The East Carolinian, March 22, 1994

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Pirates sink fleet
Pirates sweep Erskine behind
strong pitching and consistent
offensive output. See story on
page 10.
Portraits of humanity
The Chrysler Museum
hosts an exhibit on the
effects of AIDS on both
individuals and
Story on page 7.
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 19
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Tuesday, March 22,1994
12 PagesJ
Jarvis fire smolders all day
By Jeb Brookshire
Photo by Jason Williams
Greenville fire engines responded quickly to the fire in Jarvis residence
hall, which went undetected until late yesterday afternoon.
Staff Writer
An electrical short circuit and
some smoldering insulation in the
attic of Jarvis residence hall forced
several residents to evacuate their
dorm early yesterday afternoon,
Greenville fire officials said Mon-
A crowd of about 75 students,
administrators and media looked
on as firefighters broke out the
windows in theatric to allow smoke
to escape. The firefighters also re-
moved the insulation that had
Some Jarvis residents said the
smell of smoke was evident early
Monday morning. "I had been
smelling something since early this
morning said Jennifer Pitts, who
lives on the second floor of Jarvis.
Many residents said tha t they
too had smelled the smoke since as
early as 6 a.m. However, they
thought it was something burning
in the kitchen. One student was
told that the smell was nothing
more than some rotten trash.
"I smelled something around
9:45 this morning said Taffy Tyler,
a Jarvis resident. "Everyone
thought that it was something
burning in the kitchen
Firefighters battled the
smoke for about 30 minutes before
turning the remaining clean-up
over to ECU Facilities Services.
Firefighters used sparse
amounts of water to isolate the hot
spots and to minimize water dam-
age to the dorm, one firefighter
said. Reported damage consisted
of several charred rafters and the
burned insulation, said Greenville
Fire Chief Raymond Carney. Stu-
dents were allowed back in a few
hours later.
"Insulation can smokier for
several hours Carney said. "By
the time we got here the whole attic
was filled with smoke
The suspected cause of the
fire was a faulty light fixture on the
second floor. A massive amount of
heat built up, causing the insula-
tion and rafters in the attic to smol-
der, Carney said. He was unsure
whether the fire was a result of the
actual light fixture or the wiring
around it.
No one was injured in the
fire, but residents were displaced
from their rooms for a couple of
hours as Greenville firefighters
searched the attic for hot spots.
Ambulances were called as a pre-
cautionary measure in case anyone
suffered from smoke inhalation.
The residents were returned
to their rooms a few hours later
after power was restored in the
dorm. Carney said the dorm rooms
on the second floor should not have
been affected by either the smoke
or the water.
Political figure
stirs up campus
By Jason Williams
Assistant News Editor
The subject of many re-
cent letters to The East Carolin-
ian, candidate for Congress
Walter B. Jones Jr. spoke at the
weekly meeting of the ECU
College Republicans last
Wednesday night.
Jones is running as a Re-
publican for the U.S. House of
Representatives in the Third
District, which encompasses
most of Greenville and ECU.
That seat is currently occupied
by Democrat Martin Lancaster.
Jones is the son of the late
Walter B. Jones, the long-time
Democratic congressman from
Farmville. The younger Jones
served in theN.C. House for 10
years before making an unsuc-
cessful bid for Congress as a
Democrat in 1992. He ex-
plained why he changed party
affiliation after the election.
"Back in 1989 and '90, I
was not happy with the direc-
tion of the Democratic leader-
shipJonessaid. "Threeof four
years ago I thought very seri-
ously about changing my party
affiliation, yet I was hoping that
the Democratic party, instead
of going to the left we could
hold it back toward the
middle. But it just wasn't pos-
"When I lost the race for
United States Congress in
1992,1 was never bitter, and I
thank the good Lord for that
Jones said. "I was disap-
pointed, but never bitter.
"In 1989,1 was one of the
20 Democrats that put to-
gether a coalition with the Re-
publicans to unseat the
Speaker of the House, at that
time it was Liston Ramsey
Jones said. "Liston Ramsey
was a fine gentleman, but he
allowed a closed few people
to make the major decisions
on appropriations matters.
There were a group of Demo-
crats who felt that the system
was not good for the people
North Carolina
Jones said that the new
speaker, Joe Mavretic, whom
he helped install, was more
See POLITICAL page 4
Prize Patrol to visit ECU Dance team unable to compete
You could be next! Just don't expect Ed McMahon
By Laura Allard
By Tammy Zion
Staff Writer
Almost everyone receives
a sweepstakes entry at some
time in their lives, but do they
usually expect one from ECU?
Students signing up for
housing in Jones residence hall
this week received their own
entry from
and Dining
This living-
offers stu-
dents a chance to win grand
prizes including a free room
for spring semester '95, a nine-
plus meal plan or a dorm re-
Mugshots of Manny
Amaro, director of housing,
and Frank Salamon, director of
Dining Services adorn the
maniila envelopes residents be-
gan receiving in February, in
similar fashion to Ed
Housing m& i
McMahon's tactics.
"We tried to put some ex-
citement in the process, so we
came up with this sweepstakes
to give students something to
talk about, something to laugh
about, to feel good and have fun
with Salamon said.
This dynamic duo, along
with members of their staff, will
be on the road
April 25. They
are ECU's ver-
sion of a prize
patrol and could
be headed your
way if you live
on campus.
Over 200
T-shirts have
been given away prior to sign-
up and keys received in the mail
could unlock a treasure chest
holding glass candy jars filled
with treats and a coupon for free
Constant fighting over who
portrays Ed McMahon on the
sweepstakes envelopes proves
that they are out to have fun.
Amaro and Salamon are plan-
ning to drive across campus in a
van marked prize patrol, and
wearing blue jackets, they will
present the prizes to residents
when they least expect it along
with flowers and balloons. Next
year's sweepstakes envelopes
will be covered with pictures of
the winners.
"We are also doing this to
generate a lot of interest for the
changes that are coming to Hous-
ing and Dining Services
Salamon said.
Change is a word ECU stu-
dents are constantly hearing.
What's new for next fall? Cable
television in the dorms to start,
the tremendous Todd Dining
Hall will be fully operational,
White Hall has been renovated
to accomodate private residents,
the Wright Place will begin re-
construction in February. Hous-
ing is also planning to install
community service desks in Belk,
Cotten and another dorm on the
west end of campus.
When Todd Dining Hall
opens, Salamon is planning to
move his offices into the build-
See PRIZE page 4
Health Center expansion finds support
By Shannon Cooper
Staff Writer
Bulldozers and "road
closed " signs have become a com-
mon sight on campus as a result of
ECU's massive remodeling and
expansion plan. Now the admin-
istration is focusing on the Stu-
dent Health Services Building and
not a minute too soon, according
to one administrator.
"We are really out of space
said Kay VanNortwick, director
of Student Health Services. "There
are treatment rooms in closets,
and we have no room for records
or X-rays. We need to add a wing
in the back of the building
The additional wing will cre-
ate more space allowing for two
treatment rooms for each doctor,
an expanded pharmacy and class-
rooms for health education
classes, VanNortwick said.
"Our major concern is confi-
dentiality she said. "We don't
have enough space to talk to stu-
dents in private
The student health services
building was constructed in 1930.
The building has not been ex-
panded since 1961, when student
enrollment at ECU was 5,883.
Since then, the student popula-
tion has grown form 5,000 to al-
most 18,000.
"The health center has not
grown with the university or its
enrollment said Keith Dyer,
president of ECU's Student Gov-
ernment Association (SGA).
During the last four years,
only four new positions have been
Justin Conrad, chair of the
Student Welfare Committee, no-
ticed this and acted on it. The
result was a resolution support-
ing the expansion and remodel-
ing of student health services.
"There were a lot of com-
plaints from people Conrad said.
the same size health center
See SGA page 3
Staff Writer
The ECU Cheerleading and
Dance teams, despite being se-
lected to compete in the national
championships for their respec-
tive national titles on April 9, can-
not attend the competition. ECU
will not pay for the trip, and the
teams are not allowed to raise their
own money.
The teams received unpaid
invitations to the competitions, and
ECU does not provide money to
teams for unpaid competitions.
This is the third year that the
dance team has qualified for this
competition and it is the first year
for the cheerleading squad. ECU
paid to send the dance team for the
past two years, but after last year's
competition the athletic depart-
ment sent out a memo informing
all teams that they would no longer
be able to accept unpaid invita-
This policy is the result of
ECU's teams getting better and
qualifying for these competitions
more often, and therefore being
invited. However, the competition
will not pay for schools to attend
and compete unless they earned a
specific placement, said Lee Work-
man, assistant director of the ath-
letic department.
"We cannot afford to send
all of our teams to these champi-
onships and it would be unfair to
only send some teams, if others
qualify Workman said.
Photo courtesy of the ECU Dance Team
ECU's Dance Team, which ranked seventh in the nation last year,
cannot find funding to attend this year's competition.
The cheerleading squad fin-
ished 13th, but needs to place in
the top 10 for a paid invitation.
The dance team placed 11th, but
needed to place in the top five to
receive a paid invitation. At the
competition, all teams start
equally and any team has the
chance to finish first. Last yea r the
dance team placed seventh.
The teams arejudged froma
prepared tape and invited tocom-
pete based on these performances.
The dance team practices in the
locker room in the sports medi-
cine building. However, the team
could not tape in there, so prac-
tices were held at midnight, af-
ter intramural sports were fin-
ished with the gym.
"We weren't pleased with
the tape said dance team cap-
tain Alto Gary. "Maybe if we
had decent facilities, we could
prepare a better tape and place
"Almost all of us have de-
cided not to return to the team
next year Gary said, "and many
of the cheerleaders have decided
to transfer. I hate to see the pro-
grams crumble after so many
See DANCE page 3
Aftershocks keep California awake at night
nightmare recurred for Diane Wil-
liams and others who had begun to
forget the deadly Northridge earth-
quake when a jarring 5.3-magni-
tude aftershock shook Southern
"I had just finally started to
calm down said Williams, 42, of
Van Nuys. "This one really shook
me up
The third strongest aftershock
since he Jan. 17 quake cracked a
newlv repaired freewav, triggered
rockslides and caused power out-
ages for thousands of customers.
Fire inspectors also believed
the quake was to blame for a fire
that destroyed a small strip mall
and another thaterupted ina power
In Sherman Oaks, about 500
shoppers were evacuated from a
mall as plate glass alongside an
escalator shattered and overhead
spotlights came crashing to the
Just one day earlier, 34 of
the complex's 140 stores had re-
opened for the first time since the
6.7-magnitude quake struck two
See QUAKE page 3
� m

2 The East Carolinian
March 22, 1994
ground Qther
Negotiations begin as tensions rise again
Stanford student is pinball wizard
He's not deaf, dumb or blind, but Bowen Kerins sure plays some
mean pinball. The Stanford University sophomore launched himself
into stardom this February by flipping more balls, tilting more lights
and racking up more points than anyone. He's the World's Greatest
Pinball Player. Kerins' skill and luck put him over 600 competitors in
the fourth annual Professional and Amateur Pinball Association's
International Pinball Championships, known as PAPA 4. Otherwise
unnoticed before the final round, Kerins hurled himself to the top
with a phenomenal score of 675,729,540. Prior to the last round, Kerins
was only in ninth place and last year's PAPA winner, Lvman Sheats,
scored over 1 billion just practicing for the final match, the machines
used for the competition were examples of flashy technology, Kerins
said. For instance, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" used the voices
of the show's real actors as part of the game's special effects.
Students author own texbooks
Engineering students in a senior design class at Clarkston Uni
versify are taking a non-traditional approach to education � instead
of referring to their textbook for answers, they are writing the text
themselves. Students are divided into groups of two or three and
assigned research projects. The projects pose a question about the
application of electronic components, such as operational amplifiers
and current-feedback amplifiers. The purpose is to answer the ques-
tion and develop an experiment to test a hypothesis. The project
Tesults are published in a single volume that is used for reference.
There are now five volumes containing 50 reports. The class is part of
the university's "Writing Across the Curriculum" program. The
program was introduced to improve the writing skills of students in
all disciplines.
Company offers rental cars to younger students
College students who are planning European trips this summer
will be able to rent cars through a travel services company that is
specifically making autos available to those under 21. Generally car
. rental companies won't rent to anyone younger than 21, which is the
: reason for the popularity of rail passes among younger folks. How-
j ever, The Kemwel Group has reached an agreement with Peugeot to
� provide cars to any 18-year-old with a valid driver's license. Accord-
ing to Kemwel, if four people share a car, costs are considerably less
than long-term train passes. For information and reservations call
(800) 678-0678.
Herzegovina (AP) � Canadian
peacekeeping troops pointed their
weapons at nearby Bosnian Serb
forces Monday in a high-tension
standoff as negotiations began on
withdrawing Serb artillery from
the forbidden zone around
Cmdr. Simon McDowall, a
spokesman for the peacekeepers,
said heavy weapons were found
inside the 13-mile circle around
Sarajevo that is supposed to be
free of big guns. But the Serbs,
who use a different center when
measuring the exclusion zone, dis-
agreed that they were in violation.
McDowall said the Serbs
have positioned three tanks, three
anti-aircraft guns, four howitzers
and 18 mortars inside the exclu-
sion zone established by a U.N.
Security Council resolution.
The resolution authorized
NATO to launch air strikes on the
Serbs if they did not keep heavv
weapons out of the zone or put the
weapons under U.N. control. The
siege of Sarajevo mostly abated
after the Feb. 10 resolution and
yesterday's dispute was one of
the most uneasy confrontations
since then.
The violation, near Dijas north
of Sarajevo, led to a showdown
Sunday when about 200 Canadian
peacekeepers in armored vehicles
surrounded the Serb positions.
The peacekeepers pulled
back a few hundred yards after
Bosnian Serb leader Radovan
Karadzic reportedly threatened to
shoot or bomb Canadian positions.
They remained in position Mon-
day with their weapons trained on
Enraged tenant sets deadly fire
Seven killed, eleven injured
the Serbs.
Lt. Gen. Sir Michael Rose, the
U.N. commander in Bosnia, or-
dered the Canadians to surround
the guns to force talks on their
removal. The talks between Serb
leaders and senior officers of the
U.N. Bosnian command began
McDowall said other heavy
guns � six Serb howitzers � also
remained within the zone and sug-
gested the United Nations had
given up on trying to get them
"As far as Gen. Rose is con-
cerned, they don't have the range
to reach here he told reporters.
"As far as he is concerned they are
under our control
Two weekend shooting inci-
dents added to the tensions. A
Swedish peacekeeper was slightly
wounded Sunday by Serb gun-
fire near Mount Igman, south-
west of Sarajevo. Also Sunday,
French U.N. soldiers returned
Serb gunfire near Jablanica,
southwest of Sarajevo, said U.N.
officials. There were no injuries.
While tensions grew in
Sarajevo, life improved in the
long-suffering city of Maglaj
when the first aid convoy in five
months reached the city Sunday.
Convoys had been unable to
reach the 100,000 mostly Mus-
lim residents of the Maglaj area
because of heavy fighting in
Croat-held territory to the south.
But a cease-fire agreed to
by the Bosnian Croats and
Bosnia's Muslim-led govern-
ment allowed six trucks to.get to
Maglaj and three to nearby
Compiled by Jason Williams. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
evicted tenant is accused of spread-
ing gasoline in the stairwell and
ing to start a fire that killed seven
people and injured 11 others.
Parents tossed children from
windows and some tenants jumped
or were rescued from ledges by
firefighters on ladders as the fire
and smoke spread Sunday through
the four-story building on the city's
North side.
Julius S. Kuntu, 26, was
charged with seven counts of first-
degree murder, one count of aggra-
vated arson and one count of arson,
Police Cmdr. Ernest Hernandez said
Sunday night.
Hernandez said only that
Kuntu had confessed after several
hours of questioning after the mid-
day fire. Some residents of the 50-
unit building said Kuntu was angry
over a recent eviction notice.
Among those killed was a 4-
year-old boy and his 5-year-old
sister. Firefighter Jeff Heinz said he
found a 15-year-old girl alive in a
bathtub on the fourth floor and car-
ried her through the smoke-filled
apartment to a window.
"I radioed for another ladder,
he said.Others were luckier. "Oh,
my babies, I started throwing them
out said Persephone Estes. They
were crying. It was too hot and too
much smoke. All I could do is get
them out as fast as I could
Her three small children sur-
vived with only minor cuts and
scrapes. Ittook 125 firefighters about
35 minutes to control the lp.m. fire.
Three people remained hos-
pitalized Monday. City Building
most smoke detectors in the build-
ing were not working.
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II 1 �Ifcl
March 22, 1994
The East Carolinian 3
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
Clintons still trying
years of hard work
The members of the teams
offered to hold fund-raisers to send
themselves to the competition but
the athletic department said that
this would be a conflict of interest
with the Pirate Club. "We do not
let any of our teams (fund-raise)
Workman said. "We have a func-
tion set up to raise money for our
teams, so we know who is solicit-
ing money from the community
These funds are placed in the
athletic department's budget but
are used "primarily for scholar-
ships so they still do help with
funding for these competitions,
Workman said.
"Two years ago we had a
raffle and a cheerleading clinic for
young girls in the community that
went over very well Gary said.
"This year we wanted to sell post-
ers of the team. This would help
promote the dance team and the
basketball team, but we were told
The cheerleading and dance
teams are allowed to hold one show
each year in order to pay for their
annual summer camp and equip-
ment, Workman said. This is more
fund-raising than any other team
is allowed to do.
The SGA also considered al-
locating some money for these
teams. The competition would cost
$15,000 for 27 athletes.
"We considered providing
half of the money, but the athletic
department would not go half-
way said SGA Vice-President
Troy Dreyfus.
"We had to come up with a
consistent decision Workman
said. "We try to fund everything as
best we can, but we have to make
choices. I would certainly like to
have seen these teams compete
This would have been the
first time the SGA has funded an
athletic team other than club
"We were concerned that
this would be setting a precedent,
and we would have to tell other
teams 'no' in the future Dreyfus
The SGA passed a resolu-
tion stating that they support these
teams and their efforts to com-
"I think they deserve a
chance to represent ECU at the
national championships Dreyfus
said. "It would benefit the whole
school. No matter how they place,
it can only be positive �
The dance and cheerleading
teamsare the first to be affected by
the decision not to send teams to
compete in unpaid competitions,
and although seven sports teams
were sent unpaid invitations, none
of the teams received money to
Congratulations to the
newly inducted members of
dattmta pbfa JIIjt .
We are proud to nave
you join us.
months ago, killing 61 people and
causing billions of dollars in dam-
At 1:20 p.m. Sunday, James
Booth of Burbank was filling cracks
on the second floor of the California
State University, Northridge, sci-
ence building. "I thought the entire
building was going tocome down
he said.
The quake couldn't dislodge
scores of movie fans camping out-
side the Dorothy Chandler Pavil-
ion for tonight's Oscar ceremonies.
"I felt some rumbling under
my feet and I said: 'Would that be
an earthquake? said Rhea
Sprecher, an art teacher from Wis-
Inside the auditorium, the
quake disrupted the final rehearsal
for the star-studded ceremony.
"Everybody, stay in your
seats shoufed Oscar director Jeff
Margolis as huge light fixtures and
velvet-covered seats began to shake
and sway.
The 5.3-magnitude after-
shock, centered one mile from Pan-
orama City in the San Fernando
Valley, left minor wreckage, includ-
�Small cracks and chipping
� cosmetic only � on state High-
way 118, the Simi Valley Freeway.
The roadway remained open.
� Rockslides on Angeles
Forest Highway in the Angeles
National Forest, with one vehicle
reportedly struck by a boulder fall-
ing onto Malibu Canyon Road in
� Temporary loss of power
for 70,000 customers in the North
Hills, Woodland Hills, Canoga Park
and Van Nuys areas. All power was
restored within an hour.
�The strip mall fire that de-
stroyed a restaurant, a market and a
video store. Fire Battalion Chief
Gary Seidel said the cause was un-
der investigation, but there was a
"good possibility" it was directly
For many, though, Sunday's
aftershock � one of nearly 6,000
since Jan. 17�was little more than
an annoyance. At the Santa Anita
racetrack, bettors clung to their
places in line and spectators were
more focused on the racing than the
rumbling. And it was business as
usual for thousands of people en-
joying a sunny day.
Sunday's quake rocked Los
Angeles County as well as Orange,
Riverside, Ventura and Santa Bar-
bara counties. It lasted about 30 sec-
onds and was followed by a magni-
tude 3.4 aftershock at 3:30 p.m. and
a 2.7 tremblor at 8:03 p.m.
The 5.3 quake was the sev-
enth magnitude-5 or larger after-
shock to the Jan. 17quake. Only two
were stronger, at magnitude 5.9 and
5.6, occurring the day of the quake,
said California Institute of Technol-
ogy seismologist Kate Hutton.
There is a l-in-3 chance of at
least one more magnitude-5 or
greater aftershock before year'send,
said Hutton.
Continued from page 1
� President Clinton and his wife
Hillary hope to boost their falter-
ing health care campaign with a
week-long promotional splash
while shifting some attention from
the Whitewater affair.
They planned to begin work
Monday, hosting a health care fo-
rum for a senior citizen's commu-
nity in nearby Deerfield Beach.
The president has health care
events on his schedule every day
this week.
"The idea is to get our best
spokesmen out there, President
Clinton and Hillary, and explain
to people what our plan is all
about White House spokesman
Jeff Eller said aboard Air Force
One on Sunday.
The trip guarantees Clinton
media coverage in Florida, a state
he barely lost to George Bush in
1992 and wants to win over in
time for the 1996 campaign. It is
also a fitting site for a health care
forum: Nearly 20 percent of the
population is elderly, and state
officials are on the verge of imple-
menting some of the most revolu-
tionary health care reforms in the
Although under fire, propos-
als by Florida Gov. Lawton Chiles
could create a real-world labora-
tory to test the theories under dis-
cussion at the White House and
Capitol Hill.
Clinton's plan commanded
broad public support after he pre-
sented it last fall and again after he
made it a centerpiece of his State
of the Union address. But support
has slumped in recent polls as
major business groups and the
American Medical Association
retreated from the fulcrum of
Clinton's health reforms � mak-
ing all employers pay for health
In addition, White House
aides closely involved in the health
care campaign have been dis-
tracted by the Whitewater affair,
as a special counsel and congres-
sional committees probe the
Clintons' financial dealings in
Polls suggest people are con-
fused about the White House plan,
although they approve of its cen-
tral tenet: coverage for all Ameri-
So far, the resolution has
been passed by the legislature. It
is now being sent to the mandates
which are the Board of Trustees,
Planning and Institutional Re-
search and the Faculty Senate.
"Our next step will depend
on the mandate's actions said
Brynn Thomas, speaker of the
Expansion of the health cen-
ter was not included in ECU's
original remodeling project.
"The administration ap-
proves what buildings are going
to be remodeled Dyer said.
"They didn't foresee the impor-
tance of expanding the health cen-
"There is a need for the ex-
pansion of older facilities instead
of waiting Thomas said.
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4 The East Carolinian

March 22, 1994
Continued from page 1
ing. Housing will then be moved
from Whichard to the bottom of
J0nes. Amaro feels that students
should have easy access to hous-
ing services.
"It really is silly for stu-
dents to come from College Hill
to Whichard to get a room
change for someone from west
campus to come all the way
across campus to get a paint
permit Amaro said. "What we
want to do is be more customer-
oriented so we're taking the
central office and splitting it
Students will be able to get
keys when locked out or do any
other housing business from
these service desks, Amaro said.
Ajmost one hundred campus
jobs will be created with the
opening of Todd and the new
service desks.
� The return-housing
sweepstakes envelopes resi-
dents received claimed that
you're a winner if you live on
campus. Why?
"Let me count the ways
Salamon said.
"Do you have three
hours?" Amaro added.
"It's convenient, it's eco-
nomical, you're close to all the
activities and fun on campus,
you make a lot more friends in a
residence hall situation, you
meet roommates � peers that
are going through the same
stresses and situations that you
have Salamon said. "You de-
velop an extensive support net-
work amongst other students.
You are exposed to a tremen-
dous diversity of the campus by
meeting different students from
different backgrounds and dif-
ferent cultures. You broaden
your personal experiences that
can only benefit you in the work-
ing world
"We're here to provide a
service Amaro said. "We'll
take care of your housing and
dining needs and you should be
focusing on the academic needs
that you need to accomplish. We
don't want you to worry about
the sink that's leaking or 'What
am I going to cook tonight?' We
want to have that taken care of
for you so that you can concen-
trate on what you're here for: an
Amaro and Salamon feel
that recreational services, hous-
ing and dining all have an inti-
mate link in creating a neighbor-
hood for students. Nancy Mize,
director of Recrea tional Services,
beleives this is true also.
"Our feeling is that we're
all a community Mize said.
"Recreational services gives
something for the students to do
when they're not in class
Mize said that sand pits for
volleyball are being constructed
behind Jones to replace the ones
taken out by Todd Hall construc-
tion. She is also working with an
architect to plan more basketball
courts and greenspace on the hill.
"Housing, dining and rec-
reation those are the three most
important things when a student
comes to college Mize said.
Amaro stressed that there
is no housing and dining, that
most campus organizations work
together to create a vast commu-
nity for the students who live
here. The major events commit-
tee is one project Amaro and
Salamon are especially fond of.
Several committees from across
campus have joined to provide
funding for large campus events
such as Midnight Madness and
Mardi Gras. The committee as-
sembled two years ago and has
turned the events into annual
"From my feelings, there
was question about whether stu-
dents would participate, particu-
larly on Halloween said Ron
Speier, dean of students. "Mid-
night Madness has been very suc-
cessful and Mardi Gras has been
a follow up � one has been built
on the other
Salamon said the whole rea-
son for the major events commit-
tee is to provide alcohol-free en-
tertainment on campus.
"We need to ask students
what they're interested in and
bring in those activities Amaro
Amaro and Salamon said
that they are attuned to students'
needs. They are constantly tak-
ing surveys and listening to stu-
dent suggestions.
"We always look at our op-
erations on a consistent basis to
see if they need to be extended
either way depending on de-
mand we will expand Salamon
That expansion is why stu-
dents returning to the same room
are given a larger time slot to
sign up than those who want to
change rooms or move to an-
other area of campus.
"The dates and priority
time slots are established by pre-
vious years activities Amaro
Students registering to live
on campus next fall will be wait-
ing in line in Jones residence
hall all week. Amaro and
Salamon have tried to create
some entertainment for the long
lines they are expecting. While
waiting in line, students can
read the National Enquirer and
Sun articles posted on the paint-
splattered walls. The theme is a
chaotic one of painting and re-
construction. This is meant to
go along with the large renova-
tions that have been and will
continue to take place in the
coming years.
Refreshments will be
served all week. Students are
reminded to bring their hous-
ing contracts, personal informa-
tion form, priority ticket to be
entered into the sweepstakes
drawing and a $100 deposit.
When you live on campus
something's missing
the hassles!
campus next year and enjoy what you're missing!
i leases and landlords. Utility and phone service hookups. The
drudgery of doing dishes, cooking meals, and scrubbing the bathroom.
And a stack of bills to pay every month.
ho Sve on campus have fewer hassles.
No driving to campus�or driving around searching for a parking
place. Convenient access to classes, the library, and the bookstore.
Close to things you want to do. And people to do things with.
urn housing and fining sign-up begins March 21.
Be a winner, avoid the hassles, and Sve on campus.
; for more information, contact University
ttouing Services at 757-6450.
effective and fair. "Everyone's
bill that was introduced got to
the floor. Very few if any
backroom deals were made,
which again that always both-
ered me
Jones said he did not plan
to run in 1992, even when he
changed his party affiliation in
April 1992. He changed his mind
when he returned to his career as
a small business owner.
Jones deciined to attack his
opponent, but gave the reason
why he is running in the fall. "I
am not running against Mr.
Lancaster he said. "I am run-
ning for the seat he has the privi-
lege to occupy and serve.
"It is my belief, as a work-
ing man, a father and a husband,
that excessive taxation and
wasteful spending by the lead-
ership and the Democratically-
controlled Congress is taking this
nation down the wrong path.
"I feel that the Democrats
are out of touch with the work-
ing people of eastern North Caro-
lina. Too many times � and I'm
not talking about the individual,
tha t's the Congressman from the
Third District�they forget who
they serve
Jones said he would return
$30,000 of his salary because he
did not approve of the pay raise
Congress voted for itself in 1990.
He also criticized the Clinton
budget of 1994 for having too
many taxes and user fees. Rep.
Lancaster voted against the lat-
est Clinton budget.
Jones also explained why
he was running in the Third,
rather than the First District, con-
sidering he lives in Farmville,
which is in the First. He said he
wanted to serve his father's
former district, much of which
now lies in the Third District.
Jones also criticized the General
Assembly for re-drawing the
lines before the 1992 elections.
The legislature was charged with
creating two minority districts
in North Carolina by the U.S.
Justice Department.
"It splits too many coun-
ties Jones said. "It's very con-
fusing to the candidate, but more
importantly, it is unfair to the
The plan is currently in the
courts, and many people believe
that the U.S. Supreme Court will
order the General Assembly to
re-draw the lines. In a similar
case in Louisiana, the Court or-
dered redistricting of one con-
gressional district.
Remembering a previous
trip to Greenville, during which
he was heckled as he announced
his candidacy, Jones urged the
College Republicans to remain
civil during the campaign. "Feel
strong about your party and your
candidate, but do not be rude
he said. "Republican or Demo-
crat, I don't think it serves any
continued from page 1
purpose to hoot anyone down
Jones said that he disagreed
with President Clinton's agenda,
especially the health care plan.
"I think it's absolutely wrong for
America. I don't think it has
much of a chance anyway
Even though his father
served 36 years in Congress, the
younger Jones said he supports
term limits. "Quite frankly, I
think my father stayed a few
years too long, but that was his
decision to run, and the people
elected him, so I guess I can't
really fault him Jones said he
would limit his service to four
terms or eight years in office.
Primary elections will be
held May 3. Jones is running un-
opposed in the Republican pri-
mary. He will meet Democrat
Martin Lancaster, who is also
running unopposed in his pri-
mary, in the general election
November 8.
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The East Carolinian
March 22, 1994
Page 5
Maureen Rich, News Editor
Jason Williams, Asst. News Editor
Stephanie Tullo, Lifestyle Editor
Gina Jones, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Brian Olson, Sports Editor
Dave Pond, Asst. Sports Editor
Amy E. Wirbt, Opinion Page Editor
Chris Kemple, Staff Illustrator
The East Carolinian
Lindsay Fernandez, General Manager
Gregory Dickens, Managing Editor
Matthew A. Hege, Advertising Director
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Jodi Connelly, Copy Editor
Phebe Toler, Copy Editor
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Margie O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Burt Aycock, Layout Manager
Franco Sacchi, Asst. Layout Manager
Mike Ashley, Creative Director
Elain Calmon, Asst. Creative Director
Cedric Van Buren, Photo Editor
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The
masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication.
Letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
North Korea: "Bubble bubble toil and trouble"
North Korea is hardly my strongest din-
ner party topic, what with the history this
country has going back not only decades, but
centuries. But it has come to the point where
the opposition between "us" and "them" can
not be tolerated. What is evident now is that
North Korea is not ready to give in anytime
soon. And that scares a few politicians and
citizens alike.
North Korea refused last week to let in-
spectors take crucial radiation and plutonium
tests at two facilities. In response to that action,
the United States is seeking a U.N. resolution
this week telling North Korea to allow interna-
tional experts to finish inspecting its nuclear
plants or face trade sanctions.
Which, considering everything, is exactly
what they deserve if they are indeed hiding
something � their isolated and militant re-
gime may already have two atom bombs. And
despite a nuclear non-proliferation treaty, it
has refused to give international inspectors
full access, broken off talks with South Korea
over making their shared peninsula nuclear-
free and has been developing missiles that
could carry warheads to South Korea and Ja-
But it is possible that sanctions won't
work, with China as an ally, because leakage of
goods may occur, and since North Korea is
used to hard times, they could hold out for a
year or more without economic or social col-
While the talk of economic sanctions oc-
curs, the Pentagon is hard at work doing what
they do best: planning war games so as to stand
tall against the proposed policy. They plan to up
the number of troops in South Korea and at-
tempt to convince that country to allow U.S.
Patriot missiles.
In other words, this situation has gotten
scary enough to ready the big guns and has
graduated on to be called serious business. They
have warned that such moves could provoke a
real war and coming from such an unpredict-
able government, this is truly a frightening threat.
Since the U.S. intelligence community believes
that there's at least one or two nuclear bombs, if
left unchecked, North Korea's stash could in-
crease to as many as 50 bombs by the year 2000.
But what gets me is that as soon as North
Korea started bucking against the Nuclear Non-
Proliferation Treaty, Japan jumps in an alludes
to the fact that it, too, may repeal its ban on
nuclear weapons.
What?! Japan, our supposed allies in the
world's leading nations suddenly runs over to
enemy territory screeching for asylum? This
harks back to World War II days of what teens in
the '50s called "rat-finks
But we must, if anything, applaud the di-
plomacy of Clinton. Thank God he did the un-
thinkable thing for a politican: Think first, act
By Brian Hall
Crime policies should aim to deter criminals
Since the economy is fi-
nally improving, the polls
show that the American people
have decided that crime is now
our number one problem.
The news is filled each
night with more stories of
senseless violent crimes. So the
politicians have dutifully
climbed on the crime band-
The problem is
that, to be just, the
punishment must
be proportional to
the severity of the
n a t e 1 y ,
rather than
really do
crime, they
resort to
their usual
such as gun
control and
the new "three strikes .and
you're out" bill.
This three-time loser bill
which President Clinton intro-
duced in his State of the Union
Address is another perfect ex-
ample of a politician introduc-
ing an idea which looks good
to gather p ublic support, rather
than using the methods which
have controlled crime in the
past. This measure in its cur-
rent form, rather than deter-
ring violent crime, will actu-
ally cause many more violent
crimes to escalate into mur-
As an example of this,
suppose that the criminals who
were terrorizing our campus
last semester had already been
twice convicted of violent
crimes. Under the president's
proposal, if these felons were
caught for armed robbery
again, the penalty would be
life without parole.
However, if they killed
their victim, to make identify-
ing themselves more difficult,
the penalty would be life
without parole. So, in an at-
tempt to make our leaders ap-
pear tough on crime, more inno-
cent people would be killed.
Something close to this situa-
tion occurs every day. Since the
average murderer can expect to
spend 11 years in prison, and
the average armed robber about
four, why shouldn't a criminal
risk a few more years in prison
to make it harder for the au-
thorities to cap-
MMHMBH ture him?
This per-
verse incentive
to murder is
also present in
much of the
current atti-
tude of "get-
ting tough" on
crime. For ex-
mmKmwmim ample, many
groups want to see the penalty
for rape increased to as much as
20 years which would mean an
average prison term of about
eight years. If such ideas are
enacted, what is going to pre-
vent rapists from killing their
victims after they rape them, if
the penalty is only three years
more in prison?
The problem is that, to be
just, the punishment must be
proportional to the severity of
the crime. Murder, as the worst
crime, must receive the stiffest
sentence. Whatever this sen-
tence is, it sets the baseline for
all others. When the penalty for
murder was lowered from dea th
to 25 years to life, the penalty
for every other crime had to be
proportionally lowered.
Therefore, the only solution
if we really want to get tough, is
to return to the successful poli-
cies of the past. Only when the
penalty for first degree murder
is once again death, and sen-
tence is swiftly and surely car-
ried out, can we hope to get a
handle on other crimes.
For those who believe that
capital punishment will not de-
ter crime, consider this: From
1930 to 1950, all murders, in-
cluding so-called crimes of pas-
sion, ranged from 5,000 to 7,000
per year. Executions ranged
from 117 to 199 annually. So a
murder faced odds of 1 in 25
that he would be executed. Now
the odds have changed to 1 in
625, and our annual murder rate
is 24,000.
Not only were murderers
more likely to die for their deeds,
such a sentence was carried out
much more swiftly. For ex-
ample, in 1933 an anarchist at-
tempted to kill President-Elect
Roosevelt on Feb 15, and killed
Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak
instead. When FDR was
innaugurated five weeks later,
the annarchist had been tried,
convicted, and executed al-
While such policies did not
prevent all murders, they obvi-
ously prevented some. This can
be seen in the stories of retired
police officers, who state that
when robbers were arrested
with guns, frequently the guns
were unloaded or intentionally
disabled, to prevent any acci-
dental murders. Today, many
robbers kill their victims for no
apparent reason, even after the
victim has handed over their
I am not longing for any
"good old days" when justice
was executed summarily, or for
returning to the days of capital
punishment for simple thievery.
1 most definitely do not want to
return to the days when police
could stop and search people
for no reason. What I do want is
to return to the days when in
most places it was safe to walk
the streets at night.
The only way to make this
possible is to enact policies
which will actually deter crimi-
nals from committing violent
crime, for fear of the punish-
ment which will befall them.
T�� H�E
T$0 aJHAt'
YoutiB F��� TO GoL
11'T� fUwi&-l
By Barbara Irwin
Courts appear to condone unethical behavior
About 10 years ago, CBS
watched its ratings skyrocket as it
aired the TV movie "The Burning
Bed in which Farrah Fawcet por-
trayed a woman who was left with
no recourse against her drunken,
abusive husband except to set fire to
her house, consequently cremating
her sleeping husband in their own
A few years later, just about
every American male vowed to never
again have an extramarital affair af-
ter seeing the chaotic and psycho-
pathic tragedies that resulted in Fatal
Now,inthe 1990s, these actsof
vengeance by women who feel they
must literally take matters into their
own hands have become recurring
facts for the defense in our court-
rooms, and cries of warning to all
men who aren't already walking in
eggshells witheverything they do or
Gentlemen, if there was ever a
time to jump off the couch and mow
the lawn or trim the hedges when
asked, don't do it for the exercise or
the satisfaction of a nice yard, do it to
protect your desire to continue liv-
ing as a normal, healthy male.
With no pun intended, allow
me to cut to the quick. This weekend
I was flipping tluough the channels
when 1 caught the tail end of a report
about a young woman who was
acquitted on charges of maiming and
mutilating her husband by cutting
off his testicles withapairofscissors.
You can bet this woman was thank-
ing God for the Bobbitt case that was
surely cited as a similar decision for
her defense as she walked out of the
courtroom alone and free.
those women activists touting how
this is a ground-breaking, positive
outcome in furthering the cause of
their movement and how finally,
perhaps the domineering man of
this society will begin to take the
struggling, passive woman more se-
Ironically, what seems to be
catapulting this ideology into the
forefront of a feminist movement of
fairness are not perhaps the vigilante
acts themselves,butinstead, the judg-
ments of our own legal system in
what constitutes right and wrong
and justice and mercy.
It appears that the two recent
acquittals of Lorena Bobbitt and
"Edwina Scissorhands" were not
based on the fact of whether or not
the bestial cuttings and slashings
were committed, but rather, if the
defense for the women could prove
their v ictims deserved the treatment.
dia waters down the many argu-
ments and incidents leadingup to
such crimes of passion, the public,
cess from a court system that has
turned into a forum of "he-said,
she-said" politics, eventually ap-
pearing to condone the unethical
behavior of these women, again, i
so long as it was fair and deserv- �
ing to the victim.
This is certainly no indicd
tion of a stronger, more deter
mined woman of the 90s, but un-
fortunately terrifyingsignal that
even if a woman has lost faith in;
the legal system and is not strong-
enough to pursue and adhere to
the normal course of action, in the
end, her ultimate desperate acts
of vengeance are forgiven and she
believes foolishly that justice is
In our society, if a man were
to physically maim a woman in
any way, whether she is deserv-
ing or not, he would likely be sent
to prison for the remainder of his
life. And rightly so. Yet it is quite
unnerving to witness this same
society condoning and forgiving
these same barbaric acts, while
consoling and canonizing the
women who commit them.
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
I am writing in regards to Mr. Demetrius Carter's
letter discussing the recent campus improvements and
lack thereof for the African-American cultural center.
First, I v M like to say that I concur with Mr. Carter's
opinion that the new dining hall and recreation center
are unnecessary and a waste of our money. However,
concerning the Afro-American cultural center, I feel it
should be bulldozed to make way for parking.
Before I get tons of mail accusing me of racism, let
meexplain, I AM NOT A RACIST, unless you accuse my
(sic) of being particularly fond of the human race, but
that's another discussion. Mr. Carter is president of
Allied Blacks for Leadership and Equality. I'm sure I
don't have to point out but the name alone of this
organization is racially biased. It implies an alliance of
Blacks. Let me ask you, if there was an Alliance of
Whites, would it be considered racist? Moreover as a
White person could I join this organization? I truly don't
know, that is a question for Mr. Demetrius.
The alliance also has a purpose, leadership and
equality. I have nothing against the leadership part but
quite frankly to put equality in that description is a joke.
We have an African-American cultural center. Approxi-
mately 9.0 of ECU is African-American compared to
87.9 Caucasian as 1992. Do we have a Caucasian-
American cultural center? I think not. This is not equal-
ity, its not even majority rule, it represents a tiny percent-
age of the population (of ECU that is) controlling and
using the entire populations' money and resources as
it pleases.
How does this phenomenon happen?Guilt. Flat
out, we Whites enslaved Black people's forefathers so
to make up for that we help fund African-American
cultural centers, United Negro college funds, and
"equal opportunity employment, none of which
represents equality. All three of these are examples of
reverse-racism. I hesitate to use the term "reverse-
racism" since it implies the more common racism or
prejudice is that of Whites against Blacks.
So should we try to keep up with UNC Chapel
Hill and NC State in this farce or should we try to set
a precedent and discover trueequality on this campus.
I feel that Blacks are just as intelligent and capable as
any other race, so why should they receive special
attention? They don't need it, the same way an over-
weight person doesn't need more fattening food. 1
wrote this letter out of respect for the human race, and
it is out of self respect that Black people should tear
down the African-American cultural center.
Mathew Heatley
Presidentof CNHHEUPIMEMALE (Caucasian
Non-Handicapped Hetreosexual (sic) Environmen-
tally-Unconcious (sic) Politically-Incorrect Meat-Eat-
ing Male Anarchists for Leadership and Equality.)
To the Editor:
I would like to add and respond to Mr. Carter's
letter of 3-17.1 disagree with Mr. Carter concerning his
alternative method to distribute the funds while the
expansion of MingesFicken, new diningrecreation
facilities or something like more parking may not be
mandatory improvements, they are things thatarguably
all of us have an interest in. Those would be things that
meet the needs of everyone on campus and not just a
select group.
If everyone pays money totheUniversity,shouldn't
the University's projects focus on things that everyone
has an interest in? Is an African-American cultural center
something everyone needs or would use? Is it right to
have and (sic) AA cultural center without having an
Asian, White, or Native American cultural center as
wellI ha ve never seen even a fraction of the people Lned
up outside the AA cultural center tliat I would normally
see at Minges or any of the dining centers.
I do think that money contributed by evervone to
the University should be used to benefit everyone and
never should be used to extol a select group. More-
over, it is an incredible piece of twisted logic for a
member of a select group to say something like, "Oh,
ingwhatever etcmyselectgroupyouarebenefitting
(sic) everyone Besides the obvious logical contradic-
tions that ensue from such a statement, there is com-
mon sense that tells us it is wrong. There is also a
smaller number of people that see the real significance
of honoring a select group of people at the expense of
the (sic) everyoneelse. When you honor a group in this
way you over step the bounds of equality by just a tad
(like a few zillion miles).
This thing is that I am not a racist your race,
sex, or religion scores no points with me. I measure the
think and do for yourself. That demonstrates your
Greg Boyd

�The East Carolinian
Page 6
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Circle, May-August. Furnished, except
beds. No pets. $175 each per month
share of utilities. Also looking for a
roommate for 94-95 school vear. Call
Kelly or Jennifer 758-1753
2 blocks from campus. $425 per month
includes watersewerbasic cable.
Owner will pay heatair til May. Call
smoker, social drinker to share 2 bdrm.
townhousew1 l2bath.$240amonth
12 utilities. Call Brook at 757-1784.
LAW FIRM NEEDS two fully fur-
nished apartments during thesummer:
June 24 to Julv 30. Contact Bert Speicher
at 355-3030.
share 2 bedroom apartment. Close to
campus, great location. Call Patricia
two bedroom two bath, quiet and fur-
nished duplex. Rent $235 a month.
Deposit required. Location is
Wyndham Cr. near campus. Call 830-
0309 ask for Wendye
FEMALE NEEDED to shareapartment
at Eastbrook. $190month plus 12
utlities. Call 752-2013.
A RESPONSIBLE, non-smoking, non-
drinking Christian male to share two
bedroom apartment at beginning of
May. $150 monthly rent, 13 utilities,
13 base price phone. 321-4818.
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share two
bedroom duplex close to campus. $150
mo. plus heating 12 utilities. Re-
sponsible, non-smoker preferred. Call
MAY FIRST! 3bedroom, 2bath House
$500 walking distance to campus. Call
us 752-1375 Homelocators fee
JUNE 1ST! 1 bedroom duplex $250
washerdryer hook-ups call us! 752-
1375 Homelocators fee
AUGUST 1ST! Big 3 bedroom duplex
$540 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths $640 both
near East 5th street call us 752-1375
Homelocators fee
APRIL OR M W! 2 bedroom house
$300 pets ok here! Call us 752-1375
For Rent
Homelocators fee
MAY 15TH! Large 3 bedroom duplex
$425 walk to campus! Call us 752-1375
Homelocators fee
FALL SEMESTER! 4 bedroom, 2 baths
house $700 call us 752-1375
Homelocators fee
El Help Wanted
Instructors, Kitchen, Office, Grounds
for western North Carolina's finestCo-
ed youth summer sports camp. Over
25 activities including waterski, heated
pool, tennis, horseback, art Cool
mountain climate, good pay and great
fun! Non-smokers. For application
brochure: 704-692-6239 or Camp Pin-
ewood, Hendersonville, NC 28792
NEEDED: looking for enthusiastic
people with strong cheering and inter-
personal skills to teach cheerleading
camps in NC & SC. Great pay. Flexible
scheduling. 10 weeks possible! Great
opportunity to spend the summer do-
ing what you love! Call 1 (800)280-3223.
major corporations natonwide are
searching for college students to fill
summer positions possibly leading to
career placement after college. Many
programs offer tuition assistance. For
complete directory send $9.95 to C&J
Research 3438 Eastlake Rd. Suite 14
Dept. 686M Palm Harbor, Fl 34685-
Recreation Department is seeking en-
thusiastic hardworking individuals for
summer employment. Positions avail-
able in these areas: adventure, amuse-
ments, aquatics, arts, athletics, camps,
community centers, instructors, lakes,
maintenance, nature, seniors, special
populations, and tennis. Contact: 2401
Wade Avenue, Raleigh NC 27602.
Phone number 831-6640. "Note: In ac-
cordance with the American with Dis-
abilities act (ADA), the city of Raleigh
will consider reasonable
accomodations if requested. The City
of Raleigh is an equal opportunity em-
ployer and does not discriminate on
the basis ot race, sex, color, creed, age,
disablility, sexual orientation, or na-
tional origin
$2,000 month on Cruise ships or land
tour companies. World travels Sum-
mer & full time employment available.
No exp. necessary, for info. 1-206-634-
0468 ext. C5362 '
MENT- Fisheries. Many earn $2,000
month. In canneries or $3,000-6,000
month on fishing vessels. Many em-
ployers provide benefits. No exp. nec-
essary! For more info, call: 1-206-545-
4155 ext. A5362
positions. Great benefits. Call 1-800-
436-4365 ext. P-3712
CAMP COUNSELORS, waterfront,
El Help Wanted I El Help Wanted
For Sale E3 Services Offered
nature, high adventure staff wanted
for girls. June 10-July 25, near Lenoir,
NC call Deb at 1-800328-8388
firm needs mailroom messengers part-
time, 4-5 hours daily, 5 days per week,
morning or afternoon. Applications
from receptionists, Ward and Smith,
120 West Fire Tower Road.
time job with the added bonus of room
and board in a nice home? Ideal person
will be flexible, willing to handle vari-
ous duties and full care of two girls
ages 8 and 4. Will work with student
schedule, prefers to work around morn-
ing classes. Must have significant child
care experience with references. Call
from 1-4:30 Monday thru Friday- for
more information 830-8465
Apply in person at Payne's Jewelers,
Arlington Village. No phone calls
WINN-DIXIE is now accepting appli-
cations for part-time employment.
Opportunity for advancement for hard-
working, career- oriented individuals.
Apply in person Friday, March 25 at
604 Greenville Blvd. 8am to 8pm.
tra cash stu f fing envelopes a t home. A11
materials provided. Send SASE to Mid-
west Mailers Po Box 395, Olathe, KS
66051. Immediate Response.
$10-$400UP WEEKLY. Mailing Bro-
chures! SpareFull-time. Set own hours!
Rush stamped envelope: Publishers
(Gl) 1821 Hillandale Rd. 1B-295
Durham, NC 27705.
for yourself plus up to $500 for your
club! This fundraiser costs nothing and
lasts one week. Call now and receive a
free gift. 1-800-932-0528 ext. 65
HELP WANTED: Clyde Richards Fine
Dining Restaurant is now hiring expe-
rienced wait staff. Flexible schedule,
great tips. Must be 21. No phone calls,
please. Come by 103 Eastbrook Drive
TuesThurs. bt 2-4pm for applica-
COPYPRO, INC An internship in
marketing with Copypro is an oppor-
tunity to work with one of company's
leading sales reps in the Greenville,
Kinston, and Goldsboro areas. Enhance
personal and professional skills while
learning the business and move even-
tually, into a career in sales, if desired.
This internship will require the person
to be responsible for copier installa-
tions, training operators, and prepar-
ing and turning in sales contracts along
with conducting needs assessments for
sales proposals. Company car fur-
nished for limited travel. Enjoy the ben-
efit of flexible hours (20 hours per week
guaranteed). Students majoring in
marketing are encouraged to mail
resumess to : Director of Recruitment,
CopyPro, Inc. 3103 Landmark Street,
Greenville, NC 27834.
Make up to $2,000-4,000 mo. teach-
ing basic conversational English in Ja-
pan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching
background or Asian languages re-
quired. (206)632-1146ext.
The Autism Society of North Carolina
is recruiting for 1994 Summer camp:
We serve children and adults with
Autism. The camp is held at Camp
New Hope near Chapel Hill from May
23 to August 6. For more info, call
Jemma Price at 1-800-442-2762.
, Grarits Sales
W ZMfi-ft ttfrremly seeking friendl. energetic
lid motivated sIudB who want to earn extra
cash. Sales experience preferred, but not
necessary Contact Bndgct at 757-4751 or
visit WZMB in the bottom of Mendenhall.
MWF between 12-2 pm.
For Sale
boats, 4 wheelers, motohomes, by FBI,
IRS, DEA. Nationwide auction listings
available now. Call 1-800-4364363 Ext.
SNAKE: 3 foot Ball Python, female; $65
TREK1500ROADBIKE,54cm,21 speed,
like new, $475, phone: 756-55
ATTENTION: weight lifters and watch-
ers: let me help you fill those New Years
resolutions. Sports supplements at ma-
jor discount prices: Cybergenics, Quick
Trim, Cybertrim, Super Fat Burners, Tri-
Chromelene, SuperChromoplex, Weight
gain powders (all), Amino Acids, Creat-
ine, Met-rx, Vanadyl Sulfate, Yohimbe
Bark, Hot Stuff, Herbs, Multi-Vitamins,
Super Golden Seal, and many more! Call
Brad today at 931-9097 for more info.
1992 YAMAHA SEC A II, only 1,200
miles, like new, bright red, 2 Fulmer full-
face helmets, everything only $2,800 or
best offer, call 830-1762
$169! California- $129 ea. way! Florida
too. CaribbeanMexican Coast rt $189!
No gimmicks-no hitches. Airtech 1-800-
FOR SALE- Wahbum bass guitar with
Yamaha case and Crate amp for $200 or
best offer. Call Brad at 931 -9097 for more
MOPED, 2-speed automatic, excellent
condition, 100 miles per gallon. 30 mph,
no registrationlicense required $375,
mattress, heater, padded rails $200 757-
56 Two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen
and livingroom. Located in Evans Mo-
bile Home Park. Partly furnished, un-
derpinning and a 6'x6' storage building
included in the price. Perfect for starting
couple or ECU students trying to save on
monthly rental costs. Available formove
in on August 1st. Asking $10,500. Those
interested please call (919)321-2577 for
more information.
VW BUS FOR SALE! 76 Volkswagen
microbus, very clean, bed for two room
foreight with tons of luggage Rebuilt
2.0 liter motor. Insulated cloth up-
holstery. Many extras2500. Price
negotiable. Perfect for beach trips or
any travelling. You want it Hot crack-
ers! Call 830-6288.
E Services Offered
This monthbook two shows
and get a third on us! Over 4 years
experience with ECU Greeks!
For booking call: A Lee Judge
TYPING-Quick and accurate resumes-
letters - term papers, excellent proof-
reading skills, satisfaction guaranteed.
Wed Fri. 9am- 5pm reasonable rates
PROFESSIONAL Resumesecretarial
For Advertising
Information, Contact one
oj our Account Executives
work. Specializing in resume compo-
sition w cover letters stored on disk,
term papers, general typing. Word per-
fect or Microsoft Word for windows
software. Call today Glenda Stevens
(8a-5p�752-9959) (evenings�527-
ATTENTION Satisfy the forcing lan-
guage requirement in one summer!
Accelerated courses in French, Span-
ish 10011002 in first summer session
and FrenchSpanish 10031004 in Sec-
ond summer session. For full info, call
757-6017 M-F 9 to 4:30
MALE STRIPPER Former stripper
from Raleigh available for all
occassions. Birthdays, Surprise Parties
or whatever you desire, I will cator to
all. Contact Cannon at 756-1364.
SSS Personals
soul seeks like minded lady for
friendship and fun. Send photos and
correspondence to: Kane, P0 Box
8663, Greenville, NC 27835
HELP! A 1991 Green Honda Accord
EX was hit while parked in the com-
muter parking lot behind
Mendenhall on Friday, March 18
sometime between 9am and
11:30am. If you witnessed this acci-
dent or know who is responsible,
please call David Bailey at 752-4581
or 757-4754, or call Sgt. Roush of the
ECU Police at 757-6787.
BUTTER MY BUTT and call me a
corn cob ! Hello to all of my many
millions of fans across ECU. Keep
those letters pouring in. I hope you
love me as much as I love you. Doesn't
that take all the toast? Sincerely, your
staff illustrator.
CHI-OMEGA The coaches of the
basketball team would like to thank
the players and the fans for a great
season. Hope we can do it again.
Thanks for the memories. We will
get them next time: way to go.
Thanks Ian, Mark, Rob.
new officers of Phi Sigma Pi: Presi-
dent � David Batts, V. President �
Kelly Kellis, Secretary � Michelle
Myrick, Treasurer�Tonya Bell, So-
cial Coordinator � Heather Salter,
Pledge Master � Donna Botz and
Historian � Gina Roberts.
Did you save any money last summer?
Earn $4,000-$5,000 this Summerl
3 Credit Hours
1 -800-251 -4000 Ext. 1576
will be sponsoring a kareoke
fundraiser event at "Wrong Way
Corrigans" on Wed. March 23rd.
Entry fee is $3 per group before-
hand and $5 at the door. Every-
one is welcome to attend. Profits
will benefit the covenant house
for homeless teens.
(COSOL) How will you train
the new leaders of your organi-
zation for next year? Learn how
to make smooth officer transi-
tions for your group at the Coun-
cil of Student Organization Lead-
ers meeting on Thur. March 24,
1994 at 4:00pm in the Multi-pur-
pose room of Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center. For more info, call
Student Leadership Develop-
ment Programs at 757-4796
� (and this great opportunity to
play indoor soccer). There will
be a indoor soccer registration
meeting on Tuesday, March 22
in Bio. 103 at 5:00pm. For more
info, come by 204 Christenbury
Gym or call Recreational Services
at 757-6387 for more info.
Meeting every Wed. at 7pm,
General Classroom Building,
Rm. 1030. Discussing current
events and issues concerning
North Carolina and our great
country, the USA. Come and find
out why the GOP is growing
bigger and faster in NC during
the 90's.
is documenting hate crimes
against homosexuals in the sur-
rounding area. Call the hotline
to report incidents. Confidenti-
ality and anonymity are assured.
752-9502 (message) 757-4863
(contact person)
interested faculty from all
schools of the University are re-
minded again of the opportu-
nity to propose honors seminars
to be taught spring semester
1995. All proposals need to be
submitted on a new course pro-
posal form to David Sanders, c
o Honors Program, GCB 2026.
The earlier date for submissions
requires that proposalss be sent
in time to be distributed a week
before the Honors Program
Committee meeting on April 19.
That committee makes the final
selection. Call 6373 for info.
(ABLE) will be meeting today in
the social room of Mendenhall
Student Center at 5:00pm. Ev-
eryone is welcome to attend.
Teams are here If you swam in
high school and played water
polo or just want to get in shape
for summer, then come out. First
meeting at Minges Coliseum
9:00pm March 30th. No
innertubes. This is the real thing
in conjunction with the North
Carolina Agricultural Extension
Service and PTA Council, is
sponsoring an educational forum
"A Child's Day in Pitt County:
Possible Pesticide Encounters
It will be held on Tuesday, March
22, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at the
Willis Building in Greenville.
Wed. Mar. 23� "Scholarship
Showcase Recital" featuring se-
lected recipients of Friends of
the School of Music scholarships
(AJ Fletcher Recital Hall,
7:00pm.) Thurs Mar. 24� Beth
Norvell, piano, Graduate Recital
(AJ Fletcher Recital Hall, 6:00pm
Free) Also on Mar. 24� Ed
Stephanson, guitar, guest recital
(AJ Fletcher Recital Hall, 8:00pm)
Fri. Mar. 25 Mitzi Benfield, pi-
ano,Graduate recital (AJ Fletcher
Recital Hall, 9:00pm, free) Sat.
Mar. 26� Ruth Thomas, piano,
Grad. recital (Aj Fletcher Recital
Hall, 7:00pm, free) Sun Mar.
27� Estern Youth Orchestra,
Mark Ford Dir. (AJ Fletcher Rec.
Hall, 3:00pm,free) Also on Mar.
27� Jazz Ensemble B, Ned
Holder, Conductor (AJ Fletcher
Recital Hall,8:00pm, free) Mon.
Mar. 28� Contemporary Jazz
Ensemble, Paul Tardif, Dir. (AJ
Fletcher Rec. Hall, 8:00pm,
sponsoring a lecture by DR.
HansJ. Hillerbrand, Chair and
Professor of Religion at Duke
University on the topic "When
the Trumpet of the Lord Shall
sound: Apocalypticism from
the Refromation to Waco" on
Thur. March 24, at 7pm in
Brewster B-305
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each additional word $0.05
�All ads must be
Any organization may use the Announce-
ments Section of The East Carolinian to list
activities and events open to the public two
timesfreeofcharge Duetothelimitedamount
of space, The East Carolinian cannot guaran-
tee the publication of announcements
Friday at 4 p.m. for
Tuesday's edition
Tuesday at 4 p.m. for
Thursday's edition
$5.50 per inch:
Displayed advertisements may
be cancelled before 10 a.m. the
day prior to publication,
however, no refunds will be
For more
call 757-6366.

The East Carolinian
March 22, 1994
Page 7
ECU hosts celebrated "Dancing At Lughnasa
By Daniel Willis
Staff Writer
"Danang at Lughnasa" by Brian
Frier is coming to McGinnis Theatre
March 24-29. It's definitely one of the
most anticipated plays of the year.
"Dancing at Lughnasa " won vir-
tually every
An EastCarolina Playhousepress
release said: Dancing at Lughnasa'
does exactly what theatre was born to
do, carrying both its characters and
audience aloft on waves of distant
music and estatic release that let one
danceanddream. Itstrikesdeepchords
that words
"it is a .portrait of
Paganism which
always underlays
Irish Christianity.
Photo Courtesy of East Carolina Playhouse
Jeff Kabatznick, Meghan Jeffries and Mary Morrell construct a "stone" wall for the East Carolina Playhouse's
production of "Dancing At Lughnasa March 24-29,1994. For ticket information, call 919-757-6829.
award for Best
Play during the
1991 season, in-
cluding The
Tony award,
The New York
Drama Critics
Circle Award,
and in London,
The Laurence
Olivier Award, mmmmmmm
The word
"Lughnasa" in the title serves as a
slighthinttothe audience. "Lugh" isa
Gaelic term that refers to the name for
the pagan god of harvest, whose Au-
gust festival took place on Irish hill-
tops and waterfronts. The festival it-
self is called Lughnasa. Certain rituals
such as dancing, and Dionysian are
Playhouse press release
cannot begin
to touch. It is
a humorous
and deeply
ate family
g a n i s m
which al-
ways under-
Tickets areonsaleintheMcGinnis
Theatrebox office, $7.50 forthe general
public and $4.50 for students. Tickets
can also be purchased by phone by
calling 757-6829, or by mail, by writing
the East Carolina Playhouse, ECU,
Greenville, N.C. 278584353.
AIDS Journal displayed
By Sarah Wahlert
Staff Writer
On Saturday, March 25, at the
Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, Va
the public will have it's first oppor-
tunity to experience "Living With
AIDS: A Photographic Journal" by
Sal Lopes. The photos offer a grip-
ping, sensitive look at the lives of
individuals with AIDS. Theexhibi-
tion is a visual account of the resil-
iency of people: thoseinfected with
gling to continue full lives despite
the horror of the disease. In more
than 120 black and white images,
Lopes looks past the medical issue
to find the human impact
"Living With AIDS" is orga-
nized by Brooks Johnson, photog-
raphy curato rat The Chrysler Mu-
John and Sharon
Boyce adopted
three children
who had either
the HIV virus or
AIDS. Their
portrait is part
of a three-part
focusing on
seum. Johnson and Lopes have
worked closely on the exhibition
and hope that it will help the main-
stream population better under-
stand AIDS. Johnson states, "I
would like to see "Living With
AIDS" open dialogue with a
broader audience on this issue
Lopes describes his four-year
project asabodyofwork thatislife-
amrming, "I am humbled by the
strength, courage and spirit of the
people in this project"
"Rather than a morbid
chronicleof dying, Lopes hasgjven
us a positive and uplifting account
of what it's like to live with AIDS
Johnson adds.
Each of the three segments
shows people who have chosen
See AIDS page 9
Photo by
Sal Lopes
Greedy suffers from dull script
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
For any movie patron, this
time of year brings only frustra-
tion when trying to pick a film to
watch. Most studios have already
released their big holiday films
and any films with promise are
being stashed until summer.
One of Universal's films is
Greedy, starring Michael J. Fox
and Kirk Douglas. Though not
terrible, Greedy does suffer from
a genuinely dull script. The story
plods along with no real direc-
tion leaving many talented stars
floundering for a decent line to
Like Michael J. Fox's last two
films, Life with Mikey and For Love
or Money, Greedy allows Fox to be
a likeable character stuck in a
mostly unlikable film. In Greedy
,Fox plays Danny McTeague, a
nephew of Uncle Joe (Kirk Dc i-
After his retirement from pro
bowling, Danny is coerced into
visiting his Uncle Joe by his
greedy relatives who want to keep
him happy so that they can in-
herit his wealth when he dies
(which they all hope will be soon
since none of them like Joe).
Danny wins Uncle Joe's af-
fection but then Danny finds him-
self becoming greedy also. The
story plays upon Danny's greedi-
ness, and ultimate good will, but
misses many opportunities to
score big laughs.
The relatives include Phil
Hartman, who is quite funny, and
Ed Begley, Jr who is not. The
only other cast member worth
noting is Nancy Travis, who plays
Danny's girlfriend. Travis infuses
her role with a genuine good spirit
thus making her moments on
screen some of the best in the
The opening scenes in Greedy
are rather amusing. One particu-
larly riotous scene occurs during
a Saturday lunch at Uncle Joe's
See GREEDY page 9
Classic Language expands
By Bridget Hemenway
Staff Writer
Among the many changes at
ECU, one that deserves attention
is the expansion of the classic lan-
guage department. In previous
years, Latin was taught by French
and Spanish professors in the For-
eign Languages Department. To-
day however, with the help of Dr.
Keats Sparrow, dean of the Col-
lege of Arts and Sciences, students
are able to minor in the classic
During the Spring ofl992
Dean Sparrow formed a Classical
Studies Committee and made Pro-
fessor Anthony J. Papalas, a Uni-
versity of Chicago Ph.D. and an
ancient historian in the History
Department, chair of the commit-
In the fall of 1992, Dr. Steve
Cerutti was hired to coordinate
classical languages. Immediately
after joining the department, Pro-
fessor Papalas and Dr. Cerutti
formed a minor in classical stud-
The minor added many new
courses to the curriculum and
called for the reorganization of
the Latin curriculum and the in-
troduction of ancient Greek.
In its first year, the course in
ancient Greek reached its capacity
of 25 students and left seven on
the waiting list. This confirmed
Sparrow's belief that ECU stu-
dents have a strong interest in the
classics. "In addition to those who
want to concentrate their academic
study in the classics, many pre-
med and pre-theology students
take ancient Greek to give them
the language background needed
for their professional studies
Cerutti explained.
"While Dean Sparrow ini-
tially wanted to establish a
minor in classical stud-
ies, the students response
was so enthusiastic that
he asked the classical
studies committee to
draw up a proposal to
establish a new degree
program in classical
studies said Papalas.
"This proposal has
passed all university
committees and will
soon be considered by
the UNC General Admin-
istration he added. The
new degree program
will have a multi-
cultural emphasis
with a strong
foundation in the an-
cient languages and lit-
eratures as well as in the ar-
chaeology and social institutions
of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
The quality of the program,
within its teaching and research
interests of its faculty, is proven in
that fact that ECU's classics pro-
gram already rank second among
thel6 institutions of the UNC sys-
"Thanks to Dean Sparrow's
vision and commitment, the clas-
sics are alive and well at ECU, and
the vigorous classics program also
means ECU is academically alive
and well. It's onward and upward
for the program and the univer-
sity Cerutti said.
The most re-
cent development
brought by classi-
cal studies to
ECU is the pro-
duction of a clas-
sical play by the
Aquila Com-
pany. The Brit-
ish theatrical
group will visit
the university
in April to put on
production of
Aristophanes was a
fifth century Greek
playwright whose
plays are sexy com-
edies that satirize the soci-
ety of fifth century Athens.
The Aquila Company
will also feature a workshop that
will focus on the problems and
challenges of staging ancient com-
edy. The workshop will be held
the afternoon of April 8 so stu-
dents can learn the details of the
production before they watch it.
Ihe play will be held in Hendrix
Theatre on Monday, April 8 at
8:00 p.m.
featured in
By Laura Jackman
Staff Writer
The annual EastCarolina
University School of Art Un-
dergraduate Exhibition will
be shown from March 25 to
April 13, 1994 in the
Wellington B. Gray Gallery.
Theworksondisplayare those
that have been chosen from
the over 700 students and are
considered to be the most out-
standing pieces submitted to
the curriculum coordinators
in the School of Art.
ECU features the largest
studio art program in North
Carolina and is the only state
university art program accred-
ited by the National Associa-
tion of Schools of Art and
Design (NASAD).
Curriculum areas to be
represented in the show are
foundations, wood design,
metal design, textile design,
fabric design, weavingdesign,
printmaking, painting, dra w-
tal design and video.
Award winners for the
selected by Dr. Arlette Klaric,
who is the curator of collec-
tionsat the Weatherspoon Art
Gallery at the University of
North Carolina inGreensboro.
Klaric is the former director of
the Boston University Art
Gallery. Exhibits which she
has curated include "Cross-
ings: Sol LeWitt and Eva
Hesse "Stripped Bare and
Streamlined: Early Modern-
ists Works from the
Weatherspoon Collection
and "Contemporary Quilts
USA whichiscurrently trav-
eling in Europe.
A gala reception spon-
sored by the Art Enthusiasts
of ECU will be held on Thurs-
day, March 24 at 7 p.m and
the public is in vi ted. Dr. Klaric
will make remarks and an-
nounce the award recipients.
The Wellington B. Gray
Gallery is located on the cam-
pusof ECU in the Jenkins Fine
ArtsCenter. Gallery hours are
Monday thru Friday from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m however on
Thursday, hours areextended
to 8 p.m. There is no admis-
sion fee.
For more information,
contact Gallery Director
Charles Lovell at 757-6336.
Don't Buy
JV Take Your Chances
Nine Inch Nails
The Downward Spiral
m m ��
Trent Reznor is an exhibitionist.
His one-man industrial band, Nine
Inch Nails, has become popular
enough in the last five years that now
he can flaunt himself to the world.
Whatever obsessions or sick fanta-
sies he'sdealing with, Reznor sounds
like he's on the edge of a psychotic fit
at all times. It'sabithkeafreakshow.
Perhaps that explains his popularity,
which should continue with the re-
lease of the latest offering, TlieDown-
wnrdSpiral. It's a piece of hate-mail to
theuniverse. Itsindustrialmusic with
a barbed-wire bite and a danceable
expression of very personal anger. In
other words, it's Trent Reznor expos-
ing himself in public again, so every-
body gather round.
The first button of the flasher's
overcoat comes undone with what
could very well be considered
Reznor's theme song, "Mr. Self De-
struct This one exposes all of his
obsessions at once, a quick flash for
the rubes. That's right, there's sex,
religion, addiction, and suicide rat-
tling around in this song. It all fits
together in a driving, unstop- pable
pattern of personal decay, a "down-
ward spiral
The Doumuwd Spiral starts off
with a fever pitch of rage that gradu-
ally slows until we arrive at grinding
exhaustion by the album's end. The
music also starts off wildly, building
a slow drumbeat into an explosion of
See NAILS page 9
Val Gardena
River of Stone
The two members of Val
Gardena, Christopher James and
Jeff Leonard, first met in the Pa-
cific Northwest, but they were
never together much in the cre-
ation of their first album, River of
Stone. Their musical collabora-
tion was done while James was in
New York and Leonard was in
Portland, vet the album has some
rJV Worth A Try
Definite Purchase
intimacy despite the artist sepa-
ration during conception.
Christopher James is a,
classically trained pianist; hp has
studied Berlin Cabaret Music
and composed many songs for.
German TV and film. Leonard is
a well-respected jazz bassist who
has toured with the likes of
Benny Goodman ard Diana
Ross. Though their backgrounds
differ, their musical direction is
the same. "Painting aural im-
ages and creating a real sense of
environment were all part of our
concept explains James.
River of Stone is a mix-1
ture of new age and modern jazz.
There are a lot of dreamy syn-
thesizers forming the back-
ground of the music, sounding
much like Kitaro in this aspect.
There are no real earth-shatter-
ing solos here, be it saxophone,
guitar or electric cello; the inten-
sity of their sound reaches the,
level of Kenny G, but doesn't
See GARDENA page 9

8 The East Carolinian
March 22. 1994
Dieting: Is it really necessary?
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) � Men
who say they are always dieting
had dramatically higher rates of
heart disease and diabetes than
men who say they never diet, a
new study showed.
The results appear to raise
questions about research that has
established obesity as a risk for
heart disease, said the study's au-
thor, Steven N. Blair, an epidemi-
ologist at the Cooper Institute for
Aerobics Research in Dallas.
"It's a paradox Blair said.
Researchers know that gaining
weight raises the risks of disease.
But it's not clear whether losing
weight lowers the risks again, he
"One of the fundamental te-
nets of the weight loss industry is
if you get people to eat less, they'll
lose weight. And if they lose
weight, they'll be better off. And
there is no evidence to support
either one of those Blair said.
He discussed his findings
Saturday at the American Heart
Association's annual epidemiol-
ogy meeting.
The study also found that
men who keep their weight
steady, even if they are over-
weight, have less risk of disease
than men whose weight fluctu-
ates by as little as 10 pounds.
Earlier studies have also sug-
gested that losing and regaining
weight, or "yo-yo dieting is as-
sociated with higher health risks
than keeping weight steady.
"In general, weigl cycling
has been hard to figure o it said
Dr. Stephen P. Fortmann, a pro-
fessor of medicine at Stanford
University and one of the orga-
nizers of the heart association
meeting. "It is another reason not
to diet
The best way to control
weight is through exercise, not
dieting, Fortmann said. Blair sug-
gested a low-fat diet with a lot of
fresh fruits and vegetables. He
advised people to avoid gaining
weight in the first place.
The study was based on a
survey of 12,025 Harvard Uni-
versity graduates with an aver-
age age of 67. The question Blair
asked them was: "How often are
you dieting (eating less than you
East Carolina Playhouse
Brian Fricl's Tony Award Winning Play
would like)?"
Those whosaid "always" had
a heart disease rate of 23.1 per-
cent, more than double the 10.6
rate of those who answered
The men who always dieted
had a 38.3 percent rate of hyper-
tension and 14.6 percent rate of
diabetes, compared with a 23.4
percent rate of hypertension and 3
percent rate of diabetes for those
who said they never dieted.
Among those men who d ieted
part of the time, the study found
that the more they dieted, the
higher their rates of disease. Men
who dieted "often" had higher
disease rates than those who di-
eted "sometimes That group, in
turn, had higher rates than those
who dieted "rarely
Even among the leanest mem-
bers of the group, those who di-
eted more had higher rates of dis-
ease than those who dieted less,
he said.
Blair also asked them to indi-
cate their body shape at various
ages, giving him an indication of
their weight variation. Those
whose weight varied had higher
risks than those whose weight was
steady, he found.
Record company records rare music
Small group works for a big sound.
name sounds like a Latin Ameri-
can dance instructor, but Varese
Sarabande, a small California-
based record company, has
stepped in where most major la-
bels fear to tread � recording
rare theater music.
The company can't compete
with the big-money giants such
as RCA Victor, Sony and EMI-
Angel, in terms of bidding for
major Broadway shows like
"Tommy "Guys and Dolls" and
"Crazy for You
So it has found its own niche
by doing something different.
Varese Sarabande has won the
allegiance of Broadway buffs with
its new Spotlight Series, an in-
triguing and still-growing cata-
log that features collections of ob-
scure show tunes, smaller origi-
nal cast albums and Broadway
performers singing the songs of
one particular composer or lyri-
The off-beat series is under
the guidance of Bruce Kimmel, a
one-time actor, director and film-
maker, who came to Varese
Sarabande last year to guide its
theater projects.
The company was founded
in 1978 to record movie
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soundtracks, which still form its
core of releases. It's the success of
soundtracks like Ghost that en-
abled Varese Sarabande to move
into other areas.
"I wanted to do original re-
cordings of rare thea ter stuff, some
of which has been done before,
but usually with only a pianist
and a vocalist Kimmel said. "I
thought they should be done as if
they were full cast recordings of a
big Broadway show
To keep costs down, his per-
formers � top-notch Broadway
people who may not be house-
hold names but are known by
show buffs � work for less than
exorbitant salaries.
His first project was Unsung
Sondheim, the unknown work of
Stephen Sondheim, Broadway's
reigning genius and the man who
wrote the scores for such shows as
"Company "A Little Night Mu-
sic "Sweeney Todd "Follies
"Sunday in the Park with George"
and others.
Not much of Sondheim has
been left unrecorded, but Kimmel
managed to come up with some
unknown material, leftover songs
from more than a half-dozen
"Sondheim was very gracious
in opening his archives, and he
wanted to call the album Dregs,
Kimmel laughed. "But his dregs
are like other people's gold. Some
of it is really extraordinary, I
It was material from two un-
successful and unrecorded shows
� "La Strada" and "Smile" �
that sparked Kimmel's interest in
doing what eventually became
Unsung Broadway.
"La Strada" is represented by
one of Kimmel's favorite songs,
"Starfish" which has music by
Elliot Lawrence and lyrics by Mar-
tin Charnin, while "Smile a
Marvin Hamlisch musical based
on the beauty pageant movie,
gets three n umbers. Other shows
represented on the recording, a
treasure-trove of lost delights, in-
clude such bombs as "Welcome
to the Club "Sherry "The
Vamp "The First" and "Drat!
The Cat
"I went through a lot of
shows and a lot of material on
this album is ijecessarily 100 pe -
cent first-rate Kimmel admit-
ted. "I just felt it was a good
listening experience
Nex t on Kimmers agenda is
a project called Lost in Boston, a
collection of songs cut out-of-
town from shows tha t went on to
become Broadway hits.
There was so much material
that two volumes will be re-
corded in April, with the first
coming out in June and the sec-
ond in October. Among the
shows represented with cut
songs are "The King and I
"Annie Get Your Gun "110 in
the Shade" and "I Do! I Do
And there could be even more
volumes, Kimmel predicts.
Yet the Spotlight Series isn't
just little-known songs. It also
provides a showcase for Broad-
way performers little known by
the general public. Thirty or 40
years ago, musical comedy dis-
coveries would get a recording
contract and an album or two.
New stars like Judy Holliday,
Tammy Grimes and Kaye Ballard
all made records. Now Varese
Sarabande plans the same type
of opportunity for today's ster-
ling musical performers like Liz
Callaway, Debbie Shapiro
Gravitte, Judy Kuhn and Sally
The company already has
released a recording of Frank
Loesser songs by Callaway,
known to Broadway audiences
mostly for her performances in
See THEATRE page 9
The following Positions are available:
All applicants will be screened
by the SGA Executive Council.
2.0 Grade Point Average
Good Standing with the University
Applications Available At:
Secretary's Office (255 Mendenhall Student Center)
Attorney General's Office (262 Mendenhall Student Center)
TUE MARCH 31, 1994
5:00 pm
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March 26,1994
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� , .
March 22, 1994
Continued from page 7
where the various relatives take
turns demeaning each other in
front of Joe.
Muriel and Glenn are sepa-
rating though thev try to hide it
since Uncle Joe admires strong
marriages. Tina was drunk and
and had a hit-and-run accident
with a school bus. Ed is losing his
job and he, too, tries to hide the
fact because Uncle Joe admires a
man able to keep steady work. All
of these revelations come out dur-
ing one meal. The viewer is left to
wonder what other meals are like
with this family.
The tone in Greedy presents
the largest obstacle to enjoying the
film, for it becomes confused about
halfway through the picture. Uncle
Joe'sduplicity never gets conveyed
the way it should, and Danny's
greediness seems out of character.
Perhaps if the film had made clear
that Joe was completely in control
of every situation or if Danny's
feelings seemed more consistent,
then the story may have worked.
Jonathan Lynn, who did such
a marvelous job with My Cousin
Vinny, seems to be as confused as
the script about what type of di-
rection to take. Because of this con-
fusion the film becomes a likable
mess with interesting but incon-
sistent characters.
On a scale of one of ten, Greedy
rates a four.
Continued from page 7
The East Carolinian 9
Continued from page 7
break any new ground.
The title track is one of the
stronger tunes with some good
guitar soloing, but not enough to
keep your interest for the entire
song. This album justdoesn't have
a definite feel; it's done in a slow
tempo with an equally slow bar-
rage of chord changes. There is
some depth to this release, but it is
so subtle that it is easy to lose
interest and let the music fade out
into the background.
� Kris
not to give up. The first focuses on The
NAMES Project AIDSMemonalQuilt.
Lopes' photographs show thequiltas
pane as diverse as the people thev
represent, creating an ongoing epi-
taph for those lost to AIDS by the
people who were closest to them. He
sensitively preserves images of the
mothers, fathers,children, friends, lov-
ers, and their emotions as they re-
The second segment of the exhi-
Action Committee of Massachusetts'
Buddy Program, begun in 1981, to
proide support for those living with
AIDS, combining personal accounts
with photos of strangers brought to-
gether by AIDS. The reasons they are
involved are as diverse as the indi-
The final segmentfocusesonjohn
andSharonBoyce,whoadopted three
children with HTV or AIDS in 1988.
Two children reverted to HTV-nega-
tive while one of them, Brianna, con-
tracted AIDS. These are not photo
graphs of suffering but of the celebra-
tion of a young life. The photos show a
unique family full of love and caring.
"living With AIDS" will be ex-
hibited at The Chrysler Museum
through June 5, 1994. A hardbound
book of Lopes' photographs is being
published by BulfinchPressin associa-
tion with theChrysler Museum. In the
foreword, Brooks Johnson comments
on the power of Lopes' images, "For
those affected by AIDS, this book can
lives are personally untouched by
AIDS, a meaningful and educational
experience The book will be avail-
able in bookstores nationwide late
The Chrysler Museum is located
at 245 West Olney Rd near downton
Norfolk. It's open Tuesday-Saturday
from 104 andSunday from l-5p.m. A
S3 donation is suggested for admis-
sion to the Museum. A recorded mes-
sage of weekly events is available by
calling (804) 622-ARTS.
Continued from page 8
"Baby" and "Miss Saigon
She will be joined by Shapiro
Gravitte, a Tony winner for
"Jerome Robbins' Broadway
singing the songs of Alan Menken,
composer of Beauty and the Beast
and "LittleShopof Horrors And
Kuhn has recorded the love songs
of JuleStyne.
Varese Sarabande also has got
its foot in the door with recordings
of shows, most prominently the
current hit revivalof "She Loves
Me The musical's small cast and
small orchestra made it financially
attractive for the small company.
And it has released "Lucky
Stiff the first musical written by
Lynn Ahrens and Stephen
Flaherty, the team that would go
on to write "Once on This Island"
and "My Favorite Year
Even cult musicals get re-
corded, and the company has done
Ruthless preserving for poster-
ity the Los Angeles cast of the
campy off-Broadway hit about a
child murderer.
While the success of pop re-
cordings is measured in terms
of the millions of copies of com-
pact discs and cassettes sold,
the product put out by Varese
Sarabande has much more mod-
est goals.
The company's biggest the-
ater seller so far has been a re-
cording called Toonful, a collec-
tion of classic songs from classic
animated films sung by Michelle
Nicastro, one of Los Angeles'
best-known musical theater per-
It has sold somewhere in
the 30,000 copy range, accord-
ing to Kimmel. "For us, that's
considerable hesays. Whether
all his recordings make money
is another question.
"I think, in certain cases,
it's a break-even situation, but
to me it's viable because they
are good records and people
enjoy them arid that's what it's
all about
Continued from page 7
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techno. Then, as the songs lose en-
ergy, it slows to a whisper to match.
This album literallyspirasdown,cast-
irtg the listener into Reznor's emo-
tional pit.
Undoing another button on
the overcoat), we get to "Heresy an
attack on organized religion. "Your
God is dead Reznor screams, "and
no one caresIf there is a Hell I'll see
you there I get the feeling religion
went out the window a long time ago
for Reznor, but it soil haunts him in a
lot of ways, especially in sexual mat-
ters. For Reznor, sex and worship are
a lot alike, if not exactly the same, and
that takes us another step down the
In "Closer he sings about the
release of crazed, animalistic copula-
tion, but hidden in the frenzy of the
chorus are the lines "My whole exist-
ence is flawedYou get me closer to
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God Another button pops off.
The next button comes loose
on "March of the Pigs Breaking
away from the intensely personal,
this song deals with hatred for the
mass of the human population and
their rugged stupidity. This is linked
to "Ruiner another track about reli-
gion, this one dealing with the way it
controls people and how it's scarred
Reznor personally.
As the album progresses,
tracks begin to connect to each other
like this. The spiral becomes more
and more complex as Reznor takes us
through his various traumas until the
separate strings start to become a
tangle, then a knot. However it works
out, though, everything eventually
becomes focused on violence, first to
others in "Big Man With a Gun then
to Reznor himself as he contemplates
suicide in "The Downward Spiral
Then the overcoat is ripped open to
reveal deep, bloody wounds as the
spiral ofviolencefinallysettlesonself-
mutilation in the album's final track,
The indi. idual songs on Tlie
Doumward Spiral are not as strong as
those on previous Nine Inch Nails
releases. Some of the slower styles
Reznor uses toward the end don't
adapt well to the industrial frame-
work, and without other songs to
bounce off of, certain tracks don't
carry much weight lyrically. But
taken as a whole, this album is an
incredible artistic acheivement. I
won't say it's the best Nine Inch
a call. But it's well worth a listen,
whether you find exhibitionists in-
teresting or not.
� Mark
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The following Positions are available:
All applicants will be screened
by the SGA Executive Council.
2.0 Grade Point Average
Good Standing with the University
Applications Available At:
Secretary's Office (255 Mendenhall Student Center)
Attorney General's Office (262 Mendenhall Student Center)
TUE MARCH 31, 1994
5:00 pm

The East Carolinian
Page 10
March 22, 1994
Books doseon
1993-94 see
saw season
By Brad Oldham
Senior Staff Writer
After the dust has cleared on
the 1993-1994 ECU basketball
season, it can honestly be said
that this was a year of many ups
and downs for head coach Eddie
It was an exciting season to
watch for the Pirates, who after
winning the CAA tournament
the year before, were on cloud
nine prior to the onstart o the
opening game. And how can you
blame them? This was a team
that had played the eventual
NCAA champs UNC Tarheels,
and really put up a decent fight.
Okay, so they lost by 20, but they
only trailed by 10 at the half, and
Billy Packer said they played
defensive against the Heels as
good as any team in the tourna-
All this hype might have
been a bit too much, too soon for
ECU. Remember, this was a team
that had not had a winning sea-
son in over a decade. Even when
they won the CAA tournament
they still hadalosingrecord. And
here people were throwing great
expectations even Dickens
couldn't match. But you had to
feel good for Coach Payne and
his Pirates. They led ECU to a
post-season tournament for the
first time since 1972. When the
football team let us down in the
fall of 1992, our basketball team
picked up the slack in the winter.
So how did ECU respond to
all these dog-gone expectations?
Well, first the good. With a 15-11
overall record, and 7-7 in the
CAA, it was the most overall wins
since 1982-83, and the most con-
ference wins ever in a season.
Their five-game win streak in the
beginning of the season was the
longest in four years, and they
had the best 12-game start since
1957-58. And hey, people finally
realized that ECU has a basket-
ball team. Seriously, Minges Coli-
seum was notjusttheplace where
you took PE 1000 anymore, it
was the home of maniacs.
Minges averaged 4,820 fans
per game, and sold out two games
against UNC-Wilmington and
Old Dominion. Five crowds
made the top 15 in Minges his-
tory. This was a place where a
tradition of basketball was be-
ginning. ECU won lOof 12 games
at Minges, and the two losses
against JMU and ODU were by
just two and three points respec-
The road, however, was not
kind to the Pirates. Willie Nelson
singing "On the Road Again"
would have sent chills up the
spine of any Pirate fan this sea-
son. In 15 games away from
Minges this season, ECU was an
abysmal 5-10. Losses against
teams like Mount St. Mary's,
William & Mary, and Furman,
who ECU had beaten 92-61 at
Minges just a month and a half
earlier, were just plain inexcus-
able. The road was the difference
this year for ECU. You just can't
play that inconsistent away from
your home-court and wind up in
the top of your conference.
Another weakness this sea-
son for ECU was the inability to
maintain leads until the final
buzzer. Double-digit leads in the
second half against teams like
Richmond, Old Dominion, and
James Madison all slipped away
to defeat. These were teams that
they were capable of beating in
each occasion. Possibly players
were tired or what, but forced
shots and numerous mental mis-
takes killed the Pirates in the
crunch time of many ball games.
The Pirates played best as a
team this season, but there were
some stand-out performances.
Senior Lester Lyons, who was
predicted to be the C AA's Player
of the Year coming into this sea-
son, was put in a situation he was
a bit unfamiliar with: He actually
See BASKET page 12
Fleet sent flying
By Brad Oldham
Senior Staff Writer
East Carolina finished a three-
game sweep over the Flying Fleet
of Erskine College on Saturday, 4-
1. The win came at the home con-
fines of Harrington field, where
the Pirates ha. d won 15 of their
last 16 games.
Senior Mike Sanburn got the
win for the Pirates, pitching his
type of ball-game. Nothing too
fancy, just good solid pitching
from the first inning to the ninth.
Sanburn struck out three bat-
ters and walked just one . He al-
lowed five hits and noeamed runs
in going the distance for ECU.
"In the top of the seventh, we
committed two errors, and I got a
little worried that I was coming
out. I really wanted to stay in and
finish the ball game. My arm feels
fine, and we got a big week ahead,
so we just need to keep the streak
alive Sanburn said.
East Carolina got on the board
in the third inning. A lead-off
single by senior shortstop Frank
Fedak got ECU rolling. Center-
fielder Jamie Borel dropped a
single between the second
baseman and right-fielder, put-
ting men on first and second with
no outs. Left-fielder Jason Head
laid down a sacrifice bunt mov-
ing Fedak to third. Senior third
baseman Rick Britton hit a sacri-
fice fly to score Fedak and make
the score 1-0.
Sanburn remained strong and
consistent throughout the ball-
game. He had a two-hitter through
the fourth inning when, with two
outs, Erskine's Scott Woodhouse
poked an infield single to put men
on first and third. Sanburn worked
his way out of the situation
though, forcing catcher Dan
Massarelli to pop-out to right field
to end the inning.
ECUcatcherChad Triplettled
off the bottom of the fourth in-
ning by hitting a ground ball to
short. An overthrow by Erskine
shortstop Herb Sargent allowed
Triplett to advance to second.
The true meaning of hustle
was exemplified in the next play
for ECU. Pirate second baseman
Heath Clark hit a slow roller to
second base. Foreseeing a close
See BASEBALL page 12
File Photo
Johnny Beck takes the hill today against Georgia Southern needing
just two strikeouts to become ECU's career strikeout leader.
Lady Pirates capture championship
Tracie Podratsky is
the only pitcher for
ECU that came
into the season
with collegiate
experience. The
young team only
has five seniors.
File Photo
(SID) � Play in the Hampton
InnShoney's Lady Pirate Classic
came to an end on Sunday. The
tournament weekend closed out
with the championship game be-
tween host team East Carolina and
Coastal Carolina. East Carolina de-
feated Coastal Carolina in the cham-
pionship game, 2-1.
Both ECU and Coastal were the
top teams in their respective pools
and were undefeated in the tourna-
ment entering the championship
game. ECU came to the final game
with a season record of 23-9 and
to ECU on March 8 (2-1).
lina putting Coastal out three-up,
three-down. On the Lady Pirates'
first time up to bat, they couldn't
convert. There were two strikeouts
and one walk. Coastal's next time
up to bat, thirdbaseman Sara
Graziano smacked a triple to lead
off the inning, but the Chanticleers
couldn't make anything happen.
, The game remained scoreless
until the third inning when Coastal
scored one run. Leftfielder Cindy
Ritter hit a triple, scoring Jill
Friedman. That was the only run
Coastal would score in the game.
ECU's inning came in the fifth
when it scored its only two runs of
the game. Senior Georgeann Wilke
started off the inning with a triple to
left center field which would be the
Lady Pirates' only hit of the game.
Jolin Eckman came up and flew out
See SOFTBALL page 12
Football underway
Crandell returns
Hide puts end to Bentt
(AP) � East Carolina's foot-
ball squad began spring drills on
Saturday, working out twice dur-
ing the day.
During the morning work-
out, the Pirates were in helmet
and shoulder pads only, work-
ing on special teams and indi-
vidual fundamentals. The squad
donned full gear in the afternoon
workout, concentrating on tack-
ling. A short goal line scrimmage
was planned for the afternoon
ECU coach Steve Logan
thinks that spring practice will
be important for the develop-
ment of his squad.
"We have got to accomplish
several things this spring with
this football team said Logan.
"We have to maintain the defen-
sive intensity, especially with our
front seven, we have to improve
our defensive secondary play,
our special teams play and hope
our receiving corps can im-
Logan also indicated that
sophomore quarterback Marcus
Crandell will see most of the snaps
behind center in the spring.
Crandell, of Robersonville, N.C
broke his leg in the second game
of 1993 against Central Florida
and hasn't taken a live snap since.
Crandell has regained most of his
strength and speed since the in-
jury, but has not taken any hits on
the leg.
About 80 student-athletes are
expected to be participating jn
spring drills this year. Two of those-
Michael Jacobs and Dwight Henry-
will be participating inothersports
during the spring. Jacobs, a deep
snapper on special teams, will be
playing with the baseball squad
and Henry, a defensive back, will
be on the track team.
The Pirates are allowed by
NCAA rules, to havel5 practice
sessions during spring drills. The
final workout will be the annual
spring game on April 16, which is
part of the 11th Annual Great Pi-
rate Purple Gold Pigskin Pig-Out
By Dave Pond
Assistant Sports Editor
On a cold Saturday night in Lon-
don, England, British heavyweight
championHerbieHidefloored favor-
ite Michael Bentt, putting an abrupt
halt to his career. With the victory,
Hide won the World Boxing Organi-
zationheavyweighttitleand thehearts
of the partisan crowd.
However, their fight began long
before Saturday evening. The two
combatants were each fined $15,000
fortheir part ina January pressconfer-
ence scuffle, in which the British Bentt
questionedHide's"Britishness" (Hide
is a Nigerian-bom Brit). Little did he
know, Hide would be the victor in
both ensuing battles.
The 22-year-old "Dancing De-
stroyer" was the aggressor through-
out the fight, forcing Bentt to fight
defensively for most of the seven
the locker room to ringside, Hide (26-
warm up on the chilly evening and
feel out his overmatched opponent,
jabbing and moving quickly about
the ring.
See HIDE page 11
Pirates rip
By Steven lienert
Staff Writer
The East Carolina baseball
team completed a double-
header sweep of the Flying Fleet
of Erskine College (S.C.) 12-1
and 4-1 at Harrington Field last
Friday. The wins, coupled with
Saturday's, pushed the Pirate
winning streak to six straight
games, and East Carolina has
won 20 of their last 21 games.
Game one's pitching duel
pitted Pirate Billy Layton
against Flying Fleet star Chad
Evans. Layton came out strik-
ing out three of the first five
batters he faced, while Evans
was rocked early and often by
the Pirates. East Carolina bat-
ted around in the first inning,
scoring three runs, and the
game never seemed competi-
tive after that.
All of the Pirates seemed to
have a good first game at the
plate. East Carolina
centertieider and CAA player
of the week Jamie Borel ignited
the Pirates again, going 2-for-2
with two RBIs, three runs scored
and two stolen bases. Third
baseman Rick Britton also
shined, going 3 for 4 with 4
RBI's and 2 runs scored. First
baseman Brian Yerys and des-
ignated hitter Scott
Bermingham combined for four
hits, two RBIs and three runs
scored as the Pirates routed the
Flying Fleet, 12-1.
Layton had great control
throughout the game, giving up
only four hits to Erskine, while
striking out four and walking
only one in the win.
Game two saw Erskine leap
out to an early 1-0 lead, as Pi-
rate starter Ryan Kraft gave up
a triple to Flying Fleet lead-off
man Rodney Rains. But Kraft
settled down after that, scatter-
ing only four more hits over the
rest of the complete game vic-
Even tnough the Pirate bats
seemed to fall asleep in Game
two, they were still able to pull
out the win. East Carolina capi-
talized on mistakes by Erskine
pitchers. Flying Fleet starter
Darrell Bagwell walked five Pi-
rate batters that led to three
runs, including a bases loaded
walk to East Carolina
rightfielder Kyle Billingsley.
The Pirates scored once in
the second inning to tie the
game, and then exploded for
three runs in the third to secure
the win. Pirate catcher Qad
Triplett went l-for-2 with 3 RBIs
to propel East Carolina.
March madness lives up to expectations
(AP) � A poet once called
April the cruelest month, but then
he never coached a fa vorite in the
NCAA tournament. Otherwise,
he would have gone with March.
Definitely March.
The same month thatbrought
Julius Caesar bad news centuries
ago rolled around Sunday with
more of the same for Dean Smith,
RickPitinoand Eddie Sutton. The
good news is that they only lost
basketball games.
"This is not going to ruin the
season we had Pitino said.
The Kentucky coach was fac-
ing the glare of TV lights on a
podium in St. Petersburg when
he said this. But except for a few
details, a few years, and a few
minutes either way, he could
have been Smith sitting on a po-
dium in Landover, Md or Sutton
in Wichita, Kan.
Pitino had just lost 75-63 to
Marquette. But it could have been
75-72 to Boston College, as Smith
and North Carolina (and Lou
Holtz and Notre Dame before
them) had. Or 82-80 to Tulsa,
which was Sutton's fate.
Pitino lost because of the
Warriors' cloying, annoying de-
fense. But it could have been
late free throws, as in Smith's
case. Or a last-second 3-pointer,
which was what sunk Sutton
and Oklahoma State.
In each case, though, the
point was the same:
A loss. A ruined season.
The stakes and the one-loss-
and-you're-out format are what
See NCAA page 12
3 Recreational Services offers Spring events
File Photo
ECU football will need these workouts for some spring cleaning. The
Pirates will be hoping to improve on last season's 2-9 record.
(RS) � Avoid the end of the
semester blues, Mow off some pre-
exam steam, an�u have fun while
you're doing it when the Depart-
ment of Recreational Services hosts
a variety of end-of-the-semester
stress relieving events. Starting the
latter half of March, all students,
staff and faculty members are in-
vited to participate in some of the
hottest sports on campus. These
events ranging from Golf & Tennis
to Softball Thrills-n-Skills to Frisbee
Golf & Putt-Putt, will prove to be
great fun for everyone involved and
with minimal to no fees attached,
everyone can afford to participate.
begin your stress reducing ac-
tivities with Tennis Singles and
Doubles. Come attend an informa-
tion meeting on March 29 at 5:00
p.m. in Biology Building room 103
to launch off this exciting elimina-
tion tournament.
Following the tennis tourna-
ment, show your skills and thrill the
spectators with your softball pizazz
when Recreational Services hosts a
SoftbaUThrills-n-Skills competition.
There will be an information
meeting on Wed.jVlarch 30 at 5:00
p.m. in Biology building 103.
In addition, there are many
more events that are available in
the monthof April. Isitafrisbeeis
it golf? Noit's FRISBEE GOLF!
come join a Frisbee Golf Singles
tournament on Wed. and Thurs.
April 13-14. Meetat the DiscCourse
at 3:00 p.m. and be ready to show
off your stuff!
Is there more? Of course there
is. Get a hole in one when Recre-
ational Services hosts some great
golfing events. Come sign up for
See SERVICES page 11

March 22, 1994
The East Carolinian 11
Jordan receives shaft from big leagues, sent down to minors
(AD � Mic had Jordan was re-
assigned to the Chicago White So
minor league camp and expected to
start in right field for Class A Prince
William yesterday.
However, Jordan was not as-
signed to the Class A team; he will
work out with the Double A Bir-
mingham team. White Sox general
manager Ron Schueler said fordan
could play for Triple A Nashville on
Wednesday, and may switch each
'Its wherever we can get him in
games, where we can get him the
most at-hats said Schueler, who
hoped to determine where Jordan
should be placed after at least one
week of minor league games.
The 31-year-old Jordan, the
three-time NBA MVP, was 3-for-20
in 13 spring games with four walks,
two RBI and a sacrifice fly. Onlv one
ot the hits was out of the infield; the
other two were infield singles
knocked down by third basemen.
"I need the playing time Jor-
dan said before running out to join
the team in its morning workout.
"It's a whole different experi-
ence but that's what life is about he
said. "I'mnotreallvnervousasmuch
as I used to be. Getting to know these
guvs, I'm like theold guv in the group.
me than I will be around them
As if the reassignment wasn tbad
enough,Jordan had todealwithNorth
Carolina's loss in the NCAA tourna-
"I don't want to hear it Jordan
said, jokingly covering his ears.
Jordan'skvkervvas moved toanother
part of the major league,
and he will be allowed to stav in the
big leagued ubhouse rather than move
to the small, cramped quarters the
minor league players use because of
Protecting Jordan also was one
of the main reasons he would play
most of his minor league games at
the White Sox's complex.
Jordan said he would continue
his early morning hitting sessions
with coach Walt Hriniak. The de-
motion did nothing to dampen
Jordan's spirits. "I've always trulv
loved the game of baseball he
said. "I guess in basketball, I had
certain expectations that I had to
wliat expectations to set for myself
except to enjoy the game
Continued from page 10
Midway throughout the third
round, lide rocked Bentt with a left
hook, followed by a series of rights
that put Bentt on his back. The cham-
back into svnc.
Hide repeatedly landed shots at
will over the next four rounds, seem-
ingly toying with his much-maligned
opposition. He mercifully finished
Bentt off with a left-right combination
that dropped him to the canvas face-
first with 0:23 remaining in the sev-
enth round.
Bentt resorted to illegal tactics
through muchof the final five rounds.
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EEO Institution
He repeatedly'delivered low blows,
hit on the break, and even bit Hide's
shoulderduringa tie-up while being
pummelled in the sixth round.
After the fight, the charismatic
Hide brought his mother to ringside
to share in his glory. "After Michael
Bentt hit me in the street at the press
conference, I told my mother I
wouldn'tlosetohimsaid Hideina
post-fight interview with ESPN's Al
Bernstein. "I couldn't lose to him
The new VVBO champion re-
peatedly stated in the interview that
he wants his next fight to be with,
the man, Evander Holvfield
paring for a fight with No. 1 con-
tender Michael Moorer, wi th Lennox
Lewis waiting his turn in line.
A few more realistic opponents
for the newly-crowned champion
include Tommy Morrison, Larry
Holmes, or possiblv Riddick Bowe.
Du ring hiscareer, Morrison (39-
2) has had some very good victories
and two vmbad losses. He followed
up a first-round loss to the afore-
mentioned Michael Bentt with a
knockout of Tui Toia.
Former champ Larry Holmes is
still fighting and trying to get back in
the limelight for a big-name, big
money fight. He earned his 60th vic-
tory last week.
Holmes was to have taken on
Bentt for the title if he got past
Saturday's Hide fight.
Riddick Bowe needs to earn vic-
tories against quality opponents to
show that he can come back from the
possibly career-devastating loss to
Evander Holyfield.
However, their will be no Hide-
Bentt II. After staggering back to his
liKker room after the fight, Bentt (11-
2) collapsed and was rushed to a
London hospital where he was ad-
vised by doctors to retire after suffer-
ing brain damage during his defeat.
Continued from page 10
Central Bool
Putt-Putt Golf on Tuesday, April 5at
5:00 p.m. in Biology building 103.
Still can't get par? Well, continue to
swing into some golfing action and
sign up for Golf Singles on Tuesday,
April 12at 5 p.m. in Biology Building
These end of the semester stress
relievers wouldn't be officiallv over
withouta softball invitational blow-
out competition.
Come register on Thurs. April
14 at 5:00 p.m. in Biology building to
find out how your team can become
involved in one of the hottest com-
petitions on campus.
To find out how to become in-
volved in any of theseexcitingevents,
call Recreational Services or Emilv
Goetz at 757-6387.
T 756-7177
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Roles to be cast include:
Asst. News Editor
this part calls for aiding news editor with deadlines and story assignments
Lifestyle Editor and Asst. Editor
these roles demand generating story ideas, assigning stories, meeting deadlines and
maintaining consistency in the section
Layout Editor and Asst. Editor
these two must work in conjuction in order to carry out their dangerous mission.
Maintain stylistic continuity and create interesting layouts for each issue, with
emphasis on graphic-to-text design. Solid Macintosh experience is crucial to the
Creative Director and Asst, Director
these,two collaborate on ad design and creation in accordance with the advertiser's goal.
Again, Macintosh and design ability necessary
Account Executive
this part calls for out-going individuals to represent the paper to potential advertisers and
communicate ad ideasgoals from advertiser to creative director
Photo Editor
Only the most adventurous need apply, tor, as editor, you must brave the elements to
capture the images with which to tell a storv and develop them for print
Staff Illustrator
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force for constant vigilance and comic production, and able to create editorial
cartoons in conjunction with the Opinion Editor. Speaking of which
Opinion Editor
For this role, you must cobble a team of crack columinists for consistent publication and
relate&e collective opinion ot the Editorial Board in two masthead columns a
Managing Editor
A commanding presence is needed for this role. As the big "M you must oversee the
Editorial Deptsupervise production and publication and be responsible for
editing, typesetting and layout in accordance with the Media Board-approved
Advertising Director
As director (the big "A"), you manage the Advertising Dept being responsible for ad
operations and marketing strategies for obtaining revenue.
a part played by as many as neccessary, typesetters are either scheduled or on-call for
typing text into computers accurately and quickly.
another unspecified number, these roles are fiiled by those who can use all resources
available(direct sources, press releases or public record) to assemble a story both
grammatically and compositionall) strong, conforming to AP style
"FOUR STARS Siskel and AP
This ain't charity work, people. We pay. For most positions, the more you do. the more you �et
to spend. All positions require a minimum 2.0 GPA and Macintosh experience is preferred.

� � a
12 The East Carolinian
March 22, 1994
Continued from page 10
Continued from page 10
had a supporting cast. Lyons was
named asa CAASecond-Team pick,
leading the conference in steals, and
placing seventh in scoring with an
average of 16.6 per game.
" Lester Lyons can crea te off ense
better than anyone I've coached
Payne said. "As far as a guy who
can score, he's quick, he can elevate,
and he gets some very nice assists.
Lyons was just an outstanding
player for us
Junior Anton Gill, who is a natu-
ral forward, was forced to play the
center position this season. Gill
stepped up his game immensely
the second half of the season, finish-
ing the year with an average of 14.2
points per game, and ranked sec-
ond in the conference in field goal
percentage with 58.7 percent on the
"He's a very quiet player.
People take him for granted, but
he's very consistent Payne said.
The freshman duo of Skipp
Schaefbauer and Tim Basham were
a pleasant surprise this year. They
combined for 75 3-pointers and both
were in the top 10 in 3-point per-
centage. Both players made the
CAA All-Rookie team.
"I thought from a program
stand-point, we made a lot of
progress this season Payne said.
"We've established in our players
and fans minds' that we can com-
pete. We had an opportunity to ha ve
a very nice season. Their were six
losses thatcouldhave gone our way.
And three of those teams we were
better than
And who knows? A losing sea-
son and a tournament champion-
ship, followed by a winning season
and a first round tournament loss
could be an ironic situation for them.
They won't get the hype, like they
did before this season for next year.
That is probably good for them. The
renovation of Minges will allow for
more maniacs to attend, so maybe
ECU basketball could be the team
to look for in the future.
to second base. Sophomore Heather
Smith bunted down the first base
line, with Wilke coming in to score.
Coastal pi tcher Sa ra Norwood com -
mitted a huge error, overthrowing
the first baseman with the ball roll-
ing into deep right center. Smith ran
the bases and scored on the error.
Coastal couldn't make a come-
back in the next two innings, taking
their second loss on the season. Both
losses were to East Carolina, 2-1.
Freshman pitcher Jill Rowlands
pitched for the Lady Pirates, giving
up seven runs, one walk and strik-
ing out one.
Before the three o'clock cham-
pionship game with Coastal, ECU
played two earlier games.
Ingameone ECU tookon Lehigh
and won 9-0. ECU scored two runs
in the first when lead-off batter
Michelle Ward hitatripleand scored
on a passed ball and senior third
baseman Leann Myers hit a single to
get on base, advanced to third on a
Continued from page 10
play at first, Clark lunged head-
first to beat the throw, while
Triplett came around to slide un-
der the tag at the plate, making the
score 2-0.
The only scare that ECU saw
all day was in the seventh inning.
An error by first baseman Scott
Bermingham put Erskine's
Rodney Rains on first base. Rains
then stole second and an over-
throw by Britton at third scored
Rainsfrom second to give the Fly-
ing Fleet their only run of the af-
The Pirates put the ball game
away in the bottom of the seventh.
Clark got on base to start the inning
on an infield error. A base-hit by
Fedak and a walk by Britton loaded
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the bases with clean-up powerhouse
Brian Yerys coming to the plate. A
smashing line-drive up the middle
scored Clark and Fedak to ma ke the
score 4-1. Sanbum finished the game
for the Pirates as they got the sweep.
"We played baseball the last
ECU head coach Gary Overton
said. "We did not run the bases
well at times. The credit has to go
to Mike Sanbum. He pitched ex-
ceptionally well. It was really his
type of ball game. We were very
pleased with his performance, and
we didn't play all that good of
defense behind him at times, but
he did what was necessary to win
the game
"Up to this point in the season,
we've done a fine job of producing
wins. At times, we are playing well,
and at other times, we are doing
just enough to get by, like today
Overton said.
sacrifice by junior Dana Crosby and
then stole home for the second ECU
score of the inning.
ECU went on to pick up four
runs in the third on four hits and no
Lehigh errors.
Senior rightfielder Georgeann
Wilke, sophomore leftfielder
Heather Smith and Myers all had
singles, while sophomore seemed
baseman Jolin Eckman powered out
a double.
The Lady Pirates did not stop,
coming back in the fourth and scor-
ing three runs on five hits and no
Lehigh errors. ECU's first two bat-
ters singled and then scored on a
Corprew scored the final ECU run
on a sacrifice fly to rightfield by
Sophomore pitcher Jill
Rowlands got the win for the Lady
Pirates and recorded the shutout.
Rowlands gave up four hits, struck
out one and walked none.
In the second game ECU de-
feated Rutgers, 7-0. ECU scored one
run in the first, two in the second and
remained quiet until the fifth inning.
In the fifth, Ward scored for the
Lady Pira tes after getting on base on
In thesixth, ECU picked up three
runs on three hits and two Rutger
errors. Eckman started the inningoff
with a triple and scored on an error
by the Rutger shortstop. ECU fresh-
man shortstop Sharolyn Strickland
got on base on an error, advanced to
second on a single by junior first
baseman Dana Lewis. Ward walked
to load the bases and Corprew
singled scoring Strickland. Myers
batted inECU'sfinalfunofthegame,
scoring Lewis.
Rowlands pitched a complete
game, got the win and recorded her
second shutoutof theday. Rowlands
gave up five hits, struck out three
and walked none.
With a record of 24-9, ECU is
scheduled to play a doubleheader
against BucknellonTuesday, March
22, at home at 2:00 p.m.
Continued from page 1
makes this tournament THE tour-
nament. Fi Carolina plays Boston
College ti tree times every season,
Smith wins at least two of them
every time, and all three most of
the time. He's won two national
titles and more than 800 games
that way.
But this is March, the time of
year when people's memories get
very short. And what better time
to stage the ultimate what-have-
you-done-for-me-lately event?
Fall off the tournament ladder in
April and there are 60 other teams
and 60 other reputations to cush-
ion your fall. Fall off in March
and you're the cushion.
Look at how the bracket nar-
rows. Every step represents a few
thousand more households for
the next game, which means a
few thousand dollars more, and
perhaps a few more recruits who
know what the coach looks like
and would like to know, in per-
son, how all that excitement in
the background feels.
For established programs like
Kentucky and North Carolina �
and Oklahoma State to a lesser
degree � being on the tube in
April means a steady cash flow
and a stream of recruits. For ev-
erybody else, it means startup
money and a highlight video so
good that a talented kid might
commit to Marquette � even af-
ter he learns it means living in
Milwaukee. In the wintertime.
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The East Carolinian, March 22, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 22, 1994
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