The East Carolinian, March 21, 1995

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March 21,1995
Vol 69, No. 83
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
14 pages
Board of trustees passes SGA proposals
Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor
(AP) - A high school football
coach was arrested this morning and
charged with possessing crack co-
Wayne Fletcher, head football
coach at East Burke High School in
Drexel, for the past 11 years, main-
tained his innocence while police
searched his car, the Morganton
News Herald reported.
Fletcher was released a few
hours after his arrest on a $5,000
bond. His first court appearance was
scheduled for Tuesday.
(AP) - A small plane crashed
in northeastern Randolph County on
Saturday, killing at least one person
on board, authorities said.
The single-engine Piper
150, registered out of Greensboro,
went down about 4:30 p.m. in a
sparsely populated area of pastures
and woods off of N.C. 49, according
to Capt. Maynard Reid of the
Randolph County Sheriff's Depart-
ECU'S board of trustees unani-
mously voted in favor of SGA's proposed
student fee increases last Friday, over the
previously recommended administrative
proposal, said SGA President Ian
He said the board of trustees com-
mended SGA for their hard work in de-
(AP) - People scrambled from
their mangled cars and frantically
tried to flag down approaching driv-
ers as more than 100 cars and trucks
crashed in a series of wrecks Mon-
day on a foggy bridge over Mobile
Bay in Mobile, Alabama.
One person was killed, six were
critically injured and at least 74 were
taken to the hospital.
Some three miles of the seven-
mile bridge were strewn with black-
ened heaps of wreckage, some of
them consisting of dozens of cars.
(AP) - Metal beams holding up
a bank of lights collapsed today at
the Olympic Stadium under con-
struction downtown. One worker
was killed and three others injured.
Atlanta Fire Department
spokesman Tim Szymanski con-
firmed the death. The injured work-
ers were trapped briefly, but were
rescued and taken to Georgia Bap-
tist Hospital, he said.
The 50-foot beams that col-
lapsed were holding up a bank of
lights, said police Maj. D.M. Neery.
(AP) - Passengers on a Tokyo
subway fainted, vomited and went
into convulsions after a lethal nerve
gas spewed from packages planted
today on one of the world's busiest
subway systems. Six people died in
the terrorist attack and 3,227 were
treated in hospitals.
(AP) - Soldiers in Bebron,
West Bank, Israel enforced an
around-the-clock curfew that kept all
residents off the streets of Hebron
today after an attack on a bus killed
two Jewish settlers and wounded
An Israeli military commander
said Izzedine al-Qassam, the armed
wing of the Muslim militant group
Hamas, apparently was responsible
for Sunday night's ambush in
Hebron. Hamas is a leading oppo-
nent of the Israel-PLO peace accord.
on the
"Do you
Stephanie Williams,
"Yes, I want to sit outside
all day and get some sun
bating the fee increase.
He addressed the legislative body
during Monday's meeting saying, "I want
to give you the praise for that in serving
the student body well
Time is running out for campus or-
ganizations to receive funding from SGA
Bryan Weeks, co-chair of the Appropria-
tions Committee has made seeral an-
nouncements that funding proposals
must be submitted before next Monday
in order to be considered.
Weeks said he is establishing a set
of guidelines organizations must follow
in order to qualify for appropriations.
After some questioa he said the list is a
set of views SGA has alvNays followed but
which have not previously been written.
Eastman said 24-hour study halls
for exam week are set to go into effect
this semester. In a later interview,
Eastman said the original plans are ex-
"During exam week, we have 24-
hour study halls he said. "We are cur-
rently working to be sure that the Wright
Place is going to be open as well as 24-
hour computer lab hours"
Twelve new members have been
inducted during the past two weeks and
several more are needed. Screenings and
Appointments Committee Chair Janet
Stubbs said around 10 day representa-
tives are needed, as well as representa-
tives for Cotten. Fleming, Belk, Green,
Jones and Scott halls.
More than $4,000 has been appro-
priated during the past two weeks.
ECU'S Air Force Detachment re-
ceived $1,900, most of which was for a
computer. The Exercise and Sports Sci-
ence Majors club received around $300,
and the Panhellenic council received
The Woman's Studies Alliance re-
quest went unfunded because SGA does
not provide funding for social action
groups, said Harry Bray, chair of the
Rules and Judiciary Committee.
Pi Sigma Alpha, a national political
science honor society received $700 in
funds during Monday's meeting.
Bray made a motion that any orga-
nization asking for funding should have
a representative present to answer any
questions the legislative body might have;
the motion passed.
A resolution proposing SGA's dis-
approval of funds being used to fill aca-
demic requirements did not pass. The
question of what constitutes personal
See SGA page 4
Kevin Evans, sophomore
"Yes, I do. I enjoy setting
on these steps watching
pretty girls walk by
Meningitis death
heightens awareness
Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor
Wayne Clark, sophomore
"Of course, I'm skipping
The East Carolinian does not
condone such behavior, nor did
we encourage this student to
take these actions.
Ashley Young, senior
"Yes. I've got spring fever
because I'm getting ready
to graduate
The death of a J. H. Rose High
School student last week due to spi-
nal meningitis shocked many and left
students wondering if the young girl's
death was only the beginning.
Sarah Law died from a form of
the virus known as meningococcus,
which is rare, said
Ester Langley, a
nurse at Student
Health Services.
"For the most
part it's extremely
rare said Dr. Rob-
ert Perry of
Greenville's Family
Medical Care prac-
tice. "And unfortu-
nately there's no
warning for that
Student Health Services has yet
to see any cases of meningitis this
"We've had some students come
in with questions and concerns Lan-
gley said. "We've not had anybody
here diagnosed with meningitis that
I'm aware of. The type that the stu-
dent had, it acts real fast"
When it comes to describing, di-
agnosing and treating the disease,
meningit is is a very complicated is-
"It is somewhat
contagious, but
not like a cold

���M '
Perry said there are many types
of variants of meningitis.
"It breaks down into bacterial,
viral and fungal Perry said. "Viral
being the most common and benign,
bacterial and fungai cause the most
permanent types of damage
"It's an infectious disease said
Dr. Harry Adams with ECU's School
of Medicine. "It's not rare, we see all
kinds of meningitis and most cases
are infectious
J o 1 e n e
Jernigan, director
of nursing for stu-
dent health ser-
vices, said meningi-
tis is passed
through secre-
"It is some-
what contagious,
but not like a cold
Jernigan said. "It's
complex, we've had several people
worried about it because they had a
headache, but it's not on the same
level as a routine headache
She said there is little concern
about Law having spread the disease
before her death because enough time
has elapsed without more cases be-
ing seen.
"If somebody was eating or drink-
ing after her or kissing her, then they
would be at risk Jernigan said.
"There's not been any reported case,
that tells us it's an isolated case
� Jolene Jernigan
director of Nursing
Student Health Services
When students are suspected of
having meningitis at the infirmary,
they are sent to the emergency room,
Jemigan said. Actual diagnosing of the
virus is done by performing a spinal
"For the most part with the vi-
ral kinds, you don't treat you just
watch and it goes away Perry said.
"The classic picture, a headache, fe-
ver and they're vomiting - that's the
classic triad
Jernigan said the virus is often
mistaken because it comes with flu-
like symptoms.
"It can start like the flu - it feels
like the flu with body aches and head-
aches, fever and, as it progresses, the
headache gets worse Jernigan said.
"Students may have a stiff neck and
develop nausea and vomiting
Langley said spinal meningitis is
usually detected when symptoms con-
tinue to worsen, a key factor in diag-
nosing the disease.
Jernigan said the virus is not
uncommon, but she has not seen any
cases this year.
"Before the hemophilus influ-
enza vaccine which came out about
10 years ago, we saw many more cases
than we do today, thankfully Perry
The vaccine is a shot infants re-
ceive at two, four and six months. He
said the vaccine has severely de-
creased the number of meningitis
cases since its introduction.
Therapy students get hands-on experience
Andi Powell Phillips
Staff Writer
For those students thinking
about graduate school and interested
in the helping professions, there is a
relatively new program at ECU that
could be the answer.
The master of science degree
program in marriage and family
therapy is about six years old and its
purpose is to train marriage and fam-
ily therapists for clinical practice.
"Marriage and family therapy is
considered by some to be a technique
or subset of other psychotherapy dis-
ciplines said Dr. Michol Poison, as-
sistant professor of marriage and fam-
ily therapy. "But it is a legally recog-
nized psychotherapy discipline itself.
The five recognized disciplines are
psychiatry, psychology, social work,
psychiatric nursing and marriage and
family therapy
The difference between marriage
and family therapy and individual
therapy is the approach taken to help
a client
"It is an exciting field gaining
more and more interest nationally as
we move from the traditional ap-
proach of an individual client coming
to a therapist's office to the more non-
traditional approaches of working
with families and larger systems like
the schools and courts, and going into
client's homes said Dr. David A.
Dosser, Jr director of the Marriage
and Family Therapy Program.
A good way to get some positive
experience and see if marriage and
family therapy is where a student's
interest lies, is to do some volunteer
work, according to Dosser.
"Someone thinking of applying
to the our program, or any other psy-
chotherapy program for that matter,
should consider volunteering at the
Real Crisis Center or New Directions
Battered Women's Shelter to find out
if working with people in distress is
what they really want to do Dosser
Knowing what you want to do
plays a tremendous part in your abil-
ity to be accepted into the Marriage
and Family Therapy Program, as well
as your ability to do the work once
you have been accepted. Early prepa-
ration is the key.
"To be accepted in this program,
students must have a competitive
GPA, an acceptable GRE or MAT score
and they must show they have some
experience working with people, par-
ticularly people in crisis Poison said.
"Applicants must have good letters
of recommendation. Simply taking a
class and then going up to a profes-
sor to ask for a recommendation is
not necessarily helpful. A person who
recommends a student must demon-
strate a relationship outside of just '1
taught this person and they were
bright in class Students should look
for opportunities to establish relation-
ships with faculty members
According to Dosser, the ECU
Marriage and Family Therapy Pro-
gram is one of only two such programs
in the state, and the only one accred-
See THERAPY page 4
(L-R) Bob Nyda, Michol Poison, Kirsten Tyson-Rawson and
Judy Bohannon are all CDFR faculty members.
Widespread Panic set to go shoelesspage
O PI NI Q$e4�
Bumper stickers cause occassional headaches, page O
Things aren't "Rosie" in women's basketballpage C7
High 68
Low 45
Partly cloudy

High 65
Low 45
Phone 328 - 6366 Fax 328 - 6558
The East Carolinian
Student Publication Bldg. 2nd floor
Greenville, NC 27858
Student Pubs Building;across from Jovner

Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor
It's hard to believe that a man who has taught for almost
30 years, published books and raised a family, has found the
time to collect more than 1,000 old westerns and serials from
days long gone. Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Tinsley Yarbrough has done just that.
"I videotape old westerns and cliff hanger serials of the '30s,
'40s and early '50s, the kind of movies that kids went to see at
the Saturday matinee back in those days Yarbrough said. "I
also go to conventions devoted to this interest and I go out to
California with friends and we hunt for ranches and other loca-
tions that were used in making those movies, we videotape
them and take photographs
Yarbrough has held the position of interim vice chancellor
for almost a year, and is looking forward to getting back to the
classroom and his research.
"I primarily write judicial biographies later this year
Oxford University Press will publish my biography of the first
justice John Marshall Harlan Yarbrough said.
While in college, he was torn between a career in the prac-
tice of law or teaching.
"I enjoy teaching very much, I think that teachers are privi-
leged to teach - we don't always feel that way, but I feel that
it's an honor to teach Yarbrough said. "It's a very important
function and I think teachers have a tremendous impact on
the lives of students
With the exception of his temporary administrative posi-
tion, Yarbrough has taught classes ranging from introduction
courses in political science, constitutional law and the courts,
to classes concerning civil liberties and constitutional powers.
Yarbrough left ECU for two years in 1978 for a visiting profes-
sorship at the University of Virginia, where his daughter now
goes to school.
Yarbrough and his wife Mary Alice moved to Greenville in
1967. They met in a political science class at the University of
Alabama where Yarbrough received his undergraduate, gradu-
ate and doctorate degrees in political science.
I think this was the only school I applied to Yarbrough
Mrs. Yarbrough also held a political science teaching posi-
tion for the first few years they lived in Greenville. She now
works with the Pitt County School system coordinating pro-
grams for academically gifted students.
Spray paint not a sign of vandalism
Andy Turner
Staff Writer
Wondering why there is white
paint sprayed on the ground and
on the grass all around capus? No,
there is no mad vandal terrorizing
the ECU campus, actually, it is part
of an ongoing project being con-
ducting by facility services.
"We are in the process of do-
ing a photo metric mapping of the
campus as part of a utility infra-
structure project said Dr. George
Harrell, assistant vice chancellor of
business affairs for facilities.
On March 12, an aircraft fly-
over of the campus was conducted
and over 800 utility structures were
identified throughout the campus.
White paint was used to help make
structures more visible from the
sky. Letters were used to designate
what the various structures were.
Harrell said it took about a
week to mark water valves, man-
holes, switching gear and drainage
systems throughout campus. Addi-
tionally, the fly-over had been post-
poned several times due to unco-
operative weather.
Harrell feels the fly-over was a
success and the project will benefit
ECU tremendously in the future.
"We are very excited because
ECU will go from almost no base
maps to state of the art completely
Is ECU attempting to communicate with UFOs? Or perhaps workers are secretly playing tic
tac-toe across campus, in the hopes of frustrating administrators. Nah
compatible base maps Harrell
The project will also provide
the university with a 400,000 high
voltage upgrade in its high distri-
bution system.
Harrell said the current project
will be completed within the next
60 days and wjll help to support
future utility projects conducted by
the university.
"It will help us in the long run.
because there is a lot of utility in-
frastructure work to be accomj
plished over the next several years
Harrell said the white paint is
not permanent and will wash away,
after a few rain showers. u
Bikers encouraged on campus
Andi Powell Phillips
staff writer
Last week, this story was mis-
takenly cut. Here it runs in its en-
The ECU Campus Police have a
hidden agenda. Okay, it's not hidden,
but it is an agenda. The Campus Po-
lice in conjunction with other depart-
ments including Facility Services,
have formed a committee headed by
Sgt Johnnie Umphlet to promote bi-
cycle safety and encourage bike
riding on campus.
The committee intends to sub-
mit a list of recommendations con-
cerning bicycle traffic, safety, park-
ing and storage to the Parking and
Traffic Committee by April 20,1995.
One of the concerns for bike rid-
ers is where to ride. Bicycles are cur-
rently not supposed to be ridden on
the sidewalks, but most of the cam-
pus streets are too narrow for cars
to pass a bicyclist who obstructs traf-
"We are in the process of ad-
dressing that issue Umphlet said.
"Facility services is working hard on
long-range goals to make sure all
crosswalks are properly marked and
hopefully making bike paths. The
plan is for everything to be brought
up to DOT (Department of Transpor-
tation) standards. Possibly there will
be signs to direct bikers where they
can and can't go also
Part of encouraging bicycles on
campus is discouraging automobiles
for safety reasons as well as curbing
the parking problem.
According to Officer Briari
Powell, the best reason to ride a bikd
to school is to avoid the' hassle of
trying to find a parking space.
"Parking is difficult and will get
worse over the next year due to con-
struction and landscaping said Oft
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Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
POWs provide cadets with valuable lesson
Stephanie Lassiter
News Editor
Army ROTC cadets got a lesson
no textbook could give when three
former prisoners of war (POWs) v�s-
ited ECU last Wednesday to speak on
leadership! and survival skills.
Major Hugh Cox (Ret.), a local
attorney, introduced the group of
POWs. Cox is a re-
tired special forces
officer and a Viet-
nam veteran.
"It's a very
unique experience
Cox said. "Those in-
dividuals are very
unique and very
Cox told the ca-
dets that becoming a
POW is very unlikely
for soldiers, but o
ten it is inevitable.
"Being captured
is a chance happen-
ing Cox said.
"Sometimes capture
is the only option
Speaking to the group of cadets
were Randolph M. Brantley, E.D.
Winstead and Seth Jones. Brantley,
when asked where he was 50 years
ago, told the group he was in the 36th
infantry division in Germany.
Winstead, 50 years ago, was in a hos-
pital in San Francisco after being held
33 months by Japanese forces. Forty-
three years ago, Jones, who served in
the Korean War was in a Chinese
POW camp where he was held 27
Brantley, a WWII veteran, was
captured Dec. 14, 1944 at the begin-
ning of the Battle of the Bulge.
Winstead. who now lives in Wilson,
joined the Army in 1935 as a field
artillery officer. In 1939, his wife and
three month old baby were ordered
to return to the United States by boat.
In April 1942, Winstead was captured
at Corregidor.
Jones, who is now
an insurance
agent in
Greenville, served
in the 2nd divi-
sion in Korea be-
ginning in 1951.
He was captured
in Korea and held
27 months by
North Koreans
and Chinese.
Brantley told
the group that he
and the other
POWs lived off a
slice of bread a
"POW in most
cases is severe
hardship. To
survive you are
very lucky and the
treatment is
usually cruel,
inhumane and
tion, but rather of the deportation of
his wife and baby.
"I still resent having interna-
tional politics played with my fam-
ily Winstead said.
He told the group that surviv-
ing was left up to each individual
"We were corralled in a cement
area he said. "The Japanese sup-
plied absolutely nothing. We had
what we could scrounge and what we
had for 10 days
Jones said that soldiers never
think they stand the chance of be-
coming POWs, but the possibly does
"The probability of you ever be-
ing a POW is slim and none he said.
"In the numbers you're strong. In
two or three you are very weak
He asked the cadets how they
could walk for 40 days and survive
on virtually no food.
"I had faith that our men would
come and redeem us one day Jones
answered himself. He said he ate
acorns, raw corn and sweet potatoes
whenever necessary. Eventually he
dropped down to 90 pounds, suffered
severe stomach cramps, but he sur-
"POW in most cases is severe
hardship. To survive you are very
lucky and the treatment is usually
cruel, inhumane and demoralizing
Jones said. "If you are determined to
live, you almost surely will
Brantley agreed by telling the
group they must work anyway to sur-
vive. "I hope that you'll always re-
member there is something you can
do he said.
Winstead said when in an unpre-
dictable situation, the soldiers should
step in another man's track and take
every precaution they can.
Cadet Battalion Commander
Tom Earnhardt felt very fortunate to
have the opportunity to hear from
Brantley. Winstead and Jones.
"These three men are legitimate
American heroes Earnhardt said.
"Their experiences are something
that we can all learn from and learn
to respect. I think the cadets appre-
ciated their visit and learned a great
deal more about their own response
bilities and about the necessity for
Earnhardt said in today's nature
of warfare, prisoners of war are used
as political hostages and they are.
usually held for a shorter amount of
time than the POWs of WWII, Korea;
and Vietnam.
"The performance of these men
during WWII and the Korean War is.
an excellent example of dedication'
and whole heartedness Earnhardt
said. "We feel extremely fortunate to
have met great men
Speaker focuses on evolution, religion
Science and
� Seth Jones
day and possible a
cup of broth on Sundays. He said
more men died of starvation and dis-
ease than from physical abuse.
"You wouldn't get any treatments
or medical care Brantley said. "If you
were sick of hurt you had to suffer
with it Brantley said General
Patton's 3rd Army eventually liberated
his group during Patton's "blitz"
across Germany.
Winstead's worst thoughts of his
imprisonment are not of his starva-
Jim Cook
Staff Writer
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The conflict between evolution-
ary biology and creationism will be
addressed by Dr. William P. Piovine
in a public lecture entitled "Modern
Biology, Free Will, and the Mean-
ing Of Life
Provine's lecture, at 7:30 p.m.
on Wednesday Mar. 22, in the Great
Room of the Mendenhall Student
center, should give the audience "a
better understanding of concepts
and history of evolution said Dr.
Stanley R. Riggs, professor of geol-
"In his lecture Provine will ad-
dress the highly visible conflict be-
tween evolutionary' biology and cre-
ationism which has stimulated much
controversy about the relationship
between science and religion Riggs
said in a prepared press release.
At Cornell University, Dr.
Provine is a history professor, as well
as the Charles A. Alexander Profes-
sor of Biological Sciences. Riggs said
he is a very good speaker, who has
won numerous awards. Provine was
named the Distinguished Teacher of
Undergraduates in the College of
Arts and Sciences at Cornell Univer-
sity and was awarded a Guggenheim
Fellowship and the Phi Beta Kappa
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Visiting Lectureship.
Dr. Provine received his B.S
M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the Uni-
versity of Chicago, and has written
five books on evolution.
Riggs, the 1994 recipient of the
ECU Distinguished Professor Award
of the College of Arts and Sciences,
helped choose who would speak in
his honor. He said they were look-
ing for someone who was cross-disci-
plinary, had national visibility in their :
field and that would discuss a rel-
evant topic to science and society.
The lecture - which is sponsored
by ECU College of Arts and Sciences,
with additional support from the Ge-
ology Department and ECU's chap-
ter of Sigma Xi, the scientific re-
search society - will be followed by
a discussion and an informal recep-
Leaders urged to improve
educational system
Wendy Rountree
Staff Writer
In recent months, some repub-
licans in Congress have suggested
the legislative abolishment of the
U.S. Department of Education in-
stead of making improvements in
the existing educational system. Dr.
Charles R. Coble, dean and profes-
sor in the School of Education said
he thinks this would be a mistake.
"The reason 1 think it's a mis-
take is because it sends a strong
signal that education is not valued
as much as the Department of De-
fense, the Department of Labor and
Commerce Coble said. "I think it
is of equal, if not more, in value
because I think it is so fundamen-
tally integrated to the future of our
Coble said President Clinton is
more interested in creating new and
improving programs within the cur-
rent national education department
than the congressional majority.
"I think, probably, Clinton,
himself, is aligned with that per-
spective Coble said. "1 don't think
he has a congress that is aligned
with that perspective, so I think he
is doing more than he will be able
to do in the future, given the re-
cent election
One of the current departmen-
tal programs that Clinton has ex-
panded is Head Start, which has a
high success rate.
"The Head Start Program is re-
ally a successful program Coble
said. "The evidence is clear that if
we invest in Head Start and the
children that attend Head Start
then they present themselves as
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less problematic to the social ser-
vice delivery system. It makes a
great long-term investment for the
Head Start is a program that
helps young "at-risk" children.
"These are children who live in
poverty, who live with, maybe,
single parents or have some evi-
dence of developmental delay
Coble said. "(They are put into
programs that literally give them a
head start. That is starting to teach
them certain pre-school experi-
ences that help them get ready to
learn and learn more rapidly in the
During the last ten years, the
idea of business and education part-
nerships have become increasingly
popular as a solution to some of
the U.S. education system prob-
"Partnerships in education
with business are probably going
to be very much the wave of the
future Coble said.
Coble said that initially these
partnerships have been used with
businesses adopting-a-school or giv-
ing a school low-level foundation
"I don't think we have really
grasped the potential yet for genu-
ine partnership with business
Coble said. "I think the partner-
ships would focus more on school-
to-work transitions, applying busi-
ness principles to the management
of schools, looking at leadership in
organizations, team building and
problem solving on real-life work.
"Rather than having schools
I that get ready for tests, we would
I have schools that get ready for
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Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
EDUCATION from page 3
work and focusing in on more what
the world wants not what the test-
takers want
Another plan to improve the
education system includes more
parent involvement in the schools.
"One of the other trends is es-
tablishing much better and differ-
ent partnerships with parents
Coble said. "So, they are not just
there to volunteer and do our dirty
work for us in the schools, but they
are there to really be our partners
in helping every child learn. Every
child has got to succeed if your
child and my child is going to suc-
ceed, if we are all related
Though a number of other
countries separate students early
during their education into groups
that go to college and groups that
join the work-force and a number
of educators in the U.S. have sup-
ported the idea for U.S. schools,
Coble said he sees this as a "false
dichotomy" and does not want the
U.S. educational system to use this
"I think we must produce
knowledgeable workers Coble
said. "Everybody has to be a knowl-
edgeable worker in the future. So,
if a person is going on to college,
it is probably because he is look-
ing for specialized training in a
particular profession like medicine
or teaching.
"1 don't view the distinction be-
tween vocational and academic in
my head. Those distinctions no
longer exist. Everyone is in voca-
tional education. Everyone is going
to go to work
However. Coble said students
and educators, as well as the gen-
eral public, should see education
as more than a means to a job.
"We have to also look at our
education and say how we are go-
ing to help people prepare to live
in a world that is safer, cleaner and
more productive and efficient
Coble said. "We need to recognize
that the purposes of education are
beyond the economic purposes and
beyond just the academic purposes.
They are designed to give you and
me the skills to really build a na-
tion we want to live in
Coble said students going into
the field of education have a good
job outlook once they leave college
but face possible low salaries, de-
pending on the location of their job
in the country.
"The country greatly underval-
ues the work of teachers Coble
said. "That's why I think that if we
looked at the job of a teacher as to
build a nation we would start valu-
ing that job more than we do now.
Right now, we just think of it as
just teaching kids as if that is some-
how unrelated to where the nation
goes, but it's very related.
"Most nations on earth really
value teachers much, much more
than we do here in the United
States, much to our peril
Coble said that education ma-
jors entering the profession should
do so with their eyes open.
"They have to have a little bit
of missionary in them because the
pay isn't right and the conditions
aren't right and the nation's not
right about how they view teach
ers Coble said. "They have to be
smart. They have to be committed
and they have to have a lot of en
ergy because it's a very demanding
"It's stressful in the classroorr
and so, you have to be able to with
stand that stress
CAMPUS from page 2
ficer David Syth. "Students should
bring bikes when they come back
next semester to cut down on traf-
The Campus Police is practicing
what they preach, too, by having four
full-time bicycle officers on campus.
These officers patrol just like the au-
tomobile units and have the same
authority with the additional advan-
tage of being able to access the
wooded and pedestrian areas on cam-
"We're approached more when
we're on bikes Syth said. "We're
able to interact with the student
population on a daily basis much
more than when we're in the cars
Response times to service calls
are often quicker for the bicycle of-
ficers since they are not restricted
to the streets. According to Officer
Syth bicycle officers don't seem as
threatening as the officers in patrol
cars, and the bicycle officers are able
to see and hear things that they
might miss in a car.
"The bicycle officers are good
community relations Syth said.
"We've even had a request to go to
Elmhurst Elementary to give safety
and riding tips
Safety is a big concern on the
ECU campus as well. Bicycles are le-
gally considered vehicles and as such,
bicyclists are required to follow the
same traffic laws as automobiles. This
includes stopping at stop signs and
traffic lights, riding with the flow of
traffic and giving proper hand sig-
nals when turning.
"A combination of things con-
tribute to bicycling accidents
Umphlet said. "Mainly riding on the
wrong side of the road and also weav-
ing in and out of traffic
Another bicycle-related concern
is. of course, theft. The campus po-
lice require that all bicycles ridden
on campus be registered with them
so they can be identified in case they
are stolen. If a bicycle is not regis-
tered they suggest, at the very least,
the owner should write down the
serial number.
"If a stolen bicycle is not regis-
tered and the student does not have
the serial number, basically our
hands are tied Umphlet said. "All
we can do is take a report, but it's
from page 1
unlikely anything will come of it as
the bicycle can't be positively identi-
It doesn't cost anything to reg-
ister your bicycle.
"Just contact the ECU Police
Department at 328-6787 or stop any
officer on campus and ask Syth
said. "We'll be more than glad to
To protect your bike Sergeant
Umphlet and Officer Syth have sev-
eral suggestions: First, use two U-
bolts and secure both tires to the
frame. Second, use the designated
bike racks. Do not secure your bike
to signs, posts, guardrails, and so
forth. And, of course, register your
"Make sure you properly secure
your bike to a bicycle rack rather
than leaning it against a building oi
something with the tire chained tc
the frame Umphlet said. "Sure, the
bike won't roll if you do that, but it
can still be picked-up and carried-
off. And be sure to use a sturdy
According to Umphlet, more bi-
cycle racks are in the process of be-
ing installed to accommodate the ex-
pected influx of bicycles as the park-
ing problem worsens.
ited by the American Association of
Marriage and Family Therapy
(AAMFT), the governing body of mar-
riage and family therapy.
"This provides the university
with a distinction and provides much
needed services to the community
Dosser said.
The East Carolina University
Family Therapy Clinic, located on
10th Street, next-door to the Kappa
Sigma House, provides family therapy
services to the general public on a
sliding fee scale. The second-year stu-
dents in the program provide the
therapy with supervision from the
program faculty, using the training in
theory they receive throughout their
first year.
In addition to the clients the sec-
ond-year students work with at the
clinic, they also have a placement site
in the community. This year's class
has such diverse placements as a drug
and alcohol treatment center, an army
base, a mental health center and a
family preservation program, which
involves seeing clients in their homes,
in their school settings and, if
neccessary, in a courtroom setting. All
of these are examples of the kinds of
jobs available to graduates of the
Marriage and Family Therapy Pro-
"Students in our program find
employment in several settings, pri-
marily within mental health centers
Dr. Kirsten J. Tyson-Rawson, Assistant
Professor said. "(They can do tradi-
tional marriage and family therapy or
family preservation. We have students
working as mediators in the court
system and working in the school sys-
tem with teachers, and parents and
Two of the twelve second-year
students are planning to attend Ph.D.
programs at other universities.
"I plan to attend the University
of Minnesota in their Ph.D. Family
Social Sciences Program said Joe
Reid, second-year Marriage and Fam-
ily Therapy student. "I want to tEach
at a major university where I can also
practice marriage and family therapy
and do research in my field
Other students preparing to
graduate are planning to pursue a
number of different options. David
Handy, a second-year student who will
graduate in May is aiming ultimately
to enter private practice.
"I think the program has pre-
pared me very well and I plan to work
in a home-based program like family
preservation said Michele Collins, a
second-year student who will gradu-
ate in May.
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vf A from page 1
gain was heavily debated during the
last two SGA sessions. Rudolph
Alexander, director of University
Unions asked that the resolution be
held until members are able to gain a
clear understanding of what guidelines
should be set in order to uphold the
Bill Gheen, senior class president
proposed a bill Monday to fund $920
for the plaques given to for the Out-
standing Senior Awards that are given
each year.
He asked for a suspension of the
rules which passed and several mem-
bers including Vice President Sheila
' Boswell endorsed the bill. Weeks stood
in opposition of the bill saying that
'� funding the award, "has been a double
. standard for the past 15 years
Weeks said the award falls under
' the much debated category of personal
"It the award) doesn't go back to
- the school, it stays with you the de-
� partments should be doing this, not
Weeks said he did not necessarily
oppose the idea, but other awards
which have previously been denied
funding should also be approved.
Luke Sanders pointed out that the
senior class does not represent or fall
into the category of an organization
and should therefore be considered.
The bill passed after two rounds
of positive and negative debate.
David Reid was nominated and ac-
cepted to hold the position of elections
chair during the March 13 meeting.
Maureen McKenna stood to make
a motion that volunteers working
through ECU be required to register
with Volunteer Services in order to re-
ceive free liability insurance.
Boswell said two members are
needed to join faculty senate positions
which have recently become available.
During the March 13 meeting, one
representative said SGA shoulcf get in-
volved with activities to improve group
cohesion among SGA members.
A representative from Recreation
Services stood and spoke about team
games and activities SGA members
might want to consider participating
while you wait
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'Last year I had an opportunity to live on campus and be a
winner. But instead I chose to live off campuswhat a mistake. I got
stuck with utility, phone and cable bills. I had to eat my own'cooklng
and then wash all the messy dishes. I don't have time to meet new
friends because I have to spend so much time cleaning my apartment
Now, it looks like I will have to find someone to sublet my apartment
because I won't be here during the summer.
But hey, it's not too late for next year-I can still be a winner!
I'll sign up to Uve on campus during March 20 through 24 in Jones '
Cafeteria. I hear that Slay and Umstead are really going to be nice!
See you there
University Housing And Campus Dining Services

Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Our View
This year's
Barefoot on the
Mall is expected
to be as
entertaining as
ever. But who
decided what
music should be
omitted, and
� �
First of all, we would like to applaud the efforts of
those organizing Barefoot on the Mall for including more
culturally diverse bands. However, the way these bands
were chosen leaves much to be desired.
For years, the Battle of the Bands competition has
been used to give local bands a chance to get more expo-
sure. This year, J. Marshall, assistant director of student
activities, said the organization is trying to stay away from
the local bands that play downtown. This statement in
itself is strikingly poignant considering that Green Bone
Dance and Blood Stul (now Stul) have both played area
clubs in the last few weeks.
Also competing this year at the Battle of the Bands is
last year's winner PMS (Post Metal Syndrome). Is it really
fair to the other local bands who are trying to get estab-
lished that a formei champion gets to return and bump
another promising act? Gee, and we thought that people
were supposed to get a taste of the new music around
Greenville when watching Battle of the Bands.
Then there is the band Full Stop. This band was added
because of pressure put on by certain campus organiza-
tions about there not being enough culturally diverse bands
playing at Barefoot on the Mall.
Yes, cultural diversity is great, and people should be
exposed to as many different types of music as they can,
but why wait so late in the planning progress to add this
band? Were they chosen in the same manner that the other
bands were for Barefoot, or were they just randomly picked
out of a hat?
Are the Student Union Special Events Committee mem-
bers aware that Full Stop just played a show downtown
and has two more performances scheduled before Bare-
foot even takes place? And just for the sake of a good
argument, did anyone out there notice that there are no
women playing in any of these bands?
Barefoot on the Mall is an event that people look for-
ward to every year. All of the food, games and music draw
thousands. It is one of the signs that spring and good
times have arrived.
The students deserve more of an opportunity to pick
the music that they want to hear. Maybe the Student Union
Special Events Committee will give us a chance next year.
All of us at TEC hope that it will be successful, and in the
future, not so political.
Was George Washington
Most Americans firmly believe
that the separation of church and
state is an established part of our
heritage - an edict laid out in the
very bedrock of our nation. Of
course, they would be hard pressed
to find the words (or the concept of)
"separation of church and state" any-
where in the Constitution or the Bill
of Rights.
This notion of separation is usu-
ally credited to the First Amendment,
but it simply states that "Congress
shall make no law respecting an es-
tablishment of religion, or prohibit-
ing the free exercise thereof As
plainly read, it is to keep government
off the back of religion. The amend-
ment contains - no separation, no
church, no state.
The idea of separation of church
and state originates not from the
Constitution or any other founda-
tional documents of our country, but
from a personal letter from Thomas
Jefferson to the Danbury, CT, Bap-
tist Association in 1802. Jefferson
was responding to their concern that
U.S. government might sponsor one
particular denomination and create
the "Church of the United States" -
like the Anglican church became the
church of England. In the letter he
used the phrase "separation of
church and state" to signify the state
would not engage in any influence
over the church in America (not the
other way around).
As a matter of fact, it was not
until the 1947, when an activist Su-
preme Court used eight words of
Jefferson's letter, taken out of con-
text, to redefine the initial intent of
the first amendment. This decision
Shane Deike
Opinion Columnist
"Separation of
church and
state" is not in
the Constitution
or the Bill of
was a radical new philosophy for the
court and the shift came without any
historical or legal precedent.
Actually, the very concept of
God, the Bible and Church being
separate from influencing our gov-
ernment would have been considered
ludicrous by the men who formed the
documents for our country. The
book they most often quoted to for-
mulate these documents is the Bible
(over 13 of these documents con-
sist of direct quotes from the Bible).
This is hardly the actions of men who
like religion to be separate.
In recent years many have
claimed that our founding fathers
were atheists, agnostics or deists, and
more non religious than religious.
Nothing could be further from the
truth. Of the 55 men who signed
the Declaration of Independence,
there are, at most, three who may be
called deists - and even among these
three, it is not a clear cut issue.
The most acciaimed deist, Ben
Franklin, is the very man who insti-
gated the idea of prayer before each
session of congress.
Many others would concur that
separation was never to be the issue.
John Adams said, 'Our constitution
was made only for a moral and reli-
gious people. It is wholly inadequate
for the government of any other
George Washington said that no
one could claim to be a true Ameri-
can or the tribute of American pa-
triotism if they ever attempt to re-
move religion from politics. In his
own words, "It is impossible to gov-
ern rightly without God and the
Daniel Webster said. "Whatever
makes men good Christians, makes
them good citizens These are foun-
dational sentiments of the men who
formed our great nation.
John Jay, the first Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court, said, "Provi-
dence has given to our people the
choice of their rulers, and it is the
duty, as well as the privilege and in-
terest, of a Christian nation to select
and prefer Christians for its rulers
According to him, true religion has
everything to do with politics.
As a point of irony, the Supreme
Court, the very organization which
took prayer out of school in 1947,
has the Ten Commandments listed
in their court room. Somebody smell
the coffee (or check the writing on
the wall).
We were founded as a moral and
religious nation. It was built into the
system and the system will fail with-
out it. That we were founded reli-
giously and therefore morally is not
really a matter of opinion, it is only a
simple matter of history.
The East Carolinian
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Chris Warren, Advertising Director
Printed on
Stephanie B. Lassiter, News Editor
Tambra Zion, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
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Stephanie Smith, Staff Illustrator
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
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Thomas Brobst, Copy Editor
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Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel,Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925,The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead
editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board.The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to
250 words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for
publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should be addressed to Opinion Editor,The East Carolinian, Publications
Building. ECU, Greenville, NC 278584353. For information, call (919) 328-6366.
Don't drive in front of me!
The opinion page may be an odd
place to make a case for people keeping
their opinions to themselves, W that's
what I'm doing Specifically I'm referring
to those ob: oxious and often crude
bumper stickers that I see on cars every-
where I go.
These glib, pseudo-clever stickers
tackle every subject imaginable from
abortion to animal rights to gun control
in a way that can be irritating or even
down-right offensive. A speech, a discus-
sion among friends (or enemies) or even
a column on the opinion page of your
local newspaper is the time or place to
air your views.
in these cases the person being sub-
jected to your personal opinion (and no
matter how sure you are that you're right
it is only your opinion) can get up and
leave or stop reading or choose to hear
you out
When you practice guerrilla opin-
Andi Powell Phillips
Opinion Columnist
Bumper stickers
force opinions
(often crude and
obnoxious ones)
on people
ion giving however, by plastering con-
troversial bumper stickers all over your
car, you force your opinion on the driv-
ers around you without giving them a
chance to respond This can on increase
the hostility between opposing sides of
an issue. You aren't scoring any points.
Personally, I see these bumper stick-
ers aimed at angering other people as
cowardly. People who are not confident
enough in their convictions, or at least
in their ability to speak intelligently and
persuasively in defense of them, hide
behind the self-righteous slogans they
slap on their cars.
If you feel strongly enough about a
particular subject that you are tempted
to buy one of these bumper stickers mat
reduce a complex issue to a bad pun or
an offensive statement don't Instead find
out enough about the subject to feel com-
fortable giving your opinion when ifs
wanted or when you feel ifs needed, but
please stop assaulting those of us who
have to share the road with you with your
unsolicited and unwanted opinions. You
don'twin over anyone to your way of think-
ing this way, you only show your lack of
consideration for others.
WM Letters to the Editor
To the Editor.
I am currently a member of the
Student Government Association. I
have been involved in Student Govern-
ment as well as the N.C. General As-
sembly (Finance Asst). I would like to
share some information to my fellow
students about a member of the S.GA,
currently serving the position of
Sophomore Class President. She vas
elected Freshmen Class President her
first year at this university and she has
served on the Rules & Judiciary Com-
mittee and the Student Welfare Com-
mittee. She is genuinely concerned
about the welfare of the student body
and of the proper appropriation of stu-
dents' fees. She has expressed concern
in areas such as student satisfaction
in campus dining transit system, stu-
dent fees and tuition, among other is-
sues. She has also expressed concern
in better communication and relations
among the members of S.G.A She is
currently organizing a day of group
activities involving communication and
leadership. Ms. Nix has spoken to cam-
pus organizations and students about
Student Government and some of the
issues we have worked on. She con-
stantly encourages students to take
advantage of the resources available by
S.GA because every student has al-
ready paid their share of student fees
and deserves to know about and be a
part of, the appropriations.
I support Angie Nix for the posi-
tion of Tresurer. She has already
proven leadership and responsibility
and would make an important asset to
the Executive Board of the Student
Government Association. When listen-
ing to the issues, be sure to elect a
student body representative that has
the genuine interest of the students.
Melissa Godwin
Belk Residence Hall Rep.
Former N.C. General Assembk-
Finance Asst
To the Editor:
At the bottom of the official East
Carolina stationary, in small print it
East Carolina is a constituent
of The University of North Carolina.
An Equal OpportunityAffirmative
Action Employer.
This statement struck me as be-
ing contradictory. How could any or-
ganization be both an Equal Oppor-
tunity Employer and at the same time
an Affirmative Action Employer?
By definition Equal Opportunity
gives everyone qualified an Equal
chance at a job, regardless of sex,
race, religion, handicap or now sexual
orientation (depending if they have
voted to accept sexual orientation to
this list). Affirmative Action on the
other hand gives SPECIAL consid-
eration to an applicant on the basis
of sex, race, religion, handicap or
possibly sexual orientation (again
depending where you are).
I am not trying to get into the
political correctness of the issue. I
just want to point out it is impos-
sible for an organization to give
SPECIAL consideration to an appli-
cant and at the same time call them-
Thank You,
Gregory M. Parks
Senior, Criminal Justice
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to the
article on the traffic problems writ-
ten by Andi Powell Phillips. As an out
of state student, I have driven in many
different conditions which include
center city Philadelphia, and New
York city to name a few. When I
started driving in the city of
Greenville, one of the first things that
I noticed was how slow everyone
drove. Being from New Jersey, I have
u letish to speed. The fact that people
can drive below the posted limit is
beyond me. I'm glad that someone else
has noticed this strange occurance. I
find that when people pause when the
light turns green, it is best to give
them a friendly tap on the horn to
get them going. Maybe if everyone just
pushed people a little bit then maybe
we wouldn't have this problem of un-
dershooting the speed light
Don't get me wrong, I don't think
that all North Carolina drivers are bad,
because I've met a few who aren't but
I do feel that below normal speed driv-
ing can cause accidents and can be
an irritating factor for the people who
are stuck behind them. Accidents
could happen if someone tries to pass
another person in a dangerous situa-
tion because the person in front of
them is driving to slow. I know I don't
want that to happen, and I'm sure no
one else does either so Greenville driv-
ers, do us a favor and speed up.
Jason Smith
To the Editor:
It is with great sadness and disap-
pointment that I bid adieu to my favor-
ite strip Magic 101. The fuzzy and not-
so-fuzzy denizens that burst into col-
legiate life delighted me with their dairy
trials, tribulations, and triumphs as
they interacted with pithy humans.
Since it was the only strip that caught
my eye of TECs comics page, I simply
skip it now, because for me, without
Magic 101, it is but a dearth of mirth.
Melody D. Edwards
B.M. Univ of SC
Music Graduate student
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Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
H I mmwm
Teofawiattt evceoA
Sweetheart's offers
dining alternative
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
"A Drop in the Bucket" is just
what it claims to be: a very tiny
drop in the great screaming bucket
of American media opinion. Take
it as you will.
Ah, spring! The temperature's
rising, the first brave sunbathers
are out and everyone's returned
from spring break sporting new
tans and new warm-weather ward-
robes from 20 years in the past.
That's right, the 70s look is no
longer the sole property of a hand-
ful of rave kids. It seems that now,
everyone's getting in on the fun.
You can't swing a dead cat around
here without smacking some
Marcia-Brady-wannabe upside the
There is a good side to this, I
suppose. Now that all the fad-wor-
shipping pseudo-hipsters have
found something to replace the
grunge look in their shallow hearts
(and deep closets), those of us who
have been wearing flannel shirts
and Chuck Taylor All-Stars since
junior high can walk down the
See BUCKET page 8
Jennifer Coleman
Staff Writer
Most students at ECU would
agree that hot dogs and grilled
cheese sandwiches get old rather
That's why 1 was surprised that
my friends and I were the only stu-
dent patrons of Sweetheart's in
Todd Dining Hall last Friday. I was
even more surprised as the meal
Folks, Sweetheart's is fantas-
tic! It's set up like a "real" restau-
rant (except at Sweetheart's, you
get better service.) As I entered, the
first thing I noticed was the decor.
Sweetheart's is decorated in a
lovely burgundy and green color
scheme that is really quite classy.
All of the tables have tablecloths
and (can you believe it?) clean sil-
We hadn't been sitting for long
at all when our waitress came out
to take our urink order. Now, I have
to say something about this.
Throughout our entire meal, none
of our glasses ever got empty. I've
been in restaurants where I've tried
to get a refill for 15 minutes or so;
but our waitress at Sweetheart's!
made sure our drinks were full at I
all times.
While we were deciding what
to order, our waitress brought out
our drinks and some of
Sweetheart's fresh baked bread:
Wow! Talk about delicious! The
bread was orange-raspberry, and it
came with a hazelnut spread, both
See SWEET page 8
Widespread Panic sets in at Barefoot
Brandon Waddeil
Staff Writer
Start today. Start praying for a clear,
warm day at ECU on April 20th, at least
between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. This is the
one day when many students are actually
looking forward to coming to campus. Not
necessarily going to class, but certainly
to attend Student Union's 16th annual
Barefoot on the Mall.
Musical events should begin at noon
and both local and national acts have been
booked to play for us. The opening act
for this year's event will be the winner of
the Battle of the Bands competition on
April 6th. The bands competing are Post
Metal Syndrome (last year's winner),
Greenbone Dance, Stul (formerly Blood
Stul), The Reflectors and Fallen Angel.
Following the opening act will be Full Stop
and their self-proclaimed musical style of
"Funky-Reggae-Rap-Rock-Crunch After
Full Stop leaves the stage, the next act will
be Raleigh's own Dag.
Setting all rumors aside, the final mu-
sical act will be headliners Widespread
Panic. For the past eight years, Widespread
has become one of the most promising rock
bands on the East Coast, with a reputa-
tion of being one of the greatest live acts.
The band has honed their live perfor-
mances by playing as headliners and by
sharing the bill with other bands as in their
part of the critically acclaimed H.O.R.D.E.
Fest where they supported acts such as
Blues Traveler and Dave Matthews Band.
The sextet hailing from humble roots in
their native Athens, Ga. are currently sup-
porting their fourth album, Ain't Life
Grand . "We play a lot of our songs in
concert before we record them - a baptism
by fire. We can try out different approaches
to see how they work and get the
audience's reaction stated Widespread's
bassist Dave Schools. Therefore, it is quite
possible that Widespread Panic will not
only be coming to Barefoot to reconfirm
their reputation as a popular live act, but
also to try out some new material.
Many new attractions, as well as fa-
vorites from years gone by will be featured
at ECU's favorite outdoor festival. Among
the returning attractions are Recreational
Services' Sumo Wrestling and Student
Union's (Special Events Committee) Velcro
Olympics. The Velcro game has been up-
graded from the one students remember
from years past. Last year, the velcro at-
traction was simply someone in a velcro
body suit jumping and sticking against a
wall. This yearlan entire velcro obstacle
course has been created, pitting student
against student in an American Gladiator
type of footrace.
The most promising attraction at this
year's event, however, seems to be the
"Trampoline Thing a combination of tram-
poline and bungee cord jumping where stu-
dents will be propelled onward and upward
into the Greenville sky. Other novelty at-
tractions include R.H.As Gladiator Pole
Joust and Bouncy Boxing. Food and drinks
Photos courtesy ECU Student Union
j This fine collection of young men will be playing at this year's Barefoot
! on the Mall. They are: downtown regulars Full Stop (above), Raleigh's
Dag (left) and Barefoot headliners Widespread Panic (above left).
(nonalcoholic) will be for sale by several
student organizations who will have
booths set up around the mall through-
out the day. Students are reminded that
no coolers or backpacks will be allowed
at this event and security will be doubled
from years past to ensure the safety and
security of everyone involved.
Barefoot is one of the best events held
at ECU and has been this way for several
years. Many people are putting hundreds
of hours of work to ensure that everything
goes well. One thing to keep in mind is
that Barefoot on the Mall is a student fi-
nanced campus event. ECU students pay
for it, and it is closed to the public.
Registered student organizations who
want to be involved in the Barefoot activi-
ties as a fundraiser or to increase aware-
ness of their organization shoukThave re-
ceived a registration package-frorri Student
Union. Registration forms must be turned
into Central Ticket Office at Mendenhall
by 4 p.m. on March 31st to get a 10 feet
by 10 feet space on the mall. Organiza-
tions who need further information on reg-
istration can contact Amy Zmistowski,
special events chair, at 328-4715.
??tMAie evieui
CD. Reviews
All-star cast can't stop Outbreak
Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
That a virus could cause the
downfall of mankind's dominance on
planet Earth justifiably scares many
people. The AIDS epidemic has
heightened public awareness of the
seriousness of viral infections. The
film and book And the Band Played
On vividly depicted the real- life cri-
sis occurring on a global scale, and
the nonfiction best seller The Hot
Zone has many wondering if a virus
will destroy the human race.
Stephen King's The Stand explored
the rebirth of the world after 99
percent of the population suc-
cumbed to a virus.
A new film called Outbreak tells
the fictional, but nominally plau-
sible, tale of a viral outbreak in the
United States that causes death
within 24 hours. The film joins the
legions of other films based on a
scientific dilemma and like those
films resorts to contrived histrion-
ics to try to sell the film. Outbreak
presents an alternate vision of The
Stand, a vision that still believes
viral infections can be stopped.
Outbreak begins in 1967 in an
African village where many men lie
dying from an unknown cause. The
U.S. government's solution to the
problem entails
dropping a bomb to
eliminate the un-
known microscopic
invader before it
The film then
jumps to the
present day when
an eerie sequence
of events threaten
to release the virus
onto an unsuspect-
ing world. An in-
fected monkey from
the Motaba River
Valley, where the
original viral outbreak occurred,
gets captured for transport to an
American pet store. The monkey
comes in contact with a crew mem-
ber aboard the freighter carrying
the animal and then with a ware-
house worker who smuggles the
monkey to the pet store owner.
Eventually the monkey gets released
to the wilderness where a little girl
befriends him, unaware of the im-
minent danger she puts herself in.
The Motaba virus, as it gets
named, spreads
in the town of
Cedar Creek,
California from
the pet store
owner who was
scratched by the
monkey. Origi-
nally a
waterborne virus,
the Motaba mu-
tates and be-
comes airborne
in Cedar Creek,
infecting the en-
tire town.
Colonel Sam
Daniels (Dustin Hoffman in fine
form), a veteran Army virologist, and
his ex-wife Robby (Rene Russo in a
believable performance), a virologist
who now works for the Center for
Disease Control (CDC), arrive in
Cedar Creek to do battle with the
The unsettling
feelings that
pervade Outbreak
get trampled
beneath the
Hollwood ending
concoted by the
virus. They quickly realize that un-
less they find the host of the virus
they have no chance of stopping the
Compounding the problems of
the virus are two Army generals,
Ford (Morgan Freeman) and
McLintock (Donald Southerland),
who have decided to handle the
town of Cedar Creek the way they
handled the remote African village
- eliminate the town.
Presented in the context of the
story, the generals' decision seems
sound, though unpleasant. However,
the film quickly makes these com-
plex men one dimensional by hav-
ing them ignore further develop-
ments on the virus. Sam and Robby
eventually locate the host from
which they feel certain they can cre-
ate antibodies, but McLintock can
think of nothing but following
through on his decision to bomb the
town. Had McLintock been shown
agonizing over his decisions in pri-
vate (a military man must always
appear certain of his decisions when
See OUTBREAK page 7

'4it�iii .�'� ���� �
Sonic Youth
Made in USA
Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
Sonic Youth, who are still sonic but
not in their youth, has just released their
one and only soundtrack. Back in 1986.
just after their now famous Evol LP,
Sonic Youth was approached by Ken
Friedman to do a soundtrack for his new
movie Made In The U.S.A The result
was a mostly instrumental album that
the band's Thurston Moore describes as
"an odd compromise between New York
City Avant-gardsters and Hollywood hit
Like everything else they have done,
this is weird and edgy, full of strange
twists in sound and distortion. Being
recorded in mono also helps to give the
recording an empty, almost hollow sound.
The producers and movie representatives
inflicted some damage on the final re-
sult, but we are still left with Sonic
Youth's signature sound. This album was
done about two years before the master-
ful baroque noises of Daydream Nation,
an album that many fans say is the height
of their career.
It is really hard to make comments
about this music because it's mostly in-
strumental, and few of the 23 tracks on
the album last longer than two minutes.
Often they are twisted soundscapes with
long droning bass lines and sparingly
plucked guitars warped by distortion,
echo and reverb. Sometimes they sound
like they are under water, and at others
they sound like factory noises slowed
down to a haunting grind.
"Smoke Blisters 1 & 2" and its coun-
See SONIC page 7

Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Health F. Y. I.
Felicia D. Hussey
ECU School of Medicine
Have you seen the new nutrition
labels on most foods in the grocery
store? If you haven't, take a look the
next time you go shopping. These new
labels can help you make smart and
healthy choices for vou and your fam-
The new labels answer the ques-
tion "What is a serving size?" For ex-
ample: the old label on a bag of pret-
zels listed a serving by the number of
ounces. It's much easier to count out
23 pretzels and know you are getting
the correct serving size. No more
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guessing! The new labels also make it
easv to figure out the percentage of
calories from fat in a serving size. It
is best if the foods and drinks you
choose, at least over several days, have
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from fat
The new labels give you the total
number of calories per serving size
and the number of calories just from
fat. To find the total calories from fat.
just divide the total number of calo-
ries in a serving size into the number
of calories from fat If the number you
get is less than 0.30. that food is a
good choice if you are looking for a
lower-fat food. For example, if the to-
tal number of calories per serving is
50 and the number of calories from
fat if five, you would divide five by 50
and get 0.10. So 10 percent of the
calories in this serving are from fat
Remember, read the new food
labels and use them to eat well!
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The Shocking Reincarnation of Jim Morrison & The Doors
vItIIv- from page 6
terpart "Smoke Blisters 3 & 4" aa- un-
der water tunes. Kirr, Cordon's bass lays
down the steady low pitched drone, while
Moore and Lee Ranald i pluck and scrape
their guitars ever so slightly. It's really
weird and dreamy. "The Velvet Plug"
comes under the factory noises category.
It sounds at the beginning like a machine
slowly grinding to a halt and then builds
to a guitar being struck. Then suddenly
a creepy piano chord progression comes
in, plugged into Cod knows what kind
of distortion device, and the final result
is downright spooky.
"Secret Girl" was taken off of the
�� �?' �����
Erol LP and is the one of three tracks
on the album with vocals. Gordon whis-
pers over a bizarre piano loop, "Come
and touch me, the advertisements say
the pleasure is ever lasting This song is
the reason they were called to do the
soundtrack in the first place.
Most of the songs are soundscapes.
"Coughing Up Tweed Tre-Poured
Wood" and "Hair Piece Lullaby 1 & 2"
are some of the better ones. It's almost
as if they were just one segment of a
very long song. "Lincoln's Gout" is one
of the real standout tracks if only because
it is acoustic. It's sort of like Neil Young
Very different for SY, but good.
I am one of those Sonic Youth fans,
so I may like this more than the average
listener. It was really cool of Rhino
records to take the time to release this; 1
for one had never heard of it and was
thrilled to see it on the shelves. It's not
really party music or power guitar rock;
it's better suited for a guiet night at home
or fsetting a strange mood for yourself.
Made In the LSA. is simple music. Don't
expect elaborate construction; that's not
the idea here. This is antirock music in
grand Sonic Youth style, deconstruction
in action.
in public). Outbreak could have
avoided the melodramatic trap of
having an easily definable bad guy.
The unsettling feelings that per-
vade Outbreak get trampled beneath
the Hollywood ending concocted by
the filmmakers. One of the final se-
quences of the film is a ridiculous
aerial sequence involving a plane
and a helicopter, replete with a
grand-standing speech by Sam in
Wolfgang Petersen. who scored
big last summer with In the Line of
Fire, works well in Outbreak to con-
vey the confusion of the situation.
His restless camera prowls hallways
and jungles with nervous energy. He
cuts from one scene to another
quickly, rarely giving the viewer
enough time to completely absorb
the situation. His fervent style ef-
fectively involves the viewer in the
crisis occurring onscreen.
But Petersen succumbs to the
Hollywood mentality of more being
from page 6
better. Why have a simple virus film
when you can also include a mad-
man, several chase scenes and an
ending patently designed to manipu-
late the audience into cheering? A
film like Outbreak tells a story in
which no cheering could occur.
Even when a crisis ends (like the
AIDS epidemic hopefully will some-
day), any celebration would be tem-
pered by the sobering facts that
many people died before a cure was
ever found.
Before the complete ruin of
Outbreak by Hollywood melodrama,
several powerful scenes occur. The
most notable scene has a sick
woman leaving her family to be
transported to the hospital for quar-
antine. Because of the infection she
cannot even hug her husband or her
children good-bye. She leaves with
the GIs knowing that she will prob-
ably never see her family again.
Instead of following up on this
woman's plight, Petersen decides to
focus on the overblown battle of
wills between Sam and McLintock.
The climatic struggle between
McLintock and Sam rings hope-
lessly false. McLintock's motives
get reduced to him wanting to pro-
tect the biological weaponry the
virus represents. The good guybad
guy situation is unnecessary since
the virus in the film represents the
bad guy.
By focusing on the battle be-
tween Sam and General McLintock,
Outbreak prostitutes itself to the
studio heads in the hopes of mak-
ing more money. By ratcheting up
the melodrama, the film hopes to
reach a wider audience, but in do-
ing so infects itself with the Holly-
wood virus that ruins many poten-
tially-great films. Finding a cause
for this Hollywood virus would be
almost as great a miracle as find-
ing a cure for AIDS.
On a scale of one to ten. Out-
break rates a six.
Natural life I
The sun is strongest between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m minimize
exposure to the sun during these hours.
-The Skin Cancer Foundation
This message has been brought to you by Recreational Services and Housing Services.
All films start o18:00 PM
unless otherwise noted
and ore FREE to
Students, Faculty, and Staff
(one guest ailowed)
with valid ECU D.
Thursday, March 23 � Friday, March 24 � Saturday, March 25
Wednesday, March 22 �1:30- 3:00 PM � In Front of Mendetihall
Co-Sponsored By ECU Dining Services and ARAMARX
JH�nd�np& Exhibit
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c LTI& Mendenfcall GaHery
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Wednesday, Marck 29, 1995 at 8:00 PM
Room 244 � Mendenkall Student Center
Sponsored ky tke Special Events Committee
and ECU Sckool of Music
For More Information,
Call the
Student Union Hotline
at 328-6004.

Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
SWEET from page 6
made at Sweetheart's. I've never
tasted anything so good.
There was a good selection of
foods. A customer can choose be-
tween salads, soup and sandwiches.
I ordered the Smokehouse Chicken
Sandwich, and my friends ordered
roast beef sandwiches. Both entrees
came with fries or pasta salad. I
couldn't believe what they brought
out. My sandwich came on an on-
ion roll, and it had a tangy barbe-
cue sauce with lettuce, bacon and
cheese. The chicken was completely
cooked (a surprise for those of us
who are used to eating pink chicken
at other establishments). The fries
were rather spicy, but delicious.
The sandwiches were really
good, but nothing can hold a candle
to Sweetheart's desserts. I ordered
a slice of lemon cheesecake, and my
friends split a slice of six-layer
chocolate cake. First of all, neither
of the desserts were stale. As I'm
sure many of you know, that's a
rarity in campus dining. Secondly,
they were both wonderful! The
cheesecake was to die for, and the
chocolate cake was unbelievably
As far as atmosphere goes, I
have one thing to say about
Sweetheart's - it's quiet. My friends
and I had a conversation, and I
could hear everything they said. At
first, we were the only customers
there, but soon a few others showed
up. But still, it was remarkably
I think the only drawback to
Sweetheart's is that they don't take
mea! equivalancies. However, they
will take cash, check or your cam-
pus meal card declining balance.
The prices are reasonable for what
you get. An entree ranges from 5
to 6 dollars, and all desserts are
$2.25. A drink is about 90 cents,
and you get free refills.
All in all, dining at
Sweetheart's was a pleasant expe-
rience. It's definitely worth the trip
to Todd for those of us who live at
the other end of campus.
Sweetheart's is open Monday
through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2
p.m. when classes meet. Go by and
check it out - you won't be disap-
pointed, and your stomach will
thank you for it.
Out of 10 stars, Sweetheart's
rates an eight.
TZememSet, m&te&:
4:30 m
ISUvlvEl from page 6
street without the danger of being
lumped in with all the trendoids.
But something about this 70s
thing still bugs me. Why is it that
we've picked such a useless and
meaningless decade to relive? The
only good thing about the 70s that
1 can see is the hedonism. The "sex,
drugs and rock & roll" lifestyle was
perfected sometime around 1975 I
think, and nobody outside of
Caligula had better orgies than the
70s crowd.
But other than those dubious
honors, what else does the 70s
have to offer the new generation?
Well, there's arena rock (who will
be the next Jethro Tull? Who would
want to be?), blaxploitation movies
(Wesley Snipes IS Shaft!), variety
shows (Michael Bolton: the Mike
Douglas of the '90s) and political
scandal (Gingrichgate?). Or how
about the slow decay and eventual
sellout of a once-vital youth cul-
ture? Will today's animal rights ac-
tivists be tomorrow's hippy burn-
But what I'm really waiting for
is the '90s nostalgia for the 70s
nostalgia for the '50s. Yeah, that's
right, I'm talking about Happj
Days: the Moviel Johnny Depp as
the Fonz! Drew Barrymore as Pinky
Tuscadero! And, in a suprise twist,
Fresh Prince Will Smith as Richie
Cunningham! Hoo-ha!
Or, even worse, they could do
"Happy Days for the '90s" and fol-
low the adventures of a madcap
group of pals in the innocent, care-
free days of the 70s. Imagine the
laughs when Ralph OD's on smack!
The Fonz (dressed in leisure suit
and medallion) gets a bad case of
gonorrhea! Potsie comes home
from Vietnam and shoots up the
neighborhood! Later in the series,
Joanie could bring home her les-
bian lover, Chachi! The fun would
never stop!
Let's face it. As decades go, the
70s is not one of our culture's high
water marks. The 70s nostalgia
wave was funny when a handful of
hipsters started it as a collossal
joke a few years ago. But that whole
wink-wink, nudge-nudge, "Hey-
thing ceased to be a gag months
ago. Some marketing genius got
hold of it, gave it to MTV and now
every brainless fashion victim in
town looks like they walked out of
a Dirty Harry movie.
What decade should we emu-
late, you ask? How about the '90s?
Do something original! Wear under-
wear on your heads! Anything is
better than bellbottoms.
I don't think I can say it better
than former punk Mike Watt and
Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder
on their song "Against the 70s
"The kids of today should defend
themselves against the 70s It's
not reality Just someone else's
That's right, kiddies. Even
Eddie Vedder hates the 70s. So
stop reliving your parents' pasts and
find your own future. Just don't go
back to flannel.
Looking for a new
living space for 1)9!?
Cheek with the Methodist Student
Center. 501 East fifth Street.
Call our office between 8:30-
12:00 noon.
2 cups macaroni (pinwheels are fun) 1 cup milk
1 cup sharp cheddar (grated) 3 ths flour
12 stick butter x tsp pepper
1 tsp Worcestershire (if you like) 1 tsp salt
Cook macaroni in 5 cups salted, boiling water for
15 minutes or until al dente. Drain. In a separate
pot, melt butter and mix in flour over low heat.
Then, stir in milk until smooth. Add cheese, salt,
pepper and Worcestershire. Stir well. Smother
macaroni. Serves 4.
Note: For-your nutritional convenience,
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� mi
Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Thompson resigns as
women's hoops coach
Blue 92, set Hike!
Rosie Thompson
Dave Pond
Sports Editor
"Rosie is a candidate for the po-
sition, and we hope that she will stay
at East Carolina for many.many years
VanSant said. "She has been a gieat
representative of East Carolina Uni-
versity for many years and is a very
capable and skilled person
Thompson is ECU basketball's
leading points scorer (2,352),
rebounder (1,183) and free-throw
shooter (74 percent) for both the
men's and women's program. She
starred for the Lady Pirates from
1975-80, and wore the only women's
jersey to be retired at the university.
Thompson's best season came in
1979, when she poured in 24.9 points
and 12.3 rebounds per game, earning
NCAIAW Player of the Year honors.
After graduation, Thompson played
one year of professional basketball for
the St Louis Streaks, before return-
ing to East Carolina as Assistant Di-
rector of Admissions in 1984, until
joining the Lady Pirate coaching staff
in 1987.
� She was inducted into the East
Carolina Athletic Hall of Fame in
1990, and upon Pierson's departure,
Thompson was promoted to the head
See ECU page 11
Photo Courtesy of ECU SID
Quarterback Marcus Crandell barks the signals during spring practices. He and the
Pirates will showcase their talent April 8 at the annual PurpleGold Pigskin party.
� Lady Pirate head basketball
fcoach Rosie Thompson has stepped
Sown from the head coaching posi-
tion at the school, citing an opportu-
nity to fill an vacant administrative
jple at the university. Thompson told
feer players Sunday evening of her
t "She's a great person, and I'll feel
feer not being there Lady Pirate for-
ward Cachelle Curtis said. "I'm a walk-
pi, and she gave me a chance to play
ollege basketball. Everything hap-
pens for a reason, but it'll definitely
much different next season
"We are in the process of form-
a search committee to begin an
mediate nationwide search for a
new coach ECU Interim Director of
Athletics Henry VanSant said. "We
fcill be looking for someone who has
iuccessfui collegiate coaching expe-
I Thompson is seeking the position
fcf senior women's administratorcom-
lliance assistant at the university, a
ipsition that would have her oversee-
tog ECU's women's athletic programs
$nd their recruiting. She will also rep-
esent ECU at NCAA, CAA and gen-
der equity meetings.
Spartans win Lady Pirate Classic
Pirates fall to MSU
In semifinals; Rost
& Ford honored
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
The Lady Pirate Softball team
finished third in the 1995 Lady Pi-
rate Classic Softball Tournament los-
ing to eventual champion Michigan
State 3-1 in the semifinals. North
Carolina finished as the runners-up.
Making the Ali-Toumament team for
East Carolina were third baseman
Rhonda Rost and pitcher Teryn
"This tournament has gotten
tougher and tougher each year
head coach Sue Manahan said. "Ob-
viously, we are dissapointed with a
loss but Michigan State is a fine team
and to beat them twice would be ask-
ing a lot from such a young team.
We had runners in scoring position
several times but we just didn't capi-
talize on our opportunites
East Carolina defeated Michigan
State, 6-1, in their first game of the
tournament. Jami Bendle recorded
the win as Tonya
Oxendine scored
two runs and had
one RBI. Mary
Dunlap and Dawn
Conrad shined
from the plate as
In their sec-
ond game of the
day the Lady Pi-
rates defeated
Monmouth, 3-2 be-
hind the strong
pitching of All-
Tournament selec-
tion Teryn Ford.
John Eckman had
a impressive game with two hits, an
RBI and a stolen base.
On Saturday they defeated
Cleveland State and suffered a loss
to Bucknell. In the win over Cleve-
"We faced some
very tough
competition this
weekend and I am
really pleased with
how my team
responded and
played out there
� Sue Manahan
�J! ��v � '�
land State. Rhonda Rost hit a triple
and batted in two runners. Dawn
Conrad stole two bases to help
pitcher Jamie Bendle record her sec-
ond win of the tournament.
In the final
day of action it was
single game elimi-
nation and, the
Lady Pirates were
eliminated by the
eventual champion
Lady Spartans.
East Carolina did
pick up a win over
Colgate, 3-2, to run
their overall record
to. 19-6. Rhonda
Rost was 2-3 with
another triple help-
ing Tracie
Podratsky to the
"If you had told me back in Feb-
ruary that we would be 19-6 right
now I would have been very happy
Coach Manahan said. "We faced
some very tough competition this
weekend and I am really pleased with
how my team responded and played
out there
Manahan recently celebrated her
400th career win and feels that set-
ting goals and working hard are the
keys to her success here at ECU.
"The sport of softball has been
very good to me over the years
Manahan said. "It has given me the
opportunity to give back and teach
young people about the game. I am
a very goal-oriented person. My next
goal is my 500th win
She is most proud of the per-
sonal success and records that her
players have experienced in her ten-
ure as head coach. The Lady Pirates
have a record holder in stolen bases
with Michelle Ward and have had
several Academic Ail-Americans.
"I think we have a tremendous
reputation for success beyond the
playing field Manahan said. "We
have established a tradition here for
winning both on the field and in the
classroom. I am very proud of what
we have accomplished here
Tuesday. Mar. 21
adies tie season record
Photo Courtesy of ECU SID
Sophomore Hollyn Gordon has contributed to the Lady
irates attack as they focus on a record-breaking season.
for most wins in a season after defeat-
Iric Bartels
slstant Sports Editor
� An impressive record has the
feady Pirate's tennis team striving for
more this season. The women have
notched an 11-1 mark, tying a record
ing conference rival George Mason
and UNC-Greensboro on Saturday.
"Going into the George Mason
match, we needed to get a great start
in conference play women's tennis
coach Allen Farfour said. "Because
the match with UNC-Greensboro
would be a real dog-fight.
An outstanding performance in
both matches by freshman Rachel
Cohen, proved vital to the Lady
Pirate's attack. Beating George
Mason's Lori Robinson in straight sets
(6-1, 6-0) and defeating Greensboro's
Maggie Berger also in straight sets (6-
3, 6-2), Cohen has come on strong as
ECU's fourth-position tennis player.
Two other tennis players have
proved very important in coach
Farfour's attack. Senior leader Elke
Garten and junior Lisa Hadelman
matched Cohen's performance by also
taking two victories this weekend.
Hadelman, at the fifth position,
easily defeated GMU's Lauren
Boettcher 6-1, 6-0 and survived three
tough sets with UNC-G's Rachel
Matlin before she was able to break
her confidence, 6-3, 1-6, 64.
Garten, a four-year threat for
ECU, anchored the sixth position and
upped her season record to 10-2. She
swept the Patriots' Marie Veldhuyzen
6-1, 6-1, and had a difficult time with
the Spartans' Kimberly Ledbetter
before she got by the first set (7-5)
and cruised in the second set (6-1).
See TENNIS page 11
Spring football
brings new faces
Softball vs. Bucknell (DH),
2 p.m.
Wednesday. Mar. 22
Baseball vs. UNC,
Kinston, N.C. 3 p.m.
M. Tennis vs. UNC-
Wilmington, 2:30 p.m.
Thursday. Mar. 23
M. Swimming @ NCAA
Indianapolis, IN
Friday. Mar. 24
'MF makes his return
Eric Bartels
Assistant Sports Editor
"It's gotta be the shoes
'No Mars' it's the number.
For all of the Chicago Bulls fans
on Sunday, the 'Air Apparent' looked
like a grounded B-52 as North
Carolina's own made his first appear-
ance in eighteen months with the
brand new No. 45.
Everyone is saying that Jordan
needs a little time to get back into
the game, well after looking like a
grounded jet in O'Hare Field, Jordan
will need to pick up the pace and hit
the Bulls' practice courts a little
Even though Chicago forced an
extra period, Jordan's appearance in
a Bulls uniform was untimely, as the
Central Division leading Indiana Pac-
ers stormed Market Square Arena.
Jordan will need to find the range
(and quick), even though he will have
five weeks to prove that the Bulls and
the NBAs human highlight film are
contenders-not pretenders.
After taking 28 shots from the
field. Jordan only tallied 19-points.
six rebounds, three steals and a fin-
ger roll reminiscent of his illustrious
In a demonstration of acrobat-
ics, Jordan knocked out Indiana's
sharp shooter, Reggie Miller, as he
tried to fight around a screen. His
ability to move around picks and
screens as quick as he once did eigh-
teen months ago, only signifies the
lack of Jordan's basketball playing
time, and as soon as Jordan does a
little 'running of the Bulls' he will
be back in top shape.
Still many questions will remain
to be answered. Will the NBAs all-
time 'Mr. Everything' hang up the
Nikes as soon as the baseball talks
See MI page 11
Photo Courtesy of ECU SID
Voted Most Improved Player in 1994, WR Jason Nichols will
be one of Marcus Crandell's deep threats for ECU in 1995.
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
Pirate fans got a glimpse of what
Steve Logan's 1995 squad will bring
to the field, and every indication from
Saturday's scrimmage points to an-
other winning season.
Logan was definitely pleased with
his team's performance in their first
scrimmage of the spring. The team
completed winter conditioning and
off-season testing prior to Spring
"I thought it went pretty well,
considering it was the first scrimmage
of the spring said Logan. "We made
some mistakes, but we also had some
great plays. You'll see that early, but I
feel confident the mistakes will get
On offense the first team returns
several starters, but there were a few
new faces and position changes. Jun-
ior Lamont Burns has cracked the
starting lineup at right guard.
Burns has played several posi-
tions since coming to ECU, including
linebacker, defensive end and tight
end, before settling down on the of-
fensive line. Burns bench presses 385
See FOOTBALL page 11
Softball @ Winthrop, Rock
Hill, SC
Golf @ Furman
Intercollegiate, Furman
Univ. Course, Greenville,
M. Outdoor Track @
Florida Relays, Gainesvile,
W. Outdoor Track @
Raleigh Relays, Raleigh,
M. Swimming @ NCAA
Indianapolis, IN
Saturday. Mar. 25
Baseball vs Richmond
(DH), 2p.m.
Softball @ Winthrop, Rock
Hill, SC
W. Tennis vs. James
Madison, Norfolk, VA, 9
W. Tennis vs. Rutgers,
Norfolk, VA, 2 p.m.
Golf@ Furman Inter
Furman Univ. Course,
Greenville, SC
M. Outdoor Track @
Florida Relays,
Gainesville, FL
W. Outdoor Track @
Raleigh Relays, Raleigh,
Sunday. Mar. 26
Baseball vs Richmond, 2
Softball vs Winthrop, Rock
Hill, SC
W. Tennis @ Old
Dominion. Norfolk, VA, 9
Golf@ Furman Inter
Furman Univ. Course
Greenville, SC
Monday. Mar. 27
Baseball vs. Kent, 3 p.m.
. �� � -

gjapi - i i,
(SID) - The men's tennis team
came up a few matches short Sunday
at the Minges Tennis Complex, as they
lost to CAA power Richmond by a 5-2
The Pirates had a chance to take
a 1-0 lead after doubles, but
Richmond's No. 2 doubles team came
back from a 6-2 deficit to win the match
in a tiebreak. The no. 3 doubles Tal
FrydamJosh Campbell continued
their domination, by notching a 806
ECU was only able to get two wins
during singles, but played tough
throughout the line-up. No. 4 Jaime
Holt jumped out to an early lead and
came away victorious, 6-1, 7-6. Fresh-
man Josh Campbell battled from the
baseline against Richmond's Mark
Cohen and took every opportunity to
utilize his powerful forehand en route
to a 7-6, 6-1 win at No. 6 singles.
The Pirates, now 7-5 (0-1 in the
CAA) play host to UNC-Wilmington on
Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.
The ECU men's tennis team had
to depend on its freshmen to come
through as ECU notched a 4-3 win Sat-
urday at the Minges Tennis Complex.
The Pirates needed a win at No. 6
singles, after playing to a 3-3 tie. Fresh-
man Josh Campbell, whose match was
delayed because of a women's doubles
match, captured a 6-3, 6-2 win to give
the Pirates their seventh straight win.
The other Pirate freshman, Kris
Hutton, needed three sets to seal his
victory at No. 5 singles. Huton was a
winner by a 1-6, 6-3, 6-1 score. Tal
Frydman, whose parents were visiting
from Connecticut, was the other Pirate
singles winner.
The men netters started the
singles play after taking a 1-0 lead af-
ter doubles, where HuttonJamie Holt
and FrydmanCampbell came away as
The Pirates, now 74 on the sea-
son, host Richmond Sunday at 11 a.m
as they open the CAA season.
Virginia Commonwealth shot a fi-
nal round, team total 290 to clinch the
win for the Rams at the Sixth Annual
ECU-Emerald Intercollegiate Golf Tour-
nament here in New Bern, NC on Sun-
day afternoon.
The final round performers gave
VCU a weekend total of 876 to break
the tournament record of 877, which
was set by Virginia in 1993. The Rams
completely dominated the field, never
trailing in the team standings during
the three-day event
In addition to the team title, VCU
head coach Jack Bell saw Senior Mike
Benner take the individual title in a
sudden death playoff with Miami of
Ohio's Maarten Van Den Berg. The
Laurel, Maryland native fired a 71 to
tie Van Den Berg who had held the
lead after the first and second rounds.
Benner won the playoff with a Birdie
on the second hole while Van Den Berg
pulled a Bogey.
Duke University, the defending
champion, finished in 12th place, while
host ECU struggled to finish at 18.
The ECU Men's Track squad, led
by junior Steve King, opened up their
indooor season at the UNC Four Team
Meet Saturday afternoon here in
Chapel Hill.
King, a junior college transfer
from Dudley, NC had the best perfor-
mance of the meet, taking first place
in the 100-meter dash with a time of
In the 400-meter dash, sophomore
stand-out Brian Johnson placed second
See SID page 11
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Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
from page 10
with a mark of 48.07 behind UNC's
John McCaskill (47.78). Another Pirate
with a good performance was Chris
McKinney who placed second in the
Triple Jump and third in the Long
However, things were not com-
pletely rosie for the Pirates who saw
both Artee' Franklin and Keith Barker
go down to hamstring injuries. "Artee s
was pretty bad said head coach Bill
Carson. "He was trying to catch up with
a real good kid from Carolina, and it
just came out from under him
The injury to Barker could hurt the
Pirates in upcoming relay events where
; he has played an integral role.
ECU will return to action this week-
end at the Florida Relays in Gainsville.
The ECU Women's Track team
opened up the 1995 outdoor season
with an exceptional all-around perfor-
mance including two first places, two
school records, and eight personal bests.
ECU defeated Mount St Mary's 77-
with a score of 82-54. UNC defeated the
Lady Pirates 8844.
ECU freshman Michelle Clayton
placed first in the shot put with a throw
of 41-07.25, a personal best for her.
The Lady Pirates 4x100m relay
team also placed first with a time of
47.31. Carla Powell, Shantell Carter,
Amanda Johnson and Saundra Teel
made up the winning relay team.
East Carolina freshman Saudra
Teel broke ECU's outdoor record in the
100HH with a time of 14.90, and Lady
Pirate Cameron Bader broke the ECU
outdoor record in the 400IH with a time
of 1:04.67.
"We looked the best we ever have
coming out of the first meet of the sea-
son said Coach Justice. "We beat two
very good teams and held our own
against UNC
The Lady Pirates will return to ac-
tion on March 24-25 as they compete
in the Raleigh Relays. Coach Justice says
the team plans to focus on relays and
field events in next weekend's meet
46 and outperformed Appalachian State
Step int�.�

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JVLj from page 9
reveal a new season beginning? Or
will his sure love for basketball, Scot-
tie Pippen and Phil Jackson keep him
in wrapped up in the city that made
polish sausage and 'da Bears' fa-
mous? Who knows?
One thing that the fans know is
that Jordan's return will inflate ticket
prices, raise revenue for the NBA and
maybe even give Shaq an admirable
opponent- sorry Patrick Ewing, you
don't count.
Speaking of Shaquille O'Neal
and the Magic, Jordan and his merry
band of disciples will play host to the
Magic in maybe Jordan's first true
test after coming out of retirement.
Stay tuned, because the No. 45 will
have to get hot soon or Phil Jackson
may find a great bargain in selling
all of Jordan's stock to the Clippers.
TENNIS from page 9
"We have a squad with experi-
ence, and that experience is showing
coach Farfour said.
And it sure did. The deciding fac-
tor in a close UNCC match came down
to the play of the Lady Pirates'
doubles teams.
With a freshman and sophomore
combination of Cohen and Courtney
Hargett, the Lady Pirates are winning
a majority of their matches at the top
position. On Saturday, the tandem
blew by the Spartans' Natalie Teague
and Jen Wisinski 8-1.
For the other ECU doubles team
of Garten and sophomore Hollyn Gor-
don, the victory was not so easy. The
Spartans' duo of freshman Emily
Berger and senior Rachel Matlin took
the Lady Pirates to the limit before
succumbing to the great net play of
Garten and Gordon 9-8.
"Winning is contagious and it
rubs off on everybody coach Farfour
The winning contagion remains
with the upstart Lady Pirates, who will
be looking to break the record for
most wins in a season (12) this week-
end as they will face James Madison,
Rutgers and Old Dominion in Norfolk,
FOOTBALL frompage9
pounds and brings the same defen-
sive mentality that right tackle
Charles Boothe brought to the other
side of the ball since making the same
Ronnie Suddith, selected as the
Pirates' best offensive lineman at
Friday's football banquet anchors the
left side along with returning starter
Jamie Gray. Kevin Wiggins returns at
center after a strong showing in 1994.
Jerris McPhail was impressive in
his new role as starting tailback. Al-
though he did not break free for any
long runs, he made several first
downs, showing a blend of power and
Backups Scott Harley and Daryl
Jones showed flashes of promise in
their first collegiate action, but it was
another freshman running back who
stole the show. Reminiscent of Junior
Smith is Raymond Mabry, who has the
similar size and running style of the
all-time ECU ground gainer.
Mabry 5-8,175, from nearby West
Craven HS in fonceboro made several
long runs changing direction well and
picking up extra yards by cutting back
and making defenders miss. Mabry
rushed for 1,250 yards and 21 touch-
downs to earn All-State honors last
year in high school.
At wide receiver the Pirates have
a plethora of talent with Jason Nichols
(Most Improved Player, Most Valuable
Offensive Player in Liberty Bowl),
Larry Shannon and Mitchell Galloway
returning. All three made important
contributions Saturday, with Nichols
and Shannon both catching long
touchdowns. Linwood Debrew also
appeared to be fully recovered from
his injury problems from last season.
Perez Mattison made a leaping
grab in the end zone to score his first
touchdown at wide out since making
the transition from quarterback. He
also returned punts. Mattison should
see plenty of action in '95 because of
the way Steve Logan rotates his re-
ceivers and spreads the ball around.
Redshirt freshman Mike Sellers
and Allan Williams are both out with
injuries. Sellers hurt his shoulder but

Orientation & The irst-Fear Experience � 203 �rwin � 328-4173
The Office of Orientation & the First- Year Experience proudly announces the 1995-96 Orientation
Assistant Staff:
David Batts
Brian Broush
Angela Bryant
Katherine Budrow
Heather Cox
Mark Denning
Terrance Dove
Kayse Fields
Amy Keehner
John Lynch
Deana McLeod
Jason Nichols
Carla Powell
Tamara Shields
Melissa Sparks
Alexa Thompson
Greg Rodden
Carolyn Weakland
Angel Whitley
Dawn Woodard
Congratulations & Good Zucktt

Department of Anthropology
Fall 1995
ANTH 1000 General Anthropology
ANTH 2000 Archaeology Around the World
ANTH 2010 Societies Around the World
ANTH 2020 Contemporary Human Problems & Global Issues
ANTH 2025 Sexual Behavior from an Anthropological Perspective
ANTH 3002 Cultures of East Asia
ANTH 3112 Archaeology of Mexico & Guatemala
ANTH 4025 Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 4050 Psychology Anthropology
ANTH 4054 Anthropology of Religion
ANTH 4260 Culture Ecology
ANTH 6101 Core Course: Archaeology
ANTH 6102 Core Course: Cultural Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
Brewster A215
is expected to be back in the lineup
soon. Williams may be out of action
for a while with a recurring lower arm
injury that has bothered him for some
At fullback or 'H' senior Eric
Blanton and sophomore John Peacock
are competing for the starting role.
On Saturday, Blanton ran effectively
in short yardage situations scoring
two touchdowns. Peacock blocked
well, but did not gt as many attempts
to run from scrimmage.
Senior Dwight Linville is push-
ing returning starter Sean Richardson
at tight end catching a touchdown
from backup QB Dan Gonzalez.
Richardson will be hard to unseat af-
ter an impressive 1994 season.
Marcus Crandell showed off his
usual form, but it was the backups
Dan Gonzalez and freshman Ernest
Tinnen who impressed head coach
Steve Logan the most on Saturday.
"I thought our two backup quar-
terbacks- Ernest Tinnen and Dan
Gonzalez- played real well Logan
said. "They made some fine plays
Gonzalez threw three touch-
downs checking off well and using his
reads to find his receivers. Tinnen, a
left hander, made a few mistakes, and
showed off the strong arm that earned
him State Player of the Year honors
in 1993 at Burlington Cummings. He
threw for 10,834 yards and 102 touch-
downs in his career there breaking the
school's records.
On defense there were a few
changes as well. Alphonso "Buck"
Collins is the new starter at nose
tackle, replacing 1994 Defensive MVP
John Krawczyk. Aaron Black is start-
ing at Leo in place of Dan Russ, who
is playing behind Collins in the middle
of the Pirate defense. Walter Scott and
Lorenzo West return as starters.
Second-teamers Travis Darden
(freshman) and Jermaine Smith, a
JUCO transfer from NE Oklahoma
A&M outshined the two starting de-
fensive ends. Darden is very similar
in size and playing style to Willie
Brookins. He needs refining in his
techniques, but he is a very aggres-
sive player. He knocked down several
passes and was constantly in the of-
fensive backfield Saturday.
Smith is a physical specimen who
bench presses 415 pounds and runs
a 4.57 40 yard dash. He was
unblockable Saturday recording three
sacks. Smith was very highly recruited
out of junior college, and could have
a impact in his senior season with the
At linebacker, starters Mark
Libiano and B.J. Crane return with
former starter Marvin Burke pushing
them hard for playing time. Libiano
was always around the ball Saturday,
making several tackles at or behind
the line of scrimmage. Outside line-
backer Morris Foreman just missed
scoring a touchdown when he
dropped a interceptable ball. Foreman
and Libiano should provide a lot of
senior leadership for this team.
In the defensive backfield, ECU
is short-handed temporarily, with
starters Dwight Henry and Hank Coo-
per out with injuries. New secondary
coach Jim Fleming (coached outside
linebackers last year) opened with
Daren and David Hart and Emmanuel
McDaniel. The only new starter was
redshirt freshman Bernard Lackey,
who made a big impression when he
made a bone-jarring tackle on wide
receiver Travis Newkirk. Lackey
brings a lot of speed and athleticism
to the secondary, running a 4.45 40-
yard dash. He could see plying time
at bench comer this season.
Redshirt freshman Brian Bentley
(1 INT), Kelvin Suggs and Tavares
Taylor all made strong impressions on
the coaching staff with their play in
this scrimmage, as the ECU coaching
staff played several of their reserves.
"We were able to get a lot of
people some reps said Logan. "We
have so much experience coming back
from last year's team, we'll need to
take a look at everyone
ECU will continue practice this
week with spring ball coming to a
close in the Purple-Gold scrimmage
April 8 at 2 p.m. in Dowdy Ficklen
CiCU from page 9
coaching position in 1992, and
notched a 16-12 record in her maiden
season, giving ECU their 20th win-
ning season in 24 years.
Graduation hit hard, however, as
Thompson's squads would manage to
capture just 10 victories against 43
losses over the next two seasons of
"I'm kind of disappointed, but I
think that it was a good decision, be-
cause both the team and the coach-
ing staff were both frustrated about
having a losing season freshman for-
ward Takesha Holly said. "She is a
very nice person, and is so sweet. In
the long run, everything will work
Thompson was the fifth head
coach in the Lady Pirate program's
history, and her sudden departure al-
most certainly will damage ECU re-
cruiting for next season.
"It certainly won't help recruit-
ing, but we hope to get someone in
here before the signing deadline in
mid-April VanSant said. "We may be
able to salvage something
Thompson was unavailable for
Recreational Services Adventure Proarams presents
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Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
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tween S and EXPERIENCE for summer
work? Why not go for both? Make $1880
Mo. Call 1-800-242-3958 ext. 2761.
ARTIST WANTED to paint scenic back-
ground on canvas for photographer. I'll
supply convas. Call 757-0770.
NEEDED: Someone to work part-time in
a local pool and supply store office start-
ing now and lasting through the summer.
Call 758-7531.
DENT with Macintosh experience
(QuarkXPress, Adobe Illustrator) to work
part-time on designmarketing needs in
growing medical practice. Call Susan 758-
SEINE BEACH part-time - Flexible hours
- Tan while working. Located 12 miles
outside Greenville. 21 or older. Serious
calls only. (919)975-2265
TORS - Try-outs for ECU students inter-
ested in becoming fitness instructors for
'95 - '96 will be held March 25-26. You
must register by Wednesday, March 22 in
204 Christenbury Gym. Call 328-6387 for
more details.
SmithfieldGoldsboro area � Mid-June to
Mid-August Half days, M-F. Call Bob 758-
A DECREE IS GREAT, but a degree and
practical experience is better! We are ac-
cepting applications for part-time mort-
gage reporting processors. A professional
attitude and good telephone skills are re-
quired. Flexible hours. If int erested, please
mail your resume to: Online Mortgage
Services, PO Box 8048, Greenville. NC
LANGE. Contemporary Women's Cloth-
ing & Accessories. Lynndale Shoppes. Call
TELEMARKETING - Davenport Exteri-
ors Thermal Card � $5.00 per hour plus
bonus. Easy work. Flexible hours start to-
day. Call 355-0210
SZECHUAN GARDEN - 909 S. Evans St.
Experienced wait staff needed. No phone
calls please. Apply in person between 2:00
pm and 6:00 pm.
RESORT JOBS - Theme Pa. ks, Hotel &
Spas, MountainOutdoor Resorts, more!
Earn to $12hr. tips. For more informa-
tion, call (206) 632-0150 ext R53621
SALES GIRLS NEEDED to sell Perfumes
on Campus. Make an extra $200 a week
part-time. Only 2 positions available, call
Today 752-7294.
Summer Camp Staff
OTHER POSITIONS for westerr.
North Carolina's finest Co-ed
8 week youth summer recreational
sports camp. Over 25 activities,
including water ski, heated
pool, tennis, horseback, art
Cool Mountain Climate, good pay
and great fun! Non-smokers.
For applicationbrochure:
704-692-6239 or Camp Pinewcod,
Hendersonville, NC 26792.
SPACIOUS 3 bedroom. 2 bath, newly re-
modeled home, washer, dryer, ceiling fans
throughout, fenced backyard, campus
area. 750.00 per month 1 year lease. 524-
5790 or 752-8079.
31. 1 bedroom apartment close to cam-
pus. 295month utilitiies included. Call
758-5419 Please leave a message.
move in May. 3 bedroom duplex on cor-
ner of 1st and Meade St. Own bedroom.
$160.00 per month plus 13 ut ilities. Call
to share a 2 bedroom Georgetown Apt.
Needed after graduation. Price negotiable.
Call Jennifer at 752-0009
wanted to share nice townhouse in
Courtney Square. Female preferred. $220
mo plus 12 utilities. Please call 321-8779
or leave message. Laid back, serious stu-
dent no pets.
- one bedroom furnished apartment off
Contanche St. Perfect for summer school.
Call Amy - 752-8924, leave message.
1,2, & 3 bedroom cottages at mp 9 in Kill
Devil Hills NC. 4 month student leases
avail. Near restaurants & nightclubs. Con-
tact: Elizabeth Newman 919-261-3844
summer. Nonsmoker. nondrinker. Call Ri-
chard 328-7891
smoker to share a 2-Br townhouse.
$190.0012 utilities per month. Must
love cats. Available May 1st. Call Staci 758-
share a two bedroom apartment in Tar
River Estates for the summer months. Call
TAR RIVER ESTATES one male room-
mate needed, located on Riv er. $172 rent
14 utilities and phone. Call Kevin at 758-
- Rent negotiable. Call 752-3876
furnished efficiency apartment at
Ringgold Towers. New carpet couch, and
refrigerator. Water included. Available first
week in May. Call 757-0926.
over my lease June 1. Two bedroom, two
bath, cable & water included. Pool,
clubhous. and ECU bus service available.
$225.00 a month. Call Wendy or Emily at
to share 2 bedroom apt. with 2 others
$133 rent and 13 utilities � deposit lo-
cated 1 12 blocks from campus 752-6181
$197.50 rent and 12 utilities, cable, and
water included. Near campus with bus
access. Call 551-6941
NEW 1 BEDROOM APT. Dishwasher, w
d hookups. $325month 1 month de-
posit Available May 1st. Please call 355-
tS? Services Offered
Resumes - Quick & Professional. Term
Papers, Thesis, other services. Call Glenda:
752-9959Days): 527-9133(Eves)
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Call Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F53623
Largest Library of information in U.S. -
all subjects
rderCalBgTociv�i3v�j MCorCOC
Or. rush S2 00 to Research inlormition
�.r. � -nr . in- rneioc ra Q�-)
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
bile Music Productions is the premier Disc
Jockey service for your cocktail, social, and
formal needs. The most variety and expe-
rience of any Disc Jockey service in the
area. Specializing in ECU Greeks. Spring
dates booking fast. Call early, 7584644
ask for Lee.
phone for good? Call to have your house,
apt or room cleaned and skip the hassle,
House & pet sitting also.
�1 and 2 Bedrooms
Clean and Quiet, one bedroom
furnished apartments. $250 per
month, 6 month lease.
2899-2901 East 5th Street
�Located near ECU
�ECU Bus Service
�On-Site Laundry
"Special Student Leases"
IT. or Tommy Williams
756-781 5758-7436
Lost and Found
LOST - Half LabRot Black, male dog.
has tail clipped. 8 months old. Last seen
at Townes Common (Downtown) Saturday.
March 11th. If any info. Please call 752-
1373 - leave message REWARD if found.
Having trouble finding where to drop off
Classifieds and Announcements?
Well look no more!
Forms for Classifieds and Announcements
can be picked up in Mendenhall and
dropped off in the Student Pubs building
Student Pubs
2nd floor
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each additional word
$0.05 -
Display Classifieds
$5.50 per column inch
advertisements may be
canceled before 10
a.m. the day prior to
publication. However,
no refunds will be given.
Friday 4 p.m. for
Tuesday's edition
Tuesday 4 p.m. for
Thursday's edition
�All ads must b
For more information,
call ECU-6366.
For Sale
HEY MVX MASTERS! Sony Stereo with
turn table, cassette, tuner, and big speak-
ts$40.00 OBO. Also. Big black trunk
(can use as storage andor table) win-
ner shelf$ 15.00 OBO. Also. Room size
wool rug. Call 758-1338 for det: Is.
$275.00, Also boys bike $60.00. Both in
good condition. Ask for Jason, 758-8207.
low prices. Free movies with the video.
Call 830-2658
Aluminum. Frame. Upgraded Shimano
Components, Aluminm Bar Ends, Univer-
sity Registered, A Serious Ride! Kevin 328-
8143. $475 negotiable
Electric. Blue Crackel Finish, Floyd Rose
Tremlo. Gorilla 35 watt amp, a good, small
powerful amp $350 for both! Kevin 328-
BIKEGOLF CLUBS Trek 700 with
Manitue II shock, bar ends, 2 wb cages,
seatpack. U-lock 550.00 Ping zing copy
clubs with graphite shaft 3-Sw 150.00.
Brian 321-7805
MO- PED. excellent condit ion. Low miles,
fast and quiet No registration or license
required $300 756-9133
FOR SALE: 2 Grateful Dead tickets for
Friday's Show in Charlotte. Call 830-2168
friendly, includes all shots, 5 months old,
female. For more information call 757-
FOR SALE: Queen-size wooden frame .
futon and mattress: $100; Brown leather
Barcalounger recliner $60; 4 white
wooden chairs $90 752-0820 leave mes- �
WordprocessorTypewriter wdetached �
monitor, spread sheet capability, stores
text on 3.5" discs, converts to ASCII For- -
mat (optional), extra print wheels and rib-
bons, still under warranty. $225.00 OBO.
' tjtmm i
Greek Personals
(919) 510-5550
PI DELTA will be sponsoring a "Ronald
Run" 5K run and walk. Saturday, April 1,
1995. All proceeds will benf it the Ronald
McDonald House of Eastern North Caro-
lina. For more information contact Honor
Nebiker at 758-0598 or Christy Lentz at
COME HAVE A BALL at the 16th An-
20. Be there or be square.
the social, Hope you all had a nice St-
Patricks Day. Love Alpha Delta Pi
ALPHA PHI Congrats Wendy Ballard"
on getting in PT school and to Young O
for getting the job at Disney World. We"
are very proud of you. Love your Alpha
Phi sisters.
TAU KAPPA EPSILON Thanks for the;
pre-downtown. We all had such a blast!
Love-Chi Omega
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA invites everyone;
to see Knocked Down Smilin Friday.
March 24. For info call 758-8435.

Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Any organization may use the Announcements section of The
East Carolinian to list activities and events open to the public
two times free of charge. Due to the limited amount of space,
The East Carolinian cannot guarantee the publication of
The 1995 Greenville-Pitt Co. Special 01 ym-
pics Spring Games will be held on April
12th at Rose High School Stadium in
Greenville (rain date: April 13th). Volun-
teers are needed to help serve as buddies
chaperones for the Special Olympians. Vol-
unteers must be able to work all day-from
9am-2pm (The First ones t here will be as-
signed a position). A required orientation
meeting will be held on April 10th (Mon-
day) 5:00-6:00 in Old Joyner Library, room
221. Free lunches and volunteer t-shirts will
be provided the day of the games to all
volunteers who have attended the orienta-
tion session. For more information contact
Lisa Ihly at 8304551.
There will be an impor tant preregistration
meeting for History Majors on Wednesday.
March 22, at 5:30pm in BB-102
Various ECU departmetns will be hosting
the Spring Health Fair on Thursday, March
30, from 10am-2pm in the Multipurpose
Room at Mendenhall Student Cent er. There
will be snacks, prizes, live entertainment
and plenty of information on achieving a
healthy lifestyle. For more information, call
the Office of Health Promotion and Well-
being at 328-6793.
MONDAY MARCH 27: A day with Richard
Selzer, MD Author of Letters to a Young
Doctor, and Confessions of a Knife, and
other books. 12:30-2:00pm Brody Blue
Auditorium: Readings and Remarks. 4:00-
5:00pm; ECU Gen Clsr m Bldg. Room 1021;
Readings and Remarks. 7:00pm Brody Blue
Auditorium: Readers' Theater Performance
of Dr. Selzer's Raising the Dead. For fur-
ther information call 816-2797 DepL of
Medical Humanities ECU School of Medi-
cine. The Public is Invited to Attend.
Saturday. March 25. 1995 ECU ALL
Opening: Mayor Nancy Jenkins Wright
Auditorium 6:00pm Country Music Star
Dan Seals with Special Guest Global Mu-
sic Children's Peace Choral Wahl-Coates
School. Mike Bramwell: Art Exhibition
Mendenhall. March 25. April 12 Reception
and Gallery Talk, March 25. l-2pm Cospon-
sor: Student Union Visual Arts Committee.
Children's International Art Exhibition on
Peace(Pitt & Edgecomb C. Ukraine. Tur-
key) General Classroom Building. March 20-
31 Gallery Talk, March 25, 4-5pm Cospon-
sor. School of Art CE-lnternational Prog
For more information Call 3284260 School
of Education
Do you know who you are? Are you un-
clear of your identity? This four-part work-
shop will help you explore, focus on. and
affirm your self and personality character-
istics through group discussion, awareness
exercises, and other creative activities.
Wednesdays. 2pm-3pm. beginning March
29. Counseling Center. Call 328-6661 to
Academic Motivation-Overcoming Procras-
tination: 327. 3:30-5:0()pm. Note Taking
& Study Strategies: 3 29, lpm-2pm. Exam
Preparation: 328. Kiam-llam. Exam
Strategies: 327. 2pm-3pm. Counseling
Center. Call 328-6661 to register.
Anger is an emotion t hat occurs regularly
for everyone. This worshop will identify the
proper recognition, understanding, accep-
tance, and channeling of anger to make life
more comfortable, productive, and exciting.
329. 2:00pm-3:30pm. Counseling Cent er.
Call 328-6661 to register.
- March 21 through March 27: All events at
A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall and FREE, un-
less otherwise noted:
THURS-SAT-MARCH 23-25 (8:00pm) and
SUN-MARCH 26 (2:00pm) OPER A THE-
TION, Call 3284788 or 1-800-ECU-ART S.
Suzanne Snyder. Bassoon (4:00pm).
GRADUATE RECITAL. LindaJones. organ
(First Presbyterian Church. Kinston. NC
Director (8:00pm). MON-MARCH 27-CON-
Tardif. Director (8:00pm). For additional in-
formation, call ECU 6851 or the 24-hour
hotline at ECU 4370. f
Miracles happen. Work one today. ECU
Student Blood Drive. Mendenhall Student
Center. Monday March 27. 1995 12:00-
6:00pm. Give the "Gift of Life" Give Blood!
American Red Cross.
Why should I worry about insurance?
When should I purchase my first insurance
policy? What type of policy should I
choose? If you are interested in finding the
answers to these questions, please join us
in CCB 3007 on Thursday March 23,1995
at 5:00pm .
We will have a meeting Wednesday. March
22, in Speight Room 129 at 4:30pm. Ev-
eryone is encouraged to join us. We will be
electing new officers for the 1995-1996
school year and any member may run for
an office if you are at the meeting. Our
speaker will be Dr. Handron who will be
speaking on self-esteem.
Tickets for the Semi-formal will be on sale
in front of the Student Store Wednesday
and Thursday. Maps and information on
the Induction Ceremony and Founder's
Day Celebration will also be available.
Learn how to prepare, package and present
your product - YOURSELF - in an employ-
ment interview. This workshop covers deal-
ing with difficult or inappropriate ques-
tions, what the employer looks for, and to
follow-up for positive results. Sponsored by
Career Services, the workshop is scheduled
for Thur. March 23 at 3:00pm and Tue Apr il
4 at 4:00pm in the Career Services Center,
701 E. Fifth St
A workshop on writing a professional re-
sume for employment will be held in the
Career Services Center, 701 E. Fifth St on
Wed March 22 at 5:00pm and Thur March
27 at 3:00pm. Seniors who will soon enter
the job market or students seeking intern-
ships or co-op experiences are invited to
attend. The program will include informa-
tion on the content format, and reproduc-
tion of the resume.
Saturday, March
Commuter Lot on College Hill Or
Lot opens at 10 am
Judging begins at
register early before March
register late fafter March 23)
Proceeds go to the Ronald Mcdonald House
To register call 328-6935
And Leave A Message
Sponsored by Aycock Hall Council.
Work on Campus
University Housing Services will soon be hiring students for
parttime employment for the 199S96 School Year.
Candidates should be fulkime students and must be in
good academic and judicial standing with the univetsity.
Customer service skills are extremdy important few these
positions. Priority will be given to students who live in the
residence halls.
1witions available include: communfty service desk
representatives; front desk assistants; and game room
assistants. To apply, drop by 214 wTaehard Buikiing and fill
out an application form The deadline to submit
applications is Friday, March 31.
If you have questions, call
University Housing Services at 32&6450.
bTw ������������!
� ������������a
All Ceneral College students who intend
to major in Communication Sciences and
have Mr. Robert Muzzarelli or Mrs. Meta
Downes as their adviser are to meet on
Wednesday, March 22 at 5:00pm in
Brewster C-103. Advising for early regis-
tration will take place at that time. Please
prepare a tentative class schedule before
the meeting.
Proceeds will go to THE RONALD
MCDONALD HOUSE. Where: Social Room
(Mendenhall) Date: April 1, 1995. Time:
8:30-12:00. Dress: Guys-shirt and ties, Cirls-
Formals(or nice dress). Tickets from Hall
Council President or in front of Student
Stores on March 23 and 30. If you have
questions or need tickets call 328-9377.
Tickets $3.00
The Initiation Ceremony will be at 2pm,
March 26, 1995 at the ECU Ampitheatre.
Arrive at 109 MSC at 1pm to line up.
Rainsite will be the Great Rooms in MSC.
You will need a graduat ion gown. If you
have difficulty finding one, contact Tho-
mas Marcinowski at 758-6587.
Do you like to Water Ski or want to learn
how? Join the ECU Co�d Water Ski Club.
Meetings are held every Wed. night at 9:15
in Mendenhall room 14. For more info, call
Thomas at 758-8215 or Hope at 328-7018.
Wednesday, March 22, 7:30rm in General
Classroom Building 2021, on the ECU
Campus: Thomas McGowan has toured the
state from Boone to Buxton, from
Murph(e)y to Manteo, photographing the
signs and symbols of Tar Heel to wn names.
Place names, their legend sources, their
presentation on signs to symbolize com-
munity values and meaning are the sub-
ject of Professor McGowan's profusely il-
lustrated visual tour of the state's place
name heritage.
If you would be interested in playing some
serious darts (301, 501, etc) please con-
tact Anthony at 321-0676. Leave a message
if no one answers.
Applications for Student Attorney General
and Public Defender are available now at
210 Whichard or the SGA Offices,2nd floor
MSC. Applications due by 5:00pm, Fr iday
March 24. For more info contact Karen
Boyd at 328-6824.
The next Student Foodservice Advisory
Committee meeting will be Wednesday,
March 22, 1995 at 4:00pm in MSC room
14. AH students are invited to come and
share their questions and comments with
the Campus Dining Services management
Refreshments will be provided. Questions?
Call David Bailey at 757-2414. A11 ECU stu-
dents are invited!
This five-session workshop will explore the
causes of stress and the effects it can have
on you. Experience various relaxation tech-
niques in order to cope with stress more
effectively. Mondays, 3:30pm-5:00pm, begin-
ning 327. Counseling Center. Call 328-
6661 to register.
Early registration for summer and fall ses-
sions will be Tuesday March 21 and
Wednesday March 22nd from 5:30-7:30 in
room 203 of the Belk Building. If you are
unable to attend either of these times
please call the OT office for other advising
hours 3284441.
The School of Medicine of East Carolina
University will host the first Annual Ham-
string Hustle 5K road race in downtown
Greenville March 26, 1995. The race will
begin at 2:00pm on First St reet Registra-
tion begins at 12:30pm the day of the race
in the Willis Building on t he corner of First
and Reade Streets. Free Blood Pressure
screening will be offered. Prizes awarded
to the top finishers in each age group and
T-shirts to all entrants desiring one. Run-
ners and Walkers of all skill levels encour-
aged to participate. Race Applications
available by writing Ward Aycock. 330 Lind-
say Dr. G-8, Greenville, NC 27834 or call-
ing 321-4916.
The 1993-94 Treasure Chests. Be sure to
pick up your FREE video yearbook. Avail-
able at the Student Store. The East Caro-
linian, Joyner Library. Mendenhall and the
Media Board office in the Student Publica-
tions Building.
m gM ggM p MM
in j imtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

� � ��'
Tuesday, March 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
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for i in (.txt) do (
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The East Carolinian, March 21, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 21, 1995
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