The East Carolinian, February 1, 1994

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

See 'Hawks Fall
The ECU men's basketball team
defeated the Seahawks of
UNC-Wllmington to snap a four-
game losing streak for the Pirates.
Story on page 8.
Raleigh Hosts Kress Collection
The NC Museum of Art
presents American and
European classic art
beginning Feb. 5. Artists
included are Titian, Goya
and Rubens. Story page 6.

ll I ?J
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 7
Circulation 12,(MM)
Greenville, North Carolina
Tuesday, February 1,1994
10 Pages
Students may only need $50
By Laura Allard
Staff Writer
!I students are working
on .1 program that could save stu-
dents $50 to $100 each semester
on the tost ot books.
the program is based on a
system currently used at Appala-
chian State University, students
,it ASU rent their books each se-
mester tor a $48 fee, which is in-
corporated in their student fees.
Students then receive a card
in the mail entitling them to pick
uptheirbooksatnocharge. At the
endoie.n h semester students may
purchase the books from the uni-
versity tor ,) 20 pen ent disi I unit
"It's something we've
thought about and are going to
explore said s ,A President
Keith I Aer "We are in the infor-
mation-gathering stage right
It the program is deter-
mined tobeappropi iate forE( I .
S(iA Speaker Brvnn Thomas
would like to see it in place by the
springsemesteroJ 1995.1 fowever,
Thomas said it depends on how
much help or resistance the stu-
dent organizations get from the
university and the community.
Thomas is currently working on
the project
A 1992 telephone survey ot
M4 ASU students, compiled b)
the ASUOfficeofStudent Devel-
opment, indicated a 92.2 pen ent
approval rating tor the book
rental program. An Oct. 1991 re-
port m the Chronicle of Higher
Education determined the
average college student spends
S-IHt annually on books and -up
plies he average ASU student
spends $201.40 annualK includ-
ing rental lees.
Thomas and I )yer plan to
form a university u ide i ommit-
tee to resean h the program and
determine its value for E( I stu-
dents. Ihrv are also planning a
trip to ASU where they will re-
sean h the details of the program,
such as boi k selection.
In spite ot the obvious ad-
vantages ot the program, Dyei
and Thomas pointed out that
there are ei tain drawbacks the
university must consider.
"I don't think it will be fea
sible unless the Student Store can
make money. We don't want
them to lose money on what the)
do tor the students Dyer sank
Thomas is hopeful about the
program, although he realizes it would require a large ini-
tial investmentby the uni ersity,
and it has not been determined
where these funds would origi-
nate. I he program I I mid also be
costly tor I he Student Storesi i im-
petitor University Bool I w hange
(( ill : is students would rent all
books from the university. 1 he
university must be careful not to
violate a Northarolina I av
know n as the l mstead A( t.
which requires universities to
maintain fain ompetition within
the community
"Every leading university
does not have book rental be
i ause it lot ks professors into us
ing i ertain books " said I BE
owner Don Edwards
" l In books hangeso mm h
with tec hnolog) its almost im-
possible not toi hange them. Also,
somebody would have tobuj all
the books. It would require a tre-
mendous outlay without any im-
mediate return "
Senator Basnight
demands change
Student offers hope
to less-fortunate
Editor's note: Many ECl students volunteer their time each week for
the benefit of the Greenville community. TEC h ill he spotlighting
outstanding groups and individuals, very other Tuesday on pane 2.
By Stephanie Lassiter
Staff Writer
Everyone has heard, at
least once in their lifetime, the
words: "You should consider
yourself fortunate " II stu-
dent Marisa Roach carries those
words with her, tor they encour-
aged her to become a volunteer
devoted to helping hen ommu
Since her enrollment .it
ECU in 1991, Marisa has been
involved in volunteering tor
numerousagem ies. Marisa, like
most ECU student volunteers,
became active through her
Health 1000 course
Through her health class,
Marisa volunteered with the
United Cerebral Palsy It was
not until the (allot I993thatshe
registered with the I C I Student
Volunteer Program.
"I rei ommended Marisa lor
the spotlight profile because ot
her willingness to volunteer any
time when needed said Judy
Baker, ECU Student Volunteer
Program director.
Today, Marisa's ommu
ment to the ECU Student Volun-
teer Program has been both out-
standing and unselfish.
"I had d& ided,once I got to
I! and had transportation to
different places, that I would get
involved with volunteering
Roach said.
The program directed
Mans.i to T'astC arolina Friends,a
group that pairs E I students
with children in need ol positive
role models and friends with extra
time Marisa and her new friend
Leon, a fifth-grader at South
i ,ieenvil!ellementar,eiiovpiav
See VOLUNTEER page 3
By Tammy Zion
Statt Writer
orthC arolinaStateSena
tor Marc Basnight atta ked the
, i rime problems and
urged students tobe ome more
involved in their i 'immunity
during a spee h List I hursday
night in Mendenhall Student
Copiesof iovernorl Inn'
proposed crime fighting plan,
currently being debated in a p
Cial session Oi the state's (. on
gross, were given to the audi-
em e. Prison expansion, violent
crime, early prevention pro-
grams, rehabilitation and drug
offenses were all disi ussed by
( h er 70 people were in at-
tendance, one thud ol which
were elei ted oltu ills and local
legislator .aid Chris I lardee,
i oordinator ot the event and
member of Mi's College
I )l HUH 1 ll
! iir studi i turn out was
stup, n lou l r said. "I
hav n een that manystudents
at ,i fum lion "i this nature in
quite .i while
Basnight disi ussed the
state's i urrent prison situation
ami said North Carolina will
soon be shipping 3,000 prison-
i other statesdue toover-
i rowding.
"j I hese prisoners) are
not the kind of people you
would like to have in your
community at all said
Violent i rime was em-
phasized throughout the
senator's speet h. People from
all oor -rr afraid to go
out at night, said Basnight.
1 he recommendation.
. the governor is prest nting is
a guarantee that people who
do these types of things won't
be back on the street Basnight
said. "Tor those who are will-
ing to repent and change . . .
there an opportunity to
rehabilitate yourself inoursys-
Senator Basnight
stressed that the government
cannot change things alone.
After-school programs en-
titled "SaveOur Students" for
middle school children are a
part ot governor I lunt's plan
"I think the governor's
plan is addressing er spe-
i itu issues that hae been ig-
nored ior a while i lardee
mi tudents, churches,
See SENATOR page 3
Knox condones
'Bad Bones'
Photo by Ccdric Van Buren
Marisa Roach is just one of many FCU students
volunteering to make Greenville a better place, in
many different ways.
Student wins in Miss. inmates oppose Hunt's ideas
By Mike Walker
Staff Writer
On Ian. 21 24. ECU music
graduate students Kenneth
Meyer and Dale McV'ev trav-
eled to Hattiesburg, Miss, to
compete in the Musk I ea hers
Association regional competi
tion. After a long competition,
Kenneth Meyer emerged .is the
winner in the guitar competi-
Meyer got to the regional
competition by winning the
state competition inVtober. A
total of nine states were repre-
sented in the regional competi-
tion and Meyer vas up against
four other guitarists.
In tin' competition each
guitarist - as required to per-
loim .i concerto nd also a 30-
minute solo. I he players were
also required to represent at
least three musical periods in
their pieces.
The judges in the com pet i-
See MUSIC page 3
Couple arrested in bank robbery
husband-and-wife team was ar-
rested in i onnei tion with the
holdup ol a Pender County bank.
James Sherman Robinson, 29,
and I ammie Regine Robinson, 27,
bothofC ameroiuiil larnettC ountv,
were arrested by federal agents fol
lowing .i 3-hour standoff at their
home Saturday.
Thctwowereat i used of hold-
ing up Peoples Federal Savings
Bank in I lampstead. Ihe I oiiple
were charged with bank robber
mu conspiracy to commit bank
robberv authorities said.
Federal Bureau ot Investiga-
tion reports say the couple followed
a statewide trend by using a lake
bomb to scare bank tellers intocom
plying with demands
Ihe couple was expected to
appear Monday beforea I I.S mag-
istrate m Raleigh, the Morning Stei
ot Wilmington reported I he device
was later dismantled by t amp
I ejeune bombexperts
Penderountv Sheriff Mike
Harvell said law enforcemenl
tracked down a license tag number
that an ,m woman had lotted
down after the robbers
North I arolina's crime problem
is so had its( ares nearly every me
? even a killer.
"I understand what crime is
like out there said Robert
Bondurant, 17, who is serving a
life term lor first-degree murder.
"I've got a wite out there. I've got
kids out there
I hi' verdii t is in from
Bondurant and three other crimi-
nalsai theAlamanceC orrectional
C enter on C ,ov hm I hint's pro
posals to w 11It i lime I hen
observations overlap the reviews
heard on radio talk shows and at
breakfast counters across thestate.
I hint is calling lor longer
sentences for violent riminals. I le
also wants hie without parole tor
lust degree rape ami murder and
lite sentences tor anyone von
vii ted ot a (hud loleilt lelouv
I le also wants automatic sentence
extensions for anyone who uses a
gun while t ommitting a i ime
1 he proposals are part ot a
I nine lighting p.H kagethat I hint
plans to submit to lawmakers
dining a special legislative ses
sum next month
Itiiiminals would have to
spend hie in prison without pa-
role, .is I hint proposed, Dabbs
Postma believes it would not be
worth the bother.
"Win don't you iist kill
them1 It costs a lot ot mono to
keep a man in prison said
Postma, 20, serving a 10-year sen-
tence lor larceny.
Bondurant said guaranteed
prison terms would be more ol a
deterrent than harsher sentences
Prison i rowding ahead) i su h
that prisoners often know they
will only serve a lew weeks and
opt tor i in an era tion i at her than a
long probation.
" I he problem is not that it's
too easj Bondurant said. " I he
problem is that nobod knows
how much time they're going to
do I'm a strong believer in i er-
tainty ot punishment overriding
se erit ot punishment
I he pri toners disagrei on
gun ontrol. Bondurant ???d i rimi
nals will always be able to obtain
guns illegally and il is foolish to
crack dow n on law abidin
owners Ho .aid contn 1 ot am
munition i the '
.INMATE page 2
By Phebe Toler
Staff Writer
Fancy quh k-release gel
seats A quick release Panracer
Dart tire on a Mavac anodied
rim. Zoom handlebars with 1 )iore
I hese are all hot items that
tempt the bike theft circuit ot
It U's campus. Some brazen in-
dividuals even go beyond mere
costly components and thieve
entire bi ycles s in broad
; light. '
Bike theft runs rampant on
college campuses everywhere,
especially those situated near cit-
ies, saii.1 I t. Keith Knox, head
ol ECU'srime Prevention
Program. IhroughC rime Pre-
vention, Knox nd a commit-
tee of students, faculty and staff
focus on the safety and secu-
rity around campus. The pro-
gram strives to inform students
and the Greenville community
itsell to alleviate the Opportu-
nity tor criminal activity and
,u t responsibly.
"It's amazing Knox
said. "It only takes an extra 3D
seconds to lock a bike Yet, he
frequently notices improperly
See BONES page 2
P i r at e s '
fast breaks
i rowd(all
( , 2(l 0 -
tC'll took on
MU in a
Photo by
Harold Wise

2 The East Carolinian
February 1, 1994
Continued from page 1
Stephanopoulos fan club ignites White House angst
George Stephanopoulos, senior policy adviser to President
Clinton, probably wishes he'd never uttered those famous words to
a Washington Post reporter: "In this business, I need all the fans I can
get The George Stephanopoulos Fan Club, with the motto "In
George We Trust was the brainchild of two Stanford University
graduate students, Polly Arenberg and Michael Melcher. The two
enterprising students have turned their adulation of the young
White House aide into a quarterly newsletter, the Stephanopouletter,
and a sideline of kitschy T-shirts, cups and caps.
FSU develops hi-tech college ID card
For students at Florida State University in Tallahassee, pay-
ing tuition and buying books can now be as easy as showing their
ID cards. The combination identificationdebit card can also be
used to buy food, clothes and tires from over 200 area merchants.
The FSU Card can even be used to pay for a haircut, make a long-
distance phone call, pay overdue library fines or get money from an
automatic teller machine. The card operates through Tallahassee
State Bank and is now covered by the Honor ATM and Plus
Network systems. The university is currently refitting exterior
doors in residence halls to replace keys with the FSUCard. Card
holders will also be able to receive financial aid from granting
agencies directly into their FSUCard account.
MIT settles antitrust suit
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Justice De-
partment have settled an antitrust suit that accused the school of
fixing prices that financial aid applicants paid to attend. MIT
contended that establishing such prices with other Ivy League
schools allowed the greatest number of talented, needy students to
receive a limited amount of aid. For years, MIT met regularly with
Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Princeton
and Perm to agree upon proposed tuition levels for students who
had been admitted to more than one of the institutions. The U.S.
Justice Department contended, however, that such meetings vio-
lated the Sherman Antitrust Act. The schools denied any wrongdo-
ing, but agreed to stop meeting and sharing information. MIT
continued the case until December, when the school agreed to cease
the practice as well.
Correction: The hcitilline for Thursday's article
about the Olil Austin cupola sboultl have trail, "Ohl
Austin cupola to he built near future Ret (enter
Compiled by Jason Williams. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
locked bicvcles all over campus.
"It's like a house he said.
" A $15 lock set protects a $100,000
home Knox said many students
use cheap locks or only lock their
front wheel to the bike rack.
"There needs to be a little invest-
ment and a little extra time Knox
Front wheels can easily be
removed, particularly the popu-
lar quick-release wheels which
simply require the flip of a switch.
Stripped-down bikes with no
seats, wheels, handlebars, tool kits
or pedals commonly lie discarded
or still locked to trees or bike racks,
the work of part thieves.
Knox said both students and
non-students commit the thefts.
Some steal a bike only to go to
class and then dump it near class-
room buildings.
"Those are obviously stu-
dents he said. "Others are com-
mitted by juvenille theft rings.
They steal a bike and then go sell
it down the street for $10 or $20
Knox exitedly demon-
strated a new U-lock product that
he will soon be promoting
around campus. The lock is simi-
lar to commonly used U-locks,
but it has built in "Bad Bones
two small, red bars that serve as
added barricades.
The Bad Bones deter theives
with car jacks or other forms of
leverage. On regular U-locks,
there is a weak point that can
Continued from page 1
Doug Graves, 42, serving an
eight-year sentence for cocaine
possession, called for an outright
ban on handguns.
"I'm for the right to bear
arms, but it doesn't have to be a
handgun he said.
Alamance is among the more
desired locations in the prison sys-
tem. The minimum-security unit
has no guard towers and prison-
ers with good records can qualify
for work release. Those who be-
have can also get passes to go out
in the community for leisure ac-
tivities with approved sponsors.
For long-term prisoners, the
unit is usually the last step before
reentering society. The inmates
said prison is no place they want
to return to, even to one like
David Claywell, 39, is serv-
ing 14 years for a rmed robbery. He
said harsher surroundings might
be enough to get the attention of
some first-time offenders. He and
Postma said the Alamance County
Jail would be enough to get some
people to turn their lives around.
"That jail is no joke
Claywell said. "I'd rather spend
seven years here than three years
in that jail
The inmates generally en-
dorsed Hunt's proposal to provide
after-school activities for middle-
school students.
"You can either take a group
of kids to the "Y" every Thursday
night or come home to find them
with your TV Bondurant said.
Graves said all adults should
take responsibility to guarantee
every parent's child is raised right.
He told the Fayettevillc Observer-
Times policemen, judges and law-
yers are often the ones left to deal
with troubled youth.
"We're paying for our indif-
ference Graves said. "There's an
old African proverb: It takes a
whole village to raise a child. People
have got to say 'We've got to take
responsibility for our youth
The prisoners question
whether the public is willing to
foot the bill for the to jh talk on
"The people want to get all
this done, but they don't want to
raise taxes Postma said.
snap when pressure is applied,
but the red bars clog up the space
that theives use to objects and
provide added support.
ECU tentatively plans to en-
roll in a national bike registra-
tion program called "Lock
Smart The system would pro-
vide access to a national com-
puter that is available to law en-
The only problem with the
registration program is that stu-
dents do not take advantage of
ECU's free registration. Students
often fail to register their bikes
because of laziness or the "it
won't happen to me" excuse. But
when their bicycle is stolen, they
blame campus police, Knox said.
The process only takes a couple
of minutes, and it helps to iden-
tify your bike if it is located.
Knox said out of 150 bikes
Public Safety aquires, many go
unclaimed every year. Some
students do not even bother to
check and see if their bike has
been found.
ECU's Crime Prevention
compiled a "Bad Bones" video
that will be available to stu-
dents and faculty. The video
provides anti-theft pointers
and guildelines for bike safety.
Several informative pamphlets
on bicycle safety as well as other
subjects can be found at the
Public Safety building at 609 E.
10th Street.
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February 1, 1994
The East Carolinian 3
Continued torn page 1
tion looked at technique, musi-
calirj , stage presence and a bal-
anced piece that showed all as-
pects of the performer's play-
ing. Meyer admits that h was
extremelv nervous when enter-
ing the competition. "I just
ended up having a good da) ,
Meyer said.
Because he won the com-
petition, Merer now gets tocom-
pete in the national competition
in Washington, D.C. He will per-
form his piece tor the nationals
on March 21.
After the nationals, Meyer
plans to compete in May, in the
Guitar Foundation of America's
annual competition. Though he
does not expect to win, Meyer
just wants to go there to get the
chance to play.
"I'm just going to have
fun Meyer said. Along with
competing, Meyer is continuing
his education at ECU and ex-
pects to receive his masters de-
gree in May, 1995.
Continued torn page 1
Continued torn page 1
civic organizations and busi-
nesses were all called on to lend
a helping hand.
"There's another genera-
tion that's advancing and you
have to give protection and
help a child who has no other
opportunity Basnight said.
"These programs have suc-
ceeded elsewhere
"I believe it's true said
William Boykin, a nursing stu-
dent in the audience. "Teaching
children today can prevent crime
"The change will start with
this generation and with you be-
ing a part of that Basnight said.
Basnight encouraged ev-
eryone to support reforms for
our judicial system.
"We have to make sure that
those who get trapped in a sub-
stance abuse problem have some-
where to turn Basnight said.
The N.C. crime rate has sky
rocketed over the past few years
and it is a primary issue on most
politicians agendas, Hardee said.
Questions addressed to the
Senator focused on prisoner mov-
ing costs and why the current
prison capacity was breached.
Cocaine offenses and prison at-
mospheres were also addressed.
Many students felt that prisons
were "too nice" and that more
restrictive prisons would deter
repeat offenders. Basnight said
he does not feel that current insti-
tutions are comfortable at all.
Some students will have a
chance to judge for themselves.
On Feb. 11, students from ECU's
College Democrats are planning
to visit the Pitt County jail.
ing video games at Mendenhall,
eating out, studying together and
ordering pizza.Marisa spends two
to four hours per week with Leon.
Additionally, Marisa has
worked with the Remedial Educa-
tion Activity Program (R.E.A.P.),
located in the Irons Building.
R.E.A.P. is a developmental, edu-
cational setting for handicapped
Through the Student Coun-
cil for Exceptional Children, Marisa
has continued her involvement
with the Special Olympics. She has
volunteered with the Literary
Council and United Way. She re-
mains "on-call" for special events
that may need a one-time volun-
"Marisa has helped with
many activities and has brought
along friends who have become
volunteers Baker said.
Marisa's busy school and
a hindrance to her academic per-
formance. She was inducted in
Kappa Delta Pi, a national teach-
ers' honor society, in April of 194?.
On Feb. 22, she will be inducted
into the Golden Kev National
1 lonorSociety.
She is invoked in the Stu-
dent Union Minority Arts Com-
mittee, as well as Allied Blacks tor
Leadership and Equality
(A.B.L.E.). In May of 1991, Marisa
was selected as a N.C. Teaching
At the Martin Luther King
r program held on Martini uther
King lr.Dav, Marisa wasawarded
the Alpha Phi Alpha 1 lighestGPA
for a Senior Class Female award.
Growing up in Fayetteville,
N.C, Marisa was involved in vol-
unteering at her high school, West
Over. Through the National
Honor Society, she became a Spe-
cial Olympics Volunteer. She has
continued to volunteer annually
for the Special Olympics.
At West Over, Marisa was a
member of the International Club,
the marching band, the marching
band council and the National
HonorSocietv. When not involved
at school, she was active in church
related projects such as vacation
bible school and children'schurch.
Marisa's mother's involve-
ment in church encouraged Marisa
to also become involved with
people. She learned how to be.a
group leader as well as a group
After graduating in May of
1493 with a B.S. in Special Edu-
cation, Marisa will continue vol-
unteering for organizations with
programs designed for working
"I think Marisa's positive-
rtess rubs off wherever she goes
Baker said. "She is doing it outoi
the goodness of her heart
Students or groups inter-
ested in becoming part of the
ECU Student Volunteer Program
can contact Judy Baker at 757-
6432. Her office is located in 201
Christenbury Gym. Many agen-
cies in need of volunteers are
located near campus for indi-
viduals with a transportation
"I have enjoyed working
with Mrs. Baker because she
ma kes everything so easy Roach
said. "She is personable and al-
ways takes time out for you
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Come celebrate 25 years of Happy Hour with
$1.25 Domestics and $2.75 Pitchers
FREE ADMISSION from 7:00pm:until 9:00pm'for members.
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Irnce Psu-ty vith
$3.00 Teas sill nite!
Admission $1.00 Members smd $3.00 Quest

The East Carolinian
Page 4
February 1. 1994
The East Carolinian
Lindsay Fernandez, General Manager
Gregory Dickens, Managing Editor
Matthew A. Hege, Advertising Director
Maureen Rich, News Editor
Jason Williams, Asst. News Editor
Stephanie Tullo, Lifestyle Editor
Laura Wright, Ask Lifestyle Editor
Brian Olson, Sports Editor
Dave Pond. Asst. Sports Editor
Amy E. WirtZ, Opinion Page Editor
Amelia Yongue. Copy Editor
Phebe Toler. Copy Editor
Printed on
100 recycled paper
Wes Tinkham, Account Executive
Kelly Kellis, Account Executive
Shelley Furlough, Account Executive
Tonya Heath, Account Executive
Brandon Perry, Account Executive
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Margie O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Burt Aycock, Layout Manager
Franco Sacchi, Asst Layout Manager
Mike Ashley, Creative Director
Elain Calmon, Asst. Creative Director
Cedric Van Buren Photo Editor
Chris Kemple, Staff Illustrator
Matt MacDonald, Systems Manager
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The masthead
editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. 77k- East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. Utters should be addressed to: Opinion
Editor The East Carolinian. Publications Bldg ECU. Greenville, N.C 27858-4353. For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
Towering textbook totals touches off talks j
What would you say to renting text-
Let's be honest ? textbook prices are
ridiculously high. In some cases, student
bookstores have been known to jack prices
up 300 percent past normal retail price. Now,
come on ? inflation is one thing, but 300
percent? Really
Currently, ECU is putting together the
needed information and gathering opinions
about implementing a campus-wide system
where students could rent books. The idea
came from Appalachian State University.
ASU students rent their books each semes-
ter for a $48 fee, which is incorporated into
their student fees. If they like a book so
much that they want to keep it for their very
own (and hug it and squeeze it and name it
George), they can purchase the text at the
end of the semester for a 20 percent dis-
If this system were implemented at
ECU, it could save students anywhere from
$50 and $175 each semester. Fifty bucks here,
?a hundred bucks there ? it all adds up. The
?average English major, for example, could
save $1,400 in four years. Not bad, when you
consider who ultimately gets this textbook
money ? those nasty, corporate cash-grub-
And it all starts with us. We are a cap-
tive audience. Putty in the hands of the
corrupt. We need textbooks, simply because
we're students in college and classes require
books. So where do we go? To one of two
places: UBE or Student Stores. Since these
people obviously know that we are in need,
they are free to charge as much as their little
hearts desire, above and beyond the extra that
the publishing houses are charging.
To look at it another way, first the pub-
lishers raise the prices a little to make a profit.
After that, the books are sent and the book-
stores themselves, in order to make a profit,
raise the price again. The end result ? a inno-
cent, needy student is stuck with a book (that
initially cost $20) costing $80, or an increase of
300 percent.
SGA Speaker Brynn Thomas would like
to see this implemented by the spring semes-
ter of 1995. Don't hold your breath, though.
Still in its infant stage, this plan has yet to be
mulled over by a committee. Also, the univer-
sity would initially have to invest money into
the program, which we all know is highly
unlikely (unless they're investing in some-
thing like a rec center or a pretty clock or
something). The question has also come up
about the fate of UBE, since it is not a univer-
sity-run store.
There's a lot of planning ahead, but hope-
fully, with a little insight, the university can
do something for us that we'll really care
about and appreciate. Books are wonderful
tools in the quest for a quality education, but
not if they cause a student to file for bank-
ruptcy in the process.
So keep your eyes peeled.
By Brian Hall
Bush administration mislabelled as conservative
In conversations in the
past few weeks, I have found
that people of all political
stripes still have the mistaken
belief that President Bush was
a conservative. One would
have thought that four years
ofhisincompe- MHMm
fence and mis-
handling of the
political legacy
left to him by
Reagan would
be enough to
disabuse any-
one of such no-
tons" ?
T e m -
peramentally, as well as ideo-
logically. Bush was a classic
moderate. Any examination of
his record shows that Bush was
incapable of any sort of ideol-
ogy beyond a desire to be liked
and a near obsession with com-
promise, especially in domes-
tic policy.
There is nothing that
should irritate serious conser-
vatives than to hear the phrase
"Reagan-Bush administra-
tions because this suggests
that the two administrations
followed the same policies.
Bush inherited a vigorous
economy and a powerful po-
litical coalition of Americans
committed to limited govern-
ment, a strong na tional defense
and respect for the values upon
which society was built. Only
in these last two areas did Bush
even make even a passing at-
tempt to follow Reagan's ex-
The economy which Bush
inherited in January 1989 was
in its 75th month of continu-
ous growth. Eighteen million
new jobs had been created
since Reagan's tax cuts took
effect in 1983. Inflation was
down 13.5 from 1980, to only
4.6. The biggest economic prob-
lem he faced, the budget deficit,
had fallen for three consecutive
years. The Democrat-controlled
Congressional Budget Office
projected that it would be only
aHKHHHa $135 billion
in 1992, less
Bush was
incapable of any
sort of ideology
beyond a desire to
be liked and a near
obsession with
than 2 per-
cent of the
Gross Do-
m e s t i c
Instead, he
turned his
back on the
policies he
and agreed to the disastrous 1990
buaget deal. Predictably, this
biggest tax increase in history
(until President Clinton's bud-
get last summer) caused a reces-
sion and a dramatic increase in
the deficit.
Worse for conservatives
than the actual tax increases were
the loss of the ground which had
previously provided the best dis-
tinction betweei the two parties.
Had Bush but stood up to the
Congress (which throughout his
term was always, even at the end,
more unpopular than he) and
refused to budge from his cam-
paign promise, the American
people would have rallied to his
side, and the distinctions be-
tween the two parties would
have been fully seen. Instead,
Bush fueled the cynical belief that
there was no real difference be-
tween the two parties.
Bush also returned the
country to the Carter era policy
of over-regulation. He expanded
the number of federal regulators
back to the Carter level of 120,000.
He signed a new Clear Air Act,
which increased the cost of envi-
ronmental regulation from $25
to $40 billion, a nearly 33 percent
gMPlg "
& a $?&em'
r -MPffl ?0CUS oN
7K ?55 ogsoirrHw'jeEz!
By Barbara Irwin
Americans obsessed with "real truth" dramas
increase, all for uncertain envi-
ronmental gains. His cabinet ap-
pointments, such as William
Reilly at the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency, saddled small
businesses withbillions in higher
costs, paperwork and criminal
penalties for honest errors, as
well as instituted a new wetlands
which threatened the life sav-
ings of thousands of small prop-
erty owners. Between 1989 and
1992, the regulatory burden on
small business increased by more
than 34 percent.
As if all this were not bad
enough for conservatives, Bush
also let the proud Reagan record
of the '80s be bashed as merely a
"decadeof greed" when only the
"rich got richer" and the only
jobs created were for burger flip-
pers. Not once did he rise to the
defense of the policies which
formed the core of the Republi-
can strategy.
Bush even refused to de-
fend himself when accused of
racism after the Willie Horton ad
in 1988. Bush did support a few
good programs: school choice,
capital gains tax cuts and term
limits. But as in all things, he was
incapable of expressing logical
reasons why they should be en-
So I wish that we would get
rid of all these "Don't Blame Me,
I Voted For Bush" bumper stick-
ers. I will admit that I voted for
Bush. Given the options (a loon,
a prevaricator, and Bush) was
there any choice? But whether
Mr. Clinton or Mr. Bush won,
the basic course of the country
would be unchanged from the
previous four years.
Instead of talking about the
end of the Reagan-Bush era, we
should rather realize that, as John
O'Sullivan says, we are really in
the second (and hopefully last)
term of the Bush-Clinton era.
When I first decided to do
an opinion piece on the world
famous King of Pop Rock,
Michael Jackson, I found for the
first time that perhaps I had no
opinion, or that my opinion is as
ambiguous as all the facts sur-
rounding this notorious man and
the compromising situation his
accuser seems to be found. Un-
less you have been living in a
cave, everyone knows as much
as the next person, so let's skip
the recap and concentrate on
where the matter rests.
This past week, both par-
ties agreed to settle out of court
with a sum of any where from $5-
$10 million going to the young
boy and his family who are ac-
cusing Jackson of sexual miscon-
duct. At first, I, like a lot of the
general public, believed that this
act of payment was out of guilt.
Why pay if you didn't play, right?
If Michael Jackson is innocent,
why doesn't he lay his money
into the hands of justice and let it
ride? No matter what the star's
overhead or extensive invest-
ments, we all know he's got the
money to do it. Furthermore, our
legal system is supposed to be
the best in the world for finding
truth, deciding mercy and pre-
scribing the respective laws of
fairness. Unfortunately, this is
not always the case. (No legal
jargon pun intended.)
If we reluctantly look back
to the Rodney King incident, we
recall how an impartial 12-per-
son jury aquitted the four offic-
ers for something the entire coun-
try believed to be a clear-cut case
of police brutality and an extreme
violation of an individual's Con-
stitutional rights. Even George
Bush declared that this was
"truly a dark day in the Ameri-
can legal system, for justice
surely was not served
And we all remember the
resulting chaos and mayhem that
followed.Likewise, my own per-
sonal jury about the Mike Tyson
case is still out. As violent as this
man may have been with his
words, he was just as violent in
the ring. He was, and perhaps
will be again, a great fighter. He
now serves time for a rape he
says he did not commit and the
questions will forever go on: Why
was the girl with him for the
majority of the evening in a bar?
What was she doing in his hotel
room at 3 o'clock in the morn-
Undoubtedly, there are so
many more documented cases
throughout our legal history,
unpublicized as they maybe, that
continue to raise questions for
those closely involved. There is
hardly a week that elapses into
time that we don't see or hear a
show on TV involving a ques-
tionable decision handed down
by our courts. It is usually the
true story of this or the true story
of that, and as some way of find-
ing rights to a major network
and allow the general public to
decide vainly the Tightness or
wrongness of what has already
become a closed case. How many
different accounts did we
muddle through with the Amy
Fisher story? How many more
will we witness before the
Menendez trial is over f I believe
by the end of the year we will
watch two or three "real truths"
involving Michael Jackson.
Whether from the viewpoint of
the allegedly abused child, or the
money-hungry sister, LaToya,
these shows will be aired.
Let us suppose for a minute
that Michael Jackson had every
intention of staying the course
and pursuing every legal avenue
all the way to court. If we con-
sider all the barriers, just getting
there would be a show of ama-
teur riders in a steeplechase. The
first problem would be in find-
ing a fair, impartial jury of 12
who know very little about this
case and have not been swayed
by the multitude of media moni-
toring Jackson's every move.
Once these cave-dwellers have
been selected, the trial will be-
come a theatrical stage for the
well-paid attorneys and a de-
cision will be made based on
who can best deliver, act, per-
suade and reason with these
individuals. The courtroom
would be SRO with ticket
prices going for triple the cost
of one of Jackson's own con-
certs. For those of you who
don't carry cable, don't worry.
C-SPAN would happily oblige
by allowing a major network
full coverage, blacking out all
the best soaps.
When it's all said and
done, has the smoke really
cleared9 Perhaps we will only
be led into further confusion,
blinded by legalese loopholes,
left wondering if justice was
really served, and pondering
all those questions of, "Did
the child receive enough com-
pensation?" or "Did we send
an innocent man to prison?"
Unfortunately, many
people do not realize that an
out-of-court settlement is not
an admission of guilt. Perhaps
Michael Jackson, through ad-
vice of his counsel, of course,
had decided the hassle, the
intrusion and the publicity are
not worth the real cause of
finding truth for all the world
to see. However differing the
intentions may be, the gen-
eral public also does not real-
ize that a multi-million dollar
man writing a check for $10
mjllion is equivalent to one of
us tossing a few quarters to
the person on the street so that
he may buy a cup of coffee.
Yet the American public
is obsessed with truth. We
scream for the facts so that we
may vicariously feel more at
ease with some abstract truth
involving an icon in our own
time. And scream with obses-
sion we will. For in all its
vague ambiguity, the one clear
tact remaining is that once
again, we will be left with
never fully knowing the real
truth behind the King of Pop
Stuff you should know
? Starting Feb. 7 (and possibly lasting through Feb. 21) Cotanche Street, between 10th
and Reade, will be closed to all through traffic. This special little inconvenience is due in
thanks to ECU's brand-new kid on the block ? the rec center. So far this jewel has taken
parking spaces, a few dozen healthy trees and now a through street that leads to the center
of Greenville. So now where will all the coo! people drive to show off their flourescent-lit
license plates, jacked-up trucks and the very special glowing neon undersides? They can
still hang at the Hardee's
? Dr. Jack Kevorkian began a petition drive yesterday to make assisted suicide legal in
Michigan. He needs more than 250,000 signatures to place a measure to amend the constitution
on the state's Novemeber ballot. Interesting to note is that in a telephone poll of 601 likely voters
statewide, the Detroit Free Press found that 58 percent of those polled supported the concept of
assisted suicide. So Kevorkian may get his wish after all
It's really not that difficult. Writing letters may not be the most exciting
thing to do, but you'd be surprised how much stuff you can get off your
chest. So in honor of that weight we call stress, sit down and pen a letter
about something that's been bothering you. All such letters may be sent
to: The Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU,
Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.

?The East Carolinian
February I. 1994
Page 5
For Rent
OnM CMog loday Xh Visa MC oc COQ
Or. rush$2 00t?
113? MttoAw ?06-A U? ArylB. CA 9BES
from campus. 3 room house. Private
bathroom, hardwood floors. $180per
month 13 utilities. Call 757-2419,
ask for Al
Immediately toshare2bedroom2bath
duplex in Wyndham Circle. $137 1
4 utilities. Close to campus. Call 752-
2693 Karen, Mary-Lee or Doug
Wyndham Court. $525 per month 2 br,
2 bath with fireplace. First month rent
free. 1 year lease call 355-6171 or 321-
FOR RENT: New apt. on first floor, 2
bedroom, 2 full-bath, dishwasher, gar-
bage disposal, cable, near campus. 6
month lease. $450 call anytime. 758-
at Village Green apts. Share w2 other
people only $120 month. Jan Feb.
are free Call 758-5809 for info.
ROOMMATE wanted. House, $170
mo. 13 utlilities and deposit. 5-10
min. walk from campus, washer, dryer,
dog ok, prefer non-smoker, must be
social, male or female, 830-6703, ASAP
bedroom 13 utilities. Walking dis-
tance to campus. Responsible, social
drinker. Call 752-0874 leave message.
room townhouse, non-smoker, $235
month 12 utilities- 752-5257
AVAILABLE FEB. 15: 1 bedroom in
Sheraton Village. 3 bedroom
townhouse. Mature, responsible fe-
male NS only. Quiet environment,
nicely decorated with all major appli-
ances. $23013 bills. 756-8459 (Sara
or Angie).
FOR RENT: Nags Head, NC- Get your
group together early. Two relatively
new houses; fully furnished; washer
dryer; dishwasher; central AC; avail-
able May 1 through August 31; sleeps
7- $1500.00 per month; sleeps 9- $2000
per month (804)850-1532
For Rent
Now Call us and tell us your needs.
Any time 752-1375 Homelocators fee!
GEORGETOWN APT. Best location
in Greenville. Roommate(s) needed to
share 2 bedroom apt or possibly sub-
lease entirely. Available as of Feb. 1st.
Call 758-5961
WANTED: Private two or three bed-
room cottage for married field biolo-
gists. Trees, screened porch fireplace,
and convenience to ECU disired (by 2-
1-94). References available, call 757-
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, 2 bath apt
water, sewer, basic cable included. 2
bedroom, 1 bath, water, sewer, basic
cable, heat air included 2 blocks from
campus. Call 752-8900
share a two bedroom apartment lo-
cated near campus on bus route. Rent
$185 & 12 utilities nonsmoker pre-
ferred. Call Jeri or Hilary at 758-8836.
For Sale H Services Offered
please call Ben James or Michael Daly at
positions. Great Benefits. Call 1-800-
436-4365 ext.P-3712
one week. Call now and receive a free
gift. 800-932-0528 ext. 65
For Sale
E3 Help Wanted
LOOK Furnished 1 bedroom $250 or
2 bedroom $395, both available now
Hey! Check this 1 bedroom house $255
or This 2 bedroom house $375 pets ok!
We are starting our Pre-Registration
for May, June, July and August listing
$10-$400UP WEEKLY. Mailing bro-
chures! Sparefull time. Set own hours!
RushStamped envelope: Publishers (GI)
English, Comm. or journalism student
looking for experience with AP style or
newspaperproducrion,apply atthe East
Carolinian (Student Pubs, building).
HELP WANTED Udies earn $500 a
week full-time part-time daily payout,
riaymates Adult Entertainment Snow
Hill, NC. Call for interview 747-7686
?"SPRING BREAK '94 Cancun,
Bahamas, Jamaica, Florida & Padre!
110 lowest price guarantee! Organize
15 friends and your trip is free! Take a
Break Student Travel (800)328-7283.
of NorthCarolina (Nags Head) thissum-
mer? For summer employment infor-
mation please call Pat or Lea at 1-800-
Greenville Recreation & Parks Dep. is
recruiting 12 to 16 part-time youth soc-
cer coaches for the spring indoor soccer
program. Applicants mustpossesssome
knowledge of the soccer skills and have
the ability and patience to work with
youth. Applicantsmustbeabletocoach
young people ages 5-18 in soccer funda-
mentals. Hours are from 3pm to 7pm
with some night and weekend coach-
ing. This program will run from the first
of March to the first of May. Salary rates
start at $4.25 per hour. For more info
escorting in the Greenville area. You
must be 18 yrs. old, have own phone
and transportation. Escorts and exotic
dancers needed. For more info, call
Diamond Escorts at 758-0896
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All
materials provided. Send SASE to Mid-
west Mailers PO Box 395, Olathe Ks
66051. Immediate response.
for an faculty advisor and coaches. For
more info, contact Frankie Durham at
931-8225, M-F 3pm-7pm.
NEED EXTRA CASH. Tutor needed to
tutor student for Acct. 2401. TueWed
Sun. Sessions to be scheduled at your
convenience during the pm hours. 355-
4678 leave message.
HEAD LIFEGUARDS. Positions avail-
able in following areas: Goldsboro.
Greenville, Plymouth, Tarboro. Must
have supervising experience. Call Bob,
at Greenville Country Club between 2-
4pm only. Tues-Fri.
?? SPRING BREAK '94 Cancun,
Bahamas, Jamaica, Florkia & Padre!
110 lowest price guarantee! Organize
15 friends and your trip is Free! Take a
Break Student Travel (800) 328-7283.
Make up to $2000-4000 mo teaching
basicconversationalEnglishabroad. Ja-
pan, Taiwan, and S. Korea. Many em-
ployers provide room board other
benefits. No teaching background or
Asian Languages required. For more
info, call: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5362
BRODY'S is accepting applications for
clericalofficeassociate. Workwithbuy-
ingand operation staff in computerdata
entry, generating computer mailing list,
and light office duties. Must be avail-
able early afternoons. Apply Brody's
The Plaza Monday and Thursday 1-
BRODY'S is accepting applications for
Part-Time sales Associates, flexible
scheduling options: 10-2, 12-9 or 6-9
interview Monday and Thursday
Brody's The Plaza l-4pm
GREEKS CLUBS earn $50-$250 for
yourself plus up to $500 for your club!
This fundraiser costs nothing and lasts
have the hottest destinations! Ja-
maica, Cancun, Bahamas, Florida. All
at the guaranteed lowest prices with
the ultimate party package. Orga-
nize small group and Travel free! Call
Sun Splash Tours 1-800-426-7710
SPRING BREAK Bahamas party
cruise! 6 days $279! Trip includes
Cruise room, 12 meals 6 free par-
ties! Hurry! This will sell out! 1-800-
SPRING BREAK! CancunJamaica!
Fly out of Raleigh and spend 8 days
on the Beach! We have the best trips
prices! Includes air hotel parties
from $429! 1-800-678-6386
SPRING BREAK! Panama City! 8
days oceanview room with kitchen
$119! Walk to best bars! Includes free
discount card- save $50 on cover
charges! 1-800-678-6386
FLORIDA'S new Spring Break
hotspots! Cocoa Beach Key West!
More upscale than Panama City
Daytona! Great beaches nightlife! 8
days in 27 acre Cocoa Beachfront re-
sort $159! Key West $249! 1-800-678-
8-BIT NINTENDO with 33 games,
includes 11 sports, Tetris, Chess; two
controls and zapper, hint book and
codes. $300OBO. 931-8024, leave
Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, South
Padre, Florida at 110 guaranteed
lowest prices from 1 spring break
company! Call John at 752-2992.
trucks, boats, 4 wheelers,
motorhomes,byFBI.IRS,DEA. Avail-
able your area now. Call 1-800-436-
4363 ext. C-5999.
FOR c ALE FERRET. 10 months old,
descented, has all shots. Must sell,
moving. Call 830-4052 ask for Aaron.
FOR SALE: Harvest Gold dryer, ex-
cellent conditionl Asking $75 but
will negotiate! Call Kelly 752-6109
AUDIO SPEAKER BOX for car with 8
inch JBL sub-woofer and a Orion 250sx
amp. Call Jamie at 758-2835.
FOR SALE: slate blue camelback sofa-
very good condition, $125. Hot tub-
motor needs work, make an offer. Call
MOPED, 2 speed automatic, fine con-
dition, fast and quiet, low miles, great
gas mileage, no license or registration
required, 30 mph. $375,756-9133
FOR SALE: Bar and bar fridge. Very
sturdy with plenty of space underneath.
Graduating and must get rid of these.
Both for $80. Will sell dorm refrigera-
tor bar seperate. Brian at 321-2426.
KENWOOD pullout tape deck. CD
changer compatable with tapeadvance,
music skip, and many other features.
$200neg. Call Ron at 931-8817
for women only- take over payments,
no enrollment fee- 16 months left on
contract. Call Ann 8-5 @ 752-5101 after
6pm and weekends 747-5088
ATTENTION weight liftersand watch-
ers: Let me help you fill those New
Year's resolutions. Sports supplements
at major discount prices: Cybergenics,
Quick Trim,Cybertrim,SuperFatBum-
ers, Tri-Chromelene, Super
Amino Acids,Creatine,OKG, Vanadyl
sulf ate, Yhimbo Bark, Hot Stuff, Herbs,
many more! Call Brad today at 931-
9097 for more info.
LAB PUPPIES for sale. Not mixed!
Great V. Day's gift. $50 Call 830-6765.
Leave message if not at home.
entine candies especially for you.
Chocolates and hard candies in gift
baskets,mugsorindividuallysold. Call
OUS Get the body you always
wanted with Flex Appeal. Special-
izing in toning, weight loss, body
building, and personal training.
Initial consultation free! 830-1380
SONS: Special offer for ECU stu-
dents. Great way to get in shape!
Experienced training, 3 miles from
campus, beginner to advanced.
Call Debbie at 756-8236.
13th YEAR!
8-O-U-T-H C'Jl'H'O'L-I'll?
ggg Personals
SARAN- wasn't it great to talk'to
Nick John on Larry King? Great
Question! Signed, the other Green-
ville caller, 758-6343
FOR SALE: Baby S. American Cay-
man (Alligator). Approx. 13 inches
long. Great for a different pet! Bought
for $100, sell for $50. Call 758-8339
and ask for Brad. ,
OFFICE CHAIR Adjustible, padded
swivel seat and backrest. Casters.
Brownblack. Excellent condition.
$35. Call 355-1076evening and week-
EH Services Offered
EXPERIENCED DJ from Bogies for
hire. Specializing in fraternity so-
rority socials and weddings. The
widest selection of music from the
50's to the 90's with unbeatable sound
and professionalism. Discounts to
all ECU students! Call now Rob 757-
COOMBS wordprocessing spread-
sheets and graphs. Low prices, pick-
up and delivery available, call
Juliann 355-5043 anytime.
lationsonyournewinductees. Thank
you for letting us help you celebrate
on Sat. We had a great time! Love,
Alpha Delta Pi.
ALPHA PHI thanks for the use of
your house during rush it was a big
success! The brothers of Delta Chi
IF YOU have not found a place where
you fit in, then you have not tried
Epsilon Sigma Alpha. EpsilonSigma
Alpha service sororriry is holding
spring rush in General Classroom
building room 2006 on Feb. 7,8,9 at
5:00. Drop in between 5:00 and 6:30
adn feel free tocall 758-8126 for more
The Greenville-Pitt Co. Special
Olympics is recruiting for volun-
teer coaches in the following
sports: basketball, softball, volley-
ball, trackand field, bowling, gym-
nastics, swimming and
rollerskating. No experience is
necessary?Just a willingness to
work with children and adults
with mental retardation. Special
training sessions for coaches will
beheld. The last day to volunteer
for these spring sports is Jan. 31.
Volunteer hours may be used as
part of practicum requirements
for several ECU courses. For more
information, contact Connie
Sappenfield or Mark Mallette at
830-4541 or 830-4551.
is now making preparation for the
upcoming adult soccer program.
The organizational meeting will
be held on Thur. Feb. 17,7:30 pm
at Elm street gym. The program
is open to men and women ages
16 and over, and will be held at
West Meadowbrook Park. Games
and practices will be held on Sun-
days from 1:00-4:00pm beginning
in March. All coaches, managers
or individuals wishing to partici-
pate on a team should attend the
organizational meeting. A small
registration fee will be charged.
For more info call Ben James or
Michael Daly at 830-4550 or 830-
This five-part series is designed
for students who wish to sharpen
their study skills and for students
who wish to gain the necessary
tools for academic success. The
series will focus on time manage-
ment, note taking strategies, test
preparation, test taking strategies,
as well as coping with test anxiety.
Tliis workshop begins Feb. 1. Reg-
ister early-limited enrollment call
will be held Feb. 1st at 5:00pm in
room 244 Mendenhall. Dues need
to be paid at this meeting for both
old and new members. We look
forward to seeing you there and
making this a great semester. For
more info, contact Allison at 931-
would like to encourage all ma-
jors interested in joining, to attend
our meetings, every other Wed.
beginning Feb. 2nd at 3:00 in room
235 of the Human Environmental
Sciences building. We have new
officers with fresh ideas and are
looking to make our club very
active on campus. We look for-
ward to seeing you soon.
invites you to worship with them.
Sun. masses: 11:30am and 8:30pm
atthe NewmanCenter,953E. 10th
st two houses from the Hetcher
Music Building. For further info,
please call Fr. Paul Vaeth, 757-
will be holding elections for the
1994 spring and fall semesters.
This will take place on Sun. Feb.
6th at 6:00pm at the Lutheran Stu-
dent Center behind Our Redeemer
Lutheran Church. Any new mem-
bers are welcome. For more info,
or rides please contact Skip Lilly at
931-8999, or LSM Campus Center
at 7564852, leave message.
meeting today 1 Feb Rawl,
5:30pm. Room will be desig-
nated. All members please at-
tend. Faculty luncheon 18 Feb
Ryan's Steak House 12:30pm. All
new applications for membership
due 18 Feb.
members and all potential mem-
bers: Reception 22 Feb Jenkins,
7:30pm. Ifyouwanttohelp,please
contact President. Thanks for all
your participation during campus
will meet on Thurs Feb. 3rd in
Mendenhall Student Center, room
248 at 8pm. Open to the general
public, the forum is a free work-
shop. Those planning to attend
and wanting critical feedback on
their work should bring 8 or 10
copies of each poem. Listeners
will be holding a membership
drive on Feb. 1st in Mendenhall
rm. 221 at 7pm. Anyone inter-
ested in playing full contact foot-
ball in the fall come on out. For
more info. 931-8225 ask for
A five-session workshop is being
offered by the Counseling Center
to help you answer these ques-
tions. Take assessment instru-
ments, learn career research skills,
and find out how personality af-
fects career choice. Classes begin
theweekofFeb.14. Register Early-
limited enrollment call 757-6661.
The ECU Economics Society will
hold elections on Tues. Feb. 8th at
7pm in Brewster C wing room
305. any persons interested in
running for an office must attend,
In addition planning for upcom-
ing events will be discussed. For
Questions, please call the ECON
Dept. 757-6006
A support group for persons re-
sponsible for the care of an older
or disabled adult will meet at St.
James United Methodist
Church, 2000 East 6th street,
Greenville, at 7:30pm on Tues,
Feb. 8, 1994. For more info,
please call Freda Wilkins at 758-
5932 or Susan Redding at 758-
Introducing a great way to get
free publicity. The Treasure
chest ECU'S Video Yearbook.
The Yearbook staff is now
screening your original works
for the 93-94 Treasure chest. If
selected your music will be used
in this year tape and your name
willbe in the credits. Bring your
Cassette, Reel, or CD by the
Communication Dept. 124
Ragsdale or call 757-6501 for
information. Hurry, last day for
entrv is February 18,1994.
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each additional word $0.05
?All ads must be pre-
Any organization may use the Announce-
ments Section of The East Carolinian to list
activities and events open to the public two
timesfreeof charge. Duetotne limitedamount
of space, The East Carolinian cannot guaran-
tee the publication of announcements.
Friday at 4 p.m. for
Tuesday's edition
Tuesday at 4 p.m. for
Thursday's edition
$5.50 per inch:
Displayed advertisements may
be cancelled before 10 a.m. 'the
day prior to publication;
however, no refunds will be
For more
call 757-6366.

77ie East Carolinian
Page 6
Wright hosts Louisville Orchestra
By Daniel Willis
Photo Courtesy of ECU Performing Arts Series
Lawrence L. Smith will conduct the Louisville Orchestra when
ithey perform on Friday, Feb. 4, at 8:00 in W, ight Auditorium.
Staff Writer
The Louisville Orchestra is
coming to Wright Audi torium on
Friday, Feb. 4. The orchestra has
been the leading musical resource
in Louisville, Ky. , for over 30
The Orchestra performed its
first show at Memorial Audito-
rium on Nov. 8, 1937. Robert
Whitney conducted the perfor-
mance. In 1940, it started a series
of four annual programs for
school children called "Making
During World War II, the fu-
ture of the orchestra was in seri-
ous question. Fortunately, in 1942,
the women's association for the
Louisville Orchestra was estab-
lished to help raise support.
In 1947 the orchestra started
a series of state-wide appearances
throughout Kentucky. At the end
of the 1947-48 season, many
achievements were accom-
plished, but a large financial debt
had been established.
In 1948, Charles P. Farnsley,
who later became the Mayor of
Louisville, met with conductor
Robert Whitney to discuss finan-
cial matters. As a result of their
meeting, they worked out a pro-
gram of commissioning works by
major composers written espe-
cially for the Louisville Orchestra.
Soon after the program was
established, the Rockefeller Foun-
dation awarded the orchestra a
$500,000 grant. With the grant the
orchestra was able toestablish First
Edition Records, its own record
label. The orchestra continues an
active recording schedule with
more than 150 discs, representing
more than 250 composers.
The orchestra also has a his-
tory of introducing music to audi-
ences of all ages through certain
educational programs, such as the
"Listen and Look" expose.
Lawrence Leighton Smith
started as the Orchestra's music
director in 1983. He has gained
international recognition through
his appearances with orchestras
in the Soviet Union, Japan and
England. During the summer of
1986, he became the first Ameri-
can to record with a Russian sym-
Tickets for the performance
are $25 for the public, $20 for ECU
faculty or staff, $12.50 for ECU
students and $12.50 for youth.
National magazine seeks student works
iff Laura Jackman
Staff Writer

(r .
Ifyou like to write, or you think
?that you take pictures well, then a
travel magazine would like to see
lyour work.
Transitions Abroad, a national
magazine that features information
?on study, work and low-budget
travel abroad, is seeking contribu-
tions from student writers and pho-
jf. The photography contest is an
itnualevent, in which the firstplace
ifirinner receives $250, and the photo
wjll appear in an upcoming issue of
the magazine. All other photos re-
ceived will be considered for other
issues of Transitions Abroad and will
be paid by the magazine's standard
rate?$45 for inside photosand$125
for cover photos?if they are used.
Photos submitted for entry
should reflect the magazine's cul-
tural immersion philosophy of
learning by living alongside the
people of the host country. The pho-
tos should be black and white and
depict people in the context of their
normal lives, not as locals posing
for a foreigner's camera.
The magazine is particularly
looking for sensitivity and an un-
derstanding of the culture when it
judges the photos. Landscape, ar-
chitectural and abstract photos will
not be considered, and each photo
must be accompanied by an identi-
fication caption as well as the
photographer's name and address
on the back. Photos will only be
returned if a postage-paid return
envelope is enclosed.
The winner will be announced
in the JulyAugust issue.
In that same issue, Transitions
Abroad will introduce a student-
written column on educational
travel, work and study abroad called
"Student to Student Those stu-
dents who have studied abroad
should sha re their academic experi-
ences and personal benefits, as well
as practical details to assist others
who wish to travel abroad. Con-
tributors will be paid $75 upon pub-
lication, and the deadline for the
first "Student to Student" column,
like the photo contest, is April 10,
For more information on both
contests, send for a copy of the
magazine's guidelines at: Student
Contributions Editor, Transitions
Abroad, 18 Hulst Road, P.O. Box
good luck!
Renowned art collection on display in Raleigh
:By Bridget Hemenway
; Staff Writer
There is a saying many people
use about art: "Art is what you
make of it Many people, how-
ever, don't know what real art
looks like. Famous and impor-
tant art is very seldom seen by
?those who do not travel. All of
;that is about to change because
'on Feb. 5,1994, the North Caro-
lina Museum of Art will be fea-
turing a special collection of
?works for North Carolina. The
?exhibition includes 54 paintings
from 16 museums across the
country and the Musee du Lou-
vre in Paris. There are master-
pieces by Titian, El Greco, Rubens,
Van Dyck, Tiepolo, Watteau,
Goya and Ingres. This is the first
. national tour of the collectioi i con-
tributed by Samuel H. Kress.
Samue! H. Kress started his
?life as a young school teacher.
However, after investing his sav-
ings in properties, he quickly be-
icajne a successful businessman.
IrC1896, Samuel opened the first
SIH. Kress & Co. five-and-dime
store which, by 1906, grossed over
$3million dollars through expan-
sion. Kress, who was now very
rich and successful, began buy-
ing paintings and furnishings
from Italy and having them im-
ported to his New York City
home. After his collection began
to grow, he generously donated
paintings as gifts to museums
throughout the country. In time,
he put most of his collection on
tour throughout the U.S. and per-
sonally made sure it arrived safely
at each stop.
The Depression was a trying
time for everyone, and Samuel
Kress believed that by bringing
these works on tour, he could
provide encouragement for a
more cultured understanding of
art. His belief in the concept of
sharing his collection with the
American public caused him to
become one of the found ing bene-
factors of the new National Gal-
lery of Art in 1939. At the dedica-
tion of this greatmuseum, Samuel
Kress spoke of his works. He
stated that the exhibitions were
formed "to provide for the study
and enjoyment of the public, as a
complete representation as pos-
sible of the Italian School of paint-
ing and sculpture of quality He
said that he "endeavored to ac-
quire the best examples of the
most representative masters of
this important school He would
miss his Italian paintings?the
walls of his home are bare?but
The Assumption of
the Virgin by
Stanzione is just
one of the works
donated by the
Samuel H. Kress
Foundation to be
shown at the NC
Museum of Art
beginning Feb. 5.
February 1, 1994
Virtual reality offers
brave new world
By Cindy Hawkins
Staff Writer
Jaron Larder, a dread-locked
virtual reality visionary and inno-
vator, could very possibly be de-
scribing the future of virtual reality
when he wonders, "How are you
connected to the world? What if
your eyes were on your fingers?"
Perhaps 10 years into the future,
you will be able to pull out the
trusty datasuit, boot up a virtual
reality program and actually have
the answers to these questions. But
what is this technological entity that
promises to revolutionize the world
as we know it?
Virtual reality's definition is
evasive; it's scope immeasurable.
Essentially, it is a 3-D, computer-
he said, "I am happy in the
thought that, during my lifetime,
my collection intact is settled in
my country
Samuel H. Kress was a won-
derful man who gave something
back to the country that made
him rich. He took pride in brii.g-
ing happiness to America through
CD Revircvs CD Revtezvs
Photo courtesy of NC
Museu n of Art
his wonderful donations. Even
today, some 30 years after his
death, he continues to bring hap-
piness to America, starting with
North Carolina this month.
The exhibition, A Gift to
America: Masterpieces ofEuropiean
See MUSEUM page 7
Don't Buy J
Take Your Chances
Worth A Try
i i s
i i
Definite Purchase
Five Eight
The Angriest Man
What do you want: lots of talk
about symbolism and patterns and
homages and stuff? Forget it. Five-
Eight is semi-jammotic rife with
intensity and angst. For best re-
sul ts, try " Depressed all the Time
from The Angriest Man. It's a track
that hearkens back to Madness'
"One Step Beyond
"My Sister is so Strange" is a
lively ditty that tells it like it is.
Think Shaft is cool and struttin'
his stuff? Sure you do. You'll feel
thesameabout "Ralph Newman
One of the highlights of the
album is a rowdy little diatribe
that follows approximately three
minutes of silence concluding "A
Man is a Pent Up Thing In this
rambunctious little monologue,
we have a response to "My Sis-
ter in which a voice from on
neer can climb in and test such
things as comfort and conve-
nience. Scientists are enabled to
navigate the organization of a
molecule. A prominent Japanese
company is developing virtual
"showcases" where prospective
customerscan wanderaround the
kitchens-of-their-dreams to see
how they like them. The firm hopes
to have up to 100 virtual show-
rooms within the decade. NASA
and the Pentagonhavealsobegun
to implement and develop these
programs for such things as flight
training and telerobotics, (tech-
nologies allowing for the sensing
and manipulating of objects in in-
accessible places that are real?
such as Mars).
However, in no field is the
??????MMi Possibility of
" It enables users to
become participants
in abstract spaces
where the physical
machine and
physical viewer do
not exist. "
Anonymous Critic
of Virtual Reality
ment, often
aided by
gear, that en-
gages thehu-
man senses
to a high, if
not immers-
ing degree.
The environ-
ment is cre-
ated by?
and can be
entered by? mmmm?mm??mmm????m
the user.
However, it is the implications
of the concept of virtual reality that
are provocative. One person who
sought its definition said, "it en-
ables users to become participants
in abstract spaces where the physi-
cal machine and physical viewer do
not exist This means it has the
potential to allow humans to seem-
ingly transcend physical barriers
and explore worlds of their own
design. Virtual reality is more than
a Trekkie dream come true?it is
the mind's eye incarnate.
Through the computer-gener-
ated mind's eye, architects have
been enabled to "walk through"
their designs and see what works.
Automobile companies build vir-
tual car models in which the engi-
virtual real-
ity so fertile
as in educa-
tion. Al-
ready, cam-
puses all over
the world
have such
labs. Some
North Caro-
lina projects
are working
to implement
virtual real-
ity into the
public school
system as early as the kindergar-
ten level. Classroom applications
include exploring existing places
via computer and interacting with
persons all over the world, be-
cause like all other forms of me-
dia, virtual reality is a global net-
Dr. Veronica Pantelidis,
ECU's resident virtual reality ex-
pert, sees virtual reality as an ef-
fective way of learning. She also
sees it as inspiring. She feels that it
will serve to motivate students
because it is more interactive than
standard computer usage. In her
opinion, virtual reality is a natural
extension of the computer, and
See VIRTUAL page 7
Jazz Festival Preview
surfaces at UNC-W
By Kris Hoffier
Staff Writer
This year's North Carolina Jazz
Festival is all sold out, but that does
not ruin your chances of hearing
some top-notch jazz. Swing,
Dixieland and jazz will be show-
cased at the NC. Jazz Festival Pre-
view on Thursday,
Feb. 3, at 8 p.m. This
preview will be held
within the acoustically
superb Thalian Hall
on the campus ofv
The preview
will feature two 1-
hour sets by some of
the festival's finest mu-
sicians, and each set will be
performed by a different grou?
The first to appear will be a
quartet of legendary jazz artists.
Kenny Davern (clarinet), Bob
Rosengarden (drums), Milt Hinton
(bass) and John Sheridan (piano)
will improvise in a set of classic
jazz. To contrast the first set, the
second will be performed by The
Jim Cullum Jazz Band. These resi-
dents of San Antonio, Texas have
been described by Festival Presi-
dent Harry Van Velsor as "one of
the tightest, well-nit bands in the
This show will
be a real treat for all
jazz fans. Tickets for
the festival are $14,
$12 or $10 with dis-
counts available for
groups and members.
For tickets or reserva-
tions, visit the Center
Box Office at Thalian
Hall, 310ChesnutStreet,
or call 343-3664. Long-dis-
toll-free at 1-800-523-2820. This
event is co-p resented by the North
Carolina Jazz Festival and Thalian
Hall Center for the Performing
Arts, Inc.
high questions motive and mean-
ing in the song's content.
Five-Eight, a band for the 90s.
They almost sound like they want
to jam, but then they seem to de-
cide they want to sound alterna-
tive, but then they just do their
own thang.
? Andy
Carowinds hiring for summer
By Laura Jackman
Staff Writer
This may only be January,
but thatdoesn'tmean it's tooearly
to start thinking about a summer
job. On Saturday, Jan. 29
Paramount's Carowinds held its
eighth annual job fair at the park
located in Charlotte.
The fair marks the beginning
of the 1994 hiring season. And
with over 2,000 positions avail-
able, Carowinds is one of North
Carolina's largest employers. Po-
sitions are available with exciting
opportunities in Food and Bever-
age, Rides and Ground Services,
Games, Merchandise, Admis-
sions and more.
All applicants ages 16 and
older are eligible regardless of
race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, veteran status, marital
status or sexual orientation.
Carowinds offers a competi-
tive pay scale, and employees
can take ad vantage of park ben-
efits including sporting events,
parties and use of the park while
off dutv. In addition, employ-
eescan earn park tickets for their
friends and receive discounts
on park merchandise
See CAROWINDS page 7

February 1, 1994
The luist Carolinian 7
Goldsborough's Missing Chapter parodies reality
? a( i ,Thl .md take. Goldsborough probably 1
Continued from page 6
( A P- R o beri
(,i ildsborough gets cute in his sev-
enth mystery, The Missing Chapta
(Bantam, $19.95). But it works.
Goldsborough started
writing mysteries starring Nero
Wolfe after the death of Wolfe's
creator, Rex Stout.
The Missing Chapter begins
with Charles Childless dead, pre-
sumabl) a suicide. 1 le was the au-
thor of books starring a hick detec-
tive named Bamstable, a pursuit he-
took up after the death of Darius
Sawver, who originated Bamstable
in the 1940s.
Childress' editor-in-chief
thinks it was murder and hires
Goldsborough gets in a
number of well-informed digs,
many at his own expense. Wolfe
says, "My current schedule does
not allow for the reading of detec-
tive fiction, let alone its so-called
continuation by a second author
Goldsborough has fun
making the deceased "second au-
thor" not a nice guv 1 le attacked
his editor, his agent and a book
reviewer in print, which caused
them professional injury. He
wronged a cousin and was said to
be about to jilt his fiancee. The fian-
cee thought a woman writer who
sometimes used his word proces-
sor tovedChikiress, who didn'tlove
her in return.
These six seemed to have
grievances against Childress but
also seemed not to have a deep
enough grievance for murder.
Wolfe, of course, calls them all to-
gether in his Manhattan brownstone
and puts his finger on the person
and the motive.
Archie Goodwin read
Childress' last book and figured
out the killer on page 46. But
Goldsborough isabetterwriterthan
Continued from page 6
the counterpart he created and take. Goldsborough probably has
bumped off. had experience with that.
Goldsborough brings in Goodwin now enters
some fervent readers of Sawyer's records of Wolfe's orchids in a per-
books. They all know ever) detail sonal computer,butthat'sall right,
and are quick to let the "second au- It Stout were alive, he'd have him
thor" know when he makes a mis- doing that, too.
sh ? ;ommentsenthusiastically that,
"We're just sitting there looking at
this huge thing called virtual real-
ity, and we don't know how we're
going to use it yet, but we know it's
going to be fantastic
There has been concern ex-
pressed about how virtual reality is
going to affect authentic interaction
amonghumanbeings. Random im-
ages of people eventually condi-
tioned to isolate themselves in tiny
cubicles and live through virtual
Carowinds begins weekend
operation on Saturday, March 12,
and a new eight-acre theme area
named "Wayne's World" will
open on Saturday, June 4, and
will continue through Sunday,
Aug. 21. After then, the park will
be open on weekends through
Oct. 30.
All interested applicants
should go to the Employment of-
fice located off Carowinds Boule-
vard at the CampgroundAd-
ministrative Deliveries Em-
ployment entrance in the back of
the park. For more information
realitv do come to mind Mark Levy,
editor of the Journal of Communica-
tion, states in an article, that the
concept of virtual reality, "should
force us to confront very large, exis-
tential issues Virtual realitv goes
to the wellspring of human con-
sciousness. We are more than data
entities in a giga-flop processor
ECU's own virtual realitylab is
in room 218 in the Library Science
building. Hours are posted on the
Continued from page 6
on employment opportunities or
the job fair, contact Paramount's
Carowinds employment office at
(703)548-5300 in S.C.
50,000 TITLES
919 Dickinson Ave.
Greenville, NC

We need
09choriesBivd Super Nintendo
758-4251 Games & Players!
"rou Tin; i.ovi: of uuigus"
rcnHUARY 14. 1904
Copy Editor
-For editing articles for AP style before
Asst. Lifestyle Editor
-For aiding Lifestyle Editor with story
ideas and assignment
Both positions require a 2.0 GPA and
ability to work with deadlines. Apply
in the Student Pubs, building.
Painting from the Samuel H. Kn
Collet tion, can be seen on Feb. 5,
at a black tie benefit gala from
6:30p.m10p.m. Governor James
B. I lunt Jr. will make remarks at
7:15 p.m while guests preview
the exhibition nd feast on Euro-
pean cuisine, rickets for the event,
which is open to museum mem-
bers and their guests, are SI-1
per person. Membership in the
museum costs as little as S2.
I he opening festivities con-
tinue at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 6,
when Dr. Edgar Peters Bowron,
senior curator of paintings at the
National Gallery of Art in Wash-
ington, D.C and former director
ol the North Carolina Museum ot
Art, will give a slide-talk on the
exhibition in the museum's audi-
torium. The slide-talk is free and
open to the public.
North Carolina Museum of
Art outreach volunteers across the
state are available to present free
slide talks on the exhibition. The
programs will be available to
schools and community groups
throughout the state. The
museum's outreach volunteer
corps is composed of 181) men
and women form 63 counties
a ross the state ho have com-
pleted day-long workshops at
the museum Groups interested
in scheduling a slide program
should call Nancy Brantley, as-
sistant to the director for public
programs, at (919)833-1935.
A concert at 4 p.m. on Sun-
d.w, Feb. 6, by the Ensemble
e ourant will cap the weekend's
The N irth Carolina Mu-
seum of Art is located at 2110
Blue Ridge Road in Raleigh. It is
an agency of the North Carolina
Department of Cultural Re-
sources. Admission to the Mu-
seum is free.
r Art of the State r
February Sale!
10 offStorewide
Select items 20-30 off
Brin? this card and receive an
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Just received - truckload of your
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Thursday, Feb 3 -97 j "
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Saturday, Feb 5 8-6
L iAj ' . This includes
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IB?IWWii umimi m
77e East Carolinian
Page 8
February I. 1994
Wfcat's On Tap?
Wednesday, Feb. 2
M. Basketball, away
at Furman, Greenville, S.C.
7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 3
W. Basketball
vs. UNC-Wilmington, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 5
M. Basketball, away
at George Mason, Fairfax, Va
7:30 p.m.
Baseball, away
at University of Florida,
Gainesville, Fla 1 p.m. (DH)
The 411
Thursday, Jan. 27
W. Basketball, away
lost at Richmond 64-82
Saturday, Jan. 29
M. Basketball
beat UNC-Wilmington 64-61
M. Swimming, away
lost at UNC-Wilmington117-124
W. Swimming, away
tost at UNC-Wilmington 119-124
Sunday, Jan. 30
W. Basketball
lost to James Madison 55-79
Womens CAA Standings
(Through Jan. 29)
Team Conference GB Overall
5-0 1.000
UNCW 0-5
Scoring Avg
Celeste Hill, ODU 21.7
Kirsten Keller, AU 15.7
Laura Barnes, UR 15.5
Nickie Hilton, GMU 14.8
Keri Chaconas.GMU 14.6
Rebounding Avg
Ashleigh Akens, W&M 10.7
Celeste Hill, ODU 10 1
Ina Nicosia, UR 8.7
Nickie Hilton, GMU 8.4
Tracy Kelley, ECU 7.8
Assist Avg.
Marcell Harrison. GMU 4.7
Christina Lee, JMU 4.4
Keri Chaconas, GMU 4.2
Denise Winn, UR 3.9
Tara Roberson. W&M 3.4
Field Goal
Nickie Hilton. GMU.602
Marilyn Gayton, W&M.552
Celeste Hill, ODU.539
Ashleigh Akens, W&M.531
Kirsten Keller, AU526
Free Throw
Krissy Heinbaugh, JMU.881
Laura Barnes, UR.831
Celeste Hill, ODU.782
Marcell Harrison GMU.773
Kelly Norton, UNCW.771
3-pt Field Goal
Justine Allpress. ECU.395
Yolanda Settles, W&M390
Laura Barnes, UR.383
Keri Chaconas. GMU.353
Danielle Charlesworth, ECU 344
Scoring Margin
William & Mary15.2
George Mason9.5
Old Dominion6.6
James Madison1.9
East Carolina-18.1
Rebounding Margin
Old Dominion3.7
James Madison36
William & Mary3.3
George Mason2.3
East Carolina-18.1
Field Goal
George Mason448
William & Mary43.6
Old Dominion42.0
James Madison41.3
Emt Carotin37.8
Def. Field Goal
William & Mary 35.2
George Mason 38 8
James Madison 40.3
Old Dominion 41.7
Richmond 41.8
American 42.9
UNC-Wilmington 43.3
East Carolina 45.4
Compiled by Dave Pond
ECU wins struggle with Birds
Photo courtesy of SID
Kareem Richardson had a big second half against U NC-W, scoring nine
of his 11 points in the period. He is seen here against GMU last year.
By Brad Ok'iam
Senior Staff Writer
In a season that was slowly
looking bleaker each game out, the
Pirates beat the Seahawks 64-61 in
a sold-out Minges Coliseum.
"The Pirates are easily the most
athletic team in the league UNC-
W coach Kevin Eastman said after
the game. "We just don't have the
athletic ability that these guys do,
nor the speed
The Pirates moved their over-
all record to 11-7, and 3-4 in the
conference. The win comes after a
four-game losing skid.
"I thought that this was as
physical a basketball game that I
have seen in my three years here
coach Payne said. "It was a monu-
mental effort. I was really proud of
everybody that played
The Pirates were led by senior
guard Lester Lyons, who had 17
poin ts in the ga me, 13 of those in the
first half. The Seahawks got 22
points from junior guard Chris
Meighen, who had four 3-pointers
in the game.
The first half was plagued by
poor shooting from both teams.
ECU shot just 25 percent from the
field, while the Seahawks shot 39.
Lyons kept the Pirates in the game
the first half, hitting three 3-point-
The big momentum kick for
ECU was with 10 minutes to play in
the half, Pirate center Chuckie
Robinson drew a technical foul
on Darren Moore. The Pirates
went on an 11-point tear, taking
the lead and never looking back.
They were sparked by a Gill lay-
up and a dunk by Lyons that
brought the Minges crowd to its
"It was probably Anton Gill's
best defensive post game since he
has been here Payne said. "It's
gratifying that we can win a game
shooting 33 percent
With the Pirates up 21 -19 with
six minutes left in the first half,
ECL' forward Wilbert Hunter was
intentionally fouled on a lay-up
bv UNC-W forward Corey
Stewart. Hunter lay on the floor
for about two minutes before he
was helped off of the court, miss-
ing the remainder of the half.
Lyons hit a 3-pointer with a
minute left that would give the
Pirates the lead at halftime, 27-24.
Point guard Kareem
Richardson scored nine of his 11
points in the second naif. Using
hisspeed to push the ball upcourt
on the break, Richardson hit for-
ward Kevin Armstrong and
Robinson for several lay-ups.
ECU jumped out to its big-
gest lead of the game on a jumper
by Pirate forward Curley Young
to stretch the score to 54-44 with
6:14 left. Meighen hi t two 3-point-
ers within the last minute of play
Cowboys' Johnson may
be heading to Florida
(AP) ? In the exhilaration of
the moment, the final seconds of a
second straight Super Bowl
championship, Dallas Cowboys
coach Jimmy Johnson and owner
Jerry Jones put aside their differ-
ences and hugged each other
Their caustic relationship is
heading toward a breakup for the
worst of reasons: Their egos are
getting in the way of their success.
They've been sugar-coating the
tension between them for a while
now, pretending in public there is
no serious trouble in private, acting
like a married couple who don't
want everyone to know they're in
the throes of divorce. It's easy to see
through that frosty veneer.
But at the end of the Cowboys'
30-13 victory Sunday over Buffalo,
Johnson and Jones shared one more
triumph that could keep them
together a little longer.
"I don't worry at all that we
will be losing Jimmy Jones said.
"We have a great opportunity to do
something that has never been
done, and that's to win three
straight Super Bowls. 1 know that
Jimmy enjoys the challenges, and 1
know that he will be here
Johnson wasn't so sure. He
hasn't decided on anything, he said,
though he imagined he would
return to Dallas next year. And he
hardly gushed over the hug with
"He owns the team Johnson
said coolly. "He hired me, so he
deserved a hug
No one is sure when the split
will come. Not even Johnson or
Jones. They may gnash their teeth
and stick together for one or two
more runs at the Super Bowl.
Or they could take separate
paths starting tomorrow. Either
way, there's almost no chance
Johnson will stay in Dallas for the
next five years of his 10-year
Johnson's next stop could be
the Miami Dolphins, should Don
Shula retire, or it could be the
expansion Jacksonville Jaguars, if
the right offer is made. Johnson has
never worked anywhere longer
than five vears, and he lusts for new
challenges. His heart is in Miami.
Thirty years ago, Johnson and
Jones were roommates on Arkan-
sas' national championship team,
smart and ambitious buddies
pointed toward great things.
Johnson says he's never met anyone
better at making money than Jones.
Jones says he's never known a
coach who can build a winner like
They seem a perfect match,
riding high after two straight Super
Bowls. But when titanic egos dash
sparks turn to thunderbolts. And if
Jones tries to enforce his threat not
to let Johnson go to another team
under any circumstances, folks
around them would line up for a
ringside seat to see that brawl.
As the rumors swirl that
Johnson wants out, Jones remains
adamant about keeping him on a
tight leash
"There is no equivocation in the
agreement There are no clauses
Jones said. "The only reason Jimmy
won't be coaching football for the
Dallas Cowboys is that he's out of
coaching in football, period. At any
level. There are no circumstances
that I would agree to let another
team talk to him about coaching
Lady hoopsters blown out by Dukes
(SID) ? Four James Madison
players scored in double figures as
JMU captured its fourth Colonial
Athletic Association win with a
79-55 road victory over East Caro-
lina in Greenville on Sunday.
Led by Krissy Heinbaugh,
who scored a game-high 19 points,
the Dukes controlled the game
from the start.
After scoring first with two
Heinbaugh free throws at 18:46,
and then taking the lead with a 17-
foot jumper by Danielle Powell at
18:06, JMU never looked back and
led 39-20 at the half. Heinbaugh
led the way with 10 points in the
first half.
ECU struggled, shooting 29.6
percent horn the floor and just 50
percent from the line during the
first half and dropping to 25 per-
cent from the floor in the second
James Madison shot 51.7 per-
cent horn the floor for the game
and 73.7 percent from the line.
JMU also controlled the
boards, out-rebounding the Lady
Pirates 27-10 in the first half and
allowing ECU only four offensive
rebounds. For the game, the Dukes
had 54 rebounds to ECU's 33.
JMU's Sarah Schrieb led all
reboundcrs with 10.
During the second half, JMU
extended its lead to as much as 31
points with four minutes remain-
ing. A layup by Heinbaugh at the
4:05 mark gave JMU its largest
lead of the game (72-41). Kara
Ratliff (17 points), Schreib (12
points) and Powell (11 points)
joined Heinbaugh in scoring
double figures for JMU.
ECU placed just one player in
double figures with Tomekia
Blackmon scoring 12 points. Shay
Hayes led ECU's rebounding ef-
fort with seven.
With the win, the Dukes went
to 10-8 on the season and 4-2 in
CAA plav. East Carolina, with its
fifth straight loss, dropped to 2-13
on the season and 1-5 in the CAA.
Both teams return to action on
Thursday, Feb. 3 with East Caro-
lina hosting UNC-Wilmington and
JMU hosting Richmond.
inm-am-ao-tato tp
Schreib366-140-03-1073 12
Powell283-75-60-555 II-
HopkinsIK4-60-04-701 8
Aleeo242-50-12-531 4
Williams92-32-31-613 9
Ratliff317-123-40-624 17
TutczynS0-20-02-400 I)
Totals200 31-60 14-19 16-54222 79
Percentages: FG- 517. FT .73"3-Poini Goals- 3-
7. .429 iHeinbaugh 3-4.Schreib 0-1.Powell 0-2).
Team rebounds: 2. Blockedshots3(Houser.
Schreib. Powell)Turnovers:22 l Heinbaugh 5,
Powell 5. Ratlift 4. Schreih 3.Williams. Algeo.
Hopkins) Steals: 9 (Powell 4Schreib Algeo.
Hopkins i.
ECU (55)ft!ftrb
mm-am-ao-talo tp
Charlesworth 3K1-91-20-2t7 3
Cagle150-31-20-000 1
Baker252-81-20-124 5
Rodgerson112-51-23-400 5
James132-30-00-111 4
Sulton6l-l0-01-201 2
Hayes132-71-23-700 5
Wallerstroir101-30-00-102 3
AllpressIn2-92-41-212 7
Blackmon343-116-94-601 12
Kcllcv191-46-84-5ii 8
Totals200 17-6319-31 16 33819 55
JMU (79)
Houser141 1II ')1 2
Heinbaugh2i. ?4 S2 7
a to tp
I 0 2
to cut the lead to four. A Pirate
turnover resulted in a lay up for
Wilmington, cutting the lead to two
with three seconds left to play.
Young's free throw at the end of
regulation ended the scoring.
Percentages: FG- 270, FT- 61 3 3-Point Goals 2
12 167 (Charlesworth 0-3. Caglc 0-1. Wallerstrom
12. Allpress 1-6). Team rebounds: 2. Blocked
shots: 2 (Hayes Kelley). Turnovers: 19
(Charlesworth 7. Baker 4. Allpress 2. Wallersirom
2. James. Sullon. Blackmon. Kelley). Steals: 15
I Charles worth 6. Hayes 3. Baker 2. Allpress 2.
Blackmon 2)
UNC Wilmington(61)
mm-am-ao-lalo tp
Stewart346-161-14-11i2 14
Spann131-41-21-512 3
Phillips384-80-01-221 10
Baker90-10-00-120 0
Franklins0-10-00-000 0
EI-SanadiK302-63-34-1014 7
Meighen378-162.20-114 22
McGriff71-20-02-j12 2
Moore301-41-43-402 3
Totals!00 23-588-1219-44 1017 61
Percentages:FG397.FT-6673-Poml Goals" 7-
22. .667 (Miighe11 4-8.Phillips2-5. Stewart 1-7).
Team rebounds:7 Blocked shots: 6 (El-Sanadily
3. Spann 2. Slew art 1. Turnovers: 17 (-l-SanadMv
4. Meichen 4. MvGriff2. Moon:2. Spinn-i
Stewart 2. Phillips). Steals: 3 (El-Sanadih
McGriff, Mlore)
ECU (64)
mm-am-ao-tato tp
Schaefbauei150-20-02-410 0
Lyons315-124-42-211 17
Richardson343-94-52-351 II
Hunter161-22-20-310 4
Young273-102-51-232 8
Robinson192-5142-701 5
Gill233-84-53-501 10
Armstrong212-40-21-202 4
Basham14065-63-610 5
Totals200 19-58 22-33 20-39 12 8 64
Percentages: FG- 32S. FT- 667 -Point Goals" 4
13, .308 (Lsons 3-5. Richardson l-l.i. Team re-
hounds. Blocked shots: 2 . Lsons. Gilli. Turn-
overs: 8( Young 2. Armstrong 2. Lyons. Richardson.
Robinson. Gill). Steals: 7 (Lyons 2. Richardson .
Hunter. Younc. Robinson. Basham)
Technical fouls UNCW. 1 (Moore. 11:00. 1st).
A: 6.5IXII sellout). T: 158. Officials Hess. Wall.
Samford. Compiled b Brad Oldham
ECU swimmers
lose to Seahawks
regular season
over for Bucs
(SID) ? The 1993-94 swim-
ming season came to a close for
the Pirates on Saturday with
losses to the UNC-Wilmington
Seahawks. The Pirates were
downed 117-124, while the Lady
Pirates lost 119-124.
For the men, Chris
Bembenek, Lance Tate, David
Benson, and John Donovan be-
gan the meet with a win in the
400-meter medley relay with
Tate and Benson later won the
200-meter breaststroke (2:14.04)
and the 200-meter freestyle
(1:45.10). Sereven Jones placed first
in the lOOOMfustyle with9:54.07,
while senior brian Soltz won the
50 freestyle (21.63). In the 500
freestyle, Jason Farr swam a win-
ning time of 4:50.16. Scott Kupec
won the 3 meter diving event with
239.625 points.
Lesley Hawley, Hilary
Stokes, Tracey Garrett and Ellen
Howard swam 4:07.55 to win the
400 medley relay.
Hawley also won the 200
backstroke with 1:35.59. Howard
finished first in the 200 butterfly
Senior Jacqueline Silber
dominated the 200 freestyle with
a 1:56.93 winning time.
With the 1994 Men's and
Women's Swimming and Div-
ing Championships to be held in
Greenville just two weeks away,
the Pirates' records fall to 10-2
for the men and 9-3 for the
women, overall.
Both Pirate squads stand at
4-1 in the CAA.
Smith gets contract extension
Technical fouls: none Officials Ch.inlv
Freeman compiled by Dave Pond
(AP)?The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill has reaf-
firmed its love affair with basket-
ball coach Dean Smith.
The UNC board of trustees
amended Smith's contract Friday
to allow him to lead the team into
the 21st century.
The contract revision calls for
Smith to remain as head coach
through June 30,2001. Smith, who
was named head coach at the start
of the 1961-1962 season, will be 70
in 2001.
"You (media)guysdidn't think
we were going to let that guy get
away, did you?" board member
John Harris said after the meeting.
Smith said he considered the
revised contract as a clarification,
rather than an extension.
Smith signed a contract in 1981
to remain head coach until June 30,
1996, at which time he would be
allowed to serve in another posi-
tion at the school until June 30,
2001. Smith said he understood that
the original contract was meant to
run through 2001. One page had
that date, while another page had a
conflicting date of 1996, he said.
Smith said he first noticed the
error in the mid-1980s, but did not
act. UNC athletic director John
Swofford noticed the conflict last
summer and asked the board to
amend the contract to run through
2001, Smith said.
"Thatdoesn't mean I will coach
until then said Smith, who has the
option to terminate the contract at
any time with 120 days' notice.
The contract dcies not change
Smith's annual salary of S137,lXK).

February 1. 1994
The East Carolinian 9
Coaches' wives give positive reviews and promote book
Digger Phelps' wife looks
inside the family of a coach
Basketball s newest "Fab Five" was
formallv introduced this weekend,
and while group members never
will play the game, their lives have
revolved around it.
The five are basketball wives
who gathered near the University
of North Carolina campus here to
promote "TlieCoach's Wife: A Notre
Dame Memoir
The book by Terry Phelps, wife
of former Fighting Irish coach and
television commentator Digger
Phelps, provides a look inside the
lives of a college basketball coach's
Mrs. Phelps, a law professor at
Notre Dame, was joined by Linnea
Smith, Barbara Robinson, Micki
Krzyzewski and Pam Valvano.
They talked about how being mar-
ried to basketball coaches signifi-
cantly alters their lives.
It wasn't all glamor and glory,
Phelps said.
"Fans always say 'Do you get
to go to all the games?' like this
must be so wonderful she said.
"Most of us say 'Ugh' and you
feel you should go, and it's not for
the attention or that you love it, but
because you want to be supportive.
You've got to be there. You can't
bail out
The four Atlantic Coast Con-
ference wives gave the book posi-
tive reviews, and said they were
glad Phelps wrote it.
"The threads through herbook
are the same threads we have wo-
ven our life from Krzyzewski said.
I think she was very brave. I
didn't know how brave until she
told me
Krzyzewski, who began dat-
ing Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski
when he was playing basketball at
the U.S. Military Academy, attends
most of Duke's home games.
She admits to having tobite her
tongue occasionally, and not be-
cause of what's happening on the
for me to deal with is at a game, or
at some event where what's going
on around me is people swearing at
my husband and all of this type of
thing she said.
"And my response is to smile.
And to me, that's terribly, terribly
"I feel like, and I think anybody
else would feel like turning around
and punching that person out
Krzyzewski added. "But I'm not
Rec Services offers many
outdoor events for spring
(RS)?If you think there'snoth-
ing exciting left for you to do this
spring, come to Christenbury Gym
and find out the facts on all that is
available. Starting in February, there
are several outdoor events, work-
shops and trips organized by mem-
bers of Recreational Services for the
purpose of making outdoor life safer
and more enjoyable.
The first of theseexciting events
starts with a Mountain Bike Main-
tenance workshop cond ucted by the
Bicycle Post Staff every Tuesday
evening for four weeks beginning
Feb. 1,1994. For the price of a tune
up ($45.00), learn everything you
have ever wanted to know about
your mountain bicycle. This course
will teach even a novice to maintain
a mountain bike in top running con-
Subsequently, the Outdoor
Recreation Department at Recre-
ational Services is offering a fun-
filled ski trip to Wintergreen, Vir-
ginia on Feb. 5th and 6th. Winter-
green offers an opportunity to ski a
variety of different trails for people
of all abilities. It also offers night
skiing so we can get more turns for
our dollars. This price ($120.00 stu-
dentsS130.00 non-students) in-
cludes transportation, lodging and
lift rickets. Trje pre-trip meeting is
scheduled forSp.m. Wed Jan. 26 in
Continue your explorations to
Mt. Rogers for a weekend of back-
packing adventure on Feb. 11-13.
Come explore the beauty of Mt.
Rogers Recreation Area in Virginia's
Jefferson National Forest.
This trip will offer you an op-
portunity to climb mountain ridges
and peaks and to wander down
streams and gorges. The cost ($30
students$35 non-students) in-
cludes food, equipment and an in-
structor. The pre-trip meeting is
scheduled for 5 p.m. Wed Feb. 2 in
For more information on any
outdoor adventure programs, con-
tact Reid Cross at 757-6387 or come
by 204 Christenbury Gymnasium.
allowed to do that. I'm not allowed
to act normal
Smith, a psychologist, said it
took time to adapt to the role of
making North Carolina coach Dean
Smith's off-court life as uncompli-
cated as possible so he could re-
main focused on his games.
She also suggested thatcoaches
prepare themselves for lives away
from the game, citing statistics that
show that less than 20 percent of
coaches retire from the game.
"It's the one career where lon-
gevity doesn't exist Smith said.
"In athletics, a small percentage of
college coaches retire as coaches.
It's important for them to develop
other aspects and identities apart
from their career identities
Jim Valvano developed that
identity, leaving the embattled N.C.
State basketball program to become
a television analyst until he died
last spring.
His widow says she had to
make her own adjustments while
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he coached in Raleigh.
"We might be going off to play
in the Holiday Festival in New York
or we might be going to Hawaii, so
December 19th comes and it has to
be Christmas in your house Pam
Valvano said.
" And it's not Christmas to any-
body else in the world. But you
have to get it ready and have Christ-
mas that day
If a coach loses games prior to
Valvano's successor hasn't es-
caped the pressure.
Barbara Robinson, who has had
to endure some tough times with
her husband, N.C. State coach Les
Robinson, said the book has pro-
vided some helpful advice for deal-
ing with the Wolfpack's woes.
"The intense pain that you feel
when they're under that kind of
criticism is just as real as if they were
talking about you, even maybe more
Christmas, the holiday is even so because you feel so helpless
tougher to celebrate, she said.
And daddy doesn't wantto
come down and have Christmas
that day she said. "And it's hard
to understand that and it's hard to
makelittlechildrenunderstand that
Daddy doesn't want to haveChrist-
she said. "At least they can go out
and work a little harder and try a
little bit harder to improve
And what's the toughest part
of Mrs Robinson's role?
"Keeping my mouth shut she
said. "Not saying what I want to
while you wait
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10 The East Carolinian
February I. 1994
State prosecutor
probes skier's death
(AP) ? Was Ulrike Maier's
death on the Garmisch ski slope
simply a tragic accident that could
have happened anywhere?
Or is her policeman boy-
friend entitled to sue the race or-
ganizers because the course was
too dangerous?
Opinion appearsdivided fol-
lowing Saturday's accident that
stunned the world of skiing only
two weeks before the Winter
Olympics are due to start.
Maier, 26, the mother of a 4-
year-old girl, broke her neck in a
terrifying crash in Saturday's
downhill race and died 2 12
hours later.
The state prosecutor opened
a routine probe Sunday into
Maier's death and examined the
scene of the crash. It's believed
Maier, a two-time world cham-
pion, slid off line and collided
with a timing post, causing her
helmet to come off.
Helmut Schweighofer,
Maier's boyfriend and the father
of Melanie, also visited the spot
and broke into tears.
He strongly criticized FIS, the
international ski federation, and
World Cup officials for what he
said were insufficient safety mea-
sures and indicated the family is
planning to sue for damages
It won't bring Ulli back, but
I intend to fight FIS he said. "It
may save another life.
"They only talk about im-
proving safety, but they never do
anything. I can't understand that
the timing post was padded only
with straw.
"Somebody will die again
next year unless they really do
something he said.
Other competitors, including
American skier Krista
Schmidinger, criticized the track.
"It was like sheer ice, like
trying to survive your way
down she said. "The conditions
on the hill were poor. It was a
really inconsistent track, a sheet
of ice in some sections and soft in
others. The whole race was very
But race officials and several
coaches said it was safe.
"It could have happened at
50-60 spots on any downhill in
the world said Hubert Ostler,
head of the organizing commit-
Chief race referee Kurt Hoch
said the timing device was pad-
ded with straw-filled sacks, about
20 inches thick, "the normal safety
Yearly ECU men's
basketball scoring leaders
1992-3 ?Lester Lyons15.4
1991-2Lester Lyons15.6
1990-1Lester Lyons17.6
1988-9Hue gyvvardf26.7
1987-8Gus Hill19.3
1986-7Marcheli Henry19.1
1985-6Maxell Henry j15.6
1984-5Curt Vandertiorst 17.0
1983-4Curt VanerhOfBf 11.5
1982-3Johnny Edwards18.6
1981-2Morris Hargrove11.5
1980-1Charles Vtltkins12.8
1979-80George Maynor17.0
1978-9 (CHiverJMack18.3
1977-8Oliver Pack27.9
African I
American I
History I
Month I
D isc o.v e r
A Heritage In Print
At Your Campus Bookstore
Back injury haunts LJ
(AP) ? Larry Johnson may not
return to the Charlotte Hornets for
another month as his back continues
to plague him.
Johnson's damaged nerve is still
failing tosend the proper signals to his
right leg, which remains at about a 15-
to-20 percent deficiency in strength.
Not only has Johnson's right leg been
than his left leg, a source told The
Gaston Gazette.
In addition, Johnson is dealing
wima sframed calf that has slowed his
return to the lineup.
Johnson willretumthisseason, sources
sayitisa50-50proposition whether he
will be back at full strength ? much
less 95 percent of his full strength. In a
worst-case scenario Johnson may not
return until next year.
The Hornets now say that March
or April is a realistic return time for
Johnson, who has missed 15 straight
games. It had been anticipated that
Johnson would be able to start the
season without trouble.
"Larry is still a way's away
Hornets trainer Terry Kofler said. "If s
avervtime-ainsumingpnxress. We've
just got to be patient with it. The origi-
nal injury tookmonths.We'relooking
at the same time frame for this one.
"Its going to be after the All-Star
Johnson has practiced with the
team sporadically without any real
signs of progress.
His main work now is on the
treadmill and in the swimming pool,
Kofler said.
"We're not going to put him back
on the court until we see enough
progress for him to participate with-
said Thursday. "If any of us had this
injury, wewouldn'tevennoticeitday-
to-day ? There's no real back pain. But
he's plaving is different
Hornets coach Allan Bristow has
said thatthey'll takejohnsonbackif he
can return to the form he showed
earlier this season.
won't make any further trades tocom-
pensate for his absence.
"We're not going to do anything
roster-wise Hornets player person-
nel director Dave Twardzik said.
"We're just looking at him being out
until about March or so. Anytime
you're dealing with nerve damage,
it's going to take a lot longer to recover
a very uncertain thing
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The East Carolinian, February 1, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 01, 1994
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