The East Carolinian, October 26, 1993

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

GA procedures
we officers
statutes and
ting on budget
ow and page 6.
Turn up the grungefunk!
Stick, having opened for
Primus, Gwar and
Soundgarden, pumps out a
mixture of noise you don't want
to miss. Review on page 8.
????1 m1
?vnnnnVnnV Tomorrow
The East Cqrofinian
Vol. 68 No. 61
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina KOV 1993
Tuesday, October 26,1993
12 Pages
Election rules pose questlmrof democracy
By Karen Hassell
News Editor
On Sept. 2s Meredith
Howard was elected by more
than 2 to 1 for the office of Stu-
dent Government Association
(SGA) executive secretary. To-
day, Kristie Hoffstedder has the
Justin Conrad, chair of the
elections committee, stated the
results of the race between
Meredith Howard and Kristie
Hoffstedder were about 486 to
186 in Howard's favor.
"Meredith failed to turn in
her expense report on time
Conrad said. "She was immedi-
ately disqualified. Her campaign
Laura Al lard
Staff Writer
manager came to me and I put
her back on the ballot, thinking I
had the power to do that
Expense reports, outlining
all materials used during theelec-
tion, whether purchased by the
candidate, already in possession
of the candidate or donated to
the candidate, were due before 5
p.m. on Monday, Sept. 27. For
executive officers there is a $200
limit on campaign expenses.
Howard unexpectedly left
Greenville on Friday to go to
Duke Hospital, where her father
had been admitted. When she
returned at the beginning of the
following week, she missed the
deadline to turn in her report.
Hoffstedder turned in her ex-
pense report to the SGA secre-
tary, Millie Murphrey, by the
deadline on Monday.
Hoffstedder said that at this
time she was told that no one else
made the deadline and she was
running uncontested. She then
informed her friends that they
did not need to vote.
As chair of the elections
committee, Conrad was con-
tacted on Tuesday, Sept. 28. Ac-
cording to Howard and Conrad,
Conrad then contacted Kristie
Hoffstedder and i t was agreed to
put Howard back on the ballot
for the election the next day.
Hoffstedder said that
Conrad agreed to let Howard run
in the election and Hoffstedder
learned of this through a friend
around 4 p.m. on Tuesday. She
was unable to contact Conrad to
verify this. Hoffstedder contends
that Conrad was avoiding her.
She finally caught up with him at
2 p.m. on Wednesday. At this
point the election was already in
progress and both names were
on the ballot.
"I was never given the
chance to agree or disagree with
Meredith running Hoffstedder
said. "Justin was never going
to tell me
"I thought and still do that
I made a morally correct deci-
sion putting her Howard back
on the ballot Conrad said. "Un-
fortunately, I did not have that
Elections were held on
Wednesday, Sept. 29, from 9 a.m.
to 6 p.m. At 4 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Hoffstedder submitted an
appeal to Student Attorney Gen-
eral Michael Romance, and
Conrad disqualified Howard.
Hoffstedder appealed
Howard's victory on the basis
that "she should have never been
on the ballot she was vice chair
for two years she said. "She
knew the rules and she broke
"1 went to the SGA office
and I told them it was unfair
Howard said. "I submitted an
appeal to Attorney General
Michael Romance, and from
there it went to the elections
The appeal was heard by
the election committee. The fi-
nal decision was to disqualify
Howard and instate
Hoffstedder. Romance said
the decision was established
on the basis that the election
never should have happened
in the first place.
"There is no excuse, no
matter what, to get back on
the ballot
According to Conrad,
See ELECTION page 4
Dead promote alcohol awareness
Staff Reports
The East Carolinian
The dead came to life on
campus Mondav as part of Na-
tional Alcohol Awareness Week.
Students dressed in black and
wore white armbands to symbol-
ize people killed in alcohol-related
A wrecked car was dis-
played on the mall to symbolize
the physical damage of drinking
and driving, and tombstones were
painted on the sidewalk in front
of the Student Stores in memory
of people who have died.
On Tuesday, from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m. "Belly Up To
Bacchus" will be at the Student
Stores. At 5 p.m. at the bottom of
College Hill the Alpha Phi Drink
Out, a non-alcoholic social will
be open to all students.
Wednesday at the Student
Stores, a "Sip Don't Drip" infor-
mation booth will be open, and
students can write their experi-
ences with alcohol abuse on "The
On Thursday, the "Belly Up
To Bacchus "The Wall" and
Student interns in
Washington D.G
By Stephanie Lassiter
Staff Writer
Imagine having brunch with
Hillary Clinton or dinner with Bill.
This may be possible for ECU
graduate student Victoria "Vicki"
Lynn Askew, who has recently
begun a two year internship in
Washing- mmmmmm
ton, D.C.
lar civil service scale and will
receive all federal employee
"Participatingin the Presi-
dential Management Intern pro-
gram offers students a rull-time
job on the fast track for manage-
ment in federal government
said Dr. James Westmoreland,
m director
'?? the
Photo by Cedric Van Buren
Tombstones were painted on the sidewalk in front of the Student Stores in memory of people who have died
alcohol related deaths. The artwork was done in conjuction with the Alcohol Awareness week.
"Slip Don't Drip" information
booths will move to Mendenhall
from 10 a.m2 p.m.
Saturday at 3 p.m the
"Gamma Walk" will begin at the
Mall and end at Allied Health.
"Midnight Madness" will begin
at 9 p.m. and last until 2 a.m
and "Bacchus Night at the Races"
from 9 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Both ac-
tivities will be held in
There were over
applicants for
the 200
Religious authority
makes predictions
By Shannon Cooper
Staff Writer
Jim Jones and David
Koresh have both received wide
news coverage for their eccen-
tric religious behavior, and the
media turn to many authorities
when such controversies hit the
front page. One authority is Dr.
Martin E. Marty.
ECU s Religious Studies
Program hosted a public pre-
sentation with Dr. Marty as guest
speaker on Oct. 21.
Marty is the author of 40
books and is senior editor of the
Christian Century magazine. He
is also the Fairfax M. Cone Dis-
tinguished Service Professor of
the History of Modern Christian-
ity at the University of Chicago.
The title of Marty's lecture
was "What a Way to End a Mil-
lennium: Fundamentalism and
Other Hardlines, Today and To-
His presentation centered
around fundamentalism, the re-
ligious beliefs based oil a literal
interpretation of the Bible and
the turn of the millennium.
According to Marty, fun-
damentalism has helped to
change today's agendas. For ex-
ample, a lotof people are talking
about the family, while this was
an rather unpopular topic a few
years ago.
As Marty explained, we are
in a cultural war where there are
many factions and organizations
counteracting each other. He
gave the issue of abortion as an
example of the cultural war.
"In every survey I find 10-
15 percent of Americans are pure
pro-life. Pure pro-life means you
don't consider the woman's life
you don't ask incest, you don't
ask race. The fetus has all the
rights of a person. Pure pro-
choice says a woman's body is
her own to do with what she
wants, no questions about
whether the fetus has rights
Marty said.
Marty also gave his opin-
ion of the role religion plays in
the lives of college students.
"I never think that college
age is the time when most people
are attentive to organizations
and institutions of the church
Marty said.
According to Marty, col-
SGA summer budget report
discrepencies addressed
Advisor says spending is in line
Laura Allard
Staff Writer
Student Government As-
sociation advisor Rudolph
Alexander spoke at last night
SGA meeting commenting on
last weeki budget report re-
garding summer spending.
He concluded that this
years apropriations were in line
with those of the past ten years,
and were even on the modest
It is prescribed that the
president, vice president and
treasurer approve any spend-
ing that cannot wait until the
Legislature returns for the tall
His only question was in
regard to the issue of purchas-
ing parking stickers for the ex-
ecutive officers. The president
already receives a free sticker
and thecostof purchasing them
for the other three officers is
Alexander determined
that in this instance "normal leg-
islative procedure must be fol-
lowed This means ending the
proposal to committee for de-
bate and then presenting it to
the entire legislature and vot-
ing on it.
He concluded that free
parking stickers are within the
rights of the executive board as
long as they are approved by
the legislature.
The proposal was tabled
and will be discussed at a later
date, possibly next semester.
The SGA is currently in
Phase I of the Bond Referen-
dum campaign.
This includes the distribu-
tion of 3,000 pamphlets explain-
ing where and how to vote, 200
posters placed throughout cam-
pus and 500 buttons to be worn
be faculty and students. Also,
6,000 bookmarks have been
printed to be placed in books
checked out of the library this
week and t-shirts promoting the
bond issue will be worn by stu-
dents at the polls on election day.
Phase II of the plan includes
a bus route running from cam-
pus to the voting precincts and
the further distribution of post-
ers and advertisements.
She is
working as
a program
analyst in
the U.S. Jus-
tice Depart-
ment. Her
position is
as a mid-
level man-
trainee with ?
the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Askew, and the other 200
students selected as interns, will
have the opportunity every six
months to select different work
locations to gain additional expe-
rience. During her internship,
Askew hopes to secure positions
in the office of Management and
Budget and with the F.B.I.
Askew was one of less than
10 North Carolinians to be selected
for the internships. There were
over 1,200 applicants for the 200
available Presidential Manage-
ment Internships.
The interns will also partici-
pate in three conferences on man-
agement leadership training and
will be given the chance to meet
with a career development group.
The interns will be paid at a regu-
reer Ser-
School in
1987, and
is a 1991
graduate. She received a BS
degree in history and will com-
plete her MA degree in history
this December.
Askew was a North Caro-
lina Teaching Fellow and re-
ceived several scholarships
while studying at ECU. She was
the recipient of the Margaret
Mat thews Hilliard Award from
the historv department and the
Richard C. Todd Phi Alpha
Theta scholarship.
She served as ECU chap-
ter president of Phi Alpha Theta
honor society in history and was
secretary of the Greene Hall
House Council. She also re-
ceived theOutstanding Philoso-
phy of Life Award from ECU's
chapter of Phi Sigma Pi honor
ECU Public
Safety is on the
move and
preparing for the
Photo by
Van Buren

October 26 1993
ground Other
Survey ranks colleges by fun factor
Caffeine: A student's breakfast of champions
It is the fuel nt all-nighters. The lifeblood thatcourses
tiirough the veins of college students, pushing them on
toward academic achievement. And sometimes, as a popu-
lar button proclaims, it is your only friend. It's caffeine, and
students devour it in mass quantities. Maria Celes, a Union
Square Cafe employee, said the University of Arizona
Student Union restaurant sales about 15 pounds of coffee,
and 2,400 ounces of soda each day. And that's just the
beginning. Add to that a daily total of about 100 hot
espressos, 15 gallons of cold espresso and six gallons of tea.
Some students said they use caffeine to replace eating and
sleeping. "When you get only two hours of sleep each night
you really need it said one student. "It was Mountain
Dew and M&Ms for breakfast that would keep me going
she said. Another student said she recently had the choice
of using her last three quarters for coffee or bus fare. "I
walked home she said, adding that the caffeine gave her
enough energy to make the trek.
Anti-abortion groups target college papers
Pro-Hfe groups are targeting colleges with paid news-
paper supplements that use first-person accounts and pho-
tographs of babies and developing fetuses to urge women
to consider alternatives to abortion. "We had hoped to put
it in 100 campuses nationwide this year said Bob
Cheatham, a graduate student at the University of South-
ern California and past president of the California Colle-
gians for Life. Students who oppose abortion want to print
and distribute 1 million copies of the publication through
campus newspapers. The campus newspapers at Stanford
University at Palo Alto, Calif the University of Texas-
Austin and the University of California-Los Angeles are
among about three dozen universities that have agreed to
run the pre-printed 12-page advertisement, which runs as
an insert However, the supplement has raised objections
from some students who believe it is an attempt to bypass
the editorial process and get pro-life views into circulation
vi thoutdissenting opinions. Pro-choice students also have
criticized some information in the publication as false or
misleading and question whether First Amendment issues
are involved.
Compiled by Maureen Rich. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
?In a survey of the "Best Col-
leges Ever Yale, Johns Hopkins
and Chicago didn't make the top
10 ? they barely made the top
That's because, as the young
editors of an irreverent publica-
tion for college-age men put it,
those schools may excel in aca-
demics, but they "rot" when it
comes to having fun.
The pollsters emphasize
that the best party schools aren't
necessarily scholastic zeroes; their
survey simply focuses on "the
fun factor
The unscientific poll ap-
pears in Inside Edge, a national
magazine produced by students
from Boston-area colleges, includ-
ing Harvard, which was No. 122
on the list.
Using reports from 50 stu-
dent correspondents nationwide,
Inside Edge graded America's 300
largest coed universities on nine
criteria ranging from the bar and
club scene to sports. The
magazine's Nov. issue lists the
top 20 and worst 10.
"The things we rate are
things that make the schools fun
to go to said publisher Aaron
Shapiro, 21, a Harvard senior.
While researchers consid-
ered "ease of classes" and "ease
of graduation Shapiro insisted
they don't view the top schools as
filled with brain-dead party ani-
The top 10, in order, were:
Florida State, the University of
California at Santa Barbara, Ver-
mont, Rice, Georgetown, Syra-
cuse, Alabama, Perm State, Con-
necticut and Tulane.
Glen Torbert, 21, a Florida
State senior, agreed with his
school's No. 1 ranking and touted
frat parties that attract as many as
740 students. But Florida State's
respected academic programs are
evidence that scholarship and so-
cial life aren't mutually exclusive,
he said.
"We can party on Friday and
Saturday nights and still do well
in our classes the rest of the week
Torbert said.
The University of Chicago
was No. 300.
Faye Steiner, vice president
of student government at Chicago,
wasn't sure she agreed with the
bottom-rung ranking but couldn't
argue with the reasoning.
"It's certainly not a party
school by any stretch of the imagi-
nation said Steiner, a junior.
Others in the bottom 10, in
descending order, were Yale,
Tufts, Oral Roberts, California In-
stitute of Technology, Brigham
Young University, the U.S. Naval
Academy, Johns Hopkins, the
Rochester Institute of Technology,
and the U.S. Military Academy.
Of the Military Academy,
Inside Edge wrote: "West Point
features curfews, discipline,
hard work, no drinking, no so-
cializing and cold weather
Shapiro and Editor in Chief
Jonathan Hsuapiro, also a 21-
year-old Harvard economics
major, conceived the idea for
Inside Edge last year while la-
menting the lack of a magazine
targeting 20-something men.
Students write and edit all ar-
ticles, focusing on dating, sex,
drinking, cars, clothes, sports
and music.
The current issue is the first
since Inside Edge's debut in April.
Shapiro, who intends to remain
publisher after he graduates,
says the magazine will go
monthly in January.
Warner Publishing Ser-
vices, a Time Warner company,
distributes about 300,000 copies
of Inside Edge nationally.
There's more to yall than kudzu and country music
might be more ? or less ? to
living in the South than was once
The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, as part of
its bicentennial celebration, is
holding a series of "weekend
seminars" across the state to ex-
plain things like kudzu, country
and western music and other
things believed to be uniquely
One of the seminars was
held over the weekend at Central
Piedmont Community College in
Charlotte. The 35 people who at-
tended paid $50 each to hear three
outstanding Chapel Hill teachers
talk about the South.
John Shelton Reed, UNC's
balding and bespectacled Kenyan
professor of sociology, began by
asking "What, and Where, Is the
South?" Trying to answer those
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questions, he noted briefly what
the South is not.
It's not the geographic re-
gion where kudzu grows. Kudzu
has crept as far north as the Ohio-
Kentucky border and as far west
as Oklahoma. If global warming
raises temperatures a mere four
degrees, Reed said, people may
be fighting the infernal vine on
the shores of Lake Erie.
Nor is the South the only
area dominated by evangelical
Protestant religion. Plenty of Bap-
tists live in Illinois and Ohio. Nor
is it the region where cotton was
once king. Parts of Kentucky and
Texas never grew cotton, but are
considered "Southern" in many
"Whatever else it is said
Reed, "the South is a shared idea,
a cultural construct As a place,
it does have identifiable charac-
teristics ? some good, some not.
Southern states have a huge
concentration of Confederate
monuments, and nearly all the
encampments of the Sons of the
Confederacy (47 in North Caro-
lina, 59 in Alabama and only two
in Illinois).
Historically, Southern states
have had twice as many homi-
cides as the national average, said
Reed. And they, with Nevada,
have the lowest life expectancy
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30 nves East or
Greerrvee an 264
among the 50 states. The South
also has a higher percentage of
homes without adequate plumb-
"If you want outhouses
said Reed, "the place to find them
is in the South
The South has produced the
largest number of National Foot-
ball League players, and it's given
us more country and western
singers than any other region.
That's why somebody is always
crooning about Virginia, Tennes-
see and the Carolinas.
Florida, an exception to
most generalizations about the
South, is ignored by the Nash-
ville crowd. "People don't write
country music about Orlando,
for some reason Reed said.
Reed offered no data on
per capita consumption of grits
and collards, which might have
fixed the South's boundaries
more precisely.
UNC political scientist
Thad Beyle followed Reed with
an overview of Southern politi-
cal trends. He said Republicans
See Y'ALL page 4
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October 26, 1993
The East Carolinian 3
Studies dispute benefits of a Charlotte NFL team
I hint nount
mic benefit the state can
expect from .i professional foot-
ball team.
Hunt has said a new team
playing in a now downtown
Charlotte stadium could bring
as much as $400 million a year in
new spending. The rest of the
sta te could benefit from a result-
ing increase in tax revenue, ac-
cording to the governor's think-
But some economists ques-
tion such estimates. They con-
tend new stadiums and teams
mostly divert spending from
other forms of entertainment. Off
the playing field, a pro football
team creates mostly low-paying
service jobs, they said.
"Most of the jobs that sports
create are seasonal and part-
time said Mark Rosentraub, an
associate dean in Indiana
Universitv's public affairs pro-
gram in Indianapolis.
When a new sports team
comes to town, families and busi-
nesses don't spend more, they
reallocate their spending, said
Rof Baade, an economist at Lake
Forest College in Lake Forest, 111.
Families typically have lim-
ited budgets from which they
draw money for movies, con-
certs, meals at restaurants or
sporting events, Baade said. They
don't typically expand their en-
tertainment spending to accom-
modate the new team, he said.
A business thatbuvsanad-
? ertisement on a billboard or in
a program at the proposed Char-
lotte stadium might have to shift
money from elsewhere in its bud-
get to pay for the ads, Baade said.
A; a result, some other venue ?
such as the Charlotte Motor
Speedwav or Blockbuster Pavil-
ion ? might lower advertising
"Sport is an important part
of our culture. But to pass stadi-
ums and teams off as cash cows
is to misrepresent what they can
do for a city Baade said.
Overall, only about 20 per-
cent to 30 percent of the spend-
ing generated by pro sports
teams is new money, Rosentraub
said. The rest is diverted from
somewhere else.
NFL owners are expected
to award franchises to two cities
on Tuesday in Chicago. Besides
Charlotte, the finalists are Balti-
more, Memphis, Term, and Jack-
sonville, Fla.
The $400 million estimate
Hunt has quoted to describe a
Charlotte team's economic im-
pact presumes a dramatic up-
surge in new spending. When
asked where Hunt got his figure,
a spokesman for the governor
said, "the NFL folks
"We didn't verify it inde-
pendently the spokesman told
The News & Observer of Raleigh.
Neither the National Foot-
ball League nor Richardson
Sports, the Charlotte company
that would own the team, ex-
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pects pro-football to have so big
an effect in North Carolina.
Studies have shown that a
pro-football team generates
about$80 million to SI60 million
a year in a community, said Greg
Aiello, a spokesman for the NFL.
An economic study com-
missioned bv Muhleman Mar-
keting, a Charlotte company
working for Richardson Sports,
said an NFL team would gener-
ate about $281 million in new
spending in Mecklenburg
County in its first year in the
new stadium. It would result in
S358 million in the Charlotte met-
ropolitan area.
Pro football could boost the
state's economy if it draws free-
spending fans from South Caro-
lina. But Richardson Sports de-
clined to state how many per-
manent seat licenses it has sold
outside the state. The licenses,
which all finance the construc-
tion of a new stadium, repre-
sent the only measure thus far
in which the public has voted to
support a new team with its
NFL owners and their crit-
ics do agree that pro sports
teams enhance the image of their
home cities.
Tony Crumbley, a vice
president in the Charlotte
Chamber of Commerce, said a
good image makes it easier to
attract new businesses. The
Charlotte Hornets basketball
team has proved that, he said.
"I took a trip to Canter-
bury, England, this summer, and
there was a sports store there
with a Hornets T-shirt hanging
in the window Crumbley said.
That means the next time a
Charlotte corporate recruiter
calls on English business people
there, they probably will have
heard of the city, he said.
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IRA explosion kills 10 people
BELFAST, Northern Ireland
(AP) ?The leader of the pro-IRA
Sinn Fein party says he believes a
botched IRA bombing that killed 10
people over the weekend could re-
sult in renewed efforts to end 23
vears of bloodshed.
In an interview with The As-
sociated Press, Gerry Adams out-
lined his shock at the Irish Republi-
can Army bombing Saturday on
Shankill Road, the Protestant heart-
land of west Belfast.
The blast in a fishmonger's
shop collapsed a two-story build-
ing on shoppers. The 10 dead in-
cluded two girls aged 7 and 13, and
58 people were injured. One of the
bombers also was killed.
The IRA said it was trying to
wipe out the leadership of the out-
lawed Ulster Defense Association,
an anti-Roman Catholic gang that
has killed 16 people this year.
Its west Belfast offices above
the shop were obliterated.
Ken Kerr, a former UDA com-
mander, said he and other pro-
British loyalists had been ina meet-
ing therebut left about 45 minutes
before the blast.
Adams said Sunda y that this
idea of "eliminating loyalist death
squads" to prevent the killing of
Catholic nationalists was "well-
mentioned but had disastrous
"What happened was a
great tragedy.
But no one should use what
happened yesterday as any sort of
an excuse for not being involved
in the peace process Adamssaid
in Sinn Fein's west Belfast head-
"For those who are commit-
ted to building peace, the killings
on the Shankill Road should be an
incentive to move forward he
"My concern is to bring an
end to this conflict, to move us
forward out of armed campaign-
ing and into a peace process
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October 26, 1993
Continued from page 1
dent of
had the
? at option, so as
cerned, that s it
iri. ision w.i not
v Hoffstedder or
? to be
' ned
I low
"If she Howard would
ha e wanted toappeal, she would
have 48 hours to appeal to the
elections review board and then
the honor board, Conrad said,
it s not a fact ot u hat is wrong or
right, i think it was the rules "
I flunk it was very unfair
and lamstillvery upset about it
f fowardsaid. "SheHoffstedder
got me on a technicality. She
agreed that it was alright the night
before the election. If she would
have said Tuesday night that it
was unfair and it just stopped
there, it would have made a dif-
ference to me
There were other discrep-
- ?? i or Ja -on Williams v. as
. ' r a legislative position
i : representative.
All candidates were sup-
posed to attend a mandatory
meeting unless they had a previ-
ous conflii t, such as a class. In the
caseofaconflic t candidates were
to turn in an excuse -4 hours be-
fore the meeting.
Williams turned in an ex-
cuse to the secretary of SGA be
cause he had a class that con-
flicted with the meeting He was
surprised on Sept. 2" when his
name w as not on the ballot.
Kristie Hoffstedder said the
election problems may have been
kept from the media and the St , A
I egislarure, possibly because Ar-
ticle III, Sec. 6 in the election rules
states, "It all rules and regulations
specified by the election rules are
not followed, thecommittee'ssala-
ries will be withheld until thesped-
fications are met and approved bv
the SGA legislature The corn-
mi ttee chair receives S130 for a gen-
eral election and the vice-chair re-
ceived S7 tor a general election.
Conrad also said that hold-
ing a new election would cost
time, to
whi inee thorn-
Continued from page 1
loo kin
Marty said. try to make sense of the meaning
Marty explained that 33 of life
.go a lot of people were "What I find interesting is
g forward to the turn of that as the millennium is end-
the millennium. In a book called ing both ot the predictions are
The Year 2000, two predictions right. From some angles, the
? . : are made. One prediction is that world and our culture are in-
? on a search to the world will only be centered, deed very secular and sensate.
problematic, pragmatic and sen- and from another angle the world
sate. The other prediction is that is very full of passion, identity
there will be a neo-religious pe- and God We are likely to have a
riod that may be uncomfortable, very interesting time between
I he book predicts that the world now and the turn oi the millen-
will be full of passion as people mum Marty said.
' itlV. I
on the
people don t get better or worse
eneration 1
t cultural
influences which they respond
Continued from page 2
may need to i, ?ok to politicianson
tile local level, such as charlotte
Mavor Richard Vinroot, for gu-
bernatorial candidates in 19
Republ u an; e
fairly well i ithernstates
inrecent year I but ru t in
North Carolina, where despite
holding both L S. senate seats,
they hold onh si ot the state's
top v . e offices
! tii - stem is still U ised
as well, to blac ks and v omen, he
Onh fix e i i the state's top
33officesare held b bla ks;only
two are held bv women.
rhroughout the South,
younger aspirants to office may
be discouraged bv two factors,
Beyle said: tear of being "torn
apart" by the media and oppo-
nent personal attacks, And the
Every now
and then,
when the
wind is right,
and the earth-
worms are
chirping mer-
rily, Dad and
I will take
Bromius, the
family hiccup,
out for a walk
to The East
Carolinian for
the inspiring
fun, weekly
staff writers'
meetings on
This week's is
at 4:45.
refusal of older politicians to
make room for younger faces.
It was here that Beyle mon-
th ned the newest political rumor:
recently retired NBA superstar
Michael Jordan running tor the
LS senate in 1996 as a Republi-
Asked his sources tor the
rumor, Beyle said they were "to-
tally unreliable. I think I heard it
in a newsroom
On Saturday, seminar par-
ticipants focused on black writ-
ers and the South. Lee Greene,
associate professor of English,
said the record of slavery had
been portrayed until recently
through white sensibilities. But
that's changing.
ov, he said, black writers
are examining slave narratives
and other historical records to
present the black antebellum ex-
perience through the conscious-
ness of its victims. In the process,
writers are telling much that had
been suppressed or ignored by
white writers.
At the same time, black
writers have "turned inward" to
tell of the black family experi-
ence in the South, Greene said.
This has brought a less offensive
focus on the pain of that experi-
ence, and more attention to its
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Sjmiuwrw, Ly ?ke ECU M??jnr Event. Commitlet-

The East Carolinian
October 26. 1993
Page 5
The East Carolinian
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Serving the ECU community since 1925. The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The masthead
editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. Letters should be addressed to: Opinion
Editor, The East Carolinian. Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C 278581353. For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
SGA elections marred by discrepancies
SGA election information has never
been so interesting. Nothing like a little
controversy to liven up the place, don't ya
But for those of you who just fell out
of a squirrel's nest, here's the scoop: on
Sept. 29 Meredith Howard was elected to
the office of executive secretary, except now
Kristie Hoffstedder holds the position.
"Wait a minute you say, "just what
are you trying to do, confuse me or some-
thing?" Well, frankly, no. But the story
tends to get a little complicated, so hold on
to your proverbial hats and pay attention.
Even though Meredith Howard re-
ceived 486 votes to Kristie Hoffstedder's
186, Hoffstedder was appointed to the po-
sition. This is credited to the fact that
Howard failed to turn in her expense report
on time, disqualifying her from the elec-
tions. Howard unexpectedly left Greenville
on Sept. 24 to go to Duke Hospital, where
her father had been admitted. By the time
she returned, she had missed the deadline.
According to both Justin Conrad, elec-
tions committee chair, and Howard,
Hoffstedder was contacted and it was
agreed to place Howard back on the ballot
for the election the next day. Hoffstedder
denies this. In any case, Conrad did not
have the power to do so. Hoffstedder then
submitted an appeal and Howard was dis-
There are obvious inconsistencies in
the rules which added to the difficulty of
the situation. Under Article VII, Sec. 5c, the
election rules for SGA state: "Any candi-
date failing to submit an expense account
or list of workers by 5 p.m. two days prior
to the election shall be disqualified and
removed from the ballot
But those same election rules also state:
"In the event of the disqualification of a
winning candidate of an election, a new
election will occur two weeks from the origi-
nal election date
In addition to these rules, it must be taken
into consideration that Howard was placed on
the ballot again by someone who didn't have
the power to do so ? a discrepancv, and yet
certainly not a major factor. She was placed on
the ballot. The mere act of it clearly disproves
this so-called discrepancy.
Howard also insists that Hoffstedder
agreed to placing Howard back on the ballot
the night before the election Well, that's one
person's word against another?very hard to
prove, even in an age of tape recorders and
Alright. So things got a little confusing
and wacky in the happy place that is SGA.
What's the big deal? What do you care?
Well, would adding Article III, Sec. 6 help
in spicing this situation up any? It reads:
"If all rules and regulations speci-
fied by the election rules are not followed,
the committee's salaries will be withheld
until the specifications are met and ap-
proved by the SGA Legislature
Aha! What is it with money and the hu-
man psyche? What is it about money that
makes seemingly normal men and women do
things that they wouldn't expect from their
mortal enemy?
Nooowww it's becoming clear ? it's
money that inhibits the likelihood of another
election. Well, that doesn't surprise anyone!
It's painfully obvious that there were
enough problems with this election to justify
By Alex Ferguson
Suicide rates augment during holidays
Well, on the good side, we
welcome the Statue of Freedom
back to her personal high rise-
haunt atop the Capitol building
in Washington, DC, after a much
needed five-month hiatus at the
cleaners. And for those of you
who didn't know, the moose
population is up in New England,
which is pretty good for the gun-
totin' hunters, (be sure to bring
along that semi-automatic for that
clean kill!). Of course, this isn't so
hot for those "Northern Expo-
sure" die-hards out there, to say
nothing of
It's a tragedy, and
even professionals
are not capable of
predicting these
how the
moose feel.
But, I didn't
come here to
talk today
about moose
or cleaning
bills, or to
make snide
about fire- mmm
While traipsing about
through the newspapers the other
day, I spotted a couple of articles
that not only caught my eye
(which hurts) but also alarmed
and angered me. In case it isn't
common knowledge (it wasn't to
me), in Goffstown, N.H. they're
having to deal with teen suicide.
In this instance it concerns a young
girl, the fifth in a series that have
transpired over the past two and
a half years. I'm sure to most of
you, the small city of Goffstown
means about as much to you as
moose hoof clippings. Butsuicide
is a problem in America, a big
problem, and it does nothing to
alleviate the tension in the ques-
tionable, shaky future of our na-
tion and its youth.
The caus" of the tragedy was
due to harassm. nt, both verbal and
physical, not from the parents or
psychos lurking in dark alleyways,
but from the victim's peers and
fellow classmates. In a note ad-
dressed to loved ones, the young
girl admitted her decision to com-
mit suicide stemmed from her in-
ability to endure the ridicule and
hazing from classmates at the local
high school. In fact, the Goffstown
Area High
School has be-
come notorious
for it's abusive
cliques, accord-
ing to local stu-
dents and par-
ents. Trifling
matters, even
one's style of
clothing is all it
MBMHMHMHM takes to either
place them on a
pedestal or throw them into a ston-
ing pit.
Of course, the usual sources
have been listed for this rise in teen
harassment and the suicide rate.
Easy access to firearms, alcohol
abuse, poor school and home envi-
ronments, and (get this one) poor
TV images (huh-huh-huh) are some
of the components New Hamp-
shire health and school officials and
parents are blaming. And I believe
these are valid accusations, and
action must be taken, whether it's
turning off the TV (so simple, yet
so effective) or trying to pull a bro-
ken family together.
Now I know high school was
rough at times. I certainly wasn't
the most popular guy myself, and
I dealt with the occasional scrape
that plagues all of us during the
teen years as we strive to find our
place in social standings. But pick-
ing on someone, based on whether
or not they wear Levi jeans, and
crushing thir self esteem to the
point where they find solace only
in suicide? Come on people, that's
I'm certainly not saying the
incident in Goffstown is the way of
every city in the U.S. Unfortunately,
teen pressures make up just a small
part of the irritants that can cause
suicidal tendencies. And it's not
always easy to pinpoint those in
turmoil. There are many who com-
mit suicide who have given no
warning signals. Up until they de-
cide to end their lives, they carry on
as if nothing were wrong, yet in-
side there is torment and unrest,
it's a tragedy, and even profession-
als are not capable of predicting
these unfortunate displays. But,
there are hundreds, thousands of
people who do display suicidal
characteristics and need the help
and support of friends and fami-
The main thing is that, the
people of New Hampshire, and
America for that matter, need to
keep a closer watch on what's hap-
pening to these people, both young
and old. Let's not forget the holi-
day s are almost upon us, and many
don't realize that while for most of
us i t's a time of celebra tion and fun.
for some it's a time of deep depres-
sion, a time when suicide rates soar.
Keep an eye open, friends, and help
stop the act and the cause.
By T. Scott Batchelor
Guns: inanimate objects wrongly blamed
Three ECU students were
robbed at gun point in the last sev-
eral days. The perpetrator is de-
scribed as being blackish-blue, six to
eight inches long, about four inches
in height, with a big, round hole in
the front. This object is considered to
be extremely deadly and, if spotted,
should not be approached, as it can
"magically" load itself and fire at
Oh, by the way, there were
some humans involved in the com-
mission of the act, but they're less
important than the primary suspect.
Sounds silly, doesn't it? But
that is exactly what is happening in
our society. Criminals ? living,
breatiiing,humanbeings?use guns
to terrorize the public, and we focus
on the gun?theinanirnateobject?
as the cause of the problem.
How many thousands of
people every year are victims of vio-
edged weapon? Yet where's the cry
to ban knives? Ditto alcohol-related
automobile deaths. Numeroushigh-
way fatalities occur due to a driver
havingconsumed too much alcohol,
but I haven't seen many ECU stu-
dents calling for a reinstatement of
Why this breakdown in ratio-
nal thinking? Because our society is
becoming increasingly violent, and
outlawing guns is seen as a panacea
for this problem. Some people think
thatif gunownership is made illegal,
or next to it, then violent crime will
Cynthia Tucker,editorial page
editor for the Atlanta Constitution,
wrote a column last month wherein
she took whatshemusthavethought
was a terribly witty swing at gun
ownership. However,as willbecome
apparent in a few lines, Tucker's
argument nips itself in the heel, as
most anti-gun arguments do. She
writes: "If the United States were a
foreign country, the State Depart-
ment would need to issue explicit
warnings One of these warnings
would be to avoid the nation's capi-
tal, Washington, DC, where "it's
ing 'drive-by shootings' ? has be-
come too high to take the risk of
visiting there. At 76 murders for ev-
ery 100,000 residents in 1992, Wash-
ington, DC has the highest homi-
She concludes her article with
the rhetorical question, "If mis were
somewhere else, Americans would
be apt to wonder why they don't do
something about it: Why won't they
do something about those guns?" (ital-
ics added).
Well, Ms. Tucker, and any-
one else out there who buys this
argument, we have done something
them. I called the Washington, DC
Police Department's fifth district
headquarters and spoke with Of-
ficer J.Holloway.
"How do I go about purchas-
ing a handgun in Washington,
DC I asked.
"Can't get one the officer
replied tersely.
gun in Washington, DC I asked.
"Well, I'm from Norm Caro-
lina I continued, "so if I moved to
DC,could I justbring thehandgun
I already own with me?"
"No, you can't bring a hand- ?
gun in Officer Holloway said.
"I'd have to leave it outside
the district, then?" I asked.
"Thafs right she replied.
Comical, in a perverse sort of
way, isn't it? Washington, DC,
where one cannot legally purchase
or possess a handgun, is cited as a
prime argument for more gun con-
The amount of misinforma-
tion on this subject and the depth of
the illogic that surrounds it never
cease to amaze me.
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor
Craig Malmrose s remarks confuse several issues
?as if they were one. They are not. I will respond to his
description of the future real man According toCraig, the
real man in our future:
1. couldn't care less about other people's feelings
(not "sensitive"),
2 refuses to eat baked egg-products (no "quiche"),
3. is incapable of expressing his feelings (doesn't
4. is afraid to admit the creative and scholarly
accomplishments of women (anti 'Women's Studies"),
5. can magically tell, without any first-hand evi-
dence or other knowledge that any woman who claims
she was harassed by her boss is lying ("Anita Hill"),
6. sexually harasses his female co-workers ("office
7.boreshisco-workerswithtalesofhissexual needs
(expresses his "heterosexual ideals"),
To the Editor:
When I saw the editorial titled "Assaults induce
weapon discussion" (Oct. 19)1 expected to
the same faulty gun-control arguments from the past
several years.
The author writes "there is no need in this world
for semi-automatic weapons in the hands of anyone"
There is equally no need for Porches or Corvettes; nei-
ther is there a need for Nintendo games. Yet no one is
blaming these inanimate objects for the misuses of them
by a few people. It is fear borne of ignorance that leads
people to blame a tool for the action of its wielder.
The fact that most handguns used in crimes now
are bought legally in no way reflects how stopping the
supply from legal sources will affect criminals acquiring
weapons from illegal sources. Is it not more rational to
assume that the people who wanted handguns for illegal
purposes would simply switch to an illegal supply?
Are not places with the highest murder rates the
same places that ha ve restrictive guncontrol ordinances?
There is something backward about this if gun control
laws really work.
Is it not true that those places with the highest
number of guns per capita havevery low crimerates and
vice versa? In my home in rural North Carolina, over
8. believes women are naturally inferior and must
be protected ("chivalrous acts"),
9. spilk beer on his date in the back seat of a car (a '
"Chevrolet"?), and
10. thinks womenlikereal men (getreal!). Theonly
thmgCraigleftoutismatwomen who wanttobe treated
like human beings have no sense of humor.
Hopefully, the male of the future will learn from
Craig'smistakesandwiUedipseCaig'sabsurddescrip- 2
tions of "real" maleness and "PC maleness. This -
a decent human being who recognizes the problems
facing women and men in contemporary society.
Howaboutit,Craig?Won'tyouhelppeoplemake '
the future better than the past? ;
Catherine Walker
School of Art
90 of the population has at least one firearm, and
most have several more. I can think of two homicides
intheentire county in the past ten years. Try saying this
about New York, Chicago or DC.
I resent being referred to as "Joe Redneck who
shoots Bambi's head off in the fierce sport that is
huntingTama hunter. Hunting isnotfierceand is far
less violent than what is shown on prime time televi-
sion. Hunters have a far greater respect for the world
than sniveling leftist gun control opponents who shop
at malls that stand on what was once forest. Humans
must kill to live.
Sorry, it's the truth. A person who takes in no
animal products will suffer from some rather peculiar
diseases that arise from the lack of specific vitamins
that are found in the flesh of herbivores. Hunters
simply kill their own food rather than buy it pre-
Itmustbeconsidered that violence isa symptom
of greater problems. Trying to create a villain out of an
inanimateobject is an exercise in wasted effortand bad
Stephen C. Ausband
Medical Student
Editor's note: The East Carolinian ivelcomes all Letters to the Editor, but for reasons of brevity we would
appreciate all letters to be kept under 250 words. Any letters that are over 250 words are subject to editing for
publication. We will do our best to avoid altering the content or point of view. Thanks!

-The East Carolinian
Page 6
October 26. 1993
vate bath. Non-smoker, female
student. NEAR ECU. 752-2636.
NEEDED: For next semester or
ASAP to share bedroom in a new
duplex. $175 month 13 utili-
ties. Call 758-1753 leave message.
ATE Must rent apt. immedi-
ately $350mo will throw in
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message for Paul 830-3926.
2nd semester. Rent $197.50 plus
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ment within walking distance of
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please leave a message.
FOR RENT: 2 bedrooms, 4 miles
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vate). $125.00 monthly, plus
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year (perhaps summer and next)
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Call 758-9967. Available Nov 1.
male to share apartment. 190
month & 1 2 utilities. Please call
752-2013 for details.
roommates needed to share four
bedroom house. Rent $150 plus
14 bills. If interested call 756-
6725 and leave name and num-
MEDIATELY must be mature,
responsible adult. $80 a month,
15 utilities 503 West 4th St.
WANTED to share three-bed-
room house spring semester.
Two blocks from campus. Low
rentutilities. Call 752-7069
NEEDED: 2nd semester. 2-
story, 2-bedroom apartment at
Tar River. 1 3 rent, 13 utilities.
Call Jenifer Collect 1-919-846-
7728. Leave message.
Brochures! Sparefull-time.
With own hours! Rush stamped
envelope: Publishers (G!) 1821
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NC 27705.
Individuals and student orga-
nizations wanted to promote
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Youth basketball coaches. The
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ketball program. Applicants must
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basketball skills, and have the
ability and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must be able to
coach young people ages 9-18 in
basketball fundamentals. Hours
are from 3 p.m to 7 p.m. with
some night and weekend coach-
ing. This program will run from
the end of November to mid-Feb-
ruary. Salary rates start at $4.25
per hour. For more information,
call Ben Jones or Michael Daly at
830-4550 or 830-4567.
GOLDSBORO is looking for en-
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the world free! (Caribbean, Eu-
rope, Hawaii, Asia!) Cruise lines
now hiring for busy holiday,
spring and summer seasons.
Guaranteed employment! Call
up to$l,0001n JUSTONE WEEK!
For your fraternity, sorority and
or club. Plus $1,000 for yourself!
And a FREE T-shirt just for call-
ing. 1-800-932-0528 ext. 75.
ARTIST Please call for appoint-
ment ?752-6953. Ask for Les or
Bill. Please bring portfolio. Com-
puter skills helpful.
WANTED: Campus entrepre-
neur. Sell Personal Safety Alarms
onoff campus. Write or call for
free details. 3806 Wingate Drive,
vated students needed for PT
marketing positions at your
school. Flexible hrs. Call today!
1-800-950-1039. Ext. 3065.
For Sale
SPRING BREAK ? Plan early,
save $50 and get best rooms!
Prices increase 1115! Bahamas
Cruise 6 days includes 12 meals,
$239! Panama City room w
kitchen, $129! Cancun from Ra-
leigh, $339; Jamaica from Raleigh,
$419; Key West, $239; Daytona
Room wkitchen, $149! 1-800-
$ Help Wanted: Fraternities, So-
rorities, Clubs! Raise money for
your group. Make 100 profit!
Easy. Sell 2020's Binocular
sportsglasses for under $5 at all
sportiriggroupevents! 800-924-
working out without proper
supplements, your body needs
them to GROW. Amino acids,
protein powders, vanadyl sul-
fate, wt. gain, tri-chromelene, hot
stuff, grainers fuel, cybergenics
and many more Call Charles
today for tremendous discount
prices at 321-2158.
'93 HONDA CBR 600 F2 BLK
SLRd 6200 miles. Completly
Stock $5150. AGV Helmet BLK
Rdwt $110. Bell Helmet solid
For Sale
blk $60. Call Keith or Kevin 93) -
9041 (Leave message).
'78 CIVIC wagon runs good,
hoist drive. $1000. BIEFE KB8
classic motorcycle helmet, gray.
$185 value at $85.
1988 HAWK GT blue, 12,000
miles: New back tire, super trap
muffler, and front fork stabi-
lizer. Includes helmet. $2300
firm. A must see. Call Chris 752-
1983 JEEP CJ-7 will trade for
motorcycle, please call 758-8953.
David at 758-6820. Peerless 2-
PW, Matching bag, Taylor-
made Driver 3 and 5 Woods.
CASH REWARD for informa-
tion about suspect automobile
involved inhit-and-runaccident
on South Elm St Sat. 1:00 a.m.
Call 757-0230.
Riffle and Christy Sessoms! We
love you and hope you had a
great birthday! Love always,
Amy Anderson and Becky
DAY Hope you had a good
time Thursday. We love you,
Ana and Lindsay.
Freaks Kim and Julie still love
you Friday night Kim will
show and tell all about her se-
cret summer fantasies. Come on
E Services Offered! HE Greek
"M ?JJ-s&AW rJIf.
CALL 752-8585 TODAY!
ING? Lowest rates on campus.
Incl. proofreading, spelling,
gram corrections. Over 15 yrs.
exp. Call Cindy 355-3611 any-
HEY MR. D.J Please play my
favorite song! Mobile Music Pro-
ductions plays only what YOU
want to hear when YOU want to
hear it. Widest variety of music,
years of experience, best D.J.S,
most popular service with ECU
Greeks. Will travel. Call Lee at
758-4644 for bookings.
serve a World Music Produc-
tions disc jockey for your next
social, mixer or reception. We
offer the best selection of music
at the BEST RATES. Contact Vic
at 757-6164.
of lirfwiiutioti in U.S.
Largest Library
Order Catalog Today wim Visa MC or COD
Or. rush $2 00 to ResMi
11322 Idaho Ave 206-A. Los
CA 90025
THANKS Chad and Mike for a
great Lambda Chi homecoming.
Love Kathy and Crystal.
thanks for joining us at the River
House. We had a blast, hope-
fully you did too. The brothers.
the new sisters of Alpha Phi:
Laura Baldi, Wendy Ballard,
Jenny Bullard, Christin
Cadle, Melissa Chesnut,
Laura Ecklin, Jessica Gibson,
Kime Hite, Jackie Kirby,
Stacey Klatsky, Kim
Laughery, Tristan Lee,
Heather Mann, Pam Miller,
Katy McNiff, Nicole Nicosia,
Angie Nix, Young O, Nan
Patterson, Olivia Plymale,
Livia Ritch, Courtney
Scanlon, Julie Smith, Amanda
Spruill, Robin White,
Michelle Whitehurst, Kristin
Wolf. Love, Your Sisters
Lost & Found
REWARD: for lost opal ring
with sentimental value. Lost
Tuesday October 19th at the
Josten's ring display. Please call
752-2955 for reward. No ques-
tions asked.
GAMMA will be holding
a: mandatory meeting
Wednesday October 27
th at 7:00pm in
Mendenhall Rm. 14. We
will be finalizing our
plans for WALK
STRAIGHT. All groups
who are interested in
STRAIGHT program for
Alcohol Awareness
Week, please call Angie
at 830-6738. All pro-
ceeds will benefit the
Christian Flynn Home of
Greenville. The walk will
take place October 30th
at 3:00 in downtown
Seniors and graduate
? tudents completing
heir degree in Decem-
ber or who may need
help in developing or
refining their interview
skills are invited to at-
tend one of the following
workshops: Wed. Oct. 27
at 5:00p.m. or Wed Nov.
3 at 2:00 p.m. in Bloxton
House. Sponsored by
Career Services, the
workshops are also open
to students applying for
internships or co-op ex-
All 1993 graduating se-
niors who also expect to
graduate from the Hon-
ors Program (24 s.h. in
Honors courses with
grade of B or better and
3.4 overall g.p.a.) should
call Dr. Sanders at the
Honors office (757-
6373, GCB 2026) by the
end of October to arrange
an exit interview and be
invited to dinner. You
will also need to submit
a list of the Honors
courses you have taken.
The final programs for
Fall 1993 begin on Mon-
day November 1 and
Tuesday November 2.
These are the last oppor-
tunity for Career Coun-
seling until Spring 1994.
Advanced registration is
required. For more infor-
mation, stop by the Coun-
seling Center or call 757-
Free Food! Honorary
member buffet, Tuesday
26 Oct 4:30 PM GC 3rd
Floor Lobby. All mem-
bers invited (Casual). Next
meeting- Thurs 18 Nov.
5:30 PM GC 1014.
Sophomores, Juniors, Se-
niors! Limited copies of
ECU's first video yearbook
are still available. Come
by the Media Board of-
fice, Student Publications
Building. Second floor, 8-
5 daily. Building is located
across from Joyner Li-
SNCAE meeting! Thurs-
day, Nov. 4th at 4:00 in
Spieght 310. Alice
McArthur, a teacher of
handicapped children,
will speak on how to
maintain discipline. All
interested education ma-
jors are welcome!
The next club meeting
will be Wednesday, Oct.
27 at 5:00 at the
Substation on the corner
of 4th and Reede St.
The Department of
chemistry of ECU along
with Eastern North Caro-
lina Section of the Ameri-
can Chemical Society, the
East Carolina ACS Stu-
dent Affiliates, and the
ECU Chemistry Alumni
Professional Society will
present the STUDENT
TURE. Nov. 12, 1993.
Registration is at 8:00
am. The cost is $5:00.
The registration will
be waived for high
school teachers and
students. The meet-
ing will be held in the
Chemistry Depart-
ment (Flanagan) on
ECU campus. For ad-
ditional inf. Gontact Dr.
Art Rodriguez, Depart-
ment of Chemistry,
ECU, (919)757-6228.
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-St- :dents $3.00
Each additional word $0.05
?AN ads must be pre-paid?
Any organization may use the Announce-
ments Section of The East Carolinian to list
activities and everts open to the public two
of space, The East Carolinian cannot guaran-
tee the publication of announcements-
Friday at 4 pm for
Tuesdays edition
Tuesday at 4 pm for
Thursday's edition
$5.50 per inch:
Displayed advertisements may be
cancelled before 10a m.thedaypriorto
publication however, no refunds will
be given.
For more
information cad

The East Carolinian
Page 7
Stand up, get crazy, let your imagination fly
By Sarah Wahlert
Photo courtesy of ECU Performing Arts Series
The Plate-A-Puss, one of the many imagination-generated characters from "Imagine If with Jamie and The
Imaginites invites you to join him at the opening event of ECUs Young Audiences Performing Arts Series.
Staff Writer
Do vou ever have the urge to
decorate yourself with everyday
objects1 Well, now everyone can
experience that fantasy because
The ECU's Young Audiences Per-
forming Arts Series is presenting
"Imagine If with Jamie and the
"What on earth is that?" you
might ask. It's an action-packed
musical adventure story filled
with catchy songs. Everyone can
enjoy wacky and wild life-sized
body puppets, masks, mime and
juggling. This is an exciting story
that will show everyone how to
turn off the television set and turn
on the imagination.
The theme of the show is
Jamie's quest to cure his TV-itis.
For the first step of the cure, Dr.
Pagangee has Jamie make "crea-
ture creations" out of everyday
objects, such as paper cups, bal-
loons, pinwheels, etc.
Since we all have a little TV-
itis, children, parents and stu
dents are invited to turn off the
TV for one day and use everyday
objects to turn themselves into
"creature creations or as Jamie
calls them, "Imaginites
Some ideas for curing TV-itis
m ight include an "Imagi-Mouth
cut-outs of different sized lips and
mouths hung all over the body; a
"Mad Hatter a hat made out of
cardboard tubes and toilet paper;
or a "Soda Cap a costume made
out of soda cans and bottle caps.
Here's the best part. On the
day of the performance, every-
one is invited to be an lmaginite
for a parade or display in the
lobby where Jamie will meet ev-
erybody. Imagine: a whole t' ?-
ater filled with Imaginites!
What inspired a show like
Jamie Greenberg, a New York
resident, began his theatrical
studies at Denver University in
Colorado. Soon after, he traveled
to Maine to study mime and im-
provisational theater with the leg-
endary Tony Montanaro at the
Celebration Mime Theatre.
In 1987, Greenberg and part-
ner Peter Ford "ollaborated on
.lie children Inc er production,
"The Last Minute Kids of the
Magical Absurd which
Theaterworks USA toured
throughout the country for a
number of years.
In 1983, Greenberg joined
forces with Managing Director
and songwriter Alison Schertz,
and together they created Imag-
ine If Productions, which pro-
duced the highly acclaimed
children's show, "The Land of
Greenberg also created The
Personal Mime Theater at the
Center for Open Education in
Englewood, N.J where he
taughtmime, theaterand move-
ment for many ye.
Jamie Greenberg and Alison
Schertz's latest production ef-
fort, the one-man musical ad-
venture story, "Imagine If with
Jamie and the Imaginites is
presently in its third yearof tour-
ing nationally in theater, cul-
tural arts centers, schools and
Two years ago, Greenberg
and Schertz released the audio-
cassette, "The Cure for TV-itis"
which includes songs ind sto-
ries from ?
is currently being distributed
See IMAGINE page 9
IVIr. Jones' sinks
high expectations
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
The newest film to deal with
mental illness comes in the form of a
Richard Gere vehiclecalled Mr. Jones.
Gere plays the title character in
Mr. Jones, a manic-depressive who is
introduced to the audience during
one of his highs. Mr. Jones virtually
forces his way into .1 construction
job, proceeds to befriend a fellow
carpenter, gives the carpenter SKX),
then walks to the edge of a roof and
balances perilously on the edge.
While standing on the very rim of
the roof Mr. Jones, watches the air-
planes flying overhead and claims
that he can fly.
Upon rescuing Jones horn the
roof, thecoworker has Jones taken to
a mental institution where Jones
meets Dr. Libbie Bowen Lena Olin),
a young, attractive psychiatrist with
whom Jones immediately establishes
a rapport.
Libbie fights to keep Jones insti-
tutionalized because she thinks he
has been misdiagnosed as a schizo-
phrenic. Noone believes Libbieunhl
Jones is readmitted after thinking he
should conduct a symphony.
After the symphony incident,
Libbie again fights to keep Jones in
her care and takes him to court to do
so. She loses the battle but wins the
war, because Jones soon enters a
severe depression cycle and again
finds himself in Libbie's care.
The rest of this long film
chronicles the building of a relation-
shipbetween Mr. Jones(whois never
given a first name) and Libbie.
Watching the machinations of this
love affair was as exciting as watch-
ing a rain-delay at a baseball game.
Oneof thepremisesof Mr. Jones
is that mental illness is not reallv a
diseasebuta way of life. Atone point
Jones yells: "I am not sick?this is
who 1 am
This lineoccursearly in the film,
and I had such a difficult time swal-
lowing this premise that I found my
throat clogged throughout the re-
mainder of the film. I was rendered
unable to digest anv of the other plot
elements (which turned out to be a
blessing since the rest of the film is
built upon this shaky foundation).
Becauseof my lack of sympathy
toward Mr. Jones, 1 could not believe
for one instant that Libbie would be
attracted to him. During Jones'
pained therapy sessions he brings
Libbie to tears. I sat there in shocked
disbelief wondering how she ever
got a license to practice medicine if
Jones'condition could make her cry.
Jones refuses to take medicine,
because he loves the highs of his
disease. "I'm a junkie he claims.
The highs are the equivalent of a
great drug. He says he prefers to live
through the lows to experience the
incredible highs than remaining at
an even keel with medication that
helps his chemical imbalances.
Here is a film that asks an audi-
ence to feel for a man who refuses
treatment even though he becomes
suicidal during his lows. The film-
makers want the audience to pity
this tortured man when the only
ti rture heexperiences isself-inflicted.
Mr. Jones ultimately proves to
be nothing more than a showpiece
for Gere, much like Scent of a Woman
was a showpiece for Pacino.
Gere has survived mainly on
his looks. His acting skills consist of
teigned disinterest or excessive
showboating. Gere has made only a
few memorable films. The cxxasional
See JONES page 9
Merl Saunders brings rainforest to Attic
By Julie Totten
Lifestyle Editor
Take one gallon of jazz, a cup
and a half of ska, a dash of blues
and reggae and stir it with a lot of
soul. Heat the mixture at 400 de-
grees for 15 minutes and, yes, you
will have a Merl Saunders souffle.
Tonight, Merl Saunders and
The Rainforest Dand will make
their debut in Greenville.
Showtime is at 9:30 and you are all
guaranteed a musical moment that
will never be forgotten.
To familiarize Saunders' to a
virgin audience won't be difficult.
Saunders has stayed buried in the
west coast composing, directing,
producing and recording with
such artist as the Grateful Dead,
Lena Home, Bonnie Raitt, Lou
Rawls, David Grisman, Jerry
Garcia, Harry Belafonte, Tower of
Powerand Dr.Johnand theStatler
This gentle-speaking man
(known for his black leather cap
nation-wide) has been in the mu-
sic industry for 30 years.
Although for the most part he
has dedicated his life to music, he
also had a calling to help save our
and the
fragile environment. Proceeds
from his album Blues From The
Rainforest, (which was a collabo-
ration with Jerry Garcia and stayed
on Billboard's New AgeChart for
27 weeks), went to the Rainforest
National Action Network to help
preserve international ecosystems.
It's In The Air, Saunders latest
release, is the shining result of 30
years in the industry.
The organ he used when he
began ("Jessica"), stillsitson stage
with him, ready to let the sounds
of the rainforest pour down on
The Rainforest Band includes
Michael Hinton on guitar, Michael
Warren on bass and Vince Littleton
on drums and percussion.
"It is apparent that Mr.
Saunders and his backing play-
ers are a group in the true sense of
the word. They have a tight, subtle
Photo courtesy of
Sumertone Records
sound with and effective
rhythm section, Martin
Renzhofer, writer for the Salt
Lake Tribune said. "Even better
is drummer Vince Littleton's
light touch, which these days is
a rare achievement.
If you have plans tonight?
change them. The Emerald City
may not be blessed with a chance
to wallow in the sultry sounds
of Saunders again.
'Rebel' art winners displayed
By Laura Wrisht
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Do you crave culture? Do you
ever wonder what a soul in Green-
ville, N.C. can do to fill that need for
artistic sustenance? Just when vou
thought that there was nothing left
to see on the campus of ECU, The
Rebel '94 comes to the rescue and
curbs your cravings forcreative ex-
77k Rebel, ECU's literary and
art magazine, will have its annual
art show in the upper gallery in the
Mendenhall Student Union on
Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 7:00 p.m.
The Rebel accepted studentsub-
missions in the following art cat-
egories: drawing, printmaking,
communication arts, wood, sculp-
ture, painting, metals, textiles, ce-
ramics, photograph vand computer
graphics. The deadline for entries
was Oct. 18. Check-vouchers for
best in show as well as first, second
and third place winners for each
category will beawardedata recep-
tion following the showing on Tues-
day. There w ill a lso be some honor-
able mentions.
The contest allows students to
win prize money and to establish
portfolio pieces for graduation.
Prize-winning pieces will be photo-
graphed by Henry Stindt and will
be printed in the '94 edition of the
magazine, scheduled for publica-
tion on April 7.
Darlene Pelliccio is the art di-
rector for The Rebel; the assistant art
director is Suzy Simpson and the art
advisor is Craig Malmrose.
See REBEL page 9
Don't forget
Career Health
Day on Nov. 4.
Employers front
large agencies
will he on hand
in the Allied
Health Bldg to
talk with you.
Good Luck!
'Stick' in 'Heavy Bag' and turn it up loud
By Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
A little Stick history. Once
upon a time on a hot summer day
in 1987, in Lawerence, Kansas,Tim
Mohn and MarkSmirl decided to
form a band. Stick emerged via
jam sessions with Mohn on drums
and Smirl on vocals and some-
times guitar. The twosome soon
snagged Daniel Brannock (bass)
from the University of Kansasand
beganmoreexplorationsasa trio
Noticing that their songs were
becoming more guitar-oriented,
they decided that a more techni-
cally adept guitarist was needed.
Enter Mike Tobin.
He was recruited from a local
band and became their second and
lead guitarist.
These four young men, with
the addition of Kim Czarnopys on
lead vocals, toured middle
America for three years.
They chose the name Kill
Whitev. After opening for such
acts as Primus, Soundgarden,
Gwar and Seven Seconds,
Carnopys left the band topersue
her own tastes.The four remain-
ing members stayed together, be-
came more focused and hit the
stage a month later as Stick.
They took to the studio in
January of this year and produced
their debut album, Heavy Ba$.
The sound of this album is
somewhere in the area of funk,
See STICK page 9
Today: Suicide
Phoio courtesy ot Arista Records
Pictured above are the members of the gritty band Stick: Tim Mohn,
Darrel Brannock, Mike Tobin, Mark Smirl. Their latest release is out.
Answered by Dr. Marcia Shelton,
Suicidal threats and attempts al-
ways need tobe treated seriously. Itis
a mvth that people who talk about
killing themselves rarely commit sui-
cide. In fact, most people who com-
mit suicide have given some clue or
warning of their intentions. If you
think someone may be suicidal, ask-
ing questions like "Is anything
wrongor "You haven'tbeenyour-
self lately, what's the matter?" may
open a Sot xlgate of emotion. Asking
someone directly about suicidal in-
tent will often lower the anxiety level
and act as a deterrent to suicidal be-
havior by encouraging the ventila-
tion of pent-up emotions.
It is a myth that if you ask a
person about suicidal intentions that
vou will encourage the person tocom-
mit suicide. Don't be afraid to use
won Is like "suicide "die or "kill "
ECU Counseling Center
BedirectDovouwantto die?"
or "Are you thinking about killing
yourself?" If the answer is "yes
?Listen. Demonstrate thatyou
understand the person's feelings
without minimizing them.
?Encourage the person to seek
professional help. Recognize your
own limitations in being a helper.
? Remove, or encourage the
person to give up anything that
could be immediately lethal, sueh
as pills, weapons, etc.
If vou discover that the person
has a plan or timetable for suicide,
take the intentseriouslv. Don'tleave
the person alone and take the per-
son to or call for help.
Likely resources in Greenville
are psvchok gical counsek rs, a cam-
pus minister, a Residence I fall Co-
ordinators or REAJ CRISIS.

October 26, 1993
Hostels aren't just in Europe
The American Youth Hostels
branch of 1 lostelling International
can provide you with numerous
opportunities to visit places you
may have thought financially im-
possible. Thisnon-profitorganiza-
tion is known throughou t the world
for offering to its members
"friendly, environmentally-sensi-
tive accommodations for budget-
minded travelers
The corporation, which ex-
panded to include the U.S. 60 years
ago, is a member of the Interna-
tional Youth Hostel Federation.
Not only does Hostelling Interna-
tional allow you to travel cheaper,
it also promotes ed ucation and con-
sciousness of world issues via its
rubrically-based hostels.
"Ine hostel in Port Arkansas,
Texas, for example, is located on
the Padre Island National Seashore,
where you can visit wildlife ref-
uges for endangered species. The
Miami Beach hostel is a renovated
building in which gangster Al
Capone used to gamble, while a
hostel in Pennsylvania once served
the Underground
( Hner hostels are just down-
right unique places to stay. In
Brunswick, Ga for instance, vou
can stay in a treehouseor a geodesic
dome, or you can spend the night in
the Pigeon Point Lighthouse in
Pescadero, Cal
There are 38 American Youth
Hostels regional offices scattered
throughout the country. The na-
tional office is located in Washing-
ton, D.C and there are two coun-
cils in North Carolina as well.
The councils provide individu-
alized attention for planning trips,
and each council coordinates its ser-
vices according to the region where
it is located. The North Carolina
councils, for example, may plan
weekend hiking and camping ex-
cursions, while the office in Colo-
rado might focus on ski trips.
Once you've become a mem-
ber, you can check out all kinds of
traveling possibilities?interna-
tional as well as national ?via each
of the councils. Your membership is
the key to a variety of travel pro-
grams, special events and privileges.
The costs of annual member-
ships are as follows: for youth and
under 18, the cost is $15; for persons
aged 18 to 55, $25; and for people
over 55, $15. Yearly family pack-
ages are $35, and individual mem-
Sparky's back
and he's mad as
hell. He's got the
same views on
spot remover
that TEC has
about gun
File Photo
Children's author
releases best seller
(AP)-In Eric Carle's best-sell-
ing, "The Very Hungry Caterpil-
lar a little red-and-green cater-
pillar chews his way through the
pages of the book as he grows and
matures into a butterfly.
"On Saturday he ate through
one piece of chocolate cake, one
ice-cream cone, one pickle, one
slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of
salami, one lollipop, one piece of
cherry pie, one sausage, one cup-
cake, and one slice of watermelon.
Tha t night he had a stomachache
Since the book's publication
in 1969, "The Very Hungry Cater-
pillar" has sold more than 5 mil-
lion copies in its full-size edition,
and has been translated into over
a dozen languages. It has also been
reproduced in a miniature edi-
"Caterpillar' is a book of hope,
it's a real 'ugly duckling' story
Carle said in a recent interview.
"I'm saying thatyou, too, can grow
up to be something beautiful
Carle is opening up the world
of his art and his studio through a
new medium?the videocassette.
"Eric Carle: Picture Writer" is a
27-minute video produced by
Searchlight Films (Philomel
Books, $29.95). It invites viewers
to watch as "The Very Hungry
Caterpillar" comes to life from
brightly colored strips of tissue'
"I was getting so many re-
quests to speak in schools that I
couldn't possibly commit to them
all Carle said. "So I decided the
next best thing was to make a
videoViewers discover how
Carle gets his ideas and bow he
executes them. They can listen is
the author reads from his books
and watch as he prep.1 res collages
berships are available for S20.
Membership includes a hand-
book containing all sorts of infor-
mation about Hostelling Interna-
tional as well as ways to receive
special discounts (both travel re-
lated and non travel-related). Most
importantly, your membership en-
ables you to stay at the hostels for
an average nightly cost of between
$7 and $15.
You can join by calling the
national office in DC at (202) 783-
6161. Address correspondence to
HI-A YH National Office, 73315th
Street, Suite 840, Washington, DC,
The North Carolina regional
offices are located in Durham and
in Winston-Salem, and you can
call them at (919) 286-1477 or (919)
454-5027, respectively. You can
write to them at Research Tri-
angleCoastal Carolina Council,
714 Ninth Street, Room 207,
Durham, N.C 27705. For the Win-
ston-Salem office, write to Pied-
mont Council, P.O. Box 10766; the
zip is 27108.
Go ahead and give American
Youth Hostels a try. This unique
corporation can open many doors
for those of you who are eager to
see the country from some inter-
esting places, and you'll have
enough cash left to buy plenty of
souvenirs, too.
Bombarded with too much T.V.?
home from work too tired for any-
thing but watching TV.
You see things on TV you end
up buying. Then you go to work to
pay for them. And then why, you
come home tired and watch more
Is this what they mean by inter-
active television?
The typical viewer has been
chasing his tail since TV blinked on
nearly a half-century ago. Now Vicki
Robin has some modest suggestions
Her first suggestion: Just recog-
nize thecycle and how you're caught
up in it.
Robin, a Seattle-based lecturer
and writer,collaborated withfellow
activist Joe Dominguez on a book
about the spurious connection be-
tween monetary wealth and mate-
rial satisfaction.
"Your Money or Your Life ?
Transforming Your Relationship
With Money and Achieving Finan-
cial Independence" argues that ?
flash!?dollars don't guarantee ful-
fillment, and that, for many Ameri-
cans, money-making comes at far
too great a cost.
At times, so does TV, Robin
adds during a recent interview.
"There's too much passivity in
just the "act" of blind-gazing at the
tube by the hour, but also that famil-
iar non-decision to watch in the first
There's an old slogan "time is
money but Robin proposes that,
more aptly, "money is time
Quite literally, your money rep-
resents a certain measure of wha t she
labels "life energy The more bucks
you spend, the more of your finite life
energy is required to recoup that out-
Meanwhile, profligate TV-view-
ing runs up the tab even further.
"Themoretelevisionyou watch
Robincautions, "the more desire you
feel because of the advertising, and
the greater need to buy more stuff
"Clutter" in her lexicon is wnat-
your needs, yet takesupspaceinyour
"Clutter" isalsotheTV industry's
own term applied to advertising, pre-
views, station IDs and other non-
program fare. One obvious way to
banish that sort of clutter is to "time-
shiftTapeyour favorite shows, then,
whenyouplaythemback, zip through
the commercials. (And what a value,
time-wise: Six shows for the price of
To go further in breaking the
cycle, just pry your eyes off the tube
and look elsewhere for validation.
"We look to our peers to see
how we're doing Robin says. 'It's
called 'keeping up with the Joneses
and if there's a big discrepancy be-
tween what they have and what we
have, we start to feel unhappy
an eyeful of TV's rich and beautiful
"Joneses thoseconten ted, success-
ful folk who populate commercials
and programs alike?
"There's an illusion that the
people on television are your
friends Robin says, "and when
when the 'people' you visit with
include too many TV stars and
make-believe happy families, then
you'll have trouble not feeling dis-
satisfaction with the life you live
Research has found that the
longer a viewer watches television,
the less the viewer is likely to enjoy
it?yet progressively grea ter is the
effort required to shut the clamed
set off.
? the way he illustrates most of
his books.
Carle emphasizes how much
fun it is to be an artist and author
and how much of the "little Eric
Carle" is still in him.
Carle said he hopes that
schools, libraries and parents will
use the video to inspire children.
"Occasionally a child will tell me,
T can do what you do I find that
very reassuring he said.
Carle was born in Syracuse,
N.Y in 1929. His parents were
German immigrants. In the video,
Carle appears totally at ease as he
talks of his childhood days and of
"that very important moment in
my life" when his teacher told his
parents of his artistic talent. "My
parents always supported me.
They bought me papers, markers
and paints
Carle said that after attending
first grade, he moved with his par-
ents to Stuttgart. Except for his art
classes, Carle did not enjoy going
to school in Germany.
"It wasn't easy being in the
middle of two cultures, two lan-
guages and two very different
types of schools. The very basic
themes that I struggled with as a
child ? loss, love and hope, and
friendship?are the ones that I've
explored through my books.
"Perhaps the reason these
books are passed down generation
after generation is that so many
children can relate to these
After illustrating books for
other authors, Carle began creat-
ing his own. Carle has written and-
or illustrated dozens of booos in-
cluding ' "The Very Quiet Cricket
"The Very Busy Spider "Draw
Me a Star" and Today is Monday
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holds art secret
October 26, 1993
that re
of Ma
ii ? one
. linter
i he portraits
the heart of one
s great art secrets: the
collet tion ol Spain's central hank.
Tiu' astonishing Prado,
Thyssen-Bornemisza and Reirta
Sofia collections beckon from down
the street. But only a few art aficio-
nados have discovered that what is
now the Bank of Spam owns 325
paintings and 2,000 prints, ranging
from the 17th-cenrurv still lifes bv
Juan van der Hamen to the abstract
works it the post-war Spanish
The Goya paintings and other
earl v works are housed in thebank's
headquarters, a tum-of-the-century
gem a peseta' throw from the his-
toric center of Madrid.
But the collection isn't a mu-
seum, and accessibility is limited.
There are few tours, and the armed
u ding s rnagnih-
.i ivaj ofdiscourag-
li ntal ait tourist.
L n til recently, in fait, even the
rtkers themselves had onlj a
ki t h idea ot what hung on their
W hen 1 got here there was no
catalog, ' says curator lose Maria
Yinueia.whohasbeen working with
the bank's collection for 15 years.
A catalog now lists seven Goya
pa i ntings Like many of the bank's
oldest works, the Goya paintings
were of people influential in the
development of the 211-vear-old
Banco Nacional de San Carlos, the
semi-private precursor to the Bank
of Spain.
ThecoUection also boastsa com-
plete first-edition set of Goya's bull-
fighting engravings, a pair of
Picassos and works bv Joaquin
Sorolla and Jose Maria Serf.
During this century, the bank
began acquiring more than just fi-
nance-related art. A 1985 Spanish
law requires public enterprises to
spend 1 percent of theirannualcapi-
tal budgets on art and culture, and
the bank now pays closer attention
to esthetic concerns.
Continued from page 7
The East Carolinian 9
hardcore and grunge. Most of the
songs are chock full of power
chords with the bass and drums
laying down the background funk
stomp. Add Smiri's vocals, and
you have something worthy of the
best mosh pit; Beavisand Butthead
would both approve. Some of the
more outstanding tracks are
"Zero" and "Grind
Like most of the songs on this
album, they contain the traditional
Continued from page 7
slow grind that turns to rage in the
chorus. Most bands ha te to be com-
pared to others, but here is Stick is
a mixture of Soundgarden, Rage
Against the Machine and Tool( a
hasty and hopefully accuratejudg-
if you like most of the hardcore
out on the Alternative scene these
days (you can define "alternative"
any way you like), Stick may be
your cup of tea.
internationally in stores and cata-
"I encourage parents to take
the opportunity to experience a
live performance with their chil-
dren. Spending time like this with
children really means a lot to
them said Lynn Jobes, assistant
director of student activities.
The production will take place
on Saturday, Oct. 30, from 2-3
p.m. in Wright Auditorium. There
Continued from page 7
is reserved seating this year,
and tickets are available begin-
ning Oct. 11. Tickets are 58 for
the public, 56 for faculty and
staff and S5 for ECU students.
Tickets are also available at the
door for $8.
Group rates are available.
For more inf orma tion, contact the
Central Ticket Office at 1-800-
ECU-ARTS, Monday-Friday
from 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Continued from page 7
Officer and a Gentleman or
Sommetsby cannot compensate for
films like No Mercy,Internal Affairs
or a fistful of other awful films
with which he has been associ-
Lena Olin, trained in Sweden
by Ingmar Bergman, shone
brightly and brilliantly in Enemies:
A Love Story. Why she opted to
make this film is a mystery. Per-
haps on the exterior, Mr. Jones
seemed like a serious cinematic
work of art. Her artistic ability is
badly wasted.
Mike Figgis, who directed Mr.
Jones and Internal Affairs, has
demonstrated a propensity to
tell uninteresting stories at a lan-
guorous pace. He infuses no life
into the film and when a friend
told me that Mr. Jones was slow,
she was being too kind? this
film teeters on the edge of te-
Mr. Jones is an unbelievable,
unimpassioned and unsympa-
thetic look at mental illness. I
can think of no reason recom-
mend it.
On a scale of one to 10, Mr.
Jones rates a three.
After all ot the art submissions
were received last Monday, judges
worked from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00
p.m. on Wednesday,Oct. 20, before
they finally reached a consensus.
Thejudgesand their artistic special-
ties are Leonard Villette, printing
and computer graphics; Leslie
Brooks, ceramics and 3-D sculpture;
and Catherine Spruill, painting and
graphics. During the eight-hour
judging session, Chico's and Mara-
thon restaurants provided food "on
the house" for thejudgesandstaff of
The Rebel.
Publication of The Rebel began
in 1959 and the magazine was pro-
duced four times a year. Because the
technical quality of the magazine
has improved over the years, the
cost of production has increased as
well. Now, according to editor, Josie
Boyette, the magazine is an annual
The show will be on display for
three weeks and is free and open to
the public. So you have plenty of
time to come out and see what your
fellow students are up to. You can
stimulate your senses and mavbe
even feel inspired while you are at
it. The editors of The Rebel welcome
any suggestions for improving the
show each year, and the staff would
like to thank all of the students that
submitted works of art for consider-
ation in this vear's contest.
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The ECU Student Union is
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Presented by David Hilliard, former Black Panther.
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events, call our ECU Student
Union Hotline at 757-6004.
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The East Carolinian
Fagt 10
October 26, 1993
What's On Tap:
Wednesday, Oct. 27
Men's Soccer
at N.C. State, Raleigh, NC 3:30
Tlw 411
Friday, Oct. 23
Volleyball, away
lost to American (2-3), 10-15,15-
Saturday, Oct. 23
Football, away
lost to Southern Miss 24-16
Volleyball, away
lost to George Mason (0-3), 8-15,
M. Soccer, away
lost to Old Dominion 3-0
Sunday, Oct. 24
W. Soccer, away
Beat NC State 3-0
P Football Top 25
I.Florida St. (62)
2. Notre Dame
3. Ohio St.
4. Miami
5. Alabama
6. Nebraska
7. Arizona
8. Tennessee
9. Auburn
10. Florida
11. Texas A&M
12. Penn St.
13. West Virginia
14. Oklahoma
15. UCLA
16. Virginia
17. Louisville
18. North Carolina
19. Washington
20. Colorado
21. Wisconsin
22. Michigan St.
23. Indiana
24. Michigan
25. Kansas St.
Bucs fail to put away Golden Eagles
File Photo
ECU'S defensive effort against the Golden Eagles of Southern Miss was not truly reflected in the final score.
Jeff Cooke spearheaded the Pirate D, while the Buc offense failed to convert on two goal-line opportunities.
By Brian Olson
Assistant Sports Editor
The youth and inexperience
of the Pirates was painfully obvi-
ous Saturday night, as they lost
24-16. ECU experienced let-
downs, penalties
and a severe inabil-
ity to put the ball in
the end zone
against the Golden
Eagles in Missis-
ECU (2-5) had
eight plays inside
the Southern Miss
(2-5) 10-yard line in
the last four min-
utes and could not
get the touchdown.
The final stage
was set when the
Bucs recovered a fumble at the
USM 5-yard line with about 1:30
remaining. Quarterback Perez
Mattison then threw two incom-
plete passes and running back
Junior Smith lost two yards rush-
Perez Mattison
ing, bringing up fourth down
and one last opportunity. It was
goal to go from the seven,
Mattison stepped back, had pro-
tection and failed again on an
incomplete pass.
"Perez played well Head
Coach Steve
Logan said. "He
took his shots
down there late
and had a chance
to get it done, but I
just don't know if
we're old enough
to close something
like this. I just
don't think we are
Mattison is
the third fresh-
man to start at QB
for the Pirates this
season. Marcus Crandell went
down in week two with a bro-
ken leg and Chris Hester went
out with a bad thumb in game
See PIGSKIN page 12
Soccer team
vents frustration
By Chip Hudson
Staff Writer
The East Carolina women's
soccer team traveled to Raleigh
on Sunday to take on the N.C.
State Wolfpack in a conference
match. The Pirates "Were coming
off of a difficult loss to Fayetteville
and were taking no prisoners.
ECU dominated the match from
beginning to end as they began to
play to their full potential. East
Carolina rolled to a 3-0 victory.
State managed to hold the Pi-
rates scoreless for the first 30 min-
utes of the match even though
ECU was pressuring the State
goalie. Then, at the 33 minute
mark, forward Kellie Troy re-
ceived a pass from Missy Cone
and knocked the ball into the back
of the net for a 1-0 Pirate lead.
Although this goal led to some
intense play from the Pirates, they
were unable to score again before
the half.
In the second half, East Caro-
lina continued to demonstrate
tremendous ball skills as their
passing knifed through the State
defense. Fourteen minutes into the
second half, ECU fullback Missy
Cone scored her first goal of the
year on an assist from Jennie
Haines. She fired a shot from 20
yards out that the State goal-
keeper never had a chance to save
and the tally gave ECU a 2-0 lead.
Nine minutes after that,
Jennie Haines got in on the scor-
ing herself, as she took a pass
from stopper Jennifer Poppe and
scooted down the right side of the
penalty area and fired in another
goal for the Pirates. At this point
in the game, ECU relaxed a little
bit but continued to work passes
through the offensive end of the
field. The Pirates were unable to
score again.
"This is the best that I have
ever seen this team play in prac-
tice-or a game ECU's sweeper
Jodi Rittenhouse said following
the game.
Coach Doug Silver agreed by
saying, "We were able to keep a
sustained effort for a full 90 min-
utes today Faith Burnett and
Casey Carter dominated the State
forwards and refused to let them
attack our goal
The Pirates' next game is
against arch rival Raleigh Club on
Nov. 7 in Raleigh.
Ruggers recoup from trip
By W.W. Ellis
Staff Writer
East Carolina traveled north
to test their mettle against two
powerful Potomac Rugby Union
sides. Maryland, ranked fourth
in the pre-season, is a probable
opponent on the way to the Terri-
torial Championships. Since
Maryland defeated the Pirates
54-8 last spring, this fall match
was an opportunity to see how
far the ECU ruggers have pro-
gressed. George Mason would be
the other tough match.
Maryland got all they could
handle from an excited ECU team
which had two big handicaps.
First, they had to believe. Second,
they had to rise to a faster, more
intense style of play than of that
found in the South. Eventually
they did , and ECU dominated
the game , but it was too late.
Maryland scored twice about
20 minutes into the game and
went up 10-5. The Pirates made
tactical and mental adjustments
which worked. At the half, they
trailed only by five on the strength
of a try by Andy Horrocks. An-
other score by Sean Miller was
As the second half began, the
Pirates knew they were even with
their opponents. They spent vir-
tually the entire second half in
Maryland's end but could not
score. Twice, they seemed to have
the necessary touch down but it
was not to be. Both were denied.
In the B game, Maryland fell
by the identical 10-5 score. Again,
ECU had tries disallowed and
only Matt Snyder's first score for
ECU went onto the board. Again,
the Pirate ruggers found them-
selves rising to the occasion but
not rising high enough.
On Sunday, the ruggers trav-
eled to play another strong
Potomac Union side, George Ma-
son. Weakened by injuries, the
Pirates fell 19-10. The pattern was
much the same. The Pirates started
slow and then could not catch up
against a very experienced side
which bent but did not break.
George Mason went up 7-3
very quickly as the Pirates settled
down with five new players. The
Pirate score came on a Rich Moss
penalty kick. After regrouping,
the Pirates played Mason even
for the rest of the half.
The second half saw another
Mason score but the Pirates got it
back with a Chris tried converted
by Moss. The 12-10 score sug-
gested the Pirates might pull this
one out.
However, the battering re-
ceived in the Maryland game
began to take its toll as the Pirates
ran out of steam. Mason got an-
other score to win pulling away.
The B Team salvaged the road
trip as they soundly thumped
Mason's second side 14-0. Despite
See RUGBY page 12
Lacrosse taking off at ECU
By Dave Pond
Senior Staff Writer
Anyone who yearns to play
a physical, hard-hitting sport but
is not into butting helmets with
an angry 250-pound defensive
lineman should give lacrosse a
"It's a good fast-paced con-
tact sport that is getting more
popular every day said Head
Coach Dave Lockett.
As defined by the American
Heritage Dictionary, lacrosse is,
"a game of American Indian ori-
gin resembling field hockey,
played with a long handled
racquet and requiring ten play-
ers on a team
To the members of the Pirate
lacrosse club, however, the game
is, and means, much more.
"Lacrosse kind of combines
football and soccer into one
sport said senior Tarhy Alford.
"It's said to be 'the fastest game
on two feet
"I'm a 30-year-old, full-time
grad student. I have a job that I
work 20 hours a week at and I
play and coach lacrosse said
Lockett. "It's a good stress re-
liever, being able to go out and
release all that built-up tension
on someone, and have fun doing
As you read this, the club is
fine-tuning itself into a lacrosse
machine that should go a long
way this year. To get ready for
the spring season (the main la-
crosse season), the Pirates have
competed in one tourney this fall
in which they finished with a 2-
1-1 record, which, according to
Lockett, is pretty amazing.
We lost seven or eight starters
from last year and to do this well
FM Photo
The 1993-94 Pirate Lacrosse club has played well this season.
They have several matches left and hope to draw a few more fans.
this early in the year is great he
said. "The team has really worked
hard to offset the loss of all those
guys The ECU squad has also
claimed a victory against N.C.
"One thing about lacrosse is
that anyone can play Lockett
said. "It doesn't matter how big
you are. In this game, speed as
well as size play critical parts in
the outcome
The lacrosse team is open to
anyone who wants to give it a
try, even those who have never
seen a lacrosse stick before.
"We've got a few guys that had
never played the game before,
up until two months ago said
Lockett. and I had no prob-
lems at all playing them in big
games that we've already had
such as the State game
ECU grad student and club
member Bart Revels notes the
closeness of the guys on the team.
Gillick planning to retire as
Toronto's general manager
TORONTO (AP)?After tak-
ing a couple of days off to reflect,
general manager Pat Gillick will
go about the business of break-
ing up the Blue Jays again.
That's fine with Gillick be-
cause he has done it before.
Gillick says 1994 will be his
last as GM with Toronto. Maybe
he waited one year too long.
Think of what a perfect end-
ing it would have been for him
following Joe Carter's stunning
chree-run homer off beleaguered
Mitch Williams in Game 6 Satur-
day night to give Toronto an 8-6
win over Philadelphia and a sec-
ond straight World Series title.
The Blue Jays beat Atlanta in
six games in the Series last sea-
son and some of the key players
were Dave Winf ield, David Cone,
Jimmy Key and Tom Henke. But
all opted to sign as free agents
and the Blue Jays ended up with
12 new faces in 1993.
"There are probably five vet-
erans who won't be back Gillick
said of next year's team.
Gillick rolled up his sleeves
last winter and went to work. He
signed Paul Molitor as a free
agent to replace Winfield as the
DH. All Monitor did was win the
World Series MVP, going 12 for
24 with two homers and eight
Molitor, 37, was second to
Jon Olerud in batting at .332 with
22 homers and 111 RBIs Molitor
also had 211 hits and scored 121
Rickey Henderson led off the
ninth with a walk from Williams
in Game 6 and after Devon White
flied out. Molitor kept the Blue
Jays going with a single before
Carter joined Bill Mazerowki as
the only player to end the Series
with a home run.
Gillick also signed Dave
Stewart as a free agent, acquired
Henderson on July 31 and traded
for Tony Fernandez on June 11.
See SERIES page 12
"It's kind of a brotherhood, a
frat of sorts. All the guys are
real tight he said. "For ex-
ample, a bunch of us decided to
get a place together this year
If you have never seen a
lacrosse match before, or
haven't had a chance to see
one this season, check out the
Halloween tournament tak-
ing place on the Allied Health
field on Oct. 30, or the next
home game on Nov. 12th.
ECU hosts N.C. Wesleyan at
1 p.m Wesleyan plays N.C.
State at 2:30 p.m and then
the Pirates wrap it up with
State at 4 p.m.
Also, when you come, don't
bother bringing anything in a
glass bottle or any alcohol.
If this sport sounds like it's
for you, give Dave LeSage a call
at 752-7641, or drop by and
chat with Pat Cox in room 105
in Christenbury Gym.
Bastien buys
new team
West Virginia Wheelersowner Den-
nis Bastien yesterday announced a
deal thatwould transfer ownership
club to a group of city investors.
Under the deal Bastien will
purchase the Class AA Nashville
Xpress from Charlotte Baseball Inc.
amount of cash and ownership of
Cie Wheelers.
In rum, the city group of up to
20 investors, led by Wheelers ac-
countant Mike Patemo, will pur-
chase the Wheelers from Charlotte
Baseball for anundisclosedamount
The dealmustbe approvedby
the South Atlantic League, the Na-
tional Association of Professional
Baseball and Major League Base-
ball. Officials said the tentative clos-
ing date is December.
keep the Wheelers, of die South At-
lantic League,inthecity.Bastienhas
the Southern League, to Lexington,

October 26. 1993
The East Carolinian 11
Johns undergoes surgery on spleen ACC bowl bids
: ruptured spleen in
- game against Duke in
ijury occurred in the
rst quarter when Johns was leap-
g tor a pass from quarterback
)i Kemp and was struck in the
idsection by a Blue Devil de-
Professor dies in marathon,
winner may have cheated
"Travis went through the op-
eration fine and experienced no
complications Dr. Monte
Hunter of the Wake Forestsports
medicine staff said Monday. "He
is recuperating well and we do
not anticipate any further prob-
lems, although he will be hospi-
talized for about a week
Johns had started five games
and caught 13passesforll4yards
this season. As a fifth-year se-
nior, his career with the Demon
Deacons is over since he won't be
able to return this season.
year-old professor who died three
miles from the end of the Marine
Corps Marathon had no known
health problems and had run in
marathon before, according to his
The results of the marathon re-
mained unofficial, as of Monday, in
the race that was marred by the
death of Julius Becza, who appar-
ently had a heart attack, and contro-
versy over the winner's admission
that he cut corners.
Dominique Beriod, a French-
man running in his second mara-
thon, battled severe leg cramps over
the final six miles Sunday to finish
in 2 hours, 23 minutes, 56 seconds
? 24 seconds ahead of Esteban
Vanegas of Ecuador.
But a winner was not declared
after witnesses said Beriod cut cor-
ners on at least three occasions ?
shaving about 35 yards off the
Tragedy struck when Becza of
Point Pleasant, N.J collapsed near
the 23-mile mark at about 1 p.m.
EDT while on the George Mason
Bridge. He was airlifted to the shock-
trauma unit of the Washington
Hospital Center, where he was pro-
nounced dead at 1:30 p.m. Becza
was a professor at Monmouth Col-
lege in New Jersey. He is survived
by a wife and four children.
His son, John, 22, said his father
had run in several marathons be-
fore and had no known health prob-
Julius Becza's wife, Diane, was
waiting for him at the finish line
near the Iwo Jima Memorial. Offi-
cials paged her over the public-ad-
dress system and she was notified
of her husband's death at about 3
pmbyaNavy chaplain, Jenks said.
It was the third death in the 18-
year history of the race. A man died
in 1986 and a woman in 1990. Both
deaths were attributed to heart fail-
Beriod, whose only previous
marathon experience came two
years ago at Dijon, France, expressed
surprise and disappointment at the
questions about his winning.
"Nobody told me beforehand
what is the official course and what
is not he said through an inter-
preter. "In Europe, I am used to
people cutting corners, I saw the
opportunity and decided to take
advantage of it. Nobody told me I
couldn't do it
"Officials are reviewing video-
tapes of the race and talking to wit-
nesses said race spokesman, Ma-
rine Corps Chief Warrant Officer
Robert Jenos. Referee Maj. Rick
Nealis was expected to make a de-
cision today.
Jenks said the referee is review-
ing the rules of USA Track & Field,
is back! Look for
the first-annual
basketball tabloid
in mid-November.
It will have the
inside scoop on
"Ice" Kareem
Richardson, Lester
Lyons, "Fruky"
LaShonda Baker,
Coach Payne and
Coach Thompson.
Don't know much
about the CAA?
Pick up BOOTY
the national governing body. Rule
135 states: "Any competitor who
has been found by the referee to
have gained an unfair advantage
by intentionally shortening the
rou te of the race, cutting the course,
shall be immediately disqualified
from the competition
Witnesses said Beriod ap-
peared to have cut at least three
times ? near the 12 14- and 15-
mile markers ? gaining a total of
about 35 yards or about 5 seconds.
Vanegas, the second-place fin-
isher, cut one corner about half-
way through the course to shave
about 15 yards, the witnesses said.
Chuck Lotz of Charlotte, N.C,
was third at 2:24.50 in the men's
Holly Ebert of Ogden, Utah,
won the women's division in
2:48.04. Mary Gaylord wassecond
in 2:49.49 and Patricia Ford third
in 2:50.43. Ken Archer of Bowie,
Md beat James Adert by nearly
22 minutes to win the wheelchair
division. It was the 11th victory for
Archer, who finished at 1:49.12. J.J.
Jolnson was third at 2:28.51.
Logan applauds team's
effort, expects victories
East Carolina head coach Steve
Logan is convinced the Pirates will
start winning if thev continue their
"If our effort stays at the level
we have been getting and we start
to eliminate some of the mental
mistakes, we will win football
games Logan said Monday at his
weekly press conference.
The Pirates were penalized 12
times for 92 yards and had costly
turnovers in Saturday's 24-16 loss
to Southern Mississippi. Logan
knows that can't happen this week
if East Carolina is to be successful
against Virginia Tech.
"Until they can start to make
split-second decisions better offen-
sively, defensively and on the kick-
ing game, we're not going to win
Logan said. "We can't continue to
get 15-yard penalties on every punt
and kickoff return. If you're beaten,
you have to decide not to block the
man in the back. So afar we're not
making those kind of decisions
ECU w ill be looking for its third
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straight win against the Hokies (5-
2). The Pirates have pulled off last-
second wins the last two years of
the seven game series.
"Since I have been here, this
has been a truly exciting series
Logan said. "I enjoy coaching
againstCoach (Frank) Beamer. Each
game has come down to some last
minute heroics and I'm confident
this game will be the same
starting to
(AP) ? To retain a second-place
ranking in the A tlantic Coast Con-
ference, Virginia must overcome
a North Carolina State offense
Saturday that is probably better
than North Carolina, coach
George Welsh said Monday.
Virginia (6-1, 4-1 ACC) im-
proved from No. 21 to No. 16
after holding the Tar Heels to 101
rushing yards in a 17-10 victory
in Charlottesville Saturday.
North Carolina (7-2,4-2) was
averaging 287 yards going into
the game. North Carolina
dropped to No. 18 and slipped
into third place in the ACC.
Welsh said Monday he be-
lieves the Wolfpack (5-2,2-2) "has
a better passing attack" than
North Carolina.
"It's tough to defend them
all well, the option, the power
running game and the running
game Welsh said at his
weekly news conference.
N.C. State tailback Gary
Downs is second in the confer-
ence in rushing with 611 yards
on 125 carries.
Wolfpack wide receiver
Eddie Goines has caught 38
passes for an average of 18.3
yards a catch.
The N.C. State quarter-
back, Terry Harvey, did not
start at the beginning of the
season, but since replacing
Geoff Bender he has completed
79 of 136 passes for 1157 yards.
He has thrown eight touch-
down passes and been inter-
cepted five times.
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October 26. 1993
I I Uf? jm?
Continued from page 10
d 14 of
36 for 174 yards with three inter-
ceptions and two touchdowns.
"The offense plaved good,
and the defense played good
Mattison said, "Just when it came
down to the last play, I guess I
didn't have enough experience
to make those passes, but we'll
get the experience down the
The Pirates took a 10-3 lead
with them into half-time, but
could not keep it going through
the third quarter. The Bucs have
not been able to get that third
quarter monkey off their back.
"I'm kind of puzzled de-
fensive lineman Jeff Cooke said.
"After half-time, it is a thorn in
our side. We come out after half-
time kind of soft and have to kick
us in the butt to get us going, but
we have to overcome that prob-
lem by next week
The Pirates have only man-
aged seven points in the third
quarter this year and have al-
lowed 52.
! he ECU defense played the
t they have all year in that first
uf. I hey allowed 19 yards rush-
ing and 64 passing. Southern Miss
had only 168 total offense yards.
The team seemed rallied be-
hind Cooke. He had four solo
tackles (two for losses), three as-
sists, recovered and forced a
fumble. Statistics alone can not
explain the great game the senior
had. The whole defense hit like
there was no tomorrow.
"We knew it was going to be
a physical game safety Daren
Hart said. "Coach (Logan)
stressed to come out and be physi-
cal and we did that the first half
and pretty much did that the sec-
ond half, but we got a lot of pen-
alties and that's what killed us in
the second half
Penalties did not help mat-
ters much for the Pirates. They
were caught 12 times for 92 yards.
Forty of these came in the lack-
luster third quarter.
"Today penalties killed us in
the third quarter Hart said. "It
wasn't a lack of effort or nothing
like that, it was just penalties
This evaporated the half-time
lead quickly. ECU started out
with the ball, went three- and-
Continued from page 10
Fernandez, who struggled early
in the season with the Mets, had
nine RBIs against the Phillies to
set a record for a shortstop.
Toronto's rise to the top of
baseball started on Dec. 5, 1990,
when Gillick sent Fred McGriff
and, ironically, Fernendez to San
Diego for Carter and second
baseman Roberto Alomar. It's
possible Gillick acquired two fu-
ture Hall of Famers in one trade.
In a seemingly minor move
at the time, Hillock dealt infielder
Mike Sharperson to Los Angeles
for Juan Guzman on Sept. 22,
1987. Guzman is 40-11 lifetime
for the Blue Jays and 5-5 in the
Gillick also sent Junior Felix,
Luis Sono and Ken Rivers to Cali-
fornia for White and two minor
league pitchers in 1990. White,
perhaps the best defensive cen-
ter fielder in baseball, had 12 hits
in the AL playoffs and added
seven more against the Phillies.
The Toronto GM also hired
manager Cito Gaston. That
turned out to be a pretty good
move, too.
It seems certain the Blue Jays
will not offer Henderson a con-
tract and baseball's all-time stolen
base leader might end up with the
The right side of the infield is
secure with Olerud (.363) at first
and Alomar at second. But
Fernandez and third baseman Ed
Sprague might be replaced.
White and Carter will be back
in the outfield, but there's a possi-
bility catcher Pat Borders will not
be back.
The Blue Jays expect their fu-
ture shortstop to be Alex Gonzalez
with Carlow Delgado catching.
The pitching staff was shaky
until mid-September and Hillock
needs some starters. Toronto will
exercise its option not to pick up
Jack Morris' contract and Stewart
is a year older. Pat Hentgen (19-9)
and Guzman (14-3) are the only
sure things.
Relievers Danny Cox, Mark
Eichhhorn and Al Leiter could be
gone along with starter-reliever
Todd Stottlemyre.
Phillies GM Lee Thomas and
Gillick will revamp their shaky
pitching staffs (81 runs combined
in the six games) and make some
other key changes. Baseball is like
that, now.
out and were forced to punt. Bill
Wilson punted from his own 25-
yard line and it would be returned
to the Buc 40-yard line.
USM would then receive help
on third down. Cornerback,
Emanuel McDaniel was called for
pass interference on 3rd-and-ll.
Quarterback Kevin Bentley
would pass the Eagles to the Buc
one-yard line to set up Chris
Buckhalter's one-yard TD run.
The extra-point tied the score and
the Golden Eagles never looked
USM's running back Barry
Boyd took a 31-yard run into the
end zone with 18 seconds remain-
ing in the third and Johnny
Lomoro's point after made the
score 17-10.
And suddenly it turned gray
for the Pirates. ECU took the next
possession on their own 9-yard
line and on 3rd-and-17,
Mattison's pass went through the
hands of Jerris McPhail and it
was intercepted at the Buc 8-
yard line. Two plays la ter Howard
McGee scampered those eight
yards for a touchdown. Lomoro's
kick would open the lead to 24-
ECU started to rally back
the same problems, plaguing the
first side, the Buccaneers settled
down faster and overcame adver-
sity to dominate Mason in all
phases of the match. Casey Craig
and Matt Snyder scored the tries
converted by Steve Flippen to pro-
duce the shutout victory.
While a two-loss road trip
might be disappointing, the
ruggers don't feel that way.
Initial depression gave way
to near euphoria as the Pirates
realize what they had accom-
plished. They had played as visi-
tors against one top five team and
a second strong side. They were
not only competitive, they domi-
The East
Carolinian is now
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when McPhail caught his sec-
ond TD of the day. Mattison hit
him on a screen pass and
McPhail took off for 58 yards?
the longest pass play this sea-
son for ECU. The PAT was
muffed and kicker Chad
Holcomb was forced to throw
an incomplete pass. The score
remained 24-16.
For just the second time this
year, the Pirates got on the board
first. Holcomb connected on a
41-yard field to give the Pirates
a three to nothing lead.
Lomoro connected on a 50-
yard field goal to tie the score at
three with 9:45 left in the second
half. The Golden Eagle defense
keyed on ECU back Junior Smith
and were successful. Smith,
ECU's leading rusher, gained
74 yards rushing.
ECU's first touchdown
came on a six-yard pass from
Mattison to McPhail with 4:52
remaining in the first half. The
Pirates jogged into the locker
room with a 10-3 lead. McPhail
would catch six passes for 107
yards on the day.
The Pirates will head north
next Saturday to take on Virginia
Tech (5-2) at Blacksburg, Va.
Continued from page 10
nated much of both games.
East Carolina dispelled any
notion they are not up to playing
with the big boys.
They gave Maryland a
thrashing in the second half
which the Terrapins barely sur-
The big plus for the Pirates
is that if they play Maryland
again, they know they have what
it will take to get through to the
Territorial Championships.
The Pirates play their old en-
emy, North Carolina, at Chapel
Hill on Saturday for the North
Carolina championship.
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The East Carolinian, October 26, 1993
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 26, 1993
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