The East Carolinian, April 11, 1996

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J ?wipInhMIHiMIwii
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Apri 11,1996
Vol 71, No. 53
The East Carolinia
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
14 pases
An Onslow County mother has
pleaded guilty to voluntary man-
slaughter in the death of her 18-
month-old child, her second convic-
tion on charges of abusing her chil-
Latashia M. Watson accepted a
plea bargain Tuesday in Onslow
County Superior Court just before
a jury was to begin hearing open-
ing statements on whether she com-
mitted second-degree murder. Judge
James R. Strickland sentenced Ms.
Watson to between three and 4 12
years in prison.
On March 31 last year, Onslow
rescue workers responded to a call
that Darien Jenkins had stopped
breathing. His mother had been seen
carrying the child from another
home earlier, and doctors later de-
termined, based on the child's body
temperature, that the child had been
dead about six hours.
WASHINGTON (AP) - An anti-
smoking group is asking the govern-
ment to block test marketing of R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco Cos smokeless
cigarette, Eclipse, calling it a "nico-
tine delivery device
Eclipse is RJR's long-promised
cigarette that heats tobacco instead
of burning it, thus eliminating 90
percent of the secondhand smoke
of traditional cigarettes. It also pro-
duces no lingering odor and is less
likely to start a fire if dropped, RJR
Around the Country
- Hacked up body parts found in
eight large garbage bags have been
tentatively identified as those of a
prominent Russian cancer re-
Authorities believe the body
parts found in East Rutherford are
those of Yakov Gluzman, 48. of Pearl
River, N.Y acting Bergen County
Prosecutor Charles R. Buckley said
? A 7-year-old girl who says "I just
like to fly" took off Wednesday on
the first leg of a flight she hopes
will make her the youngest pilot to
ever fly across North America.
Jessica Dubroff, wearing a cap
emblazoned "Women Fly" and ear-
phones too big for her head, took
off from Half Moon Bay Airport at
7 a.m saluting friends with a dip of
the wings before flying away.
The 4'2" student pilot, using
extensions to reach the control ped-
als in the four-seat Cessna 177B. was
accompanied by her flight instruc-
tor, Joe Reid, and father, Lloyd
Around the World
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Gov-
ernment warplanes bombed Kurdish
rebel territory in southeastern Tur-
key Wednesday, then ground troops
moved into the mountainous terrain
to flush out survivors of a bloody
five-day campaign.
The military claims 99 rebels
and 30 soldiers were killed five days
into the offensive, which has relied
heavily on air power. Rebels claim
72 soldiers and 15 civilians were
Election Committee: Expressions
tops in region
A - Sf No new election
Around the State
Tambra Zion
ECU's Election Committee, made
up of 19 poll takers, chair and vice chair
of the elections committee, met at 6
p.m. last night in Mendenhall to hear
candidates' complaints.
Student Government Association
(SGA) Speaker Harry Bray announced
that two complaints had been filed for
the committee to review. Sixteen mem-
bers of the committee were present,
as well as SGA Attorney General Dawn
In a Monday, April 8th meeting
with Dean of Students Ron Speier and
election candidates, the time for filing
complaints had been extended, but
Bray said that was not an official meet-
ing and therefore, the additional com-
plaints filed against the election pro-
cess by Secretarial candidate J. Miles
Layton and Presidential candidate John
Lynch would not be heard.
Lynch's original complaint was the
first to be heard.
In addressing his complaint Lynch
said he was unable to obtain a copy of
the polling results, that there were
"multiple problems at the polling
places and that student IDs were not
marked properly or at all. The commit-
tee voted against all three counts and
did not call for a new election. Lynch
said he will appeal the decision today.
"I definitely disagree Lynch said
following the meeting. "That's why I
plan to file a complaint to the review
board tomorrow. My major disagree-
ment is with their inability to hear my
full complaint.
"The official complaint that the
Election Committee went through, the
purpose of that was not to call for an-
other election. That complaint was
made to inform that problems were
spotted in the election process. In a
way, I understand why they voted no
(to a new election), but that's not what
I called for in the first complaint It's
See SGA page 4
Out of
the way!
Dean Johnson and
Kevin Sumner try the
Drunk Driving Simulator
Wednesday in front of
the student stores. The
display, part of the N.C.
Highway Safety
Exposition, was brought
to campus as a Health
5345 (Alcohol
Education) class project
for Alcohol Awareness
Faculty and students arrested
Fund-raiser uses
bail to support
Special Olympics
Stephanie Ann Eaton
Senior Writer
The Greenville Police Depart-
ment is ready to throw ECU faculty
and students behind bars.
The police department along
with the Inter-Fraternity Council
(IFC) and Panhellenic Council are
sponsoring a "Jail Bail" to raise funds
for the Special Olympics. Students
and faculty will be thrown in jail by
a S.W.A.T team and will not be able
to be released until a donation or
"bail" is posted.
Throughout the year the police
department has participated in sev-
eral fund-raising activities for the
Special Olympics. Their goal is to
raise $50,000.
Dr. Ronald Speier, dean of stu-
dents, supports the fundraising
"I don't mind cooperating with
the program Speier said. "This
fund-raiser supports the Greeks on
campus, the Greenville Police Depart-
ment and the Special Olympics
Speier said he believes that the
Greeks supporting the Greenville Po-
lice Department is a positive experi-
ence for the university and the com-
"Greeks supporting the
Greenville Police Department is a
positive community service Speier
said. "It is a worthwhile cause. I re-
ally appreciate the Greeks participat-
ing in this program. The money that
will be raised will go to a local pro-
gram. This really will give the Greeks
positive visibility. I applaud their ef-
Dr. Laura Sweet, assistant dean
of students and panhellenic advisor
See BAIL page 4
Club owner jailed in murder-for-hire scheme
Amy L. Royster
Staff Writer
The part owner of a Greenville nightclub, fre-
ouented by students, spent the weekend in jail charged
with three counts to solicit murder and two counts to
solicit maiming, before she posted bail Tuesday.
According to Detective John Teal, of the Greenville
Police Department, (the Greenville Police Report was
not available by press time) Brenda Malaguti, partial
owner of the Texas Two Step, located on N. Green
St was arrested Saturday.
Malaguti was charged with soliciting to hire some-
one to murder or maim her former stepson Frank
Fleming of 1000 E. 10th St. and former business as-
sociate Dwight Lee McLeod of 610 Cotanche St.
Detective Teal said that Malaguti was released on
a $105,000 bond Tuesday.
Detective Teal said that the Greenville Police De-
Hootie! Hootie! Hootiepage
Montana, a haven for terroristspage O
partment began investigating Malaguti after the per-
son she allegedly solicited to hire came forward and
spoke to the police.
"One of the victims who was threatened came to
us and felt that his life was in danger Teal said. "A
person she solicited also came to the police
The investigation was kept out of the media un-
til the investigating officers had established a case.
"It (the investigation) was pretty standard for the
type of complaint being investigated Teal said. "You
want to get a grip on the facts before it is a large
public item
According to Teal, the investigation lasted approxi-
mately six to eight weeks before Malaguti's arrest.
Teal said that before Malaguti contacted her at-
torneys Saturday, she made a brief statement to the
police in which she denied all allegations.
Detective Teal said that in two to three weeks.
See CLUB page 4
Marguerite Benjamin
Assistant News Editor
After participating in the So-
ciety of Professional Journalists
(SPJ) Mark of Excellence Competi-
tion, Expressions, ECU's minority
magazine, was awarded the honor
of Best Student Magazine Pub-
lished More Than Once a Year.
On Saturday, March 30, during
the SPJ Region Two Conference in
Annapolis. MD, forty-three awards
were given in a contest with 28 cat-
egories of entries from college cam-
pus newspapers, magazines, pho-
tography and radio and television
broadcasts. -
Expressions entered the com-
petition as Region Two partici-
pants, said MichelleTerry, general
manager of the magazine. Other
states registered as Region Two
participants included Maryland,
Delaware, District of Columbia and
Expressions was in competi-
tion with 126 publications from
N.C. universities including Duke
University, N.C. State University
and UNC-Chapel Hill.
"This was the first time we en-
Cover of latest EXPRESSIONS
tered this competition Terry said.
"In the category of Best Student
Magazine Published More Than
Once A Year, we placed first in our
region followed by UNC-Chapel Hill
which received second and third
place awards for two separate pub-
The articles Expressions en-
tered were taken from the
magazine's Fall 1995 issues. Terry
said articles from the latest issue
would have been entered as well,
See TOP page 3
Career Services
EXPOses opportunities
Several events
planned for
different majors
Debra Byrne
Staff Writer
Leave your jeans at home and
dress to make a great first impression
because on Wed. April 17, ECU will
hold their first Career Expo.
Career Services will introduce this
event to campus as one of their many
services to help further the career goals
of students. Other events being offered
are a Science Career Day today and a
Social WorkCriminal Justice Career
Day on Monday the 15th.
The Expo is geared toward all stu-
dents and will expose them to the idea
of a career. Over 40 employers will at-
tend this Expo and will share informa-
tion to those interested in their orga-
This will be an informal way to
get information about prospective em-
ployers. Whether you are a freshman
or a senior, the Expo will be beneficial
for everyone.
Tables will be set up from 10 a.m.
until 12:30 p. m. in front of the Stu-
dent Stores. The rain sight will be in
the General Classroom Building.
Representatives from various or-
ganizations will be there to answer
questions, tell about their application
process and speak about possible ca-
reers with their organization and why
they enjoy working for that firm.
Since career development begins
with networking, this event and the
other two events will allow students
to welcome these guests to campus and
make a positive impression for ECU.
Dr. James Westmoreland, director
of career services, said these organiza-
tions will have information that will
directly or indirectly affect your career
"The Expo will allow students to
be informed about the career search
and development" Westmoreland said.
"It is put in a place where people will
go by and be exposed to ideas about
their career development. Students
may consider career or part-time op-
portunities while they are in school.
They can explore ways to obtain rel-
evant work experience
See CAREER page 4
Career Expo Participants
9th St. active feet, Inc.
Barrus Construction
Brody's Inc.
Burlington Industries
Business Telecom Inc. (BTI)
Cape fear Council Boys Scouts
Civilian Human Resources Office-
Clayton Homes
Crystal Coast Therapy Services,
Inc. '
ECU Human Resources
ECU Recreational Services
Ferguson Enterprises
Fidelity Bank
Foot Action USA
FranklenNew Image Financial
Grady White Boats
Heileg Meyers
Holiday Inn reservations
Home Savings
Jacksonville Police Department
Jefferson-Pilot Life Insurance Co.
Lanier Worldwide
McFladrey & Pullen
Murphy Farms, Inc.
New Bern Building Supply
New York Life Insurance Co.
Northern Reflections
Northwestern Mutual Life
Olde Discount Corporation
Premier Industrial
Prudential Preferred Financial
Regional Acceptance Corp.
Simpson Industries
Sprint Mid-Aianric CoCarolina
The Limited
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Secret Service
Wachovia Bank of NC
West Point Stevens, Inc.
Athlete makes it to first basepage
f?W t teac4 ud
Sunny, warmer
(newsroom) 328 - 6366
(advertising) 328-2000
328 - 6558
The East Carolinian
Student Publication Bldg
2nd floor
Greenville, NC 27858
Student Pubs Building;
across from Joyner

Thursday, April 11,1996
The East Carolinian
Student-turned-actress turns student again
April 3
Attempting to sell books without ID - A staff member reported
that three subjects attempted to sell several books in the student store
without proper identification. The manager of UBE downtown advised
that the same subjects were in UBE acting suspicious.
April 4
24-hour lock up - A resident of Aycock Hall was confined at the Pitt
County Detention Center under a 24-hour lockup for his own protec-
tion due to being highly intoxicated and yelling in Aycock Hall.
Harassing phone calls - A resident of Tyler Hall reported receiving
harassing phone calls from a non-student
Trespassing - A non-student was arrested for trespassing after he
had been told to leave campus and he came back. The subject had been
causing problems at Ringgold Towers and was told to leave that location
by Ringgold Towers personnel.
Damage to property and larceny - An officer found five vehicles
parked at Curry Court that had been damaged. Items were stolen out of
two of the vehicles.
Breaking and entering vehicle - An officer found a vehicle parked
in the Third and Reade Streets parking lot with a window broken and
the hood partially open. Contact was attempted with the victim, a resi-
dent of Jarvis Hall.
Larceny - A faculty member reported the larceny of his office phone
from a room in the General Classroom Building.
Larceny from motor vehicle - A resident of Garrett Hall reported
the larceny of several compact disks from his car parked in the Third
and Reade Streets parking lot
Possession of stolen property, Simple possession of marijuana &
Underage possession of alcohol - A staff member reported the odor of
burning marijuana coming from a room in Scott Hall. The resident gave
consent to search his room. During the search, two street signs, two
kegs, two bottles of wine and a bottle of liquor were found. He was
issued a state citation for possession of marijuana and underage posses-
sion of alcohol. He received a campus appearance ticket for using mari-
Damage to property - A resident of Belk Hall reported damage to
his bicycle while it was secured in the bike rack east of Belk Hall.
Compiled by Marguerite Benjamin. Taken from official ECU police reports.
Sharon Franklin
Staff Writer
This ECU drama student worked
with Julia Roberts, Andy Griffith,
Keith Carradine among others in
some of the country's most popular
television shows and films before re-
turning to campus this past fall.
Hoisting a gargantuan bookbag
onto the desk while brushing pale
wisps of hair from her brilliant blue
eyes, the small, sturdy student sighed
and said, " This terrifies me. I don't
know why anyone would be inter-
ested in me
A Carteret County native,
Brinley Vickers, always wanted to act
Beginning at age six, she performed
regularly in local and school produc-
tions. She enjoyed both science and
acting in high school. When the 17
year oM freshman arrived at ECU in
1984, pressure from her parents to
"use your brain and have a career
resulted in her decision to major in
"If I'd stayed in science, I could
have gotten out and made $50,000 a
year, " Vickers said. "That was very
appealing to my parents when com-
pared to my 'pounding the pave-
ments' for a commercial
For two years, Vickers concen-
trated on her studies and for the first
time since she was six, was not in-
volved in the theater at all. She
missed the opportunity to be creative
and tried out for a campus produc-
"I got the part and loved it
Vickers said. "After working at other
things, I knew this was what would
keep me stable
For another year and a half,
Vickers continued to pursue her sci-
ence degree while also performing in
various theatrics. Deciding finally to
study acting full-time, the 21 yr. old
Vickers interviewed for the profes-
sional acting program and was ac-
"I never stopped working
Vickers said. "It was back-to-back
shows. I felt fortunate to be working
on the shows I did. Don Biehn (ECU
professional acting program instruc-
tor) was instrumental in getting me
to trust myself. I got a lot of oppor-
tunities in school, and I was in great
Citing the constant struggle to
earn enough money to pay the bills
while attending classes full-time and
spending most evenings in rehears-
als, Vickers eventually dropped out
of the acting program.
"Money was always a problem
Vickers said. "1 had to work full-time.
You can't just go to class. You've got
to be available for workshops and re-
hearsals too. I couldn't work that
hard and be fully committed to the
acting. After a while, I'd lost my life
Settling in Wilmington, a town
known for its strong acting commu-
nity, Vickers' goal was to perform at
historic Thalian Hall. But with debts
to pay, she became manager of a res-
Though she enjoyed the chal-
lenges of her job immensely, after
two years away from the stage, de-
pression set in.
"I was a basket case without a
creative outlet Vickers said. "I quit
my job and in 3 days I got an agent,
head shots and the lead in a
mainstage production at Thalian Hall
with a professional acting company.
It was like winning the lottery
Her first professional job made
her realize how college had spoiled
her. Instead of just acting her role,
she was now expected to help with
publicity, scenery and other facets of
the production.
"I 'd only studied acting before
Vickers said. "This made me realize
that the more you know about all as-
pects of theater, the more hirable you
are. I knew I needed to come back
and learn the backstage stuff
But the acting itself went well.
"I was in great shape from my
ECU days, and I got great roles
Vickers said. "I'm not a natural
though. I worked hard
More and more television and
film productions came to Wilmington
and Vickers campaigned hard to win
a chance to work in front of a cam-
"I wrote letters to producers ask-
ing them to see my shows Vickers
said. "The supervising producer of
Brinkley Arden Vickers
Matlock came to see me as Shelby
in Steel Magnolias and offered me a
Camera work differs from the
stage and Vickers had to learn on the
"I was terrified Vickers said
I'd left school without taking those
classes and I didn't know what I was
doing. My first job was with Andy
Griffith. I had always loved him, and
now I was working with him. The
See STUDENT page 3
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There'll be FREE coffee and donuts during the evening. Plus
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The Officers and Faculty Adviser of
Congratulate the following freshmen on their initiation
into the national honorary that recognizes them for their academic
success during their freshman year in college and wish them
continued excellence during their academic careers.
j Country Line Dance Lessons
The 1996-97 Student Organization Registration forms are
available. Register your organization now!
All student organizations must register with the University each
year through the office of Student Leadership Development
Programs. Although your organization's registration is not due
until September 15, 1996, get the jump on the new school year
and register now.
For more information, come by MSC 109 or call 328-4796.
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&?? s wf mum wmum wi mum sa? iS
Rania Abdel-Rahman
Christopher Todd Adams
Robbie Curtis Allen
Kristen Marie Ashcraft
Kelly Maureen Baier
Hannah Elizabeth Balcome
Nicole Tennille Blanchflower
Sharon Morris Bland
Shirley House Bowen
Jennifer Leigh Boyd
Jaime Renee Bradley
Charlene Denise Bright
Kate Elizabeth Burkett
Erika Brooke Campbell
Karen Elizabeth Carmona
Allison Ann Carstens
Tara Lyn Cerveny
Woodrow Wilson Cheesman
Stacey Danielle Cole
Amanda Hilton Comstock
Rebecca Ullman Cooper
Bettina Mae Cox
Derrick Ralph Cruz
Jonathan Michael Cyrus
Lania Virginia Damore
Tonya Jean Daughtry
Shomari Mashama Davidson
Melanie B. Davis
Angela Ruth Deans
Matthew Hamilton Dickens
Nash Charles Dreyer
Adrienne Marie Elwell
Kasey Sue Etheridge
Ronald Marion Evans
Hugh Edsel Finch
Bryan Douglas Flynn
Terry Schuyler Ford
Amanda Scott Garner
Mary Christina Giusto
Shannon Gayle Glass
Kathrine Renea Golden
Kimberly Robin Griffin
David Sean Vincent Grue
Evan Sterling Gutshall
Candace Michelle Hall
Brandy Layne Harper
Shannon Michelle Healy
Joanna Dae Herring
Laura Lee Hines
Holly Anne Honaker
James Thomas Scott Hopkins
Tracy Nicole Hyde
Kellie Lynn Icard
Bonnie Jo Johnson
Nadia Renee Johnson
Jennifer Marie Johnston
Christie Lynn Joyner
Kristen Lorraine Keeley
Kimberly Renea King
Rebecca Jo Klooz
Kathryn Ruth Kohn
Julia Elizabeth Lewis
Heidi Mariaine Limbrunner
Laetitia Antoinette Lisane
Beverly Hughes Lohorn
Melanie Yvonne Lowe
Tracy Michelle Lowry
Christina Marie Maday
Alicia Kathleen Main
Meredith Megan Manoly
Emily Ann Marco
James Melvin McGuire, Jr.
Jennifer Elayne McKellar
Caroline Elizabeth Moock
Caulder Douglas Munnell
Binh Thanh Nguyen
Nathaniel James Novak
Angela Marie Oakley
Stephanie Lynn Page
Amy Lee Paramore
Jody Morton Paramore
Joanna Dee Patton
Joyce Noel Piedrafita
Emily Sowell Ping
Amy Nicole Pittard
Tammie Dian Powell
Natalie Anne Roberts
Mary Morris Rogers
Franklin Tyler Ross
Stephanie Ann Russell
Brenda K. Sandridge
Laura McNair Sawyer
Sarah Elizabeth Schepers
Emily Rennee Schoen
Vaishali Kulin Shah
Jamie Ann Sherrod
Allison Leigh Shidal
Jerod Palmer Smith
Nathan Lloyd Smith
Brooke Nicole Sprouse
Jessica Joy Stair
Kimberly Renee Stallings
Jeanne Danielle Stanley
Melissa Renee Stevens
Kelly Ann Stone
David Efic Sturm
Cheryl Jean Suggs
Laura Elizabeth Sutton
Tammy Hern Sutton
Deanna Faye Swain
Heather Kaye Swartzlander
Stacey Lynn Tuck
Stephanie Lynn Turnage
Kristine Ellen Vanrensselaer
Angela Volpe
Kimberly Anne Wagoner
Stephanie Lynn Watson
Christopher Brandon White
Stephen Alston White
Shannon Michelle Whitman
Crystal Gayle Whittington
Charles William Wills
Kara Christine Wilt
Sean Raymond Woehrie
Alexis Worchesky
Mahtsente Worku
Stephanie Lynn Zellner
Initiation Ceremony Thursday, April 11. 1996, 7pm, in Jenkins Auditorium

-?, ? ?
The East Carolinian
Thursday, April 11,1996
is- s 50'
I At Earre.LTD.
Afore Than A Dance Wear Shop!
STUDENT from page 2
work itself was wonderful and fast
Looking back, Vickers realizes
she was fortunate that those she
worked with were willing to help her
learn what she had missed in leav-
ing college.
"Every time I did something, I
wished I'd taken more classes
Vickers said. "The only reason I got
anywhere was my attitude. Nobody
wants to work with a jerk. I watched
and learned from these people and
they were willing to help me
hang on for the comedy
that goes to infinity
and Beyond!
Thursday, April 11
Friday, April 12
Saturday, April 13
Sunday, April 14 @ 2:00 PM
For More Information, Call the
Student Union Hotline at 328-6004.
All films start at 8:00 PM unless otherwise noted
and are FREE to Students, Faculty, and Staff
(one guest allowed) with valid ECU ID.
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$1 5.98
WEEK 10 AM -
Vickers was especially im-
pressed by the hard work and com-
mitment of Kelly McGillis, Harry
Hamlin and Keith Carradine on the
set of the TV movie, In the Best of
"This business is really hard
Vickers said. " Sure, some people
work because they know somebody
or they look great, but mostly, it's
just hard work
She is definitely not interested
in Hollywood glamour.
"If I had the attitude that i'm
pretty-put me on camera I'd be
working with those kind of people
Vickers said. "I'm not interested
Not that every job was intellec-
tually stimulating. The low spot of
her career was an info-mercial.
"It was a bad experience, but not
a waste Vickers said. "I learned
something. Mostly I learned not to
do another info-mercial
A high spot had to be whepj she
was flown first class to Beaufort, SC
for three days of filming with Julia
Roberts. The movie was Something
to Talk About.
"I had a good experience work-
ing wijth her (Roberts) and she was
nice to me as far as it was possible
for her to be nice to a bit player
Working with Roberts made it
Under the Army's Loan
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clear to Vickers that fame is an un-
welcome part of the business.
"I don't ever want to be as big
as she is Vickers said. "I watched
her have no privacy. I biked around
town and enjoyed myself while she
could not even walk down the street.
If it happens, I'll deal with it, but I
have no desire to be the next Sandra
Though life was good and she
was supporting herself as an actor,
she looked around her one day and
saw herself doing the exact same
thing 10, 20 or 30 years down the
road. Her life needed some new de-
"If you don't go for it, you wake
up one day at 60 or 70 and say 'I
coulda' or 'what if Vickers said.
"I'd rather wake up at 60 and say 'I
did' and 'I still am doing
She decided to come back to
"The hardest thing is money-
still money-and that's really unfor-
tunate Vickers said.
Changing lifestyles is also diffi-
cult for the 29-year-old student. She
doesn't want to fall back into the
student trap.
"It would be so easy to go out
and get a beer she said. "I'm here
for something more this.time
It's easier for her to pay atten-
tion in class now that she really
wants to be here.
"I know now why I wanted to
know this stuff Vickers said. " I
know where it can take me
When she graduates, she will
again pursue an acting career. This
time, having taken advantage of all
that college has to offer her, it
should be easier. Vickers said she
has confidence in ECU'S acting pro-
gram and credits Chairman John;
Shearin for the well-rounded pro
gram. Still, it will be scary the sec
ond time out.
"Where to go?what to do-the
decisions again Vickers said. "Deal-
ing with rejection-not knowing why
you're rejected-they're all scary
After her acting career, Vickers
plans to teach. When she has
worked hard enough and had
enough ability to be successful, she,
wants to pass that experience on to!
"Surely, all these wonderful and
dreadful experiences are going to be
my gift to my students Vickers
from page 1
but competition rules specified that
all entries had to have been pub-
lished in 1995.
Terry said the criteria on which
the entries were judged were accu-
racy and completeness, effective-
ness, writing style and enterprise
and integrity.
"There was also a category
which took into account if the
magazine had to overcome any ad-
versity to be published Terry said.
"The judges said we had excellent
feature writers dealing with com-
plex issues, and they appreciated
our use of graphics and color
This recent win has made Ex-
pressions eligible to compete in the
national competition where the
magazine will compete against
other first-place entries from the re-
maining 11 SPJ regions.
Dress To Impress
Arlington Village
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are OFF during the cut on procedure.
Greenville fH Utilities

Thursday, April 11,1996
The East Carolinian
from page 1
BAIL from page 1 CAREER from page 1
the fraudulent results of these com-
plaints that would call for a new elec-
President-elect Angie Nix filed a
complaint against Secretarial candi-
date J. Miles Layton for using her name
on campaign literature. She told the
committee that her campaign was dam-
aged by Layton's flyers which con-
tained her name with Layton's
"Layton's campaign chose to sup-
port me Nix said in a later interview.
"1 explained to Miles that he came into
the race late. I had already commit-
ted to Julie Thompson
The committe found in favor of
Layton, despite his admission of guilt
! The complaint was filed in violation of
Article VII section 6 which states. "De-
facing or destroying campaign litera-
te of another candidate is prohib-
The committe voted that the ar-
ticle could not be applied to Nix's griev-
On April 8th, Nix told TEC that
c she had not filed a complaint Follow-
ing last night's meeting, she said she
had misunderstood the question.
Nix said she also had problems in
the poll taker selection process, and
that she had filed an additional com-
"I have no problem with racially
"balancing the polls Nix said.
Nix said she was bothered that
y Lynch was able to choose his own poll
workers: an allegation Lynch denied.
"I did not pick my own poll work-
ers Lynch said. "I merely suggested.
. I gave Penn (Crawford, election chair)
a suggested list of names that he asked
for. No candidate should be able to pick
their own poll tenders
Both Lynch and Layton plan to
appeal the decision.
"Since the role of each candidate
in this fraud, is yet to be fully under-
stood, I ask that the filing period be
reopeneu for a few days to allow new
candidates to file. In light of this scan-
dal, the student body deserves to have
an opportunity to increase their selec-
tion of candidates Layton's complaint
against the election stated. "1 also ask
that the entire elections committee be
replaced by an unbiased group. I feel
that the current committee is
uncapable of running a fair election in
light of the cheating that has occured
under the current elections commit-
In his complaint Layton called on
the university to begin a full investiga-
tion. Lynch's complaint was not avail-
able, however, he said it would be filed
Suggestions offered by the
committe included scanning student
IDs, hiring two poll takers for each site
and changing the regulations to re-
quire poll takers to verify identification.
"That needs to be changed
Crawford said. "To completely elimi-
nate this controversy
Vatoyia Daniels worked the voting
site at Mendenhall. She said that al-
though they were not required to check
IDs, that aspect of her job was obvi-
"We looked at the face to make
sure it's them Daniels said.
, GLU B from page 1
u Magaluti will appear before a district
b court judge for her probable cause hear-
' ing.
- "I believe the judge will find prob-
? able cause Teal said.
Detective Teal said that if the judge
feels that there is probable cause, then
'? he will turn the case over to a grand jury
believes this is just a small way for
the sororities and fraternities to give
back to the police department.
"This is just a small way to help
them since they help us Sweet said.
The Jail Bail will be held April
17 in front of the student stores. Stu-
dents and faculty are asked to do-
nate money to bail faculty and stu-
dents out of jail.
To bail a student out of jail will
cost $10 and to bail a faculty mem-
ber out will cost $100.
Bill Burnette, President of the
IFC, believes events like this helps
improves the Greek's image.
"This fund-raiser will help people
realize there is a whole lot more to
the Greek system than just being so-
cial Burnette said. "We get involved
with the community
Stephanie Hippie, Panhellenic
president, said the fund-raiser will
help relationships with the police de-
"The reason we are helping is
because the Greenville Police Depart-
ment helps the Panhellenic council
with the rent-a-cop program Hippie
said. "This is a good way to increase
campus involvement The fund-raiser
will help improve students' and staffs
relationships with the police depart-
ment The Greenville Police Dpa1-
ment was given a real bad ifhage at
the beginning of the year, and1 feel
that with all the different activities
the police have participated in on
campus their image has improved
Hippie is hopeful that the
project will be a success.
"We worked really hard on this
project. It will be interesting how it
will turn out Hippie said.
Career Services is responsible for
many of these events. Other services
that they offer include resume writing
workshops, interviewing workshops
and they have a homepage where you
can access information on the Internet
Career Services also works to-
gether with Cooperative Education and
the Counseling Center to help students
in their pursuit of educational and ca-
reer goals.
Other events which fit many stu-
dents' needs have been offered
throughout the year. Business Career
Day as well as health, education, reha-
bilitation studies and a Communica-
tions Information Exchange Day. If you
missed any of these there are still more
chances for you to learn about various
career opportunities.
Science Career Day will be held
today in Flanagan 201 from 12:30 p.m.
until 2. Representatives are expected
from Glaxco Wellcome, Coastal Chemi-
cal, DuPont and others.
On Monday, April 15 there is a
Social WorkCriminal Justice Day held
across from the Student Stores. This
event will take place from 9:30 a.m.
until noon. Many government agencies,
private practices and law enforcement
agencies will be there. The FBI, Secret
Service and the Department of Social
Services are just some of the organi-
zations who will attend.
Westmoreland said he hopes the
Career Expo and the other events will
get students to think about their fu-
ture career. He said this will all make
ECU better, especially if we go out and
represent ECU in an internship or sum-
mer job.
All students are invited to come
out and greet the guests as well as visit
and network with representatives from
a variety of organizations.
Westmoreland said students
should dress to impress and thank the
organizations for coming. Someone
will have a name of a person you can
later contact for a job.
who will hear the poiice department's
and the district attorney's case. Then, the
grand jury has the opportunity to send
the case to superior court
Detective Teal said that while mo-
tive in the case is hard to determine, if
most likely centers around business and
financial reasons.
While you wait
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Thursday, April 11,1996
The East Carolinian
The East Carolinian
Tambra Zlon, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Our View
Corrupted with
and deceit,
SGA elections
our distrust in
Look at the past and look toward the future.
This year's SGA elections give truth to the saying that all
politics are corrupt
Someone is responsible for the negligent and unjust treat-
ment given to every student who ever believed SGA runs by a
democratic system. TEC wants to see justice. We want action
against the students involved in this horrible mishap.
There was obviously tampering with the March 27th elec-
tions and our advice is to throw the book at the culprits. TEC
can't do it all, we can't press charges against anyone. We can't
even say who's responsible, but others can. It's all been talked
about before, but we want to see something done. Stop talking
and start moving. We looked up the numbers, we told you the
truth, someone else has to pick up the ball. The rumor mill
that runs rampant throughout SGA and this campus is tre-
mendous. There are students who know the truth - stand up
and let it be known. Speak out and identify who is wrong,
who's playing dirty and who wants to make SGA clean in the
future. If the people who know don't speak out, who will?
Change the system.
An outside organization, administrator or anyone who can
be deemed as not having special interests of any kind should
be appointed to watch this process that has been neglected
and taken advantage df for who knows how many years. Look
up the records (if you can find them) and see for yourself. In
his election report, Election Chair Penn Crawford called for
extra poll takers possibly just to keep an eye on the box. Who
would appoint this person? Certainly someone other than those
involved with SGA, we would hope.
We can't do it all, and students are going to get pretty sick
of hearing about this year's election after a few editions. Don't
worry, we'll tell you what happens in the end, but when you
look at SGA's past, change is hard to come by as far as regula-
tions are concerned.
Rules are broken everywhere. Who do the elections people
have to answer to anyway? The members of their own organi-
zation and otherwise, basically no one. Too many questions
and intentions and not enough action are the problems. Every-
one involved appears to be trying to find a timely solution,
don't wait until it's too late.
Make SGA work for everyone.
Wendy Rountree, News Editor
Marguerite Benjamin, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddeil, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor
Cralg Permit, Assistant Sports Editor
Paul Hag wood, Staff Illustrator
Crlstle Farley, Production Assistant
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Kami Klemmer, Production Assistant
Xlall Yang, Systems Manager
Tim Hyde, Copy Editor
Rhonda Crumpton, Copy Editor
Deanya Lattlmere, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 cojrtt every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial In each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, HC 2785S4353. For Information, call (919)
Montana is for militants
Letters to the Editor
Looking forward to the day that
you will be able to afford to go to
the Middle East and see international
terrorism first hand? Do you have
your kids dress up like suicide bomb-
ers every year with little pretend
sticks of dynamite stuffed their
trench coats and trick-or-treat bags?
Do believe that there is in fact a bib-
lical reference to Molitoff Cocktails?
Well, do we have the solution for you.
Save your money and quit your
dreaming there is just the place for
you here in the good old U.S. of A.
It's called Montana and as an added
bonus we'll even throw in some Griz-
zly bears.
Montana has now become the
hub for many of America's bright and
up and coming militant dysfunctional
members of society. There are two
recent indications and examples of
The first example is the siege in
the plains of a complex occupied by
a group calling themselves the Free-
men. They are refusing to give up
some of their members to federal law
enforcement agents who wish to
press charges on them for cheating
on their taxes and counterfeiting.
They are armed to the teeth and they
aren't coming out. There has been
some attempted negotiations, but at
this point things are not going well.
The feds are reluctant to do anything
drastic because of the heat they have
come under in recent times about the
events at Ruby Ridge and near Waco,
Texas a few years ago. It's amazing
just how many groups that are armed
to the teeth, are radical religious
groups and are opposed to the gov-
ernment, mee"t their demise in a gov-
Chrls Arline
Senior Opinion Cotumnltt
ernment siege.
The second example is the most
notorious terrorist in American his-
tory; the Unabomber. This man dis-
appeared into the Rocky Mountains
of western Montana 25 years ago.
Since that time he has made prac-
tice of sending mail bombs to people
who are in high positions within the
intelligence fields. He baffled federal
law enforcement officials for a period
spanning three decades as his work
left three people dead and 22 people
injured or maimed. They had checked
into over 200 suspects and fielded
over 20,000 calls to the Unabomber
hotline (1-800-701-BOMB). The truth
of the matter is that the only way
that they got him was that he was
turned in by his brother.
There is one reason why Mon-
tana is so lucrative to these people
of less than traditional American
beliefs: the space. There is plenty of
it and with that comes the privacy
they need to practice their lifestyles
and not be interrupted or receive
immediate opposition. If there are no
neighbors to look over your fence
and tell you what you are doing is
wrong then why would you, to bor-
row a lyric from Carlos Santana,
change your evil ways.
The people that are most hurt
indirectly by what is going on are the
other residents of the state. They
stand to suffer in their back pock-
ets. One state official speculates that
the state stands to lose between $30-
$40 million in tourist related tax rev-
enues in the next two years as a re-
sult of the negative publicity sur-
rounding these two ordeals. Their
biggest concern is that people will
be afraid to go there.
Hey, why not make the nut
cases a featured attraction. If my
dog had two heads you'd better be-
lieve I'd charge people to see him.
It's not hurting anyone to show
them off and if they truly believe
that their actions, practices and
beliefs are good then they won't be
too embarrassed to show them off
freely as long as we don't make them
change anything.
I would like to announce my can-
didacy for the position of the state
of Montana's tourism director. Hey,
I've even got some slogans ready to
go already. How about "Come to Mon-
tana, we've got the biggest and flaki-
est nuts in the nation" or "Come visit
Montana, there is plenty of fresh
clean air, it has all the comforts of
home, and the terrorists speak En-
glish Just remember to bring your
Visa card because they don't take
militant Christian militias lightly and
they don't take American Express.
Football gives the name
To the Editor,
I was intrigued by the article you
ran last week regarding the raise
head football coach Steve Logan has
received. Personally, I feel that coach
Logan deserves such a reward for his
hard work and unfailing loyalty to
our university. Without football, the
athletic department would be unable
to fund many of the sports that do
not generate revenue. The football
program is also responsible for be-
ing ambassadors for our university
to those who know nothing of East
Carolina except for what they see of
our football team. For many people,
the only reason they recognize the
name of East Carolina is the success-
ful record we possess. Football also
generates an unexplainable energy
on campus by promoting unity and
providing a common interest between
all students. Not only are students
excited by the football program, but
alumni have also enjoyed the contin-
ued success of Steve Logan and his
Pirates. Nothing can stimulate
alumni gifts to our university more
than a winning team. Coach Logan
has not only worked hard, but he has
brought overwhelming results to the
East Carolina football program. Com-
ing off of a season with a 9-3 record
and a Liberty Bowl victory, not to
mention one of the finest incoming
recruiting classes in East Carolina
football history; coach Logan de-
serves this reward. I applaud this
university's administration for hav-
ing the good sense to recognize the
need to have a successful athletic
program and to act on their recogni-
tion of such a need
Chuck Southerland
Support is necessary
To the Editor,
In the Tuesday, March 26, 1996
paper, the article "Student health offers
rape counseling was a very serious
matter. If s nice to have rape kits handy
on campus for students so they won't
have to go elsewhere. It's good that the
health educators speak about their ser-
vices so any one who has problems will
not be ashamed to be seen. I'm sure they
are not the only person that if s happened
to. If s also nice for victims of rape to
have support of health educators and
nurses. To have a nurse and someone
else take a victim to the hospital shows
much respect and is a great idea.
Amy Taylor
How about an award instead?
To the Editor,
This letter is in response to the
article about ECU head football
coach Steve Logan. I don't think
that there are a lot of people who
would disagree with Coach Logan's
raise. After all, we all know how
well the Pirates played last season
and in the Liberty Bowl. The issue
left to debate is the amount of
money he is making. I thought that
$97,300 was a lot to begin with,
now he's making $107, 030. The
idea of a raise is nice, to show rec-
ognition for an outstanding perfor-
mance. But it's not like Logan is
strapped for cash $97, 300 is a
whole lot of money to make, espe-
cially in a small town like
Greenville. Maybe they should have
saved a little money and just given
the guy an award.
Grant Zauner
Letters to the Editor
Give teachers credit
Parking is a problem
To the Editor,
Parking is a big problem for all
students. I must agree with the article
entitled "$96 buys a Hunting Li-
cense Ms. Eaton brought out a very
important point about space. The
university keeps growing and it seems
like the studentsSc parking spaces
are the first ones to go. The parking
lot by Allied Health has already been
cut due to the new staff parking lot
that is being implemented. With such
inadequate space one would think
that the price would be reduced.
Afterall what is the increase of the 26
extra dollars going for anyway? Some-
thing seriously needs to be done about
this problem. Parking and Traffic ser-
vices needs to step back and assess
the situation and come up with a so-
lution that will benefit the students
as well as themselves.
Hope Pfeil
To the Editor,
I am writing in response to the
recent article, "Coach's Raise Final-
ized" in the April 2nd issue.
In some ways I support the idea
of giving the coach a raise for an ex-
cellent job he has done in training
the team for their accomplishments
they have made this year. Winning
the Liberty Bowl and maintaining a
9-3 record took hard work for the
coach as well as the team. I applaud
their effort. A job well done Pirates!
But now let's face the facts of
this issue. A lot of money and atten-
tion is already focused toward the
athletic department in the first place.
I agree with sophomore Kristen
Cocca and junior Christie Wade.
Many people are forgetting the pri-
mary reason why we are all here, and
I believe that more emphasis should
be put on the instructors and profes-
sors. These individuals are teaching
doctors, lawyers, engineers and ev-
ery occupation and professional ca-
reer that exists. What good is a coach
going to do for a pre-med student
trying to study medicine, or an ath-
lete who cannot excel in the aca-
demic department? I think instruc-
tors and professors deserve to make
more than Coach Logan, rather than
having the coach making more than
three or four of the instructor sala-
ries combined.
Since this proposal has already
gone through, and our opinions are
just words on paper, I think the next
step would be a proposal on raising
instructor and professor salaries
without raising tuition for students!
Vaneeca Lark

rf- - -?w Mlil?i mm
Thursday, April 11,1996
The East Carolinian stampede
by Willow Cook
relaxed yoy-Ceel Mn ;
Ivcwjust -fate x Mind
if b&s mMiftt
THE Crossword
1 Tiller
5 Fastener
9 Old English poet
13 Quickly: abbr.
14 Fairy tale starter
15 US patriot
16 Woody Allen
18 Veep Spiro
19 Take to court
20 Puts to weight
21 Large rodents
22 Musical Clapton
23 Teheran native
25 Derby
28 "Pai ?" (Sinatra
29 Numerals: abbr.
32 Wipe the board
33 Tolstoy heroine
34 Pecan, e.g.
35 Urn
36 Distort
38 Satisfy
39 Addis Ababa
land: abbr.
40 Actress Arlene
41 ? Dame
42 Welcoming
43 Love god
44 Depended
45 Christened
47 Caron film
48 ?Saxon
50 Common prac-
52 Clairvoyance let-
55 Reveal
56 Robert Altman
58 Presses out
59 "? a man
60 Sleep like ?
61 Musical sound
62 ? Trueheart
63 Old horses
1 Corny perform-
2 Isaac's son
1234 I15678 I?9101112
4849I5051? 525354
For The Week of April 7-13
i996Tnoune Media Services, inc
All rights reserved.
3 Freeway part
4 Speed: abbr.
5 Empty talk
6 Caper
7 Flip through
8 Retirement
9 Astronomer Carl
10 "The ?Kid"
11 Draft status
12 Church seats
15 Tropical fruit
17 Think alike
22 Different
24 Lease
25 Slant
26 Sound off
27 "Mr. Smith Goes
28 Prisons
30 Bizarre
31 Horse
36 Biblical weed
37 Mystery novel
38 Anas
0onvli 3 n i SjtOb i
3i i1 A H ,S V Nl (I N O13i1
dS 3 B 3 O j Vs no 10nV:
?HO 1 oa 3 H VNj
Q!3 I 13 iiS 0: H 3 !3H1
3U 110 !N1 H V?jJBh13
3i visBiSi 1 M.i 3sV! A
iln nlv NU V 3!SVd 3
i? SON A j o r 11 3!1Mo e
1 i n v h i Ho! Iu 3
SiVJOJVd II S N 1 v o 3 ;ns
atni i iv1 d 11 3 ! O N OVsV
d o j o; s1 d;s vh113H
40 Evil spirits
41 Section of Israel
44 Kin of privileges
46 Unaided
47 Argon and neon
48 Descended
49 Pianist Peter
51 Identical
52 A Fitzgerald
53 Plod '
54 Pins
57 Author Fleming
March 21-April 20
Don't allow a disagreement to fester
this week. The longer it lasts, the
more the other person will gain the
advantage. An early eompromise is
best Major purehases require extra
attention to details, or you could
miss some vital tine print.
April 21-May 21
Now that you've cheeked out all
your options, no ahead and make a
decision. Your instincts are pretty
good. Don't try to mix business and
pleasure this week, or you'll end up
reeling shortchanged in both.
May 22-June 21
A reluctant companion threatens
to ruin a pleasant outing. Don't
force the issue. Instead, change
the subject and enjoy a lively
conversation. Concentrate on
domestic issues by starting a new
family tradition.
June 22-July 22
A simple conversation turns ugly
when egos are at stake. Steer clear
ol emotional comments to keep
things from getting out of hand.
Suggest a distraction at work to
break out of a stale routine.
July 23-August 23
An emotional commitment begins
to tlower. so nourish il with a
thoughtful, romantic gesture. Do
not mistake silence for assent at
work?you may need to work harder
to lerret out objections to a plan
you've made.
August 24-September 22
A shopping spree could uet out
o! hand this week, so leave your
plastic at home. During a meeting
or discussion vou may need to ask
more questions than usual to be
certain vou understand everything.
September 23-October 23
To feel good, it's important to look
good, so treat yourself to a little
luxury. Your charm is running hiuh.
so schedule activities that will take
advantage ol this. You might even
consider asking for a raise, but be
graceful if it doesn't happen.
October 24-November 22
The pressure of a deadline begins to
encroach upon your peace of mind.
Delegate the responsibility, and
you'll accomplish more than you
would have alone. Honesty is the
best policy, especially when it
comes to an intimate relationship.
November 23-December 21
Your organizational talents shine
this week, so take on extra
responsibilities, especially il you
need to make a good impression
You're full of great ideas?just think
of a way to gel the word out.
December 22-January 20
Don't follow suggestions blindly.
especially where large sums ol
money are concerned. You need to
find the solution that's riuht for
vou. Enjoy a leisurely outing with
an old friend.
January 21-February 18
Anticipation is your best ally as you
navigate your way through a simple
encounter. Plan ahead, and you'll
stay on top ol things as the
situation suddenly bei omes
complicated. A labor-saving idea
offers more trouble than it's worth.
February 19-March 20
Avoid getting bogged down in
details, espei ally as the weekend
approaches. Your cleat vision and
enthusiasm will be needed to
supply energy for a group
For Entertainment Purposes Only

Thursday, April 11,1996
The East Carolinian
Hootie sneaks one in
Kindred shows bloody potential
I had tn know, not onrv to feed m
Every paper has a TV critic, but
our critic is no normal couch potato,
no mere TV junkie. No, our man will
watch anything, anytime, regardless of
quality or good taste. Truly, he has no
shame, and that is why we call him
"The TV Whore
'?' Kevin Chaisson
Senior Writer
I had just begun to write my re-
view of the new FOX show Kindred:
; The Embraced when 1 saw the vampire
at the window.
1 hadn't even noticed him coming
inside, but there he was and in he came.
He was a lanky fellow, clad all in black
but for a brightly-colored They Might
?Be Giants T-shirt His face bore an ee-
' rie resemblance to River Phoenix. Dark
eyes studied me underneath dark bangs
while he sat on my window sill, knees
clasped together with laced fingers the
color of bone and feet on my bed. You'd
, J think the undead would have better
; etiquette.
"Did I startle you?" he said when
: he finally spoke.
"A little I confessed. "Mostly be-
cause you look like River Phoenix. And
please, get your feet off of my bed
He obliged, settling instead to sit
at the edge of the bed. As he moved, his
features blurred subtly, better than any
computer-generated effect I've ever
tfceen. When he had finally settled, he
? was now a she, resembling Samantha
Mathis this time.
"How'd you do that?"
She waved a lithe hand at me.
"Haven't the time to discuss that This
isn't an interview, after all. You're writ-
ing the review of Kindred?"
I nodded, gesturing at the blank
computer screen.
Her small face set grimly. "Precisely
my reason for being here. You see, Mr.
Whore, like any other group represented
on TV, we vampires
wish to be seen by
the viewing public
in a flattering light
so to speak. I'm sure
that emergency
room employees
wish the same, as do
police officers and
high school kids.
The same for the kindred. And we are
displeased with how this show repre-
sents us
Let me take a pause here and fill
the reader in somewhat Kindred- The
Embrace is a sort of Machiavellian
Melrose Place meets Anne Rice's vision
of vampires. It's produced by Aaron
Spelling (thus strengthening the
Melrose connection) and is derived from
the hot role-playing game system "Vam-
pire: The Masquerade That said, we
I turned my chair to face the vam-
pire, grabbing a notepad and pen. "What
do you mean by displeased?" I asked.
"What specifics are angering you and
your kindred?"
I had to know, not only to feed my
own curiosity but also hoping to have
an entire review pre-written for me. She
curled one leg under her and began to
"The overall plot is pretty decent,
so far. The idea of different vampire clans
warring like syndicated crime families
is both interesting and accurate. Cer-
tainly we have a few humans who know
of our existence, so the element of hav-
ing the police-
You'd think the
undead would
have better
man Frank (C.
Thomas Howell)
as a vampire ally
(or pawn) is an in-
teresting one.
The dialogue the
actors are forced
to say, however, is
awfully wretched,
sometimes distracting from a scene.
Someone needs to trounce that screen-
writer, John Leekley's his name, 1 be-
lieve, and get him to start reading some
"You know the screenwriter's
name?" I interrupted.
"Certainly. Don't you? Well, it
doesn't matter. When you're my age,
you find that life is in the details. Oh,
what else then
"The actors I said hastily, "What
did you think of the actors in Kindred?
Personally, I thought they were just
okay. A few standouts, but for the wrong
reasons. C. Thomas Howell still looks
See KINDRED page 10
Rock giants return
to Emerald City
Brandon Waddell
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Tuesday, April 9, 1996. 3 p.m.
As I sit down to write this story
I'm holding onto one of the best se-
crets I've ever been given to keep in
confidence. You see, it's 3 p.m. Tues-
day afternoon and I've spent almost
the entire day loading a band's equip-
ment into the Attic. So what's the se-
I can't say it
Wait just a minute, by the time
anyone aside from my editor reads this
article it won't be a secret anymore.
And he detests the band playing, so
what difference does it make?
It will be Thsday morning and
everyone will still be talking about my
secret I can say it Hootie and the Blow-
fish are playing at the Attic tonight
Okay, I didn't say it I wrote it No one
told me I couldn't write it
Only a couple years ago, Hootie
played in Greenville almost every week.
One of my friends told me he used to
walk by the New Deli (now Graffiti's),
see the foursome inside and complain,
"Hootie and the Blowfish again
But as virtually everyone in the
world knows by now, they're a big-time
rock and roll band. They started off
just like anyone else, though, playing
anywhere that would have them. Then
they progressively played larger gigs,
like the N.C. State Delta Sigma Phi
Lawn Party in the fall of 1994. They
progressed to a few appearances on
The Late Show with David Letterman,
then the Ritz in Raleigh and finally
Rolling Stone covers, stadium dates
and sell-out shows everywhere.
There were four of us who showed
up at the Attic at 11 a.m. to give the
band a hand loading their gear into a
club gig for those Blowfish. None of
Darius Rucker and his superstar pals surprised Attic pa-
trons with an unnanounced show on Tuesday night.
our managers would tell us who was
playing. They simply said, "just unload
the equipment and don't worry about
Most of the equipment cases had
"Hootie" in huge letters painted on the
side, though, so it really didn't take a
degree in rocket science to figure it out
But I still can't tell anyone. And even
if I did, who would believe me? Hootie
and the Blowfish at the Attic tonight?
I might be accused of standing too
close to an air conditioner unit that
has a freon leak.
But we'll just have to see how the
show goes tonight Hopefully, it'll be
better than the last time I saw them;
the headline for the article I wrote on
that show in February of 1995 read.
"Hootie blows in Raleigh
Tuesday, April 9. 7:30 p.m.
Word had already spread like a
wild fire through Greenville. Only a;
couple of hours ago I was one of only
See HOOTIE page 10
New serial nove
starts published
life with a bang
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
Stephen King is a damned ef-
fective writer. He knows how to pull
readers into a scene like nobody's
business. Opening one of his books
guarantees that, at least once be-
fore the evening's over, you'll find
yourself with a clenched stomach,
turning pages feverishly to find out
what happens next but filled with
a cold certainty that, whatever it
is, it won't be pretty.
The problem with King is that,
while he can pull me into individual
scenes, the stuff he puts in between
the good parts generally bores me
silly. Ultimately, I find myself more
annoyed with his dysfunctional
characters than sympathetic to
their plight. By the end of a King
novel, I'm usually rooting for evil.
King works best when he's dealing
with simple people in short pieces
that don't give him time to pad the
story with angst.
Fortunately, King returns to
this ground in his latest project,
The Green Mile. A story about a
death row cell block in the 1930s,
this book is being published seri-
ally. Once a month, King will re-
lease a new chapter of this noirish
prison tale, hoping that his fans will
come back each time for their next
Personally, I'm a sucker for this
kind of thing. Stick a "to be con-
tinued" on something, and I'm
hooked. So I'll probably be slapping
down my three bucks every month
to see this story through even
though I'll end up paying a lot more
for the serialized Green Mile than
1 would if it were a traditional
Of course, I'm probably getting
a better story than I'd get in a regu-
lar novel, too. The strict page limi-
tations of the serial format is fore-
g walks
ing King to write
fast and lean. The
Green Mile is a
tight story that
thrills and sur-
prises quickly and
satisfyingly. It
ain't art (not
much of King's
work is), but it's a
rip-snorting good
time anyway.
The first
chapter, titled
"The Two Dead
Girls is a quick
evening's read, a
slim 92-page vol-
ume with large
type. In it, King
establishes the
major players of
his electric chair
melodrama and
leaves plenty of
juicy plot threads
dangling for serial
junkies like myself
to suck on until
next time.
Written with
an obvious love for old pulp maga-
zines and the work of Charles
Dickens (who was himself often
printed serially), The Green Mile is
filled with great, ominously appro-
priate names and broad characters.
It's set at Cold Mountain Peniten-
tiary, a gothically God-forsaken
prison in an unspecified region of
the American South. The "Green
Mile" of the title refers to the lime-
tiled corridor that leads to Cold
Mountain's electric chair.
Our narrator is the head guard
of E Block, where prisoners des-
tined for a visit with "Old Sparky"
are kept. King names his mouth-
piece in just one scene, and then
we're only given his first name:
Paul. I'm pretty sure there's some-
thing Biblical going on there, but
time will have to tell.
Paul's fellow E Block guards
are the vicious and ferret-like Percy
Wetmore (Barney Fife gone horri-
bly wrong), skinny but solid Harry
Terwilliger, hulking nice guy
X-Files open on video
Hala UfllllulMAII
Dale Williamson
Senior Writer
On Sept 10,1993, television received its first jolt of what was destined
to become a cultural phenomenon. On this date, The X-Files crept its way
onto Fox's Friday line-up and lifted television horrorsci-fi to a new artistic
level. r.
The X-Files not only provided feature film entertainment on a TV bud-
get, it also tapped into our nation's fears of instability. In each episode,
audiences faced such threats as government conspiracies, unexplained
paranormal activities, freaks of nature and the possibility that we are not
the only intelligent life in this universe.
What The X-Files revealed to its cult audience more than two years ago
was that the truth is out there, but that truth may be devastating to our
human perceptions of reality. Since its initial airing, The X-Files has become
a legitimate television hit It has spawned a consumer market unlike any-
thing since the revival of Star Trek.
Even though the shoWs creator, Chris Carter, is keeping a tight grip on
what X-Files merchandise is available, he has recently given Fox Video per-
mission to release episodes from the first season on video, which can be
purchased at most any store that sells video tapes. So, for those of you who
See X-FILES page 9
Art work provided by Signet Books
Brutus Howell and bookish Dean
Stockwell. If these characters
sound cliched, it's probably because
they are.
But characters like these are
the stock and trade of the kind of
pulpy prison yarn King is spinning
here. The terribly appropriate
names are, likewise, straight out of
Dickens. Groan if you like, but
these guys all gave me a good
laugh. Besides, I'm curious to see
if King does anything with the ste-
reotypes he's fleshed out here. As
I said, time will tell.
Time may also tell on the story.
Though compelling so far, the sheer
length of a serialized novel like this
may lead King astray. I don't think
so, though. Constant deadline pres-
sure and the need to continually
hook readers always spurred
Dickens and many of the pulp writ-
ers to keep their work fresh and
See KING page 9
Ian Brennan
Derek T. Hall
Staff Writer
Music is the only thing that
some musicians can do. That's not
quite the case here, though.
By using nearly all of the in-
come he makes working as a men-
tal health specialist in the psychiat-
ric emergency room for Oakland.
California, Ian Brennan has pro-
duced eight of his own records on
his own label. Pretty impressive,
wouldn't you say? Not only can
Brennan cure the insane, he can
entertain them as well.
The music on Cheapskate is far
from impressive but it has a mes-
sage, whether positive or not.
Brennan starts delivering that mes-
sage with a track called "Master
Plans This is a song, like every
other on the disc, that speaks of the
slums of life. Some people like to
speak of the dark side. People need
to! If we don't, how can we be so
sure that it's there?
Ian Brennan, who at the age of
5 started listening to Elvis Presley
and began playing guitar, says he
doesn't expect for his albums to
amount to much. He would like to
hit the road a few times and sell a
few more records. It's odd that some-
one with a life so complex would
have the time to release eight
records. That's a lot of music. Makes
you wonder what type of material
would be on those records. That's
right, it's sick and twisted music to
captivate your mind.
My advice to anyone who wishes
See CHEAP page 8
Coming soon for your
edification and amusement:
Thursday, April 11
Third Annual Battle of the
on the Mall
On-air interview
with Soul Coughing
3:00 p.m.
at the Attic
Fried Moose
at Peasant's Cafe
ECU Flute Ensemble
at Percolator Coffeehouse
Movie: Toy Story
at Mendenhall
(Runs through Saturday)
Friday, April 12
Jazz Ensemble A
at Wright Auditorium
Fleming and John
at the Attic
Lightin' Welles and the Boomers
at Wrong Way Corrigan's
Cibo Matto with Pipe
at the Cat's Cradle
in Chapel Hill
Saturday, April 13
Chairmen of the Board
at the Attic
Ekoostik Hooka
at Peasant's Cafe
Victor Hudson
at Wrong Way Corrigan's
Tuesday, April 16
Hazel Virtue
at Peasant's Cafe

Thursday, Aprii 11, 1996
Trivia Quiz
rom page
This WEEK'b topic:
All in the Family
md the
ft of
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mes is
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The East Carolinian
Thursday, April 11,1996
KING from page 7
fast-paced. I can only hope King is If the first chapter is any indi-
as inspired by deadline desperation cation, King should bear up well.
a$ those in whose footsteps he's fol- Though there are some sloppy pas-
lowing, sages, "The Two Dead Girls" is an
ArlJLriC from page 7
Project that dedkatedtudent image
Attend that popular, ekciting course
Access ufat otherwise
impossible-to-get required class
Without delay, chedk with your advisor!
exciting read. Particularly effective
is a flashback sequence describing
the rape and murder of the twin
sisters of the title at the hands of
John Coffey. Coffey, a mildly re-
tarded E Block inmate who
strangely fascinates the narrator, is
the focal point of The Green Mile.
As much as this seems to be Paul's
story, Coffey is the center around
which everything else here spins.
All told, this is the best work
King has cranked out in a long
time. 1 have some problems with
the voice King's given his narrator
(one minute he sounds like a good
old boy and the next he's talking
about metaphoric language), but
that's just a quibble. "The Two
Dead Girls" reminds me that
Stephen King can still tell a good
story when he wants to.
Call me a sucker, but that "to
be continued" at the bottom of
page 92 will be pulling me back for
On a scale of one to 10. The
Green Mile rates an eight.
came in late, meet the wonderful world
of The X-Files.
The basic concept of the show fol-
lows FBI agents Fox Mulder (David
Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian
Anderson) as they investigate cases
that the government either can't ex-
plain, doesn't want to touch, or doesn't
want touched at all. At the moment,
the video collection only consists of
three tapes, each tape containing two
episodes. The packaging is gorgeous,
catching the eye with dazzling colors
and entrancing graphics.
Unfortunately, the episodes are
not being collected chronologically.
The first tape of the series contains
the pilot episode, which introduces the
two lead characters on their first case
together, as well as the second episode,
entitled "Deep Throat" However, the
next tape skips the third episode and
moves on to the fourth one, "Conduit"
The second tape also skips episodes
five through seven and instead moves
right along to the eighth episode, 'ce
While those behind these tapes
may have strategically chosen what
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The packaging is
gorgeous, catching
the eye with
dazzling colors
and entrancing
they considered to be better episodes
from the first saason, it still would have
been wiser to go ahead and release the
episodes in order. The market for these
tapes is going to mmmmmmmmm
be die-hard X-
Files fans who
will want a com-
plete collection,
so skipping epi-
sodes more than
likely will only
frustrate poten-
tial consumers.
Still, the
collection is an
excellent intro-
duction to the
show. Those who are more familiar
with recent episodes of X-Files may be
somewhat disappointed, though. The
earlier episodes of the show have a
quirkier feel to them and are a bit less
moody than latter episodes. In essence,
the show hadn't quite discovered itself
yet Duchovny plays Mulder with a bit
more sarcastic energy in these tapes
than he does now, and there are more
hints of sexual tension between Mulder
and Scully. Anyone familiar with the
show as' it is now knows that the
chances of Mulder and Scully having a
sexual affair are zilch and zero. It will
never happen.
But there is no denying the power
of the'first season of The X-Files. "Con-
duit" is particularly engaging because
it delves into Mulder's obsession with
finding his sister, who may have been
abducted by aliens when he was a child.
A scene where Scully's report to the
FBI overlaps the visual of Mulder cry-
ing in a church- as
he struggles with
his anguish is as
powerful and as
well done as any-
thing you can find
on the big screen.
1 will give a
warning to all new
viewers, though. Be
sure to fast forward
through Chris
Carter's opening
remarks on the
show and watch it after you've viewed
the episodes. As insightful and enjoy-
able as his commentary is, it should
have been placed at the end of the tape.
Carter gives too much away before the
episode runs.
As far as I'm concerned. The X-Files
is reason enough to spend a quiet
evening at home on Friday nights. It
ranks with the best shows airing now,
including ER and the underrated Ho-
micide. Hopefully, The X-Files will en-
joy a long, healthy life. And, hopefully,
Chris Carter and Fox Video will be in
spired to release more video tapes of a
show that has helped make television
wortn watching again.
On a scale of one to 10, The X-
Files Video collection rates an eight for
presentation and a nine for content
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The East Carolinian
KINDRED from page
16, which makes his believability as a
seasoned cop flush down the tubes.
Kate Vernon, whose vampire character
unfortunately dies in the series opener,
was my favorite. I kinda have hopes
she'll come back. Jeff Kober, who was
so great as the weird-looking guy on
China Beach, is here playing a weird-
looking Nosferatu clan leader. Stacy
Haiduk (from Seaquesi DSV) playing
the sexy leader of the Toreadors
"Stop there the vampire snapped,
narrowing her large, dark eyes. "You just
named two of the major problems.
Haiduk is no Toreador leader. She's
more of a whiny tart Vernon would've
made an excellent clan leader - beauti-
ful, strong and independent Killing her
character was a dreadful mistake.
"Kober, on the other hand, has the
opportunity to play a representative of
one of the more interesting vampire
clans, but he's rather wooden. A future
plotline seems to indicate an 'unrequited
love' story for the Nosferatu, which is
vomitous. Do you humans think that
all we do is sit around, listening to
Morrissey and Bauhaus, wishing we
could love a human just one more time?
"This brings me to'my final point
about the show, which you can take or
leave. A series with such a strong hor-
ror element must establish a tone, a
mood that envelopes you within the
show and refuses to release you. The X-
Files does this with film-quality effects
and lighting, as well as powerful uses
of dark and light to establish a scene.
"This is something that Kindred
is sorely lacking. This is a series about
vampires. Why does everyone seem to
walk around in brightly lit areas?
Kober's Nosferatu, if darkly shadowed
and lit could have established a won-
derful mood for both the character and
series. Proper lighting could allow for
more horrific violence; violence locked
in shadow, obscured and made more
frightening by the viewer's own mind.
Kindred The Embraced has wonder-
ful potential, most of which is being
misused. Still, it is worlds above the
normal television fodder
I nodded in agreement laying the
notepad down to stretch. When I had
opened my eyes, the vampire was gone,
leaving only the rustle of window blinds.
I stood, closed the window, put some
They Might Be Giants on the stereo,
and began to write this review.
On a scale of one to 10, Kindred
The Embraced rates a hopeful seven.
HOOTIE from page 7
a handful of people who knew this show
would happen. But by now, the phone
has been ringing off the hook and fans
have already lined up in force, five or
six abreast outside the door. Anywhere
there was room for one person to stand,
three people were in that spot
Tuesday, April 9.11:45 p.m.
Hootie and the Blowfish stepped
onto the stage with two additional band
members accompanying them. They've
added both a keyboard player and an
additional percussionist since they have
reached super-rock star status.
Darius Rucker, Hootie frontman,
explained to the raging crowd that the
band has finished recording their new
album and they'd rather "play the clubs
they used to play and try out some new
material than sit around in a warehouse
and rehearse
The band mixed up their set evenly
with new songs and older ones off of
their chart-topping full-length debut
Cracked Rear View and their first EP
Kootchypop. During the band's two
hour set crowd favorites were certainly
"Drowning "Hannah Jane" and of
course "Hold my Hand
However, the most explosive song
they performed was the Doobie Broth-
ers classic "Without Love Hootie is
not known as an improvisational act
but they dispelled this belief during
"Without Love After the first verse,
the band gravitated into some verses
from Public Enemy's "Fight the Power"
then into the Third Bass cut "Cactus"
and finally a little De La Soul rounded
out the Doobie classic. They rehearsed
parts of this song during soundcheck
but certainly didn't nail it the way they
did during the show.
Currently, Hootie and Blowfish are
on their Who says we don't play clubs
anymore?" tour. They're playing a hec-
tic one week schedule of dates in Co-
lumbia, Myrtle Beach, Winston-Salem,
Greenville and Wilmington. AIL club
dates. After this short Carolina dub tout,
the guys are headed on a hugertfiuro-
pean tour.
Hootie and Blowfish have tried to
keep each of these shows as quiet as
possible and keep the shows from be-
ing publicized until the last minute. Yes,
on each of these dates it's a secret I
just hope whoever handles the secrets
in the other towns does a better job of
keeping them than 1 did.
"We all have different letters, but our hearts
are the same.
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Thursday, April 11,1996
The East Carolinian
4tAlete o te cveeA
Dill Dillard
Sfaff Writer
Name: Randy Rsgsfey
Position: Rrstbase
Hometown: Goidsboro,
North Carolina
Major&ompcker Science
'95 records:
Broke the ail-time ECU
freshman record for
triples in a season

For some Division I athletes, their
respective sport seems more like a job
rather than an enjoyment This is all
but true when you describe Athlete
of the Week Randy Rigsby and his love
and respect for the sport of baseball.
This sophomore first baseman
hails from nearby Goidsboro, N.C. and
could be labeled as one of the local
talents that Head Coach Gary Overton
is so prone to find while recruiting
for his program. Despite his youth,
Rigsby has made some of the biggest
contributions to his team in the two
years he has been with the Pirates,
and could be described as a leader.
"Although Randy is a very quiet
person, he is still a leader on this
team Overton said. "Randy is a
player that leads by example, he
doesn't verbalize, he just leads by ex-
Rigsby stepped in last season as
a true freshman and played 52 games
for the Bucs breaking the team record
for doubles hit by a freshman in a
single season. Rigsby added 12 sto-
len bases to his stats as well as main-
taining a spot in the top three on the
team for doubles hit in a season.
"I came into the program expect-
ing to face a lot better pitching than I
was used to in high school Rigsby
The transition from high school
ball to college, usually a tough one to
make for a Division 1 freshman, was
relatively smooth according to his
stats as well as his coaching staff.
"Randy is a very smart ballplayer
and he has a lot of tools that makes a
good baseball player Overton said.
"It didn't take Randy long to adjust
to his surroundings which is a credit
to him as a ballplayer as well as a per-
Rigsby was one of the many
youngsters that had to grow up fast
on a young ball club that had only a
handful of upperclassman.
"We had a lot of young guys last
season and I know I struggled, but
the experience helped me prepare for
this season Rigsby said.
Practice has made perfect as
Rigsby just last weekend in a victory
over George Mason going 4-6 with
three doubles to lead the Pirates to a
12-2 romp of the Pats. Rigsby's out-
standing outing in Fairfax shouldn't
go down as a rarity. Rigsby has im-
proved from last season and has be-
come a workhorse at the plate for the
"Oh I can see improvements in
my hitting this season Rigsby said.
"A lot of credit goes to my experience
last season
The smaller first baseman has not
only done it for the Bucs at the plate,
but he has been an asset on the bag
as well.
"Randy is small, but he makes it
up with his speed and agility which
makes him into a excellent defensive
first baseman Overton said.
"Well, being smaller is a disad-
vantage but I try to use above aver-
age speed to make up for it Rigsby
The use of his talents may land
Rigsby a spot in his dream to play
professional baseball.
"I guess it's every ballplayer's
dream to play in the bigs, but if that
doesn't pan out I'll fall back on my
major, computer science Rigsby said.
I got it!
Two fellow Pirates go
up for the catch in last
week's PurpleGold
game. The Purple
squad got the bragging
rights this year, winning
SID - Alphons van Ierland. regarded as one of
the ton junior basketball prospects in his country of
the Netherlands, has signed a national letter-of-intent
with ECU, according to an announcement by Pirates'
Head Coach Joe Dooley.
Van Ierland, a 7-0, 210-pound center, is a native of
Tilberg, Netherlands. He has been a member of the
Dutch 22-and-under National Team the past two years
and is considered an excellent candidate to make the
Netherlands Olympic Team four years from now.
During the past two seasons, van Ierland has
played for a club team called "America Today" in
Hertrenbosch. Netherlands. He is currently averaging
16 points, 11 rebounds and 4.5 blocks for his team
Softball team wins big
over UNCW Seahawks
Will Sutton
Staff Writer
whose season is still in progress. Van Ierland, whose
club team coach is Wierd Godee, scored 15 points per
game while pulling down nine rebounds during the 1995
season. Van Ierland is a high school student at Koning
William II College.
"We are excited about having a young center with
Alphons' potential joining our program said Dooley.
"He possesses many outstanding skills; he just needs to
get 'Americanized' toward basketball. We look forward
to having him arrive this fall
Van Ierland is the first men's signee of the spring
for ECU and the second overall. Neil Punt, a 6-9 for-
ward-center from Chaska, Minn signed with the Pirates
during the early period last fall.
The Lady Pirates have been
rolling through the competition all
season, and Tuesday afternoon was
no exception. The victim this time
was UNC-W.
The mighty purple and gold la-
dies took it to the Lady Seahawks
on a wet Tuesday afternoon in
Greenville. The teams played a
doubleheader in which the Lady Pi-
rates were victoriously big in both.
The final scores read 4-0 for game
one, and 9-1 in game two, in a Big
South conference battle.
They were keyed by some out-
standing offensive performances,
including some clutch hitting from
short stop Sharoiyn Strickland.
Rhonda Rost's two-run double to
center field in the bottom wf the
sixth inning that scored outfielders,
Amy Hooks and Tonya Oxendine,
all but clinched the victory for the
Lady Pirates in the first game. The
defense against the Lady Seahawks
was -a definite team effort all
around. Jami Bendle (12-10,5-2 Big
South) earned the victory on the
mound for the Lady Pirates as she
held UNC-W in tact with a two-hit
"These were two of the better
games we've played this year ECU
Coach Sue Manahan said.
"Sharoiyn really hit the ball well.
She had a lot of RBI's in both
games. Her hit in the second game
with the bases loaded sealed our
victory by slaughter rule. I cannot
say enough about our defense. De-
fense is always key in winning any
game you play. I am very pleased
with our overall effort
The second game provided
more outstanding play by the Lady
Pirates. They were keyed by an-
other solid batting performance
from Strickland as she batted two-
for-four with two doubles and four
RBI's. Senior Tracie Podratsky,
hurled her way to a terrific three-
hit, one run ball game as she took
the mound for game two.
The Lady Pirates would not be.
where they are at this point in the
Senior first baseman Joey Clark, from Los Angeles,Calif
takes off after taking the ball deep against UNC-W.
season if it was not for some key
leadership from many of the older
players. This is a predominantly vet-
eran team as ECU fields five jun-
iors and five seniors. Having expe-
rienced players as leaders can be
"We are a tough team to play
against and a lot of the reason why
can be attributed to us being a vet-
eran squad Podratski said. "We do
have a couple of young players who
help out tremendously and will defi-
nitely have their time inhe years
to come to take over the leadership
duties. Joey Clark does a tremen-
dous job for us on first base and
deserves a lot of credit for being a
good role model and leader a
There are six more games left
on the schedule for the Lady Pi-
rates. Following the final two home
games ECU will hit the road for it$
final four. Two are conference
games and the other two are nort-
conference. Because the race for
first between ECU and UNC-G has
grown so tight, it is important fojr
the Lady Pirates to stay focusei
and take care of business on the
field. Winning four on the road wijl
be difficult. ;
"It will be tough, but we've
fought through adversity all seal-
See SOFTBALL page 12
Lacrosse team stays busy;
Ree Service
The ECU Lacrosse Club team
recently had an action packed week-
On March 30, the Pirates trav-
eled to James Madison University
and then to Lynchburg, Va to take
on the Liberty Flames. After im-
pressive victories the week before
against William and Mary and UNC-
W, the Pirates made the journey to
"We went into .
the game thinking
we could roll right
over JMU veteran
defensemen Reid
Tingle said. "Unfor-
tunately that didn't
JMU surprised
the ECU defense
with three quick
goals in the first
six minutes of the
"They totally took us by sur-
prise goalie Brian Trail said. "We
weren't prepared for their speed
But the JMU offense quickly
slowed down as the Pirates
midfielders controlled the ball.
Midfielder, Brian Hunsicker, was
the first to score.
"I saw an opening and I went
for it Hunsicker said.
By half-time, the game was tied
at four apiece. JMU scored just one
more goal before the half, while
ECU's attackman Ward Taylor and
midfielders John Prousult and Ben
Kley added ECU goals.
The second half turned into a
hard hitting physical game with
JMU taking most of the heat. The
ECU defense held tight with plays
by veterans Cullum McNutly and
Greg Daisey. ECU's offense took ad-
vantage of man-up advantages and
scored three more goals. Fntering
the last two minutes of the game,
ECU was ahead seven to six. It
looked as if the Pirates would come
away victori-
?- ous. But with
20 seconds
left in the
game, JMU
scored with a
shot, tying the
game at seven
all and send-
ing it into sud-
den death.
?MinHnriHmimi, ? couldn't be-
lieve it. That
attackman had divine help on that
shot defenseman Andrew Longaro
Overtime began and ECU took
control. Three minutes later, JMU's
goalie was caught out of the goal
and attackman Brendon
McLaughlin scooped it up and
scored the winning goal.
"It just fell into my stick
Brendon said. "There was nothing
stopping me from scoring the goal
The next day, ECU went to take
on the Liberty Flames. Liberty
scored one quick goal, and it looked
"We went into the
game thinking we
could roll right
over JMU"
? Reid Tingle, veteran
as if the game would be like the
previous day against JMU.
However, that was not the easel.
The Liberty offense was nonexist-
ent, only scoring four times the
entire game. The Pirates, both on
offense and on defense, played a
physical game that the Flames
couldn't compete against
"We knocked them around,
midfielder Scott McNichol said.
"They couldn't match up against
our strength and size on defense
The Pirates' offense scored 14
times and held onto the ball the ma-
jority of the game.
"We passed it around until
they were tired, and then we
scored midfielder John Provast
said. "It was easy
The game ended with a score
of 14-4.
The Pirates now have a overall
record of 12 wins and 3 loses, and
they are 8-1 in their division. They
have dominated the southeast, and
are a sure bet to go to the Final
There are three games left.
Duke, N.C. State and UNC-Chapel
Hill will be ECU's final competitors.
ECU will entertain Duke on Satur-
day, April 13, and ECU will turn
around and host N.C. State Sunday,
April 14.
Both Duke and N.C. State are
home games starting at 2 p.m. be-
hind the Allied Health Building, by
the climbing tower. For more infor-
mation on ECU's Lacrosse Club or
the Club Sport Program call Rec-
reational Services at 328-6387.
Thursday April 11 th there will be a home softball game against
Hampton University(DH) at 3 p.m. On Saturday the 13th, the base-
ball team will be in action at home in a double-header with UNC-W.
Game time is set for 2 p.m. The Pirates will take on the Seahawks
again on Sunday the 14th at 2 p.m before getting ready for the
N.C. State Wolfpack, who will visit Greenville on Tuesday at 7 p.m.

Thursday, April 11,1996
Sophomore first baseman Randy Rigsby(.326) leads
the team with 11 doubles this season (24 games). Rigsby
went 7x19 (4 2B) last week against Campbell and
George Mason. Rigsby is tied with senior Lamont
Edwards in stolen bases with 12.
Senior center fielder Jason Head is now batting .280
after last week's games. Head ranks second on the
team in home runs (2) and RBI (16).
Senior second baseman Lament Edwardsls batting
.400 with one home run, two triples, five doubles and a
team-leading 19 RBI.
Junior right fielder Chris Clanz (.317) turned in a 6x15 (5
RBI) performance last week against Campbell and
George Mason.
Sophomore right-hander Patrick Dunham (5-2, 2.45
ERA, 1SV, 60 K) pitched 9 23 innings, allowing only two
earned runs and striking out seven in a 3-4 loss at
George Mason.
Junior left-hander Chad Newton (4-1, 3.45 ERA. 1 SV,
26K) pitched seven innings, allowing only two runs on
nine hits in a 12-2 victory over the George Mason
Senior right-hander Jeff Hewitt (1 -l, 2.67 ERA, 2SV 27K)
pitched two innings of one-hit relief in the Pirates' 12-2
victory over GMU.
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SOFTBALL from page
son Clark said. "If we can main-
tain our level of play and maybe
even rise a little, I am very confi-
dent that we can take the title.
We've got the players, the heart and
the determination to - in it all. The
question is, will it all be there come
game time? UNC-G is good, but we
feel we are the team to beat
After the conclusion of the
regular season, the Lady Pirates
will venture down to Rock Hill. SC,
for the Big South Conference Tour-
nament. The conference tourna-
ment is approaching rapidly. The
dates for this year's tournament are
April 19, 20 and 21. The tourna-
ment should be very competitive
this year with ECU and UNC-G be-
ing the early favorites. This last
week or so could set the tone for
Lady Pirates post-season.
"We cannot afford to slack of
during this stretch run of the sea-
son Podratski said. "1 agree with
Joey An that we do need to main-
tain our high level of play. We can-
not look past these remaining
games. If we do, we are asking to
get ourselves beaten by someone
else. Yes, the conference tourna-
ment only being a week and a half
away cannot help but to get you
excited, especially when you are a
senior. This is it for me and the
other seniors as well. We all want
to go all the way to the top
The Lady Pirates seem focused
and poised for a late season at the
title. They might be losing some key
seniors this year, but reports have
shown that ECU is getting a tal-
ented recruiting class that will be
arriving in the fall. The five juniors
who will become seniors next sea-
son should provide the quality lead-
ership that will help shape up next
year's teim into, hopefully, the
high-caliber team the Lady Pirates
have formed this season.
The victories over UNC-W boost
ECU'S record to 11-3 in the Big
South Conference and 30-18-1 over-
all. This 11-3 conference mark
leaves ECU in a first place tie with
arch-rival UNC-G.
Next up for the Lady Pirates
will be their final regular season
home games as they host Hampton
University in non-conference
doubleheader. Game one will
promptly begin at 3 p.m. today.
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utilities for August non-smoking serious
ctudent Please call 328-7370
SPRING semesters of 96-97. Possibly stay-
ing at Park West Tower Village, or White-
bridge Apts. Rent is $197.50 per person.
WasherDryerRefrigerator included.
Contact Will Strickland at (919) 830-1198
OOKING FOR A PLACE this summer
at ECU? There will be one bedroom avail-
able at 105-B, East 11th St after final ex-
ms. Contact Will Strickland at (919) 830-
lease an airconditioned Ringgold Tower's
apartment On campus, 2 bedroom, 1 bath,
kitchen, furnished, carpeted, Free Park-
ing and more. Call 757-2725
available for a female at Players Club
Apartments. Swimming Pool and Full
workout room. Rent $250 a month. If in-
terested Call 353-0775
room in 4bdrm apartment WD, pool, ten-
nis, weightroom included. Available May
1st. Call 321-0166 after 7pm. Ask for
room apartment to sublease for the sum-
mer. Preferably close to campus. If inter-
ested please call 328-3793
2 B.ROOM APT ABOVE uppercrust now
available 3 Bedroom 2 12 Bath Apt For
Rent above BW3's please call Yvonne at
newly renovated two bedrooms. Unique
floor plan. $350.00 month. Call 355-1313
to make an appointment. Managed by
Remco East Inc
ur unfurnished one bedroom only five
blocks from campus Appliances, central
lieatair, water included. $270. Moore Re-
alty 752-2533
loom townhouse, 2 blocks from ECU,
blocks from downtown, Please call Deb-
liawn, or Jim at 7583362
3 BEDROOM, 2 12 Bath Townhouse
Located at Wildwood Villas Pet with De-
posit WD hook-up. Available May l.3
Bedroom House located at 204 E 13th
St Pet with Deposit Available May 12
Bedroom, 1 Bath, Spacious Apartment,
Located 2 Blocks from ECU Campus, Wa-
ter, Sewer, Basic Cable Included. Call 752-
IN NEED OF A roommate to share a 2
bedroom, 2 bath condo with washer and
dryer, for the Summer. $225 plus 12 utili-
ties. Call 757-1522
just 3 blocks from ECU Campus. With
hardwood floors, fenced in yard, and cen-
tral heatair - $525 Moore Realty 752-
bedroom house 13 utilities, 13 rent Bus
stop at corner. Call 752-6886 any time
after 6
AFFORDABLE, NICE room available
now. Looking for one roommate to share
6 month or longer lease. Great location
near The Plaza. With heat air and cable
included. ECU bus line access. $197 a
month, plus phone & utilities. Call Phil
today 321-2813
TWIN OAKS 3 BEDROOM 2 12 baths,
fireplace, all appliances, very large, quiet
pool, close to park. $585 month. 756-3009
after 6:00pm
Park for Summer. Looking for female
roommate $180 a month. Phone Number
wanted for early May or Late April for 3
bedroom house. 3 blocks from campus.
AC, washerdryer. Call 752-6999
LEASE now for Summer School and Fall
Semester. Great location across from Chi-
co's and Downtown. Townhouses with 2
bedrooms, 112 baths, all appliances, mini
blinds, and washerdryer hook-ups. Cable
included. $520 Call 752-0277
$300 DEPOSIT IS YOURS. Take over
lease at Wilson Acres until July and keep
$300 Deposit 2 BR $505 month with
April's rent paid. Call 355-4511
people Apt in Players Club. Rent neg. Call
Dr. with dining room, Rec. Room, and
Hardwood floors - $600 Moore Realty 752-
Great new townhouse within walking dis-
tance of campus. Rent $220, pets ok,
smokers welcome. Please call ASAP! 413-
close to campus. WasherDryer, own
room, and lots of extras. Rent neg. Call
PRIVATE ROOMS available for summer
and fall. Walking distance from campus
and downtown. Large room (15x15) Pri-
vate phone linecable in room. Washer
dryer included. $175 per month utili-
ties Call Mike: day 830-5577, night 752-
1 AND 2 BEDROOM Apartments, Du-
plexes and Townhouses for rent Many
locations to choose from. Currently Pre-
Leasing for the Fall. Call Wainwright Prop-
erty Management 756-6209
ROOM available May 1 in apartment
across street from campus. 407B Lewis
Street $210 monthly plus 13 utilities and
phone. Call 757-0630
1 BEDROOM AT 1301 Dickinson, hard-
wood floors, Appliances$195 2 bedroom
duplex at 706 Mills. No appliances - $210
or 707A Mills with Appliances - $290. 2
bedroom duplex, upstairs, no appliances -
$195. Moore Realty 752-2533
rything. Professional, quiet environment
Like new one & two bedrooms, with ap-
pliances. $285-$350. Moore Realty 752-
room, 2 full bath, cathedral ceilings, quiet
washerdryer hookup, fireplace, ceiling
fans, deck, almost new, beautifully deco-
rated. $550 month 756-3009 after 6:00pm
room, 1 bath, hardwood floors, ceiling
fans, appliances and washerdryer hook-
ups. $390 Call 752-0277
needs summer sublease in Greenville area.
Flexible on rent price. Non-smoking female
roommates only. No drugs. Call 919-512-
7514. Will reimburse long distance
For Sale
We Buy CDS,
Catntw, ana Lpt
Well pay up to $5 cash tor
? I
VI i i
IGUANAS: 2 12 FOOT male with cus-
tom cage, $200:1 Foot female with cage,
$75, both came with all accessories includ-
ing heat rocks and lighting. Must Sell
green, good condition. Call Aimee at 758-
6649 anytime after 6pm
1985 HONDA ATC 250R rebuilt engine
in 1989. Runs great needs little work.
$ 1,000 O.B.O. Must sell Call Justin at 752-
up top, newer rebuilt engine: also for sale
old pop-up camper, good frame, call Jim
at 7583362.
1988 ACURA INTEGRA LS with new
clutch and muffler. In great condition.
$4900. Call 758976
Auto, AC, Fully loaded. Excellent Shape,
$2,700 must sell. 757-1966
ECU POTTERY SALE downtown Ayden
222 South Lee Street at Nikki Lynn's Fri-
day, 12th, Saturday, 13th and Sunday,
14th. 10:003:00
with 35 watt Gorilla Amp; $200. Will Sepa-
rate. 551-6754
Pearl Trim, crinoline petticoat matching
veil, worn once & beautiful! Asking 12
of its $1200 cost 7564084
I'm moving to AZ. and need to sell full
size futon $150, Dresser $15, two desks,
anything that can't fit in the car has a
price! Call 754-2789.
TECHNICS 12" floor speakers. Brand
new, under warranty. Asking $200. 413-
you to travel and get paid for it Call 1-
800-7508894 to hear the Roar of the CAT.
Then call your local Representative at 531-
looking for an excellent paying job give
us a call. Playmates Massage Snow Hill
RPS HAS A PART-time clerical position
available. 20-25 hours a week. M-F. Please
call 752-1803 for more information.
MER. 2 mornings a week, some nights &
weekends. Must be a non-smoker, have
own transportation, and can handle an ac-
tive 3 year old. 355-2088
OLDEST and largest Escort Service is
now hiring due to our expanding business.
Earn up to $1,500 plus a week, escorting
in the Greenville and surrounding areas.
You must be at least 18 years of age, have
own phone and transportation. We are
also hiring male and female dancers for
private parties. Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 75838 or Emerald City Escorts at
75703477 for and interview. Est. 1990.
curity officers needed for site in Green-
ville. Earn $6.50 per hr. while obtaining
experience in career field. Apply in per-
son to: Guardsmark Inc. 3219 Landmark
St, Suite 9-B Greenville NC
tennis and golf privileges! Lifeguards, wait-
staff, food service, cashiers and gate at-
tendants. The Village Beach and Tennis
Club, Nags Head. (919) 480-2222
NOW reached Greenville. We are looking
for Health Conscious, Neatly Dressed, Ca-
reer Oriented Individuals to fill Part and
Full Time Positions. Great Pay 7583390
SUMMER CAMP STAFF Counselors, in-
structors, & Other Positions for western
North Carolina's finest Co-ed 8 week
youth recreationalsports campour 42nd
season! Over 25 activities, including wa-
ter ski, heated pool, tennis, Co-karts,
artCool Mountain Climate, EXCEL-
LENT pay and great fun! Non-smokers. For
applicationbrochure: 7043923239 or
Camp Pinewood, Hendersonville, NC
ing applications for cooks and waitstaff
between 24. No phone calls please.
and delivery. License required. Apply in
person at Larry's CarpetJand. 3010 E. 10th
Street Greenville, NC
must be hardworking with a great person-
ality. General office duties including fil-
ing and running errands. Must have own
transportation. Call 752-1600 ask for Kel-
seeking qualified individuals for full-time
positions as Cuest Service Representa-
tives. Hotel experience preferred, but not
required. Please apply in person at The
Greenville Hilton Inn.
800-2514000 ext 1576
$7.00 PER HOUR PLUS $150.00 per
month housing allowance. Largest rental
service on the Outer Banks of North Car-
olina (Nags Head). Call Dona for applica-
tion and housing info 800-662-2122
Why shop in L.A
New York, or even
Raleigh for
that matter
21st Century
(formerly BLTs Boutique)
Downtown Greenville
is all that matters.
Enjoy the Outdoors?
Earn $$$ This Summer
Monitoring Cotton Fields!
$5.wm Mileage
Must Be
Honest Reliable
Reg-Fuil-Time Hrs.
Mail Resume To:
P.O. Box 370
Cove City, NC 28523
(919) 637-2125
Greenville, Kinston, New Bem
CONGRATULATIONS to the Greeks of
the week ADPi Katherine Budrow, AOPi
Danielle Howell, Heather Edmunds, AZD
Holly Black, Amy Graves, Alpha Phi Car-
rie Peters, Chi Omega Julie Thomas, Trisha
Krottes, DZ Jessica Midgett Amy Volatile,
Sigma Jill Jackson, ZTA Jill Kamkerka,
Amanda Garner, Pi Delta Amy Brashure
MENT: Add some fun to your Spring and
enter the Frisbee Golf Doubles Tourna-
ment April 16-17 at 3:00pm at the Disc
Course. No pre-registration is required!
For more information call Recreational
Services at 3283387
GET PUMPED FOR A day of competi-
tion at the tower and enter Flatlanders
Fling Climbing Competition April 16 at
2pm. There will be several different speed
and difficulty categories from intermediate
to advanced climbers in both the men's
and women's classes. Register the day of
the competition. For more information call
Recreational Services at 3283387
is no time for siesta at this year's Natural
Life Fiesta Night on Thursday, April 11 at
4pm on the College Hill Field. There will
be plenty of free food, games and prizes
for everyone. For more information call
Recreational Services at 3283387
for Student Recreation Center jobs at the
Job Fair on Wednesday April 17 from 13
p.m. in Gym. Recreation Services will be
hiring over 100 students for fun jobs with
flexible hours, great benefits and competi-
tive salaries. For more information call
Recreational Services at 3283387
nomics Society will be having a meeting
April 11 at 5:00pm in Brewster C room
305. Last meeting and everyone is wel-
come to attend.
THE LAST MEETING of the Student
North Carolina Association of Educators
will be on Wednesday, April 17th at 4:30
pm in Speight 308. Selma Cherry, the Re-
gional Principal of the year, will tell us
what she looks for when hiring new teach-
ers. Come and join us for door prizes and
refreshments! Remember to bring teddy
bears for Pitt County Community Hospi-
all science majors and minors! You are in-
vited to a Science Career Day at Flanagan
on Thursday, April 11th from 12-2pm Rep-
resentatives from various science orient-
ed companies in the surrounding areas
will be present to offer information about
their companies. This event may offer the
chance for you to learn what prospective
employers are looking for in science ma-
jors. A brief presentation by each repre-
sentative will begin in Flanagan 201
promptly at 12:00.
CDFR DEPARTMENT will be presenting
Dr. Harriette McAdoo, reknown author
and researcher from Michigan State Uni-
versity, will discuss Families of Color on
April 18th at 7 pm in Mendenhall, Great
Room. For more information, please call
the Department of Child Development and
Family Relations at 3283908.
CLINIC: Thursday, April 116-9pm in Belk
Building. Tickets from PT Students or
Back & Limb Clinic $3.00 in advance or
$3.50 at the door.
pha Chapter is sponsoring Apollo Night
on Thursday, April 11 at 7:00pm. If there
is anyone interested in displaying your tal-
ent sign up in front of the Student Store
Monday, April 8th-Thursday April 1 lth bet-
ween 11 & 1. For more information call
ALL ODK 1995-96 Safety Net Mentors
and Mentees are invited to attend the 1st
Annual Safety Net Mento Pigout Monday,
April 22 from 5:30-7:30pm on the Mall.
Please stop by the Safety Net Booth in
front of Student Stores April 10,11 & 15
from 10-2 to make your reservation & to
pick up your ticket for an afternoon of
fun, games, music and a "free" Southern
Style Pig Pickin' (Chicken too).
is planning its first Spring Career Expo
for Wednesday, April 17, lOtfO -12:30 at
the Student Plaza in front of the Student
Stores (Rain site: Gen Classroom Build-
ing). Representatives from manufacturing,
insurance, retail, telecommunications,
banking and accounting will be on hand
to talk about their organizations and po-
tential career opportunities. Students who
are exploring career options or seeking
employment are encouraged to come and
talk with the representatives.
will be held on Friday, April 19 at J. H.
Rose High School from 9:30am-l:30pm.
If you would like to volunteer to be a
Buddy for our Special Olympians on that
day, please attend our buddy orientation
meeting on Wednesday, April 17 at
Mendenhall from 5pm3pm in room 244.
All of our volunteers will receive a Spe-
cial Olympics Volunteer T-Shirt and a
lunch (hot dog and coke). Please call the
Special Olympics Office at 8304551 if you
have any questions. We here at the Spe-
cial Olympics office on behalf of our 769
Special Olympians, Thank you for your
support of our Local Program.
CAREER day. The Department of Social
Work and Criminal Justice and the Career
Services office are co-sponsors for a Ca-
reer Day to be held on Monday, April 15,
9:30-12:00 in front of Student Stores. Rain
location will be the General Classroom
Building, first floor. Federal, county and
municipal government agencies, private
practices, and law enforcement agencies
will be in attendance as well as represen-
tatives from various internship sites.
1 x
or house Starting in July. Smokers Wel-
come. For more information call Julie 830-
8969 Anytime.
ment: mummy sleeping bags, tents, back-
packs, boots, backpacking equipment
stuffbags, almost anything. Need quality
stuff. Call 3213512
We also buy GOLD, SILVER, Jewelry-Also Broken Gold Pieces
& Stereo's, TV's, VCR's, CD players
HRS. THURS-FRI10-12,1:30 -5& SAT FROM 10-1
come into the staff parking lot in front of wachovia downtown, drive
to back door & ring buzzer
Student swap hop
EARN CASH AND GO on vacation at the
same time. Clnb Atlanta Travel offers ex-
ceptional cash and travel earnings in its
unique Network Program called "CAT
Truly a ground-floor opportunity. Please
call 1300-7503894 then 531-7272(local)
ECU'S 1DJ SERVICE! your party ain't
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile Mu-
sic Productions is "the" disc jockey serv-
ice for your parv or social function. Wid-
est variety of any disc jockey company in
Greenville. Alternative to Hip Hop. Spe-
cializing in the needs of ECU Organiza-
tions and Greeks. Spring dates are filling
fast, so call early. Ask for Lee 7584644.
offers speedy, professional service, cam-
pus pick-up and delivery. Famiiiar with all
formats. Low Rates. Call Cindy at 355-
25 words or fewer
Each word over
25, add 5t
For bold, add$1
4p.m. FRIDAY for
next Tuesday's
4p.m. MONDAY
for next
All Greek organizations
must be spelled out - no
abbreviations. The East
Carolinian reserves the right
to reject any ad for libel,
obscenity andor bad taste.

The East Carolinian, April 11, 1996
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 11, 1996
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