
person who is available Mon-Thurs.
in the afternoon and early evening
hours, Apply in person at 2428 b.
Charles Blvd.
97 people who desire immediate re-
lief to try and evaluate a new, com-
pact, state- of -the -art home air pu-
rification system. No cost or obliga-
tion. 252-355-9248.
marketing assistants MonThur. 4
8m9 p.m 20-22 hours weekly
reat hourly wage plus bonus. Must
have strong communication skills,
like talking to people, customer serv-
ice oriented fcr team player. Main
function will be telephoning custom-
ers. Call Craig Wheeler MonFri. tf
schedule interviews. 975-8100.
ers to work hours: 5:30-9 p.m. Mon-
day-Thursday; 4:30-8 p.m. Sunday.
Apply in person 5-9 p.m. Energy Sav-
ers Windows & Siding, Inc Winter-
Preen Commercial Park. Suite 0.
iretower Road, Greenville.
The East Carolinian
Meeting. The Greenville Recreation
and Parks Department will be hold-
ing an organizational meeting for all
those interested in officiating in the
winter adult basketball league. Posi-
tion pays $12-$ 15 a game. Clinics
will be held to train new and experi-
enced officials. However, a basic
knowledge and understanding of the
game is necessary. The meeting will
be held Thursday, November 12,
1998 at 7:30 p.m. at Elm Street
Gym. Experience requirements, clinic
schedule, and game fees will be dis-
cussed. For more information,
please call the Athletic Office at 329-
4550 between the hours of 2p.m
7p.m? Monday thru Friday.
'5W $3$? S?
HEY PI Lambdas, beware of J.J.
Day, it's coming soon. Hey, Chet, let
me ride your pony, and never forget,
the Rex RulesTill next time.
GOOD JOB Alpha Xi Delta soccer
team on your win over Alpha Phi.
Love, the sisters and new members
Hughs for being accepted into nurs-
ing school. We are very proud of
you! Love, your Alpha Delta Pi sis-
SIGMA PI, thanks for a great golf
game on Thursday night. It was the
est nine holes we have ever played
Love, the sisters and new members
of Alpha Xi Delta
TO THE Brothers of Kappa Sigma,
thanks for the Halloween taifgate!
Everyone had a great time. Love, the
sisters of Delta Zeta
THE BROTHERS of Pi Lambda Phi
would like to thank Cortney, Olivia,
Erin, Melissa. Heidi, Dana, and Beth
for their help with Cardboard Village.
The spaghetti dinner was so money.
Thank you ladies!
ly initiated sisters of Delta Zeta:
Michelle Bartlett, Kelly Bomberger,
Sarah Boyd, Karen Cobun. Betsy Fun-
ke, Mary Beth Hancock, Jessica Har-
ris. Elaine Hinton, Chrissy Holt, Col-
leen Howard Heather Keith. Aman-
da Jordan, Chrissy Mims, Whitney
Owens, Jennifer Roberson, Jenny
Simmons, Elizabeth Temple, Jessica
Tipsord, Allison Turnbaugh and Kath-
leen Wickersty. We love you guys!
THE BROTHERS of Pi Lambda Phi
would like tothank The Inter-Fraterni-
ty Council. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Jim
Sturm, and Nancy Riddick. and all
other students, faculty, and staff for
their support in making this years
Cardboard Village a success.
PI KAPPA Alpha, the Do-Anything-
For- Money Social was a blast. We
had the best time, as usual. Hope we
can get together again soon! Love,
Alpha Delta Pi
PI KAPPA Phi, once again you guys
showed us a great time at our social
Thursday. Thanks for everything!
Love, the sisters and new members
of Sigma Sigma Sigma
EPSILON SIGMA Alpha sisters
should remember that "Having a
special friend is a true blessing and
evidence that you, too, are special
We love you!
your Delta Chi lavalier from Matt!
Love, your Delta Zeta sisters
SISTERS OF The Week: Alpha Del-
ta Pi-Kristen Trull, Sara Mandfield: Al-
pha Phi-Laurie Godfrey, Kathryn Den-
gler. Heather Tilley; Alpha Omicron
Pi-Leigh Hancock, Cat Anderson: Al-
pha Xi Delta-Katrina Munday,
Michelle Kimsey: Chi Omega-JAmy
Duparc. Lindsay Perry: Delta Zeta-
Jessica Smith, Jamie Cline: Sigma
Sigma Sigma-Gabrielle Kantrowitz,
Anna Cowperthwaite: Zeta Tau Al-
pha-ABeth Zodun, Lauren Biconish;
Pi Delta-Beth Hall. Linda Wong; Pan-
hellenic member of the Week-Beth
Zodun! Congrats!
?"ACT NOWI Reserve your spot for
Spring Break 1999! Packages to
South Padreffree meals), Cancun, Ja-
maica, KeyWest, Panama City. Group
Discounts for 6. 800-838-8203
Cancun, Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas,
etc. All popular spots. Browse and call 800-327-
6013. Best hotels, prices and parties.
Reps, organizations, and promoters
wanted. Inter-Campus Programs. ?
IF ANYONE witnessed a wreck on
Fifth Street in front of cashier's office
on Tuesday, November 3rd around
11 a.m please call me at 329-7131.

?mim??,nmrtmlm i iljli i ? ? HI r
mtuinms r arty
Cruise $279
Cancun $399
Jamaica $439
" 7 MoMi ? rMtW ? M ?1?0 on Food? OWto
Horida jm
Syria Bre.k Trsnl-Oaf 12th Year!
SPRING BREAK 99! Cancun' Nas-
sau ' Jamaica 'Mazatlan ' Acapulco
' Bahamas Cruise f Florida' Florida
South Padre. Travel Free and make
lots of Cash! Top reps are offered
full-time staff jobs. Lowest price
Guaranteed. Call now for details! 800838-6411
THE ECU PT program is holding a
massage clinic Tuesday, November
17th from 5p.m9p.m. at the Belk
Bldg. on Charles Blvd. Advanced
tickets are $3.0010 min. or
$4.0010 min. at the door.
CRUISE SHIP Employment - work-
ers earn up to$2,000month
jwtips & benefits). Word Travel!
Land-Tour jobs up to$5,000-
$7,000summer. Ask us how! 517-
336-4235 ext. C53622
Need to know when the next stress-
relieving, heart-rate raising, flab-
burning, blood-pressure reducing
aerobics class is? Dial 328-6443 ext.
2 for a listing of current class sched-
GOLDEN KEY National Honor So-
ciety will meet today in GCB Room
1003 at 5:30. Please join us.
Wednesday 11:00-12.00 and 1:30-
2:30. The Center for Counseling and
Student Development is offering the
following workshop on November
11th. If you are interested in this
workshop, please contact the Center
at 328-6661.
CHOOSING A Major or a Career
Workshop: Thursday 3:30-5PM The
Center for Counseling and Student
Development is offering the follow-
ing workshop on November 12th. If
you are interested in this workshop,
please contact the Center at 328-
NORTH CAROLINA Zoo Expedition.
Join us December 6th, as we ex-
plore one of the East's best habitat
zoos. You.ll see an array of animals
from North America as well as Afri-
ca. Sign up! Spaces are limited. Reg-
istration deadline is Nov. 27th. Mem-
ber cost is $15. Call Adventure Pro-
?rammingDept. of Recreational
ervices ? 328-6387.
GET IT together.togetherl! Few peo-
ple like to do things alone, including
working out and dieting. Find a mo-
tivated friend to join you, and con-
tact the SRC Main Office (328-6387)
for details on how the two of you, to-
gether, can purchase a Partner Train-
ing package to get you both on the
right track for a healthy lifestyle.
IMPACT WOULD like to thank the
hundreds of students who signed
the Safe Halloween Pledge during
Alcohol Awareness Week, and the
thousands of students who attended
Midnight Madness. 'Interventions to
Make Positive Alcohol and Other
Drug Changes Together
Nov. 14, Willis bldg First and Reade
Sts. Live music by Elderberry Jam.
Beginners instruction 7-7:30
p.m(free). Dance 7:30-10,30. Stud-
ents $3; others $5 or $6. Come
alone or bring a friend. ECU Folk and
Country Dancers. 328-7183, 328-
0237. or 830-5403.
STUDY SKILLS Workshop. Tuesday
11 00-12:00. The Center for Counsel-
ing and Student Development is of-
fering the following workshop on
November 10th. If you are interested
in this workshop, please contact the
Center at 328-6661.
Anna Hubbard. piano. Joella Morris,
piano, Willis Building Auditorium,
7:00 P.M. THURS NOV. 12-JAZZ
ing Bob Mintzer. Robert L Jones Dis-
tinguished Professor of Music and
the ECU Jazz Faculty. Room 101. A.
J. Fletcher Music Center. 8:00 P.M.
QUINTET. Christine Gustafson. flute.
Nathan Williams, clarinet. Bo
Newsome, oboe. Christopher Ulffers.
bassoon, Mary Burroughs, horn, Wil-
lis Building Auditorium, 8:00 P.M.
Heather Newsome, flute, St. James
United Methodiat Church, Green-
ville. 5:00 P.M. SAT NOV. 14- SEN-
IOR RECITAL, Kristen L. Keeley. clari-
net, St. James United Methodist
Church, Greenville, 7:00 P.M. MON
wis, voice. Willis Building Auditori-
um, 7:00 P.M.
HAVE YOU experienced the ride?
The Dept. of Recreational Services
new RPM bike classes are in high
gear, and classes are filling fast!10
pass gets 5 full sessions. Contact
the SRC Main Office at 328-6387 for
registration information.
ENHANCE YOUR climbing skills
There will be a day trip to trie pinna-
cle of Pilot Mountain, December 5th.
This trip is great for beginners and
those wantingto test their limits. Be
sure to hurry "Registration deadline is
November 27th. Member cost is
$25. Any questions? Call Adventure
ProgramminaDept. of Recreational
Services @ 328-6387.
PSI CHI meeting Wednesday, No-
vember 11 at 5 p.m. in Rawl room
302. All interested parties are wel-
come to attend. Dues will be collect-
ed at this meeting from all members.
Hope to see you there!
shop: Wednesday 11-12:00. The
Center for Counseling and Student
Development is offering-the follow-
ing workshop on November 11th. If
you are interested in this workshop,
? lease contact the Center at 328-
STUDY SKILLS Workshop: Thurs-
day 3:30-4:30 The Center for Coun-
seling and Student Development is
offering the following workshop on
November 12th. If you are interested
in this workshop, please contact the
Center at 328-6661.
B-GLAD (Bisexuals Gays Lesbians
and Allies for Diversity) meets every
Wednesday in room GC 3006.
Please come out and join the funl
This is your chance to meet new
people and make a difference!
The Adventure Program will be host-
ing climbing sessions every Tuesday
from 7-8 p.m. thru Dec. 8th. Join us
each week for some one-on-one
time with our top climbing instruc-
tors. Set your ow pace and choose
what you want to learn! Registration
deadline is one week prior to each
session. Member cost is $15. For fur-
ther information, contact Adventure
ProgrammingDept of Recreational
Services @ 328-6387.
FRESHMEN, MAKE your mark at
ECU. Register for the "Emerging
Leaders Program Applications are
now available at Student Leadership
Development Programs, 109 Men-
denhall. For more info, call 328-
4796. Don't miss the bus. Space is
TEN STAR All Star Basketball Camp
registration is now open for boys and
girls ages 10-18. Players are selected
y invitation only. Past participants
include: Michael Jordan, Tim Dun-
can, Jerry Stackhouse. Grant Hill,
Christian Laettner, Antawn Jamison,
Vince Carter, and Steve Woj-
ciechowski. Camp locations are Ra-
leigfv NC; Center Valley. PA, Atlanta,
GA; Bristol. VA; Delaware, OH; Mari-
on, IN: and Mobile, AL. College Bas-
ketball Scholarships are possible for
the most advanced players. For an
evaluation form call (704) 372-8610.
PIRATE CHASETurkey Trot: An-
yone interested in participating in
the annual TurkeyTrotPirate Chase
had until Tues. Nov. 17th at 5p.m. to
register Registration can be done in
the main office of the Student Re-
creation Center. The actual race date
is Sat. Nov. 21st at 10 a.m. in front of
the Student Recreation Center. For
further information on the race
please call 328-6387.
shop: Wednesday 3:30-4:30. The
Center for Counseling and Student
Development is offering the follow-
ing workshop on November 11th. If
you are interested in this workshop,
? lease contact the center at 328-
Advertise in
The East Carolinian
for 25 or fewer wordsadditional words 5$ each
for 25 or fewer wordsadditional words 5P each
Must present a valid ECU I.D. to qualify. The East Carolinian reserves the right to refuse
fhis rate for any ad deemed to be non-student or business related.
add to above fine rate for either BOLD or ALL CAPS type.
All classified ads placed by individuals or campus groups must be
prepaid. Classified ads placed by a business must be prepaid unless
credit has been established.
Cancelled ads can be removed from the paper if notification is
made before the deadline, but no cash refunds are given. No proofs or
tearsheets are available.
The Personals section of the classifieds is intended for .
non-commercial communication placed by individuals or campus groups.
Business ads will not be placed in this section.
All Personals are subject to editing for indecent or inflammatory
language as determined by the editors.
for the following TUESDAY'S issue
4 p.m. MONDAY
for the following THURSDAY'S issue
We reserve the right to change a deadline for holidays
or as necessitated by other considerations.

The Real World-ECU
College can be a confusing place for new students. You have come from different
backgrounds and places. You are meeting and interacting with so many different types
of people. This may be a challenge for you. The Office of Orientation and the
First-Year Experience knows about those challenges. That is why we have planned this
exciting diversity presentation.
The Real World-ECU will help you understand the issues surrounding abelism,
heterosexism, racism, and sexism, and the best thing about the Real World-ECU is that
it is FREE. On top of that, we feed you (No, meal cards are not required). By coming
to the Real World-ECU, you also get a free gift. OK, let's reviewfree food, interesting
discussions, and a free gift. Sounds like a perfect night!
The program is scheduled for Sunday, November 15th, 1998, from 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
in the Multi-Purpose Room in Mendenhall Student Center. Did I mention it was
FREE? Everything will be provided for you. AH you have to do is sign up by November
11 th - space is limited. To reserve your spot for this fun and free evening, stop by the
Office of Orientation in 214 Whichard Building or call 328-4173. You don't want to miss
out on a chance to learn more about the "real world
Taking tests is a natural part of college life but sometimes these tests go beyond the classroom
variety. Remember taking the SAT for college admissions? Well, you may now need to take
other national standardized tests to enter your chosen major or profession. Last year over 9,000
people at ECU took national tests in order to receive college credit, enter a degree program or
graduate school, or to obtain professional certification.
Planning ahead for these exams can relieve some test anxiety. Remember, national exams
usually arc offered only a couple times per year and the registration deadline is often about six
weeks prior to the test date. Registration fees are required for all exams. Check with the
Office of Research, Assessment, and Testing in Brewster D-102, for registration materials and
information on test dates, deadlines, qualifications, content and costs.
Want to earn college credit by exam? The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers
college students the opportunity to receive college credit in course content areas. Students
have the potential to receive credit for non AP honors courses taken in high school or for
in-depth learning that has occurred outside of the regular classroom.
Students planning to major in education must take the PRAXIS Pre-profcssional Skills Tests
(PPST) before they will be admitted to the teacher education program. Later, they must take
other PRAXIS exams to receive their teaching certification in North Carolina.
Are you a senior considering graduate or professional school? Then you may need to take the
Graduate Record Exam (GRE), the Miller Analogy Test (MAT), or one of several specialized
graduate admissions tests such as the Medical School Admissions Test (MCAT), the Allied
I Icalth Professions Admissions Test (AHPAT), the Graduate Management Admissions Test
(GMAT), andor the Pharmacy School Admissions Test (PCAT). If you aren't sure whether the
programs you arc considering require an admissions exam, talk with your advisor.
Need help preparing for the exam? Professional programs in the School of Business offers
review courses for both the GRE and GMAT. For further information about these reviews
call 328-6377.
As campus life runs along each day, photographers wM be out and
about to capture us, the students, at our best If you can identify
yourself in any of our pictures, present yourself to MSC 109 (Student
Leadership) and point "you" out to the staff there. Rewards wiH be
on hand for your efforts, so keep a dose eye on these pictures!
Joe Student Handles Stress
At the beginning of the semester, all was well. I studied when I needed to and my free time was
easily managed by Mendenhall movies and socializing with my friends. It was no problem for me to
begin studying two days before each test because they were all spread out and most of the information
was review anyway. All was well and college was fun. But before I could spell "procrastination it was
November, and classes were hard, college was work, and I had never been so stressed in my life.
I had not predicted that I would have four tests in the same week that I had a paper due. I had one-
week to prepare before this "hell" week but I had so much to do that I didn't know where to start.
Luckily my RA suggested that I attend a program to learn how to deal with time management and
The program was well worth my time. The speaker outlined how most students arc successful at
managing stress and gave me some personal hints. I le helped me identify my classes and my fear of
failure as the main stressors in my life. I knew that I could not change these stressors, but he told me
how to modify their intensity by getting my work and studying done early and not waiting until the
very last minute. The speaker also suggested that 1 exercise and eat regularly because maintaining my
physical condition is a large factor of managing stress:
The guest speaker also helped me manage my time. I le suggested that I:
Determine the best time to study, exercise, and eat and then perform
those activities at those times;
Set deadlines;
Write out short and long range goals;
Concentrate on one thing at a time;
Divide a big assignment into sections
that can be done one at a time;
Plan in the morning and set priorities for the day;
Reward myself after a hard day of work.
I took this advice and focused hard during my week of
preparation. By using the stress and time management
techniques, I got more work done then I thought was possible.
By Monday of the next week my paper needed few revisions
and I only needed to review for each of my tests. I was able to
get eight hours of sleep before each test because I did not have to
cram in more studying and I was not nervous. I even took my tests
very relaxed. Who knows, maybe 1 really will graduate some day!
ECU seeks to give all students equal opportunities to be successful in their classes.
To this end, the University knows that they must make the student's adjustment to the
campus environment go as smoothly as possible. This adjustment can be especially
difficult for students with disabilities. ECU's Department for Disability Support
Services works very hard to make sure that those students adjust adequately and
study successfully.
The Department of Disability Support Services serves students that are wheelchair
bound, mobility impaired, blindvisually impaired, deafhard of hearing, students with
learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders (ADDADHD) and other medical
impairments. Over the years, this Department has made many permanent changes to
the ECU campus to make the adjustment to university life easier for students with
disabilities. This Department does more than physical changes like elevators and
ramps; they also arrange continuing academic support services for students who
apply, including:
Educational Specialist for hearing impaired students;
Special developmental classes in English, reading,
comprehension, mathematics and writing;
Study skills instruction; . .
Reader services;
Notetaking services;
Tutorial services;
Sign language or oral interpreters in the classroom.
If you or someone you know is eligible for these academic services, contact the
Department of Disability Support Services at 328-6799.

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Arts & Entertainment Magazine of The East
last Carolinian M m
Wednesday, November 11.1998
A Nina M. Dry
SLf Staff Writer
Imagine taking a romantic trip to the
F beautiful Mediterranean beaches of
Spain, staying a while at an ancient
" castle, and ending the evening din-
ing on a delicious authentic Spanish dinner.
Sound too expensive to be true? Well, ECU has
made this an affordable possibility.
This year, the 1998-99 Travel-Adventure Film
and Theme Dinner Series is taking travelers to
eight exciting and exotic destinations here and
abroad. Some of the nation's most respected inde-
pendent filmmakers guide adventurers through
some famous and lesser-known areas of the
world's most fascinating places.
On Nov. 18, filmmaker Clint Denn has filmed
many of Spain's natural wonders in detail and
brings them all to you.
"The director of Mendcnhall Student Center
and the director of the department of Student
Unions, Bill Clutter, has gone the extra mile to
make sure we have top quality speakers and
films said J. Marshall, assistant director of
University UnionsStudent Activities.
Denn will show the varied landscapes of Spain
and many of the popular cities such as Madrid and
home of the 1992 Summer Olympics, Barcelona.
"These filmmakers specialize in seeking out
things that the average tourist would want to see
See Travel, continued on page 3
1998-99 Travel-Adventure Film and Theme Dinner gets romantic.
R.E.M. is back
and at it.
CD Review
Eddie Murphy moved by God in Holy Man MovieReview
Video Review
Elton John raises
money to fight
Hepatitis B.
fountainhead ? 2nd Floor Student Publications Building Greenville, NC 27858 ? Phone 328-6366 ? Fax 328-6558 ? Advertising 328-2000

CD Review
Ryan Kcnnemur
8 out of 10 Ryans
REM, which for the uninformed
means Rapid Eye Movement, has
once again come up with a record
that is ahead of its time.
The last couple of years have
not been too kind to Michael
Stipe's band. Their last album New
Adventures in Hi Fi was a ci itical
success, but the consumers didn't
exactly rush to the store at its mid-
night release. This was probably
due to their preceding album,
Monster, being such an abomina-
Then, in the middle of last year,
the band's drummer Bill Berry left
the band due to physical 01 ss.
This left the music world with the
words "break-up" ringing in its
ears. REM, however, assured the
world that they would persevere
and move on.
This brings us to REM's first
album since the departure of
Berry, entided Up. Keeping up
with their ongoing theme of always
being ahead of the game, REM
serves up yet another disc that,
though it takes a few listens, will
probably be in your player for
years to come.
It starts with the slow, solemn
ballad called "Airportman" in
which Stipe sings about?you
guessed it?a man who works at
an airport and the aspects of his
daily life. Stipe sings, "He moves
efficiendy beyond security Great
opportunity awaits
As the first track ends, the
album jumps into the drum-
fueled, steady-tempo styling of
"Lotus Then, into the sprawling
abyss of "Suspicion" on which Stipe
singsNow my suspicion's on the
rise1 have known1 have known
your kind This particular song
really grates on my nerves because
it is very slow-paced and repetitive.
The next song, "Hope will
most likely be played in rave clubs
until the dawn's early light. The
drum kit beat and the synthesized
guitars looking out from behind
smarmy vocals is very appealing,
and it shows the direction REM
may be heading in musically.
The song that really sticks with
you is the fifth track entitled "At My
Most Beautiful A beautiful piano
melody truly compliments Stipes
heartfelt vocals, as do the random
"ahhs and doot-doots" strategically
placed before the songs chorus.
. The rest of the album is
extremely varied, what with the
falling-down bass and the
unkempt keyboard effects of "The
Apologist Stipe sings, "They call
me the apologist and now that I'm
See RIM, continued on page 3
Amy LRoyster Editor in Chief
Heather Burgess Managing Editor
Mil call Smith Editor
Caleb Rose Assistant Editor
Stephanie WhiUock Devgnor
Brian Williams Layout
Janet Rcspcss Advertising Mtnafjw
Bobby IbggleWmuttr
Semng the ECU tornnumiy unci I9Z&. the Eesi Cefoinien puW-ihw
11.000 copin every Suedey and Thuod 7.000 copies ol the
rouflietnheid. dui new uis end emeiieiflmeni msrjiiine, we poo-
Med every Wednesday The hid eduouil in each edition ol the t mi
Cxolinitn ?the ooiiwm ol iht Ednouil Board. The E?t Camlinitn
welcomes lintn to the editor turnled to 250 wards, which may be
edied for decency a brtwy Iht Em Cuonmin rueivei the light io
edit?tintt leneis tor pubhciuon U Ittrm must be ugned tenets
ihouU be eddirsud io Opinion eia ,Ihe East Ceiolinien, Student
PubbcMions Building. ECO, Gieenvie. 27BM43U rot inlotmition,
caN Bt9.32S 6366
Band Review
Breakfast Club waxes nostalgic
Caleb Rose
Assistant Editor
HP Be afraidBe very
afraid. Many folks talk
about how history
repeats itself. This usu-
ally means how styles
from the 60s and 70s are coming
back These are usually the decades
most referred to when talking about
style and music Thursday night the
doors of The Attic were a time warp
that lead straight back to possibly
the worst styled and musical decade
we have experiencedthe 80s.
"The Breakfast dub" to many
people is a movie that stars Judd
Nelson and Molly Ringwald.
The Breakfast flub is a four-piece
band that visits small clubs and
plays an arsenal of the purest 80s
rock around. To tell someone that
the 80s were returning would proba-
bly send a shiver up their spine,
however this is not the case with
The Breakfast Club.
These guys have it alt cheesy
hair, cheesy equipment, and most of
all cheesy antics. Most impressive
though is that the crowds are totally
into the music, dancing about and
singing along. They seem to be in
awe of the shirtless bass player, the
smoke machines, and the arena rock
performance of the songs we all
heard when we were tots going to K-
Mart with the parental units.
The Breakfast Club has a lot of
talent The four members harmo-
nize their vocals to perfection, they
are a tight musical force, and they
even pack in crowds of crazy folks
who all seem to view this band as
the best thing since sliced bread.
Some of the tunes that had The
Attic crowd singing and dancing
were "Take on Meby A-HaI Wear
My Sunglasses at Night" by Corey
Hart and "867-5309" by Tommy
The members of the band were
the grandest sight of the evening:
the bassist, as mentioned earlier, was
shirtless, sweaty, and looked like a
pure 80s hardass because he had a
fan blowing his long dyed-black hair
into the wind-what a scene. The
guitarist was dad in his white v-
See Brukfist. continued on page 7
to JWeridenhall Student Center
To Take a Virtual Trip
Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 4 or 7:30 p.m. in ,
Hendrix Theater. Use your ECU One Card to see
distant, exotic places, Check out Spain as part
of the ECU Travel-Adventure Film and Theme
Dinner Series. The film is'FREE to ECU. stu-
dents. An.ail-u-can-eat theme dinner is served ?
at 6 p.mfor just. $12; Dinner tickets must be
reserved by 6 p.m. FridayNov. 13 with meal
cards, cash, check, or "credit card.
For a New Beat
Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. in the.
Mendenhall Billiards Center Hear some cool tunes,
from up:and-coming bands for ?" ? .
The Pirate Underground. This week's band: Bingo.
To Catch a Flick
Nov. 12 -15 at 8 p.m. Sunday Matinee at 3 ,
p.m. There's Something About Mary (R) staring
Ben Stiller, Matt Dion and Cameron Diaz
screens this week in Hendrix Theatre
Your ECU One Card gets you and one guest in
for free.
To Catch a Lift
? If you have trouble getting where you need to go
for weekends or holidays, check out the
RideRider Board at the foot of the stairs in the
lower level at Mendenball Student Center
To Knock 'Em Down
MONDAY MADNESS Give your Monday a
boost from 1 -? p.m. with 50-cent bowling (shoe
rental included) at the" Outer Limitz Bowling Alley.
To Rack 'Em Up
Find your inner pool the Mendenhall
Student Center Billiards Center It only costs $2
to play for an hour. Call 328-4740 for hours,
MSC Hours:
MonThurs 8 a.m11 p.m
Fri 8 a.mMidnight;
Sat Noon-Midnight;
Sun 1-11 p.m.
2 Wednesday, November 11,1998

Cassat String Quartet graces campus
Christopher Salerno
Staff Writer
The Cassat String Quartet per-
formed at Hendrix Theatre on Nov.
9th in conjunction with their resi-
dency at the ECU School of Music.
The quartet is regarded as one of
Americas spectacular string ensem-
bles and has received critical
acclaim throughout Europe and the
Far East as well. The group performs
a wide range of string quartet mas-
Formed in 1985 and named after
American Impressionist painter
Mary Cassatt, the group has won fel-
lowships at Tanglewood and Yale.
The group took top prizes at the
Fischoff, Coleman and Baniff
Competitions and won the 1st prize
award for adventurous program-
ming in 1995.
The Cassat String Quartet is com-
prised of Muneko Otani.violin;
Jennifer Leshnower.violin; Michiko
Oshima,viola; and Kcllcy
Mikkelsen,cello.The four women
currently perform and teach at uni-
versities. Kelley Mikkelsen is cur-
rently on the faculty here at ECU.
The quartet will be on campus for
fall and spring residencies, Nov. 8-15
and Feb. 15-21. While in Greenville,
the group will be presenting master
classes.seminars and sectional
rehearsals with ECU musk majors,
Pitt County schools, the Eastern
Youth Orchestra and the Greenville
Suzuki Association.
The residency program at ECU
sponsors two residencies each year.
Besides the Cassatt String Quartet,
the School of Music also hosts
renowned jazz artist Bob Mintzer
who has received the special
appointment as 1998-99 Robert L.
Jones Visiting Distinguished
Professor of Music at ECU The dis-
tinguished professorship was estab-
lished in 19 to bring world-class
performers to campus.
"Contact with a professional gives
the students a perspective that can
tie in to their studies said Marilyn
Lucht, assistant to the Dean of
Communications in the School of
Music. "They do some teaching and
rehearsing with the ensembles in
their field and also play a concert
The residencies benefit not only
the ECU School of Music but the
community of Greenville as well by
interacting with area schools and
"We try to get someone or a
group who is well-known and at a
height in their profession said
The residency and performances
of the Cassat String Quartet at ECU
are funded in part by a grant from
the National Endowment for the
become a member.
Launch your
into cyberspace.
Travel, continued from page 1
Marshall said.
You'll be able to learn more
about the people and their cus-
toms, check out a castle, dine
in a palace and venture into
Spanish Africa on your journey.
A theme dinner is offered to
accommodate both matinee
and evening participants.
Travelers will dine on an
exquisite feast, served by cos-
tumed servers in an elegant
buffet style, making the event
"The servers make their
costumes look as authentic as
possible and decorate the din-
ner room with knick knacks
that represent the area said
Carol Woodruff, Marketing
Director and assistant director
of University Unions.
The dinner menu will
include roasted pepper salad,
steak with blue cheese sauce,
chicken with red peppers,
sauteed artichoke hearts, oven-
browned red bliss potatoes,
Spanish hard rolls and for
dessert, caramel custard.
Water, tea and coffee will also
be served.
"Aramark has gone all out
to make the dinners a real pre-
sentation Marshall said.
"They do a lot of different
things to help get people into
the feeling of the evening
This fun-filled evening
begins at 4:00 p.m. with the
film on Spain followed by the
authentic dinner. If you are
not able to attend the movie at
4:00 p.m there will be an
encore presentation of it at
7:30 p.m. Dinner will be
served promptly at 6:00 p.m.
Dinner and film tickets are
sold separately for those who
want to experience one aspect
of the Travel-Adventure Film
and Theme Dinner Series but
not the other.
Single film tickets are $5.00
for staff, faculty and the gener-
al public. ECU students are
allowed in free with their ECU
one cardah, the luxuries of
. being a student.
"I highly recommend that
students come because I think
it really is a good program
Marshall said.
Dinner tickets are $16 for
the general public and $12 for
ECU staff, faculty and stu-
dents. Students, if you do not
have any cash on you, fear not
because you can use your
declining balance from your
ECU one card to purchase din-
ner tickets. Deadline to make
dinner reservations is
November 13, 1998.
Advanced tickets are avail-
able at the Central Ticket
Office in Mendenhall Student
Center. For more ticket infor-
mation stop by during
their business hours,
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. or call 328-4788,
1-800-ECU-ARTS, or for
thchearingspcech impaired
answers to Tuesdays East Carolinian Crossword
Wednesday, November 11,1998 3

m m
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Daily: 2:15,4:30,7:00,9:15
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Simon Birch (PG)
Sat-Sun: 100,3145,7:10,9:45
TheMaskOfZorm (PG-13)
Daily: 700,9:50
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Movie Review
Holy Man is non-typical Eddie Murphy
David Moone
Staff Writer
If you're expecting the typical Eddie
Murphy comedy from this film,
you're in for a disappointment. This
movie, directed by Stephen Herek, is
more of a morality play than a com-
But there's plenty of humor. Eddie
Murphy plays "G a holy man on a
pilgrimage. He is traveling through
Miami when he spots two people on
the side of the road with a flat. He
offers help that is reluctantly accept-
ed by Ricky Haman (Jeff
Goldblum), and enthusiastically so
by the good-hearted Kate Hewell
(Kelly Preston).
Once the tire is fixed Ricky is ready
to make his getaway from this
strange character. Instead he nearly
runs him over, and has to take "G" to
the hospital in order to impress
Kate. Thus this holy man enters the
life of these two executives for a
home-shopping network.
The "Good Buy" home shopping
network is a good vehicle for the
director to throw in a few hilarious
celebrity cameos by the likes of
James Brown, Betty White and Dan
Marino. Jeff Goldblum is excellent in
this film. He has just enough dry
sarcasm to pull off being the fast-
talking, not-so-successful salesman.
One of my favorite running charac-
terizations is the times he spends in
the stockroom chanting his 90's
HIM continued from page 2
at my peak you know at first this
really hurts we joke about these
Then he bursts into a repetitive
barrage of "I'm Sorryf which leads
us to think that the character of the
song is in dire need of retribution.
Other standouts are the eerie
"Walk Unafraid which seems like a
song for people that don't conform
to the rest of the world, and the
starkly beautiful "Why Not Smile" is
equally breathtaking.
The new album sees REM in a
familiar place, and that place is
back in the future. If you don't like ,
this one to start with, give it some I
time. It will probably grow on you.
sales mantra: "My good is
better, my better is best
There's also some great
chemistry between Jeff
Goldblum and Kelly
Preston. From the begin-
ning you can see a connec-
tion in their acting that
draws you into the relation-
ship they develop onscreen.
A few other notable perfor-
mances are John Cryer as
Ricky's assistant Barry, and
Robert Loggia as the mean,
profit-driven boss
The message of this movie is impor-
tant; once "G" becomes famous
working for Ricky it is openly given
The Lord works in mysterious ways
during the rest of the movie. We as a
culture need to stop being so mate-
rialistic and separated from each
other. We need to take time to con-
nect with other people, and
see the world that we are a
part of.
Most people see that the
way the world is going is
self-destructive. Perhaps
I it's time to change our
f direction as a culture of
I social isolationists, to real-
I ly listening and getting to
know one another. I will
I leave you with one of my
I favorite lines from this
Make-up lady I've made
you up to look like you
have no make-up on at all
GThat is a metaphysics I didn't
even know existed
TEC has teamed up
with Barnes and Noble
to bring book reviews to
Wednesday's Fbuntainhead
in our new program
We are looking for fellow book lovers to
read and review best sellers for a good
cause. Each Semester we will donate these
best sellers to the Ronald McDonald House
where they will be available for the family
members of terminally ill children to read.
If you would like to write a review
please call Miccah at 3286366


?opk,andm S.siAS. S ss4r s
we are arirtYYKrcsT)P
e that theliUIUZAAJVysd
s going isF
. Perhapstmtm
ulture of
sts, to real-ARIES:best of you and induce you to do something really risky. You're look-
getting to ipr 1 will(March 21-April 20)ing for a leadership role, but the
HI. 1 Will Hie of my Dm thistime isn't right. Wait for the perfect
Your ideas and information couldmoment to make your bid.
make the difference, be sure you
inform those who can get theVIRGO:
' I've made ike youwheels turning. Self- sacrifice for the(August 24 - September 23)
sake of loved ones is a joyful gift.
1But there are those who might wantAll seems quite well this week. In
I didn'tto take exception to your plans.fact, you are probably sitting on top
?.TAURUS:of the world. This satisfaction can come from several areas. Perhaps
(April21-May21)your love life is improving, or you may have just accomplished some-
Gear communication will be verything at work. Pay very close atten-
important. Follow up as soon astion to all you hear now.
possible on all correspondence. You
are set to make things happen andLIBRA:
now have all you need at your dis-(September 24-October 23)
?? i-i-k.posal to do so. Changes need to be
made at home - the suggestionsAlthough you are an easy going
won't be met with enthusiasm.character, you may easily offend
GEMINI:someone if you are not at your diplomatic best. Spiritual inspira-
(May 22-June 21)tion comes in the company of like-minded friends. There is a real
An unexpected money gift will giveopportunity for success, but only if
you the chance to try somethingyou're willing to change.
new. You feel like you're walking off
the edge of your usual routine, andSCORPIO:
the feeling is exhilarating. Take care(October 24 - November 22)
of your own needs, which may
include taking some time for your-Continue to insist on quality and
self. Be prudenthonesty in all your dealings, espe-
CANCER:cially when issues are in the spotlight It may be the best time to
dune 22-Jury 23)examine how to best use your talents and abilities, and whether or
Always remember that change is thenot you need to shift gears where a
only constant - for your idea of selfjob is concerned.
may be a bit shaken up now.
Attitude is everything when dealingSAGITTARIUS:
with situations and people out of(November 23 - December 21)
the norm. There are a few relation-
ships important to you that needThe darker side of ffmily members' !
attention; be sure to state yourpersonalities may emerge if you arei
needs clearly.dealing with moneyJRemember that
LEO:you can only do so much when ' j someone else controls the situation, j

(July 24-August 23)A requirement of personal interacJ ' tion must be that you will be treated
Something important you have been' as ah equal. No'need'to divulge
looking forward to is about tosecrets.
(December 22 - January 20)
You are in danger of being seduced
by something that has an attractive
outer appearance, but won't hold up
under close scrutiny. If greed is a
part of your motivation, put a stop
to it immediately. Don't criticize
another unless it is done with the
(January 21 - February 19)
Your energy level is at top speed -
slow down and be a bit more cau-
tious. It's time to talk about your
need for a great deal of indepen-
dence in relationships, so there are
no uncomfortable surprises later.
Clarify your point of view and
assure others no offense was meant.
(February 20-March 20)
Romance is in the picture, but be
aware of jealous behavior. Point out
that you are no one's possession.
Words of love may get an immediate
response, but be assured that you
are appreciated. Your primary rela-
tionship will distract you from your
work if you don't get a grip.
Birthday This Week
Your daily jrind may now become
more frantic and all-consuming,
which may lead to depleted health.
Rest and relaxation are definitely in
order for the next several months -
to rejuvenate your frazzled energies.
Make sure all communications are
crystal dear; messages may get easi-
ly confused.
? '
appear. Don't let your ego get the
Horoscope by Miss Anna
Things to
11 Wednesday
Locals night only at Peasant's Cafe
12 Thursday
2 Skinnie J's at the Attic
Karmic at Peasant's Cafe
13 Friday
LewistownTarget for
AggressionAESLadderback at
Leadfoot at The Attic
Hipbone at Peasant's Cafe
14 Saturday
Dag at the Attic
Vyperhouse and the Musements at
Peasant's Cafe
15 Sunday
Open Mic night at Peasant's
17 Tuesday
Studio 54 night at the Attic
Jonny Vagas at Peasant's
Wednesday, November 11,1998 5

Free Time
11 Wednesday
-Sundance Cinema: Amistad at 8
p.m. in Hendrix
-The Doleful Lions at The Cave in
Chapel Hill
-The Blue Dogs at Local 506 in
Chapel Hill
12 Thursday
-There's Something About Mary at 8
p.m. in Hendrix
-The Promise Breakers at The Cave
in Chapel Hill
-Kevin Kinney at Local 506 in
Chapel Hill
-Hovercraft at Cat's Cradle in
13 Friday
- There's Something About Maty at 8
p.m. in Hendrix
?Legend of Sleepy Hollow at 9 &
11:30 a.m. in Wright Auditorium
-Coastal Winds Quintet at 8 p.m. in
the Willis Building Auditorium
-The Carbines at The Cave in Chapel
-Barisal Guns, Mr. Pink at Local 506
in Chapel Hill
-Junior Brown at Cat's Cradle in
14 Saturday
-There's Something About Mary at 8
p.m. in Hendrix
-The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at 2
p.m. in Wright Auditorium
-The Holy Smokes at The Cave in
Chapel Hill
-Starpoint, Gerry, St. Surreal at Local
506 in Chapel Hill
-The Nields at Cat's Cradle in
15 Sunday
- There's Something About Mary at 3
p.m. in Hendrix
-Lazy Boy at The Cave in Chapel Hill
-Fuzzy Sprouts, Slackdaddy, SVA at
Local 506 in Chapel Hill
16 Monday
-Sue Witty at The Cave in Chapel
-Viper House at Local 506 in Chapel
17 Tuesday
-Faculty recital: John Kramar, bari-
tone; John O'Brien, piano at 8 p.m. in
the Willis Building Auditorium
-TBA at The Cave in Chapel Hill
-Planet Jive, Ape Foot Groove at
Local 506 in Chapel Hill
Video Review
Alice is a weird treat
Miccah Smith
Fountamhead Editor
How long has it been
since you pondered that
immortal questionHow is a raven
like a writing-desk?"
Alice, a dark masterpiece of anima-
tion by Swedish innovators Jan
Svankmajer and Bedrich Glaser, tells
the classic story of Lewis Caroll's
Alice m Wonderland in a way you've
never seen before.
This Alice lives on the dark side of
Victorian England: her world is one
of dusty taxidermy, pinned bugs and
countless glass jars filled with myste-
rious preserved specimens.
Alice lolls about her house and gar-
den, pitching pebbles into streams
and teacups and suffering the after-
noon ennui of middle-class child-
hood in the country.
A scratching sound breaks her out of
her sullen reverie in the tea-room
and she glances around until she
spies the source: a white taxidermed
rabbit in a glass case is struggling to
free itself of its prison.
While she watches in fascination, it
jumps through
the glass, opens a
secret drawer in
the floor and
takes a tiny pair
of gloves, a hat
and a waistcoat
from it
Now dressed in
the height of fash-
ion, but bleeding
sawdust profusely,
the White Rabbit
pulls out a watch from its innards
and shoots off for the Queen's tea
party like a bullet.
Alice, naturally, follows. What she
sees and does in the oddly night-
marish Wonderland differs from the
book more in style and interpreta-
tion that in actual content.
A bottle of ink, taken internally,
shrinks her into a porcelain doll. An
ordinary tea cake makes her grow up
again. Other assorted adventures
include the use of her head as an
island campsite by a rat in the sea of
her tears and a meeting with the
Caterpillar, who is a stuffed sock
with eyeballs and false teeth, in a
tt? Afct w? tH know
room full of wormlike socks jump-
ing through holes in the floor.
Sound weird yet? You haven't seen
the animals, very few of which are
alive. Most are taxidermed, or have
skeleton parts, with big bulgy eyes. I
couldn't decide whether this movie
was more like Toy Story or a Nine
Inch Nails video.
Alice is a movie about the unknown
in our subconscious and how objects
that look perfectly ordinary to adults
take on sinister and ominous impor-
tance to children.
Phis it's the only movie you'll find
with a cameo appearance by a
live steak!
For a good time call
the ECU Student Union Hotline al 252.328.6004.
or visit our website al www.ecu.edusrudenLunion.
Kl w Cwptrtmwit tor DtuMTy Support SwvickhXJ 328 4802.
forty.gM houn pot to V Mart Of ttw program
yiJ-iCt (li'htrht.
NY Till IN).
? adowonal mwrmrion contact M Central Ttket Offci. M???iIk? SIUMM Cn?r. East Cantna UmwMy: (kum HC
27858 -1353;or can 252.328.47B8, H traa at 1 800 ECUJWTS. ? TOO 252.328.4736. 8:30 am ? 6 pm. Monday ? Ernay
6 Wednesday. INIovnnber 11, 098

Attleboro men missing in
Fbridafar more than a month
BOSTON (AP) The Orlando, Ha
Police Department logs five or six
missing persons cases each week. Of
those, 98 percent of the "missing"
rum up safe and sound a day or two
But for three adult men to disappear
without a trace is extraordinary,
according to the authorities who
remain baffled by a trio of Attleboro
friends missing for five weeks.
Roger DesVergnes, 31, Scott
Renquin, 34, and Dan Nelson, 32,
haven't been seen since Sept 28.
They vanished while in Orlando on
what should have been a one-week
"What happened to these guys is
really unusual, really strange said
Sgt. Gary Carter of the Orlando
police. "Three guys and a car just
don't disappear?
The men were last seen at Renquin's
Orlando timeshare condominium.
They were due to fly home Oct. 2.
Police suspect the men disappeared
while off-road driving in their
rented 4-wheel drive vehicle, a 1999
brown GMC Jimmy with the license
plate WUT-OOJ.
The cops figure they got into trouble
somewhere, and the car went off
into a lake. Problem is, there are
some 400 lakes in central Florida
Authorities don't suspect foul play,
although they haven't ruled it out
entirely. But say, for the sake of argu-
ment, the men were murdered in a
fight or a drug deal gone bad,
"Our guys here would just shoot
them and leave them Carter said.
"We would have found the bodies
by now?
People can make themselves
disappear if they want to. There are
plenty of examples of men and
women who want new lives and
simply vanish.
New Department Store to
offer mammograms
PITTSBURGH (AP) When it comes
to getting a mammogram, most
women would really just rather be
So company officials have sand-
wiched a mammography center on
the third floor of a new Lazarus
department store that is opening in
downtown Pittsburgh on Friday. The
center, operated by Allegheny
General Hospital, is located near
petite sportswear and ladies dresses
and is the first in-store facility of its
kind in Pennsylvania.
"We want to make getting a mam-
mogram more convenient for
women, and we want to eliminate
the fear said Linda Duncan, man-
ager of the Allegheny General Breast
Similar centers are big hits in other
cities. Lazarus' parent company,
Atlanta-based RLG, provides rent-
free space for mammography at
stores in Atlanta, Cincinnati and
Columbus, Ohio. In the first five
weeks, two of those stores per-
formed 143 mammograms.
Shoppers can drop by without an
appointment, and if there is a wait,
the technician will provide a pager
so the patient can continue perusing
the racks. The paperwork and mam-
mogram take no more than a half
hour to complete.
Shoppers must bring an insurance
card and a recommendation for the
procedure from their doctor, if pos-
sible, to cover the $150 mammo-
gram. But women without insurance
still have a chance for coverage
through the American Cancer
Society, which offers vouchers
underwritten by Race for the Cure.
The cancer society reports that
45,000 American women die each
year from breast cancer, and early
diagnosis can improve survival rates
by 95 percent.
Women 50 and older should have an
annual mammogram and those
with increased risk should begin
them at age 40, according to recom-
mendations by The National
Institutes of Health.
"There is no reason for a woman not
to get a mammogram Ms. Duncan
said. "We're using this to promote
the fact that we want women to
develop good health habits. We hope
the experience is so positive that she
will go back to her office and say,
"That was no big deal
Breakfast, continued from page 2
neck ruffled shirt (the kind every girl
wore in high school) and his head set
microphone that allowed him to
move about the stage pointing to the
audience and organizing group
handclaps in the air. All this in the
midst of too much fake smoke, col-
ored lights, and big hair.
Although the 80s are behind us,
The Breakfast Club keeps the decade
alive and kicking. They draw
extremely large crowds and surpris-
ingly seem to have a intense follow-
ing. They have the ability to turn
small clubs into what seems like a
huge arena where everyone is chanti-
ng, "play some Twisted Sister
Is it the fact that we still have a
genuine love for 80s music or is it the
fact that it was such a part of our
childhood that it is comforting when
we hear certain songs? Ain't it
funny how a melody can bring
back memories.
Your Weekly Gossip Fix
Eltonjohn fightsback against
hepattis B with concert
GENEVA (AP) Elton John gave a
helping hand to UN. efforts to
fight hepatitis B with a fundrais-
ing concert in Geneva on
The World Health Organization is
guaranteed a minimum 100,000
Swiss francs (dlrs 73,500) from
the concert, with further pro-
ceeds from ticket sales and a
charity auctioa
Hepatitis B, a virus that attacks
the liver, is spread through
exchange of bodily fluids. It can
be transmitted through blood,
sexual contact or infected nee-
The Geneva-based WHO's vacci-
nation campaign is subscribed to
by 100 countries.
But some 25 to 30 nations are
missing out because they can't
afford the vac-
cine, according
to Bjora
Melgaard, direc-
tor of WHO's
expanded pro-
gram on immu-
The donation
from Elton John
will be targeted
atmeccmrines I
which have been
unable to join the WHO pro-
gram, many of which are in sub-
Elton fights Htpstilis
Saharan Africa.
Vvhsder, Thespian,
Governor A look at the
Body's body of film
tobacco and mows down the bad
guys with a big gun. He wrings a
woman's neck and throws her
limp body into barbed wire.
He smacks a guy around
and impales him on spikes.
He wears a black boa and
provides commentary on
an exorcism.
He is Minnesota's next gov-
While much has been made
about Govelect Jesse "The
Body" Ventura's colorful
career as a professional
wrestler, so far overlooked
by many voters, political analysts
and late-night joke writers is
Ventura's equally colorful movie
In several features and direct-to-
video movies he mainly plays
very tough guys who kill a lot of
people in bad ways, while show-
ing tiny glimpses of his softer
side. In one film he plays himself,
or at least his wrestling persona.
"He's unique, he's bigger than life,
and he's over the top said Julie
Wainwright, CEO of, an
online video sales she that wasted
no time after Tuesday's election to
selections from the Jesse "The
Body" Ventura film library.
Among the lot, three stand out
"PredatorThe Running Man"
and "Repossessed because he
has some screen time and
because these films are still on
the video store shelves.
weekly top hits
15. Frank Black &
the Catholics
14. Jim's Big Ego
"Big Whoop" H
13. Offspring
-Pretty By"
12. Jump Little
Children 'Come
11. Korn'Gotthe
10. Ghoti Hook
9. Hipbone "Move" ,
8. Zebrahead "The
Real Me"
7. Dial 7
6. Cardigans
-Favorite Game"
5. Kid Rock "Got
One For You"
4. Cowboy Mouth
"Whatcha Gonna
3. REM
"Daysleeper" "
2. Fighting Gravity
"Bend the Light"
1. Soul Coughing
Wednesday, November 11,1998 7

When plaj


JL UL o o o
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The East Carolinian, November 10, 1998
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 10, 1998
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