The East Carolinian, September 1, 1994

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High 91
Reviews? We got 'em!
From the movie magic
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The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 41
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Thursday, September 1,1994
14 Pages
Public Safety swears in new crime fighter
By Drew Gatlin
Photo by Harold Wise
ECU Crime Prevention Officer Al Fonville recently
accepted the role previously held by Keith Knox.
Fonville intends to focus on fighting theft on campus.
Pitt County children
find out who really cares
Staff Writer
Security and crime preven-
tion are a serious business; just
ask Al Fonville, ECU's new
Crime Prevention Officer.
"Our job in Crime Preven-
tion Fonville told The East Caro-
linian, "is to help students ? to
show them the seriousness of
both security and crime preven-
tion the more I can do of that,
it would offset a lot of investiga-
tive work (after a crime is com-
Fonville is not a new face
on campus. He has been with
ECU Police for almost seven
years in the Patrol Unit section.
"I learned (with the ECU
Police) to treat students
withdignity and respect while
you're doing your job
The U.S. Army gave
Fonville his start in law enforce-
ment as a military policeman for
almost a decade. He left the
military in 1981 to become an
officer with the Washington,
N.C. Police Department, and
then to join ECU Police in 1987.
When asked about the state
of the Crime Prevention Office
upon his arrival, Fonville replied
confidently, "It's been a well-
structured, organized program.
We don't anticipate any mayor
Programs currently in
place include "Operation I.D
where students can have any
valuables (with serial numbers)
registered with the ECU Police,
in order to assist them in recov-
ering those items in the event
they're stolen. This includes on-
site registration.
"We'll even come to your
dorm room and do it Fonville
There's also a Drug and Al-
cohol Awareness Program
which provides brochures on the
effects of various substances,
and a series of informational
programs have been presented
in different dorms.
As a further step in Crime
Prevention's awareness pro-
gram, the Residence Hall Liai-
son Officers' Program (RHLOP)
was developed. The Resident
staff in each dorm works with
Crime Prevention in the aware-
ness program and with the ECU
Police in student safety and pro-
"Our primary objective is
to establish communication with
student residents, to minimize
crime on campus Fonville said.
"We want to let them know with
the help of the RHLOP that we
are here and ready to be of assis-
Fonville says that ECU resi-
dent students can look for more
of these informational dorm
meetings, sharing the specifics
of drug and alcohol abuse and
stressing the seriousness of the
security of personal items.
"Bicycle larcenies are one
of the problem areas said
Fonville, referring to the secu-
rity problems on campus. "We're
talking about nothing more than
adhering to simple measures of
security ? how you lock your
bike and what items, like a
headlight, can be snapped off
For bicycle security,
Fonville recommends the
popular U-bolt bicycle lock.
"The average person
who goes about campus, look-
ing for a bike to steal, will carry
his tools in his own pocket
Fonville said. "He can break
some of the smaller bicycle
chains, but a U-bolt fastening
a bike frame to a post is going
to be more than the average
thief can handle indicating
that a set of three-to five-foot-
long bolt-cutters would be nec-
essary to cut through the stan-
dard U-bolt.
Fonville may be new in
the Crime Prevention office,
but he's seen seven years'
worth of campus security
problems ? and solutions ?
and student residents will
probably see even more of him.
"I'm looking forward to
working with the ECU com-
munity Fonville said.
By Andy Turner
Staff Writer
In North Carolina many
children do not have health in-
surance and their families are
unable to afford the costs. The
Pitt County Caring Program, a
chapter of the North Carolina
Caring Program for Children,
provides health insurance for
children of low-income, work-
ing parents.
"The Caring Program is a
statewide non-profit organiza-
tion said Pat Vore, council chair-
person. "Itisachurchsponsored
program paid for by grants
The health insurance is pur-
chased from Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of North Carolina. Blue
Cross and Blue Shield do not
make any profit from the Caring
"There is a cost of $264 to
cover a child for a year Vore said.
"In Pitt County 135 children are
covered. The family has to meet a
financial qualification level of 150
percent of the poverty level. Chil-
dren must also be residents of
North Carolina and must be un-
der 19 years of age
The Caring Program for chil-
dren started in Pennsylvania in
1985. In 1987 the program came to
North Carolina and the main of-
fice was established in Durham.
The Pitt County Caring Program
Council has been active since 1990.
"The council is composed of
volunteers Vore said. "Our three
goals are to find the children of
Pitt County who need health in-
surance, to find sponsors for the
children and to work with the
medical community who will pro-
vide medical care for the children
See CAREpage 4
New Sociology chair
provides different views
By Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor
As of Aug. 1, Dr. Richard
Caston is the new chairperson of
ECU's sociology department. He
joins the ECU faculty after spend-
ing the last nine years at the Uni-
versity of Baltimore in Maryland.
But Caston is no stranger to N.C.
In 1978, Caston got married, re-
ceived his doctorate from Duke
and one week later, moved to Den-
ver, Co. where he spent the next
seven years. "We are fortunate to
have Richard Caston join our fac-
ulty and look forward to support-
ing this open-minded, faculty-ori-
ented, energetic gentleman said
Dr. Keats Sparrow, dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences.
"We're going to redesign a
curriculum to focus the applied
orientation that we have Caston
said. "This department was recog-
Seniors offered added bonus
By Wendy Rountree
Staff Writer
After four or five years of
pounding the books and surviv-
ing exams, seniors can now look
forward to some perks. For the
first time on the ECU campus, a
senior program has been orga-
nized by the ECU Ambassadors
and the ECU Alumni Associa-
tion to sponsor five events and
four senior-only grand prize
giveaways throughout the year.
"We're molding our pro-
gram after other programs like a t
N.C. State, UNC and Appala-
chian that have proven to be suc-
cessful said Wayne Overby,
president of ECU Ambassadors.
Tami Gardner, assistant
director of Alumni Relations for
Chapter Development and Pro-
grams, said this year's senior pro-
gram is different because it is
student-run, not faculty run.
"Senior programs in the
past had been staff-driven
Gardner said. "This one is stu-
giveaways, seniors-persons with
96 credit hours or more com-
pleted-must get a purple pirate
and say next semester they're go-
ing to have 96 said senior pro-
gram coordinator and member of
ECU Ambassadors. "They'll have
to wait until next semester to get
the card
Jones also said graduate stu-
dents were not eligible for the
These passes, sponsored by
Michael Coston, director of Retail
Services at the student stores, are
free and look like purple bank
cards. They not only get seniors
into events, but also allow seniors
to ha ve a 25 percent discount on al 1
merchandise in the student stores,
except textbooks. The passes can
be picked up at the TaylorSlaugh-
ter Alumni house on the corner of
Biltmore and Fifth or, until this
Friday, at the ECU Ambassadors'
membership drive table, located
in the front of the student stores.
Also, seniors can pick up passes at
each of the scheduled events.
"Last week, we did the initial
drive for the purple pirate passes
from the 23rd, 24th, and 25th
Jones said. "We reached about 20
percent of the seniors when we did
that, which was pretty good, but
we still would like to get more
passes out
During each event, the first
1000 seniors to arrive and show
their passes and student IDs will
receive free gifts. Today, the Frisbee
Freebie is the first event and is
going to be held on the Mall from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
"We will be giving away 1000
frisbees to the first 1000 seniors
that get there Jones said.
The next event will be a tail-
gate at the first home football game.
"We'll be giving, probably,
about 250, not 1000, phtes of bar-
becue to the first 250 seniors Jones
Future event gifts will in-
clude movie passes to Greenville
theaters, chocolates on Valentine's
Day and sunglasses and sunscreen
in the spring.
By owning a pass, seniors
are also automatically put into the
raffles for grand prize giveaways.
"You don't have to be present
to win the grand prize Jones said.
"As long as you've got this card,
See PURPLE page 3
nized nationally for its efforts to
create applied sociology, and I
think that we'll continue to be
among the forefront now so that
students can recognize what they
can do with a sociology degree.
That's my number one hope for
this year
What can you do with a soci-
ology degree?
"Program evaluation is done
largely by sociologists, evaluating
the effectiveness and efficiency of
social programs. Policy analysis,
wide scale polky on the state or
federal level to see how effective
it's been in meeting it's designing
needs Caston said. "We are plan-
ners. We are analysts
A new departmental code is
also underway in the sociology
"That code is presently sit-
ting with the faculty senate; it has
not yet gone through the approved
channels Caston said.
He expects the process to take
around six months. Meanwhile,
Dr. Caston has settled into his of-
fice in Brewster and said he is just
beginning to learn all of his re-
sponsibilities. The book he has
been working on about economic
sociology and the social environ-
ment of business has been put on
hold temporarily, but will resume
once the paperwork and learning
becomes easier, Caston said.
"I've been very busy. I could
use some more sleep Castonsaid.
"I've had to spend a lot of time
reading new policy manuals
His new job may mean less
time for his family. Caston is mar-
ried and has three children ages
13,14 and 15.
The department of sociology
currently has 60 majors, and Dr.
Caston hopes to see those num-
bers increase by 50 percent over
the next few years.
Caston was chair of the soci-
ology department at the Univer-
sity of Baltimore. He received his
undergraduate degree from the
University of Iowa, his home state.
While in N.C, Caston hopes to
study the regional activities.
"I'm interested in getting in-
volved with regional development
issues particularly those related to
the Kinston transpark concept
Professor fights for
freedom of speech
By Stephanie Lassiter
News Editor
explain ? ECU professor of Li-
brary Science Gene Lanier, ex-
plaining why some people believe
in book censorship.
Several hundred years ago,
our forefathers signed an agree-
ment stating that, as free Ameri-
cans, wehad certain rights.Oneof
those rights is freedom of speech,
anintegralpartoffheFirst Amend-
Gene Lanier, professor of
Library Sciences and director of
Graduate Studies in the Library
Sciences department, is an avid
opponent of book censors. Lanier
has spent countless hours fight-
ing to preserve America's right to
free speech.
on the First Amendment and in-
tellectual freedom Lanier said.
"My basic thing is fighting the
book censors
Book censors, Lanier said,
are people who are trying to have
materials removed from the li-
brary and the classrooms.
"The censors have a per-
fect right to make that decision for
their children, but not for mine
he said.
Lanier was recently recog-
nized for his efforts when re-
ceiving the annual William C
Lassiter First Amendment
Award. Lanierwas the seventh
recipient of the award, which
was presented by D. Jordan
Whichard HI, publisher of The
Daily Reflector,and Ashley B.
Carolina Press Association and
publisher of The Washington
Daily News.
"I wasvery pleased to get
this award because I have
known of William C. Lassiter
for years and what a proponent
of First Amendment he is
Lanier saidT am proud to have
his name on it
The award, which was
presented on July 29 d uring the
21st Annual Convention of the
North Carolina Press Associa-
tion, commemorates Lanier for
his efforts to maintain intellec-
tual freedom and free libraries
from censorship.
When Lanier is not fight-
ing the censors, he spends his
time in the classroom teaching
graduate courses in library ad-
ministration and management
and federal government publi-
cations. He also serves on sev-
eral committees, the Graduate
Council, as well as represent-
Photo byHarold Wise
Gene Lanier ponders an ironic title Banned
in the U.S.A a subject he strongly opposes.

?iiiMMim ir" ?iiil,??J7.fl y,v ,?? H Ml
2 7Yie ??s Carolinian
September 1, 1994
Cont. from
August 20
Aycock Hall ? A resident was transported to Pitt Memorial
Hospital for threatening suicide in Fletcher MusicBuilding.
August 21
Aycock Hall ? Marijuana seeds were recovered from a room. The
incident is under further investigation.
August 23
Scott Hall Resident?A resident was apprehended while stealing
a traffic barricade barrel. A campus appearance ticket was issued.
Family Practice Center ? A staff member was arrested for the
larceny of a patient's wallet.
August 24
Harrington Field ? An unknown male was making prank phone
calls from the emergency blue light. The area was searched, but no
suspect was found.
August 27
Traffic Stop ? During a traffic stop, an officer found a staff
member in possession of a stereo stolen from Nevada. Charges are
pending further investigation.
Belk Hall ? A female student was assaulted in a Belk Hall
stairway. The victim did not press charges.
August 28
Belk Hall ? Two residents of Belk were found in possession of a
stolen bicycle. Campus appearance tickets were issued, and arrest
warrants were obtained.
August 29
S. Joyner Library ? A student reported damage to his vehicle due
to construction. Dried concrete was found on the automobile.
August 30
Concealed Weapon ? A student was arrested for possession of a
shotgun on campus. He was released on an unsecured bond.
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from official ECU
police reports.
ing the School of Education.
Lanier is no new face to the
ECU campus. After graduating in
1955 witha BachelorofSciencc from
ECU and in 1957 from UNC with a
Master's degree in Library Science,
he began his stint here as an instruc-
tor in 1959. Consequently, Lanier
has been a member of the ECU fac-
ulty longer that any other faculty
Although he left to obtain is
PhD in philosophy from UNC in
1968, he is still considered to have
been a faculty member since 1959.
"I've seen quite a few changes
in the library here at ECU, back
when the library was in Whichard
Building he said.
Lanier has spoken on the is-
sue of book censorship in over 40
states, giving 10-12 speeches out-
of-state annually, as well as others
in-state. Last year, a teacher in a
Chapel Hill school included in a
suggested reading bibliography
books dealing with homosexuality-
Parents in the school system fought
back in an effort to ban such reading
materials from school book selec-
tions. According to Lanier, the
teacher made a careless mistake by
suggesting that students find the
materials in catalogs where other
tremendous uproar. Lanier worked
with the school system to rewrite
their policy to cover library and
classroom materials so such books
could be suggested, but not re-
Lanier says that the library
remains theonlyplacewhere people
can educate themselves on any is-
sue, therefore he would like to main-
tain this intellectual freedom.
"The library is about the only
place in the country where you can
get all points of view he said.
Lanier added that libraries do
have selected book lists, and there-
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tober 13, 1994 Homecoming Representative ElectionsCampus
Homecoming Representative ElectionsCampi
8am - 5pmBelk Allied Health
8am - 5pmCollege Hill
8am - 5pmECU Student Stores
8am - 5pmECU School of Medicine
9am - 6pmMendenhall Student Center
WEDNESDAY October 26, 1994 "Noon Day Tunes" 11:30am - 1 pm
ECU Student Stores - Featuring Melanie Sparks
Banner Contest Judging - ECU Student Stores
THURSDAY October 27, 1994 "Noon Day Tunes" 11:30am - 1 pm
Mendenhall Student Center-Featuring Melanie Sparks
An Evening With MARSH A WARFIELD (comedian)"
ConcertWright Auditorium -8PM- 10PM
For Ticket Information, call ECU Central Ticket Office at 328-4788
Tickets Will Co on Sale 10894
FRIDAY October 28, 1994 PIRATEFEST, The Mall, 5:30pm - 7pm
SATURDAY October 29, 1994 HOMECOMING PARADE - 10am - 11am
The Spirit Cup is presented to the organization which presents the most spirit and most closely follows the theme
during the Homecoming festivities. Each organization will be awarded points for participation in all events during
the Homecoming week. The group with the highest number of points will win the Spirit Cup. It is not necessary to
enter all events to win, but more participation in events increase the possibility of winning.
Leo Sebastian j. Marshall

September 1, 1994
The East Carolinian 3
Continued from page 1
you'reautomaticaUyinthedraw- Other grand prizes during the "The main purpose of the
ing for it year will include a class ring, a CD senior program is to create a sense
Today, on the Mall at 12:30 player and a cap and gown set. of identity within the senior class
p.m. the first grand prize give- Jones said that the whole se- Jonessaid. "EastCarolinahasnever
away, a bicycle, will be raffled nior program was developed to had a program like this before, and
off. bring unity to the Class of 1995. it was just time that we did
Who Are
See booth in front of Student Store ? 9am -2 pm
This fall semester the Reference Department of Joyner Library is offering a
series of fifty-minute-long sessions in use of the Library's online catalog (Marquis) and
online CD-ROM databases. Two different sessions will be g:iven each week. Each of the
sessions will be devoted exclusively either to the online catalog or to the online CD-ROM
databases. Instruction will be conducted in Joyner Library's electronic classroom: Room
104 in the West Wing of the Library, located in the northwest corner of the Reference
Room. Sessions will be "walk in no previous sign up or reservation will be required for
participation, although the classroom has space for only eighteen persons. Schedules of
these sessions will appear periodically in The East Carolini an. Sessions for September
will be as follows:
Tuesday, Sept 6th
Wednesday, Sept 14th
Thursday, Sept 22nd
9 a.m. CD-Roms
3 p.m. Online catalog
11 a.m. Online catalog
3 p.m. CD-Roms
11 a.m. CD-ROMs
3 p.m. Online catalog
L -t.x s ? : ? ? v l a 11 uA V.
If you have any questions about these sesseions, please call
the Library's Reference Department at .328 - 6677.

Gardner said the senior pro-
gram will create a bond between
seniors and the university even af-
ter graduation.
"The students we are dealing
with are going to be future alumni
Gardner said. "We want to create a
good relationship with our stu-
dents. The program is an effort to
make their last year meaningful
Gardner also said she wants
the senior program to become an-
"Hopefully, this is something
we will be doing year, after vcar,
after year Gardner said.
ECU Ambassadors, a service
organization, is also working this
week with a membership drive that
ends this Friday.
"The ECU Ambassadors are
the official student representatives
of ECU Overbv said. "We work
closely with thechancellor,alumni
relations, institutional advance-
ment and admissions
Overbv said because of the
senior program ambassadors are
less involved with the Admissions
Office this vear and more involved
with the student body itself.
ECU Ambassadors are
membersof the national network,
Student Alumni Association
Student Foundation (SAASF).
Members travel to district and
national SAASF conventions.
Overbv said at conventions
members meet other SAASF
delegates from other schools and
get ideas on how to run ECU
Ambassadors better.
Other activities for ambas-
sador members are going to re-
treats, attending pregame kick-
offs as hosts and hostesses, work-
ing at the graduation ceremony
and serving refreshments in the
Chancellor's Box during home
Also, the organization
plans in the futare to begin an
externship program. The pro-
gram would help ECU students
meet and observe ECU alumni
on the job, who work in the stu-
dents' fields of interest.
Overby said he wants to
diversify ambassador member-
"We want to increase aca-
demic and ethnic diversity
Overby said. "We don't get a lot
of music and art majors
Overby said that although
being in the organization can be
somewhat demanding on stu-
dents, the benefits such as get-
ting to know new people, meet-
ing the chancellor, and network-
ing with alumni for occupational
and social connections after
graduation makes the demands
worth the effort.
"It's been one of the best
things to happen to me as a stu-
dent at ECU Overbv said.
To apply for membership,
students (freshmen through se-
niors) can pick up an application
from the ambassador's table in
the student stores. In addition to
filling out the application, pro-
spective members must write a
250-word essay addressing the
topic "Why ECU?" Applications
and essays should be returned
to the ambassadors' table where
interviews wiii be scheduled for
next week.
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4 The East Carolinian
September 1, 1994
Cont. from
page 2
fore do not include any porno-
graphic materials.
"Librarians don't ha ve to de-
fend everything, they only have to
defend those titles which meet the
criteria in their selection policy,
which has been approved by their
governing board he said.
Titles that Lanier is fighting
to keep on library lists include: The
Color Purple, "A Chorus Line The
Cask of Amontillado, Of Mice atid
Men and Sports Illustrated.
Hementioned the Library Bill
of Rights, adopted in 1948 by the
American Library Association
Council. According to the Bill of
Rights, All libraries are forums
for information and ideas Lanier
believes that because the library is
the last place where a person can
receive all forms of information,
the library shouldbe preserved and
remain uncehsored.
Ianier believes that it is the
parents' responsibilities to help their
children determine what is appro-
priate and inappropriate reading
"Ina democracy, how can you
combat the idea of the right of the
individual to choose he said.
"When it comes to minors, then it is
up to the parent to determine their
reading, viewing and licensing
Lanier believes that some
people find it easier to pretend cer-
tain reading materials do not exist
rather than to answer questions
which might arise from reading
- "A book is easier to bum than
to explain and therefore a lot of
these challenges by would-be cen-
sorsbelies their insecurities Lanier
Cont. from
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The Pitt County program
Council recently added three new
members: Charles Hardee, J.D an
attorney with Hardee and Hardee;
Sandra Smith, consumer banker
with the East Banking Center of
NationsBank; and Beth Watson, a
youth minister with the First Chris-
tian Church. The council is com-
posed of 19 members representing
the areas of health care, business,
social services, schools and
The health insurance pack-
age includes the following services
for the children: periodic well-
child physician examinations, phy-
sician office visits for illness and
injury, routine immunizations,
emergency room care, outpatient
surgery and outpatient diagnostic
lab, X-ray and pathology services.
"The program provides pre-
ventive health care and real-emer-
gency, emergency room care Vore
said. "We hope to hook up with
children with a doctor who can be-
come their own
The Caring Program is aided
by over 1,000 physicians and hospi-
tals who provide treatment at re-
duced fees. In Pitt County there are
more than 31 health care providers.
Vore feels that the program
has been very successful. She sees
the Caring Program as a good way
to help remedy health care prob-
"It is and exciting way for a
community to solve a problem that
government is spending a lot of
time trying to solve Vore said.
In order to bring the Caring
Program to the attention of the pub-
lic tne council participates in sev-
eral activities. Theseprojects include
providing local civic groups and
churches with speakers and partici-
pating in area health fairs and other
child-related exhibits.
Most donations given to the
Caring Program come from Pitt
County. More donations are needed
to help sponsor children in need of
health care. The Caring Program
also welcomes volunteers, espe-
cially students.
"We would love for a group
on campus to take on the Caring
Program as a project Vore said.
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? the FMA's first meeting Thursday Sept. 1
in GC 1031
? the Investment Club's first meeting Thursday
Sept. 1 inGC 1031
? and the FMAlnvestment Club 's "Back to
School" barbeque Sunday Sept. 11
? 3:00pm until 8:00pm
? Elm Street Park
? See the FMAlnvestment Club bulletin board
on the third floor of the General Classroom
building for more information. See any current
member of the FMA or Investments Club for
more information. Contact Amy, Finance Dept.
Secretary, to find us.
? Ask About Membership Application.
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September 1, 1994
The East Carolinian ?
Page 5
The East Carolinian
? Stephanie Lassiter, News Editor
jTambra Zlon, Asst. News Editor
jMark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
jKris Hoffler, Ar$r. Lifestyle Editor
? jWarren Sumner, Sports Editor
? JDave Pond, Asst. Sports Editor
'? JW. Brian HaD, Opinion Page Editor
! "Stephanie Smith, Staff Illustrator ,
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Tonya Heath, Advertising Director
Printed on
l. recycled'
Thomas Brobst, Copy Editor
Alexa Thompson, Copy Editor
Jon Cawley, Typesetter
Shalanda Jones, Typesetter
Lisa Sessoms, Typesetter
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Patrick Hinson, Asst. Layout Manager
Sean McLaughlin, Creative Director
Randall Rozzcll, Asst. Creative Director
Leslie Petty, Photo Editor
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
? Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The
wasthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
?vords, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit orreject letters for publication,
letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
Xw more information, call (919) 757-6366. .
? One of thebiggest shocks to any new college
tjtudent is the first trip to the book store. However,
jflkey soon learn to deal with waiting in lines for an
Siour ormore and holding 50 pounds of textbooks
?just for the reward of giving away hundreds of
Unfortunately, thanks to some horrible
planning on the part of the ECU administration,
this semi-annual nightmare has become even
As was reported in The East Carolinian
Tuesday, The Student Stores has restricted the
use of Pirate Points cards to $50 per trip to the
cash register. This amount was worked out in an
agreement with University Book Exchange
(U.B.E.). .
However, this is problematic for those in the
unfortunate situation of having to wait in line
many times to buy books. The real problem is not
that the university has imposed this artificial
limit on purchases. The problem is not that U.B.E.
complained, causing the university to do so. The
real problem is that ECU is using The Student
Stores to collect every cent that it can from
The university does this through its
incestuous relationship With The Student Stores.
It has been the plan of ECU to eliminate
completion wherever possible. For example, the
university is already requiring freshmen to buy
meal plans. One can only wonder if requiring
participation in the Pirate Points plan is next.
Because The Student Stores' success is
a university concern, ECU has every motivation
to "encourage" students to shop there and not at
U.B.E. As a result, the university has developed
the Pirate Points account. Once a student and or
hisher parents enter into this plan, The Student
Stores is the only option for buying books. While
the university defends the practice as simply a
public service, it plainly is not. If it were, the plan
would be open to all area merchants. What it is,
in the simplest terms, is a way for the university
to make sure that you shop at The Student Stores.
Moreover, contributing to the unfairness of
the system, the university uses its advance
knowledge of the student rosters to propagandize
for this plan by sending brochures for it out in
tuition bills. It obviously hopes to prey upon
parents' fears that their children will misspend
the money that they are given. This practice of
preemptively signing students up clearly puts
U.B.E. at a competitive disadvantage since it
cannot do the same.
If the university truly wants to provide a
service for its students, they will realize that
consumers are best served with a maximum of
Educational system proves failure to society
By H.
Education in the American,
capitalist society has failed to
ameliorate worsening social and
economic conditions. Its portrayal
as a panacea for America's sodo-
economic illness is nothing more
than a facade foolishly
perpetuated by a deteriorating
society. The hope of millions of
Americans to achieve the so-called
"American 'dream" has been
belied by a hidden curriculum and
unfair educational practices, such
as tracking and ability grouping.
Despite American education's
guise of being a system which
advocates egalitarian prindples
and equality of opportunity, it
continues to function as an
institution geared towards
maintaining the status quo and
furthering the hegemony of a
functionalist, educational elite. It
is these influences, and the people
that support mem, mat continue
to control the curriculum.
As a capitalist nation given
birth to from the substratum of
laissez-faire economics and
democratic ideals, it only stands
to reason that economics and
democratic ideology would play
a prominent role not only in
government, but also in schools.
The economic purposes of
education are the increasing of
national wealth and the
advancement of technological
development. In order for
industrialization to be effective,
mere must be not only investment
in machinery and capital
equipment, there must also be a
similar investment in the
development of human skills.
Subsequently, education then has
an economic value for the sodety
at large.
Very often, the schools do not
improve social conditions, but
merely teach people to be
accepting of them. If one can be
conditioned to accept their lot in
life, then he of she will not be
prone to arguing for change or
equality of opportunity. Social
control can best be served, and is
served in American classrooms,
by encouraging passive learning
and discouraging students from
beingvocal in asserting their rights
or opinions. Hegemony serves the
purpose of "keeping a tab" on
those who would question the
social structure. Hegemony exists
when one dass , through such
cultural formsasmemedia,church
or schools attempts to control the
thinking of another dass.
The most obvious example of
(white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant
and elitist) in America is the
indoctrination of the so-called
"Protestant ethic which promises
success and reward for hard work
and faithful dedication. By giving
people the false impression that if
they fulfill these criteria they will
be successful, those in power are
able to socialize people into
accepting their circumstances.
The best solution for the
public schools would be to place
power and control into the hands
of the very people who experience
the schools daily, namely the
students. This statement may be
considered impractical or even
quixotic, but it is my contention
that American education has
arrived at a point when student
empowerment in the schools may
be the only hope for reform. At
present, the educational system
is headed down a cul-de-sac in
which no one seems able to
provide any concrete answers or
solutions as to why education has
failed. The continuation of
educational objectives may well
depend on students coming
together and taking control over
their destinies.
Jerry Farber, in his book The
Student as Nigger , makes an
argument for student autonomy:
"If we are going to continue
public education the people and
their elected representatives will
have to accept a new and radical
polity: that they must pay for
schools without controlling them
The schools would instead be run
not "by the legislature nor the
governor nor any board of regents
or board of education nor by any
chancellor or superintendent of
schools but only by the persons
participating in the school itself
Farber goes on to say, "School
is where you let the dying sodety
put its trip on you. Our schools
may seem useful But they're
poisonous as well. They exploit
and enslave students; they petrify
society; they make democracy
Schools do not have to
continue in this fashion. Students
must empower themselves and
have an active voice in the
workings of their schools,
particularly the curriculum. Only
through unceasing commitment
on the part of students and
concerned educators to the ideals
of a true democratic education can
the schools and society at large
ever hope to combat the savage
inequalities that still exist in
American education.
Without learning nothing can
progress, but students must be
allowed to progress on their own.
When students are subjected to
unfair practices such as tracking,
when they are educated merely to
serve the economic and sociai
functions of the state, when they
are robbed of their freedom of self-
expression and autonomy, and
when hopes and aspirations to
attain the "American dream"
become nothing more than a
specious prospect, then education
has failed them. As Karl Marx so
eloquently remarked: "Itisnotthe
consciousness of men that
determined their being, but, on
the contrary, their social being
which determined their
consciousness If we continue to
educate generations of students
in the manner in which we have
for so long, then the consciousness
of future generations will be no
consciousness at all.
Unpleasant historical truths often sanitized
A year from this month will
mark the 50th anniversary of the
bombing of the Japanese cities
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in 1945.
The two events, which happened
about four days apart, brought a
sad and bloody end toa long world
war in which America and many
other countries paid very dearly.
Right now, in Washington, D.C
the Smithsonian Museum is
having trouble trying to figure out
the best way to present the Enola
Gay, the B-29 bomber thatdropped
the first atomic bomb on human
beings. A lot of different groups
are fighting and disagreeing about
how best to present the bomber
and tell the story. Each side argues
that the story should be told a
certain way, that the presentation
should say certain things and not
others about the incident.
Fifty years later, the world is
still trying to decide on what
actually happened that day, on
August 6, 1945, and whether or
not what the United States did at
the time was justified. The
situation: At the time before the
bombing, the United States had
fought its way from Pearl Harbor
to the Japanese mainland ? four
years and thousands of lives
worth of hard fighting. A series
of very costly and bloody battles
was fought to take the strategic
islands in the Pacific back, and to
beat the Japanese back to where
they were, step by step.
However, the still proud and
fierce Japanese army and people
had no intention of surrendering.
It looked like America was going
to have to launch a full-scale land
invasion of Japan, probably not
much unlike the invasion of
Europe by the allies at
Normandy. Needless to say, after
four terrible years of war, that
was not an option to which the
American people or the
government were looking
forward. A full-scale invasion
would no doubt cost hundreds
of thousands more lives from
both the Japanese and American
armies, and from the Japanese
civilians caught in the fighting.
The American government
examined its other options, and I
find it easy to believe thatwe were
also eager to see if this bomb that
we'd been working on for a few
years, and the science behind it,
could actually work,and theextent
of devastation it would exact. We
also believed thatthe enemies were
working on similar projects, and
we felt that we should strike first.
However, when one does look at
the bombing inddent, we must
also not forget the events that lead
up to it, and the possibilities we
were looking at if we dedded not
to use the bomb. Either way, itwas
not a pretty picture, and I would
hate to have to bear the
responsibility of having made the
One thing I noticed, after
reading about the inddent, is that
we say so little about it in our own
history books. In all my years in
school I may remember seeing it
mentioned in one paragraph in
one history book, just a little note
that said, "Oh yeah, by the way,
the U.S. dropped two atomic
bombs on the Japanese people to
end World War II, but ,uh, thaf s
not really worth noting What it
failed to mention was that, in a
dvilians like ourselves, we killed
over a 100,000 with just the blast
from the bomb. Thousands more
were caught in the wreckage of
their homes and were burned to
death when the dties caught fire,
and no one was there or physically
able to help them. We don't talk
By Patrick Hinson
much about all the innocent people
we killed, nor the effects of the
bomb from radiation thatlingered
for years. We'd sort of like to sweep
that under the rug, kind of pretend
it never happened.
After reading about this, I
think if s kind of sad that we push
these things aside in our histories,
much like we fail to mention how
we treated the Native Americans
when the nation was young, or
slavery, and probably much like
German history books say so little
about the Holocaust, and how
Japan seems to have forgotten
about the rape of Nanking and
many other atrocities they
committed before and during the
war. Do Russian history books talk
about the millions killed under
Stalin's reign? I wonder. We seem
to like to keep our own histories
cleaner, a classic case of
ethnocentrism; trying to believe
and teach that our culture isbetter
or more dvilized than any other.
When we think back on our own
lives, we usually can't help but
remember the bad times too, can't
we? History, above all, should be
honest, and yet that seems too
often be the last thing that it ever
When we talk and think about
these things, we must remember
to forgive. What happened in the
past was done by other people,
and hopefully, should we ever be
faced with similar circumstances,
we can find a better way out. We
still should remember them
though, and not in the name of
anger or revenge, but in the name
of peace. It is hard not to make the
same mistakes over and over again
throughout history, but that is our
job as the younger generation, to
avoid making them, and really it
seems to be one test that we can't
afford to fail.
Let your opinions be heard by thousands in the ECU
community. The East Carolinian welcomes all Letters to
the Editor. All letters, in order to b-e considered for
publication, must be typed, under 250 words, and con-
tain your name, class rank, major and a working day-
time phone number. Send these to: Letters to the Editor,
The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU,
Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
The East Carolinian is now accepting
applications for News, Sports and Opinion
writers. Come by the Student Pubs Building,
near Joyner Library. We pay big bucks for
good writers, so come on down today.

September 1, 1994
For Rent
to share 3 bedroom house located in a
quiet neighborhood near the hospital.
Must be a serious student and non-
smoker.260 rent per month includes
utilities and cable TV. If interested,
call Harold after4:00 p.m. at 830-5160.
Non-smoker; $122.50 rent; 13 utili-
ties; share room; spacious apt; Pool
laundry; Please contact Ruthann at
apartment 12 block from Art Build-
ing, 3 blocks from downtown, 2 blocks
from Supermarket. Starting immedi-
ately. Call 757-1947
month 1 4 utilities, cable, phone etc.
Pets ok. Large Backyard quiet neigh-
borhood. Available immediately. Non-
smoker preferred call 752-5405
to share two bedroom apartment in
Wyndham Court. Please contact
Miriam at 752-8440
NEEDED to share a 2 bedroom and 2
bathroom mobile home at Greystone
Mobile Home Park. Only $175 and 1
2utiUties. If interested call Scottat321-
0404. Non-Smoker preferred.
one block from campus, $15 per month.
Call 830-9125
ing, non-drinking, serious female stu-
dent non-student needed to share 2
bdrm apt- Stratford Arms. Pay 12
rent, elect phone. Call Sheila 321-
312 bedroom house 3 blocks from
campus 1 block from supermarket.
Open-minded. Easy going. $150
month 13 utilities. Call 752-4462
ATELY fully furnished apt 2 bdrm at
Plantation. Mature female, non-
smoker. No pets. Pay 12 rent and
bills. Call ASAP. Jennifer 355-3167 lv.
$170 rent, close to campus call Laura
?1 and 2 Bedrooms
Clean and Quiet, one bediuom
furnished apartments. $240 a
month, 6 month lease.
2899-2901 East 5th Street
?Located near ECU
?ECU Bus Service
?On-Site Laundry
"Special Student Leases"
J.T. or Tommy Williams
756-781 S758-7436
For Sale
afternoon or evening.
BIKE. Good condition. $800 new.
Sell for $275. 758-3122
TWO $50 SEATS for Rolling ones
concert. Just want to get my money
back. $54.75 each, call 524-4058 ask
for Cooley
FOR SALE: Refrigerator, perfect for
dorm. In great condition. Call 752-
Schmidt. Mint condition. $200.
752-1373 ask for Bruce.
Heroes Are Here Too
116 E. 5th Street i
757-0948 !
Comics and Sportscards ?
10 OFF w Coupon I
expires! 31-94
For Sale
Glass top dining table w 6 chairs-
$225 obo. Washerdryer $100 forboth.
Call Holly 752-2126
1976 VW BEETLE. Fuel Injection. New-
Paint, Metallic Grey with Black Trim.
Runs and Looks great. $2500.00 NE-
GOTIABLE. Contact 758-2264 Late
POTs FOR SALt- tCU Student
Pottery and Craft sale, Sat. 9:00- 7:00,
Downtown 3rd and Pi tt Street. Look
for the Yellow house with the yellow
Pot sign.
FOR SALE 16' x 90' carpet. Perfect
for a dorm room or loft. Must sell.
Call 830-5347.
LOVE SEAT $20 and super-single
waterbed with heater $50 obo. phone
TWO SINGLE BEDS for sale, can
be bunk beds. Call Gordon at 752-
sale, multi-color earth tone shades,
$100 355-6873 leave message
AND WATCHERS: Welcome back
to ECU! Sports supplements at ma-
jor discount prices: Met-Rx, Creat-
ine, Vanadyl Sulfate, Cybergenks,
Cybertrim, Super Fat Burners, Su-
per Chromoplex, Weight gain pow-
ders (all), Amino acids, Hot Stuff,
Herbs, Multi-Vitamins, and many
more! Call Brad today at 830-2128
for more info.
FOR SALE: Couch chair $30, glass
top table 4 chairs $40, Large dorm
For Sale
refrigerator $75,automated telescope$2J0,
weight bench with weights and leg attach-
ments $25, Vacuum cleaner $35, futon $15,
Black floor lamp $10, call 752-0820. Leave
FOR SALE: 76 Dodge Aspen, runs good
but needs alternator wire, asking $300. Call
756-9983 ask for Mike
GEOTRACKER'91 LSI,Metallicbluewith
Black top: AC, stereo, cruise control. Great
fun! $9,100 or best offer. Call 752-5816 after
for women only. 529.50 per month. Call 752
'A imr. IM.4
!? Services Offered
PARTY OVER HERE! Hey Greeks and
othersocial groups. Your party isn'tpump'n
until Mobile Music Productions disc jockey
service arrives. MMP provides the music
you want to hear when you want to hear it.
Experienced D.Js with the widest variety
of music. Call Lee @ 758-4644 early for
PROFESSIONAL resumeSecretarial
work. Specializing in Resume composition
wcover-letters stored on disc, term pa-
pers, thesis, legal transcriptions, general
typing and other secretarial duties. Word
Perfect or Microsoft Word for windows
software. Call todav(8A-5P-752-9959)(eve-
nings 527-9133)
NEED TYPING? Campus secretary pro-
vides professional, fast service. Low rates.
15 yrs. experience with student papers. 355-
3611 after 5pm or leave message.
priced right for students- call 752-8163 and
leave message
Help Wanted
ational Services is hiring marketingpublic
relations assistants for fall '94. Conact
Jeannette Roth at 328-6387 andor com-
plete an application in 204 Christenbury
Gymnasium. 8-10 hours a week. Mostly
afternoon and evenings.
Greenville Recreation & Parks Department
is recruiting for 12 to 16 part-time youth
soccer coaches for the fall youth soccer
program. Applicants must possess some
knowledge of the soccer skills and have the
ability and patience to work with youth.
Applicants must be able to coach young
people ages 5-15, in soccer fundamentals.
Hours are from 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm with
some night and weekend coaching. This
program will run from September to mid-
November. Salary rates start at $4.25 per
hour. For more information, please call Ben
James of Michael Daly at 830-4550 after
$10-$400UP WEEKLY, Mailing Brochures!
SpareFull-time. Set own hours! Rush self-
addressed stamped envelope: Publishers
(GI) 1821 Hillandale Rd 1B-295, Durham,
NC 27705.
stuffing envelopes at home. All materials
provided. Send SASE to Central Distribu-
tors PO BOx 10075, KS 66051. Immediate
Brody's and Brody's for Men are accepting
applications for additional part-time sales
and customer service associates. We
offer flexible schedules to fit most
needs, salary, and a clothing discount.
If you would enjoy working with East-
ern North Carolina's Fashion leader,
we invite you to apply. Interviews
held each Monday and Thurday, 1-4
pm, Brody's The Plaza.
Beauty International has positions
open on campus, extra dollars or full-
time income. Call Kim 910-353-9684.
NEEDED; Driver with truck to
Manhatten, Call Sarah at X6220.
LADIES WANTED: Models, Danc-
ers, Escorts, Masseuars. Earn BIG
BUCKS in the cleanest club in North
Carolina.Mustbel8Years01d. PLAY-
MATES Adult Entertainment. 919-747-
western Mutual Life informational
meeting Sept. 133:30pm rm 1026 Gen-
eral Classroom building Call Susan
$1000 plus a week escorting in the
Greenville area with a liscensed
agency. Also need one part time re-
ceptionist at $7 ph. Must be 18, de-
pendable and have own phone and
transportation. Call Diamonds or
Emerald City Escorts at 758-0896 or
A DEGREE IS GREAT but a degree
with practical experience is better. On
Line Information Services is currently
taking applications for part-time tele-
phone collectors. If interested please
apply at 1206 Charles Blvd. Greenville
LAW FIRM approximately 20 hours a
week doing clerical and general secre-
tarial work from 8:30am to 12 noon.
Position also available as telephone
receptionist. Morning and afternoon
hours available. Familiarity with com-
puters required. Send resume to Post
Office Drawer 5026, Greenville, N.C.
WANTED to care for two young chil-
dren in my home on Tuesdays from
8:45-5:00. Own transportation and ref-
erences required. Call 756-0941.
girl Tues. 10:30am- 3pm and Friday
11:30-4pm- could be flexible on finish
time to accomodate schedule. Also
occasional evenings- wage negotiable-
Please call 321-4738 (10 min. drive from
campus- need own transportation)
BREAK TRIPS! Sell 8 trips and go
free! Best trips & prices! Bahamas,
Cancun, Jamaica, Panama City! Great
resume experience! 1-800-678-6386!
MATERNITY HOME needs volun-
teers to be Big Sisters and Activity
Assistants. Great workexperience! Call
PauletteBroyvnat 758-8218. Next train-
ing Sept. 7&i.
TRONICSCOMP ANY seeks campus
sales represenative; Gain valuable ex-
perience plus substantial earning po-
Page 6
tenhal. Call 1-800-345-CAVE
responsible student wanted with prior
childcare experience to care for our two
children, ages 5 and 9, on weekend
evenings and occasional overnight
stays. Call 752-6372
Bring your outgoing personality, trans-
portation and 35mm SLR camera and
become one of our professional pho-
tographers. No experience necessary;
we train. Good pay, flexible hours. Call
1-800-722-7033 M-F 12-5pm
WANTED America's fastest growing
travel company now seeking individu-
als promoting trips to Jamaica, Cancun,
Bahamas, Florida, Padre, Barbados. The
easiest way to free travel, fantastic pay.
Call Sunsplash Tours 1-800-426-7710
County Memorial Hospital is seeking
qualified individuals to teach aerobic
classes through its employee recreation
and wellness department. Persons will
contract to teach or. a part-time basis.
Interested candidates should contact
Ms Scottie Gaskins between 8am-
4:30pm at (919) 816-5958. Pitt County
Memorial Hospital
SPRING BREAK '95- Sell trips, earn
cash & go free Student Travel Ser-
vices is now hiring campus
represenatives. Lowestrates to Jamaica,
Cancun, Daytona and Panama City
Beach. Call 1 -800-648-1849
BRODY'S is accepting applications for
receiving room associates. Verify in-
coming shipmentstag and price mer-
chandise. Some lifting required. Excel-
lent hours. Ideal for individuals sitting
out the fall semester. Interview Mon-
day and Thursday, l-4pm, Brody's, The
Center Apply in person
WANTED: First and second year stu-
dents to fill leadership positions. Call
830-2284 or 758-5284
LAW FIRM has openings for mailroom
messengers, part-time 8:00- 2:00 or 2:00-
6:00 five daysweek. Errands, mail,
copies, fax, general office. Applications
from the receptionist, Ward and Smith,
120 West Firetower Road.
be outgoing, energetic, and willing to
leam, flexible hours. Apply at Green-
ville Country Club, TuesFri 8am-
4pm, 756-1237.
2 STOCKSALES PEOPLE, heavy lift-
ingrequired. Applyat Youth Shop Bou-
tique, Arlington Village.
?Mr I
will hold its interest meetings
August 30,31 and September 1
in Brewster C 301 from 6-8.
For more info, please call 328-
Egg Greek
ECU FEMALES have you ever
wondered about sisterhood, so-
cials or greek life? If so, give Pi
Delta a try. More info on Pi Delta
rush later. Any questions Rill
752-0573 or 328-4235.
PIDELTA: Pre-Rush Ice-cream
social. Come one come all- meet
the sisters of Pi Delta. Refresh-
ments will be served for more
info, call 752-0573
a pref party that was unique.
Not to mention any names,
but after Fri. night they
haven't been the same. From
the basement full of PJ, pool
and foosball to the attic per-
sons went to experience a
different world. We'll all
have to soon get together
again, Fri. evening was so
fun we didn't want it to end!
Thanks again, sisters and
new members of AOPI
gratulations on a productive
and successful rush.
Everyone's joint efforts
contributed to our overall
success. Panda hugs gals-
great job!
new members of Alpha Omi-
cron Pi: Holly Berg, Nikki
Blackstock, Kara Blaha,
Raegan Coleman, Danielle
Danzi, Danielle Howell, Su-
san Kidd, Jennifer Klimek,
Jennifer Koch, Tracy Long,
Jennifer Longwell, Allison
McCullen, Amanda
McKinney, Lorri Murphy,
Tonya Redeke, Emily Rea-
son, Amy Seal, Lisa Sutton,
and Catherine Weibel. Look
forward to an exciting
pledge period gals!
would like to thank and con-
gratulate Trisha Marsh for
an excellent job directing
rush this year. We couldrA
have pulled it off without
ya! Love, your sisters.
night was a huge success.
The PJ was tasty and lays
were in excess. Congratula-
tions to your new pledges
and to Dave and Julie. Delta
Grace Kelly and Amy
Gardner on their
initiation.We love you guys!
PIK A - pref nite was super!
Thanks for all you did to
make it a great time. Love,
the sisters and pledges of Chi
gratulations to all of the new
Chi Omega pledges. We had a
blast on pref night. PIKE
The Greenville-Pitt County Special
Olympics is looking for coaches in the
following sports: basketball, skills,
swimming,powerlifting, rollerskating,
bowlingquestrian, and soccer. No
experience necessary. A soccer
coaches' training school will be held
on Saturday, Sept. 17 from 9:00 am-4
pm for all interested in volunteering
forsoccer. For more infocontact Mark
or Connie at 830-4551.
The Newman Catholic Student Cen-
ter invites you to worship with them.
Sunday Masses: 11:30am and 8:30pm
Wednesday: 5:30pm (followed by a
fellowship meal). The Newman Cen-
ter is located at 953 East 10th Street,
two houses from the Fletcher Music
Building, more information, please call
Fr. Paul Vaeth, 7571991.
We will be holding our annual "Kick-
off Meeting" Thursday September 1,
1994 at the Pirate Club Building, lo-
cated behind Dowdy-FicklenStadium.
All Students are invited to come listen
to guest speaker Jeff Conners - ECU
Strength and Conditioning Coach.
Learn how you can become part of the
Team behind the Team.
The Decision Sciences Dept. will offer
a non-credit EXCELL courrse at no
cost. Classes are 2-4pm Fridays from
Septmeber 2-Septmeber 30, 1994.
Enrollment is limited; preference will
be given to students that received
transferredit for DSCI 2223 Intro-
duction to Computers. To register
call (919) 328-6893 or stop by the
Decision Sciences office (GCB 3410)
by September 1,1994. EXCEL is the
spreadsheet and graphics package
used in business courses.
We're working for Victory in No-
vember, Our first meeting will be on
September 8 at 5:30pm in Room 14,
Mendenhall Student Center. To get
involved call Steve Benzkofer at 355-
The Career Services office will hold
orientation meetings for seniors and
graduate students on the following
dates:Tue. Sept. 6, Mon. Sept. 12,
Wed Sept. 21 at 3:00pm in
Mendenhall 221. Students will re-
ceive instructions on registering with
Career Services and establishing a
credentials file.
The Career Services office announces
its schedule of workshops on re-
sume writing: Wed Sept. 7 & Thurs
Sept. 8 at
3:00pm in Mendenhall 221. Participants
will learn about format, content and pro-
duction of a professional resume. Hand-
outs will be available. This workshop is
especially designed for prospective gradu-
ates, but is open to anyone.
The Ladies of Delta Sigma Theta invite you
to a Krimson and Kream Ice Cream Social.
It will be held in the Great Room in
Mendenhall September 7 at 7:00pm. The
Topic of discussion will be "The Dos and
Don'ts for the Ladies of the 90's
A new bible study for graduate students is
now being formed. All graduate students
are encouraged to become part of this new
study. We will have an informational meet-
ing Friday September 2, at 7:00pm in Jenkins
Auditorium in conjunction with Campus
Challenge. For more information contact
Dave at 355-8277.
Thurs Sept. 8?ECU Faculty Chamber Re-
cital, Jack Budrow, bass; Mark Ford, per-
cussion; Selma Gokcen, cello; and Nathan
Williams,clarinet(A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall,
8:00pm Free).
The College Republicans will meet at
6:00pm on Thursday Sept. 1 in GCB Room
All Education Majors! SNCAE's 1st
meetingwill be Thurs. Sept. 1 inSpeight
Rm 308. Great info & Fun - Welcome
1st meeting of 94-95 to be held in for-
eign language lounge (GC 3rd floor)
Wed. Sept. 7 at 4:30pm. Everyone in-
terested in learning the language and
culture is invited to join! (You do not
have to speak Spanish) Join us. Elec-
tions for new officers and plans for the
coming year to be discussed. For info,
contact Ramon Serrano (328-8542) or
Karina Collentine (757-6017).
There will be a meeting on Sept. 8th at
6:00 in the BBT Leadership room,
GCB. Dinner will be provided if you
RSVP to 328-4796 by Sept. 2nd.
If you are interested in helping others in
a way to better society, then this club is
for you. We volunteer in projects such
as: Special Olympics, the Dream Fac-
tory, Habitat for Humanity, Associa-
tion of Retarded Citizens, the Soup
Kitchen, and many more. For more info,
on joining this wonderful service orga-
nization please contact Angela Bryant
at 328-7922. Our first meeting will be
announced soon!
starts soon for the 94-95 season. Get in
shapeor just come out for some fun. For
info, call Bob Goral 752-2965
Employment is available toqualified gradu-
ate students who are majoring in either
learning disabliities, school psychology, or
rehabilitation studies. Duties will include
counseling and delivery of academic sup-
port services to a diverse population of
students with special needs. For further
information, contact the office for Disabil-
ity Support Services, Brewster A-l 16, Tele-
phone 328-6799
ECU Recreational Services is hosting the
NFLECU Football Pick'em Contest. Any-
one can give it a shot and win great weekly
prizes! Celebrity prognosticators from
across campus will attempt to defy the
odds. To pick up your weekly pick'em
sheet, stop by 104 Christenbury Gym-
nasium, or check out the pick'em ad-
vertisement in The East Carolinian
beginning September 6. Call 328-6387
Classifieds Announcements Displayed
$5.50 per inch:
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each additional word $0.05
?Alt ads must be pre-paid
Any organization mayuse the Announce-
ments Section of The East Carolinian to
list activities and events open to the public
two times free of charge. Due to the
limited amount of space, The East Caro-
linian cannot guarantee the publication of
Displayed advertisments may be
cancelled before 10a.m. the day
prior to publication; however, no
refunds will be given.
Friday 4 p.m. for Tuesday's Edition.
Tuesday 4 p.m. for Thursday's Edition
For more
information call

The East Carolinian
September 1, 1994
Page 7
King leads show at the Creek
By Steve Griffin
Staff Writer
The rain did not stop all the talented blues
bands from putting on a great show on Saturday,
Aug. 27, at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre's Third
Annual Blues Festival. The show opened up
with the All-Star Alligator Band doing a tribute
to Muddy Waters. This band featured some
great blues perfr-mers including the leader of
the band, pianist Dr. John. The Alligator Band
played some old Muddy Waters tunes and also
some of their own type of more up-beat blues,
featuring every type of instrument imaginable.
This band made the audience feel like they were
in the heart of New Orleans with their strong
bluesvibe. This tribute was a nice way to kick off
the festival, because it honored one of the best
blues men ever, Muddy Waters.
The next band was the popular southern
outfit Little Feat, who mix blues and some coun-
try rock sounds. This band was the letdown of
the show, putting on a disappointing perfor-
mance. Little Feat added a female singer to the
tour that did not fit in with the band's style.
When she came out and sang the first song, it
did not even sound like Little Feat. The band
works well because they've all played together
in the past, but she overpowered the band with
an annoying country voice so loud one couldn't
even hear the band. Finally, she went away for
a couple of songs, and Little Feat played some
of their classics such as "Dixie Chicken
Another disappointing thing about Little
classic "Juanita This is like Jimmy Buffet not
playing "Margaritaville" in concert. Both are
crowd- pleasing songs that should be played at
every show.
B.B. King came on next and stole the show
with a magnificent performance. The crowd
heard at the Creek. King is a blues legend, and he
showed why he is so popular by playing almost
three hours of stunning blues music. King and his
blues boys started off fast, playing some upbeat
New Orleans-style jazz and blues mix. He intro-
duced each member of his band to do a solo with
their own instrument. King finished off the solo
part with his own unbelievably long guitar solo.
King then sat down and slowed down to some
relaxing, mesmerizing blues. He played along with
the crowd during this part of the show, getting them
to sing along to some old favorites. He did a good job
keeping in touch with the crowd during his long set
by talking and playing to them about love, pain and
the blues.
This is probably the last time to see a great blues
legend like B.B. King around this area, and to also
witness a tribute to another legend like Muddy
Watersinthesameshow. The festival was a nice mix
ofblueswimallthegreatperformers,butIcouldha e
done without the disappointing Little Feat.
Improved Fountain
gushes at O'Rock's
By Kris Hoffler
Appearing soon for your
education and amusement:
I's Labor Day weekend,
so met places are closed, but
here a the paltry selections
we're left with
liursday, September 1
Ecwin McCain Band at
thtAttic (Blues Rock)
in day, September!
Lef of Heaven at the Attic
(Classic Rock)
Tnvis Tritt with Joe Diffie
andLee Roy Parnell at Walnut
Ceek in Raleigh (Country)
Saturday, September 3
Silverwings at the Attic
(Country Rock)
Wednesday, September 7
Lightnin' Wells at The
Stvent Stores 11:30-1:00 p.m.
3arry Drake: "60'sRock,
Whi the Music Mattered" at
Fndrix Theatre (Speaker)
FREE! 8:00 p.m.
Jim Carrey carriesTfoe Mask
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
Jim Carrey, the lanky, physi-
cal, comedic actor of television's
"In Living Color scored big last
year with the wildly successful
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Be-
cause of that film, Carrey's new-
est film, The
Mask, arrives
with many ex-
pectations. Fans
expect the film
to be funny, in a
goofy sort of
way, and the
studio execu-
tives expect the
film to turn a
tidy profit.
from the audi-
ence reaction to
the film, fans are getting what
they expected and judging from
the initial box office take of The
Mask, studio execs are getting
what they expected also.
Audience reaction during the
screening of The Mask which 1
attended was very positive. Fans
roared in laughter as Carrey's
character, Stanley Ipkiss, trans-
formed from mild-mannered
bank clerk to super-powerful,
and super-macho, super-hero.
As the Mask, Stanley fights
crime, scares landlords, woos his
dream girl (a sizzling debut by
Cameron Diaz), and gets back at
the society that intimidates him
by day.
The Mask, as a film, plays
like a B-movie. The laughter is
deliberately broad, the pranks
eye-catching, if not particularly
inventive, and the plot more
worn than a foyer carpet. The
producers knew that Carrey was
their trump card in this movie
deal and thus they made sure to
exaggerate his role.
The filmmakers spent some
time on the special effects, which
do look quite good, but they
obviously spent much time
making sure Carrey got more
Even so,
the few
is not in
t h e
story, it
drags on
bounces off
walls like a
many faults become apparent
when The Mask tries to focus on
one of the bad guys. Thankfully
Carrey's antics compensate for
these slow stretches.
The plot of The Mask is
pretty simple. Stanley finds a
mask floating in a river, which
earlier in the film had been re-
leased from a sunken treasure
chest when a dropped pipe hit a
diver working underwater. (The
significance of the chest is never
clear, perhaps deliberately so,
but at least the filmmakers make
a stab, however weak, at trying
to explain Stanley's powers.)
Stanley dons the mask to
become a green-faced, super-
powered cartoon. Stanley
bounces off hallway walls like a
high velocity superball and re-
turns to form even after being
smashed on the pavement. The
reason for these cartoon-like at-
tributes is that the mask brings
out whatever is inside a person
and since Stanley loves old Tex
Avery cartoons, a cartoon is what
Stanley becomes.
With his powers Stanley
roams at night dancing with his
dream girl and generally caus-
ing trouble, like robbing a bank.
In the morning Stanley a wakens
as his normal self and goes to
work in his normal way.
Eventually a police detective
gets suspicious of Stanley and
begins to tail him. Stanley man-
ages to stay out of jail, except
once and then he escapes with
the help of his dog. He stays out
of trouble until the end of the
film when a dramatic (I use the
term loosely) confrontation oc-
curs between Stanley and the
Though Carrey steals The
Mask, one of the most uproari-
ous sequences in the film comes
when Stanley's dog dons the
mask and becomes a maniacal
cartoon dog with oversized
fangs. Seeing this tiny dog be-
come a ferocious animated crea-
ture ready to reek havoc on any-
one who gets in his way is guar-
anteed to evoke laughter. This is
one of the few inspired scenes in
the film and it is almost worth
sitting through the other ninety
minutes to see it.
Though The Mask is not a
particularly good film, it pro-
vides enough zing and pop to
warrant a recommendation, if a
cautious one. Carrey truly has a
screen presence that is a genuine
delight to watch. Perhaps one
day his films will be as funny as
he is.
On a scale of one to ten, The
Mask rates a six.
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
If students want to experi-
ence music on the cutting edge,
there are only two things they
can do in Greenville: They can
look at MTV and see their opin-
ion of cutting edge, or they can
go td O'Rcrckefeller's on the
weekends. WZMB used to be a
third option, but it is now sadly
moving towards an MTV for-
mat. This weekend marks the
end of O'Rock's summer silence.
They have been closed since the
end of spring semester. On Fri-
day night, they got back to the
old three-bands-for-thre- bucks
deal. The three bands were
Supple, Shake and Fountain of
The first band listed on the
flier was Lank, but when they
got on stage they announced
themsleves as Supple. Indeci-
sion is a terrible thing. Supple is
a local band, and this was their
debut in the Emerald City. For
lack of a better word, I will Have
to call their style grunge, with
some healthy pop hooks thrown
in. The two guitars and what
seemed to be an accomplished
bassist produced a full but
danceable sound. "Hey Good
Lookin is a nice little country
tune that they morphed into a
punk stomp. Very interesting.
Supple also did an instrumen-
tal with a special guest on trum-
pet, complete with headband
and plunger for mute. Brass in-
struments are rare in O'Rock's.
Overall, their first appearance
went over well with the small
crowd. Maybe we'll see more of
them in the future.
The band Shake, out of
Wilimington, was the second
to play. It would be safe to say
that they're a good, but stan-
dard, college alternative band.
Well, maybe they're a little
above standard since they have
played CBGB's in New York.
Their set was short but intense.
Exit Shake.
Fountain of Youth was the
main band for the night, but
they didn't draw the crowd that
is normally associated with
their performances in Green-
ville. Fountain seems to have
changed their sound a little
since the last time I saw them.
Their sound has become a little
harder. It is still dance-oriented
pop, but a more abrasive, which
is probably a good thing.
O'Rock's is not known for its
perfect acoustics, but I think
the Fountain has improved
musically; the band has become
a tighter unit. They did do their
new single, "Butterfly which
is a testament to their cleaner
but slightly harsher sound.
However, their basic formula
still remains in the area of the
bouncy groove they are known
for. It was probably refreshing
to more than just this reviewer
to see that the band is not stag-
nating; change is good.
This was a strong showing
for local talent, which proves
even the desolation that is
Greenville can produce some
quality sounds. Three cheers
for O'Rock's. Thanks to them,
students have something to
choose frombesides a Bad Com-
pany cover band. Three more
cheers for the three bands who
didn't sound anything like Bad
Company. As Madonna says,
"Express yourself
Kendrix Theatre
rosts little magic
Photo by Suzanne Clark
The happy-go-lucky boys from Fountain of
Youth cavort for their devoted fans on the
?'Rockefeller's stage as headliners for the
By)aniel Willis
Stal Writer
he Spencers, who bill
theselves as "Magic for the
'90s:ame to Hendrix Theatre
Au;29. The Spencers are a
coue ? Mr. Spencer per-
ron as the magician and his
wif?erformsas the assistant.
encer claimed that he
wasmonstrating the differ-
enoetween reality and illu-
sionJnfortunately, it seemed
that; was simply making a
weaittempt at demonstrat-
ing ception.
ry little originality ex-
isted the act. For his first
tricke ripped a newspaper
to srds and folded it back
togetr. This was one of the
manyicks he used that we
have seen or at least heard
about one time or another.
Fthe next trick, two vol-
unteefrom the audience tied
him i with a rope and he
miraously escaped. In an-
other :k, he was locked up
into a inket and placed in a
box, from which he also es-
caped . But nobody got a chance
to check and see what the blan-
ket was made of.
Then he popped a balloon
and a canary came out of it.
And his act wouldn't be com-
plete without a mystery box to
place his assistant into. This
was actually one of his more
entertaining routines; Mrs.
Spencer's head was twisted in
circles, and her torso was
twisted in knots.
In one routine, he took
three lemons and pulled a dol-
lar bill out of one of them. My
father has performed this trick
for me many times, and he's
hardly a magician, so I wasn't
very impressed.
The most obvious trick was
when he claimed to be a mind
reader. He called three volun-
teers, and told one of them to
imagine their favorite musi-
cian, one to imagine their fa-
vorite vacation spot and one to
pick one of four playing cards.
He claimed that he was going
See SPENCER page 8
J Pathetic
0 ? Lame
Pretty Good
ty& Brilliant
"What's the matter with the
weirdo? Weirdo, weirdo,
weirdo Thischorus from the title
track may be your exact sentiments
after your initial encounter with
ing band, Five-Eight. But listen
again, this time a little closer, and
listeners may change their minds.
The third release from this
talented quartet, "Weirdo" is a real
gem. The sound ranges from guitar-
driven thrashing punk to somewhat
mellow acoustic ballads.
Complimenting this intriguing and
versatile musical sound is the voice
and lyrics of frontman Mike
Mantione. Mantione has the voice of
a pubescent boy; breathless, excited
and about to crack at any given time.
Fortunately, his lyrics have the same
bare, tortured soul quality.
The first track on the CD, "Mys-
tery James is rooted purely in rock-
n-roll. Guitarists Sean Dunn and
Mike Mantione appear to be in re-
lentless pursuit of tandem rhythm
that works beautifully. The second
track, "Karaoke cuts fast and furi-
ous in a psychedelic punk fashion.
Mantione's distorted vocals add to
the funk of the song.
Even more explosive is the third
track, "Behead Myself a song de-
scribing the torment, torture and
confusion that simmers on the back
burner of every relationship.
Mantione crooning, "So now you
know 1 want to take my life And I
stand here with my favorite ser-
rated knife My friends are gone I'll
make the cut When no one's here
I'll get it done pretty much sums
up the tone of the song.
"You Never Look In My Eyes
track six, features another punk va-
riety sound featuring a mean, out-
a rare amount of emotional energy.
Thestrongbass (DanHorowitz) and
drums ("Trigger " Ferguson) almost
override Mantione as he casts out
the demons and frustrations of a
failing father-son relationship that
is sure to touch every listener in
some spot. Track nine, "Hurt You
is a slow grooving ballad. The
scorched soul is evident as the abil-
ity of the human soul to be hurt is
realized and apologized for.
Later on the disc, songs like
"What They Did" and the title track
"Weirdo" address the awkward-
ness, insecurity, defeat and misun-
derstanding we have all felt at one
time around our peers. "Weirdo" is
a gripping, almost acoustic, solo
performed by Mantione and his gui-
tar, a unique edition tc this already
diverse CD.
"Weirdo" is definitely the calm
beforethestorm, because "Shouldn't
Be Here" thunders in only three sec-
onds after its completion with a rip-
ping bass line supplied by Dan
Horowitz and a killer drum intro-
duction played by Trigger Ferguson.
Mantionebcltsoutthelyrics, "You'll
need to replace me Make it job
number one 'Cause shit ain't hap-
pening And now we're done and
the CD ends just as quickly as it
So, upon further inspection,
Five-Eight has a lot of diversity to
offer in musical quality and mean-
ing. "Weirdo" covers many miles
with youthful emotion that leaves
plenty of room to grow. The lyrics
are both introspective and consol-
ing, the music enticing. Maybe
Mantione and his bunch are not so
weird after all.

8 The East Carolinian
September I, 1994
Yes equals no in Dada
ZURICH (AP) ? At the en-
trance to the Kunsthaus, Zurich's
i enowned museum of fine arts, a
poster in a non-existent language
startles an unprepared visitor.
Adding to the puzzler is a tape-
rocording of a voice uttering unin-
telligible words. From the ceiling
in the hall hangs the dummy of a
pig wearing the uniform of a World
War I German officer.
! Thus, visitors are ushered in to
anexhibinon featuring the bizarre
world of Dada, an irrationalist
trandsettingmovementin 20th-cen-
tury art that was conceived in New
York and launched almost 80 years
ago in Zurich, where a small group
ofyoung iconoclastic painters and
writers gave it its name.
. The Zurich group, made up of
exiles from several countries united
by pacifist ideas and an anarchic
challenge of "bourgeois" values,
was formed in 1916.
Meeting in the downtown
"Cabaret Voltaire they enraged
?3 or enthralled ? audiences with
parody, persiflage and provocative
dictums attacking the establish-
ment in art, culture and politics.
Legend has it that the word
Dada (meaning hobby horse in
French) was picked from a dictio-
nary opened at random. But ac-
cording to a sticker reproduced in
the 450-page exhibition catalog,
Dada also was the brand of a lotion
marketed at the time. And arrows
on a map of Siberia reprinted on
the catalog's frontispiece point to a
village named Dada.
- Dada defies definition.
? A best, it was a collective name
for all radical anti-attitudesDada
existed before Dada came into be-
ing was one of the movement's
many paradoxical slogans.
"I reject Dada because this is
theonly way of supportingit was
The shortest was "Yes (equals)
The more than 400 Kunsthaus
exhibits give evidence that Dada is
not a style in art, but a broad spec-
trum. They include naturalist wa-
tercolors by German-bom George
Grosz as well as abstract drawings,
and Paris-bom Francis Picabia's
"Cure-dents a collage of tooth-
picks, straws and strings arranged
in the shape of a flower pot.
Man Ray, the late American
exponent of Dadaism, is represented
with a series of photographs and a
rare wooden sculpture, called "By
Itself, II Ray's photograph of
Tristan Tzara, a Romanian-born
writer and co-founder of the move-
ment, shows a monocled man in
conservative dress?a strange con-
trast to the strictly nonconformist
line propagated by the movement.
Dadaism is considered to have
received its most profound inspira-
tion before World War I in New
York from Ray's lifelong friend
Marcel Duchamp, the French-
American painter whose moving
sculpture "Bicycle Wheel
mounted on a high wooden stool,
dates from 1913.
Although Dadaists proclaimed
that "art is dead art historians
agree that the spirit of Dada stimu-
lated a wide array of new styles in
art, extending from constructivism
and surrealism to pop art and con-
ceptual art.
Dada also is seen as having
considerable influence on literature,
specifically on the works of James
Joyce and John Dos Passos. Simul-
taneous poetry ? several people
reciting different texts at the same
time?alternated with dadaist read-
ings of "sound poems inarticu-
late, meaningless combinations of
-Two Full-Time Artists
Autoclave Sterilization
New Needles Each Client
Fine & Bold Line
Custom Cover-ups
Sobriety Required
Greenville, NC
The first meeting will be held on
Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 5:00 the social
room at Mendenhall Student Center,
All.members are asked to attend.
If you cannot, please contact Rob at
757-2658 or Lisa at 328-7938.
2 We look forward to seeing you.
We Will Pay You
Continued from
page 7
to predict the answers and write
them on a chalkboard, one at a
time. Then he would write the vol-
unteers' responsesbelow his guess.
But when he supposedly
wrote his "psvchic responses"
down, the chalkboard was facing
away from the audience. Since he
wrote his guess and immediately
got the volunteers' answers, how
hard would it have been for him to
fake writing the first time and just
write the correct answer in his "psy-
chic" area?
For the last routine he escaped
from a locked water tank, Houdini-
style. He let people check locks to
make sure they were secure, but
nobody got to check the tank. He
told his assistant to unlock the tank
if he wasn't out in three minutes.
This might have been a really
good routine if we could've
watched theescape. Butof course
the tank was shielded by a cur-
tain. He came out after about two
and a half minutes, but he wasn't
soaking wet. He probably had
time to dry off, but waited until
the last minute tocreate suspense.
Maybe it's not quite fair to
take the Spencers' "magic" apart
like this, but the show wasn't very
successful in creating any kind of
The performance was some-
what interesting, but the routines
were very predictable and very
unoriginal. I didn't see anything
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September 1, 1994
The East Carolinian 9
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By Jodi Connelly
Staff Writer
The high holy days are at hand.
On Tuesday, Sept. 6, the Jewish
holiday Rosh Hashana begins. This
holiday, which extends over a pe-
riod of ten days, is the Jewish New
This time is very sacred to Jews
because it is a period of self-reflec-
tion where one examines his or her
relationship with God. The em-
phasis of Rosh Hashana is that
sins put a distance between the
individual and God, and that sins
must be acknowledged in asking
God for forgiveness.
Rabbi Michael Cain of Con-
gregation Bayt Shalom says, "It's
like two friends who get in an ar-
gument. Once the friend who has
wronged the other acknowledges
it and asks for forgiveness, the
friends become close again As
an afterthought he added, "And
sometimes they grow even closer
than thev were before
During the ten day period of
Rosh Hashana, there is much pray-
ing. The Jewish community gath-
ers together and prays, gaining
strength through togetherness,
searching to be closer to God, and
resolving to be better people.
The final day of Rosh Hashana,
known as Yom Kipper (day of for-
giveness), is a day that Jews prove
to God that their desire for for-
giveness is sincere. The people fast,
denying themselves food or wa-
Some people do not even bathe
or comb their hair. It is a day to
deny physical pleasure of any kind
so that one can concentrate on the
spirit and communicate more
closely to God.
Throughout Rosh Hashana,
Congregation Bayt Shalom will be
holding various prayer services
and activities. All Jewish students
are invited and there is no charge.
Child care is provided for many of
the services. For a schedule of the
services call 830-1138.
Fall TV harbors change
vanilla, and you expect a scoop of
no-surprises, tastes-just-like-the-
last-cone vanilla. Same with televi-
sion; a large part of its charm is
But we're mature. We know
networks must keep products fresh,
try to extend their shelf life. And
change, sometimes, is unavoidable.
So we can take a bit of TV tinkering
? as long as it's within reason, you
Consider this a friendly warn-
ing, fellow viewers: as the 1994-95
season grinds into gear, revisions,
including character subtractions and
additions, are in store for returning
The most publicized, of course,
is David Caruso'splanned exit from
ABC's "NYPD Blue TV's favorite
redhead ? since Lucy? ? will skip
out in the fourth episode, with
former "LA. Law"starJimmySmits
taking over leading-man duties.
Mature adults greeted word of
Caruso's departure from the role of
Detective John Kelly with tantrums
befitting a cartoon-deprived
preschooler. A recent poll, in a vote
clearly fraughtwithhostility,found
a majority want to see Kelly killed
"It was great with him, it will be
greatwith Jimmy. It'sagreatshow
says a confident Steven Bochco, se-
ries co-creator with David Milch.
"Northern Exposure" confirms
a new physician will move to the
Alaskan hamlet of Cicely. Officially,
the character is aimed at "broaden-
ing the horizons of the indentured
Dr. Joel Fleischman (Rob Morrow).
But Morrow is reportedly ready
to pull a Caruso sometime this sea-
son, with the producers' blessing.
The new doc (an actor as yet unan-
nounced) would be in place and
ready to take over Fleischman's
duties as chief healer and whiner.
Addicts?ummm, viewers?
of "The X-Files" will find plot twists
imposed by forces outside the con-
trol of series creator Chris Carter
specifically, co-star Gillian
Anderson's pregnancy.
Anderson, teamed with Da vid
Duchovny on the Fox series as FBI
agents investigating paranormal
and extraterrestrial mysteries, is ex-
pected to give birth in September.
Rumor has it that Dana Scully
(Anderson) will be the victim of an
otherwordly kidnapping during
ably secretive, but vowed no alien
baby will be joining the cast.
"I can tell you, unequivocally,
that's not true he said.
The agents, their X-Files work
quashed by the FBI, start the season
with new assignments: Duchovny's
character. Fox Mulder, is "sent to
Siberia, as it were on a wiretap
detail, while Scully is teaching
rookie agents when the series re-
Other shows undergoing al-
terations include:
?"Christy LeVar Burton
joins the CBS drama set in Appala-
chia as a doctor-in-training. Bur-
ton, who starred in "Star Trek: The
NextGeneration will play the first
black to come toCutter Gap, Tenn
in the series about a young school-
teacher (Kellie Martin). It returns at
?"Murphy Brown We'll see
Murphy (Candice Bergen) break-
ing in a new nanny to replace
painter-babysitter Eldin Bemecky
(Robert Pastorelli).
Pastorelli will reappear on
"Double Rush a new midseason
show for "Murphy" producer
Diane English.
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September 1, 1994
27ie East Carolinian f 11

The East Carolinian
September 1, 1994
Page 12
Crane set to gain due respect for Pirates
Photo Courtesy ot ECU Sports Information
Linebacker B.J. Crane will be looked on as a pivotal part of Paul Jette's Pirate
defensive scheme. Crane has been praised for his determination and work ethic.
Rec Services forges into season
(RS) ?The intramural sports
program at ECU is set to begin
with a host of changes and excit-
ing offerings for the upcoming
1994 Fall semester, The program
includes a wide variety of activi-
ties ranging from team sports
such as Flag Football, Soccer and
3-on-3 Basketball to individual
dual sports such ass Tennis,
Doubles Golf and Frisbee Golf.
In addition, a little spice has been
added to the calendar to the cal-
endar including wiffleball and
dodgeballl. Participation for
most events is at no cost and is
available to all ECU students,
faculty and staff.
In Flag Football, the "Super
Ho's are expected to return
once again with most of their
championship team intact. Cap-
tain Brandon Taylor was rumored
to have begun workouts as early
as last spring in preparation for
the new season while David
Campbell searched for a new pair
of hands to help in catching the
ball. Other strong contenders are
expected to include "Fast Actin'
Tinactin" featuring their fearless
leader, Thomas Kirkman, the
"Shapper Kings" of Steve
Roberson and the "CAAC All-
Stars" although it was unclear
whether star quarterback Daniel
Finn would opt for free agency
and join another team. The
women's division is expected to
be wide open although "All the
Right Moves" with Katrina
Evans and Angie Carroll are ex-
pected to be one of the top teams.
Flag Football will culminate to
once again with the annual
Qualifier tournament which
sends the winner to the National
Invitational Flag Football Cham-
pionships in New Orleans, Loui-
siana during Sugar Bowl week.
Approximately 30-40 teams
are expected to add action and
excitement to the air of
Christenbury Gym when the
Co-Rec Volleyball season opens
in early September. Long time
IM veterans Wayne Matthews
and Jason Buck are expected to
See 14
Baseball strike talks still at a stalemate
(AP) ? With both sides
seemingly entrenched, there
were a few distant rumblings in
the stalled baseball talks.
The sides met separately
with mediators yesterday, the
20th day of the strike. There has
been no movement at the bar-
gaining table for months, but
away from the table there were
rumors Tuesday night of talk.
Management has talked di-
rectly with the union outside the
formal bargaining process but
the contact did not lead to any
progress, a source speaking on
the condition he not be identi-
fied told The Associated Press.
Colorado Rockies chairman
Jerry McMorris and Toronto Blue
Jays president Paul Beeston
spoke with the uuon in recent
days, the source said. Eugene
Orza, the union's No. 2 official,
said the source was inaccurate.
ESPN reported that people
representating the sides talked
secretly by telephone in recent
days. Richard Ravitch, the own-
ers' negotiator, called the report
Meanwhile, owners can-
celed a quarterly meeting set for
next week and the sides reached
one small agreement ? to post-
pone the Aug. 31 deadline for
postseason rosters. The deadline
for the rosters will be set within
48 hours of any settlement.
Boston Red Sox chief execu-
tive officer John Harrington said
he hoped the separate meetings
today would spark a resumption
of the negotiations that broke off
last Thursday.
"Hopefully, that will lead to
a joint meeting later in the week
he said.
Harrington and Philadelphia
Phillies executive vice president
David Montgomery will join
Ravitch and management law-
yers when they meet with the
mediators. Players' association
officials will meet with the me-
diators later in the day.
But owners won't be meeting
in Detroit, as had been scheduled
See STRIKE page 13
it up!
The ECU tennis
team begins
its season
later this
month when it
starts a string
of tournament
The team,
one of the
programs on
campus, is one
of ECU'S well-
kept secrets.
Photo Courtesy of
ECU Athletic
By Dave Pond
Assistant Sports Editor
For any student, leaving
home and coming to a large uni-
versity can be tough. When the
rigorous demands of athletics
are tossed into the mix, the tran-
sition can get even more diffi-
However, for Pirate sopho-
more linebacker B.J. Crane, ad-
justing to college life last year
was "an everyday walk in the
park Crane started four games
last year as a true freshman, and
enters fall camp as the starting
middle linebacker after amass-
ing 49 tackles a season ago.
Crane grew up in the At-
lanta area, where he found a love
for athletics and for God. He
comes from a diverse and tal-
ented family, as he and his two
brothers are all gifted in music
and various sports.
At Lovett High School in At-
lanta, Crane was a tri-letterman,
earning letters in football, base-
ball and basketball.
"I've never considered my-
self a good player, but a good
athlete Crane said. "A good ath-
lete can become a good player,
but someone who is only a good
player is not a good athlete.
In 1992, during his senior sea-
son of football, Crane, due to a
massive amount of team injuries,
played "ironman" football, and
was named First Team All-State.
He starred both as a running back,
carrying the ball 92 times for 622
yards, and as a strong safety,
where he snatched two intercep-
tions, caused three fumbles and
blocked both a punt and a field
When he joined the Pirates
last season, Crane brought his fe-
rocious intensity with him.
Twenty-two of his 49 tackles were
solos, and he collected an inter-
ception, a fumble and a pass de-
flection as well.
Former ECU coach Bob
Babich, who recruited Crane out
of high school, said, "In him I saw
an explosive athlete said former
Pirate coach Bob Babich. (He is)
one who could have a very suc-
cessful career with us in Green-
ville. B.Js a hard worker on
and off of the field Babich
should know, because he re-
cruited Crane out of high school
under fierce competition.
Crane chose ECU over
Southern Methodist University
simply because, "it felt right. I
was all set to attend SMU until I
visited here. I knew that ECU
was for me he said.
Playing against nationally
ranked squads such as Syracuse
and Washington last season was
very exciting for Crane.
"It's an awesome feeling
he said. "Last year I watched
Syracuse QB Marvin Graves
on television, and now I'm on
the other side of the ball, eye-to-
eye with him
Crane attributes his desire
to be the best football player
that he can be to his father,
Benny, after whom he was
"My dad put a fierceness in
my heart that made me want to
be in the middle of every play
Tiger Woods makes impact
on amateur golf tour
(AP)-The father makes no
small plans.
Earl Woods knew he had a
golfer on his hands the day he
looked up from his own practic-
ing and, sweat flowing freely,
found his 6-month-old son star-
ing back. What struck him then,
what strikes him even now, was
that the boy's expression never
Hour after hour, swing after
swing, for as long as he could
pound balls into a practice net in
the garage, his son could sit still
in a highchair, hypnotized. By
10 months, little Tiger loved the
routine so much he insisted on
being fed in there. At one year,
he waggled a sa wed-off club over
the ball and began pounding
them into the net himself. A few
years after that, he was beating
his father at the game. At age 5,
he was featured on "That's In-
credible He already was.
It was just about then that
Earl envisioned not just another
golfer, not just the next super-
star or golf's first black super-
star, not even just the next
Nicklaus, but something else.
Something grander. Some-
thing on the order of a folk hero,
something very much like the
boxer Joe Louis had been for him
when he was growing up. A
source of pride. An inspiration
to his people, to all people,
"Awwwww Tiger Woods
says, letting his silence on the
phone carry a moment of embar-
rassment, "I don't know about
The first time the subject is
broached is the first time in 20
minutes of talking that Tiger
sounds like what he is: an 18-
year-old kid trying to squeeze the
last few days of fun out of a sum-
mer after which he will leave
home for the first time to attend
Stanford University. All the usual
goodbyes have to be crammed in
between the celebrations of one
more groundbreaking feat.
Two days earlier Tiger won
the U.S. Amateur, the most pres-
tigious amateur tournament
around in the most dramatic fash-
ion imaginable and became the
youngest ever to do so. The scary
part is that it was expected. All of
And even so, everybody
wants a piece of him now ? fam-
ily, friends, tournament officials,
the golf team, the media and who
knows who else. People are wait-
ing everywhere he turns, but Ti-
ger takes pains to give a thought-
ful answer. He wants people who
only see him play golf to know
there is substance behind the
sizzle. Through his play and the
dozens of clinics he and Earl
staged in the inner cities, he is
attracting kids to the game in
away that cannot yet be mea-
sured. He already feels he
owes them at least that much.
"I think being a role
model, in some ways, is al-
ready a reality. And I know
some responsibility goes with
it. Sure, it would be great if
everything works out, but
who knows?
"I can only be myself
Tiger said, "and see what
One thing that has hap-
pened already: When he was
a kid, Tiger made up a list of
Jack Nicklaus' accomplish-
ments at various ages and
taped it to the wall of his
It now reads:
Nicklaus, Woods
Broke 50: (nine holes)
age 10, age 3
Broke 80:
age 12, age 8
Broke 70:
age 13, age 12
Won state high school meet:
age 17, age 15
Won U.S. junior:
ages 15,16 and 17
Won U.S. Amateur:
age 19, age 18
Won first major:
age 22, Not yet.
Soccer series hopes to create interest

ganizers of a 10-game series featur-
ing the nation's best college soccer
teams hope the package will build
on the interest the sport created by
this summer's successful World
The "College Soccer Game of
the Week" started last night and
will be broadcast live by Prime Net-
work, which has 43 million sub-
The fall series might get more
attention than was anticipated when
the broadcast package was worked
out months ago, said Michael
Ibanez, a spokesman for Prime Net-
work in Houston.
Though the deal was made be-
fore the World Cup was played, the
world's top professionals attracted
far more viewers to ESPN and ABC
than had been forecast. The major
league baseball strike may have
eliminated the major competition
for sports fans.
Wednesday night was picked
to avoid competition from pro, col-
lege and high school football, Ibanez
"All along, the plan was to show
college soccer and to feature it. In
the United States, it is the top devel-
opmental arena out there he said.
"Most of the kids involved in play-
ing in the series will play prominent
roles in the major-league soccer
teams in the coming years
Ibanez said he could not pro-
vide estimates of expected viewers.
The network supplies program-
ming to21 regional sports networks,
mostof which have decided toshow
the soccer games live, he said.
The series opened when de
fending champion Virginia took
on San Francisco, led by the
winningest coach in the college
game, Steve Negoesco.
"The game will be played all
out by both teams. It'snodifferent
than the Kickoff Classic in foot
ball Virginia Coach Bruce Arena
Duke tickets will be
available only through
Friday at the Athletic Ticket
Office, temporarily located
on the South side of Ficklen
Stadium. Starting Monday,
they can only be purchased
through Duke's Athletic
?? .

13 The East Carolinian
September 1, 1994
Continued from page 12
for Sept. 7-9.
"As long as the players are
on strike, the clubs will devote
all their efforts to resolving the
dispute acting commissioner
Bud Selig said. "Many owners
are involved in the negotiations
and everybody agrees it would
serve no useful purpose to spend
a couple of days in meetings
and divert attention from the
compelling task at hand
Ravitch denied the meeting
was called off in an effort to
deny a forum to owners who
dissent from management's bar-
gaining position.
"In the conference call to-
day, there was not one owner
who suggested that meeting go
forward Ravitchsaid. "No one
objected, so it can't be a move to
stifle dissent
Selig, in a telephone inter-
view after a conference call with
about 18 clubs, said there was
no desire to go ahead with the
meeting but that it would be held
in Detroit before the end of the
' 'This was one time I was will-
ing to let the minority rule if a fair
number of clubs wanted a meet-
ing he said. "There was just
frankly no desire
Baltimore Orioles owner Pe-
ter Angelos, the most outspoken
opponent of management's de-
mand for a salary cap, declined
comment but lamented the lack
of bargaining.
"There's nothing going on at
all he said.
Owners have not met since
June 9 in Cincinnati. They also
canceled meetings during the
eady part of the 1981 strike and
during the middle of the 1990
"It sounds like somebody
doesn't want to have a meeting
union head Donald Fehr said.
Cont from
page 12
said of the early-season marquee
The series will feature eight of
the top 10 teams ranked before the
season by Soccer America magazine.
Other highly ranked contests will
feature South Carolina against
Rutgers Sept. 7 and Davidson ver-
sus UCLA Sept. 14. Clemson plays
Indiana Sept. 21.
Negoesco, with 485 wins in 34
years of coaching, is the soccer coun-
terpart of North Carolina basket-
ball coach Dean Smith. Both are
legends so great that their teams
plav home games at facilities named
for them.
Negoesco said the attraction to
travel cross-country to a small town
20 miles north of Charlotte is chiefly
the chance to face Virginia.
"I want to see what they've got.
I want to measure myself against
them he said.
Davidson will also host its third
successive soccer Final Four in De-
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September 1, 1994
The East Carolinian 14
Continued from page 12
Continued from page 12
be on the prowl early in the se-
mebter seeking to assemble the
best talent for their teams. Vol-
leyball enthusiast will also have
the opportunity to participate in
a Sand Volleyball Tournament
over the weekend in early Sep-
tember to showcase theirskillsor
just have some fun on another
surface. In Outdoor 3-on-3 Bas-
ketball, Eric Foley and Neil
Torrey, winners of last year's
Schick SuperHoops 3-on-3, are
expected to take their long range
bombing to the hard and take on
all newcomers for another title.
In addition to the traditional
fall offerings, the calendar of
events will feature activities such
as Wiffleball, weekly NFL ECU
Football Pick'Em contests. Dur-
ing 1st year's NFL ECU Pick Ems,
participants had a chance to match
their football pignostication
powers against those of a weekly
campus "celebrity" in addition to
the opportunity to win the prized
IM T-shirt. Fall 1993 "celebrities"
included Chancellor Richard
Eakin, Basketball Coach Eddie
Payne, and Dean of Students Ron
Wiffleball was introduced last
fall with an outstanding response
as teams battled for supremacy in
this fast-moving sport which uti-
lizes the rales of the United States
Perforated Plastic Baseball Asso-
ciation and provides a fast-pitch
alternative to most recreational
softball. New activities in the fall
include Prison Dodgeball and
Racquetball Doubles. For further
information regarding dates and
times of registration meetings or
deadlines, please consult the Rec-
reational Services pocket calen-
dar or the Intramural Sports
Guide available in 204
Christenbury Gymnasium. Ques-
tions or inquiries concerning the
Intramural sports program
should be directed to David
Gaskins, KariCleveland or Nelson
Copper by calling 328-6387 or
stopping by 104-A Christenbury
he said "My dad motivates me a
lot. I am also motivated by the
fanfare and recognition that
comes from playing the game
Then Crane spoke in an even
more serious tone, showing his
obvious dedication to achieving
that goal.
"I want to do well to prove
wrong the people who don't re-
spect the Pirate defense he said.
"I want people to be worried about
coming into Ficklen and lining up
against us
In four spring scrimmages,
Crane had two interceptions and
a pass deflection, returning one
of the pickoffs for a touchdown.
However, Crane has been bitten
by the injury bug, causing him to
miss last week's practices with a
shoulder injury.
Fortunately, Crane returned
on Tuesday.
In the classroom, Crane is ma-
joring in business, and his achieve-
ments have earned him a place on
ECU's Football Academic Lead-
ership Team.
With his future bright and
wide open, many important
choices lay ahead. However, one
thing about BJ. Crane is etched in
"I'm going to change the
world he said. "I just thank God
for the opportunity. Without Him
I have nothing, but with Him I
have everything
R. Cherry Stokes
Attorney at Law
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The East Carolinian, September 1, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 01, 1994
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