The East Carolinian, June 12, 1991

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M.F. Nation?
Congress should not favor China.
Vacation time 6
The Outer Banks offer a unique beach experience.
Qftft i?uBt (ftamlimatt
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.65 No.32
Wednesday, June 12,1991
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 5,000
8 Pages
Words may be used against cops
LOS ANGELES (AP)?A judge ruled that a policeman's
wisecrack likening a domestic dispute among blacks to the
movie "Gorillas in the Mist" maybe used asevidence against
four white officers charged in the Rodney King beating.
Superior Court Judge Bernard Kamins said Monday
that "race could be part of the motive" for the videotaped
beating of the black motorist, and he added, 'To say that
(hose comments aren't racially biased is like sticking your
head in the sand
Laurence Powell. one of the officers charged with brutal-
Uv and assault in the March 3 beating, had asked that the
comments ? transmitted over squad car computers ? be
ruled inadmissible because they were made before the beat-
Authorities have sa id the message referred to a domestic
dispute involving blacks. "Gonllas in the Mist" is a movie
about ape research.
'Elite' to begin admitting women
NEW 11AYEN, Conn. (AP) ? The alumni board of
Skull and Bones has quietlv voted to admit women, two
months after an embarrassingly public quarrel over the issue
among members of Yale University's elite secret society.
Bonesmen around thecountry, including President Bush,
a 1948 Yale graduate, will soon receive ballots in which they
mil be asked to ratify the vote. Ballots are to be counted at the
end of July.
At a meeting late last month, the board recommended (v
2 that Skull and Bones end its all-male tradition, sources in
the society said.
IRS might declare tax warfare
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Congressional auditors say
Internal Revenue Service computers, which make it difficult
for most individuals to underreport taxable income, should
be turned loose on corporations
Matching corporations' tax returns against reports filed
by Ixi nks and other payers of income could bnng the govern-
ment an additional $1 billion a year at a cost of about $70
million, the General Accounting Office said in a report
UNC committee to hold review
CHAPEL HILL(AP) ?UNC-Chapel Hill hasappointed
a committee to conduct an internal review of 20 academic
and administrative departments.
Chancellor Paul Hardin 111 formed the committee of
faculty, students and administrators to take a look at each
department's goals, and how to reach those goals. The
committee will conduct interviews and receive written re-
ports from department representatives at meetings from
June 23-27.
The chancellor will use the review as the basis of a report
he will issue in the fall, which wall likely outline the areas
designated for growth. Sornedepartrnentsareexpecting that
will mean changes for their programs.
Faculty reaction was split on the review. Some say they
are concerned their departments will be the victims of fund-
ing cuts as a result of the critique, and that they will have to
discontinue certain programs.
Others say they are pleased the review gives them a
chance to outline and announce their goals for the future.
Supervisor found guilty of death
BEAUFORT(AP) ? ACarteret County jury deliberated
a little more than an hour Saturday before finding William
MacRae "Mac" Willis guilty of second -degree murder in the
shooting death of his wife.
Willis, 35, a former county Alcoholic Beverage Control
supervisor, could receive a prison term of up to 50 years for
the conviction, court officials said.
Teresa Piner Willis, 39, a former county elections super-
visor, died from a single gunshot wound to the head on Jan.
20 in the couple's Beaufort home.
Willis testified that she committed suicide. But a pros-
ecutor displayed to the jury a bloody shirt Willis supposedly
wore that night and witness accounts of Willis vigorously
scrubbing his hands at the hospital his wife had been taken
Nuclear plant will survive quake
LOS ANGELES (AP)?A Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
sion report described as the most extensive seismic safety
studyof any U.S. nudearplantconcludesCalirorrtia'sDiablo
Canyon reactors would survive a major earthquake on a
nearby fault.
The six-year study, released Monday, concluded Diablo
Inside Wednesday
Crime SceneJ2
Professor receives Fulbright award
By Joey Jenkins
Special to The East Carolinian
ECU physics professor
Dr. Gregory Lapicki isone in a
thousand, and it's taken hima
full year to find it out.
Asoneof only a thousand
recipients of the nationally
recognized Fulbright Award
for the 1991 -92 academic year,
Lapicki anxiously waited
through the year-long series
of selection rounds. "The ex-
citement kept building and
building Lapicki said.
Lapicki's award will al-
low him to take a full year
leave-of-absencc beginning
this July to work at the Centro
Atomico in Barilochc, Argen-
tina, a national laboratory
under Argentina's presiden-
tial National Commission on
Atomic Energy. ECU has of-
fered to support 75 percent of
lapicki's leave.
"I think it's a good reflec-
tion on the university because
it shows its support for re-
search, and it's a very good
sign and encouragement to
researchers Lapicki said.
Lapicki will conduct his
research at the laboratory's
atomic collisions division in
conjunction with Nestor R.
Arista, head of the division.
The facility is noted for its
studies of energy loss of
charged particles in matter as
well as its work in the field o(
electron cuspology.
Electron cuspology,
Lapicki said, is the study of
the aftermath of a collision
between ions and gaseous and
solid matter.
"It'sa relatively new field
. . . only within the last ten
years Lapicki said.
Lapicki's research will
give other scientists informa-
tion on how energy is lost and
degraded in various atomic
systems, including the pro-
posed fusion reactor, a more
efficient system than the fis-
sion reactor that supplies elec-
tricity to cities today.
Lapicki said that the con-
nections the Fulbright pro-
gram will allow him to estab-
lish in Argentina should be
very beneficial to the ECU
Physics Department since
both share common grounds
of research, especially in elec-
tron cuspology.
Each year, the Fulbright
Scholar Program awards the
nation's leading researchers
and lecturers grants to con-
duct research and lecture in
over 100 countries around the
world. Recipients are selected
by the J. William Fulbright
Scholarship Board and the US.
Information Agency.
Lapicki is an alumnus of
Warsaw University and re-
ceived hisdoctoratefromNew
York University. He studied
and lectured at
Georgia Tech, Texas
A&M and North-
western State in
Louisiana before
joining the ECU fac-
ulty in 1981.
Lapicki will
travel with his wife,
Carin, and their son.
Other recent
Fulbright Award re-
cipients from ECU
are Dr. Nancy
Spalding of the Po-
litical Science De-
partment, who is
currently finishing
up her Fulbright
grant in Nigeria at t
the University of Jos;
and Dr. John Bort of V
the Sociology and
Anthropology de-
partment, who con-
ducted research in Costa Rica
three years ago.
Photo courtMy of ECU N?w? Bureau
Greg Lapicki
Public Television aiis "political correctness" debate
By Bill Egbert
Staff Writer
Safe Speech, Free Speech and
the University, a round-table
debate of "political correct-
ness" aired June 9 on North
Carolina Public Television.
The panel, hosted bv Fred
Friendly of Columbia Univer-
sity, included such figures as
Nadine Strossen, president of
the American Civil Liberties
Union; Bcnno C. Schmidt, Jr
president of Yale University;
Randall Kennedy, a professor
at Harvard law School; and
ThomasGrcy, professor of law
at Stanford and principal au-
thor of that university's con-
troversial speech code.
During the hour-long
discussion the panelists voiced
varied positions, alternately
characterizing the ideal col-
lege campus as an unagu-
lated marketplace of ideas, a
community responsible for
maintaining a positive learn-
ing environment and a place
where students should learn
respect for diversity and work
to share common goals and
Schmidt established his
position early in the hour,
stating: "I don't think a uni-
versity is first and foremost a
community. It is not a place
first and foremost which is
about the inculcation of
thoughts and habits of
"The university has a
fundamental mission which
is the search for truth and the
university is a place where
people have to have the right
to speak the unspeakable,
think the unthinkable, and
challenge the unchallenge-
able he said.
In response to this state-
ment, Randall Kennedy asked,
"what does the word 'nigger7
have to do with the search for
Nat Hentoff, a columnist
for The Village Voice, re-
sponded by citing Malcolm
X's doctrine of demystifying
language. Hecritidzed speech
codes, saying that they condi-
tion students to lean on the
administration for protection.
Later, Schmidt said that
fear and ignorance should be
expressed and answered.
In defense of the Stanford
code, Grey pointed out that
Schmidt's logic could be ap-
plied to spitting in a person's
face, and that the speech code
essentially forbids students to
spit at each other.
Strossen, of the ACLU,
criticized speech codes on
several counts. She said that
they are vagu e and su perficial
and will prevent the discus-
sion of racial issues.
She also noted that some-
times such codes are "selec-
tively enforced citing an ex-
ample at the University of
Michigan where a black stu-
dent was disciplined for using
the term "white trash" yet no
instances of anti-black radsm
have been prosecuted.
Strossen's strongest ob-
jection was that codes create
anenvironment where certain
categories of ideas are rejected
out of hand as inherently ille-
Ann Noel, counsel for the
Fair Housing and Employ-
ment Commission, defended
speech codes, saying that they
simulate the conditions of the
modern workplace, where
you may be sued for making
raaally slanderous remarks.
She also said that an envi-
ronment where racism and
sexism are unrestrained may
affect some students' ability
to learn, infringing on their
rights to an equal education.
In response, Roger
Rosenblatt, an essayist for The
MacNeilLenrer News Hour,
advised against making self-
esteem a central part of the
college curriculum.
Caryl Stem, National Di-
rector of the Special Training
Anti-Defamation League, ar-
gued that campus communi-
ties should eliminateoffensive
behaviors through education
and the mobilization of
popular opinion rather that
through legislation.
Amateur radio gets special recognition
Photo eourtny of ECU H? turaou
Donna Dunnehoo and Or. Stan Garren check over equipment for Amateur Radio Field Day.
ECU News Bureau
Amateur radio is getting
special recognition from ECU,
and a group of campus
"hams" are planning for some
long-range conversations.
Citing interest in ham ra-
dio at ECU as well as the ser-
vices provided by amateur
radio operators, the university
has issued a proclamation to
observe Amateur Radio Week
June 17-23.
demonstrate their value in
public assi stance by providing
emergency communications
and donate these services free
of charge, in the interest of the
citizens of the community
the proclamation signed by
ECU chancellor Richard R.
Eakin also endorsed the
plansof anew student organi-
zation to put a temporary ra-
dio station on the campus mall
June 22-23 to allow hams and
interested students to partici-
pate in a worldwide exercise
involving ham operators.
Part of the American Ra-
dio Relay League's (ARRL)
field day, the exercise is held
annually to practice for emer-
gencies and disasters. The
ARRL is a national organiza-
tion of ham radio enthusiasts.
Donna Dunnehoo of
Jacksonville, a graduate stu-
dent in the School of Industry
and Technology, said ham ra-
dio is being promoted by the
student chapter of the Insti-
tute of Electrical and Electron-
ics Engineers (IEEE), orga-
nized last spring.
The chapter sponsors a
ham station in the School of
See Radio, page 3
Math and Science center improves teaching
By Miriam Driot
Staff Writer
The ECU Math & Science
Center is part of the Math-
ematics and Science Educa-
tion Network, a statewide
program created in response
to a needed improvement in
the teaching of math and sci-
The Science & Math-
ematics Education Center has
been in function since 1984.
Prior to this date, only two
other centers existed, one at
the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and
one at UNC-Charlotte.
"Back then it wasa unique
organization director of the
center Dr. Katharine W.
Hod gin said.
The center is state funded
bu t also receives private funds
from organizations such as the
North Carolina Manning
Commission and the US. Of-
fice of Education.
"Without these private
funds our activities would be
more than limited Hodgin
State funds provide the
basic operational expenses
while other ways of funding
enable the opportunity of cre-
atinginterestingactivities such
as workshops and courses.
The center focuses on both
teachers and students Teach-
ers have the year-round op-
portunity to upgrade their
knowledge of content and
improve their instructional
skills. So far, more than 8,000
teachers have participated.
Graduate and under-
graduate classes are offered
by the center. Special courses
and workshops have been de-
signed to encourage teachers
to integrate computers in the
classroom and in laboratory
Fellowships for teachers
enrolled in for-credit courses
at Network Center and sum-
mer institutes for middle
grade teachers are also of-
In 1987 the network
launched the MSEN pre-col-
lege program in mathematics
and science with the goal to
increase the number of his-
torically underrepresented
minorities with an interest in
studying science, math or en-
gineering in college. This pro-
gram is also sponsored by the
State of North Carolina.
The ECU center is essen-
tially focused on the training
of teachers, but it allows stu-
dents to take part in its activi-
The center publishes a
newsletter twicer-year with
the helpof graduate assistants.
The newsletter is sent to su-
perintendents in all schools,
othercenters, some professors
and legislators.
For more information,
contact the Science 4 Math-
ematics Education Center, lo-
cated in Erwin Hall, at 757-

atie ?aBt Carolinian June 12, 1991
Car wrapped in plastic at Art Building
June 4
? h aixi Keade Streets investigated suspicious subject in the
i Same was found to be waiting for his ride.
I ! Greene Residence Hail investigaiedtrafficaccklentbetween
v Ireene and White- Residence Hall.
Itv-S Memorial (. m responded to report of student receiving a
dislocated shoulder
219 MendenhaU Student Center, responded toalarmatNew East
- ime .is found to be a malfunction.
0147 I mstead Ki-Mdencellallstudentgivenacampvisotationfor
line safe speed and stop sign violation. Same was given a verbal
i ? ipired inspection sticker.
lh ot ! lor Residence 1 lall Staff member given a verbal
ung tor one way street violation.
fuiM f
enkins Building investtedtramcaccideritNormofk?kin&
ollege Hill Drive: Stopped non-shident tor equipment
!? Same was given a verbal warning
s Garret! Residence Hall escorted two female students u
ng Kt-sidoive Hall.
line 7
ier Libran investigated a report ot indecent exposure
I: rai sported to magistrates office
MendenhaU Student Center cleared a crowd of persons
i gating at building
? Cotton Hall:( ami ition given to student for violation of
isitation polic)
lenient Reside nee 1 lall tire alarm stuck in trouble position
in 8
32 otton Hall ? erbal varning given to student for curfew
iti mi House subject round trespassing Same was
i ampus.
ins Art Building, responded toreportofcarbeingwrapped
Same was found to be a joke and no action was taken
: hll Investigated sublets playing basketball East of
Hall Same left the area after contact was made.
ECU eives new students scholarships
Jer iniurv
? all assisted in the rescue of student who
udentCenter assisted a statt member stuck in
a vehicle to Fast and 5th Streets.
i subjects off basketball courts.
n ! Vn e Subject given a verbal warning tor speeding
1 mstead Residence i lall responded to rvport ot suspicious
ere identified and escorted off campus
itha mStreets stopped a non-student for stop sign
e vas given a verbal warning.
Crime S?n? it taken from Official Public Safety Log
The East Carolinian
Daily Special S3.6(1
(complete meal)
Present ad for free dessert with meal.
orner of Dickinson and Raleigh Ave. 752-5339
upon Mon-Fri 6:30am-7:30pm
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Progressive Dance Night
10 Draft
$1.15 Tall Boys $1.00 Kamikazes
?Ladies Free til 10:30?
By Jill Metzler
Staff Writer
The new Chancellor's Scholar-
to one student and for ECU'S Uni-
versitv Scholar Award, now in its
seventh vear, eight students are
awarded $12,000 ($3000 per year).
To qualify for these scholar-
ships, high school seniors are
nominated by principals, guidance
counselors and university alumni
They will typically have SAT scores
above 11 SO, a grade point average
above 35 on a 4.0 scale, a class rank
in the upper 5-10 and a record of
Bucket Light Night
5 bottles for $4.00!
$ 1.15 Tall Boys 1.25 Imports
$2.75 Ice Teas
?Ladies frze
? ?'? i ZZSZZ ? -
action watched closely by other
Protestant denominations. Presbj
terian leaders refused to give their
blessing to prenvintal sex and ho-
mosexuality and instead affirmed
the sanctity ot n-uimage
The General Assembly of the
1 "resbyterian Church IU S A.) voted
534-31 Mondav to reject a report recommended the 2 9 million-
member denomination approve
premarital sex, homosexuality and
rhe assembly also decided to
send a letter to it 10300 churches
affirming past church statements
declaring homosexuality "is not
God's v ish for humanity
As commissioners stenvi and
cheered the affirmation of trade
tional church teachings on sexual
ity,about 300 gay-rights supporters
earned a wooden cross down the
tenter of the convention hall in a
silent protest.
Some wept .is thov left the hall,
singing "We are gay and lesbian
people, and we are singing, singing
tor our lives
The vote had been watched
closely by other denominations,
including the United Methodist
Church and the Evangelica
Lutheran Church in America. Both
are embroiled in sexuality debates.
The Episcopal Church is scheduled
to consider a proposal in fuly to
permit the ordination of practicing
I"he I nited Church or Christ is
the onlv mainline Christian de-
nomination that permit, ordination
of homosexuals
The Presbvtenan leaders ac-
knowledged that the debate over
sexuality is sure to continue. They
directed the denomination's The-
ology and Worship Ministry Lnit
to develop a plan to encourage
congregations to study the theo-
logical and ethical issues raised bv
the report.
f very Tuesday Night get a f R6?
omedu Zone Pass, to the Rttic p
extraairricular activities demon
strahng a vanety of intercuts and
leadership capabilities.
In screening the many appli-
cants, the scholarship committee
Selected thirtv finalists Among
these 30, eight University Scholars
and the recipient of theChancellor's
Scholarship was chosen from that
The remaining wen-offered alumni
honor scholarships
The Chancellors Scholarship
was awarded to North 1 enior 1 ligh
School senior Anthonv C ,rcg fortes.
Anthony was selected on the basis
of his outstanding grades and his
potential for leadership
Privately funded, the remain
ans affirm
We tried to find as much
mon ground as we could without
blowing the family apart said
Gordon Stewart, chairman of the
General Assembly's Committee on
Human Sexuality.
A separate group, the church's
Special Committee on Human
Sexuality, issued the report that
nvked the denomination and other
mainlines hun. heswithits hailenge
to nearly two millennia othristian
teaching that sex should be reserved
for marriage.
It may K said simple: hen
there is justice-love, sexual expres-
sion hasethkal integrity. That moral
principle applies to single, as well
as to married persons, to gay, los-
ing seven scholarships were estab
lished by namedendowments The
recipients of these awards .iw also
chosen on the basis of academK
achievement and leadership-ten
Tom Speight, a senior at West
Craven Highs, ho I istherecipi
ent of the FCC Alumni Association
University scholar Award
rhe recipient ot the Donl angsfc n
University Scholar Award is Paula
QeecKaseraoratPineRjrest Senior
1 ligh School.
TheRobertand Margaret Ward
University Scholar Award was
awarded to a senior at Northern
1 ligh School, C hnstmv Allen
Helen Snydet I
Award. Sheisa senioi itMt
Hih School
AndoraBa: h
s. hool is the re ipw
and (iladys How II
s? holar Award
Susan Brain h i
tenCrifti nHij
recipient of the Ma
ovner I niversir - '
lennifet -ill i ?
Farmville Central Higl
the recipient
Bowling! ru
bian and bisexual persons as well
as to heterosexual persons the
report said
liht former church modera
tors, or presiding officers of the
denominations governing body,
and morethan half the chun h'sl71
presbyteries Kid urged rejection i t
the report, sa ing it ignores biblu al
prohibitions against adultery and
homosexuality and appears to en
dorse lax sexual standards
The pasti iral letter being sent to
all Presbyterian congregations calls
for further discussion of sexual is
sues, including sexual violence,
clergy sexual misconduct and ihv
sexual needs of s-?v and lesbian
Bu trongh
saw tit- of the marn
to be a
? . Il
i n pren aril
ilit iset
the v hun h
issues "really do nee I
Hut commit!
Thorson-Srruth sa I
there is tice in th
delusjonai "
Classic iiii.i!
SI.mi Miiii'iiMirs si! nil limi.
iib: iiniri ?: itpiikazes
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gjg gagt (ftarolfnfan June 12.1991 3
From Winston Salem, Vickie
Iridge is the recipient of the
Helen Snydei I niversity Scholar
Award Sheisa senior at Mt.Tabor
h St-huxM
-ix1ora Bass from Tnton High
School is the avip'ont of the John
and Gladys Howell University
Scholar Award
Sasm Branch is a senior at
v don k.nt ton High School and the
vnt of the Ma and Catherine
r I niversity Scholar Award.
!l a senior at
Ira! t ligh School, is
ent of the Mae Schultz-
rsit) ScholarAward.
3f marriage
ibled and older
' list'
I mic
list strong!) attirms"the
.image covenant
ne man and one woman
I n on relationship to be
by marital fidelitv
ohn v aro chairman of the
?hat produced ? report
marital sew and homosexu-
ts encouraged that
knowledged sexual
do need to continue
mmjttee member Sylvia
Smith said he idea that
i mmon ground while
tstice in this church is
i-J f ?
kmM B'owntng- ECU PS?rto Lab
m the Wright Circle

( ounseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
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Student $2.50
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Bulk & Frequency Contract
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oyner Library receives rare collection on communist
ECU News Bureau
and 1930s published in Moscow,
London and the United States.
??? Donald R. Lennon, coordina-
AformerFBIagenthasdonated torof Special Collections of Joyner
his collection of rare books, pam- Library, said the materials will be-
new dimension to the present col-
lection Lennon said. He said many
of the books are rare and are not
terrorism. Some of the publications
were used as evidence by the U.S.
Department of Justice to prosecute
phlets and leaflets on communist
theory and its practice in the United
States to Joyner Library.
The publications belonged to
the persona! library of Arbor W.
Gray of Washington, N.Ca retired
agent of the Federal Bureau of In-
come part of the library's J. Edgar
Hoover Collection on Internationa!
Communism. The Hoover Collec-
tion was established in 1972 by Dr.
J. C. Peele of Kinston and contains
more than 3,200 monographs, 350
serial titles and numerous leaflets
"We already receive inquiries from
around the country
Donald R. Lennon
veshgation. Among the publications and pamphlets
are more than 750 titles including 'The gift from Mr. Gray will
numerous impnnts from the 1920s provide an enormously important
search resource for anyone inter-
duplicates of previous donations. cases involving acts of subversive ested in communist theory or at-
Gray amassed his personal li- activity by communist leaders and temptsat implementation Lennon
brary during the 23 years that he sympathizers. said.
specialized in counterintelligenee Some titles in the materials "We already receive inquiries
againstcommunism,espionageand given to ECU include The History from around the country concern-
of the American Working Class" ing the Hoover Collection, and the
(1927), "A Handbook of Freedom" library can expect that interest to
(1939), "Strategy and Tactics of the mcreasedrarnatically due to the new
Proletarian Revolution" (1936) and acquisition he said
'The Marxian Economic Handbook
and Glossary" (1923). A Rhode Island native, Gray
'The books and pamphlets of became familiar with eastern North
the!920sarKil930sarec(uiteuruque CaiolinaduringWoridWarll while
and constitute an important re- serving as a Marine fighter pilot
stationed at Cherry Point Marine
Corps Air Station. He married a
Washington, N.C native and later
received a law degree from Duke
University. He retired from the FBI
in 1973.
Activity in hot weather
can cause heat disorders
By Stephanie Tullo
Staff Writer
When the weather gets hot
and humid, heat related disorders
including heat cramps, heat ex-
haustion and heatstroke are an
important concern.
According to First Aid Prin-
ciples and Practices, heat cramps are
caused by overexposure to the sun
and excessive perspiration causing
lossofsaltin the body. Heatcramps
can be followed by rapid weak
pulse, weakness, nausea and heat
According to the book, heat
exhaustion is the next step from
heat cramps. Heat exhaustion is
caused b adiminished blood flow
to the heart, lungs and brain. The
blood pools in capillaries of the skin
in hopes of cooling the body, leav-
ing less blood to go to the vital
"Anyone is prone to heatstroke
and heat exhaustion Suzanne
Kellerman,healtheducator with the
Student Health Center, said.
The symptoms of heat exhaus-
tion include cool clammy skin,
normal to slightly high body tem-
perature, muscle cramps, headache
and extreme thirst. First Aid Prin-
ciples and Practices said.
A person experiencing such
symptoms should stop activity and
go to a shaded, cool area.
Accord ing to the book, as much
clothing as possible should be re-
moved. If the victim is not nause-
ated, sips of salted drinking water
should be given. A cool, damp
cloth should be used to aid in the
body's cooling process.
The most severe condition is
heatstroke, First Aid Principles and
Practices said. This condition oc-
curs when the body stops sweat-
ing and overheats. Some symp-
toms include red, dry, hot skin;
headache; dizziness; nausea and
constricted pupils.
According to Firsf Aid Prin-
ciples and Practices, a vktim should
be moved to a cool, ventilated
place. The person's body tem-
peratureshould be lowered by cold
water. Medical assistance should
be called.
People such as these athletes should be cautious when active in hot weather
Incinerator causes controversy
(AP)?Three Pender County
commissioners who support a con-
troversial hazardous waste incin-
eratorwerestoppedbya temporary
restraining order from voting to
bring the facility to the county.
The restraining order, part of a
lawsuit filed by incinerator oppo-
nents Monday, is valid until a public
hearing set for Friday morning to
determine whether the order should
be extended.
Commission Chairman Neil
Woodcock and commissioners
Paula Chewning-Bass and Bonnie
Parker walked out of a commission
meeting Monday when commis-
sioner Willie Nixon moved to vote
against inviting ThermalKEM Inc.
into the county, said Jerry Randall,
clerk to the board of commission-
Twig Rollins, assistant to the
sheriff, said there was some confu-
sion over whether Nixon was in
contempt of court in making the
motion, and that the vote could
become meaningless after the
hearing Friday.
"It depends on how you read
the restraining order. The vote
would be null and void if you read vitingTrtermalKEMintothecounty.
the injunction to say they couldn't It does not prohibit them from dis-
vote on it at all Rollins said. "If,
however, you read that they can
vote it down, then yes it would be a
dead issue
The injunction reads: "The de-
fendants are hereby restrained and
rejoined both individually and col-
lectively as a body from taking any
action at the improperly called June
10,1991, special meeting about the
location of a hazardous waste dis-
posal facility in Pender County
according to Richard Bass, Ms.
Chewning-Bass' husband.
Bass said his wife would not
speak to reporters or anyone else
about the case in order to obey the
restraining order.
County administrator Mike
Lord said he understood that the
injunction prevented any discussion
of the incinerator.
"I've been told by some attor-
neys it does he said. "The board
cannot discuss it until Friday, after
But commissioner Jack Swann
said the restraining order only pre-
vents the commissioners from in-
cussing the issue or from voting
against it, Swann said. Despite that,
he said he doesn't think the vote
will stand.
"They (the other commission-
ers) have to approve the minutes
and I got a feeling they are not going
to approve the minutes he said.
"If s causing too much turmoil. Mr.
Woodcock doesn't know how to
handle the meeting. They were try-
ing to close the meeting before all
the business was done. Until we
adjourn, the floor is open for mo-
After coming out of a closed
executive session, Ms. Bass imme-
diately motioned to adjourn the
meeting. At that point, Nixon
moved to vote against the incin-
erator, despite therestrai ning ord er.
The three commissioners then
walked out in protest, and Nixon
and Swann voted against
TherrnalKEM's coming to Pender
The three absent votes were
also counted against the incinerator,
resulting in a 5-0 vote.
Continued from page 1
Industry of Technology and pro-
vides instruction for obtaining
amateur radio licenses.
'The members of the EEEE de-
cided that participation in Field Day-
was a good idea Dunnehoo said.
"We followed up by asking Chan-
cellor Eakin for his endorsement.
We hope the city will issue a procla-
mation too she said.
Co-chair of the IEEE chapter,
Dunnehoo is a licensed ham and is
coordinating the field day activities
with Dr. Stan Garren, an ECU elec-
tronics professor.
"I have participated in several
field day exercisesand I really enjoy
them she said.
She said radio equipment,
powered by batteries or generators,
will be set up on the campus mall
and will be in continuous operation
during the 24-hour period.
The purpose of the exercise,
according to Dunnehoo, is to simu-
latean emergency situation in which
But the event is not a disaster drill.
Radio amateurs make field day
a competitive event and award spe-
cial recognition to the dubs and
individuals making the most con-
tacts with other hams.
The field day, open to visitors,
begins at 2 p.rrt on Saturday and
concludes at 2 p.m. on Sunday.
The ECU chapter of the IEEE
also sponsors amateur radio license
classes. The Wednesday evening
classes are free and are open to the
public. Call 757-6018 for informa-
tion about the classes.
5-6 Meats, tjj
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Campus Mass Schedule: Summer Sessions May 19 ? July 28
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Weekdays: 8:00am at the Newman Center
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For more information call or visit the Center daily between 8:30am and 11pm
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5U?e Eaat Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Tim C. Hampton, General Manager
Matthew B. Skinner, Managing Editor
Gregory E. Jones, Director of Advertising
LeClair Harper, News Editor Jp Parker, Staff Illustrator
Matt King, Features Editor Margie O'Shea, Classified Ads Technician
Matt Mumma, Sports Editor Michael Albuquerque, Business Manager
STEVE Rhd, Layout Manager Larry Huggins, Circulation Manager
Amy Edwards, Copy Editor Stuart Rosner, Systems Engineer
Kerry Nester, Copy Editor Deborah Daniel, Secretary
The East Carolinian has served the East Carolina campus community since 1925, emphasizing information that affects ECU
students. During summer sessions. The East Carolinian publishes once a week with a circulation of 5,000. The masthead
editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of
view. Letters should be limited to 250 words or less. For purposes of decency and brevity, The East Carolinian reserves the
right to edit or reject letters for publication. Letters should be addressed to The Editor, The EastCarolinian, Publications Bldg
ECU, Greenville. N.C 27834. For more, call (919) 757-6366.
Page 4, Wednesday, June 12, 1991
Congress should not favor China
Pearls For Swine
U.S U.S.S.R. should form alliance
Soon Congress will decide whether to
whether to allow China to retain its most
favored nation status with the United States.
The debate is complicated, concerning many
According to Webster's, the definition
of the "most favored nation clause" is "A
clause, often inserted in treaties, by which a
nation binds itself to grant to another nation
in certain stipulated matters to the same
terms as are then, or may be thereafter,
granted to any other nation
In effect, this clause is a gesture pro-
moting friendship between two nations. The
"most favorite nation" is given to countries
which our government feels deserved. One
such country is China.
The question is why?
In 1989, a sizeable group of Chinese
students gathered at Tienanmen square in
Beijing in an attempt at promoting demo-
cratic reform. After several weeks of pro-
test, the military moved on the students'
rally. Some sources reported over a thousand
students were killed during the crackdown.
Shortly after the incident, the United
States withdrew its MFN status with China.
The following year China's status was re-
instated. This was barely a slap on the wrist
to a nation that, one year earlier, had
slaughtered its own people.
The president has said that, economi-
cally speaking, the granting of MFN toChina
is advantageous. American businesses
should profit from the large supply of ex-
ports which enter the Chinese marketplace.
He also realizes that giving China MFN
promotes friendly relations between our
countries,atraditionsincel971. Bushknows
that ending China's favorable status would
cool relations between Washington and
Beijing considerably.
These are logical arguments, however,
discrepancies may be found. In 1989, while
China was still a favored nation, the trade
deficit between our countries was $6.2 bil-
In other words, Americans spent $6.2
billion more on Chinese goods than they
had spent on our goods. Trade with China
did not do much good for our economy.
But lefs not forget Tienanmen Square.
It is hypocritical for Americans to support a
government which tyrannically murders
supporters of democracy. Budding democ-
racies use us as an example ? we should
live up to their expectations.
It is questionable why the United States
retains amiable relations with China. In the
past years, China has created international
political alarm. The nation continually op-
erates in unethical manners. For instance,
China does not honor international copy-
right laws. (In fact, illegal copies of Bush's
autobiography are available from several
Chinese publishers.)
Also, China has recently been cited for
helping Pakistan build a nuclear facility
which appears to be used for the production
of nuclear weapons.
Third, Chinese-made weapons, from
rifles to surface-to-surface missiles are in
the arsenals of nations like Iran and North
With behavior like this, why are we so
interested in retaining good relations with
The president's efforts make to main-
tain good relations with China are an em-
barrassment to all America. We give "most
favored nation" status to a country which is
not helping our economy, ignores interna-
tional mores, and above all, murders its
own people. If this trend in our national
leaders continues, American is doomed to
be the buffoon of the world.
The President has become so wrapped
up in his hope for a "New World Order"
that he is ignoring the call of common sense.
Perhaps his stint as ambassador to
China has skewed his perception, causing
his decision making ability to go awry.
So Congress will soon be debating
whether to allow China to keep her MFN
status. The answer is simple: China's most
favored nation status must be withdrawn if
America is to maintain a logical foreign
By Bill Egbert
Editorial Column Ut
On May 20, Mikhail
Gorbachev sent a letter to the lead-
ers of the industrial world hinting
at a plan calling for drastic eco-
nomic reform in the Soviet Union
in exchange for immediate aid
from the West.
This plan, which has come to
be known as the "Grand Bargain
entails a profound cut in soviet
military spending, a whirlwind
transition to a free-market system,
an the immediate sell-off of monu-
mental chunks of the Soviet
Union's failing industrial infra-
structure to the private sector. In
exchange, the West would lift
trade barriers, extend credit and
be gracious enough to snap up
footholds in one of the largest
markets in the world. In short, it
amounts to a capitalist wish list:
an absurd going-out-of-business
sale for Ivan 'n' Vlad's Commie
Of course this letter wasn't a
treaty; it was more a hypothetical
proposition conjured up by
Harvard economists and
Go rbacheVsad visors. But the very
fact that Gorbachev has run the
idea up the international flagpole
shows how deep in the hole the
Soviet Union is.
The "Grand Bargain" is the
centerpiece of Gorbachev's ag-
gressive and controversial new
overture to the West incorporating
concessions, appeals and even
A threat to peace
Last week in Oslo, Norway,
Gorbachev warned the world that
a failure of perestroika would doom
all hope for world peace. Ironi-
cally, he made the veiled threat
while accepting the Nobel Prize
for Peace.
He alsc said that the Soviet
Union is "entitled to expect" aid
from the West. Language such as
this has aggravated many Ameri-
can policy makers, souring the
taste of an already unsavory for-
eign-relations question.
High Soviet officials have
indicated that the price of
perestroika (and by implication,
world stability) could soar to a
daunting$250 billion (and that is a
"b" folks, no typo). The list of con-
cessions loses its luster upon closer
examination: the USSR still spends
25 percent of its gross national
product on defense, so a cut in
military spending is so ridicu-
lously overdue it hardly falls into
the "concession" category. Also,
on our end, the lifting of trade
barriers would entail our granting
the USSR most favored nation
trading status, a move which is
impossible by our laws until the
Soviets renovate their emigration
Add to this Gorbachev's
public commitment to "preserve
the socialist choice made in 1917
and one begins to feel that if the
West goes for the "Grand Bargain"
we'll be forfeiting our supposed
victory in the Cold War.
A case for U.S. aid
There is a case, however, (be-
yond the nuclear blackmail issue)
for doing what we can to pull the
Soviet Union out of the tar pit and
set them up in a market economy.
Thecase restson the fact that
the nations who make the heavi-
est investments in the restructur-
ing of the Soviet economy will be
the ones most intimately joined to
it in the future. For instance, the
European Economic Community
(Germany in particular) has al-
ready begun establishing deep
connections to Eastern Europe.
Thus, the Western European na-
tions will be the primary benefac-
tors when those eastern econo-
mies mature.
On the other side of the
world, the Japanese have invested
heavily in the developing econo-
mies of the Far East and are already
reaping benefits from their close
relationship these markets.
The world is carving itself
up into trade zones which will
determine the balance of power in
the next plateau of human history.
America is playing the game too,
establishing exclusive ties with
Mexico and Canada. But while
Japan and the EEC dance off with
the fertile economies of Southeast
Lets Be Adamant
Asia and Eastern Europe, the
United States is left making awk-
ward conversation with Latin
America, the poorest region on
the planet.
Unlikely partners
The remedy for this unfortu-
nate situation may be to link our
economy more strongly to that of
the Soviet Union. While the sort ot
risky economic foreplav that
would be necessary would likelv
make most cold warnors go limp
the idea of a cozy relationship be-
tween the United States and the
Soviet Union is not inconsistent
with our history.
We are both former super
powers. There was a time when
the acrionsof our two nations were
the sole determinants of world
history. And we both have since
had to move aside and share the
stage with other emerging, pew
ers. As a result, there is a bond
between our nations that tran-
scends our ideological opposition
and is even strengthened by it. We
were, for a time, the central play-
ers in a global morality play.
dancing around, the two of us, in
our expensive papier mache cos-
rumesasThe Almighty Dollarand
the New Communist Man. We are
membersof the same defunct club,
caricatures of the twentieth cen-
turv. We are the big dogs grown
So the idea of a couple ot
retired superpowers getting to-
gether to maintain their leading
roles isn't that outlandish. And as
uncomfortable as it mav be to aid
our former nemesis, it'll sure as
hell be easier than trying to sell
personal computers to Bolivian
coca farmers.
Ofcours. we would have to
see if the Soviet Union is actually
going to become a free-market
economy before we start pumping
capital into it. And we need to be
wary of a right-wing backlash
when we do.
But once we can be reason-
ably secure that the Soviets are
committed to joining the western
world, we should take all neces-
sary steps to ensure that we arc
their main economic ally.
Intellectual change is the key to the future
By Darek McCullers
Editorial ColumnUt
The black bourgeoisie con-
stitute less than 20 percent of the
black population.
These are the blacks who
have managed to accumulate
wealth. Many of these people are
out of touch with the Mack com-
munity . There are a few high pro-
file philanthropists and so-called
dignitaries who marginally sup-
port the black community, but
their efforts are not enough. They
share the view that if s all the
individual's fault; they have failed
themselves. These people should
never forget that we were brought
here on die same boat, yet when
we got here, they put a few of us in
the house and most of us in the
It is time to get past blaming
white Americans and doing noth-
ing about it. There is a new era of
black you th coming up who know
the historical circumstances and
are thinking about what they can
do to change it. They are repre-
sented by such groups as the
Blackwatch, Coalition of Intelli-
gent Black Women, and the Allied
Blacks for Leadership and Equal-
ity here at East Carolina Univer-
sity. We are aiming for progress
with the past ahead of us and the
future behind us. One must know
one's past before one can change
the future.
I am not talking about vio-
lent change. I am talking about
intellectual change. Change is an
attitude. It will not come through
slothfulness and complaining. It
will come through action.
Every African-American stu-
dent ought to be involved in ABLE
making a change.
Every other student who
wishes to learn about black cul-
ture and be a part of this new
generation and era of change
should be in it too.
The educator Booker T.
Washington once said that in some
things we can be as separate as the
finger, yet like the hand in those
important to mutual progress.
What I like about ECU is that we
have the intelligence to debate,
hear all viewpoints, disagree, and
yet respect each other as persons
and not attack one another.I hope
that we never loose this because it
leads to mutual progress.
1st 25 words
Fors rodents
Each additional word
- -
Please notify the papt ?
ately if your ad is moorm .
will not be responsible for inow
rect ads after the first di
licahon. All dassifieds MUST be
pre-paid. We reserve the nght to
reject any ad for libel, obsv
and or bad taste Fra terra ties n i
soronhes MUST wnte out all
Greek letters SUMMER DLAl
WANTED: Musical N
consignment sales
mandolins - violins
' rm - amps - ki
? tfs Mus;
ABED sofa, . - ?

Any organization mav use the a: section oi
linum to list activates and everts peritotrw .
After the first 2 times the ci be
1st 25 words:
For sruderr
For non-students
Each add.r: i ? rd
All announcement, are h be I ?
amount of space avauabk Tm East arotink
publication of announcements. It is nol to r
nouncements as a sole m
The Li'l . . .
The AHvonturPs of Kemple Boy
HUUO ? K?tm?-rT?. I tOKt "
H, ctttii-nfm? tPio -5 urn ?? sftc u
Powf'v m MC ??? TO ITHtDK m
Tuc?f r?ST? S?u40. ?? " ?6ION Of HOtoes
5? fun reu fc?rr?( EtPMfK ETiM.
ikONCt KertfU-MirE ?ec,TES h:s ?a?? back
WArtltt. HI tteruKNS TO mi nw? frw?N- - -y
?mi5, Ht rrun
Out of work? Slttlnj
TV? Well, don't gel
such as truck drlvj
The East Carollnii
cartooning! There's
required to reveal yl

i?tiT yA
d form alliance
.S. aid
I -ted
ing pcoikv
larealr ad.
r its
which .
ot power in
tics with
kit while
ce off with
If Southeast
istem Europe, the
- left m.iking awk-
rsation with Latin
p ores! region on
Unlikely partners
. j for thisunforru-
iv be to link our
n strongly to that of
While the sort of
forepiay that
irv would likely
a arriorsgo limp,
relationship be-
? States and the
- not inconsistent
- th former super-
a is .i time when
r two nations were
? rminants of world
? b? th have since
iside and share the
th other emerging, pow-
? there is a bond
- that tran-
; our ideological opposition
thenedbvit. We
rat rve the central play-
il morality play,
nd, the two of us, in
. ipier m.iche cos-
miphtv Dollar and
munist Man. We are
ia me defunct club,
? the twentieth cen-
big dogs grown
i ot a couple of
- - iwers getting to-
ri their leading
itlandish. And as
rtabk is it may be to aid
sis, it'll sure as
- r than trving to sell
puters to Bolivian
irs ivewi mid have to
- ? ' ? ? t Union is actually
going to become a free-market
economy before we start pumping
capita into it And we need to be
' a right-wing backlash
But once we can be reason-
ably secure that the Soviets are
committed to fining the western
world, we should take all neces-
sary steps to ensure that we are
their main economic ally.
e key to the future
last blaming
domg noth-
new era of
i who know
stances and
lat they can
are repre-
ups as the
of Intelli-
I the Allied
J and Equal
pna Univer-
r progress
; us and the
must know
can change
about vio-
ong about
ange is an
e through
slothfulness and complaining. It
will come through action.
Every African-American stu-
making a change.
Every other student who
wishes to learn about black cul-
ture and be a part of this new
generation and era of change
should be in it too.
The educator Booker T.
Washington once said that in some
things we can be as separate as the
finger, yet like the hand in those
important to mutual progress.
What I like about ECU is that we
have the intelligence to debate,
hear all viewpoints, disagree, and
yet respect each other as persons
and not attack one another! hope
that we never loose this because it
leads to mutual progress.
ggfrg gagt (KaroHnian
June 12, 1991
Isl 25 words
Each additional wwd$ .05
please notify the paper immedi-
ately if vour ad is incorrect. We
w not be responsible for incor-
rect ads after the first day of pub-
cark n All dassifieds MUST be
paid VVe reserve the right to
my ad for libel, obscenity,
rv. ,r bad taste. Fraternities and
KM rities MUST write out all
( m k letters. SUMMER DEAD-
WANTED; Musical Instruments for
consignment sales: guitars - banjos -
mandolins - violins - cellos - bass -
horns - amps - keyboards - drums.
Gilbert's Music, 2711 E. 10th St. 757-
2667. 20 commission cost, jim and
FOR SALE: Early American HIDE-
A-BED sofa, good shape. SI50 ne-
gotiable. Also have matching rediner
and picture. Leavemessagefor Jenny.
758-6837,9am - 9pm.
MUSIC STUDENTS: 40 discount
to you if you order non -stocked i terns.
We order direct from warehouse.
Example: S800 horn - You pay S480
plus 56 shipping plus S24 tax - Total
S510. Gilbert's music, 2711 E 10th St
Greenville. 757-2667.
Assemble products at home. Call for
information 504-641-8003 Ext. 5920.
from private sector (up to $20,000
yr.). Call 24 - hr. message for more
details: 213-9644166,ext. 95. Nograde
or income restrictions. All majors.
day and Friday from 8 am until 5 pm
or as early as you can start those days.
Own transportation needed. Call 756-
Reports, Resumes, Letters. Fast turn-
around! User Printer. Call 756-1783.
ROOM FOR RENT: SI 35 00 plus
utilities. Only college students non-
smokers. Prior applicants need not
apply. Year lease. Available August
1st, 1991 through July, 1992. Summer
sub-leasing available. Call 1 -301 -972-
8543 between 6 pm and 9pm, M - F.
WANTED: Pentecostal Holiness fe-
male roommate to share mobile home
15 minutes from campus. Deposit
required. SI50monthly rent plus 1II
utilities. Call anytime. 355-4740.
Ringgold Towers
Now Taking Leases for August
1991 - 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom. A
Efficcncv Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
A Beautiful Pl?cc lo Ijve
?All New
?And Ready To Rent-
2899 H 5ih Sireet
?LaoM Near ECU
?Near Major Shopping Cenlcr
? Across From High Patrol Station
I joined Offer S3X) a month
Contact I.T or Tommy Williams
756-781'i or 830 1937
Office- open Apt. 8. 12-5:30pm
Ocmi ?ri ??" rot hct?n tumbled apartiTKnU.
erergyefTKint. frtK ?.lei ?nd?ewci. ???
Mhi,c TV Oaipfci ? singlet ?iJy S240 ? mflh. fc
nntkii MOM.EHOMEIM5KTAH i??ji?
nn?lc Aprmirr?ndnii4lch4neinA.alea(rvfcr?
rw?i Rr? Valley Tiwnlry Huh
GoMCtJ I or Tommv Williams
?s? rgis '
Why is it?
A man wakes up in the morning
after sleeping on an advertised
bed, in advertised pajamas, he
will brush with advertised
toothpaste, wash with advertised
soap, shave with an advertised
razor, have a breakfast of
advertised orange juice, cereal
and toast, sip his advertised
coffee, put on advertised clothes
and glance at his advertised
watch. He will ride to work in an
advertised car, sit in an adver-
tised desk, and write with an
advertised pen. Yet this man
hesihates to advertise, saying that
advertising does not pay. Finally
when his unadvertised business
goes under, he will advertise it
for sale.
ny organization may use the announcements section of The East Caro-
buai to list activates and events open to the public 2 rimes free of charge.
After the first 2 times the charge will be:
2 words:
For studentsS2.00
For non-students53.00
Each additional wordS .05
Ml announcements are to be typed or neatly printed. Due to the limited
int of space available, the East Carolinian cannot guarantee the
ation of announcements. It is not advisable to rely on these an-
oments as a sole means of communication.
There will be a mandatory meeting
for all IEEE members on June 12
(Wednesday) at 5:30 pm in Flanagan
Room 104. Persons wanting to join
IEEE may also attend. Anyone in the
physics, computer sdence, or indus-
try & technology departments may
join. Refreshments will be served. For
further information contact Stan
Garren at 757-6018.
Operators are needed for this year's
FIELD DAY activities that will be
held on the mall. If you would like to
help operate, or can be of assistance
in setting up or obtaining equipment,
please call 752-8590 and leave a mes-
sage, or call 757-6018 (Dr. Sta n Garren)
or stop by Flanagan, Room 133 or F-
adjacent to the library)
DATES FOR 1991-92
The MAT will be given at 230 pm on
the following dates during the 1991-
92 Academic Year. Starting with the
August 28, 1991, the MAT will no
longer be offered every Wednesday,
but only on the published dates.
Dates are as follows: June 12,1991;
June 19, 1991; July 3, 1991; July 10,
1991; Julv 17,1991; July 24,1991; July
31,1991; August 28,1991; September
4,1991; September 18,1991; October
2,1991; October 16,1991; November
6,1991; November 20,1991; Decem-
ber 4, 1991, ry 15, 1992; Febru-
ary 5,1992; February 19,1992; March
4,1992; March 18,1992; April 1,1992;
April 15,1992; May 6,1992; Mav 20,
1992; June 3,1992; June 17,1992; July
1,1992; Julv 8,1992; August 26,1992.
A complete working Amateur (Ham)
radio field station will be set up on the
campus mall on Saturday, June 22.
For 24 continuous hours, IEEE radio
amateurs will race to contact thou-
sands of other amateur stations set
up across North America!
During the devastation of Hurricane
Hugo and the California earthquake,
the world depended on radio ama-
teurs, using emergency power, to get
reports into and out of the stricken
areas. All are invited to visit the
working amateur radio station and
learn about the role "ham rad io" plays
right here in Pitt County. Amateur
Radio operators are licensed by the
FCC. More information about this
exdting event is available by calling
757-6018 or 757148.
4 ?cuze Ufa ihnT
jjavf -MV &ry ?
f owV DlH?ili??. - CM
OtKiHfie '1
Out of work? Sitting around tho house watching daytlmt
TV? Wall, don't go to DaVry and laarn valuabla akllla
such as truck driving and bartandlng?RUSH down to
Tha Eaat Carolinian to find out about a caraar In
cartooning! Thara'a no down paymant and you won't ba
raqulrad to fy?l your nama and addraaal Call todayl
Comics News
There will be a three-day comic book
convention this weekend in Charlotte,
(get details at your local comics stores).
Among some of the featured guests
will be some great talents such as Walt
Simonson, Craig Hamilton, and
Kevin Nowlan. There will even be
people this editor doesn't like, such at
George Perez, Jackson Guice, and Dick
Giordano. Here's your big chance,
prospective artists and writers, to show
your work and get it ripped apart by
snotty big-shot editors?just like us
here at Pirate Comics! If we can take it,
so can you. And you can at least buy
some old comics.
? - -

ghg gagt (Earollnlan
June 12,1991
Outer Banks extend versatile welcome
By Matt King
Features Editor
During the spring and fall
semesters, ECU has a notorious
reputation forbeinga suitcase col-
This reputation is well
deserve,d considering nearly 25
percent of the student body hits
the highway on the weekends.
During the summer sessions
the percentage of weekend war-
riors increases to the point that the
dorm parking lots become not-so-
vast wastelands.
It is easy to see why students
take their attention elsewhere on
the weekends.
Pitt county is located in the
geographic heart of N.C which
makes Greenville a short distance
away from manv state vacation
There is one narrow stretch of
land on the coast of eastern N.C.
that deserves a special pointing
The Outer Banks of N.C. area
coastal phenomenon that has
something to offer anyone seek-
ing fun, excitement, relaxation or
just some new scenery.
The three islands that make
up the Outer Banks; Bodie Island,
Hatteras Island and Ocracoke Is-
land cradle what isarguably, some
of the best beaches on the East
Each island has its own light-
house, unique in design and his-
tory. Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
was built in 1870 and is 208 feet
high, the tallest in the United
The Ocracoke Lighthouse was
built in 1823 and is the oldest op-
erating lighthouse in N.C. The
Bodie Island Lighthouse, which
illuminates the Pamlico Sound
side of Bodie Island was built in
The islands are linked by State
Highway 12 (a narrow paved road)
and the Hatteras Inlet ferry.
On a big day the waves at
Cape Ha tterascan barrel in double
over head, on a bad day the waves
are still waste high.
In April and October there is
no better place on the East Coast
to fish in the surf, big Bluefish
being the target of most casters.
The months in between wit-
ness consistent epic fishing days
in the surf.
If deep-sea fishing is your
fancy, the Outer Banks are peer-
Because the Gulf Stream and
the Labrador Current clash di-
rectly of f the cost of Cape Hatteras
'he deep-sea fishing is legendary.
Tuna, Dolphin, King Mack-
erel, Ambcrjack not-to-mention
sailfish all call the coastal waters
of N.C. home.
These two deep-sea currents
that converge off the coast have
sunk hundreds of ships, bad for
the forgotten crews but good for
local divers. The Gulf Stream
brings tropical fish indigenous to
the Caribbean to frolic in these
ancient underwater skeletons.
It has been rumored that
JacqueCousteau may retireon the
Outer Banks.
When you go to Carolina's
Diamond Shore (shoal) you can
spend as little or as much money
as you want.
From $100 a night, bed and
breakfast house in Ocracoke to $10
a night at one of the five public
campgrounds. There are also pri-
vate campgrounds that vary in
price from $30 to $12 a night.
The best thing about the Outer
Banks is that the land is unspoiled
and the population is low.
No matter what you go to the
Outer Banks for you will come
back relaxed.
-O.H RMd ECU Photo Lab
The Ocracoke Lighthouse, built in 1823, is the oldest operating lighthouse on the North Carolina Coast.
-Map Lourmy of National Pant Sarvtca
North Carolina's Outer Banks are an unspoiled, coastal haven.
Original horror flicks still set scare-movie standards
By Michael Harrison
Staf f Writer
It's midnight. Your roommate
is out sleeping around somewhere,
and you're alone.
Your dorm room is locked. You
have your buttered popcorn, a
Hershey's chocolate bar with al-
monds and a large glass of Coke
with lots of ice.
Your VCR is waiting for you to
put in a tape, but what movie is it
going to be?
The rest of this article will help
you make a choice.
"The Thing From Another
World" (1951):
A frozen space creature is dug
out of an ice-covered spaceshi p by a
group of American airmen. Of
course, the creature is accidentally
unfrozen and comes to life to search
for blood.
The group's only scientist tries
relentlessly and fruitlessly to com-
municate and reason with the
creature, eventually leading to the
deathsof two more others. A way to
stop this creature has to be found
before it can multipy and take over
the earth.
Based on the story "Who Goes
There "byjohn
W. Campbell, Jr this version was
directed by Christian Nyby and
starred Margaret Sheridan, Kenneth
Tobey, Robert Comthwaite and
James Arness (who played The
TBS and TNT occasionally air
a nicely colorized version, and a
good remake with some interesting
plot changes was released about
ten years ago. Look for both of
'The Bride of Frankenstein"
The Frankenstein monster
(played by Boris Karloff) survives
imminent death in a burning
windmill by falling into its under-
ground cavern. Once the monster
is found, Colin Qive, as Dr. Fran-
kenstein, returns to his "bring life
from the dead" experiments to give
his previous creation a mate.
The "Bride (played by Elsa
Lanchester) is finally alive at the
end of the film, but she rejects her
mate (a situation with which all us
guys can indentify), igniting the
film's climatic ending.
The film, directed by the
original "Frankenstein's" James
Whale, marks a rare example of a
sequel being better than its prede-
cessor. "We belong dead a line
uttered by the emotionally devas-
tated monster, is still one of the
most poignant in movie history.
'The Phantom of the Opera"
A brilliant madman (Lon
Chaney) stalks the damp cellars of a
Paris opera house and falls in love
with young opera singer Mary
Philbin. He manages to capture her,
sending heroic men to her rescue.
The silent film's music score
and atmospheric photography
make it mesmerizing and absorb-
ing. It was recently restored, bring-
ing back sequences originally shot
in an early Technicolor process.
Chaney's scene where his hideous
face is unmasked remains one of
film industry's most memorable.
Rupert Jullian directed most of
the film but waseventually replaced
by Edward Sedgwick. Chaney
himself was said to have directed
some of his own scenes, as well.
The 1943colorremake,starring
Claude Rains as the phantom, is
spectacular, as well, but lacks the
gripping strength of the original.
'The Wolfman" (1940):
Lon Chaney, Jr. is the son of an
English squire (played by the ver-
sa tile Claude Rains)and is bitten by
a werewolf. A victim of two later,
Chaney realizes he has a problem
but eventually meets death (at least
until a sequel was made) at the
hands of his father.
Plainly (but entertainingly)
written by Curt Siodmak and di-
rected by George Waggner, it also
stars "Dracula's" Bela Lugosi and
Warren William.
"Frankenstein Meets the
Wolfman" (1942):
Mad scientist Patric Knowles
plans to cure Larry the Wolf Man
(Lon Chaney, Jr.) of his nocturnal
ailment and revive the Frankenstein
monster (played by Bela Lugosi).
Seldom seen and melodra-
matically acted, this film is, never-
theless, memorable and entertain-
ing. If saffordably priced on video-
cassette, as well.
"Kingkong" (1933):
A film producer travels to Skull
Island with camera and crew to
make a movie. However, things get
more exciting than they bargained
for when they discover the island's
native legend of Kong, the giant
ape, is indeed actually true.
Kong captures Fay Wray, but
is eventually stopped and captured
by the fame-hungry producer and
his crew. Kong is immediately taken
to New YorkCity, where he escapes
and wrecks havoc all over the aty
Directed by Merian C Cooper
and Ernest B. Schoedsack, this film
is among the best of its kind.
The black-and-white photog-
raphy is striking, as is Max Sterner's
score (this is one of the famed film
music composer's earliest pieces),
and the special effects are brilliant.
Ted Turner released a restored
and nicelv colorized version is '89.
'TheFly" (1958):
A scientist develops an
electronic matter transmitting and
reassembling machine (a prelude
of "Star Trek's" transporter device).
The scientist transports himself,
failing to notice a fly that had joined
him in the transporter booth. Their
atoms are irrevocably mixed, and
disastrous consequences quickly
Kurt Neumann directed this
fun flick, and an excellent remake
came out in 1986, starring Jeff
GoldWum and Geena Davis.
The Arts Council of Wilson presents
-In Concert-
Thursday, June 13
9:00 pm OnThe Mall
Sponsored by
ECU Student Union Special Concerts Committee
Rain Sight Menoenhall Social Room
3003 S. Evens 75-2011
Thursday. June 27, 8:00 pm
Fike High School Auditorium
Tickets: $10.00 in advance, $12.50 at the door
For information call the Wilson Arts Center, 291-4329
Monday, June 17
9:00 p.m. Hendrk Theatre
Free Admission With Valid ECU ID Card
Sponsored by ECU Student Union Films Committee
, Shrimp, i
Small Shrimp
at lunch $2.99
Buy one
Regular Shrimp
Platter at
Get the and
Regular Shrimp
Small-$399 i
Regular ? $4.99 J
Large-$$.99 I
Beverage net Included .
Expired 7-1- 5
Beverage aet included
m Explrest 7-1-91 Z
Venter's reigns
By Kcndl Vance
Staff Writer
Sick and bred of Campbell's
soup and PB and J?lf, so it's time
you discovered Venter's, a restau-
rant which serves home cooked
mealsat an unbelievably affordable
Located over the bridge on the
right of Mumford Rd , it is a dusty
little green building with a gravel
parking lot usually, jam packed
with cars. Venter's a family oper-
ated restaurant hats been in busi-
ness for 15 years, opens at 530 a.m.
and closes at 8 pm
The first thingone notices upon
entering is that the food, which is
slowly being cooked m great boil-
ing pots, is prepared directly in front
in an open kitchen. The atmosphere
is casual and fnendly. Customers
seat themselves at linoleum picnic
tables, most likely occupied by four
or five other people.
hasK concern is
you are waited
waitress, who
serves your foe
pears until it is oj
sionals. Their
make you happv
have enough to
your Uking. This1
there is a constanl
city workers, anc
Food is serve
team with rurkt
potatoes, corn oj
cumbers The i
wall The most ex
of one meat ar
(free refills on ti
modest pnee of!
on the walls are j
meetings, churcf
muni ry activities
bad checks prv-
As soon a
Comic boo
By LaTanya Boothe
Staff Writer
Delving into the world of comic
books one will discover mutant
turtles, masked strangers, and the
average Joe with super human
powers he obtained from a freak
accident. Anybody can find one or
more comic books to suit their taste.
If you like dark lurking heros, brave
and beautiful heroines, and a hero
set out to fight on the side of good
then that and more can be found
Many fans of comic books start
out at a young age, One comic book
reader since the age of 5, Rekayi
Isley, has found that comic books
"entertain you because the heros
do things you wish you could do.
Rekayi has gone from simply read-
ing to making his own comic books.
The one he is currently working on
is Captain Good vs. The Return of
the Mutant Monster. 'If s good he
says.Jt is afonn of escape for him
? ? Tk?comibookbaseball card
retail store Hei
finds that its a
twenty and o
that most of hi sci
rather than kids
pect of comic 1
most adults are i
Kids just don't
A comic 1
$1.00 but they u
4 95 His seen as
but a comic boo
goes up in vali
decide which s
on, collecting o
The more I
books are call
When they firs
market they cc
now can go as
novel shave a g)
quality artistic:
says the high pr
the quality of
much better
Heartland Cand
Company pays
:o returning trcx
Information Services
Acandy company in America's
mon flavored
tiny Ajnericanl
The other tw
red, white
red, white and
flavored sai
don't noT
we had to
right shade of'
The candi
bonwide in
when a cl
heartland is turning out thousands
of poundsof three special patriotic
candies to make the troops' wel-
come home just a little bit warmer.
E. J. Brach Corporation is donating spokesperson
100 percent of its profits from the
candies - packaged in commemo-
The company will not make a
penny on the three candies. Brach's
pTomrromeverybagofcandysold companyspi
wiH bedonated to the special fund bepresented
which the USO will use to provide The com
travel assistance, hornecoming ac-
tivities and other services directed
at servicemen and women, said
Laine Sutten, corporate accounts
manager at USO world headquar-
ters in Washington, D.C
"Brach's made these three
unique candies just for the 'Wel-
come Home' fund and offered all
of their profits to us. There is no
other program like it Sutten ex-
plained. "The more candy the
company can sell, the bigger their
donation will be and the more we
cm do for our troops
The candies have a patriotic
flavor all their own. One of the
cmdies,krtowascutrockinthe candy plant
candy business, is a hard, cinna- rataonsfor
candies, whicl
special red, wj
alert consur
the company'J
bag sold willl
ing war
said. "Last
tons of candy i
to the
formerly RiverWuff
under new ownei
?Renovations Underwi
IBedroom apts & 2 bedroom
?12 price special for June & July
?Water, sewer and Basic Cable in
?Pool 1
?Pets Allowed (conditional) La
?Accepting applications A
121 RiverblufT Rd.

June 12,1991
?kt ggrt (Earolfnfan June 12.1991 7

Mip uoonwy of National Park S?rvtca
Banks are an unspoiled, coastal haven.
- ?
?t inkfn
11 Lugi -
pm is, never-
d on vide ?
jnd crew to
pr things get
the island's
the giant
I true.
VVray, but
id captured
foducer and
liatelv taken
) New York City, where he escapes
and wrecks havoc all over the dry.
Directed by Merian C Ccxiper
and Ernest B Schoedsack, this film
mong the best of its kind.
The black-and-white photog-
- re this is one of the tamed him
music composer's earliest pieces),
and the special effects are brilliant.
Ted Turner released a restored
and nicely colorized version is '89.
"The Fry" (1958):
A scientist develops an
electronic matter transmitting and
reassembling machine (a prelude
?t Star Trek V transporter device).
The scientist transports himself,
tailing to notice a fly that had joined
him in the transporter booth. Their
atoms are irrevocably mixed, and
disastrous consequences quickly
Kurt Neumann directed this
run flick, and an excellent remake
came out in 1986, starring Jeff
Goldblum and Gecna Davis.
3003 S. Evens 756-2011

n99 ?
Buy one
Regular Shrimp ?
Platter at 8
$6.50 I
Get the 2nd ?
Regular Shrimp;
Platter ,
Good anytime !
Beverage not Included !
Expires: 7-1-4,1 ?
Venter's reigns as lunchtime king
By Kendl Vance
SUff Writer
Sick and tired of Campbell's
soup and PB and J?Ii, so it's time
vou discovered Venter's, a restau-
rant which serves home cooked
mealsat an unbelievably affordable
Located over the bridge on the
nght of Mumford Rd it is a dusty
little green building with a gravel
parking lot usually, jam packed
with cars. Venter's a family oper-
ated restaurant hats been in busi-
ness for 15 years, opens at 530 a.m.
and closes at 8 pjn.
The first thingonenotices upon
entering is that the food, which is
slowly being cooked in great boil-
ing pc?te, is prepared direc m front
in an open kitchen. Theatmosphere
is casual and friendly. Customers
seat themselves at linoleum picnic
tables, most likely occupied by four
or five other people.
Unlikeother restaurants, whose
basic concern is turnover, where
you are waited upon by a hurried
waitress, who takes your order,
serves your food, and then disap-
pears until it is time to pay the bill.
The waitresses here are profes-
sionals Their basic concern is to
make you happy, ensure that you
have enough to eat and that it is to
your liking. This is probably why
there is a constant influx of doctors,
city workers, and college students.
Food is served instantly, plates
team with turkey, gravy, mashed
potatoes, com on the cob and cu-
cumbers. The menu is posted on the
wall. The most expensive, a selection
of one meat and three vegetables
(free refills on the veggies) for the
modest price of $4.95. Also posted
on the walls are notices for county
meetings, church picnics, and com-
munity activities,nottomentionany
bad checks prsented by costomers.
As soon as my food arrives I
begin cramming my mouth full of
sweet potatoes, collards and boiled
Fridays' special is cheese
biscuitsbuton any dayyoucan have
your choice of regular biscuits
(better than grandma's), sweet po-
tatobiscuitsor com bread sticks. All
of thecondimentsare placed within
reach on every table.
Directly in front of me a man
pours black molasses on a steaming
biscuit. "Are you okay. Honey?"
the waitress asks me. I'm too busy
guzzling tea from a pitcher on the
table to answer.
Even though there is a sign on
the wall which explicitly states, "No
Tipping" at the cash register, buried
under some napkins is a small tip
box. 1 drop my change in and wave
goodbye to the waitress.
Outside 1 wish I hadn't been
too chicken to try the fish stew or
too full for banana pudding. Oh
well, maybe next time.
Comic books offer interesting and lucrative hobby
By LaTanya Boothe
SUff Writer
Delving into the world of comic
books one will discover mutant
turtles, masked strangers, and the
average Joe with super human
powers he obtained from a freak
accident. Anybody can find one or
more comic books to suit their taste.
If you like dark lurking heros, brave
and beautiful heroines, and a hero
set out to fight on the side of good
then that and more can be found.
Many fans of comic books start
out at a young age, One comic book
reader since the age of 5, Rekayi
Isley, has found that comic books
entertain you because the heros
Ao things you wish you could do.
Rekavi has gone from simply read-
ing to maki ng his own comic books.
The one he is currently working on
is Captain Good vs. The Return of
the Mutant Monster. "If s good he is a forsn of escape for him.
? Fheoiruexxkbaseball card
retail store Heroes Are Here, Too
finds that its average customer is
twenty and over. Owner Eddie
Sutton says in a soft southern drawl
that mostofhiscustomers are adults
rather than kids. The collecting as-
pect of comic books is lucrative and
most adults are in it for that reason.
Kids just don't have that kind of
A comic book at bottom price is
$1.00 but they usually go for $450-
4.95. It is seen as a bonus when you
but a comic book to just read and it
goes up in value. A person has to
decide which side of the fence he is
on, collecting or reading.
The more expensive comic
books are called graphic novels.
When they first came out on the
market they cost $6.00 or $7.95 but
now can go as high as $24.95. The
novelshavea glossy cover and high
quality artistic illustrations. Sutton
says the high price is contributed to
the quality of paper used which is
much better than the paper in a
Heartland Candy
Company pays tribute
to rettirning troops
Information Service
heartland is turning out thousands
of pounds of three special patriotic
candies to make the troops' wel-
come home just a little bit warmer.
E. J. Brach Corporation is donating
100 percent of its profits from the
candies - packaged in anrimerrio-
Home" fund.
The company will not make a
penny on the three candies. Brach's
profit from every bag of candy sold
will be donated to the special fund
which the USO will use to provide
travel assistance, homecoming ac-
tivities and other services directed
at servicemen and women, said
Laine Surten, corporate accounts
manager at USO world headquar-
ters in Washington, D.C
"Brach's made these three
unique candies just for the 'Wel-
come Home' fund and offered all
of their profits to us. There is no
other program like H Surten ex-
plained. "The more candy the
company can sell, the bigger their
donation wiD be and the more we
can do for our troops
The candies have a patriotic
flavor all their own. One of the
candies, known as cut rock in the
candy business, is a hard, dnna-
mon flavored candy featuring two
tiny American flags in its center.
The other two candies, made in
Chicago,are peppermint disks with
red, white and blue stripes; and
red, white and blue jelly beans.
"The W ue jell y beans are grape
flavored said Terri Kaminski, a
spokesperson for Brach's. "We
don't normally make blue ones, so
we had to experiment to get the
right shade of blue
The candies will be sold na-
tionwide in stores through July,
when a check representing the
company's profitson thecandy will
be presented to the USO.
The company expects to seU
well over a million pounds of the
candies, which will be bagged in
special red, white and blue pack-
ages, complete with a yellow rib-
bon on the front The package will
alert consumers that 100 percent of
the company's profits from each
bag sold will be donated to the
"Brach's has a long history of
supporting American troops dur-
ing war time efforts Kaminski
said. "Last year, we donated two
tons erf candy as our Christmas gift
to the troops stationed In Saudi
Arabia. During World War U we
donated tons of candy, and our
candy plant packed government
rations for the troops
formerly Rivcrbluff
under new ownership
?Renovations Underway
1 Bedroom apts & 2 bedroom townhouscs
12 price special for June & July (conditional)
?Water, sewer and Basic Cable included in rent
?Pool Low Deposit
Pets Allowed (conditional) Laundry Room
?Accepting applications August 1
121 RiverblufT Rd.
regular comic book
Why anyone would want to
pay that much for a comic book is a
good question. People who would
pay $24.95 for a comic book are
referred to as hard core fans They
go in every week for the latest issues
and are willing to pay the going
Sutton helps novices that come
to his store by steering them toward
the reliables in collecting such as
Batman and Superman. There are
times when a new comic book seems
to not be worht much, for example,
Ghost Rider.
Aftera few months, comicbook
dealers couldn't order enough. Ac-
cording to sutton, comic book busi-
nesses under ordered Ghost Rider
only to later scramble for more cop-
ies as readers demanded it. The
character Ghost Rider is popular
because he is dark mysterious, vio-
lent, grimy and likes to take re-
What has held true to form for
comic book heros as Sutton puts it,
"if s real good reading if you like
the character like Spider-Man,
Superman and, of course, Batman.
Spider-Man's popularity has been
based on his human qualities.
The mere fact "everyone
thoughtofh heCharlie Brown
of the comic book world Sutton
Spider-Man often has bad luck
and makes mistakes which makes
it easy fro die reader to identify with
him, whereas Batman is popular for
totally different reasons. In the comic
book, he is far removed from the
Batman of the 1960's campy televi-
sion show. This Batman is dark,
brooding, and violent.
The most popular books are
produced by DC comics that make
the blue chips of comic books like
Spider-Man and Batman. Few DC
comics are not popular bu t the ones
not in hot demand are still fun to
read like The Huntress.
Comic booksaregeared toward
adult male readers. The females in
comic books have come a long way
but still have a long way to go. The
comic book industry is dominated
by adults so the books do have
mature themes. These themes can
be seen in the skimpy costumes
and"bulging breasts" the women
characters have.
This relates to mostly a male
audience and the fact that comic
books "roll with the times Do you
think Lois lane would be caught
dead in some of the outfits these
modem comic book heroines wear.
Even with the little clinging outfits
females in the comic books still stick
to being the side kick or girlfriend.
Few female characters have
their own comic books. The most
popular female heroines are Won-
der Woman and She-Hulk.
Comic books are no longer the
nickel and dime thrillers they used
to be. Today a person can buy a
comic book for $450 and within
weeks sell Uright back to the person
he or she bought it from for $12.00
or more. It just goes to show that
comic book collecting is a money
making business. Sutton stated that
the inventory needs to move
quickly. Compared to the baseball
card collecting business, comicbook
collecting can be as rewarding
Inside a comic book there lives
a different place, time, and experi-
ences for people to read and enjoy.
Some people but comics for money,
some for love. It may be hard for
some people to understand the at-
traction to comic books.
What can be the big deal? By
just giving a comic book you find
interesting a try, you may be able to
see the fatal attraction. From the
view of this comic book novice who
is slightly hooked, which is like be-
ing slightly pregnant, don't knock it
until you try it Comic books are a
great way to escape, to laugh, to get
rid of everyday problems bysim-
piy turning a page. - ?"
"The Miracle" a mental summer movie
By Bob Thomas
Associated Press
Summer is supposedly not the
time of year for small, personal
movies, but 'The Miracle" defies
marketing tradition. And welcome
it is.
Neil Jordan's thought-pro-
vokir?g film encircles the viewer
witn its beauty and wonder and
proves more satisfying than most
of the over-calculated attractions
of this busy season.
The film's heart belongs to
Jimmy and Rose, two Irish teen-
agers inured to their family mis-
eries. His musician father is an
alcoholic, her parents are unfeel-
ing and inattentive.
Instead of seeking escape in
drugs or sex, Jimmy and Rose
build fantasies around the people
they observe in their seaside town.
Rose decides to tame the
brutish animal trainer in a travel-
ing circus. Jimmy fixes on a more
alluring quarry: a mysterious
beauty who appears and disap-
pears on the local scene.
He trails her and discovers
she is an actress playing the
Marlene Dietrich role in a musical
company of "Destry Rides Again
Jimmy confronts the tantaliz-
ing lady, trying to penetrate her
clouded past. She pushes him
away, making his attraction even
When he sees her backstage in
an intense conversation with his
father, he is perplexed and angry.
Jimmy struggles with her and with
his father until the mystery is un-
Jordan's allegorical tale is
related with a series of arresting
images: the tarnished glitter of the
resort city; the enticing danger of
the circus with its (symbolic?) per-
former who stands on one finger;
the tawdry atmosphere of the
music hall.
The smoky nightclub where
Jimmy outshines his father on the
The four major players are
masterfully cast. Beverly
U Angelo plays the actress with a
ripe sexuality that makes her at-
traction for the young boy obvi-
The distinguished Irish actor,
Donal McCann (seen in John
Huston's last film, "The Dead"),
makes Jimmy's father a sympa-
thetic figure despite his drunken
Newcomers Niall Byrne and
Lorraine Pilkington are astonish-
ingly right as the all-seeing 15-
year-olds The entire film rests on
Byrne's young shoulders, and he
portrays all the confused idealism
of a boy struggling into manhood.
Miramax Films is releasing
"The Miracle" (an ambiguous
title), which was produced by
Stephen Wooley and Redmond
The Miricle offers a pas-
sionate alternative to the usual
high-action, low-cerebral sum-
mertime movie. The movie opens
June 21.
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iBhz iEaat (JJarultman
June 12,1991
Allison wins controversial race
By Chris Hele
Staff Writer
At Sears Point International
Speedway this past Sunday, 43 of
some of the world's most talented
drivers gathered to compete in one
of NASCAR's most unique races:
The Banquet Frozen Foods 300.
Common sense tells most
redblooded motorsport fans that
NASCAR means oval track racing
south of the Mason Dixon line.
However tradition gives way
to variation and added excitement
as Winston Cup racing teams pack
their bags every year and travel
across the continent to battle for
cash and glory in Sonoma, Califor-
The challenge that faced these
wheeled warriors was an 11 rum,
252 mile course known as Sears
Point, which consisted of 74 laps
totaling 187 miles (300k).
For the last several years two
men have dominated the Banquet
300, Ricky Rudd (Chevy )and Rusty
Wallace (Pontiac). Last Sunday it
was Davey Allison's(Ford), rum to
enjoy me spotlight of victory lane.
While Allison's skill and luck en-
abled him to pull off a victory, he
was the packs' leader only a small
percentage of the race.
Rudd, who won Holly Farms
"Lickity Split" award for driving
the fastest lap during the race suf-
fered the greatest disappointment
of the day. Although he crossed the
finishline first, he received the black
flag (the order to return to the pits)
for tapping Allison's car, number
28, during the final lap.
Waddle Wilson, a spokesper-
son for Rudd said, "I don't under-
stand this, I mean they told us that
drivers make the last lap your on
yourown,and Ricky was driving as
hard as he could hoping to be able
to get by the 28, touched him, and
now they want to black flag us, this
is ridiculous
Allison's comment about the
matter was, "I was leading the race
going into turn 11,1 wasdown there
on the inside, protecting the line but
driving straight, I wasn't doing
nothing out of line the next thing I
know somebody just plowed into
the back of ne and turned me
around I don't think Rick did it
deliberately but it was a pretty
hard hit, so he could have avoided
NASCAR officials' decision
about the incident left Rudd in
second place. By the halfway mark,
defending champion. Rusty
Wallace had earned the lead, and
along with it, RightGuard's 100,000
prize. However, an unidentified
engine problem caused him to fall
back, and finish with third place.
Defending champion, Rusty
Wallace had by the halfway mark
earned the lead and along with it.
Right Guard's 100,000 prize. How-
ever, an unidentified engine prob-
lem caused him to fall back, and
finish with third place.
North Carolina's native son
Richard Petty suffered a severe
crash and came in thirty fourth.
NBA title depends on team play
By Matt Mumma
Sports Editor
The two best basketball teams
in the NBA meet every year to
decide who is to be the champion.
This year the two best players in
the NBA are meeting to decide
who is the better man that can
lead their respective team to
Or that is what the media
would have us believe.
There is no doubt that Irvin
'Magic' Johnson is one of the best
basketball players to ever play in
the NBA; there is no new story
there. There is also no doubt that
Michael Jordan will prove himself
to be among the all time greats of
basketball world history.
The big story is that they are
playing together on the same floor
for the first time. Jordan is the
field general for the Bulls and
Magic runs the show for the
Each man runs his team in his
own style, directing traffic,
creating scores and making the
three-point play in a unique way.
Each man is a team leader and
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living legend so it is easy to
understand how the media could
let that attract the greater part of
their attention.
What is being lost in the
hubbub of the Magic-Jordan
match-up though is that neither
man would be in the finals if the
rest of their teams were not all-
star quality themselves.
For instance, game one of the
finals saw the Lakers take an
important victory in Chicago but
the game was not all Magic
Johnson. James Worthy contrib-
uted over 20 points, Sam Perkins
had over 20 points and a game
winning three-point shot. Vlade
Divac contributed a great re-
bounding game and he also
blocked two of Jordan's shots.
One of the reasons for the last
three leaker losses has been the
mediocre efforts of Perkins, Divac
and Worthy. Other no-shows for
the leakers have been Byron Scott
and A.C. Green. Without them
Magic can be as spectacular as he
wants but it will be to no avail
and has been.
The Bulls have taken three
games straight but it has not been
all Jordan. He has not scored over
40 points and has been backed by
solid performances by Scottie
Pippen, Horace Grant and Bill
Cartwright. Chicago's bench has
also been productive.
jun Paxon put in almost near
perfect performances from the
floor and Chicago's big men have
pounded the boards more often
and more effectively than the
The Bulls are one game away
from becoming the NBA champi-
ons but it will not fall on Jordan's
shoulders. He will probably be
the man who makes the last
second shot to win the game but
getting there will be the responsi-
bility of every Chicago player.
After Magic and Divac, the
Lakers' big scorers are in a fatal
slump or are hurt. Worthy has a
bad ankle and Scott hurt his
shoulder on Sunday. Perkins,
after going l-for-15 on Sunday
will have to come alive along with
Green if the Lakers have a chance
to win.
Dodgers & Pittsburgh lead NL
(AP) - There are signs that the
pennant races might be over early
in the National League this season.
The Pittsburgh Pirates have a
comfortable six-game lead over
New York in the East, and first-
place Los Angeles has moved 10
games over 500 i n the West to open
a 2 1 2-game margin over surpris-
ing Atlanta.
Pittsburgh's 35-19 record is the
best in baseball, and the Mets keep
tripping over themselves and giv-
ing games away with shoddy de-
fense and poor relief pitching.
Lenny Harris highlighted a six-
run fourth inning with a grand slam
as the Dodgers routed the Chicago
Cubs 13-5 at Wrigley Field. Los
Angeles took three of four games in
the series and have won 17 of 22 at
Wrigley Field since 1986.
"We've been winning without
Darryl Strawberry Harris said. "I
think he shocked everybody by
coming back so soon. But thaf s the
type of guy he is. He wanted to
come back. That's the kind of
ballclub we have. Everybody wants
to participate
Strawberry had been sidelined
with a sore shoulder as a result of
running into the right-field fence at
Dodger Stadium last month.
Things got so bad for the Cubs'
beleaguered pitching staff that
outfielder Doug Dascenzo relieved
in the eighth against Los Angeles.
He was the best the Cubs had, too,
tossing two hitless innings
This Week's Entertainment
Thursday 13th
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Dail R?d-ECU Photo Lab
Bocce Balls
Special Olympic Athletes play the newly-acquired game of
Bocce at the Sumer Games recently
US Open will play dry
CHASKA, Minn. (AP) - Less
than two weeks ago, Hazel tine
National Golf Club looked more
like Atlantis than the cow pasture it
was once purported to be
Several successive davs of
heavy rain had rendered the site of
this week's VS. Open unplayable.
Helicopters were summoned
in a desperate attempt to dry the
greens. Some fairways were under
water. The1 parking lots were sub-
merged; Hazeltine officials made
contingency plans to shuttle spec-
tators to thecourse from milesawav.
The 40,000 daily spectators were
being advised to wear wading boots
because the gallery areas were
"I was worried as hell Reed
Mackenzie, U.S. Open general
chairman and former Hazeltine
president, said Monday 'But today
today, I'm delighted
And for good reason. The last
week has brought sunny and breezy
conditions. Humidity hasbeen low.
The course and the parking lots
have dried to the point that the
three-eighths inch of rain that fell
late Sunday was a welcome sight
and not a prelude to disaster.
'There was talk yesterday af-
ternoon that the fairwaysand greens
were too hard and that we might
need to put some water on them
Mackenzie said. "But the little bit of
rain took care of that
Ten days ago, rain was truly a
four-letter word to Hazeltine offi-
The Open, which runs from
Thursday through Sunday, was
seen as Hazel tine's big chance to
prove that the disaster of 1970
wouldn the repeated. That was the
year that Tony Jacklm fought off
rainy, cold conditions to win on a
young course that wasn't ready to
host the Open.
Hazeltine is surrounded bv
farmland in this Minneapolis sub-
urb. Dave Hill, who finished second
in 1970, likened the course to a cow
pasture, and almost everyone who
played the course criticized famed
designer Robert Trent Jones for his
liberal use of severe doglegs.
Under the direction of Jones'
son, Rees, thecourse has undergone
a million-dollar face-lift. Doglegs
have been reduced or eliminated.
Trees havematured. Tees have been
elevated to improve sight lines.
And most pros who practiced
Mondav gave thumbs-up to the
new, improved Hazeltine.
"It's a nice course said big
hitter Davis Love III. "It's going to
be challenging but not impossible,
like a U.S. Open course should be
"It's a good golf course said
Andy North, who won the 1978and
1985 Opens and 1 s trying to rebou nd
from injuries. "Good and tough
Golfers were pleasantly sur-
pnsed by Hazeltine'sdry condition.
"I heard so much about all the
rain. I thought we were going to be
playing under water Love said.
"But the course is fine. The greens
and fairways are hard and fast, and
you expect that at the Open
Added Larry Mize, the 1987
Masters champion: "It's definitely
a US. Open course. You're going to
have to drive the ball accurately
because you don't want to be in the
rough. Thegreensarefast and slick
Sunny Days
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The East Carolinian, June 12, 1991
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 12, 1991
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