The East Carolinian, August 29, 1995

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Ill"III " If III
? ? I I I
August 29,1995 ?
Vol71,No. 02 I
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
18 pases
Around the State
(AP) - A private school and
a high-rise hotel chose to close
their doors because a letter sent
to the FBI said a bomb would
explode in the Raleigh area on
The two buildings shut
down, apparently with other
businesses, because of an anony-
mous bomb threat sent to FBI
headquarter in Washington
three months ago. Raleigh po-
lice on Sunday also began put-
ting up "No Parking" signs a
block around the downtown in-
tersection where the letter
claimed the explosion would
(AP) - Hurricane Felix
never really hit the North Caro-
lina coast, but its impact is still
being felt.
State officials have paid for
a national advertisement to let
vacationers know that Felix
spared the North Carolina coast
and that the welcome mat is out.
The state Travel and Tour-
ism Division placed a full-page
advertisement in Friday's out-of-
state editions of USA Today to
persuade tourists - many under
the impression the storm hit the
coast - not co cancel their vaca-
tion plans.
Around the
(AP) - Another woman
wants to take up the fight Sh-
annon Faulkner abandoned
when she dropped out of The
Citadel in Charleston, SC.
The woman's name will be
added on Wednesday or Thurs-
day to the lawsuit challenging
the state-run military school's
men-only policy, lawyers said.
"There is a woman who will
step in and take off in the same
shoes that Shannon stepped out
of attorney Suzanne Coe said
Coe refused to name the
woman until court papers are
filed but said she is a South
Carolina college student with Re-
serve Officer Training Corps ex-
(AP) - ABC News settled li-
bel lawsuits totaling more than
$10 billion Monday b; apologiz-
ing to Philip Morris and R.J.
Reynolds for reporting the com-
panies "spiked" their cigarettes
with nicotine.
ABC's "Day One
newsmagazine reported in Feb-
ruary and March 1994 that to-
bacco companies including
Philip Morris Cos. and RJ.
Reynolds Tobacco Co. added
nicotine to cigarettes to addict
Around the
(AP) - Zairian officials say
they may go back to expelling
refugees at gunpoint if the
United Nations does not get the
1.2 million people who have
camped along its border for
more than a year to go home
New center brings culture
P)U r.i-r tc r Haynes. "It doesn't have any place to m
Old center gets a
new home after
years of planning
Wendy Rountree
Assistant News Editor
After three years of planning and
anticipating, the new Ledonia S.
Wright African-American Cultural
Center is set to open in mid-Septem-
"We are very,
very excited about
the opening of the
cultural center
here on campus
said Dr. Brian
Haynes. director of
minority student
affairs. "We jut
can't wait
The new cul-
tural center is in
Bloxton House
and located next to
Greene residence hall. The move was
necessary because the building that
housed the old center was no longer
suitable. Formerly, the old building
was a YWCA built before 1940.
"The old Ledonia Wright build-
ing was badly in need of repair said
on the
Photos by KEN CLARK
expand. It's just not what we would
call a facility that is conducive to the
kind of activities that we've planned
in the new cultural center. It was time
we upgraded our cultural center
The center has received univer-
sity funds for renovations to Bloxton
House, programming, and operating.
Also, Haynes says the center will
have a full-time director, Taffye
Benson-Clayton. She will start her
position on Sept 1.
Meeting rooms, support offices,
a lounge, a reading room, and an art
gallery will be in
the center.
The art gal-
lery has already
received its first
"The James
Lankton Collec-
tion, a collection
of African art,
was donated to
the university by
James Lankton,
a physician out
of the Winston-Salem area Haynes
said. "This collection will be perma-
nently housed in the cultural center
Recently, the collection was
shown in the Wellington B. Gallery at
the School of Art
Also, the reading room will have
What are
your goats
for this
"The old Ledonia
Wright building
was badly in need
of repair
? Dr. Brian Haynes,
director of minority
student affairs
Will Stanley, senior
"Good grades and a
good tan
Kristy Cotton, freshman
"To make the grades to
get into Nursing School
Yaqoob Mohyuddln,
"This is my hardest
semester, I hope I do good
in order to get into medical
Pam Brown, junior
"To get closer to
graduation and enjoy it
while I can
HORDE thrills audience despite rainpage 8
Cultural Center finally in near futurepage D
Sports marketers bring in big dollarspage I 3
Photo by KEN CLARK
The Bloxton House, formerly home to Career Services, will now be home to an extensive
collection of African-American publications as well as a cultural art gallery.
African-American newspapers from
around the country.
"This are, for instance,
AmsterdamNews , Pittsburgh Cou-
rier, the major African-American news-
papers Haynes said. "We hope that
this will be a resource not only for
students but faculty and staff on cam-
pus. Many of these newspapers con-
tain editorials and tell what is hap-
pening in the African-American com-
munities in those big cities
Haynes said he believes this will
be only collection of African-American
newspapers in the country. Eventu-
ally, the collection will expand to in-
clude smaller city newspapers.
The woman whom the center is
named after. Ledonia Wright, was the
first African-American faculty member
at ECU. She was a professor in the
School of Social Work and began
teaching at ECU during the late
"She was well respected by the
See CENTER page 5
Library construction
falls behind schedule
Contractor J.H.
Hudson will not
finish project
Tambra Zion
Joyner Library's architectural award
winning addition is running a month
behind schedule, and may not be finished
by its current contractor, J.H. Hudson
Construction Company.
"There will be a change in the gen-
eral contractor of the library " said
Bruce Flye, Jr director of Facilities Plan-
ning Design and Construction. "The
current general contractor, J.H. Hudson
Construction Company, is being closed
down by their parent company at the end
of the year however, it is expected that
the parent company will continue with
the contract
"Discussions are under way with a
different contractor to assume control
of the on-site operations in cooperation
with the parent company on January 1,
Project Manager Barry Deemer is
hoping to keep his job.
"The ideal situation would be to hire
on all the same personnel that way we
wouldn't lose any continuity in the
project" Deemer said. "We don't know
at this time if we finish it or if some-
body else finishes it it's up in the air
right now
Deemer said he has known about
J.H. Hudson's closing since March, but
believes there is still a possibility the
Greenville based compary will remain
until the project is completed.
Scheduled for completion in three
separate phases, Phase I of the addition
is almost completed after more than a
year of work.
"The prints are very good on this
project" Deemer said. "Ninety-nine per-
cent of all your answers are in the prints.
Photo by KEN CLARK
Joyner Library's addition is behind schedule. University
officials and Contractor J.H. Hudson hope to catch up.
Students face
moving woes
See CONST page 5
Tambra Zion
N?w? Editor
The delay in Joyner Library's
construction may mean headaches
for students trying to research this
December and next spring.
The move from old into new is
set to begin anytime from Decem-
ber until March of '96, according
to a press release sent out concern-
ing the library.
"Phase i of the library's move
may affect what research and as-
signments can be done during
spring semester the release
Library administrators are
planning to set up an information
desk to help students find materi-
als which might otherwise be lost
in the move. Announcements will
also be made as to what sections
of the library are moving and
"There will be three different
moves said Nancy Shires, an as-
sistant professor for Joyner. "As
soon as the addition is complete,
we'll have 90 days to move in
ECU is hoping the move will
occur during Christmas break.
Committees have been formed to
help ease the library's transition
into its new space, but Shires said
delays should still be expected.
"It's going to mean some dis-
ruption, there are going to be
times we may have to move up to
100,000 volumes into storage'
Shires said. "It would not be a
See MOVE page 5

Tuesday, Ausust 29, 1995
The East Carolinian
ECU suffers local
industry's loss
Marguerite Benjamin
Senior Writer
A recent shift in the control of
a local pharmaceutical company
may have serious affects on some
of ECU's research and business pro-
Burroughs Wellcome, formerly
a prominent figure in the Greenville
business community and a major
contributor of funds to many of
ECU's research programs, has
merged with a
larger company
and is expected
to be completely
phased out
within two
Several de-
partment heads
have expressed
hopes that the
company, now
Wellcome, will
continue to sup-
port the
school's pro-
grams to some
extent. mmmmmmmjiwimum
to Chemistry Department Chair-
man, Chia-yu Li, the effects of the
merge will be felt by many as
Burroughs Wellcome has been
known to donate upwards of $22
thousand a year for research in or-
ganic chemistry.
"We were also endowed by the
Burroughs Wellcome Fund which
provided our department $375,000
for research said Li. "That money
is already deposited, so it's safe.
Next year is another story
Li stated that only three other
schools were awarded the
Burroughs Wellcome Endowment:
Duke University, the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and
North Carolina State University.
"We have been in collaboration
with scientists from Burroughs
Wellcome who have Ph.D.s in chem-
istry who have been very helpful
in assisting us with our research
Li continued. "One by one they are
leaving so that leaves us with no
chemists to talk to in this area
One of the major concerns that
Li and others ex-
" We were also
endowed by the
Wellcome Fund
which provided
our department
$375,000 for
? Chia-yu Li, Chemistry
Department Chairman
pressed involves
the fact that in
the past several
of ECU's gradu-
ate students, par-
ticularly from the
chemistry and bi-
ology depart-
ments, became
employees of
Wellcome. Ac-
cording to Li, the
graduates were
supplied "a pipe-
line" to the com-
The chair-
man and a profes-
sor of the biology department,
Charles Bland said the school
should expect a major impact from
the merge. Although the biology de-
partment was not as heavily funded
by the company as the chemistry
department, Bland said the inter-
action with the company's scien-
tists will be missed the most.
"Burroughs Wellcome has rou-
tinely hired a lot of our students,
so I'd say it's a major loss, espe-
cially to graduates Bland said.
"The company also made occa-
sional donations of equipment to
our department. The biology and
chemistry department together re-
ceived a $100,000 endowment
"Luckily we received that be-
fore the merger, or rather the buy-
out Bland said the merge may
open new avenues and the possi-
bility that ECU can turn to Glaxo-
Wellcome for support.
"There is potential with Glaxo,
but it's not the same as having
Burroughs Wellcome in our own
backyard Bland said.
As a representative of the
School of Business, L.H. Zincone,
who is the associate dean and a
worker with professional programs,
offered a more optimistic opinion.
Zincone said, "My personal pre-
diction is that someone else will
own that plant in Greenville
within the next two years, and there
will be another company in the
place of Burroughs Wellcome.
"They can't afford to just let it
sit and do nothing , so we probably
won't be as impacted in that sense
as some may think
The concerns Zincone ex-
pressed reached a level further than
the recent merge between Glaxo
and Burroughs Welcome as he
stated that Burroughs Wellcome
was just one of the many compa-
nies that offered support and funds
to ECU.
"Thinking on a much larger
scale, the thing to keep in mind is
that our school depends on a lot of
other companies who may merge
with larger companies in the fu-
ture Zincone said. "Whereas these
companies have ties with the uni-
versity, those larger companies do
not, and that could introduce a
See LOSS page 5
Seniors Get Carded
Free Deck of Cards
Purple Pirate Passes
Available at
Senior-only events
Come by the Student Store
Wednesday, August 30
10:00 a.m. until we run out!
Grand Prize Drawing 12:00 noon
Flip Phone from Southeastern Cellular
Sponsored by ECU Ambassacjors and the Alumni Association
Fees set to increase again
Amy Roberts
Staff Wrter
Tuition and fee increases are on
the ECU agenda once again.
Students may have noticed an
increase in their bills this semester.
"Tuition that goes toward edu-
cation is reviewed and set annually
by the state legislature said
Mickey Balko, university cashier.
The original increase agreed on
was 3.1 percent.
"This was included in the bills
sent out Balko said.
The state realized this would
not fit their budget and raised tu-
ition 10 percent for in-state students
and eight percent for out-of-state stu-
"We are not tagging any stu-
dents records since the increase
came after the original bills were
sent out Balko said. "A second bill
for $26 will be sent out with a due
University fees also increased by
around $13. Money received from
fees cover a large number of student
services. Some of these services in-
clude: Student Government Associa-
tion (SGA), Media, Transit, Joyner
Library, athletic tickets, Mendenhall
and intramural sports.
SGA debated extensively with
administrators over these fees last
spring, and the board of trustees
voted unanimously to accept SGA's
proposed increase over the admin-
istrators' original proposal.
Other fees such and health and
technology fees also increased.
"The health fee is to supply
medical benefits for students while
they are on campus Balko said.
The technology fee makes sure
that students in every major are
learning how to use the equipment
they will need after graduation.
University fees have also in-
creased due to needs of different de-
partments. Construction and reno-
vation projects on campus are also
paid for out of this money. Another
reason for the increase is to pay uni-
versity debts from bond referen-
Tuition and fee increases are
necessary to keep students from
ECU competitive with students from
other schools, Balko said.
"We are still in the lower 40 per-
cent of the nation as far as what we
charge in tuition and fees at East
Carolina Balko said.
Asbestos still hazardous
Miriam Brooks
Staff Writer
The hazardous nature of asbestos
has been an issue for years, but does its
presence on ECU's campus really pose
a danger to students and faculty?
Once hailed as a wonder material
in the 50s and 60s, asbestos has come
under attack as one of the major man-
made threats built up around us. As-
bestos was widely used in construction
because of its amazing properties, and
is still used today in lesser amounts.
This naturally occurring mineral,
which is found in some rock formations,
is fireproof, resistant to chemical corro-
sion and provides excellent insulation.
According to the Director of the
Office of Health
"We are exposed
to asbestos all of
the time, even
while walking
down the street
- Phil Lewis, director of the
Office of Health and
Environmental Safety
and Environmen-
tal Safety Phil
Lewis, "Asbestos
was widely used
in any type of
building project
you can think
On ECU's
campus, it is
found in a variety
of forms which
range from pipe
insulation to
spray on decora-
tions and treat-
ments for the en-
hancement of acoustical properties of
The widespread use of asbestos in
construction was not banned until
around 1979, Lewis said, so it is safe to
assume that all buildings built before
this date contain asbestos in potentially
dangerous concentrations.
While the Office of Environmental
Health and Safety keeps a list of all build-
ings positively known to contain asbes-
tos, many buildings have not even been
tested for the material.
. "As long as the material remains
intact it does not pose a health haz-
ard Lewis said.
Two factors determine whether or
not a structure that contains asbestos
can be occupied by humans. The first is
the friability of the material. Friable ma-
terial, or material that is easily crumbled
and can become airborne, is extremely
dangerous when inhaled in sufficient
quantities. The accessibility of the ma-
terial is another important factor.
"The majority of facilities on cam-
pus contain asbestos as pipe insulation
in areas that the public does not have
access to Lewis said.
Asbestos particular matter causes
lung cancer and asbestosis, which is a
scarring of the lungs. Proving that as-
bestos was a health risk was difficult
because respiratory diseases caused by
exposure to the airborne fibers can take
up to 20 to 30 years to develop.
Asbestos is still utilized in con-
struction, although in lesser quantities
that are deemed acceptable by the EPA.
"There are acceptable levels of as-
bestos exposure Lewis said. "Occupa-
tional limits have been set for employ-
ees who are exposed to asbestos. There
is a minimum concentration that is con-
sidered to be a clean area as long as it
does not exceed that level.
"We are exposed to asbestos all of
the time, even while walking down the
street Asbestos was used extensively in
brake pads. During periods of heavy traf-
fic, when people are applying their
brakes asbestos dust is being gener-
ECU has an
Operation and
Maintenance Pro-
gram for the control
of asbestos-contain-
ing materials in uni-
versity facilities.
This program is de-
signed to limit stu-
dent and faculty ex-
posure to asbestos
fibers. The primary
goal of the program
is to make sure that
material containing
asbestos is kept in
good condition. Ac-
cording to the Op-
eration And Maintenance Program
manual, which is produced by the Of-
fice of Environmental Health and
Safety, "When asbestos-containing ma-
terial is properly managed, release of
asbestos fibers into the air is prevented
or minimized, and the risk of asbestos-
related disease can be reduced to a neg-
ligible level
The manual further specifies that
management of the material is often a
more sound method of control than
removal. This is because improperly re-
moved material can cause asbestos fi-
bers to be released into the air.
ECU's Operation and Mainte-
nance Program has a staff that is
trained in the management of asbes-
tos and accredited by the state of North
Carolina to perform all necessary ac-
tivities. Lewis is an accredited inspec-
tor who regularly monitors the condi-
tions of asbestos-containing materials
on campus.
"We conduct periodic inspections
on campus, especially where we have
ceiling materials and other materials
that the public has access to - particu-
larly dormitories Lewis said. "There
are two dorms on campus that have
asbestos ceiling material which I in-
spect after each semester
All campus residence halls have
been identified as asbestos-containing
structures. Most contain asbestos in
the form of thermal pipe insulation
which students will not come into con-
tact with. Fletcher and Green residence
halls contain asbestos in their ceilings
and Scott and Tyler residence halls
have floor tiles that are composed of
asbestos. The recently refurbished Slay-
Umstead facilities previously contained
asbestos, although the majority of this
had to be removed prior to the recent
The asbestos removal involved in
the Slay-Umstead project had to be
done by a certified asbestos contrac-
tor. ECU's Operation and Maintenance
Program can only perform small-scale
projects that are of short duration.
"We mainly take care of emer-
gency situations, such as leaking pipes
where we may have to remove a por-
tion of the pipe insulation to repair it"
Lewis said. "When it goes beyond that
scope, like a renovation project or a
repair activity that involves a large
amount of asbestos, we have to con-
tract it out"
The public is made aware when
asbestos-removal projects are in
progress. Warning signs have to be
posted and the area is usualfy sealed
off. Removal procedures are very com-
plex, and a number of precautions are
taken to ensure that the asbestos fi-
bers are properly contained. According
to the manual, all employees who deal
with asbestos must receive training in
its management and disposal.
Occupants of the building and
housekeeping personnel can also take
part in Asbestos Awareness training
sessions which are offered periodically
by the Office of Environmental Health
and Safety.
while you wail
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Services & Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
209-B S.Evans St
Pittman Building
Greenville NC
Monday -Triday
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Attention Members!
An ODX Meeting will be held at
6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 7.
1995 in the BB&T Leadership Center
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A special guest speaker and dinner
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, Ausust 29, 1995
Seniors get perks, programs
my Roberts
Staff Writer
Great prizes, a few freebies and a
little fun are in store for ECU seniors.
ECU Ambassadors, a student ser-
vice organization, and the Alumni
Association are sponsoring the senior
program once again this year. Seniors
State Criminal Law Specialist
24 Hour Message Service
209 Evans Street
Adjacent to the Greenville Courthouse
will receive Purple Pirate Passes
which make them eligible to partici
pate in special events scheduled
throughout the year.
"It is something the show the
seniors that we are proud of them and
to say thank you said Jennifer
Crowell, Ambassadors Senior Pro-
gram coordinator.
During the week of Aug. 23-30
seniors may pick up their passes at
the student store between 10 a.m. and
2 p.m. On Aug. 30, the first 500 se-
niors with passes to come to the front
of the student store will receive their
special deck of playing cards with a
senior logo printed on them.
Seniors with passes are automati-
cally enrolled in a raffle drawing to
be held at each of the following events:
Patients Wanted for
Asthma Research Study
mdtCmmj pe map A
dpM to tosDieyiat
If you:
W. James Metzger, M.D.
Clinical Investigator
ECU School of Medicine
Department of Allergy 3E-129
Greenville, NC 27858-4354
? are 12 years of age or older
? are male or female
? have mild to moderate asthma
? are a non-smoker
? have persistent nighttime asthma symptoms
? are not pregnant & practicing an acceptable method of birth control
? are not a laclating female
Benefits to Patient:
? Asthma medication, tests, examination, medical care free of charge
? Reimbursement
? Possible that patient's asthma may respond favorably to treatment
Location of Research:
ECU School of Medicine
Department of Allergy
Module D
If interested, please contact:
Cathy Critchfield, RN
Study Coordinator (816-3426)
Welcome Back
Exciting Year Ahead
First meeting
August 30
Social Room
Ground Floor
(Across from WZMB)
Different events are scheduler tor
this fall including the following: on
Aug. 30, "Seniors Get Carded on Oct
11th "Frisbee Freebies" and "Mugs
and Hugs Nov. 29 will be the last
event of the semester.
Last year, prizes given away in-
cluded a bicycle. CD player and air-
line tickets.
This is the second year for the
program and it is something the Am-
bassadors are excited about.
The group believes last year's
program was a success, and hopes it
will be even more so this year.
"The program will continue as
long as there is support for it Crowell
All seniors are encouraged to
participate in the program. Activities
will be advertised in The East Caro-
linian and around campus, so seniors
should not miss any opportunity to
receive their gifts. With enough sup-
port, the program should be able to
continue for future senior classes.
Telefund reaches out
Stewart King
Staff Writer
ECU Telefund's days of hocking
memorial bricks over the phone have
finally come to an end. They are now
raising money for individual schools,
starting with the College of Arts and
Dean Keats Sparrow gave a rous-
ing speech to the telefund office last
Wednesday to kick off the campaign.
"The college of Arts and Sciences
is the cornerstone, the heart of ECU
he said. "No matter what you major in,
you spend your first two years here for
your general education
This is the first time Arts and Sci-
Just plane
Our classifieds are only
$2 for 25 words with a
valid student I.D.
ences has tried o raise private money.
"State supported Pirate education
is very quickly becoming a thing of the
past Sparrow said. "We're moving
along with the national trend and try-
ing to stay ahead of the curve
The state currently provides
around 95 percent of funding. With
state support rapidly dwindling, ECU is
keeping ahead of the game by contact-
ing Alumni and friends of the school.
"Not everybody can be expected
to contribute in every stage of their life"
Sparrow said. "But it seems to me re-
sponsible citizens of the intellectual
world have an obligation to support
their Alma Maters
One very responsible citizen (who
wishes to remain anonymous) agrees
heartily with Sparrow, and proved his
support 250,000 times. Our masked
benefactor has agreed to match up to a
quarter million dollars in pledges. This
challenge is bound to stir the hearts,
minds, and bank accounts of many
Scott Wells, director of develop-
ment for Arts and Sciences, said the
money, "will do good things for the
See TELE page 4
The East Carolinian
Would like to apologize to Catalog Connection
for Omitting an Expiration Date on
the 25 Off coupon in the Back To School Issue
The Expiration Date should be 9-4-95
Find it in our classifieds.
Only $2 for 25 words
with a valid student I.D.
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When: Wed Aug. 30,1995,4:00pm-7:00pm
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-???? ?????.???
Tuesday, August 29, 1995
The East Carolinian
CIA agent focuses on relations IS
from page 3
not just Arts and Sci-
Miriam Brooks
Staff Writer
A former CIA agent is currently
teaching a course within the political
science department concerning the role
of'intelligence in international politics.
Frank Palumbo is well versed on
the topic of intelligence communities and
has an insider's view after 30 years of
service in the CIA. He began working
for the CIA nine years after it was founded
in 1947, and his involvement in intelli-
gence activities spanned the 1950s. 60s.
and 70s up until his retirement in 1988.
While teaching this course, there
will be areas which cannot be discussed
by Palumbo because of his involvement
However, he does not feel that this con-
stricts him in any way.
" "All of my teaching materials will
be drawn from what is in the public do-
main and only in the public domain
Palumbo said. "I have a secrecy agree-
ment that binds me for life. I have to write
a letter to the agency prior to each course
that I teach and give them my syllabus
and references. I tell them in the letter
that I won't divulge classified informa-
tion or sources and methods. Then I have
to get their approval to teach that
Palumbo's course will give students
an overview of the intelligence commu-
nity throughout history with an empha-
sis on the role of intelligence in 1995.
"The intelligence community does
not exist in a vacuum Palumbo said.
"It is a part of a larger domestic political
system and it functions in an interna-
tional environment You have to under-
stand both the politics of the United
States as well as what's going on in the
world in order to understand not only
where we are. but where we are going in
the future
Palumbo will address the history of
intelligence activities in .America.
"I want to give students the under-
standing that intelligence was not some-
thing dreamed up under the National
Security Act of 1947 Palumbo said.
"Rather, some historians believe that the
first intelligence officer in the U.S. gov-
ernment was George Washington who
sent out agents to collect intelligence
against the British
Palumbo will address national se-
curity issues, as well as changes which
face the intelligence community in the
21st century.
"Intelligence communities have his-
torically and traditionally functioned un-
der the Chief of State Palumbo said.
"However, in the 1970s because of
Watergate and the Vietnam War. there
is now a tremendous amount of congres-
sional oversight In 1995. Congress al-
most has more to say about what the
intelligence community is doing and how
they are doing it than the president of
the United States
The role of foreign policy, democ-
racy, freedom, civil liberties and moral-
ity are all inextricably linked with issues
of intelligence. .Although Palumbo will
address each of these issues, he empha-
sizes that the course will be manageable
for students. In addition to teaching.
Palumbo is currently conducting re-
search for a book he hopes to write.
"I am very interested in the period
of Premier Khrushchev's reign in the
Soviet Union from the time of Stalin's
death in 1953 up until Khrushchev was
deposed in 1964 Palumbo said. "I'd lite
to write about that period from the stand-
point of US-Soviet relations and ask, did
we undermine Khrushchev Palumbo
said. "Would the demise of the Soviet
Union have come about sooner if the U.S.
had supported him?"
Palumbo moved to Morehead City.
N.C. from the Washington. D.C. aiea
about four years ago. One of his goals
?.fter retiring from the CIA was to teach.
"I've wanted to teach since about
1975 Palumbo said. "I did some lectur-
ing when I was with the CIA and it's
always been something that I have
wanted to do
Palumbo received a bachelor's de-
gree in political science and an MA in
international politics at the University of
Maryland. He began teaching political
science courses as an adjunct faculty
member of ECU's Continuing Education
Division in 1991. A year and a half ago
Palumbo spent one semester at ECU
teaching a course on state and local gov-
"When I was recently asked to teach
at ECU again. I jumped at the opportu-
nity because I really learned a lot from
the students while teaching here, "
Palumbo said.
Wells, who was formerly a major
gifts officer for the Shared Visions cam-
paign, declined to comment on the iden-
tity of our amiable alum but said, "He
and his wife are both ECU Grads he
just doesn't like to toot his own hom
. he is the caliber of person you would
want to be around
Among other plans, the College of
Arts & Sciences would like to offer a
number of Doctorate level programs
which are not otherwise available in
N.C, and would like to see a Phi Beta
Kappa chapter in their future.
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The East Carolinian
Tuesday, Ausust 29, 1995
JjLvO from page 5
whole new set of losses.
'It's not the local companies
we should be concerned about, our
focus should be on the people who
make the decisions, the larger com-
panies, and the company heads who
control such things as mergers
According to Rick Sluter of
Glaxo-Wellcome, a lot of factors
contributed to the decision for a
merge, most dealing with world-
wide business matters.
"Because this is an interna-
tional company, we had to take into
consideration those things which
were best for the company Sluter
said. "However, these decisions were
not made lightly. We are well aware
and appreciate all of the things the
company could do when it was in
Greenville, but this is business
The director of corporate com-
munications went on to say that the
first step the company must now
take is to analyze for world wide
need, and then actions may be taken
to buffer the effects of the loss to
"We have to understand what
the impact will be down the road
before we can do anything Sluter
said. "We have been working with
community leaders to identify op-
portunities to help the area. It is my
hope that there are ways we will be
able to help
Several of ECU's leaders, profes-
sors, and students voiced the same
MOVE from page 1
good semester for students to wait
until the last minute to do things
Joyner's Director Dr. Kenneth
Marks agreed, but said the library
will boast several new additions.
"Group study rooms, that will
be perhaps the most important ad-
dition in terms of students Marks
said. "We should have somewhere
in the range of about three dozen
of these
Despite the mammoth size of
the addition which will double
Joyner's existing floor space, the li-
brary, when completed, will still be
unable to hold all of Joyner's mil-
lion volumes.
"Eventually, they're hoping to
build a book tower, but that's another
bond referendum Shires said.
She said the library's goal is to
minimize the impact the move will
have on students.
"We'll try to run more courier
services to storage areas, even on
weekends Shires said. "We will try
to make the transition as easy as pos-
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there's a lot of joints and comers and
round raises on this building, it takes a
lot of coordination to make everything
come together correctly ? and keeping
the quality
Deemer chose not to comment on ?
the project's delay, saying, "some areas .
are behind, some areas are ahead, but,
we're still anticipating the project finish
ing on time
He said the project's progress is-
going rather smoothly, despite some last .
minute changes by the university.
"Overall, we haven't had any major
problems at all, the day-today minor prob
lems we always have, but overall we've, r
been lucky
More than five major contractors .
and 70 subcontractors are at work on ;
the library addition.
"Last year, we had a personnel piob- -
iem, but right now there are plenty out
there . masons are hand to find Deemer
He praised East Carolina Masonry
for their hard work and said up to 150.
people are sometimes working on the
building at one time.
"Any kind of state project like this, ?
there's just a lot of red tape and bureau-
cracy to deal with, state inspections, state
construction approvals - stuff like that
is a lot more to deal with over regular
public work Deemer said. 'There's af
lot of people to please out there
Phase two of the library additions"
will include completion of the clock towet
(the concrete foundation has already
been poured), and the demolition of the
existing east wing.
"The east stacks, periodicals and
microforms will move with the first
phase but the west end will stay esserw.
tially the same for the next year and then
it will move in Phase 111 said Dr. Ken-
neth Marks, director of Joyner Library
Reference areas, as well as book
stacks are located in the west side of the!
library. The area which currently holds-
periodicals and the microforms collection
will become an extension of the mall to?
cated on the campus side of the library
The massive columns which stand before"
the doomed building will remain as Jt
milestone of die original structure.
"What I've seen of the existing fa-
cilities and what"s going to be there even-
tually, if s going to be a tremendous new
learning environment Deemer said.
With the completion of Phase III in
1997, the courtyard created around the
clock tower will serve as the new main
entrance to campus, said Nancy Shires,
an assistant professor in the library. The
area will contain a sound sculpture which
makes different sounds as people pass
Originally built in 1954, Joyner Li-
brary has been renovated six different
times for various reasons. The project
currently under construction is estimated
at around $22 million and was made
possible through a bond referendum that
passed in 1993.
CENTER from page 1
students Haynes said. "She was a
mover and shaker on campus. African-
American students flocked to her. She
was a good resource person for Afri-
can-American students here on cam-
Wright's son, Steven Wright, is
the chairperson of the Ledonia Wright
Center fund-raiser committee. African-
American alumni and other friends of
ECU are also on the committee.
"These funds these funds that
we're looking for are mainly for pro-
gramming - to establish a speaker se-
ries, to potential upgrade facilities
Haynes said. "We are looking addi-
tional moneys to do another meeting
room. So, we are looking at resources
above and beyond what we have
Initially, the center has received
university funds for Bloxton House
renovations, programming, and opera-
tion costs.
Haynes said the center is open
to everybody on campus and will be
beneficial to African-American stu-
dents as well as other ECU students.
"This is very, very important to
our campus on two levels Haynes
said. "Number one, when you look at
it from a minority or African-Ameri-
can student perspective, it shows com-
mitment to those students. It also will
serves to educate non African-Ameri-
cans or other races or ethnic groups
about the richness of the African-
American culture and heritage.
"If you look at it from a different
perspective as well with some of the
resources, some of the art, and some
of the newspapers we will have there,
it is definitely educational. That's what
ECU is all about It's an educational
institution, so there are a lot positive
things that will come out this center

Tuesday, Ausust 29, 1995
The East Carolinian
Our View
ECU has
finally put
the students'
money to
proper use
with the
founding of
the new
Next month, the new Ledonia S. Wright African-American
Cultural Center will open to the public. TEC feels that it's
about time our student fees were put to practical use.
All students pay university fees. In the past, our money
has gone to multi-million dollar construction projects, fiber
optics systems and athletic facility upgrades. Despite the ne-
cessity of such improvements as the fiber optics systems,
projects such as the rec center will never be seen, much less
used by those of us funding it. We hope this new cultural
center may signal an internal change in the administration
with regard to how our money is spent.
The old Ledonia S. Wright building was desperately in need
of repair. Had that building been some type of athletic facility,
the building would have been never needed repair. Funding
would have immediately became available at the first hint of
But thousands of people won't flock to the African-Ameri-
can Cultural Center the way they crowd into Dowdy-Ficklen
Stadium. Out of sight, out of mind? Which is more important,
a football game or a center to bring about consciousness for a
people who have been oppressed in this country for over 200
These were questions surely raised by Steven Wright;
Ledonia S. Wright's son and chairperson of the fund-raiser
committee. Mr. Wright has fought a long, hard battle and has
finally won.
The new center will feature all types African-American ex-
hibits such asAfrican-American newspapers and African art
We confess that one center is not going to eliminate rac-
ism and prejudice from the face of the earth, but it certainly is
a step in the right direction.
We, as students, are at ECU to get an education. In the
history classrooms we learn of ancient civilizations and how
those civilizations effect our lives today. But learning does not
stop at the classroom door, nor should funding for facilities
such as the Ledonia S. Wright African-American Culture Cen-
This facility will be a feather in the cap of ECU and the
learning that will take place in the center will live on and flour-
ish long after football games are forgotten.
Moanfest '95, round two
Like everyone else, I started
classes again last week, and one of
the courses I was dreading not so
much as the others was Music Appre-
ciation. What, I reasoned, could be
more pleasant than sitting in a huge,
dimly-lit room for an hour and listen-
ing to music?
Waiting outside in the lobby of
the auditorium for the class to begin
were dozens of glum-faced fellow stu-
dents who emitted a groan of "I don't
want to be here" with every breath.
Many of them were holding hushed
conversations with their fellow in-
mates, expressing their resignation to
General College fate, and that this had
better not be a class with a lot of
Once everyone had filed morosely
in and flopped into the cushioned fold-
ing chairs, the instructor Cliff's-Noted
the syllabus, in the process announc-
ing that in addition to the mid-term
and final exams, there would be six
scheduled quizzes over the course of
the semester.
Everyone in the place grumbled
at once, loudly.
It was an amazing effect, really-
the entire room vibrated lightly for a
few seconds, like an auditorium-sized
tuning fork. My pen rolled off the book
I was using as a desk at the time and
clattered away under the row of seats
in front of me, and off into the lost
ball-point pen void where they all seem
to eventually go to die.
Apparently, the instructor was
used to such negative feedback. With-
out missing a beat, he went on to de-
clare that the quizzes would not be
graded, that their purpose was to pre-
pare the class for what was going to
be on the exams.
This did little to assuage the ugly
muttering still rippling through the
room. I could practically see the class
shrinking, and I do not mean huddling
Brian Wright
Opinion Columnist
No one is
willing to work
hard for what
they want
together in any kind of us-against-the-
system fellowship.
I looked up from hunting in vain
for my lost pen and sniffed the air,
wrinkling my nose. The guy sitting
next to me asked what I was doing. I
shrugged, he shrugged, and I went
back to my search.
What I was thinking but knew
better than to say out loud was that
the air in the room reeked, from where
11 out of every 10 people in it were,
in an academic sense anyway, spoiled
No one is willing to work hard
for what they want anymore. The
popular trend these days is the "mi-
crowave effort where the job is fin-
ished in a fraction of the regular time,
yet doesn't really taste as good.
Fast and easy are this decade's
buzzwords. It reminds me of a Far
Side panel showing a shopper in a
small room looking at the ony shelf,
which is situated about 14 feet off the
ground, well out of reach. The cap-
tion reads, "Inconvenience Store
Just about everything worth hav-
ing is worth working, striving for. This
includes education, a good job, per-
sonal fulfillment, even love.
I'll be so happy when a vending
machine hits the hallways that dis-
penses college diplomas. At least then
all the whining will stop-just deposit
a few thousand dollars in change, pref-
erably quarters, if you're from North
Carolina, and several thousand more
if you're from out of state. Select the
four-year degree of your choice, press
the right letternumber combination,
watch the roll of paper get pushed off
the ledge by that dispensing coil, and
out of the slot in the bottom of the
machine comes your ticket to big
After all, when the legions of
unskilled dunderheads file into the
work force they'll be ejected faster
than you can say "laughing stock no
matter how many degrees they have.
If they don't have the mental qualifi-
cations to do the job, then the certifi-
cates of qualifications aren't good for
much else than paper airplanes.
The "Me" generation is still go-
ing on. It didn't die, only lowered its
speaking voice a bit The sentiment is
still there - the easy road to the
Shangri-La of success. The American
Dream, where anyone could work his
way up the ladder has gone even lower
than the crooked and bent ideology
of the American Scheme.
At least the "Me-Me-Me's" were
working, even if the bulk of it was
creeping through the gray areas of
ethics, and their goal to get to the
point where they didn't have to work
anymore, while they were still young
enough to dance on the graves of all
the fingers they'd stomped on along
the way.
We've sunk even lower down in
the muck to come face-to-face with the
American Teen, the stereotypical
whining, complaining freeloader who
constantly gets his way sheerly by
being annoying, their sullen, pouting,
put-upon gaze arrowing defiantly out
at us.
letters to the Editor must include your name, year, major, address AND TELEPHONE
NUMBER! Absolutely no fetters will be printed unless we can verity the author's very
existence. Drop your letters by the Student Pubs. bldg. (across from ioyner) or mall them:
The East Carolinian, to the Editor. Student Pubs, bldg ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353.
The East Carolinian
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor-in-Chief
Crissy Parker, Advertising Director
Printed on
Tambra Zlon, News Editor
Wendy Rountree, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff Illustrator
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Ken Clark, Photographer
Darryl Marsh, Production Assistant
Xlali Yang, Systems Manager
W. Jason Allen, Copy Editor
Patrick Hinson, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel,Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919)
yoo -Just get Sack
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Walt would role in his grave
From Snow White through the
Lion King Disney has been the master
of animated magic, but this summer
something changed. The quality is still
there, but the message is different.
Pocahontasis the first animated Disney
movie to deal with a real people, but
unfortunately the movie has nothing to
do with historical reality.
A little romanticizing of the past
may be all right but Disney has put to-
gether a drama that is entirely opposite
of reality and just plain bad history.
Pocahontas is so bad that Disney's next
animated feature could be about Mar-
tin Luther King as a racist or Chandi as
the head of a militia.
Rather than Pocahontas convert-
ing Captain John Smith to the ways of
the Native Americans, she became part
of the Jamestown colony. William
Strachey, secretary of the Jamestown
colony, described the young Pocahontas
as doing cartwheels "all the fort over
Pocahontas and Smith were never
even close to being romantically in-
volved. Unlike a film goddess in her
late 20s, Pocahontas was only about 12
when she first met Smith. Smith had
been captured by Pocahontas' father,
Chief Powhatan, and was scheduled to
be executed. Pocahontas intervened
and saved his life. Smith wrote, "She
hazarded the beating out of her own
brains to save mine . . . She so pre-
vailed with her father, that I was safely
conveyed to Jamestown
Years after Smith left Jamestown,
Pocahontas married a colonist named
John Rolfe. Their marriage solidified a
lasting peace between the natives and
the settlers.
The film goes on to display the
Englishmen of the 1607 colony as rac-
Shane Deike
Opinion Columnist
has nothing to
do with
historical reality
ist, dupes and fortune-seekers who are
put to destroy Native Americans and the
ecology. Of course any good historian
knows that most of the early colonies
were settled in hopes of religious free-
dom, not for fortune seeking and per-
sonal gain.
But the most stunning turn in the
movie is how Disney treats the spiritual
life of Pocahontas. The movie portrays
her as a Native-American enchanted
with nature and mysticism. The histori-
cal reality is that Pocahontas converted
to Christianity. A giant mural in the
rotunda of the U.S. Capitol honors her
baptism. Smith noted in his written in-
troduction of Pocahontas to Queen
Anne that, "Pocahontas is the first
Christian ever of that nation
Mike Gabriel, the film's codirector,
said, "We decided right off that we
weren't going to make a historical docu-
ment but a love story, an entertainment
that was mindful of historic reality
Mr. Gabriel's idea of being "mindful of
historic reality" really means that Disney
decided to use real names, but nothing
So big deal, Disney screwed around
with historical reality. The revision of
history is just one way popular media
dupes the American public into think-
ing wrongly about the heritage of our
nation. To watch movies about history
today would have you think that every
person with white skin loved to kill In-
dians and was out to destroy the land.
For the last few generations we
have been told that the American expe-
rience is just the chance accumulation
of adventurers, Deists, aristocrats, con-
victs and religious outcasts who came
seeking their own economic gain, seiz-
ing the Indians' land, using slaves to
clear the forests, and stumbling into
assured prosperity because of abundant
natural resources. Some of this hap-
pened, but this overall stereotype bears
little resemblance to the actual reality.
In contrast William Bradford of the
Plymouth colony, in reference to the
colony's relationship with the Native
Americans, called their translator
Squanto, "a special instrument sent of
God for their good beyond their expec-
The movie Pocahontas plays out
like an infomercial for new age religion
while downgrading the heritage of our
nation. And it is done on a level to en-
tice and educate children. Pocahontas
is no longer a woman of American his-
tory, but a rewritten figure promoting
cheap merchandise, bad history and new
age thinking.
Pocahontas the movie is great ani-
mation with no regard Pocahontas the
person. If she were here today she
would have more than one lawyer ask-
ing her to sue for defamation of charac-
News flash ? Garcia was just a man
Jerry Garcia was cool. Jerry Garcia
was radical. Jerry Garcia was awesome.
Now that that is out of the way, I must
say that if s time to roll up our sleeping
bags and drive home to the place I like
to call reality. Jerry Garcia is dead and
life will go on.
I can feel the anger welling up in-
side of you. Right now you are saying
"how can he say that" or "what an in-
sensitive jerk It is important to sit
down and read this before you grab your
pen and begin the response.
Going through the periodicals in
the library in search of information on
the Dead, I read maybe 20 on the life of
Garcia. Some articles were dedicated to
the future of one of America's greatest
bands. Some simply described stories
about camping trips or concerts involv-
ing the Dead or their music. Most told
of Garcia's songs and of his struggles
with drugs. All of these nation-wide ar-
ticles made me want to sleep.
I will concede that Garcia made a
substantial contribution to the history
of music and its subcultures. I also want
to assure those of you who are faithful
listeners to the music of Jerry Garcia
Patrick Ware
Opinion Columnist
When a person
famous, they
cease to be
perceived as
that it is not my intention to ignore the
amazing talent that he had for playing,
writing and performing music. I do,
however, want to express my boredom
with the phenomenon of placing pub-
lic figures on pedestals.
For some reason, when a person
becomes famous, and that person re-
mains famous for their entire life, they
cease to be perceived as human. People
like Jerry Garcia, Janis Joplin, Jimmy
Hendrix. and MariJyn Monroe should
remain examples of how drugs and al-
cohol can destroy lives. They can even
destroy the lives of people who success-
fully obtained a venue with which to
communicate to humanity. These people
were just like you and me except they
were bom with different abilities. They
had weakness like any other.
If celebrities are raised up to an
unnatural level not only does it create a'
skewed sense of reality, but it defeats
the purpose of their work. If someone
like Garcia is worshipped instead of re-
spected then they have no means of
communication. When they try to ex-
press something it is not perceived as
being from another person. It is taken
without the knowledge that they are just
like anyone else.
So don't drive to Arizona tomor-
row and search of the spot where you
first heard "Sugar Magnolia Don't
have "Jerry Garcia is God" tattooed on
your arm. Don't name your first bom
child after him and sentence them to
years of ridicule. Remember that he had
talents and weakness like the rest of us
and that you dishonor his memory by
thinking him anything more than a man.
??nan ???????

Tuesday, Ausust 29,1995
The East Carolinian
Help Wanted
For Rent kffi For Sale
from campus, $20 monthly, call 830-9125.
you HOMELESS like me? Call Kenny 752-
apt 12 block from campus, 3 blocks from
downtown, 2 blocks from supermarket
laudramat Rent includes utilities, phone
& cable. 757-1947.
WANTED TO SHARE 2 Bedroom. 2 Bath.
12 Rent and utilities. Call 752-0533 leave
1 BEDROOM, QUIET, Extra Clean, Cat s
OK. $335mo. Call anytime 321-2675.
ROOMMATE(S) WANTED for 4 bed, 2
bath house. Big Basement wit h Pool Table
$175. Call Chris 0746549.
MALE needed to share condo at
Breezewood. $265.00 per month, 12 utili-
ties. Call 321-2969.
2 ROOMMATES WANTED for serrri-pri-
vate room, 2 blocks from campus, 3 blocks
from downtown. Air conditioning, energy
efficient Please call Debbie or Jim at 758-
an apartment together. Want to move out
soon but later into the semester is OK.
Call 3556324 or leave message.
ROOMMATE WANTED - $187.50 per
month, plus $125.00 deposit, and 12
utilities. Non-smoker. Close to campus
Langston Park Apts. Call 756-5747.
share house. $225 mth 12 utilities.
Must love animals. Horse board also avail-
able on premises. Call 758-7414.
nished Bedroom with Private Bath - ECU
Bus Route - Washer-Dryer Priveleges, Lei-
sure atmosphere Call 321-1848.
new house 2 miles from campus. Very
spacious. Fully furnished house with back
deck and basketball court $200 a month
includes phone & water. 752-2116
ROOMMATE WANTED: male or female,
2 br. 112 bath townhouse, Rent $205 ?
12 utilities, smoker or non-smoker. Call
Christie at 757-0482 anytime
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
?1 and 2 Bedrooms
Clean and Quiet, one bedroom
furnished apartments. $250 per
month, 6 month lease.
2899-2901 East 5th Street
?Located near ECU
?ECU Bus Service
?On-Site Laundry
"Special Student Leases"
LT. or Tommy Williams
756-781 S758-7436
GUITARS - I will buy yours, or I'll sell
you mine, or we can talk Trade, I sell
cheap! Call Eddie (919) 637-6550.
TION for non-payment 33 different units
scheduled for sale. Items to numerous to
list Includs. but not limited to Beds, Chest
Dressers, Couches. Coffee tabels. Kitchen
boxes, heaters, AC units, Stereo An-
tiques. Entertainment Centers, mirrors,
pictures, TV's, VCR's misc. household
items. LOCATION @ 1528 S. Evans St
Evans Street Centre, Directly Across from
Fort Henrys Army Navy Surplus Store,
FOR SALE! Dorm size refrigerator, $50.
Full sise mattress, $30. Call Chan 757-
cessories, Passive EQ & Amp, 321-2675.
VAN HALEN - two reserved seats for the
Friday September First 1995 Show -
$60.00 for pair neg. center stage at Wal-
nut Creek.
bed. Entire bed includes: Headboard, mat-
tress, boxspring and frame for $85 or obo.
Call 752-7062 leave message.
DORM FRIDGE - Large 4.1 cubic feet
1'8" x 2'10" x I'll Weibilt" White with
Woodgrain top. $75. Call Lauren 758-
FOR SALE: Large Dorm Refrigerator
$60.00. Nice microwave cart $50.00 Call
IBANEZ BASS $200.00, Kraner bass
$75.00, Mattress and Boxspring $200.00,
TREK 930 mountain bike - like new
$500.00. Call Jason 752-7107.
in great condition, new reartite, 2 helmet i,
low miles. Call 756-3393.
SOLOFLEX FOR SALE: Soloflex w leg
extension and butterfly attachment Ex-
cellent condition. $650. Call 830-3826 af-
ter 2pm.
1992 GENERAL 14 X 70 $19,750. IM-
able. Special built Many extras, ready to
move in. Located in nice mobile park in
Greenville. Ideal for students or family.
Suitable for NC Coast Interested parties
call 919-778-8553 or 919-731-6075 for
more information.
FUTON FRAMES FROM $79. Black iron
frames from $129. Futon mattresses from
$69. Compare and save Bedroom Con-
cepts 756-3161.
WATERBEDS FROM $239. Compare and
save M-F 11 to 6 ? Sat 10 to 2. Bed-
room Concepts 756-3161.
orthopedic mattress set, in Factory Box ,
Never Used. Cost 750; 300.00 cash. (919)
2 orthopedic mattresses, POP UP
TRUNDLE, in Box Never Used. Cost 700;
325.00 cash. (919) 637-2645.
JL Greek
and Kelly Malick on your engagements
this summer. We wish you the best of luck!
Love, Your Sigma Sisters.
TEAM. Do we hear another bowl? Lets
make it a tradition.
back, we hope everyone had a great sum-
CRON PI, Welcome back and good luck
the Sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi.
ALPHA PHI would like to welcome ev-
eryone back. Good luck this semester. The
Sisters of Alpha Phi.
would like to welcome back all students
and fellow Creeks, and a surprise guest
Phil Epps is back too!
PAPERS TYPED? Call Glenda at G. S.
Typing Services. 'Affordable Rates. Call
Today - 758-7653 and Evenings (919) 527-
everything you need to make yours a suc-
cess Call 758-4591 or John at 7524715.
thump'n until MMP is pump'n. Mobile
Music Productions is "the" disc jockey
service for your party or social function.
Widest variety of any disc jockey company
in Greenville. Specializing in the needs of
ECU Organizations and Greeks. Dates are
filling fast, so call early. Ask for Lee 758-
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Call Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F53621.
Diamond Dave's Retro and Dance Party
at 758-5711. Diamond Dave is a profes-
sional Disc Jockey with a first class sound
system. Call Diamond Dave for a price
quote with no obligation
RAIN? Rent a Canopy! Two 18x20'
Peaked-roof canopies for rent $65.00 each
as is, $100.00 each delivered and set up.
752-5533. Leave a message.
24hr. SPORTS HOTLINE: ScoresPoint
Spreads Trivia Games 1-9004846000 Ext
7042 $2.99min. Must be 18 yrs. old
Procall Co. (602) 957-7240
ONE. Would like the person to be reli-
able and female. Willing to negotiate on
price and time schedule. Live near the
Brentwood area of Greenville. Call 756-
ODK HONOR SOCIETY will hold a din
ner meeting September 7th at 6:00pm in
the BB&T Leadership Center. Members
RSVP to 3284796 by September 1st
RESIDENT ADVISERS - Bring your stu-
dents to one of the CoCurricular Tran-
script Workshops offered on August 30th
at 12:00,3:00, and 4:00pm in MSC 212.
The nation's leader in college marketing
is seeking an energetic, entrepreneurial
! student for trie position of campus rep.
, No sales involved Place advertising on
bulletin boards for companies such as
American Express and Microsoft.
Great part-time job earnings. Choose
your own hours; 4-8 hours per week
I required. Call:
Campus Rep Program
American Passage Media Corp
215 W. Harrison, Seattle. WA 98119
(100) 487-2434 Ext 4444
AVAILABLE: to students who are inter-
ested in becoming PERSONAL CARE
ATTENDANTS to students in wheel-
experience is desired but not required. For
an application, contact: Office for Disabil-
ity Support Systems, Brewster A-116 or
A-114, Telephone (919) 328799.
is now accepting applications for tutors.
A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. Please
call 3284550 for more information.
TEAM needs Guys Who Like to Flip and
Twist. A chance to be a Varisty Athlete!
Contact Coach Rose at Minges Pool
the Student Patrol Unit. Help keep your
campus safe while earning money for
school. Additional students also needed
for football games. Interviews will be com-
pleted by Sept 6. Stop by the ECU Police
Department for more information.
able to shoot develop, print black and
white photos. Sports and action photos
desired. Portfolio required at interview.
Hours are M-Th afternoon and evenings
10-15 per week.
STUDENTS: Looking for part-time work
with flexible hours? ECU is looking for a
few good Pirates to contacts alumni for
the Annual Fund program. $5.00 per
hour plus bonus. Contact the Telefund
Office at 3284215.
COACHES: The Greenville Recreation and
Parks Department is recruiting for 12 to
16 part-time youth soccer coaches for the
fall girls and boys soccer programs. Appli-
cants must possess some knowledge of the
soccer skills and have the ability and pa-
tience to work with youth. Applicants must
be able to coach young people ages 5-16,
in soccer fundamentals. Hours are from
3:00pm until 7:00pm with some night and
weekend coaching. This program will run
from September to mid-November. Salary
rates start at $4.25 per hour. For more
information, please call Ben James at 830-
4567 or Michael Daly at 8304550.
SITTER WANTED: For 3 year old, 2-5
hours per week. Experience preferred.
References, CPR and transportation re-
quired. 3214954.
CHILD CARE Need Responsible person
with own transportation for after school
care 2-6 week days. Please call 830-0750
and leave message.
Travel Services is now hiring campus rep-
resentatives. Lowest rates to Jamaica,
Cancun, Daytona and Panama Cit y Beach.
Call 1-800484849.
with lifting furniture and inputing com-
puter inventory. Must have computer ex-
perience. Call 752-8585 and ask for Kim.
Experienced wait staff needed. No phone
calls please. Apply in person between
2:00pm and 6:00pm.
THE SNOOTY FOX, ladies clothing,
seeks part-time help, 10-20 hours: Store
Hours Mon-Sat 10. Apply in person
students who want to earn money while
they learn. Five positions available for Fall
Semester. Call 355-7700 and ask for
Bonnie or Cassie.
COURTYARD TAVERN is now accepting
applications for Wait Bar, and dishwash
staffs. Please Apply in PERSON ONLY
between 24pm daily. Located at 703
Greenville Blvd SE A across from The
Plaza Mall in Greenville Square Shopping
looking for college students wishing to
gain valuable work experience with a rap-
idly growing company. Ideal applicant
would be energetic, efficient willing to
learn, and have excellent communication
skills. We are looking to hire 35 to 40
people for our collections, credit report-
ing, and customer service departments.
Available working hours are from 8am to
9pm. We will work around school sched-
ules. Please apply in person at 1206
Charles Blvd.
needed for Papa Olivers Pizza, 316-C E.
10th St Greenville. Need to have own
transportation and knowledge of
Greenville area. Apply within.
HELP WANTED: Waitstaff Daytime and
Night Shifts available. Must be able to
work at least two weekday lunch shifts.
NO CALLS. Please apply in person be-
tween 8am and 10am or 2pm and 4pm.
Professor O'Cools Winn Dixie Market
HELP WANTED: Experienced Waitstaff
needed immediately, part and full-time.
Apply in person. Ming Dynas ty. Rivergate
Shopping Center East 10th Street
ITS FUN AND EASY making Extra Cash
and selling your own hours, selling T-
Shirts. Call 931-1192 for info.
ATTENTION LADIES: Greenville's Old-
est and Largest Escort Service is now hir-
ing due to our expanding Business. Ear n
up to $1,500 plus per week. Escorting in
the Greenville and surrounding areas. You
must be at least 18 years of age. Have own
phone and transportation. We are also
hiring Male and Female Dancers for Pri-
vate Parties. Call Diamond Escorts Inc.
at 758-0896 or Emerald City Escorts at
757-3477 for an Interview. Est 1990.
up to $2545hr. teaching basic conv ersa-
tional English in Japan, Taiwan, or S.
Korea. No teaching background or Asian
Languages required. For information call:
(206) 632-1146 ext J53621.
& full-time employment at National Parks.
Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits
bonsuses! Call: 1-206-5454804 ext.
Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to
$3,000-$6.000 per month. Room and
Board! Transportation! Male or Female.
No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-
4155 ext A53621.
to $2,000month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
Travel. Seasonal & full-time employment
available. No experience necessary, for
more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext
TIQUE. Located at the Lynndale
Shoppes(next to Staccato Cafe) Hours 10-
6:00 Mon-Sat. Call 355-8771.
ERNIE'S FAMOUS SUBS: Full or part-
time help wanted. Apply in person any day
between 2:00pm & 4:00pm.
NOW HIRING: Waitresses, Waiters, Bak-
ery attendants, Cooks, Buffet attendants,
meat cutters, utility. Apply at Golden Cor-
ral. 504 SW Greenville Blvd.
The Greenville-Pitt County Special
Olymics will be conducting a Soccer
Coaches Training School on Saturday,
September 23rd from 9am4pm for all in-
dividuals interested in volunteering to
coach soccer. We are also looking for vol-
unteer coaches in the following sports:
basketball skills, team basketball, swim-
ming, gymnastics, powerlifting,
rollerskating, and bowling. No experience
is necessary. For more information con-
tart Dwain Cooper at 8304551.
The Newman Catholic Student Center
welcomes all students to ECU and wishes
to announce its 8th Annual Open House
and Pig Pickin' on Wednesday, August 30,
4-7pm at the Newman Center. 953 E. 10th
Street (2 houses from the Fletcher Music
building at the East end of Campus). There
will be fun, food, friends and fellowship!
For more information, please call Fr. Paul
Vaeth, 757-1991.
Applications are available today in the
Dean of Student office (209 Whichard).
These are stipend positions. Applications
are due August 30.
The Decision Sciences Department will
offer a non-credit EXCEL course at no cos t
Classes are 24pm Fridays from Septem-
ber 1 - 29, 1995. Enrollment is limited;
preference will be given to students that
received transfer credit for DSCI 2223 In-
troduction to Computers. To register call
(919) 328-6893 or stop by the Decision
Sciences office (GCB 3410) by August
30th. EXCEL is the spreadsheet and graph-
ics package used in business courses.
Anone interested in becoming a big
brother or sister of a child needing a posi-
tive role model should contact Dan
Davidan at 355-8823 or Jean Picarelli at
752-6312. ATTENTION. Officers and cur-
rent members there will be a meeting in
Brewster B-302 at 6:00pm Tuesday August
29 or Contact Dan or Jean.
CAMPUS SALES REP wanted for part-
NIENCE! T-Shirts, sweatshirts, huggers,
cups & Advertising specialities. Call 1-800-
758-5646 for information.
TELEMARKETING - Davenport Exteri-
ors Thermal Guard - $5.00 per hour plus
bonus. Easy Work, Flexible hours start
today. Call 355-0210.
wanted for growing ophthalmic practice.
Must be enthusiastic and a people person.
We will train the right person. Hours are
Mon-Fri afternoon and early evenings.
Send resume to: Eastern Carolina Eye
Center: Att: Clinical Director, 2573
Stantonsburg Rd. Greenville, NC 27834.
$1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 301-306-1207.
TLC ESCORTS is seeking ladies for danc-
ing, modeling, and escorting. $1000
weekly. Flexible hours. Discreet & confi-
dential. Health Insurance available. Call
9am-2am 758-2881.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to National
Mailers PO Box 774, Olathe, KS 66051.
Immediate response.
Welcome Back
Why not work where you
Love To Shop!
? Ability to schedule
around school hours
? 15-29 hrwk. options
? Merchandise discount
? Great Way To Gain
Apply with Store
Tuesday, l-6pm
The Plaza or
Carolina East
808 S. Memorial Dr.
Greenville, NC 27834
(919) 757-1610
Help Wanted
Teamwork Environment'
Hiring All
Positions & Shifts
Apply in Person
M-1 1 or 2-5
The Career Services Office will sponsor a
workshop on how to access hobs and ot her
career resources on the Internet. Jeff
Henley, Assistant Director of Career Ser-
vices, will provide hand-on instruction to
train participants in methods of electroni-
cally expanding their job search. The work-
shop will be held in Austin Lab 206 on
Friday, Sept 1 from 3:304:30pm. Contact
Career Services, 701 E. Fifth St to regis-
ter. Seating is limited to 20 persons.
First Meeting will take place Wednesday,
Sept 6 in GCB 1031 from 5-6pm. All re-
turning members and interested MBA's are
invited to attend. Light refreshments will
be available.
The Career Services Office and the School
of Business will sponsor it s annual Busi-
ness Career Day on Tuesday, Sept 19 in
the General Classroom Building. To help
students prepare so that they can meet
and talk with the more than 50 recruiters
in a professional and productive way,
Margie Swartout will present some ideas
and will answer students' questions re-
garding attire, questions to ask, resumes
and how to research the organizations.
The seminar will be held in t he General
Classroom Building, Room 1400 on Wed.
Sept 6 at 3:00pm.
CITAL, Jeff Jarvis, tuba, and Laura Cobb,
piano(AJ Fletcher Recital Hall, 8:00pm,
free). For more information, call ECU-
We will be holding our first meeting and
demonstration on Wednesday Aug 30 at
8:00pm. Ask that old members attend a
meeting Thursday night. Aug 24 at 8:30.
Both will be held in kChristenbury Gym.
Rm 112. Any questions, please contact
Terrance Evins. Club President at 353-
0926. All Students and Faculty are invited
to come.
Flag football players get your team ready
for the Intramural Flag Football season
There will be a Flag Football Registration
Meeting on Tuesday, August 29 at 5pm in
the General Classroom Building 1031. For
more information call Recreational Ser-
vices at 328-6387
Register your outdoor 3-on3- basketball
team by Wednesday. August 30 at 5pm in
Christenbury 204. For more information
call Recreational Services at 328-6387.
Drop-In aerobics classes will be running
from today through September 1 at
3:00pm in Christenbury 108 and 5:00pm
in Garrett Gym. For more information call
Recreational Services at 328-6387.
The Natural Life Club will be having its
first club meeting on September 6 at 8pm
in Christenbury 102. We will be discuss-
ing ideas for upcoming Fall Activities.
REMINDER: There will be an Officers
Meeting on August 29 at 7pm in
Christenbury 102.
The Natural Life Club will be going on a
day trip to Busch Gardens on Saturday,
September 23. The cost is only $28, which
includes your ticket and transportation.
Sign-up in Christenbury 204 before Sep-
tember 20 at 5pm. For more information
call Ernest Solar at 752-7530.
Have you seen it? Are you in it? Have you
picked up your FREE copy? ECU'S pre-
mier edition of our video yearbook- The
Treasure Chest! To get your free tape,
bring your student ID by the Media Board
Office, or The East Carolinian, 2nd floor,
Student Publications Buildinglacross from
Joyner Library). Hurr y while supplies last
Come Meet Your Other
Jewish Classmates!
Wed August 30 7:00 PM
Mendenhall Lobby
(Near Information Desk)

liiMliiiiiJTMiiiTT 1
Tuesday, Ausust 29, 1995
7??e Easf Carolinian
? fl ?????
'Ttttutte evie&A
Local films put in
spotlight at festival
First NC film
festival scheduled
for November
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
Are you the next Quentin
Tarantino, Spike Lee or Steven
Spielberg? Are you also a proud
North Carolinian? If so, here's a topic
of interest for you: the First Annual
North Carolina Film and Video Fes-
tival. This pioneering event is a state-
wide competition for independent
films and videos made and produced
in the Tarheel state, and it will be
held in Raleigh's Rialto Theater on
Nov. 3-5.
According to festival organizer
Marjorie Putnam, the event "hopes
to give exposure to North Carolina
or North-Carolina-related indepen-
dent filmmaking" in an effort to at-
tract larger film distributors to the
This festival will not only allow
independent filmmakers working
within the state to show off their
stuff, but it will also be a competi-
tion where works will be judged and
awards given depending on the cat-
egory. This year there will be six cat-
egories accepted for competition:
Feature, Documentary, Dramatic
Short (60 minutes or less), Experi-
mental and Student (high school age
and under).
Along with presentations of the
entered films and videos, a panel dis-
cussion on independent filmmaking
lead by John Pearson will be held.
Pearson is a producer's representa-
tive who has helped such films as
Clerks and Roger and Me see the
light of day.
Also, Roger McElwee. the direc-
tor of the highly acclaimed documen-
tary Sherman's March, is tentatively
scheduled to speak. If McElwee is
able to attend, Godfrey Cheshire, the
film critic for Raleigh's Spectator,
plans to conduct an interview with
McElwee, show clips from McElwee's
films and have an audience question
and answer session.
Putnam points out that indepen-
dent projects have "mushroomed in
the industry" and that as a result of
the low-cost use of video more oppor-
tunities exist for filmmakers without
a budget Robert Rodriguez, the di-
rector of El Mariachi and Desperado,
strapped a video camera to his film
camera when shooting his first film
so he could shoot on video and film
simultaneously. Using the cheaper
video footage he shot, Rodriguez ed-
ited a promo copy of El Mariachi to
show to distributors. From the video,
he was able to obtain the necessary
money to do a final edit of the foot-
age he shot on film.
"There's a lot of creative energy
in the independent world says
Putnam, "and I've seen a lot in North
Anyone interested in competing
at the festival needs to fill out an en-
try form and submit all entries on
VHS cassette along with a $25 entry
fee ($15 if you are 18 or younger).
The deadline for entries is Sept. 15.
To receive entry forms, contact
Marjorie Putnam, NCFVF Director,
P.O. Box 46318. Raleigh NC 27620.
For telephonefax. call 919-212-0690.
Or you can contact David Moody,
NCFVF Secretary, E-mail:
Putnam sees a lucrative filmmak-
ing future for North Carolina, and fes-
tivals such as this should help give
reasons for "the next Quentin
Tarantino to stay here instead of go-
ing off to Hollywood
Despite the rain,
our reviewer has
nothing but praise
Brandon Waddell
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
As I left the Emerald City for
Walnut Creek Saturday afternoon to
become part of the third annual
H.O.R.D.E. (Horizons Of Rock Devel-
oping Everywhere) Festival, there
was an uneasy feeling in my gut.
First I made it all the way out of town
before remembering my tickets were
still at home. Second, my car was
spitting and sputtering on the verge
of break down the entire voyage
while on 264. And finally, it was al-
ready raining.
With these three negatives in
mind, certainly this was foreshadow-
ing a long, wet, muggy, disappoint-
ing day. I couldn't have been more
right about it being wet and muggy,
but the six hour festival couldn't have
been more enjoyable.
My only true reason for attend-
ing the festival was to hear one man
play his harmonica. But I was in for
much, much more. As long as folks
had plenty of money, they could pur-
chase virtually anything. From tie-
dyed shirts to toe-rings to hats made
from hemp, the H.O.R.D.E. Festival
wasn't only a music concert, but a
traveling three-ring
Side stage
band Red Thunder
started their set
while all but 100 or
so festival-goers
were still in the
parking lot, buying
tickets or stuck in
traffic. Red Thunder
appeased their audi-
ence with their dis-
tinctive style of na-
tive American in-
strumental tunes.
As they were finish-
ing their set, John
Popper ap-
peared on-
stage to per-
form the last
tune with the
band. Red
started their
set with maybe
30 onlookers,
but as har-
monica vir-
tuoso Popper
played a few
riffs, hundreds
of people
swarmed to
the tiny side
stage. Due to
the sheer
masses of fans,
John Popper
had to be es-
corted off-
stage and away
from the area
by bodyguards.
Once Red
Thunder ended
their half-hour
set, I contin-
ued my jour-
ney through
the other at-
tractions of
Tunes at
Guitarist Victor Hudson
kicked off the Fall 1995
edition of Noon Day
Tunes last Wednesday in
front of Mendenhall
Student Center.
Photo by KEN CLARK
CD. Reviews
Jasper & The
Prodigal Suns
Everything is
Jay Myers
Staff Writer
Everything is Everything isn't
everything it could be. but that's
not to say it isn't good. On their
premiere album, Jasper & The
Prodigal Suns lay down an impres-
sive groove accompanied by flashes
of vocal brilliance. However, they
also trip over themselves on occa
It is always interesting to hear
how well rap and l(ye instrumenta-
tion play together. This band joins
the ranks of others, such as Ar-
rested Development. Spearhead.
Smokin' Suckas with Logic, G.
Love & Special Sauce, Beastie Boys
and Tribe Called Quest, who have
proved that this can be a success-
ful combination. Just as each of the
above bands aren'fc derivative of
each other, Jasper & The Prodigal
Suns have carved a niche for them-
selves by combining a touch here
and there of reggae, jazz and blues,
enough to accent the sound but not
so much that it makes the record
an unlistenable mish-mash.
Jasper first appeared on the
music scene contributing some ad-
- ditional lead vocals on G. Love &
Special Sauce's self-titled debut al-
bum. The popularity of that record
and the recommendation of G. Love
("When Jasper picked up the gui-
See JASPER page 12
Clatter Bean
The emaciated Chris Robinson, frontman for
the Black Crowes, thrills the crowd at HORDE.
Eric Bartels
Staff Writer
H.O.R.D.E. Located to the left of the
main stage, Walnut Creek was boil-
ing over with food vendors. Here one
could purchase all types of
munchables. Hot
roasted corn on the
cob seemed to be a
favorite with secu-
rity and law en-
forcement person-
nel. The corn on
the cob stand was
located adjacent to
the NORML (Na-
tional Organization
ifor the Reform of
Marijuana Laws)
booth. I guess the
police wanted to be
laround should fans
by PATRICK IRFLAN roll up and smoke
. . n recently-purchased
John Popper
hemp headgear.
Main stage act Ziggy Marley and
the Melody Makers enthused the
thousands of fans who had already
filled the pavilion and lawn areas.
Ziggy especially shined during
"Rico new song that incorporated
a muted trumpet, an instrument not
commonly associated with reggae
music. The trumpeter played with a
harmon-mute, made popular by Miles
Davis. The use of this instrument
gave Ziggy Marley's entire reggae set
a jazzy flavor that everyone seemed
to enjoy.
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
Bluuuues Traveler the MC. an-
nounced over the loudspeakers at
8:15 p.m. The crowded bathrooms
emptied, the mile-long lines for beer
and food disappeared, hordes of
See HORDE page 12
Clitter clatter, clitter clatter.
Do you want to know what sound
that is? That's the sound of a train
racing away from Seattle filled with
the music beatniks that made the
Northwest Passage and Grunge
rock cool.
Unfortunately for the Seattle
natives (actually, Issaquah, Wash.
- a convenient suburb) they missed
the train out of town and to their
dismay they may have wanted to
board, because like Seattle and
many other 'music scenes' (i.e.
Chapel Hill. North Carolina's an-
swer to the local music mecca) the
cities' popularity has come and
For a predominantly female
band (the drummer is the only
male). Clatter Bean brings a mix of
sounds to the alternative world.
They bring Vedder-esque vocals.
monotone and inaudible, but at the
same time they offer driving riffs
and hevy drumbeats. In other
words, twist Metallica and Hole to-
gether and you get Clatter Bean.
Although still very young in
the industry. Bean has been fortu-
nate enough to find a producer as
famous as Don Gilmore (producer
Pearl Jam's Ten album and Temple
of the Dog) and collaborate in one
of Seattle's most renowned studios.
Bad Animals (most recognized re-
cently for furnishing Neil Young
and Pearl Jam with space to record
Jlatter Bean's six-song ep,
titled Sar , has two promising
songs, "Shallow Waters" and
"Ashes Urn Opening the album is
"Shallow Waters which sets the.
mood of the whole disc. As if the
first song was any indication for
what was to come, the grunge
sounds of Seattle spewed from
Bean's guitars and drums.
"Shallow Waters" has a lot of
promise because of the direction
that it goes rhythmically: it falls
short lyrically, however, as does
"Ashes Urn
Unfortunately, there seems to
be a pattern that forms with most
of Bean's songs. Typically, with
today's women 'rage' singers
(Courtney Love. Alanis Morrisette,
etc.) the emotion of their scream-
ing vocals enhances their songs so
that we the listener can feel their
pain or anguish. However, Clatter
Bean vocalist Jennifer Parkinson's
monotone vocals detract from the
hard Soundgarden-esque sounds
that the band is trying to accom-
Another recurring problem in
Clatter Bean's work, and this may
See SALT page 11
"A Drop in the Bucket" is just
what it claims to be: a very tiny
drop in the great screaming
bucket of American media opin-
ion. Take it as you will.
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
Is it too early to declare the
Greenville music scene dead?
I mean, maybe it's a moot point
in view of the general nation-wide
malaise in the underground.
Groups barely out of their garage-
days diapers are being snatched up
by major record labels all over the
place, and a lot of once-powerful
local music scenes are drying up.
Even Chapel Hill is offering kind
of slim pickings these days, as all
the local favorites go global on us.
After all, once you're playing to an
MTV audience, what's the point in
staying home?
Minus the bands that are get-
ting booked in the majors, local
scenes these days consist mostly of
lame-ass classic rock cover bands
and yawningly earnest folk singers.
While there's a definite art to those
styles, most of the people playing
them don't seem to know it
Sure, it's great that bands like
Polvo and Superchunk are gaining
a little national attention; they de-
serve it. And even though I find
them bland beyond all description,
I don't begrudge Hootie and the
Blowfish their wild (if inexplicable)
success. But as these bands clear
out no one's showing up to take
their place.
But I digress. Greenville has
never been a musical hotspot Sure,
we've always had our fair share of
bands, and we've had some good
ones. The Earth Murchants and the
Kill Kids gave way to Henry Acro-
bat and Ella. But the record indus-
try isn't exactly beating down our
doors to book these guys.
No. our local alternative bands
are facing another, more serious
threat They have nowhere to play.
That's right. With the closing
of O'Rockefeller's, the former home
of Greenville's alty scene, many
bands are left out in the cold. And
without a venue to play, I don't see
how those bands can do anything
but call it quits.
I guess the alternative scene
Greenville has seemingly been
building these past few years is re-
ally just a bunch of posers. I mean,
if we can't even keep one measly
alternative club open, we must be
a pretty lousy group of rebel intel-
lectuals. Apparently, it was all just
a fashion show.
Maybe the Percolator better
watch out I mean, sure all those
strange-looking people claim to
enjoy poetry readings and open mic
nights. But I've seen the yawns and
looks of utter boredom on the faces
of the underground trendies. Maybe
See DROP page 12

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, August 29,1995
Recreational Services
Fitness Classes
Register NOW through September 1 in
204 Christenbury Gymnasium
Pfeiffer molds Dangerous Minds
Ike Shibley
Senior Writer
Our classes include:
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Or, purchase a drop-in ticket for $7.50 (5 classes).
Pick up a complete class schedule in 204
Christenbury Gym or call 328-6387 for details.
Hollywood has certainly pro-
duced enough films about teachers
who inspire difficult students and
the last thing the summer of '95
seemed to need was another entry
into this overpopulated genre.
But Dangerous Minds proves
that the genre can still provide en-
tertainment as well as motivation.
The success of Dangerous Minds
can be attributed largely to
Michelle Pfeiffer.
Pfeiffer plays ex-marine
LouAnne Johnson, an out-of-work
teacher who gets railroaded into
teaching a class of intelligent but
difficult students. The students she
is assigned all come from back-
grounds fraught with social prob-
lems. Her class is entirely minori-
Mandatory Organizational
ECU Student Leaders
Tuesday, September 5, 1995
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ties and each one of her students
seems to have an attitude problem.
Johnson gets the students' at-
tention on the second day of class,
after nearly quitting on the first
day, by wearing a leather jacket and
discussing karate.
She then en-
tices them into an-
swering questions
by handing out
candy bars for cor-
rect answers. A trip
to the amusement
park and a dinner
at a fancy restau-
rant provide other
encouragements to
help motivate the
students to learn
The film wisely
shows Johnson en-
couraging the stu-
dents to give cor-
rect answers just for the sake of
learning instead of for a reward.
Though educators disagree on
whether a reward system such as
the one Johnson employs makes
better students, there must be
something positive about it if it
works, as it does in Johnson's case.
What left me incredulous was
that the students so easily accepte i
the rewards in the first place and
then that they continued to give an-
swers when the rewards were with-
The story of Dangerous Minds
was adapted from Johnson's mem-
oirs, My Posse Don't Do Home-
work. Thus one would expect a cer-
tain amount of realism.
But in any Hollywood film of
this sort the histrionics win out
over persistence. Instead of devel-
oping the gradual change in the
students' attitudes the film shows
several scenes
of powerful
emotion that
replace the
gradual tran-
sition one
knows has to
occur in a real
f il makers
wisely cut out
a sub-plot in-
volving a boy-
friend (Andy
Garcia). I can-
not even
imagine diluting the story more by
having a distracting romance. The
relationship between LouAnne and
several students outside the class-
room take up as much time as the
in-class time.
Though the external stories
may touch heartstrings, the inter-
nal story of the classroom is where
the real story should have been fo-
Dangerous Minds also places
the blame for much of the students'
attitude on the system itself. The
principal is made to look like an
ostrich with his head in the sand.
He insists on school policy when
The film wisely
shows Johnson
encouraging the
students to give
correct answers
just for the sake of
learning instead of
for a reward.
it's clear that Johnson's methods
are working. Rather than trying to
work with Johnson, the two educa-
tors are pitted as enemies.
This may be good for a Holly-
wood story, but it is a mistake in a
supposedly gritty and realistic tale.
And why is it that established teach-
ing methods, researched and prac-
ticed by educational experts, never
seem to work in movies about
Pfeiffer does her best to rise
about the material. Several scenes
where emotions brim to the surface
are barely contained behind
Pfeiffer's troubled countenance.
The actress does more to convey
her feelings with a few damp eyes
(no tears, though) than some can
with wailing sobs. Pfeiffer just may
join Meryl Streep in the Oscar
nominations next year.
Dangerous Minds manages to
rise above Hollywood conventions
for a portion of the film, but too
often it gets mired down in cliches.
The hopelessly contrived ending
when Johnson wants to quit seems
unnecessary. Some executive obvi-
ously thought an over-the-top finale
was necessary instead of a nice
quiet finish.
When Dangerous Minds does
work, it works quite well. And some
lessons are given in the film that
many teachers and students would
do well to listen to. In a genre over-
flowing with cliches, one cannot
seem to hope for too much more.
On a scale of one to 10, Dan-
gerous Minds rates a six.
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Tuesday, August 29, 1995
The East Carolinian
Mulgrew continues voyage
NEW YORK (AP) - Age-old
questions endure in the 24th cen-
' tury.
Many are raised anew by "Star
Trek: Voyager which is the fourth
"Star Trek" to boldly roam in the
vast recesses of the cosmos. The
flagship of the UPN mini-network
since its launch last January, "Voy-
ager" begins a new season tonight
at 8 p.m. EDT.
How could there be so much
square footage on those "Star
Trek" spaceships? Even with the
stripped-down USS Voyager, you
feel like you're on a Carnival
Why are crew members so stiff
and formal with each other? How
about once in a while a high-five, a
playful wedgie, the occasional "Yo,
Neelix, hiya doon?"
Does playing a Starfleet cap-
tain loosen an actor's grip on real-
"It's a way of life, it's a respon-
sibility, it's a role model says Kate
Mulgrew, who seems to have
merged a bit too thoroughly with
Capt. Kathryn Janeway, the first
female to command a Star Trek
"Command is a given thing,
not learned, and it is part of my
, nature, part of what I am as an ac-
tor says Mulgrew. "The rest of it
I will continue to work on. And it
is the hardest work I've ever done
in my life
Surely the whole galaxy recalls
how a year ago Genevieve Bujold
signed on as the Voyager's com-
manding officer, then, two Earth-
days later, beamed out.
Mulgrew, who had done "Mrs.
Columbo" on TV and Shakespeare
and Ibsen on stage, was commis-
sioned to take over the Voyager,
soon to be stranded in a distant cor-
ner of the universe more than
70.000 light-years from home.
"You can imagine my level of
excitement says Mulgrew, trans-
formed by recollections of her first
day as the Great Bunned One.
Here she was, about to meet her
"crew played by actors "to whom
I would be exposed under intimate
circumstances for possibly the next
: five or six years of my life
"The atmosphere of expectation
was pervasive she goes on, the ca-
" dence of her voice growing more and
more pronounced. "The stakes were
now high: They must have been
, thinking, Bujold had quit, now this
one, what's she gonna do?"
"And I walked on the bridge
and they all stood up the com-
pany, the crew on deck, everybody
and they saluted me and they
said, 'Captain on board
"It was great! It was splendid! I
a saw nothing but a sea of faces, all
of which 1 now know and love and
there was hope and I think there
. was respect And we just went! It was
an 18-hour day, and it was a good
' one. And it's been like that ever
Mulgrew has made no secret of
how roles had dried up and she was
Trivia Qdz
Today's Topic:
TV home Towns
Name the cities in
which the following
TV shows are set:
1. "Mork & Mindy"
2. "Newhart"
3. "Carter Country"
4. "Bonanza"
5. "The Partridge
6. "I Dream of
7. "Scarecrow & Mrs.
8. "Happy Days"
9. "Too Close for
10. "Leave it to Bea-
Answers in Thursday's issue
nearly broke.
"I wouldn't say I fit any type in
Hollywood that would be provoca-
tive or interesting to the men in
power. I'm not overtly sexy, some-
times I'm a little too smart for my
own good, and I'm not good at play-
ing victims
"I had my house on the mar-
ket she says. "I could always
scrape up work, but I never wanted
to take it just for the money. I was
trying to figure something else out"
"When you love a character as
much as I love this woman, you even
fall in love with what she loves
Mulgrew says. "She is a passionate
scientist, and while science had
never really piqued my interest be-
fore, I now find it provocative.
"Janeway is the greatest chal-
lenge I could have as an actress
Tinas week at
Wl (82891)
Pirate Talk, WZMB's hour long sports show has a new time, Thursday nights at 7:00. Call-in guests
this week include, Bud Ford, Assistant Athletic Director at the University of Tennessee and Jimmy
Hyams, beat writer from the Knoxville News Sentinel. Plus, Jerris McPhail, Pirate football players will
be in the studio.
Capricorn recording artists "Everything" will be in the studio for an interview Thursday Night after
Pirate Talk during the Roots Rock Showl
WZMB is giving away complimentary dinner coupons from Quincy' Family Steakhouse. Listen
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The East Carolinian
Deadly thrills highli
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
bur True Choic
proud of. I
, it die
iil that bad
Scott Lovelace
ECU School of Medicine
lid hi-
i '
knoiA that
from page 8

Tuesday, Ausust 29,1995
The East Carolinian
JASPER from page 8
tar, it always felt right) enabled
Jasper & The Prodigal Suns to earn
their own recording contract. The
rest of the band consists of bass,
drums, saxophone and steel pan,
which allows for an eclectic combi-
nation that can change from a low,
melodious, surface noise to a thun-
derous, discordant, wall of sound
The best thing this band has
going for it are its songs, though.
It isn't even the lyrics that stand
out so much, but their choice of
subject matter. When Jasper sends
a letter to his father who aban-
doned him in the track "Sincerely
Jasper his change from childhood
despair to adult self-assuredness is
a journey undertaken by the lis-
tener as well.
In "Without You what could
have been a cheesy love song loses
none of its sincerity because of the
low-key arrangement. "Yesteryear"
is a story of lazy summer after-
noons back in the day that sets
your feet to dancin Being from
Boston, Jasper makes a strong case
against northern migration in the
celebratory song, "Only in the
South Finally. Jasper attacks the
dependence that our society has on
television in "Give Me A Bomb
"Give me a bomb, BOOM! for
the boob tube Watch me blow it
up! Watch me blow it up Not only
do these songs offer wonderfully
descriptive social commentary, they
also move and groove.
Yet every band has its draw-
backs, too. For all of their playing
and songwriting talents, Jasper &
The Prodigal Suns sometimes end
up performing on top of each other,
making it difficult to hear what's
going on. Also, Jasper himself tends
to sound a little flat from time to
time which takes away from the poi-
gnancy that these songs possess.
None of these missteps happen of-
ten enough to detract from the
overall enjoyment of this record,
Jasper & The Prodigal Suns
have produced a collection of tunes
that is well worth having, and hope-
fully by the time their sophomore
effort comes out they will have
worked out the kinks. Also, if you
get the chance, try to catch them
as the opening act on the G. Love
and Special Sauce tour, which is set
to resume after the HORDE Festi-
val is over.
Happy's Pool Hall
Open 7 days A week ? M- Sat 9a-2a ? Sun 12-12
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HORDE from page 8
people flocked toward the stage.
Lights went up and there they were.
John Popper, Chan Kinchla, Bobby
Sheehan and Brendan Hill: Blues
The New York quartet opened
their set playing a song or two off the
four times over platinum release Four.
1 can only assume they wanted to
jump-start the crowd with some com-
mercially successful tunes. I was still
waiting to hear a couple older songs,
"Crystal Flame" or "Mountain Cry
About half-way through the hour
long set Blues Traveler brought the
raging crowd to a climax during a 20
minute version of "But Anyway" from
the band's 1990 self-titled debut re-
lease. While playing "But Anyway
Popper played a game of call and ie-
sponse with the audience as he jubi-
lantly pointed his night-stick at the
crowd when it was the right time to
respond, singing "if that mocking bird
don't singpapa's gonna buy you a
golden ring
Following "But Anyway the B.T.
frontman put his harmonicas in his
black leather harness and picked up
an acoustic guitar. They played an
unreleased ballad. "Yours
Blues Traveler ended their set
around 9 p.m. with one of the two 1
wanted to hear: "Mountain Cry Par-
ticularly while performing this song
each member of the quartet was so in
sync with the others, they seemed to
create a fifth member, another entity.
The show was over, at least as far
as I was concerned. Headliners the
Black Crowes were still backstage, but
a feeling of quiet satisfaction moved
through the crowd. The H.O.R.D.E.
Festival is the brain-child of John Pop-
per, it is his festival and he performed
like the true heavy-weight champion
he is.
As much food as was available at
the H.O.R.D.E Chris Robinson obvi-
ously wasn't eating any of it. The
Black Crowes' lead singer looked like
a cross between Jesus and a malnour-
ished Ethiopian. The Crowes were the
headlining act, but they certainly
didn't perform like they were. Experi-
menting with using different types of
percussion, at times they looked like
a bumed-out Widespread Panic cover
In the past, the H.O.R.D.E. Festi-
val has featured bands such as Phish,
the Dave Matthews Band and the
Allman Brothers. The H.O.R.D.E. Fes-
tival isn't just a concert, it's a feeling,
an atmosphere, a sense of unify within
rock music. One I'm surely glad I at-
tended, even though it rained the
entire time.
1100 Red Banks Rd.
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from page 8
they don't like the readings at all.
Maybe they just like to be seen at the
readings. It makes them seem smart
and weird to the frat boys when they'd
really rather just be sitting somewhere
swilling beer and staring at the walls.
Unfortunately for all of us, however,
that doesn't look cool.
Sure, every alternative scene has
its posers. And yes, it's all a fashion
show on some level. But most scenes
also have some strong underpinnings.
Not here.
Greenville is a cultural wasteland.
I had hoped, despite all signs to the
contrary, that this situation was chang-
ing. 1 had hoped that all those cool-
looking people I keep seeing around
everywhere would change it. But 1
guess you really can't judge books by
their covers.
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Tuesday, August 29, 1995
The East Carolinian
Peacock flies the
coop, will transfer
. p
0 V
John Peacock
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
John Peacock, a 6-foot-208
pound sophomore fullback has left
the East Carolina football team and
will be transferring to either the
University of Richmond or Central
Florida. He was starting at H-Back,
the blocking back position in the
Pirate offense. With the increased
emphasis on the passing game each
year by head coach Steve Logan, it
became evident that the fullback
would become a smaller and
smaller part of his offensive
Eric Blanton, a senior from up-
state New York will take his place
in the lineup.
A physical player who excelled
in one on one situations, Peacock
came highly touted out of Venice,
Florida's Cardinal Mooney High
School. He led the entire state of
Florida in rushing with 1,813 yards
with 27 touchdowns as a senior and
was selected to the Florida-Georgia
All Star Came as well as the
Sarasota-Manatee High School
game in which he scored two touch-
downs. Peacock stood out at line-
backer and strong safety too, mak-
ing 347 tackles and 20 sacks in his
East Carolina signed him
among some heavy competition, in-
cluding Michigan State, Purdue,
Virginia Tech and Kansas with the
promise he would play the tailback
position, not fullback.
After a strong spring practice
prior to last season in which he was
named Offensive MVP of the spring
game, he seemed set for significant
playing time behind Junior Smith
and Jerris McPhail but saw most of
his action on special teams. His best
performance was against Cincinnati
rushing for 31 yards on 10 carries.
This spring McPhail became
firmly entrenched as the starter
and freshman runners ate into
Peacock's repetitions in practice
making running backs coach and
offensive coordinator Todd Berry to
fullback academic, a move he was
very hesitant to make.
"All of my life I have played
tailback Peacock said. "I could see
myself playing fullback if I got to
run or catch the football, but I feel
like this offense doesn't need me. I
haven't seen any work at tailback
since freshman year. At fullback, my
position is being phased out so I
just didn't think I could help the
team anymore. It isn't that I mind
blocking or whatever. I'm a team
"With the offense changing so
much, I really started to see it this
fall. I was the starting H-Back but
all 1 did was block and it was very
See FOOT page 17
'Batman returns,
after disciplinary
Derrek Batson
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
Derrek Batson, a 5-foot-9 180
pound senior wide receiver from Mi-
ami, Florida has returned to school
and the football team after sitting out
of both this spring due to a disciplin-
ary suspension. The former starter has
had an excellent
fall camp, report-
ing in great condi-
tion, showing no
signs of rust after
a six month layoff.
feels good to be
back Batson
said. "It was kind
of awkward at
first. But, I have
been training re-
ally hard to get
back where I was. mmmmmmmmmmm
The other players
on the team have made a lot of great
gains as far as lifting and running
goes. I have taken a step back so I
have to work hard and get back where
I was
Even with the time missed
Batson is one of the most impressive
physical specimens on the team. He
bench presses 345 pounds and runs
a 4.5240 yard dash. The former run-
ning back continues to maintain a fat-
"It was kind of
awkward at first.
But, I have been
training really
hard to get back
where I was "
? Derrek Batson
Suddith ready for 95
Photo Courtesy of ECU SID
Ron Suddith, ready to protect Marcus Crandell, is top pass blocker allowing just one
sack in his career. The Pirates take on Tennessee Saturday evening.
Marketers focus on next level
free body with a lot of upper body
This blend of speed and strength
makes Batson an ideal backup to
Mitchell Galloway after starting three
games last fall. Batson is expected to
play a significant role, running inter-
mediate routes and catching short
passes. Wide receivers coach Doug
Martin has made the transition back
easier for him.
"He made it as smooth as pos-
sible for me Batson said. "He never
said 'I know you have been out so I
don't expect much He took the atti-
tude of expecting a lot from me as a
senior both mentally and physically.
He put it on me to go out there and
play well and expect a lot from my-
self. I like that kind of challenge
The challenge was certainly there
for him after a difficult sue months
which forced Batson to find work and
get himself back in school. He worked
at Empire Brushes and Vermont
American from January to June. The
working experience made him appre-
ciate even more
the opportunity
of going to school
and playing foot-
Head coach
Steve Logan was
also helpful to
Batson, staying in
contact and en-
couraging him to
stay in shape.
This encourage-
ment motivated
i n Batson through
this tough period.
He reminded him of his ability to play
more than one position and how much
the team needed his physical block-
ing presence on the perimeter of the
The Sunshine State native's ca-
reer got off to a great start in 1992,
seeing action in all 11 games starting
four. He set single season freshman
See BAT page 17
Steve Gowan
Brad Nelson
Staff Writer
Director of Marketing Steve
Gowan and Assistant Marketing Direc-
tor Chip Hutchinson are an integral
part of the athletic program at ECU.
As key players on the athletics de-
partment staff, Gowan and Hutchinson
strive daily to portray ECU athletics
in a positive light, logging long hours
and enduring exhaustive travel sched-
ules to fulfill their duties. But as Gowan
and Hutchinson make readily clear,
they're here for one reason.
"We're here because of our love
for athletics said Gowan. "We were
both fortunate enough to play at the
high school level and that's really
where our interests come from. We feel
at home around people who are in ath-
letics and around athletic arenas,
whether it be football or basketball
"We enjoy watching the players
develop Hutchinson added, "espe-
cially at the college level where you
get to watch them develop both as stu-
dents and as athletes
Gowan, in his second year as di-
rector of marketing, received his
bachelor's degree in Biology from UNC-
Chapel Hill and is currently working
towards his master's degree in Busi-
ness Administration at ECU. In addi-
tion to his numerous marketing duties,
Gowan also serves as on-air anchor for
the Pirate Sports Radio Network.
"My long-term goal is to be an ath-
letic director at the Division-I level
Gowan said. "One thing about college
athletics as it continues to move for-
ward is that it really is becoming more
and more a business. Maybe years ago
the coach became the athletic direc-
tor after he retired but you don't see
that much anymore. Now it's lawyers
and business people who may have an
interest in athletics and can make de-
cisions on legalities, promotion and
marketing, fund-raising and all those
things that go into college athletics
now. It's much more specialized now
With the demands placed on his
time, pursuing a second degree isn't
easy, but Gowan understands the im-
portance of an education, and stresses
this importance to the student-athletes
at ECU.
"We discuss the importance of
education with our student-athletes
said Gowan. "A very small percentage
of individuals are going to play sports
at the next level, so education is very
important. If all else fails, you've got
an opportunity to utilize your degree.
That's our focus when we talk to our
student-athletes. One day this will end.
You've got to have something to fall
back on and that's why a degree is so
Both Gowan and Hutchinson
spend a great deal of their time selling
ECU athletics to the corporate world
in the form of sponsorships. These
sponsorship packages range in price
from $7,000 for the Purple Sponsor
Package to $16,000 for the MVP Spon-
Chip Hutchinson
sor Package, and include everything
from game tickets to banners to adver-
tising in the game programs.
"The football and basketball game
programs are two ways that you can
take positive information about athlet-
ics and package it to allow corporate
involvement in terms of advertising
Gowan said.
With the growth of college athlet-
ics, Gowan maintains that sponsorship
activity will increase for ECU in the
coming years. "Sports marketing is still
a fairly new venture Gowan said.
"Some years ago we were attracting a
local group of businesses, whereas
now we're attracting regional adver-
tisers and sponsors
ECU recently signed Belk Enter-
prises, a 280-store buying group, to
a corporate sponsorship. Addition-
ally, the deal with Belk will be co-
oped by international giants Nike and
Lee Jeans.
To what does Gowan attribute
ECU'S rapid growth and develop-
"The biggest reason for our
growth has got to be our success on
the playing field said Gowan. "I
think the Peach Bowl victory in 1992
was a huge step. The Liberty Bowl
appearance last year was a continued
enhancement of the national expo-
sure. The recent ESPN contract that
was negotiated and signed which
begins next year is a definite prod-
uct of success out on the playing
"From a basketball standpoint,
winning the CAA Championship in
1993 and facing UNC in the first
round on national television helped
exposure not only for basketball, but
for the entire athletic program
Another reason for ECU's con-
tinued growth is Cowan's and
Hutchinson's aggressive approach to
marketing and promotion. "We are
very aggressive in what we do said
Gowan. "Because for so many years
we had to be because of a lack of
exposure from bowl games and those
types of situations. We'll continue to
be as aggressive as we can possibly
be. When you combine aggressive
promotion and marketing with suc-
cess on the playing field, you should
realistically get to a point where
you're definitely expanding your ex-
Gowan and Hutchinson are
poised to take ECU to the next level
in terms of marketing, an exciting
proposal as ECU continues its assault
on the national spotlight. Gowan is
optimistic about how far ECU can go
in this quest. "The sky is the limit.
At ECU there has been a good foun-
dation built with the staff, the facili-
ties and the scheduling Gowan said.
"Each of these elements will allow
us to take the next step to become
one of the elite programs in the coun-
try. We must continue to take care
of our business. That's our philoso-
Women's soccer coach has dual positions
Craig Perrott
Staff Writer
Neil Roberts is just what the doc-
tor ordered for the ECU women's soc-
cer program. Roberts was responsible
for initiating a women's soccer program
at Mt Olive College.
Our own women's soccer team is
only in its second year at varsity status
and coach Roberts knows what it takes
to get a soccer program on its feet
Originally from Hatburg, Pa. the
career route that Roberts has followed
has had several twists and turns on its
way to Greenville. He leceived his BS
in Physical Education from the Univer-
sity of Delaware and proceeded to get
his master's in Physical Education and
Sports Psychology at UNC-Chapel Hill.
After a positive experience as a gradu-
ate assistant with the women's team at
Chapel Hill, Roberts then went on to
become the head men's and women's
soccer coach at New Bern High School.
He then moved on to become the head
men's coach at ML Olive College before
coming to ECU.
Roberts' job description includes
not only coaching. He is dually ap-
pointed as coach and lecturer in the
School of Health and Human Perfor-
mance and more specifically the depart-
ment of Exercise and Sports Science.
Roberts will help teach EXSS 2900 and
2323 this fall.
Recruiting is also a major portion
of Roberts' job. Womeis soccer is the
fastest growing
sport in the
NCAA and con-
sequently that
has made re-
cruiting more
difficult In or-
der to be in two
places at one
time, Roberts is
aided by gradu-
ate assistant
C o 1 1 e t t e
Gilligan. Rob-
erts focuses re-
cruiting on the
N.C. area.
"I think
that we have to do well in North Caro-
lina. Financially, it's a lot easier to re-
cruit in N.C, but at the same time we
have to get into Va, Md, Pa and
N J.where there are some really nice tal-
ent pools were we can draw from Rob-
erts said.
"But 1 would really like to do well
in North Carolina, that's a goal of mine.
"As a whole the
team will be
improved from
last year. I think
having one coach
to focus on them
will be a big
? Neil Roberts
There are definitely players in North
Carolina that can come to a division one
school like East Carolina, be competi-
tive early in their career, and also have
a great experience playing in the CAA.
The CAA is arguably one of the top three
,?. women's soccer con-
ferences in the na-
The Lady Pirates
were 2-15 last season,
1-5 in conference play.
Being a young pro-
gram, the team is go-
ing through some
natural growing
pains, but Roberts be-
lieves that the team is
able to take some
steps forward this
"We like to think
that we have pro-
gressed from last year,
and are ready to make a little bit of a
move on improving last year's record and
the overall attitude about the program
he said.
Last year Scooty Carey coached
both the men's and women's soccer
teams. This year, having one coach to
concentrate on the needs of the team
and to look after fieir best interests.
should have an immediate effect on the
"As a whole the team will be im-
proved from last year. I think having one
coach to focus on them will be a big fac-
tor he said. Tactically, technically and
fitness wise we have a little bit to go be-
fore we are firing on all cylinders. But
the girls have worked hard this summer,
and I think it'll pay off for them
Roberts' ultimate goal for the young
team this season is to instill confidence
in his players and gradually improve. He
doesn't want them to be concerned with
the scoreboard and the wins vs. losses,
but improving from training session to
training session and from game to game.
"Hopefully we're a better team on
Nov. 5 than we are today Roberts said.
"If we can focus on improving our game,
and improving our training level, and
improving our fitness level, then the wins
will take care of themselves
Roberts also wishes to be competi-
tive with young programs in their first
few years of existence that are on the
same situation level as East Carolina such
as second-year program Wake Forest and
first-year program Florida.
The Lady Pirates kick off the 1995
season on Sept 2 at home against Lenoir
Rhyne and will make a trip to Roberts'
old school, Mt Olive College on Oct 16th.
w. m ?

Tuesday, August 29,1995
The East Carolinian
Earnhardt pushes Labonte over finish line
Craig Perrott
Staff Writer
In a photo finish, Terry Labonte
edged out Dale Earnhardt by one
tenth of a second to win his third
Winston Cup race of the year in the
266.5 mile Goody's 500.
After being rammed by "The In-
timidator" on the steep bank at
Bristol, Tenn Labonte skidded
across the finish line sideways end-
ing a race marred by inclimate
Earnhardt also sent Rusty
Wallace into a spin earlier in the race
leading to the first of 15 caution
flags. NASCAR delegated Earnhardt
to the rear for a restart, but "Darth
Vader" was in the lead by lap 195.
Labonte accepted Earnhardt's apol-
ogy after the race, but Wallace wasn't
so kind, shouting expletives and
throwing a water bottle in
Earnhardt's face and telling him he'll
"see him at Darlington
After an 89 minute rain delay,
the tiny, half-mile mountainside track
at the Bristol International Raceway
was the site of a Winston Cup record
15 caution flags as yellow was the
official color of Saturday night's race.
The Winston Cup Point Stand-
ings are now as follows:
1. Jeff Gordon
2. Sterling Martin
3. Mark Martin
4. Dale Earnhardt
5. Ted Musgrave
6. Terry Labonte
7. Rusty Wallace
8. Michael Waltrip
9. Bobby Labonte
10. Morgan Shepherd
Also at Bristol, Ward Bur-
ton began his hitch in the Bill Davis
Pontiac; he has been replaced in the
Hardee's Chevrolet by Greg Sacks.
Jimmy Hensley, who gave way to Bur-
ton, drives the Dean Meyers Chevy.
The Goody's 500 was the 22nd
of 31 races on the Winston Cup cir-
Division Of gSQS
TIL 8:00
The Department of Recre-
ational Services is sponsoring the
"Back to the Blacktop" Outdoor 3-
on-3 Basketball Tournament to bve
held beginning on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 6 at the Belk Residence Hall
Outdoor Basketball Courts. The
deadline for entry will be Thursday,
August 31 at 5:00 pm. Rosters must
contain the following information
in order to be accepted: l)Team
name and division of play selected
2)Addresses and phone numbers for
at least two team representatives
3)First and last names and social
security numbers for all players
listed 4)A minimum of three play-
ers on the roster 5)Team availabil-
ity and 6)A completed "Participa-
tion Contract" signed and dated by
the team captain. Poole play times
are available n Wednesday, Septem-
ber 6 and Thursday, September 7.
Sign-ups for pool play will be con-
ducted on a first come, first serve
basis. Each pool can accommodate
a limited number of teams. Compe-
tition will be provided in Mens's
Gold (competitive), Men's Purple
(recreational), and Women's divi-
sions. The top 50 from each pool
will qualify for a single elimination
playoff tourney which will begin the
week of September 11.
Games will be 15 minutes in
See REC page 17
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The Rebel Magazine, ECU'S Literary and
Arts Magazine is now accepting applica-
tions for the following positions for 95-96.
? Literary Editor
? Assistant Art Director
? Assistant Art Director Photographer
? Staff Illustrators
Apply at the Rebel office located on the
second floor of the Student Publications
Building. Deadline for all applications will
be Friday, September 1st.
Phone 328-6502
Deadline for Literary submissions will be
Friday, September 29th
All art positions will be subject to a portfolio review
Interviews will be given in accordance with the Art
Director's discretion.
Catalog Connection
Expires September 4, 1995
MON-SAT 11-4
ENTREES $3.99-$7.99
504 SW $4.69
Filing for SGA
Aug29-Sept. 6
Apply in Room 255
Mendenhall Student Center
8am - 5pm
Applications now being accepted for
?Dorm Representative
?Day Student Representatives
?Class Officers
Must be in good standing
Full time student
For More Information
328-4726 (SGA Office)
$10 filing fee
Mandatory Meeting Sept. 13
Election Day Sept. 27

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, Ausust 29, 1995
Sunday busy day for Football program sees transition
preseason NFL cuts
Staff Reports
Despite success as the New Or-
leans Saints preseason kicker, Cary
Blanchard was one of a number of
NFL players to get the hike from
their owners.
Although Blanchard had made
all kicks inside the 50-yard line, the
Saints opted to keep kicker Chip
Lohmiller. What Blanchard couldn't
understand was why the Saints
would keep Lohmiller, who had
missed several key kicks during
their exhibition season.
Blanchard's cut from the
league was most likely overshad-
owed by that of Jim McMahon, who
was let go as the Cleveland Browns'
quarterback. Coach Bill Belichick
has placed McMahon on the
backburner until he determines
where to place injured players.
McMahon signed with the
Browns in early August as the
backup in the event that third-
round draft pick Eric Zeier did not
come through. Zeier excelled to
become number two on the Browns
depth chart behind Vinny
Other players suffering cuts
were Marion Butts, who rushed for
1,225 yards with San Francisco in
1990, as well as Burt Grossman, a
hopeful 49ers pass rusher.
Kansas City Chiefs released full-
back James Saxon and placed safety
Ronnie Lott on injured reserved.
Aaron Black
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
In other Pirate football news
senior defensive endoutside line-
backer Aaron Black (6-foot-4, 255
pounds) is recovering well from ap-
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pendicitis surgery he had this sum-
mer and should be available for the
opening game versus Tennessee.
Black transferred from Waldorf
Junior College in
Iowa last year and
played in all 12
games at either line-
backer or defensive
end. He was ex-
pected to see sig-
nificant playing
time this year on
the defensive line.
He was an all-region
selection at Waldorf
making 65 tackles
and six sacks two
years ago.
Peterson, a 6-foot-1, ??i
225 pound Honor-
able Mention junior college All-
American from Hutchinson Com-
munity College in Kansas via
Ayden-Grifton High School has not
met academic requirements for his
Associates of Arts Degree. Peterson
made 123 tackles and 10 sacks last
season. He was expected to see ac-
tion at either inside cr outside line-
backer this fall for the Pirates.
"Orlando did not fulfill his fi-
nal academic requirements to be eli-
gible for this
season head
coach Steve
Logan said.
Russ, a 6-
foot-4 260
pound junior
linemen from
N.Cs West
High School
who started
four games at
outside line-
backer last
fall has decided not to return to the
football team. He made 38 tackles
with 17 quarterback pressures last
"Daniel Russ called midway
through the summer and decided
he didn't want to play anymore foot-
ball Logan said.
"Daniel Russ
called midway
through the
summer and
decided he didn't
want to play
anymore football:
? Coach Logan
Student Leaders Meeting
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(For more info call SLDP at 328-4796.)
Tim McKinnon, a 1994 signee
from Dematha Catholic High
School in Hyattsville, Md has re-
turned to the program after leav-
ing midway last fall. The 6-foot-3,
180 pound cornerbacksafety was
an all-conference selection in the
powerful D.C. area Catholic league
returned three interceptions for
touchdowns as a senior, leading his
team in tackles. Notre Dame wide
receiver Malcolm Johnson had no
catches with McKinnon lined up op-
posite him.
Eric Blanton a 5-foot-9, 208
pound fullback from Warwick High
School in upstate New York has
been placed on scholarship and will
start in John Peacock's place.
Blanton rushed for 19 yards on five
carries versus the Kentucky Wild-
cats two seasons ago. He bench
presses 405 pounds and runs a 4.7
40 yard dash.
Tabari "Snoop" Wallace, a 6-
foot 175 pound sophomore defen-
sive back from New Bern High
School has also been placed on
scholarship as well. He saved the
Central Florida game with a late
interception last year. He runs a
4.44 40-yard dash and has a 33.5
inch vertical leap. He should see a
lot of playing time in the second-
ary this fall.
Corey Russell, a true freshman
offensive lineman from Fairmont
Heights High School (Md.) has suf-
fered a bone bruise and is doubtful
for the season opener. He was ex-
pected to play in the first game hav-
ing made a good impression on the
Pirate coaching staff during fall
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Outdoor 3-on-3 Basketball Deadline 831 at 5 pm CG 204
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Tuesday, August 29,1995
The East Carolinian
Greenville may be close
to the coast, but not so
close as to need a
lighthouse. Will this
eternal light be the
Pirates guiding force?
The countdown to Pirate
football begins with only
fours days 'til kickoff.
Photo by KEN CLARK
We are looking for ambitious, hardworking individuals for
the following positions for the year 95-96:
Advertising Director (1)
Advertising Representatives (2)
Illustrator (1)
If you want to gain some valuable experience while in
school plus earn some extra cash, please come by the
Expressions office to fill out an application. Applications
will be taken until August 31st.
Expressions is located on the 2nd floor across from The
East Carolinian in the Publication Bldg.
and our Phone is 328-6927
Norman's win secures
place in PGA history
(AP) - Greg Norman sank a 66-
foot chip on the first playoff hole
Sunday, capturing the World Series
of Golf and becoming the leading
money winner in PGA Tour history.
In beating Nick Price and Billy
Mayfair, Norman won $360,000 to
raise his lifetime earnings to $9.49
million and overtake Tom Kite.
Victimized so many times when
opponents hit similar shots,
Norman's 7-iron chip gave him his
third tour victory this year. He ear-
lier won The Memorial, also in
Ohio, and the Greater Hartford
Norman closed with a 3-under-
par 67 after earlier rounds of 73,
698 and 70 to enter the playoff with
a 72-hole total of 2-under 278.
Norman had considered with-
drawing from the tournament
Thursday night after accusing play-
ing partner Mark McCumber of im-
proving his putting line on the sev-
enth hole. But Norman's wife, tour
commissioner Tim Finchem and
two business associates talked him
out of such plans.
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Sorority Rush Schedule Fall 1995
CONVOCATION- Information Fair Tuesday, August 29, 199S
4:00-600 pm Great Room in Mcndcnhnll Student Center
RUSH Orientation
4:00-6:00 pm Wright Auditorium
4:00-10:00 pm 8 pr.nics
1 4:00-4:30
2 4:4J-3:IJ
3 5:30-6:00 'food will be provided
4 6:15-6:45
5 7:00-7:30
6 7:45-8:15
7 8:30-9:00
S 9:15-9:45
2nd Round HOUSE TOUR Dav
10 00-4:00 pm 6 parties
Thursday, September 7, 1995
friday, Septembers, 1995
Saturday, September 9, 1995
11:00-11:45 "
1:00- 1:45
2:00- 2:45 ?
3:00- 3:45
Rushccs to computer terminals nl 8:00 pm Saturday night
Sunday, September 10, 1995
Fall Formal Rush 1995
East Carolina University
September 7 -12
3rd Round SKIT Day
12 00-4:00 pm 4 panics
1 12:00-12:45 ?
2 1:00- 1:45 ?
3 2:00- 2:45 ?
4 3:00- 3:45 ?
Rushccs to computer terminals at 8:00 pm Sunday night
4th Round PREFERENCE Night
4:00-7:00 pm 3 panics
1 4:00-4:45
2 5:05-5:50 ?
3 6:10-6:55 ?
Rushccs fill out pref cards at 7:00 pm
4:00-5:00 pm
Monday, September 11, 1995
Tuesday, September 12, 1995
University Mall
' Sororities participating in Sept. 7-Sept. 12 Rush
Alpha Delta Pi Chi Onega
Alpha Xi Delta Defta Zeta
Alpha Omicron Pi Sigma Sigma Sigma
Alpha Phi Zeta Tau Alpha
Sororities choosing to hold Rush either late
September or in the early Spring are:
Pi Delta
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sigma Gamma Rho
Deita Sigma Theta Zeta Phi Beta
Rush Week is simply the method sororities use
to meet students interested in joining. On Sept.?
there is a convocation meeting to give you the
basic sorority information; you will also meet
your Rush counselor who will-help you through
the Rush process.
Rush Fee (non-refundable) should be sent in
with application in the amount of $15 made
payable to ECU Panhellenic Association.
Rush Registration will be acccjted until Sept.1.
? Mail to: ECU Panhellenic Association
204 Whichard Building
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Financial and Social Requirements:
Each sorority will review grades and cost during
rush. Sororities grade requirements begin at 2.0.
(Some sororities require higher GPA's). The
average cost is S50-S80 per month during the
school year. There is also an additional pledge and
initiation fee.
Questions: Please contact Laura Sweet,
Panhellenic Advisor, at 328-4235 or
204 Whichard.
East Carolina University Rush Registration
Your registration must be accompanied by a check for15, non-refundable, made payable to the ECU Panhellenic
Association. Rush dates are September 7 - September 12,1995. The established check-in times for students regis-
tered to go through rush has been set for September 7 between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. immediately following the con-
vocation session. Transfer and new-to-ECU freshmen must send a transcript with this application. You must
also supply 8 photos of yourself at the beginning of rush. (Only one pose is necessary.)
Sorority Ruths Data
In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, I hereby grant the
Office Student Services at East Carolina University the right to release the needed academic
information for sorority pledging and initiation to Panhellenic or the appropriate sorority
when necessary. My termination from rush or membership in a sorority will void this release.
Go Greek!

The East Carolinian
Tuesday, Ausust 29, 1995
Panthers cuts six players
(AP) - A pair of unrestricted free
agents and two running backs were
casualties Sunday as the Carolina
Panthers trimmed their roster to 55
Unrestricted free agents Frank
Stams, a linebacker, and Vernon
Turner, a wide receiver and kick re-
turner, were among six players waived
by the Panthers.
Halfback Dewell Brewer, the Pan-
thers' second-leading rusher, was
placed on injured reserve. Carolina
also reached an injury settlement with
half-back Derrick Lassie, who had
been slowed by knee, quadriceps and
hamstring problems.
Also waived by the Panthers were
Alpha Phi Omega
National Service Fraternity
Help provide service to the Nation, Community,
and Campus. Meet others that are interested
in helping people. Take part in the annual Relay For Life
that is held by the American Cancer Society.
Be a part of the Leadership, Friendship, and Service that
makes up Alpha Phi Omega.
nose tackle Jeff Fields, comerback
Alan Haller and linebackers Patrick
Scott and Rich Yurkiewicz - all free
The Panthers also placed reserve
offensive tackle Brandon Hayes, a
rookie free agent, on injured reserve.
Hayes suffered a torn anterior cruci-
ate lig-nent Saturday.
You are invited to attend our interest meeting:
Where: Multi-Purpose Room, Mendenhall Student Center
When: Tuesday, September 5 or Wednesday September 6 at 8:00 PM
Fur more information please contact Kevin Huek 321-7037
JVJCiVj from page 14
length with a running clock or to
31 points, whichever comes first.
Each team will play a minimum of
three games in pool play. The style
of play is extremely wide open and
offensive oriented with emphasis
upon the three-point shot and driv-
ing to the basket.
Recreational Services, Campus
Dining and Housing Services will
also be hosting the 8th Annual
King & Queen of the Halls on
Thursday, September 7 at 4 pm on
the College Hill Field. So get your
fellow residence ready to come on
out and participate in fun games
to win prizes and determine who is
the best residence hall ot them all
on September 7. For more informa-
tion call Recreational Services at
from page 13
records for receptions (26), reception
yardage (288) and touchdown recep-
tion (2). He also set a school record
with a 97 yard punt return for a touch-
down versus West Virginia in Moun-
taineer Field. That play is what Batson
is best remembered for thus far in his
career, something he wants to change.
"After mv first vear I became com-
placent Batson said. "I thought the
next two season things would be
handed to me. The talent level at re-
ceiver has gotten so much better than
when I was a freshman. The whole
unit is stronger, faster and more tal-
ented. I sort of fell behind
His numbers dipped to four
catches in 1993 and 15 last season.
This lack of improvement frustrated
Batson and increased his focus for his
final season as a Pirate.
That plus sitting out made him
realize how much he loved football. It
has motivated him to set an example
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and be a senior leader.
"My example is by doing, not talk-
ing about it Batson said. "Being on
time, being first in drills, making the
extra effort, go the extra mile, that
type of thing. Also, after four season
I can read the defense pretty well and
react to their coverages. This should
help out both the team and myself
Batson is on schedule to gradu-
ate in May with a degree in Nutrition
and Dietetics. He plans to work as a
fitness consultant while studying to
be a dentist Other plans include a
soon-to-be engagement to his girl-
friend and continued involvement in
church activities.
"The Lord will not give you any
burden you can not bear Batson said.
"He gave me strength and showed me
the way. I realized that if 1 didn't make
a change then everything could be
taken away from me.
The popular senior is called
"Batman" by teammates and friends
and he has made up his own motto to
live by for the 1995 season.
"This last season will be the best
he said. "It was Batman Returns now
it's Batman Forever
FOOT from page 13
frustrating which made me un-
Unhappy enough to withdraw
from school and contact his high
school coach Michael Dowling to
look in to scholarships at Richmond
and Central Florida. Peacock's fa-
ther played running back and out-
side linebacker for the Spiders, and
two of his high school teammates
are playing there, heavily influenc-
ing his decision towards the Vir-
ginia school.
"Right now I have a scholar-
ship waiting for me at Richmond
Peacock said. "My dad playing there
means a lot to me as far as family
tradition goes. I want to go there
but Central Florida is still a possi-
bility. Ireland is very close to home
and they are going to be (Division)
IA next year.
"This is a football decision, no
personal feelings involved just busi-
ness. I have to do what is best for
me. I really liked playing for Coach
Logan and Coach Berry
Steve Logan agrees there was
no animosity between the two of
"Well, I hate to see any kid
transfer midway through their ca-
reer but John was not satisfied with
his opportunities for playing time
Logan said. "We were going to use
him as a role player and he was not
happy with his role. I spoke with
his father this morning and had a
good conversation with him
Each year he made physical im-
provements in ECU's strength and
conditioning program ending up
with a 385 pound bench press and
4.5-4.6 times in the 40 yard dash
after strength coach Jeff Connors
latest testing. Being in the best
shape of his life made not playing
even harder for I cock.
Leaving close friends is also
tough on him.
"It is going to be really hard
but I'll only be two hours away if I
go to Richmond Peacock said. "I'll
be watching them play and I hope
they go back and win the Liberty
Richmond and Central Florida
start school later than ECU so with
his withdrawal Peacock could be
playing immediately this fall. They
are both IAA schools so with the
transfer down from a IA school he
is eligible and will not have to sit
out the 1995 season.

? - r
7 j
r -?
Welcome to the William L Laupus Health Sciences library
The Health Sciences Library, located in the Brody
Medical Sciences Building on ECU'S West Campus,
serves as the primary information center for stu-
dents, faculty and staff in the Division of Health
Sciences and the School of Social Work. The library
has a collection of approximately 310,000 volumes
and currently subscribes to about 1,600 journals.
The HSL has a staff of 14 librarians and 27.5 sup-
port staff to serve your information needs.
A New Horizon-Hie Health
Sciences Library's Online Catalog
Horizon, the online catalog of the Health Sci-
ences Library, provides computerized access to the
book, Journal, and audiovisual holdings of the li-
brary. In addition, you can search the collection of
Joyner Library, the main academic library on ECU'S
east campus, through the Horizon catalog at the
HSL. Horizon offers many ways to find out what
the library owns. Specific items can be located us-
ing an author or title search; if you do not know the
full title of a book or journal, a keyword search can
help find the item for you. You can locate materials
by medical subject heading or by subject keyword
as well. All the items in the HSL arc catalogued us-
ing subject headings from the National Library of
Medicine (MeSH), while the Joyner collection is
catalogued using subject terms from the Library of
The Horizon catalog lets you search selected parts
of the collection as well. If you arc interested only
in audiovisual materials, Horizon will let you limit
your search this way. You can also limit your search
to journals or books, limiting your search to the
reference collection will show you the non-circu-
lating reference materials owned by the library.
Various other limits and the ability to combine sub-
jects and keywords also assist you in narrowing
down your search.
The bookmark feature available in Horizon allows
you to compile a list of items you are interested in,
and either print it out or download it to a disk for
wordproccssing. The Horizon catalog tells you the
location of each item in the library, and indicates
whether the item is available, or its due date if it is
checked out.
Horizon offers many features to make your search
for information in the Health Sciences Library suc-
cessful. We encourage you to ask for assistance from
the librarians on duty, or attend a class on the use
of Horizon, which are offered regularly throughout
the year. For more information about classes, please
call Reference at 816-2258.
Health Sciences Library Departments
Administration - JoAnn Bell. MLS. M.B.A PhD . AHIP 816-2212
- oversees library's function as a unit of the university
- oversees budget, policies and procedures for the library
- handles personnel matters for the library
Audkwisuate and Informatics - Lois Widmer. M.S.L.S AHIP 816-2232
- acquires, maintains, and circulates audiovisual materials
- operates the computer lab
- provides assistance and consultation in using a variety of computer-based applications
CatatogingAcqubrtiora - Margaret Stangohr. MLS, M.S AHIP 816-2244
- orders, processes, and organizes materials purchased by the library
Circulation - Elizabeth Winstead, M.L.S M.P.A AHIP 816-2222
- oversees circulation of library materials
- provides courier service on east and west campuses
- provides document delivery services including fax. interlibrary loan, and photocopy services
- operates a reserve collection for course support
- provides library materials to off-campus students
Computing ft Information Technology - Susie Speer. M.S.L.S M.S.E.H . AHIP 816-3921
- supports computing and automation of the library
- maintains library hardware and software
Tracy Powell, M.L.S M.A AHIP 816-2212
oversees educational activities for the library-
provides consultation services on library education and curriculum support
Evangeline Norfleet, B.S.L.S. 816-2242
provides information services to health professionals throughout eastern North Carolina and to
other North Carolina Area Health Education Centers in the state
?Jean Hiebert. MLS. AHIP 816-2258
- provides assistance in using information resources by phone and in the library
- conducts library educational activities
- provides innovative assistance in meeting information needs of library clients
Seriate - Melissa Nasea, M.L.S M.B.A AHIP 816-2234
- selects, orders, processes, and maintains journals purchased by the library
Library Hours
Regular Academic Year
Sunday 12:00 noon - 12:00 midnight
Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 12:00 midnight
Friday 7:30 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Reference Librarian on Duty
Sunday 12:00 noon - 10:00 pm
Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Friday 7:30 am - 6:0u pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Summer Hours
Sunday 12:00 noon - 11:00 pm
Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 11:00 pm
Friday 7:30 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
The library's hours will vary slightly during
holidays; call 816-2222 for information. During
Fall and Spring semester breaks, hours of
operation remain unchanged.

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Quick Reference
Guide to the Library
Where is it?
Circulation1st floor
Reserves1st fkxr
HSLMedline and other databases1st floor
Current journals1st floor
First FloorReference lxxks Audiovisuals and1st floor
Informatics2nd floor
Microcomputer Lab2nd floor
Bound journals2nd flixr
Hooks2nd flxr
Quiet study areas2nd flxr
Where do 1 call?
General Information816-2222
Renew books, check on fines816-2222
Hardware software questions816-2232
Find out if the library owns
specific items816-2258
Request purchase of a fxxk816-2221
Request purchase of a journal816-2234
Reference assistance816-22S8
A '

? III. ill I
?? ???? i ???? ajh
' !
:i ?
National Library of
Medicine (MM)
Preciinical Sciences
QSHuman Anatomy
QWM icrobiologyI mm u nology
QYClinical Pathology
Medicine and Related Subjects
W Medical Profession
WA Public Health
WB Practice of Medicine
WC Communicable Diseases
WD 100 Nutrition Diseases
WD 200 Metabolic Diseases
WD 300 Immunologic and Collagen
Diseases, I lypersensitivity
WD 400 Animal Poisons
WD 500 Plant Poisons
WD 600 Diseases and Injuries caused
by Physical Agents
WD 700 Aviation and Space Medicine
WE Musculoskeletal System
WF Respiratory System
WG Cardiovascular System
WH Hemic and Lymphatic
Wl Digestive System
WJ I'rogenital System
WK Endocrine System
WL Nervous System
WM Psychiatry
WN Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging
WO Surgery
WP Gynecology
WQ Obstetrics
WR Dermatology
WS Pediatrics
WT Geriatrics. Chronic Disease
WU Dentistry. Oral Surgery
WV Otolaryngology
WW Ophthalmology
WX Hospitals and Other Health
WY Nursing
WZ History of Medicine
Circulation Policies
Rewontibilltk of the Client
Clients must present a library card with appropriate identification each time to
borrow or renew items. Items must be brought to either the Circulation or Audio-
visual and Informatics Desk for checkout andor renewal. Clients are responsible
for all uses of their card. Clients are responsible for all fines and fees accrued
on their card. Faculty clients must provide written permission for another person
to borrow materials with their card. It is the responsibility of the client to notify
the Circulation Department if their library card is lost or stolen. It is also the
responsibility of the client to inform the library of any address changes.
Incorrect address information is not grounds for waiving fines or fees.
Borrowing Privilege
North Carolina residents 16 years of age and older may receive an area resident
library card for use in the Health Sciences Library. Loan periods are:
Books all clients, except Faculty until end of current semester
Books Faculty until end of Spring Semester each year
Journals Faculty only 3 days
Audiovisuals all clients 7 days
An item may be renewed if another client does not have a hold on it. Items may
be brought in to the Circulation or Audiovisuals and Informatics Desk for renewal.
Phone renewals are allowed for 5 items or less.
Holds and Recall
Items checked out by another client may be recalled. Forms are available in a
variety of locations throughout the library to recall an item. A letter is mailed to
the client that has the item checked out staling that the item is due in one week.
The client who has the item is given a minimum of two weeks to use the item.
Once the material has been returned to the library and is available, it will Ix held
at the Circulation Desk for one week. Items not checked out by the requesting
client within 7 days will be reshelved. Clients are responsible for returning
recalled items even if they are not in the geographic vicinity.
Overdue Notices
An overdue notice is sent to the client if the item is not returned within 10 days of
the due date. A second overdue notice is mailed for items not returned within 6
weeks. The second notice contains a bill for the item.
Fines are charged for overdue books at the rate of $1.00 per item per day. Fines
may be paid in cash or check. Ten dollars is the maximum overdue fine for each
item. Fines may be paid at the Circulation or Audiovisuals and Informatics Desk.
Suspension of Privileges
Library privileges are suspended for clients with overdue books or unpaid fines.
Student university records will be tagged online prior to registration for students
with overdue books or fines.
lost and Damaged Books
Books that are lost or returned to the library damaged are charged to the client.
The client is charged the list price plus a $10.00 processing fee. The list price for
lost books is refundable if the book is later returned in usable condition. Clients
are responsible for all damages to materials. Damaged books are a danger to
other books in the collection.
L-xkers are available in the library. Locker applications are accepted until the first
day of classes for the current semester. Locker assignments are made within one-
week of the application deadline. Locker keys are due at the end of the current
Delivery Services
Table of Contents
The Health Sciences Library provides
copies of tables of contents for current
journal Issues. Faculty who subscribe
to this service receive a copy of the
table of contents for the journals they
have identified. Copies can be faxed
directly or delivered within 24 hours
of the receipt of the journal by the
Faculty may also request titles to be
automatically routed to their offices.
These titles are routed after they have
been in the library 30 days. The
combined total of the journals received
through automatic journal loan and the
table of contents service may not
exceed 30.
The Circulation staff will photocopy
materials for faculty, medical residents,
and third- and fourth-year medical
students. Photocopies done by library
staff are IS cents per page. Requests
are accepted by telephone, mail, fax or
walk-in. Materials are routinely
delivered within 24 hours of the
request. The library's request forms
must Ix used in order to comply with
copyright laws.
Delivery Service to Joyner Library
The Health Sciences Library provides
courier service between this campus
and Joyner Library. Materials from any
campus library may Ix delivered to or
returned to any library location for
your convenience.
Interlibrary Loan
Items not available at the Health
Sciences Library (or Joyner Library)
may Ix borrowed through interlibrary
loan. There is minimum charge of
$6.00 per item, and delivery takes an
average ot ten days. Electronic mail
andor telefacsimile can be used for
rush requests.
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Computerized Databases
available at the Health Sciences Library
The Health Sciences Library a, East Carolina Un.vers.ty has computerized databases that are ava.lable for information searching .n the subjec areas of health
and medicine, allied health and nursing, social work, funding and grants, statistics, drugs, and general reference.
to journal articles, editorials, and letters to the editor from over 3,600 journals.
H?hh: A hospital administration and database produced by the National Library of Medicine. pnn, counterpart , ?? Uterature
index. Coverage is 1977 to the present. It is international in scope and updates monthly.
CINAHL: A nursing and allied health database produced by C1NAHL Information Systems. Its print counterpart is Cumulate Index to Suning and
beginning in 1992, educational software in nursing.
P?v??FO A database covering all areas of psychology and related fields produced by the American Psychological Association (APA). Us print
graphic citations to technical reports, dissertatioas, over 1400 periodicals, and other sources.
resource, development date, publication date, subject, description, and reliability factor of the cited instrument.
H?ahh Reference Center. A consumer health oriented database produced by Information Access Company. Coverage is for three rolling years
!STS. SZ coverage for 100 titles on health, fitness, nutrition and medicine as weU as indexing to cttattons m over ,
SAM-CD: A database confining the full text of Science American Medicine produced by Scientific American, Inc. Coverage is the current year.
Updated quarterly, it provides coverage of developments in clinical medicine.
Social Work A database including all aspeos of social work and social policy produced by the National Association of Social Worker, Its
including the type of practice, and educational and employment background.
Criminal Jnsdce Absteac: A database indexing most of the major journals in cnmino.ogy. Coverage is 1968 to the present. International in scope, ,t .
updated monthly.
SHN: A database of funding opportunities (federal, nonfederal, and corporate). Updated weekly, it also provtdes information about
postdoctoral opportunities, development and education curriculum projects, sabbatical and publication support.
UNC-LogNcthCan -An onlinservice produced by the State Data Center. ,t provides up-tcte staustl data pertaining to North Carolina.
CDC WonderPC: An online database of public health and epidemiological information created by Information Resources Management Office Center
SSII!SS itLuon CCDC) US Public Heah Serv.ce. Department of Health and Human Serv.ces. Articles from MoriaUty and MorUdUy
Weekly Report can be downloaded from this database.
Micromede or COS (Computerized Clinical Information System: A drug database for PCMH and ECU professronals. Updated quarterly, it
contains reliable and current information on toxicology, drug therapy, and acute care.
New York Public library Desk Reference: An electronic version of the Nm York ? Ubrary Desk Reference, h .ncludes the most frequently
sought iacts from the New York Public Library and has no updates.
World Ada A database that combines maps with international information. Published in 1991, it has no updates.
Books in mm A bibograph.c database produced by ftft Bowker. Geographically limited to those items pubhshed .n the Ln.ted States, it is updated
monthly. It contains bibliographic descriptions and order information for books currently in prim.
i North Carolina Union Catalog: A databa, that allows the user to locate books which med,a. libraries in North Carolina own. No updates are done
on thus database.
The library's microcomputer laboratory provides
a variety of hardware and software in a
networked environment.
August 1. 1995
55 PCs
15 Macintoshes
20 multimedia workstations
Software: Includes, but is not limited to
Harvard Graphics
Power Point
Computer-assisted programs in basic and
clinical sciences, nutrition, and basic skills
Interactive videoCD-ROM programs
Basic assistance with the software we provide is
available at all hours the lab is open.
In-depth instruction in the software we provide
is available to individuals by appointment.
Classes are taught to groups of 5 or more by
appointment or at the request of a faculty
member. Classes are available in a wide range
of areas, including WordPerfect, Hard Disk
Management, DOS, and Using the Internet.
Several services are available to clients in the
microcomputer laboratory.
Printing: Clients may print out all documents on
a laser printer, up to 50 pages. Only one final
copy of any document is allowed.
Scanning: The lab houses a Hewlett Packard
Scanjet Ilex. Clients may scan text or graphics
into a digital form to be used by WordPerfect or
in another application. The scanner scans in
monochrome or color.
Color printing: A color printer is available for
output from any of the software programs which
support it. There is a per page charge for color
E-mail: Students, faculty and staff in the Division
of Health Sciences and the School of Social Work
may obtain a password for Internet mail through
the Microcomputer 1 aboratory.
Internet: Students, faculty and staff in the
Division of Health Sciences and the School of
Social Work may access the Internet through the
Microcomputer Laboratory. This will allow
them access to FTP sites, gophers, and the
WWW. An e-mail account is required for FTP.

The East Carolinian, August 29, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
August 29, 1995
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Location of Original
University Archives
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Public access is provided to these resources to preserve the historical record. The content represents the opinions and actions of their creators and the culture in which they were produced. Therefore, some materials may contain language and imagery that is outdated, offensive and/or harmful. The content does not reflect the opinions, values, or beliefs of ECU Libraries.

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