The East Carolinian, February 4, 1992

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Concert Thursday will aid area crisis center.
Pirates Prevail
Basketball team claims CAA win over UNC-VV.
&Uk iEaat (Eartfliman
Vol.66 No.7
Tuesday, February 4,1992
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
8 Pages
Five Students Arrested
When the Board of Regents gathered at
the University of California at Davis to ap-
prove a 22 percent fee hike for the fall of 1992,
more than 1,400 students showed up to pro-
Three of the students were arrested for
disturbing the peace, ami two Others were
arrested and charged with assault
Police were on hand to maintain crowd
control, but sources present at the protest said
the police were unable to control the students,
and were forced to let them into the meeting
University of California President David
I Gardneraddressed the student fee increase,
assuring that financial aid. in the form of
grants and loans, will help all "needy stu-
dents, including middle-income students
"I am keenly aware that the cost of at-
tending UC has gone up dramatically
Gardner said.
"But as fees increase next year, so too will
the number of courses and sections of fered so
thatyou willbeabletocnroll in thedasses vou
need to make timely prcgress toward vour
Fraternity loses chapter
The national Sigma Alpha Epsilon frater-
nity officials recently shut down its chapter at
the University of Houston.
Last year, the university suspended the
chapter because of multiple complaints from
area residents, but the members have con-
tinued to indulge in "unrulv parties and
The most publicized alleged incident to
take place at the Houston SAE chapter hap-
pened last summer, when one of the SAE
members allegedly bit off a woman's finger-
The national fraternity will consider rein-
stating the Houston chapter in four years.
LSU stranglers sentenced
Three Louisiana State University students
accused of strangling an ostrich were recently
ordered to clean up excrement at an animal
shelter as punishment.
Robert A Roberts, 21; Brian B. (ones, 22;
and Philip R. Robinson, 22 all of Baton Rouge,
pleaded guilty to criminal trespassing when
they entered a research pen near the LSU
Veterinary school and strangled a 200-pound
Each of the three students has to do 200
hours of the community service work at the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani-
NC State receives grant
North Carolina State University recently
received a $145,000 grant from the federal
government that will be used to expand the
university's Substance Abuse Prevention
Education Services.
Funds for the Improvement of Post Sec-
ondary Education provided the grant, and
according tocoordinator Ajuba Joy, "the main
goal of the project is to involve all aspects of
this campus in becoming aware, educated,
and proactive in the reduction of alcohol and
other drug related problems on the NC State
Through thisproject, the university plans
to focus on the prevention of alcohol and drug
misuse and abuse, in order to prevent addic-
tion from happening, rather than simply
dealing with the effects.
The FIPSE committee will develop, pro-
mote, implement and evaluate programs in-
volving campus groups such as Greeks, ath-
letes and social organizations, as well as fac-
ulty and staff.
Complied by Elizabeth Shlmmd from
CPS and other campus newspaper.
Inside Tuesday
Crime Scene 2
Sports 8
r 0i ???i. in
Violence erupts at Georgetown
By Julie Roscoe
Assistant News Editor
The bars closed late Thurs-
day night but the activity did not
stop. Georgetown Apartments,
scene of many late-night crimes,
hit the peak with a student shot
and wounded, a police car hit by
the victim's friend, who later was
charged with a DWl and three
men arrested for attempted
Around 2:43a.m. Friday, at
least onerestdent of Georgetown
Apartments was awakened by
gun shots.
"1 was laving in bed but 1
kept jumping to the window
because I heard noises said
Kathy Barnes, a resident ot
(Jeorgetovv nu ho witnessed part
0 the incident. "I hen 1 heard
twogunshotsand I saw a couple
people run off towards Evans
The gun shots originated
from an attempted robbery
proceeding in the parking lot.
Several men approached
Justin Edward Bacon as he was
him with a .22 caliber handgun
in the neck and the thigh, ac-
cording to Greenville Pol ice Sgt.
Doug Jackson. He reportedly
refused togi ve them money they
"I saw the victim outside of
his truck pacing and he kxiked
confused Barnes said. "He
started banging on a door oi an
apartment and then I heard a
guy veiling 'He's been shot
Then the friend came outside
with a shotgun and I saw the
victim with blood everywhere
The friend was David
Clinton Breed. He put Bacon
back in the truck and proceeded
10 take him to the hospital. On
the way he ran into a police ve-
hicle and a light post. Pi ft County
Memorial Hospital with Bacon,
11 reed wa s a nested and cha rged
with a hit and nin, driving with
a revoked license and driving
while intoxicated.
" 1 le was trvi ng to do a gcxxl
deed is one way to look at it
Jackson said.
No one else came out of the
Photo oy
n Aros
fcCU Hnoto Lap
Assailants shot and wounded a
hours of Friday morning Three
tired and the first policeman to
arrive on the scene was on foot
with a flashlight 1? minutes af-
ter Barnes called, she said.
"Everything was crazv
student at this apartment m the Georgetown complex in the early
men have been charged with attempted murder for the incident.
The three alleged assailants
were taken into custody that
morning after fleeing the scene.
Jimmv Rav Dixon Jr 18, of
getting out of his truck and shot apartments when the shots were
Few turn out for Rush
Barnes said.
Bacon was released from the
hospital in gcxxJ condition, ac-
cording to a hospital spokes-
By Kenneth Chesson
Staff Writer
Fraternitv Rush week this
semester had unusually low at-
tendance. In the past, fraterni-
ties have each numbered 40 or
more people a night, this past
nish week some fraternities
numbered as low as 12 per
"I think the main problem
at FCU is the economic situa-
tion Ronald Speier. dean of
students and advisor to the
Intertraternity Council. "The
dues tor fraternities tend to be
more than s me people can af-
ford and I think that may be
turning some oi the students
'Hie fraternities need tostart
reaching out to the non-tradi-
wiuild not torn fraternities, such
asminoritiesand older students,
said Speier.
Other factors of the low at-
tendance could include lack ot
publicity and the dates rush is
held, said Speier. Normally rush
is held at the beginning oi the
If it was held towards the
middle of the semester it may
help raise the turnout, he said.
Another wav to increase rush
participation is to take a student
survey and let the students give
their opinion of what the problem
may be.
This may help answer a few
questions in the slumping turn-
out, according to Speier.
"1 think one of the main rea-
sons turnout was so small is due
to more fraternities on campus
of F'i Kappa Alpha fraternity.
The number of participants
m iratcmitv rush has not grown
but the number oi fraternity
groups on campus has, Wiggins
This isgiving people a larger
selec tu n t ha n i n recen t yea rs a nd
thinning them out.
Press reports of a negative
low turn nit this spring, said
"In the past year a couple of
breaks and when one of them
kxiks bad it affects all the frater-
"Fall nish is tvpicallv bigger
than the spring rush Wiggins
said. "I've heard FCU has a big
freshman class coming. Hope-
fully the fall rush will be more
tional students who usually said RH Wiggins, vice-president successful than thespringclass.
Ministry sponsors work team
By Kenneth Chesson
Stafi Writer
Presbyterian Campus
Ministry is sponsoring a work
team which will travel to
Oaxaca, Mexico, March 6-15 in
order to help a congregation in
repairing their church building.
Currently 11 members of
the Ministry are planning to
make the trip.
Each person must raise
$1,000 in order to make the trip,
according to Amanda Van
Dorp, a member of the Mexico
Mission Work Team.
"We have raised money
for the tripby selling candy bars,
having bake sales, by selling
caricature drawings and T-
shirts for Charity Day at the
Plazaand by havingacar wash
Van Dorp said.
The work team must mail
their money for the plane tick-
ets this week, Van Dorp said.
The plane ticketsareabout$650
per person and the team still
needs abou t $2,000 more in able
to purchase the tickets.
"After we send the money
off for the plane tickets, we will
need to raise the rest of the
money needed for the tri p Va n
Dorp said.
"The rest of the money
needed for the trip will go for
taxi fares and medical supplies
during the stay
The members of the work
team will be staying with mem-
Photo by Kavin Amos ? ECU Photo Lab
Sheri Shaheen tends Presbyterian Campus Ministry's booth, selling
candy bars and tickets to an authentic Mexican dinner.
bers of the chu rch du ring the trip.
The assistance helps out a
great deal with travel expenses
so they do not have to worry
abou t fi nd ing a place to stay, Van
Dorp said.
Tonight from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
See Shooting page 2
Crisis Center
aids residents
By Margi Morin
Staff Writer
The Real Crisis Center of
Pitt county has provided a
service for residents with
problems ranging from de-
pression to severe family
violence tar the past 20 years.
A private, non-profit or-
ganization, The Real Crisis
Center is designed to help
the people ofPitt County who
need confidential and sup-
portivecounseling, informa-
tion, referral servicesand the
coordination of Other assis-
tance programs in the area.
REAL receives an aver-
age of 450 contacts each
month through its HELP line,
walk-ins and off-site meet-
ingslecording to LisSvkes.
program coordinator. The
center provides a 24-hour
service in which three full-
time employees, three resi-
dent counselors and student
volunteers work.
Loneliness, addiction to
drugs and alcohol, depres-
sion, financial pressures,
school, pregnancy, rape and
sexual assault, birth control,
mourning and housing are
among the many problems
that the center handles.
In an effort to make
people aware of the services
that they provide they also
present programs on their
service in the community.
The core of the program is
the volunteers.
According to Sykes, it
takes more than just wanting
to do a good deed to be a
REAL volunteer.
"They must go through a
56-hour training course to
volunteer Sykes said.
"They are taught crisis
intervention to handle any
type oi call ? suicide to per-
sonal problems
After acceptance into the
program, a 24-hourinternship
with a qualified REAL in-
structor is required to com-
plete the training. After
completion of the training
program, fourhoursof in-ser-
vice training each month is
required to maintain coun-
selor status.
REAL gets 80 percent of
its funding from the L'nited
Wav. 12 percent from the
North Carolina Status on
Women and the remaining
eight percent from private
contributions, Sykes said.
For the past three years.
The Attic nightclub in down-
town Greenville has been the
si te ft' r benefits to raise money
for the operational costsof the
This year six local Kinds,
Olivierio's, WZMB and Stu-
dent Volunteersfor REAL will
hold a fund raiser Feb. 6 at The
Attic to trv to meet their goal
of $2,000, Sykes said.
"The organization must
get support from private do-
nations and benefits like this
one. That's why it's so impor-
tant to have events like these
Sykes said.
REAL also has an on-go-
ingannual membership drive.
The Real Crisis Center is lo-
cated at 312 E. 10th St or
counselors can be reached by
phone at 758-HELP.
the Mexico Mission work team
is sponsoring an authentic
Mexican burrito dinner at the
Methodist Student Center.
Plates will be $3.00 and will
include two beef and bean
See Ministry, page 2
Red Cross solicits donors
If there ever was a good time to donate blood, it is now.
The American Red Cross announced Jhatthey will suffer
uptoa 19 percent decrease mrruhtaiydomtiorThedecrease
is a result of a Department of Defense disdrtsure erf possible
exposure to a rare parasitic disease, Letshmaniasia tropica.
All personnel serving in the Persian Gulf area since Aug.
1,1991 will be affected by this blood donordeierral guideline.
The Lainbda Chi Alpha Fraternity wit be sponsoring a
fekxxiirive on Wednesday Feb. 5 at Student
Center from 12 p.m. until 6 p.m. to try to help fill this gap
Every citizen who supported the troop can now help
America's blood supply while the troops can not donate.

2 5l?c ?aHt (EaroIUlian February 4, 1992
Dog reported in Jenkins Art Building;
subject given verbal warning
2018?Ganvtt Hall: Took report of a breaking and entering and
larceny of vehicle. Same occurred at 3rd and Reade lot.
2131 ?Tyler Hall: Reference to wa ter overflowing. Same ha nd led
0032? Belk Hall: Responded to request from firent for assis-
tance in removing her juvenile daughter from a room.
0322?Reade and Cotanche stavts: Vehicle stopped for investi-
gation. No action taken.
073?The Attic: Checked area by The Attic for reported tres-
passer in Jenkins Art building. Subject taken into custody.
0800?3rd and Reade streets: Checked area in reference to
suspicious activity, unable to bate.
1206?College Hill Drive: Vehicle stopped in the freshman lot
for excessive speed. Verbal warning given to student.
1254?Theatre Arts building: Investigated area for tamed
subject. Unable to locate same.
1519?College Hill Drive: Vehicle Stopped for not waring safety
belts. Students given state citations.
1338?Tvler Hall: Checked out elevator problem. Cleared.
18 h -Belk Hall: Report of fire alarm activated. Seme caused by
cooking. Alarm reset.
Jan. 28
1931?Bdfc Hall: Took breaking and entering and damage to
property report.
2159- College I lill Drive: Vehicle Stopped for left to center end
equipment violations. Verbal warning given to student.
2257?lones Hall: Checked out reference of possible stolen
property. Subject referred to dean oi students.
2304 Fletcher Hall: Checked out report of no heat Pn-call
plumber called for same.
0211 ?West Campus: Responded to a possible tight in pit egress.
0757 Green Rim: Vehicle stopped for failure to bum head-
lights while windshield vipers operating. Staff issued verbal warn-
oso l Memorial Gym: Vehicle stopped for failure to bum head-
lights while windshield wipers operating. Non-student issued ver-
bal warning.
0939?College Hill Drive Vehicle stopped for failure to bum
headlights while windshield wipersoporating.Student given verbal
1307 . ieneralClassroom Building: Checked outarea for banned
subject. Subject found and taken into custody.
1410 Old Fast I are: Checked out report of suspicious activity.
1633?fones Hall. Checked out possible drug violation. Same
13iV Police Department: Checked out a damage to property
134( Spilnvmbuilding: Allunitschevktxioutforalarm.Cleared.
1512Police Department: Reference to harassing phone calls
I7tu Ragsdale Annex: Reference to alarm. Same met
1931 lenkins Art building: Report oi dog in building. Subject
given verbal warning in reference to same.
Crime Scene is taken from Official Public Safety logs.
JUST $9.95
Every Wednesday night after 5 p.m enjoy all the
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Come in and trade that pale winter complexion for a
Hot New Tropical Tan
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offer the best in men's &women's cuts, perms and
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Continued from page 1
burritos, chips and salsa and tea.
Dine-in and drive through service
will be available.
"Raising money for the trip has
brought us closer as a group Van
Dorp said.
"We think this will keep our
spirits up and make us an effective
work group
Campus Ministry has been
sponsoring a work team to Mexico
since 1985, according to Mike
Burcher, Presbyterian Minister.
Last year's work team was spli t
into two groups, according to Van
Dorp, who was a member of last
year's work team.
One of the work teams painted
classrooms at the University of
Madcro. The other work team did
landscape renovations to an el-
ementary school and one day the
two work teams combined to clean
up a community playground.
In 1990a work team was sent to
Muna, which is on the Yucatan pen-
insula, Burcher said.
This work team helped build
pews for a 100 year old church. The
team also built a new floor inside
the Siime church.
Continued from page 1
Ayden, Michael Andrew Basden,
26, of Grifton and Marcus Lamont
Carmon, 17, of Greenville, were
charged with robbery with a dan-
gerous weapon and attempted
Barnes said there have been
several bnik-ins over the last few
ECU vacations and Friday night
two girls had their purges stolen in
the area. "It's a very unsafe area,
close to downtown, riffraff comes
back and forth by the apartments
Barnes said.
In the Jan. 30th article, "Student Union cancels forum
we wrongly named Dr. Gay Wilentz as the Ethnic Studies
Director. The director is Dr. Michael Bassman.
TUES Fried Trout
Fried Fillet
of Perch
1005 E. 10th St.
Located Beside
Hastings Ford
Tanning package specials
5 visits-$15.00
10 visits - $25.00
20 visits - $45.00
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Located past Pizza Inn
in front of Eastbrook Apts.
316 E. 10TH ST. 758-0000 I
What a sweeter way to sav "I love you"
than to
send a cake and balloons on Valentine's Day
Total price delivered $11.59
including tax )
jSJiow this coupon when placing cake order and receive a "free " kids cone

Plan a future that soars
Take your science-related degree
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J special'Valentine's edition of
Jazz CaSaret'Dinner rTfieatre
Friday, February 14, 1992
MtndmJmUStudent inltr (Jjrtat am
'Last Carolina iimversity
The Department of University Unions has a del ightful
Valentine's Day treat in store for you when DinnerTheatre returns
to Mendenhail Student Center on Friday, February 14th at 6:30
This special "JazzCabaret" will feature for your dining and
dancing pleasure the ECU School of Music Jazz Combo. Carroll
Dashiell. Jr heads up this quintet comprised of piano, bass, drum,
saxophone, and a vocalist.
The menu for the evening includes:
Veal Parmesan Tossed salad
Pork roast continental Cherry pie
Lyonnaise potatoes Tea with lemon
Green beans with mushrooms Coffee
Patrons of age may bring their own table wines.
Tickets for this event are now on sale at the Central Ticket
Office in Mendenhail Student Center on the campus of East Carolina
University. Tickets are $35 per couple, $20 for individuals, and
$15 for ECU students and youth. Office hours are 8:30 am until
6:00 p.m, Monday through Friday. The phone number is (919)
757-4788 or toll free 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
Ignite your romance with just the right spark. Invite your
special someone to join you for a romantic evening of dining and
dancing at the Valentine's Day Jazz Cabaret this February 14th'
Haejaaa. I??i
521 Cotanche Street
with this ad
with ma purchase of a meal
Try Our Delicious
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Served 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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near Brook Valley Country Cub.
Contact J.T. or Tommy Williams
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FOR SALE: Queen size bookcase
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SI50. Dresser and mirror $75, creme
colored sofa in excellent condition
SI 75. Call 756-3332.
SEIZED CARS: trucks, boats, 4-
wheelers, motorhomes, bv FBI, IRS,
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TO LIVE! Do it right! Spring break in
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COUCH FOR SALE- Tan, sirs three,
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FOR SALE Mako Bass Guitar with
case - SI 35 (paid S265 new); P-Bass
Style - in excellent condition - call
758-4205 Sun. - Thurs. after 830pm.
FOR SALE Beautiful silver Yamaha
trumpet. Never been touched with-
out gloves. Excellent condition.
Brand new Bach case. Best offcr,
won't go below $200. Call 931-9189,
leave message, or 757-6366 and ask
FOR SALE: Macintosh lid cpu only.
8-meg RAM; 120-meg hard disk.
$3500 firm. Will trade for house in
Kev West or 'A' in French 111.
MAKE $500-$1000 WEEKLY: stuff-
ing envelopes at home. Start now!
Rush S.A.S.E. plus SI .00 to Home
Employers, 2301 Kent 8 Las Cruces,
NM 88001.
GRAM: Fraternitie
dent dubs. Earn up
week. Plus receive
yourself. And a frd
calling 1-600-932-0
girls sprorts camps
positions. Camps ar
England's largest I
of "On Golden Po:
programs are offei
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Greenville RecreanJ1
partment is recruit
time youth indoor?
the spring indoor"
edge of the soccer si
ability and panend
youth. Applicants j
coach young people
cer fundamentals.
7 p.m. with some mj
coaching. Thisprog
the first of March brj
Salary rates start
For more inf ormarid
James or Michael
TIOV; . - .
missions and free
positi ns Gn
338-3388 Ext P-371,
cruiseships. Stuck
Christmas, spring
amusement park el
S00-338-338S Ext
West (Montana,
summer or pass :J
handle to live. N
ion to share expens
Easy work, good pa
ings and aftemou:
tage Advertising.
reoeeprioni st neede
tice. Flexible hour
p.m three to five 1
more information,
top fraternity, sor
organization that
S500- $1500 for a of
pus marketing prow
nized and hard w(
(800) 592-2121 ext
NEEDED: Hours;
9pm and Sat 8-12z
able and responsir.
son Credit Bu
1206 Charles Blvd.
Call Stephen ParriJ
or 3531646. Asscx
On the Block's di
tutor for linear Alj
culus. 757-0065 asi
Did you miss it? Some are still avail-
able at the Buccaneer office or the
; Media Board Office at any time. Or-
ifices are located on the 2nd floor of
Student Publica tions Building (across
from Joyner Library).
Reacreational Services will be host-
ing a Bench Press Contest on Febru-
ary 5 at 5:00 p.m in Garrefs Pipeline
Pumphouse. Males and Females are
encouraged to participate. For more
formation call 757-6387.
fcb. 4,830-11:30 am and 1-4 pm;
ftb. 12,1-7 pjn Feb. 19,830-1130
tun. and 1-4 pjn Feb. 21,830-1130
aon. and 1-4 pjn.
Attention student
G.PA. of 3.0 or
ested in Gamma
fraternity and ser
please call Dena
The ECU Chapt
Student Speech
Association GNSSl
sents their 22nd
Langauge and He
February 6 and 71
Greenville Bouk
The ECU Poetry
Thursday, Febr
Mendenhail 247.
attend should!

Ith article, "Student I mon cancels t'orumj
i!ii Dr Gay Wilentz as the Hthnic Stiidi
rector is Dr Michael Bassman.
Fried Front
1-ried Fillet
of Perch
1005 E. 10th St.
Located Beside
Hastings Ford
T. 758 OOOO
:o say "I love you"
ton Valentine's Day J
e delivered $11.59
including tax )
it and receive a free " kids cone jl
I ountiTU s edn
mi THnnerlheatn
unity, Jtbruam 14, 1992
- ??' ?. ? jns rtas a dc 3htfui
a - ?: r I rtner "eatre 'eturns
?nter on Fr day February 14th St 6:30
A'eatjre for our diningand
Vs : azz Combo. Carrol!

? ?4 tnrtcjdes Tossed sa ad
nentaCherry pie
a:esTea with lemon
nushroc? 5Co"ee
a;e ay bring their own a: e a -es.
- s event are nevx :n sa e at the Central Ticket
lent Center wi tht campus of East Carolina
are $35 per :oup e $22 'or individuals, and
- a- j youtf 3ft :e hours are 8:30 am. until
Friday THe pK:e number is (919)
et 800-ECU-ARTS
met jvitfi just the r gnt spar, invite your
: r ovi for a romant : evening of dining and
le-t -e s Day azz Ca:aret this February 14th'
521 Cotanche Street
with this ad
nth the purchase of a meal
Our Delicious
Specials! Only $3951
fed 11:00 AM-3:00 PM
en Tostada Philly Mex Sand
Picado Chicken Sandwich
iada Philly Mex Sandwich
Salad Philly Mex Sandwich
urrito Ensalada con Polio
SHrc lEaat Carolinian
February 4,1992
TWIN OAKS: Three bedroom, 212
bath, fully-furnished townhouse.
Upperclassman preferred. Jason 830-
share two bedroom apartment. $170
per month plus half of utilities. 919-
830-3W or 704483-3360.
562.50 per month, 1 2 utilities. Near
campus. Available immediately. Call
from campus, 13 utilities, $125 a
month. Call 758-8225 anytime.
Ringgold Towers
Now Taking Leases for
1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom,
& Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
A Beautiful Place io Live
?All New
?And Ready To Rent
2899 E. 5ih Streex
?Located Near ECU
?Near Major Shopping Centers
?Across From Highway Patrol Station
Umiled Offer - S330 a month
Contact J.T. or Tommy Wdliams
756-7815 or 830-1937
Office open - Apt. 8, 12-5:30pm
Clean and qut une bedriKwn fumtahed apartment.
energy efTkirnt. free water and sewer, waahcn.dryeis,
cable TV Couple or sirajes onto, $240 a munlh. 6
moruh lease MOBILE HOME RENTALS-couple or
singles. AparancntuidnY)bdchYnciuiAxaiea Garden
near Brook Valley Country Cub.
Contact J.T. or Tommy Williams
756 7815
FOR SALE: Queen size bookcase
waterbed with semi-flow mattress
SI 50. Dresser and mirror S75, creme
colored sofa in excellent condition
SI75. Call 756-3332.
SEIZED CARS: trucks, boats, 4-
wheelers, motorhomes, by FBI, IRS,
DEA. Available your area now. Call
800-338-3388 Ext C-5999.
TO LIVE! Do it right! Spring break in
Jamaica from only $429! Hotel, air,
transfers, parties! Sun Splash Tours
COUCH FOR SALE Tan, sits three,
$35. Call 757-2597.
FOR SALE: Mako Bass Guitar with
case - $135 (paid $265 new); P-Bass
Style - in excellent condition - call
758-4205 Sun. - Thurs. after 8:30pm.
FOR SALE: Beautiful silver Yamaha
trumpet. Never been touched with-
out gloves. Excellent condition.
Brand new Bach case. Best offer,
won't go below $200. Call 931-9189,
leave message, or 757-6366 and ask
for Chantal.
FOR SALt: Macintosh Ilci cpu only.
8-meg RAM; 120-meg hard disk.
$3500 firm. Will trade for house in
Key West or 'A' in French 111.
GRAM: Fraternities, sororities, stu-
dent clubs. Earn up to SIOOO in one
week. Plus receive a $1000 bonus
yourself. And a free watch just for
calling 1-800-932-0528 Ext. 65.
HAMPSHIRE: Outstanding boys
girls sprorts camps are hiring for all
positions. Camps are located on New
England's largest lake, near film site
of "On Golden Pond A variety of
programs are offered. Contact Kyle
at 919-847-8047 fo rinformation.
Greenville Recreation and Parks De-
partment is recruiting 12 to 16 part-
time youth indoor soccer coaches for
the spring indoor soccer program.
Applicantsmust possess some knowl-
edge of the soccer skills and have the
ability and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must be able to
coach young people ages 5-18 in soc-
cer fundamentals. Hours are from 3-
7 p.m. with some night and weekend
coaching. Thisprogram will run from
the first of March to the first of May.
Salary rates start at $4.25 per hour.
For more information, please call Ben
James or Michael Daly at 830-4550.
TION: Organize a group, earn com-
missions and free taps! Call 800-826-
positions. Great benefits Call 800-
338-3388 Ext. P-3712
FREE TRAVEL: Air couriers and
cruiseships. Students also needed
Christmas, spring and summer for
amusement park employment. Call
800-338-3388 Ext. F-3464.
West OMontana, Oregon, etc.) this
summer or possibly to Florida pan-
handle to live. Need travel compan-
ion to share expenses. 758-8713.
LOST: Gold watch in gravel parking
lot off of 9th Street to General Class-
room Building. Please call 321-2552
and leave message. Very sentimen-
WANTED. Light outdoor delivery.
Easy work, good pay. Parttimemom-
ings and afternoons. Call Ad-van-
tage Advertising. 757-1200.
HELP WANTED: Part-time
receeptionist needed forsugical prac-
tice. Flexible hours from 7 a.m. to 1
p.m three to five days a week. For
more information, call Vicky at 758-
MARY BETH: 1 miss you, babe.
We never see each other anymore
- Whafs up with that? Thanx for
all your help with the computer
situation - I'm very appreciative
(moreso, once 1 have it on my
desk)! I swear I'll never let a
stranger drive me home from a
Country Music Honky-Tonk bar
ever again. A word of advice:
Never make love by the garden
gate, 'cause love is blind, but the
neighborsain't! All my love,Telly.
P.S. The Dead Poet Look-Alike
sends his love and affection.
LATE! Our luxury hotels are fill-
ing quickly! Travel to Jamaica,
Cancun, & Floria with Student
Travel services. For reservations
call Lonjn at 431-7440. Check out
our video on these trips!
LIA: Information on semester,
vear, graduate, summer, and in-
ternship programs in Perth,
Townsvtlle, Sydney, and
Melbourne. Programs start at
$3520. Calll-800-878-36.
hanging over the white sand and
clear water of South Horida'smost
beautiful beach Completely fur-
nished , sleeps five in unbelieveable
luxury; minutes from Jai Alai, air-
port, horses, dogs, Ft. Lauderdale
Beach, Miami Action. $800 for
week 37 - 314 at Hollywood
Beach Tower. Call (305)472-2870.
Swartz, Lisa McConnell, Beth
Edwards, Jenny Vest, Angela
you ever so much for your time
and help during rush. BETA
dent Travel Services offers fun in
the sun with round-trip air, hotel,
7 nights, taxes, all-inclusive par-
ties, and more. Jamaica-Cancun
$439. Panama City, Fl, Disney
World. Call Heather or Johnny
757-0573 for details and reserva-
JAMMIN' JANET: How can we
put into words what a difference
you make in our daily lives? Your
winning smile and accurate calcu-
lator bring sunshine to our days
and great happiness to our long
and tiresome nights! All our love,
The Ad Staff
for all your help with rush. It was
a lot of fun. Love, Phi Psi
PI DELTA: We had a great hmeat
Boli's. Hope to do it again soon
Love, Phi Psi.
HEY GREEKS! Get ready for the
best Greek Week ever! Apnl 8-14.
Good Times are soon to be here.
4Rm. prices. Daytona SI49,
Panama Citv SI 39 Kitch, Wtrfrt &
Trnas Available Call CMI at 1-
the rest of you, keep your chins
up, it won't be much longer!
new IFC officers. President
Tommy Spalding, Executive Vice
President Joel Mauney, Adminis-
trative Vice President Mike
O'Hoppie, Treasurer Gene
Wozny, and Secretary Brian
SIGMA PI: Get psyched for our
pre-downtown tomorrow night!
Love, the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta.
MELANIE: You know what to-
day is don't you? You better re-
member! And just think, only 11
more days till well, you know.
Happy 2months! I love you,Scott.
for all candidates that are to be
initiated. The meeting will be held
today, February 4, in Mendenhall
at 5:00. Order of Omega is the
National Honorary Fraternity for
Greek Leaders.
RACHEAL: Best of luck with your
new roommate, Nicole. Hope your
Valentine's Day is awesome and
mav the fragility of your beauty be
enhanced by the inevidable com-
parison with a rose. All my love,
your bro Jim.
AUTAMAN: glad ifs finally over,
also a word of advice: Stop drink-
ing Absolute at 11 in the morning.
MAKE $500-$1000 WEEKLY: stuff-
ing envelopes at home. Start now!
Rush S.A.S.E. plus SI .00 to Home
Employers, 2301 Kent 8 Las Cruces,
NM 88001.
FUNDRAISER: We're looking for a
top fraternity, sorority, or student
organization that would like to earn
$500- $1500 for a one week on-cam-
pus marketing project. Must be orga-
nized and hard workiag. Call Lee at
(800) 592-2121 ext 115.
NEEDED: Hours are MonThurs. 5-
9pm and Sat 8-12am. Must be train-
able and responsible. Apply in per-
son. Credit Bureau of Greenville,
1206 Charles Blvd. Typing - 55wpm.
SEARCH: Audition over the phone.
Call Stephen Patrick (919) 455-0775
or 353-4646. Assodateof New Kids
On the Block's producer Maurice
tutor for linear Algebra andor Cal-
culus. 757-0065 ask for Stephen.
DELTA ZETA would like to con-
grarulateour newly inibated mem-
bers: Denise Baldree, Jennifer
Ballog, Elizabeth Culler, Ashley
Hamilton, Missy Hammond,
Kristie Hoffstedder, Teri Howeil,
Stephanie Johnston, Pam Jones,
Charlotte Kopp, Kara Kowalski,
Caroline Mendenhall, Claire
Norman, Beth Overton, Connie
Palmer, Cassie Petrovic, jo Petty,
Christi Radoll, Jessica Rinck,
Anissa Roberts, Yetta Robinson,
Niki Schirippa, Christine Taylor,
Amy Towery, Sherry Zotihner.
Welcome to sisterhood! Love, the
KAPPA ALPHA: The social last
Thursday night was a blast. Lefs
get together again real soon. Love,
the Alpha Phis.
DEBORAH: Never fear, the com-
puters will soon be here and the
confusion factor will godown sig-
nificantly here at TEC. We all love
you, Your Babies. P.S. Jim wants
to know when you're going to
write that letter!
new Betty's of AOPi! Stephanie
Cruise in comfort to Panama Gty
Beach or Orlando on our Party
Bus. Call Loren at 931-7940 for
info. Ask about our video guide,
free to rent!
McAleese for Panhellenic Presi-
dent and to the rest of the
Panhellenic officers, we know
you'll do a great job! Love, the
sisters of Alpha Xi Delta.
with Student Travel Services, the
Northeast's Premier travel com-
pany. Travel to Jamaica, Cancun
& Horida in safety and style. Call
our number 1 representative,
Ask about our video!
new sisters of Alpha Xi Delta:
Christy Anthony, Tamara Blanton,
Christine Burdt, Megan
Cumberland, Sonja Dunbar,
Roberta Ferguson, Megan Ferretti,
Tiffany Ferretti, Dede Folk, Debbie
Grantham, Anna Hanson, Louisa
Lewis, Amry Peak, Wende Peters,
NicoleShelby,MicheleStoen. We
love you guys! Love, THE SIS-
ISASA: Incest and Sexual Abuse
Anonymous Support Group. For
more information call: 756-4226
or 355-0142.
SPRING BREAK: Daytona Beach
Horida, 6 days only $69. Call 1-
groups of 4-34 people. Group-
leader discounts. Call Myrtle
Beach tours 9-4 pjn. (703) 250-
days $279! Panama Gty $99, Pa-
dre $199, Cancun $499, Jamaica
$399!Call Jasa at 758-5165 or
Wayne at 757-1369.
pectiyrnie,as philosophers say,
that lifemust be understood back-
wards, but they forget that it must
be lived forwards Love, Your
Adorable Goff y Nut.
off the bed. Blood avast- thank
God you were there. Late night
doughnuts and no, not my ear.
three months, three of strange
voices on your phone -Thank you
for the food and for being just who
you are. HCT.
a turtle on a fence post, wouldn't
you think it got some help getting
WENDY P Do you remember
seeing me at P.Bs? Happy 21st!
Your little bro.
BARBETTE: What a blast we had
at the Honky-tonk Bar! Pickin' up
cowboys and dancin' like fools is
our new thang! Let's do it again,
but not too often Love, Your Real-
ity Check Chic
JENNFIER: Don't be scared! Just
do it and you know what I mean.
Fun times await you baby, so go
for it and when you have fun,
think of me saying, "I told you so
Love, The Layout Goddess
WORDS OF WISDOM: 1 f money
can t buy you love, toer. why do
most dates begin at the cash ma-
chine? Tink about it!
WHINEY VOICE: Thanks in ad-
vance for all your help through-
out the computer crisis! I can't
wait til I have that beautiful ma-
chine on my desk! You're cool,
even though you are from Char-
lotte! Love, Number 5.
to go buds!
Jimmy, Billy Bob and DarryLThanks
for the great game of pool down at
Happy's. The festivities afterward
were great. Hope you got the U-Haul
trailer deaned out all right. What did
you do with the donkey?
See you soon ? Tinkerbell
Largest Library of Information In U
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H.B Beer drenched head with no
I.D. and a fat man slam dancing
with thoughts of leaves in your
head and that little ticklely spot in
your back. Young teacher, thesub-
ject ofwell maybe not. Pushing
Free & Confidential
Services & Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
111 E. 3rd Street
The Lee Building
Greenville NC
Mon - Fri 8:30-3:00
Did you miss it? Some are still avail-
able at the Buccaneer office or the
Media Board Office at any time. Of-
-fices are located on the 2nd floor of
Student Publica tions Building (across
from Joyner Library).
Reaereational Services will be host-
ing a Bench Press Contest on Febru-
ary 5 at SOO pm. in Garref s Pipeline
Pumphouse. Males and Females are
encouraged to participate. For more
Ipfonnation call 757-6387.
HA. 4,830-1130 am and 1-4 pm;
Feb. 12,1-7 pm; Feb. 19,830-1130
am and 1-4 pm; Feb. 21,830-1130
am and 1-4 pm
Attention students: Anyone with a
G.P.A. of 3.0 or better who is inter-
ested in Gamma Beta Phi, an honor
fraternity and service organization,
please call Dena Price at 931-8282
The ECU Chapter of the National
Student Speech Language Hearing
Association (NSSLHA) proudly pre-
sents their 22nd annual Speech
Langauge and Hearing Symposium:
February 6 and 7 at the Ramada Inn,
Greenville Boulevard. For more info
call Meta M Downes 757-4405.
The ECU Poetry Forum meets on
Thursday, February 6, at 8:00,
Mendenhall 247. Those planning to
attend should bring six to eight cop-
ies of each poem they wish to have
discussed. Meeting open to all stu-
dents and townspeople. Listeners
A Mexican dinner that can't be beat!
on February 4th at 5:00. We will be
serving dinner at the Methodist Stu-
dent Center (501 Est 5th Street) For
only$3. Allproceedsgo to the Mexico
Mission team. Eat in or take out
The physical education motor and
physical fitness competency test is
scheduled as follows: Minges CoB-
seum, 1:00pm Friday, February 7,
1992. A passing score on this test is
required of all students prior to de-
daring physical education as a ma-
jor. Maintaining an average T-score
of 45 on the six-item test battery. Hav-
ing a T-score of 45 on the aerobics
run. Any student with a medical con-
dition that would contraindicate par-
ticipation in the testing should con-
tact Mike McCammon or Dr. Gay
Israel at 757-4688. To be exempted
from any portion of the test, you must
haveaphysician'sexcuse. Adetailed
summary of the test is available in the
Human Performance Laboratory,
room 371 Sports Medicine Building.
Your physician's exocuse must spe-
cifically state from which items you
are exempt
The Returning Adult Students Asso-
dation is a new organization on cam-
pus. Our goal is to help meet the
social and academic needs of ECU's
returning adult student population.
All interested students are invited to
attend an organizational meeting on
Thursday, Feb. 6 in GCB Room 3013
at 530pm. For more information call
Majors, indended mafors, and mi-
nors get involved! Fo on field trips!
Learn more about your intended pro-
fession! Attend the first general meet-
ing of the qSW alliance Monday,
February 10,4pm, Ragsdale218 Do
something with your life!
The Career Services office invites!
niors and graduate students to at-
tend a program designed to acquaint
them with the services available to
them as they prepare to enter the
workforce Induded will be registra-
tion an interviewsign-upprocedures,
how to establish a credential file, and
a tour of tile Career Services Center
are included. These sessions will be
held in theBIoxtonHouseon Wednes-
day, Beb. 4 at 3 pm, Wednesday, Feb
5 and Thursday, Feb 13 at 3 pm
Workshops on resume writing will
be conducted by the Career Services
staff to help students develop or re-
vise their resume They will be held
in the Bloxton House on Thursday,
Feb. 6 at 7 pm, Feb. 10 k 19 at 3 pm
Seniors and graduate students are
encouraged to attend; however, the
workshops are open to all students.

Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Tim C. Hampton, General Manager
Matthew D. Jones, Managing Editor
Gregory E. Jones, Director of Advertising
Jennifer Wardrep, Neivs Editor
Julie Roscoe, Asst. News Editor
Lewis Coble, Entertainment Editor
Dana Danielson, Asst. Entertainment Editor
Michael Martin, Sports Editor
MARGI MoRIN, Asst. Sports Editor
Jeff Becker, Copy Editor
Bi.air Skinner, Copy Editor
Richard Haselrig, Staff Illustrator
Michael Albuquerque, Business Manager
Larry Huggins, Circulation Manager
Chantal Weedman, Layout Manager
Steven Ollice, Classified Advertising Technician
Stephen Schaubach, Systems Engineer
Chris Norman, Darkroom Technician
Jean Caraway, Advertising Technician

Deborah Daniel, Secretary
The East Carolinian has served the East Carolina campus community since 1925, emphasizing information that affects ECU
students The East Carolinian publishes 12,(XX) copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The masthead editorial in each edition
,s the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. Utters should be
limited to 250 words or less. For purposes of decency and brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right toed.t orreject letters
for publication. Letters should be addressed to The Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenv.lle, N.C,
278584353. For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
OH, OUR Goose 15 ?00?T
NW tern P"e
House for ljs

You'll Get Nothing and Like I
Page 4, Tuesday, February 4, 1992
Ends do not justify illegal means
Greenville needs improved police force I
With the imminent Supreme Court review
of the Pennsylvania abortion law, it seems that
the entire issue is being thrown into the air once
One Of the most disturbing aspects of the
abortion controversy concerns the actions taken
by some anti-abortion activists. Many times the
activists use illegal tactics to prevent women
from obtaining abortions
of civil disobedience.
Although both leaders broke the law to
prove their point, they never actively promoted
Today's abortion activists openly use
strong-arm tactics, enforcing their beliefs with
whatever actions they feel proper.
The differences do not end there.
The civil rights movement of the 1960s was
Last year, "operation rescue" enveloped
the nation as activists blocked an abortion clinic
daily for over a month.
In the past, reports of abortion clinic fire-
bombings have surfaced.
The latest news concerns the "Lambs of
Christ" movement which openly admits to ha-
rassment and other scare tactics used to prevent
doctors from performing abortions.
tion states that all men are equal, and the Ameri-
can society was obviously not following that
With the abortion issue, the argument is
not so well-defined. Anti-abortion proponents
are acting on moral belief ? nothing concrete.
The argument that today's activists may
break the law in order to prove their point is
These actions led to the closings of over 50 highly unjustified Yesterday's battles do not
percent of the nation's abortion clinics and a compare to today's.
dramaticdecreaseinthenumber of doctors who There is a difference between choosing
perform abortions. where to sit on a bus, and threatening the life of
These activists justify their actions bv ?i doctor performing abortions,
pointing out the Similarity of other leaders Comparing the movements of the past to
(Ghandi, Martin Luther King, etc.) who broke the anti-abortion actions of the present is like
the law in order to prove their point. comparing apples to oranges.
This comparison is unfounded. And apples and oranges do not a compan-
Civil rights leaders used non-violent forms son make.
ytmJ&m THene' lot
o' $mrr HewS ahc? g&hp
5H0w! ANP ? ? ? COOL. I
ivual ap -mote Hutty
MucVip&&. cone
ON fiiNPL.oeK, &IAC -
THi is Go&P TJzSH!
By Jeff Parker
Editorial Columnist
Lately it seems that
Georgetowne apartments is aptly
named. Like its namesake in our
nation's capitol, residents there can
enjoy an exciting night-life full of
break-ins, robbery and shootings
This is, however, no fault of
the residence. The apartments are
physically located in the hubot much
of Greenville night-life ? nearly all
downtown traffic, be it college stu-
dents storming the bars and club
high school kids exploring the pa-
rameters of the Hardee's and
McDonald's parking lot sccneor just
lovable oldsters checking out the
poolhalls ? they all happen by
Georgetowne Anyone can testify
that high traffic areas attract crime,
just ask the big city folk.
The truth of the matter is big-
city type crime is becoming more
familiar to all of Greenville, not just
Georgetowne apartments. But we're
still fighting it with small-town meth-
ods. Ask someone to keep an eye on your
apartment or home Travel in pairs. Dial
As long as we're being honest
with ourselves, let's consider how
effective those cute refrigerator-
memo preventative measures really
are. How many thieves and trespass-
ers do you think flee in terror when
they see the little burglar on the yel-
low "community watch" signs? Crap,
Neighbor Jones is keepin a close eye on
the McKenzie place, I'd be found out for
sure! Are threearmed assailants really
intimidated by two victims? Looks like
an extra wallet to me. And how many
angry intruders or rapists are sport-
btgenough to let you run to the phone
and dial 91 I?To put it plainlv, little
pamphlets circulated on campus and
cautionary television reminders do
not make the city safer, people with
badges, guns and handcuffs do.
Returning to our prime ex-
ample, the proprietors Ol
Georgetowne apartments are begin-
ning to realie this before the rest of
the city, out of necessity. Nighttime
security has been hired for the week-
ends and other residences would do
well to follow suit. Most people
wouldn't mind a minor increase in
rent to decrease the likelihood of their
carbeing vandalized, apartment bro-
ken into, or worse yet physical harm.
Still independent efforts will not be
enough to keep Greenville from be-
coming Miami Jr.
Our city must startTemploying
its police force to fight crime the met-
ropolitan way, or we'll con tinuc to be
easy pickings for the pros. L'n -
nately, we, like most of North Caro-
lina, are geared for road ci
Speeders and DWI's bring m a iol ot
money, and drug dealers and thieves
cost money to support in jail. But
speeders aren't undermining
or even following po .
night.Thiscity, with itslargi
oriented population, becon
robber's paradise during th.
days. Experimental and naivi . ?;?
(that's us too) makeCreem
dealer's haven as well Our A
police department must bej
stitute more walking patn
around, not just the well-lit d
town district. Car patrols jr.
but they don't provide the v
hands-on threat of an arm.
and curious cop. Stick them on horses,
anything; just put the police where
they are a deterrent instead ot zipping
by on the road ? we'll pay t'r
it takes.
Some may find this whe
spective alarmist and react
Then find a second opinion. Ask the
people who returned from their holi-
day travels to ransacked apart
or the guv at Georgetowne who was
-shot twice Friday. See what rrey
Letters to the Editor
; flftftf Aiy THIN' )
Goop Tfi MAT IN a!
The Right Side
Journalism turned to cheap entertainment
By Nathan Hicks
Editorial Columnist
Thedaysof thcancient Romans
were filled with such atrocities as
gladiators fighting lions, gladiator
fighting gladiator or several gladia-
tors pitted against one. Often the
crowd had the final say as to whether
or not the loser would live or die, and
often the loser wasn't pleased with
the bloodthirsty crowd's choice. The
Spanish enjoy bullfightingasa favorite
pastime teasingand tormenting some
miserable creature until the crowd
screams for the matador to finish the
beast off. Depending upon how stylish
and graceful the matador kills the bull
will affect the crowd's judgement as
to boo or cheer.
As humane Americans we tend
to view such acts as despicable and
barbaric. Yet we have created our
own bloodbath of entertainment in
that of the media. Who really cares
what happens pleasant or beneficial;
if it's not smut the hell with it. Such
seems to be the popular consensus in
the society of today's U.S.
Though Mike Tyson may be a
formidable and awesome boxer, is
whether or not he raped a woman
really something we as intelligent
beings should be concerned? Obvi-
ously so, being that news channels are
devoting portions of their hour to
cover the trial of Iron Mike. People
simply could not get enough of Mike's
sad life during a rather nasty divorce,
we need to see him bleed even though
he may be innocent. How in the hell
can such an event be such "entertain-
ment" in a society that calls itself "ad-
Why anyone would want to
throw his hat into today's political
arena is beyond me. These guys get
beat all around the block. No matter
who the candidate, chances are the
media can dig up some kind of skel-
eton to flail in his face. Supreme Court
Justice Clarence Thomas was com-
pletely humiliated and drug through
the gutter before finally being seated.
Was it necessary to give that crap
television coverage or is it just the
typcof freak show we learned citizens
need to survive?
Presidential candidate Dill
Clinton is just another victim. Who
knows what kind of president he
would make; the key is to find some-
thing with which to persecute him.
Seemingly enough, many high level
politicians have been caught up in
some type of controversy or scandal
that resulted in the parasitic media
browbeating them to death with the
exception of maybe one N.C. Sena-
tor). Who do we vote for with every-
one on the ballot being of shady re-
pute? Maybe the one who has been
sensationalized the least or the one
who was merely a womanizer or pros-
titute patron. Sure we need to know
something about the candidate, but I
seriously doubt that we need to t?ke
into consideration all the garbage we
are already forced to ingest.
If the news programs and
newspapers weren't enough, televi-
sion kicks in back-up with such "in-
vestigative journalists" as El Hardo,
Donaho, and Sally Jesse Sodom and
Gomorrah. Under what rock these
cretins crawlpd is a mystery to me;
point being, what is ethically enter-
taining about three-legged lesbians
who had affairs with their serial killer
son's victims? Anything else would
be boring and mundane, we need
something bizarre and repulsive to
quench ourinsatiablcthirstforsleaze.
It that wasn't the case, these idiots
wouldn'tbepollutingthe already filth
saturated airwaves.
Court trials arc probably the
largest growing form of entertainment
on television today. We get to see
every minute of some sap who may be
guilty or innocent. Regardless of the
verdict, in our minds' eye the sorry
chump is guilty. William Kennedy-
Smith provided a plethora of enter-
tainment to follow up Judge Thomas.
All 1 heard was how "them damn
Kennedys are perverts" and "I knew
one of them Kennedy s would do some-
thing like that Well, them Kennedys
keep being put in office which means
someone is voting for them. Maybe
because we know they'll screw up
again and provide us with some good
old down home-fun.
We ca n have sex over the phone,
by videotape or through mail corre-
spondence. And while this goes on
our libraries rot. Occasionally a
commercial is seen promoting our li-
braries and learning through reading,
but it seems the efforts are in vain. We
can do something to clean up our
environment. If no one paid attention
to all of this yellow journalism, the
producers would have to change the
content or else they would go broke.
AII of the garbage has got to go, and all
it takes to get rid of it is to throw it
Politically correct
debate continues
To the Editor.
Liketrousers from Pierreof Tai-
wan, Professor Jeff Williams' letter to
the East Carolinian is overly long and
made of shoddy material. He wants
to persuade us that Stanley Fish didn't
really mean it when he titled his lec-
ture: 'There is no such thing as free
speech, and it's a good thing too
Fish stated in his talk that opponents
of political correctness (or "PC") of-
ten couch themselves in the First
Amendment. He went on to say that
if "First Amendment processes are
now hostile to your interests, you
would do better not to rely on them
and that if your beliefs are in your
power, then you should stuff the
"hollow" First Amendment "with a
content that will fill your agenda
Fish was perfectly direct in his talk:
He advocated that free speech be
abandoned when it worked against
the goals of the "politically correct
For his part, Williams ingeniously
suggests that Fish was just being
"provocative One is reminded of
the observation, "Behind every vil-
lain comes a sophist with a sponge
Williams will no doubt apply
his same rigorous standard of judge-
ment to any future talks by NAS
members. They didn't really mean
it he will proclaim. 'They are just
being a tad provocative
Williams professes to believe
that my objection to paying Fish to
speak is a denial of my "purported"
ideal of free speech. Hardly! Fish can
say or play wherever he wants. My
objection is to the money the univer-
sity gave him to speak, not to his right
to speak. It is essential that a univer-
sity maintain the right of free speech,
but it is not essential that they pay
someone to malign that right. Such
argumentation, nonetheless, is the
frequent tactic of Fish and his ilk: If
people can bo persuaded that free
speech does not really exist, then they
will hardly object when it is subtly
withdrawn from them.
Professor Williams applies a
similarly effortless inferiority of rea-
soning to his defense of Fish's public
persona. Newspapers as diverse as
the New York Times and Wall Street
journal, together with scores of local
papers, have gotten it all wrong. Fish
didn't really circulate a secret letter
attempting to keep professors who
disagree with him from sitting on im-
portant committees and then publicly
deny that he had done so. Of course
not. A man who advocates aban-
doning me constitutional right of free
speech would never do such a thing!
It is all a conspiracy ? part of thebody
count that passes for journalism
among those versed in the arcana of
literary gymnastics.
Actually, Professor Williams is
not unsympathetic toFish'sapproach.
Imitating Fish (?), he too wrote a letter
to a university administrator (not to
the East Carolinian where students or
N AS members might see it) about the
NAS, objecting to the coverage given
to N ASevents. That must have slipped
his mind while he was writing his
two-part column denying the story of
Fish's letter. Or, perhaps, Williams
had just decided to become "pro-
vocative" and didn't really mean it.
Steven Mandelker
Visiting Assistant Professor
Student upset
with appeal board
To the Editor.
I am writing this because of an
incidence that has recently occurred
The Cle
Highly unu
By JhFF Rucrap
ECU Today
What began as one of the most
horrific urban nightmares was re-
vealed yesterday to be one of the
greatest practical jokes in televi-
sion history.
When jurors returned from
their deliberations Monday to de-
liver a verdict regarding the state
of mind of convicted serial killer
Jeffrey Dahmer, Judge Carlin
McDowell read lines of text that
he little expected.
to me. 1 am referring to a simple park-
ing ticket through Public Safety Here
is my story, you decide it it is fair
A roommate of mine needed a
ride to Minges (Freshman Lot) ltook
him and after about five minute of
both of us being inside Minges, e
both came out to find a $35 parking
ticket on the windshield Aco rd ti
to the letter of the law, 1 deserve the
ticket due to the fact that there is not
an ECU vehicle registration stkheroi
my car. Actually, I never even bougbl
one since I don't park on campus and
don't have to.
Now, here's my problem tt
was not as if there was a shortage of
parking spaces ? there was literally
hundreds left. It was also no: as XI
was parking there. The ticket read
12:30 and I was in the Public Safety
office at 12:40 explaining my case,
which should prove that my int
was not to park there.
This information was sent ott tc
the Appeal Board who promptlv Mi
a letter of denial daiming thai ? '?-
"University Policy"
I'm sorry I did not pay the S I
for a commuter sticker in the fW
place when I knew it would never be
Maybe next semester, along
with the out-of-state tuition already
being paid, I can buy a sticker and
hang it up for posterity.
But, as Public Safety says . "Pay
the S35 fine within 10 days or pay a
late fee and have your records tagged
so that you will not receive grades or
be able to register for next semester
The robots on the Appeal Board
should take time out to actually read
and understand each appeal That is
their job, to review each student fairly
If they had, I'd be a free man today
Richard Paravella
Business Management
ser thiM6S tub wav JARwesc
"Upon further revn
timony, this court dead
Jeffrey Dahmer was saJ
the time of his killings
Judge McDowell shoulc
you're on Candid
Oh, good gracious
At that point in th
ings, a high-pitched
burst of laughter boo
the rear of the courtroo
Candid Camera host Do
marched toward the
"I can't believe tl
McDowell, looking lntl
Mini-satire for busy readers
LAW: Tyson rape trial stalls
as former heavyweight champ
spars with female jurors to prove
his manhood.
rifvingcivil war demolishes sev-
eral more cities whose names
you can't pronounce.
ECU: In a pleasant afternoon
ceremony. Chancellor Dick
Achin personally paves over the
last blade of grass on campus.
The Amaijgamai
The Congress' apjl
interrupted almost '
the president's recent
Union address.
By the time the pi
nved, it was quite clea
face a receptive audu
minutes before Mr. Buj
ance, the assembled
Congress stamped tl
rhythm and chanted!
George! We want Gej
The president
peared (fashionably ll
Product to cha
lives, campaig
Earlvis Press
BUNYAN, S.D. ? Dawg,
Incmakersof Screaming Insane
Scrubbing Bubbles and other
psvehotic cleansers, have an-
nounced a non-toxic buttock
implant for those with no butt,
like George Bush.
Combining space-aged
polvmers with a patented gel for
extra jiggleage, Dawg has cre-
ated Tushex? for buttock aug-
mentation. Dawg executives
plan to showcase the new prod-
uct with singer Cher as the
"I'm not only the spokes-
person, I'm also a Tushex
wearer Cher says in the ads.
Michael Jackson, Prince and
David Duke will join the com-
mercial campaign to plug
Tushex. In addition, the White
House has become ecstatic over
i the product and predicts it will
become a major part of their cam-
paign to bolster the president's
wimpish image.
"The Congress
dia have kicked Ge
times, he virtually!
left Press Secrej
Spitzwater said
want a President w
? not like Will
Taft's, but more hi
Bush will hav
implant in time t-i
mary. Surgeon G
Smoke will perfot
Tushex is a rd
years of psycholoj
into the lago Sync
for a Shakespeare
no butt.
Needless to
it anvway, we
companies ? or
Dr. Pert Bunns, a
ecutive. Bunns
personal dream
dream dating ba
davs, when he waj
Vote for Bill Clinton ii
You've already got Ji
Thomas, so what the
stupid statistics for stupid pi
We're Having More Affairs
With Presidential Candidates
eooo -
4000 -
2000 ?
AM AMtfclCAtvJ VjeK6.
Ney VifeW Vim JV Specs Coc,

S? I5?00
Itvwe Picicep
,petr CoMVidNrrV
bR US -
3le EaBt (Earnltnlan February 4, 1992 5
thing and Like It
proved police force
rwe IIcontinuetobe
r the pros. Untortu-
ke mosl ot North Care-
' road crime.
II Wl's bring in a lot of
3 dealersand thieves
. ? support in fail. But
oplc home at
. its large school
al becomes a
ring the holi-
d naiveyoun
rot : illeadrug
'??? 'll Our city's
? must begin to in-
: - ing patrols tl
the well-lit dowri-
l ar patrols are nice,
pro ide the visibly,
irmed, trained,
k them on horses,
? the police where
; t instead of zipping
? I pay the taxes
nd this whole ner-
and reactionary.
I opinion. Ask the
? ? d from their holl-
? ii apartments
?, t tow ne who was
Sec what fftev
) the Editor
? a simple park-
si tet v.Here
le if it is fair.
mine needed a
1 ridelan 1 ot). hook
? ? ve minutes of
ile Mingov we
: i S35 parking
? ? ? ? ? Id According
: ? 1 deserve the
that there is not
ti itii n tiv ker on

?- on campus and
y problem it
ivas a shortage of
re was literally
? il as if 1
i ? ti ket read
Public Satetv
? g my casst
. intention
Sinfition was sent off to
? ? 1 who promptly sent
(? - proa? : that it is
i lettert pay the $78
? ? ker in the first
fit see it he1 would never be
?' ? m mester, along
f ? ? ? ' ?? tuition already
being1 iv a sticker and
I ker
tant Professor
il board
this because of an
reientlv occurred
But as Public Safety saysVfcf
? fine within 10 days or pay a
' ' ? ur records tagged
so thai you will not receive grades or
be able to register for next semester
The robot son the Appeal Board
should take time out to actually read
and understand each appeal. That is
theirjob, to reMeweach student fairly!
If they had. Id bo a free man today.
Richard Paravella
Business Management
j-KfiV specs'
7-z-zz ?
The Clearly Labeled Satire Page
Highly unusual verdict rocks Dahmer trial
By lin Rixkap
ECU Today
What beganasoneof the most
horrifk urban nightmares was re-
esled yesterday to be one of the
greatest practical jokes in televi-
sion history.
When jurors returned from
their deliberations Monday to de-
liver a verdict regarding the state
of mind of convicted serial killer
leffrey Dahmer, Judge Carlin
McDowell read lines of text that
he little expected.
"Upon further review and tes-
timony, this court decides that Mr.
Jeffrey Dahmer was sane during
the time of his killings, and that
Judge McDowell should smile ?
you're on Candid Camera?
Oh, good gracious
At that point in the proceed-
ings, a high-pitched asthmatic
burst of laughter boomed from
thercarof thecourtroom,and New
Candid Camera host Dom DeLouise
marched toward the bench.
"I can't believe this said
McDowell, looking into the com-
edy show's now-visible camera.
"Hi, Mom
DeLouise wiped tears of
amusement from his eyes and
hugged the convicted Dahmer,
revealed to be actor Bill Visch.
Startled prosecutors looked on in
"We really worked hard on
this one chuckled DeLouise.
"Getting people to pretend they
were dead for three years, and all
that Bill (Visch) went through
but it was all worth it
Actor Visch admitted that the
role was perhaps a bit too arduous
for the purpose of one gag. "Well,
a lot of people really hate me now,
and the close security wasn't a lot
of fun. But the look on everyone's
face ? ha, ha
DeLouise then brought in the
talented group of Candid Camera
actors who played dead bodies in
and under Dahmer's house. While
many observers and witnesses
fainted, the majority of the court-
room stood and applauded as the
poseur corpses took a bow.
"This role was really a stretch
for me, artistically commented
Wayne Marr, who portrayed a
severed arm. "I think it helped me
grow as a thespian
Prosecuting attorney Sandra
Landers simply shook her head
and chuckled. "I knew one man
couldn't have eaten all those
"1 could shouted the portly
DeLouise, to the enjoyment of the
courtroom. The host of the voyeur
comedy show revealed that the
name Dahmer was in fact a
bastardization of his own first
name. "1 wanted to show that old
potato-skin fart Funt (Allen Funt,
the show's original host) that 1
could pull off a bigger gag than he
ever had ? and I did
During another eruption of
laughter, DeLouise'S longtime
friend and co-worker Burt
Reynolds walked into the court-
room and delivered a slap to the
host's fleshy face. DeLouise has
also written a children's book. !
Mini-satire for busy readers
LAW: Tyson rape trial stalls
as former heavyweight champ
spars with female jurorstoprove
his manhood.
rifvingcivil wardemolishcssev-
eral more cities whose names
you can't pronounce.
ECU: In a pleasant afternoon
ceremony. Chancellor Dick
Achin personally paves over the
last blade of grass on campus.
Highly unusual speech rocks Congress
The Amalgamated Press
The Congress' applause was
interrupted almost 70 times for
the president's recent State of the
Union address.
By the time the president ar-
rived, it was quite clear he would
face a receptive audience. For 20
minutes before Mr. Bush'sappear-
ance, the assembled members of
Congress stamped their feet in
rhythm and chanted, "We want
George! We want George
The president finally ap-
peared (fashionably late), bound-
ing to the podium amid thunder-
ous applause. Grabbing a guitar
from a stagehand, the president
stepped up to the microphone and
proceeded to rock menatkm'sleg-
islators for 51 fun-filled minutes.
Vice President Dan Quayle pro-
vided percussion, mainly by beat-
ing his granite-solid head against
his mike, while Senator Jesse
1 lelms played bass.
The concert ? er, address ?
consisted mainly of the same old
songs Mr. Bush has been playing
for the last three years ? tunes
made popular by his mentor, Ro-
nald Reagan. There was little new
material, and most ot it was disap-
pointing. Heeven ripped off some
material from his Democratic and
Republican challengers.
Yet the president's audience
seemed inexplicablycaptivated by
the performance.
"I don't know what it is about
him gushed House Speaker Tom
Folly. "1 don't like the guy, 1 have
to criticize everything he stands
for and yet he's so ? so ? so
The State of the Union address
marks Mr. Bush's first U.S. con-
cert in some time. The popular
entertainer ?er, president ? has
been widely criticized in recent
months for performing only on
foreign tours, neglecting his core
American audience.
But many fans seem to have
welcomed him back with open
"1 welcome him back with
open arms said a starry-eyed
Senator Robert Dole. "We'vebeen
waiting for him to come back to
America for three years now ?
and, you know, it's like he never
really left
Highlights of Bush's State
of the Union speech
? Same old warmed-over
economic programs that!
got us into this mess in the ;
first place, presented as so- j
lutions to the recession j
they caused.
? Whiny insistence that!
speech wasn't politically!
? None-too-subtle attacks onj
Pat Buchanan.
Product to change
lives, campaign
Group finds Pirate
stuff degrading
Eari.vis Press
BUNYAN, S.D. ? Dawg,
Inc makers of Screaming Insane
Scrubbing Bubbles and other
! psychotic cleansers, have an-
nounced a non-toxic buttock
implant for those with no butt,
like George Bush.
Combining space-aged
polymers with a patented gel for
extra jiggleage, Dawg has cre-
ated Tushex? for buttock aug-
mentation. Dawg executives
plan to showcase the new prod-
uct with singer Cher as the
"I'm not only the spokes-
person, I'm also a Tushex
wearer Cher says in the ads.
Michael lackson. Prince and
David Duke will join the com-
mercial campaign to plug
Tushex. In addition, the White
House has become ecstatic over
the product and predicts it will
become a major pa rtoftheircam-
paign to bolster the president's
wimpish image.
"The CongTess and the me-
dia have kicked George so many
times, he virtually has no butt
left Press Secretary Merlin
Spitzwater said. "The voters
want a President who has a butt
? not like William Howard
Taft's, but more like JFK's
Bush will have the Tushex
implant in time for the Iowa Pri-
mary. Surgeon General Don T.
Smoke will perform the opera-
Tushex is a result of many
years of psychological research
into the Iago Syndrome, named
for a Shakespearean villain with
no butt.
"Needless to say, so I'll say
it anyway, we have left other
companies?er?behind said
Dr. Pert Bunns, a top Dawg ex-
ecutive. Bunns said Tushex is a
personal dream come true ? a
dream dating back to his Navy
days, when he was a Rear Admi-
By Jimmy Olson
ECU Today
Most residents of the Emerald
City still glow with Peach Bowl
pride, but one group isn't revel-
ling in ECU's athletic successes ?
the Sons o' Blackboard.
An organization composed of
the descendants of the corsair
Blackbeard's final crew, the
"S.o'B.s as they like to call them-
selves, say the term "pirate" and
the "saber slash" are derogatory.
"We are proud oi our seafar-
ing heritage Sons o' Blackboard
spokesman Sonny Blackboard
said. "What's more, the nobility
and bloody gore of a high-seas
raid is trivialized by this silly wav-
ing of foam swords.
"After we saw news reports
on the Native Americans who got
pis ? uh, upset about the
Redskins' and Braves' mascots, we
said, 'Hey, those guys are on to
So the S.o'B.s plan to peace-
fully picket all ECU games. "But if
that doesn't work, weS.o'B.sswear
to gut every third student exiting
ECU sporting events said
Blackboard. "Just to teach 'em the
real meaning of a saber slash ' z.
Despite the threat of senseless
violence, the university has no in-
tention of changing its mascot, ac-
cording to ECU sports adminis-
trator Burc CCrat.
"Let's face facts said O'Crat.
"We're raking in boat-loads of
dough off this pirate craze. Those
people probably just want a piece
of the action
Blackbeard said the S.o'B.s
don't want any money, but they
would like the ECU mascot
"Something like 'the Sailors'
or 'the Seafarers' or something
Blackbeard said. "They could
dress someone up as Popeye and
wave foam paddles. Otherwise,
we start killing people
Vote for Bill Clinton in '92.
YouVe already got Judge
Thomas, so what the hell?
DePew implicated
in JFK slaying
stupid statistics for stupid people
We're Having More Affairs
With Presidential Candidates!
8000 -
? 6000 -

2000 -
Y ? 1r111
The Amalgamated Press
For years, JFK assassination
investigatorsand conspiracy theo-
rists have tried to prove that a
second gunman was hidden by
the legendary "grassy knoll
Now, one man thinks he's solved
the puzzle.
"Where we went wrong, was
in looking behind the grassy knoll
explained Khan Spiracy, the cre-
ator of the Grand Unified Assassi-
nation Theory. "What we never
suspected was that it was the knoll
that was doing the shooting
According to the GUAT,
which was never a sound effect in
the old Batman TV show, but we
think it ought to have been, the
shot that killed President Kennedy
actually came from a rotund per-
son cleverly disguised as a knoll.
"And I believe I know who
that rotund person is Spiracy
said. "My extensive research
lea ves no doubt that only one man
could have assassinated the presi-
dent: Pepe DePew, ECU'sdirector
of Public Safety
Spiracy later explained that
his "extensive research" consisted
mainly of getting DePew drunk,
after which the officer admitted to
his role in the plot.
DePew would not comment
on the allegations, except to state
that he was unaware that shoot-
ing a man in cold blood was ille-
From the Tholian
Slime Pits
To the Andorian
Slave Chambers
The Pleasure Asteroids of
Antares? offer a garden of
delights for every sentient
species in the galaxy.
But when you go there, don't
forget your Universal
Birth Control?
And don't forget your
V'GER card.
Because at the Pleasure
Asteroids of Antares?, they
don't take customers who
don't practice safe
inter-species sex
And they don't take
Federation Excess?.
1990 1992 1994
Vote for David Duke in '92.
Because you're tired of
popular presidents.
It's everywhere
you want to be.

alhe 3Eant (EaruHnian
February 4, 1992
'Rock for Real' to benefit Real Crisis Center
Gael and Rich
Fountain of
7:45 p.m.
8:45 p.m.
9:45 p.m.
10:45 p.m.
11:45 p.m.
12:45 p.m.
The bands play for 45
minutes each and there is a
15 minute intermission.
Pholo rourtosy o! E.irth Murchants
arth Murchants will be giving tl all to the audience in hopes thai the people
ing the benefit will give their all t? the Rl Al. Crisis Center
Photo courtasy ot Cold Sweat
This seven-man band, Cold Sweat, will perform fifth in line at Thursday's benefit concert
for the Real Crisis Center
lencc tor the past 20 years.
TheAttk.Olnieno s,WZMB,
Student Volunteers tor Real and
The money raised at the third six area bands will sponsor the
Bv Margi Morin
Assistant Sport. Writ!
annual Rock tor Real benefit
1 hursday night will be donated
to the Real Crisis Center of Pitt
i, ounty.
I he organization has aided
people with problems ranging
from depression to family vu-
benefit at the Attu Feb 6.
1 oors i'pen al 7 p.m. and
tickets are $? dollar s.
1 hie I,ael and Rich will kick
of! the beni fitat7 15. Fountain of
Youth will :n' i it s j; and
I ndei w at. ;tah tormerlv Iik -
clopedia Brown will play at 9:45.
PurpleSchoolbus is scheduled for
10:45, and Cold Sweat will play a I
11:45. I he final band, the Earth
Murchants, will perform at 12:45.
Each band will play for 45
minutes, and there will K' a 15
minute break between each per
formani c
I 'rink specials will run all
nieht, and WMH will eive out
door prizes.
According to Joe Tronto,
owner of The Attic, Channel 7
will do a live broadcast from The
Attic during the Purple Schoolbus
performance tor the 11 p.m. news.
Linda Svkes, program coor-
dinator tor the Real Crisis Center
said that Olivierio's will supply
p77A torthe bands,and the bands
are performing at no cost tor the
WZMB will do a live broad
cast from the campus on Feb. 5 to
promote the benefit and will also
have a live broadcast from I he
Attic Feb. 6.
Svkes said that she hopes the
benefit will raise $2,000 this year.
"The Real (!risis nter i
non-protit organization funded
by the United Way and the North don b student volunteers
Carolina Status on Women
Svkes said. "The organization
must also get support from pri-
vate donations and benefits like
tins one. That's whv it's so im-
portant to haveevents like these
According to Sykes, the Cen-
?? r employs only three full-time
people and three residence i
selors The rest of the work is
European orchestra promises to delight audience at Wright Auditorium
1 ? ??
sound i
eii ? ? ?
By Helen Hammond
SUfl Write!
The Philhdtmonia Hunearica '?? ' lertul
hasa reputation torK'ingoneot the
top European orchestras, delighting
atidieiH esfor ears Now i Ireenville in 1 I lal Maji
has a chance to listen to this famed Symphon
musical performance. featured
v-? Yehudi Menhuin will con Markan ii
duct the orchestra on Feb. 5 in
Wright uditorium at 8 p.m IK
rent kind ot
ribed them as
and off ring i
in ?
S i n C M r a nd
t duo Ralph
? roadva
?? , ? H ,n 95f
P ol exiled ! lungarian
nert is part oi the outstanding musicians fled their homeland fol
?' Performing Arts Scries.
low me a tail
eolutionarv at
? ? i19 ?7in ienna to a caliber
i '?' ? n ?? latci atthegnnip's
? ? performance Menhuin
plaved the t'at tok io!in( oncerto.
huin gained early tame at
: 7,makinghisviolindebut
? ? ? ? S?in ! rarw ist n Symphonv.
' of 12
in hs. Menhuin ret cived rec-
? . i as ,i v nnductor, perform
ing w ith the Bath I estiva 11 Nrhes-
ntarkableand versatile. I lisacconv
plishmcnts prove that he is much
more thanmereK' a "conductor
In addition to classical record-
ings, Menhuin has founded two
music schools, written several
'oooks and produced recordings.
1 le continues to maintain an active
schedule at the age ot 7r
I icketsareavailableat the ECU
Central Ticket Office. Single tickets
purchased by the general public
are $25, faculty and staff tickets are
$20 and student and youth tickets
Bob Hans conductor of the tempt against the Soviet Arrm
i t i' Smplion. said that the pt-
heon hestra presented ts first
Menhuin musical career has are$17. For more information, cal
tven and still is. considered re l-?0TECU-ARTS.
Photo cojltsv ct Coiwnt:a Artist Vanagemonl inc
The Philharmonic Hungartca with conductor Yehudi Menhuin. will be
pertorminq at Wnqht Auditorium Feb 5
How You Like Ptzza At Home
Play "Beat the Clock" every Tuesday in
February. Order any LARGE pizza with up to 3
toppings between 6 PM and 10 PM, and the
time you order is the price you pay!
Try one of our "Dorm Deals Order a
small 10" pizza with 1 topping AND 1
coke. Only $4.99 plus tax.
CALL 758-6660
The University Media Board
seeks editors and general managers
The University Media Board is seeking fulltime
students interested in serving in the following
stipended posts for the 1992-1993 academic year:
J Editor - Expressions minority students magazine ($175month)
J Editor The Rebel fine arts magazine ($175month)
J General Manager The East Carolinian student newspaper
(estimated 1991-1992 stipend $4,700)
? General Manager Photo Lab ($175month)
J General Manager WZMB student radio station ($200month)
J Day Student Representative to the Media Board (no stipend)
All applicants should have a 2.5 grade point average
Contact: University Media Board
2nd Floor, Student Publications Building
Telephone 757-6009
Deadline for Applications: 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19
9 2

Summer Student
Leadership Opportunity Available
East Carolina University
Orientation Staff
Applications Available m 203 Erwin Hall
Jan 21 through Feb 21. 1992
Deadline for completed applications is
February 21, 1992 (4:00 pm)

ROOM 244
71y-bc East (Carolinian Ft
'Holiday Manor'
By Jim Shamlin
Staff Writer
about the sound o 1
When tl?
firbt surfai ?.indi.
it vv.?- .i til'
were d? ?. - ' ?
thm mil. ivati .?
has becon ?.
a group oJ: . .?
to the ma ??
Their tati st re
Maru i ? ?
something new.
churning out
REMortl ?
Hd( h tra -
than the"
but the 1
The ? ? ?

join, -1
you over tru
A: till aearcy
singonki .
anything but i
voice with rtrl
hit over the 1 ?
The East Larolinian
Like it, or recycle i
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Leadership Opp
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Applications Avaij
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February 21

s Center
ehc Cast (Oarnlinian Febrimrv 4, 1992
Holiday Manor' makes no progress

V omen
pp ? ??
? - s
- I ese
work is
t Auditorium
I lit

i e w
unity Available
n Staff


8:00 PM
By Jim Shamlin
Staff Writer
When Ihe term "progressive"
surfaced in the musk industry,
kvas - title given to bands who
?,vre doing something new, some-
Lately, though, "progressive
us become a category of music
a ? oup of bands w ho sound more
ess tho same Big Wheel belongs
v second category,
rheir latest release, Holiday
? is the typical product of a
ago band who wants to do
mething now, but ends up
ming out a dawn, hybrid of
A: ! or the Smithereens.
Each track is a httlo different
the ctnebeforeand after it. Like
Is c?f pope m, there are small
? nces in shape and texture
. flavor i exactly the same
The most noticeable lack of
: lies in the voice of Peter
rc Mammoth Records bills
5earc) asa singer whose voice' has
i over the head
While Searc) does manage to
m kev, the sound ot hisvoiceis
rthing but original. It's the same
e with which listeners ha vehoen
u0 or the head with since Micheal
While Searcy can't do much
about the sound 0 his own voice.
he might do something abouf his
.u oimpaninient.
nvhubetbiWluvls music is
the rhythm duet of Mike Braden
ai d U m rompkins, whose bass
and drum lines come straight from
the beginnei books.
tanst Glenn V.uUm is the
onh member vt Big Wheel who
approaches innovation. Abandon-
ing the stale staples played by most
progressive guitarists, laylor
imports the standard chord pn
grt - ionsofheav) metal ,etuvtnel
blending the monotony of rwodif-
ferenl styles ?'i music into a
succotash of boredom.
- beguessed theoom-
tent mu-
s ianscan onh result ina pathetic
; -? . v sa study in
ack Blood
. . frecent pro
eressivc' musi ollowing the
standard eicht-bar rhythm of
Billed as a near-thrash tune.
"Disposable" follows speed-metal
conventions: four-bar repetition,
lvaw bassandgrindingguitai The
to nt .Whiningawayatthetopothis
voice, patheticall) tr ing to sound
angrv,Searc) cornesacrosslikeBob
P Ian covering a MetaUka tune.
?Sleep the last track on the
album,is the compulsory ballad. It
prox kiesanopporwrotyfwSearc)
u demonstrate a deeper, more s-
rKwous voice and tor laylortoshow
that he can be tust as inept ith an
acoustic guitar as lie is with an
electric one.
Although the album doesn't
containany cover tunes, noneof the
trackscan be called originals. Ever)
piece follows the standard stylist
contions,asifthecornposei was
afraid to break am of therukesthat
otht rl ndsfc
All thine considered.
r is an abortion. There is no
We Are
. we Are ifc?N
? Buying1
Used IMen'slClothing
track that would make the
m make it worth its price, even
popular musk itdronesonlikethe may have a dunce to grow as a
acoustic equivalent of a white- band and eventually produce
washed wall. If this is supposed to stjmcthiiig truly progressive but
beadrivingpopsong,oncw-onders it must first get out of the rut of
who is at the wheel monotonv.
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? 9 2
Summer Student
Leadership Opportunity Available
Fast Carolina University
Orientation Staff
Applications Available in 203 Erwin Hall
Jan 21 through Feb 21, 1992
Deadline for completed applications is
February 21,1092 (4:00 pm)
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NC. Coalition on Adolescent

uUje iEast (Earultnian
February 4. 1992
Winless Lady Seahawks fall at home to ECU
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Statt Writer
Thanks to the Lady Pirates,
UNC-Wilmington remains winless
tor the 1991- season.
ECU handed the Lady
Seahawks their 16th straight loss,
88-73, Saturday in Trask Coliseum
on theCampusof UNC-W. The win
keeps ECU on top of the CA A with
a 5-1 record and 11-5 overall.
"I'm really pleased Head
Coach Pat Pierson said. "If s nice
when you can win on the road and
keep your composure
It was not an easy victory for
the I ad v Pira tes. They shot just over
40 percent for the game.
Both teams got into early foul
trouble, and by game's end there
were 55 total fouls committed.
Ga vnorO'Donnell had another
career-high game when she scored
27 points, including four threesand
had five assists.
"Gavnor had a super game
Pierson said. "She has really ma-
ture as an important floor leader
Hie Ladv Pirateshad problems
kivpinga lead throughout thegame.
It wasn't until the 4:(X) mark in the
second half that they were able to
build a big lead.
UNC-W head coach Shern
Tvnes said: "In the last few minutes
in the game we just died. Their ex-
perience kicked in with about five
minutes left, and we really gave
The Lady Seahawks were paced
by Pat Martins, 18 points and 11
rebounds, and by Zandra Hams,
Lorraine Cordaway and Myra
Horton who each had 15 points.
UNCWscoaxl their last 10 out
of 12 points in the first half from the
free throw line. They hit just one
jumper in almost five minutes, and
that came with :01 in the half.
In the second half the lead tee-
tered Kick and forth. At one point,
ECU went four minutes without a
score. Rhonda Smith banked in a
shot pulling the Lidy Pirates to
within one.
ECU then tightened up their
defense and got aggressive ollcn-
stveh.They built a seven-point lead
with 5:00 left in the game, and that
was the last time UNCW was ck se
"ECU is really tough said
Tvnes. "Theyhave u k many people
to stop
Tonya Hardgrove had her
scoring 21 points and grabbing a
season-high 15 rebounds.
juniors Rhonda Smith and
Toina Coley also hit double figures
for ECU with 14 and 10 points re-
Tom Ihurnun and Kenneya
Wilson werebigboostsoftthebench
adding 13 pointsand playing tough
( oley i ontinues to move up
the career steal list. She had three
steals and moved into ninth place
with 129. She is second in theCAA
with 3.21 steals per game.
"1 love defense Coley said.
"Before this season is over, I'm de-
termined to become first in the
Last week the Ladv Pirates
dropped a non conference game to
the visiting Lady Wolfpackof NX
State 98-58.
"They got out to the early lead,
and we started rushingouroffense,
we're not that type of tea Pierson
said. "We have to be patient in of-
fense, pass the ball around four or
five times and get a gcxxj shot
By Robert S. Todd
Stall Wnlcr
ECU defeated UNC-
Wilmington 80-65 for its second
consecutive victory in the CAA. Pi-
rate center lames 1 ewis' basket n
free throw, midway through the
hrst quarter gave ECU a lead that
would build to 11 by uveniussion,
and as many as IS near the end ot
Seahawkcoach Kevin Eastman
snd, "ITiere were lb hxse balls
we got two Hie Pirates' hustle
was an important factor in the win
and downplayed their height dis-
10 boards while adding 13 points.
ECU out-rebounded the Seahawks
40 24, despite the height disadvan-
"lames Lewis has slowly got-
ten better ECU head coach Eddie
Payne said. "He's such a senous-
minded guv. He did a great job
The Pirates' 6-foot, six-inch cen-
ter had a career-high 16points- -an
unexpected boost to the offense.
Lewiscame into theeontest averag-
ing 3.1 points per game.
"We must continue to do what
we did today Lewissaid "We've
got to take advantage ol our speed
and quickness.
ECU has not totaled 80 or more
points since their early season vic-
tory, 105-69, over Campbell. IV-
plavingnnichlvtter hill movement,
the Pirates shot over 50 percent tor
only the second time this season.
1 ester Lvonsfinished with IS points,
five assists and seven turnovers to
lead both teams in each category.
ECU'S interior defense forced
UNC-W to shoot two of-14 from
within six feet, excluding lay ups.
Sea 1 lawk center Matt Fish, fifth in
the conference in scoring at 17.1,
washeldtoa season-low four points
Fish is also sixth in the nation in
held goal percentage at 65 8 percent
and second in the CAA in rebound-
ing with 9.2 per game.
Anton Gill turned m what
might be considered a typical Matt
Fish night ? 16 points on 7-of-10
shooting from the tloor with nine
Ronnell Peterson and D.J.Mor-
ganhadlkeCopeland'sNo .54 taped
to thebackot their shoes during the
game. They might want to tape No.
33 to their shoe's, too. Forward Kevin
Armstrong tore his anterior cruci
ate ligament and also suffered a
medial colateral tear
Armstrong went down on a
fast break lay-up. late in the second
half and is lost for the year.
Armstrong was averaging nearly
two points and two rebounds per
"Without a doubt, that wasour
best 40-minute performance said
Payne. "Wehad excellent,balanced
scoring. We distributed the ball
much better - that's what is going
to win us games
ECU had their priblems ttcn-
sivelv. They hit 31 percent of their
shots, compared to N.( State who
shot 56 pen en t.
Smith led tor ECU with 16
points and nine boards, 1 largrove
followed with 12 pointsand nine
rebounds and O'Donnell added 10
pointsand dished out seven assists.
N .C.State held as much as a 46-
point lead. They were led bv 6-3
center Rhonda Mapp who had 29
pointsand lOrebounds. They were
really big, and we were skeptical
because of their size Coley said.
ECU returns to Minges Feb. 8 at
3 p.m. They face CAA opponent
Richmond who is tied for hrst with
the Ladv Pirates.
Weight lifters
to battle in
Garrett on
Feb. 5 and 6
ByDarline Whitman
Recreational Services
The Pipeline Pumphouse i
( ,arr
Pholo by DjiI Reed - ECU Photo Lab
He d coach Eddie Payne and the ECU basketball team won their
second CAA game Saturday night against UNC-Wilmington, 80-65.
?tt I lall will havemorcthan
its average weight liftii
, . in eb 5-6 It will be tl
i bench press and a
pi-( mcetitii 'ii spons red
bv Recrcatii ma! Services.
A turnout of 20-30 is ex-
pected. The competition will
give all participants an opp r
tunity to find out who is tl
strongest man or woman it
Registration will be he'd on
the day ot the competitionfrorn 5
p.m. to 5:30 p.m with the c i
petition immediately followii
o participate, simply br
your muscles and your identifi-
cation card to the contest.
For more information about
the contest call 757-6387.
? 9 2
Summer Student
East Carolina University
Applications Available in 203 Erwin Hall
Jan 21 through Feb 21, 1992
Deadline for completed applications is
February 21, 1992 (4:00 pm)

The East Carolinian, February 4, 1992
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 04, 1992
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