The East Carolinian, September 26, 1995

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1 -
September 26,1995 ;
Vol 71, No. 10 i
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
12 pases
SGA candidates off and running
Around the State
(AP) - Poultry workers say a
plan to change the way the Occu-
pational Safety and Heaith system
operates could undo the improve-
ments the industry made follow-
ing a 1991 fire that killed 25
U.S. Rep. Cass Ballenger. R-
N.C wants to change federal laws
to cut back OSHA inspections and
largely prevent inspectors from
responding to employee com-
Requiring employees to ask
their supervisors to correct prob-
lems is risky, said Jacqueline
Nowell, an assistant director with
the Washington-based United
Food & Commercial Workers
To have to go to your em-
ployer first is a real threat to your
job, she said.
(AP) - At least one company
is waiting to take over when the
North Carolina Medical Database
Commission goes out of business
next weekend.
For a decade, the small state
agency has collected and com-
pared the prices hospitals charge.
That's about to change.
The end of the Medical Data-
base Commission will save taxpay-
ers as much as $1.2 million a year
One or more private data-process-
ing firms will take over some of
the work done by the commission.
Around the Country g
(AP) - Blacks get prison sen-
tences that average about three
months longer than whites for
similar federal crimes, according
to a computer analysis of 80,000
convictions over a two-year pe-
Richard Conaboy, chairman
of the U.S. Sentencing Commis-
sion, and others told The Tennes-
sean that drug sentencing in par-
ticular had been unfair to blacks.
A computer analysis by the
newspaper found that blacks get
prison sentences about 10 percent
longer than whites.
(AP) - A man who investiga-
tors say may have been jumping
boat wakes on his personal wa-
tercraft died after colliding with
a pleasure boat carrying singer
Gloria Estefan and her producer-
husband Emilio.
The Estefans, who were the
only people aboard the 33-foot
vessel, weren't injured in
Sunday's accident about a quar-
ter-mile off trendy South Beach.
Around the World
Wendy Rountree
Assistant News Editor
Student election time is upon
us once again. On this Wednesday
students with l.D.s will be able to
vote for class officers. Here are pro-
files of the candidates running for
class presidents.
Scarlette Gardner, graduate
Why are you running for this
"1 feel the graduate school is
an integral part of ECU and it is
very important that their interest
be well represented in matters in-
volving student government
Past experience?
"I was secretarytreasurer of
the senior class in 1995.1 was also
president of Phi Eta Sigma, fresh-
man honor society. I'm also a mem-
ber of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK)
Leadership Honor Society
What do you plan to do as class
"Enable graduate students to
maintain a greater voice in student
government affairs
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you?
"I'm dedicated to advancing
the interest of the student body and
the entire institution of ECU
Senior Class
Justin Conrad, political sci-
ence major
Why are you running for this
"My main concern is over keep-
ing Homecoming traditional. Sec-
ond, I really want the senior class
to be more aware of what's going
on as a collective group. For ex-
ample, before the senior class has
had no imput about the senior class
gift. I want to see the senior class
officers poll seniors for gift ideas
Past experience?
"I'm currently the Interfrater-
nity Council President. I've been ad-
ministrative vice president of Inter-
fraternity council. Also, I have
three years experience in SGA and
in SGA, I've served in four out of
five committees, chairing two
What do you plan to do as class
"Number one, I want to poll se-
niors for the senior class gift, so
students can pick what to give, not
just the officers. Also, I plan to
make sure Homecoming stays tra-
ditional and not a university dic-
tated event
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you most?
"I'm a very dedicated, hard
Thomas Marcinowski, pre-
med.biology major
Why are you running for this
"I want to be an effective
leader, organize the senior class
gift and be a good representative
of the university and SGA
Past experience?
"An officer in Phi Sigma Pi Na-
tional Honor Fraternity and presi-
dent of ODK Leadership Honor So-
ciety in 1994-95. This year, I'm di-
rector of Region Three for ODK.
Also, I sat on the Deans and Is-
sues Committee and was with SGA
last year as a day representative. I
was also one of the founders and
committee members who organized
the Safety Net Mentor Program
What do you plan to do as class
"I plan to make sure we have a
senior class gift that will last. "
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you?
"I'm doing it for them. With my
past experiences in leadership po-
sitions in the military reserves and
ODK, I can and want to be a strong
voice for them
Junior Class
Eric Rivenbark, business ad-
ministration major
Why are you running for this
"In the past two years I've been
in SGA, I've really enjoyed the ex-
perience. Before I was just a day-
representative, so I decided that I
wanted to take more of a leader-
ship type position. I really enjoy
getting involved. It's a way to meet
people. Being involved in SGA gives
you a chance to see yourself mak-
ing a difference in the school and
the community
Past experience?
"I'm president of my fraternity.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. I'm very ac-
tive in the student Pirate Club
What do you plan to do as class
"I don't know if it is a possibil-
ity, but I was disappointed with the
yearbook. I would like to see a writ-
ten supplement with the video year-
book and have each organization
listed. It would be a good recruit-
ing tool and would allow others to
see and learn about campus orga-
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you?
"I'm a person whose deed fol-
lows his word. If I say I'm going to
do it, I'll do it. I think it is impor-
tant that I represent my class be-
cause I see myself as a leader, and
I'm a guy who likes to get things
Sophomore Class
Jessica Gibson, communica-
tions major with a concentration
in public relations
Why are you running for this
"I'm very interested in staying
involved with student government
because I feel that it's a good op-
portunity to help voice student
views and opinions effectively. And,
See SGA page 3
Students judge
Food Lion CEO Tom
Smith informed
students in the Society
for Advancement of
Management (SAM) on
marketing strategies
last Friday in the
General Classroom
Photo by KEN CLARK
(AP) - PLO chief Yasser
Arafat was on the defensive today,
trying to sell a peace plan he
forged with Israel to skeptical Pal-
estinians and members of his
The pact allows for Palestin-
ian self-rule in 30 percent of the
West Bank - containing most of
its Arab population - after a step-
by-step Israeli troop pullout from
lands it has occupied since the
1967 Mideast War. The accoid is
to be formally signed Thursday in
Joann Reed
staff writer
Program included in documentary
Legislators' School
selected for PBS
Brandon Forbis
Staff Writer
You oughta be in pictures
ECU's Legislators' School for
Youth Leadership Development is
bringing national attention to cam-
The Legislators' School has
been chosen to take part in a 90-
minute PBS documentary entitled
"The Seven Habits of Highly Ef-
fective People The program is
based on Stephen Covey's interna-
tional best-seller with the same
title. It will allow viewers to ob-
serve everyday people becoming
conscious of their habitual rela-
tionship to the world around them
and working hard to transform it.
"A big piece of what the na-
tional program will demonstrate is
how Covey's methods help to de-
velop a more highly effective, more
balanced life individually, as fami-
lies and as whole communities
said Katee Tully, Legislators'
School coordinator.
The selection of ECU's Legis-
lators' School to take part in the
documentary is a result of success-
fully applying Covey's methods in
their Youth Leadership Develop-
ment Program.
The Legislators' School is a
summer residential program de-
signed to target potential leaders
in North Carolina. A total of 300
eighth to 12th graders are selected
to take part in activities that will
work to develop leadership, think-
ing and communication skills.
"The purpose of the PBS crew
being here is to capture the es-
sence of Legislators' School as it
relates to the seven habits Tully
said. "This documentary will pro-
vide exposure and orientation to
people who are unaware of the
Covey philosophy and framework.
For other people it's to see a
broader application than perhaps
the one setting they may be expe-
riencing the seven habits in
The documentary, to be aired
on Jan. 17, 1996, will focus na-
tional attention to the Legislators'
School and ECU's campus, Tully
Photo by KEN CLARK
This group of interior design students judge a piece submitted
for competition over the weekend in Jenkins Art Building.
judged for NKBA space and safety
requirements. The entries represented
kitchen and bath designs used in ac-
tual residential homes.
"What is going on here at ECU,
are the preliminary rounds of our
annual competition Ruggiero said.
"Those plans the student judges find
that meet at least 70 percent of
NKBA's 31 rules for kitchen and the
27 rules for bath will advance to the
final competition a jur national head-
quarters in Hacketts Town, New Jer-
The designs that go to the finals
in New Jersey have the opportunity,
if chosen as winners to not only be
awarded, but their designs will also
be endorsed by the NKBA in maga-
zines and professional journals for
"The reason that we go through
this preliminary scoring is so that
when we do choose the winners in
the final rounds, we are sure that we
are promoting to the consumer func-
tional kitchen and bath designs that
are safe and workable Ruggiero said.
Some Interior Design Program
students are gaining national atten-
tion for their judgement
Seniors in ECU's Interior Design
Program served as student judges for
the National Kitchen and Bath
Association's (NKBA) annual design
According to Concetta Ruggiero,
senior communications coordinator
from NKBA's national headquarters,
ECU is one of 14 endorsed college
programs across the country that use
NKBA technical manuals and follows
their guidelines for kitchen and bath-
room design curriculum.
"For the last two days the stu-
dent judges here at ECU have been
scoring professional entries from all
across the U.S. and Canada using
NKBA guidelines Ruggiero said.
The plans presented to the stu-
dents, which included blueprints and
photographs of the designs, were
Today's Trivia, TV spin-offs.
CXeA nut anrl voteDaqe T
Pirates fall short over weekendpage
Tuesday i Wednesday
Mostly cloudy Partly cloudy

Tuesday, September 26,1995
The East Carolinian
Coastal house serves multiple purposes
Station ready after
more than a year
of renovations
Susan E. Schwartz
Senior Writer
Imagine waking at dawn in win-
ter to the melodic banter of tundra
swan and Canada goose, or taking
a summer's evening stroll, listening
to the lively singing of tropical
These descriptions sound like
relaxing camping trips taken dur-
ing time off away from school, but
they are not. They are, in fact, the
sounds of the classroom - yes, the
classroom - for students at the
ECU Field Station for Coastal Stud-
ies at Lake Mattamuskeet.
Last spring, ECU and the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service agreed to
establish a field station at the
Mattamuskeet National Wildlife
Refuge for the purpose of environ-
mental educa-
tion. After
more than a
year of modest
the field sta-
tion is ready for
student use.
The field
station will be
by the College
of Arts and Sci-
ences. In May
1995, Dr.
can benefit a
broad spectrum
of disciplines
related directly
or indirectly to
coastal plain
Roger Rulifson
(biology, Insti-?Dr. RogerRulifson, biology,
Institute for Coastal and
Marine Resources
tute for Coastal
and Marine Re-
sources) was
named director
of the Field Station for Coastal
Studies at Mattamuskeet. He will
report directly to Dr. W. Keats Spar-
row, Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences.
Originally, the building was
constructed in 1914 as the world's
largest pumping station to drain
Mattamuskeet Lake for agricultural
use. The lodge is currently main-
tained by refuge personnel under
the direction of Refuge Manager
Don Temple.
Dean Sparrow emphasized the
impact that the field station will
have on ECU as well as the com-
munities surrounding Lake
"We are very excited about the
field station and the opportunities
it provides for ECU faculty and stu-
dents to conduct important re-
search in eastern North Carolina
and we have a lot to look forward
to Sparrow sa'd. "In turn, as the
full potential of the field station is
realized, ECU will be able to pro-
vide services critical to the en-
hancement of thfc region
As the name suggests, the field
station is a place to focus study on
biological and environmental stud-
ies. It is also a lot more. Housed in
one wing of the historic
Mattamuskeet Hunting Lodge, the
field station actually provides the
opportunity for outdoor educa-
tional experiences to ECU students
in many different academic disci-
"Initially, biology students and
faculty will use the lodge to con-
duct research Sparrow said. "In
time, faculty and students in just
about every academic discipline will
also find uses for the facility
Rulifson explained the lodge is
the perfect place for faculty and stu-
dents in a variety of disciplines to
conduct serious study projects.
With five national wildlife refuges
in the area and two state parks not
too far away, perhaps the most ob-
vious academic disciplines to ben-
efit from the lodge would be biol-
ogy and coastal ecology.
The site is also conducive to
use for study in anthropology, busi-
ness, leisure studies, environmen-
tal art and history, to name just a
few. There is even
discussion of us-
ing the facility as
a writers' retreat
for English fac-
ulty and students.
can benefit a
broad spectrum
of disciplines re-
lated directly or
indirectly to
coastal plain stud-
ies Rulifson
said. "The site is
unique in that
students in a lot
of different areas
can use it
For instance,
i11 sociology stu-
dents who want to train in geron-
tology can use the site to provide
services to the elderly in a rural
"The facility has a lot of poten-
tial not just for hard science study,
but also for health and human ser-
vices study and intervention said
Jim Mitchell, director of graduate
studies in sociology.
He is working on a proposal for
the funding of a health and human
services rural institute which will
pair students from around the state
with community placements. So far,
15 potential placement sites in the
rural eastern North Carolina region
pology department also has plans
to use the field station for study.
"The lodge provides a beautiful lo-
cation to conduct anthropological
research in a unique environmen-
tal niche Phelps said. "There is a
lot of important history in the re
signs, turned doors to open out, and
installed a state-of-the-art computer-
ized fire alarm system. These
changes allow the lodge to be in
compliance with all state fire codes.
The Partnership's goal is to show
bunk beds each and a shared bath-
room. The wing also has a lounge
with a small kitchenette.
"Parts of the lodge will still have
peeling paint. But it will have hot
water, showers and a kitchenette for
some cooking Rulifson said. "We
have managed to provide a modest
inventory of equipment and supplies
such as slide projector and screen,
TV and VCR, microscopes, binocu-
lars, field guides of plants, animals
and insects, as well as other field
equipment for sampling biological or-
Anyone who wants to use the
ECU wing for overnight stay can do
so at a cost of $7.50 per person, per
night. The common areas - the ball-
room, gallery and conference room
require advanced planning. Cost is
$75 per day for the ballroom and $50
per day for the conference room.
With all the field station has, a
lot is still needed. Contributions of a
refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer,
toaster and a large microwave oven
are needed and would be greatly ap-
preciated. Anyone interested in mak-
ing donations or reserving rooms for
overnight stay should contact Dr.
Roger Rulifson at 328-1757.
Strikers mean business
Photo Courtesy of Institute for Coastal and Marine Studies
Mattamuskeet Lodge (inset) will now benefit a large variety
of ECU students. (L) The ballroom offers a view of the lake
The lodge will be used by the
anthropology department for stu-
dent retreats, conferences, sympo-
sia, and as a backdrop to conduct
ethnographic research.
ECU is not the only organiza-
tion to use the lodge. It will also be
used by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Their goal is to eventually
house their refuge headquarters
there. They are waiting for federal
funding to do so. They want to en-
courage more use of refuge lands by
the public because with so many
different habitats and natural areas,
the region is a showcase for envi-
ronmental education.
The lodge will also be used by
the Partnership for the Sounds, a
non-profit organization dedicated to
bringing sustainable economic de-
velopment into the region through
eco-tourism and environmental edu-
cation. Right now, the Albemarle-
Pamlico peninsula is viewed as the
area that travelers must pass
through in order to get to the beach.
The Partnership is trying to change
that attitude and get tourists to stop
and be educated and appreciate the
natural beauty of the area. Once
tourists do that, they'll come back
to hike, cycle and participate in
other recreational activities.
This summer, the Partnership
for the Sounds contributed $80,000
to conduct life safety renovations to
the building. They put in lit exit
the federal government that the
building is important and needs fis-
cal funding. In order to be fully re-
done, the lodge needs about $4.5
Over the past several years, stu-
dents led by Rulifson have put time
and sweat into cleaning up the lodge
for student and public use. The
Aquatic Sciences Club has done the
lion's share of the work along with
students from various university de-
partments and the Friends of the
Lodge Committee (a local organiza-
tion striving to see the building used
and renovate). These groups have
pitched in to clean, scrape and paint
in order to help stabilize the build-
The lodge is ready to be used
now for day-long conferences and
carefully planned overnight confer-
ences. Accommodations at the lodge
are not glamorous.
"When we open at the end of
September, accommodations will
still be rustic. It will not be beauti-
ful Rulifson said. "We have not
gone in to beautify the lodge, but
rather to make it safe for the public
and ECU to use
The rustic environment is what
makes the lodge so appealing as a
retreat site. Accommodations will
be dorm-style in the ECU wing of
the lodge, containing six rooms
which sleep up to 16 people. Four
rooms have a bunk bed and full bath-
room and two other rooms have two
(AP) - A homemade bomb was
dismantled Sunday outside a Detroit
Newspapers'distribution center, and
management said 1 Bullion papers
were transported past striking union
A bomb squad went to the De-
troit center aft poifo received a
threat between 8 and 10 am, Police.
Officer Fatima Cotton said. The"
were nolpjuries and no suspeefeC, .?
ThebOrab was "sort of a car bat-
tery with n fuse and some rails taped
or gluw vO it said Bermy Napoleon;
executive deputy pobxe chief.
Union officials condemned fee
This is deptorabfe said Joe
Swkkard, spokesman for the News-
paper GuSd, It serves no positive
Six unions representing 2,500
employees struck Detroit Newsp
pers, which rims thft business and
production operations of the Detroit
Free JPress and The Detroit Mews on
July I3 TsirbegaBaitoiBaa?-
agement refused to further extend
contracts that expiwd on April 30.
and key issue were wages and wotk
The naanmaiers were publish-
ing with the help of maaaggfsre-
have been located.
Mitchell explained that one big
problem with working in rural ar-
eas is commuting.
"It is difficult to transport stu-
dents and equipment said
Mitchell. "Having the lodge elimi-
nates that problem because the stu-
dents can be housed there
Besides eliminating commut-
ing, the lodge also provides an en-
vironment in which students can
share and leam informally in a com-
fortable setting.
Dr. David Phelps of the anthro-
while you wait
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Attention Nominees
All nominees for Omicron Delta Kappa
leadership honor society must submit
membership applications by 5:00 p.m
Tuesday, October 3,1995. Submit applications
to Mendenhall Student Center R,oom 109.
For more information pleize call 328-4 796.
placement workers and employees
who have crossed picket lines.
Pickets outside the distribution
center briefly blocked trucks prepar-
ing to deJh-r the Sunday edition.
Five people were arrested on disor-
deriy conduct charges and released.
Before the strike, the combined
million. Tfne unions have accused
marjaernent of inflating distribiitkHi
figures during t?e strike,
?arh Sunday, about 2S0 pickets
gathered outside another of thenews-
papers' 26 distribution centers and
overturned an abandoned pick up
Jrecfc and turned back a semHruck.
Atow truck cleared it form the drive-
At about 6 a-iBu, around 53 offic-
ers with helmets and batons genth'
moved the remaining65raekets aside
and allowed a semi-truck to move
through the gates. Strikers snouted,
"no scab cops! after iBe truck passed
At a tnud distribution center,
teamster member Jim Thomas, 52,
was fait by a pick up truck as it left
Thomas vvas treated at hospitaland
released accosting to authorities.
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, September 26, 1995
Cutie pies!
from page 1
Attendant Amy Jo Bailey talks with Audrey and Luci, two 3-year-olds at ECU'S daycare
center. Shorts won't be in style too much longer with fall weather on the way.
1 feel like 1 would I I repre-
Past experien
"1 was freshman class president
tor student government at ECU. I
was on the Elections Committee
and the Appropriations Committee
Also. I'm a very active member and
officer in my sorority
What do you plan to do as class
i plan to get involved with the
executive council of SGA and work
to see ideas of the students get ac-
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you most'
"I'd like the voters to know
that I'm just a representative ol
them, and I'd like to work for them.
Also, they can depend on me be-
cause I'm a good worker
Reid Griffin, accounting ma-
Why are you run: ing lor this
"I've been involved in student
government, and I wanted to help
out my sophomore class, instead of
being just a day representative.
That's who I should be represent-
Past experience
"Secretary of the Interfrater-
nity Council on the ECU campus
What do you plan to do as clash
"As president. I have an
agenda. 1 want to effectively help
the school move in the direction it's
going. It (the direction) seems posi-
tive with all the expansion
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you most
"That I care about East Caro-
lina and 1 plan to work hard to bet-
ter the university and will work as
hard as 1 can to fulfill student
Don Whitten, science educa-
tion major with a physics concen-
Why are you running for this
"I was in the student govern-
ment at the college I was in before
Past experience?
i was a member of the State
of North Carolina Comprehensive
Community College SGA in 1993-94
and past vice president of the SGA
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complish anything working together
in an organized manner
Past experience5
"I've served as Student Govern-
ment vice president at Coastal Caro-
lina Community College (C.C.C.) and
as president of the African-American
Culture Cluh at C.C.C
What do you plan to do as class
"I plan to he the voice of the
.student body to ECC's administra-
tion to get any concern voiced and
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you most?
"God comes first in my life, and
I'm very committed, dedicated and
accountable for what I do. So. 1
know I would do all it takes to ac-
complish any proposed agenda set
for me. And 1 want to thank those
who vote for me in advance
Freshman Class
Richard A. Weir, undeclared
major (preference political science)
Why are you running for this
"I've always had an interest in
politics. I was the SGA president at
What do you plan to do as class high school. I have a drive to help
"If you look at the hierarchy,
sophomores are dead last. The first
group are seniors because they are
about to leave. The second group are
freshmen because they are just get-
ting here and the next group are jun-
iors who are about to become se-
niors. That leaves us at the bottom.
1 would like to heighten the aware-
ness of the sophomore class
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you?
I'm tireless and constantly
working, and right now, I'm on three
committees at the Student Union -
the popular entertainment, the lec-
ture and the special events commit-
tee. Also, I'm the least known of the
candidates and that might put me
at a disadvantage. I hope students
don't see the elections as a popu-
larity contest, and vote for who can
get the job done
Joe Ramsey, exercise sports
sciences major with teacher prepa-
Why are you running for this
"I'm a people person and a prob-
lem solver. I believe that we can ac-
people and basically, to serve the
Past experience?
"I was president of several clubs
in high school. I was a representa-
tive for my class during my junior
year. Also, I rewrote my school's con-
stitution, and it was unanimously ap-
What do you plan to do as class
"I plan to serve the freshman
class to the best of my abilities. Basi-
cally. I'm the type of person that if a
person comes to me with a problem,
I'll try to solve the problem or try
my best to help
What do you want student vot-
ers to know about you most?
"1 want them to know that I'll
be there for them and that I will put
their needs before my needs
Students can vote in front of the
following sites: Joyner Library, Todd
and Mendenhall dining halls, the
Jenkins Art Building, the General
Classroom Building, Speight.
Croatan, the bottom of College Hill,
Student Stores, Minges and Wright
Every Tues. and Thurs.
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Tuesday, September 26,1995 The East Carolinian
Our View
Want your voice heard? Tired of feeling insignificant and
that the university could care less about how you feel about
issues affecting the campus?
Then get out and vote this Wednesday.
Okay, okay, we hear those heckles and sighs. We can hear
the raised student voice saying, "What difference does it make
if I vote or not?" Who cares who wins - nothing will change
Stop the apathetic whining.
Granted, it seems that students are always getting the raw
end of the deal. We can't rent books from the Student Stores,
so we have to spend half our semester's budget on textbooks.
We have no say so whether or not we can buy a taco from Taco
Bell competitive food chain out of Mendenhall instead of set-
tling for an overpriced slice of stale pizza in The Wright Place.
We can't find a parking space without having to walk a mile to
We could go on and on and on and get the picture. So,
when does the complaining stop and the action starts? We say-
Go out to the polling sites. (Remember those IDs). Vote for
your class officers. Make your presence known. Don't stand
back and let others take advantage of your silence. A non-vote
is a vote for someone you did not want to represent you.
After speaking to the presidential candidates, we can see
that they want to hear what the student body thinks. They
want to be elected, validated by their peers. Surely, this is the
feeling held by the persons running for all the offices.
Once these people are elected they are supposed to repre-
sent the views and wants of their respective class. How can
they do that if only half the students vote and speak their minds?
Then after all that Thursday rolls around. You've voted,
made your voice heard - and your candidates didn't win. Do
you give up on the whole democratic process? No, but do rant,
rave and get all the frustration out of your system then think
better luck next time. If your candidates win, celebrate then
watch if they do what they promise.
Either way you have participated in the process that many
men and women have fought and died for and continue to do
so even today.
But, for goodness sake, if you don't vote, don't starting
complaining later.
Let your
voice be
heard. Get
out and vote
for class
You can
make a
difference in
I saw you picking your nose
The last few weeks 1 believe that
we have cried new tears. There is a
group of students that is so op-
pressed and so deserving of our pity,
and this community has not em-
braced them. I want to devote this
little corner of the paper to remind-
ing all students, faculty and friends
of TEC that if you pick your nose,
people are going to call you names.
First, here is the initial dis-
claimer that might keep me out of
harms way. To any current or past
members of a fraternity: don't start
chiseling out a response to only the
first paragraph, there is more. 1
would not dream of making broad
generalizations about any group of
people, especially one yoked by such
a poor and unfitting reputation. It
must be hard to live that down. Come
to think of it, it must be very hard to
live down with all of the band par-
ties and tailgate abominations. Re-
ally, I'm not talking about you. Just
say to yourself, "He's not talking
about me Take a deep breath and
Everyone knows what it's like to
go around school or the playground
with other kids making fun of them.
Some people were called string bean
if they were skinny. Other people
were called tubby if they were over-
weight. Sometimes the name would
be tagged on because of a behavior.
There was a kid at my junior high
Patrick Ware
Opinion Columnist
The people o
this campus feel
your pain, but
we also see you
picking your
school that always had his right fore-
finger jammed up his left nostril. The
students called him "snotty and
they also called him "boogje-boy
The point is that if you are going to
pick your nose in front of all the
other classmates, all year long, then
people are going to call you names.
Sometimes it's easier to hide it
under the tabie than it is to go and
find a tissue and dispose of it prop-
erly. On Sept. 19 TEC produced an
article by a guest columnist who pro-
ceeded to portray Greek life (what-
ever that term means) with a touch
of class. As a fellow rhetorician 1 ap-
plaud this attempt to give all of those
toga wearing. Fortune 500 members
a little respect, but please don't in-
sult us. The people of this campus
feel your pain, but we also see you
picking your nose.
Yes there can be times when you
scratch your nose and people think
you were picking, but this is still ir-
relevant If you are known for picking
your nose, understandably, people are
going to be looking and watching for
the times when you really do pick.
Do not include in that response
a sentence about how this guy doesn't
know what he's talking about I am
speaking as a student of this univer-
sity. There are other places besides
the basements of fraternity houses
where people can see the "social re-
sponsibility" that members are taught
Every weekend, or weekday, those 1-
shirts from all of those social respon-
sibility workshops (or Greek Events)
are worn on the backs of guys that
pick their nose openly and sometimes
sing aloud about it
It is very simple If respect is what
you want, then respect you have to
earn. Do not beckon it by saying that
your members have a lot of money,
give a lot of money or spend a lot of
money. Do not disagree with another
view point (specifically the study by
Dr. Wechsler) simply by saying "Uh
uh" like a child who refuses to accept
punishment from a parent
Here's the deal: We'll stop call-
ing you guys boogie-boys if you'll stop
picking your nose. There is no nego-
Letters to the Editor
To The Editor:
Over the past three years I have
been fortunate to be associated with
the different leaders throughout cam-
pus. In doing so. I have had the op-
portunity and to watch different lead-
ers rise from different organizations
and become leaders for all the stu-
dents of East Carolina. During this
time I have had the pleasure to work
with one person who has displayed
his dedication and loyalty to you, the
Justin Conrad, who is a candidate
for Senior Class President, is the per-
son I am referring to. As a freshman,
f ?ip?? ?'?"? ?'i-
Justin was Freshman Vice President
as well as a dean's list recipient Jus-
tin has also been a member of the
Student Government Association
(SGA) for three years. In his three
years, he has been chairman of the
Student Welfare Committee as well as
chairman of the SGA Elections. He
has also served at the pleasure of the
students by serving on the appropria-
tions committee as well as the screen-
ing and appointments committee.
Justin has also been president of
the largest organization on campus
the Inter-fraternity Council (1FC). In
his role as president, he has been on
? ann
The East Carolinian
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Tambra Zion, News Editor Ken Clark, Photo Editor
Wendy Rountree Assistant News Editor Patrick Irelan, Photographer
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor Xlali Yang, Systems Manager
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor W. Jason Allen, Copy Editor
J. Miles Layton, Sports Editor Patrick Hinson, Copy Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff Illustrator Lani Adkinson, Copy Editor
Erika Gohde, Production Assistant Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel,Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919)
The new sexual revolution
I recently read a quote from a
college student who said, "The sexual
revolution is over, and everyone lost"
He is right in that it did not bring
free love and carefree sex. If anything,
the exact opposite is true. The gen-
eration before us worried about get-
ting caught or getting pregnant, and
now we worry about getting out alive.
But the sexual revolution of the
'60s and '70s did not happen without
results. The attitudes of that day are
still having effect on the news of our
The bad news is that the casual-
ties are heavy.
Today one in five Americans has
an incurable sexually transmitted dis-
ease. In the '70s, scientists had iden-
tified only five different STDs, now
there are more than 50 separate or-
ganisms and syndromes which are
spread through sexual activity.
Of course the answer from the
"free love" generation was "sheathed
love" and we brought in the era of
safe-sex and condoms in the class-
room. As they sold us this bill of
goods, they failed to see condoms are
not effective and no matter how well
you scream the message to use them,
people won't and people don't.
Dr. Susan Weller of the Univer-
sity of Texas explains, "Since contra-
ceptive research indicates condoms
are about 90 percent effective in pre-
venting pregnancy, many people, even
physicians, assume condoms prevent
HIV transmission with the same de-
gree of effectiveness Of course you
can only get pregnant at certain times
of the month, but you can get an STD
anytime you have sex.
Weller conducted an analysis of
11 separate studies regarding condom
efficacy in actual use. Collectively,
these studies show that latex condoms
had an average failure rate of 31 per-
the Student Union Board of Directors,
Media Board, and the Homecoming
Steering Committee. Not only has he
served his organization, he has served
the whole student body in represent-
ing students' views and opinions.
As the Student Body President
and a graduating senior, 1 am encour-
aging you to not only come our and
vote on Wednesday, but come our and
vote for the person who should be the
senior class president.
Ian Eastman
Student Body President
Shane Deike
Opinion Columnist
I feel we should
look at rewriting
the sexual
attitudes that
have been
handed down to
cent in protecting against HIV. I am
glad airlines don't consider crashing
one out of three times as safe.
But even if they did work great
we still face the problem that people
do not use them. Don't take my word
for it do the informal test Ask 10
people in your residence hall or fra-
ternity (or wherever) if they are sexu-
ally active and if they always use a
condom (or even if they use one most
of the time). Get your results and write
the paper to tell us what you found
Family Planning Perspective, a
former affiliate journal of Planned
Parenthood, reports that "only 17
percent of those with multiple sexual
partners and 13 percent of those with
risky sexual partners used condoms
all of the time
And the issue is not the exposure
of the message. You would be hard
pressed to find someone over 15 who
did not know what a condom was or
how to use it. (Tell a 10-year-old you
found a condom on the verandah and
he will ask, "What's a verandah?"). As
a matter of fact, the message has
seemed to increase the free love men-
tality without changing any of the
bottom line sexual behavior.
Family Planning Perspectives
presented a recent study indicating
that between 1988 and 1991 - the
years the safe-sex message was getting
its greatest exposure - the number
of males ages 15 to 19 having sex in-
creased, ana the number using
condoms decreased. The message
failed to do anyone any good and may
have actually set us on a course for
greater disaster.
The good news is that our gen-
eration gets a "do over
Fortunately we do not have to
buy into the same thought patterns
of the generation before us. I love
their music, but I do not have to live
by their moral standards (or lack
thereof). As a Gen Xer, I feel we should
look at rewriting the sexual attitudes
that have been handed down to us via
the bankrupt culture that went before
Those good of days have brought
us to a 50 percent divorce rate (a good
chunk of our parents), rampant ille-
gitimacy and an epidemic of diseases
that we did not even know existed 20
years ago.
I have seen the tragedy. This sum-
mer a friend of mine died of AIDS.
That makes three personal friends and
I am ready for it to stop ? and I do
not think the bankrupt "safe-sex"
message is going to cut it It is just a
big pack of condom selling lies.
So for my money it is time for a
new sexual revolution - one that stops
buying into the lies our generation
has so easily gobbled up and changes
the pattern for things to come. For-
get the crap they want to sell us about
safe-sex. The safest sex we have is sex
in the context of a life long commit-
ted relationship. That is the message
I want to hear. That is the only mes-
sage proven to work.
A year of pieces and mistrust
As of this writing, I'm on my sec-
ond consecutive night of insomnia. The
first night was pretty dismal, but tonight
has degenerated me into the Quaker
Brainmeal Man. My apartment was mak-
ing me nuts, so I wandered off into the
night to whichever coffeepit was still open
to mingle among those as wired as I felt
Caffeine is a bizarre thing indeed -
it flash-bums the nerves while at the
same time unlimbering the tongue. Af-
ter midnight all the world's an ashtray,
coffeehouse or bar, and once you get
started, there's no getting off the Disori-
ent Express.
You hear a lot of outrageous drivel
over coffee. One thing this miracle bev-
erage does not do that it really should, is
make you wary. Watch out because 12
o'clock is when the theories come out
everything from the Nature of Art to who
realty plugged JFK. The perils of staying
too close to the woodwork.
I've long since tried to turn in my
friend Casey for that dark deed that went
down way back in '63, both to settle the
biggest controversy of the 20th century
and so that the legions of conspiracy
buffs can finally empty out the
punchbowls at their silly annual conven-
tion and go home once and for all.
The JFKaholics instantly rejected
him as a suspect of course. Casey is both
too young to have committed the crime
and too chaotic in his thoughts to even
have formulated a solid plan. Subtlety
has never been his forte.
Not that firing a high-powered rifle
out a window in broad daylight at the
president is subtle. The whole experience
had a near side-effect where I could have
possibly ended up asking Kennedy him-
self his opinion on whodunit because
Casey threatened to beat me to death
with a copy of that wretched JFK video-
cassette, before he calmed down and
actually laughed at the idea of unseat-
ing Oswald as the most popular dart
Brian Wright
Opinion Columnist
Watch out,
because 12
o'clock is
when the
theories come
board in history.
The spirits of longhead conspiracy
theorists are crying to me now on the
breeze, chiding me for my pigheaded
debunking of the facts. Even their ghosts
are paranoid, especially the ones who
died of "natural" causes. Death has
brought them not peace, but iatead an
even weirder, more debilitating complex.
I can't spit at the idea of a deep-
running conspiracy too much, though.
After all, it would explain a lot maybe
well enough to let free a bunch of pent-
up see-I-told-you-sos.
Who dealt Kennedy a fistful of the
ace of spades? Who knows? The network
of suspicion has gotten so inbred and
all-inclusive that OJ. Simpson himself
could very well be the one stinking of
30-year-old gunpowder.
Scapegoats sell, obviously, and I
would say that it's possible to keep pin-
ning great unsolved mysteries on the
poor slob, right down to the Godforsaken
Lost Colony, just to have someone tan-
gible to pinatafy, but the majority of the
sleuths would never buy it Not because,
at least in the instance of the Croatan
conundrum, of the fact that Simpson was
bom a few hundred years too late to ever
njn the risk of doing the fUm-at-11 fox
No, the Buffs wouldn't digest the
concept of Simpson as the Dallas death-
dealer too well because the idea of a lone
gunman is too simple and just not as
much fun.
Who wants to fry all the way out to
Dallas for an annual Lee Harvev Oswald-
bashing convention. Not me, and neither
do those uptight factmongers who are
about as close to real historians as Mr.
Cash is to your friendly neighborhood
loan officer.
Maybe Oswald did do it in defiance
of all the principles of ballistics, gravity,
and common sense. In all probability,
though, he didn't so these groups con-
vene with an almost religious regularity
to hash over Umbrella Man and the
Grassy Knoll.
The point is that there is a differ-
ence between being thorough and be-
ing nitpicky and overanalyzing. When
these bozos start considering that the
Grassy Knoll itself was indeed the cul-
prit-excuse me, main accomplice - then
we'll know it's time to pack it in and grve
the reigns of rationality over to the king-
dom of fools.
It'll never end, though, just like the
recurring rash of Elvis sightings. It would
be like proving beyond a shadow of a
doubt that the Loch Ness Monster is re-
ally just a halfsubmerged log, that Bigfoot
is a man in a gorilla suit that UFOs are
aluminum pieplates on lengths of fish-
ing line and that the Lost Colony simply
decided to relocate to the Bahamas.
Myth and mystery keep reason,
which is just plain boring, in stasis. Just
ask the Simpson jurors about that one.
By the way, if this article fails to
make it to press, I'll know who is respon-
sible. But that's okay -1 can can in the
theorists. I hear they take on side projects
every now and then, and together we'll
tear Roger Daltry and Pete Towsend to
crying, broken shreds.

Tuesday, September 26,1995 The East Carolinian
Gov't Mule kicks ass
NC native recalls
Allman joys
Brandon Waddell
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
When record label publicists
promote bands to play venues, the
term "legend" is frequently used
but seldom deserved. For example,
when Gibb Droll comes to town, he
is billed as "a guitar legend in the
making Though Gibb is a gifted
guitarist and his band puts on an
emotional show, packing the Attic
every time he's in town, it's a tad
early in his career for this billing
to be truly accurate.
Talk to a y rock musician or
die-hard fan about legendary gui-
tarists and several names will be
mentioned. Men such as Carlos
Santana, Jimi Hendrix, Eric
Clapton, Dickey Betts and Jeff Beck
are only six who are consistently
considered to be legends.
A man whose legendary status
is not far behind these immortals
is Warren Haynes. Pulling double
duty also as a guitarist in the
Allman Brothers Band, Haynes
leads an ominous sounding power
trio, Government Mule. The Mule
is currently on a club tour support-
ing their self-titled debut release.
Born and raised in Ashville,
NC, Haynes has been playing with
the Allman Brothers Band since the
band reformed. But Haynes cer-
tainly wasn't an overnight success.
"Before I joined the Allman
Brothers Band 1 was a session
guitar player in Nashville. Then 1
played with David Allen Coe, played
with Dickey Betts Band for three
years before being asked to join the
Allman Brothers Band Haynes
told TEC just prior to showtime at
the Attic last Thursday.
"It wasn't like Hootie and the
Blowfish where, overnight I went
from playing coffeehouses to coli-
seums Haynes continued, seeming
confident in his abilities yet mod-
estly gracious.
Some people consider success
in music to be how large the venue
is and how many thousands of
people will pay to see an artist per-
form. Warren Haynes and bassist
Allen Woody both played with the
Allmans at Walnut Creek
Amphitheatre this summer, but en-
joy the intimacy of smaller venues.
"Even with the Allmans, we en-
joy playing smaller arenas, booking
multiple nights. You can't really
connect with the audience when
there's thousands of people and
you can't even see most of them
Haynes contended.
"Our music is dark and psyche-
delic we like playing college
towns because college-age crowds
tend to be open-minded Woody
Though Haynes and Woody
play together in the Allman Broth-
ers Band and Haynes and Abts
played together in the Dickey Betts
Band, Government Mule's sound is
not even comparable to the
Allmans. They are simply two dif-
ferent bands. Woody and Haynes
were rumored to be leaving the
Allmans to pursue Government
Mule full-time.
"Neither myself or Woody have
any intentions of leaving the
Allman Brothers Band. Our sched-
ule with the Allmans gets looser
and looser every year. So it gives
us a lot of flexibility Haynes con-
During the Allman Brothers'
multiple night stand in L.A. in
1993, Government Mule's rhythm
section played together for the first
time. Woody and Abts played Free's
"Mr. Big and Government Mule
See MULE page 7
Photo by Ken Clark
In one of the Attic's back offices, legendary sliJe guitarist
Warren Haynes spoke frankly about the Allman Brothers
Band and his new power trio, Government Mule.
Darkness falls on
"American Gothic"
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
Several years ago, "Twin
Peaks" redefined what television
The face
What lies behind this
mysterious wooden
barrier? The gutted
remains of O'Rock's!
The former home of
Greenville's alternative
music scene is curreqtjy
under construction, .
soon to be unveiled as
downtown Greenville's
latest pool hall.
Photo by Ken Clark
can and cannot do. Since then, tele-
vision has given birth to such prime
time sensations as "Picket Fences"
and, my personal favorite, "The X-
Files In short, as a result of David
Lynch's daring stab at TV, the tube
has been more daring.
Who would have ever thought
that a Hardy Boy would even try
to be as twisted as Mr. Lynch? Not
only is CBS's
eerie new show
Gothic" writ-
ten by Shaun
Cassidy, but
the whole con-
cept was his
idea. While the
show does im-
mediately take
some impres-
sive risks and
is obviously
backed by
some solid tal-
ent, I don't be-
lieve we're go-
ing to see any "American Gothic"
conventions in 1fce future.
Judging from the season pre-
miere, the show will center around
the satanic escapades of Sheriff
Lucas Buck (played by Gary Cole)
as he asserts his evil powers over
the small town of Trinity, SC. So
far, we have been introduced to sev-
eral characters including a feisty
young redneck boy named Caleb
Temple who is haunted by the ghost
of his murdered sister Merlyn,
charming doctor Matt Crower, an el-
ementary school teacher with a
So far, we have been
introduced to
several characters
including a feisty
young redneck boy
who is haunted by
the ghost of his
murdered sister
sleazy dark side, a deputy who
knows too much about the sheriff's
evil nature, and Caleb's attractive
cousin Gail Emory, who seems to
have some knowledge of the
sheriff's grisly past.
Admittedly, the show's dark
edge makes it stand out from the
crowd. The opening sequence not
only has a crazed man smash his
daughter's head
? with a shovel, it
also gives us the
sheriff breaking
the wounded
girl's neck.
the show's
creator's are play-
ing with the same
ideas that David
Lynch and David
Kelley have delved
into: the dark un-
derbelly of the
small community.
But they also bor-
der on being ste-
reotyjffcal. The sheriff is a corrupt
person of power. Dr. Crower (Jake
Weber) is an outsider who wants
to challenge the inherent fear of the
town, and the school teacher
(Brena Bakke) is the typical
mother and whore rolled up into
Still, there are elements that
may keep viewer's interests, and
these are elements that the film-
makers are revealing in small bits.
Apparently, Sheriff Buck and cousin
See GOTHIC page 7
CD. Reviews
Today's Topic:
TV Spin-Offs
In television, new shows are
often based on characters or
locations first seen on estab-
lished series. These shows
are called "spin-offs
Name the television series
spun off from the following
shows. . S
1. "All in the Family"
2. "The Danny Thomas
3. "The Dukes of Hazard"
4. "Diff'rent Strokes"
5. "Maude"
6. "Love, American Style"
7. "Barney Miller"
8. "The Flintstones"
?9. "Happy Days"
10. "Hawaii Five-0"
Answers in Thursday's issue
Lenny Kravitz
Jay Myers
St iff Writer
Lenny Kravitz has suffered the
slings and arrows of critics and non-
fans ever since he put out his first
album, Let Love Rule, in 1989. He
has been accused of using old and
tired themes from the '70s, having
no original creativity, and of being
nothing more than a poseur, riding
the coattails of those who came be-
fore. Never have these criticisms been
more relevant than for his new al-
bum, Circus.
I have to admit, however, that I
didn't share these sentiments until
now. Kravitz has always stuck by two
principles: never play an instrument
or use a piece of equipment that was
made after 1972, and always have
fun. That's what was so great about
his first three albums; they were fun
to listen to and they felt appropri-
ately funky. None of his albums were
meant to be masterpieces.
Unlike Prince, whom he is often
See CIRCUS page 6
Ominous Seapods
The Guide to
Roadside Ecology
Eric Bartels
Senior Writer
If Jerry could only hear them
Roots rock is alive and well and
growing by leaps and bounds. If you
hadn't noticed, just look around -
Widespread Panic, Phish and the
Ominous Seapods the Ominous
Who are the Seapods? They just
happen to be the illegitimate off-
spring of the Dead and Phish. Seapod
influences can be heard in their
songwriting patterns and their mu-
sical instrumentation.
Funky verses and groovy rhymes
accentuate the Seapods' distin-
guished style. However, a band that
has influenced them, the Grateful
Dead, has only helped them blend
different styles.
In various songs on The Guide
to Roadside Ecology, you can hear
hauntingly similar vocal styles to the
late Jerry Garcia and funky bass lines
See SEA page 6
"A Drop in the Bucket"
is just what it claiius to be: a
very tiny drop in the great
screaming bucket of Ameri-
can media opinion. Take it
as you will.
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
People hate critics. They
hate the good ones, especially,
the ones who dig and point
out the flaws and who are un-
compromising in their de-
mands for excellence.
"Well, I liked it is the
usual retort to these critics'
careful, well-reasoned attacks.
When pressed for more detail,
the arm-chair critic will meet
you with a stunned silence, fol-
lowed by "Uh Well, I mean
I just liked it! I don't wanna
think about it! I just liked it
That's fine, as far as it
goes. Everybody needs a little
relaxing, no-brainer entertain-
ment from time to time. I re-
treat, on occasion, into
schlocky old monster movies
from the '50s. I love those
things; their cheapo special ef-
fects and wholesome paranoia
touch the kid in me like noth-
ing else ever put to film.
It's mind-candy, but after
a hard week I need and de-
serve some sweets. But I also
realize that if I don't eat any-
thing else, my teeth will rot
If for no other reason, this
is why art is important With-
out art, without something to
engage us and challenge us
mentally, our brains and souls
will be eaten away.
I'm not talking paintings
and poetry here, although
those things are certainly art
No, I'm talking about movies,
television, music, popular nov-
els. I'm talking about the stuff
we entertain ourselves with on
a day-to-day basis. Remember,
"literature" only becomes "lit-
erature" because some brainy
scholar deems it worthy of the
Most of the great writers
we study today wrote popular
entertainment in their day.
Charles Dickens, for example,
was one of the most popular
writers of his time, the Victo-
rian equivalent of Michael
Crichton. Shakespeare was ba-
sically Quentin Tarantino,
Edgar Allan Poe was Stephen
King, and Mozart was a one-
man Led Zeppelin.
Frightening, isn't it?
When you put the weight of
history on the shoulders of
somebody like Robert Plant, it
seems to totter a little. Some-
times I think it's going to
come crashing down, pinning
us all beneath the rubble.
And my friends wonder
why I'm such a harsh critic.
I'm overjoyed when I see good
art, and outraged when I get
my hands on something bad.
Since I have very exacting
standards and spend about
half of my waking hours expe-
riencing art, I'm outraged an
awful lot.
People often tell me that
I need to lighten up, that I
shouldn't expect so much
from this movie or that music.
When I hear this, I just scowl
and grunt. I'm not interested
in being less demanding, in
shutting off part of my brain
in the name of enjoying some-
thing mundane. Art has to
earn my devotion.
I don't want that much,
really. Something with at least
a spark of originality. Some-
thing that doesn't insult my in-
telligence. Something with a
little wit. That's all I expect
really. I just don't want to be
Occasionally, though, I do
like to find something truly ex-
cellent. Something that can
excite me, that's good enough
to let me forget my critical
stance and just bask in the
See BUCKET page 7
1 -?

Tuesday, September 26, 1995
The East Carolinian
Natural life I ?
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from page 5
v-livv U d from page 5
compared to, everyone knows that
Kravitz isn't a musical genius and
thus the expectations from him are
lower. With Circus, it seems as
though Kravitz is trying to surpass
those expectations and create a mas-
terpiece. He fails miserably.
The production values are as
good as ever, and Kravitz shows him-
self once again to be a virtual band
unto himself by playing almost every
instrument on the album as well as
writing most of the music and lyrics.
What's missing from the new record
is the fun. It seems as though Kravitz
is no longer enjoying his position as
a simple energetic performer. He now
wants to be taken seriously as an "art-
In order for that to happen,
Kravitz has turned to religion and
spirituality as subject matter for his
art This isn't a bad idea, either. Art-
ists have been doing just that for cen-
turies. V2 has proved that spiritual-
ity can be conveyed through rock
music without preachiness and with
strong emotional impact.
However, Kravitz feels as though
the only way to reach out with his
spirit is through preaching. Because
of this, Kravitz puts himself in a po-
sition above everyone else and that
is where he fails. He proceeds to give
sermon after sermon on this album,
from warnings about pride
("Magadalene") and the dangers of
hustling ("Thin Ice") to a plea against
suicide ("Don't Go And Put A Bullet
In Your Head"). All are delivered with
a monotone, distant voice and dull,
methodical instrumentation.
The most significant example of
this is on the song "God is Love Al-
though the track clocks in at about
four and a half minutes, it is so in-
credibly boring and methodical that
it seems to go on forever. Mostly this
is due to such totally insipid lyrics as
"God is loveHe makes the rain that
makesthe flowersGod is loveAnd
so amazing are His powers God
loves everyoneThat's why He gave
His Son(oh yeah) This religious
swell continues to the breaking point
with the tracks "In My Life Today"
(about God's everyday presence) and
"The Resurrection" (you figure it out).
With his new status as minister
and preacher on Circus, Kravitz has
changed for the worse. For him, it
seems as though "Rock and Roll is
Dead" literally. Too bad, it was fun
while it lasted.
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right out of classic Phish songs. For
example, "Candy Cane Flame" has
vocals that are disturbingly similar
to those in the Dead's "Friend of the
Roadside Ecology , inspired by
the writings of Michael Murphy,
takes the listener on the Seapods' ad-
ventures traveling around the United
States. For instance, "As I Stand Here
Now" explains about life on the road
with a band in the shadows of rock
"As I stand here now I'm
thinking about the wide open
"Gunshot Static another great
song, uses funny verses and funky
grooves. The lines "Did my time in a
motel room tried to sleep late
got kicked out a noon are classic
"Tortured in My Sleep despite
its eerie resemblance to the Dead's
trademark singing in unison, also
sound very much like Les Claypool
bouncing the bass line beat
Lead singer Max Verna, although
not the sole writer in the band, has
compiled some great lyrics, such as
in "Blackberry Brandy where the
humor of McDonald's restaurants is
herladed: "Ronald McDonald gave me
his two patty smile He was spitting
special sauce as he froze to the
Roots rockers beware, this album
may be hazardous to the ear, the mind,
and the soul. Besides would Jerry re-
ally appreciate being upstaged?
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, September 26, 1995
MULE from page 5
Gov't Mule is a live studio re-
lease. The entire project, start to fin-
ish, took exactly 21 days, a record
of which Carl Lewis would be proud.
Several of the cuts are first takes.
The trio wanted it to be as close to
live as possible because, as Woody
stated, "the Mule can't be tamed
Judging from crowd response to
the trio's first visit to Greenville.
Woody hit the nail squarely on the
head. The Attic was crowded, but
not packed as Gov't Mule floored the
mixed-age crowd with a mind-bog-
gling show.
On the front row, folks couldn't
be pulled away from the action. A
pair of golden-age gents were seen
contently swaying to and fro, eyes
closed as the legendary guitarist slid
through chord after hypnotic chord.
When the band finished their
set around 1:15 a.m all three band
members came from backstage. For
over a half an hour, they contently
signed autographs and individually
thanked fans for coming out to the
show. The fans should have been
thanking Government Mule. It was
certainly one of the best perfor-
mances in the Attic's 26 years of
Government Mule was simply
billed, "featuring Warren Haynes of
the Allman Brothers Band When
a band puts on a show of the cali-
ber of Government Mule's Thursday
performance, there's not much else
to say. Government Mule's kickin'
from page 5
glow of its quality for a while.
Something my mind can't pen-
etrate, that will allow me to become
the pure audience I was when I was
a child.
1 don't have time for anything
else. Between work and school, I'm
a pretty busy guy. 1 can't be wast-
ing time on sucky art. Life's too
short, and there's too much good
stuff out there; I barely have time
for my favorites.
And there is important work
being done out there. The only po-
ets the general public cares about
anymore are working in the music
industry. People like Tom Waits, PJ
Harvey. Lyle Lovett, John Hall (of
King Missile), Tori Amos and even
Courtney Love are writing some
good poetry for a mass audience.
Even if you've never heard of some
of them, they have a wider audience
than most traditional poets and
from page 5
thus will probably be better-remem-
Likewise, movie makers like
Quentin Tarantino are producing
vital, intelligent work that will sur-
vive long after their deaths. Why
should I care about the latest mind-
less Sylvester Stallone action ve-
hicle or moron comedy with Adam
There's real art being made,
damn it! When we spend our money
on crap, that only makes the enter-
tainment industry produce more
crap. We can't afford to lower our
So anyway, give the critics a
break. They may be infuriating
sometimes, but at least they're giv-
ing some thought to art. Remem-
ber, critics are only expressing their
opinions. Before you complain
about them, maybe you should de-
velop some opinions of your own.
Gail (Paige Turco) share some type
of psychic power. Not only that, but
the sheriff may or may not be the
father of Caleb (exceptionally
played by Lucas Black).
Some of the show may be too
blatant for certain viewers. Even
with my limited knowledge of the
Bible, I was able to pick up on many
of the religious games the show is
playing. Sheriff Lucas Buck is the
Lucifer of this Hell. A shot featur-
ing Paige Turco kneeling over a
grave screamed the Virgin Mary at
me. And, who knows, is Caleb go-
ing to be a Christ figure in the near
My major concern for "Ameri-
can Gothic however, is the fact
that this concept is for a television
series as opposed to a single two-
hour movie. How far can the show's
creator's stretch the story they've
set up before it just breaks and to-
tally falls apart into nothingness?
The story is an intriguing idea, but
it may be limited in what it has to
say. As opposed to such shows as
The X-Files which focuses on dif-
ferent storylines within its estab-
lished form. "American Gothic"
seems to be too focused on one par-
ticular storyline.
Don't get me wrong. 1 did en-
joy Shaun's baby. But it just didn't
quite pack the punch 1 had hoped
it would. It's early yet. Maybe once
the show snuggles into its new TV
home, it will prove to be worthy of
those shows to which it owes its
On a scale of one to 10, "Ameri-
can Gothic" rates a seven.
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Hmttfit W , 1995
Student Government Association
Class Officers
flections "95"
Wednesday, September 27
Each polling precinct will be open from 9 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. on election
day except the WRIGHT PLACE precinct, which will be open until 8 p.m.
1. Wright Place
2. Croatan
3. Bottom of College Hill Drive at Bus Stop
4. Speight Bus Stop
5. Mendenhall Student Center
' 6. General Classroom Building
7. Front Entrance of Joyner Library
8. Cafeteria of College Hill
9. Jenkins Art Gallery
10. Minges Coliseum
When voting you moy vote for officers from your doss only,
For example, if you ore o junior, vote for junior doss only.
0-31 hours: Freshman
32-63 hours: Sophmore
64-95 hours: Junior
96 hours: Senior
Graduate: Enrolled in Graduate School
Must Have A Current IX. Tc Vote.

Tuesday, September 26, 1995 The East Carolinian
Pirates fall short at Illinois
Brian Paiz
Senior Writer
So close' When East Carolina
visited Illinois on Saturday, they
knew they would be in for a defen-
sive battle, and that's exactly what
they got as they lost to the Fight
ing lllini in heart-
breaking style 7-0
in front of a crowd
of 60,045 at Me-
morial Stadium.
Heisman Tro-
phy candidate
Simeon Rice lived
up to all the hype
as he and fellow
All-American can-
didate Kevin
Hardy pressured Pirate QB Marcus
Crandell all afternoon, but it was
the last ECU drive of the game that
had Pirate fans hearts beating a
little faster.
ECU got the bail back with
2:19 remaining after the Pirate de-
fense held Illinois to three downs
and out. On their first posession
from their own 27 yard line, ECU
QB Crandell found Jason Nichols
for a four yard gain. Two straight
false start penalties pushed the ball
back to the ECU 21. But facing a
third down and 21 yards to go with
1:31 to go, Crandell found a streak-
ing Larry Shannon down the right
side of the field for a 51 yard gain
and t set the Pirates up on the Illi-
nois 33.
On the next play from scrim-
mage, Crandell hit Jerris McPhail
for 13 yards and it moved the ball
to the Fighting lllini 20. Once again
Crandell found McPhail for a seven
yard gain, and the Pirates were in
business at the lllini 13 vard line.
Hardy and Rice
are two of the best
defensive players
in the nation
?Jerris McPhail
Crandell then rushed out of the
pocket for a nine yard gain and ECU
was eyeing a touchdown as they
had a first down on the Fighting
lllini 7 with just under 45 seconds
to go. After an incomplete pass to
Larry Shannon, the worst thing
that could have happened to the
Pirates came to be realized, as
Crandell's pass
was inter-
cepted bv
Duane Lyle of
Illinois, just as
it looked like
freshman Troy
Smith was in
for the TD.
"It was a
great play by
their defense
said Crandell who was 19-39 for
178 yards. "Troy was going for a
slant route and number 31 (LyleI
just made a great defensive play
Crandell faced pressure most of
the afternoon from Rice and hardy
as they combined for 11 tackles,
one of which came in the second
quarter when Hardy sacked
Crandell causing him to fumble and
the lllini recovered. Ten plays later
Robert Holcolmb rushed in from
the one. and Illinois led 7-0.
The rest of the game would be
a defensive struggle, as both of-
fenses stalled. ECU was 4-18 on
third down conversions, as Illinois
wasn't much better as they were 7-
20. The lllini defense held Jerris
McPhail in check most of the game,
as the senior running back had 19
carries for 47 yards.
"That is the best defense we
have seen said McPhail. "Hardy
and Rice are two of the best defen-
sive players in the nation.
Head Coach Steve Logan was
proud of his team's performance.
"That was a good college foot-
ball game said Logan. "1 am very
proud oi our team
Daren Hart led the Pirate de-
fense with 15 tackles m the game
and cornerback Hank Cooper had
two interceptions for ECU and also
contributed with eight tackles. Illi-
nois was led by running hack Rob-
ert Holcolmbe, who rushed for a
school record 49 times and 130
The Pirates must now look for-
ward to West Virginia next Satur-
day in Greenville. The Mountain-
eers come into the game at 2-2.
"The West Virginia game is re-
ally important said Cooper. We
are both 22. and this win would
be a very important one
Close to a
perfect plan
Rice, Hardy spoi
Logan's last
possession plan
Brian Paiz
Senior Writer
In the 1980's TV show "A-
Team George Peppard who played
Hannibal on the action series, al-
ways used to make the comment,
"I love it when a plan comes to-
gether Well ECU Head Football
Coach Steve Logan had a plan for
Saturday's game against Illinois,
and he came very
close to doing his
best impression
of Hannibal.
The Pirates
game plan was to
have the last pos-
session of the
game against the
Fighting lllini,
score and win
the contest. If it
wasn't for a great
defensive play by
an Illinois player,
Logan could
have won an
Emmy for Best Director of a Screen
"Our game plan was to get the
last possession of the game and
score, and we almost pulled it off
said Logan. "We had a more con-
servative offense than usual
That conservative offense game
plan included more short passing
routes by quarterback Marcus
Crandell who knew what the strat-
egy was.
"We worked everyday in prac-
tice on this said Crandell. "This
was our game plan
One of the reasons for the
more conservative game plan was
the outstanding Illinois defense led
by Simeon Rice and Kevin Hardy.
ECU offensive lineman Charles
Boothe knew he was facing possible
the best defense in the country.
"They had a great defense
Boothe said. "We had our chances
to win, but it just did not work out
On the other side of the ball.
the Pirates proved their defense is
no longer the "weak link" of the
team, as it had been in years past.
We proved today that our de-
fense can play ball said Butkus
Award Candidate Mark Libiano.
"We played our hearts out to get a
Hank Coo-
per, who has
been battling in-
juries, came
through with
one of the best
performances of
his college ca-
reer as he
picked off two Il-
linois passes
and had eight
tackles. Cooper
does not want to
dwell on this
game but wants
"Our game plan
was to get the
last possession of
the game and
score, and we
almost pulled it
? Coach Logan
Well, it isn't
Everest, but Paul
Darmody looks like
he's enjoying
scaling this wall.
Photo by KEN CLARK
Men's soccer wins one, loses one
(Left),The Men's soccer team
Liberty. (Right), The Women's
Craig Perrott
Staff Writer
Ei'V Men's Soccer Head Coach
Will Wiberg's philosophy is shut-out
soccer This philosophy paid off last
Wednesday as the Pirates took home
their first win of the season after de-
feating Virginia Commonwealth Uni-
versity, 2-D. The victory celebration
didn't last long, however, as the Pi-
rates fell at home against Liberty on
The VCU game marked a num-
ber of firsts for the Fast Carolina soc-
cer program.
It was the first shut-out ever by
the Piratesf 1-6-0,1-3-0 CAA) over a
CAA opponent in ECU'S I11 year asso-
ciation with the league
' It's real sweet when you can
shut-out an opponent at their place
Coach Wil Wiberg said. "Soccer is a
defensive game. If they don't score,
they won't win. It's a matter of us
came out with a win Wednesday against VCU, but turned around with a loss Saturday to
team also suffered a loss Saturday against Stetson.
counterattacking, or being opportu-
nistic. If they make a mistake, we capi-
talize on that
Senior co-captain Marc Mullin
scored the game winning goal for the
Pirates during the first half of play,
hitting a steep 30-yard shot off of a
corner kick over a 6-foot-3 goalie.
Walk-on freshman Bret Altheiser
scored his first collegiate goal off of a
Marc Mullin assist in the second pe-
riod of action to insure the win for
Speaking of collegiate firsts, it
was the first collegiate win for Wiberg,
and one the Pirates desperately
"We've worked very hard
Wiberg said. "I told the team that we
were going to surprise somebody, they
believed in themselves, played a great
game, and came away with a 2-0 vic-
tory. It's a great feeling, but one win
doesn't make a season.
"Hopefully we can find ourselves
another measure of success here. 1
want us to build on this momentum
and gain some confidence
The Pirates lead for the first time
this season at half-time, and Wiberg
was confident the Pirates had the
game sewed up after their first score.
"Once we got that goal early. I
knew we were going to win Wiberg
said "I knew we weren't going to let
it get away from us ,
Wiberg praised and commended
the defensive efforts of Derrick
Faulcon and Jon Smiley, who neutral-
ized the main threats of the Ram's
offensive attack. Dan Staton hit some
long balls out of the backfield for the
Pirates, pressuring and testing VCU.
In the midfield. Mullin, Altheiser,
Chris Padgett and Kyle England did
the job for ECU. opening up numer-
ous scoring opportunities.
The Pirates dodged a big bullet
in the second half when VCU missed
a chance to tie the game with a shot
that hit the crossbar. But as goal-
keeper Jay Davis puts it. "It's part of
the equipment
Saturday, the Pirates played Lib-
erty Flames to take a hard fought loss
in overtime (2-1). After playing score-
less for the first 90 minutes of regula-
tion play. Liberty's Joel Johnson shot
right past goalkeeper Joe! Davis who
dove for the save but came up short.
The Flames kept the Pirates
against the wall until the end of the
first overtime period with a (1-0) lead.
The second overtime period
awarded the Flames a penalty kick
after a breakaway foul was called on
ECU. Liberty goalkeeper James Price
came in and drove the ball straight
into the net past Davis.
Down by (2-0) with less than two
minutes to play, the Pirates fought
back hard with a goal by senior Dan
Staton. Time stood ran out before
ECU could tie up the match.
The Pirates return to the field
this Wednesday. Sept. 27 when they
travel to Wilmington. N.C. to face the
Seahawks of UNCW.
Frisbee golf tees off The Hill has risen
Chancellor's Cup
Josh Lothridge
Staff Writer
to look forward
to West Virginia I Diversity (WVU)
in Ficklen Stadium this Saturday
"We came up a little short
said Cooper. "Everyone played
hard, but now we just have to get
ready for WVU.
Notes: David Hart suffered an
injury in the Illinois game on Sat-
urday. His status is day to day. WVU
comes to Ficklen with a record of
2 2. after defeating Kent 45-6 last
Saturday in Morgantown. This is
the first meeting of WVU and ECU
since 1992, when the Mountaineers
defeated the Pirates U-28. The
game will be televised on the Pi
rate Television Network.
Frisbee Golf is an unusual
sport, to say the least. The game
is played pretty much the same
way golf is played, only instead of
using a club to hit a small ball into
a hole, one tosses a Frisbee disc
into a bucket three feet above
There are 18 buckets in
Frisbee Golf, much like Golf. AH
of the "holes" in the Frisbee Golf
Course are par threes. This means
to reach par, or average, one must
throw the Frisbee disc into the
bucket within three tosses.
A disk in the bucket in one
toss is a " hole-in-one" or "ace
Two tosses net a "birdie Three
tosses equals par. four tosses is a
bogey and five is a double-bogey
in this surreal game. Anything
above five is horrible, and doesn't
qualify for a special name. Par for
the course is set at 54.
At ECU, the course is located
near the softball diamond. It is
very challenging, with trees con-
tinually getting in your way in the
cramped quarters. There are rules
about not damaging the trees on
the course, forcing the players to
be extra cautious.
On Wednesday and Thursday,
Sept. 20-21, the Intramural Rec-
reation Services held a Frisbee
Golf Singles Tournament. The
tournament is a part of the an-
nual Chancellor's Cup competi-
"I think it is a nice course
said Anthony Whitley. "It's a chal-
lenging course in some areas and
it is a fun place for people who
are average players to kind of
See CUP page 10
King and Queen
of Halls contest
deemed successfu
Angela Bryant
Intramural Recreation Services
This year's King and Queen of
the Halls was once again an incred-
ible event for all the residence halls,
with College Hill dominating the
royal affair.
After rain dampened the origi-
nal day of competition, record num-
bers appeared last Thursday. The first
of many Natural Life Events planned
tot the students throughout the se-
mester, King and Queen of the Halls
accomplished its main goal, to flood
the Hill with as many residence hall
students as possible.
In its eighth consecutive year,
the 1995 King and Queen of the
Halls had the second highest partici-
pation total of the events history.
Competition was definitely the
key. The day's big upset came when
the men of Scott Hall dethrowned
Garrett Hall for the first tune in seven
years. Scott Hall accomplished what
was thought to be the impossible.
They almost doubled the point score
of Garrett Hall, won the tug-of-war
between the two. and took the crown
home. Over 20 of Scott Hall's resi-
dents attended, ensuring the crown's
The battle for the Queen's
Crown was another highlight of the
day. Tyler Hall had al! the right
moves, with over 28 participation,
they closed in quickly on Greene Hall
and Clement Hall and ran awaj
the final victory. Along with the
Queen's Crown, Tyler Hall showed
their strength to clinch all the win-
nings, by dominating Greene Hall in
the tug-of-war to take home Natural
Life T shii
The final battle came down the
to the co-ed struggle for the I
Jewels. This competition included ten
different residence halls. As it came
See HILL page 10

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, September 26, 1995
Can i afford to save for retirement?
The truth is, you can't afford not to.
Not when you realize that your retirement
can last 'o to :o years or more. You 11 want
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Consider this: Set aside lust $100 each
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you 11 have to budget $31Qeach month
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Even il you're not counting the years to
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annuity plans, a diverse portfolio of invest-
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Over 1.7" million people in education and
research put T1AA-CRKK at the top ol
their list lor retirement planning. Why not
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Call today and learn how simple it is
to build a secure tomorrow when you
have time and TIAA-CREF working on
your side.
Start planning your future. Call our Enrollment Hotline at I 800 842-2888.
Ensuring the future
for those who shape it.bM
Wednesday, Sept. 27
8:00 p.m.
Hendrix Theater
Pick up Free Passes al
Mendenhall info Desk
& ECU Student Store
? ? .
The Student Union
Student Union Films Committee
Lady pirates spike ahead
Volleyball team
has successful
(SID)The East Carolina Pi-
rates (9-6) went undefeated at this
weekend's Liberty University Invita-
tional volleyball tournament, and
battled through lour matches on
Saturday before eventually winning
the tournament title in three games
from Fairmont State College (15-3.
15-11. 15-60.
Carrie Brne and Tara Venn were
named to the all-tournament team.
In semifinal competition. ECU
dropped the first set to High Point
University before battling back to
take the match in four games (14-
16, 15-0. 15-10). In two Saturday
round-robin matches, the Pirates
topped the U.S. Naval Academy (15-
S. 15-1. 15-7) and Hampton Univer-
sity (15-7. 15-6. 15-2).
In their only match on Friday.
ECU topped ISC Spartanburg in
five games (10-15, 16-14. 10-15, 15-
10, 15-9) during first-day play of the
Libertv University Invitational vol-
leyball tournament.
Brne netted 16 kills and 20 digs
to lead the Pirates in the two-hour
match. Freshman Kristin Wallace re-
corded 36 sets and 19 digs for ECU,
while senior Melanie Richards added
13 kills and 15 digs in the victory.
ECU (9-6) has won six straight
matches and nine of their last
eleven. They will host UNC
Wilmington on Tuesday. Sept. 26 in
Williams Arena. Match play is set to
begin at 7 p.m.
Kerrigan attacker freed
(AP) - Shawn Eckardt the 300-
pound would-be bodyguard of figure
skater Tonya Harding, walked out of
prison this morning, the last of those
involved in the attack on Nancy Kerrigan
to be set free.
His first priority
"Go get something to eat he said,
"get some real food
Eck erdt said the food in prison was
Attention Students"
Langston Park Apartments
(Besd)k 'Iar Riveb Estates, Near Campus)
Free Cable
Free WaterSewer
New Ownership
?2 Bedrooms
Appliances, Dishwasher
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Cats with Fee
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Eckardt. 28. admitted helping
Harding's ex-husband Jeff Gillooly plan
the attack on Kerrigan, Harding's chief
rival for the U.S. figure skating title.
He was asked as he left if he had
any plans to talk to Harding.
"Hopefully not he said. "It would
be a dreadful state of affairs having to
listen to her whine again
Eckardt spent 15 months in the
Oregon State Penitentiary after plead-
ing guilty to racketeering.
A fight with another inmate landed
Eckardt in the prison's segregation unit
for the last 18 days of his term. Other-
wise. Eckardt's time in the penitentiary
was largely uneventful, prison spokes-
woman Carolyn Schnoor said.
The other three people sent to
prison for the attack on Kerrigan were
released from prison earlier this year.
Eckardt was the last to be freed
because he was the last to begin serving
his term.
"I've come to the conclusion that 1
wouldn't be involved in anything like that
again Eckardt said.
Eckardt secretly taped a planning
session, then played the tape for a woman
he had met in a college class.
Eckardt's friend. Reginald Norbury.
said Eckardt planned to live in the Sa-
lem area.
Although Eckardt hasn't said what
he planned to do after he got something
to eat Norbury said any new career for
his friend probably would include com-
"He's a whiz at computers
Norbury said.
Student $4.00
FocuhyStaff $7.00
General PuWk $10.00
At the Door $12.00
Tuesday, November 7,1995
Wright Auditorium ? ttWMillKMilM.millfi
Tickets are oi sal at the Central Ttcktt Office in
Mendennal Student Center, East Carolina University.
All tickets are General Admission. Doors open at 7:00 PM.
Stanley Greenthal
Wednesday, October 11, 1995
1:30 - 3:00 PM ? Mendenhall Brickyard
Presented by the East Carolina University Student Union
For More Information, Call the Student Union Hotline at 328-6004
Our annual
New York City
trip is
coming noon!
isys costs less than 1-oUU-LUL l 11 l

Tuesday, September 26, 1995
The East Carolinian
HILL from page 8 CUP
from page 8
ie East Carolinian is looking for
someone to mail bulk mailings two
afternoons per week and to serve as a
substitute courier.
Applicants must be
ECU students with ys
a 2.0 or higher GPA. Apply
at The East Carolinian
(across from Joyner).
down to the wire, Aycock and
Fletcher Halls ousted their competi-
tors. Fletcher Hall managed to tug a
little harder to win the tug-of-war
contest, but Aycock Hall won the par-
ticipation total with over 31
attendence to walk back up The Hill
with the Crown Jewels.
Other highlights included an egg
toss with 200 participants, the limbo
and live coverage from WZMB. Nancy
Mize, Director of Recreational Ser-
vices, sums up the exciting after-
"It was great to see the Hill take
back all the Crowns Mize said.
"That is where they were originally
started. The tremendous tradition
and spirit of the students made the
entire afternoon a great experience
come out and have fun and relieve
a little stress but still challenging
enough for the more experienced
Some think the par should be
raised to four on certain holes.
"A few of the outside holes, 11
and 16, should be par 4s said
Brian Satterly. "Other than (the
pars) it's great
The best score on Wednesday
belonged to Jefferson Anderson,
who tossed for an amazing low
score of 49, five below par. He
didn't belong to any of the frater-
nities participating in the
Chancellor's Cup.
Only two fraternities showed
up with representatives on
Wednesday, and the leader was
Theta Chi with 5 representatives.
Delta Sigma Phi had 2 representa-
tives, and there were 12 indepen-
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Tuesday, September 26,1995 The East Carolinian
For Rent
? l and 2 Bedi ;um; ?
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tutmshed qpainie-nfs jx'C j mnth
6 month leas
8W2OI tll ill' Slit-H
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S(. ml bludt-nl ii-usr
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f I Help
11 !i Wanted
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
ATE ROOMIES for 3 bedroom house.
Close to school, cent ral air, fireplace, loft
music room, patio, wooded lot. Excellent
place for excellent people. Call toda y 758-
$335 month, 6 blocks from campus,
washerdryer, Nice, Excellent Deal, Call
WESLEY COMMONS, 1 & 2 Bedroom,
Range, Refrigerator, Washer & Dryer
Hookups, Decks & Patios in most units,
Laundry Facility, Sand Volleyball Court
Located 5 blocks from campus. FREE
2 Bedrooms, StoveRefrigeratorDish-
washerWasher & Dryer HookupsPatios
on first floor. Located 5 blocks from cam-
pus. These and Other fine properties Man-
aged by Pitt Property Management 108
A Brownlea Dr, 758-1921
male student to share half the rent. Have
own bedroom and bathroom. Contact Ja-
son at 754-2076, Dogwood Hollow Apts
ROOMMATE WANTED: Female to share
brand new 4BR, 3 full bath apartment
home. $250 per month plus 14 utilities.
Swimming pool, exercise center, club
house, lighted tennis courts, and lots of
extras, including continental breakfast
each Friday morning. Call 321-7613.
to share two bedroom, 12 utilities, and
12 rent Three blocks from campus. Avail-
able ASAP. Please call 752-4912.
ROOMMATE WANTED? Male to share
new 4 BDR, 3 full bath apartment. $250
per month plus 14 utilities. Swimming
pool, tennis, volleyball, weight room and
more. Call 321-7613.
2 Bedrooml & 2 bath. 2 blocks from
campus. Water & basic cable included.
752-8900. Professionally managed by Pro
Management of Greenville.
FEMALE NEEDED for one bearoom.
share bath. $225 per month. Utilities in-
cluded. Pro Management of Greenville.
TOWNHOUSE: 2 Bedroom. 1 12 bath.
2 blocks from campus. $475 per month.
Pro Management of Greenville, 756-1234.
2 bath. Partially furnished. $500.00 per
month. Pro Management of Greenville
HOUSES FOR RENT near campus. $450-
$550. Call Cindy. Pro Management of
Greenville. 756-1234.
For Sale
quality guitars. Have 3 electric and 3
accoustics for sale. $100 to $200 637-
FM Cass, cruise, tilt steering, power
brakes, silver. Call 355-7553.
orthopedic mattress set, in factory box.
Never used. Cost 750; 300.00 cash. (919)
2 orthopedic mattresses, Pop UpTurndle,
in box , never used. Cost 700; 325 00 cash.
(919) 637-2645.
CHEAP! Houses. Cars, Computers, Fur-
niture. "Free details" Seizures, Dept.
NC121, Box 3573, Wilson, NC 27893 "En-
close $1.00 for postagehandling
Part time & Evening-
Position uvaible.
I p In 6 Days a Week.
Start i-ns: Pa SS hour.
Largest Library ol information in U.S. ?
at subjects
Order Catalog Today wim Visa MC or COD
Or. rush $2 00 to: Rnwrch Inlormition
11322idaho Av8? 206-A, Los Angeles. CA 90025
Drivers Wanted Earn
S50 -$1 OOPer'Night
Make Your Own Schedule Ideal
For College Students
Call 321-4862
Experienced wait staff needed. No phone
calls please. Apply in person between
2:00pm and 6:00pm.
LOVER needed to care for a four year old.
12 noon to 3:30pm weekdays. Must have
your own transportation. Call 3214883
if interested.
TIONS: Pizzaz Jewelry & Gifts. Located
in Arlington Village. No Phone Calls; Come
by for interview appointments. Hours 10-
6 Monday - Saturday.
WANTED: DRIVERS for Yellow & Check-
ered Cab Company. Flexible hours, good
money. Call 830-9500 and leave message.
STUDY PARTNER for high school boy,
English or liberal ar ts. Time and fee open.
Call 321-6745.
tions available. Typing skills required. Call
758 104, Ask for Joe.
PACKAGE SYSTEM is looking for PACK-
AGE HANDLERS to load Vans and un-
load Trailers for the AM and PM shift's.
Hours 4:30am to 9:00am. $6.00hour,
tutition assistance available after 30 days.
Future career opportunities in operations
and management possible. Applications
can be filled out at 104 UNITED DRIVE,
Greenville, 752-1803.
TRIPS! Sell 8 Trips & Go Free! Best Trips
& Prices! Bahamas, Cancun, Jamaica,
Florida! Spring Break Travel! 1-800-678-
SunSplash Tours. Highest commissions
paid, at lowest prices. Campus Represen-
tatives wanted to Sell reliable tours. Ja-
maica, Cancun, Bahamas, Daytona,
Panama City and Padre. 1-800-426-7710.
students who want to earn money while
they learn. Five positions available for Fall
Semester. Call 355-7700 and ask for
Bonnie or Cassie.
ATTENTION LADIES: Greenville's Old-
est and Largest Escort Service is now hir-
ing due to our expanding Business. Ear n
up to $1,500 plus per week, Escorting in
the Greenville and surrounding areas. You
must be at least 18 years of age, Have own
phone and transportation. We are also
hiring Male and Female Dancers for Pri-
vate Parties. Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 758-0896 or Emerald City Escorts at
757-3477 for an Interview. Est 1990.
up to $25-45hr. teaching basic conv ersa-
tional English in Japan, Taiwan, or S.
Korea. No teaching background or Asian
Languages required. For information call:
(206) 632-1146 extJ53621.
& full-time employment at National Parks,
Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits ?
bonsuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext.
Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to
$3,000-$6,000 per month. Room and
Board! Transportation! Male or Female.
No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-
4155 ext A53621.
lanlcN Sleemer Carpet
Vancr M-Thurs. S-X
Sal. 10-1
Hourly Wages cv:
Call 756-0033
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
Travel. Seasonal & full-time employment
available. No experience necessary, for
more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext
TELEMARKETING - Davenport Exteri-
ors Thermal Guard - $5.00 per hour plus
bonus. Easy Work, Flexible hours start
today. Call 355-0210.
$1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 301-306-1207.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to National
Mailers PO Box 774, Olathe, KS 66051.
Immediate response.
broke, want to get paid everyday, Call Play-
mates Massage, Snow Hill, NC 747-7686.
EARN $180 Dollars weekly clipping cou-
pons at home. For more info send SASE
to 102 3 Brownlea Dr. Greenville NC
AMOROUS ESCORTS is now hiring Fe-
male Dancers and Escorts. Flexible hours.
Great income. Call 321-6583 for a confi-
dential interview.
$1000 FUNDRAISER Fraternities. So-
rorities & Student Organizations. You've
seen credit card fundraisers before, bu'
you've never seen the Citibank fundraiser
that pays $5.00 per application. Call
Donna at 1-800-932-0528 ext 65. Quali-
fied callers receive a FREE camera.
TLC ENTERTAINMENT is seeking ladies
for dancing, modeling, and excor ting. $50
to $120 per hour. Flexible scheduling.
Discretion and Confidentiality assured.
Call 758-2881.
semble products at home! Call Now! 1-919-
243-9305 24 hours, ext NC121.
rf Services
j Services
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Diamond Dave's Retro and Dance Party.
Diamond Dave is a professional Disc
Jockey with a first class sound system. Call
Diamond Dave for a price quote with no
with our SportsEntertainment Line To-
day 1-900-378-1800 EXT 5053. $2.99 per
minute. Must be 18 years. Touch Tone
Phone Required. Serv-U (619) 645-8434.
ONE NOW 1-900-255-1515 EXT 6333.
$2.99 per minute. Must be 18 years. Touch
Tone Phone Required. Serv-U (619) 645-
FREE To Pursue Romance and NEW
Relationships? CALL NOW 1-900-255-
8585 EXT 1674 $2.99min 18yrs. T CH-
TN fone reqd. Serv-U (619)645-8454,
ORDER OF OMEGA will hold its first
meeting Wednesday September 27 at
4:00pm in MSC Room 14. All members
please attend.
PI DELTA: It's not to late! If you are still
interested in rushing Pi Delta, come join
us tonight from 8-10pm St Delta Sigma
Phi Fraternity House, located on 10th
Street. We look forward to seeing you
there! For more information or rides call
PI KAPPA ALPHA: Once again, Pref
night was a blast. Thank you for showing
our pledges a fun time. Love: Chi Omega
wonderful weekend. Our parents and sis-
ters had a great time eating barbeq ue and
dancing all night to Running from Anna:
Love, Chi Omega
EPSILON would like to congratulate the
Beta Pledges: John Licata, Aaron Rizzo,
Jeremy Spivey, Mike West, Pog
Phangadurng, Mike McNally, Greg Sivta,
Chuck Sawyer, Kevin Martin, Brian Liles,
Dae Austin, Good Luck on the quest for
your 5 apples.
thank Alpha Xi Delta for the use of your
house. You've made our rush perfect!
would like to thank the Ladies for an ex-
citing Thursday evening. We know you
support us and we equally support you.
DAVID, 1 am so glad your home, love Deb.
Come out and get your GROOVE ON!
NPHC Greekweekend @ MSC. September
28th - 30th!
"The sequence lives on" Special thanks
to all of those who believed and put forth
the effort A lot of hard work, but it made
the difference. Good job gang - Rob Lewis
The Annual Mug Sale on Oc tober 5-7. The
event will be held in the lobby of the Leo
Jenkins Fine Arts Center from 8am-5pm
on the 5th and 6th and at the Percolator
Coffee House from 10am-6pm on the 6th
and 7th. Both are located on East 5th
Street in Greenville. ECU Ceramics Guild
is a non-profit campus organization.
The East Carolina Native American Orga-
nization will be having its second meet-
ing of the Fall semester on Wednesday
September 27 in MSC room 14 at 7pm.
We will be planning programs for Novem-
ber & the rest of this year, so all old &
new members please plan to at tend. We're
off to a great start this year! Please join
The second Pre-Professional Health
Allicance meeting will be held on Septem-
ber 27th at 7:00pm in the Howell Com-
plex building in room N-109.
Join us today at 5:00 in GCB room 3009.
Dr. Joe Kiley and Dr. Scott Below will be
giving a presentation on how to invest in
mutual stock funds and bond funds. This
is a great opporunity to learn about in-
vesting - - don't miss it!
Social Work and Criminal Justice Alliance
will meet today at 3:30 in GCB 1001. All
SWCJ majors and intended majors are
invited to attend.
The AMA is holding a general meeting to-
day in General Classroom Building room
2006 at 3:30. Please join us for informa-
tion on becoming an active member,
fundraising activities, and social activities.
Members, Nonmembers, and all majors ar e
welcome. Please join us!
Meet some of the international and na-
tional exchange students and f ind out how
you can become an exchange student!
There are many sites to choose from, pay
ECU tuition and see another part of the
world. Stop by the Student Store on
Wednesday, Sept 27, between 11:00-1:00
to meet the students! Call 328-6769 for
more information if you can not attend.
Students interested in applying for the Fall
1995 semester need to submit an applica-
tion by October 25, to Ragsdale 104-B.
Applications are located outside of
Ragsdale 104-B.
The next meeting of SNCAE will be held
on Thursday, September 28 in Room 308
of Speight at 4:30pm. Please br ing dues
and Teddy Bears. Don't forget to pay your
dues to be eligible for the membership
drive prize.
September 26 through October 2. AH
events are located at A. J. Fletcher Recital
Hall and free, unless otherwise noted.
Jeff Baines. Tenor (7:00pm). SUN, Octo-
of the Friends of the School of Music for
members and their guests. For more in-
formation, Call ECU-6851
ISA will meet on Wednesday, September
27,1995. Ceneral Classroom 1010, Time:
5:30pm-6:30pm. Election will be held.
Speaker: Tarrick Cox SHIPREC.
The nex meeting of ECHO will be held on
Tuesday Sept 26th at 5:30pm in GCB
3006. All Honors Students, Teaching Fel-
lows, as well as all other students with a
3.3 GPA or better are welcomed to attend.
Our gueat speaker will be Mrs. Judy Baker
who will be giving us information about
volunteering. Club dues are $10 per year
and should be paid as soon as possible.
For more information please contact Jo-
seph at 756-5377.
Any student interested in serving as a uni-
versity marshal for the 1995 Fall com-
mencement may obtain an application
from Room A-12 Minges. Student must be
full-time classified as a junior by the end
of Spring semester 1995 and have at least
a 3.0 academic average to be eligible. Re-
turn completed application to Carol-Ann
Tucker, Advisor, A-12 Minges by Monday,
October 2, 1995. For more information
call 3284661.
Social Work and Criminal Justice Alliance
will be sponsoring a picnic on October 9,
from 11-2. Com? meet your classmates
outside Ragsdale tor food and fun!
Approximately $19,000 will be awarded in
scholarships to School of Business majors
(those students already in the School of
Business). Studnets interested in making
application for these scholarships should
secure forms from one of the following
department: ACCOUNTING-GCB 3208;
3414. All applications must be submitted
to Ruth Jones (GCB 3210). Chairman of
School of Business Scholarship Commit-
tee, by October 12, 1995. Students may
apply for one or more of the scholarships.
APPLYING. Final selection will be made
by the ECU Student Scholarships, F ellow-
ships and Financial Aid Committee upon
recommendation of the Dean of the
School of Business. The Dean's recommen-
dation will be made from candidates se-
lected by the School of Business Scholar-
ship Commit te.
CARPOOL WITH ME. Leave Fridays at
Noon and return Sunday evenings. $5.00
per person round trip. Call 413-9099 or
(919) 9334343.
PAPERS TYPED? 'Affordable Rates
Call Clenda today - 758-7653 and eve-
nings (919) 527-9133.
NEED TYPING? Campus S ecretary offers
speedy, Professional Service; campus pick-
up and delivery. Familiar with all formats.
Low Rates. Call Cindy at 355-3611.
everything you need to make yours a suc-
cess Call 7584591 or John at 7524715.
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile
Music Productions is "the" disc jockey
service for your party or social function.
Widest variety of any disc jockey company
in Greenville. Specializing in the needs of
ECU Organizations and Greeks. Book a
Show Now and get a FREE Keg at
Graffiti's. Dates are filling fast so call
early. Ask for Lee 7584644.
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
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The East Carolinian, September 26, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 26, 1995
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