The East Carolinian, June 30, 1993

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at the iawn O.
i&natd Show- J'frer -?
July 3rd
July 4-fJ-
The East Carolinian
Vol. 68 No. 40
Circulation 5,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Wednesday, June M), 1995
8 Pages
Legislator School focuses on educational future
Junior and senior high students participate in leadership
development workshop held on the ECU campus
By Laura Allard
Photo by Cedric Van Bursn
Junior high students perform a play during their leadership development workshop held on the campus of
ECU. The program, which is known as Legislator School, is coordinated by Katee Tully.
Staff Writer
The Legislature School at
East Carolina University is host-
ing junior and senior high
school students in a leadership
development workshop.
The program, coordinated
by Katee Tully, includes four
areas of concentration: conflict
resolution, community service,
information communication
(new technology) and commu-
nication skills.
Through these seminars
and workshops, Tully hopes to
help students to build a foun-
dation on which they may en-
hance their thinking and prob-
lem-solving skills. She also
hopes these students will be-
come aware of community con-
cerns and become agents of
The program utilizes non-
traditional and experimental
By Molly Perkins
Staff Writer
Are you sick of Greenville?
Do you feel likeyou'vebeen there
and done it all in the Emerald
City? Well, some ECU students
are doing something about it.
Twenty-one students from ECU
are going to spend their fall and
spring semesters studying at other
campuses. Some of these cam-
puses are as close as Raleigh and
others as far away as Australia.
The students are partici-
pants in the National Student Ex-
change (NSE) and the Interna-
tional Student Exchange Program
(ISEP). Students in the NSE pro-
gram will be studying in places
such as Idaho, Delaware and Ha-
waii. Participants in the ISEP are
traveling to Australia, the Neth-
erlands, Togo (in western Africa)
and England.
"The advantage is in ex-
panding the student's horizons
and getting access to courses that
may not be taught at their regular
campuses said Stephanie
Evanchoof the International Pro-
grams Center at ECU.
"Everyonecan go Evancho
said. "The only requirement is a
2.5 GPA and we're very flexible
with that
Evancho explained thatget-
ting into the program at E"U is
notvery competitive.She said that
cost usually turns people away
from participating in NSE or ISEP.
The programs are not too
expensive. In fact, students pay
their regular ECU tuition along
with an application fee, the room
and board charges of the school
they attend, transportation and
spending money.
"Of course students always
spend more in a new place, trying
to soak up thecultureand experi-
ence the lifestyle of the place
Evancho said. "But still, it'sa good
Students decide on three to
five places that they would like to
go and then wait to hear where
they are going. The choices go
through Washington D.C. for
placement. In the NSE, students
usually get their first choice,
Evancho said.
The students get credit for
the hours they complete at other
campuses and the credit counts
toward graduation. Students can
take classes in their major or as
General College requirements.
Senior Brian Pack is going to
the University of Delaware to
study his major, art. Pack said he
chose to spend the year in Dela-
ware because he needed a change,
i also like the location of the
school,close to Philadelphia, D.C,
New York, all for the low price of
ECU tuition
Junior David Morgan will
Rock damages trash truck
Recydins program reacts to damaged vehicle
Staff Reports
The East Carolinian
ECU'S recycling program
received a setback this weekend
when an unknown person threw
a rock through the window of the
recycling truck.
The truck is used campus-
wide in a program which enables
participants to deli ver recyclable
materials to a location near them
at some time during the week.
The truck runs on a sched-
ule which places it in various ar-
easaround campus, including the
Medical School, each day of the
Because of the damage in-
curred upon the vehicle, the pro-
gram was forced to make some
"We had to adjust to the
loss of the that vehicle hazard
waste manager George
Armistead said. "We didn't have
it Monday and we had to use a
Collection at the Medical
School on Tuesday was delayed
due to the large quantitiesof ma-
terials that the school usually re-
tains. Armistead said that the
pickup truck was not sufficient
for this task because of its de-
creased load capacity.
Armistead said that the re-
cycling truck has now been re-
paired. However, this week's
schedule has been shifted to ac-
commodate the delay caused by
the incident.
They are
still here
continue to
inhabit ECU
themselves to
college life.
Tully hopes to
help students to
build a
foundation on
which they may
enhance their
thinking and
learning techniques. Tully says
this is why "there are no tradi-
tional days" in the leadership
program. Students are involved
in something new each day.
The program is held ev-
ery summer and each session
has a particular theme for the
students to focus on. This year's
theme involves designing
schools of the future.
On the last evening of
the first program, July 1, the
students will attend a town
meeting and present their
ideas for future schools to a
panel of educational, govern-
ment, business and industry
The program consists of
two two-week sessions. The
first, which is going on right
now, is for junior high school
students, and the second,
scheduled to begin July 4, is
for senior high school stu-
Students are nominated
by their school and chosen by
a selection committee. Two
students are chosen from each
school in the 51 most eastern
counties of North Carolina.
A comparable program
exists at Western Carolina for
students from the 49 western
Fundraiser held
to benefit NCLR
By Phebe Toler
Photo by Cedric
Van Buren
Staff Writer
A Saturday afternoon
turnout of about 250 people
experienced a rich mixture of
cultural entertainment in a
country setting (complete with
cows) in hopes of raising
nearly $1,000 to benefit the
"North Carolina Literary Re-
view The fundraiser took
place on June 26 at Mclntyre's
Fine Books just outside of
Chapel Hill, in the Barn at
Fearrington Village.
Published jointly by the
East Carolina English Depart-
ment and the North Carolina
Literary and Historical Asso-
ciation, the semi-annual jour-
nal contains interviews, es-
says, poetry and articles by
area writers. Alex Albright, a
professor of nonfiction writ-
ing at ECU, edits the publica-
With Greensboro writer
Fred Chappell serving as mas-
ter of ceremonies, talented
North Carolina writers, poets
and musicians entertained the
crowd from 1 to 5 p.m alter-
nating musical performances
between 50-minute blocks of
time for readings.
At 1 p.m writer Frances
Wellman began the first set of
readings, followed by Bertie
Fearing, John Patterson, Fred
Chappell, Mary Jarrell and Jef-
frey Beam.
I The 2 p.m. block included
James Applewhite, Doris
Betts, Emily Herring Wil-
son, Mark Smith-Soto,
Andy Duncan, Joseph
Bathanti and Sally Buckner.
Reading at 3 p.m. were
Heather Ross Miller, Betty
Adcock, Linda Flowers,
Robin Hemley, Philip
Gerard, Mary Kratt and
Sally Sullivan.
At 4 p.m writers
Michael Parker, Bland
Simpson, Shelby
Stephenson and Marjorie
Hudson read. Finishing up
the writers was Adam
Schonbrun, accompanied
by Lightnin' Wells new
bluespoetry show, who re-
cited a risque poem con-
cerning masturbation.
Writers Beam, Gerard,
Simpson and Stephenson
also sang and played music
in addition to the perform-
ing bluegrass bands.
"The talent exhibited
was an effective balance of
old school and new stuff
explained Albright. "The
benefit was definitely a suc-
cess. We will do it again,
but next time in the cooler
months of the fall or
Gift certificates from
local bookstores, signed
copies of limited book cop-
ies and ECU T-shirts were
given as prizes. Fearrington
Market Cafe catered the
bookstore benefit.
Historical preservation committee approves 11 buildings for protection
By Scott Vanhorne
Staff Writer
The ECU Board of Trustees
have created a new Historical Pres-
ervation Commi ttee in order to pro-
tect some of ECU's most histori-
cally significant buildings.
The committee was founded
after theGreenvilleHistoricPreser-
vation Commission suggested that
13 of ECU's buildings should be
nominated for listing in the Na-
tional Register of Historic Places.
The Historical Preservation
Committee, formed by tfle Board of
Trustees on April 30,1993, will be
"responsible for the review and ap-
proval of any proposed architec-
tural changes to those buildings
which generally meet the criteria
for listing in the National Register
according to the motion proposed
by the Finance and Facilities Com-
"I'm glad that ECU is taking
an interest in preserving histori-
cally significant buildings said
Karen Vail-Smith, a member of the
Greenville Historic Preservation
Committee. "I think that this ad-
ministration has done a lot to help
preserve ECU's historic heritage
However, only 11 buildings
were listed as meeting the criteria.
Cotton Dormitory, built in
1924, was named after Sailie
Southali Cotton. She and her hus-
band worked tohelpestablishECU
in Greenville. The building itself is
noticeably marked with the tile roof,
which continues the Spanish-mis-
sion styleof architecture thatcan be
seen in the original dormitories.
dedicated in the name of Edwara
Gaskill Flanagan. The facility was
built using funds from both the
stateand the Public Works Admin-
Fleming Dormitory, 1922-23,
was named after James L. Fleming,
a state senator who introduced leg-
islation to establish the Enst Caro-
lina Teachers Training School.
Graham Building, 1929, was
named after Maria Daniel Graham,
who founded the Math Depart-
Jarvis Dormitory, 1908-09,
was named after Thomas Jordan
Jarvis, who oversaw the construc-
tion of the campus and is consid-
ered to be "The Father of ECU
Mamie Jenkins Building was
built in 1909. Jenkins was an En-
glish teacher at ECTC from 1909
until 1946.
Messick Theatre Arts Center,
1927, was named for John Decatur
Messick, a former president of
East Carolina. The building was
once used to provideelementary
school space, but, in 1972, Green-
ville and ECU opened Wahl-
Coa tes Publ ic School, thus reliev-
ing ECU of having to provide
elementary school space.
Ragsdale Hall, 1923, was
named after William Henry
Ragsdale. Originally the build-
ing was called the Ragsdale Fac-
. " ? '

June 30, 1993
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
Women lag in pay despite gains in degrees
untingthesuca omeninhigher
education itai latthefemalegenderisfallingbehindtheir
ounterparts in earned dollars. An American Council on
Education report has shown that while the number of women
who had completed at least four years of college has more than
doubled, their pay, on average, falls 31 percent behind men with
the same education. The report also stated that these women
generally remain in low-paying and Stereotypically "female"
occupations, despite their educations and qualifications for higher
paying jobs. The gap appears to be narrowing, however, as 1986
statistics placed the difference in pay at 35 percent.
Custodians compete at Olympics
CustodiansatKansasand Iowa universities competed in the
first-ever Custodial Olympics held at the University of Kansas in
late May. Over 165 custodians from the University' of Kansas,
Wichita State University, Kansas State University and Iowa State
University competed along with Kansas state government work-
ers in theday-longevent. Teamsof housekeepers substituted wet
sponges and mop buckets for the javelins and shotputs found in
the traditional Olympic games. Events included the wet sponge
throw, in which people stood in trash barrels and participants
threw wet sponges at them, along with a chariot race that called
for custodians to negotiate an obstacle course with a mop bucket.
Clemson proposes smoking ban
A recommendation by a Clemson University panel that
most of the South Carolina institutions become smoke-free has
put the state's tobacco industry in a slow burn, with some growers
threatening to cut off grant money to the state primarily agricul-
tural school. Some school officials say that a ban on smoking on
campus is strictly health-based, but tobacco growers say the
proposal would deny smokers their rights and question a recent
report by the Environmental Protection Agency about the dan-
gers of secondhand smoke. Clemson is South Carolina's only
land-grant institution, receiving about $280,000 in grant money
from tobacco interests, including RJR Reynolds. Reynolds funds
a faculty position in the university's Department of Agriculture
and Natural Resources and several scholarships for students.
Compiled by Warren Sumner. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
ults Club, then it was changed to
Ragsdale Dormitory and now it is
called Ragsdale Hall.
Spilman Building, 1929-30,
was na med in honor of John Ba rha m
Spilman, a former treasurer of East
Carolina College.
Whichard Building, 1923,was
dedicated for David Julian
Whichard in 1962. Whichard sup-
ported East Carolina both politi-
cally and financially. 1 he Whichard
Building was originally used as a
Wright Aud itorium, 1923-27,
wasoriginallv named the Social Re-
ligious Building, but it was later
renamed after Robert H. Wright, a
former president of ECTTS.
Although both the Infirmary
and the "Old, South Cafeteria"
were built before 1930, they were
left off of the Committee's list.
The "Old, South Cafeteria"
now houses Financial Aid, the Ar-
chaeology Laboratory, Central
Printing, The East Carolinian, the
offices for Maintenance and the
Institute for Coastal and Marine
Resources. The facility was built
in 1908, however, over the years it
hasbeen renovated and expanded.
In a 1915 fire, the building was
almost burnt to the ground.
The Infirmary wras built in
1930 in order to replace the "old
infirmary which was the Mamie
Jenkins Building.
News writer's meeting at 2:30. Photos for
media passes will be taken between 2-5
today, be prepared and please come.
be going to Boise State University
in Idaho in the fall.
"I took forward to the-differ-
ent environment said Morgan.
in one place. I like to go to my
Morgan said he chose Idaho
because of the availability of out-
door activities like rock climbing
and kayaking. Morgan knows no
one in Boise, Idaho but says he
looks forward to going because he
gets a thrill from being fiercely
independent. ECU became a
member of the NSE program in
More than 90 other campuses
participate in the programand en-
courage students to exchange
ber campuses.
While 21 ECU students
travel to faraway places in the
fall, the same number will be
coming to ECU.
U.S. schools sending stu-
dents here in the fall are the Uni-
versity of Maine, the University
of Wisconsin, Illinois State and
theState University of New York
(SUNY). Students from Vaxjo
University in Sweden, LUISS in
Italy, University of Salvador in
Argentina, MSTI Angers in
France and the University of
Marburgin Germany will be call-
ing ECU home for the fall and
spring semesters. The students
will live in dorms on campus,
although some may choose to
live off campus.
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Nothing to do during
summer school?
These people know better.
Softball: Men's - Renegades; Co-Rec - Math Dummy's
3 on-3 Basketball: Men's - Cronic Hive
Tennis Singles: Women's - Debra Riffle, Serena lanora
Frisbee Golf: Men - John Whitley; Women - Julie Wallace
Roundball Rama: Men - Scott Bass (overall), Paul Anderson (3
Point Shootout); Women - Dawn Lynn (Free Throw & Hot Shots),
Kristen Rosignolo (3 Point Shoot Out)
Mass Schedule:
SUN: 11:30 AM and 8:30 PM
WED: 5:30 PM
All Masses are at the Center.
Fr. Paul Vaeth, Chaplaik & Campus Minister
Teresa Lee, associate Campus Minister.
Now you can too.
Frisbee Golf; July 5 - 4:00pm; Bio 103
Basketball H-O-R-S-E; July 7 - 3:30pm; Christenbury Gym
Putt-Putt Golf; July 12 - 4:00pm; Bio 103
1-on-1 Basketball; July 13 - 4:00pm; Bio 103
18 Hole Golf; July 19 - 4:00pm; Bio 103
Big Splash Golf Bonanza; July 20 - 4:00pm; Bio 103
For more details call ECU Recreational Services at 757-6387.
Position Available
Circulation Manager
The circulation manager is responsible for
all aspects of distribution and circulation of
Thcliasi Carolinian, both on and off campus.
The manager also is responsible for sales
of new subscriptions, location, and
maintenance of all newspaper boxes, the
scheduled maintenance of The East
Carolinian van & other assigned tasks. Must
b( an i:c:u student, maintain a 2 o average,
and It aye a working knowledge of Excel.

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Not valid with any other promotional oner.
Apply at Tliellust Cnrdlinian, 2nd floor.
Sit Kiel it Publications building. 757-6366.
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The East Carolinian
Page 3
Alternative edge brought home
Gravity's Pull will emerge from Chapel Hill
this weekend to entertain Greenville
By Mark Brett
Photo courtesy ot Gravity's Pull
Gravity's Pull
Staff Writer
Sue Ivanitch thinks that art is
a practical profession. That alone
is reason enough to go see her
band, Gravify's Pull, when they
perusing their new three-song EP,
"Fat Boy Jesus 1 havediscovered
even more reasons why Gravity's
Pull will be the band to catch this
Hailing originally from Dela-
ware, the band is now based in
Chapel Hill, satellite Mebane.
While Mebane is not exactly a hot-
bed of musical innovation,
Gravity's Pull offers a genuinely
fresh alternative rock sound,
which puts them ahead of most
Chapel Hill bands. Don'texpect a
from these guys, and don't even
think about REM. This is music
with teeth.
"Fat Boy Jesus" seems to
showcase the band's interests.
"Boy the best track, is a smart
and funnv love song that plavs on
the band's early folk influences.
Some nice lyrics: "(Love is) so
mental, it's physical (and if you
don't get that, you've been dating
the wrong peop'e); and "So
strange the things we drink for
love then of course, the head-
ache Funny, funny stuff.
The other two stings are ?ixk1
hard guitar pop. "Fat American
Pie" is a smoker about America's
wasteful habits with a disturbingly
odd train of references to "The Cat
in the Hat" thrown in for unknown
reasons. The last track, "Jesus
Complex is about the way
women are made into martyrs by
our society's attitudes toward
them; this one's not funny at all.
Gravity's Pull offers some nice
guitar-oriented alternative rock
with a subtle edge of surreal hu-
mor. Which is to say, they're not
quite like anyone else out there,
even though they don't do any-
thing particularly innovative. Sort
of like the stuff that comes out of
Greenville, except different. But
they're nice kids, and thev'redriv-
ing three or four hours to get here,
so go see 'em. And be nice; we
might want them to come back.
Don Johnson gives 'Guilty as Sin' life
Screaming Trees
barely satisfies
Sidney Lumet still is no household name, wastes talent on throwaway films
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
What has happened to Sidney
The most recent edition of The
Enaclopcdia of Film states: "WTien
the history of American film since
1950 is written, the name of Sidney
Lumet will loom large"
Lumet's most recent film,
"Guilty as Sin seems to argue oth-
"Guilty as Sin" stars Don
Johnson as David Greenhill, a ma-
nipulative womanizer who literally
Greenhill hires Jennifer Haines
(Rebecca De Momay in a credible
performance) to defend him, then
proceeds to rum her life intoa night-
Today: Sex and Alcohol
QUESTION: I have heard that
there is an increased risk for con-
tracting HIV if you are drunk. Is
this true?
ANSWER: The risk of acquir-
ing HIV or any other sexu-
ally transmitted disease
(STD) is greater t
when people mix
alcohol with j
sexual activity.
This is true for
several reasons.
When people have
had tcxi much to
drink, judgment is
impaired which leads
to poor decision-making.
For example, a person who is re-
ally intoxicated may engage in a
sexual situation that they might
later regret. Most collegestudents
are familiar with the term "beer
goggles"?when a person drinks
to the point where anyone looks
sexually appealing. The basic
premise of beer goggling is best
summed up by the popular phrase,
"Go to bed at two o'clock
t with a lOand wakeupat
10 o'clock with a two"
(this phrase applies
for both genders).
The problem with
I beer goggles is that
people may end up
in a sexual situation
with someone who is
unfamiliar and of an
unknown STD status.
Acquaintance rape is also
more likelv to occur when one or
both of the partners has been
Secondly, when people are re-
allv drunk, it is less likelv that
Greenhill insinuates to her co-
workers that he and Haines have a
relationship when they do not. One
day he picks up her dry cleaning,
then shoves the clothes in a suitcase
which he leaves with Haines' secre-
tary, telling her that Haines forgot
He also stops by to talk to
Answered by Jennifer Phillips,
Student Health Services
contraceptive devices such as a
condom will be used correctly, if
at all. Absence of a contraceptive
device puts both parties at risk for
pregnancv and STD's. Here is a
sobering statistic: Women stand a
one in five chance of encountering
asexual partner infected with geni-
tal warts or chlamydia.
When alcohol is used in ex-
cess, it compromises the immune
system. A compromised immune
system makes the human body
more vulnerable to diseases, in-
cluding HIV disease.
Finally, alcohol is a depres-
sant that hinders sexual perfor-
mance. Some people report that
they feel more ot a desire to par-
ticipate in sexual activities when
thev are drunk. The reality is that
alcohol impairs the ability to reach
orgasm for both men and women.
Jennifer's boyfriend at work. When
her beau tells her to drop Greenhill,
she finds that the judge will not al-
low it. As a lawver, she now must
maintain her oath by defending
Greenhill to the best of her abilities,
even though she detests him.
Greenhill wants to toy with
By Marjone McKinstry
Staff Writer
The Screaming Trees, Soul
Asylum, Spin Doctors concert
combination touringthecounrry
this summer stopped briefly by
Walnut Creek on June 19 for an
electric evening of high energy
grunge and non-headbanging
lyric oriented music. Unfortu-
nately, the tempting musical com-
bination proved less successful
than many fans wished, due
mostly to the variations between
each band's performance.
The Screaming Trees opened
with a solid half hour of raucous
noise. One song blended intoan-
otherasthevolumecranked. Au-
dience members started popping
ear plugs in an almost synchro-
nized manner. For those people
unfamiliar with the Trees'grunge
sound, further entertainment
could be found watching thean-
Dum bass and guitar plavers.
The guitarist seemed espe-
cially fond of rolling across the
stage while dropping into rever-
ent stance over his awesome in-
strument,and poundinghishead
in to the ground. As his long black
hair encircled the air a round both
his head and his guitar, one con-
cert goer whispered fervently, "I
hope he gets his hair caught in
the strings
Of course, most of the early
crowd arrived to see the Trees,
and was therefore mesmerized
by the performance, chanting lyr-
ics in a similarly indistinguish-
able manner as the band. Their
fans exuded loyalty. When the
guitaristattempted a somersault
(missed and fell over) and at-
tempted to play off his acro-
batic faux pas, one Screaming
Trees fanatic leaned over to
his buddy and sighed, "Did
you ever see so much focused
energy in a band?"
Eventually though, the
Trees left the stage, making
way for Soul Asylum, a Min-
neapolis-based band that has
wavered on the brink of star-
dom for almosta decade. With
the release of their album,
Grave Dancers Union, the band
appears to be breaking into
the mainstream. If their live
performance is indicative of
their futureabiliries, Soul Asy-
lum will probably dominate
the market in the next few
years, unless the
mainstreaming of their music
cuts the edge off their sound.
The audience responded
well to Soul Asylum, most of
the seats and the majority of
the blankets were vacant since
everyone was either dancing
or headbanging (a contagious
condition caught from the pre-
vious set). The band's style
varied enormously, from the
softer more subtle "Runaway
Train" to the enormously
popular "Somebody to
Shove the lyrics of which
could be heard emanating
from mouths in all directions.
Unfortunately, Soul Asylum
could not stay on stage for-
ever, and soon, the Spin Doc-
tors had their chance to im-
press the audience.
Actually, the band did not
have to do much work; the
crowd was so hyped for the
See BANDS page A
The Allman
Brothers (left)
will send
fireworks at
Walnut Creek
Saturday. Friday
night's show will
be Don Henley.
Photo courtesy ot
Epic Records
Jazz Festival draws diverse crowd
By Kris Hoffler
ECU art student featured in Raleigh
Staff Reports
The East Carolinian
Pain tings by 1993 masters of fine
arts graduates form the state's three
largest university art programs com-
pn an exhibition that opened Sun-
day, June 20, at Lee Hansley Gallery
in downtown Raleigh.
Gallerv owner Lee Hansley se-
lected one artist each from ECU, the
U NC -Chapel Hill and UNC-Greens-
boro to be featured in what he plans
as an annual exhibition showcasing
new talent.
The inaugural new breed show
features three painters ? Kiyomi
Talaulicar of ECU, Jacob Cooley of
UNCand Richard Weaver of UNC-
G. All are 1993 masters of fine arts
Figurative painter Talaulicar of
Greenville has studied at ECU since
199()and priortothatatlndiana Uni-
versity in Bh lomington. Sheearned a
BFA in paintingfrom the Sir J.J.School
of Art in Bombay, India, in 1986.
Her works have been shown in
juried exhibitions in Kinston and
( ,reen illeasyvellasinPortilevN.M
and in New Delhiand Bombay inner
native India. She has shown in group
exhibitionsin .reenvilleandTarhoro
Khjomi Talaulicar
and in Goa and Bombav, India.
Talaulicar was awarded the
Gravely Foundation Scholarship
twice at ECU and the Liquitex Excel-
lence in Art University A waai at ECl!
List year.
pnmarilv with "vulnerability of the
human mind as the centra I theme. It
aliows me to explore unlimited con-
cepts, emotions and suites of being
related ti k ircumstances. The desired
effect is a realizatn mi (f the beaut)' of
life as constant transition, resisting
"The New Breed: Recent MFAs
from ECU, UNC, UNC-G" will re-
main on view through July 22 at Lee
Hansley Gallery. The gallery is lo-
cated at 16 W. Martin St Suite 201, in
the Capital Club Building in down-
town Raleigh.
Gallery hours are Tuesday
through Friday from 11 am to f pm
and Saturday from 11 am to4 pm.
Staff Writer
It has been said that jazz is the
one true American art form. England
has Handel,GermanyBeethoven,and
Austria Mozart, but America has
produced the likes of Miles Davis,
Coltrane, 'Diz' and 'Bird
Bom from the blues, swing and
big band, jazz has broken into unex-
plored musical territory with the ad-
vent of Bebop, cool jazz and fusion.
This past Saturday night at Hardee's
Walnut Creek Amphitheatre, jazz
reared its soulful head at the Rex
Classic Night of Stars with hot and
cool jazz featuring Michael Franks,
David Benoit, Yellowjackets, Diane
Shuur and.Norman Brown.
The audience was unusually di-
verse with a mixture of college stu-
dents, yuppies and an older crowd
that could probably remember jazz
in its vounger davs.
It was evident that this crowd
was here to revel in the music and
savor the abilities of some incredibly
talented musicians. Unlike most con-
certs I have attended, this was no
generation gathering or MTV gener-
ated scene, these people were here for
the music.
The show opened with the
Yellowjackets. Their set mainly con-
sisted of some up tempo hopcompo-
sitions interspersed with a few me-
lodic ballads. Ending their set with a
tribute to Dizzv Gillespie, the
Yellow)ackets laid down some seri-
ous improvisations with a memiv
rable sax solo and a drum solo that
brought many to their feet.
The stage setupconsisted ofblack
curtains for a backdrop and two sets
of lights suspended from the ceiling.
The sparseness and simplicity of the
stage helped in keeping the atmo
sphereaizy,likesomeoversized night
dub. A perfect feeling for the talents
of the second performer.
The audience began tocheerasa
short, smiling lady was led from back
stage to her bench at a huge grand
piano. Diane Shuurbroughta special
blues flavor to the show. Her vocal
strength and range were undeniable
and complemented qu ite well by only
a bass player and drummer.
There w ereobviously some fans
of Shuur in the crowd, inbetween
songs you could hear shouts of "Go
girl to which she answered "I'm
going. I'm going
In the biased opiniory.f this re-
porter, she was the best and most
enjoyable act. Her dialogue with the
audience and the sheer amount of
soul she produced kep- everyone
smiling. For those of you who don't
know, Shuur is blind, a fact that gave
a hint erf respect to the audience's
Thenextact to take the stage was
Benoit, a composer and paino stylist,
accompanied by guitar bass,saxand
drums. His set, with the exception oi
one son g, was ccntnved of originals,
which most of those in attendance
seemed to be familiar with. Ihey
ended theirset witha 15 minute ver-
sion oi the theme from Peanuts, or
Linus and Lucy, with each instru-
mentalist getting a chance to wield
their improvisational swords, cut-
ting the structure of the song and
reshaping it into new forms.
Franks was the final act to ta ke
the stage for the evening. Franks'
career has lasted 20 years with 11
albums under his belt,and he seems
to remain in a consistent commer-
cial peak with album sales in the
range of 300,000. His songs are lyri-
cally impressive, as they should be
for a man with a Ph.D in compara-
tive literature. He tries to capture
the subtle aspects of human rela-
tionships or just harp on the trials
and tribulations of romance.
The music is a cross between
soft popandjazz,Tcouldn'thelp but
thinkof Roxy Musicwith the band's
lusty romantic balJadsand theplay-
ful upbeat runes that are Frank's
Thistypeof music is perfect for
mmance, but it lacks the punch that
lneed froma live rrtbrmance.They
did plav some upbeat tunes that
were memorable,especially "When
Sly Calls" for thequality ot the lyrics
and the sax and guitar interchang-
ing solos. ToquoteBi II CosbyThis
is the best elevator music I ever
Overall, I will have to say that
this was an immensely pleasing
show and the quality oi the music
left one feeling fulfilled.
Not only was it a great show,
bu t the proceeds will be donated to
the Rex Classic to support breast
cancer awareness community out-
reach programs in Wake County.
Noble music for a noble cause.

June 30, 1993
ntinuedfrompage 3
e musi-
peo pie
igain to
It hiur, the po and
t was? almost
ed, or
. ming too
II probably never
Tart of the way through the
music started spiralling
nward in a psuedo-
psychadelic frenzy. During a light
reminiscent ot Oliver
Stone's The Doors, the lead singe;
reminded the worshipful audi-
that "Science is just a mv-
Ihology Really deep stuff.
The East
is currently looking
for a dedicated
individual to fill the
position of Copy
Persons interested
should be very
familiar with AP
style and formal
preferred, but not
Serious individuals
should apply at The
East Carolinian
offices in the
Student Pubs
Building, 2nd floor.
Th loctors came out
uick encore, serenading
the crowd with the personality
quirks ot "Little Miss Can't Be
W rong'and a couple of their less
known songs,then they weregone.
As the crowd filed out of the
stadium, reactions were mixed.
Most people appeared basically
satisfied with the night, but few
leit with a musical high.
fSoul Asylum had headlined,
people would not have left satis-
fied; they would have left ecstatic
Continued from page 3
ing them squirm. His sleaziness
makes him proud.
Johnson clearly relishes his role
because he givesa killer performa nee
(no pun intended). Everv time he
appears on the screen the audience
needs to readjust themselves in their
seat because he can make people, on
screen and oii, verv uncomfortable.
The story offers little that has not
been seen before. Psychosa ppear in a
new film every month nowadays.
The only real reason to see this film
would be to relish Johnson's over the
top performance.
Which again brings up the ques-
tion about the director.
Sidney Lumethasbeen in Holly-
wood for over 35 years and has di-
rected a handful oi some of the best
films during that time including
"Serpico "Network "Dog Day
Jf Center
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Afternoon "The Verdict" and his
masterpiece, " I he Pawnbroker
Why would an accomplished sep-
rmgenarianacoeptan offer tod frect
d film that should liave been done
"Guilty asSin" isnota bad film;
it is just not a particularly good tne.
It certainly would not have looked
much different had a iess experi-
enced director taken the helm.
Lately, Lumethasmisplaced his
sensibilities. He has directed such
throwaway films as "Q & A
"Power "Family Business" and
"The Morning After
When Pauline Kael reviewed
"The God rather III she lamented
the decline of Francis Ford Coppola
saying that few directors have had
a fall so precipitous and so pro-
longed. Sidney Lumet can be said
to have fallen into that company.
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Returning Students
If you plan to live off campus, you can eliminate at least one long line by arranging
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Option A: No Deposit Required
At your parents' request, your uiility
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up a "Request for Utility Service" applica-
tion from room 2! 1 in the Off Campus
Housing Office. Whichard Building or at
Greenville Utilities' mam office, 200 W 5th
Have your parents complete the
application (which must he notarized)
mail it to GUC, P.O Box !847, Greenville,
N.C. 27835-1847, alt Customer Service
?Remember to attach a Idler ol
credit" Irom your parents' power eoinpan)
Option B: Deposit Required
If you wish to have the utility service put in
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in advance Be sure to include your name, where
service will Iv required, when service is to be cut
on and a phone number where we may reach you
prior ?' your arrival at the service address

"T- .1.1 ??
Page 5
For Rent
tor ta caKing
applications I 95.00 per
month. Lease and deposit re-
quired. Duffus Realty, Inc. 756-
For Ren Roommate Wanted ff Help Wanted Greek E3 Services Offered
Ringgold Towers
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9191 323-0415 or 484-3039
MENTS. New 2 bedrooms on
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semester. Now taking applica-
tions. $385.00 pm. Lease and
deposit required. Duffus Realty,
Inc 756-2675.
'Kingston Place. $150.00 each, all
utilities included except tele-
phone and cable. Call Mike
Simon at (703) 560-8779.
MATURE male roommate
needed to share 3 bedroom house
in a QUITE neighborhood.
$200.00 a month and 1 3 utili-
ties. Call 355-8783 after 6 pm.
Now Taking Leases tor
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
I Roommate Wanted
needed to share two bedroom
apartment close to campus.
Available July L Low utilities.
Water and cable included in rent.
Non-smoker preferred. Call Jeri
at 758-8836 for more informa-
to share two bedroom for 2nd
SS, $170 rent for July plus 12
utilities, 1 2cable.Call321-2359.
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gram call 1-206-634-0468 ext.
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5566 ext. 5920.
PART TIME HELP needed im-
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758-0913, leave message.
For Sale
chine. Complete with leg and
butterfly attachments. Full
weight band set. $500. Call War-
ren 752-7761.
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ers, motorhomes, by FBI, IRS,
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Call 1-800-436363 ext. C-5999.
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fjflfj Personals
FREE KITTENS! 5 weeks old,
litter trained, healthy, great with
people, and cute! You gotta love
'em! Call 752-2248. You Want
The Newman Catholic Student
Center invites the summer students
& guests to worship with them. Sun-
day masses: 11:30 A.M. & 8:30 P.M.
(followed by refreshments) at the
Newman Center, 953 E 10th Street,
right next to the East end of the cam-
pus. Join us also on Wednesday eve-
nings for Mass at 5.30 P.M. followed
by fellowship. For further informa-
tion, call Fr. Paul Vaeth, 757-1991.
Have you seen it? Are you in it?
Have you picked up your FREE copy?
ECU's premier edition of our video
yearbook - The Treasure Chest! To
get your free tape, bring your student
ID by the Media Board office, 2nd
floor, Student Publications Building
(across from Joyner Library). Hurry.
Supplies are limited. Come by now.
Beach Horseback riding adven-
ture! Recreational Services will offer
a beach horseback riding trip to Ce-
dar Island, NC, July 11 Enjoy a Sun-
day afternoon along the dunes of one
of North Carolina's most scenic
beaches. The cost is S45 for students.
Register now through July 7 in 204
Play H-O-R-S-E Recreational
Services will be offering a basketball
horse competition Wednesday, July
7 at 3:30 p.m. in Christenbury Gym
Men's and women'sdivisionsoffered.
Drop in and give it a shot! Call 757-
6387 for more details.
Employment opportunities are
available to students who are inter-
ested in becoming PERSONAL CARE
ATTENDANTS to students in wheel-
Past experience is desired, but not
required. If interested, contact either
of the following: Office Coordinator,
124 Cotton Hall, telephone: (919) 757-
6180; Office for Disability Support
Services, Brewster A-116 or A-114,
telephone: (919) 757-6799.
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Any organization may use the Announce-
ments Section of The East Cjdinian to list
activities and events open to the public two
times freeof charge. Duetothelimitedamouit
of space, The East Carolinian cannot guaran-
tee the publication of announcements
Monday 4 p.m. for
Wednesday s edition.
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The East Carolinian
Page 6
Loan reform proposed
Joe of All Trades
By Joe Horst
Federal program could make col-
lege more affordable and loans
easier to pay off
This is for all of you out there who don't have
warm fuzzy feelings for Bill Clinton; if you're a
student, you should care, since it involves you. If
you've ever had a student loan to pay off, you can
The Clinton Administration has proposed a
bill that deals with a new student lending program.
This proposal entails the reform of the current loan
system, which has been a constant headache (make
that a migraine) for those who must borrow money
for their education.
Isn't that a silly thing to have to worry about?
Some European nations provide a free, quality edu-
cation on through the graduate level. How sad it is
to think that in America some kids must miss out
simply because they don't have the money. One
must ask where exactly our priorities are, since for
the longest time, our government has found other
things to strike their fancy. Now, finally, some people
who give a hoot.
The Student Loan Reform Act of 1993 replaces
the Federal Family Education Loan Program with
the Federal Direct Student Loan Program, a system
of direct federal lending that reduces costs for tax-
payers by substituting federal borrowing for more
expensive private capital and eliminating excess
By eliminating subsidies to lenders and mak-
ing loans directly to students, the direct lending
program will save taxpayers $4.3 billion through
fiscal year 1998, and $2 billion per year thereafter.
The streamlined system will also be easier to under-
stand and simpler to administer.
The plan proposes a phase-in over a four-year
period, beginning in academic year 1994-95. The
goal is full implementation in academic year 1997-
Many schools will be able to make ? or origi-
nate ? loans directly to students, although none
will be required to under the President's proposal. In
addition to certifying the eligibility of students and
parents, providing loan counseling, and disbursing
loans to borrowers (as schools do now) participating
institutions would also execute the direct loan promis-
sory note and keep a check on transactions.
To hem defray administrative costs (don't ya
just hate those?), the Department of Education will
pay a fee to those schools that originate loans them-
selves. That will undeniably increase the number of
For those who think that the plan moves away
from a public-private partnership to more bureau-
cracy, the Clinton administration has an answer.
The Department of Education will expand its part-
nership with the private sector through competi-
tive contracts for alternative loan originators and
These will be designed to make much more
effective use of the private sector than is the case
with the current system, under which we must rely
on private-sector participants who are paid based
on a uniform rate. So there.
In the end, we're left with better benefits to stu-
dents, a reduction in federal costs and a more efficient
loan system. Taxpayers' dollars should be going to
students, not the lenders, agencies and servicers.
In other words, through the Federal Direct
Student Loan Program, the Clinton administration
is reinventing government. And you thought they'd
lost their vision. ?
The East Carolinian
Lindsay Fernandez, General Manager
Joseph Horst, Managing lidiior
Matthew A. Hege, Advertising Director
Wes Tinkbam, Account Executive
Kelly Ktlliv Account Executive
Karen Hasstll, Sews Editor
Warren Sumner, Asst. Sews Editor
Dana Danielson, Lifestyle Editor
Julie Totten, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Robert S. Todd, Sports Editor
Misha Zonn. Asst. Sports Editor
Amy E. Wirtl, Opinion Page Editor
Sean Herring. Copy Editor
Jessica Stanley Copy Editor
Tonva Heath, Account Executive
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Jody Jones, Circulation Manager
Burt Aycock, liyout Manager
Franco Sacchi, Asst. Layettt Manager
Tony Chadwick, Creative Director
Cedric Van Hurtn, Photo Editor
Chris Kemple, Staff Illustrator
Matt MacDonald, Systems Manager
Deborah Daniel, Sei retarv
The East Carolinian publishes 12,fXJ0 copies every Tuesday ami
Thursday The masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the
Editorial Board The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 2.0
words, which may be edited for decency or brevity
The East Carolinian reserves the right lo edit or reject letters for
publication Letters should be addrewd to The Bdter, he East Carolinian.
iublicationsBldg . ECU, Greenville, N.C .27X5X-41V lor mote inlorma
tion, call (919 7576366.
Printed or
(OH recycled
What are you gonna do, arrest me for smoking?
i Editor s Note. This column is
being reprinted from a previous edi-
tion of TEC.)
lean see it now.
That lone man walks the side-
walks of East Carolira,withabadge
on his chest and a ticket machine
across his shoulder. His job ? to
protect the students of fast Carolina
University.Often misunderstood,he
does his jolt not for the fame or the
glory, but for that warm, fuzzy feel-
ing he gets when he knows he's
helped someone.
Then, the call comes in.
His heart leaps. His adrena-
line starts pumping. He walks just a
little bit faster. Has is what he's
trained all thosemontits tohandle?
what it'll be? Hostage si tuation?Car
needing to be towed? Doesn't mat-
ter, he's on the case.
Hepullshis .valkie-talkie from
its holster (the only holster he has),
and speaks in a voice crossed be-
tween John Wayneand Dirty Harry.
"This is 36, dispatch. Repeat,
The walkie-taikiecrackles with
static for a moment, then clears to
make way tor that all-important
dispatcher's voice.
"Thirty-six, we gota smoker in
GC,over lite Smoke Pol ice a re on
the job.
Think I'm kidding? That may
happen in thenot-too-distant future,
judging from the Clean Air policy
tha t ha s been enacted. Don't even try
to figure out what will happen if
you're caught smoking in a univer-
sity building, 1 doubt if the person
who catches you will know.
It seems to be a contradiction
in tetms to ban cigarette smoking in
a state whose principal source of
economy is tobacco sales. Is it the
lesser of two evils to pollute the out-
door air as opposed lo the air in the
"Son, I'm gonna have to ask
you to put the cigarette down
He stands with his hands
clasped behind his back, balanced
on the balls of his feet, the merrv red
of the cigarette ash twinkling in his
mirrored sunglasses.
"I'm sorry, officer, I just lost
my head. I'll never happen again
The timid student jumps to his feet
and crushes out the cigarette, as if
that will make this tiresome episcxle
finish faster.
"Well, I'm sorry, too. But if I let
you go, then I'll be setting a bad
example to the rest of campus. I'm
gonna have to write vou a ticket He
pulls out his special Smoke-Enders
ticket pad and reaches fora pen from
his shirt pocket. "Let me see vour
"What do I have to do?" the
student asks as he hands over his
laminated mug-shot.
"Since you seem like a nice
guy, I'm gonna let you off easy He
pokes thecrushedstubwith the point
of his pen so as not to disturb pos-
siblefingerprints. "You only smoked
about half of it ? I'll fine you $20
He sera tchesan X in the b.tx between
"Didn't inhale ? Verbal Warning"
and "Smoked to the filter w pos-
sible harmful carcinogens released
intotheatmosphere?refer to Dean
Speier's office
The student signs (in no way
admitting hecommitted the crime,
of course) and accepts the tkket
with the obligatory reply, "Thank
you, officer Like the guy just did
him a big favor.
Roughly one-half of thiscam-
pussmokes, which means that now
we'll have 8,000 people sitting out-
side trying to get their nicotine fix,
instead of in thehall in frontof their
class. If the administration passed
this policy to trv to get people to
quit smoking, it's not working. The
only change that has come about
on this campus has been that it
kxtks metre crowded and a hell of a
lot messier, thanks to the excess of
ci ga rette bu tts lying arou nd every-
I can think of at least a dozen
different problems this adminis-
tration canaddress that thereare 10
times more important than a smok-
ing ? parking and availability of
classes, just to name two. If you're
going to do something, do it nght.
This bridge-burning mentality only
makes the schixtl kxtk stupid and
detracts from our reputation.
Why should we subsidize intellectual
Ronald Reagan
UUSc Federal Prison or
Learning Annex? Discuss.
When Amy Fisher went to jail, cranks complained shed been "sentenced to a col-
lege education One imagines her discoursing on "The Lolita Myth: Projection
Fantasies in Popular Culture from Victorian Times to Jerk-off Assholes in the Pres-
ent But, alas, the sort of educational programs actually available in prison are
rather less academically rigorous.
TV Production Jefferson City Correctional
Center. Missouri Prisoners learn what it's
like to be on the other side of the
camera, using state-of-the-art editing
and dubbing equipment, computer-
graplms generators and mixing
Underwater Job Skills California
Institution for Men. China Inmates earn
scuba certification with training in
underwater welding. Says one graduate.
"You learn values, morals,
responsibility, caring and trust
Music-Video Production East Jersey State
Prison. Rahway In a studio installed by
Disney's Hollywood Basil Records, the
Lifers Group has recorded two albums
(sample lyric: "A brother came to me
ami said I look very swell' He said I
remind him of a fag he sold' for a pa k
of cigarettes and a Tootsie Roll") and a
Grammy-nominated video.
Gourmet Cuisine Hirers Island Correctional
Institution for Men. New York Reserved
for petty criminals (e.g convicted of
assault under the influence of cocaine),
the Fresh Start program teaches inmates
haute cooking, baking and butchering.
New York City's premier chefs,
including Larry Forgione of An
American Place and Anne Rosenzweig
of Arcadia, lead cons through a menu
featuring lobster ravioli and field salad
with goat cheese and bacon in a warm
Dog Grooming California Institution for
Men. China "There's some very fine dogs
that go over there savs local kennel
owner Tony Pascjual. "Some ot these
prisoners have done beautifully 5
To the individual who dropped off a letter to the edi-
tor Tuesday morning (629) concerning respect, please
stop by The East Carolinian offices and talk to the Opin
ion Page Editor or Managing Editor about printing.
By T. Scott Batchelor
Drug problem
the fault of
It'sa hellishdilemma. Doweconcedeas
a nation that we can't possibly eradicate ille-
gal drugs from our society, or do we ignore
that premise and step up drug interdiction
and enfo.cementefforts?Eitherwayseemsto
entail more years death and destruction.
Columnist George Will eloquently ad-
dressed this quandary. Citing an article ap-
pearing in the "American Scholarly Quar-
terly" by Patrick Moynihan, he proposes that
thedrugepidemicis the result of technology.
"The environment is injured by technology;
populatktnsaredisplaced by technology;driv-
ers and pedestrians are maimed by technol-
ogy, cities are choked by technologies. And
citiesare terrorized by the trafftckingof drugs
that are products of technology
How are these drugs the products of
technology, though? Well, according to Will's
article, 19th century German chemists pro-
duced morphine, a helpful medicine from
which was distilled the drug heroin. Will
writes, "From opium to morphine to heroin;
from coca to cocaine to crack; we haveclimbed
the technological ladder before, from wine
and beer to brandy and gin
Heasserts that the "scourge" of alcohol
consumption in the U.S. ("Americans com-
monly drank whiskey at breakfast and on
through theday") wasaba ted by "social learn-
ing a concept rarely discussed in relation to
America'scurrent drug problem. "By the end
of the 19th century, the temperance move-
ment had reduced per capita alcohol con-
sumption two-thirds People succumbed to
the sttrial pressure not to drink, and still oth-
ers realized thesimplehealthbenefitsof jump-
ingon the wagon. Whatabout today? Alcohol
is definitely nctt cocaine or heroin.
we are forced to make a choice between two
"nasty outcomes: "a broad public health prob-
lem" which would resultfromlegalization,or
"a metre localized butdevasta ting crimeprob-
lem We have chosen the latter
Will points out thatthereisno "cleaner"
choice to be made, though we pretend that
there is. AJnatictnwithlongcoastlines and
open borders cannot 'interdict' a compact
substance that issucked north by a SI OObillion
dollar demand (emphasis added). America's
total cocaine demand can be satisfied from
just 96 square miles of Latin America, an area
roughly the size of Milwaukee.
In lightofthesefacts,Willquotes Patrick
drug policy for "a degree of social regression
for which there does not seem to be any
equivalent inour history. "Will suggests there
is another kind of failure in our midst. He
writes that, given the technological advances
since heroin was unleashed bv 19th century
chemistry, we should have a chemical re-
sponse to the drug problem. "Government
support should have provided the resources
for research to discover chemical com-
pounds that block or reverse the pleasure-
and addiction-producing effects of drugs "
He then asks the pointed question, "Is it text
much to ask that this be taken as seriously bv
medical researchers as AIDS is7"
In the meantime, while we wait for such
a technological answer to a problem ixtm,
ironically, of the same technology, we can
only hope that humans learn, adapt and '?tart
to behave mure senstbiv.

The East Carolinian
Page 7
all giving Buc fans something to talk about
from the
and reggae to techno and
thrash metal ? and sports. This
fact seems to have been lost amid
WZMB's melting pot of mu
diversity. The station offers daily
sports updates for the die hard fan
whocan't makeit totheTV in time
k r C. N and ESPN The radio sta-
tion airs the sports updates Mon-
p.m 4:30
.in Hall, the backbone of
the WZMB sports program, says
the people whodo the daily re-
ports are picked specifically for
ports Hall also leads the way on
WZMB's weekly sports show, Pi-
rate Talk.
Pirate Talk presents a more in
depth lookat recent sports stories.
Like ESPN's Sports Center, Pirate
Talk has a list of regulars on the
" I 've been doing i t for the past
two years Hall said. "Trenton
Britt had been doing it, but he just
graduated. He might still keep
doing it, so 1 would still consider
him a regular. John Wellenhoffer
is also usually on the show
The formatof the show is simi-
lar to tha t of The Sports Reporters,
where a subject is brought up and
each individual brings in their
Hall says the show has a basic
structure, but that most of it is
"It's basically free speech
Hall said. "Theformatthatweuse,
we alwavs start the show off by
talking about ECU stuff if there is
something going on in terms of
ECU sports. It'scalled Pirate Talk,
sotheconcentrationisstillon some-
thing to do with ECU baseball,
football or basketball. Then we go
with whatever is the biggest story
going on at the time. Like the NBA
playoffs. Things are kind of slow
right now
Hall, and the rest of the sports
team at WZMB get their informa-
tion from a wide variety of sources.
The stats and notes from these dif-
ferent sourcesare then thrown into
the mix for the show.
"We haveanAP wire service
Hall said. "I'll also take notes dur-
ing the week. I'll watch a game,
and if I see something that I think
will be good on the show, I'll write
it down. A lot of it comes from the
AP wire, like the scores and stuff,
but most of it is our own personal
views Hall said. "Nothing's re-
ally written out that we read word
for word. We have notes and then
we just go from there with what
we know about. We don't write
out a script at all
Starting tomorrow, the
WZMB sports team will be tem-
porarily derailed as the radio sta-
tion takes a three-week break.
The layoff will excuse Kevin
Hall and the rest of the reporters
from talking about the nearly
meaningless baseball games of
June and July, and give them time
to prepare their material for the
1993 ECU football campaign that
is just around the corner.
Sheridan resigns as Wolfpack's football coach
Coach brought success to football program
File photo
North Carolina State University is looking for a new head football coach after Dick
Sheridan's unexpected resignation.
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) ? Dick
Sheridan, the North Carolina State coach
who led the football program to national
prominence during the late 1980s, an-
nounced his resignation today, according
to a Raleigh television station.
Also, a source who asked not to be
identi fied said Sheridan would step down
from the job. A 4 p.m. news conference
was scheduled at Carter-Finley Stadium,
where Sheridan would ma kean announce-
ment and a successor na med, accord ing to
the source.
WRAL-TV reported Tuesday that
Sheridan spoke with his assistant coach-
ing staff after the final session of N.C.
State'ssummerfixitball camp. He notified
the staff of his decision at mat time.
It was not known whether Sheridan
was resigning to take another football
coaching job. He has been in high demand
since leaving Furman for the Wolfpack
program in 1986.
be a candidate for the vacant job at Au-
burn. He withdrew hisname from consid-
Sheridan has also been under consid-
eration for jobs at Georgia and South Caro-
Sheridan became N.C. State'scoach on
Dec. 30,1985,succeedingTom Reed. What
ensued was six bowl tripsand twoseasons
where his teams tied a school record with
nine victories. He had taken the Wolfpack
to more postseason appearances than any
other coach in schtxil history.
In seven seasons, Sheridan compiled a
52-29-3 record, including a 31-18-1 mark in
AtlanticCoastConference games. The only
blemish on Sheridan's career at N.C. State
is failing to win an ACC title. For hiscareer,
Sheridan hasa coaching record of 121 -52-5.
Following threesuccessive3-8seasons,
N.C.State reversed itself under Sheridan in
hisinauguralyearof 1986and posted an8-
3-1 mark which ended in a last-second loss
to Virginia Tech in what was then known
as the New Peach Bowl.
After a 4-7 campaign in 1987, N.C.
State rallied with an 8-3-1 record and a
victory over Iowa in the Peach Bowl. The
1989 tea m was 7-5 with a loss in the Copper
Bowl, and the 1990 team went 7-5 and beat
See SHERIDANpage 8
signs late
Bucs ink linebacker
(SID)?Carlos Brown, a 6-foot-
1-inch, 215 pound running back
linebacker from Elizabeth City,
N.C, has signed a scholarship to
play football at East Carolina Uni-
versity, school officials announced
last week.
Brown became the 24th and fi-
nal signee to the 1993 Pirate recruit-
ing class. ECU coaches say they
anticipate Brown playing line-
backer for the Bucs.
Last season, Brown earned All-
Big East Conference honors at run-
ning back linebacker for coach Eric
McDaniels at Northeastern High
Brown also earned his school's
Player of the Year Award in foot-
ball, last season, and played in the
McDonalds'East-West All-Star Bas-
ketball Game. Brown was earned
four letters in football, three in bas-
ketball and three in track.
Orlando's second No. 1 pick
in NBA draft still a mystery
? Every year it's the same story:
Big men get chosen first in the
NBA draft.
This year, it'll be the same
story. The only question is this:
Will it be a big man or a giant one?
Barring a trade, the answer
will be provided by the Orlando
Magic tonight at The Palace.
Their top two choices are
believed to be Chris Webber, a
6-foot-9 power forward from
Michigan, and Shawn Bradley,
a 7-6 cpnter from Brieham
Young. A longshot could be
Jama! Mashburn, a6-8 forward
from Kentucky.
Since 1966, only five guards
have been selected with the No.
1 overall pick in the NBA draft.
Magic Johnson was the last, in
1979 when he left Michigan
State early.
This year, the draft is top-
heavy with size, but some of
the best players are guards
Billy McKinney, the direc-
tor of player personnel for the
Detroit Pistons, has 15 players
on his short list. Seven of them
are guards.
Picking behind Orlando are
the Philadelphia 76ers and the
Golden State Warriors. The Sixers
tion to choose Bradley if he'sa vail-
able. Otherwise, they'll choose
Golden State would love to
have Bradley, but they'll prob-
ably have to choose between
Mashburn and guard Anfernee
Hardaway of Memphis State.
After that, a lot of teams will
begin looking harder at the
They include Hardaway,
Duke's Bobby Hurley, UNLV's
J.R. Rider, Seton Hall's Terry
Dehere, Tennessee's Allan Hous-
ton, Jackson State's Lindsey
Hunter and Alabama's James
Some of them, like the 6-7
Hardaway, are taller than some
of the forwards. Others, like
Hurley and Hunter, have to
stretch to measure 6-0 and 6-2,
Size isn't the factor it once
was in the NBA. Players like 5-3
MuggsyBogues have proven that
heart and talent sometimescount
as much as total inches.
The best-known among the
guards, of course, is Hurley. He
ied Duke to three NCAA Final
Four appearances and two na-
tional titlesHe's the best point
guard of all the seniors Wash-
ington Bullets' general manager
John Nash said.
The Pistons like Hurley, too.
They're just not sure he'll still be
available when their turn comes
atNos. 10 and 11.
"He surpassed Dennis Rod-
man in some of the strength and
conditioning workouts
McKinney said. "That's quite an
Probably the best guard in
the draft is the flamboyant
Ha rdaway, the biggestand flashi-
est point guard since Magic
"He's just a wonderful
player Los Angeles Lakers' gen-
eral manager Jerry West said.
"He's got a great feel for the game,
See NBA page 8
This lacrosse fan
finds a way to cool
off ? by giving a
friend a cold
File pnoto
Wiffelball association forming
The United States Perforated
Plastic Baseball Association is now-
being formed. Founder and presi-
dentJeromeCoyle,Jr. is searching for
avid wiffleball enthusiasts to help in
the formation and organization of
the USPPBA. "Although thousands
of adult menacross the United States
play wiffleball on a 'professional'
level,anationallyorganized wiffleball
league is nonexistent. The primary
reasons for this are a lack of commu-
nication and the infinite rule varia-
tions among players Coyle raid.
"My goal is to establish contact with
serious wiffleball players in the coun-
try and organize a nationa lly unified
wiffleball association in which all
participants play by the same rules
Coyle has taken it upon himself
tofound theUSPPBAand has penned
several USPPBA rulebooks. "WTiich
rulebook will be used shall be deter-
mined by the results of a nationwide
survey of all interested wiffleball en-
thusiasts Coyle said. According to
Coyle, the USPPBA is to bedivided
into 12 regions of several indepen-
dent ci ty leagues. Regional champi-
ons would advance to a USPPBA
World Series. "I am tired of waiting
for someone else to organize a na-
tionally unified wiffleball league
said the 29-year-old Coyle.
For a free information packet,
call 1-800-344-7392 or write: The
USPPBA,3801 LakeDr.138,Gran
ite City, IL 62040. Please include
name,addressand phonenumber.
Black leaders call for 'level playing field' in Charlotte's NFL expansion
Lynch wanted Mark Richardson
to know that not everyone in Char-
lotte was optimistic about the eco-
nomic benefits of an NFL fran-
"We wanta level playing field
and we don't feel this ha- been the
case Lynch told Richardson,
whose family plans to build a $160
million stadium if they win one of
two NFL expansion teams in Oc-
tober. "We want to know specifi-
cally how we're going to be in-
Richardson met with Lynch
and about 150 other black leaders
last week in ar. effort to assure
them thatall races willbe included
in the venture from start to finish.
Hewascandid in his remarks.
"Sports is something that
brings us together he And
it seems that in the 199os that the
racesarebeingpulled fartherapart.
That's why weneed strong minor-
ity participation in this project
But some of the participants
at a 90-minute meeting in Char-
lotte complained that they were
not brought into the prcxress early-
enough to reap any benefits.
Richardson did his best to as-
sure the group, which included
clergymen, politicians, business
owners and community leaders,
that his company will respond to
their concerns.
"We intend to do the right
thing he said.
He went on to explaining that
Richardson Sports is working out
a Fair Share agreement with the
NAACPon issues such as employ-
ment, suppliers and vendors.
He listed some of their ac-
On the $1 million site prepa-
ation on the downtown stadium
site, 35 percent of the work went to
minority firmsand another 6 per-
cent went to firms owned by
women, he said.
In addition, he said, three of
the 10 employees who work for
Sports are mi-
norities, mmmmmmmumi
son Sports has
come under
scrutiny be-
cause ofallega-
tions of racial
at Denny's res-
taurant s ,
which are
owned by
of Spartan-
burg, S.C.
Mark Richardson's father,
Jerry Richardson, is the president
of Flagstar as well as the head of
Richardson Sports.
Rjcha rd son Sports is compet-
ing with groups in Baltimore, St.
Louis, Memphis, Tenn and Jack-
sonville, Fla to land one of two
NFL ex-
chises to
be se-
1 e c t e d
this fall.
has been
of racial
black cus-
That prompted the Reverend
Jesse Jackson to say the
Richa rd sons don't deservean N FL
66 Nobody needs
the cavalry;
nobody needs a
white knight 9
Kelly Alexander, Jr.
Recently, the president of the
stateNAACPand other black lead-
ers leaped to Jerry Richardson's
"Nobody needs the cavalry;
nobody needs a white knight
Kellv Alexander Jr. said. "In my
humble opinion, the N AACP was
there, seemed to be working to
resolve these problems
Before Last week's meeting,
about two dozen black commu-
nity leaders held a news confer-
ence during which they gave a
conditional endorsement of the
Charlotte bid.
The group wan ted assu ranees
that minorities would be fairly rep-
resented during the construction
phase and also after the
Richardsons had the team. They
put that figure at 20 percent.
"Mr. Richardson, it is impera-
tive that you deal decisively and
conclusively before weasa people
can fully embrace the acquisition
of an NFL team by the Richard-
son Group said attorney James
Cheek oi Spartan burg, S.C.
Later, Richardson said it was
too early to talk about specific
"That's one of the things we
intend toaddressin the FairShare
agreement he said. "It's some-
thing for us to work out with the
minority community. But we
have to be realistic. Wedon't want
to set ourselves up for failure
In response to another ques-
tion, Richardson said the team's
effort would be monitored by
the NAACP.
Alma Neal of Charlotte
asked Richardson whattheteam
planned to do to make tickets
available to people who could
not afford the steep ticket prices.
See NFLpage 8

June 30, 1993
Continued from page7
'i and led the team in
rebounding with H.9 per game.
Houston w,is Tenneee's all-
time leading scorer, finishing with
2,801 points. He is the only Ten-
ever to record at
ints, 4(H) rebounds
? ? i eraged 22 points per
Seton Hall; Hunter, who
? one-on-one skills, aver-
26.7 points for Jackson State;
and Robinson, whom some say
needs to work on his shot selec-
tion , averaged 20.6 points for Ala-
The teams with the four worst
Continued from page 7
record in the NBA last season ?
Dallas, Minnesota, Washington
and Sacramento ? pick fourth
through seventh.
After that, it's Milwaukee,
Denver, the Pistons twice, Lakers,
Los AngelesClippers, Indiana, At-
lanta, NewJersey,Charlotte,Utah,
Boston, Charlotte (from San An-
tonio), Portland, Cleveland, Se-
attle, Houston, Chicago, Orlando
(from New York) and Phoenix.
Southern Mississippi in the All-
American Bowl.
In 1991, the Wolfpack went 9-3
and closed the year with a Peach
Bowl dateagainst in-state rival East
N.C. State had not played the
Pirates since 1987, when a post-
game melee led Wolfpack officials
to car eel the series.
East Carolina staged a fourth-
quarter rally and downed N.C. State
Continued from page 7
N.C. State repeated its nine-
won season in 1992, opening the
yea r wi th a victory over Iowa in the
Kickoff Classic.
The season ended in the
Gator Bowl with a 27-10 loss to
When he told her that some
tickets would be available for less
than $19, she said that was too
"How's someone going to get
$20 when they can't even feed their
kids?" she said. "I feel a lot of
problems are not being addressed
Richardson said programs to
help disadvantaged children get
NFL tickets wasone idea he would
carry out of the meeting.
"We want your input. If we
didn't we would not have invited
you here today he said.
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The East Carolinian, June 30, 1993
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 30, 1993
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