The East Carolinian, January 19, 1993

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

fgi ofefco ftiome Games!
Minges renovation
will create serious
problems for
students and
athletes. Seep. 9
Skip the country
The Student Union Travel
Committee has planned trips to
sunnier places for Spring Break. See
page 7
High: 38
riigh: 45
The East Carolinian
Vol. 68 No. 3
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Ecternity alumni form board of
advisors to oversee problems
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
In the fall semester of 1992, ECU
temporarily suspended the Tau Kappa
Epsilon fraternity from university activi-
ties for a week after a pledge member fell
out of a house window and sustained
On Oct. 19,1992, a 20-year-old stu-
dent fell from the second floor window of
the fraternity house. The student had re-
turned time and time again after being
escorted back to his dorm room by his
fellow fraternity members. ECU's Dean
of Students office investigated the inci-
dent, along with the local alumni, and
decided on the present action that is cur-
rently being undertaken.
In the fall semester of 1992, the uni-
versity placed the fraternity on probation
because of an open party that was held at
the house. This event, and "other recent
behavioral problems by the chapter com-
pounded the need to take serious and
immediate action against the chapter
said a new release by the Deanof Students
After the incident, members of Tau
Kappa Epsilon's alumni formed a board
of advisors mat would work in conjunc-
tion with a set of provisional executive
members. The board of advisors would
supervise the chapter until they felt that
the fraternity members could manage fra-
ternity matters on their own.
According to Charles Blake, chapter
advisor, the incident involving the pledge
member was not the only reason thaHhe-
alumni stepped in to assist.
"There was no specific incident that
brought it the assistance about Blake
said. "This incident just tipped it over the
"Later, we plan to propose to the na-
tional headquarters mat the fraternity re-
sume its self-governing status Blake said.
Photo by Jason Bosch
Members of Tau Kappa Epsilon were temporarily suspended from all university activities
last semester after a pledge member fell out of a house window.
The alumni, along with the brothers
of the fraternity, established a provisional
executive board that was comprised of
student fraternity members. This provi-
sional board was in effect until the end of
thefall semester, when the members gained
permanent status.
According to Blake and Beau Torres,
current TKE president, the board of advi-
sors and the fraternity brothers decided
themselves to initiate a joint supervision,
rather than it being ordered by their na-
tional headquarters.
the-joinsupervision was done
on our own, it wasn't ordered by our char-
ter Blake said.
According to Blake, the fraternity
members have instituted goals and proce-
dures mat would better the chapter in the
future. The brothers have also fully sup-
ported the current administrative setup,
Blake said.
"The overall attitude is positive
Blake said. "We the alumni are working
harmoniously with the school and thebroth-
When asked about the reason behind
the administrative move, Torres said that
the fraternity realized me need for changes
from within.
"We're in a building stage Torres
said. "Werealized mat therewasa problem
and we took it upon ourselves to make
some changes. Itwasa time to refurbish the
fraternity as a whole.
Torres alsocommented mat Ae-fra-
temity was on the road to becoming self-
sufficient once again.
"We'redefinitely on an improvement
swing Torres said. "The fraternity has
been at ECU for 25 years now, and we plan
to set it up so that new brothers can follow
inourfootstepswithoutany question marks
or loopholes
King's life devoted to
justice and equality
By Karen Hassell
Assistant News Editor
On Monday Jan. 18, the
United Statescommemorated the
birth of Dr. Martin Luther Kingjr.
King's life was devoted to the
fight for full citizenship rights of
the poor, disadvantaged and ra-
cially oppressed. He was killed
by an assassin's bullet on April 4,
King was born on Jan. 15,
1929 in Atlanta, Ga. He received a
bachelor's degree in sociology
(1948) from Morehouse College,
B.D. in 1951 from Crozer Theo-
logical Seminary and a doctorate
in philosophy (1955) from Boston
In 1955, Mrs. Rosa Parks
defied the ordinace concerning
segregated seating on city buses
in Montgomery, Ala inspiring
King to organize a year long bus
boycott withtheassistaneeofRev.
Ralph Abemathy and Edward
Kingstudied and expanded
upon the teachings of Mahatma
Gandhi on nonviolent civil dis-
In 1964, he became the first
African-American chosen by
Time for Man of the Year and
became the youngestrecipientof
the Nobel Peace Prize.
During theMarch on Wash-
ington, Aug. 28,1968, he deliv-
ered Ws'1 Have a Dream" speech
in which he "subpoenaed thecon-
science of the nation before the
judgement seat of morality
, ? , . Photo courtesy Harper Collins Publishers
After successfully fighting oppression in the 1960's, Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. was killed in Memphis, Tenn. in 1968.
The latter years of his was assassinated by James Earl
life were devoted toward dos
theracesina projecthe termed
the "Economic Bill of Rights
It was during this cam-
paign, on April 4,1968, king
Ray was convicted of the
murder, however, the question
conspirators has not been con-
cl u si vely resolved.
troops coming
home today
(AP)?The first American com-
bat troops are going home to-
day as Washington moves to
transfer military control of So-
malia to a U.N. command, a
handoff mat a U.S. spokesman
says could occur as early as Feb.
It appears unlikely, how-
ever, that such a transfer could
be made by month's end. More
likely, the United States is sim-
ply trying to prod the United
Nations into moving faster by
announcing it is ready to make
the transfer.
For one thing, the spokes-
man, Marine Col. Fred Peck,
acknowledged thattheU.N.Se-
curity Council has not yet
adopted resolutions necessary
for the transfer or decided on a
command structure and the
rules of engagement.
Peck said the change in
the American presidency with
a transfer of power from Presi-
dent Bush to President-elect
Clinton could contribute to
some of the delay. Clinton is to
be inaugurated on Wednesday.
In a sign of improved se-
curity, the first convoy of trucks
to northwestern Somalia was
heading for its final destination
in Hoddur today under escort
by French troops, said Brenda
Barton of the World Food Pro-
Tuesday January 19,1993
12 Pages
copies of
his book in
last week
after his
slain civil
leader, Dr.
Luther King,
Photo by Jason Boscn Jr.
Speaker praises
King as a role model
By Karen Hassell
Assistant News Editor
Martin Luther King Jr. provides
a better role model to African-Ameri-
cans than Malcolm X, said Clayborne
Carson, of the rising popularity of
Malcolm X and the enduring quality
of King in a presentation in Mendenhall
on Jan. 14.
Carson is a professor of history
at Stanford and senior editor of the
papers of Martin Lufrier King Jr.
"Malcolm insisted that African-
Americans should be prepared to use
any means necessary to bring to exist-
ence a more just world Carson said.
"But Martin reminded us that the
means we use to achieve our ends
determine whether we will have a
world worth living in
Thursday's lecture was one of
the activities scheduled atECU tocom-
memorate the birthday of Martin
Luther King Jr. on Jan. 18.
Carson said that he attempts in
his studies of King to put them into a
context that is relevant today.
"Now we're in the era of what
could be caiied the Malcolm phenom-
ena Carson said. "Now, Malcolm
threatens to supercede the image of
King and there's a lot of reasons for
"When talking about King there's
an official celebration, commemora-
tions of his work. But, for Malcolm its
a major Hollywood film.
On one side, King is this text-
book figure that students have to read
about. Malcolm is Denzel Washington
directed by Spike Lee
During his undergrad uate years,
Carson was active in the African-
American Freedom Struggle and his
scholarly publications have focused
on the protest movements and politi-
cal thought of the period after World
War II.
The importance of King is being
played down by the charismatic influ-
ence of Malcolm, Carson said. Kingwas
the predominant black leader of his time.
"Martin and Malcolm are seen
as irreconcilable and opposite ends of
the spectrum he said. "This is sim-
plistic and misleading. Their views
cannot be neatly summarized by brief
quotations in famous speeches. They
both change over time as they draw
from their experiences.
"They left behind precious lega-
cies of complementary insights con-
cerning the dilemmas facing black
people. Malcolm delineated the
American nightmare, King the Ameri-
can dream
Carson has lectured on topics
such as King, Malcolm X, the Black
Panther Party, Black-Jewish relations
and the need for multi-cultural cur-
Carson has taught at Stanford
since 1974, and has also been a faculty
member at UCLA, the University of
California, Berkeley and American
In 1985, Coretta Scott King re-
quested Dr. Carson to direct a long-
term project to edit and publish the
papers of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This project is sponsored by the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Non-
violent Social Change in Atlanta and
conducted in association with Stanford
University, Emory University and the
University of California Press.
The initial volume of the King
Papers Project's 14-volume compre-
hensive edition of King's writing and
speeches was published in Feb. 1992.
"I think its important that we
move away from this that either of
these individuals is an icon, a heroic
figurewhohas no flaws and nolimita-
tions Carson said.
"We need to learn from those, by
learning abou t their strengths and their
limitations. Neither of them have a
monopoly on the truth and neither
succeeded in achieving all their af-
Carson presented Joyner Library
with a copy of volume one, which
covers the years from Jan. 1929 to June
University searching for
top three administrators
The 25 trucks, carrying
See Somalia page 4
DURHAM (AP) ? The three top
administrative positionsat North Caro-
lina Central University have been ad-
vertised as vacant, but the men who
now hold the jobs have not been fired,
the school's new chancellor said.
NCCU Chancellor Julius Cham-
bers refused Sunday to discuss a re-
port that the three men had been fired.
However, on Saturday, he told
The Herald-Sun of Durham: "There
has been discussions about these posi-
tions, but no one has been fired, and I
didn't ask for any resignations
Instead, the three men can reap-
ply for their jobs, he said.
The deadline to apply for the po-
sitions is mid-February.
The three men whose positions
are open are: Roland Buchanan, vice
chancellor for student affairs; Herbert
Watkins, vice chancellor for financial
affairs; and Percy Murray, interim vice
chancellor for development.
Murray said he was not surprised
his position is being advertised.
"You expect change and you re-
spect it when it comes Murray said.
"I'm the chairman of the history de-
partment and a full-time tenured pro-
fessor and I anticipated going back
there. I can't be fired from my profes-
Buchanan has tenure in the school
of education and Watkins has tenure in
the school of business.
In recent years, NCCU has been
dogged by financial problems, student
discontent and questions about aca-
demic programs.
See University page 4

The East Carolinian
JANUARY 19, 1993
Audit finds community
colleges falling short
Newspaper served subpoena
The Arizona Daily Wildcat was served a subpoena, as
was the University of Arizona police department, de-
manding that photographs taken at a protest be given to a
physician who was arrested. Attorneys for Dr. Robin
Silver of Phoenix wanted the photographs to prove Silver
was at the Oct. 12 demonstration as a professional photog-
rapher, not as a protester, the Arizona Daily Wildcat
reported. The Daily Wildcat plans to fight the subpoena.
Silver was arrested at the Oct. 12 demonstration during a
protest of University of Arizona's Mount Graham project.
Protesters claim the construction site threatens a species of
red squirrels and desecrates an area sacred to the San
Carlos Apache tribe.
Lesbian sorority seeks recognition
Two University of Florida students who want to form
a sorority primarily for lesbians are seeking recognition
from the National Panhellenic council, which has not
added a new sorority since 1951. Agnes Garcia and Paige
Marsala, both juniors, told the Florida Independent Alliga-
tor that such a group would "unite women and encourage
them to fight sexism and other prejudices Garcia and
Marsala admit it's unlikely the group will be recognized
by the National Panhellenic Council. In order to have
national standing, sororities must have chapters at univer-
sities throughout the country for at least 13 years.
AIDS testing prompts discussion
AIDS testing among students makes candid talks
with lovers about twice as likely, but almost two-thirds of
those surveyed still don't use condoms, a recent study
revealed. Researchers asked 2,196 heterosexual students
receiving health care at the University of California if they
were interested in HIV education, and the 435 who said yes
agreed to be divided into three groups. One group re-
ceived no educational materials, another received only
educational materials, and the last received a free HIV test
and educational materials. Among those who received
AIDS tests and education, the proportions who asked
about their partner's HIV status rose from 31 to 56 percent.
"The findings raise questions about the effectiveness of
current AIDS education the American College of Physi-
cians reported in a recent publication.
Compiled by Karen Hassell. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
RALEIGH (AP)?The state's
community college system isover-
extended, poorly organized and
more interested in boosting en-
rollments than in providing a qual-
ity education, an audit shows.
Community college officials
say they generally agree with the
findings, which were made by the
consulting firm of KPMG Peat
Marwick for the Legislature's Gov-
ernment Performance Audi t Com-
The results were presented
Thursday to members of the State
Board of Community Colleges.
"I can't say it's a big sur-
prise said Bob Scott, president of
the community college system.
"There are a lot of good things in
there. Maybe it will give us the
political base to do things we've
all known we should do for some
time now
Auditors said many students
are getting inadequate instruction
because too many campuses offer
the same courses. Before the state
builds more campuses, it should
weed out the weakest courses and
consolidate the strongest pro-
If the board implements the
audit recommendations, the com-
munity college system in the next
century would look dramatically
different from today's loose-knit
group of campuses.
Instead of each school trying
to offer a full menu of courses,
only certain campuses would of-
fer programs such as nursing, vo-
cational training or college trans-
fer classes. That means many of
the state's 750,000 community col-
lege students would have to drive
farther to get to their classes.
Campuses also would have
to justify course offerings based
on quality and schools would be
financially rewarded for meeting
academic goals rather than build-
ing enrollment.
The state board also would
be expected to exert far more con-
trol over the 58 campuses, a rec-
ommendation that is sure to be
resisted by counties that want to
preserve their control over local
Still, board Chairman Bill
Simpson expects many of the rec-
ommendations to be carried out.
"I agree with these findings
and I think we ought to jump right
in and get started he said. "We
don't need the General Assembly
to tell us what to do
Part of the board's motiva-
tion is money.
After several years of tight
budgets, the system will be lobby-
ing hard in the upcoming legisla-
tive sessions for a $300 million
bond referendum. The money
would be used to repair tired
buildings and construct dozens
more on the far-flung campuses.
Fighting the recommenda-
tions can only hurt those chances,
as well as any additional requests
for money in future years.
"That bond issue is essential
for many of our campuses
Simpson said. "We can't let any-
thing get in the way of the bond
issueTf lawmakers consider the
history of the community college
system, Simpson thinks lawmak-
erswill see things the board's way
andapprovea referendum despite
the audit findings
N.C Dems
head to
Carolina Democrats traded stories
about meeting President-elect
Clinton as they took The Carolinian
to the nation'scapital for this week's
Georgia Lewis of Charlotte
showed a picture of herself with Bill
Qinton taken during last spring's
primary. Jane Whitley of Charlotte
did the same. David Erd man brought
a picture from as 1981 meeting with
Qinton in Charlotte.
"This is a good common de-
nominator said Erdman, a Char-
lotte lawyer. "The conversations to-
day have included many references
by people on the train for the event
in their life they shared with Bill
Al Adams is a Raleigh lawyer
who attended his first Democratic
inauguration in 1961 to see John
Kennedy become president.
"I'm more optimistic this til le
because it's such a change he saia.
As Clinton was making his
bus trek from Monticello, Blue and
more than 200 other Tar Heel
Democrats rumbled through the
to a Wednesday rendezvous and
three days of celebration, The Char-
lotte Observer reported.
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The East Carolinian
JANUARY 19, 1993
Digging begins where
girl was imprisoned
Workers dug a trench around
the concrete bunker where a 10-
year-old Long Island girl was
imprisoned for two weeks, pre-
paring to lift it above ground
today to use as evidence against
her alleged kidnapper.
"We are going to attempt
to remove as much of the room
as we can intact said Suffolk
County Police Detective Lt.
Dominick Varrone.
County employees and po-
lice investigators Sunday used
a backhoe and other equipment
to unearth the bunker outside
the home of John Esposito, who
remained jailed on $500,000 bail
on charges of kidnapping Katie
Authorities said the bun-
ker was being removed so it
could be studied more closely,
would be available as evidence
and to prevent it from being
used again.
Hundreds of people
passed by Esposito's property
Sunday hoping to catch a
glimpse of the bunker, but a
fence blocked most of the view.
Esposito, 43, allegedly
forced Katie into the bunker af-
ter she resisted his sexual ad-
vances. Chained at the neck and
stuffed into a coffin-sized box
within the bunker at times, she
survived on sandwiches, sodas
and junk food for 16 days.
She was freed Wednesday
after Esposito told his lawyer
and later the police where she
Prosecutors said they ex-
pected a Suffolk County grand
jury to indict Esposito this week
on the second-degree kidnap-
ping charge already filed against
Esposito is being watched
around the clock by guards be-
cause of his depressed state, his
lawyer, Andrew Siben, said.
"He's very distraught
Siben said after visiting Esposito
Sunday. "He looks very tired.
He is under tremendous pres-
sure, tremendous stress
Katie spent Sunday with a
foster family while her mother,
Marilyn Beers, tries to win back
custody of her.
County officials charge the
mother, an unemployed taxi
driver, neglected her daughter
and kept her out of school.
A custody hearing is set
for Thursday.
The hearing will deter-
mine who will gain custody of
Katie until Esposito's trial is held.
It is possible Katie will con-
tin ue to live with the foster family
she lived with after being rescued.
Astronauts shut down fuel
cell one day after spacewalk
(AP) ? Endeavour's astronauts
today shut down one of the
shuttle's three fuel cells, the first
time such a test was carried out in
The fuel cells use hydrogen
and oxygen to generate electricity
for the shuttle's electronics.
The apparatus, turned off by
shuttle pilot Donald McMonagle,
was to remain down for about 10
hours while one of the other cells
took over its work.
NASA wants to make sure a
fuel cell can be turned off and then
restarted in orbit, a must when
shuttles begin docking with the
proposed space station Freedom.
McMonagle also test-fired
Endeavour's steering jets today in
a routine check before the shuttle
returns to Earth, scheduled for
early Tuesday.
Late Sunday, the shuttle as-
tronauts awoke to the wistful

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Willie Nelson song "Stardust one
crew-day after two members took
a nearly 41 2-hour spacewalk.
The song is a favorite of com-
mander John Casper, who passed
along a message to his wife.
"Tell Chris it'll only be a
couple more days Casper said.
"This flight is soon to be just
Stardust memories
"But they'll be good ones
Mission Control's Jay Apt replied.
The four-man, one-woman
crew has been in orbit since last
Earlier Sunday, two of
Endeavour's crew members spent
four hours, 27 minutes and 50 sec-
onds working in the shuttie'sopen
cargo bay during the first Ameri-
can spacewalk in nearly a year.
The astronauts took turns
dragging one another along the
edge of the bay in a grueling mass-
handling test 188 miles above
"If you don't think this is
work you're fooling yourself
Gregory Harbaugh told his space-
walking partner, Mario Runco Jr
after carrying him from one end
of the 60-foot-long bay to the
Two more fuel cells remain
on the Endeavour, enabling the
other to be shut down.
money, meet
fun people,
and make
become a
news writer
for The East
Shetlands try to salvage tourism season
SUMBURGH, Shetland
Islands (AP) ? The rocky and
windswept shores of the Shetland
Islands are clean again after one of
the world's largest oil spills,
though conservationists warn the
idyllic scene could hide danger-
ous poisons.
Businessmen are trying to
look ahead, planning a $765,000
advertising campaign to attract
tourists and struggling to stay
afloat until the fishing industry
The experience of Alaska,
which struggled to entice tourists
after the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill,
the biggest in US history, is not
lost on residents of the Shetlands.
The Shetland Islands ex-
pected 56,000 visitors this sum-
mer, and officials want to empha-
size the area remains rich in bird
and sea life, Maurice Mullay, ex-
ecutive director of the Shetland
Islands Tourism agency, said
"People throughout the
world have seen Shetland battered
by gales,hurricanes, mountainous
seas, rain and snow, unfortunately,
and they are getting the impres-
sion thatall of Shetland is covered
by oil Mullay said.
The tanker Braer, driven
onto the rocks by a hurricane Jan.
5, poured 24.6 million gallons of
crude oil into the Bay of Quendale
before breaking up Tuesday.
Ferocious winds and surf
on Wednesday brokeup the last of
the oil slick and restored the seas
to a brilliant blue.
Conservationists, how-
ever, warn that while the surface
effects appear limited, the long-
term ecological impact could be
Marine biologist Sian
Pullen of the World Wide Fund for
Nature said the oil would form a
toxic cloud in Shetland waters.
And Peter Ellis, director
of the Royal Society for the Protec-
tion of Birds, said theeffectof those
pollutants on fish and birds is
"anybody's guess
But David Bedborough, of
the Transport Department marine
pollution control unit, said "noth-
ingwas found" in an aerial survey
of 250 square miles surrounding
the islands.
birds, three grey seals and three
otters have been collected by vol-
unteers patrollingbeacheswashed
with an oily film.
When the Braer began
leaking last week, the government
banned fishing in a 400-square-
mile area at the south end of the
There has been no indication
when the ban might be lifted.
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?I - "r 1
The East Carolinian
JANUARY 19, 1993
Muslim-Serb clashes
continue in Eastern Bosnia
Herzegovina (AP)?Serb forces
encircled by Muslims in eastern
Bosnia 'battled early Monday
over control of Jezeroand other
strategic sites.
Bosnian Serbs, surrounded
by Muslim forces, continued
putting up strong resistance in
fighting that began overnight,
said the Belgrade-based news
agency Tanjug.
At a cemetery in Bratunac,
a town two miles from the east-
ern front, the cries of Serb
women mourning their dead
were drowned out by explosions
from the fighting, said AP re-
porter Dusan Stojanovic, who
visited the area.
"Damn this war Darinka
Petrovic cried out as she knelt
before a cross bearing the name
of her son Dragan, 25.
The Serb was killed in a
Bosnian offensive that appar-
ently is aimed at cutting a corri-
dor linking Serb-held areas with
Serbia, the dominant state in
what is left of Yugoslavia.
The cemetery was dotted
with at least 100 new graves.
Some victims were as young 12.
Tanjug quoted its corre-
spondent in Bajina Basta, west-
ern Serbia, across the Drina
River that borders Bosnia, as
saying Serb forces were push-
ing back Muslim attackers and
had not reported any casualties.
Bosnian Serb villages near
Bratunac were gutted and
ghostly, Stojanovic reported.
Bare beams were all that
remained of roofs, and walls
were punctured from bullets
and cannon blasts.
Even pigs were searching
for food.
Serb rebels said the offen-
sive by Bosnia's Muslim-led gov-
ernment near the Yugoslav bor-
der was the biggest in the region
since the war began seven
months ago. The casualty toll
was unknown.
In other Yugoslavia-related
?A U.N. convoy reached a
Muslim-held town in east Bosnia
that had been cut off by Serb
militants for months.
The convoy arrived Sun-
day with tons of relief supplies
in Zepa, 40 miles from Sarajevo,
where scores of people have re-
portedly died of cold, starvation
and disease in recent weeks.
?Preparations were under
way in Pale, near Sarajevo, for a
session Tuesday of the self-pro-
claimed Bosnian Serb parlia-
The parliament is supposed
to vote on a peace plan submit-
ted by international mediators
Cyrus Vance and Lord Owen.
?Geneva peace talks are
scheduled to resume this week
to address the proposed divi-
sion of Bosnia-Herzegovina into
10 largely autonomous prov-
inces. The division will take place
partly along ethnic lines.
Bosnia's three ethnic groups ?
Serbs, Muslims and Croats ?
are laying claim to certain re-
?At least 46 Serb fighters
and civilians were killed in
weekend fighting around
Skelani, a village in southeast-
ern Bosnia, Tanjug reported.
Serb fighters have captured
more than 70 percent of Bosnia
since the republic split last Feb-
ruary from Yugoslavia.
Two Palestinians die of
gunshot wounds
Palestinians, including a 16-
year-old boy, died Monday after
being shot by Israeli soldiers in
protests in the occupied Gaza
A Cabinet minister com-
plained that "too many kids are
getting killed
The deaths brought to six
the number of Palestinians killed
by army gunfire in Gaza over
the past five days.
Among them were four
children aged 11 to 16.
Environmental Protection
Minister Yossi Sarid urged Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin on Sun-
day to establish better controls
to prevent killings of children
by troops, the Jerusalem Post
"Too many kids are get-
ting killed the newspaper
quoted Sarid as telling the Cabi-
The minister demanded
that the government be briefed
about every army investigation
of the death of a minor.
Two members of Rabin's
Labor Party, ministers Uzi
Baram and Chaim Ramon, asked
Rabin to bar soldiers from using
live gunfire in dispersing Pales-
tinian protests in refugee camps,
the Davar daily said.
Rabin, who doubles as de-
fense minister, refused, saying
such a step would endanger the
soldiers' lives.
Arab reporters said the two
Palestinians who died today
were shot Sunday in protests that
broke out after the funeral of a
14-year-old boy who had been
killed earlier in the day.
The army confirmed the
death of the 16-year-old and said
it was checking reports of the
second death.
Today's deaths brought to
1,018 the number of Palestinians
killed by Israeli soldiers and ci-
vilians during the five-year up-
rising against Israeli occupation.
Meanwhile 113 Israelis also
have died in the continuing vio-
In addition, 694 Palestin-
ians have been slain by fellow
Arabs, most on suspicion of help-
ing Israel.
The protection of children
and other innocent people will
continue to be enforced in all ar-
eas of the fighting.
Tues, Jan 19,1993 Mon, Jan 25,1993
7 PM-10 PM xx 7 PM-10 PM
mmifi -mi 'imMmmmW&Mm '???? ? Sv I'M MM
?;??:? wi-yyyy ?? ?.????:????x-Xv-vX?.??;?:?.? :?:?.??.?xX-XvvXx-x
Men's Women's
Thurs, Jan 21,1993 Tues, Jan 26,1993
7 PM-10 PM 7 PM-10 PM
Resistration in the Billiards Room, MSC
Fee: $2.00 G.PA: 2.0
Winners will receive an all expense paid trip to
represent East Carolina University in the Resional
Competition at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville
Continued from page 1
Fund-raising has dropped
to an all-time low and morale on
campus has suffered as well.
In 1991, Clarence Brown, a
professor of public administra-
tion, was accused of mismanag-
ing millions of dollars in federal
grant money and of fixing grades
for graduate students.
Meanwhile, the athletic
department found itself slipping
deeper into debt and facing law-
suits by former athletes for fail-
ing to live up to recruiting and
scholarship promises.
The nursing school was
threatened with closure for its
poor performance on the state
nursing exam. The school has
since won a second chance.
Last fall, many students
protested the way the student
body was treated by the faculty
and staff throughout the entire
i university.
Continued from page 1
nearly 400 tons of food, started the
400-mile journey in Mogadishu on
Moving food by road is far
cheaper than by air, and relief agen-
cies are hoping that improved se-
curity will enable truck convoys to
regularly supply famine centers.
During a visit to Somalia on
Jan. 10, Rep. John P. Murtha, D-
Pa chairman of the House De-
fense AppropriationsSubcommit-
tee, criticized the United Nations
for "doing nothing" to speed the
return of American troops.
Under the current plan, many
of the 25,000 American troops will
phase out gradually as security
But a substantial contingent
of U.S. logistics troops and staff
personnel and a Marine amphibi-
ous assault force off the coast
would remain after the United
Nations takes over.
We're waiting For your application. The East Carolinian is now accepting applications for Circulation Manager, Assistant Lifestyle Editor and News and Sports Staff Writers. Drop by our office on the second floor of the Publications Building to apply.EASTERN CARDIOLOGY, P.A. PRESENTS ANOTHER "Ask the Doctor Seminar"
? Can heart disease be prevented? ? have a family history of heart disease. What Is my risk? ? What Is the best way to start an exercise program? ? I've been smoking for so long - will quitting really help? ? I've been on a low-fat diet for years, and my cholesterol is still high. What should 1 do? ? How can 1 encourage my spouse to make lifestyle changes? Dr. Eric B. Carlson, Cardiologist Presents "Heart Disease -Beating America's 1 Killer" A Short Lecture Followed by a Question and Answer Session Refreshments Provided Monday, January 25,7 to 8 PM, at the Gaskins-Leslie Center, Conference Room "B" (Turn onto Stantonsburg Road off of Memorial Drive, then right at the 2nd light. Enter the 4th driveway). Call 757-1000 for more information.

'The Brotherhood Of A Lifetime"
Kingston Place Clubhouse
Tuesday 26th
Meet the ladies of Alphi Phi
Wednesday 27th
Meet sorority ladies
Thursday 28th
Meet the ladies of Chi Omega
Friday 29th
Brothers and Rushees only
v ??; y ;x ?-?? :???.???.?
Sponsored by the Student Union Productions Committee
????'? ???? ?

The East Carolinian
January 19, 1993
:1 and 2 bedroom apartments.
Energy-efficient, several locations
in town. Carpeted, kitchen
appliances, some water and sewer
paid,washerdryerhookups. Call
NEEDED: To share apt. in Tar
River Estates. Pay $150 per month
13 utilities. Must be a non-
smoker. Please call 757-1262.
share duplex. Graduate, non-
smoker preferred. $125permonth,
12 utilities. Call after 6:00 pm 830-
1108 E. 10th Street. 2 Br spacious,
rent $250 deposit $225 Util.
included in rent. Call Chris 757-
ROOM FOR RENT 4 blocks from
campus $135 dep. 757-2456.
a townhouse apartment. Rent is
$160 a month and 12 utilities.
Convenient to campus and
includes ECU bus. Contact Stacy
Peterson at Carriage House
Apartments Apartment 60, 321-
FURNISHED 1 bedroom, Green
Mill Run Apts. 2 blocks from
campus $335 January paid. Call
FOR RENT: Spacious 2 bedroom
apt. ACHeat, basic cable, hot
water Sewer included. 2 blocks
from campus $450 month. Call 746-
now! Two bedroom apt new
carpet, appliances and wallpaper.
Available in May. Free cable and
water! $460 plus deposit. Call 830-
1791 or 756-3745 for info.
K( M1. II A
WANTED: roommate to share
apartment in Tar River area. 14
of rent and 14 utilities. Call 758-
Convenient location to campus
withECU bus transportation avail-
able-Furnished bedroom with Pri-
vate Bath, Cable, Telephone,
washerdryer, kitchen privileges-
"you tend to your business and I
tend to mine philosophy
$175.00mon includes utilities.
Call 321-1848.
tion Apartments, includes Jacuzzi,
pool, tanning, and weights. Take
over renewable lease until 5-1-93.
$194 200 security deposit 321-
roommate needed to share two bed-
room apartment. Location near ECU
campus with ECU bus transporta-
tion. 12 rent, 12 utilities. Call 758-
2122 (leave message if no answer.)
- One bedroom unit. Children out
of school, I want to sell fast. Call
(919) 847-1557 Raleigh, NC.
FOR SALE: Magnavox VCR ? on
screen programming, 40-function
remote (Box & booklet included)
$125. Onkyo Integra stereo cassette
deck?digital time keeper, repeat
features and auto tape selector.
(Box included.) $100. Onkyo
compact disc player Rl 16 track
random programming & more
(Box included.) $100. Honda CR80
? Excellent cond. Never raced
$450 (nego.) Sansui Amplifier,
turner & tum table $350 (nego.)
Call 758-5818.
FOR SALE- Oakley Blades. Paid
$105 I month ago. Unharmed.
Asking $60. Send name and
number to PO Box 8601 Greenville
NC 27834.
forget to order early this year as
we run out every year. For just
29.95 you can getyour lady 1 dozen
long stem red roses arranged and
boxed. 757-1007
bedrooms, 2 baths, Willoughby
Park, call after 5:00 and weekends
at 756-9720.
FOR SALE: Macintosh Classic, 4
MG RAM, 40 MG hard drive,
microsoft word 4.0 excel,
pagemaker, macintax, macpaint,
screen saver. Used only one
semester. $1,000 Call Mike. Day
938-4238, night 353-8532.
?Bell South Product or Unisonic.
$20 each. Brown wingback chair
FOR SALE: Nintendo with
accessories. Call & leave name &
numbei 758-8319.
FOR SALE: Drafixcard for
Windows, software package.
Newest version, never installed.
$450 firm, paid $695. Excellent for
engineeringarchitectural work,
but I'm an art major. MUST SELL.
Contact Dana 757-6366.
FOR SALE: Packard Bell Legend
IV computer for sale. Panasonic 24
pt. printer, VGA color monitor.
Computer has hard drive,2floppy
drives. (5.25" and 3.5") Must sell!
$850. Includes Harvard Graphics,
Lotus 1-2-3, Multimate, PFS
Graphics, Grammatix, and other
programs.Call (919)321-2577 leave
EARN $1000WEEK at home
stuffing envelops! For
information, send long self
addressed stamped envelope to
CJ Enterprises, Box 67068L,
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222
SAVE on Spring Break '93!
Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas from
$459 Florida from !149! Organize
group and travel free! Contact
Susan @ 931-7334 or call Sun
Splash Tour s todayl-800-426-
extra cash stuffing envelopes at
home. All materials provided.
Send SASE to? National
Distributors PO Box 9643
Springfield, MO 65801.
Immediate response.
NEEDED by sportswear
company to sell to fraternities and
sororities. Average $50 to $100
working one night per week. Call
Earn $2000month world
travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the
Caribbean, et.) Holiday, Summer
aivd .Career employment
available. No experience
necessary. For employment
program call 1-206-634-0468 ext.
Must have valid driver's license
and able to drive 5 speed.
Mornings preferred. Apply in
Person at Larry's Carpetland East
10th St.
cacaphonous, hip-hop fusion
ensemble! (Brand New Heavios,
Jaco Pastorius, Public Enemy,
Charles Mingus) Should haveown
drum kit and bounteous,
platitudinous, whimsical
tendencies! Call Link at 758-7993.
WANTED! Looking for art that
would look good on T-shirts. We
will pay for the exclusive use of
your work. Call for an
appointment 752-6953.
WZMB needs people for the
following positions: Promotions
Director, Grants Manager, and
Assistant News Director. Apply
in person at WZMB in Mendenhall
Student Center.
DIRECTORS?several positions
in Greenville & Nags Head areas.
Must be 21 yrs or older. Deadline
Feb. 21. Call Bob Wendling, 756-
WANTED: Great club, great
money, unbelievable tips. Work
2am. Call Sid 919-735-7713 orPaul
919-736-0716. Mothers
Playhouse in Goldsboro.
$10 - $360UP WEEKLY Mailing
brochures! Sparefull time. Set
own hours! RUSH stamped
envelope: Publishers (GI) 1821
Hillandale Rd. 1B-295 Durham,
NC 27705
EASY WORK! Excellent pay!
Assemble products at home. Call
toll free 1-800-467-5566 Ext. 5920
help, heavy lifting required.
Apply the Youth Shop Boutique
at Arlington Village, across from
the Plaza
MEN are accepting applications
for part-time sales associates.
Flexible scheduleSalary
clothing discount. Apply Brody's
The Plaza MonWed. 1-4 pm
Hampshire. Outstanding boys
girls sports camps located on New
England's largest lake are
recruiting individuals for all staff
positions, including nurses.
Applicants must be able to assist
in the instruction of an activity.
For more information, call Kyle at
(919) 847-4430.
BREAK TRIPS! Bahamas Cruise
6 Days Includes 10 Meals, Great
Beaches & Nightlife! $279!
Panama City Beachfront Rooms
With Kitchens $119, Key West
Oceanf ront Hotel $249, Daytona
Beachfront Rooms With
Kitchens $149, Cancun $459,
Jamaica $479! Springbreak! 1-
BREAKERS Party like Gods
Panama City $139, Key West
$269, Jamaica & Cancun from
$450. Quality Accomodations,
Free Drink Parties! Call Joe
EndlessSummer 1-800-234-7007.
Creations & Associates 355-8886.
50,000 TITLES
919 Dickinson Ave.
Greenville, NC
"Rapid Refund
Low Fees
$1,000 AN HOUR!
Each member of your frat,
sorority, team, club, etc.
pitches in just one hour
and your group can raise
$1,000 in iust a few days!
Plus a chance to earn
$1,000 for yourself!
No cost. No obligation.
1-800-932-0528, ext. 65
$385.00 PER PERSON
Karen Bilyj
Lindsay Fernandez
Matt Hege
Aimee Lewis
Brandon Perry
CALL 919-757-6366
today for more
advertising information
Averbach ? new Panhellenic
treasurer! Love, your sisters and
pledges of Alpha Phi!
ALPHA PHI will be sponsoring a
Jump Rope for Heart to raise
Page 5
money for the heart foundation. It
will be held Sunday, January 24 at
1:00 in Memorial Gym. For further
information contact Kim Parker at
RHO'S ? Not much longer now!
Watch out for that "Pirate Pride
Love, your sisters.
WHO ARE YOU?!?! Seeking
owner of green Acura Integra. We
met on the way to Raleigh
Thursday. Lost you on Highwood
Blvd. I went back but you were not
to be found. Please call 758-7099.
Green Camry.
CLASSIFIEDS to find something
to do? Are you bored with life and
want a change? Then you are
reading the right ad You need
FUN and EXCITEMENT in your
life Here's the solution: EAST
If you want to meet new friends, or
you like computers, or even if you
know nothing about computers
but want to learn more, then come
on by, because EVERYONE is
invited You'd be crazy not to
jump at an opportunity like this
one! Last semester you missed out
on an AWESOME field trip to the
virtual reality lab at UNC-CH. If
you don'tjoin this semester, there's
no telling whatyou'll miss DATE:
Thursday, January 21 TIME: 3:30
in the afternoon PLACE: Austin
room 132.See Dr. Gordon inAustin
325-C or call 757-4104 for further
K. W Just a little something to
let you know that I haven't
forgotten you. Hope
everything's going well over at
the parents. Remember ? if you
everneed anything, all you have
to do is pick up the phone and
dial those seven magic numbers.
As far as dinner goes, I've
decided that the offer will remain
open until you decide that you
feel comfortable enough with the
situation. If dinner isn't the
answer, then maybe we can go
out for lunch or something. Hey,
I'm flexible. I really would like
to do something wih you
sometime soon, but I won't press
you about it. Just keep me in
mind when you feel like doing
something and that's good
enough for me. Well, I'll give
you a call this week and talk to
you then. See ya. P.S. Just
realized you don't have those
seven magic numbers ? want
'em? Just ask M for 'em.
Brand New Apartments
Available February 1!
Great location, close to campus.
Call 752-8320 from 8:30 am to 5:00pm
Available immediately!
New & located close to campus.
Call 752-8320 from 8:30 am to ?:00pm
campus rnnTQTTAN
Looking for a fellowship of
Christians, a place to pray, study
God's word, be involved in social
and service projects? Need a ref-
uge from time to time? Campus
Christian Fellowship m ay be what
you are looking for. Our weekly
meetings are at 7pm Wednesdays
at our Campus House located at
200 E. 8th St directly across Co-
tanche St. from Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center. Everyone iswekome.
For more information, call Tim
Turner, Campus Minister, at 752-
We need your experience!
Your achievements in everyday
situations can be useful to others.
Earn that feeling of accomplish-
ment. REAL Crisis Center is re-
cruiting volunteer crisis counsel-
ors for our telephone hot-line and
walk-in center. We will be offer-
ing training classes in this enrich-
ing field beginning January 25,
1993. Call 758-HELP or come by
312 East 10th Street.
group is intended for men and
women wanting to understand
the challenges and confusion ex-
perienced in their relationships
with other. This group will meet
every Thursday beginning Janu-
ary 21 from 1:30 - 3:00 pm in 329
Wright Building. Please call 757-
6661 to schedule an individual
counseling appointment prior to
joining the group. If the time does
not fit your schedule and you
would like to participate, please
call also.
The Council of Student Orga-
nization Leaders (COSOL) will
meet Tuesday, January 19,1993 at
3:30 p.m. in Mendenhall Student
Center Multi-Purpose Room. You
and officers of your group are
invited to attend. A great oppor-
tunity to meet other leaders and
share ideas and events! Fund rais-
ing will be the topic of discussion.
For more information call Lisa
Shibley at 757-4711.
25 or older? Join us for brown
bag lunches on Wednesdays from
noon to 1:30 pm. Come for part or
all of the time. This rap (if you're
over 25 you know what we mean)
group is an informal gathering
designed to be supportive and
help meet the needs of students
with family responsibilities. In-
formal discussions and presenta-
tions are the form at. Yes, there are
many students at ECU facing the
same concerns as you. Let's learn
from one another. Every Wednes-
day, noon to 1:30 pm at the Coun-
seling Center in 313 Wright Build-
ing. For more information, phone
George Gressman at 757-6661.
CLIMB to reach your highest
goals this semester with a little
help from OUTDOOR RECRE-
ATION! Climbing tower work-
shops will be February 9 and 18.
Registration for those climbing
workshops will begin January 13.
Workshops will begin at 3:00 pm.
The Counseling Center is of-
fering a weekly therapy group for
women seeking their own voice
and wanting to experience satis-
faction with themselves and with
life. Call 757-6661 to schedule an
individual appointment prior to
joining the group. The group will
be held Tuesdays, 3:30 - 5 pm,
beginning January 19,1993.
The Ninpo Club will begin
having meetings Jan. 19 at 9:30 in
Christenbury Gym room 108.
Ninjutsu is and Enlightened, self-
protectiion system that relies on
natural body movements and sci-
entifically applied dynamics.
Ninjutsn does not rely on speed
or strength, so it is an excellent
self defence method for individu-
als with smaller body frames or
weaker strength. All who are in-
terested are welcome to attend.
The Career Services office
invites seniors and graduate stu-
dents who will graduate in May
Summer of December, 1993 to at-
tend an orientation meeting on
Wednesday, January 20, at 12:00
or Thursday, January 21 at 3:00 in
Bloxton House. The staff will give
an overview of career services
and distribute forms for students
to register with Career Services.
They will also discuss procedu es
for establishing a credentials file
and participating in employment
interviews on campus.
Seniors, graduate stu-
dents and cooperative education
students who need help in devel-
oping or refining their interview
skills are invited to a workshop
sponsored by Career Services.
Come and learn special techniques
that will help you prepare for the
job search! The interview work-
shops will be held on Friday, Janu-
ary 22,3:00 pm and Monday, Janu-
ary 25, 3:00 pm, in the Bloxton
The Career Services of-
fice announces it workshops on
resume writing to be held on
Wednesday, January 20, at 3:00
pm and Monday, January 25, at
5:30 pm in Bloxton House. Par-
ticipants will learn about format,
content and production of a pro-
fessional resume. Handouts will
be available. This workshop fs
especially designed for prospec-
tive graduates, but is open to any-
The Counseling Center and
Student Health Center are offer-
ing a weekly therapy group for
female survivors of childhood in-
cest and sexual molestation. The
group will focus on emotional and
psychological issues with in a con-
fidential and supportive environ-
ment. PleasecallDr.SaraSheperd
at 757-6661 or Dr. Steven Dauer at
757-6795 to schedule an individual
appointment prior to joining the
group. The group will be Wednes-
days, 3:30 - 5:00 pm beginning
January 20, and participation is
This support group is de-
signed for those who have experi-
enced the loss of a significant
other. The focus will be on under-
standing feelings, reactions to loss,
how to move toward recovery,
taking care of needs, and devel-
oping a positive outlook. Dr. Will
Ball and Bob Mitchell will be the
facilitators. The group will Start
Wednesday January 20 from 2-5
pm in 316 Wright Building.
This group will explore
currentsocial expectations of men
and the pressures men experience.
The group will focus on exposing
stereotypes and redefining what
it means to be a man in light of
current ideas about emotional
health and well-being. This group
will meet on Mondays beginning
January 25 from 3-4 in 316 Wright
Building. For more information
please call 757-6661.
The Poetry Forum will
meet on January 21, 8:00 pm, in
Mendenhall room 248. If you
would like feedback on your
work, please bring copier.
ECHO will meet on Sun-
day, January 24 at 6:00 pm in GC
2017. We are planning an exciting
semester! All honor students (3.4
GPA or better) are invited to at-
tend. Hope to see you Sunday!
Date Application Due for
Spring Admissions: January 29,
1993. Applications may be picked
up in Room 104-B.

? The East Carolinian
January 19, 1993
Page 6
King's dream must survive for future
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
He grew up in a family that nurtured him
with love and kindness, tempered with the
need for discipline and community.
He excelled in school, entering college
several years earlier than normal. He received
his degree at Morehouse College, going on
toearna Ph.D. at Crozer Theological Semi
He began his civil rights career
as pastor of the Dexter Avenue
Baptist Church, coming to the
South in an effort to change the
Jim Crow laws so prevalent at
the time.
He emerged victorious in
various campaigns, such as the
Montgomery Bus Boycott, the
Campaign in Birmingham, the
March on Washington and his
triumphant entry into Memphis.
He died a man who refused
to let oppression continue, a man
who wanted to see America
stand as the great moral example
of the world He left behind him
a following that would continue
his work into the next three de-
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
served, and still continues to serve, as a shining
example to all that one person can make a
difference. King's notoriety or verbal ability
was not what made him a great statesman;
rather, he has achieved immortality by his re-
fusal to separate morality from politics. In a
time where political corruption is not con-
demned, if not condoned, King proves that a
person can captivate a nation with morality.
King's goals were a three-step process:
abolishing Jim Crow laws, putting an end to
prejudice and discrimination and ending vio-
lence and poverty on a national, if not global,
scale. Jim Crow is virtually nonexistent today,
but the latter two still remain to be conquered.
We need to see ourselves through
King's eyes: color-blind. Different skin
pigmentation does not make us lesser or
better individuals; we all must struggle
to survive on a daily basis. Only when
we are joined together can we fight the
multitude of common enemies that
all people face.
Poverty and war do not dis-
tinguish between races. In two
World Wars, white men died side
by side with black men. Even to-
day, blacks and whites are fighting
together to establish peace in Bosnia
and the Middle East. Racism f allsby
the wayside in this situation; may
we all find some lesson in this fact.
As we look back on this holi-
day, we must see it for what it
truly symbolizes. Not a day off
from school or work, not some
commercialized event; a day
where we honor a man who
dedicated his entire life to eradi-
cating the many injustices he
King has shown that racism and injustice
can be fought and conquered. If we live our
lives as we would have others live theirs and
show our children these same lessons, with
hope we can soon witness a nation that disre-
gards color as a basis of acceptance.
Again, one person can make a difference.
Make yours today by following in Dr.
Martin Luther King's footsteps: fight injustice
and discrimination by living well.
By Amy E. Wirtz
Every public action affects environment
You can change the world.
It's true. Everything you do ?
from the food you eat to the type
of detergent you use?makes the
world a better or worse place in
which to live. Every time you open
your wallet, you, in essence, cast a
vote "for" or "against" the envi-
Now, I'm sure that some of
you are sick to death of hearing
about saving theenvironment, but
unless you realize your individual
impact and how simple it is to
change bad habits, it will be a
matter of years until all nature as
you and I see it vanishes.
You have more power than
you know. First and foremost, the
marketplace ? whether the su-
permarket, hardware store or ap-
pliance showroom ? is not a de-
mocracy. It doesn't take 51 per-
cent of people "voting" in any one
direction to affect environmental
change. Far from it. In fact, a rela-
tive handful of shoppers can send
shock waves through an industry
simply by making good "green"
Why all of this "green
power" in the past few years? Well,
the growing concern over the en-
vironment iscertainly a factor, but
that's not the whole story. Part of
the answer has to do with the fact
that as consumers, Americans are
going through a transformation.
We are suddenly enlightened and
dare we say, empowered? When
it comes to protecting our bodies
and paychecks, we're much more
willing than ever before to take
matters into our own hands ? to
stand up and be counted.
We, as Americans, are mov-
ing gradually from the "me" gen-
eration into the "we" generation.
Self-interest certainly hasn't dis-
appeared, but it has been tem-
pered by the fact that after a de-
cade or so of "feel-good" national
leadership (i.e. George Bush and
his Neanderthal chumps), many
of us don't feel good about the
world around us. Many have given
up on the government's ability to
solve the problems for us. As a
result, all we have left to count on
is ourselves.
Many problems have be-
come more personal, more wide-
spread and much more closer to
home. That certainly is the cr se
with the environment. Environ-
mental problems are no longer lim-
ited to a few localities. If s not
simply a sensationalized far-off
event ? the Love Canal hazard-
ous waste leaks, a malfunctioning
Three Mile Island or even a gush
ingoil tanker by the name of Braer.
Almost every community in the
land is coming to grips with some
kind of environmental problem.
Generally, being a green con-
sumer can save you money. Re-
searchers found that on the aver-
age, consumers were actually pay-
ing between 8 to 22 percent less for
the green brands because of the
packaging. On the other hand,
some environmentally sound
products do cost more than their
harmful counterparts. I've found
mat it all equals out in the end,
alhough many would disagree.
All I can say is that those who
would challenge me should first
buy what I do for a few months.
Then we can talk.
You're chomping at the bit,
wondering how you can shop
green, right? Well, I have a few
tips for you lucky readers:
? Ldok for products pack-
aged in recyclable materials.
? Refuse to buy excessively
packaged products.
? Buy reusable containers.
? Support companies with
good environmental records.
? Use canvas or cloth bags
when you grocery shop.
? Donotsupport companies
that test on animals!
Above all ? refuse, reuse,
We can make the '90s the
"decade of the environment" or
the "decade of demise Which
will it be? You make the differ-
ence. Take this opportunity to cast
anothervote in the right direction.
Freedom's Call
By Jim Shamlin
Government fails to protect citizens' rights
The East Carolinian
The United States is one of
the first nations founded on the
principle that the function of gov-
ernment is to protect the rights of
citizens. Until then, the govern-
ment was often an oppressive
power that ruled the people in-
stead of served mem; mat limited
their freedom rather than pro-
tected it; that managed citizens as
if they were slaves rather than free
Correspondingly, the Bill of
Rights is one of the first docu-
ments created by a government to
guarantee certain rights to its citi-
zens. The first 10 Amendments
are, in effect, promises that certain
rights will not be violated. T. us is
a complete inversion in the his-
tory of political thought, but it is
an inversion that the government
has failed to maintain.
What were once amend-
ments are now broken promises.
Every right that the Constitution
guarantees has been revoked,
abolished or abridged ? with
the possible exception of the third
amendment, the bit about hous-
ing soldiers in private homes ?
and every freedom mat remains
has strings attached. It is no
longer government that must
operate within narrow bound-
aries in its duty to citizens, but
citizens who must live within nar-
row boundaries in obedience of
the government
The abolition of citizens'
rights has been a slow process,
almost imperceptible ? but in
comparing the government of to-
day with the one prescribed by the
Constitution, one will find they
are only vaguely similar. One of
the prime causes of this perver-
sion is the government itself.
Corruption in government
is widespread: while no branch of
government can claim innocence,
the most corrupt branch, by far, is
the legislative branch: the Senate
and House of Representatives.
Slowly, but effectively, the legis-
lative branch has undermined the
systems of checks and balances,
allowing itself to run rampantly
out of control. A few occurrences
demonstrate the degree of corrup-
tion, namely the widespread abuse
of government-controlled check-
ing accounts, and periodically, leg-
islature voting itself a monumen-
tal pay raise. The corruption,how-
ever, runs much deeper.
It is not within the power, or
the will, of the government to cor-
rect itself. On the campaign trail,
James R. Knisely, General Manager
Blair Skinner, Managing Editor
Arthur A. Sutorius, Advertising Director
Elizabeth Shimmel, News Editor
Karen Hassell, Asst. News Editor
Dana Danielson, Lifestyle Editor
Robert Todd, Sports Editor
Warren Sumner, Asst. Sports Editor
Sean Herring, Copy Editor
Gregory Dickens, Copy Editor
Dai! Reed, Photo Editor
Joe Horst, Opinion Page Editor
Richard Haselrig, Staff Illustrator
Michael Albuquerque, Business Manager
John Bullard, Circulation Manager
Cori Daniels, Layout Manager
Monique Campbell, Assistant Layout Manager
Woody Barnes, Creative Director
Matt MacDonald, Systems Manager
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
The East Carolinian has served the East Carolina campus community since 1925. emphasizing information that affects
ECU students. The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The masthead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. Letters
should be limited to 250 words or less. For purposes of decency and brevity, The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit
or reject letters for publication. Letters should be addressed to The Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU.
Greenville, N.C 27858-4353. For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
Bill Clinton firmly demanded that
the legislative branch take budget
cuts. Shortly thereafter, he stood,
almost cowering among members
of Congress, and said that their
budget would not decrease. This
demonstrates the impotence of the
executive branch ? and the judi-
cial branch is helpless to do any-
thing until a case isbroughtbefore
mem. Congress is literally above
the law.
Legislature has not simply
limited (or destroyed) the power
of the other branches of govern-
ment; it has usurped power, tak-
ing for itself the powers of all.
Constant overturning of Presiden-
Every right
that the
has been
abolished or
rial vetoes has made the executive
branch unable to check any abuse
of power and the refusal of the
line-item veto has denied the ex-
ecu rive branch the power to weed
out graft. Furthermore, ad-hoc
committees have denied the ex-
ecutive branch its power to carry
out the laws.
Congress has also taken con-
trol over the judicial branch. Abus-
ing its power to review appoin-
tees, legislature controls the per-
sonnel who compose the judicial
branch, lining the benches with
cronies who will promote the in-
terests of Congress rather man fair
judges who will revoke oppres-
sive laws. Furthermore, through
Senate hearings and other pro-
ceedings, Congress has taken law
out of the courtroom entirely and
put it under its own direct control.
By far, one of the greatest
assaults on freedom is the depart-
mentalization of law ? the cre-
ation of commissions, bureaus,
departments and other agencies
that operate beyond the control of
the executive and judicial
branches. These agencies have the
power to pass laws, carry them
out and punish offenders without
any interference from the Consti-
tutionally-prescribed govern-
ment. Overlooked by most citi-
zens, these agencies are the most
flagrant violators of citizens'
rights. Consider the following ex-
? The Department of Agri-
culture dictates the crops that uv
dependent farmers may produce'
places limits on their production,
restricts distribution and controls
prices in a supposedly "free" mar-
? The Federal Communica-
tion Commission abridges die free-
dom of speech by restricting civil-
ian access to the airwaves and by
revoking the licenses of stations
that broadcast material to which
it objects.
? The Food and Drug Ad-
ministration denies citizens ac-
cess to effective treatments, of-
ten used overseas, and delays
the marketing of safe and benefi-
cial pharmaceuticals.
Each of these agencies was
formed for a legitimate purpose
? the Department of Agricul-
ture was meant to advise farm-
ers, the FCC was meant to pro-
tect the rightsofbroadcastersand
the FDA was meant to protect
citizens from quackery ? but
each of these agencies has over-
stepped its boundaries. Each of
them is now the destroyer of the
rights it was founded to protect.
These three are not excep-
tional cases of corruption ? they
are mere examples of the abuse of
power that results when any por-
tion of government is allowed to
operate outside the system of
checks and balances. They illus-
trate the sort of perversion of
power that occurs in virtually ev-
ery government agency, and on a
smaller scale, the kind of corrup-
tion that has taken place in the
body that has created mem?the
Even though the Constitu-
tion has been invalidated, its guar-
antees revoked by a branch of gov-
ernment that has run amuck, there
is a right within the Declaration of
Independence that Congress can
never legislate away ? the right
to alter or abolish any government
that becomes destructive of tine
rights of its citizens. Legislature
hasnotyet taken away our right to
vote. While that right still exists,
wemustclean House, and Senate,
with paper?but if ever that right
is legislated away, we must clean
House, and Senate, with lead.

Tlie East Carolinian
January 19, 1993
Page 7
Art Works
Literary aits magazine to showcase
By Gentry Barnett
Staff Writer
Winners of the 1993 Rebel com-
petition have been announced.
TheReMhasbeena traditionat
ECU since the late 1950s and pres-
ently serves as the campus literary
arts magazine.
Margie O'Shea, managing edi-
tor of the Rebel and a ceramics stu-
dent in the School of Art, is hoping
for an April 1 publish date to show-
case winning entries.
With O'Shea's direction, this
year's Rebel will have a new look
and a specific goal.
"The staff and I feel the most
important point in publishing the
Rebel is to showcase ECU's finest
artists and writers and their work
she said. "Our goal is to give expo-
sure to the winners and finalists of
the contest
This goal inspired over 200 lit-
erary and artistic entries that were
judged in November.
The top four overall winners of
this year's contest are as follows:
Shannon Morrow won Bestof Show
for "Self Portrait" in the painting
awarded to Jeanne Brady for "Who
Will Have No Remorse Just Not
So Story 40" in the drawing cat-
egory, prize $100. Second place
was awarded to Stanton Blakeslee
for "Depleting Environment First
in Series" in the illustration cat-
egory, prize $75. Nikki Holbrook
won third place in the wood design
category for "Pueblo Ceremonial
Bird Vanity prize $50.
The winners of the poetry cat-
egory areas follows: firstplace($100)
toJ.E. Boyette for "Visitation sec-
ond place ($50) to Tracy Gay for
"Tenure third place ($25) to Don
Marr for "The Swing
The prose winners are: first
See Art page 8
Museum of art
hangs with the best
By John Bullard
Staff Writer
Photo by Catherine Walker
Best of Show (below) "Self-Portrait" by Shannon Morrow.
Second Place (above) "Depleting
Environment - 1st in Series" by
Stanton Blakeslee. Third Place
(left) "Pueblo Ceremonial Bird
Vanity" by Nikki Holbrook.
Check it out
All visual entries will be shown at
the Greenville Museum of Art on
Evens Street from March 1 to 5.
Driving into town this past
Sunday, back from your week-
end vacation of culture, you may
have passed one of those brown
signs pointing in the direction of
the Greenville Museum of Art.
What!? Greenville Museum of
Yes, it's hard to believe, but
it's true, Greenville does have an
art museum. And, contrary to the
ECU out-of-towner, snob-
bish belief that
Greenville doesn't
know what art is, it
Try George Bel-
lows, Louis
Nevelson, George
Segal and a host of
other highly acclaimed
American artists on for
size that are part of The
GMA's permanent collection.
The Museum also features
works by recognized North Caro-
linians such as Frances Speight,
Paul Hartley, and Ray Elmore.
All of these artists are part of an
expanding collection that rivals
many of the East Coast's galler-
The Museum's 1993 season
began on J anuary 12 with Marvin
Saltzman: Select Landscapes in the
West Wing Gallery, Gifts: 1990-
1992 in the Commons, and Ben
Owen 111: Generations and Beyond
in the North and South Galleries.
And that's just the beginning. The
first part of the season raps up in
April with Sarah Blakeslee, Jo-
seph Suttle, and Lope Max Diaz.
"Our Exhibition schedule for
January through April is very
full said C. Barbour Strickland
III, GMA Director. "I would like
to highlight the Sarah Blakeslee: A
Retrospective exhibit because it
will be a milestone for her and
our Museum. The Museum orga-
nized the retrospecti ve which wi 11
cover over 60 years of Blakeslee's
This semester the Rebel,
ECU's literary arts
magazine, will hold
its annual exhibi-
tion of prize artand
submissions in the
West Wing Gal-
The show be-
gins March 1 and
lasts for five days. This
exhibit shows how the stu-
dent body and TheGM A can ben-
efit one another.
Another pending exhibit will
feature Andy Warhol prints. If
enough money can be raised, the
show will be presented in May.
This is where ECU students can
make an impact by becoming
Students can become mem-
bers of The GMA for $15, which,
if enough students contribute,
will go a long way in providing
for the funds needed to secure
shows such as the Warhol exhibit.
See Warhol page 8
Florida, Jamaica set destinations
for Student Union's Spring Break
By Tricia McCrory
Staff Writer
As the rain and chilly winds
remind us that winter is in full
effect, ECU students are com-
forted with the anticipation of
Spring Break '93.
Visions of sunny, white,
sandy beaches being lapped by"
clear turquoise waters dance irit
our heads as the winter winds
dance outside our windows. But,
fear not, the ECU Student Union
Travel Committee has made para-
dise attainable at the most popu-
lar Spring Break hot spots. Trips
to Day tona Beach and Lake Buena
Vista, Fla and Montego Bay in
Jamaica have been priced very
reasonably, thanks to the travel
This year the committee has
introduced Spring Break '93 in
Jamaica. Various hotels in the
beautiful Montego Bay are avail-
able. The trip is scheduled for
March 6 - 1q A price of $429
includes airfarejErcyn Charlotte,
seven nights Hotel accorrondda(
tions, airpori ajfiofel, trans-
portation, allhotel texesandser-
vice charges, andPUrsSby Sv-
dentTriyelServie&s terjtefeenta-
ttves. A'full schedule dfe activi-
ties irtduties parties, optional
9tde. trijs and discotints to night
eubs restau rants Ind shops. '
V ThetnptoDayfonaandLake .
Buena Vista is scheduledjo;Ieave
by bus March 5 to!feturp March
14. There id an initial registra:
tion fee of $50. m$
Two plans offer options in
various affordable price ranges.
Plan A is priced a $239 per per-
son in quad 'ioccupancy rooms,
$279 per person in triple occu-
pancy rooms and $379 per per-
son in twin occupancy rooms.
PlanB.funs $399 per person
in quad occupancy rooms, $449
in triple occupancy rooms, and
$539 in twin occupancy rooms.
The price of Plan B includes one
day's admission to Disney
World's Magic Kingdom, MGM
Studios,and EpcotCenter,aswell
as Busch Gardens and Sea World.
Hotel transportation and ac-
commodations for eight nights
are included in the price of both
; Participants are responsible
?for additional expenses such as
i meals, and a deposit on the bal-
iance is payable on or before Feb.
Don't-be left in the cold for
Spring Break '93. ECU students,
staff, faculty, alumni and family
members are encouraged to take
advantage ot these vacation op-
For more information and
reservationscontact theECUCen-
tral Ticket Office at Mendenhall
Student Center or call 757-4788.
Native American Organization
re-establishes on campus
By Pam Revels
Staff Writer
The Native American Organization of ECU was
created to boost awareness of the heritage and culture
of the American Indian.
Theorganizarion,asdefined in the Student Hand-
book, was established "to provide fellowship for Na-
tive Americans enrolled at ECU; to involve members
in learning experiences about the culture and history
of Native Americans; and to provide peer counseling
and tutorial services when needed
When the organization disbanded last year, these
goals wereabandoned. Lack of participation and gen-
eral apathy had made the group weak and unstable.
Members had stopped attending meetings and events,
eventually causing the organization to dissolve.
Enter Kim Sampson, a junior transfer student
from Louisburg College, who also happens to be a
Native American. She is currently working to reorga-
nize the Native American Organization and make it
moreactive club.The main thing she islookingfor this
year is the stability that the organization lacked in the
Sampson addressed this issue in theorganization's
first meeting, which was held Jan. 14 in Mendenhall
Student Center. "Thereare85-87NativeAmericanson
campus. We neti o be more active and do more
together as a group she said.
Sampson suggested several changes in the
organization's constitution to help alleviate the stabil-
ity problem. Currently, the constitution states that
members must attend only three meetings per semes-
ter. Sampson suggested encouraging members to par-
ticipate more often by raising this requirement to five
or six meetings per semester.
Thequestion of the frequency of meetings wasalso
raised.Theconstitution says there should be twomeet-
ings a month. Sampson feels this number should be
increased to bring group members together more fre-
The members must vote on these twosuggestions.
If the changes are passed, hopefully they will aid in
producing a stable and healthy organization.
The group also needs to raise consciousness of its
existence. The Native American Organization wants to
make itself well known on campus. Plans are under-
way for a T-shirt design and a publicity committee for
advertising, to develop fundraising programs and to
get involved in campus events. "When the scfuxil has
activities where minorities come together, we'll be in
the group Sampson assured.
There are several major events already listed on
the organization's agenda. One is the Adult Unit)'
See Organization page 8
ECU senior
crowned Miss
By Lisa Baumann
Staff Writer
Miserable weather d idn't seem to bother the stand-
ing-room-only crowd that packed Rose High School
auditorium to see the crowning of the 1993 Miss
Greenville Pitt County Queen Jan. 14.
Jennifer West, a senior at ECU, walked away with
the crown, the title and a $1,000 academic scholarship.
Candace Hudspeth, a junior at ECU, won runner-up
and a $500 scholarship.
The Miss Greenville Pageant, sponsored by the
Eastern Carolina Scholarship Association, is in its third
year running. The ECSA is currently the biggest schol-
arship foundation for women.
Ten women, all of whom are ECU students or
alumni, were contestants in the pageant. They include
seniors Virginia Montgomery and Jennifer West, jun-
iors Alexis Hickman, Frances Holcomb and Candace
Hudspeth, and freshmen Amanda Beasley, Shawna
Norrisand Karen Whaley.
According to Kim Dale, contestant coordinator
and publicity chairperson, winningthe MissGreenville
PittCountypageantcouldbea stepping stone for the
"The winner of this pageant goes on to represent
Greenville in Raleigh for the title of Miss North Caro-
lina Dale said. "The winner of the Miss North Caro-
lina crown then moves on to compete in the Miss
America pageant
The last time Greenville produced a Miss North
Carolina was in 1958 when Betty Lane Evans won the
The requirements for entering thepageant include
living, working, or attending school in the Pitt county
area. The contestants must be 18 through 24 years of
age. The winner was selected based on performances
in four main areas. They include an interview with the
judges, which counts 40 percent; talent, which counts
30 percent; evening gown competition, which counts
Photo by Dail Reed
Kim Davis (right) handed her 1992 title over to the
new Miss Greenville, Jennifer West, on Jan. 14.
15 percent; and the swinsuit competition, which also
counts 15 percent.
The judges, who must be accredited, wereall from
out of town to avoid contestant bias.
Despite stereotypes about beauty pageants ex-
ploiting women, Dale is q uick to say that the pageants
are "a sport for women
"Beauty pageants give women a chance to excel at
performance, public speaking, and whatever their
talents may be she said.
Individual awards were also presented at the
pageant. Francis Holcomb was named Miss Conge-
niality, an award voted on by the other contestants.
Jennifer West won both the talent and swimsuit award.
Alexis Hickman was named second runner up, fol-
lowed by Karen Whaley as third runner up.
Several local dignitaries, including Mayor Nancy
Jenkins, attended the pageant. Kimberly Davis, Miss
1992 Pitt County, performed and handed over her
crown to the winner with blessings.
1. "I Will Always Love You(from The Bodyguard) Whitney Houston
2. "Rump Shaker' Rex-N-Effect
3. "If I Ever Fall In Love' Shai
4. "In The Still Of The Night' Boyz n Men
5. "Saving Forever For You'Shanice
6. "Rhythm Is a Dancer' Snap
7. "I'd Die Without YOU (from Boomerang) P.M. Dawn
8. "Good Enough' Bobby Brown
9. "Deeper And Deeper Madonna
10. 'To Love Somebody' Mich.el Bolton Source: Cashbox magazine

? I
81 The East Carolinian
JANUARY 19, 1993
Continued from page 7
place ($100) to Angela Bacon Reid
for "Keeping House second place
l$50)toimShamlinfor "A Cleaner
"Place third place ($25) to Josephine
; for "Rain
This issue's judges were not
; ECU affiliated. Judging the art cat-
' egory wereGeorge Baka, PittCom-
munity Gollege instructor; Meade
i Home, Director of Blount-Bridges
House inTarboro;andMarkBrown
i of the Kinston Arts Council.
Prose judges were: Susan
Columbia, S.C and Ashley B.
Futrell, Sr editor emeritus.
Joseph Bruchac, poet, editor
and storyteller from New York City;
and Marvin Hunt from Campbell
University judged the prose cat-
Winners, finalists and entries
will be invited to show at Greenville
Museum of Art, March 1 - 5.
Continued from page 7
sound' finds
open arms
Memberships for students in-
elude the Members' Newsletter,
; exhibition announcements, the
! annual report, invitations to spe-
cial events, discounts on activi-
! ties and much more.
For those with more money,
! highermembershipsareavailable
that grant more privileges.
! Strickland welcomes all com-
jments and input from the com-
j munity regardless of whether one
; is a member or not.
"In our planning process we
Iwould like to please every one of
!you, but we know that is not al-
Iways possible" Strickland said.
i Organization
i ?????????
Conference, whichisheldevery year
n March. The conference focuses
bn bringing Native Americans to-
gether, and involves presentations
and seminars designed to explain
heri tage and culture. Booths selling
pottery and jewelry will also be set
up. The group also plans to attend
the Haliwasaponi Pow-wow in
The two events stress the em-
phasis that the organization places
on learning the heritage along with
treating fellowship.
There are members of several
different tribes here on campus, in-
cluding Lumbees, Hahwasaponis
and Cherokees. With this diversity
comes the opportunity to leam from
would like to know what hits your
'hot button If you have anything
in mind, simply write it on a card
and send it to us. We will do our
best to accommodate you
With excellent collections, ex-
hibits, and staff, The GMA has
been bringing culture to
Greenville since 1939. Now it is
time for ECU students to became
Who knows? Maybe next
weekend, on your way back into
town, you might want to follow
those brown signs to find out
where The Greenville Museum
of Art is located ? just in case
you decide to try it out.
Continued from page 7
The Associated Press
each other about different tribal
customs and cultures.
"I mink we need to grow to-
gether and leam about our Indian
heritage Sampson said with con-
Membership in the organiza-
tion is not strictly limited to Native
Americans. Anyone interested in
the Native American heritage is
welcome ? the club does not dis-
The next meeting will be Tues-
day, Jan. 26 from 630 - 730 p.m. in
Room 14 of Mendenhall Student
Center. If you are interested yet can-
not attend or need more informa-
tion, contact Kim Sampson at 931-
Country music, long a mainstay
on radio, is surging on network
TV as well, with Garth Brooks and
Billy Ray Cyrus leading the way.
There were five country mu-
sic specials on network TV in 1992
and three more will be aired early
this year. Programs showcasing
"the Nashville Sound" are com-
manding strong ratingsand draw-
ing solid support from advertis-
"Country music has become
an important part of the entertain-
ment world and part of the social
fabric, and TV has jumped on it
said Ed Benson, executive direc-
tor of the Country Music Associa-
Brooks had his own highly
rated special on NBC last January
and alsoappeared on ABC's "Best
of Country '92" on Dec. 10. Cyrus
was on "Best of Country '92 and
his own ABC special is scheduled
to be broadcast in February. He's
under contract for two more,
thanks to the popularity of his
single "Achy Breaky Heart" and
his album Some Gave All.
"A Country Music Celebra-
tion a two-hour special marking
the 35th anniversary of the CM A,
will air on CBS in the first quarter
of this year. Vince Gill, Wynonna
Judd and Kenny Rogersareamong
those scheduled to appear on the
Another CBS special,
"Women of Country has been
taped for broadcast in early 1993.
ItfeaturesJudd,Mary-Chapin Car-
penter, Emmylou Harris, Kathy
Mattea,Trisha Yearwood and oth-
"Country music is capitaliz-
ing on things sociologically
Benson said. "There's a return of
fundamental values in erica.
The product is right for the times
The Connells are playing Greenville?
Photo courtesy TVT Racords
Surprise, surprise! Tickets are on sale for their Thursday night performance at the Attic: $10 in
advance, $12 at the door. Check it out
The CMA's annual awards
show in September, which in-
cluded live performances by both
Brooks and Cyrus, was the third
highest rated program of the week.
The two-hour show was seen by
48 million viewers.
"They turned away advertis-
ers for the show Benson said.
In May, CBS broadcast the
special "Country Music Hall of
Fame 25 featuringabout50 coun-
try performers saluting the silver
anniversary of the Nashville
shrine. Also last spring, the Acad-
emy of Country Music awards
show was broadcast on NBC.
One ratings failure was NBC's
"Hot Country Nights" in early
1992, which was not renewed af-
ter 12 weeks. It did better than
previous NBC shows in that time
spot, but still finished in the bot-
tom third of the weekly rankings.
"The time slot (early Sunday
night) was one of the worst of the
week Benson said. "It was
against 'Murder, She Wrote
which tied up the older demo-
graphic, and Fox Network had a
good lineup targeting the younger
Country music got a global
boost in October when the cable
channel Country Music Television
began a European cable network.
Both the American and European
channels broadcast country mu-
sic videos.
Also on cable, "Hats Off to
Minnie: America Honors Minnie
Pearl" in October drew some of
the strongest ratings ever on
cable's The Nashville Network.
One hundred celebrities partici-
pated in the 2 12-hour special
honoring Pearl.
And "Hee Haw the country
stalwart,iscelebratingits 25 th year
on the air with "Hee Haw Silver
reruns of top shows.


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January 19, 1993
Hie East Carolinian
Renovation will
By Jason Tremblay
Senior Sports Writer
Every ardent ECU sports fan has expe-
rienced it; that numbing of the buttocks
'round about the third quarter, the inescap-
able lower back pain from hunching over,
the annoying pool of perspiration under
each arm from the heat Everyone has
suffered through these minor tortures in
order to support our indoor Pirate athletic
teams in theoh-so-inadequate MingesColi-
seum. Thankfully, theseproblemsmaysoon
be all but an unhappy memory buried far
beneath waves of comfort and excitement,
all made possible by the impending reno-
vation of the Minges sports facility.
Delays have created serious problems
as team members. East Carolina's volley-
ball team will play no home games next
season, men's and women's basketball are
scheduled on the road through December,
and thephysicaleducationand recreational
services must make their own housing ar-
With so many considerations to be taken
into account, some are questioning the ne-
cessity of the project
"As we look at the conference we par-
ticipate in men's and women's basketball
and volleyball, (Minges) is probably at the
bottom of the heap facility-wise from the
standpoint of all the bleachers Hart said.
Beyond the sports applications of the
facility. Hart cites the other uses of the
building, including ceremoniesand assem-
"We get a lot of complaints from par-
ents who attend commencement because
it's so hot students who attend concerts
have voiced the same complaints Hart
After 18 months into the planning, the
estimated cost of $9 million is twice the
MIngmg coUmmwn
i " i
! i i " i
C-Ya! Renovations to Minges Coliseum will close the building down next year the
renovations will upgrade the facility from one of the worst of Division one schools.
original budget figure. The project plans to
give the building between 7,600 and 7,800
chairback ? yep, you read it right,
ing capacity of the antiquated bleachers
from 6,500 uncomfortable slabs.
"Our plan is to go into Minges, and
basically, gut it Dave Hart Jr East
Carolina's director of athletics, explained.
"Gutall thebleachers, replace all the bleach-
ers with chairbacks, put a new playing
surfacedown,airconditionit, build 12 to 16
concession stands, which would totally
modernize the facility
The exterior of the coliseum will re-
main basically the same, but will appear
slightly larger. When completed, the seat-
ing will form a bowl effect.
The project was originally scheduled
for completion this April, but has been
pushed back until next year, with occu-
pancy slated for January, 1994.
"The delay was created by what was
occurring in the legislature, and then the
architects'nervousness really overwhether
or not we would get the quality that we
want by trying to move so rapidly in this
project Hart said. "I think people see the
very real need in this project, and from that
perspective, I think everyone understands
the importance of this project to the univer-
sity and to the athletic department, as well
as the physical education needs
And now for perhaps the most impor-
tant question in these tough economic times,
especially in the North Carolina school sys-
tem: Who's going to pay for all of this?
any escalated ticket prices in the near future,
at least not due to the renovation project
"There'snotaplanrightnow thatneces-
sarily is escalating ticket prices; I hope what
will escalate ticket prices will be increased
attendance and the consistent level of suc-
cess that our teams will demonstrate
In thatcase, no worries to theconsumer.
rap uUSJMU ;
ECU (53)
Min fgftrb
Thunnan 17 3-50-01-4006
Samuels 31 5-150-02-30110
Smith 34 5-121-24-70111
Coley 36 2-83-53-12057
OTonneU40 1-43-61-111235
Cagle 5 1-20-00-0002
Rodgerson 4 1-10-00-0002
James 4 1-10-01-1010
Baker 4 0-2k00-0010
Blackmon 25 3-92-40-5028
Totals 20022-59 9-1714-45121453
Percentages: FG - 373, Ft.529,3 pt. Goals: 0-t-
.000, Team Rebound 2, Blocked Shots?1,
Turnovers - 21, Steal6.
JMU (60)
Min fgftrb
Algeo 31 2-92-22-500A
Ratliff 30 5-100-11-110310
Woodson 27 2-81-26-8115
Lee 33 6-142-2345314
Shelly 40 4-152-30-23a11
Powell 16 1-50-00-100J
Hopkins 23 5-112-23-60312
Totals 20025-72 9-1217-4291360
Percentages: FG - 347, Ft. 750,3 pt Goals: 1-5-
?111, Team Rebounds- 3, Blocked Shots -7
Turnovers -11, Steals-10.
1st half2nd halfFinal
ECU 2627B
JMU 273360
Ladies imitate men and
lose conference game
By Kevin Hall
Staff Writer
Looking to bounce back from thoir
worst performance of the season, the
East Carolina Lady Pi-
rate hoopsters opened
conference play Friday
night on the home
court of the Lady
Dukes of James Madi-
son. The result was an
improvement, but an-
other loss. JMU held
the Pirates to 37 per-
cent shooting from the
floor, and ECU scored
only two points in the
final 2:19. The Dukes
held on to win by seven
points, 60-53.
The Pirates trailed
by only one point at
the half, 27-26. From
there, the lead
switched back and
ft. th several times be-
fore ECU's offense
turned sour. JMU
went on a 14-7 run and
controlled the rest of
the game.
Pirate point guard
Photo by Bltf Ransom
I got skills! Gaynor O'Donnell
leads the NCAA in assists
O'Donnell, the nation's assist leader,
dished out twelve in this game, a Convo-
cation Center record. She also grabbed
twelve rebounds. However, O'Donnell
also committed seven of the team's 21
costly turnovers. Turn-
overs and lack of shoot-
ing touch have hurt first-
year Head Coach Rosie
Thompson's team of
Senior center
Rhonda Smith led ECU
in scoring,as usual, with
11 points. Smith also
grabbed seven re-
bounds. Feisty Toina
Coley snagged 12 boards
and scored seven for the
With, the loss, ECU
dropped to 5-4 on the
year and 0-1 in the Colo-
nial Athletic Association.
The Dukes improved to
8-4,1-0. The Pirates'road
trip continued Sunday
night with a matchup
against CAA member
Gaynor O'Donnell
was the only Pirate toearn
Gaynor an assist in the contest.
UNC players charged with
possession of stolen goods
former NorthCarouna football playerswere
charged with misdemeanor possession of
stolen property after maintenance workers
found furniture in their dormitory room
taken from a dorm lounge.
Chuckie Burnetteand Julius Reese were
charged Wednesday.
"We can't blame anybody but our-
selves said Bumette,22,asenior from Haw
River. Burnette quit the team during pre-
season after losing the starting job he held
last year and ending up as the No. 3 quarter-
Burnette said he and Reese bought two
chairs, a coffee table and an end table for $70
from a man in a pickup truck.
At the time, the roommates had no idea
that the furniture had been stolen from the
lounge a day or two before, he said.
The furniture, valued at $908.70, was
discovered missing Aug. 14 along with 10
otherpieces from thesecond, third and fourth
floors of the dormitory. The total val ue of the
Stolen furniture is $2,149.
University police suspect that football
players who stayed in Carmichael Dormi-
tory from Aug. 7 to Aug. 17 had something
todo with the theft, DetectiveClay Williams
said. Burnette and Reese were staying in
rooms on the third floor, according to a
search warrant
Bumettesaid heand Reese realized their
new furniture was stolen when the team was
told about the theftd uring practiceone day.
"We didn't know what to do Burnette
said. "We didn't know what type of trouble
we could get in
So they kept the furniture.
it Burnette said.
returned to Chapel Hill on Wednesday af-
ternoon to have the warrant served on him.
He is not enrolled in classes for academic
reasons, Burnette said.
Athletic Director John Swofford will
withhold comment until he can speak with
football coach Mack Brown, said sports in-
formation directorRickBrewer. Brevversaid
today that Swofford at the NCAA meeting
in Dallas, and Brown is recruiting.
Double your
pleasure double
your fun
By Thad Peoples
Staff Writer
The students, faculty and staff at
East Carolina will be given a rare op-
portunity to get nasty ? at Pirate
Double Dare (based on the Nickel-
odeon game show "Double Dare").
There will be trivia questions, physi-
cal challenges and an obstacle course.
This game has a reputation for being
the messiest show on television.
East Carolina's version of the
popular game show will be held Jan.
28 at 6:30 p.m. The show will be com-
prised of two preliminary rounds in
which teams will compete in a ques-
tion and answer session. If a team does
not know the correct response, they
can dare the opposing team to answer
the same question for double the
points. If that team cannot find the
correct response, they, in turn, can
Page 9
Photo by Dan r??j
All-American: American University dominated the Pirates in almost every
way, Saturday night in Minges.
Eagles send pirates
to 7th straight loss
By Levator Chevis
Staff Writer
Saturday in Minges, Lester Lyons'
and Anton Gill'scombinedeffortscould
not penetrate the Eagles defense, result-
ing in a 89-64 Pirate loss? their seventh
defeatinarow?against visiting Ameri-
can University.
Constant miscues of easy lay-ups
and poor free throw shooting weakened
the Pirate attack. ECU showed promise
of a comeback, during the first half, but
fell short as the Eagles soared to the lead
and on to victory.
American ranked last in field goal
percentage, three-point field goal per-
centage and in scoring margin in the
CAA, but managed to lead the Pirates in
each category, making the Eagle's im-
provement and a decline in the Pirates
American's coach, Chris Knoche,
credited their win to guard Brian
Gilgeous' efforts in containing Lester
Lyonsand leading American'soffensive
attack. He also credited Michael
Blackwell's and Bryan Palmer's good
efforts off the bench.
Three-point shots were the sig-
nificant factorinthisgame and helped
American expand their lead in the
second half. Gilgeous and Palmer
both scored 11 points in the second
half. With 10 minutes left in regula-
tion, their lead soared from two to 17
and by the end of the game the Eagles
increased the lead to 25, leaving some
ECU fans embarrassed.
An ton Gill and Lester Lyons totaled
18pointseach. NineofLyons'andl2of
Gill's points came in the second half.
The leaders maintained theirscor-
ingfrom thefirsthalfbutECU needed
high scoring from the rest of the Pirates,
which they did not receive, to keep them in
the game and give them a chance of winning.
ECU (64)
Min fg ft rb
m-a m-a o-t
Jonei 11 0-3- 0-0 0-1
Clll 31 8-14 l-l o-5
Copeland 26 2-4 4-6 1-5
Peterson 23 3-10 0-0 0-0
Lyons 28 5-13 6-6 1-3
Richardson 23 0-3 0-0 1-0
Hunter 6 3-10 0-0 4-0
Lewis 10 2-2 1-2 0-1
Young 2 1-2 0-0 0-0
Armstrong 7 0-0 0-3 2-1
Toliver 2 0-0 0-0 0-0
James 2 0-1 0-0 0-0
Totals 200 24-6212-18 9-28 18 20 64
Percentages: FG - 387. Ft. 667.3 pt. Coals: .170
.150, Team Rebounds - 3, Blocked Shots - 3,
Turnovers - 2, Steals - 6.
AU (89)
Min fg ft rb
m-a m-a o-t
Fudd 18 2-4 0-0 1-3
Gilgeous 35 6-9 8-4 1-4
Sedmek 16 76 3-4 2-7
Franklin 32 2-6 4-6 0-3
Krivolupic 35 5-5 0-0 0-2
Blackwell 12 3-4 0-0 0-1
Palmer 27 7-7 2-2 1-8
Lawrence 14 4-10 0-2 0-0
Cilliam 6 0-0 2-2 2-0
Washington 10-0 0-0 0-0
Robinson 5 0-0 0-0 0-0
Totals 200 tl-5119-24 7-38 19 18 89
r. rcentages: FG - .607, Ft 792,3 pt Goals: 8-15-
i X Team Rebounds - 3, Blocked Shots -1,
Turnovers - 4, Steals - 3.
1st half 2nd half OT Final
Recreational services to
sponsor tournament
See Double page 11
ECU Recreational Services
If you enjoy billiards,
table tennis, chess or bowl-
ing, then ECU Recreation
Tournaments may be for
The tournaments,
headed by Lynn Jobes, take
place during the months of
Januaryand February. ECU
students will compete
against students from other
universities all over the
country if qualified for the
regional tournament.
In order for a student to
be eligible for the recreation
tournaments, heshe must
be enrolled at ECU at the
time of the tournament
competitions. The stu-
dent must be taking a
minimum of three class-
room credit hours and
must have a cumulative
grade point average of a
There are three lev-
els of competition in-
volved in the tournament
process. First, there are
campus competitions.
These competitions are
used to select the students
who will go to the re-
gional competitions.This
yea r the regiona 1 tou rna-
ment will beheld at the Uni-
versity of Tennessee in
Knoxville, Tennessee.
Winnersof the regional
tournament are eligible for
the international tourna-
ment, hosted by The Uni-
versity of California at Irvine
this year.
ECUoffers a wide range
of activities one could be
involved with if interested
in participating in the East
Carolina Recreational Tour-
naments. The bowling tour-
nament will be held on
Thu rsday, Jan. 28,1993 from
See Rec page 11

10 The East Carolinian
JANUARY 19, 1993
Colonial Men's Basketball Report
Through January 18,1993
l?am CAA Overall 2$ Home Away Neutral streak
James Madison 3-0 1.000 10-4 .714 7-1 2-3 1-0 Won 3
UNC Wilmington 2-1 .667 10-2 .833 5-0 4-2 1-0 Won 2
Old Dominion 2-1 .667 8-4 .667 3-1 4-3 1-0 Lost 1
Richmond 2-1 .667 6-6 .500 3-2 3-2 0-2 Won 3
American 2-1 .667 4-8 .333 3-2 1-5 0-1 Lost 1
William & Mary 1-2 .333 8-4 .667 5-2 2-2 1-0 Lost 1
George Mason 0-3 .000 5-10 .333 2-3 2-7 1-0 Lost 6
EAST CAROLINA 0-3 .000 4-8 .333 2-2 1-6 1-0 Lost 7
Flayers of the Week:
Dec.7- T. Roberts, W & M
Dec. 14- L Lyons, ECU
Jan. 4- B. Edwards, JMU
Jan. 11- P. Sessoms, ODU
Jan. 18-B.Gilgeous,AU
Brian Gilgeous?
American University
Senior Forward from
Brooklyn, NY
Brian Gilgeous exploded
for 82 points in three AU
games last week. In a 95-88
loss to Old Dominion,
Gilgeous had 26 points with
five rebounds and five assists.
In the Eagles' 89-84 over-
time loss at Penn, Gilgeous had
a career high 35 points and
eight rebounds.
He concluded the week
with a game high 21 points
and five rebounds in an 89-64
win at East Carolina. In the
three games, Gilgeous shot
55.8 (29-52) from the field
and 85.7 (18-21) from the free
throw line while averaging
27.3 points and 6.0 rebounds
per game.
Gilgeous currently tops the
CAA in scoring (20.9ppg) and
is second in free throw accu-
racy (79-92, 85.9).
Chambers, JMU; Kenny Wood,
UR and Todd Cauthorn, W&M.
Recreational Services makes your body talk
with free fitness physicals for ECU students
Recreation Services
Are you one who needs to
lose weight, get into shape, or
both? If so, Recreational Services
offersabroad range of fitness pro-
grams. Among these are Fitness
Fizzicals, personal fitness consul-
tation, fitness classes, and
Fitness Fizzicals are available
to all ECU students FREE of
charge. Appointments may be set
up each Monday-Thursday from
3:00-5:00 p.m. in room 107
Christenbury Gymnasium. Fit-
ness Fizzicals are conducted by
the Human Performance Lab Staff
at Minges Coliseum and take ap-
proximately one hour. A Fitness
Fizzical will assess body compo-
sition,cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength & endurance,
flexibility and blood pressure. Re-
sults help in planning a personal-
ized fitness program to develop
weight training, cardiovascular
training, flexibility and nutrition
weight management. Start your
new year off right with a simple
Fitness Fizzical, then get involved
in the following fitness programs.
Fitnessclassesareoffered ev-
ery day from 3-7 p.m. These
classes not only aid in toning the
muscles but provide a cardiovas-
cular workout that will benefltyour
daily regimen. Some of the most
recent classes added to the sched-
ule are Funk Aerobics (aerobics
with dance music), Supra Hi-Lo
Step Aerobics (a most challenging
aerobics), and Jump-Start Aerobics.
Jump-Start is the perfect choice for
individualsjust getting started in an
aerobic program.
VitaClubs are self directed
and designed to enhance personal
fitness programs. Club Ped, ECU'S
official walking club, is the latest
addition. Club Ped is designed
for students, faculty and staff and
is an ongoing, yearly participa-
tion program based on self-di-
rected walking. Prizes are
awarded after a certain number
of mileshavebeen reached.Teams
of four are preferred, but indi-
vidual walkers are accepted. Par-
ticipants will be introduced to
topics of interest to avid walkers
including walking for fitnessand
fun, shoe purchasingmainte-
nance and group support net-
works. PED PARTIES are special
even tsforClubPEDmembers will
be offered throughout the semes-
ter as well as a monthly newslet-
ter "The Walking Paper" are all
added benefits to joining this
FREE Fitness Club. To pick up
your walking papers and regis-
tration information, stop by 204
Christenbury Gym at any time
during the year.
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?nil -
11 The East Carolinian
JANUARY 19, 1993
Continued from page 9
7 p.m. -10 p.m. at Mendenhall Student
The men's billiards tournament will
be held on Thursday, Jan. 21 from 7 p.m. -
10p.m. in the Mendenhall Billiards Center.
The women's billiards tournament will be
held on Tuesday, Jan. 26 from 7 pm-lOpm
in the Mendenhall Billiards Center.
The chess tournament will be held
Wednesday, Jan. 27 and 28 on the ground
floor of Mendenhall Student Center rooms
8-C,D, and E. The time for the chess tourna-
ment is from 7 p.m. -10 p.m.
Men's table tennis tournament will be
held on Tuesday, Jan. 19 from 7pm-10 p.m.
The women's table tennis tournament will
be held on Monday, Jan. 25, 1993 from 7
p.m10 p.m. Both the men's and women's
table tennis tournaments will be held in
There is a $2 entry fee for each tourna-
ment division. Also, a student wishing to
participate in the recreation tournaments
must fill out an eligibility form. Eligibility
forms areavailable at Mendenhall Billiards
The ECU recreation tournaments area
great way to meet people and travel the
country visiting various schools and cam-
puses. ECU Student Union will pay all
expenses for those who qualify to par-
ticipate in the regional and international
tournaments. These expenses include
transportation, food, lodging and tour-
nament costs, and entry fees.
For more information about this op-
portunity con tact Lynn Jobesat 757-4711,
or pick up a flier at Mendenhall Student
Center in the billiards game room.
Continued from page 9
double dare the other side. This gives
the team the option of either answer-
ing the question or facing a Rec Ser-
vices Physical Challenge.
Either choice can give the team, if
successful, four times the points of the
initial question, not to mention the fun
they could have in the physical chal-
After winners have been declared
in each of the preliminary sessions
matches, there will be a semifinal
round to determine the "Final Four
In this semifinal round, each of the
four teams will be running through
ECU's specially made obstacle course
designed only for the best Double Dare
participants, though not for those with
weak stomachs.
It's going to get messy.
The team with the best time will be
dubbed "Double Dare champions" and
their roommates will probably not let
them back in their respective rooms.
T-shirts, bottle huggers, and vari-
ous other prizes will be given out to
the best teams following the conclu-
sion of the tournament.
Those interested in fielding a
team in this tournament, you need to
sign up in room 204 of Christenbury
Gymnasium by 5 p.m. on Tuesday,
Jan. 26.
Each team should have four play-
ers, whether male or female. Only
those who do not mind getting dirty,
however, should apply.
For details call J.R. at 757-6387 or
stop by 104 Christenbury Gymnasium.
fffil vs Richmoml
ECU (73)
Coley 407-191-35-125415
Cagle 30-00-00-0010
O'Donnell 404-112-40-08510
Thurman 262-74-61-3058
Rodgerson 70-01-20-0001
Smith 279-155-76-121423
Baker 80-10-00-0000
Samuels 262-51-21-3245
Blackmon 235-51-11-30211
Minnesota finds no
comfort with Laettner
Totals 20029-6315-25 17-41 16 25 73
Percentages: FG - .460, Ft. 600, 3 pt. Goals:0-4 -
.000, Team Rebounds - 8, Blocked Shots -1,
Turnovers - 24, Steals - 9.
D.Barnes 24
L. Barnes 2
Totals 200 24-26 26-36 7-31 17 20 76
Percentages: FG - .522, Ft. 722,3 pt. Goals: 2-3 -
.667, Team Rebounds - 3, Blocked Shots - 6,
Turnovers - 20, Steals -11.
1st half 2nd half OT
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) ? In 3 12 sea-
sons, the Minnesota Timberwolves have
hired three head coaches, made dozens of
player transactions and executed countless
front-office moves.They'vebuilt,rebuiltand
Despite all the changes ? or, perhaps,
because of them ? Minnesota is a failed
franchise. On the court, players drift aim-
lessly from defense to of fense and, if they feel
like it, back to defense. Off the court,
management's philosophy has wavered be-
tween winning today and building for to-
morrow. As a result, neither has happened.
Monday, when they announced they
were firing Coach No. 2 and hiring Coach
No. 3, they claimed they could do two things
at once?win now and build for die future.
That would be remarkable for a anchise
that has failed to do even one thing at once.
Jimmy Rodgers is out as coach and
former N.C. State guard Sidney Lowe is in as
interim coach, but does it really matter? A
coach is merely a prop in the Target Center
circus known as the Minnesota
Since the Wolves joined the NBA in
1989-90,almost every move made byowners
Marv Wolfenson and Harvev Ratner and
president Bob Stein has failed.
They hired Billy McKinney as player
personnel director but gave him no author-
ity. They hired Bill Musselman, a win-at-all-
costs coach, and then were disappointed to
learn that he couldn't accept losing. Neither
made it past the team's second season.
Seduced by the relative success of their
first season?their 22-60 record led the four
recent expansion clubs?they thought they
were only one big man away from playoff
contention. So they drafted immobile7-footer
Felton Spencer instead of a dozen more ath-
letic prospects.
They hired the laid-back Rodgers be-
cause he was the anti-Musselman. Rodgers
won 21 of 111 games ?19 percent
ketball man last summer they hired gen-
eral manager Jack McCloskey, who had
helped build Detroi t's championship teams.
However, the66-year-old 'Trader Jack" was
availablepartlybecausehehad failed tostop
the Pistons' slide from supremacy.
One of McCloskey's trades ? dealing
Tony Campbell, Scott Brooks and Gerald
Glass for Brad Sellers, Lance Blanks and
three second-round draft picks ? was use-
less at best, damaging at worst
Drafting Laettnerwasanobvious move.
He is a poor man's Bill Laimbeer. The cocky
Laettner has already fallen from favor with
his teammates. And it won't be easy to build
around a small forward in a center's body.
"Sometimes you can't concern yourself
with how things are perceived he said.
"You have to make decisions you think are
The latest decision brings the third head
coach in 22 months. He inherits a clubcursed
with little talent and less motivation.
Sidney Lowe is Coach No. 3.
Should he becongratula ted or consoled?
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Inter fraternity Council's
Spring Rush 1993
Jan. 26-29 8-11 p.m.
Rush Workshops Available
To learn more about the Greek system: Tuesday Jan. 19Aycock Hall lobby, Wednesday Jan. 20 GarrettHall lobby
Transportation will be available Tuesday 26th - Friday 29
by the East Carolina Transit Buses to pick all rushees at the top of the hill and at Garrett
The Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity was nationally founded in December of 1845 at
Yale University. Alpha Sig has been a strong growing chapter on the campus of
ECU for many years. They give annually to the American Lung Association and
enjoy a very active intramural, academic, and social life. If you are interested in
rushing a fraternity go by and visit Alpha Sigma Phi.
Beta Theta Pi is one of the oldest fraternities in the nation; founded on August 8,
1839. From a small town in Ohio has stemmed one of the greatest fraternities ever.
Here on this camDus we strive to combine all aspects of fraternitv life: social-
academic, athletic as well as many other activities which show the day-to-day life
of a very tight brotherhood.
Delta Chi was founded at ECU to break away from the "norm" in fraternity life.
We believe in strong Brotherhood, while maintaining each Brother's distinct
personality. Delta Chi has outstanding friendship athleticism, leadership,
scholarship, and most of all good times. We are looking for men that want to make
the most of college life. If you would like to build a tradition rather than become
part of one, Delta Chi is for you. We look forward to meeting you at rush, and
remember, If you car find a better fraternitv join them!
Delta Sigma Phi was chartered at East Carolina in April of 1971, and has
continually given what it could to better the ECU Greek system. Delta Sig is based
on three simple, but loyal principles: Leadership, Scholarship, and Brotherhood.
Brotherhood is a phenomenon that can be felt and witnessed much better than
it can be explained. It is a deep friendship with men who can always be depended
upon to help when there is a need, and to be there to share the experience of self
growth in the incredibly complex world of college life.
The Kappa Alpha Order was chartered on September 26, 1958 at East Carolina
University. At KA there is a deep tradition in preserving the quality of Southern
gentlemen. Kappa Alpha's athletic program is known for its consistent rate of
success. Our brotherhood would like to extend an invitation to all interested men
to attend rush at our house. We are looking forward to meeting you during rush.
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternitv was founded on March 1, 1968 at the University of
Virginia. Pika at ECU is a fraternity that takes great pride in their involvement on
the campus and around the community . Pika was rechartered at ECU six years
ago and has flourished to be one of the greatest supporters of the Greek system.
If you're thinking of going Greek this year check out Pi Kappa Alphait may be
one of the best decisions of you college life.
Pi Kappa Phi was chartered at East Carolina in 1963. Since the beginning we have
proven to be a strong force in the development of fine young men to serve our
campus. We offer a variety of activities to excel in ranging form a string athletic
program to community service and projects for the handicapped. We are known
to have a very strong social program and hold many major events throughout the
year. We have a very strong alumni association that helps in our endeavors. Our
scholarship program helps to develop our brothers as students. So remember,
when you're in a rush to the only wayGO PI KAPP!
At East Carolina, Sigma Nu is a combination of rich tradition and new membership
First chartered in 1959, the Eta Beta chapter of Sigma Nu is among the oldest of
all Fraternities at ECU. Fraternity life at Sigma Nu offers many things for all its
members: an active social life, strong support for athletics, community service, and
academics. Nationally, Sigma Nu is among the best in all categories. With over 230
chapters and 130 thousand brothers, it is the third largest fraternity internationally.
Its comprehensive Educational Foundation (LEAD.) provides many scholarships
and offers many great leadership development programs. We encourage you to
Rush Sigma Nu and above all, GO GREEK!
At Si$mna Phi Epsilon we believe that as well as providing numerous opportunities
during the college years, the fraternity experience continues throughout one's life.
Sig Ep provides an environment where a brother develops and learns many
important social skills such as sportsmanship, scholarship, and communication
amons many others. We pride ourselves on being one of the best fraternities at
East Carolina as well as in the nation. Sigma Phi Epsilon has been named ECU's
most outstanding fraternity two out of three years. On a national level the North
Carolina Kappa Chapter has been recognized as one of the best all-aroundSig Ep
chapters in the nation. Sit? Ep is looking for balanced men who excel not only in
academics, but in athletics, leadership, and social skills as well. We extend an
imitation to all interested, qualified men with a desire to become a part of Sigma
Phi Epsilon.
Kappa Sigma was founded on the East Carolina Campus on Novem bcr 20, 1966.
Since then the fraternity has strived to represent the Greek system of ECU well.
Located on Tenth Street directly across from campus, the fraternity offers a
convenient spot for its member to gather between classes, as well as being in easy
walking distance from the residence halls. The basis of the Kappa Sig fraternity is
its brotherhood and through that brotherhood we will continue to grow and
prosper long into the future.
Lambda Chi Alpha is a fraternity of honest friendship. We have over 210 fraternity
chapters nationally. Being a Lambda Chi means becoming a part of a brotherhood
of men whose friendship will last a lifetime. Being a Lambda Chi means knowing
that there will always be someone who cares about you, someone who will be
anxious to help you over those rough spots in life. The Lambda Chis invite you
to become a part of their association. Come by and look us over, we think you will
be glad you did!
Phi Kappa Psi is one of the newest fraternities on the ECU campus. Nationally
founded in February of 1852 at Jefferson College, Phi Psi has been on the ECU
campus for 4 vears and has fast become a working part of the Campus Greek
system. During rush, if you are interested in rushing a fraternity, try Phi Kappa Psi.
We might be just what you're looking for in your college life.
Your college years are a prime opportunity to challenge yourself. This means
making the most of the classes, people, and situations you encounter. Fraternities
encourage this; Phi Kappa Tau is comprised of a solid brotherhood involved in a
wide range of campus activities. We arc also very strong on a national level, with
over 100 chapters across the country and about 550,000 in academic scholarships
awarded annually through our headquarters. The advantages of fraternity
memberships do not end upon graduation. Phi Kappa Tau graduates have the
opportunity to get together at the house every year at alumni events, such as
Homecoming. So go ahead and challenge yourself, get involved with a fraternity.
The Eta Kappa chapter of Sigma Pi was the second fastest chapter in Sigma Pi
International history. Sigma Pi is the up-and-coming fraternity on campus. Sigma
Pi is known for its diversity among members yet has a very strong brotherhood.
Sigma Pi is very competitive with each and every fraternity on campus and with
your help will become an even more dominant part of the Greek system at East
Carolina. If you want to go Greek, experience a great brotherhood, meet lots of
people, and have a good time then go Sigma Pi.
Sigma Tau Gamma has a long and proud heritage of offering young men the
opportunity to broaden their lives through fraternal brotherhood. With over 100
chapters across the country, Sigma Tau Gamma is recognized nationally and has
its home office in Warrensburg, MO. Our national office works closely with our
chapter here at East Carolina which maximizes our bonds to one another and the
communitv. Come see what makes Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity the most unique
and diversified on campus. Sigma Tau Gamma - taking tradition to tomorrow.
Tau Kappa Epsilon, founded in 1899, has become the largest international
fraternity with around 365 chapters in the U.S. and Canada. TKE calls itself "the
fraternity for life" and over 100,000 members worldwide are proving it through
their interest in the fraternity that continues long after graduation. TKE participates
in activities ranging form sports and scholastics to community project. If you like
what you hear, come on down to the bottom of the hill to the TKE house and find
out if TKE is for you.
Theta Chi was first chartered at East Carolina on March 15, 1958. We are an
established Fraternity with over 50 active brothers who pride themselves on the
concept of unitv and closeness within the brotherhood. Theta Chi strives among
the top in athletics and scholastics and is a catalyst for individual accomplishment.
We challenge you to be a part of our continued success and extend an invitation
to rush Theta Chi. Our new house location is 312 East 11th St. (758-6969). Be
a part of the Greek leader of the 90's. ROLL CHI!

The East Carolinian, January 19, 1993
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 19, 1993
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