The East Carolinian, October 31, 1995

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Vol 71, No. 19
Clearly Labled
The Least Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
Least Carolina University
Emerald City, N C
12 pases
Around the State
Raleigh - In hopes of becom-
ing more like their counterparts.
N.C. State University is now of-
fering a course entitled "How to
party like the Pirates Students
enrolled in the course will take
field trips to downtown
Greenville to participate in bar
crawls, as well as study various
methods for reaching high level
Chapel Hili - Students at
the University of North Carolina
gathered in the Dean Dome last
night for a lecture "How to look
and act more like Biff and Buffy"
sponsored by the university's lib-
eral arts department. The lecture
included a fashion show by
Chapel Hill native Alexander
Julian. For copies of the speech
call 1-800-I-wanna-be-a-prep.
Around the Country
Washington, D.C. - Presi-
dent Bill Clinton is outraged over
what he is calling the nation's
worst nightmare. Clinton said
D.C. residents Newt Gingrich and
Bob Packwood were seen at Thee
Dollhouse stuffing $3 bills into
the thongs of dancers. Ironically
the "queer-dollar bills" portrayed
Clinton's face.
Atlanta, Ga. - Ted Turner
and Jane Fonda began marketing
"pony-tail caps" following the
Braves' World Series win over the
Indians. Fonda, seen clutching
Turner's toupee as the Indians
took their last turn at bat had
her ponytail fashioned in a "I-
wish-I-was-stilI-25 hair color"
pulled through a hole strategi-
cally located on the top of her
Braves cap. After the game, thou-
sands of women, and some long-
haired men, surrounded Fonda in
a quest for her caD.
Charleston, S.C. - Officials
in the athletic department of The
Citadel released yesterday the
academy's new mascot the Neu-
ter Bulldog. The androgynous
canine has recently been entered
in a weight loss clinic and is un-
dergoing therapy for manic de-
pression and the I-thought-I-
could-handle-it syndrome.
Around the World
London - As part of her Hal-
loween tradition Queen Eliza-
beth II dressed the Queen
Mother as Arnold
Schwartzenagar. The Queen
Mother attended her grandson's
Halloween festivities at the pres-
tigious Eton College. Upon leav-
ing Eton, the Queen Mother
mumbled "I'll be back
Iraq - Monsoon hurricanes
swept over much of the Middle
East last week wiping out thou-
sands of natives and sending
President Saddam Hussein to Ice-
land. After waking up from a four-
day coma Hussein said "Well I
guess this is what hell looks like
when it freezes over. There's no
place like home
Logan dissed for real Million Dollar Man
N. Da Money
Staff Writer
Steve Logan is out, Lee Majors
is in.
That's right, when word made it
to Hollywood that the ECU football
coach was offered a 10-year, $1 mil-
lion contract, actor Lee Majors was
outraged and subsequently called a
press conference.
"I'm the million dollar man
Majors told correspondent Sam
"Sure my show was 'The Six Mil-
lion Dollar Man' in the '70s, but I
haven't worked in six or seven years
I'll take what I can get Majors
told a room full of high power media
officials yesterday.
Majors also ensured the ECU
alumni of his intentions. In a Home-
coming Alumni Radio Address, he
assured the alumni of his capabili-
ties on the Pirate Football helm.
"I'm the Fall Guy' damnit, not
Logan! I'm the one that never spent
much time in school, but still taught
ladies plenty. I'm the one who's
never been seen with anything less
than a nine so fine.
I hereby challenge Logan to a
pay-per-view, barefisted, brutal,
bloody battle to the death - to the
death exclaimed the valium-de-
Werewolf returns
Cereal mascot
returns to the
public eye
Bucky Sinister
Staff Writer
Beware, cereal lovers! The Fruit
Brute is making a comeback!
This overall-clad werewolf was
once a happy member of Genera!
Foods' family of "Monster Cereal"
mascots. Along with fellow monster
mascots Frankenberry and Count
Chocula. Fruit Brute was the idol of
cereal-munching children every-
But all was not well in
Monsterland, and the Fruit Brute
was dismissed by his patent company
in 1979. Following a brief attempt
at a comeback as an adversary for
the Crunchberry Beast in a seldom-
seen ad campaign in 1980, the Fruit
Brute vanished from public scrutiny.
The amiable lycanthrope has long
been thought dead by cold cereal
fans the world over.
But now, bolstered by the suc-
cess of his cameo appearance last
year in the Quentin Tarantino block-
buster Pulp Fiction, the Fruit Brute
is ready to take the world by storm.
"When 1 got the script, I
thought no, I knew that this was
the role for me Brute told TLC in
a recent interview. "Quentin's a good
kid. He loved my cereal when he was
a little boy, and the 12 essential vi-
tamins and iron 1 gave him every
morning helped him grow into the
man he is today. I can't thank him
Apparently, Tarantino feels the
same way about his star. "Fruit
Brute has always been a great ac-
tor he said. "He just hasn't gotten
the roles he needed to prove his tal-
ent Some people would disagree
with me, but it's true. I mean, have
you seen those Crunchberry com-
mercials? They're sheer brilliance
Nonetheless, Fruit Brute's con-
troversial role in Pulp Fiction has
caused quite a stir in the breakfast
cereal community. In the film. Fruit
Brute appears on a box of cereal be-
ing eaten by a drug dealer (played
by Eric Stolz). The scene is brief,
but some people feel it promotes
See WEREWOLF page 2
' development
J.B. Phibbin
Staff Writer
In a bold move today, MTV, the multimedia conglomerate and cable tele-
vision channel, announced that it has formed a fourth political faction, the
MTV party.
Citing national demand for more choices at the polls tomorrow, MTV
says it will sponsor a number of new candidates for public office in the up-
coming election.
Chief among these new candidates is screen actor John Travolta, who
will be running for a Congressional seat in California.
When asked why Travolta had decided to try his hand at politics, a repre-
sentative of MTV stated, "After Pulp Fiction and Get Shorty, John has the
respect of the people once again. He feels there is nothing he can't do, and we
believe him. This is a situation of perfect coincic" 'nee. We needed a strong
front-runner and John had this enormous ego
To make sure that enough press time is given to Travolta's candidacy
this close to voting time, MTV will be suspending their Tuesday night pro-
Instead of the eight hour special that was originally scheduled tor to-
night, "TLC, Silverchair and Alanis Morisette: How We Can Make Anyone
Love Music That Really Sucks MTV will be running a constant rotation of
"John Travolta: Look Who's Talking Doublespeak Now written in part by
new MTV party speechwriter, Quentin Tarantino.
Travolta could not be reached for comment at press time, but long-time
Travolta friend and sometime co-star Kirstie Alley, when asked what Travolta's
chances were, said, "John will win because of the female vote. He has one of
the greatest asses in the world. What woman wouldn't vote for that ass. Mmm,
1 would
MTV wants it known that Travolta is not the only candidate they have
jockeying for position. Gavin MacLeod, Captain Stubing from "The Love Boat"
will be running for office in Rhode Island, rock singer Jon Bon Jovi is up for
election in Massachusetts and swimsuit model Kathy Ireland will take it to
the voters in Louisiana.
All in all. MTV says they are satisfied with their presence at the polls this
year, especially given their late entrance into the race.
One MTV insider tells us that even if none of the candidates are elected,
they are taking steps toward getting Darryl Hall and John Oates to run for
the White House next year. Watch out boy, they'll chew you up. �
prived actorwanna-be football
"Ted (Turner) assured me in
1979 that when he is dating Jane
Fonda, the Atlanta Braves won the
World Series and pigs fly, I could
have the top Pirate position Majors
North Carolina is one of the big-
gest pork producers in the nation.
With this in mind, Majors rented a
double-wide just outside of Pitt
County near the pig farms, since that
would be the best place to observe
pigs in flight.
In a subsequent press release, Ted
Turner responded by stating, "Some-
one must have slipped some LSD into
my drink on the night Majors referred
to. I don't recall ever any statement
to the nature of the Braves winning
the World Series. I, furthermore, don't
remember exactly what happened that
night, but let's just say I was found
talking to lightpoles at 3 a.m
In a related story the Bionic
Woman herself, Lindsay Wagner, was
arrested by Pitt County Sheriffs depu
ties just outside of the chancellor's
house on Fifth Street. She was sub-
sequently charged with an attempted
double murder of Chancellor Eakin
and his wife. The deputies were tipped
off from a distraught and currently
unemployed attorney, Marcia Clark of
Los Angeles, CA.
Judge Pee Dee Dredd has yet to
schedule a tentative date for the
double murder charge facing Wagner
in Pitt County Superior Court. But
her legal "Dream Team" has already
jumped into the media circus with
both feet.
"If Lee Majors is going to be the
new football coach, Linday Wagner is
due for the chancellor's job. Her in-
tentions weren't murder at all. She
mistook the chancellor's house for the
Attic when heard from a friend known
only as Kato that Chairmen of the
Board were playing stated Wagner's
attorney Johnny Cochra'n.
"It was her first time in
Greenville, an honest mistake
Pee Dee hurt in explosion
Staff reports
ECU's mascot Pee Dee the Pi-
rate has survived an accident which
turned hii head into a pumpkin last
week. Pee Dee now has an orange
face following an explosion in the
chemistry department.
"I don't know what happened
said Id E. Ot, a chemistry major. "We
were doing an experiment on mu-
tating school mascots Pee Dee vol-
unteered and I guess the chemicals
got mixed up
Pee Dee is taking his new look
in stride and trying to keep his
pumpkin-head from rotting before
Halloween. He cannot talk because
no nose, mouth or eye holes have
been cut to date, but in a written
interview. Pee Dee seemed rather in-
different to the new image he faces.
"I think it's kind of cool Pee
Dee wrote. "Now people across the
country will really understand what
a big deal Halloween is in
Reports indicate that Southern
Mississippi's eagle mascot tried to
turn his face into pumpkin pie after
ECU's victory last weekend, but Pee
Dee tarred and feathered the tar-
nished bird.
Concerned administrators are
working day and night to pressure
a joint effort between the chemis-
try and biology departments in fix-
ing ECU's mascot. Pee Dee stated
he would wait patiently until they
can reverse
the effects of
the experi-
ment. He said
he would have
liked to have
been turned
into Brad Pitt
or Antonio
Banderas, but
his head is in
fact a pump-
kin and there's
nothing he
can do about
it. An insider
with ECU'S
center has
confirmed the
mascot is un-
der psychiatric
are going to
roll for this
one said
Chair I. Ex-
plode. "The
students weren't supposed to be
doing those experiments in that
area. It is strictly off limits to stu-
dents. Just because their student
fees pay for everything they used
doesn't mean anything.
Pee Dee's face will be gruesome
once again, as soon as our top-notch
scientists can figure out what the
Pee Dee looks
how foolish he
hie Photo
festive now, but just imagine
'II look come December.
hell they're doing
Until a solution can be found,
Pee Dee stated he will continue to
cheer ECU on, even when Christmas
rolls around (if his head hasn't rolled
off first). Students have expressed
delight at Pee Dee's new look, until
they find out the pumpkin may be
more than a temporary seasonal joke.
Kramer spotted on campus
Staff Reports
"Seinfeld" star Kramer was seen
cavorting around campus by several
The wacky fellow who plays Jerry
Seinfeld's friend Kramer was alleg-
edly in town looking for a replace-
ment for Seinfeld's girlfriend, the
insatiable, and very
much younger than
Jerry, Soshanna.
According to
Kramer's spokes-
person, he was
scoping out area
sorority houses 2 ; � .�
and dance clubs in
hopes of finding a "perky little babe"
to give Jerry for Christmas. Some stu-
dents thought this alibi was some-
what of a farce considering Seinfeld
is Jewish and does not celebrate
Christmas. Some proposed the idea
that Kramer was actually in town
working as a soda salesman at home
football games.
"I saw him at the Temple game
said sophomore Chip Dip. "He was
in the student section bellowing
Coke, Pepsi I said to my girlfriend,
'Girlfriend, doesn't that dude look
like Kramer? She thought he did too.
We just laughed. And to think all
along it was him
Dean of Students Ronald Smear
said someone claiming to be Kramer
called his office requesting permis-
sion to solicit materials on the mall.
"I just laughed and hung up
Smear said.
"Kramer? On
this campus?
Come on, we
had a difficult
enough time
getting the
3 Allman Broth-
ers here
Smear warned students, particu-
larly young, female students that
Kramer may use aliases including
The Assman and Cosmo.
Yesterday, a group of eager fe-
male students gathered in Joyner Li-
brary to determine what Seinfeld may
like in his women. Ima Hotchick said
she read in The Greenville
Indepointless that Seinfeld tends to
like girls with unusuallv large chests
"I saw him at the
Temple game

Chip Dip, sophomore
who wear knee high combat boots.
Rex Roland, NuSkin salesman,
was on hand to provide tips for ap-
plying excess lipstick. He had
lipliners and lipstick shades avail-
able in a wide range of colors in-
cluding Lick-me-Lavender and Scan-
dalous Scarlet According to Roland,
it was his biggest salesday this year.
"I usually sell a large quantity
of skin tighteners, particularly to
the women's club at the Greenville
Country Club, but yesterday I sold
over 200 tubes of lipstick and
lipliners. I guess everybody wants
to be the next Soshanna Roland
According to Kramer's spokes-
person, the next Soshanna will have
the privilege of sitting on the
Seinfeld set through endless hours
of taping, be the butt of Seinfeld
jokes, as well as attending New York
Knicks games as Jerry's sidekick.
Last month. Soshanna was featured
on the cover of The National In-
Students interested in becom-
ing the next Soshanna can find
Kramer hanging around campus, or
in the stands at the next home game.
Pirates attack vicious
pumpkinspage ��
Cigar smoking skeleton
tells allpage H
'ity&oui t& teae� cki
Follow the nearest bat to
our lair under a large
tombstone with R.I.P, and
a skull and crossbones
etched on it.
Hint: Knock on the tombstone
three times for an answer.
l namiu

Tuesday, October 31, 1995
The East Carolinian
Wonder Boy Gordon takes
Spermhardt in Phoenix race
WOLF from page 1
U.B Stew Ped
Staff Writer
Phoenix, Ariz. - Wonder Boy Jeff
Gordon slid past Dale Spermhardt
Earnhardt better known as The In-
timidator, in Sunday's race in Phoe-
nix. Spermhardt held the lead through
the entire race, but in the last lap was
nudged into the wall on turn four by
the aggressive Gordon.
Following the race, Spermhardt
expressed his displeasure over what
he called "unfair tactics" by Gordon.
Spermhardt plans to ask NASCAR
officials to review tapes to determine
if Gordon may have been a bit too
"No one should treat fellow driv-
ers the way he does Spermhardt
said. "I mean I was in the lead all
through the race and just when I
thought I had that sucker nailed, he
came up and bumped me. Is that the
way NASCAR wants their races con-
ducted? Hasn't that pretty boy ever
heard of driver courtesy?"
While Spermhardt bitched and
moaned in pit row, Gordon was cel-
ebrating his victory with wife Brooke
in the winner's circle.
"I won this one for Brooke Gor-
don said. "She's what keeps my mo-
tor roaring and my ball bearings
When asked how he felt about
Spermhardt's accusations, Gordon
just smiled and said "that redneck
ain't nothing but a whining, crying
wimp who can't take what he dishes
Gordon's victory secures his lead
in the points competition, but
Spermhardt plans to "actively pursue
Gordon's tail" in Atlanta.
"I'm coming after that son-of-a-
� Spermhardt said. "I'm tired
of being Mr. Fair. Next week NASCAR
better look out because I am going to
start playing rough
Spermhardt fans, who previously
were set.i throwing chicken bones at
Gordon, cheered on The Intimidator
as he made his threats.
"I know one thang said Ima
Redneck, a Spermhardt fan, "I ain't
never seen anythang like dat. Dat
sucker just pushed him right outta da
way. I got me dis new T-shirt wit da
Intimidator's picture on it and dease
new headphones and I'ma going to
Atlanta and we gonna raise some hell
if he pulls dat trick again
"Wtoitie IRevietv
Monkeys add depth to Letter
J.B. Wright
Staff Writer

In 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne
wrote a book called The Scarlet Let-
ter. While this book was a small hit in
its time, it didn't really have much of
an impact within the literary commu-
nity. There were many problems with
it Aside from the fact that Hawthorne
had a bad reputation for dressing as
a woman at ail the book signing par-
ties, the story wasn't fully thought out
and the writing itself was a bit bland.
However, Hollywood always sees
potential in half-baked ideas. There-
fore, Hollywood has taken
Hawthorne's lame book and turned
it into one kick-ass movie.
Chinese action movie director
John Woo expands on the religious
themes he introduced in Hard Target
by tackling the story of Hester
Prynne, a Puritan woman who is im-
pregnated by the Reverend
Dimmesdale. However, Woo puts the
"woo-woo" in Hawthorne by making
several significant changes.
To start off, he switches the loca-
tion of the story from its puritan New
England setting to the dark jungles
of Africa. This simple switch immedi-
ately improves on Hawthorne's idea
because it allows Hester to have a
monkey companion. Any story with a
monkey is worth a look.
Woo and cowriter Joe Eszterhas
dare to explore within this story of
infidelity and sin those issues which
Hawthorne ignoranuy overlooked. For
example, what exactly does the scar-
let "A" which Hester is forced to wear
mean? This has been unclear for over
a century. The script smartly includes
a 30 minute discussion between
Hester and her mind-reading monkey
about the possible interpretations of
the letter "A It's an intelligent dia-
logue that is also filled with witty ref-
erences to Madonna and Al Gore
(thanks to some script doctoring from
Quentin Tarantino).
The casting is also brilliant Car-
rie Fisher shines as Hester. She spits
out her lines with such fire and en-
ergy that one would swear she was
on cocaine again. In a scene where
Hester bathes herself in front of a
mirror, Fisher magically captures the
sensation of a woman who wants to
cleanse herself of her sinful past It's
a heartfelt moment that wonderfully
ends with an inside joke when Hester
turns around and catches Harrison
Ford (in an uncredited cameo) watch-
ing her. Those familiar with Star Wars
and Witness can't help but smile with
nostalgic glee.
As the guilt-ridden Reverend
Dimmesdale, Kevin Costner once
again turns in the most passionate
performance of the year. Is there any-
thing this man can't do? Costner lay-
ers the otherwise flat Dimmesdale
with the same complexities that his
other characters have possessed.
Costner's Dimmesdale is the joyous
baseball player from Bull Durham
and the brooding Mariner from
Waterworld all rolled into one. I know
Costner has already won an Oscar for
his performance in Robin Hood, but
if he doesn't win best actor for this
film, it will prove my theory that the
Academy is biased.
As for the rest of the cast they're
all perfect. Most notable is Tony
Danza, who adds just the right
amount of humor to the Chillingworth
character. Sure, Chillingworth is an
evil man who must die, but boy can
Are you sad you didn't
make the
Homecoming court?
ou cast;
k& ffuia
or- a
drug use in America's youth.
"It's a damn shame cried the
salty Captain Crunch, veteran of more
than 25 years' service on the cereal
seas. "All the childien loved the Fruit
Brute. I still get questions about those
Crunchberry ads he did with us. And
now, this. It's just a shame 1 tells ya
"I just don't understand why he
did it" intoned Brute's former Mon-
ster Cereal coworker Frankenberry.
"Those Crunchberry ads were bad
enough, but this It's a scandal
"Yes, it frightens me Count
Chocula added.
When asked about the reactions
of his former colleagues, Brute ex-
pressed sadness. "It's a sordid busi-
ness, that cereal game he said. "Ev-
eryone knows about the Quisp trag-
edy. Why he started hanging out with
Sid Vicious, I'll never know
Quisp's death, in fact prompted
the star's 15-year absence from the
he tell a joke. The fact that Danza has
worked with monkeys before only
makes the film's climax (which fea-
tures Danza fighting Hester's ape
companion on top of a volcano) more
of a joy.
Woo's visual sense is a wonder
to behold. Every actor looks astonish-
ingly beautiful, even the monkey. Woo
takes advantage of the fact that he is
working with film as opposed to pen
and paper by incorporating symbol-
ism into his art, something that writ-
ers just can't seem to grasp.
My favorite scene is at the very
end when Hester tears off her scarlet
letter and throws it next to an apple
tree. As Hester and Dimmesdale walk
away to find a better life together, an
apple falls next to the scarlet letter and
slowly rots. Then a snake slithers down
the tree, eats the apple and places the
letter on its own chest This is genius
at work. This scene clues the audience
into the idea that eating bad fruit is a
sin. If only Hawthorne had at least tried
to use symbolism in his story. Unfortu-
nately, film wasn't an option during
Hawthorne's time. Too bad.
The Scarlet Letter is a perfect
example of why the world needs Hol-
lywood. Those working in film have the
rare ability to see the gaps in other
works of art These gaps must be filled.
I applaud everyone involved in this film
for taking Hawthorne's brain fart and
turning it into something with real
substance. Don't get me wrong. I'm not
saying there isn't anything good in
books. If anything, history has shown
us that books are the sugar and milk
of great art and ideas. However, if you
want the whole cake, then leave it to
Hollywood to provide dessert On a
scale of one to 10, The Scarlet Letter
rates a 12.
screen. "After the Crunchberry affair,
I took a cold, hard look at myself.
Overweight, in debt knees going out
- I was in bad shape, man. So I wan-
dered the earth for a while. Terror-
ized the countryside, devoured some
virgins, lived lean. Did some consult-
ing work on The Howling. But
mostly, I just lay low. Then, one day,
this Pulp Fiction script landed on my
front porch. And here I am
What's next for the Fruit Brute?
"Well, I made enough dough off
Quentin's picture to be picky about
scripts, but I do have a couple of
things in the works. I've got a movie
coming out next month with De
Niro. kind of a buddy picture deal.
Also, there's this Roger Corman
horror thing I've been thinking
about. Hey. I'm just glad to be work-
ing. This is one happy werewolf
you're looking at here, pal. One
happy werewolf
)l�sW a yCX KoX&0'W&&1
What do �00
We would like to
hear your opinion on
which mascot would
be suitable for BCU
t-9 00-ditch-
Its time for
a change
We feel tbet the
Construction worker
would better repre-
sent the �CU
community. Projects
have been under wey
for yeers now, end it
looks es thoupb tbeir
completion is decodes
ewey. So fee's pick e
mescot tbet realty
speeks for us.
� ����JL faFtP
"A Plop in the Toilet" is
just what it claims to be: a very
tiny plop in the great abysmal
American media toilet. Take it
as you will
Jeffrey Dahmer
Staff Sphincter
The shop was pretty busy
when my editor called to give
me an assignment. "Where the
hell have you been?" she
roared, "I just gave your an-
swering machine a hemia. You
have a pen? Here's your story
"Oh, hey Editor I inter-
rupted, "Were pretty strapped
right now, hold on for a
minute I put the gun down
and left the phone on hold un-
til I had the floor mopped up
and the police left. "O.K sorry
about that - So what have you
"You are feces She
paused for a moment and then
stammered, "I'm calling from
Pennsylvania! Do you know
how long I've been waiting? Do
you how expensive this is go-
ing to be? Do you have a pen
"Ummm, yeah I
groped under the counter with
my free hand and stalled for
time. "What time is it there . .
. is it really late?"
"Are you really going to
graduate this December?" she
replied. "Are you serious? Were
you born in high altitude? Are
you on medication?"
"No, not since the grease
fire " I found the pen. "And
hey, I'm really sorry about your
cat That was all a simple
"Look- forget it - just
write this down
I grabbed a bagel and
started writing. "I want you to
do a satire. A satire for the
Halloween edition. Make it
funny but not goofy. Three
thousand words but don't get
stupid on me. And don't bad-
ger the counselor. You can do
it on what you want, but it
should be something about
campus I was scribbling fran-
tically, trying to keep up with
the flow of creation. "Please
don't offend anyone. Remem-
ber those copsicles may be
on bikes, but they still have
guns. Watch out for wordplay.
I know li-redr-center is an ap-
propriate spelling for our new
gym but it won't slide past
three editors.
"No religious, social or po-
litical criticisms (we don't want
a lawsuit) and for the love of
god, please stop referring to
our cart-bound parking offi-
cials as "rogue shrines Did
you know traffic services has
your record tagged with 'Un-
stable-goes into shrieking fits
at the sight of random Tines,
penalties, and charges'? No
one knows why it costs twenty-
five bucks to graduate so don't
bother asking. The library com-
puter 'ab called and said if you
try to get in one mo.z time
without a valid ID, blood
sample, skin-biopsy and retinal
scan, that they were going to
hire a hit man No, I'm not
joking yes. they can do that,
it's included in your tuition.
"Look maybe you're not
ready for this kind of writing.
I've got a few other leads here
the new Aryan Nation's
Bank is opening a teller on
campus ummm, some under-
age kids puked on themselves
at a big party Oh. here's one
right up your alley. A quilting
seminar is being held Thurs-
day. Just go and get some
quotes and make a quilt or two,
it won't kill you. I read that
The Quilting Lady' is quite a
talker. It's a wonder they didn't
try a lobotomy earlier. Weil,
I've got to go. I'll just tack this
phone bill onto your parking
tab. I need this article Monday.
Monday! Got it? Bye
Well, here is Monday and
I can't think of anything to
write about. Sorry

October 31,1995
Vol71,No. 19
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
12 pases
' V�- .1'ii
Around the State
(AP) - A student-pilot of a small
private airplane made an emer-
gency landing on Interstate 95 in
Cumberland County, but avoided
colliding with traffic.
David Bloomfield landed the
Cessna 150 on Sunday in the
middle of traffic, steering the
single-engine plane under a bridge
while trying to avoid a car hauling
a boat in the lane next to him.
(AP) - Soldiers spend most of
their careers training for the day
they come under enemy fire. Last
week, paratroopers of the famed
82nd Airborne Division at Fort
Bragg came under fire, but not
from the enemy, from one of their
A sniper opened fire on about
1,300 paratroopers as they were
beginning a four-mile run on Fri-
day. The barrage left one dead and
18 wounded. Six remained hospi-
talized Sunday evening.
Images of the sniper attack
captured on amateur video eerily
resemble a battlefield. Soldiers
took cover while some screamed
"incoming" or "medic
Around the Country
(AP) - Asthmatics wheeze be-
cause their lung muscles can't re-
lax, not because of irritants in the
air, a new study suggests.
In an asthma attack, the
smooth muscles that line the lungs
contract blocking the passage of
air and leaving victims gasping for
Scientists have thought the
muscles contract because of an
unusual reaction to irritants or
allergens, such as airborne pollen
or pollutants.
Togias and a team of Hopkins
researchers in Baltimore believe
asthmatics and non-asthmatics
alike have the same air-blocking
reaction to lung irritation.
But they contend asthmatics
have a second problem: lung
muscles that cannot relax nor-
(AP) - The Cali drug cartel has
turned to U.S. companies to laun-
der billions of dollars in cocaine
profits because of a crackdown on
banks, The New York Times re-
ported Monday.
In recent months, investiga-
tors in New York, Los Angeles,
Houston and Miami have uncov-
ered the schemes by Colombian
drug lords, the Times said.
Around the World
(AP) - Trick or treat! It's almost
Halloween - and the French are
scared stiff.
The popular American holiday
isn't on the calendar in France. But
that hasn't stopped some trans-
planted Americans, Canadians and
Britons from importing it � m�lch
to the horror of the French, who
cherish their privacy and tend to
shun strangers.
On Tuesday night, scores of
costumed children will go door to
door in the leafy suburbs west of
Paris where many foreigners settle,
seeking out the homes where
porch lights and grinning jack o'
lanterns signal fellow expatriates.
Police prepare for crowds
Stephanie Eaton
Staff Writer
Downtown Greenville comes to
life every year as people celebrate Hal-
loween in the bars and in the streets.
Greenville police reported that an es-
timated 8.000 to 10,000 students and
non-students crammed themselves
into the downtown area last year.
The abundant amount of people
has the ECU and Greenville Police De-
partments concerned. Both police
departments state the reason for their
concern is not due to the riots that
took place downtown last month. Ex-
tra precautions are taken every year
so that students can have an enjoy-
able time and not have to be con-
cerned with their safety. Both depart-
ments plan to bring out extra patrols
to help insure the safety of all those
who participate.
"We are bringing in extra patrols
because there will be people from all
over the state and not just ECU stu-
dents said Teresa Crocker ECU po-
lice chief. "The ECU police force just
wants to make sure that they can keep
a handle on any problem they might
have with alcohol, and that all the stu-
dents felt safe
The ECU Police Department
plans to increase their patrol. Two
officers will be assigned to Mendenhall
to watch over Midnight Madness, an
annual event. There will also be five
officers on foot, working with the
Greenville Police Department.
"The most important issue is that
this event is safe, and if people step
over the line the police will be there
to step in Crocker said.
The Greenville Police Depart-
ment plans to have 100 officers on
patrol for the Halloween festivities.
There are no plans to block off streets
unless things get out of hand. The
Greenville Police Department cau-
tions students not to bring alcohol
into the downtown area and not to
bring any instruments that could
cause harm.
"I look forward to students hav-
ing a good time and the police de-
partment is planning to have another
successful Halloween celebration
said Captain John Ennis, head of se-
curity for Halloween festivities for
the Greenville Police Department.
Residence halls are also trying
to make a safer environment for stu-
dents. All residence halls will have a
24-hour lock up. Resident advisors
wili work with police to check stu-
dents' IDs at the door. Students are
also prohibited to have any overnight
"It makes me feel safer as a stu-
dent to have the extra security. The
police is doing their job said Lena
Gibbs, an R.A. in Cotten Hall.
People from all over the state
flock to ECU and downtown
Greenville to participate in the Hal-
loween activities. ECU and Greenville
Police Departments strongly encour-
age students to take part in the Hal-
loween activities, but to think sensi-
bly and not do anything to endanger
"I feel the students at ECU can
control themselves in an appropriate
manner said Lee Caulder, a senior.
"I hope that the Greenville and ECU
police forces don't have to become
involved, but that it is always good
to be prepared for the worst and hope
for the best
Stores offer more m
than just books
on the
maintain friendly
Aaron Tuell
Staff Writer
Students have often debated
which book store offers more for
your money. The truth may ulti-
mately lie in the consumer's per-
sonal taste.
Both Ronald E. Dowdy Student
Stores and University Book Ex-
change (UBE) offer a wide variety
of products to meet patrons' needs.
The beginning of a new semes-
ter, particularly in the Fall, can be
an expensive time for students. One
can spend hundreds of dollars on
books alone, not to mention any "ne-
cessities" like posters, ECU stickers
and clothing, Greek paraphernalia
or anything else within reach at the
checkout line of your favorite book
Students' loyalties are divided
between the Student Stores and
UBE, and af�C investigation
searched for the basis of students'
The purchasing and reselling of
books was the primary issue. Every-
one wants to buy books at the cheap-
est prices and resell them to the
highest bidder. In order to help
bring some sort of answer to light,
TEC randomly sampled a conserva-
tive selection of identical books
from both stores and found that the
prices were either identical or simi-
lar. Both institutions have almost
identical buyback policies.
Both stores give two weeks
from the first day of class to give a
full refund. At UBE, you must have
a UBE sticker inside the book in
order to get a fuli refund according
to textbook manager Liz Furci, be-
cause they "don't want to give a full
refund for a book from another
Student Stores and UBE both
claim to buy back a student's text
at half of a new book's value at the
end of the semester - if bought new.
The now used book then will be re-
sold ai three-quarters of its new
book price considering that the edi-
tion will be used again and not re-
Don Edwards, manager of UBE,
believes there is a perception among
students that there is some sort of
conspiracy between the university,
publishers and the book stores to
outrageously mark up new books,
then change the texts and curricu-
lum the following semesters, result-
ing in unfair buyback prices.
"Books are generally marked up
25 percent Edwards said. "We
would say that loud and clear, and
post it anywhere
New books are expensive and
the profit margins can be obscure.
Edwards said he sees both stores
having an aggressive attitude toward
used books as a good thing.
"Both (UBE and Student
Stores) have a much, much larger
percentage of used books than the
average book store Edwards said.
Books can have a short-lived
shelf life, with new editions being
replaced by newer ones and the uni-
versity constantly changing curricu-
lum - resulting in a seemingly un-
fair buyback price.
Edwards credits some of the
constant change to the dynamic na-
ture of some areas of study. New in-
formation and discovery can make
even seemingly new editions obso-
lete. Professors can decide they just
don't like using a particular book
for their class after trying it for a
For example, a $40 book may
have very little or no buyback value.
The books are then shipped out to
Self defense
Julie Smith, Junior
"UBE, because it is
cheaper and more
Heather Mann, Junior
"UBE, because there is
better parking and it is a
lot cheaper to buy
David Forehand,
"UBE. It is cheaper
student stores is a rip-
T.D. Gribble teaches self defense classes in Christenbury Gym. For more information
on how you can register contact Recreational Services at 328-6387.
Jansen Bonds, Junior
"Student stores. I want
to support student
scholarships. Maybe I'll
get one
Photos by KEN CLARK
ATMs in transition
Stewart King
Staff Writer
Students may have noticed a few changes around the Mendenhall bank
machine gauntlet.
First Union has installed a new unit which is expected to be in operation
within the next seven to ten days, but probably not in time for Halloween, said
Donna Braxton, administrative support for First Union.
"ECU has been in need of this for some time Braxton said. "We want to
be sure we have a convenient location to serve the students
See ATM page 4
The horror! The horrorpage O
Be careful tonightpage D
Pirates pull throughpage
High 70
Low 67

High 70
Low 67
't&aai ta ectc& ot4,
(newsroom) 328 - 6366
(advertising) 328-2000
328 - 6558
The East Carolinian
Student Publication Bldg
2nd floor
Greenville, NC 27858
Student Pubs Building;
across from Joyner

Tuesday, October 31, 1995
The East Carolinian
Panel examines candidates, issues Technology expands
Wendy Rountree
Assistant News Editor
This time next Fall some stu-
dents and voters alike will have had
their fill of candidate's campaign
commercials and television
soundbites. But, for others, who at-
tended the 1996 Presidential Cam-
paign panel discussion, they can
hardly wait for the drama to begin.
"A lot of people, a lot of stu-
dents want to know things about
presidential candidates said Keith
W. Cooper, vice president of Pi
Sigma Alpha, which sponsored the
event. "They hold certain issues
dear to their hearts. This was an op-
portunity for students to learn from
the distinguished panel of profes-
sors who answered questions that
will of course be a part of the presi-
dential debate dialogue in 1996.
"Students had the opportunity.
to participate with their questions
as well, so 1 think the event was
right on time. We need more of
these types of events in the future
Held in Mendenhall-Great Room
1 at 4:30 p.m. Monday afternoon,
the panel discussion drew close to
25 students and non-students. They
gathered to listen to the following
faculty members: Dr. Thomas
Eamon, associate professor of politi-
cal science; Dr. Sean Kelly, associ-
ate professor of political science; Dr.
Carmine Scavo, associate professor
of political science and Dr. Henry
Ferrell. professor of history. The
panel talked about the contenders
who are involved with the presiden-
tial campaign and the issues they
will have to deal with.
Each panel member gave a gen-
eral introduction, briefly responded
to a series of questions asked by
Cooper, gave a summarization and
then answered questions from the
One of trie main questions was
the possibility of Colin Powell run-
ning for the presidency.
"If a black person has a chance
to be president of the United States,
he would have to run as a Republi-
can Scavo said.
Scavo said that an African-
American person who runs as a Re-
publican is seen more as an indi-
vidual, while an African-American
person who runs as a Democrat is
seen as a person who is after his
own special interests.
"If nominated as a Republican
- he would tear the party straight
down the middle Kelly said. "I
don't think he will get the nomina-
tion of the Republican party, and it
would be bad for the republican
party if he did
Kelly said most people in the re-
publican party are looking to the far
right of the party for leadership and
if Powell is nominated, the most con-
servative voters might not come out
to the polls.
Another panel topic was what
issues would play the largest role
during the 1996 campaigns.
"We (the American public) get
caught up in monetary issues
Ferrell said.
Ferrell said these types of issues
only become important in a cam-
paign when the election is going to
be close, not a landslide. He also said
issues for the 1996 election will be
similar to the issues raised in the
1964 and 1968 elections like entitle-
ments, domestic issues and civil
rights issues.
As for President Bill Clinton,
the entire panel decided that in a
two-way race between Clinton and
Robert Dole, the main face on the
Republican side at the moment,
Clinton would win the election.
However, Eamon said Clinton
does have the problem in the
public's eye of having low moral fi-
ber and lacking the backbone to stay
with his issues.
Other questions included the
following: whether or not Dole's age
would cost him the presidency and
whether or not Lamar Alexander or
Phil Graham could get the republi-
can nomination instead of Dole.
Students attended for a variety
of reasons.
"I think it is necessary for the
president of the college Democrats
to be at a forum because I hope this
would be a way to get students in-
volved in the political process said
Matt Stuart, a junior political sci-
ence major and president of the col-
lege Democrats.
Stuart said the panel discussion
was a worthwhile event.
"It's always good to hear what
the experts think and feel in antici-
pation of what actually will happen
in '96
Maureen Monti, a sophomore
criminal justice major, said she also
benefited from the experience.
"I was interested in getting in-
formation Monti said. "I want to
be an informed voter next year. 1 got
a lot from it (the discussion). J
learned a lot about some of the can-
didates who 1 hadn't heard hardly
anything about
Holly Hagey
Staff Writer
Computer technology is everywhere
across the ECU campus and the fourth
annual Technology Fair sponsored by
Academic Computing explored these
opportunities. The theme, Sail Into the
Future Through Technology, was an in-
dicator of what is going on around ECU.
The Technology Fair was held in the
Mendenhall multipurpose room on Oct
24 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Topics cov-
ered during the fair included Netscape,
virtual reality, computer mapping and
several others.
The purpose of these presentations
by the staff and faculty was an opportu-
nity to share with others how technol-
ogy can be implemented in the classroom
and used as a teaching tool.
Stations were set up around the
multipurpose room displaying subjects
dealing with different aspects of tech-
nology that are being used on the ECU
campus. One of the booths dealt with a
feature that enables the user to train
computer software to use voice recogni-
tion instead of the user having to touch
the keyboard. If the computer has been
trained correctly, the user can speak to
the computer and print out the informa-
tion without typing.
"This was the best fair we've ever
had said Terry Harrison, assistant man-
ager of academic computing. "I think ev-
eryone enjoyed the nautical theme
Anyone who brought 3 12' dis-
kettes could make their own copy of
Netscape, PC Plus, Tincan, NAV and
SAM. Two stations were set up, one for
IBM and one for Macintosh.
Netscape is a connection to the
World Wide Web and allows the user to
gather information. PC Plus is a program
that enables anyone to hook up into the
mainframe and obtain information about
activities at ECU, such as sports sched-
ules, and Tincan is its Macintosh equiva-
lent SAM and NAV are anti-viral pro-
grams designed for IBM and Macintosh.
NAV and SAM are a step ahead of
programs that scan software for viruses.
These programs prevent viruses from
entering software. Anyone interested in
obtaining a free copy of this program
should come by 208 Austin with a 3 1
2" diskette.
Using technology in the classroom
adds a diversity to teaching and makes
learning more interesting. An objective
of the fair was to spark an interest in
ways to use more technology in class-
"We hope that we will continue to
have the technology fair on campus so it
will allow faculty to share ways to use
technology on campus and encourage
them to use it said Harrison.
ATM from page 3
The machine has been in place
and out-of-order for a week, waiting
for proper connections which will
enable it to operate
News is not so good for BB&T.
Their machine has been boarded up
for some time now. Many thought this
was in preparation for the Halloween
qnslaught, but not so, said John
Charles of BB&T's Main Branch Of-
"We lost the bid for the contract
Charles said. "Either our bid was not
accepted, or it was too low
Charles did not know which bank
would be replacing their machine.
Besides serving students, the
Mendenhall location also serves most
of the dovntown Greenville area.
Currently, three machines are
located on the west side of
Mendenhall. The BB&T machine has
been boarded up for more than three
weeks, while the First Union machine
was installed last week. The Wachovia
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is
the only machine to remain opera-
First Union replaced the New
East (now Triangle Bank) machine.
The Triangle ATM was installed five
years ago but was removed when cus-
tomer needs started changing.
"The industry has moved rapidly
to Electronic Banking said Jerry
Powell, senior Vice-President of Tri-
angle Bank. "Students' needs have
changed over the years and we found
the location was no longer produc-
Powell sited the change of down-
town traffic patterns, the construction
of the Rec Center and parking diffi-
culties to the lowered number of trans-
actions at their Mendenhall ATM.
"Availability is becoming more of
an issue now Powell said. "It con-
cerns the proliferation of business
with debit machines like Harris Tee-
ter, Burger King and the like. People
deposit paychecks into their accounts
and use the ATM card like they would
a credit card. It is simpler and much
more convenient It's about consum-
ers' changing needs and our effort to
keep up with them
Powell is also working with ECU
to get a new machine in another area
of campus - probably on College Hill
near Todd Dining Hall.
The Erogenous Zone VtS
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There's only one place where
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The Student Union's Annual
New York City Trip, November 22-26.
Spend the Thanksgiving Holiday in
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To reserve your space or
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Central Ticket Office at 328-4788,
or stop by the Central Ticket Office
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PG-131. "ESS!�
Vicky Pratt Keating
Wednesday, November 1, 1995
1:30 - 3:00 PM � Mendenhall Brickyard
Rainsite: The Wright Place
� � �
Tuesday, November 7,1995
� I Wright Auditorium � klrfWWillfil�!
Tickets are on sale at the Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhall Student Center, East Carolina University.
All tickets are General Admission. Doors open at 7:00 PM.
Presented by the East Carolina University Student Union
For More Information, Call the Student Union Hotline at 328-6004.

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, October 31, 1995
BOOKSTORES from page
find a home at another bookstore,
with UBE making a 20 percent com-
mission on the buyback value.
So when we're buying that
book back for $10 from you, we're
selling it for $12 Edward said.
The publishing companies can
work against the bookstores, hecause
they want to sell more new hooks:
stores selling used books bite into
their business
Where UBE and Student Stores
can be similar, they can also be very
different, trying to capture students'
differing interests in friendly compe-
UBE has chosen to capitalize on
a large Creek clientele, offering a
wide range of organizational glasses,
cups, pitchers and wooden wall deco-
rations to name a few. An imprint-
ing service is also available where
organizations can get their letters
placed on clothing and apparel in the
patterns and colors of their choice.
Student Stores has experi-
mented with higher concentration in
the Creek market in the past two
years, according to Genera) Merchan-
dising Manager Steve Jepson.
Supposedly, i only recognize
fraternities and sororities that the
FC recognizes Jepson said.
Jepson said ECU has a large
number of fraternities and sororities
for a university of this size.
Student Stores acting manager
Wanda Scarborough said UBE has
some advantages over her store.
"(UBE) is a private store, we are
a retail store and fall under the
Umstead Act
Happy Hallo weem
new releases at sea r
iHASHim; Pumpkins - Mclloh (ouj(Ds
Hagvlvm MAIKOU - �MIK line (UIIDKU
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Tues. Oct 31st prizes for ist. 2nd & 3rd
Just tor you, E.C.U!
(so bring your mummy)
Dine in only, Not valid on
specials. Present 2 valid
ECU IDs when ordering.
Buy one appetizer or
Entree, get one FREE
5 pm 'til close
Downtown, Greenville
757 � 1666
The Umstead Act carries some
limitations. Student Stores can only
advertise on campus and can only sell
apparel that has something related
to ECU imprinted on it. They couldn't
sell women's hosiery, tor example.
The Umstead Act also limits the
Student stores clientele.
"We can only sell to faculty, stall,
students or someone who's on cam-
pus for any other reason besides pur-
chasing from the store Scarborough
said. 'The Student Store is self sup-
porting. We pay all of our own sala-
ries, our own overhead
All of the Student Stores prof-
its go into student scholarship funds
and other campus organizations such
as women's non-revenue sports.
Many students may not know-
about the small medical book store
located in the Brody Building that
helps serve the needs of those stu-
dents in health care. Student Stores
also has a large selection of com-
puter related hard and software.
"Layton Getsinger of business
affairs is my boss Scarborough
said. �
She said that while she has
been with Student Stores for 25
years, that it has been here at least
UBE has been in Greenville
since 1967, and was started by
Edwards' father, an ex-faculty mem-
ber of ECU. UBE is not part of any
franchise or chain.
"We can get into things beyond
the realm of what the university
bookstore traditionally does
Edwards said.
He does not deny that there are
differing advantages and disadvan-
tages for both stores.
Location is one great advantage
for the Student Stores. Thousands
of students walk in front of their
store every day between classes or
hang out and socialize. Students can
kill time between classes or after
lunch by just browsing over the lat-
est sportswear designs, or flipping
through the hottest bestseller in the
Student Stores fiction and non-fic-
tion book selection among their in-
spirational and self-help collections.
If parking near the Student
Stores is a problem, then students
can drive downtown to UBE, where
you can find a large greeting card
selection along with a wide variety
of prints and posters. They also
have an art supply wing and a cus-
tom framing shop.
Both managements strive for
good relations between the two
stores. Whatever your need, there
is enough friendly competition be-
tween UBE and Student Stores to
keep prices competitive and prod-
ucts varied. Likewise, there are
enough students and differing tastes
to keep both businesses thriving.
East Carolina University's Student Union is Now
Accepting Applications for a
BAREFOOT Committee Chairperson
for the 1995-1996 Term.
The unconscious,
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Get rid of your
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e 1995 OS' M atgM� R�wvm OtfM ' �-���. Sptfed Md S
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Get your copy today at
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East Carolina
Student $15.00
General Public $20.00
At the Door $25.00
with special guest:
Government Mule
Friday, November 10,1995 � 800 PM
Minges Coliseum - ECU
Join The Allman Brothers Stampede
Hit the Central Ticket Office during the Allman Brothers
extended hours? and save off the door ticket price!
Presented By The East Carolina University Student Union
Tickets are on sale at the Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhall Student Center, East Carolina University.
MasterCard and Visa accepted. Doors open at 7:00 PM.
For more information, call 1-800-ECU-ARTS (328-2787), 328-4788, or TDD 328-4736.
The Central T.cket Office will extend office hours to 8:00 PM on October 16-20. 23. and 24 and will be open October 25-27 from 8:30 AM -5:00PM.
The Central T.cket .vttt resume regular office hours on October 30 and tickets will be available Monday- Fnday from 830 AM - 6:00 PM.
1995 ECU Intramural
TOP 10

1. TheKrush
2. Bandits
3. No Names
4. Alpha Phi
5. Alpha Delta Pi
1. Spankers
2. Digit
3. Set to Kill
4. Beta Phi Rho
5. In Your Face
Tappa Kegs
HW Plus
The Ruckus
1. Chargrill
2. Woosh!
3. Team Death
4. Nameless
5. Yeowee!
Call ECU Recreational Services for program updates 328-6

Tuesday, October 31, 1995
The East Carolinian
Our View
Be safe.
Have fun.
is a
that can
easily be
taken away.
Tis the season to be crazy. Crazy? Yes, some people
think Halloween night is the ultimate excuse to act like
lunatics. But rather than using Halloween as a justifica-
tion to dress up like someone, or something, else, get
unusally drunk and further tarnish the image of the
university, let's strive to have a mature - yet .un Hal-
Halloween celebrations in Greenville have long been
a tradition. Students from surrounding campuses have
gathered in the Emerald City for its festivities. It may
be the costume contests, Chico's slime green margueritas
or seeing hundreds of police forging in a single block,
but something drives people to Greenville every year on
Oct. 31.
Those of you who have been around for longer than
the proverbial five years, may remember Halloween of
'89 and '90. Those were the years the tradition was
swiped from the students and residents of Greenville.
Bars and restaurants were forced to close their doors,
losing out of one of the year's biggest business nights.
Many of us at TEC remember having our Ids checked
to enter our residence halls. What's worse, we weren't
allowed to return to our rooms after a certain time. Oth-
ers remember how the usually vivacious downtown scene
seemed to resemble a ghost town.
Students holding parties in their own homes were
arrested an accused of "gathering in groups of larger
than six people These same students spent class time
in court defending themselves for getting together witK
friends in their own apartments and houses.
Halloween is a great excuse for Greenville establish-
ments to change their usual customs and offer one night
of goulish tricks and treats, but when their patrons take
advantage of the holiday, everyone loses out.
Each year, city officials meet to discuss how to handle
Halloween, where the weak spots are, where more po-
lice should be stationed and how to control an unruly
crowd. Some students may have noticed the strategic
timing of Fall Break. In this year's case, students weren't
debating whether to head downtown in their Halloween
garb on Saturday night. Instead, most of us spent the
weekend at our parents' home - far away from down-
If it's that easy to get us out of town the weekend
before Halloween, it wouldn't be too difficult to termi-
nate all Halloween celebrations. Let's not give the
Greenville city officials any reason to hinder our future
good times.
Somebody's got to apologize
This whole blackwhite thing has
gotten our country into a tizzy. The
gap is so wide that we have gone from
whites talking separation and blacks
talking integration now to whites talk-
ing integration and blacks talking
separation. But that is not the point
of this article. The point is that resti-
tution should be iade.
If I could speak for all whites (and
mind you I cannot, even though I
would like to) this is something of
what I would like to say the African-
American community. It may not be
eloquent and it may not be the feel-
ings of everyone, but 1 believe it is
where we need to start and where we
should have started after the whole
slavery issue was settled over a hun-
dred years ago.
An Open Letter from Whites to
We have been very wrong in the
way we have treated you in the past
(both distant past and not so distant
past) and we would like to ask you to
please forgive us. We apologize and
humbly ask your kind forgiveness for
the way our race has historically
treated your race. In no way can we
ever make up for the wrongs our an-
cestors perpetrated on your ancestors.
It was not one of the most hideous
mistakes of history, but one of the
vilist atrocities ever openly practiced
by man against man. The very nature
of it today disgust us and yet it was
openly practiced and perpetuated
throughout the early' days of our na-
tion. For this we have no excuse and
we can offer no effective remedy. All
wa cm do is humbly ask for your for-
Shane Deike
Opinion i
, V ;��
n many ways
wotftdfrtce to
make it up to you,
but our crimes are
beyond our
ability to repay.
If you can, please forgive us for
our attitudes once slavery was demol-
ished. Our nation was, and in many
ways continues to be. racist We are
wrong and even as we acknowledge
our wrongs, attitudes still prevail. Old
habits are hard to break, but we do
not offer this an excuse but rather as
an incentive to work hard at demol-
ishing the ideas of fools in our race
who perpetuate these backward and
idiotic concepts.
Those thoughts, actions and at-
titudes were wrong then and they are
wrong now. Forgive us for treating
your ancestors as less than posses-
sions. Forgive us for perpetuating this
notion even beyond the bounds of sla-
In many ways I would like to
make it up to you, but our crimes are
beyond our ability to repay. There is
no medicine to heal the wound other
than forgiveness. We must ask to be
forgiven because our crime is beyond
restitution. Unless you forgive, we re-
main under the yoke of your bitter-
ness as a race and as a nation. There
is no court big enough and no pun-
ishment great enough to make up for
our atrocities and our foolishness.
Our hopes and dreams are for all
of us to participate with each other
on an open, level playing field. These
are still hopes and dreams. Even some
of the remedies of our white domi-
nated government have done you dis-
services. Welfare has helped increase
many (whites and blacks) dependence
upon the government and help to fos-
ter illegitimacy. Our solutions, though
initially noble in thought and action,
have proven to be less than effective
and in many cases even hazardous.
Can you forgive us? It will take
more of you to forgive than anything
we can ever hope to offer in return.
No one can blame you if you do not
forgive, but forgiveness has to come
or bitterness between us will perpetu-
ate itself. We apologize and repent,
but can offer no real means to pay.
Will you still forgive? It is more than
we deserve, but is the best we can
hope for.
White America:
Again, I cannot speak for
every white. I hope this has helped
to shed some insight into the cross-
roads we are at as a nation and as a
unified people. Unity is impossible
without forgiveness - unfortunately
we have little to ask forgivenes of and
much to be forgiven for. It is not a
solution but a dam good place to
The East Carolinian
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One in a million
I was there! I saw it ail! I saw all
of the love. I saw all of the excite-
ment. I saw the joy. I saw all of the
anticipation of a new day to come.
Never had "I seen so much of these
things in one place that were felt by
so many people. I speak of course of
the festive Million Man March. No
matter how much one likes the idea,
no matter what one speaks about its
leaders, it's goals or its place in his-
tory, every one there knows their
cause for being there and every one
came away from the march with
something important take to the
community. For anyone who saw this
experience on TV. the captivation was
magnified an unimaginable amount
by just being there.
This is not a message of hate, of
anger or of bitterness. This is a mes-
sage of confusion and frustration. By
the same token, this is not a mes-
sage of validation or of asking for le-
gitimacy. My experience of the beau-
tiful event is somewhat dampened
whenever I hear one speak of their
skepticism of the rally. One will say
"well, beauty is in the eye of the be-
Mitch Butler
Guest Columnist
My experience is
whenever I hear
one speak of
their skepticism.
holder" and I agree wholeheartedly.
The problem is that many people
were not there to behold this event
Many who were there such as critics
and journalists did not even "behold"
(for lack of better terms) the event I
have heard several times, "it is great
if they will do something about the
day after And to paraphrase the
friendly Rush Limbaugh; so what if
they all have one good day - how
marry of us have had one good day
then a bad one and so on and so on?
The problem with these opinions is
that the goals of this march are to
do exactly as the skeptics say will not
happen. They will carry over not just
to the next day, but for years to come.
It feels as if no matter what blacks
decide to do as part of a community,
it is scrutinized and criticized.
The reaction to my trip has been
nothing but positive I must say. I am
a student at the school of music and
1 have received nothing but love, in-
terest and support. That lets me
know that if we listen not the politi-
cal "experts not to the news media's
opinions, and not to the people who
have "heard" or thought they have
"heard" the facts on TV, then we will
be able to gain an understanding
about one another. If anyone has any
question about the march, the speak-
ers, the mood or my opinions, feel
free to ask for me by name I spend
most of my day in the music build-
ing and my telephone number is 551-
3143.1 have learned just through this
weekend that I can discuss this with
love and understanding for all.
Give the black man a chance
One of the most intriguing things
about this year's up and coming presi-
dential race is the role minorities will
play and how the media will portray
the role minorities play. For years the
typical African-American candidate?
have been more on the liberal side of
the coin and have gathered rather
prominent fallowings from a press that
was in their favor. Even Colin Powell
(although not a liberal but far to the
left of what the Republican Party
seeks) has gathered considerable sup-
port and paparazzi frenzy from the
left minded media. Of course all of this
done not as right or left but in the
name of minority interest
Well if minority interest is the
concern, what about Alan Keyes. Most
people have never heard of Keyes, but
he is on the forefront of conservative
thought and a well-qualified candidate
for president and black. He espouses
the same views as Dole. Gingrich and
other conservative political heavy
weights but brings with it the added
flare of black man speaking to the is-
sues facing his own race.
Keyes declared his bid for the
presidency in New Hampshire and
since then almost nothing has hap-
pened. This former ambassador and
highest ranking minority member of
the state department has made little
headway and has gotten even less at-
tention from the media. The main-
stream media has basically ignored
him while a few conservative publica-
tions have given him the opportunity
Cameron Reed
Opinion Columnist
His message is
clear and cuts
across the bow of
the pet projects of
the established
gatekeepers of
our day.
to garnish the small following he has
His message is clear and cuts
across the bow of the pet projects of
the established information
gatekeepers of our day. He is pro-life,
anti-welfare and against the current
form of affirmative action (racial quo-
tas). He supports measures that would
bring incentives to marriage and help
destroy illegitimacy. He does not sup-
port Planned Parenthood's method of
sex education rather he promotes
personal responsibility and conse-
quences for one's own actions. He is
for fewer taxes and more personal
responsibility. His message is rooted
in his own strong convictions and his
own personal integrity. He is not a
just black candidate, but a candidate
who speaks to the needs of all of us
across anv racial lines.
But not everyone likes his mes-
sage. He is a strong black voice in
what is assumed to be a white domi-
nated conversation. Give Keyes his
due. He has some great answers to
some tough problems and yet most
voters (white and especially black) are
not given the chance to hear him be-
cause of decisions made by a media
that has preconceived notions of what
a black candidate should be. On an
even playing field Keyes will hold his
But of course Keyes does not
want any affirmative action for his
candidacy, just a little recognition of
his existence. I heard of him via a
friend who happened to watch a
speech he gave in New Hampshire.
Since then, basically nothing in the
mainstream media. More and more it
appears that the media is not for mi-
norities near as much as they are for
a liberal political agenda. An agenda
which Keyes (and many others) be-
lieve is keeping minorities out of the
race for equality. Between blasting
Clarence Thomas, loving Jocelyn El-
ders and pampering Jessie Jackson it
is clear that issue with the media is
not black or white, but conservative
or liberal.
In a land where the media
screams for open doors for any race,
they have shut the door on a black
man whose ideas do not fit with the
way they think that race should think.
Alan Keyes and America deserve bet-

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Tuesday, October 31, 1995
The East Carolinian
Halloween has deep roots
Kevin Chaisson
Staff Writer
Halloween is upon us again and
with it. all of the myths and legends of
how and why we celebrate such a ma-
cabre holiday swirl around like misty
revenants in
a cemetery.
To most Hal-
loween is
just a nifty
day when we
let down the
masks we
wear in our
lives in favor
of some silly
rubber latex
ones from
We go out,
dress goofy,
beg for candy and treats, play absurd
games (bobbing for apples comes to
mind), and sometimes commit a bit of
mischief. But how did this all start?
What kind of traditions are steeped in
Halloween lore?
The Halloween we celebrated as
kids is being pushed aside in favor of
"Fall Festivals" or "Harvest Carnivals
People seem to be afraid of the word
"Halloween" and the implications this
holiday has lurking within its history.
Perhaps now, on this very day, it is time
to shake the skeletons out of
Halloween's closet and see what sto-
ries are fact
and which
are fiction.
loween is a
based on a
ritual This
is a fact -
sort of. Hal-
loween is
thought to
be derived
from the
Celtic har-
vest festival of Samhain. Samhain was
believed to be the time between the
ending and beginning of the New Year,
or "Winter's Eve" (because winter was
officially upon us). Since it was a split
between the old and new years, the
Celts believed that Samhain was a sort
of crack in time, enabling spirits of the
dead to cruise the earth once more,
both the bad ones and good. In the
seventh century, however. Pope
Boniface IV decided to adapt this holi-
day into a celebration of all of the
known and unknown saints and mar-
The Christians split the festivities
up into two days, All Saint's Day (or
All-Hallows'Hallowed Day) and All
Soul's Day. Since, according to the
Celts, these Spirits were roaming any-
way, the Christians praised and feasted
withfor the good ones on All Saint's
Day, and prayed for the souls of the
bad ones on All Soul's Day. Later on,
the newly-formed Church of England
abolished All Soul's Day, leaving All-
Hallow's, soon to become Halloween,
as a Protestant holiday.
"Our Founding Fathers forbade
the celebration of Halloween This is
true. Since our country was founded
on religious principles that broke from
the Church of England, the Puritans
forbade Halloween to be celebrated.
When the US began to allow other re-
ligions to flourish, the practices of
Halloween were picked up again, due
See ROOTS page 8
Real-life horror lurks
in Rule of the Bone
Ronda Cranford
Staff Writer
If you've ever wondered what
teenagers of today are thinking,
then you might find Russell Bank s
Rule of the Bone informative.
Chappie, the main character,
could be considered a gritty, mod-
ern day version of Huck Finn. Like
Huck, he spends some time miss-
ing and presumed dead. He makes
a journey with a black man. He is
also surprisingly sensitive for such
a hardened character.
Chappie begins by stealing
parts of his family's coin collection
to pawn in order to buy marijuana.
He uses the marijuana to treat his
boredom and his sense of worth-
lessness. He's got scummy friends
and an obnoxious stepfather who
has sexually abused him, so it
seems like the thing to do. Chappie
is 14 and not terribly interested in
solving his problems; he just wants
to forget about them as much as
When Chappie's parents dis-
cover the missing coins, he gets
thrown out of the house and his
days as a passive participant in his
life are over. He crashes for a while
in the apartment of a friend who
lives with several members of a
biker gang. To support himself, he
sells weed. It doesn't take long for
this situation to get out of control,
too - Chappie finds himself having
to make decisions
for himself and by
himself in order to
stay alive.
This is prob-
ably the best thing
for him. Being
thrown out of the
nest forces him to
grow up in a way
that living in the
shadow of his dys-
functional parents
would never allow.
Chappie has to raise himself. He
also gives himself another name:
We see how empathetic and
morally conscious Bone can be
when he spots a fat old man drag-
ging around a ragged little girl at
the mall. Bone feels sorry for the
little girl and wonders if he should
try to hit it off with the old man in
order to take her place. Things
don't quite work out that way, but
later on Bone does rescue the girl,
named Froggy, and takes her to live
in an abandoned school bus with a
saintly rastafarian named I-man.
Eventually Bone comes to face
the fact that he and I-man can't par-
ent r roggy, and manages to contact
her mother. It's pretty clear that
the woman
� sold her
daughter for
drug money
and isn't fit to
parent either,
but Bone
doesn't know
what else to
do. This facet
of the book
points out a
major mes-
sage: parents
are supposed to be the ones cuil-
dren count on so that they can
grow up healthy, but too often
these days biological parents are
the last people children should be
in the care of. The system is break-
ing down. What kind of parents will
these parentless children be?
I-man and Bone wind up in Ja-
maica, where Bone manages to find
his real father, a man who is color-
ful but not exactly a role model. It's
See BONE page 8
Chappie, the main
character, could
be considered a
gritty, modern day
version of Huck
File Photo
'Here honey, let me lick that paint off the side of your
I face This couple, for some unfathomable reason, made
I themselves up to look like the cover of the Rolling Stones'
Tattoo You album. Must have been the Budweiser talking.
??Cutie IRettieta
A -
Halloween still
sets standards
Horror classic
finds new life with
video re-release
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
The 1970s was a horrifying de"
cade. Within a span of 10 years,
America was witness to such horrors
as defeat in Vietnam, John Travolta's
singing career and John Carpenter's
now-classic film Halloween. Following
in the footsteps of Alfred Hitchcock's
Psycho, Halloween carried psycho-
logical horror to a new level and set
the standards which many horror
films would copy but few would equal.
Halloween has now been reis-
sued at an affordable price just in time
for the witching season. Since Hallow-
een 6. the latest sequel, has mysteri-
ously disappeared from Greenville
theaters, and since that film probably
wasn't worth the price of a pumpkin,
I decided to turn back the clocks and
focus my energies on Carpenter's
original baby.
Set in a typical suburban com-
munity on Halloween, the film's plot
is simple enough. Michael Myers, a
madman institutionalized for murder-
ing his sister when he was a young
child, escapes his asylum. Donald
Pleasance plays a psychiatrist who has
given up on helping Michael and now
only wants him stopped. Since Pleas-
ance believes he understands
"A Drop in the Bucket" is just
what it claims to be: a very tiny drop
in the great screaming bucket of
American media opinion. Take it as
you will
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
CD. Reviews
Jay Myers
Staff Writer
Sheer Terror
Love Songs for the
Sheer Terror is just that. This
record will frighten you. Not because
it's scary, though. Mostly this record
will frighten you because it's bad, real
bad. It's easy to see why these guys
are Unloved, their music is just plain
Sheer Terror is a New York punk
outfit consisting of lead vocalist The
Rev. Paul Bearer, bassist Mike Walter,
guitarist Mark Neuman, and drum-
mer Pat Cronin. While Walter,
Neuman, and Cronin are apt at lay-
ing down a hardcore punk sound,
they make no impact beyond the
norm. In fact, their sound is so re-
petitive from track to track that it
becomes boring.
The real shame of this band is
Bearer, however - lousy, lousy, lousy.
It doesn't even matter that he can't
sing (you don't really need to in a
punk band), but he can't even scream
well. Even though the band has some
funny song titles and a few interest-
ing lyrics, Bearer mangles them. He
is so incomprehensible that he
sounds like Sylvester Stallone trying
to speak in a foreign accent with a
mouth full of marbles. I kid you not.
It's not hard to see how Sheer
Terror could have garnered a follow-
ing, though. There are two songs on
the album that could make a decent
seven-inch. "For Rudy the Kraut" ex-
tols the virtues of a musical drunk
who is often the life of the party, but
also reminds us that there is pain hid-
den behind the liquor. "Be Still, My
Heart (You're Killing Me)" shows a
man scared of commitment who
would rather kill the woman he loves
and possess her always, than to give
in to the feelings in his heart.
These songs are definitely the
high points of the album, and they're
good enough to get the band some
attention, but a full-length album is
too much for Sheer Terror's limited
abilities. They should have stuck with
the seven-inch format that is the stan-
dard of punk bands. It would have
saved them some ridicule.
Punk can be evil and nasty and
irreverent, and that's okay because
that's what punk is. But when punk
is abused and misused, as it is here,
then it just becomes annoying. In "Not
Waving, Drowning" Bearer says, "I
want you to take this the wrong way
I'm not here for you, but for mel took
this misadventure to see what I could
doAnd no one rides for free I
couldn't agree more.
On the misadventure that is Love
Songs for the Unloved, Bearer is defi-
nitely not here for anyone else but
himself. Sheer Terror is a one-note act
that's lucky to have made the big time.
However, if you're not good enough
to earn that recording contract which
so many good bands deserve, then it
sounds like a free ride to me. Hope-
fully, this will be a short ride.
Today's Topic:
Horror Movies
1. How many times did
Bela Lugosi play Dracula?
2. How many of the Hallow-
een movies starred Jamie
Lee Curtis?
3. What Japanese ani-
mated film features vam-
pires, a strange medieval
society with laser guns and
a hero with an extra face in
the palm of his hand?
4. What false name did
Count Dracula go by in Son
of Dracula?
5. What two actors starred
as The Thing With Two
Answers in Thursday's issue
Michael's method of madness, he goes
to Michael's hometown to hunt him
Enter a nerdy, teenage Jamie Lee
Curtis. While her friends plan for a
night of decadence, Curtis plans for a
quiet evening of baby-sitting. However,
Curtis keeps seeing some strange fig-
ure in town. She is suspicious. Her
friends, unfortunately, are clueless.
The audience knows these kids are
dog food the minute they first appear
on screen. They're a buffet of death
that Michael gets to feast on.
Once the mood of the film is es-
tablished, the story focuses on one
murder after another and ultimately
leads to a confrontation between
Michael, Curtis and Pleasance. But
one of the many things that makes
Carpenter's horror flick stand out
from the rest of trie crowd is the grisly
nature of the murders. While films like
Friday the 13th just try to create bi-
zarre ways for someone to die, Hal-
loween sticks to basics. Strangulation
and knives work best for Michael.
As a symbol of evil, Michael is
much more interesting than a Jason
or Freddy. Although Michael never
talks, Carpenter provides several
subtleties within his murdering child
that make Michael more than just a
mindless maniac. One of the film's
most memorable scenes involves
Michael impaling a man onto a wall
.ith a knife. As the lifeless corpse
hangs limply in midair, Michael stands
See HALLOWEEN page 8
Ah, Halloween. As a child, it was
my favorite holiday. I can still remem-
ber all the scurrying about in prepara-
tion for the day. I was a real handful,
nagging my mom to take me to the
store so I could pick out the perfect
costume, the one that would assure
that Satan would choose me over all
the other kids in the neighborhood.
I remember my dad's heavy brown
robes, the ones he only wore for the
yearly druidic rites. Mom and Granny
would hop on their brooms and fly
around the pumpkin patches to tease
the dark lord into turgid life My brother
would cruise in his high school hot rod
and pick up virgins for the rituals.
And I had the most important job:
trick-or-treating. I would wander the
streets, terrifying Christian kids and
opening their souls to the devil. "More
dupes for Satan I would shout, child-
ish glee lifting my voice high in the
dark night
Then, at midnight we would join
with all the other evil folk of the town
for the big Satanic blood orgy. We may
have pretended to be Methodists for
most the year, but on Halloween we let
our pagan heritage show.
At least that's what some conser-
vative religious leaders would have us
believe. Many church groups are striv-
ing to ban Halloween celebrations in
the name of God Halloween, they say,
is a pagan holiday that celebrates evil.
Anyone who celebrates Halloween,
then, is worshipping the devil
But that's not how I remember
Halloween at all I remember going out
trick-or-treating and eating tons of
candy. I remember spending my night
out terrified that my brother and his
teenage friends might cross my path
and pummel me with eggs.
The way I remember it Hallow-
een wasn't about evil at alL It was about
pretending to be evil, maybe, but real
evil never entered the equation. No,
Halloween was about candy and
pranks. It was about being as weird as
I wanted for one day out of the year. It
was about being allowed to stay up all
night watching horror movies on TV
because it was my favorite holiday.
Yes, Halloween celebrates all that
is dark and wicked in mankind. It's a
holiday for autumn, when the world is
dying in preparation for winter. But
whatever evil there is in Halloween is
all in good fun.
We all have a dark side, and Hal-
loween is the one day out of the year
when we're allowed to acknowledge it
We don't hurt anybody doing it we're
not truly being eviL But it's still a re-
lease, a safety valve that keeps us from
being really evil in our everyday life.
But if we're going to ban Hallow-
een because it was originally a pagan
holiday, we might as well ban Christ-
mas and Easter, too. After all, we don't
actually know the exact dates of Jesus
Christ's birth and death. But there were
convenient pagan holidays in Decem-
ber and April, so Christianity decided
to coopt them. It was a lot easier to
get people to convert if they could still
have their end of the year orgy-feast
Actually, a lot of church groups
are doing something that I personally
find a lot more reprehensible than any
mock-evil secular Halloween atrocity.
Many fundamentalist churches are
sponsoring "Haunted Houses" that put
real-life horrors on display. In a normal
haunted house (you know, the kind the
Jaycees put on), you're confronted with
axe-wielding maniacs, vampires and
other assorted ghoulies that scare you,
then give you a good laugh later. In
these church sponsored places, how-
ever, you see gay men dying of AIDS,
teenagers overdosing on drugs and
women undergoing abortions.
That's not entertaining or educa-
tional, that's sick! I realize these scenes
are supposed to scare people straight
but that's just going too far.
Ultimately, these people need to
lighten up. Vampires and axe murder-
ers are no threat to Christianity, or
America's moral fiber. Just like the
Fourth of July, Halloween is a secular
holiday. It has been for a long time now.
Outside of Wicca (the nationally-recog-
nized "witch" religion), nobody does
much worshipping of anything on Oct
31. Unless, of course, it falls on a Sun-

-jWHiTgfriin ti
The East Carolinian
Tuesday, October 31, 1995
Halloween goes under fire
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year-old ghosts won't be haunting the
halls of Los Altos schools this Hal-
loween, and that has parents fright-
ened that political correctness has
gone too far.
Halloween parades and symbols
- including paper witches pasted to
windows � have been banned in the
schools because of objections by
Christian fundamentalists who com-
plain the holiday celebrates the devil.
"What's next - banning Christ-
mas?" said one exasperated parent.
Patrick Ferrell.
That's been done already, along
tendent Marge Gratiot said.
"We haven't for years celebrated
any of the religious holidays she
School Board President Phil
Faillace, who wrote the new policy,
isn't backing down despite parent
protests. "We're restoring values to
the schools he insisted. ,
In a school bulletin that kicked
off the furor, Faillace wrote, "The
board has to acknowledge
Halloween's roots in Druid ceremo-
nies and in a Celtic festival for
Samhain, the Celts' god of the dead
The policy means no Halloween
loween rarade, which usually fea-
tures youngsters in their scariest cos-
Teachers can hand out coloring
papers with jack-olanterns on them
- but only if students also are offered
a nonsatanic alternative.
That's too much for Mark
Euchner, whose three sons attend
the Bullis-Purissima Elementary
School, as well as the First Baptist
"Halloween was a fun time - you
can't take that away from kids he
said. "If someone has a problem with
that, they can maybe teach their kids
with Hanukkah and Easter, Superin- parties on school time and no Hal- better at home
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Get caught in the Rats9 trap
Ike Shibley
Senior Writer
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Though not currently showing
in Greenville, seeing Mallrats out
of town makes me wish it were. I
find it difficult to believe that such
a hilarious film about college stu-
dents would not open in a college
town like Greenville.
Mallrats is the second film writ-
ten and directed by Kevin Smith.
His first effort. Clerks, became one
of the most successful independent
films of last year (and deservedly
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so). Smith fills his films with lots
of dialogue. He writes a bit like
Quentin Tarantino, but without the
violence. Smith's characters engage
in mindless drivel for minutes on
end then spout off some intellec-
tual, eloquent phrase before drop-
ping again to meaningless banter.
Smith's characters are slackers
in every sense of the word. With
little else to do besides play Sega.
Brodie (Jason Lee. in a flat-out hi-
larious debuti spends the better
part of his days at the local mall.
He claims it as his own as he and
his friend T.S. (Jerome London)
roam around one day after being
dumped by their respective girl-
Brodie loves comic books and
comic book jokes keep floating in
from every direction. A cameo by
Stan Lee, founder of Marvel Com-
ics (Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, X-
Mep), adds to the comic book
theme. Lee obviously has Smith's
admiration because the few scenes
in which Lee appears give him an
aura of immortality. Even the open-
ing credits have comic book cari-
catures as the star's names appear.
Smith adds a collection of
quirky characters to populate the
mall. He also uses a few running
gags that work well throughout the
film without becoming tedious. One
mallrat stares at a 3-D picture of a
sailboat all day because he just can-
not seem to see the image. Jay (Ja-
son Mewes) and Silent Bob (Kevin
Smith) repeatedly try to sabotage
a game show being set up in the
mall but continuously fail.
The funniest running gag has
Silent Bob trying to use the Jedi
Mind trick to move a cigarette in
his hand. Kevin Smith admires
George Lucas as much as Stan Lee;
in Clerks, a lengthy discussion oc-
curs about whether The Empire
Strikes Back was better than Re-
turn of the Jedi. Near the end of
Mallrats. Silent Bob finds a video
tape just out of his reach and com-
mands his Jedi powers to help re-
trieve it.
The sophomoric humor in
Mallrats sometimes borders on be-
ing excessive, much like in Dumb
and Dumber, but. as in the latter
film, the director manages to walk
the line without crossing it. Brodie
gives an adult a stinky palm at one
point (a palm he has used to wipe
his bottom). Another on-the-edge
gag has Brodie and T.S. going to a
topless psychic.
Shannen Doherty has a small
role as Rene, Brodie's ex-girlfriend.
Someone runs into her in the mall
and calls her Brenda, which incites
strong language from Rene. Kevin
Smith gave himself the best of the
smaller roles. Much like Harpo
Marx, the silent Marx brother,
Smith does more with facial expres-
sions to make the audience laugh
than most actors can do with a page
of dialogue. Smith is a first-rate
Mallrats does not generate any
deep philosophical discussions but
it does bring up quandaries like
whether Lois Lane could have
Superman's baby and whether The
Thing (of the Fantastic Four) has
ALL his organs made of rock.
For sheer entertainment value,
one would have to look pretty hard
to find 90 minutes of more fun.
Mallrats will hopefully come to
Greenville sometime, but if not
keep it in mind when it arrives on
video. And in the meantime run 01 I
and see Clerks. The star of that
film, Brian O'Halloran, even has a
small role in Mallrats.
On a scale of one to ten,
Mallrats rates an eight.
And may the force be with you.
downtown, Greenville -758-tann
fUef tkat FaiiBrtA Tax

Tuesday, October 31, 1995
The East Carolinian
HALLOWEEN from page 7
before the body with a tilted head
as if he were studying what he had
done. This silent scene creates a killer
who actually seems to ponder his ac-
tions. But the murders continue.
Carpenter is a visual master, and
Halloween is his masterpiece. He and
cinematographer Dean Cundy use
light and shadows to their full effect
by placing Michael's deathly white
mask against the blackness of the
night. The film's eerie nature does not
simply rely on the "jump out and scare
you technique. Instead, Carpenter
creates horror by incorporating the
horror within the everyday.
A fun game to play while watch-
ing this movie is trying to spot Michael
within certain scenes. A shot featur-
ing the killer standing in the middle
of some hanging laundry is one of my
personal favorite moments in horror
film history.
Much of the horror in Halloween
is mood. While the audience is wit-
ness to ghastly murders, Carpenter's
genius lies not in how he can gross
you out but by how he can pinch at
your nerves. The theme music, writ-
ten by Carpenter himself, perfectly
exemplifies this idea. Carpenter's
music feels like tiny needles relent-
lessly jabbing into your skin, and it
perfectly matches the discomfort re-
layed through the film.
Since Halloween was released in
1978, countless films have butchered
the "slasher film" concept of horror
which Carpenter perfectly molded.
Even the sequels to Halloween have
failed to capture the feel of the origi-
nal. A generation who grew up watch-
ing Freddy and Jason hack through
Hollywood may not appreciate
Carpenter's independent wonder.
Still, those of us who saw the 70s
through the innocent lenses of child-
hood will always be nostalgic for this
classic tale of the Bogeyman return-
ing home during the season of the
witch. On a scale of one to 10, Hal-
loween rates a solid, horrifying 10.
To the Mighty Zombie Army of Lifestyle:
mms mpncs. m mo day and m is up 10 you sow ot.
jKOCJ 1J from pae 7
mainly to the massive influence
of Irish immigrants in the 1840s. The
Irish brought with them some of the
more familiar symbols of Halloween,
like the Jack o' Lantern. The Jack o'
Lantern was traditionally used for two
purposes: to guide the way of visiting
souls of loved ones to their families
and to scare away mischievous or evil
"Halloween is a time when sadists
prey exclusively on children by taint-
ing candy with drugs, poisons, or
razorblades Believe it or not. this is
false. This urban legend became big in
the early '70s, when such prestigious
periodicals us Newsweek and The New
York Times warned that such Hallow-
een monsters were out there. In 1985,
two doctors at California State Univer-
sity found that the nation's major news-
papers reported only 75 or so such
cases between 1959-1984.
Of those, most were faked. Minor
injuries resulted from 20 cases, and two
others resulted in death. Those deaths
were one child who ingested heroin-
laced candy at an uncle's house and
another who was murdered by his fa-
ther, who had hoped to lay the blame
on this tradition of the "bogeyman"
"Halloween is also known as
Devil's Night, when whackos misguid-
edly take up the Celtic tradition of
burning bonfires and use it as an ex-
cuse to commit mass arson Yes, the
movie "The Crow" didn't lie to you.
This, sadly, is a fact Major cities such
as Detroit and Chicago have to go
through this hell every' year, some years
worse than others.
"Halloween is a time of mysticism
and magic Well, if you believe in the
stuff, sure. Remember that crack in time
I mentioned before? Well, that phenom-
enon is also said to allow ordinary
people to exercise the magic potential
within them. Psychics and fortune tell-
ers are said to be at the height of their
powers. Dreams are more vivid.
Women are said to be able to magi-
cally divine, through a staggering assort-
ment of Halloween traditions, who they
will marry. .An traditional Irish custom
was to have the women sit at the hearth,
playing such divining games, while the
men dressed in suits of white straw and
caroused drunkenly with the spirits of
the dead. These eligible bachelors would
enter the women's kitchens (if a father
denied them access, he would be
"tricked"), demand a dance, fake hav-
ing sex, and steal a bunch of food be-
fore heading off to the next house.
Anyway, the main point is this:
Halloween, just like most holidays, is
what you make of it So go out and let
the everyday masks slide a bit Dance
with the spirits of the dead. Woo the
opposite sex. But do it safely. Most Hal-
loween folk traditions say that wearing
red somewhere on your person is an
excellent talisman against evil spirits,
so you might want to do that If you
UUWjfci from page 7
a relief to see that Bone recog-
nizes this and continues to follow
I-man, who if nothing else is good
and honest in his own fashion. I-
man initiates Bone into manhood.
Rule of the Bone is at times
hard to read. Part of this is because
it's told from the point of view of a
14 year old who thinks in couima-
free run-on sentences. On the other
hand, this makes the character
more believable. The pain and sus-
pense within the story also make it
hard to read: at the same time the
book is almost impossible to put
down. The plot relies on too many
convenient coincidences to be be-
lievable all the time, but the story
is so good it doesn't matter.
Bone goes through many
shocking and painful experiences:
the only thing that gives you the
motivation to keep reading through
all the ugliness is the hope that he
has enough strength and goodness
in him to remain a sympathetic
character and perhaps even turn
out all right. Despite some close
calls, usually when he has access
to a gun. he comes through.
Rule of the Bone gives a close
look at what is going on-with kids
in our society today and has zero
dull moments. It's a consciousness
raising as well as soundly entertain-
ing read.
While you wait
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Tuesday, October 31,1995
The East Carolinian
Holcomb pulls through
in final second kick
Brian Paiz
Smlor Writer
A fairy tale ending to a night-
marish story came to be realized for
Chad Holcomb on Saturday night.
After missing two field goals and an
extra point against Southern Miss,
the junior kicker nailed a 29-yard
field goal with one second left to give
ECU a thrilling 36-34 victory over the
Golden Eagles in Hattiesburg.
The Southern Miss Homecoming
crowd saw their team fight back to
take the lead with :57 seconds left,
when quarterback Heath Graham
hooked up with Donald Cunnigham
in the corner of the end zone to make
the score 34-33.
This is where Pirate fans' hearts
started beating a little faster. With
ECU starting at their own 21 yard
line, quarterback Marcus Crandell
ran for 11 yards to give the Pirates a
first down at the ECU 32. After two
straight incomplete passes, Crandell,
facing a third-and-10 situation, scam-
pered out of the pocket for another
11-yard gain and ECU had another
first down at their own 43. Crandell
then found Jason Nichols for an 11-
yard pass-and-catch, and ECU found
itself at the Golden Eagle 46 with
under 30 seconds remaining in the
Once again Crandell hooked up
with Nichols, this time for a 19 yard
pickup, and the Pirates were in busi-
ness at the Southern Miss 27 yard
line. ECU then set up Holcomb for a
44-yard field goal to win the game.
But Coach Steve Logan had other
things in mind as he called the un-
thinkable, a fake. Holcomb did his
best impersonation of Marcus
Crandell as he took the ball and
heaved it down field to a wide-open
Scott Richards, who was mauled by
Southern Miss defenders, and pass
interference was called.
Holcomb, now facing a 29-yard
field goal, stepped up and drilled the
game winner.
" I missed two earlier and I came
in with one second left and won it
said Holcomb. "It feels good to come
through. I'm just glad Marcus could
bring us down the field and give me
a chance to win it"
ECU was no stranger to fakes in
this game, as they successfully pulled
off two fake punts earlier in the
"I thought we had time to get
two plays off said Logan. "It was
not as risky as it looked. I instructed
Chad to throw it deep or run the ball.
I knew that the tight end would be
open. The reason I called the fake
was that they were in an 11-man blitz,
and the Southern Miss kids just went
to sleep
Southern Miss Head Coach Jeff
Bower said that this was just another
typical ECU-Southern Miss game.
See MISS page 12
Men's soccer team looking
to find winning formula
Craig Perrott
Staff Writer
The ECU men's soccer team's
"close but no cigar" season con-
tinued this weekend with two.
heartbreaking losses.
Last Friday, the Pirates trav-
eled to Statesboro, Ga. to take on
the Eagles of Georgia Southern.
The Bucs lost in another c'ose
one, falling 3-1.
The gaie looked like it
would be an offensive showcase
as three goals were scored in the
first 30 minutes of play.
Georgia Southern started
things off 6:35 into the game
when Jason Russel scored from
the top right corner of the box
via a Denny Tucker cross pass.
Tucker then got the call at
the 24:18 mark when he received
a double assist from Chris Skylar
and Jeremy Simmons. Tucker
hooted in the ball in from the top
of the penalty box, giving the
Eagles a two point cushion.
The Pirates retaliated at the
27:05 mark when senior Marc Mullin
sent a cross pass to feHow co-cap-
tain Chris Padgett, who rifled the
ball in from the top of the box. ECU
went into the locker room trailing
GSU came out in the second
half and shut down the Pirate of-
fensive attack, holding the Bucs to
three shots on goalie Kris Trainor.
Georgia Southern had seven shots
of their own. The Eagles put ECU
away at the 80:44 mark when Skylar
scored off of an assist from Tucker
and Kevin Hanfman.
The highlight of the day came
in the form of 13 shots on goal for
the Bucs.
In action on Sunday, the Pirates
traveled to Florida only to lose an
overtime barn-burner to the Dolphins
of Jacksonville University, 2-1.
Pirate senior defender Eddie
Stephens drew first blood for the Pi-
rates at the 8:40 mark, booting in a
cross pass from Padgett and Dusty
Belk. The ball sailed past Dolphin
goalie Chris Smith at the far post
The Pirate defense held JU at
bay until the 62:05 mark, when the
Dolphins finally scored on ECU
goalie Jay Davis. Papayaw Danso-
Ampofo fired in a Stein Wiggo
Jakobsen pass for the score, which
would eventually send the game
into two overtimes.
With seven minutes left in the
second overtime, Jacksonville's
Tyler Jones sent a pass to Craig
Wilson who placed the ball in the
far left corner of the goal, just out
of Jay Davis' reach.
"We outplayed them, we
outhustled them and it was our
game to win ECU Head Coach
Will Wiberg said. "We did every-
thing but win
The Pirates have one week to
put it all together for the Colonial
Athletic Association Champion-
ships which will be held Nov. 9-12.
ECU travels to Raleigh on Wednes-
day to take on the Wolfpack of N.C.
H-�4f �,
SID-After battling to a score-
less tie at halftime, Mount Saint
Mary's pulled away from East Caro-
lina to down the Pirates in lady's
soccer action here Friday after-
The Mount broke through the
ECU defense quickly after the
break. MSU scored its first goal just
three minutes into the second half
when junior Jenny Shaw found
midfielder Paula Koontz in front of
the Pirate goal. The pass bounced
off Koontz' chest and sophomore
Jenny Klimes charged in and
cleaned up with a shot that sneaked
past ECU goalkeeper Joey Clark.
Mount Saint Mary's quickly
capitalized on the momentum
swing and scored two more goals
within 13 minutes. At the 50:18
minute mark, Christy Wicks found
Klimes who sailed a shot over the
head of Clark for her second goal
of the night. Ten minutes later,
Koontz scored on a double assist
from Carol Dickenson and Heather
Karap to lift the Mount to a 3-0
The Pirates avoided the shut-
out at the 63:43 minute mark when
midfielder Becky Tiesler sent a pass
from the right sideline to sopho-
more Stephanie Dressel. The
Wilmington, Del. native took
Tiesler's pass and fired the ball past
the MSU defender. However, the
Pirates were unable to squeeze any-
thing else out of the Mount defense
and the final gun ended the game
at 3-1.
On Sunday the Lady Pirates
ended its regular season against
CAA foe Virginia Commonwealth
dropping to 3-16 (0-7 in the CAA)
here on Sunday, 2-0.
The Lady Rams were paced by
Jamila Ashford who scored the
game opening goal with 23:34 on
the clock. Adding to the VCU scor-
ing in the second half, Cecile
Fjeldstad booted home the game
See SID page 12
fas 7 pi.
SCtJ ID. to Russia,students
ticket, up their tickets
the Williams Anna
������ �" ?
i �
Beth the men's and women teams
will plsy exhibition games that night
following ECU'S football game
�against Tulsa at Dowdy-Fickien Sta-
dium. The men's game wi8 start at $
pjtt. with the women's to foBow. '
For more information, .contact
the ECU Ticket office at 3284500.
Junior outside
hitter Carrie Brne,
does a pregame
warm up before a
recent match. The
Lady Pirates
volleyball team
will play their last
game tonight at
Williams Arena
against UNCG at 7
Photo toy KEN CLARK
Pirates: USA material
Brian Paiz
Senior Writer
I hope that the Conference USA
commissioner Michael Slive and the
presidents of the 12 member institu-
tions were watching the ECU-USM
game on Saturday. If so, they saw one
of the finest college football games
this season between two of the most
underrated college football programs
in the nation.
As everyone knows. ECU was
snubbed by Conference USA last sea-
son, and the new 12 league confer-
ence does include Southern Missis-
sippi, a team that is very similar to
ECU. The similarities are astounding.
ECU competes with two other so-
called "bigger" schools in the state,
North Carolina and North Carolina
State, and Southern Miss is in battle
with the University of Mississippi an4
Mississippi State.
Hattiesburg and Greenville are
both similar in size, and the campuses
kind of look alike (they even have a
Jones Hall). But the big difference is
that Southern Miss has found a con-
ference home and ECU has not So
what's the problem?
People in Hattiesburg are proud
to be members of Conference USA. I
had a chance to visit the student book-
store on the Southern Miss campus,
and as I walked in there was a huge
Conference USA banner on the win-
dow, and Conference USA shirts were
everywhere in the store.
'M.M. Roberts Stadium is so
proud of Conference USA, that they
posted the logo in the middle of the
50-yard line. I think ECU fans would
be just as receptive, but if Conference
USA officials keep giving us the cold
shoulder, then I believe it's going to
come to a point where Pirate fans are
going to start taking it as an insult (I
think some of them have already).
It seems to me that the only thing
that is holding ECU from getting into
Conference USA is the ignorance of
some Conference USA officials to see
that the Pirate program is on the rise,
and that people around the nation are
starting to respect ECU athletics.
Liberty Bowl President Bob Mar-
tin was in attendance at Saturday's
game, and Martin, who has always
favored ECU's admittance into Con-
ference USA, said that Saturday's
game did nothing but encourage
'This game did nothing but en-
hance East Carolina University's
chance to be in Conference USA
said Martin. "We've said all along
that the conference needs to be big-
ger and no other university can bring
more to the table than East Carolina
can. We're excited and we hope that
East Carolina becomes a part of Con-
ference USA
Hopefully Mr. Slive and the presi-
dents of the 12 Conference USA in-
stitutions will embrace Mr. Martin's
comments in the future.
Volleyball teams scores two wins
Dill Dillard
Staff Writer
Two fierce efforts paid off for the
ECU volleyball team with a sound vic-
tory after a bitter defeat.
The first of the two conference
matches found the Lady Pirates on
the losing end, as they were
defeated by the Tribe of
William and Mary in four
games (9-15, 5-15, 15-8,
15-12) on Friday night at
Williams Arena.
"It was a tough loss
said Head Coach Kim Walker
who saw her players turn in a
solid match despite the loss. Included
in the effort, was senior Tara Venn
who led the Lady Pirates with 11 to-
tal blocks while junior Carrie Brne
turned in 13 kills in the losing effort
This heartbreaker dropped the
Lady Buc's record to 14-12 going into
their next CAA match-up with the
Lady Rams of Virginia Common-
"You know what they say-we've
got to get up and get back on that
horse Walker added.
Walker's troops did just that
when the Lady Rams came rolling
into Williams Arena the very
next day on Saturday. It
took the Lady Pirates
under two hours to send
the Lady Rams back to
Richmond with a loss in
straight games. Once
again the more experi-
enced players stepped up for
ECU this time in a winning cause,
as Brne stepped in with 18 kills along
with senior Gwynn Baber who had
seven blocks as well as nine kills of
her own in the win.
"We came out and hit the ball
really well said Walker, "that was
important to our success as a team
The Lady Pirates came into the
two matches with a .201 attack per-
centage only to drop their percentage
to .137 against William and Mary, but
rebounded with a .319 performance
against Virginia Commonwealth.
The next task for Walker's 15-12
ECU volleyball team is not a very easy
one. Tonight the Lady Spartans of
UNC-Greensboro roll into Greenville
for ECU's final home match of the sea-
son starting at 7 p.m. at Williams
"We were physically and mentally
drained the last time we played
UNCG Walker commented.
This in-state Halloween duel will
be a test for the Pirates who will be
beginning a demanding road sched-
ule starting with the Navy Invitational
and finishing with the CAA Tourna-
ment, Nov. 17-18.
Runners compete in championships
Erika Leigh Hamby
Staff Writer
The East Carolina cross country
teams traveled to Williamsburg, Va.
to compete in the CAA Champion-
ships against the best teams from
North Carolina, Virginia and Wash-
ington, D.C.
The Pirates came out with a
fourth place finish out of nine in the
women's competition, and a sixth
place finish out of eight in the men's
competition on Saturday. The course
was hampered with rain before the
competition, leaving the course wet
and sloppy. The stretch of the race
through the woods was particularly
messy with wet mud.
Both teams were led by pairs of
newcomers. In the women's compe-
tition freshmen Suzanne Bellamy not
only won all conference honors with
this race, but also posted her best
time of the season with 18:09. That
time landed her a fourth place fin-

. "I really liked the course
Bellamy said. "It
rained the night be-
fore, but the compe-
tition was really
Kerri Hartling
was another top fin-
isher with a 16th ��
place finish. Jeremy
Coleman, a freshman for the men,
posted the best time, 26:24, for the
men's team with a 27th place run. �
"I was pleased with my perfor-
mance said Coleman. "We (the
team) really turned some heads
Jamie Mance, another strong
male freshman, came in a little un-
der 20 seconds behind Coleman to
take 29th place. The other top fin-
ishers for the Pirates were Karen
Reinhard with a 23rd place run for
the women and Paul Gorman with a
42nd place run for the men.
Assistant Coach Charles Justice
pointed out that the Lady Pirates had
The guys ran a
pretty good race
� Assistant Coach Charles
beaten UNC-W in all of their meets
this season, but the UNC-W women
�-��. came out of
this competi-
tion with a sec-
ond place win
to beat the
Lady Pirates.
Justice had
hoped for an
over last year when the Lady Pirates
also came out with a fourth place
overall finish.
As for the men's team. Justice
was pleased with their showing. Jus-
tice said this is one of the better sea-
sons the men have had in a while.
"The guys ran a pretty good
race said Justice.
Runners for both teams seemed
pleased with their performances and
their overall standings for the sea-
Both teams will advance to the
NCAA District III competition to be
held in Greenville, S.C in November.
- -�yj ' �'i ������� �fciii

Tuesday, October 31, 1995
The East Carolinian
JM.D from page 11
sealing goal.
ECU was unable to generate
much offense as they fell to their
seventh straight CAA team this sea-
son. Clark notched nine saves for
the Lady Pirates while the Lady
Pirate's offense was held to three
shots on goal.
Coach Neil Roberts and the
Lady Pirates will prepare for the
CAA Championships on Nov. 2-5 in
Harrisonburg. Va.
SID-The ECU men's tennis
team participated in the University
of South Carolina Region II Fall In-
vitational over the weekend. The
women's team played in the Nisbet
Women's Intercollegiate Tourna-
ment at Campbell University.
Freshman Derek Slate played
his way into the third round of the
C singles, but lost to eventual run-
ner-up Matt Czurchy by a 7-6, 6-4
score. Slate had dropped just two
games in the two previous matches
leading up to the third round.
Sophomore Josh Campbell was
ousted in straight sets in his fist
match in the B-l singles draw, but
came back to make it to the third
round of the consolation bracket.
Campbell lost to Aaron Strimba from
the University of Virginia 6-1. 6-2.
Fellow sophomore Kris Hutton
was also a first round loser, but also
played his way into the third round
of consolations before losing to Vir-
ginia Tech's Chirag Patel by a 6-3,
6-3 margin.
The women's team spent their
fall break in Buies Creek. N.C at
the Nisbet Intercollegiate Tourna-
ment. Senior Allison DeBastiani
advanced to the quarterfinals of the
tournament before losing to second-
seeded Siri Mittet form the College
of Charleston, 6-3, 6-1.
Pirate top-seed Anne-Birgette
Svae advanced to the semifinals of
the consolation round after defeat-
ing fellow Pirates Catherine Morgan
and DeBastiani.
The doubles combination of
Svae-DeBastiani and Rachel Cohen-
Morgan advanced to the
quarterfinals of the doubles draw.
The men will play in the
Clemson Invitational on Nov. 3-5 as
they continue to prepare for the
spring schedule.
The East Carolinian would like to
thank Hugh McGowan.Jn, Scott
Smith and members of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars for the plaque
presented yesterday to TEC in
recognition of our coverage of their
Buddy Popdv Days
Are you looking for a hairstylist ?
Someone who is professional but friendly.
Someone who offers quality and up-to-date
techniques. And of course don't mention
haircutting. Okay, I won't say any more.
Call today.
Deborah Pretty 321-8842
p.s. 10 discount to full-time students
JVm from page 11
"You have to give both teams
credit iaid Bower. "Both teams
played hard the entire game, and it
went down to the wire
ECU got on the scoreboard
first with 2:06 remaining in the first
quarter when Marcus Crandell
hooked up with Scott Richards to
give the Pirates a 7-0 lead. Richards
had an outstanding game, as he
caught four passes for 62 yards and
two touchdowns.
"Scott has turned into a really
good college tight end said Logan.
"The game last year against South-
ern Miss was where he came out of
his shell so to speak, and he's been
a good tight end ever since
After a-Southern Miss field
goal, the Pirates drove 80 yards in
seven plays culminated by a 2-yard
touchdown run to give ECU a 14-3
lead going into halftime. Crandell
ran the ball well all night as he had
10 carries for 58 yards.
Southern Miss scored early in
the second half, after ECU failed
to recover the opening kickoff, and
the Golden Eagles got the ball at
the ECU 15. The Golden Eagles'
Chris Buckhalter ran it in for the
score. The two point conversion
was good and ECU's lead was cut
to 14-11.
ECU got in the end zone once
again with 9:54 remaining in the
third, as Crandell found Richard
again for an 11-yard touchdown.
Holcomb's extra point was blocked,
and the Pirates led 20-11.
Southern Miss would not go
away when Buckhalter ran 23 yards
for another Golden Eagle TD with
4:09 left in the third.
The Pirates struck back-
quickly when Crandell drilled a
pass to Mitchell Galloway for a
touchdown, and ECU took a 27-18
lead with 2:27 left in the third quar-
After a Southern Miss field
goal that made the score 27-21.
Emmanuel McDaniel picked off a
Graham pass and ran it back 65
yards for the touchdown. ECU led
33-21. It was McDaniel's fifth
straight game with an interception
Heath Graham hit Adam
Kennedy for a 5-yard touchdown
strike with 9:30 left in the fourth
quarter, to make the score 33-28.
That led to the final heart pump-
ing moments.
ECU had an impressive day on
offense as they accounted for 485
total yards. Crandell was 28-52 for
312 yards and three touchdowns.
Jerris McPhail had 118 yards of to-
tal offense, and Mitchell Galloway
had his best performance of the sea-
son as he caught nine balls for 106
yards and one touchdown.
David Hart led the Pirate de-
fense with eight tackles, and
Emmanuel McDaniel accounted for
six stops
"We beat a first class football
team said Logan. "They never
quit. It was a good game between
two class teams. We were willing
to win on the last play of the game.
Our team came together today
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Tuesday, October 31, 1995
The East Carolinian
For Rent
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
Attention Students!
Langston Park Apartments
(Beside Tar River Estates,
Near Campis)
1 ,ii id 2 Bedroom1
lr-in Mad Quiet, one bedroom
�.lied .rp.irlmentv S2S0 n monl
ROOMMATE WANTED. 2 bedroom Du-
plexWalking distance from campus. Non-
smoker requested. Includes WasherDryer
and Dishwasher. $250mo. plus 12 util.
Call 758-2232.
SUBLEASE WANTED! Female, at Wilson
Acres. Only one other roommate; your own
bedroom. $250.00 month and half of ut ili-
ties. One block from campus. Call Joli at
share one bedroom apt. in Tar River. Lo-
cated close to campus, for more informa-
tion Call Celeste or Melodie at 931-3751.
2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, 112 baths, nice
yard for outside pets, quiet couple,
$365.00; 2 bedroom quads, Bryton Hills
area, $340.00 call 353-0070.
bedroom1 & 2 bath. 2 blocks from cam-
pus. Water & basic cable included. 752-
8900. Professionally managed by Pro Man-
agement of Greenville.
TOWNHOUSE 2 bedroom 1 12 bath.
2 blocks from campus. $475 per month.
Pro Management of Greenville. 756-1234
2 bath. Partially furnished. $500.00 per
month. Pro Management of Greenville.
HOUSES FOR RENT near campus. $450-
$550. Call Cindy. Pro Management of
Greenville. 756-1234.
WESLEY COMMONS; 1 & 2 Bedroom,
Range, Refrigerator, Washer & Dryer
Hookups, Decks & Pat ios in most units.
Laundry Facility. Sand Volleyball Court,
Located 5 blocks from campus. Free Wa-
ter & Sewer.
Stove Refrigerator Dishwasher
Washer & Dryer Hookups Patios on first
floor. Located five blocks from campus.
These and other fine properties managed
by Pitt Property Management, 108 A
Brownlea Drive. 758-1921.
with free water, free cable (Beside Tar
River Apts.) $355 month rent. Call 758-
RECREATION, Rent $225 month at 810
Cotanche St. Call 758-1921.
Available end of Dec. 2BR, 1 12 bath,
DW, WD hookup. New car pet, paint Call
Roommate needed to share two bedroom
apt. close to campus. Star ting mid or late
December. Call Tanya at 355-9541.
SEMI-PRIVATE ROOM $143.75 plus 1
4 utilities. Townhouse 2 blocks from cam-
pus, 3 blocks from downtown. Call for Deb,
Dawn, or Jim 758-8362.
Three blocks from campus. $450.00. 830-
1326 after 6:00pm.
from campus, $141.67 per month 13
utilities & phone. Call 752-5428. Leave
ROOMMATE NEEDED: Starting in Janu
ary; 2BR; $167, monthUtilities; private
room; Call Jody at 551-7624; leave mes-
ROOMMATE WANTED: Female to share
brand new 4BR, 3 full bath apartment
iiome. $250 per month plus 14 utilities.
Swimming pool, exercise center, club
house, lighted tennis courts, and lots of
extras, including continental breakfast
each Friday morning. Call 321-7613.
ROOMMATE WANTED? Male to share
new 4 BDR, 3 full bath apartment. $250
per month plus 14 utilities. Swimming
pool, tennis, volleyball, weight room and
more. Call 321-7613.
2 BEDROOM HOUSE only 3 blocks from
campus, appliances included, Pets OK.
$350. 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX. 5 blocks
from campus, appliances included. Pets
OK. $300. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, new
floors, appliances, Pets OK. 5 blocks from
campus. $540. 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX, 6
bricks from campus, central air,
applicances, fresh paint, Pets OK. $450.00.
MOORE REALTY 752-2533.
CONDO FOR RENT! Available immedi-
ately. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms,
washerdryer hookups. Brand new. Excel-
lent condition. Rent $450.00 includes
water, sewer, cable. Please call 758-4986.
For Sale
Largest Library of information in U.S. �
M subjects
Order Catalog lod'y with Visa MC or COD
i� 800-351-0222
lllalllily or (310) 477-8226
Or, rush $2.00 to: Reseirch Information
113??Idaho tm0 206 A. Los Angeles. CA 90025
MUST SELL - Adult Ferret with large
cage. $100.00 Call 413-0964.
FOR SALE: Bowflex Powerpro Exercize
System. 2 years old. $900 new. Excellent
condition. $525. Call 752-6372.
FOR SALE: Personal Computer. IC Turvo
XT 4.7710.640K. 30mb Hard drive. EGA
monitor. Enhanced click keyboard.
Panasonic KXPT180 Printercable.
$800.00. Call 830-1428.
enrollment fee, $39.00 monthly. Take over
payments, includes tanning bed, contact
Tammy at (919) 756-1135 day, (919) 946-
1438 nights. '
Patio door lock bar with built in alarm
that alerts you to an intruders presence.
$24.95. FREE BROCHURE Call 800-881-
GOLD FOR SALE! 14kt 18in herring-
bone gold necklace, never been worn and
is from Freidmann's Jewelers. Valued at
$180.00. Selling for $100.00. Contact 758-
3396 price OBO. must sell.
TREK 800, Black. Excellent Condition,
Seat lock and U-bolt included. $200, Call
FOR SALE: Ladies Ski Set includes Skis,
boots, poles. Dynastar Integra Skis,
Nordica 658 Boots. Call Henny at 355-
FOR SALE: 3 !2' refrigerator with
freezer, $60 andor microwave, $40 or
$100 for both. Great for dormroom. Will
trade for aquarium set-up. Call 830-5547.
RAM 250 MB Hard Drive. Includes Moni-
tor, mouse, keyboard. Canon Bubble Jet
Printer, software. $800 OBO. 752-1492
after 5:30pm.
STATUS AND TUITION is the brochure
by attorney Brad Lamb on the in-state
tuition residency application process. For
Sale: Student Stores, Wright Building.
with Rock Shocks, STX Rapid Shifter,
Green, Retail $800 with warranty. 1st $600
takes it. 756-8080.
1986 HONDA PRELUDE for sale. AC.
PS, AMFM Cass Sunroof. Dark Blue.
In good condition. Asking $3,500. Call
Chris for more info. 551-0564 leave mes-
sage if not there.
Ace. $165 each, Ibanez 12 string $165.
Call (919) 637-6550.1 buy alot of Guit ars.
Advertising Deadlines Fall and Spring Friday at 4:00 p.m. for Tuesday's issue Monday at 4:00 p.m. for Thursday's issueAdvertising Services Line Classified Rate (25 words or less) Students $2.00 Non-students $3.00 Each additional word $.05Office hours are FALL AND SPRING 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
For more information, call ECU-6366
$m Services
Greenville Recreation and Parks Depart-
ment is recruiting for 12 to 16 part-time
youth basketball coaches for the winter
youth basketball program. Applicants must
possess some knowledge of the basketball
skills and have the ability and patience to
work with youth. Applicants must be able
to coach young people ages 9-18, in bas-
ketball fundamentals. Hours are from
3:00pm until 7:00pm with some night and
weekend coaching. This program will run
from the end of November to mid-Febru-
ary. Salary rates start at $4.25 per hour.
For more information, please call Ben
James or Michael Daly at 8304550 after
2 PM.
PART-TIME Shipping and Receiving
Clerk needed for small local company.
Must have good driving record. Call 756-
111 for appt
part-time. Flexible hours, good pay. Plaza
Mall, Call 1-800-979-7120.
looking for college students wishing to
gain valuable work experience with a rap-
idly growing company. Ideal applicant
would be energetic, efficient, willing to
learn, and have excellent communication
skills. We are looking to hire about 12-15
people for our collections department.
Working hours are from 5pm to 9pm
Monday through Friday and 8am-12pm on
Saturday. Extra hours are available from
8am to 5pm. We will work around school
schedules. Please apply in person at 1206
Charles Blvd. or call Brian at 757-2127.
up to $25-45hr. teaching basic conversa-
tional English in Japan, Taiwan, or S.
Korea. No teaching background or Asian
languages required. For information call:
(206 632-1146 ext. J53622.
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
travel. Seasonal & full-time employment
available. No experience necessary. For
more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext.
Luxurious hotels are now hiring seasonal
positions. Lifeguards, food service, house-
keepers, hosthostess, and front desk staff.
Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-
632-0150 ext. R53621.
"HELP WANTED" creative-enterprising
students or campus organizations to dis-
tribute flyers for adventure travel and
spring break programs. FREE TRIPS-
Great Commission and Experience-
Belize-Cancun-Jamaica-Hawaii. Call Kirk-
Student Adventure Travel 1-800-328-7513.
TOOS or body piercings? If so. please
contact TLC Entertainment at 758-2881
for more informaiton!
how hundreds of students are already earn-
with America's 1 Spring Break company!
Sell only 15 trips and travel free! Choose
Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan. or Florida!
TRAVEL (800) 95-BREAK!
ATTENTION LADIES: Greenville's Old-
est and Largest Escort Service is now hir-
ing due to our expanding Business. Ear n
up to $1,500 plus per week, Escorting in
the Greenville and surrounding areas. You
must be at least 18 years of age, Have own
phone and transportation. We are also
hiring Male and Female Dancers for Pri-
vate Parties. Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 758-0896 or Emerald City Escorts at
757-3477 for an Interview. Est. 1990.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to National
Mailers PO Box 774, Olathe, KS 66051.
Immediate response.
broke, want to get paid everyday, Call
Playmates Massage, Snow Hill, NC 747-
TLC ENTERTAINMENT is seeking ladies
for dancing, modeling, and escorting. $50
to $120 per hour. Flexible scheduling.
Discretion and Confidentiality assured.
Call 758-2881.
$1000 FUNDRAISER Fraternities, So-
rorities & Student Organizations. You've
seen credit card fundraisers before, but
you've never seen the Citibank fundraiser
that pays $5.00 per application. Call
Donna at 1-800-932-0528 ext. 65. Quali-
fied callers receive a FREE camera.
DORS! 1st in the house decorations, 2nd
in the float and 3rd in the banner! Plus
back to back Spirit Cups! Way to go!
ECU AMBASSADORS want to say a spe-
cial thanks to Heather and Michelle and
their committees for the awesome Home-
coming weekend! We love you! PR
Roses are red, violets are blue, it's your
birthday and I'm not with you. Happy
Birthday anyway sweetie pie.

Lost and
Cannondale M-400 stolen from bike rack
west of Flanagan. Any information given
that results in return of bike would be
subject to reward. Call Ken at 7584890
or 5514000.
FOUND: Car Key outside Minges in park-
ing lot. fits Saturn car. To claim call 975-
3357. Ask for Jay. .
near campus. Afternoons, evenings and
weekends. Hard working, Reliable adult
student with broad work history and clean
record needs a job. 754-2561
WANTED 100 STUDENTS lose 10-
30lbs. Next 90 days. New Metabolism
Breakthrough Guaranteed. Dr. Recom-
mended. $34.95 mcvisa. 1-800-211-6382.
today for the best T-shirt prices in North
Carolina! You'll get the best service and
best attitude! Dail 830-9503 and ask for
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile
Music Productions is "the" disc jockey
service for your party or social function.
Widest variety of any disc jockey company
in Greenville. Specializing in the needs of
ECU Organizations and Greeks. Book a
Show Now and get a FREE Keg at
Graffiti's. Dates are filling fast so call
early. Ask for Lee 7584644.
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Call Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F53622.
THING MORE? Wax Revolver DJ Services
is your ANSWER! We have the best selec-
tion of music in Greenville. Call 758-5026
ask for Sean and Book your Party Now!
Diamond Dave's Retro and Dance Party
at 758-5711. Diamond Dave is a profes-
sional Disc Jockey with a first class sound
system. Call Diamond Dave for a price
quote with no obligation
available. Billions of dollars in grants.
Qualify immediately. 1-800-243-2435 (1-
HAVING A PARTY? Calling for Rain?
Rent a canopy! Two Peaked-roof canopies
for rent. $65.00 each per day as is or
$100.00 each per day set-up and delivered.
752-5533. Leave message.
ORDER OF OMEGA: will be meeting
Wednesday, November 1 at 4pm in MSC.
All members need to attend. Elections will
be held for open executive offices. Initia-
tion will be held on Wednesday, Novem-
ber 15 for those not initiated last Spring.
Nominations for 1996 Executive Offices
will be held at this meeting.
GREEK ALL SING. Thursday November
16. Any Questions? Call Michelle 931-
PHI PSI - When the time came a guy at
Dapper Dan's knew us by name. Thanks
Randy for the great 70's party! The Broth-
for winning 1995's Homecoming Queen.
We are all so proud and happy for you:
Love your sisters in Chi Omega
HOMECOMING Representatives "and
expecially to the King and Queen for 1995.
The Brothers of Delta Sigma Phi.
DELTA SIGMA PHI would like to thank
our Homecoming Representative Joe El-
der and Amy Teague You represented us
well. Sincerely, the Brothers.
our Homecoming King. Thanks for repre-
senting us. Also, Thank you JENNA
SELLARS. Love The Sigmas
all of our dates we really couldn't wait.
Hope you had a blast even those from
the past
SCOTT MEULLER - We had a great time
Saturday. Hope you play for us again.
Thanks. Brothers of Sigma A Ipha Epsilon.
ALPHA OMICRON PI We cannot tell a
lie, we had some fun, built a f loat and won.
Which was very plain to see.v Love the
brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
ALPHA OMICRON PI Angels are very
high. You are the best above all the rest
Eventhough Amy was kinda batty. Love
you all, your good friend Phatty.
addressed stamped envelope to OMNI
Enterprises, Weight. P.O. Box 2624.
Greenville, NC 27836-0624.
MAKE $1,000'S weekly processing mail
orders at home. Send self addressed En-
velopes to OMNI Enterprises, PO Box
2624. Greenville, NC 27836-0624.
$1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 301-306-1207.

WARTS. Unmarried female college stu-
dents are invited to participate in a study
that explores their experiences and
thoughts about living with HPVGenital
Warts. If you have been diagnosed with
HPVGenitla Warts within the past 2 years
and are willing to participate in private,
confidential interviews, please contact the
reseacher, Mary Browder, ECU Dept of
Health Ed 3284316 (afternoons) or 756-
4599 (evenings).
General College students should contact
their advisers the week of November 6-10
to make arrangements for academic ad-
vising for Spring Semester 1996. Early
registration week is set for November 13-
Confused about a major? Attend the Ma-
jorsMinor Fair, 12:30-3:30pm on Wednes-
day November 1 in Mendnhall's Great
Room. The fair is being sponsor ed by the
Career Education Committee. It will give
ECU students an opportunity to meet with
faculty and students to discuss potential
majors and minors. There will be over 40
academic departments in attendance. An
excellent opportunity for students who are
undecided, uncertain, or just curious
about a major. All students are encour-
aged to attend.
All General College students who intend
to major in Communication Sciences and
have Mr. Robert Muzzarelli or Mrs. Met a
Downes as their adviser are to meet on
Wednesday. November 8 at 5:00pm in
Brewster C-103. Advising for early regis-
tration will take place at that time. Please
prepare a tentative class schedule before
the meeting.
If you are an adult tudent who has at-
tended ECU for one or more semesters
and would like to be a mentor for a new
adult student, we need you There will
be a training session for prospective men-
tors Thursday. November 2. 1995 from
4:00-6:00pm in room 224 of the
Mendenhall Student Center. Information
will be presented on how to be an effec-
tive mentor and where to find needed in-
formation. It is important for the program
that you receive the information to be
provided and to give your own input If
you want to be a mentor, but cannot at-
tend this training session, please contact
the Adult Student Services Office at 328-
6881 and let us know when you are avail-
able for training and to pick up the infor-
mation on Mentee(s).
ber 1 & 2, 1995. ECU's Joyner Library.
Sponsored by Friends of ECU Library.
Physical Therapy students are sponsoring
a massage clinic on Thursday, November
2 from 6-9pm. Tickets $2.00 per 10 min.
in advance or $2.50 at the door. Buy tick-
ets from PT students or at ECU Back &
Limb Clinic, Belk Building.
Our next meeting will be held W ednesday
November 1 at 5:00pm in General Class-
room Bldg. Room 2014. Open to all ma-
jors. Bring $3.00 for pizza and refresh-
Sid Shearin, Superintendent of Pettigrew
State Park, will be here to tell us about
Lake Phelps, "A Snorkler's Paradise
Don't forget the overnight fishing trip to
the Outer Banks (Nov. 34). Get the spe-
cifics at the meeting this afternoon. The
Aquatic Sciences Club welcomes everyone.
Our meetings are held in BN109 at 5pm
every other Tuesday.
OF ULTIMAX, sponsored by Recreational
Services. Watch as the Two Defending
National Champions, The East Carolina
Irates defend their crown along with the
Nationally ranked women's team. The
Helios. Sixteen Men's Teams and Ten
Women's Teams from around the nation
will battle for the title of Ult imax Twenty-
five! That's Saturdaynd Sunday, Novem-
ber 4-5, 1995, on the Intramural fields,
pool play on Saturday and semis and fi-
nals on Sunday! Be there and see for your-
self what the fuss is all about! Two days
of fun in the sun with the national cham-
pions! Sponsored by Rec. Services.
Our next meeting will be held on Mon-
day, November 6th at 5.15pm in Ragsdale
room 218A. Our guest speaker will be an
environmental specialist Refreshments
will be served and the meeting is open to
all majors.
Chi Zeta, ECU'S Social Work Honor Soci-
ety, is now accepting applications for mem-
bership. Criteria for qualification is a 3.5
GPA in social work courses and an overall
GPA of 3.0. Applications are available at
the Ragsdale Building, Room 104-B. Sub-
mit applications as soon as possible but
not later than November 21,1995.
The ECON Society is holding a meeting
Thursday, November 2nd in Brewster D
Room 305 at 5:00pm. Please come and join
us. We will be discussing upcoming ev ents.
If you have any questions contact Prudence
Woo at 328006. Members, nonmembers,
all majors are welcome! Please join us!
Eugenio Suarez-Calban of Madrid, Spain.
Fall Semester 95, Visiting Professor Dept.
of Romance Studies. Duke University. The
Language-Cultural Heritage Controversy:
Modern Puerto Rican Poetry in English.
Thursday Afternoon, November 2.4:00pm.
Room 1001. General Classroom Building.
Lezama Lima; A Modern Cuban Poet in
the Tradition of the Twentieth Century
Narrative. Thursday Evening, November 2,
7:30pm. Room 306 D. Brewster Building.
An informal Reception in Brewster 303 D
will follow the evening program.
Monday, November 6 12:30-l:30pm Brody
2W-50. "Genetic Testing and Children:
From Newborn Screening to Research"
Ellen Clayton, M.D J.D. Department of
Pediatrics & School of Law Vanderbilt
' V

Tie ONLY Brew
, Octob
9:00p.m. - 2:00a.m.
9:00p.m 11:00p.m.
9:00p.m. - 2:00a.m.
9:00p.m. - 2:00a.m.
9:30p.m 1:30a.m.
10:00p.m. & 12:00a.m.
10:00p.m 1:00a.m.
11:00p.m 12:00a.m.
11:00p.m 1:00a.m.
11:30p.m 1:30a.m.
Video Karaoke
Fortune Tellers
FREE bowline, billiards, & table tennis
Witches Bre
Wizard on Call Booth
Comedy Sr
'I f'
v onicuiiiii iiv
Multi-Purpose Room
Cynthia Lounge & Gallery
Rec Area
Rec Area
Student Ore. Booth
Hendrix Theatre
Room 244
Room 244
SC Dinine
Sponsored hy tne Division of Student Life Major Eve
THE INFLUENCE WILL BE PERMITTED. ReWWumt will W served tW$W tle tgnt.

The East Carolinian, October 31, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 31, 1995
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