The East Carolinian, April 9, 1996

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I- .
April 9,1996
Vol 71, No. 52
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina Univ :rsity
Greenville, N C
12 pases
Around the State
SHELBY, N.C. (AP) - Police
said they have few dues to go on
following the shooting death of a
man getting into his truck behind a
group of apartment duplexes.
Christopher Wellmon, 37, of
Shelby, was shot in the shoulder at
close range with a small caliber
weapon late Saturday night, Shelby
Police Det Jim Glover said.
Wellmon died on the way to
Cleveland Memorial Hospital.
No arrests had been made by
late Sunday, The Charlotte Ob-
server reported.
Authorities may never know all the
places visited by two North Caro-
lina youths in the last days of their
lives before they acted on a suicide
? Autopsies will be performed
later this week on the bodies of two
teen-agers who killed themselves
outside of Brinkley early Saturday.
The 15-year-old boys, Joshua
Rogers and Kevin Hyde, ran away
last week from their western North
Carolina homes with a 12-year-old
girl, Jennifer Waldroup, with whom
they were both infatuated, said Ar-
kansas State Police spokesman
Wayne Jordan. They stole a car at
home and traveled through Georgia
and Tennessee to Arkansas, stealing
gas and food along the way. They
made a pact that they would all die
if caught by police. The girl did not
shoot herself.
Around the Country
NEW YORK (AP) - Cardinal
John O'Connor, in an Easter Sun-
day homily, condemned a federal
court ruling allowing doctor-assisted
suicide in some circumstances as
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals in New York last week
struck down portions of two state
laws banning physician-assisted sui-
cides. The court said it would be
discriminatory to allow people to
disconnect life support systems but
refuse to let others end their lives
with medication.
SAN ANTONIO (AP) - A self-
professed "child-molesting demon"
who threatened to kill his next vic-
tims is getting out of prison. And
the state said there's nothing they
can do to stop it.
Larry Don McQuay, 32, who
has served six years of an eight-year
term, qualifies for mandatory re-
lease under state law. He was im-
prisoned for a 1989 attack on a 6-
year-old San Antonio boy.
During his six years behind
bars, McQuay had campaigned un-
successfully to be castrated, saying
it was his only chance of control-
ling his urge to molest again.
Around the World
NEW DELHI, India (AP) - In a
holy city where Hindu pilgrims seek
salvation, Jerry Garcia's widow
sprinkled the ashes of the Grateful
Dead leader into the Ganges River
following a lunar eclipse.
The ceremony was held secretly
near the holy city of Rishikesh on
the upper Ganges because Mrs.
Election violations uncovered
Regulation infractions
taint election results
Tambra Zion
Election violations plagued this year's Stu-
dent Government Association (SGA) elections held
on March 27.
Nine separate violations of the election rules
by the Election Committee were identified in an
examination of the polling procedures.
Each register sheet students signed in the
March 27th election is required to be certified
and dated by Election Chair Penn Crawford and
SGA Attorney General Dawn Woodard before they
were given to poll tenders on election day. None
of the 51 register sheets of voter signatures TEC
requested and received from Crawford were signed
or dated by either party.
Poll tenders are required to certify to the in-
tegrity of their polling box under Article IX sec-
tion 2.B. This is to be done with a voter certifica-
tion form.
Edwina Williams and Lisa Sessoms said they
were not asked to verify their box at Joyner Li-
brary before the election began; and that they
received their certification form in the middle of
the afternoon. Aneesa Ali also reported that she
received a certification form in the middle of the
"He (Election Vice Chair John Nichols) said
to just fill it out sometime that day Williams said.
Williams also said she was never told to record
the number of signatures obtained at her polling
site, as required by Article IX section 2.C(7).
Nichols was unavailable for comment
Poll taker training and explanation of the
procedures and regulations is supposed to occur
in a meeting one week prior to the election, ac-
cording to regulations.
"There wasn't any official meeting; We met
about 20 minutes before we went out to the polls
Williams said. "It was kind of chaos, some people
were downstairs (in Mendenhall). It wasn't orga-
nized at ail
Crawford said he was unable to hold a meet-
ing one week prior to the election because of a
last minute request to racially balance the polls.
"We didn't even know when to meet that
morning Sessoms said.
Sessoms said the poll tenders met in front of
the SGA office on the second floor of Mendenhall
on the morning of the election. Crawford and
Nichols were responsible for collecting the poll-
ing boxes at the end of the day.
"We were supposed to come back and verify
our boxes at 8 (p.m.) Ali said. "But nobody
showed up so we left"
She said she waited until 8:45 p.m. to vali-
date her box, and that she saw two male poll tak-
ers waiting also. Crawford said this may have been
a miscommunication, because the ballots are
counted in Austin Building.
After certification by the election chair, elec-
tion results are supposed to be released to the
media and posted outside of the SGA office. TEC
ran the election results, but no numbers were
posted outside the office anytime during election
Presidential candidate John Lynch wanted to
see a break down of the polling sites by ballot.
The list was not available.
"What I really wanted was the exact copy of
SGA Voter Break Down by Location
Polling site
Student Stores
General Classroom
Bottom of Hill
Jenkins Art
Allied Health
3 sheets unidentiryable
signatures counted
questionable names
Examination of poll
registers exposes fraud,
questionable signatures
Tambra Zion
Total baliots cast, 2,182
?failed to secure several ID numbers
Source: Polling register sheets provided to TfCbv SGA.
Election Code Violations
VIII sec. 5.C(2)
IX sec.2.B
IX sec.2.C(7)
IX sec.2.D
IX sec.3.B.2
X sec.3.D
The register shall contain the date and signatures
of the Elections Chairperson and the Attorney
General prior issuence (to poll tenders).
Poll tenders shall be required to certify at the
beginning and end of the voting day the integrity
of the ballot box in hisher respective precinct.
This shall be done according to the Poll Tender
Certification Form.
Poll tenders are charged with maintaining an
accurate count of all ballots distributed from each
polling place.
Poll tenders must attend a session on the election
rules, conducted by the Elections Committee one
(1) week prior to election day.
Absentee ballot must be returned to elections
committee in signed sealed envelope ballot
delievered to SGA Executive Secretary before the
polls open on election day.
See SGA i page 4
XV sec.1
XV sec. 2(C)
Results of ballot counts, after certification by the
Elections Chairperson, will be released to the
campus news media and posted outside the SGA
Ballots shall be kept sealed in their respective
precinct boxes after the counting period for a
period of seven days. The SGA Attorney General
(Dawn Woodard) will oversee this action.
A report shall be written by the Elections
Committee Chairperson within one (1) week after
the election or after the last run-off election.
The report written by the Elections Chairperson
shall include the total number of votes cast at each
polling place.
Fraudulent names, questionable signatures and
voters who cast more than one ballot were all dis-
covered in an examination of the March 27th stu-
dent government election.
TEC requested copies of the register sheets
used at each of the 12 polling places from Election
Chair Penn Crawford.
Of the 51 signature sheets TEC received, 106
names were confirmed as fraudulent (see chart) anH
several names were believed to be forged.
A total of 2,130 signatures were counted on
the 51 sheets, 52 signatures less than the total
number of ballots counted by Computing and In-
formation Services (CIS), 2,182.
On April 2, Election Chair Penn Crawford said
the poll tender at Todd Dining Hall failed to obtain
the last several signatures for baliots cast at his
A reported 23 absentee ballots were cast in
the election.
TECs requests for the names of students who
cast absentee ballots were unanswered. Dean of Stu-
dents and SGA Adviser Ron Speier said he had seen
the list and accounted for all 23 names.
Of the 106 questionable names, the polling
sites with the most were Minges with 30, the stu-
dent stores with 12 and the Croatan also had 12
unidentifiable names. Christenbury was also miss-
ing several student ID numbers.
Two of the 51 sheets obtained could not be
traced back to a polling site. These two sheets con-
tained 43 fraudulent names.
The most questionable name found repeatedly
throughout the 51 sheets was a derivative of B
Some names were found on more than one reg-
ister sheet indicating that the students in question
voted twice at two different polling locations, or
that their signature was forged.
SGA presidential candidate John Lynch ex-
pressed concern that his ID had been left completely
unmarked after he voted. He said he had received
reports that several different numbers had been
marked on IDs.
Unmarked or incorrectly marked IDs present,
"the potential for people to vote more than once
Speier said.
Crawford said he read the marking procedures
aloud to the poll tenders twice. Each poll tender
was instructed to mark the upper 15 on each voter's
ID. Three poll tenders confirmed that they were
instructed to mark the IDs in that area.
Speier said students guilty of violating elec-
tion regulations could fall under three separate cat-
egories of ECU's Code of Conduct for fraud or forg-
ery, including regulation Q, "Furnishing false in-
formation to the university with the intent to de-
ceive Speier said voting twice could also be found
in violation of regulation P which states that, "Forg-
ing, altering, defrauding, or misusing documents,
charge cards, or money, checks, records, ID cards
activity cards of an individual or a university is a
Crawford said he selected poll takers on a ran-
dom basis.
Crawford would not reveal the names and re-
spective sites of the 19 poll takers after repeated
requests by TEC.
Election controversy present on other campuses
Chapel Hill scans
student IDs at six
campus poll sites
Marguerite Benjamin
Assistant New Editor
Apparently ECU does not stand
alone when it comes to problems
surfacing around election time. Af-
ter this week's controversy concern-
ing our own student government
elections, TEC decided to call
around and see if other universities
had been experiencing similar diffi-
At the University of North Caro-
lina at Chapel Hill (UNC), the gen-
eral election process is designed to
operate similarly to ECU's.
John Dervin, adviser to UNC's
student government president, said
the general election is done by
scantron. This is the most accurate
way to count ballots at a large
school. UNC's total enrollment was
24,439 students in the fall.
"There are usually six different
poll sites where students can vote
Dervin said. "They show their stu-
dent identification card to the poll
attendant and the card gets scanned.
The name of the person voting is
Hop In the General Lee for another ride In Hazardpage D
Oh what a tangled web we weavepage 5
Women's Frisbee is the Ultimatepage 9
entered into the computer to verify
enrollment and for general ID pur-
poses. Then they sign the voting log
and fill in their choices for office
on pre-prepared scantron sheets
Dervin said there is little to no
chance that a person without valid
ID will be able to place a vote.
"If you don't have an ID, the
poll attendant will not allow you to
vote even if you supply your ID num-
ber Dervin said. "If a student does
have an ID but for some reason it is
not valid, the computer will show
the attendant that the student is not
eligible to vote
Dervin said the problems with
past UNC elections have risen dur-
ing run-offs.
"We had a senior class election
where the election board did run-
offs on paper ballots, and it ail had
to be done over Dervin said, add-
ing that when UNC student congress
did appropriations for university ac-
tivities, it was made mandatory that
all phases of student government
elections be handled with scantron.
"The losing parties sued on the
basis that the way the votes were
counted was incorrect" Dervin said.
"And it was a rule that run-offs were
to be done on scantron .icets, so
they won and got the chance to hold
a new election
Dervin said UNC has a student
supreme court who hears cases that
stem from election problems.
"They have heard and settled all
kinds of cases because we have had
problems with violations of cam-
paign rules in the past Dervin said.
"Now a number of closely followed
rules have been set like there is to
be no campaigning within 50 feet
of any polling site ECU regulations
state there should be no campaign-
ing within 25 feet of polling sites.
Dervin said unique situations
occur almost every year concerning
SGA elections, but the key to han-
dling them is to have pre-sei rules
and a system by which to enforce
Tuesday . Wednesday
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The East Carolinian
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Tuesday, April 9,1996
The East Carolinian
Boardimprovesi Students learn job skills
transfer process
Debra Byrne
Staff Writer
The State Higher Education System is in the process of simplifying
the transfer process from the state's community college system to an-
other community college in the system or to a UNC university.
The State Institution's Board of Governors and the State Board of
Community Colleges are putting together the Comprehensive Articula-
tion Agreement (CAA). When complete, the agreement will facilitate trans-
fers between the community colleges in the state and the UNC universi-
Dr. Donald Sexauer is a professor in the School of Art as well as
chair of the faculty. He said some welcome changes are underway.
"The agreement is an attempt to ensure every community college in
the state, using the same core general education and core courses, will
be agreeable to all the state universities. Sexauer said
At the 1995 session of the General Assembly, House Bill 739 was
passed. As a result, phases for the CAA began.
The process began last February and the plan will be in place begin-
ning in Fall 1997.
Graduates with associate degrees from community colleges who have
completed the general education core (12 s.h of humanities and fine arts,
12 s.h of social and behavioral sciences, 14 s.h of natural sciences and
math and 6 s.h of English) can transfer into the UNC system with junior
status and will have fulfilled the institution wide general education re-
Sexauer said students who do not have an associate degree from a
community college, but have completed all or part of the general educa-
tion requirements, will receive credit for those courses. The courses be-
yond the general education requirements will also be evaluated on a
course by course basis by the university the student is transferring to.
Private institutions in N.C. and out-of-state schools will not be in-
cluded in this agreement.
Joint discipline based committees consist of faculty members and
administrators. They will make recommendations regarding the curricu-
lum and develop system-wide guidelines with the approval of the two
governing boards.
One committee will make the general education transfer core and
the other will come up with a transfer agreement concerning majors
andor professional specialty courses.
Blood Drive
April 10
Scott Hall
?Food will be provided
CPS - At MIT's 4th Annual Charm
School, students enroll in courses like
"Nerd Love " where they learn how to
ask for a date. At Texas Christian Uni-
versity, seniors sign up for a seven-
course "fine dining experience where
they pick up tips on how to eat diffi-
cult foods such as artichokes and Cor-
nish hens. At the University of Califor-
nia-Santa Barbara, students scale rock
walls to prepare for upcoming job in-
Is this how one earns a bachelor's
degree in the 1990's?
While four years of discussing
Plato and memorizing French vocabu-
lary makes for a well-rounded person,
it doesn't necessarily prepare students
for the challenge of life after gradua-
tion: landing a job. negotiating an
apartment lease, managing finances,
even grocery shopping. So in the past
few years, numerous colleges have cre-
ated intensive, innovative workshop
programs to help students master real-
life skills.
"We feel students are entering a
complex world, a very different world
from that of their parents said
Carolyn Ulrickson, director of career
services at Texas Christian. Indeed. MIT
Charm School's slogan reads; "When
being brilliant is not enough
A course called "Real World 101
taught by retired General Motors' ex-
ecutive George Spaulding at the Col-
lege of Charleston, guides students
through how to buy a car, a house, in-
surance, and how to use a credit card
wisely. Interactive lectures in how to
be a critical consumer, the pros and
cons of marriage versus living single,
and how to function effectively in a
pluralistic society are offered to stu-
dents at Augustana College in Illinois,
of course, the biggest challenge
for most diploma-seeking individual is
how to secure a job after graduation.
Today's changing and uncertain job
market makes that tough, said college
"More kids than ever before are
the first generation in their family to
go to college said John Gardner, di-
rector of the National Resource Cen-
ter for the Freshman Year and Stu-
dents in Transition. "They can't get
much career planning support from
their families
Making the transition from the
halls of academia to life after college
isn't an easy one, students admit.
"I didn't know that I didn't know
how to find a job said Yokima
Cureton, who took John Gardner's
Senior Seminar at the University of
North Carolina. An English major,
Cureton learned, as she said, "to field
the marker" and explore many differ-
ent career possibilities. She landed a
position that she loves as a banquet
administrator for a major hotel.
Elon College in North Carolina
hold "Transition Tactics a three-day
seminar for seniors just prior to the
academic year. Elon's workshop fea-
tures "work shadowing where stu-
dents are matched with an organiza-
tion that resembles their interests.
See CPS page 3
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Golden Key members
Last Activities for Spring 1996 you won't want to miss:
April 11, 1996
Mendenhali Great Room 1, 5.00pm
Get to know about activities and your new officers.
Light refreshments will be served following ceremony.
April 14. 1996
River Park North in Greenville, 1 pm - 5pm
Cookout and games. Food wilt be potluck Contact
Jerry Stone at 752-3804 if you want to join us and
tell him what you will be bringing for food.
Come join the,FUN!



April 15 & 16. 1996
An information table will be set up outside of the
student store, 9am - 3pm. Please call Jacquie
Connote at 328-3302 for more information and to
sign up for a shift. It is a great way. to get to know
about Golden Key.
April 18. 1996
A booth and activity will be set up. Need.
Volunteers to help man the booth, handout
Golden Key information and answer questions.
Contact Jennifer Ganzel at 830-0602 to
sign up to help and have a good time!
Any other questions? Call Jacquie Connote,
President, at 328-3302 for more information.
Be a part of a great organization!

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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, April 9, 1996
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from page 2
Patrick Waddick, a corporate commu-
nications major said his two work
shadow experiences have helped him
in "organizing a path to take Shad-
owing in the public relations depart-
ment of a hospital showed Waddick
that he didn't want a desk job. while
his second experience, in a non-profit
arts council was more rewarding.
"You can learn only so much in-
side a classroom Waddick said.
Texas Christian University offers
senior "Entry Level Life: Skills for the
Real World a mock professional con-
ference held in a downtown hotel
where students conduct panel discus-
sions, network, interview and listen to
"Knowledge in a field of study is
down on the list Ulrickson said. "Com-
panies will train and retrain. Because
the world is changing so quickly, they
want people who demonstrate oral
communication, teamwork and social
Hence the instruction in fine din-
ing. MIT. Augustana and Muhlenberg
College are among the schools that en-
courage their graduates to know which
fork to use at luncheon interviews.
At the University of California.
Santa Barbara, students prepare for the
encroaching job search v tn outward-
bound type outdoor experiences. Week-
end overnight retreats and "adventure
exercises" such as rope courses, scal-
ing a rock climbing wall, and navigat-
ing a giant spider web help students
to overcome what Dennis Nord, asso-
ciate director of career services at UC-
Santa Barbara, called "perceived physi-
cal risk Small group discussions then
link these risks to reer metaphors.
Nord said that at UCSB. students who
participate in the adventure exercises
score higher on a career test that rates
students' confidence in their own job
The Rochester Institute of Tech-
nology also relies on physical chal-
lenges to encourage team building,
leadership and risk taking. A big red
barn on campus houses boulders,
ropes, high wires and nets. Students
can earn a "Fit To Hire" certificate to
present to potential employers. The
certificate to present to potential tests
and is signed by RIT's president Stu-
dents said they feel the certificate gives
them an edge when competing for jobs
because many companies are cost-con-
scious about health care.
Other colleges are fostering the
entrepreneurial spirit. Belot College of-
fers B-4. a four-week rigorous summer
program in the business basics, now
open to national registration. During
the course, liberal arts majors learn the
basics of the business world - taking
primers on marketing, sales and ac-
counting. For the final project, stu-
dents submit a business plan to a panel
of actual bankers. Last year, a student
who was uncertain what to do about
his passion for jewelry making used
his B4 skills to negotiate a lucrative
job in a Manhattan jewelrv company.
St. Olaf College boasts an en-
dowed Paul and Anne Finstad Center
for Entrepreneurial Skills grant which
awards ten S3.000 students grants per
year. Andy May. a recent recipient will
press a CD with alternative rock col-
lege bands and donate the profits to
Minnesota centers that help abused
children. The CD will be entitled
"Street Release
But is there too much emphasis
on adjusting to the world after gradu-
ation? Dan Zevin. who speaks at many
real-life college events and is author of
Entry-Level Life: A Complete Guide
to Masquerading as a Member of the
Real World point out that "special
workshops are a great idea, but after,
taking them, students have come up
and said how nervous and self-con.
scious they now are about their future
At MIT, Zevin made an anxious-
auditorium of Charm School "gradm
ate" laugh away tensions with humor
ous advise, such as: "In resume writ;
ing, always use the word liaison for;
example, a dishwasher is a liaison be-
tween the soap and the dishes
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Tuesday, April 9,1996
The East Carolinian
New IDs give expanded options
CPS - It used to be that ID cards
were just that - ID cards. But on more
college campuses, the student identi-
fication cards can be called "every-
thing cards for enabling students to
buy snacks at vending machines, ac-
cess school records, gain entry to
university buildings, ride the bus and
This year, universities from
Florida State to Indiana State are
making the conversion to a "one card"
- Starting this fall, Florida State
University students will have a world
of information at their fingertips with
The same identification cards that gets
them into Seminole games and din-
ing halls.
The so-called "smart cards" con-
tain a computer chip and are far more
sophisticated than magnetic-strip
cards, school officials said. As with
their old ID cards, students can use
the smart cards at automated teller
machines and stores around campus,
or for access into dorms.
But the smart card also will al-
low students to access their school
records, including grades, transcripts
and financial-aid information. Stu-
dents will be able to transfer a finan-
cial-aid check directly to their card
without going to the bank.
O VlA. 1 from page 1
where the numbers came from (poll-
ing sites) Lynch said.
"? Crawford did not give the ballots
?te Computing and Information Sys-
tems (CIS) employees broken down by
individual precinct but delivered them
'as a whole. Article XV section 2.C
-iitates that the election chair's report
m required to have, "the total number
of votes cast at each polling place
????? Crawford said he was planning to
"break the precincts down by the sig-
natures on the register sheets, but
'that the signatures were inaccurate.
' A task further complicated by the fact
tbat only two of the 51 signature
.sheets contained the name of the poli-
cing site.
M? "It's not a perfect system
"Crawford said. "It's (the election) has
thever been put under a microscope
ci The attorney general must over-
Laee the sealed boxes following the elec-
tion for one week, according to regu-
iilations. Woodard was not present
?'?when Crawford released the names to
FEC on April 2. The previous night
.i Crawford said the signatures were
locked in a closet on the second floor
Lbf Mendenhall and that he would not
jfee able to retrieve them until the next
a4ay. The signatures were located in a
-moom behind the information desk
irtudent locator on the first floor of
Mendenhall Tuesday afternoon.
On April 2, Crawford said he
counted the signatures the previous
night after the SGA meeting. Crawford
! said that he had asked to have one of
-the housekeepers move the box con-
taining the signatures upstairs, and
thought they had been moved before
the meeting.
A response to Lynch's complaint
"election results, the number of bal-
lots counted from each polling site as
well as all other "relevant informa-
tion" should have been turned in to
the SGA secretary, SGA advisers, the
SGA president and the speaker of the
legislature by Crawford one week fol-
lowing the election under Article XV
section 1 and 2.A. SGA Secretary
Millie Murphy said Crawford turned
in a report on Thursday, but retrieved
it the same day. This report was not
available Thursday afternoon. SGA
President Ian Eastman said he re-
ceived the report on Wednesday morn-
ing. Murphy said she still did not have
a copy at noon yesterday.
In his report passed out at the
April 8th meeting, Crawford failed to
list the number of ballots cast from
each poll and the names and precinct
of each poll taker as requested by TEC
a week ago. "There were several mis-
haps during the elections day
The report failed to list the num-
ber of ballots cast from each poll and
the names and precinct of each poll
taker as requested by TEC a week ago.
"Fraudulence has been proven
somewhere Crawford said in an in-
terview last night. The candidates,
Crawford and Dean of Students Ron
Speier met to discuss the issue after
the SGA meeting last night.
Following the meeting, it was
announced that any candidate who
wants a new election would have un-
til noon today to file an official com-
plaint At that time, Crawford said he
will decide whether or not to have
another election.
Crawford said he is working to
have things changed about the elec-
tion like opening an account with the
student stores so the Elections Com-
mittee doesn't run out of supplies.
The card "opens up a new set of
possibilities said Bill Norwood, ex-
ecutive director of Florida State's
Card Application Technology Center.
Even bank transactions are possible
with the new card because the com-
puter chip is harder to duplicate and
thus more secure than the magnetic
strip, he said.
The smart card recently made its
debut at a conference attended by
more than 200 schools. If the "smart
card" idea catches on at other schools,
the university stands to earn licens-
ing and consulting fees.
As it is, many other universities
already have expanded the use of stu-
dent ID cards.
Beginning the week of April 1,
thousands of students, faculty mem-
bers and staff members streamed
through the ballroom at Indiana State
University to get their new identifica-
tion cards.
The cards, distributed by the tele-
communications company, MCI, will
replace current university Ids. With
the "Sycamore cards students will
be able to gain admission to univer-
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an option you can sign if you want
said Dennis C. Graham, ISU vice
president of business affairs. The
university will receive up to 20 per-
cent of revenue related to long-dis-
tance phone calls made with the card.
At Bentley College in Massachu-
setts, students can use their ID cards
to charge a new 'do at the campus
hair salon.
Washington State University stu-
dents can use their Cougar Cards at
campus convenience stores, coffee
nooks and even the golf course.
Northwestern University students
use their Wildcard at the local gro-
cery store.
At the University of Washington,
students who pay the extra price just
flash their UPass when they hop on
a city bus.
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Tuesday, April 9,1996
The East Carolinian
Our View
If this year's SGA
election was such
a clean race,
why does it look
so dirty?
How long?
The sad thing about this year's student government
election is that it was a clean campaign. Angie Nix and
John Lynch wanted to fight a fair battle. Both candidates
deeply desired victory, but both wanted their victory to
be above-board.
The issue of course, goes much deeper than the presi-
dential race - there was plenty of time for hiding evi-
dence. But now we may never find out; records could
have changed, people talk and by the way, who cares?
Supposedly only 2,182 people voted in the election
this year: ECU's student population is well over 17,000
people. Perhaps it's the same mindset folks have about
county, state and local politics. What difference will my
one little vote make?
We asked you to get involved with this organization
that decides where your money is spent Our student
fees increase every semester. They have to spend' it on
something. Unfortunately, no one has ever received a
letter from this school telling himher "Dear Student, A
portion of your student fees wasn't spent by the SGA
this semester so here is a refund check for your percent-
age of remaining fees You see, the more people who get
involved, the closer they can watch the goings on of the
SGA wants to start football games later. As Jonathan
Phillips, SGA treasurer-elect said in the April 1 SGA meet-
ing, "The athletic department works for us Or do we
work for them by supporting our athletic association, by
representing our residence halls, by providing entertain-
ment to students and the list goes on
This campus should work in harmony.
Every organization, club or group should have a rep-
resentative on the SGA. After all, that's what representa-
tives (who aren't on committee) spend about an hour
every week doing: funding student organizations, clubs
and groups.
Yes, we tell you to get involved!
Stop this injustice!
But, looking at the results of the election, we're al-
most sorry we said that
Don't you think candidates care about which precincts
they won? Just because we weren't printing the numbers
doesn't mean we weren't watching.
Hopefully someone besides TEC will keep an eye on
this organization that's been so riddled with scandal and
underhandedness in the past
How can we call ourselves a democracy, a diverse
campus, when elitists skew the numbers?
Letters to the Editor
Student suffers parking woes
To the Editor,
I realize that the issue of park-
ing on the East Carolina campus may
seem to be exhausted, but I am writ-
ing to bring up a different perspec-
tive. It is obvious that there is no im-
mediate resolution to the problem of
the lack of spaces in which to park.
Yes, I understand that and have pretty
much accepted it I also understand
that Parking and Traffic Services does
serve a purpose in enforcing traffic
violators. What is so prevalent to me
is the lack of consistency among their
On April 2, I parked in a meter
space outside Umstead Hall. The
meter had approximately five minutes
left on it, so I used it because I was
only running in to grab a book I had
forgotten. About six minutes later I
came out and my car had a ticket on
it I was not furious because of the
money I had to pay, nor did I disagree
that the meter did not expire. What
made me so angry was the response
of the receptionist to my questioning
of the citation. She replied that "there
were a lot of officers out today This
is agreeable, but where are those of-
ficers when people park at those
meters all night and do not receive
citations? The signs in front of the
meters clearly state they are "24 hours
a day, seven days a week After my
confrontation with Parking Services,
I had to stop in at the Student Stores
for a few minutes. I parked between
the Whichard building and the Wright
building, at a meter. There were five
meter spaces, four already occupied
with cars whose meter had expired.
There were no tickets on any of the
expired cars. It is obvious that Park-
ing Services does not wait around
corners near any administration build-
ings, looking to pounce on those un-
lawful sinners of the meter. Watch out
near student parking areas during the
day, though. My point in this is that
Parking Services should have enough
money by now from ail their tickets
to afford a night shift for parking en-
forcement Be fair in your greed and
If you have a complaint or comment write a letter to
the editor. Letters must be typed, 250 words or less
and include name, major, year, and telephone
number.Drop your letters by the Student Publications
bldg. across from Joyner Library (2nd floor). Let us
know what you think. Your voice can be heard!

,2l 13:
The East Carolinian
Tambra Zion, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Wendy Ronntree, News Editor
Marguerite Benjamin, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Wadded, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor
Craig Perrott, Assistant Sports Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff illustrator
Cristic Farley, Production Assistant
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Kami Klemmer, Production Assistant
Xlali Yang, Systems Manager
Tim Hyde, Copy Editor
Rhonda Crumpton, Copy Editor
Deanya LatUmore, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited,
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit cr reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian. Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27854353. For information, call (919);
Poetry matters at ECU
Ah, welcome to April. Smell that
spring air. Hear that "thwack" of the
baseball bat. Read and think about
all that new poetry.
What? That's right: April is Na-
tional Poetry Month, 30 days set
aside to read, recognize and respond
to our most compacted art form in
written language. So, when is the
last time you read a poem? When is
the last time you heard mention of
a major contemporary poet's name,
say for example, Donald Hail or Ai,
in polite public conversation?
This is a concern to all contem-
porary working poets. Is our work
being read outside of the university-
situated elitist world of contempo-
rary poetry? Or are we just writing
to see ourselves talk? In Dana Giori's
article "Can Poetry Matter? he
takes the stance that poems are writ-
ten for poets. He cites as evidence
that most magazines and newspa-
pers no longer print poetry. As Mr.
Giori goes on to say several things
with which I don't agree, I will limit
my emphasis to this one point.
I agree with Mr. Giori that po-
etry is not widely read outside of a
university setting. 1 question the
sort of media Mr. Giori would like
to represent poetry. Perhaps Andy
Rooney could squeeze in an extra
Deanya Lattlmore
Quest Columnist

f has never
- 'Wf rf oanTBfca r
irmniiTM' ?-J si,
-f9r Sr
three minutes to read the latest by
Sharon Olds. Probably not. The
Power Rangers could quote John
Ciardi or e.e. cummings. Hmm. Per-
haps we should think about this in
terms of audience. I know Family
Circle reprints Erma Bombeck's
verse. Surely this makes Mr. Giori
I'm being antagonistic for a rea-
son. Poetry has never been the
pulpy, mass-audience swill of couch-
potato mind numbness. Poetry in-
volves the reader; work is necessary.
As a poet not willing to talk down
to my audience, I see an amendment
to Mr. Giori, tacked as follows.
Poetry should be represented in
appropriate media. Certainly, We
could find a poem appropriate to ill-
most any situation. But we have to
concede that, to the Family Circle
audience, Erma Bombeck is a con-
temporary poet. Be careful what you
wish for. o
Beyond this, I would like to see
poetry represented in media which
takes as its audience the literate,
thinking reader. In this vein, what
better place than a newspaper?
Light verse could run side-by-side
with comics and horoscopes. Politi-
cal poetry (yes, it is still being writ-
ten) could run on the Editorials
page. Modern readers of modern
"Casey at the bat" poems cotrld
check out the latest utterances whdn
they check the morning box scores.
You can see where this is lead-
ing. I am not really advocating AP
changes nationwide. Charity (as well
as change, criticism, and taking care
of the dog) begins at home. I address
this diatribe to TEC. We attend'a
school which supports a creative writ-
ing concentration in English. I would
like to see student-run media repiie-
sentative of student efforts. As the
most widely received example of stu-
dent-run media (sorry, ZMB), I would
like to see poetry matter in TEC.
Letters to the Editor
Reviewer responds to criticism
To the Editor,
This is a response to Aaron
Queen's letter from April 2nd. I'm
sorry, Aaron, if I offended you with
my Jars of Ciay review, but that was
my intention. I set out to lambaste
all that was wrong with today's mu-
sic and hold up Jars of Clay as an
example. I chose Hootie and the
Blowfish and Madonna as insults to
music specifically because they draw
hordes of fans. What surprised me
was that you didn't take offense with
my intended insult, but instead with
what you perceived to be an insult
to Jars of Clay's religious beliefs,
something I actually didn't attack.
As much as you quote my re-
view, it would seem that you had
read it. But apparently you didn't,
because if you had, you would have
read, "Jars of Clay is a Jesus band,
but before anyone jumps to any con-
clusions, that is not why they suck.
There are some good bands out
there that deal with Christianity as
a theme I went on to name U2 and
Face of Change as examples. Also,
when I criticized "Love Song for a
Savior I didn't think it was about
high school kids. I made a compari-
son by stating "This is the kind of
fluff that used to make high school
girls cringe when they received it
from their "sensitive" boyfriends.
It's writing that is not challenging
and consequently has no depth, no
real emotion and ultimately no
merit" The intent of the song was
self-explanatory from its title, I
Lastly, "pabulum" is defined in
the American Heritage Dictionary as
"insipid intellectual nourishment
something which aptly describes
Jars of Clay. Despite their heavenly
connections, my job is to critique
Jars of Clay's music, which I found
severely lacking. Whether that opin-
ion damns me or not is between me
and God, I would think, Aaron.
Jay Myers
Graduate Student
ticket at night as well. Ticket in all
areas, not just in certain ones (where
the majority seem to be students.) It
is quite frustrating to park really far
away from my dorm late at night when
I could just park in the meter all night
and avoid being mugged in this oh-
so-safe city. It looks to be rare that
citations will be issued anywhere near
an administration-type building; the
University does not want to project a
bad image on visiting parents or pro-
fessors whose meters have expired
accidentally all day. Heaven forbid For
an institution that so readily take
your money, Parking Services seems
to be quite picky about whose money
they want and is not the people that
can easily afford it So I am writing to
plead to Parking Services, be more
consistent in where, when, and whom
you ticket Although the majority o(
people will not change their negative
image of Parking Services, at least
they may look upon it as an institu-
tion of fairness.
Valerie Hample
Christian supports our reviewer
To the Editor,
I am writing in response to the
letter TEC printed in the Tuesday,
April 2 issue from Aaron Queen. As a
Christian, I must disagree with Mr.
Queen's analysis of the Jars of Clay
(J.O.C.) review. Queen disclaimed the
critic's assessment of the lyrical con-
tent in the songs by claiming that the
critic's lack of Christianity made him
unable to understand the lyrics.
Firstly, Mr. Queen is judging the
reviewer, by assuming that the re-
viewer is not a Christian. As I recall,
the reviewer is not a Christian. As I
recall, the reviewer said nothing about
his faith, or lack thereof. In fact he
seemed to know quite a bit about
music with Christian content
Secondly, if the only people who
are able to understand the music of
Jars of Clay are other Christians, then
how are they supposed to spread their
message "to love Jesus as much as
they (Jars of Clay) do?" What is the
point of message 'to love Jesus as
much as they (Jars of Clay) do?" What
is the point of telling people who al-
ready know about loving Jesus that
they should love Jesus?
Oughtn't the lyrics be accessible
to as many non-Christians if this is
indeed the aim of the band? (Of course
we have no idea if that is their aim.
They may just be out to make a buck.)
Sadly, I must agree with the critic,
who accurately described the lyrical
content and quality of most, of the
songs. The lyrics to "Love Song for a
Savior" are very bubblegum and fluffy.
It does sound like Bryan Adams high
school prom love song
Mr. Queen's letter carries the idea
that because J.O.C. are promoting a
Christian message, that their lack of
excellence in craft of performance is
excusable. However, the Bible takes
quite the opposite view. In the Old
Testament a sacrifice was unaccept-
able if it had any imperfections or
blemishes. In the New Testament the
Apostle Paul commands Christians to
do all things to the glory of God. If
J.O.C. are being judged as Christian
artists, then the level of expectation
is higher, not lower. They should be
making better music than their con-
temporaries. Furthermore, the duty
of their fellow Christians lies in hold-
ing the band to that standard (by not
buying their music, for instance.)'As
it is, their music is exactly what the
critic defined it as: fad oriented pop
music, comparable (though not as bad
as) Michael Bolton.
Mr. Queen most likely likes J.Q.C.
not because they are musically supe-
rior, but because they are popular in
the Christian music scent. If the critic
had reviewed a better, but less popu-
lar band, like Starflyer 59, Mr. Queen
probably would not have cared.
John Davis
"I think the media are bad, and they try to create
controversy. That's the way I think the media work,
and I think that's the way they are
? Charles Barkley, athlete, 1995
' ?

Tuesday, April 9,1996
The East Carolinian
mm nong
Robinson speaks on rape myths
Student to perform j
with Raleigh Symphony
English professor
discusses race
and sexual assault
Dale Williamson
Senior Writer
"I think that there are two con-
flicting myths about interracial,
sexual violence in Western cultures
Lillian Robinson states while drink-
ing coffee in one of Greenville's lo-
cal coffee shops.
"One of them is the very famil-
iar, old racist and sexist myth that
the man of color wants nothing so
much as to rape the white woman.
The other one is somewhat newer.
We've had it chiefly in the twenti-
eth century In this myth the
woman's story about rape is always
a lie. "
Having made her claim, Lillian
Robinson, who is an ECU English
professor and anthologized scholar,
will give a talk entitled "The Heart
of Whiteness: Stories of Interracial
Rape" tomorrow at 4 p.m. Robinson
will approach the subject of inter-
racial rape through examinations of
how interracial rape is depicted in
various medi-
ums, including
literature and
earned her
Ph.D. at Colom-
bia University,
has studied
abroad at the
University of
Paris, and has
published about
40 articles and
three books,
most notably
Sex, Class and
Culture. Admit-
the very familiar,
old racist and
sexist myth that
the man of color
wants nothing so
much as to rape
the white woman
? Lillian Robinson
only reinforce racist and sexist ide-
"In both rape myths the white
woman's story isn't told in her
voice Robinson stresses, "and the
story of the
woman of color
can't even begin
to be told by any-
But if any-
body is qualified
to at least address
this issue, it's
Robinson. She
was one of the
major figures who
broke down walls
within academic
institutions and
transformed femi-
nist literary criti-
cism into a legiti-
tedly, the topic of interracial rape is
a sensitive issue, but Robinson is no
virgin when it comes to sensitive
issues. She extends her research
into a form of political action, at-
tacking established institutions that
mate field of research and study. She
is also a leading voice within the
world of cultural criticism, which
figures prominently in this week's
See RAPE page 8
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claims to be: a very
tiny drop in the great scream-
ing bucket of American media
opinion. Take it as you will.
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
CD Reviews
So I think I just might have lost
my faith in democracy.
But if you were here last week, you
already know that and you're probably
sick to death of hearing about it, even
though I never actually got around to
explaining myself. That's okay, though,
because this week I want to talk about
They don't just look like Conan,
these barbarians. They come in all dif-
ferent shapes and sizes, and you can
run into them anywhere and at any
moment My most recent barbarian
encounter happened at a McDonald's,
for God's sake, and is one of the things
causing me to doubt our beloved sys-
tem of government Let me tell you
about it
I was travelling with some friends
in South Carolina, and we needed to
take a midnight bathroom break some
kind of bad. Taking the first exit with a
McDonald's, we stumbled into Manning,
the town where David Lynch charac-
ters go to die.
From the moment we set foot in
the parking lot something wasn't right
The watchful eyes of two teenage
rednecks sitting in a window seat baldly
followed us as we walked in the door
and headed to the bathroom. They
didn't look friendly.
The men's room was even less in-
viting. Reeking of human waste, it had
one grimy stall and a urinal set at the
end of a narrow three-foot-long cubicle.
When I stepped in to relieve my aching
bladder, my shoulders rubbed the walls.
The floor was wet and slick under my
feet and it occurred to me that this
would be the perfect place to put a knife
in somebody you didn't want stinking
up your nice southern town.
As I finished up. a big nasty-look-
ing guy came in, muttering angrily
under his breath. We let him have the
sta'1 to himself, and beat a hasty retreat
Back out in the restaurant proper,
an old man sat staring blankly at his
table, spinning a plastic ketchup cup
on its comer. Oblivious to his surround-
ings, he mumbled quietly to no one in
particular. Edging past him, we went
to the counter to order some food for
the road.
The McDonald's lady was very
friendly, but our two redneck friends
stared blank hatred at us the whole
See BUCKET page 7
Beastie Boys
The In Sound From
Way Out
Jay Myers
Senior Writer
Just like Aglio E Olio (the hardcore
ep that the Beastie Boys released a few
weeks back), The In Sound From Way
Out is not your typical Beasties mate-
You know all those jazzy, funky
instrumental that they have put on
Check Your Head and III Communica-
tion Well, this new ep pulls most of
those together and then adds two tracks
that were previously only available on
iimited edition CD singles. That's right
this is an instrumental Beasties album
(with the exception of one word, "pow
which, amazingly enough is found on
the track "POW").
There are 13 tracks total on The
In Sound From Way Out. a good rep-
resentation of the diverse musical styles
that the Beastie Boys play with. Off
Check Your Head, we have tracks like
"Groove Holmes" and "Namaste while
Communication gives us stuff like
"Sabrosa" and "Eugene's Lament" The
two new tracks are "Son of Neckbone"
(previously available only on the "Sure
Shot" single) and "Drinkin' Wine" (from
the single of "Jimmy James").
For this new ep, the Boys seem to
have remastered the sound and remixed
some of the tracks. For instance, on
"Lighten Up" and "Namaste" they have
removed the incidental lyrics so that the
instrumentation can be better enjoyed.
When the beasties first decided
that they would pick up their instru-
ments again for Check Your Head, no
one could have anticipated where they
were going musically. Previously, the
only time the Beasties had used instru-
ments was during their early hardcore
days, where talent wasn't needed as
much as speed and volume. Back then,
it was only Mike Diamond (Mike D) on
guitar and Adam Yauch (MCA) on bass
with drums by Kate Schellenbach, now
a member of the band Luscious Jack-
Adam Horowitz (Adrock) wasn't
even with them, but he had earned his
chops on guitar with another NY
See BOYS page 8
Music student
wins clarinet
Jennifer Coleman
Senior Writer
"Whatever job I can win, I
ECU Senior Candice Clayton is
well on her way to achieving this
long-term goal. She's already won
a coveted place in the Raleigh Sym-
phony Orchestra, and although it's
only for one performance, this job
will definitely lead to others for this
talented clarinetist.
Over 45 musicians from all over
North Carolina competed in the Ra-
leigh Symphony Orchestra's fifth
Concerto Competition. This compe-
tition is purely for educational ex-
perience, as none of the partici-
pants receive any monetary com-
pensation. The students pay all of
their own expenses, including
travel and lodging.
Clayton performed "von
Weber's Concerto No. 1 a clari-
net solo with orchestral accompa-
niment. She will perform the same
with the Raleigh Symphony Orches-
tra on April 14 at 7:00 p.m. in Jones
Auditorium at Meredith College.
She was one of four musicians
chosen for this invaluable opportu-
nity. The other musicians, a violin-
ist, violist and pianist, wil' llso per-
form their competition selections.
Clayton is originally from Rich-
mond, VA, but chose to study clari-
net performance at ECU for several
reasons. Her band director in high
school went to ECU for the Mas-
ters program, so it was on her list
from the beginning.
"I liked the campus, and the
teacher. Everybody was really
friendly and nice. Plus I got an aca-
demic scholarship she said.
Clayton is the recipient of the
Alumni Honors Scholarship.
After graduation, Clayton will
go to Indiana University to pursue
a masters degree in Clarinet Per-
formance. "In music it's better to
go for your masters degree at a dif-
ferent school and study with differ-
ent people she said.
At ECU, Clayton is studying
with Dr. Nathan Williams. Her
schedule is hectic, with private les-
sons once a week for an hour, en-
semble classes (she is assistant prin-
cipal clarinetist in the Wind En-
( Candice Clayton
semble and principal clarinetist
with the ECU Symphony Orches-
tra), music theory, music history
and orchestration classes, as well
as at-home practice hours. All in all,
she spends anywhere from 5 to 7
hours a day practicing.
Clayton's interest in music be-
gan when she was in the sixth
grade. Her older sister was involved
with the band in junior high, and
her interest grew from there. Origi-
nally, she wanted to play the flute,
See PLAYS page 8
Duke boys ride again in rerun heaven
Derek T. Hall
Staff Writer
Get ready, race fans! Those
good old boys from Hazard County
are back on the scene again.
It's hard to believe that it was
over 10 years ago that The Dukes
of Hazard held the number one
spot on television. I remember
when the Dukes were taken off the
air; I was distraught over the fact.
Gradually, people stopped talking
about the show, and as the years
went by it seemed forgotten.
But that isn't the case any-
The Nashville Network (TNN)
put the Dukes back on the air re-
cently, and the hick in us all can
rejoice. The TNN execs must have
great big Boss Hog smiles on their
faces over this programming deci-
sion, because people from all over
are tuning in to see this TV classic.
If the wild and crazy antics of Bo
and Luke aren't enough for you,
maybe Daisy Duke's sweet smile
will take you back where you be-
long: home on the range, with the
Duke boys.
I'm no whole-hearted country
boy, but even I know a good show
when I see it. Granted, The Dukes
of Hazard is pretty racist; Hazard
County must have the lowest black
population in Georgia. But I'm still
giad to see it again. Ultimately, the
show is just too stupid to level any
serious charges against it. Besides,
what's not to like?
Roscoe P. Coletrain? Okay, so
he gives southern law enforcement
a bad name, and his obsession wfth
capturing the Duke boys isn't Ex-
actly a positive character trait. But
you've got to like his laugh, or
maybe his hound dog Flash (wjio
is anything but).
And Boss Hog? The man ets
more than he talks, and boy doles
he do a lot of talking.
And what's even better is triat
TNN has made the brilliant decision
to air the show twice a day (once
at 4 p.m. and again at 7 p.m.) so
that everyone has a chance to see
it. How nice! Now I can watch the
Dukes and Seinfeld, too!
Who knows? Maybe it was bet-
ter that the show was taken off the
air years ago. If kept running, ev-
eryone would have ended up get-
See DUKE page 8
All in a
Melissa Dean and April
Parks take advantage
of the free line dancing
lessons offered at
Mendenhall Thursday
nights. The lessons will
run until the end of the
This Week's topic:
All in the Family
1. What is the Bunkers' address?
2. Name the closing theme song.
3. Who is Kelcy?
4. True or False: Chico and the Man is an All in
the Family spin-off.
5. What relationship is Maude Findlay to the
6. Name Archie's grandson.
7. On what BBC program is All in the Family
8. Who did Archie describe as being "Dead from
the neck up?"
9. True or False: Good Times is zxAll in the
Family spin-off.
10. What is Archie's second job?
? m

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, April 9 1996
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Jones makes it A Family Thing
for more information call
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Belihaven, NC 27810
NEW YORK (AP) - James Earl
Jones stands in a New York City hotel
suite engrossed in something atop the
mantelpiece of the room's fireplace. He
hears someone enter and says. "Hello
It's the voice that welcomes people
to Bell Atlantic.
It is a commanding, but not un-
friendly voice and becomes less intimi-
dating when followed by his broad smile
and outstretched hand.
Dressed in black slacks and match-
ing blazer with a blue buttoned-down
shirt open at the neck, he settles his 6-
foot-1 1 2 frame into a chair to talk about
his new movie.
"A Family Thing" is the story- of a
white man. played by Robert Duvall. who
discovers he has a black half-brother
named Ray Murdock. played by Jones.
"He's a simple guy. you know
Jones says. "I'm not often asked to do
something with this simplicity
Murdock is a Chicago cop slouch-
ing toward retirement When Duvall's
character confronts him. both men are
shaken from what they thought was the
ordinariness of their lives. The story un-
folds, not as a study in race relations.
Jones says, but as the study of a family
going through a search for its identity.
"What's interesting about the story
is that people discover what they are aside
from being black or white.
"We are who we are for much more
interesting reasons than our color
As for Jones, his ubiquitous and in-
stantly recognizable voice is how millions
of people define him.
When audiences see "A Family
Thing they'll notice Jones' character
"It's something that I've fought very
hard against for years Jones explains.
"But it's not difficult to let it go. Let it
Born in Arkabutla. Miss in 19:51.
Jones' parents split before he was born.
His maternal grandparents reared him
and when they moved to Michigan. Jones'
his stuttering began. He was about 5.
"1 remember leaving that place for-
ever Jones says. "To me it was not the
land of the KKK. It was home.
"Whenever strangers were near I
didn't talk. It was just too embarrassing
Jones recalls. He communicated in school
through writing only. With the help and
encouragement of his high school
teacher. Jones says, he mustered the cour-
age to join the debating team. In his span
time, he read Shakespeare aloud.
Thinking of his own son. Flynn.
Jones chuckles and says. When !
stopped talking, nobody ever heard the
transition. My son is hi now and i
ing through the transition. You hea
male voice cracking once in a while. That
didn't happen to me. I was 14 before I
started talking again
Jones says he and director Richard
Pearce thought the stutter would lend
another dimension to Murdock, basically
a man whose whole life was one of just
trying to get along.
"The truth about people is that we
should be encouraged to drop the things
that eat us up - the obsessive things.
like racism or sexism, whatever
says. "Just drop it Co on with your life
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BUClvlil from page 6
time. The tension built as we stood and
waited for fries to cook and other mys-
teries of the fast food world to unfold
and send us on our way. The intense
mood was only broken by occasional
whispered attempts at wit from the
rednecks, most of it revolving around our
ponytails and odd facial hair.
At last everyone's order was ready.
We gathered our artery-clogging treats
to our chests and beat it out of there,
fully expecting to act out a scene from
Deliverance any minute.
Our redneck buddies got up and
followed us out the door. Climbing in
their pickup truck (huge gun rack dis-
played prominently in the rear window),
they fell in behind us on the street When
we took the exit to get back on 1-95. they
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The training company does not sell any stocks,
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wavered but didn't follow.
We took off like a bat out of hell
and didn't slow down until we hit South
of the Border.
Now, I've had weird haircuts for the
better part of 10 years, and I'm used to
the bizarre and irrational reactions some
people have to that kind of thing. I've
faced hostility and suspicion before, but
I don't think I've ever been in such a
creepy situation.
Granted, as barbarians go. the slack-
jawed Manning examples we encoun-
tered were more sullen than dangerous.
But they're still examples of the tiny
American minds that constitute a dan-
ger to national security. Wimpy and non-
confrontational as they thankfully turned
out to be. they were barbarians still.
My experience in Manning was still
fresh in my mind a few days later, when
1 went to Hendrix Theater to attend the
James Burke lecture I talked about last
week. Burke (who is not a barbarian but
in fact a famous historian) said some in-
teresting things about barbarians. Basi-
cally. Burke is of the opinion that the
barbarians are knocking at our gates and
there's nothing we can do to stop them
from tearing the walls down.
With computer technology trickling
down to even the most remote corners
of the globe, Burke says, internet access
is coming to people we've never really
heard from before. Many of these people
have views that are diametrically opposed
to those of this great civilization that
we've spent centuries trying to build.
Many fundamentalist Muslim sects, for
instance, have some rather repressive
ideas about the proper roles of women
that our feminized society finds pretty
So what happens when those soci-
eties meet ours on the Information Su-
per Highway? Let's just say it won't be
But there are other implications of
Burkes speech that bother me more. The
full-blown arrival of the internet in the
Division Of HttpU

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third world is still some distance off. What
we have to worry about first are the bar
barians right here at home, the barbar-
ians that huddle in places like Manning.
Those barbarians are net-ready n w,
and they're speaking out How did some-
one with as racist a record as Pat
Bucannan win the early Republican pri-
maries this year? Barbarians.
New communications technology
always makes people more ready to ex-
press their opinions, and thus gives them
more political power. 1 can't help but
shudder when 1 think of those two
rednecks who stared me down flexing
their political muscles.
And barbarians of the Manning va-
riety aren't even the worst kind that we
have running around on American soil.
We've got so-called militias turning the
Mid-West into an armed camp, street
gangs making war zones out of our larg-
est cities and major corporations (the
viking kings) marauding, raping and pil-
laging everywhere.
Tum these hordes loose and our
mighty civilization will fall long before
the third world even figures out how to
use a mouse. It's no wonder I've lost faith
in democracy, if this is the result
But there's a problem with the ar-
gument I've laid out here. It makes me
sound elitist as hell. And I don't think
I'm an elitist- A staunch individualist, sure
but elitist? Never!
And that's why this is part tv
three. Hope to see you next week.
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Tuesday, April 9,1996
The East Carolinian
PLAYS from page 6 RAPE from page 6 BOYS from page 6 DUKE from page 6
but, as she puts it, "I couldn't get
a sound out of it So she began to
study the clarinet and saxophone.
Finally, she focused on the clarinet.
In addition to winning the con-
certo competition, she has already
won numerous honors and awards.
These honors and awards include
being chosen as runner-up in the
1995 Music Teachers National As-
sociation Collegiate Artist compe-
tition, Woodwind Division. She also
attended the Eastern Music Festi-
val in Greensboro last summer. She
belongs to both Sigma Alpha Iota
fraternity (women in music) and Pi
Kappa Lambda Music Honor Soci-
i ety.
As a senior, Clayton will per-
i form her solo recital on April 21 at
! 4 p.m. in Fletcher Recital Hall here
j at ECU. She will be playing selec-
tions from Schumann, Martinu,
Bassett, Debussy and Stanford.
This performance is free to the
! public.
Those interested in hearing the
! Raleigh Symphony Orchestra,
along with the four winners of the
? concerto competition, should con-
; tact the RSO office at (919) 832-
; 5120 or 832-5132. Tickets are $10
for adults, $7 for students and se-
' nior citizens and $5 for children.
Clayton will graduate in May
with a Bachelor of Music degree in
Clarinet Performance. Her long
term goals include performing with
a symphony, although she knows
that such positions are difficult to
win. She plans to teach at a univer-
sity until she can win a position per-
"In music she said, "you take
your jobs where you can win them
Zombie Army
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talk. She is currently planning a
book that will examine depictions
of interracial rape within both high
and low literature as well as film in
an effort to. as Robinson puts it,
"make it possible for real women,
who are not at all mythical, to tell
their stories
Robinson was first inspired to
work on this project during her time
as a professor at the University of
Hawaii. "When the issue of sexual
harassment by faculty of students
came to a head it was white male
faculty sodomizing, among other
things, women of color who were
students raised in a tradition of
tremendous respect, as Asian Ameri-
cans, for males and for 'the
Seeing how historical tradition
forced silence on these women's sto-
ries, Robinson began to use her
clout as an accomplished scholar
?nd teacher to speak for those who
were unable to speak for themselves.
"1 said to myself, 'What can I
do in this situation? Robinson re-
calls. "Listen to these women, of
course. It's a problem about how you
tell a story, and I'm in the story
business as a professor of litera-
So, Robinson's current crusade
entails looking at the stories result-
ing from interracial rape and exam-
ining the origins of the myths sur-
rounding the issue that have been
passed on through generations.
As the final swallow of coffee
was finished, Robinson acknowl-
edged that this project has become
"both an intellectual and political
commitment" for her.
Robinson's talk will be held in
the General Classroom Building,
room 3008. There will be a recep-
tion afterwards. All are welcomed
and encouraged to attend.
hardcore outfit. The Young and The
Useless. Before recording Check Your
Head, the Beasties switched positions,
with Mike D moving to drums, and
hired Mark Ramos-Nishita (Money
Mark), a certifiable phunkmaster on
the keyboards, to help them get in
shape to play that funky music.
And play it they have. From the
Fat Albert feel of "Groove Holmes" to
the Tibetan monks in "Shambala" to
the backwards ethereal trip that is
"Drinkin' Wine the Beasties make
soulful instrumentals as good as any
you could find on an Isaac Hayes or
Curtis Mayfield record back in the 70s.
They have got the groove down and
they are working it.
This is what makes the Beastie
Boys such an interesting group. No rap
group tackles hardcore and jazz
instrumentals. too. No hardcore group
breaks out with the rhymes as profi-
ciently or funks it up as well. And no
jazz or funk band can play in your face
angry punk or pump up the beats like
the Beasties can. They defy categori-
zation, and that's a far step from their
"Fight For Your Right To Party" days.
The Beastie Boys are to be com-
mended for the maturity and sensi-
tivity that these instrumentals on The
In Sound From Way Out show them
to have. The only thing that is miss-
ing on the record are the few tracks
that weren't included, such as the
guitar-driven tour de force
"Futterman's Rule" (one of their best
instrumentals, actually) from Com-
munication, "Something's Got To
Give" from Check Your Head, and
"Honky Rink" from the "Gratitude"
Why these musical treats weren't
included, I don't know. But if you have
them, this new ep and the Money
Mark solo album (reviewed here last
week), you can make one killer mix
tape. And that's what life is all about.
ting sick of it. Especially if they had
kept those weird replacement Duke
boys. The dark days of Coy and
Vance are currently running on
TNN. but never fear. Nobody liked
those losers, so the real Dukes
should be back soon.
There has been talk of a re-
union movie with the original cast
members, except for Sorrell Boke
(Boss Hog), who passed away a few
years ago. Whatever the case may
be, I am very excited. 1 look for-
ward to going home knowing that
I can turn on the television and
watch some good old fashioned
So if you'ie in the neighbor-
hood, drop on by and catch an epi-
sode of The Dukes of Hazard. Re-
gardless of your age, skin color or
religious background, this is clas-
sic television. Watch it!
On a scale of one to 10, The
Dukes of Hazard rates a nine.
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Tuesday, April 9,1996
The East Carolinian
Women's ultimate
frisbee flying high
Will Sutton
Staff Writer
The ECU Women's Ultimate
Frisbee team is making a name for
itself among the college club scene
and even tackling some older com-
petition as well.
Tough practices, with an empha-
sis on working hard but always hav-
ing fun, have the Helios performing
well and maintaining a positive state
of mind.
The Helios, as the team is
known, have a fall, spring and sum-
mer season. The fall and summer are
basically one in the same as they are
allowed to compete against other
club teams from other colleges, plus
games are played against older club
teams that are not collegiate. The
spring season is strictly collegiate, as
the only competition allowed is other
; college club teams. The Helios pre-
fer any season.
"We just love to go out on the
! field and compete, no matter who it
is or what season it is Helio mem-
ber Mona Sarasa said. "We practice
just as hard every season and go out
on the field and with the same atti-
Itude and determination for every
I match. It is a great feeling to be out-
i side, enjoying the day and tossing a
? little frisbee
A nice benefit of playing for the
ielios is that there is a five year el-
igibility period instead of four. This
ifives an extra year of playing time
Pirate pitcher, Jeff
Hewitt, prepares to
throw a strike in a
recent home baseball
game. ECU will be on
the road tomorrow
against Campbell.
Tough losses
suffered on road
Women's ultimate frisbee members compete in the recent
"Ulitimax 26" challenge. The team players finished fourth.
tpr the players.
Practices are a key part of the
learn chemistry for the Helios. Be-
cause there are no set positions dur-
ing the game, practices help every-
one on the field to work together as
4 team so it will not be chaotic and
Confusing during an actual game,
these practices are held three times
a week on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday on the intramural fields. Each
practice is about two and a half hours
The Helios are a solid team from
top to bottom. Some of the standout
players include Becky Ross, Tricia
Stover and Sarasa. The Helios also
acquired some new blood on this
year's team and all new players are
performing well. Jessica Delosreya, a
former soccer player, has been a
poised contributor to the Helios as
well as Melanie Lohwater, another
young player, who started off slowly,
but has come on strong as of late.
"I would have to say Becky and
Tricia are our top two most consis-
tent players Sarasa said. "Everyone
seems to feed off of their tough play
and leadership. Jessica is an outstand-
ing athlete. It has not taken her long
to make the adjustment from play-
ing soccer competitively to playing
ultimate competitively
The most recent tournament the
Helios participated in was one that
they hosted a couple of weeks ago.
It was "Ultimax 26" held at ECU that
attracted teams from various regions
of the country like Vermont, Wiscon-
sin, etc. The Helios finished fourth
out of a large field of teams.
"We played well in the Ultimax,
See FRISBEE page 11
Intramural softball
teams searching for wins
Baseball team
drops games to
conference rival
Dili Dillard
Staff Writer
The Pirates continued their road
trip this weekend in Fairfax as they
dropped two to the predicted top fin-
isher George Mason. The Pirates started
off the three game
series by losing a
ten inning heart-
breaker 34.
"We allowed
the Patriots to get
back into the
game in the eighth
to tie it and take it
into extra in-
nings Coach
Gary Overton said.
The Bucs
drew first blood in
the top of the
third only to have
it knotted up in
the bottom half of
.David Gasklns
Rec Service
The intramural softball season has reached the half-
Jway point and a number of teams are still jockeying for
positioning as the divisional and all-campus tournaments
approach quickly.
A total of 115 teams, divided into nine divisions, are
participating in this year's program. In the Men's Gold,
?the defending all-campus champions,
the Young Guns, continue to look
strong as Tommy Hardison and Jim
I Bob Bryant lead the offense with timely
Ihitting and speed on the basepaths.
However, several other teams are
?posed to mount a challenge for su-
; premacy in the top division. Brinson's
'Babes have proven to be one of the
! early season surprises as Chad Williams
I provides excitement at the leadoff spot
land Jason Weeks anchors the defense
!from his shortstop position.
While the Babes' start has caught
?some teams off guard, two fixtures in
; the league, the Penthouse Players and
; the Cavemen continue to create excitement. The Penthouse
I Players are fueled by the speed of Jeff Schutte and the bat
I of Eric Patterson while the Cavemen supplied one of the
I recent week's most exciting finishes by outlasting U-Lose
118-17 behind a late rally in the last inning sparked by
? Scott Freeman and Ron Ross.
Two familiar organizations head the list of Fraternity
JGold teams reaching the mid-season mark without a loss.
! Matt Gullo and David Singer have lead Sigma Phi Epsilon
,A t- two convincing victories while leadoff man Dietz
I Elliote and Mitch Anderson have provided the offense for
? Pi Kappa Alpha A.
Darkhorse teams in Fraternity Gold include Steve
j Imbriaco's Kappa Sigma team and Alpha Sigma Phi A.
IThe big news in Fraternity Purple is the 0-20 slump cur-
irently in effect for Phi Kappa Psi strong man Colin "The
5 Big Hurt" Mohlmann. However, Phi Psi has had tremen-
Idous early season success as Mike "Disabled List" Paul
and Bryan Savage have supplanted Mohlmann as the main
offensive threat.
Kappa Alpha B has also looked strong in the early go-
ing behind the all-around play of Tyler Willis and Brian Autry
while Wright Hooks' Sigma Phi Epsilon B appears to be the
offensive juggernaut of the division.
The Men's Purple division continues to be anybody's
guess come tourney time but a number of teams have be-
gun to step out from the shadows of Ficklen Stadium. The
TPK's started the season with two big victories over highly-
regarded Ten Greatest Hits and UK3 Posse, Part III behind
the big bats of Kevin Avery and Greg Wiggs.
However, manager Bobby "Super
Genius" Williams of Ten Greatest Hits
promises that they will rebound from
their first regular season loss in four
years to be a challenger. Williams' of-
fense is generated by IM veterans Paul
Willoughby and Brian "The Natural"
Richard Ray's Gamecocks have also
dominated competition early behind the
hitting skills of Scott Leonard and
Stevie Pridgen.
Although these returning teams
have gotten off to strong starts, several
other challengers have emerged away
from the lights and crowds of nighttime
play. Despite the volleyball-spike throws of Charlie "Scatter
Arm" Wooten, the Bogarts won their first two contests while
Tony Piercy, Jeff Smith, John Taylor and Rodney Young have
quietly taken Jumanji to the top of the division.
Meanwhile, the Bad News Bears behind new uniforms,
James "Knee Strap" Ray and Tommy Johnson are vying for
the distinction of "Worst Dressed team" in the league. That
Real Smart Team behind power-hitting Judd "Out at the
Plate" Crumpler and the coaching savvy of Pat "Ancient
Legend" Bizzaro could prove to be the biggest surprise of
the division.
In the lower echelons of the standings, Gloveless is lead
by Ty "Cobb" Antle and Richard Bousted, who is seeking to
break the record for most ejections in a year. The Men's
Residence Hall division features the Aycock Thrashers who
have pounded their opponents behind Cedric "This is my
only team Wright and Corey "Longhair Hamilton.
Among the Women's Gold teams, early season results
See SOFTBALL page 10
the same inning. Then the Pirates would
get a two run burst in the fifth inning
to give what seemed to be a command-
ing 3-1 lead after back to back doubles
by Randy Rigsby and senior co-captain
Lamont Edwards.
"Patrick Dunham's performance
was outstanding, but we squandered
scoring opportunities which allowed
them back into the game Overton said.
With squandered opportunities,
thre 3-1 lead would not hold as the Pats
drew closer as Lee Kansteiner singled
in making the score 3-2. After walking
Kansteiner, the Pats drove in the tying
run sending it into extra innings.
"We fought hard, but gave away
sort of a cheap run to tie the ballgame
which sent it into extra innings
Overton said.
would hang tough
for the full game,
throwing 9.2 in-
nings with seven
k's and giving up
seven hits. Drew
Johnson was the
winner for GMU
after teammate J.K
Ronay drove in the
winning run off of
a single in the bot-
tom of the tenth to
seal the victory.
"We felt we
could have won
that ballgame, but
"We allowed the
Patriots to get
back into the
game in the eighth
to tie it and take it
into extra
? Coach Gary Overton
couldn't hold on. It was a disappoint-
ing loss for us, but we have to bounce
back Overton said
See GMU page 11
A total of 115
teams, divided
into nine
divisions, are
participating in
this year's
SID - The ECU softball team
(28-18-1) captured two victories from
the Liberty University Flames (31-14)
in Lynchburg, Va. on Friday, in a Big
South Conference doubleheader, win-
ning 10-1 and 8-0.
The Lady Pirates (9-3 big South),
coming off a split with Radford Uni-
versity on Thursday, came out hit-
ting. Led by senior first baseman Joey
Clark, from Los Angeles, Calif the
Lady Pirates piled up seven runs in
the first two innings of the first game,
and seven runs in the first four in-
nings of the second game as ECU
coasted to victory. Clark hit two
homeruns and drove in seven RBI's
in the two games.
Sophomore pitcher Jami Bendle
(Amsterdam, Ohio) upped her record
to 11-10 on the year (4-2 Big South)
after pitching the complete game.
Junior shortstop Sharolyn
Strickland, from Chesapeake, Va. also
had a career day, gathering three
runs batted-in on two hits.
In the second game, senior
pitcher Tracie Podratsky (Centerville,
Va.) worked the Flames hitters as she
threw a two-hit shutout. Podratsky,
the staffs' ace, moved to 11-4 on the
year (4-1 Big South) as she pitched
her second two-hitter of the season.
Adding run production for the
ladies, junior outfielder Tonya
Brian Paiz
Senior Writer
Oxendine (Winston-Salem, N.C.) col-
lected three hits at four at-bats and
senior outfielder Heather Smith
(Glen Burnie, Md.) also collected
three hits.
"We came out all fired up, and
hit the ball extremely well today
Head Coach Sue Manahan said. "Our
defense also played strongly this af-
The Lady Pirates will return
home to Greenville for ECU's two fi-
nal home games today and Thursday.
ECU will play host to UNC-W in a
Big South Conference doubleheader
today , and a non-conference match-
up with Hampton University on
Thursday. Game times are scheduled
for 3 p.m.
SID The ECU'S men's track
4x400-meter relay squad (Lewis Har-
ris, Damon Davis, Mike Miller and
Dwight Henry) placed second with a
1996 team-best time of 3:07.64 Sat-
urday at the Clemson Invitational in
Clemson, S.C.
The Pirates 4xl00-meter relay,
made up of Vaughn Monroe, Henry,
Chris Rey and Davis, took third place,
registering a time of 40.80 seconds.
Relay squads form the University of
Illinois took first-place honors in both
See SID page 10
Well, I am finally glad to see
that major league baseball started
on time this season. There could
be some records broken this year
including the home run record.
Look for Frank "The Big Hurt"
Thomas to challenge the record
for most home runs in a season.
Congratulations to Rick Pitino
who finally got his national cham-
pionship. The Kentucky squad
was the most impressive team I
have ever seen take a college bas-
ketball court And freshman Ron
Mercer showed why he will be a
future NBA lottery pick
Players that upped their NBA
stock in the NCAA tournament
include Dontae Jones of Missis-
sippi St, John Wallace of Syra-
cuse and Tony Delk of Ken-
tucky Did you know that Rick
Pitino was on the search commit-
tee for the UMass coaching va-
cancy back in 1988? Rick was so
impressed by one individual that
he offered to pay $5,000 out of
his own pocket to get this guy to
UMass. Who was this person?
John Calipari
Rumor has it out of Hunting-
ton, West Virginia that Les
Robinson could become
Marshall's new head basketball
coach. The vacancy came open
when Rick Pitino protege Billy
Donovan left for Florida. Other
candidates include Tommy
Amaker of Duke and UCLA assis-
tant Greg White. Another vacancy
is N.C. State, who thought they
had Oklahoma's Kelvin Sampson
until he decided to stay in
Norman. The Wolfpack are still
looking at Old Dominion's Jeff
Capel, Washington State's Kevin
Eastman and yes, UMass's John
Look for former ECU Athletic
Director Dave Hart to make a
change at coach for Florida
State's basketball program. It had
been rumored that Pat Kennedy
was going to St John's, but that
did not evolve. A top candidate for
Florida St.? Don't count out
former ECU and now Oregon St
Head Coach Eddie Payne. It's a
shame that ECU basketball lost
both Deron Rippey and Chuck
Jones. Rippey brought a lot of
needed "attitude" to Coach
Dooley's squad, and Jones helped
the Pirates under the boards.
Former ECU star Lester Lyons is
now back in Greenville working
on his masters degree-
Poor Michael Irvin. It looks
like the Pro Bowl Dallas Cowboy
wide receiver got his hand caught
in the cookie jar. Hey Mike, call
Jerry Jones and tell him to reserve
you a spot in one of those coun-
try club prisons Speaking of the
See PAIZ page 11

Tuesday, April 9,1996
The East Carolinian
SOFTBALL from page 9
have cast an interesting light upon
HOOPPHI's attempt to repeat Wendy
Wear's She-Things defeated the defend-
ing champions 13-9 in the first contest
of the season and are lead by the hit-
ting of Mitzi Bunch and Kolly Burritt
HOOPPHI still looks tough with
Dawn Herring manning the pitcher's
mound and Tomekia Blackmon solidi-
fying the defense at shortstop.
In Women's Purple, Jennifer
Mock's coaching strategy and the
power hitting of Ellen Jamison have
fueled Clueless to an undefeated start
while pitcher Torri Forbes leads the
Aycock All-Stars and Allison Mack sup-
plies the offense for the Pinheads.
In the Sorority division, Allison
Furgal's Alpha Xi Delta team is the
lone undefeated squad but several
other organizations are in the hunt
The batting skills of Jen Buckley and
Colleen Dunn and the all-around abili-
ties of Tricia Crotts have kept Chi
Omega close in the standings while
Jenne Sevilla and Tina "Gorgeous"
Black of Delta Zeta claim that their
team is the one to beat for the
Chancellor's Cup race.
The Co-Rec division will split into
Purple and Gold for the playoffs with
the regular season expected to reveal
the proper placement for each squad.
A Bunch of People and a Rusty Wallace
Fan features the league's longest name
and the offensive power of Denny "Red
Flame" O'Brien and the diverse skills
of Carla Hawkins.
Women's Lib has also had early-
season success with Melissa Davenport
and Cory Sink providing the spark at
the plate.
Other noteworthy teams in Co-
Rec include the defending champions,
Gin & Juice, Dazed and Confused with
Brad "News at 11:00" Oldham perform-
ing broadcasting duties and the Pent-
house Players who find unusual offen-
sive skills at the bottom of the order
from Emily "The Blonde Bomber"
Softball playoff action is expected
to begin on Monday, April 15. For fur-
ther information concerning the Intra-
mural Sports Program, please contact
David Gaskins or Paulette Evans at
recreational services at 326387.
Finding a job with The Mast Carolinian is easier than you think, just
stop by and pick up an application from our secretary, we are
located on the second floor of the student Publications building.
SID from page 9
"It was very cold, but we didn't
do that bad ECU Head Track Coach
Bill Carson said. "Illinois is ranked
fourth in the country, and we ran
them right down to the wire
In individual action, Chris
(McKinney placed third in the men's
triple jump (14.24 meters) and Rob-
ert Campbell took tenth in the long
jump (5.61m). Monroe (10.96 sec.)
and Harris (11.53) finished fourth
and ninth respectively in the 100-
meter dash, while Brian Johnson led
three other Pirates with a second-
place (21.45) finish in the 200-meter,
a new 1996 team-best
ECU will travel to Durham, N.C.
this weekend before making final
preparations for the CAA Champion-
ships, held April 20. 1996 in
Harrisonburg, Va.
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, April 9,1996
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GMU from page 9
The Pirates wouldn't bounce back
in the late game of the doubleheader
as Shawn Camp of George Mason held
the Bucs to only one run in his first
career start The Pirates started things
off right by jumping ahead 1-0 in the
first inning. That was all the Pirates
would bring across the plate as the Bucs
once again squandered scoring oppor-
tunities which hurt them in the long
We just got beat in the second
game Overton said "They just out-
played us which was indicative with the
5-1 score
Bryan Smith and John Payne
would take the hill for the Bucs record-
ing only one k between the two of them
compared to the ten recorded by the
Mason pitching staff.
rfklday. (ftptiL 72
?atwcday rfhptii 73
fiundag rftjyul 74
Dam Tewit
6-9 ?t'titfenJuy. fyf-
7-4 cftcLn.g& "Cplibeum
72-2 tftlnge ?oli5eum
-CalL(ftmy. at 328-4570 fo Question,
((piete may not be a (fall ttyout Ao come (fl&W!)
"Not only were we out-played, but
we also faced two outstanding pitchers
from George Mason Overton said.
The Pirates did not go up north to
get swept in Fairfax, and they avoided
that in the third game by thumping the
Pats 12-2. It was Chad Newton who got
the nod and he only allowed two Patri-
ots to cross the plate in his seven in-
nings of work.
"We played on Sunday, baseball
that I feel that we are very capable of
Overton sid
That they did. registering 12 runs
off of 13 hits and recording only one
error as opposed to the five recorded in
games one and two.
"We played more fundamental and
we were more consistent and that's what
we have to do to win ballgames
Overton said.
Tim Flaherty got things started in
the first inning with a three run shot
which proved to be his fourth homer of
the season as well an early 3-0 lead.
Randy Rigsby represented a fair amount
of scoring, going 4-6 with three doubles
as did junior Chris Glanz who went 4-5
with 4 RBI to cap off the series.
?'We played very well I felt, but we
have to start to play more consistent
defense in these conference games to
meet our potential as a ball club
Overton said.
The next as well as the last stop
on the Pirate's road trip, will be in the
booming metropolis of Buies Creek, as
the Pirates will try to avenge the heart-
breaking defeat to the Camels just last
"Our club is ready to face this
Campbell team that beat us in a game
we felt we could have won Overton
said. "We're just taking each game one
step at a time
The 16-8 Pirates' next contest is
set for Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m.
at Campbell.
The Ultimate In
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I?'???? T? :? ? ?-?? -
FRJSBEE from page 9
but we could have placed higher
Sarasa said. "The best part of the
tournament was the atmosphere. You
could feel the electricity in the air
as teams began to show up for their
matches. It was a heck of a fun week-
end, especially the after-the-tourna-
ment activities
UNC-W is the Helios' biggest ri-
val. It is always a special game when
the two meet as it is in almost every
other sport at ECU. They are in most
of the tournaments that the Helios
are in.
Next up for the Helios is one of
the biggest tournaments along the
east coast. This would be the
"Funken Gruven Fest" this weekend.
It is held in Virginia at William &
Mary University. There are 14
women's teams, including the Helios,
that will be competing for top hon-
ors. The field this year features a wide
variety of teams from all around the
east coast. According to Sarasa com-
petition should be tough.
"This is our opportunity to
shine Sarasa said. "We know there
are going to be a lot of really good
teams in this tournament. We have
to come out hard, play that way and
never let up. This will probably be
one of the all-around most entertain-
ing weekends yet. Besides the tour-
nament, there is also a huge three-
band party for all the teams to en-
Sectionals are only two weeks
away and regionals only four weeks
away. The Helios could use this tour-
nament to get things rolling for the
stretch run of the season. These post-
season tournaments have a way of
capping off or ruining the whole sea-
The Helios are looking pretty
good for the future. The team itself
is young, but has been steadily im-
proving all year. Some fresh new
faces will also be arriving next year
and this should add some new en-
ergy and enthusiasm for next year's
"We should be great for next
year Sarasa said. "We should have
a nice blend of talented players next
season. The main point of being out
there is to have fun, and that is what
we intend to keep doing. If ?nyone is
interested, we have summer season
coming up and the fall is right around
the corner
from page 9
NFL, it was good to see two former
ECU stars and now NFL players Jeff
Blake and Robert Jones back in
Greenville for the Pigskin PigouL Jones
has three Super Bowl rings, but next
year he will be spending his days in St
Louis with the Rams. It looks like Blake
might have some help this season in
Cincinnati with the addition of KUana
Carter. Good luck to both Jeff and
ECU football is just around the
corner. The Pirates open up at home
on September 7 against Division I-AA
East Tennessee St The Conference USA
deal from what I hear, is on the table.
ECU would be a great addition to a
mediocre football conference
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CALL 752-2865
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Pitt Property Managemer.t
108a Browniea Dr.
APPLIANCES, water, basic cable, S blocks
from campus. New ownership. $375 deposit,
BEDROOM, $275, on river, wfeWrsewef
included, walk-in closet, spacious bedroom,
on-site laundry.
wesley COMMONS: 1 and 2 bedroom,
range, refrigerator, washer, dryer hookups,
decks and patios in most units, laundry facili-
ty, sand volleyball court. Located 5 blocks
from campus. Free water, sewer cable.
WYNDHAM CT: 2 bedrooms, stove,
refrigerator, dishwasher, washerdryer
hookuos, patios on 1st floor, located 5
blocks from campus. Free rent 12 of month
Dockside 3 and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 4 car
carport, cathedral ceilings, fireplace, dining
room, balcony, exterior storage room, noth-
ing in the area compares.Reasonably
2 full bath, cathedral ceilings, quiet washer
dryer hookup, fireplace, ceiling fans, deck,
almost new, beautifully decorated. $550
month 756-3009 after 6:00pm
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share a three bed-
room apt in Twin Oaks. Non-smoker and
Studious. Please call 830-9587 and ask for
Patricia. Lease starts in May.
now. Looking for one roommate to share 6
month or longer lease. Great location near
The Plaza. With heat air and cable included.
ECU bus line access. $1S7 a month, plus
phone & utilities. Call Phil today 321-2813
TWIN OAKS 3BR, 2 12 bath townhouse.
Available April 1st $585mo. Call Mike at
756-3009 after 5pm
lease. Townhouse in Twin Oaks. $150 a
month, 13 utilities, washer and dryer start-
ing late April or early May. Call 551-1888
ask for Jeff.
S BEDROOM HOUSE AT 2602 Tryor. Dr.
with diningfoom, Rec Room and Hardwood
flodrs - $600 Moore Realty 752-2533
unfurnished one bedroom only five blocks
frotft campus. Appliances, central heatair,
water included. $270. Moore Realty 752-2533
IN NEED OF A roommate to share a 2 bed-
room, 2 ba?n condo with washer and dryer,
rorjthe Summer. $225 plus 12 utilities. Call
3 BEDROOM, 2 12 Bath Townhouse Lo-
cated at WKdwood Villas Pet with Deposit
' WD hook-up. Available May l.3 Bedroom
? HoWe located at 204 E 13th St Pet with
Deposit Available May 12 Bedroom, 1
Bath, Spacious Apartment Located 2 Blocks
from ECU Gampus, Water, Sewer, Basic Ca-
Me Included. Call 752-8900
rything. Professional, quiet environment.
Like new orie & two bedrooms, with applianc-
es. $285-$350. Moore Realty 752-2533
room, 1 bath, hardwood floors, ceiling fans,
-? apBances ?d washerdryer hook-ups. $390
Call 752-0377
SPRING sfmesters of 96-97. Possibly stay-
trig at Park West Tower Village, or White-
bridge Apts. Rent is $197.50 per person.
WasherWyerRefrigerator included. Con-
tact Will Strickland at ($19) 830-1198
room apartment to sublease for the summer.
Preferably iclose to campus. If interested
please call 328-3793
BIG enough for two. New carpetingfloor-
ing; dishwasher, free cable, walking distance
to campus. $310month. Call 355-8731 ask
about unit 11.
"iSrraircondftioned Ringgold Tower's apart-
ment On campus, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, kitch-
en furnished, carpeted, Free Parking and
more. Call 757-2725
May-August Pay half deposit and rent less
twenty dolfers. Close to campus. Washer
Dryer Hook-up. Free Cable. Call 757-0843
rent $178 per mo. Share 13 utilities with
two other roommates in house. Washer, Dry-
er available on premises. Near campus. Call
for interview 758-2147. Leave message for
Chris or Bill anytime
1 BEDROOM AT 1301 Dickinson, hard-
wood floors, Appliances$195 2 bedroom
duplex at 706 Mills. No appliances - $210 or
707A Mills with Appliances - $290. 2 bed-
room duplex, upstairs, no appliances - $195.
Moore Realty 752-2533
room in 4bjdrm apartment WD, pool, ten-
nis, weightroom included. Available May 1st
?all 321-0166 after 7pm. Ask for Joanne.
LOOKING FOR A PLACE this summer at
ECU? There will be one bedroom available
atl05-B, East 11th St after final exams.
Contact WHl Strickland at (919) 830-1198
For Sale
renovated two bedrooms. Unique floor plan.
$350.00 month. Call 355-1313 to make an
appointment Managed by Remco East Inc.
MENT. Players Club May through July. Half
off May's Rent $250. Features pool, tennis,
volleyball, hoops and low utilities. Call Steve
$300 DEPOSIT IS YOURS. Take over lease
at Wilson Acres until July and keep $300
Deposit 2 BR $505 month with April's rent
paid. Call 3554511
ROOM available May 1 in apartment across
street from campus. 407B Lewis Street $210
monthly plus 13 utilities and phone. Call
room townhouse, 2 blocks from ECU, 3
blocks from downtown, Please call Debbie,
Dawn, or Jim at 7580362
close to campus. WasherDryer, own room,
and lots of extras. Rent neg. Call 756-1181
TWIN OAKS 3 BEDROOM 2 12 baths,
fireplace, all appliances, very large, quiet
pool, close to park. $585 month. 756-3009
after 6:00pm
MALE TO share a 2 bdrm, 112 bath Apart-
ment Pinebrook $190.00 plus 12 utilities
for August non-smoking serious student.
Please call 328-7570
TWO BEDROOM ONE BATH available for
subleasing. June through august $335 per
month. Park Village I, off Greenville Blvd.
Silver bus line. Call 758-5154
1 AND 2 BEDROOM Apartments, Duplexes
and Townhouses for rent Many locations to
eHoose frdm. Currently Pre-Leasmg for the
Fall. Call Wainwright Property Management
people Apt in Players Ciub. Rent neg. Call
just 3 blocks from ECU Campus. With hard-
wood floors, fenced in yard, and central heat
air - $525 Moore Realty 752-2533
SUBLEASE MAY ? JUNE. 2 br's available
in Player's Club. Clean, female, nonsmoker
preferred. $250 month, 14 utilities. No se-
curity deposit option to renew lease in Au-
gust Call 3554410, ask for Kristi, Sandy, or
Mimi or leave message.
wanted for early May or Late April for 3 bed-
room house. 3 blocks from campus. AC,
washerdryer. Call 752-6999
house Starting in July. Smokers Welcome.
For more information call Julie 830-8969 An-
summer sub-lease in Greenville area. Flex-
ible on rent price. Non-smoking female room-
mates only. No drugs. Call 919-512-7514. Will
reimburse long distance charges.
MENT. $495 a month. May, June. July, Tar
River. Water, cable included. 1 12 baths.
Call 754-2281 ask for Eric or Mark.
new townhouse within walking distance of
campus. Rent $220, pets ok, smokers wel-
come. Pldtse call ASAP! 4130957
LEASE now for Summer School and Fall
Semester. Great location across from Chico's
and Dowrftown. Townhouses with 2 bed-
Worns, 112 baths, all appliances, mini
blinds, and washerdryer hook-ups. Cable
included. 520 Call 7520277
room house 13 utilities, 13 rent Bus stop
at corner. Call 752-6886 any time after 6
DEAL OF THE SUMMER. Sublease one
bedroom $150month with WD all appli-
ances, pool, weight room. Call 756-5480
Only123.75 per month. Includes water and
cable. Three spots are available for May -
August Call 752-8451 ask for Abby.
available for a female at Players Club Apart-
ments. Swimming Pool and Full workout
room. Rent $250 a month. If interested Call
Park for Summer. Looking for female room-
mate $180 a month. Phone Number 551-
green, good condition. Call Aimee at 758-
6649 anytime after 6pm
IGUANAS: 2 12 FOOT male with custom
cage, $200: 1 Foot female with cage, $75,
both came with all accessories including
heat rocks and lighting. Most Sell 551-
BU1CK SKYLARK, 1989 16V Quad4, in-
spection 497. AC, RadioTape, good con-
dition, $2,500, Call 328-3818
with 35 watt Gorilla Amp; $200. Will Sepa-
rate. 551-6754
with leaf and four solid hardwood pressback
chairs! $225 Rockford Fosgate dual 15-inch
sealed subwoofer box! $200 Call 830-8934
1994.5 NISSAN SENTRA, 4 door, Black,
Loaded, 20,000 miles. Must sell! $9,500 call
ECU POTTERY SALE downtown Ayden
222 South Lee Street at Nikki Lynn's Fri-
day, 12th, Saturday, 13th and Sunday, 14th.
top, newer rebuilt engine: also for sale old
pop-up camper, good frame, call Jim at 758-
1988 ACURA INTEGRA LS with new
clutch and muffler. In great condition.
$4900. Call 7580976
AC, Fully loaded, Excellent Shape, $2,700
must sell. 757-1966
TO $3,000-$6,000 PER MONTH. ROOM
SARY. CALL(206)971-3510 EXT A53623
OLDEST and largest Escort Service is now
hiring due to our expanding business. Earn
up to $1,500 plus a week, escorting in the
Greenville and surrounding areas. You must
be at least 18 years of age, have own phone
and transportation. We are also hiring male
and female dancers for private parties. Call
Diamond Escorts Inc. at 7580896 or Emer-
ald City Escorts at 75703477 for and inter-
view. EsL. 1990.
you to travel and get paid for it Call 1-800-
750-8894 to hear the Roar of the CAT. Then
call your local Representative at 531-7272.
dinator of environmental sales. Internation-
al marketing company expanding to Green-
ville seeking part-time team oriented indi-
viduals. Good pay. Call for an appointment
NOW reached Creenville. We are looking for
Health Conscious, Neatly Dressed, Career
Oriented Individuals to fill Part and Full
Time Positions. Great Pay 7580390
RPS HAS A PART-time clerical position
available. 20-25 hours a week. M-F. Please
call 752-1803 for more information.
to $2545hr. teaching basic conversational
English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No
teaching background or Asian languages re-
quired. For information call: (206)971-
ing qualified individuals for full-time posi-
tions as Guest Service Representatives. Ho-
tel experience preferred, but not required.
Please apply in person at The Greenville Hil-
ton Inn.
must be hardworking with a great personal-
ity. General office duties including filing and
running errands. Must have own transpor-
tation. Call 752-1600 ask for Kelly.
TRAVEL, EXPERIENCE. Call 1-800-251-
4000 ext 1576
worship services. For more information call
the Arthur Christian Church at 7580841
delivery. License required. Apply in person
at Larry's Carpetland, 3010 E. 10th Street
Greenville, NC
$7.00 PER HOUR PLUS $150.00 per
month housing allowance. Largest rental
service on the Outer Banks of North Caroli-
na (Nags Head). Call Dona for application
and housing info 800-662-2122
tennis and golf privileges! Lifeguards, wait-
staff, food service, cashiers and gate attend-
ants. The Village Beach and Tennis Club,
Nags Head. (919) 480-2222
971-3600 EXT R53622.
$2,000month working on Cruise Ships or
Land-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal
& full-time employment available. No experi-
ence necessary. For more information call
1-206-971-3550 ext C53624
2 mornings a week, some nights & weekends.
Must be a non-smoker, have own transpor-
tation, and can handle an active 3 year old.
Someone needed to keep
children part-time in summer.
Hours: (approx.) 8:30-2:30 for
7 weeks. Experience required.
Call 931-6904 leave message.
Why shop in LA
New York, or even
Raleigh for
that matter
21st Century
(formerly BLTs Boutique)
Downtown Greenville
is all that matters.
Eajoy tiw Outdoors?
Earn $$$ This Summer
Monitoring Cotton Fields!
$5VHR Mileage
Must Be
Honest Reliable
Reg-Full-Time Mrs.
Mail Resume To:
P.O. Box 370
Cove City, NC 28523
Greenville, Kinston, New Bern
you never seem to have enough memory?
Wish your computer would behave? Need
help with buying a new computer, upgrad-
ing, or installing new hardware or software?
I solve computer problems. Call me at 355-
8041, ask for Matt or e-mail me at bchea-
TARY will provide campus pick-up and de-
livery for typing resumes, documents, re-
search papers, etc at a reasonable rate! Call
Susan at 7464504 after 6:00pm
in public and private sector grants & schol-
arships is now available. All students are eli-
gible regardless of grades, income, or par-
ent's income. Let us help. Call Student Fi-
nancial Services: l-800-263O495extF53625
ECU'S 1 DJ SERVICE! your party ain't
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile Mu-
sic Productions is "the" disc jockey service
for your party or social function. Widest var-
iety of any disc jockey company in Creen-
ville Alternative to Hip Hop. Specializing in
the needs of ECU Organizations and Greeks.
Spring dates are filling fast so call early.
Ask for Lee 7584644.
EARN CASH AND GO on vacation at the
same time. Club Atlanta Travel offers ex-
ceptional cash and travel earnings in its
unique Network Program called "CAT. Tru-
ly a ground-floor opportunity. Please call 1-
800-750894 then 531-7272(local)
offers speedy, professional service, campus
pick-up and delivery. Familiar with all for-
mats. Low Rates. Call Cindy at 355-3611.
TION. The next meeting of ECHO will be
held Tuesday, April 9th in GCB 1003. Schol-
arship applications are due into the Honors
Office no later than Monday, April 8th at
5:00pm. The annual Spring Cookout will be
held Sunday, April 14th at Elm Street Park.
Activities begin at 4:00pm. All Honors Stud-
ents are invited to attend. Nominations for
officers will be taken at the April 9th meet-
ing For more information Call Joseph @ 756-
ECU WOMEN (students, faculty and start")
are invited to attend meetings of the Green-
ville Chapter of the National Organization
for Women(NOW). Greenville NOW will meet
Wednesday, April 10 at 5:30pm at the
Szechuan Garden Restaurant For informa-
tion, call 413-3303 or 756-1811
rock climb with Recreational Services. There
will be a Climbing I Workshop on April 9
from 3-6pm at the Climbing Tower. Interest-
ed individuals will need to register in 204
Christenbury by April 8. For more informa-
tion call Recreational Services at 3280387
MENT: Add some fun to your Spring and
enter the Frisbee Golf Doubles Tournament
April 16-17 at 3:00pm at the Disc Course.
No pre-registration is required! For more in-
formation call Recreational Services at 328-
ics Society will be having a meeting April
11 at 5:00pm in Brewster C room 305. Last
meeting and everyone is welcome to attend.
out of your room and get on the river. Re-
creational Services wants to take you out
for an Afternoon Canoe on the Tar April 15tn
from 30pm. Interested individuals will need
to register in 204 Christenbury Gym before
April 10th. For more information call Recrea-
tional Services at 3280387
planning its first Spring Career Expo for
Wednesday, April 17, 10:00 - 12:30 at the
Student Plaza in front of the Student Stores
(Ram site: Gen Classroom Building). Repre-
sentatives from manufacturing, insurance, re-
tail, telecommunications, banking and ac-
counting will be on hand to talk about their
organizations and potential career opportu-
nities. Students who are exploring career op-
tions or seeking employment are encouraged
to come and talk with the representatives.
ECNAO WILL BE HAVING a meeting April
9 at 7pm in MSC room 248. All members
are encouraged to attend. For more infor-
mation please call Nikki Epps at 752-9042
ALL ODK 1995-96 Safety Net Mentors and
Mentees are invited to attend the 1st An-
nual Safety Net Mentor Pigout Monday, April
22 from 5-30-7:30pm on the Mall. Please stop
by the Safety Net Booth in front of Student
Stores April 10,11 & 15 from 10-2 to make
your reservation & to pick up your ticket
for an afternoon of fun, games, music and a
"free" Southern Style Pig Pickin' (Chicken
500 DIFFERENT HOW-TO reports with
full re-print rights. These incredible reports
practically sell themselves! Amazing record-
ing! 1-800-732-2863 Ext 9187, 24hrs.
Stationwagon $500 and 19" color tv $50.
Call after 9pm at 321-8816
loveseat Excellent Condition. Sell for $400
O.B.O. Call 752-2965 Ask for Todd.
$350, Apple Personal LaserWriter 300
$300, Technics Speakers $100, Technics
Tapedeck EQ & Realistic CD player $50
each. Call 830-9585
Pearl Trim, crinoline petticoat, matching
veil, worn once & beautiful! Asking 12 of
its $1200 cost 75640S4
$15,284 last Summer working 80hrswk last
summer. If you'd like to hear how call 1-800-
685-7194 X4681 M-F between 9-7 for more
into, leave message.
looking for an excellent paying job give us a
call. Playmates Massage Snow Hill NC - 919-
structors. & Other Positions for western
North Carolina's finest Co-ed 8 week youth
recreationalsports campour 42nd season!
Over 25 activities, including water ski, heated
pool, tennis, Go-karts, artCool Mountain
Climate, EXCELLENT pay and great fun!
Non-smokers. For applicationbrochure: 704-
692-6239 or Camp Pinewood,
Hendersonville, NC 28792.
THANKS ZTA FOR A great Big Sis Hunt
We love our Big Sisters. From the Little Sis's.
TIONS on finding what you were looking
for Friday nite. Hope along the way you dis-
covered laughs, smiles, and above all a love
to last a lifetime! You guys are doing a great
job! Love - your Big sis' and Zeta sisters
PI DELTA PLEDGES: FROM here to there
you went everywhere not knowing what
you'd find. What you found was a big sur-
prise, your big sis before your eyes! Congrats
to the best little bunny foo-foos! Love, the
sisters P.S. Cheese and macaroni!
ZETA WOULD LIKE TO congratulate the
new SGA Officers. Your hard work and de-
termination paid off! Love, The Zetas
PI KAPPA PHI THANKS for a great Pref
party last Thursday night! It was a blast
Hawaiian style! Love - Zeta
mummy sleeping bags, tents, backpacks,
boots, backpacking equipment stuffbags, al-
most anything. Need quality stuff. Call 321-
ing individuals with neat appearance and a
positive attitude. Training provided. Full
Time Advancement Potential. Call 321-6727
9am-5pm for an appointment.
CONGRATS TO Alex Kimney and Jenny
Gorka for being inducted into Gamma Beta
Phi. Your AOPi Sisters are proud of you.
DELTA CHI THANX FOR the great social
Thursday night! Love, Chi Omega
PHI PSI - thanks for the best social we've
had all year. Whoever thought hunting for
eggs could be so much fun? We sang, we
danced, we left the house a mess (Sorry!)
but after Wednesday night, we think you're
the best! Can't wait to do it again, love the
Pi Delta Sisters and Pledges.
Officers of Alpha Omicron Pi. We know you'll
do a great job!
to thank Heather Carroll for getting the great
sisterhood retreat together!
for a Fantastic Social. Thanks from the men
of Sigma Tau Gamma
meeting tonigh' and will have a guest speak-
er Tom Lamprcct who is running for State
Senate. Anyone interested in coming should
go to the Underground room in Mendenhall
Tonight at 7pm Any questions call Cristie
@ 3550474 or E-mail ugfarley.
GET PUMPED FOR A day of competition
at the tower and enter Flatlanders Fling
Climbing Competition April 16 at 2pm. There
will be several different speed and difficulty
categories from intermediate to advanced
climbers in both the men's and women's
classes. Register the day of the competition.
For more information call Recreational Serv-
ices at 3280387
GAMMA BETA PHI: THE last meeting of
the semester will be held on Tuesday, April
9 at 5:00pm in Mendenhall Great Room 1
and 2. Hope to see everyone there! Any ques-
tions, Contact Mike at 7524075. Congratu-
lations to all the new members.
no time for siesta at this year's Natural Life
Fiesta Night on Thursday, April 11 at 4pm
on the College Hill Field. There will be plen-
ty of free food, games and prizes for every-
one. For more information call Recreational
Services at 3280387
B-GLAD OUR NEXT meeting will be on
Wednesday, 10 April 19 at 7:30pm in room
221 of Mendenhall Student Center. We wil
have speakers from N.C. Bi-Net The topk
will center around bi-sexual issues. Pleas
bring canned food for our Picasso food drive
Hope to see you there.
Chapter is sponsoring Apollo Night on Thun
day, April 11 at 7:00pm. If there is anyon
interested in displaying your talent sign u
in front of the Student Store Monday, Apr
8th-Thursday April 11th between 11 &
For more information call 3530624.
CLINIC: Thursday, April 11 6-9pm in Bel
Building. Tickets from PT Students or Bac
& Limb Clinic. $3.00 in advance or $3.50 ;
the door.
science majors and minors! You are invite
to a Science Career Day at Flanagan o
Thursday, April 11th from 12-2pm. Repr
sentatives from various science oriented cor
panies in the surrounding areas will be pre
ent to offer information about their comp
nies. This event may offer the chance for yo
to learn what prospective employers are loo
ing for in science majors. A brief present
tion by each representative will begin in Fl
nagan 201 promptly at 12:00. (
II lllll?f 'I'M W'BJiH

The East Carolinian, April 9, 1996
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 09, 1996
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