The East Carolinian, October 6, 1994

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ECU goes "Cock-fighting"
The Pirates travel to Columbia, S.C to
take on the South Carolina Gamecocks on
Saturday afternoon. Check out page 13.
Descend the Depths
Get low in the cesspools of Hollywood with Ed Wood,
then plunge into the Grand Canyon.
Adventure awaits on page 10.
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 50
Circulation 12.000
Thursday, October 6, 1994
Greenville, NC
16 pages
Elections sucessful despite complaints
Stephanie Lassiter
News Editor
After heated campaigning and
weeks of confusing accusations,
the ECU class officer elections
results are in.
Bill Gheen wonthe senior class
presidential position with 59.8
percent of the votes over oppo-
nent Troy Dreyfus. After theelec-
tion results were announced,
Gheen was found downtown cel-
ebrating his victory.
"I think the elections were
handled fairly Gheen said. "The
elections committee, for such a
short notice, did an excellent job.
They allowed us to play by the
After the debated postpone-
ment of the election, Chair Doug
VanZee and Co-Chair Noe
McHone resigned from their po-
sitions. Immediately a new Chair,
Perm Crawford, a new Co-Chair
and a elections committee were
appointed by the SGA Executive
"1 think it's the fairest elections
we've had vet, as far as voting
within classes Crawford said af-
ter the announcement of the re-
Dreyfus believes that the pub-
licity from the postponement of
the elections was a direct cause
of his defeat.
"I am quite surprised and I
thought there was a lot of bias
all around, especially with your
paper Dreyfus said in a tele-
phone interview with The East
Carolinian. "You might as well
have written an endorsement
for Gheen
Prior to the election, The East
Carolinian received no critical
reaction from any candidates re-
garding the coverage of the post-
ponement. Dreyfus did believe
that the candidates practiced fair
campaigning Wednesday.
"I thought the campaigning
went fine Wednesday he said.
"It was clean campaigning
Gheen plans to work on estab-
lishing better educational envi-
ronments for his senior class dur-
ing his stint as president.
"Mv immediate plans are
to get right on the issue that 1
campaigned on, which was
that our seniors need more
investment in the classroom
if thev want to graduate on
time Gheen said.
Like Dreyfus, Gheen said
today's campaigning went
extremely well Gheen be-
See SGA page 3
Headquarters of Faculty Senate remodeled
Susan Schwartz
Staff Writer
If students want to make a
change in government policy,
thev should call their senator.
If they want to make a change
in academic policy at ECU, they
should call their ECU faculty
The faculty senate at ECU
was established 29 years ago.
Last week, Sept. 30, past and
present members of the faculty
senate got together in the fac-
ulty senate office, located in the
Rawl Annex, for an open house
dual celebration. They met to
commemorate 29 years of ser-
vice to ECU, and to celebrate
their newly-renovated facility.
According to Patricia Ander-
son, chair of the faculty senate,
the faculty senate consists of 52
members from every unit on
ECU's campus such as the En-
glish department, business de-
partment, industrial technology
department, etc. Senate mem-
bers are voted into office by fac-
ulty members in their department,
and each term lasts one year.
The faculty senate meets to dis-
cuss changes in academic policy.
Once they have decided changes
need to be made, they present their
suggestions to the chancellor. He
makes the decision as to whether
or not the suggested changes will
be made. One such recent change
that passed through the faculty
senateand was approved bv Chan-
cellor Eakin was the change in the
DropAdd policy.
The shared governance by the
faculty and universitv adminis-
tration is an important system be-
cause everyone is represented, and
sometimes faculty and adminis-
tration do not always agree on
what university policies should
"The faculty senate counter-
points the administration because
often our views are not the same.
They have different ideas on how
to achieve goals of the university
said Bill Grossnickle, faculty sen-
ate member from the psychology
"We are the voice for express-
ing the wishes of the faculty to the
chancellor Grossnickle said.
"Verv few times has the chancel-
lor vetoed suggestions coming
out of the faculty senate
"ECU is a representative of fac-
ulty and administrative coopera-
tion. In manv ways our shared
governance) is a model that oth-
ers would emulate, and many
universities) do. Our success has
been built on hard work, com-
promise and persistence Henry
C. Ferrel, faculty chair from 1977-
79 said.
At the celebration last week, a
plaque with the names of all the
past chairs was presented to the
chair of the faculty senate by
Chancellor Richard Eakin.
"When lookingat this plaque,
it's like looking at a Who's Who
of East Carolina University said
Chancellor Eakin. "The plaque
gives us a visual history of contri-
butions of the faculty senate since
its beginning. It is a very appro-
priate recognition of our fac-
Chancellor Eakin was not the
only faculty member praising the
faculty senate. Members of the
group felt that the open house
was a prime time for them to
gather to discuss their work as
faculty senators.
"This is a nice time for us to
come together and pa t each other
on the back and say, 'We've done
a good job said Anderson.
Eakin recognized the impor-
tance of the faculty senate and
apologized for the long delay in
their receiving adequate facili-
"The faculty senate for so long
has been such an important part
of East Carolina University.
Their facility was in need of re-
pair Eakin said. "The univer-
sity is delighted to be able to
renovate space for the faculty
senate, which plays such an im-
portant role in the life of our
Honorary alumni named
Jeb Brookshire
Staff Writer
Your collegiate career is not over
the day you walk down the isle to
"Pomp and Circumstance Many
alumni continue to support their
alma maters, as well as others,
through financial support and the
donation of their time.
The ECU Alumni Association
held its annual Leadership Awards
Dinner on Sept. 23 and awarded
four members of the Greenville
community the status of honorary
lhe honorary alumni program
recognizes individuals who have
given their time, energy and re-
sources to benefit the university.
This year, the honorary members
of the class of 1994 were Dr. and
Mrs. Ira M. Hardy II, Dr. William E.
Laupus and Marguerite Austin
Only a few people are selected
to receive this honor. This makes it
all the more special to this years
Dr. William Laupus was the
founding dean of ECU's Medical
School. He was the dean of the
school from 1975-1988. During that
time, he was also the Vice-Chancel-
lor of Allied Health from 1982-1989.
He has also received the O Max
Gardner Award, which was pre-
sented to Laupus for his outstand-
ing leadership and dedication to
ECU by the North Carolina Board
of Governors.
"I was absolutely delighted and
deeply honored to receive this
award Laupus said. "Becoming
an honorary alumni is one of the
finest awards that I have ever re-
Also inducted as honorary
alumni this year were Dr. and Mrs.
Ira M. Hardy II. Dr. hardy became
eastern North Carolina's first
neu roc; � rfwon 25years ago when he
mov cu loGreenville. Since then both
he and his wife have been ardent
supporters of the performing arts.
The Hardys have worked to es-
tablish the Mary Ruth Mitchell
Hardy Scholarship which is a four
yearscholarshipforviolinists. Mrs.
Hardy plays violin for the ECU
Symphony, and both of the
Hardys are lifetime members of
the Board of Directors of the School
of Music.
"We have always been very
supportive of the arts, particularly
the performing arts Hardy said.
"We were both very flattered to be
chosen for this honor
Marguerite Austin Perry was
See HONOR page 5
Photo by Stuart Williams
Chancellor Richard Eakin presents a plaque to Faculty
Chair Patricia Anderson at the Faculty Senate Open
House last Friday. The event commemorated
the Senate's 29-year anniversary.
HES offers
career variety
trol managers and produc-
tion managers.
Students interested in ap-
Traditional majors may not parel and textiles should
Andy Turner
Staff Writer
Break Time!
Students gather
outside The Student
Stores to check out
other students and
to take a break
between classes.
This spring, the area
between Wright and
Rawl will be
transformed into a
plaza with benches
and sidewalk
Photo by Leslie Petty
interest everyone. The Schcvl
of Human Environmental Sci-
ences might have an alterna-
tive major for the not-so-aver-
age student. Careers in hotel
management, interior design,
and child development are a
tew of the choices HES majors
can pursue.
HES offers eight under-
graduate degrees: merchandis- sories, specialty items and
ing, apparel and textiles, inte-
rior design, nutrition and di-
etetics, hospitality manage-
ment, child development and
family relations and child life,
and community services,
graduate degrees are offered chandising are required to
in apparel merchandising and complete an internship with
interior design, child develop-
ment and family relations, nu-
trition and hospitality manage-
ment, and marriage and family
therapy. The graduate program
have an aptitude for science
and mathematics, apparel
and textiles majors can also
take additional courses in
business or journalism if
thev have plans tor a differ-
ent career track.
Merchandising majors
work with the retail and
wholesale of apparel, acces-
fashion services. They can
pursue careers in business,
production, or work in the
retail and wholesale depart-
Students majoring in mer-
a retail firm. Internships can
lead to employment with the
firm attei graduation.
Interior designers are
qualified to solve problems
will probably be expanded in related to the function and
the future, according to Dr.
Helen Grove, dean of the School
of Human Environmental Sci-
The departments of apparel,
merchandising and interior de-
sign currently have 250 stu-
dents and 10 faculty members
Students can major in apparel
and textiles, merchandising, or
interior design.
Students majoring in apparel
and textiles can pursue careers
such as manufacturer's sales
representatives, inventory con-
quality ot interior spaces
Career choices for interior
design majors include work-
ing for architects, contract-
ing, advertising, and work-
ing in the furniture business
The interior design pro-
gram will be reviewed for
accreditation in the spring
according to Dr. Mar
Inman, chair of the depart-
ment of apparel, merchan-
dising and interior design.
See HES page 5

2Tht I asi arolinia
October 6, 1W4
jutmntf Oth$r
Students get paid to "break a leg

Streaker sports Captain America mask
A student wearing nothing but a Captain America
mask and jogging shoes ran around Indiana State University's
campus In the middle of the afternoon last week The streaker
was thought to be a member oi the 1 hetaChi fraternity. A former
Theta Liu vice president denied the group had anything to do
with the event, but said that if Theta Chi had been involved, the
fraternity would have been proud of him
Honor student jailed for prostitution
Trace) Mehm said she was just earning money tor
college, just like anv other student with a part time-job She
pleaded guilty last spring to prostitution charges after accepting
S130 from an undercover office 1 fer lawyer advised that she be
put on probation because ot her 3.8 GPA and because this was
her first offense. Instead, the judge sentenced Mehm to the
maximum 90 days in jail, stating thai the court could not
condone her blatant attempt to capitalize on her illegal activities
by appearing on several talk shows.
Risk of meltdown at N.C. State?
After nine months of waiting for funding, construction is
underway to dig up the 500-gallon tank which is part of th
Pulstar Nuclear Reactor's cooling system. Scientists noticed
water leaking out of the system but have not had the S430,000
needed for removal until recently. The reactor is used for train-
ing and educational purposes.
Phytosaur discovered in Research Triangle Park
In one of the most astonishing finds in North Carolina
History, tun L'NC students recently discovered a complete
Phvtosaur, a large carnivore closely related to dinosaurs and
crocodiles. The two students who discovered it had been search-
ing for just bones for years and before the discovery they had
"nly found some shark teeth and whale bones.
Drew Goettman
Staff Writer
Would you wear a leg cast tor
about a month, it someone paid
'mi $400? Even it someone stuck
a larger-than-usual needle in
sour leg a few times along the
For about half a doen ECU
students this fall, that's exactly
what is happening, according to
1 ine Dempsev, a graduate re-
search assistant in the Home
chanics laboratory of the Exer-
cise and Sport Science Depart-
ment within ECU's School ot
Health and Human Performance
It's all part of a research
project which studies a muscle's
ability to recover from "atro-
phy Atrophy occur when a
muscle loses size or mass due to
non-use or disease. The muscle
literally becomes smaller and
Dempse) is the graduate as-
sistant responsible tor condu( t
ing the research project which
ha- been funded by a grant large
enough to carry the atroph) re-
sean h through a total ol at least
four semesters. 1 he proje t was
launched last spring b its cre-
ator, Dr. Tibor Hortobagyi, di-
rector of the biomechanics labo-
ratory and assistant adjunct pro-
fessor of physical therapy
The current project began
with a strength test and a
a le biops , i tempsey said
The day after the biopsy,
the volunteer's left leg is put
in a cast which reaches from
mid-thigh to mid-calf so that
the thigh muscles will experi-
ence atrophy from disuse.
for senior volunteer let!
Money, a 23-year-old exercise
physiology major from Win-
See BREAK page 5
Skeletal remains found in Vietnam
(AP) � Vietnamese officials
turned over teeth and skeletal re-
mains T uesdav of what could be as
many as 12 US. servicemen unac-
counted for from the Vietnam War.
An American military honor
guard at Hanoi's Noi Bai Interna-
tic ma Airport placed wooden boxes
containing the remains inside nine
aluminum transfer cases, then
loaded them aboard a C-141 trans-
port jet bound for the United States.
American and Vietnamese MIA
specialists recovered the remains
during a search mat ended Sept. 20.
Thev excavated seven sets of re-
mains from burial and aircra ft crash
sites, and a villager turned in an-
other set.
Vietnamese officials, following
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
Open 7 days
9a-2a �
up on an American request, recov -
ered a ninth set from a sensitive
military installation off-limits to for-
eigners said Air Force Maj. Roger
Overturf, a spokesman for the MIA
recovery unit.
Three of the transfer cases held
remains of as many as six individu-
als dug from airplane crash sites.
American and Vietnamese foren-
sics experts have examined the re-
mains once already. Specialists at
the U.S. Armv s Central Identifica-
tion Laboratory in Hawaii will ana-
lyze their DN A to try to match each
tooth and bone fragment with a spe-
cific missing individual.
Monsoon rains, intense heat,
metal scavengers and carnivores
often leave little for specialists to
i week � rvl-Scit
Sun 12-12
analyze, said forensic anthropolo-
gist Robert Mann ot Oahu, law an
A positive identification can take
The United States list- 2.22"
Americansas unaccounted tor from
the war, which ended in 1975. That
includes 1,637 in Vietnam, 505 in
Laos, 77 in Cambodia and eight in
Of the total, 1,100 were killed in
action, but their bodies were never
recovered. An additional 422 were
lost at sea, task force officials say
President Clinton has said Viet-
nam must do more to help locate
and hand over MIA remains before
the United States will establish full
diplomatic relations.
One set of remains turned ov ei
today was from a so-called dis-
crepancy ce. in which the indi-
v idual was last seen alive and in
danger of capture. A special inves-
tigation team has reduced thenum-
ber of discrepancy cases from 135
in January 1992 to 55 today,
Overturf said
The next joint American-Viet-
namese field search, the 32nd in a
series is scheduled to begin in the
middle of the month.
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October 6. llW4
The I
Tobacco debate: more questions than answers
(AP) � Rep. t hai lie Rose
comes from toba i mtry,
so he knew his proposal t
decades of government price
merit officials accelerated the debate on this jt
'There's some concern issue However, Gr;
among some farmers about Ios- North Carolina Agriculture not favor d
ing their security blanket the Commissioner Jim Graham said supi rl
supports for North Carolina's congressman said during the Rose's plan otters one way to Gel
leading cash crop would stir morning break. tackle a difficult problem facing tionedare
up strong emotions Some of the 100 or so people everyone in the tobacco indus- the pi
Rose, D-N.C, came to Char attending the meeting said they try � how to reduce the huge
lotte on Mondav seeking s ip still had more questions than surplusof leaf produced by U.S. em
port for his idea Hi left town answers. growers.
without a clear consensus af- "We think this is a good first "There's no question that it is $7
ter meeting with tobacco farm- step said Ronny Pryor of the good to face this issue forth- ai i I mati I total
ers leaf buyers, cigarette com- Kentucky Farm Bureau. "Rep- rightly he said. "Rose's plan is billion Small fan
. executives and govern- resentative Rose has certainly one option and I look in favor on bring in as

i ert. I'
Increased imports, pi
mestion if urn crops and depressed sales have
n front ol some i ombined to knock the system
lid i ause a out of kilter, leading to a 700
I I million-pound surplus.
i I he surplus, alued at about
5 1 billion, c ould ton e th
I lepartment of gi ii ulture to
emed order farmers to cut thi
is the urgency of by as much as V? percent on
1 pi ice-support pro- I )ec 15, the partic ipants u ere
-t of S10 gram, which has limited crop told Monday.
�ild sales and set prices since the
I an ireat Depre sum. is suffering. See ROSE page 5
� ice- danglt � i
jether. of tin-
he cau- st that

; rev -
Iflld ill
From p. 1
lie es that his clean imp i
ingand honesty with the student
bodv led to his win.
" The students realized what
was going on he said. "We
stopped and we talked to people
about what's going on and that's
what a grassroots campaign is.
We did not stoop down
Gheen believed the postpone-
ment and the election, as a whole,
were handled fairly by the press.
"I felt that the article Oct. 4)
was as fair as could be made
under such difficult circum-
stances he said. "Overall, I was
Janet Stubbs defeated Chris-
topher Edwards tor junior class
president with 52.9 percent of
the votes. Stubbs was not avail-
able for comment on her victory.
junior class vice-presidential
candidate, Maureen McKenna,
won the election unopposed.
Angela Nix won the sopho-
more class presidential position
over Chris Arlme 56 percent of
the votes. Scott Moulton won the
vice-president slot unopposed.
Nix previously held the fresh-
men class presidential position
and plans to continue focusing
on issues pertinent to her class
Nix mentioned expanding the
meal plan to be used at busi-
nesses outside ot campus.
� igree with ARA hav-
ing a monopoly over the school
she said in a telephone interview
last night. "I want students to be
able to Use their meal cards in
businesses around town
Nix also mentioned working
along with SGA President Ian
Eastman and other members of
SGA on the dropadd policy and
the transportation situation.
"I have a lot of plans for stu-
dent welfare she said.
Lauren Carletto defeated
Nicole Peele, with 59.6 percent of
the votes, to become freshman
class president. Ken Clark was
unopposed in the vice-presiden-
tial race for freshman class.
Day and dorm representatives
will be announced in next
I uesday's issue of TEC.
Gheen encouraged those can-
didates who were defeated to con-
tinue to be part of student govern-
ment, as he believes everyone's
input is essential in running an
effective university.
"Although I disagree with
siime ot mv opponent's campaign
tactics, I would like to sincerely
and wholeheartedly encourage
him to continue to play a strong
role in student leadership Gheen
American child shot and killed in Italy
AP) � Reginald Green says
the easiest decision he and his
wife, Maggie, ever made was to
donate the organs of their 7-year-
old son, fatally shot by bandits
during a vacation in southern
But the decision by the Ameri-
can couple seems to have
stunned Italv as a gesture of ex-
traordinary generosity and a les-
son for a society that sometimes
seems all too selfish and violent.
"They have taught us what it bandit
means to be civilized said talk Nichol
echoing the words of many com-
mentators in newspapers and on
IV Monday Wi are truly in the
debt of this cou
Nicholas i ireen w as asleep in
the back seat of the c ar next to his
4-year-old sister Eleanor, as the
Bodega Bay, - alif family drove
through Calabria toward Sicily
last rhursday night.
Robbers pulled up alongside
to force them off the road. Green
managed to elude them, but the
tired. A bullet lodged in
on Sundav doctors declared him
brain-dead His liver, kidneys,
heart and pancreas were im-
planted in five young Italians
1 he police announced no break
in the case Monday.
'We had a fine little bov who
wethought would becomea fine,
upright man. Green said, ap-
pearing on Costanzo's show
Mondav evening after returning
from Messina, Sicily. Nicholas
had been taken to the hospital
"But his future was taken away
show host Maunzio Costanzo,
The bov tell into a coma and from him.
I ,reen said
thought it was very important
to give his future to someone
who had lost theirs
The t ireens were to fly back
to California on an Italian mili-
tary plane I aesdav after meet-
ing with President Oscar Luigi
Scalfaro and Premier Silvio
Berlusconi in the morning
Civic honors poured in Mon-
Rome's mayor presented
them with a gold medal. "If
i Nicholas) had lived it would
See ITALY page 4
N.C. man serves from the "pits
(AP) � Wayne Monk pulled
open the ba rbecue pit's heavy metal
doors that do so little to rein in the
sweet and smoky aroma that makes
this small North Carolina town fa-
Cooking ever soslowl von metal
grates in the oak-fired pits were 20
pork shoulders, each weighing
about 15 pounds. In a matter of
hours, the tender meat would be
chopped or sliced into Lexington-
stvle barbecue in a tradition that
began around the turn of the cen-
s. �i �A
We're More Than Barefoot!
"I built 'em just as far as a man can
reach Monk, thedean of Lexington's
barbecue craftsmen, said of his pits.
Monk, who has served the de-
lightful tare to presidents and com-
mon folk for43of his 58 years, feeds
about 1,000 customers a div at his
Lexington Barbecue restaurant, a
modest white building along Busi-
ness sA It's one of more than a dozen
places in this community of 16,000
that serve barbecue (In 1983, Monk
served it to President Reagan and the
leaders of several other nations at an
economic summit in Virginia.)
According to legend, I exington-
stvle barbecue has its origins at the
�Davidson County Courthouse
square, where it was cocked under
cents and served it to crowds in the
earlv v t a rsof the 20th centuryThey
used to keep the money in an old
cigar box Monk said.
The mantle has been passed down
from generation to generation, like a
prized familv heirloom.
Monk began in 1951, W hen he was
16 years old. Working in a local res-
taurant, he learned tlie secrets ot Lex-
ington barbecue over the next de-
cade, then went into business on his
own in 1962.
It'sbecome his life. 1 lisson, Ricky,
is his assistant manager. Two of
Monk's daughters work at the res-
taurant along with their husbands.
Ina typical week, Monkuses8,000
pounds of pork shoulders and 2,000
pounds of cabbage for his equally-
famous coleslaw. He's not about to
guess the number of hush puppies
and buns he goes through.
Monk is a veritable barbecue
encyclopedia; he can recite statis-
tics abou t barbecue off the top ot his
Firings like how hot the fire
should be: 250 degrees F. How far
the meat racks sit above the oak
coals: 24 inches How long it takes
to cook a 15-pound pork shoulder:
eight hours. How much tat drips
off that shoulder before it's done:
six pounds.
While there's talk of building a
barbecue museum here, there
hasn't been much progress. Still,
the annual barbecue festival every
See PIT page 4
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4 The East Carolinian
October 6, 1994
Child entrpreneur
surprises Gastonia
(AP) � If the neighborhood
kids in Gastonia, N.C wanted
to plav with 7-year-old Logan
Rhvne on Sunday, they had to
Pa- .
That's because the second
grader had sole rights to his
street and the fun 'n' games he
lined it with.
Logan had obtained a city
permit to close his block on 11th
Street for three hours for his
very own street fair. He
charged 50 cents to each of the
40 or so children who came out
to plav with him.
"I read this book in the li-
brary about how to make
money said Logan, sitting on
a bale of hay as he watched the
other kids play. "And 1 thought
this would be a good idea. I
thought 50 cents was a good
price because I'm letting them
play as much as they like
Logan's mother, Shelby
Rhyne, says the fair is the latest
in a series of unique ideas her
son has whipped up to make a
Last year, Logan made more
than $50 selling pumpkins and
Indian corn he grew in his
grandfather's garden. This
year, rats ate the Indian corn
and the pumpkins rotted.
So what's a kid entrepreneur
to do when lemonade stands
have closed for the season and
Girl Scouts have cornered the
cookie market?
Well, in Logan's world, the
streets are paved with gold.
Complete with a bicycle and
tricycle course, bean bag toss
and other games, Logan's Street
Fair had kids running around
to more attractions than they
could ever have imagined. He
also provided chalk for the kids
to draw designs on the street.
Logan marketed his big play
day by passing out fliers at his
school and in his neighborhood.
But before Logan's Street Fair
could become reality, he had to
get neighbors on his block to
agree to give up their rights to
the street during the fair. The
Gaston Dav School student and
his parents then applied for a
city permit, which was free, and
city officials came out with bar-
ricades to block the street.
Parks and Recreation Direc-
tor Kieffer Gaddis, who handles
permits, said he'd never seen
anything like it. "That's the first
time I've heard of that happen-
ing Gaddis said of a child ob-
taining a permit to close off a
Kids started showing up
about 1:30, a half-hour before
the fair officially opened.
Four-year-old Earnest
Sumner arrived on his tricycle
with a dollar bill in hand. Others
came with their parents, some of
whom said their children had
been looking forward to playing
with Logan all week.
Parent Alice Matthews, who
helped get the word out among
neighborhood children, said
Logan is a kid who has turned
fun and games into big busi-
"I think he's a future entre-
preneur she said. "I asked him
if I could have a cut of the money
he makes, but I think he's going
to keep the profits
So, can you start calling him
Trump Junior?
Not yet. For now, Logan says
he's just a kid who wanted to
make a little monev to buy more
Legos. "I always want Legos,
and I think of ways to make
money to buy more Legos he
said. "I'm a big Lego fan
(AP)�Si ibbing uncon-
trollably, Paula Coughlin
testified that drunken
Navy and Marineaviators
trapped her in a hotel hall-
way and tried to tear her
clothes off at the 1991
Tailhook convention.
"Somebody grabbed
me from behind and was
trving to pull mv skirt off
Mid my underwear off
Coughlin told a federal
jury Mondav during the
tria I of her lawsuit against
the hotel.
She said she tried to
fight off the men, includ-
ing one she bit several
times as he shoved his
hands inside her bra. But
shewas surrounded on all
"I thought if 1 didn't
make if off the fkxir, 1 was
sure i wasgoingtobegang
raped she said.
The former Navy lieu-
tenant has sued the las
Vegas Hilton and the
Hilton I lotelCorpclaim-
ing they failed to provide
proper securitv at the con-
vention. She is seeking
unspecified damages.
She i ecentlv settled her
lawsuit against the
lailhook Association for an
unspecified amount.
About 90 women sav they
were sexually assaulted at
theo invention as they were
forced down a gantlet of
aviators in the hotel hall-
fhe Navy and Marine
Corps pursued 140 harass-
ment cases, but none led to
a court-martial.
Coughlin testified that
she finally escaped the
gauntlet through an empty
suite and was taken to her
room at another hotel bv a
friend. The next morning,
she said, she told her boss,
Adm. lack Snyder, about
the attack.
Snyder has said that he
didn't know of the attack
until two weeks later.
Snvder's response, ac-
cording to Coughlin, was,
"Well, that's what you get
tor going down a hallway
of a bunch of drunken avia-
Coughlin resigned from
the Navy earlier this vear,
citing pressure from her
role as a Tailhook
From p. 3
have been his most prized possession
Green said ot his son, who lined an-
cient history-
Messina made the Greens honorary
citizens to "exalt i their) spirit of altru-
ism " 1 he city said it would pay for the
transport of the boy's bodj and his
parents' stav Provincial officials of
Catanzaro established a $3,200 elemen-
tary school scholarship I he citj of
Cosenza promised to name a street af-
ter Nicholas
The killing ot his son w as not the true
Italy, Green said. "The real Italy is
warmth, generosity ot spirit and this
feeling about the importance of human-
ity he told Costanzo.
That was not how main Italians saw
"With us, violence is an ancient evil,
and marks man) destinies wrote Enzo
Biagi, Italy's most respected commen-
tator, in an open letter on the front page
of the Milan dailj Corriere della era
on Monday.
"This land, famous for historv,
beauty, art, suffers from an invincible
cruelty, which hides behind the ole-
anders, the sycamores, among the
ruins and which at night strikes a
little sleeping Nicholas
Biagi said American values are of-
ten dismissed a naive bv Italians
"who bv now hardly have faith in
am thingHow-ever, every once in
a while we discover that your cus-
toms, your upbringing are not just
talk, and that trulv you believe in
feelings he said.
Dr. Raffaello Cortesini, the trans-
plant specialist who operated on re-
cipients of the boy's organs, lamented
that only half the families of eligible
donors in Italy give their permission
for transplants. Italy has one of the
lowest rates of organ donation in the
"It is serious he told the Rome
newspaper 11 Messaggero. "It makes
one doubt the generosity of Italians
From p. 3
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October draws tens of
thousands of visitors to
Even Monk questions
the need for a museum
when there's so many
barbecue restaurants
that still cook it the old-
fashioned way, over a
slow fire. Roy and Bovd
Dunn, who own
Speedv's Barbecue, are
among 16 other barbe-
cue restaurants listed in
the Lexington telephone
The Dunns began
working at Speedv's in
1963. They bought the
place about 15 years later.
"It's all I really know
Roy Dunn said during a
break from the kitchen.
"I guess you can sav we
have it in our blood
I ike Monk's employ-
ees at Lexington Barbe-
cue, most of Dunn's wait-
resses and cooks have
been with him for 15
years. Some longer.
Their customers are
just as loyal. Some busi-
ness travelers plan their
trips through Lexington
around dinner hour.
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Bring Your Mug

October 6, IW
The East Carolinian5
From p. 1
"We are endorsed by the
National Kitchen and Bath As-
sociation, ' Inman said. "We
are one of 12 universities that
are endorsed in the United
States, so that gives us a real
good lead on jobs
Inman also added that her
department has plenty of
space for new majors.
The department of nutrition
and hospitality management
has currently has 225 students
and 10 faculty members. Stu-
dents can major in nutrition
and dietetics or hospitality
Students who major in nu-
trition and dietetics can choose
careers as dietitians working
with people to meet their nu-
tritional needs, and in schools
or hospitals as nutritionists.
Nutrition and dietetics ma-
jors should have scientific ap-
titude. Thev should also enjoy
like to work with and help
people and like the idea of
healthy bodies and encourag-
ing people to eat well.
Dr. Dora Finley, chair of nu-
trition and hospitality man-
agement, believes the program
is good and that students do
well after graduation.
"Our students who go on to
take the registration exam (for
nutrition and dietetics) are
very successful Finley said.
Hospitality management
majors pursue careers in the
hotel and restaurant industries
as managers and owners.
Students in hospitality man-
agement should enjoy work-
ing with people and the public
and be friendly and outgoing.
Finely also said the hospi-
tality management field is a
good field to get into with
many job opportunities for
"This is one of two pro-
grams in the state, and in both
programs 1 can't generate
enough graduates for the de-
mand Finley said.
Finely welcomes any stu-
dents into the department of
nutrition and hospitality man-
agement. She said any student
in good academic standing can
become a major.
The department of child de-
velopment and family rela-
tions has approximately 250
students and has full-time fac-
ulty members.
Students can choose majors
in child development and fam-
From p. 2
ily relations and child life and
community services.
Child development and fam-
ily relations majors work with
preschool children (birth
through five years) in group set-
Careers in child development
include administration of pro-
grams for young children or
working in public or private
agencies that provide services
such as welfare and adoption.
Students majoring in child
development and family rela-
tions must enjoy working with
children and possess an under-
standing of children and realize
the importance of the early years
of a child's life.
Child life majors are prepared
to work with seriously ill and
hospitalized children and their
Thev can work in jobs where
they serve as specialists help-
ing to plan various activities for
the children and teaching chil-
dren ways to cope with painful
medical procedures.
Child life majors must be able
to understand the needs of chil-
dren who require special care
and be able to make the chil-
dren and their families lives
Community services majors
prepare for careers working in
child welfare and advocacy
agencies, mental health centers
and recreation programs for
children and youths.
Students in community ser-
vice majors work with all ages
studying child, adolescent and
adult development. They must
interact with people effectively
and possess an understanding
of people.
HES is the fourth largest aca-
demic unit and campus on is
one of the fastest growing ma-
"There are lots of opportuni-
ties for Human Environmental
Sciences majors inside the class-
room as well as outside the
classroom Grove said.
HES majors have been suc-
cessful in getting jobs after
"They are not only getting
jobs, they are getting jobs they
want Grove said.
Grove feels that HES is a spe-
cial place. She said faculty care
about students and from what
she hears, students are pleased
with the department and the fac-
ston-Salem, learning to walk
with a cast was something he
grossly underestimated.
"It was an all-new, humbling
experience Money said.
"Things vou take for granted
showers, walking to class � and
you learn who's there to help
The volunteer's leg is placed
in a cast for three weeks, al-
though casts are normally in
place for 6-8 weeks for broken
bones or surgery.
"With the cast their ankle is
free, and thev can still walk, take
showers that sort of thing
Dempsey said.
So what kind of person vol-
unteers for this type of project?
Dempsey said the current group
of subjects consists of males and
females, ranging from 18-30
years old.
Volunteers were solicited by
fliers distributed across campus
last month, and by personal ap-
peals by Dempsey in certain
classes. Almost all of the volun-
teers would describe their mo-
tive in terms of gaining experi-
ence, over and above needing
the money.
"The majority of them are ac-
tually interested in the proce-
dures Dempsey said. "A lot of
them have come from the exer-
cise science department. I defi-
nitely recruited in the classes.
Seventy to eighty percent of the
volunteers just wanted to have a
biopsy done
"I've always enjoyed re-
search Money said. "Plus, I've
always wanted to have a muscle
biopsy done and the $400
doesn't hurt, either
"The biggest thing everyone
asks is about the biopsy Monev
said. "Really, the worst part was
having to wear the cast. The bi-
opsy was nothing
Dempsey spoke of a nursing
student who had volunteered.
"She more or less wanted to
find out what sort of things her
patients would be going
through Dempsey said. "She'd
never had a cast before. Three or
four of the six volunteers had
never had a cast before, had
never broken a bone before. I
think the experience is going
to be very beneficial, especially
for anyone going into exercise
science it will give them a little
bit of an edge, versus someone
who never has had this
A new set of volunteers will
be required for a similar project
to be run during the spring, un-
der almost identical circum-
stances. Dempsey said.
"We'd prefer not to have any-
one who's had any injuries be-
fore, especially to the left leg
Dempsey said of the search for
new volunteers. "We're not do-
ing anything real stressful to
the leg, but we don't want to
take a chance
"I think next semester we're
going to switch over to velcro-
tvpe splints Dempsey said.
"They're more comfortable, and
you can re-use them
Just last week, the subjects
were able to take their casts off.
Another biopsy and strength test
followed, to see just how far the
leg muscles had atrophied due
to disuse.
"When I first got my cast off,
my knee was so stiff, and it had
hardly any strength Money
said. "Going up and down steps
I had to learn to walk all over
"Now, we just work on the
left leg about three Mmesa week,
for 10 minutes per session, to
strengthen it tip Dempsey said.
For the workout sessions,
Dempsey uses three different
kinds of exercises which are ran-
domly chosen with each volun-
teer. Concentric exercise in-
volves positive contractions of
the muscles, such as curling up
your biceps. Eccentric exercise
involves negative contractions,
or "muscle stretching as
Hortooagyi calls it. Another
group of volunteers uses a com-
bination of both types of exer-
It is the second type of exer-
cise program which interests
Hortobagyi the most.
"When muscles are stretched,
the forces generated by a muscle
are 30-40 percent greater than
when the muscles are shortened
or when they contract in the iso-
metric state Hortobagyi said.
"We are looking at the efficacy
of the specific method that can
help recover from injury or in-
crease in general the size of the
This sort of muscle re-train-
ing is useful in the fields of physi-
cal therapy and physical fitness,
but there are other, further-
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reaching uses for the results of
theses research efforts,
Hortobagyi said.
"Astronauts, when thev go to
space for even one week of space
flight, thev have major atrophv
from a lack of gravity)
I lortobagyi said. "In light of the
race in going to Mars � and
hopefully returning � you're
looking at a substantial amount
of bone loss and muscle loss
during the trip which would
take years. Even if the astro-
nauts exercise as vou see them
do in the space shuttle, they still
have a fairly substantial amount
of muscle loss when they come
"Not just anv kind of exercise
is the answer. For a long time,
the astronauts had been doing
running and treadmill exercises
� which is good for things like
blood pressure, in the lack of
gravity. Things like running on
the treadmill have nothing to do
with muscle size because the re-
sistance is too small
Hortobagyi said.
The situation gets compli-
cated when you consider that
spacecraft have no room for
large, heavv exercise machines
like a Nautilus.
Hortobagyi said, there is a big
push in the research community
to understand "muscle stretch
which is different from "stretch-
ing out" prior to exercise. This
exercise, which forcefully
stretches the muscle, has capti-
vated the interest of profession-
als in many related fields.
"From the fitness clubs comes
the question of whether we can
manufacture a unit which goes
both ways in the range of mo-
tion, with maximum load on the
muscles when they are being
stretched, and when they
shorten Hortobaevi said.
,News writers
Meeting Today.
Call Stephanie
From p. 3
If the rog Mm is eliminate
farmers would eventually re-
ceive S7 50 for each pound of
their a IK tment. Since tobacco
sells for about $1.60 a pound,
that ami unts to pavment for
more than four crops.
Rose s iid he really wants to
find a so urii n to the problem
of the massive surplus. It accu-
mulated, in part, because Rose
inserted a provision in a Jaw
that capped the amount that
the Agriculture Department
could cut allotments each year.
That provision, which held
cuts to H percent, expired last
year. Thi Agriculture Depart-
ment will set new tobacco al-
lotments on Dec. 15.
U.S. U bacco companies are
cutting b ick on the amount of
American tobacco they buy be-
cause pr ces are higher than
they are lor foreign leaf. For-
eign cigarette companies say
thev can buy comparable to-
bacco from countries such as
Brazil and Zimbabwe at half
the cost.
Under Rose s proposal, to-
bacco gro wers' share of the pro-
ceeds from a tobacco tax would
allow thi m to diversify into
other crops.
Meanv hile. Rose is pressing
tobacco companies to save the
program by buying the surplus
leaf at cost. Rose has said the
companies want the surplus at
a $200 mill ion di -count and have
broken a vow to iimit imports.
Jim Starkey, a senior vice
president at Universal Leaf in
Richmonc , Vasupports Rose's
plan. Universal is the largest
buver of tobacco in the world,
supplving Philip Morris with
most of it leaf.
"I think you're right on with
your proposal he told Rose.
"You are aking a losing situa-
tion and turning it into a win
Rep. Scotty Baesler, a first-
term congressman from Lexing-
ton, Kv said he has strong res-
ervations, bout ending the price
support uograrr because it
could huri his state's burley to-
bacco growers.
He also wants to separate the
issue from health-care reform.
"We'll be talking about it
through next car, and mean
while our tobticco farmers are
going down the tubes he said.
From p. 1
the other inductee. Perrv was a mem-
ber of ECU'S faculty from 1940 -1987
as a teacher of French and Spanish.
She also served as chair of the De-
partmentof Foreign Languages arid
Literature from 1973 -1981. Since her
retirement in 1987, Perry has been
an active member and treasurer of
the Retired Faculty Association,
which is currently working on es-
tablishinganendowment fora schol-
arship for both undergraduate and
graduate students.
"I love ECU Perry said. "I was
delighted and honored to receive
this award
While noneof the recipients have
studied here, their contributions to
ECU have been invaluable. For
example, Iv d Di. Ha rdy not taken
the time and effort to found the
medical school, would the ECU
medical exi ;t today?
"What tikes me average stu-
dent four o- five years to receive
took me 54 Perrysaid. "Wewere
all very honored and proud
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October 6, 1994
- - -
The East Carolinian
The East Carolinian 6

The East Carolinian
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Chris Warren, Advertising Director
Stephanie B. Lasstter, News Editor
Tambra Zlon, Asst. News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Meredith Langley, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Brad Oldham, Ami. Sports Editor
Steven A. Hill, Opinion Page Editor
Stephanie Smith, Staff Illustrator
In rcycled
� w paper
Thomas Brobst, Copy Editor
Jessica Stanley, Copy Editor
Alexa Thompson. Copy Editor
Jon Cawley, Typesetter
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Patrick Hinson, Ami. Layout Manager
Sean McLaughlin, Creative Director
Randall Rozzell, Ami. Creative Director
Leslie Petty, Photo Editor
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The
masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. 77k East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication.
Letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
For more information, call (919) 328-6366.
Hey, politicians! Grow up!
The class elections are finally over, and sophomore and junior classes, who ran a fair and
we, the staff of Vie East Carolinian, are abso- competitive campaign are forced to be part of the
lutely, completely overjoyed and elated. As same election as older, supposedly-wiser senior
ECU's student newspaper, we feel it is our du ty class cand idates.
and obligation to keep students, staff and fac- Who wins in an election like this? We believe
ulty as informed as possible. We also strive to be that the student body loses and no one wins. Many
honest and objective, which at times can be a students already have a negative impression of our
grueling process. Student Government Association. We at TEC ask,
The past class elections tested our strength Can you blame them?What issues were really
in many ways. We were forced to deal with a addressed during this election? What candidate
barrage of name-calling, finger-pointing and didn't act juvenile and unprofessional? God help
complaining every day�much like real world the U.S. government when these people run for an
politics, no doubt, but we are fed up and are office that affects many people. These candidates
speaking out. proved they don't care about the students, they
During our news-gathering process we care about making themselves look good at some-
heard more slanderous remarks and back-stab- one else's expense.
bingaccusationsthanCongress'secretarieshave We at TEC have some advice for the candi-
probably heard all week. Candidates deter- dates we have seen, met , heard, quoted and
mined to have their sides heard could not wait watched behave like children in a wrestling match:
for business hours�we received calls as late as Get over yourselves and do something good for
11:30p.m. at homeona school night (as if wedid the school! Grow up, stop your name-calling and
not speak to those individuals 40 times during act like the responsible, worthy adults all your
business hours already). If we, as reporters, posters heralded you as being!
called the Chancellor at 11:30 p.m. at home to As students ourselves, we feel gypped. We
make sure he was properly addressing the want effective, mature leadership. We're finally
Jerking problem, how seriously do you think he speaking out on this after the elections, so none of
-tfould take us? He may be gracious, but he the candidates can claim we sabotaged their cam-
iwould certainly not be thrilled. paign. We will continue to be fair, honest and
Whilecandidates succinctly exhibited their objective. That is our promise to the student body,
extreme lack of faith in Vie East Carolinian's staff We expect elected students to make similar prom-
to do a fair and accurate job in relaying the news, ises and stop insulting our intelligence,
they continuously asked for our support in the We are watchful of leadership, as we should
election�which only contradicts their requests be. We are watching the SG A, just like we watch
and demands for objective reporting. anyone in a position of power and authority.
The last straw came when one candidate The election is over, and all candidates have
was seen on campus distributing fliers with taken their toys and gone home. There is no one
childish and completely unprofessional cam- else to blame, no one else to slander. Now get on
.paign messages. What is sad, in this situation, is with it, master politicians, and do something pro-
:that those candidates, namely of the freshman, ductive!
Dogs remain mart's best friend
, by Patrick Hinson
I do not remember the exact
date or how it actually came to
happen, but I remember the first
time I saw the small tan and black
female German shepherd as it
appeared on our driveway one
I did not know where she
came from, but she managed to
show up a t our house one day and
decide to adopt us. Of course, we
took to the dog at once.
Our mom and dad followed
reluctantly behind, but eventually
came to accept her. Let's face it,
when your two little kids really
decide they want something
together, they're going to get it.
My brother named her Rebel,
which I realize is a ridiculous
name, but, as I have said, we were
little kids, and he was really
fascinated with the American Civil
War at the time. Anyway, that
was what we named her.
At first she was very shy and
reticent about coming near us. She
was underfed and had obviously
been beaten by her previous
owner, because when we raised
our hands to call her or try to pet
her she always shied away.
Before long, however, she
came to know we loved her and
would never hit her, and she
eventually became a part of our
I have a lot of memories from
those years when I was a little kid
when Rebel was a part of our
lives. She grew up with us in the
three years that we were together
and loved to play, explore and
travel everywhere with us. She
knew when she had the spotlight
and was a real entertainer.
She loved to play and chase,
but she was also a very smart dog
and very sensitive to our emotions
and moods.
Nothing breaks a dog's heart
more than to see the child it loves
crying, and Rebel always seemed to
try to comfort us when my brother
and I were upset. Once she saved
my brother from a huge copperhead
snake out in the woods where we
were playing.
My brother had been running
and tripped and came face to face
with a snake about the size of his
leg. The snake was raised and ready
to strike. Rebel, either being brave
or playful, I will never know, dove
on the snake and kept it busy while
we ran out of there.
Just like the way she came in to
our lives, I am not really sure when it
was that she left.
I don't know how or why she
ended up on the road near my house
one day, but she must have gone out
there with another neighborhood
dog that was her partner, a male
Doberman about the same size.
She was never one to leave the
yard, but one day she was killed on
the road, hit by a car. A man said he
saw the Doberman drag her all the
way back to'my house, about two
long streets, as if he remembered
whereshe lived and knew she would
want us to know.
I will never forget how my
brother's heart broke in two when he
saw her like that and knew we had to
bury her. I must have been in some
kind of shock, because I didn't react
as much, but he was closer to her
than I was. He was a shy kid and
did not have a lot of friends.
Rebel had been his best
friend, his closest friend, and it
hurts even now to remember
how bad it was for him at the
time. He cried uncontrollably for
hours and stayed near her grave
for a long time. He was my
enemy, but we called an
unofficial, mutual cease-fire
while this happened because we
lost a very important member of
our family.
I have not thought of Rebel
in a long time. I just saw a picture
of a German shepherd the other
day and it thing of her,
I guess. She was one dog worth
remembering and I know I'll
never completely forget her. I'm
sure most people have had
similar experiencesorhavedogs
or cats now that are close friends
like that.
We had a bunch of other
dogs,before and after Rebel,each
with its own personality, and
hopefully wewillagain someday.
But when I think of her, I feel
certain that all good dogs must go
to heaven. Where else could they
possibly go? I am sure they must
be up there, because heaven just
wouldn't be the same without
I hope they are in a Heaven
where there's fire hydrants on
every comer, everyone wants to
play chase and all the postal
workers are made of ham. You
never really think about how
m udi a pet means until they' re no
longer with you.
Responsibility will help deter AIDS
As young adults we must
realize that we are responsible for
our own actions. We are in the
second decade of the AIDS epi-
demic. There are still many unan-
swered questions about this terri-
fying disease that has affected the
lives of millions of people.
In spite of tremendous suf-
fering, many people with AIDS
have found the strength to reach
out to others. They are trying to
debunk myths that still exist about
the disease that will cause their
early demise. One such person is
Rick O'Neal.
He speaks to students on
college campuses about the battle
he fights every day with this ill-
ness. At the age of 31, he is dying
of AIDS. A careless decision that
he made years ago is killing him
today. After being out of the hos-
pital three weeks, he found the
strength to come to my sociology
class to speak on the topic of AIDS.
Just like many of us, he never
thought that something like that
could happen to him. As young
adults, we should take his life ex-
perience and apply it to our lives.
We must realize that the AIDS
virus has many faces and it can
happen to us as easily as it hap-
By Angela McCuller
pened to him. AIDS is no longer someone is more important that
someone else's problem � it is
society's problem. Like it or not,
AIDS is a part of our world and it
is going to be around for a long
People of all ages, including
college students, are getting in-
fected with the AIDS virus. The
tragedy of this virus is not exclu-
sive to any one particular group. It
does not discriminate � the AIDS
virus does not care who it infects.
Without the proper precautions,
you could be the next victim.
At times we, as young
people, seem to think we will live
forever, that nothing bad can hap-
pen to us. That is normal. It is hard
for someone young and hea 1 thy to
imagine getting a serious illness
that will never go away. But mak-
ing it your business to know about
AIDS may save your life. Lack of
knowledge can be your worst en-
emy and your death sentence.
Fourteen years into the AIDS
epidemic the death toll continues
to mount. Protect yourself and do
not become a statistic. Think of
yourself as a person deserving
love, care and respect. Think of
those a round you in the same way.
Friendship and caring about
sex. When it comes to sexuality,
respect means not putting pres-
sure on each other to have sex or
to be other than the way you are.
Taking care means not taking
chances with health and safety.
I believe that sexuality is
God's gift as is the body�and
what we do with it affects our
whole being�physically, men-
tally and spiritually.
Our body is too important
to treat carelessly or casually.
Making wise and careful choices- - '
about sex is good for the spirit
and, in the age of AIDS, it can also;
save your life and the lives of
people with whom you are inti-
mate. No amount of praying
atonement or exotic remedies
could protect anyone against the
AIDS virus.
No one really knows what
the future will bring. The picture
is bleak, but the advice on how to
avoid AIDS is available.
While it is the duty of the
infected not to spread the virus, it '�
is the responsibility of the com-
munity to provide education, �
r , . I�- - �
Letters to the Editor
compassion and support. If some-
oneasked vou how you feltabout
AIDS ten years ago, would youjS
have given the same answer as
you would give today? ' �
To the Editor:
As president of the ECU chapter of Gamma
Beta Phi, a national honor society with close to 300
members from all majors, I am truly outraged by the
homecoming committee's lack of announcement and
short deadline for Queen and King nominations this
year. Gamma Beta Phi would have readily nomi-
nated a King and Queen had we been given more
advanced deadline notice.
' I have been at ECU for 3 years and have always
seen a great deal more candidates than this year, so
I am sure that my organization is not the only one
who "missed the cut I challenge the committee to
reopen nominations and allow a better representa-
tion of ECU students to compete for Homecoming
King and Queen.
Rob Gluckman
To the Editor:
I write this letter in response to Shannon Gay's
aricle in the October 4th Lifestyle section titled " A
Drop in the Bucket. This so-called drop splashed
refreshingly in my face. To Shannon, and the rest of
that why they are despised so, because it was their
ilk, in part, that drives others into the alternative
world. Should we, as an alternative culture, not
thank them and ever so gently laugh in their faces,
for becoming the objects of their own derision.
my alternative brethren, don't despair Freddy and Speaking of derision, I always considered alterna-
Sally's new found hipness is like a good kidney
stone, it too will pass. Shannon said it herself, in not
so many words, that this latest trend, like all trends,
cropped up virtually overnight: and the great Warhol
God willing it will disappear as quickly. However, it
might just leave our alternative culture with a resi-
due of new faces and fresh converts to strengthen,
enhance, and enlighten our ranks.
I would ask the people in agreement wi th Shan-
nonof which I am one) to take a good hard look at
the enemy within. Judging from Shannon's tone
their is no love lost for Freddy and Sally. But isn't
tiveculture accepting; sic a culture that transcends
superficiality and looks a person in the heart. �
What about the other brethren, the onessic S
we walk by everyday because of their astoundingly 2
average appearance. Manv an alternative heartbeats
in those average breasts. So, to all of you, be enlight-
ened, and greet each experience with a unique per-
Jeffrey J. Mcgrath
The East Carolinian
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EUI Lost & Found
1FOUN D YOUR DOG on Todd Dining
Flail loading docks. Call Chris at 355-
3510 to identify and claim.
H EY L ADIES: are you looking for a nice
guy to spend an evening with? If you are
come to Gamma Sigma Sigma's 4th an-
nual Pick a Pirate from 8pm until 11pm
on Oct. 12th. This event will be held in
Mendenhall Room 244. Come ready to
bid on or buy a few of ECU's hottest
men. All proceeds go to the Real Life
CrisisCenter here in Greenville. Hope to
see you there. For more info, call 758-

Greek Personals
BRIAN Vtiood work on your test little
bro! Keep up the good work!
looking forward to a great time this week-
end! I ove, Chi Omega
KAPPA SIGMA- thanks for all the food,
folks and fun we had parents weekend.
We had a great time! 1 ove, Chi Omega
PI LAM: Glad we met up at tailgate, the
game was awesome. The sun was blar-
ing and the pitchers were calling
Milano's was crazy and the card game
was out of conh-ol. Chris sti 11 owes Keller
"Zomething Different" and we all know
who has the sexiest nose. Every time
we're together things get wild. Can't
wait to see you all again, love the Pi
Delta sisters. Hey Feathers- Buzz!
AOPI- Thanks so much for a fantastic
ccxkout last Thursday! You all are great.
Let's do it again soon I .ove, the sisters
of Delta Zeta
DELTA ZETA- Fantastic job with
intramurals! Keep up thegixxl work! (. k
PI LAMBDA PHI- Thanks for a great
tailgate last Saturday! Ixive the sisters of
Delta Zeta
ALPHA SIGMA PHI- The sisters of
Delta Zeta thank you guys for a great bid
night. Congratulations on your new
pledges! I ove Delta Zeta
SIGMA NU- Peasant's bar, oh what a
night! Your singir.g pledges treated us
just right! We had a blast at Milano's

Greek P
too, thanks for the banner jfcvi ail the
"trouble" it caused you! I e'�net h ieetr� r
again sixin' I ove, the sistenUfiUfetta'Zeta
ALPHA DELTA PI: Are iyv�� ready to
crawl around the "world df inujiicwith
us? Congratulations to voncwew sisters
We'll see you Thurs. nightMbwv Theta
brothers of Sigma Nu on � great social.
Hope to get together again soon jIXw, did
you hook this time'
SIGMA NU would like to thank kXinald
Reynolds 111 for doing a great job as the
assistant Rush chairman- Did V say
"you're outta here?"
drew (Sully) Sullivan (Pres.L Da Vid Creech
(V.P.),Todd Haver (Sec.), RrmdollVeney
(Tres),Brian I VI ong ((. haplitiMtmathan
Hoy (scholarship), George Sohwab (re-
porter), Shawn Johnson (sexual), and tteve
Matthews(Philanthropy).Good hide fellas
on your journey to brotherhixxi. i
TRACY MAURER-Thanks krtall of, your
hard work! Parents weekend .was a suc-
cess! I ove your Sigma sisters
KOERSELMAN for being taMepted to
nursing school! I ove your Sigma (listers
PI DELTA- sister activity at C-Fnco's was
fun- But now shall we find,a mate? Girls
it's time to "grab a date ami Read down
to the Elbo. Where we can.singdance,
and be merry all night long
on a winning football game.MoriZeta
gixxi game Wed. love the sisters-and
pledges of Pi Delta
Theile, V.P Jen Crafts, Secu Marjorie
Maurney, Treasurer- TonyaBurrteticHis-
torian- Melissa Hinkle, Sister l.iasrm-
Adrienne Jones, Iveslie Halda, oui tr.i-v
Hopkmss, Diane Morgan, jwrNewcoinb.
and Kim Ortiz- Poliks. CroadkLuck! I ov.
the sisters
your engagement! love yaail AOPFsis-
PLE DGES OF AOPI, curiosirV h�mg Pre-
pare for an exciting weekend ' i
are doing a great job. keep up the good
THANKS FLASHERS fontheuudnight
study break Wed. night. Yen'ttiWLhave
any Windex to clean the brillytoilioff the
door, huh? AOPI
PHI KAPPA TAU- Thanky�rt ton the
wonderful time you showed tisand Our
parents over the weekenui.Vetfeally
enjoyed ourselves and ire looking for-
ward to the pre-downttngnutomght
I ove the Alpha Phi sisteraagtt(Hedges.
are kxiking forward to an tucredltHf time
thisSat. night so get your ccbtume�oeody
and get into your best parHytmnod be-
cause soon it will be all over.
TIN thank you for all your hardiwrirk and
gcxxl humor You really add spice to our
dinners. Love the Alpha Phis
ECU CR's meet every Thursday in
GCB 3(K)6 6pm. Do vour part to eject
Clinton from office: vote Republican.
American Marketing Association will
have the Wine and Cheese Social on
Wednesday October 12, at 5:00pm to
6:30pm in (�( B 3rd llxr lobby II you
plan to drink wine, please bring your
ED. Refreshments will also be served
Business attire will be expected. Ev-
eryone is Welcome!
Ihe nex ISA meeting will be held on
Tuesday, I Vt 11, 1994 at 5:00pm in
General Classroom Building Room
1010 Everyone who is a returning
member and everyone who wants to
become a member of the ISA should
attend this important meeting. At this
meeting, several Proposed revisions
in the ISAonstitution and
will be discussed. For mure inform.i
tion,contact Allen hVnnettat 328 9708.
I low do I dei ider A five session work
shop is being offered bv theounsel
ingenter to help you answer these
questions. I,ike assessment mstiii
mint learn career resean 11 skills, and
find out how personality affects career
choice. Workshops begin October 4, f.
7and 10. Limited enrollment call 328-
LEAD will be sponsoring an ALL-
CAMPUS I eadership COnterence on
Saturday, October 8, 1994 from 9am
2pminMS( Various sessions on lead-
ership skills will be presented. Ihe
Conference is open toall students For
registration and information come- by
Leadership Development MSC 109 or
call .328 4796.
The ECU I'lx-trv Forum will meet on
I hursd.iy,Moboroth in MSt , Room
248, at 8pm. Open to general public,
the Forum is a tree workshop I hose
planning to attend and wanting i riti
,i I tifdb.ick on their work should bring
8or 10 copies of each poem, listeners
lo .ill interested Health majorsmi
nors I hi'Pre Professional Health AUi
aim' will have its regular meeting
onnThurs (it. al 5:00pm in
Mendenhall nxim fit (downstairs)
All other meetings will he every other
week )ur guest speakei will be 1i
( reef tiom the Academii Support i
Counseling Center (ASCC) his pre-
sentation will be on studying testing
skills. Hope to see you there!
A doubles golf tournament will be held
Sat. (Vt. 8 beginning at 10:45am at the
Wedgewixxl I Klf Course in Wilson NC.
All students, faculty and staff are wel-
come. A mandatory $8 green fee charge
will be assessed with optional carl li-es.
To register stop by 204 Christonbury
I .ym before S:(K)pm Fhurs.Vt. b. This
program isotfered by Recreational Ser-
Public talk: The venerable Tralcg
Kyebgon Rinpoche will give a talk on
'The Heart ot Compassion: How to
find, develop and express it Ihurs.
Oct. h, 7. Wl pm at the Ramada Inn on
(Greenville Blvd. It is free and open lo
everyone Sponsored by the Buddhist
Meditation i study group (Greenville
Approximately "W IOX) will he.i w.mlol
in scholarships to lxhool ol Business
majors (those students already in the
S hixilot Business) Students interested
m m.ikmg.ipphi .ilion lor theses holar
hips should sei ure forms from one . I
the following department offices: Ac-
counting GCB 3208; Decision Sciences-
3418; Finance-3420; Management-3106;
Marketing-3414. All applications must
be submitted to Ruth Jones (GCB 3210),
Chairman of School of Business Schol-
arship Committee, by October 19,1994.
Students may apply for one or more of
the scholarships listed below Note cri-
teria for each befor applying
Tuesday, Oct 4�SENIOR RECITAL,
Eric Sullivan, Baritone(AJ Fletcher Re-
cital Flail, 7:00pm, free) Thursday, Oct
South America Elliot Frank, guitar.
Brad I'oley, saxophone; Christine
(lUStafson, flute; I Xivid Hawkins, oboe;
nd I oujgeToppin,soprano(AJ Fletcher
Recital Hall 8:00pm free). Friday, Oct.
Mills, saxophone(AJ Fletcher Recital
Hall, 8:00pm free). Monday Oct 10
FACULTY RECITAL, Jetfery W.Jarvis,
tuba and John B. O'Brien, peano(AJ
Fletcher Recital Hall, 8:00pm free).
Party and register to vote at The Attic
on Tuesday (tober 11 SAVE the
country from disaster: vote Republi-
The Honors Program Commitee of the
Faculty Senate will consider proposals
for Fall 1995 Honors Seminars at its
meeting on Nov. 15, 1994 beginning
at 2:00 in Rawl Annex 142 T6 f3�d-
pose a seminar, a faculty.nwrnWr
should use the general fotrhatof the
basic New Course Proposal Form
and do one of the following. Appear
at the Nov. 15 Honors Program Com-
mittee frieeting to submiuie, pro-
posal in 15 copies. Contact Ooug
McMillan, I3ept. of Englinsh (EC
211�, Ext. 6667 or 6041)tosahedulea
tentative time; or Submit 5 copies
of the course proposal Doug
McMillan, Dept. of English. By Nov.
4,1994. If you choose also toappear
in person at the committjee meeting,
Doug McMillan as abovw to �sched-
ule a tentative time.
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Fred Foyer
Marine Biology
Sigma Lambda
Volunteered with.
Nursing homes
Hornless Shelters
Lacross Club
Kurt Stanfield
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Volunteered with:
American Red Cross
Knights of Columbus
St. Gabriel Catholic School
Lambda Chi Alpha
Student Union
Accounting Society'
Craig Doucette
Criminal Justice
Residence Hall Assoc.
President White Hall Counsil
Years of
?Student Homecoming Committee
chose all photos randomly to be
printed in a three-part series.
Vote Thursday, Oct. 13
Must have valid student I.D.
Jeff Jones
Elementary Education
White Hall
Volunteered with:
Habitat for Humanity
Ronald McDonald House
Alpha Phi Omega Service
Mendanhall Student Center
Information Booth 8:30 - 6:00
ECU Student Store 8 - 5
Base of College Hill 8 -5
Belk Allied Health Bldg 8 -5
Medical School 2nd North
Room 45 8 -5
Ashley Brooks
Elementary Ed.
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Volunteered with:
Robbie Page Memorial
Little Willie Center
Elementary Education Uub
Tiffany Ferretti
Hospital Management
Alpha Xi Delta
Panhellenic President
Volunteered with:
Operation Sunshine
Choose Children
Orga n izations:
Order of Omega
Student Union Board
Media Board
Lisa Carwile
Lambda Chi Alpha
Volu n teered u ith:
Boys and Cirls Clubs
Read Aloud Program
Operation Sunshine
East Carolina Dance
Honor Sorority
Chi Omega
Susan Stewart
Allied Blacks for Leadership &
Volunteered with:
Operation Sunshine
Picaso Aides Foundation
Media Board Chairperson
Golden Key Honors Society
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Amanda Wall
Social Work
Belk Hall
Volunteered with:
After school program for Pitt
County elementary Schools
Krissy Eaton
Elementary Education
White Hall
Volunteered with
Meals on Wheels
Habitat for Humanity
Special Olympics
Orga n iza tio ns:
Residence Hall Association
Pure Gold Dance Team
Carla Stone Tracy Paige Little Kellie D. Valde
American Marketing Assoc.
Volunteered with:
Phi Sigma Pi
Volunteered with:
Child Development
Sigma Lambda Sign king, club
The Ronald McDonald House Pitt County Memorial Hospital
The March of Dimes
Operation Sunshine
Orga n iza tio ns:
Ciamma Sigma Sigma service
Faster Seals Vollyball
American Heart Assoc.
Gamma Beta Phi
Alpha Fpsilon Delta
LaTrice M.
Health Information
FCC Gospel Choir
Volunteered with:
Tutorial Programs
Fund Raisers for
Sigma Gamma Rho
Vice President of
Sigma Gamma Rho
�661 ONI W003 WOH � �661 0NIW003 WOr
NG .
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1 0 Tlie East Carolinian
October 6, 1994
The East Carolinian
Appearing soon foryouredification
and amu&nent:
Thursday, Oct. 6
Jupiter Coyote
at the Attic
(roots rock)
Lil' Abner
at;McGinnis Theatre
on Campus
8 p.m.
(musical comedy)
Runs through Oct. 11
Deadly Currents
at Hendrix Theatre
8 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 7
If We Only Had a Brain
at O'Rock's
�at the Attic
(roots rock)
. -Indochine
at fiend rix Theatre
1 8 p.m.
at the Ritz
in Raleigh
Saturday, Oct. 8
Gibb Droll
and the Stegmonds
at the Attic
(classic rock)
Compilation Showcase
at O'Rock's
(local bands)
Daughters of the Dust
at Hendrix Theatre
8 p.m.
Alladin and the Magic Lamp
at Wright Auditorium
2 p.m.
(children's play)
Sunday, Oct. 9
Much Ado About Nothing
at Hendrix Theatre
8 p.m.
(Shakespearean comedy)
Widespread Panic
and the Freddy Jones Band
at Trask Arena
in Wilmington
(classic rock)
Adventure waits in Grand Canyon
s.i n� rarppr ranTinp from the Ir
By Quentin Pickup
Staff Writer
Photo Courtesy of ECU
Pictured here are the Havasu Falls, just one of the beautiful sights to be seen in the film Grand Canyon,
showing on Oct. 12 as part of the ECU Travel-Adventure film series. Awe-inspiring, isn't it?
Imagine riding down the
Colorado River during sunrise
looking up at the sheer cliffs ay
they majestically rise out of the
harsh landscape. Most of us
won't be able to get to the Grand
Canyon anytime soon, but the
Student Union is trying to take
you there with Grand Canyon,
the latest installment in their
Travel-Adventure film series.
This series is designed to give
viewers a chance to experience a
variety of exotic places. The first
film in the series took viewers
up the Swiss Alps in Switzer-
land�A Peak Experience. Future
films in the series will cover the
island of Bali, the Biblical Holy-
Lands, and Ontario. But first, on
Oct. 12, we get to go to the Grand
View the Grand Canyon from
every possible perspective imag-
inable as Dale Johnson takes you
there with his masterful film,
Grand Canyon. Mr. Johnson has
done many wildlife films in his
career, ranging from the Indi-
ans in Southern Panama to Alas-
kan Trailwood films. Johnson's
work has been critically ac-
claimed by National Wildlife
Magazine, National Geographic
and "NOVA just to name a
This documentary on the
Grand Canyon discusses the
wildlife within the canyon as
well as seasonal changes that
are unique to the habitat of that
region. Ride backwards in time
with the first expeditions
through the canyon. See the can-
yon continue to grow as flash
floods storm down the sides of
the walls as the 10,000-year pro-
cess continues.
The Student Union is offering
a theme dinner to coincide with
the film for the price of $12.95.
Dinner will be served at 6:15
p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 12 (the
same day as the film). A section
of reserved seats will be held for
those attending the dinner. Tick-
ets for the theme dinner must be
See FILM page 11
Weirdness reigns supreme for Ed Wood
�,ZT�� micfri.nhmwithLueosi Burton, Hollywood's darkly Murray also does a star turn
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
Edward D. Wood, Jr. was the
embodiment of the American
Dream. In the 1950s, Ed Wood
wrote, financed and directed
films in his own unique style.
He was a brave veteran of
World War II, storming the
beach at Normandy alongside
his bold Marine comrades. He
was one of the last, best friends
of horror movie legend Bela
Lugosi in that star's final, fail-
ing years. He left a lasting im-
pression on Hollywood that af-
fects filmmakers to this day. His
films are legendary.
Of course, his films are also
terrible, some of the worst in
cinematic history. And some say
that his friendship with Lugosi
sprang mainly from Wood's
willingness to exploit the ailing
actor's fame to sell his films.
And did I mention that, when
he stormed the beach at
Normandy, he did it in a pair of
red women's panties and a bra?
Well, at least the part about
Wood's impression on modern
filmmakers is accurate. Yes, Tim
Burton, Hollywood's darkly
weird son, is directing a film
celebrating the legend that is Ed
Wood, and his cast is nearly as
strange as Wood's own stable of
actors. Ed Wood stars Johnny
Depp in the title role, Martin
Landau as Bela Lugosi and ex-
pro wrestler George "the Ani-
mal" Steele as Wood's favorite
monster Tor Johnson. Bill
Murray also does a star turn as
flamboyantly gay actor John
"Bunny" Breckinridge. Ed
Wood's budget is 100 times that
of all Wood's films combined,
and from all reports it was a work
of love for Burton. But the film
fictionalizes some of Wood's
story and ignores his more sor-
See WOOD page 12
Family Fare theatre
comes to ECU
Rloddin, Curious George on the way
Music offers bland Sex
GREENVILLE - A musical
stage version of the Arabian
Nights tale, Aladdin and the Magic
Lamp, will be presented by the
touring American Family The-
atre at ECU Saturday, Oct. 8. The
hour-long performance will be-
gin at 2 p.m. in Wright Audito-
rium and opens ECU's 1994-95
Family Fare Series.
The Aladdin performance is
given as part of the Philadelphia-
based American Family Theatre
"Broadway for Kids" series. In
the play, young Aladdin leaves
home to seek his fortune, discov-
ers exciting characters attire mar-
ketplace and frees a magical, fun-
loving genie from his imprison-
ment in a rusty old oil lamp. Ad-
venture, fortune and a beautiful
princess come his way.
The American Family Theatre
performs to audiences exceeding
2.5 million each year on its tours
across the U.S. and Canada. The
company is the nation's oldest and
largest producerof musical theatre
for families and young audiences.
Its honors include a 1983 White
House Citation for theatrical
achievements on behalf of young
See FARE page 12
By Brad Rice
Staff Writer
The Sex Police, those cute rockers
fromChapel HiU,haveanewCDout
titled Science. I was curious, when I
first got the CD, as to what it was
going to sound like. The Sex Police is
one of those bands I used to go see
during my freshman year. My friends
and I would go downtown, have a
bunch of beers and boogie until we
were too stickered to stand. After
about six months of that, I and so
many people I knew burned out on
The Sex Police. I'm not saying they
are a bad band; I've had some great
times while listening to them. They
just got old.
Medallion, their first full-length
project (on the Baited Breath label,
mind you) is a great, smiley, feel
good, "pop 'till you puke" sort of
album, but that's what I burned out
on. I was definitely ready for some-
thing new, and not too long after
that, Second String was released. This
disc had some really cool tracks on
it. Their music seems a bit more
complex, yet they still had that fun
groovy sound (for the people who
like that sort of thing). Nevertheless,
it did not do the trick. The name "Sex
Police" had almost been wiped from
my memory completely. If I didn't
hear something new and somewhat
cool from them, I would have kicked
them out of the back of my brain
forever. Well, Sciena? has been re-
leased, and I'm uh speechless.
There is one word that best de-
scribes the third disc�boring. Their
music has definitely shifted into a
new direction, and one that I am not
particularly fond of. The drums are
much more basic; Shoney still keeps
the beat, but it's become monoto-
nous. It's lost all of the funky,
Manchesterish feel that was present
on the first two albums (besides,
Norwood hardly slaps his bass at
For example, "Science the first
track, starts off slow with kind of a
driving beat. And it goes, and goes,
and keeps going, and you're waiting
for it to kick in, and it never does. So
now, your CD player says it's on
Track 2, and you're thinking, "What
happened to Track 1?" Don't worry,
it will happen several times.
See SEX page 11
CD Reviews CD Reviews CD Reviews CD Reviews
�.1 . l��i�kM
This box holds the key to
understanding the devious
ways of our CD reviewers.
Riverrunt Spook
There are not too many talented
and original sounding bands these
days. The fact that a band is original
and has talented musicians in it
makes for a gcxxi listening time.
Although they have some talent,
not much can be considered origi-
nal about The River Runt Spook
Floaters, except possiblvthtnrname.
The River Runt Spook Floaters
who floated downstream from Cin-
cinnati show an incred .y diverse
taste inmusicthataffects their sound;
possibly a litlle too much. They re-
leased a recording thatcombinesthe
sounds of Traffic, The Dead and
maybe even Frank Zappa. All these
styles are evident in their recording,
and it sounds almost as if they were
trying to copy as much of their styles
as possible, especially the Grateful
As low budget as this recording
is, they failed to give any mention as
to song titles. Therefore, it is kind of
hard to describe individual songs.
Yet. the first cut has a different, and
the only original sound of the al-
bum. It opens with a screaming'50s
style guitar riff. The song (I'll guess
at the title: 'Titter Patter, since that's
what the chorus repeats over and
over) has the motif of a greasy ham-
burger joint located on some busy
corner during the 1950s. It almost
makes you wanttoget upand swing.
The third song is pretty funky.
See FLOAT page 11
Soup Dragons
"This album sounds more like
a band than anything else I've
ever done This is a very ironic
statement coming from Soup
Dragons founder Sean Dickson
considering all of the members
left the band during the album's
production. Being alone is usu-
ally an unhappy time, but
Dickson made the best of it and
was rewarded with The Soup
Dragons new album
This album is vaguely remi-
niscent of their last album,
Hotwired, but there are a lot more
explorations into different areas
of music on Hydrophonic than on
any of their previous recordings.
The album starts out with a
very upbeat song entitled "One
Way Street which drops the
distortion-oriented sound of the
Soup Dragons, and lifts you off
onto a groove-infested sonic
journey. In this song, Dickson
uses guitar as his instrument of
choice, accompanied by horns,
and strong back up vocals, this
song draws vou in and makes it
almost impossible to turn it off.
The track "Don't Ever Get Down
(Get Down)" is faintly reminis-
cent of their second album
Lovegod because it uses their typi
cal singsong guitar melody and
another strong chorus, to por-
trav their new in-your-face atti-
Some of the tracks 1 really en-
joyed were "Do You Care" be-
cause of its slow enchanting
melody, and its beautifully de-
pressing and sadistic lyrics.
Another really good song on
this album is "Contact High
The song starts out with a beau-
tiful vocal solo with lots of re-
verb making his voice echo for
eons when it bursts into the first
chorus: "When she flies, when
she flies, I sometimes get a con-
tact high This song is also
vaguely similar to some of the
songs off of Lovegod , because of
its level of distortion, and the
almost junky sound The Soup
Dragons portrayed at that time,
it also incorporates a string ac-
companiment and singers
"oohing and ahhing" along with
the music.
Appearing on this album are
musical legends such as Bootsy
Collins, ex-Specials members
Lynval Golding and Neville
Staples and T-Rex's Micky Finn.
These wonderful musicians
See SOUP page 11

(ctobei 6. 1994
The East Carolinian 11
From p. 10
From p. 10
niteh icking
Birds It begins at a � �
ush and
atest tuni she'll neve
birds ' It's i itchy, but it ,
take long to forget it con
ntment. I heSex Poli e's
ivw has lost so mu
� : thi m fri �m the rest
it the black, gooe) reaL
tated mass we call the land ol pi p.
Although, I do like to see bands
change and reform into new styles
of music ln l suggest Rush, for
instance But it onh works it the
change has i reated something bet-
ter, or it It has at least improved the
previous patterns. Fhis is not the
case with Sex Police. I feel a strong
urge to warn even hard core St
Police fans, but I know you regoing
to want to hear for yourselves. Be
my guest bet it will go nicely with
milk and cookies.
otmu ' laboui the I) rii -�
on thi ibout being dil
ferent hile it the same time say ing
that all are equal fhistopk hasbeen
pla i'd out like an old iolin Vlmost
ntheei i.di coruled
the world, this song hasa thick groove
ivith an excellent dueling trumpet
solo followed b a keyboard that
seemstonevei stop fhistrack,which
I will not make a guess at the title, is
one tt the more i ah hy tunes on the
! he Floaters do have a lot of talent
and use a variety of instruments, he
guitai work Is very complex and
works well tocomplement the vocal-
ist, he drums and bass are very tight
and are both equally pleasant to lis-
ten to. he use ol the trumpet is
appropriate to many of the songs
and gives them a certain feel, he
Ki er Runt Spook Floaters sound as
if they would be a very good live
hand, since their recording sounds
like .i taped practice, rhey recently
played a show at Peasant's Cafe and
although I could not attend, 1 hoard
they put on a wonderful show. I ho
music when played live could prob-
ably be seen as energetic and uplift-
me, almost guaranteeing a crowd on
its feet. I am sure the next time they
do come tot ireenville, 1 will make it
.) point t see them
Again, the album is hard to listen
tii bet ause when listening to it, I feel
as it I hav e heard it all before some-
where. I he Floaters just do not have
that littlesparki ailed originality and
because of that theirmusu isalmost
boring. Ihe do, however, combine
the musU al styles ot blues, jazz, and
even country. I he best way to de-
s ribe their musk is good old fash-
ioned rock n' roll, the kind that has
been o erplayed for the last lOvears.
The bloaters have many good at-
tributes, yet they lack one very im-
portant ingredient,originality. have
found that their music is good for
two mines: doing homework and
From p. 10
From p. 10
helped to make this album what
it is, a very atchy and h pnotic
Collins appears on the song
" Mot hert unker where he plays
his funky bass, and even adds an
impromptu rap Even with this
musical genius playing on this
song, Dickson still manages to
keep The Soup Dragons sound
all the way until the last note
Goodville, and Staples do
their thing on the song "Rest In
Peace which starts out with a
chorus of singers chanting, and
then bursts into Dickson singing
"Why don't we rest in peace
The chorus jumps away from the
beautiful melodies of Dickson,
and into this raw chorus given
to us bv Neville, and Golding.
Even though the chorus and the
song are both good, I had to lis-
ten to this song a few times be-
fore I really liked it. It still
sounds like a combination of
old-school reggae turned into
hard-core industrial. Many of
you might not like the combi-
nation, but it certainly is a sur-
prise when the chorus sneaks
up on you for the first time.
The track "May The Force Be
With You" is where Micky Finn
shows up and "does his thing
I reallv enjoyed this song along
with it's catchy chorus. This
song is very similar to those off
of Hotwired especially "Divine
Thing" and "Pleasure This
isn't a bad comparison, but I
like "May The Force Be With
You" better, because the con-
gas gave it a more organized
Overall, I thought this album
was worth buying, and taking
on long distance road trips. All
the songs are really catchy, even
the more industrialized songs,
which is a complete change from
the original Soup Dragons. I
don't think that the original
members leaving the band re-
ally hurt this band, in fact, I think
it might've helped the creatit
process. I5E5
So, it you have some extUET
money, and you like The SoIJEnL1
Dragons' albums from the past? m
you'll most likely enjoy the new� 6
album. I know I did. ���?
purchased by 6 p.m. on Mon-
day, Oct. 10.
Grand Camon is free to ECU
students and is S4 tor faculty
and the general public. Ihe ap-
proximate length of the show is
two hours with one intermission.
For ticket and additional infor-
mation contact the Central Ticket
Office in Mendenhall Student
Center at 328-4788.
Suzanne Gardinier
At 4:00 p.m. on Oct. 13 in the Gen-
eral Classroom Building, poet
Suzanne Gardinier will read from her
book The New World. Centered in a
circle 50 miles in all directions from
Manhattan's Columbus Circle, the
poem uses the voices of various char-
acters, including Harriet Jacobs, who
escaped to New York from a life of
slavery in Edenton, N.C.
Photo Courtesy of Star Black
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October 6. 1994
12 The East Carolinian
From p. 10
From p. 10
did later years
For the true story, check out
Look Back in Angora, a new video
biography that uses footage
from Wood's films and inter-
view s with his triends. The title
is a reference to the transvestite
director's love of soft angora
sweaters. Wood's behavior as a
transvestite is a major theme in
Angora; his first movie, in fact
is the semi-autobiographical
tale of a man who went to his
senior prom in a dress.
That movie, Glen or Glcnda,
set the tone for all of Wood's
later work. Though Wood
found the script powerful and
self-revelatorv, the film was
terrible and ended up being
relegated to a circuit of small
theaters that specialized in
� cheap exploitation flicks. This
� was the torment of Wood's life:
Ihe always had big, serious
points to make in his films, but
his total lack of talent made the
message seem merely silly.
And sillv Ed Wood films are.
In Glen or Glenda, the fledgling
director's first collaboration
with Bela Lugosi, Wood cast
the famous horror star as the
omniscient narrator. Essen-
tially, Lugosi, evil spirit to a
generation, played God. This
meant that Bela got to sit in an
easy chair and recite such hal-
lucinogenic dialogue as, "Be-
ware! Beware! Beware of the
big green dragon that sits on
your doorstep! He eats little
boys! Puppy dog tails! Big fat
snails' Beware! Take care! Be-
Wood's later films are little
better. Brideofthe Vfonsfer(1953)
stars Lugosi and Swedish pro
wrestler Tor Johnson as an evil
scientist and his hulking side-
kick. Featuring cardboard sets
and a legendarv rubber octopus
with a broken motor, Bride is
another Wood failure. Bride was
followed by the exploitation
crime drama Jailbait in 1954, and
then his masterpiece, Plan Nine
From Outer Space, in 1959.
Plan Nine is the biggie The
epic. Mecca. Declared the worst
movie of all time by Harry and
Michael Medved in their 1980
book The Golden Turkey Awards,
Plan Mine From Outer Space is
about a group of aliens who come
to Earth with a frightening new
invasion plan: they'll resurrect
the dead! Only in an Ed Wood
classic, folks.
This film has developed a
huge cult following. The events
surrounding the film are legend.
Bela Lugosi died just days into
shooting, leaving only a few
shots of him in his Dracula cape
looking feeble and moody. Wood
finished the film using his chiro-
practor as a six-foot-tall, blonde
stand-in for Lugosi. The flimsy
cardboard tombstones, the five-
foot-tall mausoleum, the bad dia-
logue, it's all there.
Then, of course, there's
Wood's trademark, the earnestly
serious message. This time, the
aliens have come to Earth to stop
us from developing .1 weapon
that will wipe out the entire uni-
verse, rhe burly Earthman hero
ot the piece, of course, punches
the alien leader on the jaw v hen
this information is revealed.
Again, Wood's message is ob-
scured by weird script compli-
cations, and Plan Mine From ()uter
Space enters the record hooks.
Alter Plan Nine, Wood's .a-
reer took a definite downturn
(as if he wasn't already low
enough). His next film. Night ot
the Ghouls, was never released
due to Wood's inabilitv to pay
the film developers After that,
he slid into the world of soft-
core pornography, making such
non-classics asfrgy ot the Dead,
which featured a series of
women doing lethargic strip-
tease acts in a graveyard. Wood
died penniless in 1978, an ill and
broken man.
Edward P. Wood, r. lived ,n
extraordinary and entertaining
1 lie ca
st of characters he
surrounded himself with in the
ll�Siis was a virtual fre ik show
filled with Hollywood ringies
of all stripes. His body ot work
may be thoroughly wretched,
but it's also morbidly fascinat-
ing and entertaining in its own
pathetic way. In tin; wake of the
Burton biopic will come the re-
lease of all Wood's classics on
video (including the elusive
Night of the Ghouls, saved at long
last from purgatorv at the devel-
opers'). This is the final irony ot
Wood's sad life, 1 suppose. Six-
teen years after his death, he is
finally a success. Hmm. Local
dvad transvestite bo makes
good. Sounds like an Ed Wood
people and the Freedom Founda
turn Medal oi Honor.
S c U's Family Fare &
merl) known as the toning Audi-
ences Performing Arts Series, is
sponsoredb) the ECU Department
ofUniversit) I nions. Later events
s. heduled for this season are: The
Inflatable living Project with Fred
Garbo and Daielma Santos (acro-
batics, clowning) on Dec. 3, Singer-
guitarist Red (.rammer on fan. 28,
The All Neiv Merlin Magic Shoiv on
Feb. 18, and a Theatreworks pro
duction of Curious George on April
Season tickets for all live shovs
are S2:s each tor the public, $20 tor
I c i fa ulr and staff and $1d
tor students 'youth A famih
for $7! n I � five
i nttoallfiveevents
el �(oneeventonly)
� - � the publii, $6 for
ill nd staff and $5 tor
students and youth is pure hased
in advance. Ml single ti ketssold
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October 6. 1994
The East CarolinianT3f
The East Carolinian
Gamecocks on a roll
Brad Oldham
Dave Pond � USC 7
TEC Sports Editor USC 27 ECU :o
"Gamecocks on a roll, too much
for Pirates, USC wins close game
at home
Brad Oldham� USC 7
HZAfB Sports Director, TEC Asst.
Sports Editor USC 21 ECU 14
"Big crowd makes the differ-
ence for Cocks. USC win streak
extends to five games
Brian Bailey�ECU-M
WNCT-TV9 Sports Director
ECU 21 USC 17
Pirates win it in fourth quar-
Chris Justice � USC7
WCTI -T'l2 Sports Director
USC 22 ECU 15
"If the Pirates don't fold under
the hostile crowd, this score
could he reversed
Phil Werz �
WITS -TV 7Sports Director
Phil took the day off and was
unavailable for comment.
Dr. Eakin� ECU 6
Chancellor. EC
"ECU continues to improve
each week. The ECU defense will
rise to the occassion.
Charles Bloom-ECU3
ECU Sports Information Direc-
tor, USCgrad. class of 19R5
ECU 13 USC 10
Wilson plays
big for Pirates
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
Imagine for a moment you are
plaving inside linebacker. Your
job is to stop the run and stuff the
fullback when thev run the isola-
tion play right at you.
All of a sudden, a purple and
gold 4 is in vour face, knocking
you to the ground This scene has
repeated itself time and time
again, as ECU senior fullback
Damon Wilson useshisbody asa
battering ram to open holes for
his teammates.
Wilson (6-0, 225), from Jack-
sonville, Florida, relishes his role
as a blocker and doesn't mind
others receiving accolades while
he collects bumps and bruises for
his reward.
"You have to be willing to
prepare yourself to get no atten-
tion, whatsoever Wilson said.
"People who don't know foot-
ball onlv watch the man with the
ball in his hands. They don't un-
derstand that he can do nothing
without good blocking from liis
offensive line, tightend.and full-
.As the game goes on, the
aforementioned linebacker be-
gias to tire of constantly being
slammed to the ground. He
Uxiks to go around Wilson and
avoid anv more punishment.
"I like to dominate my oppo-
nent and see him become in-
timidated Wilson said. "After
I hit somebodv once, they try to
hide and get out of my way. 1
look at it as a compliment. I
know I'm plaving my best when
I get a headache from the con-
stant pounding. This game isn't
for everyone and if you aren't
readv to hit and be hit you
shouldn't be on the field
Wilson's impact on a game's
outcome is not measurable in
statistics. He has 4.58 speed and
bench presses 405 lbs. but has
just 6 carries for 14 yards this
season. His best offensive totals
See WILSON page 16
Photo by Harold Wise
Assistant Sports Editor
Going into the sixth week of the
college football season, first year
USC head coach Brad Scott has his
Gamecock te im in top form. A four
game winning streak over Arkan-
sas, Louisiana Tech, Kentucky, and
Louisiana State has kept ECU coach
Steve Logan very busy this week
preparing for this game.
"Thev are a very good, athletic
football team Logan said. "Their
big, their fast, their tall, and they
can run. We are going to have to
plav a perfect game and they are
going to have to make some mis-
takes in order for us to win the
game, and that's just the blunt
truth. You don't get to be 4-1 by
The Gamecocks only loss this
season was their season opener
against the Bulldogs of Georgia,
24-21, in Columbia's Williams-
Brice Stadium. USC is 3-1 in the
Southeastern Conference stand-
The Gamecock offense is led by
junior quarterback Steve Taneyhill.
He won the SEC player of the week
last week against LSU, completing
23 of 30 passes for 157 yards and a
touchdown. He has a .640 comple-
tion percentage on the season.
At running back, the duo of se-
nior Brandon Bennett and junior
Stanley Pritchett have reeked
havoc on their opponents this sea-
son. Bennett leads all USC rushers
this season with 418 yards on 89
carries. Bennett is also a threat at
receiver too. He is tied for first in
the SEC in receptions with 25 for
150 yards. Last season against
ECU, Bennett rushed for 102 yards
on 31 carries in the Gamecock's 27-
3 victory over the Pirates.
Pritchett has performed excel-
lent at the tailback position, lead-
ing the Gamecocks in touchdowns
on the season with five. He is the
team's third leading receiver 17
catches for 131 yards. Combined,
the two players are averaging 138.8
yards rushing and 233.4 all-pur-
pose yards per outing.
The Gamecocks are protecting
the ball well too, something they
have not been doing in seasons
past. Te four game win streak has
produced just three turnovers.
On defense, the USC defense
have kept their opponents from
scoring a touchdown in the second
half for the last four ballgames.
The Gamecocks have given up just
one rushing touchdown on the sea-
son. While the Pirates are leading
the nation in turnover margin, the
Gamecocks are not fairing too bad
Photo Courtesy of South Carolina SID
USC has a strong offensive weapon in junior quarterback Steve
Taneyhill (above). The Gamecocks are on a four-game win streak.
in the category either, ranking fifth
in the nation at 2.20.
The defense unit is led by se-
nior defensive end Stacy Evans,
who has seven quarterback sacks
coming into this game, and six
quarterback pressures. He has a
total of 28 tackles on the season,
three of which were for losses,
and 22 solo.
Cornerback Reggie Richardson
is leading USC in interceptions
with three, while sophomore
Terry Cousin has two on the year.
The Gamecocks rate second in the
nation behind top-ranked Florida
in scoring defense, allowing just
over 11 points per contest. Just six
touchdowns have been scored
against Carolina in five games.
The Gamecocks have been a
solid second half team all season.
Especially in the fourth quarter,
where USC has outscored their
opponents 47-3 on the season.
They have not lost a game yet
when they were leading at the
half. The home crowd will be a
strong factor as well. The 72,000
plus Williams-Brice Stadium is av-
eraging close to sell-out crowds
every game this season.
For the Pirates to have a prayer
in this game, they must shut-down
both the Carolina offense and the
Carolina crowd. If the Gamecocks
get hot early, it could be a long day
for coach Logan and the Pirates,
who have not had to play in this
hostile an atmosphere this season.
The Duke game was half ECU fans,
and the Temple game had nobody
there whatsoever, so the playing
environment for the Pirates will be
a kev early on in this game.
Collins overcomes adversity to play Div. I-A
Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
In the face of adversity an individual has
two choices: give up or fight for an opportu-
nity to achieve their dreams. ECU's Alphoaso
"Buck" Collins never gave up on his dreams
of playing major college football.
Collins (LBDE, 6-3, 250) was highly re-
cruited out of Thomson High School in
Thomson, Georgia, just outside Augusta. He
was recruited bv Georgia Tech, South Caro-
lina, Florida, Fast Carolina and Clemson. Fie
eventually signed a letter of intent with the
Tigers ot Clemson.
asa student-athlete Thomson s Fligh prin-
cipal and former football coach Bob Smith
said. "He is the hardest-hitting linebacker
ever to play at Thomson
This type of athleticism is what recruiters
lKk for in a linebacker, a blend of power
and finesse. Collins, who runs a 4.7 in the 40
vard dash, has it all: size, speed and a mean
Call To Arms�How the Gamecocks line up
South Carolina OFFENSESouth Carolina DEFENSE DE� 58 Chris Rumph 89 Maynard Caldwell
WR� 4 Corey Bridges16 Kurt Frederick
TT� 75 Randy Wheeler67 Aaron PonderDT� 91 David Turnipseed90 Henry Taylor
TG� 76 Delvin Herring78 Travis WhitfieldDT�62 Eric Sullivan94 Mike Washington
C�73 Vince Dinkins53 Paul BeckwithDE�93 Stacy Evans99 Quinn Brodie
SG�54 Luther Dixon57 Anton GunnI LB43 Aubrey Brooks49 Benji Young
ST�68 James Dexter64 Elliot SmithI LB15 Hank Campbell52 Shane Burnham
TE�87 Boomer Foster86 Jason LawsonILB�50 Ronnie Smith44 Robert Smith
QB�18 Steve Taneyhill10 Blake WilliamsonCB�20 Reggie Richardson27 Lee Wiggins
TB�33 Brandon Bennett34 Joe TroupeCB�5 Terry Cousins26 Corey Bell
FB�39 Stanley Pritchett30 Reggie AlexanderFS�28 Chris Abrams6 Ben Washington
WR�12TobyCates84 Tom PritchardSS24 Tony Watkins32 Ric Robinson
streak thathis former coachstill remembers.
"One plav sticks out in my mind, the
game during his senior season against Wash-
ington-Wilkes Smith said. "They had a
powerful team and a 240-pound running
back. Alphonso kicked off for us and he
booted it in to the end zone. Their back
brought it out and Buck drilled him right in
the numbers. That boy didn't get up tor
several minutes. Buck's just that explosive a
hitter. That hit really set the tone for the
whole ball game
Despite being selected to the All-State
team and the North-South All-Star Game
after totaling 137 tackles and six intercep-
tions, something was still missing. He had
See COLLINS page 15
Photo Courtesy of ECU Sports Intimation
Fan Watch
Scott Batchelor
Staff Writer
A wise man once said, "If
you win, the fans will come
It is a logical theory. Let's
face it, Florida State doesn't
draw 70,000 plus fans to their
games because they have pretty
uniforms and comfortable seats
at the game. The fans come out
to see the Seminoles kick an-
other teams' pigskin.
Any avid sports fan knows
the difference in the World
Champion Dallas Cowboys and
the lowly Tampa Bay Bucca-
neers is about three superstars
and some change. But the atten-
dance at the Cowboy game is
much more than that at a Buc
game. Fans come out to see the
Cowboys win.
It is newsworthy to examine
our very own ECU Pirates. True,
they did win the Peach Bowl in
1991. But if you throw out that
season, the Pirates have not had
a winning season since 1989,
and that only because a game
was forfeited to the Pirates. 1983
was the last successful season
before that.
So with all this in mind, I
thought it would be fun to find
out how much fan support the
Pirates actually have at the
present time, one year after a
disappointing 2-9 record.
As I set out from my home in
Wilson on Saturday to see the
Pirates clash withSouthern Mis-
sissippi, I decided I would plav
a little game. For those of you
who have traveled that section
of Highway 264, you know there
is very little scenery to enter-
tain the driver.
So in addition to my usual
driving game of trying to avoid
being pulled over by a state
trooper, I began to count the
number of Ficklen-bound ve-
hicles. They were pretty easy to
spot, as their purple and gold
mini-flags flapped in the wind.
I saw a total of eleven cars
traveling on the highway, who
were going to the game. You
must remember that I left for
the game at 1:00, three hours
beiore the game, yet I still saw-
eleven cars. One vehicle dis-
played its designation on its
bumper- "Find Me In Ficklen
I was still not convinced that
the Pirates had the support of a
Nebraska or a Miami, for ex-
ample, but Phase Two of my
investigation was yet to occur.
That would happen at the game.
I was ready to find out once and
for all how loyal Pirate fans are.
My first stop at the game was
the field where the Pirate Club
members hung out. These guys
really know how to tailgate! Un-
fortunately I was not offered
any of the chicken, burgers, or
pie that was there.
See SPIRIT page 16

Garten on the ball
By Jody Jones
( uirten began pla
nvnN .it the age of 1
-t.n u
sh she as ranki
ivho the 16-year-old grou I ' '
,n .1 lina In thi nil tennis yoursell hes be-
nger Association, and 21 ii .ear cause I pulled it out men!
. ised I be old division �d Tennis hast
ime m and ha ' rminahoncangetyou
i es '� iit as a Ires! i : la ing in the : here
� i iH numberfi ; ten haspi
. ��� , : ina,( larten I wish I had taker i hmen the dassrcv
lai vear of eligibility at year more serioush she said courts Shewn
don't regret what I did but I would athlete

eenplavinetennis do some thing different!
earsold Move In her sophomon y
nilv.and moved up to the numb '
���� eedat and show improvement. Lasl ea
lissouri Her son she finished with a 12-2 singles
record and is looking to improve on
ng m that record this season. tinued I
: realh The most attractive thing about nation, Elk�
tennis to her is the mental aspect of fulinv
ki nu'ilii ill
to do
Laurent leads spikers
By Beau Shillito
Staff Writer
ated she said.
In 1994,the 1 C L teamgoalsare
to finish over .500 and improve
Photo Courtesy ot ECU Sports Info
ECU senior Sarah Laurent their record in the CAA. "o
will serve as co-captain for the acheive these goals the) will try
Lad Pirate volleyball squad and concentrate on playing bettei
sferring from Central together as a team unit rather than
liege (Peoria, Illinois) individually She claims that vol-
prior to the 1993 season, her leyball is a bit more intense in the
first with the Pirates. Midwest and that it is still grow-
1 he setter racked up ing on the East coast.
1 830 career assists at Central, Laurent is a communit)
u arranting her sele tion to the services major and hopes to wi irk
Georgia Tech all-tournament with battered women and chil-
vell as First Team All- dren after graduation She works
� In her two sea- as a lifeguard during the summer
finished with a and enjoys playing sand volley- Christenburybecauseofthereno
rd She hall in her spare time She says vations to MingesColiseum. The
chose to I ECU over the transition to North Carolina team is close to acheiving their
several schools, including CAA from Illinois has been easy and goal of a plus500 record (the)
rival UNC-Wilmington. she loves the laid-back atmo- stand even with 8 wins and 8
"1 chose ECU because of the sphere of eastern North Carolina losses and play their next game
tight bond among all the play- Presentl) the team is at 7 p.m Friday in Christenbur)
ers and the family atmosphere practicing in Elm Street (,vm and � m ersus the I ad) C amels of
that Coach Guttenberg has ere- playing their games in Campbell University.
Hung jury in Hurley case
(AP) � The trial of a motorist 10-2 in favor of convicting Daniel with Hurley's four-wheel-drive ve-
ollided with Sacramento Wieland, 38. he jury received the hiclelastDei 12 on a road near Arco
Kings guard Bobb) I lurlev on a caseFrida) Arena foil � . Kin) ;ame
dark rural road last December has Deputy District Attorne) A.J Hurley, who was not wearing a
ended with a hung jury. Pongratz called a retrial on the mis- seat belt, was thrown from the ve-
However, prosecutors say the demeanor charge a probability. hide and landed in a drainage ditch,
man could face a retrial on reckless "Itwasobviouslyverydisappoint- He nearl) died from broken ribs,
driving charges. ing Pongratz said of the mistrial, lung injuries, a compression fracture
JudgeRoland 1 C andeedeclared " I'hev (the jurors) obviously did not in his hack and i ither injuries
a mistrial Monda) after a seven- spend that much time on it
woman, five-man iurv deadlocked Wieland's station wagon collided
See KINGS page 15
Prices Effective Through Oct. II, 1994

M6. ICN4
c Liisi Carolinian 15
From p. 13
1 SA1 test. Without a
in of 700, Collins
ineligible to accept his
schi ilarshipand attend
. . Ilins retook the test several
es to no avail.
1 v a- so depressed because it
u asmy dream to play college foot-
ball Collins -aid. "Ever since I
wasa little kid playing in m back-
trd I wanted tobea football player.
Vr �- i could not pass the test, 1
tried to look tor a way,an) way, to
prepare myself k � pass the test and
attend college.
Arrangements were made tor
him to spend a post-graduate year
at Fork Union Military Academy,
but the $10,000 fee to attend the
school snuffed an chancesof him
Hast c arolina came in to the
picture when ECU wide receivers
coach Doug Martin came through
Fork Union on a recruiting trip. He
asked FUMA head coach John
Shuman where Buck was and was
told that Collins had decided to stay
home and go to Andrews Commu-
nity College to work on passing the
Martin came back to Greenville
elated that thev would still have a
chance to sign the big linebacker that
every majoi school in the South was
atter. AttercontactmgCollins, he was
very glad that ECU was still inter-
ested in recruiting him and explained
his situation at Andrews.
"When he called me, it really mo-
tivated me to know that thev had
stuck with me and really wanted me
to attend their school Collins said.
"1 decided to study even harder and
do whatever it takes to pass that test
Martin wished him luck and told
him that there would be a scholar-
ship waiting for him in Greenville if
he passed the test.
Collins made an official visit to
ECU in December and was very im-
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pressed with (!reenville.
"Greenville is a small town but
that is what I'm used to Collins
said " Thomson is a little-bittv town
of about 5000 people. We are a very
dose-knitcommunity and everybody
supports the football team. Green-
ville seemed like my kind of place
In Thomson, almost everyone in-
cluding Collins' parents makes their
living in the garment industry, manu-
facturing clothes.
"MarcusCrandell, who hosted me
on my visit, is a very nice guv and
made me feel comfortable right
away Collins said. "I was also im-
pressed with how nice the facilities
were here
Collins moved in with ECU offen-
sive lineman Derrick Leaphart in
January while he waited for his SAT
scores to come. He worked for East-
ern Omni Construction and worked
at job sites at Proctor & Gamble and
Burroughs Welcome. "Working hard
is something I'm used to Collins
said I can see a lot of parallels be-
tween construction work and foot-
ball. Both require a lot of hard work
and discipline. You have to show up
every day with your hard hat on
ready to do a job. Anything less than
your best isn't going to cut it
Finally, his SAT scores came after
coming within 10 points before
Collins had done it. Me had passed
the test. A scholarship became a ail-
ahle for him in May, and he signed
finally eligible to play tor HCL "I
was so happv to get that monkev off
my back Collins said. "It felt great
and 1 was ready tor kxrtball season to
start that day
Summer workouts commenced
and Collins was pleased with his
progress. "Jeff Connors will definitelv
get you in shape and ready to play,
both mentallv and physically
Collins said. "I was really glad to get
the chance to come here and 1 was
determined to get in the best shape I
After three-a-day practices were
done, Collins had earned a spot on
the travel roster at linebacker as a
reserve. He has proved to be a
standout on special teams, playing
on the punt, punt return, kickotf and
kickoff return units. Collins has re-
ceived several winning performances
by the ECU coaching staff and does
not mind playing special teams. "I'm
only a freshman and mv time will
come'Collinssaid. "Special teams is
(ECU Karate Club will demonstrate
and explain course)
When -Thursday Oct. 6
Time - 8:00pm
Where: Christenbury Gym Downstairs
1 l � ;�rzy
a chance to make my mark, and e en-
tually 1 am confident 1 will bea starter
ateither linebacker or defensive end
Collins saw reserve action at line-
backer but has recently moved to
defensive end behind I .orenzi West.
"I like plavingend Collins said. "So
long as I am chasing the ball and
making plays, then III be happv. It
doesn't really matter what position I
play, j ust as long as I get the chance tc
show what I can do
Going into this week's game
againstSouth Carolina,Collins is set-
tling into his new position and ap-
pears ready for extensive game ac-
tion. "I'm getting use to playing
there Collins said. "It isa change tor
me, but I feel like I can have an impact
wherever I line up
In the face of such odds, most
people would give up and feel sorry
for themselves, Collins never did. "I
felt bad at first about not passing the
test, but I feel like standardized test-
ing is biased and doesn't measure
how much somebodv knows
Collins said.
Collins' character has never been
questioned by anyone, and one indi-
vidual that knows him well is his
high school principal, Bob Smith "I
consider him a fine young man and
leader Smith said. "He is a well-
mannered individual, yes sir, no sir.
Everyone back here in Thomson is
rooting for him and hopes he does
well at ECU
Collins is glad to have such strong
support at home. "Back in Thomson
everyone is very proud of me and
glad that I am up here playing ball
Collins said. "I felt like if 1 quit, then I
would be letting the whole city down.
1 would never do anything to disap-
point them. For all of the little kids out
there that people tell them that they
can't do something, I say don't give
up on your dreams because they will
take you as far as you want to go
From p. 14
Hurley and other witnesses tes-
tified Wieland was driving
without his headlights on, but
Wieland denied it. 1 lis attorney con-
tended that Hurley failed to make :i
full stop and rolled into Wieland s
Hurley, 23, was the Kings first-
round draft pick, seventh overall, in
the 1993 NBA Draft. He played only
1 c games with the Kings prior to the
accident, averaging 7.1 points.
Since the accident, Hurley has
appeared in public service an-
nouncements urging drivers to use
He was subpoenaed to appear
during the four-day trial. Though
Wieland maintained heapologieii
to the former Duke star in newspa-
per articles about the accident.
Hurley testified last week that he
hadn't read them.
"I've gone through the most dif-
ficult thing in my life. Mv career
was jeopardized Hurley said.
"Never once was there any kind of
attempt to make an apology"
Hurley, who has since recovered
from his injuries and has been pla -
ing basketball this summer, was
scheduled to report to training camp
Outside the courtroom Mondav,
Wieland said he was disappointed
with the outcome of the trial.
"I figured I would be acquitted,
very much so he said. "You can'tgo
down that road without headlights
His attorney, Michael Brady, said
to court in the first place.
"In my opinion he didn't violate
the law Brady said. "1 apparentlv
didn't do a very good job explaining
the law to jurors
But Pongratz was unmov ed.
"That's really funny, given that 10
out of the 12 thought he was guiltv
i J
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From p. 13
From p. 13
came during the 1991 Peach Bowl
season when he scored five touch-
' I . irdage situations.
;� ker means accepting a
i thing most players are
unu illing to do.
irsagoit usedtobother
:il hut now 1 feel
differently, Wilson s,ud I ust
. in itdoesn t matter to me
�� � unfcs
at ks
Wilson said.
iki �; ngs happen
� forthem It
� .i!ltt crack for
turn it in to six points
I ierr) .ottensivecoordina-
. igbackcoach,isquite
fluen e on Wilson.
"Coach Berry is a real teacher
Wilsonsaid "Hetakestl i md
make it simplt for you to undei
stand 1 le tells you wh) voudothisin
certain situations and knowing the
i oaches thinking helps me to do m
job well
A natural leader Wilson d lesnot
mind taking charge ol (situation
letting teammates know hov
! le feels a cei I � ship u ith
offensive line w I i ih natu
rareh tou h
the football their
1 blocking
1 he ive line art- a good
unit and always have been since I
have been here. ilson said. "Ron
Idith, amieGraydon'tgeta lot of
attention, and 1 like to acknowledge
them and the rest of the line. With out
them we can't move the ball
Being a team player sometimes
means watching from the sidelines,
something Wilson had to deal with
when he first came to t ireenville.
Hered-hirted his first season and
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I a edeserv ed to start, Wilsi
I just had U ��. ait my tui
erealh gixnl plavi
like l ihn I ea lx k and Erii i!
rhe just ha etobeparii
is a irtue
Recruiting is usualh
able expi rien i foi a high sch
��ill plave,r but Wilson s.m the
constant attention and phone calls
as a nightmare
" I his was one oi the worst tunes
of m life he said. "I got tired of
people calling all the time. On m
first trip, I committed to IX. L and
i anceled all ot m other isits(Min-
nesota, Southarolina,U rEP) Min-
nesota would not stop bothering
me. I agreed to take a isit there
I didn't like it because it is too cold
and !ar awaj from home in
"A lot of people from up north
don t realize that i e pla and tram
for football tnd Wilson
said. "It you d . � thing all .
as opposed to half the year il is
only natural that ou will be better
than the athletes that do not train in
ton i
� but 1 am
� isedonj
time i onus, 1 will worn about the
next level, but tor now I will iist
deal with winning ever game
I his single minded sense of pur-
pi ise sen es U ilson well as he takes
on different defenses ever w eek.
Even good defense knows that
where the fullback goes, the tailback
u ill follow, And it the fail to defeat
his block then e little to no
chance of conl . the running
"I like to dominate and intimi-
date m opponent he said Get
out of the u,n it you don't want to
get hit. It's all the same to me, just
knock down the guv in the differ-
ent i olored lersev
. i
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I he atmosphen
� lev. members ,
pla en ti il the Pirate Kk i-1 i
lan� ed inai i
�ctation i if the name I e

with a small
I also talked w ith Mr I oi
Piver, who appeared to love the
Pi rates later found out th, t he is
the VPof the WakeC ounty hap-
ter ol the Pirate Club.
1 am tired oi the image pe
have of us "astern North t aro-
Imians he said. "People have
this picture of us sitting on the
front porch, chewing tobacco and
spitting it in a coffee can. The way
to change that image is through
the football program
1 was beginning to understand.
The kev to the growth i �f east-
ern North Carolina is this univer-
sity Pi er said. ' The kev to the
growth ot this university is the
athletic program. Go Pirates
ow I knew one of the reasons
people come to support the Pi-
rates. When the game neared its
start, I discovered another rea-
As the Pirate gridders rushed
on to the field to the sound of the
cannon blast, a sea of purple-and-
gold eastern-North Carolinians
cheered. These were their Pirates.
A team that they can call their
very own.
Thev do not have to share them,
like Triangle area UNC, NCSU,
and Duke fans do. This is the only
college football team east of Ra-
all tim
ins 11
�� �� noise.
- �
but hi ehim.
mg. i olktmg eight turnovers
on the afterrn
People I aters or
' D-Dav i but thev are
ours for them
sure unior Sn it s i a
Fmmitt Smith, and Mai
C randall is no Dan Marino. But
they are part ot our team, and
the fans support them.
Granted, Dowdy-Ficklen's
fans aren't as rowdy as the I it igs
from Washington, and we don't
use cheesy masks or paint our
bodies, but that doesn't matter
The fact is 32,867 screaming Pi-
rate fans became ECU's twelfth
man on Saturday, giving their
support to a team that is look-
ing to the future, and not dwell-
ing on the past.
Would it be too much to give
ourselves a nickname? The
Wallace-Wade Wackos live in
Durham, the Cameron Crazies
have a few more months of hi-
bernation remaining. We need
a name to identify ourselves, to
rally behind, and to be the best
fans we can be.
Pirate fans, I present to ou -
the Dowdy-Ficklen Rowdies'
Go Pirates!
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The East Carolinian, October 6, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 06, 1994
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