The East Carolinian, February 21, 1995

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Februray 21,1995 ;
Vol 69, No. 77
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
14 pages
Dr. Ruth talks on sex
doc addresses safe
sex in the '90s
Brandon Waddell
Staff Writer
During her years as a college
professor, none of her students ever
imagined that their professor. Dr. Ruth
Westheimer, would one day be one of
the most popular people in the Ameri-
can mass media. Dr. Ruth, herself,
never thought she could spread what
she has labeled "sexual literacy" to
millions of people worldwide.
Tomorrow night. 8 p.m. at
Wright Auditorium, she will be "Sexu-
ally Speaking" with ECU.
"My message has not changed
over the years: I encourage responsi-
bility m making sexually related deci-
sions Dr. Ruth told The East Caro-
linian in a phone interview Saturday
When Dr. Ruth first gained na-
tional attention on a short radio show
in 1980 no one knew about the AIDS
epidemic or how it would change this
nation and the world.
"Years ago. no one knew about
AIDS and this disease has. by far. had
the most impact on my field she said.
"The questions I received changed
from being conservative in nature to
much more explicit ones
Dr. Ruth is currently the most
recognized psychosexual therapist
worldwide: but she has not always en-
Out-of-state students
may suffer financially
Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor
Photo Courtesy of Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Dr. Ruth Westheimer will visit ECU tomorrow night to talk
about sex and awnswer student questions and concerns.
joyed this kind of notoriety. In fact, her
status today is far from her humble be-
ginnings. In 1938, she was a 10-year-
old Jewish girl sent to an orphanage
in Switzerland from her German home
to escape the Holocaust At the tender
age of 16, she went to Israel to help
fight for independence. She began her
teaching career as a kindergarten
teacher in Paris shortly before she im-
migrated to the U.S. in 1956. Dr. Ruth
earned her master's in Sociology and
later earned her doctorate of Educa-
tion from Columbia University. After
See DR. RUTH page 8
New state legislation plus Gov-
ernor Hunt's proposed tuition in-
crease for out-of-state students may
equal problems for ECU.
Recently passed legislation
will place penalties on UNC system
schools for accepting more than 18
percent of students from out of
North Carolina, if the cap is
breached two years in a row, said
Dr. Thomas Powell director of the
office of undergraduate admissions.
Currently, ECU is under the cap at
16.5 percent.
This is not of the total stu-
dent population Powell said. "This
is of the entering freshman class
The new legislative cap is mak-
ing a lot of ECU's administrative
jobs tougher.
"The number of high school
graduates in the state of North Caro-
lina is quite small compared to what
it was in the '80s, yet the universi-
ties are all funded on growth, and
it's very difficult to keep this 16-cam-
pus system growing when you have
fewer numbers of traditionally aged
students Powell said. "The way you
do that is to move beyond the bor-
ders of North Carolina and attract
out-of-state students, if we could be
at 25-30 percent out-of-state, which
in the past, campuses have been that
In-State Vs. Out-of-State
1 Out-of-State
sSggH ffiBSSf
i m m
� m �
high, that's not an unreasonable
number - nor is it an uncommon
number if you go outside the state
of North Carolina
in that
number of
o u t - o f-
staters, it
is much
easier to
and not
only that,
the aver-
age SAT of
state stu-
dents at East Carolina is 70 points
higher than in-state students
Powell said.
This year, the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Greensboro, Charlotte, Wilmington,
Fayetteville State and North Caro-
lina A&T were all over the cap,
Powell said.
Several administrators be-
lieve the university would be miss-
ing an integral part of campus di-
versity if out-of-state enrollment de-
clined due to the cap or tuition in-
"My own
feeling is that it
cap and tuition
increase does
affect the qual-
ity of campus
life that stu-
dents receive
said Interim
Vice Chancel-
lor for Aca-
demic Affairs
T i n s 1 e y
Yarbrough. "To
me, one advan-
tage of the university is the oppor-
tunity for young people to interact
with a variety of types of other
young people from all parts of the
country and all parts of the world
Under Governor Hunt's 95-97
state budget proposal, ECU will not
be affected as directly as the Uni-
See STATE page 4
JT. s 1
No motive found in faculty slaying
Suspect may face second degree murder charges
Drew Goettman
Staff Writer
If s been close to six months since
ECU mourned the shooting death of
one of its own faculty members, Dr.
David L. Gobeski, and a definitive rea-
son for the tragedy still eludes local
Robert M. Mattingly, 55, is in po-
lice custody awaiting trial for the Sept
1, 1994, incident where he allegedly
pulled a 9-mm Beretta pistol from his
shoulder holster and shot into the abdo-
men of Gobeski, a professor at the School
of Industrial Technology.
The question concerns motive, or
more pointedly, a lack of motive. The
shooting occurred in a Greenville restau-
rant where both men frequented, and
according to the Greenville Police, plenty
of witnesses were on hand for the inci
dent - but no one can pinpoint a motive
for the violent act
"The suspect and the victim may
be the only ones to know said Greenville
Police Detective Thomas Nevelle.
Mattingly himself has claimed to not
know why he pulled the trigger.
Chief Assis-
tant District Attorney
Clark Everett said
that Mattingly's in-
dictment happened
about a month after
the shooting. Everett
is handling the pros-
ecution of the
Mattingly case for the
DA's office.
"At this point
in time, (Mattingly) is
indicted on first-degree murder Everett
said during an interview with The East
Carolinian. "If at some point in time we
choose to try him only on some lesser
offense, the same indictment would suf-
"If is an important word, espe-
cially when no motive has been estab-
lished. In just such a case, the district
attorney may be able to achieve only a
second-degree murder conviction, accord-
ing to Assistant Public Defender Edward
Wells, who is set to
handle Mattingly's
tion and deliberation
must be established
to have first-degree
murder Wells said.
"That or felony mur-
Thomas Nevelle der (murder which
Greenville Police Detective occurs during the
commission of a
felony crime)
However, a first-degree murder
trial usually presumes a known motive,
"Sometimes a motive is never es-
tablished Detective Nevelle said.
Where motive is absent most tri-
als gravitate toward a second-degree
"The suspect and
the victim may be
the only ones to
murder conviction - but not always,
Wells said.
"This could still possibly be a first-
degree trial Wells said.
North Carolina law specifies an
automatic sentence of life imprisonment
for convictions of first-degree murder,
according to Wells. Fbr second-degree
murder, the judge has a full range of
options from life imprisonment to the
presumptive sentence of 15 years.
Despite a lack of established mo-
tive, the case still moves forward toward
"We try our best to take homi-
cide cases in some kind of chronologi-
cal order Everett said. "There are other
cases that are in front of it"
Detective Nevelle said it is not
unusual for murder cases to go as long
as two years before reaching a jury, but
the DA's office is estimating that the
Mattingly case will be in court almost
less than a year after the shooting.
"If the case goes to trial, it'll be
the summer Everett said of the current
progress in the DA's office.
on the
Programs offer a world of opportunities
Andy Turner
Staff Writer
Photo by Andy Turner
Students gathered at the International House Sunday night
for the "Bring a Friend, Bring a Food" open house and to
discuss their experiences with international programs.
Get a taste of Mouth of Madnesspage
Responses pour inpage D
� Find out who's racking up the pointspage I U
Looking for a way out of
Greenville, at least for a while? ECU
international programs may be the
International programs pro-
vides students with an opportunity
to study at another school in the
United States, or abroad, for a se-
mester or a year. Students pay the
same tuition price as they are al-
ready paying at ECU.
Currently, there are 27 ECU
students studying at other schools
across the nation, 25 students are
at schools in foreign countries and
19 students are visiting ECU from
other schools, both national and in-
Sunday night international
programs sponsored a "Bring a
Friend, Bring a Food" open house
at the International House for stu-
dents involved in the program as
well as anyone interested in learn-
ing more about the program.
"(We hoped) to share informa-
tion and meet each other, and to
encourage those who are thinking
of going to get information about
exchanges and to find out what the
experiences of those who have done
exchanges has been said Linda
McGowen, overseas opportunities
International exchange stu-
dents from Australia, the Nether-
lands and Canada recounted their
experiences in the international
See WORLD page 4
Do you think
Mendenhall or General
Classroom Building
would serve as a
better site for a
24-hour study hall
during exams?
Craig Willoughby,
"I would say the
cafeteria because it's a
more relaxed
environment and it's
Vince Mercuri, junior
"General Classroom �
the rooms are smaller
and you have less
people in rooms. It
would help you
concentrate more
Stephanie McClain,
"General Classroom is
better. Mendenhall has
too many windows.
General Classroom has
classrooms so you can
get serious with
Joanna Sawyer, junior
"General Classroom
'cause it's a classroom
setting, you don't go to
a cafeteria and study as
well as you would in a
30 chance of showers
High 55
Low 35
High 55
Low 35
Phone 328 - 6366 Fax 328 - 6558
The East Carolinian
Student Publication Bldg. 2nd floor
Greenville, NC 27858
Student Pubs Building;across from Joyner


m � �" �� "
Tuesday, February 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
African culture spread through dance
Wendy Rountree
Staff Writer
Rhythmic percussion beats,
stomping feet and graceful leaps
wowed the audience on Feb. 15, in
Wright Auditorium as the Soweto
Street Beat Dance Company per-
Peter Ngcobo, the managing
director, and Isabelle Doll Ngcobo. the
artistic director, founded the company
in 1989. This was the first black dance
company established from the Soweto
South African township.
The performance was called
MAY1BUYE i AFRIKA which means
"Africa must come together
During the first half, the all-
male ensemble performed the Swazi
DanceSong, the Gumboots Dance
and the Zulu DanceSong. This per-
formance entailed a mixture of ath-
letic dance routines and short instru-
mental sections while the dancers
changed clothes. Also, there were
short theatrical scenes where the lead
dancer taught the others a new dance
While the dance group was ex-
posing the audience to African dances
and musical harmonies, they also
reached out to the audience to get
involved. The audience obliged by
clapping to the music and yelling en-
couragement and approval to the
dancers. Another way the dance group
brought in the audience was by using
familiarity like Michael Jackson dance
"The group was real nice in the
way they used little techniques in
Student-run business
offers academic support
Andi Powell Phillips
Staff Writer
A new service is being offered
to the academically impaired and
the financially challenged.
Student Supplements, a new
company owned and run by current
ECU students Bill Gheen and
Maureen Monti and former ECU
student Tom Monti, offers what
they call supplemental study pack-
ets with the emphasis on supple-
"We're not here so you can
skip classes Tom Monti said.
"We're here to enhance your study
The partners are stressing
their commitment to helping im-
prove the academic averages at
ECU, but they are not promising
"We're aiming to improve the
academic success rate and maybe
even the graduation rate Gheen
said. "But we can't assure people
of better grades. We feel good
about our business because we're
giving people the opportunity to
make better grades. We are the
edge you need to succeed
The study packets are sold
hree ways. There are test packets
that consist of notes from the first
day of class to the first test, sec-
ond day of class to the second class,
and so on. There are comprehen-
sive midterm packets that cover all
material up to the midterm. And
"We're aiming to
improve the
academic success
rate and maybe
even the
graduation rate
� Bill Gheen
there are packets that cover the
entire semester, but these are from
the previous semester's classes,
while the other packets are from
the current semester's classes.
"Our prices are very reason-
able Maureen Monti said. "They
range from $8 to $14 per packet,
depending on what kind of packet,
and whether it is typed or hand-
written "
Student Supplements also
provides opportunities for "A" stu-
dents to make their hard work pay.
"We're always hiring stu-
dents Tom Monti said. "We cur-
rently have thirty-four employees
but our target is to have fifty even-
"To work here they must have
a strong GPA and show that they
attend class regularly and take
good notes Gheen said.
As of now the company has
supplemental study packets for
right at 150 classes, but Gheen said
they hope to increase by about 75
classes before finals.
"We do not take tests, quiz-
zes or anything that was turned in
for a grade Maureen Monti said.
"And we can't take lab notes be-
cause they are usually based on lab
books or graded work
"There are services like this
that are really working at a lot of
other universities like UNC-Chapel
See OFFER page 4
the dances and blended it in a little
bit with the American style said
Aisha Wade, a sophomore exercise
physiology major. "1 enjoyed the show.
It was great
The second half revealed more
traditionalritual types of dances. The
company performed Bushmen I and
Bushmen II. These dances repre-
sented the African Bushmen of the
Kalahari Desert, including dance's
from the 20th century.
During the performance, the
dancers wore tribal garb and used vari-
ous props such as a rain stick, facial
and body paint and masks. A number
of the dances depicted animal hunts.
Wade said she wished there was
more of an explanation of the dances
either verbally or in the program.
"The dances they did were not
only nice to look at but they also had
a meaning behind it Wade said.
"Most of your African dances have
meaning, whether it's the birth of
somebody or having a little ceremony.
I was basically like this is real nice
but it would be better if we knew what
was the meaning behind it
At the end of the performance,
Ngcobo came out and had a few of
the dancers do leaps 20 to 30 times
in a row as an encore.
Wade said she believed that
having the company visit was benefi-
cial for the campus.
"It gave interested blacks a
chance to be familiarized with differ-
ent types of dances and cultures
Wade said. "You know, like what is
really in Africa and where we came
Fair celebrates use of trash
Caroline Hardesty
Staff Writer
Your trash may not be
someone else's treasure, but using
it creativelv can give vou a new per-
spective on recy-
The Pitt
County PTA, Pitt
County Clean
Sweep, community
schools, Greenville
Recycling Commit-
tee, and Carolina
East Mall are spon-
soring the Third
Annual Unnatural
Resources Fair. Celebrating the
25th anniversary of National Earth
Day, the fair will be held March l�
19 at Carolina East Mall on Memo-
rial Drive.
Jackie Ponder of Greenville is
the organizer and originator of the
fair. It was started at Elmhurst El-
ementary as a way to raise the
children's awareness of Greenville's
overflowing trash problem.
"The Pitt County landfill will
be full in six months, and we are
trying to do something about it
Ponder said. "Just because you
throw something away doesn't
mean it goes away
"Just because you
throw something
away doesn't mean
it goes away
The main purpose of the fair.
Ponder says, is to bring creativity
to things we have used nnce. to save
our resources.
"Exhibitors will create things
out of items that would be headed
for the landfill " Ponder said. "Thev
use materials,
metal, wire,
wood, or any-
thing that you
throw away
The fair
has grown larger
every year, and
now it is open to
- Jackie Ponder all age groups.
� "It will ap-
peal to everyone,
kindergarten through senior citi-
zens Ponder said. "We are trying
to give people a new outlook on re-
The different categories of ex-
hibits include art, science, toys, mu-
sic, math, exercise, home use, tools,
and miscellaneous. Judging will be
based on thought and expression,
creativity, presentation, usefulness
and purpose. All participants will
receive ribbons. Trophies and cash
prizes will be awarded to the win
Unnatural Resources puppet
shows and skits with Earth Day
themes can be performed on Sat-
urday only.
The only two rules are that
your project be made from some-
thing that would be headed for the
landfill, and it be no larger than a
If vou would like to partici-
pate in the fair, entry forms are due
on March 1 and are available in
community schools, or contact
Jackie Ponder at 355-5345.
You'll find
lots of
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Students interested must have a 2.0 GPA
and working knowledge of photographic
equipment and developing skills.
Apply at our offices in the Student
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(across from Joyner).jr
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Tuesday, February 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Ice is possible for
natural gas needs
(AP) - Ice that burns? Yes, and
so much of it that it could meet
America's natural gas needs for de-
cades. But scientists have yet to fig-
ure out how to mine it without caus-
ing an environmental disaster.
Methane trapped in the pores
of ice forms a frozen compound
called gas hydrate. Vast deposits are
held at high pressure 1,500 feet un-
der the ocean floor on continental
shelves around the world.
"It looks like dry ice. but if
you put a lighted match to it, it will
burn said David Howell of the U.S.
Geological Survey. "It's actually ice
that burns
By some estimates, twice as
much carbon energy is contained in
gas hydrate as in all fossil fuels com-
Harvesting that energy bo-
nanza may be one of the great engi-
neering challenges of the age, a
panel of experts said Monday at the
national meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of
Gas hydrate forms under the
seabed or under permanentry frozen
soil when methane, produced by bio-
logical action, collects as bubbles
within water ice over hundreds of
thousands of years.
Released from the pressure of
the deep, the ice disappears within
"If you bring it to the surface,
it bubbles and fizzes and is gone
said Charles Paull of the University
of North Carolina. "It's difficult to
study something that is fizzing away
in front of you
There are serious environmen-
tal concerns about tampering with
the hydrate deposits, said William
P. Dillon of the U.S. Geological Sur-
An accident could cause ocean
floor avalanches, leading to a sud-
den release of methane.
"Methane from the hydrate
reservoir might significantly modify
the global greenhouse said Dillon.
Gas hydrate deposits contain
about three times the amount of
methane now in the atmosphere,
and methane has a greenhouse ef-
fect 10 times that of carbon diox-
ide. Both carbon dioxide and meth-
ane in the atmosphere trap heat
about the Earth. Some scientists
fear that an increase in the two
gases could lead to global warming
and a significant change of the
world's climate.
Paull is scientific leader of an
expedition that will drill off the
Carolina coast later this year to ex-
plore a Rhode Island-sized hydrate
deposit that may contain 1,300 tril-
lion cubic feet of methane. That's
enough gas to supply the U.S. for
about 70 years.
Paull said an airtight container
will be lowered into the deposit, filled
with the ice and then sealed to keep
the material at high pressure. It then
can be brought up and studied in
pressure chambers.
Researchers have proposed sev-
eral ways of harvest hydrate energy.
All involve making the gas escape
from the ice while it is still in place
under the ocean floor. The gas could
then be captured and piped to the
surface. There is doubt, however, that
any of the methods will work.
"We don't know now if we will
be able to extract it for use said
Paull. "It will involve a technique that
is yet to be developed. That's way out
in the future
Shack photos displayed
(AP) - To travelers on the high-
ways of the New South, the wooden
shacks of the farm country vanish in
a blur, sagging remnants of an uncom-
fortable past
But Beverly Buchanan stopped
to look. And look.
Like Monet fixating on the
Rouen cathedral, she has photo-
graphed, sculpted and painted the
homemade shacks of the rural South
for more than two decades. In the end.
she has transformed eyesore into art
and lifted the ramshackle lives of
shack dwellers into the halls of high
"A lot of people might wonder
why you want to pay attention to that,
and I must admit I came to it gradu-
ally said Buchanan in an interview
from her home in Athens. Ga. "1 was
interested in the kinds of structures
that were left when people had their
hands on them
Her exhibition, "ShackWorks
is now visiting art museums on a two-
year tour to communities as diverse
as New York City and LaGrange, Ga.
It is showing until April 16 in the
Smith College Art Museum in
Northampton, in the heart of Yankee
"Her works serve as visual
metaphors for the poverty, struggles
and ingenuity of a culture that is com-
monly held in disregard and con-
tempt said Trinkett Clark, curator
of the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk.
Born in Fuquay, N.C
Buchanan grew up on the campus of
South Carolina State College in
Orangeburg, where her father was
dean of the School of Agriculture.
While traveling around the country-
side with him, Buchanan encountered
many shanties built from materials at
hand and often inhabited by black
tenant farmers or migrant laborers.
A former public health educa-
tor in East Orange, N.J she balked at
an acceptance to medical school in her
late '30s and decided to devote her-
self to art
She initially concentrated on
stone sculptures and abstract expres-
sionist images. Though the shacks of
her childhood came increasingly to
the fore in her imagination, she was
at first surprised by the social signifi-
cance attributed to them.
"I was just doing this. I wanted
to see walls, and I wanted to see struc-
tures said Buchanan.
A heavyset 54-year-old with a
self-deprecating manner and flair for
storytelling, Buchanan lives far from
the glitter of the art world.
"My philosophy is that we all
live in shacks she said. "I've had to
put a roof on this house. Two win-
dows were blown out from a storm a
couple of weeks ago, so I've had to
replace them
But she has exhibited her works
widely. Her pieces are owned by sev-
eral well-known museums, including
the Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York City and the Carnegie Mu-
seum of Art in Pittsburgh.
The centerpiece of
"ShackWorks" is "Shack South Inside
Out" It is a tilting, almost life-size
shack replica fashioned from nailed
pine boards and tin, surrounded by
pieces of furniture that would ordi-
narily be found inside such a home.
Characteristically, she has painted an
abstract fruit bowl, in a wink to the
world of high art, on an inner wall.
Mary Lou Furcron, a friend of
Buchanan, sits on the stoop of her log
cabin in a 4-foot-high color photograph
included in the exhibit
"The shacks seem animated, in
the sense that they have a life and a
movement to them said Linda
Muehling, an associate curator at the
Smith College museum. "It makes you
think about the circumstances of the
people who live in shack communities
Sometimes the reaction is more
personal. Buchanan likes to recall a
deliveryman who came into her New
York City gallery:
"He said, 'I grew up in some-
thing like that and I felt safer in that
than I do in New York City
Police confirm murdered childrens' identities
(AP) - Residents left flowers and
notes on the blackened spot of pavement
where the bodies of three murdered chil-
dren were found in a burning van. Their
father committed suicide nearby.
Even Police Chief James Grade-
less, a 20-year law enforcement veteran
who also served with Special Forces in
Vietnam, was shaken by what he saw this
"It's not a Kill Devil Hills story
Gradeless said Monday. "It's an Ameri-
can story. It bothers all of our consciences
because somewhere, some place, society
has failed to prevent this kind of thing
from happening
Douglas J. Mont 35. died of a self-
inflicted gunshot wound in the woods
about 150 feet from the First Flight air-
port parking lot where the van was found
early Sunday.
The children were shot in the head
with the same gun, they did not die in
the fire. Gradeless said.
The children's mother. Nancy
Mont had reported them missing from
their home in Seaford, DeL, after they
did not return from visiting their father.
Cpl. Preston Lewis, spokesman for the
Delaware State Police, confirmed the
identities of the children as Catrina J.
Mont 9; Daniel Preston Mont 6; and
Theresa Lynn Mont, 4.
On Monday morning, a green bas-
ket of silk flowers had been placed at
the scene of the fire with a sign saying
"three little angels from Alex, Sam and
Ray The van and the bodies had been
Later, Sheila Scheck, who lives
near the airport in Collington, visited the
scene and returned with flowers. "May
God Bless These Children her arrange-
ment said.
The father "deserved a lot worse
than he did to himself. I know that for
sure she said. "It was so close here and
I've got a child of my own. I guess that's
why it bothered me so much
Temperatures were so high in the
van that metal melted in places. Even
the license plate was destroyed. Only the
frame remains in the police garage where
it's being stored.
"It's just sad Gradeless said,
choking up with tears. "I tell you, when
this is all over, I'm going to need some
debriefing myself
Ms. Mont reported the children
missing Saturday evening, after they did
not return from a regular visitation with
their father, a bank employee. The couple
has been separated since August
The last murder in Kill Devil Hills,
a drug-related arson death, occurred in
1978, Gradeless said. The town, a short
distance from Kitty Hawk where the
Wright brothers made aviation history,
has a population of 4,200.
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� 9
Tuesday, February 21,1995
The East Carolinian
sij�'i ��� 6 :�.��������� -
OFFER from page 2
Hill, University of Texas, University
of Georgia and others but most of
them only take notes that cover
classes of 200 or more. We cover ev-
erything possible, even if it's only a
class of 35 people Tom Monti said.
Mr. Gheen and Mr. and Mrs.
Monti point out that theirs is a stu-
dent owned and-operated business
based on an obvious need at ECU.
They cite the freshman problem
"Our university has a problem
with freshmen Gheen said. "A sub-
stantial percentage of freshmen end
up on academic probation by the
end of the year Gheen said. "And
STATE from page 1
a lot of classes on our campus have
tremendous D and F rates. "
Although these students may
need the most help, Tom Monti said
that the majority of clients they have
had so far have been students with
3.0 or better GPA's who are simply
having trouble with one particular
The response to Student
Supplements has been good.
"Once we put out the first
batch of fliers, we had an order
about everyday. Since the second
week and since we've advertised in
The East Carolinian, business has
effectively doubled
Out-of-State Student Enrollment
WORLD from pagel
program, along with a national ex-
change student from Nebraska.
Past participants in the exchange
program extolled the benefits of
the program as well.
Students interested in the
program should contact McGowen
to discuss their interests, the
classes they would like to take and
their financial capabilities.
"We try to help students
match up with a program that will
meet their needs - academic sub-
jects, what sort of environment
they want to be in - there are a
lot of issues and factors to con-
sider McGowen said.
Students either participate in
a direct exchange program or in the
International Student Exchange
Program (1SEP). In the direct ex-
change program, an ECU student
attends another university, and in
turn, a student from that university
is exchanged to ECU for a speci-
fied time. ISEP allows students to
attend any university participating
in ISEP.
"Exchanges are ways to keep
study abroad costs low McGowen
said. "In almost any other kind of
study abroad program, students are
going to pay more and there are
thousands of other options out
there that will cost more than an
McGowen feels the interna-
tional program provides students
with vast opportunities and ben-
"It gives students experiences
that will stay with them the rest of
their lives McGowen said. "It gives
them a better understanding of the
world beyond ECU and Greenville
and how to relate better with
people from other countries.
"We can no longer just think
of our own little island environ-
ment, the world in the future is
going to involve much more inter-
action among people from other
McGowen encourages stu-
dents to get involved in the inter-
national program early in their col-
lege careers.
"I would encourage students
to come over and see us, it is never
to early to start thinking about it
and planning McGowen said. "It
is not always easy to find some-
thing for a person who waits until
they are a senior to decide they
want to study abroad or participate
in an exchange
Students who are interested
in the international program can
contact Linda McGowen at 328-
6769 or can go by the International
versity "f
North Ca �
Una at Chapel
Hill or N.C.
State Univer-
sity. ECU is oi.t
for a 3.1 per-
cent yearly in-
crease, said
Vice Chancel-
lor of Business
Affairs Richard
students it
would amount
to $225 a year, which is a substan-
tial increase considering an out-of-
state student already pays $7,248 a
year in tuition alone Brown said.
"If our out-of-state tuition causes us
to be less competitive, then we may
run into difficulty in achieving that
18 percent cap
Powell agreed.
"As recently as three or four
years ago. we were cheaper Powell
said. "Kids from Virginia. New Jer-
at 4:30.
i meeting
at 5:1 5.
Don't be
.75 Domestic
1 .75 Hiballs
Summer Sessions 9S
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
601 S. College Rd , Wilmington, NC 28403-3297
scy, Mary-
land and
New York
could come
to school
here for
tuition, it's
no longer
it's more ex-
pensive by a
thousand a
H e
said ECU's
out-of-state enrollment will depend
on future tuition increases from uni-
versities in other states.
Brown said ECU's out-of-state
students pay around $19 million ol
ECU'S total S31.75H.OOO tuition and
fee intake: a considerable amount be-
cause out-of-state students make up
only 12 percent of ECU's student
He believes in-state students
should eventually have to "bite the
bullet" and pay more tuition to even
out the disproportionate fees be-
tween in-state and out-of-state stu-
"In-state people are paying so
little as it is. it's just not fair Jenni-
fer Durfus. a sophomore said. "But
even if they did up tuition, it would
still cost about the same as I would
be paying in Jersey
Out-of-state students will not
be the only ones affected by Hunt's
proposed tuition increase.
"Right now with the average
out-of-state student. Greenville tu-
ition books and fees running some-
where in the 512.000-a-year range,
for the four years they're here,
they're spending $48,000 plus the
vending machines, laundry mats,
parking passes, football games, pop-
corn - those students are spending
in excess of $50,000 in the state of
North Carolina Powell said.
The out-of-state students' affect
on Greenville's economy is something
administrator's believe legislators
should consider.
"The economic affect out-of-
state students have on the economy
is fairly large, they are here spend-
ing money, their parents come to visit
spending money, and many of them
end up making North Carolina their
permanent home, so in terms of
what's best for the region and the
state, it's good to have a reasonable
population of out-of-state student
coming in Brown said.
Despite a decrease in competi-
tive tuition rates for out-of-state stu-
dents. Brown said ECU is still a good
deal for students. He said ECU'S low
cost of living is still better than other
states can offer.
"What's a more serious threat
is the proposed budget cuts that the
governor has in his executive bud-
get, despite tuition increases we're
projected to lose staff positions,
equipment funds and other moneys,
that could mean $3 to 4 million
Brown said.
How long it will take for any
increases or caps to affect ECU is a
matter of time.
"We simply have to wait and
see said Yarbrough. "The out-of-
state student application rate seems
likely to decline and an increase in
out-of-state tuition makes education
here less of a deal than it once was
whether it will be to such a point
that we'll drop below the cap appre-
ciablv, I'm not certain
(cent pa,rcina rf rue:(
orminq �oM& &e

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Tuesday, February 21,1995 The East Carolinian
Our View
Like bad
officiating at a
televised game,
inflation is
inevitable. But
when out-of-state
tuition is about
ten bazillion
times greater
than in-state
tuition, the
whole game
needs to be
hear our cries!
Inflation is a fact of life. The cost of bread goes up, the cost
of movies increases, even staples of our very existence, such as
candy bars, are constantly having their prices raised.
We accept these increases, and go on. But what about the
major increases that smack us in the face all at once? The ones
that compromise our educations and make our parents have
nervous breakdowns when the bills roll in? We'll stall no longer.
The issue at hand is the proposed out-of-state-student tuition
Granted, the tuition for all students has always increased,
but this is getting ridiculous. The difference between what an
in-state student pays and what an out-of-state student pays to
attend ECU is quite drastic. It's like the difference between
grabbing a hamburger at Wendy's and attending a White House
black-tie affair featuring royalty and a few Greek gods. Night
and day. Sunshine and tornadoes. Michael Dukakis and Cindy
Crawford. Chancellor Eakin and "Animal" from the Muppets.
You get the idea.
We believe, quite simply, enough is enough. Perhaps this is
a conspiracy to slowly eradicate out-of-staters from campus,
but even several administrators said that the foreigners create
a diverse campus.
As it stands right now, out-of-state students supply $19
million of ECU's total tuition and fee intake, which is just un-
der $32 million. The foreigners are paying almost 60 percent of
all that dough! And ECU continues to sock the increases to
'em. This situation is simply not fair.
Are out-of-state students being given a better education than
in-state students? You in-stateers better hope not, and we think
it's safe to say professors and administration are not meeting
with out-of-staters on Saturdays to teach them "the real intelli-
gent stuff
We're all equal on this campus, but the tab is drastically
Boli's doesn't charge more for a slice of pizza if you're from
Vermont Brody's employees don't take away the sale signs if
they see a Rhode Islander strolling through the mall.
Greenville Toyota certainly doesn't run out back with the
colored soap and change truck prices because a customer's
license was issued from Massachusetts.
The entire system needs to be looked at realistically. Per-
haps if out-of-state tuition resembled in-state tuition by even
the very slightest, then increases would be more accepted at
both levels.
Instead, we have people complaining on both sides, and it
appears that only out-of-staters are entitled to complain. Per-
haps, if the scale was not so drastic, drastic increases would be
The East Carolinian
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Chris Warren, Advertising Director
Printed on
Stephanie B. Lassiter, News Editor
Tambra Zion, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Meredith Langjey, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Eric Bartels, Assistant Sports Editor
Stephanie Smith, Staff Illustrator
Celeste Wilson. Layout Manager
Jeremy Lee, Assistant Layout Manager
Randall Roizell, Creative Director
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Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Thomas Brobst Copy Editor
Aiexa Thompson, Copy Editor
Charles Peele, Systems Manager
Paul D, Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel,Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead
editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board.The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to
250 words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for
publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should be addressed to Opinion Editor,The East Carolinian, Publications
Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919) 328-6366.
Obstacles exist despite
Supreme Court decision
Twenty years have passed since
Roe vs. Wade made abortion legal
alternative for expectant mothers. In
the time since this landmark deci-
sion, it seems very few people have
accepted the Supreme Court's judg-
Sure, a woman who wishes to
have an abortion can legally have the
procedure performed, but only if she
first finds a clinic in her area that
offers such services and then makes
it past lines of screaming protesters
and gun toting pro-lifers. Two de-
cades after Roe, access to abortion
is more difficult and potentially
deadly than ever before.
The task of merely finding a
clinic that offers a woman the abor-
tion alternative is becoming just
short of impossible. According to
USA Today, 45 states saw a decrease
in the number of abortion providers
between 1982 and 1992.
Nationwide, the number of fa-
cilities that perform abortions de-
creased 18 percent during the same
time period. Today, 84 percent of
counties have no provider at all.
You may be wondering why the
number of clinics available to women
is so low. Perhaps it is the endless
threats of violence these facilities re-
ceive annually.
Last year alone, over one
fourth of all abortion clinics reported
death threats. Most are forced to
spend exorbitant amounts on secu-
rity in order to provide patients with
some sense of safety.
An increasing number of clin-
ics now provide doctors bullet proof
vests on a regular basis. This, to me,
easily explains why so few physicians
choose to enter such a practice and
Calvin Arlington
Opinion Columnist
Legal, but still
difficult to have
a safe,
why much of America has little or
no access to abortion.
Assuming that a woman who
wants an abortion is lucky enough
to find a clinic in her area, she then
must endure the gauntlet of making
it in and out of the hospital safely.
Over and over again, pro-lifers
picket clinics all over our nation.
They huddle in vast number carry-
ing pictures of mangled fetuses and
yelling slogans such as "Mommy
don't kill me The women who are
patients of the clinics are taunted and
ridiculed relentlessly.
It is true these people have a
constitutional right to come and
voice their opinions. However, do
those women who are having the
abortions not have a right to have a
legal medical procedure performed
with a certain degree of privacy and
More and more frequently the
pro-life quest crosses the line from
bad taste to murder. It seems as if
every time I turn on the television,
there is some ranting about how he
killed in order to save the unborn
and citing some warped set of mor-
als as his justification for doing so.
They have taken it upon them-
selves to both judge and punish those
who want to carry out a legal medi-
cal procedure.
An example of how society
looks upon abortion is the scandal
surrounding surgeon general nomi-
nee Henry Foster. Foster has been
severely criticized from the moment
his nomination was announced.
Not because he has done any-
thing wrong in the eye of the law,
but because he performed 39 abor-
tions in the course of his medical
career. Other accomplishments from
his career are being overlooked and
he is being viewed as some sort of
criminal even though he has broken
no laws.
If Foster is not allowed to serve
as surgeon general simply based on
his record of providing abortions, it
will greatly reduce the number of doc-
tors that will be willing to sacrifice
their careers by performing abor-
tions. Thereby further reducing a
woman's chances of finding a quali-
fied physician to carry out the pro-
Face it folks, abortion may be
legal, but those who oppose it have
created a situation where it is ex-
tremely difficult to have an abortion
performed safely and professionally.
We as a society need to stop
looking upon abortion as an illegal
act, and see it as the sanctioned
medical procedure that it is. More
effort needs to be made to provide
those who wish to have an abortion
with skilled doctors as well as safe
and adequate facilities.
Doing the loser's limbo Culture always has precipitation
The basic funrtinn n( a form mmmmmmmmKmammmmmmmmmmmMmmm ���i � .
It's been said that if you're a
failed pop hero, or never even
suceeded as a pop hero to begin
with, there's always Disneyland, the
Las Vegas of the FM-Lite kingdom.
Walt must be spinning like a
dervish in his grave at the thought
of the corralful of half-wit talent at
the command of the modern-day
Magic Kingdom entertainment direc-
Steamboat Willie was fine.
Even Dick Van Dyke falling across
the big screen trying to act British
and singing the chimneysweep song
was acceptable, but somehow I don't
think Disney would have liked the
notion of a Debbie GibsonNew Kids
on the Block double-headliner.
Some of the biggest names,
though, aren't related to the music
world. Rather, they are of an en-
tirely stranger and sillier breed-ce-
lebrities. Again, if the outside world
is sick of you, Disneyland will take
you in, no matter how many maga-
zine covers you've been splashed
Nancy Kerrigan is one name
that illicits the gag response out
here in the land of the Overdone
Drama. Her story was good evening
news materiai for a while, and when
the shine rubbed off of that, well,
there were still interviews, talk
shows, etc. She's still alive and suc-
cessful, riding in the front car of
Space Mountain with Pluto as her
Tonya Harding, on the other
hand, couldn't even get a job clean-
ing up after the Clydesdale horses
they use in the daily parades in that
This was a Sign for Tonya, I'm
sure, because, on the big list of
fallback gigs, when you can't play
Brian Wright
Opinion Columnist
From Rob Lowe
to Tonya
Harding, the
loser list lives on.
Disneyland, you're in serious trouble
indeed. Once that pian fails, you
don't have many more attractive op-
tions than turning in bottles and
cans to be recycled as your main
Desperation must have
weighed heavily on the girl's shoul-
ders. She was branded as some kind
of cut-rate Judas in the figure-skat-
ing world, laughed at when she tried
to shake it off and pretend as though
nothing had happened, and left in a
sobbing heap on the ice, looking a
great deal like Tammy Faye when
the PTL empire exploded into at-
And rightly so - acts with
even the slightest taint of heinous-
ness are snowballed to planetlike
proportions once the media get their
hooks into them, and Tonya may as
well have hung up her skates as
soon as The Word was out.
Instead, like a true fighter, she
stiffened her upper lip and resorted
to an alternate means of making an
end, only it wan't picking up cans.
Rather, she cashed in on the age-
old method of selling the most po-
tent commodity in history - sex.
This doomed creature actu-
ally sold the now-infamous "Hon-
eymoon videotape" of her and her
husband going about their conju-
gal business.
When I first heard of it, I was
appalled to the point of just laugh-
ing and refusing to believe it. No
one, I thought, could stoop so low.
It's impossible. If you stooped that
low, your face would be about a foot
into the ground.
I hadn't been so utterly
amazed at anyone's gall since John
Wayne Bobbitt had released the
porn flick in which he had been
cast as the starring hero.
Indeed, Tonya peddling out
her video sex life struck me as an
ugly hybrid sprung from Bobbitt and
Rob Lowe teleporting into the same
pod on the other end of the lab, a
monster, money-sucking mass of vid-
eotape and cheap opportunism
shambling off into the night to be
either death by the authori-
ties or booked as the keynote
speaker at tome seedy underground
film festival.
Rob Lowe didn't get shot
down, but he did slither back onto
the big screen (albeit in roles not
much better than the one he played
in Wayne's World). Tonya probably
won't be so lucky.
She's more than likely already
doomed herself to go down in those
history books as yet another grand-
ma! laughing stock of the entire civi-
lized world, and Nancy Kerrigan, al-
though she is said to privately de-
spise riding at the front of the
Disney Parade, will still be able to
smile at least a little, knowing that
Tonya is bringing up the rear with
the shovel and the broom.
The basic function of a form
of life is to survive in its environment
This has been the cause (as in cause
and effect) for the existence of man-
kind. The ultimate challenge - how
to survive in your environment. Each
deduction and reason to perpetuate
survival leads to an effect or action.
Each effect therefore creates a new
cause, which requires an additional
I listen to the rain attacking
the roof. I know I will rest with ease
How we survive in our environ-
ment is our culture, an establishment
of effects to further our survival.
These effects are called progress. The
goal of progress is survival.
The rain creates tempo as I
We began with a cause, which
is to survive in our environment. An
effect manipulates the cause, there-
fore the original effect will not affect
the new cause. Thus, we create a
cycle which leads to progress. The
established cycle of our survival is
our culture.
A symphony from above.
One culture began with man-
kind and has no boundaries in time
as we perceive our definition of time.
Time is simply a creation or effect to
Lewis N. Terrell
Opinion Columnist
Cleanse my sou
and allow life to
flourish the
culture of
mankind neve
further progress, which has been wo-
ven in our culture.
I would be willing to bet that
it always rains somewhere.
Culture can be considered dif-
ferent for each individual member of
mankind. Yet, individuals who live in
the same environment and posses the
same heritage tend to posses the
same culture.
Cleanse my soul and allow
life to flourish.
The mind of mankind has no
boundaries. The mind of mankind
created and manipulated the environ-
ment with glorious architecture. A
serial killer possesses the same mind.
Mankind is a the constant progres-
sion of one.
Without rain there is no life.
Progress has brought our cul-
tures together, at least we have elimi-
nated the physical barriers. Foreign
cultures create a paradox. Our cul-
ture, our basis for existence and sur-
vival of, is challenged by another
culture. The existence of mankind
has shown that this leads to conflict.
Mankind is one. To doubt the exist-
ence or relevance of another culture
is illogical. Yet, if there is one man-
kind, there is one culture. This one
culture contains many our cultures.
Some have danced, prayed,
and sacrificed others to receive its
Mankind has the power to en-
lighten, yet fear of the unknown will
keep us in the dark. The progress of
the culture of mankind never ceases.
Yet, the progress of understanding
that culture can indeed be hindered.
Can you judge me without the knowl-
edge of my color? Does your culture
demand you to hate me for mine? Do
not fear the unknown, eliminate bar-
riers not culture. That which is un-
known must become known to order
the chaos.
Yes, it will always rain some-
Campus members and community members
are given two opportunities to lash out in
print with our new "Campus Spectrum" and
"Campus Forum Check out the next page.
�� vm �����

m m

Tuesday, February 21,1995 The East Carolinian

Student, faculty and staff columns can be featured here each week.
Campus Spectrum
The purpose of this letter is to
reply to statements made by a mem-
ber of the ECU Administration staff.
The February 14.1995, edition of the
East Carolinian quoted Layton
Getsinger as follows: "In the last five
and a half years (we) have given back
a million dollars to the University in
scholarships from the Student
Stores Getsinger said, "That's im-
pressive in that the stores in the years
before had broken even or made just
a little bit of money and had a lot of
debt Exception is taken to the last
I went to work in the Student
Stores as Aasistantsic Manager in
1960 and became Manager in 1962,
serving in this capacity for 25 years,
and retired in 1987.
Exception is taken to
Getsinger's remarks for 2 reasons:
First, his remarks cast a reflec-
tion on not only me, but also on the
many dedicated and conscientious
members of the Student Stores Staff
during the years prior to his employ-
ment with the University. (A few of
whom are still employed) In my opin-
ion, the remarks question the com-
petent leadership of those former
University Administrators who
had the responsibility of overseeing
the Stores operation. Some of these
Administrative staff include former
Chancellor, Leo Jenkins, former Vice-
President for Business Affairs, F.D.
Duncan, and former Vice-Chancellor
for Business Affairs, Mr. C. G. Moore.
These three gentlemen are de-
ceased; therefore, 1 wish to speak for
myself as well as them.
Second, (and specifically), ex-
ception is taken to the portion of
Getsinger's statement concerning
"The Stores in the years before and
broken even or made just a little bit
of money and had a lot of debt" -
this leaves the implication that the
Stores were poorly managed before
Getsinger's employment with ECU.
Let me itemize some back-
ground information related to the
Stores profits and indebtedness dur-
ing my tenure for you consideration
and perusal.
1) The Student Stores, owned
and operated by the State of N.C
are governed by a law passed in the
late 1930 The Umstead Act. The
intent and purpose of this law was
(and is) to restrict the Stores opera-
tion (to protect private enterprise)
while, at the same time, providing
means to serve the students, facul-
ties, and staffs of the State's higher
education system. If not altered since
1987, 100 of the distributed prof-
its are to go into a Student Scholar-
ship Fund. The Stores are designed
to be totally self-sufficient, i.e all
space, utilities, salaries, and any
other expenses incurred are to be
paid for by the Stores.
2) During the 27 years of my
association with the ECU Student
Stores, there was never a year in
which the stores "broke even or lost
Joseph 0. Clark
Former Mgr Student Stores
Members of the
community are
given the chance
to speak out in
TECs Campus
money" on the contrary, it always
made what the University Adminis-
tration felt at the time was a satis-
factory and reasonable profit.
3)During most of the aforemen-
tioned years, the Student Stores was
the major source in providing Uni-
versity Scholarship Funds.
4) On 2 occasions during my
managerial years with the Stores, Mr.
F. D. Duncan, then Vice-President
and Business Manager, met with me
to discuss the Stores' profits and
on both occasions, the discussions
revolved around reducing profits, not
increasing them. On the first occa-
sion, I was asked to author a plan to
reflect a profit reduction. My recom-
mendation was to cease the collec-
tion of the Sales Tax, which at that
time was 3. This recommendation
would not only reduce profits,
but would save customers' time at the
cash register. Theapproval of this
plan resulted in the cessation of the
State Sale Tax collection. On the
second occasion, Mr. Duncan ex-
pressed his opinion that even though
we had reduced sales by 3, we need
still another reduction in profits. I
was again asked for a recommenda-
tion; my suggestion was to reduce
the margin of profit on all general
school and art supplies from 40 to
28 12. This plan was adopted and
implemented immediately. The pur-
pose of these two profit reductions
was to reduce costs which would
benefit all ECU students through the
general scholarship fund. During the
years when the profit reduction
plans were in effect, the Stores still
reflected a satisfactory profit for the
scholarship fund and certainly did
not "just break even as Getsinger
5) During my tenure as Man-
ager, the Administration would not
approve of my repeated requests to
set aside a portion of the annual prof-
its in a savings account for future
renovations and expansions. All
other University and College owned
stores in the State did this at the
time. Our Administration's philoso-
phy was that the money made from
the University family should be re-
turned to help them each year and
not be "stored" for future use. Not-
withstanding all the previously men-
tioned policies, a new snack shop was
built in 1970 on the east end
of the campus; the building and all
complements were paid for in full
by the Student Stores. The snack
shop is the Croatan.
6) Due to the increased enroll-
ment, in the mid seventies, the en-
tire bottom floor of the Wright
Building, which housed the Book-
store and the Annex (which is now
the Wright Place) was renovated at
a cost of $500,000. Because the Stu-
dent Stores had not been allowed to
accrue previous profits to fund this
project, the entire amount was bor-
rowed at a 10 interest rate. During
the next ten years, this loan, plus
thousands of dollars in interest, was
paid by the Stores. At my retirement
in 1987, the Student Stores was deft
free. I should note that when the time
came to repay the loan, we began col-
lecting the sales tax again and
also increased the margin on supplies
back to the original 40. Dur-
ing a portion of the time this loan
was being repaid, there was
not a large amount of scholarship
money. However, as referred to ear-
lier, this was the result of the
Administration's decision to not set
aside money for future renovations
and expansions. Before the decision
was made to borrow the $500,000
all concerned were cognizant of the
fact that the scholarship funds would
be greatly diminished during the loan
repayment. In other words, these low
profit years were governed
byno other reason except by design.
I should like to congratulate
Layton Cetsinger for whatever role he
had in the Stores turning over to the
Scholarship Fund an average of
$200,000 over the last five years.
However. I feel that the people who
should be congratulated and recog-
nized for this accomplishment are the
dedicated full-time, part-time, tempo-
rary, and student employees of the
Stores who truly made this possible.
I would like to bring to Mr.
Getsinger's attention that for several
of my managerial years approximately
$100,000. in profits were made and
this was accomplished with several
thousand less students than are cur-
rently enrolled at the University.
On behalf of the ECU Adminis-
tration and staff who I had the privi-
lege and pleasure of working with, 1
thank you for the opportunity to re-
move some of the implied criticism
and misconceptions which were
placed on these people by Layton
Getsinger's remarks.
My 27 years with the Student
Stores are remembered with pleasure
and fond memories. The many dedi-
cated, loyal, and hard-working
individuals made for a cooperative and
a mutually beneficial workplace.
When your main challenge and
purpose is to serve the students,
faculty, and staff, and not dedication
to a yearly profit and loss state-
ment, your work is an enjoyment and
a personal satisfaction.
President Bill Clinton will be
reelected in 1996. He has the follow-
ing traits which indicate why he will
do well in 1996: vigorous, innovative,
charismatic, thorough, outspoken,
resilient and youthful.
Clinton has been vigorous in
his approach to move America, "land
of the free, home of the brave for-
ward. He has consistently fought
hard for the impoverished and
middle-class in America. Among
other things, he recently introduced
his middle class bill of rights pro-
posal designed to cut taxes on the
middle class. He simply wants to
undo Reaganomics.
Clinton's innovativeness may
be seen in his national service pro-
gram. The idea is to give Americans
the chance to serve their country in
designated capacities in exchange for
federal educational funds. This is im-
portant for those who can't afford
the education needed in our global
competitive and technologically so-
phisticated world. Other innovative
examples include the ban on assault
weapons, tax breaks for 90 percent
of the small business in the U.S rid-
ding Haiti of General Raoul Cedras,
thus reinstating Aristide who had
been democratically elected to
If one is not careful, he may
mistake Clinton for the Charismatic
John F. Kennedy. Clinton loves to
"press the flesh" with an appealing
style reminiscent of the JFK years.
When I met Clinton in Wilson, N.C.
about one week befoiresic the 1992
Keith W. Cooper
Guest Columnist
Presidential Election, I witnessed that
charisma after a handshake.
Clinton works thoroughly on
issues important to this country's fu-
ture. He and his brilliant wife, Hillary,
fought for affordable health care last
year for all Americans, including the
38 million uninsured. It is beyond my
comprehension as to why women
people would ally with powerful cor-
porate interests to defeat a package
of such fundamental importance.
What would they say to the hard-work-
ing woman who had to quit her
$50,000 a year job to seek public as-
sistance so that she could take care
of her child suffering from a cata
strophic illness?
Furthermore, when NAFTA
(North American Free Trade Agree-
ment) designed to open Mexican and
Canadian markets to American goods
was in trouble, Clinton presented the
living former Presidents, Nobel prize-
winning economists, and other ex-
perts to challenge the opposition
and ask why it does not want such a
"job generator" proposal. Like
NAFTA, GATT received strong bipar-
tisan support. Also, Clinton has cre-
ated over 5 million new jobs thus
Clinton is outspoken on prin-
ciples dear to his heart. He has re-
sisted attempts to undermine
progress made in the civil rights
arena. He opposes those conserva-
tive Republicans who want to elimi-
nate affirmative action programs
designed to give minorities a fair
shake in employment and education.
Clinton uses lecture circuits to blast
conservatives ideologues who favor
Wall Street over Main Street.
Without resilience, President
Clinton would still be Covernor
Clinton. When attacked by the press
for alleged extra-marital affairs,
Clinton quickly refuted the charges.
He used programs like Larry King
and 60 Minutes to make his case.
Clinton's presidency is still in
its youth. There is much more to add
to the already exemplary record he
has. Clinton, a moderate Democrat,
has strong appeal in both parties.
Although 62 percent of white males
voted for Reaganites in the 1994
Mid-term Elections, Clinton will con-
tinue to fight for the disadvantaged
and Main Street. Indeed, the above
attributes spell "victory Join in the
fight to make the American dream a
reality for all and not a nightmare
for the underprivileged.
To the Editor:
I'm writing in response to Kent
Linkner's letter of Feb. 9, in which Mr.
Linkner complains about the group of
"want-to-be Duke Blue Devil fans" at
men's basketball games. Kent, get with
the program, please. This group of fans
is just what the men's basketball team
needs. Granted, the obsecenitiessic)
that are sometimes shouted are un-
called for. But the spirit that these guys
exhibit more than makes up for their
occassionalsic) lack of taste. This
group, clad in purple and gold, cheer-
ing on the Pirates while lambasting
their opponents, becomes the prover-
bial "sixth man" in close games. It's
hard for teams to play a close game on
the road and win, especially in front of
an energetic home crowd. Take a look
at successful programs in the CAA and
elsewhere. James Madison has the deaf-
ening "Electric Zoo" crowd (1 can
vouch firsthand), while Duke has the
"Cameron Crazies Lefty Driesell,
Coach K and Eddie Payne would all
agree that a mean and ugly home
crowd has helped their programs win.
The Pirates have some exciting young
talent in Tony Parham, Skipp
Schaefbauer and others. These guys
can put Greenville on the basketball
map with a little luck and some sup-
port from the students. Rather than
making the "Minges maniacs" tone it
down, the rest of the often docile stu-
dent section should take a lesson from
these guys and raise a little hell, ECU-
David Perry
grad student
To the Editor:
I'm writing in response to the
letter to the editor written by Kent
Linkner in the Feb. 9 edition of The
East Carolinian.
First let me identify myself. I am
one the "goons as he called us, that
attends the basketball games and
shows my support I find it ludicrous
that he criticizes our actions, and states
we give ECU a bad reputation. Are we
that bad? Considering our section con-
sists of fewer than 50 fans who actu-
ally cheer the entire game, I don't see
how we can give ECU a bad name. Our
school consists of thousands of stu-
dents, and we are just a mere slice of
the whole population. It's not fair to
say that we give our school a bad rep,
for we are just some students who get
a little crazy and have fun at a game.
During the games, we are the
only fans who stand the whole time
and cheer even when things look grim.
We start that chants and the rest of
Williams Arena joins in. The whole
place just rocks with support Some-
body has to start it so we do.
If Mr. Linkner knew the first
thing about school spirit he would
realize that we are die-hard fans who
enjoy a good basketball game. I am
proud to belong to this section that
he criticized, and I invite him to come
and cheer with us. Maybe then he will
truly realize the meaning of school
Amanda Ross
PH Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
I have often heard students
complaining about increase in tu-
ition. As an non-resident, I have be-
come accustomed to paying almost
ten times the amount that a resident
of North Carolina would pay in tu-
ition and witnessing out-of-state tu-
ition increase at a significant rate
every year. This is the situation at
many universities, however, so it must
be accepted as one of the sacrifices
made for a quality education. I have
also accepted the fact that there is
an 18 admission cap rule that ap-
plies to non-residents. So, the admis-
sion process is more selective for out-
of-state students, as well. Again, this
however, the UNC system has decided
to cut budget funds for any univer-
sity that-violates this rule. Since ECU
has been known to exceed this per-
centage, this warning should be a
concern for University officials, right?
This is my complaint. I awoke
this morning to the sight of Chan-
cellor Eakin on the news stating that
he supports this decision and that
the primary purpose of the UNC sys-
tem has traditionally been to provide
a quality education for North Caro-
lina students. Thank you for your
support, Chancellor Eakin. Unless I
am mistaken, the mission of ECU,
according to residents, but boasts of
a value placed on the contribution
of each member of the academic com-
munity It is a shame that out-of-
state students may pay more, both
academically and monetarily, to be
equally valued at this university.
Chrystin Farry
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to a
certain letter that was published in the
Feb. 9 edition of TEC that was refer-
ring to "The Student Section You
know, the one that has all the SPIRIT!
I am proudly a member of this particu-
lar section and I have to say 1 was ap-
palled at the comments that were made
regarding us.
We have heard nothing but com-
pliments from the players and other
members involved in the basketball
games. Evidently there hasn't been
much school spirit shown at the bas-
ketball games in previous years. Not
having and showing your enthusiasm
for your team is what gives you a bad
As for the comment you made
about us "yelling obscenities and per-
forming absurd hand gestures towards
the court obviously you are staring
at us instead of the rest of the coli-
seum because we aren't alone. When
there is a bad call made, we like to be
heard, just like the coaches. We are
going to defend our Pirates to the end!
House Rules!
The part that really pissed me
off was the part about us being a bunch
of "want to be Duke Blue Devil fans
Are you nuts? In case you haven't no-
ticed we have more then one win in
our conference! We are Pirate fans
doing what other universities have
done for years! Showing school spirit
To sum, it up. GET UP! GET LOUD!
OR GET LOST Go Pirates!
Tracey Myers
To the Editor:
Let's get these things out of the
way first, Ski (Sic. lSicl- You folks
put a bunch of these things in my last
letter, so I thought I'd save you the
trouble this time around. I really wasn't
sure about what the heck those things
meant so I went looking for somebody
with a tie to set me straight on the
1 found myself a covey of "ties"
walking from the GC building and put
the question to'um all. I'm pretty cer-
tain these fellows were instructors
cause I had seen all of them around
campus at one time or another and
said, "Good-momin and they wouldn't
speak. Well anyway, this one fellow told
me that ya'll put those things in cause
I probably had used improper gram-
mar and that Sic thing tells readers
the original writer, not the paper, is
the dummy. It comes from some Latin
phrase meaning. "It stands as it is I
like that I've been in enough courses
where the instructors told me what the
author was try'n to say.
I also found out this one fellow
was OK after all. He told me that as
long as I was on campus, he had job
security. It made me feel all warm in-
side; I like being needed. So ya'll just
Sic yourself away, I've learned a little
something in a synergistic sort of
way. I think the world needs more
John Carawan
Education Dent
To the Editor:
This country needs a balanced
budget and it is quit evident that the
only way to achieve this is through a
Constitutional Amendment providing
for a balanced budget every fiscal year.
The bill that is in the Senate now. and
was passed by the House of Repre-
sentatives recently, requires a bal-
anced budget by 2002. This gives gov-
ernment seven years to make gradual
cuts and reductions without having
send the economy into shock with
hap-hazard cuts and sufficient inves-
tigation into which programs need
cutting, and in what increments.
W'iy do we need to have a bal-
anced federal budget? There are sev-
eral reasons, including: crowding out
private business, interest on the huge
national debt, world financial credibil-
ity, and the burden on future genera-
What are budget deficits? A
deficit is a net loss or operating in a
situation where you have more expen-
diture than revenues. This deficit is
for one accounting period or fiscal
year. These deficits compile year af-
ter vear on to past deficits to make
up the national debt. The debt now
in the neighborhood of 4.5 trillion in
spending and 1.3 trillion revenues
When the government borrows
large sums from banks, it puts a dent
in the supply of loanable funds and
drives up interest rates for everyone.
This crowds out businesses from the
borrowing field. This makes it impos-
sible for many businesses to finance
expansion or capital growth. This
costs many Americans their jobs.
Every year we pay interest on
the debt, but as long as it is still grow-
ing so does the interest payment.
Some estimates say that without any
changes in current fiscal policy, we
could see up to 40-50 of GDP go
toward paying the national debt by
the year 2030. Now the interest pay-
ment is up near 20 of all federal
With the problems that are
mounting, it is going to become in-
creasingly harder for the government
to secure loans, and we may come to
a point where we can no longer get
foreign loans which account for as
much as fifth of the national debt. We
may soon be in the same boat as
Mexico, Brazil, and other financially
crippled nations.
What does all of this mean? It
means that if the current Congress
does not pass legislation that requires
balanced budgets our generation will
be left with a debt so large that up to
90 of our incomes will have to go to
taxes, so the government can pay the
interest on the debt. We all know that
anarchy would come before that.
This Constitutional Balanced
Budget Amendment happens to be
part of "The Contract with America
and has gotten the typical mistreat-
ment of the media and some on the
left side of the Congressional aisles.
Those who have the courage to for-
get about party politics, like one of
the co-sponsors of the bill Paul Simon
(Democrat. Illinois) and the numbers
of democrats in the House, have a
chance to join in with Orrin Hatch
(Republican, Utah) and the Republi-
cans to pass a logical piece of desper-
ately needed legislation.
Jason Arp
College Republicans
mini lu ii . .1

Tuesday, February 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Neill faUs In The
Mouth of Madness
mediocre new
film sparks
Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
I have long maintained that a
mediocre horror film generates infi-
nitely more interesting ideas than an
even mildly successful comedy. Com-
edies lack the daring often displayed
in horror films, and they rarely de-
velop intriguing thoughts about the
way the world operates.
After going through a dry spell
when horror films seemed all too fa-
miliar, John Carpenter, a master of the
genre, revitalizes the field with his
new film titled In the Mouth of Mad-
ness. Though only a mediocre horror
film, this film boasts an impressive
ability to stimulate thought.
In the Mouth of Madness pays
homage to horror legend H.P.
Lovecraft with a hypnotic tale de-
signed to question where the power
in the universe lies. If collective
thought becomes horrifically similar,
the film seems to argue, then the
atrocities originating in the mind will
supplant reality.
The collective thought of the
global population stems from the writ-
ings of Sutter Cane (Jorgen
Prochnow), a billion-selling novelist
whose work has been translated into
almost every language. Cane's books
have caused people to go insane. The
diabolical premises of the novels in-
vite people in, then proceed to rend
their mind.
The publicity caused by those
unfortunate (weak minded?) souls
who are driven to the edge of insan-
ity by Cane's work only serves to make
book publisher Jackson Harglow (an
impressive cameo by Charlton Heston)
happier. Harglow responds with
aplomb when late in the film John
Trent (Sam Neill) implores Harglow
to stop publishing Cane's newest book
because it threatens to destroy soci-
ety. "I know this book will drive
people crazy says Trent. And Trent
knows because he has just seen the
fiery pits of hell promising to engulf
the world when Crane's newest book,
In the Mouth of Madness, sees publi-
"Let's hope so intones
Harglow calmly. In that one phrase
director Carpenter and writer Michael
De Luca damn all the complacent
powers of the world that calmly ig-
nore potential harm if that harm
promises to turn a profit. Harglow
represents all the amoral, socially
unconscious leaders of the world who
ignore the plight of the suffering in
lieu of padding their purse.
Trent gets involved with Sutter
Cane when Cane disappears before
his newest novel has been completed.
Harglow hires Trent, a freelance in-
surance investigator, to find Cane.
Trent claims defiantly that he thinks
Harglow has staged the disappear-
ance as a publicity stunt. Even when
Trent finds himself mysteriously
transported to the town of Hobb's
End, an imaginary town in Cane's last
novel, he stubbornly clings to his dis-
belief. In Hobb's End Trent finds
Cane holed up in a church finishing
In the Mouth of Madness next to a
door covered by slime and threaten-
ing to burst Even with all he has seen
at this point, Trent still refuses to
admit that anything supernatural is
at work.
Trent's refusal becomes tire-
some halfway through the film, about
the same point the plot loses its ki-
netic drive. Up to the halfway point
of In the Mouth of Madness, the plot
maintains an eerie threat of horror
that engulfs the viewer's mind. Soon
after arriving in Hobb's End though,
the plot becomes muddled while the
horrid events that threatened to un-
fold finally do, only to completely sub-
vert the promise of the ominous be-
ginning. The slimy creatures lack any
real shock factor. Worse yet, they con-
tinually defy explanation. Why, for
instance, does humanity want to be
undone by these creatures? Why do
readers devour the works of Sutter
Cane if all he offers are slimy crea-
tures that mysteriously come from
the center of the earth?
De Luca and Carpenter needed
to work more diligently at creating
the atmosphere in which people
bring about their own destruction.
The reasons are never made clear.
and this confusion lessens the impact
of the story.
Some appropriately shocking
images appear in the film (one in par-
ticular has a kindly old woman beat-
ing her naked husband who is hand-
cuffed to her ankle) but not enough
to truly shock the viewer. Instead,
too much time is spent with Trent
while he exists in a state of deniai.
Sam Neill does a fine job here,
and it is pleasant to see a high-cali-
ber actor like himself accepting a role
like this. He may become the next
Gene Hackman or Michael Caine if
he keeps accepting every role he's
offered. Jurgen Prochnow also does
a respectable job portraying the ee-
rie Cane. The actors try hard, but
they need more to work with.
Horror offers insights and
ideas found in no other cinematic
genre. For those ideas alone horror
continues to thrive. Hopefully the
genre has not reached the stag of
parody, as suggested in the ending
of In the Mouth of Madness, because
a lot of interesting ideas have yet to
reach the screen. While waiting for
the next truly horrific picture, In the
Mouth of Madness will suffice to in-
vade the viewer's unconscious.
On a scale of one to ten, In the
Mouth of Madness rates a six.
Photo Courtesy of someone
Insurance investigator John Trent (Sam Neill), driven insane
by events in the town of Hobb's End, decorates his padded
cell (and himself) in John Carpenter's In the Mouth of
CD. Reviews
Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
Professor Trance &
the Energisers
Shaman's Breath
As the rave scene slowly
evolves, the music changes along with
it. The sterile, electronic beats of
techno are being infiltrated by the
tribal drummings of ancient cultures
and strange rituals. Thus we have what
is called tribal music, although it is
disconnected from the original cul-
ture, religion and people that first used
it Professor Trance and the Energisers
are one such group that is experiment-
ing with tribal music. The group's new
release, Shaman's Breath, is an ex-
cursion into such sounds that they call
dance music with a purpose.
Since most of the CD is just a
steady beat with sound bites, "tribal"
sound effects and rhythms, it might
prove more revealing to say what they
do with this music.
Professor Trance is a musical
visionary and the spiritual elder of a
neo-shamanistic group called The
Energisers. Their neo-shamanism is a
form of pagan spirituality that em-
braces goddess worship from the Medi-
terranean and shamanism from South
America. In a nut shell you could say
that this is his new version of a few
old religions mixed with the hedonism
of the rave culture and centered
around "tribal" dancing that is the
path to spiritual gain. They also like
to use the help of "teaching plants"
in this quest, for the spiritual.
According to the band's biog-
raphy, this is a religion, not just a
scene. The Energisers practice their
rituals in 15 countries around the
globe; so I guess this is a full-fledged
religion. Their rituals are centered
around trance dancing and reaching
a heightened spiritual state.
As far as the music goes, it is
based on the modern ambiance of
house and rave music. I guess what
makes it tribal is the occasional drum-
ming and chants that are interjected
into the songs at various times. Yet
at the same time there are the hum
and pulsations of a key board and
various drum breaks that are made
by machines. It is fairly relaxing and
is good atmosphere music for hang-
ing out or even doing homework, and
it would also serve very well on the
dance floor.
To this reviewer the music be-
comes very repetitive, but i am noto-
riously fond of guitars and human
generated sounds. As far as dance
music goes, I'm sure it would go over
well at any club and it could even
serve well as an alternate soundtrack
for The Lion King. Rave on.
Christina Pokrzewinski
Staff Writer
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claims to be: a very
tiny drop in the great scream-
ing bucket of American media
opinion. Take it as you will.
Test-tube babies, women in
space and Duran Duran yes
my friends, we are talking about
the '80s. It was a time of great
achievements: Sexual harass-
ment in the workplace was de-
clared illegal: the ill first re-
ceived the heart of a baboon,
then an artificial heart; the Ber-
lin Wall fell, and Live Aid raised
millions of dollars for starving
people. There were a few ground-
breaking legal cases, too: A
woman was made to pay her hus-
band alimony; the Department of
Agriculture declared ketchup a
vegetable, and Borden was sued
for selling a box of Cracker Jacks
that contained no prize.
The first recorded Elvis
sighting was reported in Butte,
The '80s was a decade of
record-breaking. For example,
the World Cow Chip throwing
record was set at 266 feet in
1981; someone caught a grape
in his mouth from 319.8 feet,
and Vincent Paxton played the
guitar for a record 300 hours in
On top of all those trivial
scientific discoveries, the '80s
cranked out some of the best mu-
sic, movies and reruns ever to
hit this country. Is it any won-
der that rather than merging
onto the information superhigh-
way, I choose to lag behind and
wallow in an array of tacky out-
fits, cassette tapes and Ronald
Reagan jokes?
You may not even realize
the coolness of the '80s unless
you are a pathetic person like
me; so let me refresh your memo-
ries. The Wendy's "Where's the
Beef?" and the "I've Fallen and
I Can't Get Up" commercials first
aired in the '80s, and television
shows like M.A.S.H Laverne
and Shirley, and One Day at a
Time (yes, Valerie Burtinelli was
famous before she married Eddie
Van Halen) aired regularly. The
"Who Shot JR?" saga on Dallas
attracted over 83 million view-
ers, and drive-in movies were still
popular for more than swap
meets. The early '80s spawned
roller disco, break dancing and
my personal favorite - parachute
Does anyone besides me
remember parachute pants? I ac-
See BUCKET page 9
Sample '94's bad films
with Oscar's evil twin
a Bronx cheer for his big screen per-
formance in Naked Gun. And a nomi-
nation as worst screen couple goes to
Brad and Tom?
It was a good year for bad mov-
ies with the 15th Annual Golden Rasp-
berry Award Foundation dishonor
Macaulay Culkin got no less than
three worst-actor nods, for Getting
Even With Dad. The Pagemaster and
Richie Rich. The worst-movie nomi-
nees were dominated by two Bruce
Willis box office washouts: Color of
Night and North.
Even Elizabeth Taylor made the
list for The Flintstones.
Nominees for Hollywood's an-
nual spoof of the Academy Awards were
announced by foundation President
John Wilson on the eve of Tuesday's
Oscar nominations announcement.
Simpson was nominated for Na-
ked Gun 33 13, released before he
was charged with murder.
"For OJ this could work to his
benefit in his defense. We are saying
he's not an actor Wilson said.
Color of NightJed the field with
eight nominations, from worst picture
to worst couple: "anv combination of
two people from the entire cast"
Winners of the $1.97 Razzie tro-
phies, determined by more than 375
people, will be announced during
"spectacularly spiffy ceremonies" on
March 26, a day before the Oscars.
The nominees were:
-Worst movie: Color of Night.
North, On Deadly Ground, The Spe-
cialist and Wyatt Earp.
-Worst remake or sequel:
Beverly Hills Cop III, City Slickers II.
The Flintstones, Love Affair and Wyatt
-Worst actor: Kevin Costner,
Wyatt Earp; CuMn.GettingEven With
Dad. The Pagemaster and Richie Rich:
Steven Seagal, On Deadly Ground;
Sylvester Stallone, The Specialist, and
Willis, Color of Night and North.
-Worst actress: Kim Basinger,
The Getaway; Joan Chen. On Deadly
Ground; Jane March, Color of Night;
Sharon Stone. Intersection and The
Specialist, and Uma Thurman, Even
Cowgirls Get the Blues.
-Worst screen couple: Color of
Night; Dan Aykroyd and Rosie
O'Donnell, Exit to Eden; Costner and
any of his three wives, Wyatt Earp; Tom
Cruise and Brad Pitt Interview with
the Vamnim Stallone and Stone. The
-Worst supporting actor:
Aykroyd. "Exit to Eden" and North;
March (as Richie), Color of Night. Wil-
liam Shatner. Star Trek Generations:
Simpson. Naked Gun 33 I 3; Rod
Steiger. The Specialist.
-Worst supporting actress:
Kathy Bates. North; O'Doranell. Car 54
Where are You? Exit to Eden and The
Flintstones; Elizabeth Taylor, The
Flintstones; Lesley Ann Warren, Color
of Night. Sean Young. Even Cowgirls
Get the Blues.
-Worst director: Lawrence
Kasdan. Wyatt Earp: John Landis,
Beverly Hills Cop HI; Rob Reiner.
See TWIN page 8
AIDS changes sexual habits
. . . � . J . a. -�1 : it . Lt ii� i rt h i m n t n t
clearly changed the rules in American
bedrooms, a survey shows.
Nearly one-third of Americans
say they've altered their sex lives to
avoid catching the disease, and 3 per-
cent of adults are avoiding sex com-
"People respond to the idea
that sex is potentially a life or death
decision said Joel A Feinleib of the
University of Chicago. "Some who
have only a few sex partners may be
overreacting and may not need to
change their behavior, but AIDS is a
scary thing
Feinleib noted that 75 percent
of the population is at such low risk
of AIDS that they probably do not
need to alter their sex practices.
But he found that people with
the greatest chance of infection are
doing the most to protect themselves.
For example, the survey found
that 78 percent of those who have
slept with between 11 and 20 people
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in the last five years have changed
their behavior. By contrast 12 percent
of those with just one partner in five
years are doing something different
because of AIDS.
"Those who are the mo'st likely
to change are the high-risk people -
those with a lot of partners Feinleib
The findings on sex in the age
of AIDS are based on newly analyzed
data from the National Health and So-
cial Life Survey, the largest random
survey of American sexuality. The
study, much of which was, published
in a book last year, was based on 90-
minute interviews with 3,434 Ameri-
cans about their most private acts and
The latest data were released
Friday at a meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of
Of the 30 percent who say they
have changed their sex practices, the
survey found the following:
- 29 percent use condoms more
- 26 percent limit themselves
to one sex partner.
- 25 percent choose their part-
ners more carefully or get to know
them better.
- 11 percent reduced their num-
ber of partners.
- 11 percent abstain from sex

Tuesday, February 21,1995
The East Carolinian
DR. RUTH from page 1
hood, she felt she needed to further
her education of human sexuality by
studying at New York Hospital-
Cornell University Medical Center.
Dr. Ruth's media career started with
a fifteen minute, taped radio show
in 1980. One year later it evolved
into a live, one hour show which she
answered call-in questions from lis-
teners. This began the network of
communications which Dr. Ruth
Westheimer has become a champion
of all: books, television, games,
home video, and computer software.
Under a cloud of heated con-
troversy, former Surgeon General
Joseline Elders commented that
masturbation should be included
with public school sex education
programs. Dr. Ruth believes that ev-
erything about sex education should
be discussed, but not necessarily en-
couraged. This is one topic that Dr.
Ruth will discuss tomorrow night.
With all these years in one
field of expertise it is easy to assume
that if anyone knows it all, it has to
be Dr. Ruth; but this is far from the
truth. She believes learning is a con-
stantly evolving process, where she
learns from people she encounters
as well as they learn from her ex-
pertise. As Dr. Ruth said, "1 have
learned how complicated it is to
keep a romantic as well as a sexual
relationship alive. If there is one
thing 1 have learned that I pass on;
it is encouraging open communica-
The type of audience that Dr.
Ruth Westheimer attracts today is
a more sophisticated one than when
she first gained national promi-
nence. Today most people are more
liberal about tneir feelings concern-
ing sex and sexual issues; at least
as a nation, we are much more in-
formed than we were years ago. Dr.
Ruth agrees, "People know more
now about sexual issues than years
Dr. Ruth gives relationship ad-
vise to millions of people, from all
walks of life. But her message for
college students will not be differ-
ent from what she tells other audi-
ences. "Let no one pressure you into
a sexual relationship if you don't
want to. Don't rush into any kind of
relationship. Everyone has to make
sure they wait for the perfect time
to have their first sexual experience
because it only happens once and it
will be remembered for a lifetime
'Speaking Sexually" is Dr.
Ruth's first visit to ECU and it will
have a different format than many
students are used to in relation to
an entertainment type of venue.
Some ECU student tickets are still
availible for three dollars each at
Central Ticket office. During Dr.
Ruth's lecture, index cards will- be
handed out to audience members
where questions can be written
down and microphones will be set
up in the Auditorium where narra-
tors will ask Dr. Ruth actual ques-
tions audience members have for
her. ECU Student stores will also
have Dr. Ruth's books for sale at
Wright Auditorium the night of the
event and there will be a book sign-
ing immediately following the show.
TWIN from page 7
North; Richard Rush, Color of Night
Seagal, On Deadly Ground.
-Worst screenplay: Color of
Night, The Flintstones, Milk Money,
North and On Deadly Ground.
-Worst new star: Jim Carrey. Ace
Ventura Pet Detective, Dumb and
Dumber and The Mask, Chris Elliott,
Cabin Boy, Chris Isaac, Little Buddha:
Shaquille O'Neal, Blue Chips, and Anna
Nicole Smith, Naked Gun 3313.
-Worst original song: "The Color
of Night" from Color of Night "Marry
the Mole" from Thumbelina. and "Un-
der the Same Sun" from On Deadly
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The following new members were inducted into the
Golden Key National Honor Society on Monday, Feb. 20,1995.
" ,� e � sHri �� Via
Jeffrey E. Adams
Michael Scott Altman
Celina R. Andersen
James R. Anderson
Miwa Susan Anderson
Diana M. Arsenault
Mary Martin Asby
Ann Catherine Baade
Jeremy Baran
James Matthew Barfield
Lisa Ann Barrow
Claire F. Barvir
Benjamin M. Batten
Melanie A. Bender
Allen Perry Bennett
Dawn P. Bentha 11
Canny Renae Benton
Lor a Y. Berry
Michael J. Blackburn
Jill Lynn Blackwell
Karen P. Bonner
Mary Anne Bowers
Tammy LaMonica Boyd
Vicki C. Boyd
William Neil Boykin
Lynn Parrish Bradshaw
Sonja Smith Brannan
Rhonda Ann Brantley
Lona Gail Brewer
Andrea Beth Briggs
Paula Ann Oliver Brim.
Kimberly Dawn Brinson
Brian Keith Broush
Gina Hnynes Brown
Larry Philip Brown Jr.
Mary Lou Byrum
Brian M. Callahan
Patrick Neil Callahan
Kenneth Drew Campbell
Nancy C. Campbell
Heather Irene Carroll
Rebekah L. Carswell
Bonnie Jo Carver
Lara Susan Cato
Lloyd Lee Caulder III
Karen A. Cayton
Wendy Cayton
Renee W. Chamblee
Keisha Lawana Clemmons
Tammy L. Cole
Julie L. Coleman
Craig Howard Collins
PaLty C. Collins
Paula A. Congleton
Kristin Elaine Cook
' Suzanne Elizabeth Cooper
Scott Alan Cottrell
Mary Alica Courson
Esther Diane Culp
Kelli Nicole Currin
Matthew D. Curry
David L. Cybul
Jill M. Darpino
Melissa Clark Davenport
Rashel Lee Dickinson
Sonya B. Dillard
Patricia Louise Dixon
Michael L. Draper
John T. Dunford
Charles Kerdricfc Dunham
Emily Robinson Dunn
Heather Ann Duren
Carol Anne Durham
A. Keith Dyer
Allison E. Eakes
Joseph Edward Elder
Stephanie N. Elder
Ivy Elizabeth Ennis
Rosa Escanillas
Sue Anne Everett
Neil Wade Everette
Lisa Nichole Ezzcll
Niesje M. Farmer
Tracy Pederman
Kevin James Fleming
Tara K. Folan
Marlene Freeman
Carla Susan Pritzsche
Rhonda Gail Frye
Stephanie Dawn Fuller
Spencer R. Gardner
David W. Gardner Jr.
Joseph Christopher Garris
Frank Ray Gastelum
Debra L. Gerlach
Dayna W. Gilliam
Margaret Ashley Glenn
Alisa Nicole Godwin
Lauren Hope Gold
Darcy Justine Goocirum
Mary Elizabeth Green
Johnny R. Grimes
Patricia Lynn Gulledge
Stacey Gutterman
Dawn Marie Gwin
Chris Haddock
Lisa Ann Hadelman
Daniel L. Hale
Gregory Scott Hale
Brian Wade Hampton
Heather Melissa Hardin
Christopher Duane Hardison
Trade Ann Hardison
Urandie Lee llarker
Kirsten Janelle Harlan
Cindi Ann Harper
Nicole Page Harrell
Frank Barnes Harris
Julie Ann Harris
Vance Alan Harritan �
Kristyn Noel Hartley
Frances Thaxton Harvey
Judy Marie Heck
Holly Katherine Henries
Mary Beth Henry
David Scott Herring
Betsy Augustine Hester
Tracy Weaver Hicks
Curtis Bradley Hildt Jr.
Amy Christine Hill
Steven Anthony Hill
Stacie Lynne Hilliard
Carrie Renee Hodge
Joan Drew Hoggard
Dottie Schiller Holletschek
Joseph Richard Hollingsworth Jr.
Joanna Michelle Holter
Jennifer O'Neal House
Eric Houston
Linda B. Houston
Tammy Jo Landers Howard
Elizabeth Kay Howell
Erin Lynn Howerton
Scott Hudson
Betsy Correll Hungate
Shirley A. Hunter
Mae R. Ingram
Janine Leigh Jason
Bryan Dennis Johnson
Ethel Anne Johnson
Jason Michael Johnson
Tallie Denise Johnson
"miW L. Joaes
.lames Robert Jones
Shryl 1.�' Joie�
M�,lissa Ann Judd
Travis James Kapusta
Stefanie U. Keen
Christine Margaret Kidd
Holly Krister. Right
Scott N. Klein
Susan Jane Kolvick
Maria Rose Lambert
Victor Hurley Lancaster II
tticole Denise Laurion
Michael Lawrence
David Scott Lemon
Kendra Liane Leonard
Amy Jill Levin
Michael Andrew Lewis
Rhonda Michelle Lewis
Tracy Paiqe Little
Monte F. Little II
Kaye L. Long
Dwayne A. Lyerly
Kerry Jean Lynch
Richard 0. Lynch
Sherrie K. Lynn
Anne L. Madison
Ashley King Mangum
Michael Spence Marsh
Joseph John Marte Jr.
Cheryl Lynn Martens
Amy Elizabeth Martin
Jeri Lyn Matkins
Donna Lynn McAdnm
Alice T. McCarthy
Adam Walker HcComb
Tina Demetrius McEachin
Alycia Moore McFarland
Deborah A. McGown
Jeffrey J. McGrath
Megan Dawn McGruder
Noe Ott Mcllone III
David Scott McMullen
Judith Ann McNeese
Christina Margot Mercier
Sara McNeill Messer
Larry Dean Michael
Stephanie L. Mills
Joe David Mills Jr.
Glenn Thomas Mitchell
Justin Douglas Mitchell
Molly Suzanne Modlin
Keith Montgomery
Rebecca Thomas Montgomery
Ryan Michael Moore
Charles Anthony Moretz Jr.
Casey S. Morris
Shelly Diane Morris
Christopher Daniel Moss
Anne-Marie Munson
Jennifer L. Murray
Leslie Anne Murry
Amy Elizabeth Mustian
Debra Ann Nagele
Ellie H. Nay
LeiLani J. Naylor
John Paul Nealey
Brenda Joyce Newcomb
Loann Thi Nguyen
Laurel Carolyn Norwood
Timothy Murry Odom
Scott Kenneth Oechsner
S. J'Neile Oliphant
Gwendolyn Ottinger
Rebecca A. Palmer
Elizabeth Anne Patterson
M. Candace Pearce
Thomas Guy Pendergrass
Ryan Donald Perry
Gary R. Peterson
Elizabeth Lee Petty
Thanh Minh Pham
Paula Lynn Phipps
Leslie Fulcher plaster
Michelle R. Pluchinsky
Tracie Anne Podratsky
Tracy L. Pope
Cynthia Leigh Powell
Linda Faye Simmons Powell
Tamika Candeece Powell
Kelly D. Privette
Elizabeth S. Cuinn
Joseph D. Raczkowski
Eleanor Wall Ramey
Van D. Ray Eudora P.embert
Terry A. Reynolds
Kathryn Ann Rickert
Erica Brooks Kiddle
Melody S. Rierson
Olayta Lateff Rigsby
Rhonda J. Roalson
Martha P. Romig
Meredith Barringer Rose
Jennifer Frances Mcghee Rosenberg
Jeffrey Gordon Rous
Frances Ann Rouse
Adam M. Saad
Kathleen M. Santer
Katherine Elaine Sare
Patricia Ann f-hoenborn
Carolyn Page Schwertfeger
Cheryl Sugg Seaman
Susan Helms Selovcr
Brenda Draughn Sharpe
Jennifer L. Shewell
Monica Lynn Shuffler
Renee A. Silber
Andrea Lynn Simmons
Charleszetta Tolentina Smith
Constance Renee Smith
Lori Lynn Smith
Paul J. Smith
Suzanne M Snyder
Timothy Kyle stacks
Kimberly Dale Starling
Tamara Lynn Starnes
Tammy Marie Steele
Guilherme Steffen
Michael William Stewart
Eric Britt Strickland
Joshua D. Sturtz
Pamela Lynn Sutton
Brian S. Taylor
Carolyn Harrell Taylor
Marcel la H. Taylor
Meredith Ann Taylor
Catherine Tew
Claire C. Thompson
Carla Grace Tipaen
Emily Pattrice Titus
Stephanie Carol Titus
Misty S. Triplett
Sandy Blizzard Tripp
Candies M. Tyler
Joseph Patrick Vanden Bosch
Norman Adrian Viano
Lara L. Voerroan
Laura Gay Crumpacker Waller
Shanata Celeste Walston
Cynthia Ann Warwick
Sunny Waters
Denny W. Watson
April Lillian Watts
Kathryn Mathis Watts
Carolyn Joy Weakland
Casandra Elaine Weaver
Catherine Elizabeth Weaver
Jane Ellen Wheeler
Debra Renea Whitby
Janie L. Whitehurst
Allison E. Whitener
Lynette Williams
Rebecca Perry Williams
Angela C. Williamson
Katheryn E. Willingham
Angela T. Willis
Danny Lee Wilson
William D. Wilson
Kristen K. Wissel
Scott E. Wood
Gina Woody
Janet Berry Woolard
Amie L. Wrenn
Susan Wrenn
Joyce Branch Younce
Amy M. Zmistowski
February 23 Officer Nominations for 1995-1996
Program Planning for 1995-19
4pm in General Classroom 1012
March 2 Officer Elections
March 24 Complete officer profiles
April 13 New officer installations
April 29 Heart Walk
For further info contact Harold Wise 830-5160

Tuesday, February 21, 1995
777e fast Carolinian
BUCKET from page 7
tually owned five pairs of those
pocket-laden beauties, which I fre-
quently donned accompanied by a
turquoise muscle shirt with a pic-
ture of Michael Jackson shouting
"Beat It" or a neckless. sleeveless
sweat shirt courtesy of the movie
Ftashdance. Those outfits, com-
bined with my Smurf roller skates,
made me one of the coolest people
in the universe. Ahh, the good old
The early80s brought us the
last installment of truly fun music.
With bands headed by freaks like
Boy George and Adam Ant, how
could people not feel good about
themselves? "Video Killed the Ra-
dio Star by a one-hit wonder band
called Buggies, kicked off the now-
legendary cultural dictator MTV on
August 24, 1981, and music just got
better from there.
With MTV came the coolest
of the '80s icons. Madonna - not
the cone-bra, crew cut. Erotica Ma-
donna. I am talking about the "Like
A Virgin" Madonna, with her hair
crimped, her skirts short and her
day-glo green heels high. I used to
sit in front of the television trans-
fixed, waiting for her "Like A Vir-
gin" and "Borderline" videos to
come on so I could prance around
the living room lip-syncing as
though some day I could be as nifty
as Madonna herself. I even had the
fingerless lace gloves, lace cuff
socks, half t-shirts and bracelets all
the way up my arm. Madonna was
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my hero. Bands like Bananarama.
The Fixx, Devo and Wall of Voodoo,
rocked the airwaves. Just hearing
the songs they played makes me
feel like jumping all over the living
room furniture like an 11-year old.
The mid80s brought the new
yuppies Volvos and the young
masses metal. Remember when
Metallica actually sounded like
thrash and Slayer was not allowed
to be piayed on the radio?
Megadeth had not yet been through
rehab, and bands like Poison. White
Lion and Bon Jovi reigned supreme.
We all wore torn jeans, dirty ten-
nis shoes and black t-shirts with the
metal band of the day's logo printed
on it.
The metal phase died quickly,
due in part to the fact that the mu-
sic sucked, and in came skateboard-
ing and the groovy tunes that ac-
companied it. The clothing got
more ratty, the tennis shoes dirtier
and the music worse. I loved the
Dead Milkmen, Dead Kennedies
and C.O.C. That stuff was even
worse than the metal, but we all
loved it anyway.
I saw the movie Grease for
the first time in the '80s, as well as
such Le Bad Cinema as Airplane,
the National Lampoons Vacation
series and Stayin' Alive (the ill-
fated sequel to Saturday Night Fe-
ver, the best movie ever made!) It
is these movies I head for at Block-
buster, not the new releases.
Call me pathetic, call me sad,
but I love the '80s and all the crap
that goes along with them. The '90s
have turned out to be a politically
correct, color coordinated, musi-
cally lame decade so far. So you go
ahead and jump on that superhigh-
way I'll just hang back here and
listen to the Culture Club until this
madness passes.
It's very ?
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Tuesday, February 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Parham and Pirates
scalp Tribe 85-53
Eric Bartels
Assistant Sports Editor
Tony Parham scored the first eight points of Saturday's ECU
victory over William & Mary. He averages 8.9 points per game.
Pirate freshman point guard
Tony Parham scored the first eight
points of the game on Saturday af-
ternoon as ECU scalped William &
Mary, 85-53.
"We are getting ready for the
CAA tourney Parham said of the
Pirates huge win. "We had to get
back to the basics - play loose and
have fun
Beginning the game, the Pi-
rates went on a 12-0 run after press-
ing the Tribe for both turnovers
and fouls. Unable to score, the
Tribe finally broke into the scoring
column after a five-minute lapse.
"We were absolutely hor-
rible W&M coach Charlie Wollum
said. "It was the worst perfor-
mance all year
ECU revenged an early sea-
son loss in Williamsburg and was
led by sophomore Tim Basham, the
game's leading scorer with 16
points. The win showed fans and
players alike that ECU is ready for
the CAA tournament.
"This is the first time all year
we played to our potential ECU
coach Eddie Payne said. "It was the
best game of the year. The kids
See HOOP page 12
hits big
Aaroni Wilson
Staff Writer
Freshman point guard Tony
Parham grabbed the momentum of
this game from the outset, taking a
charge and scoring eight of the Pi-
rates' first 12 points, including a slam
dunk. He dominated older high
school rivals from the highly com-
petitive Washington D.C. Catholic
league. David Cox and Kurt Small,
the William & Mary backcourt.
Parham played his high school ball
at Archbishop Carroll, the same alma
mater as Syracuse star, Lawrence
"It felt great to play well
against those guys because I really
looked up to them back in high
school Parham said. "I remember
when I was a freshman watching
those gu play so it feels really good
to go out there and play that well
Parham was the key to the Pi-
rates new pressure defense, creating
turnovers by getting in the passing
lanes and converting them in to
points. Head coach Eddie Payne
implemented this new defensive strat-
egy after playing a matchup zone and
straight man defense for most of the
season. The 6-foot-l guard's quick-
ness and alert play on the court have
made the transition to the new de-
fense a smooth one.
"We were able to get off to a
early lead by not letting them walk
the ball up the court" Parham said.
"It lets us get back to basics and
loosen up and have fun out there.
Also, it lets us get a lot of easy bas-
kets off of steals
He had four steals to go with
his 13 points on 4-5 shooting from
the field and a perfect 44 from the
free-throw line. Parham looked to
shoot more than he usually does with
backcourt teammate, Skipp
Schaefbauer distributing the ball for
five assists
"I have been getting better
looks at the basket lately because
people are expecting Skipp and Tim
(Basham) to take most of the shots
Parham said. "Playing a scoring role
Overton wins
350th game
See CAA page 11
Pirate baseball
coach reaches mile-
stone on Feb. 12
Brian Paiz
Staff Writer
"I guess it can be described
as being proud of being part of a
great program. There's been a lot
of people involved in the 350 wins
and I am proud of all of them
Those words symbolize ECU
head baseball coach Gary Overton.
Overton, who has been, the head
coach since 1985, reached the 350-
win milestone on Feb. 12 when the
Pirates defeated Coppin State.
Overton is the 13th winningest ac-
tive baseball coach in NCAA Divi-
sion I.
He has led the Pirates to five
NCAA Tournament berths which in-
cluded five CAA Championships,
and 10 consecutive winning sea-
sons. I recently sat down with
Coach Overton and talked about ev-
erything from Dave Hart to the
baseball strike.
TEC: What do you think
about this year's schedule?
GO: Playing all Division I
schools for the first time in this
school's history enhances our
power rating. ECU has always been
known as a school that plays a very
reputable schedule.
TEC: How do you feel about
the Colonial Athletic Association
(CAA) as a baseball conference?
GO: The CAA has taken great
leaps in baseball since its initial
stage. The RPI ratings for the teams
in the conference have been in the
top 200.
TEC: How does it feel when
you see your former players go on
to the next level?
GO: It makes me feel proud.
Two of my former players, Pat
Watkins and Tommy Eason have ad-
equate opportunities to go to the
major leagues. Pat is a very special
player. He is a self-made player. He's
taken his abilities to the highest
TEC: What are you feelings
on Dave Hart's departure?
GO: Dave Hart was very good
to the ECU baseball program. He
is an outstanding athletic director
and equally so as a person. We'll
miss him.
TEC: How is it competing in
the recruiting game with other Di-
vision I teams in North Carolina?
GO: The state of North Caro-
lina is a good baseball state. Re-
cruiting is very competitive. What
we try to do here at ECU is sell
ECU'S academic and baseball tra-
See OVERTON page 11
The East Carolina
cheerleaders recently
placed 15th in the
nation. Their
performance grants
them the opportunity to
appear at the national
competitions, but not on
a paid-for basis. See
Thursday's TEC for the
Women gain CAA crown
Hilary Stokes
Eric Bartels
Assistant Sports Editor
After coming back from ten
points down on Friday night, the
women's swimming team grabbed a
share of first place with James Madi-
son becoming the first women's pro-
gram at ECU to be crowned CAA
"(It was the most exciting meet
I have ever seen ECU swim coach
and the 1995 CAA Women's Coach
of the Year Rick Kobe said. "Both the
men's and women's competitions went
down to the last event
Behind the trio of juniors Jackie
Schmieder and Hilary Stokes, and
sophomore Melissa Phillips, the Pi-
rates were poised for breaking records
and mounting a comeback.
Schmieder, who has worked
hard all season, entered four differ-
ent events for the Lady Pirate swim-
mers. Finishing first individually,
Schmieder took the 1650-freestyle as
she beat out teammate Sandra
Ossmann and set a varsity record in
the 200-freestyle.
"We mentally pulled together
Schmieder said of the Lady Pirate
team overcoming both sickness and
nerves. "He Kobe was positive about
it We just got in it in our heads mat
we would win
Stokes set varsity records in the
100-freestyle beating out Fathom
Houtz of UNC-W for first place and
cashed in on the 50-freestyle, as she
continued her successful collegiate
"It was very exciting Stokes
said of her team's accomplishments.
"We worked really hard for it This
was the biggest thing I have ever
been a part of
Contributing to the Pirate
comeback, sophomore butterfly
swimmer Melissa Phillips rounded
out the top Lady Pirate qualifiers as
she beat Seahawk swimmer Christy
Wunderlich in the 200-butterfly.
"Last year, James Madison beat
us by over 220 points, so we were
expecting them to be tough Phillips
said. "No one swam fast or at least
what we were capable of doing- we
just pulled together as a team
In relay competitions, the La-
dies added still more records and
highlights to their prospering season.
The 800-freestyle relay team
consisting of Schmieder, Stokes and
juniors Beth Humphrey and Rachel
Atkinson earned a varsity record and
first place for ECU.
Also, the 400-freestyle relay
team added a varsity record guaran-
teeing them first place. On the shoul-
ders of Schmieder, Stokes, Phillips
and Humphrey, the Lady Pirates tied
the James Madison Dukes for first
with a 270.5-point tally.
Other Lady Pirates making
splashes were sophomore Bizzy
Browne setting the varsity record in
the 200-individual medley and fresh-
man Kim Field setting a freshman
record in the 400-individual medley.
"They were a tough team
Kobe said of his thriving women's
team after they battled back. "It Was
absolutely fantastic
As the women completed an
exciting year, the men were not as
Trailing most of the conference
tourney, the best the men could fin-
ish was fourth behind JMU, UNC-W
and American.
The lone bright spot for the
men's swim team came as freshman
Patrick Kesler finished second in the
Kobe will bring 16 swimmers
on the road once again as they will
travel to Buffalo, NY to compete in
the ECAC Championships on March
Six recruits join volleyball team
High schoolers hope to ease Guttenberg's loss of All-CAA Winters and Laurent
cancies to fill at the middle hitter and
setter positions with the loss of 1994
second team all-CAA selection Staci
Winters and Sarah Laurent.
Dori Brain (Columbia, MD -
Oakland Mills HS) was two-year
letterwinner under the tutelage of
coach Kim Rosado. Brain was se-
lected to the Baltimore Sun and
Patuxent Publishing all-county teams
this past season. She will be expected
to replace Laurent in the starting
lineup at the setter position.
Nikia Ebron (Wilmington, NC
- Hoggard HS) earned all-conference
honors three years under the direc-
tion of coach Ron Strickland. She is
a three-time Scholar Athlete for the
Vikings. Ebron will see action at out-
side hitter for the Lady Pirates.
Breigh Hickman (Holland, PA
- Council Rocks HS) became the first
girls volleyball player form CRHS to
be selected first-team all-district. Un-
der the direction of coach Fred
Bauer, the Indians finished second
in the league with a 12-2 mark in
1994. Hickman could expect to see
action at middle hitter at ECU.
Erin Lenker (Raleigh, NC -
Sanderson HS) is a three-year letter
winner and played for coach Cathy
Wagoner. She earned the conference
Player-of-the-Year honors, as well as
being selected to the News & Ob-
server all-area team. Lenker will see
action as an outside hitter for the
Lady Pirates.
Kristen Meininger (Montclair,
VA - CD. Hylton HS) lettered four
years under the direction of Al Eaton.
At Hylton High, she was a focal part
of two state 3A championship Bull-
See GAIL page 12
Gail Guttenberg
(SID)-East Carolina head vol-
leyball coach Gail Guttenberg
wrapped up her first recruiting class
with the signing of six high school
products to National Letters of In-
tent, it was announced Friday after-
"We filled our most glaring
needs with the signing of these six
players said Guttenberg. "This re-
cruiting class will hopefully be the
turnaround the ECU volleyball team
needs to build our program
ECU, who finished the 1994
season with a 16-17 mark, had va-
1995 ECU LADY PIRATE (6-14) STATS (through 20 games)
PlayerG-GSFG-FGAFG .5073P-3P 0-0 3PReb AtTOST BS 16 1PPG 14.9
42 Blackmon12-972-142.0007.2 1644
05 Charlesworth20-1967-182.36819-75.2532.4 635946010.1
22 Kelley20-2081-205.3952-5.4006.9 19472599.4
24 Boone17-1554-129.4193-16.1884.9 22552738.4
03 Allpress20-945-163.27621-86.2443.8 65742927.3
32 Hayes20-1043-114.3770-0.0004.8 7372556.4
14Cagle17-1226-73.3568-26.3081.6 3343413.9
44 Thorn8-010-34.2947-22.3181.8 1313033.8
30 Sutton18-524-70.3430-1.0002.6 11251513.4
50 Moore17-021-50.4200-0.0002.6 021613.2
33 Westfort13-07-21.3330-1.0001.5 I3231.7
11 James19-011-58.1900-1.0001.0 1025601.4
51 Curtis3-00-0.0000-0.0001.3 1002.3
25 Holly1-00-1.0000-00001.0 0010.0

a Hi"
� -
Tuesday, February 21,1995
777e fast Carolinian
OVERTON from page 10
1994 AWARD-
1995 AWARD-
Professional Tanning Center
Pan Oulce
TEC: I am sure you have seen
a lot of changes since you've been
here. How have they affected the
baseball program?
GO: I have seen tremendous
facility enhancement. In terms of
one huge item I would have to say
is national credibility. ECU has at-
tained a reputation for tradition
that is known nationally.
TEC: What do you feel your
role in the community is?
GO: Youth groups are very im-
portant to me. I never turn down a
chance to talk to the youth. I place
the youth above any other speak-
ing engagement. I put clinics on for
the youth as much as possible.
TEC: How do you feel about
the fan support here at ECU?
GO: I feel it is very good. Fol-
lowed quite closely not only in the
stands but also in the media. We're
also proud of our students. They
showed a lot of support for us.
TEC: How do you feel about
the Major League Baseball strike?
GO: First of all, I hope they
get back to playing. But we all like
to look on the bright side of every-
thing, and if the strike is doing any-
thing it's that it may put more fo-
cus on amateur baseball, but every
American will want the major
league season to start.
TEC: Is there any certain type
of style that the ECU baseball pro-
gram possesses?
GO: We feel that we have a
structured approach to playing. As
long as players play very aggressive,
and play to their fullest capabilities,
winning will take care of itself.
TEC: What do you feel is the
future for ECU baseball?
GO: Hopefully we will con-
tinue to improve on our established
program. We feel we have main-
tained tradition. We will try to take
the program to the next level.
V-AA. from page 10
is something I enjoy doing because 1 had
to do a lot of that in high school
The CAA Rookie of the Year can-
didate has been particularly effective in
the clutch, winning the George Mason
game with a shot at the buzzer and de-
feating Illinois St and Richmond from
the free throw line. He is averaging 8.7
points per game and just over three as-
sists. His turnover to assists ratio is sec-
ond among CAA point guards, averag-
ing just one turnover for every 16.5 min-
utes played.
"If I was to win it that would be
great but I am more concerned with us
winning games and going to the NCAA
tournament" Parham said. "We are start-
ing to peak at the right time and I feel
good about our chances of winning the
CAA's and getting that automatic bid
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Football Season is less than 2 months away. Spring Football, that is.
Come out and here ECU head coach Steve Logan as he dis-
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Sponsored by the ECU Major Events Committee � NO ONE UNDER THE INFLUENCE WILL BE ADMITTED �
Admission by valid ECU ID � One guest per person.

Tuesday, February 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
GAIL from page 10 HOOP from page 10
dog squads. Meininger garnered first
team all-district, all-regional and 1993
second team all-state honors. She
also earned first team all-area hon-
ors (as named by the Potomac News)
and second team all-metro (Washing-
ton Post). She will see playing time
at middle hitter.
Kristen Warner (Dumfries, VA
- CD. Hylton HS) is another prod-
uct of the Hylton program. As a se-
nior, she earned first team Cardinal
District honors, as well as first team
all-area, all-regional and second team
all-metro. Her versatility will allow
Guttenberg to play her at several
"Losing a key second team all-
CAA player, as well as our setter
made recruiting difficult this year
said Guttenberg. "I feel this class will
help replace those shoes as well as
pressure other starting positions
were excited about playing
The Pirates slowed the Tribe
to 19 first-half points and an incred-
ible 0-for-13 from the three-point
line during the course of the game.
A big factor was Parham's stingy
defense of W&M's guard David Cox,
who committed five turnovers.
The Tribe's big men did con-
tribute but were never a factor in
the contest. With a combination of
both senior Chuckie Robinson (14
points) and junior Vic Hamilton
covering the Tribe's Carl Parker, av-
eraging 18 points a game, the Pi-
rates held W&M's best low-post
player to just 12 points.
The Tribe, who dropped to
5-6 in the CAA (7-15 overall), never
held the lead, and saw the Pirates
(6-6 in the CAA and 16-9 on the
season) nail down 50 percent from
the three-point line.
Sophomores Basham and
Skipp Schaefbauer (13 points) com-
bined for over half of the team's
three-point field goals. Basham
completed 3-of-5 while,
Schaefbauer netted 2-of-4.
In the astounding win, the Pi-
rates sank 52 percent from the field
and 68 percent from the free-throw
line, while the Tribe struggled to
reach 38 percent from the floor and
65 percent from the charity stripe.
With over a 30-point lead and
six minutes remaining in the game,
Payne exposed the rest of his bench
to playing-time. Junior Don Douglas
(2 points) and freshman Jerod
Cohen (1 point) both saw playing
time and scoring opportunities.
"It's good experience for me
backup point guard Damond Van
Weerdhuizen said of his perfor-
mance. "I'll take it when I can get
Focusing on the CAA tourna-
ment, Coach Payne is gearing the"
Pirates for the long haul.
"We did an excellent job play-
ing ahead Payne said. "We are get
ting better: we're building and
We'll have a
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Tuesday, February 21,1995
77?e East Carolinian
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OPENINGS available. Personnel needed
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apartment available March 3 and Two
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NAGS HEAD, NC - Get your group to-
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7660. Please leave message.
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perclassman and someone pretty cool
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income. Let us help. Call Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F53623
or exam scores? We have the edge you
need to succeed! STUDENT SUPPLE-
MENTS offers study guides based on the
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bile Music Productions is the premier Disc
Jockey service for your cocktail, social, and
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rience of any Disc Jockey service in the
area. Specializing in ECU Greeks. Spring
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Greek Personals
EXHIBITIONIST. Put your looks to good
use. With your photo permanetly on your
cerdit card, it'll be tougher for anyone else
to use. Call 1300-CITIBANK to apply
RANDI, RANDI, (The Slack one in the
Friendship) Have you forgetten my num-
ber? Don't forget Thursday night, say
10:00. W.
Askrin, Heather Atkinson, Kim Atwell,
Sam Brescia, Stephanie Cecich, Renee
Hood, Andrea Luther, Christa Maiers, Jes-
sica Sendall and Marcie Shelton. Love
your Sisters.
Sally Lackey, Kim Poots. Renee Reese on
your initiation into Order of Omega! Love,
Alpha Xi Delta.
TIFFANY FERETTI: Congratulations on
winning 'Greek Woman of the Year' at the
Panhellenic Banquet We are very proud
of all your accomplishments and hard
work you've put into Alpha Xi Delta! Love
your Sisters.
PI KAPPA PHI: Thanks for a great time
at the Social on Thursday. You guys re-
ally know how to play a game of cards!
Love, Chi Omega.
water polo team on their defeat on
Wednesday. Keep up the good work! Love,
Your Sisters.
Lost and Found
STOLEN: 10-Foot hammerhead shark
from Omar's Omar offering $50 reward
for the return of the shark or information
leading to its return. Call 7523948.
�I'll in I m .in

Tuesday, February 21,1995 The East Carolinian
Individuals interested in serving on the
ECU Honor Board may pick up applica-
tions starting Friday, February 24 at 210
Wichard Bldg. or the SGA Offices in
Mendenhali Student Center. Completed
applications are due Tuesday, March 14
at 210 Whichard. Karen Boyd, Advisor:
for further information call 328-6824.
Phi Kappa Psi is having their 5th annual
Cool-Aid Benefit for the Greenville Com-
munity Shelter at The Attic with Knocked
Down Smilin' February 23rd. Call 758-
6649 or 830-9536 for advance Tickets. All
proceeds will benefit the shelter.
Friday. February 24, 9:00pm - 2:00am,
Mendenhall Student Center. Sponsored by
the ECU Major Events Committee, No one
under the influence will be admitted. Ad-
mission by valid ECU ID, One guest per
The next Gamma Beta Phi meeting will
be held on Tuesday, February 21 at
5:00pm in Mendenhall Room 244. All
members should bring their dues for
spring semester to this meeting.
ECU CR's meet every Thursday at GCB
1014 at 6pm. Be a winner - Be Republi
The ECU Forum for Constitutional Issues
will host a lecture on "Emerging Issues in
Constitutional Law" with Dr. Harbour of
ECU Political Science Dept Wednesday
22295 4pm at GCB 2019.
We will have a Full membership meeting
for all old and new members Thursday Feb
23 starting at 5:00pm in Mendenhall
Room 221. Please bring pen & paper &
$5.00 for dues. If you wish to order a T-
shirt for you (and your friend) bring
$10.00 for each order. This meeting is for
Big Friends ONLY. If you are unable to
attend please tell your Director of Service.
(Buying a T-shirt for your little friend is
There will be an ODK membership meet-
ing at 5:15pm, February 23, 1995. MSC
Great Room 3. All fall tappees and mem-
bers are encouraged to attend. We will
discuss new member selection, the wall
of honor, the mentor program, and the
initiation ceremony. Call Lisa at 328-4796
or Thomas at 758587 for more informa-
Recreational Services will be hosting a
Racquetball Singles Tournament in
Minges Coliseum beginning February 26.
Poole play will conclude on Wednesday.
March 1. A single elimination tournament
will begin Tuesday. March 14. Interested
parties should sign up in Christenbury
204 prior to 5pm on Thursday. February
23. For more details call Recreational Ser-
vices at 328-6387.
Anyone interested in becoming a Softball
official for Recreational Services should
attend the softbali officials meeting on
Wednesday. March 1 at 5pm in BB 102.
For additional information call Recre-
ational Services at 328387.
The Middle Grades Association will be
meeting on February 27, 195 at 4:00pm
in Speight 308.
Pig and Chicken Pickin' at the Baptist
Student Center Feb. 25 10am-3pm. For
advance ticket information call Todd at
February 21 through February 27. Events
will be held at A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall
and FREE, unless otherwise noted.
Stees. tuba (8:00pm). WED FEB 22-
CONCERT SERIES, Program to be an-
nounced (Brody Auditorium, 12:30pm).
SEN OR RECITAL, Kenya T. Tillery, pi-
ano (7:00pm). SENIOR RECITAL. Mike
Fussell, trombone (9:00pm). FRI FEB 24-
Gearhart, violin: Paul Tardif, piano: and
Steven Laven, cello (8:00pm). SUN FEB
Fleming, Conductordmmanuel Baptist
Church, Greenville, NC 3:00pm). MON
Frank, guitar, and Christine Gustafson,
flute (8:00pm). TUES FEB 28-JUNIOR
RECITAL. Matthew Blake. guitar(7:00pm).
For additional information, call ECU-6851
or the 24-hour hotline at ECU 4370.
ENVIRO-DRAMA "The Day the Music
Died" Saturday. February 25, 4:00pm
Elmhurst Elementary School. A play for
children and adults about wildlife on the
Tar River. Fun for all ages: Music, song,
dance, acting, participation. For more in-
formation, call 321-6028
B-GLAD (Bisexuals, Cays, Lesbians, &
Allies for Diversity) will meet next Mon-
day. February 27th at 8pm in the Multi-
Purpose Room of Mendenhall Student
Center (First Floor).
ECNAO will be meeting in Mendenhall Rm
14 on March 1st at 7:00pm. If you have
any questions please contact Kim
Sampson 752-2319.
Academic Motivation-Overcoming Procras-
tination: 227, 3:30pm-5:00pm. Schedul-
ing & Time Management: 227,2pm-3pm.
Test & Performance Anxiety: 228, 2pm-
3pm Exam Preparation: 33, lpm-2pm.
Exam Strategies: 31. 1 lam-noon. Coun-
seling Center. Call 328661 to register.
There is still time to consider a student
exchange or study abroad experience for
next fall or spring but time is running
short! You can study in California, New
York, Colorado, or one of many other
places including Alaska, Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico next semester or year! Pay
ECU tuition and study at another loca-
tion! International sites also available!
Visit international Programs on 306 E.
9th St. behind McDonald's, before spring
break for the best selections!
campus of East Carolina University. Pro-
ceeds from the concert will go toward the
St Peter'School Activity Center. General
Admission Tickets ar $30.00. Tickets may
be purchased from St. Peter's School: 752-
3529 and Mendenhall Central Ticket Of-
fice: 328-7488. For other information
contact: April Perry, 355-3506 or Rhonda
Jordan, 355-5735413-1737.
The Honors Program Committee will be
pleased to consider proposals for Spring
1996 Honors Seminars at its meeting on
Tuesday, March 21, 1995. beginning at
1:00 in Rawl Annex 142. (In contrast, pro-
posals for Honors sections of existing
courses should be arranged through your
Unit Head and the Director of the Hon
ors Program, Dr. David Sanders.)l- To
propose a seminar, use your own modi-
fied format of the basic ECU Course Pro-
posal Form giving the proposed course
number and title (from the list on the back
of this sheet) and the course information
following the format of Part II: "The Na-
ture of the Course" of the ECU Course
Proposal Form. AH proposed seminars
should be intended to be approved as
Writing Intensive. And each proposal
should also indicate the Unit Head's ap-
proval. 2-Submit 15 copies of your course
proposal either to the Faculty Senate Of-
fice or to Doug McMillan as the Chair of
the Honors Program Committee by March
13, 1995. 3- If at all possible, plan to ap-
pear at the March 21, 1995, Honors Pro-
gram Committee meeting. Contact Doug
McMillan to schedule an approximate time:
Doug McMillan (English) Honors Program
Committee Chair. CG 2119. Ext 6667 or
The 1993-94 Treasure Chests. Be sure to
pick up your FREE video yearbook. Avail-
able at the Student Store. The East Caro-
linian. Joyner Library. Mendenhall and the
Media Board office in the Student Publi-
cations Building.
Tales Old & New (Some of Them True)
from a Couple of Fish House Liars. Rodney
Kemp and Sonny Williamson trade off leg-
ends and tall tales, jokes and local char-
acter anecdotes from Down East and the
Outer Banks. Wednesday. February 22.
7:30pm at The Percolator Coffeehouse
located on Fifth St at the Evans St Mall
entrance in downtown Greenville.
Lecture Series, Spring 1995
Monday, February 27. li30-l:30pm,
Brody 2W-50. "Through the Moral Maze:
Searching for Absolute Values in a Plu-
ralistic World Robert Kane. PH.D Pro-
fessor of Philosophy, The University of
Texas at Austin. Sponsored by Department
of Medical Humanities 816-2797. The pub-
lic is invited to attend.
Volunteers wanted to participate as Cap-
tains for tandem bike tours for the Visu-
ally challenged. Training Classes are sched-
uled in Pitt County in March. Are you or
do you know a visually challenged per-
son? Challenges is now providing tandem
bike excursions. Th"re will be a ride in
Pitt County on April 8th. Call Challenges
Inc. 1-80041-0814.
Are You Tired Of
The Rat Race?
We can rescue you from the rat race
Come to Tar River Estates Don't get trapped in a
cheesy situation Stop by today to reserve your roomy
1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartment for Fall '95 We don't
play cat-and-mouse about our 24-hour maintenance,
swimming pool, tennis courts & sand volleyball court
Come in for details on availability
214 Elm Street Five � Greenville, N.C. 27858 � (919) 752-4225
it. ii �wiitra
EXSS majors club workshop, presented
by the UNC-W Majors Club. Where: Minges
142-143. When: Saturday, Feb. 23. Free
to all members, majors, and intended ma-
jors. Workshop from 3-5pm, Social from
5-6pm, and ECU vs UNC-W game at 7pm.
St. Peter's Church is sponsoring a second
International Dinner in the Parish Hall
on Saturday, March 4, 1995. The hearty
German menu will feature Roulades of
Beef and end with fresh apple pie. Tick-
ets may be purchased after Mass, or from
the Church Rectory, as well as at the door.
Adults $7.00 and Children $3.50 (Children
under five admitted free). Proceeds will
benefit St. Peter's Church and School.
Tickets are on sale for the upcoming Lou
Rawls Concert to be held Saturday April
1st, 8:00pm at Wright Auditorium on the
Any organization may use the
Announcements section of The East
Carolinian to list activities and events
open to the public two times free of
charge. Due to the limited amount of
space, The East Carolinian cannot
guarantee the publication of
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each additional word $0.05
Displayed Classifieds
$5.50 per column inch
Displayed advertisements may be
canceled before 10 a.m. the day prior to
publication. However, no refunds will be
AII ads must be
Friday 4 p.m. for Tuesday's edition
Tuesday 4 p.m. for Thursday's edition
For more information, call
Earn $$ This Summer!
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The East Carolinian, February 21, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 21, 1995
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