The East Carolinian, September 12, 1995

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September 12,1995
Vol 71, No. 06
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
14 pases
Downtown crowds maced
Saturday's crowd
too much for
Greenville police
J. Miles Layton
Staff Writer
Greenville Police sprayed pep-
per gas into noisy downtown
crowds late Saturday night.
Several hundred students and
Pirate fans went to Fifth Street bars
to celebrate ECU's victory over
Syracuse. Around 2 a. m the street
was clogged with people which
prompted several policeman to try
and disperse the crowds. After
shouting into bullhorns to leave the
downtown area, students responded
on both sides of the street with
"F the police
Seargent Bo Jackson of the
Greenville Police Department said
the crowd was getting unruly and
blocking the street.
"A public street is open for ve-
hicular traffic and by getting the
ECU students to disperse, we are
looking out for their safety Jack-
son said.
According to Jackson, crowds
began to throw things at officers.
"Some of the people began to
throw stuff at officers and one was
hit twice he said.
Jackson said that when people
failed to disperse, officers began to
spray Capston gas into the crowds.
Capston gas, a deriative of pepper
gas, causes eyes to tear up and
lungs and air passages to burn.
During the melee, police took
four into custody and charged them
with disorderly conduct. Sixteen
others were cited for impeding traf-
fic and there were four ABC viola-
Jackson said this was not like
Halloween because the street was
not closed off making it dangerous
to pedestrians.
"There's a possibilty that some
crazy guy could have just decided
to mow down anybody in his path
Jackson said.
Sensing the danger, police
sprayed gas into the crowds.
Freshman Stacy Jones did not
hear any warning prior to the pep-
per gas.
"I was sitting next to Subway
and all of a sudden I felt my throat
burn Jones said. "I started sneez-
ing and the worst part - my chest
locked up. This meaning I have
asthma and I had no prior warning
and, for the first time had a se-
vere asthma attack.
"If I did not have my inhaler
on me, I would have dropped to the
ground and probably would have
been trampled. I did not come to
ECU to get maced or attacked
Gretchen Klein, Junior
Yes, because we pay
such high prices for the
cafeteria food which is
somewhat decent ? so,
why can't we have fast
food chains for the same
price or even cheaper?
Jamie Caviness, second
degree student
No, I think a mid-morning
snack should cost
Jeremy McCullen, senior
Yes, Campus food
services are a rip-off.
Taesha Inman, sophomore
Yes, because the cost of
the meal plans are too
high. The school feels that
they are helping you, but
they are just making
money off of you. It would
be cheaper to have it on
Photo by KEN CLARK
Student Government Vice
President Dale Emery thinks the
police were justified.
"I could see why the cops were
as harsh as they were Emery said.
He said he saw a car full of girls
stop in the middle of the street
while a bunch of guys came and just
sat on the hood.
"That could have been my sis-
ter, or my mom, or my grand-
mother he said. "If it had been any
of those three or anybody else I
know, and they were as terrified as
those girls were, then I feel that in
that instance, as well a couple of
others, they were justified.
"But it is obviously wrong to
walk down the street and randomly
spray anybody and everybody
While standing in front of
Earthly Creations, Emery said he
got sprayed.
"I didn't enjoy getting a mouth
full of pepper gas
Gregory Joyner was talking to
See CROWD page 3
Pirate pride
Photo by KEN CLARK
Members of ECU'S football team lean out of their bus to greet enthusiastic Pirate fans.
ECU came home victorious from New York after beating Syracuse 27-24.
Injured student taken off life support
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
The world is a sadder place for the
many loved ones of James Calhoun, Jr.
who passed away early Monday morn-
ing. Calhoun, ECU junior majoring in
Business Administration was one of the
managers for the basketball team and
member of the Event Staff for the ath-
letic department
Calhoun was paralyzed from the
neck down after a diving accident at
Emerald Isle Beach in Carteret County,
Spt 2. He received extensive injuries
including fractures to his fifth verte-
brae as well as spinal cord damage.
Calhoun suffered a stroke that night
and remained in a deep coma until
yesterday. After all medical options had
been discussed, the decision to take
him off life support was made by the
He is survived by his parents
James Sr. and Sandra Calhoun and his
two older sisters Michelle and Linda.
His girlfriend Tonya Oxendine is an
ECU student and member of the Lady
Pirate softball team.
The 20-year-old Rocky Mount na-
tive was a standout in several sports
at Rocky Mount Academy, earning All-
Conference mention in basketball and
baseball. He also coached Little-League
baseball this past summer, his team ad-
vanced to the playoffs.
He aspired to become a coach or
athletic director at the collegiate level.
Described as a fierce competitor,
Calhoun's enthusiasm and caring made
a big impact on the youths he came in
contact with.
"Jim is the type of kid you want
your kids to grow up to be like
Calhoun's uncle Terry Barbour said.
"He wasn't perfect but he was a very
good, decent young man who cared
about others and left a positive impres-
sion on everyone he met the kind of
person you felt good about leaving in
charge of your children. He loved kids
and they loved him
The Calhoun's never gave up hope
for this special young man, praying and
praying for a miracle. His girlfriend
Tonya may have
put it best with
these words.
"Jim will al-
ways have a special
place in my heart"
she said. "I will
never forget the
past six months
because they were
the best He will al-
ways be with me
Funeral ser-
vices will be con-
ducted at 11 a.m
Wednesday morn-
ing at the Johnson
I amily Funeral
Home Chapel on
Fairview Road in
Rocky Mount The
family will be re-
ceiving friends and
loved ones this
Tuesday night be-
tween 7 and 8:30
p.m. at the funeral
Photo Courtesy of Tonya Oxendine
James Calhoun and his girlfriend Tonya
Oxendine before his death Mcnday. TEC
incorrectly printed the wrong picture in
last Thursday's paper.
Holiday accident
kills student
Tambra Zlon
News Editor
Another ECU student has been
killed in an automobile accident.
Karl Dwight Righter, 25, died
Friday, Sept. 1 in a motorcycle ac-
cident in North Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Righter was pronounced dead
at the scene after he was struck by
a Cadillac crossing in front of his
path at U.S. 17 and 33rd Avenue
South. According to an article in
The Daily Reflector, Righter was
not wearing a helmet at the time
of the incident, but the driver of
the vehicle was expected to face
"Karl was a very people ori-
ented person, he enjoyed being
around people said Betty Righter,
Karl's mother. "He would always
wear a big smile and people would
remember him by that
Funeral services were held at
11 a.m. on Sept. 4 in Knightdale.
He was buried in Bethany Chapel
Cemetary. Righter's family asked
that any memorials be made to the
ECU School of Medicine.
"He had expressed interest in
it (medical school) Righter said.
She is hoping other students
and victims will be able to gain
from the loss of her son through
"He was a friend to anybody -
even in elementary school one of
his teachers said she would sit
the new students next to Carl
Righter said. She said her son had
a way of making people feel com-
fortable and getting to know them.
A member of the Kappa Alpha
fraternity, Righter had at one time
hoped to go to medical school.
"He always had the highest
GPA said Mart Wooddal, fellow
KA and Righter's friend.
Righter had worked as a life-
guard in North Myrtle Beach for
quite a while, Wooddal said.
"We're from the same home-
town; he was my roommate said
KA Jason Warren. "We lived to-
gether at the beach. He was always
happy. Nothing in the world could
get him down
Warren said Righter enjoyed
playing basketball, football and
wrestling. He was very athletic and
according to Warren, "He was good
in all sports
Students connect
at Career Day
Recruiters travel
from all over state
to inform students
Staff Reports
Career Services and the School
of Business will sponsor its annual
Career Day on Tuesday, Sept. 19.
"Career Day is open to any stu-
dent that wants to work in a busi-
ness environment said Margie
Swartout, assistant director of Career
Career Day is also an opportu-
nity for students to meet and talk
with the 55 recruiters scheduled to
"This year we will also have rep-
resentatives from government agen-
cies Swartout said.
Career Services stressed the im-
portance of students doing some re-
search on the companies they think
they may be interested in before
meeting with the recruiters. Students
can find information on most of the
agencies that will be attending in the
Career Services Building. She also
suggested seniors should look pro-
fessional and carry a resume for po-
tential interview opportunities.
"Students need to make a good
impression Swartout said. "This is
the initial contact with recruiters
who will return to do interviews in
the spring
Career day will be set up the
same as in the past. Representatives
from different companies will have
tables set up on the first and third
floors of the General Classroom
Building and students can visit the
"A lot of these companies come
back later in the year to conduct in-
terviews Swartout said. "We usu-
ally get from around 400 to 500 (stu-
dents) and they're from all depart-
ments with the exception of educa-
tion and health majors because we
have separate career days for them
The business career day is fo-
cused toward students in their junior
and senior years, but all majors and
classes are invited to attend. Career
days will also be scheduled for educa-
tion and allied health majors later this
semester and in early spring.
"Business Career Day is a wide
variety of employers its more infor-
mational - it allows students to ex-
plore possibilities in different careers
Swartout said.
Food fight in campus diningpage O
Are we our own worst enemy?page Q
How it feels to be a winnerpage
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Tuesday, September 12,1995
The East Carolinian
Dining services
says no to chains
Tambra Zion
News Editor
North Carolina State has them,
Chapel Hill has them, so why doesn't
Dining Services allow competitive food
chains here at ECU?
Referred to as branded concepts,
Director of Dining Services Frank
Salamon has several reasons for not hav-
ing them on ECU'S campus.
"Creatively, we feel we're getting
good mileage out of our units, since they
are our units we have total flexibility
to come in and mix and match different
food items in combination or try and
experiment with different things
Salamon said.
Vice Chancellor for Student Life Dr.
Alfred Matthews agrees that ECU allows
for a great deal of flexibility through its
current food service.
"Aramark has an exclusive con-
tract Matthews said. 'They're able to
put together a complete food service. We
started in 1988 with basically no food
service at all the program has been
built since then
Salamon said there is also a cost to
working with national brands. A percent-
age of revenue earned from such sales
would have to be paid to the parent com-
pany in order to gain advertising, licens-
ing rights and so forth.
Randy Lait, business manager for
University Dining at North Carolina State
University said the cost is worth the busi-
Lait said meal plan purchases from
upperclassmen have actually increased
since the introduction of branded con-
cepts at State a few years ago, and the
revenues brought in outweigh any fees
paid to the parent company.
"It gives you a real stamp of approval
in quality Lait said. "Anybody can make
a taco, but Taco Bell has it down to a
Salamon said external factors must
also be considered when deciding
whether or not to allow any branded
concepts on campus. Because ECU is a
major economic presence in Greenville,
Salamon said several factors have to be
taken into consideration.
"It helps the off-campus brand be-
cause it increases awareness, it increases
customer acceptance of the brand
Salamon said. "And then of course the
other, opposite school of thought is that
it hurts the local franchise because in-
stead of people leaving the campus to
get their Taco Bell tacos, they can stay
right there
Salamon said ECU's current food
services are a great deal and offer stu-
dents variety.
"In food that we make, burgers,
chicken, pizza and wokery sandwiches.
I'm very comfortable with where we are
in comparison to the marketplace, we do
market studies as well as anyone else
Salamon said.
He said the high priced bottled soda
prices and other convenience items car-
ried on campus are areas he constantly
struggles with. Salamon said he could
choose not to offer items such as bottled
drinks and other similar products but
"I don't have that kind of luck, my cus-
tomers demand that convenience
Although he said the idea is always
under consideration, Salamon said there
are no plans for competitive chains such
as Burger King and Taco Bell on cam-
pus at this time.
"We don't have any definite plans
right now to introduce any branded con-
cepts, we never know what the future
holds Salamon said. "We are success-
fully building our business right now we
are in an expansion phase without na-
tional brands
Salamon said any profits made by
dining services are reinvested in the pro-
gram to provide improved facilities such
as Todd Dining Hall and an expansion
for The Wright Place. Programs and ac-
tivities are also provided through dining
services at a cost to the organization,
Salamon said. Dining services often funds
activities such as Midnight Madness and
Mardi Gras.
Seminar teaches dressing for success
Holly Hagey
Staff Writer
Imagine going in for an inter-
view with a firm for a position
which you are well qualified and
not getting the posuion because of
the way you are dressed.
The ECU School of Business
hosted a beneficial seminar to com-
bat this problem last week.
The third annual Professional
Dress and Demeanor Program was
presented on Thursday, Sept. 7 in
Mendenhall Great Rooms two and
three from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
In the past, concern was ex-
pressed that many ECU students
did not dress appropriately for job
"Some on-campus recruiters
confided in me that they saw a
weakness in the preparation of our
students for interviews and one of
the concerns was the appearance
of our students not wearing profes-
sional dress sponsor Dr. Douglas
Schneider said.
Two parts make up the pro-
gram, one addressing professional
demeanor in business situations
and the other part dealing with pro-
fessional attire. Proper attire for
women as well as men was dis-
played by managers of The Casual
Corner and Brody's.
"The program, I think, has had
some positive impact Schneider
said. "Some of the recruiters have
noticed a difference in the appear-
ance of the students. They seem to
be better prepared for the inter-
views. The job market is so com-
petitive now that recruiters are
looking for any excuse to eliminate
someone from consideration
Important tips, such as appro-
priate colors for business suits and
how to prepare for answering ques-
See DRESS page 3
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DRESS from page 2 CROWD from page 1
tions, were discussed, as well as a
variety of other topics concerning
interviews and office visits.
Schneider said this program is es-
pecially beneficial for ECU stu-
"I think our students are at a
little bit of a competitive disadvan-
tage as compared to students in the
triangle area because recruiters
have to travel two hours here
Schneider said. "We have to make
certain that when recruiters come
out here that our students are given
every bit as much opportunity as
students at North Carolina State,
Chapel Hill and so forth
friends when he got "maced
"I was maced as I was stand-
ing on the sidewalk talking to my
friends about where we were going
to go next Joyner said. "After an
exciting day of watching one of the
best ECU football games, this was
just the way I wanted to end my
David Hisle heard no one shout
"I was maced and heard no 'dis-
perse' and suspected no danger
Hisle said.
Freshman Jennifer Schwan was
sitting in front of the Catalog Con-
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"I was sitting on the ledge of
the Catalog Connection talking to
friends around 2 a.m. when people
started coming out of clubs
Schwan said. "People started to get
loud and all of a sudden, a friend
of mine told me to walk, so we did
and I could not breathe.
"I was walking down Fifth
Street unable to breathe and my
eyes were tearing and watering and
I could only breathe in my shirt
Schwan can't understand why
police gave tickets to students re-
turning to campus.
"We then proceeded to the cor-
ner and the cops said to move be-
cause we were trespassing she
said. "I disagree because we moved
to ECU property and the police
started giving tickets when we go
to school at ECU
City Council Candidate Bill
Gheen was also downtown and
thinks the crowd should have been
warned better before the police
took action.
"When hundreds of innocent
bystanders are hit with pepper
mace, we are lucky that the results
of the stampede did not injure
many students Gheen said. "We
need to keep downtown safe and
peaceful for both students and
property owners, but this is going
to be hard to accomplish when the
police mace hundreds of bystand-
Homecoming 1995

'(?!?? Vr,
Homecoming 1995
i ri'i
Remembering the fast
Building for the Future.
Remembering the rait
BuMngfortbe Future.
Applications are due by 4p.m.
on Friday, September 22 in MSC 210
Checks and interdepartmental
transfers by deadline.
Homecoming 1995
Homecoming 1995
Remembering the Past.
Building for the Future.
The East Carolina University Student Union Presents
Wednesday, September 13,1995 ? 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
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This is your opportunity to join one of the Student Union's committees
and chat with committee chairpersons. f?fi?E fO O J)If ?
Homecoming 1995
Remembering the Past
Buiidingforthe Future.
Remembering the Past
Building for the Future.
Position Available for
Day-Student Representative
for ECU Student Union
Board of Directors
Deadline to Apply: Thursday, Sept 14th
Applications Available in Room 236
Mendenhall Student Center
Annual Mother Nature
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Hip Hop
Friday, September IS, 1995
Bottom of College Hill ? 7:30 PM -1! :00 PM
No Alcohol or Coolers Allowed
we're MSre tmw BAREFOOT!
For More Information, Call the
Student Union Hotline at 328-6004.

Tuesday, September 12,1995 The East Carolinian
Our View
How many
times are our
going to kick
themselves in
the butt
before they
realize they
are only
idiots of
and the
Are we never going to learn? Victory does not entitle any-
body to be stupid. The hard-fought Pirate victory is again over-
shadowed by people who gain superpowers in times of celebra-
The police and several unruly students went overboard in
their pursuit to make ECU and Greenville and better place this
weekend. Both sides lowered the banner of common decency
when one side yelled obscenitigs and the other attacked with
undue force.
Those 'innocent' students who taunted police with slogans
like "@! the police" or "Co home Pigs made a mockery of
their education, upbringing and alma mater. Why does a foot-
ball victory over Syracuse give these people the right to wreak
These misguided souls feel it is perfectly alright to humiliate
themselves and the school by getting intoxicated beyond all mea-
sure and harrassing bystanders, bartenders and policemen. Sure,
celebration is called for, but can't it just be responsible enough
not to take away from our victory. When the Pirates beat the
Wolfpack in 1987, a bunch of people stormed the field and de-
stroyed the State ECU series which cost the school millions of
dollars in game revenues. Despite a hardfought Pirate victory,
all everybody could talk about was the riot afterward. Our
credibilty was destroyed.
We are not defending the police department either. One would
almost think Barney Fife is in charge the way they love to dis-
perse crowds. The police had no right to mace this crowd. Though
unruly and stupid, this crowd was not marching to the mayor's
house with torches in their hands.
These irresponsible actions could have been a disaster. What
if someone had been trampled? What if someone blinded by the
gas had been hit by a car- Fifth Street was still open?
How can anybody explain this away? "Sir, because we over-
reacted your son got trampled when the crowds we maced dis-
persed too efficiently. Sorry
When the Tarheels won the NCAA basketball championship,
students stormed Franklin Street the same way. They were not
maced or harassed. Innocent bystanders were not herded down
to city detention centers. Students, even stupid drunk ones, still
have rights.
Eoth sides have tarnished their image. The school again re-
tains its title of an unruly animal house bent on destruction.
The police department evokes images of jack-booted thugs de-
termined to squash students.
The key to this madness is a little understanding. Though
this word may read like a politically correct, wimpy epitaph, it is
the truth. The police should remember that people are going to
get just a little unruly on such days. This is to be expected. Stu-
dents should remember the people in those uniforms are just
trying to do a job.
Maturity is something both sides should look into before
someone gets seriously hurt We have been lucky thus far but
the odds are going to run out one day. If one student or police-
man gets killed our town will be forever living under a horrible
Every time someone mentions Kent State, the image con-
jures up a riot of dead protesters and overzealous National
Guardsmen. Do we want our community remembered nationwide
as the place where people died because the Pirates beat State?
The image people should speak of when they talk about our
community is a safe place of National Champions. They should
think of a team, that against any odds, can win. In this way, we
all win.
A tobacco field trip?
The East Carolinian
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Tambra Zion, News Editor
Wendy Rountree, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff Illustrator
Erika Gohde, Production Assistant
Jeremy Lee, Production Assistant
Ken Clark, Photo Editor
Patrick Irelan, Photographer
Xiali Yang, Systems Manager
W. Jason Allen, Copy Editor
Patrick Hinson, Copy Editor
Lani Adklnson, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel,Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Buildinp ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919)
Why China for women's conference?
In one of the biggest jokes in the
recent international scene. China has
been selected to host a world confer-
ence on women. From Aug. 30 to
Sept. 15, delegates from 170 sover-
eign nations will attend the United
Nations Fourth World Conference on
Women in Beijing, China. What is the
joke? No country has abused and op-
pressed more women than China.
Beijing holding a conference for
women's rights is like the Ku Klux
Klan having a racial reconciliation
China's record is horrendous at
best. Rather than promoting freedom
for women, China has forced abor-
tion policies and laws limiting repro-
duction to one child per family. The
restrictions are so tight that China
actually monitors menstrual cycles so
it can identify young women with un-
approved pregnancies.
This is not just limited to restrict-
ing women but also destroying
women in the making. China is a
country that has murdered tens of
millions of female infants. These are
not abortions but cases of infanticide
based upon gender. The bias has
been so effective that in large parts
of China the sex-ratio favors men by
64 percent.
If that is not enough, China's
overall human rights record is another
joke that has no punch line. The
atrocities are overwhelming and even
According to World, human fe-
tuses have begun to appear on menus
Shane Deike
Opinion Columnist
Rather than
freedom for
women, China
has forced
abortion polices
of Chinese restaurants as a delicacy
and health tonic. They reported that
an Eastern Express correspondent
entered the state-run Shenzhen
Health Center for Women and Chil-
dren and requested a fetus for a
feigned illness. The next day the doc-
tor gave a small jar filled with thumb-
sized fetuses. The doctor said There
are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this
morning. You can take them. Nor-
mally, we doctors take them home to
eat - all free. Since you don't look
well, you can take them
Gross, disgusting, revolting and
even immoral are all words that come
to mind. Not the kind of policy that
seems to respect women or even hu-
man life in general. This is not just a
random event but an event that took
place at a state run facility.
But in reality we should not be
shocked that China is the sight of the
conference, because the conference
itself is not exactly on solid ground.
At the heart of the governing docu-
ments for the UN and U.S. sponsored
event are anti-family sentiments (mar-
riage is bondage), gender feminism
(gender is a product of upbringing not
nature), so called "reproductive
rights" (free and unrestricted access
to abortion as contraception) and anti-
religious rhetoric. Most of what the
conference stands for is diametrically
opposed to the beliefs and feelings of
the average American.
Countries reluctant to adopt the
ideas about abortion and safe-sex ide-
ology are not left to handle the deci-
sion on their own. The good old U.S.
will be doing a little coercion. U.S aid
programs (our tax money) will be
linked to the willingness of these gov-
ernments to implement these so called
"population control" measures. Those
that fail to participate, mainly pre-
dominately Muslim and Catholic na-
tions, will be threatened with reduced
foreign aid. The result is that coun-
tries complain because they cannot
get medical support or help in devel-
oping clean water supplies, but they
can get condoms by the truck load.
This is not just talk. President
Clinton has requested $635 million in
the 1996 budget for international
population control. Maybe "Condoms
for the World" should be next years
campaign theme. In the end the whole
issue is not a joke but an organized
attempt to allow governments to con-
trol women, not respect them.
Bottled smiles for miles and miles
Last week WNCT-TV 9 ran a story
on a group of children that took a field
trip to a local tobacco warehouse. The
event was sponsored by a group called
Friends of Tobacco. The idea here, I
guess, was to educate school children
on North Carolina's largest industry-
yeah, right
I see seven or eight guys, in three-
piece suits, sitting around a table in a
dark warehouse somewhere. One guy
says " Okay, here's the problem. We
have to think of some ways in which
we can get public exposure without
reminding anyone that our group is
dedicated to supporting one of Ameri-
cas most addictive and mortal prod-
ucts. Anybody got any ideas?" A
shorter guy on the opposite side of
the table pulls a giant cigar out of his
mouth with a cloud of smoke. As he
begins to speak, he ashes into midair
on the man sitting next to him. " If
we were to get a bunch of kids to walk
around near some tobacco we might
be able to put it on TV
The point here is that the amount
of rhetoric going on in the media
about the tobacco industry makes me
ill. I do not fault WNCT-TV 9 for run-
ning the story. They were nice enough
to provide me with a script from the
broadcast when this story was shown.
In fact 1 applaud them for giving me
Patrick Ware
Opinion Columnist
pray that
Friends of
Tobacco rethinks
the ethics of
teaching kids that
tobacco is cool.
a name to watch out for in the future.
The simple fact that this group had
the ability to convince school officials
to take children to a stinky, nasty to-
bacco warehouse is amazing.
While watching the segment
filled with pictures of children carry-
ing tobacco leaves home to their re-
frigerators- comforting thought, 1
heard some genius comments about
the standpoint that this group takes
on tobacco regulations. The news
cast reported that "The group of
down east tobacco farmers says the
government should stop meddling in
tobacco I guess while I was in class,
somebody in this special interest
group decided that the "government"
had no right to regulate a controlled
substance. Need I remind anybody
that tobacco use is not legal for ev-
I don't think that this group is
trying to fool anybody. I'm sure that
everyone involved in this group does
not think that school children should
become a part of this kind of adver-
tising. I'm also sure that there are
some that simply want to protect
their own self-interest. These being
the people who make their living
from the growth and sale of tobacco.
The number of options to tobacco
farmers who could lose income due
to the further regulation of tobacco
is limited. However, 1 think that they
have to realize how harmful tobacco
is. It is ridiculous to use children to
sway the American public.
I pray that Friends of Tobacco
rethinks the ethics of teaching kids
that tobacco is cool. Maybe this is a
glimpse of the '96 campaign to put
the virtue back into tobacco. We
might see reports of tobacco compa-
nies sponsoring "Chew till you drop
" contests for local pre-school kids.
Maybe they will hire Bill Cosby to
eat Jell-0 and give out cans of dip at
tee-ball games. At this point, noth-
ing would surprise me.
A friend of mine made a good
point once, one that gave me the great
proverbial reality check. She told me
that I was the pessimist's pessimist.
"You know how the regular pes-
simist is supposed to see the glass as
half-empty?" she queried. "Well, with
you, not only was the glass totally
empty, but someone ran off with it to
sell it for an insultingly low price at
some grubby flea market
Not true, I told her. The glass
never existed to begin with, it was just
a figment of everyone's imagination.
Depressing stuff. It's no small
wonder that she went off to enjoy
sunnier attitudes. I, of course, re-
mained behind to tend the cobwebbed
lighthouse of self-imposed misery.
Years passed, each one pressing
on me a growing aversion to glasses,
and just when I was beginning to feel
comfortable with feeling awful, a cu-
rious thing happened. I fell in love and
got engaged. The pall that had hung
over my head for 20 years skulked off
to go bother someone else.
My friends wanted to hear noth-
ing about it. Mention love in circles
these days and you'll be kicked off the
porch like a leperous weasel with its
tail on fire. The disappointed are of-
ten intolerant of other people's hap-
piness, and quite a few of them have
relegated ecstasy to anything 12
ounces with a screw-off cap.
But there's other exit doors.
There always are, for those deter-
mined to get out of Desolation Row.
For those who choose to spin the
medicinal roulette, the chemical ca-
thedral can indeed provide a possible
answer to desperate prayers.
By now everyone's either stared
straight into the face of the Prozac
Brian Wright
Opinion Columnist
Valium is old hat
by now, right
down there with
Tic-Tacs and
party foods.
Nation or have already packed up and
moved there. That big yellow smiley
face button has never loomed larger
in the sky than it has in the last three
This potential for relentless, un-
breakable calm. It smacks of a weird
cross between a Zen master and a
Stepford wife.
The pill wizards are getting bet-
ter at their job, though, or at least
more prolific. Valium is old hat by now,
right down there with Tic-Tacs and
supermarket party foods. Even Prozac
is beginning to look like a likely can-
didate for the ho-hum-may-as-well-pick-
some-up-as-long-as-I'm-out category.
HTH is the newest rung on the
ladder, or at least it was a few days
ago. It's a natural hormone for energy
and as you get older the body pro-
duces a markedly decreased amount
Although it hasn't yet been approved
by the FDA for energy elevation, doc-
tors have been administering it to se-
lect patients for just that purpose.
The results have, so far, been
quite positive: the sluggish and
grouchy are bursting with newfound
vigor and have become pleasantly easy
to get along with. HTH may win this
week's prize for New Wonder Drug.
The most immediate hitdh,
though, is the cost about $1,300 a
month. That threw some wet sand on
everyone's enthusiastic optimism,
didn't it?
How much is your happiness
worth, the nightly ration of news bytes
asked me yesterday. I didn't have an
answer, and I found that both disturb-
ing and amusing.
It's funny. When you've gone
through your hell and finally found
your relief, the question of "How
Long, 0 Lord? How Long? Where will
it all end?" (courtesy of Hunter S.
Thompson) becomes hazy in your
mind. My happiness has, for me,
blurred the sharp corners of past out-
rageous misfortunes.
Maybe I shouldn't step so hard
on the chemical road to joy, but the
thing that still bothers me about it is
the question of what happens when
the dream is over and everyone waks
up? The '60s woke up to such a gross,
mean world that the only thing they
could do was to hunker down for an-
other 10 years in a disco-doomed swirl
of bad music and worse clothes. ;
What happens when the legions
of the Calm come out of it into a world
that's been getting mor,e
depersonalized with each year's new
addition to the information superhigh-
way? At least the denizens of the Sum-
mer of Drugs had real people waiting
for them at the other end of the tun-
nel. It won't be much fun for the net
batch to look around for that friendty
shoulder and find it adorned with
volume adjustment and tint control!
"A broken bone can heal, but the
wound a word opens can fester
- Jessamyn West novsltst, poet 1979

? t

mmmmi nmmum? ,L m
Tuesday, September 12,1995 The East Carolinian
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claims to be: a very
tiny drop in the great scream-
ing bucket of American media
opinion. Take it as you will.
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
Freshmen just catch hell.
I don't think it's anything
personal, really. All of us upper-
classmen were freshmen once and
we received our fair share of teas-
ing, too. We're just sort of pass-
ing the buck. Yes, that sucks, but
you guys do look kind of pitiful
to us.
As you try to feel your way
blindly through the bewildering
experience of campus life, you're
bound to make some bonehead
mistakes, and we're bound to
laugh at you.
But let me tell all you fresh-
men now, we all made bonehead
mistakes, too.
My freshman year, for ex-
ample, was a parade of stupidity.
Besides the usual freshman er-
rors, like getting lost on campus
and buying books for the wrong
classes, I almost wrecked my aca-
demic career.
Having grown up in a
stereotypically boring small rural
town, the lure of the college so-
cial life was overwhelming. Swiftly
and systematically abandoning
study in favor of fun, I became
that ultimate college horror story
you hear from preachers, parents
and Jesse Helms. I was "cor-
rupted" by the big city.
It started small. I had this
economics class that I found sort
of boring. The main lecture was
taught by this guy who looked
like Jack Nicholson but had none
of his charm. In and of itself, that
wasn't so bad. There were about
50 other people in the room, and
we could all just anonymously
take notes.
But I also had to attend an
econ lab, which was taught by San
Sub Lee, the killer TA. By all ac-
counts, San was a nice guy, and
he certainly knew the subject mat-
ter. But he had this really heavy
Korean accent, and my Eastern
North Carolina backwater ears
couldn't understand a word he
So I stopped going to lab.
Then I stopped going to the main
lecture, too. Not surprisingly, I
didn't do very well on the next
test, and wrote the class off.
It was all downhill from
there. Once I let one class go,
another followed, and another,
until I was attending only two
This left me with loads of free
time, which I used to further my
social life. I started hanging out
with a bunch of comic book freaks
and punk rockers, leading a bi-
zarre dual life in two of the most
outcast sub-cultures on campus.
I developed unpopular political
beliefs and a taste for weird com-
ics, loud music and strange cloth-
Then there were the girls. I
learned how to meet girls that
year, girls who were as eager for
new experiences as myself. Nature
took its course, again and again.
I was experimenting at nearly
every opportunity. I won't go into
any details here, but let's just say
that I once had a conversation
with a lamp post, and leave it at
that. When I look back, I'm
amazed at how lucky I was to have
come out of it all addiction- and
I didn't escape completely
unscathed, however. I ended my
Jfreshman year in college on aca-
i See DROP page 7
Food Fight!
Campus dining
goes head-to-head
with their closest
Brandon Waddell
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Alright I've been in class for the
last three hours, and I now have a break
before my last couple classes of the day.
I'm starving. Got to get something on
my stomach before I keel over.
Where do I go to eat? Which res-
taurant is going to give me the most
for my money? Where will I get fresh,
hot, tasty food? Or at least someplace
where the food hasn't been sitting
under heat lamps since last semester?
How far away from campus will I have
to travel to fill my now-growling stom-
These questions may seem
frivilous at first glance. But neverthe-
less, these are questions we ask our-
If you have a meal card there isn't
much to decide, except maybe which
of the seven campus dining facilities
to visit Let's face it, you (or your par-
ents) have already paid for the meal
plan, and spending extra cash at
Wendy's or Miami Subs would be ri-
But for many non-meal-card-hold-
ing students, this decision is a little
more complicated. Rent's due, phone
bill's due, utilities will be cut off if not
paid by next week. Spending $5 on
each and every meal adds up quick.
In a recent interview, Frank
Salamon, director of dining services
told TEC, "In a fair apples to apples
comparison, I'm satisfied that we mea-
sure up very well compare me to
McDonald's, Hardee's or Miami Subs.
Shop and compare, I think we'll do
rather favorably
This was exactly the challenge I
eagerly anticipated. Campus dining ser-
vices has a food service monopoly at
ECU, unlike at UNC Chapel Hill, where
students can purchase Taco Bell tacos
or Burger King burgers. Alright Frank.
Let's get ready to rumble!
Chicken filet sandwiches are cur-
rently a popular menu item. Hardee's,
Wendy's, Miami Subs and campus din-
ing services all offer their own version.
Though Miami Subs' chicken filet sand-
wich is substancially larger than any
other local restaurants' version, so is
the price tag at $3.49. For 50 cents
more, Wendy's will give a chicken filet
combo. It's a smaller piece of chicken,
but fries and a soda are included.
The Spot in Mendenhall, will sell
you their grilled chicken sandwich for
$2.69. At lunchtime, campus' grilled
chicken combo (fries and a drink) costs
$2.99. The campus chicken is smaller,
but the combo is still substantially
cheaper. Salamon won this round, but
See FOOD page 6
Associate professor of
saxaphone studies Peter
Mills blows his own alto
sax with the ECU Faculty
Jazz Band, who will play
Staccato Cafe & Grille
every Thursday night this
Photo by Ken Clark
CD. Reviews
James Bond Villians
Name the actors who
played the following James
Bond villains.
1. Scaramanga (from The
Man With the Golden Gun)
2. Jaws (from Moonraker
and elsewhere)
3. Kananga (from Live and
Let Die)
4. Odd-Job (from
5. Max Zorin (from A View
to a Kill)
Answers in Thursday's issue
Psychic phenomena
lurk inside Hendrix
Photo courtesy ECU Student Union
Dear Lord, the table is rising! Hypnotistmentalist Craig
Karges visits Hendrix Theatre tomorrow night, where he
hopes to make us all his psychic friends.
"psychics" false, the interest is
nonetheless there. How else can the
immense popularity of the Psychic
Friends' Network be explained?
Many people, while claiming
not to believe in such things, reli-
giously read their horoscope, and
even more dial up their own "per-
sonal" psychic for advice on every-
thing from money matters to their
love life. Generations of children
have played with Ouija boards, and
stories abound in many families
about ghosts, telepathy and
miracles. How many of these sto-
ries are coincidence, and how many
are true parapsychic occurrences?
The study of parapsychology is
an extremely controversial one.
While many scientists believe that
psychic ability is a true and natu-
ral part of the human psyche, there
are just as many who claim that it
does not exist.
One of these people was Harry
Jennifer Coleman
Senior Writer
Is it just an illusion, or could
there actually be something to the
psychic craze that is sweeping
across America?
Tomorrow night, ECU joins the
action as the ECU Student Union
Special Events Committee brings
Craig Karges to ECU tomorrow
night at 8 p.m. in Hendrix Theatre.
Karges, a hypnotistmentalist,
wants to prove that psychic pow-
ers are more than just sleight-of-
hand parlor tricks.
To understand Karges' point of
view, we should look at psychic phe-
nomena more closely.
It is reasonable to say that al-
most everyone has some interest in
parapsychology. Whether that in-
terest is manifested in belief or in
a desire to prove so-called
Houdini. The master illusionist was
one of the most well-known magi-
cians in the world, but ironically he
did not believe in psychic ability.
"Spiritualism has claimed
among its followers numbers of bril-
liant minds - scientists, philoso-
phers, professionals and authors
Houdini wrote. "Whether these
great minds have been misdirected,
whether they have followed the sub-
ject because they were convinced
fully of its truth, or whether they
have been successfully hoodwinked
by some fraudulent medium, are
matters of conjecture and opinion
What exactly is psychic ability?
Is it the ability to read minds? Is it
the ability to move inanimate (or
animate) objects without ever
physically touching them? Is it
nothing more than fodder for sci-
ence fiction stories? Does it even
Many scientists say it does. In
fact, those same scientists claim
that everyone has some latent psy-
chic ability. Russell Tong and
Harold E. Puthoff, researchers at
the Stanford Research Institute,
conducted several experiments in
the mid-seventies to try and explain
psychic phenomena.
Since then, research has been
conducted at an amazingly rapid
rate. It seems that everyone wants
to cash in on the "psychic" wave -
from illusionists like David
Copperfield to self-proclaimed
psychics found in infomercials on
The question is, should the
public blindly accept this new psy-
chic trend as fact, or reject it as
clever illusion? How much should
be considered entertainment?
Where do we draw the line?
All of which brings us back to
Craig Karges.
Karges, of course, wants to
make you a believer. Can he do it?
His show, which he describes as a
combination of "illusion and psy-
chic happenings will feature feats
of levitation, "mind-reading and
audience participation. While
Karges readily admits that part of
See PSYCHIC page 7
Edwin McCain
Honor Among
Brad Oldham
Senior Writer
It's always hard to follow in the
footsteps of a band from your own
region. Unfortunately, the music in-
dustry is constantly looking at cities
such as Seattle to produce the next
Pearl Jam and Nirvana.
Interestingly enough, the south-
east region of the U.S. is getting more
hype now than it did in the early
R.E.M. days, thanks to MTV-favorites
such as Hootie & the Blowfish and
The Dave Matthews Band.
The word is, the next big hit from
the south is South Carolina band
Edwin McCain, which dropped the
"Band" from their title, as well as per-
cussionist Kevin Smith, who left the
band due to family problems.
The reality is, Edwin McCain just
isn't ready.
Don't get me wrong, I believe
these guys are extremely talented.
I've seen them live and their raw in-
tensity and groove was very impress-
ing. Its that same intensity that's
missing on their new CD, Honor
Among Thieves.
Honor Among Thievesis the de-
but release for Edwin McCain on
Lava Records, a subsidiary label cre-
ated by Jason Flom of mega-label At-
lantic Recordings.
Produced by Paul Fox, Honor
Among Thieves makes Edwin
McCain sound way too poppy, some-
thing I never noticed about them
seeing them live and back when they
were on the indie-scene.
As most bands are doing these
days, Honor Among Thieves contains
songs from the independently-pro-
duced CD Solitude.
Every song that is redone for
new disc lacks the essence of what
made it good to begin with. For ex-
ample, one of the band's more well-
known songs, "Don't Bring Me
Down got wide praise due to the
live version on the A WARE 2 compi-
lation. A song about struggle and
survival, the new version sounds way
too jazzy and happy-go-lucky. Instead
of jamming to it, I feel like I should
be playing hopscotch and skipping
around to it.
Another example is "Solitude
another song off the old disc and that
is also on the new one. The song also
See McCAIN page 7
And Out Come the
Jay Myers
Staff Writer
Finally, punk is back with a ven-
geance! If any of you remember what
punk sounded like in the early '80s (the
stuff your older brother listened to
when he had that weird, spiky haircut
for you young guns out there), then
get ready for a fat kick in die butt down
memory lane.
Rancid, with their new disc And
Out Come the Wolves, has made a full-
on musical attack plan to recapture
PUNK for the PUNKS and everybody
else should move out of their way.
Present day acts like Green Day
and the Offspring have put out some
solid albums full of angst fast chords,
arid punkishness, but Rancid is in a
completely different ballpark. Seeing
and hearing is believing. These guys
are the early Clash reborn.
With heavy bass, fast drums, driv-
ing guitar and screaming, throaty vo-
cals, Rancid is like a good headache.
One of those that pulses and throbs,
fills your head with anger, and every
now and then sends you a shot of pain
in your left temple right above the eye.
Without these kinds of headaches, hu-
man interactions would be peaceful,
comfortable and nice. And that would
be wrong. Nothing gets accomplished
without dissatisfaction, passion and
willpower - everything that Rancid rep-
These are the building blocks of
anarchy, the roots of radicalism and
the core of the punk movement "The
common man doesn't suffer pain like
this, only the soul that has never been
kissed Rancid sings on their track
"Junkyman Rancid, being the punks
they are, have proclaimed that the
world is not a happy place, but it is
For those ska fans out there, this
record does include some ska influence
as well, which a couple of the band
members brought in from their previ-
ous outfit Operation Ivy (another band
highly recommended). Overall, Rancid
keeps well within the limits of early
punk rock hardcore, though.
If you're interested, Rancid, mem-
bers of the Uptones, and the ex-Opera-
tion Ivy drummer will be in a side
project band called Shakin' 69 that's
going to play strictly ska.
And Out Come The Wblves is a
See RANCID page 6
m ?'

?a? ?
Tuesday, September 12,1995
TA?e East Carolinian
FOOD from page 5
I'm not convinced yet I refuse to go
down without a fight
Pizza is another popular Pirate
lunchtime treat A one item slice of pizza
at the Spot costs $1.49. The same at
Alfredo's costs1.75. Alfredo's slices are
sizably larger than campus' and served
to the customer hot from the oven. Cam-
pus dining has their Itza pizza kept
warm in a self-serve heat lamp contrap-
tion. The Alfredo's slice sounds better,
but if you just want a cheap, hot lunch,
Salamon has once again proven his
The cafeteria buffet meals served
in Mendenhall and Todd are about the
best deal around. For breakfast $2.90
will give students an all-you-can-eat
ticket They have everything from pan-
cakes, sausage, waffles and bacon to a
more nutritious meal of grapefruit and
cold cereal. Virtually every breakfast
item imaginable is served hot out of the
dining halls for less than $3. One "Egg
' A4 Mv ikv ??
Carolina ui?r
McMuffin" and some O.J. from
McDonald's will cost about the same.
Salamon wins again.
A single hot dog at the Wright Place
costs $1.49; at the Pantry, three cost $1.
The Wright Place hot dogs are bigger,
but those three Pantry dogs will still give
you more for your money. Salamon fi-
nally takes a punch.
A 20 oz. bottle of Pepsi costs 89
cents on campus, while the same prod-
uct is only 59 cents at the Trade Mart
across 10th Street This 30 cent differ-
ence is another blow to Salamon's chal-
lenge, but he does have a defense
"I'm caught" he says. "We are a
business; when I walk into the Pantry
and buy a bottle of Pepsi there's one
person working I walk into the Wright
Place to get that same botde of Pepsi
and there are 20 people working. It's a
Overall, Salamon met the challenge.
Despite the price of snack items, cam-
pus dining is competitive with locally fran-
chised restaurants. As far as meals g,
it's overwhelmingly more economical to
eat on-campus. But for snack items, cam-
pus dining just can't stay competitive.
Thi Week at WZMB 91.3
? Thursday night 7-8 Pirate Talk "Parents Weekend Speda! rwea of
Syracuse game and preview of first home game v$i Central JfidWtfsn
? Listen up for details on Portable CD player give aay
? Specialty show-dub 91 new hours 7p.m12p.ia Sat and Sun.
RANCID from page 5
welcome call back to punk roots from
Rancid. With all the press that's being
given to punk these days it will be in-
teresting to see if the "mainstream"
picks them up. If so, be forewarned,
these wolves are hungry and they don't
care what they have to eat to calm that
Indies in
l( Ml DIM (
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, September 12, 1995
Organization Presidents and Advisers
It's That Time Again!
Organization Registration Packets are now
avalibie in MSC Rm 109.
Register your group by Friday, September
15. 1995.
For more information call 3284796
Courtesy of Student Leadership Develpoment Programs
DROP from page 5 McCAIN from page 5
demic probation, and with only a
semester's worth of credit to my name.
To say that my parents weren't pleased
is an understatement To say that my
dad threatened to pull me out of
school, kick me out of the house, and
leave me to find work at a gas station
somewhere is entirely accurate.
So, I cleaned up my act I started
going to class. I started studying. I
restrained my rampages to week-ends.
Oh sure, I still liked (and still do like)
weird comics, loud music and strange
clothing. My political affiliation re-
mained just as unpopular as ever, f
didn't go back to being the same per-
son I had been in high school. I be-
came a better, different person.
But I was talking about teasing
freshmen, wasn't 1? Well, hey, what
can I say? It happens. Just try to laugh
and shrug it off. It's usually only
meant in fun. And besides, the per-
son laughing at your misery probably
screwed up way worse than you.
The Eost Carolina University Student Union Presents the
Wednesday, Sept. 13 ? 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Great Room - Mendenhall Student Center
This is your opportunity to join one of
the ECU Student Union's committees
and chat with committee chairpersons.
For More Information, Call the
Student Union Hotline at 328-6004.
1, Simply stated Phi Kappa Tau kicks ass
2, Recently completed $100,000 of renovations to our fraternity house,
3, largest fraternity house on campus, the historic 5icklen mansion,
t fflost dtoerse brotherhood on campus,
5, 'History of leadership on campus in 35C and Sgfl.
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7, rfighestPfl of 5raternities with membership exceeding 20.
8, Placed in top two for the Chancellor's Cup for past flue jears,
9, Jn the last three jears haue held ouer 20 band parties,
10, Come see forjourself on Tuesday September 12 from 7-11 pm,
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Call for Information -&
Mr' Si , -v vh
got exposure through AWARE 2, and
if they were going to re-release it, they
should have kept the same version.
The new version features Hootie's
frontman, Darius Rucker, as a guest
vocalist. Rucker does little for the
song, due in part because his vocals
so similar to McCain you can barely
tell the difference between them.
Which gets me to McCain him-
self. Obviously, McCain doesn't have
a voice that came from years of train-
ing with the Oxford Boys Choir. His
raspy, deep voice sounds like a com-
bination of a young Joe Cocker and
Seal. His voice is definitely unique.
Not great, but unique, which is very
The problem with his voice on
this disc is that put together with the
very crisp, jazzy-pop background
music of the band, McCain's voice
suddenly turns into the red-headed
stepchild of the band. Something hap-
pened from the live show, where
McCain and company blended so well
together, to the studio produced prod-
uct, where the two don't blend to-
gether well at all.
Very rarely do 1 like a band's CD
as much as much as I like their live
show, and Edwin McCain is the per-
fect example. The same uniqueness
and intensity that engaged me when
I saw these guys live is missing on
Honor Among Thieves. But as long
as they're opening for Hootie & the
Blowfish at Walnut Creek, I'm sure
they feel they are moving in the right
VJtvAJlvl from page 5
what he does is illusion, he firmly
denies that any of his audience par-
ticipatory segments are set up be-
He backs his claims with cold,
hard cash. $25,000, payable to char-
ity, is offered if anyone can prove
that he plants his "volunteers" in
the audience before the show. In
addition, Karges risks his fee in a
special demonstration during the
show. If he fails, the money is re-
turned to the university.
So come out to Hendrix Theater
at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, September
13. The show is free to anyone. See
for yourself if Craig Karges is a true
psychic or just a master illusionist.
Either way, the show is bound to be
an enlightening experience.
Count Down
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Tuesday, September 12,1995 The East Carolinian
ECU takes Syracuse in
impressive comeback
Pirate watch
Eric Bartels
Senior Writer
For the Pirates, the season should
appear brighter now. They had their
most impressive comeback in ECU his-
tory against a nationally ranked team
on the road, and they will finally be able
to play in front of the home town fans
in Dowdy-Ficklen this weekend.
What could be finer? Do you 'Be-
lieve' in '95?
After a shaky first half marred by
earry penalties and the Syracuse offense
lighting up the secondary for big gains,
even the biggest die-hard Pirate fan
could have been in a state of disbelief.
But the Pirates were victorious over the
Orangemen with a 27-24 win.
However, if you were to look on
the ECU sideline, there was one man
who was not Head Coach Steve Logan,
poised with the intensity to single-
handedly beat the Orangemen if he
needed to, gambled on critical fourth
down play, and went right after the un-
tested SU secondary with three receiver
sets and Jerris McPhail in the backfield
with great results.
"I have our players convinced that
'it's not over he said. "Syracuse is a
first class program and so is East Caro-
If the first half was any indication
of how the Pirates will play the rest of
the season, then do not show up until
the second half for the exuberant fire-
works' display? led by junior quarter-
back Marcus Crandell resembling a
former ECU quarterback who used to
wear no. 2 and did the same thing to
the Orangemen four years ago.
Syracuse, who exploited the Pi-
rates defensive secondary, rattled off 21
first half points on 36 plays covering
259 yards. Each of the three scoring
drives covered an average of 71 yards
on eight plays.
The Orangemen began the scoring
with a Malcolm Thomas eight yard jaunt
up the middle at the 2:59 mark in the
first quarter. After an ECU fourth down
attempt failed due to a false start on
die offensive line, Syracuse orchestrated
its second drive that saw Tebucky Jones
cap off the series with a 10-yard gallop
off the blocking of Harvey Pennypacker
and Shelton Prescott
After another quick three-and-out
SU took advantage of a missed assign-
ment in the Pirate secondary as redshirt
freshman Donovan McNabb hooked up
with senior Marvin Harrison on a 49
yard completion. With 8:30 remaining
in the second half and two plays later,
McNabb found junior wideout Deon
Maddox in the back of the Pirate end
zone for the 21 point lead.
"The first thing I'd like to do is give
them credit for being down 21-0 in our
facility and coming back to win SU
coach Paul Pasqualoni said.
Just before the intermission and vi-
tal to Pirates to shift the momentum
was the opportunity to get points on
the board. With less than three minutes
in the second half, Crandell led the two-
minute offense against a well-rested Or-
ange defense.
Putting ECU on the scoreboard
with 21 seconds left, Larry Shannon
caught Crandell's five-yard touchdown
pass in the back of the end zone quiet-
ing the Carrier Dome crowd.
"When something happens like
that, it's important for the next guy to
step junior tightend Scott Richards
Showing signs of receiving an
adrenaline shot at halftime, Crandell and
the Pirates marched down the field on
the opening drive of the second half to
narrow the margin to a touchdown. Out
in the left flat Crandell spotted senior
halfback Derek Batson who eluded an
Orange tackier and raced 29 yards for
the score.
Four series later, and on his way
to a career day, Crandell spotted an open
Richards in the SU end zone for the
possible game tying touchdown, how-
ever the extra point was blocked leav-
ing ECU still in reach, 21-20.
But Syracuse answered with a 54
vard strike to senior Marvin Harrison
.hich put the football inside the ECU
35 yard line. Although ECU held the
offense to just three points, it may have
meant a big momentum shift if the Or-
ange put six points on the board.
See PIRATE page 10
Hail to the Chief
Photo by KEN CLARK
Head Football Coach Steve Logan departs the plane in Kinston Saturday after the
Pirates hard fought win over the Syracuse Orangemen.
Photo by KEN CLARK
Pirate fans await the arrival of the victorious football
team outside the runway at the Kinston airport.
mmPcue ?du ntou
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
Record-setting quarterback
Marcus Crandell added a new dimen-
sion to his game this weekend against
Syracuse - running the football. A
quick Orangemen defense forced him
out of the pocket and he responded
with several long runs including one
for 15 yards. He outrushed tailback
Jerris McPhail with 78 rushing yards.
Crandell was named the ECAC
Player of the Week this week after a
great performance in which estab-
lished school records for passing
yards (392), total offense (453), pass
attempts (59) and most plays from
scrimmage with 74. The junior from
Robersonville, N.C. is third on ECU'S
career passing yardage list behind
leader Jeff Blake. He has amssed his
total of 3,517 passing yards in just
15 games.
Doak Walker Award candidate
Jerris McPhail continued to shine
Saturday against the Syracuse
Orangemen accumulating 200 all-
purpose yards including a record-set-
ting 122 yards receiving out of the
backfield. He scored on a 14 yard
touchdown catch in the fourth quar-
ter, easily outracing the Syracuse de-
He leads the Liberty Bowl Alli-
ance in rushing with 186 yards after
the first two games and is third in
receptions per game behind team-
mates Jason Nichols and Mitchell Gal-
loway. McPhail also ranks third in re-
ceiving yards per game and all-pur-
pose yards as well as sixth in total
Heady numbers for a player who
was considered a question mark go-
ing into the season, replacing record
setter Junior Smith. The Clinton, N.C.
native transferred from Wake Forest
University three years ago and after
one year as ECU's best wide receiver
and another as Smith's understudy
McPhail is making his mark this year.
He is considered the best athlete
on the squad with a 4.38 40-yard
dash and a 41 inch vertical leap, win-
ning the school's slam dunk contest
the past two years. He has already
drawn the attention of NFL scouts
who have been at recent practices of
the Pirates. Mel Kiper, ESPN and
NFL Draft Analyst has McPhail rated
among the top players at his position.
Both impressed Central Michi-
gan head coach Dick Frynn.
"Marcus Crandell is one of the
outstanding quarterbacks in the
country Frynn said. "Jerris McPhail
is a big, strong and fast tailback who
also catches the ball well. And they
operate behind a big, experienced
Two members of that line suf-
fered injuries Saturday in tackles Ron
Suddith (ankle) and Charles Boothe
(knee). Boothe returned to action but
Suddith was injured too badly to play.
The All-Independent selection is ex-
pected to miss two weeks of action.
" In their place junior guard Jamie
Gray (6-foot-3 285) and junior tack-
les Shane McPherson and Mark
McCall stepped in and did a job, keep-
ing the speedy Orangemen defense
off of Crandell.
Gray, a native of Phoenixville,
Pa. closed off the speed rush of the
Syracuse defensive line, locking them
out with his superior upper body
strength (415 pound bench press).
"I wasn't really worried about
their upfield rush Gray said. "I was
worried about them coming under-
neath. You are sort of on an island
out there, all by yourself. I just kept
playing them inside-out and tried to
stay between them and Marcus.
Unrecruited by big-time north-
ern schools like Penn State and Syra-
cuse, Gray feels like he has proven
himself against top competition.
"A lot of schools felt like I was
See NOTE page 9
Here's the beef
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
Stacey Whitehead was hard to
miss on the football field in ECU's
opener versus the University of Ten-
nessee Volunteers. The junior col-
lege transfer's number 91 jersey
stretches across his huge upper
body, the midsection isn't a
sculpted one, he carries a little ex-
cess weight on his 6-foot-6,300 plus
frame, but there is no doubt that
he belongs in the middle of the Pi-
rate defensive line.
Saturday against a UT offensive
line, touted as one of the best units
in the nation he dominated mak-
ing two tackles for losses and push-
ing the line of scrimmage back-
wards. His efforts kept blockers off
of inside linebackers Libiano (eight
tackles) and Burke (11 tackles).
The New Bern, N.C. native
played last year at East Central Jun-
ior College in Mississippi and was
named to the All-Mississippi junior
college team after registering 17
sacks as a freshman. Whitehead has
three seasons of eligibility remain-
He gives ECU a physical pres-
ence it had been missing on the de-
fensive line in years past. Already
one of the strongest Pirates in the
weight room, he has been slowed
by an ankle injury that has kept him
out of some pre-season practices.
The injury has been detrimental to
his conditioning, forcing him to
miss some action against Tennes-
Whitehead has converted to
the offensive line following four
other former defensive linemen
Kevin Wiggins, Charles Boothe,
Lamont Burns and Jamie Gray.
Against Syracuse he did not see
action, becoming acclimated to his
new position.
"Stacey Whitehead is a guy
who we think can be an outstand-
ing defensive linemen head coach
See BEEF page 9
Alums named to Hall of Fame
GREENVILLE, N.C. - Fbrmer East
Carolina University student-athletes Jim
Bolding, Otis Melvin, Kathy Riley and
Mike Tomberlin have been named as the
1995 inductees of ECU's Athletic Hall
of Fame, the Hall of Fame Committee
announced Wednesday.
Bolding, a 1977 ECU graduate, was
a standout football player from 1973-
119766 under head football coaches
Sonny Randall and Pat Dye.
A 1975 All-American selection,
Bolding holds the ECU records for in-
terceptions in a game (3 vs. Western
Carolina, 1975), season (100 in 1975)
and career (22). With his 10 intercep-
tions in 1975, Bolding broke the South-
ern Conference record for career inter-
ceptions and also broke the ECU ca-
reer record for the most punts returned
Melvin, a 1981 ECU gradutae,
earned track and field Ail-American
awards as he was a standout sprinter
for the Pirates from 1977-80. In 1979,
Melvin earned All-American honors in
the 200-meters at the NCAA outdoor
championships. In 1980, Melviin
eeamed his second All-American hon-
ors as a member of die 4X400-meter
relay team at the indoor championships.
Melvin, coached by current ECU
men's track coach Bill Carson, per-
formed as one of the nation's top sprint-
ers with his selection to the U.S. team
at the World University Games in 1979.
He was also a finalist at the 1980 Olym-
pic trials.
Riley, a standout in women's bas-
ketball and softball left her mark on
ECU women's athletics in two years of
competition from 1979-1981. In basket-
ball, Riley was an honorable mention
All-American for the Lady Pirates in
11980-81. In just two seasons, she re-
corded 1,150 points and is the only ECU
player to accomplish that in just two
A two4ime first-time AL1-NCAIAW
selestion, Riley was a member of the 1981
ECU women's team that made the NCAA
tournament and finished 17th in the
nation. She was also a finalist in the 1980
Olympic trials.
In softball, Riley gained national
prominence as the Broderick Award win-
ner (National College Player of the Year)
in 1981. A first team ALL-American in
softball in 1981, Riley's success in soft-
ball has continued since her ECU career
Ticket inf
. : . ??. .???? ? ????-
(SID) - ECU students may
pick up their tickets for this
Saturday's PiratesCentral Michi-
gan football game Tuesday
through Thursday.
Students may pick up their
tickets on a first-come, first-serve
basis at either the Athletic Ticket
Office or at the Student Organi-
zation Desk in Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center. The Athletic Ticket
Office hours are 9 a.m. until 5:30
p.m. while the hours at
Mendenhall are 11 a.m. through
6 a.m.
Students must show a valid
ECU ID to pick up a free student
ticket A driver's license and un-
attached activity card are not
acceptable. Students may present
their ECU ID and one other valid
ECU ID when picking up student
tickets only during the desig-
nated student pick-up days.
Student ticket allotments
have been exhausted on several
occasions over the past four
years. With the demand for tick-
ets expected again, students are
urged to pick up their tickets
early on the designated days. Stu-
dent tickets are distributed on a
first-come, first-serve basis until
student allotments are ex-
A limited number of student
guest tickets are available for in-
dividual games at half-price on a
first-come, first-serve basis. Once
the half price guest ticket sup-
ply is exhausted, all purchased
tickets will be available at full
price. Half price guest tickets are
available only at the ECU Athletic
Ticket Office, not at Mendenhall.
On game days, student tick-
ets will not be accepted at any
gates other than those identified
for students (Gate 5). Stadium
gates will open one and a half
hours prior to the scheduled
Cindy Szymanski
Avram Klein
Staff Writer
-? ??
including being a gold medalist in soft-
ball in the 1990 Olympic SportsFesti-
Tomberlin, a 1968 ECU graduate,
is one of the most decorated swimmers
in ECU's history. The 1967 National 200-
yard backstroke champion, Tomberlin
earned seven All-American awards dur-
ing his career from 1966-1969.
In 1966, 19647 and 1968,
Tomberlin earned All-American honors
in both the 100 and 200 backstroke. In
1968, Tomberlin was also a member of
the ECU All-American 400-yard medley
A nine-time Southern Conference
Champion, Tomberlin was the confer-
ence record holder in the 100 and 200
backstroke and the 400 medley relay.
Tomberlin, a native of Hickory, N.C, re-
ceived his Master's in Education from
ECU coach and Hall of Fame member
Dr. Ray Marttinez. Tomberlin joined the
ECU coaching staff as an assistant coach
from 1969-70.
The 1995 inductees will join the
following 65 members in the ECU Ath-
letic Hall of Fame during ceremonies
held Nov. 10-11 as ECU hosts Tulsa at
Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
The Ladies' Volleyball team pre-
pared for their '95 season last weekend
at The Towson State Labor Day Classic
in Towson, Md. Although new Coach
Kim Walker described the tournament
as "tough it was essential in beginning
the season.
"With a new coach and new play-
ers, we were learning each other and
learning the system Walker said. "The
tournament helped us find a point of
reference to build for the season
ECU went (04) against Towson,
Rutgers, Duquesne and Cincinnati.
The ECU Pirates began the tour-
nament on Friday, Sept 1 by playing
three separate matches in a round robin
style tournament Although Towson,
who went (2-2), beat the Pirates 154,
15-11 and 15-9, it took both Rutgers
and Duquesne four games to beat the
team from ECU.
The Pirates went on to lose 15-8,
1S7 and 1S8 against the overall champs
from Cincinnati during the second day
of the tournament The game was high-
lighted by Pirate freshman Kristen
Warner's team-high of 21 sets.
Last Tuesday in Conway, S.C. the
Pirate Volleyball team beat Coastal Caro-
lina University. The match was this
season's first win for the team with a
15-11,15-11,15-7 straight-game victory.
Coach Kim Walker says, "I'm real
pleased with where they were last
Dori Brian recorded 31 assists, se-
nior Melanie Richards, who represented
See VOLLEY page 9

? i i ? ? ii ? I. ???
The East Carolinian
Tuesday, September 12, 1995
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VOLLEY from page 8 BEEF from page 8
ECU on the All-Tournament team last
weekend in Towson notched 15 kills,
and Carrie Bme smashed in 10 kills
against Coastal Carolina.
"They worked hard to attain the
goals that were set for the match
Walker said.
With the next match against North
Carolina A&T in Greensboro on Sept
12, Coach Walker says, "We're gonna
come in and continue to work hard and
leam from matches and go forward
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Steve Logan said. "With his size
and speed offensive tackle is prob-
ably his best position.
Mpumi Masimini is another
huge (6-foot-4, 295-pound) new-
comer who played well against
Tennesee. The big youngster from
Washington D.Cs Woodrow Wilson
High School saw signigicant game
action at left offensive tackle. He
did allow one sack but it seemed to
be more of a mix up on his assign-
ment than any lack of ability.
On several plays number 50
dominated his opponent, planting
him on the grass of General
Neyland Stadium. This type of pro-
duction is what was expected when
Logan signed the Super Prep Ail-
American out of the Capital City.
Masimini considered Colorado, Illi-
nois, Wisconsin and Syracuse be-
fore deciding on ECU and immedi-
ate playing time.
He gives offensive line coach
Jeff Jagodzinski another huge, ag-
ile body to work with on the line.
The two should form an impressive
tandem for the years to come, mak-
ing ECU no lightweight up front.
The Pirates finally have the size to
play with the "big dogs" of college
NOTE from page 8
too short, so it feels good to go out
there and play well against big
schools like Syracuse he said.
Butkus Award candidate Mark
Libiano is also rated among the top
players at his position by Kiper,
rated as the No. 6 linebacker pros-
pect for this spring's draft. The 6-
foot-3, 235 pound senior leads the
team with 20 tackles, two tackles
for losses and is tied for the team
lead with three quarterback pres-
Hard-hitting junior inside line-
backer Marvin Burke (6-foot-l, 240
pounds) is bringing the wood op-
ponents again this year. After sup-
planting incumbent starter B.J.
Crane in preseason drills Burke is
second on the team in tackles with
19. One of the most intense and
physical players on the team Burke
has an instinct for finding the foot-
ball that can not be coached.
Tight end Scott Richards had
a career day catching eight passes
including a long touchdown Satur-
day. He was joined by Mitchell Gal-
loway who had eight catches as
well. The marks tie a ECU record
for junior single game receptions.
"This game the tight ends were
a big part of the offense, catching
the football Richards said. "Last
week, we were needed for blocking,
whatever the team needs us for
whether that is in the passing game
or getting the job done at the line
of scrimmage, we are going to get
it done
Defensive linemen Walter Scott
(two sacks), Lorenzo West (two
sacks) and Travis Darden (moved
from end to nose guard this week
were impressive against the bigger
Syracuse offensive line. Scott bull-
rushed his way to sack McNabb
twice while West and Darden used
a blend of speed and strength to
generate a pass rush. Darden, a
true freshman is learning on the
job, but is very aggressive and
strong. He is described by Logan
as a "tasmanian devil on the foot-
ball field
Aaron Black has recovered well
from appendicitis to start at out-
side linebacker. He had the option
of redshirting this season, but de-
cided to play instead.
Emmanuel McDaniel, a return-
ing starter at cornerback who had
five interceptions last year may be
on the start of another take-away
string with a big interception
against the Orangemen.
E.J. Gunthrope, Brian Bentley,
Tabari "Snoop" Wallace and Ber-
nard Lackey have been the main-
stays of ECU's punt and kickoff cov-
erage making several solid tackles.
John Peacock has changed his
mind about his college choice and
will attend Georgia Southern, a 1AA
school in Statesboro. Ga. that has
won two national championships.
He is immediately eligible to play
and will see game action at either
tailback or linebacker.
Jermaine Smith, who trans-
ferred to Central State (Ohio) this
summer had three sack and sever,
quarterback hurries in his first
game. He was expected to replace
Willie Brookins at one defensive
end spot this fall for ECU.


Tuesday, September 12, 1995
The East Carolinian
PIRATES from page 8
Beginning the fourth quarter, ECU
took a seven play 80-yard drive in for
the go ahead touchdown. Crandell hit
McPhail underneath the SU coverage
where the halfback ran unscathed into
the end zone for the 14 yard score.
"AH the Carolina schools are big
time football programs, including East
Carolina Logan said.
With time winding down and sev-
eral opportunities for the Orangemen
to get back into the ball game, ECU
nearly lost the momentum they would
need to devastate the Orange. Two
drives halted by Crandell interceptions,
had even the biggest Pirate fan skepti-
But with the final Syracuse series
stifled as McNabb was flushed out of
the pocket in a fourth and 14 situation
and converged on by nose guaai Walter
Scott and defensive end Lorenzo West
as he was releasing the ball, ECU fans
and players alike were elated with the
resounding conclusion and imminent
Looking like an episode of the
"Rifleman Marcus Crandell set a ca-
reer high 59 passing attempts for 392
yards eclipsing the former ECU records.
Not only did he pick apart the SU sec-
ondary in the second half, hut Crandell
also scampered through the middle of
the Orange offense for a career setting
61 yards.
"Crandell really killed us with his
while you wait
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Mondav - Friday
runs Syracuse linebacker Nate
Hemsley said. "We had to maintain our
coverage, and then we would look up
bo see him sliding for the first down
For those of you who made the trip
north to support the Pirates, you will
know that the weekend was hampered
with mostly cloudy skys and rain. How-
ever, as the Pirates departed the Syra-
cuse airport for the trip back to
Greenville, the sun peeked through the
clouds on the western horizon. For
coach Logan and the 95 Pirates,
brighter skys lie ahead.
Friends of Sheppard Memorial Library
Thursday, Sept. 14, 6-8 p.m.
(Preview Sale for Friends only)
Friday, Sept. 15, 9 a.m8 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 16, 9 a.m6 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 17, 1 p.m5 p.m.
(Bag Day?$4 per grocery bag of books)
Willis Bldg 1 st & Reade Sts.
Providing Adult & Pediatric Care ? Women's Health ?X-Rays and Lab ? Physicals'
Pregnancy Testing Flu and Tetanus Vaccinations ? Drug Testing ? Occupational
Health & Workers' Compensation Needs
PartkJpatinQ With:
gQg 507 E. 14th Street, Greenville, NC 830-2900
Mon-Fri 8am - 8pm, Sat 9am - 4pm
Special discounts with student I.D.
All Major Credit Cards and Personal Checks Accepted
Co-Ed Water Ski Club
Meeting every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m.
in Mendenhall room 14
For more information call Kenny at 754-2892,
Cyndi at 758-9755, or look for the display in
front of Student Stores on September 12 & 13.
8-11 p.m.
312 CAST 11th Street


Tuesday, September 12,1995 The East Carolinian
For Sale
?1 and 2 Bedrooms
Clean and Quiet, one bedroom
furnished apartments. $250 per
month, 6 month lease.
2899-2901 East 5th Street
?Located near ECU
?ECU Bus Service
?On-Site Laundry
"Special Student Leases"
I.T. or Tommy Willams
756-781 S758-7436
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
HOUSE FOR RENT; Excellent neighbor-
hood with in walking distance to ECU.
Ideal for facultv member. Corner lot with
large yard. Central air, two bedroom, one
bath. Living room, dining room, knotty
pine den, eat in kitchen. Dishwasher,
washer, dryer. Completely renovated with
white walls and trim. Two car carport with
large storage area. Call D. G. Nichols 752-
WESLEY COMMONS, 1 & 2 Bedroom,
Range, Refrigerator, Washer & Dryer
Hookups, Decks & Patios in most units,
Laundry Facility, Sand Volleyball Court
Located 5 blocks from campus. FREE
COURT: 2 Bedrooms, StoveRefrigera-
torDishwasherWasher & Dryer Hook-
upsPatios on first floor. Located 5 blocks
from campus. These and Ot her fine prop-
erties Managed by Pitt Proper ty Manage-
ment, 108 A Brownlea Dr, 758-1921
ROOMMATE WANTED: 3 Br. 2 12 bath
FULLY FURNISHED Apt, 1 block from
campus on Woodlawn Ave. Rent - 200 mo.
utilities. Call ASAP 757-1313-Home, 355-
7833-Work, Ask for Chris or Brandon.
room Apt located on RiverWuff Rd. New
Carpet and Cabinets. Call POTAMAC
PROPERTIES at 752-9722. No pets.
Wyndham Circle. For rent immediately!
Please call 757-1984.
ROOMMATE WANTED: 2br. 112 bath
townhouse. Rent $215,12 dep 12 ut ili-
ties. Free cable. Smoker. Call Joy 8300601
to share two bedroom, 12 utilities, and
12 rent Three blocks from campus. Avail-
able ASAP. Please call 7524912.
MATE NEEDED: 6 blocks from campus,
own room. Rent $112mo, WasherDryer,
utilities, phone & cable: 13. Call 758-
4MB200MB, CD-Rom. 3.5 and 5.25
drives, scanner, Fax,7 Modem, speakers.
Includes Win 3.1, DOS 6.0, L otus 123 R.4,
Wordstar 7.0, lots of Games. $950 neg.
Call Richard at 752-5605.
245MB HD CD-ROM 3.5" 514" Disk
drives SVGA monitor amplified speakers
Canon BJ-200 printer good sftware desk
and printer stand included $1500 758-
washer and dryer, vacuum cleaner, sec-
tional couch, microwave, dresser. 746-
4426- leave message.
FOR SALE: 12-string guitar. Oscar
Schmidt $200 firm. Also beginner banjo
with case $100. Call Bruce at 7583582
after 6pm.
rtRLL 486-DX66 with Monitor, mouse,
keyboard 3.5 drive wtwo expansion slots.
Installed Win 3.1, DOS 6.2, Word Perfect
MS EXCEL $1200 neg. Call Shawn 931-
0940 leave message.
Peel N' Stick Return Mailing Labels Avail-
able. Choose from over 200 full color
graphics. 300 only $4.95. 600 only $6.95.
Call for FREE SAMPLES. 1-800-662-5984
Ext 2
CAR RADIO, KENWOOD, radio and cas-
sette receiver. Orig. $189.00 Now $100.00.
4 months old. Call 752-3900 Ask for Guy.
? Help
11 Wanted
For Sale
WANTED TO BUY! Mountain Bike Cood
condition, no dog brands or stolen bikes
please. Will spend up to $125 call 321-
orthopedic mattress set in factory box.
Never used. Cost 750; 300.00 cash. (919)
2 orthopedic mattresses, Pop Up Turndle,
in box, never used. Cost 700; 325.00 cash.
(919) 637-2645.
1985 HONDA MAGNA V45 700cc,
Burgandy, Shaftdrive, OD, Water cooled,
Highway pegs, Saddlebags, Helmet.
Smooth riding bike. Call Patrick or leave
message at 321-6526.
FOR SALE: Double-Tube Rear Bumper,
fits any Ford Bronco II or Ranger, excel-
lent condition, $75. 19" color TV wre-
mote, $100. 100 wool Rug, like new,
clean, $40. Call 551-6754.
SLEEPING BAGS. $25 each. Straight
from the manufacturer. Several styles
available. Nylon, Cotton and Flannel fab-
ric choices. 15 degrees to 40 degrees com-
fort zone. Call Bob 3288935.
COACHES: The Greenville Recreation and
Parks Department is recruiting for 12 to
16 part-time youth soccer coaches for the
fall girls and boys soccer programs. Appli-
cants must possess some knowledge of the
soccer skills and have the ability and pa-
tience to work with youth. Applicants must
be able to coach young people ages 5-16,
in soccer fundamentals. Hours are from
3:00pm until 7:00pm with some night and
weekend coaching. This program will run
from September to mid-November. Salary
rates start at $4.25 per hour. For more
information, please call Ben James at 830-
4567 or Michael Daly at 330-4550.
Experienced males and females -for local
Gym School - Good pay - Call Darlene at
NEED EXTRA $? Help sell pretzels at
ECU Home Football Games. Call Kim at
321-7539 for more information.
drive 14yo girl to and from school. Must
be prompt Monday-Friday. Perfer some-
one active in Christian Campus Ministry.
References. Call Susan 758-5345(no later
than 8:30pm)
BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 year old.
MWF 8:30-l:30pm. Mature, responsible,
dependable, references, please call 756-
Career Fair
September 19, 1995
OLDE, Americas Full Service Discount BrokerSM, is
looking for motivated people to establish a career
in the stock brokerage business.
OLDE offers:
4-12 month paid training program
Potential six-figure income
Excellent benefits
If you possess excellent communication skills,
general market knowledge and the desire to excel,
see us at the Career Fair on September 19, 1995.
If you are unable to attend the Career Fair call:
1 800 937-0606
or send resume to:
OLDE Discount Stockbrokers
National Recruiting
751 Griswold Street
Detroit, MI 48226
Member NYSE and SIPC
SON wanted one day every other week-
end to babysit three young children. Please
call 7584454.
children (ages 2 12 & 9 mos.) on Wednes-
day or Friday mornings 7am-Noon, non-
smoker, references required. Call 830-
TREE FARM NEEDS bright good sense
of humor, hardworking, honest responsible
and non-smoking underclassman with
lawnmowing or landscaping experience.
Good pay, the outdoors and needs t rans-
portation. Call for interview 758-6656
between the hours of 10:00am to 8:00pm.
TION that works with your hectic sched-
ule? Brody's is accepting applications for
part time positions. We otter a mercnan-
dise discount on the new fall arrivals plus
flexible scheduling options to fit the "early
birds" or "night owls 10am-2pm, 12pm-
9pm, or 6pm-9pm. (Retail positions include
weekend hours.) Applicat ions accepted by
store manager each Tuesday from l-6pm,
Body's, The Plaza or Carloina East Mall.
Experienced wait staff and cashier needed.
No phone calls please. Apply in person
between 2:00pm and 6:00pm.
JOB AVAILABLE to help with lifting fur-
niture and inputing computer inventory.
Must have computer experience. Call 931-
6904 and leave a message.
Travel Services is now hiring campus rep-
resentatives. Lowest rates to Jamaica,
Cancun, Daytona and Panama City Beach.
Call 1-800-6484849.
TRIPS! Sell 8 Trips & Go Free! Best Trips
& Prices! Bahamas. Cancun, Jamaica.
Florida! Spring Break Travel! 1-800-678-
SunSplash Tours. Highest commissions
paid, at lowest prices. Campus Represen-
tatives wanted to Sell reliable tours. Ja-
maica, Cancun, Bahamas, Daytona,
Panama City and Padre. 1-800426-7710.
students who want to earn money while
they learn. Five positions available for Fall
Semester. Call 355-7700 and ask for
Bonnie or Cassie.
your outgoing personality, transportation,
and 35mm SLR camera and become one
of our professional photographers. No
experience necessary; we train. Good pay,
flexible PT hours Call 1-800-722-7033 M-
F 12-5pm.
ITS FUN AND EASY making Extra Cash
and selling your own hours, selling T-
Shirts. Call 931-1192 for info.
ATTENTION LADIES: Greenville's Old-
est and Largest Escort Service is now hir-
ing due to our expanding Business. Ear n
up to $1,500 plus per week, Escorting in
the Greenville and surrounding areas. You
must be at least 18 years of age, Have own
phone and transportation. We are also
hiring Male and Female Dancers for Pri-
vate Parties. Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 758-0896 or Emerald City Escorts at
757-3477 for an Interview. Est 1990.
up to $25-45hr. teaching basic conv ersa-
tional English in Japan, Taiwan, or S.
Korea. No teaching background or Asian
Languages required. For information call:
(206) 632-1146 extJ53621.
& full-time employment at National Parks,
Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits ?
bonsuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext.
Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to
$3,000-$6,0O0 per month. Room and
Board! Transportation! Male or Female.
No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-
4155 ext A53621.
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
Travel. Seasonal & full-time employment
available. No experience necessary, for
more information call 1-20&6344468 ext
TELEMARKETING - Davenport Exteri-
ors Thermal Guard - $5.00 per hour plus
bonus. Easy Work, Flexible hours start
today. Call 355-0210.
$1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 301-306-1207.
TLC ESCORTS is seeking ladies for danc-
ing, modeling, and escorting. $1000
weekly. Flexible hours. Discreet & confi-
dential. Health Insurance available. Call
9am-2am 758-2881.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to National
Mailers PO Box 774, Olathe, KS 66051.
Immediate response.

PAPERS TYPED? Affordable Rates.
Call Glenda today - 758-7653.
everything you need to make yours a suc-
cess Call 7584591 or John at 7524715.
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile
Music Productions is "the" disc jockey
service for your party or social function.
Widest variety of any disc jockey company
in Greenville. Specializing in the needs of
ECU Organizations and Greeks. Book a
Show Now and get a FREE Keg at
Graffiti's. Dates are filling fast so call
early. Ask for Lee 7584644.
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Call Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F53621.
Find it in our classifieds.
Only $2 for 25 words
with a valid student I.D.
"GREEKS OF THE WEEK " are all of the
sorority rush directors. You are the rea-
son our Rush 95 was so successful! A
special thanks to: Kara Buttermore, Lisa
Car wile, Ashley MacA lexander, Kathy
Molnar, Alicia Nisbett, Christy Rogers,
Jessica Theobald and Amy Williams!
invite all interested men to RUSH, no
matter status or race. Break away from
the Stereotypical Fraternity. Not Four
years but a Lifetime.
PI DELTA would like to wish all sorori-
ties and fraternities good luck with fail
PI DELTA will be having fass rush Sept
25th-28th. For more information on loca-
tions and time please call Kerri at 758-
the Sigmas
TO ALL THE GIRLS who received bids
from SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA, you'll real-
ize today you've made one of the best
descisions of your life. Get excited for bid
day at 4:00. We can't wait!
PIKA'S: It was the year of 94 and it was
parents weekend for sure. The pig was
roasting while we were all toasting. By the
end of the game we weren't sure if we
won or we lost All we know is we paid a
cost Well pika's its now a tradition and
the new year is 95, by the end of the
game Central Michigan will be lucky to
be alive. We will see you and your parents
Saturday so make sure your all ready to
play! Memorus to be or no memory. Lav?
the Sigma
KAPPA ALPHA: thank you for the pre-
downtown last Thursday. Hope we can do
it again some time. Love Chi Omega
CONGRATULATIONS to all the new
members and panhellenic sororities on Bid
Day. Have a great year! Love Chi Omega.
like to welcome Heather Brown. We are
thrilled to have you affiliate with us!
ALL RUSHEES get psyched for tonight!
It's Bid Day and DELTA ZETA congratu-
lates you!
An Equal Opportunity Employer I
The Greenville Pitt County Special
Olymics will be conducting a Soccer
Coaches Training School on Saturday,
September 23rd from 9am4pm for all in-
dividuals interested in volunteering to
coach soccer. We are also looking for vol-
unteer coaches in the following sports:
basketball skills, team basketball, swim-
ming, gymnastics, powerlifting,
rollerskating, and bowling. No experience
is necessary. For more information con-
tact Dwain Cooper at 8304551.
Is hiring on aquatics supervisor who will
be responsible for coordinating the Spe-
cial Olympics swimming program. Special
Olympics training sessions wil begin in
October and be held on Monday evenings
7:30-8:30pm and on Wednesdays from
7:00-9:00pm. Applicants should have a
strong aquatics background and be will-
ing to work with volunteers and handi-
capped individuals. $5.00hour. Please
call Connie or Dwain at 8304551 or 4541.
Remember that if you entered East Caro-
lina University as a first year-student in
or after Fall 1993 or as a transfer student
in Fall 1995, you need 12 hours of writ-
ing-intensive courses to graduate. To meet
the requirement complete ENGL 1100,
ENGL 1200, at least three hours of writ-
ing-intensive courses work in your major,
and any other 3-hour writing-intensive
course. Check depar tmental Schedules for
writing-intensive courses in your major.
Mar. 20-Aug. 3 1995 Qualified Applicants.
Qualified Applicants for the S.W. and CJ.
majors are reminded to attend an Admis-
sions Group meeting in Rawl 130 on
Thursday, September 14,1995 at 4:30pm.
Qualified applicants must attend the meet-
Meeting TODAY at 4pm, 218A Ragsdale.
All SWCJ majors and expected majors
invited! Help plan picnics, homecoming,
elect officers, and volunteer.
5th Annual Book Sale, September 15,16,
17. Willis Building 1st and Reade Street
Greenville. Great assortment at" titles.
Hours: Friday: 9am to 8PM. Saturday: 9am
to 6pm. Sunday: 1pm to 5pm. Sunday bag
sale $4.00 a grocery sack.
We invite you to our first meeting of the
new year. On Wednesday September 13,
1995. at 7:00pm in the Howell Complex
Room N-109.
Women's Lacrosse Club meeting Septem-
ber 14, 1995 at 8:00pm in Chr istenbury
Room 102. All interested players please
The first meeting of ECNAO for the Fall
semester will be held on Wednesday, Sept
13 at 7pm in Mendenhall Room 212. All
old members & prospective new members
are encouraged to attend. If you have any
questions, please call Nikki Epps at 752-
9042, Belinda Jacobs at 756-7013, or come
by our table at "Get a Clue on Life We're
planning a great year, so come & join us!
Are you a Psychology Major with a 3.0?
Join Psi Chi, National Psychology Honor
Society. An interest meeting will be held
Wednesday, Sept 13th at 4:30 in the Psi
Chi Library (Rawl 302).
First meeting and Dan ce of the year! Live,
Old-Time Music. Sat, Sept. 167:30pm-
10:30pm, at Baptist Student Union. FREE!
Come alone or Bring A Friend.
Want to join a professional organization
that can really five you an edge? Join
SNCAE (Student Program of Nor th Caro-
lina Association of Educators). Member-
ship is open to all educat ion majors. The
first meeting of the semester will be Thurs-
day, September 14 at 4:30pm in Speight
B-GLAD (Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians & Al-
lies for Diversity) will hold its first meet-
ing of the semester tonight at 730pm in
Room 221, Mendenhall Student Center
(2nd floor). B-GLAD is open to all stu-
dents, faculty, and staff of ECU regard-
less of affectional orientation.
Attention all SAM members - The SAM
Speaker Series begins today with Ms.
Margie Swartout from Career Services at
3:30 in 1022 GCB. Topic: How to prepare
for Career Day.
East Carolina Friends is beginning its
tenth year of continous operation. Volun-
teers are now being recruited to operate
as big brotyhers or big sisters in the Pitt
County School System. We will be in front
of Student Stores Sept 12 & 13 and will
be having interest meetings in Brewester
B 305 at 7:00pm the same nights. For
more info call Dan Davidan at 355-8823
or Jean Picarelli at 752-6312.
Join us today at 5:00pm in room 3009.
The club is open to all majors. If y ou be-
come a member you'll have the opportu-
nity to learn how to invest correctly, get
hands-on exper ience managing a real port-
folio, meet with professional managers to
see how they invest and travel to Wash-
ington, DC to visit mutual fund families.
There will be pizza and refreshments, so
come hungry!
Attention: Students with a 3.3 GPA and
at least 32 to credit hours. Rhi Sigma
Pi requests your presence at an informa-
tional smoker on Tuesday, September 12,
1995 at 7 o'clock in GCB 1028. Dress is
casual (men - dress pantsshirt & tie,
women - Sunday attire). If you want more
information or can not attend call Jason
Painter at 758-7077.
If you are a continuing adult student we
need your help in establishing a peer men-
tor program for the new adult students
who have just enrolled. This is your op-
portunity to help someone get through
that initial per iod of adjustment and make
a new friend at the same time. If you are
interested in being a mentor to an enter-
ing adult student, please come by the
Adult Student Services Office, 211
Whichard Building.

0? ,

Fall Rush 1995

S s.
In Medenhall
10TH. ST.






Buses will run from
College Hill every 12 hour from
7-1 lpm.
Come see what your Greek system has to offer


The East Carolinian, September 12, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 12, 1995
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