The East Carolinian, November 1, 1994

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

ECU defeats the wmless Cincinnati tki '
Bearcats 35-21 in Saturday's
Homecoming game. Seepage 10.
? ??????.
O'Rockafella's featured a total lack of sobriety
Saturday night, as the band Sans Sobriety
kicked off Halloween celebrations. See page 6
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 55
Circulation 12.000
Tuesday, Noember I, 1994
Greenville. NC
School of Music dean forced to resign
Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor
Dr. Malcolm Tait, dean of the
School of Music, will resign in
December after receiving nega-
tive responses from a faculty
evaluation last month. He will
remain at ECU as a professor
and is looking forward to teach-
On Sept. 28, faculty attending
a facultv meeting voted 30 to 14,
with the majority voting Dean
Tait has not been effective in his
"The facultv vote was the sole
means of evaluation; I would
argue that an administrator
should really be evaluated by
the constituencies he serves
Tait said. Tait suggested these
constituencies should include
students, faculty and staff as well
as upper administration and pro-
gram performances.
When the results of the vote
became known, the student fo-
rum for the School of Music called
a meeting to discuss what hap-
pened and what should or could
be done, if anything. Jennifer
Horn, head of the student forum,
originally took action to help the
dean biu has since ceased any in-
"The student forum is there to
support students, and it they're
not all saving the same thing, then
I can't sav anything. If the (acuity
sees that the student torum is do-
ing things that they don't like,
they're going to have a hard lime
working for us in doing things for
the School of Music as a whole
Horn said. She said there is dis-
agreement among students as well
as facult) regarding this conflict.
"It's kind of scary when there are
so many mixed emotions and so
many mixed feelings she said
Mixed emotions seem to be as
abundant as mixed facts.
"1 don't know if it's any of our
students' business I'm in the
School of Music, but 1 don't know
both sides ot the story, "said Bruce
Erickson, a music major. "It you
talk to one person, they may be
tor tile dean. Talk to another and
they may be against the dean. I
think that says that no one knows
all ot the tacts
I,nt said the school has more
than 300 majors and 53 faculty
"I think the facultv of the
School of Music is very well
learned and behaved and
wouldn't do anything without
just cause said Dana Hardison,
a music major. ' I'm sure the fac-
ulty had their reasons, even it
they're not public
No specific reasons have been
.given tor the resignation request,
leaving those involved left to
wonder why.
"The criteria tor the vote was
never established Tait said.
"There was no discussion in the
facultv meeting prior to the vote.
It was all over in 20 minutes so
what were thev voting on?"
I he vote was carried out by
secret ballot so Tait may never
"Unit administrators serve at
the pleasure of the chancellor.
Faculty in a unit are periodically
permitted to vote by secret ballot
on the effectiveness of their unit
administrator said Dr Tinsley
Yarbrough, interim vice chancel-
lor of academic affairs. "A nega-
tive majority vote by that faculty
constitutesa recommendation that
the chancellor replace that admin-
Removal policies vary across
the state, but few mirror ECU's
policy. Western Carolina Univer-
sity and UNC Chapel Hill deans
all serve "at the pleasure of the
Chancellor" or Vice Chancellor.
"Deans at Carolina are ap-
pointed bv the dean for a five-year
period said Janet Thomas at
UNC Chapel Hill's chancellor's
office. "A committee is appointed
bv the chancel lor to evaluate them
deans after four years. They do
ask for student input into their
evaluation as well as facultv in-
put. The committee then makes a
recommendation. Usually the
chancellor follows the recommen-
dation. In 14 years of being here. 1
don't know of any dean being re-
moved before his time is up Tho-
mas said committee evaluations
can happen as frequently as every
Western Carolina University
has different evaluations for each
department and school. "Deans
must be evaluated on a regular
basis not more than five years
apart said-Dr.JudithStillion.v ice
chancellor of academic affairs at
Western Carolina University. "We
have both department heads and
faculty evaluating deans. In some
cases, an advisory committee will
speak directly to the dean and our
office may never receive a report,
but in most cases we do. Any of us
who serve in administration could
lose our job overnight Stillion
said there is a regular turnover
rate tot deans.
Nowthatdean "aithassub-
mitted his resignation, K I
must find a replacement. 1 )r.
I ruin Hester of the I
department will serve as in-
terim dean tor the School ot
Music, until a replacement is
found. A five-member commit-
tee, headed bv Scott Snyder,
chair of th. geology depart-
ment, will search tor a new
"It is very traditional that
interim administrators are se-
lected from outside the unit
arbroughsaid. "1 )r. 1 lester
was chair ot the department ot
I nglish. Some time ago, he
served as interim dean ot the
School of Art.
Music major Matt Blake be-
lieves the bottom line lies be-
tween the faculty and thedean,
and that students should be
thoroughly informed but not
See NEW page 3
Health Sciences recognizes contributer
Todd Carper
Staff Writer
In a 23th anniversary cer-
emony held last week on the
courtyard of ECU's Health Sci-
ence Library, faculty, staff and
guests paid tribute to Dr.
Edwin Monroe, a man instru-
mental in the library's creation
and growth.
Monroe, first dean of the
ECU School of Allied Health
Sciences and the first vice chan-
cellor for health affairs, was re-
sponsible for obtaining funds to
start the library in 1M64.
The ceremony included a tree
dedication in the courtyard next
to the library, with Dr. lames A.
Hallock, vice chancellor to the
division of health and sciences
and Dr Jo Ann Bell, director of
the Health Sciences Library
As v ice chancellor of the di-
vision of health sciences, I con-
sidered it a pleasure and an
honor to comment about this
man and the honoring of his con-
tributions I fallock said.
Many of Dr. Monroe's co-
workers also felt that he made a
detrimental contribution to the
health field at ECU.
"This was a way we could
recognize his contributions
said Bell, who was hired bv Dr.
Monroe in 1969.
Monroe obtained funding to
support the School ot Nursing,
the newly established School of
Allied Health and Sciences and
the proposed School of Medi-
" I listorical information shows
he made major contributions
which are very significant
Hallock said.
Bell said the library hasmoved
three times has three branch lo-
cations since 1969, when they
were located in a tiny office and
an abandoned cafeteria.
According to the Medical Cen-
ter News, the library fills two
floors and 41, 680 square-feet at
the Brody Building. The collec-
tion of materials includes more
than 136,000 bound volumes,
nearly 20,000 reels of microfilm,
8,200 microfiche, more than 4,000
audiovisuals, 410 microcom-
puter software applications and
1,549 journal subscriptions.
"When I was first hired, we
didn't have a single book, so we
have definitely come a long
way Bell said.
The library is open 116 hours
a week, 362 days a yeai and
is equipped with a computer
center for student use. a mul-
timedia area for teaching and
individual study rooms.
"People all over the world
say that this is the best li-
brary they have ever used,
and the one aspect that we
are most proud of is that our
faculty, staff and, most im-
portantly, students appreci-
ate the kind ot sen ice we
give Bell said.
Med school celebrates care day
Teri Howell
Staff Writer
ECU's School of Medicine re-
cently joined medical students,
educators and medical profes-
sors nationwide to recognize
National PnmarvCareDay.The
purpose ot National Primary
Care Day, held Sept. 29, was to
celebrate nationwide the impor-
tance of primary care in the US,
said Tom Fortner, director of
news and information at ECU's
medical center.
National Primary Care Day
is organized bv medical stu-
dents all over the nation who
are interested in promoting the
primary care specialties. Pri-
mary care deals with family
medicine, pediatrics, internal
medicine and, sometimes, obstet-
rics. Improving homeless shel-
ters is one form of primary care,
Fortner said.
"There is some concern out
there that primary care doesn't
have the notoriety ot other spe-
cialties Fortner said. ' The my-
thology that primary care doc-
tors have a difficult life is tist not
true. The real truth is there's
plenty of different things one can
do with primary care knowledge
and education
Five ECU medical students
helped to organize the tirst cel-
ebration held in Greenville, and
began planning around six
months ago, said Katie Patten, a
fourth year ECU medical student.
The day began around 11.30 a.m.
and ended close to 2:00 p.m. Spe-
cial medical presentations, ex-
hibit booths and a guest speaker
helped to expose to students the
importance of primary care.
Dr. Larry Cutchin spoke of the
future of health care reform, the
cost control of medicine and
Health Maintenance Organiza-
tions (HMO's) such as Kaiser-
Permanente, Patten said.
"Dr. Cutchin's speech was so
important because we were able
to telecast it to Ahoskie and
Williamston which are both part
of ECU's rural residency pro-
gram said Patten. "This proved
we could be linked by
telemedicineand these rural resi-
dencies are now able to see and
hear everything that the speaker
or doctor does during grand
rounds at the hospital
Primary care doctors today
have a seller market Fortner
said. "Doctors find it very easy
to get positions because the move
to managed care really puts a
premium on skills that primary
care doctors have
Fortner said that around 50
percent of the medical students
at ECU graduate in the three pri-
mary care specialities of family
medicine, internal medicine and
"We are currently working on
increasing the number of people
in primary care up to 60 per-
cent Fortner said. "ECU is one
of the top medical schools na-
tionwide with a large portion of
primary care graduates, which
See CARE page 3
Services offers
career paths
festivities, Tim
Garrett Hall was
King. Wende
Alpha Xi Delta,
was named
Stephanie Lassiter
News Editor
This week, Career Services
will offer students'a prime op-
portunity to learn more about
careers and the paths to take to
get there.
The Career Education Com-
mittee, a division of the ECU
Faculty Senate, will co-sponsor
a MajorsMinors Fair tomor-
row to give students the chance
to learn about available majors
and minors.
"The purpose is to provide a
time for all students to focus in
on all the majors offered at Fast
Carolina said Dr. Jim
Westmoreland, director of Ca-
reer Services.
The fair was scheduled
shortly before pre-registration
week to give students the op-
portunity to explore other op-
tions before registering for the
spring semester.
"Hopefully this sets up fu-
ture opportunities to learn
about specific career directions
of former graduates
Westmoreland said.
Student and department rep-
resentatives will be on-hand to
answer questions regarding re-
quirements for majors and mi-
nors, as well as to provide in-
"The departments will have
faculty and sonic student rep-
resentatives to meet students
and answer questions about the
requirements tor majors and
minors Westmoreland said
Unlike the Career Davs.
the MajorsMinors fair is an
informal opportunity to
gather information; there-
tore, students need not dress
in professional attire.
The MajorsMinors fair
will be held in Mendenhall
Student Center Great Room
tomorrow from 12
Thursday, students will
have the opportunity to
learn about Health Careers
at the Health Career Day.
While the career day focuses
on seniors, graduate stu-
dents and alumni, all stu-
dents are welcome.
Westmoreland encourages
students to get involved in
their career search early to
provide ample time tor re-
"It's a great opportunity
for our students to meet
these employers and have
them visit our campus he
The career da provides
employers with a v ast state-
ment of progi ams offered at
ECU, as well as the oik
ethics of the students h
'We would encourage
our students to talk withev
eryone who comes as thev
are our guests he said.
Ovi r 80 oi ganizations
companies will b
sented from throughout the
Southeast in luding I oi
See CAREER page 3

November 1.
2 The East Carolinian
NC Republicans
visit campus
Jennifer Menser
Student jailed for stealing library materials
student at Indiana State University appeared in court last
Monday on charges of criminal mischief and conversion. Uie
student was charged with trying to leave the school library with
numerous pages he had cut out of library periodicals 1 ibrarians
notified the police, and he was taken to the county jail.
Computer eye fatigue is a growing problem for college students
A University of California study finds that over 8 million
computer users complain of eye problems annuall) . Symptoms
range from headaches, burning eyes and blurred vision to dizzi-
ness and computer induced near-sightedness (myopia). 1 he near
sightedness can be prevented by wearing special computer glasses
or contact lenses. Doctors recommend computer users work in
good lighting and should periodically close their eyes for relax-
Missouri University hit hard with phone fraud
Over $7,600 in charges appeared on phones that shouldn't be
open to toll calls across the campus of Missouri University. Uni-
versity officials expect a full refund from the phone company The
calls were made from courtesy phones around the campus. Offi-
cials said the phone thefts called an 800 number to get service
through AT&T, and the phone company then billed the line
directly. The overcharges add up to a semester's tuition at ML
Coming Out Day Supports Homosexuals at Chapel Hill
Bisexuals, gay men, lesbians and Allies for Diversity (B-GLAD)
groups at UNC Chapel Hill celebrated National Coming Out Day
with a guest speaker and open microphone. Students shared
opinions and rainbow-colored ribbons were distributed to signify
support of homosexuals.
Lack of immunizations causes 270 students to withdraw
Appalachian State University dropped 270 students horn all
records and class rolls last week. The students failed to turn
immunization records into the school's infirmary. Those living in
residence halls have been given 48 hours to vacate. School officials
are hoping the students will promptly turn in records and re-
enroll in classes.
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
Staff Writer
"Conservative" republican Steve
Radar and his colleague, Henry
ILL College Republic inslastTluirs-
da) night. The purpose of the dis-
cussion, held in the General Class-
room, was to present the two candi-
dates who are running tor office.
Rader is running for the NC.
state Senate He talked about the
presentstateprison system,and how
he believes that far tin) many crimi-
nals were getting away with their
"On the average, a prisoner in
thecurrent system will only serve 25
davs for each year of his or her sen-
tence he said.
Radar said crimes such as drug
sales, breaking and entering, larceny,
the forging of checks and the exploi-
tation of a minor are being dealt
with bv subjecting offenders to little
or no punishment. He believes the
treatment of such crimes as drug
sales, larceny, or the forging of checks
is definitely not stringent enough to
deter criminals from committing the
act again.
Rader believes one of the main
reasons the prison system was in
such bad shape was because of the
poor direction of funds within the
government. Pork barreling, Rader
said, was a major problem in the
current svstem of administration.
Rader said state funds were spent
on the consttOK tion ol a horse race
track in the effort to influence a
certain group ol wealth business-
men from whom support was
needed. Rader disagreed with this
improper spending.
Rader also said he was for term
limitation, as well as the guberna-
torial veto, both the general and the
line-item which would give the gov-
ernor the ability to veto only certain
aspects of a bill, rather than having
to omit entire sections based on one
specific issue.
Steve Rader s colleague, Henry
Aldridge, candidate for the N.C.
House, spoke only briefly, clearly
stating that the current system
needed many changes. He held
many of the same opinions as Rader,
adding that while prisoners serve
their sentences, they should work
to pay for their keep. He said that
school systems should be teaching
"morals and values" to children,
and mentioned that sex education
programs should be more focused
on abstinence as opposed to safe
In his pamphlet, Aldridge stated
that the government's policy should
be "strict budgeting, wise spend-
ing, and tax relief for people with
limited budgets of their own
"I'm not a professional politi-
cian. I'm just a man who believes he
can make a difference Aldridge
Top, the chemistry de-
partment participated in
the annual Homecoming
Parade. The Hospitality
Management Associa-
tion float placed first in
the competition. Left, this
parade participant spent
the morning clowning
while you wait
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The Lost Carolinian3
November 1. 1994
stories are due
today unless you
talk personally
with stephanie.
Thank you.
From p. 1
is very rewarding.
Patten said one mam reasoi
National Primary Care Pa is to
help maintain tht number ot doc-
tors who remain m the primary
tare field.
I CLl is a traditionally strong
school in primary care, possibly
because of a greater knowledge
and skill Patten said.
- Fortner and Patten said they
hope National Priman Care Day
will hopefully become an annual
event here at ECU and they are
looking forv ird to a larger aware-
ness of the importance of primary
care nationwide.
CAREER From p. 1
ana, Alabama. Virginia and
I lorida.
"The Health Career Day is for
both hospitals and rehabilitations
offices Westmoreland said.
While thecareerdaj focuseson
those majoring in health careers
su h as nursing, physical therapy,
occupational therapy, speech lan-
guage and auditory pathology and
health information management,
all students are encouraged to at-
tend to learn more the health care
Although many people will be
asking for these areas, the astute job
searcher will be able to come and
ask questions of the representatives
from throughout the Southeast
about what one can expect in a sec-
ond or on-site interview
Westmoreland said.
The career day will be held in the
Carol Belk Allied Health Nursing
building and Belkbuidlmgbetween
10:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m every 30
minutes. TheCold Line bus will ilso
be running as normally scheduled.
Students should sign up at the
registration table for one of eight
$100 prizes to be given out randomly
throughout the event.
For more information, contact
Career Services at 328-6050.
From p. 1
iin ol ed
"Ultimately, the conflict is
between the faculty and the
dean; it there is a conflict, it
needs to be resolved whether it
is with a new dean or the same
dean Blake said. "Whether
the faculty is right or not, that's
not the point. The point is the
dean and the faculty have to
work together in order for the
school to operate smoothly.
They're faculty going to be
here for more than four years,
and that needs to be put higher
on a priority list than how the
students feel
Tait believes the school op-
erates well, noting the accom-
plishments which have oc-
curred during his stay in of-
"I was responsible for in-
creasing funding from exter-
nal agencies and that has been
successful. We have increased
the number of friends of the
School of Music substantially,
and funding has increased dra-
matically with scholarship
funds becoming increasingly
available Tait said.
Tait also noted increased fac-
ulty positions including gradu-
ate assistants, increased stu-
dent enrollment on a graduate
and undergraduate level,
physical improvements to the
building and 5200,000 spent in
new technologies and equip-
ment. The School of Music has
received awards from the
Alumni Association, as well as
positive National Accredita-
tion Agency recommenda-
"I wouldn't say I've been
mainly responsible. In a lead-
ership capacity, those things
have happened while I've been
dean Tait said. "The record is
clear that the school has moved
forward in many significant
ways in the past three years
Dr. Tait has requested that
the ECU Board of Trustees
evaluate the policy that re-
moved him from office.
"This whole area of evalua-
tion of upper administration
seems to be worthy of very
close examination by the trust-
ees, because if my experience
is to be repeated in other
schools, then it's going to have
an adverse effect Tait said. "I
have asked that they examine
the process. I don't know
whether they'll do anything or
Yarbrough said the evalua-
tion process has been in effect
for over 10 years,
"Dr. Tait is a permanent
member of the faculty. That
means he can stay until he re-
tires, resigns or dies
Yarbrough said.
Tait said he looks forward
to teaching for the first time in
over 10 years and hopes the
discomfort of fitting in with
the faculty is short-lived.
"I don't think there's going
to be any prolonged hostility
Tait said. "But if it had been
done openly then I think the
discomfort would have been
less. There would be a greater
measure of honestv "
The School of Music has had
four deans since 1980. Tait
agreed that a new dean may
be reluctant to take action, and
believes this would be a natu-
ral response, but added. "It
could happen to anyone. I
think it's imperative they his
successor be very strong and
widely experienced
Chancellor Eakin was un-
available for comment.
The Honey Baked Ham Co.
is in search of help during the
holidays to fill our Sales Counter
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nearest you.
t !M 1994

November I, 1994
4 The East Carolinian
? The East Carolinian
The East Carolinian
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Chris Warren, Advertising Director
Stephanie B. Lassiter, News Editor
lanibra Zion, Asst. Nen-s Editor
Mark Brett, ifestyle Editor
Meredith Langley, Asst Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Aaron Wilson. Asst. Sports Editor
Steven A. Hill, Opinion Page Editor
Stephanie Smith. Staff Illustrator
Printed on
Thomas Brobst. Copy Editor
Jessica Stanley. Copy Editor
Alexa Thompson. Copy Edito
Jon Cawley. Typesetter
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Jon Cawley, Asst. Layout Manager
Sean McLaughlin, Creative Director
Randall RozzeH, Asst. Creative Director
Leslie Petty, Photo Editor
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
Serving me ECU community since 1925. The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday The
masthead edmna. in each editionis -he opinion of .he Editorial Board The East Carolinian welcomes tetters hmrted to 250
Z???? he ed?ed for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves thengh, toed or rect fcyjjjj-gj
Letters should be addressed to: Opin.on Editor. The East Carolinian. Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville. N.C -7858
For more information, call (919) 328-6366.
j i I cKtt ? "flsfiafp-T i Aear c
political pollution nearly over, again lg-?g
Lately, we have been subjected to
what seems like a maddening barrage
of political advertisements. Is there no
Just when we emerged from the
annoying campus elections somewhat
unscathed, we face further political
annoyances from Congressional
elections. Perhaps the campus
elections served to condition us for
what we are presently enduring.
Drive down any road and one will
politicians' bumper stickers and road
signs. Sordid smear campaigns pollute
radio and television programs.
Leaflets espousing political
candidate's views are placed under
our windshield wipers and stuffed into
our mailboxes.
It is enough to make a citizen, well,
not vote!
TEC is not calling for a boycott of
the voting booths; however, we would
like to recognize the sickening torrent
of political tirading recently.
If familiarity breeds contempt, then
this incessant bantering between
(adult?) political aspirants may have a
detrimental effect at the polls. Instead
of attracting undecided voters to their
camp, politicians may be repulsing
them. The latter does nothing more
than smother any hope we may have
had for the political process.
However, there are the voices in
the wilderness that try to allay our
fears and soothe the wounds that
regretfully accompany the campaigning
Interspersed among these tedious
campaign ad vertisements, however, are
the slightly less sickening, but
nonetheless repetitive, messages that
remind us of our patriotic duty to vote.
The popular jingle says, "Choose or
Lose Given the standards of politics,
perhaps a more appropriate slogan
would be "Choose and Lose
It may be that apathy at the voting
stations in recent years can be
attributed, somewhat, to the crass
tactics of politicians and their ilk. It is
no wonder that Americans feel intense
cynicism toward the world of politics.
In ancient Greece, whenever a
politician became too powerful, or even
too popular, they would purposefully
expel that person from the city-state for
a period of several years.
Imagine the voter turn out if that
provision were to be decided directly
by the American people today!
Better yet, envision the effect it
would have on the amount of political
Could you imagine a campaign season
without all the hype and f ingerpointing? A
campaign season that compelled
candidates to run on the issues alone?
Don't hold your breath. But do take
heart. It's almost over; election day is
nearly here, so hang in there.
America's nightmare: The war in Vietnam
by Jeff Day
For the first time in my
memory, I have seen a political
ad that is actually entertaining
for its candidate. These new
"Charlie Rose for Congress" ads
that have Rose's father and the
ag center named for the
congressman are as far from
negative as you can get.
Unfortunately, they also tell
you nothing about Rose, other
than the fact that he has a father,
somehow got a ag center built for
his constituents and does not take
himself too seriously- This is the
problem with 30-second TV ads.
It is impossible to give a clear
and coherent reason to support
any candidate in that period of
It goes without saying that
we are all tired of the negative
campaign ads now bombarding
us as election day nears. The
worst of the lot have to be the
ones in the race between
incumbent Democrat Martin
Lancaster and Republican
challenger Walter Jones, Jr.
While I hate these ads as
much as anyone, in fairness we
should admit that at least they
try, after a fashion, to give some
rational reasons for why not to
vote for a candidate.
For example, according to
Rep. Lancaster, we should not
vote for Jones because: l)hedoes
not live in the district, 2) he does
not show up for work, and 3) he
used to be a democrat. This last
one is a strange reason for a
democrat to use, but campaigns
are always strange.
According to Jones, we
should not vote for Lancaster
because of Bill Clinton. Whether
any or all of these charges are true
or even valid reasons is up to the
voter to decide.
What really is disturbing
about thiselectionishow the news
media simultaneously denounces
all negative advertising as shallow
and irrelevant and refuses to
provide candidates adequate
coverage and space to lay out in
clear terms their positions on
important issues.
Political issues can be very
complex, and as a result, unless
adequate space is given to reveal
one's true position, they are easily
replaced by symbolism. My
favorite example of this was an ad
I saw about the recent crime bill.
In the ad, the candidate stated
that because he supported the bill,
he was tough on crime. His
opponent, who did not support
the bill, was accused of not
wanting more policeon the streets.
Now, let's be honest here.
There was more to that bill than
just putting more police on the
street. Moreover, who really
believes that anyone in Eastern
North Carolina is going to get any
more police as a result of this new
The crime bill was
tremendously complex and
multifaceted. Obviously, no one
wants to see crime increase. So
obviously those who opposed the
bill did so for other reasons.
Because politicians are so loath
to take firm positions on issues, it
was refreshing to see the
Republicans issue their Contract
with America, and so frustrating
By Brian Hall
to see both the Democrats and the
news media immediately
denounce it as a cheap election-
year ploy.
Perhaps it is. However, is there
anything wrong with taking them
up on theof fer to take it seriously?
Let's take a look at the things which
they promise to do if elected to a
majority in Congress.
The Contract promises to do
three things on the first day of a
Republican House andvote on ten
more within a hundred days. On
the first day the Republicans
would force Congress to live under
the laws that it passes, cut one-
third of the congressional
committee staff and cut the
congressional budget.
Then it would vote on, among
other things, a balanced budget
amendments line-item veto, tax cuts
for families, legal reform (to limit
judgment sizes and "stop frivolous
lawsuits") and congressional term
Not all of these are necessarily
good ideas,and like all issues there
is more than one side to all of
them. However, instead of merely
denouncing the presentation of
this legislative program, it would
be best if those who disagree
present their objections in at least
as coherent a manner as the
The level of political debate has
deteriorated considerably with the
advent of television advertising and
the packaging of candidates. Any
prospect for the elevation of the level
of political discourse is therefore a
welcome sign. Perhaps this is the first
sign of a return of rational debate
between the parties.
As in the case of Korea,
the American response to
Vietnam was conditioned
above all by the fear of the
consequences of a communist
accession to power in the
eastern outposts of the Asian
mainland. That one such
victory would redound
inevitably to others was an
accepted assumption of the
central doctrine.
Since the bipolar view
tended to underestimate the
possibilities of "Titoism" as a
reliable or significant adjunct
of policy, the Vietnamese civil
war was inevitably defined as
a threat to Western security.
The zero-sum mentality
reduced a thousand years of
Vietnamese history to an
That history had shown a
rarely relenting tradition of
hostility and war between
China and Vietnam, a fact
which may have reduced in
American minds the
onerousness of a communist
reunification of the country.
Even before the first year
of military escalation, in 1965,
isolated voices in the West
foretold of a communist
Vietnam that would prove
more a thorn than a flower for
communist solidarity, which
in any case had become a
fiction shorn of its pretenses,
betrayed by the openly hostile
relations between Moscow
and Peking.
Vietnam, moreover,
illustrated the vast capacity of
statesmen to disfigure the
most salient of truths. Three
successive presidents spoke of
the besieged democracy of
South Vietnam, though each
knew that to call the succession
of corrupt regimes in Saigon
democratic was a study in
political misnomer. Statesmen
steadfastly denied that the
conflict could legitimately be
conceived as a civil war,
because doing so would
diminish the clarity of the
struggle as a war between
communism and the West.
To perpetuate the ever
escalating expenditure of arms
and men, the United States
insisted that Vietnam was a
battle of wills in which
America had to win.
After the conflict ended
and American policy lay in
ruins, apologists pointed out
that the costliness of victory
would make the communists
hesitate to fight again.
Theories of dominoes were
suddenly forgotten in the rush
to ex post facto justification of
a cause that had been lost at
the cost of 59,000 American
The "arrogance of power"
as Senator Fulbright called it
in a famous speech long before
the fall of Saigon, never united
in happier marriage to the
dogma that suffers its own
continuation because the pain
of admitting error is too great.
This dogma of two colors
and without any variations in
the shades, a dogma which
defined the issues of war and
peace, security and peril, in
the absolute terms of world-
wide struggle, found it
difficult to tolerate the notion
that western victories could
ever rise up in any applicable
sense from out of the ashes of a
communist victory in war.
Such was at the heart of the
East-West paradigm rendered
the Americans vulnerable to
the potential of otherwise
avoidable disaster. But the
tragedy of the Manichaen
myth, as it worked into a
bloody conclusion in Vietnam,
was in the end the
psychological effect it exerted
on the American collective
psyche for a generation or
It led the greatest empire
on earth to question, if only
for a fleeting moment, the
hallowedness of its own
institutions and the nobility of
its contributions to the world,
in the face of a threat posed by
a poor and backward country,
six thousand miles from
American shores.
It led to the most
pernicious offense a
democratic government can
impose on its youth, the
crippling of faith in the things
one's country finds most
worthy of sacrifice. It
proclaimed a final victory as
indispensable, only in the end
to be defeated.
And as if to take a dark
tragedy and make it worse,
America turned its back on
those who had sacrificed the
most, on behalf of a doomed
cause and for no higher
purpose than compensation
for the ill-decisions and
vacillation of leadership
In these sad and
regrettable terms, the United
States of America, after so
many far-reaching and painful
victories, "lost the peace" in
?Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
This letter is in reference to The East
Carolinian 102794,page 4, article titled
"Drinking varies among races
Sir, the Core Institute has its head in the
sand along with other Euro-Americans.
The Native Americans, who have inhabited
this continent for over 30 thousand years
(known as Clovis) are surely a "race
This race of original peoples (over 100
nations) has intermixed with Euro-Americans
and African-American over the last 500 years.
Native Americans have a gene that causes
alcohol addiction. The pure bloods call it
fire-water because it sears their souls and
separates them from Mother Earth and the
Great Spirit.
Yes, this minority race almost decimated
by genocide and disease (16 million strong in
1500 to a minority of 250,000 by 1900) will
have it sic day. Soon and very soon.
How can you get "hip, "hopping into the
21st century with your head in the sand?
Purple Cloud
To the Editor.
It is nice to have our Congressman, Rep-
resentative Martin Lancaster, back home from
Washington. This means that he and the 103rd
Congress can do no more damage to the Consti-
tution, especially the 2nd Amendment. He obvi-
ously has little regard for the documen, since he
stated in TEC that he would vote for laws that
may be unconstitutional. I guess the Constitu-
tion, just like the Ten Commandments, does not
really mean what it says. Last time we voted him
into office he gave himself a 40 or $35,000 pay
increase at 2 a.m while we were asleep. Who
does he work for anyway? This is not hard to
figure out because 40 of his campaign contri-
butions come from special interest groups. His
opponent, Walter Jones Jr, has accepted less than
10 from PACS.
Mr. Lancaster needs to stay a little closer to
home. I have heard the Global franspark will be
hiring soon.
Stephen Purvis
The East Carolinian
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November 1. 1 llW
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FACULTY ONLY: large furnished
room in private home near campus
and purple bus stop (Harris at 10th
St.). Share bath. Non-smoker. o pets.
Use of Kosher-Style kitchen, screened
porch, cable tv and all utiltities in-
cluded except phone. $230. Available
immediately. Female preferred. Call
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house 78
blocks from campus. $450 1 teposit 2
bedroom Duplex furnished $325
Deposit call 321-0303 after 5:00pm.
PARKING LOT: now avaible near
campus and downtown. Will rent by
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WANTED in Jan. to share a 3 bed-
room house 2 blocks from campus a
c, washerdryer, partially furnished
Call 752-3472.
room2 bath apartment. 5238 month-
Water, sewer, & cable included plus
12 utilities. Call 321 -6869
apart roomv, laid back, near campus,
furnished, ECU bus stop, $197 1 2
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House, 2 miles from campus, on bus
route, rent $170 mo 1 2 phone. I 2
elei trie. Male, non-smoker call Russ
For Sale
i MFR AS. We Inn, sell, tradequal-
it used equipment. Top dollar paid.
U hy pay tu ice as much tor new when
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RIGHT NOW! lor list, send name,
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283, 1085 Comm. Ave Boston, Ma.
02215. Pa) able to FF Toby
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STEROIDS are illegal Tr safer mea-
sures using supplements uith great
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2128 for more into.
shape w wise, $325 oho. Crate has
amplifier: RX200H head, 200 Watts,
$300. RE215 cabinet, 2- 15" speakers,
$250. lull head and cabinet onlj $47,
only one year old Call 830-6711.
Services Offered
The East Carolinian
color prints in quality zippered case.
Studioand shooting tee included. Three
day turn around All tor $99.95. ASAP
Photo & Camera Bel's Fork Square,
Chris 732-6253
TRANSCRIBING: Oral histories, in-
terviews, conferences, meeting, etc.
Please call 792-5463
JCm Help Wanted
S10-S400UP WEEKLY, Mailing Bro-
chures! Spare Full-time. Set own
hours! Rush self-addressed stamped
envelope: Publishers (Gl) 1821
Help Wanted
GRAD STUDENTS Sales internship
available gain valuable uork experi-
ence call Sara at 355-7700 for a possible
inler ievv
tainment agency seeks physically tit
attractive female applicants. Must have
own transportation and be between the
agesof 18-25. Call I-800-848-6282 to set
up an interview
FUNDRAISING Choose from 3 differ-
ent fundraisers lastingeither3or7days.
No investment Earn $$$ lor your group
plus personal cash bonuses tor your-
self. Call I -800-932-0528, ext 65
SKI RESORT JOBS- hiring for winter
quarter. Up to $2,000 in salary &
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operators,waitstaff.chaletstaft, ? other
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up to$2,000 month working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean,
etc.). Seasonal and Full-time employ-
ment available. No experience neces-
sary. For more information call 1-206-
634-0468 ext. C53622.
MANAGEMENT: seeks ladies 18 and
older. Earn Big Bucks while you learn.
Full Time nights and Part-time any-
time. Call for an appointment Playinate
massage (919) 747-7686.
The Greenville Recreation and Parks
department is recruiting for 12 to 16
part-time youth basketball coaches for
the winter youth basketball program.
Applicants must possess some knowl-
edge of the basketball skills and have
the abilitv and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must beabletocoach
voung people ages 9-18, in basketball
fundamentals. Hours are from 3:00pm
until 7:00pm with some night and week-
end coaching. This program will run
from the end of Nov. to mid- February.
Salary rates start at $425 per hour. For
more info please call Ben James or
Michael Daly at 830-4550 or 830-4567
PARTTIME STUDENT needed to help
with administrative duties and some
marketing. Experience in these areas
helpful. Call 752-8585 and ask for Kim.
Help Wanted
FEMALE STUDENT to keep children
part-time during summer and it avail-
able C hristmas and Faster Holidays.
References required Call 752-0674 ask
tor Kim
nors Thermal Card- S1 per hour plus
bonus Eas) work, flexible hours start
today. Call 3554)210
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All
materials provided. Send SASE to Cen-
tral Distributors Po Box 10075,Olathe,
KS66051. Immediate response.
Szechuan Express- The Plaza Mall. 15-
20 hours a week. Experience preferred.
No phone calls please. Apply in person
care for child in our home 2-3 days a
week. Experience, local references,
transportation required. Must be a non-
smoker. Call 732-8710
NITY. Aggresive Student needed to re-
cruit and supervise people to sell mem-
berships in an individual's rights orga-
nization. Commision sales. Call Mr.
Barnes at 800-624-6552.
BRODY'S is accepting applications for
part-time sales associates for the ladies
sportswearand cosmetic areas. Flexible
morning or evening schedu ling options
Retail positions include weekends. In-
terview Mon. and Thurs. 1-4 pm,
Brody's The Plaza
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Greek Personals
SPRING BREAK! Early sign-up spe-
cials! BahamasPartycruise6days$279!
Includes 12 meals 6 parties' Cancun &
amaica $399 with Air from Raleigh' l-
Panama City Oceanview Room with
Kitchen & free bus to bars $124!
Daytona(Kitchens)$159!Cocoa Beach
$139! Key West $229! 1-800-678-6386
America's favorite spring break com-
pany! Guaranteed lowest prices to a-
maica, Cancun, Bahamas, Florida,
South Padre, Barbados. Bookearly and
save SSS! Organize small group and
travel free! Call for free info packet
Sun Splash Tours 1 -800-426-77111
Book now & save. Jamaica $439,
Cancun Bahamas S399, Panama City-
Si 19, Daytona $149, Organize groups,
Earn cash, & travel free. Endless Sum-
mer 1-800-234-71X17
C ()( IRA It 1 -1 IONS new
i hnicroh I Vita Kappa members:
1 aurie Johnson and Ann Sadler You
deserve the honor' I ove, your Chi
()mega sisters
PIDII I API EDGES-C ongratulations
on finding your big sis. 1 he hunt was a
great success x ou have the best pump-
kin, teapot, and sunshine anyone will
evei see I lave tun I ittles I ove,your
IMKAPPA IAC: rhe social was a smash
rhurs. night (Sorry about the windows)!
ITtanks tor a perfect start to a great
I lalloween weekend. Hopewecandoit
again next sear' I ove, Chi Omega
GRATULATIONS! You have done a
great job so far' Keep up the good work!
! he best is yet to come!
PHI SIGMA PI would like to thank the
brothers and alumni for a great Home-
coming Weekend. It was a blast! Also
thanks to Jason Painter for representing
us well on the court'
CONGRATl I 1 ION'S Teri Warren
onyourengagenu nt!Wc-loveyou!I ove
your Delta eta sisters.
the East
Carolinian wants
your input We
welcome all story
Ideas, news tips
and comments
from all our
Excitement? A chance for prizes?
Paly Bush Buck Global Treasure
Hunt. Where? International pro-
grams, 306 E. 9th Street. Call
328-6769 for information on
Greek Personals
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA: thanks for
the awesome tailgate before the
Virginia Tech game. We had a great
time, and we hope .we can get
together again soon. Love, Chi
maters Please I
drop us a note '
nd tell us ?
re doin?
some of the i
lugs we Just J
ft seem to be J
ng.TOsi i
ff,so let
now how y
Our next meeting will be Tues. Nov.
1 at 7pm in Mendenhall rm. 221. All
are welcome!
Tuesday November 8, 1994 in the
Multipurpose Room at Mendenhall
Student Center: sponsored by Aca-
demic Computing. With a valid I-(
ID and several 3 12" diskettes, fac-
ulty, staff, and students will be able to
recive a copy of PC Plus or lincan
Some topics: Virtual Reality, Music
based Software, SPSS tor Windows,
General College students should con-
tact their advisers the week of No-
vember 7-11 to make arrangements
for adademic advising u ?r Spring Se-
mester 1995. Early registration will
begin November 14 and end Novem-
ber 18.
ECNAO will hold its next meeting i .
Wednesday, November 2,1994. It will
be held in Room 14 ol Mendenhall
from 7pm-9pm Important business
will be discussed! All members and
other interested people are urged to
attend. In there are any questions, i all
Kim Sampson at 752-2319 or Nikki
Epps at 328-7778.
Qualified S.W. and C.J. Applicants
who missed the September 13, meet-
ing may attend a make-up session on
November 3, in Ragsd.ale2S1.t4:tX)pm
Confused about a Major? Attend the
MajorsMinors Fair, 12 30- (:30pm on
Wednesday, Novermber 2 in
MendenhaU's Great Room The fair is
being sponsored by the( !areer 1 du a-
tion Committee. It will give 1 CI stu
dents an opportunitv to meet with
faculty and students to dis uss poten
tial majors and minors There will he
over 40 academic department
tendance An excellent opportunity
for students who are undecided, un-
certain, or just curious about a major.
All students are encouraged to attend
TAIL) SUMMER OBS throughout
North Carolina available tor all majors.
If interested, please attend a YAIO in-
formation seminar on November 1 at
2pm m room l032oftheGeneralClass-
room Building, tor more information,
contact Cooperative Education GCB
2300, 328-6979.
It you can sing, rap or dance here's a
good chance to show off your talent.
held on November 1, 1494 at 5:00-
7:00pm at the Ledonia Wright Cutural
Center, lor more information contact
John I ynch at 328-7055 or Sherman
i ove at 757-3289. Everyone is welcome
to audition! Apollo Night will be held
Novembers, 1444at7(K)pminHendrix
The international Student Association
will be hosting its annual I atino Fiesta
Saturday November 12. lL?44Ijtb0pm
in Mendenhal Student C enter, Multi-
Purpose Room. There will be a variety
of food, dancing and entertainment
from South American. For tickets and
more information call theCentralTicket
Office at 328-4788.
s, hick Superb. - 3-on-3 Basketball.
Men's and Women's J-on-3 Basketball
league w ill be formed after the official
registration meeting.leld toda at 5:30
in Biology romm It Fraternity, So-
rority, gold purple, independent and
residence hall leagues will be ottered
Basketball Season Champions
w ill be eligible to compete in theS hu k
Superhoops regional championship
C .ill NelsonC ooperat 328-6387Recre-
ational Services tor more details.
me( elebratel a ofthel lead
n pait with us at
? i nion)ft i! 11pm
R, I i i ? I iusii ' ! In is the
1st socialdance party put on by the
Spanish Club. Come out for some great
I a tin music and fun. Raffle will beheld!
Cover charge: S2.00(non-members)
Spanish Club members free! For info
call 328-8342(Ramon Serranol 32S-
4129(Karina Collentine).
Come and Join us for another AMA
meeting on November 3 at 3:30pm in
GCB 11)31. Our Guest Speaker will be
Mr. Bill Bowen of Bowen Cleaners. I le
will bespeakingon how Marketingand
Advertising can expand your business.
Holiday Well-Fest: Fitness, Food& Fun.
All Fast Carolina students, faculty and
staff are invited to the Holiday VVell-
Fest on Thursday November It), from
10am to 3pm in the Multipurpose Room
at Mendenhall. There w ill be live mu-
sic, healthy snacks, games and plenty of
information on various health related
topics. For more information, call the
ECU Office of Health Promotion and
Well-Being at 328-h793.
Ms. Anna Nalevanko, representativeof
the NC (department of Transportation
will provide information on appren-
ticeship and internship programsava li-
able to graduating seniors and gradu-
ate students on Monday, November 7.
Sponsored by the Career Services of-
fice, the presentation will be he'd in
Brevvster C-203 at 1:00pm. Students in-
terested in gaining experience in public
transportation are invited, especially
those maormg in urban planning and
public or business administration.
All Music Eventsat A) Fletcher Recital
Hall and free to all.
bill McMurray, baritone, 7 00 pm
I'l 1 Ks, Harold ones. Director;
RE( II Al s, shel eeBonhamt lahagan,
cello, juniot recital; and Megan Gray,
violin, sophomore recital 7:00pm
fini Odom, trumpet, senior recital
u;0()pm ? SAT NOV 5 ? SENIOR RE-
Rebecca Robertson, hom; 7:00pm ?
Peter Mills, Director: 8:(X)pm
Students interested in applying for the
Fall 1444orearlySpnng 1945 semesters
need tosubmitapplicationsby Novem-
ber S, to Ragsdale 104-B
If vou are planning to study abroad
next semester, or are an international
student at ECU, the deadline tor the
Rivers Foreigh Study Scholarship is
November 11, 194. Pick up your appli-
cation in the International Programs
office on 4th St, Behind McDonalds
Good Luck!
The Fall issue of the magazine. Student
Travels, is now in the office of Interna-
tional Programs on 4th St. Behind
McDonalds. Come by to receive your
frre copy and also to find out more
about studey and travel abroad!
Sunday November 13 8pm Free
Surprising facts your parents never told
you about American Jewish History.
Thanksgiving refreshments will be
served. Temple Beyt Shalom1,
Greenville, Rte 33 E (just beyond the
cemeteries) For additional info and
directions Call: (414) 757-3636.
Saturday,November 19-6pm to 12am
- Washington Civic Center Oyster
Jammin' with Jerry Thomas and the
Thomas Brothers. Oysters, Oysters.
Oysters and more Oysters, Chili and
eheesebread from Steamers of Wash-
ington. $25 Members, $3 non-mem-
bers, $40 at the door. Children under
12 - half price. For more information
call the PTRF (44) 946-7211 or 446-
The Pitt County Arts Council's Arts
Day'95 will be held on Saturday, Janu-
ary 28th at the Pitt Plaza Mall. The Arts
Council is inviting any and all artists
representing all mediums to contact
them about booth space to display and
sell their waresrass Roots organiza-
tions are invited to contact the Arts
Council as well to reserve booth space
for display information. This year the
Council invites all Community per-
formers to submit audio and video
tapes in order to be considered for en-
tertainmentduring the day as well. The
Arts Council is also taking names of
volunteers who wish to donate their
time for set up and on-going activities
during Arts Day as well. Direct all sub-
missions and inquiries to The Pitt
County ArtsCouncil ARTS DAY95,PO
Box 8191, Greenville, NC 27835 or call
71785, tor booth application forms.
For further information phone lleneCox
at 7-2-3247.
The Honors Program Commiteeof the
Faculty Senate will consider proposals
for Fall 144; Honors Seminars at its
meeting on Nov. 1 1494 beginning at
2:00 in Rawl Annex 142. To propose a
seminar, a faculty member should use!
the general format of the basic New
Course Proposal Form and do one of
the following: Appear at the Nov. 15
Honors Program Committee meeting
to submit the proposal in 15 copies.
Contact Doug McMillan, Dept. of
Englinsh (FC2114. Ext. bWworftMl) to
schedule a tentative time; or Submit 15
copies ol the course proposal to Doug
McMillan, Dept of English. By Nov. 4,
1444 If vou choose also to appear in
person at the commit tee meeting, Doug
tVk Millan as above to schedule a tenta-
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Friday 4 p.m. for Tuesdays edition.
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Novembci I, l'l
6 The East Carolinian
The Hast Carolinian
Halloween kicked off by lack of sobriety
Biscuit, Sans Sobriety hype up downtown
Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
There is this thing with
Greenville and Halloween, some
kind of karma-like connection
between the residents of the
town and the holiday itselt.
A night normally seen as a
children's celebration takes on
all the proportions of an epic
party that lasts several days
O'Rockefeller's is helping to
keep the tradition going by hav-
ing a total of seven bands in
three days this Halloween week-
end, which has to be some type
of record.
This Saturday night featured
two bands in a pre-All Hallow's
Eve stomp fest with Biscuit and
Sans Sobriety.
Biscuit is a local band and this
was their debut. I heard rumors
about a Primus influence, and
they turned out to be true. They
opened the show with a "My
Name is Mud " introduction and
lumped straight into 1 lore . ome
the Bastards whk h wa; done true
to form.
Biscuit was also kind enough to
giveaway free biscuits for all those
suffering from the munchies.
Biscuit is a basic power trio: bass,
guitar and drums Iheirsetbec ame
wackier as it went along 1 lowever,
they did make the audience take-
notice of their one serious song,
which actually had a discernible
I think much of the time they
were really justplaying around with
a tew tunes and improvising like
hell. Whatever you call it, it was a
lot of fun.
Sans Sobriety, from Greensboro,
was the featured act of the night.
They have their own brand of
punk, and it is quite difficult to
At times the bass riffwas t unkv,
but the brutal assault of the guitar
canceled that out. Then at times
they fell into a speed -metal type
sound, but not quite; it was a little
too goofy to call it that.
It's definitely mosh pit mate-
rial, proven In the presence ol the
swirling mass in front of the stage.
It is nearly impossible to make
out the lyrics of any band in
(VRock's, so one tends to locus on
the rhythm. In the case of Sans So-
briety, that is no problem because
they are basically a rhythm ma-
Much of what is popular alter
native these days is rhythm based
music (Green Day and The Off-
spring tor example).
Sans Sobriety is in the same vein
as these bands, except they a re more
chaotic They are not a likely candi-
date for widespread popularity, but
1 said the same thing about Nir-
All of you punk revival fans take
notice of the O'Rock's Overs, be-
cause there is much to be experi-
enced therein.
Chalk up another wasted week-
end in the Emerald City. Wherethe
hell are my ruby slippers?
Sans Sobriety who came to vis.t all the way from Greensboro, headlined the P'e-Halloween
show at O Rock's Saturday night to a receptive (and less than ent.rely sober) capacity crowd
Hubbard returns from the dead
Brian Hall
Staff Writer
Although those whose only
acquaintance with L. Ron
Hubbard's work are those irri-
tating TV ads for Dianetics
might f ind it hard to believe, at
one time, L. Ron Hubbard was
one of the greatest writers in
science fiction. In the '30s and
'40s, before he first wrote
Dianetics, founded the Church
of Scientology and in general
became an all around kook, he
authored some of the classics
of the genre, including Fear and
Typewriter in the Sky.
Unfortunately, his later
works failed to live up to his
previous standards. Especially
horrid were his numerous post-
humously published books, es-
pecially the 10-volume Battle-
field Earth series.
So it is not with great expec-
tations that one opens up the
new, 10th edition of L. Ron
Hubbard presents Writers of the
Future. In the first place, with
all due respect to Mr. Hubbard,
he is not presenting a darn
thing, since he shuffled off this
mortal coil early in 1986.
It turns out, however, that
before his death Hubbard es-
tablished a contest to seek out
and develop new talent in the
area of speculative fiction (the
all-encompassing term for sci-
ence fiction and fantasy), and
in his own egocentric way,
named the award after him-
self. It would be difficult to
overestimate the size of
Hubbard's ego ? after all, how
many people have the chutzpah
to found their own religion.
The Writers of the Future
project, despite the drawback of
being associated with Hubbard,
is in fact a very reputable contest.
Some of the judges from the past
10 years include such science fic-
tion no
tables as
P o h 1 ,
Like all
c o11ec-
tions ot
short sto-
ries by
new writ-
ers, the
quality of
the sto-
ries var-
i e s
Four sto-
r i e s
the work,
all differ-
ent, but united in the aspect that
they are all "traditional" science
Alan Barclay's "Schrodinger's
Mousetrap which opens the
book, weaves together a theory
from quantum physics, two as-
tronaut-prospectors and time
travel to produce a fascinating
tale. At the same time, the story
also manages to help explain a
complicated science concept in
more easily understandable
"Silicon de Bergerac by W.
Eric Schult, as the name implies,
is a take off
on the clas-
sic Cyrano
de Bergerac
story. In
this case,
instead of a
human in-
ary, a pain-
fully shy
man's an-
takes over
his love life.
It calls his
dates for
him and
then falls in
love with
t h e
The results
are hilari-
ous and
very enter-
James Gladu Jordan also uses
something familiar to us all, sky-
diving, and twists it, creating an
incredible story. In "Storm
Jumper Nick Allen, as part of a
N ASA space exploration project,
jumps into the upper reaches of
Jupiter's atmosphere. While the
reader at first rejects such a pos-
sibility as ludicrous, Jordan's de-
scriptions of the Jovian environ-
ment slowly convince one that
maybe this would be possible.
The last of the best stories,
Bruce Hallock's "Seekers deals
with intergalactic travel, paleon-
tology and intraspecies love, all
told from the alien's perspective.
A race of birdlike aliens from
Dweezet, a planet millions of
light-years distant, travels be-
tween Earth and their
homeworld. Over the course of
the voyage, millions of "real"
years pass, but for the travelers,
only a few years pass because of
their ships ability to approach
the speed of light. During their
travels, the visitors from Dweezet
see numerous changes in both
their world and ours.
Unfortunately, the rest of the
book is dominated by stories
which have little place in such a
collection. These stories, like
Hubbard, reflect just how much
science fiction has changed.
Classic science fiction, as its
name implies, has its roots in sci-
ence, which means rejecting the
spiritual and the mystical. As a
result, Christianity and other
mainstream religions have al-
ways been poorly portrayed by
the genre.
Now, however, the genre is
beginning to become increasingly
mystical. For example, "Winter's
Cycle" bv Ron Ginzler is about
Raitt outshined
by Hornsby
See SCI-FI page 8
Warren Sumner
Staff Writer
Sunday, Oct. 23 was a g?
day for Walnut Creek Amphi-
theater. The last show of the sew
son, headlined by Bonnie Raitt,
was attended b thousands of
music lovers. The Creek was
near-capacity with tans expect-
ing to see Raitt lay down her
trademark slide guitar lines and
smooth vocals. 1 hey got what
thev expected in that regard, but
were probably surprised when
Raitt was upstaged by her open-
ing act, Bruce Hornsby.
It wasn't that Raitt was bad.
Quite the opposite. Her show
was tight, her licks were soulful;
the first lady of slide guitar was
indeed smokin It was just that
Hornsby was that good. The
Williamsburg, V A, native played
an hour-long set that delighted
the crowd and drew morestand-
mg ovations than Raitt had in
twice his time.
Hornsby opened the show
with a rousing rendition of
"Jacob's Ladder' a song he wrote
that was recorded bv Hue)
Lewis and the News in the late
1980s. Homsby's vision of the
song was quite different, how-
ever, as it was filled with New
Orleans style piano runs, that
lay down a pallet tor his vocals
"On the Western Skyline" saw
the emergence of an accordion,
an instrument 1 lornsby referred
to as his "Lawrence Welk
Following this number and
Hornsbv's first standing ova-
tion, came his biggest hit " The
Wav it Is with a gorgeous
piano intro and a driving pulse
provided by Homsby's ca-
pable rhythm section, "he
crowd stood and cheered for
nearly two minutes after the
song's end, obviously touch-
ing its writer.
"About a Quarter to len"
saw the evening's biggest sur-
prise, when Raitt joined
Hornsby and his band on the
number The playful vocal in-
terplay between the two art-
ists was a highlight of
Hornsbv's set, which ended
with an acoustic performance
of "Mandolin Rain
Raitt strode upon the stage
atter a 20-minute intermission
to the chords of John Hiatt's
No Business" and gave the
croud the rousing blues they
had come for. "Leap on Bo)
followed and Raitt spoke a few
words of welcome to the crowd
before beginning her hit
Something to Talk About
This number was a little dis-
appointing as it seemed to lack
the energy expected by the
crowd, but Raitt quickly re-
bounded with "1 Believe I'm
in Love With 1 mi a song re-
See RAITT page 8
CD Reviews
CD Reviews CD Review CD Reviews CD Reviews
i I) Review
This box holds the
key to under-
standing the devi-
ous ways of our
CD reviewers.

k k pretty
9 ? ? GOOD
Bedtime Stories

Maybe that 1 etterman appear-
ance, wherein Madonna blatantly
dis regarded both host and audi
enceand ripped out obscenities at
whim, affected the Material (iirl
more than sin- lei on In the face of
elevated publii disdain. Madonna
said nothing in her defense and in
fact seemed to be cowed bv her
behavior when sheappeared along-
side Letterman on MTV's Video
Music Awards. She seemed to ac-
knowledge the response to her ill-
advised tirade by laving low for
awhile and may have been written
off completely as a has-been it not
tot the sin cess ot the single "I Will
Remember this summer.
With Bedtime Stories, however.
Madonna flinches and defends her-
self while reworking her songcraft
formula. I'hel I )'s first track, "Sur-
vival is another ol her declara-
tions ot independence ("Express
Yourself "Erotica") but it's by tar
the most reactionary she's recorded
"Does your critic ism I laveyou so
caught up in what you cannot
see Well it you give me respei t.
you'll know what to expect.
I here's no suggestion thai tins
stance is in a narrative of a relation
hip.h tingasan analogs to public
pmion, again unlike pre ious
snes I'll nevei be an angel I 11
never be a saint it's true Here's
my story No risk no glory
"Human Nature" does use the
analogy, but just barely. "Did 1 say
something true? Oops, I didn't
know I couldn't talk about sex?(I
musta been crazy Did 1 have a
point of view'Oops, 1 didn't know
I couldn't talk about you (What
was I thinking1) I'm not sorry
It's Human Nature I'm not
sorry. Even "Inside of.Me a
song otherwise completely about a
personal relationship contains "In
the public eye I act like I don't care
V hen there's no one watching me
I'm i ry ing It's hard not to imag
me that as a show of vulnerability
topublk perception from someone
win tries to pt oei t an apathetic air
However it doesn't make her piti-
ful Instead, it opens her up emo
tionally, possibly tor the first time
since 1 ike A Prayet
She painted herself into a corner
Sordid Humor
Light Musk Fo? Dying PlOUX
lacks in a few areas This hand
originally formed in 1987and
has since broken up,bul 1 think
if thev had stayed togethei a
little bit longer, the) could
have been much better.
Sordid Humor starts off
their album with the relatively
upbeat song "Iceland I here
are not many main instru-
ments in this song; everyone
See STORIES page 7
Sordid Humor
Light Music For
Dying People
I here is not much more that 1
can sa about this band other
than they love pop musi s'i
did I tumor - album I i$M Mush
has all the ele
ments ol a good album, but it
plays together. The hues,
though, are the real cau her,
then talk about what it would
be like to li e m Iceland Not
only were these 1 lies inter-
esting, but the were slightly
humorous .is w ell
When 1 got about halfway
through the album 1 noticed
that man) of the songs
sounded the same I he beats
don't realU van that much,
and the melodies all seem to
have the same ring to them
See SORDID p ige 8

November 1. 1994
The East I arolim
Stone less than special in The Specialis
, ?ii i.vij?n?vm?l,?r,mi- Hie Specialist. may not be a real cop, Th
Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
With the names Sylvester
Stallone and Sharon Stone above
the marquee of the new film The
Specialist, one senses that subtlety
and intelligence will he nowhere
to be found within the
proscenium arch of this movie.
Stallone's hulking masculinity
and Stone's brazen sexuality
promises to be action-filled and
steamy, respectively. Action and
se are what sells a film like The
And action and sex are all that
is present in Tlic Specialist. The
action sequences have been done
better in other films and the
sparse sex plays like a pitiful ex-
cuse to sell the film. Stallone and
Stone look bored, like both are
ready to either retire or have more
promising material with which
to work.
The basic story line concerns
the antics of Ray Quick (Stalione)
and May Munro (Stone). Munro
still harbors intense hatred for
the three men she watched ex-
ecute her mother and father. To
retaliate she hires Quick many
years later to kill all three of them.
Quick works as a bomb spe-
cialist who punishes those the
law cannot touch. Anex-ClAman,
Quick works alone and precisely.
His bombsalways focus theirblast
so as to not harm any bystanders.
Quick agrees to help Munro seek
her revenge on three members ot
the Miami underworld.
One of the men Munro wants
to eliminate is Ibmas (Eric Rob-
erts), son of Mafia kingpin oe
Leon (Rod Steiger). Serving as a
guard for Leon is one of Quick's
ex-operatives at the CIA, Ned
Trent (James Woods). Trent has a
vendetta of his own against Quick,
because Quick ruined Trent's ca-
reer when he discovered Trent
killed simply for the pleasure with
little regard for who got hurt.
The preposterous story gains
little credibility from its telling.
The director of The Specialist, Luis
Llosa (last seen directing Sniper),
handles the script clumsily. He
stages confrontations between
characters with little or no pre-
text. The scenes seem shoddily
thrown together to achieve an end,
but with no motivation the story-
generates no interest.
The special effects lack any flair
and pale in comparison to those
in the astonishing summer films
Speed, Clear and Present Danger and
True Lies. The fights look patheti-
cally staged as does the sex. The
only aspect not staged, or planned
for, is the heinousness of the act-
Stone and Stallone move dis-
tractedly through the film. Stone
has played this role before with
much more gusto, and her career
may be in trouble. Stallone will
recover to make many more bombs
than he does in this film. Unfortu-
nately, not all Stallone movies can
reach the bare minimum of
watehability like Cliffhanger and
Demolition Man.
he Roberts once seemed prom
ising but now seems to have only
limited range He tries to ooze
malevolencebut instead only oozes
bad acting. And speaking of prom-
ise, look at the sad state ot Rod
Steiger's career. 1 le's an Academy
Award winner tor In the Heal of the
Night. 1 le put in incredible perfor-
mances in Doctor Zhivago and 77k
Pawnbroker in the '60s, and now
he's reduced to spouting curses
with an absurdly phony Hispanic
accent in a lame production like
The Specialist.
Only James Woods makes an
attempt at overacting with a pur-
pose, but his tirades are so badl)
written as to not fit within the con-
text of the film. In one scene I rent
explodes (not literally) at Quick
ov er the phone But the scene is in
a police station where Trent has
been assigned to work because the
police chief, a friend of the Mafia,
has pulled a few strings. When this
explosion of venom does not alert
the rest of the squad that Trent
may not hi- a real cop, The pe
i ialist again displays its la
believability, even withii
i onfines of the story itsell
I hi Specialist was made by
people who seem anything but
that lhe film may have h
big opening weekend, but word
ot mouth will hopefully
I he Specialist to detonate I
than anvthing Ray Quick could
On a scale ot one to tei
Specialist rates a three.
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by working in overly-sexual mate-
rial ("Justify My Love the Sex
book, Body of Evidence, Erotica), but
has turned down the burner with
Stories. Madonna's at her best when
she drops the monotone flirts and
whispered taunts that come across
as detached and, consequently,
about as alluring as a turnip. No
one does pop music better when
she shelves the insatiable, mechani-
cal libidinous "Diva" image and
simply sings as her most satisfying
For You") attest. Thankfully, Sto-
ries offers such a song in the gor-
geous "Take A Bow which wraps
up the disc beautifully. Backed by
the talented producerperformer
Babyface, thesong, with faux strings
and cool melody, reveals 3 hint of
Madonna's thoughts at the effort of
constantly trying to keep up a pro-
jected persona to an audience. "Take
a bow The night is over The
masquerade is getting older
Granted, her wordsareagain firmly
ensconced in a relationship narra-
tive, but with her comments in "Sur-
vival" and Human Nature it's
hard not to perceive her vords of-
fering a glimpse at her sincere
thoughts. Musically, like all of Sto-
nes, "Take A Bow" is sparse, but
synthesized, save for Babyface's
guitarand Me'Shell NdegeOcello's
bass on "I'd Rather Be Your Lover
A quieter effort than she has re-
leased before, Stories is vacant of
the obligatory romping, mirrorball-
overhead dance tune she is very
capable of producing ("Vogue
"Fever "Into the Groove" and
much older songs) but it still packs
the bass. "Don't Stop "Human
Nature "I'd Rather Be Your
Lover oh, hell, all the songs make
you want to dance or tap your toes.
That is, after all, the most consistent
quality of Madonna. Butthese songs
are more low-key and without the
cumbersome prod uction work usu-
ally found on her efforts. Stories is
"That's the Way Love Goes
"Throband "Anytime, Anyplace"
haunt all of Stone's' songs produc-
tion-wise and, as a result,
Madonna's disco funk makes room
for true groove.
Some of that can also be attrib
uted to the eclectic collaborators
Madonna wrote and performed
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with. Herbie Hancock, the Islcy
Brothers, Babyface and even
Bjork Gudmunsdottir (who
leaves an unmistakable mark as
a writer on "Bedtime Story it's
aching to have her impressive
lung power shrieking to the beat)
help explain Madonna's transi-
tion from Erotica without going
backwards to "Open Your Heart
territory. Also"Shep" Pettiboi
Madonna's longtime co-pro-
ducer, is absent, although
thanked in the liner notes "foi
being understanding Possibly
Madonna knew she had to make
a change or two to advance as i
performer and she deserves
credit for branching out as she
Stories doesn't leapoff the fit r
with frenetic energy but it floats
gift for niftv pop maneuvering.
It also allows her to sidestep her
own image, if only a little, and
show off the talent buried by hot
penchant tor playing to an ai?
ence and the ensuing, usually
detracting, response she elicits
Madonna, infamous for reveal
ing every thing in a huge prod IK
tion without a trace of intimacy ,
really shows something with the
novel touch she brings to Bedtime
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An urgent call
to the
Zombies of
Meeting this
Thursday at
We have things
discuss, my
pretties, so
shamble into
my dark
From p. 6
i ?? i ? .1 ii'u hi hi
ilbum w hii Ii u i'i ?? okii
hut -till. I oi is I .n .nui I olit.i
? . I would toki
lii vv rito lu 'mi' .ibiiiil
Uowovoi tht'ii strongesl points
I lie band
etr humor and in
inimals into songs,
n hid hom more interest
? ? nsumi'i ases more
Ion t ?
ill I wouldn't spend
tin- monev on ihisalbtim bei
tli ink that Sordid I lumor sounds
ike even other pop band trying
n to make it big, but the don't
i ?? thai certain edge that s so
important in today's rnusi world
who Now I've experienced the
lot in album lappreciatealloftheother
as bands that made it big, be
ause thia too were once .it this
rii stage; but the) stuck togethei and
h iding foi tl ? usic gol through t instead ol break-
nk it is ing up
mi. ?Meredith
I' guitai ? milardrum
hiits make this album sound
like it was just tht ? gelher
s s.m
had some other ta ,m.i
? ? ? i ampei V
Beethox en dri imn w ho pei
forms on man i ?? ack?
and pi od i ii
the band th
I he title
From p. 6
From p. 6
I abu lous 'ioi eeded to ruin the
1 hum.) with thru Raitl i then played .1 song oft performance on this t
hei latest release called Storm excellent and unmatched
Warning was about the of her other numbers th
nit ni i relationship Raitl i lo i d h i oi with
I his lulli 'in its 1 ove Sneakin I p On V
ness and h Hornsb) hard-driying hit thai is ct
and his h ild return Raitl bombarding radio. I mad
continued the melanchol) with to the parking lot at this point, bul
"Timt In Lot Ymi (.in a tune could hear a ballad encori
penned fin hei father, u hii h was m faraway vantage poinl
actualh quite touching in its sin- I make no bones about il I was
v iM it not a huge Bonnie Raitt fan before
rhe next highlight of the show the show, and still would not c'as
was Can You I ove I.iki Man sify myself as one now But I i
which showed . ? ned impressed with hei Bul
her re e of the best ing the October 23 show, 1 firmh
slide pla ind Hei phras believe that the true stai ul the
ing and astounding playing con evening exited the stage .it H ?
tinned on the next two songs, blues Hornsby blew me away, and
numbers whose titles were not should he tour in this area he'
announced gain my concert dollar. I'll be con I
rheabsoluteh htofRaitt's tent to listen to Raitt on the radio worth a loot
show was the expi cted Ian'l
Make You I ove Me w hii h Raitt
took her timeon rheslow tempo
and hei soulful improvising
brought ighsfr m the crowd, and
,i few off-ke mdience members
.mil I In
menl 1 he
lo Ovei rhen
?. i thai n
llst ,1 ii HI
? utauung
i and his Ford Musta
w ith i bad I Ivis i mpersonati n
tin ni foi g h h) measui e
(iT.ilI the b'il. pro ides
? in interesting view ol where
fiction is and
,ih! ever
hi tu
it them prob
ul the bad
n i big fan ol
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NemanC atholic
Student Center
wlsBSSwJ ?H f Pi &XJ
Ne wmanC atholic
Student Center
wishes to announce a
in its Sunday Mass Schedule
W ? ?'?
ii:3U am Mass will continue
to be held at The Newman Center.
953 E. 10th Street
8:30 Sunday evening Mass
will be held in
Mendenhall Student Center, Room 244
(instead of the Newman Center.)
For Further information, please call
Fr. Paul Vaeth, 757-1991.
All members must
attend the meeting
on Tuesday,
November 1 in
MSC Room 244 at
5:00pm. Don't
forget to bring
items for service
Fitness, Food, and Fun!
November 10, 1994
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University of
Spirit Cup Winner:
ECU Ambassadors
Pirate Chest Winner - Nakeela Bryant
Homecoming King & Queen:
Tim Pinkard, Garrett Hall & Wende Peters, Alpha XI Delta
Management Assoc.
School of Education
ECU Ambassadors
ECU Ambassadors
Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority
Delta Sigma Phi
ECU Ambassadors
High School Band Competition
Large (79 Members)
Rocky Mount H.S.
Rose H.S.
Jacksonville H.S.
Small (1-78 Members)
Bertie H.S.
Swansboro H.S.
Mattamuskeet H.S.
M) tfoouCb Likz 16 ?sfiAtaf TAank

The ECU Ambassadors
The ECU Student Stores
Les Garner
Jerry Baltes
ECU Buildings & Grounds
ECU Moving Services
The East Carolinian
The Greenville Independent
The Daily Reflector
Grant Wood Buick Mazda
The Homecoming Streaking Committee
The Purple and Gold Dancers
The ECU Cheerleaders
Papa John's Pizza
Brinkley Moore Motors
Walt Brinkley
Leslie Petty
ECU Photo Lab
Jeff Jones
Jeff Diamond
The ECU School of Medicine Academic Support
US Cellular Phone
ECU Police
The City of Greenville
Leo Sebastian
Winn-Dixie & Sherry Stroud
Leslie at the ECU Photo Lab
Carlester Cromtler & the Pirate Club
Student Pirate Club & Brian Hardy
WITN Channel 7 & Mike Riddle
East Carolina Auto & Truck Center
William Motors
Wendy Creasy
Hester Latham
David Stevens
Doug Henry Pontiac-GMC in Farmville
Bu,?H ? ?6M ?-?H ? m ?-? ? Mil ??H ? ??. -H ? ? 6??" ' 6H - " '

(?MM NM Htf
1 OThe East Carolinian
November I. 1994
The East Carolinian
ECU mauls UC behind strong ground game
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
East Carolina overcame a
shaky start marred by penalties
to take a 35-21 victory over the
still-winless Cincinnati Bearcats.
This win, combined with a Mem-
phis loss to Louisville, ties ECU
with for first place in the Liberty
Bowl Alliance standings. The Pi-
rates completely dominated the
game, running up 443 total yards,
primarily on the ground as Ail-
American tailback Junior Smith,
Oldham's Corner
Brad Oldham
Staff Writer
For some odd reason, ECU
head coach Steve Logan was
doused with Gatorade after the
win over the hapless Bearcats.
After this happened, something
very interesting happened:
Coach Logan forgot that he had
just played a football game, and
immediately focused on the
game next week at Auburn.
As soon as he entered the
pressroom after the game and,
instead of looking back at the
previous game (as usual),
jumped right into the enormous
challenge ahead.
"ECU has the biggest chal-
lenge that maybe has ever ex-
isted in this Div. I-A program
Logan said. "We have an op-
portunity tosee if we can mount
the courage and the intensity
necessary to go down there and
play a competitive football
Auburn presents a challenge
on this ECU schedule that
jumps out like a open parking
spot on campus. This is a game
that everybody who first saw
our schedule this season took a
double-take at. Let's see. South-
ern Miss Tulsa, Cincinnati,
Auburn Auburn? Yikes!
"We've got to play our best
football game ever to stay in
the stadium with those folks
Logan said. "I know that they
have six or seven players on
their defensive front that will
be NFL players
This Tiger team have won 19
straight games, including a
huge win two weeks ago
against the number one ranked
Florida Gators, 36-33.
In the last meeting between
the two schools back in 1986,
ECU fell to then tenth-ranked
Tigers 45-0.
"I see a big upset coming
sophomore safety Dwight
Henry said after the game.
"Pursuit to the ball and execu-
tion, and have the best week of
practice, I think we can come
through on that big upset.
Fifth year senior offensive
lineman Terry Tilghman agrees
with Coach Logan's theory of
strictly looking ahead.
"That's been the mood all
season Tilghman said. "We
come in and celebrate after a
victory or do whatever we need
to do after a defeat. We forget
the game that we just played
and go onto the game next
week, and just so happens that
its Auburn
Whatever the method of
preparation, the Pirates will be
entering a huge challenge this
weekend. This game will be a
measuring stick on just how
legit this ECU squad is. With
teams like Tennessee and Ala-
bama on the schedule for the
Pirates in years to come, game
like Auburn won't look as
strange on our schedule any-
In yesterday's press confer-
ence, Logan basically summed
up his thoughts on the game
"It's Halloween, so I woke
up this morning and watched
three horror movies. I watched
Auburn's offense, I watched
Auburn's defense, and I
watched Auburn's special
teams. I'm not even kidding
rushing for 119 of the Pirates 248
rushing yards
"They are a good football team,
and we are a bad football team
Cincinnati head coach Rick Minter
said. "They just wore us down.
They are at the pinnacle of what
they want to do, and we are at the
bottom looking up
"ECU has a very good offense
Minter said. "It is very versatile
and they have good people ex-
ecuting it. They have a great
tailback who makes people miss
The Pirates stumbled at first,
picking up several penalties that
stalled scoring drives. Cincinnati
capitalized on the Pirate miscues
and marched down the field to
score first on Eric Vibberts short
touchdown pass to Eric Ladd,
which put the Bearcats up 7-0.
"That was a wakeup call to the
whole team Pirate SS Daren Hart
said. "We came out flat, and that
score woke us up and motivated
us to play harder to shut them
down the rest of the game
ECU came back on the next pos-
session behind the rushing of Smith
and McPhail to get down to the UC
five yard line. However, Chad
Holcomb was unable to convert
the22 field goal attempt into points.
The Pirate defense once again
came up big, shifting the momen-
tum with free safety Dwight
Henry's interception off of
Emmanuel McDaniel's pass break
up. Henry returned the pick 21
yards to theCincinnati 45-yard line.
"We were waiting for someone
to make the big play Henry said.
"The coaches stress pursuit to the
ball at all times. The play call was
Cover 3 out of our Base Defense.
They came out in a -Formation
and I knew from watching the films
that they ran a lot of curl patterns.
Sure enough, the split end ran a
curl and I brokeon it. E-Mac tipped
it and I was just in the right place at
the right time
ECU scored three plays later on
Jerris McPhail's short TD run.
McPhail leapt in to the end zone
over several UC defenders to tie
the score at 7-all.
The Pirates kept up the good
work, as Marcus Crandell did
something he doesn't do very of-
ten, scramble for a touchdown.
Crandell juked and dove over the
top to put ECU ahead 14-7.
"We teach our quarterbacks to
scramble to throw, not scramble to
run Logan said. "I don't mind
Marc running with the football so
long as he doesn't get hurt
After halftime the Pirates
strength and conditioning staff put
the team through an intensive
warmup designed to keep the team
loose. The third quarter had been a
Pirate Report Card
Offense: JGrade
The combo of Junior's rushing CrarKlell's passing uxi much lor UC.A-
Defense strong, for most part Most of I C scores against 2nd team.B

Special Teams:Cirade
Levine still hoomin Holeomh shanks 22-yarJcr. Coverage greatB
Multiple formations kept UC off balance all daB
Pirates cannot be satisfied with victory over mediocre teamB
Photo by Harold Wise
ECU senior running back Junior Smith collected 114 yards and a TD on just 17 carries in the Pirates'
35-21 victory over the winless Cincinnati Bearcats. He also caught six passes for 36 yards.
weak point for ECU the past couple
of years, and the warmup was in-
tegral to the strong showing that
the team made in Saturday's con-
"Sometimes you have to shake
things up and change your normal
routine to get warmed up after the
half ECU directorof strength and
conditioning Jeff Connors said.
It certainly seemed to pay off, as
the Pirates scored 21 third quarter
points to go ahead 35-7 entering
the fourth quarter. Smith, Sean
Richardson and Jason Nichols
scored touchdowns for ECU, com-
pletely dashing any Cincinnati
hopes of an upset on homecoming
Nichols and Richardson both
scored their first collegiate touch-
downs on Saturday.
"It feels great to finally get in
the end zone N ichols said I ha ve
been waiting for this for a long
Fan support dwindled late
in the game as the student sec-
tion emptied much earlier than
usual. The Pirate Club and Par-
ent sections stayed to the very
"Really that was the first time
I've walked in to Dowdy-Ficklen
See CATS page 12
burn college football game will
be televised on a pay-per-view
basis, school officials an-
nounced Sunday.
Fans are encouraged to con-
tact their local cable operators
to order the game. Suggested
cost for the telecast is $24.95.
Kickoff-from Aubum's Jor-
dan-Hare Stadium is set for 2
p.m. EST. Andy Burcham will
handle the play-by-play and
former Auburn assistant coach
Randy Campbell will provide
color commentary
William & Mary senior
Heather Burke recorded a
match-high nine kills, as the
Tribedefeated EastCarolina 15-
5, 15-4,15-3 in CAA volleyball
action, Friday evening in
William & Mary registered a
.485 hitting percentage with
only eight hitting errors in the
three games, as they raised their
record to 13-10 overall and 2-2
in conference play- ECU
dropped to 10-13 overall, 0-3 in
the CAA.
Staci Winters and Gwynn
Baber led the Lady Pirates with
six kills each.
ECU will return to action Sat-
urday afternoon as they head
up to Harrisonburg to take on
CAA foe James Madison.
East Carolina University's
Swim teams compete
Eric Bartels
Staff Writer
The excitement that surrounded
East Carolina's Homecoming came
toaconclusion on Sunday when Vir-
ginia Tech squared off against the
Pirates in the season-opening swim
The Lady Pirates swim team
fended off the Hokies, taking the
competition as fiveswimmers placed
first, along with one relay team. On
the way to a 128-115 win, Pirate swim-
mers Hilary Stokes and Kim Field
led the charge with strong perfor-
Stokes placed first in the 50-
freestyle by beating Virginia Tech's
top swimmer by less than 50 sec-
onds. She also easily grabbed the 100
Freestyle. Freshman Kim Field had
an excellent meet as well, assisting
the 400-medley relay team of Eliza-
beth Bradner, Sandra Ossmann and
Tracey Garrett in taking first place,
while also contributing to the team's
points witha victory in the200-Breast-
ECU record-breaker Jackie
the Lady Pirates by taking the 400-
freestyle title. Coming on strong,
freshman Amanda Atkinson
rounded ou t the top sw immers of the
day by winning the 200-backstroke.
In the women's diving competi-
tion, both Beth Hanna and Lisa
Frederick turned in second-place fin-
ishes. Hanna placed second in the
one-meter dive, while Frederick
helped the Pirate cause with a sec-
ond-place finish in the three-meter
With the women's team sustain-
ing the win, Coach Kobe looked to-
wards the men's team to keep his
season undefeated.
"Wehadgreatearly season swims,
and even though we are disap-
pointed, both teams swam great
said Kobe.
Unfortunately, the men's team
could not hold off the Hokies as their
narrow margin of points throughout
See SWIM page 12
Eric Bartels
Ruggers to take
on 'Heels for title
W.W. Ellis
Photo by Harold Wise
Junior Melanie Richards (11)
and senior Staci Winters (8)
converge after a Pirate point.
See NOTE page 12
Junior Smith
Sr.SL, RBy 5-6, 180
Smith ran for 114 yards and a
TD on just 17 carries in the
Pirates in their Homecoming
victory over the UC Bearcats.
He also caught six passes for 36
yards in the game.
"Everyone is keying on
Junior, but he keeps on fighting
to make stuff happen Pirate
WR Mitchell Galloway said.
"It's one man against eleven,
and he came out on top
The Fayetteville native ranks
24th (108.Klin the NCAA in
rushing yards per game, and
21st (136.5) in all-purpose
Staff Writer
Saturday, East Carolina's Pirate
ruggers play for the North Caro-
lina Rugby Union championships
at 1 p.m. on the Allied Health fields.
This marks the fifth straight trip to
the championship match and the
opponent is the "olde enemy
Carolina. What more could you
want; a game leading to a national
championship and a hated oppo-
Both ECU and Carolina com-
pleted division play undefeated.
Then Carolina continued playing
against North Carolina opponents
while the Pirates went up against
Potomac Rugby Union power-
houses George Mason and Mary-
land. Carolina comes in unde-
feated at 6-0 while the Pirates boast
a 5-2 record. Against their only
common opponent, NC State, the
Pirates played an error-tilled
match and came away with an
ugly win while the Tarheels ran
roughshod over the Wolfpack.
Make no mistake, this is a genu-
ine grudge match While they re-
spect each other, there is a genuine
dislike between schools, players
and staff. The Carolina ruggers,
with a number of foreign players,
see themselves as the class of the
"Every time Carolina plays,
thev try todisrupt the other team
said ECU coach Larry Babits.
"When they a re home, they change
the field or the kickoff time; when
thev visit, thev show up late, ask
for more time and then procrasti-
nate. Over the years, Carolina has
shown a pattern of attacking the
opponent, putting them off their
own game, even before the match
starts. It's been very effective. They
did it to us again this fall
The Union dictated the game in
Greenville. An ECU home football
game meant either an early kick-
off, which Carolina rejected, or a
Sunday game which Carolina
agreed to plav ? for about 17
hours. True to form, Carolina
changed their mind and the game
ended up being rescheduled a
week later. By then, all arrange-
ments for field, officials, support
personnel and advertising had
been made. Not all the ads got
corrected in time and one saying
ECU would play Carolina last Sun-
da v slipped through. The ECU
See RUGBY page 11
Staff Writer
Although the scoreboard
did not reflect a great football
performance at Dowdy-
Ficklen Stadium, the Pirates
still made the best of an rather
easy day on the field.
The "J-Crew otherwise
known as ECU'sJunior Smith
and Jerris McPhail, once again
led the Pirate charge, account-
ing for more than 212 yards of
total offense.
"We had to go right back
out there and compete
McPhail said. "Once they
(Cincinnati) scored, we had it
in our heads that we had to
score back
As the defense sputtered
early and gave up the lead in
the first quarter, the offense
came out and got the job done
behind the running of Junior
Smith and the receiving of
Jerris McPhail.
Smith had over half of the
Pirates offensive yardage in
the first quarter, totalling 58
out of 107 yards of ECU's
total offensive output.
McPhail,on the other hand,
capped off ECU's first scor-
ing drive with a juke and fake
of a Cincinnati defender with
11:30 left in the second quar-
Unfortunately for the
Bearcats, the "J-Crew" wasn't
nearly finished with them.
After the intermission, Jun-
ior Smith, on the first scoring
driveof thesecond half, bolted
24 yards through a soft Cin-
cinnati defense to increase the
Pirates' lead to 14 points.
To numerous ECU fans,
this year's Homecoming game
was not very exciting, which
was evident in the attendance
See ECU page 11

The East ('arolinian 1
November I. IW
No-strike deal reached in NBA
From p. 10
i Pi Becauseplayersandteam
owners decided to put the game
ahead oi their differences, the NBA
is open for business
The no-strike, no-lockout deal
signed by the league and its union
hursday took lawyers and labor
negotiations out of the starting
lineup, at least until another NBA
champion is crowned next une.
vote on a lockout, the union agreed
to open the season under the labor
deal that expired last uneand try to
work out a new one ? and a solu-
tion to the salary cap standoff
whiletheseasongoeson. There sa
difference in philosophy but absence
crfanimcsty'OTmrnissicmer David
Stem said in announcing the labor
So instead of a work stoppage, in
place are rules fostering a more of-
fensive game, a coaching milestone
and the Houston Rockets' bid tor a
second straight title and respect A
health ChariesBarkley isbackinfhe
Suns' lineup and 1 lorace Grant is in
Orlando's, but top draft pick Glenn
Robinson - with his $100 million
salary demand - isn't in
After last season's finals reached
new lows for offense and new highs
tor grind-it-out physical play, the
league wasted no time drawing up a
new set of rules to open dungs up.
Handcheckingisout 1 he -point
line is in b) nearly two tent at the
top of the key
"We had to eliminate all the grab-
bing and holding said Rod Thorn,
the MBA's vice president of opera-
tions "We're going to have a better
If the preseast i is any indication,
betterwon't mean short. New defen-
sive guidelines will mean more
whistles bomgblown and more play-
ers stepping to the foul line.
"Even though it makes the game
longer because of the fouls being
called, the freedom for players to
moveouton the floor is whafsneeded
tor the NBA to be enjoyable for the
fans again Boston coach Chris Ford
With a uniform 22-foot 3-point
me. fans will be treated to a barrage
of long-range bombing, and the need
for pennu bar defense should unclog
the middle
"I think it's going to make it much
tougher on teams, on individual de-
fense as well as team defense Miller
said. "How are you going to guard
Mark Price on the pick-and-rolLs
now1 It's not possible
While the new rules will give the
NBA a slightly different look, the
league's balance of power remains
tilted toward the West. A Houston
team that's returning all its players
from its first championship team isn't
even a consensus favorite to get back
to the finals.
"It just shows how strong the
Western Conference really is Den-
ver coach Dan Issel said. "Houston
had a great run, and they were the
ones whoeliminated Phoenix,soyou
certainly can't count them out
From p. 10
and felt b oach Logan and the
pl.i crs alike
"This is the first time I went into
Dowdy- Ficklen and t wasn't
pumped up I ogan said. "I hope
we get a lot ot support next week-
end Auburn
I he i n iwd is a factor, and usu-
ally thev i an get us motivated said
I lowever, it didn't matter to
Smith and McPhaii, who both had
exceptional afternoons. Smith got
closer to what is becoming an an-
nual event of a 1,000-vard season,
with li4 cards on 17 carries. The
tally brings him to 870 yards on the
When Smith was not rushing the
receptions tor 36 yards, bringing his
receiving totals up to 222 yards re-
ceiving on the season.
McPhaii got the ball early, and
continued "business as usual and
he starred in many blocking roles
while showingterri fie hustleon spe-
cial teams. He contributed 39 yards
rushing and 23 yards receiving.
Saturday's game was a change of
pace from Marcus Crandell throw-
ing the ball allaftemoonvvhenSmith
and McPhaii set up the rushing at-
tack early as well as catching a few
passes, ECU demonstrated that they
do not have turn to Crandell's arm,
and can go to the ground in difficult
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rugby team apologizes to their
supporters who arrived last Sun
da to find the mate h had (hanged
Thev do it even c hance thev get
said rugby alumni Bert 1 lewitt.
ECU ruggers are still steaming
about the change. "We had several
players rearrange their work sched-
ules, work extra hours and find
replacements; then Carolina
changed their mind said club
president Casey Brannigan. "Now
we have to do it all over again tor a
Saturday game
Finaliv, there is another pattern.
Carolina usually wins in the fall,
while ECU has won the spnngState
Tournament for the last five years.
The big difference is that the fall
winner heads to USA Rugby's na-
tional championship while the
spring winner gets a trophy. On
past occasions, Carolina has not
even sent their winning team north
to the regionals while ECU had to
stay home. This fall, the Pirates want
the trip to the final 64 and a chance
to advance nationally.
On top of all the other history,
senior Pirate ruggerscould be play-
ing their last home game. They have
been victimized by Carolina over
the years and this time, they want
to win. Fullback Richard "Opie"
Moss summed it up. "Just once I
want to beat Carolina in the fall. If
we win this game, it means we
didn't lose to anv North Carolina
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collegiate teams in 1994.
'( arolina has a lot of foreign-
ers who know thegame and play
gi iod rugby said All-American
,u Keller "Wehaven'tbeenaWe
to take them in the fall. We carry
that defeat into the spring and
win. Then Carolina does the
same thing in the fall. It would
be nice to beat them for my last
home game at EC L
The winner of Saturday's
match plays at home on 12 No-
vember against theC.eorgia run-
ner-up; the loser goes south to
pla the C.eorgia winner. There
is a real incentive to win because
the Georgia trip would be a long
distance killer Prop Byron
Sullivan pointed out that "ECU
will go anywhere to get a shot at
a national championship but
road trips really wear you out
Carolina and ECU play dif-
ferent types of rugby. ECU plays
a physical, forward style with
lots of rucking and hard run-
ning. Carolina plays a more so-
phisticated kick and chase style
with their forwards opting to
maul for the ball. Their kicks
disrupt the defenders and the
more experience foreign players
know how to take advantage of
anv mistake.
The two divergent styles re-
flect contrasting team personali-
ties and game plans. Carolina
will have to set their minds to a
nasty forward game with their
backs being tackled to the ground
can force Carolina to kick early
and often, the Pirate ruggers
should be able to counterattack
enough to keep the Tarheels
playing defense instead of spoil-
ing play.
The mix of stylesshould prove
interesting since both teams want
the game so badly. It will be an
aggressive, highly volatile
match. With good refereeing,
both sides should rise to pro-
duce a wonderful, fast moving
free flowing game which would
be demanding on the players
but exciting for spectators. The
union has assigned their most
experienced senior referee, Jim
"Berger" Kellenberger, to the
match which guarantees a free
flowing match as players seize
the advantage from opponents'
ECU ruggers request an all
out effort by their supporters. In
truth, the game has all the mak-
ings of a classic and should be
well worth watching. Barring
more last minute machinations
bv Carolina, the game is still
scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday, 5
November on the Allied Health

Congratulations to our Fall 1994 Tappees:
Christy Allen
Amanda Baer
Henrik Bjarheim
Roberta Burgess
Belinda Cagle
David Caudle
Melissa Collins
Michael Cozzarin
Susan Fantz
Robert Gluckman
Ashley Hinkle
Jamie Holt
Laurie Johnson
Amy Listeman
Amy Martin
Michelle Myrick
Chris Penny
Regina Roberts
Amy Sadler
Heather Salter
Nell Shappley
Jeffrey Simpson
Hilary Stokes
Annmarie Vogt
Dr. Patricia Anderson
Dr. Rosina Chia
We look forward to having you at our
Tapping Breakfast on November 3,1994.

1 2The East Carolinian
November 1, 1994
From p. 10
Men's and Women's Cross Coun-
try teams ran well at the 1994
CAA Championships on Satur-
day. The Lady Pirates captured
fourth place behind William and
Mary, James Madison and UNC
Wilmington. Sophomore Dava
Rhodes (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) ran
a personal best 17:50 to finish
fourth overall, which also earned
her All-CAA honors. SeniorStacy
Green (Mechanicsburg, Va.) also
had an excellent race finishing 16th
overall in a time of 18:36.
The men finished in a tie with
Richmond for fifth place, which
was the best finish in school his-
tory. Senior Sean Connolly (Char-
lotte, N.C.) paced ECU with a per-
sonal best 25:29 to finish 15th over-
all. The men's team title was cap-
tured bv William and Mary who
placed five runners in the top six
overall finishers.
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From p. 10
Stadium and it was really dead out
there' Logan said. "I told the kids it
was going to be up to us to generate
the excitement. I was very pleased
with how we came out in the second
Substitution was rampant for
ECU in the fourth quarter as several
plavers saw their first extended ac-
tion of the season. The second team
defense gave up two touchdowns
to make the final score 35-21.
"These kids want to go out there
and play Logan said. "You put
them out there, and they give up a
dive for fifty yards and a touch-
down and a three step slant pass for
a eight yard touchdown. That's too
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bad, because we played a really good
game on defense. You take away
those two plays and we would have
had a 7-point game
Roommates Dan Gonzalez, John
Peacock, Shane McPherson and
Larry Shannon were all in the huddle
at the same time on the offensive
side of the football.
"Dan Gonzalez is a better player
than he showed today Logan said.
do it again
Peacock totaled 34 yards rush-
ing on 10 carries as he received his
first live action after redshirting last
season. Hek led the entire state of
Florida in rushing two years ago,
and is now starting to make his mark
here at ECU.
"It felt really good tobeoutthere
Peacock said. "I just have to be pa-
tient, being behind Junior and Jerris
doesn't bother me. I have a different
running style, more of a "break-tack-
les, run-hard' type. They get outside
better. I am not blessed with their
kind of speed
The Liberty Bowl was weighing
on Logan's mind after the game.
"We had Jan Gwin (Liberty Bowl
representative) out at practice Fri-
day. I had him talk to our players
Logan said. "I've used this thing as
a motivational factor and will con-
tinue to do so. It's a big carrot setting
out there and we have to keep our
eyes on it and realize the importance
of every victory
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From p. 10
the meet increased in the end.
First place finishes were neces-
sary for the men to beat the Hokie
squad; however, only one victory
came in individual swim compe-
tition, while the Pira te squads took
both relays.
Junior Adam Ciarla was the
lone Pirate that took first place
honors in the 50-Freestyle, as he
nudged out teammate Chris
Scott Kupec assisted the Pi-
rates with a victory in the one-
meter dhze, and also gave points
to the team with a second place
finish in the three-meter dive.
In the relay events, the Pirate
men looked the best, and defeated
the Hokies in the 400-medley re-
lay and the 400-freestyle Relay.
Chris Bembenek, Patrick Kesler,
Jim Broughal and Jay Noles led
off the meet with an early victory
in the 400-medley. To conclude
the meet, Jim Broughal, McGee
Moody, Stephen McKinney and
Jay Noles squeaked out a close
victory in the 400-free. However,
it was not enough, as the Hokies
took the meet 136.5-106.5.
take his teams to Virginia for con-
ferencecompetition. On Saturday,
the Pirates invade Norfolk to take
on Old Dominion. Then on Sun-
day, the College of William &
Mary hosts the Pirates in

The East Carolinian, November 1, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 01, 1994
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