The East Carolinian, November 2, 1993

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The East Carolinian
Vol. 68 No. 63
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Tuesday, November 2,1993
8 Pages
Students, faculty, family,
friends, staff and visitors!
This is your opportunity to
take back your school! Don't
put up with an inadequate
library. Just because you
never plan to write another
paper in your life, doesn't
mean you can't think of the
rest of us. We need your
vote, and yes, your vote
counts. If everyone said,
"Well, one vote doesn't
count then we 'u end up
with the same unorganized,
insufficient, low-tech library
that students back in '54 had
to deal with. Wouldn't you
rather rest assured knowing
you did at least one
memorable thing for ECU?
This is your chance. Skip
class, procrastinate from
studying, postpone dessert
and get out there and VOTE!
Campus residents need to
vote at the Elm Street Gym.
And don't say you don't know
how to get there, because
we know better!
Photo courtesy
ECU New Bureau
dead at 23
River Phoenix, a rising star who
played the scruffy, cigarette
smoking youth in Stand By Me
and won an Oscar nomination
for Running on Empty, died Sun-
day after collapsing outside a
club. He was 23.
Authorities said the cause
of death was unknown. A
coroner's examination was ex-
pected today.
However, drugs might have
contributed to the young actor's
death, according to a frantic 911
call and a paramedic who spoke
to the Daily News of New York.
The actor collapsed and
went into seizures about 1 a.m.
Sunday outside actor Johnny
Depp's trendy Viper Room club
in West Hollywood after acting
strangely, according to compan-
ions interviewed by Sheriff's De-
partment deputies.
A man who called for para-
medics said he thought Phoenix
See PHOENIX page 2
Former ECU
president dies at 95
By Shannon Cooper
Staff Writer
ECU's expansion from a
teacher's college to the third larg-
est campus in the state of North
Carolina was a result of the active
leadership of ECU's fifth presi-
dent, John D. Messick.
Dr. Messick's impressive
and productive presidency
stretched over a 12-year period,
from 1947 up until his retirement
in 1959.
Messick spent his retirement
years in Wilmington, where he
died on Oct. 3 at the age of 95.
"During his presidency, East
Carolina really began its amazing
growth pattern Dr. Mary Jo
Bratton, ECU Historian and au-
thor of East Carolina University:
The Formatwe Years, said.
Under Dr. Messick, ECU
became coeducational and ex-
panded in student enrollment,
curriculum and faculty strength.
Also, during Messick's
presidency. ECU acquired ten new
major buildings, modified eight
existing structures and purchased
eighty acres of land. There was an
increase in degree programs, ex-
pansion of service functions and
legislative approval for the estab-
lishment of a nursing school.
Messick was a native of
South Creek, near Aurora, in Beau-
fort County. He pursued his col-
lege education at Kings Business
College and Elon College.
Before beginning his presi-
dency at East Carolina, he worked
as an educator in NorthCarolina's
public schools and at the same
time attended graduate schools
during the summer. Messick re-
ceived his Ph.D in administration
and supervision in 1934 fromNew
York University.
After his retirement in 1959,
Messick continued to visit ECU
and was present in 1983 for the
dedication ceremony of the the-
ater arts building, which now car-
ries his name.
"Dr. Messick was a very
ambitious and energetic person
Brattonsaid. "He fought very hard
in the state legislature to get the
funding and the support that was
required to convert it East Caro-
lina from a teacher's college to a
liberal arts college
ECU provides majorminor guidance
Feeling confused? Discover possible pathways to your future!
By Jennifer Jenkins
Staff Writer
Are you completely
clueless? Do you know what you
want to be when you grow up?
Are you considering ever grow-
ing up? Well, ECU is prepared to
handle dilemmas such as these.
ECU will host its annual
Majors Minors Fair on Wednes-
day, Nov. 3, from 12:30p.m. until
3:30 p.m. Located in the
Mendenhall Great Room, the fair
provides teachers and students
with a chance to ask questions
that students may have about
choosing a major and the career
opportunities within the major.
Over 45 different depart-
ments from the school will be at-
tending, plus co-op, counseling and
career services. The MajorsMi-
nors Fair also develops the thought
of different options that may not
have occurred to the students. For
example, the fair allows students
to choose a minor that corresponds
with their major or introduces them
to different departments that are
not as well known as others, such
as Human and Environmental Sci-
ences, Leisure Systems, Hospital-
ity Management and many more.
Jim Pinkney, a member of the
Career Education Committee, be-
lieves that the fair is a valuable
experience because students can
talk to other students who have
already been accepted by a spe-
cific department. "The informal
atmosphere and handou ts for the
students to take and read about
the different programs within
the university help them be more
relaxed about choosing a ma-
jor Pinkney said. "All of these
factors give the students the
comfortability of learning about
areas in which they are inter-
Anyone who has not de-
cided on a major or minor, or has
questions concerning their col-
lege career, should visit the Ma-
jorsMinors Fair in Mendenhall
Halloween's success
By Jennifer Jenkins
Staff Writer
Halloween hit Greenville
Saturday night with a flow of
wildly-dressed individuals pour-
ing into the streets downtown,
yelling and screaming but, over-
all, not causing too many prob-
"Based on prior Halloweens
and their problems, this year's
Halloween went exceptionally
well stated Captain John E. Ennis
of Greenville Police Department.
This year, Halloween was an av-
erage weekend with the excep-
tion of the number of people and
the way they were dressed.
Working together to make
the weekend a success were the
City of Greenville, ECU's Stu-
dentGovernment Association, the
downtown area restaurants and
taverns, Inter-Fraternity Council
and the ECU administration.
There were over 100 officers on
duty throughout the weekend to
provide a safe environment for
the students. This success was
achieved through cooperation of
the students and their decision to
celebrate safely.
Lt. Keith Knox, of the ECU
Police Department "felt that the
weather pla"yed a major part in
the calmness of the weekend. The
rain kept some of the people in the
restaurants and taverns. And, it
kept some people at home. Nev-
ertheless, there was still an abun-
dance of people on the streets
EastCarolina'sSGAhad five
teams of student safety officers
stationed in the downtown area
to help control the crowd. Head
of the legislative committee, Brynn
Thomas, "felt that the weekend
could not have worked out any
better Thomas stated that more
people were inside the clubs than
in the streets which worked to
their advantage, because then the
people were not their responsibil-
ity. The weekend's goals were
accomplished because the stu-
dents had fun, the restaurants
and taverns made money and
the City of Greenville ensured
the safety of the town.
Each Halloween is becom-
ing more of a success because of
the working cooperation of the
students. Students are starting
to think while they are down-
town and choose other alterna-
tives to going downtown to cel-
ebrate. Over 2,000 students at-
tended "Midnight Madness" in
Mendenhall, which was quite
an increase in attendance from
last year.
The success of this year's
Halloween was reflected in the
decrease in crime on and off
campus, which has posed a
threat before. Prior to last year,
downtown Greenville re-
mained closed for Halloween
because of past violence and
Real blood, violence, fear
overshadow Halloween
(AP) Real fear edged out the
store-bought variety in some cities
this Halloween.
In Los Angeles, gunmen
howling "trick or treat" fired into a
church Sunday night, injuring a
woman standing at the altar, police
"Many people started crying
and praying said Rosa Basquez, a
parishioner at Verbo De Dios
The victim, 47-year-old Maria
de Jesus Garcia, was in serious con-
dition after surgery for a stomach
wound, police Lt. Earl Paysinger
In Fullerton, Calif two 9-
year-old girls out trick-or-treating
were struck and killed by a pizza
delivery van Sunday evening.
The cousins were just a block
from home when they were hit,
police Sgt. Neal Baldwin said.
The accident was under in-
vestigation, and the girls' names
were not immediately released
pending notification of relatives.
filechargesagainstthe van'sdriver.
In Denver, a teen-ager escort-
ing youngsters on a trick-or-treat
outing was taunted and then shot
in thehead by suspected gang mem-
Carl Banks, 18, was in critical
condition early today at Denver
General Hospital, a nursing super-
visor said. He was declared brain-
dead two hours after the Sunday
evening shooting. Police said they
had no motive in the attack.
In Massachusetts, wary
parents in two communities kept
costumed children on a short
leash?if they let them out at all.
In Sturbridge, where 10-
year-old Holly Piirainen was kid-
napped in August and found
dead Oct. 23, "People are leery
said Red Denault. "They're tak-
ing their kids down to the parade
at the common rather than the
And in Bridgewater, trick-
or-treatingwascanceled after two
killers serving life terms escaped
from the Massachusetts Correc-
tional Institution. The search for
Robert Dellelo, 51, and Joseph
Correia, 38, continued early to-
See VIOLENCE page 2
The lone
Cold weather
convinced most
smokers to move
However, Joyce
Fulcher, English
dept. secretary,
true dedication.
Photo by
Van Buren
Hope abounds for those feared, failing grades
By Laura Allard
Staff Writer
The Student Government As-
sociation will submit a new grade
replacement policy to the Faculty
Senate on Thursday Nov. 4.
a student receiving a "D" or "F" in
any 1000-2000 level course may re-
take that course and have only the
newgradeused incalculatinghisor
her GPA, although both grades will
appear on the student's permanent
A student will not be able to
repeat a course in which he or she
has successfully completed a simi-
lar advanced course, or a course that
isa prerequisiteforacoursethathas
been completed.
SGA Vice President Troy
Dreyfusstated"theproposed policy
would counteract the negative ef-
fects of the drop-add policy espe-
cially for freshman and sopho-
The policy would also raise
the overall GPA of many students,
making themmorecompetitivewith
graduates of the twelve other state
supported schools in North Caro-
lina, who have instituted similar
The policy will be presented
to the Faculty Senate on Thursday
and the Senate will make a decision
at the December meeting. Should
the resolution pass the policy will be
implemented Fall 1994.
Legislatures and Executive
Board members also debated the
dedsionsof the Sept. 27electionfor
Executive Secretary.
Graduate Representative
Michael Hadley addressed the stu-
dent government, confronting the
issue of holding another election.
It is his contention that be-
cause Article XI, Section 7 of the
Election Rules states "In the event
of thedisqualificationof a winning
Candida teof an electionanew elec-
tion will occur two weeks from the
original election date
Elections Committee Chair-
man Justin Conrad says that be-
causewinningcandidate Meredith
Howard has not appealed her dis-
qualification there is no need for a
newelectionand KristiHoffstedder
will hold the position of Executive
? ' 11 i i?iiiiii

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November 2 1993
nd Other
Continued from page 1
Croup focuses on crime off, as well as on, campuses
In't worry much about being a crime
victim until (an. 17, 1988. I hat was the date the University of
(ieorgia sophomore was stabbed in the chest as she la in bed in an
offompus apartment. In the early morning hours, a man in a ski
mask and gloves slipped in through a sliding glass door and crept
past sleeping roommates in the apartment. Getzinger woke up with
a pillow over her face. She fought off her attacker and felt a sudden
pain in her chest. She thought the man had punched her, but the
blow turned out to be a knife that pierced her aorta and li er.
Thanks to several lucky circumstances ? an ambulance was in the
area and a cardiovascular surgeon was on-duty at the hospital ?
Getzinger was on the operating table in 16 minutes, and lived to tell
her story.
She later discovered there was no way students and parents
could make an informed decision about the safety of a particular
college, on or off campus, because no one was keeping statistics on
crimes involving students. After undergoing two heart operations,
Getzinger decided to do something about the situation. She founded
Safe Campuses Now, which influenced Georgia and Tennessee
legislators to pass laws that require police agencies to note in crime
reports whether a student was involved in a crime. This enables
groups such as Safe Campuses Now to track crimes against stu-
dents both on and off campus. So far, those are the only ones in the
nation where such statistics are being recorded.
In most states, "the schools have absolutely no responsibility,
except a moral one, to make students aware of crime that occurs off
campus, and that's where most students live Getzinger said.
"There's a false sense of security among students. They think
they're living in a safe haven No national agency keeps track of
crimes against students off campus, and the result is that colleges
can report that no rapes occurred on campus in 1992, when in fact,
four to five rapes might have occurred just a few blocks from
"Most college students live off campus, they party off cam-
pus, and most crime occurs off campus said Nancy Zechella,
administrative director of Safe Campuses Now in Athens, Ga.
Compiled by Maureen Rich. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
Health Career Day is Thurs Nov. 4 from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Allied Health Building.
had a "valium or something, I
don't know according to the911
will aired SundavnightbvKNBC-
The actor was rushed to Ce-
dars-Sinai MedicalCenter, where
he was pronounced dead at 1:51
Capt. Ray Ribar, a para-
medic with the Los Angeles
County Fire Department, said he
suspected Phoenix's death was
"We were told by the people
with him that he had been taking
drugs Ribar said, according to
today's Daily News.
"It was the classic cocaine
overreaction ? it just nails some
people and stops the heart
Phoenix had been at the club
with actress Samantha Mathis,23,
and his 19-year-old brother,
Joaquin Rafael Phoenix, sheriff's
Sgt. Bob Stoneman said.
Harrison Ford, who played
Phoenix's father in The Mosquito
Coast (1986) and was the adult
Indiana Jones to Phoenix's
younger Jones character in Indi-
ana ones and the Last Crusade
(1989), said he was "terribly sad
"He played my son once and
I came to love him like a son, and
was proud to watch him grow
into a man of such talent and
integrity and compassion Ford
said. "We will all miss him
Phoenix was talented and
willing to take risks in his acting,
said Phil Alden Robinson.
He directed him in last
year's Sneakers. Phoenix had been
filming the movie Dark Blood a
Fine Line Features film which
was nearly complete, Patricola
His other films include
Little Nikita (1988) and A Night in
the Life of Jimmy Reardon (1988)
and the offbeat My Own Private
Idaho (1991), in which he played
a male hustler.
Phoenix was described by
colleagues as the model of good
health, clean living and profes-
sional dedication.
He was known as a veg-
etarian, who would not eat meat
or dairy products or wear leather.
Med School has "Face of Stone"
By Lisa Dawson
Staff Writer
People who work in the medi-
cal profession deal with a great va-
riety of people from different walks
of life. This physician-patient rela-
tionship will be explored in two
reader's theater performances on
Tuesday, Nov. 2 and Wed. Dec.l.
The program will consist of a
play based on the story "Face of
Stone writtenby the famousearly-
20th-century physician William
Carlos Williams, and a discussion
immediately after the play with the
The first performance of the
play will be presented in Room 221
of the Mendenhall Student Center
on the ECU campus. The play be-
ginsat7:30p.m. The second perfor-
mance of the play will be presented
in Room 2W-40 of the Brodv Medi-
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cal Sciences Building at the Univer-
sity Medical Center. The play be-
gins at 12:30 p.m.
According to the ECU News
Bureau, the play "Face of Stone"
deals with a busy physician in a
working class town whose patients
are from various nationalities and
cultures. When an eastern Euro-
pean couple enters his office one
day, he immediately stereotypes
them and tries to push them out the
door. When the couple demands
treatment for their baby, a series of
events occur, which makes up the
basis of this interesting play.
The ECU Medical School
Readers' Theater Program began
four years ago as a funded project of
the North Carolina Humanities
Council. Although fundinghas now
expired, the medical school hascon-
tinued this program due to the posi-
tive response that it has received
from various communities around
the region. At present, the ECU
medical students have performed
works from six different authors in
13 eastern North Carolina towns.
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Continued from page 1
A church in the southeastern
Texas community of Nederland of-
fered an alternative version of a
haunted house. Actors depicted
scenes of abortion, drug use, sui-
cide, Satanism and the crucifixion,
while another playing an angelic
Christ told visitors it's time to ac-
cept him as savior.
"This is real life said Sylvia
Oliver, a member of the Triumph
Church. "Overdosing. Suicide. Al-
coholism. Abortion
Two Boston mothers caught
the light-hearted side of the day.
They dressed their youngsters up
as Elvis Presley.
"They've got the body fat.
Look at the cheeks on that kid said
Kate Robins, the mother of one
tiny, pudgy King.
"Elvis took this toddler-like
shape as he got to the end of his
life said Janet Steinmetz, mother
of the other toddlin' rocker.
In Alexandria, Ind Bill
Rominecelebrated Halloween by
decorating the grave of his long-
time companion with an elabo-
rate display of jack-olanterns,
torches and a plastic spider.
"She would have done the
same for me the 34-year-old
Romine said of Carol Rader, who
died of congeni ta 1 heart disease in
April at age 31.
"She loved it better than
Christmas because she had a
chance to be around all the kids
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The East Carolinian
November 2, 1993
The East Carolinian
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Packwood diaries unlock controversy
It's another witchhunt, folks.
The Senate Ethics Committee is at it again.
Although few issues have caused more dis-
comfort than the subpoena for Sen. Bob
Packwood's diaries, the outcome of this de-
bate could really create problems if not handled
The subpeona asks for Packwood's dia-
ries from Jan. 1,1989 to the present. The com-
mittee staff, with Packwood's cooperation, al-
ready has reviewed the prior 20 years of the
Republican's diaries.
Senator Packwood has been accused by
more than two dozen women of making un-
wanted sexual advances and some of the
women contend that there were attempts to
keep them quiet through threats to publicly
disclose aspects of their personal lives.
Packwood's accommodation ended when
committee staffers discovered potential crimi-
nal conduct by the senator that was outside the
original allegations of alleged sexual miscon-
duct and intimidation of witnesses. It was then
that the senator's lawyers refused to copy the
portions involving potential criminal viola-
tions. Packwood has stated that he will pro-
vide the committee only with portions directly
related to the original ethics charges.
And the air on the Senate floor stank of
the violation of someone's constitutional right
to privacy
Indeed, this issue brings about an inter-
esting debate: should a Seaietthjcs.Commit-
tee have the unalienable figrft to a public
official's private diaries simply because she is
a public official? Or are these protected under
the Constitution's right to privacy? Obviously
special favoring cannot be placed on senators,
but neither can the Committee be so bold as to
proclaim that it is Packwood's duty to hand
over diaries that otherwise would remain pri-
To be quite honest, Oregon's Sen.
Packwood could be the biggest sleazeball of all
time, committing numerous criminal acts, but
the Senate Ethics Committee still would have no
right to subpoena his diaries. Think of it this
way: Would you want someone pawing over
your diary, all the while legitimizing it by call-
ing on the rights of every American to know
your personal affairs? Besides, people pad their
diaries all the time; who knows whether it's fact
or fiction?
In this case, not only is the reputation of
Packwood on the line, but the reputations and
privacy of everyone in the diaries ? this is
where the witch hunt begins. For it certainly is
no secret that politicians are fodder for the
masses. Anyone and everyone loves a scandal,
especially a political one.
Now, it must be taken into consideration
that the original committee probe was specifi-
cally intended to reveal clues into the allega-
tions of alleged sexual misconduct and intimi-
dation of witnesses. With the unearthing of
information concerning possible criminal acts,
the committee licks its collective chops and hun-
grily awaits the feast.
But the feast must be postponed ? the
main course and his entourage began negotia-
tions aiming at striking a compromise for
Packwood to turn over only portions of his writ-
ings. No compromise has yet been met. Hope-
fully that Constitution that the senators hold so
dear will stand its ground.
Sit tight.
By John Adams
Acquitals in Denny case exacerbate obvious
By Alex Ferguson
Cloning materializes as next moral dilemma
Youdidnotseea razingofLos
Angeles or riots in the streets. There
were no angry mobs roaming
through the streets of Los Angeles
looting and vandalizing private
Reginald O. Denny was not
entered into the impervious world
of martyrdom. He was not called
upon to urge the people to remain
calm in the face of iniquity. Justice
has been served.
Our political leaders were not
standingin line to emphatically criti-
cizing the results of the Reginald
Denny trial. In fact, California con-
gresswoman Maxine Waters has
already expressed her delight in the
jurors decisions.
Janet Reno said tl ?c t the Attor-
ney General's office would be re-
viewing the Reginald Denny case.
Nevertheless, the government will
not have to arrange another trial be-
cause this time there were no angry
mobs to pacify. Janet Reno is merely
paying lip service to those in Los
Angeles who are unhappy with the
outcome of die Denny case, but not
unhappy enough to riot.
There was no need for our
religious and community leaders to
lead protests and demonstrations.
Nor was there a need for them to
question the jurors bigotry.
Dan Rather was not be seen in
riot gear reporting live from Los
Angeles. There was no media blitz
in Los Angeles this time.
You did notsee the video tape
of Reginald Denny being hit in the
head with a brick by Damian Will-
iams over and over, ad nauseam,
with a voice in the background be-
moaning, "How could the jurors
deny what they saw with their own
You did hear the media tell
you that everyone in Los Angeles is
feelingasenseofreliefthatthe whole
Rodney King Reginald Denny epi-
sode is over with Relief, though, is
die last thingthepeopleofLos Ange-
les should be feeling right now.
If I lived in Los Angeles right
now, Iwouldfeelatingeofnervous-
ness in knowing that it is not consid-
ered attempted murder when some-
one throws a brick as hard as they
can into your temple.
If I lived in Los Angeles right
now, I would feel slightly anxious in
knowing mat mob violence is essen-
tially condoned asalegitimatemeans
for releasing anger and frustration.
These are the messages being
sent by the jurors in the Reginald
Denny case. This is their justice.
Damian Williams faces a maximum
of ten years in orison. Do you know
what that means? He might serve
one year. If Williams'case had been
heldmNormCarolina,andhe faced
a maximum of ten years, he would
have already served too much time
ing for the end of his trial).
Damian Williams'lawyer, Edi
M.O. Faal said, "There's no ques-
tionwewon'Heisright. The crimi-
nal did win. However, this is really
nothing new. The criminals in our
society have been winning a lot re-
cently and will continue to win un-
less something is done.
Ithasbeenapparent for years
that our legal system is crumbling.
The scales of justice are tilted with
despair. The acquittals in the
Reginald Denny case only serve to
exacerbate the obvious; that "jus-
tice" is merely a word, and as such
can be used to mean whatever its
user wants it to mean.
If you believe justice has beeri
served in the Reginald Denny case
man consider the words of Alduos
Huxley, who wrote, "We lie to our-
selves, in order that we may still
have the excuse of ignorance, the
alibiof stupidity and incomprehen-
sion, possessing which wecancon-
tinue withagood conscience tocoiri-
mitand tolerate themost monstrous
crimes Justice is served.
Before getting started, I
wanted to congratulate all those
individuals out there who
worked to keep Halloween po-
litically correct. You people re-
ally strived to ensure no one's
costume was offensive or satanic
and gave us really swell ideas
for costumes, like food or that
boogie boppin' boysenberry be-
hemoth, Bamey. In fact, you did
such a superb job of dictating
Letters to the Editor
taint our minds with anything
from that realm. But hey, folks,
this is big news here, and there
may even be a controversy you
can sink your teeth into. Inter-
ested? Read on.
Cloning, for those of you
who shy away from the biological
stint, is the medical art of taking
genetic material from a human, in
this case a human embryo, sepa-
rating it into its component cells
Halloween (at least in my neigh- (ouch!) and treating them. The end
cloning efforts, or
any geneticmedical
must be properly
supervised and acces-
sible to the public
that not one
kid showed
up at my
door. I
children re-
mained in-
doors in-
huddled in
their cos-
tume on the bathroom floor, too
terrified to step out for fear of
offending some fanatic who'd
either shoot them or run a full
page ad in the local paper,
preaching blasphemy and de-
manding financial restitution.
Consequently, I'm stranded with
these huge bags of acne-inspir-
ing candy, untouched by
youngster's hands, and no real
desire to eat it. And I just wanted
to say thanks.
But seriously. Has any-
one been keeping up with the
latest in the realm of science? It
seems scientists from George
Washington University have
successfully concocted a method
result is multi-
embryos, each a
replica of the
original. Al-
lowed to de-
velop, they
would grow
into identical
copies of the
same person.
(Talk about
????"????m1 overexposure!)
That was, of course, the
Cliff Note's version of how it's
done; I don't claim to understand
the intricacies of genetic engineer-
ing. What I do know is, this is
quite a feat in the field of science
and another step towards under-
standing those fundamental ge-
netic blueprints of life we fondly
call deoxyribonucleic acid. It's also
the beginning of a moral dilemma.
(But then, what isn't these days?)
When news of the break-
through became public, the reac-
tions were swift and intense. Ac-
cording to the polls taken this past
week, three out of four Americans
were opposed to cloning, and 46
percent are in favor of banning it
tocloneahumanbeing. I'msure altogether. Seems that a majority
to most of you that sounds like of the public are concerned with
something right out of "Star scientists, and humankind for that
Trek and is therefore not worth matter, dabbling in affairs that may
listening to. Heaven forbid we be considered sacred and forbid-
den. As most people believe in
some supernatural presence re-
sponsible for our being, a sort of
for-God's-eyes-only deal, manu-
factured life justdoesn'thold well
at all.
Now I can see why hav-
ing a duplicate of yourself could
be a hassle. Everyone getting your
name wrong, photo ID mix-up,
your twin stealing your dates. I'm
sure it must be a living hell when
attending the family reunions. But,
somehow, I can't accept scientists
investing enormous amounts of
time and funds into isolating ge-
netic material, replicating it and
nurturing a new life for the sake of
a parlor trick! I mean, they aren't
just cloning around here.
For God's sake, people,
get off your bitch box and quit
whining. This isn't the medieval
ages, and the thought of a Fran-
kenstein complex is insane. I see
cloning as a step, not an end. Think
of it. What if we could perfect the
process to where we only clone
organs and limbs of patients who
have lost the original and have
been rendered handicapped. With
the knowledge we would gain,
we could learn to weed out hun-
dreds of the genetic diseases that
plague us all.
Yes, trying to bring back
dead dinosaurs may be too much
(thank yc i Mr. Spielberg). I agree
that clonL ig efforts, or any genetic
medical experimentation, must be
properly supervised and acces-
sible to the public eye. We cer-
tainly don't need scientists to get
carried away and do something
foolish, like clone Rush Limb' - jh,
or worse, Dan Cortese. But to ban
these efforts outright would be
denying us a science that could
benefit all humankind.
To the Editor
On December 6, the ECU basketball team opens its
be gunning for a win against our Pirates.
This basketball game is the first d .ance for the stu-
ers to set the stage for what could be a very fun winter in
Very few of us were in Richmond and Winston-
SalemlastMarch when EddiePayne displayed thecoach-
ing ability mat led to his hiring two and a half years ago.
There is time for the administration to secure a
"packed" Minges Colesium on December 6. The effort to
do so must start now. This is to be the last season in the
Minges that we know and love. With proper leadership
from the administration, these games this year could be
sold out and filled each and every night. The team is going
to be the most competitive it has been in years.
Thestudentbody mustbechallenged likeithasbeen
challenged for certain football games. The students must
respond. It will be mis basketball season that will go a long
way towards our being considered for conference affilia-
tion for football Sounds strange, but true.
Thecheerleadersmusttakeitupon themselves to-
assure three to four thousand students come to every
home game. They must be allowed to make the atmd
sphere one of fun and craziness all wrapped into one.
This will require extra incentives to be done each night
with students and others.
These home games serve as "recruiting week-
ends" for the football team. If a party atmosphere is;
shown in Minges who knows,certam recruits thatmayl
enjoy basketbal will sign with Coach Logan ? that
maybe would sign in the triangle where basketball isl
established as a fun event
DaveHarthas toshow theleadershiphehasbeen-
credited with having by allowing these incentives to"
local community to come from New Bern, Goldsboro,
KinstonandWilson-Rockey Mount to see this groupof
kids that made us all so proud last winter. Here is a"
chance, ECU. Let us not pass up this opportunity to
make basketball as fun as football. Go Pirates!
ECU Graduate
To the Editor
The University has abrogated its responsibility to
wake of recent attacks, I'm appalled that the only recom-
mendation to increase public safety is to walk in groups of
three or more. Will this really prevent crime? Doesn't it
merely promote vigilantism? If I get a big enough gang,
then we can walk the campus at will and feel safe. True,
there is stength in numbers, but this ignores the cause of
the trouble. Whatprevents those whoarecommittingthe
crime from roaming campus in ever increasingly larger
What are the campus and local police doing? What
action is the Chancellor taking? Give us something more
than a in loco parents benediction, "Be careful tonight,
dear. Don't walk alone This is simply unrealistic. A
student's schedule is unpredictable; it is probably more
difficult to find two other people with the same study
habits than itis to meeta compatiblespouse. In theabsence
of action and leadership from those in authority, we, the
students, will be forced to divert time and effort from
studies and the process of growing up to protect our-
As an expert marksman capable of handling a
class or on my way home from the library at night?
Should weformourown "Guardian Angels" chapterto
patrol campus, to staff a 24-hour vigil at the monev
machines,andtocheck the identificationof each person
on campus after dark? Or should we use some of the
miscellaneousprojectstoerectaperimeter fence and set
up security check points staffed with rent-a-cops to
control campus access and crime like many northeast-
ern universities have done?
These are drastic steps that would impinge on
personal freedoms. Nevertheless, are not our freedoms
already limited when our governments, dvils and aca-
demic, will not guarantee our safety? I call on The East
Carolinian to report whatactions are being taken and on
a safe environment by taking the necessary steps to
protect us before we take to the campus in posses large
enough to ensure our own safer
Maritime History & Nautical Archaeology

For Rent
?The East Carolinian
November 2, 1993
For Sale
SS Greek
utilities. Brani partment
within walking distance ol E( L
campus. Call 752-9854, please
leave a message.
3-BEDROOM 2-bath house. 209
Now available, NO PETS. Call 756-
share 2BR, 112 bath townhouse
near ECU. Rent $140mo. (in-
cludes water, sewer, cable). Pay
13 utilities. Call Leave message.
3 bedroom apt. Wilson Acres. Pri-
vate room 5 blocks from campus.
$195.00 mo. 13 utilities. Please
contact Cari or Amy at 757-2891.
non-smoker. Fully-furnished ex-
cept personal Room. 3-bedroom 2
l2bath townhouse. Pets allowed.
$225 month, includes utilities. Call
TER! Furnished, 2-bedroom, 21
2 bath townhouse, central air, bus
service, pool. $195 month plus 1
4 utilities. Call TraciTrisha 830-
NEEDED: 1 or 2 females to share
two-bedroom, two-bath duplex on
3rdStreet. ASAP Call Amy at
Ringgold Towers
Unit 601 .? Bdrnn
New Carpet & Freshly Painted
Water & Sewer Included. 2 Student Limn
at $290momh per student
E3 Help Wanted
CHILD CARE Immediate need
for part-time child care within the
Greenville City limits. Hours
would be 6:00pm to 8:30 pm Mon-
day through Friday with avail-
ability some weekends as veil.
Looking for a mature person to
care for two girls (ages 3 and 8)
inside the home. Previous child
care experience with references,
and reliable transportation is a
must! Please call 752-2111 ext. 252
if you would like more details on
how to applv.
NEED 10 part-time SALES REP-
RESENTATIVES to distribute
educational, environmental, and
nutritional products. Contact
Carolina Environmental Products.
758-0645. If no answer, leave your
name and number on answering
SALESPERSONS Excellent sales
experience. Make $10 an hour or
better. Call Chieftain Marketing
BREAK! Sell Quality Vacations!
TOUR COMPANY, easiest way
towards free trip! BestComissions!
Sun Splash Tours 1-800-426-7710.
Call us and find out how hun-
dredsof students are already earn-
CASH with America's 1 Spring
Break company! Choose Cancun,
Bahamas, Jamaica, Panama,
Daytona or Padre! CALL NOW!
TRAVEL (800) 328-SAVE or
to $125 phr. escorting in the
Greenville area. You must be 18
yrs. old, have own phone and
transportation. Escorts and exotic
dancers needed. For more infor-
mation call Diamond Escorts at
Earn up to $2,000 monthworld
travel. Summer and Career em-
ployment available. No experi-
ence necessary. For more infor-
mation call 1-206-634-0468 ext.
extra cash stuffing envelopes at
home. All materials provided.
Send SASE to Midwest Mailers
PO Box 395, Olathe, K 66051. Im-
mediate Response.
Free! (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii,
Asia!) Cruise Lines now hiring for
Busy holiday, Spring and Sum-
mer seasons. Guaranteed employ-
ment! Call (919) 929-4398 ext. 11.
Youth Basketball coaches. The
Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department is recruiting for 12 to
16 part-time youth basketball
coaches for the winter youth bas-
ketball program. Applicants must
possess some knowledge of the
basketball skills and have the abil-
ity and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must be able to
coach young people ages 9-18, in
basketball fundamentals. Hours
are from 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm
with some night and weekend
coaching. This program will run
from the end of November to mid-
February. Salary rates start at $4.25
per hour. For more information,
please call Ben James or Michael
Daly at 830-4550 or 830-4567.
GOLDSBORO is looking for en-
thusiastic entertainers. Excellent
hours, easy $$ and carpools avail-
able. Ask for Erin at 355-4792 or
(919) 734-3777.
AND SAVE! Panama City from
$99, JamaicaCancun from $439,
Padre $239, Daytona $79. $ell trips,
earn cash, party free. Call EST 1-
ARTIST Please call for appoint-
ment. 752-6953. Ask for Les or Bill.
Please bring portfolio. Computer
skills helpful.
PRENEUR. Sell Personal Safety
Alarm onoff campus. Write or
call for free details. 3806 Wingate
Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609.919-876-
to$l,000inJUSTONE WEEK! For
your fraternity, sorority and club.
T-shirt just for calling. 1-800-932-
0528 ext 75.
EARN up to $559.89 per week
assembling our products at home!
Amazing 24 hour recorded mes-
sage reveals details! Call today! 1-
919-243-1835. Leave your tele-
phone number.
your job shopping done before
holidays arrive. Applications for
full or part-time Sales, Customer
Service and Gift Wrap positions
accepted. RexibleAMPMhours.
Apply Customer Service, Brody's,
The Plaza, Monday and Thursday
BRODVS is accepting applica-
tions for a secretary to a fashion
buyer. Excellent opportunity for
individual to utilize clerical com-
puter skills. No nightsweekends,
full or part-time opportunity. Ap-
ply Customer Service, Brody's,
The Plaza, Monday and Thursday
l-4pm or Call 756-3140 for ap-
rant is now accepting applications
for waitstaff positions. Apply in
person only, 2-4 pm daily. No
phone calls please. 605-A Green-
ville Blvd. behind Quincy's Steak
For Sale
SPRING BREAK ? Plan early,
save $50 and get best rooms! Prices
increase 1115! Bahamas Cruise 6
days includes 12 meals, $279!
Panama City room wkitchen,
$119! Cancun from Raleigh, $339;
Jamaica from Raleigh, $429; Key
West, $249; Daytona Room w
kitchen, $149! 1-800-678-6386.
working out without proper
supplements, your body needs
them to GROW. Amino acids, pro-
tein powders, vanadyl suliate, wt.
gain, tri-chromelene, hot stuff,
grainers fuel, cybergenics and
many more Call Charles today
for tremendous discount prices at
Women Only. Low monthly pay-
ments! Call Angie 931-9768
FOR SALE! Membership to the
Club for Women Only. $39.99 a
month includes tanning bed. for
more information call 931-9381.
SALE 8 weeks, well behaved and
affectionate $300 or best offer Call
931-7854 or 752-8577.
speed cruiser, great for campus.
$50. Call 757-3895 evenings.
pact Pro 20' frame. One year old.
78 CTVIC wagon runs good, must
drive. $1,000. BIEFE KB 8 Classic
motorcycle helment. Grey. $185
value, $85. Call 758-1031
SALE. Threesizes: 8' for $10,12' for
$12 and 16' for$18. Plusachristmas
tree discount. Call 931-8324 or 321-
2577 for more information.
ally sweet! Love the Sisters and
Pledges of PI DELTA.
the new elected officers: Pres.
Alec Westwater, Exc. V.P.
David Hamilton, V.P. Finance
Jerry McKeel, V.P. Member-
ship Curtis Wingfield, V.P.
Prog. Chico Cook. Good Luck,
Largest Library of information in US
Order Catalog Today with Visa MC or COD
? Or. rush $2 00 to: RetM
'11322 Idaho Ave 206-A. Los
CA 90025
DELTA ZETA:We've never
been "screwed" like that be-
fore! Thursday night was a
blast and we look forward to
being "screwed" again! Love,
Sigma Tau Gamma.
THETA CHI ? Thanks for
the great country-western so-
cial! We had a blast! Love, the
Sisters and pledges of Delta
You guys are doing an awe-
some job. Keep up the good
work. We Love You! Love, the
EARLY, everyone grabbing
their date. Then off to
SPLASH, so we wouldn't be
late! Founder's Day night was
quite a bash. Too bad it ended
in such a flash! Many thanks
from Delta Z, go out to Colette,
our celebration of Founder's
Day, we have no regrets.
would like to thank you for
the nuts-and-bolts social. You
were all great "screws We
would like to do it again some-
time soon. Love, SIGMA TAU
like you to come to Bf if.T7rtj.jw MEMBERS: Only two
the ALPHA DELTA Prfi$bWa'uys away until we meet at
team! Tpm -Pi Kapp House! Admis-
? Vo" ZFt$t?n: Two cans food for
THANKSPHIKAPPATAU;wr PICASO - T-shirts available,
had a Blast at our Halloween So-
cial! Love, Alpha Xi Delta!
REWARD Gold rope chain lost
beside Ficklen at flag football field.
Please call 752-9601.
entourage would like to make the
aquaintence of Markus Anton
Keinliege. Please call 757-0991.
10:00am- 1:30pm.
HEY GENTLEMEN it isnot fair to
take ad vantage of drunk girls dur-
ing Halloween.
BRANDON You coached our
team to the final game! Without us
in New Orleans it won't be the
same. So good luck and have a
good time; remember, call the at-
tic when you have a country
rhyme. Thanks for your help! You
made us a winner and nqw we'd.
falling and flames were blazing?
itwasquite an eventful night! Let's
get together again soon, and next
time don't forget the
marshmellows P.S. We want to
send a VERYbelated thankyoufor
our Homecoming Rose, it was re-
the new Executive Council of
Zeta Tau Alpha! President?
Jennifer Sparboe; VPI Deana
Cale; VP II Krista Roth; Secre-
tary ? Leslie Chandler; Trea-
surer ? Christi Atha; Histo-
rian? Laura Hogan; Ritual?
Renee Tinch; Membership ?
Alicia Nisbet; Panhellenic?
Ronda Sortino.
Any student interested in
serving as a university
marshal for the 1993 fall
commencement may ob-
tain an application from
A-12 Minges. Students
must be classified as a jun-
ior by the end of spring
semester 1993 and have a
3.0 academic average to
be eligible. Return com-
pleted application to A-l 2
Minges by November 8,
A special sign language
and voice performing
group will be hosting a
unique presentation, "The
Silent Beauty and the Talk-
ing Beast to the public on
November 6,1993 at 8:00
pm in Wright Auditorium.
It is based on the adaption
of a Walt Disney Classic.
Don't miss this paradox of
cultures with exciting mu-
sic and acting. Admission
$4 for adults and $2 for
children under 12.
General College Students
should contact their ad-
visers the week of Novem-
ber 8-12 to make arrange-
ments for academic advis-
ing for Spring Semester
1994. Early registration
will begin November 15
and end November 19.
Early registration for
spring sessions will begin
November 15th. There will
be an advising session
Wednesday night, Novem-
ber 10th from 5:30-7:30
in room 203 of the Belk
Building. If you are unable
to attend this meeting
please call the OT office
for other advising hours.
PSI CHI will sell GRE Books
for $16.00 November 4th
form 12:30 -3:00pm. This
is the book you've been
looking for. Any questions,
Lori 355-2654.
Be ready for the next
meeting's "point time See
what these points will get
you. Thurs Nov 18, GC
1014, at 5:30. Thanks for
your participation at Hon-
orary Member recognition.
Attention all members
Bring your ticket stubs and
money to 218-A Ragsdale
nby 3:30pm on Wednes-
day, November 3. Our next
bowling social will be held
on Friday November 5 at
East Carolina Bowl start-
ing at midnight. We will
have a guest speaker, Rick
O'Neal, from PICASO on
November 10 at 4:30 at
4:30 pm in Rawl Rm 103.
For more information, call
Mario Disney 757-3679,
Jason Shirtz 355-4598,
Mark Wall 758-8339.
There will be a meeting
Wed, Nov. 3, Jenkins Fine
Arts Center, Room 1327, at
6:00. All Majors are wel-
come. We will discuss day
trip to Raleigh and
upcomming events.
The next meeting of
hel on Nov. 2 at 5:00pm in
Mendenhall Room 244.
Please bring three travel size
items for the Greenville
Community Shelter. There
will be an informational
meeting for the new mem-
bers at 4:30pm in room 244
and current members are
encouraged to meet pro-
spective members at this
time. For more information
contact Allison at931-8285.
Are you concerned about
campus safety? Do you have
questions about other criti-
cal issues facing the ECU
community? If so, you are
invited to the Council of
Student Leaders meeting on
Thursday, November 4,
1993 at 4:00 pm in the MSC
Multi-Purpose Room. Chief
Ron Avery of ECU Public
Safety and Dr. Ron Speier,
Dean of Students, will be
on hand to discuss these
issues with you. For more
information, call 757-
Don't get caught behind
the eight ball! Come join
some billiards and table
tennis fun with
RecreatiOnal Services.
There will be a meeting
on Tuesday November
9th at 5:00pm in BIO 103.
For more information,
Call Recreational Services
at 757-6387.
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each additional word $0.05
?All ads must be pre-paid
Any organization may use the Announce-
ments Section of The East Carolinian to list
activities and events open to the public two
times freeof charge. DuetothelimitEdanxxjnt
of space, The East Carolinian cannot guaran-
tee the publication of announcements.
Friday at 4 pm for
Tuesday's edition
Tuesday at 4 pm for
Thursday's edition
$5.50 per inch:
Displayed advertisements may be
cancelled before 10a.m. the day prior to
publication; however, no refunds will
be given.
For more
information call


The East Carolinian
Page 5
Garden of Eden still blooming
In an ? be-
corr ibout
the planet and all of its inhabitants,
it's nice to know that there are orga-
nizations out there that actually in-
tend to do something.
Greenville's New Garden of
Eden is one such organization. It
wasfounded b Hollis Lilley, a
former ECU student. The New Gar-
den of Eden has taken as one of its
goals to involve as many people as
possible in the fight to preserve the
natural state of the enviroment.
Lilley says that the battle has been
compounded by politics and igno-
rance, but that now is the time for
Whereas many environmental
organizations tend to focus on par-
ticular species, Lillev would like to
cover all aspects of the issue. A lofty
goal, you might say, but Lillev in-
sists that people need to consider
? ?? ill happen if we allow the
?I species after species of
plant and animal life.
When discussing the ramifica-
tion of such seemingly progres-
sive actions as developing residen-
tial and commercial areas, "A lot of
i- eople just don't realize when thev
say, 'I'm going to put a shopping
mall here they don't think about
what they're doing to the environ-
ment said Lilly.
Lilley commented that such
things have damaged the natural
landscape and its inhabitants, and
he fears that the same will continue
to occur if people don't begin to
address such problems.
The New Garden of Eden's ani-
mal and plant population presently
consists mainly of domestic spe-
cies, but Lilley said that the organi-
zation will broaden its scope in the
future. Plans are being made to open
the refuge to the public. The key to
the organization's success, however,
lies in public and governmental sup-
Campus Paperback Bestsellers
1. Rising Sun. Dy Mchae. CncMon (Ballantine. $6 99 )
Ftercs TTdustn1 tongue between Amencan and Japanese rrvais
2. The Way Things Ought To Be. by Ftusri bmbaugh
(Pocfcet Star $6.50 - CoPtrovefstai issues - that's bmbaugh temtory.
3. Seven Habits of Highly Effective Peopte. by Steven R Covey
(Fireside, $9 95 Guide to personal furftliment.
4. The Days Are Just Packed, by Bill Watterson (Andrews
AMcMeei. $12 95 More "CaMn and Hoboes" cartoons
5. The PeUcan Brief, by John Gnsham (Dell. $6 99Law student
finds herself on the -jn from kilters ot two Supreme Court ;ustjces
6. Jurassic Park, by Michael Cnchton iBallantine. $6 99
A theme park's cioned ctnosaurs are creating a world cnsis
7. A Time to KHI, by John Gnsham (IslandDell. $5 99 )
Racaai tension tum high during a trial
8. The Age Of Innocence, by Edrth Whanon (Co??rMacmirlanT
$5 95New York society We m the late 19th century
The Tais Of The Body Thief, by Anne Ree (Balantne. $6 99 )
The saga of vampire Lestai continues
10. The Hrm. by John Gnsham (IslandDell. $5 99)
Young lawyer confronts the hidden workings ol hts firm
Mew G Recommended
Deys of Obligation, by Retard Rodriguez (Penguin. $11.00)
EmooonaJfy canoW essays consioenng the moral and spiritual land-
scapes of Mexico and the Unrted States and their impact on his soul
Don't Know Much About Geography, by Kenneth C Davis.
(Avon $11.00.) Everything you need to know about the world but
never learned A fascinating, breathtaking and hilarious grand tour
of the planet Earth
The American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries. (Avon. $17 00)
The essential reference for researchers, fab seekers career changers,
and anyone who s simply cunous about who gets paid for domg ?,
usooAnoM o umcw. PuuHtwuToui utccuno at caxtm rronu
Deaf students to perform
'Beauty and the Beasf
Experience theatre from an uplifting angle
By Sarah Wahlert
Staff Writer
Can you tell a story without us-
ingyour voice? Mostpeoplecan't but
the upcoming Fantasy Group's pre-
sentation of "The Silent Beauty and
kind of story.
In 1978, theSign LanguageClub,
orSigma Lambda Fraternity, wascre-
ated by ECU students. The fraternity
has 40members, both hearing and
ueaf. Its purpose is to promote deaf
awareness and introduce the deaf
lifestyle to the public.
Oneof its most exciting activities
is itssponsorshipof Fantasy. Fantasy
is a song, sign and drama group con-
sisting of both deaf and hearing fra-
ternity members. The group inter-
prets popular music and drama into
sign language.
Last year the fraternity wrote a
play to address the issues faced by
deaf people in a hearing world. One
year Fantasy hosted a special Christ-
mas play. In the past, Fantasy did an
adaptation of the movie. Grease. The
group also performs for manv public
schools in the area. This year's play is
not only for deaf people, but also for
those interested insign language and
anyone who likes new experiences.
With the aid of an interpreter, I
had the opportunity to talk with Pat
Stiviand and Bryan Kennedy about
the play.
The story is about a deaf prince
who lives in a town where all of the
residents are deaf. Because of his ar-
rogance, he gets cursed and turns
into a beast. He also becomes able to
Some of the castle workers be-
come deaf, and others retain their
ability to hear, though they never
sign in front of the beast. The beast
does not have the ability to sign so he
can no longer communicate with the
Belle thencomes into the picture.
She is deaf, and she teaches the beast
patience and sign language.
Soon they fall inlove,butI'll keep
See DEAF page 6
port, as well as funding from a ma-
jor sponsor.
Many of the animals that are
currently housed in the
organization's refuge?located in
nearby Grimesland?belong to the
bird population. Residents include
ducks, white and Indian blue pea-
cocks and rare breeds of chickens.
Some of the refuge's most prized
possessions, and its only wild spe-
cies, are blue-eared pheasants,
which Lilley said are rare birds.
You can become a member of
The New Garden of Eden for an
annual cost of S25 to $30. You'll
receive periodic newsletters and
other information regarding impor-
tant news on the environmental
scene, plus the satisfaction of know-
ing that you're making an effort to
assist the survival and expansion of
plant and animal populations.
Lilley said that he realizes the
extremes that some organizations
can reach when trving to drum up
support, and that the New Garden
of Eden?a non-profit outfit?fries
tostay away from tactics that would
alienate its patrons and harm its
animals and plants.The
organization's intent, for example,
is not to raise animals merely for the
sake of preservation in captivity.
Rather, Lilley would like to heip
certain populations to succeed on
their own in their own natural envi-
He said that he understands
the problems with trying to solicit
support through such mediums as
the mail, and hehopes that people's
interest in environmental issues will
be strong enough to make them
want to join the cause.
You can call Hollis Lilley at
355-0981, or write to The New Gar-
denof Edenat 100 Duran St Green-
ville, N.C, 27858 for information.
Lilley said that one dollar contribu-
tions with correspondence, to help
with printing and mailing, will be
appreciated. Remember, you too
can make a difference.
Actor DeNiro tries
hand at directing
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
Robert DeNiro has been re-
garded as a magnificent actor for
almost 20 years. His chameleon?
like ability to become the charac-
ter he plays has won him rave
reviews and garnered him an
Academy Award for his memo-
rable performance as Jake LaMotta
inRagingBull. Now DeNiro wants
to expand his horizons and move
behind the camera as well as in
front of it.
DeNiro's debut directorial ef-
fort , A Bronx Tale, the tale is one of
a young boy growing up in a
neighborhood run by a gangster.
A Bronx Tale opens and closes
with a monologue by the main
character, Cologero Anello (a role
filled by two different actors:
Francis Capra plays the nine-year-
old Cologero, and Lillo Brancato
plays the 17-year-old boy).
Cologero, later nicknamed
"C becomes fascinated by the
local mob kingpin, Sonnv (Chazz
Palminteri). He watches his every
move, knows all the members in
his gang and intently studies his
mannerisms. Cologero, for ex-
ample, notes that Sonny has five
fingers but that he only uses
three?the thumb, forefinger and
pinkie?in a suave hand motion
that accentuates all that he says.
The one interesting feature of
this film, and the one that sepa-
rates it from so many other gang-
ster films, is that Cologero has a
family that cares for him. The
most interesting character in A
Bronx Tale is Cologero's father,
Lorenzo (Robert DeNiro).
Lorenzo drives a bus seven
days a week and proudly tells his
son the benefits of being an hon-
est, hard-working American.
Lorenzo refuses to drop off num-
bers for Sonny while on his bus
route even though it would mean
a lot of money for his family.
Lorenzo's virtues radiate across
the screen. They become so righ-
teous, though, that they threaten
to sink the character in a sea of
political correctness.
Lorenzo, thankfully, appears
much more human, because the
script allows the audience to see
othersidesof him. When Cologero
talks about dating a Afican-Ameri-
can girl, Lorenzo tells him that he
never will because he would not
dishonor the family in such a way.
Certain aspects of Lorenzo's per-
sonality make the audience aware
of his faults.
A Bronx Tale was written by
Chazz Palminteri, the actor who
plays Sonny, and is based on his
play. One of the strongest aspects
of the film is Palminteri's story.
Though its foundation proves
somewhat familiar( like a cross
between Goodfellas and Boyz in the
Hood) the main characters are
given such depth and complexity
that the story fascinates the viewer
throughout the film.
Palminteri gives a great per-
formance. Sonny exudes the fear,
distrust and confidence necessary
for his role with the perfect amount
of warmth.
As Sonny tells Cologero about
the two types of education he
needs?one in school, one in the
street?the audience can feel the
love he has for the boy. Sonny
treats Cologero like the son he
never had. In the process, he al-
most makes Lorenzo look prud-
The audience feels Cologero's
pain as he struggles to understand
the impact that these two differ-
ent men have on his life.
DeNiro provides workman-
like direction. He tells the story in
much the same way as Martin
Scorsese, who directed DeNiro in
a number of films, but without
Scorsese's famed technical flair.
Some scenes in particular cry out
for more direction.
A barroom fight in which
Sonny and his men maim a group
of bikers loses its kinetic intensity
because DeNiro never allows the
audience to see the horrific vio-
lence occurring.
Perhaps DeNiro wanted to
record the fight the way Cologero
See DENIRO page6
Garrick Utley makes switch from suffering NBC to ABC
NEW YORK (AP) ? Garrick
Utley, a veteran of three decades
at NBC News, decided in August
not to stay. Not that he really left
the only employer he'd ever
known. The truth is, NBC had left
him first.
No matter. In September,
Utley signed on at ABC News as
chief foreign correspondent.
"I'm happy as a kid says the
53-year-old newsman a few davs
later, camped in a temporary of-
fice at ABC headquarters before
heading to his new London base.
"Yes, it's strange faces, and,
yes, it's disorienting. But to walk
in to this kind of a welcome, from
(ABC News President) Rcone
Arledge on down?well, they
couldn't be more supportive. It's a
very precious and rare atmo-
All the more so, compared to
the network with which Utley
parted company.
"Things have changed over
there the last several years, as we
all know he says. That change
might be summed up in two
words?General Electric, which
after swallowing NBC in 1986 in-
troduced its news division to cost-
cutting, layoffs and plunging mo-
rale that only in recent months has
bottomed out?maybe.
Still, Utley insists his "was a
wonderful ride for 30 years
His ride started in Brussels,
where in July 1963 the Chicago-
born Utley was hired by then-bu-
reau chief John Chancellor.
A year later, the 24-year-old,
S62.50-a-week newspup went to
Viet Nam, where he covered the
escalating conflict for "The
Huntley-Brinkley Report
From there, Utley went on to
report from more than 70 coun-
tries and serve as the network's
chief foreign correspondent.
Among other honors, he won the
prestigious Peabody Award,
known as broadcasting's Pulitzer.
Utley would never be the lead-
ing man type. But exhibiting a
courtly and knowledgeable on-
the-air demeanor, with a name
that sounded like a twinge of indi-
gestion and the stone face and 6-
foot-6 uprightness of a mission-
ary priest, Utley became a distinc-
tive TV presence.
And he reliably served in a
wide range of roles.
Most recently, Utley anchored
"Weekend Today" and the Sun-
day "Nightly News But over the
years, he helmed just about every
show NBC News could come up
See UTLEY page 6
Poet swings
through campus
By Jessica Stanley
Staff Writer
On Thursday, Nov. 4, award-
Hirtningpoetandshortstory writer
Leslie Norris will be coming to
campus to read from his works
and to conduct a writing work-
Norris is the author ofWalking
the Wtute Fields: Poems 1967-80, Se-
lected Poems, Norris's Ark (a collec-
tion of children's verse) and Slid-
ing (a collection of stories). Sliding
has earned Norris the triannually
awarded international Katherine
Mansfield Award in Fiction and
the David HighamMemorialPrize.
A frequent contributor to 77k
Atlantic and TlieNew Yorker, Norris
has taught at a number of univer-
sities in England and America and
was a Theodore Roethke Lecturer
at the University of Washing-
ton. As a teacher and a writer,
Norris has lived in England,
Wales and Washington. Hecur-
rently lives in Utah and is a
Prof essor of English a t Brigham
Young University.
Norris's visit is sponsored
by The Poetry Forum, directed
by Professor Peter Makuck of
ECU's English Department.
Nov.4at4:00p.m. inroom 1032
ing. The writing workshop will
be held on November 5 at 9:30
a.m. in room 2011 of the Gen-
eral Classroom Building.
Further information about
the upcoming visit or The Po-
etry Forum can be obtained by
contacting Profressor Makuck
at 757-6580.
Leslie Norris
CD Reviews CO Reviews
S Don't buy
AW Worth a Try
- - - ??.
lr Lies SiSk jM ? -4sVsY JS? ' ? rf ?v ?? SB
00 0 0
In the early 80s, many bands
with strange and new sounds
came out of Manchester, England.
They had names like Joy Division,
New Order and The Smiths. In
1983, Manchester witnessed the
formation of James, after they
came to the attention of Factory
Records. Their first two singles on
this label, "What's the World" and
"Hymn from a Village immedi-
ately set them apart from nearly
all of their contemporaries. Their
music had hit upon a new, unex-
plored sound, the angularity of
new wave married to an almost
folkish tranquillity.
Their fame spread quickly
across England, and even
Morrisey, lead singer of The
Smiths, professed a public love
for the band and invited them to
tour with The Smiths.
In 1985, James signed with Sire
records and produced their first
twoalbums. Shifter and SfnpMmi
Although these albums received
much critical acclaim and were
great original works, they never
really reached an audience. James
left the label in 1988 and the band
V Take Your Chances
JWV Definite Purchase
expanded, adding more mem-
bers and different instruments?
keyboard, trumpet and violin.
Phonogram signed the band,
and their next studio album, Gold
Mother proved to be a turning
point. Their fan base grew.
1992 saw the release of their
million? selling Seven, estab-
lishing their position as a major
rock band, which brings us to
1993 and their new album, Laid.
The album takes off in a new
direction with more folk and
acoustic?oriented music that
gives a more stripped-down
This album is subtle in both
its lyrics and shifting nature of
the sound, which is due, in part,
to their first collaboration with
Brian Eno. "As a producer, he's
quite unlike anyone we've ever
worked with states Tim Booth
(singer), "Very balanced, very
focused and extreme' encour-
aging, he encouraged us to im-
provise and take chances
This album is full of power-
ful and compelling songs. The
interplay between the band's
musical fluidity and Booth's
plaintive voice has an almost or-
ganic result. Most of the songs,
like "Low, Low, Low" and
"Skindiving" have a soft lullaby
sound. Even the more upbeat
tunes like "Laid" and "One of
the Three" are sedate at their
Laid is James' best effort yet.
It seems as if their talents have
reached a pinnacle on this al-
bum. If you like relaxing and
thought-provoking music, this
one is for you.
? Kris

November 2, 1993
Continued from page 5
ict up at
ys, I just
yo on. I had
couple (it
BC News offer that came
irds proved irresist-
. . lewed opportunity to
do the international reporting
Utley loves best, ata network that
oving from would give him the needed sup-
Continued from page 5
the ending a secret. The final song is
done in sign.
There will be special interpreters
on stage for the hearing portion of the
Threeof the main characters and
one extra are deaf. The director is a
deaf medical student. His greatest
challenge was to make sure the sign-
ers were visually obvious at all times.
"It's a great opportunity for deaf
people to fully enjoy a show
Kennedy said.
Pat Stivland also has high hopes
for the show. "Hopefully it will bring
people in from the outside to experi-
encedeafculture. Mosthearingpeople
don't know much about it. There is
much emotion shown through facial
expressions and hand gestures.
The hearing willnoticehow deaf
people get each other's attention.
Touch and eye contact are very im-
portant She went on to say, "It was
fun for the Fantasy Group to do this
production, because it gave them the
chance to make something exciting
and crea the by taking one language
and converting it to another
When asked about past reac-
tions, Stiviand said, "Past audiences
have been amazed at how expres-
sive sign language can be and how
muchemotionisshownon theface
"Instead of clapping, deaf
people shake their hands in the air
Kennedy added.
Stivland summed up the ulti-
mate goal. "We want the hearing to
learn that sign is a beautiful lan-
guage and not to be afraid of it. Deaf
only thing they can't do is hear
The performance of "The Silent
Beauty and the Talking Beast" will
take place in Wright Auditorium on
Saturday, Nov. 6 at 8:00 p.m.
Admission at the door is $4 for
adults and students, $2 for children
under 12.
The money will be used to sup-
port the activities of the Sigma
Lambda Fraternity in promoting
deaf awareness and sign language.
Continued from page 5
might have viewed it?glimpses
of chairs being thrown, people be-
ing kicked and bottles being bro-
ken?but the scene lacks a cohe-
sive structure. The fight might
have left a bigger impression if the
violence had been viewed in toto
instead of in two-second bursts of
Too many times, I wished the
camera would stay on a character
a little longer during a given scene
instead of switching back and forth
between characters.
The emotional impact of
several intense scenes was
Still, A Bronx Tale is an aus-
picious beginning to DeNiro's
directorial career. He may de-
velop into a true artist on both
sides of the camera.
Though not all aspects of A
Bronx Tale work perfectly,
enough quality storytelling is
present to warrant a hearty rec-
On a scale of one to 10, A
Bronx Tale rates a seven.
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The East Carolinian
What's On Tap
Tuesday, Nov. 2
Volleyball, away
at UNC-W, Wilmington, NC
The 411
Friday, Oct. 29
Volleyball, home
beat James Madison, 15-13,15-
Page 7
M. Soccer, away
beat American 2-1
Saturday, Oct. 30
Football, away
lost to Virginia Tech, 31-12
Volleyball, home
lost to William and Mary 8-15,
Cross Country, away
Women placed third, men sixth
at CAA Championships
Women beat Virginia Tech 136-
95, men beat Virginia Tech 138-
APFootball Top 25
I.Florida St. (62)
2. Notre Dame
3. Ohio St.
4. Miami
5. Alabama
6. Nebraska
7. Tennessee
8. Auburn
9. Florida
10. Texas A&M
11. West Virginia
12. UCLA
13. Louisville
14. Arizona
15. Wisconsin
16. North Carolina
17. Indiana
18. Kansas St.
19. Penn St.
20. Oklahoma
21. Virginia
22. N.C. State
23. Colorado
24. Wyoming
25. Virginia Tech
Tech pounds Pirates in Blacksburg
Mark Libiano (No. 91) and Reggie Robinson combined for over 30 tackles agalnlt" VirgmTech9
Robinson, a walk-on, hails from Greensboro.
By Ashley Neal
Staff Writer
ECU got another taste of Big
traveled to Virginia Tech. Drenching
rains at Lane Stadium provided the
backdrop for another ECU collapse,
when Virginia Tech dencheda31-12
victory over the Pirates.
This win enabled the Hokies to
even the record to 44 in a series
between the two teams that began in
1956. Unlike last year's game that
ended with ECUsecuringa21-yard
touchdown pass with 42 seconds re-
maining in the game, thePirates'loss
of momentu m a fter the ha If resul ted
in a defeat. The pattern of third quar-
ter bl ues is becoming a rune too well
refined with ECU football, and the
coaches, players and fans want to
know why.
"We've just got to keep working
with the kids. We've got six seniors
playinga lotof football Logan said.
"The restof them are youngsters and
I'vegot to believe thatwith time they
will understand what 60 minutes is
all about
Freshman place kicker Chad
Holcomb put die Pirates on the
scoreboard witha 25-yard field goal.
Points from a safety and touch-
down within24secondsgave ECU
nine points, making the half-time
score 1412, Virginia Tech.
The Hokies countered ECU's
success and began the second-half
by scoring on their first three pos-
sessions. Tech's Dwayne Thomas
returned a 42-yard kickoff to their
46. Then Maurice DeShazo passed
the ball to Thomas for a 10-yard
gain while Ryan Williams' kick
made the Hokies margin increase
to 21-12.
"The second half was one of
the best halves of football we have
put together Virginia Tech head
coach Frank Beamer said. "Every-
thing came together for us offen-
sively, defensively and with the
special teams. That could be the
half that made us
The difference between 190
See TECH page 8
Trade Oil donates
$1 million to ECUEF
(SID)- Trade Oil Company of
Greenville, N.C. announced yes-
terday a $1 million gift to the East
Carolina University Educational
Foundation. The gift is the largest
cash donation ever given to the
East Carolina Athletics Depart-
Trade Oil Company, a family-
owned and operated company, was
founded in 1984 and presently op-
erates 28 gasconvenience stores
in Eastern North Carolina under
the name of Trade Mart
interest in the continued growth of
iia!sKerolina University said Mr.
Jlter L. Williams, President and
?foondej of Trade Oil Company.
"Being mainly in Eastern North
Carol ina, we feel very strongly tha t,
as ECU grows, it will, in return,
help our company grow. We also
would like to challenge other com-
panies and individuals who make
theirmoney in Eastern North Caro-
lina to participate in the current
Shared Visions Campaign
The owners have long been
members of the ECU Educational
Foundation. Walter Williams has
been a member of the Pirate Club
for over 27 years while son, David
Williams,hasbeena member forlO
years,and son-in-law Edwin Clark
has been a member for over 12
years. All three have also made
individual contributions to the
Shared Visions Campaign.
"This extremely generous gift
from the Trade Oil Company will
undoubtedly serve as a catalyst in
the Educational Foundation's con-
tinuing efforts to raise 14million
dollarsover the next twoyears,asa
part of the University's Shared Vi-
sions Campaign said Dave Hart,
Jr ECU Director of Athletics.
"Walter Williams' personal vision
for this athletic program has al-
waysparalleled ours. The Williams
are special people and we cannot
adequately state our collective,
heartfelt appreciation to them,
Edwin Clark, Jr and the entire
Trade Oil family for their generos-
The gift will go toward the
planned expansion of Ficklen Sta-
dium, which is one of the compo-
nents of the University's Shared
Visions Campaign.
The Shared Visions Campaign
goal of $50 million, isa cooperative
da tions. Monies raised by the three
foundations will go toward the en-
dowment of scholarships,academic
enhancement, faculty develop-
ment, student programs and facil-
ity improvements.
The ECU Educational Foun-
dation seeks to raise $14 million,
which will go towards the expan-
sion and renovation of Ficklen Sta-
dium, endowment of student-ath-
lete scholarships, the endowment
of the Student Development Pro-
gram for all student-athletes and
annual fund giving.
Runners perform well
By Kerry Nestor
Staff Writer
East Carolina's men's and
women's crosscountry teams trav-
eled to Williamsburg, Va. last Sat-
urday to compete in the CAA
Championship meet on the cam-
pus of William & Mary on a rainy
and mud-soaked day.
The Tribe dominated both the
men and women, placing first over-
all and taking three of the top five
spotson both sides. Marcie Homan
of William & Mary took first place
with a time of 17:28.940. For the
men, Steve Swift, alsoof the Tribe,
had a 24:12.431, good for first place.
For the Pirates, the women
made significant improvementson
last year's seventh-place finish
placing third, while the men
moved up one notch to take sixth
Freshman Dava Rhodes led
the way for the Pirates with a 3rd-
place overall finish, coming in
ahead of three very powerful Wil-
liam & Mary runners with a time
of 18:21.413.
Next came sister Tara Rhodes
with a time of 18:41.699, good for
12th place. "Dava and Tara ran a
great race Assistant Head Coach
Charles Justice said. "They made
great strides today towards be-
coming two of the CAA's elite
Stacy Green came in third for
the women, 24th overall with a
time of 19:29.069. Cathrine
Norstrand followed with a 28th
place finish on a posted time of
19:37.340 and Jessica Montgom-
ery rounded out the top five for
the Lady Pirates with a time of
19:40.277, good for 31st place.
The most important finish for
the women proved to be
Montgomery's. She was able to
finish ahead of fourth place fin-
isher George Mason's fourth and
fifth place runners. This turned
out to be the difference in the
"Jessica ran terrifictodayJus-
tice said, "She made the difference
in our finish as a team
On the whole, a third-place fin-
ish means the women's program
hasbecomeoneto be reckoned with
not only in the CAA, but in the
upcomingNCA A Districtin Cham-
pionships in two weeks.
"As a team, we really stepped
it up a notch today to turn in our
best meet of the year Justice said.
See COUNTRY page 8
Soccer team prevails versus AU
ByBrian Cunningham
Staff Writer
It was a day that saw the
present and the future come to-
gether for the ECU men's soccer
team on Friday in our nation's
capitol. Future star freshman
Chris Padgett and present star
senior Justin Finck each scored a
goal to lift the Pirates to a 2-1
victory over the Eagles of Ameri-
can University.
The contest marked the first
win this year against a CAA op-
ponent for the Pirates after los-
ing their previous six. ECU now
stands at 5-13 as they head to the
University of Richmond for the
CAA Tournament.
Senior Bryan DeWeese once
again came up big, making some
spectacular saves under an abun-
dance of pressure from the AU
attackers. Overall, despite scor-
ing two goals, ECU played the
game in their own end of the
See SOCCER page 8
Photo courtesy ot ECU News Bureau
The ECU soccer team recorded their fifth win against American
University, in Washington D.C. over the weekend.
Volleyball finishes home schedule
Staff Writer
The East Carolina volleyball
team played their last home games
of the season this weekend at
Minges Coliseum. The Pirates
picked up their first win of the
season in the Colonial Conference
witha 15-13,15-5,and 15-3victory
over the Dukes of James Madison
on Friday night. The Pirates were
not as successful against the Tribe
of William & Mary though, losing
the match in three games, 8-15,12-
15, and 2-15 on Saturday after-
"We played well against
JMU said ECU head coach
Martha McCaskill. "William &
Mary was just much better. We
needed to step up a notch against
them to win, but we didn't. The
service errors cost us game two,
and wecameoutflatingame three.
Hopefully, we can learn from this
game. We blocked well, ran the
offense fairly good,buthad trouble
passing the ball. The Tribe just has
a class team
The Pirates jumped all over
the Dukes Friday night. Freshman
Carrie Brnehad 11 kills and setter
Sarah Laurent had 34 assists in the
victory. On defense, Bme had six-
teen digs, while Staci Winters had
two solo blocks and three block
assists. Sophomore middle-hitter
Tara Venn also helped the Pirates
in the win with strong play at the
With the Tribe of William &
Mary, it was a different story alto-
gether. William & Mary controlled
the first game early, taking an 8-0
lead behind the serving of junior
Kathy Bell. The Tribe stopped all
attempts by ECU to spike at the
net. A late game rally by EastCaro-
lina fell short, as they lost 15-8.
The Pirates came out tough in
game two, jumping out to a 4-1
lead. The Tribe fought back be-
hind juniors Tanya Mitchell and
Heather Burke. The Pirates again
got good play from Bme, along
with sophomores Melanie
Richards and Tonya Collins to
keep thingsdosetheentiregame.
Although ECU played tough,
they lost game two 15-12.
It was obvious the Pirates
were drained after the second
game. The Tribe came out in
game three and destroyed the
Pirates 15-2,controlling virtually
every aspect of the game.
The Pirates are now 10-19
overall, and 1-3 in the CAA. ECU
travels to UNC-Wilmington on
Tuesday for their last regular sea-
son conference match. The CAA
Championship is scheduled for
November 20-21 in
Williamsburg, Va.
"I feel good about where we
are now going into the tourney.
We need to stay focused. We're
playing well for the most part
McCaskill said.
"Right now we need to re-
group before facing Wilmington.
I'm psyched about going to the
tournament, though Bme said.
"I feel we can defini tely bea t any
team in the conference
Tarheels stomp Buc Ruggers, 23-6
By W.W. Ellis
Staff Writer
With the North Carolina Col-
legiate Rugby Championship at
stake, the Pirates did not pick a
good time to come up short. Satur-
day, the Tirate ruggers were de-
molished 23-6 by an experienced
University of North Carolina team.
For the first rime this season, they
could not cross an opponent's goal
Carolina scored first on two
penalty goals. When the Pirates
came back, Carolina scored tolead
13-3. Just before the half, Rich Moss
added his second penalty goal to
make it 13-6.
Down by a try, thePiratescame
charging out in the second half,but
just could not get the ball over the
line. They were repeatedly turned
away by a determined Tarheel de-
fense. In their enthusiasm to score,
ECU created their own downfall.
Any Carolina offensiveeffort which
got past the initial ECU defense
was bound to go a long way be-
cause the Pirates were crowding
forward on offense and playing
close to the edge.
Eventually, Carolina forced
another ECL' penalty and added
three points. Then, they a ppiied the
coup de grace with a long run for
another try. Whena Piratedefender
high-tackled the ball carrier, the
point for the conversion attempt
was justifiably moved directly in
front of the posts for an easy con-
The Pirates ran afoul of envi-
ronmental conditions they could
See RUGBYpage 8

November 2, 1993
"The men ran a good race de-
spite their sixth-place finish Jus-
Continued from page 7
I some tough com-
nandthewi atherconditions
my, but we can still
Is high with our per-
ly the NCAA District III
lirtson this year's sched-
ule in what has turned out to be a
hi story-making year for the women
and one of improvement for the
Continued from page 7
not control. It was wet; the field was
much narrower and shorter than
regulation. Itwas Carolina they were
playing and things always seem to
go wrong against the old enemy.
East Carolina could not afford
mistakes against a team as experi-
enced as Carolina. They thrive on
opposition miscues. To some ex-
tent, the younger Pirates contrib-
uted to their defeat with untimely
penalties and basic mistakes with a
wet, slippery ball. Carolina simply
took what ECU gave them and did
something creative with it.
"Carolina began pressureat the
opening kickoff and never let up.
They just kicked our butts said
Coach Larry Babits. "We were a bit
tense and not ready to play all out
rugby for a real prize
All is not lost. The Pi rate ruggers
have a wild card bid to the regional
tournament. They play at the Uni-
versity of Richmond on Saturday in
they have made it to the final 64 in
the hunt for a national champion-
ship. Winning is the only alterna-
tive, as a loss would end the season.
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Continued from page 7
yards in the first half to 68 total in
the second forECUhurtbutvvasn't
the only contributing factor. A
dropped pass by Jerris McThail
and a 14-yardholdingpenaltycon-
cluded with Perez Mattison's first
interception. Two more intercep-
tions were to follow as the Pirates
slid out of control.
Tech's fourth touchdown
tailback Tommy Edwards scored
on the left with 4:01 remaining. A
28-12 Hokie lead put a drowning
Tech crowd back into the game as
Williams kicked a 31-yard return.
Virginia Tech went on to hita field
goal during the fourth, taking them
to a 31-12 lead.
"We had 21 offensive points
go right down the drain Logan
said. "The dropped pass by Jerris
McPhail. If he catches the ball
He's gone. Nobody in the country
is going to catch that kid.
"We come back to the same
play and he is totally uncovered,
and little Perez doesn't get the ball
to him. Here's 14 points. Then
Crump dropped one down the
middle that hit him right in the
helmet. In our type of offense, you
can't do that
Nothing can be done to save
the Pirates from another losing
season, but the team's potential
brings positive aspects to their
game. Logan believes time and
pa tience will diminish the inexpe-
rienceplaguingEQJ'ssecond half
"I was losing my patience af-
ter the third or fourth game of this
season. I had to readdress what it
was I was trying to get accom-
plished Logan said.
"You try to be patient, but
we're losing and it's hurting our
team tight end Carlester
Crumplersaid. "But this group of
guys has a lot of character and
pride and I believe they'll play
hard the rest of the season
Compared to the Pirates'
seven for the season, their oppo-
nents have scored 66 points dur-
ing third-quarter action.
Bright spots in the game came
from Junior Smith, whose first half
rushing moved him closer to secur-
ing school records while punter Bill
Wilson had his best game of the
The Pirates are now 2-6 with
three games left in the season. Next
Saturday ECU will host Tulsa in
Ficklen Stadium, then travel to Ken-
tucky and Cincinnati where they will
concludecompetition for the season.
Logan says this season has been
committed to teaching as well as
coaching. Since the los-of two key
offensive players, adjustments have
been made and patience must be
exercised until things come together.
"I made a statement when I
was named as the head coach that,
'we were going to find a way to play
defense atEast Carolina We're do-
ing that. Our defense needs help
from our offense and that's going to
happen in due time
Continued from page 7
field and could not generate any
consistent offensive continuity.
Thefirsthalf ended in a score-
less tie with both squads strug-
gling to create any decent scoring
opportunities. The Pirates got on
the scoreboard about 10 minutes
into the second half when Padgett
slipped past the AU defense and
got tangled up with Eagle goalie
Dave Urbach.
Fortunately, Padgett got
just enough of his foot on the
ball to dribble it past the goal
line for a 1-0 lead. The goal ini-
tially looked as if it might pro-
vide a spark to the non-existent
ECU offense.
Shortly thereafter, AU had
the Pirates back on their heels
and the Eagles evened up the
score at one. Neal Davis was
able to put the ball in the net off
a direct kick. The kick was
lofted over the ECU defense and
caught DeWeese out of posi-
Davis then finished it off
with an open net goal. Follow-
ing the goal, some heated
words were exchanged be-
tween DeWeese and AU for-
ward Andrew Graham and the
two had to be separated.
The Pirates' game-winning
goal came with 6:27 left when
Finck smacked a left footer
from a tough angle past Urbach
to give ECU a 2-1 advantage
that they would never relin-
ECUwasscheduled toplay
Maryland Eastern Shore on
Sunday, but the gamehasbeen
rescheduled until the conclu-
sion of the CAA Tournament.
The Pirates will open the tour-
nament on Thursday at 5 p.m.
against top seed James Madi-
The Dukes defeated ECU
3-0 in Greenville on Sept. 19.
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The East Carolinian, November 2, 1993
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 02, 1993
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