The East Carolinian, October 11, 1994

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Pirates Rock in S.C.
k scoring record in 56-42
defe USC Gamecocks. Check out
the whip-lashing details on page 11.
Li'l Abner
Caiioon characters come alive in this
classic musical comedy Check out
page 8.
The East Carolinian
Vol. uu No. 51
Tuesday, October 11. 1994
Greenville, NC
4 pages
American students offered local "Peace Corps" option
Susan Schwartz
Staff Writer
Not every student is able to
join the Pea( ? ind mo e to
Son? -???? yi ars to
help I ird V orld
nation become agriculturally
sound But that does not mean
that they cannot dedicate their
time and efforts to others?to
help tin tter their nation by
bettei elves. 1 hanks to
Pres ? 'ill Clinton and the
Ameria rps National Service
Program students can help here
in their own country, and in their
own neighborhoods
iIh launchingol meriCorps
heli :? nton fulfill a
v ery important campaign prom-
ise to use American citizens as a
resource and a cure tor some of
our mo' al domestii p
lems. He signed the National
Commu rust Act,
whii leriCorps
National Scr orporation.
Now ? domestic service
is a r
On Sept. 12, 1994, Preside,it
?ton launched the
AmeriCorps program swearing
in the tirst members ol the "do-
mestic peacecorps. 'Up to20,000
people took the AmeriC orps
pledge, promising to "get things
done for Amerii a to make our
people sale: smarter and
la a press n lease prepared
b the White House, President
Clinton said, 'Sen ice is ne er a
simple a t. it's about sai rifice
tor others and about accom-
plishment i"i ourselves, about
reaching out, one person to An
other, about all our choices gath-
ered together as a count'
reach across all of our
dividesService i- a -part- to
rekindle the spirit of democracy
in and age ol un i rta
Amei iC orps js set U
form ser ice in tour ol
nation's most critical areas edu-
cation, public safety, human
need- and the env ironment
m the area ot education,
members will be working to
improve the quaiit) ol our
children's education 'semi1 w ill
teach parents ot school-aged
children how to read and write
so that the) can become in-
oh ed in their children's learn-
ing experience Others will work
in schools with high conc?
tions ot low-income students
and provide services sikIi :
mentoring, tutoring and aftei
school learning opportuni
See PEACE page 4
Photo Courtesy of The White House
Med school up for major award
Drew Goettman
Staff Writer
rheECl SchoolofMedi
cine has quiedy made in-
dustry-leading advances in
the held ot telemedicine,
and these efforts may re
ceive national recognition
later this month.
1 ast month, the ECL
School ot Medicine was
among five finalists nomi-
nated tor the 1994
I lealthcare Innovations in
technology Systems Part-
nership in rechnology
Award, the w inner of whit h
will be announced Oct. 24
in Las Vegas.
1 he award recognizes
joint efforts of health care
prov iders and information
sstem vendors to iniprov e
the level ot patient care
through the use ot technol-
E( U's nomination t ame
from its partner, the infor-
mation system vendor
c hnega Medical ot Raleigh,
said Dr. Lowell Christy, a
distinguished research fel-
low with the EC I School ot
Medicine who spends much
Photo Courtesy of School of Medicine o! his time in Washington,
D.( . working with law
makers and federal agin
cieson behalf of the School
ot Medicine.
Omega Medical is c cur-
rently working w ith the
School ot Medi( ine on the
next generation ot
teiemcdk ai workstations,
Christy said. C urrent joint
projects between EC Land
Omega Medical aim toe re-
atea PC -based telemedical
link which will be compact
ami affordable.
"I think it's an outstand-
ing tribute to the institu
tion said Dr. lames
Ha Hoc k, vice-chancellor ol
health sciences and dean
ot theEC USchool of Medi-
ine " 1 he nomination
confirms the risk we took
in dev eh ipmg the new 11
"Telemedicine" is the
name given to that part ot
the medical field in which
current technology allows
practicing doctors to have
a two way interactive i on-
sultation via live television
hookup with long-distance
spec ialists - w ithout hav-
See MEDICINE page 4
Elections were held Wednesday, Oct. 5 for
class officers, Dorm Reps and Day Student
Reps. 518 students voted.
Senior Class Officers:
President: Bill Gheen
Vice-President: Lucy Goodwin
Secretary-Treasurer: James Cappola
Sophomore Class Officers:
President: Angela Nix
Vice-President: Scott Moulton
Junior Class Officers:
President: Janet Stubbs
Vice-President: Maureen McKenn
Freshman Class Officers:
President: Lauren Carleuo
Vice-President: Ken Clark
Dorm Representatives:
Greene: Lauren Carleuo White: Matt Stewart
Jennifer Gooch Cotten: Nicole Peek
Day Representatives:
Dale Emery Troy Dreyfus
Emma 7Tiomas
Jon Hardie
Angela Nix
Genevieve Ray
Julie TTiompson
Raegan O'Mera
Billy Parker
David Reid
Michael Martin
Courtney Blakeslee
Lucy Goodwin
Harry Bray
Charles Peele
Demetrius Carter
Bryan Weeks
Rob Jones
Allison Turner
David Pugh
John Nichols
Leanne Grant
Katherine Sare
Reid Griffin
Eric Rivenhark
Sheldon Jenkins
People on
the Street
Q. Do you believe
the rapid spread of
AIDS has increased
college-age students'
practice of safe sex?
No. because people still feel
that it.cannot happen to them.
People usually dent learn that
I think for some people it has,
but for others, they will still
tice unprotected
i tl
. . .
"Yes. it has e every-
about li ' ?
Todd Carper
Staff Writer
! t isoptimistk thatSharcd
Visions, a campaign imple-
mented to improve the qu
ot academic and
grams, v
goal one
chancelloi I

2 The East Carolinian
Octobei 11. 1994
Political Science undergoes changes
October 6
Fletcher Hall ? A non-Student found unescorted was arrested
for trespassing when he refused to leave.
Greene Hall ?A non-student reported being bitten repeatedly
by a cat lie tried to pick up outside the building. He was treated at
Student Health tenter.
College Hill Drive ? A non-student was charged with driving
while impaired, not having an operator's license, possession of
drug paraphernalia, reckless driving and alcohol consumption.
October 7
Minges Construction site ? A construction worker reported
the theft of two .22 caliber stud guns, used tor driving nails into
cement brick, from the site
October 8
Mendenhall Student Center ?A student reported three dogs
attempted to attack him on the east side ot the building. Greenville
Animal Control was contacted but reported they do not pick up
lose dogs on weekends.
October 9
Todd Dining Hall ? A staff member reported the theft of her
wallet from an office in the building.
Hardee's on Cotanche Street ?Officers assisted Greenville
Police with a fight involving a large crowd of teenagers.
October 10
Assist Concerned Parent ? .he parent of a Greene Hall resi-
dent requested assistance in locating her daughter. It was deter-
mined she was probablv with her boyfriend and periodic calls
would be made to her room.
Curry Court Lot at Allied Health ?The rear window of a
vehicle was broken out. A rock had been thrown through the
window, no items were missing.
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from official ECU crime
Jon Cawley
Staff Writer
The Department of Political Sci-
ence, like much of the rest ot the
University is undergoing many
changesdesigned toimpro eperfbr-
mance, as well as what students get
out ot it.
The Master of Public Administra-
tion program was recently accred-
ited by the National Association of
SchtKils of Public Affairs and Ad-
ministration (NASPAA) for a seven-
year period.
There are also plans for a new
Masters of Arts program in Interna-
tional and Comparative Politics. Die
program willindudeextensivework
in foreign languages, history, eco-
nomics and other related fields
"An international studies program
without a strong foreign language
component has no credibility in the
academic or business world said
Dr. David Conradt, chair oi the de-
The biggest change comes with
theretirementotMr. 1 lerbertC arlton,
the departmental advisor. Mr.
Carlton retired this summer after 36
years at ECU. He was one ot the
i iriginal members of the department
when it was formed in 1464.
Dr. Conradt replaced Carlton as
the department's chair. He received
his Ph.D at Brown University in
Rhode Island and also studied at the
University of Cologne in Germany
and the London School of Econom-
"I was attracted by the school's
ECU's potential, in a very up and
coming part of the state, and the
challenge of leading a department
Conradt said.
Conradt comes to ECU from the
University of Florida wherein taught
for 25 years, specializing in Euro-
pean politics. Conradt is spear-head-
ing the effort to evolve the depart-
ment, emphasizing the research ele-
"We want a focused relationship
ally, tin
in those
i teaching and research. Lie
? faculty should teach mainly
areas where they are con-
ducting resean h, t. onradt said
Mar. of tin- professor- in tin de-
partment are currently working on
su h projects.
! r Carmine Scavo is involved in
a research project focusing on the
perceptions of local government i
rials about the Global Transpark in
Kinston. I )r.Scavoalso joined 35other
professors from across the country
for C-Span's Summer L?L,4 Seminar
for Professors. The pr gram focused
on creative ways tu use C-Span's
public affairs programming in the
college classroom and in research,
Conradt said.
1 r. Sean Kelly was also involved
in the ' aspect, taking leave
during the "19 ?; tcademic yeai
Dr Kelly served as an America!
Political Science Association C on
gressional Fellow, as a conj
sional staff member. Dr. finsley
arbrough is als taking a year ofi
from beaching to serve as Interim
ViceC .ancellor for Academic Af-
fairs. 1 lis new book on first fustic
I larlan will be published later this
"I have a book coming out -
on the First lustice John Marsha
larlan with the Oxford University
Press Yarbrough said 1 am in the
earlv stages of research for " book
on the'supreme C ourt unde
See POLS page 3
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October 11, 1994
The East Carolinian3
From p. 2
Justice Rehnquist
The Political Science Department
has 16 full-time faculty members
with doctorates and three part-time
professors. All full-time faculty
members have doctorates or are
finishing up as required by ECU.
'Traditionally we've had some
of the colleges best professors.
Eamon and Carlton were teachers
of the year and Scavo was a finalist.
(Student) evaluations are consis-
tentlv above the college average
Conradt said.
There are also three new addi-
tions in the department. Dr. Sheen
Rajmairareceived herPh-D. from the
University of Colorado and has
taught at George Washington Uni-
versity and the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a spe-
cialist in international relations and
will be teaching International rela-
tions and Asian politics.
Mr. Carl McCurley comes to ECU
from Indiana University and teaches
American government Dr. Bryan
Harbour is a visiting professor who
has a law degree and Ph.D from
Chapel Hill. He will be teaching judi-
cial poli tics concerningconsti tutiona
law and the Supreme Court.
Any student interested in a law
career should stop by and see him
Conradt said.
There a re a round 140 undergradu-
ate students and about 120 graduate
students in the department. There
are no undergraduate sub-depart-
ments in political science. However,
there is a lot of room to put together
a concentration, Conradt said.
Many political science majors go
to law school, business school, gradu-
ate work in public administration as
well as working in local, state and
national government and commu-
nity health.
"Political science is a liberal arts
major. The BA doesn't prepare you
for any specific work, the graduate
department will prepare you. We
think Political Science is a flexible
major you can do a lot with in the
public and private sector Conradt
There will be new courses in vari-
ous subjects offered this school year.
New courses will be offered in politi-
cal leadership, South Asia politics
and public policy in the media. Plans
are in effect for new courses in inter-
national relations, Latin American
studies, urban politics, women in
politics and a North Carolina polil
class taught bv Dr. Thomas Eamon,
an authority on southern politics
"We encourage our students to
get invoked in campus, as well as
national politics Conradt said.
Students seem to enjoy their time
in political science classes, despite
the demands of the department.
"The Department of Political Sci-
ence here at ECU, for me has been
both demanding and rewarding. It
has helped meconsiderably in prepa-
ration for further academic studies
said Erik Avers a senior political sci-
ence major.
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loo jg?
began in 1990 lb dtjtethe univer-
sity has raised S47.5 million in pri-
it Funds with the campaign
scheduled to conclude in Decem-
ba ? :
I akin i hallenged the uni-
i a h i ts g( a 1 one full year
H hedule, and I am ex-
timisric we will Phlegar
versit) '
ahead i
al i it Shared Visions is to
raise S50 million in private funds
with resources being divided
aim mg the university's three foun-
dations. .According to the Shared
Visions brochure ECU seeks $26.5
million in endowments which are
invested into three groups: Student
Development, Faculty Enrichment
and Program Enhancement
Student Development will re-
ceive $10.5 million which will be
distributed into five categories
Merit-Based Scholarships, Gradu-
ate Fellowships, NCAA Scholar
shipCriteria Mandate Endowment
Fund, Personal Development Pro-
gram for Athletes Endowment
Fund, and Minority Leadership
Awards Endowment.
Faculty Enrichment will receive
$7.5 million which which will be
distributed into three categories:
Professorships and Distinguished
Professorships,Research Initiatives
and Teaching Enhancements and
Endowed Lectureships.
Program Enhancement will re-
ceive $8.5 million with funds being
distributed into five categories: En-
dowment for the Visual and Per-
forming Arts, Library Collections,
Initiatives to Improve Public
Schools, Program-Specific Gifts in
Schools and Departments and In-
ternational Studies Program.
ECU also seeks $16 million in
Campus Development with funds
going toward Ficklen Stadium Ex-
pansion and Minges Coliseum
Renovation, Jovner Library Addi-
tion, Leo W. JenkinsCancer Center,
Diabetes Center, Center for Alco-
hol and Drug Abuse and Campus
lieautification, and $7.5 million in
Annual Support.
"No university can become truly
distinctive without privatesupport.
Public tax dollars made East Caro-
lina University a good university.
Private dollars can make it a great
university saystheShared Visions
Although it is optimistic that tire
campaign goal for $50 million will
be reached in December of 1994,
ECU will continue to campaign for
one additional year.
"Some areas will not be fully
funded by the end of this year
said Phlegar. "An example of this is
Ficklen Stadium or the academic
and medical side. We knew these
would take a little longer, so we
have allowed one year to fund
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4 The I
From p. 1
ing to transport tl ? j mem .in
way to ilii sp
v hrists tei ms I dical
workstation the doctor's cockpit
oi the future " Specialists would
be linked to rural doctors and
would be able to interact instantly
with both doctor and patient on a
consultational basis t then fin
terfips,thespe ialists would have
complete access to the patient and
to a wide varietv ol diagnostk
I se ol that technology began
with two-way interactive links
between entire classrooms and a
special lecturer, and soon two
rooms (with a respectivecapacit)
of 8-10 and 90 people) were built
at the School of Medicine said
Susan Gustke, associate dean ol
continuing medical education at
the ECl School of Medicine, t ne
of the firs! usesol the link was to
ptbyideemergency consultations
between the Universit) Medical
Center and C entrai Prison in Ra-
The School ol Medicine has
been developing the local uses ol
two-way interactive links in the
field of telemedicine, w hich assist
in patient care provided by rural
doctors in Eastern North Carolina
Currently, the EC U School ol
Medicine oas such audio-visual
links withRoanoke-Chowan Hos-
pital oi Ahoskie and Martin Gen-
eral Hospital ol Williamston.
'The parallel development was
therefromthebeginning' iustke
said "We had intended to develop
the consultational use all along
The thing we want to stress is that
the purpose is to assist the rural
doctor with support, to allow that
'continuity ol tare
As the School ol Mediune be-
gan to develop the facility as a
consultational link, scheduling
problems began to arise, said
David Balch, director ol
?dit ine and theenter foi
Health Sciences Communications
,t (i in short, the School ol
Medicine had outgrown the need
for pist two rooms
"Using such a large classroom
for consultation with only one or
tv.odoctorsl made no sense Balch
said Ihere were treoaient conflicts
in scheduling telemedicine consul
tations and classroom time for these
large rooms
As a result, the 1 CU School ol
Medii ine built tour smaller suites.
completed just over a month ago
which are specially-designed tor
telemedical consultations.
"We wanted the smallest, com
iu t. most eff? tent use ol space,
Bale h said
Tie price tag for each suite was
about $15,000 and they are cur-
rently the only ones of their kind in
the United States ECU is one oi
only ten locations in America with
operational telemedical facilities,
while Jose to 100 hospitals and
medical schools nationwide are
gearing up for facilitiesof their own.
"The development of the new
suites is a significant first major
step to enhance the educational ser-
k e delh ery in the rural setting
Hallo, ksaid.
Our mission is the improve-
ment oi primary care to under-
served rural areas,esperiallynorth-
eastemNorthCarolina Balch said.
balch said a national average
shows a population ratio ol 1300
patients tor ever) one doctor.
i whereas northeastern North Caro-
lina sports a ratio almost double tho
national average.
'What we're doing is not pro-
viding another piece ot expensive
medical technologyChrist) said
"This holds the promise ot deliver-
ing health care oi higher quality
and low er cost,particularly to rural
areas like eastern North Carolina
I here are other applications of
telemedi ine on the 1.onon
( m isty said 1 he same te hnolog)
that links maun hospitals with ru I
ral hospitals for c insultations will
link the major hospitals with res
cue teams at the site of an ac ident j
to allow experienced doctors to
actually see the victims and make
diagnoses on the spot
e learned in Korea and Viet
nam about the Golden 1 lour
Christy said. referring to the medi
I al i ulethai an accident vi tim c an
generally be saved it reached by a
doi lor v itlun 60 minutes oi the
accident Innovations in
telemedicint can reduce the time
lapse between the time ot theao i
dent and the point oi reaching a
doctor's diagnostu wire C hristy
said the average accident v ictim in
rural eastern North C arolina v aits
an average of three andahalf hours
to reach a major hospital.
"The next step is home health
i are " balch said. "We're dealing
with an ever-increasing, aging
home-bound population Soon we
hope to be able to scale the tech-
nology down and put it in homes
to, a kind ot 'electronic house
Doctors and nurses would be
able to clearly see the patient, and
with the patient's help, read hi-1 r
her vital signs both the medical
professional and the patient would
sa e travel time and expense.
The home health wire project
will begin in nursing homes,
Gustke said. lelemedical links
would be established through ex-
isting cable connections, allowing
tor rehabilitative evaluation and
will be a
at 4:30
p.m. You
must be
you talk
prior to
that time.
From p. 1
Members who work in the area
ofpublii safety will devote them and their tune to rime
prevention and control I heywill
help bv p 'dine, substanc e
abuse i ounseling and edu ation
ell a-training in i ontlu treso
lution Ihev will also enhance
i ommunit) polk ing efforts by
working with local law enfon e
ment, and in some instances, a.
tually "walking the beat" with
poh. r offic ials.
Some member, w ill assist in
the area ot human needs bv pro-
viding independent living assis-
tance to elderly citizens, people
with disabilities and people liv-
ing with All) Others will reno-
vate low-income housing and
help people move from public
assistance self-sufficiency
Finally, other members will
work to improve the neighbor-
hood as well as the natural en-
vironment In the neighborhood.
theywilU reateand maintain rec
reational areas,green spaces and
communit) gardens through
education, testing and cleanup
operations, they will help to
eliminate environmental risks in
our neighborhoods. In addition,
these mm mbers w ill teach and
pi k tu e recy( ling ami other
conservation measures Natu
ral em ironmeni members will
work to conserve and restore
forests, riv ers. streams and wet-
mei il orps members will
, omplete one or two years ol
public service in exchange lor
Sr111 a year plus S4,72t a vear
to help finance their higher edu-
i ation or to repay student loans.
I p to 20,000 members will
provide servi e to AmenCorps
this vear but that number is
projected to grow to 100,001) in
the next three vears.
In Ins remarks at the swear-
ing m i eremonyof AmeriCorps
?tu ipants, President Clinton
prai-ed the 20,000 people about
to take the pledge.
"Ever) generation in our his-
tory has learned to take respon-
sibility for our future. And your
generation is no exception
saidlinton "We know you
are no generation of slackers
Instead you are a generation ot
doeis, and you want to give
something back to the country
that has given so much to you
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jPor Students
and Friends
The East Carolinian
HomecomingHalloween Issue.
Oct 27.

Football Tabloid
Oct 29.

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The hast Carolinian5
ktober 1 I. IW4
The East Carolinian
???? .
The East Carolinian
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
printed on
s w?.
Chris Warren, Advertising Director
Stephanie B. Lasstter, News Editor
Tambm Zion, Asst News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Meredith Langley, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Brad OJdham. Asst. Sports Editor
Steven A. Hill, Opinion Page Editor
Stephanie Smith. Staff Illustrator
rhomas Brobst, Copy Editor
Jessica Stanley, Copy Editor
Alexa Thompson. Copy Editor
Jon Cawley. Typesetter
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Patrick Hinson, Asst Layout Manager
Sean McLaughlin, Creative Director
Randall RozzeU, Asst C alive Director
Leslie Petty, Photo Editor
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
tianle Smith. StafJ Illustrator?
niasthead editorial .n each edition is the opm.cnof the ???j? editor reject letters for pubUcauon
For more information, call (919) 328-6366.
Volunteer to fight illiteracy
Did you know that approximately one of
able to read this, you could help improve the
situation by getting in contact with The Lit-
eracy Volunteers of America in Pitt County.
The program's director ,Rena Eller, asserts
that the number of persons requesting literacy
assistance vastly outnumbers the amount of
volunteers on hand. Needless to say, more
volunteers are needed.
The fact of the matter is that illitera-gs
on the rise and if measures are nofTaken to
Because education ijJMdmber one
factor in determining an 'lncffvidual's socio
economic staJfti Hietoftfjry to read is crucial.
Thing! ?fici a?ading a letter from a
loved one rtiposing a grocery list are
monumentaoo'stacles in the everyday life of
the illiterate. You can just imagine how diffi-
cult it is for them to try to find gainful employ-
As a matter of fact, 15 million adults
holding jobs today are functionally illiterate
and 60 of the unemployed lack the basic
skills necessary to be trained for high tech jobs.
The latter information is reflected in the
statistics showing that the high school drop-
out rate is 29 in this country; in Japan, the ra te
is 5 and in Russia, 2.
While the picture is not looking toobright,
Literacy Volunnteers of Amarica is making an
impact. Since 1962 they have started pro-
grams in 44 states and have reached out to over
350,000 individual seeking to improve their
literacy skills,
Just think, if each student at ECU took
the time, we could probably eradicate the illit-
eracy dilemma in our little corner of the world.
While a noble andworthwhile endeavor
for all people involved in the fight against
illiteracy, those ECU students who plan to at-
tend any professional school after their under-
graduate education will benefit. Most law and
medical schools look favorably upon volunteer
service and some requrie a certain amount be
accomplished in order to graduate. Having
Literacy Volunteer service on your resumecould
give you the edge over your peers in the very
competitive selection process.
In order to meet the challenge of teaching
someone to read, the Literacy Volunteers of
America in Pitt County will sponsor a 15-hour
tutor training workshop on Mondays and Thurs-
days beginning in mid-January. The sessions
begin at seven p.m. and end at 9:30 pm. If you
are interested and would like further informa-
tion ,please feel free to call Rena Eller at 752-
Imagine the courage it takes for some-
one who is illiterate to ask for help. It would
be disgraceful for even one call to go unan-
The staff of The East Carolinian believes
the courage displayed by those asking for
assistance should be matched; the need for
volunteers could easily be met by the stu-
dent body here at East Carolina University.
Be a hero and strive to assist others. You
could find yourself in a rewarding situation
where you can give the gift of literacy.
The few hours spent by volunteers
teaching basic reading skills each month will
be felt for generations. When you measure
the impact volunteering can have against
the time spent, everyone is clearly a winner.
Modern jobs diminish life's essence
Money, politics and laziness
"? by Brian Hall
Everyone in the world to-
day seems to be a slave to duty,
uty binds each and everyone of
us to occupations and responsi-
bilities that most of us do not
want, yet'we accept them will-
ingly or otherwise because we
fear personal freedom.
Aldous Huxley's senti-
ments on this matter have a defi-
nite ring of truth: "They (human-
ity) intoxicate themeselves with
work so they won't see how they
really are
From childhood, we are
baptized with the credo of work's
beneficence versus the heretical
influence that leisure might have
on us. We are told " idle hands
make work for the devil and
that laziness is an extended flir-
tation with chaos.
Stability, which stems from
everyone doing his or her duty,
must be maintained. To deviate
from the cosmic order of things,
in which work is central, is an act
of deviance against its omnipo-
tent Creator
During the course of our
lives, we will be continued to be
reminded of both the necessity
and the virtue of work at
nauseaum. These messages have
been with us forever and will
remain as such until we become
work for the gravedigger. Aside
from the familial encouragement
of hard work, the first place one
usually encounters the dogma of
dutiful labor is in the classroom.
One of my earliest recollec-
tions from my elementry school
years was having the fable, The
Ant and the Grasshopper read to me
in class. I recall how the tale por-
trayed the unproductive, yet con-
tented, grasshopper in contrast to
the serious and industrious ant.
The effectiveness of the
story's moral message was inten-
sified by the teacher adopting a
harsh and judgemental to me
when reading about the grasshop-
per When the story was finished,
myself and the other kids had
learned how preferable laboring
was to degenerative idleness.
Thus, the teacher was suc-
cessful in indoctrinating us with
the Protestant work ethic and
capitalism's redeeming powers
via a quaint child's tale.
From that time forward, my
conscience has been burdened by
feellings of guilt whenever I fail to
be productive or resourceful.
Furthernore, 1 have seen and felt
society's disapproval towards
those who are not enthusiastic
about working or capable of
working for that matter.
Anybody who receives gov-
ernment assistance such as wel-
fare, regardless of whether or not
they have a legitimate right to this
monetary aid, is perceived as a
grasshopper sponging off others,
while other persons who labor
justtosurviveareconsidered righ-
By Joshua White
teous like the ant.
I do not wish to digress too ,
far from my main topic by dwell- .
ing on ants and grasshoppers, but
I think most entomologists would i
be inclined to agree that the ant is
nota verymoralbug.Thinkabout
how many harmless picnics have,
been ruined by ant's pirating
someone's lunch basket. The ant
would probably make a better
role model for corporate execu-
tives than schoolchildren.
While I do not dispute the
fact that work is necessary for
survival or at least economic
well-being, I feel that society
emphasizes business and work-
ing too much.
Refering back to Huxley's
comment, I believe that because
people have been taught since
birth to remain constantly active
that to suddenly stop and pause
to reflect meditatively on life
would cause a feedling of awk-
After all, we are what we
do and what we do provides us
with purpose. Sadly enough, this
statement is a reality for many
Sadder still is the life of one
who has never stopped to smell
the roses because he or she has
been too busy planting them.
There will always be work to be
done, but you and I will not
always be here to do it. Life is
brief. Work is continuous.
- Letters to the Editor
One never knows when a
moment of epiphany will strike.
They can happen at the
strangest times and in the most
unexpected places One hap-
pened recently as 1 was flipping
through the channels on TV. (If
you do not know what an
epiphany is, it is a sudden intui-
tive revelation.)
As I passed by MTV, I came
across Kurt Loeder doing one of
those rock news updates that he
does. Normally 1 cannot tolerate
MTV, but the news updates can
be interesting, so I listened for a
One of the tidbits of infor-
mation was that rapper Snoop
Doggy Dogg was being ar-
raigned on murder charges in
Los Angeles. Nothing too shock-
ing here, since the music indus-
try has known that this wascom-
ing for some time. What really
got me was Loeder's assurance
to his listeners that this would
r.ot prevent Mr. Dogg's appear-
ing on the MTV video music
While I heartily endorse the
concept that a man is innocent
until proven guilty, thisset me to
thinking. If being charged with
murder is not enough to be re-
moved from MTV, then whatex-
actly does one have to do before
MTV will not put one on the air?
A more personal such mo-
ment happened to me just last
Thursday at.olden Corral. Sud-
denly it occurred to me that I will
never make it to Congress. For-
merly, I liked lo believe that
someday 1 would run tor Con-
gress (and win, of course ? no
pra ever dreams of running for
anrJiing and losing).
Noial. however, 1 realize that
i w, howevi
I do not HSVe the basic tempera-
ment or nature to be a successful
Politicians should only need
honesty, intelligence, open-
mindedness and good judgment.
In reality, many other things are
needed to be successful. These
things which are needed, even
demanded by the American
people, are many of the things
which are contributing to the dis-
trust of the political system.
To be elected in the current
political climate requires first and
foremost money. Now, while it
has always been true that a candi-
date for office needed money,
nowadays one needs big time
money. Money with a capital "M
Money for TV commercials.
Money for media consultants.
Money for campaign staffers and
workers. Money to get one's mes-
sage out to the people.
This becomes a viciouscycle.
People refuse toexpend any effort
to learn about where candidates
sLind on the issues. They refuse to
go see the candidates make
speeches in person. They refuse to
even read reports of speeches
made in the newspaper.
Instead, we prefer to get our
news in short sound bites on the
evening news ? the shorter the
better. We do not want to have to
spend too much time thinking
about these things. So the office
seeker must collect more money
to go to the people. This creates
more alienation in the electorate
and they become more unwilling
to spend energy or time on cam-
As a result, the candidates
end up doing one of two things to
get votes, both of which are un-
healthy for the country. Either the
candidate will attack her oppo-
nent, or she will promise to solve
the problems of the country.
The fi rst case, running nega-
tive ads, has been beaten to death
lately, so let me just say that we all
know how adversely these affect
the body politic.
The second case, however,
may be even worse. First, it rein-
forces the already too prevalent
idea that the government is here
to solve our problems.
This sort of view that the
government should be our watch-
ful parent, protecting us from harm
is everywhere. We believe that the
governmentshould protect us from
everything ? from bad food to
lack of health care. What ever hap-
pened to people taking care of
Moreover, since solving the
problems of the world are beyond
human capacity, the failureof poli-
ticians to keep their prom ises helps
to fuel the cynicism that all politi-
cians are incompetent and(or) li-
Unfortunately, there does not
seem to be anv solution tor this
problem. Unless the American
people decide to get off their duffs
and investigate candidates tor
themselves something which
seems unlikely, given most
will not ever gel ofl their behinds
to vote the standing of pol ical
figures in our country will likely
To the Editor:
If you (Shannon (.ay ' were a representative
of all "genuinely alternativ e folk I would dismiss
you all for being as shallow and insincere as the
dreaded "music corporations" and "fashion de-
signers 1 know, however, that the opinion ex-
pressed is not representative. Do we want to open
people's minds, making ourselves walking bill-
boards for that cause, only to scoff at the accumu-
lating following? The recent Cobain converts mighy
equate in some minds to the Roman guard who
decided Jesus Christ was the son of Cod after he
died, but perhaps they are in fact a new church.
So now there's no place left for you "genu-
ine alternatives" to go. Everything is acceptable.
So what if fashion no longer makes your "state-
ment but then I suppose it's a lot easier to put
on thrift store flannels and feel intellectually-
superior then sicl it is to open our minds and
mouths and say something worthy of that supe-
riority Those like you can only be described as
selfish evangelists who can think of nothing more
than of all the space getting taken up in heaven
by the converts. Sorry you don't feel cool any-
David Hisle
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there. For more info, call 758-9590
Lost & Found
A GREY TABBY CAT found off
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monthsold. White balled paws. Call
Greek Personals
HEY LADIES: are you looking for
a nice guv to spend an evening
with? If you are come to Gamma
Sigma Sigma's 4th annual Pick a
Pirate from 8pm until 11 pmcmOct.
12th. This event will be held in
Mendenhall Room 244. Come
ready to bid on or buy a few 'of
ECU's hottest men. All proceeds
go to the Real Life Crisis Center
Thank you social, Philanthropy,
way and means, Jonquil, yearbook
and all other hard working sisters.
Your work has not gone unno-
ticed! Congratulations Crystal on
Treasurer, and Elizabeth you look
great!Good luck! I .ookingforward
to homecoming! Luv your sis,
DELTA- Thanks for the great time
Wed. night. Can't wait to see you
next Wed Pledges of Theta Chi
der of Omega intitiates Heather
Carroll, I .aurie Johnson and Darcie
Reasoner. Keep up the good work!
Love, Chi Omega
SIGMA PI: We had a hell of a time
in heaven and a heavenly time in
hell Thanks for a great time Thurs.
nigbt! HopeJWA can be your angels
again soon! I ove. Chi Omega
Goodwin on being ejlectedd senior
class Vice Pres. and 1 .a urei i Car letto
for beingvoted freshmanclass Pres.
We're proud of you! Love, your
Chi Omega sisters.
are so glad you came. Hope you
enjoyed our get together. Maybe
soon we can do it again. Hope we
can put our differences behind us!
PIKES! Reid- are there any "good"
girls left?! Austin greaj duck hunt-
ing you love machine. Hedrick- is
she really 17? Happy B-day Rodney
see you at the mullet festival, has
any one seen Conrad? Ladies and
Gentleman tonight its Downtown
Sermev Findley at
CHI OMEGA: Thank you foj
spending some time in heaven with
us, even though we iill wound up in
Hell. Don't forget headbangers ball
is just around ViV corner! Love, the
brothers ofSfgma Pi
PI, on the defeat of Pi Kappa Alpha
in the flag football playoffs! Also
congratulations on IFC's most im-
proved GPA. Hell yea Boys!
Something for everyone is what
Timex Fitness Week Ls all about.
Durifig the week of October 10-14
Recreational Services will be giv-
ing away Timex watches, Ocean
Spray Juice and may other great
prizes! Wednesday is PACK THE
POOL from 5:30 to 6:30 in
Christenbury pool After this free
aqua aerobics class stick a round for
at 6:30pm poolside. Thursday at
12:05isa FREE R AND RCI-ASS in
Christenbury Gym. him how to
AT THE TOWER Thursday at
5H)p.m. Finally, Friday isj AM THE
GYM from 5:00 to 6:00pm in
Christenbury Gym. Come for the
irtv food and prizes or show your
Sorority letters in this huge aerobics
class For more details call Recre-
ational Services at 328-6387. lust
The Women's Studies Alliance
will be meeting on Wednesday,
(Xtuber 12, at 4pm in CXB 2018.
Thetopic will be "What is
WotTtrrt'sStudies?" New Mem-
Ivrselcomcd. Refreshments
Great Bargains! October 26 & 27,
1994 at ECU's oyrter I .ibrary. Pro-
ceeds to ECU I ibrary. Sponsored
by Friends of ECU Library.
Attention! If you love Horses you'll
love to be a member of the ECU
Riding Club, this is the 2nd meet-
ing of the year. All ECU Students
and Staff welcome for some great
winter Fun. Don't horse around!
Come see what we're about, Octo-
ber 13at530 in Mendenhall: Room
4 or Call 328-8549355-1515 for in-
East Carolina Construction Asso-
ciation is having a meeting on Oc-
tober 18th at6:00pm Rawl 106. All
interested students are invited to
Club f hspanico will be meeting
Wed nesd ay C tuber 12,8:00pm
at Chico's to celebrate Colum-
bus Day. All Spanish-speakers
and non-Spanish speakers are
invited to come join us tor a
night of eating, thinking and
having fun!
American Marketing Association
will have the Wine and Cheese So-
cial on Wednesday October 12, at
5:00pm to 6:30pm in GCB 3rd floor
lobby. If you plan to drink wine,
please bring your II ). Refreshments
will also be served. Business attire
will be expected. Everyone is Wel-
The next ISA meeting will be held
in Tuesday, Oct.l 1, 1994 .it 5:00pm
in General Classroom Building
Room 1010. Everyone who is .i re-
turning member and everyone who
wants to become a member of the
ISA should attend this important
meeting. At this meeting, several
proposed revisions in the ISA Con-
stitution and Bv-I aws will be dis-
cussed. For more information, con-
tact Allen Bennett at 328-9708.
Second DanceMeeting of the
Year! Friday, Oct 14, Ledonia
Wright Bldg. (behind Student
Health), 7-10:30pm. Flection of
new offkers.Corneakneor bring
a friend. Free'
A support group for persons respon-
sible for the care of an older or dis-
abled adult will meet at St. lames
Methodist Church, 21XX) East Sixth
St, Greenville, at 7:30pm on October
11,1994. For more information please
call Freda Wilkins at 758-5932 or
Susan Redding M 758-4622.
See Mother Nature and Register to
Vote Tuesday Oct. 11 th at the Attic.
Vote Republican! If you have to,
vote Democrat
The Honors Program Commitee of
the Faculty Senate will consider pro-
posals for Fall 1995 Honors Semi-
nars at its meeting on Nov. 15,1994
beginning at 2:(X) in Rawl Annex
142. To propose a seminar, a fac-
ulty member should use the gen-
era I format of the basic New Course
Proposal Form and do one it the
following: Appear at the Nov. 15
Honors Program Committee meet-
ing to submit the proposal in 15
copies. Contact Doug McMillan,
Dept. of Englinsh (FC 2119, Ext.
b667 or 6041) to schedule a tenta-
tive time; or Submit 15 copies of the
course proposal to Doug McMillan,
Dept.of English. By Nov. 4,1994. If
you choose also to appear in per-
son M die commit tee meeting, I Xuig
McMillan as above to schedule a
tentative time.
PICASO, the Pitt County AIDS Ser-
vice Organization, is sponsoring an
FIIVAIDS information line every
Wednesday night from 6-9prrt Any-
one with any questions about HIV,
AIDS or related issues is encour-
aged to call 830-1660.
Vamos a Chico's. The Spanish club
will meet Wed. Oct. 12 at Chico's at
8:00pm This is a socia I meeting, come
and practice vourSpanish. Acelebrar
el dia de la raza!
1 he l993-94TreasureChests. Besure
to pick up your FREE video year-
book. Available at the Student Store,
?All ads must be pre-paid?
25 words or less:
Students S2.00
Non-Students S3.00
Each additional word S0.05
Any organization may use the Announce-
ments Section ot The East Carolinian to
list activities and events open to the public
two times free of charge Due to the
limited amount of space. The East Caro-
linian cannot guarantee the publication of
Displayed advertisements may be
canceled before 10a.m. the day
prior to publication, however, no
refunds will be given
$5.50 per inch:
For more
information call
Friday 4 p.m. for Tuesday's edition.
Tuesday 4 p.m. for Thursday's edition

Deny I Tracy
Medical Technology
Allied Blacks For Leadership
and Equality
Volunteered with:
Mill Branch Baptist Church
Orga n iza tio ns:
Two year member of ABLE.
Darrell Davonne
Math Education
Fletcher Hall
Volunteered with.
YBBT(Young Blacks for a
Better Tomorrow)
ECU Concert Choir ECU
Gospel Resident Advisor
Minority Arts
1. Mendcnhall Student Center
Infornmtjpn Booth 8:30 - 6:00
2. ECU Student Store 8 - 5
3: Base of College Hill 8 -5
?4. Belk Allied Health Bldg 8 -5
5. Medical School 2nd North
Room 45 8 -5
Tar rick Cox
Elementary Education
Jones Hall
Volunteered with:
Community Impact
Services.Tutor at Wahl-Coats
School. Food Bank Drop-Off.
President of ECU Gospel
Choir. Member of Honor and
Review Board, Elementary
Education Club. SNCAE, New-
Generation Ministries. NASPA
fellows Program
Tim Pin hard
Garrett Hall
Volunteered with:
Ronald McDonald House
Red Cross
Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship. American
David Tyre
BFA Art Education
Visual Arts Forum
Volunteered with:
Tutor Minority Youth
Kappa Alpha Psi
Community Program
Orga n iza tio ns:
Marketing Assoc.
Years of
.pfiimiM ?
Kappa Alpha Psi
? ??"?? ij . ? MIPEroftmuSim ;??.??i:nilii
i I
I ? ' I ; I ?
momi immnrctnn
Vote Thursday, Oct. 13
Must have valid student I.D. SHARED VISIONS
?llltesM 1


Si ?3S&kIb
ifff p?
w?Hf S.? .
IfflNkV jl: ffi
T lfe
No picture Ruailable
Carter Ashlyn
Decision Science
ECU Ambassadors
Volunteered unth:
Ronald McDonald House.
March of Dimes, Operation
Sunshine, Cystic Fibrosis
Orga f i iza tio is:
Gamma Sigma Sigma. Student
Pirate Club, Decision Science
Jenne Sevilla
Jones Hall RHA
()rgan izations:
Concert Band
Michelle Streath
Fletcher Hall
ECl' Ambassadors
Gamma Bata Phi Honor
Last Thursday The East Carolinian
put Michelle Streath's picture
with Krissy Eaton s Information.
Please make a note of the
correction in today s paper . U)e
apologize for this mistake.
Krissy Eaton
Elementary Education
White Hall
Volunteered with:
Meals on Wheels, Habitat for
Humanity, Occupational
Therapy Clinic, First
Presbyterian Church Daycare,
Special Olympics
Resident Hall Association,
Pure Gold Dance Team
Melody D. Edwards
Vocal Performance
Resident Hall Association
Orga 11 iza tio ns:
Chamber Singers, Vocalist for
Jazz Ensemble B
Wende Peters
Special Education -ED
Alpha Xi Delta
Volunteered with
Special Olympics. Operation
Sunshine. Adopt a Highway.
Miricle Night
Orga n iza tions:
Student Council for
Exceptional Children, Order
of Omega
Anna Kraus
Visual Arts Forum
Volunteered with.
United Way. 1994 Christmas
Toy Drive. Green Peace
Internationalists Club,
German Club, Visual Arts
Forum, Figure Drawing Club
Jennifer Beard
Occupational Therapy
Tyler Hall Council
Volunteered with.
Cape Fear Valley Medical
Phi Eta Sigma. Resident Hall
Celeste M. Tayao
Pre Physical Therapy
Fleming Hall Council
Volunteered with:
Brandywine Hospital nd
Trauma Center, Coatsville. VA
Hospital. Special Olympics
ECU Ambassadors. Phi Eta
Sigma. Freshman Honor
Society. E.C.H.O Campus
Civitan, Pre Physical Therapy
Young O
Delta Sigma Phi
Volunteered with.
Operation Sunshine, Drink
Out, Road Clean Up. Order of
Omega Field Day, Ronald
McDonald House. Junior
Organ iza tio ns:
Alpha Phi. Communications
K ?
W6I DNnVOiaKOH ? 66I IWIMMKHWOH ? HJ6191OW033IV0II ? t66T9NlM03ai?0H

8 The East Carolinian
October I 1. 1944
The East Carolinian
A Drop
in THE
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claim to be: a very
tiny drop in the great screaming
bucket of American media opin-
ion. Take it as you will.
Greenville is a cultural
Oh, we have some high cul-
ture,certainly- Art exhibitions
are constantly taking place at
Gray Gallery. The Upper
Crust Bakery plays host to
regular poetry readings.
Plays both big and small are
put on at McGinnis and
Wright theatres. Lecturers
and poets and respected
people of all stripes fre-
?jjuently visit campus to speak
$n one topic or another.
J But these events are at-
Jended mainly by a small, spe-
cialized minority of the popu-
lation and students required
Jo go by a professor. Atten-
dance, in other words, is not
particularly good.
I suppose that's to be ex-
pected. High culture is gen-
erally the stomping ground
bf intellectuals and artistic
lypes; it attracts a small audi-
ence by nature.
r But what about so-called
law culture? Movies and mu-
sic and magazines and books?
As a devoted fan of these low
culture art forms, I've had
reason to be appalled at any
number of things lately, and
it's time to blow off some
The latest thing that's got-
ten under my skin is the
choice of movies in this town.
While movie selection here
has never been good, some
major films haven't made
their way into Greenville's
cultural black hole.
You'd think that with four
theaters, we could get a wider
variety of films. But Tim
Burton's Ed Wood, which is
catching lots of praise (and
talk of Oscar nominations),
can't be seen here. More
amazingly, neither is Quiz
Ed Wood has two things
working against it. One, it's
filmed in black-and-white.
Two, it's about a transvestite
movie director. And much as
I'd like to forget it, we are
living in the Bible Belt here,
where transvestites and
movie directors are frowned
Black and white should be
prettv popular, however, con-
sidering how many people in
this town want to turn back
the clock.
But Quiz Show? Come on!
It's about the fixed game show
scandal of the 1950s! It's get-
ting good reviews and mak-
ing lots of money and 1 know
See BUCKET page 10
Living is not easy in Dogpatch, USA
Brian Hall
Staff Writer
Once one of the staples of
American entertainment, the
light musical comedy is sadly
becominga dying form. So those
nostalgic for the good old days
gladly welcomed the musical
comedy "Li'l Abner which
opened The East Carolina Play-
house 1994-95 season last
While "Li'l Abner" is not the
best example of this form (for
example, "Guys and Dolls
which was performed last
spring on the ECU stage, and I
think is clearly superior), it is
much preferred over other re-
cent musical comedies, such as
the simply dreadful "Annie
another cartoon turned into a
Johnny Mercer and Gene de
Paul, the authors of
"Li'lAbner were able to main-
tain the cartoonish nature of
the characters without resort-
ing to the sort of smarminess
which ruined "Annie
The plot of "Abner" (both
the comic strip and the play)
revolves around the denizens
of Dogpatch, Missitucky, spe-
cifically Li'l Abner and Daisy
Mae. Daisy wants to catch
Abner on Sadie Hawkins Day
soshe can marry him, and
Abner does not want to be
caught. It was from this simple
plot and the many memorable
supporting characters he ere-
CD Review
This box holds the key to
understanding the devious
ways of our CD reviewers.
ated that Al Capp was able to
produce one of the most memo-
rable comic strips in American
In this sort of play the plot
just serves as an excuse for the
characters to be on stage, and it
is they who make this play so
delightful. The characters have
to drive the show, for though
this is a musical, the music is
without a doubt the worst part
of the show.
The musicians from the ECU
School of Music, led ably by Scott
Carter, did the best they could
with what they had been given
to play. The cast infused the mu-
sical numbers with an energy
which can almost overcome the
music's weaknesses.
However, in the end we must
admit that "Abner" is, like
Aladdin, that most unusual crea-
ture ? a musical which succeeds
despite its songs. Only the show-
stopping "Jubilation T.
Cornpone" matches the quality
of the rest of the show.
The two leads, Tara Bost and
Jeremy P. Bolich (as Daisy and
Abner respectively), did a fine
job. However, as is almost inevi-
table in this sort of production,
several of the supporting char-
acters steal the show.
The longest and loudest
laughs and cheers went to Alecia
Hillis and Brian Davis as
Mammy and Pappy Yokum. The
combination of Davis' physical
comedy and Hillis' impeccable
delivery and timing were ter-
rific, and entrance! and delighted
the large opening night crowd.
Overlooked by the audience,
but just as good, was Michael F.
Brooks as Marryin'Sam. Brooks,
who was so good last spring in
"Guys and Dolls wins the
award for funniest line and
quickest thinking for prevent-
ing what could have been a di-
sastrous moment.
Abner and Sam were stand-
ing on-stage talking to an off-
stage (and un-named) president,
when the voice of the president
stopped suddenly. After wait-
ing for a few moments, Davis
announced "I guess Hillary
wanted him and the pair
marched off stage to gales of
This up-to-date reference was
merely one of many throughout
the production, which brings up
the two minor nits to pick with
the performance. The references
were funny and delightful at
first. The audience especially
loved the one about anyone be-
ing able to stop N.C. State on the
one-yard line.
However, after a while, they
became tiring (and everyone
should know by now that refer-
ences to Generation X are not
amusing). The second is that if
the Playhouse is going to begin
plays of more than three hours
at eight o'clock, could it please
start them on time?
On a more positive note, the
See LI'L page 10
Photo by Garret! Killian
Jeremy Bolich (Li'l Abner) and Tara Bost (Daisy Mae) rehearse 3 I
scene from East Carolina Playhouse's production of Li'l Abner. '
Talking straight with Abner
Jennifer Coleman
Staff Writer
All you need is love or so we
thought. According to Norman
Panama and Melvin Frank's musi-
cal comedy "Li'l Abner you also
need money, which is something
necessary for human survival and a
good pair of running shoes. What
does all this have to do with love?
Just ask Li'l Abner and Daisy
Mae, or any of the rest of the
Dogpatch citizens, and they'll be glad
to tell you. Or just go see The East
Carolina Playhouse's presentation of
this farcical adaptation of Al Capp's
famous comic strip.
The play centers around the town
of Dogpatch, USA. The citizens of
Dogpatch are simple country folk,
rich in tradition and honor.Tradition
such as the annual Sadie Hawkins'
Day race, when all of the unmarried
women in Dogpatch try to catch a
husband,and theComponeMee tin
which signals events of extreme im-
One such event is the imminent
bombing of Dogpatch which the
citizens are bound and determined
to prevent. And how can they pre-
vent it? Why, with Mammy Yokum's
YokumberryTonic! And thus begins
the first play of the East Carolina
Playhouse season.
There's more to a performance
See ABNER page 10
Streep runs wild
Fair evokes sights and sounds
It's a very special time for every-
one when the fair comes to town. To
most, it is a must-do experience, an
experience filled with memories that
will be talked about for weeks. All
last week, the Pitt Co. Fair was in
town. The fair can always guarantee
the people of Pitt Co. a fun and excit-
ing time. I went to this wondrous
creation with these thoughts in my
head, and I was not disappointed.
This year's theme was "The Year
of the Family The folks who orga-
nized the whole extravaganza were
hoping to see more families coming
out to partake in the festivities. There
were several indoor booths that por-
trayed this theme, such as the basic
family valueawareness booth, where
See FAIR page 9
Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
Meryl Streep has fashioned a
film career true to her roots,
which formed at Vassar College
and the Yale School of Drama.
Streep has had a penchant for
characters who have had such
strong personali ties that no room
remained for any personal at-
tributes to shine through. Meryl
Streep could act in anything it
seemed and the audience would
accept her per i ermance each time
because the viewer had no idea
who Meryl Streep really was.
Streep acted like a chameleon
changing colors to fit into any
film in which she stared.
Part of the allure of Streep has
been her reticence to discuss her
personal life (a husband of 16
years and four children) with the
press. Streep has always re-
mained a consunimate profes-
sional who feels her work, not
her private life, should matter.
Finally, Meryl Streep has made
a film that insiders say is theclosest
the actress has come to playing
herself. Streep plays a woman
named Gail who is a teacher of
history at a school for the deaf and
who used to be a white water raft
guide in her newest filrn, Tlie River
As The Rner Wild opens, Gail is
planning to take her family on a
trip down a river in Montana to
celebrate her son Roarke's (Joe
Mazzello) birthday. I ler husband
Tom (David Straithairn) reluc-
tantly bows out at the last minute
due to work commitments only to
charter a flight at the last minute to
join his family.
Gail is a devoted mother, gifted
teacher (v hich is evident as she
teaches Roarke how to fly fish) and
a skilled rafter. Streep uses no ac-
cents other than her own and im-
See RIVER page 10
CD Reviews
CD Reviews
CD Reviews
CD Reviews
Public Enemy
Muse Sick-N-Hour
Mess Age
Public Enemy: Chuck D, Flavor
Flav, Terminator X, Hank Shocktee
and the Bomb Squad, Media Assas-
sin I larrv Allen and the Security of
the First World. Some of the names
have changed over the past seven
years, but the same message is still
there; Public Enemy is the foremost
politicalrapgroup. IntrodiK tionsare
probably pointless; everybody
knows who they are.
1994 has seen the sixth release
from P.E "Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess
Age Yes, the title is confusing. I can
make partial sense of it and l think l
get the idea, but maybe not. The
"Mess Age" part makesa lot of sense.
If you know P.P. at all, you can
guess that this album has some po-
litical tracks on it. Overall, "Muse" is
possibly the group's strongest politi-
cal commentary to date; it is chock
full of conspiracy theory, commu-
nity policing and even environmen-
Tlie hardcore beats, innovative
mix of sound bitesand samples, clas-
sic K&B and soul music hixks, and
their distinctive cinematic sound is
still there. Hut the sound is somehow
different this time, sharper, louder
and more complex. "Our music is
different on each album. On thisone,
we had to come out ot the blocks
wim the hardest music heard by any-
body?including some retro-funk
and laid back R&I5 with a groove.
We turned the throttle up 'til it damn
near broke saysbuck.
I he opening track, "Whole I otta
I nvr( ,om'on in the Middle oil lei I
is your standard P.E. song, boomin'
beats and haunting loop. The song
states Chuck's feelings on the state of
the Afro-American community, the
self-destructive things that are tak-
ingplace.and thegixxl peoplecaught
in the middle trying to hold the whole
thing together. The real clincher is
the sound bite that begins that song
and the album.
It opens with a scene in the future.
It's December 31, 1999 and former
KuKluxKlan leader David Duke has
been elected president of the United
States. Duke then joins the U.S. in a
neo-colonial alliance with European
powers which threatens the survival
of people of color worldwide. The
new alliance's goal is to destroy and
subdue. In the face of such threats,
P.E demands through its booming
sound that people of the world re-
spond. That's a hell of a way to open
an album ?fear is a gotxl attention
getter. Fear of a white planet
Many of the songsare centered on
this European international con-
spiracy. "RaceAgainst limeThin
Line Between I .aw and Rape and
"I litler Day" are three such songs.
"Hitler Day" is especially interest
ing. It isbasicallv a protest against the
celebration of Columbus Day; P.E.
equates it with celebrating a Hitler
Day. Columbus' discovery was a
Hitler Day for the native residents of
this continent, and Chuck extends
the sentiments to the treatment of
Afro-Americans in the later devel-
opment of our country. I le may just
a have a point.
"Bedlam 13:13" is the one envi-
ronmental tune but even it is perme-
ated by the conspiracy theory. I'm
tearin'downda house that jackbuilt
cause he kilt whoever he wanted and
hunted and tax the backs of the
environment macks who plan in
the silence of scams a world that
won't work no more, no more It'sa
modern-day apocalypse tatedescrib-
ing the environmental devastation
that we all know too well.
Some ot the songs are a direct
message to the Afro- American com-
munity. "Give It Up "What Side
YouOn?" and "What ha t lonna Do
Now" are songs thatcalltoran end to
self-destructive behavior such as
drug selling and gun toting rhese
are some ot the strongest tracks on
the CD .ini.i thev make no bones
about what they think ot i langsta'
rap, 40s .md blunts It'sall got logo.
Chuck calls for the community to
police itselr and return to the older
African values of the whole com-
munity taking responsibility forme
raising of the children, an idea that
would help any community.
There area fewhumoroussongs,
it's not all anger. Flavor Flav has a
little solo jam "I Ain't Mad At AH"
that is kind of reminiscent of "911 is
a loke" and may achieve the same
popularity; it's very danceable.
Chuck even does some old school
mic skills, boasting on the tracks "I
Stand Accused" and "1 ive and
Undrugged Hie rapping here is
fierce, it takes me back to the sounds
of "Prophets of Rage" on the Na-
tion of Millions album. Good stuff.
( Verall this a mature release for
P.E. and probably much better man
Apocalmve '91; it's more intricate
and subtle, it that makes it better.
madand flavor is still in the role of
court jesterlunatic. Thev have re-
fined their message a bit and gone
deeper into the realm of politics,
and frankly I like the conspiracy
See MESS page 9

it s
From p. 8
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pie beset ' '??? i '?'
lito, I too
1((. . ivith the wasdrawntothernajestvoftheglou
? park. Although the Pitt
(utthx mds rground is not ven big, the
. "hursda tudenl end less choices as to which way to go
rwhelmed me ! decided to stop
. ,4 , ? ? ? ephant who was putting on a
firt').Thetirstt! could show. It did its little number for the
people, mev clapped, and the el-
a ephant was rewarded wasn't able
to stav there ven ions; do to the fad
that the elephant looked miserable
and 1 felt sorry for him (but that is
another ston, I
Another item that caught m eye
was a giant sphere located near the
trapeze setup I pon closer inspec-
tion, noticed that there was not only
a motorcv le in it, but three motor-
cycles Mithreebikes started to circle
the inside of the giant ball. It was
quite a sight to see bet ausethev were
goingvervfast Fortunateh nobody
vva injured
fair would not becompletevv ith-
out ndes and games "his fair defi-
(919) 756-7171
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trattH introi tof
ing it irtualh in
from one sei tl. il '
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thealle) fj
even vend ? I
the weekly eamii
win i would listei "
was called th
looked like ? ?
35 feet in the air ti :
tube like a spiral, and a. ar fi
people would
and sentflvingdow i
tun to hear the s
llst'ii ?
nncx-ent little children who th
? . hi ithout
' t .is bt? ai tse I '
imple fact I he ride will go through
n ? thing hundreds of times
without an) problems
i the moment Igeton,some-
theti ick will dislodge and send
? ing over the park
i oN nt people, lots of food, and
fun. rhePittCo I airhasa m e
ior everyone Despite a few
of manure odor, the fair was
t professional looking. I am sure
that next year's fair tvill hold some
ises and 1 hope it will be as
essful as this tair was.
ECU Student Store
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Cholestrol Free Food Take Out Orders Welcome
Plentu of Uront Door Parking
Safe sex
Brandon Waddell
Staff Writer
I hi i
Association i
fourth annual sex iveel
It In The Bl d (Best I duration), in
which the) will '
moting respon
cemingsex F
the R.H ha'
from tin ?
andotheri ollege
duce this e ent In the;
Se Weeks" the primo vas
ha e de iate I fron
onl obje( tivi
fronting I ? ipe
and date
div ersih . w i
choices (01
blv through education, states
Michelle Reece, R.H A President.
Io promote diversity, the F
has also involvedampus Minis-
tries. IVer Health'educators and
Student Health with this week's
events. These include a guest
See SEX page 10
I Uls
East Carolina Playhouse
with the School of Music presents
Norman Panama and Mekin Frank's
Colorful Musical Extravaganza of Al Capp's Dogpatch. USA
October 6, 7. X, 10 and 11, 1994 at 8:00 p.m.
October 9, 1994 at 2:00 p.m.
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1 0 The East Carolinian
From p. 8
From p. 8
dozens of people who want to
see it. Rut we still have to be
atisfied with Forrest Gump (a
I ine mov ie, certainly, but
enough's enough). I guess we'll
ill just have to hit 2r4 for Ra-
leigh and takeourbusinesselse-
w here.
And as long as I'm complain-
rtg, I might as well take a shot
it the downtown scene. At ev-
show I've been to this se-
mester, it became obvious after
about five minutes that maybe
10 percent of the crowd was
there for the music.
The rest simply wanted to
make the scene and, more im-
portantly, get stumbling blind
There's nothing wrong with
that, but there is more to life.
( .reenville used to have a real
music scene. People who
wererw't close personal friends
t the musicians followed local
.mds. We once had real audi-
. noes who enjoyed music, even
if they hadn't heard it before.
ot these days.
And it's not as if the local
roups suck. Henry Acrobat,
the Unsound, The Not So Dan-
delions, Ella and even old
downtown faves like Fountain
of Youth are cranking out some
nice sounds that deserve to be
And speaking of things that
deserve an audience, why can't
' .reenville support a decent
ookstore? What is it about this
town, with its growing "alter-
native" culture, that a place
which stocks alternative litera-
ture and magazines like Epony-
mous Books has to move into
;he back of a record store to
sutwve? Do people want to ex-
pand their minds, or just their
Ever since I moved to Green-
ville three years ago, I've been
pleasantly surprised by the is-
lands of good "low" culture,
small though they were, that
thrived here. I've taken com-
fort in knowing that there were
other people who enjoyed that
( ulture as much as I did.
1 thought the cultural snob-
berv of the Triangle Area to-
ward Greenville was un-
founded. But if things continue
the way they're going now,
they'll be right. And that would
be a nitv
hues Gail with enough physical and
emotional strength to nuke any
woman jealous. Audiences may feel
like thev are seeing the real Meryl
Streep for the first time on the silver
screen and most are probably falling
in love with her.
At forty-five, Meryl Streep may be
repositioning herself as one of the
most popular and easily one of the
most talented actresses of her time.
The River Wild will be followed by her
who is also directing, in Tlie Bridges of
Madison County. The River Wild
doubled the profits made by its clos-
est competitor on its opening week-
end and the film should perform
strongly until the Thanksgiving
Vie Riivr Wild is a great action
picture that pits Gail and her family
against criminals who need to have
Gail navigate them down the river.
Filled with taut suspense as well is
moving drama, Tfie River Wild sol-
idly livesup toexpectations. The film
even exceeds many expectations.
The acting for instance, raises
above the level normally found in
thrillers of this sort. Streep, Bacon (as
smooth talking criminal Wade),
Straithairn and even John C Reilly
(as Wade's partner) rum in magnifi-
cent performances.
Bacon has kicked his career into
high gear by doing character roles in
quality films like IFK, A Few Gxkl
Men and now Vie River Wild.
Straithairn continues to amaze
with the range of his performances.
He may be the most under-appreci-
From p. 8
From p. 9
ated actor in 1 lollywood today. He
h.i been in Milid roles in little-seen
films like (ost m onkers, Passim Fish
arxdSneakers. 1 leagaindemonstrates
his acting prowess as the meek hus-
band who must tind inner fortitude.
Another expectation superseded
by TheRJvei Wild is the filming of the
ratting. Curtis Hanson, the director
(who last worked on 77k Hand That
Rocked the Cradle), fought to get great
shots of the river and the raft. The
budget supposedly ballooned from
$28 million to $44 million because of
1 lanson'sdedication to realistic shots.
My stomach felt queasy at several
points during the film because of the
wonderful cinematography, which
captured the river in all its majesty
and power while conveying the
strength employed by the rafterschal-
lenging the river.
The best expectation to be shat-
tered was that Tlw River Wild would
be a run-ot the-mill action picture
with a female in the lead. Happily,
the film tells a complex tale of a fam-
ily tighting to stay together even be-
fore the river trip begins while grip-
ping the audience with an exciting
action story that thrills the viewer
like the rapids it shows on screen.
The River Wild may make Meryl
Streep a mega-star, as well ashelping
the careers of Bacon and Straithairn,
because it has all the ingredients of a
huge hit. Meryl Streep proves once
again how great an actressshecan be
simply by letting the audience see a
side of herself she has never shown.
On a scale of one to ten, The River
Wild rates an eight.
638B at Arlington Blvd.
Arlington Village
M-F 12-6, Sat 10-5
like thisone than meets theeye. Hours
of rehearsal and behind-the-scenes
preparation go into a show of this
magnitude. But, as anyone will tell
you, the hard work Ls more than
worth it. Everyone involved felt that
all of their preparation paid off in the
long run.
And those not directly involved
with the show felt that the cast and
crew's dedication paid off as well.
Candace Doemer, an audience mem-
ber at Saturday night's performance,
said, "All I could think of was how-
much I wished I was on stage with
More important than the audi-
ence reaction, however, was the learn-
ing experience for cast and crew. "The
best thing for us was the opportunity
toworkwith D.J. Maloney J. To work
with a director with the experience
and knowledge that he has. He's just
incredible said Jeremy Bolich and
Tara Bost, who played Li'l Abner
and Daisy Mae. They both felt that
thev learned a lot from the entire
But don't think the production
was all work and no play. According
to Kelly Cates, a member of the run-
ningcrew, thebest thing about work-
ing with this play was "the behind-
the-scenes jokes With a cast and
crew this large, it is expected that the
performers and the crew will joke
around occasionally as happens
with almost any show.
But all joking around aside, the
real test of a show's success or failure
is the opinion of the director. Li'l
Aimer's director, D.J. Maloney, was
very pleased with the production. "It
went extremely well. It's a whole
evening of cartoonish fun. If you want
an evening of fun and frolic, this is the
play to see
Do you want an evening of fun
and froiic?ThengoseeLTMtoiCTThe
final performance will be tonight at
McGinnis Theater. And be sure to
check out the next East Carol ina Play-
house production, Blood Wedding, in
November. As Mammy Yokum
would say, "Ah have spoken
speaker tonight at Mendenhall in
room 221 who will address sexu-
ally transmitted diseases and the
AIDS epidemic. Reece continued.
"Our goal is not to promote more
sexual activity, but to promote
awareness. Awareness that hope-
fully students can make more edu-
cated decisions about sex after at-
tending Sex Week
The major event for this week is
"SEX FEST It will be tomorrow
evening from 5-4 p.m. between
Todd and Tyler Hall, where there
will be a cookout, DJ, games pro-
vided by Recreational Services, and
Brian Burns as the renowned "Cap-
tain Condom He'll be hard to miss
as he moves around in costume,
passing out condoms.
So come on out and remember,
"R.H.A. Wants Your Sex
October II, 1994
From p.8
large supporting cast (around
MM did a fine ob, helping move
the action along without get-
ting in the way.
Nelson Fields' costumes
were fantastic, reflecting the
ulea ol the comic without ap-
pearing too cartoonish. The cho-
reograph) of Joe Carow was
great, especially in the numer-
ous large group songs. The set
design of Robert C. Alpers made
the scene changes from
Dogpatch to the Oval Office
possible with very little effort
or time. Indeed, the action, di-
rected nicely by D.J. Maloney,
moved along quickly. Although
the play is quite long, it seemed
much shorter than its three-
hour length.
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October 11, 1994
The Fast Carolinian 11
77? East Carolinian
r ' ?
Pirates unload their arsenal on 'Cocks, win 52-46
Brad Oldham
Assistant Sports Editor
Columbia, S.C may never be
the same again.
In front of a homecoming crowd
of 70,000-plus at Williams-Brice
Stadium, ECU beat the Gamecocks
56-42 on Saturday afternoon, in
the highest scoring game in either
of the two schools histories.
"It was a win, but it goes against
what I've been trying to get done
at East Carolina said ECU head
coach Steve Logan after victory.
"We've won games like that be-
fore. It's kind of been our histon'
winning 56 to 40-something. We
can't get back into that. If we fall
back into that old East Carolina
crap of trying to win games 60-50,
it ain't gonna get done. We've got
to go back to work on defense
What's more amazing about the
high-scoring game is that neither
team scored in the first quarter.
However, ECU took the game to
another level right away in the
second quarter. Senior running
back Junior Smith (28 carries, 192
yards, 2 TD's) got back into his old
routine of churning out yardage,
and on second down and one from
the USC 25-yard line, Smith broke
Staton in
for soccer
Staff Writer
With the ECWMBien's soccer
team struggling to-achieve a
record above .500, one player has
met the challenges of a winless
Dan Staton, who led the Pi-
rates last season in scoring with
10 goals, will once again revive
the offense with high school team-
mate and two-time First Team All-
CAA, Erew Racine.
"I started playing soccer when
I was five says Staton, who grew
up mostly in the eastern half of
the country. "V ve lived in Char-
lotte, Winston-Salem, Connecti-
cut and Kansas
In North Carolina, soccer is not
as big as basketball or football per
"In high school, the Triangle,
Charlotte, Winston-Salem and
Greensboro schools all have com-
petitive programs. In the East, the
Jacksonville area is not bad
Staton said. "Good players come
from smaller schools too, but a lot
of good players come from the
cities because of the population
With both Staton and Racine
coming from Sanderson High
School in Raleigh, would the game
at ECU be much different?
"At Sanderson we were really
good ? it was like losing one
game a year Staton said, "Now,
everyone is so much better. In
high school you can look forward
to blowing out teams 8-0 or 9-0,
but now, every game is just a fight
to stay in it
"The biggest factor is that the
speed of the game is increased.
The goalies are so much better in
college. You can't hit the ball 30
yards out and float it into the cor-
ner anymore he said. "In high
school, I didn't aim where I was
See STATON page 13
to the right for a touchdown, put-
ting the Pirates on the board first, 7-
The ECU defense got a huge
boost from linebacker Marvin
Burke, who recovered a fumble off
a Brandon Bennett fumble, giving
ECU the ball back on the USC 19-
yard line. On second and one from
the USC ten-vard line, ECU quar-
terback Marcus Crandell (19-28 for
344 yards, three interceptions and 4
TD's) threw a fade to freshman re-
ceiver Larrv Shannon (4 catches, 76
yards), who used all 6-feet-6-inches
of his bodv to go over two Game-
cocks to make the catch for the
touchdown. Chad Holcomb's ex-
tra point attempt wrsblocked, keep-
ing the score 13-0.
The Pirate defense stood tough
again, forcing three plays and a
punt by Carolina. On the first play
of the drive after the punt, Crandell
found sophomore receiverMitchell
Galloway (4 catches, 127 yards) on
a deep pattern for a 45-yard touch-
down reception. Crandell then
threw a two-yard pass to tight end
Sean Richardson to get the two-
point conversion, making the score
The plethora of scoring did not
end there for ECU. Again, the
Gamecocks werequickly forced to
punt, giving ECU great field posi-
tion on the 44-yard hne. On sec-
ond and two from the two-yard
line, Crandell tossed the b A to a
wide-open Galloway for another
touchdown. Matt Levine's point
after wasunsuccessful, making the
score 27-0. In six minutes of foot-
ball, ECU scored 27 points.
The South Carolina crowd was
shocked. The Gamecocks needed
a big play to bring them back to
life. They got one on Bennett's 56-
yard kick-off return after the ECU
touchdown. This helped set up the
Gamecocks first score of the game,
when USC quarterback Steve
Taneyhill (39-58,451 yards, an in-
terception and 3 touchdowns)
handed off to running back Stanley
Pritchett, who ran eight yards for a
touchdown, making the score 27-
After forcing the Pirates to punt,
USC would score the final points
of the first half on an 11-yard pass
from Taneyhill to senior wide re-
ceiver Kurt Frederick, making the
score 27-14 at the half.
With 10:51 left in the third quar-
ter, the Gamecocks got as close to
the Pirates as they would get all
day. On second and 16 from the
USC 38-yard line, Crandell's pass
was tipped by Galloway, and then
intercepted by Gamecock safety
Chris Abrams, who ran the ball
back 64 yards for a touchdown,
bringing USC within six points, 27-
The Gamecock crowd was back
into the game, but the ECU offense
didn't miss a beat. Thev executed a
ten-play drive of 67 yards that fin-
ished in a trick play from Logan
and special teams. On fourth and
two from the USC 26-yard line, the
Pirates were set to kick a field goal.
Levine caught the snap and threw a
perfect pass to wide open tight end
Scott Richards (4 catches, 71 yards)
for a touchdown, making the score
35-21 with 6:47 left in the quarter.
"I knew that play was going to
work Levine said. "All through-
out practice we worked on that play.
Scott was wide open in the end
zone. All I had to do was lob it up to
him. He made the catch and we got
seven points out of it
The game looked to be locked in
the fourth quarter when ECU
cornerback Emmanuel McDaniel
caught a deflected pass and re-
turned it 46 yards for a touchdown
See USC page 14
Photo by Harold Wise
The Pirates were very productive on offense Saturday. Jerris
McPhail and company tallied up 621 total yards on the day.
Smith gets monkey off back for 'Cocks
Brad Oldham
Photo by Harold wise
Assistant Sports Editor
For senior running back Jun-
ior Smith, Saturday's game
against USC could be referred to
as "the game after
Last week, Smith broke the
record previously held by
CarlesterCrumplerSr. of all-time
career rushing leader at ECU. The
monkey was off Smith's back,
finally. The hype of breaking the
record was over, and Smith is
certainly not a football player
who thrives on hype.
Saturday's 192-vard perfor-
mance was his best of the season
so far. Smith was well-prepared
to do damage before the game.
"I just wanted to take the atti-
tude of 'give me the ball Smith
said. "Whenever I got the ball, I
just wanted to help my team out
and just get into the zone. I was
able to do that early. Then I fin-
ished it up at the end
The leadership that Smith
showed in the face of Saturday's
challenge is amazing.
"The previous four games, I
think I've been like a robot he
said. "I've been trying to do ev-
erything right, and- focus on the
things I didn't really need to be
focusing on. Today, I just wanted
to go out there and be myself,
having fun in a great football at-
mosphere. I was able to do that.
"Last week I broke the record,
but getting the record off my back
and coming in this week and hav-
ing a good game this week, I feel
a lot better
Smith talked after the game
about who was the motivational
See SMITH page 13
Mullin establishing new tradition at ECU
Drew Goettman
Staff Writer
Though the men'ssoccer program
at ECU is well over two decades old,
it has just recently begun to develop
depth. A key component of the Pi-
rates' continuation in strengthening
Junior Smith
Sr-3L, RB, 5-6, 180
ECU's all-time leading
rusher came off of his record-
breaking performance against
Southern Miss to shred the
USC defense for 192 yards in
the Pirates 56-42 win on Satur-
day afternoon.
"He played great said ECU
offensive guard Jamie Gray. "I
hope we can get him 1.000
yards for the season
the program
is junior Marc
Mullin, an ac-
counting ma-
jor from Jack-
sonville, N.C
Mullin is
known as a
hard worker
and is versa-
tile in his con-
tributions to
the team.
much, I
around from position to posi-
tion, but this year, it's pre-
dominantly been 'stopper
Mullin said. "The stopper po-
sition is defensive, butyou go
forward a lot
"Marc's one of the finest
players I've had the pleasure
of working with said ECU
men's soccer coach Scooty
Carey. "I can't say enough
good things about him. He's
almost unstoppable on the
field a really gifted athlete
A graduate of Jacksonville
High School, Mullin played
offensive midfield during his
high school years. He picked
upsecond team All-State hon-
ors two years in a row, as well
as All-Region and All-Con-
ference accolades.
Jacksonville won the con-
ference cha m p ionsh i p d u ring
all four years Mullin attended,
and during his last two years,
the team made it to the state
playoffs' semi-final round. As
a freshman at Jacksonville,
t h e
i n g
b e -
ing the
ing scorer during the rest of
his high school career.
Mullin was recruited by
several area colleges, but he
says he chose ECU for the
opportunities within the soc-
cer program.
"It was pretty much be-
tween here and Methodist
College Mullin said.
"Methodist's program was
established, and this one was
up-and-coming. This would
be a good opportunity to start
a program ? everyone else
has got a name, but why not
start with a program to give
themselves a name he said.
"The first year I came here,
there were a lot of freshmen
on the team Mullin said.
"We were a little timid, be-
cause we were pretty much
the team right there, so we
had to start from scratch and
get used to playing in thecon-
ference ? our conference
LAA is a pretty good con-
ference, competitively in soc-
"After we got used to the conference, we
were good to go. "My sophomore year, we
won the first conference game I think theschool
has ever had
That's something of an overstatement, but
Coach Carey said that Mullin is closer to the
See MARC page 13
Prognosticate)r Stats
Points Av. per game
Dave Pond 37 9.25
TEC Sports Editor
Brian Bailey 40 10.0
WNCT-9 Sports Director
Chris Justice 42 10.5
WCTI-12 Sprats Director
PhilWerz 34 11.3
WlTN-7 Sports Director
Brad Oldham 60 15.0
TEC Assistant Sports Editor.
WZMB Sports Director -
Note: Points are allotted as the difference
from the final point spread in each ECU
game, then added together. "Av. per game" is
the average number that the prognosticator
misses the spread bv each game. At the end
of the season, the prognosticator with the
lowest total will be declared the winner.
? Phil Werz missed last week in the
standings and can not miss any more l?
remain eligible. Each prognosticator is
allowed to miss one week until the No 5th
matchup against Auburn, after which a
progrnosticator will forfeit his standing it
absent from anv remaining game.
ECU Notes
William and Mary scored
early and often as the Tribe
downed ECU 5-1 in men's
CAA soccer action here
Wednesday afternoon.
William and Mary, who is
ranked as high as second in
the nation and is off to their
best start in school history,
began the scoring when for-
ward Waughn Hughes broke
through the Pirate defense on
a solo shot just over five min-
utes into the contest. Twelve
minutes later, Hughes tapped
in a Greg Richards pass that
came off a rebounded corner
kick to put the Tribe up for
At the 24:08 mark, freshman
Wade Barrett received a preci-
sion pass from teammate
Daniel Zickefoose at the left
corner of the penalty box and
drove in a 15-yard shot to
stretch the William and Mary
lead to 3-0.
ECU avoided being the
Tribe's seventh shutout this
season when freshman John
Swaggart sent a header just
past the out-stretched hand of
reserve goalkeeper Scott Pow-
ers four minutes into the sec-
ond half.
"They had some unlucky
shots that probably should
have been made said W&M
coach Al Albert. "The score
could have been a lot closer
really. This is certainly the
toughest conference a team
we've seen so far. They played
very aggressive and put some
pressure on us
The Pirates failed to con-
vert on a wide-open shot when
Dan Staton sent a textbook
style cross-pass to Chris
Padgett at the top of the goalie
box with just under seven min-
utes to play in the first half.
Less than a minute later, ECU
junior Marc Mullin pounded a
shot that hit the left post and
was cleared out. "We just
didn't get any breaks today
said ECU coach Scooty Carey.
"They're an excellent team and
they deserve their ranking
William and Mary added
two goals in the second half to
preserve the win tor the Tribe
who improved their record to
a perfect 11 -0 on the season
and 4-0 in the Colonial Ath-
letic Association. The Pirates
drop to 0-8 on the yeai and
See NOTES page 14

Money leads to stupidity ECU stomps iWarines
Pirate Report Card
W. W. E
I), t. uv
? !?. i ial I eam
RUGBY pagi 14
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October II. IW4
The East Carolinianl3
From p. 11
factor for him and his teammates
on Saturday.
"1 think 1 made my parents
proud today. I wrote them a let-
ter and let them know that 1 was
going to pla) my best for them
today he said. "I told them I
was playing every play for them
Most of the players on the team
did the same thing to get that
extra motivational factor. We
didn't want to play this game
tor ourselves or the Liberty
Bowl, but for somebodv that we
love. That would give us the
killer instinct to go out and win
From p. 11
From p. 11
shooting I just hit it into the goal,
hoping it would go in. Now, you
have to place everything
ECU, under head coach Scoot)
Carey, has struggled tor the past
three seasons to have a winning
record However, thestvleot pla
has remained the same
"We plav something like the
Holland National Team plays. It
we've got all our skills together
trapping, passing and all the tech-
niques ?we can even beat thebest
teams in the nation Staton said
" He Coach Carev can be tough,
and he's fair Staton admits,
c oach( areyisa tough coach,but
some ot m select coaches were
realh strict. It you did something
wrong you ran two laps, no ques-
tions asked
W ith the problems involved in
rebuilding a program, Coach Carey
has faced some challenges.
"He's having a hard time. He's
trving to rebuild, but we don't have
a schedule to rebuild on Staton
said. "We are getting better, but it
doesn't show it, since we are al-
ways pla ing top-20 teams
When Staton is not on the soc-
cer field, he can still be found out-
"I like a lot ot outdoor activi-
ties he said. "Mountain biking
and hunting are tun "
Staton sees his future a little dif-
ferent than most college students
"Hopefully, with a new profes-
sional league coming up, I can get
on a branch team and work my way
up he said. 'Tm not big on starring
a career right after college, because I
would like to see some of the coun-
As the 94 season wanes on, Sta ton
still has goals that he would like to
Win some games more than
last year. Go into theconference tour-
nament above. 500 he said. As ECU
faces fourtop-20 teams (North Caro-
lina, Duke, William & Mary and
)ames Madison), the Pirates will have
se eral opportunities to upset foes
After the success of the World
Cup, it would appear that soccer
will increase in popularity in the
United States.
"I thinkitwillStaton said. "With
a twelve-team United States League
building and lotsof other teams, like
minor leaguebaseball, it mav work
0 M Z
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Vxir True Voice.
truth than he realizes: ITie men
stxver team last won a . .inference
gamesevenyearsago in default
ot the opponent
the chemistry between team-
mates is an important part of the
success ot any team, Mullin be-
"Sometimes we work well ttv
gether, and other times wedon't ?
as a team ? but it's the times that
you do work well together that
makes vou come back out Mullin
said. "We all get along together,
have a good time. We're looking
forward to the upcoming sched-
ule, hopefully to get a feu wins and
go into theconference tournament
and surpnst' a tew teams
"I le's the leader ot the team
Carev said ot Mullin. "Everybody
on the team looks up to Marc. He's
not the most vocal player around,
but communicates by example
In manv sports programs at
ECU, the athletes are involved aca-
demical! v in fields related to sports,
but such is not the case with the
men's soccer program. Balancing
athletics and academics can be
tricky at best, but Mullin says he
has made the adjustment without
anv real problems.
"It's not too hard Mullin said.
late at night coming back, making
a test in the morning sometimes
you get so mentally into the game,
and you're anxious to study on the
way back and vou have to get men-
tally into school. Sometimes it is
difficult,but the trick is all in prepa-
"I think pretty much that it's
(soccer team and academics) dif-
ferent from all the other sports
Mullin said. "We really don't have
too manv 'sports' majors on the
team. We have a guy in occupa-
tional therapv, two art majors, a
drafting major I'm not too keen
on everybody, but those are the
people I know. The overall G.P. A.
for the team last vear was a 3.0, so
we do emphasize studying
"In high school, you did enough
studving to get by, and that was
good enough, "Mullin said. "Here,
you definitely got to go to class. It
vv asn't too big ot a change living on
your own
"College wasn't too big of a
change Mullin said. "It was more
or less me going out and meeting
new friends which was the biggest
problem. Then when you're on a
team, that's also a benefit because
vou have your friends, and you go
out with them and thev have their
For one who has fared well
enough in soccer thus far, a natural
question for Mullin deals with the
eventual choice between follow-
ing his accounting degree for a
living or playing soccer.
"I'm taking it day by dav
Mullin said. "I try to do as well as I
can on the field and off the field,
giving m v all on the field and in the
classnxim. When the time comes
for me to make a career decision,
whether it be to go and play soc-
cer or follow up on my account-
ing, I will. With the World Cup
coming to Amenca this past year
and everything else, it will hope-
fully make an impact in the U.S.
where I could take a few years off
from mv accounting and go play
Mullin also mentioned the pros-
pect of secu ring some international
connection. and playing soccer
overseas for a few years.
"AUofthea wards I'vereceived
don't reallv mean too much be-
cause it wasn't mv individual ef-
fort that got them Mullin said. "It
was a team effort, and without a
team behind me, I would have
never gotten them. I give thanks to
having that team behind me
"One thing that keeps me going
is God Mullin said. "All things
that I fee) I've achieved is through
Him, and I couldn't have done it
without Him 1 try tostav content in
,vn kind of situation I'm in
?1994 AT&T

October 11. 1994
1 4 he East Carolinian
From p. 11
From p. 12
will next play at seven p.m on
Saturday Oct. BuiesC reek,
N.C to take on Campbell
In other sports around l im
is, ECU's I ady Pirate Tennis
team dropped a dual match
rhursday against Francis
Marion 4-3. I he I j- Pirates
won the doubles point but
were swept in the top tour
jingles matches, junior
c helsea Earnhardt (Indepen-
dence, Va.) and freshman
Rachel Cohen (Philadelphia.
Pa.) defeated Francis Marion's
lillian Sigamoney and Chris-
tine Liebenberg 8-2 and EC U's
I isa Hadelman (Roswell, Ga. I
and Angela Karcher (Largo,
Fl.) a!o scored a doubles w in
over Francis Marion's Sacha
Machey and lenniter Perc) 9-8
In the singles matches
I c U's ElkeGarten (Cary,N.C.)
and Rachel Cohen won at the
five and six seeds respectively;
however, Francs Marion won
the top four singles matches to
eain the overall victory.
Pirates on a
huge win in
South Carolina
tr and the Pirates were ott to the
races, it was appropriate that I C I.
scoring was opened by a forward.
Onada) whenallbutonePirateback
fattened his point total, the E I tor-
wards took the heart out ol the Ma-
rines with aggressive, hard nosed
play around the ball I he forwards.
merging as a unit, simpl) crushed
their opponents andproduced all the
ball run b the backs
In the second match, it took the
Pirates onK 40 sonds to continue
trends started in the first game. Alan
Taremski scooped up a loose ball.
dodged one defender and trashed
over two Marines tor his first 9 ore
He would .dd another try and a
conversion as the leading scorer t
the match
The Pirate second team did not
haveaneasy time as they continually
turned ba kCamp I ijeune threatst
their goal line. The shutout is all the
more remarkable because of their
handling skills andashortageof per-
sonnel. These replacements caused
the Pirates to play with an intei ;ity
the Marines could not match as they
sought to overcome adv ersity.
Pirate problems were not noted
by their Marine counterparts. Camp
Lejeune captain Andv Cannelli de-
scribed the first side game as a
"trackmeet" in theattermatch s cial.
"We could not adjust to the ECl
offense in our back line. Kiev just
came at us from everywhere. Hie
second match was just more ot the
same " I ejeui ? ' aptam
noted that the Marines havt alotol
good athletes but we have problems
getting enough men at practice be-
caus ofmilitaryduties Wejustcould
not cope with the finesse in your
biodeanoi the forwards'teamwork.
lhe Pirate ruggersaredoingwell
lhe won the east bid to the state
championship with victories over
Duke. State and I N( Wilmington
and have now hammered two Ma
rine teams. So tar the have been
tested only by NC Mate when the
had an ott dav with the referee Many
second side players have alread
played on the first side m a rotating
system to get ready tor playofi sea
son, but the second side is doing well
as a team too. I nlv two teams have
scored on them and onlyStatecrossed
their goal line.
rheruggers,bothsidesnow a Ml,
travel north to face George Mason
and Maryland next weekend, the
higher level of competition wasorigi-
nally planned as an intense tune-up
for i irolina m the Northarolina
c ollegiate( hampionshipsattheend
oftheinonthbutthenorthi mmatches
will show how tar 1 (. I rugby has
progressed in a rebuilding year
marked b) constant shifting of pla -
(. aptam a Keller summed up
the tail season a- being generally
successful but we want to win in the
regionals We've come together de
spite all the problems roday'sshut-
outs just show how bard our guys
aretn ing,but it hasn't been eas In
tad. the Pirates have not yet played
the same set of backs twice in sue ces-
sivemati lies as the team tries to find
younger players to till gjp created
by injustice, graduation and academ-
ics. Ihe team needs freshmen ,md
sophomore athletes who can learn
enough to fill the present and future
holes in the back line
Sttkfents! Pick up EtU-Tech liekcls early (his
week! If all Mudem litkiMs .ire picked up by ihe
From p. 11
end if this-week, any
. tickets will be-
given out Sat. ji the gate wilta valid stmlc
to put the stlre 42-2.H
I he t iamecocks had no quit in
them and drove 76 cards in 11
plays for a touchdown on
Faneyhill's 12-yard pass to wide
receiver Fob)ates (6 catches, 135
cards i, bringing them within seven
at 42 $5.
AgainC randellconnected with
Galloway for a 64-yard touch-
down pass to put ECU up by 14,
19 35.
Faneyhill and company re-
sponded, driving 7M yards in a
minute and 22 seconds on six
plays, storing a touchdown on a
16-yard pas- from laneyhill to
running back Mike Reddick for a
touchdown, making the store 49-
1 he nail in the coffin came from
the same man who started the ball
rolling for the Pirates in the first
place Smith faked a reverse tor
the Pirates in a play when the of-
fense line of ECU all screamed
" Reverse causing the Gamecock
defense line to be faked out of
their jock straps, and allowing
Smith to bolt down the field
yardsforatouc hdown.anden I
ingthes, oringal the final, 56-42.
" ihe defense reacted to the
reverse when our offensiv e line
was yelling'reverse, reverse'and
then everybody fell tor it
(. randell said. 'It's an emotional
uplift for us We feel like we
have established a good offense
We beat a ery good team A li 1
of guvs took this game person
ally We tame out, and we
wanted to beat them real bad
Ihe Pirate defense held the
Camecocks to just 33 rushing
yards. uniorsMark Libianoand
Morns foreman led the Pirates
with six tackles apiece, t?! B
Willie Brookinssuccumbed to i
knee injury, and is questionable
for, who will be questionable
against Saturday's game against
nationally-ranked Virginia Tech
in Dowdy-Ficklen stadium.
? ; ' ?;?'
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The East Carolinian, October 11, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 11, 1994
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