The East Carolinian, September 14, 1995

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MfciiiiiiJi iii lni.M"
September 14,1995
Vol 71, No. 07
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
12 pases
Around the State
(AP) - Some cigarette manu-
facturers say a U.S. Food and Drug
Administration in plan to establish
a national minimum smoking age
is unconstitutional.
Five cigarette makers have
filed a legal challenge in Greens-
boro to a FDA proposal banning
cigarette sales to anyone under 18.
The latest court papers, filed
in Greensboro, are part of an
amendment to the industry's Aug.
10 lawsuit seeking to block the
FDA from regulating tobacco.
(AP) - Both of North
Carolina's U.S. senators voted to
deny cash to single mothers who
have more children while on wel-
The Senate on Wednesday
voted 66-34 to defeat the plan of-
fered by conservatives.
The plan was defeated
Wednesday by a 66-34 vote with
Republican Sens. Jesse Helms and
Lauch Faircloth voting with the
On this vote, a "yes" vote was
a vote to strip the "family cap" lan-
guage from the bill and a "no" vote
was a vote to leave it in. Voting
"yes" were 46 Democrats and 20
Republicans. Voting "no" were no
Democrats and 34 Republicans.
Around the Country
(AP) - Clarence Thomas could
not live in an exclusive suburb or
sit on the Supreme Court without
laws he is working to dismantle, the
Rev. Al Sharpton said Tuesday as
he led some 600 people in a pro-
test near Thomas' home in Fairfax,
The high court's only black
justice was not home during the
90-minute prayer meeting and rally.
A Supreme Court spokesman said
neither Thomas nor the court
would comment.
(AP) - Betty Louise Clark had
agreed to meet her estranged hus-
band one last time: He said they'd
take her three children shopping
for school clothes and talk.
A day later, all that was left of
Mark A. Clark's station wagon was
a crumpled, burned-out shell in the
parking lot of a strip mall in sub-
urban Baltimore.
Police in Essex, Maryland be-
lieve Clark packed his car with dy-
namite and blew up his family and
himself, shaking the neighborhood
and sending debris and body parts
raining down blocks away. The
glove compartment was found half
a mile from Monday's blast
Around the World
(AP) - The hole in the earth's
ozone layer is growing faster than
ever and is already the size of twice
the size it was this time last year,
the U.N. weather agency in Geneva
said Tuesday.
Ozone, a gas in the strato-
sphere prevents harmful ultravio-
let radiation from reaching the
earth. Its depletion, caused in large
part by industrial chemicals, is be-
lieved to increase the incidence of
skin cancer and cataracts.
Meeting examines policestudent relationship
Weekend macing
leads officials to
ban together
Marguerite Benjamin
Senior Witter
Confusion downtown this past
weekend caused university and commu-
nity officials to join together Tuesday to
discuss how to keep down antagonism
between students and the police depart-
Around 5 p.m. on Tueday an up-
stairs room in Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter was filled with concerned faculty and
student leaders anxious to pose questions
to several members of the police depart-
ment who seemed just as anxious to find
Many students who consider them-
selves to be innocent bystanders have
spoken out about the spraying downtown
this weekend, and about the $10 cita-
tions (that will end up costing $70 after
court) that some received for "just stand-
ing on the street"
"The purpose of this meeting is to
talk about solutions said Dean of Stu-
dents Ronald Speier at the beginning of
the meeting. "As an administrator and
as a person concerned about this univer-
sity, I want this kind of behavior to de-
"We can't have this type of nega-
tive news in the paper reflecting on our
school while we are trying to do so many
things with other schools, name our
current negotiations with Chapel Hill and
N.C. State
As he looked around the room at
the presidents of fraternities, represen-
tatives of the Student Government Asso-
ciation (SGA) and other student leaders
Speier said he felt as if he was having
church with the wrong members of the
"I know the people in this room aie
probably not the ones who need to hear
this most" he continued, "but as lead-
ers, you have the benefit of direct con-
tact and communication with your fel-
low students. It is your responsibility as
well as mine to help stop these incidents
before they occur
Speier then introduced Chief of
Police Charles Hinman who, accoriing
to Speier, "has been an advocate for stu-
dents for as long as he has been wilh
us" and has never hesitated to make an
appearance when he was needed.
Hinman compared the chaos down-
town on Friday to the type of trouble
the university once had around Hallow-
"Prior to my coming here Hinman
began, "there was such unrest and
trouble during Halloween time that ac-
tions were taken to cancel the festivities
Clowning around
Photo by KEN CLARK
Students attending Get A Clue (on campus organizations) in front of Wright
Auditorium yesterday were entertained by this balloon-twisting clown.
entirely, but students wanted a second
chance to prove that they could conduct
themselves accordingly.
"When 1 and
other members of
the department
came along, the
situation im-
proved, and we
were able to have
what 1 call event-
ful but uneventful
went on to say
that the improve-
ment in conditions downtown during Hal-
loween was not because of the actions
of the police department but because
the students took it upon themselves to
see that things improved.
"Students began to police students,
and if it worked then, it should work
now Hinman said.
According to Hinman, although
about 2,500 people "took over the
streets" on Thursday night there were
"The purpose of
this meeting is to
talk about
� Ronald Speier,
Dean of Students
no citations handed out or arrests made.
"Friday night however, it was prob-
ably worse than it was Thursday, and
police took the ac-
tions they felt were
necessary Hinman
said, referring to the
15 citations that
were handed out,
some say without
Hinman said
that maybe the
events on Friday
night did have some-
thing to do with the
antagonism between the crowds and the
police on Saturday night He said that
the mace was used as a measure of pro-
tection when the officers felt unsure
of their safety.
At this point, students began to
speak up, including one who began by
saying that the incident had nothing
at all to do with the safety of the po-
See MEET page 4
Parents here at last
Stewart King
SUrff Writer
A weekend of fun-filled excitement
is coming up for all those planning to
participate in ECU's annual Parents
Weekend. Registration begins at 3 p.m
Friday, Sept 15 at Mendenhall Student
Center and ends at 5 p.m.
Parents can pick up their pre-paid
registration packet tickets to the Four
Freshmen show, and tickets to Saturday's
pre-game picnic at registration.
At 8 p.m Hendrix Theater will be
featuring "Tommy Boy"� free for stu-
dents with a valid activity card (parents
get a free ride too).
For those in a more festive mood,
the Student Union Popular Entertain-
ment Committee will be sponsoring its
fourth annual Saber Slash Sun Splash
at the College Hill field. The show runs
from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. and will fea-
ture Risse and Mother Nature.
The Four Freshmen will also be play-
ing Friday night at Wright Auditorium.
Their music has inspired bands such as
The Beach Boys and has been enjoyed
The registration desk in Mendenhall
will be open Saturday morning from 9
to 10:30 for those who missed the boat
Friday. Mendenhall will also be holding
the chancellor's reception from 9 a.m. to
11:30 a.m which will offer an array of
faculty and staff for parents perusal.
A Pirate-style pig picking is set for
Saturday, 11 a.m. through 1 p.m. Tick-
ets can be purchased at any of the Cam-
pus Dining Services (by students) dur-
ing normal operating hours.
At 2 p.m. ECU will commerce the
pummeling of Central Michigan at
Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
Parents may nark at the bottom of
College Hill Drive and catch a bus, stu-
dent style, to the game. Busses will
shuttle every fifteen minutes before the
game and every fifteen minutes (for an
hour) after the game
A large crowd is expected so make
preparations beforehand to avoid the
Analysis finds binge drinking high among Greeks
Study results show
fratsorority house
residents twice as
ikely to binge
Stephanie Lassiter
A recent analysis of a study
concerning college binge drinking
found that residence in fraternity
and sorority houses is associated
with heavy drinking and related
Dr. Henry Wechsler of the
Harvard School of Public Health re-
leased his latest findings during a
press conference to college journal-
ists Saturday in Washington, D.C.
Wechsler, the principal investigator
of the December 1994 study, said
although most people are aware of
the problem, it is one which needed
to be studied.
"Somebody has to lay out the
size of this problem Wechsler
said. "It's something that every-
body knows is there
Wechsler released a 20-page
questionnaire to 140 college cam-
puses across the country,
two of which were North
Carolina schools. Of his
sampling. 115 schools had
Greek systems. A total of
15,000 Greek students
participated in the study.
Wechsler said he could not
release the list of schools
studied, therefore it is un-
known if ECU students
"We felt the respon-
dents were representatives
of the student body
Wechsler said.
Non-Level of Drinking Sorority and Binging Members, (N6594)Sorority IVembers
Not House Residents, (N1164)House Residents, (N246)
Past year abstainers lifetime abstainers 176 .2
Drank, but did not binge 473618
Binged 1-2 times in the past two weeks 203037
Binged 3 or more times in the past two weeks 152843
Graphic courtesy of the Harvard School of Public Health
that 86
percent of
residents in frater-
nity houses were
binge drinkers,
compared to 45
percent of non-
Greek members.
Eighty percent of
sorority house resi-
dents compared to
35 percent of non-
Greek women were
found to be binge
Wechsler said
the study showed
that binge drinking
does not seem to
be as prevalent a
Alcohol-Related Problems (examples)
Report problem since start of school yearNon-Sorority Members, (N55681Sororitv Members
Not House Residents, (N1101iHouse Residents, (N2441
Do something you regret 274044
Miss a ciass213744
Forget where you were what you did193238
Get behind in school work 152631
Have unprotected sex71413
'Problem occurred not at all or one or more times. Sample sizes vary slightly for each problem because of missing values.
problem among African-American
fraternities or sororities. Further-
more, he did not find binge drink-
ing more common among freshmen
than seniors.
Wechsler defined binge drink-
ing for men as having five or more
drinks in a row in the past two
weeks, for women four or more
drinks in a row.
Many Greek members felt the
study was possibly skewed, includ-
ing Panhellenic Adviser Laura
Sweet. Sweet said the Panhellenic
Council works with sororities to
plan awareness programs.
Kim Buffkin, an alumna of
ECU and former Sigma Sigma
Sigma member, also agreed the
study's number did not quite add
"I don't think the difference
should be that great - if at all
Buffkin said. "I would like to evalu-
ate the research for bias or error
Alphi Phi President Nan
Patterson also though the study
was incorrect.
"I don't feel like it (binge drinking)
would be any more prevalent in a
sorority house, or non sorority
house or Greek or non-Greek
Patterson said, i don't believe it
Dale Emery, president of Sigma
See BINGE page 4
What does ECU think about smoking?page C7
Should Packwood be the next Bobbin?page
Soccer coach comes homepage 1 4
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The East Carolinian
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Thursday, September 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
Bible man pushes message
September 7
Simple Assault - A student reported that a subject intentionally
bumped him while walking on the sidewalk southwest of the Howell Sci-
ence Complex. The subject was identified as a staff member. The student
wanted to take out a warrant and was directed to the Magistrate's office.
Larceny - A student reported he was bumped while using the phone
south of Umstead Hall. Moments later he discovered his zipper pouch
missing from his waist. The pouch was recovered, but money and identifi-
cation cards were taken.
September 8
Simple possession of marijuana - A resident advisor reported the
odor of marijuana coming from a room in Umstead Hall. Officers responded
and a plastic bag containing a small residue of marijuana was found. The
student was issued a state citation and a campus appearance ticket for
possession of marijuana.
Simple assault - A Greenville police officer reported a fight in progress
in the Fifth and Reade Streets parking lot. Upon officers' arrival, the
victims reported several subjects attempted to take a gold necklace from
a student. Three students were repeatedly punched in the face and head.
The victims were treated for minor injuries by the police.
Possession of stolen property - A non-student was arrested after
being found operating a stolen vehicle.
September 9
Driving while impaired - A student was arrested for driving while
impaired when stopped on Faculty Way.
Criminal summons - A student was served a criminal summons for
a worthless check.
Weapon possession - A non-student was arrested for possessing a
.380 automatic handgun on campus.
September 11
Indecent exposure - A unidentified male exposed himself to a stu-
Assist rescue - There was a traffic accident involving a car and a
bicyclist at 10th Street and College Hill Drive. The cyclist was transported
to Pitt County Memorial Hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
Damage to property - A student reported the front left window of
her car had been broken in the Third and Reade Streets parking lot
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from official ECU police reports.
included what version of the bible
Rooney had in his hand, which he
referred to occasionally and how did
Rooney know who was going to Hell?
Students raised the former question
after Rooney said Jerry Garcia of the
Grateful Dead was a "drug-taking,
rock and roll freak" and a "sinner"
who was in Hell.
Dr. Ronald Speier, dean of stu-
dents, said at Rooney's request, he
gave Rooney a campus permit to
speak on campus between the hours
of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. because the
university is considered public prop-
erty. As a result, the free speech
amendment is in effect.
"The Supreme Court has ruled
that given the appropriate time, place
and manner a person has the right
to speak anywherel Speier said.
Speier said this right can be
taken away if the person proves to be
disruptive or calls excessive attention
to himself like Rooney, who was yell-
ing out at students. However, he said
Rooney had been on campus before
and was not considered a real trouble
Patrolman Cornelius Keyes, an
ECU police officer who was on the
scene, said his supervisor and Speier
called for a policeman to watch the
"We're out here every time they
come to try to keep things from get-
ting out of hand Keyes said. "Noth-
ing has happened
Originally, Rooney asked to speak
in the student store area and was de-
nied because there he would have
been even more disruptive.
While most students openly dis-
agreed with Rooney, others said they
saw his point of view.
"I think he's telling the truth, but
1 think his attitude is above what it
should be to be appreciated said
Marletha Cooper, freshman.
Even so, Mike Swift, a junior ge-
ography major, summed up the atti-
tude of the majority of students who
listened to Rooney.
"I think these people should keep
their opinions to themselves Swift
said. "Everybody ought to live tiieir
life the way they want regardless of
people like him
Mike Rooney "entertained" many students with his preach-
ing. While many students complained, few turned away.
Wendy Rountree
Assistant News Editor
They're heeeere. Mall preachers
have returned. This time in the form
of a man, calling himself "Saint Mike
Standing on a mall bench and
gripping a bible in one hand, 'Saint
Mike otherwise known as Mike
Rooney, began drawing a crowd of
about 50 students Wednesday when
he said that all of the students around
him were "sinners This sparked a
debate between Rooney and students
that lasted into the afternoon.
"He says he's just like Jesus said
Christine Naikelis, a sophomore edu-
cation major. "He says that once you
are saved you don't sin, and since he's
saved, he doesn't sin
Students threw questions at
Rooney, who has a legal permit to
speak on campus, just as fast as he
threw answers back. When asked why
he was on campus and what he was
doing, Rooney said. "I'm just the town
crier. I'll preach Jesus all day
Immediately responding back,
one student said he didn't need
Rooney and that he could find his own
Other questions students asked
Friends of Sheppard Memorial Library
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The East Carolinian
Thursday, September 14, 1995
ECU police ready for game
Tambra Zlon
News Editor
The Pirates are ready to kick
off against Centra Michigan at 2
p.m. this Saturday and ECU Po-
lice are ready.
"We expect a large crowd on
the very first (home) game, that's
usually normal said Sgt.
Adolphous Fonvilie. crime preven-
tion officer for ECU Police.
"There's going to be walking pa-
trols, bike patrols, student patrols
I believe we're going to have
ALE (Alcohol Law Enforcement)
officers a we did last year, to be
aware of the pre-game activities
Patent's Weekend coincides
with ECU's first home game, mak-
ing parking a more so than usual
problem. Fonvilie suggested park-
ing at the bottom of College Hill
Drive or along that area might
alleve some congestion. Football
fans can learn more about ECU's
current parking situation by tuning
to 530 AM on their radios while
traveling to the vicinity.
"Arrival at the stadium itself,
we would suggest they (fans) arrive
early enough to avoid crowds at the
gate FonvUle said. "We'd like to
remind them not to take alcohol or
umbrellas into the stadium
He said gates open an hour and
a half before the game, and patrons
should fry to get in before the gates
get to� crowded.
"They cannot stand in the park-
ing lots and party before the game
once the game starts, all the fans
will either have to enter the sta-
dium or leave the field Fonvilie
Officers will clear the parking
lot of any bystanders who do not
plan to attend the game, and will
patrol the game area beforehand to
make sure no one is misbehaving.
"Individuals not of age to con-
sume alcohol will be subject to
zero tolerance and upon discovery
wilt be issued a state citation for
consumption and a campus appear-
ance ticket Fonvilie said. "Fans
that are blatantly drunk will not
be allowed to enter the game
White ECU police attend the
games, they are not able to enjoy
the football action with the rest
of the fans because they are usu-
ally too busy watching the crowds.
"There's too much going on,
we're monitors, we concentrate on
other factors Fonvilie said. "We
look forward to it, it's a very
good way' to meet people. The
drawback would be when you
have to arrest someone for
overindulgance of alcohol
ECU Police al'o want stu-
dents to know that they are not
to take other ticketholder's
"We would advise no cross-
ing across sections Fonvilie
said. "Use the correct section
Stadium officials retain the
right to search any handbags or
personal items for alcohol or
other related paraphernalia.
Fonvilie said crowd control went
rather smoothy last season and
he is expecting the same for this
Residents speak out
Joann Reed
Staff Writer
Roof construction at Aycock
Hall is causing big inconveniences for
some residents.
A meeting was held on Thurs-
day night, Sept. 7, so dorm residents
could have an opportunity to voice
their complaints to Associate Direc-
tor for Facility Management Inez
"Most of the problems and com-
plaints that we had are things that
can easily be fixed Fridley said.
"They are the usual difficulties that
happen when you are roofing a build-
Those difficulties include com-
The ECU Popular Entertainment Committee Presents
Tickets are on sale at the Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhall Student Center, East Carolina University.
MasterCard8 and Visa accepted.
For more information,
call 1-800-ECU-ARTS (328-2787)
or 328-4788 (TDD 328-4736).
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-6:00 PM
3 2 8-6004
Last week students complained about noise
and smellsfrom current construction projects.
plaints of excessive noise from early
morning and late evening construc-
tion, foul smells from the tar being
used for the new roof and reports of
tar getting on vehicles in the park-
ing lot. One student even asked if a
port-o-john could be removed from
outside his window because of the
odor problem it was causing in his
These are complaints that
Aycock building coordinator Bill
Woodward has been hearing about
for qirte some time.
"We scheduled this meeting so
that Associate Director Fridley could
hear about the problems that the resi-
dents are having first hand
Woodward said. "Now that she has
heard the specific complaints from
the students, she was able to address
the concerns and
tell residents
what she will be
able to do to fix
According to
Woodward, the
meeting had a
good turn out.
About 50 resi-
dents showed up
for the session.
Fridley informed
those residents
present that she
would contact
the architect and
discuss possible
solutions to the
problems. An-
other meeting on
the same topic is
being scheduled.
"We will in-
form the students
that came to this
meeting about
the changes and
that can be
done Fridley
Photo by KEN CLARK said. "We will do
all we can to
quickly remedy
this situation.
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Thursday, September 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
BINGEfrompage 1
Phi Epsilon, belevedWechsler's
findings a
accurateHut Emery
felt the nun
cause of what WeIS
binge drin
"To -i n k t Yn U
els the) (
are ver
The study Iernity
men to be exped drinkers
with two-thirds� ming
into colU .ce as
high-school dri one-
third of non-lraternit y men
started drinkingin hchool.
Wechsler found
tend to start dri
mote fraternity 1i the
use of ;is m-
volved, fean olnd in-
Ronald Speierth he
1FC President Justin Conrad con-
tinue to discourage the use ol
such ads.
"1 have continually talked to
the members in the fraternity sys-
tems about not advertising frater-
nities using advertising where al-
cohol is presented Speier said.
"1 think fraternities have a lot
more to offer. Primarily, they pro-
vide a social outlet on campus
that some students are looking
Emery said becoming a mem-
ber of a fraternity should be a de-
cision which is not based on alco-
hol and partying. He agrees with
Speier that advertising drinking
to promote rush is wrong.
it's a bigger decision than to
be basing it on alcohol Emery'
said. He noted that ECU has a dry
rush policy where no alcohol can
be served during rush.
Speier said much of the drink-
ing problem on campus could be
eliminated if Greeks kept their
parties private rather than open-
ing them to non-Greek members.
"1 do think social functions
within Greek system are provid-
ing an opportunity for us to abuse
alcohol he said.
A secondary effect which con-
cerned Wechsler was the num1- r
of sorority house residents who
reported being victims of un-
wanted sexual advances by binge
drinkers. Forty-three percent of
the house residents reported be-
ing such victims, compared to 23
percent non-sorority members.
Other secondary effects of
binge drinking which the analy-
sis noted were being insulted or
humiliated by binge drinkers (44
percent of house residents, 25
percent of non-sorority members).
Forty percent of the house mem-
bers reported being participants
Beginning Sat.
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in serious arguments or fights
with binge drinkers, versus 19
percent of non sorority members.
The study's analysis of alco-
hol related problems focused on
included doing something regret-
ful, missing class, having unpro-
tected sex and forgetting what
one did.
The study said thirteen per-
cent of the binge drinking soror-
ity house residents reported hav-
ing unprotected sex versus seven
percent of binge drinking non-so-
rority members. Thirty-eight per-
cent of the house residents re-
ported not knowing where they
were or what they did, versus 19
percent of non-sorority members.
Wechsler added that many
Americans believe drinking is a
dying problem, but Emery doesn't
agree and said the problem was
much worse when he came
through rush several years ago.
Heather Zophy. health ser-
vices coordinator, said Student
Health Services offers sexuality-
related programs to make stu-
dents aware of the problems
which arise when mixing alcohol
and sex, in addition to programs
offered by the Office of Health
Promotion and Well Being. A com-
mittee is currently planning ac-
tivities for National Alcohol
Awareness Week in October.
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from page 1
lice, and that the entire situation was
unfair to students.
"I was one of the ones (students)
who got a $70 dollar ticket" he said,
stating that he felt like a victim of cir-
cumstance. " I'm a resident of Greenville,
and I've been going downtown for years.
I feel like the police department should
be more consistent with their actions
.Another student said he felt the
actions of the police were unfair because
the cloud of mace came without warn-
ing. "The least they could have done
was announce something over the loud-
Hinman said I agree that there
could have been more warning. We
talked about that earlier, and we agreed
that from now on we (will) almost al-
ways give some kind of warning.
"That's the best 1 can give you be-
cause I can't promise that it will be done
in all situations, especially in those in-
stances when the officers decide some-
thing has to be done immediately
One thing that has helped to keep
down confusion during Halloween is
that at a certain time the streets are
blocked off to traffic in order to insure
the safety of pedestrians. One student
suggested this be done at other times
as well, such as after home games and
times when large crowds are expected
to gather, like on Saturday night
Chief Hinman responded with. "Its
almost like downtown is an annex of
the university. If it were only students
$JMldOu 830-5593
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who frequent the bars downtown, we
could understand, and perhaps consider
that but downtown is open to non-stu-
dents as well.
"Some of the non-students come
with the intent to cause trouble, and as
long as the downtown area is open to
the public, anyone has the right to come
in. The police have no control over non-
students entering the bars as long as
they are of age
The issue was then raised about
all of the students who are not of the
legal drinking age who go into the bars
and somehow manage to come out
One student suggested that club
owners should adopt a no tolerance
policy, and the age for entry should be
changed to 21 so that no one under
age could even get in.
One student added, "This "Penny
Draft Night concept some of the bars
advertise is just a cover-up for giving
out free beer. All they do is pour up
cup after cup and put them up on the
counter for anyone to grab. Nobody
cares how old these kids are as long as
they can pay the cover charge and get
Chief Hinman said that there have
been instances where Alcohol Law En-
forcement (ALE) officers have been
called in to do spot checks to be sure
that all of the people who were drink-
ing were doing so legally.
"What you have to keep in mind
Hinman said, " is that 21 is the legal
age for drinking, not for entry. One thing
we can do is encourage the ALE to do
spot checks and have fire department
officials to check for overcrowding and
violation of fire codes
Hinman went on to say, We have
to make sure safety is the theme for
everything we do. and what we need is
some cooperation from students. We are
doing everything we can to keep the
downtown area as safe as possible
Among the things that have been
done to remedy the situation is the ad-
dition of six additional bicycle officers
who monitor the streets when crowds
are expected.
"If you looked at the uniform of a
police officer recently, you probably no-
ticed that we added a new patch that
says 'Community Oriented Hinman
said. "We will continue to do the best
we can with our resources, but we real-
ized a long time ago that we can't do it
by ourselves


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The East Carolinian
Thursday, September 14, 1995
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Professor leaves chalk for pencil
James Moore
Marguerite Benjamin
Senior Writer
Anyone who was familiar with the
staff of the Biology Department be-
fore this semester might have noticed
lately that a friendly face is missing.
James Moore, who once served
as lab coordinator, will not be stroll-
ing the halls of the Howell building
this year. Instead he has traded his
title and his office for a seat in a class-
room at the School of Medicine.
Moore has entered his first year
of medical school and will be experi-
encing precisely what he has put the
students of ECU through in the past
Moore said that the only scary thing
he has encountered so far with giv-
ing up his job is going from making
money to no money.
Moore said he is confident that
his old job is in good hands since he
personally recommended Robin
Gibson-Brown, a graduate student
who will handle things until a perma-
nent replacement is found.
"I've visited a few times to see
how things are going, and everything
seems to be fine he said, expressing
that his major concern at the moment
is time-management.
"I'm going to miss having no
classes and being able to leave work
at work Moore said stating that the
free time he once had will now have
to be spent studying.
"My time has to be really struc-
tured now. I can't take any time for
granted Moore said. Besides having
to study for his seven classes (includ-
ing labs), Moore is adjusting, trying
to find that perfect balance between
school and family.
"Single students go to class, get
out, take whatever time they set aside
for studying, and then have the rest
of the day for themselves he said,
"but if you have kids you have to plan
around their schedule. Sometimes you
don't find a good balance until the
end of the year
Moore said there are a lot of mar-
ried people in his class. Twenty-one
of the 72 people in his class do not
go home to an empty house. Moore
has a two year old son (also named
James), and while he and his wife,
Tammy, are expecting another child
within the month, Moore is silently
praying the baby will not come in the
middle of his first set of exams.
"Any time after 12 p.m. on Tues-
day would be perfect" he said.
Actually, Moore is one of the
luckier students because his wife has
already been through medical school,
so he has the benefit of her knowl-
edge and the use of her old books.
"Although students can usually
get books from a big buddy (an older
student), some people had to put
about $300 in books alone Moore
said, adding that a student could
spend up to $600 in instruments if
he or she wanted "the best of the
Moore said that no two days in
medical school are alike.
"It's not like undergrad school
where you have the same schedule on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Ev-
ery day starts at 8:30 with Bio-Chem-
istry, and that's about the only thing
that stays the same.
According to Moore, medical
school (where grades must be 70 and
above to be considered passing) itself
is not hard, but the volume of work
students are assigned makes it seem
It helps that Moore got his un-
dergraduate degree in Chemistry and
minors in Physics and Math at
Fayetteville State University and later
a Master's degree in Molecular Biol-
"That and the fact that I've had
a lot of other courses including some
6000 level medical courses is making
my first year a little more bearable
Moore said, "And the more prepared
you are coming in, th�. more sleep you
will get"
Moore said that even though he
tries hard not to get a one track mind,
it is hard to think of anything other
than studying while living from exam
to exam.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm getting
paid back for what I did to my stu-
dents he said.
Moore said that later in the se-
mester his class will start with clini-
cal skills where they will leam how to
use their instruments and practice on
some patients. Any volunteers?
Th� memorial service for Candy
Villorente has been rescheduled for
Sunday from 7-8 p.m. at the
Newman Catholic Student Center.
Homecoming 1995
Remembering the Past
Building for the Future.
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Applications are due by 4 p.m.
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Checks and interdepartmental
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Schedule of Events. 1995
Wednesday, October 11 Homecoming Represent Elec.Campus
8am-5pm Belk Allied Health
8am-5pm College Hill
8am-5pm Student Stores
8am-5pm School of Medicine
9am-6pm Mendenhall Student Center
Tuesday, October 17 Sports Autograph Night, Greenville Plaza Mall at 7:30pm
Wednesday, October 18 "Noon Day Tunes" with Keller Williams
l:30pm-3pm. MSC Brick Patio (Rain site: The Wright Place)
Banner Judging Contest
11:30 am MSC Brick Patio
Friday, October 20 PIRATEFEST
5:30pm-7pm The Mall
Saturday, October 21 NPHC Homecoming 95 Step Show
8:(X)pm Location TBA
Homecoming Parade
10am-11 am
2:00pm Temple University Owls vs. ECU Pirates
Homecoming 1995
Homecoming 1995
ci i
1 ! 1
i 1 �.
Remembering tbe Past
Building for tbe Future.
Remembering tbe Past
Building for tbe Future.

Thursday, September 14,1995
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Thursday, September 14, 1995 The East Carolinian

Our View
The American Heritage Dictionary defines 'monopoly' as
"exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or
selling a commodity or service
Congress outlawed monopolies decades ago; except, of course,
if it is state controlled. A perfect example of one such monopoly
is campus dining services' exclusive contract with Aramark Food.
The university gives Aramark exclusive control over food
service on campus in exchange for a percentage of sales. The
university also requires dorm-residing freshmen to purchase meal
plans. We, at TEC, believe this is an overwhelming conflict of
interest on the part of the university. The university (Housing
Office) requires the freshmen to buy a meal plan (which can only
be used on campus); and in turn, they get a percentage of the
Sounds like an awesome investment proposal, we want to
buy a few shares.
Monopolies were outlawed because our elected representa-
tives felt that competition in business is necessary and would in
the best interest of the general public. Such laws were not ini-
tially passed with food service in mind; however, food service is
a keenly competitive industry.
The ultimate winner is the consumer. If a consumer doesn't
like the product, service or prices at one establishment; he can
walk across the street or down the block and take his business
elsewhere. This is what keeps competing businesses on their
toes, they know we'll go somewhere else if we're not satisfied.
But dorm-residing freshmen don't have that choice. They
are required to pay several hundred dollars for a semester-long
meal plan before they even have a chance to eat a single morsel
of the food.
That's like buying a used car without a test drive or even
knowing what kind of vehicle you're paying for. But you could
get rid of the car if it turns out to be a lemon. The only way
mandatory meal cards would be fair is if students were allowed
to sell their meal cards if they too, feel they got a sour deal. .
Is it fair to
freshmen to
university meal
plans? We
think it's about
as fair as the
prices they put
on their food.
Greek� the only way to go
? F The East Carolinian

It's that time again. Time for a
tradition that has endured on Ameri-
can collegian campuses for over one
and a half centuries. What is that call-
ing, you ask? The answer - Greek
Greek Rush is a time honored
tradition in which men and women
from all different backgrounds go out
in search of a common goal - self
betterment. The process of self bet-
terment is achieved through several
key areas. The system relies on areas
of academics, athletics, so. ial, lead-
ership and networking.
Academics are the sole purpose
of students being in higher educa-
tion in the first place. The Greek sys-
tem helps to ease this burden by help-
ing out in several areas. The first is
through study sessions in which
pledges are paired with older men
bers who are involved in their same
areas of study. This gives the new-
comers a chance to get the inside
edge on how to prepare for certain
classes and which professors to
The second area of self better-
ment is athletics. Through athletics
individuals learn the value of work-
ing for the group not just themselves.
This provides a fun outlet to show
support for your Greek organization
With each organization entering one
to four teams in each intramural
sport, the Greeks provide the bach
bone for campus intramural involve
Chris Arline
Opinion Columnist
A person
makes and
shares a bond
that lasts a
The center of Greek life is social
involvement. Through going Greek, a
person makes and shares a bond that
lasts a lifetime. This bond is strength-
ened through the activities of socials
with other organizations, formals and
sacred secret traditior s passed down
from generation to generation.
The Greek system has always
been a dominating group when it
comes to campus, corporate and na-
tional leadership. With constant pres-
ence on Student Government Associa-
tion and other campus organizations,
the system has always played a key
role in deciding the future of the uni-
versity and its students.
A simple statement in Time says
it all, "Over two thirds of the current
Fortune 500 members have Greek
backgrounds What is more, most
of them associated their success to
lessons they learned through their
Greek experience.
On the National level, three in
five congresspersons have Greek back-
The Greek system plays a vital
role in university life and the commu-
nity. Greeks make up a higher percent-
age than any other group in atten-
dance at athletic events. Another posi-
tive fact is the fact that the percent-
age of Greeks staying here at East
Carolina to finish out their degrees is
The system plays a big part in the
community. The greatest part comes
through philanthropy. Each group is
involved events ranging from neigh-
borhood cleanups to Special Olympic
and fund raising events.
Greek alumni support is high for
the simple fact that through the sheer
numbers involved, Greeks have more
to come back to.
The system is not the snobby
group that it has come to be associ-
ated with. With one of the lowest dues
averages on the East Coast and merit
and need based scholarships, the sys-
tem is open to all students.
You owe it to yourself to come
out and give it a chance. You will prob-
ably find a place for yourself and at
the worst, make a lot of new friends.
It's not just what you know, it's who
you know.
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Tambra Zion, News Editor
Wendy Rountree, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff Illustrator
Erika Gohde, Production Assistant
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Ken Clark, Photo Editor
Patrick Irelan, Photographer
Xlali Yang, Systems Manager
W. Jason Allen, Copy Editor
Patrick Hinson, Copy Editor
Lani Adkinson, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel,Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition Is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited fp 250 wo�Is, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must lie signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919)
Packwood should be castrated
If you've been following the news
lately, you know that Senator Robert
Packwood has finally resigned from the
senate, but not until after a ui.animous
decision by the Senate Ethics Commit-
tee that he should step down from his
position as senator of Oregon, and af-
ter two other republican senators were
dispatched to his office to let him know
that the game was finally up.
We practically had to pack the
guy's bags for him. Not since the Civil
War has a senator been impeached by
the U.S. cenate, but things sure seemed
headed in that direction for Packwood
in the past few months and weeks, and
I was really hoping it was eventually
going to play out to that stage.
I don't think I'm in any minority
when I say that 1 think Packwood is
just a total scumbag. Any time I see his
reptilian-like face appear on the news I
now instinctively reach for the Turns,
because I know that anything I'm go-
ing to hear about him, or anything that
I'm going to hear from him, is just go-
ing to turn my stomach.
Three things really make me sad
and angry, when I think about all this.
The first is that Packwood got away with
his disgusting, repulsive behavior for so
long, and hurt so many women in the
20 years that he staggered through his
career blind drunk and with a perma-
nent boner.
The second is that now his attitude
is still just as disgusting as ever, as he
remains as defiant and unrepentant as
five-year-old, and completely unapolo-
getic to the people he's hurt as well as
to the American people, who have been
financing his 20-year alcohol problem.
And the third is that now we're go-
Patrick Hinson
Opinion Columnist
illustrates just
how sexually
biased and
prejudiced our
entire system is
ing to dispatch him from the Senate
with something like $90,000 a year in
retirement pension. I'd say that's get-
ting off pretty damn easy for all the
damage he's caused to so many women
for so many years. Too easy.
But perhaps I'm missing the most
important point that being that the case
with Packwood illustrates just how sexu-
ally biased and prejudiced our entire sys-
tem still is toward women today, even
in the 1990s.
You see, not one, not two, not 10,
but a mass of sexually harassed and as-
saulted women (and by a senator, for
God's sake!) had to come forward be-
fore the Senate Ethics Committee would
even consider taking action against
Packwood. And it probably wasn't until
a teenage girl reported being assaulted
by him that any real action against
Packwood was ever seriously consid-
Why? Because he was a man, a
senator, and someone in high standing
Finance Committee. This failure to take
action, at almost the highest level,
clearly shows that vw; still prefer to turn
a cold shoulder and to lessen and be-
little crimes against women in this coun-
try, and that Capital Hill is still viewed
by those who work there as a man's
world that remains somehow above the
In an interview this past Sunday
On "60 Minutes Morley Schafer asked
some of the women who had been as-
saulted by Packwood if they now felt
some kind of vindication for his early
resignation. How could they? Are any
of them going to be paid six figure re-
tirements for the rest of their lives? As
if taking away the man's ability to wield
power in the Senate, like taking a rat-
Uer from a screaming baby, is some kind
of vindication for having someone grab
them, kiss them and attempt to molest
them in their place of work or in pub
And we've been paying this guy, and
we're going to continue paying him,
people who work hard for a living every
day of their lives are going to finance
Packwood's retirement And I suppose
now he s qualified to run for mayor some
where, like Marion Barry, or CEO of some
corporation. Boy, that'll be a big jump. I
just wish, just once, Packwood had tried
one of his indecent adolescent moves
on a fifth degree black belt in the middle
of a bad case of PMS or a nasty divorce.
I also wish he had tried something
like that in my home town, because where
I come from, down south, you'd bette,
be wearing a steel cup and a catcher's
mask before you attempt to introduce
yourself to a lady with a pinch on the
in the senate, as chair of the Senate boob.
Space ain't so bad
I think long distance relationships
have been given a bad rap. Many people
feel that there is no way to make them
work. I must tell you, they can, and they
Sure, questions are always raised
like, "How can you be dating and be so
far away?" or "Are you sure they are
actually faithful to you?" In response to
the first question, I don't think there is
an exact definition of dating. What
makes the two of you happy should be
your own definition.
Imresponse to the second question,
that part requires a great amount of
trust Of course if you can't haw this
kind of trust, then perhaps you do not
belong in this kind of relationship.
I just want people to not get dis-
couraged because they are in a long-
distance relationship. I have been in one
for nine months and I am happy. Sure I
would like for us to be in the same town,
but that is something we have come to
You see, I think that long-distance
relationships can be one of the most
beautiful relationships. Just think, you
are able to exercise those skills so long
forgot in the art of writing. You need to
pick up your pen or pencil get that pa-
per out and actually convey your
thoughts and feelings on paper. In fact
you can even write over the Internet
using E-mail.
Sure, it's easy to pick up a phone
and call someone. It requires perhaps
one percent of effort To write someone

Brian Lewis Burns
Opinion Columnist
When you are
limited in your
time together,
you come to
appreciate that
special person
though, ahh - that is a true test of your
Those little paper expressions that
can be cherished for a long time to
come. Yeah, that sounds a little corny,
but can you save quaint little conversa-
tions without piling up cassettes, that
you had to use to record your conversa-
tion, everywhere? The phone works real
well too, at least until you receive that
first phone bill, then you decide that
perhaps those letters are looking bet-
ter and better.
It's great to see your loved one
whenever you please. However, when
you are limited in your time together,
you come to appreciate that special per-
son even more. You don't take advan-
tage of your time together.
I have a couple of friends who have
been in long-distance relationships for
quite a while, almost a year now. Not all
of that time have they been apart, most
of it however has been subsided with
phone calls and letters.
It can work I tell you! They require
effort that's all. However, aren't the
rewards worth it? Couples who are apart
from each other do not plan on being
this way forever.
If you want your long-distance re-
lationship to work, just remember these
few things. One, always try to make the
most of your time together. If watching
the boob tube pleases you then do just
that If you like going downtown when
you are together, then put on your lei-
sure suit and get on down.
Just do what feels right The sec-
ond thing you need to do is show that
you appreciate your loved one. That can
be done with phone calls, letters, flow-
ers or whatever. All of those things are
simple signs of affection and they say
that you are thinking about them.
Basically, this is just to say that if
you give these relationships a chance,
you may be surprised with the outcome.
True, it may not always wark, in that
case, you need to cherish the times you
did have. Never, say that it was a waste
of time and hate yourself for it If it
doesn't work out then you can always
try again in the future.
Give these long-distance relation-
ships a fair chance. They do work and
they can be extremely fun. That's all for
now. Remember, it takes lot's of love
and trust
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
I would like to commend
Patrick Ware for his Sept 5 article
"No respect for Pizza Man. As a 30
year old pizza delivery man who
has spent many years at this often
unrewarding occupation, it was de-
lightful to finally see someone give
the pizza man his overdue respect.
I can personally attest to Mr.
Ware's assertion that the pizza man
is all too often "treated like trash
During my many years as an Ital-
ian Pie Crusader. I have encoun-
tered more than my share of dis-
courteous and ungrateful custom-
ers. Not only have I come across
many ungrateful college students
who have tried to give me the slip,
I have also been threatened and
insulted, including being referred
to as "The Chunky Dunky Domino's
I hope that all readers took
heed to Mr. Ware's encouragement
to "love" and "tip your pizza guy
In fact, it's not so important that
you tip your pizza man, a smile and
a friendly attitude will go a long
way. Proud to be a pizza Man.
Joe Bartel
Construction Management

��sdiiniii iiii iiriiinrnwiiii i
Thursday, September 14, 1995 The East Carolinian
THE Crossword
I24� 25�H
40� 4142
4344� 45
1 Farmer's harvest
5 Parts of locks
10 Route to follow
14 Volcanic output
15 Black magic
16 Mixture
17 Lab gel
18 Chop finely
19 Short news bit
20 Held up
22 Serial section
24 Legendary
25 Garden tool
26 Follows in secret
29 Mixing
34 Put through a
35 Duos
36 Neither"s mate
37 Adam's son
38 Was concerned
39 Grotto
40 Knockout count
41 Flaxen cloth
42 Recipient
43 Rubbed-out
45 Thaw again
46 Circle section
47 Welt
48 Unskilled actor
52 Covered in
56 Manage
57 Pertaining to the
59 World's longest
60 Otherwise
61 Venerate
62 Social visit
63 Observed
64 Marry a second
65 Gaelic
1 Attired
2 Craze
3 Like an ellipse
4 Running
5 Slugger's output
6 Put up with
7 Japanese coin
8 Speed
9 Pastoral worker
10 Set to act
11 Choir voice
12 Knotted
13 Domicile
21 Oxen harness
23 Electrified
26 Sudden
27 Potato, e.g.
28 Sports stadium
29 Reveals
30 Claim against
31 Silly
32 New
33 Welcome
35 Window glass
38 Round
39 Begin
41 Entice
42 College VIP
44 Shiny cotton
45 Raised
47 Extra item
48 High cards
49 Burrowing
50 Cathedral
3 S U 3 Ho 3 M 3 1 1 � 3H3 B O Q a i i nId V n n Q 3 TJ3 N � dllauHn 3 3 S (Ij S 1 3 lj d 0 0 n m wv 3 a vjl
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a o nUs a i v d m 3 3 a n d)
O N MO H 3 T aMsmi xjsj
3 a o s i d ;ca o ifej 3 x �p alo'
n 3 x iMb a n i O 1 "1 oIh V 3 S H X V dVS d S VnWa v s ol� A hi o a'o

Thursday, September 14, 1995 East Carolinian
Tr 7texctte IRectceta 1
The Prophecy
falls from grace
Campus smoking
raises controversy
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
Vice or virtue,
smoking is a hot
topic for debate
Jennifer Coleman
Staff Writer
Now there's a controversial
topic. Millions, maybe billions of
people smoke in the United States.
The manufacturing of tobacco is a
multi-billion dollar industry, espe-
. dally in North Carolina, where more
tobacco is produced than in any
other state.
On the flip side of the coin, the
anti-smoking movement is also a
multi-billion dollar industry. Hun-
dreds of stop-smoking remedies are
available, both prescription and
over-the-counter. The nicotine patch,
hypnotism, many different kinds of
pills and amazing feats of willpower
are tried every day by Americans
who have a desire to quit smoking.
These two industries go hand
in hand. Like flip sides of a coin,
without one there would be very
little need for the other. Health care
practitioners, politicians, tobacco
farmers, educators, parents and chil-
dren all have an opinion one way or
the other about cigarette smoking.
Why do people smoke? Do ciga-
rettes taste good? Everyone but the
tobacco industry seems to agree that
cigarettes are not exactly a positive
health choice. They cause cancer,
� stain your teeth and make your
"��-breath smell bad. Why, then, would
anyone want to adopt the habit?
2� Ryan Cox, an ECU student who
Says he started smoking when he
STwas a senior in high school, claims,
K"I wanted a vice. I didn't drink, I
didn't do drugs, but 1 spent a lot of
jMime writing and drinking coffee. It
Jseerr.ed to go along with that.
fj "People always ask if cigarettes
Sometimes, great ideas just
don't translate into greatness.
Sometimes, shining moments ap-
pear in what is otherwise dismal.
Sometimes, you wish you could
smack a movie executive in the
You can blame he studio for
too much interference or you can
blame writer
The only
unnerving thing
about this film is
that the
filmmakers seem
blind to the
potential inherent
in the concept.
director Gre-
gory Widen for
pulling his ar-
tistic punches,
but The Proph-
ecy is just a
missed oppor-
tunity. A film
that dares to
play with
Christian my-
thology and
the idea of war
in Heaven
should be
somewhat un-
nerving, but in
a good way. The only unnerving
thing about this film is that the
filmmakers seem blind to the po-
tential inherent in the concept.
The story centers around an-
gel warfare. Christopher Walken
plays Gabriel, an angel who decides
to force change in Heaven by go-
ing to Earth in search of the dark-
est soul in existence. Using this
dark soul, Gabriel plans to take
over Heaven and knock human be-
ings off the pedestal God has placed
them on.
However, he has to first beat
Simon, another angel played by the
always wonderful Eric Stoltz, to the
soul. And to make matters worse,
Gabriel has to deal with Elias
Koteas and Virginia Madsen, a
couple of annoying humans stick-
ing their noses in God's business.
As Gabriel, Walken moves with
the charisma and grace of a deity.
Walken has a screen presence that
most actors can only aspire to
achieve. His angel is a blend of a
rebel striving to change his world,
a devil thirsting for power, and a
���� child crying out
for his father's at-
In one of the
film's few great
moments, Koteas
asks Walken why
doesn't he talk to
God about his
problem and
Walken master-
fully replies, "Be-
cause he doesn't
talk to me any-
more More mo-
ments such as this
amaaMMNBMMi would have given
Gabriel the depth
and complexity necessary to push
the film over the edge.
In another striking scene,
Simon, who is trying to keep the
dark soul from Gabriel, tells Gabriel
that "sometimes you just have to
do what you're told This is a phi-
losophy that Gabriel refuses to be-
lieve. But he is momentarily forced
to look within himself when Simon
implies that Gabriel's war is an ar-
rogant war of jealousy. This is the
moment when we are given a
glimpse that Gabriel is indeed jeal-
See PROPHECY page 13
Photo by KEN CLARK
Sure, smoker Eric Bielby looks cool here. But he's appar-
ently an endangered species; college smoking is way down.
taste good. They're in your mouth,
but you dont eat them he added.
"I'm addicted to ft admits John
Hawn, also an ECU student.
Another student, a non-smoker
who lives with smokers, ciaims that
smoking is "expensive, dirty, un-
healthy, ugly and it smells had Very
different viewpoints - which seems
to be the norm when asked what
one's opinion of smoking is.
In the past, the anti-smoking
movement has targeted adults for
their campaigns. Recently, however,
their target audience has changed.
President Clinton revealed his desire
to cut MTioking by at least,
half in the next few years with a plan
that can he described as the "most
vernment regulation
on the
Photos by KEN CLARK
Do you agree
with the n&
smoking polfc
in campus "
Dork humor hits home
Artwork by Evan Dorkin
Milk and Cheese, Dairy Products Gone Bad, are only two of
the lovable characters from Evan Dorkin's comic, Dork!
comic book stings
readers with wit
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
Dork! is a triple espresso at four
in the morning. Dork! is a razor
blade inserted carefully into the roof
of your mouth by a precision instru-
ment of torture. Dork! is a needle
through the eye of complacency,
mediocrity and rampant stupidity.
"Dork hurts, but in a good way.
Dork! is a comicbook, the
brainchild of cartoonist Evan
Dorkin. Hailing from New York.
Dorkin is primarily a humorist and
perhaps the most astute critic ot the
"twentysomething" generation I've
read (and I've read a lot). His nu-
merous pieces lampooning youth
culture hit close to home. Dorkin
knows his field all too well, and is
more thai willing to strike at its
For ethe latest issue of
Dnri-series of one-page
strips orlone for the book
General i The first one fea-
alternative" guy
with a tat?ding "My conversa-
tion pThe last takes pot shots
at Rits disco, you mo-
rkin gives us a
. t the so-called
Son that stings at ev-
'urnil e takes aim at our
on with trivial
I; on movie geeks and
:r references.
� strip, a bunch of
LollIs get hold of smart
nuke them smart.
igh-intellect state.
� lity of express-
�ur iiluaiity through fads,
such as ta; d body piercing.
But g onal humor isn't all
that Dorkfeatures. Another high-
n" page, which fea-
four-panel strips
Typical "Fun"
Nuclear Winter
Mj ron the Liv-
1 ?II" and "Bullshit
Hongnancy Test Ads"
e results garner a re-
sponGod for that).
Not ali .tuff is incredibly
1 the Fun" pages to
it than miss.
Features "Fisher
'in which the great
literature are
acted� . e toy people.

See DORK page 12
Jennifer Carroll, freshman
Yes. I believe it is com-
mon courtesy for the
smokers to step outside
if they feel the need to
take a puff.
Krlstl Guessford, sopho-
Yes, I agree strongly with
this policy because I am a
Meghann Vltt, freshman
Yes, because I do not
think people who do no
want to be exposed to
second-hand smoke
should be. There is plenty
of outdoor space where
the smokers can smoke.
Stan Belvin. sophomore
It is the responsibility of the
majority to decide for our-
selves whether smoking is
necessary inside our build-
! ings.
Attract! IIS
Coming soon for your
edification and amusement:
Thursday, September 14
Faculty Jazz Band
at Staccato Cafe and Grille
Mike Mesmer "Eyes"
at the Attic
Flyin' Mice
at Peasant's Cafe
Movie: Tommy Boy
at Hendrix Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Better than Ezra
with the Dambuilders
at Marrz
in Raleigh
Friday, September 15
4th Annual Saber Slash
Sun Splash Concert
featuring Mother Nature
7:30-11 p.m.
on College Hill
Roily Grey and Sunfire
at the Attic
River Run Spook Floaters
at Peasant's Cafe
Movie: Tommy Boy
at Hendrix Theatre
8:00 p.m.
with Liquorice
and My Dad is Dead
at Cat's Cradie
in Chapel Hill
Color Blind
at Wave Hog
in Wilmington
Bon Jovi
with Dokken
at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
in Raleigh
(glam rock)
Saturday, September 16
Gibb Droll Band
at the Attic
(guitar rock)
at Peasant's Cafe
Movie: Tommy Boy
at Hendrix Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Chrome Cranks,
and Speedball Baby
at Cats Cradle
in Chapel Hill
Sunday, September 17
4th Annual Blues Music
featuring B.B. King,
. Jimmie Vaughan,
Etta James with Magic Dick
and J. Ceils
at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
in Raleigh
Monday, September 18
with Spent
and Jennyanykind
at Cat's Cradle
in Chapel Hill
Tuesday, September 19
An Evening With
Don McLean
Evan & Jaron
with Jump Little Children
at Cat's Cradle
in Chapel Hill
Wednesday, September 20
Vertical Horizon
at Cat's Cradie
in Chapel Hill

Thursday, September 14,1995
The East Carolinian
CD. Reviews
Dear You
Jay Myers
Staff Writer
Jawbreaker is a good "alterna-
tive" band. Dear You is a good "al-
ternative" record. But Jawbreaker
used to be a great pop-punk band
that since 1989 had released three
great pop-punk records as well as
tons of independent 7 inch singles.
Now that they've gained a major la-
bel contract with DGC (the same
guys who handle Nirvana and
Hole), they've changed their musi-
Today's Topic:
James Bond Villians
Name the actors who played the
following James Bond villains.
1. Scaramanga, from The Man
With the Golden Gun, was played
by horror veteran Christopher Lee,
best-known for his role as Dracula.
Extra points if you remembered
that Golden Gun also featured ac-
tor Herve Villachez as
Scaramanga's henchman Nick
2. Jaws, from Moonraker, was
played by Richard Kiel, who made
a career playing strongmen. Cast
against type, Kiel played the leader
of a race of hyper-intelligent aliens
in the "Twilight Zone" episode "To
Serve Man
3. Voo Doo drug lord Kananga,
from Live and Let Die, was played
by Yaphet Kotto, who co-starred in
Alien and The Running Man
4. Odd-Job, from Goldfinger, was
played by Asian actor Harold
5. Max Zorin, from A View to a Kill,
was played by Christopher Walken.
Walken is well-known for a num-
ber of weird acting turns in films
like Communion, Dead Zone and
the recent Prophecy. Also, few
viewers of Pulp Fiction will ever
forget Walken's cameo as the man
who kept Bruce Willis' gold watch
safe inside his own anal cavity.
cal style more in favor of pop, while
seemingly leaving the punk behind.
Don't get me wrong. Not every
band that gets a major label con-
tract is "selling out If the music
remains at the same level as it was
before the changeover or better yet
improves; then more power to any
band that can reach a greater audi-
ence with their own artistic vision.
However, the music industry
doesn't quite work that way. More
often than not, bands are strongly
encouraged to change their sound
and image in order to fit in with
some record executive's idea of
what's hot at the moment.
This seems to be the case with
Jawbreaker. The niche they had
carved for themselves with their
unique blending of p"P structure
with punk intensity was probably
what interested the record indus-
try in the first place. Of course, this
was changed because nowadays all
"alternative" bands must sound like
each other or they won't sell to an
audience that cannot accept varia-
tion or individuality - at least that's
a conceit that most record compa-
nies believe. It's unfortunate be-
cause, although they've made a
good record with Dear You. Jaw-
breaker now sounds like every
other "alternative" band out there.
Blake Schwarzenbach, who
plays guitar and sings lead vocals,
sounds like a common denomina-
tor between Morrissey (of the
Smiths) and Billy Corgan (of
Smashing Pumpkins). He has a
breathy quality that seem incon-
gruous with the crunchy, heavy
sounds of the drummer, Adam
Pfahler, and the bass player, Chris
Bauermeister, who make up the
other two-thirds of this power trio.
The best and worst quality of
this album is that although no song
on this aloum is a complete loser,
neither are any of them great win-
ners. In fact, the songs sound so
much alike that it's impossible to
pull out any standup tracks.
If you want an album that takes
no chances but succeeds in every
other way, then Dear You is rec-
ommended. However, if you want
to go a step better than that, check
out the other Jawbreaker albums:
Unfun, Bivouac, and 24 Hour Re-
venge Therapy, and hope for a re-
turn to the past for this band.

ABC commits "Murder One
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Producer
Steven Bochco's latest legal salvo,
"Murder One is an astute murder
mystery with crisp writing, a solid
premise and compelling actors.
Most people who have seen the
pilot like it, including the executives
at ABC, who ponied up for 23 episodes
in advance.
So why is the perennial Emmy
winner nervous?
Maybe it's the uneasy knowledge
that after a three-week honeymoon
beginning Tuesday, Sept 19, at 10 p.m.
EDT, a time slot currently owned by
Bochco's highly successful drama
"NYPD Blue "Murder One" is div-
ing headlong into what is aiguably TV's
most daunting niche: Thursday nights
at 10 p.m where NBC's "ER" is en-
tering its sophomore year already a
runaway hit
"Historically, I've never really
worried over the stuff I can't control
Bochco said. "I've got my hands full
just worrying about what I can con-
trol. But I'm feeling uncharacteristi-
cally anxious about this one
"Murder One" is a show that will
require a savvy audience with a long
attention span. It has a plot that fol-
lows a single murder case over an en-
400 rAGntde, teot.
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Chatterings will be held Sept. 12, 13, 14 in Mendenhall
Undergroundroom 8:00 - 9:30pm.
Come see what Service and Friendship is all about.
Dress is causal and refreshments will be served.
tire season, keeping the audience (and
the lead defense lawyer, played by
Daniel Benzali) in the dark about the
defendant's guilt or innocence.
"ER" is an adrenaline-boosting
spasm of several plots per episode, few
of which spill over into subsequent
weeks. The fix is smart, quick and self-
To keep truant viewers abreast of
plot developments, Bochco will have a
60-second review at the beginning of
each episode, as well as a clever rip-off
of Court TV in which fictitious report-
ers covering the trial will recap key plot
The good news is, the addition of
"Murder One" will likely make Thurs-
days at 10 p.m. the most cerebral hour
in television, putting two shows in
mortal combat for viewers with demo-
graphics that make advertisers salivate,
the kind of viewers Bochco himself says
he would love to have.
"I think a lot of people who'd love
to see this show, were it anywhere else,
will miss it" he said. "So from that
point of view, you know, I'm not crazy
about the time slot But someone's got
to be there. I'm a team player
He is already priming "Murder
See MURDER page 12
Catholic Student Center
Would like to
Invite Them To Join Us
At The Center
For Sunday Mass
Saturday Evening Mass
September 16 only at 5:30 pm
Sunday 11:30 am and 8:30 pm
All Masses are at the Newman Center
which is located at the east end of Cumpus, 2 houses
from the Fletcher Music Building.
Stop by the Newman Catholic Center anytime and
see our building project.
Fr. Paul Vaeth and the Newman Catholic
Center Community (757-1991)
FOR THE 1995-96 TERM
Responsibilities: Selecting the Student Union President
Approving Committee Chairpersons
Approving the Student Union Budget e
Setting Policy for the Student Union rgfeife,
Full time Student ui rJLl Sii 1s
Resides off Campus
Independent y
Deadline to apply: THURSDAY, SepL 14
Applications can be picked up at the Student
Union Office - Room 236 MendenhaU
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The East Carolinian
Thursday, September 14,1995
Parents Weekend 1995
Students don't
forget your parents!
Make your dinner
reservations at
- 355-9500
iNN 207 SV Greenville Boulevard
Art emerges from Iron Curtain
CHICAGO (AP) - Count Dracula
and Olympic gymnast Nadia Comaneci?
Jesus H. Christ and his identical twin.
Jesus N. Christ? A Barbie-like doll so
plump she needs a girdle? Welcome to
post-glasnost art from behind the Iron
It's all part of "Beyond Belief: Con-
temporary Art From East Central Eu-
rope an exhibition at the Museum of
Contemporary Art that offers biting so-
cial commentary.
Featured are 50 works by 13 artists
and artist groups who began their works
in the mid- to late 1980s in Bulgaria, the
Czech Republic. Hungary, Poland, Ro-
mania and Slovakia.
The artists raise questions about
commercialism, family, religion, science
and stereotypes.
"In the wake of almost complete
destruction of historical belief systems,
the art questions the most hallowed ideas
and inviolable belief systems of society
Religious imagery prevails in several
works, perhaps because the church was
the only presocialist institution left rela-
tively intact after the fall of communism.
Hoptman said. Some works border on
blasphemy, she added.
Bulgarian artist Luchezar Boyadjiev
takes on Christ's resurrection in "Forti-
fication of the Faith a collection of
about 150 images of Jesus. Seeking a
scientific explanation for the resurrec-
tion, Boyadjiev concluded the crucified
Christ was an identical twin.
To illustrate this "conspiracy the
artist altered pictures to include two
Christs in each. There's even a picture of
an angel extending two fingers to indi-
cate Mary will have twins.
Czech artist David Cerrry, who made
headlines when he painted a Soviet tank
pink during Prague's Velvet Revolution,
confronts commercialism with his l&fboT-
tall sculpture of a crawling baby whose
face resembles a bar code.
"Babies are kind of a weird thing
said Cerny. "They don't know the regu-
lations of our society; they don't know
the rules. So, they might kill someone
The work, he said, "is probably comment-
ing on the art world
In another room hang four sculp-
See IRON page 12
Secrets revealed in Bogart bio
LOS ANGELES (AP) - At eight
years old. Stephen Humphrey
Bogart was living a sheltered and
privileged life as son of two much-
loved movie stars when his world
was shattered by the death from
lung cancer of his famous father.
Now 46, Bogart finally has
come to grips with his father's
legacy in a new book, "Bogart: In
Search of My Father published by
Dutton. It is a heartfelt story,
marked by loneliness, rebellion, a
broken marriage, drugs and ultimate
Why did he wait so long to write
his story?
"Because the time wasn't
right he said in an interview from
his home in New Jersey. "There were
so many things I had to go through,
so many things I had to deal with.
"You know what I really think
it is? Maturity. At some point in your
life you can deal with things that
were problems in your past. It came
to that point. I was in the right
frame of mind. That's why I wrote it
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In the book, Bogart is some-
times critical of his mother, Lauren
Bacall, particularly in her leaving
him for four months to accompany
her husband, Humphrey, on the Af-
rican location of "The African
BacalPs reaction?
"She doesn't agree with every-
thing Stephen Bogart says. "I
think that's good, from my perspec-
tive, because we're coming from dif-
ferent points of view. But she sup-
ported it. She's been long trying to
get me to reconcile my feelings
about my father, about celebrity in
general, and the problems in my life.
"This (book) is very cathartic
and therapeutic, and I think she
definitely supports it She wrote the
Bogart said he wrote the book
in seven months, assisted by Gary
Provost, who has since died. It is a
hybrid: part biography of Humphrey
Bogart, part autobiography, dwell-
ing on Stephen Humphrey Bogart's
troubles in dealing with second-
hand fame.
See BOGART page 13
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Thursday, September 14,1995
The East Carolinian
from page 9
seen Shirley Jackson's "Lottery"
covered in one page with a toy barn
playset looming in the background.
"The Murder Family yet an-
other strip regularly appearing in
Dork is a sitcom about the Riley
family, a close-knit clan of serial kill-
ers. All the various family members
have their charms, but the stand-out
character here is little Georgina. The
youngest Riley is a deadly little mop-
pet with Orphan Annie eyes, a
Charlie Brown sweater and a big
bloody knife.
Popular as Georgina is, however,
the stand-out characters in Dork! are
Milk and Cheese, Dairy Products
Gone Bad. A little carton of milk and
wedge of cheese, these two bundles
of mayhem are Dorkin s id given car-
toon life. Subsiding entirely on a diet
of beer and bad TV, Milk and Cheese
are only interested in their own stu-
pid pleasure. And what gives them
the most pleasure is destruction.
With clockwork regularity, they
go on wild rampages with only the
flimsiest of excuses. Dorkin often
uses Milk and Cheese to attack
things he hates, making anti-state-
ments on such topics as media vio-
lence or alcoholism. Always vicious,
always irreverent, Milk and Cheese
tear modern society apart with char-
ismatic abandon.
My personal favorite Milk and
Cheese strip is "Herve Villachez
Death Panic In this one, our heroes
destroy the city in their grief over
the passing of the beloved "Fantasy
Island" star. Amid all the mayhem,
Cheese finds time to deliver a eulogy.
"Sad little Tattoo he begins, "Sad,
strange little man Ha! Fun! Mon-
key fun!
All of Dork! is fun. Despite the
violence, despite the hatred, despite
the evil wit, trft book is a fun read.
Ultimately, Evan Dorkin just seems
to hate stupidity. All the malevolence
is aimed at ridding the world of ig-
norance and mediocrity, and that's
something I can get behind.
It does sting when he hits too
close to home, but it's a good sting.
It allows me to laugh at myself in
ways I might normally avoid. It keeps
me from getting too cocky, and that's
something we can all use from time
to time.
So search out Dork! at your lo-
cal comic book shop. It might be hard
to find, but it's well worth the effort.
Get stung, America!
MURDER from page 10
One" cohorts for a strong break in
the Tuesday night slot, followed by a
struggle when the show moves to
"For three weeks, we're going to
feel like we're a success he said.
"And I'm trying to warn everybody
to not be disappointed when we move
to Thursday night and get our asses
Bochco is banking on the sophis-
tication of an audience primed by
months of real-life 0 J. Simpson court-
room drama to keep up with dialogue
that outsmarts his previous legal se-
It was "L.A. Law" and its limita-
tions that gave Bochco the idea for
"Murder One" in the first place.
"I started lobbying around the
second year, maybe the third year of
'L.A. Law' to do a storyline that would
run all year long, a trial that would
run all year long Bochco said. The
idea got only a lukewarm response,
which Bochco attributes to the dan-
ger of fragmenting a storyline amid a
large cast.
After Bochco left the series, "L.A.
Law" did have a relatively long
storyline revolving around the capi-
ta! murder case of Earl Williams, a
black college professor who, it later
turned out, was wrongly convicted of
killing a white woman.
"I always thought it was a valid
idea Bochco said. "And with the in-
creased awareness of our system
through exposure from Court TV and
media coverage of these big trials, you
know, the Menendez trial and the
Simpson trial and the Colin Ferguson
trial it's an extraordinary educa-
Like its future rival "ER "Mur-
der One" is a show that will be driven
more by the profession than the per-
sonal lives of the characters.
To help add a ring of truth to the
world of high-profile criminal defense,
Bochco hired Howard Weitzman to be
the show's legal consultant
Since the media has a ubiquitous
role in "Murder One circling the
crime scene with helicopters and keep-
ing vigil outside the courtroom,
Weitzman helped shape a fictional
case likely to generate that kind of
The end result is a combination
of two key elements to a sensational
murder trial: a well-known defendant
and a salacious crime. Benzali's char-
acter, defense lawyer Ted Hoffman,
even acknowledges to a judge early
on that he sometimes makes himself
Assuming the series gets picked
up for another season, Bochco said the
story will again be told from the de-
fense standpoint
"Try to imagine a world in which
if you got jammed up in a nasty situa-
tion, you couldn't get a lawyer said
Bochco, who knew Weitzman socially
before soliciting his advice for the show.
"No one would represent you,
because it was an unsavory undertak-
ing. And nobody wanted to expose
themselves to the ridicule of a segment
of the culture. That would be pretty
awful, wouldn't it? I mean, terrifying
1 iJ .l from page 11
tures of body parts of Jesus, Adam and
Eve, and a person called "Artiststanding
Cerny offers a "make-your-own life-sized
savior observes Hoptman.
Two Romanian artists, calling them-
selves subREAL, produced "News From
Dracula part of the Draculaland series
which looks at Romanian stereotypes
perpetrated by the Western media.
This exhibit of sharp wooden stakes
surrounding a gymnast's pommel horse
features a video monitor showing war
footage and another famous Romanian
- Comaneci, in her 1976 Olympic per-
There's even an exhibit by Polish
artist Zbignie Libera showing 25 modi-
fied Barbie-like dolls. They have big hair,
big breasts and big stomachs - a stereo-
typical image of eastern European
"Beyond Belief which closes at
The Museum of Contemporary Art on
Nov. 26, is visiting four U.S. cities. From
Chicago, it goes to The Allen Memorial
Art Museum in Oberlin, Ohio.
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The East Carolinian
Thursday, September 14, 1995
ous of God's love for humans. Hu-
mans have souls, and God loves
them for that. However. Gabriel
wants God to acknowledge and love
his angels like he used to. Gabriel
wants things to be like they used
to be.
This is an impressive concept.
Too bad it's not handled in an im-
pressive manner. Instead of really
dealing with the angel dynamics.
Widen and company concentrate
more on the humans. Plaving a
priest who loses his faith and be-
comes a cop because "God showed
himl too much of Heaven Koteas
does have an interesting character
to toy with. Unfortunately, the film-
makers shy away from the
character's struggle with his faith
and instead turn him into a cop ste-
reotype. To top it off, Koteas does
his best to be Robert DeNiro; some-
body should tell him to just give it
As for Virginia Mausen, she's
page 9
about as exciting as meat loaf. Why
spend so much time with Madsen's
boring antics when you have the
underrated Amanda Plummer?
Plummer's character does not need
to be in this film because she is so
underused, but she could have been
used to great comic effect as
Walken's slave. A scene in a diner
where Walken snaps at Plummer for
crying is hilarious. The filmmakers
should have had fun with these two
characters, but they don't seem
capable of that.
A friend of mine said that
watching The Prophecy was like
finally having sex with someone
you've lusted after for a long time
only to find out that your object of
desire is a dead fish. Works for me.
This film is a dead fish that leaves
a bad taste in your mouth. Too bad,
because if prepared properly fish
can be a delicious meal. On a scale
of one to 10, The Prophecy rates a
depressing four.
page 11
"I resented Humphrey Bogart
for reasons I only now understand
he writes, "and for almost four de-
cades 1 avoided learning about him,
talking about him, and thinking
about him
The actor, who had his first
child at 45, was not an attentive
parent, Stephen said.
"My father liked the idea of hav-
ing kids. He was proud of (sister)
Leslie and me, and he would never
hurt us or neglect our basic needs.
But he was not about to integrate
us into his life. Kids had to fit into
his life, where it was comfortable for
Stephen recalls sailing on his
father's beloved yacht, Santana, and
sharing lunch at Romanoff's. More
vivid are the grim months as the boy
watched his father decline to 85
pounds as cancer destroyed him.
The boy was to suffer another
trauma. His nanny took him to the
airport for Bacall's departure to a
film location in Europe. After the
plane had left, the nanny fell dead
of a cerebral hemorrhage, Stephen
in his arms.
Stephen admits that he was a
rebellious student, getting expelled
from most of his schools. Part of the
reason was his fellow students' atti-
tude toward his father's fame.
"Bogie's reputation has often
made normal conversation difficult
he writes. "It brought me attention
I didn't want. And often it has de-
prived me of attention that 1 did
want. And it has sometimes made me
distrustful of friendly people. It has.
I am forced to admit, placed that big
chip on my shoulder
Bogart has also written a mys-
tery, "Play It Again
"I'd like to continue with my
mystery novels he- said. "But boy,
it's tough out there. There's a guy
named Grisham. and I hear his lat-
est book was 2 million copies. I'm
going, Holy cow "
cate undera
must realizf
overall inJu
term i
even n
People always ask
if cigarettes taste
good. They're in
your mouth, but
you don't eat
�Ryan Co?
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SMOKE from page 9
of the tobacco industry to date. It
involves strict regulation of the sale
of tobacco products, including get-
ting rid of cigarette vending ma-
chines and requiring a photo ID for
proof of age before a sale can he
does this new
mean to the
college stu-
dent? Most
people would
say not much.
The majority
of college stu-
dents are over
age 18, and
therefore the � .
new regula-
tions will not directly affect them.
Besides, college students actually
account for only a small part of to-
bacco consumers. According to a
study done in 1988 by researchers
at the University of Michigan Insti-
tute for Social Research, only 12 per-
cent of college students surveyed
smoked daily, a drastic difference
from the 28 percent of high school
graduates who were not enrolled in
But because of the location of
ECU, students here have a reason
to be concerned. Because tobacco
manufacturing makes up such a
large part of North Carolina's
economy, we will be affected by
these new regulations. Statistics
show that underage smokers pur-
chase about $1.26 billion worth of
cigarettes each year.
While most tobacco manufac-
through their
So wi in
such should N �
ing so destn
Some people
down on und
make it more
Cocaine is il
mean that no
why is there
in the U;
smoking is ilr
people. Bu'
from smoking. S
regulations a
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Thursday, September 14, 1995 The East Carolinian
Men's coach scores
homecoming goal
Craig Perrott
Staff Writer
The Fall 1995 soccer season
represents a homecoming for first-
year ECU head men's soccer coach.
Will Wiberg.
Originally from Long Island,
N.Y Coach Wiberg graduated from
East Carolina with a B.S. in Health
and Physical Education and a
master's degree in education with a
concentration in history. Wiberg
played for the 1977 Pirate soccer
team, but a knee injury forced him
to step away from playing and chan-
nel his energy towards coaching.
After college, Coach Wiberg
then embarked on a coaching career
that has now lasted 22 years.
Wiberg was one of the first teen-
agers to coach on Long Island.
Wiberg then returned to Greenville
and was involved with the Greenville
Parks and Recreation Department
for three years, first as a coach and
then as a supervisor.
During this time, the local com-
munity was anxious in starting a soc-
cer program at Greenville-Rose High
School, and Will Wiberg's name
came up. Wiberg became Greenville-
Rose's inaugural head coach from
1982-1988. During his tenure, the
Rampants made the playoffs as a sec
ond place team in 1983, and then
won the conference title the next
four years. Wiberg resigned from his
post v.hen he learned that his father
had cancer, and he went back to
Long Island to be with his parents.
then accepted
the assistant
coach job at
Stony Brook, a
state sup-
ported univer-
sity in New
York and a di-
vision-one pro-
gram, for three
years. Wiberg
was also in-
volved with
the Long Is-
land select
team, a team
composed of
the most
skilled players in a given area and
age group.
In 1991, Wiberg returned to
North Carolina. For two and a half
years, Wiberg stopped teaching, but
stayed involved in coaching while
working in the fitness industry.
About a year ago, Wiberg returned
to teaching coaching as the assis-
tant coach at Sanderson High
School in Raleigh, a program that
has won 10 state championships in
18 vears.
In June of this
year, Wiberg
accepted the head
coaching position
at Athens-Drive
High School, but
soon departed
when ECU gave
him the call.
In June of this year, Wiberg ac-
cepted the head coaching position
at Athens-Drive High School, but
soon departed when ECU gave him
the call. Wiberg left the surprised
Jaguars in good
hands, as he
brought four
coaches with him
there. The head
coach at Athens-
Drive has coached
alongside of
Wiberg for 10
While in Ra-
leigh, Wiberg
coached the Cary
Kicks, a select team
which finished
fourth in the state
this past year, post-
ing a record of 49-
14-4. Wiberg had to
relinquish his successful team when
he came to East Carolina. Since the
team is outside a 30-mile radius from
the university at which Wiberg
coaches, these are recruitable ath-
letes. Brad Wilson, who inherited
the Athens-Drive job from Wiberg,
also was left with the team in Cary.
As Wiberg puts it, "It was a two-for-
one deal, but what a great one it
See SCORES page 17
Famed Notre Dame Holtz walks
Surgery corrects
bulging disk in
coach's neck
SOUTH BEND. lnd. (AP) - Notre
Dame coach Lou Holtz was up and
walking around this morning after
emergency surgery to remove pres-
sure on his spinal cord, doctors at the
Mayo Clinic said.
Doctors discovered a bone
growth was compressing Holtz's spi-
nal cord after he complained of weak-
ness in his leg and arm muscles in
recent weeks, said Dr. James Moriarity,
university physician.
During surgery Tuesday, doctors
removed the disc in Holtz's neck that
was bulging against his spinal cord
and replaced it with a bone graft The
4 12-hour surgery went well and
there were no complications, accord-
ing to a statement from the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
"From what I've heard, every-
thing wen exceptionally well and
that's definitely a relief to this foot-
ball team said Bob Davie. Notre
Dame's interim coach and defensive
Senior offensive guard Ryan
Leahv said the news that Holtz was
OK brought up a new problem - what
to get the coach for a get-well gift.
"You don't want to send some
flowers he said.
Holtz was
transferred to a
regular room to-
day after spending
Tuesday night in
the intensive care
unit for observa-
tion, said Mike
Enright. Notre
Dame's assistant
sports informa-
tion director. That
is normal proce-
dure at Mayo
Clinic, Enright
Holtz is ex-
pected to be hos-
pitalized through this weekend, which
means he won't even be on campus
for Notre Dame's game Saturday
against Vanderbilt. Holtz will be out
at least three weeks.
"As soon as coach Holtz is out
of recovery long enough to be able to
understand what we're doing and un-
derstand what's going on, there'll be
constant communication Davie said.
"In fact we joked that we're going to
have to get a Betacam unit set up
"From what I've
heard, everything
went exceptionally
well and that's
definitely a relief
to this football

there in his hospital room up there
because I'm sure he's going to want
to watch those practice tapes every
Kelly, assistant
athletic director,
traveled to Min-
nesota and
planned to see
Holtz and his
wife Beth on
Tuesday night,
Enright said.
Notre Dame's
athletic depart-
ment also held a
Mass for Holtz on
Tuesday morn-
at the University
of Notre Dame is happy that surgery
was successful with coach Holtz
Enright said. "Everyone at Notre
Dame wishes him well in recovery and
looks forward to having him back on
campus as soon as he feels ready
Holtz, 58, is in his 10th season
at Notre Dame. The Irish victory over
Purdue on Saturday was Holtz's
200th win, making him the 15th col-
lege coach ever to reach that mile-
� Bob Davie, Notre Dame's
interim coach and defensive
Pirate coach not overconfident
East Carolina head football
coach Steve Logan was anything
but pleased after Tuesday's team
practice, which came after an off
day and ECU'S 27-24 victory over
the Syracuse Orangemen on Sept
"(Today's practice) was not
good at all Logan said. "The
player's don't know how to
handle a pat on the back refer-
ring to the overwhelming fan sup-
port stemming from the team's
win over SU.
He went on to urge Pirate
fans to fill the stadium on Satur-
day for ECU'S home opener against
Central Michigan (1-0). who com-
peted in the Las Vegas Bowl last
"I want to challenge our fans
Logan said. "We've got to get that
stadium packed for people to come
out and watch us play- it doesn't
matter who else is there. If that
thing's not sold out, then
something's wrong
Another setback for the Pirates
came when Logan announced that
ECU'S starting right tackle and hon-
ors candidate Ronnie Suddith will
be out of action for a minimum of
two weeks after sustaining an
ankle injury against Syracuse. Jur
ior Shane McPherson will replace
him in the starting lineup.
"(Central Michigan) is going
to be physical Logan said.
"They're going to line it up and
run it at us.
"If we or our fans think that
we're going to walk into that sta-
dium this weekend and have an
easy football game, then they're
Photo by J. Miles Layton
George Mason overcame a valiant Lady Pirate defense to win. This weekend the team
will rally again for victory against Liberty University on the road in Lychburg, Va.
ttMete V tfk 7Vee6.
Cindy Szymanski
Miles Layton
Staff Writer
Varsity cross country and track
athlete junior Cindy Szymanski
combines athletic skill and schol-
arly zeal to become a true cham-
On both an athletic and aca-
demic scholarship, she is majoring
in occupational therapy where she
has a 3.9 grade point average.
Szymanski is a top finisher in
cross country distance running.
Each race through rough outdoor
terrain is 3.1 miles. According to
Charles "Choo" Justice, women's
cross country coach, her times have
improved steadily over the past two
"She had never run cross coun-
try until she came here Justice
said. "Cindy has come into her own.
I think she will be in the top group
in the conference this year
Szymanski started her athletic
career in high school where she
played soccer. She said her high
school track coach was the first to
get her first interested in track.
i wanted to play another
sport, and the track coach told me
to give track a chance
Szymankski said.
She ran the quarter mile, half
mile and mile and even threw the
javelin in high school.
"We had a small team, and I
did a lot of everything Szymanski
Before leaving for college, she
became a New Jersey 2A champion
middle distance runner her junior
yes and runner-up her senior year.
Szymankski considers track to
be her main sport. She holds the
ECU'S women's indoor track record
for the 1000-meter run. The three
time Chancellor's list student led
the 4 x 800-
meter relay
team for an-
other school
became inter-
ested in occu-
pational therapy when
tragedy struck a childhood
"I became interested in occu-
pational therapy because a friend
- of mine was in a bad car wreck
she said.
The Occupational Therapy pro-
gram was part of the reason this
scholar chose East Carolina.
"There are very few schools
with both a Division I track team
and an Occupational Therapy pro-
gram Szymanski said. "I chose
East Carolina because it had what I
Maintaining her grades against
the clock is not an easy race.
Szymanski has to practice twice a
day five times a week and go to
meets all over the South on week-
ends. Practice twice a day means
grueling morning workouts at 6 a.m.
and another in the afternoon after
class. An asthma sufferer, she aver-
ages between 30 to 45 miles per
week on the road in addition to the
weight training and workouts in the
"It's getting hard between
classes and going to meets she
Szymanski manages to study be-
tween long practices and on week-
"I usually try to study after our
afternoon practice and try to keep
up on weekends she said.
Despite harsh demands from
school and athletics, Szymanski
tries to maintain an active social life.
"1 think it would be boring to
stay home on the weekends
Szymanski said. "The girls on our
team are really close. We go out a
lot on the weekends
J.J. McLamb is earning
money in the fun sun
painting the soccer
Photo by KEN CLARK

�J�1 � � - -�
The East Carolinian
Thursday, September 1 4, 1995
Running back arrested, kicked off team
LINCOLN. Neb. (AP) - Ne-
braska running back Lawrence
Phillips, one of the leading contend-
ers for the Heisman Trophy, and his
top backup have been arrested for
allegedly assaulting women.
Phillips was thrown off the
team Sunday, hours after he was
arrested on suspicion of misde-
meanor third-degree assault and a
day after he rushed for four touch-
downs against Michigan State.
"Lawrence Phillips was in-
volved in an incident early Sunday
morning in which he injured a
young woman said Tom Osborne.
coach of the defending national
champion and second-ranked
Cornhuskers. "We have told all our
players that abusive behavior such
as this will not be tolerated
Still unknown today was the
status of No. 2 running back
Damon Benning. who was arrested
early Saturday morning on suspi-
cion of misde-
meanor assault.
Lincoln po-
lice said a 19-
year-old woman
went to
BennLng's resi-
dence to re-
trieve some per-
sonal belong-
ings and was
confronted by
Benning. She
told police a
verbal confron-
tation turned
physical and
Benning alleg-
edly grabbed her around the throat
and pushed her around. Police say
the woman had redness on her neck
Phillips was
involved in an
incident early
Sunday morning
in which he
injured a young
� Tom Osborne, coach of
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and complained of pain in her right
Saturday's game
at Michigan State
because of a
pulled hamstring.
He rushed for 62
yards in
Nebraska's first
game against
Oklahoma State.
The arrests
were stunning
news in a state
where radio
broadcasts of
football games
are piped into
grocery stores, the Huskers have
sold out games since 1962 and Lin-
coln becomes a sea of Big Red fans
on Saturdays.
Phillips was the nation's third-
leading rusher last year with 1.722
yards, and is No. 6 on Nebraska's
career rushing list with 2.589 yards.
In his first two games this year, the
junior tailback from West Covina,
Calif rushed for 359 yards and
seven touchdowns.
"We will do everything we can
to help him get his life back to-
gether, but he is dismissed from the
football team, effective immedi-
ately Osborne said.
Police said Phillips allegedly at-
tacked a 20-year-old woman early
Sunday at a Lincoln apartment. Lt.
Kent Woodhead said the incident
was reported at about 4:45 a.m.
Phillips surrendered to police about
15 12 hours later and was released
45 minutes later on 10 percent of
a $1,000 bond, or $100.
He is scheduled to be arraigned
2:30 p.m. Tuesday, said his attor-
ney. Hal Anderson.
Woodhead said Phillips alleg-
edly hit the woman inside and out-
side her apartment. The woman was
not hospitalized or seriously in-
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jured. Woodhead said she had
bruises, scrapes and cuts and was
treated at a hospital.
"Allegedly, he was dragging
her and hitting her in the apart-
ment or hallway Woodhead said.
Woodhead said the woman was
scared and did not want her name
released. "She's very frightened
he said.
Lancaster County Attor-
ney Gary Lacey said the woman was
Phillip's ex-girlfriend and that the
incident happened at the apartment
of Nebraska football player Scott
Frost, a transfer quarterback from
Stanford. Police Chief Tom Casady
said the woman is out of state for
her own protection.
Anderson said Phillips
would plead innocent to the assault
"This young guy loves to run
with the football, and he won't be
doing it for a while Anderson said.
"He is very upset. He is very upset
to be in this situation. He is very-
upset to be in the criminal system.
ESPN Radio reported that
Phillips was to meet with Osborne
today. The player told ESPN he has
been instructed to withhold com-
University officials also were ex-
amining Phillips' status as a student.
Phillips had been the target of
an NCAA investigation. He was
cleared to play earlier in the season
after the NCAA determined a lunch
Phillips had with an employee of
California sports agent Steve
Feldman would not . ect his eligi-
Osbi -
been undr
ntly with the
tHin and with tl
his childhood and
not have had s
The '(' '�
tigate two otl
Phillips, inclu(
convertible 'K
ing. The t"
braska to provide inform
Phillips' relationsl
of a West Covina .
he lived as a tl
they h �
gave him spending
officials i �
simiiui '
and any ol
Photo by KEN Cl-
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Thursday, September 14,1995
The East Carolinian
Neon Deion to
be a Cowboy
IRVING, Texas (AP) - Deion
Sanders will undergo arthroscopic
surgery on an ankle as soon as
baseball is over, possibly delaying
the start of his football season with
the Dallas Cowboys another 3-4
In an interview with Pam
Oliver, taped Saturday night and
shown Sunday on Fox's "NFL Sun-
day" pregame show, Sanders said:
"I've seen guys undergo
arthroscopic surgery, and they're
playing the next week. Not that I
want to rush myself because we are
playing on Astroturf
He said he could be out of ac-
tion "three or four weeks
Sanders, a free agent who
played with the San Francisco
49ers last season, signed with the
Cowboys on Saturday for a pack-
age worth a reported $30 million,
including a $12 million signing
bonus. He currently is playing base-
ball with the San Francisco Giants.
If the Giants fail to make the
playoffs, the Cowboys were count-
ing on Sanders being available for
the Green Bay game Oct. 8 in Texas
Stadium. With surgery, he might be
out until the Cowboys entertain ri-
val San Francisco Nov. 12.
Sanders made the surgery dis-
closure before flying to Texas for a
Monday news conference, along
with Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.
"We will talk about the ankle
surgery and all that on Monday
Jones said.
Jones said Saturday that the
Cowboys' doctors were confident
everything was OK with Sanders'
"We had doctors examine
him " jones said.
However, Sanders scooped
Jones on the surgery news.
Sanders couldn't even wait for
the man who made him the richest
defensive back in the NFL and sec-
ond in earnings only to Troy
Aikman's $50 million on the Cow-
boys. Sanders told Oliver about the
surgery while in Chicago for
Sunday's game against the Cubs.
Sanders said he chose Dallas
over the world champion 49ers be-
cause of Aikman, Emmitt Smith
and Michael Irvin.
"They are key players Sand-
ers said. "They are about my age,
they're locked up for at least four
years. 1 truly see a few Super Bowls
in those years. I truly see a lot of
wins in Dallas
Sanders will be with Dallas at
least five years because of a no-
trade clause in his contract. He
could have an option for two more
years. Full details of the contract
will be released Monday.
Sanders also said he will re-
main a "fulltime baseball player, so
it (football) won't involve 16 games.
I likejjthe sport. 1 don't do it just
for extra money. I do it because I
truly love the game
The NFL defensive player of
the year for the 49ers in 1994 said
he didn't consider his desire to play
offense for Dallas a fantasy.
"I want to help the team
Sanders told Fox. "I want to do any-
thing to help the team win. I don't
care about getting the ball thrown
to me 12 times ,
Old Dominion
Challenges Pirates
(SID) - Junior forward Carlos of the night. Mike Moyer, Kenneth
Vasco scored three goals to lead the
Monarchs of Old Dominion past
CAA rival ECU 7-1 in men's soccer
action tonight at the ODU Soccer
ODU jumped out to an early 1-
0 lead when senior Emilio Romero
found midfielder Raul Ovalle, who
blew a shot past Pirate goalkeeper
Kevin Smith at the 13:05 mark.
Smith was in the lineup in place of
junior goalie Jay Davis who sus-
tained a head injury in the UNC
match last week
13 minutes later Ovalle, re-
turned the favor when he hit Vasco
for his first goal of the night. Less
than four minutes later, he found
another opening in the Pirate de-
fense and pushed the ODU lead to
The Pirates responded just be-
fore the half when true freshman
Bret Altheiser pushed in his first
ever collegiate goal. The score came
at the 44:15 mark when Altheiser
drove the ball down the field and
fired an unassisted goal.
Any thoughts of a Pirate come-
back were put to rest in the second
half, as the Monarchy shut out the
ECU offense while scoring three
more goals. Vasco completed his
hat trick at the 70:28 mark when
he scored his second uassisted goal
Bowes and Darian Moore scored
three goals late in the game.
The match was the first CAA
game for both teams. As the Mon-
archs improve their record to 3-0
overall, the Pirates drop to 0-4 in
the season. ECU will return to ac-
tion this Friday, Sept. 15th at 3:00
p.m. when they take on George Ma-
son in Greenville.
1 2 T
ECU 1 0 1
ODU 3 4 7
Lady Pirates
defeat A&T
(SID)- The Lady Pirates cap-
tured their second win in as many
tries, coming from behind to defeat
North Carolina A&T Tuesday in
After dropping the first game
11-15. ECU rallied in three straight
games 15-8, 15-3, 15-7 to seal the
win. Carrie Brne who posted 29
kills and 17 digs, led the Lady Pi-
rate charge.
"Carrie had a great game said
head coach Kim Walker. "We had
to leave a starter at home due to a
class conflict, so we had four fresh-
man on the floor and we pulled
ECU's bench played an impor-
tant role in the Pirate win, as nearly
the entire roster saw some action.
"It was a total team effort. The
coaching staff is very pleased with
the bench play Walker said. "They
did what we asked of them and we
made adjustments as we went
along. That's why we won the last
three games
ECU (2-4) has continued to im-
prove since the start of the season
and has won six out of it's last
seven games. The Lady Pirates will
return to action this weekend at the
Radford University Tournament.
ECU 11 15 15 15
NCA&T 15 8 4 7
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The East Carolinian
Thursday, September 14, 1995
Freshman Ken
Kirtner serves up
some tennis in the
afternoon sun.
Photo by KEN CLARK
from page 14
Wiberg's duties at ECU extend
far beyond coaching, as he is respon-
sible for every aspect of the program.
His job description involves all of the
recruiting, working closely with the
athletic administration while adher-
ing to his structured budget and the
marketing of the team.
Coach VViberg does get some
help, though, in fulfilling his obliga-
tions. Jeff Davis, Director of Opera-
tions, assists in coordinating trans-
portation to away games and field
maintenance. Brian Hardy is
Wiberg's link to the Sports Informa-
tion Department, and will make the
contacts with the media. Dr. Henry
Van Sant is Wiberg's direct supervi-
sor, and has offered a lot of guidance
to Wiberg along the way. "It's been
a real welcoming aboard from every-
body to me Wiberg said.
Wiberg has some help on the
sidelines as well. Zack Fine, a gradu-
ate assistant with the team, played for
ECU for two years and is a profes-
sional player with the Kentucky Blue-
grass Bandits. Chris Shaw, a volun-
teer assistant, was a four-year player
with perennial divsion-three power-
house Methodist College. Chris Libert,
who played with the Pirates last year,
has just been added as a goalkeeper
coach. Wiberg believes that the com-
bination of old and new faces will help
in the transitional phase of his tak-
ing over of the ECU soccer program.
Wiberg will look to his returning
players from last year's squad for lead-
ership on the field. Redshirt sopho-
more Jay Davis and junior Kevin
Smith will be splitting time equally at
the goalkeeper position. With the ex-
ception of sophomores John Swagart,
Kyle England, and possibly Jon
Smiley, the starters will be composed
of juniors and seniors. It's these vet-
erans that have played in the CAA,
one of the premier soccer conferences
in the nation, that Wiberg will rely
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on in scouting the other teams in the
conference during his inaugural sea-
son. "There's nothing like the players
that have been in those big games
before said Wiberg.
Senior Marc Mullin will be a key
leader for the team.
"He lets his game speak for him
Wiberg said. Senior Drew Racine will
contribute as much as he can this
season, as he is an occupational
therapy major and has decided to fo-
cus on academics this year. Wiberg
respects his decision, and will wel-
come him to play as much as his sched-
ule will allow. Senior Dan Staton will
step in to play sweerer during
Racine's absence.
Seniors Dusty Belk, Joel Lenk
and Eddie Stephens as well as jun-
iors Chris Padgett, Darrec Jones,
Kevin Johnson and Derrick Faulcon
are all expected to contribute.
Wiberg plans to use only five or
six players off of the bench to start
with, but hopes that the usable depth
of the team will develop as the sea-
son goes on.
"I feel confident that some of the
freshmen are going to be able to come
in and contribute he said.
Wiberg's goal for the season is
to be successful on and off the field.
"I want us to be successful in
the image we present as a team as
student athletes, grade point average,
graduation rate, the way we represent
East Carolina both home and away,
and being student athletes at this
university in general he said. "When
you do all that, the natural result is
that there is going to be more suc-
cess for the team. Hopefully that will
equate into wins and losses and be-
ing improved over last season
Being back in Greenville has in-
spired Wiberg, and is accompanied by
a great enthusiasm and a passion to
do well this year. He says the team
has worked hard this past summer,
and has responded to everything he
has asked of them.
"We have very, very good morale
and excellent team unity and team
spirit right now Wiberg said. "We're
anxious to play
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WESLEY COMMONS, 1 & 2 Bedroom.
Range, Refrigerator, Washer & Dryer
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Laundry Facility, Sand Volleyball Court
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ROOMMATE WANTED: Female to share
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Swimming pool, exercise center, club
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FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for apt
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laundramat Rent includes utilities, phone
& cable. 757-1947.
ROOMMATE WANTED: 2br. 1 12 bath
townhouse. Rent $215,12dep 12 utili-
ties. Free cable. Smoker. Call Joy 830-0601
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to share two bedroom, 12 utilities, and
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able ASAP. Please call 7524912.
ROOMMATE WANTED? Male to share
new 4 BDR, 3 full bath apartment $250
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2 Bedroom1 & 2 bath. 2 blocks from
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752-8900. Professionally managed by Pro
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FEMALE NEEDED for one bedroom,
share bath. $225 per mont h. Utilities in-
cluded. Pro Management of Greenville.
TOWNHOUSE: 2 Bedroom 1 12 bath.
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2 bath. Partially furnished. $500.00 per
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fort zone. Call Bob 328-8935.
245MB HD CD-ROM 3.5" 514" Disk
drives SVGA monitor amplified speakers
Canon BJ-200 printer good sftware desk
and printer stand included $1500 758-
We Will Pay You
We Also BuyNAUTICAWe Also Buy:
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SUMMER HRS: THURS-FRI10-12,1:30-5 & SAT FROM 10-1
Ext. 3922
$2.99 per min.
Must be 18yrs.
Touch-tone Phone Required
Serv-U (619) 645-8434
fl Help fS Help
WANTED: DRIVERS for Yellow & Check-
ered Cab Company. Flexible hours, good
money. Call 830-9500 and leave message.
with car needed to pick up a
kindergardner and keep at child's resident
Will need services Monday thru Friday
from 2:30 til 5:00. Call Mrs. Walker at (919)
758-9240 after 6:00 for more details. Must
have references!
Experienced males and females -for local
Gym School - Good pay - Call Darlene at
drive 14 yo girl to and from school. Must
be prompt Monday-Friday. Perfer some-
one active in Christian Campus Ministry.
References. Call Susan 758-5345(no later
than 8:30pm)
BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 year old.
MWF 8:30- 1:30pm. Mature, responsible,
dependable, references, please call 756-
children (ages 2 12 & 9 mos.) on Wednes-
day or Friday mornings 7am-Noon, non-
smoker, references required. Cail 830-
TREE FARM NEEDS bright, good sense
of humor, hardworking, honest respoasible
and non-smoking underclassman with
lawnmowing or landscaping experience.
Good pay, the outdoors and needs trans-
portation. Call for interview 758-6656
between the hours of 10:00am to 8:00pm.
TION that works with your hectic sched-
ule? Brody's is accepting applications for
part time positions. We offer a merchan-
dise discount on the new fall arrivals plus
flexible scheduling options to fit the "early
birds" or "night owls 10am-2pm, 12pm-
9pm, or 6pm-9pm. (Retail positions include
weekend hours.) Applications accepted by
store manager each Tuesday from l-6pm,
Brody's, The Plaza or Carloina Eas t Mall.
Experienced wait staff and cashier needed.
No phone calls please. Apply in person
between 2:00pm and 6:00pm.
JOB AVAILABLE to help with lifting fur-
niture and inputing computer inventory.
Must have computer experience. Call 931-
6904 and leave a message.
Travel Services is now hiring campus rep-
resentatives. Lowest rates to Jamaica,
Cancun, Daytona and Panama City Beach.
Call 1-800-648-4849.
TRIPS! Sell 8 Trips & Go Free! Best Trips
& Prices! Bahamas, Cancun, Jamaica,
Florida! Spring Break Travel! 1-800-678-
SunSplash Tours. Highest commissions
paid, at lowest prices. Campus Represen-
tatives wanted to Sell reliable tours. Ja-
maica, Cancun, Bahamas, Daytona,
Panama City and Padre. 1-800426-7710.
students who want to earn money while
they learn. Five positions available for Fall
Semester. Call 355-7700 and ask for
Bonnie or Cassie.
ATTENTION LADIES: Greenville's Old-
est and Largest Escort Service is now hir-
ing due to our expanding Business. Ear n
up to $1,500 plus per week, Escorting in
the Greenville and surrounding areas. You
must be at least 18 years of age. Have own
phone and transportation. We are also
hiring Male and Female Dancers for Pri-
vate Parties. Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 758-0896 or Emerald City Escorts at
757-3477 for an Interview. Est 1990.
up to $25-45 hr. teaching basic conversa-
tional English in Japan. Taiwan, or S.
Korea. No teaching background or Asian
Languages required. For information call:
(206) 632-1146 extJ53621.
& full-time employment at National Parks,
Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits ?
bonsuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext.
Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to
$3,000-$6.000 per month. Room and
Board! Transportation! Male or Female.
No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-
4155 ext A53621.
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
Travel. Seasonal & full-time employment
available. No experience necessary, for
more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext
TELEMARKETING � Davenport Exteri-
ors Thermal Guard - $5.00 per hour plus
bonus. Easy Work, Flexible hours start
today. Call 355-0210.
$1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 301-306-1207.
TLC ESCORTS is seeking ladies for danc-
ing, modeling, and escorting. $1000 ?
weekly. Flexible hours. Discreet & confi-
dential. Health Insurance available. Call
9am-2am 758-2881.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to National
Mailers PO Box 774. Olathe. KS 66051.
Immediate response.
broke, want to get paid everyday, Call
Playmates Massage, Snow Hill, NC 747-
SI000 FUNDRAISER Fraternities, So-
rorities k Student Organizations. You've
seen credit card fundraisers before, but
you've never seen the Citibank fundraiser
that pays $5.00 per application. Call
Donna at 1-800-932-0528 ext 65. Quali-
fied callers receive a FREE camera.
&.$ Services

PAPERS TYPED? 'Affordable Rates.
Call Glenda today - 758-7653 and eve-
nings (919) 527-9133.
everything you need to make yours a suc-
cess Call 7584591 or John at 7524715.
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile
Music Productions is "the" disc jockey
service for your party or social function.
Widest variety of any disc jockey company
in Greenville. Specializing in the needs of
ECU Organizations and Greeks. Book a
Show Now and get a FREE Keg at
Graffiti's. Dates are filling fast, so call
early. Ask for Lee 7584644.
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Cail Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F53621.
SORORITY, benefiting St. Jude' s and the
community. Great way to meet friends and
have fun. RUSH Sept. 18-21. Rawl 105.
6pm-7pm. For info call Heidi 355-8166
SIGMA EPSILON: Thanx for asking us
to the kinston Indians game again, we had
a ball! Although, next time remember to
bring your IDs.
invite all interested men to RUSH, no
matter status or race. Break away from
the Stereotypical Fraternity. Not Four
years but a Lifetime.
PI DELTA would like to Congratulate
Pirate Football on a wonderful win over
PI DELTA Social Sorority would like to
invite all interested girls to attend our
RUSH. Sept 25-28. Look for more info,
on locations and times. GO GREEK!
PI DELTA hopes all National Sororities
had a successful RUSh.
DELTA ZETA would like to thank all of
the brothers of Kappa Alpha for their help
and support You all are great!
gratulate all sororities for a successful
Having trouble
finding where to drop
of! Classifieds and
Forms for
Classifieds and
A nnouncements
can be picked up in
Mendenhall and
dropped off in the
Student Publication
advertising Deadline Display Advertising
Fall and Spring
Friday at 4:00 p.m. for
Tuesday's issue
Monday at 4:00 p.m. for
Thursday's issue
DC ads may be cancelled before
10:00 a.m. the day before
publication. However, no refunds
will be given.
Terms are subject to change without notice.
Circulation and Distribution
Tuesday and Thursday
12,000 copies per issue
Office hours are
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
For more information, call ECU-6366
advertising Services Display Classifieds
Line Classified Rate
(25 words or less)
Students $2.00
Non-students $3.00
Each additional word $.05
All DC ads will not exceed two
column inches in width or five
column inches in depth.
AII ads must be prepaid

Thursday, September 14, 1995 The East Carolinian
The Creenville-Pitt County Special
Olymics will be conducting a Soccer
Coaches Training School on Saturday,
September 23rd from 9am-4pm for all
individuals interested in volunteering
to coach soccer. We are also looking
for volunteer coaches in the following
sports: basketball skills, team basket-
ball, swimming, gymnastics,
powerlifting, rollerskating, and bowl-
ing. No experience is necessary. For
more information contact Dwain Coo-
per at 830-4551.
Is hiring on aquatics supervisor who
will be responsible for coordinating the
Special Olympics swimming program.
Special Olympics training sessions wil
begin in October and be held on Mon-
day evenings 7:30-8:30pm and on
Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00pm. Appli-
cants should have a strong aquatics
background and be willing to work with
volunteers and handicapped individu-
als. $5.00hour. Please call Connie or
Dwain at 830-4551 or 4541.
(formeerly SLAP) will be providing the
speech and hearing screening for stu-
dents who are fulfilling requirements
for admission to Upper Division on Sep-
tember 18, 19, and 20, 1995 from
5:00-6:00pm each day. These are the
only screeing dates during the Fall Se-
mester. The screening will be con-
ducted in the Belk Annex (ECU Speech
and Hearing Clinic) located next to the
Belk Building (School of A Hied Health
BEGINS AT 4:50PM. Screenings are
conducted on a first come, first serve
The Newman Catholic Center would
like to welcome the parents and invite
you to join us at the center for Sunday
Mass. 11:30am and 8:30pm. kThe
Newman Center is located next to the
East end of campus at 953 E. 10th
The nex meeting of Gamma Beta Phi
will be held on Tuesday, September 19
at 5:00pm in the Mendenhall Great
Room. Members don't forget to pay
your dues to Mike or Jean from 11-12
on Monday(0918) or 2-4:30 on Tues-
day(0919) in GCB 3121. We cannot
collect money at the meeting.
September 19 at 7:00pm in MSC Mult i-
purpose Room, the NPHC will have an
information session on what you
wanted to know about Zeta Phi Beta,
Alpha Kappa Alpha. Sigma Gamma
Rho, Delta Sigma Theta, Phi Beta
Sigma, and Kappa A Ipha Psi, but were
afraid to ask. So come on out for re-
freshments an get loads of information.
The ECU Motorcycle Club will have a
meeting Thursday Sept. 14th at 7pm
in Mendenhall Room 244. There will
also be a weekend ride on Sunday the
17th. Interested persons should call
David at 756-9290 or 752-7680.
Our first meeting will be Thursday Sep-
tember 21st in General Classroom
Building Room 1019. Refreshments will
be served. Come join the fun!
Has been rescheduled for Thursday,
September 14(Today) from 4:00-6:00pm
on College Hill. Come for the fun,
games, and prizes. For more informa-
tion call Recreational Services at 328-
Learn how to get what you want from
life in a healthy manner. Discover the
difference between assertiveness and
agressiveness. Become more confident
in your interactions with others. This
four-part program meets Thursdays at
3:30pm beginning September 14, Coun-
seling Center. Call 328-6661 to regis-
Learn more about how nutrition can
effect performance, increase energy lev-
els, and work cooperatively with an ex-
ercise program to help you reach your
personal fitness goals in Recreational
Services Nutrition for Fitness Class
Tuesday, September 26 from 5:30-
7:30pm in 102 Chr istenbury Cym. Reg-
istration will be held in 204
Christenbury September 14-25. For
more information call Recreational Ser-
vices at 328-6387.
Find out which is right for you. Take
assessment instruments and learn how
personality affects career choice. Learn
the secrets of good decision making as
well as the best way to really find out
what a job is like. This five-part pro-
gram will help you find the answers to
your future. Tuesdays, 2pm, beginning
September 19, Wednesdays, 1pm begin-
ning 1pm. Beginning September 20, or
Mondays, 9am, beginning September
25. Counseling Center. Call 328-6661
for more information.
Canoe and camp along t he second old-
est river in the world during the Ca-
noe Camping Weekend to New River
State Park September 22-24. Register
Charles Boulevard Shoppes
Greenville, NC
On the Corner of
10th & Charles
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w cream cheese
Only $1.29
May Not be combined with any other otters
With coupon only Expires 9-30-95
TAILGATE SPECIAL FREE Bag of ice with every
$20.00 food order
in 204 Christenbury before September
15. For more details call Recreational
Services at 328-6387.
This two-part program will teach you
about the causes and manifestations of
anger. Find out why you react as you
do, and how to change those reactions
to ones that are more healthy. Be able
to let people know how angry you are
without "flying off the handle Friday,
September 15 and 22, at 2:00pm. Coun-
seling Center. Call 328-6661 to regis-
Learn the basics of moving over rock,
as well as, some advanced climbing
techniques in the Beginning Climbing
II Trip on Sunday, September 17. In-
terested individuals will need to regis-
ter in Christenbury Gym prior to Sep-
tember 15. For more information call
Recreational Services at 328-6387.
Mar. 20-Aug. 3 1995 Qualified Appli-
cants. Qualified Applicants for the S.W.
and C.J. majors are reminded to attend
an Admissions Group meeting in Rawl
130 on Thursday, September 14, 1995
at 4:30pm. Qualified applicants must
attend the meeting.
5th Annual Book Sale, September 15,
16. 17. Willis Building 1st and Reade
Street, Greenville. Great assortment of
titles. Hours: Friday. 9am to 8PM. Sat-
urday: 9am to 6pm. Sunday: 1pm to
5pm. Sunday bag sale $4.00 a grocery
Women's Lacrosse Club meeting Sep-
tember 14, 1995 at 8:00pm in
Christenbury Room 102. All interested
players please attend.
First meeting and Dance of the year!
Live, Old-Time Music. Sat Sept.
167:30pm-10:30pm, at Baptist Student
Union. FREE! Come alone or Bring A
Want to join a professional organiza-
tion that can really five you an edge?
Join SNCAE (Student Program of North
Carolina Association of Educators).
Membership is open to all educat ion
majors. The first meeting of the semes-
ter will be Thursday, September 14 at
4:30pm in Speight 308.
FREE, unless otherwise noted in
announcement:FRI September 15-SE-
NIOR RECITAL. Deborah Cicogna, pi-
ano, 9:00pm. SUN, September 17-SUN-
Huener, Baroque trumpet: Janna
Brendell, soprano; and Patrick
Hawkins, harpsichord(Creenville Mu-
seum of Art, 802 S. Evans St 2:00pm).
MON, September 18-FACULTY RE-
CITAL, Malcolm Tait, piano, 8:00pm.
For additional information, call ECU-
6851 or 328-4370.
On Friday September 15 at 2pm & Mon-
day, September 18 at 7:30 pm. The
Newman Catholic Student Center will
start its program entitled "Beauty and
Belief: An In-Depth Look at Catholi-
cism This program is an inquiry pro-
gram for any student wishing to learn
more about Catholicism. It is also for
Catholics who may want to make their
Confirmation or First Communion. For
further details, Please call Fr. Paul
Vaeth at the Center, 953- E. 10th St,
A 5-week course in meditation tech-
niques and philosophy will begin at
7:30pm, Monday, September 18, in the
Unitarian-Universalist Church, 131
Oakmont Drive(across the street from
the Greenville Athletic Club). The
classes will last until 9:00pm and will
continue every Monday evening until
October 16. All are invited. Bring a
cushion for sitting, and wear comfort-
able clothing. The instruction is par-
tially sponsored by the Buddhist Medi-
tation and Study Group of ECU. Call
756-8315 for more information.
Frisbee Disc Coif players come on over
to the Disc Course for Recreational Ser-
vices Fall Frisbee Golf Tournament on
September 20 & September 21 from
3-6pm. For more information call Rec-
reational Services at 328-6387.
Tennis players grab your racket and reg-
ister for the Tennis Singles Tourna-
ment The entry deadline for this tour-
nament is Wednesday, September 20 at
5pm in Christenbury 204. For more in-
formation Call Recreational Services
Ride the beaches of Cedar Island dur-
ing Recreational Services Beach Horse-
back Riding Trip to Cedar Island on
Sunday, October 1. Interested individu-
als will want to register in 204
Christenbury before September 20. For
more details call Recreational Services
Learn skills in how to deal with inju-
ries when you are not close to a phone
or immediate help. The Wilderness
First Aid course will be on Wednesday,
September 20 from 5-9pm in the Rec-
reational Outdoor Center (ROC). Inter-
ested individuals will need to register
in 204 Christenbury Gym prior to Sep-
tember 18. Please note that this class
is not a certification class. For more
information call Recreational Services
Find out more abou the outdoor op-
portunities in the area during Recre-
ational Services FREE Exploring East-
ern North Carolina Class on Tuesday,
September 19 from 6-7:30pm in the
Recreational Outdoor Center(ROC). In-
terested individuals will need to regis-
ter in 204 Christenbury Cym prior to
September 18. For more information
call Recreationals Services 328-6387.
Have you seen it? Are you in it? Have
you picked up your FREE copy? ECU's
premier edition of our video yearbook-
The Treasure Chest! To get your free
tape, bring your student ID by the Me-
dia Board Office, or The East Carolin-
ian, 2nd floor, Student Publications
Building(across from Joyner Library).
Hurry while supplies last
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Vol. 2. No. 1 i, v7i 8 pages
September 14, 1995
GMU invades Dowdy-Ficklen page 2
Fast Facts page 2
Marcus Grandell page 3
Butkus Award Candidate Libiano page 4
EGU's Koonce in the NFL page 5
Photos Courtesy of GARRETT KILLIAN


ECU vs Central Michigan
Game day
Saturday, September 16, 1995

September 14,1995
The End Zone
Chippewas ready for Pirates
Aaron Wilson
End Zone Assistant Editor
East Carolina is in an unfamiliar role
this week on Parent's Day versus the Cen-
tral Michigan Chippewas, the 'hunted in-
stead of the hunter The Pirates received
six votes for the Associated Press Top 25
after a stunning upset of the Syracuse
Orangemen, 27-24 in the Carrier Dome,
coming back from a 21-0 deficit.
"In 1992 we were coming off of back
to back wins and played Bowling Green
and got beat badly head coach Steve
Logan said. "The challenge for our foot-
ball team is to see if we can handle a pat
on the back. The MAC conference has a
kind of personality. They play basic,
smash-mouth football on offense and
bend-but-don't break on defense
ECU has faced the Chippewas on the
gridiron before winning at home in 1982,
24-6, and lost to the MAC school 17-12
in Mt. Pleasant in 1984. Over 10 years
later the two teams square off again, this
time in an expanded Dowdy-Ficklen Sta-
dium with a new capacity of 36,000 and
two bowl appearances behind the Pirates.
Central Michigan is no stranger to post-
season play either having appeared in the
California Raisin Bowl and last year's bowl
Central Michigan appeared in the Las
Vegas Bowl last season, head coach Dick
Brian Paiz
Aaron Wilson
Asst. Editor
Flynn's first as head coach in which his
team posted a 9-3 record. They won the
Mid-American-Conference championship
and he was named as Coach-of-the Year.
The loss of 27 lettermen and 15 starters
especially Ail-American tailback Brian
Pruitt hurt the depth and talent level on
the squad as they gave up 31 points to
IAA opponent Weber State in their open-
ing win.
In the home win senior tailback
Damon Tolbert ran the football 36 times
for 190 yards. Junior quarterback Chad
Darnell completed 10 of his 16 passes
for 165 yards and three touchdowns in
his first start. Redshirt freshman wideout
Bryan Schorman caught five passes for
97 yards and two scores in his first game
as well.
This impressive offensive output
ranks them first in rushing (280.0), and
third-down conversions (.636) and third
in total offense (445.0) and scoring of-
Flynn and his squad regard the Pi-
rates as a top-ranked team one that they
would liken nothing better to knock off
and keep their undefeated record intact
going into MAC play. The Chippewas head
coach pointed to ECU as a game on their
schedule that they wanted to focus on.
"I felt East Carolina was a top 20 or
25 team before the season started, and I
still feel that way Flynn said. "Any team
that can come from a 21-point deficit on
the road at Syracuse and win the game,
is an awfully good football team. It's a
talented, veteran team that returns some-
thing like 22 of its top 26 players from a
bowl team in 1994.
"Marcus Crandell is one of the out-
standing quarterbacks in the country. He's
a great thrower and superb athlete. Jerris
McPhail is a big, strong and fast tailback
who also catches the ball well. We'll have
our hands full, you can count on that
Offensively, Central Michigan runs out
of a l-formation based on the strengths
of a large returning group of offensive
linemen. The group averages just over
290 pound per man and returns five play-
ers who started at all three positions.
Junior tackle Scott Rehberg is a pro
prospect at 6-foot-8 and 320 pounds and
Bryan Carpenter is maturing into one as
well in his final season as a starter at
guard. Brock Gutierrez, Derek van der
Merwe and Gary Glowacki are strong
blockers as well that excel at run block-
ing. The superior quickness of the Pirate
front four maybe too much for this group
to protect Darnell.
Chad Darnell, a 6-foot, 185 pound
junior from Sheperd, Michigan won the
starting signal caller's job after a strong
spring practice. The former All-State quar-
terback led his team to a 27-0 record in
his three seasons as a starter.
"I thought Chad Darnell had an ex-
cellent first start Flynn said. "He not
only threw the ball well, but he made a
lot of good decisions.
He is backed up by junior Tim
An experienced ECU secondary could
be on the receiving end of several of
Darnell's passes on Saturday.
In their l-backfield Damon Tolbert, a
5-foot-7 175 pound senior is a slashing
back with decent speed. He is strongly
supported by Silas Massey III. The fullback
position is primarily used as a blocker,
though you will see big Chad Frazier (6-
foot-1, 230) and Chris Parmele (5-foot-ll,
230) run the ball up the middle. The
linebacking trio of Libiano, Burke and Fore-
man should bee up to this test after facing
national standouts Jay Graham (UT) and
Malcolm Thomas (SU) in the first two
At wide receiver, former walk-on Bryan
Schorman is making some noise making a
outstanding debut last week versus Weber
State. He is joined by tight end Adam
Simonson (6-foot-5, 235) and Grant
Elmquist in the receiving core. The Pirate
secondary should be able to blanket this
group after being victimized by one of the
nation's best in SU's Marvin Harrison.
The Chippewas feature several out-
standing defensive players returning from
last year's squad. The strength of their
defensive squad is in their linebacking core
and secondary which returns several
standouts. Defensive coordinator Jim
Schulte runs a three man line with Mitch
Panchula running things in the middle
along with Calvin Massenburg and Travis
Allen. The group made 12 sacks in the
first game, several by Panchula who is a
good blend of size and speed at 6-foot-4
and 275 pounds.
Outside linebacker Bubba Hester, an
Alabama native led the team in sacks last
season and plays almost like a down de-
fensive end. He is joined by two year starter
at inside 'backer Cory Gildersleeve, an Al!
MAC candidate, Charlie Bush and Greg
Spranger round out the linebacking core.
The secondary is led by All-MAC se-
lection, free safety Quincy Wright who led
the team in tackles with 112 last season.
He broke up two passes in last week's
game. Daryl Montie, Shawn Williams and
Jason Husband were not as impressive in
the opening game. They should be victim-
ized by the talent of wide receiver's coach
Doug Martin's posse of pass catchers
Chad Darnell
Analysis: Steve Logan has his team
guarded against any complacent attitude
after the Syracuse win. The Pirates should
be hitting on all cylinders this game which
should be keyed by several Jerris McPhail
long runs and a stat day on defense. Look
for Larry Shannon to become a bigger part
of the offense after little action the past
two weeks. This game should not be a close
one as the Pirates roll towards the rematch
with Illinois.
Location - Mount
Pleasant, Mich.
founded- 1892
Enrollment - 16,000
Head Coach. - Dick Flynn
tfickname - Chippewas
Colors - Maroon and Gold
Stadium - KellyShorts
Conference - Mid-
American Conference
Record 1-1
Series Tied 1-1
1982 ECU 24
1984 CMU 17
ECU 12
Ifotes: Central Michigan
played 19 freshmen in first
game. Lost to UNLV in
1994 Las Vegas Bowl.

.��- m

-ni�. �

The End Zone
September 14,1995
Sister guiding figure in QBs life
Brian Paiz
End Zone Editor
The new world dictionary defines
the word parent as "a father or
As Parents Weekend at ECU ap-
proaches, ECU junior quarterback
Marcus Crandeil has learned a new defi-
nition for the word.
Marcus sees someone else as his
parent. His oldest sister Latricia
Crandeil raised him into the adult he
is now, and Marcus is very proud to
call Latricia his parent.
"She practically raised me said
Crandeil. "My father lives in Charlotte
and she brought me up
Marcus says he sometimes wishes
that he had parents when he was grow-
ing up, but that Latricia was the guid-
ing figure in his life.
"I look at Latricia as my mother
said Crandeil. "She was there for me
throughout all the hard times and good
One of those very tough times was
two seasons ago when Marcus suffered
a season ending broken leg against
Central Florida, a time that Marcus says
was mentally tough, but once again
Latricia was there.
"When I got hurt she stayed with
me every night at the hospital Crandeil
said. "She was there with me through
all the trials and tribulations I went
through. It was a major event in my
life that 1 had to go through and she
was there for me the entire way
Even after a tough ECU loss, where
Marcus sometimes did not feel he
played the best he could, Latricia is
there to booster him back up.
"She always says as long as I did
my best to keep my head up, and ev-
erything will come out for the best he
When it came down to Marcus
choosing a college back in 1992, being
close to Latricia was a major concern
of Marcus's.
"ECU is only 30 minutes away from
my home in Robersonville, so I can see
her anytime. "It would have been hard
if I couldn't have seen her as much
Marcus talks to Latricia as often as
he can, and a day does not go by that
he does not think of her.
"I talk to her every week Crandeil
said. "She works at night and most of
the time when we get out of practice
she is asleep. So when she gets up and
goes to work I call her
Marcus says that his sister is quiet,
somewhat like him, and that although
she enjoys when people talk good about
her brother, she doesn't brag on him.
"She's not the bragging type. She
does not talk much about me being the
quarterback at ECU. She lets other
people praise me, and just takes it all
The definition of a parent can have
different meanings, and Marcus Crandeil
has found a true meaning this parents
Marcus Crandeli
East Carolina
QB5Marcus Crandeli6-0204Jr.
FB23Jerris McPhail6-0198Sr.
HB82Mitchell Galloway5-10174Jr.
FL1Jason Nichols5-11171So.
SE80Larry Shannon6-6200So.
TE90Scott Richards6-5241So.
LT77Charles Boothe6-7284Sr.
LG59Jamie Gray6-2293Jr.
C�3Kevin Wiggins6-2264Sr.
RG64Lamont Burns6-5273Jr.
RT67Shane McPherson6-3278Jr.
DT96Walter Scott6-3271Sr.
NG95Travis Darden6-3252Fr.
DT45Lorenzo West6-3238Jr.
OLB7Morris Foreman6-1224Sr.
WLB81Mark Libiano6-3235Sr.
MLB51Marvin Burke6-1249Jr.
OLB94Travis Darden64255Sr.
RCB21David Hart5-10183Sr.
FS30David Henry5-11175Jr.
SS22Daren Hart5-10195Jr.
LCB3Emmanuel McDaniel5-10167Sr.
C. Michigan
LT98Mitch Panchula6-3275Sr.
MG72Carl Barth6-4300Sr.
RT77Travis Allen64260Jr.
OLB47Nate Simington6-2230Sr.
ILB53Cory Gildersleeve6-2230Sr.
ILB50Charlie Bush6-2225Jr.
OLB95Greg Spranger6-3220Jr.
SCB12Shawn Williams5-9175So.
SS16Chad Murphy6-1180Sr.
FS10Quincy Wright6-1190Jr.
WCB23Jason Husband6-0175Jr.
QB7Chad Darnell6-0185Sr.
TB40Damon Tolbert5-7175Sr.
FB38Chad Frazier6-1230Sr.
SB14Grant Elmquist5-10170Sr.
SE86Bryan Schorman6-1180So.
TE85Adam Simonson6-5235So.
LT79Scott Rehberg6-8320Sr.
LG66Bryan Carpenter6-3290Sr.
C51Brock Gutierrez6-4290Sr.
RG63Derek vander Merwe6-3280Sr.
RT64Bary Glowacki6-4290Jr.

September 14,1995
The End Zone
Libiano Continues ECU Linebacking Tradition
Phot Courtesy of ECU SID
Butkus Award candidate Mark Libiano needs just four tackles
against Central Michigan to reach the 300 tackle milestone.
Aaron Wilson
End Zone Assistant Editor
Four years ago an ECU assistant
coach named Bob Slowik was recruiting
a tall, athletic tight end prospect who was
a pretty good defensive player too, very
instinctive and quick. The prospect was
from a small, steel town called Easton,
Pa. known for high school football and a
great heavyweight boxer named Larry
Holmes. A place where hard work and
pride are most valued and football is king.
The young man stood nearly 6-foot-4 and
was considering big schools like Florida
State, Pitt, Penn St. and Virginia Tech.
He holds his high school's record for
receptions, yardage, touchdowns and was
named by several newspaper's as Player
of the Year. The athlete was selected to
the prestigious Big 33 All Star Game,
drawing comparisons to Hall of Famer
tight end and Alliquippa, Pas favorite
son Mike Ditka. Every Super Bowl has had
a player on at least one of the teams who
participated in the high school classic.
Slowik kept after him with the
thought in the back of his mind that this
young man would become something spe-
cial, definitely a college standout, maybe
even go on to the NFL ranks.
The lure of going to a smaller Divi-
sion I school and playing right away ap-
pealed to the player. The linebacking tra-
dition of 1st round draft pick and start-
ing middle linebacker Robert Jones of the
Dallas Cowboys and fellow standouts,
Vinson Smith (Chicago Bears) and George
Koonce (Green Bay Packers) impressed
him. His older brother played for a big
school (Penn St.) and never got to play.
What if he got lost in the shuffle too?
The decision was made to be a Pi-
rate that winter and when he arrived for
school, Slowik who was going to coach
him as inside linebacker's coach and de-
fensive coordinator had taken another job
coaching linebackers for Dallas. He still
played as a true freshman, for former line-
backer coach Chuck Pagano (currently
secondary coach for Miami (Fla.) making
27 tackles and even intercepted a pass
and blocked a punt in his first collegiate
game against Cincinnati. Older guys like
Jerry Dillon, Ernie
"Sack" Lewis and Tony
Davis sort of took him
under their wing and
taught him a lot about
the college game.
His speed, quick-
ness and big frame had
coaches excited about
his potential and with
a lot of hard work in
hard-nosed strength
coach, Jeff Connors'
weight room even
started to add some weight. That was four
years ago though, the skinny freshman
has grown up into an All-American. Mark
Libiano is a senior Butkus Award candi-
date and ECU'S next professional line-
He weighs in at nearly 240 pounds
now, up 25 pounds from the 215 he
played at as a freshman. He bench presses
380 pounds and still is quick and fast
with a 4.7-40 yard dash and 34 inch ver-
tical leap. He is mentioned in the same
sentence with other top linebackers in the
296 tackles, 16 tackles for loss, four
sacks and two interceptions tucked firmly
under his belt Libiano is The Sporting
News Pre-Season Independent Defensive
Player of the Year. He is coming off a
season in which he made 135 tackles,
including 21 against Tulsa also knock-
ing down a pass to preserve the win.
Still several things are missing. All
of his honors and statistics don't matter
next to winning a bowl game and having
two straight winning seasons. He has been
through the tough times playing on a tal-
ented 5-6 squad and a injury riddled 2-9
year. Being compared to Robert Jones and
others doesn't mean as much as leaving
a mark. This senior wants to win every
time out and prove that East Carolina plays
big time football, just as good as the big
schools he turned down. Mark Libiano still
feels like he has something to prove.
"I just want this team to win Libiano
said. "The only way to get respect is to
earn it. You have to work for that. Every
year I have been playing football I set
goals. If we win games and I play well
and I become an All-American, good, but
the first thing is we have to win and play
well as a team. I still feel like I can im-
prove on a lot of things
Being unsatisfied has a lot to do with
his success, inspiring him to play better.
He remembers the bad times and how
quickly they could go back to losing foot-
ball games. Last week's upset of Syra-
cuse can quickly become this week's Cen-
tral Michigan victory.
That is why he keeps
hustling, working
hard in practice.
Libiano excels in
pursuit, always in the
right place at the right
time. His speed and
range helps him to
make a lot of plays,
usually leading the Pi-
rates in tackles. A
good, technical ball
player he doesn't al-
ways do things the coach's way, some-
times relying on instinct and raw talent
to get the job done.
"I don't always play the defense ex-
actly like it is coached Libiano said.
"Instinctiveness is a big part of what kind
of player I am. I won't let them coach
that out of me. Sometimes I see things
that tell me what will happen before the
ball is snapped
Libiano has become acquainted with
Robert Jones over the years and didn't
think much of him at first. Seems Jones
didn't like being compared to the younger
player and was outspoken ?bout that. This
summer in town for the Michael Jordan
Gold Classic a more secure and estab-
lished Dallas Cowboy middle linebacker
296 tackles, 16
tackles for loss,
four sacks and two
tucked firmly
under his belt
spoke to the next-in-line and asked how
he was doing, wanted to tell him how he
noticed how well he was playing. The two
aren't exactly friends, yet, but there is a
mutual respect between them.
ESPN commentator and NFL Draft
expert Mel Kiper is a big fan of Libiano.
He has the linebacker rated the No. 6 pros-
pect at his position for this spring's 1996
NFL Draft, a player capable of playing both
inside or outside. Sort of like a Jack Lam-
bert or in modern football, Bill
Romanowski of the Philadelphia Eagles.
"One of my biggest assets is that can
play mike or will linebacker or line up out-
side over the tight end Libiano said. "You
have to be versatile and flexible, that's what
the pro scouts are looking for. A lot of the
guys I played in the Big 33 with are in the
pro's Ty Law (1st round pick of New En-
gland Patriots out of Michigan, cornerback)
and Lorenzo Styles (2nd round draft pick
of Atlanta Falcons at linebacker)
Head coach Steve Logan has noticed
the talent of the Pennsylvania linebacker
also. Although, Logan is noted as a offen-
sive genius and innovator he hasn't coached
much defensive football. Still, over the years
he has seen a lot of good ones come and
go and is sure that Libiano is one of the
"Robert had a little more size than
Mark, but they are very similar in terms of
speed and ability Logan said. "Mark has
his own style, though. No question when
you evaluate him that he can play as a Mike
or play outside in a pro 4-3
As a senior the Construction Manage-
ment major has a broad view of ECU's place
in the world of college athletics. He doesn't
want ECU to settle for Conference USA
membership. He thinks they should be in
the Big East, definitely over Temple. Stay-
ing an independent and earning better
winning percentages than Notre Dame ap-
peals to Libiano.
Libiano watches film almost every day
to stay on top of his opponents. Central
Michigan tapes have been wound and re-
wound several times. It is almost time to
play, time to hit. Monotonous drills and
practice don't bother Libiano, it is sort of
like putting money in the bank for him. He
always keeps the lack of respect for East
Carolina football in the back of his mind.
"A lot of guys I know from the big
schools like the way we play Libiano said.
"They act surprised that we can do so well,
without being in a conference. We use that
respect thing as a motivator, a chip on our
shoulder. This is my fourth year playing for
Coach Logan so we both have learned a lot.
I know I want to go out a winner and what
happens after that, happens after that

The End Zone
September 14,1995
Koonce earning respect in NFL
Brian Paiz
End Zone Editor
One of the Green Bay Packers supe-
rior free agent signees in recent years
has been former ECU star George
Koonce. The Vanceboro, N.C. native was
one of the most pleasant surprises in the
Packers camp in 1992, after having a
stellar career in the World Football
League. Koonce always new that if he
worked hard that his dream of playing
in the NFL would come true, even after
the Atlanta Falcons cut him on the final
day of training camp in 1991.
"I worked very hard. I wasn't drafted
out of college, so I went to the World
League and tried to improve myself. Then
Green Bay came along and picked me
up. I always knew I had talent
Koonce, who plays both inside and
outside linebacker for the Packers, led
the team in tackles in 1993, and last
season he took on a new position called
the "Plugger" linebacker spot. He is a
fourth year starter for Green Bay.
"I keep doing what I need to do
Koonce said.
"He's an exceptional athlete said
Packers linebacker coach Bob Valasente.
"He's got a real belly to be involved in
every play
One of George's teammates is future
NFL Hall of Famer Reggie White. White,
who is in his third season with the Pack-
ers is a big influence on and off the field
for Koonce.
"Reggie is a great guy said Koonce.
"He is the best ever to play his position
Another player that Koonce is very
fond of is former Packers star Sterling
Sharpe, who was forced to leave the
game in '95 due to a chronic neck prob-
"It hurt a lot when Sterling had to
leave us said Koonce. "Sterling was our
go to guy, and he also helped the younger
players on the team
Koonce played at ECU for two sea-
sons, after transferring from Chowan Jun-
ior College in 1989. At ECU, Koonce re-
corded 107 total tackles, 59 which were
solo. Koonce had eight sacks in his ca-
reer, and earned second team All-South
Independent honors from the Associated
Press in 1990.
Koonce says he was very happy to
be a Pirate, and that he would not give
up the feeling of playing in Greenville
for anything.
"ECU is a wonderful place to go to
of athletics
Ward Mnliiinr Building � Cmwflk, MC 27HSH-4 s �, I
: 'ilVM'S-4V�� I
Dear ECU Students:
What a great welcome home after the Syracuse game at the airport. On behalf of the Pirate team
and staff I thank each of you that took the time to come and give us such a spirited welcome.
These greetings after big wins are becoming an ECU tradition.
This Saturday is our first home game for 1995. Tradition is a big part of any successful program.
Over the previous few years some new traditions have begun at ECU: First DownPirates the
team entrance with everyone on their feet in unison with air raid sirens and Rock n' Roll Pan
II. and cannon blast after each score. And, of course, the longstanding "Hey, Hey, ECYou Look
So Good To Me" cheer has been around for years.
Beyond continuing the things mentioned above, there are four important things I encourage you
to do in 1995. I) Follow the Marching Pirates and cheerleaders up College Hill for a spirited pre-
game parade; 2) be in your seats .10 minutes before the gamelets have a pregame pep rally and
then cheer for your team the entire fuotball game until the final horn sounds; 3) be sure you're
on your feet making noise for the team entrance; and 4) on third down plays for the opposing
team, stand up and get loud.
This is your team and your school. Take pride in the purple and gold, fill the stands, display
good sportsmanship to our visitors and be responsible in your actions before, dunag and after
the games.
Give your team the best opportunity to win with a spinted home field advantage. I will guarantee
you this: if you fill up the stands early and make noise to the final horn, we will give it
everything we have on the field to make you proud!
You are special! You are an ECU Pirate! Get Loud and Be Proud!
Head Football Coach
ECU Pirates
school Koonce said. "The school is
growing rapidly. "I rode through cam-
pus this summer and it's just unbeliev-
able the expansion that has occurred "
Koonce isn't the only former Pirate
that is starring in the NFL, as Vinson
Smith is playing for Chicago, Robert
Jones is with the Cowboys and Jeff Blake
is with the Bengals. Koonce says that
ECU players are respected around the
"Most NFL players know that ECU
football players play hard every down
"We are very well respected Koonce
In his spare time Koonce is enrolled
at the business school at St. Norbert Col-
lege in Wisconsin. He also works on be-
half of Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
and Athletes for Youth. He plays shoot-
ing guard for the Packers basketball team
George Koonce
in the off season. Koonce also has a six
year old son named Bryan.
ECU 38
Brian Paiz
End Zone Editor
WZMB Sports Director
"Pirates get one step closer to earning a birth in the
Top 25
Aaron Wilson
End Zone Asst. Editor
ECU 42
"Pirates react well to sucess, don't become com-
placent after Syracuse win"
Steve Gowan ECU 35
Pirate Sports Network CMU 10
"Solid home opening performance
Stephanie Lassiter ECU 28
Editor-in-Chief CMU 7
"Pirate slashing their way to Memphis
Brian Bailey ECU 31
Sports Director WNCT CMU 10
"Jette's defense steps up and makes big plays.
Rodney Young ECU 35
End Zone Guest Picker CMU 14
"Chippewa's can't handle Pirate offense

September 14,1995
The End Zone
JC Transfer Strong Leader for Pirates
Aaron Black
Aaron Wilson
End Zone Assistant Editor
A highly touted junior college transfer
usually jumps right into the starting lineup,
plays well for a year or two, then moves on
to the professional ranks. For Aaron Black,
East Carolina's starting Leo (Outside Line-
backer) the road hasn't been quite that
smooth since he came to ECU in the spring
of 1994 from Forest City, Iowa's Waldorf
Community College.
His first year he played in all 12 games
as a backup linebacker and defensive line-
man, but never broke the starting lineup
over standout rush end Willie Brookins, a
physical, speedy player who just missed
making the Carolina Panthers' opening day
roster as a rookie free agent. Playing be-
hind a great player like Brookins didn't
bother Black but he did get a try out at
several positions before settling at his out-
side linebacker position.
He lined up at inside linebacker against
Auburn and played both nose guard and
tackle for half the season. All of the shift-
ing didn't bother Black, a easy going per-
son who describes his off-field demeanor as
"laid back"
"I didn't mind learning all of those
positions because it made me a better foot-
ball player Black said. "It made me more
versatile, If you can play more than one
position it makes you more valuable to the
team. I just took the attitude that I would
keep working hard wherever I was playing
and my time would come
Waiting for his chance was nothing new
for the Finance major from Primghar, Iowa.
Primghar is a small town of approximately
951 residents. Black grew up working in
his parent's feed store. A small community
where working hard is what is valued highly
and everybody knows each other.
South O'Brien High School is where
Black started his football career and he
quickly became a standout, leading them to
two conference championships. His senior
season was his best when he totaled 60 tack-
les and five sacks on defense and caught
35 passes for 450 yards. But, the Iowa's
and Iowa State's of the college football world
didn't come calling. Black was a ready-made
Division I football player with size, speed
and good grades. The roads to Primghar
aren't frequented often by recruiters who
stick to the big city schools in Davenport,
Ames and Iowa City.
Rebuffed by most major colleges, Black
enrolled at Waldorf, in nearby Forest HilL.
Lettering two years he was a All-Region se-
lection, leading the Warriors to a the con-
ference championship and RCA Cola Bowl.
He and fellow ECU recruit Ben Fossey (left
school before 1995 season) visited the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh and considered visit-
ing Miami (Fla.) before deciding to become
After last season Black worked hard in
the off-season training diligently -with
strength coach Jeff Connors. The physical
improvements were obvious on his 6-foot-
4, 255 pound frame, improving his bench
press to 350 pounds and his squat to 615
pounds. His speed improved too, clocking
a 4.88-40 yard dash this spring.
A strong spring practice followed in
which he rushed the passer well and be-
came a tough run stopper impressing rush
end coach David Blackweil.
"Aaron is the kind of guy who never
makes a mistake Blackweil said. "He is a
very heady player who is very effective
against the run and rushes the passer well
After final exams Black stayed in
Greenville over the summer for workouts,
everything going well until Independence
Day, Jury 4, 1995. He felt sick and con-
sulted a doctor. After a examination he was
diagnosed with a stomach virus which didn't
get better after a few days. He went to the
hospital again, this time to the emergency
room where he was diagnosed correctly this
time after exploratory surgery with a rup-
tured appendices. The ruptured part was
removed and the wound was left open for
four days before being sealed with sutures.
Black had never experienced pain like
this on the football field. He couldn't eat
solid food and quickly lost 25 pounds. Team-
mates and coaches came by to visit and he
quickly was able to leave the hospital and
visit with his parents. After a week or so of
sitting on the couch Black became very un-
happy and frustrated at not being able to
work out and that everyone assumed he
would redshirt this year and play next sea-
"Redshirting was not an option for me
personally Black said. "I wanted to coo-
tribute to this team. I prayed a lot and I just
felt like God was looking out for me. I was
determined to play this season
Rehabilitation went well, so well that
Black was competing for a starting job mid-
way through fall camp. He started the opener
against Tennessee and upset victory over
Syracuse, totaling five tackles and two pass
deflections and quarterback pressures. His
steady style of play helped to contain dan-
gerous option quarterback Donavan McNabb
on the option.
"He has come a long way since that
appendicitis Coarh Blackweil said. "It is a
tribute to him, for him to be even playing
let alone starting is amazing. He is just a
great role model and leader for this football
Blackweil who has coached both
Brookins and Tampa Bay Buccaneers and
Green Bay Packers outside linebacker Ber-
nard Carter doesn't have Black rated far
behind the two former Pirate standouts.
"Pure talent wise he is not as gifted as
Willie and Bernard Blackweil said. "He is
a very good technique football player who
always plays hard
Black's style of play is definitely, a hard-
nosed one, going hard every play in pursuit
of the ball carrier. It is one that has served
him well over the years from Primghar, Iowa
to Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium Saturday versus
the Central Michigan Chippewas.
"It just goes back to high school where
I learned how to work hard and play hard
Black said. "In Iowa high school football
there isn't a lot of talent, but the kids play
real haid and give it everything they got
Pirate Cheerleaders
At every Pirate football game, you can always see the ECU
cheerleading squad help lead the Pirates to a victory.
Dear ECU students.
Unless you were under a rock somewhere this past weekend, you all know that our Pirates
had a remarkable come-from-behind victory Saturday afternoon. Our pirates rall.ed, from
a 21-0 deficit to squeeze past the 20th ranked Orangemen from Syracuse and win 27-24
on the road These come-from-behind wins are exciting to be a part of, even though I m
sure Coach Logan and his staff don't enjoy the excitement as much as the fans do!
aii of you are aware this Saturday is our first home game of the
1995 Season. We want everyone ready to enjoy the experience of a college football
afternoon For home games this year we are going to do something different that should
be a lot of fun, but WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to make it a success.
On Saturday at 12:15 pm everyone congregate at the bottom of college hill. We
encourage all the student body to join us in this area - empty the dorms and take to the
streets! After assembling we will storm the hill to the Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium for our
pre-game pep rally!
Let's make this a season to remember here at East Carolina University! It is up to each
one of us to get behind, our Pirates and show these visiting schools that ECU has arrived
as a top college football program. This is OUR TEAM and OUR SCHOOL so let's get
together and pack the stadium and make SOme nOlSe!
We will see you there!
Coach Chris Penhollow
ECU Cheerleaders
Pirate Mascot

The End Zone
September 14,1995
CMU walk-on suprising doubters
Eric Herter
Central Michigan Life Staff Writer
Bryan Schorman proved the critics
wrong last Saturday against Weber State.
Junior quarterback Chad Darnell passed for
165 yards on Saturday and seemed to find
a favorite target in Schorman. Darnell hit
the 6-foot-1 wideout for five of his 10
completion's for 97 yards and two touch-
Not bad for a former walk-on.
Last season Schorman came to CMU
without a scholarship and not knowing if
he would even make the squad.
"Sure I had offers from Division II
schools, but I thought that I had talent to
play at the Division I level Schorman said.
This season he finds himself starting
as wide receiver and, at least early on,
seems to be Darnell's favorite target.
"I don't know if I'm Chad's favorite
receiver Schorman said.
But I'm a tall lanky receiver, so I give
the quarterback a good target to throw
Schorman a redshirt freshman from
Iron Mountain in Michigan's Upper Penin-
sula, mentioned that this year's group of
receivers has taken a lot of criticism for
not having experience.
"I think that is all speculation
Schorman said. "The coaches and receiv-
ers have worked really hard on improving
our abilities for this season
CMU coach Dick Flynn said all of the
receivers have played well thus far.
" I feel he said, "that we have this
part of our offense headed in the right
direction and that they are going to get
better game by game
Critics had doubted that CMU would
have much of a passing attack after losing
their top seven pass catchers in the last
year and a half for various reasons.
Schorman said the offense enjoys the
physical offensive line Central possesses .
He said they give Darnell a lot of time to
throw the ball and allow the receivers to
find open spots in the defense's second-
Schorman's biggest strength as a re-
ceiver is running with the ball after the
That talent was no more evident than
in the third quarter when he caught a pass
over a WSU defender and then broke away
for a 40-yard score after a nice cut-back to
the left to elude-a would-be tackier.
Teammates often jokingly boast
Schorman s being the "fastest man in the
U.P because of his 4.5 speed in the 40
yard dash. He showed his speed off all
Show your Pirate Pride!
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Sale apparel selection and discount may vary
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to sale prices.
Centrally located on campus, in the Wright Building, just off Wright Circle919-328-6731
More than just booksyour dollars support scholars
game as he regularly oeat WS U's pass
As far as critics are concerned, Bryan
Schorman won't mind if they continue to
guess wrong. CMU definitely has a pass-
ing game.
TOP 25
Associated Press
2. Nebraska
3. Texas A&M
4. Florida
5. Auburn
6. Southern Cal.
7. Penn. State
8. Tennessee
9. Colorado
10. Ohio State
11. Michigan
12. UCLA
13. Alabama
14. Oklahoma
15. Texas
16. Virginia
17. Arizona
18. Washington
19. Miami
20. Oregon
21. Air Force
22. K. State
23. Georgia
24. Notre Dame
25. Northwestern
The End Zone
2. Texas A&M
3. Nebraska
4. Florida
5. Southern Cal.
6. Aubun
7. Tennessee
8. Colorado
9. Michigan
10. Ohio State
11. Texas
12. Oklahoma
13. UCLA
14. Miami
15. Virginia
16. Washington
17. Alabama
18. Oregon
19. Air Force
20. Georgia
21. Boston College
22. K. State
23. Purdue
24. East Carolina
25. Northwestern
These lists are compiled
writers of the End Zone and
by the Associated Press.

September 14,1995
The End Zone
Liberty Bowl Alliance
Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium has a capacity of 36,000, and this
year ECU officials are hoping that Pirate fans will be filling
all the seats for every home game.
� ?
� �
Photos Courtesy of ECU SID
East Carolina
Southern Miss
This weeks games
Southern Miss, at Utah St.
Cincinnati at Virginia Tech.
SW Louisiana at Memphis
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The East Carolinian, September 14, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 14, 1995
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