The East Carolinian, November 9, 1995

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?C ???"?'
November 9,1995 ;
Vol71,No. 22
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
12 pases
SGA opens purse to religious groups
Around the State
DURHAM (AP) - A woman
identified in a lawsuit only as
"Rosie J is challenging the
Legislature's decision making it
difficult to receive money from
the state abortion fund for the
Lawmakers approved a bill
this year that cut funding for
the fund - designed for low-in-
come women - from $1.2 mil-
lion to $50,000. Money now is
only available for those ineli-
gible for Medicaid and only in
cases of rape or incest or when
the life of a mother is in dan-
While other museums close or
scale back, the determined resi-
dents of Hatteras Island will
break ground soon on a new
museum dedicated to the his-
tory buried in the rough seas
off their coast.
Construction begins this
winter on the 15,000-square-
foot Graveyard of the Atlantic
Museum, to be located near the
ferry slip here. Village residents
have been working for a decade
for the museum, which will dis-
play artifacts from shipwrecks,
photographs and panels that
tell the deadly history of the
Outer Banks.
Around the
Committee follows
Rosenburg ruling
in allowing funds
Wendy Houston
Staff Writer
After approximately five weeks,
the decision to change the funding
guidelines for religious groups on
campus passed with the Student Gov-
ernment Association's (SGA) approval.
"It is in all fairness to approve
funding for all religious groups said
Johnathan Phillips, the Rules and Ju-
diciary Committee chair for (SGA).
The announcement was brief and
went over well with listeners during
the SGA meeting of Monday, Nov. 6.
"There is a total of seven com-
mittee members on the committee
that help with the decision-making
Phillips said in an interview after the
SGA meeting.
Also, three administrative offi-
cials were present throughout the
meetings: Betsy Bunning, head attor-
ney for all North Carolina Universi-
ties; Ben Irons, attorney for ECU and
Dr. Alfred Matthews, vice chancellor
for student life.
"We changed the policy because
it stated a question of separation be-
tween the church and state. But the
money SGA uses for funding is not
state funded money. It is raised and
distributed to the students by the stu-
dents Phillips said.
Phillips said he thought ECU was
the first university in North Carolina
to adopt the ruling that approves reli-
gious funding. He also said that other
schools should soon be following in
the refunding process.
The Rosenburg Act and a memo
received from Bunning were the only
material tools used. The committee
was completely in charge and on their
own with reaching their decision.
The Rosenburg Act was a case at
the University of Virginia in which a
religious group sought funding for
their newspaper Spread the Gospel.
Cadets sprint to honor
Holly Hagey
Staff Writer
In recognition of Veteran's Day,
the Amry ROTC will be hosting their
second annual Run For Honor. This
event is held by the cadet corps to
show honor and respect for local vet-
erans and to promote Veteran's Day.
The Run For Honor is a 36-mile
run Beginning off of First Street at
the Town Commons to Barnes El-
ementary School in Wilson, where
cadets will be shuttled to the Wilson
chapter Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW). This is the second year the
event has been held, and it is a means
of showing respect and gratitude to
local chapters of the VFW and Ameri-
can Legion and to other retired vet-
eran associations.
"We have a lot of veterans in the
(ROTC) program said Cadet Ellis
Baker. "This is our way of showing
them we stili think about them
Cadets volunteer for this event
and run three mile legs at a time as
they are followed by a convoy. Even
though cadets are not required to run
more than three miles, most cadets
run as much during the event as pos-
"It was a lot of fun last year said
Cadet Scott Coffey. "We did it to show
respect for the veterans. 1 think it
was a lot of fun for us to get out there
as well as a good moral booster for
the program
The Run For Honor will kick off
at 2:30 p.m. at the Town Commons
with guest speaker Lieutenant Colo-
nel DeVoe who will be delivering a
speech in recognition of Veteran's
Day. Mayor Nancy Jenkins will also
be at the Town Commons as a digni-
tary. The 36-mile run will begin at 3
Another activity the ROTC will
participate in over the weekend is the
presenting of colors at the local VFW
in Greenville on Saturday. The Ameri-
can flag and Pershing rifles will be
presented and a dinner will be held
There will also be a presentation
of colors at the football game on Sat-
urday and an air display of F-16 planes
flying over the stadium from Seymour
Johnson Air Force Base. There will
be many different military organiza-
tions on campus for both of these
events, which are being held as a pro-
motion of Veteran's Day.
Local veterans and any members
of the community are encouraged and
welcome to attend the events taking
place at the Town Commons on Fri-
day. Any veteran who is interested in
participating in the run is encouraged
to call the ROTC office at 328-6967
for more information.
on the
It was denied funding, so the group
sued under an argument for the free-
dom of speech. The courts decided
against the school, and in recognition
of the religious group's funding.
"Religious groups are funded and
go through the same process as any
other organization on campus, but we
cannot fund solely for religious pur-
poses Phillips said. "They are eligible
to apply for funding of conventions,
retreats and things of that sort.
"All in all. funding religious
groups is the right thing to do
Would you
pefer a print
yearbook, video
yearbook or
Photos by KEN CUR
Audubon flies into Joyner
Marguerite Benjamin
Senior Writer
ing months of suspense, retired
Gen. Colin Powell decided not
to seek the presidency in 1996,
his spokesman said Wednesday.
Powell's decision removed a ma-
jor threat to the candidacy of
GOP front-runner Bob Dole.
? Two new drugs should be ap-
proved to help increase the ef-
fectiveness of existing AIDS
medications, government scien-
tists say.
Scientific advisers to the
Food and Drug Administration
said Tuesday that saquinavir,
the first of a long-anticipated
new class of AIDS drugs called
protease inhibitors, should be
approved even though it doesn't
work very well.
Around the World
GISENYl, Rwanda (AP) -
Government forces attacked
Hutu militiamen on a tiny island
in northwest Rwanda, killing as
many as 171 in what the mili-
tary called the heaviest fighting
since last year's civil war.
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia
(AP) - Bosnian Serbs Wednes-
day released a U.S. reporter
held captive for almost two
weeks, saying it was a sign of
goodwill towards peace negotia-
tions under way in the United
David Rohde of the Chris-
tian Science Monitor was turned
over to U.S. Embassy officials in
Belgrade by Serbian security of-
ficials, who mediated the release.
Recently Joyner library celebrated
another year of support from its spon-
sors at the annual Friends of the Li-
brary banquet where staff took the oc-
casion to present the newest addition
to its North Carolina Collection.
As a gift from brothers Ed, Jim and
Will Congleton, Joyner received an
Audubon print entitled "Great Carolina
Wren The three brothers donated the
print in honor of their parents, James
Beverly Congleton Jr. and Vera Williams
Congleton who is a 1945 ECU gradu-
"We thought the banquet was a
great opportunity to present the print
said Joyner's North Carolina librarian,
Maury York, adding that the university
is fortunate to have the print
According to York, very few com-
plete sets of the Audubon prints remain
intact today, and this newest addition
is the only print of its kind in the li-
"The 'Great Carolina Wren' print
was purchased as an individual, one of
435 published York said. "Audubon did
a series of bird paintings and later did
prints of them. The set was broken up at
some point, and this one was purchased
"Great Carolina Wren which shows
two wrens perched on a dwarf horse
chestnut and is framed with a hand-col-
ored mat and birdseye maple, is plate No.
78 of the Robert Havell folio edition of
Birds of America. Critics have said that
the original from which the print was
made is one of Audubon's finest works.
York said the print should be of in-
terest to students in the School of Art
and in the department of biology. Al-
though the print is not currently on dis-
play, it will har.g in the reading room of
the North Carolina Collection located on
the third floor of the new addition to
Wayne Clark, junior
"Print Yearbook ?
because it does not
neglect any aspect of
student life
Dale Emery, senior
"The print yearbook ?
only if we could ensure
management of our
fees so that we don't
waste students money
on something students
don't want (like the
current video
Melissa Gentry,
"Print yearbook ?
because the video
yearbook will
eventually become
obsolete unlike the
print yearbook
John O. Wright III,
"Both print and video
? people love
Photo by KEN CLARK
These wrens will be on display in the North Carolina Collec-
tion on the third floor of Joyner's new addition next Spring.
"Unfortunately for anyone who
wishes to view the print now York said.
"It's in storage at the Greenville Museum
of Art until March. The new wing in
Joyner where the print will be displayed
should be open right after Spring Break.
York said efforts would be made to
publicize the print widely next year when
the construction on the library is com-
"We want to get word out about the
print so the campus community, school
students and the public will be able to
enjoy it and learn from it" York said.
"The new print is a tangible reflection of
the sources available to students in the
North Carolina Collection. We hope to
create an atmosphere that shows stu-
dents there is more to libraries than
books and computers
Resident Advisors
shake up conference
Stephanie Eaton
Staff Writer
Students came from as far north as Virginia, as far south as Florida
and as far west as Louisiana to ECU to shake, rattle and roll at the annual
South Atlantic Affiliate of College and Universities Residence Halls
(SAACAURH) conference.
Over 727 people came to participate in the events held from Novem-
ber third through the fifth.
"This was a leadership conference that focused on student leader-
ship and development said Susan Bartlett the 1995 SAACAURH confer-
ence chair. "There was also a large focus on diversity
The theme for this year's conference was "Shake, Rattle and Roll
See ADVISORS page 4
Hop into bed with our crafty TV Whorepage
Our faculty and staff really do carepage O
Get involved in The Pirate Clubpage
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Thursday, November 9, 1995
The East Carolinian
November 1
Larceny - A staff member reported that his bicycle was stolen from
the bike rack west of Scott Hall.
Assist rescue - A student was transported to University Medical
Center after having seizures.
November 2
Assist rescue - A student was transported to University Medical
Center after complaining of abdominal pain.
Larceny - A student reported that his bike was stolen from Scott
Assist rescue - A student was transported to University Medical
Center after having an asthma attack.
Harassing phone calls - A student reported that her ex-boyfriend
called and exchanged angry words with her current boyfriend. The ex-
boyfriend later called back and apologized.
November 3
Harassing phone calls - A student reported that he has been receiv-
ing numerous threatening phone calls.
Missing person - The coordinator of Belk Hall reported that one of
the residents of Belk Hall had not been seen since before Fall break. The
resident was located in his residence. The case is unfounded.
Assist rescue - A Todd Dining Hall employee was transported to
the hospital by Greenville rescue after a stack of baking sheets fell on
his leg.
Breaking and entering - A staff member reported the breaking and
entering of his vehicle parked east of Fletcher Hall. A hang parking
permit was taken from the vehicle.
November 6
Assault with a deadly weapon - A disgruntled worker chased his
supervisor in Mendenhall with a knife. The offender was arrested for
assault with a deadly weapon and placed under a $500 secured bond.
Larceny - A student reported that his bike was stolen while it was
parked west of Aycock Hall.
Damage to property - A student reported that someone had broken
the front window of her car while it was parked in the Reade Street lot
Larceny - A student reported that his bike was stolen while it was
parked west of Aycock Hall.
Larceny - A staff member observed a person shoplifting. The shop-
lifter was identified as a Scott Hall resident and referred to Student Life.
November 7
Assist rescue - A student was transported to Pitt County Memorial
Hospital after being found unconscious on the third floor ramp of Jenkins
Art building.
Larceny - Two faculty members reported that money and keys had
been stolen from their desks at Speight.
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from official ECU police reports.
Course gives
freshman aid
Holly Hagey
Staff Writer
Many transitions are necessary
in order to adjust to life at college,
not to mention the overwhelming
amount of concerns about what di-
rection your college career is
headed in.
This is especially true for first
year students, and to help with this
issue the Office of Undergraduate
Degrees is again offering a fresh-
man seminar course.
For the past eight years ECU
has offered a course involving ori-
entating students to campus and
helping them with direction and
guidance. Previously this course
has been known under a different
name, but for the following semes-
ter students can find this course
under Counselor and Adult Educa-
tion in the Spring registration
This course not only orientates
the student with campus and re-
sources available, it also explores
career choices, conducts student in-
terest inventories and acts as a
question and answer type class for
any concerns students hold about
the university.
Another benefit of this course
is that it helps walk students
through the registration process,
which can be a very confusing and
frustrating experience for students,
explains to them course choices
and requirements for graduation.
Six sections of the course will
be available next Spring due to the
addition of two new professors.
Laura Eakins and Michelle Wixon.
"I'm really excited because I
love students and helping to guide
them Eakins said. "The course is
designed to give new college stu-
dents confidence tc accomplish
their goals. We're trying to avoid
any discouragement during the first
year and help to keep them pumped
Class sizes are usually around
20 to 25 and demonstrate a more
personal environment where stu-
dents can get to know their class-
The class acts as a support
structure for students as well as of-
fers practical and hands on experi-
ence. It is a very interactive class
which helps students coming out
Sponsored by
Student Leadership Development Programs
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Thfe All-Campus Leadership Conference
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persons erWaetef K from ?afadhat vBkiaix?
? cm IS??- ?5 SMSBk
??'? h Ma?(BmuOpportunities 5h
of the class feel productive, said
ormer class student Dena Price.
"I love to watch incoming stu-
dents make the transition to actual
ECU students who know where to
go for information said Don
Joyner. associate director and co-
ordinator of freshman seminar in
the office of undergraduate stud-
ies. "As a teacher 1 try to be the
kind of person I wanted to be when
I was in college. I like to watch stu-
dents' success
The class is offered on a first
come first serve basis and students
are encouraged to register if they
have any concerns about future ca-
reer choices, academics or re-
sources around ECU.
Speaker addresses
issue, not hog wash
Marguerite Benjamin
Senior Writer
Continuing with its tradition of confronting and presenting the
timely issues that affect our community. The National Political Science
Honor Society. Pi Sigma Alpha, will be sponsoring an informative speech
which will explore the effects of hog farm waste in eastern North Caro-
On Thursday of this week. Dr. Clifton Knight of ECU's Depart-
ment of Biology will be presenting an in-depth discussion of the politi-
cal and social implications of hog farm waste in the state.
According to Pi Sigma Alpha Vice President Keith Cooper, the
organization continually seeks speakers who will present issues that
are fundamental to the state and country.
"1 have been tracking newspaper and television reports on this
particular subject Cooper said. "I feel this is a good issue to explore
since this has become such a serious problem in our state
Cooper added that the issue of hog farm waste has been one sur-
rounded by much controversy in politics.
Sheen Rajmaira. a professor of Political Science and a chief associ-
See ISSUE page 4
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The East Carolinian
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Minority students protest student newspaper
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CPS - Northern Illinois Univer-
sity minority students who said they
were angry about inadequate cover-
age in the student newspaper re-
cently stormed the school's cashier's
office and demanded a refund of a
portion of their student fees.
"We feel like we're not being
represented by the staff said NIL
student Darryl Jones. "Instead of
being a student paper for the stu-
dents, the Northern Star has be-
come a paper for the Northern Star
NIL' students help subsidize the
Sorthern Star by paying six cents
per credit hour for the publication.
and any one student's total contri-
bution does not exceed 72 cents. Of-
ficials from the cashier's office in-
dicated that students who did not
wish to allocate money toward the
school paper would be credited on
their next tuition bill.
One NIL' student, however, has
said he will pay for any fees the pa-
per may lose.
"I'd just really hate to see NIL'
without a newspaper Jon
Gilbertson said. "Even with all its
faults, it's better than nothing
Jones, who is a member of the
student government, and other stu-
dents said they are upset by the Star
4s editorial treatment of minorities.
"When the stories are about Af-
rican-American or other minority
students, the stories only focus on
one side of the issue Jones said.
"The reporters show a lack of sensi-
tivity when they write. The stories
don't reflect what really happens
Jones pointed to a recent flap
over the homecoming king and
queen as an example. "For years,
photos of the king and queen ran
on the front page Jones said. "But
for the past few years, when there's
been an African-American king and
queen, their pictures aren't even in
the paper
But most frustrating of all.
Jones said, is the lack of account-
ability from the paper's staff.
"There isn't anyone who's will-
ing to take final responsibility for
what gets printed Jones said.
But Lesley Rogers, the paper's
editor-in-chief, said the Xorthern
Star's stories reflect what occurs on
"We print what happens
Rogers said. "There's no misrepre-
sentation or withholding of facts
Still, Rogers said she's willing
to hear the concerns of the students.
"The Northern Star is the stu-
dent newspaper Rogers said. "It's
our objective to represent the stu-
Shortly afte: the protest.
Rogers and her staff participated in
a forum to hear the concerns of stu-
dents, many of whom brought up
the homecoming photos. Ralph
Argueta, the paper's photo editor,
told students that no photos were
taken of the king and queen because
of a shortage of photographers to
cover the event.
Argueta's answer did little to
satisfy junior Michelle Ivy. who ac-
cused Star staffers of racism.
"All I want is for nobody to put
me down Ivy said. 'Everyone has
their opinion. I'm entitled to my
opinion as long as it doesn't offend
or hurt anyone else
Jones, who helped organize the
forum, said the recent protest over
the paper's content is not an issue
of race or fairness. It's one of eco-
"Contributing to the paper
makes us consumers Jones said.
"As a consumer. I'm not satisfied
with the product, and 1 want my
money back
At the forum, some NIL stu-
dents said they were willing to stage
a sit-in if their concerns were not
addressed. Last Spring, student pro-
testers at DePaul University staged
a 10-day sit-in at the school's stu-
dent newspaper office to protest the
paper's coverage of minority issues.
Jones said he hopes a similar
scenario doesn't happen at NIL.
"We're trying to work this out
in a productive way he said. "W-
trying to make this work better for
all of us
Congress may kill
direct loan program
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CPS - The U.S. House passed a
budget-cutting bill on Oct. 26 that
would eliminate the direct lending of
student loans and end the six-month
interest waiver for new graduates.
The House budget bill, aimed at
balancing the federal budget by 2002,
calls for the elimination of direct lend-
ing by June 30. 1996 and would im-
mediately begin phasing college from
the program. The direct lending pro-
gram, which began at the start of the
1994 school year and has been cham-
pioned by the Clinton administration,
allows students to borrow federal stu-
dent loan money directly through their
colleges, bypassing banks and lending
House Budget Committee Chair-
man John Kasich (R-Ohio) said the cuts
were not only necessary, but demanded
by voters in the last election.
"The people should understand
that in seven years, we will in fact bal-
ance the federal budget and save this
country and save the next genera-
tion Kasich said. "We've done our
Jeannette Galanis, president of
the United States Student Associa-
tion, disagrees.
"They've taken effective pro-
grams and cut them without any re-
gard for what the students want
Galanis said. "They are neglecting a
large group of voters, and it could
come back to haunt them
Direct lending is popular on many
campuses, where administrator say it
has cut down on paperwork and stu-
dents claim to receive loan money
Tim O'Conner, an Illinois State
University senior, said with direct lend-
See LOAN page 4
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Thursday, November 9, 1995
The East Carolinian
LOAN from page 3
ing. he can count on his loan check
arriving much faster.
"I expect Clinton to veto this
O'Conner said. "1 used to have night-
mares about getting my loans through
my bank. It took forever. The last think
1 want to do is go back to the old way
Clinton has already promised to
veto the House's budget-cutting bill.
Secretary of Education Richard
Riley said it would be a mistake to
eliminate the direct lending program.
"We knew when President
Clinton proposed this new loan op-
tion, it would be popular with students
and student aid administrators, and
it is Riley said. "It's simple, with less
paperwork. It improves cash flow by
offering quicker turn around time for
loan processing, and it improves ser-
vices to students
However. Mark Clayton, spokes-
person for the Coalition For Student
Loan Reform, an organization made
up of loan guarantee agencies, said
students who go back to borrowing
from guarantee agencies might be
surprised at the service.
"A lot of work has been done on
everyone's part to cut costs and to
help students out Clayton said. "Stu-
dents will find no differences in ser-
The House budget also includes
the elimination of the six-month in-
terest-waiver for new graduates and
an increase in the PLUS-loan interest
The Senate will vote on its ver-
sion of the budget soon. During the
week of October 23. the Senate voted
unanimously to do away with three
provisions that student lobbying
groups and college administrators had
harshly criticized. They include a tax
on colleges of 0.85 percent of their
loan volume, which many colleges
estimated would cost them nearly $1
million a year: the elimination of the
six-month waiver period during which
the government pays the interest on
the loans of new graduates and a jump
in the interest rate on PLUS loans.
Sen. Paul Simon (D-IU.). one of
the architects of the direct lending bill,
said he will try to reduce the $10.8
billion to S4.4 billion when the bud-
get comes up for approval on the Sen-
ate floor. "(Republicans) are taking
the choice away from colleges and
ending the competition that has ben-
efited students Simon said.
House and Senate ieaders will
meet to work out differences between
the two proposals, which are part of
a much larger bill to balance the fed-
eral budget and cut income taxes over
the next seven years.
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1 UxS from page 2
ate of Pi Sigma Alpha, agreed that
the hog farm issue is of vast impor-
tance to our community.
"This topic touches on some-
thing that affects our area in many
ways Rajmaira said. "We feel that
anything that affects our community
affects the university as well
According to Rajmaira. Knight's
presentation is just one of the many
programs Pi Sigma Alpha has spon-
sored this year. Earlier in the semes-
ter, the organization sponsored a se-
ries of lectures and panel discussions
exploring such subjects as the de-
mocracy movement in Haiti, the role
of the CIA in a post-cold war nation
and various issues surrounding the
1996 presidential election.
"We try to present what we feel
is important to students Rajmaira
said, adding that most of the
organization's ideas for presentations
are the result of students' requests.
Conner hopes that his initiating
a piesentation about the issues of
hog farm waste will be helpful to oth-
ers at the university.
'I'm looking forward to the pre-
sentation Cooper said. "1 have ev-
ery confidence that Dr. Knight will
do a good job of putting all of the
facts on the table
ADVISORS from page
The theme was chosen because it
emphasized fun and enthusiasm.
Bartlett said a good leader must pos-
sess these qualities along with the
ability to be a serious and hard worker.
Students who attended the
conference discussed different pro-
grams and exchanged ideas. They also
took part in three special projects.
The first project delegates
participated in was called "Shirts Off
Your Backs Students were asked to
bring shirts stating their school logo
or shirts from previous SAACAURH
conferences. The shirts received were
donated to the Greenville Women's
"Cans for Life" was another
project at the conference. Students
were asked to donate canned food
which was then donated to Pitt
County AIDS Service Organization
The delegates did not forget
needy children. The third special
project they participated in was "Toys
for Tots Delegates brought toys in
good condition to the conference. The
toys were then given to the Marine
Corps, so they could hand them out
to underprivileged children.
The conference was not all
meetings and work. ECU also showed
delegates how to have a good time.
Delegates participated in bowling,
billiards, a Spades tournament, ping
pong, bingo and a dance. They were
also able to watch the movie Congo
and do a large number of other ac-
ECU's dining services pro-
vided delegates with a blast from the
past Dining services held a 50s theme
banquet Tables were decorated with
old records and 50s memorabilia. Ice
sculptures in the shape of juke boxes,
coke bottles and records were there
to help delegates feel as if they had
become a part of an era long gone.
"I believe ECU did a really
good job Bartlett said. "The staff
worked really hard. Putting together
a SAACAURH conference is a lot of
responsibility and hard work. I would
like to thank all the advisors and vol-
unteers, because without them we
could not have pulled SAACAURH off.
"The SAACAURH conference
was the largest conference that
Greenville has ever hosted, and I am
proud to say that it was held at ECU
and I could be a part of it. It was an
awesome experience
All students who partici-
pated in the conference seemed to
have an enjoyable time and left ECU
with fond memories and new friends.
"I feel that the conference
went very well said Craig Doucette,
public relations chairman for the con-
ference. "It ran smooth. I would like
to thank the staff for all the help.
Many schools have already e-mailed
me and said they liked ECU'S confer-
ence better than past SAACAURH
Cooper said he anticipates Pi
Sigma Alpha will sponsor at least one
more speaker this semester, and he
has made plans to have someone
from the Criminal Justice department
tackle a political issue like prison re-
According to Rajmaira. other ac-
tivities of Pi Sigma Alpha include the
recent donation of a United States
flag to Minges Coliseum and plans
to begin an outreach program that
will educate students at area schools
about voting issues and procedures
in North Carolina.
Knight's presentation is sched-
uled for 3:15 p.m. on Thursday in
Mendenhall's Social Room, located
in the basement.
Ham York Fbst
Frank McGuinness
November 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14, 1995 at 8:00 p.m.
November 12, 1995 at 2:00 p. m.
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Department of Anthropobgy Spring 1996
ANTH 1000 General Anthropology
ANTH 2000 Archaeology Around the World
ANTH 2010 Societies Around the World
ANTH 20152016 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANTH 2020 Contemporary Human Problems & Global Issues
ANTH 3004 Cultures of the South Pacific
ANTH 3024 Heredity and Culture
ANTH 3050 Ethnographic Field Methods
ANTH 30753076 Archaeology Methods and Laboratory
ANTH 3200 Women's Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective
ANTH 4000 Language and Culture
ANTH 5010 Advanced Archaeology Methods and Theory
ANTH 6103 Core Course: Biological Anthropology
Undergraduate courses receive General Education Social Science credit

Thursday, November 9, 1995 The East Carolinian
Our View
Kudos to
and staff
out to help
With such
great role
the Gen
should be
Too often, we stereotype faculty. As students, it's an
easy temptation to hate these people who teach us, grade
us and assign us wheelbarrows full of work. Sometimes,
they must seem like some kind of big-brained ogre-geeks,
unconcerned with the real problems of real people (like
the eternal ECU cycle of finding dates and purchasing beer).
People on the staff catch even more hell from students.
Unlike faculty, with whom we occasionally interact on some
human level, staff people are all about business. Every time
there's some problem with registration or financial aid,
they're the ones who have to deal with irate students who
could care less that the person in front of them had little
to do with the glitch. With all the red tape that gets strung
around a major university, it's easy to dehumanize staff
people, too.
That's why it's important to remember the rare occa-
sions when we get to see these people as more that just
cogs in the machine. Each year, ECU faculty and staff par-
ticipate in a state-wide charity drive called the State Em-
ployees Combined Campaign (SECC). The money raised by
SECC is distributed among any number of different chari-
ties chosen by the people who make the donations.
This year, ECU faculty and staff have raised over
$126,000 and hope to reach $150,000 before the money
stops trickling in. That's a whole lot of cash, folks, and it
can go to help a whole lot of people who have much worse
problems than the average ECU student. Does such a mas-
sive charitable deed sound like the action of people whose
business it is to give you a hard time? You're damn right it
The East Carolinian applauds ECU faculty and staff
for their efforts, this year and every year, to raise money
for charity. It's good work, and they deserve credit for it.
Credit, and maybe less of a hard time from students.
But maybe you remain unconvinced. Maybe you're one
of those more cold-hearted students out there, the ones
who have, perhaps, been treated more harshly by the sys-
tem than most. Maybe you have a harder time accepting
the good will and general humanity of the faculty and staff.
If you're one of these people, perhaps this will land
closer to your cold, hard heart. One of the incentives for
ECU employees to participate in SECC was the chance to
dress their managers up for Halloween however they
wanted. That's right, a few lucky employees got to pick out
costumes for the people hose job it is to give them a hard
If good deeds don't convince you of the humanity of
ECU faculty and staff, maybe that will. Nothing is more
human, after all, than revenge.
The uprising is now
My fellow college students, are
you tired of having your money
sucked out of you for nothing in re-
turn? I, for one, am, and it is time to
say something about it. When was
the last time you saw a rebate in
your tuition, or one year your rates
actually go down? You know why
you don't see this, because the uni-
versity administration, those won-
derful people who know the ins and
outs of red-tape, would find that too
It upsets me, as an out-of-state
student, that for all the money I
spend on an education here, I get
jack. The university does not appre-
ciate me as a student, they appreci-
ate me for my financial contribu-
tions to their pockets and all their
expansions that we as students had
no say in.
Why should the administration
decide to raise our tuition and stu-
dent fees so that different programs
can be implemented or different stu-
dent organizations can have more
money? Why can't we be able to vote
on them? Because in an obscure
way, we, the SGA, did. Those people
who we thought would be on our
side, ended up thinking of their own
personal agendas and financial fu-
The whole point of this article
is that the university administration
needs to begin thinking more about
the quality of education that the
teachers here are giving and not
how big our basketball arena is or
if we have the greatest recreation
center in the country. My money
should be paying for a quality edu-
Brian Lewis Burns
Opinion Columnist
The more
education and
you Have, the
belter person
you are.
cation that will prepare me for the
future that lies ahead.
I have been here for four years
now, and I plan on going into the
education field, because I want to
be able to influence young minds
and give a part of myself. I often
think that the teachers here, how-
ever, find that their teaching is just
a job and nothing more. The teach-
ing profession is perhaps the most
formative job there is. With this po-
sition, you can positively or nega-
tively influence the future of this
Unfortunately, I do not feel that
the teachers here feel the same way.
To many of them it is just a paycheck
and nothing more. I am sorry that
they do not care about the quality of
the education we receive. I love edu-
cation and I feel that with the more
education and understanding you
have, the better the person you are.
I may be wrong, but this is how I
feel. 1 have always been brought up
The East Carolinian
Printed o?
Tambra Zion, News Editor
Wendy Rountree, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Wadded, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor
Craig Perrott, Assistant Sports Editor
Paul Hag wood, Staff Illustrator
Erika Gohde, Production Assistant
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Kami Klemmer, Production Assistant
Ken Clark, Photo Editor
Xlali Yang, Systems Manager
Rick Lucas, Copy Editor
Patrick Hinson, Copy Editor
Lani Adkinson, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919)

m?tME ?
Doing lines ? pick-up lines
to respect education and the possi-
bilities that come with it. Until I came
to college and started spending some
of my own money for my education,
I never realized the benefits of a good
We, the students of East Caro-
lina University, need to stand up and
be counted. We are perceived as
drunken kids who do not care about
our future. Yes, there are some
among us who are like that, the rest
of us seem to be quiet. That does not
mean we do not care. We need to
show them we care about our futures
and that we want what we paid for.
If I am paying some schmo's pay-
check, I want him to give me my
money's worth. 1 do not feel like I
am asking for the end of the world
of something. 1 am asking for what I
have coming to me.
If the administration and teach-
ers did not want to have to work hard
and earn their money, perhaps they
could have found their future in
other areas such as fortune telling
or being psychics on that TV show.
It's obvious that many of them do
not care about education andor the
Okay, here it is. the ultimate re-
quest to the university, "Give us our
money's worth There, I said it in
quotes to the university. Of course
we all know that the university re-
ally wants to show us their apprecia-
tion when we get those phone calls
and letters immediately following
graduation asking for donations. I am
not about to make a single penny do-
nation to this place until I feel that 1
have gotten all that I have paid for.
While watching Letterman last
night, I picked up the inspiration
and topic for this week's column.
The theme for the Top 10 List was
"Top 10 Pick Up Lines Used by Life-
Me, as usual, being more than
willing to ignore political correct-
ness when it comes to good humor,
found the skit hysterical. My favor-
ite was "you can hear the ocean if
you put your ear close enough to
my red shorts Please keep in mind
that I didn't make it up. haven't used
it and don't plan to at any time in
the near or distant future. I just
found it to be distastefully funny.
But enough on the Letterman
review and me defending my funny
The topic of the day is pick-up
lines. We've all heard them, and
most of us have at least one friend
that brags about being able to wield
and manipulate them as if they were
a saber.
As with anything, in order to
fully understand something, you
must first define the issue. The defi-
nition of pick is to strike with some-
thing pointed or to select. Up is de-
lined as aloft, high or as a prefix to
imply raising or improving. A line is
the shortest distance between two
points. This being the case we have
two choices as long as we are talk-
ing about people. We can define a
pick-up line as striking someone
Chris Arline
Opinion Columnist
Hey baby,
where's the
fire? Something
is smoking in
here, it must be
high along a path between two
places. Definition number two is a
select way of raising some so that
they come into line with you assum-
ing that you and they are the points.
In layman's terms, a pick-up line
is a lyrical gimmick used to gain the
attention of another person in hopes
of gaining a conversation (or more)
out of that person, depending on
how ambitious you are.
In case you haven't been out in
a while, a modern day example
would be "Hey baby, where's the
fire? Something is smoking in here,
it must be you
This gimmick can involve a fol-
low-up. The follow-up is a line used
later as way of continuing the gim-
mick. This could be a little tougher
to catch and might go something
along the lines of but not limited to
"You're special I feel surprisingly
close to you for having only known
you for a short while "You're not
like all the others. I can talk to you
These approaches are not limited
to males. There are more than
enough women that take this ap-
proach as well, although it is usually
a little more subtle. Something to the
tune of "Don't I know you from some-
where or "Aren't you in one of my
I am always amazed at the way
that people rely on these lines. It's
as if meeting someone new is like get-
ting into a house. Most people would
just knock on the door and invite
themselves in by introducing them-
selves. But no, these cheese balls
have to get in by using the conversa-
tional equivalent of jumping through
the window. Only one in 10 people
will give you a chance to explain your-
self, fever than that will let you stay,
and the majority will give you the
The best way to meet someone
is by simply introducing yourself. If
you don't have the self-confidence to
sell and be yourself then the chances
are that you're going to fall on your
face anyway. Who's going to respect
someone that doesn't even respect
or believe in themselves?
By the way. did I mention that
the Red Cross certified me to write
on pick-up lines?
Letters to the Editor
Hell no to print yearbook
To the Editor:
Once again I feel a hand sneak-
ing into my pocket, and it is not a plea-
surable experience! On the surface it
seems to be an ever so slight encroach-
ment, but the underlying intent is
enough to drive me mad. If you hap-
pened to read the last page of the
November 8 issue of The East Caro-
linian, you may be feeling he same
sneaking hand.
It is not government I feel sneak-
ing into my pocket this time, though.
The elected body of the Student Gov-
ernment Association is attempting to
increase the amount of my money it
controls, and doing it under the guise
of a print yearbook.
Without question, the SGA's at-
tempt to raise student fees through
the promotion of a print yearbook is
the most deplorable, despicable, un-
derhanded attempt at sneaking into
my pocket 1 have yet to witness. No, I
will not support a two dollar increase
in student fees for the alleged purpose
of "reestablishing a print yearbook
What a crock! ECU has over 17,000
students enrolled this semester, by
assuming Murphy's Law applies, con-
sider a total enrollment of 15,000 stu-
dents next semester. At two dollars a
head, the proposed students fee in-
crease adds up to $30,000. Thirty
thousand dollars! This is a joke, right?
This is some sort of silly spoof for The
Least Carolinian, right? Wrong! This
is, once again, a means to take money
out of our pockets and out of our con-
trol, regardless of whether you or 1
purchase a copy of the print yearbook.
Michael T. Lewis
"Everybody gets so much
information all day long that they
lose their common sense
? Gertrude Stein, writer, 1946

mfc.jWI' I I1 ?
Thursday, November 9, 1995
The East Carolinian
BY Trevor VanMeter
& CH35 Xl&Z.
Hello. X'i mi Ck &4?! ft?k
you, V you. OH, Y0" Wfc
b?t- '$ Wn &? i? fts pto jjg
3ca(5? "I-tionfcP &K
r(ffl.yai;i?TTFN! if'
net! look at that
By Dustin Massey
i.w?lwmww???' ?.????? .
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Thursday, November 9, 1995
The East Carolinian
Figaro to wed
Talk to the Animals
Comic opera to
be performed at
Wright Auditorium
Jennifer Coleman
Senior Writer
Mozart's comedic opca "The
Marriage of Figaro" is coming to ECU
thanks to the vision of Western Op-
era Theater.
What is Western Opera Theater
(WOT)? WOT is a group of young art-
ists who, since 1967, have been per-
forming some of the world's great-
; est operas, first around the West but
eventually throughout the entire
United States and around the world.
It was created to give these young
performers the opportunity to be fea-
tured in leading and supporting roles
in touring operas. In 1994, WOT be-
gan using supertitles (English trans-
lations projected above the stage) in
their productions. They have toured
Japan and Micronesia, and were the
first professional opera company to
tour the People's Republic of China.
WOT was the recipient of the
first endowment grant from the Na-
tional Endowment for the Arts in
1967. Since then, it has been per-
forming across the US to sold-out au-
diences. Despite its growing success,
WOT has not changed its values, and
the company continues to remember
the reasons it was founded.
"WOT's original mission has re-
mained the same: to present quality
live opera performances to audiences
who might not otherwise have this
extraordinary opportunity. WOT's
purpose of providing invaluable per-
formance and training experience for
singers, music staff, technicians and
orchestra musicians has never wa-
vered wrote Lotfi Mansouri, general
director of San Francisco Opera, par-
ent to Western Opera Theater.
This year, for the first time ever,
WOT has expanded its auditions to
include international performers. Art-
ists were chosen from over 600 ap-
plicants, some of whom came to the
auditions from as far away as Seoul,
Hong Kong and Shanghai.
"The Marriage of Figaro" has
been called one of Mozart's best op-
eratic comedies. It is the story of
Figaro, valet to Count Almaviva, and
his upcoming marriage to Susanna,
maid to Countess Almaviva. However,
the count wishes to have Susanna for
his own, much to the dismay of his
wife. And as if that weren't enough,
Mozart added an aging housekeeper
who wants to marry Figaro and a
young page, Cherubino, who is after
any and every female he sees. The
resulting love hexagon can only lead
to one thing: uproarious laughter
from the audience!
WOT's performance of "The
Marriage of Figaro" is directed by
Christopher Hahn, staged by Peter
McClintock and conducted by
Rodolfo Fischer. It is sponsored by
the S. Rudolph Alexander Perform-
ing Arts Series, and will be per-
formed at ECU tomorrow at 8 p.m.
in Wright Auditorium. Tickets are
$25 for the general public, $20 for
ECU faculty and staff and $12 for
ECU students and youth. Croup
rates are available. For more infor-
mation, contact the Central Ticket
Office at 328-4788.
"Batman" packs a
high-quality punch
Every newspaper has a TV critic,
but our mart is no mere couch potato.
He will watch anything, any time, no
matter how bad or distasteful. Truly,
he has no shame, and that is why we
call him the TV Whore.
Kevin Chaisson
Staff Writer
Hey! Does anybody out there re-
member that there used to be intelli-
gent adventureoriented cartoons that
didn't condescend to their audiences of
starry-eyed kids? Well, I do. Before "G.I.
Joe" and "The Transformers there was
"Johnny Quest" Before Filmation Stu-
dios decided to deliver cheapened goods
on the "He-Man" cartoon, it managed
an amazing thirteen part run of a "Flash
Cordon" serialized cartoon.
Hell, before any of these, there was
Max and Dave Fleisher, bringing Super-
man to glorious animated life back in
the '40s for theater-goers. Whatever hap-
pened to these animated wonders, mov-
ing fluidly through darkened, danger-
ous environments? 1 am proud to say
that a few examples are still around,
primarily one featuring a certain Dark
Knight of Gotham.
That's right "Batman. The Ani-
mated Series" premiered on Fox TV in
1992 and is still going strong in its new
incarnation, "The Adventures of Batman
& Robin Why? Because it's so amaz-
ingly good, that's why! This half-hour
series is consistently better written, bet-
tors), and looks better than any of the
over-budgeted Batman feature films
Warner Brothers has put out I apolo-
gize to Tim Burton's dark vision of
Batman, but hey, he helped produce the
Smokeout strikes ECU
ECU tries to stop
smoking for one
day of the year
Heather Snowden
Student Health
You may have the chance to
make a New Year's Resolution in
November! Each year on the third
Thursday of November, more Ameri-
cans try to quit smoking than any
other day of the year (New Year's
Day is the runner-up for quitters).
We are entering a new era when
many adults have kicked the habit
and new legislation, including ex-
cise taxes and clean air laws is mak
ing smoking less accessible.
To continue the efforts to
help smokers quit, the
ECU campus and The ?
American Cancer So-
ciety are sponsoring J
The Great Ameri-
can Smokeout on
Thursday. Nov. 16.
We are asking for just r
one day. If you smoke,
chew or know someone
that does, support the effort to
stop for the day. This could be the
first step on the road to a tobacco-
free future. And keep in mind, you will
not be alone in this journey.
In order to gear up for the big
n u
event the campus community will
be offering two informational op-
portunities to brief the public
on the issues surrounding
tobacco. The first event
will take place on Tues-
,??? day, Nov. 14 in
" Mendenhall room 224
? from 7-8:30 p.m. A fo-
rum will meet to dis-
Qj cuss both sides of the
, health, economic and po-
litical issues related to to-
The second event will be held
on Wednesday, Nov. 15 from 10
a.m2 p.m. Various departments
See SMOKE page 8
Chris Elks, a commuting student from Washington, enjoys feeding peanuts to the
ever-friendly campus squirrels in front of Joyner Library before his classes start.
'Tftovce OAiew
Powder crackles with
real emotional power
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
Stories centering around extraor-
dinary individuals who don't fit into
mainstream society are not unfamiliar
territory. We've witnessed examples in
films such as Mask, Edward
Scissorhands and (to a certain extent)
E.T. The basic premise of these stories
is the same: an outcast misfit enters
the confining gates of society and re-
veals how special life really is. Of
course, this misfit has to suffer from
those who are afraid of anything or
anyone who is different
Well, if the formula works, then
keep using it Following this philoso-
phy, Hollywood now gives us Powder,
the classic story of a misfit who touches
the lives of those around him. While
the film's formulaic concept may keep
Powder from standing out the movie
is filled with enough emotional power
to make one take notice.
Sean Patrick
Flanery (of Young
Indiana Jones
fame) plays the
title character. As
a result of his
pregnant mother
being struck by
lightning, Powder
is born with no
body hair, pale
white skin, un-
worldly intelli-
gence, and special
electrical powers.
This is enough to
make one seem a
little different To
make matters
worse. Powder's mother dies when
struck by the lightning, his father aban-
dons him, and his grandparents hide
While the film's
formulaic concept
may keep Powder
from standing out,
the movie is filled
with enough
emotional power to
make one take
him from the public eye.
Powder lives a secluded life with
his grandparents
and his books un-
til his grandpar-
ents die and he is
discovered by lo-
cal sheriff Lance
Henrikson and
youth counselor
Steenburgen. Not
knowing what else
to do, Henrikson
and Steenburgen
take Powder away
from his nest and
introduce him to
the world outside.
Unfortunately, the
world outside is
not always so friendly, and Powder has
See POWDER page 10
CD. Reviews
Artwork courtesy DC Comics
Batman swings into action! Dynamic storytelling and high-
caliber voice acting talent make the an?- lated "Adventures
of Batman and Robin" stand out above the cartoon pack.
ter acted (yes, voice actors are still ac- animated "Batman so he knows how
I hempilation j
t r a ? tf o ? is loral
Various Artists
HEMPilation: Freedom is
The Smashing Pumpkins
Mellon Collie and the Infinite
good it is.
The real credit here goes to the
show's creative forces, Paul Dini and
See BATMAN page 10
Brandon Waddell
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Jay Myers
Staff Writer
"Marijuana Marijuana Hey, hey, hey, get high
I like marijuana, you like marijuana, we like mari-
juana too say David Peel and the 360's.
"Half ounces quarter pounds L. B.s and ki-
los who's got the herb? When we roll a big one
you feel so right when we smoke it in our bong, it
feels so nice who's got the herbi1" ask 311.
These are lyrics from the first ever compilation
to benefit NORML (The National Organization for
the Reform of Marijuana Laws); HEMPilation: Free-
dom is NORML.
The project is a joint venture in association with
Capricorn Records, High Times magazine and
NORML. But in the HEMP press release, Phil
Walden, former NORML board member and current
President of Capricorn Records states, "this project
is not an endorsement of the usage of marijuana,
but rather the belief that the criminal prosecution
Just when you think it's safe to hate Billy Corgan,
he and his crew release something like Mellon Collie.
When The Pumpkins' first album, Gish, came out in
1991. Corgan had yet to build up his media personality
as a popalternative(insert label here) prima donna.
He and the rest of the band (which includes James lha
on guitar, D'Arcy on bass, and Jimmy Chamberlain on
drums) just played damn fine music back then, music
that ranged from hard-edged rock to sensitive balladry.
Then they released their second album, Siamese
Dream. Again, the Pumpkins' skill at crafting songs was
proven to be as good as ever. But arrogance reared its
ugly head in Corgan when he became the video darling
of MTV. When Kurt Cobain died and Nirvana couldn't
be the headliner at that summer's Lollapalooza, the
Pumpkins were chosen as the replacement. Over the
course of that summer Corgan became an out and out
media god. He became so haughty and full of himself
See HEMP page 9
See SMASHING page 9
"?-??"?? -m?HM

Thursday, November 9, 1995
The East Carolinian
Coming soon lor your
edification and amusement:
Thursday, November 9
The Conneils
at the Attic
(Members of the band will be
playing live
in the WZMB studios this
afternoon at 4:30 p.m.)
ECU Faculty Jazz Band
at Staccato's Bar and Grille
at Peasant's Cafe
Movie: The Cure
at Hendrix Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Friday, November 10
Allman Brothers Band
at Minges Coliseum
Performing Arts Series: Mar-
riage of Figaro
at Wright Auditorium
at the Attic
Melanie Sparks Band
at Peasant's Cafe
with Luscious Jackson
at Dean Smith Center
in Chapel Hill
Movie: The Cure
at Hendrix Theatre
8.00 p.m.
Saturday, November 11
Cravin' Melon
at the Attic
Treadmill Trackstar
at Peasant's Cafe
Movie: The Cure
at Hendrix Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 12
Jazz Ensemble A
Carroll Dashiell, Jr Director
at Wright Auditorium
Monday, November 13
The U.S. Air Force ACC Heritage
at Wright Auditorium
SMOKE from page 7
and organizations will he participat-
ing in "The Smoking Gun This func-
tion will provide an educational, yet
entertaining, look at tobacco. Infor-
mational booths and games will line
the street in front oi the Wright Place
(the rain location will be in the front
hallway of the General Classroom
Building). The education you receive
at these two events will get you ready
to participate in The Great American
Smokeout on Thursday
You will be much healthier. You
will greatly decrease your risk tor
heart disease, chronic bronchitis, em-
physema and cancers oi the lung, lar-
ynx, pharynx, mouth, esophagus, pan
creas and bladder. There will be an
increase in physical fitness and a de-
crease in coughing and phlegm. Also,
there will be much less susceptibility
and severity of respiratory illness,
early artery disease, slower rate of
lung growth and possible reduced
level of lung function by adulthood,
not to mention the after effects ot yel-
low teeth and bad breath. Who needs
any of those negative side effects
when you are at the prime of your
For those of you who have
started smoking, there is still hope.
You are young and have your whole
life ahead of you. National awareness
campaigns like The Great American
Smokeout on Nov. 16 bring attention
to the fact that there are successful
ways to get the support needed to stop
smoking. For further information
about the issues or the events during
the third week in November, contact
the office of Health Promotion and
Well-Being, located at 303 Krwin. or
call 328-6793.
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The East Carolinian
Thursday, November 9, 1995
SMASHING from page 7
that many of his former fans had
trouble disconnecting his music
from his overwhelming personality.
I was one of those fans. Corgan
became so nauseating in public that
it was hard to listen to his music.
Siamese Dream sat on the CD rack
gathering dust, unheard for
Therefore, the release of
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sad-
ness was met with much skepticism.
Of course, the rest of the Pumpkins
were assumed to be as good as ever,
but would Corgan be able to genu-
inely express himself anymore? Or
would he let his pretentiousness
take over his creativity?
Well, I'm here to say that
Mellon Collie is a brilliant success.
It takes a certain confidence in
one's abilities to release a double
album. Perhaps Corgan's apparent
aloofness has also given him the
self-confidence to appioach such a
new releases at scar
Alice iu (iuikll.98fQ.9Q
Madonna (allakI1.9QQ.9Q
Covn MuleII.988.9Q
?maoiiik PumpkinsK.98I3.9Q
AlANK MoCKfiW11.998.96
Al (kin11.900.90
Do? Pound11.900.90

massive undertaking as the 28
songs found here. Of the many
double albums other bands have
made, Mellon Collie is leagues
above Guns N' Roses' Use Your Il-
lusion I & II, not quite as good as
the Beatles' White Album, and just
about as good as Led Zeppelin's
Physical Grafitti.
The title track that opens this
double album is an interesting pi-
ano instrumental that sounds al-
most classical. From there the al-
bum combines ali the range pro-
duced on other Pumpkins albums.
There are punchy rock anthems
("Where Boys Fear to Tread"), soul-
ful ballads ("Take Me Down"), and
heavy pop tunes ("Beautiful"). It's
easy to guess which songs will be
the hits: "Bullet With Butterfly
Wings" (a coarse rocker that is, of
course, already a hit), "Love" (a dis-
torted Corgan over a harsh rhyth-
mic background that sounds like a
battlefield), and "Bodies" (the
power pop number with the won-
derful chorus, "love is suicide").
Finally the album closes with a
sweet lullaby, "Farewell and
Goodnight where all of The
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game Mother Nature
Smashing Pumpkins share the vo-
cal lead and say goodbye to the lis-
If there are any drawbacks to
this album, it's where the band be-
comes derivative, as in "Here is No
Why" where they sound like Stone
Temple Pilots, or where Corgan
uses his normally soft, melodic
voice to scream lyrics, like the
tracks "Tales of a Scorched Earth"
and "X.Y.U both of which sound
like bad Nine Inch Nails rip-offs.
Despite these small drawbacks,
my faith in The Smashing Pump-
kins as a whole has been restored.
In fact, Mellon Collie and the Infi-
nite Sadness is such a refresher
that Gish and Siamese Dream have
been in constant rotation with it on
the CD player. Corgan may be a
jerk, but The Smashing Pumpkins
are true artists. Perhaps you can
enjoy this album a little longer if
you don't watch MTV for the next
few months.
Super -Obscure
?f rivia QvA
;S.rx sewers
This week's topic:
Video Games
1. Q-Bert hopped around and cursed
horribly as he died.
2. In Root Beer Tapper, players
served drinks to angry customers
3. Pac-Man was one hungry circle
4. In Satan's Hollow, players killed
the denizens of the netherworld
5. Pack Rat forced players to steal,
and avoid being eaten by bad guys.
6. Double Dragon was the first of
the "walk-down-the-street-and-beat-
people-up" games.
7. Indiana Jones and the Temple of
Doom - the video game!
8. Mindless and violent. Gauntlet
was nonetheless a barrel of fun
9. Space Invaders, the game that
started it all! Simplicity itself.
10. In Spy Hunter, players drove a
super-cool spy car and blew the bad
guys off the streets. Monkey fun!
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HEMP from page 7
of marijuana imposes unjust and
unfair penalties
There are plenty of people who
feel that marijuana should be legal-
ized, but keep it to themselves. They
either don't think their voice makes
a difference, fear being negatively la-
beled or think that government
won't change. At least the parties
involved are bonding together in a
legal manner to financially assist
NORML in lobbying Congress to
change a law they feel is unfounded.
Some of the HEMPilation lyr-
ics completely negate Walden's
statement; but the primary issue is
not the obviously controversial is-
sue of marijuana legalization, it's
the music.
Capricorn Records should have
simply marketed the CD, put out a
press release with the applicable in-
formation and left out the
beaurocratic nonsense.
Some of the most talented mu-
sicians in rock's counterculture rep-
resent their cause like world cham-
pions on this project. Leave it at
Some of the artists featured on
this CD donated versions of "hemp
classics" and the others donated
their own appropriately potty origi-
nal tunes.
All types of music represented
on this 17-song CD.
Reggae fans won't be let down
by Ziggy Marley and the Melody
Makers' "In the Flow" and 311's
"Who's got the Herb?" The rap com-
munity also gets an improvisational
shout-out from Cypress Hill.
For roots rock fans, Blues Trav-
eler brings a mind-blowing live per-
formance of hurricane-force power
to the old Sly and the Family Stone
cut "I want to take you higher Also.
Widespread Panic adds their distinc-
tive Georgian spice to Van
Morrison's "And it Stoned Me
The Ian Moore Band brings
blues to the next generation of fans,
doing Muddy Waters' "Champagne
and Reefer And such a project
wouldn't be complete without "Le-
galize It Sublime does justice to
Jimmy Cliff's classic reggae anthem.
Take an open mind to the
record store and fire up
HEMPilation. Every track has a dis-
tinctively different flavor, yet the CD
flows from beginning to end. You
don't even need herb, the music will
get you stoned.
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Thursday, November 9, 1995
The East Carolinian
BATMAN from page 7
Bruce Timm. who have designed the
show as an homage to the Fleisher Su-
perman cartoons. Their Gotham City is
a gothic art deco nightmare, bustling
with menace that only heroes like
Batman and his sidekick Robin could
hope to combat.
How's this for dark: one eerie epi-
sode features an insane former child
star, a little "Leave It to Beaver" kind of
girl who. due to a physical abnormality,
has remained trapped in her child body
for the past 20 years. As revenge, she
kidnaps her ex-cast members and forces
them to take part in an unsettling "fi-
nal show complete with an empty
laugh track punctuating her every sen-
tence. When Batman confronts her, she
threatens him with a machine gun hid-
den in her toy doll, bullets blazing out
of the doll's left eye.
Is this show appropriate for chil-
dren? Well, unlike the movie "Batman
Dini and Timm's animated Caped Cru-
sader doesn't kill anybody. Ever. And
what audience were the "Batman" films
aimed at?
Despite the constant debate be-
tween Fox TV executives, critics and pa-
rental interest groups on the show's
mature themes, there is one point all
agree on. including me. "The Adventures
of Batman & Robin" is a great show.
Perhaps the best way to show the high
quality of "Batman & Robin" is to com-
pare it with the movies, particularly the
last film, "Batman Forever
Two-Face is a recurring villain in
the animated series, but unlike the char-
acter played by Tommy Lee Jones, this
criminal is an intelligent menace, not a
gun-toting buffoon. The friendship be-
tween Harvey "Two-Face" Dent and
Bruce Wayne is explored on the series,
making Harvey's plunges into madness
all the more heartbreaking.
And what about Robin? The series
has managed to capture with one or two
lines both the friendship and animosity
that exists between Robin and the Dark
Knight. That and, wow, Robin gets to
actually do something in the series in-
stead becoming a victim of the bad guys!
What a concept! Other famous villains
are present on the show: the Joker, the
Penguin, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, and
teeming scores of others. All of whom
are better-realized characters than the
films featuring human actors.
And what about the actors? The
voice actors for "Batman & Robin" are
top of the line. Most are already estab-
lished stars, and more stars want to lend
their voices to "Batman" characters.
Kevin Conroy. whose baritone voice
gives Batman personality, was a regu-
lar on "Tour of Duty among other
shows. Guest voices from Tim Curry to
Mark Hamill to Melissa Gilbert have
given "Batman" characters personality.
The only thing that might put off
a few viewers might be the animation
style. The artwork on "Batman &
Robin" is realistic, yet stylized, and very
much with an art deco feel. When
Batman or Robin swings at a crook, it
is very possible that either's arm may
curve abnormally, giving more of an
impression of quick movement than of
anatomical correctness.
Trust me. though. If you read
"Batman" comics as a kid (or as an
adult), the look of the show is like a
breath of minty-fresh air. If you've never
read a "Batman" comic, well, get off your
butt and get one. Or watch this show,
because in reality, it's also better than
any of the "Batman" comics on the
market today.
As your "TV Whore it has become
my job to examine with a critical eye all
television that crosses my path: the
good, the bad, and the ugly. Mostly the
bad and ugly. What is so rare about a
show like "The Adventures of Batman
& Robin" is that it is so very good. The
cartoon successfully marries "Batman"
creator Bob Kane's visions with those
of Tim Burton. Dini and Timm - visions
of rain-drenched streets seething with
tension, dark corners and even darker
hearts. All under the watchful eye and
protection of Batman and Robin.
On a scale of one to 10, "The Ad-
ventures of Batman and Robin" rates a
respectful 10.
POWDER from page 7
no real desire to be part of it.
The bulk of the story deals with
the difficulties of fitting in and has typi-
cal subplots, such as potential love be-
tween a "normal" girl and the misfit
However, directorscreenwriter Victor
Salva effectively strikes at the emotional
strings by allowing certain characters
to be more than cardboard cut-outs. A
scene where Powder lets Henrikson
communicate telepathically with his
dying wife choked up my otherwise stiff
self. This is a wonderful moment where
Henrikson flexes his acting muscles.
While some scenes are done way
over the top (a scene where Powder is
struck by electricity in Jeff Goldblum's
science class comes to mind), other
scenes are exceptionally subtle. After
accidentally k;Iling the school's head
bully. Powder is forced to use his elec-
trical powers to bring him back from
the dead. When the bully is revived, he
and Powder share a silent stare which
can be interpreted in more than one
way. Such subtleties pull the film back
from the melodramatics it occasionally
slips into.
Another interesting element of the
film is the simple fact that this misfit
as opposed to misfits like Eric Stoltz or
E.T is potentially dangerous. Powder
not only has superior intelligence, but
he also has superior power. When Pow-
der gets angry, his energy can cause
windows to shatter and light bulbs to
burst While the establishment wants
to try to control Powder so they can
learn from him. the establishment also
fears that he may be a force they can-
not control without totally destroying
Taking off his fedora to reveal a
bald head, Flanery fills the title charac-
ter with the magic necessary to create
a sense of awe. At the same time, he
also maintains a human dimension.
Powder is a cross between a scared child
who wants only to hide in his self-made
womb, a curious teenager who desires
to experience the world, and an angry
adult who will not allow himself to be
Also, the fact that Flanery looks
great on film is an added benefit. Only
an actor with Flanery's presence could
make a deathly white, frail-looking, bald
misfit so physically attractive.
While there are many aspects of
Powder that make this film worth view-
ing, it still is not by any means a great
film. Some may grow tired of the film's
somewhat lethargic pacing, and the
more melodramatic moments border on
being silly. However, if you're in the
mood for a weekend matinee, or if you're
looking for a flick that you can take a
date to. then Powder has the power
you're looking for. On a scale of one to
10. Powder ratt a six.
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Thursday, November 9, 1995 The East Carolinian
Come one, come all
Coaches talk about
upcoming season
Amanda Ross
Sports Editor
It's that time of year again. Cold
weather and the start of basketball.
What could be better?
On Monday, the men's basketball
Head Coach Joe Dooley and women's
Head Coach Anne Donovan held
press conferences to discuss this sea-
son in Pirate basketball. Both Dooley
and Donovan are beginning their first
head coaching positions at ECU.
Dooley had spent the last four years
as assistant coach for the Pirates, and
Donovan comes from ODU, where
she served as an assistant coach since
Donovan sees a lot of promise
in her players. The Hall of Fame in-
ductee realizes with a new coach the
players were going to have to make
adjustments. She believes her play-
ers are doing just that.
"We're starting to make advance-
ments and the kids are starting to
pick up the system really well said
The team motto for the year is
"whatever it takes It's a motto the
players will follow throughout the
"Whatever it takes, we'll try to
get it done. We're going to work hard
and accomplish that added
The Lady Pirates are small in
size compared to the other oppo-
nents. ECU's two tallest player's are
Photo Courtesy of ECU SID
Student Pirate Club member Brian Dilday shows his support at an ECU football game.
He is surrounded by fellow members who support ECU athletics and attend sports
events to cheer the Pirates on. Students can become members for $25.
Anne Donovan
6-2. In a league where some players
are as tall as 6-6, the Lady Pirates
will depend on their speed and agil-
ity to compensate for their size.
The Lady Pirates will be led by
Tomekia "Fruiky" Blackmon, who
averaged 16.1 points per game last
season. A 1994 Second Team AU-CAA
choice, Blackmon will return after
missing eight games in the '95 sea-
son due to an injured knee, in which
she tore her ACL. But don't be fooled,
a bum knee didn't stop her from scor-
ing in double figures in 15 of her 19
games after surgery, and she looks
to come back even stronger this year.
This senior forward will play a
major role this season not only as a
player but as a team leader.
"I try to motivate everybody
when things aren't going well in prac-
tice said Blackmon. "Talking to ev-
erybody, making sure everyone's talk-
Amanda Ross
Joe DOOley Sports Editor
ing to each other and keeping things
going is important
Another Lady Pirate to watch
will be senior guard Danielle
Charlesworth. She returns after lead-
ing the team for the second consecu-
tive year in assists and free throw
shooting. Charlesworth has ranked
as ECU's second leading scorer for
the past two seasons. During the '94
season she averaged 10.5 points per
With a new head coach there are
bound to be changes, but
Charlesworth noticed the biggest
change has been on defense.
"We're pressuring the ball a lot
more Charlesworth said. "We're
having a really aggressive style of
play on the defensive side, and I think
that will convert a lot of turnovers
See SEASON page 13
Every school has its fans, the
die-hards who will stay for the end
of the football game ir?the pouring
raining or watch the rest of the bas-
ketball game when we're down by
30 points.
The Student Pirate Club (SPC)
allows these fans to all come to-
gether and support our athletes.
There are many benefits for the
members of this club, such as re-
served seating at Pirate football and
basketball games, priority in pur-
chasing bowl tickets, special SPC ac-
tivities and priority points that ac-
cumulate over time.
The SPC is a way for students
to get more involved in the athletic
program and is also a stepping stone
to the next level, which is the gradu-
ate level. This program takes the
member three years out after gradu-
ation, in which a graduate can spend
$25 for a $150 credit their first year
after graduation.
The second year
they will pay $50
for a $150 credit,
and the third year
they spend $100 for
the $150 credit. Af-
ter the three years,
the member pays
the regular Pirate
Club fees. It is a way
for new alumni to
remain involved for
a lesser price.
charges $25 for its
members to join,
but' the SPC
matches that contribution with an-
other $25 for a total contribution
of $50. A portion of the contribu-
tions go towards the SPC's fund
raising goals for the year. The rest
goes towards the athletic fund which
helps build money for athletic schol-
arships for both the men's and
women's ath-
letic teams.
Some stu-
dents may
think the cost
is a bit much,
but compared
to other
around the
state it falls
into the same
range they
charge their
students. N.C.
State also
charges $25
for its
student's to join the Student
Wolfpack Club. However, UNC-
Chapel Hill does not have a Student
Rams Club for its students, only for
See CLUB page 13
"If they get
involved on the
inside they'll get
more pumped up
and wonder why
more students
haven't joined
? Mark Hessert, Associate
Director for the Pirate Club
Panthers running
back injures knee
(AP) - The knee brace was sit-
ting on a pile of laundry in Derrick
Moore's locker stall Wednesday. He
had no use for the crutches, either,
or the prognosis that he would miss
4-6 weeks.
Forty-eight hours after doctors
said a knee sprain could all but end
his season, Moore, the Carolina Pan-
thers' top rusher, was talking about
being back on the field this Sunday
in St. Louis.
He was smiling when he said it.
and a few reporters made the mistake
of interpreting
the No. 2 pick in the 1990 draft by
the New York Jets, is trying to latch
on with his fifth NFL team. Johnson,
the 36th selection by Indianapolis in
1990, is with his fourth team in the
On Wednesday, the Panthers
signed Dino Philyaw off New
England's practice roster, where he
had been assigned after the Patriots
made him the 195th selection in this
year's draft
Thomas, Johnson and Philyaw
have their work cut out for them;
Moore has played a
A member of the Pirate diving team prepares to hit the
water. The divers placed high in their first conference
meet of the season against Old Dominion last Saturday.
SID-ECU (19-15, 4-1 CAA) ensured themselves of their first winning
season since 1989 with a straight games (15-5,15-13, 15-9) victory over the
UNC-Wilmington Seahawks Tuesday evening in Wilmington. The Pirate vic-
tory halted a UNCW five-game winning streak.
Junior outside hitter Carrie Brne, led the Pirates with 15 kills, while
senior team captain Melanie Richards added a team-high 15 digs. As a squad,
ECU totaled a .290 attack percentage, and made just six hitting errors in
110 attempts.
UNCW's Josie Youngblood, the CAA Player of the Week, led her squad
with 19 kills in the loss.
ECU finishes out the regular season with away matches against Ameri-
can University and George Mason University on Friday and Saturday evening,
an will compete in the CAA Tournament on Nov. 17-18.
that to mean he
was kidding.
"That's as
serious as a
heart attack he
said. "I'm not
Moore, who
suffered a sec-
sprain of his
right knee in
Sunday's 13-7
victory over the
San Francisco 49ers, said a quick re-
turn to the lineup wouldn't be unprec-
edented. He noted that 49ers tight
end Brent Jones played against the
Panthers, even though he had
sprained a knee the week before and
doctors told him he would be sidelined
for up to six weeks.
"You saw Brent Jones miracu-
lously come running through the in-
troductions for the starting lineups
Moore said. "I'm very optimistic about
it. You'll be surprised
Moore said he surprised even
himself by testing the knee in a little
jog Wednesday.
'It feels good he said. "And it
will feel better tomorrow. I'm excited
about how far it's come in such a short
amount of time
The Panthers aren't banking on
an early return for Moore, who has
576 yards and was on pace to set an
expansion rushing record.
Carolina on Tuesday signed a pair
of free agent running backs, Blair Tho-
mas and Anthony Johnson. Thomas,
'And it will feel
better tomorrow.
I'm excited about
how far it's come
iii such a short
amount of time
? Derrick Moore
huge role in help-
ing the Panthers
(4-5) win four con-
secutive games.
Of the 1,058
total yards Carolina
has generated dur-
ing the winning
streak, Moore has
accounted for 342.
That breaks down
to 32.3 percent of
the Panthers' total
offense and 72.1
percent of their 474 rushing yards.
"it hurts having him out of there
coach Dom Capers said. "We've got to
work overtime the next couple of days
Should the original prognosis
hold up. Moore wouldn't be back in
the lineup until the season finale
Christmas Eve in Washington. That
obviously would kill any chance of him
rushing for 1.000 yards, and it would
severely limit his opportunity to break
the expansion rushing record of 722
yards, held by Ken Coffey of the 1966
Atlanta Falcons.
Even if Moore can't play this week,
he figures the worst-case scenario
would have him back in less than four
"I'll get to a point where I can play
in a little pain he said. "That's just
the kind of player I am. I don't have to
be completely well. I can get to a point
where I know my knee can stand
pounding and cuts and turns, and I'll
come back.
"I don't have to be 100 percent to
come back. I can play tough
? ?r! Sport, Mcdicli ? HftnviUe. 'C 2SVtJJ ? Pnone- 919'?-H-4) JO ? fX 9I9'J38-4528
Dear ECU Students:
Your Pirates have secured consecutive winning seasons with last Saturday's victory
over Array. Two home games (November 11 and IS) remain. An 8-3 season and
a bowl invitation is there for die taking with two victories. It's the 4th quarter and
time to make the extra effort to Win!
The football team is expected to be ready to play every Saturday. Our motto over
the past two years has been "NO EXCUSES There are "NO EXCUSES" why
the student section should not be full this Saturday and next Saturday for your
winning Pirate football team. It shotdd be an expected tradition Uiat die student
section is full every home game.
Surrounding each game special activities are planned including an Air Force F-15
fly-over and special team entrance this Saturday, and a live band iu the tailgate lot
for students next Saturday. It is important that you are in your seats 20 minutes
prior to each game, on your feet for the team entrance, get loud for every third
down play by the opposing team, and cheer your fellow students on the football
team until the final horn.
Steve Logan
Head Football Coach
P.S. The basketball Pirates and Lady Pirates play Latvia of Russia in a doublc-
bcaucr after the football game in Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum. The
Minges Maniacs (student section) surrounding the floor should be full and
rockin See you there!
tan Cuwa;hw,tianwm ia
n 01TW Itanq of Nor CM(m ? lq Or ? AJSrnuu? t?feM Emplo, c
Students don't forget you can still
pick up tickets to this Saturday's
home football game against Tulsa.
Go by today and pick up your
ticket from the Athletic Ticket ,
Office. Come out on Saturday and
cheer your Pirates on to victory as
they attempt to return to the
Liberty Bowl for a
second straight season.
Tickets can be picked
up today and
tomorrow. See you at

Thursday, November 9,1995
The East Carolinian
Men's Basketball Schedule
Atheletes in Action (Exh.)
Latvia (Russia) (Exh.)
at UNC Charlotte
at Wofford
at Coastal Carolina
Colorado State
SW Missouri State
at Illinois State
at James Madison
at George Mason
Appalachian State
at American
Old Dominon
UNC Wilmingtron
at William &Mary
at Richmond
George Mason
at VCU
William & Mary
James Madison
at UNC Wilmington
at Old Dominion
at CAA Tournament
7 p.m.
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
1 p.m.
7 p.m.
3 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
4 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
730 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
4:30 p.m
7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
4 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:35 p.m.
Greenville's newest and most exciting fitness club is
about to open. We're putting the finishing
touches on our dazzling interiors. Our strength and
cardio training equipment is being arranged just
right to provide optimal exercise space and
circulation. Our fitness, aerobics, and member
service teams are being trained to assist members
in achieving the best possible fit-
ness experience. Final inspections
are being scheduled to obtain the
, , necessary approvals for opening.
for yourself ana get a jump on those upcoming
calorie-pocked holidays. There's still time to
save at pre-opening rates and receive a special
0610 Sports Bog before we
open our doors. Visit our
membership center at
Square or coll 752-5239
for more details. Your
satisfaction is
Ha ris teeter
Harris Teeter
Selected Varieties
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15.25 oz.
Harris Teeter Real
12 oz.
Juicy 4QQ0 Rome
Tangerines ea 5727 Apples
Red, Gold Eastern Or
3 lb. bag
100 Pure
Harris Teeter
Orange Juice
2 Liter
Coke Or Diet
Cheese SOz.
Reg. Or
4.6 oz.
Cool Mint
Harris Teeter Pjnk0r
Grapefruit Ruby Red
Juice 64 oz.
Prices Effective Through November 14.1995

The East Carolinian
Thursday, November 9, 1995
SEASON from page 11
and fastbreaks
The Lady Pirates did not lose
any players from the starting line-up
from last year. The probable starting
line-up will be forward Shay Hayes,
who will be a threat down low, for-
ward Tracey Kelley, last's seasons
third leading scorer, guard Justine
Allpress who averaged 7.3 points per
game last year, along with Blackmon
and Charlesworth.
Because this will be the first
game for the Lady Pirate's, the play-
ers as well as Donovan are ready to
get started.
"We are excited to get started
this Saturday added Donovan.
Unlike the women's team, the
men have alreaJv played their first
exhibition game. Dooley. who at 29
years of age is the youngest head
coach in Division I, saw his players
top AIA 92-81 for the victory last
Thursday and Dooley liked a lot of
what he saw.
"We put up on the board that
we wanted three "e's said Dooley.
"Effort, enthusiasm and execution
He got his three "e's" from play-
ers who played aggressively and ex-
ecuted the plays given.
Sophomore Tony Parham re-
turns as a starting guard and will be
a key threat in the perimeter game.
This 1995 CAA All-Rookie squad
member will have an important role
in leadership responsibilities.
Parham, who believes he led by ex-
ample last year, realizes he has to
vocally lead the team and give the
team pep talks.
"I consider myself a team leader,
but I'm not as vocal as they would
like me to be says Parham.
Junior center, Jonathan Kerner.
brings height and mobility to his po-
sition. As the Pirates big man at 6-
11, he will play a major role getting
points inside the paint and pulling
down rebounds. This is Kerner's first
season playing ECU basketball. He
sat out last season after transferring
from Florida State University, where
he played two seasons. Because
Kerner has played at another school
he has seen a different style of play-
ing and coaching.
"Coaches here care a lot more
about the players progressing and
maturing as individuals as well as ball
players said Kerner.
Other players to watch out for
this year will be Tim Basham, the Pi-
rates leading returning scorer, and
Othello Meadows, who led all scorers
against AIA with 23 points.
Each coach will have a quality
coaching staff backing them. The as-
sistant coaches for the men's team
include Lew Hill, Martin McGillan and
Lane Odom. The women's team will
be assisted by Ginny Doyle. Charisse
Mapp and Gaynor O'Donnell.
The men's and women's teams
will face off against Latvia of Russia,
in a doubleheader this Saturday. The
men begin at 6 p.m and the women
follow at 8 p.m.
vLU IS from page 11
the graduates.
Mark Hessert, Associate Direc-
tor for the Pirate Club, believes the
SPC is a good way for students to
get closer to the athletic program.
Although there are only about 50
members at this time, Hessert feels
if students were more aware of the
SPC and its activities, more people
would be inclined to join.
"If they get involved on the in-
side they'll get more pumped up and
wonder why more students haven't
joined said Hessert.
Anybody who attended the
men's basketball games 'ast year
probably noticed a certain group of
students standing and cheering on
the Pirates. Those loyal fans call
themselves "Minges Maniacs Duke
has their "Cameron Crazies" and we
have our "Minges Maniacs They
often led the crowd in chants, and
many times got people to their feet
to show support last year. Most of
those students are members of the
Chris Murphy, who is doing an
internship with the Pirate Club, be-
lieves that during this basketball
season the other students will see
the "Minges Maniacs" and how
much fun they have, and hopefully
they will inquire and be interested
in a membership.
"I think a lot of people will be
interested in joining once basketball
gets started said Murphy.
Hessert says he wants the SPC
to get more involved in other sports
besides the two big sports, football
and men's basketball. He would like
to see more support for other ath-
letic events such as women's basket-
ball, volleyball or cross-country.
Hessert wants the othc athletic pro-
grams to feel like they a supported
and that the students are backing
the athletes in all sports.
Some students might hesitate
to join because of the $25 fee.
Hessert understands that hesitation
because he realizes most college stu-
dents don't have a lot of money to
spend. Throughout the year, the fee
helps go towards SPC socials. These
socials allow members to relax in the
comfort of the Pirate Club Building
and gives them a chance to meet
new members. During these meet-
ings snacks and refreshments are
served. Guest speakers are also a
treat at these meetings. The first
SPC meeting held for this academic
year, featured the men's basketball
coach Joe Dooley who came out and
talked a little one-on-one basketball
with the members. It gave everyone
a chance to ask questions they might
not otherwise get a chance to ask.
Investing in the SPC doesn't
stop with graduation. Each year a
person is a member they rack up
points that will go towards the lev-
els after SPC.
"We want to keep people in-
volved, because the more they're in-
volved the longer they're going to
stay (in the Pirate club) added
Any student who is a fan of the
Pirates should consider becoming a
member. It's a great way to support
ECU athletics and a chance to meet
many of our prominent coaches. The
SPC is open to all students. For
more information, contact Assistant
Director Matt Maloney at 328-4532.
Sports Writers
meeting today at
4:30 p.m.
Editorial Board
meeting today at
4 p.m.
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
on first come first serve basis.

(game not televised in this area)
(tickets split between groups and individuals)
(student ticket pick-up begins Tuesday at 9:00 am
at AthleticTicket Office)

Thursday, November 9, 1995
The East Carolinian
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
Townhouse; It's Big, Have own room; 15
utilities; $138.00 Rent; on River. Call 830-
SUBLEASE WANTED! Female at Wilson
Acres. Only one other roommate. Your
own bedroom. $250.00 month and half of
utilities. One block from campus. Call Joli
at 758-9708.
Wyndham Circle available in January. Call
757-2833 for more infomation.
WESLEY COMMONS: 1 & 2 Bedroom,
Range, Refrigerator, Washer & Dryer
Hookups, Decks & Patios in most units.
Laundry Facility, Sand Volleyball Court,
Located 5 blocks from campus. Free Wa-
ter & Sewer.
WYNDHAM COURT: 2 Bedrooms Stove
Refrigerator Dishwasher Washer &
Dryer Hookups Patios on first floor.
Located five blocks from campus. These
and other fine properties managed by Pitt
Property Management 108 A Brownlea
Drive. 758-1921.
with free water, free cable (Bejide Tar
River Apts.) $355 month rent. Call 758-
RECREATION, Rent $225 month at 810
Cotanche St Call 758-1921.
near campus and downtown. Pets OK. Call
Amy at 758-8521.
and Dryer hookups. Close to campus.
$300 a month. Call Jim or Fred at 752-
rent first month free on a new lease. Must
present Student ID. Not valid with any
other offers. Call Wainright Property Man-
. agement 756-6209.
semester. Already hav apartment with two
bedrooms. If interested call Kristi at 752-
roommate needed to share two bedroom
apt. close to campus. Starting Mid or Late
December. Call Tanya at 355-9541.
to share 3 bedrm duplex ASAP until June
30, 1996. $190.00 rent & 13 utilities.
Please call Monique or Danyelle at 758-
1 BED APT. located on Riverbluff Rd.
New Carpet and Vinyl. No Pets call 752-
ROOMMATE WANTED: Female to share
brand new 4BR, 3 full bath apartment
home. $250 per month plus 14 utilities.
Swimming pool, exercise center, dub
house, lighted tennis courts, and lots of
extras, including continental breakfast
each Friday morning. Call 321-7613.
plex. Walking distance from campus. Non-
smoker requested. Includes WasherDryer
and Dishwasher. $250mo. plus 12 util.
Call 758-2232.
ROOMMATE WANTED? Male to share
new 4 BDR. 3 full bath apartment $250
per month plus 14 utilities. Swimming
pool, tennis, volleyball, weight room and
more. Call 321-7613.
bedroom1 & 2 bath. 2 blocks from cam-
pus. Water & basic cable included. 752-
M00. Professionally managed by Pro Man-
agement of Greenville.
For Rent
TOWNHOUSE 2 bedroom 1 12 bath.
2 blocks from campus. $475 per month.
Pro Management of Greenville. 756-1234
2 bath. Partially furnished. $500.00 per
month. Pro Management of Greenville.
HOUSES FOR RENT near campus. $450-
$550. Call Cindy. Pro Management of
Greenville. 756-1234.
For Sale
We Boy CDS,
C?Mettes, and Lp ?
Well pay op to $5 ?aak ior
4 I
II l I
iinuii Ti.s .cr!i)
FOR SALE Two REM tickets for Nov.
10. 1995 at the Dean Dome. Both tickets
for 55 dollars. Call 756-9287.
FOUR REM Concert tickets for Nov. 10
in Chapel Hill. Discounted! Call 355-2459.
Leave message.
need cash. Call Mike 758-2994.
FOR SALE: Bowflex Powerpro Exercize
System. 2 years old. $900 new. Excellent
condition. $475. Call 752-6372.
RETRO YARD SALE: 70's clothes. Sat-
urday, November 11th. 100 S. Summit St
Corner of 1st & Summit. Get a mod coat
for winter.
CONDOMS! Wide selection! Shop from
the privacy of your own home. No mail-
ing lists. Discreet packaging. Help stop the
spread of AIDS. Send for a free brochure.
Francie's. 312 Crosstown Road, PO Box
178, PTC, GA 30269.
FOR SALE: Personal Computer. IC Turvo
XT 4.7710. 640K. 30mb Hard drive. EGA
monitor. Enhanced click keyboard.
Panasonic KXPT180 Printercable.
$800.00. Call 830-1428.
Ace. $165 each, Ibanez 12 string $165.
Call (919) 637-6550.1 buy alot of Guitars.
11 Wanted
Students, Here is your chance to earn
some good money for the winter! Are you
basketball oriented and willing to go
through the training to be an official? The
Greenville Recreation and Parks
Deptartment will be holding their organi-
zational meeting for anyone interested in
officiating in the men's winter basketball
league on Monday, November 13, 1995,
at 7:00pm at Elm Street Gym. All inter-
ested officials should attend this meeting.
For more information, pleae call Ben
James or Michael Daly at 8304550 or 830-
WANTED: Part-time 11-3 Mon-Fri. Apply
in Person to Jennifer Behr between 8-
10am and 2-3pm Mon-Fri. Located atTodd
Dining Halls private dining room. College
5TH STREET BREWERY is now taking
applications for experienced wait staff and
bartenders. Come by 207 E. 5th St or call
551-6755. Ask for Matt
part-time. Flexible hours, good pay. Plaza
Mall. Call 1-800-979-7120.
available on Saturdays 6pm to 8am at the
Greenville Community Shelter. $5.00 to
start. kA great resume addition to those
with or needing human service back-
ground. No calls. Apply at 207 Manhat-
tan Ave. between 12-7pm weekdays.
WANTED Individuals, Student Organi-
zations and Small Croups to Promote
FREE TRIPS Call the Nation's Leader,
Inter-Campus Programs, http: 1-800-327-6013
up to $25-45hr. teaching basic conversa-
tional English in Japan, Taiwan, or S.
Korea. No teaching background or Asian
languages required. For information call:
(206 6321146 ext J53622.
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
travel. Seasonal & full-time employment
available. No experience necessary. For
more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext
Luxurious hotels are now hiring seasonal
positions. Lifeguards, food service, house-
keepers, hosthostess, and front desk staff.
Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-
632-0150 ext. R53621.
We also buy
Also Broken Gold
CD players
Student Swap Shop
HRS. THURS-FRI 10-12,1:30 -5& SAT FROM 10-1
come into the staff parking lot in front of wachovia downtown,
k drive to back door & ring buzzer
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how hundreds of students are already earn-
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S1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 301-306-1207.
broke, want to get paid everyday, Call
Playmates Massage, Snow Hill, NC 747-
addressed stamped envelope to OMNI
Enterprises: Weight PO Box 2624
Greenville NC 27836-0624
MAKE 51,000'S weekly processing mail
orders at home. Send self addressed en-
velope to OMNI Enterprises PO Box 2624
Greenville NC 27836-0624.
quired for fast paced growing credit re-
porting business. Only hard workers need
apply. Hours flexible. Morning hours pre-
ferred. Apply in person at 206 Charles
Blvd. Ask for Chris or Angela.
EARN EXTRA MONEY part-time in Equi-
nox for more information call 830-2178
play in Acoustic Band at BW-3. Can make
up to $180 in one night. Call Mike 758-
ST Services
SINGLE GUYS & GIRLS: Meet someone
special on The New Date Line leave &
retreive messages 24 hrs a day. 1-900-255-
8585 ext 7726 2.99 per minute. Must be
18 yrs Touch Tone Phone Required Seru-
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30lbs. Next 90 days. New Metabolism
Breakthrough Guaranteed. Dr. Recom-
mended. $34.95 mcvisa. 1-800-211-6382.
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Call Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F53623.
THING MORE? Wax Revolver DJ Services
is your ANSWER! We have the best selec-
tion of music in Greenville. Call 758-5026
ask for Sean and Book your Party Now!
available. Billions of dollars in grants.
Qualify immediately. 1-800-243-2435 (1-
KAPPA ALPHA: Thank you so much for
the predowntown Halloween night. We all
had a grueling time jigging with you guys
all night. Love CHI OMEGA
CHI OMEGA Friday night was awesome.
We're looking forward to dancing with you
again. Love the Brothers and Pledges of
you've been picked, you're the chosen one.
Don't be shy it's going to be lots of fun.
Don't forget it's tonight at 8:00. At the
Elbo, so don't be late. Love the ALPHA
To the "DELTA SIG GUY" Love to run
into you at the Bean Bag Coffee Shop.
Let's keep each other warm this season.
ATTENTION LADIES: Greenville's Old-
est and Largest Escort Service is now hir-
ing due to our expanding Business. Earn
up to $1,500 plus per week. Escorting in
the Greenville and surrounding areas. You
must be at least 18 years of age, Have own
phone and transportation. We are also
hiring Male and Female Dancers for Pri-
vate Parties. Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 758-0896 or Emerald City Escorts a
757-3477 for an Interview. Est. 1990.
THE PARTY IS ON! Your party ain't
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile
Music Productions is "the' disc jockey
service for your party or social function.
Widest variety of any disc jockey company
in Greenville. Specializing in the needs of
ECU Organizations and Greeks. Dates are
filling fast, so call early. Ask for Lee 758-
sentation. Typing, Word Processing, Re-
sumes. Fast Accurate, Inexpensive. Heidi
321-8282. If No Answer, Please Leave a
Message. Your Call WILL be Returned.
Breakthrough Guarenteed. Dr. Recom-
mended. 3 programs available. $35.50 mc
visa 1-800-211-6382.
NEED TYPING? Campus Secretary offers
speedy, professional service: campus pick-
up and delivery. Familiar with all formats.
Low rates. Call Cindy at 355-3611.
terested in professional nails at reasonable
prices call Linda at 830-0639. Nail tips
$25.00, nail art. fill ins, and over 100 col-
ors choose from. All done by a Professional
Cosmosologist. Call Day and Early
Evening - leave message
away, so enter now. November 16 at
KAPPA SIGMA at 9:30. Any questions?
Call Michelle 931-0207.
KA: We are looking forward to tonight's
pre-downtown. Love the Sisters and new
members of ALPAH XI DELTA.
TKE Thanks for the social last Thursday.
We had a great time. Love the sisters and
new members of ALPHA XI DELTA.
COW PASTURES, Teddy talks. I never,
Pops, BensonAlpha Xi Delta Sisterhood
Retreat The Tradition began Saturday No-
vember 4, 1995.
the Halloween social! You guys looked
great and we had a lot of fun. Love, ZETA
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Sigma, Pi
Lambda Phi. Delta Sigma. Alpha Delta Pi.
and Alpha Omicron Pi for inviting us to
your social at the Elbo. We all had a great
time seeing everyone. Love: CHI OMEGA
SIGMA PI: We all had a wonderful time
listening to jazz and sipping fine wine with
you guys. Thank you so much for inviting
us to such a classy social. Love: CHI
Spring Break!
Bahamas Party Cruise
It's Better In The Bahamas
15 Meal ? 6 Parties
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Attention Spring Breakers!
Book Now! JamaicaCancun $369,
Bahamas $299,
Panama CityDay ton $129.
Sell Trips, Earn Cash, Go Free
SPRING BREAK, Bahamas or Florida
Keys. Spend it on your own PRIVATE
YACHT, one week only $385.00 per per-
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Thursday, November 9, 1995 The East Carolinian
Welcomes faculty, staff, students and
visitors to a discussion on hog farm
waste in North Carolina. Dr. Clifton
Knight from the Department of Biol-
ogy will deliver the keynote address.
The event will be held in Mendenhall
(Social Room) on Thursday, November
9, 1995 at 3:15pm.
The last SNCAE meeting of the semes-
ter will be on Thursday Nov. 9 at
4:30pm in Speight 308. We will have
several first and second year teachers
from different grade levels. Come en-
joy our teacher talks and get some tips.
The next Gamma Beta Phi meeting will
be on Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 5:00 in MSC
room 244. Come here about the state
convention and get ideas for those fi-
nal service projects. Also, do not for-
get to think about officers for next se-
Interested in voicing your opinion re-
garding student policies and proce-
dures for the new Student Recreation
Center? Get involved with this student
leadership opportunity and join the
SRC Policy and Program Committee
through Recreational Services. Call Pat
Cox at 328-6387 for the upcoming
meeting. We need your voice.
Will be having our first social ever at
the Final Score on Thursday, Novem-
ber 16th at 6:00pm. If you have any
questions please contact one of the
The Newman Catholic Student Center
invites you to worship with them. Sun-
day Masses: 11:30am and 8:30pm mass
at the Newman Center. 953 E. 10th St
two houses from the Fletcher Music
Building. For further information,
please call Fr. Paul Vaeth, 757-1991.
Don't be turned away from pre-regis-
tration because of an upaid parking
ticket! Check with Parking and Traffic
Services to be sure your record is not
tagged for an outstanding citation. Visa
and Mastercard now accepted for pay-
ment of fines and permits! Call 328-
Getting a little rusty with your table
and social manners? Margie Swartout,
Assistant Director of Career Services,
will conduct workshops on business eti-
quette and appropriate conduct during
the business meal for students who are
involved in the job search. Information
on what to expect and how to prepare
for the second interview at the
company's location will also be dis-
cussed. The programs will be held on
Tue. Nov. 14 at 2:00 and Nov. 28 at
5:00pm. Please sign up at Career Ser-
Students interested in this seminar on
internships and apprenticeships in pub-
lic transportation are 1 nvited to attend
one of two presentations by a repre-
sentative from the NC Dept. of Public
Having trouble
finding where to
drop off
Classifieds and
Forms for
Classifieds and
can be picked up
in Mendenhall and
dropped off in the
Have you seen or been
a part of a news story
and wonder why it was
not in TEC? Give us a call
at ECU-6366 to see that
future news stories are
not over looked!
Transportation. They will he held on
Now 9 at 11:00am in Brewster D-209
and at 2:30pm in Career Services 103.
This is a one-year paid experience for
graduating seniors and enrolled gradu-
ate students. Open to all. especially stu-
dents majoring in urban planning, pub-
lic or business administration, or re-
lated programs.
This is an overview of Career Services
that targets graduating students seek-
ing fulltime career positions. Instruc-
tion on campus interview procedures,
setting up a credentials file and regis-
tering with Career Services will be cov-
ered on Thur. Nov. 9 at 4:00pm and
Mon. Nov. 13 at 3:00pm
St Peter's Catholic Church in Greenville
is again sponsoring an International
Dinner in the Parish Hall on Saturday,
November 11. The hearty Southwest-
ern menu will feature Taco Salad, Beef
or Chicken Fajitas and Cheese Enchi-
ladas with Salsa, Chips. Rice and Cin-
namon Ice Cream. Take outs begin at
5:00 and table service at 6:30. Tickets
may be purchased any weekday at the
Church Rectory, as well as at the door.
Adults $7.00 and Children $3.50 (Chil-
dren under five admitted free). Pro-
ceeds will benefit St. Pete's Church and
Walkers and runners get your shoes on
and sign-up. This 2.2 mile predicted
time race will be on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 14 at 4pm on the Bunting Track.
Participants are eligible to win turkeys,
cobbler pies, turkey subs, and more. In-
terested individuals should register in
204 Christenbury Gym by Monday, No-
vember 13 at 5pm. For more informa-
tion call Recreational Services 328-
Recreational Services, all fitness
classes are 6 classes for $6. Sign-up now
through November 10 in 204
Christenbury Gymnasium. The session
begins on November 13. Pick up a com-
plete class schedule in 204
Christenbury Gym or call 328-6387 for
more details.
Bingo, prizes, food and fun will all be
on hand Wednesday, November 15 at
8pm in the Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter Multipurpose Room. Everything is
free and participants are encouraged
to bring a canned food donation for the
Greenville Community Shelter. For
more information call Recreational Ser-
vices at 328-6387.
Invites you to attend it's annual Wine
and Cheese social on Tuesday Novem-
ber 14 from 5-7pm Join us in the Gen-
eral Classroom Building on the 3rd
floor lobby. Please bring an ID if ynn
plan to drink.
The Video Yearbook Staff encourages
any students interested in working on
the video yearbook to register for
Comm 3271 Video Magazine. The
course provides great communication
experience. It is not necessary to b? i
Communication Major. Any questions
call Comm office 328-4227.
A talk on "Why I am a Buddhist An
Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism from
a Western Viewpoint" will be given by
Lama Yeshe Gyamtso at 7:30pm, Thurs-
day, November 16, in the Unitarian -I Ini-
versalist Church, 131 Oakmont Drive
(across the street from the Greenville
Athletic Club). Lama Yeshe was born
in Canada and has completed two tra-
ditional three-year retreats. He has also
served as translator for many distin-
guished Tibetand lamas. The talk is
sponsored in part by the Buddhist
Meditation and Study Group of ECU.
Call 756-8315 for more information.
Is an Exciting Monthly. Christ-Centered
Singles Fellowship where hundreds of
Christian Singles thoughout the East-
ern NC Area gather for fun. interaction
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where Christian singles gather to meet
new friends. For more information just
call 1-800-ITSTYME (487-8963) Mon-
day-Thursday between 9-5 anil Friday
9-12 (3Hrs.) SEE YOU THERE!
Group meeting 7:30 Monday, Novem-
ber 13, 1995 First Presbyterian Church,
14th & Elm Streets Greenville, NC. Jen-
nifer Gilbreath to speak on The Red
Wolf Program in the Alligator River
Refuge: A Howling Success or and En-
dangered Species?
Great opportunities
available with
The East Carolinian.
We are now taking applications for the following positions for the
spring semester. If you want to participate in the university's only
student run newspaper, come fill out an application in The East
Carolinian's office on the second floor of the Student Publications
building anytime between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm Monday
through Friday. It's a great opportunity to gain experience, and hey,
we may even pay you!
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Vol. 2. No. 4
November?, 1995
Golden Hurricane blows into Greenville page 2
Fast Facts page 2
Lorenzo West page 3
Kevin Wiggins page 4
Matt Levine page 5
Photo Cour tesy of Clit f Hollis
Game day
Saturday, November 11, 1995

November 9,1995
The End Zone
ECU looking to finish strong at home
Tulsa is the next
obstacle for bowl
hungry Pirates
Brian Paiz
End Zone Editor
After assuring itself of a second
straight winning season with a victory
against Army last weekend, ECU contin-
ues its "March towards Memphis" this Sat-
urday as they face the Golden Hurricane
of Tulsa.
Tulsa comes into the game with a 4-
5 record, which includes last week's .ess
at Brigham Young . ECU HeadCoach Steve
Logan knows how pivotal this game is for
his Pirates.
"We've got a good football team in
Tulsa University coming in here that has
played good football all year long" said
The Golden Hurricane, coached by
Dave Rader, are led by 6-foot-l,215 pound
quarterback Troy Degar. The junior slinger
has passed for 1,160 yards and six touch-
downs this season, after being lost for
last season with a knee injury. He has
completed 51 percent of his passes and
is third on Tulsa's squad in rushing, as
he has 233 yards on 99 carries and six
touchdowns. Degar is following such great
Brian Paiz
Celeste Wilson
Brad Oldham
Asst. Editor
Amanda Ross
Craig Perrott
Dill Dillard
Tulsa Quarterbacks as T.J. Rubley and Gus
Frerotte, who are both in the NFL.
Leading the Golden Hurricane run-
ning attack is junior Solomon White. Last
week against BYU, White had 90 yards
on 17 carries and two touchdowns. White
entered the year as a Doak Walker candi-
date for the nations best running back,
but he suffered a pulled hamstring early
in the season that slowed him down. White
had 146 yards and two touchdowns
against the Pirates last season.
Michael Kedzior leads Tulsa's receiv-
ing corps. The senior has had two 100-
plus receiving games in Tulsa's first five
contests. He ranks seventh on Tulsa's all-
time receiving chart behind such names
as Steve Largent and Chris Penn, who Pi-
rate fans should remember well from his
performance in Greenville in 1993.
Kedizor has 38 catches for 517 yards and
three touchdowns in '95.
On the defensive side of the ball for
Tulsa, senior defensive end Sedric Clark
and junior middle linebacker Muadianvita
Kazadi lead the way. Clark is looking to
establish career records for quarterback
sacks this season, and so far he is well
on his way as he has seven sacks on the
year. He also ranks in a tie for third on
the team with 52 tackles. Kazadi leads
the team in tackles with 78. Against
Baylor earlier in the season, Kazadi had
19 tackles, including 11 solos.
Pirate quarterback Marcus Crandell
will have to keep his eye on safety Jer-
emy Bunch. The 6-foot, 200 pound jun-
ior ranks third in the nation with six in-
terceptions. Bunch also has 75 tackles,
including 50 solos and six pass deflec-
On special teams for the Golden Hur-
ricane look out for sophomore Jason
Jacoby. In the last two
seasons, Jacoby has had
two 100 yard kickoff
returns, including one
last week against BYU.
This season, Jacoby is
averaging 25 yards per
kickoff return.
The Pirates have
their final two games at
home for the first time
in a long while. ECU is
6-3 and leads the Lib-
erty Bowl Alliance, wins
over Tulsa this week,
and Memphis next
week, would send the
Pirates back to the Lib-
erty Bowl for the sec-
ond straight year.
ECU seemed to
find its offense in last
week's victory over
Army, and Crandell and
his receiving corps
looks like they are on
the same page of the
playbook for the first time in a while. Jems
McPhail has come on strong in the last
two weeks, after suffering an injury
against Cincinnati, and Jason Nichols and
Mitchell Galloway have had solid perfor-
mances at receiver.
On defense, the Pirates are continu-
ing their strong play, led by Morris Fore-
man, who had probably the best game of
his career last week against Army. Mark
Libiano leads the Pirates in tackles with
102 on the season.
If the Pirates can get a lead early,
they should be able to send the Golden
Hurricane back to Tulsa with a loss.
Photo Courtesy of ECU SID
Freshman Split End Troy Smith has 10
receptions for 161 yards on the year.
Photo by KEN CLARK
ECU'S defense has been much improved this season under second
year defensive coordinator Paul Jette.
Location - Tulsa, OK
founded - 1894
Enrollment - 4,800
Head Coach. - Dave Rader
ITickname- Golden
Colors - Gold, Blue and
Stadium - Skelly (40,835)
Conference- Independent
Current Record 4-5
tiCff v$ tfuUa
Tulsa leads 3-1
1993 Tulsa 52
ECU 26
Notes This wilbe
Tulsa's last season as an
Independent. Next
season the Golden
Hurricane will join the
Western Athletic
Conference (WAC).

The End Zone
November 9,1995
West a proven leader on Pirate defense
Lorenzo West
Defensive tackle
took a rocky road in
becoming a Pirate
Craig Perrott
End Zone Writer
ECU defensive tackle Lorenzo West
is one of the most emotional players
on the Pirate football team. Off the
field, West considers himself to be a
quiet person who keeps to himself, but
don't tell his competitors that. He says
he's easy to get along with as long as
you don't cross a certain line. The Pi-
rates' foes must have crossed that line
this season, as West has terrorized the
opposing team's backfield in every game
this year.
West was born and raised in At-
lanta, Ga and was raised by his mother
after his father died when he was eight
years old. His dream as a child was to
make his mom happy.
"If there's one person I play for,
it's my mom West said.
The 6-3, 238 pound junior was re-
cruited by such institutions as Georgia
Tech, Clemson, South Carolina, UNC,
Mississippi State and Miami. West origi-
nally intended to attend Georgia Tech,
but an off the field incident changed
his mind.
"On the Friday before the Sunday
that I was supposed to report for foot-
ball practice, I went out with my friends
for a little going away party West tells.
"Another car pulled up beside me, I
looked to the left and a pistol was
pointed at my head. The guy could have
killed me, but he shot my car about five
times instead. It was at that point I knew
I didn't want to stay in the city around
these same people doing the same
West headed for the more subdued
Greenville area, and has been an im-
pact player on the Pirate football team
ever since. West says he has consistently
played well this season, and believes
that the team is improving from week
to week.
"We struggled a little bit at the be-
ginning of the season. In the Temple
game we got closer to were we needed
to be, and in the Southern Miss game,
we put it all together he said.
The Pirates have achieved one of
their preseason goals of having a win-
ning season this year, and West says
that the team has been motivated to ac-
complish this goal from the beginning.
"It started this summer, when all
the guys decided that we were commit-
ted to winning. We decided to go out
and execute on Saturday at a level we
know we can perform
West also had some doubts coming
into the season about certain defensive
positions, but the move of Travis Darden
to nose guard and the return of line-
backer Aaron Black rekindled his confi-
dence in the Pirate "D
Next year the defensive unit will
lose perennial
contributors such
as Morris Fore-
man, Mark
Libiano and
Walter Scott. West
believes, however,
that the players
behind them will
step up next year.
"We won't be
as solid next year,
but we'll be
West likes the
chances of the Pi-
rates returning to
the Liberty Bowl
this year, and
likes the idea of
the Liberty Bowl
Alliance itself.
"ECU now has
something to play
for every year.
This season we
have put ourselves
in a position to go
back to the Lib-
erty Bowl; we con
trol our own des-
Pirate fact:
West is no.
45, and was
signed as an in-
side linebacker
with the no. 1 be-
fore being moved
to defensive
tackle. West ad-
mired a Miami
player who wore
no.l, and wanted
to see what it
would feel like to
wear the number.
West used it as a
request on the
bargaining table
during his nego-
tiations when
signing with the Pirates.
"I told them I would come to ECU
if I could be number one. After a sea-
son, I decided to change my number
Lorenzo West DT
'It started this summer,
when all the guys decided
that we were committed to
,?,?, ? ?? ???? . i- .
and give it to my roommate who said
that he wanted it
His roommate? Pirate wide receiver
Jason Nichols.
Photo Courtesy of ECU SID
Lorenzo West, seen here sacking Auburn quarterback Patrick Nix, leads the Pirate
defense this year in quarterback sacks, and has started all nine games.
Join Brian and Brad Thursday Nights at
7 p.m. on Pirate Talk on WZMB 91.3 FM.

November 9,1995
The End Zone
Wiggins competing with the "big boys
Kevin Wiggins
The senior center
from Pink Hill, NC
has more than
proven himself
Dill Dillard
End Zone Writer
An everyday grenade is approxi-
mately the size of an ordinary baseball,
but that same grenade has the ability
to blow a gaping hole in a brick wall.
That's probably the best analogy you
could use to describe senior center
Kevin Wiggins.
Standing only at 6-foot2 and weigh-
ing in at a light 264 pounds, most would
look at his dimensions and ask if he's a
"big" tight end. Despite his smaller stat-
ure and being one of the smallest start-
ing centers in division one football,
Wiggins has been considered to be a
cornerstone in the Pirate offensive line.
Along with being one of the quickest
offensive linemen on the team it has
given Wiggins the opportunity to be
more versatile in Logan's offensive set
seeing snaps as a guard, center, tight
end and even a fullback in a few situa-
Wiggins has often been described
as a leader and one of the hardest work-
ers on the team. The stout trench man
has definitely earned his label coming
to ECU as a walk-on and earning a Schol-
arship as well as a leadership role on
the offensive line.
"Well in high school different
schools like Georgia Tech , Duke, ECU
sent letters, but mostly the smaller
schools like Chowan and Wingate sent
me stuff said Wiggins.
Coming out of Pink Hill, N.C. and
South Lenoir High School, Wiggins could
be described as talented, but slightly
"For a while I thought I was going
to N.C. State the way they were recruit-
ing me, but right at the end they told
me that I was too small and that I could
try and walk on. I didn't appreciate that
too much. After what they did I decided
that there was no way I was walking on
there Wiggins added.
Despite a few broken promises
made by State, Wiggins' hopes of play-
ing division one college football were
not broken. After considering the loca-
tion of the school, Wiggins decided to
take his talents to near by ECU.
"Growing up so close to Greenville,
I have always liked ECU football he
said. Plus I had a brother that was here
and I wanted to be close to home so it
would be easy for my family to come
see me play,
Now many are not aware that
Wiggins' first year as a Pirate was 1991,
the year that ECU went 11-1 and capped
the season with a victory over N.C. State
in the Peach Bowl. Wiggins played a
small role that year on the ninth ranked
Pirates of '91, being red-shirted and
playing center on the practice squad.
"When I was a freshman, it was
Okay. It was fun, we were winning , and
we finished 11-1, but! wasn't playing
said Wiggins.
After the Peach Bowl was over and
the echoes of the cheering crowd in At-
lanta had died, Wiggins faced yet an-
other hardship.
"My freshman year, I had mono
which killed my size. I lost a lot of the
weight I worked hard to get over the
duration of the season Wiggins com-
After getting over the wearing ill-
ness the young wal- on was everything,
but discouraged. After long days in the
gym in the off season, his hard work
finally paid off dividends as Wiggins
went on to play three games in the '92
season and played a starting role in the
past three seasons. From a walk on to
the anchor man of the offensive line,
Wiggins has been a vital cog in the ECU
machine that has propelled itself to one
Liberty Bowl appearance and possibly
a second at the end of this season.
"The past three seasons, including
this one has been different from the '91
season said Wiggins. "I look at the
Liberty Bowl season last year and the
opportunity to return to Memphis this
year and it's more meaningful, because
I was helping make it happen on the
As everybody knows, with two more
victories the Bucs would have the op- the Army and Southern Miss games, it
portunity to return to Memphis, and no seem to come together Wiggins added,
one would enjoy that more than the se- "I'd have to admit it would be nice to
niors on this Pirate squad. get back to Memphis, but first ti.ings
"We started out slow, you know first, we have to get it done against
playing strong for only a half, but after Tulsa
Brian Paiz
End Zone Editor
ECU 35
Tulsa 21
"ECU jumps on Tulsa early, helps improve home
record to 4-0
Brad Oldham
End Zone Asst. Editor
ECU 31
Tulsa 10
"Pirates get one step closer to playing Dec. 30 in
Mike Hamrick
ECU Athletic Director
ECU 38
Tulsa 14
"Pirate fans see home team take another victory'
Stephanie Lassiter
TEC Editor-in-Chief
ECU 38
Tulsa 21
"Even Redskins' quarterback Gus Frerotte couldn't
give the Golden Hurricane a win
ECU 35
Tulsa 17
Amanda Ross
TEC Sports Editor
"ECU captializes on Tulsa's overmatched defense
Brian Bailey
WNCT-9 Sports Director
"Pirates start packing for Memphis.
ECU 35
Tulsa 13

The End Zone
November 9,1995
Levine striving as ECU'S punter
The sophomore
hooter is working
hard at his game.
Amanda Ross
End Zone Writer
"Nobody is ever
going to give you
anything. You
must work for
everything you
Many people might argue that a
punter does not have much impact on
a team. But don't tell that to Matt
Levine, ECU'S starting punter for
the second consecutive year, is coming
off an impressive season in '94. He av-
eraged 42.6 yards per punt last season,
and finished the year ranked 15th in
punting average in the final NCAA
This season he is only averaging
35.5 yards per punt but contributes his
lower numbers to the offense moving
the ball down the field,
so he doesn't have to
punt as far. But he still
isn't too pleased with
his performance.
"I think it has been
a disappointing year
for myself said
Levine. "To average six
or seven yards a kick
less than last year, I
pretty much think it is
inexcusable mmmmmmmmrm
Levine did explode
for his longest punt of the year against
Temple. He booted one 58 yards his best
yet on the year, however he has had
two other punts to go 50 yds. He has
punted 16-50 inside the 20 yard line.
Levine has racked up a total of 1776
yards for the year.
Last year he was a member of the
second All-Independent team, and is a
preseason candidate for this year also.
He was a member of the All-Carolinas
team by The Charlotte Observer.
This one time former quarterback
came to ECU solely for punting. He was
a punter in high school and sometimes
played quarterback to fill what he called
a void on the team.
His experience as a quarterback
helped him last season against South
Carolina where he completed two passes
on a fake field goal and fake punt. He
hit Scott Richards with a 25-yard TD
pass on the fake field goal attempt.
For people who say punting the
ball is a breeze, Levine has something
different to say.
"There is the image you have to just
go out and kick the ball and there's a
lot more to it than that added Levine.
Levine believes that people who re-
ally know and understand the game re-
alize there is more to it than meets the
His 15th ranking last year made
Levine feel pretty good to finish that
high, and gave him high expectations
for this year. But Levine doesn't feel
he is performing well enough to uphold
that ranking for this year, but it does
give him a goal to strive for next year.
Many times the punters are roughed
up and beat down by the opponents.
Levine has seen his fair share of hits
but he gets right up and keeps on go-
ing. He has a lot of confidence in the
line and believes they will protect him.
"Basically if it happens, it happens.
But most of the time we are able to get
the ball off and our guys can get down
the field and cover pretty well Levine
? Matt Levine
This honor roll
player believes aca-
demics are very im-
portant in one's
life. Levine says
academics should
play a big role in an
athletes life be-
cause so few play-
ers really make it
big in the pros.
? ? "Everybody
says athletes come
to be athletes, but if you do not get
your education then your really not go-
ing to be able to make anything with
your life after college he said.
Leaven's favorite quote is about
hard work and dedication, a motto he
lives by.
"Nobody is ever going to give you
anything. You must work for everything
you earn
Levine feels that if someone is of-
fering you something for free you had
better read between the lines. Unex-
pected events can catch up with you
later on down the road and come back
to haunt you.
"I think you always need to prepare
yourself to make the most of what you
think you can. Try not to let anyone hold
you down and keep you back from what
you really want to be doing.
When Levine finds some spare time
he takes advantage of it by just relax-
"I'm just an average kid, I like to
This sophomore from North
Phot Courtesy of ECU SID
Sophmore punter Matt Levine is trying to follow in the footsteps of
former ECU punter John Jett, now a member of the Dallas Cowboys.
Potomac, Md. came to ECU from successful job possibly in the account-
Wootton High School. ing field.
As a business major he sees a bright "Hopefully everything will work out
future ahead of him. He hopes to find a for the best
Matt Levine
G No. Yards
9 50 1776
Don't sit on the sidelines. Get in on the
action.Student tickets are available at
the athletic ticket office. So you better
get yours before they run out!

November 9,1995
The End Zone
Liberty Bowl puzzle becoming more clear
If Big East doesn't
get fourth team,
Liberty Bowl will
look elsewhere
Brad Oldham
Senior Writer
One out of three noble achieve-
ments have been accomplished already
this season by the Pirates.
With ECU'S 31-25 win over Army
last Saturday, the Pirates have ensured
themselves their second consecutive
winning season for the first time in
twelve years.
And with a one game lead over Cin-
cinnati (5-4) in the Liberty Bowl Alli-
ance with two games remaining, the
Pirates look to be repeat champions of
the five member correlation again this
But ask the Pirates if either of these
accomplishments hold the weight of a
coveted Liberty Bowl Championship,
and you'll see that this season still has
a lot left to be proven for coach Steve
Looa and his squad.
" The anticipation of ECU returning
to Memphis again this December has
already begun throughout Greenville,
even though Logan and company know
that the second-place Bearcats are
breathing down their necks with two
games left in the season.
Remember, if Cincinnati and ECU
finish up with the same records, the fact
that the Bearcats won the match-up in
the regular season will put them ahead
of us in the alliance. Southern Missis-
sippi (4-5), Memphis (3 6), and Tulane
(2-7) have already made their golf tee-
times for December.
If ECU can win these last two games
here at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium and fin-
ish 8-3 on the season, there's no ques-
tion that we're in the Liberty Bowl.
The two wins will also give Logan
his best record as head coach, after fin-
ishing 7-5 last season, 2-9 in 1993, and
5-6 in his rookie year as head coach
the season before.
So, with the season winding down,
the tension's heating up, not only to
see who the Liberty Bowl Alliance Cham-
pion will be, but who they will play on
December 30th in Memphis. The Big
East fourth place finisher is the planned
opponent, but with the Big East having
a down year this season, there's a
chance that four teams won't have the
required six victories to participate.
The likely choice from the Big East
is West Virginia, whom the Pirates pre-
viously beat this season here in
Greenville. A rematch of the Mountain-
eers would not only be exciting for ECU,
because we know we can beat them, but
also for WVU, who have revenge on their
mind. The biggest roadblock for West
Virginia is Saturday's game at Miami
against the Hurricanes.
What happens if only three teams
from the Big East have the six required
victories? That's what Bob Martin, head
of the St. Jude Liberty Bowl Alliance
must decide.
The early candidates of teams out-
side the Big East include Oklahoma,
Iowa, Wisconsin, University of Mary-
land, and UCLA. And with the likelihood
of West Virginia not being able to beat
Miami, look for one of these teams to
be a possible opponent.
And with the Pirates on track to re-
turn to the Bowl, ECU fans are ready
for Memphis. The question is: is Mem-
phis ready for us?
"We're definitely excited about the
possibility of ECU coming back to Mem-
phis Martin said.
"We believe that this season, ECU
Liberty Bowl Alliance
East Carolina
Southern Miss
This week's games
Tulsa at East Carolina
Southern Miss at Memphis
Cincinnati at Kentucky
Rutgers at Tulane
fans will be even bigger in numbers than
last season, and will be even more sup-
portive and more active than last year
Martin has added an exciting col-
lege basketball game the night before
the big-game, matching up the Temple
Owls with the Memphis Tigers. This is
just a taste of the many activities that
will take place to help the St. Jude Hos-
pital of Memphis, a children's hospital
that has been offering free medical care
to thousands of children suffering from
catastrophic diseases such as Leukemia.
"The St. Jude Hospital is ultimately
what this whole weekend is all about.
Since the early 1970's, our cure rate
has increased 40 percent thanks to do-
nations and fund-raisers such as this
Liberty Bowl Martin said.
Martin advises ECU students that
if the Pirates win the Alliance, they
should reserve early, and be ready for
an exciting weekend.
"Its going to be great here in Mem-
phis. The weather is always good, and
if ECU is coming, we are going to throw
them a party on Thursday and Friday
night on Beale Street like they've never
Hey, sounds like our kind of town,
Cutie Pirates
Photo by KEN CLARK
Even Pirate fans young at heart, hope ECU makes a return trip
to the Liberty Bowl December 30th in Memphis, Tenn.

The End Zone
November 9,1995
East Carolina
Marcus Crandell
Scott Harley
Mitchell Galloway
Jason Nichols
Troy Smith
Scott Richards
Charles Boothe
Jamie Gray
Kevin Wiggins
Lamont Burns
Shane McPherson
WLB 81
MLB 51
Walter Scott
Travis Darden
Lorenzo West
Morris Foreman
Mark Libiano
Marvin Burke
Travis Darden
David Hart
Dwight Henry
Daren Hart
Emmanuel McDaniel
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DE 92 Sedric Clark
DT 93 Cornelious Butler
DT 42 Mark Haberfield
DE 98 Sean O'Boyle
WLB 56 Chris Fowler
MLB 55 Muadianvita Kazadi
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CB 19 Malcolm Williams
CB 25 Terrance Joseph
S 21 Levi Gilien
S 3 Jeremy Bunch
SE 83 Marshall Gordon
QT 79 Michael Ruhl
QG 52 Brad Smith
C 66 David Milwee
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' '
- y .l.uimHM?ftii in ?'?
November 9,1995
The End Zone
Sept. 2
Sept. 9
Sept. 16
Sept. 23
Sept. 30
Oct. 7
Oct. 21
Oct. 28
Nov. 4
Nov. 11
Nov. 18
The Rood to
at Tennessee (L, 7-27)
at Syracuse (W, 27-24)
Central Michigan (W, 30-17)
at Illinois (L, 0-7)
West Virginia (W, 23-20)
at Cincinnati (L, 10-13)
Temple (W 32-22)
at Southern Miss (W 36-34)
at Army (W 31-25)
Tulsa (2:00 p.m.)
Memphis (Noon)

The East Carolinian, November 9, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 09, 1995
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