The East Carolinian, April 26, 1994

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Crar. dell's Back!
ECU quarterback Marcus
Crandell says he'll come
back strong for the 1994
season. Story on page 10.
Graduate Exhibit
The ECU Graduate Art
Student exhibition will be
held in Gray Gallery from
April 21 until May
Story on page 7.

The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. la
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Tuesday, April 26,1994
12 Pages
Schorr, Elders to speak at ECU graduations
By Jason Williams
File Photo
Noted Watergate journalist Daniel Schorr will deliver the
commencencement address on May 7, in Ficklen Stadium.
News Editor
What do Daniel Schorr and
Joycelyn Elders have in common?
In addition to being well-re-
spected, nationally known public
figures, both will participate in
ECU's 1994 spring commence-
ment exercises.
Schorr, a veteran print and
broadcast journalist, will be the
featured speaker at the Saturday
commencement ceremony on
May 7. The ceremony will begin
at 10 a.m. in Ficklen Stadium.
About 2,100 students are expected
to be degree candidates and the
public is invited to attend.
Elders will deliver the con-
Hole-in-one contest offers students
chance to become millionaire
By Jeb Brookshire
Staff Writer
Imagine winning one mil-
lion dollars for doing nothing
more than making a hole-in-
one. Well, such a dream may
come true on the weekend of
April 28 through May 1.
During that weekend,
golfers and non-golfers alike
can join the Caregivers of Pitt
County at Cypress Glen Retire-
ment Community for the first
ever Caregivers of Pitt County
Million Dollar Shoot-out.
The event is a benefit for
Caregivers, an organization
that assists older people in
maintaining their freedom. Not
only is the event supposed to
draw money for Caregivers, but
organizers hope to draw in
more volunteers. The event is
sponsored by Burroughs
Wellcome and 13 other associ-
ate sponsors.
"The main reason for this
event is to heighten awareness
of Caregivers said Reverend
Randy Maynard, the tourna-
ment director and associate
pastor at St. James United
Methodist Church.
Participants will pay one
dollar per shot to drive a ball
125 yards for men and 115 yards
for women. The ball must land
inside a three foot in diameter
circle around the hole. Every-
one whose ball lands within the
circle qualifies for the semi-fi-
nals. The same process will
happen at the semi-finals. On
May 1, everyone who made it
closest to the hole in the semi-
finals, will have one shot at
making a hole-in-one. Every-
one who does make a hole-in-
one will win $1 million.
In the past, events like this
have raised as much as $10,000
for the sponsored organization.
Money is not the main objec-
tive, however. Tournament or-
ganizers not only hope to raise
at least that much money, but
they also hope to attract more
Clubs will be provided for
those who don't play and con-
cessions will be on sale during
the event. There is no limit to
the number of shots allowed in
the first round. In the semi-
final event participants get one
shot. The same goes for the fi-
nal round. Even if two shots
land within the circle in the
first round, only one shot will
be allowed in the semi-finals.
People who get a hole-in-
one in the finals will win $1
million. Throughout the shoot-
out other prizes will be
awarded as well.
"We encourage everyone
to take a break and come out to
the shoot out said Maynard.
"Who knows, maybe they will
win a million dollars
Lit review
By Mike Walker
Staff Writer
Even during the last-
minute crunch of the semes-
ter, when everyone professors
wants everything possible
done within one week, some
ECU students still find time to
express their creativity. Sev-
eral of those students at ECU
are featured in the recently
published North Carolina Lit-
erary Review.
The ECU English depart-
ment co-published the maga-
zine with the North Carolina
literary and Historical Asso-
ciation. The head editor of this
issue was Alex Albright of the
English department. The re-
view is a 240-page literary
magazine that covers all types
of writing and some art work.
"It is a magazine of literature,
culture and history Albright
said. "It's focused on North
This issue of the review
was published on the 100th
anniversary of the author Paul
Green and has several poems
and other works written by
"Crazy Joe" Clark
addresses campus
By Shannon Cooper
Staff Writer
The man whom many call
"Crazy Joe for the sweeping
reforms he initiated at a declin-
ing high school in New Jersey,
recently shared his wisdom and
experiences with an audience of
ECU students.
Joe Clark was appointed to
take over as principal of East
Side High School in May of 19S3.
Before his arrival, East Side was
run over with gang members and
"There was definitely a
need for a miracle said Dr.
Reginald Watson, associate En-
glish professor. "The school was
so bad that it had been called
'East Hell' by teachers and stu-
Clark did, in one day, what
many principals before him
could not do in years, explained
Joe Clark's work at East
Side was portrayed in the box
office smash, "Lean On Me
starring Morgan Freeman.
Clark captured his audi-
ence with a very motivational
lecture and also made them
laugh with his comical anec-
dotes. Yet, underneath all the
laughter, there was a very im-
portant message that Clark
wished to share.
"Life is not easy, it's an ar-
duous task Clark said. "Handle
it and deal with it. If you are
determined to overcome ob-
stacles, you can rest assured that
ultimately the universe will yield
to you
Clark said he learned a lot
about overcoming obstacles dur-
ing his eight years at East Side
High School fighting against the
educational system.
"Sometimes I felt discour-
aged, sometimes I felt that my
work was in vain, sometimes I
felt lonelier than the sound of
one hand clapping Clark said.
"But, I didn't give in
Clark's determination not
only earned him the name
"Crazy Joe but also "Batman
A picture of him wielding his
bat graced the cover of Time
Clark said that the only-
See CLARK page 4
vocation at the School of
Medicine's annual graduation
exercise in Wright Auditorium,
May 6. The convocation is sched-
uled to begin at 11 a.m.
Schorr is currently the se-
nior news analyst for National
Public Radio and has been a cor-
respondent for CBS and CNN in
the past. He won three Emmy
awards for his coverage of the
Watergate scandal in the mid-
"We are delighted that
Daniel Schorr has accepted the
university's invitation to address
our commencement said Chan-
cellor Richard Eakin. "He has been
an observer and participant in
many of the major events of the
second h alf of this century, and he
will bring a unique perspective to
our graduates and their families
and friends
Schorr began his journalism
career as a foreign correspondent
based in Western Europe, writing
for the Christian Science Monitor
and the Nezv York Times. His cov-
erage of the 1953 flood that broke
the dikes in Holland brought him
to the attention of Edward R.
Murrowftvho offered him a job as
diplomatic correspondent in
Washington, D.C.
In 1966, after a decade in
CBS's Moscow bureau,Schorr was
reassigned to Washington and
became the network's chief
Watergate correspondent after the
break-in of the Democratic Party
headquarters in 1972.
He resigned from CBS to
accept an appointment as a re-
gents professor of journalism at
the University of California,
Berkeley. In 1980, he agreed to
help Ted Turner create the Cable
News Network, serving as its
senior correspondent until 1985.
Schorr occasionally con-
tributes material to journals and
newspapers such as the Chris-
tian Science Mon itor. He has writ-
ten a book, Clearing the Air,
which is an account of investi-
gative journalism and govern-
ment scandals.
Elders is the controversial
Surgeon General, who has an-
gered some with her views on
See SCHORR page 4
Student volunteers with kids
By Stephanie Lassiter
Assistant News Editor
For student Jansen Bonds,
the opportunity to teach school
children about good health was
more than a chance to score
some extra-credit points for his
Health 1000 class.
"Through Health 1000, we
(the students) could get extra
credit and I started from there
Bond said. "I have continued to
volunteer every week and some
weekends since then
Adventures in Health,
where Bond offers volunteer
hours, is a center whose pri-
mary focus is to educate chil-
dren about good health and
health- related areas. Adven-
tures in Health is located at
River Park North on the Tar
River. The center is open to the
public from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m.
on Tuesday through Friday and
on the weekend. The center of-
fers courses in the mornings to
large groups.
"Our primary passion is
to make a positive impact on
the health-related problems in
our region and community
said Sandra Stroehmann, execu-
tive director for Adventures in
Visitors have the oppor-
tunity to have hands on experi-
ences with health, such as an
exhibit where children can
crawl through a body.
"We have a health educa-
tion-science learning and teach-
ing center Stroehmann said.
"Our exhibits focus on
anatomy, substance abuse and
Photo by Cedric Van Buren
Freshman Jansen Bonds shows a Pitt County youth the importance of
good health. Say, is that a large intestine he's got there?
dental health
Bonds, who is a freshman
biology major from
Williamston, spends every
Thursday afternoon helping
around the center by doing vari-
ous jobs.
"I think the kids are very
rewarding Bonds said. "It's
fun to see them playing and
to be able to help teach them
about health
Bonds began volunteer-
ing for Adventures in Health
See VOLUNTEER page 4
Organ donor week held
By Jon Cawley
Staff Writer
Organ donation can pro-
vide a much needed life-saver in
the event of a serious accident or
illness. Organizers of this year's
National Organ and Tiss le Do-
nor Awareness Week, April 17-
23, wanted to focus on this and
emphasize the need for donors
There is a critical need for
organ and tissue donors in the
United States. Thousands of
people wait for transplants each
day. More than 31,000 people
are on waiting lists for organs
nationally, while 860 people are
waiting in North Carolina alone,
according to the United Network
tor Organ Sharing (UNOS).
Today, it is possible
through medical science to trans-
plant about 25 different organs
and tissues. Hearts, livers, lungs,
kidneys, pancreata and corneas
can be transplanted, said Lloyd
Jordan, executive director of The
Carolina Organ Procurement
Agency (COPA). Skin to heal
burn victims, bone for recon-
structive surgery and heart
valves used in valve replacement
surgery are all needed from do-
nors, Jordan said.
COPA wants people to
know that anyone can be a po-
tential donor, despite age or
medical history- "Potential do-
nors are evaluated first off using
a comprehensive serology or
bloodwork test for transmittable
diseases like AIDS and cancer
Jordan said. "HIV is a universal
To become a potential do-
nor, a person may indicate
"yes" on his or her driver's li-
cense or fill out a Uniform Do-
nor Card Anyone who wants a
Uniforai Donor Card can call
COPA to receive a brochure
containing information on do-
nation and a tear-away donor
card, Jordan said.
At the time of death, the
legal next of kin assumes re-
sponsibility for the remains of
the deceased. The next of kin is
approached first regarding do-
nations, therefore Jordan feels
it is important to discuss your
plans with your relatives. The
legal relative can override a
donor's decision, however "if
a health care power of attorney-
See DONORS page 3

�"�oil ii i i liiiii-jll f i - iM,mmimm
2 The East Carolinian
April 26, 1994
Honor fraternity holds
Sunshine Fair for charity
New York PIZZA
By Ashley Neal
It's a blazing job opportunity
While most students at the University of Southern Maine in
Portland are safely nestled in their beds, three students who work for
the Gorham County Fire Department are fighting blazes and re-
sponding to other emergencies. In exchange for the odd hours and
tough work, the students receive free room and board and $5.75 an
hour when they respond to an emergency call. Chief Robert Lef ebure
attributes the success of the program to the excessive cost of housing
in the Portland area. In addition to responding to calls, the students
help the cleaning and maintenance of the fire station. During the
winter months the students also help shovel snow from fire hy-
University offers free HIV testing
As the HTV virus becomes more common among college stu-
dents, more universities are offering AIDS testing to students. Appa-
lachian State University in Boone, N.C has joined forces with the
North Carolina State Health Department to offer free, anonymous
testing for the HIV virus to students, campus officials said. The
testing is held two days every month. Students will be given a
number in order to get results anonymously, and a total of 48
students will be able to get the test each month. Previously, students
had the option to have a confidential HTV test on campus, but were
required to pay a $25 fee to send the blood to the university's private
lab. Now blood taken for the free test will be tested at the state lab.
While ASU is offering anonymous testing, other universities are
moving to confidential testing. Duke University in Durham, N.C
also offers free HIV testing to students. The university used tcjrecord
that the test had been taken, but has changed its policy to offer testing
that does not appear on the student's records.
Bomb found at Duke
A fire bomb that was lit but did not ignite was found inside a
closet in the registrar's office at Duke University on Sunday after-
noon, prompting the evacuation of the university's main adminis-
trative building. The bomb consisted of a fuse attached to a detonat-
ing device stuck inside a glass Gatorade bottle containing a flam-
mable liquid and loose pieces of metal. Lou Wardell, Duke Public
Safety assistant director, said the bomb would have started a fire if
the fuse had not burned out. Associate Registrar Harry DeMik said
he found the device when he noticed a 4-foot-long burn on the carpet
in the registrar's office leading to the closet. Among the records kept
in the registrar's office are the transcripts of all past and present
Duke students, student biographical information and class assign-
ments. No suspects have been identified.
Compiled by Stephanie Lassiter. Taken from CPS
� and other campus newspapers.
Staff Writer
The Phi Sigma Pi National
Honor Fraternity and Foundation
for the Future sponsored the First
Annual Sunshine Fair on April 22,
at the Agnes Fullilove School for
Disadvantaged Children.
Foundation for the Future
provides an environment of love
and growth for Pitt County stu-
dents after school. A grant from
the governor's Crime Commission
and the Greenville Police Depart-
ment sponsor the foundation.
"We target children from
low income communities, but any-
one is welcome said Sandra
Jones, the foundation's director.
Phi Sigma Pi's Special
Projects Committee turned the ser-
vice event into a community wide
extravaganza promoting health
and safety to more than 50 Green-
ville children.
"In the past Special Projects
focused on one event said chair
HeatherSalter. "This year I wanted
to do a lot. I wanted people to
know that Special Projects was
working with special people
Originally, Salter contacted
the Foundation for the Future staff
and discussed Phi Sigma Pi broth-
ers tutoring the children. How-
ever, she wanted volunteering to
be fun and educational for the
children. Salter decided a health
and safety fair would reach more
children and teach them practical
"Sandra caught my attention
with the idea of abduction pre-
vention tips Salter said. "Then I
realized we were working with
latch key kids
At 2 p.m. Friday approxi-
mately 35 brothers and other vol-
unteers began decorating the
bright yellow Agnes Fullilove
gymnasium with balloons,
j The local chapter of Phi Eta Sigma freshmen honor J
society congratulates the following !
students on their induction into the society:





Karyn Virginia Alvestad
Miwa Susan Anderson
Jennifer Joyce Andrews
Anthony Bryan Ascolese
Annessa Renee Atkins
Heather Jan Atkinson
Rebecca Leigh Ayers
Wendy Ann Ballard
Jennifer Kay Beard
Courtney Britt Behrens
Kimberly Joy Bergstad
Jacqueline Susann Bissette
Tracey Leigh Black
Ashley Renee Bolton
James Jansen Bonds
Michael Douglas Boney
Braden Elizabeth Boone
Tara Ann Bowman
Nancy Jane Brenseke
Jessica Lynne Brett
Brian Keith Broush
Tara Annette Byers
Joy Marie Cannon
Eric Jason Cash
Timothy Wayne Cashion
Amy Beth Clark
Jason Derik Ctey
Brandy Lee Comer
Paula Annette Congleton
Joshua David Constable
Sharonda Val Cooper
Tracy Luann Cope
Scott Alan Cottrell
Susan Amanda Cox
Allan Matthew Coyle
Amy Lynn Dail
Heather Dawn Dail
Kimber Joy Dennis
Paula Renee Denton
Brooke Caroline Deretchin
Craig Laurent Doucette
Heather LeAnne English
Shawna Nicole Epps
Barbara Waynette Fender
Amanda Smith Fisher
Lisa Ann Frederick
Melanie Dawn Frederick
Tonja Andrea Freeman
Christie Lynn Fulcher
Wendy Michelle Fulp
Allison Riva Furman
Spencer Rodwell Gardner
Kimberly Christine George
Margaret Elizabeth Gerber
Tavia Yolanda Gilbert
Heather Lynne Giorgio
Rebecca Michelle Grafff
Megan Melissa Gray
Rebecca Ellen Gunn
Oscar Jake Gurley
Leigh Ann Haley
Alayna Hamilton
Tina Michele Hammond
Elizabeth Gail Hanna
Tracie Ann Hardison
Jill Marie Hargett
Jamie Michelle Hart
Amena Sarvat Hassan
Kirk Corbitt Hatch Jr.
Richard Davis Haynes HI
Jennifer Marie Henderson
Michael Ray Hill
Joseph Truman Hilton III
Janet Marie Hobbs
Karen Elizabeth Hoddfiiott
Dale Shannon Holloway
Ryan Ashley Holton
Angelia Renee Hope
Julie Patricia Hubbard
Sung Jae Im
Laurie Ann Jackson
Lori Ann Jackson
Marcia Paige Jackson
Kelye Marie Jacobs
Megan Lynn Jacobs
Wesley Steven James
Christie Lynn Johnson
Jason Michael Johnson
Kevin Michael Johnson
Amy Lynn Jones
Susan Marie Jones
Connie Ann Jourdan
Christopher Neal Joyner
Sue Ann Joyner
Karen Lenora Jurgens
Julie Elizabeth Kaiser
Joseph Benjamin Kearney
Melony Dawn Kersh
Christine Margarett Kidd
Robert V. Kidd Jr.
Brian Alexander King
Patrick Douglas Kirby
Lisa Marie Kirscht
Russell William Knight
Brandie Michelle Knox
Scott Edward Konopka
Christopher Eric Kupsco
Lan Nhuoc Lam
Shaneiee Yvette Lane
Hao Lee
Christopher Lee Lenker
Ian Stewart Little
Thomas Wilson Lloyd
Christopher Douglas Locklear
Tara Lyn Magee
Heather Carol Mann
Cheryl Lynn Martens
Maureen Margaret Mason
Sara Elizabeth Matyiko
Stephen James McClellan
Kristina Lynn McDougald
Dorothy Marie Mercer
Joshua William Mitchell
Michelle Lynn Morgioni
Scharla Marie Moss
Jennier Lee Murdoch
Bridget Darnell Myrick
Jennifer Lynne Neil
Giang Binh Nguyen
Jason Lawrence Painter
Lia Helen Panos
Amy Elizabeth Parrish
Dieter Eric Paulson
Allison Michelle Pegram
Melinda Lea Penny
Jessica Claire Perry
Susan Elaine Perry
Susan Maria Pfister
Rebecca Ann Pilgreen
Lori Ann Pitts
Linda Kaye Poor
Elizabeth Ashley Powell
Linda Kaye Poor
Elizabeth Ashley Powell
Sheryl Lynn Price
Jennifer Lynn Prue
Maria Elena Pulido
Andrew Emilien Racine
Steven Kenneth Ramsey
Darcie Terrell Reasoner
Jesse Rudolph Respess III
John Frederick Richardson
Cindy Ann Riedel
Robert Edwin Rollason III
Amanda Suzanne Romanelli
Jennifer Frances Rosenberg
Jolene Elizabeth Sawyer
Rebecca Lynne Schuldt
Mary Eloise Seitz
Cara Sayle Shappley
Staci Lynne Sherman
Mark Steven Slawinski
George Allen Smith
Kathryn Suzanna Smith
Owen Alexander Smith
Jeffrey Michael Spears
Leah Renee Stash
Amy Lyn Strickland
Ann Cara Sumners
April Lynn Surratt
Brian Christopher Surratt
Cindy Marie Szymanski
Nicole R. Taugner
Celeste Maria Tayao
Mary Amanda Taylor
Kimberly Nicole Tripp
Christina Richelle Vallario
Lisa Carlyle Vickers
Deborah Suzanne Viel
Chandra Renee Waddell
Leigh Ann Walker
Michael William Walker
Lori Michelle Wall
Brian Matthew Warren
Taneeshia Shyreese Watson
Natalie Maxyne Weaver
Kelly Gail Wheeler
Leslie Amanda Whitford
Ashley Lynn Williams
Michelle Lynn Williams
Paul Brant Williams
Rebecca Perry Williams
Misty Eugenia Wilson
Jennifer Bronson Winslow
Brandy Dale Wood
Elizabeth Ashley Wright
Christin Michele Wyrick



cuiaDcin Asniey roweil �J
streamers and neatly painted card-
board displays. Fraternity orga-
nizers rehearsed information skits
and set up tables with Say No to
Drugs, self-esteem tips, abduction
prevention, dental hygiene, first-
aid, fire prevention, water safety,
bicycle safety and canine patrol
information. A ninth table pro-
vided healthy snacks for the chil-
dren and stressed the importance
of eating balanced meals.
"I think it's nice of everyone
in the community to get involved
said Romel Racosas, a brother.
"Positive influences are the best
way to teach our children about
safety and make them less vulner-
able to the dangers of society
Salter and Phi Sigma Pi
spent the past four months calling
Greenvillebusinesses and organi-
zations for greatly needed contri-
butions. The Greenville Fire De-
partment, Bicycle and Canine Pa-
trol, Lieutenant Keith Knox from
ECU'S Public Safety, McGruff the
Crime Dog and Dr. Mark Pabst, a
Greenville dentist contributed
their time to the event.
"Heather Salter has been
terrific said Phi Sigma Pi Presi-
dent, David Batts. "The Sunshine
Fair has really brought the frater-
nity together for the betterment of
the community. Although we do
a lot of things, the fair has needed
Each group reviewed health
and safety tips with the children.
For water safety, a Phi Sigma Pi
member explained her lifeguard
apparel, while another wore his
Coast Guard uniform.
"I liked the water safety be-
cause it showed you how to wear
a life jacket said Travon Corey,
a Wintergreen Elementary stu-
dent. "Now I feel safe in the wa-
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April 26, 1994
U.N. evacuates wounded from Bosnia SUNSHINE
Herzegovina (AH � The U.N
evacuated more wounded from
the battered eastern town of
Gorazde Monday and sent a sec-
ond aid convoy after besieging
Serbs pulled back under the threat
of NATO air strikes.
"All heavy weapons are be-
lieved to be out" of the three-
kilometer, or 1.4 mile, exclusion
zone around the town ordered
bv NATO in its ultimatum on
Fridav, said Cmdr. Eric Chap-
eron, a U.N. spokesperson in
However, he said there
were "a number of (Serb) infan-
try" still on the right bank of the
Drina. It appeared they would
withdraw, he said.
NATO demanded the Serbs
pull back at least three kilome-
ters from the town center by early
Chaperon aiso said there
were indications the Serbs were
pulling farther back to meet
; ATO's earl v Wednesday dead-
line for a withdrawal 20 kilome-
ters, or 12.4 miles, from Gorazde.
A militarv statement car-
ried by the Belgrade-based
I aniugnews agency claimed the
Bosnian Serb army was complet-
ing the pullout of its heavy weap-
onry beyond that radius.
As they pulled back Sun-
day, theSerbs burned houses and
blew up a water treatment plant,
but U.N. officials said they were
generally satisfied that Serbs
were complying with the NATO
After Ukrainian peacekeep-
ers began deploying between
Bosnian Serbs and Gorazde's de-
fenders, a second convoy carry-
ing 247 more peacekeepers
reached Gorazde early this morn-
U.N. spokesman Maj. Dacre
Hollowav, who reported their ar-
rival, said, "It's been quiet over
there, occasional sporadic fire.
Mostly, the Bosnians having a
go at the BSA (Bosnian Serb
army) as they withdraw, tweak-
ing their nose
Local officials also ex-
pressed relief at the arrival of the
"The result is more than
obvious said Enes Musovic, a
ham radio operator from
Gorazde. "There is no more
blood on the streets of Gorazde,
there are no more deaths, pain
and screams
Continued from page 1
Zan the clown made bal-
loon animals and performed illu-
sions for the children's entertain-
ment. A four-year-old German
Shepherd named Max was an-
other popular volunteer. Max
provides officer protection and
searches crime scenes for the
Greenv die Police Department.
Ms. lopes said working at
the foundation is discouraging at
times because low funds limit the
children's activities. Before the
Sunshine Fair, Future lor the
is named they would be ap-
proached first and the power of
attorney can give consent Jor-
dan said.
COPA works with UNOS,
which has a computerized
matching system between do-
nors and recipients in which all
potential recipients in the United
States are registered, Jordan said.
Criteria for matches include
"blood type, or group and tissue
matching with six antigens
where the likelihood of rejection
increases with a higher match
Jordan said.
Time is also a factor in
matches, where the person who
waited the longest receives the
transplant first, except in cases
of vital organs such as hearts
and livers, Jordan said. "If some-
one is about to die, they are given
urgent status over someone who
is just sick he said.
Organ donations do not af-
fect funeral arrangements and
there will be no physical changes
in the body to affect viewing, ac-
cording to COPA. "Normally do-
nation takes place from 12-24
hours after death Jordan said.
The remains are then released to
the funeral home, Jordan said.
Donations can only occur
after every effort has been made
to save the patient's life, death has
been legally declared by a physi-
cian and that physician cannot be
involved in the transplant, Jordan
Those patients who die from
cardiac arrest (when the heart
stops beating) can only donate tis-
sues; while patients who suffer
from brain death, in which there is
a complete end to brain functions,
can donateorgans and tissues, Jor-
dan said.
Organs are preserved in so-
lution and are usually trans-
planted within 12 hours, as soon
as they get in, Jordan said. Kid-
neys take a little longer and are
usuallv transplanted within 24-36
hours or shorter if possible, he
Talbert O. Shaw, president
of Shaw University, feels it is es-
peciallv important for African-
Americans to donate organs and
tissues. "More than 8,460 African-
organ transplants Shaw said. "
Of the people currently awaiting
kidney transplants in North Caro-
lina, 66 percent are African-Ameri-
can Shaw said.
Jordan emphasized the ne-
cessitvof organ donation. "People
aredying every day he said. "The
list gets bigger and bigger, with 25
percent to 30 percent dying with-
out ever receiving a transplant. If
evervone that could donate would,
there wouldn'tbe a problem. What
COPA wants most is for everyone
to be able to make an informed
Americans are currently awai ting

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The faculty and staff of The HONORS PROGRAM of East
Carolina University congratulate the spring 1994 seniors who are
GRADUATES of the Honors Program:
(Phillip Andrew Cameron
Itjchard 'Michael Cok.
Tddie Leroy Darton
Jessica Leigh 'Denton
Janis Oenee Henderson
atrina Michelle Miggins
Christopher Matthew Mils
Amanda Alicia Mines
Sandra Lynn OioKoman
Tamara Sloan Lockamy
Tatrickjason Matthews
Stuart Mack,MizeUt
Amy e6ecca Oprris
Christy Leighann 'Pake
Vena Gait 'Price
Angela 'Bacon 1(eid
Gregory MichaelSembtr
Aaron John Shoemaf&r
&becta Irene Smith
Vanicl Mammond Stevens
'Dana 9(pSin 'WaCdron
Vorothy Jaye Weeks
Michael Jason 'WHttiams
and the 1994 recipients of research stipends for senior year projects:
Brian Bartelt
Mehryn Galardi
Christopher Hils
Jonathan O'Neal
Angela Bacon Reid
1 oundation coordinated art pro-
gra ms tor the ch i Id rvn. A lop- sided
volunteer to child ratio lvis pre-
vented ones and her stall from
organizing a health tair sooner.
"I liked it when they told us
about saving no to drugs and
showed us how to wear helmets
with bikes 11- year old Akia
Davis said.
"It was fun Latoya Moy,
said another W intergreen student
"Hiked all Of it
Although Phi Sigma Pi and
The East Carolinian 3
Continued from page 2
i I �. ii �����-�
Foundation tor the Future orga-
nized theSunshine Fair, Salter said
contributions by the Rotary Club
ol Greenville, Wal-mart, Wirm
Dixie, Kroger, McDonald's and
countless other individuals and
businesses made the fair possible.
As the Sunshine Fair con-
cluded, volunteers and children
joined hands and sang "You Are
My Sunshine Although it was
cold and rainy outside, the sun
shined on our community's fu-
I will recruit a team - send me information
I would like to be on a team
Enclosed $10 per person
Mail to: American Cancer Society, PO Box 377
Greenville, NC 27835
irtl&i JLuJ mmasBsM



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4 The East Carolinian
April 26, 1994
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
last semester when he was of-
fered extra credit for his health
course. Like many students,
Bonds enjoyed volunteering so
much that he continued after
the completion of his health
According to Stroehmann,
he is a God-send to the center.
"He does everything
Stroehmann said. "Whatever
needs to be done, he does and
he is competent
Judy Baker, director of the
ECU Student Volunteer Pro-
gram praised Bonds for his work
and his dedication. Baker added
that everyone who has worked
with Bonds has responded posi-
"I'd like to praise him for
his efforts Baker said. "He
started in his Health 1000 class
and continued with it, and that
is one of our primary goals in
the program
Students interested in be-
coming part of the volunteer
program can contact Judy Baker
at 757-6432 or in room 201
Christenbury Gym. The pro-
gram is open to any individual
or group who wishes to help the
community by volunteering.
Continued from page 1
tobacco and sex education. North
Carolina state Representative
Zeno Edwards recently chastised
Dr. James Hallock, dean of ECU's
medical school for inviting Elders,
given her support for a tobacco
Elders graduated from Phi-
lander Smith College in Little
Rock, Ark. when she was 18 years
old, and then joined the Army
where she trained in physical
therapy. She later attended the
University of Arkansas medical
school on the G.I. Bill and com-
pleted her residency in pediatrics.
She also holds a master's degree
in biochemistry and is board-cer-
tified in pediatrics and endocri-
either recommended to Albright
and his staff or sent in pieces to
them for possible publication.
The review is suppose to
come out every six months but is
now on a ten month schedule,
Albright said. The first two North
Carolina Literary Reviews re-
ceived a total of eight national
and international design awards.
The magazine currently has about
1,200 subscribers in 31 states and
four foreign countries. The de-
sign of this issue was done by Eva
Roberts, a member of the ECU
School of Art faculty, and by
Greenville designer Stanton
This issue has been well re-
ceived so far and has received
positive responses. "We've been
really happy with it Albright
Uuireen dud jnsoti would like to extend' n heartfelt 'tlnvik
io' to oil the diligent, liiirdii'orkinx ucicswtitcrs ioho
stuck it out this semester: Ljiwo Alhird, leh lirooksliiic,
dnrli'ft, Shtfiuioii Cooper, Stephiinie Lossiter, Mike
W'nlker oud TummyZion. (ood link in iotir future cn-
ieers. Roncufhcr us little people if iou ever liiake it biy.
(.ud cheek out Dnniel Sclnur's speech for tijts!) �
Green featured. The magazine
also features accounts of the 1898
Wilmington race riot that shows
different perspectives of the riot,
both in fact and fiction.
Other features of the maga-
zine include interviews, reviews
of literary works and a section
entitled "Yankee Writers in North
Carolina which features works
by writers that were originally
from outside of the state.
Included in the magazine
are more than 100 illustrations
most of which were done by fac-
ulty and students of the ECU
School of Art. Several ECU stu-
dents and faculty when contrib-
uted to this issue include Tim
Hampton, Bertie Fearing, James
Rostar and Lois Redmond.
The authors and artists that
contributed to the review were
Continued from page 1
time he uses the baseball bat is
when the media comes around.
"This was my prop he said.
"I had to get the attention of
America and let America know
that there is something wrong
with the educational system�
Clark has become a hero to
many people involved in the edu-
cational system.
"As a teacher myself, I look
up to this man because of his
revolutionary approaches
Watson said. Clark retired from
East Side in August of 1990 to
travel around the country giv-
ing motivational lectures.
"As I travel from campus
to campus, I have become quite
concerned about a lot of
thingshe said. It is time for us
to come together in America as
one. We must begin walking
the path of honor, justice and
freedom for all he said.
Clark started his career in
education in New Jersey at PS.
Six Grammar School. He is also
the author of the novel entitled
Laying Down the Law.
Looks like a
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The East Carolinian
April 26, 1994
Page 5
The East Carolinian
Jason Williams, News Editor
Stephanie Lassiter, Asst. News Editor
Stephanie Tullo, Lifestyle Editor
Gina Jones, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Brian Olson, Sports Editor
Dave Pond, Asst. Sports Editor
Amy E. Wirtz, Opinion Page Editor
Chris Kemple, Staff Illustrator
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Matthew A. Hege, Advertising Director
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Margie O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Burl Aycock, Layout Manager
Franco Sacchi, Asst. Layout Manager
Mike Ashley, Creative Director
Elain Calmon, Asst Creative Director
Cedric Van Buren, Photo Editor
Jodi Connelly, Copy Editor
Phebe Toler, Copy Editor
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12.000 copies every Tuesday andThursday. The
masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
words, which may be edited for decency orbrevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication.
Letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian. Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
It's the end of the world as we know it
(and I feel fine)
Well, here we are. The end. To many, it's just
the end of the semester, the end of some miserable
class, the end of an annoying dorm room. For me,
it's the end of my collegiate journalism venture, a
four-year academia nightmare, and Greenville. And
what I have to say to that is: THANK GOD and
It's not that I didn't enjoy it at certain mo-
ments, it's just that about two years into being a
college student, I realized that college really had
nothing new to teach me aside from aggravation
and humiliation. Which, I guess in a round-about,
slap-in-the-face sort of way, is all part of it. But, I
believe that I could have waited to experience that
little phenomenon during the next few years of my
life.Oh well,Igoanearlystartonmycynical period.
Yippee Anyway, because I complained all year
about various media events, international strife
and almost certain worldly death and destruction
(a couple times over), I am taking this opportunity
to thank my colleagues and friends and say all the
things I wasn't able to say to my hungry little
audience since I took over the position of Opinion
Goddess. (No, it won't take long.)
First, to Gregory Dickens, thank you for all of
the time and energy and patience you pulled out of
God-knows-where during those first few months
as Managing Editor. I'm glad we ended this jaunt as
co-workers and as good friends. Cheers to the
Whore of Bathsheba and don't you ever leave me
cryptic notes again. Or Elmo will hunt you down
and you'll have to give him Muppet CPR.
Secondly, to Kemple Boy, my knight in shin-
ing, uh red vinyl. You chugged out those silly
editorial cartoons on nights you should have been
home doing your art projects. Thanks for the shoul-
der, the ear and the lunches. Hey, and you'd be the
coolest person on Earth if you, like, gave me that
orange chair and made me Purplesaurus Kool-Aid.
Hell, forget all that, just keep making me laugh.
And for the Rave Man opportunity, and
Thirdly (there is no order here), to Joe Horst,
the eternal member of The East Carolinian staff)
thanks for indoctrinating me into the sacred posi-
tion of Opinion Editor. You never told me how
tough it would be. I don't know what you and Blair
were thinking Sorry I redesigned the page. It was
bad and we both know it. Hey! I'm fired!
Fourthly, to the boys of Wang TV. I didn't
really know anyone here when I first started, and I
wasn't really sure I enjoyed the fringe benefits, but
that cartoonists' room and the stupid conversations
made it all worthwhile. I can't believe it's been a
whole year. I just wish that some of the circum-
stances could have been different. We could have
used another good photographer. And thanks for
Denny's (Godspeed).
To Burt If toast laid down in the dewy grass
and ate the paste of furry sound, would Igor lose the
way of smelling salt? I didn't think so. You're
wacky, flisum-flosum.
To Laura, you wonderful writer, you. We still
haven't gotten that coffee yet, and here I am leaving
Greenville. I promise, before I get the hell out, that
we'll mosey on over to the Java Shop and have some
mud. What's up with that psychic telephone non-
Well, not only am I running out of space, but
my mind is shuting down, my Managing Editor is
peering over my shoulder (sorry Maureen, and
good luck), and I'm starting to sound like an Acad-
emy Awards acceptance speech. Thank you Mom
and Dad, BW, Mel, Dofus and everyone I've forgot-
ten. And thank you for the experience of hard
laborious writing.
Goodnight, folks!
By Brian Hall
Nixon faux pas serve as warning to future leaders
When I heard that former
President Nixon died this past
Friday, it seemed to provide a
sense of completion for the early
part of my life. Richard Nixon is
most likely the most important
national figure to die in my life-
time, as well as the first presi-
dent of which I have any per-
s o n a 1
The interesting thing about
all the coverage the story has re-
ceived this past weekend is how
no one except George Will has been
willing to criticize the policies of
this supposedly great Conserva-
tive. Undoubtedly, much of this is
due to the reticence of anyone to
speak ill of the
the President
Nixon of the '70s de-
tente was a far different
man than the untiring
opponent of Commu-
nism of the '40s and
first four
Nixon. One
is of elec-
tion day,
1972, when
my parents
talked hhh
about for
whom they had voted (Mom for
Nixon, Dad for McGovern). The
next memories are of the
Watergate hearings, and how
distressing it was to me that all
my favorite cartoons were pre-
empted . Finally, I remember that
August night when Nixon an-
nounced his resignation. Look-
ing back, it seems strange that I
should remember these things
and not others, like the Vietnam
Watergate and its after-
math has shaped the whole po-
litical climate in which we grew
up. Ever since, politicians have
been viewed with a new, and
unhealthy, cynicism created in
the media and public by the con-
troversy. So, it is right that this
remains his greatest legacy, de-
spite all the talk about his reha-
bilitation and foreign policy tri-
umphs. One would hope that
this tragedy would serve as a
warning to all our future lead-
dead. But it
seems that it
goes much fur-
ther than this.
On contempla-
tion, the Presi-
dent Nixon of
the '70s detente
was a far differ-
ent man than the
hb untiring oppo-
nent of Commu-
nism of the '40s and '50s.
Nixon began his political ca-
reer soon after World War II, with
his election to the House of Repre-
sentatives. While there, he made a
national reputation for himself on
the House Un-American Activities
Committee, exposing the likes of
Alger Hiss as Communist agents.
While revisionists today like tocast
all such hearings as witch hunts,
the truth is that, despite the ex-
cesses of Senator McCarthy and
his ilk, the focus of evil in the world
was not here in America but in the
Soviet Union. Under Stalin, the
Soviets were undeniable virulent
and bent on world domination. It
is unfair to retrospectively cast as-
persions, as many today like to do,
on those like Nixon and Whittaker
Chambers who resolutely stood
against the advancing tides of to-
Unfortunately, as president,
Nixon compromised his firm stand
for freedom. Only i'i our current
state of amorality is it possible to
see old film footage of Nixon in the
'70s, as representative of the free
world � smiling, making toasts
and shaking hands with represen-
tatives of the two governments,
Communist China and the Soviet
Union, responsible for more people
in this century than any other, even
Nazi Germany. Moreover, this
shameless debasing of American
principle, rather than aiding us in
any way, merely helped prolong
the Cold War. This is also the same
president who, when leaving Viet-
nam, left countless numbers of
American servicemen to rot in
Southeastern Asian prisons.
In domestic policy, his presi-
dency was even worse. Nixon inv
posed wage and price controls, in-
stituted the first affirmative action
programs, established the EPA, and
generally increased the power of
the federal government over our
everyday lives more than any
moral presidents except Roosevelt
and Johnson. This transformation
is what liberals call growth. Su-
preme Court Justices also excel at
growing. Frequently, at the time of
their appointments, they still be-
lieve that the Constitution means
something. After a few years, they
grow out of it and discover it means
whatever they say it means. It is
this growth for which most pun-
dits are praising Nixon.
Fortunately, the country has
been able to survive the policies
which so many are praising today.
Let's strive to put the bitterness
and cynicism in politics, whichhas
been the most lasting legacy of the
Nixon era, behind us. Go home
this summer and find out what is
really going on. Do not settle for
the easy answers and slogans both
sides put out. Think for yourself.
By Barbara Irwin
Softball season finds grandmas rarin' to go
Havelock to the ever-growing
Greenville,N.Citis becoming quite
apparent that Spring fever is in full
swing, and along with it, the softball
bats of those glory day wanna-be's.
In fact, drive by any small town or
big city at 5 o'clock and it seems as
though every resident has checked
out of their once-busy stores, leav-
ing strangers believing they're pass-
ing through a ghost town. And the
residents themselves don't care. Be-
cause after every sunny work day
from now until Labor Day, quitting
time is "Play Bail time.
The whole routine probably
got started aboutsixweeksago when
we knew decent weather, "softball
weather was really here to stay. At
this point, sign-up rosters were
passed around big business coffee
rooms and posted on every church
bulletin board. Even a few early die-
hardsdusted off their gloves, scraped
last year's dirt from their cleats, pol-
ished up their aluminum and hit the
field for a little pre-season warm-up.
Finally, until they can't wait
no more, the mail-room boys, the
CEOs, the alter girls, and the priests
all don their $10-donation T-shirts
with their lucky numbers and in-
vade their own "field of dreams
where instantaneously they are all
created equal. Forget the money-
making titles engraved in gold that
command respect; for now, they sim-
ply melt onto the polyester backs of
those behemoths as 'Tiny "Dig-
ger or "Hoss Suddenly, the ma-
jestic becomes joker as that intimi-
dating know-it-all grounds out to
the underdog pitcher, and everyone
hears his or her 80-year old mother
scream "Wha'd I tell you 1xut that
shoulder, Bubby fromherweather-
beaten lawn chair that's seen more
seasons than Bubby himself.
There is surely a kind of justice
served when the staff downs the
management, or the students cream
the teachers, or the kids trample the
parents. The loserssavefaceby claim-
ing it's all just for fun anyway, while
the winners rant for years about this
one game, or this one season, allow-
ing the memory to stay as spotless as
the trophy glistening in the foyer.
I don't know anyone who
doesn't enjoy softball. Why, even
last year I made the trip toOruo to see
my 75- year old Mammy and Pappy
try to hit a softball the size of a swol-
len grapefruit. (I find that odd;
Shouldn't the nice small ones be for
the old and meekand the grapefruits
be for all those muscle-studs who
ding it out every at-bat?) Anyway, I
never laughed so hard watching my
4'11 200-pound grandma get a
double out of a grounder to the
pitcher. He was too creaking rigid to
bend down and pickup the ball, and
by the time his oldie-but-goodie in-
field figured it out, she had a stand-
up double! Go get 'em granny!
There are women's leagues,
men's leagues, leagues for the old,
and leagues for 4- and 5-year-olds. I
suppose the truly "just-for-fun"
game that I've ever played in my
23 years of softball was the game
in which it was girls against the
guysand there wasakegofbeerat
each base.
hard you hit, or how you got on
base, you had to down a glass of
beer before you could go on. And
surprise, surprise, we chicks
pulled it out! Those big muscle-
studs always trying to hit it over
the fence, which they usually did,
had to drink so many beers they
passed out before the fourth in-
ning. The score was 24-2, in favor
of them, but one guy incoherently
uttered something we took to
mean "We forfeit and declared
ourselves victorious.
As popular as the phenom-
enon of softball is, it's just too bad
we can't use it to solve all our
problems. Let Bosnia settle their
disputes on the diamond; only 9
of mem make any real decisions
anyway. Parents upset with the
school administration? Send 'em
to a field to battle it out. Gangs?
Well, there are at least nine in
every one, so batter up! As I see ;t,
softball, would be the perfect de-
cider. If s either a strike or a ball,
and you're either safe or out. And
or later, someone wins. But, until
this "field of dreams" exists, we
may as well enjoy it for all it is. So,
play ball
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
lam writing in response to the April 19,issueof The
East Carolinian to a letter submitted by one William
Roberson. In his letter, he states that he felt "Public Safety
had been wrongly accused ofbeing racially intimidating
with no evidence to prove these claims
If one would take a look back at the November 9,
1993, issue of The East Carolinian, one would find a
statement made by former chief of ECU police, Ron
Avery that read, "If you are doing something that makes
you stand out, you may be asked to produce an ID
especially if you are a young black male Now if that
wasn't a racially intimidating statement, I don't know
what it is. That particular statement was very distasteful
and inconsiderate of the young black males on and
around the campus of ECU. It basically told-them that if
you so much as laugh too loudly, you may need to show
Next, William Roberson called the publicizing of
A.B.L.Es (Allied Blacks for Leadership and Equality),
protest disgusting which was ignorant on his part. He
clearly stated himself that he assumed the broadcast
was pertaining to the watergun incident that hap-
pened on College Hill. If you don't know exactly what
assumptions, only on facts. Basically, William, you
proved that when you assume you really do make an
"ass" of yourself.
Last but not least, William, as an African- Ameri-
can andmember of A.B.L.EIcanhonestly say A.B.L.E.
does not think that a black officer will be less compe-
tent at his or her duties. The purpose for having
African-American safety officers is for the Arncan-
Americans of ECU to have representation of them in
any situation that might occur where Public Safety is
So, William, I strongly urge you to reevaluate
your feelings on racial equality and the "real" reasons
why A.B.L.E. was protesting.
LeTasha T. Hughes
To the Editor
As my fourth year at East Carolina University
comes to a close, I am becoming disgusted with people
advocating pro-car issues who (in all probability) have
no first-hand knowledge of the violence cars are capable
of committing.
Well, gather round 'cause here's something they
won't teach you in Psychology class. About five years
ago, Hayes Michael Charles ("not guilty by reason of
insanity") was driving too fast in Winston Salem, NC,
had an accident, and killed four people, wounding five
others (myself included).
Later, it was revealed that just threedaysbefore the
incident, Mr. Charles had bought two new cars, one of
which was a Mustang used in the wreck. Having suf-
fered from a bumper in the forehead, I have received
some insight into the problem of cars and violence.
Itdoesn'ttakeacollege education to realize people
without first-hand knowledge of this kind of violence
cannot appreciate the need for something as simple as a
10-day waiting period on the purchase of automobiles.
Sure, Hayes Charles was an "honest citizen" claiming
his right to own a car, but did he actually need those
cars right now?! Perhaps if it was necessary to wait the
10-days he would have ridden a bicycle and avoided
all the needless violence of the auto. Of course, this is
not a solution, merely a beginning.
A letter, very much along the same lines as this
one, apearred(sic) in the April 21 issue of Tlie East
Carolinian. I took the liberty of substituting its point of
focus, guns, with cars to make this point; It is an
outrageous mistake to say, as did Mr. Tirrell, tha t guns
are capable of committing violence. Guns are capable
of absolutely nothing. A gun is made of metal and sits
idly by until someone picks it up. It Is not tlie problem;
it is merely a tool. Our society of broken homes,
neglected youth and absent morals is the problem, Mr. -
Tirrell, and no 10-day waiting period is going to fix
Scott Stroud
� Senior
Communication Arts

Page 6
The East Carolinian
April 26, 1994
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fessional must be social. Call 758-1522
after 6:00pm or leave message.
apt. in Cherry Court. Rent $285, deposit
same as rent. Great location for the seri-
ous student call 752-8910 for info.
bedroom one bath duplex. Located on
1st Street $370 per month. Persons
needed to take over lease, call 758-6692'
share 2 bedroom apartment. Close to
campusGreatlocation. Call Patricia 752-
apartment 12 block from art building,
3 blocks from downtown, 2 blocks from
supermarket. Starting in June call 757-
20- Aug. 15. 35 minutes from campus.
No pets. References required. $500
month plus utilities. 919-975-6709
sessions or fall semester (or both)! Fur-
nished, pool, 3 bd room, 2 12 baths,
washer and dryer. $200month. 1 mile
from campus at Twin Oaks. 757-1807
AVAILABLE JUNE 1 spacious clean 4
bedroom 21 2 bath, 1 block from cam-
pus safe of street parking central air w
d hookup prefer non-smoking females
no pets or waterbeds after 5 758-7515
summer. Private furnishedunfur-
nished bedroom, shared bath, 112
blocks from campus. Non-smoker. Rent
includes water, sewer, AC, and cable.
Call 758-3519
PLINKORULES!2bedroom 11 2bath
Oakmont Square Apt. to sublease. On
site laundry facilities, maintenance, pool,
volleyball. $410month caU 355-3454
utility month, 7 min. walk from cam-
pus, washer dryer, dogs ok, Prefer
social mf, call 830-6703
needs two fully furnished apartments
suitable for married coupls during sum-
mer: June 24- July 30. Contact Bert
Speicher, 355-3030.
room apt. 2 miles from campus. $400 a
month includes water and cable. Pool,
volleyball, tennis accomodations. 321-
SUBLET FOR SUMMER 2blocks from
campus $150 util. washer,dryer, cable
ac. call Brian 758-2941
anytime May through August 15th, $175
month, furnished, close to campus, ac,
water and utilities included. 752-1492
nished, 1st floor, 1 bedroom apt Kings
Arms Apts. $275 month. Available May-
Aug. with option to sign new lease. Call
Gina 830-4949 leave message.
SMALL2 BR HOUSE located near cam-
pus. $250. Available immediately. Call
321-0473 from 8:00 to 5:00
needs one responsible yet fun loving
roommate. 12 mile from campus. A
C,fireplace,cathedralceiling, music loft,
enclosed patio, large 4 window bed-
room 2nd floor, no pets, must love mu-
sic and musician type friends, $200 a
month13 utilities. Call us fora frieedly
interview. 758-7993
SUMMER ROOM for rent. One block
from campus. One block from down-
town. $175 month 12 electric. Call
Jason at 758-1031 or 830-8968.
large 3 story house 3 minutes from cam-
pus by car. Must be non-smoker, grad
student preferred, commuter ideal.
Please call Michael at 752-3635, leave
message if no answer available May 1st.
in2bedroom apt. $167.50 1 2 utilities.
No deposit required. Next to Kingston
Place Apts. Call 758-3577 leave mes-
For Rent
River Apts. $150month and 13 utili-
ties. CaU 830-6828
2 BEDROOM AFT. $380mo. 1 12
bath, on-site maintenance and laundry
facilities, balcony, walkin closet. Secu-
rity deposit is one months rent. Avail-
able May 5th. Call Christine at 752-9321
block from campus, furnished, 3 bed, 2
bath, washer & dryer, AC, $550 month.
Call 752-8526
NEED TO RENT CHEAP for 2 people
(behind Belk) by May 8th, $192. 50 per
person a month includes hot water and
cable. Call 355-8924
needed to share quite residential house.
Must be clean and neat. $200 a month 1
3 utilities call 355-8783 or 321-2830 after
7. Ask for Kevin
AVAILABLE NOW! 3 bedroom house
only $320 or West Greenville 4 bed-
room, 2 bath $410 call 752-1375
JUNE FIRST! 1 bedroom duplex $250
or August First! 2 bedroom apartment
$350 call 752-1375
for this executive 2 story house, 4 bed-
rooms, 2 baths, formal dining room, a
family room, fireplace, enclosed sun-
room, 2,400 square feet. $800 call 752-
WALK TO CAMPUS! 3 bedroom du-
plex $450 or August 1st, 3 bedroom
duplex $540 call 752-1375
ATELY! May 1- Aug. 1. Newly remod-
eled 3 level townhouse in Wildwood
Villas. Own room. $150mo. 13 utili-
ties, phone. 752-3501 or 758-4465
smoker. $200 rent, $200 deposit 12
unities. Pool, clubhouse, washerdryer.
Home 321-6554, work 413-1130
ZS Help Wanted
$10-$400UP WEEKLY. Mailing Bro-
chures! SpareFull-time.Setown hours!
Rush stamped envelope: PublishersfGl)
1821 Hillandale Rd. 1B-295 Durham,
NC 27705.
NEEDED AT ONCE Girls, Girls, Girls.
Earn big summer cash. The best sum-
mer job around. Playmates Adult Enter-
tainment call for more info. 747-7686
ATTENTION LADIESearn$l,000plus
a week escorting in the Greenville area.
Must be 18 yrs. old; have own phone
and transportation. We are an estab-
lished agency check out your yellow
Prescreened families looking for caring
individuals to spend a year as a nanny.
$175-$350week, room and board, car,
airfare included. Call childcrest 1-800-
aged children wanted for summer. Re-
sponsible, loving, innovative person
with own car. Experience and refer-
ences required. Call 758-2106 after
Automotive. Apply in person. Sears is
an equal opportunity employer mf.
Morning hours preferred.
YOUTH SPORT CAMPS: assistantdi-
rector and instructors. Sponsored by
ECU Recreational services. Camp to run
June 13- July 1. Obtain applications in
204 Christenbury Gym.
El Help Wanted I E" Help Wanted I E3 Services Offered
a Great
in Atlantic Beach!
Outer Banks Outfitters is a growing mail
order and retail firm specializing in marine
electronics, marine accessories, fishing
tackle and leisure clothing. Located in
Atlantic Beach, NC we offer a challenging
and fulfilling work atmosphere coupled
with an unequalled living environment.
We are seeking detail-oriented and self-
motivated individuals to work as phone
sales representatives. Work involves tak-
ing customer orders, advising customers
of product availability and assisting cus-
tomers with problems and questions.
Individuals we seek need some typing and
computer skills with a good phone man-
ner and flexible work schedule.
Trefoil &a&k
We are looking for motivated individuals
seeking summer employment to serve as
cashiers in our retail store. Qualified indi-
viduals should possess some typing skills
and limited knowledge of computer or
cash register operation. We require indi-
viduals with flexible schedules for a 30-40
hour work week.
If you are interested in either of these
summer opportunities, please contact:
Outer Banks Outfitters
Atlantic Station Shopping Ctr.
Post Office Box 3330
Atlantic Beach, NC 28512
(S10) 240-2500, Ext 1102
be outgoing, energetic, and willing to
learn. Flexible hours. Apply at Green-
ville Country Club Tuesday- Friday,
2:00-4:00 pm only
now accepting applications for an im-
mediate, full-time line cook. Split shifts
and weekends. Apply in person
Has opening for part-time stocker and
sales. Person needs to have stocking
experience andor farm background.
Must be able to work afternoons and
every other Saturday consisting of
approx. 30 hours per week, pick up
applkaiton at Agri Supply Company.
No phone calls. EOE
semble products at home. Call toll free
1-800-467-5566 ext 5920.
chanical contractor has openings forelec-
in Atlantic Beach!
Outer Banks Outfitters is a growing mail
order and retail firm specializing in marine
electronics, marine accessories, fishing
tackle and leisure clothing. Located in
Atlantic Beach, NC. we offer a challenging
and fulfilling work atmosphere coupled
with an unequalled living environment.
Soled .epi&ieHtatiwx
We are seeking detail-oriented and self-
motivated individuals to work as phone
sales representatives. Work involves tak-
ing customer orders, advising customers
of product availability and assisting cus-
tomers with problems and questions.
Individuals we seek need some typing and
computer skills with a good phone man-
ner and flexible work schedule.
iR.ettUl &uitucK
We are looking for motivated individuals
seeking summer employment to serve as
cashiers in our retail store. Qualified indi-
viduals should possess some typing skills
and limited knowledge of computer or
cash register operation. We require indi-
viduals with flexible schedules for a 30-40
hour work week.
If you are interested in either of these
summer opportunities, please contact:
Outer Banks Outfitters
Atlantic Station Shopping Ctr.
Poat Office Box 3330
Atlantic Beach, NC 28612
(�19) 240-2500, Ext. 1102
trical, HV AC, plumbing, and sheet metal
fabrication helpers. Apply to Bolton
Corp 919 W. Morgan St Raleigh, NC
Bern family;childrenage7&212 work
includes transportation to summer ac-
tivities, simple meals, having fun. Op-
tion to accompany family to Bahamas
after July 29. Begins May 17 call Marty
earning potential. Finance background
preferred. Put your college degree to
work. Call Nease Personnel 756-5820.
Mon Wed & Fri. mornings. Very reli-
able and responsible with references.
For Sale
mattress, heater, padded rails $175 or
obo. 757-9645
AND WATCHERS: Warmer weather is
approaching and you want to look your
best! Sports supplements at major dis-
count prices: Met-rx, OKG, Creatine,
Cybergenics, Vanady I Sulfa te, Hot Stuff,
Weight gain powders (all), Amino Ac-
ids, Super Chromoplex, Tri-Chromelene,
Cybertrim, Quick Trim, Super Fat Burn-
ers, Herbs, Multi- Vitamins,SuperGolden
Seal, and many more! Call Brad at 931-
9097 for more info.
KITCHEN TABLE w 4 chairs for S50
plus a brand new dresser and night stand
for $75 call anytime after noon, call 758-
$169! California- $129 ea. way! Now.
Florida too. CaribbeanMexican Coast
rt $189! No gimmicks- no hitches.
Airtech 1-800-575-TECH.
Dorm size refrigerator for sale- only $40
Available as soon as possible! Please call
LOFT k. CARPET call Nicole 931-8553,
best offer, or come see 213 Jarvis Hall.
GOLF SHOES new, lightweight, water
proof and comfortable variouseolors and
sizes available just $39.95 a pair call 830-
AIRLINE TICKET: roundtrip Delta
ticket good toanywhereinU.S.orCanada
(except Hawaii). Valid until 395. $275
CaU 752-8308
PING EYE GOLF IRONS (3-pw), sand
wedge, putter, spaulding executive
graphite shaft woods (1-3-5), Ping Tour
bag, new golf caddy, EXC. $525 obo.
BC A Rocky mountain bike, gel seat, bear
claw peddles, new tires and rims, plus
many xtras. exc $150 obo. Call 758-7615
yr. old pull out sofa bed w love seat-
$250,pull outsofa bed-$100,2yrold twin
size bed- $150, yr. old single size bed-
$100,coffee table-$110,3end tables-$115
each, Oakwood desk- $45 CaU 758-9104
for more info.
FOR SALE Futon bed, heavy duty
wood frame, black mattress, $100 caU
PINK FLOYD TICKETS for sale 792-
E3 Services Offered
retarial work. Specializing in resume
composition w cover letters stored on
I'm Very Proud Of You!
All My Love,
� ����������������if
disk, term papers, general typing. Word
perfect or Microsoft Word for windows
software. Call today (8a-5p�752-9959)
Nisha, Heather, John (ft), Dan, PJ, Bridget
and others. Thanks for a great semester.
I'll miss you this summer, good luck on
vour exams Billv
brothers of Phi Sigma Pi- Don E. Batts,
Amy Brody, Celeste Brown, Adib
Farhadi, Teresa Garren, Lindsay
Fernandez, Amanda Hines, Christal
Johnson, Michele Kennedy, Karen
Parrish, Ashley Neal, Tracy Reynolds,
Kelli Schuffert, Ana Villareal, Laura
Wallace and Cindy Williver
ALPHA PHIS- Good luck on Finals
Don't drink too m jch coffee.
DELTA ZETA would like to wish ev-
eryone good luck on exams! Study Hard!
OF PI DELTA. Glad we could get to-
gether down at PB's for a pre-down-
town. Hope we can do it again soon, Sig
DELTA ZETA- Pre-downtown was a
blast on Wed We all had a great time.
Already looking forward to next time.
Sig Tau
PHI SIGMA PI to thegraduatingbroth-
ers, thank you for all you have shared
with me. I will miss all of you. Rember
the tri-pod, and good luck on your fu-
tures. Sean
ALPHA DELTA PI wishes everyone
good luck on their exams and a good
PI KAPP PHI: We had fun Fri. night!
Hope to get together again sometime.
Love Alpha Delta Pi
CONGRATULATIONS to all the sis-
ters of Alpha Delta Pi! We wish you the
best of luck. Please come back and
visit. We love you1
night! Watch out, cause you'll get
burned! We love you all and will miss
PI DELTA: We want to congratulate
the new Pi Delta officers: Honor
Nebiker- President, Erika Daugherty-
Vice Pres, Marge Gerber- Secretary,
Deanna Walston- Treasurer.
SIG TAU: We definitely had enough
drinks, our favorites were the butterfly
ones. We challenge you to another
gameof cards. Pi Delta sisterspledges
lations to: Angie Atwater, Candy Holt,
Wendy Bailes, Lori Leggett, Denise
Blackman, Stephanie Jefferson,
Stephanie Smithey, Jennifer
Winkleman Good luck- Have fun!
PI DELTA: the food was delicious,
atmosphere romantic, and the danc-
ing frantic. Shoney's was tasty. Semi
was a blast! Lisa- short tape pieces
to welcome their new sisters: Lee
Adams, Amy Artuso, Jean Cullifer,
Kyle Fleming Lena Gibbs, Jenna Kivett,
Lynn Manzone, April Melvin, Kim
Oliver, Tamara Page, Sherry Penlard,
Crystal Small, and Joanna Stout.
$250 -$500week
2 12 year old Marketing Firm
needs 20-25 winners with
wheels who can run then-
own show wherever they
please -Full-Part-Interviews
Holliday Inn
5 - 9 P.M. Mon-Tues
April 25-26
I nil-1 line Temporary Positions Available
lor last Carolina Students
General Construction labor
(Ill InolS IHTlU'tr � (III C il 111 pilS )
l.iiidator driii; screen required.
" I Ik- Peopleonijuihv"
OX rliuutun UHif, Suite ( drvem ille. (
Don't Pass
This Up!
(Big Savings)
Call 758-5393
� �
A meeting will be held on Tues.
March 29,1994 at 7pm
in Brewster C wing, room 305.
Attendance is manditory. all
members are highly encour-
aged to vote on our new con-
stitution, as well as discuss the
new agenda for the next three
April 30, 1994 2pm the game,
4pm the pig pickin, $8.50 per
student, 7pm the ECU Pirates
vs. N.C. State baseball game
$2.00 per ticket for more info,
contact Tami Geiger at 757-
will be held on April 26 at
5:00pm in room 244
Mendenhall. All members
should attend! Remember to
bring 3 toiletry items to this
meeting! We look forward to
seeing vou there! For more info
contact Allison at 931-8285

�.iMniitm.Mtip.iiimu � ��
The East Carolinian
April 26. 1994
Page 21
Warm weather helped out Barefoot on the Mall
Students took advantage of live bands, food and more
By Gina Jones
Photo by Cedric Van Buren
Barefoot was last Thursday, and was fun for many. There were bands, food and many games like "Bouncy
boxing WZMB gave away free CDs and posters, not to mention the second edition of ECU's video yearbook.
Graduate students' work
displayed at Gray Gallery
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Bands, people, food, games,
dogs, bare backs; bare chests and
fun in the sun made up Barefoot
on the Mall on Thursday, April
21. The annual Student-Union
sponsored spring event had a
large turnout this year compared
to last year's, which was small
because of bad weather.
The bands were the main at-
traction of the day. This year, the
bands were B,S, & M, an altt rna-
tive rock group, Theresa, a fe-
male guitar vocalist, The Heat-
ers, Little Dave and the Howling
Blues Band and Mojo Collins.
There were plenty of activi-
ties for everyone: The Fly, which
was a higher form of velcro jump-
ing; the Orbitron a gravity-defy-
ing contraption; Bouncy Boxing,
a boxing match on an inflatable
rin g wi th two huge boxing gloves,
and Do It in the Mud, an RHA-
sponsored event where the con-
testants find prizes in the mud
with their feet.
There were also other booths
set up at Barefoot by the different
sororities and fraternities who
had bake sales or sold food, art
students who sold their creations
and WZMB, who gave copies of
this year's awaited "1993-94 the
Treasure Chest
Overall, in my opinion, this
year's Barefoot was good, com-
pared to last year's. The weather
was nice and the people were
But, of course, it could have
been much better. There was a
feeling of longing from the crowd.
A longing for something more.
Something seemed to be missing.
Of the people I talked to, there
seemed to be mixed reviews.
Chris Kemple, a senior art
major, liked the activities, espe-
cially the Bouncy Boxing.
"Barefoot's always cool�es-
pecially when the weather's
nice. I enjoy watchmg girls beat
the bejeezus out of each other
with giant boxing gloves � it's
quality family entertainment
The music also received
mixed reviews. "I really enjoyed
all the bluesy music and big
crowds of friendly people, but I
still have a sliver of glass and a
rusty nail in my heel said Burt
Aycock, an English graduate
student. Sophomore Jodi
Conelly said, "I wish there had
been better music
Although some opinions
were nicer than others, there
was still a large turnout, which
meant that everyone was curi-
ous to see what all the brew-ha-
ha was about.
Even though some people
complained about the events
and music, they will be back
next year to see their friends, sit
around and watch, or just to
keep all the stray dogs company.
By Laura Jackman
Staff Writer
During the weeks between
April 21 and May 7, 1994, the
Wellington B. Gray Gallery will
present the works of ten graduat-
ing artists from the ECU School of
Art. The master's thesis exhibi-
tion will feature artists Bill
Dermody, Sherrod Duggan,
Amanda Durant, Ray Kaylor,
Audrey Kilgore, Doug Knotts,
Christina Lemon, Dietrich Maune,
Hugh O'Bryant and Lori
Bill Dermody is an MFA can-
didate in painting. He received
his BS degree in art from Weber
State University in Ogden, Utah.
During 1993, his work was fea-
tured in a solo exhibition at the
Mendenha 11 Gallery and his work
has been seen in over 20 group
shows nationally.
Sherrod Duggan is an MA can-
didate in ceramics. She received a
BFA in ceramics from Barton Col-
lege and has completed work at
the New York State College of Ce-
ramics at Alfred University.
Amanda Durant is an MFA
candidate in painting. She previ-
ously earned a BFA in painting
and printmaking at UNC-Greens-
boro. In 1987, a Durant painting
received the Chancellor's Pur-
chase Award for the best under-
graduate painting at UNC-
Greensboro. In a recent Rebel art
competition at ECU, Durant was
awarded first place in
Ray Kaylor is a candidate for
an MFA degree in ceramics. He
earned a BFA in ceramics and glass
from Western Carolina University.
During 1992, Kaylor's work was
featured in a solo exhibition at the
North Carolina Museum of World
Culture in Wilmington. Kaylor
won first place in sculpture in the
1993 Rebel Art Competition and a
Purchase Award from the city of
Rocky Mount's 35th Annual Art
Doug Knotts is an MFA can-
didate in ceramics. He received
his BS in education from Auburn
University and a BFA from West-
ern Carolina. Knotts has given
slide lectures on his work at the
University of Industrial Arts in
Helsinki and Tallin Art Univer-
sity in Tallin, Estonia.
Dietrich Maune is an MFA
candidate in painting. He received
a BFA degree from ECU in 1990,
and in 1994, Maune received the
Best in Show Award from the
Community Council for the Arts
National Competitive Exhibition
inKinston. A solo exhibition of his
work was featured at the New
Bern public library gallery in 1990.
Hugh O'Bryant is a cand ida te
for an MFA degree Ln sculpture.
He received his BFA degree from
ECU in 1987 and has since exhib-
ited his work extensively through-
out North Carolina. In 1992,
O'Bryant won the first place a ward
in sculpture at the Wake Visual
Arts Association Gallery in Ra-
leigh. His work has been shown at
the Tri-State Sculptures Guild Ex-
hibition, Greenhill Center for
North Carolina Art and at the City
Gallery of Contemporary Art in
Lori Twardowski is an MFA
candidate in ceramics. She re-
ceived her BFA in ceramics from
the University of Pennsylvania.
Her work was included in an ex-
hibit at Gallery Ten, in Rockford,
Illinois. In 1993, she received a
second place at the Wilson Active
Artist Association's annual art
The Wellington B. Gray Gal-
lery is located in the Jenkins Fine
Arts Center and is open Monday
through Fridav from 10 a.m. until
5 p.m. Thursday hours are ex-
tended to 8 p.m. The gallery will
be closed on Fridays and Satur-
days beginning May 13. All exhib-
its and receptions are open to the
public and there is no admission
Readings impress audience
By Daniel Willis
Staff Writer
Bruce Weigl and PhilipGerard
performed very powerful readings
Thursday, April 21, injenkinsaudi-
but had a lot of variety. He spoke of
the family he was raised in, his own
family, Chinese families, and Viet-
namese people.
"A lot of people write about
family experiences he said, at one
point, between poems. "But not
family experiences
Much of his poetry dealt with his
portrayed as brash people, with a pe-
culiar way of showing affection. He
told a graphic story of how he wit-
nessed his grandfather cut off a
chicken'sheadand moments later give
his grandson a hug.
Before one of his poems, he de-
scribedsomeofthecousins with whom
were "kind of psychotic and that he
was forced to tone his poems down
when he wrote about them. Then
he read a poem about how they
were drunk and shot a tin can out
of his hand. Everybody was en-
tirely silent, and I was thinking:
'How could he tone that down?'
Weigl's poetry was disturb-
ing, uplifting, humorous, shock-
ing and enlightening. So many
emotions were touched upon that
nobody knew how they were
going to be affected by the next
line. He was so descriptive that
See WEIGL page 9

Don't Buy
Take Your Chances
Worth A Try
Definite Purchase
A new area was
where warnings
were given to
not cross. Will
these breeding
soon encompass
Photo by
Stephanie Tulle
Jump in the Water
nothing Else Will Do
I knew I was in trouble when
the band's biography said some-
thing about baby boomers being
the target audience; it smelled like
classic rock. In fact, the biography
seems to be chock-full of revolting
information like the creation of a
new category, the Adult Album
Alternative format. The music in-
d ustry never ceases to bring me joy
and nausea. Is there reallv a need
for an adult album alternative for-
mat? Maybe I'm just too darn cyni-
cal. I digress.
The band in review here is Jump
In The Water and their new album
is Nothing Else Will Do. The group
says their musical roots stretch back
to Gershwin, Berlin, Muddy Wa-
ters, The Rolling Stones and Led
"The music reflects our heri-
tage said Forsyth; who plays gui-
tar for the band. "We do pav hom-
age to tradition That tradition is
purely American.
The sound is sort of like classic
rock, so let's at least give them credit
for recycling. The music is full of
stringed instruments with every
member playing the guitar at one
time or another; the drummer also
plays bass, keyboards, guitar and
vocal harmonies. Every member
plays at least two instruments, so
you can guess that their sound is
layered. They do have a fairlv com-
plex sound and delicate arrange-
ments. What saves the album, tor
me, is the use of traditional instru-
ments. The mandolin is always a
breath of fresh air (REM has known
this for a long time).
This album sounds old; the
banjo, acoustic guitar, acoustic bass,
mandolin, harmonica and sparse
use of drumming gives them an
archaic sound. Nothing Else Will Do
will be the second release on the
newly formed Mercury-distributed
Parachute label, a record company
that will cater, according to A&R
exec Tom Vickers, to "people who
care about music
I guess those people are the
ones for whom they are crea ting the
adult album alternative format.
Actually, this is a great band. What
irritates me is the vampire record
label that has planned the market-
ing for this group.
I highly recommend this band.
This is not a classic rock album, it is
a new band that has taken an old
sound and made it refreshing. The
lyrics are mostly concerned with
love, trawl and the life of the work-
ing class. There are some real gems
like "Musta Had Some Reason" and
See JUMP page 9
Wha t d o you get when vou cross
Ministry with the Go-Gos? You get
angst-ridden industrial rock with
melody. You get growling vocals
laid over rumbling, heavy-metal
guitars that produce bouncv, pop
rhythms. You get songs about sex,
religion, and girlfriends. In short,
you get Therapy?, the twisted indus-
trial metal band from Belfast with
the annoying question mark at the
end of their name.
Fortunately, their fourth Ameri-
caft release, Troublegum, isn't quite
as annoying as their punctuation.
Mixing industrial grind with pop
rhythms is a new innovation to me,
but ityields mixed results here. Parts
of it are a bit like nothing I've ever
heard before, but most of it just
sounds like Kiss. A schizoid mix of
heavy and light sounds, Troublegum
is kind of a mess.
The disc starts out on a heavy
note with "Knives a teen angst
screamer with a nasty edge. Rather
than simply whine about how con-
fused he is, singerguitarist Andy
Cairns bellows about how confused
he is and how that pisses him off.
Then he decides to get drunk and
beat somebody up. Not the most
intelligent of songs, to be sure, and
Therapy? only makes it worse bv
sounding deep and serious about
the whole thing. Those bouncv pop
hooks aren't in evidence here, this is
a straight-on heavy rocker with no
sense of humor. It's one thing to be
moronic, but to be pretentiously
moronic is ust plain obnoxious.
After this less-than-prorrusing,
opening, Troublegum gets a little
better. Even though the third track,
"Hellbelly opens up with a gui-
tar riff that sound like something
lifted from Van Halen II; it at least
opens up one of Therapy ?'s pet
themes � religion. In this one,
ers who use the church's money
for personal gain. The chorus, a
ponderous chant of "Jesus with-
out the suffering leads to the
song's climax, singer Andv Cairft
wishing he had nails to drive
through the openings on the
preacher'shands. Though lyrically
impressive, "Hellbelly" is ulti-
mately defeated by bouncy
rhythms that just don't fit the sub-
ject matter.
Therapy? return to the reli-
gion angle much more effectively
on "Lunacy Booth This one calls
the Catholic confessional a source
of cheap pornography for the,
priest, and implies that Confes
sion is an easy out.
.L ii l' p�rfP

8 The East Carolinian
April 26. 1994
Duo work
on Passion
NEW YORK (AP)�A Georges
Seurat painting and fairy tales of the
Brothers Grimm were the sources for
their first two shows. So why not a
musical based on an obscure 19th-
century Italian novel about love and
Such are the inspirations for the
challenging coIlaborationsofStephen
Sondheim and JamesLapine,theduo
that created Sunday in tlie Park zoith
George and Into the Woods.
Their latestjointvenfureiscalled
Passion, now in previews � and ex-
Broadway's Plymouth Theater on
May 9, nearly two weeks behind
If he's under the gun, Lapine, the
show's author and director, doesn't
show any signs of the pressure usu-
ally associated with the launch of a
Broadway musical.
Sitting in a theater-district deli-
catessen, he talks calmly and quietly
about the origins of Passion and work-
ing with the composer-lyricist con-
sidered to be the reigning genius of
the American musical theater.
ItwasSondheim who first cham-
pioned Passione d'Amore, the 1981
Ettore Scola film made from that Ital-
ian novel. He suggested it might be
transformed into a musical.
"It's so rare for Steve to really
want to do something says Lapine,
who initiated the projects that even-
tually became Sunday in tlie Park with
George and Into the Woods At leastin
my experience, he tends not to origi-
nate the ideas
The story of Passion focuses on
army officer and the more than plain
woman who loves him. He, in rum,
has an affair with a married woman.
The show stars Donna Murphy, Jere
Shea and Marin Mazzie, performers
little known outside the New York
At first. Passion was to be a one-
act musical, paired with a second
show calledMuscfe, which wasbased
on Sam Fussell's autobiographical
book about bodybuilding.
"I thought it was interesting to
deal with beauty and love as an is-
sue Lapine says. "I wrote a whole
book for 'Muscle and we did a read-
fog crfit And Steve wrote an opening
YetPossion' began to expand af-
ter Lapine read an English translation
of the novel that he and Sondheim
had commissioned.
"Now, even though if s only an
hour and 50 minutes with no inter-
mission, it's pretty much a full
evening Lapine says.
The 64-year-old Sondheim is
nearly a generation older than Lapine.
He has also written more musicals,
ranging from A Funny Thing Hap-
pened on the Way to the Forum to Com-
pany to Follies to A LittleNightMusicto
musical teeth on just two William
Finn musicals, writing and directing
March of the Falsettos and Falsettoland.
In 1992, he combined them into F(d-
settos, whichbecameasurprise Broad-
way hit, running for more than a year
and winning Lapine his second Tony
Award. The first was for the book of
"Into the Woods
Lapine and Sondheim met in
1982 after the composer saw a pro-
duction of Lapine's play 'Twelve
Dreams" and was impressed. Their
initial project didn't pan out, but it
eventually led toSunday in the Park
with George, a personal and very mov-
ing statement about artistic creation.
The musical, inspired by the Seurat
painting "Sunday Afternoon on the Is-
land of La Grande atte, won the 1985
Pulitzer Prize for drama and estab-
lished Lapine as a force to be reck-
oned with in the theater.
Lapine didn't start out to be a
playwnght. He worked as a photog-
rapher and waiter before finding
employment as a graphic designer
The collaborations with
Sondheim cemented Lapine'sswitch
to theater, although he has directed
two feature films as well, Impromptu
and Life with Mikey. Neither set the
box office on fire. He finds his theater
work more satisfying, especially
when creating with someone as for-
midable as Sondheim.
"I pretty much write the book
first�butStevedoesn'tinsert songs
says Lapine, adding that Sondheim
instead expands musically on what
See LAPINE page 9
Cape Fear Museum offers Scotland with taste of Culture
Staff Reports
The East Carolinian
Might you be in the mood for
some fine Scotch whisky? Then
come to Cape Fear Museum on
Friday, April 29 at 7:00 p.m when
Grace-Ellen McCrann, director of
the Scottish Information Service,
presents "A Taste of Scotland a
sampling of excellent single-malt
Scotch whisky complete with Scottish
food and entertainment.
The cost is $20 for Cape Fear As-
sociates members and S25 for non-
members; prepayment is required.
Cape Fear Museum Associates will
accept Master and Visa card orders by
In Scotland, whisky and Scotch
are synonymous. It's called
usquegeathe in the Gaelic, which
moans "water of life
McCrann will prov ide a history
of whisky distilling in Scotland, dis-
cuss the background of various dis-
tilleries and explain the difference
between blended and single-malt
Participants will enjoy the full
tlavorofScotlandduringthe evening.
Five different single-malt Scotches
will be served along with a menu of
Scottish horsd'oeuvres accompanied
by a tasteful selection of Scottish music.
McCrann directs the Scottish In-
formation Service, a company which
promotes Scottish goods and services
in the United States. She is a national
vice-president of the Clan Macneil
Society, the North American corre-
spondent for Scottish World Magazine
and belongs to 49 different Scottish
fe Buy More Used BooksThan
Anyone Mown. Period
516 S. Cotanche Street, 758-2616
OpentU 7 PM April 28, May 2-4 Open 'til 6 I'M April 29-30, May 5- 7

Apti! 26, 1994
the East Carolinian 9
Continued from page 7
East Carolina Playhouse
the listeners felt like the were uith
Weigl witnessing the incidents de-
scribed. After he read,a lot of jaws had
to be picked up off tlit' floor.
Plulipt. lerardn?adanexcerptfrom
his latest be - Rising. Before
he read, it was pointed oul fhatpei pk
fromhisnath'elandfVV ilrnington)were
upset aboutscwneof the things fhathas
written, because they weren't actions
that the ir sh
ustbefi '
out thai the mi
knew v as i ��
reading. Bui d
reading couldi
1 hen In
slavesthatwt n
boring town hut m
rung residents. One of the ignored. Theslaves were tortured and
rcomplexion than the executed he more the) struggled,
le was delegated to the slower their death came and the
more torture they received. Ihesitua-
apers proving turn was vividly painted, and ver)
been set free, but thev were disturbing.
Continued from page 7
into a axuipoi ' "I want to lose mysell in the capableofdoingwiththeirownstuff.
i coming of the 1 ord l aimchantsin therapy? trieshard to beshock-
Continued from page 8 the closing chorus "1 unacy Booth" ing. rhat's not such a bad thing, nee-
j Ls a lot nastier, both in music and essarily. I like to be shocked; we all
his collaborator has written. "It's re-
ally about scenes becoming songs s.
an insertion of a song into a script"
Noindh idualsongtitlesarelisted
in the theater program, a decision
sure to throw off literal-minded
theatergoers used to traditional musi-
cal comedy.
"Tlie show is not written that
ivav, ' 1 apine says. "It's sort of oper-
atic, yet the audiences have been in-
credibly attuned to the piece. One
reason is thai Iheyarenotsittingthere
with their noses in lyrics, than "Hellbelh " and so it's need a kick in our complacent butts
counting the numbei ol songs and ! more effectiv a the bile-dripping from time to time, if only to remind
saying, 'Which orw sth ; and when irl k both songs are intended to be. us of all the nasty stuff out mere that
arewenow? from religion to sex, wetrysohardtoavoid.ButTherapy?
I � r
April 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26, 1994 at 8:00 p.m.
April 24, 1994 at 2:00 p.m.
I apine has dire v. I all tl
cals he has created w ith Sondheim
challenge he finds exhilarating
began pre ii
March. I en now Sondheii
edl' is working
for the musical.
11 mtex'asong tries a little too hard to be shocking,
aboul sexual powei and how alien- and they don't have enough sub-
i ating it can be when someone uses it stance to back it up. While they say
fhersongaboutalienation isone some interesting things from time to
rcutsonTi u m,a time, Troublegum is ultimately un-
covey it oy I h ision's "Isolation successful.
job with this
one, capturing the mo idinessof the
original in a wax I wish the were
ECU Students: $4.50
General Public: $7.50
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Continued from page 7
ler rhisSenorita the lyrics This is an all-around good al-
reat bum, probably really good drink-
Mosl ' the guys that play in ing music, too. Ifyou like true talent,
thisbandhold real job. One of them original arrangements and you're
is a teacher. 1 he) don't play for a in a mellow mood, check out Jump
living and that translates into a feel- In rhe Water's Noiim Else Will Do.
ing oi relaxed urgenc) (it there is
such a thing), but maybe this album �- KriS
will be the one that allows them to ttof flcr
quit th( '
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Better drink some coffee firstIt's going to be a long night!
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The East Carolinian
PageT 10
April 26, 1994
This is it, the second (and well,
final) "Ponderings" of the spring
semester. Ahh,
Pirates drop three games to JMU
By Dave
Assistant Sports
how the time
flies. Every-
thing is moving
quickly these
days. It seems
that KSTW-TV in Seattle, Wash-
ington, is experimenting with
showing one-hour versions of se-
lect Seattle Mariners baseball
games, that are edited and then
shown in prime-time. Every pitch,
hit and run scored is captured in a
48-minute capsule of the game
(along with 12 minutes of com-
mercials, of course). What this
does is bring in viewers who
wouldn'tnormally watch because
of the time constraints (or lack of
them). What it takes away is the
character of the game and the tran-
quillity that goes along with it. A
baseball game is like a mystery,
and when you are watching it, it
unfolds before your eyes from bat-
ter to batter. No one is pushing to
turn The Masters into an hour-
long golf show, now are they? Of
course not. It would violate the
traditions of the game. The same
applies for baseball.

With the Darryl Strawberry
problems building up in Los An-
geles, manager Tommy Lasorda
needed to find something to keep
him in good standing with the
media. So, he blasted Strawberry
in the papers and latched on to
Chan Ho Park, his 20-year-old
Koreanrookie right-hander. Park,
the spring training media darling,
had become the second coming of
Fernando Valenzuela to Dodger
fans. He knows little English, but
when asked what to call him, to
Tommy's delight (and urging,
probably) he replied, "Chan Ho
Lasorda, dude Now, Lasorda
has a problem, Strawberry is in
drug rehab and Park is at Double
A, gaining experience after being
rocked in his first three major
league appearances. His state-
ment concerning the Strawberry
incident was straightforward but
ironic. "Drugaddictionisa weak-
ness, not a sickness Lasorda said.
body that you know is detrimen-
tal, it's a weakness He went on
to say that none of his other guys
do drugs, and that everyone else
can handle the pressure. Umm,
Tommy, remember a closer you
had for years by the name of Steve
Howe? The seven-time drug of-
fender? You welcomed him back.
admitted his problem. Get off of
the Strawberry bashwagon.
Turning to boxing news,
southpaw Michael Moorer (35-0)
kept his undefeated streak alive,
earned a majority decision vic-
tory over Evander Holyfield and
took his title. Holyfield has al-
ways had a tendency to overtrain
for fights, but he looked fine in the
first few rounds, and knocked
Moorer down in the second with
a left hook. It was downhill from
there. Moorer used his jab to keep
the champ off-balance and frus-
trated throughout the fight.
Holyfield seemed to wear down
quickly, and never got his second
wind. Even before the fight, some-
thing was different about the
champion. Holyfield had had the
same cutman, longtime friend Ace
Marotta, since h first fight, but
let him go to save money. He let
his cutman, a necessary
cornerman, go to save a paltry
$25,000. Holyfield received at least
$5,000,000 for the Moorer fight,
and he couldn't afford to pay a
cutman? Let's all hope that
Holyfield learned a lesson about
economics and friendship, seeing
he was cut in the fifth round and
blew a possible $20,000,000 pay
day against Lennox Lewis.

The Indianapolis Co Its blew
it during yesterday's first round
of the NFL Draft, and for the gaffe
Vice President Bill Tobin will be
hung in effigy by midseason. As
expected, the Colts took San Di-
ego State's Marshall Faulk with
the second pick. A wise choice,
See POND page 11
File photo
Heath Clark and the Pirates are now three games under .500 in the CAA.
The Pirates have three conference games remaining at George Mason.
(JMU SID) � Joe Higman's
two-run double wi th one out in the
bottom of the ninth lifted James
Madison to a 10-9 win over ECU in
the CAA Sunday. It was the fourth
lead change of the game and gave
the Dukes a three-game sweep of
the series. The Dukes also turned a
triple play to end a bases loaded
threat in the seventh inning.
JMU clinced second place in
the CAA with an 11-7 record. The
Dukes began the day tied with
UNC-Wilmington and Richmond.
UNC-W, which would have taken
second with a win todav, lost 7-4 at
William and Mary. Richmond won
5-4 at George Mason. The Dukes
won two of three against Richmond
last weekend, giving JMU the tie-
breaking edge.
ECU, which has dropped four
straight, slipped to 28-15 overall
and 6-9 in the CAA.
Jason Troilo led the Dukes with
fivehits,includingapair of doubles,
a two-run homer and five RBI's. Jay
Johnson followed Troilo with a
homer and ended with two hits
and two RBI's. Chad Cinder had
three hits for the Dukes. Juan Dorsey
extended his hitting streak to 13
games with a third-inning single.
Heath Clark led ECU with four
hits, including a two-run homer.
Brian Yerys had three hits and two
RBI's for the Pirates.
Troilo collected his fifth hit with
a one-out bunt in the bottom of the
ninth. He advanced to second base
on an errant pick-off throw by ECU
pitcher Rich Rosenberger. Johnson
thensingled to give JMU runnersat
the corners. Higman drove a 1-1
pitch off the center held fence to
easily score Troilo. Johnson just beat
the relay throw, which was slightly
up the line, to home plate.
Casey Brookens (3-3) picked
up the win in relief. He entered
the game with the bases loaded
and no one out in the top of the
seven. Chad Puckett was the first
batter he faced. Puckett flew out
to right held to start a triple play,
as Chad Triplett was caught off
third base and Lamont Edwards
was caught between second and
third. Triplett had bluffed tag-
ging up, while Edwards had all
in tentionsof advancing, thus cre-
ating the confusion.
In Saturday's double header
Jeff Kaufman'ssacrif ice fly scored
Juan Dorsey in the bottom of the
eighth as James Madison came
from behind to beat ECU 5-4 in
the second game. JMU won the
first game 7-A.
ECU's Jamie Borel hit a two-
See BASEBALL page 12
Crandell regaining
health and stamina
By Beau Shillito
Staff Writer
Marcus Crandell seems pretty
optimistic when asked about the
upcoming season, and for good
He claims that his leg is about
95 percent and his arm feels great.
When asked about
Emil Ekiyor of Cen-
tral Florida (put sea-
son ending hit on
Crandell), he said he
felt it was a cheap
shotand that he looks
forward to seeing
him on the field
again this season.
His new targets
for 1994 include the
elusive Ben Fossey,
Mitch Galloway,
Dwight Linwood,
Derrek Batson, Ja-
son Nichols, Allen
Williams, and
Linwood DeBrew.
He says that he's learned a lot from
watching Chris Hester and Perez
Mattison on the sideline last year
and feels the team has matured a lot
from the past season. JuniorSmith,
running back, looks to have an-
other excellent season as well as
halfback, Jerris McPhail. Upcom-
ing stars at running back include
Damon Wilson, John Peacock, who
was MVP of the Purple Gold game,
Marcus Crandell
and Chuck Ingram.
The offensive line has a lot of
depth this year and hopefully inju-
ries won't hurt this group like it has
in the past. The team returns a
giant center in Derrick Leaphart,
tackle Ken Carroll, guard Terry
Tilghman, guard Dealton Cotton
and tackle Ron Suddith. The de-
fense line looks big-
ger this year with
Willie Brookins,
Walter Scott, John
Krawczyk and
Lorenzo West. The
team will miss Ber-
nard Carter and Jeff
They return an
excellent trio of line-
backers in Morris
Foreman, Mark
Libiano and B.J.
Crane. This intimi-
dating group will
reek havoc in many
backfields and take
many quarterbacks
out of the game. The defensive
secondary for the Pirates includes
a punishing set of safeties in David
and Daren Hart. At thecornerback
position the defense lost
Emmanuel McDaniel to an injury
in the Purple Gold game, but head
coach Steve Logan says he should
be ready in time for next season.
Hank Cooper looks to start at the
other cornerback position.
New football team at ECU
Moorer is new champion
boxing's first left-handed heavy-
weight champion theold-fashioned
way. He used his right hand.
Moorer dominated a coura-
geous but outgunned Evander
Holyfield with his right jab Friday
night, frustrating thechampionwith
his style and quickness to win two-
thirds of the heavyweight title.
In a fight in which Holyfield
was cut and seemed to be aging by
the round, Moorer got up from a
second-round knockdown to fight
with methodical precision and win
the IBF and WBA titles Holyfield
had won back from Riddick Bowe
only five months earlier.
Incredibly, Moorer had to win
the 12th round to pull ou t a majority
decision,even while Holyfield'scor-
See MOORER page 11
By Morris Weintraub
Guest writer
The poster read, "Who Wants
to Hit? and over 80 ECU stu-
dents anxiously responded.
"ECU Pirate Club Football is a
reality ECU Club Football Presi-
dent Frankie Durham said.
"I just wish club football were
as easy to organize as waterpolo,
soccer or any other club sport for
that matter Durham said. "But
we'll do it, that's for sure
Club football did not become
an option until Jerry Featherstone
from the North Carolina Club
Football Association (NCCFA)
visited ECU in late December.
Club Football Vice President
Scott Coffey said he was sur-
prised when over 30 people
showed for that first meeting.
In the meeting, Featherstone
showed us news clippings of
ECU's championship club foot-
ball teams of the '70s, Coffey said.
Coffey recalls Featherstone say-
ing, "This could be you boys
He also brought the champion-
ship trophy in, which had ECU
scrawled on it, "That worked to
motivate us tremendously
Coffey said.
Featherstone conducted two
more meetings in which he out-
lined the way to begin a club
football team and explained the
league to us, said Durham.
The fall 1994 Pirate Club
Football Team opens it's season
against Appalachain State Uni-
versity (ASU) on September 10
and then proceed to play N.C.
State, UNC Chapel Hill, Duke
and Western Carolina. Further-
more, ECU has the option of play-
ing additional out of state teams.
Senior Doyle Murphy said
he doesn't care who he plays.
Other team members however,
revel at the idea of playing in-
state rivals. "I was raised to hate
State kicker Glendon Dillard
Standard high school foot-
ball rules and procedures will be
followed except that quarters will
lengthened to 15 minutes. "That
File photo
Club football returns to ECU. In the '70s, the team propelled to a national
championship. Play resumes in the fall of 1994 � some 20 years later.
is just one more reason for con-
ducting spring practice
Durham said. "We need to get in
Thirty people showed up for
the first spring practice last week,
Coffey said. Coffey admitted they
have a long way to go but insists,
"It's not where you begin, it's
where you finish that matters.
"We look strong on both
sides of the ball, especially up
front However, Gower is con-
cerned about depth and says that
to have a serious shot at making
the playoffs they could use a few
more players. Players are going
to go down and we will need
players to step up and fill in
head coach Joe Gower said at
the conclusion of week's one
In addition to worrying
about the team's playing abil-
ity, Durham is swamped with
administrative demands.
"People don't realize how ex-
pensive equipment is said
Durham. "$100 for dues only
will only cover the basics
After buying each player a
helmet and shoulder pads, that
$100 is gone, said Durham. "We
have no choice, we must
fundraise, get sponsored, and
petition SGA for money
See CLUB page 11
Lady Pirates break track records
Wilson stars in two events
(SID) � ECU's women's track
team took to the track in
Wilmington on Saturday, taking
on UNC-Wilmington and North
Carolina A&T. The Pirates were
coming off their best performance
ever at the CAA Championships,
and they did not let up Sunday,
breaking four school records and
picking up a couple of qualifying
Lave Wilson led the way with
outstanding performances in two
events. Wilson started off the day
with a second place finish in the
long jump. Her jumpofl8'9.9 her
personal best, qualified her for the
ECAC Championships in May.
Teammate Amanda Johnson
grabbed a third-place finish in the
long jump with a leap of 18' 8.25
which also qualified her for the
ECAC Championships. Wilson
then came back with a triple jump
of 38' 3 breaking her own school
record, giving her third place in the
meet. Michelle Bulkxrk, also from
ECU, finished fourth in the triple
jump with a jump of 37' 7
School records also fell in the
hurdling events. Danielle Smith's
1:04�4 in the400IM hurdles broke
the school record and gave her a
first place for the meet. Jennifer
Kalanick's second place finish of
14.94alsogaveherthes hool record
m t! ie 100high hurdles and a tie for
second place in the meet
In throwing events, Kim
Pakowski's winning toss of 112' 3"
in the hammer set an ECU record
and placed first in the event.
Pakowski also took second in the
discus witha throw of 116'6Sandy
Vaughn was third with a distance
of 97' 4" in the hammer throw. Zina
Briley placed second in the shot,
throwing her season best of 37' 6
and Darcy Edmonds took second
in the javelin, throwing 60' 4
The Lady Pirates travel to Phila-
delphia next week to compete in
the 100th Annual Perm Relays, the
largest meet in the country. Teams
will be there from all over the United
States competing for the prestigious
Championship of America awards.
Pirate sports briefs
(SID) -
Former ECU defensive end
Bernard Carter was selected by
the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as the
no. 165 pick overall in yesterday's
NR draft.
"It worked out real good for
me Carter said. "Tampa is only
about three hours away from Tal-
lahassee (Carter's home town), so
I was able to stay close to home. It
really didn't matter where I went,
but it worked out pretty nice for
Another ECU pick was former
tightend Carlester Grumpier in the
seventh round, the no. 202 overall,
to the Seattle Seahawks.
"I'mrelieved thatitLsallover
"It feels good to get drafted.
You never know what different
teams are looking for. The
seahawks told me that they felt
good about picking me
Crumpler broke his thumb
during the Senior Bowl.
'It is coming along well
Crumpler said. "The only prob-
lem is the muscle soreness from
all of the rehabilitation
The ECU-Dukebaseball col-
lege game scheduled for Sun-
day, May 1 will be played at
Grainger Stadium in Kinston,
NC, home of theClass A Kinston
Game time is set for 7 p.m
with ECU serving as the home

. ���� .
April 26, 1994
from p. 10
The team's proposal for
sponsorship was turned down bv
Pepsi and a local car dealership,
said Durham. But, "We are still
searching he says.
To fundraise the team had
a car wash and is currently selling
raffle tickets for dinnerat Ragazzi's
Restaurant. "Because we have no
capital we have to start small
said Treasurer Craig Perrott.
Most crucial however is
the teams bid for appropriations
from SGA, said Perrott. "I just
hope they take us seriously, be-
cause we aren't laughing said
Perrott. "That money could make
all the difference
for a knockout in the final round as his
only chance of victory.
This time, though, Holyfield's
heart and courage were not enough, as
Moorer tookapartthedesperatecham-
pion in the final round to pull out a
majority decision in the outdoor arena
at Caesars Palace.
"I beat the man Moorer said
minutes after climbing the ring ropes
inexhultation after thebell sounded to
end the fight. "I knew it was going to
Holyfield, in his first fight against
aleft-handersincestopped Jesse Shelby
in 1986, was perplexed and thrown off
balance by Moorer's right jab, which
the challenger used to keep Holyfield
Continued from page 10
seeing that they had the seventh
overall pick as well, which they
could use to draft a quarterback.
To ensure the quality of their sec-
ond pick, the Colts traded up to get
the fifth pick from the Rams. In-
stead of picking Fresno State's
Trent Dilfer, a strong-armed quar-
terback who was being compared
to Troy Aikman, they drafted Trev
Alberts, a linebacker out of Ne-
braska � a legitimate first round
selection, but not for the Colts.
Tobin seems to be perfectly satis-
fied with his team's quarterback
situationJim Harbaugh, Don
Majkowski and Jack Trudeau.
What? First of all, none of the three
have ever done anything during their
"careers Secondly, the Colts are try-
ing to rebuild the franchise, and you
have to rebuild a team around your
offense, which is why, for example,
the Redskins drafted quarterback
Heath Shuler. I'm sorry, but neither
Trudeau, Majkowski or Harbaugh can
be considered a building block. What
is happening here is that the Colts are
building their new house on a Play-
Doh foundation. Faulk will be keyed
on every down by opposing lineback-
ers, while the quarterback, whomever
he may be, will get a season-long look
at the roof of the Hoosier Dome.
away and out of reach.
"I honestly felt I was win-
ning the fightbecauseofmvjab
Moorer said. "I belie ve it won me
the fight
Cut in the fifth round,
Holyfield fought gamely, but
Moorer used the jab to answer
every exchange and to thwart
the champion's attempts to get
inside and trade punches.
Holyfield landed some effective
punches, but they were in brief
flurries and invariably were an-
swered by Moorer's jab.
"The left-handed style was
a big problem Holyfield said
before being taken to the hospi-
tal for treatment of his left shoul-
der, injured in the middle
rounds. "I trained for it but it
was still a big problem
The ring statistics backed
up Moorer's dominance with the
jab, showing him landing 180
jabs to only 36 for Holyfield. The
statsshowed Moorer landing 161
power pounches to 158 for
Still, the three ringside
judges had the fight close going
into the last round, and Moorer
ended up having to win the 12th
round to avoid losing a split de-
Win it he did, rocking
Holyfield seconds into the round
and dominating the final ex-
changes. With seconds left,
Moorer threw out a jab, then shook
his head up and down in a kind of
victory celebration before throw-
ing up his hands in triumph when
the bell sounded.
"I told (Holyfield) he needed
a knockout to win in the last
round Holyfield's trainer,
Donald Turner, said. "He gave it
his all
Although judge Chuck
Giampa had Moorer winning by
four points, 116-112, judge Jerry
Roth had him only a point ahead,
115-114. Judge Dalby Shirley had
the fight even, 114-114.
The Associated Press had
Moorer winning 118-111.
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The East Carolinian III
Continued from page 10
Moorer, undefeated in 34 pre-
vious fights but with a reputation
for having a suspect chin, showed
his one weakness early.
Late in the second round,
Holy field shot out a short right hand
followed by a quick left hook that
put the challenger on the canvas.
He stayed on one knee, waiting
until referee Mills Lane counted to
eight, before getting up and finish-
ing the round.
"I thought, 'What the hell am
I doing here?' " Moorer said. "He
stunned me, but I wasn't really
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12 I The East Carolinian
APRIL 26, 1994
Cointinued from page 10
run, two-out homer in the top of the fifth to tie
the gamee at 3-3. Rick Britton put the Pirates on
top 4-3 in the sixth with a lead-off homer.
The Dukes hedthegamewithoutahitin the
seventh to send the contest into extra innings.
Kaufman began the inning with a walk. Hebeat
the throw to second base when Chris William
hit into a fielder's choice, giving the Dukes
runners at first and second with no out. Bobby
GAME ONE April 23. 1994
East Carolina000
James Madison001
Borel (3-4
Rubin sacrificed the runners up after failing to
get thebunt down ont he first two pitces. Kaufman
would score on a Chad Ginder squeeze bunt.
Freshman Mike Matrix and sophomore Joe
Higman hit back-to-back homers to highlight a
four-run seventh inning as the Dukes pulled
a wa v to win the opener. Ma ttix en tered the ga me
as a pinch-hitter with two outs and the Dukes
leadin 4-3. It was the fourth time this season that
the Dukes hit back-to-back homers.
ECU had tied the score at 3-3 in the sixth on
a sacrifice fly by Brian Yerys and an RBI-singleby
GAME TWO April 23, 1994
Leading Hitters� Clark (2-4. 2B). Jamie
RBI), Lamont Edwards (2-3). SB� Chad
Fielding: DP� 1 - E� Hartgrove, Triplet!
Britton 3.
(2-4. HR), Mattix
East Carolina
Hartgrove (L 5-3)
N.C. Stated
Leading Hitters� Williams (3-5), Brooks
1-1. HR).
bb so
1 3
1 1
er bb so
East Carolina James Madison100 000021 30000- 4 11-5
ECU: Leading Hitters (1-2, HR). SB�Borel. Fielding: DP� Yerys JMU: Leading Hitters Fielding: DP� PITCHING� Britton (2-4, HR). Borel 1. E� Tnplett. Puckett. .� Kaufman (1-2, 2 RBI). 1.
East Carolinaiph rerbb so
Beck Mills (L 3-3) Layton6 1.1 0.17 4 1 1 0 03 1 05 5 0 0 2 0
James Madison'Ph rerbb so
Chad Triplett.
Borel had three hits to lead the Pirates in the
opener. He set the ECU career stolen base record
by stealing third base in the first inning of the
second game. Williams had three for the Dukes.
Junior left-hander Greg Whiteman picked
up the win (7-3) in the nightcap and earned a
save (3) in the opener.
GAME THREE April 24,
East Carolina310 004 010- 9
James Madison004 030 102-10
ECU: Leading Hitters� Clark (4-5, 3B, HR),
Yerys (3-5. 2B). Britton (2-4) . SB� Borel 2, Britton.
Fielding: DP� 2 E� Rosenberger
JMU: Leading Hitters� Troilo (5-5. 2 2B, HR),
Johnson (2-3, HR).
Fielding: DP� 1 E� Johnson. Troilo.
East Carolina
Rosenberger (L)
James Madison
ip h r er bb so
61 12 8 8 0 6
2.4 2 J.1L
ip h r er bb so
5 10 6 4 1 2
0.1 3 2 2 0 0
0.2 2 0 0 0 0
3 1 1114
1 10
0 0
1 3
Forster (W 4-2)
Whiteman(S 3)
Brookens pitched to one batter in the ninth inning.
WP: Forster. Hartgrove 2.
GAME DATA � T: 2:06 A: 900.
UMPIRES � Warner. Sealey. Fox.
Compiled by Dave Pond
McNichol (W 7-3) 7.2 6 4 4 2 5
Brookens 0.1 1 0 0 1 0
WP: McNichol, Whiteman.
GAME DATA � T: 2:18 A: 900
UMPIRES � Warner, Sealey. Fox.
Compiled by Dave Pond
WP: Sanburn 3. Bouch.
GAME DATA � T: 3:40 A: 550.
UMPIRES � Warner, Whitehead, Fox.
Compiled by Dave Pond
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The East Carolinian, April 26, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 26, 1994
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