The East Carolinian, July 26, 1995

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July 26,1995 ?
Vol 70, No. 02 I
The East Carolinian
Circulation 5,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
10 pages
Around the State
Military officers at Fort
Bragg are investigating an ac-
cident that caused the down-
ing of an Army helicopter Sun-
day night in western Johnston
County. The two crew mem-
bers of the Kiowa Warrior were
not injured.
Around the Country
Secret documents show re-
searchers for Philip Morris
gave electric shocks to college
students to see if stress would
increase smoking, and studied
hyperactive school children as
potential future customers, a
congressman said Monday.
Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Ca-
lif said the documents show
that as early as 1969 the to-
bacco company "knew ciga-
rettes have powerful and addic-
tive pharmacological effects
Yesterday, Chicago health
officials were expected to issue
a heat warning, the second
stage of a new three-stage hot
weather alert. It was devised
after criticism of inaction dur-
ing this month's earlier heat
wave that contributed to 466
deaths. A warning means the
heat index - a measure of tem-
perature and humidity - is
forecast above 90 degrees for
three consecutive days.
Around the World
Peace talks between Israel
and the Palestinian Liberation
Organization were suspended
Monday after a suicide bomber
blew apart a commuter bus.
Six died in Ramat Gan, Is-
rael, the main business center
near Tel Aviv.
Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin, however, refer-
ring to PLO cooperation in a
recent crackdown on funda-
mentalists, said he will resume
talks after the victims are bur-
French Foreign Legion-
naires and British troops dug
into positions on Mount Igman
near Sarajevo Monday to give
more firepower to U.N. peace-
The United States, mean-
while, said NATO allies were
determined to defend all
Bosnian "safe areas" from
Bosnian Serb attack, not just
The French newspaper
Liberation reported that
France dropped a laser-guided
bomb on Bosnian Serb head-
quarters of Pale in retaliation
for the weekend slaying of two
French U.N. peacekeepers by
Serb mortars.
Courtesy of USA Today
Fraudulent investment costs ECU
Investment scanda
causes loss on
ECU's $2.5
million investment
Wendy Rountree
Assistant News Editor
At the end of last month, a three-
year-long investment fraud was uncov-
ered by the Common Fund, one of the
investment groups that manage ECU's
money. As a result, ECU will not get
the investment returns on the $2.4
million that where expected, but the
university is far from broke.
"The Common Fund is a invest-
ment management group established
for the management of endowments
and pension plans for colleges and uni-
versities said Richard Brown, vice
chancellor for business affairs. "It is a
huge organization
ECU is not the only university
that will not see a return on its in-
vestment. Common Fund manages
over $20 billion in assets for 1.400
colleges, universities and schools.
Brown said that ECU's invest-
ments are separated into two groups:
the ECU Foundation, which is a fund-
raising corporation, and an endow-
ment fund.
"There is an investment commit-
tee which handles the policies regard-
ing investments for both the Founda-
tion and the endowment fund Brown
said. "Those two entities in total
equal $12 million of investments
The university splits those invest-
ments among three money managers.
?The Common Fund is onlv one
of them Brown said. "It's the con-
cept of diversification. Don't put all
your money in one place
The investments include both
stocks and bonds.
Of the $12 million, the Common
Fund handles about $2.5 million of
ECU's money. The Common Fund
then takes the $2.5 million and places
a certain amount of money with dif-
ferent brokerage houses and invest-
ment managers. Then the brokerage
houses and investment managers in-
vest the money in their specialties.
which could be growth stocks, value
stocks or bonds.
"They (Common Fund people)
don't do any investment directly
Brown said. "All the Common Fund
is doing is monitoring the perfor-
mance of those other people who are
actually making the decision to invest
in this stock or that stock
Fraud came into the picture en
First Capital Strategists, one of these
investment managers, discovered the
wrong doings of one of their traders.
Kent Ahrens, on June 29.
Common Fund had invested a lot
of its money (universities' money) with
First Capital. According to the July 14,
1995 issue of The Chronicle of Higher
Education, Julie L. Nicklin said, "First
Capital would lend stock holdings in
the Common Fund's accounts to large
brokerage firms in return for cash, in
order to increase earning. Ahrens was
in charge of an index-arbitage program
that would use that cash to buy stock-
market futures equal in value to those
stock, profiting from the difference in
prices between them.
"The problem with his trade, ac-
cording to the Common Fund, was
that he didn't buy enough futures and
left himself unhedged against market
rises and in violation of the company's
contract with the fund
See INVEST page 3
Board of visitors
assists chancellor
Joann Reed
Staff Writer
Early in July. The ECU board of
visitors held its inaugural meeting.
The board was established earlier this
The 40-member service organiza-
tion was established to assist the chan-
cellor and the board of trustees in
maintaining and improving the excel-
lence and effectiveness of the univer- service missions.
bership of the president of the alumni
association and several other chair-
men of ECU foundations, the major-
ity of the elected board members are
ECU graduates. Other elected mem-
bers are business owners, politically-
oriented professionals and people af-
filiated with the educational field.
The only qualification for mem-
bership on the board of visitors is a
willingness to help ECU in fulfilling
its educational, general, research and
This cement truck had a
big fall yesterday when it
backed into some
unstable ground which
promptly collapsed. The
accident happened next
to the recreation center
Photo by KEN CLARK
According to Walter Williams,
board of visitors vice chairman, a
former ECU graduate and owner of
Trade Oil Company, it is the responsi-
bility of each board member to pro-
mote and support the positive image
of the university.
"The board is made up of a good
cross section of people located
through-out the North Carolina and
Virginia area, from where most of
ECU's student population stems
Williams said.
Aside from the mandatory mem-
"Many of the board's members
are ECU graduates that have showed
a continuing interest in the university
through past alumni activities Will-
iams said.
According to its charter, the
board of visitors intends to advise the
university on developmental activities
and in conveying to the people of this
state the mission, programs, accom-
plishments and aspirations of ECU.
"1 consider being asked to pro-
mote ECU's positive image to be an
honor Williams said. "I'm for ECU
all the way
Policy review underway
Tambra Zion
News Editor
The UN'C board of governors
plans to review faculty student dat-
ing policies across North Carolina's
16-campus wide school system.
it's certainly not the first time
the board has looked at these poli-
cies, the board is charged with gen-
More change
Photo by KEN CLARK
We all thought the fountain circle was a stable aspect of ECU, just about every part
of campus has been touched by construction. This mess will be new sidewalks.
eral oversight of all 16 campuses
said Joan Worthington. assistant vice
president for communications for the
university system. "Anytime there's
a sense that there are problems or
policies have not been reviewed for
a length of time, the board will re-
view them
The decision to review the policy
came after a highly publicized scan-
dal at the University of North Caro-
lina at Chapel Hill, where tenured
professor James Williams admitted to
having an extramarital affair with a
student and to paying the student
from a trust fund he was responsible
for. UNC-Chapel Hill officials are now
trying to dismiss Williams.
The Daily Tar Heel, UNC-Chapel
Hill's student newspaper, has re-
ported the incidents several times,
and is continuing coverage of the pro-
cedures for Williams' dismissal. Will-
iams admitted to having intercourse
with several students in his office
over the course of a few years. He
was finally detected when a routine
audit was performed on the trust
fund he paid his girlfriend from. Wil-
liams denied any charges for quite a
ECU was also recently involved
with a facultystudent relationship
ending with the resignation of Assis-
tant Police Chief John Taylor earlier
this month. Current policy prohibits
amorous relations between faculty
and students. TEC published an ar-
ticle last week concerning sexual ha-
rassment policies and what action
students could take. Any student or
employee who believes he or she is a
victim of sexual harassment should
talk to Dr. Mary Ann Rose, assistant
to the chancellor for the equal em-
ployment office.
Worthington said she is unsure
of how long the review will take, or
what the results might be.
"There's no set time, the board
and its committees meet monthly -
generally, it's a matter of months
Worthington said. "They'll be mak-
ing decisions and recommendations
for a final report
She said the need to review the
controversial issue came from con-
cerned parents, press and board
members. The board is also review-
ing academic advising policies and
minority recruitment processes
across the state.
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Test your knowledge on obscuritypage 3
Smoker defends selfpage t-
Summer of '95, hot, sticky and excitingpage O
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The East Carolinian
Student Publication Bldg. 2nd floor
Greenville, NC 27858
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Wednesday, July 26, 1995
The East Carolinian
iff . M 1U.I4-U B rR
July 17
Traffic Accident - A staff member and a student were involved in a
minor traffic accident behind Spilman.
Breaking and enteringlarceny - A housekeeping employee discov-
ered the front glass broken in a coin operated machine located in the lobby
area southwest of Minges Coliseum.
Larceny - A staff member reported the theft of a fire extinguisher
from the Sports Medicine Building.
Harassing phone calls - A student residing in Jarvis reported receiv-
ing harassing phone calls from an unknown person.
Suspicious activity - A staff member in the Willis Building reported
an unknown white male entered the building cursing. He left when asked if
anything was wrong.
July 19
Breaking and enteringlarceny - Four vehicles were broken into at
Scott Hall and stereos, cassette tape holders, a CD stereo and one compact
disc were stolen. Tne vehicles all had broken side windows and belonged to
non-students visiting ECU for a soccer camp.
Larceny - Two radios and chargers were stolen from a construction
company were taken from the basement of Umstead Hall.
July 20
Assist rescue - An actor in McGinnis Theater had a pinched nerve
from an incident that occurred two weeks ago. He refused transportation
in order to complete the production.
Weapon on campus - An officer stopped a subject for suspicious ac-
tivity, he was arrested and banned from campus after the officer discovered
he was carrying three knives.
DWIcareless and reckless driving - A Cotten Hall resident was ar-
rested and charged with DWI and careless and reckless driving south of
Greene Hall.
July 21
Assist rescue ? An officer assisted Greenville rescue with a student
that had fainted on the third floor of the General Classroom Building. The
student was transported to Pitt County Memorial Hospital due to low blood
July 22
Wasp problem - An officer reported a wasp problem at a picnic that
was scheduled by the legislative camp. A Health and Safety employee was
Injured person - A former student was injured when he was thrown
from his bicycle after the front wheel made contact with a barricade an-
chor on the pavement southwest of Fletcher Hall. The injured person sus-
tained lacerations on his left elbow and knee. An officer transported him to
his brother's residence.
Simple affray - A non-student reported he was hit on the face by
unknown males while attending a dance at Mendenhall. The victim had
minor injuries that did not require medical attention.
July 25
Assist Greenville Police - An ECU officer observed an altercation at
Hardee's on Cotanche Street. One of the subjects was pursuing the others
with a large knife. Another officer arrived and attempted to assist in con-
trolling the situation. The knife was confiscated, and prior to the arrival of
the Greenville Police, an affray started between three femaies. One of the
females was sprayed with pepper gas after she broke free from an ECU
officer and ran after the other females. All three involved were non-stu-
dents and were arrested.
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Ta'ten from off'cial ECU police reports.
Inmates clean up local counties
Toby Russ
Staff Writer
Don't be alarmed if you see in-
mates walking down the highway, no
prison breaks have been reported.
Nearby Greene County is home
to an inmate labor program that has
set a precedent for the rest of the
state's correction system.
Greene Correctional Center was
chosen for the pilot Community Work
Program in May 1994 to put more
prisoners to work and to save taxpay-
ers money.
"We started the program with
three squads of 14 prisoners just over
a year ago, and now we have eight
squads with anywhere from nine to
14 prisoners in each squad said
Russell Ginn, superintendent of
Greene Correctional Center. "If every-
one is healthy and the weather per-
mits, we have a maximum of 126 pris-
oners out working each day
Greene Correctional Center in-
mates perform labor-intensive jobs
such as clearing brush and debris
from roadways.
Twelve other prisons throughout
the state have followed Greene
County's lead by
working at jobs
such as cleaning
beach fronts,
clearing storm
debris and paint-
ing public build-
The mini-
prisoners are
when working in
the community
because they
each wear a
safety vest with
INMATE stamped
on the back in
large block let-
PrisonNumber of ProjectsTotal inmate man-hoursSome of the communities where inmates have workedTypes of projects
Carteret C.C.4319,798Beaufort, Jacksonville, Morehead City, NewportCutting brush, clearing trash
Duplin C.C.5716,648Duplin County, Creenevers, Kenansville, Magnolia, Mt Olive, Onslow County, WallaceRemoving storm debris, cleaning up tire dump, cutting brush, clearing trash
Greene C.C.15478,988Greene County, Jones, Kinston, Lenior, Princeville, Snow Hill, Wilson CountyCutting brush, clearing debris
Orange C.C.62,027Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Durham County, Orange County, RoxboroClearing brush, trash pick-up
Courtesy of Depar taunt of CorrectionGraphic by Celeste Wilson
"The prisoners go
out and do work
that otherwise
would not get
done because of
lack of funding or
manpower or for
some other
ters. Highway
signs are posted in the areas where
inmates work to alert motorists, and
Farewell to
our most
Andi Powell
Phillips and
Toby Russ.
Good luck
in whatever.
each squad has
a guard to
watch over
them while they
"All in-
mates assigned
to the program
are within 60
months of re-
lease or parole,
and ' we
wouldn't put
anybody who is
dangerous to
the community
out there
Ginn said. "We
check up on
their perfor-
mance from
time to time, so
we don't have
to do so much
looking in the
bushes for people
Inmates are moved to different
job sites frequently.
"We provide labor for short-
term projects that last no longer than
10 working days, so we move around
quite a bit Ginn said.
perform the work
for state and iocal
government agen-
cies at no cost
"We provide
everything from
transportation of
the inmates to the
tools they use
Ginn said. "The
Community Work
Program differs
from other inmate
work programs
because it is free
of charge for these
government agen-
cies and every-
thing is provided
by us
Since the beginning of the Com-
munity Work Program last summer,
inmates have spent several thousand
hours working on more than 700 com-
munity service projects, saving thou-
sands of tax dollars. The number of
state prisoners working or training for
jobs has increased to 16,000.
The program has been especial
beneficial to rural areas like Greene
"The prisoners go out and do
work that otherwise would not get
done because of lack of funding or
manpower or for some other reason
Ginn said. "These rural communities
just cannot afford the labor for jobs
like cleaning gutters and curbs in Snow
Hill, and the inmates do a good job
making the area look better
Contrary to what most people
believe, most prisoners perform some
kind of labor while serving time for
their crime.
"The majority of inmates .do
work Ginn said. "An inmate who is
working is easier to manage and work-
ing reduces inmate idleness, which
makes the time go faster for the in-
Ginn believes the community work
program can only help North Carolina.
"I think this is the best program
in the state's correctional system that
I've ever seen, and I've been in the sys-
tem for 24 years Ginn said.
? Russell Ginn
superintendent of Greene
Correctional Center
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The East Carolinian
Wednesday, July 26, 1995
Cliff's Notes give readers
wider view of culture
(CPS) - If anyone doubts aca-
demic multiculturalism has arrived,
maybe they should take a trip to the
campus bookstore and scan through
the Cliff's Notes titles.
Alongside such dyed-in-the-wool
staples as Beowulf and Great Expec-
tations , the familiar black-and-yellow
study guide's newest titles include The
Autobiography of Malcom A Bless
Me, I'ltima and 20 other minority
For years, the study guide offered
desperate students notes and plot syn-
apses of the "best books never read
Yet while Cliffs Notes offerings were
once limited to the classics, a prolif-
eration of African-American. Hispanic
and Asian-American-centered litera-
ture courses has opened up a whole
new marketing opportunity to the
"It was like a domino effect said
Cliffs Notes Editor Gary Carey. "If
you're teaching American literature,
you're mandated to teach books writ-
ten by women, Asian-Americans, Afri-
can-Americans. Mexican-Americans
and Native Americans. And so these
are the kinds of authors being
Carey said teachers begged the
company to come out with guides to
the books their students have been
studying, such as The Joy Luck Club
by Amy Tan and
Know Why The
Caged Bird Sings
by Maya Angelou.
Of the eight
titles the Nebraska-
based publisher will
release for the
1995-96 school
year, only one - the
science-fiction clas-
sic Fahrenheit 451
By Ray Bradbury -
was written by a
white man.
Yet Carey said
the decision to ex-
pand its title selec-
tions has nothing to do with the
company's desire to portray itself as
politically correct. "It's where the
money is he said.
Cliff's Notes target students in
10th to 12th grades with its 225 titles,
although there are a number of books
like The Scarlet Letter and Macbeth
- which annually vie for Cliff's Notes'
The new guides
try to reach
today's TV-
saturated readers
by containing
more visuals, such
as maps and
genealogy charts.
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most popular titles - that are also
taught to college freshmen in intro-
ductory literature courses. The supple-
ments run from $3.75 for J.D.
Catcher in the
Rye to $4.50
for the poem of
Keats and
Notes has pub-
lished guides to
books by ethni-
cally and ra-
cially diverse
authors in the
past, but they
were few. Those
titles include
Hansberry's "A
Raisin in the Sun" and Gabriel Garcia
Marquez's One Hundred Years of
The new guides, in addition to
filling the Notes' multicultural void,
try to reach today's TV-saturated read-
ers by containing more visuals, such
as maps and genealogy charts. They
have become heavy on analysis and
less dependent on plot. And glossa-
ries galore explain unfamiliar terms,
which are especially useful in books
laden with foreign words, idiomatic
English and Biblical references.
And what about the millions of
students who buy only the familiar
yellow-and-black stapled booklets,
rather than using them to supplement
their assigned readings?
Teachers tell Carey that those
students tend to do poorly because
they rarely crack open the Cliff's
Notes, either.
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Airlines crack down
on city swappers
Sneaky fliers to
face penalties for
hidden-city fares
Airlines are cracking down on
an old money-saving trick used by
savvy traveler: hidden-city fares.
United airlines this month sent
a memo to travel agents saying the
carrier is targeting several markets
where fliers are using hidden-city
They work like this:
A traveler wants to fly from
San Francisco to Denver. United's
one-way fare is $532. But a one-way
fare from San Francisco to Colo-
rado Springs. Colo with a connec-
tion in Denver is $129 - the "hid-
den-city" fare. Get off in Denver.
Savings: $350.
Such examples can be found on
dozens of routes.
"A lot of companies are asking
?travel agents to do it, and travel
agents suggest it travel industry
lawyer Jeffrey Miller says.
"It's risky though
Using hidden-city tickets isn't
illegal, but airlines say it violates
their rules.
Most travel agents don't ap-
prove of the practice.
Airlines usually spot fliers us-
ing hidden-city ticket fares when
they fail to get on connecting
When airlines catch fliers us-
ing hidden-
city fares,
they can can-
cel return
and make
them pay
higher fares
to return
Tr i p p 1 e r.
publisher of
the Airfare
Report, says
he and many
of his read-
ers have
used hidden-
city fares.
He has never been caught be-
cause "I know what I'm doing and
how to behave
To avoid detection, Trippler
uses one airline out and another
for the return trip.
"Travel agents
who encourage
that type of
activity among
travelers can
expect us to take
?Tim Smith,
American Airlines
Another mistake travelers
make is checking luggage. Their
suitcase goes to their scheduled fi-
nal destination.
Trippler and many of his read-
ers pay $45 or so to ship luggage
to their hotel by overnight delivery.
United isn't the
only one taking a
hard look at hidden-
city ticketing.
Northwest and
American also are
considering tighten-
ing their policies.
"Travel agents
who encourage that
type of activity
among travelers can
expect us to take ac-
tion American Air-
lines' Tim Smith
The airlines are
cracking down on
hidden-city fares as the number of
such fares grows.
They're on the rise because ma-
jor airlines are matching fares of-
fered, by discount carriers at com-
peting airports in order to protect
market share.
1 IN V ?d A from page 1
Brown said this form of invest-
ment is a kind of gambling; and mat
First Capital had earned an extra $51
million for the Common Fund over a
15-year period.
"Let's say I own a stock, and it's
worth a $1,000 a share Brown said.
"If on the futures market someone
believes it's going to be worth a
$1,050 a share two months from now,
they may offer me a $1,040 for it, but
I have to deliver it two months from
now. So I sell them the right to the
stock for two months from now. If
the stock goes up to $1,050,1 deliver
the stock, and they have a stock that's
worth $1,050. They only paid $1,040,
so they make a $10 profit.
"If the stock doesn't go up to
$1,050 or even a $1,040, they don't
want to buy that stock because they
could go out and buy it some place
else. It's very much like a gamble when
a company is doing it without cover-
ing its buy and sell options with a
hedge. What they're doing is they sell
then they'll buy and the difference
between on the same stock is the
Brown said Ahrens sold a right
to the stock without buying the hedge
to protect it from going up too much.
"He offered to sell a stock for
$1,050 Brown said. "The stock went
up to $1,100. He hadn't bought a
hedge, so he lost - this is what they
estimated - $100, 000 in that initial
Ahrens then concealed his loss
from his company, and over a three
year span tried to "play the market"
to make up for the lost money.
"That's where the fraud enters
in Brown said.
Ahrens lost more and more
money. By the time he was found out,
the Common Fund had lost $128 mil-
lion in earnings.
Brown said it took First Capital
and Common Fund a long time to dis-
cover Ahrens because he was skillful
at concealing his dealings.
When the Common Fund ordered
an "almost routine" audit of what he
was doing at First Capital, Ahrens
went to his bosses and revealed the
entire situation.
Brown said the Common Fund
has brought the university high earn-
ings on its money and doubts that the
committee will drop Common Fund
because of this incident
"This is a relatively minor
anomaly in their performance Brown
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Brown also said he does not think
that the committee will change its
method of selecting investment man-
"It (the university) lost a small
portion of the return on the invest-
ment that we would have had he
said. "We didn't lose any principle
(original amount handled by Common
Fund). We're just not going to make
as much money as we would have oth-
Common Fund broke the $2.5
million into an equity fund and a bond
fund. The money was invested over
an 11 month period.
"On our equity fund, we would
have earned for the 11 months 13.6
percent, which is pretty good earn-
ing Brown said. "We would have
earned another 1.4 percent had this
not occurred. On the bond fund, we
lost 1.9 percent, but still earned 10.7.
When you average all of this out, it's
about a 1.2 percent lower rate of re-
turn than we would of had. Since this
portfolio was about one-third of our
total portfolio, the effect on the total
return of our whole investment port-
folio is less than one-half a percent.
"That's the benefit of being di-
versified in many funds Brown said.
"If something goes bad in one, the
other ones compensate
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Wednesday, July 26, 1995
The East Carolinian
Our View
It's been a
unique summer
in Greenville,
complete with
an SGA
scandal, the
resignation of
the Assistant
Police Chief
and the ever-
present heat.
Live up your
because fall
semester is just
around the
With three days left in summer school, we at TEC have
one thing to say - whew!
For those of us who have accomplished as close to noth-
ing as humanly possible, the image of a fall semester com-
plete with two newspapers a week, football games and a regu-
lar class schedule sounds very inviting. But to the majority -
those who have slaved over their texts for the past 10 weeks
- the end of summer school means several short weeks until
beginning the burnout cycle once again.
Summers in Greenville have always been infamous for
fun and relaxation, but this summer seems a little different.
While usually the summer means empty bar stools at Chico's,
no lines at BW3 and plenty of room in the mosh pit at The
Attic, this summer has brought a larger crowd to the Emer-
ald City and primarily to downtown.
If the overcrowded downtown scene was the only down-
fall to the summer of'95 in Greenville, things wouldn't be so
bad. But summer school students have had to contend with
hikes to Todd Dining Hall to get a real meal, delayed pay-
checks and scandal after scandal involving our university's
trusted officials. To make matters worse, orientation partici-
pants, and their parents, couldn't find anywhere better to
park than in our spaces - the same ones that cost us 70
But on the bright side, summer school means playing
intramurals twice a week, scantily dressed men (and women)
and road trips to the beach. All of this without an ounce of
guilt. It's not every day that you have the time to fill your
cooler full of beverages and head east for the day to soak up
the rays and the sights. It won't be long before your morn-
ings and afternoons are filled with textbooks, blue books and
2 pencils and your nights are filled laboring over nome-
Make the most of the next three weeks; they're all you've
got until Dr. Doe makes you stand up to recite your name,
classification and tell a little about yourself.
TEC will give it a week before you're ready to pack your
bags and head out of mom and pop's house and back to the
Emerald City for more fun and excitement - Pirate style.
The East Carolinian
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor-in-Chief
Tambra Zion, News Editor
Wendy Rountree, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Brian Paii, Assistant Sports Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff Illustrator
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Ken Clark, Photographer
Darryl Marsh, Creative Director
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Xlali Yang, Systems Manager
Thomas Brobst, Copy Editor
Patrick Hinson, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel,Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited for
decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should be
addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919) 328366.
Moving out, moving on
What more is there to say? This
is my final opinion column for TEC
before I move on to bigger, but not
necessarily better things. I feel confi-
dent that I've whined about what
there has been to whine about, praised
what there has been to praise, and
duly noted those things that spoke
for themselves in mv short time here
at ECU.
I have enjoyed writing these col-
umns and I hope that at least a few of
you have enjoyed reading them. 1 have
wondered occasionally if 1 have ne-
glected important issues to vent over
trivial matters well, who is to say
what is trivial? The things that go on
around us in our everyday lives effect
us every bit as much (and usually
more directly) than the things that go
on in the Chancellor's office, the
Governor's office or even Capitol Hill.
And the great thing about the
little things that bug you is that there
is often something you could feasibly
do to correct them. Write a letter,
make a speech, disable someone's ve-
hicle (this is a joke, and I take no re-
sponsibility for anyone who may de-
cide to try it,) incite a riot (also a joke
and illegal) and you can likely get at
least a couple of people to alter their
irritating driving habits, or stop leav-
ing their pets in the car on hot days,
or behave a little better in restaurants.
However, if you try these tactics
on a national scale, the only result you
are likely to get is an FBI background
check (do you really want that ugly
little incident in the eighth grade
Andi Pov ell Phillips
Opinion Write.
I feel confident
that I've whined
about what
there is is whine
dredged-up again?) and a black mark
Besides, we can't begin to fix our
really big problems: rampant crime,
drug abuse, guns and crooked politi-
cians (redundant, I know), without
first addressing those issues a little
closer to home; bad manners, slow
traffic, lack of sufficient parking space
and summer school stress.
You scoff, but it is true! For in-
stance: Why do you think so many
politicians go bad? Do they wake-up
one day and say "Hey! I think I'll go
into politics, line my pockets with
other people's money and live the
high life until I get caught and go to
prison?" No! These are people who
have been allowed for years to hold
us up in traffic, cut in front of us in
line at the grocery store, park in the
handicap spaces without getting tick-
eted and they have come to expect it
as their right to do whatever they
please whenever they please! That's
why they always seem to be surprised
to learn that what they were doing
was wrong when they get arrested for
stealing money from social security
Or taking their extended families on
vacation at the taxpayer's expense
(Remember Nixon? He seemed genu-
inely perplexed that the American
people were treating him so badly just
because he had some of his people
break into the Democratic National
Headquarters to steal some docu-
ments so he could illegally win the
next election!)
We let them do whatever else they
wanted with no argument except the
occasional obscene gesture, why
should we care about this? So, you see,
it is my theory that there is a direct
correlation between how much trivial
garbage we allow people in our dai
lives to get away with and how crooked
our politicians are. So, the next time
you see some jerk park his $30,000
BMW sideways across two handicap
spaces, first, let the air out of his tires
(again, 1 take no responsibility) then,
find a cop to give him a big, fat ticket
(I could give you a list of local restau-
rants where you could find several cops
at any given time of the day, but that's
a whole other story!) You will not only
be making sure a jerk gets what he
deserves for once, but you will also be
helping to clean-up our political sys-
tem at the same time!
Well, that's it for my opinions.
Thanks for reading! Bye everybody!
The death of the nicotine dream Helms: washed up, out-of-date
I stopped smoking recently. I had
my last cigarette just over four weeks
ago, which means I haven't had one
in about four months now. That's what
it feels like, and all you smug never-
smoked-a-day-in-your-life creeps know
exactly where you can go, and what
sharp and unwieldy objects you can
shove up which orifice along the way.
I didn't quit because of health
reasons. I still feel just as physically
horrible as I did before; I didn't quit
for financial reasons - if the price had
gone up to five bucks a pack, I would
have been letting my fingers do the
walking through the yellow pages that
very evening, looking for a second job.
And I most certainly didn't quit be-
cause of the pressure of the anti-ciga-
rette mentality that all you body-
temple cig police keep printing up on
pamphlets and sliding under my door
at three in the morning. I'd always
been courteous about my carcinogens;
if you'd rather I not smoke in your
cars or apartments or classrooms, fine
and good -1 certainly wouldn't want
to infringe on the noough zone laws.
But if you would have come up
to me outside the building and told
me to put it out, I would have glee-
fully blown smoke in your eyes and
flipped sparks in your hair. My
thoughts were, when Ma Nature came
up to me and lodged a complaint then
I would grind out the butt Until then,
you people could grin and bear it and
stay away from me, preferably upwind.
No, the reason I down-to-the-fil-
tered my last Marlboro a couple of
years back was because I didn't like
being chained to anything. It was a
drag poking through the pack around
II o' clock every night and counting
up how many smokes I had left, then
doing some mental arithmetic to see
if I would have enough to last me until
morning, or should I go ahead and
buy another pack before the conve-
nience stores closed.
Brian Wright
Opinion Columnist
I would have
gleefully blown
smoke in your
eyes and
flipped sparks
in your hair
A lot of smokers have an "emer-
gency pack that they keep around
in the back of the kitchen drawer or
in the glove compartment, in case a
crisis should rear its head during the
wee hours. I never did. Or rather, my
emergency pack always seemed to get
thin and ultimately vanish every night
around 10.
I had tried to kick the habit sev-
eral times in the past, and always
managed to pick the worst possible
times, i.e finals week, around the end
of the month when I'm really scram-
bling to get the money to pay my bills,
and when I went to see Pink Floyd at
Carter-Finley last summer (and believe
you me, anyone who went to that
show and says that they didn't smoke
something is lying shamelessly to
Every time, though, I'd crap out
and go back to them, sawing through
my usual pack and a half an hour. I'm
in the school of art, you see, and I
was trying to bum my lungs into twin
briquettes so I could crack them out
of my chest for my fall drawing classes
and do some charcoal sketches with
Eventually, though, I realized
that there was only one thing in life I
wanted to be addicted to (and if it
turns out that the joke's on me and
there is indeed a heaven in the classi-
cal sense, I assure you that I will be
mainlining nicotine and smoking four
Camels at the same time before the
pearly gates have even clanged shut
behind me) is my girlfriend. I didn't
stop because she told me to, she didn't
even ask me to. I stopped because of
the things in life 1 was addicted to -
cigarettes and her - cigarettes were
what was making me miserable.
So I quit, and here I am, 40 years
later. Strangely enough, I don't regret
all the years I was smoking, and even
stranger, I don't regret that I quit ei-
ther. The only thing that really bugs
me about the whole experience are
these wretched DT's.
I won't go into the hideous details
of my badly choreographed withdrawal.
There's too much depravity and pro-
fanity behind it for anyone to ever al-
low printing it, and besides, it's not
even over yet
Writing down my line of reason-
ing for tossing out my ashtrays, how-
ever, is the only means I have left of
expressing it My speech has gradually
become less and less intelligible, and
my movements more spastic and un-
controllable with each passing day. I
feel like Jeff Goldblum from The Fly.
I'm guessing that it will be finals
on Friday that will finish me off. All
that stress and anxiety is going to cause
my body to shear itself apart and fly
into atoms, and all that will be left will
be my tennis shoes and the two black-
ened raisinettes that were my lungs.
The things are so hardened by now that
they could probably survive a ground-
zero nuclear blast
But again, I have no regrets about
either lighting up that first cigarette
or about grinding that last one out
and if the occasional inconvenience of
spontaneous human combustion is
price to pay for being able to take the
stairs again, then so be it
WRAL's airwaves carried the
conservative commentator's voice
across the coastal plains of North
Carolina. The G. Gordon Liddy of his
day made a name for himself by bring-
ing his conservative dogma into
homes for 12 years. Since 1972 he
has made a name across the nation
for our state bv representing North
Carolina in the U.S. Senate.
He has espoused the angry
agenda of militant conservatives since
his election to the Senate 23 years
ago. During those days he criticized
the U.S. for not continuing to fight
in Vietnam. He also railed against
slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin
Luther King and accused him of es-
pousing "action-oriented Marxism
Jesse Helms soon became an icon of
his time.
Senator Helms made his name
by fighting communism in the tradi-
tion of Joe McCarthy. Before his elec-
tion, he called Richard Nixon's trip
to China "appeasement" of commu-
nism. Helms fervently fought against
arms control agreements negotiated
by the Nixon Administration during
his first term. President Nixon won
that round.
He carried his fight against com-
munism to new heights during the
Ford and Carter administrations. He
argued the U.S. should not reduce
nuclear weapons, despite being able
to destroy the world seven times over.
Jesse Helms fought against the
SALT-1I treaty with the zeal one
would expect. Jesse Helms prided
himself on not being moderate.
During the Reagan years, he and
the late Sen. John East cast the only
two dissenting votes against confirm-
ing Casper Weinberger as Secretary
of Defense. Cap wasn't strong enough
for them. During this term, he aban-
doned his role on the Agriculture
Committee to take a seat on the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee. He
Thomas Blue
Opinion Columnist
Helms still sits in
the Senate, an
icon of a
generation that
passed with the
fall of the Berlin
wanted to have a greater impact in
rooting out communists.
He often butted heads with fel-
low Republicans on that commit-
tee. Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Indi-
ana.) and other Republicans fa-
vored a bill condemning South Af-
rica for apartheid. Helms re-
sponded by asserting that pressure
to abolish apartheid would cause
Pretoria to fall to leftists. He ar-
gued the U.S. should ignore human
rights abuses if it would stem the
tide of leftism.
Jesse Helms stood up and sup-
ported anti communist dictators
when no one else would. He sup-
ported Chilean President Augusto
Pinochet, whose government killed
and exiled thousands. When the
New York Times ran an article stat-
ing Helms was being investigated
for leaking classified information to
Pinochet, he accused the State De-
partment of having planted the
documents and alleged the CIA had
spied on him. The Reagan State
Department was weak on commu-
nism in Helms' mind.
He also strongly criticized
President Reagan's support for cen-
trist Jose Napolean Duarte in El
Salvador's 1984 Presidential Elec-
tion. Helms vocally supported
right-wing candidate Roberto
d'Aubuisson, who had been linked
to death squad murders. "You don't
have perfect choices in trying to
prevent a communist takeover of
this world Helms explained.
Helms continued carrying his
foreign policy torch by supporting
Philippine President Ferdinand
Marcos in 1986. He stated replac-
ing Marcos with democratically
elected Corazon Aquino "happens
to be on the agenda of the social-
ist world right now Helms also
worked hard to block passage of an
international treaty making geno-
cide a crims. He contended that
would threaten the U.S. Constitu-
tion and bring frivolous lawsuits
against the United States. Jesse
Helms wanted to use every tool,
regardless of how extreme, to fight
Jesse Helms staked his career
on fighting communists at every
turn. He relentlessly tried to force
U.S. foreign policy farther toward
taking extreme stances during the
Cold War. Much of his support
stemmed from willingness to go to
extremes in battling the leftist
threat during the Cold War. Today,
Jesse Helms still sits in the U.S.
Senate, an icon of a generation
that passed with the fall of the
Berlin Wall.
Today, the nation calls for new
faces and change in Washington.
Slogans like "term limits" and
"new ideas" are buzz words on
Capitol Hill. Since the Cold War's
close, America is ushering in a new
era in politics. Jesse Helms stands
at a set of political crossroads. His
biggest issue has fallen by the way-
side and is out of date. As he gears
up for another election campaign
in 1996, voters must ask if perhaps
he hasn't too.
The East Carolinian will be hiring opinion columnists for the fall semester.
Stop by the Student Pubs. bldg. (across from Joyner)to fill out an application.
Writing sampleswould be beneficial. For more info call Stephanie ? 328-6557.

Wednesday, July 26, 1995
The East Carolinian
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claims to be: a very
tiny drop in the great scream-
ing bucket of American media
opinion. Take it as you will.
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
MTV is evil again.
I, for one, am glad to know
it Ever since Nirvana broke, long-
time alternative music fans have
had an uneasy relationship with
Music Television.
Back in the '80s, it was easy
to hate MTV. All they played was
sticky teen dance pop and mo-
ron hair bands posing as heavy
metal rebels. Record anything
more challenging or intellectual
than "Every Rose has its Thorn
in the '80s and you were destined
to be ignored.
Musical reality was clear-cut.
All MTV cared about was what
the big record companies cared
about: making money off the lat-
est clone of last year's sensation.
They were evil, pure and simple.
If you wanted to hear anything
interesting, you had to turn to
the underground.
Then, due to a tremendous
swelling of underground support,
Nirvana's Nevermind disc broke
into MTV's lifie of sight. A
strange phenomenon, we
thought, but a fluke to be sure.
We were all very happy for Kurt
and the boys, but expected
Nirvana's 15 minutes of fame to
be brief. Their return to the un-
derground, we thought, was as-
After ail, they were singing
about dark, depressing stuff. And
on top of that, their first big hit,
"Smells Like Teen Spirit was a
vicious attack on the army of
MTV Zombies who loved the
video so much. It was a great
joke, but surely somebody would
catch on.
But they never did. And now,
four years later, the Lollapalooza
tour is one of the biggest con-
certs in the nation and the term
"mainstream alternative" is bat-
ted around the music community
without the slightest hint of
Just think about it: "main-
stream alternative
See DROP page 7
First Knight
unsheathes a
dull sword
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
In the great tradition of Air- in
plane and Naked Gun, the director
of Ghost proudly brings you the
Arthurian legend?
lv hits on the
G u i n e
and thu
Art Courtesy of DC Comics
That's right, folks! Jerry Zucker
is the proud father of First Knight,
Hollywood's latest attempt to bring
King Arthur's story to the screen.
To assist him. Zucker has cast Sean
Connery as Arthur, Julia Ormand as
Guinevere and Richard Gere as
Lancelot. With Connery playing
Arthur, one would expect a movie
as enchanting as Camelot and as
powerful as Excalibur. What we get
is a dull-edged sword.
Anyone vaguely familiar with
the Arthur legend knows of the love
triangle between the King, the
Queen and Camelot's best knight.
It's an intriguing tale on which
Zucker and writer William Nicholson
focus the film. However, the film-
makers are so interested in the
sexual tension between Lancelot
and Guinevere (a sexual tension that
feels very forced in this movie) that
? ovie.
? "i Lancelot
rescues Guinevere a
second time, he
earns the trust'and
respect of Arthur.
who kniKhts him de-
spite several pro-
tests from the court.
Still. Lancelot ad-
mit that he is only
staying to - - near
Guinevere, wooing
her with such nauseous iin
"Forget who you are. Lei II tfie
world go and all the people with it
With dialogue like this. I don't
blame Julia Ormand for crying
through half the movie.
Ormand is a goo actress, but
like her part in Legends of the Fall
she is simply a love object for the
men. While there is plenty of
Lancelot's obsession with
Guinevere, there is little sense of his
loyalty towards Arthur. When
Lancelot finally states that he has
found his purpose in Arthur and
Camelot. it's hard to believe him sim-
ply because we have not seen the
two male leads interact enough to
establish any real relationship.
Everyone should be excited
about Connery playing King Arthur.
See FIRST page 7
A horse
is a
This fine example of the
horse kingdom lives its
days in tranquility in a
pasture outside popular
Greenville restaurant The
Bar B Que Barn.
Money well spent
File photo
august is nearly upon us again, and that means Lollapalooza is due to hit Raleigh any
Just remember, be careful and don't rile the Walnut Creek security guards like this
guy did last year. The consequences are rough.
Genes are no excuse
Scientists give
weight loss advise
through technology
John Burkard, M.D.
ECU School of Medicine
'unda gene that
ve may be related to obe-
?? Fhey believe this gene makes a
protein in fat cells that tells the
body when a person has
eaten enough. In the
future we may be A
able to use this
knowledge to
help people lose
So what
does that
mean for us
right now? Doe
that mean v
slaves b i . ? .ctic
to be fat?
No! Here are two steps you
can take now.
? Exercise: Walking is one of the
best ways to exercise. It is easy and
inexpensive. Remember, it's more im-
portant to walk longer than it is to
walk faster. The longer the workout,
the more calories you burn. Just one
half-hour a day at a good pace is great
for your body.
? Diet: As I am sure you've heard
by now, it is important to lower the
amount of fat in your body. Read the
"Nutrition Facts" on food labels to see
how much fat is in the food you eat.
Try to avoid fatty foods. Try to eat
more fruits and vegetables and fish,
poultry and lean meats. When you are
hungry, reach for an apple, not
a candy bar. It is bet-
ter to eat small
portions several
f times a day
than to eat one
ggl big meal.
0 Just as
people don't
? get out of
shape over-
night, they
? cannot get into
? shape overnight
J A good goal is to
lose one to two pounds
a month. The key is to keep
af it Just keep reminding yourself that
your good health is worth all the
a y
tfrivia Quix
Today's Topic:
Alternative Music
1. What happened to
the lead singer of joy
2. Name the first Sonic
Youth album.
3. What band features
members named Poi-
son Ivy and Lux Inte-
4. Who recorded
Bitchin' Camaro?"
5. Name the four
original members of
the Ramones.
Answers on page 7
CD. Reviews
The Ramones
Adios Amigos
Photo by KFN CLARK
Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
Question: Can you name one
band that can cover any tune by us-
ing only three chords?
Answer: The Ramones.
' '?' f years or so The
lore albums
than 1 can count With their newest
?? Adios Amigos, they are offi-
cially calling it quits with the music
industry. I am thankful that they are
not taking the same route as other
aging rockers.
die 1).
you x:
eral ?
The regal Ramones are ap-
proaching middle age. How can
"Rock n' Roll High School" still have
the same meaning to them? They
deserve some credit for not selling
out; in the midst of a punk revival
the ones who started it all are call-
ing it quits.
The title of their new release is
a hearty wave good-bye and farewell
to all the loyal punks and lay per-
sons who have supported their mu-
sic through all
these years,
Adios Amigos. It
seems like a sad
occasion. After
all, a few people
grew up venting
their angst
through The
Ramones long
before Cobain
ever developed
his itchy finger.
The CD
opens with a
wonderful cover
tune. Joey
"life's a gas" being repeated about
30 times with a few mumblings in-
between. Then there is "Got a lot to
Say a beautiful tune written by CJ.
that goes as follows: "I got a lot to
say. I can't remember now Punk
simplicity at it's best.
The Ramones have done their
fare share of love songs and have
done them quite well despite their
rough demeanor. There are two such
tracks on this release. "I Love You"
is the strangest; it
The Ramones
deserve some credit
for not selling out;
in the midst of
a punk revival the
ones who started
it all are calling
it quits.
when The Who
i? It seems ri-
up "i 40-year-olds
Sing "I hope I
i i ate to tell
I ou are old and
l s that, the lib-
you canonized in
ling corporate
R a m o n e ' s
creamy voice is perfect for Tom Waits'
"I Don't Want to Grow Up At this
point the song seems like a lament-
ing backwards glance, but it's too
late. They have grown up.
There is one disappointing as-
pect of this CD and that is that Joey
doesn't always sing. The bass player
and youngest sibling CJ. Ramone
sings the lead on four of the tracks.
That's not a totally bad thing; his
voice fits the music well and he car-
ries the attitude with no problem. It
just doesn't seem like The Ramones
without Joey's voice.
Two tracks on Adios Amigos
take The Ramones' trademark sim-
plicity to a new height. "Life's a Gas
written by Joey, consists of the words
could easily be
sung by Tiffany or
Madonna and not
sound out of
place. "She Talks
to Rainbows" is a
song of unre-
quited love with
sappy country-
like lyrics written
by Joey.
"Makin Mon-
sters for My
Friends" and
"The Crusher"
stick out on this
CD as the two
novelty tracks. It's not the music but
the lyrics that make these songs so
My personal favorite is "The
Crusher a song about a reluctant
professional wrestler who is having
second thoughts about getting in the
ring with the Russian Bear. The
Crusher feels confident before he
sees his opponent "I'm ready for a
match with the Russian Bear
Gonna pile drive him pull his hair
I might have a foreign object in my
trunks 1 might have to use on that
punk But when he lays eyes on the
Bear he gets scared and won't come
out of the dressing room. Very funny
See AMIGOS page 7
nwmwjM. i

mttm-M "?g?"
Wednesday, July 26, 1995
The East Carolinian
Coming soon for your
edification and amusement:
Wednesday, July 26
Comedy Zone
featuring Frankie Bastile
and Big Al
at the Attic
Blues Old Stand
at Peasant's Cafe
The Embers
at Champagne's
in the Hilton
(beach music)
Dave Matthews Band
and Dionne Farris
at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
(roots rock)
Thursday, July 27
One Step Beyond
at the Attic
The Headstone Circus
at Peasant's Cafe
Friday, July 28
Knocked Down Smiiin'
at Peasant's Cafe
Loaded Goat
at the Attic
(guitar rock)
Earth, Wind & Fire
at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
Saturday, July 29
Allman Brothers Band
at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
(southern rock)
Sex, Love and Money
at the Attic
Agents of Good Roots
at Peasant's Cafe
Sunday, July 30
Bluegrass Concert
at Town Commons
Wednesday, August 2
at Champagne's
in the Hilton
Steve Miller Band
with Doobie Brothers
at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
(classic rock)
Friday, August 4
Elton John
at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
(classic pop)
Saturday, August 5
Matthew Sweet
with Blue Mountain
at World Mardi Cras
in Charlotte
Sunday, August 6
at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
Wednesday, August 9
at Champagne's
in the Hilton
Random Access
at Peasant's Cafe
with Helmet
at Hornets Training Facility
in Charlotte
Saturdag, August 12
at Peasant's Cafe
Wednesday, August 16
at Champagne's
in the Hilton
Friday, August 18
Keller Williams
at Peasant's Cafe
(acoustic guitar)
Saturdag, August 19
All God's Children
at Peasant's Cafe
army of Ufesntje
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is nothing aoMPaReo
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morrow night vs. the Lynchbur
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Call (i
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Mexican Restaurant
.95 MUGS
Chinese protestor thrives
BOSTON (AP) - Chai Ling mates
a strong first impression.
The Princeton graduate is a sharp
dresser, speaks English fluently and com-
mands respect with her quick wit and
steady eye contact She also moves eas-
ily among top executives as she advises
companies on management techniques.
She'll tell you she is simply a suc-
cessful young Boston businesswoman -
who also happens to be the most wanted
female criminal in China.
Chai was one of the first students
to converge on Tiananmen Square in the
spring of 1989 and one of the first to
refuse food until the government agreed
to talk reform with the protesters.
When the People's Liberation Army
descended on the square seven weeks
later, opening fire on the demonstrators,
she was among the last to leave. She and
other student leaders formed a human
shield to protect the thousands fleeing
the center of Beijing.
"The bullets didn't choose me she
Now, six years later, the 29-year-old
lives quietly in Boston, concentrating on
a career in business while working on a
book about how one of the most promis-
ing teen-agers from the seaside town of
Ri Zhao became one of China's most
wanted dissidents.
She wasn't always a firebrand. Chai
had been a model student at Beijing
Normal University, where she helped
found the first cafe on campus. She even
waited tables and helped make the cof-
She studied child psychology, ran
track and helped oiganize campus work-
in 1982, at the age of 16, Chai was
hailed by the Young Communists League
as one of the country's top 100 students.
But the events of April 15,1989 -
her 23rd birthday - changed her life. That
was the day former Communist Party
chief Hu Yaobang died of a heart attack.
Hu had been ousted from power
two years earlier for failing to crack down
on students' pro-democracy demonstra-
tions, so Chai and thousands of others
from Beijing Normal University con-
verged on Tiananmen Square in his
See CHINA page 7
That's right, the East Carolinian is on the lookout for
CARTOONISTS. If you are creative and ready to meet
deadlines for this fall then we want you. Here is what
you need to do
1. Turn in a original comic idea to the East Carolinian
before Aug. 22. (It's across from the library kids.)
2. Make sure your comic fits in a 8" x 13" space.
3. Put attention Taul" on it when you turn it in.
4. Make sure it's inked in Black.
(Demanding aren't we?)
"That's about it and watch out. them cartoony people is
nDULT (Pews
SBUycBor (Dollar
Mi?WB?miiii (MMwmmmaammnmrwtmimmt?

The East Carolinian
Wednesday, July 26, 1995
from page 5
from page 6
AJLIlV-IJ) from page 5 JrllvO 1 from page 5
"Mainstream meaning com-
monplace. Music made for mass ap-
peal, enjoyed by everyone.
"Alternative meaning outside
the normal. Music made for a more
narrow appeal, enjoyed by people
who want something different.
Does anybody else see the con-
tradiction in terms here?
MTV sure doesn't seem to. Ev-
ery new rock band that comes along
is called "alternative no matter what
it sounds like. It's all the same to
MTV. Hey, look! It's new! It has gui-
tars! The lead singer doesn't tease
his hair! It must be alternative! Slap
that label on and ship it!
Somewhere along the line, MTV
managed to change the meaning of
the word alternative. Rather than re-
ferring to a band's place in the mu-
sic market (outside the mainstream),
it now refers to a musical style.
The problem is. alternative mu-
sic was more than REM and Nirvana
before those bands broke. Groups
with .sounds as diverse as Primus and
They Might Be Giants were welcomed
under the alternative umbrella. It en-
compassed a whole world of sound
that was rejected by the mainstream.
But now the alternative label has
become MTV's biggest marketing
strategy. Being "different" is in, it
seems, and being "alternative" auto-
matically makes you different. Even
if you're just recycling old guitar riffs
from the '70s.
MTV never really changed. They
just shifted gears. Once, they were
cloning Debbie Gibson and John Bon
Jovi. But by 1991 the clones were
coming out diluted, like eighth gen-
eration video: so blurry around the
edges that they weren't worth watch-
Now they're trying to clone Kurt
Cobain and Eddie Vedder. The prob-
lem is, Gibson and Bon Jovi were
working from a formula that was eas-
ily reproduced. Whatever formulas
Cobain and even Vedder have used
are unique to themselves. Any at-
tempts to clone them are doomed to
Granted, this isn't a new prob-
lem. The American music indu.stry
has always co-opted the underground
to prop up their sagging profits. It
happened to the hippies, it happened
to the punks, and now it's happen-
ing to the alternative scene.
Alternative is dead. MTV is evil,
and now I can finally crawl back into
the underground and wait for some-
thing to happen. Ah, it's 'good to be
Nothing was organized, she recalled
Some brought wreaths or wrote poems.
Chai and others started giving speeches,
calling on the government to become
more democratic.
She never intended to take com-
mand of the students who (locked to
Beijing from across the country. But
within a month, she had been elected a
commander and the occupation of
Tiananmen Square had begun.
"To go demonstrate on the street
in China is to take a great risk she said.
"I had a vague idea of the danger, but I
had no idea that my whole lite would be
turned upside down
When the tanks rolled in on June
4. 1989. Chai urged the crowd to hold
its ground. Government troops killed
hundreds of the unarmed demonstrators.
Chai tied into hiding; in the aftermath.
the Chinese government listed her 4
on their list of 21 student leaders who
had eluded capture, imprisonment and
even execution.
"All we wanted was a dialogue with
the government Chai said "Why did
they do this when all we wanted was
something better for the nation? I still
have to question why there was a need
for force, why they had to kill people
For 10 months. Chai lived under the
protection of strangers, starting with a
few workers she met on a tram immedi-
ately after the massacre. They knew who
she was. what had happened in Beijing,
and wanted to help, she said.
"It was wry dangerous for them.
for their families, their children. These
are really the heroes. The heroes are still
in China she said
Chai estimates about 200 people
risked their lives to smuggle her out ot
China. She turned up in Paris with her
husband, dissident Ivng Congde, in April
1990, the same year she was nominated
for the Nobel Prize.
Although her husband chose to stay
in France. Chai moved to the United
States and resumed her graduate stud-
ies at Princeton University's Woodrow
Wilson School of Public and Interna-
tional Affairs, where she received a
master's degree.
She now divides her time between
Boston and Washington. D.C where she
runs the China Dialogue foundation lob-
bying the LS. government on policy to-
ward China.
The L'nited States, she says, must
avoid selling out human rights in the
name of economic opportunity in China.
Chai misses her homeland and her
parents, brothers and sisters.
"1 want them to have normal lives
she said.
Those sneaky Ramones even put
a hidden track on this release; track
13 is a cover of an old cartoon theme
song about a certain web slinger. And
with that the CD ends and one sits and
contemplates the end of this band. It
is really kind of sad to think of this as
The Ramones' last release ever, but at
the same time I am kind of relieved for
the boys.
They have done some ungodly
amounts of touring through the '70s,
'80s and '90s and never really "broke
through so to speak. Joey Ramone
has voiced his displeasure with the re-
cent success of such bands as Green
Day. They become millionaires with one
album while The Ramones stay true
to the game and stay broke. They have
suffered for their art and had a lot of
fun along the way.
This review is an end in more ways
than one. The Ramones are retiring, a
band that many would call the first
punk band on the planet. They have
influenced countless bands and people
over the years. They were the first live
band I ever saw in my life and they
certainly made a lasting impression on
me that is not so obvious but still very
prevalent in my character. Hey! Ho!
Let's Go! - Adios Amigos!
The role has been waiting for him
to breathe life into it.
Unfortunately, Connery is
underused. The focus is on Lancelot,
making this Gere's movie. Still,
Connery turns in a magical perfor-
mance. When Arthur catches
Lancelot and Guinevere kissing,
Connery conveys the angered pain
of betrayal and broken love without
uttering a single word. Too bad
Zucker has to screw the moment up
by superimposing a flame in
Connery's eye to illustrate Arthur's
Ultimately, Zucker was the
wrong person to direct First Knight.
He choreographs the action se-
quences adequately, but the recent
releases of Rob Roy and Braveheart
make the swordplay in this picture
seem like child's play. Zucker's un-
successful attempt to balance the
romance with the action only cre-
ates a disjointed story with no edge.
As he proved in Ghost, Zucker
tugs on the heart strings until they
choke you. Instead of presenting a
daring revisionist's version of the
Arthur tale, Zucker and company
pull their punches and end up mu-
tating a legend. On a scale of one to
10, First Knight rates a five.
About 25 of the
electricity generated
in the U.S. is used for
lighting, consuming
the energy produced
by 120 large plants.
Replace lights that use
two bulbs with those
that use one. One
100-watt produces
20 more light than
two 60-watt bulbs.
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Trivia Answers . . . Quiz on page 5
1. He hanged himself. After his death, the band reformed as New Order
2. Contusion is Sex. This was the first of 12 albums, with number 13 currently on the way
3. The Cramps. Lead singer Lux Interior enjoys dressing in fish net stockings, high heels and leather body suits.
4. The Dead Milkmen. It was on their first album,Big Lizard in My Back Yard.
5. Joey. Johnny. Dee Dee and Tommy. Tommy left to become a producer. Dee Dee left to cut rap albums as King
Dee Dee. Joev and Johnnv are eternal
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Wednesday, July 26, 1995
The East Carolinian
Pirate athletics enjoy
hot, active summer
Renewed rivalries
and national
recognition kept
ECU busy
Brad Nelson
Staff Writer
ECU's 1995 summer sports season
started out red-hot as the men's track
team made a return trip to the NCAA
Outdoor Track and Field Championships
after posting a time of 39.63 in the 4 x
100 Meter Relay race. The season-best
time came en route to claiming the 1C4A
Championships in Fairfax, Va. ECU's time
was one of the top 12 in the country.
The Pirates finished eighth in the na-
tion in Knoxville. earning them All-Ameri-
can Honors.
"We ran probably as good as we
could in that race said ECU Head Track
Coach Bill Carson
ECU baseball came to an abrupt halt
on May 18 after back-to-back losses to
the University of Richmond and the Col-
lege of William and Mary in the CAA
Tournament held in Kinston. The losses
dropped the Pirates record to a disap-
pointing 29-26.
"Like any good club, we had to im-
prove and we never did said ECU Head
Coach Gary Overton. "It was disappoint-
ing that we were no better at the end of
the season than we were at the begin-
Now. however, Overton and his
squad are looking forward 10 contend-
ing for the 1996 CAA title and returning
to the NCAA regionals once again. With
the experience of this season behind
them and lorecasts of a healthy team
ahead, ECU's baseball future may once
again shine as bright as championship
seasons of the past
In football news, ECU's all-time rush-
ing leader. Junior Smith, found a new
home in Cajun Country when he signed
with the Shreveport Pirates of the Can;
dian Football League. Smith left ECU a
the leading rusher in school history witl
3, 672 rushing yards.
"Junior has been real impressiv.
during camp running the ball and receiv
ing said Missy Setters, media relation:
director for Shreveport
"1 believe Junior Smith will have;
lot of success in Shreveport" said ECl
Assistant Football Coach Jeff Treadway
"1 think that he will turn out to be ar
excellent professional football player
7he Sporting News recognized jun
ior quarterback Marcus Crandell anc
senior linebacker Mark Libiano in then
pre-season poll. Crandell is ranked num
ber 12 in the nation among quarterbacks
Dave Pond
Sports Editor
As NFL training camps open
nationwide, ECU's biggest gun still
finds himself without the full ap-
proval of his team's front-office
brass - and it's a shame. Jeff Blake,
who single-handedly ressurected a
floundering Cincinnati Bengal of-
fense, must once again battle ma-
jor pro disappointment David
Klingler for the
starting job on
David Shula's
Bengal squad.
Blake will
shine again in
Cincy this year
if he is given a
chance, with
the improved
running game
and an improv-
ing defense.
He's clearly the
best QB on the
roster. Don't be
suprised if
Klingler is gone and seventh-round
pick John Walsh becomes Blake's
backup mid-season
The Carolina Panthers look
suprisingly tough for a first-year
franchise. CM Bill Polian, who came
from the Buffalo Bills, and coach
Dom Capers (Pittsburgh), have as-
sembled a roster that has a feature
back in Barry Foster, quality line-
backers and excellent special teams
players. A star may be bom in OT
Blake Brockmeyer, who Carolina
had draft-rated just below Jackson-
ville rookie Tony Boselli, who has
already blown a knee in Cougar
The game will certainly miss
impact players and record-breakers
Blake will shine
again in Cincy this
year if he is given a
chance, with the
improved running
game and and
inproving defense.
like Joe Montana and Sterling
Sharpe. Both will be forever remem-
bered as legends of the game and
have now made the jump to televi-
sion broadcasting. Sharpe looked
comfortable and sounded good on
both NFL Primetime and
Sportscenter Monday night. It's a
shame that Sharpe didn't play on
quality teams throughout his nine-
year career - he would have got-
ten a lot more respect more on par
with Jerry Rice
It was good to see that Orlin
Norris was resting comfortably out
of the hospital yesterday after col-
lapsing in the ring during a Satur-
day evening fight. The former
champ, after taking a vicious shot
to the head, was carried out on a
stretcher. Norris was the third
fighter to be seriously injured in the
ring this year, but hey, it comes with
the territory. Now some are insist-
ing that headgear be worn as a re-
quirement. It won't help. Headgear
will do little to stop brain damage
in the ring - the repeated force of
blows to all sides of the head still
remains. All it
will do is help
to prevent fa-
cial lacerations
and swelling.
The knockouts
will still come
of knockouts,
McNeeley, Mike
Tyson's first op-
ponent not
wearing a
prison uniform,
appeared on
Letterman vowing to drop the
former champ (of course) during
their $50 pay-per-view confronta-
tion. The self-titled "Hurricane
who resembles a puffed-up Andrew
Dice Clay, went on to tell Dave that
fighting Tyson is a long-chased
dream that will finally become real-
ity when they enter the ring. Yeah,
yeah, blah, blah, blah. If Hurricane
wins, he won't get any respect, as
Iron Mike hasn't fought in four
years. If he loses, though, he'll re-
ally look like a chump, losing to a
guy that hasn't fought in four years.
Andy Warhol said everybody gets
15 minutes of fame. Let's see, Hur-
ricane appeared on Letterman for
eight minutes or so, so that means
he'll last about seven more against
Tyson. 3rd round KO
trailing Notre Dame's Ron Powlus and
Duke's Spence Fisher. The 6-foot 198-
pound Crandell ranked eighth in the
nation last year in total offense averag-
ing 253 yards per game.
Libiano was also ranked number 12
in the nation among inside linebackers.
Libiano has led ECU in tackles the previ-
ous two seasons and had 135 tackles last
See ECU page 9
?H Deion?
Two-sport athlete
Dwight Henry hasn't
gotten much rest this
summer. Dwight
competed on the ECU
track team that went
to the nationals, and
now he is preparing for
the upcoming football
Photo courtesy of ECU SID
ECU Police battle with Pitt County
Photo by S.B. KITTRELL
Chad Martin (Left) consoles Lawrence Watson after the
Greenville Police defeated ECU 24-12 in their first game.
David Gaskins
Recreational Services
The second session of Intramu-
ral Sports Activities will come to a
close this week with championship
games in 3-on-3 basketball and soft-
ball highlighting the final week of
July. In 3on-3 basketball, at press time,
the playoffs had pared the field down
to four semifinal teams.
The favorite continues to be
"Flipped, Cleaved, & Brewed Fish"
who rode the shooting of Cleave Nix
and the snappy passing of Stephen
Flippin to a 48-14 quarterfinal win
over "Blue Chips" despite the dead-
eye shooting of "BIG" George Hollen.
Facing them in the semifinal will
be the "Three Amigos who smashed
the "Panthers" 51-29 behind the in-
side play of Jim McGee and the shoot-
ing of Kevin Stone. The "Panthers"
were lead by the solid play of Matt
Taylor and Travis Crane.
The other semifinal will feature
two teams that started the season on
the waiting list. The "Unrestricted
Free Agents" lead by the knuckleball
jump shots of Quinton Manley
outlasted "Tixe 52-39 while the
"Death Squad" defeated Ward's
Team" 29-23 in a tight contest.
Jonathan Wright and Matt Crisp lead
the "Death Squad" effort while Chip
Hutchinson fueled the offense for
"Ward's Team The final contest i:
slated for Wednesday, July 26 in
Christenbury Gym.
In Softball, the Co-Rec Final
game was played on Tuesday night.
However, at press time this informa-
tion was not available. "Mel's Team
who faltered in the finals of the first
session, has earned a chance at re-
demption by defeating " Ward's
Team 6-5 in the semis. Matt Fisher
blasted a home run and six different
players scored to lead the victory.
Sheilah Helwig, Scott Batchelor and
Mike Haniey lead the offense for
"Ward's Team
The other semifinal ended in a
suprising upset as "Kegel's" got the
proper mix of players to the field and
decisevely defeated the "Economics
The Fall 1995
semester boasts
a variety of
for sports
Society 14-4. The "Economics Soci-
ety" had one big inning but the bats
were cold otherwise and "Kegel's" got
the proper mix of players to the field
and decisively defeated the "Econom-
ics Society" 14-4. Jeff McGrath, Laura
Steimle, and Mike Freeman each
scored three times from the top of the
lineup to fuel the attack.
In the Men's division the play-
offs opened on Monday. Leading the
way in to the playoffs is the "One Hit-
ters" behind leadoff man Jeff Gaskill
and long time IM veterans Matt
Reeves and Colin, Altman. The "One
Hitters" completed the regular season
as the only unbeaten squad and up-
set favorite "U-Lose" in-the final week.
"U-Lose" still boasts some of the
most explosive bats available in
Stephen Lovett, Eddie Coble, Kemp
Ewing, and Kevin Berry and are ex-
pected to be strong challengers.
Also in the hunt will be "Sobri-
ety Sucks" led by Ernie Holden and
Pete Cerra. The final game for the
men's division is scheduled for
Wednesday night at the Ficklen Intra-
mural Fields. The conclusion of these
activities wraps up the summer
The Fall 1995 semester boasts a
variety of exciting opportunitities for
sports enthusiasts. Interested indi-
viduals are invited to drop by
Christenbury Gym 204 for more de-
tailed information regarding a wide
spectrum of activities that are forth-
coming. For further information,
please contact David Gaskins or Mel-
issa Dawson at 328-6387.
Squads play
softball to
Dave Pond
Sports Editor
The ECU Police Department has
been competing in series of softball
games to better their working relation-
ship with other area law enforcement
"The main advantage of this is
that after these games, our officers
should be able to work better and in-
teract with other local agencies said
ECU Patrol Officer J.C. Horst "This
will help our officers conduct better
and more thorough investigations of
on-campus crime
The "Police Pirates" took on the
Greenville Police Department on July
8, and played the Pitt County Sheriffs
Department on Saturday. ECU lost to
Greenville P.D. 24-12, but returned to
form in their next contest, topping the
Sherrif's squad 10-5.
ECU's co-ed team is in its first
season of play, and hopes to continue
to successfully reach the community.
Team members include: Chief Teresa
Crocker, LaFranc Davis, Lawrence
Watson, Brian Powell, Isaiah Hill,
Walter Myer, D.J. Gregory, Annette
Parker, Kimberly Peed, Virgil Leggett,
Monica Brown, J.C. Horst and Johnny
"We've gotten a lot of positive
feedback from not only the agencies
that participated in the games, but
other agencies as well Horst said.
"Many other programs, such as the
hospital police and other ECU depart-
ments, have inquired about participat-
ing in future games
Also, the department hopes to
further relationships with Greenville-
area children, and has invited
Greenville Boys and Girls Club mem-
bers to come watch the games and
participate in the post-game cookouts.
Both events are free of charge.
"This allows the kids to see offic-
ers in a different setting than just on
the street Horst said. "It shows the
children that the officers have a hu-
man side as well as the professional
side they show in uniform
On August 9, the "Police Pirates"
will take on area District Attorneys at
the ECU Intramural Fields at 2 p.m.
The game will be followed by a cook-
Suspended Mountaineer
defensive end to return
for ECU football contest
WVU player wins
appeal from the
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
West Virginia faces off with East
Carolina September 30th in Dowdy-
Ficklen Stadium. For the Mountain-
eers, it will be their first game with
pre-season All-Big East selection
John Browning, who will miss the
first three games while serving a sus-
pension for signing with an agent
prior to this spring's NFL draft.
Browning, a 6-foot-5, 260-pound
defensive lineman, will miss West
Virginia's games against Purdue,
Kent State and Maryland. Originally,
the suspension was for the entire
season and Browning had enter-
tained thoughts of entering this
season's supplemental draft.
The NCAA eligibility committee
met late last week in deciding his eli-
gibility after Browning appealed the
earlier suspension. In an hour-long
conference call, the decision was
made to reduce the senior's suspen-
sion to just the first three games.
"I'm very happy and I'm re-
lieved Browning said. "I know I
made a mistake, but I understand
that now. and I want to thank the
NCAA for listening to my case.
"Now, I just want to stick with
my classes so I can graduate in the
future and I will be able to get ready
for football season this year
ing is an
ing NFL
made 36
sacks and
two tack-
les for
loss last season at defensive tackle.
He was moved to defensive end this
spring to take full advantage of his
size and speed. He has been com-
pared to former WVU defensive end
and current New Orleans Saints All-
Pro Renaldo Turnbull.
"I think this was a just decision,
and I'm just pleased as the devil for
John said WVU head coach Don
Nehlen. "He's a good young guy and
I'm happy we will be able to keep
him in school here at West Virginia
University. I think the NCAA made
a positive move today to help a stu-
"John is an integral part of our
defensive front WVU defensive as-
sistant Doc Holliday said. "Obvi-
ously, this suspension hurts our
defense but we are extremely glad
that he will be able to play for most
of the season
The Mountaineers are ranked in
the Top 20 by most preseason pub-
lications and are led by a tough de-
fense headlined by Browning, line-
backer J.T. Thomas and Thorpe
Award candidate Aaron Beasley who
led the nation in interceptions last
year with 10.
?pHMMI ??-???

The East Carolinian
Wednesday, July 26, 1995
New team faces old problem
from page 8
Two veterans
battling for
Panthers starting
quarterback job
(AP) - The Carolina Panthers
began concentrated preparations
Monday for something new - their
first game - with an age-old question:
Who should start at quarterback?
Heading into Saturday's exhibi-
tion opener against the Jacksonville
Jaguars, the Panthers' quarterback
depth chart lists Frank Reich and Jack
Trudeau as first-team.
"We don't have a quarterback
controversy Panthers' head coach
Dom Capers said. "We've got compe-
tition, like probably, a lot of teams
around the league
Reich and Trudeau have been
friendly rivals in their quest to direct
the offense. Kerry Collins, the Pan-
thers' number one draft pick, is get-
ting almost equal time at quarterback.
But Collins is number three, and Ca-
pers doesn't see the Penn State rookie
moving up during preseason.
"I think something would have
to change drastically Capers said.
"Kerry's in there competing, but we're
just thinking in terms of just trying
to get Kerry as many repititions as
we can at this point. Our plan is to
just bring Kerry along
That leaves Reich, a 10-year
backup at Buffalo, and Trudeau, who
started 49 games in his nine-year ca-
reer with Indianapolis and the New
York Jets.
Capers says he has yet to decide
whether Reich or Trudeau would start
Saturday in Canton, Ohio.
Reich would appear to have the
most to lose. When he signed with
the Panthers as an unrestricted free
agent, he did so with the desire to fi-
nally become a starter.
He made just eight starts with the
Bills, but earned a reputation for mak-
ing the most of his limited chances
while backing up Jim Kelly on a pe-
rennial contender. He won his first
four starts and directed the NFL's
greatest comeback, rallying the Bills
from a 32-point deficit to a victory
against Houston in the 1992 playoffs.
"I could sit here and recite for
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the next hour how bad I want to play
and how long I've waited for this op-
portunity Reich said. "That doesn't
mean anything. What matters is that
you go out, make plays on the field,
do a good job and you avoid making
too many mistakes"
Trudeau, who has looked just as
sharp as Reich, is trying to downplay
the prospect of competiting against
somebody that he considers a friend.
"I think the competition is basi-
cally Frank and I just getting our-
selves ready to play he said. "We
don't look at it as competing against
each other - at least not on this stage.
We've got five preseason games, so
there's plenty of time to decide that
over the next few weeks
TEC bids farewell to
its most
entertaining editor,
Editorial Board
meetings won't be
the same!
Good luck.
season. Miami's Ray Lewis topped the
list as best inside linebacker in the na-
In related football news, former Pi-
rate linebacker Willie Brookins worked
out for the Carolina Panthers in their
pre-season camp in Rock Hill, S.C. An-
other former Pirate to make it at the next
level is former ECU place-kicker Anthony
Brenner, who is now kicking tor Arena
Football's division-leading Charlotte
ECU's athletic department lost an-
other great asset as Charles Bloom, as-
sistant athletic director for media rela-
tions, accepted a position in the South
eastern Conference (SEC). Bloom came
to ECU in 1988 to fill the sports infor-
mation director position, and was pro-
moted to assistant athletic director in
June 1994. During Bloom's tenure, the
Pirates competed in Peach and Liberty
Bowls, and the 1993 men's basketball
team made a trip to the NCAA Tourna-
One of the most exciting events of
the summer was the Michael Jordan
Celebrity Golf Classic. His "Airness" re-
turned to Greenville with Sir Charles
Barkley in tow to play golf to benefit the
Ronald McDonald House. The tourna-
ment was won by the team of former
Cleveland Cavalier Austin Carr. Other
celebrities making an appearance for the
tournament were former New Orleans
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Saints wide receiver Eric Martin, Phil
Carey (Asa Buchanan on 'One Life to
Live") and Josh Savino ("Wonder Years"
Paul Pfeiffer).
The biggest news to hit ECU this
summer was that of the rebirth of the
Pirate, Wolfpack and Tarheel football ri-
valry. The announcement came on the
heels of numerous meetings between
ECU Athletic Director Mike Hamrick.
NCSU Athletic Director Todd Turner at id
UNC Athletic Director John Swofford.
'Die last series meeting with the Wolfpack
was at Carter-Finley Stadium in 1987.
and ended in a 32-14 Pirate victory. The
series, which could begin as early as
1998, will be played on a home and home
basis, with a game in Greenville, a game
in Raleigh and possibly a game at a neu-
tral cite. The instate rivalry will genet:
ate big money for eastern North Caro-
lina and firmly plant ECU in the hearts
and minds of football fans everywhere
Paramount in the decision to renew
the rivalry' between toe schools may have
been the approval by ECU's Board of
Trustees of a master plan that will in-
crease Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium's seating
capacity to 46,000 seats by the start of
the 1997 season, and ultimately to
60,000 seats.
The new master plan is sectioned
into four phases. Phase one will bring
the seating capacity t 46,1 M H i seats and
also includes the construction of an
8,000-seat upper deck on the north side
of the stadium, as well as permanent seat
bleachers in the east end zone. The cost
of phase one is $11.5 million.
Phase two of the plan includes con-
struction of club seating beneath the
north side upper deck. Phase three will
be the addition of a new press box and
10,000 new seats on the south side of
the stadium. Finally, phase four will add
the remaining 3,000 to 4,000 seats to
the east end zone, which will bring
Dowdy-Ficklen's seating capacity to
Six University of Tennessee Volun-
teer football players were suspended tor
the opening game against ECU on SepL
2 The players were involved in making
unauthorized phone calls on toe Univer-
sity of Tennessee's phone system. Over-
all, 31 students, including football and
basketball players, were handed penal-
ties. ECU offensive coordinator Todd
Berry feels that these losses will impact
UT, but warns not to underestimate the
"There will probably be some im-
pact said Berry. "Obviously, anytime
you lose players it changes your offen-
sive and defensive schemes
Let's hope sosee you in Knoxville
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Wednesday, July 26, 1995
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1 Full bath apartment close to campus
available for sublease. $200 per month
each. Please call 830-2750. Leave a mes-
ROOMMATE WANTED: Male to share
brand new 4 br, 3 full bath apartment.
$250 per month plus 14 utilities. Swim-
ming pool, tennis, volleyball, weight room
and more. Call 321-7613.
FEMALE to share 3 bdr. Apt. Two female
smokers seek down-to-earth, laidback
roommate. $165mo.13 Utilities &
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lease. No pets. Please call Ellen or Kr istina
2 RMS FOR RENT - 3 Blks from cam-
pus. Avail Aug. - -Rent $175 plus deposit
Call after 5:00pm. 757-3939.
Need to sub-lease. $275 month. Ask Mike
about Apt. 106. 752-8915. Two blocks
from campus!
per month plus 12 utilities, phone and
cable. Prefer serious grad. student non-
smoking clean with references. 830-6674.
BR 1 12 bath Townhouse, $215 per
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tion. Tennis courts, swimming pool - nice
neighborhood. P'ase contact Kim @ 321-
ING DISTANCE from campus and down-
town. Large room (15' x 15') $175 per
month & utilities. Washerdryer included.
Private phone line. Call Mike Daytime:
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DOWNTOWN APT. room available. Great
Location. On-site laundry. Avail. Aug. 1st
Call now 758-9962.
house - with washer & dryer -1 block from
campus. $175 per month 14 bills Male
or Female, Smoker or Non-Smoker. 758-
SUBLEASE: Wyndham Court Apart-
ments, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, refrig, dish-
washer, wd hookups. Available Aug. 1 for
1 year. $405 per m nth deposit Call
SHARE 2 bedroom apartment downtown.
Above Subway. $157.50 per month. For
more information call 752-2965.
2 bedroom, 2 12 bath, SPACIOUS
TOWNHOUSE. On the bus route, avail-
able ASAP. Water, sewer and basic cable
included. Please call Nisha or Renee at
752-8786 for more info. Leave a message.
Advertising Deadlines
Monday at 4:00 p.m. for
Wednesday's issue
Display Advertising
DC ads may be cancelled
before 10:00 a.m. the day
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Office hours ai
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The East Carolinian, July 26, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 26, 1995
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