The East Carolinian, February 8, 1996

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February 8 1996
Vol 71, No. 37
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, 14 C
14 pages
Around the State
in the trial of a man accused of
maiming his wife with a mail bomb
should not be intimidated by the
technical nature of the evidence,
prosecutors said.
Stephan Bullis is accused of
making a pipe bomb and sending
it to Business Telecom Inc where
it exploded July 10 as his wife,
Tracy Bullis, was opening it
GASTONIA, N.C. (AP) - Con-
victed child molester Barry "Chris"
Phillips is back in jail after being
charged with abusing a 23-month-
old relative living in his home, au-
thorities said.
The toddler, whose name was
not released because of her age,
was in critical condition at Caroli-
nas Medical Center in Charlotte
with cigarette burns on her face,
fractures in her legs and bruises
on her neck, head and abdomen.
Around the Country
divorce papers filed Jan. 23, John
Goydan sought to dissolve his
eight-year marriage with Diane
Goydan on grounds of extreme
cruelty and adultery.
He claimed that his wife and
a North Carolina man who calls
himself "The Weasel" carried on
a cyberspace love affair and had
made plans to meet at Newark In-
ternational Airport, then drive to
a New Hampshire bed-and-break-
fast inn and have sex.
upset over being laid off last year
returned to his former workplace
Tuesday, shot a company supervi-
sor and held a former co-worker
hostage on live television before
he was fatally shot by police.
NEW YORK (AP)-When his
younger brother became a police
officer six years ago, Winston
Agard feared the sibling might die
at the hands of a street thug.
But Officer Rodney Bishop
ended up shot to death by his own
gun after getting caught in a love
triangle. His romantic rival was
cleared of wrongdoing, in part by
a 911 tape recording.
Around the World
BEUING (AP) - Twenty-two
people convicted of murder or
armed robbery were paraded be-
fore mass rallies and then taken
to execution grounds and shot to
death, Chinese newspapers re-
ported Wednesday.
Republic (AP) - A charter jetliner
carrying German tourists home
from the Caribbean crashed into
shark-infested waters off the Do-
minican Republic. There were no
signs Wednesday that any of the
189 people aboard had survived.
Aircraft and boats search-
ing the Atlantic 0-ean off the Do-
minican Republic's north coast
spotted bodies, empty life rafts and
debris scattered over two square
miles. At least 79 bodies were re-
covered, but divers were wary of
entering the water.
Construction digs up fields
Two of four
current intramural
fields may be
Wendy Houston
Staff Writer
Dowdy-Ficklen stadium expan-
sion will begin this summer, leaving
ECU without intramural fields and
8,700 students denied from playing
intramural sports.
The intramural fields located be-
hind the stadium will eventually be-
come a parking lot, said Nacy Mize,
director of recreational services.
Black History
Month Activities
Once the stadium expansion begins,
the fields will provide space for con-
Currently, there are four intra-
mural fields, and there is still hope
of saving two for playing fields in the
"It will take at least a year for
the stadium expansion Mize said.
"There is still some doubt as to
whether or not we will be able to ac-
tually play on two fields
Other clubs such as rugby, la-
crosse and ultimate frisbee, located
on the allied health fields, will also
lose their spaces once the renovation
starts to provide for a sport field com-
plex. This renovation itself entails
taking the existing fields, (known as
the Blount property) and adding 12
acres to enlarge the area and con-
struct a complex similar to the one
at UNC-Chapel Hill.
The renova-
tion of the allied
health fields will
begin after an in-
vestigation testing
for marshland is
complete. The
renovating will
take approximately
one year or more to
"Our concern
is how many semes-
ters are going to be
a short amount of mmmmmamm
time Mize said. "We will have liter-
ally hundreds, if not thousands of
students who have no place to play.
I think it's going to be a real big is-
ational ser-
vices, facility
services, athlet-
ics and Richard
Brown, vice
chancellor of
business affairs,
are all working
together to find
a resolution to
this problem.
Athletics is
obviously in-
volved, but they
are also con-
cerned because they will be losing
the varsity soccer field.
"We are trying to identify other
properties, as you well know there
"There is still
some doubt as to
whether or not we
will be able to
actually play on
two fields
? Nacy Mize, director of
recreational services
aren't any available adjacent to the
university Mize said. "It's just that
it comes down to a matter of timing
and lack of anyplace else to go. We've
sort of come to a standstill
Mize said that another concern
is lighting, because most games take
place in the evening.
If ECU does have the opportu-
nity to keep two fields, then there
will have to be a reduction in the
amount of teams allowed to play.
Mize said that teams cannot play past
Recreational services is funded
by student fees.
"We have to look at it as not re-
ally a legacy, but you are contribut-
ing to ECU and the quality of the
facilities here Mize said. "Students
just know what they don't have
Students weather ice, snow
??Frederick Douglass discussion
?"Focus on Women" workshop
?"Focus on Men" workshop
Eyes on the Prize" video showing
?Men and Women workshop
God's Trombones' featuring Clifton
Davis performance troop
Feb. 9
Feb. 12
Feb. 13
Feb. 15
Black History celebrated
throughout month
Events start Friday
at Ledonia Wright
Cultural Center
Marguerite Benjamin
Assistant News Editor
The celebration of Black History
Month on campus begins this week
with a series of programs lined up at
the Ledonia Wright African-American
Cultural Center.
The center has released its
spring 1996 program calendar and
is inviting students, staff and mem-
bers of the greater community to join
in the celebration of Black History
On Friday, the center will begin
its February events by hosting a
Frederick Douglass documentary
and discussion from 6-8 p.m. at the
Bloxton house.
"We will show a recently re-
leased documentary on the life and
accomplishments of Frederick
Douglass said Taffye Benson
Clayton, the center's director. "After
the video, Dr. David Dennard of the
history department will facilitate a
Clayton said the center will be-
gin a series of workshops on Mon-
day, Feb. 12, collectively entitled
"Soul Food: A Guide to Healthy,
Hearty Relationships The series will
be divided into segments that focus
on self-love and relationships.
"Monday's segment, 'Focus on
Women will look at health and
psychosocial issues relative to rela-
tionships Clayton said. "We will also
discuss communication and the im-
portance of self-love and self-esteem
which are the first critical steps to
entering a relationship with other
people, whether it be a friendship or
a romantic involvement
On Tuesday, the topic will switch
to "Focjs on Men and the same
ideas will be discussed from a male
perspective. The speakers will be Dr.
Ron Poulson of the psychology de-
partment and Dr. Julius Q. Malette
of the ECU School of Medicine.
"Then on Thursday we will bring
those two groups together and pro-
cess the information from earlier ses-
sions Clayton said, adding that par-
ticipants will have the opportunity
to engage in conversation about what
See HISTORY page 4
Ground crew used
Monday's two-
hour delay to
clear roads,
Stephanie Ann Eaton
Staff Writer
As snow and ice blanketed the
town of Greenville last weekend,
ECU's grounds crew was kept busy
and many students questioned why
ECU did not cancel classes on Mon-
"School should of been
closed said Sara Arnesen, a fresh-
man, undeclared major. "Students
could of hurt themselves. Closing
school would have allowed them to
get the ice off the sidewalk
Chancellor Richard Eakin said
it is ECU's responsibility to provide
classes whenever it is possible for
students to attend.
"There are approximately
5,000 students living on campus
and an estimated 2.000 students
living within walking distance from
campus Eakin said. "The Univer-
sity did not want to take away from
these students' education
Eakin said for those who did
not live on campus, he hoped that
they would make a mature decision
on whether or not the roads were
safe enough to make it to class.
"I asked faculty to be under-
standing on Monday for those stu-
dents who missed class Eakin
The reason ECU had a two
hour delay was so the grounds
keepers had time to clear the roads
and sidewalks on campus.
"I am very proud of the
grounds people said Dr. George
Harold, vice chancellor of business
affairs for facilities services. "I be-
lieve that we have the finest
grounds people out of any univei
sity in North Carolina. On the worst
day of the storm I had ?5 percent
of my staff reported to work as
See SNOW page 4
Cars still vulnerable to break-ins
Stereos, CDs,
cellular phones
visible from car
Debra Byrne
Staff Writer
Despite many incidents of ve-
hicle larceny at ECU, students con-
tinue to leave their valuables in plain
While walking through the fresh-
man allied health parking lot on
Tuesday, more than half of the cars
viewed had something of value in
Two of the cars had The Club,
others had their stereos pulled out
or nothing of value in sight.
The majority of cars had non-fac-
tory stereos, CDs and tapes right on
the seats and radar detectors. Cellu-
lar phones and CBs were also fre-
quently spotted.
Many cars with tinted windows
are being broke into. The reason be-
ing when the glass is broken, it
doesn't shatter all over the place
because of the tinted film.
Johnnie Umphlet of
the ECU Police De-
partment said the
lots away from cam-
pus are hit the most. The pattern
seems to be that weekends are not
as big a time as some weeknights for
break-ins. He said that most occur
during the evening hours of 10 p.m.
to midnight. Just because that is a
pattern doesn't mean it can't be bro-
ken and people should put their
guard down, Umphlet said.
"We randomly patrol the lots 24
hours a day and try to patrol each
lot two to three times an hour de-
pending on the availability of offic-
ers Umphlet said. "We have consid-
ered taking other measures such as
working surveillance in, and walking
around lots. Cameras have also been
A fence has been put up at Curry
Court between the lot and Kmart.
Before, people could walk through
the tree lined area and carry items
Items easily seen
through car windows
? Non-factory stereos
?Cellular phones
from cars back. Now, because of the
barrier, access to the lot is not as
Freshman Melissa Nellis said she
parks her car at Curry Court and has
been lucky that her car has not been
See CAR page 4
Michael Hoeing, freshman
"I don't feel it is necessary
to use all the space desig-
nated for intramurals
Ashley Hundley, freshman
"I feel they should move the
fields to a new location as
long as they don't do away
with them totally
Klma Nixon, sophomore
"Personally, I have never
played intramural sports, but
there should be a place for
those interested in playing
Jelan Upscomb, freshman
"They should build a desig-
nated area strictly for intra-
mural sports, so we won't
have to worry about this in
the future
How do you feel
about losing
tramurai fields
due to
See what's at the playhouse page 8
Cheap valentines for your sweetiepage 5
Men's basketball lost, againpage 1 2
Photos by PAR TICK
High 58
Low 35
Mostly clear
High 58
Low 42
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The East Carolinian
Student Publication Bldg
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Student Pubs Building;
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?? ?

Thursday, February 8,1996
The East Carolinian
Undergraduates face academic realities
February 1
Solicitation - A non-student -as banned from campus for selling
magazines in White Hall without proper approval. Responding officers
found the non-student unescorted on a female hall.
February 2
Possession of marijuana - Three students were issued state citations
aati campus appearance tickets for simple possession of marijuana in Jones
February 3
Assault on a female - A student reported being assaulted by a non-
student The assault occurred in Tyler Hall. The non-student, boyfriend of
the victim, was banned from campus, and a warrant was obtained for his
Assault - A resident of Aycock Hall reported another resident of Aycock
Hall grabbed her and pulled her into his room. The offender was issued a
campus appearance ticket then banned from the third floor of Aycock
February 5
Assist Rescue - A resident of Scott Hall was transported to PCMH by
Greenville Rescue after falling and injuring his ankle while sliding east of
Todd Dining Hall.
Assist Rescue - A student was transported to PCMH after injuring
her back while sledding.
Breaking and enteringLarceny - A student reported that several
items were stolen from his room. The property was later recovered, and
the person in possession of the property was issued a campus appearance
Auto Accident - A staff member lost control of the vehicle he was
driving west of Scott Hall. No injuries resulted.
February 6
Possession of weapons on campus ? A resident of Aycock was ar-
rested and issued a campus appearance ticket for possession of two shot-
guns in his vehicle.
Hit and run - A student reported that his vehicle had been damaged
by a hit and run driver while it was parked in the 4th and Reade parking
Compiled by Marguerite Banjamin. Taken from official ECU police reports.
GPAs can be
raised, academic
suspension lifted
through workshops
Sherri Parrish
Staff Writer
This semester, 648 of your fel-
low undergraduate classmates will be
hitting the books a little bit harder.
These students have been placed
on academic probation because their
cumulative GPA's fell below univer-
sity standards after the fall semes-
The minimum standards stated
in the Undergraduate Catalogue re-
quire a 1.75 for eight-31 semester
hours, a 1.60 for 32-63 hours, a 1.80
for 64-95 hours and a 1.90 for 96 or
more hours. In order to graduate, a
student must obtain a GPA of at least
According to the Associate Di-
rector for Academic Support for Un-
dergraduate Studies Don Joyner, stu-
dents placed on academic probation
are notified of the situation and then
given one semester to raise their
Failure to do this results in aca-
demic suspension, which means a stu
dent can not attend ECU for one se-
To get back into the university,
a student must re-
apply and then
raise hisher GPA
to standard after
one semester, or
suffer the conse-
who do not bring
up their GPA are
again suspended,
this time for two
semesters Joyner
said. "But we do
give them another
chance after this,
Joyner said if
things still didn't work out after the
third try, you've struck out
However, the decision of suspen-
sion and dismissal is not set in stone.
Students are allowed to seek exemp-
tion through a "Petition for Appeals
stating the student's reasons, which
is reviewed by a committee.
"What the committee looks for
are students who have improved
Joyner said. "They also consider per-
sonal problems and such that the stu-
dent may have gone through
Despite how overwhelming
these policies may sound, there is
help available to students to avoid
the pitfall of suspension. Unfortu-
nately, many students aren't aware
of the academic
support avail-
"They need
to know some-
body around
here cares that
they exist and
that they stay in
school Joyner
said. "When we
send letters of
probation we
also inform stu-
dents of a work-
shop that's an
introduction to
removing the
At the workshop, students are
provided with packets containing in-
formation such as ways to raise and
calculate GPA and academic enhance-
ment workshops available.
The workshop also includes tak-
ing a self-assessment test which iden-
tifies problems that contribute to the
student's academic difficulties and
offers suggestions for remedy.
Joyner stated that 48 percent of
the students who attended the last
workshop stated poor test-taking
"They need to
know somebody
around here cares
that they exist and
that they stay in
? Don Joyner, associate
director for Academic
Support for Undergraduate
skills and 45 percent stated lack of
motivation on the assessment.
Not attending the academic
workshop results in a student's
record being tagged, barring regis-
"We do this because we want
them to attend the workshop
Joyner said. "I want them to do well
because it makes their whole per-
sonal life better
In addition to the workshop, stu-
dents may seek help in the Academic
Support Center which provides ac-
cess to counselors and tutors. The
center is located in Brewster B-103.
According to the Dean of Under-
graduate Studies Dorothy Muller, an-
other option available for student
benefit is the grade replacement
policy that went into effect fall 1994.
"It is a policy that allows stu-
dents to retake a 1000 or 2000 level
course up to three times Muller
said. "The second grade received is
what is averaged into the student's
Students who believe they may
be coming into academic difficulties
are encouraged to meet with their
advisors or someone in the office of
undergraduate studies.
"Our office is charged to work
to promote intervention programs
rather than prevention programs
Muller said.
Universities join forces to battle violence
Marguerite Benjamin
Assistant News Editor
As the threat of violence in-
creases worldwide, several universi-
ties and educational institutions are
finding ways to combat the problem.
ECU is one of 300 sites across the
country which will air two
videoconferences aimed at helping
to stop worldwide violence.
On Tuesday, the School of So-
cial Work and Criminal Justice Pro-
gram held its first broadcast of a
national videoconference hosted by
noted broadcast journalist Charles
Kuralt live from UNC-Chapel Hill.
The videoconference, entitled "So-
cial Workers and the Challenge of
Violence Worldwide is being spon-
sored by the National Association
of Social Workers.
"(Tuesday the panel discussed
worldwide violence and the impact
social workers have in fighting the
problem said Gail Sharpe, clinical
instructor for the School of Social
According to Sharpe, the focus
of the teleconferences is on how the
U.S. and less advantaged nations are
linked through the issue of violence,
community initiatives that have bro-
ken new ground in abating violence
and viewing social work as global
work which "expands our thinking
as we look for other solutions
Kuralt, who has been an over-
seas correspondent for CBS, served
as a moderator as 12 panelists from
different universities, corporations
and research groups discussed such
issues as remedial training programs
for high schools and social action
against violence to women.
"Everyone in attendance be-
came more aware of how they can
become actively involved in interven-
ing with worldwide violence both
nationally and locally Sharpe said.
Sharpe said the conference
drew only a small crowd of about
12 on Tuesday, and she encourages
others to attend the next conference
which will be held at the academic
communications studio in Joyner li-
brary on Friday, Feb. 9, from 1p.m.
See BATTLE page 4
tif5. SSIKiHB M:?5 Wit IIS KSIKII5 '?
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Would You Like
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SERVICES: MeetingStudy Space ? Central Ticket Office ? Bowling ? Billiards ? Video Games
JJ ? Student Locator Service ? ATMs ? Food ? Computer Lab ? TV Lounge ? RidesRiders Board
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HOURS: Mon - Thurs. 8 a.m11 p.m Fri. 8 a.m12 a.m Sat. 12 p.m12 a.m Sun. 1 p.m11 p.m.
??TE:H5 Mf fc:H& KIK'f ffi!?! till f 5.r "
Since the start of the semester, many positions on Student
Government have been vacated. We are looking for students
who are interested m getting involved and working with our
Student Government. The following is a list of available
positrons on the body
- ? -21 Day Representatives
(students who live off-campus)
1 Garrett Residence Hall
- 1 Jarvis Residence Hall
r 1 Cotteri Residence- Hall
-2 Aycock Residence Hall
- 2 Belk residence Hall
-1 Clement Residence Hall
- 2 Fletcher Residence Hall
- 2 White Residence Hall
- 2 Tyler Residence Hall
- 2 Greene Residence Hall
- & Freshman Class.Vice President.
In order to fill these positions, the interested persons must
- have a 2.0 GPA and be a full-time student. Applications are
available in the SGA Office on the second floor in Mendenhall
Student Center. It is important that these positions be tilted
as soon as possible. For further information contact Eric
Rivenbark (SGA Screentngs and Appointments Chairperson)
at 830-5229
Ian Eastman - Student Body-President
M W F 11 - 12, 1 - 5
Dale Emery - Student Body Vice President
Call for appointment
Angie Nix - Student Body Treasurer
M 2- 6
T Thurs 11.30-4
? ' WF2-5
Caren VonHoene - Student Body Secretary
Call for "appointment
!? ,

The East Carolinian
Thursday, February 8, 1996
STATLAB offers services
Sharon Franklin
Staff Writer
East Carolina Playhouse
The help you need for that the-
sis or research project may be avail-
able, free of charge, at the Statisti-
cal Consulting Laboratory
(STATLAB) on campus.
STATLAB, located in Austin 215,
is open Monday-Thursday with morn-
ing and afternoon hours available.
Graduate student Mark Cross is there
full-time to provide general assis-
tance. Faculty volunteers from vari-
ous departments are available on a
part-time basis to help with specific
research needs.
Students are welcome to drop by
and check out the facility. Appoint-
ments are not necessary for general
use. If a volunteer faculty member is
available in your field, an appoint-
ment can be made for more specific
According to lab data, "Our pri-
mary goal is to guide the university
community in the design, analysis and
interpretation of research projects
STATLAB was developed jointly
by the offices of business affairs, aca-
demic affairs and health affairs, to
provide access to statistics for re-
search purposes, said Dr. Lynn Eudey,
mathematics professor and long-time
project volunteer. Eudey believes the
faculty volunteers' willingness to do-
nate their time reflects a strong con-
viction in the value of statistics in
their field.
The pilot program began in
spring '92 with 13 volunteers, one
graduate student and 25 clients. Cur-
STATLAB can help students
with the fnlinwiti3 ,
rent data
shows that
15 clients,
mostly from
the depart-
ments of
biology and
political sci-
ence, uti-
lized the ser-
vice last fall.
The lab
offered a se-
ries of four lectures last semester.
Cross said he was surprised at the
"People came from the medical
school, English department - people
we don't usually see Cross said.
"That's great because the lab can be
used for research in any field on cam-
? Designing experiments and
? Setting up data files
? Analysis techniques
Reliability and Validity issues
Other research questions
Cross, a transfer student from
Furman University, is pleased with the
concern the faculty volunteers devote
to the program.
"Research is important to a uni-
versity, and it's good that the faculty
is so willing to help Cross said.
"A Bewitching Tcde of the Carolina Smokies
Rich With Folk and Gospel Music
February 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13. 1996 at 8:00 p.m.
February II, 1996 at 2:00 p.m.
General Public: S 8,00
ECU Students:5.00
Mature Themes. Parental Discretion Advised.
Stress program designed to aid students
Stephanie Ann Eaton
Staff Writer
As the spring semester
launches off, many students are
faced with piles of projects, papers,
tests and other activities that fill up
their calendars. Many students find
themselves under an abundance of
stress and do not know how to deal
with it.
ECU'S Student Leadership De-
velopment Programs is trying to
help students cope with school
stress by holding a program entitled,
"A Leader's guide for Handling
Wellness Issues" on Feb. 13.
Terrance Dove, a student assis-
tant in the student leadership de-
partment said the program will help
students who are in leadership po-
sitions become aware of some of the
things not only themselves but their
followers face on a day to day basis.
"All the programs Student Lead-
ership Programs present are issues
that are of concern Dove said.
"This program deals with alcohol,
stress and other topics dealing with
your well-being
The program will be presented
by Ms. Heather Zophy, a health edu-
cator at ECU.
Zophy said she will cover the
whole concept of wellness. A few of
the topics she will be covering are
spiritual, mental and physical
"The topic of well-being effects
everyone Zophy said. "We are tar-
geting leaders. They need to be
aware of the concept of well-being
because they are responsible for giv-
ing referrals to peers who come to
them with problems
Zophy said wellness is a very im-
portant issue for a person to under-
stand because it is a part of every-
thing we do.
"Wellness is important for ev-
eryone Zophy said. "Well-being is
a part of you
Dove said the Student Leader-
ship Development Programs have
weekly programs. He encourages all
student leaders to get involved.
"Basically, there are leadership
talk shops pvery Tuesday and Thurs-
day Dove said.
The wellness program will be
held on Feb. 13 from 4-5:30 p.m. in
room 212 of Mendenhall Student
To register for the wellness pro-
gram, students must contact the of-
fice of Student Leadership Develop-
ment Programs by noon Feb. 12.
Student editor held in contempt
It's Your Choice!
Looking for a more convenient way to pay your
utility bill? Starting early in February, you 11 be
able to use "GUC Express Greenville Utilities'
new satellite office. GUC Express features th-ee drive-
thru lanes so you can pay your bill quickly and there's
plenty of parking if you want to go inside to apply for
service or inquire about your bill.
For your convenience, GUC Express will be open
Monday through Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm.
The 24-hour Drop Box will also be available for pay-
GUC Express is located in the former Centura Bank
building at 509 SE Greenville Boulevard, across the
street from First Christian Church (near Kroger).
Greenville Wm Utilities
CPS - University of Minnesota's
student newspaper has been fined for
refusing to turn over unpublished pho-
tographs sought by prosecutors in an
assault case.
Michele Ames, 26. editor of the
Minnesota Daily, and the newspaper
were found in contempt of court Jan.
25 after failing to comply with an Jaa
19 state appeals court ruling that or-
dered i t photos be turned over to Dis-
trict Court Judge John Stanoch.
"On behalf of the staff at the Min-
nesota Daily we have to respectfully
decline to comply with the order a tear-
ful Ames told Stanoch, who was to re-
view the photos in his chambers and
determine whether they could be evi-
dence in the assault trial.
When Ames refused to turn over
the photos, Stanoch fined the Daily
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$250 a day for each day the assault case
was in court Ames, who could have
been jailed for contempt was spared.
"I never intended to directly dis-
obey a judge Ames said but added
she'd rather go to jail than hand over
the photos.
Ames, who was a reporter for the
Daily when the controversy over the
photos first erupted, has found herself
tossed into the lengthy court battle over
photographs taken by a Minnesota
Daily photographer at an October 1993
Progressive Students Organization
(PSO) rally. During the rally, Daniel
Simmer claims Kieran Knutson, who
was working "security" for PSO, as-
saulted him with a flashlight Knutson
was charged with third-degree assault
but said he swung at Simmer in self-
There was a question as to
whether Simmer was wearing brass
knuckles, and the Hennepin County
attorney's office has said they had
hoped that the photographs would
help settle the case that 100 eyewit-
nesses with conflicting testimony
"I guess that's not good enough
said Ames, referring to the number of
people who saw the fight
The Minnesota Daily contends
that the photos are protected by the
First Amendment and the Minnesota
Shield law, which protects unpublished
material from becoming part of a crimi-
nal prosecution. The Daily argues that
giving unpublished information to po-
lice or prosecutors can cause report-
ers to be viewed as an arm of the law,
creating a "chiiling effect" on their
ability to gather the news.
But prosecutors have said a jour-
nalist has the same duty to testify as
any citizen who witnesses a crime.
"It's dangerous said UM jour-
nalism professor William Huntzicker,
commenting on the appeals court de-
cision. Huntzicker also serves as the
newspaper's editorial adviser. "It
makes reporters first choice for wit-
nesses instead of last choice
University of Minnesota journal-
ism faculty have supported Ames and
the Daily in their struggle. A Decem-
ber release applauded the newspaper
and editor "in their efforts to protect
unpublished materials from being re-
viewed by police, prosecutors and the
courts when alternative sources are
available and where there is no com-
pelling pubic need for the informa-
Huntzicker recounted a 1994
Duluth, Minn case in which an in-
surance company wanted a
newspaper's unpublished photos of an
accident scene. The court ruled for
the insurance company.
"There needs to be the same
three-part balancing test for unpub-
lished photos as there is for sources
said Huntzicker, who explained courts
often weigh a source's right to remain
anonymous and a reporter's freedom
to gather the news against the public's
need to know
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Thursday, February 8,1996
The East Carolinian
oAl 1 JLJu from page 2
to 2:30 p.m.
"There will be five people
seated on the panel for Friday, some
of them nationally known Sharpe
said. "Friday's broadcast will be in-
teractive with selected sites
Sharpe said the sites chosen to
interact with the panel will have the
opportunity to ask the panelists di-
rect questions and be a part of the
actual conference. Sharp said she
will not know until Thursday
whether ECU has been chosen as
an interactive site.
All who are interested in attend-
ing the videoconference on Friday
should call Gail Sharpe at 328-1447
to reserve a seat.
GtAlY from page 1
broken into.
"I have never really thought about
hiding my valuables Nellis said. "I
guess I just don't think that someone
would actually break into my car. How-
ever, if someone did. 1 would take the
responsibility since I wasn't careful in
the first place
Umphlet said ECU police do get
some good leads and are able to solve
"Last year we solved five or six in
one weeks time based on information
we received not just from officers but
from students, Umphlet said. "So the
best thing you can do if you see some-
one suspicious-looking around cars is
to use a blue (emergency) phone and
contact us. By going there in the past
we have caught people in the act"
Umphlet said for students to take
all the precautions they can because
sometimes they get caught up and are
put into a position where they cannot
be in a parking lot 24 hours a day.
Anything a person can do on their own,
making sure all valuables are out of
sight or carried back to their rooms,
will help.
"Our campus has had a low num-
ber of break-ins this month if you com-
pare our numbers with the city of
Greenville, but any number is too
many Umphlet said. "We would pre-
fer none and the one way to reach none
is for people to be on the lookout, and
put items in a secure place. We need
to take the wishful eye away from the
SNOW from page 1
The ground crews made the
streets and sidewalks passable. They
worked all weekend to scrap the
roads and sand the sidewalks.
"The biggest problem that the
ground crews had was the tempera-
ture Harold said. "We could not
get the temperatures above freezing
which prevented things from thaw-
Harold said ECU faced several
problems due to the cold weather.
He said he was faced with four par-
tially frozen restrooms and a frozen
sprinkler system in Williams Arena.
A coil froze at Mendenhall Student
Center, a cooling tower water level
control froze at Minges, and Tyjer
and Aycock Residence Halls were
faced with problems caused by the
cold weather.
ECU'S Police Department re-
ported three car accidents on cam-
Teresa Crocker, ECU's police
chief, said the best advice that she
could give students was to stay off
the roads when weather conditions
are severe.
"Stay off the roads when
weather is bad Crocker said. "No
matter what type of vehicle you
have, you are going to slide when
you hit ice
Laura Gilmore, a freshman el-
ementary education major believes
ECU should have been closed.
"When everything else was be-
ing closed, and they were advising
people to stay off the roads, I do not
understand why we still had class
Gilmore said. "It was dangerous for
the commuters and the teachers
who had to travel to come to ECU
1 Dozen Bouquet
18 Inch
HISlOlvY from page
they learned form the previous seg-
"As the title of the series sug-
gests, we're trying to give informa-
tion to feed the soul and provide the
tools with which people can enhance
their relationships: The focus is on
feeding yourself positivity and beef-
ing up your self-esteem
On Feb 20, the center will host
another documentary as it focuses
on "Processing the Past to Under-
stand the Present The video shown
will be "Eyes on the Prize
"This documentary focuses on
the early 1960s and the period that
led up to the Montgomery bus boy-
cott Clayton said. "We'll discuss
those events and talk about what im-
plications they have on our present
and future.
"Our big show event will be on
Feb. 25 and is our only ticket event
on the roster. The show, 'God's
Trombones will feature Clifton
Davis, various local ministers and
NC-Act, a performance troop from
eastern North Carolina
Clayton said the center's pro-
grams are not exclusively for black
people because the center is aware
that black history and the contribu-
tions made by African-Americans are
of interest to other cultures as well.
"This is an important month the
nation has set aside to observe black
history, and we hope everyone will
come out and participate Clayton
said. "We here at the cultural cen-
ter take pride in African-American
history and culture throughout the
year, and we appreciate this oppor-
tunity to share our facilities with the
university and the greater commu-
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Thursday, February 8,1996
The East Carolinian
Play while you
can because
once our
intramurals end.
You better play intramurals now while you have the chance.
As soon as the expansion begins for Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium,
the fields will no longer exist (see article on front page).
We at TEC agree that the expansion is much needed to
interest conference officials and bring in top teams, but ECU
students will be paying a heavy price. ECU's football program
will be getting a big boost with the expansion, but students
will have to suffer through at least two semesters of no intra-
mural fields due to a lack of funds.
Approximately 8,700 students participate in intramural
activities. Once construction begins, these students will have
no place to play. Eventually the fields behind the stadium will
be a parking lot. Not only are the students losing the Ficklen
fields, but the fields behind allied health will also be lost
Some of us at TEC participate in intramural sports and it
is a shame that we won't be able to play any intramurals for at
least a year. That brings up the question of when and where
will we regain intramural fields?
It is projected that the construction will take about a year,
but we all know about construction on the ECU campus. The
athletic facility and library are already running behind sched-
ule. We at TEC think a year is the minimum it will take.
And where exactly will the new fields be located? That is a
question that seems to go unanswered.
Intramurals give non-scholarship athletes the chance to
participate and show their skills. It provides an outlet for hav-
ing fun and meeting people.
ECU has many superb intramural teams. For example, the
"Super Ho's the winners of the all campus tournament, rep-
resented ECU in many flag football tournaments this year. They
even went to New Orleans and played in the national tourna-
ment Even though they did not win, it was still an honor for
them to be there and represent the hundreds of students who
played flag football and did not go.
So what will they do next year? In fact what will all the
athletes who play flag football, soccer and Softball do with no
We believe better planning could have allowed ECU to come
up with an alternative plan to avoid the confusion that will be
caused once the stadium construction begins. Needless to say,
there will be some irate students who will request that they be
allowed to play somewhere else. But that somewhere is still in
Unfortunately, the intramural program will be the biggest
loser during the construction. It is too bad that earlier plan-
ning didn't allow for an alternative plan.
The expansion will be a plus, but the loss during the time
we have to wait may not be worth it Now if you will excuse ur,
we have some playing to do before we get hit by the wrecking
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor,
As a 1995 graduate of ECU and
a current grad student at American
University, I am embarrassed by the
recent incident involving Morris
Grooms and Tim Fudd. For ECU stu-
dents who haven't caught the basket-
ball team fever, Grooms was elbowed
in the throat by AU senior Fudd, who
was then suspended for five games by
the Colonial Athletic Association.
This is the most severe penalty
We're sorry
the CAA has imposed in its 11-year
history and the story made the front
page of the Washington Post's sports
I speak for many AU students -
the rest of whom are not ECU grads
- when I wish Grooms a quick recov-
ery. ECU's basketball team is on its
way to a conference victory, and even
those of us who have moved away
from Greenville still manage to keep
up with the scores, and the excite-
And I thank Othello Meadows for
shooting such an incredible at-the-
buzzer, heart-stopping, game-wining
three-pointer during a game that was
shown up here in DC on Home Team
Sports. Reading about that the next
day would NOT have been the same.
Good luck guys. And congratulations
Coach Dooley!
Maureen Rich
B.A. '95
Get the facts straight
To the Editor,
In the Feb. 1 edition of TEC, "Our
View" printed an article concerning
athletes and whether "they really de-
serve all the perks that came with
pumping iron Whoever "Our View"
may represent, this letter is to clear
up a few things that you have obvi-
ously been misinformed about, if in-
formed at alL The items you refer to
as perks are far from that Athletes
are on athletic scholarships as a re-
sult of years and years of hard work,
dedication, and intense training. Your
reference to the top notch weight fa-
cilities that athletes use is correct but
this facility is shared by seventeen
different teams. You seem to be for-
getting the Student Recreation Cen-
ter that is in progress which will sur-
pass anything we have in the Sport
Medicine Complex.
TEC also refers to the fact that
athletes register earlier for classes.
Athletes have to be finished with
classes by 2:00 in order to make af-
ternoon practices. Finishing class by
2:00 usually means beginning class at
8:00 A.M often after 6:00 A.M. work-
TEC refers to missing classes on
the day of or before games as a perk.
This is a huge disadvantage for ath-
letes. Missing class because we have
to travel means turning in assign-
ments early and suffering the conse-
quences of a full days sic lecture.
Being an athlete at any major univer-
sity is a job in itself. Many sacrifices
are made by athletes in order to be-
come the best they can in their sport.
Basically, TEC needo to get their facts
straight before bashing athletes. With-
out the athletic program. ECU would
not be the major university it has be-
Chelsea Earnhardt
ECU Women's Tennis
Newspapers are the most high-tech
product on the market ? scannable,
portable and resonable in price
? Nancy Woodhull, Trustee, The Freedom Forum
The East Carolinian
Tambra Zion, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Wendy Rountree, News Editor
Marguerite Benjamin, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Wadded, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor
Craig Perrott, Assistant Sports Editor
Paul Hag wood, Staff Illustrator
Cristie Farley, Production Assistant
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 278584353. For information, all (919)
Kami Klemmer, Production Assistant
Xlali Yang, Systems Manager
Tim Hyde, Copy Editor
Patrick Hinson, Copy Editor
Rhonda Crumpton Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Labels pull in suckers
There is a modern craze to cut
out fat, cholesterol and get enough
nutrients. This raises new hope that
Americans are finally getting smarter
about their dieting and eating habits.
Has America finally seen the light?
Unfortunately, the only thing that
America is seeing is clever marketing
labels, and the labels are doing a
pretty good job of getting their share
of consumers' wallet stuffing.
The latest wave of foodstuff mar-
keting that has taken off is health
conscious marketing. Products all
have something health related on the
package. Long gone are the labels that
read 'tastes great' Even the old faith-
ful 'wholesome' now seems like a di-
nosaur in the world of foodstuff mar-
keting adjectives.
The top five new terms are cho-
lesterol-free, light, reduced-fat low-fat
and nutrient rich. There are some
adaptations of these such as 99 per-
cent fat free, but these five are defi-
nitely at the top of the list
The problem with these is that
while the notions may be good, the
terms can be misleading. While it
would seem that a product would
need to contain at least 25 percent of
a nutrient to be classified as a "good"
source of it it doesn't In fact a prod-
uct only has to contain a mere 10
percent of the USDA's recommended
daily allowance of a nutrient to be
qualified as a "good" source of it You
would need to find the "high in" cal-
cium rating to get 20 percent Thus,
if we were to drink milk, which is listed
as "high in" calcium, to fulfill the daily
calcium requirement we would have
to pour five cups of it down the hatch.
The term "cholesterol-free" in-
Chris Ariine
Senior Opinion Columnist
Its for the sam
reason they're
fat in the first
place; they're
spires thoughts that the producer of
the good is looking out for you. The
truth of the matter is that this means
that the food never had any choles-
terol in it to begin with. In fact the
manufacturers often do you one
worse. There may not be any choles-
terol in the food but the manufactur-
ers may have added some form of par-
tially hydrogenated oil which tend to
raise the levels of cholesterol the body
would normally store for significantly
longer periods of time. This leaves you
worse off than you were if you had
just eaten the cholesterol laden ver-
sion and had a short term flux.
Now for the last example of how
consumers are suckered into thinking
that they are making a huge difference.
The label "low-fat" has the second high-
est batting average of any health con-
scious label on the market second only
to "fat-free This leads the consumer
to believe that there is very little fat in
a product (i.e. around 10 percent) The
truth of the matter is that a product
can getaway with 30 percent of its
calories and, in the case of cookies, 40
percent of it's calories coming from fat
and still get to use the label. Thirty-
five percent of the calories in low-fat
milk come from fat
The question is raised - why don't
American's read into the labels more?
Its for the same reason they're fat in
the first olace; they're lazy. A survey
conducted at the University of Cincin-
nati states that 84 percent of shoppers
shown a package with a claim on it
didn't turn to the Federally required
nutritional chart on the back.
I remember the first time I fell into
the trap of creative and misleading food
advertising. Playing slave to the vices
of my love for foods my mother
wouldn't let me have as a child I was
face to face with a shelf of Twinkies at
Seven-Eleven. There was one package
of standard Twinkies, and one with
"low-fat" Out of boredom, I compared
the two labels. To my horror there was
less fat in the "low-fat" Twinkies which
was good; however, they weighed less
according to the label. What a scam! I
couldn't have felt more violated if I
were a transvestite in a Mexican prison
on Cinco de Mayo. I was furious. To
this day I have not bought a Hostess
The truth of the matter is that
Americans are a bunch of suckers when
it comes to foodstuff marketing. They
read a few words that sound good, ac-
cept it for gospel, and then pat them-
selves on the back for doing so. They
continue to eat big portions, stay fat
and reassure themselves that they are
making a valiant attempt because the
label tells them so. There's a sucker
born every minute, and sooner or later
they all end up in the grocery store.
Valentines made easy
"OK sir, that wili be $58 dollars
for a dozen long-stem red roses. Will
there be anything else?" How can that
be? With this kind of expenditure, I will
have no more money left
Sound familiar guys? Yes, it is a
familiar sound to many guys out there.
It is the sound of buying our loved one
a gift to show our affection. It's actu-
ally kind of ridiculous if you ask me. I
think flowers are great, but for
Valentine's Day, merchants jack up the
price to three, sometime four times it's
original price.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to
give your loved one something that does
not take three months to pay for? What
about love? You can give your special
someone the gift of love!
You can not find it on the shelf at
Wal-Mart or K-Mart You won't find it
as item number 3624-B on QVC. Only
you can make this item. It won't even
cost you a cent You have it right inside
of yourself. The love you can give can't
be replaced.
AH right it's time to make those
plans for the big event sometimes mar-
keted more than Halloween. It's next
Wednesday so time is of the essence.
You want to impress your Valentine and
don't have much money to do it with.
Fear not my fellow broke friends. I have
a few ideas that can perhaps help you
out of your quandary.
So many times when 1 go to a res-
taurant it is overcrowded and the wait
to get a seat takes longer than you
would really like to wait Then, don't'
Don't wait in a line to eat food that is
probably overpriced anyway. Eat at
home and save time and money. Cook
a special dinner for your Valentine. Did
someone say cook?
Yes, to cook a meal shows more
thought than to go to a restaurant and
pay for a meal someone else cooked for
you. Many times, it is even impressive
to cook the meal in front of the person
you are trying to make feel good. Me, I
love to cook. It's not just a hobby of
mine. Ask any of my friends and they
Brian Lewis Burns
Opinion Columnist
Don't go
outright and
ask what kind
of food they
like, be suave
about it. .
will tell you that I cook for my friends
and dates. Not just to save money, in
fact many times it can cost more to cook
a meal. But not if you follow my advice.
I have been cooking for seven years now
and I have learned a few tricks that can
save a few bucks here and there.
First of all, to make this feast you
have to know your dates likes and dis-
likes when it comes to food. Does this
person like seafood or the garden type
with meals? You need to know this.
Don't go outright and ask what kind of
food they like, be suave about it and try
to get them to tell you what they like. If
you are actually interested in this per-
son, then it should come up in conver-
After you find out what types of
food they like, plan the menu. Don't
make a menu that will take three days
to cook and takes all your time from
school and friends. A good meal can
take anywhere from 1 hour to 6 hours
to prepare. Now, the time it takes de-
pends on what you are cooking. For an
Italian meal, if you make meat sauce,
let the sauce simmer for five to six hours.
That allows the flavor from all the in-
gredients to soak into the sauce.
Once you plan your menu, it is time
to go to the store. Generally speaking,
Kroger and Piggly Wiggly are the cheap-
est stores to shop at Check the Sunday
circulars, they have some good deals in
them for your grocery needs. The stores
will have everything you need to make
this meal. If you plan on having a sea-
food meal, there is a seafood merchant
at the corner of 10th Street and
Greenville Boulevard.
It is now time to make the meal.
You have planned the meal, shopped
for it and now you want to cook it A
meal such as yours should have love in
it Take your time and do not skip steps
in the directions in order to speed the
process up. The directions are laid out
in a specific order for a reason. Many
times when a recipe calls for a white
sauce, such as Alfredo sauce, don't buy
the pre-made stuff, make it yourself.
A good white Alfredo sauce is as
follows: one cup of milk, 12 cup of
flour and 14 cup of grated Parmesan
cheese. Mix these ingredients over a low
burner until they thicken. Add the pre-
ceding ingredients to taste. This is a base
Alfredo sauce that can be used with
most meals.
See, it is not hard to make the foods
yourself. Just think about what it is you
want to make. Many times a person feels
that because it has a long name, it must
be hard to make. It is often the case
that it is actually easy to make.
From this point on, the rest is up
to you. How you lay the table out where
you want to eat the meal, what kind of
lighting and music you want is all up to
you. It's your show and you call the
shots. Remember, it does not take a lot
of money to show someone you care.
It means more to make the meal
than to buy it precooked. Show that
special someone you care and cook
them a nice meal. Perhaps you can even
type up the menu and decorate it for
them to keep. Can they find that in a
store? I think not!
Good luck with Valentine's Day.
Don't let the merchants of Greenville
fool you into thinking that you must
have their food or their products to be
a successful date. Do what feels right
and you will succeed.

Five ways to ensure
you have a Perfect
Valentine s Day
1. Roses from Jefferson's Florist.
? 2. Dinner for two at Riverside
Steak Bar.
3. Twin passes to a movie at
Carmike Cinemas.
4. Coffee and dessert at
Percolator Coffee House.
You can win this "Perfect Valentine's Day" when you buy a Love
Lines ad. That's it and you're automatically entered. We'll contact
the winner by phone on Friday, Feb. 9.
Or win one of two additional Valentine's
Day packages being given away. And
it's all FREE compliments of The East
Carolinian and our sponsors.
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Carmike Cinemas ? Papa John's
Pizza ? Percolator Coffee House ?
Chico's ? Attic
You an complete an entry form by coming to The East Carolinian office. No purchase necessary.
STUDENT STORES from 11 am - 2 pm
The East Carolinian
w Love Lines
The best way to say Happy Valentine's Day.
$2 for 25
words or
10 each
for each
over 25
All ads
must be
Messages may be rejectededited on basis of decency and sender will be notified in advance if a change
is necessary Bring form and payment to The East Carolinian (2nd floor, Student Publications Bldq.) or
place in an envelope and drop in the Drop-Ad box outside Student Stores or at the information desk in
Mendenhall Student Center.

mm aiHiiiiti
Thursday, February 8,1995
The East Carolinian
Music transforms "Moon
Authentic folk
music enhances
Appalachian play
Jennifer Coleman
Senior Writer
"Dark of the Moon" is not a mu-
Although music is an extremely
important part of the show, it is not
used to further the action, as in a mu-
sical, but is so much a part of the lives
of the Appalachian people that it al-
most becomes a character in itself.
Having said what "Dark of the
Moon" is not, the task becomes to
decide what it is. This is not so easily
done. The East Carolina Playhouse in-
terpretation and director John
Shearing vision of the play is a very
true one. So much emphasis was
placed on an accurate portrayal of the
Appalachian mountain folk that many
of the songs originally included in the
script were discarded and new ones
were selected that better suited the
"I felt a lot of those songs were
both spurious and corny Shearin
said. "They are spurious in the sense
that they wei? not their 'natural'
songs - they are not real Appalachian
folk songs. I wanted this experience
to be more authentic with regards to
the people and the culture
Why such a focus on accuracy for
a theatrical production? According to
Mort Stein, musical director, the mu-
sic is as much a part of this particu-
lar story as it was a part of the lives
of the Appalachian people, which
makes the musical representation a
pivotal part of the overall staging.
"It comes from a tradition of sing-
ing. Most people did sing - it was the
only art they could take part in. They
didn't paint, sculpt; they had music.
It was a tradition to sit around after
supper singing. Any member of their
culture would be prepared to sing at
any time if asked Stein said.
There are a number of authentic
instruments used in the show as wHl.
Among the more unusual ones, at
least for today, are a washboard, wash-
tub, Jew's harp, mandolin and banjo.
"The script called for an accor-
dion, which is altogether wrong for
the place and time. It was just a stroke
of luck that Brian Davis and Justin
Allen knew how to play guitar very
well, and Justin said. 'Well, I have a
mandolin, 1 could fool around with it
and see if I can do that' and Ty Cobb
got excited about the Jew's harp, and
Michael Schilabbaj wanted to play the
washboard Shearin said.
When an actual, authentic song
couldn't be found that suited
Shearin's purpose, he didn't let that
stop him. There is an abundance of
talent available right in his own de-
partment, and Shearin was not hesi-
tant to draw upon it.
"In the play there's a song they
sing, "Good Old Mountain Dew said
Shearin. "That's another one of those
phony songs, and it didn't ring true
to me that a preacher would sing a
song about 'mountain dew But in
praising the promise of something
God gave us - the corn - I thought
you could make a logical connection
there. I couldn't find a gospel hymn
that fit that, so I said, 'Okay, I'll write
"So I wrote the lyrics, and I was
talking to Ixi Perry and he said,
'Well, I'll come up with something. I'll
just sing something' and he did one
See MOON page 10
Bux& IRevceccL
Circus put in freakish spotlight
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
Jim Rose is a freak. I mean that
in the nicest way possible, you un-
derstand. Besides, I don't think he
would take offense.
Mr. Rose, you see, is the pro-
prietor of the Jim Rose Circus Side-
show, a travelling caiavan of freaks,
human marvels and people who are
just a little off. For example, one
of the longest-running Rose per-
formers is Mr. Lifto, who lifts heavy
things with various pierced body
parts. Like his nipples, ear lobes,
nose and tongue. But it's his penis
lifting that he's most proud of.
Then there's Matt the Tube, a
pharmacist from Seattle who forces
various nauseating substances into
his stomach, then pumps it back
out. If you're lucky, he'll offer you
a glass of his tasty bile beer.
The troupe also features the
Armenian Rubber Man (who can
pass his body through an unstrung
tennis racket), the Enigma (sword
whose entire body is tattooed with
an interlocking blue jigsaw puzzle),
and Bebe the Circus Queen (Rose's
wife, who lies topless on a bed of
nails and lights fluorescent bulbs
by passing electric currents
through her body).
Rose himself pounds nails up
his nose, swallows razor blades,
functions as a human dart board,
and puts his face in broken glass
while people stand on his head.
He's also a master escape artist
and, apparently, a pretty darn good
Yes, Jim Rose, who has dis-
gusted audiences and raised the
hackles of conservative public offi-
cials worldwide, has gone and writ-
ten himself a book. It's called Freak
Like Me: Inside the Jim Rose Cir-
cus Sideshow. As you can no doubt
guess, it's biographical.
File this one under stranger
than fiction; Rose has led a pretty
colorful life. Somehow, though,
he's managed to keep a pretty level
head and a heaithy dose of human-
ity despite the weird, inhuman
things he does-on stage.
Featuring an introduction by
Katherine Dunn, author of the side-
show novel Geek Love and a Rose
frienddevotee, Freak Like Me
seems unusually open and honest
for an auto-biography. Too often,
books like this are self-aggrandiz-
ing, the stories coming off more like
Commander McBragg cartoons
Photo Courtesy Dell Publishing
Ladies and gentlemen! See Jim Rose put his face in broken
glass! It's all in the pages of Rose's new book, Freak Like
Me, which tells how to do this trick and many others.
than true-life accounts of things.
The fact that Rose comes off
sounding utterly sincere is doubly
surprising considering his carnival
barker patter and con artist savvy.
But every time I suspected Rose of
self-inflation, he would undercut
himself by revealing some embar-
rassing mistake he made or reveal-
ing the nervous regular guy under-
neath the cocky exterior.
But Rose seems to have been
destined for a life among the freaks
from the start.
"I was born with the world's
most fascinating nose he writes.
"A nose so intriguing, my eyes
couldn't stop looking at it. Which
is to say, in the optical department,
I was cross-eyed
Tortured by his classmates be-
cause of his condition, Rose became
the class clown to deflect the in-
sults. The quick wit he developed
as a child stayed with him even af-
ter his vision was corrected (par-
tially; he still suffers from lazy eye
today), and he uses it to good ef-
fect as barkercrowd control for his
His freak status among his
middle-class peers led Rose to a fas-
cination with circus freaks and hu-
man marvels (people who have
learned strange and dangerous
body manipulation tricks). When he
found himself cast adrift after col-
lege (Rose holds a degree in politi-
cal science from the University of
Arizona), his life-long devotion to
sideshows became a career.
Starting out on open-mic
nights at Seattle coffeehouses,
Rose's fame as a performing freak
grew, and soon other freaks gath-
ered around him like lint.
The stories of those other per-
formers are also told in Freak Like
Me. While the likes of Lifto and the
Torture King (who pierces his body
with dozens of pins and needles
without drawing blood) don't get
See ROSE page 10
Winter chaos!
Mayhem reigned Sunday afternoon by the freshman parking lot on Fourth Street, as
mobs of students went sledding down the glassy-slick ice on the side of the ravine.
W T&fote
We rate top 10
bad TV movies
Every paper has a TV critic,
but our critic is no normal couch
potato, no mere TV junkie. No, our
man wil watch anything, anytime,
regardless of quality or good taste.
Truly, he has no shame, and that
is why we call him "The TV Whore
Kevin Chaisson
Senior Writer
Like a lot of you, I was sitting
around the house ??
during these snow
days and watching
too much TV, even
for me.
Most of what
I saw was not even
real television pro-
gramming, but
leased films of var-
ied quality. Yeah,
you know the
ones I mean.
You've watched
them too, usually
late at night sitting in your under-
wear, munchies and a beverage in
hand, when nothing else is on but
infomercials and religious program-
ming. Like a video from MTV's Buzz
Bin, you've seen these movies so
many times they've saturated your
very soul.
Don't lie to me! I know you've
watched these movies too! You just
don't want to admit it! Maybe you
just need a reminder of how bad
some of these flicks really are
So, in the interest of giving
these films their due, your TV
Whore will honor those unsung
films of the 70s and '80s, TV's top
10 perennial favorites.
10. Jaws. True, a fine film, but
t shown way, way
too much on
TV. Everyone is
hopefully famil-
iar with this
Speilberg epic
of a massive
shark using the
seaside town of
Amity as the
world's biggest
church social
buffet. Roy
Scheider, Rich-
ard Dreyfuss
and Robert
Shaw make up a
kick-ass cast and, honestly, this
movie can do no wrong.
Its three sequels, however,
See MOVIES page 10
Any movie with
JJ's dad and a
demon cow
rates at least a two,
so you know this
one's a winner!
CD Reviews
The Verve Pipe
Pop Smear
Derek T. Hall
Staff Writer
"Swallow this scene, I'm on fire,
aims waving, burning higher Brian
Vander Ark says at the first level of his
performance on Pop Smear. The song
is called "Pretty For You and judg-
ing by the direction the song was tak-
ing, I knew exactly what I was about
to hear.
The Verve Pipe, led by Vander Ark
on vocals and acoustic guitar, A J. Dun-
ning on lead guitar, Brad Vander Ark
on bass, and Don Brown on drums,
will show you why they are RCA's new-
est onslaught Characterized by well-
written lyrics and an alternativepop
undertone, Vander Ark and the boys
feel as if they are on top of the world.
With songs like "Victoria that
refer to the sweet taste of victory, and
"The River which was written by
drummer Donny Brown, they show
signs of a very promising band. On the
other hand, their sound seems to be
focused on the same thing that most
other artists on the RCA record label
are focused on. It's a fixated sound that
works, but one has to ask if the artist
are really being true to themselves or
just hoping for some extra cash and
beer on the side. I don't see that in
this band. What I do see in this band
is pride and enthusiasm, despite who
or what they might sound like.
In every band there is a shining
star, and of course Vander Ark quali-
fies for that ranking here. But when
you have musicians in a band that rise
above the rest one has to ask if every-
one else is living up to their full poten-
tial. The guitar on this album speaks
very clearly and presents a strong mes-
sage. The bass is weak and needs to be
more present at times. Brown also did
a good job keeping time on drums.
He also wrote the strongest song
on the album, called "Is It Worth It?"
The song is very melodic and Vander
Ark's vocal tone is a perfect match. But
the song's message is what makes it
See PIPE page 9
ttifi ti us
Coming soon for your
edification and amusement:
Thursday, February 8
"An Evening with Chris Rock
at Wright Auditorium
Almight Senators
at Peasant's Cafe
Movie: Dead Presidents
at Hendrix Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Friday, February 9
Symphonic Wind Ensemble
at Wright Auditorium
Loaded Coat
at the Attic
at Peasant's Cafe
Brothers From Mother
at Alfredo's II
Movie: Dead Presidents
at Hendrix Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Saturday, February 10
Verve Pipe
at Peasant's Cafe
Movie: Dead Presidents
at Hendrix Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 11
Bob Seger and the
Silver Bullet Band
at Dean Dome
in Chapel Hill
Tuesday, February 13
Illumina Art Reception
in Mendenhall
at Peasant's Cafe
Wednesday, February 14
Comedy Zone
at the Attic
at Peasant's Cafe
at Cat's Cradle
Coming Attractions
The East Carolinian
East Carolina University
Student Publication Bldg
Greenville. NC 27858
iw ?

T? ? - - "?
The East Carolinian
Thursday, February 8,1996
While you wait
Free & Confidential
Services & Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
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lide& TQeuUut
Get ready for Woo
Dale Williamson
Senor Writer
Valentines I);iy Sale
ra Off all "Heart" Jewclrv
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Celebrate Valentine's Day at
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John Travolta is going to fill the-
aters with his glory once again tomor-
row, when Broken Arrow, his first hon-
est to goodness action film, opens. But
this time, the real star won't be Mr.
Saturday night but another man named
John, director John Woo.
If you don't recognize the name,
don't be ashamed. Woo is one of
cinema's premier action directors, but
the bulk of his work has been done in
Hong Kong. Still, Woo's out-of-this-
world action sequences and his visual
mastery have broken into the Ameri-
can underground. Thanks to video
stores that carry foreign imports. Woo
has received great word of mouth and
praising reviews. Now even major video
chains like Blockbuster carry dubbed
versions of Woo films.
John Woo has had a highly suc-
cessful filmmaking career in Hong
Kong, a career that is affecting even
America's hottest and newest filmmak-
ers. Robert Rodriguez has admitted
that John Woo inspired his vision on
Desperado and Quentin Tarantino's
enthusiasm tor China's action films
owes much debt to Woo. In more ways
than one, Woo has redefined a genre
that Hollywood thought it had mas-
Woo's films are many and varied,
and I must admit I have not seen them
all, most notably his A Better Tomor-
row series. While Woo does specialize
in the action genre, his films offer more
than simply the good guy blowing away
the bad guy. His films are complex, as
are his characters. Bullet in the Head
is a particularly intriguing film because
it follows a group of young men whose
involvement with organized crime
leads them into the hells of war-torn
Vietnam. While this film is not Woo's
hardcore statement on Vietnam (he
made a film entitled Heroes Shed No
Tears to tackle that issue), it still pre-
sents an ugly picture of a time the
world would like to forget.
Bullet :n the Head, as unsettling
as it may be, is still an engaging and
exciting action film. But it is an action
film with John Woo's stamp of ap-
proval. The fine line between hero and
villain is not so clear, the violence is
unrelenting, and the conclusion is not
so happy. Any film that has one of its
main characters go mad because he
has a bullet lodged in his head is worth
a glance.
Arguably, Woo's two most popu-
lar films are The Killer and Hard
Boiled, both of which star Hong Kong's
top action star, Chow Yun Fat The
Killer stands out as a revisionist ac-
tion film. The basic plot may seem fa-
miliar, the good cop tracking down the
bad bounty hunter. But this is a film
where the good guy actually connects
and identifies with the bad guy. This
is a film where the bad guy actually
has a code of honor and will die trying
to stick to that code.
And. staying true to all that is
Woo, this is a film where the story's
resolution is not wrapped up in nice
package, as our heroes run off with
their true loves to live happily forever.
If anything, The Killer is the antith-
esis of Hollywood's notion of a "good"
action flick.
In many ways, Hard Boiled is simi-
lar in structure to The Killer. There is
a similar herovillain dynamic, and the
ending would make mainstream Hoi-
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w Greg and Andy of Dillon Fence
lywood shiver. But in Hard Boiled,
things are complicated by the fact that
the "villain" is an undercover cop who,
while not turning bad, has gone too
far to protect his cover. Hard Boiled
and The Killer also both share Woo's
over-the-top action.
Unlike many contemporary direc-
tors, Woo has mastered the slow-mo-
tion effect He knows when and where
to slow the action down in order to
achieve an exhilarating sensation.
Watching Chow Yun Fat leap over
tables in slow motion while blasting
two guns at once is watching an artist
at work. Woo's keen visual sense ma-
jestically captures Yun Fat's masterful
stunts and transforms an ordinary ac-
tion sequence into a filmic work of art
Unfortunately, Woo's American
debut was less than thrilling. While
Hard Target may be the best Jean-
Claude Van Damme movie ever, it was
John Woo's worst The story was thin,
the characters were flat, and Woo's
vision just felt repressed and disjointed.
Woo has admitted that Hard Target
was a disappointment, but he has also
admitted that working in Hollywood
is not like China.
Hopefully, Broken Arrow will
make enough of an impact at the box
office that Hollywood studios will al-
low Woo to cut loose and do what he
does best: create outlandish, unrealis-
tic action flicks that are pure cinematic
adrenaline and pure fun.
This week's topic:
Beverly Hillbillies
1. Jethro was Jed's nephew.
2. Claude was Mrs.
Drysdale's poodle.
3. Jed kept his money in the
Commerce Bank of Beverly
4. The OK Oil Company
bought the Clampetts' Osark
5. Jethro's mother and sister
were named Pearl and
Jethrine, respectively.
6. True! Sam Drucker was
one sly dog. The show also
crossed over with another
country sitcom, "Petticoat
7. The Drysdales' son was
named, appropriately, Sonny.
8. Ellie May's movie star
boyfriend was the hunky
Dash Riprock. Other movie
star beaus included Bolt
Upright and Crunch Hard-
9. Jethro differed from the
other Beverly Hillbillies
because he had a full sixth
grade education (and he
could cipher real good).
10. Jed's dog was named
Duke (or, sometimes, Old
PIPE from
I Merchandi
75 OFF
Harris Teeter
Shopping Center
page 8
what it is.
"Is it worth it to wait forever, when
you find out there's really not much
you can say?" Vander Ark sings. He
delivers his drummer's words as if they
were his own. This is a song about ask-
ing questions, the question at hand
being "Does it really matter?"
The music on this disc is easy to
relate to and indulge in. There is no
doubt that this band will be a force in
the years to come. Judging by how fast
they have moved over the past couple
of years, they already are a force to be
reckoned with.
Pop Smear is everything it is in-
tended to be: a pop undertone camou-
flaged by alternative groove.
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Thursday, February 8,1996
The East Carolinian
MOVIES from page 8
(shown religiously all over the air-
waves), should be placed on a space
capsule and shot into the sun.
Watching Jaws on TV deadens its
original impact and genuinely an-
noys me.
9. Firewalker. Chuck Norris
and Louis Gossett, Jr. attempt to do
a humorous Raiders rip-off, and in-
stead a spectacular crash and burn
occurs. Chuck and Louis star as two
soldiers-of-fortune going for that last
"big score They hook up with the
lovely Melody Anderson, whose
other claim to fame is playing Dale
Arden in Flash Gordon (a movie that
barely missed this list), to truck all
over Mexico in search of Aztec gold.
Gossett looks embarrassed, and
Norris has the comedic timing of a
wing-nut. Stinky, but it's kinda fun
watching Chuck play stupid.
8. Urban Cowboy. Now that
John Travolta is back in the public
eye again, the TV Powers have
dredged up this big hit (God knows
why) from the very early '80s. Here,
Travolta, Debra Winger and Scott
Glenn jump on the big country mu-
sic bandwagon in this story of ur-
ban rednecks lookin' for love in all
the wrong places. Travolta dances a
Texas two-step, but it's "lean's su-
per-redneck performance that makes
this worth watching at all.
7. The Blue Lagoon. Buh-whu-
Haaaaaa Hahahahahahaha
HAhahaha Two kids grow up to be
half-nekkid teens on a deserted is-
land. With Christopher Atkins and
Brooke Shields. Not to be confused
with the movie Paradise, starring
Willie Aames and Phoebe Cates.
That one goes more like - Tee-
Heeehahahahah Heeeehahahah
6. Bloodsport. Jean-Claude Van
Damme's first big hit, and a really
cool, stupid little movie. The Muscles
from Brussels plays real guy Frank
Dux (who was also a consultant and
fight coordinator for the film), who
fought and won the Kumate, a nasty,
illegal bare-knuckles fight in Hong
Kong. Stupendous fighting scenes,
wacky slow-mo and piss-poor acting
help make this a classic sitting-
around-drinking flick. Look for
Forrest Whitiker in an early role.
5. Cobra and Over the Top. I
was in a bind as to which of these
two Sylvester Stallone "films" are
worse examples of filmmaking. First
we have Cobra, with Stallone play-
ing a cop named Cobretti who has
to protect a beautiful witness (the
wretched Bridgitte Nielson, his wife
at the time) from death. Wow, how
original. On the other hand, we have
Top, which may be the only film ever
made to glamorize the world of
professsional arm wrestling. That's
right, 1 said "arm" wrestling. At least
Cobra is watchable.
4. Zapped! A teen sex comedy
with a twist! Scott Baio plays a high
school science genius (?) who
developes a serum that gives him
telekinetic powers that he uses to
try to get into Heather Thomas'
pants. I found this movie really
funny when 1 was 12 or 13.1 am no
longer 12 or 13, but sometimes feel
like it and will watch this. TV edit-
ing cuts out the nude scenes (bring-
ing up the question "What's the
point?"), but Thomas uses stunt
breasts anyway. Both Baio and
Aames use their own breasts.
3. Conan the Destroyer. This
awful sequel to the always-cool
Conan the Barbarian (itself a fre-
quent TV visitor) grates on me be-
cause of its untapped potential to
be cool and its need to dumb down
for a PG audience. Even Arnold,
Graeme Jones, Mako, Tracey Walter
and Wilt Chamberlain can't save this
trash. A few cool scenes make this
pretty good noise filler during home-
work. Destoyer's sister film, Red
Sonja, is even worse, and on even
more often.
2. Masters of the Universe. An
entertaining little movie (tons bet-
ter than the cartoons) starring
Dolph Lungren as He-Man, Frank
Langella as a great Skeletor, and a
young Courtney Cox as an Earth-
ling trying to keep Skeletor from
taking over. This movie benefits
from an inherent wackiness brought
through by melodramatic acting.
And now, number one with a
1. The Beastmaster. 1 have
seen this movie so many times I
can't count, but it's still kind of
quirky-cool. Written and directed by
Don Coscarelli, this movie features
Marc Singer as Dar of the Emorites.
Dar is sworn to avenge his people,
who were slain by the Jun Hordes.
Leading the Jun secretly is the high
priest Maax (a vicious Rip Torn),
who controls the entire land of
Ahric. Throw in exCharlie's An-
gels" babe Tanya Roberts and John
Amos (the dad on "Good Times") as
a sergeant-at-arms.
This one has it all: Conan riffs,
swords, greased nude bodies, demon
cows giving birth to babies, sexy
witches, demonic S & M leatherboys,
spraypainted tigers, ferrets and, of
course, the hawk-cam! Any movie
with J.Js dad and a demon cow au-
tomatically rates at least a two, so
you know this ones a winner!
Fess up, you know you've
watched these movies! And once we
all admit to these kind of things, the
closer we'll all be to Nirvana.
No, not the band
IvOjJlL from page 8
the kind of attention Rose gives
himself, that's okay. It's his circus,
after all. and his book.
Rose's tales of his troupe's rise
to fame are entertaining, funny and
enlightening. His prose style is
lively (no surprise, considering his
years of enciting crowds with
snappy patter), and the rough
edges were taken off with help from
Newsweek writer Melissa Rossi.
I particularly enjoyed his sto-
ries of touring Europe. The Circus
outraged British' officials spurred
on by the tabloid press. They put
on forced performances for French
border guards (Enigma always gets
strip-searched by the French; they
want to know if his penis is tat-
tooed). They found themselves be-
ing upstaged by dangerously intoxi-
cated Scandinavian viking audi-
But not all the touring stuff is
that fascinating. The book tends to
sag a little towards the end. After
MOON from page 8
night and it was just perfect"
Another interesting aspect of this
production of "Dark of the Moon" is
the use of "line-out singing some-
thing which was used consistently in
churches of the time. In this practice,
the preacher would call out a line of
a hymn before it was to be sung,
thereby eliminating the need for hym-
nals in a church where most of the
parishioners couldn't read anyway.
How does a modern cast prepare
to sing music that is older by many
years than they are themselves? Much
work was done practicing dialects and
the cast watched videos about the
Appalachian people, as well as listen-
ing to actual recordings of church
services of the time.
"John supplied us with audio
taper and we actually had a record-
ing of ari actual church service that
was taped in the early 1900s. It's just
amazing to hear the line-out singing.
You can tell it's "Amazing Grace but
it's a totally new way of doing it. I've
never heard singing like that said
William Stutts, who plays Mr. Atkins.
"The rehearsals were like the re-
hearsals for a musical Ty Cobb said.
"Sometimes we'd just get together
and sing, and work the dance num-
bers. The music, for the most part -1
don't personally like country music,
but I like the song we sing as a group,
and even some of the hymns we do.
They sound better than I thought they
Someone to look for during the
show is Mike "Lightnin Wells, a lo-
cal professional musician who will be
playing the banjo. Wells has worked
with East Carolina Playhouse before,
in "Quitters" about four years ago.
"I didn't know Mike played banjo.
1 knew him as a guitar player, and we
had plenty of guitarists. So I was call-
ing around asking for banjo players
and the fellow at Greenville guitar said
Mike Wells plays old style banjo So
I called him up Shearin said.
With such a collaboration of tal-
ents, this production is sure to be a
delight for music as well as theater
lovers. "Dark of the Moon" is sure to
be one of the most interesting plays
of the East Carolina Playhouse sea-
son. Anyone who is interested in
North Carolina history should defi-
nitely reserve a good seat. Even if
you've seen the show before, you
won't want to miss this interpretation.
"Dark of the Moon" is rated PG-
13 and contains mature themes. Call
the McGinnis ticket office for ticket
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Mexican Restaurant
Rose has detailed the early days on
the road with the Lollapalooza '92
tour, I knew all I wanted about life
witli rock stars.
Freak Like Me is kind of a
McBook as well. The print is extra-
big and boldfaced, to fill up more
space, and the pages are overflow-
ing with photos of the troupe. But
Rose's show is so very visual that
the photos are a necessity. And if
he had written much more, things
might have gotten a tad boring.
Overall it's a fun read, and well
worth the 14-buck cover price. For
the budding freak in us all, Rose
has offered a two-page section de-
tailing how to do certain tricks, like
sword swallowing and Rose's block-
head stunt (the secret? Practice,
practice, practice). Some of this
stuff is pretty dangerous, but it's
one of the things that makes Freak
Like Me such a good ride.
Give it a shot, and taste the
?41 internship with Northwestern
Mutual Life can give you the
competitive edge you need to
land your first real job.
That's because you'll receive
extensive training and gain
marketable business experience
with a large, well respected
company Plus, you can earn
good money while you earn your
So don't sell yourself short Call
in about an internship that can
be it i;rcai value to you and to
a prospective employer.
For more information:
Contact Jeff Mahoney
The Quiet Company"
1995 Ntryiiwiy Mumai n? mutx Co MftnuM V
floorf timss, poo too, nrsat frisks
next I
?r Wed. (Feb. 14th) ? Valentine's Day!
Housing and Dining is a winning combination! Our
winners enjoy the freedom to choose their roommates, rooms, residence
halls, and meal plans.They have easy access to classesno hunting for a
parking place! They also enjoy recreational facilities, the library, and have
tons of fun with hundreds of residence hall and dining activitiesincluding
King and Queen of the Halls and Celebrity Chef Cookout. Our winners
save time and money because they let us take care of the cooking, cleaning
and utilities.They don't have to find someone to sublet their apartment,
they can just relax over the summer!
Remember, return housing and dining sign-up will take place during the
week of February 19 through 23. So be a winner and live on campus!
ovsrsity bousir. an ssrvicss
jBnatittM? m" 328-M58 .

Thursday, February 8,1996
The East Carolinian
For Rent
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom. 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
For Sale
NAGS HEAD, NC ? get your group to-
gether early. Two relatively new houses;
fully furnished; washer & dryer; dish-
washer; central AC; Available May 1
through August 31; sleeps 6- $1500.00 per
month; sleeps 8 - $2100.00 per month
(804) 850-1532.
SHARE 2 bedroom 2 bath duplex. $292
mo. Close to campus. No deposit needed.
Non-smoker preferred. Call 830-3831
1 BEDROOM APT. ON ECU bus line, new
carpet & paint Pets with fee. 12 month
rent free in February. Potomac Properties
DOCKSIDE 3 and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 4
car carport cathedral ceilings, fireplace,
dining room, balcony, exterior storage
room, nothing in the area compares Rea-
sonably Priced! Pitt Property Management
ROOM, $275, on river, watersewer in-
cluded, walk-in closet spacious bedroom,
on-site laundry. Pitt Property Management
needed to share 3 bedroom 2 bath house.
$210 rentutilities. Right across the
street from campus. Call Jena 758-6649
ed to sublease till May. 3 Bdrm Townhouse
at Sheraton Village. Master bdrm w pri-
vate bath. $200mo. and 13 util. Con-
tact at 321-2974
rent near university. Central heat and air.
WasherDryer hookups. Range, refrigera-
tor furnished. $489,752-6276.
3 BEDROOM APT FOR rent above
BW3's, 1500 sq. ft 2 12 baths, $775.00
a month. Ask for Yvonne at 758-2616
WANTED to sublease for May thru Au-
gust. $190mth plus 12 utilities. On ECU
bus route. Call 758-7890.
PLIANCES, water, basic cable. 5 blocks
from campus. New ownership. $375 de-
posit $375month. Pitt Property Manage-
ment 758-1921
share a 2 bedroom 1 12 bath. Rent
$123.75 a month and 14 utilities. For
summer andor Fall. Call 830-3748.
LEY COMMONS: 1 and 2 bedroom, range,
refrigerator, washer, dryer hookups, decks
and patios in most units, laundry facility,
sand volleyball court. Located 5 blocks
from campus. Free water, sewer, cable.
WYNDHAM COURT: 2 bedrooms, stove
refrigeratordishwasher, washer, dryer
hookups, patios on first floor. Located 5
blocks from campus. These and other fine
properties managed by Pitt Property Man-
agement 108 A Brownlea Drive, 758-1921
mate wanted to share 3 bedroom 2 bath
house. $180 rent, 13 utilities. Fun, easy-
going, studious. Call Danielle or Stacy 758-
ROOMMATE WANTED: to share half the
rent and half utilities at Dogwood Hollow.
2 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Call Jason at
room 2 bath duplex. Lots of amenities.
Walking distance of campus. $275mo.
12 utils. Call 758-2232
for a nice three bedroom house. Rent
$175mo.13 utilities. 3 blocks from
campus. Contact Evan at 752-8837.
ALD and diamond wrap, less than 1 yr
old. 5yr warranty. Only $185. Cali 758-
shape $75 neg 8304064. Weight Bench,
its a steal at $60. Includes squat rack, leg
attachments, extra bars, lots of weight
1994 FORD ESCORT LX hatchback,
green, cruise control, airbag, five speed,
21,000 miles. Owe $7800.00. Pay owner
$1800.00 (negotiable). Serious callers
only. Leave message 355-3507
TOYOTA TRECEL1990 4SP, hatchback,
GC, AC, AMFM, Cass, 122,000 miles
$2,990 neg. Great for students 3283246
Ask for David leave message. Must Sell!
GIVING AWAY A BLACK, male cat to
good home. He has been declawed, neu-
tered, and has had all shots up to date
752-6094 ask for Michelle
11 Wanted
for Greenville screenprint company. Will
be monitoring machines and handling
clothing. No heavy lifting. All shifts avail-
able. If interested, report to the Employ-
ment Security Office on Thursday, Febru-
ary 15 between the hours of 8:30am and
12:00pm. Two forms of identification are
required at time of interview. Staff-Addi-
tions, Inc 112 N. Circle Dr Suite A,
Rocky Mount NC 27804. (919) 937-6633
OLDEST and largest Escort Service is
now hiring due to our expanding business.
Earn up to $1,500 plus a week, escorting
in the Greenville and surrounding areas.
You must be at least 18 years of age, have
own phone and transportation. We are
also hiring male and female dancers for
private parties. Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 758-0896 or Emerald City Escorts at
75703477 for and interview. Est. 1990.
Greenville Recreation & Parks Depart-
ment is recruiting 12 to 16 part-time youth
soccer coaches for the spring indoor soc-
cer program. Applicants must possess
some knowledge of the soccer skills and
have the ability and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must be able to coach
young people ages 5-18 in soccer funda-
mentals. Hours are from 3pm to 7pm with
some night and weekend coaching. This
program will run from the first of Marcn
to the first of May. Salary rates start at
$4.25 per hour, for more information,
please call Ben James or Michael I aly at
needed! Fishing industry. Earn up to
$3.000-$6,000 per month. Room and
Board! Transportation! Male or Female.
No experience necessary. Call (206)971-
3510 ext A53622.
long distance telephone company. Must
have high morals and great personality
SWIM COACHES. Summer positions
available in the Charlotte area. Call Caro-
lina Pool Management (704) 541-9303
up to $2545hr. teaching basic conversa-
tional English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Ko-
rea. No teaching background or Asian lan-
guages required. For information call:
(206) 971-3570 ext J53623.
ROPE - Conversational English teachers
needed in Prague, Budapest or Krakow.
No teaching certificate or European lan-
guages required. Inexpensive Room &
Board other benefits, for info call (206)
971-3680 ext K53621
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World trav-
el. Seasonal & full-time employment avail-
able. No experience necessary. For more
information call 1-206-971-3550 ext.
needs a Music Accompanist Organ and
piano. Will accept student Good pay. Call
524-5421 or 5244693
FULL or part-time position available to
field technical support questions involv-
ing communications, hardware, software
and interfaces between our mortgage re-
posting system and in-field customer base.
We will train. However, you will need ba-
sic exposure to modems, hardware com-
ponents and operating systems, for inter-
view contact, Dan Harris, Online Informa-
tion Services, 1206 Charles Blvd 757-
to $180.00 per week Send SASE to 102
3 Brownlea Dr Greenville NC 27858
RHA. avg. 10 hrs a week, pay min doesn't
mind heavy lifting. Call 328-1679.
WEWILmu JMUJifc,ir
Jewelry-Also Broken GoldRUFF HEWN J. CREW
CD players
StudentSwap Shop
DOWNTOWN WALKING MALL 414 EVANS ST HRS. THURS-FRI10-12,1:30 -5& SAT FROM 10-1 come into the staff parking lot in front of wachovia downtown,
'$i Services JHi Greek
NO NEED TO STRESS. Professional Tax
Return Service provided to students at a
Discount. Why wait? For more informa-
tion call 757-0573
SPANISH-English) are done at affordable
rates. Call 413-0393
tor. Improve your communication and writ-
ing skills! Cali 413-0393
TARY will provide campus pick-up and de-
livery for typing resumes, documents, re-
search papers, etc at a reasonable rate!
Call Susan at 7464504 after 6:00pm
Largutt Library of information In U.S. -
all aubjacta
Ordw Catalog Today with VlsWMC or CO
or (310)477-8226
Or rusri $2 00 to RMMrch Information
11322 Idaho Ave ?206-Al6s Angefcs. CA90025
THE PARTY IS ON! your party ain't
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile Mu-
sic Productions is "the" disc jockey serv-
ice for your party or social function. Wid-
est variety of any disc jockey company in
Greenville. Specializing in the needs of
ECU Organizations and Greeks. Spring
dates are filling fast so call early. Ask for
Lee 7584644.
GRANTS & scholarships available! Bil-
lions of $$$ in private funding. Qualify
immediately. 1-800406-7027
NEED A RIDE TO Raleigh. Zebulon, or
Chapel Hill? Can you leave Friday after-
noon and return early Monday morning?
$10.00 per person. Call 413-9099
lion in public and private sector grants &
scholarships is now available. All students
are eligible regardless of grades, income,
or parent's income. Let us help. Call Stud-
ent Financial Services: 1-800-263495 ext
GRANTS & scholarships available! Bil-
lions of $$$ in private funding. Qualify
immediately. 1-800400-0209.
Why shop in L.A
New York, or even
Raleigh for
that matter
21st Century
(formerly BLTs Boutique)
Downtown Greenville
is all that matters.
great Scholarship Banquet Monday Night!
you did a great job this past year! Love
Chi Omega.
hall of fame women Julie Smith and An-
gie Nix, we're proud of you! And to Pam
Miller for Always showing what sisterhood
means. Way to go on intermurals let's do
it again this year! Love your sisters!
doing great Keep up the good work!
BEING elected Gamma President! Love,
your Zeta sisters.
night! Congratulations on your new pledg-
es. Love the Alpha Phis.
THANKS TO AOPI FOR presenting the
AIDS Forum last week. We appreciate your
hard work arranging this. Love, the sis-
ters of Alpha Delta Pi.
her acceptance into ECU Medical School.
Love the Sisters of Chi Omega.
KIRBY for having a 4.0, the highest G.PA.
We're proud of you
KA ? THANKS for a great time Thursday
night! Love, the Sigma's.
We Boy CD'S,
Caaacttc, ana I ,p
Weu pay tip to $5 caan lor
I )u Iv. i, 7.VS .i i-Jii.
.drive to back door & ring buzzer
and the congo line grew, we kept warm
by the fire and other things too. Thanks
for the memorable social guys! Until next
time Love, Delta Zeta.
TKE, THANKS FOR THE great social,
?uys. Hope we can do it again. Love, the
. pha Phis.
PHI KAPPA TAU - we had lots of fun
Friday night Thanks a bunch! Love, the
ITIES for having such a successful year
in Panhellenic. Love, the Sisters of Alpha
Delta Pi.
HEIDE ROWLAND - good luck as Pan-
hellenic Rush Director. We know you'll
do a great job! Love, Your Sigma Sisters.
CHI OMEGA - the night started out at
the 5th St. Brewery, then Julie took us to
the Elbo where we broke it do?n old
school. After the Elbo it was off to Hoor-
ay Harry's where we chilled out and had
a beer. We had a great time with you guys
and hope to do something again in the
future SAE.
Sexy Boxer Contest at The Attic on Feb-
ruary 8, 1996. Doors will open at 9:30.
Come and set the hottest men in
a great Superbowl Social! We always have
a great time! Love, the Alpha Phis.
CHRISTIN GALE - congratulations on
your engagement to Derwood! We're so
happy for you! Love, your AZD Sister?
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - thanks for the
pre-downtown Thursday night It was great
to get together again! Love, the AZD's.
NIB's, Steve "Sleepy" Morris and Paul
"Stork" Home to our Brotherhood. Great
job ETA class!
ITIES on their Panhellenic Awards. Love,
Sigma Sigma Sigma.
THETA CHI ? thanks for the Nuts and
Bolts social Friday night. We had a ball!
Love, Alpha Delta Pi.
PIKA - WE'RE really looking forward to
the pre-downtown Thursday night! Love
the AZD's.
WAY TO GO ALPHA PHIS on having the
second highest GPA last semester. Keep
up the good work'
PI for receiving Chapter Excellence, Out-
standing Panhellenic Service Award, and
to Dr. Sneider for Panhellenic Outstand-
ing Faculty Award. We love you!
ED - scouts seeking used backpacks
frames, foam sleeping pads, stoves, etc
in good condition. Please call 756-8430
after 7:00pm
Ski SsowioaM
nrmcouicun an wmttb
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SPRING BREAK '96, WITH only 1 week
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Cancun $389. Organize a group - TRAV-
EL FREE Sun Splash Tours 1-800-426-
cruise! 7 Days $279! Includes 15 Meals &
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Leaves from Ft. Lauderdale! 1-800-
CANCUN & JAMAICA spring break spe-
cials! 111 lowest price guarantee! 7
Nights Air & Hotel from $429! Save $100
on fooddrinks!http:www.springbreak- 1-800-678386
room with kitchen $119! Walk to best
bars! 7 nights in Key West $259! Cocoa
Beach Hilton (Great Beaches - Near
Disney) $169! Daytona $139! http: 1-800-678-
6386 ?
NEEDED Springbreak '96 Intercollegiate
Ski Weeks- 5 day lift ticketcondo lodg-
ing 5 nights parties & activities. Mt Or-
ford, Canada (Near Vermont) (Drinking
Age-18) Trip only $219. Reps earn free
trips, CASH, New Equip etc. Call Ski Trav-
el Unlimited: l-800-999-Ski-9.
Thursday, Feb. 15th 6-9pm, in the ECU
Back & Limb Clinic (Belk Bldg). Tickets
may be purchased from the ECU Back &
Limb Clinic or PT Students. Tickets $2
for 10 min. or $2.50 at the door.
will hold a car wash on February 10 from
8am-4pm at the Fuel Dock on the corner
of 10th street and Greenville Blvd.
(Bl-sexuals, Gays, Lesbians, and Allies for
Diversity). Our next meeting will be on
Feb. 14th, 19 in room 221 of Menden-
hall Student Center at 7:30pm. Topic to
be announced. Please bring food for our
Picaso food drive. Thanks a lot and take
The Economics Society is having a meet-
ing on Feb. 8th in Room 305 Brewster C,
it 5:00pm. Guest Speaker, Mr. Allen from
the Finance Dept will speak on a finan-
cial issue. All are welcome!
Video Yearbook in need of local band mu-
sic. The Video Yearbook wants to use your
music to soundtrack this 1995-96 video
memorabilia. Get noticed. Be remembered.
Call Greg Brown at 328-6717. Jimi Hen-
drix did it once.
Applications for the Spring 1996 semes-
ter are now available to intended Social
Work and Criminal Justice Students. Ap-
plications are available February 1, and
due on March 1, 1996
Learn new ways to cook when taking
those camping adventures. Our chef will
shed light on new ways of cooking with-
out those big hassles during Backpack
Gourmet on February 13. The registration
deadline will be February 12 in 204 Chris-
tenbury Gym. For more information call
Recreational Services at 328-6387
Applications are now being taken for the
Fall 96 Honor Board. Come by 210
Whichard or call 328-6824 for further in-
formation. Last day to submit applications
will be Feb. 29.
Get back in touch with nature. Learn win-
ter "survival" skills as you backpack in
the Uwharrie National Forrest February
16-18. The registration deadline is Febru-
ary 9 in 204 Christenbury Gym. For more
information call Recreational Services at
Attention all high adventure people! Take
to the skies February 25 and go Hang Glid-
ing at Kitty Hawk. The registration dead-
line is February 9 in 204 Christenbury
Gym. For more information call Recrea-
tional Services at 328387
Place: Minges Coliseum (Williams Arena).
Time: 1:00pm. Date: Friday, February 9,
1996. A passing score on this test is re-
quired of all students prior to declaring
Exercise and Sport Science as a major.
"Any student with a medical condition
that would contraindicate participation in
the testing should contact Mike McCam-
mon or Dr. Gay Israel at 3284688. To be
exempted from any portion of the test,
you must have a physician's excuse. A de-
tailed summary of the test components is
available in the Human Performance Lab-
oratory (Room 371, Sports Medicine
Bldg.). Your physician's excuse must spe-
cifically state from which items you are
terested? Place: Percolator Coffee House.
Time: 6:00pm. Date: Feb 15th. Questions
call Vincent 756844
The 26th Annual Speech, Language, and
Hearing Symposium will be held Febru-
ary 15th and 16th at the Ramada Inn,
Greenville. The purpose of the symposi-
um is to provide continuing education and
to augment the professional growth and
knowledge of those who provide services
to the communicatively impaired. All stud-
ents and professionals in the fields of
speech language pathology and audiolo
gy are invited to attend. The symposium
is planned and sponsored by students with
support from the East Carolina Universi-
ty Department of Communicative Scienc-
es and Disorders and the Eastern Area
Health Education Center. All proceeds
from the symposium of to support stud-
ent scholarships. Presentations will focus,
respectively, on infant hearing screening
and audiometric clinical managemcrc. neu-
rological communication disordrrs. and
improving effectiveness of managed
healthcare. For more information, contact
the ECU Speech and Hearing Clinic at'
(919) 3284405.
? ,

Thursday, February 8,1996
The East Carolinian
Conference race
tightens with loss
Pirates lose two
conference home
games in a row
Amanda Ross
Sports Editor
It was raining three's in Minges
Coliseum, unfortunately it wasn't help-
ing ECU.
Monday's game against George
Mason was ECU'S second defeat in a
row. The Pirates had already lost to
the Patriots Jan. 6, 76-80 at GMU.
ECU lost again, but this time the mar-
gin was bigger.
"We gave up 92 points and that
says it all Head Coach Joe Dooley
said. "They did whatever they wanted
to do to us and it's embarrassing to
the program. We just did not play up
to our potential
ECU was seeking revenge after
losing to American on Saturday, which
ended their home winning streak.
GMU scored the first basket The
Patriots' George Redd hit a baseline
jumper to open the game 0-2. How-
ever, Othello Meadows, who going
into the game led the league in three
point goal percentage, opened up
ECU'S scoring drive with his trade-
mark three.
Without anyone knowing it, that
would be ECU'S only lead 3-2. GMU
quit ly bounced back and went on a
12-0 run to make the score 3-15.
The Pirates had trouble all night
getting the ball down low because
GMU was playing a tight zone defense.
"We had mismatches down low
that we didn't utilize Deron Rippey
ECU could not get in the swing
of things in the first half, and only hit
34 percent of their shots.
GMU's biggest lead was 15 after
a Curtis McCants jumper.
Every time the Pirates would
Othello Meadows drives in to score two of his 21 points for
the night. The Patriot's beat the Pirates 78-92 on Monday.
score, so would the Patriots. During
the first half, each team kept trading
off baskets, with GMU still leading.
With 10:52 left Tim Basham hit
his second three pointer in the first
half, but GMUs' freshman sensation
Jason WiHiams hit two three's in a row
and sank a lay up to put GMU ahead
The Pirates battled back late in
the first half and cut the lead to three,
35-38, after another Meadows three
But during the last minute ECU
committed three fouls that sent GMU
to the line. After making five of six
shots, GMU went into the locker room
with a 10 point, 3545 lead.
Meadows scored 11 points in the
first half, Tony Parham added eight
and Basham had six.
GMU's tough defense didn't allow
See BALL page 14
s4t&lete otAe ouee&
Zlna Briley
Staff Writer
It's a new chapter in Lady Pirate basketball and Junior Guard
Justine Allpress is helping to lead the way.
Allpress, a 5'6" guard from Barton-Under-Needwood, England,
became ECU'S all-time leading three point shooter, when she hit
two three pointers against William & Mary.
She entered the game with 87 career three pointers, just one
shy from tying the record held by Gaynor O'Donnell. now an assis-
tant coach for ECU.
Allpress is also one of four Lady Pirates listed in the CAA's
statistical categories. She is fifth leading scorer, sixth free throw
shooter and the top three point shooter in the conference.
Allpress hails' from John Taylor High School. While at John
Taylor, she helped lead her team to four National Championships,
averaged 25 points a game as a senior, and was the top scorer in the
European School Championship in France in 1993, where her team
finished sixth out of 15.
Allpress' talents don't stop there. She also represented her dis-
trict track team, running the 100, 400 and 800 meters, holding her
district's record in the 400 meter. As if that's not enough, she also
played field hockey, tennis and netball.
Although Allpress participated in all these other sports, bas-
ketball was and is her favorite.
"I used to play tennis and some other sports a lot, but I gave
those all up because I enjoyed basketball and the concept of it be-
ing a team sport Allpress said.
While at ECU, Allpress is majoring in geography with a minor
in sociology. She said she would eventually like to be in public rela-
tions back home in England.
She enjoysibasketball and hopes that soon, with all the positive
changes Coach Donovan has made, that the Lady Pirates will be-
come ranked as one of the top teams in their conference. She likes
to spend time with her friends and every once in a while, she likes
to take time out for herself.
Look for Allpress and the Lady Pirates who are 7-10 for the
season and 3-5 in the CAA, as they prepare for a five day road trip
that started Wednesday. ECU will first compete against Old Domin-
ion followed by Virginia Commonwealth and James Madison.
The Lady Pirates next home game is Feb. 16 against the Patri-
ots of George Mason. Tip off is set for 7 p.m.
Down, down they go.
The ECU cheerleading
squad entertains the
crowd with stunts and
cheers during home
basketball games.
Grooms still recovering
Brad Oldham
Senior Writer
Colonial Athletic Association
Commissioner Tom Yeager sus-
pended American University center
Tim Fudd for five games after Fudd
displayed what the CAA termed "fla-
grant unsportsmanlike conduct in
last Saturday's game here at East
The suspension resulted from an
elbow thrown by
Fudd into the
neck of ECU for-
ward Morris
Grooms in the first
half of the game.
Grooms continued
to play in the con-
test, but after-
wards he was ad-
mitted to Pitt
County Memorial
Hospital with a
collapsed lung.
ing my review of
the incident was
the fact that Tim
Fudd was involved
in a very rough
play at the end of
American's Janu-
ary 27 game with
George Mason
which immediately escalated into a
near fight among the teams Yeager
11 MM
"An extensive review was con-
ducted of the situation, including a
personal discussion with Fudd on
January 31. This unprovoked situa-
tion occurs in AU's very next game
and caused severe injury to another
player. These three factors in combi-
nation require a very strong penalty
The five game suspension is the
stiffest ever in the CAA's eleven year
"As far as the suspension to
Fudd goes, and I
don't mean to
skirt the issue or
anything, but
that was all
handled by ECU
Athletic Director
Mike Hamrick
ECU Head
Coach Joe
Dooley said.
"Our big-
gest concern as
a team is that
Morris heals
well and can re-
turn to play as
soon as possible.
Right now we're
looking at about
two weeks or so
until he can re-
turn to the
"I agree and support the deci-
sion of the commissioner Hamrick
"I just think that
we're sending out
the wrong
message to the
young men who
are competing in
college sports if
we don't keep the
pealties in-line
with the actions
? Mike Hamrick,
ECU Athletic Director
Morris Grooms
"I believe the action warranted
a five-game suspension. I saw the in-
cident on tape several times, and I
basically indicated to the commis-
sioner when I talked to him that I
felt the thrown elbow was very, very
flagrant and intentional
Grooms spent time in the emer-
gency room, as his condition was up-
graded to good, but he is still being
held at Pitt Hospital for further ob-
In his first season of play here
at ECU, the junior transfer from
Pasco-Hernando Community College
has been one of the first players off
the bench in each game this season
for the Pirates, averaging 5.8 points
and 3.4 rebounds a game.
See GROOMS page 13
1996 East Carolina University
Football Signees as of 5p.m. Wednesday
Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Hometown (highschool)
Andrew BayesP6-3200
James BellL6-6306
Rashan BurnsWRTE6-4240
Clenton CochranLB6-2230
Pat ColemanDE6-2195
Rod EmeryL6-4265
Mike GarthL6-4275
Marcellus HarrisWR5-10175
Sherwin LacewellL6-4260
Dom LausicL6-6290
Raymond MasseyLB6-3238
Robert ParkerL6-6280
Brian RayLB6-2215
Brantley RiversPK6-0185
Chris SatterfieldDB5-10195
Kevin WardQB6-3180
Bobbv WeaverQB6-0190
Ryan WhaleyLB6-4260
Jamie WilsonRB6-1201
Marc YellockDE6-5215
Hyattsville, Md. (Dematha)
Lewiston, NC (Bertie)
Toms River, NJ (Toms River East)
Fayetteville, NC (E.E. Smith)
Charlotte, NC (Garinger)
Greenville, NC Q.H. Rose)
Pemberton, NJ (Nassau JC)
Newport News, Va (Ferguson)
Durham, NC (Southern Durham)
Ontario,Canada (St. Michael's)
Charlotte, NC (Olympic)
Hyattsville, Md (Dematha)
Raleigh, NC (Millbrook)
Kingston, Tenn. (Kingston)
Raleigh (Broughton)
Kinston, NC (Kinston)
Hyattsville, Md. (Dematha)
Kinston, NC (South Lenoir)
Greenville, NC (D.H. Conley)
Roxboro, NC (Person County)
You start to feel like a pimp.
Former University of Michigan Head Coach
Bo Schembechler, on recruiting

The East Carolinian
Thursday, February 8,1996
Special trip planned for UNC-W
Amanda Ross
Sports Editor
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We all know how vital fan sup-
port is for athletic teams. However,
support is just as important on the
road as it is at home.
The Student Pirate Club, who
dubs itself "The Team Behind the
Team is sponsoring an away trip to
ECU's arch rival UNC-W. The men's
basketball game will be played Sat-
urday, Feb. 24 in Trask Coliseum in
Wilmington. The game will begin at
7 p.m.
Chris Libert, who is doing an in-
ternship with the SPC, said this is
an excellent trip for students and the
general public.
"What we have is a trip orga-
nized for our students, but is offered
to anyone in the community or affili-
ated with the university or commu-
nity Libert said.
The bus, which is being provided
by the ECU transit in order to keep
costs down, will leave Minges Coli-
seum at 3 p.m. From there the bus
will proceed to Jungle Rapids where
a pre-game social will take place with
food and drinks. After the game, the
bus will return to Greenville at ap-
proximately midnight.
The social will begin at 5:30 p.m.
and end at 7 p.m. After the social,
fans will be bussed over to the game
which begins at 7:30 p.m. The SPC
has reserved a special section in or-
der to allow all the fans to sit to-
gether. The fan support can only help
when the Pirates take the court in
"Having some more voices behind
them (ECU) other than just UNC
Wilmington's voices would be a great
support not only for our team but for
our bench Libert said.
The cost of the trip is $25, but
that includes game ticket, transpor-
tation and the pre-game social.
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But Libert quickly points out that
that is a reasonable price. If fans didn't
choose this package deal, it would
probably end up costing more. A game
ticket costs $15, the expense of gas
and food could easily surpass $25.
But that price is not set in stone.
The $25 is based on 30 people going.
Therefore the more people there are
to go on the trip, the cheaper the cost
will be.
When ECU first met with UNC-
W on Jan. 27 in Minges, the Seahawks
brought two bus ioads of fans. Be-
cause this is such a big in-state rivalry
for the two, it is important for fans to
travel to Wilmington to support the
"There are only two teams in the
CAA from N.C one of course being
ECU and one being Wilmington, so
there are a lot of bragging rights
This will be the only trip the SPC
sponsors to any of this season's bas-
ketball games.
Seating is based on a first come
first serve basis. The last day to sign
up and pay for the trip will be Friday,
Feb. 16.
For more information, call Libert
or Mark Warton at the SPC at 328-
Seahawks find new home in L.A.
(AP) - Ken Behring says he has a
dream, and it's not just about making
more money. At least one King County,
Wash leader sees it much differently.
Behring said he never felt welcome
in Seattle from the day he purchased
the Seahawks 7 12 years ago, but it
was never his intention to move the
team until recently.
And that only happened, he said,
when he became convinced the
Kingdome was an unsafe place to play
and King County refused to do anything
about it
So now, he's committed to bring-
ing his team to the Los Angeles area
"I have a dream for Los Angeles
Behring said in an interview Tuesday.
"That dream is to play our games in
the finest state-of-the-art football sta-
dium in the world.
"I've made enough money. I'm
looking for something more than mak-
ing money. It's a great opportunity to
own something down here, build the
kind of complex thaf s never been built"
In Washington, D.C King County
Executive Gary Locke told lawmakers
Tuesday that Behring's primary concern
Is, indeed, about finances, not player and
fan safety.
Behring is "trying to find the high-
est bidder who will build him a new sta-
dium with luxury sky boxes and club
seating Locke told the House Judiciary
The panel took testimony on pro-
fessional sports franchise relocations.
Within the past year, five NFL teams
have moved or announced plans to
"Enough is enough Locke said.
"This madness in football of abandon-
ing loyal fans and communities simply
must stop.
"If order is not restored, more lo-
cal go ?rnments will be coerced into
paying hundreds of millions of tax dol-
lars out of fear of losing their teams
Behring, 67, said he hopes his team
has its own practice facility ready within
a year, but plans to set up shop at the
former Rams Park in the meantime.
"Hopefully we'll have an agreement
See SEAHAWKS page 14
GROOMS from page 12
"This is a tremendous loss to our
team Dooley said. "Our rotation is
now different, we're more shallow now.
We just really lose a lot of our depth
without him, but we've got to move
on. Other teams in this conference have
had big injuries this season as well;
hopefully we can just get him back for
the latter part of the season
As for Fudd, the senior forward
from Chantilly, Va. will miss roughly
the same amount of time predicted for
Grooms. Hamrick believes that the
length of Fudd's suspension could of
been linked to the estimated time off
the court for Grooms.
"I mean, here we have a player for
us who will be out for two or three
weeks Hamrick said. "There's no rea-
son that he should have to be in the
hospital or on the bench hurt while
the other individual is still playing. I
just think that we're sending out the
wrong message to the young men who
are competing in college sports if we
don't keep the penalties in-line with
the actions
Fudd served the first game of his
suspenison against UNC-Wilmington
last Monday night in which the Eagles
lost 73-58.
Fudd will also be suspended
against William & Mary on Saturday,
Va. Commonwealth on Tuesday, non-
conference opponent Iona on Febru-
ary 15th, and George Mason on Feb-
ruary 17th.
Fudd earned First-Team All-CAA
honors in 1994 before sitting out the
majority of last season with a knee in-
jury. Fudd is the Eagles leading scorer
(16.8 ppg) and rebounder (6.3 rpg) on
the season.
American University has decided
to appeal the suspension to the CAA
conference's athletic directors, with a
decision likely to be made later on this
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Thursday, Februarys, 1996
The East Carolinian
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BALL from page 12
ECU's Jonathan Kerner to score a lot
Kerner was held to just two points in
the half.
GMU's Williams led all scorers
with 20 points, 18 of which were from
making six of seven three point at-
GMU's field goal percentage in
the first half was 44 percent from the
field and 60 percent from three point
ECU shot 42 percent from the
three point arc and 62 percent from
the free throw line, compared to 75
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percent GMU shot from the line.
The second half would prove not
much better for the Pirates. GMU
jumped out quickly with a Williams'
slam dunk. ECU cut the lead to seven
with 17:36 after Kerner made one of
two free throws.
The Pirates struggled in the sec-
ond half and the closest they came to
the Patriots' lead was seven. ECU
came that close four different times,
only to watch GMU slowly pull away.
The second time they came that
close was after a Meadows' three
pointer to make it 57-64.
However, ECU'S luck soon
changed. During the Pirates' next
possession, Kerner picked up his sec-
ond personal foul and for the second
game in a row, he picked up another
technical. After that incident, GMU
went on a 7-0 run and the game was
now 57-71.
The Pirates tried to cut the lead
to single digits, but GMU seemed un-
ECU lost the battle 78-92. GMU
shot 50 percent form the field and
three point range and 71 percent from
the line.
ECU shot 42, 33 and 75 percent
from the field, three point arc and free
throw line respectively.
The story of the night was GMU's
Williams, who hit eight three point-
ers, which is an arena record, to fin-
ish the night with 37 points. Team-
mate McCants added 24 points for the
"You got one kid who has 37, one
has 24 Dooley said "They just did
whatever they wanted to do. They got
good looks, they made shots. It wasn't
anything we hadn't seen before or
anything we hadn't defended before.
It was simply a lack of execution
Basham hit six three's of his own,
Meadows added four and Parham hit
two, but it wasn't enough.
The three leading scorers for ECU
were Meadows with 21, Basham with
20 and Parham with 13. Kerner was
held to five points for the night.
Leading rebounders for the game
were Von Bryant with nine, Kerner
with eight and Basham, Vic Hamilton
and Rippey each with five.
The loss drops ECU to 7-4 in the
conference and 14-6 overall. ECU is
currently tied with UNC-W for third
place, behind VCU and ODU.
"We have a lot of work to do to
get better Dooley said.
The Pirates have spent this week
preparing for VCU.
"We just have to stay strong and
have a positive attitude and worry
about VCU Rippey said.
The Pirates will be on the road
this Saturday against VCU. ECU de-
feated VCU once already this year 73-
72. That game will begin at 7 p.m. and
will be televised.
The Pirates will return home Feb.
14, at 7 p.m they will be hosting
William & Mary.
in the next day or two, or by next week
he said of Rams Park. "It will fr a one-
year contract with two one-year options
When Behring announced the
move last Friday, King County won a
two-week temporary restraining order
preventing the team from playing its
home games anywhere but the
But the order didn't stop the team
from physically leaving the area, and
that's what happened. A moving van
arrived at Rams Park late Tuesday
morning, but it wasn't immediately un-
page 13
The driver, who wouldn't give his
name, would only say it came from
Kirkland, Wash the previous head-
quarters of the Seahawks, that it con-
tained weight-lifting equipment and he
expected a crew to start unloading
early today.
Behring said there won't be any
talks for now regarding a permanent
site because of legal restraints.
"I can't even go out and talk to
anybody he said. "That's on hold.
We're having no discussions right now.
We're concentrating on the temporary
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The East Carolinian, February 8, 1996
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 08, 1996
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