The East Carolinian, March 17, 1994

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??? M .? ??-?WfcJ"
Pirate Comics, flisum flosum!
Your very own Kemple Boy
book mark in color! Also,
meet Primus. . .again. And a
giant Nick O'Tlme. Doesn't
that take all the toast? Page
10 please.
Oscars Preview
The East Carolinian
presents its annual
preview of the Oscars.
See Shibley's picks on
page 11.
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 18
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Thursday, March 17,1994
20 Pages
Students help out Miami mess
By Jeb Brookshire
Photo by Jeb Brookshire
Brian Shaw, just one of several ECU students who helped out in Miami,
repairs a roof damaged nearly two years ago by Hurricane Andrew.
interns at
By Phebe Toler
Staff Writer
Instead of one day's experi-
ence on the job, like TV news' Joe
of "Joe's Job Joe Horst spent an
entire enlightening semester as an
intern for the ECU Police Depart-
Originally from San Diego,
Calif Horst attended ECU for 4
12 years and graduated last se-
mester with a bachelor's degree
in criminal justice. As part of his
degree, Horst participated in
ECU's field placement program
last fall.
The progim is available in
both the criminal justice and so-
cial work departments. ECU re-
quires that interns ha ve an overall
2.5 GPA and also attend a semi-
nar and a course during place-
ment, which can be completed
during the fall, spring or summer
"The seminar is designed to
allow students to compare their
agency with other agencies
Horst said. "It gives students the
opportunity to attain a broader
understanding of the criminal jus-
tice field from a hands-on per-
Field placement students get
to pick the agency into which they
will be placed. Some choose law-
yers' offices, the Greenville Police
Station, the sheriff's office or other
areas, said Horst.
He selected the ECU Police
Department because of its smaller,
more confined setting. "I like that
ECU, in respect of others, is a
smaller school said Horst. "And
its of course smaller than the city
PD, and not faced with a lot of
their problems, a different atmo-
Horst, 22, said his intern-
See HORST page 6
Staff Writer
Some students fled from
town in cars marked "Florida or
bust others ventured north to
drifts of snow higher than the
highest dorm on campus. Other
students took advantage of
Spring Break to help out those
less fortunate.
It has been a little over a
year and a half since Hurricane
Andrew slammed into the
Florida coast leaving behind shat-
tered lives and extensive dam-
age. During ECU's Spring Break,
a group from St. James United
Methodist Church, in Greenville,
and several ECU students trav-
eled to the southern part of Mi-
ami to help repair the damage
that remained.
The work team consisted of
six students from ECU, a gradu-
ate student also from ECU, and
five members of St. James United
Methodist Church and other area
This is the second year that
a work team has gone to Florida
to aid the reconstruction of
houses that were still below the
standards set by Dade County.
The families who owned the
houses that were worked on had
little or no insurance on their
homes. The families were asked
to pay for as much of the materi-
als as they could.
"Things there are so much
different now said KarenShort,
a member of St. James. "It is get-
ting to the point now where you
have to look for the houses that
are still in need of repair. It's the
exact opposite of how things were
last year
The trip was organized by
Bill Plueddemann, another mem-
ber of St. James. Plueddemann
was unable to actually go and
work with the team, but he coor-
dinated the trip and helped to
raise money for the tools and
materials used by the work team.
"Even though I couldn't go
and be a part of the actual work,
it felt good to do my part and
organize everything for the
team Plueddemann said.
The trip was funded mainly
by the United Methodist Confer-
ence of Volunteers and Mission.
Special collections were also
taken up at Jarvis Memorial
United Methc .tist Church and St.
James United Methodist Church.
Through these collections and
other donations, the work team
was able to raise over $4,000 to
help pay for trip expenses as well
See ANDREW page 6
Manuscript resurrected after 125 yrs.
By Stephanie Lassiter
Staff Writer
"I have great faith in a seed.
Convince me that you have a seed
there, and 1 am prepared to expect
? Henry David Thoreau
Imagine finding a manu-
script which dates back more
than 100 years, written by one of
the world's most noted literary
geniuses and being the only per-
son to tackle reconstructing this
lost wonder.
Dr. Bradley Dean, an ad-
junct member of the ECU En-
glish Department, both edited
and reconstructed these frag-
mented pages into the first new
book by Thoreau to appear in
more than 125 years. Since its
publication last spring, Faith in a
Seed has sold over 30,000 hard
cover copies worldwide.
Faith in a Seed has been re-
published by Book of the Month,
the Quality Paperback Club and
the Natural History Book Club.
Reviews have appeared in hun-
dreds of magazines, newspapers
and professional periodicals.
Dean won the prestigious Henry
D. Thoreau Award from the En-
vironmental Protection Agency
and a tour of the White House
conducted by Vice President
Tuesday night, Dean de-
livered the annual Tag Lecture,
named by an anonymous bene-
factor for Dr. and Mrs. Ella Tag.
Dean's speech entitled "Two
Roads to Faith dealt with his
interest in the manuscript as well
as the methods used to recon-
struct the pages. Dean used tech-
niques such as examining pin
holes, perforations and tears to
determine chronological page
numbers. While the task was
grueling, Dean admitted that his
calm temperament helped him
enjoy the work.
Thoreau, who was born in
Concord, Mass. in 1817, was
highly influenced by Ralph
Waldo Emerson, the father of
the American Transcendental-
ists. Thoreau, a multi-lingual
scholar, was fluent in Greek,
Latin, and knew French, Italian
and Spanish. In Nature, one of
Emerson's most noted works, he
wrote, "Our age is retrospec-
tive Thoreau attempted to
carry out these philosophies in
his own writing. Emerson con-
cludes that you should build
your own world. According to
Thoreau, man has a relationship
with his body, and a man can
improve himself by finding him-
Scholars argue that Faith in
a Seed is a more mature work for
Thoreau, where he becomes
more like a modern ecologist.
"Walden was a necessary
precursor to later writings
Dean said.
After Thoreau's death, his
manuscripts were boxed up and
later divided among buyers.
Walden was purchased by Henry
H. Huntington for use in his li-
brary. Unlike many of his earlier
manuscripts, Faith in a Seed ap-
peared scientific and dry. Faith
in a Seed was one of the last works
Thoreau wrote before his death
in 1862 of tuberculosis. The
manuscript was often pushed
aside by Thoreauvians for manu-
scripts closer to completion.
Dean recognized that Seeds had
potential and he set out to recon-
struct the book in its entirety.
Thoreau left the manu-
script to go seek dryer air in Min-
See THOREAU page 5
ECU's Pi Kappa
Psi fraternity
presented a check
to Greenville's
homeless shelter.
Photo by
Cedric Van Buren
Nurse fatally
shot at PCMH
A nurse at Pitt Memorial Hospital
was fatally shot by her former
husband, who then shot himself
when he was trapped in a hospi-
tal parking lot by security offic-
ers, authorities said.
Sheila Livingston Moore, 35,
died following Tuesday night's
shooting outside the hospital, a
hospital sF?esHMHHH
man said. She
was leaving her
job as a staff
nurse following
a shift change.
Keith Moore, 30,
was in critical
condition early
today at the hos-
pital, said nurs-
ing coordinator
Betty Bailey. "
Moore was being kept alive
by life-support systems, Ms.
Bailey said. Police said Moore shot
himself twice in the back of the
head with a handgun. Police ear-
lier said that Michael Moore had
Police believe the shootings
arose from an ongoing domestic
dispute, said William Harris, a
Greenville police spokesman.
Wi messes who were parked
near where Mrs. Moore was shot
said they saw Moore walk up to
her, pull her out of the car and
shove her toward a small tree.
They said he appeared to be car-
rying a small black handgun.
"I heard a shot and then
heard her holler said one hos-
pital employee, who declined
to be identified. "When I looked
over there, it looked like they
were struggling, like she was
trying to get away. Then I heard
two or three more, bang, bang,
bang, right in a row like that. It
looked like he caught her in the
66 When I looked
over there, it
looked like they
were struggling,
like she was
trying to get
away. 99
Hospital Employee
Moore died
at 8:30 p.m.
of three
said Tho-
rn a s
Fortner, a
Pitt County
?? Moore
then went to his car, unlocked
the door and began to drive
away. But just as Moore was
driving away hospital police
pulled up behind him and
chased him through the park-
ing lot for about 100 yards.
"When he was leaving,
the security guard pulled up
ancTyelfld at him Pearl
Atkinson, a witness, said. "I
mean they were just seconds
behind him
When his escape was
blocked by hospital security,
the man got out of his car and
shot himself, authorities and
eyewitnesses said.

?Jm i ?- M i .VfiWe're
?" Hestaur nfamous! Does this picture, taken in Paris, France, reveal the truth about ECU's food? "Vieil" means "old" in French. Photo by Jason Williams

Retired prof gets students to India
By Tammy Zion
Staff Writer
He says he is not a hero.
But at the age of 70, Dr.
Mohammed A. Ahad has started
yet another program to help the
less fortunate in his home coun-
try of India.
A nursing instructor, Ahad
retired from ECU in 1991. He
traveled to India last fall for 10
weeks to implement his own
program which gives scholar-
ships, fellowships and grants to
those who want to pursue nurs-
ing studies in India. He is plan-
ning to fund the project for the
next five years by selling prop-
erty he bought while living in
"People ask me why I'm
doing this for nursing Ahad
said. "Its because I benefited
from nursing, I have came up
from nursing and I want to give
something back to the profes-
Ahad moved to the U.S. in
1969 and came to ECU in 1976.
In 1982 he took a trip to a small
community in India called
Giripuram about 20 miles from
where he grew up. For this vil-
lage of 80 fisherman families,
which he describes as the
poorest of the poor, Ahad
started a clinic for health care
and a school for the children.
The government has recently
taken over the school, but
Ahad is still supporting the
During his trip last fall,
Ahad visited the village to ob-
serve improvements. He was
in for a surprise. The whole
village came out in full force
for a ceremony held in his
honor. Ahad said he was glad
to see conditions much more
sanitary and organized than
when he started the program
12 years before.
Also in 1982, Ahad
started a library at one of
India's universities to aid
nursing students with their
"I grew up poor and I
would like to be of some help
to poor people Ahad said.
"This has been my whole life's
Ahad's life has taken
him around the world. He was
See AHAD page 6

2 The East Carolinian
March 17. 1994
March 3
Fourth and Reade Street Parking Lot
damage to personal property (vehicle).
3:15 p.m. Larceny;
March 5
East of Belk Hall ? 5:03 p.m. Assault of non-student.
March 6
North of Cotten Hall ? 1:15 a.m. Solicitation of crimes against
Jones Cafeteria
March 7
9:39 p.m. Larceny of personal items.
March 10
White Hall ?12:10 p.m. Arrest of student for simple assault.
March 13
Clement Hall?2:20 p.m. Breaking and entering (d orm room);
Clement Hall?7:30p.m. Breaking and entering (dorm room).
Garret Hall ? 9:45 p.m. Breaking and entering (dorm room);
Jones Hall ? 10:40 p.m. Underage possessionconsumption
of alcohol.
March 15
Fifth and Reade Parking Lot - 9:53 a.m. Damage to personal
property (vehicle).
Third and Reade Parking Lot ? 9:45 p.m. Breaking and
entering (vehicle); larceny.
Garret Hall
March 16
3:06 a.m. Damage to university property;
Compiled by Jason Williams. Taken from official ECU
police reports.
People on the Street
Do you think that teacher evaluation results
should be published in the following semester's
registration catalogs?
Photos by
Cedric Van Buren
Shawnda Rodgers: "Yes, so that
students will know what kind of
teachers they're getting
Brian Jacobs: "Since we're paying
for our education, we have the
right to see what other students
think about a teacher
Christy Lynn Smith: "No. You can't
tell a teacher's teaching method
from an evaluation. Teachers use
evaluations strictly for the purpose
of getting feedback to improve or
modify their teaching methods
Amy Braddy: "Teachers'
evaluations should be printed
somewhere, even if not in the
paper. Students have the right to
know what type of teacher
they're getting
Prof, pushes for Russian program
By Mike Walker
Staff Writer
Russia is perhaps one of the
most mysterious countries to
citozens of America. The nation
once controlled a powerful em-
pire and was a bitter enemv of the
United States. Today, it is in deep
turmoil and its future is very un-
One of the most mysterious
aspects of Russia is its language.
With a completely different al-
phabet and pronunciation than
English, most people avoid learn-
ing it. However, with the advent
of a brand new capitalist market
in Russia, and many new job op-
portunities, more people are be-
Sports Pad
18 and Over
Sports PadSharky'sSplash
? Splash Sports Bar ?
ginning to acquire an interest in the
As a result, ECU's foreign lan-
guage department is now expand-
ing the Russian program with sev-
eral new courses. Leading the effort
to expand the program is Dr. Maria
B. Malby.Malby is a native Croat
who used to live in Yugoslavia. She
was a small child when Yugoslavia
was liberated from Nazi Germany
by the Soviet army in 1945. After
that, the Soviet Union incorporated
the Russian language into the edu-
cation system.
In 1959, Malby came to the
United States. At that time, very
few universities offered majors in
Russian, so she came to the United
States to major in French and Ger-
man and minor in Russian. She then
pursued her Ph.D. in Russian and
received it in 1970.
After obtaining her degree, she
came to ECU to help the university
develop a Russian program and to
teach Russian. In 1973, the depart-
ments of Russian, German and all
the Romance languages were
merged into one foreign language
department. Russian now stands as
the only language in the depart-
ment that does not have a major or
minor program.
Since that time, Malby has
been very active in the program and
has tried to get it expanded. So far,
she has successfully created two new
Russian literature courses: Russian
2220, which is 19th century Russian
literature, and Russian 2221, which
is 20th century Russian literature.
Both coursescover all the great Rus-
sian authors of the two centuries
and are taught in English. Russian
2220 will also be offered during the
second summer session. The two
courses can be used to fulfill gen-
eral education humanities require-
Malby sees the Russian lit-
erature courses as not only about
great writing, but also about phi-
losophy. "They the writers had
an interesting combination of writ-
ing and philosphy Malby said.
"If one really pays attention to the
things that those great men have
pointed out, one cannot fail but
have a good, productive, healthy
Along with the two new
courses being added, Malby is
making an effort to get more stu-
dents to enroll into the basic Rus-
sian language courses. "I wantstu-
dents to know that Russian is of-
fered and it is easy to learn she
said. Malby said the third and
fourth semester courses of the lan-
guage are actually much easier than
the first two semesters.
In trying to recruit more
people in the Russian language,
Malby is also pushing for the imple-
mentation of a Russian minor pro-
"The time has come to do it
Malby said. Last spring, Professor
Foard, the secretary of the national
chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the Rus-
sian honor society, came to ECU
and metwith Malby. She said Foard
was very surprised that ECU does
nothavea majororminorprogram
in Russian. "He felt that it was an
important language Malby said.
Also, Malby believes that a
chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa
honor society should be started
at ECU and offered to students of
Russian.Malby feels that Russia
will be a new center of economic
prosperity for international busi-
nesses. "Opportunities in Russia
are simply great she said but
Russian is essential
This past Christmas, Malby
heard from two of her former
students of Russian who were
both at ECU 10 years ago. Both
other ex-students now have very
good jobs in Russia. One student
sells real estate in St. Petersburg.
The other student works in Mos-
cow as a consultant to teach Rus-
sians the basics of capitalism. In
doing that, he also helps to con-
vert previously government-
owned companies into private
companies. Malby noted that be-
cause the Russians have no
knowledge of the workings of
private ownership, foreigners
will be able to find good jobs like
these with ease.
Malby feels that many stu-
dents have heard rumors about
the difficulty of Russian and stay
away from it. She noted that Rus-
sian is actually much easier than
most people believe. "There
hasn't been a student yet who
hasn't been able to read and write
Russian in three weeks she
Malby said that the lan-
guage is about 85 percent pho-
netics, which means that once a
student grasps the alphabet and
some basic grammar, the rest
comes easy.
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March 17, 1994
The East Carolinian 3
Feds, drug suspects duel in Philly
shootout yesterday between
drug suspects and federal agents
in a crime-infested neighborhood
left two suspects dead and two
agents wounded.
The confrontation occurred
at an intersection as four agents
and a policeofficer followed four
drug suspects in a car, according
to Bob Reutter, agent in charge
of the FBI's Philadelphia office.
When their car stopped, the
suspects opened lire and the
agents fired back, Reutter said.
Witnesses in the north Philadel-
phia neighborhood reported
hearing 20 to 25 shots.
Reutter declined to provide
more details other than to say
the agents were participating in
a federal-local investigation
dubbed the Violent Traffickers
One agent was shot in the
hand and the other was shot in
the chin, according to FBI spokes-
woman Adrian Menn. Both men
were treated at Temple Univer-
sity Hospital.
The two surviving suspects
were in police custody, Menn
Overwhelming fumes remain nameless
RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) ?
Blood tests found no insecticide or
abnormal drug levels in the system
of a woman who died as mysteri-
ous fumes felled emergency room
workers, the Riverside Press Enter-
prise reported yesterday.
Investigators now want to
examine the syringe used to draw
blood from the dying woman at
RiversideGeneral Hospital on Feb.
19, the newspaper quoted uniden-
tified sources as saying.
Results of the blood analysis
leave investigators baffled about
what caused the death of cancer
patient Gloria Ramirez, 31, and
what caused six hospital workers
to become ill while trying to save
her, the newspaper said.
Insecticide poisoning was
suspected as the cause from the
outset because of symptoms re-
ported by the stricken medical
workers and an ammonia-like odor
thev said came from Ramirez's
Initial tests allegedly indicat-
ing poisoning by organophos-
phates, a toxic component of many
insecticides, bolstered that conclu-
sion, but one of the sources said
those tests were incorrect, the pa-
per said.
Chief Deputy Coroner Daniel
Cupido and Riverside Countv
spokesman Tom DeSa n tis declined
to comment.
Investigators believe a toxic
chemical caused the emergency
room team to become ill, but the
source and type of chemical is still
a mystery, a source said. While the
blood test found nothing, it is pos-
sible that a chemical was present in
the body but undetectable in the
blood test, the paper said.
Investigators will now focus
on emergency room items that have
been stored in sealed drums since
the incident, the paper said, and of
particular interest is the syringe
used to draw blood from Ramirez.
"That syringe is very impor-
tant to the investigation the pa-
per quoted a source as saying.
"Without it there are certain things
you can't rule out
Investigators also will test
medications taken from Ramirez's
residence after her death to deter-
mine if there was product tamper-
ing. "Nobody's saying there was
any tampering, but there have to
be tests to rule that out said a
Investigators are still waiting
for the results of air samples taken
at the time of a Feb. 25 autopsy on
Ramirez's body. Air samples taken
from the hospital emergency room
revealed nothing unusual.
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4 The East Carolinian
March 17, 1994
Family mourns as judicial process begins Suspected killer walks
away with help of police
TWenty-eight-year-old Charlotte serial killer goes to trial
? Kathy Love couldn't handle
seeing the man charged with
strangling her sister and nine
other women.
"Oh Jesus, oh God she
called out, then began crying
inconsolablv as the man entered
court Tuesday.
Henrv Louis Wallace,
charged with strangling It'
young women and considered a
possible suspect for the deaths
of four others, appeared in
Mecklenburg County District
Court for less than two minutes
? just long enough for judge
David S. Caver to tell him the
charges and appoint him coun-
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Wallace briefly spoke to
Charlotte television station
WBTV on Tuesday, but he
would not talk about the min-
"I'm just kind of wanting
to get it over with, basically
Wallace said.
Asked if it was over, he
replied: "It's not over with. No,
not by far
Meanwhile, police said
Wallace, a 28-year-old restau-
rant worker, was a possible sus-
pect in the death or disappear-
ance of four more women, three
in Charlotte and one in his
hometown of Bamwell, S.C. He
was charged Sunday with kill-
ing 11) women over a 20-month
period ending Saturday.
Barnwell Counts- Sher ,f
Joev Zorn said Tuesda
Wallace has confessed to killing
Tashanda Bethea there in March
of 1990. Wallace will be charged
with murder, the sheriff said.
Wallace told authorities
Monday that he strangled
Bethea and threw her body in a
pond, Zorn said. Wallace said
he sexually assaulted her at gun-
point before he strangled her,
the sheriff said.
Handcuffed and wearing
an orange jail jumpsuit, Wallace
looked up to see who was
present when he entered the
Charlotte courtroom, which was
under heavy security.
Kathv Love, sister of vic-
tim Caroline Love, lost control.
Caroline Love's body was dis-
covered Sunday after Wallace
told police where to find it. She
was 20 when she disappeared
une 1?, 1442, when she left her
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Ensuring the future
for those who shape it
job as a cashier in a Bojangles'
chicken restaurant.
Kathy Love reported her
missing the next day.
The judge ordered the
courtroom spectators to remain
quiet after Kathy Love was es-
corted out.
Caver informed Wallace of
the charges and asked him if he
could afford an attorney.
Wallace uttered his only words
during the hearing: "No, sir
The judge said he would
appoint Wallace an attorney and
set an April 6 probable cause
As the hearing adjourned,
two other sisters of Caroline
Love left the courtroom sobbing
and joined Kathy Love outside.
"He took my sister away
Irom me Kathy Love said.
Do you have a
news story for
us? Good and
bad, we listen
to it all. Just
call 757-6366
and talk to the
? news editor.
Your story may
find its way
into the
hallowed pages
of TEC!
(AP) ? A former Henderson
County migrant worker being in-
vestigated in the deaths of 15
people in six states was captured
here in 1992 on a fugitive's war-
rant and was freed without post-
ing a cash bond.
The law enforcement offic-
ers leading the hunt for bodies at
Frank T. Potts' remote Jackson
County, Ala homestead said they
did not understand why-
Henderson County authorities
released him when a warrant was
issued for Potts in connection with
the May 1992 kidnapping of an
Alabama wildlife officer.
"Had we gotten him when
they (HendersonCountv) had him
in custody there, it may not have
made any difference, but we'll
never know Dennis Miller, chief
deputy at the JacksonCounty, Ala
Sheriff's Department told the
Asheville Citizen-Times.
Alabama deputies there un-
earthed skeletal remains Monday
ofone body, believed to be a young
person, probably a teen-ager, said
Jackson County Sheriff Mike
Wells. Investigators had not de-
termined the sex or identity of the
body, Wells said.
Potts, 50, is being held with-
out bond in Bartow, Fla on a
charge of sexual battery on an 11 -
year-old girl. Authorities suspect
Potts in a string of unsolved homi-
cides in New York, Pennsylvania,
Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia and
Potts worked in Henderson
County d uring the summer of 1992
for Lt. Randy Case of the
Henderson County Sheriff's De-
partment, Case said Tuesday.
Case's family owns an or-
chard and leases other lands, he
said. Case, who investigates theft
crimes, said he has known Potts
since the late 1970s and thought
he was a nice person
So when Potts was arrested
in Henderson County Sept. 23,
1992, on the fugitives's warrant
from Jackson County, Ala Case
said he vouched for him before a
Henderson County magistrate
who was trying to decide what
bond to set.
Potts was wanted in Ala-
bama fort irst-degree kidnapping
in connection with an incident
May 13, 1992, with an Alabama
wildlife officer, according to
court documents and the Jack-
son Counts' sheriff's office.
Henderson County Magis-
trate Sandra Laughter set Potts'
bond at $20,000 unsecured, and
set a court date on the fugitive's
warrant for Oct. 27,1992, accord-
ing to court records. Potts was
released, but never showed up
in court. A warrant was issued
tor his tailing to show up in court,
and his bond was increased to
$20,000 secured bond. But local
authorities never found him
Laughter said she released
Potts without making him posta
cash bond beca use Case vouched
for him. Tuesday, Case defended
the bond, and said he knows of
three times when a fugitive was
granted an unsecured bond.
Henderson County
Sheriff's detective Sgt. Sandv
Jackson said Tuesday Potts is not
being investigated in any deaths
here. Henderson County has two
missing people, but no unsolved
homicides, Jackson and Case
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March 17, 1994
The East Carolinian 5
Researchers announce possible breakthrouj
AIDS, cancer patients may see medical advancements through latest developments
RALEIGH (AP) ? Modi-
fied DN A could help in the fight
against AIDS and cancer, but
also might help scientists un-
derstand the basic building
blocks of life, said researchers
who developed such a molecule.
North Carolina State Uni-
versity researchers, collaborat-
ing with Polish scientists, have
developed a form of deoxyribo-
nucleic acid that mimics the ac-
tion of ribonucleic acid, or RN A.
This DNA molecule, or
analog, fits on a cell's ribosomes,
the parts of a cell which help
produce proteins. The proteins,
which sustain the body's me-
tabolism, are also important for
the reproduction of disease-
causing bacteria and viruses.
Controlling or stopping the
production of certain proteins
could lead to new treatments
for diseases associated with
those proteins, said Dr. Paul
Agris, professor of biochemis-
try at NCSU.
"What's unique about our
work is that we have the first
approach that goes directly to
protein synthesis said Agris,
the leader of the research team.
"Other research concentrated on
stopping production of RNA in
the nucleus or destroying RNA
before it gets to the ribosomes
The research findings were
published in Tuesday's issue of
the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences.
Some scientists believe that
RNA was the first nucleic acid
containing genetic information
in living organisms, and that
DNA later evolved and took
over the role of supplying ge-
netic information, Agris said.
RNA then became the tool by
which protein synthesis oc-
curred ip the cell, he explained.
Dr. Dieter Soil, professor
of molecular biophysics and bio-
chemistry at Yale University,
said the findings lead to some
interesting theoretical inquiry.
"This poses some interest-
ing questions on the evolution
of DNA and RNA Soil said. "I
think it's a significant finding
that will allow molecular biolo-
gists to think again about the
relationship between RNA and
On a more practical level,
modified DNA molecules could
lead to advances in the treat-
ment of diseases such as AIDS
and cancer.
"The AIDS virus requires
protein synthesis for its replica-
tion, so if we can shut down
protein production by those
cells that are specifically in-
fected by the AIDS virus, then
we can control the proliferation
of the virus Agris said.
"Right now we haven't hit
on specific proteins he said.
"However, the approach we
have engineered in this designer
DNA will allow us to move from
nonspecific proteins to specific
proteins in the future
Another problem is find-
ing a way to get DNA analogs to
specific targets within cells.
Hollow spheres of lipid, or
fat, filled with nucleic acid and
integrated into the cell mem-
brane might be one way to de-
liver the altered DNA, Agris
Researchers agreed that
any practical application of the
new technology is several years
In theory, current gene
therapy for diseases such as cys-
tic f ibrosis requires that only one
molecule of DNA be properly
delivered to defective cells, said
Dr. Lee Babiff, a section head in
cell biology at Glaxo Inc. in Re-
search Triangle Park.
The new code blocking, or
"antisense technology would
require delivery of thousands
of DNA molecules in order to
ensure that every RNA compo-
nent encoding the targeted pro-
tein is inactivated, Babiff said.
To further the work, the
academy and the National Re-
search Council will sponsor a
six-month visit to NCSU by Pol-
ish researcher Dr. Andrzej
Continued from page 1
Catholic Student Center
Sunday Mass
& 8:30pm
(2nd house from Fletcher music Bldg.)
Well, at
least it isn't
this beggar
or not is
hbio by Cadrlc Van Buren
nesota because of his failing
health. When he realized he was
nearing death, he started work-
ing on Wild Fruits and other lec-
tures close to completion. In Wild
Fruits, Thoreau discussed fruits
in his area such as the huckle-
berry and the wild apple.
Dean noted a portion of the
manuscript where Thoreau dis-
cussed the miracle of seeds,
hence the name Faith in a Seed
was developed. Notes in the
margin of the text give the im-
pression that Thoreau would
have added them to the manu-
script had he not died.
In 1859, Charles Darwin
wrote Origin of the Species which
questioned the beginning of man.
This vei y controversial book in-
cluded two chapters devoted to
geographical distribution, a topic
which at that point was still not
clear to scientists. From there,
Thoreau began his lengthy dis-
cussion of the dispersion of seeds
and the succession of plants.
"Thoreau was making a
plea to his neighbors to use their
land properly Dean said.
" He was supplementing the
weak line of Darwin's Origin
of the Species
The title Faith in a Seed
is an umbrella title to cover
"Dispersion of the Seed
"Fruits" and other essays in
the book.
"It is a great honor to
reconstruct a Thoreau
work Dean said.
Dean, who is secretary
of the Thoreau Society and
editor of its Thoreau Society
Bulletin lives in Ayden with
his wife and son. He ap-
peared on Charles Kuralt's
"Sunday Morning" show on
CBS last spring.
Kuralt discussed the
book and showed Dean at
work on campus. In addi-
tion, Dean has published ar-
ticles in journals such as
Studies in the American Re-
naissance and New England
Quarterly. He runs his own
international consulting
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6 The East Carolinian
March 17. 1994
Serbs, Croats may
negotiate soon
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia
(AP) ? Croatian Serbs and
Croatian officials will meet in
Russia's embassy in Zagreb next
week for talks on ending all hos-
tilities, Russian Deputy Foreign
Minister Vitaly Churkin an-
nounced yesterday.
Bloodshed began in the
Balkans when Serbs and Croats
fought a bitter six-month war in
1991 in which a t least 10,000 people
died. A U.Nimposed truce has
kept an uneasy peace since, but
the two sides have never reached
anv formal settlement.
Churkin said discussions
starting Tuesday in Zagreb were
aimed at ending the violence and
restoring normal life to the Krajina
area, the one-third of Croatia held
by Serbs.
"We hope tha t the agreement
on cessation of military hostilities
and all other hostile activities
would contribute to the improve-
ment and gradual normalization
of Serb-Croat relations, which is a
very important element of the situ-
ation overall in Yugoslavia
Churkin told reporters.
In related developments
Wednesday in the Bosnia war:
?Bosnian Serbs ignored ef-
forts by the U.N. High Commis-
sioner tor Refugees to open up
Maglaj for aid convoys and re-
jected a new request to let relief
trucks reach the Muslim enclave
in north-central Bosnia.
Maglaj's 19,000 residents
have not received a U.N. aid con-
voy since October. They live on
food from U.N. air drops, while
enduring regular Serb shelling.
?Bosnian radio reported
one killed and four wounded in
shelling of Maglaj. Itsaid the north-
western Bihac enclave also was
shelled, one person killed and sev-
eral wounded, and that Serb forces
had intensified shelling of Bugojno
in central Bosnia.
Sarajevo remained calm yes-
terday except fora few small-arms
Continued from page 1
vice president of the National
Nursing Association for 15
years. While speaking for the
International Congress of Nurs-
ing in Montreal, Canada, he set
his sights on the United States.
He had to leave his family
in India for seven years while
studying at a university in New
York, because he knew how dan-
gerous the city could be. On a
later trip in 1989, those fears
were confirmed when he was
mugged on the street and shot
twice. When he came to Green-
ville, Ahad felt safe enough to
bring his family here. Last fall
he received an award from the
city of Greenville for his out-
standing work in eastern North
Carolina in multi-cultural stud-
ies and integration in Pitt
"Mv son says 'why don't
you travel and enjoy life after
you're retired? Why don't you
want these things?' This is my
enjoyment Ahad said.
Ahad is planning frequent
travel to India to make sure his
new program is running
smoothly. "People need guid-
ance Ahad said. "I have
planned to be in India for four
months each fall
Ahad said that most people
in India receive the equivalent
of a high school diploma, but
the chances of a university edu-
cation are greatlv reduced. In-
dia has 25 colleges.
This new nursing program
is designed to improve nursing
education, practice, and re-
search, and to provide nurses
an opportunity to share their
knowledge through programs,
projects, seminars and journals.
He is hoping conferences and
educational programs for excel-
lence will develop from the
program's efforts.
Ahad has a team of three
people seeking Indian appli-
cants for a scholarship program.
He estimates the cost of the pro-
gram will be around $37,000 for
the next five years.
Ahad's grown children
have all settled in North Caro-
lina. Ahad likes it here also, but
remembers his roots and has be-
come a great beneficiary to the
country of India.
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
ship was a truly valuable experi-
ence. "They strive to expose the
student to every aspect of the or-
ganization said Horst. Two
weeks he worked with communi-
cation dispatch, two weeks with
the detectives division and the
ma jority of the semester he worked
with patrol officers during day
and night shifts.
Horst's favorite division was
the night patrol. "More action
happens at night said Horst. "It's
interesting because people think
they can get away with stuff (at
night) coupled with the down-
town drinking
As an intern, Horst got a first
hand taste of law enforcement.
While on the job he saw "mostly
DWI's and general traffic stops,
seatbelt violations, speeding
Horst pointed out that a stu-
dent will get out of an internship
whatever he or she puts into it.
"Initiative definitely affects the
interns he said. "Depending on
how the intern is, really motivated
or laid back, will greatlv influence
how much they'll be allowed to
do within the department
While interning, Horst no-
ticed that the campus police were
not given the respect they deserve.
"I don't think people see ECU
police as law enforcement or
sworn officers he said. "Stu-
dents at NC State treat their offic-
ers with twice the amount of re-
spect as ECU. Here they see ECU
police officers as rent-a-cops, and
that's just not the case at all, from
my personal experience
The ECU Police Department
usually takes on only one intern a
semester, said Horst. "Currently
the department has one female
intern he said. "There are so
many other areas to be placed in
Horst is presently taking
Basic Law Enforcement Training
(BLET) at Beauford Community
College. Night classes, which he
attends, last seven months Day
classes last three months.
Horst will train until July and
then hopes to get hired by ECU. "I
look towards it optimistically he
said. "I think I have a good chance,
but it's still up in the air
He prefers to work for ECU
because he is familiar with the
department. "I know how the
administration works since I
worked for six months as an in-
tern Horst said.
Vicki Peterson is the head of
field placement, located in the
School of Social Work in Ragsdale.
Field placement applications can
be obtained through the depart
ment or by calling 757-4211.
as all the supplies used at the
work sites. A portion of the money
raised is given back to the confer-
ence in Florida to pav for the ma-
terials that were acquired there.
The work team operated out
of the Manfred Retreat Center in
south Miami. The Center houses
all groups regardless of denomi-
nation and groups representing
Habitat Humanity, a group that
builds low cost housing for fami-
lies that live in sub-standard hous-
By the end of March,
Manfred will have hosted over
5,000 volunteers from 49 states
and 14 countries. The two biggest
groups that operate out of
Manfred (UMC and Habitat) have
been responsible for the rebuild-
ing of over 100 houses and are
still working on more than 300
houses now. There are still 264
houses in need of repair by vol-
unteer groups.
"I would say ? this is a
rough estimate ? that Manfred,
being the second largest volun-
teer facility that is still in opera-
tion has done roughlv 15 to 20
percent of the volunteer work here
in DadeCounty said Pam Smith,
The work team participated
in several projects over the cou rse
of the week. Several of the projects
involved finishing jobs such as
minor electrical work or painting.
Earlier in the week, the team had
to patch a roof that had remained
damaged since the hurricane
struck. Many of the projects could
not be finished due to time con-
"God really blessed me on
this trip said Christian Webb, a
freshman at ECU. "And I feel that
we accomplished a good deal
physically, even though we didn't
fully complete any of our projects.
It was exciting to be a very small
part of an enormous project
There is still a lot of damage
left in the Miami area. Projects
that are left unfinished, will be
picked up and completed by
other groups.
"There has been a com-
bined effort of so many people
to get stuff done and repaired
said Yolanda Macon, thechurch
and community outreach coor-
dinator at Kerr Memorial
United Methodist Church,
where the team worked. "It is
hard tor people to express their
gratitude because so many
people are coming in and out
all the time
Everyone in the group had
a chance to work and help out
in the overall rebuilding expe-
rience. Several members of the
work team were experienced in
areas such as carpentry and elec-
trical work. Everyone had a
chance to learn and to help.
"One of the most impor-
tant things is that we were out
there letting the home owners
know that people are still aware
and willing toexpresstheircare
and concern for them, "said Sam
Loy, the team leader.
The team worked most of
the time. During the trip down,
they enjoyed a stop at Kennedy
Space Center. Throughout the
week they worked and on
Thursday, the team had a
chance to visit downtown Mi-
ami for a "night out on the
town The purpose of the trip
was not to play and have fun,
but to work and help people
rebuild not only their houses,
but their lives as well.
The experiences of the trip
were best summed up by one of
the team members.
"I got a good sense of ac-
complishment not only from the
work that we as a team did, but
also from talking to the people
we came to help said ECU
student Jeff Joyner. "We were
really there for the people and,
seeing them happy really made
the trip worthwhile
Whaddya Say To A Guy Who's
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?The East Carolinian
March 17, 1994
For Rent
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
Page 7
El Help Wanted I Eft Help Wanted
Services Offered
FOR RENT: Nags Head, NC- Get your
group together early. Two relatively new
houses; fully furnished; washer & dryer;
dishwasher; central AC; Available May
1 through August 31; sleeps 7- SI 500 per
month; sleeps 9- $2000 per month
ROOMMATES NEEDED: 1,2, or 3 fe-
male roommates needed to sublease a
May-August. Furnished, except beds. No
pets. $175 each per month share of
utilities. Also looking for a roommate for
94-95 school vear. Call Kelly or Jennifer
FEMALE NEEDED to share 3 bdr. apt.
(Wilson Acres) for summer months. $150
mo. includes water, sewer, cable, own
bdr. Call 758-6402 ask for Angie or leave
name and number.
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share two
bedroom apt. close to campus. $157
month plus heating utilities. Call 830-
SPACIOUS 2 BFDROOM apartment 2
blocks from campus. $425 per month in-
cludes watersewerbasic cable. Owner
will pay heatair til May. Call 752-8900
Head area. Call Cove Realty 919-441 -6391.
smoker, social drinker to share 2 bdrm
townhouse w 1 12 bath. $240 a month
1 2 utilities. Call Brook at 757-1784.
LAW FIRM NEEDS two fully furnished
apartments during the summer: June 24
to July 30. Contact Bert Speicher at 355-
share 2 bedroom apartment. Close to
campus, great location Call Patricia 752-
two bedroom two bath, quiet and fur-
nished duplex. Rent $235 a month. De-
posit required. Location is Wyndham Cr.
near campus. Call 830-0309 ask for
FEMALE NEEDED toshareapartmentat
Eastbrook. $190month plus 1 2 utlities.
Call 752-2013.
DUPLEX FOR RENT 2 blocks from cam-
pus, 3blocks from downtown. 2 bedroom
1 12 bath central heatair dishwasher
wd hook up's second floor balcony off
master bedroom. Lots of closet space! $475
per month Rob 752-6833
E Help Wanted
Instructors, Kitchen, Office, Grounds for
western North Carolina's finest Co-ed
youth summer sports camp. Over 25 ac-
tivities including water ski, heated pool,
tennis, horseback, art Cool mountain
climate, good pay and great fun! Non-
smokers. Forapplicationbrochure: 704-
692-6239 or Camp Pinewood,
Hendersonville, NC 28792
NEEDED: looking for enthusiastic
people with strong cheering and inter-
personal skills to teach cheerleading
camps in NC & SC. Great pay. Flexible
scheduling. 10 weeks possible! Great
opportunitv to spend the summer doing
what you love! Call 1(800)280-3223.
LIFEGUARDS.Summer. Pools inGreen-
ville, Goldsboro, Tarboro. Call Bob, 758-
in Greenville area. Call Bob, 758-1088.
CIAN. Summer. Pools in Greenville area.
Call Bob, 758 1088.
COACHES NEEDED for ECU club foot-
ball: Need a head coach, offensive de-
fensive coordinators Spring practice
starting soon! Please contact Frank: 931-
ARIIST NEEDED for T-shirt designs,
preferably living in Nags Head or Green-
ville for summer. Call 919 441-6976
jor corporations natonwide are search-
ing for college students to fill summer
positions possibly leading to career place-
ment after college. Many programs offer
tuition assistance. For complete direc-
tory send $9.95 to C&J Research 3438
Eastlake Rd. Suite 14 Dept. 686M Palm
Harbor, Fl 34685-2402
reation Department is seeking enthusi-
astic hardworking individuals for sum-
mer employment Positions available in
these areas: adventure, amusements,
aquatics, arts, athletics, camps, commu-
nity centers, instructors, lakes, mainte-
nance, nature, seniors, special popula-
tions, and tennis. Contact: 2401 Wade
Avenue, Raleigh NC 27602. Phone num-
ber 831-6640. "Note: In accordance with
the American with Disabilities act (ADA),
the citv of Raleigh will consider reason-
able accomodations if requested TheCity
of Raleigh is an equal opportunity em-
ployer and does not discriminate on the
basis of race, sex, color, creed, age,
disablilitv ? .u4l orientation, or national
$2,000month on Cruise ships or land
tour companies World travel. Summer
& full time employment available. No
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ext. C5362
Fisheries. Many earn $2,000month In
canneries or $3,000-6,000 monthon fish-
ing vessels. Many employers provide
benefits. No exp. necessary! For more
info, call: 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5362
sitions. Great benefits. Call 1-800-436-
4365 ext. P-3712
CAMP COUNSELORS, waterfront, na-
ture, high adventure staff wanted for
girls. June 10-Julv 25, near Lenoir, NC
call Deb at 1-800-328-8388
HORSE FARM needs bright, resource-
? ful, punctual, caring young lady with
horse sense and the will to work. If you
will be here through the summer, come
share the work and enjoy racing Terriers
and Trotters. Call 758-2664 for an inter-
ing, career- oriented individuals. Apply
in person Friday, March 25at 604 Green-
ville Blvd. Sam to 8pm.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided.Send SASE to Midwest
Mailers Po Box 395, Olathe, KS 6601
Immediate Response.
$10-$400UP WEEKLY. Mailing Bro-
chures! SpareFull-time. Set own hours'
Rush stamped envelope: Publishers (G1)
1821 HillandaleRd. 1B-295 Durham, NC
Beach is now accepting applications for
summer employment. Positions avail-
able: Hostess, Waitstaff, and bartender
Come by the restaurant or call 726-3500.
Grants Sales
YVZMB is currently seeking fnendly. energetic,
and motivated students who want to earn extra
cash. Sales experience preferred, but not
necessary. Contact Bridget al 757-4751 or
visit WZMB in the bottom of Mendenhall.
MWF between 12-2 pm
??.oductioi rs
This monthbook two shows
and get a third on us! "Over 4 vears
experience with ECU Greeks!
For booking call: Judge
For Sale
needs mailroommessengers part-time,
4-5 hours daily, 5 days per week, morn-
ing or afternoon. Applications from re-
ceptionists, Ward and Smith, 120 West
Fire Tower Road.
LIVE IN CHILDCARE: Wanta full time
job with the added bonus of room and
board in a nice home? Ideal person will
be flexible, willing to handle various
duties and full care of two girls ages 8
and 4. Will work with student schedule,
prefers to work around morning classes.
Must have significant child care experi-
ence with references. Call from 1-4:30
Monday thru Friday- for more informa-
tion 830-8465
semble products at home. Call Toll Free
1-800-467-5566 Ext. 5920
EARN $500 OR MORE weekly stuffing
envelopes at home. Send long SASE to:
Countrv Living Shoppers, Dept. S32, Po
Box 1779, Denham Springs, LA 70727.
Applv in person at Payne's Jewelers, Ar-
lington Village No phone calls
WINN-DIXIE is now accepting applica-
tions for part-time employment. Oppor-
tunity' for advancement for hard-work-
NEC ULTRALITE III notebook with win-
dows, extended memory manager and
word includes: 3.5 disk drive, mouse and
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Offers great versatility. $950 neg. Call Matt
at 321 -0408 or leave message.
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ers, motohomes, by FBI, IRS, DEA. Na-
tionwide auction, listings available now.
Call 1-800-436-4363 ext. C-5999
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Call 931-7499
TREK 1500 ROAD BIKE, 54cm, 21 speed,
like new, $475, phone: 756-5596
FOR SALE: Sega Genesis w 2 games
$110. Car stereo system- Aiwa tape deck,
75w Pvramid Amp, Jensen truck speakers
all for $150.
ATTENTION: weight lifters and watch-
ers: let me help you fill those New Years
resolutions. Sports supplements at major
discount prices: Cybergenics, Quick Trim,
Cybertrim, Super Fat Burners, Tri-
Chromelene, Super Chromoplex, Weight
gain powders (all), Amino Acids, Creat-
ine, Met-rx, Vanadyl Sulfate, Yohimbe
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Super Golden Seal, and many more! Call
Brad today at 931-9097 for more info.
LX components. Ritchey rims and tires.
Zoom bar and stem. Manitou suspension
fork. Great condition. Worth over $HHX)
Mt Arrowhead mountain bike. Suntour
components. Almost new $225. Call Kevin
at 752-0S25
lons, most suplies included Call Jeff at 931-
ATTENTION satisfy the forein lan-
guage requirement in onesummer! Ac-
celerated courses in French, Spanish
10011002 in first summer session and
FrenchSpanish 10031004 in Second
summer session. For full info, call 757-
6017 M-F 9 to 4:30
VESTIGE. Private, but not secret. For
more information, send a SASH with $1
cash to Vestige, PObox 324 Nags Head,
NC 27959.
TYPING-Quick and accurate resumes-
letters- term papers. Excellent proof-
reading skills. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wed- Fri. 9am- 5pm reasonable rates
Q Services Offered
TYPING-Quick and accurate resumes-
letters - term papers, excellent proof-
reading skills, satisfaction guaranteed.
Wed Fri. 9am- 5pm reasonable rates
EXPERIENCED DJ from Bogies for
hire. Specializing in fraternity and so-
rority socials and weddings. For the
widest selection of music and unbeat-
able sound and professionalism. Ex-
cept no imitations! Discounts toall ECU
students. Call Rob @ 757-2658
PROFESSIONAL Resumesecretarial
work. Specializing in resume composi-
tion w cover letters stored on disk,
term papers, general typing. Word per-
fect or Microsoft Word for windows
software. Call today Glenda Stevens (8a-
5p?752-9959) (evenings?527-9133)
For Advertising
Information, Contact one
oj our Account lixecutives
Hair by Rickie, The Upper CRust,
Mazatlan, Quincy's, Ragazzi's,
Darryl's, Rapscallions, Red Lobster,
Applebees.Chico's, Boli's, Filibuster's,
Santa Fe Jacks.
WRITERMUSICIAN and poetic soul
seeks like minded ladv for friendship
and fun. Send photos and correspon-
dence to: Kane, Po Box 8663, Green-
ville, NC 27835
DEAR SCORPIO, You dare compare
me to plastic? This is truly drastic!
(charming me all the more perhaps)
but I would never be so cheap, so if 1
speak true and true 1 do speak, Scorpio
should only be compared to the finest
of l.alique How may I rebut your
words? For you have only given me
facts! You tell me the sky is blue, the
grass is green. Oh my how you are so-
o keen. Of course you receive an A for
you have applied to mv emotions, an
over plot ploy you add to your strat-
egy. Sir, you do nothing less than flat-
ter me. But Grass can be vellow on a
dark Hallow's eve and the sky can be
grev above the cold winter breeze.
What is all this rubbish? (Do you ask?)
Only to show you how things can turn
grubbish. I'oinsettias take on a festive
motif but oh so deadly to eat. I sit here
and smile with a dimple only to tell
you things aren't so simple. Please
don't be so smug with what you have
said for things change right over your
head! Birds of a feather are we, easily
ruffled which times best suit me. But
to try and smooth these feathers is the
worst and can only end with a laugh, a
cry and a burst. Best not to attempt,
better to exempt. I will be at the place
of our meeting rejoicing with spirits
on the 18th at 8:00. If it should please
you meet me there. And yes I would
like a look so please bring your book.
anniversary. Six wonderful years of
love and cherished memories. I
wouldn't change it for the world. Love
always, William Van Ratliff
HE Greek
car wash on March 19 & 20 at the Shell
station on Greenville Blvd. All proceeds
Get the complete late telephone service selections
of the countries most famous handicappers. Gold
Sheet, Winning Points, Doc, Sports Reporter,
North Coast, Danny Sheridan and many more.
Pi n1402
Only $l5call. Must be 18 or older. Innovative 305-537-3003.
SINGLE WHITE MALE, youthful early
30's, 5'7 physically fit, non'smoker,
tired of the bar scene, enjoys car racing,
motorcycles and rock music. Seeking
slender lady fordatingand companion
ship. Replv to M.S. Po Box 214, Green-
ville NC 27835-0214.
THANK the following businesses for
participating in a raffle to help support
their visit to Pueblo Mexico: Grand slam,
Dino's, Peppi's, Pizza Den, Butterfield's
Cycle Center, Neil's Soccer, Gazebo,
Animal House, Crystal Connection,
Greenville AthleticClub,Jenni'K's, ECU
student store, UBE, BLT's, Bicycle Post,
We Will Pay You
P.O. BOX 370, COVE CITY, NC 28523
OR FAX TO 919-637-2125.
Downtown Walking Mall
will go to benefit St. Jude's Children's
Hospital. Please come out, it's for a
good cause.
ALPHA XI DELTA hopes everyone
had a great spring break and good luck
with the rest of the semester
TKE- We are lixiking forward to our
social tonight. Love, Alpha Xi Delta
lated Congrats to the sisters of Zeta Tau
Alpha. You played a great season girls
A job well done!
THETA CHI- We're looking forward
to a St. Patricks Day Celebration. The
sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha.
SIG EP- On St. Patricks Day we'll be
toasting to the luck of the Irish. We
can't wait to celebrate with you guys
on receivingChapterConsultant! Love
the sisters and pledges of Delta Zeta.
Congratulations to Delta Zeta on re-
ceiving the following awards at Prov-
ince Day in Raleigh this vear: member-
ship total, individual academic achieve-
ment-KatieHassettand Debra Beaman,
runner-up in sorority education and
overall winner of socials. The follow-
ing awards were given to outstanding
individuals: Highest new member
GPA- Debra Beaman, Golden Crest-
Kim Dyson, Outstanding collegian-
Kristie Hoffstedler and outstanding
President- Christi Radoll. Way to go
Zeta Lambda
the luck o' the Irish be with us this
Thur as we celebrated Patrick's Day.
Love, Delta Zeta
ALPHA SIGMA PHI, we're looking
forward to the St. Patrick's Day pre-
downtown. Don't forget to wear green
The sisters and new members of AOPI.
good paint job. Love the sisters of Al-
pha Phi
for your victory Monday night. Way to
go basketball champs!
On The Spot For Your
Tommy Hilfiger ? Polo ? J Crew ? Nautica ? Colours
? IZOD ? Bugle Boy ? LEVI ? and all name brand
men's clothing and shoes
414 Evans St.
Mon-Fri 10-12,1-3
Sat 10-1
Come into the City Parking Lot in front of Wachovia Bank
Downtown, drive to our back door, park,and ring buzzer.
Be in it! Registration for tag teams is
now being held in 204 Christenbury
gym for ECU's first Jello Wrestling
competition! The event will be held
Mon. March 21 at 8pm in Minges
Coliseum. (alternate cite:
Christenbury gym). 20 rounds of hi-
larious fun will take place. First 50
people to enter will receive com-
memorative gift. Admission is free
but canned goods are being collected
for Pitt County Picasso (AIDS organi-
zation) For more info call 757-6387.
Get a "gooie" for a good cause
An affair to remember to be held on
Sat. March 19th at 12:00noon at the
Rio Greenville HiltonAdmission is
SI 5 per person and proceeds support
ECU Clubs single-parent scholar-
ships. For more info, contact Pam
Gares (524-3947 or Edna Hodges816-
Pre-Profesional Health Alliance will
have a meeting Tues. March 15 at
5:30pm in Mendenhall room 212. All
inductees please plan on attending
this meeting
Monday, March 21, 1994 5:00pm-
nursing students enrolling in junior
level nursing courses fall semester
1994. 6:00pm students enrolling in
first senior level courses in fall semes-
ter. 7:00pm students enrolling in sec-
ond semesterseniorcourses. Wednes-
day, March 23,1994-Declared majors
(Nu on grade sheet with nursing fac-
ultv as advisor) who have not started
clinicals 5:00pm last name A-L,
6:00pm last name M-Z- 7:00pm Gen-
eral college with nursing as intended
show & dance featuring late knight,
with Mark Budner. Fri. March 18,
1994 St. Peter's Parrish Hall, 4th st.
Greenville. Doors open at 8:00pm $10
donation includes snacks, drink, beer
(all night), and entertainment. Tick-
ets available at East Coast Music &
Quicksilver Records, same may be
available at the door. Celebrate St.
Patty's Day with us!
A general meeting will be held Thur.
March 17, 1494 in MSC Social Room
at 5pm for all ODK members and
tappees. For more info, call Lisa
Shibley, 757-4796.
(an international service sorority) on
Sat. and Sun. March 19 and 20. ESA
will hold a car wash marathon at the
Shell Station on Greenville Blvd. All
proceeds will go to benefit ST. Judes
Children's Hospital. Pleasecome out.
Help us help them.
will be having a meeting Monday,
March 21 at 8:00pm in Mendenhall
(Room 14) All are welcome. Elections
will be discussed. If you have ques-
tions please call Dawn (757-0573)
(Students for the ethical treatment of
animals) will be having a meeting
Thur. March 17 at 6:30pm in GC 1003.
Everyone is welcome.
will be sponsoring a kareoke
fundraiser event at "Wrong Way
Corrigans" on Wed. March 23rd. En-
try fee is $3 per group beforehand
and $5 at the door. Everyone is wel-
come to attend. Profits will benefit
the covenant house for homeless
A five session workshop is being of-
fered by the Counseling Center to help
you answer these questions. Take as-
sessment instruments, leam career re-
search skills, and find out how person-
ality affects career choice. Classes be-
gin the week of March 21. Register
(COSOL) How will you train the
new leaders of your organization
for next year? Learn how to make
smooth officer transitions for your
group at the Council of Student Or-
ganization Leaders meeting on
Thur. March 24, 1994 at 4:00pm in
the Multi-purpose room of
Mendenhall Student Center. For
more info, call Student Leadership
Development Programs at 757-4796
(and this great opportunity to
play indoor soccer). There will he a
indoor soccer registration meeting
on Tuesday, MaYch 22 in Bio. 103 at
5:00pm. For more info, come by 204
Christenbury Gym or call Recre-
ational Services at 757-6387 for more

The East Carolinian
Page 8
March 17, 1994
The East Carolinian
Lindsay Fernandez, General Manager
Gregory Dickens, Managing Editor
Maureen Rich, News Editor
Jason Williams, Asst. News Editor
Stephanie Tullo, Lifestyle Editor
Gina Jones, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Brian Olson, Sports Editor
Dave Pond. Asst. Sports Editor
Amy E. Wirtz, Opinion Page Editor
Chris Kemple, Staff Illustrator
Matthew A. Hege, Advertising Director
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Jodi Connelly. Copy Editor
Phebe Toler. Copy Editor
Deborah Daniel, Secretary-
Margie O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Burt Aycock, Layout Manager
Franco Sacchi, Asst. Layout Manager
Mike Ashley, Creative Director
Elain Calmon, Asst. Creative Director
Cedric Van Buren, Photo Editor
Matt MacDonald, Systems Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925. The East Carolinian publishes 12.000copieseveryTuesdayandThursday. The
masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication.
Letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU. Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
St. Pat's Day discrimination and green beer
Homophobia is alive and kicking in the
great city of Boston. Boston is known for its
large Irish population and that population's
annual St. Patrick's Day parade. Except for
this year, that is.
The traditional sponsor of the 90-year-
old parade, the South Boston Allied War
Veterans Council, said after Friday's ruling
allowing homosexuals the right to march in
the parade, that it would sit out rather than
march with gays and lesbians. So, since there
isn't enough time for anyone else to organize
the event, there will be no parade.
The veteran's council will appeal
Friday's Supreme Judicial Court ruling to the
U.S. Supreme Court, claiming violation of its
right to free speech.
The state's high court upheld without
comment an injunction issued in December,
when a judge ruled that the parade was a
place of public accommodation where dis-
crimination based on sexual orientation was
illegal. In a similar case involving the New
York City parade, a federal judge ruled last
year that the Ancient Order of Hibernians did
not have to include a group of marchers with
contradictory beliefs. Well, la-de-da. Imagine
people in America having dissimilar views
It seems a real shame that this country
has such a problem with the homosexual
lifestyle. This blatant form of discrimination
in a St. Patrick's Day parade, for Pete's sake, is
pretty ridiculous. It's like they're saying that
there aren't any Irish gays, and even if there
are, we can't celebrate a holiday alongside
them because, pssst, they like people of the
same sex!
Not to get completely off the track, but
discrimination and prejudiced ideas are based
on some sort of weird combination of an infe-
riority complex and the superior notion that
no one different from you is worthy of com-
passion, understanding or tolerance. It's so
simple, but bigoted people never see it.
What harm would the participation of
gay and lesbian marchers in the Boston pa-
rade have caused? None, and it's unfortunate
that our friends, the veterans, can't realize it.
Well, well, well. Another holiday,
kalloo, kallay. St. Patrick's Day is a celebra-
tion steeped in tradition and bastardized to
the hilt.
It is no longer a religious observance,
or a day of displays of Irish patriotism. It's
just another pathetic drinking excuse. Get-
ting wasted on green beer is a token prac-
tice for today's Irish and non-Irish alike.
And wouldn't St. Patrick be proud?
The answer, plain and simple, is no. Why it
is that Americans and other first world coun-
tries must screw up everything that was so
genuine and real and make it into a dumb
drinking bonanza is beyond me. So just to
spite all of those stupid, plastered people
out there, here is the real St. Patrick's Day
? green beer be damned:
Bishop Patrick was born in Ireland,
A.D. 389 and is Ireland's patron saint. He is
credited with converting Ireland to Chris-
tianity after being sold to slavery midway
through his life. In Ireland, St. Patrick's Day
is a religious holiday accompanied by
church ceremonies and observances. But
unlike a good deal of Americans, the Irish
population does not drink green beer, eat
green bagels, march in festive parades or
wear shamrocks.
Actually, the shamrock was a tool St.
Patrick used to explain the concept of the
Holy Trinity to those he was converting.
These particular shamrocks didn't have "Kiss
Me I'm Irish" on them and they certainly
weren't made of plastic and covered with
silver glitter. Instead, it was a holy device in
religious teaching. A beautiful, inventive
teaching device.
Here's where the modern drinking ex-
cuse may originate from: It is possible that
the shamrock tradition came from the fact
that St. Patrick's Day was the only day dur-
ing Lent when people were free to eat and
drink their fill. This practice of drinking and
eating was called "drowning the shamrock"
and is a practice that has been established for
at least 100 years. Though the beer was never
green and the practice was tied, again to
religous observance, the pratice involved a
sort of reward for a difficult tradition of
fasting during Lent.
So, for all of those who dip their white
dogs (and themselves) in green dye and sing
"When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" like its goin'
out of style, remember the true history be-
hind an very intriguing country.
I guess the point is that Americans never
discipline themselves enough to deserve any-
thing as wonderful as "drowning the sham-
rock We're too goal oriented to appreciate a
practice that has a deep meaning such as Lent.
Or maybe some of us do. For those who
can appreciate discipline, at least try not to
laugh green beer through your nose.
By Laura Wright
Hillary seen as destroyer of man's gender
I am taking a 17th century
literature class that focuses upon
gender presentations in works by
both women and men. It's a small
class; there are only five students in
there and it's three hours long, so
we usually end up philosophizing
about life.
We started talking about gen-
der and about whether or not gen-
der can be reduced to biology. By
gender I don't mean the sex of an
individual but the characteristics of
a person that can be defined as ei-
ther feminine or masculine. A per-
son is biologically male or female,
gender. Gender identity is learned
when certain individual acts re-
ceive positive or negative reinforce-
ment. This reinforcement is often
dependent upon an individual's sex.
OK, whatever.
If that description of gender
didn't put you to sleep, allow me to
present an example of what I'm
talking about here. When I was
about five years old, I idolized my
eight-year-old cousin, Kevin. I
wanted to be just like him. I tried to
talk like him, I imitated his manner-
isms and I even introduced myself
as Kevin. My mother, I think, was
probably a little concerned about
my gender confusion and she con-
stantly reprimanded me for talking
like my cousin.
I learned that as a little girl,
certainbeha vior was acceptable and
certain behavior was not. Similarly,
I remember when I was in kinder-
garten and a male friend of mine
wore some of his mother's red nail
polish to school. Needless to say, he
was teased so much by the other
kids in the class that he never wore
nail polish to school again.
This kind of reinforcement
starts young: girls get dolls to play
with, boys get baseballs. Recently, a
group of activists switched some of
the voice boxes in the talking Barbie
doll and the talking G. I. Joe doll in
order to mess with the gender rein-
forcement that comes from such
toys. Barbie usually says things like
"let's go shopping" while G. I. Joe's
phrases refer to combat.
Not only does gender iden-
tity begin early, its based upon ar-
chetypes that are part of our cul-
tural experience. We find them in
the Bible, with the story of Adam
and Eve. Adam would have been
just fine if Eve had not come along
and tempted him. From this story,
we internalize ideas like, women
lead to the downfall of men and
men can be tempted by women into
doing things that they would not
normally do.
So, if gender roles are learned
from reinforcement and from cul-
tural stories, and I believe that
they are, then essentially, one sex
has learned to oppress the other
and one sex has learned to be op-
pressed. There is nothing biologi-
cal that causes men to be aggres-
sors and women to passively re-
ceive aggression but if we try to
break away from those gender
roles that have been established,
we get punished.
In my 17th century British lit-
erature class, we were talking about
gender in reference to the play,
Antony and Cleopatra, by William
Shakespeare. In the play,
Cleopatra, a powerful and ag-
gressive ruler, is blamed for the
downfall of Antony. In the end,
both must die because they have
acted in opposition to their gen-
der roles: she is strong and active,
he follows her and is, therefore,
unmanly and weak.
To bring this discussion of
think about Hillary Clinton and
the Whitewater thing. Here is a
woman who has gone against
what society thinks is acceptable
feminine behavior. She is smart,
successful and at least somewhat
powerful. She has been ridiculed
and criticized from the begin-
ning of Bills presidency and now
she is being hounded for an al-
leged ethical oversight.
It's not that what she may
have done is any worse than the
Iran-Contra Affair (or Bill's af-
fairs for that matter), but what
she did goes against what we, as
aculture,believeto he acceptable
gender behavior. Like Cleopatra,
Hillary hasbeen presented as the
overbearing woman who de-
stroys the power of men.
Whether or not Hillary de-
serves to be punished for her
actions is not the issue because
she will be punished. She will be
punished not so much for
allofthatpast history thatwamed
her not to break out of the mold
of her gender.
By John P. Adams
Clinton: representative for big business ideals
Someone needs to let Bill
and Hillary know that the
party's over, everyone's leav-
ing and it's going to be up to
them to clean the mess up.
Associate Attorney Gen-
eral Webster Hubbell's unex-
pected resignation marks the
third major resignation in Presi-
dent Clinton's administration
this year. Mr. Hubbell joins
former deputy attorney general
Philip Heyman and former
White House counsel Bernard
Nussbaum on the sidelines.
It seems that we can't dis-
cuss anyone closely associated
with President Clinton without
the "ord "former" preceding
their name.
Why is everyone bailing
out? Are they afraid they'll end
up like Vincent Foster Jr.? I don't
think we'll see any more "sui-
cides but a lot of people associ-
ated with President Clinton may
end up wishing they were dead.
Nowadays, if you're an attorney
from Arkansas, the only thing
more dangerous to your career
than a hole in the head is to be
friends with the Clintons.
Hubbell, in his resignation
letter to the President, cited
"public speculation about me
and my former law firm" (the
Rose firm) as his reason for quit-
ting. What an abomination! Here
we have a man who is closely
linked to a failed S&L, nefarious
business dealings and perhaps
a major cover-up operation with
Mr. Hubbell is probably
directly responsible for costing
taxpayers millions of dollars, so
who does he blame when he
quits? You and me, the public.
As John Milton wrote, those who
put out the people's eyes re-
proach them for their blindness.
I guess it's our fault that
we prefer someone with a little
morality and integrity to hold
important positions in our gov-
ernment. I guess we, the public,
are to blame for allowing Mr.
Hubbell to execute his esoteric
business dealings. After all, we
should have known that anyone
who calls himself a friend of Bill
Clinton isn't exactly going to be
a role model.
The big question in Wash-
ington now is, will Janet Reno
actually be running the Justice
Department since Hubbell and
Heyman have resigned? I doubt
it. If you were President Clinton,
would you want your third pick
for the job really in charge of
law enforcement for the entire
The only thing Janet Reno
has done right is to have paid
social security taxes on her
hired help in Miami, unlike
the women who were nomi-
nated before her. Reno should
have resigned last year after
she authorized the slaughter
of the Branch Davidians in
Waco, but that's another
Two important ironies
are developing out of
Whitewater. The first is that
President Clinton may be
found guilty of what he cam-
paigned so ardently against:
"the greed of the '80s It's
beginning to look more and
more like Bill and Hillary
cashed in in a big way during
the deregulated '80s.
The second irony is that
good-old-boy politics are
alive and well in the Clinton
Administration. For all you
liberals who thought Bill
Clinton represented a break
with the past, Clinton is as
much a product of the past as
he is a representative for big
business ideals.
The names change and
some of the politics do too,
but by and large, every four
years, we basically get the
same type of person in the
White House.

yiiiwiMi? ???
March 17, 1994
The East Carolinian I 9
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
As an alumnus of ECU, a former President
of the ECU College Democrats and Vice Presi-
dent of the North Carolina Federation of Col-
lege Democrats I have been a bit dismayed at the
barrage of letters attacking Walter B. Jones, Jr.
for changing his party affiliation last year.
When Walter changed his party affiliation
last year, there was no secret motive, no devious
political maneuvering in smoke filled back
rooms. The Democratic Party in North Carolina
has moved away from the sound ideals of fiscal
moderation, economic growth, and preserva-
tion of the family. It has moved so far to the left
that most of its traditional supporters have been
left behind.
There is no longer a place in the Demo-
cratic Party for the average middle class family.
There is very little room for anyone who is
willing take a stand for there beliefs.
Censorship, politically correct extremism
and demands that members tow the party line or
face punishment are just not political ideals that
I can support and they aren't ideals that Walter B.
Jones can stand behind either. The College Demo-
crats attacking a candidate for his affiliation rather
than because looking at the issues is just another
symptom of the breakdown of the party.
Neither Walter nor I have abandoned our
principles, nor have the countless other Demo-
crats who have either changed their registration.
We in fact are sticking to our principles by chang-
ing affiliations. We didn't leave the Democratic
party, it left us. Rather than sit and whine about
it, we have, in good democratic tradition, contin-
ued to make our voices and opinions known only
this time under a different banner. A banner that
more effectively represents us.
Hugh J.w' Carroll, Jr.
President ECU College Democrats 1986-87
Vice President NC Federation of
College Democrats 1987-88
To the Editor:
The administration of East Carolina Uni-
versity has been tireless in its efforts to improve
the quality of education and students life on
In the area of graduate education there are
several Ph.D. programs in the medical sciences
which are offered at the medical school campus,
an Ed.D. program in educational leatership in
the School of Education, and two planned Ph.D
programs for the main campus: medical physics
and coastal resource management. Many of the
master's level graduate programs are also re-
gionally and nationally recognized.
Ironically, there seems to be an institution-
wide breakdown when it comes to meeting
graduate student needs outside the classroom. I
will cite only a few situations which I find par-
ticularly perplexing:
1. Graduate students make up approxi-
mately 15 of the total enrollment at ECU?
somewhere around 2000 students. The Student
Government Association only appropriated 3
of activity fees in 1992, and 7 in 1993, to gradu-
ate student groups.
Graduate student representation in SGA is
limited because of the number of positions re-
served for undergraduates. Aside from the
graduate "class president" and "class vice-presi-
dent there are no seats specifically reserved
for graduate student representation.
2. There are no residence halls for graduate
students and there is no married student hous-
ing on campus.
3. Do the Student Union Board, Media
Board, Counseling Center, Student Health Ser-
vice and The East Carolinian (to name a few) even
realize that there are graduate students on this
I would like to believe so, because I pay fees
for these just like any other student, but I don't
see much graduate student oriented material com-
ing out of them. The president of our departmen-
tal graduate organization was told at a student
leadership seminar last year that we should make
our activities oriented to 18-19 year olds!
As a first step in recognizing the needs of
graduate students at ECU, a group of graduate
students from several departments will be con-
ducting a survey to determine 1) what activities
and services graduate students are using, and 2)
what activities and services do graduate students
need that are not currently available. The results
of this survey will be made available to the afore-
mentioned organizatiions.
To implement changes in the disbursement
of student activity fees which provides adequate
representation of graduate student interests will
require a change in institutional structure.
The Biology Graduate Student Association
supports the formation of the ECU Graduate and
Professional Student Organization. The GPSO will
enable graduate students to have increased con-
trol of how activity fees are allocated. This will
also relieve the SGA of funding a large number of
different graduate organizations.
Finally, I urge all graduate students to show
their support by taking part in the survey and
signing the petition supporting the GPSO that
will be placed in the graduate offices within the
next few weeks.
John J. Russell
Biology Graduate Student Association
To the Editor:
I read with great interest the recent article
and editorial regarding the ECU Media Board's
failure to reach a quorum during many of it's
recent meetings. If you were to search your ar-
chives you will probably not be surprised to find
that this theme recurs in the oped pages of The
East Carolinian.
Historically, the Media Board has been per-
ceived as a "low impact" duty that members of
the University community have been forced to
sit on out of their obligation to whatever pri-
mary campus group they serve.
What prompted me to write this letter was
a thought that came to mind as I read these
articles. I am curious to know whether or not any
of the habitually absent student members of the
Media Board have listed their alledged service
on this board on resume's which they are plan-
ning to circulate to potential employers or gradu-
ate programs.
In an interview situation, how would one
of these folks respond to these questions; 1) Tell
me about your experience on the ECU Media
Board and what you learned from this experi-
ence during your college career? 2) As a poten-
tial employee, how will this experience make you
a better employee to this organization? 3) Can
you list and describe your goals and objectives as
a member of the Media Board and were you
successful in accomplishing your goals?
As for the faculty member who has failed to
make an appearance, I am interested to know
whether or not his service as a member of this
board has a bearing in his performance evalua-
tion as an employee of the University. Certainly
ECU performs performance appraisals on em-
Could a faculty, in good conscience, indi-
cate that they had performed their obligation to
sit on this board when they were never present?
This may be a mute point, these faculty members
may volunteer to sit on this board out of the
goodness of their hearts and should be com-
mended for simply lending their names and cre-
dentials to the board.
These were things that came to my mind. I
would appreciate it if your newspaper would
pursue this matter beyond one issue of the paper.
James E. Hickmon
Graduate student
To the Editor:
It's amazing in this new age on ECU'S cam-
pus, of capital improvement, that one of the most,
if not the worst, runned down, dilapidated build-
ings on this campus has been left out.
In the next couple of years, we will have a
new dining facility, a recreation center, newly
renovated residence halls, an expanded library, a
renovated Minges and Ficklen Stadium.
In all of this, I have yet to hear mention of the
creation of an African-American cultural center.
Maybe it is me, but do we need to reevaluate our
priorities? Yes, the expansion of Joyner is neces-
sary, mandatory for our university's
accredidation. Without it, our degrees would be
almost worthless.
But do we need a new recreation center with
Minges, Christenbury, Garrett, and Aycock pro-
viding fitness areas and equipment? Do we need
a new dining hall with both Jones and Mendenhall
still open, and four snack shops in various places
across this campus?
Do we need to expand Minges and Ficklen,
when we have a hard time as it is filling both of
them on a consistent basis?
Maybe we need to stop and distinguish be-
tween what are wants or needs. I fail to see the
educational benefits of expanding Ficklen and
Minges, creating a recreation center or building a
new dining facility. What I do see is a run down
shack behind Student Health Services that I am
ashamed, as every student should be, to call an
African-American cultural center.
Yes, soon the center will move to the Bloxton
House, but that is a quick fix for a larger problem.
If we are building these other facilities to compete
with other schools like NC State and UNC Chapel
Hill, then should not the cultural center be in-
cluded? Chapel Hill has plans for a new center
and NC State has a state of the art center already
in place. What are we waiting on? Something to
think about
Demetrius Carter
President of ABLE (Allied Blacks for Leader-
ship and Equality)
To the Editor:
I found Laura Wright's column, "Grad stu-
dents veritable gluttons for punishment" (East
Carolinian, 3 March 93, p. 5), to be both short-
sighted and off the central point. Her column
mused about how underpaid we graduate stu-
dents are and that the "English graduate students
should up and strike" to protest. Despite the poor
grammar, the point that pay is the central issue is
made with emotional emphasis.
However, she could not be further from the
real problem: the graduate students on this cam-
pus do not get proper respect from the university
administration, faculty, or media. Although pay
(or the lack thereof) is a real issue, it is just a
reflection of how valuable the university feels we
And yet, we are required to teach the stu-
dents with skills we must acquire from God, since
no program is university sponsored to teach gradu-
ate students how to teach.
Pay is not the only measure of our worth.
Graduate students do not get respect from fac-
ulty or the media. For example,Te East Carolin-
ian rarely reports on graduate concerns and only
if prodded into action (as in the Graduate Profes-
sional Student Organization, reported last week).
The real reason graduate students do not get
respect from The East Carolinian, I believe, is
because it is primarily written by and for under-
graduates. Unfortunately, The East Carolinian
neglects roughly 14 of East Carolina University
students who are graduate students.
I believe that strikes are and should be out
of the question. The problem is respect, and re-
spect is gained through dealing with the REAL
problem, not brash and shortsighted solutions. I,
and many others, feel your same frustration with
the University, but strikes are not the answer.
Joseph I. Hmieleski
Graduate student
Editor's note: Laura Wright's use of the following: "English graduate students should up and strike" is what
English students and grammar experts alike call an idiomatic phrase. It is not incorrect in its form. Also, since taking
action against the unfair treatment of graduate students was, in essence, the main idea of Ms. Wright's editorial, she
was anything but off the central point.
To the Editor:
A very interesting letter supposedly sub-
mitted by Eugene Changey appeared on Febru-
ary 24, 1994:
God, speaking through his son Eugene
Jesus, offered us hope and comfort for our future
by letting us know that his son, Jesus, and the
Holy Spirit have returned (currently entwined in
the body of Eugene) to the earth to show us the
way to heaven.
If Jesus has inhabited the body of Mr.
Changey (born 1920) for 73 years, why haven't I
or any of my colleagues ever heard of him or his
book, All Souls are Mine (1959)? Historical writ-
ings about Jesus' first visit ? contained in Mr.
Changey'sGod's original Bible ? have with-
stood nearly 2000 years of criticism and review to
remain in publication.
Why, if Mr. Changey is who he claims, hasn't
his second book had a profound affect upon people
as the first? It couldn't survive thirty-five years,
much less centuries.
Josephus, Justin Martyr, Lucian and other
first and second century, non-Christian histori-
ans will not dispute the fact that a man named
Jesus walked the earL. approximately 2000 years
ago. The authors tell of how many miraculous
and unexplainable events ? such as exorcisms
and physical healing ? performed by Jesus caused
many people to follow him and his teachings.
Mr. Changey or Jesus or whoever, if your
first presence had such a tremendous affect on
the leading historians of the day, why is this visit
so different? If someone of this magnitude ex-
isted today, the whole world would know about
it in seconds.
John Robinson, a moderate critic and New
Testament scholar, says that the Gospels are
trustworthy sources for information about the
history and events that surrounded the death
and resurrection of Jesus. Mr. Changey claims
that he and Jesus are one combined spirit, rein-
American Heritage defines reincarnation
as being reborn into another body. In order to
experience rebirth, one must first die. Mr.
Changey contradicts hisGod's original Bible
by suggesting that Jesus only died, taking nearly
2000 years for his "rebirth
Later on his article Mr. Changey says, "My
Holy Spirit is Alive and Breathing in My Son's
Body The last time I check into supernatural
events, spirits did not posses the ability to do
such concrete things as live and breath! sic
Something of this extent would defy all natural
and physical laws.
Mr. Changey, you may have Jesus and the
Holy Spirit entwined within your body, but the
information you present cannot convince me or
anyone else in his or her right mind of it. No
proof exists, only inconsistencies with historical
accounts of Jesus' life and impossibilities with
regard to the supernatural.
Jason M. Johnson
To die Editor
I am responding to "Valentine's Day: it's full of Be-
headed Goodness The author implies that the holiday
of Valentine's Dayis justplaincackoo.Heclaimsthatthe
day is just aggravating.
The author misleads to his audience and disgraces
the Christian's beliefs by saying that Easter, "celebrates
thedeathofsomeoneFirst off, Jesus isnot just someone;
he is the son of the creator (God). Secondly, we celebrate
the resurrection of Jesus not his death! On Good Friday,
he died on the cross for our sins. Two days later, on
Sunday, he rose from his grave. That is what we cel-
ebrate. Why would anyonecelebratethedeatho "some-
one much less God's son?
Misleading the readers, the author claims that the
history of Valentine's Day comes from thebeliefthattwo
Roman priests were beheaded onFebruary 14. The truth
is an emperor forbid young men to marry in the 200's
in hope that they would make better soldiers. A Roman
priest disobeyed theseordersandrnarriedyoungcouples.
We celebrate this man's beliefs, not his dea th (which was
caused by his beliefs).
protection from the wolves not the pastoral god,
Lupercus- a fertility god. A side part, not the main idea,
of this festival is that young men strike people with
animalhide. Womendidnotmind because they thought
it would make them more fertile. The author just got his
facts mixed up.
American companies such as the florist and greeting
cardmakers. Idisagreefortworeasons. 1) The tradition
of exchanging cards, verses, and gifts came from the
English and French. It is not for American companies to
make a profit because the traditions were started and
came from the other side of the ocean. 2) I believe that
the best gifts come from the heart and not from the
pocketbook. A home-made gift or a small gift from the
heart meansmore than one witha large price tag(unless
you are very materialistic, which almost no one would
admit if they were).
The author writes, "Talk about mind games ?
just what is expected of the other can erupt into numer-
ous yelling matches, crying fits and cold silences, if the
errant lover happens to forget this precious holiday I
have just a few questions: Does the couple get mad
because one forgets the holiday or because they do not
agree on what is expected?
Valentine's Day is a reason to express your love to
a significant other or just a friend. You do not have to
have a lover to experience the magic of this day. You
never know, you may learn of a secret admirer that will
one day become your lover.
Teri Davis
Editor's note: Firstly, in Roman Catholicism, the celebration of Passion Week includes Good Friday and Easter
Sunday, therefore incorporating both the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ into the Easter observance. Secondly,
according to The Folklore of American Holidays by Gale Research Inc St. Valentine's Day in is honor of two Christian
martyrs who were persecuted under the Roman Emporer Claudius II. Thirdly, in The American Book of Days, by Jane
M. Hatch "the day before Lupercalia, young women's names were drawnby chance and young men became the gallant
for the next year no doubt comsummating the relationship in the process. Fourthly, American servicemen in
European countries spread the custom of sending valentine's in a manner that only the American greeting card
companies have surpassed. Simply because the tradition started in France and England does not eliminate the fact that
Hallmark and company have emmassed a huge profit from the tradition. And finally, I am not a he.
To the Editor:
This letter is in response to the article,
"Freshmen will eat on campus or else Frank
Salamon, the director of dining services, wraps
this plan up in a pretty package and says it will
provide, "a sense of community how quaint.
What this plan is in reality, is unbridled
socialism. When a hard working member of so-
ciety starts hisher own business, are they guar-
anteed success; no! The school should not guar-
antee success here either.
The question that remains is, are manda-
tory uniforms next?
Andrew Gray
Industrial Technology
Letters to the Editor may be sent to: Opinion Editor, The East Caro-
linian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, NC, 27858-4353. Please
include your name, rank and major. And thank you in advance.

111 ? mm
Spare Time
RlCf A h'lll, ITS AM ICetoCICUL
"Y ?z ?-
Niku, Paranormal Investigator
by Walker
ANy comtiseiumaN ??

The East Carolinian
March 17, 1994
Page 11
Carowinds entertains for all
By Bridget Hemenway
Staff Writer
Aside from the seven
rollercoasters that draw thrill-seek-
ers to Paramount's Carowinds
theme park in Charlotte, N.C the
park offers an outstanding amount
of family entertainment.
"With more and more mem-
bers of the family entering the work
force in the '90s, we are seeing a
trend toward vacations that are
more frequent, shorter in duration,
and closer to home explains
Carowinds Executive Vice Presi-
dent and General Manager Walt
The adjacent 60-acre
Carowinds Campground beckons
those with campers and trailers to
stay inexpensively and enjoy the
park longer. The state-of-the- art
Palladium Amphitheatre, also ad-
jacent to the theme park, adds to the
visitor's entertainment experience
by hosting top concert acts from
May through October.
Paramount's Carowinds' 11
theme areas immerse guests in a
world that brings to life the magic of
Paramount movie television and
publishing properties.
A vital part of any park is the
stage entertainment. The shows at
Carowinds offer incredible variety
and value with performances by
professional figure skaters and the
southeast's most talented singers,
dancers and musicians.
rhe rising popularity of figure
skating is met by a 30-minute ice
show production in the Paramount
Theatre. Eleven professional skat-
ers thrill audiences in "Paramount
on Ice The show combines skat;
ing artistry with magnificent sets,
costumes and music to pay tribute
Carowinds now
includes an ice show,
merchandising (such
as "Star Trek left)
and expanded theme
areas including
Wayne's World,
and the Palladium
Ampitheatre. But,
please, don't feed the
memorable movie moments.
There are many attractions to
hold the attention of young chil-
dren such as the Hanna-Barbara
characters in Hanna-Barbara Land
which has miniature versions of
many rides that adults enjoy else-
where throughout the park. The
BusytownCafe features carrot- and
pickle-shaped play cars from the
children's book The Island by Rich-
ard Scarry and also includes climb-
ing nets and colorful ball crawls.
Shopping and dining are also
an integral part of the Paramount
Carowinds experience. Shops are
filled with new collections of Para-
mount movie television, publish-
ing and corporate logo merchan-
dise. Featured items include one-
of-a-kind licensed Star Trek items
exclusive to the Paramount Parks,
Paramount movie posters and
sweatshirts embroidered with the
Paramount logo.
Several restaurants have been
designed with Paramount movies
in mind, such as Wings, depicting
Photo Courtesy of
Paramount Parks Inc.
the 1920's bi-plane era and named
for the first Paramount motion pic-
ture to win an Academy Award,
and Stan Mikita's in the new
Wayne's World area.
The theme park's entertain-
ment value is topped off by Riptide
Reef, a complete water park that
cools the adventurous park-goers
on hot summer days. The six-acre
area includes two Racing Rivers
speed slides, two Carolina Pipeline
tube raft rides and a 700,000 gallon
wave pool.
J Don't Buy
0 L.
-V hr-

0 m
Take Your Chances
JJJ Wot th A Try
jJmrJDefinite Purchase
Blue Mountain
Blue Mountain
A band to watch out for in the
near future is Blue Mountain. Their
first CD is self-titled, and on their
own 4-Barrel record label. This in
itself is very impressive.
They come from Oxford, Miss,
and their sound reflects these sur-
roundings. Blue Mountain formed
two years ago, but two of the three
members (Cary Hudson, and Laurie
Stirratt) were in a band called the
Hilltops before they joined with
drummer Matt Brennan, who was
formerly from The Flinghammer.
They feature a rustic, southern
ers well; it seems to get the
more you play it. The sour iv . ds
from early southern rock and iolk
music. Two obvious influences are
70s musicians Gram Parsons and
Neil Young. Blue Mountain seems
to have the same kind of lasting
value thatartists like Youngpossess.
One of the most interesting as-
pects of the band is how much noise
they make for three artists. A lot of
variety isoffered. Cary Hudsonplays
electric and acoustic guitar, banjo,
mandolin and harmonica, and sings
as well. Laurie Stirratt plays bass
and does vocals. Matt Brennan
rounds out the three on the drums.
The first two songs on the al-
bum are titled "Bud" and "Let's
Ride "Bud" immediately gets your
attention. It talks about traveling
See BLUE page 14
Carpe Patio
00 m
Garage bands get a bad rap.
Middle-class white boys getting to-
gether at the home of the guy with the
most tolerant parents and making
noiseisafine American tradition thafs
yielded some good rock and roll. Ga-
rage bands are generally energetic,
loud and just a little pissed off all
positive things if you want to be a rock
star. They might sound like crap, but
so did Bad Company. Carrying
on the garage tradition is Carmine, an
Atlanta-based trio that formed just to
have a little fun. This shows on their
talent album, CarpcPatioFlounder. This
is quirky, fast-peed alternative stuff;
Carmine seems to owe as much to
Primus as they do to RE.M The gui-
tars jump and prance, and whatever
point the songs make are made with a
strange sense of humor.
The best example of this weird,
tone, and probably the best song on
the disc, is "Mitch A song of forbid-
den lust and envy, "Mitch" is about
the inner conflict that arises in a little
boy over his desire to own Mitch, "the
greatest turtle in the world "Mitch"
in terms usually reserved for songs of
romance or matters of great social
Equally effective, but in a differ-
ent class entirely, is "All Men This
one isaboutanangry rocker who talks
aboutgeneralizationsand how they're
See CARMINE page 14
beauty on film
By Sarah Wahlert
Staff Writer
This Monday, March 21, the
movie "Kingdom of the Nether-
lands will be shown at 4 p.m.
and 8 p.m. as part of The Travel
Adventure Film series. Admission
is $4 for the public and at the door,
and for the ECU students, it's free
with a student ID.
Various locations will be
shown and many pleasant pictures
as well.
The audience will be given a
tour through the outdoor museum,
De Zaanse Skans, Alkmaar's
Cheese Market, the village and
harbor of Hoorne, and the tradi-
tional costumesof Marken. Amore
detailed look will be taken at
Amsterdam, Scheveningen and
The Hague, which are all main
tourist attractions. Other lesser
spots will be briefly introduced
like Rotterdam, Leiden, Delft,
Gouda, Baarle Nassau,
Limbourg, Maastrict, Arnhem,
Friesland and Drenthe.
Special points of interest
will include modern buildings,
mountains, castles, the walled
city, tulips, canal jumpin, Frisian
horses, prehistoric tombs, the
Kroller Muller Art Museum,
Hoge Veluwe National Park,
Het Lo Palace, and the Seven-
teenthCentury FormalGardens.
For further information call:
Schindler's could sweep
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
The Academy Awards will
be given out at the Dorothy Chan-
dler Pavilion on Monday March
21st. One of the fringe benefits of
reviewing films all year is that
you have an artistic license to pon-
tificate about the Oscars. Last year
I only missed one of the major
nominations?I did not think
Marisa Tomei would grab a best
supporting actress statuette. With
83 percent correct I feel even more
confident making predictions for
this year, so without further ado
I boldly try to assess the tastes
of Hollywood for 1993.
Best Picture: Almost no
competition exists in this
category. Though The Pi-
ano has been highly
praised it, like last year's
The Crying Game, was
made outside the Holly-
wood system and thus will
only win the minor award,
just as Neil Jordan did last
year for The Crying Game, of
best original screenplay. The
Remains of the Day was a truly
remarkable film but will un-
fortunately be overshadowed
this year because of the mag-
nificent slate of films to
choose from. The Fu-
gitive and In the Name
of the Father were hon-
ored by being nomi-
nated but really
have no charce.
Which leaves the
one picture that
stands head and
shoulders above the rest of the
field, Schindler's List. Steven
Spielberg's masterpiece will win
a plethora of awards including
this one. For the third year in a
row the film that deserves to win
will actually win. (In case you
have forgotten, the last two best
picture winners were Unforgiven
and Silence of the Lambs).
Best Actor: Tom Hanks will
likely win his first Oscar for his
role as a lawyer stricken with
AIDS in Philadelphia. The Acad-
emy loves to give the award to
someone with an illness or
handicap and Hollywood
adores Hanks. Although Liam
Neeson deserves the award as
much as Hanks, he will only
win if Schindler's List sweeps
nearly every award. Since the
Academy has lately honored the
categories individually instead
of say voting for the same film
in every category, Neeson will
have to wait for another year.
Daniel Day-Lewis and Anthony
Hopkins both turned in criti-
cally-lauded performances but
they have each won before so
they will be left to reminisce
over past glories this year.
Laurence Fishburne is hon-
ored to have been nominated
for What's Love Got to Do
With It so he, like Angela
Bassett in the same film,
will have to wait for an-
other year.
Best Actress: In the
easiest category to pick,
Holly Hunter will go home
smiling for her work on The
Piano. Angela Bassett,
Stockard Charming, Emma
Thompson and Debra
Winger at least can relax at
the ceremony knowing with
the utmost certainty that they
have nothing to be ner-
vous about.
Best Supporting
Actor: For a while
when the Oscar nomi-
nations were an-
nounced Tommy
Lee Jones seemed
like a shoe-in for
his. role as Lt.
Gerard in The Fugitivebut Ralph
Fiennes has picked up a lot of
support and press coverage for
his masterful turn as a brutal
Nazi in Schindler's List. Though
Fiennes may win in a Schindler
sweep, Jones is my pick for the
humanity and humor he
brought to his role.
Best Supporting Actor:
Like the other actress category,
this one seems easy to predict.
Winona Ryder will win the only
See AWARDS page 14
Put on your Boston Celtics jersey, watch Conan O'Brien and whip out the Lucky Charms 'cause if s St Patrick's Day! These are
listings of what to expect tonight in the City O'Green.
Alfredo's II
$ .75 shots
Mother Nature
grand re-opening party, green beer
$2.50 lime margaritas, $1.50 Rolling Rock
and $1.35 draft
Amateurs from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
(profits go to the Greenville Boys
and Girls Club)
Peasant's Cafe
Sports Pad
Sub Station II
$ .10 domestic upon entering
shot slope, St Patty's draft
Demolition Man
Flyin' Mice
block party
1984 prices for pitchers,
drawings for free subs and kegs

12 The East Carolinian
March 17, 1994
WzMb Top Ten
"I.Soundgarden "Spoonman"
2. Juliana Hatfield "Spin the Bottle"
3. Nine Inch Nails "March of the Pigs"
4. Afghan Whigs 'Gentleman"
5. Greenday "Longview"
6. Alice in Chains
7. Fountain of Youth
8. Beck
9. Counting Crows
10. Tori Amos
"No Excuses"
"Velocity Girl"
"Time and Time Again"
Exxon Product
6-Packs at $3.4
CIGARETTES starting at $1.15 tax
King's & 100's at $1.53 tax
mm 2753 East 10th St
(Beside Colonial Heights Shopping Center)
Comedian John Candy dies after making film
Candy died of a heart attack in his
sleep just hours after completing
what colleagues called a classic
comedy scene for his new film
Wagons East. The portly comedian
was 43.
Candy's body was found
early Friday morning, March 4, in
his residence on the Durango,
Mexico, set for the film in which he
played a drunken stagecoach
The veteran of some 40
movies, including Uncle Buck and
Stripies, was dead before paramed-
ics arrived, said Hector Partida, a
spokesman for the government of
Durango state.
"JohnCandywasa gentle-
man and a greatcomic talent said
comedian Steve Martin, who
starred with Candy in Planes, Trains
& Automobiles. "I count myself ex-
tremely lucky to have had the op-
portunity to work with him
People working with
Candy in Mexico said he showed
nosignsofill health. Hisdeath was
not necessarily a result of his esti-
mated 275 pounds, an expert in
heart disease said.
"The relationship between
weight and heart disease is not as
great as some people think said
James Dvvyer, an associate profes-
sor in preventative medicine at the
University of Southern California.
Dwyer ? an expert in the
field, but not a doctor for the actor
Bukowski wallowed in words
Influential writer dead at age 73
SAN PEDRO, Calif. (AP)
? Charles Bukowski, a street poet,
novelist and screenwriter who wal-
lowed in alcohol and other forms of
degradation in his life and li tera hire,
died Wednesday, March 9, of pneu-
monia. He was 73.
He died at a hospital where
he was being treated for leukemia,
said FrancEye Smith, his former
Bukowski's works came
over a lifetimeof drinking and menial
labor. He wrote short stories, novels,
screenplays and more than 1,000 po-
ems. They were gritty, hard-edged
and frequently pornographic ?
much like his own life.
Bukowski wrote thescreen-
play for Barfly, a critically acclaimed
1987 movie about two down-and-
out alcoholics played bv Mickey
Rourke and Faye Dunaway. It was
based on a period in his own life.
He wrote the novels "Post
Office" in 1971 and "Women" in 1978.
?said more important factors were
smoking, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol and a lack of exercise.
Candy, who was 6 feet 3
inches tall, smoked, and associates
said he appeared startingly heavy
in recent months. He had dieted at
the Pritikin Longevity Center and
lost 75 pounds for 1985's Summer
Rental, but gained weight since.
William Sanderson, a bit
player in Wagons East, said Candy-
had a bad back but otherwise ap-
peared well.
"He seemed fine. It's a
tough shoot. He's up on a horse all
day Sanderson said in a telephone
interview from Durango.
Sanderson, the film's co-
star Richard Lewis, and its pro-
ducer Gary Goodman all said
Candy's performance as a 1860s
wrong-way stagecoach driver was
Goodman said produc-
tion had been suspended and it
was not decided if the film could
or would be completed. "We're
in the process of sorting it out
Goodman said. "It's a tremen-
dous shock right now
Candy first gained fame
on the cult hit TV series "Second
City T.V He went on to star in
Splash, Volunteers, National
lampoon's Vacation and The Great
The Canadian citizen co-
starred in last year's Cool Run-
nings, a hit film about the Jamai-
can bobsled team. He also had
small part in the comedy block-
buster Home Alone and Olive
Stone's JFK.
Survivors include his
wife, the former Rosemarv Mar-
garet Hobor, daughter Jennifer,
14, and son Christopher, 9.
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March 17, 1994
Divorce? What divorce?
Johnson and Griffith try, try again.
The East Carolinian 13
"Tired" of your old wheels? Recycle 'em
A D T"U: 1.l
Melanie Griffith was with husband
Don Johnson at their ranch outside
Aspen, Colo hoursafter the actress
filed for divorce.
The petition, filed Friday in Los
Angeles County Superior Court by
Griffith's lawyer, asked for primary
custody of the couple's 4-year-old
daughter and cited irreconcilable
But late Friday, the couple's
publicist said both stars, almost five
years into their second marriage,
were giving reconciliation a second
"Don and Melanie are together
as we speak. They are working on
making their marriage better, not
bringing it to an end Elliot Mintz
attorney, Judith Shapiro, were not
immediately returned.
Griffith left home at 14 to move
in with Johnson, who was 22 at the
time. They married in 1976 and di-
vorced less than two years later.
The actress remarried Johnson
in 1989. Dakota Mayi Johnson was
born later that vear.
Johnson, 44, and Griffith, 36,
were paired in the recent movies
Paradise and Born Yesterday.
Johnson also played detective
Sonny Crockett on televison's "Mi-
ami Vice" and has starred in such
movies as Guilty as Sin, A Boy and
His Dog and Return toMacon County.
Griffith was nominated for an
Academy Award for her role in
Working Girl. Other movie credits
include Body Double, The Drozvning
Pool and Smile.
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(AP)-This country throws out
enough tires each yea r to more than
girdle the globe. That's if they were
setsideby side upright. End toend,
lying down, they'd be four deep
around the equator.
By the end of the century, they
all may be put to use, the tire indus-
try says. The Environmental Pro-
tection Agency agrees.
But there's an "if
While states try to clear away
anywhere from 1.5 billion to 3 bil-
lion tires already piled on road-
sides, dumps and vacant lots, about
175 million a year are added to the
The U.S. Environmental Pro-
tection Agency estimates that one
tire is tossed each year for every
man, woman and child in the coun-
try, more than 250 million nation-
There are markets for 75 mil-
lion to 80 million. The rest are piled
up, shredded and stockpiled, or ?
where it's allowed?put into land-
Most states no longer let land-
fills take whole tires, because they
can capture gas and squeeze up
through the other garbage, even
breaking through the heavy layer
of clay used to cap the landfill.
A few states ban dumping tires
entirely. The rest require them to be
cut or shredded. That saves space,
since tires are large pockets of air
encased in rubber. It also keeps
water from pooling in the tires and
creating a breeding place for mos-
quitoes, algae, germs and other un-
Uses for recycled tires are as
varied as imagination. Stripsof rub-
ber are cut into shoe soles or welded
into mats for erosion control or tem-
porary roads. Bales of compressed
tires support a golf course and cre-
ate its drainage system. Crumbled
rubber becomes part of hockey
pucks, roads, horse racing tracks,
NCAA tracks.
Most go up in smoke, creating
powerforcementplants, paper fac-
tories and homes
"If you take a 3x3-inch square
of tire and put it in your right hand,
and you put a 3x3 piece of coal in
your left, the tire in your right hand
gives off twice the heat at less cost.
It also pollutes less than coal says
Andy Franks, one of the growing
company of used-tire entrepre-
Anyone who's ever been
downwind of burning rubber will
doubt the pollution claim.
"If you're talking about a tire
fire, there are an awful lot of pol-
lutants that get released says
Hope Pillsbury of the recycling
section in the EPA's office of solid
waste in Washington. "But high-
temperature incineration is a dif-
ferent story
"Tires burn in the same
ballparkas coal. If you've got high-
sulphur coal, it probably burns
dirtier than tires. Plus you've gota
lot of pollution control equip-
The prediction that all scrap
tires could be recycled by the end
of 1998 comes from John
Serumgard, chairman of the Scrap
Tire Management Council and vice
president of its parent organiza-
tion, the Rubber Manufacturing
However, his equation de-
pends on the federal law requiring
states to use rubber mixed with
asphalt on their roads.
If the law is enforced, up to 70
million tires a year could go into
highways. However, there's no en-
forcement money in this year's
budget, and no telling when there
will be.
Among other things, not ev-
eryone agrees that the rubber-as-
phalt mix is a good thing. Asphalt
can be recycled. Rubber-asphalt,
or RUMAC, cannot.
Still, Serumgard says, rubber
recycling has come an incredible
way in less than a decade, espe-
cially in the past few years.
"In 1985, the EPA estimated
that less than 6 percent of all scrap
tires were used in any positive
way he says. "By 1990, it was
10.7 percent
Presently, about one-third of
all discarded tires are recycled.
' 'We would estimate that prob-
ably 5 million are going into
ground rubber applications, prob-
ably another 5 million are going
into civil engineering applica-
tions Serumgard says. "The bal-
ance, about 70 million, are going
into fuel uses
The growth of the industry
can be tracked in the pages of Scrap
Tire News, which Mary Sikora and
her family first published eight
years ago. The inaugural issue was
four pages. It now runs 20 pages a
month. The January 1994 special
issue comparing the laws of all 50
states took 36 pages.
The Scrap Tire Users Direc-
tor) also published by the Sikoras,
has grown from 1,200 listings to
2,000 over three editions.
Which is not to sav that tire
recycling is a fail-safe business.
Kenny Stewart added $175,000
worth of shredders and conveyor
belts to his Riverside Recycling
plant after Louisiana decreed that
every tire sale must include a $2
fee to pay for clearing away old
He sold the business 15
months later. "We couldn't com-
pete with someone who is work-
ing out of the back of a pickup
truck and throwing them out into
a back alley or abandoned lot
Stewart says.
About six months later, the
woman who bought Stewart's tire
equipment called to tell him she
was selling out, too.
Louisiana has recycling rules,
but just proposed a new set in
Februa ry because the current ones,
approved in 1992, don't work.
When new tires are sold, the
seller takes in an extra $2. Half
goes to the state Department of
Environmental Quality to enforce
the law. The other half is sup-
posed to cover the cost of proper
Tire dealers take the lowest
bid ? often under $1 ? and the
lowest bidder sometimes dumps
tires, says Michael Vince, pro-
gram manager for recycling in
the DEQ's solid waste division.
Many other states havesimi-
lar laws, but none has been able
tostop "tire jockeys" from dump-
ing tires on vacant lots or road-
"As far as I know, in the state
of Connecticut, we are the only
ones with a permit, yet there are
beaucoup tire jockeys in Con-
necticut says Bruce Hayn, gen-
eral manager at Oxford Tire Sup-
ply in Plainfield.
His company collects 100,000
tons of tires a year?some 13.75
million ?from Connecticut and
11 surrounding states. About 20
percent are in good enough shape
to sell for re-use or retreading.
The remaining 11 million are fuel
for Oxford's sister company,
Exeter Energy Co.
"That's 300 tons a day ?
approximately 30,000 tires a day,
seven days a week Hayn says.
"It works out to approximately
enough electricity for 30,000
homes, or about one tire per day
per home
Oxford Tire is paid about $1
for every car tire it collects, al-
though large tires from front-
end loaders and other heavy
equipment fetch as much as $200
Exeter's plant produces 30
megawatts a day. It uses about
1.5 megawatts itself, and sells
the rest to Northeast Utilities for
6 to 8 cents a kilowatt.
"The facility in Connecticut
can utilize 10 million tires a year
Serumgard says. "You say 10
million isn't much compared to
250 million scrap tires. Let me
tell you, 10 million is an awful lot
of tires if you have to bring them
to one particular spot
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14 The Hast Carolinian
March 17, 1994
Continued from page 11
award for The Age of Innocence
Hollv Hunter, had she not also
been nominated tor ThePiano may
have had a good shot roj her role
as the spunky secretary in The
Finn. As it is. her role in The Finn
makes her award for The Piano
even more secure.
Best Director: All America
can breath easily this sear. Dan
lansen finally won a gold medai
and Steven Spielberg will finally
win an Oscar. Though some
naysayers have reminded the film
community that Tlie Color Purple
won not a single award after hav-
ing been nominated for l I
(Schindler received 12) the Acad-
emy can no longer ignore the ar-
tistic significance ot Spielberg's
oik I Key will not onh be n -
ognizing Si h ?; I ? ; but Spielberg's
entire cai in Having directed
rassic Pen and s '
the same ear is teat no other di-
re tor, living or dead, could ha e
Best Original Screenplay:
Thiscategorv isa no-brainer. lane
Campion will be honored for her
writing since The Piano will be
overlooked in other categories
Not onlv is Campion's award as-
sured because ot her talent but a
lack of competition doesn't hurt
either. Theother four screenplays
were written on a completely dif-
ferent level. They include: Dave,
Philadelphia, and
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Best Adapted Screenplay:
Each vear this category proves
difficult. So mane great works of
v. ritten art have been turned into
great works of cinematic art by
iwriters that honoring ev-
en nominee would be preferred.
Since that cannot be done the
Academy will honor Steven
Zaillan's rewriting of Thomas
Keneally's book "Schindler's
1 ist He very much deserves it.
The unfortunate films that must
be overlooked axeTlieAgeoflnno-
. r ; the Nameofthe Father, The
Remains of the Day, and
Best Cinematography: For
the first time since 16's Who's
Afraid of Virginia Woolp. a black
and white film will win this
award, anusz Kaminskicaptured
the world of Nazi Germany strik-
ingly. A win in this category, as
well as the others tor Schindler's
List, will provide a great detri-
ment to those who would colorize
all black and white films.
Best Original Song: Bruce
Springsteen's haunting "Streets of
Philadelphia" from Philadelphia
should easily win. The song plavs
over the opening credits of the
film and sets the tone for the dra-
matic tension set to unfold. For
those who claimed Springsteen
had lost his touch after his last
two releases, "Streets of Philadel-
phia" proves he is as vital as ever.
The other awards Schindler's
List should win include: Best
Original Score (John Williams),
Best Film Editing (Michael Kahn),
and quite possibly Best Sound and
Best Art Direction giving the film
a total of six, and possibly eight
Oscars. A fitting tribute to a film
that is destined to become one of
the classics of cinema.
Continued from page 11
Continued from page 11
trueonlv up toa point. In the wordsof
singer guitarist Jeffrey Barnes, "All
men are surely scum that doesn't
mean I subscribe to every fucked-up
instinct down inside
Gupe Patio Flounder is an interest-
ing debut. Carmine has managed to
keep up theirgarageband sound while
still injecting their music with b
gence and humor. While it's not die
greatest thing I'v e e er heard, it's a
funlittlediscanddetinitelv worth the
? Mark
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around as a band member and deal-
ing with the influences ot drugs, no-
tably the influence of marijuana. It
points out tlie drawbacks in dealing
with the whole lifestyle. "Let's Ride"
sa more subdued tune, less upbeat,
but easier to listen to. Basically, it just
talks ??? velinginabandgoing
from show to show .deaiing with the
i very song on the album reflects
some sort ot Southern influence.One
song titled 'Westbound" starts off
almost exactly likeaLynyrdSkynyrd
track The most recent band to com-
pare them to would be Allgood out
of Athens.
They have yet to land a major
record contract, bu t tha t doesn't seem
to be one of Blue Mountain's major
goals. In an interview with the
BatesvillePanolian, Hudson said, "The
tiring we' re working on now is build-
ing a touring base in the east and we
plan to go out to L.A. either this
summer or this spring. We want to
get a deal. We're just not in a hurry
It might take a while, but Blue
Mountain will eventually get the
credit they deserve.
? Daniel
Now and then
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who is so unlucky
that he runs into accidents
which started out to happen to somebody else.
?Don Marquis
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The East Carolinian
March 17.1994
What's On Tap?
Thursday, March17
vs. George Mason. 2 p.m. (DH)
W. Tennis, away
at UNC Wilmington. 2 p.m.
M. Tennis, away
at Campbell, 2 p.m.
Friday, March 18
vs. Erskine, 2 p.m. (DH)
Lady Pirate Classic
Saturday, March 19
vs. Erskine, 2 p.m.
Lady Pirate Classic
W. Tennis, away
vs. American. Richmond, Va 9
W. Track, away
at North Carolina
The 411
Mar. 14 beat Yale 7-6
(11 innings)
Mar. 16 vs. St. Augistine's,
Men's CAA Leaders
(Final Statistics)
Team Conference GB
ODU 10-4 714 ?
JMU 10-4 714
18-8 692
17-9 .654
16-9 640
16-9 .640
15-11 .577
10-16 385
8-18 .308
4-22 .154
Scoring Avg
Tim Fudd. All 18.9
Odell Hodge. ODU 18 3
Clayton Ritter. JMU 17.9
Kent Culuko. JMU 17.3
Petey Sessoms. ODU 17 2
Rebounding Avg
David Cully. W&M 8 8
Odell Hodge. ODU 8 5
Shenf El-Sanadily UNCW 8 4
Mike Hodges. UR 7 5
Clayton Ritter. JMU 7 3
Assist Avg
Troy Manns. GMU 6.0
Kevin Larkm. ODU 4 9
Kevin Swann, ODU 4 9
Drew Phillips. UNCW 4 6
David Cox. W&M 4.6
Field Goal
Clayton Ritter. JMU 635
Anton Giill, ECU .587
Car! Parker. W&M .556
Kevin Swann. ODU 549
Kass Weaver. UR 540
Free Throw
Kent Culuko. JMU 929
Lester Lyons. ECU .847
Petey Sessoms, ODU 810
Clayton Ritter. JMU .805
Darren McLinton JMU .797
3-pt Field Goal
Kent Culuko. JMU 455
Darryl Franklin. AU 432
Skipp Schaefbauer. ECU .432
Corey Stewart. UNCW 429
Petey Sessoms. ODU 423
Scoring Margin
Old Dominion 10 0
East Carolina 4.0
James Madison 3 0
Rich jnd 2.6
UNC-Wilmington 2 3
Gecge Masn -5 8
American -7 0
W ;liam & Mary -9 9
Rebounding Margin
UNC-Wilmington 5 6
East Carolina 2.3
Old Dominion 2 1
Richmond 1 3
George Mason 0 5
James Madison -2 2
American -2 7
William & Mary -3 9
Field Goal
James Madison 50.0
UNC Wilmington 46 6
Old Dominion 45 6
Richmond 45 5
William & Mary 43 8
East Carolina 43.4
American 42 1
George Mason 42 0
Def. Field Goal
UNC Wilmington 43,4
Old Dominion 43 6
East Carolina 44.3
Richmond 45 7
William & Mary 46.3
James Madison 46 4
George Mason 46 6
American 48 3
Compiled by Brad Oldham
Irates compete well in South
TThmJl- ' WlfeL1 '

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File Photo
The Irates (men's team) and the Helios (women's team) are expecting
good things this season in the Ultimate Frisbee National.
By Steve Lienert
Staff Writer
1 he East Carolina men's Li-
timate Frisbee team, the Irates,
began what could be their first
C ollegiate National Champion-
ship season with two impressive
tournaments in the South over
Spring Break.
Ultimate has over 350 col-
lege teams across the nation, as
well as more than bOO Open Men's
and W omens' teams. Ultimate is
governed by the Ultimate Play-
ers Association, the UI'A, which
sanctions tournaments all over
the world. Fast Carolina also
boasts a fine women's team, the
1 lelios, who are trying to qualify
tor Collegiate Nationals. The
bates have been to Nationals
three of the past four seasons,
and are the defending Mid-At-
lantic Regional Champions.
first, the Irates traveled to
Gainesville, Fla. to participate in
1 rostbreaker, which traditionally
marks the beginning of the spring
season In their first game of the
year, the bates toppled second-
seeded Chain I ightning of At-
lanta. 13-10. In the next game, a
3 12 hour marathon, the Irates
took the host team, Vicious Cycle,
to the brink of defeat before fall-
ing themselves, lb-14.
Chain Lightning and Vicious
Cycle both qualified for Open
Men's National and World
Championships lastseason, with
Vicious Cycle becoming the first
and only team to ever beat the
eventual champions from New
York in pool play. The Irates lost
in the quarter-finals of this tour-
nament, but the weekend was
still viewed as a success.
After a week off, the Irates
came into Atlanta's prestigious
tournament, Terminus, as the No.
9 seed. On Saturday, in their first
collegiate test of the year, the
Irates defeated the defending
Collegiate National Champions
from UNC-W, 13-6, setting the
tone for the next day.
On Sunday, the Irates
knocked off the No.l seed in the
tournament, Shazam, from D.C
12-4. The Irates then strutted into
the semi-finals of this UP A-sanc-
tioned event, having to play
against the No. 4 ranked team in
the world, Raleigh-Durham's
Burning Ring of Fire. Ring was
the No. 2 seed in this tourna-
ment, and the Irates gave them
all they could handle before los-
ing, 15-12. The Irates may have
lost the game but gained respect
from everyone as one of the most
dominant college teams in the
The Irates only losses this sea-
son have come to Open Mens'
teams that have qualified for
Open Nationals in at least one of
the past two seasons.
The victories over D.C
See IRATES page 20
AP announces 1993-94 All-Americans
By Dave Pond
Assistant Sports Editor
The 19934 Associated Press
All-America basketball team has
been named, and the roster has a
surprisingly high seven underclass-
men. Six seniors were placed on
the three squads, along with seven
juniors and two sophmores,
Califomia'sjason Kidd and Corliss
Williamson of Arkansas.
The roster was voted on by a
65-member nationwide panel of
writers and broadcasters. Voting
was done on a 5-3-1 basis, with a
team receiving five points for a First
Team vote, three for a Second I earn
vote, and one for a Third Team
Purdue'sGlenn Robinson was
the top vote-getter, leading the First
Team with 325 points. The n-foot-8
junkraveraged30.3pointsand 10.1
rebounds per game for the Boiler-
California'ssophomore sensa-
tion Jason Kidd was a close second
in the voting. amassing 323 points.
Heaveraged l6.8?oints,9.1 assists,
and 2.3, steals per game for the
Six-foot-9 junior Donyell
Marshall of Connecticut placed
third in the voting, garnering 319
points bv averaging 25.N points and
3.4 blocks per game lor the I lus-
points, good tor fourth place in the
voting, rhe 6-foot-8 senior aver-
aged 17.3 ppg in leading the Blue
Devils to the ACC regular-season
1 iniisv ille junior C lifford
Rozierrounded out the First learn,
accumulating lc?s points because
of his 19.1 ppg and 62.5 percent
field goal shooting.
The Second I earn consisted of
three seniors, a junior and a
sophrnore. Michigan's Jalen Rose
led the pack with 1S2 points. Theb-
foot-8 junior av eraged 211.6 per and
3.9 assists per game.
Arkansas sophomore Corliss
Williamson averagedover20 points
and only played 27 8 minutes per
game. Theb-foot-7Williamsonalst)
shot an exceptional 62.8 percent
from the floor tor the Razorbacks.
North Carolina's much-her-
alded 7-foot senior center Eric
Montross was placed the second
team by averaging 1 T.4 points and
8.1 rebounds per game. He also
made 35.2 percent of field goals in
leading the Tarheels to the No. i
ECU'S Lester
Lyons, seen here in
last years NCAA
tournament, is
being guarded by
Derrick Phelps
who made
mention to this
year's team.
rankinggoingin to the NCAA Tour-
Senior guard Khalid Reeves of
Arizona averaged 23.7 points and
2.4 assists per game for the Wild-
cats, good for a spot on the Second
Team. Another guard, Missouri's
Melvin Booker.eamed thefinalspot
File Photo
on the squad with 71 points. The 6-
foot-2 senior averaged 17.5 points
and 4.2 assists per game for the
California's second edition to
the All-America roster is 6-foot-7
See ALL-AMERICA page 20
Page 15
Borel a
hit with
the CAA
By Dave Pond
Assistant Sports Editor
East Carolina
centerfielder Jamie Borel
was named the Colonial
Athletic Association Plaver
of the Week on March 14.
The senior batted .455 with
two home runs in seven
games for the Pirates last
week, when they went 6-1.
"It's a well-deserved
honor said ECU head
coach Gary Overton. "He
had an exceptional week in
many ways. He made so
many things happen for
In ECU's first confer-
ence series of the season
against UNC-Wllmington,
Borel batted .500, going 5-
for-10 with a triple and a
home run. For the week,
including three games
against Temple and one
against Yale, Borel amassed
a slugging percentage of
.909, stole eight bases and
Jamie Borel
scored 10 runs while driv-
ing in five.
What makes Borel's
honor even more gratifying
is the fact that he has played
injured virtually all season.
He dislocated his left shoul-
der in the Pirates' season-
opening series with Florida,
but with rehabilitation, has
played in every ECU con-
test this season.
"As well as having the
shoulder injury, Jamie was
injured again against UNC-
"He slid into home and cut
the fifth finger on his left
hand on something, prob-
ably the catcher's shin guard.
It was a deep cut that re-
quired five stitches
Also nominated for
Player of the Week honors
werejames Madison's Brian
McNichol, Chuck Justice of
UNC-Wilmington, Old
Dominion's John Smith,
Richmond's Jeff Dausch and
Mike Laskofski of William
& Mary.
(AP) ? Dave Odom, who
guided Wake Forest to consecu-
tive 20-win seasons for the first
time in a decade, was named The
Associated Press i1 ach of the v ear
in the Atlantic Coast Conference
on fuesdav.
"It's really a wonderful honor
and experience said Odom, who
also won tiie award in 1991. "Win-
ning awards -???MIM
not something rr
you start out
saying you'll do.
I'm just really
pleased that the
sports writers
have shown that
kind of confi-
dence in us
O d o m ,
whose Demon
Deacons are 20-
I I and landed a??
Our team has
we've asked
them to do. "
Dave Odom.
Wake Forest Head Coach
No. 5 seed in the C A A tourna-
ment Southeast Regional, re-
ceived 53 of a possible 110 votes
cast by members of the Atlantic
( oast sports Writers Asso iation
Duke's Mike Krvcw ,ki
who led the Blue Devils to the
ACC regular-season title, was sec-
ond with 34 votes. Gary Williams
of Maryland was third with 18.
Wake Forest was picked to
finish seventh in the ACC after
the early departure of 1993 player
of the vear Rodney Rogers to the
But (dom deployed a three-
to offset the
loss oi his star
and take some
of the pressure
off Irishman
centei I i m
I)uik ,m. I he
worked as
W ake I orest
finished third
in the league
?with the best 3-
point shooting team and Duncan
him king tin re than 100 shots.
"()ur It am has a epted ev -
erything we've asked them to do.
And then they've followed
through on it Odom
They've tried to do it. That's what
makes coaches look good. When
there's an obvious plan that's be-
ing followed, that's what makes
coaches look like they're doing a
good job
I he Demon Deacons also
overcame adversity.
I he team was supposed to
receive help this vear with two
recruits, Mahktiar Ndiaye and
Ricardo Peral. But Ndiaye trans-
ferred to Michigan following
C AA scrutiny in connection
with his recruitment. Peral ran
into troubles with his eligibility
and did not play this vear.
I 'espite those two losses, the
fifth-year coach guided his team
to its unprecedented fourth
straight trip to the NCAA tourna-
I very team is different, but 1
think what's happened this vear is
a product ol what's happened in
the tour years previous to that
Odom said. "It kind of builds on
itself, it kind ut snowballs. You
hope that it feeds itself, it nurtures
itseli from one war to the other
Jordan critics getting tougher
while spring training goes on
(AP) ? If he were just bull-
dozing the rain forest, or arrang-
ing to have his rivals kneecapped,
or even holding back what he
knowsaboutWhitewater,it would
be easier to understand why some
people are so steamed at Michael
Jordan. Apparently, likeradongas
in the basement, this spring-train-
ing thing is endangering more lives
than we were led to believe.
"Bag It, Michael Sports Illus-
trated screamed on its cover last
week. To find the really nastv stu ft,
though, you have to look inside to
the four pages on either side of ihe
promotional offers touting tree
Michael Jordan videos with every
paid subscription.
"To hear the crowd cheer ev-
ery step that number 45 takes on a
baseball field or to watch the fans
walk around in their Air Jordan
apparel purchased from the spe-
cial ike v an at Ed Smith Stadium
is to instantly understand why the
White Sox are letting Jordan do
this the article says. "So shame
on them for their cynical manipu-
lation of the public. .And shame
on them for feeding Michael's
matchbook-cover delusion ?
For all that, Jordan will be
gone soon enough.
But the suspicion here is that
the people who don't under-
stand why he went to spring
training in the first place are the
same people whostill don't have
a clue why Princess Di walked
outonChuck( to have some fun).
Or why Willie Sutton robbed
banks (it's where the money is).
Or most especially why that
mournful-looking kid always
stuck out in right held kept com-
ing out for Little League
(couldn't resist the challenge).
It's worth remembering that
these are the same people who
Bart Simpson was forever coun-
seling, "Don't have a cow man
After all, when was the last
time anybody paid this much
See JORDAN page 20

16 The East Carolinian
March 17,1994
Gretzky on verge of being all-time scorer in NHL history
(AP) ? It's funny how every-
body can see him all the time, yet
reallv not see him at all.
By leapsandbounds,by endorse-
ments and televised appearances ?
bvany measure imaginable?Wayne
Gretzky is the most famous, most
rewarded, most accomplished ath-
lete that hockev has ever produced.
Precisely because he is a hockey
player, however, he may also be the
most underappreciated athlete any
so-called "major"sporthaseverpro-
"When you sit back and look at
all the things he's done, it's sad to go
in to some of the to wns we p lay in and
still see empty seats Los Angeles
Kings owner Bruce McNall is saying.
McNaU's voice trails off for a
moment, some of that sadness min-
gling with resignation. He pauses to
watch a Zamboni lazily resurface
the ice between periods of Sunday's
NHL game in packed-to-the-raf ters,
soon-to-be-leveled Chicago Sta-
"A few years from now
McNall begins, "everybody will
swear they were there when he got
goal No. 801. Just like everybody
said they were there to see Henry
Aaron catch Babe Ruth
Though he would not score in
Sunday afternoon's 3-3 tie with the
Blackhawks, the man who came to
sunny Los Angeles from Edmonton
six years ago for a king's ransom
Howe's career goal-scoring record.
It is the only NHL record worth
owning that Gretzky does not al-
ready possess. And when he ties and
or somewhere else later this month,
he will have bettered a mark once
thought unassailable in just his 15th
professional season. Howe, by com-
parison, needed 26 seasons to get his
801 goals.
"I've felt pressure my whole
life Gretzky said after the game.
"Each circumstance is a different
kind of pressure
It took the reporters gathered
around him a moment to under-
stand that Gretzky was not talking
about personal goals.
"My job isn't quite halfway fin-
ished he continued. "We built re-
spectability. We built hockey up in
southern California. Now we'd like
to get a championship
Though history suggests it is
dangerous to believe otherwise, this
last task may be too much ? even
for Gretzky. He won four titles in
five seasons in his outpost at
Edmonton, but his supporting cast
was considerably stronger and he
was considerably younger.
Though still only 33, the weight
of his accomplishments is apparent
? this week at least ? in the sag of
his slim shoulders. The recent death
of good friend and business partner
John Candy has made the game seem
more like work than play, and the
a ttentionhis pursuit of Howe's mark
has drawn is clearly beginning to
wear on Gretzky's nerves.
To make matters worse, Howe
hasbecome less than gracious about
his legacy in recent days. When he
was a 5-year-old, Gretzky so idol-
ized Howe that when he received a
Red Wings jersey for Christmas, he
wore it out in a year. And when
Gretzky passed him in career points,
Howe was on hand to offer his con-
gratulations in person. But sud-
denly the old man has taken to
demanding that his 174 goals
scored during a stint in the short-
lived World Hockey Association
becounted toward his career-scor-
ing mark.
Gretzky hascarefully phrased
his answers to avoid reflecting
badly on Howe, but it seems to
have added to his own burden.
"The last thing I want to do is
drag this thing out. I've only got
three to go to tie and I'd like to get
them quickly Gretzky said, "so
people can get back to what they
have to do instead of focusing on
Wayne Gretzky
McMahon shuffling possibly still uncomplete
(AP)?Jim McMahon hasbeen
deemed too expensive by the Min-
nesota Vikings, and may join his
fourth organization since leaving
the Chicago Bears in 1989.
The Vikings on Monday cut
loose the quarterback they had
hoped would put them in the Su-
per Bowl.
McMahon would have made
about S2.1 million in 1994 had the
Vikings retained him. A clause in
his contract gave the Vikings until
today to make a decision.
McMahon, who will be 35 be-
fore next season, is now an unre-
stricted free agent and still could
return to the Vikings.
"We're keeping all of our op-
tions open, including bringing Jim
back Vikings vice president Jeff
Diamond said. "We did not want
to pay the bonus required and have
it count against the salary cap if we
decide not to bring him back
"We have said from the start
that this year we are going to keep
only three quarterbacks on the 1994
roster said Vikings coach Dennis
Green, who lobbied hard for Min-
nesota to sign McMahon last year.
"This enables the Vikings to check
all possibilities and Jim McMahon
to pursue other opportunities
The Phoenix Cardinals,
coached by former Bears assistant
Buddy Ryan, reportedly are inter-
ested in the one-time "punky QB"
? who guided Chicago to its only
Super Bowl, but has been hurt in
each of his 12 NFL seasons.
Sean Salisbury, who has
Reductions to 90
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started eight games for the Vikings
over the last two seasons, is a free
agent, but the Vikings have the
right to match any offer he receives.
Minnesota also holds exclusive
rights to young quarterbacks Gino
Torretta and Brad Johnson.
The Vikings went after free
agent Scott Mitchell, but lost him
to the Detroit Lions. Diamond said
the Vikings may pursue other vet-
eran quarterbacks. Jim Everett of
the Los Angeles Rams has been
mentioned in recent reports.
McMahon was at his best in
the mid-1980s with Chicago, which
beat New England in the Super
Bowl after the 1985 season.
He had a reputation of a rebel
and a hell-raiser. He called himself
"the punky QB" in the "Super Bowl
Shuffle" music video, taunted then-
NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle by
wearing headbands with adver-
tisements on them and drew atten-
tion to himself by wearing dark
sunglasses (even indoors) and ear-
Toward the end of his Chicago
stay, McMahon began feuding with
upper management, coaches and
His public criticism of Bears
president Michael McCaskey, as
well as fellow quarterbacks Doug
Rutie and Jim Harbaugh, got him
traded to San Diego before the '89
season. After one unimpressive
year with the Chargers, he signed
with the Philadelphia Eagles as
Randall Cunningham's backup.
Seeking a "winner Green
urged the Vikings to sign
McMahon before last season.
McMahon is 67-29 as an NFL
starter, second in winning percent-
age only to Joe Montana, but most
of those victories came when he
was with a dominant Chicago team.
His Bears backups, Steve Fuller
and Mike Tomczak, also were big
winners whenever McMahon was
He was 8-4 as a starter last
season even though, by his own
admission, he played poorly most
of the year. He had only three
touchdown passes in his first nine
McMahon did come through
down the stretch, throwing six
touchdown passes in the final three
games as the Vikings made the
playoffs at 9-7. Minnesota lost to
the New York Giants in the play-
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March 17.1994
The East Carolinian
Ward adds another trophy to shelf
(AP) ? National football
championship, Heisman Trophy
and now the Sullivan Award.
It's been a whirlwind three
months for Charlie Ward.
"I'm still surprised the
Florida State quarterback said
Monday night after he was named
the nation's outstanding amateur
athlete for 1993.
"I guess this is a bit different
than the Heisman. I kind of knew
what was going to happen there,
but I wasn't really sure. Tonight
was a big surprise. I'm just very
thankful that I had the opportu-
nity to be here
Ward, 23, was among 10 final-
ists for the Sullivan presented each
year since 1930 by the U.S. Ama-
teur Athletic Union. He also is the
first football player to win the
Sullivan since Army teammates
Doc Blanchard in 1945 and Arnold
Tucker in 1946 and the first winner
from a team sport since baseball's
Jim Abbott in 1987.
Ward quarterbacked Florida
State to its first national champion-
ship and was the most valuable
player in the Seminoles' 18-16 Or-
ange Bowl victory over Nebraska.
He passed for 3,032 yards and
27 touchdowns, with only four in-
terceptions in 327 attempts last sea-
son. After the bowl game,he joined
the FSU basketball team and started
16 games at point guard, averag-
ing 10.5 points a game. The Semi-
noles finished their basketball sea-
son 13-14.
He still doesn't know ? or
won't say ? whether he'll try to
play in the NFL or the NBA.
The Sullivan winner is chosen
each year in a vote by more than
2,000 people, including members
of the AAU, theU.S. OlympicCom-
mittee, past Sullivan winners and
selected news media.
The other finalists this vear
were Bruce Baumgartner, wres-
tling; Shannon Miller, gymnastics;
Brian Boitano, figure skating; Gail
Devers, track and field; Bobby
Hurley, basketball; Dan Jansen,
speedskating; DanO'Brien, decath-
lon; Sheryl Swoopes, basketball;
and Jenny Thompson, sw-imming.
Ward, who was presented the
award by last year's winner,
speedskater Bonnie Blair, is only
the sixth Sullivan winner from a
team sport.
"It feels good. Winning the
Heisman, 1 was in select company,
too he said. "The Sullivan Award
means I'm in with people who win
gold medals. I just can't imagine
winning a gold medal. But we all
have our expertise
All of the finalists except
O'Brien attended the award din-
ner at the Indiana Convention Cen-
Free-agents prepared to hit the market
(AT) ? With less than three
weeks to go until opening day, Ron
Gant, Mark Letter and Tom Bolton
find themselves about to become
free agents.
The three were placed on un-
conditional release waivers Tues-
day, and will become free agents
unless they're claimed for the $1
waiver price by 2 p.m. Friday.
Bv placing them on waivers,
the teams saved big bucks: The col-
lective bargaining agreement calls
for 30 days termination pay.
That means Gant is owed
$906,593.40 instead of S5.5 million
from the Atlanta Braves, Leiter is
owed $65,934.07instead of $400,000
by Detroit, and Bolton is owed
$90,659.34 instead of $550,000. But
the Braves argue they may not owe
Gant a penny because he broke a leg
in a motorbike accident a week after
agreeing to his contract and he'U
miss at least half the season.
"We are sorry that this unfor-
tunate accident occurred Braves
general manager John Schuerholz
said a f ter announcing he was waiv-
ing Gant, a 29-year-old outfielder
who averaged almost 30 home runs,
97 RBIs and 31 steals during the
past four years. "Since he is un-
available to perform as a result of
this accident and, according to
our doctors, will be rehabilitating
for an extended period of time,
we have decided to take this ac-
The Major League Baseball
Players Association may file a
grievance, forcing the issue to ar-
bitratorGeorgeNicolau,but won't
decide before Friday.
Leiter, obtained in the 1991
trade that sent Torey Lovullo to
the New York Yankees, was 23-18
in his three seasons with the Ti-
gers. He struggled last season,
going 6-6 with a 4.73 ERA. Bolton
was 6-6 with a 4.47 ERA.
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18 The Fast Carolinian
March 17,1994
Nixon hopes to Trof into MLB
(AP) ? It took Trot Nixon just
one swing toshowwhy the Red Sox
believe he will be an outfield star ot
the future.
Nixon, the club's top pick in the
June 1W dralt, has never even
played a minor-league game Hut
hemore than held his own Monday
in a "B" game against the Minne-
sota Twins that featured several
major leaguers.
In his tirstat-bat, the left-handed
Nixon ran the count to 3-and-l and
then lined a I odd Ritchie fastball
up the middle tor a single.
"It is tun to come up and play.
I've been waiting all winter Nixon
said. "I was a little bit nervous last
night, but it felt pretty good finally
getting out in the Held and running
around a bit
Though Nixon's debut was not
as much of an event as the spring
training appearances of another
product of Wilmington, N.C ?
Michael Jordan ? it caused a few
heads to turn atCity ot 'alms Park.
As the teen-ager strolled out of
the Red Sox dugout at 9:31 a.m.
Monday, one oi the 1 winselbowed
a teammate and exclaimed with a
tingeofawe, "There'sTrot Nixon
Nixon lias already been com-
pared to Mike Greenwell and
George Brett There are at least four
different! rot Nixon baseball cards,
and the 19- ear-old flew to Boston
this winter as a featured guest at a
baseball card show.
The excitement surrounding
Nixon, who signed with the Red
Sox last fall instead of going to play
quarterbackat North Carolina State,
has become so great that Boston
general manager Dan Duquette re-
cently felt compelled to put the
youngster's career in perspective.
"We have Trot Nixon in the
Hall of Fame and he hasn't even
played A-ball yet Duquette said
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7 5 7-6366
earlier during spring training.
Nixon probably will start play-
ing at the A level this season, for the
Red Sox affiliate in Lvnchburg, Va.
He hit .366 with" 13 RBIs in 24
games in the Florida Instructional
League late last season, then went
home to Wilmington, N.C, in the
winter to bulk up in the weight
room. He has gained 18 pounds
since plaving in the instructional
league, and now is a powerful 6-
foot-2,208 pounds.
"He's got a very explosive
swing. He'sgoing to power thebail,
and hit for average and power
Red Sox hitting instructor Mike
Easier said with gleeafter watching
Nixon plav in a game for the first
time. "He has a home-run hitter's
Easier said Nixon probably is
already too far advanced to learn
much in A-Ievel baseball, and that
he should be able to hold his own
when he is called up to the major-
league club in September?a move
stipulated in his contract.
"He's got quiet feet and he's
got good size to him. His hands are
relaxed. And when the ball gets in
his zone he explodes Easier said.
"No one should even touch his
swing, just talk to him about read-
ing the ball and using the whole
One of the biggest adjustments
for Nixon will be not playing foot-
ball in the fall. He was a two-sport
star in high school, but chose base-
ball because he was happy with the
Red Sox contract and because he
thinks hecould havea longercareer
in baseball.
"It'll probably be a little differ-
ent in August, the start of the foot-
ball season. But I'm not going to
miss it, because this is what I love
he said. "I can always go to see a
football game in the offseason. But
trying to read all those defensesand
stuff, I can do without that
Nixon, who bounced out to first
base in his final twoat-batson break-
ing balls against veteran reliever
Rick Aguilera, wore No. 38on Mon-
day but said he eventually would
like to wear No. 7.
But the center fielder, whose
stubble on his chin does not hide
the fact that he won't turn 20 until
April 11, said he doesn't really care
what number is on his back.
"I'll wear any jersey if I can get
out there and play he said.
Tyson has new focus in education
Olson's Trivial Quiz
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(AP) ? With about one year to
go before his release from prison,
Mike Tyson has given up on the
legal system and is focusing on his
Tyson was convicted in Feb-
ruary 1W2 of raping beauty pag-
eant contestant Desiree Washing-
ton while both were in Indianapo-
lis the previous summer.
I le was sentenced to six years
at the Indiana Youth Center, but
his May 19u5 release could be
moved up by as much as six months
if he passes his high school equiva-
lency exam.
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme
Court declined to review the former
heavyweight boxing champ'scon-
The court, without comment,
turned away arguments Monday
that Tyson, 27, was denied a fair
"I doubt this will affect him. I
think he sets himself up to expect
the worst and is prettv surprised
when something other than that
happenssaid Phil Slavens, an as-
sistant superintendent at the
The Rev. Charles Williams, a
close friend of Tvson's and presi-
dent of the Indiana Black Expo,
said he doubted Tyson would be
surprised bv the decision.
Tyson hasmatured duringhis
two years at the prison, located
west of Indianapolis in Plainfield,
and spends his free time attending
classes and working out, Slavens
"He's been prettv much on an
even keel his whole stav here. As
he gets relatively close to getting
home his attitude is more upbeat
he said.
Tyson's attorney, Alan
Dershowitz, said the denial was
expected because the Supreme
Court accepts a small fraction of
the petitions it receives.
Dershowitz said he will begin a
federal habeas corpus petition,
which requests a release from
Attorneys representing
Washington said the decision
proved the validity of the origi-
nal verdict in Marion Superior
"We're very pleased with the
result, although it comes as no
surprisesaid I isaCampolo, an
associate of Boston attorney
Deval Patrick. Patrick is repre-
senting Washington in a civil law-
suit againstTvson in U S. District
Court in Indianapolis.
"We hope the decision by
the Supreme Court on the con-
viction will allow all the prcKeed-
ings, including the civil case, to
be resolved quickly Campolo
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March 17.1994
The East Carolinian 19
Liberty finds hands full in Tarheels
(AP) ? Is it possible to go from
being naive to being jaded in less
than a week?
Probably not, but the Liberty
basketball team is getting a severe
test, what with all the national me-
dia attention it's received sincequali-
fying for the NCAA Tournament
for the first time.
The team has slipped neatly
into the beloved "underdog" slot,
producing the kind of story that,
not unexpectedly, has attracted
media interest from all over the
senior forward jody Chapman
said. "It'shmeconsuming. But then
again, it's enjoyable to experience
it. There's not too many times this
Indeed. When else would re-
porters from both USA Today and
Newsday show up on the Liberty
campus? That was Tuesday. On
Monday, the ESPN cameras moved
in to film a spot tha t's a lready aired.
Likewise, television crews
from most of the major stations in
the state have shown up to
chronicle the tale surrounding the
team at the Rev. Jerry Falwell's
"Every time you turn around,
someone's asking you about it
senior guard Brett Anthony said.
Mitch Goodman, Liberty's
sports information director, said
there have been at least 100 inter-
view requests for coach Jeff Meyer
since Sunday, when it was an-
nounced the Flames would play
defending champion North Caro-
lina. Among those who havecalied
are representatives from The Nezv
YorkTimes, The Washington Post and
The Los Angeles Times.
John Jeansonne, a reporter for
New York-based Newsday, arrived
Tuesday morning to cover what he
called "one of the nice little stories
out there
"Liberty is obviously just a
'good hook for several reasons
Jeansonne said. "They're playing
the top seed, the team with prob-
ably the most recognition in the
country. Andbecauseof theFalwell
connection, people recognize the
name Liberty.
"And when you put all that
together, it just seemed pretty ob-
ESPN's coverage on Monday
first brought the team's story to the
nation's attention, liighlighted no
doubt by Chapman's now-famous
reply to an interviewer that North
Carolina was his favorite team in
the tournament.
"Then he asked me who my
second-favorite team was and I told
him Liberty said Chapman, a
Charlotte, N.C native and a long-
time Tar Heels fan. "He was kind
of tickled about that
It's hard to find a looser bunch
than the Liberty team these days.
Non-practice time is filled with
clowning and singing. Most play-
ers are approaching interviews in
the same vein.
Meyer said the group has per-
formed well under the scrutiny.
"I told the kids, 'I am as proud
of theway you'vehandled the me-
dia and the interviews as I am of
the way you've played basketball
" Meyersaid. "They've been great
With the help of a graduate
assistant hired just two weeks ago,
Liberty's two-man sports informa-
tion staff has handled the wave of
media attention.
Goodman said the current
crunch has made for a lot of late
nights. He left the office at 4 a.m.
one morning last week, he said.
"You only have so many days
and so many hours to get every-
thing out Goodman said.
Like the public relations folks,
the Liberty playersaredealing with
the crest of exposure. It will die
down soon, after the team's ex-
pected loss to North Carolina on
Friday, but not before they've re-
ceived a smidgen of what people
such as Michael Jordan endure.
"I honestly couldn't imagine
it Anthony said. "I can't imagine
guys like Jordan and all the media
and how they handle it
But it's fun while it lasts.
"Ithasn'tbeenbad Anthony
said. "I think it's been a good expe-
rience for all the guys
Clemson,ACC and Ellis bid sad farewell
(AP) ? Part coach, part coun-
try and western singer, part come-
dian ? there's no doubt Cliff Ellis
made his mark on Atlantic Coast
Conference basketball.
Ellis came to Clemson, noted
for its powerful football teams, a
decade ago to generate interest in a
sport not many in the small South
Carolina town really cared about.
And on Friday in the
quarterfinals of the league tourna-
ment, there was genuine optimism
the Tigers could defea t No. 5 Duke,
considering they played them to 4-
and 6-point losses earlier this sea-
But with just seconds left, Ellis
looked at the scoreboard and knew
it was over. The Blue Devils held a
double-digit lead and eventually
won 77-64.
His ACC coaching career had
come to a close.
t hit me with about 11 sec-
onds to go said Ellis, who an-
nounced his resignation earlier in
the year. "I don't remember why. I
just looked at the clock and said,
'Hey, it's over
Ellis, theall-time victory leader
at the school with 175, became a
popular coach among his ACC col-
leagues. Many gave him going-
away gifts as he toured the league
for one final time. He waved kisses
at fans who gave him standing
The 48-year-old coach fought
back tears during his postgame
comments and final goodbyes Fri-
"I think you close chapters in
your life that are very positive. You
look back and you have all the
emotions ? the emotions of hap-
piness, a feeling somewhat of a
celebration, but of sadness too
Ellis said.
"Anytime you finish anything,
it's not easy to finalize it headded.
"Anytime you lose something that
is special, you have all the emo-
tions. It's something I have a very
warm feeling about
Ellis recalled his third season
at Clemson, when his team cut the
nets down after a runner-up finish
in the ACC.
"What teams cut the nets down
when they have a runner-up fin-
ish? But when you hadn't had one
in 30 years, you do that
Ellis then took his 1987, '89
and '90clubs to the NCAA tourna-
ment. His 1990 team won the ACC
regular-season title with such fu-
ture NBA players as Dale Davis
and Elden Campbell.
"There were a lot of hurdles
that we were able to overcome. I
think tradition has gained in this
Ellis said. "In the '50s, when the
ACC started, Clemson (football)
was going to a lot of Gator Bowl
and Orange Bowls and Sugar
Bowls, but in basketball, the Dukes
and the Carolinas and the N.C.
States were making the noise in
"I think as the torch is passed,
the next person will be able to build
on this tradition
Ellis has released a compact
disc that concludes with "Amaz-
ing Grace a tribute to the late Jim
Valvano. He also didn't rule out
coaching again.
"We'll look at that opportu-
nity if the right one does come. Life
has been good to me. I will do it
only if the situation is right he
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20 The East Carolinian
March 17,1994

First Round Second Round Regionals
Continued from page 15
March 17-18
1 Missouri (25-3)
16 Navy (17-12)
8 Cinn. (22-9)
9 Wis. (17-10)
March 19-20
5 Calif. (22-7)
12WisG.B. (26-6) Los Angeles
4 Svracuse (21-6)
13 Hawaii (18-14)
6 Minn. (20-11)
11 S.I11. (23-6)
3 Louisville (26-5)
14 Boise St. (17-12)
7 Virginia (17-12)
10 N.Mexico (23-7)
2 Arizona (25-5)
15 LovolaMd. (17-12)
I Arkansas(25-3)
16N.C. AM" (16-13)
8 Illinois (17-10)
9 Georgetown (18-11
5 UCLA (21-6)
12Tulsa (21-7)
4 Okla. St. (23-9)
13 N.M. State (23-7)
6 Texas(25-7)
II W. Ky. (20-10)
3 Michigan (21-7) Dallas
14Pepperdine (19-10)
7 St. Louis (23-5)
10 Maryland (16-11)
2 UMass(27-6)
15SWTex. St. (25-6)
March 24-27
1 UNC (27-6)
16 Liberty (18-11)
8 Wash. St. (20-10)
9 Boston Coll. (20-10)
5 Indiana (19-8)
12 Ohio (25-7)
4 Temple (22-7)
6 Nebraska (20-9)
11 Penn (24-2)
3 Florida (25-7)
14 J. Madison (20-9)
7 Ala. Birm. (22-7)
lOGeo. Wash. (17-11)
2 UConn. (27-4)
15 Rider (21-8)
1 Purdue (26-4)
16 Central Fla. (21-8)
8 Providence (20-9)
9 Alabama (19-9)
5 Wake For. (20-11)
12 Charleston (24-3)
4 Kansas (25-7)
13Tenn. Chat. (23-6)
6 Marquette (22-8)
11 SWLa. (22-7)
3 Kentucky (26-6)
14Tenn. St. (19-11)
7 Mich. St. (19-11)
lOSetonHall (17-12)
2 Duke (23-5)
15 Tex. South. (19-10)

Compiled by Gregory Dickens
attention to baseball? And when
was the last time the center of that
attention showed up early and
stayed late to practice? When was
the last time he signed countless
autographs, showed humor and
grace and actually made people
believe he was enjoying himself in
the bargain?
The answer is a long, long time.
Even Jerrv Reinsdorf, the White
Sox sometimes-contentious owner
recognizes that. It may be hard to
agree with Reinsdorf on most
things having to do with baseball,
considering theshameless way he's
manipulated his colleagues since
leading the 1992coup that toppled
commissioner Fay Vincent.
But like him or not,
Reinsdorf's take on this has the
undeniable ring of truth.
He hits a foul ball, they cheer
him. People love him.
"The negativity comes from
people in the media who seem to
think that baseball involves na-
tional security, or else it's a reli-
gion, and we've desecrated a reli-
gion Reinsdorf said.
He went on to point out that
the two- or three-dozen at-bats
Jordan accumulates by the time
the team folds its tent a id heads
north won't interfere with
anybody's chances of making
the big-league team.
And though Reinsdorf
would never say this, on the
plus side, Jordan'sendless hours
of batting practice is keeping
Walt Hriniak, Chicago's much
overrated hitting coach, from
screwing up someone else's
Continued from page 15
junior Lamond Murray. Murray
averaged 24.5 ppg for the Bears,
and leads the Third Team along
with Oklahoma State's Bryant
Reeves. Each collected 66 points
from the voting.
Bryant "Big Country" Reeves,
the second 7-footer named to the
team, averaged 20.9 points, 9.9 re-
bounds and two blocks per contest
for the Cowboys this season.
Michigan placed its second
member to the All-America roster
when Juwan Howard was named
to the Third Team. The 6-foot-9 jun-
ior averaged 19.6 points and 8.3
rebounds per game for the Wolver-
B.J. Tyler, a 6-foot-l senior
guard from Texas, averaged 23.3
points, 6.2 assists and 3.2 steals per
contest for the Longhoms this year.
He also connected on 39.3 percent
of 3-point shots attempted.
Indiana guard Damon Bailey
rounds out the All-America roster.
He averaged 20.6 points and 4.2
assists per game for Bobby Knight's
Thirty-three players were
named to the All-America Honor-
able Mention list. They are:
Scotty Thurman
Wesley Person
Boston College:
Billy Curley
Sharone Wright
Cherokee Parks
Dan Cross
Florida State:
Bob Sura
Deon Thomas
Travis Ford
Joe Smith
Lou Roe
Michigan State:
Shawn Respert
Jevon Crudup
North Carolina:
Derrick Phelps
Notre Dame:
Monty Williams
Gary Trent
Michael Smith
Saint Louis:
Southern University:
Adrian Autry
Tennessee State:
Carlos Rogers
Eddie Jones
Ed O'Bannon
Wake Forest:
R. Childress
James Forrest
Michael Finley
Continued from page 15
UNC-W, and the strong showing
against Ring prove that the col-
lege teams the Irates may run into
this season could already be out-
This coming Saturday and
Sunday, ECU, the Irates, and the
Helios will host the 22nd Annual
Ultimax Ultimate Tournament.
Sixteen Men's and 10 women's
teams from all over the nation
will be participating.
It's an all-college tourna-
ment, and the games will be
played on the intramural fields
around Ficklen Stadium.
The finals will be played
on Sunday afternoon.
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The East Carolinian, March 17, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 17, 1994
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