The East Carolinian, March 14, 1995

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March 14,1995
Vol 69, No. 81
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
14 pases
Hart-broken and Eakin too?
Eakin named one
of four finalists in
presidential hunt
Stephanie Lassiter
News Editor
Chancellor Richard R. Eakin may
possibly follow in the footsteps of
former Athletic Director Dave Hart -
right out the doors of ECU.
Eakin was named as one of four
finalists for the position of President
at the University of Louisville. The
announcement came after a 2 12-
hour meeting Saturday afternoon.
University of Louisville spokeswoman
Denise Fitzpatrick said the four were
chosen from among 104 candidates.
"I am honored to be considered
for the presidency of the University
of Louisville Eakin said in a prepared
press release. "The university is the
second largest in the Commonwealth
of Kentucky. It has a distinguished
academic reputation as a state-sup-
ported urban institution
Dr. Tinsley Yarbrough. interim
vice chancellor for academic affairs,
said the titles of chancellor and presi-
dent are synomous in this case.
"In this, the University of North
Carolina system, the head of the en-
tire system is called the president
Yarbrough said. Eakin's
responsibilites as president at Louis-
ville, would be parallel to those at
The University of Louisville has
an enrollment of 21.377 with all de-
grees through the doctorate and pro-
fessional schools of dentistry, law,
medicine and engineering.
See EAKIN page 4
Tuition payment
plan finalized
collaborate to
pass plan
Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor
Paying tuition may be a little
easier next spring. Instead of footing
large bills at the beginning of each se-
mester, students will have the option
of making tuition payments more fre-
quently, but in smaller amounts next
Student Government Association
(SGA) president Ian Eastman and
Comptroller Dan Bishop are finalizing
plans to install a tuition payment pro-
gram during the summer.
"Last year during the SGA spring,
we heard complaints about the tuition
problems about financial aid so we
set out to find an alternative way to
pay for tuition Eastman said.
Bishop said former senior class
president Keith Dyer had also con-
tacted officials about the program. Af-
ter numerous phone calls and visits
from SGA members and administra-
tors, Eastman and Bishop believe the
program will be in effect for next
Two companies are being consid-
ered to implement the plan. Academic
Management Systems (AMS) of Provi-
dence. R.I. and American Tuition As-
sistance Corporation in Indianapolis,
In. both represent schools in North
See PAY page 2
File Photo
Chancellor Eakin will visit the University of Louisville later
this month to be considered for the position of president.
Students given
Golden Key
Honor society
grants outstanding
student members
Polls open today for bond vote
Andl Powell Phillips
News Writer
Two ECU student members of
the Golden Key Honor Society were
awarded scholarships for outstand-
ing academic performance ai the
organizations annual membership.
Alisa Nicole Godwin, who was
inducted into the Golden Key
Honor Society during a ceremony
held Feb. 20 in Jenkins Fine Arts
Center, received the junior schol-
arship. Godwin has a 4.0 grade
point average and is a physical
therapy major.
"I was very pleased and sur-
prised Godwin said. "I was hon-
ored just to be asked to join Golden
Key. I wasn't expecting to be an ini-
tiate scholarship recipient
The senior scholarship went to
another inductee, Stephanie Carol
Titus, who is majoring in mathemat-
ics education and has earned a 3.97
grade point average.
Dr. David Emmerling, dean of
Student development and the advi-
sor for the Golden Key Society
spoke highly of both scholarship re-
"Their achievements speak for
themselves in terms of quality
Emmerling said. "They are a sym-
bol of a lot of what ECU has to be
proud of, which is a whole host of
talented and dedicated people who
ideserve recognition
The Golden Key Honor Society
is a national nonprofit organiza-
tion which offers outstanding tra-
ditional and non-traditional stu-
dents recognition for their achieve-
ment, as well as scholarship oppor-
tunities and the opportunity to
become involved in community
service projects the organization
"Because Golden Key includes
all majors it brings together a lot
of people already established in
the university and gives them the
opportunity to improve things in
and around Greenville said
Godwin stated that she in-
tends to become involved in the
organization's community service
work. One such community ser-
vice project is the Best of America
"With the Best of America
Program, Golden Key members
are specifically trained to go out
into primary and secondary
schools to help prevent substance
use and abuse Emmerling said.
Emmeriing also stated that
Best of America is a national
Golden Key project, but the ECU
chapter does a lot of community
service on the local level as well.
Membership to Golden Key is
by invitation only.
The invitations are extended
to those students, full-time or
part-time, with 63 hours or above
in January, who have a 3.3 or
higher grade point average or are
in the top 15 percent of their
class, whichever is higher. Cur-
rently the organization has more
than 450,000 lifetime members
and more than 5,000 honorary
members including President Bill
Clinton, former First Lady Bar-
bara Bush and author Alex Haley.
"This is the first time since
I've been in college that I'm eli-
gible for something like this
Godwin said. "I really appreciate
being recognized for the work I've
done here
Passage of vote
could mean more
university property
Drew Goettman
News Writer
Thousands of Pitt County
residents go to the polls today to
decide on a bond referendum for
the county school system - a ref-
erendum which could also benefit
At stake is a $31.8 million
bond which would finance four
new schools, new computer and
laboratory equipment for almost
every school and renovations to
bring all buildings in compliance
with the Americans with Disabili-
ties Act (e.g. handicap access).
As part of the bond referen-
dum package, the Pitt County
School Board has agreed to sell
the university the former Rose
High Schoolproperty, currently
Eppes Middle School, for $6 mil-
lion, and in turn, ECU will sign
over the title it holds on the Wahl-
Coates Elementary School prop-
erty which the university has been
leasing to the Pitt County Schools.
This exchange has been agreed
upon - but only if the referendum
passes. If today's referendum fails,
ECU and Pitt County Schools go
back to the drawing board in the
university's attempts to acquire the
former Rose High property.
"The physical master plan of
the university has as its 'linchpin
if you will, the acquisition of the
former Rose High School property
(now known as the Eppes Middle
School property) said ECU Chan-
cellor Richard Eakin, in an inter-
view with The Easf Carolinian.
"There are just any number of even-
tualities that are presumed in the
master plan that depend upon our
acquiring that property
"It is, after all, contiguous to
the existing campus Eakin said.
"It is about a 20-acre site, which
for this university - or any other,
for that matter - to be able to ac-
quire 20 contiguous acres with a
building that could be put to good
use by the university that's quite
a remarkable event
Eakin said the property nego-
, tiations have been occuring for
See BOND page 4
Pitt County
residents dispute
need for the bond
Drew Goettman
SUrt Writer
If the bond referendum fails today. ECU will go back to the
negotiation stage with the county for the Eppes property.
Should the bond referendum pass, ECU will have the chanct
to purchase the 20-acre Eppes Middle School property.
their own approach is "financially
"Without having this bond ref-
erendum and this tax increase go
through, there are funds to address
the critical needs that exist in the
schools Lamprecht said. "We don't
think they need to be addressed im-
Barry Gaskins, Public Informa-
tion Director for the Pitt County
Schools, released an informational
Questions and Answers About The
Pitt County School Bond which
includes the following statement
about bond issue vs. paas-you-go:
"Student growth, program needs,
and substandard conditions will not
go away. Construction costs are in-
creasing The instructional technol-
ogy gap will continue to widen
pay-as-you-go is an expensive way to
attempt to catch up and offers a
band-aid approach to the long-term
Susan Foreman, wl o is a co-
chair of the Bond Steering Commit-
tee, said the pay-as-you-go approach
will in the long run be more expen-
sive. The Bond Steering Committee
is a group of parents and business
professionals in support of the ref-
erendum. Foreman has three chil-
dren in Pitt County Schools.
"The steering committee feels
that this bond referendum is actu-
ally by far the most financially sound
way for the county to progress
Many ECU officials are holding
their breath over today's countywide
referendum on a proposed S31.8
million school bond for the Pitt
County Schools.
If and only if the bond passes,
the school board has agreed to sell
ECU the Eppes Middle School prop-
erty (the former site of Rose High
School). However, passage of the ref-
erendum is not guaranteed.
Several are residents have
launched an opposition campaign to
the referendum, calling themselves
Friends for Financial Responsibility
(FFR). According to Tom Lamprecht
one spokesperson for the group, they
have several reasons to object to the
new ad valorem taxes which would
result from the issuance of the bond,
saying that the same capital improve-
ments in the Pitt County Schools
could be financed by other means.
The proposed bond would give
Pitt County Schools the ability to go
into debt now and go ahead and
make the necessary renovations and
replacements now, FFR proposes to
"pay as you go Representatives of
both sides favor the improvements
in the schools, and have claimed that
See PITT page 3

Tuesday, March 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
Freshman to get Safety Net
Ten Howell
News Writer
East Carolina University and honor
students are looking at new ways to boost
the freshman and transfer retention level
by creating a mentor program nicknamed
Safety Net
The mentor program is in its infant
stages but will be a full-time program for
all incoming freshman and transfer stu-
dents who may have trouble adjusting
from family life to a campus-oriented
lifestyle, said Thomas Marcinowski. presi-
dent of Omega Delta Kappa. (ODK) the
National Leadership Honor Society at
Marcinowski said Safety Net will
help those students who may have got-
ten lest in the commotion during the
orientation process.
"We hope the program will bring in
a better freshman class when they real-
ize each new student will have a mentor
to show them the ways said
Marcinowski. "Students can keep their
mentor as long as they want which might
enable them to umbrella out during their
college years
Most of the 200 mentors the pro-
gram now has are from honor societies.
however. Marcinowski said the program
needs many more students to even out
the ratio of the expected 2500 freshman
next year. t
All mentors should have a 2.75 GPA
or better and at least 45 semester hours,
putting them at the second semester
sophomore level. Marcinowski said that
this way, a mentor will be more in flux
with college life and the campus and
more helpful to an incoming freshman.
"Chancellor Eakin is really backing
this up. He thinks the mentor program
is a wonderful idea said Marcinowski.
See MENTOR page 3
Hall gets female pitcher
Hunt working for more cells
Andy Turner
News Writer
Criminals beware, if Gov. Jim
Hunt's expansion budget is approved,
there will be a lot more vacancies in
North Carolina's prisons to house law-
Hunt's expansion budget provides
for two 624-bed medium security pris-
ons, a 376-cel! close custody prison for
long-term adult offenders, a boot camp
for female offenders and a 100-bed
supermax facility to hold the most vio-
lent offenders. Additionally, existing
close-custody and medium security will
be expanded and in total the budget
calls for an increase of 2,424 beds.
The total cost for the building of
the new prisons and expansion of exist-
ing prisons is estimated at $116.2 mil-
lion by the end of 1997. The projected
annual operating cost of these facilities
is $49.6 million. State funds would be
used in conjunction with federal funds
available to North Carolina through the
Federal Crime Bill.
The proposed supermax unit
would be coastructed as a separate fa-
cility at the 568-bed prison for youthful
offenders being built in Granville
County. Inmates at the supermax facil-
ity would be the most violent and dan-
gerous offenders. It is designed for in-
mates who are considered a threat to
society and the prison population as
Inmates of the supermax prison
would be restricted to their own cell 23
hours out of the day. One hour a dav
the inmates would be able to leave their
cell to exercise and shower. The inmates
would move down a secured corridor
to an outside cage during the one hour.
All meals would be consumed by the
prisoners in their cells.
The need of having a prison of
this type is to best manage people who
don't fit into the normal prison popula-
tion said Bill Boston, public informa-
tion officer-spokesman for the North
Carolina department of corrections. "We
need to be able to separate and control
people who are disruptive and having a
maximum security of supermax secu-
rity allows us to do that"
See HUNT page 4
CPS-lf major league baseball
owners are serious about hiring re-
placement players for the upcom-
ing season, they might want to look
to Southern California College's
baseball team for a Hall of Fame
Sophomore Ila Borders re-
cently joined baseball legends Babe
Ruth. Ernie Banks and Willie Mays
in Cooperstown. She will be hon-
ored in a new exhibit as the first
women to officially pitch in a col-
lege seball game.
"When 1 found out, 1 couldn't
stop jumping up and down says
Borders. "It's like a dream come
true, even more than a dream come
true. It's something 1 didn't ex-
But for many college hitters.
Borders herself is something they
don't expect: a female pitcher in
what has traditionally been an all-
male sport.
Borders. 19, says she's been
playing baseball since she was 10
years old. She switched to the sport
a few years after she began playing
softball. "It just seemed like it was
more of a challenge Borders says.
"It seemed like it was a lot more
After mowing down batters in
Little League, Borders decided to
give high school baseball a shot at
Whittier Christian. And after im-
pressing coaches and fans with her
skills on the mound, she began
searching for a college.
"1 sent tapes to college coaches
because I was afraid that if people
heard a girl was pitching, they
would think it was just a novelty
Borders says. "1 wanted them to see
what I could do
Borders says she heard a lot of
good things about Southern Cali-
fornia College, and after she visited
the campus, she knew it was the
school for her. "I was looking for a
Christian school where I could play
baseball that was close to the
beach she says. "When I visited
the campus and talked to the coach,
I knew it was the school
When the time came for the
first day of practice. Borders savs
she was nervous. But after surviv-
ing previous inductions into all-
male teams, the Southern Califor-
nia native knew what to expect.
"The first practice is always rough
because people want to know what
you're trying to prove, like you're
trying to make some statement
she says. "1 knew that 1 had to show
that I was just another ballplayer
out there because 1 love the game
As a freshmen. Borders made
seven starts and had two appear
ances in relief. In her first game,
she held Claremont-Mudd-Scripps
to one run and five hits. The left-
hander finished the season with a
record of 2-4 with a 2.92 ERA.
"By the middle of the season,
I was just a pitcher on the team,
not the girl pitcher she says.j;
"That's the way I want it
Although she has hopes of
playing professionally, she knows .JJ
she may have to take the long road J
to the major leagues. "I'm willing
to start in Japan if that's what has ?
to happen she says. "But this is
something I really want to see
through r
Borders may get her chance. "
When Dodger manager Tommy
Lasorda learned of Border's accom- 2
plishments, he told The New York "
Times that he just might be inter-
ested. "If I can get somebody to win 2
20 games for me he said, "I'll take
her ?-
from page 1
Students can expect to receive fly-
ers in the mail next fall that will pro-
vide information on how the program
works. For a $45 to $50 fee, students
can pay off tuition in four monthly in-
stallments that begin before the semes-
ter does. Bishop said. All fees will be
paid before the semester's end.
Investigating the plan and how it
would work for ECU took several ad-
ministrators to the University of North
Carolina at Wilmington.
"We learned that there were some
internal problems with AMS as far as
the transmissions of the monthly install-
ment payment td the university, it was
a tremendous reconciling problem
Bishop said. "We know we can do bet-
ter than that"
ECU is currently converting to a
larger database, making future record
transference much easier for students.
Bishop said.
"That major conversion for prob-
ably about a quarter of a million on the
student database are being transferred
onto the IBM Bishop said. "Know-
ing we couldn't do anything until after
that transfer was complete, the recom-
mendation at that time was made to
hold off until after the conversion
Bishop said the installation of a tu-
ition payment plan is one of the
university's top priorities after the
records conversion is complete.
In using the tuition payment plan,
ECU will have half of the tuition from
each student at the beginning of each
semester. Payments will be made to the
company ECU chooses to use in imple-
menting a tuition payment plan.
"If you drop out or you don't make
a payment, then we have the authority
to withdraw you from class Bishop
Bishop believes in-state students
will not benefit as much as out-of-state
students. He said the $50 fee may not
be worth splitting payments into $200
"If you could borrow four or five
thousand dollars for $50 a four month
period - That's not bad
The tuition payment plan has been
long sought after, but will probably be
used by few. Bishop said 10 percent of
students at UNGWilmington use the
program. The ratio of out-of-state to in-
state students in the program at
Wilmington is 90 to 10.
Administrators are also working to
ease financial aid burdens in the future,
and eventually the line that wraps
around Whichard at the beginning of
each semester.
"My next enhancement is to elec-
tronically process all financial scholar-
ships, loans, grants pull it all in and
accredit it to accounts receivable
Bishop said. "That's a big operation but
I see it"
while you wait
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Tuesday, March 14,1995
7"A7e East Carolinian
MENTOR from page 2
"In a couple of weeks we are meeting
with Dean Spier and we are really trying
to make this whole package ready for
Lucy Goodwin, who is working as
well to get the program underway, pre-
sented the idea to the Dean's and Issues
Firm last fall, said Marcinowski. and we
have both been working and hitting it
hard since then.
"Our main goal is to maintain a
higher retention rate for East Carolina
University said Marcinowski. "Judy
Baker with volunteer services and Dr.
Muller with undergraduate services have
been highly helpful
Safety Net will start with a fresh-
man receiving their mentor's name in the
mail and the mentor receives the fresh-
man or transfer's name as well, said
"The program is like a big brother-
big sister program said Marcinowski.
"We are hoping that if students need to
make the decision between here and
some college like Chapel Hilt, they will
come here because of this mentor pro-
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PIX 1 from page 1
Foreman said. "If we don't do it, we'll
end up paying for it in the future
In an issue as complex as the bond
issue, a lot of number-crunching is
necessary, and as one might expect,
opponents disagree with the official
numbers produced by the Pitt County
"They're not using the same num-
bers FFR's Lamprecht said. "They're
inflating their numbers, or deflating
them, as it suits their purposes
"When they're looking at their
numbers, with the three-cent tax in-
crease, they're assuming that the mon-
ies available after the 1989 bond is
completed they're assuming that
those monies will come to pay off this
1995 bond Lamprecht said. "They use
those monies then but when you
look at the pay-as-you-go scheme, they
I don't use those monies
This brings up another sore spot
in the controversy: the 1989 school
I bond. In that year, a $25.7 million bond
referendum was passed, from which
I (among other improvements) the new
1 Rose High School sprung. The 1989
bond, however, was not to be paid off
I with an additional property tax, but
through a special yearly designation
, from the Pitt County commissioners.
"What I've been told by Pitt
1 County Schools' Public Information
.Director Barry Gaskins is that when
I that 1989 bond is retired in 11 years,
they're assuming that money is going
? to be given to the schools to pay off
wishes to announce:
this other bond Lamprecht said.
"That assumption is totally irrespon-
sible- they have no right to claim
those funds. That's got to be voted on
by county commissioners
Another item of disagreement is
the school system's need for additional
space. The proposed bond would com-
pletely replace Eppes Middle School
and H.B. Sugg school, plus provide for
two brand-new elementary schools.
This is based on the Pitt County
Schools figures which show the sys-
tem growing by over 400 students per
When the enrollment figures are
considered over a number of years, the
most frequently-used figure is the Av-
erage Daily Member-
ship (ADM), accord-
ing to officials with
the Statistical
Research and
Data Center
at the NC
ment of
Public In-
s t r uc-
t i o n
(DPI) in
R a -
According to official ADM figures
released by DPI which concern both
the Pitt County Schools and the former
Greenville City Schools (which merged
in 1986), public school enrollment in
Pitt County at large peaked in 1968 at
18,848, reached a low of 16,182 in
1982, and is currently on an upward
trend at 18,268 in 1994. In the 12 years
since 1982, Pitt County Schools have
averaged gaining 174 new students
each year.
However, the Pitt County Schools
have grown in the last three consecu-
tive years by 190 students in 1992,
another 218 students in 1993, and
another 425 students in 1994.
"If we don't build new classrooms,
there are other options Foreman said
of the methods Pitt County uses to
handle over-crowding. Those other
options can include such things as
mandatory year-round school, stag-
gered classroom schedules, more trail-
ers using cafeterias, libraries to hold
classes in. We already have schools in
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Pitt County that are using locker rooms
for classrooms
Foreman supports the bond's out-
line to build new classrooms and new
schools, rather than resorting to the
options she listed.
"They want to build a new north
elementary school FFR's Lamprecht
said. "Right now, in the northern part
of the county, we have Stokes Elemen-
tary School which is 40 percent empty.
Some of the things that the county
schools want to do, we think can wait"
"They just spent who-knows-how-
much on the new Rose High School
Lamprecht added. "Already, they want
to spend an additional $300,000 on up-
grading a brand-new facility. Those
kind of things can wait"
"If you look at the private sector,
and if you look at how individuals run
their homes, sometimes you're left with
having to
pay as
you go
get ev-
e r y -
thing when you'd like to have it but
sometimes that's the more responsible
way to do things
The Friends for Financial Respon-
sibility look at the proposed transac-
tion between ECU and the Pitt County
Schools, and see resources which could
be used in lieu of the proposed bond.
Lamprecht initially listed the $6
million price tag on the Eppes prop-
erty, and then added an estimated $3
million value to the Wahl-Coates El-
ementary School property title which
is to be signed over from ECU to the
Pitt County Schools if the bond is
"In addition to that they are buy-
ing Eppes and turning around and
letting Pitt County Schools use it for
six years Lamprecht said. "The cash
value of all these things comes up to
about $11.5 million. There is enough
cash on hand within that to begin these
projects, and to look at a pay-as-you-
go situation
In the bond proposal, the Pitt
County Schools have said that a tax
increase of no more than three cents
per $100 property value is more than
adequate to pay back the bond. This is
another area which FFR questions.
"If you look at the numbers, this
bond - interest and principal - adds
up to $58 million Lamprecht said.
"Take a look at what they're propos-
ing: they're saying that a threeent-
per-$100-of-property-value tax increase
would be enough to pay back this $58
million. The numbers don't add up.
"If you take a three-cent tax in-
crease, that's going to generate some-
thing just over $1.1 million in new
taxes for the county Lamprecht said.
"If you divide that number into $58
million, it's going to take 50-some years
to pay this thing back. They're propos-
ing that it will be paid back in a much
shorter time frame than that"
Passage of the referendum would
also bring an unprecedented increase
in the county's property taxes, accord-
ing to Lamprecht.
"If this bond succeeds, that means
our property taxes in Pitt County will
have increased by almost 20 percent
in the past seven years Lamprecht
said. "In 1988, we were paying 63 cents
per $100 property value. If this goes
through, we'll be looking at 75.39 cents
per $100 property value. That's irre-
sponsible that's unacceptable
The controversy heightened last
week during ECU's Spring Break, as
FFR accused school officials of illegally
campaigning in favor of passage of the
referendum, as reported in the March
11 Dairy Reflector. The issue featured a
photograph of a poster promoting the
bond issue, clearly visible on a teacher's
hall doorway in Rose High School.
In a referendum such as the one
before the voters today, since the bond
issue concerns the public schools, all
state employees are by law supposed
to remain neutral on the subject with
reference to public contact
While the two sides may not agree
on the direction in which to progress,
both agree on the need for much of
the proposed improvements in the Pitt
County Schools.
"Quality education is important
and we're all for that, but we're also
for financial responsibility
Lamprecht said.
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Tuesday, March 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
HUNT from page 2 BOND from page
Poston feels hopeful Hunt's propos-
als will be passed by the General As-
sembly and construction will begin
"We are seeing construction time
being moved up because of the demand
for prison capacity that we have and
Gov. Hunt's urge for state agencies to
work together to speed up the process
of opening prisons as quickly as pos-
sible Poston said.
Poston said the state is looking to-
ward a combination of actions to im-
prove the current condition of the
prison system including the expanding
the prisons, reexamining the sentenc-
ing process and new community super-
vision structures within the Parole-pro-
bation system.
Poston said their has been a tre-
mendous increase in crimes committed
in North Carolina.
He said the prison population has
nearly doubled in the past five years. In
1987,17,360 people were sent to North
Carolina prisons and 69,530 people
were on probation or parole. In 1994,
28.000 people were in imprisoned and
112,000 people were on probation or
"The effort is really to improve pub-
lic safety by better supervision of offend-
ers who are convicted and sent to prison
dr (put on) probation Poston said.
"(We are trying)through the way
these prisons are managed to reduce
crime in the state.
years and a failed bond referendum
would mean back to the drawing
"My work over the last several
years has been to make it possible
for us to acquire the property
Eakin said. "It's an essential ingre-
dient in the future growth and de-
velopment of our institution
The "physical master plan" to
which Eakin refers is a growth plan
developed a couple of years ago by
the Research Triangle architectural
firm of Obrien Atkins. They did a
comprehensive study of the campus
everything from appropriate use
of space in the buildings, to vehicu-
lar access to the campus.
"It was their contention that
this, the academic campus, should
have a much heavier concentration
of academic and student service
functions Eakin explained. "Many
of the more ancillary functions
could be moved to the perimeter
of campus.
"What we'd like to do, and
what acquiring the former Rose
school probably would permit us
to do, is to bring many of the stu-
dent services that are used by stu-
dents day-in, day-out, or at least sev-
eral times a semester - and these
offices relate to each other - it
would allow us to bring them to-
gether on the central campus in
a more comprehensive and coher-
ent way Eakin said. 'That is to say,
to have the registrar, and the cash-
ier, and the financial aid office, and
some of these other offices that re-
late to each other have them ei-
ther in the same building or very
close to each other so the students
wouldn't have to bounce back and
forth across the campus repeat-
The Pitt County School Board
has been sympathetic to this desire,
said Barry Gaskins, Public Informa-
tion Director for the Pitt County
"The school board has re-
mained fairly steadfast in wanting
ECU to have the former Rose
property Gaskins said. "There
have been some pushes in different
directions at one time to just go for
the highest bidder, and the school
board held their ground and said,
'No, we want to make sure ECU gets
this property
As the school board worked to
discover the best way to pay for
needed capital improvements
within the Pitt County Schools,
they realized that the $6 million
price for the former Rose school
could help.
"As they put the bond referen-
dum package together, and all their
other considerations for the devel-
opment of the schools, they real-
ize that this part of it - that is, the
sale of the school - could be an
important ingredient in the entire
planning picture Eakin said.
Pitt County Schools estab-
lished a list of just what kind of
renovations, replacements and up-
grades were either needed or re-
"The school system has identi-
fied $89 million worth of needs
Gaskins said. "Now, those needs are
based on an assortment of things.
If you look at the major categories,
you're talking about needs as they
relate to the growth and expansion,
as far as the student population
"We are growing by an average
of 400 new students a year
Gaskins said. "It doesn't take long
to figure out - that's almost a new
school facility every year or two
that we're in need of. A large part
of this bond package is added
classroom space
In addition to four new
schools, another $6 million is slated
for extensive renovations at
Robinson, Cox, Chicod and Bethel
schools. One half million dollars
will replace the overcrowded library
at Ayden Elementary School, an-
other $300,000 is set aside for fur-
ther improvements at Rose High
School and $120,000 is projected
for Grifton School Auditorium reno-
vations and land acquisition.
One million dollars will be used
to buy computer equipment'for vir-
tually every school. Another
$600,000 will buy science lab equip-
ment for the high schools. Finally,
$425,000 will be spent upgrading
all of the schools to meet the fed-
erally-mandated requirements of
the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The proposed bond would be
paid off partly with an increase of
ad valorem taxes (county only), to
the tune of no more than three
cents per $100 of county property
valuation in Pitt County.
"We are hopeful that it won't
be that much Gaskins said. "With
the growth in the county, and the
increase in the tax base, we're feel-
ing like it will not take the whole
three cents. However, in good faith,
when we're making presentations
and we talk to people about this,
we've been very up-front that it
would be no more than three
Even though the bond referen-
dum is subject to voters registered
in Pitt County alone, there is an
impact on ECU students of 1995.
"I think that a lot of students
who come here to ECU stay here
Gaskins said. "We feel strongly that
the school system is an' integral
part of the foundation of this com-
munity. A lot of the teachers who
graduate from ECU end up work-
ing at Pitt County schools; 50 per-
cent of our teachers come from
ECU. The school system and the
university have a very symbiotic re-
EAKIN from page 1
Eakin, who has been ECU's chan-
cellor since 1987, will visit Louisville
March 19-21.
? Trustee chairman J. Craig Souza
said in an interview with TEC that
Eakin's performance at ECU has been
outstanding and he is hopeful that he
will remain in Greenville.
"He has done an absolutely terrific
j6b for us Souza said. "I think that
speaks well of East Carolina. It really is
a compliment to him and ECU. It needs
to be understood that we don't want
him to leave
Souza said that at this point the
trustees are basically stagnant
"There is really nothing for us to
do he said. "The university system has
a methodology in place to establish a
search committee. It will be conducted
as other searchers are done
Souza said that Eakin's salary is
not an issue. Salaries of university of
North Carolina chancellors, such as
Eakin, are not controlled by their trust-
ees, therefore, a salary raise is not be-
ing considered. Souza was assuring that
the Trustees are prepared in the event
that Eakin should leave East Carolina.
"We are right on top of this he
said. "I've communicated with him a
number of times. We are organized and
While the trustees can suggest the
candidates for the position, the univer-
sity system President CD. Spangler
makes the final decision. Spangler
would also be responsible for naming
the interim chancellor should one be
Other finalists for the position in-
clude: Betty Turner Asher, president of
the University of South Dakota; Gregory
M. O'Brien, chancellor of the University
of News Orleans; and John M.
Shumaker, president of central Con-
necticut State University.
The committee plans to name a
new president March 27 to replace
Donald Swain, the current president
who is retiring.
Eakin was in Ohio at press time,
therefore unavailable for further com-
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Tuesday, March 14,1995
r?e East Carolinian
Our View
Should the bond
pass, ECU will
purchase the old
Rose High
School property
for $6 million.
Quite a bargain.
So stop gazing
at the cloudless
sky, the blazing
sun and the
many convertibles.
Get out in the
fresh air
and vote!
Today's children are tomorrow's future. We've all heard
the phrase. Heck, what seemed like just yesterday we were
the children of the future. Unfortunately, our generation,
the Generation Xers, are being criticized for being lazy,
spoiled, grungy citizens. So what hope do we hold for
leading our country into the 21st century?
Upon what, or whom, can we blame this travesty? While
many Xers blame their parents for their lack of drive, many
critics are blaming the school systems. While public schools
are becoming a haven for guns and teenage sex and drug
abuse, Pitt County is searching for methods for improving
what is quickly becoming a decaying school system.
Today, Pitt County residents will have the opportunity
to vote to improve, not only the Pitt County School Sys-
tem, but ECU as well. The $31.8 million bond will create
new schools, upgrade many existing schools, but will also
give ECU the opportunity to purchase some much needed
Should the bond pass, ECU will purchase the old Rose
High School property (Elm Street) for $6 million from the
Pitt County School Board. In addition, ECU will sign over
the title for Wahl-Coates Elementary School.
Besides improving the county school system for
tomorrow's leaders, the bond referendum, if passed, will
give ECU the opportunity to acquire 20 acres. For ECU
this will mean bringing administrative offices, such as the
cashier's office, financial aid and the registrar's office into
one general area. That certainly would make locating our
financial aid checks much easier.
While $6 million, plus the title to Wahl-Coates, may
seem like a hefty price to pay for 20 acres of land, con-
sider the disadvantages to a failed bond package. After
several years of negotiating, ECU officials and county com-
missioners would once again have to meet at the drawing
board for further negotiating, which could result in a stiffer
price. Furthermore, other bidders could come into the
picture, while currently ECU is the only potential pur-
chaser in the deal.
You may be wondering what the bond would cost you
as a Pitt County citizen. Lucky for us, we're college stu-
dents who don't own much, if any, property. Therefore we
can't be expected to pay property tax. But for those resi-
dents who are property owners, the tax increase isn't much.
A property-owning taxpayer can expect to pay no more
than three cents per $100 assessed value. For instance, if
one owns a $75,000 home, they will pay $22.50 annually.
That's less than the average (of age) college student spends
per week on nightlife-entertainment.
Let's think about the children again. These leaders of
tomorrow will also be our leaders, or at least our children's
leaders. With the divorce rate steadily climbing, one in
ten families on welfare and the crime rate reaching a star-
tling high, the one place our children should feel safe is in
their classrooms. It's a beautiful day. Ride your bike to
the polls and vote YES to the bond referendum.
Nothing but stems
The East Carolinian
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
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Printed on
Stephanie B. Lassiter, News Editor
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Serving the ECU community since 1925,The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead
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250 words which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for
publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should be addressed to Opinion Editor.The East Carolinian, Publications
Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919) 328-6366.
Western NC often overlooked
Once again Spring Break has
come and gone. Most of us here at
ECU probably took to the road on
March 3rd. Some may have traveled
home for a visit with good ol' Mom
and Dad. Vast numbers of students
however headed to the shore for a
little fun in the sun. While no on in
their right mind is going to argue the
fact that lounging on the beach is a
great way to recharge the old batter-
ies, many students who are tired of
the crowded beaches may be looking
for an alternate vacation plan for next
year. For those students 1 have a
simple answer. Go West!
Most people enrolled at East
Carolina are well aware that our cam-
pus is located conveniently close to
the sand and surf of the Outer Banks.
However, few may have considered the
abundance of recreational opportuni-
ties that exist within a day's drive west
of Greenville.
On any given day, one has little
possibility of walking across campus
without spotting someone wearing
ridiculously expensive hiking boots or
thick wool socks. For many these are
mere fashion accessories. But for
those of you who's Timberlands have
actually ventured away from concrete,
the mountains of North Carolina
should be even more inviting. One
can find hiking and camping oppor-
tunities that can satisfy both the be-
Calvin Arlington
Opinion Columnist
While your
classmates are
baking, why not
do a little skiing?
ginner as well as the experienced out-
doors person. Sites such as the
Tanawha Trail, the Pisgah National
Forest, and the Appalachian Trail can
all be reached from Greenville in a
couple of hours.
While your classmates are bak-
ing on the beach, why not head for
the high country and do a little late
season skiing? The slopes of western
Carolina are truly a hidden treasure.
The eight ski resorts of North Caro-
lina offer some of the best skiing avail-
able in the southeast By the time
Spring Break rolls around, most of
these facilities have officially begun
late season rates. However there is
still an abundance of snow. By tak-
ing advantage of these lower lift ticket
costs, you could actually spend a day
or night on the slopes for around
twenty bucks.
The western portion of our state
also provides an excellent opportunity
for cycling enthusiasts. I seriously
doubt anyone will find a trail that is
more difficult than the life or death
challenge course that faces students
on the way to clashes here in
Greenville. However, the relaxed pace
might allow time to enjoy the natural
beauty that surrounds North
Carolina's high country.
Despite what you may now be
thinking, I have not been hired to pro-
mote tourism in the western areas of
our state. I just wanted to bring to
light an area that seems to be severely
overlooked. It just never ceases to
amaze me when everyone piles into
their cars and heads for the beach at
the speed of light during Spring
Break. If only they would look in the
other direction, they would find an
avalanche of natural wonders and rec-
reational opportunities that can be
enjoyed for a fraction of the price.
have a hard time believing I am the
only person here at ECU that enjoys
spending time outdoors. If you share
this interest or if your just tired of
the same of thing , do something dif-
ferent. Avoid the crowds and head
for the high country of North Caro-
lina. I guarantee you won't be sorry.
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to the
cheerleading controversy that was
published in the Feb. 23 edition of
TEC. Even though I think that the
cheerleaders should have the oppor-
tunity to show their talent at the na-
tional level, I think the problem is not
the Universal Cheerleading Associa-
tion, but our athletic department The
cheerleaders are not asking for the
athletic department to fully fund the
trip but only to help out We're all
proud of our cheerleaders for the na-
tional ranking but I think the cheer-
leaders deserve a chance to prove
themselves on a national level. I re-
ally do not think Mr. Workman, Assis-
tant Athletics Director, does under-
stand how much this means to our
cheerleaders. It is a time that they can
prove to people like me that
cheerleading is a sport, and to prove
to other schools that ECU should be
recognized for having a very talented
cheerleading squad.
Lets sic look at it this way, some
NCAA schools would love to be
ranked 15th and have the opportu-
nity to compete at the Nationals. 1 just
feel since the opportunity is there to
go, the Athletic Department should
be willing to help financially.
The last thing I want to discuss
is that our cheerleaders should receive
a little more credit than just a "stu-
dent support group This group does
so much but yet only ask sic for so
little - the chance to compete nation-
Eric Withers
Who spray-painted the roadside
flowers black? I tried to enjoy them
yesterday, bwt they were shellacked
with a watertight coat of K-Mart mat
black, no luster at all.
One of the great niceties of the
modem world which seems to con-
sole people is that even if what we're
looking at isn't all beauty and sub-
stance, at least is has a shiny coating
to make them coo happily. Not so
anymore, I'm afraid. As soon as the
chrome goes on, it starts to rust and
flake away, and then, each time more
quickly than the last, it's gone.
Part of the problem is that ev-
eryone, myself included, wants to
know When . The Great Question on
everyone's mind used to be Why.
Sometimes it was How . Leonardo
da Vinci was a prime example of the
searching soul, always wanting to
know the Why and QieHow of ev-
erything around him; Why do circles
of water not break when they inter-
sect? How could a man achieve the
power of flight?
Pick out any one of the blissed-
in-ignorance masses and you'd be
lucky if they could tell you anything
else about Leonardo apart from the
fact that he painted the Mona Lisa
and had a buffoonish cartoon turtle
named after him.
Brian Wright
Opinion Columnist
It doesn't matter
there's always
a pack of
Today, we've changed the Great
Question to When . When am I go-
ing to have any money? When is the
latest possible date I can put off pay-
ing the rent until? When is some-
one, anyone, going to crawl out of
the woodwork and speak honestly
with me?
Everyone is hung up on When ,
and the reason for this is because
Those roses that we're supposed to
stop and smell every now and then
to remind us of our strengths and
our frailties and our need for simple
pleasures to keep from liquefying our
minds are dead, killed by generations
of hollow greed and apathy and idle-
ness, and the only question left which
we think to try to answer is the one
which we believe is all that keeps us
from being lift blighted and cut down
by the side of a six hundred and sixty-
six lane highway.
The ladder of success gets taller
all the time, and as it grows, the
rungs get fewer and farther apart,
and it gets worse and worse to be
down on the low end of the totem. It
doesn't matter if you're on the rock-
bottom; there's always going to be a
pack of starving bloodsuckers to
chase you down and drain you dry.
One of the hundred-percent cer-
tainties in life is that it can always
get worse, and you will always have
something more to lose. Ask Job. So,
the talisman-When .
Take heart, though, because
eventually the ladder's going to reach
all the way to Jupiter and there will
be only one rung left, too high up
for even the heavyweights like
Donald Trump and his billion-dollar
springboard to reach, and then we'll
be right back where we started, like
Roddy McDowel riding bareback on
a horse across the decimated Earth
to stumble across the Statue of Lib-
erty tipped over and sunk into the
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to the
article written by Calvin Arrington in
the February 21 issue of the East Caro-
linian. I agree strongly with all the
points made in the article regarding
the difficulty pro-lifers are making the
abortion process.
My opinion on abortion has al-
ways leaned towards pro-choice, but I
disagree with people using it as a form
of birth control. The fact still remains
that it is legal, therefore should be
accepted by everyone, even pro-lifers.
I am sick of pro-lifers criticizing
and ridiculing those who decide to
have an abortion. Personally, I feel
having an abortion is a very personal
decision. Having a mass of people yell-
ing at me and glaring at me as I en-
tered a clinic would make me feel
very uncomfortable. Everyone needs
to realize abortion is a legal proce-
dure and should treat it like one as
There is nothing wrong with
voicing your opinion, but pro-lifers
are getting to sic carried away. They
are threatening peoples sic lives and
jeopardizing doctors sic medical ca-
reers. How killing a pregnant women
sic choosing to have an abortion
saves lives and proves morality is be-
yond me.
The point of legalizing abortion;
was so women can have the opera
tion done by a professional in a sani-1
tary environment, not by some ran-
dom person in a back alley claiming
to be a doctor. Pro-lifers should stop
interfering, and allow each women
sic her own choice.
Erin Fleming
Freshman j
Elementary Education I
To the Editor:
There are many things in a movie
that can be misunderstood but how
did everybody miss the point of A Rea-
son to Believe! It appalls me that
Greek reputations are placed above
important things like date rape. A
Reason to Believe used realistic
people in totally believable situations
to create a cold look into the darker
side of downtown. Date rape is some-
thing that anyone could end up fac-
ing, especially if they are a part of the
downtown scene. It does not strike in
specific groups, races, stereotypes, or
on certain campuses. It is every-
where. With the popularity of Greeks
and the social power that it givs
them they make very realistic and
modern backdrops for what has hap-
pened on campuses everywhere, to
Greeks and non-Greeks alike. So what
if the characters were Greek? That
does not attach an instant bad repu-
tation to anyone who has pledged. If
anything, it gives Greeks the chance
to take action against date rape in
their own organizations and in oth-
ers, all in the public eye. Greeks have,
their own personals in this very pai
per. so obviousty they are a social
bunch. Date rape is a very real and
very big social problem. Greeks are
large part of the university
nity. With that power Greeks could;
really do something about date rapeT
at East Carolina University instead oC
setting up their next date. Next tim?
you see a movie, pay attention.
Elizabeth Bullard
Letters to the Editor must include your name, year, major, address AND
TELEPHONE NUfvlBER! Absolutely no letters will be printed unless we can
verify the author's very existence. And for the class that waited until the last
minute to get a letter printed for credit, you are on our typesetter's hit list.
Kids get your assignments done early, because right now it looks like we
may not get all of them in. Ever. Of course, about 10 of you never put a
phone number or even signed your letter

Tuesday, March 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
Shearin leaves 'curse
of Macbeth' behind
Big Train A' RollirV
Jennifer Coleman
Staff Writer
"A friend of mine gave me comp
tickets to a show, and I was sitting
there in the balcony and I said. 'This
is what I want to do And I changed
my major the next day
The play was Kiss Me, Kate, and
the speakerwas John Shearin.
Chairman of ECU's
Theater and Dance
That decision
to change his
major started
Shearin on
an illustrious
career that
landed him
first in New
York City and
finally here in
Shearin has
been involved in the
theater in some way for
most of his life. His father was an ac-
tor, and although Shearin didn't re-
ally get into it until college, the the-
ater has always been a part of his life.
For over 20 years, he acted and di-
rected in New York City, experience
that undoubtedly helps him now that
he has turned his attention to a new
role as an educator. However, this role
may be one of the more difficult ones
he has faced.
For John Shearin, a typical day
begins around 8:30 a.m. He spends
about half an hour preparing for a 9
a.m. staff meeting. Topics for these
meetings range from preparing for
productions to scheduling and from
picking out the season to arranging
for guest artists. After the meeting,
he tends to his daily business and
teaches. Each fall he teaches a
directing class, and
each spring he
teaches a course
titled Profes-
s i o n a 1
tion. On
top of all
of that.
has an
open door
policy for
his students
and staff. He
doesn't post office
hours or schedule appoint-
ments. Instead, people are encouraged
to drop by whenever he is in to dis-
cuss classes, auditions, problems - or
just to say hi.
"Then, around 5:00, if I'm direct-
ing. 1 like to close my blinds, grab a
sandwich, come in here and put my
feet up, and then get out my script
and work on that for that evening's
rehearsal Shearin said. During this
time, he reads over the script and re-
views notes and blocking. Then, from
7 p.m. until 11 p.m. or so. he's at re-
hearsal. Already this year he has di-
rected Federico Garcia Lorca's Blood
Wedding, and currently he is work-
ing on Shakespeare's Twelfth Sight.
Shearin said that his family is very
supportive of his hectic schedule be-
cause they all love the theater. When
directing, he calls home every night
and makes sure to have breakfast with
his family every morning.
"The time I spend with my fam-
ily is extremely important to me said
Shearin. He has three children, ages
9,8 and 6. all of whom show talent in
the performing arts. His son has been
playing the guitar since he was 5 years
old. "He doesn't like to perform very
much, but he loves to play His old-
est daughter, he says, is "very taken
with ballet
"And my youngest daughter has
the makings of an actress, I fear he
said with a smile. "I'm awestruck at
See MACBETH page 8
Photo Courtesy of ECU Student Union
The observation car of The Canadian, one of North America's last great trains, gives
travelers a full view of their surroundings in "The Great Canadian Train Ride screening
tonight at 8 p.m. at Hendrix Theatre as part of ECU'S Travel-Adventure Film Series.
CD. Reviews
"A Drop in the Bucket" is just
what it claims to be: a very tiny drop
in the great screaming bucket of
American media opinion. Take it as
you will.
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
I really don't know why I com-
I mean, there are much worse
places to live. It's not like Greenville
is the armpit of the universe or any-
thing. I know. I've been there.
Being possessed of little or no
money this spring break, I spent the
great majority of my blissful week off
right here in the Emerald City. So I
got to enjoy more of the bizarre tem-
perature swings that have wrecked
my health since Christmas. I was able
to appreciate the wonder and glory
of afternoons spent in the nearly-
abandoned Joyner Library. I wit-
nessed local residents taking control
of downtown, keeping the bars open
in our absence. In short, 1 soaked in
the whole Greenville experience for
another tedious week.
Except, of course, for the 24
hours 1 spent visiting my parents in
Halifax County. And that, my friends,
made the rest of my week in
Greenville seem like heaven.
I don't have a lot in common
with my parents anymore. I'm one of
those conservative horror stories of
the son who went off to college and
got changed by all the strange ideas
put in his head by big-brain profes-
sors. So I really don't care about
NASCAR races, and I didn't grow up
to develop an appreciation for coun-
try music like my brother. These be-
ing the two things that occupy most
of my parents' leisure hours, conver-
sation tends to grind to a halt once
we've updated each other on the de-
tails of our hectic lives.
But I can deal with that. I've
been dealing with that for several
years now. I guess it's kind of dys-
functional, but that's the way it goes.
No, my parents certainly didn't make
my visit a hell-trip. It's the area they
ive in that's the problem.
Halifax County is consistently
one of the poorest counties in the
state, with an accompanying high il-
literacy rate. The best jobs in the area
are at a paper mill. The onry bar is a
country joint; there used to be a
dance place, but that was shut down
because too many fights broke out
in and around the place. The final
straw was when somebody was knifed
to death in the parking lot a few years
Like the great majority of East-
ern North Carolina, the population
is stupid and proud of it. This even
spills over onto the smart people; it's
like a poison. One of my best friends
from high school is now a scary gun-
toting survivalist who delights in ex-
plaining his more outrageous social
theories to me, his "liberal" buddy,
just to get a rise out of me. I can't
even tell when he's serious anymore.
The place is a pit, a black hole suck-
ing everyone who lives there down
into some incredible gothic cesspool.
Compared to my hometown,
Greenville is a model of culture.
I came to this realization while
watching a movie with some relatively
sane friends of mine, their three-year-
old daughter and a menagerie of pets.
Their aquarium-filled living room
hummed with the vibrations of seem-
ingly countless motors in the dark.
As the TV light flickered across my
face, the subliminal fish-throb began
to move in odd counterpoint to the
gruntings of their new pig. One of
the ferrets caged in the corner picked
up on the groove and scratched des-
perately in its bedding. Something
Suddenly, I desperately wanted
a cup of strong, black Percolator cof-
fee. I wanted to jump into a mosh pit
at O'Rock's. I wanted to see a free
movie at Hendrix Theatre. I wanted
to go to a play, a poetry reading, a
decent pizza joint. I wanted to turn
on the radio and listen to a band I'd
never heard of.
In short, I wanted to be in
Greenville, where I can do any of
these things with alarming regular-
Don't get me wrong; I still think
this city could be tons cooler than it
is. I'm sure I'll complain bitterly in
the not-too-distant future about our
lack of something that I think would
be a great thing to have. But I may
not complain as loudly, or as often.
We certainly don't have a cultural
Mecca here in the Emerald City, but
it could be worse. Oh God. could it
ever be worse.
Motorcade 01 GQijcrositj
tMHiU.Mll- t?
Motorcade of
?1 F ?"??? ??' fl VHP
? ? ?? . .
wmr T . Yi
Take good long
look at BAD TV
Matthew Sweet
100 Fun
Meredith Langley
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
We've all heard the old saying "You
can't have your cake and eat it too and
at one time or another we have all be-
lieved it Well, the band Cake has defi-
nitely put that old cliche to the test with
their new CD Motorcade of Generosity.
With interesting rhythms and the
addition of an organ and a trumpet Cake
mixes their alternative ideas and makes
them float on this 13-song album.
The first song. "Comanche struck
me with a hard slap of hilarity because I
did not know what to expect when I hit
the play button. "You need to straiten
your posture and suck in your gut You
need to pull back your shoulders and
tighten your butt" were the first words
out of singer John McCrea's mouth, and
I thought I was going to die.
"Ruby Sees AH" is one of my favor-
ites off the album because the instru-
ments mix together so well. It's one of
those songs that you know takes talent
to write. The chorus, which I really like,
goes "When the seaweed sinks and the
sun gets low When the world sinks
down to the darkness below" has a conga-
like beat and to be honest it rocks the
free world.
Some of the songs have a country
sound to them, but the lyrics pick them
up and make them interesting to listen
to. In the song "Pentagram" there is a
very distinct country feel, but the lyrics
are about Pagan rituals and there's one
rather funny line about how "her feet
are dry with the ashes of dead babies
And that is only the beginning.
Nearly all of the songs have a Mexi-
can feel to them because they use mara-
cas and other noise makers as part of
the rhythm section. This gives Cake an
Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
See CAKE page 8
Matthew Sweet's smooth and
hook-laden pop tunes are often
chock full of darkness, depression
and weirdness. Much of the feed-
back he got from his last two al-
bums, Girlfriend and Altered Beast,
was concerning his dark choice of
subject matter, so Sweet sarcasti-
cally told everyone he was going to
entitle his next album 100 Fun.
True to his word, Sweet's latest re-
lease is called 100 Fun, and it is
filled to the brim with his same
crafty pop tunes and melancholy
Like on his previous releases.
Sweet plays about half of all the in-
struments on the album. The man
is a talented musician. His list of
instruments include electric
rhythm, lead. 12-string and acous-
tic guitars, electric bass, acoustic
and electric pianos, electric harp-
sichord, RMl piano, mini-synthe-
sizer, theremin (whatever that is)
and vocals. On top of all that he
wrote all the lyrics and music for
the album.
Sweet recruited the help of
Brendan O'Brien to produce the al-
bum. O'Brien is noted for bringing
out the best in such artists as Pearl
Jam, Soundgarden, the Black
Crowes and even Bob Dylan. Does
this mean that Sweet is setting his
sights firmly on commercial suc-
cess? Maybe.
The album opens with "Sick ol
Myself the first single. This is a
pure rock tune with Sweet's trade-
mark harmonies and bittersweet
lyrics. His favorite subject seems to
be dysfunctional relationships and
this song delivers just that. "But
See SWEET page 7
NEW YORK (AP) - First of all,
dear viewer, you must be clear on
the distinction between "bad" and
According to Craig Nelson,
"bad at least when applied to TV
shows, is that which is boring and
stupid and crying for clicker-
BAD television is a joy forever.
At least it is for Nelson, who
cared enough to watch the very
worst compiling The Very Best of
the Very Worst of BAD TV.
What he ended up with is a
funny read, a rigorously researched
reference and a shrewd celebration
of human folly by people who
brought you BAD TV like Where's
Everett? (1966; Alan Alda and
Patricia Smith adopt a baby who's
not only from another planet but
also invisible).
The book's first section is
"BAD Classics Hall of Fame
whose dozens of entries include
The Brady Bunch. Dark Shadows,
Mod Squad and Lost in Space.
Then Nelson moves on to his
self-styled "Tammi Awards named
in honor of that great symbol of
waste. Three Mile Island. For each
television genre. Nelson confers
from one to six Tammies on such
deserving BAD TV as She's the
Sheriff, Lancelot Link. Secret
Ghimp. It Pays to be Stupid, The
Brady Bunch Variety Hour, the
long ago Studs' Place (1949) and
then his most recent inclusion. Late
Night with Conan O'Brien.
Nelson devotes a chapter to
BAD things that happen to good
people. Life with Lucy (1986s pain-
fullv short lived return to sitcoms
by a septuagenarian Lucille Ball)
and David Cassidy - Man Under-
cover pratfall into this category.
Another chapter, "Curses
plumbs certain mysteries of the
BAD-TV universe, pondering why
Tim Conway could never make it
as a series star.
This book is a virtual Poor
Richards Almanac of BAD-TV max-
ims. Check out these words to live
- If you're a cop, it may be
more trouble than it's worth to
have a partner who's from another
- If you're married to, best
friends with, or next-door neigh-
bors of your polar opposite, it'll be
a living hell for you, but a laugh-
riot for your friends.
And. of course:
- If your life is dull, buy a chim-
The idea for BAD TV came to
Nelson in a vision.
"With the coming 500-channel
world of television, there will be
more and more room for horrible
shows Nelson reasons. "I saw the
need for a guide to all of them
By day a just-turned-40 editor
who specializes in pop-culture
books, this unabashed fan of tele-
vision devoted his after-hours to
compiling lists, tracking down
shows and screening his BAD con-
Many of the most deserving
series lasted for just the biink of
an eye. So where to search for this
twilight cache of BAD video?
"Places like the Museum of
See T.V. page 7



Photo Cour tesy of Dell Publishing
Vampire Barnabas Collins reveals one of the many secrets
of Dark Shadows, one of the shows "honored" in BAD TV.

Tuesday, March 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
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Mike Mesmcr "eyes
Wed. Apr. 5
X ? V? from page 6
Television and Radio collect only
the BEST of television notes
Welson with a trace of disapproval.
"I think they ought to reconsider
their mission
Perseverence and assistance
from several private collectors
Nelson admiringly terms "hard
core" unearthed much of what he
was seeking, enabling him to screen
for himself fully half the program-
ming that earned its way into his
"The most hideous part of the
research was I had to spend hun-
dreds of hours watching things that
were bad BUT WEREN'T BAD
"Of course, with a lot of shows,
you don't have to see it to know it
qualifies Nelson adds. "My all-
time favorite is Poochinski. It's
about a cop killed in the line of
duty who is reincarnated as a crime-
fighting bulldog with gas
'Nuff said: This NBC sitcom
(with one fateful airing in July
1990) scored 5 Tammies.
?ni? mininmi 11 imiiTmiHiBimmwi
SWEET from page 6
I'm sick of myself when I look at
you Something is beautiful and
true In a world that's ugly and a
lie It's hard to even want to try
The appealing aspect of this song
is Sweet's ability to deliver such
lyrics with what seems to be a
happy attitude and a definite abil-
ity to rock. The song is saturated
with fuzzy guitars and a bashing
beat and presents a compelling look
at self-loathing.
Many of the tracks address
similar ideas of fear and loathing,
something Sweet seems to be at
home with. You can find his dark
despairing lyrics in ballad-like tunes
as well. "Everything Changes" is
one of those. It is given an even
more despairing feel by the addi-
tion of a pedal steel guitar, cour-
tesy of k.d. lang's guitarist Greg
Like many people in his age
group, Sweet has a deep affinity for
pop culture. Japanese animation,
video games and monster movies
hold a special fascination for him.
"Though this record deals with the
more human side of life, there are
some songs that have a weirder,
wackier perspective Sweet says.
"I'm into sci-fi monster music and
I think those songs help give the
album an added kick This idea
helped to produce some of the more
complex tunes on this album like
"Lost My Mind Walk Out" and
"Super Baby
"Super Baby" stands out
among these with its nightmarish
sound of vertigo-inducing guitars
set against sweeping keyboards and
thunderous percussion. The lyrics
are addressed to what seems to be
some kind of a superhuman lover
crossed with the eerie noise of the
song make it a humorous track at
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times and definitely far from his
often introspective lyrics. Sweet
has broken some new ground here.
The album ends with a trade-
mark ballad. Sweet croons on
"Smog Moon "There's a lost man
with a bitter soul only for a mo-
ment did life make him whole
The slide steel guitar adds an ex-
tra ache to this tender and mourn-
ful tune.
700 Fun is probably Sweet's
most spontaneous and creative
record to date. Sweet says, "I usu-
ally have a harder time assessing my
work when I'm finished recording,
but this album still feels fresh. I
didn't have to overthink anything.
It's a very immediate sort of record
This release does have a more ma-
ture sound and an obviously more
comfortable feel than any of his pre-
vious releases. Sweet is at the top
of his game; his song crafting abili-
ties have been refined and the more
subtle aspects of the artist are able
to show through.
The influences of the past are
apparent on this release; the Beatles
are a definite source here. The mu-
sic of the past is treated with rever-
ence on this album yet at the same
time the distinct personal stamp of
the creator helps to keep it origi-
nal. Overall, 100 Fun is a great
album, the introspective directness
of Girlfriend meets the noisy aspect
of Altered Beast and the result is a
spacier and more lively piece of
work. Sweet is a master of the pop
tune, but considering how well he
does it, this does not take away from
his work. This is a great album.
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Tuesday, March 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
CAKE from page 6 MACBETH from page 6
edge over some of the other new bands
I've heard because they're so new and
different it also makes their music
more catchy.
I don't know who Cake's influ-
ences are, but they remind me of an
eclectic assortment of bands ranging
from the Flaming Lips to the Velvet
Underground. They also have this great
ability for wnting lyrics that range from
being ambiguous to very blunt This
lyrical ability is reminiscent of past
They Might Be Giants songs, especially
ones off their album Flood.
The strength of this band Jies with
their ability, and their ideas. In other
words, they're not out there just try-
ing to please the public with the same
old alternative crap; they're playing
what they like. It seems that they're
catching on because they've played
with the rap act Disposable Heroes of
Hiphopricy and the Monks of Doom,
who boast members of the former
Camper Van Beethoven.
Cake's CD Motorcade of Gener-
osity is definitely one of those albums
that should be added to your musical
collection. They'll make you laugh and
they'll make you dance; what more
could you want?
how good each of them is at such a
young age. And I can't claim credit for
any of it But I'm very proud of them
Outside of his family, Shearin's
other love is Shakespeare. If given the
chance, he would love another oppor-
tunity to play Macbeth. He has played
that role before, but he feels he can
better understand Macbeth now that
he is more mature. "I think I under-
stand the character through life expe-
riences a lot better now than 1 did. I
have a deeper human empathy with
him now, though I kind of hate to say
that" he said, laughing.
It is surprising that he wants an-
other shot at that particular role, con-
sidering what happened the first time
he tried it "I was skeptical about the
cursp n Macbeth until I did it We tried
to do it in an outdoor theater as part
of the 'Dark Night' up in
"We tried to open our production
of Macbeth on three consecutive Sun-
day nights and each time the day would
start out beautifully and the clouds
would start gathering in the late after-
noon. By the time the witches were
coming up over this hill the thunder
would start and the lightning would
start and all three nights, by the time I
came on to make that first entrance, a
full, raging thunderstorm was happen-
"This happened all thr nights.
So we finally decided to take it inside.
I'll never forget I was standing in the
wings, getting ready to go on, and all
of a sudden BANC! a stage weight
fell out of the grid and landed on the
floor right next to me. Well. I jumped
out on stage and 1 started doing that
show, and I think we set a record for
how fast that show went I doubt if I
was intelligible to a soul, I was so ter-
rified. 1 think we did the whole play in
about an hour and 15 minutes
Shearin stressed the importance
of seeing Shakespeare's plays per-
formed, rather than just reading them.
He also said, however, that the perfor-
mance must be a good one. "Seeing a
bad performance of anything can put
you right off of a play or a playwright
But to see a performance that really
attempts to realize what's in the mate-
rial it makes it more accessible than
reading ever could
Because of his belief in the impor-
tance of Shakespeare's plays, many of
them, including Romeo and Juliet m&
this year's Twelfth Night, have been
included in the ECU Playhouse season.
"The hardest part of the job is pick-
ing the season, because there are thou-
sands of plays I want to do and life just
isn't long enough to do them all he
said. He does try to choose the plays,
with the help of the department faculty,
with an eye towards the educational mis-
sion of the ECU Playhouse. That mis-
sion, he said, is threefold - "to provide
material that gives the people in our
program a variety of experiences, to
provide education for the university and
to enrich the theater experience of the
whole community
John Shearin has been extremely
successful in enriching the theater
experience of the Greenville commu-
nity and at ECU in particular. To see
his influence in action, check out
Twelfth Night at McGinnis Audito-
rium in April. Let's hope no curses
strike this one.
Saturday, March 25
Commuter Lot on College Hill Dr.
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One Woman's Struggle to Change The World
Wednesday, March 15,1995
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Tuesday, March 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
irate hoops season ends
J senior Ast scores
2 points, dominates
inside game with 13
Skipp Schaefbauer
Irian Paiz
itaff Writer
Say it ain't so!
Just when it looked like ECU'S
lasketball fortunes were on the rise,
he Pirates ran into a pesky Ameri-
:an University squad in the first
3-ound of the CAA tournament in
lichmond, and fell to the 5th seeded
!agles 75-67. American was in con-
rol for virtually the entire game,
ind led for most of the second half,
?irate coach Eddie Payne said he
elt like the Eagles just outplayed
"American outplayed us, they
eat us Payne said. "We didn't
ave as good of an offensive game
TheWeek Ahead
Wednesday. Mar. 15
Softball vs. AC A&T(DH),
ECUField, 2 p.m.
Football practice begins,
3:30 p.m.
Thursday. Mar. 16
as we had lately. Basically 1 give
American credit for just whipping
Once again, senior Christian Ast
proved to be the big gun for the
Eagles. The first-team All-CAA selec-
tion had 22 points and 13 rebounds
as he dominated the paint the en-
tire game.
"Ast played a terrific game
Payne said. "He's a unique player
in the way he plays - kind of like a
"poor man's Larry Bird" out there.
I give him a lot of credit
American coach Chris Knoche
was ecstatic about his team's per-
"Justice triumphs he said. "I'm
pleased for the guys on the team,
we had so many bad breaks early in
the year. It was a great win for us,
we played the team with the best
overall record in the league
Anton Gill led the Pirates with
22 points and Chuckie Robinson
had 13 points and 8 rebounds in
what would prove to be the duo's
final game in a Pirate uniform.
"It's definitely a tough way to
end my career Gill said. "I'm just
disappointed we didn't play as well
as we could have, but we just blew
American led 32-30 at halftime
in a half in which there were nu-
merous scoring runs by both team.
ECU tied the game 34-34 at the
17: 52 mark with a basket by Gill,
but would trail the rest of the game.
American extended to a 5547
lead with just over nine minutes re-
maining. Gill kept the Pirates in the
game with two straight baskets, cut-
ting the American lead to 55-51 at
the 8:16 mark.
Then one of the worst things
that could have happened to ECU
W. Swimming at'NCAA
Championships, Austin, TX.
Friday. Mar. 17
W. Swimming at NCAA
Championships, Austin, TX.
Softball hosts Lady Pirate
Classic, TBA.
W. Tennis vs. George Mason,
10 a.m.
Golf hosts Sheraton-Emerald
Intercollegiate, New Bern,
Saturday. Mar. 18
W. Swimming at NCAA
Championships, Austin, TX.
Baseball at Old Dominion
(DH) Norfolk, Va 6 p.m.
Softball hosts Lady Pirate
Classic, TBA.
M. Tennis vs. UNC-Greens-
boro, 1 p.m.
W. Tennis vs. UNC-Greens-
boro, TBA.
Golf hosts Sheraton-Emerald
Intercollegiate, New Bern,
M. Track at UNC Four Team
Meet, Chapel Hill, N.C.
W. Track at UNC Five Way
Meet, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Sunday. Mar. 19
Baseball at Old Dominion
Norfolk, Va 1:30 p.m.
Softball hosts Lady Pirate
Classic, TBA.
M. Tennis vs. Richmond, 11
Golf hosts Sheraton-Emerald
Intercollegiate, New Bern,
HTVfondav. Mar. 20
Softball vs. Charleston
Southern (DH), 2 p.m.
With the Pirates trailing by just
four, ECU made a strong defensive
stand against the Eagles, but with
one second on the shot clock, AU's
Marko Krivokapic fired up a three
that hit nothing but net from well
beyond the three-point arc, giving
American a 58-51 lead and consid-
erable confidence.
"That's was big shot, and a big
play said Knoche.
ECU battled back and got
within 2 points at 64-62 with 2:35
left, but American point guard
Darryl Franklin continued this
team's hot shooting performance
with a three-pointer from the right
wing to give the Eagles a 67-62 lead
with just over two minutes remain-
Pirate guard Skipp Schaefbauer
brought ECU within striking dis-
tance with a long three-pointer with
just under two minutes remaining
that made the score 67-65.
But once again American ex-
ecuted their offense to perfection,
running down the shot clock before
a streaking Duane Gilliam hit a
layup that gave the Eagles a lead
that they would never relinquish at
American shot an amazing 67
percent from the field and the sec-
ond half, and 55 percent from the
game. The Eagles outrebounded the
Pirates 30-23.
Note: American University
went on to lose in the second round
to eventual CAA champion Old Do-
minion in overtime. Old Domin-
ion will face Big East Tournament
champion Villanova in the first
round of the NCAA tournament
on Friday in Albany , New York.
The Monarchs are seeded 14th in
the east, while Villanova is seeded
of the
Or is it the running
back? Jerris McPhail
(left) will have big
shoes to fill as ECU'S
all-time leading rusher
Junior Smith is lost to
graduation. McPhail
and the 1995 Pirates
begin spring practice on
File Photo
Eagles shut down shooters
Bashafn and
Schaefbauer held
to seven points
Brad Oldham
Staff Writer
Going into the game against ECU,
American University head coach Chris
Knoche knew that Anton Gill was
going to have a good game. He knew
that the All-CAA selection player
would play the type of game that had
earned him such high honors during
the season, and that Gill would prob-
ably score twenty or so points.
So Knoche's defensive game plan
centered around the rest of the Pirate
offense, particularly sophomore sharp-
shooters Tim Basham and Skipp
Schaefbauer. He figured that if he
could contain the ECU offense eut-
side of Gill, he would come out with a
victory. Knoche figured right.
Not only did Knoche s game plan
work to perfection, considering he
held Basham and Schaefbauer to a
combined seven points, but he also
had his players in a tournament state
of mind. While ECU came into the
game a bit soft and out of sync, AU
was certainly the more focused team
on the task at hand.
Aside from Gill, who played an
extremely dedicated game in his fi-
nal contest at ECU, the Pirates played
sluggishly. It wasn't until a twelve-
point run in the middle of the half
did the Pirates look like the same
team that had pulled off end-of-the-
season victories over teams such as
UNC-Charlotte and UNC-Wilmington.
After a eight-point lead with
eight minutes to play, though, the
Pirates fell into the same routine that
plagued them at the beginning of the
first half. Letting Eagle center Chris-
tian Ast dominate the glass for de-
fensive rebounds, Ast scorched the
Pirates on the other end, hitting
three of four treys in the half. ECU
freshman point guard Tony Parham
helped to keep the Pirates afloat with
a couple of big three-pointers. As
far as Basham and Schaefbauer went
they were a combined one for seven
from the floor with just two points
It wasn't until the 11:38 mark
of the second half that Basham fi
nally scored, but he already had ac-
cumulated three fouls. Meanwhile,
the Eagles were getting solid play
from freshman reserve Nathan
Smith, who came off the bench to
score 16 points for American. Ast
continued to control the boards in
the second half, and amassed a ca-
reer-high 13 rebounds. Knoche kept
his players under control in the sec-
ond half, with role players such as
court leader Darryl Franklin and
Duane Gilliam playing superb defense
on the Pirate shooters, and AU ended
up pulling off the first round upset.
So for two straight years now,
ECU exits Richmond after the first
round. The fourth seed was the high-
est the Pirates have ever been going
into the tournament Aside from Gill,
who played solid from start to fin-
ish, ECU played well only in spurts.
Most of the players had decent per-
formances, but come tournament
time, consistency from tip-off to the
final play is needed, and American
pulled that off.
materialized. wm?m.
High school playoffs hit Williams hardwood
O u. ? S. . ?? DnWviiip nronares to face off with Saturday night with an 8 p.m. tipoff. Thursday marks the 2A show-
Dave Pond
Sports Editor
It's toumey time again, as some
of the best men's 1A4A high school
squads in North Carolina bring their
talents and dreams to Williams Arena
for the 1995 Wachovia-Belk Eastern
Regional Basketball Tournament.
Pamlico and Williamston H.S. tip
off at 7 p.m. tonight, followed by
Chocowinity vs. Midway at approxi-
mately 8:30. Williamston placed a
women's squad in the regionals as
well. The four schools are in conten-
tion for the 1A state title. The two
winners will play on Saturday, March
18 at high noon.
The Whiteville Wolfpack tangle
with Wallace-Rose Hill in Wednesday
night's 7 p.m. game, and will warm
up the crowd for Clinton and St Pauls,
who play in the 8:30 nightcap.
Whiteville is ranked number-one in
the state in 2A hoops. The victors will
square off at 2 p.m. on Saturday.
In the 3A division, Tarboro and
Reidsviile take the Williams floor at
7 p.m. on Thursday, as Wake-Forest
RolesviLle prepares to face off with
WilsonTike H.S. at 8:30. The top two
will open the evening segment of the
finals with a 6 p.m. start on Saturday
Local 4-A powerhouse and crowd
favorite J.H. Rose goes for a win
against the Sanderson Spartans at
8:30 on Friday night Troy Smith, an
ECU football scholarship signee, looks
to make a huge impression on his fu-
ture fans, leading Rose to the finals.
Cary and Northern Nash H.S. play in
the early-bird contest The two win-
ning squads will close the tourney on
Saturday night with an 8 p.m. tipoff.
The women's regionals take place
simultaneously at J.H. Rose High. Di-
vision 4A action kicks off the tour-
ney, with Terry Sanford H.S. and Per-
son opening at 7 p.m. They are fol-
lowed by Hillside and Southview. The
4A winners will play at noon on Sat-
urday at J.H. Rose.
On Wednesday, Roanoke and
Lejune battle in.the early game of 1A
women's action. Union and
Williamston play the late game. The
two remaining squads will face off at
2 p.m. Saturday
Thursday marks the 2A show-
down between Northside and West
Guilford at 8:30 p.m. They will follow
Southwest Guilford and East Duplin,
who play the twilight contest Vic-
tors will compete at 6 p.m. on Satur-
day evening, opening up the night
segment of the tourney.
Division 3A's Southeast Guilford
and Southwest Edgecombe play at 7
p.m. on Friday night, preparing the
crowd for the last semi-final, Bertie
H.S. against South Johnston. Winners
take center court at 8 p.m. Saturday
night for the regional championship.
Kyle Billingsley has
dedicated the 1995
basebali season to his
younger brother Scotty,
who passed away last
fall. For more on
Billingsley, check out
Thursday's TEC Sports.
Fisher becoming
'mentally tough'
Sam Fisher
Scott Batchelor
Staff Writer
Today's papers are full of coach-
player relationships gone bad. Chris
Webber, Scottit" Pippen and the
DayGlo-haired Dennis Rodman are
only a few examples of what happens
when a player and a coach do not
get along. However, ECU'S Sam
Fisher not only gets along with his
coach, he considers head tennis
coach Bill Moore a friend.
"Coach Moore is the reason I
came to ECU Fisher said. "We have
a really cool relationship
The feeling is mutual. Before
Spring Break, the tennis team, Moore
included, amused themselves before
practice by playing touch football.
The coach and the pupil were on the
same team, giving high-fives and do-
ing touchdown dances.
So was friendship the only rea-
son Fisher decided to transfer from
Pembroke State University at the
conclusion of his freshman.year?
"Coach is a sports psychologist"
Fisher said. "1 thought that he could
help me with the mental part of my
game. 1 have always had the funda-
mentals, but I lost a lot of close
matches because my head was not in
the game. My only regret is that I
didn't come here my freshman year.
I think I could be a much better
player if I would have
Since his arrival in Greenville,
Fisher has learned the art of being
mentally tough. He saw his first ac-
tion on the courts last year, going 4-
5 in singles and 1-1 in doubles, on a
team that consisted of three seniors.
He has yet to play a singles match in
1995, but will see extensive action
as this season progresses.
Fisher arrived at ECU with great
credentials. He amassed a 47-17 high
See FISHER page 12

Tuesday, March 14,1995
The East Carolinian
p JO'S
Gill named CAA first teamer1
(SID) - East Carolina's foot-
ball squad begins spring drills on
Wednesday, March 18. The Pirates
will hold 15 practice sessions dur-
ing the spring, culminating with
the annual Purple-Gold Game on
April 8.
Coach Steve Logan will put
the Pirates in pads on Wednesday
and Thursday before working out
in shorts on Friday. Practice ses-
sions will usually begin around
3:30 p.m. on weekdays and 11 a.m.
on Saturdays.
One of the new faces taking
the field on Wednesday will be
that of James Webster, who will
coach the outside linebackers.
Webster came to ECU from
Dartmouth, where he coached the
inside linebackers last season. He
replaces Chuck Pagano, who
coached the Pirate secondary last
season. Pagano left ECU for Mi-
ami (Fla.). Jim Fleming, who
coached outside linebackers last
season, will move to the second-
Logan and his staff will use
spring practice to shore up several
key positions. On offense, senior
Jerris McPhail will get the "rst
nod in replacing record-setting
running back Junior Smith. Also,
junior Lamont Burns will get rep-
etitions with the starting unit at
right guard.
On defense, replacements for
Willie Brookins at the leo end po-
sition and John Krawczyk at
noseguard will be of utmost impor-
tance. The trio of junior Daniel
Russ, senior Jermaine Smith and
freshman Travis Darden will battle
for the leo end spot, while
Alphonso Collins, a true sopho-
more, will get first dibs at
ECU has 22 returning start-
ers (including specialists) from a
team which finished 7-5 last sea-
son with a berth in the St. Jude
Liberty Bowl.
Webster, an 18-year college
coaching veteran, has joined the
East Carolina University football
coaching staff, school officials an-
nounced Tuesday. He will coach
the outside linebackers.
"James brings a lot of experi-
ence to our coaching staff said
ECU head coach Steve Logan. "He
has coached in many successful
programs and knows what it takes
to make one a winner. I'm sure
he'll help us build onto what we
already have here
Webster comes to ECU from
Dartmouth College, where he
coached the inside linebackers for
one season. He has also been an
assistant coach at Wake Forest
(1988-93), coaching the defensive
ends, Northwestern (1982-83),
working with the defensive backs,
and he has coached the lineback-
ers at Colorado (1979-80), Kansas
(1975-78) and Florida (1974).
He began his collegiate
coaching career, working with the
junior varsity at North Carolina
in 1973.
Webster, a 1972 graduate of
North Carolina, was a standout
defensive player for the Tar Heels.
He was named the Most Valuable
Defensive Player for UNC in the
1971 Gator Bowl and has an
award established at UNC for him.
The Jim Webster Award is given
to the best defensive player in the
UNC-Wake Forest football game
each season. He was also given
the Brian Piccolo Award by the
Atlantic Coast Conference in Feb
While working at Wake For-
est, Webster served on the
President's Race Relations Com-
Webster and his wife,
Cornelia, have a son, Kali.
Three Pirates given
awards at banquet
Brad Oldham
Sporta Writer
The CAA Tournament banquet
was held the Friday night before
the tournament, and after hourly
reflections on NBA glory days by
Kevin Grevey and Bill Walton, the
1995 CAA awards were handed out
Old Dominion's Petey Sessoms
was named Player of the Year. The
6-foot-7 senior from Portsmouth,
Va. ranked second in the CAA in
both scoring with 22.1 points per
game and rebounding with 8.3 re-
bounds per game. Sessoms follows
in the footsteps of fellow Monarch
Odell Hodge, who won the award
last year.
Sessoms was named First Team
All-CAA for the third year in a row.
James Madison's Louis Rowe, who
led the conference in scoring for
the season, came in second in MVP
voting, and was placed on the First
Team. Richmond's Kass Weaver and
American's Christian Ast were also
on the first team.
For the first time since Blue
Edwards made first-team All-CAA
honors in 1988-89, ECU put a
player on the first team. Senior
Anton Gill led the Pirates in both
scoring with 16.6 ppg and rebounds
with 7.3 rpg. In earning First Team
All-CAA honors, Gill scored in
double figures in 26 games, along
with five double-doubles on the
The All-CAA Second Team was
made up of ODU senior forward
Mike Jones, George Mason Univer-
sity sophomore Nate Langley, UNC-
Wilmington's Preston McGriff and
Chris Meighen and Kurt Small of
William & Mary.
In the All-Rookie awards,
GMU's Langley was named the
1995 CAA Rookie of the Year. Av-
eraging 19.4 ppg, the Washington
D.C. native is the second consecu-
tive Patriot to win Rookie of the
Year honors, following last season's
winner Curtis McCants.
ECU point guard Tony Parham
was named to the All-Rookie Team.
Also from Washington, D.C,
Parham averaged nine points and
3.3 assists for the Pirates this sea-
American's Matt Brown, ODU's
Brion Dunlap, and Ricmond's Eric
Poole rounded out the AU-Rooki
The All-Defense team had two
Monarchs - Sessoms and junior
Duffy Samuels, along with Langley
and James Coleman from JMU and
W&M's David Cully.
The All-Academic Team had
GMU's McCants, JMU's Kerft
Culuko, AU's Darryl Franklin,
UNCW's Bill Mayew and Christ(
Meighen, and ECU's Skipp
Schaefbauer. ,
First-year Old Dominion heacT
coach Jeff Capel was named 19951
CAA Coach of the Year. The Moh-J
archs finished 15-2 in CAA play
with an overall record of 20-11
Capel was without the services of
powerhouse Odell Hodge, who sat"
out the season due to a knee in-
Sce BANQUET page 12
Basketball action
winding down
East Carolina's women's bas-
ketball players Tomekia Blackmon
and Justine Allpress were awarded
winners at the 1995 CAA
Women's Basketball Tournament
Banquet held in Norfolk Wednes-
day night.
Blackmon was named second
team All-CAA for fhe second
straight year. She led ECU in scor-
ing, averaging 15.8 points per
game, and was second in re-
bounds (6.6 rpg).
The junior forward from
Snow Hill, NC ranked second in
the league against CAA oppo-
nents in scoring (16.1 ppg), field
goal percentage (53.5) and is 10th
in rebounding (6.5 rpg).
Blackmon missed ECU's first
eight games -of the season after
tearing the ACL in her left knee
during ECU's Nov. 22 exhibition
game. She returned to action
against James Madison on Janu-
ary 13 and has played the last 18
games with a partially torn ACL.
Since her return she has
scored in double figures in 15
games, recorded three "double-
doubles" and scored 20 points
in four outings.
Allpress, a sophor ore guard
from Barton-Under-Needwood,
England was named to the CAA
All-Academic team. A part-time
starter for ECU, Allpress averages
7.3 points per game and 3.2 as-
sists and ranks ninth in the
league in 3-pointers per game and
7th in assists.
David Gaskirts
Recreational Services
With the recent Spring Break a
memory, intramural basketball playoffs
have resumed with a small number of
teams challenging for divisional and all-
campus titles. Each of the divisions are
down to eight or fewer teams and die
post-break action is expected to be in-
tense and hotty contested In Men's Gold,
the "Total Package" appears set to de-
fend their championship again behind
a tremendous pressing defense and ex-
tremely cohesive offense.
However, a number of other teams
are present as eager challengers. The
"Deadly Venoms" seek to rebound from
earlier losses behind a fast-breaking style
lead by point guard Chris Pressley and
slashers Derrick Harris, Anthony
Bamett and Derek McCreight "Knee
Deep" also appears to be in the hunt
with the Bernard Cooper dominating
Other teams remaining in the
quarterfinals include "Final Chapter
the Greenville Showstoppers "The Fab
Five II and "AWB
See SERVICES page 12
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Tuesday, March 14,1995
The East Carolinian
Officials lead
Top officials travel
to many regional
fou moments
(RS) - The intramural sports pro-
gram at ECU commonly boasts over
100-160 teams in the large team
sports, with well over 1,000 partici-
pants in certain activities: However,
the number of individuals willing to
assume the difficult challenge of offi-
ciating the hundreds of contests
throughout the year is only a tiny per-
centage of that figure.
Intramural sports officiating is
one of the hardest jobs in sports. This
is due to the fact that these individu-
als are typically working games involv-
OneAustralia sinks like a rock
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ing their peers, handling a tremen-
dous diversity of skill levels and of-
ten dealing with participants who
have minimal rules knowledge and
little understanding of the intricacies
of officiating.
Sports officiating regardless of
the level of play, is often subject to
intense criticism. However, the task
of dealing with players, making split
second decisions and properly apply-
ing rules and mech s is a special-
ized skill all to itself.
The sports officiating program at
ECU is nationally recognized for ex-
cellence based on the performances
of some of its top referees in extra-
mural competition and the placement
of numerous individuals in advanced
levels of competition.
In flag football, ECU has sent top
officials to regional tournaments in
North Carolina and Georgia as well
as the National Invitational Flag Foot-
ball Championships in New Orleans,
LA, where they have further distin-
guished themselves by working into
the final rounds. During the recent
Schick SuperHoops 3-on-3 Basketball
Regionals, eight officials were selected
for this event as' well.
At present, 26 individuals are
working the basketball program, prob-
ably ECU's most demanding sport A
number of the program's finest also
apply their trade in other settings.
See SPORT page 12
(AP) - After 144 years, the un-
thinkable finally happened in an
America's Cup race.
The yacht OneAustralia broke
in two in heavy wind and fierce Pa-
cific Ocean waves, and sank within
two minutes. All 17 crew members
were rescued.
"This team that we have is a red-
hot racing team, and we're condi-
tioned for the ups as well as the
downs skipper John Bertrand said
after the worst accident in America's
Cup history. "You don't practice
abandoning the ship so that it can
go to the bottom of the ocean
The $3 million OneAustralia,
launched in January, was sailing its
ninth race.
The Australians will continue
on in the trials in their older boat,
which sailed in the first two round-
robins of the chJlenger trials.
"We (Australians) are known for
our bush fires and floods. We come
from very strong stock said
Bertrand, who became the first for-
eign skipper to win the America's
Cup in a dramatic upset of Dennis
Conner in 1983.
"We have to focus our energy
into our first boat and go on with-
out equipment and win the
America's Cup
The surreal drama began half-
way through the 18.55-mile race,
with one Australia trailing Team
New Zealand on the windward third
leg, through a squall.
The crew had just completed a
tack onto starboard and was trim-
ming the sails when the gumleaf
green hull, made of carbon fiber,
buckled about five feet aft of the
"We heard a loud crack, just
like a cannon going off said
Bertrand, who thought the rigging
was coming down. "And then the
boat appeared to start to fold like a
sheet of cardboard through the cen-
ter, and (there was) this sickening
sound as the boat was breaking
The crew abandoned ship as the
75-foot hull folded in on itself, and
chase boats from both teams raced
in. New Zealand's chase boat picked
up 10 crew members, including
Bertrand and helmsman Rod Davis.
"We told everyone to take off
their boots and get the hell out of
there Bertrand said.
"Half the team were in the wa-
ter still, being picked up by the
chase boats, when the top of the
mast was disappearing into the
ocean he said. "It's unbelievable
Bertrand said there was con-
cern when an initial head count
came up one short.
"It was a terrible look to see a
lot of foul-weather gear floating on
top of the surface and a few
OneAustralia hats, and nothing
else Bertrand said.
Besides the foul-weather gear,
only a sail bag and a piece of debris
floated on the surface.
Also Sunday, France 3
dismasted and a Stars & Stripes
crewman was left dangling upside
down from the running backstay, 65
feet off the deck, after losing his grip
while descending from making a
This is the second America's
Cup contested in the International
America's Cup Class yachts. To best
handle San Diego's usually light,
shifty winds, the yachts are built as
light as possible and put under ex-
tremely heavy loads.
"And therefore when one sails
them in the maximum conditions
then they're fully stressed out
Bertrand said. "We're still unclear
exactly how this boat broke up, and
Bertrand said Australian Prime
Minister Paul Keating would be
asked to contact the U.S. Navy to
see if the yacht could be salvaged.
The yacht, which sank in about 500
feet of water some 3-5 miles off the
coast, had 11 of the syndicate's 35
sails on board and its best mast.
OneAustralia officials said they
will not be ready to sail a sched-
uled race against France 3. All for-
eign syndicates except the French
agreed to reschedule the race. The
international jury was to make a
decision on the postponement is-
Should the jury refuse to re-
schedule the race, France would
need to just sail the race course
alone to pick up five points.
Team New Zealand,
OneAustralia and NZL-39 are in the
challenger semifinals.
Bertrand said OneAustralia,
Team New Zealand and France ad-
vised the race committee that the
conditions were unfit for racing.
Race official Pat Healy said the
conditions did not exceed pre-de-
termined parameters.
The swell was between 5 and 6
feet, and Bertrand said gauges on
the mast showed the true wind at
20-22 knots when the hull snapped.
Not long after OneAustralia
sank, the 110-foot mast on France
3 broke at the third spreader, and
two men were thrown overboard.
They were immediately pulled back
on. Rioja de Espana sailed on for
the victory.
In the only race that was com-
pleted, Sydney 95 beat Nippon by
1 minute, 22 seconds. The race jury
rejected Nippon's protest that the
race shouldn't have been sailed in
such conditions.
On the defender course, the
America3 women's team won its
second straight race in Mighty
Mary, although opponent Stars &
Stripes did not finish.
Stars & Stripes also sustained
damage and eventually dropped its
mainsail, sailing upwind with only
a jib. Mighty Mary eventually did
the same.
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(AP) - Phoenix and Tampa Bay will
get major league baseball in 1998 if own-
ers approve the recommendation of their
expansion committee.
The cities received recommenda-
tions from the committee last Tuesday
night The committee is recommending
the two new teams begin play in 1998.
The Tampa Bay Devil Rays will play
in the ThunderDome in St Petersburg,
Fla. The Arizona Diamondbacks will play
in a retractable-roof stadium that will be
built at a cost estimated at $275 million.
A vote came Thursday, and approval
ieasily took place. Committee chairman
John Harrington briefed owners on
"I will tell the full ownership group
where we are on the sites Harrington
said without disclosing the recommen-
"We still have some work to do on
them Harrington said of the recommen-
If one team is added to both the
American and National leagues, it would
create two' 15-team circuits and necessi-
tate the start of interleague play.
The five groups that made 30-
minute presentations to the expansion
committee said they weren't discourage
by baseball's constant labor battles.
"I don't want this to sound trite,
but it can't get any worse said Phoenix
Suns president Jerry Colangelo, who
heads his area's group. "It can only get
better. I think it's bottomed out"
Vincent Naimoli heads the Florida
group. His bid to buy the San Francisco
Giants and move them to St Petersburg
was rejected by the National League
owners in November 1992, prompting
an antitrust suit that's still pending
"I'm elated he said earty today af-
ter hearing the unofficial reports that
he would get a franchise.
Naimoli wanted to call his team the
Stingrays, but the Hawaiian Winter
League team in Maui already owns the
trademark to that name.
Owners said they must press ahead
with a decision because of the deadline
faced by Colangelo's group. Maricopa
County approved $253 million of fund-
ing for the stadium but authority to levy
the tax to pay for the ballpark will expire
unless a franchise is granted by April 1.
Colangelo said his belief in the Phoe-
nix market was one of the reasons his
group was willing to pay up to $140 mil-
"If someone handed me one-third
of the teams in baseball, I wouldn't touch
them with a lOfoot pole he said.
Baseball officials told all expansion
groups that if they get teams, they may
be excluded from national broadcasting
money for up to three seasons. The Colo-
rado Rockies and Florida Marlins, who
joined the National League in 1993, did
not receive national broadcasting money
in their inaugural seasons.
Colangelo joked about the expan-
sion fee. Colorado and Florida paid $95
million each.
"Assuming the price is $75 or $80
million, we'll have an all-cash deal he
said. "They laughed. They thought it was
Bill Collins' northern Virginia
group, which would call its team the
Fury, immediately became a favorite to
get a team in the second round of expan-
Sports Pad
ECU wants
Sports Pad
Dollar Mite
Sharkya Sports Pad
Snarkys Sports Pad
Shanty's Sports Pad
to serve on a Student Judicial Board
This is your opportunity to serve your fellow students
and gain valuable experience making solid,
well thought out decisions,
Requirements include:
?Minimum 2.0 GPA overall
?Must be in good standing with the University
?Must have good decision making skills
?Commitment to a fair and just judicial process
Information can be picked up at 210 Whichard or
Student Government Offices, 2nd floor MSC.
Applications are available beginning Thursday,
February 23 and will be due Tuesday, March 14 by 5pm.

Tuesday, March 14, 1995
f?e East Carolinian
SPORT frompage 11 SERVICES from page 10
BANQUET from page 10
Brian Weingartz works four sports at
ECU while also officiating numerous
recreational leagues and High School
varsity football, basketball, and soc-
cer. Matt Snyder (basketball), Lynda
McCormick (volleyball), Christian
Mew (soccer), George Hollen (foot-
ball), and Todd Murray (basketball)
also officiate at the high school level
in addition to their accomplishments
at ECU.
Other outstanding officials cur-
rently in the program include Geoufrey
Anderson, Russell Duvall, Daniel Finn,
Stephen Flippin, Jason Johnson, Benji
Knox, Colin Mohlmann, Chris Mont-
gomery, Bob Starke, Jeff Watson and
Chris Wright
Upcoming officiating opportuni-
ties include volleyball and indoor soc-
cer, which start clinics immediately
following Spring Break. Interested stu-
dents are invited to apply for a posi-
tion as a sports official with recre-
ational services. For further informa-
tion, please contact David Gaskins, Kari
Duncan or Donna Allen at 328-6387.
The Fraternity Gold bracket features
some huge crowds as "Pi Kappa Alpha
A" faces "Sigma Phi Epsilon A" in one
semi-final and "Kappa Alpha A" goes
against "Lambda Chi Alpha A" in the
Men's Purple has proven to be one
of the more difficult divisions to forecast
as some of the expected frontrunners
have been eliminated. The "Monster
Squad" boasts a dominant big man in
Brian Levering, who has completely con-
trolled all opposition in the playoffs as
well as several top long-range shooters.
The "Bumpkins" are lead by savvy
guards Chad Willliams. who fires from
the outside and runs the attack, and Jim
Calhoun, a big-time three-point threat
The Fraternity Purple division has
also narrowed to eight teams, although
clear favorites are yet to emerge. "Alpha
Sigma Phi" does, however, appear ready
to step up behind Brian Jones and Eric
Whaley. Men's Blue semi-finalists include
the "Tar Heels "Champions the
"Bushwackers" and "Ta Dow
For the ladies, the Sorority divi-
sion has narrowed considerably with
"Sigma Sigma Sigma" standing as the
favorite. However, Amy Warren and the
women of "Alpha Delta Pi" also have a
solid unit and will be tough to beat In
the Women's Independent, "Nothin'
But Net" is the most talented team,
but have not faced any significant tests
up to this point as intramural basket-
ball March Madness ends with All-Cam-
pus finals on Sunday, March 19 in
Christenbury Gym.
The Intramural Water Polo play-
offs concluded on Wednesday, March
1 as 37 teams battled for divisional and
all-campus titles. In the Fraternity Gold
division, the men of "Phi Kappa Tau
A defended their title of last year by
defeating "Sigma Phi Epsilon C" 14-5
for the All-Campus championship. Pat
Cassidy and Rob Huguley lead the vet-
eran attack for the men of Phi Tau.
In Fraternity Purple, "Phi
Kappa Alpha B" completed an unde-
feated season by lopping "Phi Tau B"
in the divisional finals behind solid all-
around play from Steve Boykin and Tho-
mas Swing.
In Men's Independent Brian Man-
ning, Sean Williams and Chris Adams
generated the offensive spark to carry
"Aqua Fresh" to the title match against
the "Sigma Phi Epsilon C" but ware de-
railed 13-6 by Adam Sweintek's Sig Ep
InCo-Recthe "Morays" toppedthe
"Buffaloes who had escaped wh two
previous one-goal victories behind the
leadership of Christy Schmit
The Sorority division once again
offered several top teams as the defend-
ing champion ladies of "Zeta Tau Alpha
A" had a superb team again this season.
Zeta worked their way throughout the
Sorority playoffs and awaited to see "Si-
lent Attack who met them in the All-
Campus finals.
The ladies of "Silent Attack" spoiled
these plans behind outstanding scorers
Paula Hill and Melissa Beetham in tak-
ing a 134 victory- In the Women's All-
Campus finals, Zeta TafAlpha prevailed
for the second year in a row in earning a
103 win to successful defend their title
Along with this year's award
winners, the CAA also announced
their All-Decade Team, as well as
its Player and Coach of the Decade.
David Robinson from Navy was
named Player of the Decade. The
Manassas, Va. native played four
years for the Naval Academy before
winning a U.S. gold medal in
Barcelona and playing in the NBA
with the San Antonio Spurs.
Former Richmond coach Dick
Tarrant was named Coach of the
Also on the All-Decade team are
JMU's Steve Hood, and UR's Curtis
Blair. The frontcourt features UR's
John Newman and current ODU
Monarch Odell Hodge. The team was
made up from fan balloting through-
out the regular season.
Monitoring Cotton Hekte MAR RESUME T0:tfC$l
MaytoSept r ??
C25permile Or &C (W) 07-2125
GreenvUtet Kinstori Hew Bern
FISHER from page 9
school record at Goldsboro's Eastern
Wayne H.S. and played the No. 1 po-
sition at Pembroke State. Fisher pos-
sesses lightning-quick speed and a le-
thal backhand. Since joining the Pi-
rate program, Fisher has also become
more aggressive, a trait that has
proven extremely beneficial.
Another plus Fisher has found
at ECU is the group of friends among
his fellow tennis-team members.
"It is not uncommon to see a
bunch of tennis players together at
a basketball game or a party he said.
"Being a member of the tennis team
gives you seven or eight friends in-
stantly. It is better than a fraternity
"No one on the team is alike, but
we all fit together to make up a real
team Fisher continued. "We deti-
nitely motivate each other to play
better tennis
Fisher also feels playing tennis
has made him a better student All
ECU student-athletes are required to
attend class daily, a rule that has
taught Fisher discipline. He has also
become more confident during his
stay here, while developing a more
positive outlook on life.
The tennis team began the sea-
son 0-4, after losing 19 of 20 singles
matches at the Virginia Common-
wealth Invitational. However, Fisher
did not get down on himself. Instead,
he, along with the rest of the team,
covenanted to do better.
"After the VCU trip, we realized
that we couldn't just show up and
win Fisher said. "Jason Freeman
told everybody 'We have to go out
and win every match. It starts to-
Since that little pep talk, the Pi-
rates have practiced as if they were
on a mission. The results are paying
off, as they defeated in-state rival
Campbell the week before Spring
Break. Fisher won his match 6-0, 6-
1, and spent the rest of the day cheer-
ing on his teammates.
The team spent their Spring
Break in Hilton Head, SC, and went
undefeated during the tourney.
Fisher helped his team by winning
two matches, losing just eight games
en route to the victory.
Fisher and the other three se-
niors are finding out what it takes to
lead this team. The season is still
young and the Pirates have more
than a legitimate chance to make a
run at the CAA crown. That run
starts Sunday when ECU takes on a
CAA foe in the Richmond Spiders.
With Sam Fisher on the courts, the
immediate future is looking great for
Pirate tennis.
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Brewhaus Tuesday!
75 Bottle beers
1.00 Hi-balls
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mug to be filled foe 50t!
80's Dance Party!
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75 Bottle beers
1.00 Hl-BALLS
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The best in 80's & 90's Dance music all n
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For more information call 758-4591
mi- ?i.i. w

Tuesday, March 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
Help Wanted
LIFEGUARDS: Spring. Summer.
Greenville. Goldsboro. Smithfield. Tarboro.
Call Bob 758-1088
to $2,000 month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Caribbean,
etc.). Seasonal and Full-time employment
available. No experience necessary. For
more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to Central
Distributors Po Box 10075. Olathe, KS
66051. Immediate response.
High volume Adult Club needs YOU now.
Confidential employment Daily pay Top
Commissions. Some to no exper ience. If
you've called before call again. Playmates
Massage Snow Hill, N.C. 919-747-7686
S10-S400UP WEEKLY. Mailing Bro-
chures! Sparefull-time. Set own hours!
RUSH Self-addressed stamped envelope:
Publishers (CD 1821 Hillandale Rd. 1B-
295 Durham NC 27705
S1750 weekly possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 202-298-8952.
:Gain Career Experience and Save
$4,000.00. Please call 1-800-251-4000 ext.
1576. Leave Name. School Now Attend-
ing and Phone Number.
up to $2.000-$4.000mo. teaching basic
conversational English in Japan, Taiwan,
or S. Korea. No teaching background or
Asian languages required. For information
call: (206) 632-1146 ext. J53623.
GRADES? Well, we'll pay you to! Make
your A's pay by calling Student Supple-
ments today. I'll pay you cash for going to
class. Give us a call at 752-HELP.
$1000's Weekly working at home mailing
our circulars. Free details. Send SASE:
R&B Distributors. Box 20354. Greenville
NC 27858
WANTED: Industrial Technology major
preferred for part-time lab operations,
sophomore or freshman preferred. Part
time in afternoons from 3-7 pm. If inter-
ested contact Diane Barnhill at Doctors
Vision Center at 756-9404 for more infor-
HELP WANTED: Bright, mature individu-
als wanted for part-time wait staff posi-
tions. Applications will be accepted Tues-
days-Fridays from 2:00-4:00pm at the
Greenville Country Club office located at
216 Country Club Drive in Greenville.
HELP WANTED: Bright, mature indi-
vidual wanted for 20-30 hours week for a
Tennis position. Wages are negotiable.
Applications are being accepted at the
Greenville Country Club between the
hours of 8:00am-4:30pm.
lina for Boys in the heart of the Blue Ridge
Mountains needs enthusiastic Cabin Coun-
selors interested in setting a good example
for Boys. High Adventure Staff, and Sports
Instructor from Swimming to Lacrosse to
Crafts to Rugby. Campus Interviews, for
more info call 1-800-551-9136.
BOOKS! Up to $500 weekly. Choose sub-
ject matter. For more details call: 1(206)-
362-4304 ext E0073.
WANTED: 20-35 hours week, salary
$10,000 to $30,000 depending on skills
and experience. Flexible hours, occasional
evening work and overnight travel. Some
clerical or secretarial skills useful. Excel-
lent position for attractive coed or dis-
placed homemaker age 18-55. Resume
with photo and letter of interest to Box
1906, Winterville. NC 28590.
for lunch shifts in Full-Service Restaurant.
Call 355-1111 ONLY between 3:00-
& full-time employment available at Na-
tional Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves.
Benefitsbonuses! Call 1-206-545-4804
ext. N53621.
at Kingston Place. Two bedroom, 2 12
bath, cable and water included. Fully fur-
nished and bus access to campus. For
more information call Abigail at 355-5194
ROOMMATE NEEDED: one bedroom
in Fr bedroom house near campus.
$100 a month plus 1-4 utilities. Call John,
SPACIOUS 3 bedroom. 2 bath, newly re-
modeled home, washer, dryer, ceiling fans
throughout, fenced backyard, campus
area. 750.00 per month 1 year lease. 524-
5790 or 752-8079.
31. 1 bedroom apartment close to cam-
pus. 295month utilitiies included. Call
758-5419 Please leave a message.
NOW LEASING: 2 Bedroom. 1 and 2 Bath
Apartments, Stove, Frig, Dishwasher.
Washer Dryer. Water, Sewer Basic Cable
included. 2 Blocks from Campus. On Site
Manager. Call 752-8900.
needed to share large bedroom. Close to
cam;usdowntown! Must be responsible
non-smokers. 13 utilities phone for more
info call 752-3019
move in May. 3 bedroom duplex on cor-
ner of 1st and Meade St. Own bedroom.
$160.00 per month plus 13 ut ilities. Call
DIATELY to share Spacious duplex only
four blocks from campus. $175.00mt h
deposit. Call Deedrah at 758-4305.
Bedroom apt at Ringold Towers. Need
someone to take over lease Starting the
first week in May. Brand new carpet, couch
and bed. Please call as soon as possible!
Summer Camp Staff
North Carolina's finest Cc-ed
8 week youth summer recreational,
sports camp. Over 25 activities,
including water ski, heated
pool, tennis, horseback, art
Cool Mountain Climate, good pa
and great fun! Non-smokers.
For applicaticn'brochure:
704-692-6239 or Camp Pinewcori,
Hendersonviile, NC 28792.
TIONS for additional Part-time Sales As-
sociates for Cosmetics, Junior Spor tswear,
and Young Men's Departments. Earn ex-
tra spending money and a merchandise
discount - just in time for your new spring
wardrobe. Flexible scheduling options to
accomdate your busy schedule: 10am-2pm.
12-9pm. or 6-9pm. All retail positions in-
clude weekends. Applications accepted
each Monday and Thursday. l-3pm,
Brody's, The Plaza.
wanted to teach: basketball, soccer, soft-
ball, volleyball and flag football skills. The
dates of camp are June 12-30. Applicants
should call Kari Duncan at ECU Recre-
ational Services 328-6387.
?1 and 2 Bedrooms
Clean and Quiet, one bedroom
furnished apartments. $240 a
month, 6 month lease.
2899-2901 East 5th Street
?Located near ECU
?ECU Bus Service
?On-Site Laundry
"Special Student Leases"
l.T. or Tommy Williams
756-781 5. 758-7436
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
Waitstaff daytime and night shifts available.
Must be able to work at least two weekday
lunch shifts. No calls, please apply in person.
Between 2pm and 4pm at Prof. O'Cools
Winn Dixie Marketplace
For Sale
Computer Whiz
Graduate Computer Science Major
ECU School of Medicine, Division of EMS
Full or pari-lime. ?'e offer inturancf,
ftii vacatioR, & profit share. It you are
eoOiusiattk ana would like to join our
wait ttaff please apply in person at
T?e Waffie Ko?e
?06 S. Gre?ille Blvi. Between 7aw-4pn.
Lost and Found
edge you need to succeed. Student
Supplement offeres study guides based
on the notes of the "A" student in your
class. Cive us a call at 752-HELP.
NEED TO SELLMacintosh LC Com-
puter, CTX stereo, 3D Camera, Queen
sized waterbed. Great Prices. Please call
Matt at 321-8798.
FOR SALE: 45 Gallon saltwater
aquarium with Oceanic stand, lighting,
powerheads. power filter, heater, auto-
matic fish feeder, hospital tank, many
other extras. Ready to run. $295 Call 752
HEY MVX MASTERS! Sony Stereo with
turn table, cassette, tuner, and big speak-
ers$40.00 OBO. Also. Big black trunk
(can use as storage andor table) win-
ner shelf$15.00 OBO. Also, Room size
wool rug. Call 758-1338 for details.
IDEAL FOR STUDENT Furniture for sale
sofa & chair $175.00. Call Doug at 752-
LOST KEYS on a brass whistle keychain.
If found Please call 328-7829.

Having trouble finding where to drop off
Classifieds and Announcements?
Well look no more!
Forms for Classifieds and Announcements
can be picked up in Mendenhall and
dropped off in the Student Pubs building.
Greek Personals
Michele Baritell on being tapped into the
Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Fraternity.
We are all very proud of you! Love, your
Chi Omega Sisters
great time on your tour downtown last
Thursday! Can't wait until next t ime! Love,
Chi Omega
VOYEURS: We look out for students bet-
ter than any other credit card. Call 1-800-
FROM: Chinese rollerblader in front of
Austin on M 2 27-95. SORRY to hit your
car. Want to hear my story. Call Hao Lee
758-8019 T-Sun after 11:30.
We are
Student Pubs
2nd floor
Any organization may use the
Announcements section of The
East Carolinian to list activities
and events open to the public
two times free of charge. Due to
the limited amount of space, The
East Carolinian cannot guarantee
the publication of
$5.50 per column
advertisements may be
canceled before 10 a.m.
the day prior to
publication. However, no
refunds will be given.
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each additional word $0.05
?S?AII ads must be prepaid
Friday 4 p.m. for Tuesday's edition
Tuesday 4 p.m. for Thursday's edition
For more information, call
Services Offered
Resumes ? Quick & Professional. Term
Papers, Thesis, other services. Call Glenda:
752-9959(Days); 527-9133(Eves)
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us hel; all Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-263495 ext. F53623
or exam scores? We have the edge you
need to succeed! STUDENT SUPPLE
MENTS offers study guides based on the
notes of the "A" students in youi classes
Give us a call at 752-HELP
bile Music Productions is the premier Disc
Jockey service for your cocktail, social, and
formal needs. The most variety and expe-
rience of any Disc Jockey service in the
area. Specializing in ECU Greeks. Spring
dates booking fast. Call early. 758-4644
ask fot Lee.
phone for good' Call to have your house.
apt or room cleaned and skip the hassle.
House & pet sitting also.
Largest Librtrf ot information in U S ?
all subjects
I -h Inlormjlion

Tuesday, March 14, 1995
The East Carolinian
The 1995 Creenville-Pitt Co. Special Olym-
pics Spring Games will be held on April
12th at Rose High School Stadium in
Greenville (rain date: April 13th). Volun-
teers are needed to help serve as buddies
chaperones for the Special Olympians.
Volunteers must be able to work all day-
from 9am-2pm (The First ones there will
be assigned a position). A required orien-
tation meeting will be held on April 10th
(Monday) 5:00-6:00 in Old Joyner Library,
room 221. Free lunches and volunteer t-
shirts will be provided the day of the
games to all volunteers who have attended
the orientation session. For more infor-
mation contact Lisa Ihly at 830-4551.
Students interested in applying for the
Spring 1995 semester need to submit an
application by March 15,1995 to Ragsdale
104-B. Students who have successfully
completed the preliminary courses for
their particular program and who have a
2.5 overall need to meet this deadline.
The Newman Catholic Student Center
wishes to announce a LENTEN COMMU-
Church, 1120 W. 5th Street, Greenville,
on Wednesday. March 15. at 7:30pm. The
service will be held in the school audito-
rium behind the church which is located
on the corner of W. 5th & Tyson Streets.
At least five Priests will be available for
the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. Paul
Vaeth is also available anytime. Just give
him a call at 757-1991.
Book sale! Great bargains! March 15 &
16,1995 ECU'S Joyner Library, Proceeds
to ECU Library, Sponsored by Friends of
ECU Library.
Individuals interested in serving on the
ECU Honor Board may pick up applica-
tions starting Friday, February 24 at 210
Wichard Bldg. or the SGA Offices in
Mendenhall Student Center. Completed
applications are due Tuesday, March 14
at 210 Whichard. Karen Boyd. AdWsor:
for further information call 328-6824.
General College students should contact
their advisers the week of March 20-24 to
make arrangements for academic advising
for Summer Session and Fall Semester
1995. Early registration week is set for
March 27-31.
All General College students who intend
to major in Communication Sciences and
have Mr. Robert Muzzarelli or Mrs. Meta
Downes as their adviser are to meet on
Wednesday, March 22 at 5:00pm in
Brewster C-103. Advising for early regis-
tration will take place at that time. Please
prepare a tentative class schedule before
the meeting.
The Greenville Chapter of the National
Organization for Women will meet
Wednesday, March 15, 1995 at Szechuan
Garden Restaurant (909 South Evans St)
at 5:30pm. Plans for the RALLY FOR
WOMEN'S LIVES, which is being held to
demonstrate women's opposition to vio-
lence against women, in Washington, DC
on Sunday, April 9th and plans for the
chartered bus that will carry the delega-
tion to Washington will be discussed. Mary
Perry, an intern from The Real Crisis Cen-
ter, and the new director of New Direc-
tions, the battered women's center, wil tell
about how their organizations deal with
violence against women. For more infor-
mation call Dot Gronert at 413-3303.
St Patricks Day Drawing - Fabulous
Awards including a semester's worth of
books (worth $250.00) from UBE, Micro
Cassette Recorder, various foodcoffee gift
certificates, movie rentals, and more! Tick-
ets offered in Wright Building near Stu-
dent Stores March 14, 15, 16 from 9am -
2pm, or call 328-4455. To support the
Student Rehab Association of ECU.
Pick up your NCAA pick'em form in
Christenbury 115, 204 or in 104-A today!
When you have finished picking your fa-
vorite NCAA Basketball Tournament
Teams return your form to 104-A or 204
Christenbury by noon on Thursday, March
16 to be eligible to compete and win
prizes. For more information contact Rec-
reational Services in 204 Christenbury
Gymnasium or call 328-6387
Early registration for summer and fall ses-
sions will be Tuesday March 21 and
Wednesday March 22nd from 5:30-7:30 in
room 203 of the Belk Building. If you are
unable to attend either of these times
please call the OT office for other advis-
ing hours 3284441.
There will be a Gamma Beta Phi meeting
Tuesday, March 14 at 5:00pm in MSC 244.
All members are asked to attend. We will
be putting the finishing touches on plans
for inductions and Founder's Day. We will
also be taking nominations for the 1995-
1996 officers.
According to Honors Program records, of
the seniors who have applied to graduate
spring semester 1995 the following have
met the requirements to graduate with
University Honors (30 sh): Brian Bartelt,
Henrik Bjarheim, James Casey, Jonathan
O'Neal, Britt Strickland; and the follow-
ing with General Education Honors (24
sh); Kathleen Barron, Laura Barwick,
Scarlette Gardner, Anthony Greg Jones,
Sara Leggett, Carrie Plank, Krusheska
Quiros, Marisa Roach, Mary Anna Smith,
Gary Snyder, Andrea Thomas, Vicki
Woolridge, Tammy Upchurch. If you think
you should be included on this list and
aren't, call Dr. Sanders (326373) imme-
There will be a SNCAE meeting on Thurs-
day, March 16 at 4:30 in Speight room
308. We will have reports from the hospi-
tal visits and information from members
who attended the IPD Conference in High
St Patrick's Day Contra Dance and meet-
ing! Ledonia Wright Bldg. (behind Student
Health), 7:30-10:30pm. Music by Elder-
berry Jam. Free! Come alone or bring a
March 14 through March 26 All events
are held at A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall and
Free, unless otherwise noted.
AsheLee Bonham Gahagan, cello
(7:00pm). SUN MARCH 19-EASTERN
Knighten, Director(3:00pm). MON
Harold Jones, Director(8:00pm). THURS
SAT MARCH 23-25 (8:00PM) and SUN
FLEDERMAUS, Dr. Clyde Hiss, Director.
For ticket information, call 328-4788 or
An adapted participant pool fitness class
wilt be conducted Tuesday, March 21 at
Minges Swimming pool. This water
aerobics class will be offered free of charge
with snacks and beverages provided. If you
need transportation contact Kari Duncan
at 328387.
There will be a free Friday Fitness fling
on Friday, March 17 in Christenbury 108
at 4pm. This will include an aerobics work
out with all of the ECU aerobics instruc-
tors and healthy snacks afterwards. For
additional information call Recreational
Services at 328387.
Come to the St Patrick's Day Party in
Christenbury Gym for free food, a
kayaking demonstration, an Isshin RYU
(Karate) demonstration, basketball, weight
lifting, aerobics and a dance. The event
will start at 9pm and end at midnight This
event has been sponsored by WZMB, Rec-
reational Services, Housing Services and
the Natural Life Club. For additional in-
formation call Recreational Services at
Spring Break
Doesn't Have
to End

j'A.P A R T M ?NT "S
Call 321-7613
1526 Charles Blvd.
Across from
Minges Coliseum
If you like to have fun and participate in
healthy activities the Natural Life Club is
for you! Everyone is invited to the Natu-
ral Life Club meeting on March 20 at 4pm
in General Classrooms 1028. We will be
planning an April weekend beach trip. If
you have any questions please call Ernest
Solar at 328-9711.
Sign up to play Indoor Soccer at the Reg-
istration Meeting on Tuesday, March 21
at 5pm in BIO 103. If you are interested
in becoming an Indoor Soccer Official you
wil! need to attend the Indoor Soccer Of-
ficials Meeting at 7pm in BO 103. For
more information call Recreational Ser-
vices at 328387.
There will be a lot of outdoor fun in the
upcoming adventure trips offered through
Recreational Services. March 31-April 2
there will be a Climbing HI trip to Linville
Gorge. If you are interested in this trip
you will need to register by March 24 in
204 Christenbury. April 1-2 there will be
a Sea Kayaking trip to the Outer Banks.
Anyone interested in this trip will need to
register by March 17 in 204 Christenbury.
April 7-9 there will be a Windsurfing &
Hang Gliding Trip. Anyone interested will
need to register by March 24 in 204
Christenbury. April 14-16 there will be a
White Water Rafting Trip. If you are in-
terested you will need to register by March
31 in 204 Christenbury. For more details
call Recreational Services at 328387.
This five-session workshop will teach you
how to deal with anger in a healthy, non-
violent way. Learn skills to improve your
interpersonal relationships. Thursdays,
2:00pm-3:30pm. beginning 323 Counsel-
ing Center. Call 328661 to register.
This three-session workshop will teach you
why it is important to be assertive and
what makes assertive behavior difficult
This program will deepen your awareness
of yourself and others and teach you the
communication know-how that goes with
becoming more assertive. Fridays, 2:00pm-
3:30pm, beginning March 24. Counseling
Center. Call 328661 to register.
Scheduling & Time Management: 322,
lpm-2pm. Note Taking & Study Strate-
gies: 321,10am-1 lam. Exam Preparation:
320,2pnv3pm. Test & Performance Anxi-
ety: 324, lpm-2pm. Counseling Center.
Call 328661 to register.
Learn how personality affects career
choice. Take five assessment instruments.
Learn how to research career areas that
may be right for you. This five-session
workshop is just what you need. $15.00.
Classes begin: 317, 320, 322. Coun-
seling Center. Call 328661 for more in-
On-Campus Interviews for students inter-
ested in summer employment at Radisson
Resort's Kingston Plantation, Myrtle
Beach, SC on Tuesday, March 21,1995 at
Cooperative Education, GCB 2300 - 328-
The School of Medicine of East Carolina
University will host the first Annual Ham-
string Hustle 5K road race in downtown
Creenville March 26, 1995. The race will
begin at 2:00pm on First Street Registra-
tion begins at 12:30pm the day of the race
in the Willis Building on the corner of
First and Reade Streets. Free Blood Pres-
sure screening will be offered. Prizes
awarded to the top finishers in each age
group and T-shirts to all entrants desir-
ing one. Runners and Walkers of all sKill
levels encouraged to participate. Race
Applications available by writing Ward
Aycock, 330 Lindsay Dr. C-8, Greenville,
NC 27834 or calling 3214916.
The 1995 Creenville Easter Seals Volley-
ball Challenge will be held at ECU's
Minges Coliseum on March 25-26. Pro-
ceeds will benefit programs in the
Greenville area for disabled children and
adults. Anyone can participate, so come
out for a day of volleyball, fun, and com-
petition. Teams will have the opportunity
to win trophies, dinners, t-shirts. and trips!
For more information on competing or
how you can help, call Melissa Wallace
with Easter Seals of North Carolina at
(800) 662-7119
Cypress Group Sunday, March 19 2:00-
4:00pm. Mark your calendars. Please vol-
unteer two hours to clean up our section
of highway for Spring. Meet at Harris
Supermarket on N. Memorial Drive near
the airport at 2:00pm. Bring gloves and
wear suitable footwear; refreshments,
vests, and bags will be provided. Your help
will be greatly appreciated.
ed Water
Meeting every Wednesday at
9:15 pm in Mendenhall room 14

For more Information
Call Thomas 758-8215, Hope at
328-7018, or look for the boat in
front of the Student Store on
March 14 & 15
No Exin?iui?N:i: Niktcssary
EouiPMiwr Provided
Sponsored by the Dept. of Recreational Services
? mimmmmmmKmmBmmmmKmmm'wmmamm

The East Carolinian, March 14, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 14, 1995
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