The East Carolinian, July 17, 1996

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July 17,1996
Vol 71, No. 64
Circulation 5,000
Across the State
fense attorney Jim Cooney's count
18 pretrial motions were intro-
duced during a hearing for Henry
Louis Wallace, who is charged with
kiiling 10 Charlotte women over a
20-month period.
Wallace. 30. who is charged
in North Carolina's deadliest crime
spree, is scheduled to go on trial
Sept 16 for nine of the 10 mur-
ders. The state is seeking the death
penalty for each of the killings.
RALEIGH (AP) - A panel of
three federal judges will hear ar-
guments on how to redraw the
state's congressional districts in
two weeks.
The judges' decision follows a
U.S. Supreme Court ruling last
month that declared the 12th Dis-
trict unconstitutional.
U.S. District Court Judge W.
Earl Britt on Monday scheduled
the hearing for 2:30 p.m. July 29
at the Federal Building in Raleigh.
Across the Country
The parents of a 7-year-old boy
pulled him from the jaws of an alli-
gator after he fell off his bike into
a canal in Everglades National
Park authorities said they be-
lieved it was the first time a visitor
had been attacked by an alligator
since the park was established in
1947. The 15-mile Shark Valley trail
was closed to cyclists and hikers
pending an investigation.
COLUMBIA S.C. (AP) - A vi-
able fetus is a person, and if its
mother takes drugs that could
threaten its health she can be pros-
ecuted for child abuse, the state
Supreme Court has ruled in an
unprecedented action.
It is the first ruling by any-
state appeals court that a pregnant
woman can be criminally liable for
actions that endanger the health
of a viable fetus, said Condon and
Lynn Paltrow. a lawyer for the Cen-
ter for Reproductive Law and
Policy in New York.
Around the World
LONDON (AP) - The day af-
ter divorce proceedings began that
will strip part of her royal title, Prin-
cess Diana resigned today as pa-
tron of nearly 100 charities includ-
ing the British Red Cross.
With her divorce. Diana loses
the title "Her Royal Highness" al-
though she remains Princess of
MOSCOW (AP) - President
Boris Yeltsin joked and talked ani-
matedly with Al Gore today, a day
after his abrupt cancellation of a
meeting with the U.S. vice presi-
dent gave rise to renewed specula-
tion about his health.
The 65-year-old Yeltsin was
alert as he paced the room waiting
for Gore to arrive for their 45-
minute meeting at a government
health resort at Barvikha, near
It was Yeltsin's first appear-
ance before foreign news media
since he fell ill last month with what
officials described as a bad cold.
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
10 pases
School's in for additional 9 days
Current calendar
to go from 141 to
150 days by '97
Amy L Royster
Assistant News Editor
ECU's academic calendar faces a
nine day increase after the UNC system's
Board of Governors endorsed a recom-
mendation that all 16 universities in the
system lengthen their academic calendar
to at least 150 days.
The recommendation made by UNC
system President C. D. Spangler was
approved by the Board of Governors last
Friday. The mandate forces universities
to add days until the fall and spring se-
mesters total 150 academic days. Univer-
sities must comply by the fall semester
According to Vice Chancellor of
Academic Affairs Dr. Richard Ringeisen.
the faculty senate which controls the
calendar will convene early in the fall
semester to discuss the most prudent way
to add the days. ECU currently operates
on a calendar of 141 days.
Before the mandate, the calendar
committee had already planned for 143
days for the 1997-1998 school year.
Ringeisen said he believes this will alle-
viate a little of the burden of adding days.
"The faculty senate forms the cal-
endar committee Ringeisen said. "There
is a student seat on the committee and
we have asked Angie Nix (SGA president)
to help us find a student for the commit-
Nix said Chancellor Richard Eakin
assured her that the university would
seek broadly based input from students.
The student on the committee will be
either Nix or someone appointed by Nix.
"It is important to me that a stu-
dent who will stay on top of this get in-
volved Nix said. "1 want outof-state stu-
dents to know that we will try not to
shorten their vacations home too much
Ringeisen said in the past there have
been some problems getting a student
to attend committee meetings, but given
the task at hand, he feels there will be
no problem obtaining student input
University of North Carolina Asso-
ciation of Student Governments
(UNCASG) President John Dervin said
that since 1989. members of the legisla-
ture have looked at lengthening the aca-
demic calendar. Dervin said that this put
pressure on Spangler to recommend the
"My concern is that the recommen-
dation is being done over the summer
when students can not get involved
Dervin said. "It is going to have a huge
affect on the schools. Where you are prob-
ably going to lose is vacation days. I am
concerned that this is happening very
Ringeisen said that until the faculty
senate's calendar committee meets there
is no set plan of action.
"We have no predetermined way to
add the days Ringeisen said. "There is
little room to sneculate as to where the
days will come from because there are
only a few options
Ringeisen said although there has
been no formal discussion concerning the
mandate yet, he and Eakin have dis-
cussed potential concerns such as the
cost of a longer academic year. Ringeisen
said students on campus for nine more
days will need longer meal plans and
extended use of the residence halls.
" Most of us think there will be added
cost at lengthening the school year
Ringeisen said. "We will have to meet
the cost and figure out how to do that"
Library to open before August
This newly constructed space
the North Carolina Collection.
Two weeks
preparation left
Kelly Sullivan
Staff Writer
It's been over two years since
university officials broke ground on
the $30 million dollar Joyner Library
expansion, and with less than two
weeks until the big move, the wait is
almost over.
Painters and carpenters are put-
ting the final touches on the expan-
sion, officials with the state Office
of Construction and the state Depart-
ment of Insurance are completing
their final inspections, and furniture
and bookshelves are waiting to be
Library staff are counting down
the days until the move, though it
will not be an easy task. Ken Marks,
director of academic library services
'I'm excited, anxious and ner-
vous Marks said. "It's every emo-
tion you can experience taking
In addition to the 105 library
staff members, 50 recruited students
will help move over one million vol-
umes from the old building to the
on Joyner's third floor will house the art work and exhibits of
Students should be able to enjoy it in the fall.
new 164.000 square-foot addition be-
tween July 26th and August 5th.
Both the old building and the
new addition will close for the dura-
tion of the move. The addition will
open on August 6th. Renovations will
begin on the original building after
everything has
been moved to the
new facility, with
the completion of
the project slated
for late 1997.
"Right now
we're getting col-
lections ready to
move, getting each
of the depart-
ments to do gen-
eral housekeep-
ing Marks said.
"It's not too differ-
ent than when
you're getting
ready to move
yourself. We're doing a lot of clean-
ing out-the kind you put off for
years. We're also taking care of all
the many details-finding out how the
new computers will be set up and
what the new phone numbers will be.
making sure we have all the keys to
the new offices
When the move is complete.
400.000 pieces of microfilm, several
hundred thousands of government
documents. 90,000 maps, several
thousand videotapes and all of the
media equipment will have been re-
located to the addition, Marks said.
Since the new addition will not
be able to accommodate the library's
complete cata-
log, some mate-
rials will con-
tinue to be tem-
porarily housed
off-campus. Li-
brary personnel
will continue to
operate regular
shuttle services
to retrieve re-
quested materi-
als from the
storage sites.
When com-
pleted, the addi-
tion will include
a state-of-the-art
as well as three
each equipped
"Right now we're
getting collections
ready to move,
getting each of the
departments to do
� Ken Marks, director of
academic library services
preservation room.
multimedia rooms,
with a teleconference center that will
allow students to communicate via
The addition will also increase
the seating capacity from its current
8('0 seats to around 2000, allowing
See AUGUST page 3
Calendar days at UNC System Schools
UNC - Charlotte144
NCA&T ST.147
System Average: 145 daysi
Transit system
in jeopardy
Audit finds
several violations
Brandon Waddell
Jacqueline D,
Staff Writer
The transit system at ECU has
been under investigation following
reports of abuses in management,
which reached the university audi-
tor in February.
University Attorney Ben Irons
said that after receiving news of the
alleged abuses, the university au-
ditor. Brenda R. Mills, investigated.
'The auditor) makes sure that
our financial transactions are
handled appropriately Irons said.
But in monitoring those activities.
it's often necessary to monitor
work-related activities, which relate
to those financial activities
SGA President Angie Nix said
the auditor's findings of the tran-
sit system were finalized at the end
of June.
However, these findings were
not presented in last Thursday's
Board of Trustees meeting.
Jordan Whichard, a member
of the Board of Trustees, said the
Board did not receive a full report
on the transit issue.
As a result of recent develop-
ments, the university plans to take
the management of the transit sys-
tem out of the hands of the students
and place a full-time staff member
in charge of the transit system.
According to Dr. Al Matthews,
vice chancellor for student life, the
transit system began their search for
a full time staff member to oversee
operations before the investigation
The misuse of university re-
sources and student fees has been
reported to the State Bureau of In-
"Anytime that state funds are
misused, it has to be reported
Irons said.
So far, the SBI has not gotten
involved, and the investigation and
any disciplinary actions resulting
from it have remained within the
"Restitution is being required.
That matter has been handled in ac-
cordance with the student disciplin-
ary process Irons said.
Irons confirmed that two of the
students who held management po-
sitions last year have siqpe gradu-
ated. The interim student manager
now holding the transit manage-
ment position will manage the sys-
tem until a staff member is ap-
pointed in the fall.
Auditor's Findings & Recommendations
Use of transit vehicles for
unauthorized personal
Little supervision offered to
daily operations
Enforcing law (GS. 14-27)
that prohibits personal use
of state issued property
Full-time staff person to
advise daily operations
Student fees used to
purchase alcohol for social
Enforcing guidelines for
use of student fees
Current Manager
inappropriately charged
$470.44 to transit budget
Manager should pay that
amount in restitution
The above are only highlights. Other abuses documented.
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Wednesday, July 17,1996
The East Carolinian
Local hot spot cited for targeting minors
Amy L. Royster
Assistant News Editor
Larceny - A non-student reported that floor tiles and tools were
stolen from the Recreation Center construction site while the crew was
on vacation.
Damage to property - A non-student reported that the Grounds
DepL employee's weed-eater accidentally propelled a rock into a person's
windshield, which caused some damage.
Damage to property � A non-student reported that their vehicle
had been scratched on the passenger door while it was parked east of
Financial Aid.
Assist other agency - ECU Police Dept officers assisted Greenville
Police Department with apprehending an armed robbery suspect
July 12
Assist rescue - Greenville Rescue was dispatched to Fleming in
" reference to a student that injured her finger.
July 14
Felonious possession of a weapon on campus - A non-student was
arrested for possessing an assault type shot gun in his vehicle at the
Reade Street lot.
Breaking and entering of coin-operated machines � While on rou-
tine patrol, an officer discovered three coin-operated machines in the
women's bathroom's at the General Classroom building had been bro-
ken into.
July 15
Larceny - A staff member reported that the podium from the social
I room was missing.
Compiled by Marguerite Benjamin. Taken from official ECU police reports.
During Freshman Orientation,
the investigation of local nightclubs,
which were believed to be targeting
orientation students, resulted in sev-
eral citations.
According to Blair Carr, the
Greenville Police Department's po-
lice attorney, after the GPD received
criminal intelligence that some
downtown nightclubs were pin-
pointing freshman orientation stu-
dents as potential patrons, an un-
dercover operation was planned for
Sunday evening June 23.
"The clubs were either advertis-
ing or making it be known by word-
of-mouth that underage students
could enter clubs and be served
Carr said.
Carr declined to say where the
criminal intelligence originated from
or who, if anyone, tipped off the po-
During the undercover opera-
tion, two anonymous underage
people purchased alcohol from the
Elbo Room located on Cotanche
Street. Carr said that after they pur-
chased malt alcohol, they took it to
a remote corner of the Elbo Room
and discarded the beverage. An un-
dercover officer observed the sale
in order to testify to the transaction.
The owner of the Elbo Room,
Kirby Bryson, was cited with four
violations of aiding and abetting the
sale of alcohol to persons under the
age of 21 and aiding and abetting
the giving away of alcohol to per-
sons under 21. The bartenders, Ann
Bryant and Karen Combs, were also
cited for selling alcohol to a person
under the age of 21. Carr said the
bartenders were in violation of chap-
ter 18 B of the general statutes,
which prohibits the sale of alcohol
to underage people.
Bryson said he could not com-
ment on the situation at this time.
"My lawyer has advised me not
to speak about the citations right
nov Bryson said.
According to Carr there was
beer sitting on a counter which was
given to patrons without an em-
ployee checking anyone's identifica-
Carr said everyone cited was
given a court date where they will
have the chance to plead. If the
cases go to trial and the bartenders
are convicted, they could face a .
maximum jail sentence of one year �
as well as a fine.
Carr said the investigation was �
not targeted towards the Elbo Room
specifically. She also said that the
Attic and the Brig were other clubs
which were not open that night.
"There was no club targeted
Carr said. "Either other clubs did not
commit a violation that we observed!
or they were not open for business
Bertha destroys coast
Editor's Note: Next Wednesday's issue oTEC will have in-depth cover-
age of the effects of Hurricane Bertha to ECU'S campus and surrounding
AP - The reality of Hurricane Bertha hit home for Gov. Jim Hunt as he
toured North Topsail Beach.
"1 saw some damage on Saturday, but today I saw the disaster Hunt said
Mondav. "It was a pitiful sight. It makes me believe we've had much greater
damage than I realized. Thank goodness there was an evacuation
Hunt and other state officials on Monday toured artificial dunes that
once offered the appearance of protection and had been washed through
quickly by storm surges, leaving condos, houses and roads exposed to the
ocean waters.
Meanwhile, assessment teams tallied structural damages in the storms
close, to $60 million, a figure expected to keep climbing. The estimate in-
See BERTHA page 3
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English @
Stalkers on campus do not go unpunished
1i - l,i. drpsses inaDDroDriate student behav
University judicia
-system tightens
stance on violators
"Jacqueline D. Keilum
"Staff Writer
The relatively new law against
stalking was used in a case at N.C.
rrState to convict a graduate student
iwho had repeatedly harassed three
female students.
The case at N.C. State, which
ended in a misdemeanor conviction
on Friday, June 28, was one of the
few times the law has been used. ECU
does have its own resources available
to help anyone who has a problem
with a suspected stalker.
Many students go to the campus
police with reports of being stalked.
Others go straight to the dean of
student's office, which handles the ju-
dicial process on campus.
Associate Dean of Students
Karen Boyd said that ECU'S judicial
system exists to keep troublemakers
off campus, without having to resort
to outside agencies. She used a worst-
case scenario, murder, as an example.
"It would take a year for that to
go to trial. But we don't want that
person on our campus. We have the
right to not have that person on our
campus Boyd said.
The advantage of a college hav-
ing its own juuicial system is that it
allows quicker measures than those
of the outside court system in sus-
pending a person from the campus.
"The ECU judicial system ad-
dresses inappropriate student behav-
ior, and it addresses it timely Boyd
However, the case at State shows
that stalkers can be tenacious. The
stalker was suspended twice and each
time he said he would stop the stalk-
ing. When he continued the illegal
behavior, he was expelled. Even after
the expulsion, he harassed the three
Boyd said that stalking can
oftentimes be hard to prove. There has
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BERTH A from page 2
eluded damages of $40 million in
Onslow County.
But the storm's destruction may
be most painful for the state's farm-
ers, where estimated losses from 10
southeastern counties total $154.7
million, state officials said.
Bertha's rainfall contributed to
the rupture of a hog waste lagoon in
Craven County between New Bern
and Vanceboro. Officials said 1.8 mil-
lion gallons of waste flowed toward
the Neuse River from Cecil Rhodes'
hog farm late Friday or early Satur-
Tommy McLamb, a federal agri-
cultural specialist, said there was a 25
percent to 85 percent loss on tobacco
and 30 percent to 90 percent loss for
corn among the affected counties.
"Brunswick and Onslow counties
are the two worst counties McLamb
said. "Craven and Lenoir counties
were also hard hit"
Bertha caused at least $4 million
damage in South Carolina as it
brushed past the state, insurance in-
dustry officials said. There were no
damage estimates from the other
states in Bertha's path, from Virginia
to New Jersey, but damage was mini-
mal compared to North Carolina.
Hunt on Monday declared a state
of disaster in 15 counties - Beaufort,
Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, Duplin,
Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, New
Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pender,
Pitt and Washington - as a first step
in the process of getting federal aid
to repair damage.
At North Topsail Beach, Onslow
County Sheriff Ed Brown said loot-
ers have tried to come to the island
by boat and state patrols are trying
to prevent anyone from coming ashore
by water. The National Guard sent 60
military police officers to help protect
property after a re-
quest by the town
Property own-
ers and long-term
renters were ex-
pected to be al-
lowed to return to
their homes in
North Topsail
Beach beginning
today. A ban on pri-
vate vehicles in the
town's north sec-
tion meant that
property owners
would have to take buses.
Meanwhile, an unidentified man
died Saturday morning at a home just
off the island because the power went
out to his lung machine, Brown said,
raising Bertha's death toll in North
Carolina to two and 10 deaths over-
Hunt promised to rally state de-
partments - Transportation, National
Guard and Corrections - to provide
equipment and labor the residents
said they needed for the clean-up. An
additional 300 inmates were ordered
sent Monday to the hardest hit areas.
At a meeting earlier in the day
with several mayors at the Emerald
Isle Town Hall, Hunt ordered immedi-
ate suspension of state burning rules.
Hunt also said the state coastal
management rules would be eased to
allow residents to rebuild docks and
piers ripped up
by the storm. No
fees would be
charged, he said.
The Ameri-
can Red Cross
expanded meal
service due to
extensive power
outages in some
counties, and
said centers in
New Bern and
Holly Ridge
would be open
"Brunswick and
Onslow counties
are the two worst
counties. Craven
and Lenoir
counties were also
hard hit
� Tommy McLamb, federal
agricultural specialist
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STAJLK from page 2
to be an intent to harm, and constant
harassment over a period of time be-
fore it can be considered stalking. The
problem is that intent can be hard to
"It's very hard to prove what is
coincidental and what is intentional.
The fact that you see someone on cam-
pus every day doesn't necessarily
mean they're stalking you. However,
it might Boyd said.
Another difficulty in investigat-
ing a stalking charge is that very of-
ten the stalkers are clever enough to
stay just inside the rules, while at the
too tiwiss, iwifw, frsat m?M
I'm So Excited I
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friends because I had to spend so much time cleaning
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daily for as long as needed.
Carolina Power & Light Co. crews
had restored electricity by the end of
the day Monday to all but about 250
customers in Wilmington and another
350 customers scattered around New
Bern, Havelock and Jacksonville,
spokeswoman Donna Tompkins said.
At Topsail, motorcycles were de-
posited by the surge on the side of
the roadway, as were washers and dry-
ers in the garage areas of condos. One
car was carried across the road and
dumped in a ditch. The garage doors
of most houses were knocked out by
the surge.
No specific dollar amounts of
damage were available here, said
county commissioner Tony Padgett
"When the dunes went, it was all
over with he said.
Residents were allowed on the
beach to check their belongings late
Sunday. But they were shuttled in
school activity buses because the road
was undermined and repairs crews
needed room to work. In two places
along N.C. 1568, the storm surge
washed the roadway away from
At Emerald Isle, town administra-
tor Pete Allen said damage was ex-
pected to be double the initial $24
million estimate. Some homes showed
obvious scars, such as missing roofs
and blown-out basement walls. But
there also was water damage inside
many houses, Allen said.
Gone for good is the $6 million a
day that businesses lost because of
evacuations, according to the North
Carolina Division of Travel and Tour-
ism in Raleigh. The losses were espe-
cially high because the storm came
during one of the busiest times of the
year at the beach.
'it would be like a shopping mall
being forced to shut down for a few
days just before Christmas said Chris
Mackey, a state travel office spokes-
same time still managing to harass
their victim.
"Most stalkers are very bright
Boyd said.
The convicted stalker at N.C.
State was a Chinese graduate student
enrolled as a doctoral candidate in
nuclear engineering.
If a charge of stalking is made
against an individual here at ECU, the
Dean of Student's office is responsible
for investigating the allegations. If
there seems to be cause for concern,
the accused is then told of the charges
and given a chance to respond to
AUGUST from page 1
Joyner to serve more people than ever
before, Marks said. As well as the addi-
tion of group study rooms, faculty study
rooms will also increase in number from
22 to 76, and graduate carrels will rise
from 40 to 200.
"Just having the elementary facili-
ties for people to use is a step forward
Marks said.
With the completion of the addi-
tion and the renovations to the origi-
nal building nearly underway, the state
Department of Transportation is also
expected to begin construction of a new
library entrance on Aug. 1. The new
"It's a conference, and they are
able to tell their side of the story and
have it considered Boyd said.
Boyd said that sometimes a for-
mal warning to back off was enough,
and required no extra measures. But
if an individual continues stalking and
pleads not guilty to charges brought
against him or her, they have the right
to a hearing before a student honor
This board would be composed of
five to seven students. There are stu-
dents in the attorney general and pub-
lic defender positions, and witnesses
may be called. The student is given a
minimum of 72 hours to prepare, and
either the accused or the university can
ask for an extension of up to a week if
they have a valid reason.
Boyd said that often there is a
public perception that stalking is not
a serious crime. While it is true that
no one is hurt by a few phone calls, a
stalker can disrupt one's life.
"You're never alone. That's what
stalking means, Boyd said, and that
can be very significant to the victim of
a stalker.
road access will circle from an enrance
on Lawrence Street in front of the li-
brary back out onto Cotanche Street
Marks said that the changes will
be a nice surprise for students return-
ing in the fall.
"When we get done, we will have
leap-frogged over all the other campuses
in terms of what we'll be able to pro-
vide and what access we'll be able to
facilitate to our campus Marks said.
"The university community and other
(library) patrons will have a distinct
Richard Brown, vice chancellor for
business affairs, said that the ECU com-
munity can be proud of the Joyner Li-
brary expansion and all of the projects
on campus.
"There's been a tremendous
amount of time and energy and effort
going into these projects for a lot of
years, and to see them starting to come
to completion is reaUy very gratifying
Brown said. "We will always have
projects in various stages of planning
and construction, but these particular
projects are probably of greater signifi-
cance to our students than most any
others we've considered

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Wednesday, July 17,1996
The East Carolinian
The East Carolinian
Our View
Once again the
cost of
attending a
university in the
UNC system is
rising. This
year students
can also look
forward to
losing nine
days of
Nine days, count them, nine days that students can
kiss good-bye are coming out of our vacation time start-
ing the fall of 1997.
There is no point in kicking and screaming because
with the Board of Governors meeting last Friday and en-
dorsing President Spangler's recommendation to lengthen
the academic calendar at all UNC system schools to 150
days, the recommendation has become a mandate.
Now, the only question is where are those nine days
going to come from? Fall break, when freshman are mak-
ing their first trips home to see mom and dad; Christmas
break, when students rest up for a new semester, or spring
break? These are all vacations that nobody wants to
shorten. Any way you look at it, this does not look good.
There will be a student seat on the faculty senate's
calendar committee which will either be held by SGA
President Angie Nix or an appointee of Nix. Let's hope
that the student who is included in the committee takes
his or her position very seriously. One student may be all
the other thousands of us have to make sure everyone
else on the faculty senate's committee hears our voices.
From a financial standpoint, there are effects from
this mandate on our wallets that should not go unmen-
tioned. There will be added costs to stretching the school
year. Students should have very real concerns about the
cost of meal plans and residence halls that will be ef-
fected by this mandate. Adding nine days to meal plans
and to time in the residence halls is bound to be a costly
issue. This could be just another factor in the ever-rising
cost of a college education.
Students deserve fair representation, especially when
we are most directly effected by adding days to the calen-
dar. If students make one phone call this year to univer-
sity officials to voice their opinions, let it be about the
Students who would like to express concerns are en-
couraged to contact our SGA representatives at 3284726.
Brandon Waddell Editor-in-Chief
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Randall Rozzell. Staff Illustrator
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Randy Miller, Production Assistant
Ellyn Felts, Copy Editor
Deanya Lattimere, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright. Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday.
The lead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right
to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should be addressed to Opinion Editor,
The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For Information, call (919) 328-6366.
Marguerite Benjamin, News Editor
Amy L. Royster, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Jay Myers Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor
Craig Perrott, Assistant Sports Editor
Matt Hcatley, Electronics Editor
Pawning your soul to the man
"You can be pro-choice or pro-life
and still be a very good Republican.
That's the bottom line
-Bob Dole, Today Show, July 1
Jennifer Hunt
Opinion Columnist
At a New York deli, in a prime
time interview and on other avenues
on the campaign trail: There's Bob
Dole, asserting that he will bring a
new moderation to the Republican
Party's stand on abortion. In recent
weeks, the candidate announced that
there will be no anti-abortion "litmus
test" for judicial nominees and prom-
ised to consider a running mate who
supports abortion rights.
In Dole's 35 years in Congress,
he voted for almost every restriction
on abortion that came before the leg
islative body, including a proposal in
the '80s to add a constitutional
amendment banning abortion. He
opposed a bill to protect clinics from
anti-abortion blockades. He said he
would have signed a bill, vetoed early
this year by President Clinton, to ban
�i late-term abortion procedure. He
cosponsored recent legislation that
would sharply reduce funding for in-
ternational family planning.
Douglas Johnson, director of fed-
eral legislation for the National Right
to Life Committee, praises Dole's con-
sistency. "His National Right to Life
Committee voting record is 94 percent
over 30 years Johnson said. "That's
a very strong record Dole now de-
clines to campaign on his record as a
hard anti-abortionist as it has irked
many right-to-life advocates.
Though Bob Dole's votes against
abortion have been consistent, he
appears uncomfortable when speak-
Dole's voting
record speaks
ing about the issue. Indeed, his most
recent campaign announcements, p"0-
fessing "a decent regard for those who
disagreed" with him, seem less a plea
for tolerance than a hope that con-
tentious debate can be avoided alto-
gether. Dole's rare statements on abor-
tion tend to leave the issue's moral
complexities unexplored. Over the
years, he seems to have followed the
abortion policy advice of late Repub-
lican Party Chair Lee Atwater: Pick a
position, any position, and stick with
Dole says that he still supports
and endorses "a human life amend-
ment to the Constitution an amend-
ment that would outlaw the vast ma-
jority of abortions and could make
illegal certain methods of birth con-
trol such as the IUD and the contro-
versial "morning after" pill. Dole also
opposes using tax dollars to pay for
abortions-in other words, no Medic-
aid money and promises to end fed-
eral grants for organizations that "ad-
vocate abortion
Like George Bush before him,
Dole says he would support three ex-
ceptions to a constitutional abortion
ban- for rape, incest and to save the
life of a women in danger. This has
rattled the most dedicated anti-abor-
tion advocates, who believe that once
an exception is made for rape and in-
cest other exceptions become easier
to accept such as those for fetal de-
formity. It is worth noting that the
heat Dole is now taking for his excep-
tions is greater than the exceptions'
real-world impact Only 1 percent of
the 1.48 million abortions performed
annually are a result of rape or incest
or are necessary to save the life of a
woman, according to the Alan
Guttmacher Institute, a New York re-
search organization.
Dole's voting record speaks
loudly and it is likely that if he is
elected president in the fall he will
keep his anti-abortion stance. I be-
lieve that what a woman chooses to
do to her body is her own right and I
am firmly pro-choice. I have difficulty
siding with a candidate who is
strongly pro-life, because I feel that it
would risk the right to abortion if he
were elected. Abortion should not be
a government issue. I do not believe
an abortion should ever be used as a
form of birth control, and I realize it
is abused at times.
Ultimately, I feel that if a baby is
unwanted and a woman is not capable
of taking care of herself for nine
months while the baby is growing in-
side her or after it is born, then an
abortion, along with adoption should
be options for her.
The man stands behind the
counter, his shotgun resting on his
thigh. He smiles slightly as I walk up
with a stereo on my back and my
mother's wedding ring in my hand.
Mr. Pawn man knows why I'm there:
he's got what I need. The lights were
dimmed by Utilities, the pho lcon-
nected. Mr. Bill needs Mr. Money and
Mr. Pawn is the fat middleman push-
ing my broke boat upriver.
Most everyone 1 know has ven-
tured into a pawn shop since they've
been in college and all of them had
their justifications. Either the al-
mighty financial aid check didn't come
through or they blew their wad down-
town in some slap-happy bender. Ev-
eryone has a reason for going to a
pawn shop. Who can blame a univer-
sity student?
See, when things get jammed and
ends aren't meeting, the "instant cash
loan" is very enticing. Just putting
the words "instant" and "cash" to-
gether makes rent seem that much
more attainable. The problem is that
the relationship between bills and
money appears like such a black and
white issue. You pay, you stay, but
what did you have to do to make the
bread, huh? Therein lies the moral
and ethical fabric that binds us to
survival. It's not the price you named
for Mr. Pawn, but the price you pay at
home in the dark, looking for old
When an 18-year-old kid is fresh
out of the house and begins his trek
in the pseudo-real world of higher
learning, the balances seem to change
Anthony Slade
Opinion Columnist
To me, the
man is like a
crack dealer.
on him. He starts saying to himself.
"I'm on my own now So, with this
self-inflicted burden comes the idea
that he has to do whatever he can to
make it. Unfortunately, this usually
means hocking everything he ever
owned. The mind starts to obscure the
ability to reason when he is hard-up
for cash. What once was priceless and
held youthful memories, now has a
new value in the land of Mr. Pawn
Your roommate's short on the
phone bill because of calls to his gii.
friend in Jersey? Maybe you bounced
a check at Teeter. Holy psycotropics,
Phish is at Walnut Creek! Boom! You
find yourself raiding a once-impressive
CD collection for Neil Young. Got it!
Then it's off to the pawn shop where
they always love your business.
It's a real simple operation. You
bring your stuff to them, they give you
half what it's worth and then sell it
for double or triple. Meanwhile, the
debt's not getting any lighter, but hey,
the man says everybody's happy. He
got his. which is all of yours, and you
are left with two piles of nothing but
good old squat that's collecting inter-
est Why do it? A Pawn shop dealer
is nothing more than a watered down
shylock. a racketeer. He trades short-
term relief for all your dreams and
memories. Going into a pit like that
already means that you're in the hole:
why keep on digging? Do your soul a
favor and ban pawn shops. It's a capi-
talist business based on the poor's in-
ability to shake a debt Fact is, bills
are like skin, they're not going any-
where struggle harder.
I've pretty much pawned off the
first 22 years of my life to take care of
petty things. To me, the man is like a
crack dealer, always making it so easy
to want what you think you need to
get. Maybe if 1 had just been a little
smarter up until now I would have seen
my other options. The alternative is
called being frugal. Most every stu-
dent can apply and get financial aid.
Be wise with that cash. Pinch every-
where you can so you don't have to go
to the Man for a hand. The whole prob-
lem with being a capitalist nation is
that most of us are giving up the capi-
tal. The pawn-man just likes to watch
us sell it all away. His wallet just keeps
getting fatter and we keep getting
screwed harder. So next time you think
about hocking your dead grandfather's
purple heart realize that street price
never outreaches sentimental value.
Letters to the Editor
Greeks support proposa
"Newspapers are the most high-tech
product on the market � scannable,
portable and reasonable in price
To the Editor:
On May 11,1996. a fire killed five
innocent students at the Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity house at UNC-Chapel
Hill. This tragic accident could have
been prevented. Most fraternity and
sorority houses are old houses and
do not have current safety devices (i.e.
sprinklers). On some college cam-
puses, namely East Carolina Univer-
sity and UNC-Chapel Hill, the Creek
houses are not on university property
and will not receive assistance for
sprinklers from the Board of Gover-
The young men and women in
these organizations have realized the
importance of safety in our chapter
houses. To protect our members, we
wish to install sprinkler systems
throughout our houses. As much as
we would like to do this, and soon
will be forced to do this, our chapters
cannot afford to undertake this
Senator Beverly Purdue has in-
troduced a special provision to the
North Carolina Senate budget that
would establish a one million dollar
revolving loan account for fraternities
and sororities to install sprinkler sys-
tems in their houses. This would be a
ten-year loan, not a donation or grant.
These sprinkler systems can save lives.
If the Phi Gamma Delta house had
sprinklers, the five children of this
state that were killed would have most
probably lived.
Fraternities and sororities raise
billions of dollars and volunteer mil-
lions of hours every year for innumer-
able charities across the nation and
the state of North Carolina. These
organizations make a difference and
are worthy of the support of our citi-
zens and state legislators.
The time for sprinklers is now,
the way is Senator Purdue's provision.
1 desperately urge the N.C. General
Assembly to support this worthy
Jonathan Phillips
FinancePolitical Science
Jessica Ennis
Political Science
Sam Lanier

� Nancy Wpodhull, Trustee, The Freedom Forum

itm sm
Wednesday, July 17, 1996
The East Carolinian
Out with the old,
in with the new
Films committee
rethinks strategy
Joseph Elchehabi
Staff Writer
"There's only one thing that can
kill the movies Will Rogers once
said, "and that's education But
that's not true, at least not here.
Life, it seems, would be unbear-
able if it weren't for movies, especially
if you're a student at ECU. For those
of us who don't have cars and a lot
of money to spend on entertainment,
sometimes seeing a film at Hendrix
can be a nice treat (And it's always
nice to know that you're getting your
money's worth out of your student
activity fee). But how do they go
about choosing the movies? And just
who are "they anyway?
Films are "chosen" by the Stu-
dent Films Committee, but in the end
ordinary students, either through
personal input or by attendance, are
responsible for the films that will
eventually make their way to
Hendrix. In other words, it's survival
of the most popular. So now you
know what happened to all the art
"We found that the blockbust-
ers are the ones that bring in the
most attendance said Virginia
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claims to be: a very
tiny drop in the great scream-
ing bucket of American media
opinion. Take it as you will.
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
The specters of dead Sea
Monkeys haunted my childhood.
My friends and I tried to
grow the things again and again,
only to meet with failure each
time. We'd order the Sea Mon-
key Kit through the ads in our
comic books and follow the in-
structions with scientific preci-
sion. But every new packet of
powdered Sea Monkey eggs we
bought remained inert in the
bottom of our aquariums.
And that's too bad, because
the little buggers looked so cute
in the ads. There was Dad with
his briefcase and pipe, Mom in
her apron, little Billy with his
catcher's mitt, and sister Sue,
complete with freckles and pig-
tails. They were all pink and
mostly naked, a wholesome nud-
ist nuclear family in miniature.
You could almost imagine them
living next door, if it weren't for
the fins and tiny webbed hands.
Plus, the ads told us, you
could make them do tricks. In
their confining aquarium prison,
the Sea Monkeys would turn
loops, swim in circles, and per-
form amazing feats of underwa-
ter acrobatics, all at your com-
mand Watch the fun as Mom
and little Billy cower in abject
fear and compulsively follow the
orders of their finless, gro-
tesquely large human master!
Yes, Sea Monkeys were tiny, na-
ked, friendly aquatic slaves over
whom even a child could exert
absolute control.
It was a deceptively sick ad
campaign, almost subliminally
See DROP page 7
Anderson, chair of the films commit-
tee. "So we go through a list we get
from two film companies They of-
fer most of the movies that you could
possibly want to see. We look at the
dates we have available, then we pick
the movies which
fit our schedule
and which we
think would be
good to choose
from. Then the
chooses from the
list, ranking each
with more
recherche tastes
aren't entirely
left out of the pic-
ture. Art films
can make a
come-back at Hendrix, but that all de-
pends on the students.
"The art films didn't go over
well Anderson said, "as far as at-
tendance. In order to keep our bud-
get, to keep getting the movies, we
have to get students to come. Even
though some people want certain
movie we need for there to r?e
enough of a demand
Unlike films during the regular
semester that normally hit Hendrix
before video, this summer's films
have been older releases, like Raid-
" Even though
some people want
certain movies, we
need for there to
be enough of a
- Virginia Anderson, student
films committee chair
ers of the Lost Ark and Edward
Scissorhands. "They're films that
were big when they came out years
ago and still might have a follow-
ing But because of the poor turn-
out, things will soon be changing.
"We've de-
cided this year
that it's not going
to be like that
anymore, because
not enough
people are attend-
ing the movies
when they're old.
Starting 'next
year there are go-
ing to be newer
In the final
analysis, election
- - comes down to
one thing: popu-
larity. And in the marketing of films,
popularity depends a lot on a film's
newness, which doesn't last long at
all. Like Orson Welles said, "The
trouble with a movie these days is
that it's old before it's released: It's
no accident that it comes in a can
Films showing the second sum-
mer session are Airplane (July 16)
and Breakfast at Tiffany's (July 23).
The first Fall Semester films will be
Thin Line Between Love and Hate
(August 17) and The Birdcage (Au-
gust 22-24).
0atce� ectteca
Blackfoot steps
on the Attic
Pat Reid
Staff Writer
Have you ever had a night when everything went wrong, but you stil!
managed to hit your groove? That was Blackfoot Sunday night at the Attic.
Technical glitches, personal errors and a less than stellar crowd allowed the
band to show their true colors as they still managed to turn out an excellent
The night opened with the Corey Stevens Band. Now I am by no means a
huge fan of the blues, but this trio got on stage and played the best live blues
I've ever heard. After a couple of rousing instrumentals and straight-forward
blues songs, I was loving every minute.
But around 9 p.m. the blues train left the station to make room for
Blackfoot and after about half an hour, the lights went down and the sounds
of a train pulling out of station shook the Attic.
Remembering last year's show I -as expecting a surge of people and a
pretty rough crowd, so I was very surprised to look around and see the Attic
nowhere near its capacity.
See BLACKFOOT page 7
This Saturday in
Rockingham, thrill to
the martial arts skills of
the Shao-Lin monks as
they take the stage to
demonstrate their
ancient holy fighting
prowess. And, oh yeah,
some bands will be
playing, too. Something
called Lollapalooza or
some crazy thing
Photo courtesy Lollapalooza
CD Reviews
R.L Burnside
A Ass Pocket of
Jay Myers
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
R.L. Burnside is a veteran blues
artist fr"n the hill country of north-
ern Mississippi. So what's he doing
on the Matador label, a record com-
pany known mostly for their punk and
indie bands? And why is the album
sporting a cover by Derek Hess, an
artist whose most significant claim to
fame is creating unique poster art for
bands such as The Jesus Lizard and
Boss Hog?
The reason behind this seemingly
opposed pairing is Jon Spencer, the
leader of The Jon Spencer Blues Ex-
plosion and erstwhile member of Boss
Hog (with his wife Cristina Martinez).
On The Blues Explosion's last tour,
Spencer decided to take along one of
his favorite, yet underrated, perform-
ers as an opening act
That person was R.L. Burnside
and over the months that they toured
together a friendship developed, much
like the Rolling Stones (whom Spen-
cer much admires) and their relation-
ship with Muddy Waters.
Spencer and Burnside respected
each other enough that they decided
to record an album together, and the
result is the blazing .4 Ass Pocket of
Spencer and Burnside work ex-
ceptionally well together, especially
considering the fact that their musi-
cal styles at first seem so different.
Spencer evolved out of the DC and
New York punk scenes and first came
to prominence with the irreverent
outfit. Pussy Galore.
It is only relatively recently that
Spencer has taken up a keen interest
in the blues and combined its ele-
ments into hisimusic. Even now, most
of The Blues Explosion's and Boss
Hog's sound is derived from punk in-
fluences rather than the blues.
Buwiside, on the other hand,
works frim a traditional style of blues
found almost exclusively in the hills
of northern Mississippi. Definitely dif-
ferent from the sound found in the
Mississippi Delta, Burnside's blues
were passed down to him from the
'50s blues legend Fred McDowell.
Although his normal raw,
stripped-down, churning sound has
been augmented and punched up by
The Blues Explosion on Ass Pocket,
Burnside is definitely still in charge
of the music. Except for a few inci-
dental noises, like making a cawing
sound of a crow and asking for "40
nickeis for a bag of potato chips
Spencer himself keeps his mouth shut
and lets Burnside take full control of
his band.
See BURNSIDE page 7
We found this photo in
the TEC archives. We're
not sure what it's all
about, but unless
campus visitation
policies were once
much more lax than
they are now, we figure
it's some sort of play or
public service kind of
File Photo

I III 111!
Coming soon for your
edification and amusement:
Thursday, July 18
ECU Faculty Jazz Ensemble
at Staccato Cafe and Grille
Other People
at Peasant's Cafe
Agent Orange
and the Glenmont Popes
at The Abyss
in Virginia Beach
Friday, July 19
Fuego del Alma
at Peasant's Cafe
Saturday, July 20
Doxy's Kitchen
at Peasant's Cafe
Bobby Messano & NBO
at Underwater Cafe
R Kelly,
LL Cool J,
and Solo
at Walnut Creek
in Raleigh
Lollapalooza '96!
Rage Against the Machine,
The Ramones,
Rancid, I
Screaming Trees,
a$d The Shaolin Monks of China
(Live Kung Fu!)
at "The Rock" Dragway
in Rockingham
Sunday, July 21
Bairy Shank's Wind Machine
at the Greenville Town Commons
Travis Tritt,
Marty Stuart
with Baker and Myers
at the Virginia Beach Ampitheatre
in Virginia Beach
Tuesday, July 23
Haze Converter
at Peasant's Cafe
Breakfast at Tiffany's
at Hendrix Theatre
Cant Stop Rockin' Tour!
REO Speedwagon
and Peter Frampton
at Walnut Creek
in Raleigh

m mnwMHM
Wednesday, July 17, 1996
The East Carolinian
avte .evtetv
Washington commands Grace Under Fire
Dale Williamson
Senior Writer
History is a narrative. This simple
concept has been tackled by many
cofftemporary scholars because there
is a question of exactly who tells the
story. History is not simply a list of
facts: it is a particular person's story
told'from a particular perspective in
a particular historical moment. Thus,
hishiry changes
dep"eYiding on who
telfs'he narrative.
The story-
teller in Edward
Zwiek's latest film.
Courage Under
Fire'As an essential
plaVer in a narr?-
tive'dealing with
recent history, that
of the Persian Gulf
WarWhile Zwiek's
latest stab at his-
torVlhis first was
GloYy) may be a bit
melodramatic at
points, it still shines as an engagingly
mature film powered by superior per-
formances from its leads.
-The plot involves a military inves-
tigation, headed by Lt. Colonel
Nafffan Sterling (Denzel Washington),
to 'determine if Captain Karen Walden
(Me'i Ryan) deserves the posthumous
honor of being the first women ever
in tfe. history to receive the medal of
honor for her performance in combat.
Hvhile the brass higher up the
mifffary ladder want a simple, straight-
forward investigation, Sterling discov-
ers' that the stories being told from
WaVden's squadron don't add up. Did
WaJden act courageously as a leader
anH'save the lives of several soldiers,
or"iftd she give under pressure and
brifn'g about her own death? What
starts off as a routine assignment for
Did Walden act
courageously as a
leader and save
the lives of several
soldiers, or did
she give under
pressure and
bring about her
own death?
the film is an achievement in itself
when considering her co-star, and the
film's main protagonist, is Denzel
Washington. Washington fleshes out
a man who suffers not only from the
dirty politics of a military he's dedi-
cated his life to, but also the haunt-
ing memory of a fatal mistake he made
himself in the Gulf War. Washington's
physical being almost seems to be
crumbling as his character increas-
ingly grows distant from his family and
slowly drinks his ghosts away.
Courage Under Fire is a perfect
role for Washington, who is slowly
tearing away at the racial barrier in-
herent within mainstream Hollywood
films. It's refreshing to see one of
Hollywood's few leading African
American actors play a role that could
Stifling quickly becomes an obsessive
&k X
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quest for buried truths.
Zwiek's directorial style isn't new.
His flashback method of recounting
each person's take on the same story
has been done before, most notably
in Akira Kurosawa's 1951 master-
piece, Rashomon. Still, he and film
editor Steven Rosenblum effectively
translate Patrick Sheane Duncan's
script into a coherent, well-paced de-
tective piece that only periodically
slows down.
Z w i c k
mainly slips
when he at-
tempts to hu-
manize the char-
acter of Walden.
While making
Captain Walden
a human being
as well as a sol-
dier is impor-
tant, Zwiek's de-
cision to do so
by splicing in
clips of Meg
Ryan with her
daughter proves
to be more ama-
teurish than impressive. Zwick should
have left the humanizing of Walden's
character to Meg Ryan, who turns in
a lasting performance despite limited
screen time.
As Walden, Ryan has the difficult
task of portraying several characters,
depending on who's telling the story.
When one soldier narrates how
Walden was a leader with steel guts,
Ryan sheds her cute persona and de-
livers a warrior who has been trained
to fight. When another soldier tells
an alternate version, Ryan transforms
Walden into a scared child who is not
ready for the realities of war. Break-
ing her stereotype of the typical, femi-
nine love interest Ryan professionally
conveys the extremities of Captain
Walden without resorting to over-the-
top antics.
. The fact that Ryan stands out in
j Whichard's Beach
1 035 tftoj 17 South
Whichard's Beach Road
Washington, tlC 919-96-0011
have easily been played by a white
lead. Washington, staying true to his
talents, turns in a commanding per-
formance that may earn him yet an-
other Oscar nomination.
Summer cinema is not about
Oscar-worthy films, which is probably
why Courage L 'nder Fire ranks as this
summer's most mature major release.
The summer of '96 has given us sev-
eral good films, but nothing really
groundbreaking. While Courage Un-
der Fire is not groundbreaking, it is
still solid entertainment, and one of
the few thought-provoking movies out
among the summer blockbusters.
So if you're too grown up for
Arnold, give Denzel a try.
On a scale of one to ten, Cour-
age Under Fire rates an eight.
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The East Carolinian
Wednesday, July 17,1996
BLACKFOOT from page 5
Have fun
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a great team.
A new Chili's is opening
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"I guess this is what the hurri-
cane left behind Ricky Medlocke
(guitaristsinger for Blackfoot) re-
marked before the second song But
in true rock legend style he shrugged
and played on - often by himself. It
seems there was a little problem with
the lead guitarist's equipment and he
spent most of the first few songs be-
hind the amps trying to remedy the
"I don't care Medlocke re-
marked, much to the pleasure of the
crowd. "We'll stay and play all night
until the thing works And with that
they played on through songs such
as "Road Fever" and "Wishing Well
Soon "the thing" was fixed, and
before the guitarist could take a
breath of relief, he was in the spot-
light The rest of the band took a rest
as Blackfoot's guitarist often months
did an amazing Eddie-Van-Halenesque
solo. Keeping his guitar strap over one
shoulder like a carry-on bag, he played
over-handed, under-handed, and one-
handed until the crowd roared with
After about an hour, Medlocke
brought out a beautiful double-neck
Gibson guitar and ripped through
"Soldier Blue" and "Left Turn On A
Red Light" Then, after Medlocke did
a slide guitar solo, he announced that
they were going to do a song his
granddad, Shorty Medlocke, used to
play. For now, they would do Shorty's
version; later they would do their own.
Then the band went into a mellow-
groove version of their biggest hit,
"Train, Train
The crowd was ready for the
Blackfoot version, but it wasn't quite
time yet After a few more songs, in-
cluding "After the Reign" off their
latest CD, Medlocke started a little
guitar doodle and said to the crowd,
"I love to play this song. It goes likes
this and slid right into "Highway
Song" The crowd sang and pounded
their feet to the bass drum so hard
the floor shook. Apparently this made
Medlocke a happy man because as the
song ended he shouted, "One more
time and the band went on a ex-
tended jam session.
Then it was time. The lights went
out and a recording of Shorty playing
harmonica blared through the loud-
speakers. Just as the recording ended
the band kicked into a crunching ver-
sion of "Train, Train complete with
crowd sing-a-long and blistering guitar
Then, instead of ending the song
they went to a drum solo. A display of
raw power at its best The drummer
pounded away for a few minutes be-
fore half-dropping, half-throwing one
stick. But instead of picking up another
he picked up a beer and drank with
one hand while playing with the other.
Using the empty bottle as a drum-
stick, he grabbed another bottle with
his other hand, drank half, and poured
the rest on his kit Then with a bottle
in each hand he played on - until one
bottle broke. Undaunted, he grabbed
a drumstick and played with one stick
and one bottle.
After the solo, the band left the
stage with the audience yelling for
more. As one of the Attic staff began
playing a song over the loudspeaker, a
roadie flashed him with a light and let
him know the show wasn't quite over
yet The band happily returned for yet
another song before the Blackfoot train
loaded up and moved on to another
BURNSIDE from page
equal opportunity employer, mf
The combination of Burnside's
traditional blues forms with Spencer's
punk ethic leaves as a result an al-
bum that is nothing short of stagger-
ing. You can tell from listening that
this was a learning experience for both
men. Yet their playing is so fluid that
it seems as though they have done
this a million times before. This is
definitely helped by Judah Bauer (gui-
tar) and Russell Simins (drums), the
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We're in a league of our own at Tar River Estates
rest of The Blues Explosion, who hold
down groove after groove with an in-
fectious fervor.
The songs range from Burnside
standards ("Coin' Down South" and
"Shake 'Em On Down") and tracks
that highlight his storytelling ("2
Brothers" and "Tojo Told Hitler") to
more raucous numbers where
Spencer's energetic influence is more
readily heard ("Snake Drive" and
"Have You Ever Been Lonely?").
Throughout all, Burnside holds the
listener's attention with his personal-
ity which is as brash as it is jovial.
Never one to back down from any
fight, Burnside seems bent on mak-
ing a bigger name for himself, and
with Spencer's help he could easily
take the modern indie music scene by
As R.L. says on the track "The
Criminal Inside Me "I got a ass
pocket of whiskey and a front pocket
of gin. If you don't open up this
door, I'm gonna kick the
motherfucker in
Believe him, because if Ass
Pocket is any indication of how
Burnside is going to proceed now,
then he will be blowing the doors of
opportunity wide open.
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Dlvvllr from page 5
tapping into a child's darkest desires
while wrapping itself in the most
wholesome of packages. But don't
all ads work like that? Isn't the
whole point of advertising to appeal
to whatever inner drives we have as
human beings, as capitalists, as
Americans, to consume? Sure, adults
are more sophisticated than kid's,
but that doesn't make us any less
susceptible to the consumption
If anything, we're more suscep-
tible. We're the ones with the
money, after all, and there's little
better incentive to buy than a pock-
etful of cash. As much as people talk
about wanting more money, we all
seem pretty hell-bent on getting rid
of the stuff. Why else would we
spend so much of it on so much
worthless crap?
Maybe it has something to do
with the money itself. Sure, it's cqoI
having a wad of bills in your wallet,
but there's apparently something
vaguely dissatisfying about slips of
paper. Dollar bills, even in the larger
increments, are rather insubstantial.
They're small, and despite the dif-
ferent guys painted on them, they
all look pretty much alike. It's hard
to get attached to something with
so little personality, so little bulk.
Oh, but the things we buy with
money, those are a different story.
We can buy a whole world of prod-
ucts, items of such wildly varying
size and appearance as houses pr
automobiles or video tapes or Sea
Monkeys. Things that are colorful,
things we can give pet names to,
things to give our lives some mean-
ing. As concepts like religion and
family begin to fracture, we need
something else to fill the void left
in our lives. And so we shop. � ,
There's something horribly sat-
isfying about buying things, some
primal urge that it massages. It gives
vent to greed, it plugs the void it
relieves boredom, and most impor-
tantly, it gives us a feeling of con-
trol. A feeling that we've got our
lives in order, that with this new
widget we've purchased, we'll be the
captains of our destinies.
It's a fleeting satisfaction,
though, perhaps because we know
it's false. The doodads we buy sel-
dom work out as well as we envi-
sion when we're standing in the
store, and there's always a letdovyn.
It's called buyer's remorse, and ps
what no doubt propels us back into
the store to buy some other wonder
product with which to regain con-
It's all Sea Monkeys in the end,
really. Houses, cars, portable GD
players, hula hoops and fax ma-
chines, they're all just Sea Monkeys.
For all their bright packages and
promises of great things, they end
up lying there inert and frustrating
and leaving us to despair for our
inability to be happy.
But that's a sick way to go
about finding happiness. It's gov-
erned by the same dark urges that
made us want Sea Monkeys as kids,
and is just about as successful. Very
little fulfillment lies in becoming an
aquatic dictator.
So I guess it's divine providence
that the only person I ever knew
who managed to raise live Sea Men-
keys was my Aunt Mildred. .
But that story will have to wajt
I feel a Sea Monkey binge coming
Continued next week. � '
Loliapalooza '96 is coming to Rockingham, NC on Saturday
July 20 And WZMB has your ticket! Listen all next week for
the WZMB Ticket Window. When you hear us open
the Ticket Window, be the 3rd one through at
328-6913 and the tickets are yours
WZMB's hour long news and information show is Insight,
airing Thursdays at 6:00pm. This week's special guest on
Insight will be SGA President Angie Nix, who will address
jdget concerns, as well as the current parking situation.
Listeners are invited to call in at 328-6913
Q1.3 FM
r East Carolina University

Wednesday, July 17, 1996
The East Carolinian
Listen Up!
Brave the links at
Indian Trails
Low fees ensure
college students
can play course
Craig Perrott
Assistant Sports Editor
This is the fifth installment in
j series of reviews of golf courses
in the Greenville Pitt County area.
; If you're looking for an afford-
able, non-difficult golf course, then
Gnifton is the place for you.
. The Indian Trails Country Club
islocated about as far away from
Greenville as you can get and still be
in Pitt County. It took me about
twenty minutes to get from there to
Mendenhall. Just take Memorial
Drive south towards Kinston, past
Ayden until you see a Chevron sta-
tion on the left hand side of the road.
I Turn left off of Memorial Drive
(wfiich has by now turned into High-
way 11) and drive a couple of miles
utftil you get to an intersection with
residences on the left and the corn
fiid from "The Field of Dreams" on
tHe right. Turn right onto Kevin
Costner drive Oust kidding, I don't
kaow what the name of the road is)
and Indian Trails is on the right.
Look for the big teepee.
If these directions are as bad as
I think they are, please remember I
was sedated, locked in the trunk of
the car and dropped off at the big
teepee. Call 1-800-830-4822 for more
details. Yes, this number is toll free
and is not the psychic friends net-
Anvway, you can't beat the price
at Indian Trails. After 4 o'clock it's
$5 to walk nine and $10 to ride. You
have got to like those nine-hole rates.
As for the course itself, you get
what you pay for. The greens are like
putting in either the frozen tundra
of Siberia or in the bottom of the
Grand Canyon. The grass is twice as
tall as it's supposed to be. That's
where there is grass. The greens
should be called "beiges" for their
patches of tan dirt. Here's a tip for
you: the back nine is in a lot better
shape than the front.
The fairways are in pretty good
condition and are pretty straight on
for the most part. There are a few
standard dog legs, and some chal-
lenging par threes. There is a big
ravine lining the right side of the fair-
way on the third hole which I like to
call "the monster" because it eats up
my balls. I wish they would design a
course that caters to golfers who slice
the ball, instead of ones with all these
hook-friendly fairways.
The bunkers are sparse, and
even if you get in one (which I did.
of course), it's no problem to get out
because the lips aren't very high. In
fact. I hit out of the bunker with a
Some of the greens are located
on the crest of steep hills, so you have
to put it on the money. Water haz-
ards are not a problem though, and
there is even a creek filled with rocks
instead of water than runs through
the course. That helps finding balls
a lot easier and you can stay dry, too.
Trees are not a factor either, as
they stay out of the way of your shot
and provide some pleasant shade
along the cart path.
They don't have a short-order
grill like some other local courses,
but a pack of nabs and a fountain
Coke tasted mighty good after a
round on the links.
Rating: I had a hard time grad-
ing this one. It's great as far as
affordability and level of difficulty. In
the convenience category, it's not
great but it's not too bad. either. It
all depends on how badly you want
to play golf. I guess. The quality of
the course is not up to par. so to
speak, and neither is the food ser-
vice. They're not wood status, but
they're definitely not at the short iron
level. After much debate. I give the
Indian Trails Country Club at Grifton
a John Daly zero iron because the
quality is low to the ground but you
can make your money go a long way.
Photo by Carlton Turnage
Danielle Charlesworth, a member of the ECU women's basketball team, talks to
campers about the fundamentals of the game during camp earlier this summer.
Martial arts kicks up awards
Rec Services
ECU Tae Kwon Do (TKD) has
done it again.
In the past four years. ECU's
Tae Kwon Do Club has won seven
Collegiate National titles, over 60
ETF National titles, more than 20
North Carolina state titles, (putting
five people on the N.C. State TKD
team) and roughly 50 National
Capitol Open titles. They also boast
many state, regional and national
awards including this year's ETF In-
structor of the Year award given to
Instructor Terrance Evins and also
this year's ETF National Leader-
ship award given to Instructor
Chantel Sabus.
Sara Wind brought home
ECU's first silver medal at the Jun-
ior National Tae Kwon Do tourna-
ment held in Orlando. Fla June 24-
30. In the midst of over 5.000 com-
petitors and over 20.000 spectators
in the Orange County Convention
Center. Wind weaved through the
competition in her sparring divi-
sion to lose in a close finals match
that ended in a tiebreaker decision
match by the judges.
The Junior National Tae Kwon
Do Tournament is for competitors
18 years and under and it is one of
the top tournaments held every
year. The only way to get to the
tournament is by placing in the top
three in the state in your division
and then you earn a spot to be a
part of your state team.
Wind placed first in her divi-
sion to make the N.C. TKD team. A
select few of the competitors from
the tournament are asked to come
train with the Olympic Tae Kae Do
team, who will compete at the year
2000 Olympic Games in Sidney,
Wind, along with another ECU
Tae Kwon Do member, Tabitha
Clark (1994 ETF National Cham-
pion), will both be participating in
the exchange student program at
Yunsei University in Seoul, Korea.
Both will also be training in Tae
Kwon Do in the homeland of this
ancient 2000-year-old martial art.
They hope to gain greater
knowledge and to improve their
skills so they can bring ECU Tae
Kwon Do and ECU rec services
more regional, state and national
Under the guidance and expe-
rience of Master Byung S. Lee. Sa
Bum Nim Terrance Evins (ECU's
head instructor) and Sa Mae
Chantel Sabus (senior instructor),
the club hopes to continue its
Another growing martial arts
club is Tae Shudo. Thomas Guy
The Games
(Clockwise top L-R)
Basketball sensation
Oscar Schmidt,
contributes his
points for the
Brazilian team in
their 125-82 victory
over the Triangle All-
Stars. Former ECU
star and current NBA
player with the
Vancouver Grizzlies
Blue Edwards, led
the All-Stars with 17
points, while Lester
Lyons, also a former
Pirate, ended the
evening with 13
Blue Edwards (ECU)
Lester Lyons (ECU)
Nate Higgs (Elizabeth City State)
Cal Ferguson (Georgia Southern)
Keith Gray (Western Carolina)
Oscar Schmidt
Fernando Minucci
Pipoka Vianna
Rogerio Klafke
Olivia Nascimento
Rato Funseca
See KICK page 9
Men's basketball player Damon
Van Weerdhuizen, a rising junior,
has obtained his release from ECU
and will transfer to High Point Col-
lege. The 6-foot. 180-pound backup
to starting point guard Tony
Parham averaged 9.1 minutes per
game last season.
The opening up of the scholar-
ship will allow Garrett Blackwelder,
a 6-foot guard, to fill that position.
Blackwelder averaged 23 points, 5.3
rebounds, 4.0 assists and 3.0 steals
for the Saints last season.
Former Athletic Director Dave
Hart, now athletic director at
Florida State, has announced that
Pam Overton will be joining his staff
in Tallahassee. Overton has been an
assistant athletics director at ECU
in charge of the Student Develop-
ment Program for the past 12 years.
Overton is generally considered
as one of the nation's foremost au-
thorities on administration of a com-
prehensive development program
for all student-athletes. ECU's pro-
gram was chosen as one of five
model advisory programs for the
NCAA Life Skills Program.
Former ECU standout,
Theodore "Blue" Edwards, led the
Triangle All-Stars in its second ex-
hibition against the Brazilian Olym-
pic Team on Monday night. Despite
Edwards' 17 points. Brazil came
away with a 125-82 victory.
Edwards, currently with the
NBAs Vancouver Grizzlies, joined
the All-Star roster along with former
ECU players Lester Lyons, who
scored 13 points. Ronnell Peterson
who poured in five points and Von
Bryant who contributed five more.
Olympic great Oscar Schmidt
led the Brazilian National Team
with 28 points, nailing seven of 15
from beyond the three-point arc.
Caio Silviera led the Brazilian Olym-
pic Team with eight rebounds, while
Rato Funseca contributed eight as-
The Brazilian Olympic Team,
who has been practicing in
Greenville since July 10. leaves for
the Olympic games in Atlanta, Ga.

� . �
The East Carolinian
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IvICIV from page 8
Pendergrass, president of Tae
Shudo, attended Rickson Gracie
Jiu-Jitsu seminar in Charlotte June
22-23. The purpose of attending
this seminar was to relate the
knowledge and skills of Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu that he would acquire back
to Tae Shudo Club.
As a second-degree brown belt,
Thomas was delighted to see such
in-depth analysis of ground fighting.
All traditional styles of the martial
arts address the four ranges of com-
bat: kicking, punching, trapping and
grappling. How well each style ad-
dresses each range of combat is left
to be argued.
Since Tae Shudo itself is a pre-
dominantly striking art, Thomas
thought that it would only be ben-
eficial to attend to see the world-
renowned grappling style of Gracie
Jui-Jitsu. During the seminar, Gracie
taught defensive and offensive tech-
niques, which addressed stand up,
mount, guard, and cross mount po-
sitions. Techniques that were em-
phasized at the seminar included
arm locks, chocks (with or without
collar) and ankle locks.
The Tae Shudo Club is cur-
rently meeting at 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Monday through Thursday. The club
is looking forward to having a good
year and will continue to train hard.
For more information call rec-
reational services at 328-6317 or call
752-3900 and ask for Guy or Rob.
Irvin eludes jail time
(AP) - Michael Irvin was sen-
tenced Tuesday to four years probation
and fined $10,000 after the Dallas
Cowboys receiver pleaded no contest
to a second-degree felony cocaine pos-
session charge.
State District Judge Manny
Alvarez accepted the terms of a plea
bargain worked out Monday. The pro-
bation is considered deferred adjudi-
cation, meaning the charge will be
erased from his record if Irvin stays .
out of trouble for four years.
Alvarez warned Irvin that any vio-
lation of his probation could trigger a
"Then the full range of punish-
ment is available to me the judge said.
The judge also ordered Irvin to
perform 800 hours of community ser-
The judge said the first one-third
of Irvin's community service would be
work such picking up roadside trash
or helping at an AIDS resource center.
Alvarez warned Irvin that should
he violate the probation, he could be
sentenced to up to 20 years in prison.
"I want you to know and under-
stand that four years of deferred adju-
dication is not a cakewalk the judge
Irvin appeared subdued at the
hearing. His wife, Sandi, and two young
daughters were with him in court for
the first time during the trial.
. Alvarez ordered Irvin to submit to
a drug evaluation within 45 days and
to undergo court-approved psychologi-
cal counseling.
Although Irvin is likely to be pun-
ished by the NFL, he's free to be in
Austin for the opening of Cowboys
training camp today.
The NFL has been saying for
months that it wouldn't rule on Irvin's
eligibility until the trial concluded. On
Monday, NFL spokesman Greg Aiello
said Irvin's status "will be reviewed
under the terms of our substance
abuse policy
Although it's possible Irvin's
record could be cleansed of the charge,
the NFL could decide that evidence
and testimony from the trial is prob-
able cause for a suspension. He could
be kept off the field without pay from
for four games to an entire season. He
makes $102,647 per game.
"Michael is glad to get this behind
him and get back on with his life de-
fense attorney Don Godwin said Mon-
day. "He intends to get down to Austin
to be part of the training camp and to
help the Dallas Cowboys
Lead prosecutor Mike Gillett said
attorneys had been discussing a pos-
sible plea "from indictment to today
"I think the important thing is it's
been disposed of in what 1 see as a
positive manner for our office and for
Mr. Irvin he said.
While the timing of the decision
keeps Irvin's football career on track,
it also came amid testimony from top-
less dancer Rachelle Smith, the
prosecution's star witness.
"Let's make sure, ladies and
gentlemen, that everyone understands
that Michael Irvin's plea of no contest
was not as a result of the testimony of
Rachelle Smith defense attorney
Royce West said, adding that attorneys
were prepared to cross-examine Smith
The deal was sealed, West said,
because prosecutors withdrew their
demand that Irvin plead guilty and
agree to five years' probation. "A plea
of guilty may very well have (had) a
significant impact on his ability to con-
tinue to play ball West said.
On Friday, Smith testified outside
the jury's presence that Irvin claimed
ownership of the drugs hours after a
March 4 bust at an Irving motel net-
ted 10.3 grams of cocaine, more than
an ounce of marijuana and drug para-
She also said Irvin had threatened
her on several occasions but the dis-
trict attorney's office is not consider-
ing filing witness-tampering charges.
"It's a dead issue Gillett said.
Smith is the girlfriend of Johnnie
Hernandez, the ex-Dallas police officer
accused of hiring a hitman to have Irvin
killed, reportedly in retaliation for his
threats against Smith.
Also indicted after the motel raid
were topless dancers Angela Beck and
Jasmine Nabwangu, who were in the
motel suite with Irvin. Alfredo Roberts,
a former teammate of Irvin's, was
present that night but not indicted.
Beck and Nabwangu still face
across from the courthouses on the comer
of Evans and Third street
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Home Style Meals
204 S.W. Greenville Blvd.
Greenville, NC 27835
919321 � 1700 Phone
919-32W267 fax
llam-9pm Sun-Thurs
11 am-10pm Fri & Sat
The Menu
"The Freshest Thing Qoing" says it all when the
name Boston Market is mentioned. We
offer a wide variety of entrees and
over 20 vegetables and side items.
With our fresh ingredients and
made from scratch dishes, Boston
Market brings the memories of the
past to the presesnt.
Expires July 3, 1996
! Any Carver !
I Sandwich,
i i
j Side Item and!
! Drink
j 14 Chicken Meal
! With Corn,
i Homestyle Mashed
i i
i i
i i
i i
Potatoes, &
Expires July 3, 1996
Expires July 3, 1996
Boston Market Catering '
Boston Market will cater your business luncheon, church
event, picnic, banquet, wedding, or party!

Wednesday, July 17,1996
The East Carolinian
The East Carolinian
Summer Classifieds
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
One and two bedroom apart-
ments $285-$340. Water-
sewage, Free Washer-Dryer
Hookups. Quiet location
near Malls and Restaurants.
Call 355-4499
Brasswood apts.
Near Lowes
Pitt Property Management
758-1921 "
108a Brownlea Dr.
�WESLEY COMMONS: 1 and 2 bed-
room, range.refrigerator washer, dryer
hookups, decks and patios in most units,
laundry facility, sand volley court.
Located 5 blocks from campus. Free
water, sewer, cable.
� WYNDHAM CT: 2 bedrooms, stove,
refrigerator, dishwasher, washerdryer
hoofcups. patios on 1st floor, located 5
blocks from campus.
appliances, water, basic cable. 5 blocks
from campus. New ownership. $375
deposit, S375month
ROOM, $275, on river, watersewer
included, walk-in closet, spacious bed-
room, on-site laundry.
3 bedroom. 28.12 bath Townhomes
Pets allowed. 401b limit. Carport,
balcony, exterior storage room.
Amenities: washer&dryer included,
garbage disposal, dishwasher. Nothing ir�
the area compares Reasonably Priced!
Call Pitt Prop. Management at 758-1921
MATE wanted to share three bedroom
house on Meade St. Close to Campus.
WD, AC. $242month13 bills.
Call 752-6999
2BR apt; Available 81796; Rent is
$167.50 permo. Non-smoker, grad
student preferred & must like cats! For
more info call (910) 371-3543
roommate wanted ASAP to share 4-
BR house on Jarvis St Pet OK. Wash-
erdryer, private room wcable. MF
call 752-9102
ASAP. Must like to have fun but also
a serious student Smoker preferred.
Call Brande at 7540337 Or 758-3810
1203 FORBES ST. 1BD 1 Bath W
D Hookup, Remodeled Kitchen &
Bath. Big Rooms, Nice Yard, Pets OK,
Lawncare included! $30umonth 830-
from Campus. IBRlBath. $305mo.
with utilities included. No high bills
and No pets. Single occupancy only!
For more information Call 757-9387
apartment Campus, Private Drive,
Air, $250.00, Half utilities, Mature, Re-
sponsible, Non-smoker, Must like Goo-
fy Cat Semi-neat person, Easy going,
Call Jennifer. August 7586834
1205 FORBES ST. 3BD 1 Bath, W
D Hookup, Remodeled Kitchen &
Bath, Central AC & Heat Nice yard,
Pets OK Lawncare included! $500
month 830-9502
115 E. 13TH ST. 5BD2 Bath, WD
Hookup, Stove, Frig, Central Heat Big
Rooms, Lots of Parking. Lawncare in-
cluded, Pets OK! $850month. 830-
113 E. 13TH ST. 3BD1 Bath Wash-
erDryer, Frig, Stove, Window AC
and Ceiling Fans. Lawncare included.
Pets OK! $550month 830-9502
CIRCLE Duplexes. 2br, 2 bath, fire-
place, deck, ceiling fans. $275 12
utilities. $200 Deposit Lease available
August 1st 752-0097
Walking distance to campus. Own
room, washer and dryer, and lots of
extras. Call 752-8682
IMMEDIATELY Two bedroom apart-
ment close to campus. $200 12 util-
ities. If interested please call 758-3299
TO share 2 bedroom, 1 12 bath
apartment. Avail. 8-1. Walking dis-
tance to campus. WD hook-ups. Pets
OK. Call 931-0358
en privileges. Female Professional or
Graduate Student $200 per month
plus utilities. Call Elizabeth at 355-
0687 evenings or Dr Adder's resi-
dence 355-6203.
113 E. 13TH ST. lBDlBath Stove,
Frig, Central Heat AC Unit Ceiling
Fans, Off Street Parking, Pets OK,
Lawncare included. $200month 830-
share 3 bedroom house close to cam-
pus. $250.00. 1 12 bath. Possible
Pets. No furniture needed. Call Kim
at 830-9036
Grunge. Bring Gifts! Good Humor.
HOUSE FOR RENT: Close to Hos-
pital. 3 Bdrm, 1 Bath. Central Heat
& Air, Lots of storage, Large yard w
large dog run, New fridge, Washdry
hook-ups. One year lease. References
required. Call 321-0278. Available Au-
gust 1st
room with shared bath. Top Greenville
Neighborhood. Kitchen privileges, util-
ities furnished. Non-smoker, Graduate
Student only. Available July. $210
month. 756-2027
Great location on ECU Bus Route.
Rent $155, 13 utilities. Two room
available. Cable included. Call Stacie
105 E. 11TH ST. 3BD1 Bath, W
D, DW, Central AC & Heat Nice Pri-
vate Back Yard. Lawncare included,
Pets OK! $640month. 830-9502
$800mo. Can be separated into 2
places. 3BR2 Bath for $550mo. and
IBRlBath for $200mo. Call 757-
9387 for more information.
before. One bedroom close to campus.
Water, sewer, cable. No deposit Pets
okay. Call 752-8985. Leave a message.
1 AND 2 BEDROOM Apartments,
Duplexes and Townhouses for rent
Many locations to choose from. Cur-
rently Pre-Leasing for the Fall. Call
Wainwright Property Management
MALE roommate wanted to share 2
bedroom, 1 12 bath apartment.
$175month 12 utilities and
phone. Washer Dryer. Call 754-2419
bedroom house, Eastern Street AC
Heat Big room with private entrance,
$200 rent $200 Deposit 13 utilities,
Non-smoker female preferred: Michelle
FOR apt 12 block from campus, 3
blocks from downtown & 2 blocks
from supermarketlaundramat Rent
includes utilities, phone & cable. 757-
2p.m. MONDAY for
next Wednesday's
All Greek organizations must be spelled out - no
abbreviations. The East Carolinian reserves the right to
reject any ad for libel, obscenity andor bad taste.
25 words or fewer
Each word over
25, add 5t
For bold, add$1
$150 rent 13 utilities. Must like
animals. Smoker Okay. Responsible,
Clean. No Greeks. No Country, No
Looking for a new
living space for 1996?
Check with the
Methodist Student
Center, 501 East Fifth
Call our office between
12:00 - 4:00 pm.
Come take a walk through the construction
site of our newly renovated complex located
on West Eighth Street.
Brand new 3 bedroom apartments
2 full baths
Water and sewer included
Close to campus and downtown
Managed by
For Sale
- Students Needed! Fishing Industry.
Earn up to $3.O0O-$6,000 per month.
Room and Board! Transportation!
Male or Female. No experience neces-
sary. Call (206) 971-3510 ext A53625
AVAILABLE with Northwestern Mu-
tual Life. Must be good public speak-
er. Call Jeff Mahoney at 355-7700
NEEDED to assist physically disabled
student. Must be non-smoker. Will re-
quire about 35 hrs7 day wk Vaca-
tion 1 wkd6 wks off. Pay is negoti-
able; or willing to subsidize rent. Call
Kevin at (919) 467-5804
are looking for an excellent paying job
give us a call. Playmates Massage
Snow Hill NC - 919-747-7686
EARN up to $25-45hr. teaching ba-
sic conversational English in Japan,
Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching back-
ground or Asian languages required.
For information call:(206)971-
world while earning an excellent in-
come in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour
Industry. Seasonal & full-time em-
ployment available. No experience nec-
essary. For more information call 1-
206-971-3550 ext C53626
AIRLINE JOBS - Applications are
now being accepted for domestic &
international staff! Flight attendants,
ticket agents, reservationists, ground
crew more. Excellent travel bene-
fits! Call Airline Employment Servic-
es for details. 1-206-971-3690 ext.
Begin now. for free info call 202-298-
rain? Rent a canopy! Two canopies for
rent $125.00 delivered and set-up or
$80.00 as-is per day. Deposit required.
752-5533 Ask for Jenn.
WWW.TAKEME.COM scholarships,
academic & career resources, intern-
ships, sports, news, entertainment,
travel, music, debates and 1,000's of
links. �
Billion in public and private sector
grants & scholarships is now available.
All students are eligible regardless of
grades, income, or parent's income.
Let us help. Call Student Financial
Services: l-800-263-6495extF53627
Lost and
Bellied Parrot named Terra. Lost in
Greenville near Darryl's. Reward. If
found please feed her sunflower seeds
and Call Bryan at 758-9392
jftfe ijjjk
Language Academy is trying to find a
room for a male student (native of
Thailand) from July 22 - August 23.
Must be near campus or on the ECU
bus route. Anyone wanting to earn
some extra cash please call Mike at
328-6399 for Additional information.
Video Year Book is available to be
picked up at The Media Board Office
located in the Student Publications
Bjdg. across from Joyner Library.
Services Fitness Program is offering
Drop-in passes for aerobics. A Drop-
in allows you to attend any of the five
classes ranging from Hi-Lo Impact to
Belly Busters. Interested individuals
can purchase a pass in 204 Christen-
bury. For more information call Re-
creational Services at 328-6387
To all fresbmem
If you enjoy taking
Cires and know
to develop
film yon might
want to consider a
job with its at The
East Carolinian.
Apply at our office
on the second floor
of The Student
Building across
from Joyner
PUTER (laptop) 640K RAM, 20MB
Hard Drive, Modem. Tandy JP250 Ink-
jet Printer. $600 for both. Call 758-
old, spad, black and tan, extra large
kennel included, all shots and medi-
cines to a great home, great with
people. $250 (752-9523) (910) 643-
3.8L, 115 MLS, Mint Cond, AC, AT,
PS, Negotiate. Reasonable price. Call
Dmitry 413-0711.
VFR 750 "93" MOTORCYCLE, me-
tallic white, corbin seat Yosh pipe,
center stand, new tire and chain, op-
tional clock, never been down, all
records, excellent shape, 24K $6,200.
JVC 4-head stereo VCR with remote,
still in perfect condition, paid $500
in 1994, will take $250 OBO. Call
Brandon 830-2675 or 328-6366.
Having trouble
finding where to
drop off Classifieds
Laundry facilities on site
6 month or 1 year leases

SINGER wanted to play in Band. Clas-
sic and Progressive Rock. Please call
Steve at 754-2171. Leave message.
ticket for Wed. Aug. 7th at Walnut
Creek. I need to switch with some-
one who has a ticket for the Tues.
Aug. 6th show. Please call Amanda at
328-7833 or 328-6366. i
Forms for
Classifieds and
can be picked up
in Mendenhall and
dropped off in the

The East Carolinian, July 17, 1996
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 17, 1996
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