The East Carolinian, March 19, 1996

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March 19,1996
Vol 71, No. 46
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
12 pages
?'? ? In Kl
Around the State
(AP) - A person whose remains
were discovered by a dog over the
weekend likely was murdered,
Rutherford County authorities
n Saturday. Randy Peoples
and his daughter found the family
dog with a skull with some flesh
on it, a lower jawbone with teeth
and some human hair.
The jaw was charred,
Asheville television station WLOS
have charged a country' club main-
tenance worker in connection with
the slaying of an elderly woman
during a break-in late last month
at her southeast Charlotte home.
Patrick Joseph Steen. 26. was
held without bond Sunday in the
Mecklenburg County Jail following
his arrest for murder and first-de-
gree burglary, according to inves-
Virginia Frost, 80. was beaten
to death on Feb. 29 at her home
within walking distance of Myers
Park Country Club during what
police call a random burglary that
turned violent.
Around the Country
TEMPLE, Texas (AP) - An-
other veterans hospital patient
who used newly installed oxygen
equipment last week has died,
bringing the toll from the possi-
bly contaminated oxygen to four,
officials said.
Spokeswoman Liz Crossan
confirmed the latest death at Olin
E. Teague Veterans Center.
The central oxygen system at
the center was switched to equip-
ment provided by a new contrac-
tor Wednesday morning. Within
15 minutes, workers smelled an
odor coming from it.
The 89 patients who had been
breathing oxygen from the system
were switched to bottled oxygen,
but three died later that day and
the fourth died over the weekend.
NEW YORK (AP) - A former
Philip Morris scientist alleges the
company knew nicotine acts like
a drug on the brain and carefully
controlled nicotine levels in ciga-
rettes. The Wall Street Journal re-
ported Monday.
The federal Food and Drug
Administration is about to make
public a 24-page sworn affidavit
by the former Philip Morris sci-
entist, Ian Uydess, the Journal
And at least one other former
employee also has given a state-
ment to the FDA, sources close
to the matter told the newspaper.
Uydess was an associate se-
nior scientist for Philip Morris
until 1989, when he left the com-
Around the World
TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) - Five
Central African nations agreed
Monday to step up their crack-
down on Rwandan extremists
whose bullying and threats have
left 1.7 million Rwandan refugees
afraid to go home.
Disorder degree
offered this fall
Nine students
accepted into
new program
Sharon Franklin
Staff writer
Editor's Note: This is the second
of a two-part series profiling two new
degree programs.
North Carolina's first doctoral pro-
gram in communication sciences and
disorders will be offered by ECU's
School of Allied Health Sciences this
The program includes two tracks:
speech language pathology and audiol-
"Our graduates will have many
options said Dr. Michael Rastatter,
chairman of the department of commu-
nication sciences and disorders. "Some
will go to universities as teachers and
researchers Rathers said. "Others will
go into hospitals and run hospital based
clinics or research labs This new pro-
gram plans to improve health care for
eastern North Carolinians.
"Hopefully, some of our graduates
will stay in this area to fill the commu-
nication needs of the people Rastatter
said. "This state has a real need to build
up a supply of audiologists
The need for the program was rec-
ognized a decade ago by Dr. Gregg Giv-
ens, director of graduate studies at the
department of communication science
and disorders, and he tiled a request to
plan for it in the mid-1980s.
When Dr. Rastatter arrived as
chairman of the department in 1994,
he and Givens developed the program
it couldn't have happened with-
out the support of the chancellor, vice-
chancellor (Hallock) and Dean Jones, of
allied health sciences Rastatter said.
The new labs and faculty needed
have been acquired and the program is
ready to start a year earlier than ex-
"We had planned for a year of de-
velopment Rastatter said, "but we're
ready to start this fall. We've developed
a neuroscience and acoustics lab and
added significantly to the faculty
Six of the nine possible slots for
the fall are filled. Those include students
from ECU, UNC-CH and outof-state.
Shane Barger shows
the real meaning of
basketball fever as he
slam dunks at the court
on College Hill.
Cadet-filled choppers lift off
Tara Conrad
Staff Writer
Belk Field did not tum into an
army battlefield this past Friday. It
was ECU's Army ROTC cadets be-
ing shipped off to their field train-
ing exercises (FIX) for the weekend.
Members of the North Carolina
National Guard flew in on two UH-
60 Blackhawk helicopters to Belk
Field. Their mission was to ship
about 50 cadets and staff members
of the program to Camp Bonner,
located outside of Washington. The
helicopters landed at the field at
3p.m. and took off at 4p.m. Once
arriving there, the cadets went
through field training exercises.
The purpose of going through
these exercises was for the cadets
to gain experience so they will even-
tually be prepared if ever called on
to fight for the country. The cadets
went through a series of exercises
Cadets file into an Amry ROTC helicopter Friday afternoon
before it left the field by the Belk Building.
such as land navigations and vari-
ous squad and platoon operations.
While participating in these ex-
ercises, the cadets were evaluated
on how well they performed and on
their leadership qualities. They were
presented with different scenarios
and were expected to carry them out
See CADET page 3
Healthy eating promoted on campus
Sharon Franklin
Staff Writer
March is National Nutrition Month and the campus eat-
eries are sponsoring fun and informative events to increase
healthy eating on campus.
Nutrition booths will be set up at Todd and Mendenhall
dining halls, the Wright Place and the Croatan from 11-2:30
p.m. the last two Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in
March. The booths will offer samples of such goodies as fat-
free brownies, veggie burgers, low-fat quesadillas and other
Student dietitians and the nutrition director of the cam-
pus dining unit, Laura Hartung, RD, will be available to an-
swer questions.
"A university community is better informed in most fields
than the general population Hartung said, "but in one ba-
sic area - healthful eating - there's a real need for more
information and better practices
Hartung said her belief is based on observation of how
people at ECU eat in campus cafeterias and snack bars, as
well as a survey she conducted last year, using a sample of
1,001 students, faculty and staff members of both sexes. The
subjects were surveyed at six dining facilities on the main
Her aim was to discover gender differences regarding
nutrition attitudes and health practices. Results of the 33-
Women's studies
celebrates 10 years
Sherri Parrish
Staff Writer
This month, ECU's Women's
Studies Program is sharing the spot-
light with Women's History Month
as the program celebrates its 10-
year anniversary.
To commemorate, the Women's
Studies Program has organized a
month-long celebration.
The festivities began with a re-
cent tenure and promotion work-
shop sponsored by the Committee
on the Status of Women. Monday's
luncheon and lecture with Dr. Jane
Marr is, a pro-
See EAT page 4
Robin Cross, resource managerforcampus
dining helps students fill out surveys.
fessor of En-
glish who
spoke on Vir-
ginia Woolf.
continued the
to the Director
of the Women's
Studies Pro-
gram and Asso-
ciate Professor
of psychology
Dr. Linda
Allred, the next
event spon-
sored by the
program is
Women: A Cel-
ebration of Women's Voices, in
which anyone may participate in the
reading of works by women. This is
scheduled for March 21 in the Gen-
eral Classroom Building.
The main event to celebrate the
program's 10th anniversary will be
a performance by award-winning
Broadway actress Vinie Burrow of
her one-woman show SisterSister
March 25. Burrow's show highlights
women's experiences in a global
Allred has deemed the actress
phenomenal and her performance
as an experience not to be missed.
"Burrows will make you
laugh, she will make you cry Allred
said. "She will make you angry and
"The idea is to
contributions that
have been
overlooked and
taken for
she will make you happy ? it's an
incredible experience to watch. I
was so floored when I saw it be-
cause I was not prepared for some-
thing that was going to be simulta-
neously fun and heart breaking. It
was truly a bittersweet experience
Although the Women's Stud-
ies Program is sponsoring these
and other events in its honor, it rec-
ognizes those who have helped
make it possible.
"We have gotten very gener-
ous support for this whole celebra-
tion from the chancellor's office,
the vice chancellor's office for aca-
demic affairs, and the College of
Arts and Sci-
ences Allred
said. "We
couldn't have
done it without
In the 10
years of exist-
ence at ECU,
the Women's
Studies Pro-
gram has of-
fered an under-
graduate and
graduate mi-
nor. This is the
first year that it
has offered a
BA degree pro-
to Allred,
Women's Studies is an interdisci-
plinary degree program that incor-
porates specific women's studies
courses with other areas of academ-
ics "to focus on scholarship by, for
and about women
It is important to realize that
this is an academic discipline -
we're not just a social program in-
terested in women's issues-that in-
cludes traditional academic schol-
arship. At the same time it recog-
nizes that women's experiences can
only be interpreted and understood
in the context in which they live
Allred also said the under-
See WOMEN page 3
? Dr. Linda Allred,
Director of the Women's
Studies Program
Hendrix brings the hits to youpage D
Soul Trainreturnspage O
Baseball on a rollpage v7
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Tuesday, March 19,1996
The East Carolinian
Students know trivia
"College students
are so focused on
what courses
they are taking
that they don't
often look above
their books"
? Sam Andrews, assistant
dean for student services
inUF's College of Education
CPS-More than half of
the students at the University
of Florida cannot name a
state bordering Kansas, and
students are more likely to
name a cast member of the
TV show "Friends" than they
are a Supreme Court jur.lice.
Those are the results of
a recent survey by the UF's
student newspaper, The In-
dependent Florida Alligator,
in which staff members
phoned 150 UF students at
random and quizzed them on
their general knowledge. To
many, the results weren't
that surprising.
Although they may eas-
ily pull As and Bs on exams,
many college students are not as smart as they like to think.
When it comes to testing their CQ, or culture quotient, even
college-educated Americans don't know a lot of basic world facts.
For example, a July 1988 poll by the Gallup and the National
Geographic Society announced that Americans 18 to 24 years
old ranked last among their peers of nine nations in their ability
to locate on a map places like France, Britain, Japan, Central
America and the Persian Gulf.
"College students are so focused on what courses they are
taking that they don't often look above their books Sam
Andrews, assistant dean for student services in UF's College of
Education, told The Alligator. "That's not negative. There are
many other things that can keep a student from watching the TV
news or reading a newspaper, like taking too many hours, or
having a job or a boyfriend or girlfriend
But if you wondered how your CQ measures up, a new
Princeton Review guidebook claims it can give you some answers.
"Culturescope: the Princeton Review guide to an Informed Mind
is 712 pages of trivia, ranging form architecture to religion, poli-
tics to war. And everything in between.
For instance, perhaps you've often wondered why aluminum
doesn't rust, or why only the female mosquitoes bite humans. Or
perhaps you've watched film credits and wondered what the terms
"best boy" and "gaffer" mean. Do you remember what we got
from the 1803 Louisiana Purchase, and who we got it from? And
just how similar are we-genetically-to Doogie. the spastic mon-
Michael Freedman. an author of "Culturescope said the
Princeton Review noticed "some surprising gaps in the knowledge
of our students" when doing education research a few years ago.
So to do more than ask why, the Princeton Review's head
honchos asked researchers to put all the stuff that students don't
know, or knew once but can't remember, into a book, Freedman
Med school ranks in top 20
School places
fourth for rural,
family medicine
Debra Byrne
Staff Writer
U.S News & World Report has
ranked the ECU School of Medicine
as one of the best medical schools
in the nation.
ECU placed 14th in the nation
for primary care and fourth in both
rural and family medicine.
U.S. News & World Report di
vided the nation's medical schools
into two categories: research which
included all 125 medical schools and
primary care.
Last year was the first year that
U.S News & World Report included
primary care in their ranking. ECU
ranked ninth on the 1995 list.
Thomas Fortner, director of the
medical center news and informa-
tion said that even though ECU'S
rank dropped, the scores that the
medical school received this year
were higher than last year.
"This shows we have a good
reputation among other institutions
based on the opinions that others
have of us Fortner said. "It is cer-
tainly nice to be noted in a national
Fortner said ECU's medical
school has always focused on pri-
mary care. An important mission of
the school is to produce primary
care doctors in the areas of family,
general internists and general pedi-
Dr. Tom Irons, ECU School of
Medicine associate vice chancellor
for health sciences and director of
the Generalist Physician Program is
pleased to be ranked as one of the
top in the nation.
"We make an effort to accept
students with strong academic
records and other positive qualifi-
cations Irons said. "We do not only
look at their Medical College Admis-
sion Test (MCAT) score
Irons said because ECU's medi-
cal school accepts a lower MCAT
score compared with other schools,
about a one point difference, their
rank was 14th instead of a much
higher rank in primary care.
"We accept students who work
hard Irons said. "Overall what oth-
ers see as a weakness, we consider
a strength. We feel good about this
The "1996 Americas Best
Graduate Schools" ranking appeared
in the March 18 issue of U.S. News
& World Report. This is the seventh
annual graduate school issue.
Officers rally for Special Olympics
u ?? u pip I ioiitpnant Mike Teem to raise funds.
2,500 officers
throughout state
Stephanie Ann Eaton
Staff Writer
Across North Carolina, law en-
forcement officers are selling T-
shirts and are
selling baseball
caps to support
the 1996 N.C.
Law Enforce-
ment ' Torch
Run for Special
with the Spe-
cial Olympics
started in 1981
in Wichita, Kan-
sas and quickly
became a national effort.
"Any funds raised for Special
Olympics means so much to the
Olympians said Ivy Stocks Secre-
tary of the Pitt County Memorial
Hospital Police Chief. "It is a real
reward for the cops to help out
The run is presented by the
N.C. Association of Chiefs of Police
and K-mart, the 2,000 mile, 18-day
relay involves over 2,500 police of-
ficers from nearly 175 law enforce-
ment agencies from all over the
state. The main sponsor of the 1996
Torch Run is
Branch Banking
& Trust (BB&T)
The torch run
will be in
Greenville on May
28th. Other spon-
sors are
the Angus Barn
Ltd Fraternal Or-
der of Police-State
Lodge, Chili's Grill
and Bar of
'Any funds raised
for Special
Olympics means
so much to the
? Ivy Stocks, Secretary of
the Pitt County Memorial
Hospital Police Chief
Police Lieutenant Mike Teem
from Raleigh volunteers as the N.C.
Torch Run director. He implemented
a state-wide incentive program in
1992. This enabled the North Caro-
lina Special Olympics Torch Run to
grow from $131,000 that year to
over $412,000 in 1995. Teem is also
the first North Carolinian to be in-
ducted into the Law Enforcement
Torch Run for Special Olympics Hall
of Fame.
Stocks said money is not just
raised tl rough caps and T-shirts
sales. She said the cops have bowl-
a-thons, tip a cop programs, car
washes and various other activities
to raise funds.
The Greenville Police Depart-
ment is fundraising for the Special
Olympics fun.
Officer Richard Allsbrook, a
personnel recruiting officer for the
Greenville Police Department and
one of the fundraising chairs for the
Special Olympics said his depart-
ment has several ideas to raise
"We are in competition with the
hospital police Allsbrook said. Ac-
tually, police departments across the
state challenge each other to a
See OFFICERS page 3
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, March 19,1996
OFFICERS from page 2
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"friendly competition" to see which
department can raise the most
Greenville Police are planning
to have a "Talent of the town on
May 11 at J.H Rose High School.
This will allow Greenville residents
to view the talent of the officers and
others while raising money.
Another activity the Greenville
Police Department is planning is
Tip-a-cop. This event will have
Greenville cops serving beverages at
Red Lobster restaurant on April 24.
The Greenville Police Department
also hopes to have a golf tournament
and many other activities.
Last year the Greenville Police
Department placed 7th in the state
for raising funds. They raised
$12,000. This year they hope to
place number one. Their goal is to
raise $50,000.
"The things we do everyday
that we take for granted
Allsbrook said, "they are like moun-
tains for the Special Olympians
In 1995, N.C. placed fourth in
the nation for total funds raised in
a state. The goal for 1996 is to raise
$500,000 through T-shirt and cap
sales, donations and corporate spon-
sors. An estimated 20,000 T-shirts
and 4,000 baseball caps have been
The six-color T-shirt has a front
design of a runner carrying the
Flame of Hope and the back has a
list of Torch Run sponsors, last
year's top fund raisers and a map of
the 1996 Torch Run route. The
black cap is embroidered with a gray
bill and also has a picture of a run-
ner carrying the Flame of Hope.
People interested in buying
shirts and caps can purchase them
by contacting any law enforcement
agency. The shirts are $12 and the
caps are $13.
"Law enforcement gets involved
with this program because it is a way
we can help the families of Olympi
ans participating Stocks said. "It
helps cut the cost for the families
who have to stay in hotels
Allsbrook said the Special
Olympics builds self esteem and self
confidence for the athletes compet-
Sgt. Randell Duell who works
for the N.C. Department of Correc-
tions said he believes that having
the law enforcement agencies in-
volved with Special Olympics allows
the community to see that they care.
"Special Olympics involves law
enforcement staff with the commu-
nity Duell said. "Many times the
community feels that we do not care.
By helping these kids who are chal-
lenged, it shows that law enforce-
ment does have a heart
WOMEN from pel
standing of the social context sur-
rounding women is essential in study-
ing women, their experiences and
their history.
Because history has traditionally
focused on areas of politics, military
events and economics, there has been
little room for the inclusion of
women's contributions.
However, the congressional reso-
lution designating March as Women's
History Month has allowed time for
exploration and accessibility of
women's involvement in American
"The idea is to recognize
women's contributions that have been
overlooked and taken for granted
Allred said. "It's too important to be
For more information on the
Women's Studies Program and any
events in honor of its anniversary,
contact Dr. Allred at 3284341.
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jAAJEj m. from page 1
"The one thing that we stress
the most in this kind of activity is
that everyone strive to do their best
and act as a team said Cadet
Belloto, a junior in the program.
"This is not a one-man army. We
need to perform 110 percent, to-
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The cadets participate in these
exercises throughout the year. How-
ever, it is only once a year they get
the opportunity to be transported
by helicopters.
"You need to make arrange-
ments for an event such as this
about three to four months in ad-
vance stated Captain Thomas
Cooke of the ROTC Program and an
Assistant Professor of Military Sci-
ence. The event is considered a mis-
sion by the National Guard.
The group made its way back
to Greenville on Sunday.
Six of the Army ROTC students
have recently been rewarded with
another opportunity. This May, they
will attend the U.S. Army Airborne
21st Century
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Beside 5 St. Brewery Downtown Greenville
School in Fort Benning, Ga. for
three weeks. The students are: Ja-
son Belloto, David Lynn, Neil Brown,
Heath Hawkes, Israel Angeles and
Michael Poe. While there, these stu-
dents will study to become Army
paratroopers. At the end of their ses-
sion, they will become certified with
an Army Paratrooper badge. These
six cadets were picked from over 90
others. The decision was based on
their performance in the Army
Physical Fitness test, their partici-
pation in the program and their
"It is a great honor to be cho-
sen for something like this. The ca-
dets have worked hard for this op-
portunity Cooke said.
In a few weeks, the ROTC pro-
gram will go through yet another
field training exercise. In April, they
will be holding a formal dance. The
annual Commissioning Ceremony
will be held this May to graduate
this year's senior Army cadets. At
the ceremony, they will receive their
bars before going off into the Army.
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Tuesday, March 19,1996
The East Carolinian
from page 1
item survey do indicate significant
contrasts between the sexes in nutri-
tion knowledge, mealtime and snack
choices and weight goals.
"Generally, for men, good nutri-
tion is making sure they get all the
nutrients needed for good health and
growth Hartung said, "whereas
women tend to feel that healthy eat-
ing is surviving on as little intake as
Breakfast is two bowls of cereal,
a main entree like french toast, ba-
nanas, and three glasses of orange
juice for swimmerfootball player
David Roundtree.
Roundtree, a junior education
major, said he discovered the impor-
tance of good nutrition for good physi-
cal performance while still in high
"I need plenty of protein, fiber
and vitamins Roundtree said, "1 load
up on the carbs when there's a meet"
Breakfast for the females inter-
viewed ranged from nothing at all to
a bagel at the most
"I just have a bagel and a drink
said sophomore elementary ed major,
Vicki Currin.
On college campuses in general,
over 50 percent of women engage in
disordered eating practices. During
Nutrition Month, Hartung is survey-
ing women here on their eating atti-
tudes to determine how many are at
risk for an eating disorder.
"Once we know what our situa-
tion is, we can design programs here,
like peer counseling in the residence
halls, to reach those at risk Hartung
What does constitute a healthy
diet for college students?
Declining to name a certain num-
ber of calories because it varies de-
pending on height body type and ac-
tivity levels, Hartung recommends
that students begin by including all
the foods listed in the basic food pyra-
"That's 6-11 servings of grains,
24 of fruits, 3-5 of veggies, 24 of low-
fat dairy, 2-3 of meat or meat alterna-
tive Hartung said and sparing use
of fats, oils and sweets.
Hartung said the keys to enjoy-
ing good nutrition seem to center
around a balanced variety of foods
eaten in moderation.
"It's OK to eat" Hartung said.
"Some females especially seem to feel
that if a little fat is good, then no fat
is better and they take healthy eating
to the wrong extreme
Is it easy to eat right on campus?
According to Caryn Smith, location
manager of the Wright Place, there
are plenty of nutritious foods avail-
able at the various campus eateries.
"We have lots of success with the
items labeled as 'heart smart Smith
said. "We sell lots of bagels, salads
and fruit salads. We do sell a lot of
pizza, but there's a lot of people who
ask for veggie pizza or plain cheese
The main dining halls are able to
offer more nutritious choices because
of their larger menus.
?'We offer 'healthy choice' entrees
daily Hartung said, "as well as yo-
gurt fruits, veggie burgers and things
like that"
Do students take advantage of
these healthy choices?
"According to our figures, 46
percent of the students, faculty and
staff who dine in our facilities make
nutritious selections Hartung said.
Smith said the Wright Place sells
about half nutritious food and half
junk food.
"Students are very receptive to
fat-free versions of their favorite foods
and ask us to carry more of that"
Smith said, "but some of them still
?load it up' with jurk
Students interviewed on Friday
agreed that they could eat well on
Heather Sloop, a sophomore
majoring in fashion merchandising,
likes to choose foods based on their
nutritive value.
"I usually eat the 'healthy choice'
lunch Sloop said. "If there's not one,
I eat a salad or spaghetti. There's al-
ways something there that's good for
Tami Dodson, a sophomore ma-
joring in recreation and leisure stud-
ies, believes if s easier to eat well on
campus than at home.
"At home I just eat something
quick Dodson said. "Usualty. it's just
something microwaved
Hartung's study shows that 94
percent of women and 56 percent of
men are concerned with good nutri-
tion but only about half of each sex
reports eating well. What keeps stu-
dents from making good choices?
A lack of time causes some stu-
dents to grab a bag of chips instead
of a balanced meal.
"The school really tries to make
it available Sloop said. "But my
schedule makes it hard to eat right
all the time
A bigger problem comes from
some females' dissatisfaction with
their weight that results in
"We have to make women under-
stand that good nutrition is not just
staying away from fat but also means
making sure you get the" nutrients
needed for healthy skin, hair and nails
as well as future childbearing
Hartung said.
News writers'
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at 5:30.
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Tuesday, March 19,1996
The East Carolinian
Our View
Fewer women than men receive tenure on ECU campus, as reported
in the March 14 issue of TEC. But this information is not really new or
surprising, which is truly a shame.
What is even more shameful is the fact that after years of the libera-
tion movement, women in academia are still struggling for equal status
and fighting some of the same arguments that were posed against them in
times past
In the TEC article, Sherry Pemell, co-chair of the Committee on the
Status of Women and diiector of risk management said that in order for
someone to gain tenure he or she must be at a university for a certain
period of time - at ECU it is five years. During this time period, the
person must show a high level of research and hopefully, teaching ability.
Fair enough. Students want to have the best possible educators on
staff. That's why they are paying loads of money to attend the university.
And a proving period is greatly needed. A tenured person is basically on
staff for life, and it should be necessary to have persons at the university
with the skills to teach students and the commitment to stay with and
improve the university's academic offerings.
But Pernell also said that this was one of the factors contributing to
the lack of tenured women professors. She said, "It suggests the old-fash-
ioned ideas that women are not the bread-winners and are the 'trailing
spouse' - the idea that women must pick up and move wherever the
husband's job requires Pernell also said this is true for some women.
Okay, but what about the others? There are plenty of women out there
who may want tenureship, who are just as dedicated to the university,
who can stick it out for five years - what about them? Could they be
discouraged from applying because of the lack of others making it? Could
they start believing that the time period works against them and that it is
a barrier made to keep their numbers low?
Another reason the article stated for fewer women than men with
tenure is the additional family responsibilities that women have to handle.
As mentioned before, one of the major factors persons are judged on is
the quality of their research. Quality research takes time - a lot of time,
and when the whole responsibility of cooking, daycare and carpools falls
into the woman's hands, something has to give.
As a result we get the notice of the 'Superwoman She has to func-
tion as the dutiful housewife and mother at home and the diligent intel-
lectual at work. This could explain why women out-number men as lectur-
ers and instructors. A person is hired on a year-to-year basis. This way if
the woman has to follow her husband, the university has not lost a perma-
nent member, and if the woman thinks she can no longer handle the work
load she can easily end her contract with the semester.
Is there any way out? Is there any way that we can keep our five year
time period, which is needed to keep a high quality faculty and that we
can increase the number of women professors, who can diversify our learn-
ing experiences?
Granted, the moving issue deals with personal choice, so it certainly
is not the university's responsibility, but the university can do other things.
For instance, the university could increase the size of its full-service daycare
center to allow for more faculty children to be accepted (about 300 chil-
dren are on the waiting list) and could possibly establish a 'nightcare so
Female faculty
are greatly
across campus;
it's time we
started asking
why and
started doing
about it
women can have more time to do research.
As reported in the article, the University Strategic Plan states:
"Enhance programs aimed at the recruitment, hiring, development and
retention of a diverse faculty and staff This is a great effort by the univer-
sity and will benefit the faculty and students alike by increasing gender
and racial diversity, but as the numbers revealed, we have a long way to
Letters to the Editor
Conservative agrees
To the Editor,
I just wanted to express thanks
for the rather enlightened "Drop in
the Bucket" column in last Tuesday's
paper. I wholeheartedly agree with
Kevin Chaisson's statement that "self-
confidence comes from the inside
not from changing one's outward ap-
pearance. His article was insightful,
well-written, and honest Although we
all want to look our best, I agree that
any self-improving should be done for
oneself, and not for public approval.
Self-esteem comes from realizing that
each person is a special and unique
creation of God, not from washboard
abs and bulging biceps.
As a conservative Christian,
more often than not I find that I com-
pletely disagree with the opinions
To the Editor,
I am writing in response to an
article by J.C. Horst "Corruption gives
police bad rap in die Feb. 29th edi-
tion. First I would like to agree that
there are some good police officers out
there but our concern today tends to
be focused on the corrupt officers. I
commend the officers that do their job
correctly, but the question is where are
A lot of officers have let the badge
and uniform go to their heads. They
Cops take ego trip
often have a feeling that they are above
ordinary citizens. The laws of the coun-
try are being treated as if they are not
relevant at all, that it only matters what
the officers say. I believe that a lot of
the police officers today are on an ego
It only takes one time to have a
corrupt officer leave a "bad taste" in
everyone's mouth. The problem is the
corrupt officer that maybe your officer
has dealt with. These officers that are
abusing individuals are just as guilty if
The East Carolinian
Tarn bra Zion, Editor-in-Chief
Crtssy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Wendy Ronntree, News Editor
Marguerite Benjamin, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor
Craig Perrott, Assistant Sports Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff Illustrator
Cristle Farley, Production Assistant
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Kami Klemmer, Production Assistant
Xiali Yang, Systems Manager
Tim Hyde, Copy Editor
Rhonda Crumpton, Copy Editor
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Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
ft decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919)
Soul Train tests students
Here it comes! Can everyone feel
it? All the signs are present Soon to
be at a theater near you is summer
Okay, slow down and relax a
minute because this is very exciting.
I wouldn't want you to fall over in the
middle of the article. I just want to
discuss some of the outward signs that
can be seen tor one to make such a
prediction because there are many
and you can see them too.
First, the obvious ones: the sun
is out and the East Carolina Soul
Train has officially been reestablished.
In its second semester in name, the
Soul Train that has existed almost ev-
ery day outside the student stores is
better than ever. There are more
people participating this year than
If I am confusing some I am re-
ferring to the passageway that one
must walk through between classes
that has been created by people sit-
ting on the curb. There are ways
around it, but, the sheer joy that I
receive from seeing this again is
enough to marvel at the new sun
glasses and tans that fill the air with
a scent of summer.
Next there is the presence in the
mind of many to be anywhere rather
than in the classroom. School gets
that much harder when the sun is out
and our animalistic urge is to run free
into the wild blue yonder - whatever
yonder is.
I planned to go into other aspects
of summer but it seems that my mind
cannot budge from the soul train. Pic-
Patrick Ware
Opinion Columnist
ture this:
Flocks of boys and girls stand-
ing around the student stores like bees
around honey. Something draws them
near because they always come back.
Every other girl in the swarm has ei-
ther artificially or naturally, through
the magic of Spring Break no doubt,
prepared their skin color that it might
be the correct shade with which they
might look the coolest. And the guys,
all decked out in their shades as well
and with coo! looks and cay attitudes,
flash the gun-shaped hand sign to
people passing by.
Once you enter the train all eyes,
if only for a moment, flash up and
look you over for a scoring in these
categoriesTan, Dress, Strut Profi-
ciency, Appropriate book holding
mechanism compared with the out-
fit, and lastly, and certainly not least,
the number of people that you can
shoot with your hand, shaped like a
gun, during one pass down the train.
To have the best possible score
in the tan competition one must be
at least as tan the least tanned per-
son and certainly more tan than the
most tan person. There is sometimes
a separate category for fake baking
because an over stimulation by those
beds tends to create an orange tint.
Soul train judges can see this if it
has been overdone. Many pull it off
with out over doing it, but many
The dress category has a tew sub
categories that include the following:
The most grunge look with the best
tan, the best ensemble including the
food choice in the Wright placet fruit
does we here, and also muffins),
biggest shoe category, 1 still haven't
figured this one out. There is the
least put-together look with the best
hair. And finally there is the I-belong-
in-student-governrr. nt-and-i'm-going-
In the strut proficiency scoring
the contestants are scored based on
the ability to stand or walk in a man.
ner that reflects the closest amount
of cool as compared to the king. John
Travolta, in Saturday Night Fever.
Oh yes, there is the standing strut.
This is a new twist this year and is a
good one for new observers of this
sociological molding pool to notice.
The last two scorings are simple
Your book bag has to be an earth
tone because earth tones are cool,
and you have to be able to shoot
people with your hand without fall-
ing down. Have fun watching!
Women spice up boxing
and conclusions put forth in TEC's
columns and editorials. However, col-
umns such as this one and others
recently have been consistent with
my views and personal convictions,
and I appreciate a fresh perspective.
I look forward to seeing more of this
in the future.
Thank you,
Betsy Folland
Women are good for a lot of.
things. Women are good first for
their overall sensitiveness anH kind-
ness. They are good for tender lov-
ing care. They are good for keeping
the males in check as far as their
potential actions and tempers. They
are good for coming up with a mas-
sive health care plan (Hillary
Women are good for one more
thing also, boxing. The advertisers
and promoters in the boxing world
decided viewership was just not high
enough. Now women are beating
each others brains out in front of
millions of men.
I'm particularly referring to the
hyped TysonBruno World Boxing
Championship fight Saturday, March
16th. The fight was shown for free
at La Vista Pizzeria at Fifth and
Charles Boulevard. Before the pre-
mier fight there was a six-round
Neill Dalberg
Opinion Columnist
Now women
are beating
each others
brains out in
front of millions
of men.
fight between two lightweight
women, which went the distance. It
was an electrifying Rocky-like battle,
with a TKO winner. Myself, and the
crowd of mostly men, cheered and
roared excitedly as the punches flew.
Many said later it was better than
the premier fight which lasted only
three rounds with Tyson winning 50
seconds into the third.
These women 1 believe, and 1
think many men would agree, are
not vour ordinary women. It takes
a special kind of woman to box. A
woman who will have an over-the-
edge competitive attitude, psycho-
logically competing with men on a
physical level. Or, they are the kind
that are really men trapped inside a
woman's body.
Whatever the case may be, I can
tell you I enjoyed watching them It
was the right choice on behalf of the
advertisers and promoters, with their
objective to entertain. 1 believe that
women should continue fighting. If
they want to fight for themselves and
money, it's their right. Whether or
not women agree on female boxing,
that is a forum I'm leaving open for
discussion and comment.
not more than the criminals them-
If people cannot trust the police
force, then who can they put their trust
in? I am not saying that there are not
any good police officers but the prob-
lem remains in the fact that a good
portion are corrupt There is no doubt
in my mind that the system needs to
be changed but the question is how?
Amanda James
ill J4J
Censorship is good
To the Editor,
I am writing to you about an edi-
torial in the Feb. 27th East Carolin-
ian. Jennifer Coleman's opinion that
censoring the Internet is bad for
America is not true. True, America
is the land of the free and home of
the brave. All President Clinton
wants to do is stop offensive pornog-
raphy from being easily seen on the
Internet. To compare this to America
becoming too censorized is crazy.
Censorship has a negative connota-
tion and in this case is good. Anyone
could get on-line and see pornogra-
phy with no restrictions at all, but if
you wanted to get the same thing in
a store you have to be at least 18
years old. So what is all the complain-
ing about not being able to see this
crap anyway. 1 would sleep better at
night if I was a parent knowing my
kids could not get into this pornog-
raphy on my computer.
If anything, America is becom-
ing more and more decensorized.
Now a days you can see pornogra-
phy anywhere. Every television show
today has violence on it The plan of
the Internet being monitored for por-
nography is a good ideal, and is a
step in the right direction for better-
ing our society.
The Telecommunication Acts be-
ing signed is sic maybe the only
good thing that Bill Clinton has done
in his four years in office. If people
really want to see pornography this
will not stop them, but it will stop
kids who are messing around on their
parents computer from seeing it.
Patrick Cogan
If you have a complaint or comment write a letter to the editor
Letters must be typed, 250 words or less and include name,
major, year and telephone number. Drop your letters by the
Student Publications Bldg. across from Joyner Library (2nd
floor). Let us know what you think. Your voice can be heard!

'It is with rivers as it is with people; the
greatest are not always the most agree-
able nor the best to live with
Henry Van Dyke

Tuesday, March 19,1996
The East Carolinian
Film Committee
brings hits to Hendrix
? . . .? B ml ? 1J
Students plan
movies and
special events
Sarah Wahlert
Senior Writer
Lots of stuff happens on this cam-
pus. There's always one event or an-
other going on for students to enjoy,
and these events don't just happen
all by themselves. The weekly movies
at Mendenhall. for example, are orga-
nized by a group of students within
the Student Union called the Films
The Films Committee programs
all the weekly movies in Hendrix The-
atre and some special events like the
drive-in movie, which will be shown
at the Commuter Lot on March 28.
"It will be a double feature includ-
ing Top Gun and Raiders of the Lost
Ark explained Chairperson of the
committee and future Student Union
president Martin Thomas. "All you
need to do is tune your radio in to a
station broadcasting the sound
There is another special event
called the Academy Awards Party
which is scheduled for Oscar night
March 25. There will be a contest to
pick the winners in four categories,
including Best Actor, Actress, Film
and Director.
"It's being
promoted as a
dress-up event
and prizes will be
awarded to the
best dressed
people an ex-
cited Thomas
said. "The prizes
are little Oscar
statuettes made
by a talented guy
from the art de-
partment. It will
be really fun
Thomas likes
his job and the people he works with.
To actually choose the movies, they
get together a list of movies that they
think will be good and then they use
a number rating system to decide
which are best.
"We get a lot of requests for cult-
ist movies, but we didn't get a good
turnout in the past Thomas said.
"We do much better with Blockbuster-
type movies
Thomas said that the most re-
quests are for Monty Python movies,
but "the good ones" aren't available.
Science fiction is also out, because of
the expense to
run those films.
As is, students
only pay about a
dollar a semester
in student fees for
the option to see
movies and the
funds just aren't
there to bring in
such expensive
The Films
Committee meets
mil once every two
weeks and movie
decisions are made two months in
advance during the college market
time between screen and video. Last
summer, only four movies were shown,
but this summer the committee is
shooting for 10.
Sec FILM page 8
"It's a nice
diversion from a
grueling week's
activities and an
alternative to the
downtown scene
? Maftin Thomas
4? "TKouU IZeviet
Williams, Lane
shine in Birdcage
sells out
Boris Efimov and
Natalia Bessmertnova
of the Bolshoi Ballet
will perform in Wright
Auditorium Thursday
night at 8 p.m.
Unfortunately, the show
is sold out, with even
the standing room area
filled to capacity.
Photo courtesy ECU
Performing Arts
Dale Williamson
Senior Writer
Ever feel like you're
entering some bizarre
post-apocalyptic sub-
basement when you
wander into Joyner
Library's spooky east
wing? ECU student
Shannon Stokes isn't
afraid, as he braves the
recesses of the east
wing boiler room decor
in search of knowledge.
"Let me give you an image Robin
Williams says at one point in his new
film, The Bird Cage. "It's a cliche, but
its an image
This statement sums up several
aspects of The Bird Cage, but this is
not necessarily a bad thing. Recently,
Hollywood has found a goldmine with
comedies that play on gay stereotypes
(see To Wong Foo, Thanks for Every-
thing, Julie Newmar for one such ex-
ample), but these particular stereo-
types aren't trying to increase
homophobic attitudes. In many ways,
these stereotypes are trying to encour-
age tolerance. While The Birdcage may
play on cliched notions of the gay com-
munity to a large extent, it still comes
off as a positive, and yes, mostly funny
Based on the musical stage pro-
duction La Cage Awe Folks and di-
rected by Mike Nichols, The Birdcage
deals with a gay couple, Armand
Goldman (Robin Williams) and his lover
Albert (Nathan Lane), who are involved
in the entertainment business. Armand
runs a nightclub called the Birdcage,
and Albert, who dresses in drag and
sings nifty show tunes, is the feature
attraction. Aside from Albert's fits of
hysteria, Armand and Albert share a
healthy, happy life together.
This happiness is threatened when
Armand's straight son Val. who was
conceived as a result of Armand's curi-
osity as to what all the fuss about
women was, announces that he is go-
ing to marry his girlfriend from col-
lege. The problem with this scenario
is that the girl's father is Senator
Keeley (Gene Hackman), a very con-
servative senator who is up for re-elec-
tion and who has chosen traditional
family values as his main ucket to of-
Traditional values are particularly
important to this senator since his run-
ning mate threatens their campaign by
doing something many conservatives
would consider untraditional. So, see-
ing a traditional white wedding as a
means to save his career, Keeley and
family drive to South Florida to meet
the parents of the future son-in-law.
Wait! It gets nuttier. Because he's
so stressed out that his parents'
lifestyle will ruin everything, Val con-
vinces his parents to change their
lifestyle. Armand has to look and act
See BIRD page 7
CD Reviews
CD Reviews
The Refreshments
Fizzy, Fuzzy, Bis
Jars of Clay
Jars of Clay
Jay Myers
Senior Writer
Being a music critic, every once
in a while a record comes across my
desk that makes me wonder why the
band bothered. Why did they bother
to waste their time and effort craft-
ing this piece of over-produced, lyri-
cally vapid pablum? Why did they
bother wasting my time by sending
me a copy? Can't they hear for them-
selves how bad this is?
Maybe I'm being unfair. I'm sure
this band has a big fanbase some-
where that would tell me I am. After
all, there is a long-standing tradition
in entertainment that proves if you
put out material with no redeeming
value, millions will flock to you. I'll
give you some solid examples (but I'll
try to keep it short since there are so
many I could name): Michael Bolton,
Yanni, Ace of Base, Garth Brooks,
Roxette, Hootie and the Blowfish, Van
Hagar, Alanis Morissette, Snoop
Doggy Dogg, the Eagles. Mariah
Carey, and of course the queen of all
media, Madonna. These acts are either
so safe that Pat Buchanan would let
his kids listen to them, or they inten-
tionally make controversy so that they
can better market themselves. And
now there is Jars of Clay.
Jars of Clay is? Jesus band, but
before anyone jumps to any conclu-
sions, that is not why they suck. There
are some good bands out there that
deal with Christianity as a theme.
Take U2, fdr example. Although 1 per-
sonally don't think The Joshua Tree
is their strongest album musically, it
does rank up there lyrically, and its
central theme is religion and spiritu-
ality. In fact, if you want to hear a
really good Jesus band, then check out
Face of Change from Winston-Salem,
NC. They Je just as overt about their
religious theme as Jars of Clay, yet
have a sense of song structure and
lyric that Jars of Clay can't even seem
to conceive.
Here's an example of how sopho-
moric and insipid Jars of Clay's lyrics
are (from "Love Song for a Savior"):
"In open fields of wild flowers, she
breathes the air and flies away She
thanks her Jesus for the daisies and
the roses in no simple language
Someday she'll understand the mean-
ing of it all Someday He'll call her
and she will come running and fall in
Brandon Waddell
AeeMent Lifestyle Editor
Armed with a brand new record
contract complements of Mercury
Records, this quartet hailing from
Tempe, Arizona presents their first
full-length CD to the rest of the
world. When first listening to this
release, the vocal stylings' of
frontman Roger Clyne sound simi-
lar to those of Social Distortion.
The band's music isn't as gritty and
grimy as Distortion's, but the vo-
cals alone are very similar in pitch.
The band sounds impressive in
their first go 'round. East coast
roots rock fans should feel comfort-
able with the Refreshments. Dur-
ing the summer of 1994, the band
was given the opportunity to open
for April's Motel Room and Dead
H' t Workshop. They also com-
pleted their first EP, Wheelie, and
things started looking up for the
mid-western guys. Another high
point for the Refreshments prior to
the release of their current album,
Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big & Buzzy was
participating in U-Fest, sharing the
bill with a couple of other local acts
and national bands like the Meat
Puppets. They rounded things out
by doing an acoustic gig with the
The fourth cut on Fizzy,
Fuzzy, Big & Bouncy. "Mekong
is an impressive one indeed.
Throughout the CD, the guys flow
from song to song with their rootsy
meshing of electric and acoustic
guitar rhythms. But "Mekong" has
more of a reggae feel to it.
Like the music you hear inside
of your favorite Mexican restau-
rant? The trumpet sounds, the som-
breros, the ruffled-front shirts and
big mustaches, the tequila? Every-
one loves tacos?
On "Mexico the boys give
away their musical influences, but
at the same time don't take them-
selves so seriously. A big-time
record company would probably
frown on such an approach, espe-
cially on a debut release, but I'm
glad they can kind of poke fun at
themselves. "Here comes another
song about Mexico I lost my old
lady Got off in the wrong direc-
tion Found a hooker lost my erec-
tion So 1 had to write a letter to
the boys back home Here's comes
the same old verse about Mexico
Overall, an impressive first out-
ing for the Refreshments. A little
birdie said that Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big
& Buzzy is currently in rotation at
WZMB, so give them a call and re-
quest some Refreshments.
"A Drop in the Bucket"
is just what it claims to be: a
very tiny drop in the great
screaming bucket of Ameri-
can media opinion. Take it
as you will.
Mark Brett
Ufeetyle Editor
The desire to leave the
keyboard is overwhelming.
But 1 must resist.
It'll just take a half-hour.
No. I must write. I am
busy. I am creative.
Just one little sitcom
won't hurt. Then you can do
all the writing you want. A
cartoon. You like cartoons
A Superman cartoon,
maybe. One of the good ones
fum the '40s, where he sinks
Nazi subs and plugs volcanoes
with meteor fragments. Yeah,
yeah, that's only 10, 15 min-
utes. A little break, then back
to the old computer screen.
No! Must resist! No
TV! TV is the mind-killer.
You sound like Shatner.
Heh. Classic Trek. Wish I
had the one with the gangster
planet on tape.
No. I'm writing. Can't
turn on the TV. TV is the
mind-killer. I know this. 1 can
But they're showing the
one where Gilligan takes
Meathead to Arnold's, and
they go rollerdiscoing with
Mickey Gilley.
La la la la la. I can't hear
But you're missing it!
Baretta just shot Mr. Burns,
and Hawkaye's only got 10
minutes to save his life!
Must write! TV is the
mind-killer. TV is the mind-
killer. TV is the mind-killer.
I discovered this fact only
recently. A life-long television
devotee, my viewing habits
have declined slowly as I've
aged. My tastes have become
more refined, and these days
I choose to watch only a few,
select, high-quality shows that
reflect my tastes.
Ooool The Duke boys are
showin' old Boss Hog what
sidehackin 's all about!
My decreased viewing
hours were fine at first. But
lately, things have been get-
ting harder. I've cut back to a
bare-bones TV schedule; when
my handful of favorite shows
are in repeats, I'm barely
watching the tube at all.
When I do tune in, it's
usually only for half and hour
here, 60 minutes there. My TV
stuff is pretty spread out, and
that's where the problem
comes in. You see -
Wow! I didn 't know there
was a gay Power Ranger!
Oh. god
You see, I've discovered
that TV has a hypnotic effect
that No, that's not right. TV
is it's Dare I say it? TV is
addictive. Yes. Addictive is the
See JAR page 7
See DROP page 8

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, March 19, 1996
ir'Vi irrrJ
May 13
1 Session:
May 14-June-18.
June 19
2nd Session
June 20-J
J Alv from page 6
his arms and the tears will fall down
and she'll pray, I want to fall in love
with you
This is the kind of fluff that used
to make high school jiirls cringe when
they received it from their "sensitive"
boyfriends. It's writing that is not chal-
lenging and consequently has no
depth, no real emotion, and ultimately
no merit.
That sums up the band, really.
Jars of Clay has no merit. Even the
music is annoying and devoid of ere
ativity, a mixture between the worst
parts of roots rock and '80s keyboard
music, pushing for an "alternative"
crowd. If none of this has turned your
stomach, then maybe the big shocker
Adrian Hck-w fws. that Adrian
Belew. the critically acclaimed solo art-
ist who has worked with David Howie
and King Crimson) actually produced
two of the worst tracks on the album.
one of which. "Flood has become an
MTV Buzz Clip. It's enough to make
me want to throw up. How could
Belew have sunk so far. and having
done so. how could he use his real
Do yourself a favor and avoid the
plague that is Jars of Clay at all costs.
It's hard for me to flunk four guys
that look so nice and innocent on the
album sleeve, but it's even harder for
me to listen to their insult to music.
I just hope for their sakes that
Cod has a sense of humor
trivia Quix
Division oi
Continuing Studies
Office of Summer School
Schedule of
Summer School Classes
Available Prior to F.arly Registration
?n equal nPP?.rh1mn,mmumc Ktk? mmer-Ms. which KCORmodaK. .he cd, I mJmdiul. vu.h d??b.liUO
1 1IV D from page 6
like a heterosexual man should, any-
thing in the house that may be offen-
sive is taken out, and something has
to be done with Albert But what?
The film's humor is chaotic in
nature, involving such antics as people
running from room to room in an at-
tempt to carry on disguises while ev-
ery aspect of a well-thought plan
quickly crumbles. While such humor
may grow tiresome after awhile, it still
does allows for some hilarious mo-
ment And all the chaos is puncttiated
with occasional political barbs that give
the film a little bit of an edge.
But there are problems with The
Birdcage, most notably the resolution.
The film addresses some significant
issues about family, politics and toler-
ance, but it skirts everything it Sets up
by resolving the story with a flashy
ending. While this is a comedy and not
a serious drama. I still felt a bit cheated
when the credits began rolling.
Nevertheless, the film as a whole
is enjoyable. The cast is solid, particu-
larly the three leads. Watching Will-
iams. Lane and the impeccable Hack-
man play off each other was simply a
pleasure. Also, the setting for the film
was intriguing. Nichols does a won-
derful job of surrounding his story
with a world filled with gorgeous
people who indulge in the party that
life can be.
The Birdcage isn't one of those
films that lingers with you long after
you've left the theater, but it does
serve its purpose of providing laughs.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
On a scale of one to 10, The Bird
cage rates a seven.
This week's topic:
Sci-Fi Movie
1. Name Alex's "droogies"
in A Clockwork Orange.
2. Who plays swashbuck-
ling plumber Archibald
Tuttle in Brazil?
3. What is the name of the
lead cave man in the
opening of 2001: A Space
4. Who is the first victim of
the adult creature in Alien?
5. Name the cast members
Star Wars and A Clockwork
Orange have in common.
6. What is the name of
Sting's character in Dune?
7. Who plas the evil
emperor in The Empire
Strikes Back?
8. What is the monster in
20 Million Miles to Earth
9. Name the actor who
plays the alien in the
original version of The
Thing from Another World.
10. Who plays the dual-
sexed alien in Enemy
Answers in Thursday's issue

Get out of the house! The average American spends 69 years,
11 months indoors and only 5 years outdoors.
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I if ?
Tuesday, March 19,1996
The East Carolinian
DROP from page 6
You're being paranoid.
Shut up! It's like heroin, really.
The addiction starts slowly, and you
think you're in control, but one day
you find yourself riding this wave
of numbness, brain turned to tapi-
oca sludge by the constant pound-
ing of video images. And when you
cut back, you find yourself craving
The problem is that even high-
quality, engaging video entertain-
ment leaves me feeling lazy and
tired. Given visuals, audio and
simple plot elements, bur brains
don't have to work on being imagi-
native to understand our entertain-
ment (like they do when we're, say,
reading) and just kind of shut down.
Most video puts the brain in re-
ceptive, rather than active, mode.
Effectively, TV is a thought
suppresser. TV is the mind-killer.
That's why I sometimes find
myself, after tuning in for some-
thing I like, watching an episode
of Full House or Who's the Boss
or any of a dozen other lousy
sitcoms. Rather than switching the
TV off, I sit there like a lethargic
slug and absorb something awful.
Something seductive.
I do pride myself on never hav-
ing seen more than five minutes of
that Urkle show, but even some-
thing that bad doesn't make me
shut the TV off. No, when Urkle
rears his ugly head, I start flipping
through channels in a desperate
search for something worth watch-
It's a rumble in Aquilonia to-
night, in Conan vs. the
Beastmaster Here on
must be strong
As I surf through our volumi-
nous cable line-up, realizing slowly
but surely that there's nothing on,
an unnamable sadness overtakes
me. Something coiled deep in my
gut tightens, and I want, need, must
have TV.
My head screams at me to cut
the damn set off. But still I sit
there, remote in hand, scanning
channels for entertainment like a
starved wolf stalking an elusive rab-
bit. Ten, 15, 20 minutes pass. I see
enough of seven different shows to
follow the plots of all of them.
That's the way you like it
Will Joey patch things up with
Michelle? Are the Cylons running
the space casino? How will Andy
restore Barney's confidence this
time? Pratfall, gunshot, insult, car
chase, horrible misunderstanding, I
see it all and don't want to see any
of it. But I can't stop.
Of course you can't stop. You
don't want to stop.
It's hypnotic in its awfulness,
but I finally force myself to hit the
off button. I'm never sure if the
loathing I feel is aimed more tx ?ird
the show, the television set or my-
But you come back. You al-
ways come back.
Of course I go back. There's
good stuff on television, and I want
to give it a chance. I can't imagine
missing satire as sharp as The
Simpsons or sci-fi as intelligent as
The X-Files or bravura filmmaking
as in-your-face as Homicide. Enter-
tainment, remember, is an art form,
and right now TV is offering better
art than'Hollywood seems willing
to give us on the big screen.
But only the most challenging
TV leaves me feeling energized and
excited. Why did John Lennon put
out so little music (and even less
good music) in the '70s? Because
he spent most of his time sitting
around the house channel-surfing.
Captivated by television, he sat and
stared, his guitar collecting dust.
Maybe, but the same thing hap-
pened to Elvis and look how he
ended up. Sitting around and
watching television all the time
sounds pretty good. It's better than
working, anyway. But it also sounds
kind of hollow.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to
say. I've gotta go now. My show's
coming on.
While you wait
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The East
.rll-iiVi from page 6
Thomas agrees that movies are a
very important activity to have on
campus. "It's a nice diversion from a
grueling weeks activities and an al-
ternative to the downtown scene he
said. "It's fun and everyone likes the
Jenny Garner is a member of the
committee who feels it's a good way to
get involved in Student Union. "I re-
ally enjoy being a part of the film se-
lection process because I'm a big movie
fan. You make friends and you're as-
sured a seat for all the sneak previews
Right now there are only about
12 people on the committee. They are
limited to 15, but usually the number
of applicants is below that "We're not
really hurting for help says Thomas,
"but there is a certain apathy on most
college campuses when it comes to
participation in student activities
Applications for the Films Com-
mittee are available in Room 236 of
Mendenhall Student Center from 8 a.m.
- 5 p.m. The Chairperson decides
through an interview whether the stu-
dent applicants have enough interest,
time and dedication to be involved with
the Films Committee. If organizing
events is your bucket of popcorn, this
is the ticket
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Tuesday, March 19,1996
The East Carolinian
? TwftiS?wW5
Sluggers win five in a row
Baseball team
strikes up winning
Dili Dillard
?Staff Writer
Make it five in a row for the East
Carolina baseball team. The Pirates last
week closed out a tough series with
the Rider Broncs by sweeping a double
header with the hit-happy club improv-
ing the Pirate's mark to 9-2.
Offensively, in the double header,
the Bucs were led by sophomore first
baseman Randy Rigsby with 5 RBI with
5 hits, not to mention one homer in
the first game.
"I was feeling good at the plate
and of ?urse I had a lo. of support
from the defense and the rest of the
rne-up Rigsby said.
Rigsby had help offensively from
freshman Steve Salargo, who went 2-2
in game one with one RBI and Antaine
Jones who went 24 and had 3 RBI.
The offensive production along with a
solid pitching performance by senior
Bryan Smith (7 13 innings, 5 K's.)
and reliever John Payne who pitched
a perfect 1 23s innings, gave the Pi-
rates a 6-5 victory.
It wasn't just the young guns who
stood out for
Coach Gary
Overton's squad,
Co-captain Jason
Head went 24,2
RBI, and sent
one deep in the
second game
leading the Pi-
rates to a romp
in the second
game 11-2. After
a scoreless first
inning the Pi-
rates exploded,
scoring 11 in the
remaining six in-
nings off of 11
hits. It was junior Chad Newton who
took the mound in the romp, showing
the Broncs no mercy. Newton (2-1) al-
lowed only one earned run and regis-
tered four strikeouts to get victory and
the sweep of the three game series.
Overton's troops would get no rest
as it was the Bulldogs of ale who
"I was feeling
good at the plate
and of course I
had a lot of
support from the
defense and the
rest of the line-up"
? Randy Rigsby,
sophomore first baseman
would invade Harrington field for a
single game the following day. The de-
fending Ivy League champion came
into the contest in Greenville with an
early mark of 2-1. Bulldog Head Coach
John Stuper would
send his captain
and leading hitter
Dan Thompson to
the mound to face
the Pirates. That's
right folks, the
pitcher is also the
leading hitter. Th-
ompson came into
the contest with the
Bucs with a .571
batting average.
The Pirates
needed to silence
the Bulldog bats in
order to better their
chances in the con-
test To do just that, Overton sent se-
nior right hander Jeff Hewitt to the
mound and Hewitt responded. Hewitt
battled for 6 23 innings allowing only
one unearned run along with 9 K's.
"I haven't been pitching to my
See FIVE page 11
Lacrosse sticks it to competition
Members of the lacrosse team battle it out against William & Mary. ECU played ODU away
on Saturday and won 13-2, and then scalped the Tribe of W&M at home on Sunday 12-1.
Will Sutton
Staff Writer
Lacrosse is on the rise at ECU.
With a blend of many talented play-
ers, both young and seasoned vet-
erans, ECU has burst on the college
scene as one of the more dominant
club teams. The season is currently
in swing. It started at the beginning
of the semester and lasts until the
end. There is a fall season that is
referred to as "Fall Ball This is a
type of a preseason.
The lacrosse team has recently
returned from a tournament over
spring break in
Daytona Beach,
Fla. Despite not
having some of
their key players,
they managed a
second place finish
among a field of
teams that in-
cluded Illinois,
Florida and Texas
"Some of our
strong players were
unable to travel to
Dayton. Beach for
different reasons
player Greg Maestro said. "We had
a really strong showing down in
Daytona. I feel it opened some eyes.
We are definitely not a team that
can be taken lightly or looked past
After the nice showing in
Daytona, the team returned home
and played their two games this past
weekend. Saturday's match sent the
team to Old Dominion where they
were victorious in impressive fash-
ion, 13-2. Sunday brought the team
back to Greenville for a match up
with an old foe in William & Mary.
Once again the team rocked the
competition and sent William &
Mary home with a crushing 12-1
"We dominated both matches in
every aspect" Maestro said. "Though
1 was out with an injury, 1 enjoyed
watching our guys dismantle both
teams. I hope to be back soon, but it
is nice to see our team win whether
I am playing or cheering us on
Every team has key players and
the ECU lacrosse team is not an ex-
ception. The attackers include new-
comer Scott
Joyner and vet-
erans Steve
Pagaent, Sean
Sullivan and
Some key de-
fenders include
Longaro and
Goalie Brian
Trail. Les
Carithers domi-
nates play in
the midfield.
"Scott has
really burst onto the scene and
shown a lot of leadership ability on
the field Maestro said. "You do not
expect a new player to come out to
play in his first season with a new
team and gain the respect that he
has gained already. But of course,
where would we be without the older
ECU belongs to the North Caro-
lina Lacrosse League (NCLL), but
regularly competes against other
teams from out-of-state like Mary-
Nils Alomar, a
sophomore from
Mallorca, Spain puts
the finishing touches
on his shot against this
past weekend's tennis
meet against JMU.
Indoor soccer set to begin
Registration meeting today
for upcoming season
David Gaskins
Rec Servlcves
The 1996 Intramural Indoor Soccer season will
get underway today with a Captain's registration meet-
ing at 5:00 pm in Biology Building, Room 103.
Any individuals interested in rpstering a team
should plan on attending this meeting. .affiliated play-
ers who are seeking to join a team should also attempt
to attend in order to facilitate this process. Six players
are needed to form a team and leagues will be offered
on a variety of playing dates and times. Several divi-
sions of skills are available in order to accommodate
the diverse interests of all participants.
Divisions offered will include Fraternity Gold and
Purple, Men's Independent Gold and Purple, Sorority
and Women's Independent. Gold leagues are designed
for participants who have experience in competitive
play and wish to participate at a higher level of skill
while Purple leagues are more recreational in nature.
All teams will play a minimum of two games in
pool play prior to advancing to a single elimination tour-
nament within each division and all-campus finals. Regu-
lar season play will begin on Monday, March 25 and all
games will be held in Christenbury Gymnasium. The
rules of the National Federation of State High School
Associations will be in effect with indoor soccer modifi-
The game of indoor soccer is a fast-paced, action-
oriented game with extremely quick transitions from
offense to defense. The element of using the walls to
play the ball, defend the goal, and pass the ball add an
extra dimension of skill and strategy to the game.
Leading the charge among the top teams will be
defending all-campus gold outdoor champions, the
"Tappa Kegs" with Chris Nunn manning the nets as
goalkeeper. However, a host of challengers is expected
to make a statement when the game moves indoors.
Alex Edwards' "Biscuits" and "The Ruckus" were top
teams in the Fall and should be strong again.
Tony Gribble predicts big things from his "Belk
Hall" residence hall team while Christian "The Real Man"
Mew's future in intramurals remains in doubt due to
the lure of big money from several professional teams
in Europe that are courting his services.
For further information, please contact Melissa
Dawson or Jeff Watson at Recreational Services.
Though I was out
with an injury, I
enjoyed watching
our guys
dismantle both
? Greg Maestro,
ECU defensive player
ECU defensive
land, ODU, Florida St. and William
& Mary. UNC-W is ECU's biggest ri-
val, while UNC and N.C. State are
also on the schedule.
ECU'S coach is Phil Truit. He
also coaches football at J.H. Rose
High School. This is somewhat a sur-
prise to see because many club teams
do not have coaches.
"He just loves to coach and is
very good at what he is doing Mae-
stro said. "He really knows how to
get us motivated to play well in big
games. Coach Pruit pushes us hard
but is fair with everyone. I feel ex-
tremely fortunate to have him as a
When the regular season is over,
ECU gets ready for the post-season.
ECU hosted a post-season tourna-
ment in the fall. Every season the
post-season tournament is held in a
different location. The site has yet to
be determined for the spring season.
This type of tournament atmosphere
brings out the best in everyone.
The future looks bright for ECU
men's lacrosse. Many players will be
returning and there should be a
strong group of new recruits coming
out for next year also. Still, every-
one wants to keep rising to the next
level and higher.
"Hopefully, we will continue to
grow in popularity Maestro said. "If
we perform well on the field, we
should be able to gain more publicity
so we can rise to the next level. We
ultimately would love to soon become
a varsity sport, but this will obviously
take a lot of hard woi k on the fieid. If
we keep building our team chemistry
and become good enough on the field
and popular enough to the public, I
believe we can most successfully ac-
complish our objective
SID - The ECU women's tennis
team dropped its CAA opener against
ODU by a 7-0 score on Wednesday.
Sophomore Rachel Cohen also lost
her first match of the spring dual
match season.
The Lady Pirates, 5-3 overall and
0-1 in the CAA, were unable to win a
point against the Lady Monarchs in
neither singles or doubles. Top-seeded
Anne Svae fell to ODU's Rachel Araujo
in straight sets 6-3, 6-3, while Cohen
saw her seven match winning streak
end at seven. ODU's Luciana Arauja
dealt the Lady Pirate No. 2 seed a 7-
5, 6-2 loss.
In doubles, the No. 1 combina-
tion of SvaeCohen lost to Amy
MorrisseyKristin Fulton 8-6. Number
2 Lisa HadelmanAllison DeBastiani
and No. 3 Chelsea Earnhardt
Catherine Morgan also were dealt
double losses.
SID - The men's tennis team
dropped it's opener to JMU by a 5-2
score on Saturday. ECU (4-5 overall,
0-1 CAA) had an opportunity to win
the match, but three-set losses by
No. 5 Josh Campbell (6-3, ?6, 6-3)
and No. 6 Derek Slate (4-6, 6-3, 6-2)
sealed the Pirates' fate.
Sophomore Nils Alomar earned
a victory at No. 2 singles, defeating
JMU's Matt Rowe in straight sets, 64,
6-2. Freshman Kenny Kirby also
earned a win, defeating the Duke's
Peter Faigl by a 6-3, 7-6 count
In doubles, the combination of
CampbellKirby won at the No. 2 po-
See SID page 11
Ultimax 26 champs
ECU'S Ultimate Frisbee team, the Irates, won this year's Ultimax 26 challenge by
defeating N.C. State in the final game 12-10. This was the third title for the Irates.
-4 i 111?. . . I

Tuesday, March 19,1996
The East Carolinian
Teams dance on
AP - Two tilings can make you
sick in this year's NCAA tournament
the flu bug and SEC schools.
The first round of this year's tour-
nament has had its usual share of
madness. There have been upsets and
mismatches, farewells and close calls.
It has also been taken over by
Kentucky, Mississippi State, Arkansas
and Georgia of the SEC and a virus
that kept Utah forward Keith Van
Horn in bed and reduced bom Wake
Forest AU-American center Tim
Duncan's playing time and weight
After Kentucky blitzed through
the SEC this year, becoming the first
school to go undefeated ih the con-
ference in 40 years, the league was
labeled as overrated and soft But 8-0
against this year's field, the SEC is
having the last laugh.
"We play in a weak league Mis-
sissippi State Coach Richard Williams
said sarcastically. "I guess we've got-
ten some lucky bounces here in this
After a successful weekend in
Indianapolis, the Bulldogs (24-7) are
headed back to SEC country for the
next round. They'll meet Connecticut
(32-2) on Friday in Lexington, Ky
where Kentucky fans will surely back
their conference brethren. Cincinnati
(27-4) meets Georgia Tech (24-11) in
the regional's other game. The
Bearcats will also get support at Rupp
Arena, which is only about 60 miles
from the Bearcats' own campus.
Arkansas (20-12) is a surprising
member of this year's round of 16.
The Razorbacks won the national
championship in 1994 and were run-
ners-up to UCLA last year. But they
were in the Top 25 just twice this sea-
son, the last time on Nov. 27.
Now they get a shot at top-ranked
Massachusetts (33-1) in Atlanta. In
Thursday's other East semifinal,
Georgetown (28-7) plays Texas Tech
Georgia was runner-up to Ken-
tucky in the Eastern Division of the
SEC this season, but looked like a
champion in dispatching No. 1 seed
Purdue in the West Regional.
The Bulldogs, who start five se-
niors, lost only to Kentucky and Mis-
sissippi State in the last five weeks of
the regular season. Bulky center
Terrell Bell will have his hands full
against Syracuse's talented frontline
of John Wallace, Otis Hill and Todd
Burgan in the regional semifinals in
Bell had his best game of the sea-
son against Purdue, recording 15
points, seven blocks and eight re-
bounds in the 76-69 win.
"He's just starting to learn how
to play offensively, but defensively he's
as good as anyone said Georgia
Coach Tubby Smith.
Kansas (284) will play Arizona
(23-6) in the West's other semifinal
on Friday.
In Minneapolis, Kentucky (30-2)
will face a Utah team Thursday that
was forced to play most its first two
games without its star player. Van
Horn, a second-team AU-American,
didn't even attend the Utes' first-
round game with Canisius.
"I'm surprised we were able to
get to Minneapolis without him Utah
Coach Rick Majerus said.
Wake Forest (25-5) defeated
Texas to earn a game against Louis-
ville (22-11) in the other Midwest re
gional semifinal in Minneapolis de-
spite playing a flu-weakened Duncan.
Duncan was held to 13 points by
the Longhoms' swarming defense and
his own fatigue. But he played a team-
high 38 minutes and also had 11 re-
bounds as the Demon Deacons beat
the Longhoms 65-62.
"There were stretches where I
just wanted to sit down for a little
while and stop he said.
In Sunday's second-round play:
Georgetown defeated New Mexico 73-
62 and Texas Tech shocked North
Carolina 92-73 in the East; Cincinnati
beat Temple 7&65 and Geoigia Tech
defeated Boston College 103-89 in the
Southeast; Louisville stopped
Villanova 68-64 and Wake Forest beat
Texas 65-62; In the West Arizona took
Iowa 87-73 and Kansas routed Santa
Clara 76-51.
Texas Tech 92, North Carolina 73
Darvin Ham shattered a
backboard with a dunk in the first
half, and after a 26-minute delay to
clean up the glass the Red Raiders
reeled off 10 straight points and rolled
to their 23rd straight win.
North Carolina (21-11) failed to
reach the round of 16 for only the sec-
ond time in 16 years.
Georgetown 73, New Mexico 62
Allen Iverson shook off early foul
trouble and scored 19 of his 25 points
in the second half as the Hoyas ad-
vanced despite making just 13 of 31
free throws.
Cincinnati 78, Temple 65
Cincinnati solved Temple's
matchup zone for the fifth time in four
seasons to earn a trip to the round of
16. Damon Flint scored 22 points and
Darnell Burton made three 3-pointers
during a 19-2 run as the Bearcats (27-
4) opened a 15-point second-half lead.
Temple finished the season 20-13.
Georgia Tech 103, Boston Col-
lege 89
Stephon Marbury, the nation's
most heralded freshman, scored a sea-
son-high 29 points and dazzled the
Eagles with his dribbling and no-look
passes. He played all but the final 120,
adding nine assists, four steals and had
no turnovers. He made 10 of 12 shots,
including 6 of 7 3-pointers.
Louisville 68, Villanova 64
Deluan Wheat scored 17 of his 19
points in the second half and helped
slow down Wildcat AU-American Kerry
Kittles. Kittles finished with 20 points,
seven in the second half, and the Wild-
cats (26-7) finished their second
straight season disappointed.
Arizona 87, Iowa 73
Arizona made seven 3-pointers in
the first 14 12 minutes and outran
Iowa from the opening tip. Six of the
third-seeded Wildcats scored in double
figures, led by Ben Davis' 17 points.
Chm Kingsbury's 16 points led Iowa
Kansas 76, Santa Clara 51
Raef LaFrentz hit his first seven
shots and scored 19 points as the
Jayhawks reached the round of 16 for
the fourth straight year. LaFrentz fin-
ished 9-for-10 from the field. Jerod Haase
added 12 points for the Jayhawks, who
held Santa Clara to 25 percent shoot-
We will broadcast LIVE from Blockbuster Music at The Plaza
on Friday, March 22, from 4-6 p.m as we welcome the band,
Everything, from Washington, D.C. for an in-store appearance.
Their latest CD, Labrador, along with tickets to the show at The
Attic that night will also be available.
ECU Pirate baseball returns to WZMB's airwaves Thursday,
March 21, as the Pirates take on Georgia Southern. Catch all the
play-by-play action starting at 1:45 p.m.
01.3 FM
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, March 19,1996
I 12 Sessions for
I 6xp 4-5-96
(9 19) 55 I -3048
FIVE from page 9
ability lately, but today it felt good to
perform well and hopefully I'm back
into my groove Hewitt (1-0,4.50 ERA,
1 SV) said.
Hewitt was relieved by usual
starter Patrick Dunham allowing only
one hit and recording 4 strikeouts.
"Jeff pitched an excellent game
and I just went in and heated things
up a little bit to close things out
Dunham said.
As for Dan Thompson, he knew
he was in a pitchers duel being held
hitless throughout the game, but hold-
ing the Bucs to 2 runs. The Yale cap-
tain threw a complete game adding
seven strikeouts to his stat list
"We knew going in that this pro-
gram has a lot of tradition much like
East Carolina's, and we'd have to play
You Stay - - You Play
The Ultimate in Student Living
Call Today
our best to win Dunham said. "We
knew Thompson was the man to stop,
coming in batting over .500, so we just
played hard defense and got the runs
when we needed it to get the win
The Pirates did get the runs when
they needed it to stay in command. The
Pirates drew first blood in the bottom
of the second inning when junior right
fielder Chris Glanz took a Thompson
pitch deep for a solo homer to give the
Pirates an early lead. The Bulldogs and
the Bucs would then trade scoreless
innings until the bottom of the sixth
inning when Antiane Jones came up
big with a solo shot of his own to give
the Pirates pitchers all they needed to
seal the 2-1 victory.
"In the past four games we have
faced outstanding hitting teams and
responded in victories and I'm proud
of our ball club for that said Overton.
"We have played East Carolina base-
ball, which is aggressive baseball along
with fine pitching performances
Aggressive indeed, the Pirates
winning their last five against proven
baseball programs.
"I feel this team has given well-
rounded performances Overton
added. "Not onry have the returning
starters produced with the perfor-
mance of Jason Head, Lamont
Edwards, and Randy Rigsby, but I'm
also pleased with the performance and
production of our freshman starters
and the contributions they've made.
Along with that we've had outstand-
ing pitching from Patrick Dunham,
Chad Newton, Bryan Smith, Jeff Hewitt
and John Payne. They are no doubt a
credit to the staff
The Pirates record now stands at
10-2 going into a two-game series with
powerhouse Georgia Southern at
Harrington field. The Eagles come in
widely respected around the country
as a top program year in and year out
Last season they went 36-24 finishing
second in the Southern Conference.
"We're ready to play this one be-
cause we know as a team this is an
opportunity to get national recogni-
tion Rigsby said.
The Pirates will tangle with Geor-
gia Southern, Wednesday night at
Harrington Field. The first pitch is set
for 7pm. The series with the Eagles
will close the following day still at
Harrington Field, game time is 3pm.
Things Really Move
Advertise with
us in
SUL) from page 9
sition, defeating the team of John
LisackLanden Harper 8-6.
? SID - The ECU women's track
and field team opened the outdoor
season on Saturday at the Seahawk
Invitational in Wilmington.
Junior Amanda Johnson claimed
victory in the long jump with a leap
of 18-02.00, three and one-half inches
better than her closet opponent
Lave Wilson was the winner in
the triple jump event Her mark of 37-
07.75 was over a foot longer than the
second place finisher. Wilson also
jumped 17-04.50 in the long jump to
claim third place.
Saundra Teel won the 100-meter
high hurdles with a time of 14.71. That
breaks the ECU record in the event
and qualifiers her for the ECAC Out-
door championships. She placed sec-
ond in the high jump with a mark of
Michelle Clayton set the ECU
record in the hammer throw with a
toss of 137-11.00. That got her fifth
place in the event She also qualified
for the ECACs in the discus throw of
132-09.00 good enough for second
place. She also took second in the shot
put with a distance of 41-09.25.
In the 100-meter run Carla
Powell took first place.
"There were a lot of good teams
three head Coach Charles Justice
said. "It was real windy, so the times
were good considering the weather
526 Charles Blvcl Across From Ficklen Stadium
This Friday Afternoon From 4 to 6
At Blockbuster Music, in front of The Plaza
f&tt e: T-hirt, "Posters, and
Sticker -will he given away as
-well a$ ticket to th.e show that
night at the fittic. Everything'
latest CD, "llBiyLPe will he
marked down, to $11.99.
WZMB 91,3
will have a live
emote broadcast of 2
he event. Check out
cone ncci the mm Mb qet tiee swn

Tuesday, March 19,1996
The East Carolinian
For Rent
For Rent
For Sale
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
1 ,ind 2 Bedrooms ?
le.iri ind Quiet one ti droom
shed jp.irtments.S250 .1 month
"6month Ic.v.e
Pitt Property Management
108a Brownlea Dr.
APPLIANCES, water, basic cable. 5 blocks
from campus. New ownership. $375 deposit
BEDROOM, $275, on river, watersewer
included, walk-in closet, spacious bedroom,
on-site laundry.
WESLEY COMMONS: 1 and 2 bedroom,
range, refrigerator, washer, dryer hookups,
decks and patios in most units, laundry facili-
ty, sand volleyball court. Located 5 blocks
from campus. Free water, sewer cable.
WYNDHAM CT 2 bedrooms, stove,
refrigerator, dishwasher, washerdryer
hookups, patios on 1st floor, located 5
blocks from campus. Free rent 12 of month
Dockside 3 and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 4 car
carport, cathedral ceilings, fireplace, dining
room, balcony, exterior storage room, noth-
ing in the area compares.Reasonably
APRIL 1st ECU bus and City bus stops.
1 bedroom 2 bedroom, $300350. Com-
puter Desks and printer and paper $200.
Call 754-2884
DUPLEX FOR RENT, TWO bedrooms, 1
12 bath, extra large closets, balcony off
of 2nd floor, masters bedroom. 114 S.
Woodlawn Ave 3 blocks from campus.
$500.00 month, 1 year lease. Pets ok, W
D hookups. 752-6833
PUS. Two bedroom with washerdryer
hookup for $335 a month plus deposit
Available April 28th. Call Ashley for de-
tails at 355-6354
NAGS HEAD, NC - get your group to-
gether early. Two relatively new houses;
fully furnished; washer & dryer; dish-
washer; central AC: Available May 1
through August 31; sleeps 6- $1500.00 per
month; sleeps 8 - $2100.00 per month
(804) 850-1532.
$505 DEPOSIT IS YOURS, if you take
over my 2BR Wilson Acres Apt $505 Rent
thru July 14. WMarch Rent Already Paid.
Call 3554511
es ? bedrooms, 2 full baths, dishwasher,
washerdryer hookup. Call Elke or Jen
LrNE. 1 bedroom apartment with new car-
pet and vinyl. $240.00 monthly. Call Po-
tomac Properties 752-9722
1 AND 2 BEDROOM Apartments, Du-
plexes and Townhouses for rent Many
locations to choose from. Currently Pre-
Leasing for the Fall. Call Wainwright Prop-
erty Management 756209
2 bedroom apt in Twin Oaks. 12 rent
12 utilities. Call 752-7352 after 7pm Ask
for John.
share two bedroom, 112 bath townhouse
in Twin Oaks, $195 a month, responsible
student and non-smoker, call 758-1952
newly renovated two bedrooms. Unique
floor plan. $350.00 month. Call 355-1313
to make an appointment. Managed by
Remco East Inc.
BLE, NON-smoker to share rent for sum-
mer months. $167.50 12 utilities & 1
2 phone. Call April 752-7599
student to share home with elderly lady.
Must have own car. Call (919) 551-2600
and leave message.
able May 1st $625. Free cable, water, and
sewer. Dishwasher, WasherDryer hook-
ups. Walking distance to campus. Pets al-
lowed with deposit 551-1804
Apts convenient available April 1st Call
ONE BEDROOM APT, $225.00 a
month, includes utilities, no lease, but a
deposit is required, available now, near 5th
Street and City Market Call 752-2535
1 BEDROOM APART. TO sublet for sum-
mer in Ringgold Towers. Rent only
$250.00 per month. Start May 1st Call
NEED A NEW PAD? Roommate wanted
to share 2br, 2 bath Duplex. Walking dis-
tance from campus. Lots of Extras. Non-
Smoking student requested. $275 mo. plus
12 utilities. 758-2232
BLE, NON-smoker, female or male. Twin
Oaks Apartment $210 per month. Silver
Bus Line. 2 rooms available. Contact Dave
at 754-2866
ZAP THE FAT, LOSE Weight & Feel
great 100 Natural, Dr. Recommended,
30 day money" back guarantee. 16 years
of Healthy, Fit & Content Customers. Call
(919) 633-9840.
OPHILE 12 inch woofer in a Q-Logic Bass
Box 400 dollars. Rockford Fosgate Punch
40 amplifier 200 dollars O.B.O. Contact
754-2547 Ask for Jon
IF PEOPLE CAN'T SEE the real you be-
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mended! 100 Natural. Call Now! 321-
TV and stand $250, Screen $60, 3-pc of
Chest set $60, Computer $200. Call 754-
WITH LOCK $600.00 O.B.O. CALL 328-
placing tiny classified ads in newspapers.
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1-800-732-2863 Extension 9187
NEEDED TO t each summer camps in NC
& SC. Great pay! Flexible scheduling! Free
weekends! College experience not re-
quired. For a great summer job, C ALL ES-
PRIT! CHEERLEADINC 1-800-280-3223
DOES YOUR JOB SUCK? Would you like
to make $6225 this summer working with
SW Co.? Call 1-800-685-7194 X4681 M-F
between 9-7 for more info Leave message.
Reef Restaurant & Bar - Atlantic Beach,
NC. All positions! Including Bartenders,
Waitstaff & Door persons. Great working
conditions, with flexible hours. Part-time
andor full-time. On the Atlantic Beach
Causeway 919-726-3500
up to $2545hr. teaching basic conversa-
tional English in Japan, Taiw an, or S. Ko-
rea. No teaching background or Asian lan-
guages required. For information call:
in MyrrJe Beach, SC. Hiring Lifeguards and
Beach Concession Workers. Earn Good
Money while working on the Beach $$
Salary plus bonuses $$ Discounted
Housing To apply or for further infor-
mation, callfax North Myrtle Beach Life-
guards at 803-2724170.
UP TO $3,000-$6,000 PER MONTH.
EXT A53623
for summer help. Beginning of April
through the end of August Waitresses,
Vendors & Concession stand workers
needed. If interested contact John or Dave
at 1-800-334-5467.
students who want to earn extra money
on a limited time commitment Call 931-
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lion in public and private sector grants &
scholarships is now available. All students
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or parent's income. Let us help. Call Stud-
ent Financial Services: 1-800-263-
offers speedy, professional service, cam-
pus pick-up and delivery. Familiar with all
formats. Low Rates. Call Cindy at 355-
THE INTERNET? I will custom design
yours, including resume or pictures you
have. $10.00 to set up basic page 413-9099
Stand out with a professional video re-
sume. Coming to your campus the week
of March 25th, 1996. Cost is $50 - full
screen colored graphic with your name,
address, etc and then you're on camera
to tell the rest Call 91936-5860 to re-
serve your spot Limited spots available.
10:00am-1 1:30am. Counseling Cent er. Call
328661 to register.
Gamma Sigma Sigma Iota Pledge class will
be having Penny Wars March 25-27. All
campus organizations are asked to par-
ticipate to help benefit Oakhaven Senior
Village. Call Jennifer ?328-7411 or Kris-
ten 0754-2579 for more info. ?
be holding a meeting March 21 in Room
248 of MSC at 7pm. It is imperat ive that
all members attend as this week is the
last one before our Festival. For more info
call Nikki Epps at 752-9042
love you! - Ang, Ellen, Jess & Angela.
mj lost and
$100 REWARD! FOR THE safe return
of Grade the lost black cat - shorthaired,
black leather studded collar - from ECU
area. I miss her! Please call wit h info. 757-
0511 leave message.
11 Wanted
For Sale
SONY CDX-65 10-disc changer with rem-
ote for car. Great System! Only $275.00.
Must sell! 4130565 ask for David, Won't
last long!
PRING, and frame. $60.00. Call 757-0406
ated! Three taps! Just like the ones you
see in the bars! No pump! Pours automat-
ic! Make yourself some money at y our next
keg party! Asking $1,100. Call 758-3058
Ask for John
Why shop in LA
New York, or even
Raleigh for
that matter
21st Century
(formerly BLTs Boutique)
Downtown Greenville
is all that matters.
MF NEEDED FOR APRIL 1 to share a
3 bedroom house. $150 a month plus de-
posit Smoker Okay. Must like animals.
Also - would like someone to take over
lease. Call 7524462
rent One two bedroom 1 12 bath above
BW3's. For $500.00 a month - One three
bedroom 2 12 bath above BW3's for
$775.00 a month. One 2 bedroom one
bath above Percolator Coffeehouse for
$450.00 a month. Water, sewer included
in Rent. Contact Yvonne M-F9-5 @ 758-
space. Sublease apartment in Ringgold
Towers. Male or Female. $225.00 a month.
Downtown, on campus, and furnished.
Great for Summer School. Call 75M794
size 205cm with Salomon 977 composite
bindings. New this season. Only skied on
7 times. Call 551-1849
BMX 20" BIKE, LIKE new. Sell for $100.
Call Neill 328-3853
TELL YOUR PARENTS that this is the
one for you! One-owner townhouse, nev-
er rented, convenient to ECU & shopping,
features 2 large BR's, fireplace, large en-
ES! Special financing for parentsstudents
means low payments that beat renting!
Hurry to be in by May. Call WES SMITH
at 1st Choice Properties for details at 321-
2700. $50,500.
A PAK OF ACOUSTIC Linear Systems
DJP Model 520 Series speakers. Brand
new! 12" 3-way system, Max. AMP power:
200 watts program, too many features to
list! Retail $750.00. Must sell $390.00
O.B.O. 413-0565 ask for David.
of trade-ins. Used Bikes by Trek, Giant
GT, Schwin, and more. Cycle Center 355-
QUEEN SIZE WATER BED nice! for $75
and a washer for $125. Please contact
Ashley at 356354
DAY BED WHITE AND brass, also pop
up trundle, two orthopedic mattresses.
New Never used. Cost $750; sell for
$325.00. (919) 637-2645
drawers, excellent condit ion $45 or best
offer Call 7584796
al, Brand new. Never used, polished alu-
minum body, 8A float cartridge bearings
cleats included. Call Hal 756-3393 $100
Enjoy the Outdoors?
Earn $$$ This Summer
Monitoring Cotton Fields!
$5VHR Mileage
Must Be
Honest Reliable
Reg-Full-Time Hrs.
Mail Resume To:
P.O. Box 370
Cove City, NC 28523
Greenville, Kinston. New Bem
HURRY ? TAN while you work. Spring
Summertime Job 12 miles from Greenville.
Flexible Hours. 21 or older. Call for Inter-
view 975-2265 Day 830-9280 Night
COUNTY Memorial Hospital is seeking
qualified individuals to teach aerobic
classes through its Employee Recreation
and Wellness Department Persons will
contract to teach on a part-time basis.
Interested candidates should contact
Laurie Woolard between 8am4:30pm at
(919) 816-5590. Pitt County Memorial
Hospital EOEAA.
$7.00 PER HOUR PLUS $150.00 per
month housing allowance. Largest rental
service on the Outer Banks of North Car-
olina (Nags Head). Call Dona for applica-
tion and housing info 800-662-2122
SERVICES 1-206-971-3600 EXT R53622.
Relations. Please call Bill Fleming 355-
NOW reached Greenville. We are looking
for Health Conscious, Neatly Dr essed, Ca-
reer Oriented Individuals to fill Part and
Full Time Positions. Great Pay 7583390
ED to care for 5-year-old in our home in
the mornings during both summer ses-
sions. Need own transportation. Experi-
ence and references a must If interested
call 321-3204 and leave a message.
TERS ON the Outer Banks hiring enthu-
siastic reliable, exper ienced rental help for
'96 season. Excellent working conditions.
Contact Bill Miles, North Beach Sailing
and Outfitters, PO Box 8279; Duck, NC
27949. (919) 261-6262
ordinator of environmental sales. Interna-
tional marketing company expanding to
Greenville seeking part-time team orient-
ed individuals. Good pay. Call for an ap-
pointment 321-6250.
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World trav-
el. Seasonal & full-time employment avail-
able. No experience necessary. For more
information call 1-206-971-3550 ext.
your diploma will work for you! Save $4-
6000. Gain Resume experience. Call 1-800-
2514000 ext 1576
structors, & Other Positions for western
North Carolina's finest Co-ed 8 week
youth recreationalsports campour 42nd
season! Over 25 activities, including wa-
ter ski, heated pool, tennis, Go-karts,
artCool Mountain Climate, EXCEL-
LENT pay and great fun! Non-smokers. For
applicationbrochure: 704-692-6239 or
Camp Pinewood, Hendersonville, NC
better and better! Brent go easy on the
Jello next time. We had a blast again!
Love, Delta Zeta.
YOUR engagement Love, your AOPi sis-
ing individuals with neat appearance and
a positive attitude. Training provided. Full
time advancement potential. Call 321-6727
9am-5pm for an appointment
SPORTS center hiring reliable, enthusi-
astic sailingwindsurfing instructors, res-
ervationists, and watersports rental per-
sonnel for '96 season. Contact Bill Miles,
North Beach Sailing, PO Box 8279; Duck,
NC 27949. (919) 261-6262.
tory, no deliveries, no collections, no pro-
ducts to purchase, no experience neces-
sary. Call Bruce at 321-7389
like to thank the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta
for a fab social and a wonderful time. Look-
ing forward to the next one. Love the
brothers of Sigma Nu
in Wall! We're so proud on our Cham-
pionship win! Love, the Sisters!
gratulate Andrea Faircloth, Shannon Spi-
vey, Jill Altfeder, Alayne McNeal, Alicia
Walden, Savannah Sheltey, Jennifer Boyd.
Jennifer Johnson, Lynette Keller, and Eri-
ca Burnoski. We love you guys!
THE 5-SOCIETY WOULD like to con-
gratulate its new associate members. Work
hard and Keep The Secrets
forward to the cookout with you guys!
Your Sister Sorority, Delta Zeta.
ALPHA PHI - we had a great time get-
ting together with you guys at the Perco-
lator. We hope to do it again soon! L ove,
GREEKS of week ADPi-Tracey Jones;
AOPi-Susan Kidd, Heather King; Alpha
Phi-Young O, Jessica Gibson; AZD-Stacey
Sullivan; Chi Omega-Heather Carrol, Sara
Mantyiko; DZ-Stacey Rodemer Pi Delta-
Fulshruti Patel, Amy McGrath; Sigma-Ju-
lie Farmer, Anne Jennings; ZTA-Susan
Goodell, Hilary Krimnel! Way to Go Girls!
day night was a "gangsters paradise Love
the sisters of Alpha Phi
is March 18-20. Come out wearing letters
to a skating party, social, and guest speak-
er. See your social chair or Gamma Rep
for details!
cepting applications for Attorney General
and Public Defender Positions. Please
come by room 210 Whichard to pick up
an application. Applications are due March
21, before Five.
ENT: Learn Time Management Study
Strategies, Note-taking Strategies, Test
Preparation, Test-taking Strategies, and
how to relieve Test Anxiety in this five-
part program. Mondays at 9:00am begin-
ning March 25. Counseling Center. Call
3286661 to register.
be a meeting on Wednesday, March 20 at
4:30pm in Speight 308. We will be elect-
ing officers for the 1996-97 school year.
Come hear the new ideas t hat are planned
for our organization. Remember to bring
teddy bears for Pitt County Community
on Thursday, March 21st in Mendenhall
Student Center, Room 248, at 8pm. Open
to the general public, the Forum is a free
workshop. Those planning to at tend and
wanting critical feedback on their work
should bring 8 or 10 copies of each poem.
Listeners welcome.
CIAL OLYMPICS Local Spring Games will
be held on Friday, April 19 at J. H. Rose
High School from 9-30am-l:30pm. If you
would like to volunteer to be a Buddy for
our Special Olympians on that day, please
attend our buddy orientation meeting on
Wednesday, April 17 at Mendenhall from
5pm6pm in room 244. All of our volun-
teers will receive a Special Olympics Vol-
unteer T-Shirt and a lunch (hot dog and
coke). Please call the Special Olympics Of-
fice at 8304551 if you have any questions.
We here at the Special Olympics office on
behalf of our 769 Special Olympians, Thank
you for your support of our Local Program.
' Offered
ECU'S 1 DJ SERVICE! your party ain't
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile Mu-
sic Productions is "the" disc jockey serv-
ice for your party or social function. Wid-
est variety of any disc jockey company in
Greenville. Alternative to Hip Hop. Spe-
cializing in the needs of ECU Organiza-
tions and Greeks. Spring dates are filling
fast so call early. Ask for Lee 7584644.
part program will explore the causes of
stress and how it affects you. Learn a num-
ber of stress reduction and relaxation tech-
niques. Do something good for both your
mind and your body and enroll in this pro-
gram. Mondays, 3:30pm - 5:00pm, begin-
ning March 25. Counseling Center. Call
3286661 to register.
you do when you don't want to study, but
you know you should? How do you get
up every day for that boring 8AM lee ture?
Come find out how to motivate yourself
to perform your best Thursday March 21,
hold up your registration for summer &
fall! Students with overdue fines or books
have a tag placed on their record and are
not permitted to register until tag is cleared.
Please return any overdue books so you
will not be delayed during registration.
Dr. David Sanders, Director ECU Honors
Program will be providing information on
National Scholarships and Fellowship
awards during the next ECHO meeting,
which will be held on Tuesday, Mar 19th
at 5:30pm in GCB room 1003.
YOU? Examining personalit y is one way of
understanding yourself and your interac-
tions with others. This two hour workshop
will introduce you to one method of per-
sonality assessment the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator. Find out how personality affects
your work in groups, your time manage-
ment your career choice, and your intimate
relationships. Friday March 22 at 230pm.
Counseling Center. Call 3286661 to reg-
POW-WOW: The East Carolina Native
American Organization will be holding its
third annual POWWOW on Saturday,
March 23, 1996. It will be held at t he bot-
tom of College Hill from 126pm. There will
be Native American dancing, drumming,
singing, demonstrations and crafts. No ad-
mission fee. The public is invited to attend.
For more info call Nikki Epps at 752-9042
or Belinda Jacobs at 756-7013.
STUDENTS interested in serving as a Uni-
versity Marshal for the 1996 Spring Com-
mencement may obtain an application from
Room A-16 Minges. Student must be clas-
sified as a Junior by the end of Fall semes-
ter 1995 and have a 3.0 GPA to be eligible.
Return completed application to Carol-Ann
Tucker, Advisor, A-16 Minges by March 22,
1996. For more information call 3284661
meet: 6:00pm Wednesday, March 20 at the
Bean Bag (corner of 4th and Jar vis). We
will discuss the progress we've made and
future goals as we celebrate 10 years of
Women's Studies at ECU
College students who intend to major in the
Dept of Sciences and Disorders and have
Mr. Robert Muzzarelli or Mrs. Met a Downes
as their adviser are to meet on Wednesday.
March 20 at 5:00pm in Brewster B-102. Ad-
vising for early registration will take place
at that time. Please prepare a tentative class
schedule before the meeting

The East Carolinian, March 19, 1996
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 19, 1996
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