The East Carolinian, March 24, 1994

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Pirate Comics, Chump Change!
See what Kemple Boy looks like
naked, Seigfreid and Barth get
new do's, and a
Rice-A-Roni-loving walrus in
Spare Time. Turn to page 7,
SOSI is an acronym for Save
Outdoor Sculpture, a joint
project by The Smithsonian,
the National Museum of
American Art and the
National Institute for the
Conservation of Cultural
Property. Story on page 8.
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 20
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Thursday, March 24,1994
14 Pages
Assessment results suggest future changes
ByJason Williams
Assistant News Editor
iu'1 .it work.
noritv community and the depart- PittCi
role as a sen ice provider
fhe report begins by listing 1 he recommendations in- ment
some concerns, comments and elude:
The results are in, and the suggestions the team gathered ? Formation ol a Safety
ECU Department ol PublicSafetv horn inten iews with students and t ommittee composed of students,
received a mixed grade in its in- administrators. Among theprob- faculty, staff and Public Safety crime prevention oft
dependent assessment lems identified in the interviews representatives to discuss safety ? Improved Investigations
Anindependentassessment were a "lack of the Department ol issues. Division,
team,madeupofdirectorsofother Public Safety's understanding as ? Establishing a Building - Interdepartmental train-
campus noliee organizations a service provider a "lack of 1 iaison Program that would re- ing to include student services,
spent three davs on campus in proactive response" in providing quire each officer to make contact and
February collecting information building security and a "lack of monthly witha representative of nsist-
about the operations ot ECU Pub- interaction with students in a role each bin Id ing on campus.
Minority diversity train- ment.
vo started the foot pa
Security surveys bv the trols the buildini
;ion of the University And the
rtm nt ol Public Safety in
relationship to the greater mis-
sion ol the institution
With the exception of two
aid Each of- persons, officers "have an un-
realistic understanding of what
andmeetwith thel niversitv xpectsofthem
i in the build- The most common response
to exnand from the officers was "the Uni-
versity expec ts them to coddle
team also audited the the students
nternal operations ol Public Officers "felt the depart-
on I
lie Safety. The team presented other than law enforcement
After presenting the find-
igs ol the inten iew s, the report
Foot patrol of buildings,
Bicvcle patrol.
Improved media rela-
ing to the level ol sen'ice the de- Safety and found several prob- ment had been overlooked
partment provides
i rock i saidthedepartment
rtment. The w hen it tame to tin1 budgetary
. as made in needs ' Also, they expressed the
Director Teresa Crocker with a
25-page report outlining theii rec-
ommendations outlines 11 recommendations tions, in which a member in the has ahead) implemented man two phases issessment of per- importance of the law enforce-
"1 think it is verv thorough. from the assessment team. These department would be trained in of the recommendations and is sonn it of facili- ment role, but not the sen ice
it deals with all the sections and recommendations are based on media relations and act as a working on the others She said ties equipi Iget training.
all the issues that we need to ad- interviews with the officers and spokesperson for the department PublicSafetv has start telecommunications and proce- The team recommended
dress " Crocker said "Irhinkwe support staff at Public Safety, uni- and also establish a media log, beganafootpatrol : tablished dui ining for the officers in other
especially need to form a better versify administrators and stu- ?Formation of a Minorih a minorit ?' areas such as diversity, and said
working relationship between the dents, as well as direct obsena- Relations (ommittee composed
university and to understand our tion of officers and other person- ol representatives of ECl
rtment will
ing at a i
it ha e
ie mis-
ECU boasts own ambassadors
By Jon Cawley
Staff Writer
The ECU Ambassadors do
much more than give campus tours
to incoming freshmen and trans-
fer students, tasked, many mem-
bers of the group will say it is also
an excellent way to boost a resume
and meet new people.
"The name basically says it
all said Cind) Calloway,theECU
Ambassadors' advisor. Student
Ambassadors actas hosts forChan-
cellor Eakin's events and .Alumni
events, and help in the admissions
i f See, the souvenir booths at foot-
ball gamesancl on special tourdavs
such as Open House, Callowaj
ITie Ambassadors come into
contact with prospective students
when thev come to the campus,
LauraCaudill,a graduate student
advisor said "The math contest
andTheQuiz Bowl bring in a lot of
students, and last year the Ambas-
sadors were asked to give a cam-
pus tour and spend timewirhsome
prospective student athletes she
said. "In that way we help recruit,
but onlv on campus
I he group had gone to high
schools Ln the past, but do not an)
more. "The problem in that is in
timingCalIowavsaid. "First and
foremost the Ambassadors arestu-
dents themselves. The way the
admissions process works, for
them to make a successful run
thri ugh the high sch( ols, thev have
to be gone more than one da v. And
students missed a lot of classes
Up to this year, one ol the
Photo Courtesy of ECU Ambassadors
The ECU Ambassadors recently received a "Solid Gold Hit" award at a banquet in Chattanooga, Tenn lor
being one of the top five seminars out of an estimated 30. But who gave them the tour of Chattanooga?
group's major functions was in basicalh where the Ambassadors "wonderful opportunity for stu-
handling the telephone program will attempt to match up alumni dents to meet adi - on
to raise funds for Alumni and aca- with students who want a day in the campus in a oi
demic scholarships in the phone the life of a job. It's not an intern- tion, who th . ild probabh
bank, Calloway said. "The bank
has since evolved into a more ad-
vanced system, and thev hire
people to do it. Many of the Am-
bassadors stili do it, but now it's a
paid job
The Ambassadors are cur-
rently working on an "Extern Pro-
gram Calloway said. 'This is
shipbecauseyouwouldn'tbe there
tor that length of time, but an op-
portunitv to shadow in a career
you are interested in and see w hat
it is really like The Ambassadors
are hoping, by next fall that the
program will be ready to go,
Calloway said.
The Ambassadors present a
not nav t a i h.
thev icechani
to tea. hing
scholars i all
? to meet, from
sand Dr. Eakin,
. and university
In tin' p 11 ip lias
na, a! members to meet

works for N.C.
By Mike Walker
Staff Writer
Many people feel that the
public educatii in system in the
United States is in a state ot
turmoil today t ,ood education
is seen .is a key to end the ex-
tremely high .rime rates that
are plaguing the entire nation
In order to do this, however,
many new publi. te.K hers need
to be recruited. I he! I I School
oi Education recently devel-
i program known as
"lea. blast" to reiruit teach-
ers for eastern orthC arolina.
The idea I if I e.n hi ast
See EDUCATION page 2
Students continue to help out G'ville
By Stephanie Lassiter
Staff Writer
Sigma i iamma. duate students in health
I he honorary is a regular education assisted in the Blood-
collector of clothing and food for hound Ido
Whoever said "Good things Pitt v ounty AIDS Service nors. fnose stu each
come in small packages must Organization(PICASO). Addi Health .
have worked with the members tionallv, the group has been cruitei
of Eta Sigma Gamma, a Health staunch supporters of the Pedi- student- to becomi
Science Health Education Hon- atric Outpatient Unit at Pitt Me- volunteerpi
orary. mortal Hospital. '
Beta Theta, ECU's local t Christmas, they deliv- mers, I
chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma, has ered gifts and good cheer to chil- dentandl
onlv 50 mem ? I their dren with devastate ses ate studi
projects ha vestrel -Pitt who were eithei
County. treatment or recuperating at the :i' ?
" I his group is not one ol hospital. Santa iccompa- Bakei sgn
the largest groups, but in health nied the group t help boost tin teers
education the numbers are not Christmas spirit within the chil- "The emost
that large and vet the impact is dren.
felt bee mse of the nature of hat "wo groups went tothepe- ing, I
theydo .aid Judy Bakei d diatric unit for Valentines Day to tothev
t.n ofth? ECUStudent'
New terminals
offer easier access
By Jeb Brookshire
Staff Writer
used bv constantly having to
v pe, the Marquis system runs
hroughW indows which allows
i re looking for a book users to use a mouseoracom-
? anv book, realh ? and our bination of keys.
lust stop is the line ot computer- vine oi the most appreci-
injoyner Library I here isa glitch, ated features of the new system
I his time, it isa ood glitch. is called "Boolean searching
Anyone visiting Joyner Li- 1 his method allows users to
brary lately ma have noticed an search for entries using "and
obvious change when thev con- "or or "not For example, a
suit thes terminals to locate that student tv pi's m the entry "cats
book. and does. Through the Bool-
I he old I S2000 catalog sys- ean searching system, Marquis
have iiHHHHHMMMi is lo-
cate titles that
contain both
"cats" and
"dogs not
titles that
contain onlv
"cats" or
The ca-
pabilities oi
the new sys-
tem seem
endless. In
n replaced
a n d i m -
ed 1ar-
Marquis oi-
lers manv of
the same
were offered
onlv using a
Students can
access several
indexes without
leaving the
? I ? but several the future. Marquis w ill allow
c I )-R( )Md students to request that books
IheLS - ?itemwasused that they need thatare currently
for a little over six years. Marquis ked out be held tor them
is similar to the old srstem in ti their return. Students will
way that it serves as an electronic also be able to hold books that
card cat.ilog but it can ov more are still in the library,
than just find books. More important are the
1 hrough Marquis, a student things that Marquis andonow
cess not onlv to the book-
but current periodical- too lb
it I. v ner i- currentl)
process of cataloging all i
periodit als Recent peri' m
,iv .iliable through the indexes, but
after bv using microfiche.
Instead of getting lost or con-
Students can access the tradi-
tional electronic card catalog as
well as several periodical in-
, - a ing the ter-
1 hrough Marquis, -ev -
of the most frequently used
: d databases can be
See MARQUIS page 4
ignoring the
sunshine by
at t u a I I
a 11 e n d i n g
dass left
these two
w i t h o u t
someone to
t h r o v the
Photo by
v'an Buren

2 The East Carolinian
March 24, 1994
March 17
Fifth and Reade Street ? 1:30 a.m. Disorderly conduct.
Basement of Biology Building ?12:15 p.m. Larceny of a wallet.
Fourth and Reade Street ? 5:30 p.m. Damage to personal prop-
erty (vehicle).
Jones Hall ? 10:17 p.m. Possession of controlled substance.
March 18
West of Scott Hall ?10:58 a.m. Simple affray (fight or quarrel).
March 19
Jenkins Art Building ? 8:27 a.m. Damage to personal property
(ceramic article).
Prevent bike theft, follow Public Safety suggestions
Freshman lot between Ficklen and Charles Street ?10:15 p.m.
Damage to personal property.
March 20
Joyner Library ? 4:27 p.m. Disorderly conduct.
March 22
Alumni Center? 7:22 a.m. Breaking and entering (building).
General Classroom Building ? 9:22 a.m. Bomb threat.
Storage Trailer at Eppes School ? 11:53 a.m. Damage to real
Belk Hall ? 6:30 p.m. Breaking and entering, larceny.
Jones Hall ? 6:47 p.m. Possession of controlled substance.
March 23
Main Campus?2:01 a.m. Student arrested for DWI, weapon on
Compiled by Jason Williams. Taken from official ECU
police reports.
By Jeb Brookshire
Staff Writer
With the warmer months ap-
proaching quickly, many students
will turn to their bicycles as their
mainmeansof transportation. With
more bikes on display, prospective
thieves will have quite a selection of
merchandise to choose from.
and the national average price of a
bike is around $300. Students own-
ing such expensive merchandise
need to leam how to protect their
Last year there were 102 re-
ported bike thefts on the ECU cam-
pus, said ECU Crime prevention
Officer Lt. Keith Knox. Many of
these instances involved the theft of
parts such as seats and wheels. The
total value of the campus thefts was
over $40,000, just for 1993. Only
about $1,400 of the stolen property
came from Dr. Charles R. Coble,
dean of the School of Education.
The project was developed not only
to recruit more teachers in the area,
but also to create a more visible
teacher recruitment program at
The current primary director
of TeachEast is Dr. Vila Rosenfeld
of the School of Education.
Rosenfeld said the program is basi-
cally looking for people who want
to teach.
"We want to know people
who are interested in teacher edu-
cation Rosenfeld said.
The program is not only
geared for students currently
studying at ECU, but it is also for
non-traditional students who are
looking for a mid-life career change.
"I see a lot of people wanting
to change at mid-life Rosenfeld
said. She said a lot of the non-
traditional students are ones who
have previously worked in busi-
nessorthe military. InCoble'sopin-
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Come into any club entrance Thursday and then
feel free to roam from club to club!
was recovered, Knox said.
Since January, there havebeen
more than20 reported bicycle thefts
on ECU's campus, according to
Knox. The value of the property
that was stolen was over $6,000, he
"The best
thing to do is to
know how to prop-
erly lock your
bike Knox sug-
gested. "It also
helps to register
your bike with us,
so that if it is stolen,
maybe we can
identify it as yours
and return it to
Bicycle regis-
tration is free of charge and is de-
signed to deter theft and capture
key information about the bike and
its owner. There is also a national
program offered to universities that
registers bicycles. The registration
lasts the lifetime of the bike. When
offered through a university, the
registration cost isSl 5. Through this
service, any bike that is recovered
can be traced back to the owner.
The best way
to prevent the theft
of a bicycle is by
properly locking it.
Knox explained the
most effective way
to lock a bike: Lift
the front tire over
the top bar of the
rack and secure it
to the rack and the
frame of the bike
with a U-Lock, he
For extra security, bike own-
ers are encouraged to run a security
cable from the back tire to the U-
Lock, or use another U-Lock. It is
also helpful to install a seat leash
on bikes with a quick release seat,
or carry it, Knox said.
"A U-Lock is the most effec-
tive lock right now he said. "A
bike should not be locked to a rack
by just one tire or a cable
A fairly new product on the
market for bicycle security is a
device called "Bad Bones Bad
Bones is designed to be used in
conjunction with a standard U-
Lock. Bad Bones helps to rein-
force the lock, making it nearlv
impossible for the lock to be bro-
ken or pried apart.
Currently, ECU's Crime Pre-
vention Unit is in the process of
beginning a campuswide cam-
paign to help educate students in
locking their bicycles properly. In
a few weeks, tents will be set up at
different places on the campus for
students with non-registered bikes
to register them, Knox said.
Continued from page 1
ion, these individuals "bring
unique contributions to the educa-
tional process
The TeachEast program sent
out many pamphlets all over east-
em North Carolina to prospective
teachers. Rosenfeld feels the pro-
gram gets a lot of people from the
community, many of whom aren't
even in college yet. Rosenfeld also
travels to several military bases in
the area to recruit prospective
Rosenfeld screens those in-
terested, and then makes the deci-
sion of whether to continue the
individual's education in teaching.
"It is highly individualized
advising Rosenfeld said. She said
the screening is just a half-hour or
more of talking. Sometimes the
prospective teacher finds out in the
interview that heshe is really not
suited for teaching.
"Not everyone is suited for
teaching Rosenfeld said.
TeachEast also recruits cur-
rent area college students that are
thinking about changing their ma-
jor or career choice. Rosenfeld also
travels to area community colleges
to try and recruit transfer students
to the TeachEast program.
Rosenfeld said even if the student
doesn't wish to change hisher
major, experience in teaching can
add credentials to hisher degree.
In order for a student to be
eligible for TeachEast, a student
interviewed notonly by Rosenfeld,
but also by the department in which
the student is majoring. If the pro-
spective teacher wants to teach in
the same field in which heshe
already has a degree, the student
may only need three or four semes-
ters to earn a teaching degree.
The students in TeachEast do
not get any special funding from
ECU. If needed, the individuals
choosing to participate in
TeachEastare referred to the finan-
cial aid office. Rosenfeld said many
of the people participating in
TeachEast, who are not full-time
college students, are involved in
part-time jobs while working in
the program.
The "TeachEast' program
works directly with the Green-
ville school system, but also does
some work in other communities
in eastern North Carolina.
Rosenfeld said there is a shortage
of teachers in many of the north-
ern counties of North Carolina.
She also notes that there is a high
shortage of teachers in the areas
of math, science, and vocational
studies. However, a lot of the
certified math teachers come from
ECU and are helping with this
Rosenfeld feels TeachEast
has been successful so far and
sees the program continuing to
attract more people to teaching.
"It's really rounded up a lot of
people she said. "I see it as ex-
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xmm-m. ???
March 24, 1994
The East Carolinian 3
Raleigh participates in So. African elections
RALEIGH (AP) ?As many
as 3,(XX) South Africans living in the
United States wiU cast ballots in
Raleigh for their nation's first all-
race election next month.
Raleigh is among 15 U.S. cit-
ies where expatriates will be able to
cast absentee votes. South Africa's
government is string up polling
places across the United States be-
cause its new election laws have no
provision for absentee balloting by
mail The election is April 26-28.
"Between North and South
Carolina, we think there must be a
sizable number of South Africans
said Wesley Johanneson, an em-
bassy spokesman. "Because this is
an historic election we are mak-
ing a special pitch to make it pos-
sible for South Africans to cast their
John Surina, st iff director for
the Federal Election Commission,
said it is the first time his agency has
helped a foreign countrvset up poll-
ing places on U.S. soil.
WakeCounty election officials
will help diplomats find a polling
place, and an embassy officer will
preside over the voting.
Any South African at least 18
vearsold,includingpermanent resi-
dents of the United Sta tes who ha ve
kept their South African citizenship,
will be eligible to vote by showing a
passport or identification papers.
Embassy officials do not have
precise records of how many South
Africans live in the United States,
but they estimate that as many as
5,000 could cast ballots.
While the 1990 census indi-
cated there are 342 South Africans
living in North Carolina, embassy
officials expect people will travel
from neighboring states.
Other cities where voters can
cast ballots are New York, Boston,
Philadelphia, Atlanta, Houston,
Dallas, Miami, Chicago, Los Ange-
les, San Francisco, San Diego and
The ballots will be put in
sealed diplomatic pouches after the
polls close and flown to South Af-
rica for counting.
Continued from page 1
mers said. "A lot of businesses
are looking at not only how you
did in school, but what else you
were involved in
Eta Sigma Gamma is open
to undergraduates who are de-
clared health majors who have a
2.7 GPA or better. Graduate stu-
dents in the program must have a
3.0 to be eligible for membership.
A group council determines who
will be selected. An annual initia-
tion is held where members are
given pins and inducted into the
honorary. This year's initiation
was held Sunday night.
During the ceremony, Dr.
David White, chair of the health
education department, received
the Honor Award. The award is
the highest one given by Eta
Sigma Gamma to a person who
has made major contributions to
the profession in teaching, re-
search and service.
"He is known all across the
country for what he does for
health education Summers said.
Summers also said White
was a keying player in helping
Health and Human Performance
pull away from the College of
Arts and Sciences and become
the School of Health and Human
Performance. Health Education
is a department within the school.
Other departments include physi-
cal education and leisure systems
Judy Baker received the Dis-
tinguished Service Award for her
commitment to the honorary.
"She is very distinguished
Summers said. "She goes above
and beyond the call of duty ev-
It is not "all work and no
play" for the members of Eta
Sigma Gamma. Last fall the group
had a cook out to socialize with
other students members and fac-
ulty members. A Faculty Research
Seminar was held where faculty
members presented research find-
ings to students and their fellow
faculty members.
"The purpose (of the pro-
gram) is to increase the compe-
tence of the personnel and to in-
crease the credibility of health
education Summers said. "We
are trying to be sure that busi-
nesses and professionals are
aware that we are trained health
Currently, the Pitt Country
Pediatric Outpatient Unit is look-
ing for volunteers to work at
Camp Rainbow (during the week
of June 14-18) and at Camp
Mitchell (June 9-13). These camps
are for children with terminal ill-
These volunteers will help
with arts and crafts, sailing, swim-
ming, canoeing and other activi-
ties. No experience is needed; you
will be trained if necessary. The
camp offers them the opportunity
to get away from the hospital and
enjoy a week of fun. Transporta-
tion, housing and food will be pro-
vided for volunteers. Those inter-
ested need not have any medical
experience, doctors and nurses
will be available. Students or fac-
ulty interested in volunteering for
this or other programs can contact
Judy Baker, director of the Stu-
dent Volunteer Program at 757-
6432 or in 201 Christenburv Gym.
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4 The East Carolinian
March 24, 1994
Continued from
some of those people. "This gives
them some poise, so when they
interview for jobs they are more
comfortable she said.
There are usually between 35
and 55 students working as Am-
bassadors during the school year,
Calloway said. Presently there are
40 student Ambassadors.
"Any more than that and the
group tends to fragment
Calloway said.
Every fall at the beginning of
the school year, the ECU Ambassa-
dors have a membership drive. The
group takes out an ad in The East
Carolinian and has a booth at the
Student Stores for a week, where
applications are handed out. The
application process consists of fill-
ing out the application, writing a
short essay and having an approxi-
mately 15 minute interview,
Calloway said. There is no mem-
bership fee or dues required for
membership in the Ambassadors,
she said.
The Ambassadors are made
up of students from many depart-
ments in the university and an
Ambassador does not have to be in
a certain major to be eligible,
Calloway said.
"Last year we had quite a few
who went on to the Med School
and the sciences she said. The
group is made up of students in
everything from leisure systems
studies to the Med School.
This year the Ambassadors
took in about 27 new members and
only turned down about six,
Caudill said. One reas n an appli-
cant might be turned down is an
existing time conflict.
"The group meets every
Wednesday night, that's a major
commitment to the group she
said. There is a minimum GPA
requirement of 2.5, Calloway said.
The Ambassadors do take fresh-
men, in which case the grade re-
quirement would be waived, she
The one thing the Ambassa-
dors would like to change is to be
more representative of the student
body, Calloway said. The Ambas-
sadors "tend to be generally fe-
male and don't have as strong a
minority population
Laura Caudill sa. J the Am-
bassadors have helped her profes-
sionally in familiarizing her with
the admissions process and en-
abling her to take a job as a re-
cruiter at Campbell University af-
ter graduation.
Carolyn Greene, a sopho-
more, said the Ambassadors have
made her "more or less a leader"
and helped her to meet more
people than she would have oth-
erwise, creating a lot of opportu-
nities with the student body and
Most of the Ambassadors are
friends outside the organization,
Greene said. The group sponsors
a spring formal and sometimes
tries to get together after meetings
for dinner and other social events,
she said.
The Ambassadors are plan-
ning a new annual AlumniAm-
bassador Softball game.
"ARA is going to come out
and have a big barbecue Greene
said. "All alumni from 1980 on
have been invited and will com-
pete with current Ambassadors
The event is scheduled for
April 30 at Harrington Field and
anyone interested in tickets can
contact Tami Geiger at the Alumni
House, Greene said.
Continued from
accessed. The old system had stu-
dents wandering around going
terminal to terminal. One termi-
nal for books, another for periodi-
cals and still another for things
like government documents.
Through another feature called
"Bookmark students can com-
pile a bibliography as they search,
thus ending time spent having to
backtrack. The bibliography as
well as any information can be
downloaded from the system and
stored on floppy disks supplied
by the students.
As with the old LS2000 sys-
tem, students can access Marquis
from their dorm rooms if they haye
a computer and a modem.
"This is the first place this
size to use this system said Judy
Donnalley, who works in the ref-
erence area of Joyner. "It runs a
little slow right now but there is
still some debugging to do. At this
stage Marquis is still capable of
much more and as we work out
the bugs we are finding that out
Going to.summer school? Write for
us! The East Carolinian is cur-
rently searching for people willing
to gain experience and write a
lot! Please call 757-6366 and talk
to Maureen or Jason.
Continued from page 1
that rotating, rather than perma-
nent shifts is needed.
Citing proficiency at job
tasks, the team said office per-
sonnel function at "an above-av-
erage level The report also
stated the student reserve pro-
gram "provides a valuable ser-
vice to the University but urged
the students not be dressed in
uniforms so as to not be mistaken
for officers.
Crocker said the officers
were surprised to see the results
from the assessment. "I think they
see themselves differently than
the perception on campus she
said. "They see themselves as
doing all the things a police
agency is supposed to do, but not
interacting with the university
As for the physical facili-
ties, the team said the current
Public Safety building is not big
enough, and it probably is not in
compliance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990. They
also said operational funds
were "inadequate
Crocker agrees that the
budget for Public Safety is in-
adequate. "It is probably half
of what it should be. I think if
we justify our needs ? of
course we can't ask for a mil-
lion dollars ? but if we justify
our needs then we ought to
get funding
Crocker said that Public
Safety needs additional fund-
ing to hire student assistants to
patrol the Reade Street park-
ing lots, purchase new equip-
ment, purchase new uniforms
and hire more security guards
for the medical school and cleri-
cal personnel for the office.
Members of the assess-
ment were Ralph Harper, di-
rector of Public Safety at N.C.
State, Anthony Purcell, direc-
tor of Public Safety at N.C. Cen-
tral and Regina Lawson, direc-
tor of Public Safety at Wake
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March 24, 1994
7Yie Eflsf Carolinian
Page 5
77i? Ztastf Carolinian
Lindsay Fernandez, General Manager
Gregory Dickens, Managing Editor
Maureen Rich, News Editor
Jason Williams, Asst. News Editor
Stephanie Tullo, Lifestyle Editor
Gina Jones, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Brian Olson, Sports Editor
Dave Pond, Asst. Sports Editor
Amy E. Wirta, Opinion Page Editor
Chris Kemple, Staff Illustrator
Matthew A. Hege, Advertising Director
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Jodi Connelly, Copy Editor
Phebe Toler, Copy Editor
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Margie O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Burt Aycock, Layout Manager
Franco Sacchi, Asst. Layout Manager
Mike Ashley, Creative Director
Elain Calmon, Asst. Creative Director
Cedric Van Buren, Photo Editor
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925. The East Carolinian publishes 12.000copiesevery Tuesday andThursday. The
masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication.
Letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian. Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
Cigarette smoke clouds rational thought
Last year the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency concluded that secondhand
tobacco smoke causes 3,000 lung-cancer
deaths and up to 300,000 respiratory ill-
nesses in children each year. It also has been
blamed as a frequeftt trigger for asthma
attacks in children.
Despite this, the nation's tobacco in-
dustry insist3 that smoking is not a health-
hazard ? this rationalization makes sense
(to them), because these are the people who
have reaped millions from a product that is
.virtually a harmful, addictive drug.
For years; no one knew the effects of
smoking. Then gradually, the health care
profession noticed links between smoking
and diseases like cancer and emphisema.
Still people ignored the reports. The adver-
tising model, the Marlboro Man, died from
a smoking-related illness. Lung cancer cases
increased. And yet, even in today's Age of
Knowledge, we find an opposition towards
anyone who offers the truism: Smoking is
bad for your health.
It's not that people don't realize this,
per se. It's just that tobacco is a huge cash
crop, especially in North Carolina and Vir-
ginia. Never mind that it conflicts with at-
taining a healthy lifestyle. Nope. It's money
that talks in tobacco country. In fact, it talks
so loud that a press release passed across
my desk by Marc E. Rotterman, from the
Carolina Beat, with this to say (among other
things): "People who smoke should be
accomodated, just as should people who
don't smoke
Well, alright. But non-smokers don't
inflict a Class A carcinogen to the people
around us when we exhale. When non-smok-
ers exhale, they don't expose anyone to a
substance that may or may not endanger the
life of another human. It's that simple.
What's on the Washington blocks right
now is a proposed national ban on smoking
in public buildings ? including reslaurants
and offices. This faced its first congressional
test on Tuesday as a House subcommitee
neared a vote.
It would be the first attempt at regulat-
ing nationwide where individuals are aK
lowed to smoke and a similar bill has been
introduced in the Senate. Also, Congress is
considering legislation that would add a tax
of $1.25 to each pack of cigarettes.
In recent months, the bill has gained the
support of the National Council of Chain
Restaurants, groups representing building
owners and managers, five past or current
surgeons general, and such health advocacy
groups as the American Lung Association.
No small fries, hmmm?
And don't think that this is some crazy
new plan thought up by those evil Demo-
crats we call the Clinton Administration, ei-
ther: The almost exact program was imple-
mented in 1988 in the state of California with
unprecedented success. Of course,
California's main cash crop isn't tobacco,
and the farmers won't let us forget that.
However, these tobacco main-stays can
be replaced with greater ease than tobacco
supporters are alluding to. It may be slow-
going, but with the future health of our coun-
try relying on it, shouldn't North Carolina
farmers and corporate tobacco thugs alike be
more eager to comply?
Between 33,000 and 99,000 lives may be
saved per year.
By John P. Adams
North Korea justified in concealing atomic bombs
In our culture we
need a bad guy to
stand up against
and assert our our
. moral (and
In 1991 we had Saddam
Hussein threatening mom,
apple pie and Chevrolet. In
1992 it was warlords from So-
malia who provided Ameri-
cans with a common cause to
unite. In 1993 the Serbians were
public enemy No. 1. Now, it's
1994 and it looks like North
Korea will be dubbed as our
next great
threat to lBHmwmmMKmaa
national se-
In our
culture, for
some rea-
son, we
need a bad
guy to
stand up
against and mmmmmmmmmmmma
assert our
moral (and military) superior-
ity. At least this is what the
media will try to convince us.
The media has this annoying
little habit of painting every-
thing in black and white. Usu-
ally in terms of we are right
and they are wrong.
What we have in North
Korea is a textbook example of
American foreign policy.
Whenever some country (in
this case North Korea) has the
gall to not back down from the
.U.S. and the U.N. then they
must be punished (usually se-
Over the past 20 years
there are literally dozens of
examples of this. Central and
South America alone could
provide us with 10 or 15 ex-
amples of the U.S. flexing its
muscle when one of the coun-
tries south of the border tried,
heaven forbid, to run their own
So North Korea doesn't
want to let the U.N. inspect their
nuclear plants, so what?
Why should the North Ko-
reans divulge their military se-
crets to countries who have been
hostile to them in the past and
have threatened to continue to
remain hostile
?????????i to them? About
40 years ago,
close to two
million Kore-
ans were killed
and their coun-
try nearly
obliterated by
the U.S. I can
why this might
make them a
little apprehensive.
So North Korea might have
one or two a tomic bombs, so what?
The U.S. has thousands of
nuclear warheads. Who are we
to condemn any other country
for wanting what we have? As
twisted as it may seem, the fact
that we have such an unfathom-
able amount of nuclear destruc-
tive power does provide a cer-
tain sense of security. Other
countries know that if they mess
with us they will cease to exist.
I don't condone this rationale,
but it is unfortunately our real-
I don't recall reading or
hearing that North Korea has
attempted to implement trade
sanctions against us, the $7 tril-
lion man. Why shouldn't they?
We're the country with the larg-
est nuclear arsenal in the world
and, need I remind everyone,
the only country to actually use
atomic weapons on another
As for the nuclear non-pro-
liferation treaty, all I can say is,
what a joke. Of course the U.S. is
going to support this treaty since
we have already proliferated to
the point where we could de-
stroy the world several times
To paint the North Korean
government as "militant" and
"unpredictable" is to obscure the
truth. Militant means to be en-
gaged in warfare which, unless
I missed something in the paper
today, I don't think they are.
As for the North Korean
government being unpredict-
able, that's simply a farce. The
North Korean government has
been the most predictable gov-
ernment since the end of the
Korean War. Their isolationist,
totalitarian regime has main-
tained the same hard line for the
past 40 years. In a world bent on
change, one thing the North Ko-
reans have been good at is stay-
ing the same.
I don't want to (nor could
I) defend the North Korean gov-
ernment for the type of society
they have created and their ob-
vious desire to possess nuclear
weapons. I think totalitarianism
is despotic by nature and 1 de-
plore the fact that we have to
live in a world where the possi-
bility of a nuclear holocaust is a
I think, though, that Presi-
dent Clinton and the U.S. have,
are, and will continue to take a
hypocritical stance on issues
such as the one we now face in
North Korea.
By Laura Wright
Marriage, monogamy remain out of sync
Relationships. Relationships
of the romantic persuasion. What
are they, anyhow? Are they ani-
mal, vegetable or mineral? I've
been pondering the nature (or,
perhaps, social construction) of
romantic involvement for the past
several months. According to the
rules for acceptable behavior in
American society, human beings
are supposed to be heterosexual,
they are supposed to fall in love
with each other, they are supposed
to get married and have children
and they are supposed to live to-
gether in harmony until death.
I have decided that "sup-
posed to's" are a bunch of bull-ka-
ka. With the divorce rate at around
50 percent and with the realiza-
tion that non-traditional family
structures are increasing, I have
come to the conclusion that people
have stopped buying the notion
that monogamous romantic love
is "natural Instead, people are
responding to biological tenden-
cies that have been repressed by
cultural images of romance and
perfect relationships.
In most non-Western cul-
tures, the notion of romantic love
does not even exist. In traditional
African societies, men have more
than one wife and marriage is seen
as an institution that provides chil-
dren for the betterment of the com-
munity. Benefits to the overall
communal social order are more
important than romantic relation-
ships between women and men.
In other countries, take Japan for
instance, there have been long tra-
ditions of arranged marriages.
These unions help to maintain
political stability and serve the
"greater good" of the country.
Only in the West do we view
love and marriage as endeavors
that effect us on an individual, as
opposed to a community, level.
We believe that there is such a
thing as romantic love. We search
for it, think that we've found it
an ? 1 become frustrated when all of
our expectations prove untrue. As
a culture, we've read too many
fairy tales and seen too many mov-
ies that reinforce the idea that
people find romantic love and live
"happily ever after
Let's get real.
According to a recent article
in Psychology Today, love at first
sight does exist, but it probably
evolved as a mechanism to "spur"
the mating process and, therefore,
produce offspring. Also, infatua-
tion, or the feeling of being in love,
generally fades at approximately
18 months to three years into a
relationship. Atthis point, the real
work must begin for the relation-
ship to continue. There may be a
biological reason for this loss of
interest: The brain simply can not
maintain the overactive site of ro-
mantic blissfullness.
Because we've been
enculturated with the idea that
romance lasts forever, we be-
come frustrated when it proves
to be a temporary state. We
panic, wonder what went
wrong, get divorced, have l
fairs, etc. We feels as if we ha
failed to find that ideal relatir
ship that we've been led to
lieve exists?and we set ou
search of it. Again. And aga
Do I sound bitter? I do.
mean to. Actually, while I don
think commitment is neces'
ily biologically natural, t
doesn't mean that it's not a got
thing. Marriage and monogamy
aren't bad ideas in theory. It
provides people with human
contact and closeness as well as
stability and support. But w
need to realize that our biology
and our social beliefs are out of
synch when it comes to rela-
tionships and monogamy takes
some serious effort after the ini-
tial idea of romance fades into
the realm of fairy tales and Hol-
lywood scripts.
So, back to my quandary.
Are relationships animal, veg-
etable or mineral? What a stu-
pid question. Romance may not
really exist except in Western
mentality but we believe in it
nonetheless. We keep on search-
ing, keep on almost finding it,
and keep on discovering, often
painfully, that while romance is
like a vacation, a relationship is
a full time job.
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
In a March 17, 1994 Letter to the Editor, John J.
Russell of the Biology Graduate Student Association
deals with the general unfair treatment of graduate
students, which I feel is a very valid point he cites "a
few situations (which he finds) particularly perplexing
His third perplexingsituation reads like this: "(Does)the
Student Union Board even realize that there are gradu-
atestudentson thiscampus?" Ionly mention the Student
Union because that is what I am familiar with, being on
the Films Committee.
The question that I feel Mr. Russell should ask is,
"Do graduate students even realize that the Student
Union exists?" The Student Union suffers from an ap-
palling lack of participation by ECU students, graduate
or otherwise. As few as threeor fouryearsago, there was
a waiting list to get on the Films Committee. Now, we
have to resort to asking people if they want to participate
in order to keep the committee going. In essence, we have
to ask people to send their own money. I understand that
this is the case with other committees as well.
If the approximately two thousand graduate and
professional students, as a group, were to control their
own student fees, this would make them ineligible for
future participation in the Student Union and would
hurt those who are already sacrificing two or three hours
biweekly on their committees.
The Student Union does an excellent job of
bringing top quality speakers (Forums Committee),
comedians and bands (Popular Entertainment Com-
mittee), art (Visual Arts Committee), and movies
(Films Committee) to ECU. These are but four of the
committees, which also include Marketing and Mi-
nority Student Affairs, as well as others. They also
sponsor Barefoot on the Mall, a hodgepodge of fun
stuff, in April.
Whiledoingagreatjbb now under theguidance
of excellent leadership, itcouldbeevenbetterwith the
help of more graduate students like Mr. Russell and
their ideas. While breaking into a faction might have
immediate benefits for the graduate and professional
students, it harms our college community and ulti-
mately themselves, because 17,000 people can bring
aboutabetter campus life than 15,000 can and a much
better life than 2,000 can. I urge you, Mr. Russell, and
others, to voice your concerns to the established sys-
tem,and if noone will listen, to talk louder. Improving
a system from within can do so much more than
separating from it.
Martin C. Thomas
History (Intended)
To the Editor:
Thetimehas comeforachangeinStudentGovem-
ment. The current leaders simply aren 't in touch with the
students wants or needs. As well, they do not seem to
understand what they can effectively provide. From
body and is ineffectively spending the $125,000 of stu-
dent fees they are allocated each year. As well, I have no
idea about what SGA really does.
This year's SGA executive council elections pro-
vide us with an opportunity to change all that. David
Reid and Scarlette Gardner definitely stand ou t from the
slate of candidates as two people who are highly moti-
vated and care a great deal about the needs of the
students and their welfare.
Currently, we are at a critical point in our school's
historv and we must be certain the students are well
represented in the decision making process of the ad-
ministration. In the past year I ha ve f ound an SG A tha t
spent time installing green flashing lights on student
transit vans to decrease campus crime. Although that
may be a start, it most certainly possesses no solution.
SGA of the past has been more concerned with quick
fixes than long term solutions as evidenced by the
parking problem on campus. When was the last time
you heard the current SGA address problems that
affect ECU students? Minutes of every SGA meeting
should be delivered to The East Carolinian and pub-
lished so ever' student may see where their fees ar
being spent. You can be assured that a vote for Dav i
Reid and ScarletteGardner is a vote for thebettermem
of the SGA and the betterment of conditions of the
student body.
Amelia Davis

am?m?t?mimmmmsmimmmmm.m' u
?77ie East Carolinian
Page 6
March 24, 1994
For Rent
FOR-KJENTt Nags Head, NC- Get your
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SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM apartment 2
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cludes watersewerbasic cable. Owner
w ill pay heatair til May. Call 752-8900
smoker, social drinker to share 2 bdrm.
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l2utUritss. Call Brook at 757-1784.
share 2 Bedroom apartment. Close to cam-
pus, great location. Call Patricia 752-0009
bedroom two bath, quiet and iu.nished
duplex. Rent $235 a month. Deposit re-
quired. Location is WyndhamCr. near cam-
pus. Call 830-0309 ask for Wendye
FEMALE NEEDED to share apartment at
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A RESPONSIBLE, non-smoking, non-
drinking"CtfWsWan male to share two bed-
room apartment at beginning of May. $150
monthly reVtt, 13 utilities, 13 base price
phone. 321-4818.
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share two bed-
oro duplex close to campus. $150mo.
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MAY ISTH! Large 3 bedroom duplex $425
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NON-SM0KTNG MALE student to share
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Call David at 931-8979 fall 1994
FEMALENEEDED to sublease apartment
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ing fell sem&S. Share 2 bedroom apt. on
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moirtnfoASriley, 757-2536.
1, 94. 3 bedroom townhouse completely
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NOW AVAILABLE: 1 bedroom in Sheraton
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NEEDED: looking for enthusiastic
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jor corporations natonwide are search-
ing for college students to fill summer
positions possibly leading tocareer place-
ment after college. Many programs offer
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tory send $9.95 to C&J Research 3438
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Harbor, Fl 34685-2402
reation Department is seeking enthusi-
astic hardworking individuals for sum-
mer employment. Positions available in
these areas: adventure, amusements,
aquatics, arts, athletics, camps, commu-
nity centers, instructors, lakes, mainte-
nance, nature, seniors, special popula-
tions, and tennis. Contact: 2401 Wade
Avenue, Raleigh NC 27602. Phone num-
ber 831-6640. "Note: In accordance with
the American with Disabilities act (ADA),
the city of Raleigh will consider reason-
able accomodations if requested. TheCity
of Raleigh is an equal opportunity em-
ployer and does not discriminate on the
basis of race, sex, color, creed, age,
disability, sexual orientation, or national
$2,000month on Cruise ships or land
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& full time employment available. No
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ing vessels. Many employers provide
benefits. No exp. necessary! For more
info, call: 1-206-545-4155 ext A5362
sitions. Great benefits. Call 1-800-436-
4365 ext. P-3712
CAMP COUNSELORS, waterfront, na-
ture, high adventure staff wanted for
girls. June 10-JtJly 25, near Lenoir, NC
call Deb at 1-800-328-8388
LIVE IN CHILD CARE: Want a full time
job with the added bonus of room and
board in a nice home? Ideal person will
be flexible, willing to handle various
duties and full care of two girls ages 8
and 4. Will work with student schedule,
prefers to work around morning classes.
Must have significant child care experi-
ence with references. Call from 1-4:30
Monday thru Friday- for more informa-
tion 830-8465
WINN-DIXIE is now accepting applica-
tions for part-time employment. Oppor-
tunity for advancement for hard-work-
ing, career-oriented individuals. Apply
in person Friday, March 25 at 604 Green-
ville Blvd. 8am to 8pm
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to Midwest
Mailers Po Box 395, Olathe, KS 66051.
Immediate Response.
$10-$400UP WEEKLY. Mailing Bro-
chures! SpareFull-time. Set own hours!
Rush stamped envelope: Publishers (Gl)
1821 Hillandale Rd. 1B-295 Durham, NC
HELP WANTED: Clyde Richards Fine
Dining Restaurant is now hiring experi-
enced wait staff. Flexible schedule, great
tips. Must be 21. No phone calls, please.
Come by 103 Eastbrook Drive Tues
Thurs. bt 2-4pm for application.
COPYPRO, INC An internship in mar-
keting with Copypro is an opportunity
to work with one of company's leading
sales reps in the Greenville, Kinston,and
Goldsboro areas. Enhance personal and
professional skills while learning the
business and move eventually into a ca-
reer in sales, if desired. This internship
will require the person to be responsible
for copier installations, training opera-
tors, and preparing and turning in sales
contracts along with conducting needs
assessments for sales proposals. Com-
pany car furnished for limited travel.
Enjov the benefit of flexible hours (20
hours per week guaranteed). Students
majoring in marketing are encouraged
to mail resumes to : Director of Recruit-
ment, CopyPro, Inc. 3103 Landmark
Street, Greenville, NC 27834.
Make up to $2,000-4,000 mo. teaching
basic conversational English in Japan,
Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching back-
ground or Asian languages required. For
info, call: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5362
Autism Society of North Carolina is re-
cruiting for 1 994 Summer camp: We serve
children and adults with Autism. The
camp is held at Camp New Hope near
Chapel Hill from May 23 to August 6.
For more info, call Jemma Price at 1-800-
Summer Work
Make $5,600 this Summer
College Credit Available.
For more information call
For college students who aren't scared
to make a lot of money and work hard for it!
P.O. BOX 370, COVE CITY, NC 28523
OR FAX TO 919-637-2125.
EARN $500 OR MORE weekly stuffing
envelopes at home. Send long SASE to:
Country Living Sruypers, Dept. S32, Po
Box 1779, Denham Springs, LA 70727.
BABY CAREGIVER needed to keep 2
infants this summer, MonFr from 7 5
to 5:00. References and transportation
required. Call 752-5732 or 355-9529 after
national seeking dancers (cheerleaders)
for Greece for the months of summer
For more info. 758-8712 ask for Pete
KEEPER weekdays (1 child) to begin May
9. Full-time but can accomodate classes
MWF am. Requires car, experience, and
references. 321-3812.
CIAN: Doctors vision center is a grow-
ing optometric group whose success is
based on the hard work and dedication
of its employees. Our Greenville prac-
tice has an opening for a part-time lab
technician. Will train. Freshman or
Sophomore preferred. Evenings and Sat-
urdays. Please inquire with resume or
letter of introduction to Doctors Vision
Center, 499 East Greenville BlvdGreen-
ville, NC 27834. This is right across from
Adams Car Wash. Please ask for Vickie.
For Sale
boats,4 wheelers, motohomes,by FBI, IRS,
DEA. Nationwide auction listings avail-
able now. Call 1-800-436-4363 Ext. C-5999.
ATTENTION: weight lifters and watch-
ers: Warmer weather is approaching and
you want to look your best! Sports supple-
ments at major discount prices:
Cybergenics, Quick Trim, Cybertnm, Su-
per Fat Burners, Tri-Chromelene, Super
Chromoplex, Weight gain powders (all),
Amino Acids, Creatine, Met-rx, Vanadyl
Sulfate, Yohimbe Bark, Hot Stuff, Herbs,
Multi-Vitamins, Super Golden Seal, and
many more! Call Brad today at 931-9097
for more info.
like new, bright red, 2 Fulmer full-face
helmets, everything only $2,800 or best
offer, call 830-1762
California- $129ea. way! Florida too. Car-
ibbeanMexican Coast rt $189! No gim-
micks-no hitches. Airtech 1-800-575-TECH
MOPED, 2-speed automatic, excellent con-
dition, 100 miles per gallon. 30 mph, no
registrationlicense required $375, 756-
tress, heater, padded rails $200 757-9645
Two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen and
livingroom. Located in Evans Mobile
Home Park. Tartly furnished, underpin-
ning and a 6x6' storage building included
in the price. Perfect for starting couple or
ECU students trying to save on monthly
rental costs. Available for move in on
August 1st. Asking $10,500. Those inter-
ested please call (919)321-2577 for more
sub-woofer truck speakers. Boxes include
one 2 inch tweeter each. Excellent condi-
tion $200. Interested? Call John at 931-
78 VW RABBIT good around town car.
Good condition, AT, 2 dr. $700 obo. Call
931-7381. Must sell ASAP.
E Services Offered
TYPING- Quick and accurate resumes-
letters - term papers, excellent proof-
reading skills, satisfaction guaranteed.
Wed Fri. 9am- 5pm reasonable rates
work. Specializing in resume composi-
tion w cover letters stored on disk, term
papers, general typing. Word perfect or
Microsoft Word tor windows software.
Call today Glenda Stevens (8a-5p
9959) (evenings?527-913 J)
ATTENTION satisfy the foreign lan-
guage requirement in one summer! Ac-
celerated courses in French, Spanish
10011002 in first summer session and
FrenchSpanish 10031004 in Second
summer session lor full info, call 757
W117 M-F 9 to 4:30
WRIT1 RU SK 1 md
seeks like minded lad) lor friendshii
fun. Send photos and ? orrespi
Kane, POBo
CAMPING TRIP Vnyoneinten
going backpacking on '25oi I 1
at 756-9521
I Bill
For Advertising
Information, Contact one
of our Account Executives
acceptance into IT school We're .?l! so
proud ol you! I ove, your Chihneg
PHI rAU?We had .i great time spending
spring break with you Saturday night. We
all had a great time! I o e,hi (Imega
CHI O- Gel ready for tomorrow night'
Cocktail'sgonnabeawesome.l rhanksl tec!)
CONGRATUl A TIONS to all the men in-
vited to Sigma crush! (!el excited be
Friday will be .i night youll never forge)
SIGMA PI we are anticipating getting to-
gether Huns night for our pre-downtown
I he sisters of Sigma
KA- We are looking forward to out social
on ITuir night1 I ove, Alpha Delta Pi
HAPPY BIRI HDA I r. Schneider! I ove
tin- sisters of Alpha Delta Pi
new house! I ovethesistersol Alpha Delta
OH WHAT A NIGHT We went tochap-
ter without a clue ol what Shelle) had
planned tor us to do. she veiled "grab .i
date" and don't be late, bring your fellow
,ind meet ,it the I tt)0 We parted down
and danced to tunes- Alpha Phis and then
dates filled the room Then it happened
the big surprise the light from the candle
filled our. eyes Congradulations Angie
Porter on your engagement Wewish sou
.ill the luck. Oh what a night for the Alpha
Did you save any money last summer?
Earn $4,000-$5,000 this Summer!
3 Credit Hours
1-800-251-4000 Ext. 1576
Tommy Hilfiger ? Polo ? J Crew ? Nautica ? Colours
? IZOD ? Bugle Boy ? LEVI ? and'all name brand
men's clothing and shoes
(FOR EXAMPLE - $75:00 "TOMMY" for $16.00)
Downtown Walking Mall
414 Evans Si.
We also buy
book bags,
back packs, waist
Mon-Fri 10-12,1-3
Sat 10-1
Come into the City Parking Lot in front of Wachovia Bank
Downtown, drive to our back door, park,and ring buzzer.
bisexual, lesbian and gay community group
sponsors discussions and activities. Confi-
dentiality assurred: For info. 758-8619
Russ 220 Rusafrn literature of the 19th cen-
tury tairrfct!Engnsh will be offered 2nd
summer session, 9:35-11 00and fall semester,
MWF laOO-100. Russ 1001, Elementary Rus-
sian will be offered fall semester, MWFat9:00.
Come to the Religion of Lite class and see
what Mormons believe regarding the resur-
rection of JeSus Christ. A film will be shown
and refreshments served. Wed March 30,
3:304.30 in Mendenhall rm 242. Sponsored
by the Mormons.
PW m
A Uftudentsare invited toattend the ECU law
socieiy'Jrieeting rm Mon. March 28, 1994 at
5:15 in rm. V30 Ragsdaie. Gaylon Braddy a
lixal attorney will be featured as the guest
speaker. Refreshments will be served and
newcomers are encouraged to bring inter-
ested frienI3s.
You can pay ECU tuition and a comparable
cojatyr housing and spend an exciting year
living and studying in Sheffield, England!
Mostcourses will transfer back for ECU credit.
Meet with Hazel Peck who will be on campus
to speak with students, March 24th from
4:00pm-6:00pm in Biology N-109 about the
university and life in Sheffield. Stop by for
refreshments anytime between 4-6 and learn
moreaboutSheffield Hallam University! This
could be the opportunity you have been look-
ing for! If unable to attend at this time, please
contact International Programsat 757-6769or
Dr. Bland in Biology at 757-6204 for more info.
Come sign up for Putt-Putt golf on Tues.
April 5 at 5:00pm in Bio 103. Put on your
golfing shoes and get ready to putt putt for the
fun of it with Recreational Services. For more
info, call Rec. Services at 757-6387 or stop by
204 Christenbury Gym.
(COSOL) How will you train the new leaders
of your organization for next year? Learn
how to make smooth officer transitions for
yourgroupat theCouncil of Student Organi-
zation leaders meeting on Thur. March 24,
1994 at 4:00pm in the Multi-purpose room of
Mendenhall Student Center For more info,
call Student leadership Development Pro-
grams at 757-47
is documenting hate crimes against homo-
sexuals in the surrounding area. Call the
hotline to report incidents. Confidentiality
and anonymity are assured. 752-9502 (mes-
sage) 757-4863 (contact person)
interested faculty from all schools of the
University are reminded again of the oppor-
tunity to propose honors seminars to be
taught spring semester 1995. All proposals
need to be submitted on a new course pro-
posal form to David Sanders, co Honors
Program, GCB 2026. The earlier date for
submissions requires that proposals be sent
in time to be distributed a week before the
Honors Program Committee meeting on
April 19. That committee makes the final
selection. Call 6373 for info.
for Mar 22- 28 Wed. Mar 23? "Scholarship
Showcase Recital" featuring selected recipi-
ents of Friends ot the School of Music schol-
arships (AJ Fletcher Recital Hall, 7:00pm.)
ThursMar.24?Beth Norvell, piano, Gradu-
ate Recital (AJ Fletcher Recital Hall, 6:00pm
Free) Also on Mar 24? Fd Stephanson,
guitar,guest rei I A Fletcher Recital Hall,
8.00pm) 1 ri 25 Miti Bentield, piano.
Graduate recital (AJ Fletcher Recital Hail,
9:00pm, free) Sat. Mar. 26? Ruth Thomas,
piano, Grad. recital (Aj Fletcher Recital Hall,
7:00pm, free) Sun Mar. 27? Estern Youth
Orchestra, Mark Ford Dir. (AJ Fletcher Rec.
Hall, 3:00pm,free) Also on Mar. 27? Jazz
Ensemble B, Ned Holder, Conductor (AJ
Fletcher Recital Hall,8:00pm, free) Mon. Mar.
28? Contemporary azz Ensemble, Paul
Tardif, Dir. (AJ Fletcher Rec. Hall, 8:00pm,
sponsoring a lecture by DR Hans 1
Hillerbrand. Chair and Professor t 'I Religion
,u Duke I 'niversityonthetopii 'When the
Trumpet ot the I ord Shall sound
Apocalypticism from the Refromation to
Waco" on Ihur lanh 24. at 7pm m
Brewster B- KB
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each addition, word $0.05
?All ads must be pre-
Any organization may use the Announce-
ments Section of The East Carolinian to list
activities and events open to the public two
times freeof charge. Duetothe limitedamount
of space, The East Carolinian cannot guaran-
tee the publication of announcements
Friday at 4 p.m tor
Tuesday s edition
Tuesday at 4 p.m. for
rhursday's edition
$5.50 per inch:
Displayed advertisements may be
cancelled before 10 a. m the day prior to
publication, however, no ri
be given
For more
information call

Adventures of Kemple Boy
By Kemple Phoebe
by StepRanie Smith
on -me -1 ryjI r'lif '
Spare Time
by A. Farkas Nick O'Time
"By Dickens
J?5f( fhj5 here's $weet Len-ny. VJoM iocis? gol man-y.
Heg. Heg, mg mon. VJord on The sireel is ThoT dey's o meeTin of The
comic folks Todog. Opposed to be down oT The old newspaper place
round 5:30. 5umTjn' T'o'o wjTh nexT week's Scrips. V'know. Jhe April
fool's eomjC5. 5hh floT so loud, men. tf's real jmporTon?and
eergbodg" s'pposed To be There, you dig? Cool. flow, don"fc-forgel.
And if anyone asks, don'l nil em lei you in on jT, dg? CjM, man.

" TimniiMin ? item
The East Carolinian
Page 8
March 24. 1994
Barefoot hosts
Battle of Bands
By Vail Rum ley
Staff Writer
On April 7, at 7 p.m local
bands will wage musical war for
the title of opening act at ECU's
annual Barefoot on the Mall cel-
Past experience with unpopu-
lar bands and some irate
Barefooters encouraged this year's
Barefoot committee to leave the
choice of at least one band up to
students?applause will win the
most popular band a place on stage
on April 21.
"We're hoping to attract a
wider range of fans with the
groups lined up for this year
said Visual ArtsCommittee Chair,
Luke Sanders. "I'm expecting at
least 10,000 people to attend Bare-
foot, and out of those we've tar-
geted the alternative rock fans and
the smaller audiences of blues and
pop rock
The winner of the Student
Union-sponsored Battle of the
Bands will be one of four musical
acts highlighting the festivities.
The commi rtee 's choice for
entertainment for thecampus party
include: B, S, & M, an alternative
rock group; Theresa, a guitar-
strumming female vocalist whose
music is described as pop rock,
folk, and a little bit of country rolled
into one "very good " performance;
and the three group blues act that
comes under the clever, but not so
original, name, Lotsabluesa. Listed
under this whimsical title are gui-
taristvocalist Mojo Collins, who
recently made a pre-Barefoot ap-
pearance during dinner rush hour
at Mendenhall, The Heaters and
Little Dave and the Howling Blues
Winter-like weather and rain
kept attendance to a minimum at
lastyear's Barefoot on the Mall, but
Sanders expects this year to be dif-
ferent. "We'vegota lot of activities
planned: velcro jumping, the
Orbitron, T-shirt give-aways?
what we've had before and some
additions, like Bouncy Boxing (an
air inflated ring where two oppo-
nentsduelitout with outrageously
oversized boxing gloves). If
weather permits, it should be the
best turnout yet
War written by ECU professor
SOS! project seeks help
By Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
Are you aware of the outdoor
sculpture in North Carolina? Save
Outdoor Sculpture, or SOS is a
joint project of the National Mu-
seum of American Art,
Smithsonian Institution and the
National Institute for the Conser-
vation of Cultural
Property that is cam-
paigning to identify
and survey outdoor
sculpture in all of
North Carolina's 100
needed to help with
this project will be
trained to locate, in-
ventory, photograph and assess the
condition of the state's hundreds
of public sculptures. Included in
the survey will be works ranging
from contemporary sculpture to
historic bronze statues, earthworks,
liturgical statues and folk art. The
end product will be a complete
statewide inventory of outdoor
sculpture in North Carolina.
The first training session for
volunteers from 23 eastern N.C.
counties, including Pitt, will be held
in Speight Auditorium of the ECU
School of Art from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00
p.m.on Saturday, March 26.
Dr. Biruta Erdmann and
Maury York will be giving presen-
tations on research-
ing outdoor sculp-
ture in libraries and
archives. David
Finley, Conservator
of the North Caro-
lina Museum of Art,
will explain condi-
tion reporting of,
outdoor sculpture.
This program is free
to the public. For more informa-
tion call Charles Lovell at 757-6336.
This project is also in need of
volunteers; SOS! NC needs help in
locating sculpture for inclusion in
this survey. The sculpture can be
See SCULPTURE page 10
Staff Reports
The East Carolinian
Michael A. Palmer, an ECU his-
tory professor, has woven his vast
knowledge of military tactics and
machinery into his futuristic novel
published this month by Vandamere
Press. He gives a blow-by-blow ac-
count of World War HI as it is played
out in 1999 by an international group
of retired military officersand former
civilian policy makers. The meeting
takes place at the Naval War College
in Rhode Island.
In Palmer's new book, The War
That Never Was, Russia and the
United States are blasting away at
each other in a world-wide conflict.
But, there is a twist to this theme?
the countries are allies and the war is
a game.
It's all fiction, of course, but the
military tactics and strategy are
highly plausible, if not real, accord-
ing to the book's critics. Palmer also
places into action just about every
class of ship, submarine, aircraft and
fighting unit from the navies, armies
and air forces of the world.
Publisher's Weekly describes the
book as "a study of geopolitical and
military strategy" and said the au-
thor "clearly knows his stuff
Larry Bond, the author of Red
Phoenix emdCauldron, said Palmer
"brings modem naval operations to
life in this chillingly plausible and
totally credible account of global war
at sea
The ECU author tells his story
through a Russiannaval officer, Yuri
Sinsukin, who helped develop the
elaborate war game plan. Interest-
ingly, the Russian is trying to capi-
talize on the war game project by
writing a book about it.
Palmer draws from his own
background as a naval historian at
the Naval Historian Center in Wash-
ington, D.C in describing the mili-
tary tactics and hardware portrayed
in the book.
He worked at the center before
coming to ECU and was with Navy
during the 1991 war with Iraq and
used materials culled from Opera-
tions DesertShield and DesertStorm
to write an earlier non-fiction book,
Guardians of the Gulf. The book de-
scribes the U.S. Navy's presence in
the Persian Gulf from 1833 to 1991.
The War That Never Was is
Palmer's sixth book and second
novel. His other fiction work is Arc-
tic Strike. In addition to Guardians of
the Gulf, he wrote Origins of Mari-
time Strategy and Stoddart's War. The
latter book won the Samuel Eliot
Morison Award for Naval Litera-
Palmer, who joined the ECU
Department of History in the fall of
1992, teaches maritime history. He
and his wife and two children live
in Greenville.
The novel, expected at book
stores this month, will sellfor$19.95.
Journal wins design prize
Staff Reports
The East Carolinian
"The design is very appro-
priate to the contents, imposing a
certain nostalgic reading of the
Victorian period quite ap-
pealing. I am especially charmed
by thedistinctive look of a pho-
tographic facsimile of old mate-
rial "Who could resistthose
wonderful Victorian patterns of
With these and other words
of praise, a panel of judges se-
lected the 20th anniversary issue
of the ECU-based Victorians In-
stitute Journal for a coveted de-
sign prize. The journal won top
honors in the Council of Editors
of Learned Journals' annual Best
Journal Design competition.
Editor Donald Lawlersaid he
was "especially thrilled" to have
won a competition that included
more than 60 periodicals from
around the world, from "virtu-
ally every non-scientific area of
the humanities in literatures and
languages Lawler is a professor
of English at ECU.
Despite its rich appearance,
the journal is produced on a shoe-
string budget. The prize-winning
design is due to careful manipu-
lation of desktop publishing tech-
niques and adaptationof graphic
elements from period publica-
tions, rather than to professional
design consultants or high-priced
equipment, Lawler said.
Typefaces and ornaments
used in the VI are chosen by
Lawler and his succession of stu-
dent assistants as appropriate for
the Victorian period. Thejournal's
logo boasts Queen Victoria's own
crowned cypher, borrowed from
a printed invitation to her 1837
See VIJ page 10
'Don't Buy
sf0f Take Your Chances
The Stegmonds
The Stegmondemo
SB w
The Stegmonds, a band that
started their musical career here in
Greenville, N.C. has just released a
demo called the Stegmondemo.
There are many stories behind
the band's name. Frontman Pete
Frederick says, "There's a rare pri-
mate from South America called
the Steg monkey. To obtain better
use of his hands, feet and tail, he
hangs from a rather more impres-
sive appendage of his body. It'snot
one of those things you see on the
National Geographic specials ev-
eryday. We took on the name out of
The name, however, actually
came from a Germanic tribe called
Stegmonds, which when translated
means "scarred men These scarred
men practiced a ritual of violently
bashing their heads with sacred
stones until they saw visions of
whom they thought were spirits of
the dead.
The Stegmonds consist of Pete
Frederick, the eccentric, quirky and
highly unpredictable vocalistgui-
tarist, and Samuel Ross Earnhardt,
the laid-back bassist. Chocolate
Thorn Cooper, a guitarist strongly
influenced by Eddie Van Halen,
claims that his college tenure was
spent "studying rhythm guitar un-
der professor Keith Richards and in
spare time attending the univer-
sity Sir Jeffrey Alford IE is a self-
taught drummer who was influ-
enced by a family full of drummers
and says that he has drumming in
his blood. Michael Thrower is the
keyboardist who started playing at
a very young age.
The Stegmonds' self-titled
See STEGMONDS page 14
JJJ Worth A Try
p m fd m 'Definite Purchase
Shakespeare's dreams put to the
winsome melodies of a piano.
Tori states that, "You have to hold
hands with bad days. You have
to hold hands with sad. And
once you get to know sadshe's
got some pretty little dresses, you
know?" ?
The songs on Under the Pink
are sad little dresses. Amos tries
on religion, sex, and loathing with
a breathy voice. The songs "God"
and "Space Dog" are one part
ethereal and one part down to
earth as Amos chants, "Deck the
halls It's you again It's you
again Somewhere someone
must know the ending" and "Will
you even tell her if you decide to
make the sky fall?" In an inter-
view Amos insists that she wants
to "have a cup of tea with Him
God and chat
This is the intimacy that per-
vades the songs on Under the Pink,
and a dim comparison would be
the innovation and genuinuity of
Joni Mitchell. This artist has
something to say and defies the
reigning alternative genre in
music today. This album is a
delightful disturbance.
? Cindy
Tori Amos
Under the Pink
0 0 0 0
In a word: phenomena l. And
even that word doesn't do Under
the Pink justice. It is pure, it is
heart, and it is without category.
Amos's music is confessional.
It is so raw that it stings, but it's
the stinging of faith, truth, and
disillusionment. Her songs are
decadent tradgedy;
Cover Courtesy of VAndamere Press
The War That Never Was is Michael Palmer's sixth book and second
novel. He is presently a maritime history professor at ECU.
Reality Bites lacks realism
Nathan Ellis
Staff Writer
According to the twenty
something nihilists of the
comedy,Rraify Bites, there is a way
to avoid "selling out" like your
parents did. Instead of trading
your love beads for a BMW, you
can forget about having any ide-
als at all. You can want money and
sex; just make sure you act like it's
killing you.
Examples of this sort of hy-
pocrisy abound in the film; an ef-
fort undoubtedly targeted at the
heart of the young people of the
'90s. Reality Bites obviously takes
its cues from predecessors like
Slacker, Singles and Dazed and Con-
fused. This kind of attempt at a
1994 doublethink, of groaning
about the horrors of the real world
while participating in its demise,
or at least taking no action to
change it, seems a coyly marketed
strategy to lure the poor souls vic-
timized by graduation in for a con-
ciliatory pat on the back.
Set in Houston, the movie re-
volves around four friends' at-
tempts to deal with the real world
after graduation from an unnamed
Texas university. Class valedicto-
rian Lelaina (Winona Ryder) lands
a job as an intern for a morning
talk show while her wisecracking
pal Vickie (Janeane Garofalo)
hones her jeans-folding skills at
The Gap.
The fun starts when grunge-
hunk Troy (Ethan Hawke) makes
a temporary move to their couch
after getting the boot from his
place. Troy quickly becomes the
resident gadfly of the house,
hurling barbs of garbage-can
philosophy at the others while
armed with a cigarette in one
hand and the remote control in
the other.
Their troubles in the real
world, however, are soon mani-
fested. Lelaina'sjob turns out to
be a major flop?it pays lousy
and the cornball host of the show
(John Mahoney) can't stand her.
Vickie mocks her job so she can
put up with it and Troy can't
seem to hold the simplest of jobs.
In one instance, he's fired from a
newsstand job for stealing a
Snickers bar.
He shrugs it all off with hu-
morous nonchalance and the for-
mation of the equation that slack-
ing off and mooching is better
than the monotonous hell of his
father's card-punching days at
the factory. Dying of prostate
cancer, his father retains the same
foreboding presence in his
thoughts just as Lelaina's
cartoonish and divorced parents
are in hers.
A thread that runs through-
out the movie is a documentary
being made by Lelaina; she films
scenes of her everyday life while
her roommates act witty and dis-
See REALITY page 10
? "? Career Services Opportunities
rHave you signed up for Career Services? If you are in
your senior year, or if you are a graduate student who's
completed 12 semester hours, you should attend an orien-
ntation to register. Some career building opportunities are:
?Careers in Insurance Claims - Wed April 6,1994 -
Discussion on career opportunities.
e Please sign up in advance at Career Services.
?Careers with the FBI- Special Agent
Charles Richards will give an open information session on
Thursday, April 7,1994 in GCB 1031. Please sign up in
advance at Career Services.
DAY - Monday, April 18, 1994 in the Great Room of
Mendenhall Student Ctr. Employers will share informa-
tion about employment with any students interested in
Human Services agencies.
Orientation Dates to Sign Up:
Thursday, March 24 3:00p.m.
Tuesday, March 29 4:00p.m.
Monday, April 4 5:00p.m.
I -?, qfMpM p

March 24, 1994
The East Carolinian 9
Legendary "Pope of Trash" shocks new generation
lr. gies ol filth such as Pink Flu- ing through our parents' photo- more housewife who makes ob-
? . From graph album. Our movies was how scene phone calls and finds in-
streets and trailer parks of we caused trouble. Looking back creasingly lethal ways to dispose
Baltimore, thev brought away ol on it, I thank Cod we had that of those who threaten her happy
life to the screen that included outlet. What would have happened home. The subject matter?mur-
incest,bestiality, necrophilia and tons" der, families, a dog sucking on a
the conspicuous consumption of Much ol the old gang is gone woman's toes ? is vintage Wa-
? droppings. now Divinedied shortly after Wa- ters. "he atmosphere is relatively
"I'm proud of those movies ters'mainstream breakthrough, the new.
he Waters said during a recent inter- 1988 released r.Masseyand What helped make Pink
tingthe view. Somebody told me their Locharv had already passed away. Flamingos and other early features
first date was at'P . - Waters himself is in his mid-40s, so unsettling was a raw, grainy
Tnev got married and named their and admittedl) not the same man quality that made you wonder if
bain Divine. I had no idea, techni- who used to spend his tree time at the makers really disapproved ol
cally, how to make a movie. I was murder trials. what they were portraying.
just learning how to do it. It's like Hislatestfilm,Sfni!Mom,stars WithSerial Mom, the distance is
looking at home movies, like look- Kathleen 1 urner as a sweet Haiti- clear. "Straight" people, rather
than "freaks speak most of the
lines. Frtetoneisironk ratherthan
sub ersi e, more likelv to amuse
than to offend.
"My attack is a little less
hostile now, and a little more play-
ful Waters said. "I'll buy the true
crime hooks and I'll see the true
crime movies. I go to murder tri-
als. But I havechanged because in
the old days I went more tor sen-
sationalism and it ended.up with
me teaching in jail, which 1 took
fairlv seriously. So now, some of
the outrageous things I've said
about murder trials I don't feel
anymore. It's exploitative of some
oi the people I have talked to in
jails, i never told the stories of my
students in jail ? and some of
them are fairlv notorious
where in the old days 1 would
have. I got into it more.
atersw asborn in 1946,
grew up in an upper-middle-
class familv in suburban Haiti-
more and attended a Catholic
high school. By college, a briel
enrollment at ew i orkUniver-
sity, he was dropping at id and
was hooked on low-grade hor-
ror films.
Suspended from NYU
for smoking pot, he returned to
Baltimore in 1964 and shot his
first 8 mm short, A 11
Jacket, and followed it with Ro
iiiiui Candles and his first In mm
feature, Eat 1 our Makeup.
Continued from page 8
WzMB Top
tlMH'ss (it
in t
the t
icl attempt
I ?
ter of these two provide the script
with the only substance thatitoth-
erwise la ks
Itishere however, that things
take a turn tor the worst. The plot
slips into, a nauseating and con-
ventional romance between troy
and 1 elaina. I he only thing that
keeps it interesting is the MTV
parody "In Your Face the chan-
,i nel that Michael works lor. He
k saves the Aax financially for
I elaina b showing her documen-
a tary to his superiors "hey love it,
e but turn it into a commercialized
mess of visual and sound bites,
t aping theequally ridiculous Real
i World" ofMTV. rhis, interestingly
enough, ends their relationship,
i- In the end, it seems the pic-
ture is guilty of the same things
its c haracters and script are lam-
pooning, mainly by marketing the
angst of a generation in a neat
and digestible format, all while
?s when employing a played-out roman-
e bill by tic subplot to hide the fact that the
hie real issues aren't seriously dealt
; ub) with. For example, 1.elaina
handles unemployment by ob-
taining i.ash and food from her
father- gas card. I rov's slovenly
todress habitsand laziness seem justified
connect by his supposed depth, although
straight his i harat ter seems more like the
dsofthe latest attempt to capture the
um, the "altemahunk
, with It seems the characters have
- tak- fallen prey to the image problem
ban that being a true generational vic-
tim entails: the keeping up of ness ot the generational crisis it
appearances. They want the sue- wants to embody. It there really
ess and money, but thev don't are no guarantees and little hope,
want to look like sellouts in the
process (this attitude seems to be
plaguing the music industry as
well). In short, they want to have
their cake and eat it too.
Perhaps what hurts the pic-
ture most of all was the serious-
what's so tunny? Director Ben
Stiller and screenwriter Ellen
Childresscould have lampooned
the very Generation X that has
been getting so much attention.
Instead, they romanticize and
commercialize it.
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10 The East Carolinian
March 24, 1994
MTV changes Spring Break location due to bad rep
SAN DIEGO (AP) ? Surf's up,
school's out and MTV has just
wrapped a seven-day shoot. It can
only mean one thing.
Spring break is upon us.
College students let loose from
class are readying for non-stop par-
tying in such far-flung, sunny spots
as South Padre Island, Texas; Panama
City,Fla.and LakeHavasu City, Ariz.
In search of a quieter location to
tape its annual spring break special
this year, MTV set its sights on San
Diego, a citv better known for con-
servative politics, military headquar-
ters, middle-aged golfing tourists and
laid-back attitude.
A massive stage, an explosive
sound system and a few stra tegically
placed palm trees turned Mission
Bay into Spring Break Central for a
After finding itself unwelcome
in Davtona Beach, Fla site of its
springbreakspecial the last few years,
MTV was looking to start fresh with
a clean slate in a new city. Daytona
Beach city officials had complained
that the program was too raunchy
and was ruining the city's image.
Bu t the wildness of you th seems
to follow MTV wherever it goes.
OnSunday, theday before MTV
wrapped its San Diego shoot, police
had to use batons, mace and pepper
spray to clear a crowd outside the
MTV filming area. Police estimated
20,000 peopleattended theevent that
About 50 officers, who were
pelted with bottles, banded together
in riot formation to clear a crowd
outside the 2 1 2-acre staging area.
Police blamed gang members for the
fracas. Eighteen people were arrested
butnoseriousinjurieswere reported.
It was just the sort of thing MTV
had been trying to prevent. Joel
shows, said in an interview last week
that he wanted to make a good im-
"The city is, for all obvious rea-
sons, keeping a close eye on us
Stillerman said. "We've been very
security conscious
Because only so many people
were allowed into the MTV taping
area, the spillover crowd was enter-
tained at an adjacent beach festival.
Vendors sold everything from
barbecued ribs to toe rings. All who
entered were checked for drugs and
weapons by security guards. No al-
cohol was sold inside.
nothingnewtospringbreak. Just ask
folks in Palm Springs, Calif. When
off young women and hotel rooms
were left trashed, the city cracked
down hard.
Threeyearsago, they banned G-
string bikinis, motorcycles on main
streets and public drinking after 11
Now San Diego city officials are
thinking twiceaboutwhether they'll
let MTV back next year.
Continued from page 8
Continued from page 8
The 334-page 20th anniver-
sary issue features reproductions
of Victorian and Art Nouveau
draw ings, engravings and manu-
scripts alongside critical essays
on novels by Thomas Hardy,
Emily Bronte and George Eliot;
the poetry of Browning and
Swinburne; the satirical barbs of
the British newspaper Punch; and
interrelationships of 19th century
music, drama and art. The cover
for this issue is printed in a rich
purple and gold rendition of a
William Morris wallpaper.
VIJ, an annual journal "de-
voted to Victorian culture and
thought is mailed to libraries and
to members of the Victorians Insti-
tute in the United States and
Lawler plans to relinquish the
VIJ editorship next year to devote
more time to his teaching duties
and completion of a book on the
life and work of one of the Victo-
rian era's most colorful figures?
poet-playwright Oscar Wilde.
Continued from page 8
demo contains two original songs
and two remakes.
The demo opens with "un-
glued a very bluesy dancing song
that makes you want to get up and
stomp around. This song was, how-
ever, banned in four states because
of the sexual overtones contained in
the lyrics. Once in the blues mood,
the group breaks into a rendition of
the Doors' "Peace Frog The song
itself somewhat difficult to dupli-
cate but the rhythm and leads do a
wonderful job.
The keyboardist even manages
to catch the Doors' mysterious or-
gan sound. The lead vocalist, how-
ever, misses on the Jim Morrison
crooning. His voice is not as power-
ful and he seems to make fun of the
spoken poetry within the song.
"Delta" is next inline and makes
up for the poor Jim Morrison imita-
tion. Frederick's vocals seem much
more suited for this '70s-type bal-
lad. With an Allman Brothers
BostonGrateful Dead feel. This
song definitely hits the winner
note in listener's minds. Although
other styles can be picked out of
this song, the Stegmonds origi-
nality dominates.
The final song closes out the
tape with the popular and very
well worked Stegmonds's blues
feel. The Johnny Watson remake
of "Real Mother" is sure to pick
you up on a cloudy day.
The demo itself lacks some-
thing probably because of i ts scar-
city of songs. For the die-hard
Stegmonds fan or a bluesclassic
rock fan, the demo may satisfy a
small portion of their cravings.
Overall the Stegmonds express
their talent much better live.
? Bridget
located on public or private prop-
erty and they encourage citizens to
call the state office with informa-
tion about sculpture locations.
Groups or individuals inter-
ested in participating as volunteers
or individuals reporting sculpture
sightings should contact Alyce
Zink, SOS! NC Project Coordina-
tor, 308 Woodrow Avenue, High
Point, N.C. 27262, (910) 885-3823.
while you wait
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The East Carolinian
March 24, 1994
Page 11
What's On Tap?
Friday, March 25
M. Swimming
at NCAA Championships,
Minneapolis, Minn (thru 3
vs. Towson State, 3 p.m.
at Winthrop Tourn Rock Hill,
S.C (thru 327).
W. Track
at Raleigh Relays, Raleigh,
N.C. (thru 326).
M. Track
at Florida Relays, Gainesville,
Fla. (thru 326).
at Furman Intercollegiate,
Greenville, S.C. (thru 327).
Saturday, March 26
vs. Old Dominion, 2 p.m.
Sunday, March 27
vs. Old Dominion, 2 p.m.
The 411
322 beat Ga. Southern 13-3
323 beat Ga. Southern 4-2
324 lost to Ga. Southern 9-
8, 10 innings
322 beat Bucknell 5-1, 4-0.
Men's (-AA Leaders
(Through March 20)
Team Conference GBOverall
ODU 5-1 .833 ?18-2 .900
W&M 4-2 .667 114-7 .667
ECU 2-1 .667 1.5J9-4 .826
UR 2-1 .667 1.513-5 722
JMU 3-3 500 212-7 .631
UNCW 2-4 333 312-12.500
GMU 0-6 000 52-9 .182
Juan Dorsey, JMU.459
Tom Scoscia, UR.457
Jamie Borel, ECU.427
Rick Britton, ECU.422
Dan Almonte, ODU.417
Matt Quatraro. ODU5
Kevin Gibbs. ODU3
Jeff Dausch. UR3
Ryan Wilson. W&M3
Six Players2
Home runs
Scott Bermingham, ECU 6
Chad Triplett, ECU6
Battle Holley, UNCW5
Tom Scoscia, UR5
Jeff Dausch. UR4
Runs Batted In
Brian Yerys, ECU26
Rick Britton, ECU25
Jeff Dausch, UR23
Tom Scoscia, UR23
Matt Quatraro. ODU22
Stolen Bases (sbsba)
Jamie Borel, ECU2129
Kevin Gibbs, ODU1921
Shawn Knight. W&M1315
Maika Symmonds, ODL910
Battle Holley, UNCW Pllchlnq88
Johnny Beck, ECU5-0
John Smith, ODU5-0
Mike Sanburn, ECU5-?
Brett Wheeler, ODU4-0
Bobby St. Pierre, UR4-0
Earned Run Average
John Fulcher, GMU0.61
Brett Wheeler, ODU1.16
Jeff Hafer, JMU1.40
Lyle Hartgrove, ECU1.59
Johnny Beck, ECU1.66
Brian Smith, UNCW40
Bobby St Pierre, UR37
Richie Blackwell, ECU36
Scott Forster, JMU36
Mike Ragsdale, W&M34
Dixon Putnam. UNCW2
Denis McLaughlin, ODU2
John O'Reilly, ODU2
Dalton Maine. UR
Batting Average
Old Dominion350
James Madison.334
East Carolina.330
William & Mary302
UNC Wilmington285
George Mason.222
Earned Run Average
East Carolina2.03
Old Dominion249
James Madison3.51
William & Mary3.75
UNC Wilmington3.87
George Mason4.67
Compiled by Dave Pond
Beck grabs record, win over Eagles
?? r
in i ? i
t Photo courtesy of Garret Killian
Heath Clark, seen here last week versus Erskine, slides into a close play at second base. The Pirates are
winding down a 25-game homestand with three of the last four against first-place ODU this weekend.
Podratsky, Ford
help sweep Colgate
By Brian Olson
Sports Editor
Setting recordsor milestonescan
be a bit of a distraction. The pressure
put on players on the verge of great
heights can be nagging, but once the
job is complete, the individual or
team can relax.
This was the case in Tuesday's
game versus Georgia
Southern. Johnny Beck
(6-0) needed just two
strikeouts to become
ECU's all-time career
strikeout leader. Beck
started a little shaky,
strikeout at the ex-
pense of catcher Sy
Jones in the fourth in-
ning as it paced the
Bucs to a 4-2 win. He finished with
seven Ks and the Pirates have now
won 22 of their last 23 games as of
"In the first few innings I think I
was trying to put too much pressure
on myself, trying to hit some spots
that I usually hit Becksaid. "I wasa
Johnny Beck
little out of the zone because I was
trying to get those two strikeouts
early and go ahead and break the
record and not really think about it
When ECU (21-4) pitchers are
not always their sharpest, the have
the comfort of knowing they have
a solid defense behind them.
Sharply hitballs in the infield turned
intoouts,a pickoffand
a crucial double play
was the difference.
The double play
came in the first inning
with no outs and men
at first and second. A
sharp grounder to
firstbaseman Scott
Bermingham was
fielded, flipped to sec-
ond and shortstop
Chad Puckett flipped it back to first
with Beck covering. The Golden
Eagles (15-11) left a man stranded
on third when Kevin Hallman
grounded out to the pitcher.
"Coach O (Gary Overton)
See BECK page 14
(SID)?On Tuesday the Lady
Pirate softball team swept a
doubleheader against Bucknell, 5-
Bucknell's only run of game
one came in the first inning when
leadoff batter Abagail Lightheart
got a double, advanced on a wild
pitch and tagged up on a sacrifice
fly to centerfield.
ECU's first score of game one
came in the second inning after
junior Dana Crosby reached first
on an error by Bucknell's third
baseman. Crosby advanced to sec-
ond on a sacrifice by senior
rightfielder Georgeann Wilke,
moved to third on a sacrifice by-
sophomore second baseman Jolin
Eckman and scored on a passed
The Lady Pirates scored two
runs in the third and one in the
fourth. Eckman scored ECU's run
in the fourth and on the wav picket!
up two stolen bases.
Senior centerfielder Michelle
Ward scored ECU's final run in
the fifth. Ward singled, stole sec-
ond and third and came home on
a single by senior catcher Lisa
Sophomore pitcher Tracie
Podratsky picked up the win, mov-
ing her record to 10-2. A11 ison Love
took the loss for Bucknell.
I n game two, ECU tixk a quick
lead, scoring one run in each of the
first,second and third innings. Both
the first and third ruas were batted
in by senior third baseman Leann
Myers, who went 2-for-2 with two
In the fifth, ECU picked up its
fourth and final run oi the day.
Freshman Rhonda Rost reached
first on a fielder's choice, Crosby
advanced her to second and Rost
scored on a doubleby Sherri Allen.
Allen went 3-for-4 with a double,
RBI, one run and a stolen base.
Freshman pitcherTeryn Ford
got the win with a two-hitter.
Ford's record now stands at 5-4.
I leidi Dawson took the loss for the
Bison of Bucknell.
Irates take tournament
By Steven Lienert
Staff Writer
College Ultimate teams from
all over the East Coast traveled to
Greenville last weekend to take part
in ECU's 22nd .Annual Ultimax Ul-
timate Frisbee tournament
Games were played all da v Sat-
urday and Sunday, with competi-
tion in both men's and women's
In the men's division, East
Carolina's Irates cruised to their first
championship this season. Coldly
dominant throughout their first all-
college tournament of the year, the
Irates were never put to the test, as
they outscored their opponentsbva
combined score of 90-27.
The Irates were very business-
like in their approach to the week-
end, and that showed in the finals.
The Irates discarded an over-
matched Yale University team in
the finals in somewhat of a rude
fashion, 15-6.
In the women's division, Indi-
ana University edged Columbia
University in the finals to win the
title, 13-10. But the big story of the
tournament was East Carolina's
women's team, the Helios.
The Helios captured their first
semi-finals appearance in any tour-
nament in two years, while unveil-
inga powerful persistence along the
way. Riding an unusually strong
zone defense, the Helios rallied their
way to three major come-from-be-
hind victories.
Despite losing to Columbia in
the semi's, the Helios achieved their
most successful weekend in recent
Pile Photo
The Irates have a great balance of
offense and defense that should
enable them to go undefeated.
Thiscoming weekend, the Irates
and I lelios travel to Wilmington to
participate in the th annual College
Easterns tournament
This tournament is the true test
of a college team's chances at a Na-
tional Championship, with three of
last year's Final Four competing.
Injuries plague soccer
By Chip Hudson
Staff Writer
The East Carolina women's
soccer team began its spring sea-
son this past weekend when it
traveled to Raleigh to take place
in the second annual Ladies'
Lock-Up Indoor Tournament.
Last year, the Pirates finished
second, and they were looking to
improve on that result this time.
ECU fielded two teams in this
year's tournament and the field
was completed by UNC-Greens-
boro and the host team from the
Soccer Dome. In the "Purple
Team's first game, they were
beaten by the Soccer Dome team.
The lack of indoor experience was
evident for the Pirates. Starting
goalkeeper Susan Mower and
forward Kellie Troy went down
with sprained ankles. In their
second game, the Purple Team
took on UNC-G. The team was
faced with having no substitutes
due to earlier injuries, and ECU
was defeated 6-5. In this game,
ECU was forced to plav a man
short for the last 10 minutes due
to a head injury sustained by
Eileen Moore when she was bru-
tally checked into the boards.
In the third game, ECU Purple
faced ECU gold. Gold won hand-
ily and the bad luck for this team
continued as goalkeeper Nancy
Johnson went down with a hand
injury. The bright spots consisted
of outstanding play of Moaze, who
returned from her head injury,
and a great goal scored by Lisa
Leary: The Purple Team was
scheduled to plav UNC-G in the
consolation game, but had to for-
This spring will be
the last time the
ladies' soccer
team will be
known as a club
sport. Next fall
the team will be a
varsity sport.
feit due to injuries.
The Gold Team began tour-
nament by tying UNC-G, 4-4. The
Pirates let a two goal lead slip
away, but were pleased with the
result with the absence hurt play-
ers. Thev played the host team in
game two and lost 6-1. However,
goalkeeper Jaime Pierce and half-
back Kristi Tomasetti played very
well for ECU. The injury bug bit
again as Shari Tomasetti suffered
a knee injury and was unable to
play in the rest of the tournament.
On Sunday, after defeating the
Purple team, Gold met the Soccer
Dome team in the finals.
Soccer Dome jumped out to
an early 3-0 lead, but the Pirates
File Photo
refused to quit. After trailing 4-
1 at the half, ECU came back to
close the gap to 4-2 when
Heather Seanorblasted a shotin
the back of the net.
Unfortunately, the Pirates
could not complete the come-
back. When Jennifer Baker was
forced to leave the game with a
broken shoulder, the Pirate's fate
was sea led. They went on to lose
6-2, but played their best soccer
of the weekend.
EastCarolina will try to lick
its wounds as they begin the
outdoor season this Sunday
when they take on N.C. State
this Sunday at 2:30 on the Men's
Varsity Field next to Minges.
'Backs will miss Crawford
(AP) ? Roger Crawford's
broken ankle means Arkansas
will have a different guard rota-
tion when it plays Tulsa on Fri-
Crawford hurt his right ankle
Sunday in the second round of
Arkansas' 85-73 victory over
An ex-
a m i n a t i o n
M o n d a y
showed it
was broken
and will keep
from playing
when top-
seeded Ar-
kansas takes
on . 12th-
seeded Tulsa
at Dallas in a
semifinal game of
Midwest Regional.
"I don't think he is going to
plav at all, any more this year
coach Nolan Richardson said.
"Roger is a real key to our guard
rotation and he adds a lot of
quickness and defense.
With Crawford out, Al
Dillard will plav more and
don't think he
is going to play
at all, any more
this year. 99
Nolan Richardson
Arkansas Head Coach
(Of Roger Crawford)
the NCAA
Dwight Stewart will move to a
guard spot.
"We have to figure out some
things to do now the Arkansas
coach said. "The good part was
that earlier in the year we were
able to get some otl ler gu vs ready
for tournament time. Now they
have to step in and do some of
the tourna-
ment things
you have to do
to win
He re-
called that af-
ter Scott y
Thurman was
ejected from
game, every-
?? one had to
"step it up an-
other notch. That is what we have
to do again. Step it up another
Richardson said Friday's
game should be quite different
from the first meeting of the two
teams this season, when the Ra-
zorbacks won 93-91 on the
See CRAWFORD page 14
Hill learns
from past
(AP) ? When Grant
Hill looked at the faces of
Duke's seniors after last
season's second-round
loss in the NCAA tourna-
ment, he immediately es-
tablished a goal for this
"I saw it on
everybody's face, but es-
pecially them Hill said
in reference to seniors
Bobby Hurley and Tho-
mas Hill, who failed in
their bid for a fourth
straight trip to the Final
"They were very up-
set. They were crying
Hill said. "It was real emo-
tional in the locker room. I
didn't want to go through
that in my last game. I
think that and a couple of
other things is what is
See HILL page 13

12 I The East Carolinian
March 24. 1994
Olson's Trivia Quiz
Q. What player has the most Most
Valuable Player Awards in the NCAA final
xis LjjfM s.dAlAI V9N isouj au, seu,
osB 8H sja(Bi saiaSuv son 9MIPjeqqer-npqv weajej sb uaaouj
jauaq aq few an 69. pue 89.Z96 L ui VIOH P jopuioiv M8" v
Park set to make
history with L.A.
Baseball executives tangle with Senators
(AP) ?Right-hander Chan
1 lo Park moved another step
closer to becoming the tirst Ko-
rean-born player to reach the
Before having to leave the
game with a blister on the middle
ringer of his right hand. Park scat-
tered four hits and struck out four
in pitching tour shutout innings
Monday as the Los Angeles
Dodgers defeated the Montreal
Evpos 6-1. That dropped his HRA
to a sparkling 1.29, having al-
lowed just two earned runs in 14
innings this spring.
The 20-vear-old, who signed
a SI 2 million free-agent contract
with the Dodgers over the win-
ter, also sparkled at the plate, hit-
ting a double.
"Obviously, I feel very good
about todav Park said through
his interpreter, Don Yi. "I feel
like it's one more step toward
being on the team on opening
day. I feel very happv about that
Rafael Bournigal's solo
homer and an RBI double bv Brett
Butler gave the Dodgers a 2-0
third-inning lead. Butler's hit
scored Park, who doubled off
Montreal starter Ken Hill.
MarquisGrissom's RBI single
closed the gap to 2-1 in the fifth.
But Butlerand Raul Mondesi had
K BI singles off Expos reliever Tim
Scott in the eighth, raising the
1 os Angeles lead to 4-1.
Rookie right-hander Darren
Dreifort also helped his cause,
allowing one run on two hits in
two innings. However, the Dodg-
ers' No. 1 pick in last June's draft
isn't making any predictions.
"I feel good about what I've
done, but I don't have any idea
about what's going to happen
Dreifort said.
(AP) ? For 33 minutes the
battled: a U.S Senator asking hard
questions and baseball's topexecu-
tive, working hard to avoid direct
Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, in-
tent on stripping baseball of its
antitrust exemption, grew increas-
ingly irritable during a hearing
Monday as he sparred with Mil-
waukee Brewers president Bud
Selig, chairman of the ruling ex-
ecutive council.
"Mr. Selig is attempting to kid
the American public and Con-
gress Metzenbaum said after ridi-
culing Selig's testimony that own-
ers increased the authoritv of the
commissioner in January.
Metzenbaum said owners cre-
ated a "lackey a "figurehead"
whose powers were "gutted left
only with a "high salary and a
plush limo and driver
"You don't have to be a ge-
nius, you don't have to be a Phila-
delphia lawyer, you don't have to
be a Supreme Court Justice to un-
derstand that under this new agree-
ment you have denigrated the po-
sition of the commissioner
Metenbaum told Selig.
' Senator Metzenbaum, I must
say to you with all due respect, I
disagree, and I disagree coming
from a background in baseball
An "Extra Special Place" !
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The following Positions are available:
All applicants will be screened
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TUE MARCH 31, 1994
5:00 pm
Selig replied. " I man has as
much authority in tH1 industrx as
arty human being in the United
States ot America
( Hvners v oted in anuai to
strip the commissioner o) hispov er
to regulate mostbusinessde isions
under the "best interests of base-
ball" clause in the Major I eague
Agreement. Selig testified se eral
times that the commissioner ? an
office vacant since Fay Vincent's
forced resignation on Sept. 7. 1L92
? still had broad power because of
his authority to protect "integritj
and public confidence in baseball
"He has more authoritv in
those areas than he ever had in the
past Selig said.
"I say BS Metenbaum shot
The senator tried to get Selii; to
give direct answers, but the Mil-
waukee owner kept evading, pro-
voking scolding responses from
? "It's not whether you think
its relevant or not, it's whether I
think it's relevant
? "Mr. Selig, is your answer
yes or no?"
'I think vour answer is in-
I don't think mi regi ing
me a correct answer
"I think lean read I nglish
"Reasonable people can dis-
agree Selig replied
When Selii; tried t( ? a oid sa
ing most playoff games will be
played simultaneously this year in
tin attempt to increase television
ratings, Metzenbaum grew more
"Don't tell me how great you
are, how great baseball is, a
wonderful job you -vedone tor the
people he said.
The Ohio Democrat, who
chairs the Judiciary Committee's
sub, ommittee on intitrusl
nopoliesand business i ights, last
year introdui ? ilation to
strip baseball ot its antitrust ex-
emption, i reated in a lv'22 U.S.
Supreme ourl det ision I he
I lighourl said in !w72 thai re-
? inding the exemption was up
to t i ingress.
I le was joined .it hearii
I loi ida'ssenators, I term
i .1 ihamand Republican
Mat k,whoare o-sponsors
were angered when l o vners
in o ember 1992
proposed moveol the San I ran-
i isco (riants to St. Peter ;burg
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March 24, 1994
The East Carolinian 73
Jordan sent to be seasoned
(AP) ? Far beyond the fence at
Ed SmithStadium, back where the big
leaguers do not stray, Michael Jordan
quickly learned about life in the mi-
outs and only two umpires on the field
where Jordan played Monday. Not
that there was
on baseball's
nized rookie.
As ex-
pected, the Chi-
cago White Sox
reassigned Jor-
dan to their mi-
in the morning.
He was not sent c-
and general manager Ron Schueler
hopes to know in a week or so where
what I tried to do was a longshot by
any standards Jordan said. "I can
utilize this opportunity to improve
my skills
Jordan, a three-time MVP in the
NBA, went 3-for-20 in 13 exhibition
games for the White Sox, and hit the
ball out of the infield just three times.
minorsifheand the WhiteSox thought
he had a chance at making the majors.
In his first game on the farm,
playing for Prince William against
? Baltimore's
Frederick team
in a meeting of
Class A clubs,
Jordan went 1-
for-4 with an
walk. He
struggled in
and got twisted
wmmmmmm around on an-
other ball. 'Tor
the first day, it was different he said.
ing lockers, moving from a prime row
nearCy Young winner Jack McDowell
to farther back in the clubhouse. He
will be allowed to stay in the major-
league locker room rather than the
small, cramped quarters of the minor
leaguers, mostly for security reasons.
OnSunday,a female fan jumped
Jordan, a three-
time MVP in the
NBA, went 3 for
20 in 13
exhibitions games
for the White Sox.
out of the stands in Miami and ran to
Jordan The White Sox do not want a
repeat episode, and will try to k(?ep
him close to home.
That means Jordan probably will
not travel with the minor leaguers to
gamesatother spring camps in places
such as Port Charlotte, St. Petersburg
and Bradentoa Instead, he will play
with whatever teams are in Sarasota;
after an off-day today, he ma v be wi th
Double-A Birmingham later in the
Because he likely will not be on
the road, Jordan won'tha ve to ride the
dented, 20-year-old school bus the
White Sox use to shuttle their minor
leaguers to games. The bus, painted
white with a black Sox logo, has tat-
tered seat covers, two cracked win-
dows and no air conditioning.
When the big-league Sox travel
by bus in the spring, they ride in a
wide, cooled vehicle with soft, pad-
ded seats.
'Tve always been a team guy. I
never tried to separate myself he
"Butwhenitgets to 16-or 18-hour
bus rides,Ihope they cangowithme
perhaps on a plane, Jordan joked.
Ellis returns
to Hornets
(AP) ? LeRon Ellis was acti-
vated from the injured list Tuesday by
Charlotte Hornets,and the team placed
forward Marty Cordon on waivers.
Ellis, a 6-foot-10 reserve center,
missed the last 21 games because of
mononucleosis. He was placed on the
injua's list on Feb. 1, just three days
high 32 minutes in his first career start
against Atlanta.
Ellis had averaged 7.6 points on
54.9 percent shooting, 6.1 rebounds
and 22.3 minutes in the 16games prior
to his illness. He was scheduled to be
in uniform and available for play
against Philadelphia Tuesday night.
Cordon started eight of the 16
games he appeared in with Charlotte
after being signed to consecutive 10-
day contracts on Feb. 2 and Feb. 15,
and forthe remainder of the season on
Feb. 25.
He averaged 10.2 points, 5.6 re-
bounds and 23.6 minutes in the 16
outings,butConlonhadnotplayed in
five of the last six games since Larry
Johnsonhad returned toaction. He hit
60.6 percent of his field goals and 81.6
percent of his free throws during his
time with the Hornets.
Continued from page 11
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motivating us to do well this year,
especially the seniors, wanting to
go out on a high note
Coach Mike Krzyzewski re-
merrlbers a similar time. It was
1985, and the Blue Devils had lost
a second-round game to Boston
College in the NCAA tournament.
Dan Meagher, the tough Cana-
dian, couldn't stop the tears.
"He was really the only se-
nior who played a whole bunch
and at the end of that ball game in
the locker room, he was just sob-
bing uncontrollably Krzyzewski
said. "The rest of the team was
down, but they weren't feeling
like Danny. I'll always remember
"He said 'You guys don't un-
derstand. I don't have a chance
any more. This is it Krzyzewski
recalled. "That was one of the key
things when we won in '91
Hill, Antonio Lang and Marty
Clark are hoping to prolong the
season and make a return trip to
Charlotte, where they lost to Vir-
ginia in the semifinals of the At-
lantic Coast Conference tourna-
ment. The second engagement
would take the Blue Devils (25-5)
into the Final Four with a chance
for their third title in four seasons.
Hill was a vital part of the first
two, scoring early in the 1991 title
game against Kansas, then help-
ing a late Duke run complete a big
victory over Michigan in 1992. The
streak ended last year when the
Blue Devils were beaten in a sec-
ond-round game by California.
With two titles in two tries,
Hill suggested that winning so
easily might have hurt the team.
"Maybe you take things for
granted, us being here our first
two years and winning and being
Be a part of the
East Carolina University
Marching Pirates!
As a current student at ECU, we invite you to participate in one of the most spirited and
ewardmg our University offers: the 1994 East Carolina University MaVchS PrtaS
With a membership of 225 musicians, Golden Girls, and Color Guard members the Ma chTna
P.rates w.ll be the largest and one of the most prestigious organizations on campus The band
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? ,S apPcable ,oward ,ree elective requirements in all degree plans. Membership te
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Wednesday and Friday from 4:00 to 5:50 p.m. and there are no required extra rehearsals or
?225 m 6 IS n? fund"raisin9 ?"d when the band travels transportation and lodging are
provided. Music, instruments, and uniforms are provided
If you would like to be a member of the 1994 East Carolina University Marchina Pirates
or would like additional information on the 1994 season, please do not hesitoto to contact
Christopher Kn.ghten, Director of the Marching Pirates, at (919) 757-6982
ECU Golden Girls
oa?h The EkCU G?,den ,GirlS constitute a dance line of approximately 16 girls who are chosen
each spring by a special audition. Membership is open to all qualified personnel who a?
presently enrolled or are entering freshmen or transfer students. While previous danCetrainhos
not required, most of the girls on the line were members of their high school danceTneTanaVor
?r32? W di,i?nS S be held Sunday APril 17 tom 1:00 p.m. to 5 00 pm at the
?? ??? Specific in,orma,ion regardin9 the audition can be A-
ECU Marching Pirates Color Guard
The ECU Marching Pirates Color Guard is comprised of approximatelv 32 oirk who
perform trad.t.onal and contemporary color guard styles during the MarcZ P"?e preqame and
hartt-me shows. This section of the band is chosen through one of two auSons theffiS
and the second at the of band camp in August. Membership is open to all quaWiedS
TJn PHSently enr0"ed a ECU 0r are en,erin9 fresh?n or transfer students While prevPous
color guard experience ,s not required, most of the members participated in high school color
guards. Many of the members of this organization are also members of the ECU March.nq p'rato
wmter guard. The first audition will take place Saturday, April 9 from 9:00 a.m to 300 pm a The
iXSSL SpeCi,iC inf0rmafon yarding the audition can oKTg
ECU Marching Pirates Percussion
hpninn,nembKrSH?f ? ECU AMarcnin9 ates Percussion section are chosen by audition at the
presen vVnrolleSIfB nrxT, Me,mbrhip is ?P to all qualified students who are
presently enrolled at ECU or are entering freshmen or transfer students. Students interested in
the section should contact the band department by July 1 in orderto receive
information concerning the audition. receive
successful he said. "Going
through last year was kind of a
slap in the face for all of us. We
just wanted to get back there and
enjoy the moment, and be like
(Greg) Koubek and (Clay)
Buckley and (Christian) Laettner
and those guys, going out in
How Duke goes out of 1994
will be determined in Knoxville,
Tenn where it faces Marquette
(24-8) in the NCAA Southeast Re-
gional semifinals on Thursday.
Purdue plays Kansas in the other
semifinal game.
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The following Positions are available:
All applicants will be screened
by the SGA Executive Council.
2.0 Grade Point Average
Good Standing with the University
Applications Available At:
Secretary's Office (255 Mendenhall Student Center)
Attorney General's Office (262 Mendenhall Student Center)
TUE MARCH 31, 1994
5:00 pm

14 I The East Carolinian
March 24, 1994
Oklahoma City good old boys in NAIA
(AP)?Oklahoma Citv has won
four years, and coach Win Case is
already thinking about the next one.
"II you make Yourself become
satisfied, you set vourself up for fail-
Chiefs disposed of Life College of
Georgia, 99-81.
"I'm a firm believer that you
shouldn't be concerned where vou're
at, but where vou're going he said.
"VVc'regoing to keep tning to stavon
top and keep getting higher and
Oklahoma C'itv (28-7) was plenty
high for the Eagles. With a front court
that featured (vfoot-9,253-pound cen-
ter Brian Hopgood and 6-9 forward
Randv Davis, the Chiefs pounded the
ball inside without much of a fight.
Of their 41 field goals, 31 were
either layups,dunks,tip-insorshots in
the lane.
"I'd like to think thev just had a
better night, "said coach Roger Kaiser,
whose Eagles (27-10) were making
their second straight tournament ap-
pearance in just the third vear of bas-
ketball at the school just outside At-
lanta truitonce only trained chiroprac-
"In all phases of the game, thev
just beat us he said. "We've been
known for our defense, and our de-
fense didn't affect them
Kevin Franklin, who was named
most valuable plaver of the tourna-
ment, led the Chiefs with 30 points,
eight assists and six rebounds.
Hopgood, who once played at
Louisville, had 14 points and 16 re-
bounds. Davis, who transferred from
Oklahoma State, had 13 points and
five rebounds.
Continued from page 11
Golden Hurricane's home court.
"This isn't the same team we
had in December and Tulsa isn't
the same team either Richardson
said Monday. "Thev have im-
That could spell trouble for
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Arkansas, since Tulsa took Arkan-
sas into overtime before losing on
Dec. 23. Corliss Williamson hit a
five-foot jump shot with 3.7 sec-
onds on the clock to gain the vic-
tory for Arkansas.
The Razorbacks will have to
pay particular attention to Tulsa's
Shea Seals and Alvin Williamson,
Richardson said.
"Seals is a great player. A great
shooter. ie is one of the better
freshman in the country. He had
that injury earlier in the vear and
it slowed him down a little bit, but
when he came back he reallv took
off. He has really grown since we
saw him in high school
Among Williamson's
strengths, Richardson said, isball-
"Anytime you can have a
player that handles the ball as
much as he does for 40 minutes
and not lose it one time is awfullv
good Richardson said. "There is
another example of a kid no one
recruited and he turned out to be
one of the premier little point
guards in the country. If it wasn't
for him I don't think Tulsa would
be where thev are today
Continued from page 11
pointed out to me and (Chad)Triplett
that I u as working a littleslowerthan
what I usually work, that was keep-
ing the defense back on their heels
and not getting good jumps off the
ball with the bat Beck said. "Once I
picked up in between pitches and
being quicker to the plate, it kept our
defenseon their toes. They did a heck
of a job behind me todav
The Pirates played long ball in
gameon Monday with fivehomeruns
and the only iinger hit Tuesday
proved to be the winner. The 5-foot-
6 Heath Clark knocked a three am
shot over the left field fence for his
first homerun of the season. It ap-
peared to be just a deep fly with the
wind blowing in, but it carried just
enough. This second inningblowput
the Pirates up 3-1.
"1 didn't get all of it, but I knew it
was carrying Clark said. "I saw it
leave the bat, I was questioned, I said
Good job, Heath way to get the man
in at third because I knew it was deep
enough for him (Kyle Billingslev) to
tag and score. Right when I rounded
first I said 'thatballhastogo'because
it was still up there and then I said
Georgia Southern pitcher Dave
Masi (1-1) pitched seven innings in
cooling down the hot Pirate bats by
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striking out seven with no walks. All
four Pirate runs were earned. The
most successful ECU batters, Jamie
Borel, Rick Britton and Brian Yerys,
were held to a combined 2-for-12
with no runs. He kept hitters off-
balance with a good mix of pitches.
"There a very talented squad
headccuchOvertonsaid. "Toachieve
to wias in two days, we are certainly
very pleased with that. We think our
pitchingdid a very fine job both days.
Today,al though, weputanumberof
hi ts on the board and a limited amount
of mns. We thought we did a fine job
of taking advantage of every situa-
tion which is the element we had to
perform to be a good dub
The Bucs added their other run
in the seventh. Puckett scored on a
single by Jason Head to move the
score to 4-2.
Georgia Southern added their
second run when Tommy
Peterman scored on a Brooks
McFarland double to pull to 3-2.
The Pirates took Monday's
game 13-2 and finished the series
This was a good warm-up
team with CAA opponent Old
Dominion coming to Harrington
field this weekend fora three-game
ODU received 28 votes for the
top 25 while ECU got 16 according
to USA Today's poll this week.
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The East Carolinian, March 24, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 24, 1994
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