The East Carolinian, February 11, 1993

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The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Thursday, February 11, 1993
16 Page
Student forced to leave dorm room by Resident Education
By Karen Hassell
Assistant News Fditor
Stacey Staton had a lot of prob-
lems getting a dorm room this semes-
On Jan. 13, she turned in her hous-
ing contract and was assigned a room
in Slay Hall with Marenda Taylor.
"That's when I went and met
Marenda Staton said. "I was going to
be nice, you know, to let her know I
was coming.
"That night, the 13th, she called
me and she said 'Well Stacey I didn't
tell you this earlier but I've got a prob-
lem I said what's your problem. She
said 'Well, I'm allergic to the chemicals
in black people's hair
According to Staton who is black,
Taylor requested that Staton find an-
other room. Staton, who holds two jobs
along with being a student, told Taylor
she did not have the time to go through
the process of finding another room
and she must move in the next day.
"Then she called me on the 14th,
somewhere around
four Staton said. "I
was moving in about
4:30 because I had to be
a work at five. I was on
my way to get things
prepared to move on
over when she called
me and said, T got a
doctor's note and I
went to housing and
they said they can give
you a vacant room
"I said a vacant
room sounds good, but
I can't afford to go
through all of this
again. I really have to
come on and move in today. She said
'Can you call housing?' I told Marenda
I really didn't have time for all that so
Stacy Staton
we went back and forth a little bit
Later, the coord inator of Slay Hall,
Linda Sessoms, called Staton and told
her they had a list of
names of people that did
not yet have a roommate
which she could contact
to find a room. Staton
stressed that with her
schedule, she did not
have time for that, but
needed a place to stay
right away.
Staton said Sessoms
explained that Taylor
had a doctor's note and
had made the room pri-
vate. Staton also said that
it was her understand-
ing that private requests
could not be granted un-
til Jan.22.
Staton said she inquired how they
could kick her out of her room and was
told that technically she was not being
kicked out because she did not have
keys and was not registered. However,
Staton said she did have her keys and
was registered.
Staton received a vacant room on
Jan. 16 and Taylor was left in her room
which was converted to a private room.
"They (housing) did not offer me
a private room Staton said. "They
didn't call and apologize or anything.
All they did was kick me out. And, they
gave me a vacant room at my own
request. I do not blame Marenda or
Linda, the coordinator, 1 blame hous-
ing. I believe they should have had
adequate records to know that I was in
that room already and that they should
not have been able to just kick me out
like that
Emanuelle Amaro, assistant Vice
Chancellor and Director of Housing,
said that the department of resident
education is in charge of handling situ-
ations such as this.
"They have counselors to deal
with these issues Amaro said.
"We have to consider, are we do-
ing the best thing for her by putting her
in a situation that she is going to be
hated?" Amaro said. "It's really ter-
rible. I hope, and I don't know that this
is the case, but hopefully the white
student received some counseling on
"I belive a compromise was
worked out. We charged the white stu-
dent for a private room and gave the
black student a vacant room
The charge for the vacant room is
the same as one with a roommate.
"My gut feeling is that it was a
racial issue, but the girl did have a
doctor's note Sessoms said.
Janet Johnson, coordinator of resi-
dent education, could not be reached
for comment. Taylor would not com-
ment on the situation.
Retired Spanish professor dies from cancer
By Elizabeth Shimmel
News Editor
Retired Spanish professor,
Jos6 Baro died Feb. 5 after a short
struggle with liver cancer.
Dr. Baro taught at ECU for
27 years before retiring in Au-
gui r.1992.
"He taught the whole range
of classes offered in the depart-
ment said French professor Dr.
Martin Schwartz.
Baro always wanted to
teach, and started teaching En-
glish in Cuba during summer
school. He continued until he and
his family moved to the United
States inl962.
Ba ro earned a PhD. from the
University of Havana before re-
ceiving two more degrees in the
United States, one of which was
from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.
"He was a good colleague,
and was well-liked by all of his
colleagues and students as well
Schwartz said.
Since his retirement, Baro
had been spending a lot of time
with his four children and nine
Baro's wife Sylvia said she
and her husband were making a
lot of plans for their retirement.
"We had been making plans to
travel and do everything she
Speaker addresses unity through religion
Photo by Jason Bosch
The American Marketing Association sponsored a survey of all of the campus publications during AMA
Marketing Week.
By Jennifer Wardrep
Staff Writer
"Beyond the X A Strat-
egy for Black America a pro-
gram tonight sponsored by ECU
Christian Fellowship of New
Generation Ministries, will pro-
mote unity and racial reconcili-
ation, Bryan Evans, the group's
president said.
"It is important for us to
come forward and give this mes-
sage from a Christian perspec-
tive Evans said. "I want to em-
phasize that this will be pro-
moting unity and not
Garland R.
Hunt, national direc-
tor for New Genera-
tion Campus Minis-
tries and former chair
of the National Orga-
nization of Black Uni-
versity and College
Students, will be the
featured speaker. He
has spoken fre-
quently at colleges nationwide
and also in Germany, South Af-
rica, England and Nigeria.
Garland Hunt
Evans said the
purpose of the pro-
gram is to focus the
strategy of blacks in
America and at ECU
and to celebrate Black
History Month.
"We've been
looking too much to-
ward dead heroes,
like Malcolm X
Evans said. "We need
to look to ourselves as
leaders. This program presents
See UNITY page 4
Jackson' revived by maritime department's computers
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
ECU's maritime history and un-
derwater Archaeology department is
resurrecting history with their computer
simulation of the Confederate ironclad,
"C.S.S. Jackson
The "Jackson" was raised from the
Chattahoochee River 30 years ago. Cur-
rently, the ship's planks and ribs are
being displayed at the Confederate Na-
val Museum in Columbus, Ga.
"The Museum is interested for a
couple of reasons said Gordon Watts,
professor for the maritime department.
"The first reason is they're hoping to
move the remains from its present lo-
cation to a better museum complex.
They're worried that, in the move,
there's going to be some destruction of
the surviving structure.
"The other thing is they want to be
able to reconstruct some portions of the
vessel that are no longer there. This will
make it more comprehensible to the pub-
Recently, the department bought
two Gateway 2000 38633 computers
equipped with GETCO digitizing tab-
lets. These computers are connected to a
high speed Hewlett Packard Drum plot-
ter. Software, called AutoCAD Version
II, for the computers has been donated
by Autodesk.
The Confederate Ironclad Harry
Initially named the MUSCOGEE this 224 ft Ironclad
was laid down at the Confederate Navy Yard.
Columbus. Georgia in 1862
Changes in her design and deficiencies of iron for
armor plate delayed the JACKSON S completion
and she was still unfinished at the time of her
destruction by Union forces April 17 1865
Remains ol the JACKSON were salvaged in the
early 1960s and are on display at the Confederate
Naval Museum Columbus Georgia
March or April
Watts said. "We
just got it all set up
last fall and are
now putting the
first information
that we're going to
try to process from
the shipwreck sur-
vey with the Ber-
muda Maritime
ECU students
visited the museum
in Columbus, care-
fully drawing and mea-
suring the remains of the ves-
sel. These measurements will
be entered into the
department's computers,
which, when finished,
will allow persons to
see a three-dimen-
sional image of the
To gather the in-
formation needed, the
students laid out squares
across the remaining vessel with
string. A grid composed of 16 squares
was enacted, which the students mea-
sured and drew to scale. This grid would
represent each foot of the 180 feet of
remaining hull structure.
Currently, there are no blueprints
The "C.S.S. Jackson" was
set on fine and finally sunk
on April 17,1365.
record. Watts has said that this com-
puter-simulated information will allow
people to see just how the "Jackson"
looked and how it was built in 1862.
views will give is the possible applica-
tion of "virtual reality" technology. With
this tecnology, which is basically spe-
cial goggles and controlling devices, in-
on the "Jackson" deck and visit its
compartments. Also, students and his-
torians may be able to fight
simulated combat
with Union vessels,
which the "Jackson"
�� was designed for,
but never got the chance to
The "Jackson some-
times called the "Muscogee re-
mains one of only two
ironclads ever re-
covered for pres-
Jjmm1 ervation. The other
ironclad, the "Ram Neuse
is stationed in Kinston, N.C.
The "Jackson" measured
225 feet, bow to stern, and was
considered a large and powerful
warship by Civil War standards.
Its most formidable weap-
onry was six rifled guns,
each protected by four
inches of armor plate
backed by almost two feet
of wood.
After encountering problems
of cost and propulsion, the "Jackson"
finally launched in December of 1864.
Union troops captured the ship before
it could be placed into action and set it
on fire on April 17, 1865. The ship
drifted roughly 33 miles down the
Chattahoochee River before finally

2 The East Carolinian
FEBRUARY 11, 1993
P.U.S.H. sponsors Diasability Awareness Week
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
Instructor dismissed over complaint
A business law instructor at Northern Michigan University
was asked not to teach the winter semester after a student
complained that he let his class out early. Willard Martin, who
taught a class scheduled from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m usually
finished presenting his material by 8 p.m. and dismissed the
students. A student filed a complaint to the Management and
Marketing Department, The North Wind reported. "There are
many times when the class time is longer than the material needs
to be taught Martin told the campus newspaper. A petition to
support Martin was signed by 90 percent of his class and given to
the administration, but the firing was upheld. Officials wouldn't
comment, the paper reported.
College says delayed rush a success
Delaying fraternity and sorority rush until the sophomore
year literally saved the Greek system at Bucknell University, Pa.
officials say. The Greek systemhas been on campus since the mid-
19th century, but came under fire in recent years. In 1989, the
Bucknell faculty voted to rid the campus of Greeks, charging that
the university academic mission "Was obstructed and thwarted
by the Greek system Under the restructured system, fraternity
men will live in the fraternity houses only their junior and senior
years. Sophomores will live in residence halls or off campus.
Sorority women will live in sorority suites in a residence hall their
junior year, then will have the option to live off campus their
senior year. Officials say the delayed rush has put juniors and
seniors in charge of the fraternity houses, which has resulted in
less abuse of house rules and cleaner houses.
Daily Tar Heel wins four NCPA awards
The Daily Tar Heel won four North Carolina Press Associa-
tion awards in 1992, including its first-ever first place honor. The
awards, as part of the NCPA's Winter Institute honor members of
the statewide press association for excellence in a variety of
categories. The DTH tied itself for first place in spot news report-
ing. The assistant sports editor won a second-place award for
sports reporting for an article published last spring focusing on
the disparate amount of funding given to the Softball team. And,
a former editorial board member won a third-place award for an
editorial published in 1992 about Ross Perot. The DTH, one of
about 70 daily newspapers to submit entries in the 15,000 to
34,999 circulation category, is the onlv campus paper in the
Compiled by Karen Hassell. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
Feb. 15-19 will mark Disabil-
ity Awareness Week at ECU,
where events sponsored by People
United to Support the Handi-
capped (P.U.S.H.) are planned to
help make people more under-
standing of the needs of physi-
cally challenged students.
Treasurer-Historian Angie
Pavone said that the crux of Dis-
ability Awareness Week is to
make people
Roger Foushee, from the
Governor's Advocacy Council for
Persons with Disabilities, will
also speak on Tuesday at 7 p.m.
in Mendenhall's Multipurpose
On Wednesday, the infor-
mation table will be out in front
of the Student Store again from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. P.U.S.H. will
provide information about its
group, adaptive equipment for
disabled persons, tips on how to
approach a disabled person and
common myths
ing to coordinator Susan
"We work for increased ac-
cessibility to programs and facili-
ties Pogemiller said.
"We serve not only the spe-
C&A a 0a
cifically challenged student, but
also the University community.
We want to bring attention to
not only the physical barriers,
but also the attitudinal barriers
found on campus
aware of the bar
riers that physi-
cally challenged
people face every
Awareness Week
will let them know
what barriers we
have, along with
the attitudes of
other people
Pavone said. "We
don't want people
to feel sorry for us
or anything. We
just want to make
them aware
On Monday,
the 15th, P.U.S.H.
will have a bake
sale and informa-
tion table out in
front of the Student Store for any-
one interested in learning more
about the group. They will also
have ECU English professor
Michael Hamer speak at 7 p.m. in
Mendenhall's Social Room.
Tuesday, P.U.S.H. will host
an obstacle course from 10 a.m. to
3 p.m. designed to -nake people
familiar with the effects of blind-
ness or being confined to a wheel-
chair. Pavone said participants
will push a wheelchair up an in-
cline, open a door while in a
wheelchair, and perform other
tasks that are considered com-
monplace to the general public.
about the physically
challenged. Marty
Silverthorn, from
Advocates for Per-
sons with Disabili-
Week Will let ties, will speak this
i night on the Ameri-
theftl knOW can Disability Act.
Silverthorn's talk
will be held at 7 p.m.
in Mendenhall's So-
cial Room.
Thursday will
conclude the activi-
ties for Disability
Awareness Week
with nine faculty
and staff members
taking on disabili-
ties for the day.
Chancellor Eakin
will be one of the
nine staff members
participating. All staff members
will meet to speak about their
experiences at 7 p.m. in
Mendenhall's Great Room 1 and
The P.U.S.H. group on the
ECU campus comprises the third
group to ever be established on a
college campus. The first two
were instituted at Indiana Uni-
versity in Pennsylvania and
Western Illinois University, re-
P.U.S.H. is designed to pro-
mote a better understanding and
awareness to the needs of specif i-
cally challenged students, accord-
what barriers
we have,
along with
the attitudes
of other
Angie Pavone,
P.U.S.H. meets every Monday at 5 p.m. in ECU'S
Cotten Residence Hall. For further information,
contact Susan Pogemiller at 757-6180.
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FEBRUARY 11, 1993
RHA hosts state-
wide conference
The East Carolinian 3
from 17 N.C. schools
to participate In ECU
By Stephanie Lassiter
Staff Writer
Student leaders from across
North Carolina will be coming
together for an annual state-wide
conference. The conference will
be hosted by the ECU Residence
Hall Association (RHA).
Resident Advisors and
other student leaders from 17
schools across North Carolina
will take part in the three-day
conference to be held Feb. 19-21.
Chancellor Eakin will be-
gin the conference with a short
speech, which will be given at
the Greenville Hilton.
"He will basically be wel-
coming 'the troops We are call-
ing ourselves 'the troops' be-
cause of the patriotic theme
Janna McDonald, chairperson of
the ECU RHA said.
The group will spend Sat-
urday on ECU's campus in work-
shops on leadership, personal
growth, staff training and moti-
"Bryan Brunette, an advi-
sor from Wake Forest Univer-
sity will be leading one of the
workshops on campus rape and
epidemic McDonald said
Last year, 14 ECU students
leaders attended the conference
held at Elon College.
The groups shared leader-
ship ideas that they could incor-
porate into their own leadership
"Organizations across our
campus have ben highly sup-
portive of the conference and
RHA McDonald added. "Some
have even sent donations
Saturday's events will be
concluded by a banquet where
the guest speaker will be Jim
Plonskonka, Director of Resi-
dence Life at the University of
The RHA needs Day Del-
egates for Saturday's events. In-
terested students should contact
the RHA office in Mendenhall
"We are hoping to incor-
porate patriotism into our motto:
'NCRHA (North Carolina Asso-
ciation of Residence Halls) wants
you McDonald said.
Police officer copes with fatal wreck
Davila joined the Charlotte police
force to help people, but she realizes
her career is over following a
drunken-driving wreck that killed
four people, colleagues say.
"She joined to help people
said Capt. Norman Games, "and she
sincerely tried to do that
"She made a mistake and it
cost her dearly. This will be on her
mind the restof her life, regardlessof
what happens
Police recordsshowthatshortly
after the accident Sunday, the 22-
year-old off-duty officer had a blood-
alcohol content of 0.12 percent �
above the North Carolina limit of
0.10 percent
Mecklenburg DistrictAttomey
Peter Gilchrist was expected to de-
cide today whether to charge Davila
with felony death by vehicle, man-
slaughter or second-degree murder.
Police are still questioning
"She realizes her police career
is over said Officer L.P. Ellis, co-
worker and friend. "She wishes she
had died in the wreck and nobody
else. The remorse she feels for that
family you can't even define
Davila, who was alone in her
car, remained in fair condition at
Carolinas Medical Center.
Three other children injured in
the accident remained in fair condi-
tion at Carolinas Medical Center. A
fourth was treated and released Sun-
About 1:15 a.m. Sunday,
Davila's Nissan Pathfinder crossed
the center line and slammed at 65
mph into the brown Mercedes carry-
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ing members of a Monroe family
home from a birthday party.
Killed were Jo Neal Williams,
54; her son, Roger Williams, 28; and
two grandnieces, Ashley Coffey, 6,
and Jasmine Thompson, 5.
"If s a terrible tragedy and we
aresuf feringa great loss said Mabel
Glenn, Mrs. Williams' sister. "No-
body is dealing with it too good. And
then there's the way it happened. We
are just all very sad
Mrs. Williams, a Monroe na-
tive, owned with her husband, John,
beauty colleges in Charlotte and Los
Angeles. The school opened in 1930
as the Henrietta Beauty School in
south central Los Angeles, the first
cosmetology school for blacks west
of the Mississippi River. Mrs. Will-
iams made several yearly trips to
Charlotte.Saturdaywassister Abigail
Thompson's birthday party, said Pat
Coffey, a family friend.
Davila was out with family
Saturday night. Later, Ellis picked
her up at a relative's house and the
two went out for a late dinner.
Davila drank during the
evening, but did not drive, police
period at all said Sgt Rick Sanders.
'They were trying to do the right
About 1 a.m Ellis dropped
Davila at home.
Fifteen minutes later, Davila's
car sheared into the Mercedes driven
by Mrs. Williams, ripping open the
driver's sideand killing twoof thesix
children in the back seat Police say
the children weren't wearing seat
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4 The East Carolinian
FEBRUARY 11, 1993
National News
Zoo sex tours: offered to adults only
Continued from pagel
BOSTON (AP)�Three zoos
are giving lovers the chance to
study monkey business with the
pros this Valentine's Day week-
The Boston, San Francisco
and Brookfield, 111 zoos plan
adults-only lectures, tours and vid-
eotape shows about sex in the ani-
mal kingdom.
The message: There are par-
allels between animal and human
sexual behavior.
For example, the male dance
fly gives the female food in return
for mating privileges. The bigger
the gift, the longer she will copu-
late with him.
"It's kind of like the differ-
ence between dinner at the Ritz
and takeout from KFC said Ed
Marshall, spokesman for Boston's
Franklin Park Zoo.
"We've been wanting to do
this and we were trying to decide
where it would fit in, and some-
body suggested Valentine's Day
Marshall said. "You could come to
this thing at 6 or 8 and then go out
for dinner and you'd have some-
thing to talk about sex
The Brookfield Zoo near Chi-
cago plans a similar Weekend for
Lovers starting Friday with a lec-
ture on the sex lives of plants and
animals, followed by a wine-and-
cheese reception. The San Fran-
cisco Zoo's third annual Sex Tour
is scheduled for Saturday and Sun-
day and is preceded by a cham-
pagne breakfast.
"Sex sells said JaneTollini,
a penguin keeper who luns the
touratSanFrancisco'szoo. "People
learn something a little different,
something a little kinky. There's a
lot of curiosity
Besides, she said, "There's
nothing much happening at the
zoo in the late winter. This is a
great time to arouse some interest,
so to speak
Such events also allow zoos
to attract adults instead of mostly
"It's a different audience,
people that for one reason or an-
other may notthinkaboutthe zoo
said Nancy Hotchkiss, education
director at the American Associa-
tion of Zoological Parks. "We will
get that message to them any way
we can
Among other facts one can
learn this weekend:
� Foreplay for rhinoceroses
lasts more than a month.
� A male lion may mate as
many as 50 times in one 24-hour
period, while koalas do it for about
40 seconds just three times a year.
� Male snakes have two sex
organs, giving them a better chance
to mate successfully when they
intertwine with the female.
� It is the male sea horse
that gets pregnant.
�The male black-and-white
casked hornbill seals his mate into
a nest so she can't fly away.
� Orangutans can have sex
upside-downI warn people not
to try this stuff at home Tollini
a strategy to go beyond the past
and to look toward the future
The ECU chapter of New
Campus Min-
istries was es-
tablished in
1978 and is a
nantly black
Christian fel-
lowship orga-
n i z a t i o n ,
Evans said.
The 45-mem-
ber chapter of-
ficially joined the national orga-
nization last spring.
Members of NGCM strive
to promote racial harmony and
have a common saying:
"It's all right to be ethni-
cally conscious, but not ethni-
cally controlled
Group members sponsor
seminars on campus, speak fre-
quently to local youth groups, i
hold fundraisers and host other;
groups for joint fellowships.
They also
hold weekly
bible studies
on campus.
The pro-
gram featur-
ing Hunt is
important to.
NGCM be-
cause "people
need to hear a
fresh perspec-
tive Evans
said. "Especially in a black com-
munity, a lot of people are fol-
lowing doctrines dealing with
"We need to be at peace
with one another instead of at
war. We are one
The program is tonight at 7
p.m. in Mendenhall Student
Center, room 244.
It's all right to be
ethnically con-
scious, but not
NBC apologizes for 'inappropriate' GM truck smash up
settled a General Motors Corp. defa-
mation lawsuit with an on-air apol-
ogy for a fiery crash demonstration,
confessing that rigging the pickup
truck with incendiary devices was a
"bad idea from start to finish
"Dateline NBC" anchors Jane
Pauley and Stone Phillips closed
Tuesday's show with a summary of
NBC's errors and declared the dem-
onstration "was inappropriate and
does not support the position that
GM CK trucks are defective
"We apologize to our viewers
and to General Motors Philu1 s
said. "We have also concluded thai
unscientific demonstrations should
haveno place in hard news stories at
NBC. That's our new policy
In a statement, GM lawyer
Harry Pearce said NBC had also
agreed to pay for the costs of the
automaker's investigation.
GM had sued for unspecified
damages Monday over a "Dateline
NBC" reportaired in November that
alleged mat older GM pickups with
"sidesaddle" tanks mounted out-
side the frame are prone to rupture
and catch fire in a sideways crash.
Lastweek, an Atlanta jury held
GM negligent in the design of the
gas tanks and ordered GM to pay
$105.2 million to the parents of a
teen-ager killed in a fiery crash. GM
insists the design is safe.
"Dateline NBC" correspon-
dent Michelle Gillen's 15-minute
report showed what NBC said was
about a 40 mph crash in which there
was no fire. Then, in what was re-
ported as a crash of about 30 mph,
the truck ignited in a fireball.
GM alleged, and NBC admit-
ted two days ago, that tiny toy-rocket
motors placed underneath the sec-
ond truck were triggered by remote
control during the crash � some-
thing NBC did not disclose to view-
ers of the demonstration.
NBC said earlier this week that
the motors were put there to ensure
there would be a fire if the gas tank
ruptured. NBC said it didn't tell
viewers because its experts con-
cluded a broken headlight actually
started the fire.
Buton Tuesday night's broad-
cast, Pauley said: "We agree with
GM that we should have told our
viewers about these devices. We
acknowledge the placing of the in-
cendiary devices under the truck
was a bad idea from start to finish
Phillips also said NBC did not
dispute the automaker's claims that
the truck that caught fire had an
overfilled tank and the wrong type
of gas cap, which popped off in the
"Therefore, this unscientific
demonstration was not representa-
tive of an actual side-impact colli-
sion Phillips said.
GM's Pearce said the
automaker would dismiss the law-
suit today.
"With this matter behind us,
we trust that the safety record of our
1973-87 full-size pickup trucks will
befairly and objectively examined
he said. "We're confident our posi-
tion that these vehicles are safe will
be upheld
As part of the settlement, GM
also agreed to drop its separate law-
suit against Gaithersburg, Md
based Institute for Safety Analysis,
which staged the crash, said Bruce
Enz, who heads the institute's In-
dianapolis office.
NBC had come under firefrom
media watchers for the "Dateline
NBC" report
"I think any kind of enhance-
ment of a test, of an event, shouldn't
bedoneinthefirstplace'said Steve
TV News" and a longtime TV news-
man. "The camera can lie and the
viewer should be warned when
there is a manipulation of the im-
4T� you iff
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February 1 1, 1993
bedroom apartments. Energy -efficient, sev-
eral locations in town. Carpeted, kitchen
appliances, some water and sewer paid,
washer dryer hookups. Call 752-8915.
STUDENTS: Dor't wait for next semester,
do it now We have now over a hundred
apartments that will be available for May,
June, July, and August. Call 752-1375'
Homelocators today for your selection.
HOUSES FOR RENT: 2608 Tryon Drive; 3
bedroom 1 bath; $550.00 pm. 404 S.
Eastern Street; 3 bedroom 2 bath; 5680.00
pm. No pets. Lease and Deposit Re-
quired. Duffus Realty, Inc. Call 756-2675.
2 - BEDROOM across from MendenhaU,
205 E 9th Street 375.00 per month. Call
TIRED OF YOUR present living situation?
Room available in nice house 4 blocks from
campus. Call TODD RO KIRK at 830 - 3882
or 830-1371.
A 7TH STORY luxury suite hanging over
the whit sand and clear water of Sout
Florida's most beautiful beach. Completely
furnished, sleeps five in unbelieveable
dogs. Ft Lauderdale Beach, Miami Action.
$800 for Week 36-3 13at hollywood
Beach Tower. Call (205) 948 - 7493.
AFT. FOR RENT near ECU - Female Room-
mate $140 12 util - Will accept less rent
call (919) 779 - 6299 after 5 or leave msg.
Willoughby Park, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, fire-
place, pool, tennis, NO PETS, available
March 1st, $525, 756 - 9420.
1 BR APARTMENT on 13th St Great for
pets, esp. dogs. Available immediately
$275 mo. Call 752 - 9197.
MOVINC MUST SELL! 5 piece cherry
or oak bedroom set - S425.00 Call (919)
Stratocaster 5196.90, 1969 Black 5 pearl
ludwigdrum kit 5519.69,1969harmony
6 string (copy of Gibson) mint condition
$119.69, 1969 Yamaho 6 string S96.69
1969 Leslie $619.69. Call 758-7993.
4 - SALE Trek Mountain Bike 22in 21
spd3mths.old. Extremely good condi-
tion U-Bar lock included 5225 Nee Call
830-9436. h
SAMSUNG 8180 computer w514
floppy disk drive. Monochrome moni-
tor. AlsoCitizen 120-Ddotmatrixprinter.
Excellent condition! 410.00 call 756-0125.
Will be ready for Valentine's Day. (Give
your sweetheart the perfect gift.) Aus-
tralian shepherd mix. Info: 758 - 2733.
TOSHIBA AM FM stero receiver, 25
watts per channel, $95, call after 7:00pm
M - W, F, Thurs. before 6 pm or week-
ends. Ask for Dwight. 757-1510.
FOR SALE- Mountain Bike -15" - Fron-
tier Schwinn. Black w silver writing. 6
month old. Great shape. Keep inside
5150.00 830-9442.
share apartment at Tar River. 13 rent
and utilities. Call: 758-8845. Leave
message on answering machine.
LG. HOUSE near downtown & cam-
pus $155mo plus 13 utilities. Semi-
responsible would be about right lav
758-4375. 6 ' Y
Towers, Male, $187.50, Plus 12 ex-
penses, call 757-0369 or (919) 291 -2513.
soon as possible. For more informa-
tion call 758-S606.
bedroom townhouse. $200 rent and
deposit plus utilities Tara 830-9083.
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 3 bd
house, $150 plus 13 utilities. Please
call 757 -2730 close to campus.
2 GRAD STUDENTS seeking 3rd
roommate for 3 bdrom house 3 mi
from ECU, 1 mi from PCMH. $160
month & $160 deposit Please call jason
ro Randel 756 -6614 or Jason 757-6318.
SAVE on Spring Break '93! Jamaica,
Cancun, Bahamas from S459 Florida
from !149! Organize group and travel
free! Contact Susan @ 931-7334 or call
Sun Splash Tou r s today 1 -800-426-7710.
Make money teaching English Abroad.
Japanand Taiwan. MakeS2000- S4000�
per month. Manyprovideroom&board
other benefits! No previous training
or teaching certificate required! For
International Employment program,
call the International Emplayment
Group: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5362
& studio recordings for sale. Over 1000
new titles available this week from the
following artists: ROCK- U2, R.E.M,
Clapton, Zeppelin, Hendrix, Black
Crowes, Springsteen, SRV, Van Halen
Rush, Beatles, Doors, G-N-R, etc AL-
TERNATIVE- Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Chili
Peppers, Cure, Depeche Mode, MORE
donna, Prince, and more. Call 931-2573
to leave name, number, and requested
artist on message (all new CD's and
tapes in stock).
to order early this year as we run out
every year. For just 29.95 you can get
your lady 1 dozen long stem red roses
arranged and boxed. 757-1007
DAY BED, white, iron and brass w2
twin size Orthopedicmattressesand roll-
out pop-up trundle. Never used, in box
Cost $700.$310cash. (919) 637-4421 after
630 pm.
BRASS BED, queen size w frame and
deluxe Orthopedic mattress set in fac-
tory box. Can't use. Cost $750, sacrifice
$285 cash (919) 637421 after 630 pm.
CARSTrucks, Boats, 4-wheelers
motorhomes,byFBI,IRS,DEA. Avail-
able your area now. Call 1-800-436-4363
ext. c-5999.
McCoy, Porcelain, Playboys and Pent-
house mags from the 70's ($20 a year)
mint condition. Other curious, strange
and beautiful older things for sale. Call
758-7993 to come and take a look. (Ask
for Link).
TWO CERWIN VEGA 380 SE speakers
405 Watts S375 Call Josh 830-6893.
FOR SALE - one almost new
Audiosource signal processor with 10
dio Video mixer (w video detail and
sharpness adjustment and fader). Has 2
VCR and 3 auxilliary inputs outputs
Nifty flashing lights, too. $300 (Ifs a
control unit for any system). Also, for
sale 2 subwoofer enclosures with two
ASnO"woofersineach (fouraltoeether)
90 w RMS, 130 max. Enclosures are
custom with plexiglass sides. $100 each
or Everything above for $400-425 931-
Great club, great money, unbelievable
tips. Work Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
9 pm-2 am. Call Sid 919-735-7713 or
Paul 919-736-0716. Mothers Playhouse
in Goldsboro.
$10 - $360UP WEEKLY Mailing bro-
chures! Sparefull time. Set own hours!
RUSH stamped envelope: Publishers
(GI) 1821 Hillandale Rd. 1B-295
Durham, NC 27705
Greenville Recreation & Parks Depart-
ment is recruiting 12 to 16 part-time
youth soccer coaches for the spring in-
door soccer program. Applicants must
possess some knowledge of the soccer
skills and have the ability and patience
able to coach young people ages 5-18 in
?occer fundamentals. Hours are from 3
pm to 7 pm with some night and week-
end coaching. This program will run
from the first of March to fhe first of
May.Salary rates startatS4.25perhour.
For more information please call Ben
James or Michael Daly at 830-4550.
positions, Great benefits. Call 1-800-
436-J365 ext. P-3712.
ute "Student Rate" subscription cards
at th.s campus. Good income. For
application write to Collegiate Market-
ing Services PO Box 1436 Mooresville
� NC 28115.
are acceptting applications for part -
hme sales associates. Flexible schedule
salary doming discount. Apply
Brody's The plaza Mon - wed. 1-J pm.
OUTER BANKS largest watersports
center hiring enthusiastic persons for
sailing windsurfing instruction,
powerboat and equipment rentals, re-
tail. North Beach Sailing, Inc. Box 8279
Duck, NC 27949. (919) 261-6262.
$ NEED CASHWork when you can,
its ok! Excellent income for " People
Personalitiespeople. NatlCo.expand-
ing in area seeks marketing reps, who
need part - time hours with over min.
wa5e income. Call Cindy 752 - 6560
ens $149, Cancun $459, Jamaica $479!
Springbreak! 1-800-678-6386
HAMASCRU1SES279! Includes6days
in Bahamas, 10 meals! Sail from Florida!
Beautiful Beaches, Great Nightlife!
BREAK" Organize only 18 people
and travel free! Stay at the Howard
Johnson's Beachfront from only $1491
CALL NOW! Take A Break Vacations
PARTYHOUSES-NorthMyrtle Beach
Welcome groups of 4 - 34 people. Group
- Leader discounts. Call Byrtle Beach
Tours 9 - 4 pm (703) 250-2125.
SPRING BREAK ' 93! Travel to Ja-
maica, Cancun and Florida for guaran-
teed lowest prices! Call Stu at 757-0313
immediately to ensure a space!
WANTED: Men and Women to share
in fun, sun - filled weeks in Jamaica,
Cancun and Florida for Spring Breakj!
Reserve your space by calling Stu at
757-0313. h
DONTBELEFTOUT! Limited space
still available to Jamaica, Cancun and
Floridia for Spring Break. Contact Stu
at 757-0313 before ifs sold out!
WIN TO LOSE Tired of yo - yo diets,
hate meal substitutes, not enoght time
to exercise butdesperately want to lose
weight? Give me a call at 746 - 4583.
(Leave name and number on recorder).
beach front $139 -159 Quad. Deadline
soom. Reserve rooms NOW! CallCMI
1 - 800 - 423 - 5264.
Largest Library of Information In U.S.
all subjects
Order Catalog Today with VisaMC or COO
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DELTA CHI Welcomes and Con-
gratulates ECU'S 1 Pledge Class: Jim
Downey, Matt Flippin, Brian Powers,
Jason Valentine, Jason Savage, Alan
Johnson, Eric Wadell, Ben Hocutt, John
Turner, Clark Ibrahim and Larry Forte.
You are the future
Yates and Jennifer Shaffer on their
acceptance to Duke Medical Technol-
ogy School! We are proud of you!
Love - Your Sigma Sisters.
DELTA CHI: We are so excited about
the Valentine's Day Social. If it is
anything like the past ones, everyone
is sure to have a GREAT Hme Love
- The Sigmas.
for everything you've done for us the
past two weeks; We are so happy that
we are here. We Love You - Molly,
Karen, Nell, and Courtney.
to go! You are all doing great! Love,
Your Sisters and Fans!
SIGMA PI: Thanks for all of your
help on the car wash! We will have to
do something together soon!
last year was the most, we had it all -
even Ice cream floats. This Hme will
be better - I mean really HOT - Be on
the lookout for a CUPID SHOT! look-
ing forward to tonight - The Brother
and Pledges of Delta Chi.
on the recent HIGHEST GPA Award
Award Also, Congrats to: Angela
Sutton, recipient of the Artemis
Award; Brooke Driskill and Tristin
Jones, Greek Hall of Fame; Rene'
Smallwood, Outstanding Junior
Panhellenic recognition, and Amy
Seism and Lisa Fulcher for outstand-
ing GPA!
older who have never had genital
herpes. If you are interested in ob-
taining more information, call Jean
Askew, R.N. at 919-551-2578.
LK: To the best boss a girl ever had'
MO: Well your life is just about as
pathetic as mine so I figured as long as
one of us got a love line, the day might
be a total waste. I was going to send
one to myself and FEEL REAL SPE-
CIAL, but I figured that was just too
damn sorry. Coors.
COORS: Don't Feel sorry. See some-
one Cares you got a Love Line, Your
lowly Type set Jeff.
DANA: Happy Valentine's Day! you
are the only one for me. You are the
sun the moon etc etc etc. See you did
Get on of those mushy ValenHne mes-
sages Just like you always wanted, Jeff
Party Like Gods
Panama City $139, Key West $269
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1-800-932-0528, ext. 65
JAMAICA - $429
CANCUN - $439
FLORIDA -� $159
v For Ttw Low9$t o.
'T Prices 8. The Best CQd
' Trips, Call
1-800-426-7710' .
WZMB is accepting
applications for
News Director.
Applicants must be a
full-time student & a
broadcasting major or
minor with a GPA of
t at least 2.5.
Apply in person at
WZMB, MendenhaU.
Newly initiated Sisters of Pi Delta -
Wendy Balles, Caroline Dombroski,
Erica Doughtery, Amy Dowdee, Eliza-
beth Falk, Melissa Hightower, Kriston
Jackson, Marjorie Mauney, Nichole
Maybin, Honor Nebiker, Susie Roupp
and Starr Yarboro.
ward to seeing you tonight! Love, Pi
PI DELTA SISTERS: Can't wait to
see who our mystery Valentine's da tes
will be!
DELTA ZETA: Proudly congratu-
lates Marie Hooper for winning her
Panhellenic Leadership Award!
ALPHA PHI'S: Get ready for
Valentine's Cocktail Saturday night.
Look out for Cupid
COOL AID '93 presented by PHI
KAPPA PSI will be held at MugShots
Thurs, Feb 18. Proceeds will benefit
Greenvilles Homeless Shelter. For
Admission Info Call 830 - 8989 or (758
-2417). v
ALPHA OMICRON PI: One hell of a
weekend, i think everyone can agree
Roseball on Sat. was definitely the'
place to be. The afternoon was festive
and the dinner was no bore, the ques-
tion is Rita, what was that TROPHY
for?? Awards were given and even a
song was sung, so Liz, Laura, Tammy,
Lisa and everyone else CONGRATS
on a job well done. But when the
banquet was over the party was far
from through, with bubbles and steam
Dance Party USA" was nothing new.
But little did we know the pool would
the the attraction of the night. And
"Tall Boy" and the gang didn't even
get in a fight. But now Roseball is a
memory and all the bubbles have
popped. So THANKS again Kate for
a formal hard to top
BLAIR - Even though your an anal
boss, you run a weird ship of chick-
ens! Thank you for having faith &
patience with me - I owe a lot of my
success to you. Here's to a much -
improved East Carolinian, lat nights
reading the Chicago Tribune tower,
and incorrigible computer problems!
Thanks for putting up with my ST'
Your chickenheads.
SUSAN: Happy V-Day. Thisisjustin
case no one tells you. Jeff
LEIGHANN: I hope you have a nice
fucking VD. Eternally, Jeff, (no just
kidding happy V- Day).
GORY-You Keep Me AMUSED! Hope
you all have a funky Valentine's Dav'
Love, Dana (Chicken).
(Corny Huh?) Cori.
JOHN: Happy Valentine's Day Love
Always, Aime'e.
TRACY: Hope you have a wonderful
Valentine's Day. Love always. Boo -
red, Violets are blue see you Saturday
night even though we are through'
Happy Valentines Day Love, RANI.
BABYGIRL: Happy Valentine's Day'
I can't wait for the 16th. I hope you like
it. Love, Monkey.
HEYEE BRYAN: Happy V-day
Happy 2 - years that's right 2
YEARS I heart you more and more
every day - some red - headed girl.
TO JONATHON: well, it's been 2
years and 8 months, and I love you
moreeveryDAY. I look forward toour
future. Happy Valentine's Day! Love
SQUIRT: I've enjoyed the time we've
spent together thus far. Looking for-
ward to a long and prosperous future.
You mean a lot to me. Love Sweetie.
ANA: Wish you a Happy Valentine's,
and look forward to the many yet to
come. Let's celebrate all these day's to
come. Meet me at the BISTRO today
12:00 pm for Lunch, wine and dine!
Always Loving You L.F.
hearts desire, David Daniel. You make
my life complete each and everyday
Love Deborah.
TO KIN T.T: The fires in my heart
burn higher when I lie with you
Through all the laughter and tears
myloveforyouburnsstrone. iLOVE
YOU! Jester.
SHAINE: As our six moths together
start anew, and our life together is
still Brand new. Our Valentine's Day
soon Draws near, and there is some-
thing my heart wants you to hear. I
love you and I hope you love me, and
if we succeed, oh what the future will
be. Happy Valentine's Day, I LOVE
YOU Jason.
BILL: Home Alone, Yacht Time
Prom, Ocrakote, NASCAR, fishing'
flying, Christmas, July 1st, May 13,
Beau's, dancing, Bahamas, South of
the border, holidays. Snuggle time.
What's that Mama, Wayne's World
SWING, Gatheringnuts, Doctor Dan:
That's why I'll Love You Forever!
THERE WAS an MPA dude from IU
whoseduced a poor girl fromPurdue
But she's a quick learner, He-ighited
feels sixty - two.
July 4th boy did sparks fly, when we
decided to give "us" a try. We have
definitely been on a roller coaster �
nde. And hopefully we will be on .
this ride together, forever, side by
side. Beca use now your name is per-
manently engraved in my heart. To
Robert Kelly McDonald.
STACY: I love how you treat me and
make me feel. You mean the wcrld to
me and that's for real. You fill my
thoughts night and day. My love for
you is enormous, what can I say? I
miss you very much when we are !
apart, believe me when I say this
because it is from the heart. The time
we have spent together has been ut-
terly fantastic, you are a lot of fun to
be around, not to mention extremely
attractive, you are truly a special .
person and deserve special treatment. �
To me, treating you the way you
should be is most important. There
really are not enough words to ex-
press how deep my feeling go. But
for now I hope this poem will do.
Happy Valentines Day Stacy, I Love
you. Darrell.
NOTORIUS: Well the most I can say
to the name. Anyway, I hope you
have a great Valentines Day even
though I'm not so sure at this time
you deserve it! What's up with that?
Oh, before I forget - I hope every- ,
thing went terrific on your interview
Mr. Professional and I hope yournext !
interview goes just as well! PS. I'm
not signing this but you should know
who it is!
DEAR REBECCA: Happy Valentine's
Day to the hottest, southern, brown
eyed girl I know from the New Yorker
with the GREEN eyes. Love Always
Rob. '
SWEET PEA: I will never give up on
us. You belong in the pod with me. My
love can wait a lifetime. Snow Pea.
Butler) Happy Valentine's Day.
Thanks for being there for me and give
a reason to whistle. Miss Birdie.
CHINESE: We are Siamese if you
please. Don't ever forget that night
Baby Girl. I've been Shanghaied. For-
ever Yours, RST.
Men's Clothing
Dorm Refrigerators
Stereo Equipuipment
Video Equipment
Miscellaneous Items
TRIPS! Bahamas Cruise 6 Days In-
cludes 10 Meals, Great Beaches &
Nightlife! S279! Panama City
Beachfront Rooms With Kitchens SU9,
Key West Oceanfront Hotel S249'
Daytona BeachfrontRooms With Kitch-
CHRIS IVEY: Happy Birthday - I
love your more than ever! Love,
Take this out - of - the ordinary trip
March 6 - 13. Enjoy island camping,
canoeing and sea kayaking along the
Edisto River. $175 for students S185
for fs. Call 757-6387 for details.
SEX Nowthatlhaveyourattention,
all SWF who desire interesting corre-
spondence and Friendship, Write me-
HAWK, PO Box 8663, Greenville
WARM AND LOVING female wants
to give health Caucasian baby a close
knitfamilyand financial security. Will
help with expenses. Call Collect (804)
572-8403 or Write PO Box 655, South
Boston, VA 24592.
STUDY The Section of Infectious Dis-
ter is conducting a study on the sexual
spread of herpes viruses. We are look-
ing for men and women 18 years and
KRISTIE: You are the most precious
lady in the world. Nothing could ever
take the place of you. Happy
Valentine's Day!
W. H. C. : My big bear you are the
world to me. I will love you forever
Little Snake.
Karen Bilyj
Lindsay Fernandez
Matt Hege
Aime'e Lewis
Brandon Perry
for more advertising
Get deposits in now for Summer and Fall
l and 3 bedroom duplexes offering
lots of space and convenient locations
close to campus.
Water and sewer is paid bv us
Call 752-8320 from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Get deposits in now for Summer and Fall
Available March 1 Ideal location, close to
campus with ECU Bus transportation
provided. One and two bedrooms
Water and sewer is paid by us.
Call 752-8320 from 8:30 arri to 5:00 pm.

7iwmm-imi �fc i ;
TTie �asf Carolinian
February 11, 1993
Page 6
SG A not Machine, has student interests
Recently, the University of Alabama's
administration shut down the student gov-
ernment because of a report that a candidate
for student president had been assaulted for
running against what is called "the Machine
The student claimed that a man came
into her apartment and assaulted her, saying
that she was allied with the wrong
people. Two months earlier, the stu
dent found a cross burning on her
front lawn and notes in her mail-
box with the phrase "Machine
'The Machine" is a shad-
owy, behind-the-scenes collec-
tion of white fraternities and
sororities that back certain indi-
viduals for election into student
government. Most students who
run against Machine-backed can-
didates have lost the election, with
evidence being documented as far back
as the '30s.
Students are on both sides of the assault
issue. School President Roger Sayers stopped
short of blaming the Machine for the incidents
and the Machine-backed candidate is quoted
as feeling "really horrible the assault hap-
pened Also, previous Machine-supported
SGA officers have stated that they have no
doubt the incidents are Machine-related.
This example of university tyranny puts
ECU's Student Government Association in a
more realistic light. We can sit back and breathe
a collective sigh of relief that at least we're not
s bad as the University of Alabama. But that
doesn't mean that the SGA is at the other end
of the spectrum, either.
What ECU has is a group of students,
albeit small, who are dedicated to the benefit
of the school for the students. Each week,
these students do their best to fight the red
tape that hampers their efforts to
make this campus a better place
for all of us. Not only must
Cthey fight this ongoing bu-
Y reaucracy, but also the apa-
thy of some of the student
I I j body that they represent.
Apathy is what al-
y i lows groups like the Ma-
chine to grow and fester.
Since the 1930s, this group
has been allowed to influ-
ence and sway elections
through fear and intimidation.
Students and administrators knew
about the existence of this group; they just
chose to do nothing about it.
ECU's SGA may not be the best that a
collegiate system has ever seen. It has its pit-
falls just like any other student government.
But at least it's open to student input and
opinion. The average student does have a say
in what goes on at this campus. The question
remains though, do you care enough to take
the time to have that say?
If you don't, then maybe the Machine
isn't such a bad idea after all. Then again,
neither was Big Brother.
By Gregory Dickens
Hollywood reflects societal attitude to sex
As one of the movie re-
viewers for this fine publication,
I've noticed a trend in the last 10
years that has swept through
Hollywood like wildfire. In the
chic thrillers and suspense pic-
tures that have been released,
one dominant plotline has been
the easy-money racehorse that
has beaten Stephen King and
Tom Harris for chills and profit:
sex can kill ya
In the shadow of AIDS that
the media has eagerly cast on
America and consequently the
world, Hollywood has picked
up on and utilized the increas-
ingly-real threat of fatal affairs.
Cinematic sex has often
been used as a danger for pro-
tagonists. Adultery and rape
are no longer only hinted at with
innuendo or clever camera work
as was the case in early movies.
The big, bad atomic mutants
were infamous for preying on
the young and the nubile in the
'50s. Rare was the sci-fi poster
lacking a beast stalking half-
dressed women.
The '60s movies revolved
around the emerging sexual
revolution and the insecurity of
youth, such as The Graduate or
the various Tennessee Williams
adaptations. The '70s gave us
the slasher genre wherein Jason
or Michael would kill some teen-
agers that had sneaked off for a
The incurable epidemic of
the '80s brought to light the
multi-faceted pitfalls incurred
with random or illicit sex. It also
boosted the appeal of old-fash-
ioned love stories where boy
meets girl; not boy meets girl,
boy meets other girl, and boy
meets the Barbie twins.
The first movie to reintro-
duce monogamy as a sound
ideal was Fatal Attraction, in
1985. Michael Douglas found
himself hounded by the woman
he had an affair with. Glenn
Close was determined to "not
be ignored" because she was
inconvenient to his marriage. In
case you forgot, the talk shows
(the medium that permeate ev-
ery available audio visual fre-
quency transmitted today) cut
their teeth on the "fatal attrac-
tion syndrome" for nearly two
Attraction set the plotline
so common today in which the
femme fatale is elevated to an
even-deadlier status of sex-
killer. Not only will the suspi-
cious lady that you love to hate,
and hate to love, break your
heart, but the temptation to bed
her can literally get you killed.
This wasn't a true novelty,
but before it was the gangster
she was with or the husband she
wed who threatened the hero.
Now, it's the woman. No longer
helpless or vulnerable to the
protagonist's whims, she
wouldn't merely fall in love with
the persuasive Don Juan. She
could possibly kill him for his
The massive success of Fa-
tal Attraction made the sex-killer
a potent profit-maker. Theresa
Russell in Black Widow
reawakened the character that
kills her husband after marriage
in order to collect insurance
money (much like Madonna in
Body of Evidence). Scandalous re-
lived the true story of a sex scan-
dal involving Parliament mem-
bers abolished from their posts
for hiring prostitutes (similar to
the recent Damage with Jeremy
Irons in which a successful poli-
tician loses all for his affair with
his son's fiance).
However, the recent Basic
Instinct directly confronted the
wariness with which lovers
should be armed. Granted, not
everyone falls for a libidinous
novelist accused of murdering
for money. But the point is that
many men, and women, (as the
movie suggests) would want to
roll in the hay with someone
like Catherine and may not rec-
ognize the obvious danger they
place themselves in. A transpar-
ent allegory of AIDS? You bet
your sweet bippy.
As is Bram Stoker's Dracula.
The plot line involves Lucy
slowly manifesting physiologi-
cal transformations due to blood
transference. Mina also risks
exposing herself to the same fate
for love. Obvious.
It's refreshing to realize
that Hollywood isawareof how
society is worried by the threat
of a disease most commonly
transmitted through sex. Of
course, a profit is made off of
this concern and maybe that's
not such a bad thing. If Holly-
wood continues to make mov-
ies in which characters deter-
mine monogamy, responsibility
and loyalty make for health and
happiness, perhaps audiences
will get the point also. A little
consideration on such topics is
time well-spent and possibly
The East Carolinian
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By Jim Shamlin
Citizens only key to breaking oppression
emment (along with the other
nebulous and often unnamed en-
tities that constitute the "estab-
lishment") has borne the brunt of
many attacks. Such a charge is a
convenient escape from personal
responsibility, nothing more. To
say that the government is solely
responsible for the oppression of
its citizens is like a murderer claim-
ing that it was the gun, not he, that
is responsible for the murder of
his victim. The government and a
gun are analogous � both are ef-
fective tools ei ther to protect one's
own rights or to violate the rights
of others. The resu 11 of their use or
abuse is attributable not to the
tool, but to the user.
To clarify this analogy for
smaller minds: The statement "a
government derives its powers
from the consent of those gov-
erned" is not an empty theory, but
inevitable truth. One of the dys-
functions of a democratic system
such as ours is the power it ex-
tends to the majority to oppress
the minority � in effect, democ-
racy engenders a government that
enforces mob rules. I f the majority
happens to be of one race, govern-
ment enforces their power to op-
press other races. If the majority
happens to be male, the govern-
ment enforces their power to op-
press a female minority. Thus, both
racism and sexism demonstrate
this inherent flaw in a "fair" sys-
It is not the intention of this
columnist to suggest that we in-
vert the balance entirely, giving
the minority power to oppress the
majority, as is the case in many
totalitarian states and other
militocracies. Oppression is op-
pression, no matter who holds the
gun. Democracy remains the only
system in which everyone ha s pro-
portionate representation. Itisone
of the few systems that has the
potential to promote fairness, but
only if its power is exercised with
the utmost discretion � discre-
tion equal to, if not greater than,
that which one uses when firing a
Any situation in which op-
pression occurs requires each side
to take an active role: the
oppressor's "right" to oppress
him, thereby assisting the oppres-
sor by accepting the status of a
victim. Since both must take an
active role, it is within the power
of either party to halt the oppres-
It is easier, by far, for the
oppressor to cease, as it is he who
is initiating the system of oppres-
sion. To use the example of master
and slave (the most obvious level
of oppression) it is easier for a
master to free his slave than for a
slave to become free of his master.
In terms of democracy, this means
that those who support any law
should consider its macrosocial
impact. Too many voters are con-
cerned only with their own ben-
efit, not with the fairness of a given
law,and somegroupsconsciously
seek to oppress others for their
own benefit. Through power-lust
and ignorance, American voters
have turned their government into
an extortion racket that robs Peter
to pay Paul � and as a result, it is
strongly supported by aspiring
The oppressor, however, has
little incentive todesist, especially
in a society in which integrity has
little value. The promise of some-
thing for nothing has a strong ap-
peal � too strong for many to
resist. Distressingly few people,
especially the mediocre, have the
integrity to decline an opportu-
nity to extort a living or to infringe
upon the rights of others for their
own benefit.
Incentive is far greater on
the part of the oppressed�but in
order to cease the oppression, the
victi m must rebel. Rebellious cases
in which a slave breaks free from
his master, can be difficult and
bloody. Thedifficulty and thedan-
ger, however, does not relieve the
victim of responsibility. Nazi ex-
ecutioners at the Nuremberg tri-
als often plead innocence, claim-
ing that they were just following
orders � disobedience or rebel-
lion would have put the execu-
tioners in danger. They were by
no means innocent. The same is
true for a policeman who, while
violating the rights of citizens,
claims that he is just doing his job,
and for anyone who obeys or acts
to aid the enforcement of a law to
which he morally objects.
When any incidence of op-
pression exists, it is never morally
justifiable to blindly follow orders
�it is imperative to question those
orders, to defy them, and, in ex-
treme cases, to rebel against the
establishment from which those
orders came. To refrain from do-
ing so is to grant sanction to the
oppressors; to acknowledge that
whatever they happen to be doing
is not only acceptable, but right.
The drug "war" is an ex-
ample of rebellion. While drugs,
as a commodity, are harmful, their
use is an inalienable right, a choice
on the part of citizens over which
thegovemmenthasno power. The
producers, in this case, are the ones
fighting to protect their right to
supply the consumers' demand.
Theinabilityof the government to
stop the flow of drugs�or of any
commodity it has declared illegal
� demonstrates that the laws are
not supported by citizens, hence
enforcement of these la ws is an act
of oppression.
Thus, government has no
power to establish laws over the
objection of its citizens � wide-
spread violation of arbitrary legis-
lation serves to demonstrate its
impotence. In such cases, govern-
ment may only act punitively
when it is able to apprehend a
transgressor. Just as oppression is
only possible by the acceptance of
its victims, so is governmental
power only effective with the sanc-
tion of its citizens. Rebellion is
possible in regard to any oppres-
sive law � it is not only possible,
but necessary.
While it remains true that
government is oppressive, wecan-
not demand, or expect, govern-
ment to initiate the changes that
are necessary because it is not
within the power of government
to change itself. Responsibility lies
in the hands of the citizens who
have created and continue to spon-
sor such oppression, whether by
active support or passive accep-
tance. Breaking the chains is the
firststepin regaining our freedom
�the second step, which requires
far more self-control, is refusing
to use the whip.

The East Carolinian
February 11, 1993
Page 7
Gere, Foster shine in 'Sommersby'
By Dean Koontz
Putnam, 1993
(AP)�In Dragon Tears, author Dean Koontz takes readers on a
journey into the supernatural, where he suspends disbelief and
makes the implausible sound plausible.
Two Southern California detectives, Harry Lyon and Connie
Gulliver, work well together, but nothing in the police manual
prepares them for encounters with the "Ticktock Man He can stop
time, rearrange reality and assume different horrible forms.
A perfectionist, Lyon believes that by leading an orderly life he
can control the chaos he faces on the streets. Gulliver is gung-ho,
always ready for a dangerous assignment.
As she explains it: "You gotta be in sync with the rhythms of
destruction. Civilization iscomingdown around ourears You've
gotta know when tobreakaruletosave the system�andhowtosurf
on every random wave of madness that comes along
The madness begins while the two officers are having lunch. A
young man enters the restaurant, opens fire on the customers and
then flees out a rear door, with Lyon and Gulliver in pursuit. The
gunman is finally slain in a shootout during which he yells out titles
of Elvis Presley songs.
After leaving the scene, Lyon is confronted by a repulsive
vagrant. "Ticktock, Ticktock. You'll be dead in sixteen hours the
hobo says. He disintegrates � not into a pile of bones, but into
pebbles, dust, pieces of old rags and dry clods of earth.
In another confrontation, at Lyon's home, he shoots the hobo
four times, but he doesn't go down.
"The vagrant raised his right hand, and green static electricity
crackled between his fingers. Light shimmered in the air above his
palm, and suddenly his hand was on fire. He snapped his wristand
flung a fireball across the room. It hit the drapes and they exploded
into flames
The hoboagain warns Lyon thathe will diesoon, and then burns
to cinders before the officer's eyes.
As the investigation continues, Lyon and Gulliver learn that the
hobo, with his frightening powers, also has set a deadline for killing
three other people, all of them homeless.
Who is this demon and how can he be stopped? Most of the
questions raised by Lyon and Gulliver are answered by a patient in
a private sanitarium.
Koontz provides a violent finale for this fantasy.
By Gregory Dickens
Staff Writer
Finally, after Hexed, Body of
Evidence and other pointless
wastes of film, we have a date
movie! No more suffering
through ridiculous dialogue and
staleacting, my friend. We've got
Richard Gere, we've got Jodie
Foster, we've got a period-piece
romance wrapped in an intrigu-
ing screenplay called Sommersby.
ing home to Vine Hill, Tenn two
years after the Civil War to re-
build his home, his farm and his
marriage. His wife Laurel (Jodie
Foster) is defensive about his ar-
rival. After all, he was cold and
cruel to her before he left, and she
had planned to marry family
friend Orrin Meecham (Bill Pull-
man) and hey, Gere's character
may not be Jack.
This Jack is kind, he's warm
to his friendsand slaves, he reads
Homer, his clothes fit differently
(he shrank two shoe sizes) but
well, he's Richard Gere, so Laurel
ain't just gonna throw himoutof
the house. Is it really the same
man who left seven years ago?
And if not, who is he and is this
part of a scam to rob the village
out of what the Union soldiers
left behind?
The movie opens with Gere
burying someone. Who was it?
He claims to have amnesia after
being captured by the Yanks but
can someone know small details
ofhispastand forget the name of
his best friend? Was the real Jack
sea rred as a passer-by claims, and
if so, why isn't there a mark on
this man? Could a man change so
drastically? And if not, wouldn't
his wife know the difference in
bed between her husband and a
Sommersby has a great set-
A perfect Valentine's movie
Pholo courtesy Warner Bros.
jack Sommersby (Richard Gere) and his wife, Laurel (Jodie Foster), share a passionate moment after he returns
from a mysterious seven-year absence, in Warner Bros, romantic drama, "Sommersby
up also. Gere swears that he is
Jack. However, a posse arrives in
town to arrest Sommersby for
murder. Does he admit to being
Jack and hang or say he's a
stranger and live but to lose ev-
Following this scene, the
movie becomes a courtroom
drama that has the misfortune of
being released so soon after A
Few Good Men. As good as the
trial is and as well as everyone
acts, it just can't measure up in
tension and clean dialogue. The
mystery of Gere's identity saves
the film's second half, though. It
is an airtight plot with nuances so
subtle, the answer may prove de-
batable to some viewers.
Sommersby is blessed with tal-
ent. Gere has never been better.
He loses the cockiness that he
use,d to carry American Gigolo,
Breathless and even Pretty Woman.
He is sincere and noble, trying to
win back the wife who doubts his
word while still loving his inten-
Jodie Foster is incapable of a
bad performance and again
sounds true with her faux South-
ern accent. Their chemistry is not
only believablebutendearing and
fun, a bit more open than you
might expect. In fact, all the ac-
life roles � James Earl Jones as
the trial judge proves his ability
with his limited amount of lines.
Nicholas Meyer (Star Trek IV:
The Voyage Home and VI: The Un-
discovered Country) adapts The Re-
turn Of Martin Guerre, a French
production, which was based on
an actual case of just such an inci-
dent in 15th-century France. The
change of locale and use of perti-
nent historical information (the
Reconstruction, the early incar-
nation of the Ku Klux Klan) gives
Sommersby a solid foundation
that lets the acting carry the mo-
mentum and credibility.
Sommersby will get to you.
It's an affecting, lively tale com-
bined with a sharp script and an
ending that will floor you. Trust
me, take a date and enjoy the
show. It's that good.
speaks at night
By Marjorie McKinstry
Staff Writer
The midnight hour flips over to an-
other day, and suddenly another sound
emanates over WZMB's airwaves. Mu-
sic ceases to be of primary importance,
and the power of words, The Spoken
Word, starts a two-hour rampage that
trots through literature and any other
form of words the eclectic collection of
announcers have available.
Ts saviours of The Spoken Word and
dubious poetry go by the names Bucky
Sinister, Courage J. Sanskrit, Olay (as in
Oil of) Castlepunch, and Upton Wage
deliver insomniacs from boredom and
the unenlightened fromdepravity every
Monday night from midnight until 2 a.m.
Although the focus of the show is on
language and the spoken word, the show
is not a talk show. The deejays pick a
topic for the week, and then spend hours
searching through the library and
through their personal music collections
to create a suitable mental menu for the
night's intellectual onslaught.
Half an hour before the show, Sinis-
ter, Sanskrit, Castlepunch and Wage
compare lists of music, poetry, prose
and recorded speeches. They plunge
into bookbags, pulling out old literary
textbooks, back issues of Exjircssions a nd
the Rebel, and some of their own writ-
ings, composed while indulging in frothy
beverages. Two different copies for the
list of the day surface; Sanskrits'version
includes the word of the day-Yo mate-
rial of the day - grunge flannel; hairy
animal of the day-Chewbacca; orifice of
the day - mouth; and occupation of the
day-a tie between dentist and shepherd.
A few minutes before airtime, the
men grab their CDs and cassettes and
start programming the shows' music and
background aura. Unfortunately, the
cassette system is in an ill mood and
refuses to play. After a non-panicked
rush to the mike, Wage invites the audi-
ence to another evening examining the
spoken word.
This week's focus is on black English
and the black vernacular. The record-
ings of Malcom X are interspersed with
the musings of Bob Marley and the po-
etry of Gwendolyn Brooks and Amiri
Baraka. Wage tests his fellow deejays
with a hip hop vocabulary list. "Cour-
age J. Sanskrit, esq could you use dope
in a sentence?" Wage asks. Sanskrit
stumbles on the slang definition of dope,
but does manage to use the word cor-
rectly in a sentence -dope, by the way,
means fantastic.
Next, Wage explains the differences
between the east and west coast mean-
ings of eighth,ill, one being a haircut,
and the other to kill someone. Wage
asks, "Bucky Sinister, can you use
eightball correctly as a verb?"
Sinister replies, "The drug deal went
bad, so John eightballed Larry
"That was dope Sanskrit adds.
The discussions on the show are a
sort of bonus; WZMB already has one
talk show that airs earlier on Monday
See SPOKEN page 10
in Review
Greenville restaurants cater to lovers
By Pam Revels
Staff Writer
Red, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates. Cupid with his
arrows. A dozen red roses. A romantic dinner for two.
Valentine's Day conjures up all of these images.
This holiday for couplesand young loversdatesali the way
back to the Middle Ages. Love notes, usually anonymous, were
sent on Feb. 14 because birds began to mate on that day. So,
naturally, the theory held that this constituted the perfect day
for humans to express their affection, also.
The name Valentine's Day originated with the Christian
martyr, St. Valentine, known as the patron saint of lovers. On
Feb. 14, St. Valentine was beheaded in Rome, and it became
traditional to prepare a celebratory feast on that day in his
Today, we still celebrate Valentine's Day by sending love
notes, or tokens of our affection, and eating.
Goingouttodinnerisoneof the traditional American ways
to celebrate the holiday.
Several restaurants in Greenville will commemorate
Valentine's by offering focxl and drink specials designed lor
couples. I lere are a few:
Annabelle's�Located in The Plaza, Annabelle's provides
a romantic and relaxing atmosphere. The restaurant will
feature several specials for Valentine's Day. Tine roast chicken
will be a bargain and two-for-the-price-of-one sirloins will
also be served. The drink special is $1.14 daiquiris.
Boli's 5th St. Pizzeria�Boli's, situated in downtown
Greenville, will have $1 domestics for the Sunday holiday, as
well as complementary desserts. If a special deal on a pizza
sounds good to you and your date, head down to Boli's.
Chico's Mexican Restaurant�Chico'scaterstoacouple's
needs on Valentine's by featuring a Mexican sampler platter
for two for $15.95. Strawberry margaritas will be served by the
pitcher for $11.95, and sweet tart shooters will cost $2.50.
Chico's is in downtown Greenville on Cotanche Street.
Darryl's 1907 Restaurant and Bar�Two prime rib din-
ners for $23.99 makes up the special at Darryl's. This also
includes twogardensaladsand turtle sundaes Drink specials
are $1.50 Screwdrivers and $1.50 Bloody Marys. Darryl's,
,i ross from campus, provides a convenient and popular loca-
tion for students.
See CATER page 10
Wthng in U.V. JVmm,
by Girl Filorefo
Mustang Publishing Go.
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
Lights, camera, action.
Working in T.V. News, written by Carl Filoreto and Lynn Setzer, dispels this
understatement by giving honest, and often funny, accounts of the television
Communication and journalism majors, or anyone who thinks TV might be
thei r next job, need this book�if not for the true story behind television journalism,
at least for the appendices in the back that list the major television markets in the
United States and Canada. Filoreto lists these markets by ADI (Areas of Dominant
Influence) and gives the addresses where interested persons can write.
Fibre to writes with an easy and flowing style. Readinghis book, (Setzer writes
only one chapter)you can almost see himsittingina desk chair, with hislegscrossed,
talking to you on the phone. The book is unpretentiousand informativeat the same
time; the readercan trust Filoreto because ofhisobvious knowledge and experience.
He's been in the business a while, and he knows what it takes to be a success in
television journalism.
Filoreto refrains from preachingor giving his own opinions on how to succeed.
As he says in his introduction, "the book is not based on our personal ideas of the
best way to land a job. The advice
herein comes straight from the people
whodo the hiring Filoreto surveyed
numerous top-level people as to their
preferences for job hunters. This ap-
proach gives the reader ah 'terfeelof
how to land that "entry-level" posi-
Possibly the best thing about this
bex'k is Filoreto's openness and hon-
esty. He portrays his job just like it is�
no frills, no fancy draping, the good
right along with the bad. In one chap-
ter, he relates the increasing trend to-
ward streamlining that most news TV
Stations are seeing in the '90s. Feople
ire Uing laid off, the recession is hit-
ting, more people are kxking to work
in TV Filoreto tells about it all, but
urges prospective TV journalists not
to give up.
"Remember: there are always job
See Rl VIEW page 10

8 The East Carolinian
FEBRUARY 11, 1993
Summer Theatre
auditions Friday
The Summer Theatre of Eastern
North Carolina, a professional theatre
operating under Actors' Equity Asso-
ciation Guest Artists contracts, an-
nounces open auditions for actors and
actresses, agesl8 - 35, for the 1993 sum-
mer season.
Auditions will be held on Saturday,
Feb. 13 in the Studio Theatre of ECU's
Messick Theatre Arts Center from 930
a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
The productions for this season are:
Our Country's Good, June 7 -26 (dates are
inclusive of rehearsals and perfor-
mances), Quilters, June 21 - July 10, and
Lettice and Lovage, July 5 - July 24.
Auditionees for Quilters should be
prepared to sing, preferable a piece of
their own choosing which they have pre-
pared. Please note that Quilters is an all
women show.
Auditionees for Our Country's Good
and Lettice and Lovage should prepare a
monologue of two-minutes duration.
Both showsdorequiredialects: Irish,
British andor Scots.
In all cases, material from the actual
season's plays is appropriate. Accompa-
niment will be available for singing au-
ditionsoryou may bringyour own taped
accompaniment. A cassette player will
be provided.
Audubon's 'Birds' at Museum of Art
Staff Reports
Please note that auditions are by appointment only.
no "walk-ins" will be seen. For an appointment, call or
write: John Shearin. firtistic Director, The Summer Theatre.
co Department of Theatre flits, �ast Carolina University.
Greenville. IMC 27858-4353. (919) 757-6390.
The ECU School of Art Metals Department
is having their annual Valentine's Sale today
and tomorrow from b a.m. - 5 p.m. at the
Jenkins Fine Arts Center, second floor foyer.
Items available will be a variety of individu-
ally-designed rings, brooches, earfmqe and
other jewelry in a wide range of prices.
Come out and purchase your sweetheart a
unique, handcrafted Vaentne'e Day gift!
The rare, four-volume double el-
ephant folio of The Birds of America by
John James Audubon will be on view at
the North Carolina Museum of Art Feb-
ruary 6-June 20. Twenty-seven hand-col-
ored engravings from the publication wi 11
also be on view.
The folios and the prints are part of
the Museum's own collection. Because
the prints are very susceptible to fading
caused by exposure to light, they areonly
shown occasionally. The Museum last
exhibited a selection of the prints in 1988.
This is the first time the folios will be on
view in an exhibition in the Museum.
Audubon, the noted American orni-
thologist and artist, realized a lifelong
goal in The Birds of America� to publish a
book illustrating every species of bird
found on the North American continent.
The 435-plate, double-elephant folio took
11 years to complete, from 1827-1838, and
represents years of strenuous field work
by Audubon to document more than 1,000
Audubon broke from the practice of
recording wildlife from stuffed examples
and established a new approach to his
documentation. He observed the birds in
the field, learning their mating and feed-
ing habitsalongwiththeirdistinguishing
characteristics. Rather than using the stiff
profiles that had been customary, he cre-
ated lifelike drawings of birds in their
natural habitats often eating, feeding, or
even figh ting Audubondid his firstsketch
in watercolor, and then combined the
watercolor with pencil, pastel, ink, oil,
crayon, and egg white to produce the
specialized texture and colors he desired
for each bird. His remarkable sense of
color and composition, coupled with has
flair for the theatrical, helped him create a
drawing that would best emphasize a
particular bird's physical characteristics
as will as its habits and habitat.
Publishing 77ze Birds of America was a
project of equal magnitude to the field
work. Unable to convince an American
publisher to accept the project, he con-
tracted with Robert Havell in London to
undertake the complicated copper-plate
printing and hand-
coloring process nec-
essary to accomplish
what Audubon had in
mind. Audubon sold
the publication to the
public through a sub-
scription system. A
subscriber had the
option of receiving The Birds of America
five plates at a time periodically over the
11 year process or the entire series bound
into four volumes at the project's conclu-
Fewer than 200 bound sets were pro-
duced, and the existanceof just more than
100 is known today. At the time of publi-
cation, the price in the United States for
the complete bound set was $1,000. Ac-
cording to the JulyAugust 1992 issue of
Antique Monthly, a copy of Ausubon's The
Birds of America recently sold for $4.07
million at Christie's, a record for any il-
lustrated book.
In 1846, the State of North Carolina
purchased the double-elephant folio at
the request of William A. Graham, who
was the state's governor from 1845-49,
and with the help of Joseph Green
Cogswell, celebrated librarian and bibli-
ographer who was headmaster of the
Episcopal School for Boys in Raleigh from
1834-36. Graham write to Cogswell, who
was then living in New York, about ac-
quiring the folios.
Cogswill found The Birds of America
and purchased the work for the state for
$650, a reduced amount probably due to
the fact that two plates were missing. In
the last 15years, the Museum has located
replacement plates for the missing two to
complete the folios.
The volumes remained at the State
Library until 1974, when they were trans-
ferred to the Museum, and a small num-
ber of plates were unbound, cleaned, and
restored. The twenty-seven prints on view
in the exhibition are part of that group.
The four-volume double elephant
(oversized) folios will also be on view in
the exhibition, protected under glass be-
causeof their fragile state. General use by
the public while in the State Libraries
Collection has caused deterioration of the
Rather than using the stiff profiles that
had been customary, he (Audubon)
created lifelike drawings of birds in their
natural habitats � often eating, feeding,
or even fighting
Three lectures on Audubon's like and
work will be presented during the exhibi-
tion. At 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 25,
Cathleen A. Baker, associate professor of
paper conservation at the State Univer-
sity College at Buffalo, will present a lec-
tureentitled "Audubon's Birds of America:
Conservation Treatment
At 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 13, Joseph
Covington, director of education at the
Museum, will give a talk on Audubon's
career and ornithological work. Admis-
sion to the lectures is free.
Several workshops for adults and chil-
dren will be offered during the exhibi-
tion. Contact the Museum's education
department for more information.
Group tours of the exhibition can be
arranged by making reservations two
weeks in advance with the Education de-
partment. To make reservations, call
(919)833-1935, ext.145.
The Museum Shop will offer many
items related to the exhibition tor sale,
including notecards, birdhouses, books,
bone china boxes with bird paintings,
bird feather jewelry, gift wrap, address
books, and a children's coloring book.
"A selection from The Birds of America
byjohn James Audubon" was organized
by Museum Director Richard
Schneiderman and Associate Curator of
Modern Art Huston Paschal. The exhibi-
tion is sponsored by SAS Institute Inc. of
Cary, North Carolina.
For more information or photographs,
contact Elizabeth Holloway, media rela-
tions officer at (919) 833-1935, ext. 142.
The North Carolina Museum of Art,
located at 2110 Blue Ridge Road in Ra-
leigh, houses the state's art collection.
It is an agency of the Department of
Cultural Resources, Betty Ray McCain,
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FEBRUARY 11, 1993
The East Carolinian
Recyclable camera choice for today
Associated Press
Photography has become enor-
early 1900s.
up, convinced the whole process of
getting a gcxxi picture is just too com-
If you are one of tlie many hobby
prx-rtDgraphersfrustrated with the tech-
nical demandsof today'scamerasand
fi 1ms, there isa relatively new product
on the market just for you: the 35mm
disposable camera.
Qi the leading edge of low tech
design, these humble plastic and card-
board box cameras mark a refreshing
return to basics by Kodak and Fuji, the
two international photo giants manu-
facturing and marketing them in sev-
eral variations.
There are a number of models
available, including panorama and
underwater configurations, some fea-
ture built-in flash.
All the mcxiels come pre-loaded
wi tli either 24 or 36 exposures of film,
so there's no film to buy.
If there isa flash, the batteries are
in the camera already.
No mandatory accessories, and
best of all, no thick, highly technical
instruction book.
The normal retail price for all
mcxiels is betweenlOand $15�but
disposables are often heavily dis-
For the technophobe who wants
to tike just a few gcxxi pictures in their
chi Idren's lifetimes, these cameras are
There are no dials, readouts, or
display: just line it up in theviewfinder
and shixit.
Of course, thebigquestion is how
VVithdt vent lightquality and com-
ix isition, the results can be surpris-
ingly good.
A few drawbacks to beware of
include a larger picture area than is
visible in the viewfinder and absc
lutelv no exposure adjustment capa-
When shutting w ith a standard
disposable, compose carefully and
watch for unwanted objects on the
sides and top of the viewfinder.
area of deep shadow as the primitive
design can't compensate for the dark
area, and your subject may disappear
in the final print.
Gst situations but tend to underex-
pose extremely bright mid-day land-
scapes or buildings.
Use die model with the built-in
flash if you plan to shoot indoors.
The undenvater and panorama
mcxiels Gill for a little more technique
on the part of the user.
Because the panorama takes big-
ger pictures, it needs more light to
expose the film.
It has a slower shutterspoed than
thestandard mi xiel, so beextra careful
to hold the camera steady and gently
squeeze the button until it dicks.
Tlie underwater rruxiel can be
taken into the ocean or a lake and
dunked or splashed with no negative
But it is not intended for photo-
graphing theTitantic.
It has roughlv the same water
resistance parametersasawristwatch,
and is ideal forsnorkelersfl oatingover
colorful coral reefs or rafters going
through rapids that would drench an
ordinary camera.
After the roll is finished, simply
tike the whole camera to the nearest
photo lab and turn it in for prixsssing.
Your local lab Gin receive recy-
cling credits for sending the plastic
shells back for reloading.
While the imagequality of a print
from a low-tech disposable Gimera
camera, it is more than gcxxi enough
for most of us who just want to take a
few gcxxi pictures.
I have a few new
stories so stop by or
call if you need some
spare bucks. �D.
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10 The East Carolinian
FEBRUARY 11, 1993
Continued from page 7
Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter�If you live on campus,
Mendenhall may be the most con-
venient place to dine for
Valentine's. The cafeteria will
have a Valentine's Day Buffet on
Sunday, which includes fried
chicken and roast beef. Regular
brunch items, such as eggs and
bacon, will also be served. The
cost is $4.40 per person.
Professor O'Cools Eating
and Drinking Saloon�O'Cools,
on Greenville Boulevard across
from Kroger, features various
drink and food specials Sunday.
A Valentine's sampler plate,
which consists of appetizers, will
be $4.95. You can eat dinner for
two for $19.93. This special com-
bines a shrimp cocktail and your
choice of Chicken O'Cools,
Chicken Fettucine or London
Broil. The meal also comes with
soup, salad or mixed vegetables.
Drink specials include $1.75
Strawberry Daiquiris and
Margaritas, $2.25 Strawberry
Coladas and $2.95 Cafe Amore
(which is coffee and amaretto).
Saffron's Restaurant�
Saffron's is located inThe Ramada
Inn on Greenville Boulevard. For
the Valentine's special, the res-
taurant offers prime rib dinners
for two for $29.95. This also in-
cludes shrimp and corn chowder,
a house salad, a vegetable, a
stuffed potato and a carafe of
wine. If you want to stay after
dinner, The Ramada will feature
deluxe accommodations for $44.0
plus tax.
Staccato's Cafe and Grill
Staccato's, on Red Banks Road,
does not usually open on Sun-
days. But for Valentine's, the res-
taurant will make an exception
and open from 4-10 p.m. A spe-
cial dinner menu is being pre-
pared, which features fish,
chicken, beef and pasta entrees.
Drink specials on wine, beer and
liquor are also planned.
These are just a few sugges-
tions and alternatives for your
Valentine's Day celebration. Grab
a date and have a great "Heart
ECU Playhouse:
February 11
"Monday After the Miracle" begins at McGinnis Theatre.
The show runs through Feb. 16. All shows begin 8 p.m except
Sunday showing which starts at 2 p.m.
Wright Auditorium:
February 12
"Smoke on the Mountain" begins at 8 p.m.
Auditions: Summer Theatre:
February 13
Open auditions to be held for prospective actors, 18-35, for
the 1993 Summer Theatre. This season's productions include:
Our Country's Good, June 7 to 26 (auditionees should prepare
a two-minute monologue), Quilters, June 21 to July 10 (an all
female cast, be prepared to sing) and Lettice and Lovage, July 5
to 24. Auditions by appointmentonly. Call Artistic Director John
SI earin, 757-6390, for further information and appointments.
North Carolina Museum of Art:
Continuing until February 28
A show of 50 works organized originally in a Moscow
basement by Russian artists and writers shows the satire and
humor that the Slavs can produce. Most of the artists exhibited
are veterans in the fight against Totalitarianism. The show,
Perspectives ofConceptualism: The New Russian Avant-Garde, be-
gan Nov. 21.
Continuing until June 20
An exhibition of 26 hand colored prints by John J. Audubon
are beingdisplayed.Theirdelicate nature mandates that they be
shown infrequently. The last showing of the collection was in
19S8. A Selection from'The Binbcf'America by John James Audubon
began Feb. 6.
Continued from page 7
openings, and there always will
be. Thecomperitionis tougher now,
and you'll need to work harder to
distinguish yourself, but you can
get a job said Filoreto in Working
m T.V. News.
Filoreto also gives invaluable
information on how to create a
cover letter, a resume and a re-
sume tape. Again, theexperts�the
people who actually do the hiring
� are consulted in this matter.
Through their input, Filoreto does
not go into technical details about
how cover letters or resumes should
look, but rather the concepts that
need to be incorporated into them.
Filoreto also discusses various
other issues like internships (which
he highly recommends), positions
at a television station (ranging from
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The book is unpretentious and infor-
mative at the same time; the reader
can trust Filoreto because of his
obvious knowledge and experience.
news director to graphic artist) and
real stories (from hostage returns to
the internal workings of CNN).
Through the book, Filoreto ac-
quaints the reader with the "lingo"
of television journalism.
From "live trucks" to "steering
in a feed FUoreto gives the less-
acquainted of his readers an inval u-
able insight into the mysterious
world of the six o'clock or 11 o'clock
If you're seriously thinking
aboutenteringthisworld of 16-hour
days and endless travel, Working in
T.V. News could very well be the
bible to get you started.
It tells the real story of televi-
sion and still keeps an optimistic
outlook for those die-hards who
absolutely have to work in it.
Working in T.V. News is avail-
able from Mustang Publishing for
the price of $12.95.
Continued from page 7
evenings, therefore the focus of
the spoken word is on language
more than conversation. But, this
can sometimes be a definite grey
area, especially when callers of-
fer opinions about controversial
Last week, one such caller told
the deejays that he thought that
the gays in the military should be
on the front line to absorb bul-
lets. Obviously, other people be-
gan to call in, many with much
more liberal views. One such
caller, code-name Harold, a gay
member of ROTC, gave his opin-
ions regarding the gaymilitary
controversy. Thesamemancalled
back during the show this week
to tell the deejays that his voice
had been recognized on the air.
Harold said "now many people
in my program look at me differ-
ently. They're talking behind my
For a few moments, all the
deejays silenced their voiceswhile
Harold talked. Everyone else in
theofficequittalkingaswell. The
power of The Spoken Word is
After the conversation with
Harold, Sanskrit read some Walt
Whitman � a slight deviation
from the topic of the evening, but
somehow, it seemed appropriate.
One of TVs toughest
Is getting his own
monthly comic book.
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The East Carolinian
February 11. 1993
Page 11
Overton's preparation pays off Coyer hoping to
By Billy Weaver
Staff Writer
Last year the Pirate baseballteam
finished with a 25-24 reoord. ECU is
back and gunning for their 22nd
consecutive winning season.
Finishing 7-10 in the Colonial
Athietic Association in 1992, the Pi-
rates look to their returning starters
and new comers, including seven
junior college transfers, in hopes of
regaining the CA A crown.
PITCHERS: The Pirates return
eight pitchers from their '92 roster.
Head Coach Gary Overton will look
to leaders such as left)- Johnny Beck
and righthandersHoward Whitfield
and Lyle Hartgrove. Beck, who
struck out 91 batters last year with a
3.54 ERA will be heavily depended
on d uring this season's tou gh sched-
CATCHERS: Junior college
transfer Mike Peters is very likely to
start for the Pirates behind the plate.
Peters was brought in to provide
defensivestability. Although offense
was the main objective for most of
ECU'snew recruits, the one concern
of the Pirate defense is opposing
base runners.
"We had a very hard time last
year with keeping teams from run-
ning on us pretty much at will
Overton said.
FIRST BASE: Lee Kushner is a
shoe-in at the right corner. In 1992
Kushner batted 353 with 13 home
runs. The Pirates will depend on his
plate. He will also be looked upon to
provide team leadership.
SECOND BASE: Heath dark
and Kevin Obholz are two assets to
the Pirate middle infield.
"Heath has been a two-year
starter for us and do to mat experi-
repair Pirate defense
File Photo
ECU's baseball team will start the season tommorow against Georgia Southern in Statesboro. Aft�r four
road games to start the season, the Pirates will face the Tar Heels at Harrington Field on Feb. 19 at 3 p.m.
en ce he leads with winning that posi-
tion. Kevin Obholz is a very fine
player and will geta greatamountof
playing time Overton said.
The Pirates will also look for
Kevin 'sbatsomewh ere in thelineup.
THIRD BASE:The Pirateshave
a dandy in junior-college transfer
Chris West West wasa fourth-round
pick straight out of high school but
elected to mature at Louisburg Jun-
ior College. The Pirates expect big
things from West and hope that his
left handed power at the plate will
come in handy.
Overton also expects West to be
able to take some of the burden from
standout Lee Kushner in the batting
order. West will most likely fill the
No. 3 spot in the lineup.
SHORTSTOP: Definitely a
weak spot for the Pirates in '92.
"We played musical chairs (last
year). We used as many as four dif-
ferent players Overton said. Seton
Hall transfer Frank Fedak has won
the position. Fedak is not a flashy
player but Overton feels that he will
be able to get the job done.
ferJamieBorel and Freshman Lamont
Edwards look to anchor the defense
for the Pirates in the outfield. Speed
will be a factor in favor of the Pirate
'Tat Watkins Overton said.
"may be the best athlete on our dub
Offensively, the Pirates look for
Borel and Edwards in the stolen base
category. Jason Head should also see
playing time in the outfield.
The Pirate coaching staff does its
homework when scouting junior col-
lege players. Overton said he hopes
that by bringing in this new talent
holes in the offensive lineup will be
filled.Thisyear'sscheduleisone of the
toughest Overton and thePirates have
ever seen.
ECU opens the season with a three
game seriesatGeorgia Southern. The
Pirates play their first home game
against UNC-Chapel Hill on Feb. 19at
Harrington Field.
Sports Information
eran coach Larry Coyer, 49, has
been named assistant head
coach defensive coordinator for
the ECU football staff, athletics
department officials announced
Coyer comes
to East Carolina
from Ohio State
University, where
he served asdefen-
sive backfield
coach for two sea-
sons. He will coach
the inside line-
backers at East
"I went on a
search for a proven
defensive coordi-
nator that I
thought could
I went on a
search for a
that I thought
could come in
an infuse the
come in an infuse ���
therightpersonal- perSOHallty for
ity for our de-
fense said Pirate
football coach
Steve Logan. "I feel
Larry will do that.
He has been successful at every
level in football and I feel we will
be able to utilize all of his skills
and past experiences
With Coyer joining the ECU
staff, several staff members will
change duties. Chris Thurmond
will continue to handle the de-
fensive backs while Bob Babich
will switch from inside lineback-
ers to the defensive line. Ruffin
McNeill (defensive line) and Ch uck
Tagano (outside linebackers) will
continue to coach their current po-
"1 would like to thank Chris for
his job last year said Logan. "He
took over the defense on short no-
tice and did an admirable job
The H untington, W .Va native
carries an impressive resume that
Big Eight Confer-
ence, Pacific-10
Conference, Big 10
Conference, South-
west Conference
and professional
Coyer came to
Ohio State in 1990,
following a year at
the University of
Houston, where he
served as defensive
coordinator. He has
also been the defen-
sive cooridinator at
University of Iowa
(1974-78), Okla-
homa State Univer-
sity (1978-79), Iowa
Steve Logan, State University
Pirate football coach (1979-82) and M-m-
phisStateUni versify
Coyer left the collegiate ranks
in 1983 to become defensive
cooridinatorwith the Michigan Pan-
thers of the United States Football
League (USFL). The Panthers won
the USFL tide in 1983.
He remained there two years
before joining the staff of the Mem-
our defense,

See COYER page 14
Bowe may know belts
but not how to be king
Boxing still waiting for a true
heir to the throne
By Warren Sumner
Assistant Sports Editor
Boxer Riddick Bowe is the current
heavyweight champion of the world. He
is one of the richest men in America, and
one of the most criticized.
He is blasted in the media for beating
contenders deemed by the media as "out
of shape or in some way unworthy of
challenging for his title.
He is belittled for beating Evander
Holyfield for the championship, who was
also thought of as unworthy of the title. In
fact, in Bowe's victory over Holyfield, the
former champion received more respect
in defeat than Bowe did for winning the
title. Even today the champion is torn
apart for dodging Lennox Lewis, despite
Bowe and his management's claim that it
is for business reasons.
Bowe is criticized for being some-
thing less than ideal in serving as the
primary representative of the sport of
boxing. Considering the profile of the
majority of athletes in this profession, this
assumption may well be correct.
Boxing's athletes, by a vast majority,
are not players in television's media cir-
cus. They are not able to inflate their
image with big talk and dazzling staging.
They often compete in dark, back-alley
gyms, paying for local notoriety with
sweat and blood. A precious few can
become wealthy off their earnings, but
most live as paupers, working other jobs
to support their sadistic hobby. Boxing is
both a sport and a way of life, and often its
punishments far outweigh its awards.
The boxer must incorporate tremen-
dous skill and speed to succeed at his
craft. He must have strength and endur-
ance to inflict punishment on his oppo-
nent, and take that which is inflicted on
him. His training regimen is fierce, nearly
as destructive as the fight he is training
for. Most times his winnings don't equal
to the expense of gym membership, only
when he joins the upper ranks of profes-
sional boxing can he support his addic-
tion to fighting.
Once the boxer finds a promoter, he
can join these coveted ranks. This busi-
ness official, a mixture of mobster and
circus ringmaster, is a necessary evil for
boxing success. Given the reputation of
these promoters, it isn't too difficult to see
who makes the real money in this profes-
sion. Yet, the boxer trains on, waiting for
his chance. And finally, if the promoter
phenagles him into a big fight, he gets it.
Now, the stakes are high, a failure
can be suicide, and a success could still
mean little. Often a knockout at these
stages means the end of a career, yet a
victory can mean everything. Eventually,
after a multitude of fights, broken noses,
and black eyes, the fighter finally gets a
shot at the title. He meets the champion in
the ring for the title, the glory and, if he
wins, a whole host of pressures from be-
ing an international celebrity.
See BOWE page 14
Tennis team
will rely on
foriegn imports
By Brent St. Pierre
Staff Writer
Spring must be in the air. It is that time
of the year for men and women in white to
hit the hard courts. Yes, it is tennis time, or
should it be, tea time.
This year's men's tennis team has a
uniquely European flavor. Four of Coach
Bill Moore's Pirates have made the exodus
from the "Old Country Juniors Anders
Ahl, Ben Atkinson, Camile Huisman and
Markku Savusalo represent ECU's Euro-
pean contingent.
Cou pled wi th a strong sophomoreclass,
this year's tennis team hopes to improve on
last years 14-14 overall record and, more
importantly, their 5-3 CAA conference
Last year Moore expected a tough time
with youth and inexperience. WTiat he got,
however, was a Pirate team that finished
third in the CAA for the third straight year.
Last year the team had no upper classmen.
Now the Pirate baby boomers have reached
adolescence and a re read y to vie for the CAA
The men host six matches this season,
including two CAA Conference matches
against UNC-Wilmington and William and
Mary. The CAA final will be April 16-18 in
Richmond, Virginia.
The Lady Pirate netters are coming off a
disappointing season in which they were 5-
8 and seventh in the CAA. Though they are
slightly moreexperienced then the men; this
year can only be described asone of rebuild-
The Pirates return four upperclassmen
�U.M M ��!�
Foriegn aide
will be the
theme of the
1993 ECU
tennis team. Dr.
Bill Moore will
lead the Pirates
quartet of
players from
from last years team. They are led by lone
Senior Jennifer Fenton. Moore has labeled
Fen ton as one of the strongest players in the
CAA and has a good chance to win the
conference championship.
For ECU to be successful, Fen ton cannot
carry the load alone, last year's underclass-
men must contribute. Kristine Anderson,
Elke Garten, Karen Hester and Kristin
Robinson must bepreparedtohelp Fenton if
they have any hope of losing the "cellar-
dwelJer" tag.
Photo by Bin Ranson
The team will host three home matches
thisseasonagainstUNC-Greensboro, UNC-
Charlotte and against arch-rival Peace Col-
lege. ECU will travel to Harrisonburg, Va.
April 16-17 to compete in the CAA Confer-
ence Championships. Look for the Pirates to
make the slow move to the upper echelon of
the conference by season's end.
The men's and women's season starts
Feb. lO.ThemenwillhostCampbell Univer-
sity at 1 p.m.The ladies will start their season
the 10th as well when they host UNC-G reens-
Mendenhall tournaments send finalists to Knoxville, Tenn.
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
Billiards, table tennis, chess and bowl-
Sounds like the most unlikely combi-
nation of sports you could ever come
across, right? Well, ECU will be sending
individuals from all four of these sports
to Knoxville, Tenn for the Association of
College Unions (ACU-I), regional tour-
During the weekend of Feb. 25-28,
these students will represent ECU in their
various sports at the University of Ten-
nessee. If they continue to win this re-
gional tournament, thestudents will pro-
ceed to the international tournaments,
which will be held in separate locations
and at separate times for the respective
All tournaments at ECU had been
held during the last two-three weeks of
January. More recently, on Feb. 4,
Mendenhall hosted the finals for men's
and women's billiards. The top three fi-
nalists from the men's and the top two
from the women's would be able to go on
to Knoxville.
When the cues were laid down and
the chalk cleared, the winners emerged.
Lewis Croom came out as the men's vic-
tor and Kelly Lamm rose to the women's
winner position. Cori Daniels fought her
way to second place, racking an impres-
sive4-l margin before falling short. Shawn
Bartley and Devin Scully came in second
and third, respectively, for the men's.
Bartley placed second in the chess
tournament as well. He must now choose
between representing ECU in chess or
bill iards; if he chooses chess, fourth place
winner Rodney Strickland (who won last
year's tournament) will take his place in
the billiards competition.
Ben Kerns took f i rst place in the chess
tournament and Jaspar Tyson placed
third. Both Tyson and Kerns won last
year's tournament and will return this
year to Knoxville for a rematch.
For men's table tennis, Ramon
Navarro and Chad Warrick will repre-
sent ECU. Navarro won last year's tour-
nament for ECU. No women signed up
for table tennis.
In men's singles bowling, Keith Webb
and Greg Schehr will roll into Knoxville
for ECU. In the co-rec tournament, Ray
Chilcote, Winn Woodington, Chicora
Martin and Lynnae Jewell will combine
toattempt to bring victory down the lanes.
All students that will be going down
to Knoxville will have their expenses,
food, transportation and lodging paid by
the Student Union Production Commit-
Lynn Jobes, advisor to the Student
Unions Production Committee, a ttributed
the high number of students going to
Knoxville to the greater participation by
"We have more representatives be-
cause of a greater participation lobes
said. "With this many people, we hope to
improve our chances of winning

12 The East Carolinian
FEBUARY 11, 1993
ODU earns vote for women's Top 25
The Top Twenty Five women's
basketball teams as compiled by
Mel Greenberg of the Philadelphia
Inquirer based on the votes of 68
women's coaches, with first-place
votes in parentheses, records
through Jan. 7, total points based
on 25 points for a first-place vote
through one point for a 25th-place
vote and last week's ranking:
Record Pts
Tenn. (67)
Iowa (1)
Penn State
7. Ohio St.
8. Stanford
9. Maryland
10. Lou. Tech
11. Texas Tech
12. N.Carolina
13. S.Austin
14. Virginia
16. South. Cal
17. Vermont
18. W. KU
19. UNLV
20. Okl. St.
21. Clemson
22. N. Illinois
23. Nebraska
24. Hawaii
25. California
Others receiving votes:
DePaul 73, Kentucky 66, Mi-
ami 46, Arkansas St. 44,
Northwestern 37, Connecti-
cut 33, Montana 30, Florida
26, Brigham Young 24, Butler
20, Rutgers 18, Tennessee
Tech 16, Evansville 13, Bowl-
ing Green 12, Kansas 10,
Creighton 9, Georgia Tech 9,
Florida St. 5, Wake Forest 5,
Boise St. 4, Indiana 4, South
Carolina 4, Arizona St. 3, Vir-
ginia Tech 3, George Wash-
ington 2, UCLA 2, Arizona 1,
Old Dominion 1, Montana
Deep in the 'Jungle'
Photo by Dall Reed
Tap the bottle and twist the cap! A few ECU students enjoy a brew or two in the 'Jungle' at
Harrington Field. ECU baseball has enjoyed a large amount of student support. Admission is free.
Sports writers' meeting today @ 4:3
in Student Pub. Building.
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FEBRUARY 11, 1993
The East Carolinian 13
Gov. L. Douglas Wilder of-
fered the Executive Mansion
as the most fitting place for
Richmond to say goodbye to
one of its most prominent sons,
tennis great Arthur Ashe.
Over 5,000 visitors filed
passed the magnolia trees, up
the front stairway and into the
oval dining room where Ashe
lay in an open mahogany cof-
Ashe, 49, died Saturday in
New York from AIDS-related
pneumonia. Doctors believe he
contracted the AIDS virus
from an unscreened blood
transfusion during heart sur-
gery in 1983.
MILAN, Italy (AP) �
Top-seeded Stefan Edberg of
Sweden defeated Andrei
Medvedev of Ukraine 6-3,7-5
and fourth-seeded Ivan Lendl
of the United States beat Di-
ego Nargiso of Italy 6-7 (1-7),
7-6 (7-2), 7-6 (8-6) in the first
round of the Muratti Time in-
MEMPHIS, Term. (AP)�
Third-seeded Andre Agassi of
the United States beat Simon
Youl of Australia 6-2, 6-2 in
the second round of the
Kroger-St. Jude International.
seeded Monica Seles of Yugo-
slavia defeated Kimberly Po
of the United States 6-1,6-2 in
the second round of the Vir-
ginia Slims of Chicago.
Some of the Cincinnati Reds
limited partners are trying to
make sure owner Marge Schott
pays her legal fees and fine out of
her own pocket. Schott received a
one-year suspension and $25,000
fine from major league baseball's
executive council last week for
using racial slurs.
Oneof the team's limited part-
ners has sent Schott a certified
letterasking for information about
her legal expenses and how she
plans to pay them, limited part-
ner Carl Kroch said.
NEW YORK (AP) � Detlef
Schrempf, the first European cho-
sen as an NBA All-Star, is among
five players who will make their
debut as All-Stars on Feb. 21 in
Salt Lake City.
Picked for the first time, along
with Schrempf, a German Olym-
pian from the Indiana Pacers,
were Sean Elliott of San Antonio,
Shawn Kemp of Seattle, Danny
Manning of the Los Angeles Clip-
pers and Mitch Richmond of Sac-
ramento. Schrempf will play for
the East and the other four for the
Also named as East reserves
were Joe Dumars of Detroit,
Patrick Ewing of New York, Do-
minique Wilkins of Atlanta and
three Cleveland teammates �
Mark Price, Brad Daugherty and
Larry Nance. Completing the
West team are Chris Mullin and
Tim Hardaway of Golden State,
Dan Majerle of Phoenix and
Hakeem Olajuwon of Houston.
Mullin will not play because of an
injury to his right thumb.
� Kjetil Andre Aamodt of Nor-
way became a double medalist in
the World Alpine Ski Champion-
ships today by winning the men's
giant slalom and Carole Merle
of France won the women's
giant slalom.
Aamodt, who won the
silver medal in the combined,
completed two runs in 2 min-
utes, 15.36 seconds in the event
that took twodays tocomplete
because of high winds. Merle
had a rombined time of 2:17.59.
gotiators for Riddick Boweand
Lennox Lewis failed to reach
an agreement on a heavy-
weight championship fight af-
ter three hours of meetings. A
day a f ter representa tives of the
two unbeaten boxers took turns
rejecting four proposals, they
again failed to reach a settle-
ment. There had been talk that
Bowe and Lewis were close to
setting a June 18 match in Las
(AP) � Moses Kiptanui of
Kenya won the 3,000 meters in
the DN games with a time of 7
minutes, 38.46 seconds, only
1.5 seconds off the world in-
door record he set last season.
Mike Powell of the United
States won the long jump with
a mark of 27 feet, 71 4 inches.
(AP) � Ken Schrader won the
pole for Saturday's Goody's
500 Busch Grand National
stock car race, averaging
186.513 mph for a lap on the 2
12-mile Daytona Interna-
tional Speedway oval.
Smith reaches yet another milestone
As usual, the North Carolina players
were thelast ones tofindoutthatcoach
Dean Smith reached another mile-
Smith moved into a tie for third
placeonthecareervictory list Tuesday
night, getting his 759th career win as
the No. 6 Tar Heels defeated Mary-
land 77-63.
"I had no idea center Eric
Montross said. "When he got to 700,
until you guys told us
Smith pulled even with former
coach Ed Diddle, who won 759 games
in 42 seasons with Western Kentucky.
There'sa good chanceSmith will move
into second place by the end of the
season, as he is only eight short of the
767 wins registered by Hank Iba.
"I think hedesetvesit Montross
said. "I think he'sfhegrea test coach in
thecountry,and I think everybody on
this team would agree
The 61-year-old Smith is 759-222
in 32 seasons at North Carolina, in-
cluding 55-18 against Maryland.
Smith hasa habitof downplaying
his own accomplishments, and that's
exactly what he did Tuesday night
"I say it every time. It just means
I've coached a long time and I've had
some very good teams he said. "We
do too much about coach's records.
I'm just excited to come out of Mary-
land with a win
NorthCarolina overcameanearly
11-point deficit to move a half-game
ahead of Florida State atop the Atlan-
tic Coast Conference standings.
Montross led the Tar Heels (19-3,8-2)
with 17pointsand George Lynch had
12, although he missed 6 of 10 shots.
'Trsreallygood toseethatGeorge
Lynch is a senior. He did not have a
great shooting night, but he got 12
rebounds said Maryland coach Gary
Williams. "That's how he plays. He
does all the things for Carolina that
you need
Exree Hipp scored 16 for Mary-
land (10-10,1-9), which has lost five
straight and nine of 11.
A bitof strategy by Smith turned
the game around. Shortly after the Tar
Heels fell behind 17-6, the coach
switched to a 2-3 zone defense. Mary
land scored only six points in the final
13 minutes of the first half and fell
behind by seven at the break.
"We played more zone than we
had inyears'Smith said. "Wewentto
it primarily because we had two fouls
onMontrossand Derrick Phelps. Butit
turned out to be effective, so I stuck
with it"
After Hipp scored nine points to
stake Maryland to the early lead,
Montross made successive layups to
starta21runthatputNorth Carolina
ahead for good. Montross and Lynch
each had six points in the surge, while
theTarHeelsdefensecompletely flus-
tered the Terrapins.
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14 The East Carolinian
FEBURARY 11. 1993
Reserves named for
NBA All-Star game
Continued from page 11
NEW YORK (AP) � Five
players chosen for the first time
and three Cleveland teammates
were among the reserves picked
today for the NBA All-Star game.
Four of the All-Star rookies
� Sean Elliott of San Antonio,
Shawn Kemp of Seattle, Danny
Manning of the Los Angeles Cl i p-
persand Mitch Richmond of Sac-
ramento � were selected for the
West squad.
The fifth first-year player,
Detlef Schrempf of Indiana, will
play for the East.
Also on the East team will be
the three Cavaliers � Ma rk Price,
Brad Daugherty and Larry Nance
� as well as Joe Dumars of De-
troit, Patrick Ewing of New York
and Dominique Wilkins of At-
Chosen for the West team
along with Elliott, Kemp, Man-
ning and Richmond were Tim
Hardaway and Chris Mullin of
Golden State, Dan Majerle of
Phoenix and Hakeem Olajuwon
of Houston.
The reserves were selected by
voted of the head coaches in each
The game will be played Feb.
21 at Salt Lake Citv.
Continued from page 11
phis Showboats for one season
After leaving Memphis State in
1986, Coyer became linebackers
coach at UCLA, a position he re-
tained until moving to Houston for
the 1990 season.
Last ason, the Buckeyes were
ranked 13th in the nation pass effi-
ciency defense and were led by All-
Big Ten defensive back Roger
Coyer hascoached in fourbowl
games including the 1993 Florida
Citrus Bowl, the 1992 Hall of Fame
Bowl, the 1989 Cotton Bowl and the
1987 Aloha Bowl. He was an assis-
tant at UCLA for the latter two
His secondary at UCLA was
considered one of the nations best.
In 1988, All-America Darryl Henley
led the Bruins to a 6th place ranking
in pass defense while UCLA was
ranked ninth in 1987.
Coyer is a 1965 graduate of
Marshall University, where he was
a standout football player and wres-
tler. He was an Academic All-
America in 1964, an All-Mid-
America Conference selection in
1963-64, and an honorable mention
All-America in 1964. In 1987,hewas
inducted into the school's Athletics
Hall of Fame.
After grad ua tion, he spent three
seasons as Marshall's secondary
coach, leaving in 1968 to become
head coach at Martins Ferry High
School in Ohio. Between 1970 and
1972, he was defensive coordinator
at Massillon High School, leaving in
1973 to become secondary coach at
Bowling Green.
Coyer and his wife, Linda, have
two sort Matthew and Justin.
Aschampion, mostnotably as
the heavyweight champion, an
athlete must contend with celeb-
rity status tha t dwarfs most enter-
tainers. Not only must this person
develop skills as an athlete, but
must become a genuine personal-
ity. Some past contenders have
seemed bom to this role, whocould
forget the star appeal of
Muhammad Ali, or "Marvelous"
Marvin Hagler or boxing's largest
personality (and midsection)
George Foreman. All seemed to
handle the ca mera's eye better than
they handled most opponents.
Boxing fame, however, has
brought on its casualties. Mike
Tyson, after becoming famous,
abused his star quality in such a
manner that lead to his eventual
imprisonment. Even more unfor-
tunate are the rare deaths and in-
juries that boxing brings.
None will forget the death of
Korean boxer Doo-Koo Kim at the
hands of Ray "Boom-Boom"
Mancini. There are countless com-
petitors whoare "punch-drunk
a term defining the irreversible
brain damage some boxers have
discovered intotheircareers.Stud-
ies are being done on Muhammad
Ali to see if the punishment he
took in the ring aggravated his
current condi-
r'irnkinSon Only a few fighters
"S get rich, unlike many
nearly lost his
skills tomeet their next challenge.
Only a few fighters get rich,
unlike many professional sports,
so every competitor must truly
love the sport and the way of life it
when their
rate, they will
leave the
game, but not
itswayof life.
Most continue
this lifestyle
by preparing
sport ana the way of the next gen
. , erationofath-
life it provides. eies for the
brutal sport
they have given their life to.
Others continue their public
lives in the arenas of entertain-
ment. Foreman has an upcoming
pilot, "George" which has the tele-
vision industry buzzing about a
possible wee knight slot.
He has appeared in countless
commercials which havehimstuff-
ing his face on the screen and his
professional sports,
so every competitor
must truly love the
eye to a box-
ing-related de-
tached retina.
The dangers
are many, and
more often
than not, the
rewards are
Boxers must keep in the best
possible condition to be able to
merely compete in the ring. Any
sign of weakness will be exploited
by an opponent. Unlike many
sports, there aren't many avail-
able shortcuts when its just you
and another person trying to beat
the s� out of each other. Boxers
must constantly develop their
wallet off of it. The current heavy-
weight titleholder Riddick Bowe,
with hisoutgoing personality and
Ali impression, will undoubtedly
have little trouble find ingemploy-
ment after his boxing days are fin-
But is Bowe the person to rep-
resent the true boxer? Is he the best
at hiscraft, or merely a pale imita-
tion of the Ali's and Marciano'sof
That is a question that only
time will answer. Perhaps Bowe
will reign long over the boxing
throne, perhaps he will abdicate it
on his next fight.
The only thing that is assured
is tha t when Bowe does leave the
game, he will leave it a wealthy
But in the midst of all these
mill ions, somewhere in the collec-
tive consciences of those lucky few
thatmadeitbig,therewillbe whis-
pering sounds from some sweaty,
back-alley gym, and the knowl-
edge that the athletes there, call-
ing from their anonymity, have
made itall possible.
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MlAhejucau pcutical Ptceir
A�Jd tMPTY aWft)i6WR?0MI5K
By Ferguson and Manning Fred's Corner
By Sean Pamell
HouJ LETS 'ftVV-
Rich's Nuthouse
by Stephanie Smith
4 Vtltotiais Ctftfff
Central Book & News
Greenville Square Shopping Center
Mon-Sat 9:30am-9:30pm Sun 9am-9:ii(WTi
What is it
to be V"
How do you deal with
feelings of jeaiousy in a
What is it
7 to be
Healthy Relationship Week 1993
What personal
qualities are you
looking for in a
What personal
qualities are you
looking for in a
ECU campus community the opportunity to
express opinions about dating and
relationships - the frustrations and rewards!
Tel! all your passions on "The Wall" at the ECU
Student Store on FEBRUARY 15TH AND 16TH from
10:00 until 2:00. Also stop by the "LOVE SHACK"
sponsored by the ECU Peer Health Educators
and obtain information on sexually transmitted
diseases and contraceptive options.
7:00pm, Mendenhall Student Center, Room
Have you ever wanted to participate in a
talk show like Oprah or Donahue?
Now is your chance to attend The Joe
Boehman Show in which a panel of
experts will discuss
students feel about sex, lies, and disease
in the 1990s.
i -
mmmm wnuiu 1 n

The disease of All
and experts state thai within t
will know at least one person
prediction are staggering, AL
disregard. This disease h
of our society, forcing pe
would drop as uncomfot
The purpose i if this four-p
last( aroli
�t m any way promoting sex; what we
knowledge of their choice between
-� through information, knowledge and
mak this choice, one of the most important
make in his hei life.
this campaign deals with the subject of discrimina-
t out inpublkwith the fact that they have AIDS are
iumptions and misconceptions. Tins disease may
very well be the only thins about the whole mutter that does not
discriminate � it can happen to anyone at any time. A person must
understand all the n '� - tieshe runs when having unprotected sex or
sharing needles; if thi . Ion t, the consequence is deadly. Knowledgeand
education are the two weapons a person can use to curb the rampant
spread of discrimination that is all too prevalent in the world today Only
when the realization of hoys serious this disease iscan this country I �
to come out from the shadow of AIDS.
dlScrimination (di-skrim-o-nashan) n 1. to act on the basis of
Bprejuidice. 2. the power of making fine distinctions.
Fordiscriminating readers - look for the February 16th edition of The East Carolinian
� -�-
f and
Editor's Note: Garland Lancaster was an ECU student who
contracted AIDS. He has agreed to this interview er to try to
help students at ECU realize that AIDS does not discriminate � it
can affect anyone, at any time. Only througl - ledge and
prevention can a person ensure hisher safety and t h
loved ones.
Q: Basically, I just want to get your stop,
A: J dated a girl that shot up drugs before or
goingout about 1983,1982. She told mi iht
1 said, "Web, that was in your past, and tha!
go on from mere We dated about fow
a couple or three years afterwards. I ke;
general practitioners couldn't figure out
I heard the question about AIDS
which at the time was very IV drug u
I spent a lot of time in the hospital m .
went for about three years without
mid a lialf years ago. I started having sonu �
Everything in the world has happt
year tliis time, 1 was in the hospital quit
get to come here to this point. Families, ffien nsider-
ation. Rut 1'guess after myinitial diagnosis m thei.
try to educate people and make them ur i
Q: Do you have som
come out in publii and sai
A: (Laugh i I list a fen o
people make it known sonu
not too sure.
Discrimination' Yeah. I'm an estimal
areaofdreenville We've lost jobs because o
"mycondition I felt like that was not i
I never even go to the job
blueprints, mat sort of thing t
don't discriminate against mt
Tliat's win I don't sa a mu
talking to a black man. ,olnr don't mean a
it never will. As a matter of fa
1 couUi liave found oru that �
Bat a lot of other i
population is probably the
them � all at the cases known
strongbecause theatherSOp i
diversified group. Whites probably mai
Q: You said before that, w
everybody thought thai it
those were t1
assuming thai
that you have thi
A: Yeah, I do. Sometim

Otofpeoplt ore ��
' the
homosexualit) and the disease. United States is the only country in the world
who has a problem with accepting gays and AIDS. America thinks it's fust
agay disease, period. And IV-drug users that it. In Amerit a. that's where
the primar) first concentrations of the disease are.
i of lump you in to the same social status as TV-drug users
iduals Mysexuality was being questioned everywhere I turned,
that uw � my biggest original misconceptions and understandings,
verbeen a part of that life. All of a sudden. I'm thrust in with
lt- h ' oid up and be at counted 01 sit there and take a beating.
So I stood up and . was accounted.
twisted in different ways. You can make responsible
You haw to understand, now that you're grown and
� d that you're gonna take theconsequencesftyrtakingrisky
� it's fV-drug use or homosexuality or unprotected sex.
way the world is.
isage would vou give to the students if vou weretogive
tter their understanding of this disease and show them
thai thing they have to worry about.
virus has found itself into all colors, social levels and
S stricken everybody, in all sexes and all walks of life, it's
lonna kill manv more
tual bourgeois mentality that it'll never happen to mt
15-year-old, 16-year old girls, 18-year-old men, now.
' real simple. Youcan'l take anybody's word for it.
hold more meaningful, more monogamous relationships. Two,
eed to wear protection,
a monogamous relationship and have a sexual
Ui wear protection until vou can grab your lover and
lown to the health department iind get tested There's
nothin � � rm're taking your own life into your own hands.
link that students can be made more aware'
�'ill a boo cork it, and pour it in? You know
was a student, I know. It's just like vou go
downtt :t a rl friend, or somebody you can call
mem up in a bar what s the chances of

� oul women need to take an even greater
�he man be responsible tor a condom. It they're gonna
it's quite fashionable for women to have
to themselves and to other people.
arcondoms. I'mnotsaymg
are used properly, they're 99-95
� ��� ����� tiiat s sortof why 1 do what I do.
� � a a faa with AIDS.
-i ti d hi ause of promiscuity. Hut
it have it. Some are blot k,
ld tranddaddies.
rd you
and really
These young people, men and women, they can't ask your sexual
partners, "Oh, igot tested last month" and everything's gonna be all right.
That's all wrong because of what's called the "window period You're
showing negative on the test, but you're infecting other people. You take
another test six months later and show positive � whatever you 've been to
bed with is kind of immaterial at that point.
Q: What about the argument that college students would use that,
"I didn't ejaculate into her Oi "He didn't ejaculate into me "
know there were no fluids passed.
A: That's part of the misconception. When a man has an erection, he
lias clear fluids long before ejaculation. The AIDS virus is found in all that.
You don't have to achieve ejaculation to be infected. Before any genital
contact, put a condom on.
Most people who have AIDS and HIV are trying to protect their job
because of the social stigma around it. they 're seared they 'regonnaget fired.
And the majority of them would. I'uhlu awareness about the disea
I know mane people with HIV and AIDS. I counsel a lot. Theories that
don't want to be known, just don't let it be known. If you had AI Da you could
easily tell somebody that vou had leukemia or cancer, and nobody ext
your doctors would even know. You can't tell physical
Q: People would say that because leukemia and cancer are more
A: That's exactly right. People don't want to acknowlei .
something else they don't want to worry about What it's gonna tak
someone to wake up is for one of their friends oroneot tfieir family to
down with HIV or AIDS. That's usually what I've seen in the past.
Everybody's bard-headed until it happens to them.
Q: Even then, do you feel that we still need greater. ss by
the public'
A: Protection, precaution and knowledge an yourown weapons ag
it. That urn protect yourself. If you're gonna make these grown-up d
you need to think really hard about what you'n doing.
Ifyouhaveany skepticismoi ifyou'renoi sure ids
organizations here. Pit .AS( is good one 01
Be a friend t �meone who has Hl ana All
confidentiality. All vou got to lose is making a friend. Iguara
it you beconn friends with someone with AIDS, thev will enrich vow I
hundred times becausetheii lifeisonamuch sht
become really lose to these peoph
Q: You talked about knowledgeand prevention being .
weapons. Are we talking discrimination because of ignora
i Sure discrimination notknowing
Being very judgmental to people you know notliingabtmt A loti
in their mindset that they're a suhclass of huma
normal "I don't associate with them, it's not my problen
it. ' � �" tlu mentality of that type of discrimination tii.
ah. in somu h trouble. That
Ml s
ile talk beca

The East Carolinian, February 11, 1993
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 11, 1993
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