The East Carolinian, April 9, 1991

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&z iEaat (HwcalMm
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.65 No.23
Tuesoay, April 9, 1991
Greenville, Nortx Carolina
Circulation 12,000
10 Pages
School of Art weathers $13,000 budget cut
By Celeste Hoffman
Spnial to Tht F?nt I arnhnijn
Recent budget cuts make the
future of the School of Art less cer-
Art Haney, the assistant dean
of the School of Art. said the normal
operating budget is $90,000 This
year, about Si 3,000 has been lost to
During the summer, the school
ordered educational supplies and
equipment, with hopes it would
arrive in time tor the Mil semester.
B) the time we got word that
we would have tobe giving some of monev hack .1 lot ot that had
alreadv been spent Hane said
They tell you, 'assume that you're
going to get the same amount of
money that vou had last year and
go ahead and start ordering vour
equipment and supplies
"Asittumedout, we are antici-
pating another shortfall so the an-
ticipation is that the money we are
going to get is less than what we
had originallv planned on getting
The school need sail the money
in its budget to operate.
What reallv hurts at this time
is that a lot of this money is already
spent Hanev said. The two most
important items are
supplies and educational equip-
ment There are verv few items
left that have not been dipped into
Honoraria are used to bring in
visiting artists and to recruit new
Travel expenses allow faculty
to recruit fmm across the country
and h ft field trips. The monev isalso
used to send faculty to the Accred-
i ting Bodies Conference which they
are required to attend.
"When it comes to recruiting,
we will probably have to interview
on the telephone or require the top
candidates to go to the College Arts
Association in Washington, DC,
and send our recruiter there to in-
terview or we ma v ha veto require
them to pay their own wav over
here, which is verv unprofessional
Haney said.
Hanev said he did not know
how the school would manage if
there were any further reductions.
The onlv money the school has left
available is in educational supplies,
"but that's because lfs our most
heavnlv funded initially; we relv on
it as an emergency hind
"Right now we're at the bare
bones (financially) he said "If we
have anv equipment failures we're
going to be in trouble; we rust won't
have the money to fix the equip-
ment. To me it's just amazing that a
state budget committee can project
or end up with such a high short-fall
of over $500 million in anticipated
revenue that did not show up. I
mean, to me that's a colossal blun-
Budget cuts will also be felt by
the students, especially with the
increase from 601 students in the
fall of 1989 to 656 in the fall of 1940.
"We have more students to
teach withiess money for supplies
Hanev said
Students could be turned away
because there will not be enough
faculty to teach them.
Some classes in the fall of 1990
are already oversized.
'There is only so much space
when you only have 20 seats in a
room, like in a d ra wi ng class where
Hanev said
On a brighter note, Haney has
confidence that the students will
hang on.
"Srudentsare adaptable, they'll
start working in cheaper materials,
using less exotic glazes, forgetting
about gold luster and instead of
working in silver they'll work in
copper he said. "The burden is
going to fall on the students
Ceramics, sculpture and metal
desi gn studen ts wil 1 be most affected
bv the budget cuts because thev use
consumable supplies and need
more monev.
To outweigh costs, there are
shident organizations like the Ce-
ramics Guild Professor and Cur-
See Budget Cut page 2
Public Safety officer arrests
two auto theft suspects
Bv Jean Car a wav
suit Writer
Thanks to an observant patrol
officer and a con emed tudent,two
flueveswerearrested in the progress
of breaking ind entering vehicles
last week
Ace trding to Lt Keith Knoxof
the ECU Department of Public
Safety the first incident happened
1 mi April 4 at about 2 M a.m. in the
area of th rd and Reade street
parking lots
i t W K Rei hstein was on
routine patrol when hesaw tin d ??
or s ? ars had Km v iped
ito av, Ki ? said
? ?? hide,
walkedt ired ports irandsaw
the right sidt vent window broken
and a hammer on the ground.
"Upon looking into the vehk v
he found a black male subject lying
between the two front seats Kno
The suspect was carrying bur-
glary toolson him, including a f ld-
ing shim.
The suspect was identified as
26-year-old Mack Ray Little of (;n
enville. Little is charged with one
count of breaking and entering an
auto. He is being held in Pitt Count v
tail under $5,000 bond, according to
It. Knox
The second attempted thett
happened on April 5atabout2a.m.
Riechstein was again on patrol
when he was stopped by an tin
known woman on lames Street,
knox said
"She stated that someone was
breaking into a state van parked on
the Ninth and fames Street parking
lot knox said.
Reichstein investigated and
found a bloody shirt around the
side mirror apparently used to break
the glass, Knox said.
I le then saw a man,j iseph lohn
Narissi was arrested and
charged with breaking and entering
of an auto He was taken to Pitt
Countv lail under $1,000 secured
'That shows bv working to-
gether, bv hearing things and re-
porting things, crimes can be pre-
venue and people who do crimes
can be apprehended Knox said
mim ?! 1-
SGA approves anti-smoking legislation
By Wendy O'Neil
Special to The aM Carolinian
I he Student Government Av
sociation approved a resolution for
1,360and heard an administration
member speak on group diversity
in their meeting Monday night.
Under the new resolution,
smoking will be prohibited in
rest n 10ms and in 50 percent ot dor-
mitory dining facilities, including
the Croatan, the Galley and College
Hill Dining Hall. According to a
recent survey, 77 percent of students
are non-smokers.
I'hi Mu Alpha, a professional
music fraternity, received1JO for
a convention in New Orleans.
The legislature alsoapproved a
constitution for the Intra-Fratemity
Council and one for the Sign Lan-
guage Club.
Dr. Larry Smith, assistant vice-
chancellor of student life for minor-
ity affairs, spoke to the legislature
about Purple Pride, the Division of
Student Life's philosophy on the
importance of recognizing and ac-
cepting individual and group di-
"Bv the year 2000, white males
will no longer be the majority in the
work force Smith said. Smith said
that we still live in a very racist and
sexist society, and we must learn to
appreciate people who are differ-
ent fmm ourselves.
Smith also named concepts
important to the goals of Purple
Pnde. He wants to work toward
community, diversity and equality
and get away from prejudice, dis-
crimination and stereotyping.
The principle was first used in
the summer of 1990 during fresh-
man orientation.
"Purple Pnde has already
touched first-year students hesaid.
"Mv challenge now is to get upper-
class students
Pow-Wow to feature Native American dances, clothing
By im Rogers
Staff Writer
For people who like music,
dancing, colorful clothing and his-
toric culture, the Native Amencans
of ECU will hold a Pow-VVow on
April 12 and 13.
Pow-Wows are held by Native
American groups wishing to share
their cultures among themselves
and with the rest of the public
thnnigh songs, da noes and clothing.
Chris Robbi ns, a member of the
Native Amencans of ECU, has
danced in many Pow-Wows and
says they occur regularly across the
"You could go to a different
oneevery weekend Robbinssaid.
The festivities begin on Friday
at 8 p.m. with a Grand Entry, which
is the entrance parade of all the
dancers to a "flag song according
to Robbins.
The flag song is like playing the
National Anthem before sporting
After the flag song inter-tnbal
dancing, the bulk of the Pow-VVow,
The inter-tribal dances are
mostlv war dances derived from
Northern and Southern cultures.
The dancers dance clockwise
around a single drum to symbolize
the earth's rotation around the sun
during each year.
The war dances are a way for
each dancer to show his style
Special dances such as the "two-
step" and the "sneak up" may also
be performed. The "two-step" is the
only dance where the male and fe-
male dancers are hand-in-hand.
The "sneak up" resembles a
person sneaking up on another
person or animal as in a hunt,
This Pow-VVow is going to be
run accord ing to Southern etiquette
because most of the music and
dances planned are derived from
the Southern Plains Indians.
According to Robbins, there
will be anywhere from 30 to 150
dancers from many different places
attending the Pow-VVow.
Robbins is a Northem-styic
dancer. He said the differences be-
tween Northern style and Southern
Style are found in both the clothing
and the musk.
The Northern style of dress is
loose wn th articles hanging from the
clothing while the Southern style is
"tidier he said.
The Northern style drum pitch
is higher than the Southern style,
Robbins said.
According to Robbins some
Pow-Wows are contests offering
cash rewards to the best dancers.
This will be a dancer-oriented
Pow-Wow Robbins said.
Exchange program offers students change of scene
By Jim Rogers
SUff Writer
Universities across the nation
will receive a sample of ECU in the
fall semester when 17 students study
The National Student Exchange
is a program formed to let students
change their environment but re-
main on the road to graduation.
'The advantage is expanding
the students horizons and getting
access to courses that may not be
taught at their regular campuses
Stephanie Evancho, the ECU stu-
dent exchange coordinator, said.
The program involves 99 col-
leges and universities in the United
States and its territories. ECU stu-
dents will study in such pkweJ as
Hawaii, Maine, Wyoming, Oregon
and Arizona for the 1991-92 school
According toEvancho,srudcnts
decide where they want to go
through information in catalogs
about the universities and the loca-
tion of the school. Students almost
always get their first choice, she
Of the students who applied,
16 got their first choice. The other
one was "very pleased" with her
assignment, according to Evancho.
All of the students are matched
to their universities at seminars be-
tween the coordinators from the
involved schools.
"It is a very personal thing
Evancho said.
Evancho credits the high suc-
cess rate in matching students to
their desired school to the people-
onented matching process. Shesaid
the success rate would pmbably be
less if the matching process was
done by computers.
Steve Kinney came to ECU last
Fall through the exchange program
fmm Fort LewisCollegein Durango,
Colorado. He was one of 20 stu-
dents from other schools that came
to ECU for the 1990-91 school year.
According to Kinney he could
take classes at ECU that were not
offered at his university, but most
of the benefits were social and cul-
"I got to see what going to a big
school is like Kinney said, noting
that Fort Lewis College has an en-
rollment of 4,000.
Army ROTC to hold annual military ball
Special to Th? Laat Carolinian
On Friday, April 12, 1991,
the ECU Ckpartmentof Military
Science (Army ROTC) will hold
its annual Military Ball at the
Hilton, Greenville.
The evening will include a
reception, dinner, a guest speaker
and a dance afterwards. The
speaker for the evening will be
Colonel Thomas E. Swain, Com-
mander of the Army ? Air Force
Center for Low-Intensity Conflict
in Washington.
This year is the eighth year
that ECU'S Pirate Battalion has
held a Military Ball.
Atthisyear'sball. the Battal-
ion will bid farewell to one of its
greatest supporters. Captain
Steve L Jones.
Jones will leave after this
year to serve in Korea.
The East Carolinian responds
to criticism from the president
of the RHA.
Features 7
ECU Chemistry students will
begin work on synthesizing
Sports !
Six members of the men's
track team performed we In
meets in Arizona.
Qjssitied b

2 (Blje Caat (Unrolintan April 9, 1991
Public Safety officer involved in car
chase; subject fled, leaving car behind
April ?
f?34 "htrd and Reade streets. Responded to a breaking and
iM i"hird and Reade streets: transported subject in custody
hi PuWk Safety.
0525 Public Safety checked out with subject in custody.
Npnl 4
' J54 IVIk Residence 1 lall: responded to a student reporting
His vehicle missing Student had lent keys to another student.
Reporting student was advised to obtain a warrant.
200 N intharxKTiarlesstnvts: responded to a breaking and
i nt ring ot an automobile with the suspect on the scene.
Ninth and v Diaries streets: checked out with a subject in
? 1
A piil S
!21 1 ocation unknown: transported an intoxicated pedes-
! ocation unknown, asked subject to leave the campus
in ah ohol violation.
18 Fifth Street subject stopped fordriving white mtoxicated.
6 Magistrate s office: checked out with a banned subject.
I 45 College Hill Drive and S. Memorial Drive: responded to
a K m i le being assaulted The subject did not want to press charges.
0414 ireene Residence 1 laO: responded to a report of harass-
hone calls and a possible missing person. Same was un-
April b
1 kment Residence 1 laD: responded to subjects throw-
iti r balloons at girls sunbathing.
1S44 Bnxly Building: escorted an intoxicated mate from the
Bnv! til ling to the University Inn.
Reade and Cotanche streets: non-student given verbal
' nooperator7slioense,can?tes5aridrecktessdrivingand
not usii g seatbeits.
18 rhird and Reade streets: non-student given verbal
warning tor underage drinking and for littering.
-k oQege Hill Drive: student given campus citation for
i md reckless driving.
I (otten Residence Hall (southeast): subjects given verbal
n ?i . r naving alcohol on campus.
020 Bn wster Building (south): a traffic stop turned into a
: .i Brewster Building to Rock Springs Road. The motorist
the scene ("he vehicle was towed.
lenkins Art Center underage subject given a state cita-
tion for ilcohol consumption.
April 7
! ,vubhc Safety. tcxk a report of harassing phone calls.
2 55 So tt Residence Hall: investigated subjects shwhng fire-
wi rks fnm the second floor.
rune Scene is taken from official Public Safety logs
foreign & Domestic
510 N. Greene St.
eenville, NC
830 1779
I yrn?i
'fa Tor appointment call:
I f 'JillSctrty at 757-5S3?
Golden Key honor society chapter to open on campus
By LeClair Harper
Assistant News Editor
top 15 percent of juniors and se-
niors in all disciplines.
"One of the nicest things about
Golden Key National Honor it is that it is interdisciplinary said
Society, new to the ECU campus, Kali Kirkham, mid- Atlantic regional
will hold itschartenng nveptjonon director for Golden Key
Tuesday, April 23.
I. George Antonelle, assistant
vice chancellor of the University of
North Carolina system, will be the
keynote speaker at the reception.
Golden Kev is an invitational
honor society that targets only the
Budget Cuts
ricuhim Coordinating of The Ce-
ramics Area t. Truck I liamherlin said
that the program am Id not be
maintained without the guild.
"TheGuild helps money prob-
lems Chamberlin said.
lor example, the Christmas
sale occurs anuind the first oi
December and the mug sale thev
had in November, help to pav for
supplies and even to buy out a ce-
At ECU, the cut off foreligibility
to join Golden Key is at least a 33
grade point average.
Students who received invita-
tions must return their reply by
Wednesday, April 10.
Golden Key awards two
scholarships at each chapter each
year. The first of those scholarships
at ECU will be presented at the
reception on Apnl 23.
Golden Key also provides ca-
reer assistance to their members
through their Career Assistance
Reference. This source lists more
than 150 companies, including
Fortune 500 companies, that are in-
terested in Golden Key members.
"It is a good way to have con-
tacts for employment said Laura
Sweet, assistant dean of stud
The only other twi i u ni vt'rsi hes
in NorthCanilina that hum ' ,
Kev charters are iXike 1 ruveraty
and UNC at Charlotte
Dr Thomas Buttery i I ?
School of Education will beth
visor for the honor ? iety
"I think it will be a tern!
ganization for the ampus
said "It has the support
ministration "
Continued from page 1
ramies shop in New Bern where
students now can purchase from
themselves, in effect, things wedon't
Chamberlin said budget cuts
have forced him to cancel orders
and look for cheaper alternatives.
1 le said one of the problems is
that "once we encumber money for
a purchase it's encumbered, and if
the state wants to come along and
aUje lEaat (Earoltman
is now accepting applications for
the following positions:
? Managing Editor
? Advertising Representative
? Typesetter
? Staff Writer
Anyone interested should apply in person at The
Bast Carolinian office. The office is located on .the
second floor of the Publications Building across
from Jovner I ibrary. For more information call
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wipe that out then of course that's
the state's prerogative
Vice Chancellor tor Business
Affairs Dr. Richard Brown said that
the budget is usually sound until
last year.
"Last year between the legisla-
tive staff, government budget staff,
and economists they overeshma ted
revenue bv $300 million to $4tm
million he said.
Brown said the pr
growth was 12 percent, but n
actually grew by only per
ThegovemrrHiit sow re
tion ha. ost K I a pern a
percent reduction in its .
This was in addition t
porary reduction oi 2 pen i
Those reductions mi ai
million in lot revenue h ?
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Kwm i
M v
School of medicine to bed
lrL pi Bureau? physiatrist -v f expert 1
Tie East 1 .ir' lina nivei
? f tl
medicine and rehabilitatim
'? F thissurnrneT tl?I
1 inNortl
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. from three 1 1
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froi i disabln
tion. The sp?
1' '
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Call ALEX LO, for d
buick 756-1877
grant bltck
Student Bu
1.15TALL BO S ,
2.50 Pitchers
: 15
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jgfre gaat (EaroHnian April 9,1991 3
?utT each
at the
open on campus
swtt assistant Joan of students.
TW onlv othr two universities
m NorthCaroina that have Golden
ev charters ?rv IXike University
v ,u Charlotte.
Or rhomaa Buttery of the
hod ot Education will be the ad-
visor (or the honor society.
1 think it will he a terrific or-
ation for the campus Sweet
is the support of thead-
Continued from page 1
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?t butnvenue
crvw by onhf percent.
?tivrrruinent 3
?n inits operating

kddition to a tern-
:? ?i of 2pvreent.
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P H ft ? wt's ISFOR
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School of medicine to begin rehabilitation program
ECU News Bureau
The East Carolina University
School of Medicine will begin a resi-
dency training program in physical
medicine and rehabilitation
(PM&R) this summer, the first of its
kind in North Carolina.
After an arduous review pro-
cess, the new program has received
approval from the Accreditation
Committee on Graduate Medical
Education (ACGME), the national
accrediting body for residency pro-
grams. The first four residents will
begin the four-year training pro-
gram July 1.
A residency is a period of addi-
tional training that all new physi-
cians undertake after graduation
from medical school. Based in
teaching hospitals, the residency
lasts from three to five years and
prepares a phvsician to specialize
in such areas as pediatrics, surgery,
familv medicine and some 10 other
Specialists in PM&R?known
as phvsiatnsts ? provide rehabili-
tative care to individuals who have
been severely injured or who suffer
from a disabling illness or condi-
tion. The specialty is unique in its
complexity, according to Dr.
Sanford Vernick, the Director of the
new residency program and ECU
Associate Professor or Thysical
Medicine and Rehabilitation.
'Because the patient'sproblems
are so complicated said Vernick,
"the physiatrist must utilize a team
of experts to deal with nearly every
aspect of the patient's life. The
physiatrist is the captain of the
Although the board which cer-
tifies physicians in PM&R was
formed in 1940, the development of
the specialty has occurred largely
since the end of the Second World
War, Vernick said. War has been an
important catalyst in thisevolution,
as med icine sought and found tech-
niques to restore wounded soldiers
to some semblance of normal life.
Vernick said the specialty con-
tinues to grow in response to sev-
eral factors. Hospital staffs have be-
come more proficient at "saving
people in the emergency depart-
ment and these patients require
increasingly heavy concentrations
of rehabilitative care.
Health care economics is also
plavwg a role bv providing incen-
tives to hospi tal s to transfer pa tients
earlier fromacutecareunits to more
cost-effective rehabilitation pro-
And Americans aged 75 and
older, who will make up nearly
seven percent of the population by
the year 2000, are among the heavi-
est users of rehabilitation services.
Whi le these factors have stimu-
lated the demand for physiatrists,
the number of residency programs
training new phvsiatnsts is limited.
The United States and Canada have
126 medical schools but only 72
residency programs in PM&R. In
contrast, there are over 200 resi-
dency programs in pediatrics.
The Southeast now has seven
programs?at the Medical College
of Virginia, the University of Vir-
ginia, The Eastern Virginia Medical
School, Emory University, the Uni-
versity of Alabama, Louisiana State
University and ECU.
Vernick attributes the dearth of
rehabilitation residencies in part to
the stringent requirements of the
ACGME for theaccreditationof new
Among these requiremen ts are
a board-certified rehabilitation fac-
ulty, and ancillary faculty willing to
assist in teaching, and a well-
equipped facility with a good pa-
tient mix that will expose residents
to a wide variety of maladies.
Some of the most common are
spinal cord injury, stroke, head in-
jury, amputabons, chronic pain and
neuromuscular disorders.
That ECU's application for a
residency was approved by
ACGME speaks well for both the
medical school and the Regional
Rehabilitahon Center of Pitt County
Memorial Hospital, where the pro-
gram will be based, Vernick said.
"1 think it's a feather in our cap
that thev approved us because a lot
of programs applv and are not ap-
proved he said.
Division of continuing education to sponsor workshop
ECU Newt Bureau
"Managing Men and Women:
A Constructive Approach a
workshop for managers and super-
visors, will be held at ECU, April 16.
Sponsored by the ECU Divi-
sion of Continuing Education, the
program wi 11 exa mine issues fad ng
men and women in the workplace.
Some topics planned for dis-
cussion include the wav men and
women talk and express emotions,
prejudices, offensive wordsand be-
havior, communications through
better listening and managing male-
female tensions that commonly arise
in the workplace.
Dr. Jo Allen, an Assistant Pro-
fessor and Director of the ECU
Writing Center in the Department
of English, and Dr. Carol Thomp-
son, an Assistant Professor of Soci-
ology, will conduct the program.
leaders of workshops on communi-
cations and human relations
Sessions will be held in the
General Classroom Building be-
ginning at 830 a.m. and will con-
clude at noon.
A registration fee will be
For more informabon and to
register, contact the ECU Division
of Continuing Education, or call
(919) 757-6143.
Call ALEX LONG for details
buick 756-1877
grant buick-mazda

Student Budget
2.50 Pitchers

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Site Saat Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael D. Albuquerque, Managing Editor
Blair Skinner, News Editor LeClair Harper, Asst. News Editor
Matt King, Features Editor Stuart Oliphant, Asst. Features Editor
Matt Mumma, Sports Editor Kerry Nester, Asst. Sports Editor
Amy Edwards, Copy Editor Jason Johnson, Copy Editor
Doug Morris, Editorial Production Manager Phong Luong, Business Manager
Jeff Parker, Staff Illustrator Larry Huggins, Circulation Manager
Chris Norman, Darkroom Technician Stuart Rosner, Systems Engineer
Carla Whitfield, Classified Ads Technician Deborah Daniel, Secretary
I he EastCarolinian has served the East Carolina campus community since 1925, emphasizing information that directly affects
FCU students During the ECU school year. The East Carolinian publishes twice a week with a circulation of 12,000. The East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis of age, sex, creed or
national origin. The masthead editorial in each edition does not necessarily represent the views of one individual, but, rather,
is a majority opinion of the Editonal Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. Letters should
be limited to 250 words or less. For purposes of decency and brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit letters for
publication. Letters should be addressed to The Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C
27834, or call (919) 757-6366.
Page 4, Tuesday, April 9, 1991
Students neglect opportunities
The masthead editorial for this issue Ms. Neal's criteria for the purpose of a
was to comment on the poor turnout for the student newspaper seems to revolve solely
recent SGA election. However, the issue of around its ability to cover campus events, it
votercandidate apathy among students also seems to leave out many other oppor-
during these elections has become so com- tunities that a student newspaper, such as
mon-place and predictable that we decided The East Carolinian, offers its student read-
vet another article could only be as ineffec- ership and staff,
tive and unmotivating. With the mindset that student organi-
And so, as deadline approached, we zations are somehow employed by the stu-
eonsidered a host of topics to tangle with, dents simplv to render a service, we all
but none really stood out until we read stand to be dangerously mislead. It is the
Ms. Shelly N'eal's letter to the editor. It's just faculty and staff at this university who are
below this column and is so intertwined employed to perform services for students,
with this editorial that we ask you to read it Student organizations, including The
before you continue. East Carolinian, are by contrast living parts
of the student body that require active par-
Mfr, Neal's aeiopti&ast - fcatupaton by the students in order for them
Carolinian has somehuat rijtjjfroms?tp fe1- Y offer opportunities
the real purpose of a stuoent newspaper "for leacfersKip' and alliance to learn from
weighed heavily on our minds. What is the your mistakes and take pride in your
real purpose of a student newspaper? We achievements. They are interactive, fragile
looked at our own statement of purpose to and necessary,
try and see just where we had done wrong. The danger lies in the assumption that
"The East Carolinian is owned and op- even the most established student organi-
erated by the students of East Carolina zations will survive without student sup-
University and is committed to providing port, like the recently defunct yearbook, the
its readers with news and information af- Buccaneer or even the SGA.
fecting the campus community, a forum for With only a limited number of staff
a variety of viewpoints, and to serve as a members and a student body as large and
training ground for students interested in diverse as ECU'S, there can be no guarantee
lournalism, photography, design, editing, that we can cover all campus events and
and business ? The East Carolinian Op- print them in the newspaper,
erations Manual. The East Carolinian ? as an institution
While it is fairly succinct, it seems to of learning and a vehicle of ideas and in-
cover a number of important aspects ? formation ?has never shyed away from its
provide an information service for the stu- purpose as a "real" student newspaper and
dents, allow students access to a public fo- continues to fulfill that promise. It always
rum (which Ms. Neal chose to utilize), and has. Rather, it is we, the students of this
provide an opportunity for experience in a university, thathavefailedtotake advantage
number of fields ? all of which directly of that purpose and fully exploit the oppor-
benefit the student body. tunities that it offers.
Letters To The Editor
Student leader
with service
To The Editor:
I am a concerned student
as well as a student in a leader-
ship position here at East
Carolina University.
I havealways felt that The
East Carolinian has shyed away
from the real purpose of a stu-
dent newspaper. Please do not
take me wrong. I enjoy reading
The East Carolinian, but at times
I believe that the students are
cheated of the news that greatly
concerns them?the things that
are going on right here on
I started dealing directly
with the newspaper last year in
my role as Student Homecom-
ing Chair.
I had been warned of how
difficult it was to work with The
East Carolinian but didn't be-
lieve it.
I wii amazed at what I
had to do to ensure that here
would be coverage of the
Homecoming activities. I re-
member thinking then tha t there
should be more concern about
informing the students of things
that really concerned them.
Now, I am president of a
student organization, an orga-
nization that encompasses 5,500
students or one-third of the stu-
dent population. I have had to
fight to get just a little coverage
that would allow the students
to know exactly what was hap-
pening with the Residence Hall
There have been some of
our executive officers that have
come by to place ads in the pa-
per that eventually showed up
two days to two weeks later.
There has been someone by to
place an ad in the paper that was
never run. Can you explain
It's not just my organiza-
tion, but I feel that the SGA,
Student Union and many other
student organizations are
treated this way as well.
There should be more fee-
hare articles for the students by
a newspaper that is supposedly
for the students.
I should have voiced my
thoughts earlier than this and
am sorry that I did not.
I will be graduating in
the spring and wish to leave
behind this message: we who
work for the students are here
for just that ? THE STU-
Shelly Neal
RHA president
Vice Chancellor
To The Editor:
In a recent letter to the
editor Mr. Ronald Mercer made
mention of "a student who was
hit while trying to cross 10th
Street in January and implied
that the lighting in the com-
muter parking lot contributed
to the accident
Since this particular inci-
dent had not been brought to
my attention, I asked Public
Safety to provide me with the
details. I thought you might be
interested in the facts.
The individual who was
hit in the accident was a 36-
year-old male student who was
See Letter, page 5
Letters Conl
Maxwells Silver Hammer
Energy policy debate lacks honesty
By Scott Maxwell
Editorial Columnist
The debate over President
George Bush's proposed national
energy policy is a classic example
of one of the things thafs wrong
with the way we argue in this
country. All our arguments about
public policy are predicated on
the assumption that there exists
such a thing as a free lunch ? that
is, tnat we can eventually get ev-
erything for nothing, if we just
shout at each other loudly enough
in the meantime.
President Bush occasionally
makes some noise about having to
face up to the costs of this or that,
but it's really just noise. The idea
of trade-offs ? that one course of
action may have advantages that
another course does not ha ve, and
also has its own set of disadvan-
tages ? does not exist in his world.
over his energy policy. Both sides
admit that we ought to use less
foreign oil, but that'sabout all the
sense they talk.
Supportersof the president's
plan ? and I swear I have never in
my life seen any other bunch of
people so damned eager to drill a
big hole in the ground ? pretend
that oil can be had practically for
the asking, with no risk to the
(To cover their bets, they also
ridicule the notion that damaging
ecosystems makes any difference
to anyone but the caribou, but
that's not the thrust of their argu-
To hear them tell it, you'd
think it's just a matter of building
a little road and then carting the
oil straight into American homes
Thafs ridiculous. It's clear
that an enormous amount oi
damage will be caused just by
hauling in all the needed heavy
equipment, building living quar-
ters, and so on.
Not to mention what the
plan's supporters won't mention:
that as long as we keep drilling for
oil and schlepping it around, oil
spills are inevitable. Some will be
quite large, as was the spill from
the Exxon Valdez. They're liter?Uy
impossible to avoid.
Equally impossible to avoid
? though the other side tries ? is
the present-day, immediate need
for oil.
Conservationists want to
circumvent this by selling 60-mpg
cars. But even if we produced hO-
mpg cars, who would buy them?
Most people can't afford to buy a
new car unless they trade in their
old one. And somebody has to be
willing to buy that old one in or-
der for the trade-in to be worth the
dealer's while, so the old gas-
guzzler is liable to go right back on
the roads.
Over time, we can probablv
phase oet low-nuleJgocars? bu(
' Only" over time: lntTodWirlg
higher-mileage cars won't reduce
High-mileage cars face an-
other, uh, roadblock: American
consumers don't like them (and
won't buy them) because the ve-
hicles are smaller and lighter than
most cars on American roads to-
day, which means that people
riding in them will fare especially
poorly in collisions until the big-
ger cars are off the road.
Proponents downplay this
Pearls For Swine
danger, usually by scoffing unre-
sponsively. As far as I know, there
are no environmentalists forth-
nghtlv calling on the American
public to increase its nsk of re ?
ing fatal inunes in pursuit oi en-
ergy conservation Hell, the .
at asking people to turn the ther-
mostat down to 68.
Providing 60-mpg cars
doesn't do any good at all if con-
sumers can't or won't buy them
We could, of course, alleviate this
pTblem by providing tax breaks
nroutnght financial assistance fi
people who buy the higher mile-
age cars But that means taxes,
which means that we all pay for it
Any way vou look at it, con-
servation implies raising taxes (or
cutting services). That's probablv
whv Mr Bush's plan strives so
strenuously to avoid it.
But the plan's opponents
won't admit that taxes are an in-
evi table consequence of their pro-
posals, if their proposals are to
work. Thev won't admit that
people just don't voluntarily con-
serve in numbers large enough to
make a difference.
If vou want conservation to
k3vr the effect it can-have, rrm
Have to rusi people to do it, pret
erably bv taking more monev from
them if they don't conserve than if
they do. Translation: taxes.
For the present, oil is neces-
sary ? although no one has vet
demonstrated the need to take it
from Alaska's and California s
coasts. We should diminish our
need for oil, as environmentalists
have been pointing out for de-
cades, but ifs going to cost us
money to do it, at least in the short
See Energy, page 5
Boot camp offers alternative to Teddy Bears
Teddy Bear approach, while com
By Bill Egbert
Editorial Columnist
As of January 1991, the
Uni ted Sta tes of America has more
citizens per capita behind bars than
any other nation on the planet.
Clearly, something is wrong
with our ironically-named cor-
rectional system. Any viable New
American Order will have to in-
cludea sideorder of prison reform.
ing closer to actually solving the
problem, would cost more that we
can afford and would end up be-
ing too light and fluffy for many
convias to take seriously. Besides,
try and tell unemployed crack
addicts who can't get treatment
that society loves them and see
how far you get. Neither scheme
shows much promise.
We need to radically rede-
fine our idea of what prisons
Up to this point, only two
approaches to prison reform have should do and how they should
gotten a decent amount of press: do it. If we're all agreed that they
the Warehouse approach and the
Teddy Bear approach.
The Warehouse approach
says that we need to build bigger
prisons with higher walls to ac-
commodate more convicts with
longer sentences. According to this
model, eventually all the bad
apples will be locked up and the
six or seven law-abiding, God-
fearing Republicans left will form
a Bible-study commune in Colo-
rado and live in eternal peace and
The Teddy Bear approach
holds that prisons should be lov-
ing support groups staffed by
warm, fuzzy, humanistic psy-
chologists who advocate play
should try to solve the crime
problem rather that aggravate it,
then we need to decide what the
root of the crime problem is and
what would be the cheapest, most
effective means to correct it. To
find out that we need to look for a
common thread to most crimes.
One such common denominator
is that most crimes result in some
way from a lack of self-control on
the part of the criminal.
Our prison system is filled
with people who lack self-control.
These are the "victims of society"
we read about in our humanistic
psychology classes. Mainly,
they're frustrated young people
with low self-esteem. They grew
therapy. Once those lonely, mis- up with minimal parental super-
guided offenders know that sod- vision and negative societal atten-
ery really loves mem, they'll be tion. The result was fierce (almost
welcomed back into the family, sodopathic) independence, little
Everybody knows they only self-discipline and a lot of uncon-
committed their crimes to get at- trolled resentment They commit
tention anyway. crimes. They succumb to rage.
Of course, both of these They sink into vices, not because
rrsp?iiveshavetrpToWems. they have no higher aspirations in sense that thev can accomplish
solve the problem. It only accom- have much experience controlling themselves creditfer
modates a symptom. And the themselves. v? ??: or"
Of course, they're still re-
sponsible for their actions, but
those actions are caused by a
problem we can solve.
These kids don't need to go
to prison. They need to go to boot
Boot-camp prisons would
would solve several problems. Six
months of boot camp would do
more good than six years in a stan-
dard prison ever could. Over-
crowding would drop immedi-
ately because shorter sentences
would be acceptable.
Not onlv would the disci-
give the inmates the self-discipline
they need to function in society,
but the "clean living" mandated
by that environment would
reignover most of the vices and
addictions that land inmates in
prison to begin with.
If the "activity coordinators"
(drill sergeants) emphasized the
type of tasks the armed forces use
to promote teamwork, the inmates
would perhaps be more willing to
cooperate with the rest of society
once they're out.
We could incorporate voca-
tional training into the daily regi-
men and give some of these in-
mates an alternative to the crime-
wage-or-minimum-wage choice
they face on the other side of the
If, as a part of their rehabili-
tation and vocational training, the
inmates partidpate in large build-
ing projects, they might gain a
logging along Tenth Street and
was in the center of the east-
bound lane about one-tenth of
a mile west of Rock Spring Road
when he was hit by a speeding
vehicle that made no attempt to
stop and left the scene of the
accident. The vehicle was in the
left lane traveling east cm 10th
Street Since the accident oc-
curred on a city street an acci-
dent report was hied with the
city of Greenville, not the uni-
versity Certainly nothing was
"swept under the rug" bv East
Carolina in regards to this ac-
In the future, should vou
have questions regarding any
incident that you mav hear of, 1
encourage you to contact the
Department of Tubiic Safety to
obtain information that might
help you lo better understand
events yoa observe around
Richard Brown
Vice Chancellor of
Business Affairs
Bush must join
Sanford in
voter's recall
of their engagement
A majority of
seem to want dive
problems at home,
accuses Senator Sar
lineal games" ? wl
Seems when
though at home the 1
golookingfora "wir
When the Marines i
m Beirut we invad
the next day West
u? that the war on
not going well so
Panama We did
thought of paying
gallon for gas so wel
Now the pres
even wage a "clean
wait is torn by warr
Six weeks ago
Hussein out, now
as he liquidates if
which could have
change to Iraq
So Mr Harr
bn ng Sena tor Santo
don't we recall Pref
as well
Tim Payne
Graduate StuJ
To The Editor
Seems Greg Harmon
would like to recall Senator
Terry Sanford because the
senator had the nerve to vote
against the president of the
United States Seems Mr
Harmon has forgotten that we
are allowed to express differing
opinions in this country.
As for the argument that
a majority of the United Nations
supported military intervention
one must realize what some
countries will do to guarantee
the promise of US. aid. One
example of this is Syria, who
last year was listed by the State
Department as a sponsor of
terrorism. One "yes" vote, and
they will receive aid at the end
Student u
Public Sal
unfair tre;
To The Edit
The Depart
Safety has to make
for the better. 1 ca
stand why it is so!
to treat students c
This does n
of those affiliatedI
partment, but onll
about 20 have ev
I wouldn't I
if this was the exi
ation. The Depart!
Safety has seen
five tickets for ovi
? T
East Cal
East Carolina University
Spring C
?Wednesday, April 10th at
?Register for Rush at the Si
April 8-U, 15-18 from 10:i
?Register at any other time

She tagt Carolinian April 9.1991 5
lacks honesty
- mng unre-
kn h there
' i srs torth-
?koi receiv-
rsuit of en-
Hell, they blk
rn the ther-
mpg cars
? I at all if con-
1 buy them.
ling tax bteaks
gher milo-
i ans taxes,
pay for it.
Ii it it. con-
taxes (or
- mKiblv
strives so
ire .in in-
? their pro-
pi ?-are to
Imit that
irily con-
- r ition to
? h ire; wui
it. pret
ney from
?- reth?inif
is neces-
r?e ha vet
: to take it
ish our
it for de
I ost us
? the short
?' Energy page 5
five to Teddy Bears
?en pie
11 super-
! (almost
K, little
r xrause
by don't
Ii trolling
. re still re-
' ictions, but
lused by a
' ' need to go
need to go to boot
1 prisons would
-1 problems. S?
? - ? amp would do
? ?? arsinastan-
?uld Over-
drop immedi-
rter sentence
? ible
vould the disci-
? ? amp environment
the self-discipline
? incbon in society,
living mandated
environment would
r most of the vices and
i(,ns that land inmates in
to begin with.
' the activity coordinators"
? ? 'ants, emphasized the
? s the armed forces use
r m te teamwork, themmates
I perhaps be more willing to
cooperate with the rest of society
once thev're out
We could incorporate voca-
tional training into the daily regi-
men and give some of these in-
mates an alternative to the crime-
wage-or-minimum-wage choice
thev face on the other side of the
If, as a part of their rehabili-
tation and vocational training, the
inmates participate in large build-
ing projects, they might gain a
sense that they can accomplish a
lot more than they formerly gave
themselves credit for.
See Alternative, page 5
Letters Continued
)ogging along Tenth Street and
was in the center of the east-
bound lane about one-tenth of
a mile west of Rock Spring Road
when he was hit by a speeding
vehicle that made no attempt to
stop and left the scene of the
accident. The vehicle was in the
left lane traveling east on 10th
Street. Since the accident oc-
curred on a city street an acci-
dent report was filed with the
city of Greenville, not the uni-
versity. Certainly nothing was
"swept under the rug" by East
Carolina in regards to this ac-
In the future, should you
have questions regarding any
incident that you may hear of. I
encourage you to contact the
Department of Public Safety to
obtain information that might
help you to better understand
events you observe around
Richard Brown
Vice Chancellor of
Business Affairs
Bush must join
Sanford in
voter's recall
Continued from papa 4
of their engagement.
A majority of Americans
seem to want diversions from
problems at home. Mr. Harmon
accuses Senator Sanford of "po-
litical games" ? what about the
Seems when things get
though at home the Republicans
go looking for a "winnable" war.
When the Marines were bombed
in Beirut we invaded Grenada
the next day. We stared to real-
ize that the war on drugs was
not going well so we invaded
Panama. We did not like the
thought of paying a $150 per
gallon for gas so we "liberated"
Now the president cannot
even wage a "clean" war, so Ku-
wait is torn by warring factions.
Six weeks ago we wanted
Hussein out; now we hold back
as he liquidates the opposition
which could have brought real
change to Iraq.
So Mr. Harmon, as you
bring Senator Sanford back why
don't we recall President Bush
as well.
Tim Payne
Graduate Student
To The Editor:
Seems Greg Harmon
would like to recall Senator
Terry Sanford because the
senator had the nerve to vote
against the president of the
United States. Seems Mr.
Harmon has forgotten that we
are allowed to express differing
opinions in this country.
As for the argument that
a majority of the United Nations
supported military intervention
one must realize what some
countries will do to guarantee
the promise of US. aid. One
example of this is Syria, who
last year was listed by the State
Department as a sponsor of
terrorism. One "yes" vote, and
they will receive aid at the end
Student upset by
Public Safety's
unfair treatment
To The Editor:
The Department of Public
Safety has to make somechanges
for the better. 1 can not under-
stand why it is so hard for them
to treat students courteously.
This does not apply to all
of those affiliated with the de-
partment, but only four out of
about 20 have ever treated me
I wouldn' t be complaining
if this was the extent of the situ-
ation. The Department of Public
Safety has seen fit to issue me
five tickets for overtime parking
at a meter.
This would normally be
the right thing to do, but I have
a handicapped decal from the
university and a permanent
handicapped plate from the
state of North Carolina issued
by a medical doctor. This
makes it necessary for me to
park near my dorm. Handi-
capped spaces on the campus
are so few and far apart, they
do no good considering my
The state determines how
many handicapped spaces are
available, not ECU. Fine, I have
no problem with that. I took
the time and effort to speak
with three university officials
and four Public Safety officials
as to where I would be entitled
to park without penalty.
All seven responded
anywhere on campus, includ-
ing parking meters for indefi-
nite periods of time (which
means 1 don't have to worry
about gettinga ticket), staff and
visitor, etc. The only place that
I was told 1 could not park was
fire zones.
So all of a sudden I'm
getting tickets for doing what I
was told by seven people who
supposedly knew what they
were doing. Public Safety is
trying to make me pay fines
which the state of North
Carolina doesn't enforce!
Public Safety must be
desperate for money to refin-
ish another pia?o or they are
running low on Krispy Kreme
The Department of Pub-
lic Safety bends the rules, so
they can squeeze out every
nickel or dime they can get out
of the students. Without stu-
dents it would not be possible
for these people to even have a
Mark Mitchell
run Lef s hear more spokesmen
for the environmental movement
admit this obvious point
While we're at it, lef s have
the plan's supporters come out
and admit some of the obvious
truths they're denying, too.
They ought to be saying:
well, yes, immediate environ-
mental damage is inevitable, as is
later damage. And we don't really
know just how far the effects might
reach. But we still ought to do
more drilling for oil, because ?
well?they're bright, they'll think
of a reason.
What we're getting instead
is a less-than-honest approach.
Each side presents its own best-
case scenario, and the other side's
worst-case scenario, as though
both were certain truths.
My initial reaction to this
whole sorry sight was: well, heck,
everybody with something to sell
? political positions included ?
maximizes the advantages and
minimizes the costs. Everybody
does it.
But that's just the problem:
everybody does it. How is free
and open debate served by the
presentation of such deliberately
skewed views? Why won't both
sides admit thedra wbacks of their
respective positions, and explain
why they think their approach's
benefits outweigh the disadvan-
I'm not just being naive in
asking this. What both sides need
is to be credible, and the best way
to be credible is to appear to be
honest and the best way to ap-
pear to be honest is actually to be
honest If you're honest and people
still reject what you say, well, thaf s
Maybe what we need in all
of this is The Clash. You know ?
"Should I drill or should I save
now?If I save there will be
troubleIf I drill it will be double
Regardless of what anybody
(even Joe Strummer) tries to tell us
during this pathetic excuse for a
debate, any course we take has its
costs. All involved do themselves
and the public a grave disservice
by pretending otherwise.
Continued from page 4
And lef s not under-rate the
value of putting the fear o' God
into 'em. Many criminals assault
and victimize other people sim-
ply out of sheer lack of respect for
the people around them. Being
forced to take orders the way a
soldier does in boot camp might
teach these folks some manners.
Most important of all, boot-
camp prisons would turn incar-
ceration from a passive, ware-
housing experience to an active,
rehabilitative experience. Inmates
would come out changed for the
better. Ideally, they would come
out self disciplined and self-aware
with a respect for themselves and
others, and the knowledge that
they can takechargeof themselves
and their lives. At worst, they'd
come out humbled, obedient and
relatively harmless.
Of course, there's the ques-
tion of money. We wouldn't have
to build many new facilities, since
we'd basically only be changing
the way our existing facilities op-
erate. If we need more bootamp
space, we could simply convert
some of these military bases the
Pentagon is phasing out.
Boot-camp prisons could run
more efficiently than standard
prisons, as well. Why pay outside
labor to handle maintenance and
new construction when you have
a disciplined (and free) workforce
on-site which needs something to
do? (If we have problems with the
free-labor slavery issue, we could
simply pay the inmates a salary
and then charge them for room
and board)
There are already several
boot-camp prisons in operation
throughout the country and the
results have been positive. Few
graduates from these programs
become repeat offenders, and the
prisons themselves cost no more
per inmate that standard prisons
of comparable size.
By reforming our prisons
according to the boot-camp model,
we'd be turning them into facto-
ries which would take in criminals
and churn out self-disciplined
human beings. At this point in
time, that is the most we can expec t
from a correctional system. And it
should also be the least we will
East Carolina
ECU Student Union
Making to Things Happen At ECU
s" AlL 1' v fir
O 5RutfA 1?miUC13?IOynv?it"
The Student Union Fc um Committee
with Dr. Wilson Key
The author of
The Age of Manipulation
East Carolina University
Spring Convocation
?Wednesday, April 10th at 4:00 in Wright Auditorium
?Register for Rush at the Student Store & the Croatan
April 8-11,15-18 from 10:00 until 2:00
?Register at any other time in Whichard Rm. 204
RUSH DATES: August 15th-19th-
Topics discussed will be subliminal seduction, media
exploitation, and the clam-plate orgy.
It will be on Tuesday, April 16 at 8PM
in Hendrix Theatre.
Tms Week At Hendrix Theatre :J
Thurs-Sat April 11-13 8pm
Sun April 14 8 pm
Barefoot on the Mall
is coming April 18th

j!tc ?aat (Haruliuiau
Awn 9, 1
?:?:? ???'? :?- ?

4w? .9, 799
. ? MM
wuku prcX. ESSinC 5
Term papers dissertations, letters,
resumes n muscripts projects Fast
turnaround i all foan 756-9255
TYPING all 55 J6H after 5-JG
p.m or leave message SI 35 'page,
includes proofreading, spe
grammar check. Familiar with all
formats (ver 15 vears experience.
those vear . ?.
and I'll type il Call 7
for Rl oi
in time for
i write it
rYPING si RVK rerm Papers
Reports Res imes I etters fneses,
1 h: on IX i ,is,t printer List
tun t ?und k all 7 ?6 1781
o share 1 Jof q rises 511 ; plus
lities on two bedroom
? tor summer and or next
room, hilly fumishi apartment tor
summer Closetocampus Call Kevin
or Bnan at 355-8372.
three bedroom townhouse, S19S
month plus 13 utilities Nonsmoker
preferred. Call J55-0986
LOOKING FOR a female non-
smoking roommate who is neat and
responsible, willing to pay half of
5475 plus utilities for next year. Call
931-731 :
NEED two female roommates to
shareJeorgetown jpt Prefer non-
smoker (5127.50month plus utili-
ties) Needed during May Ask tor
Karen at 752-1585
5150month plus 12 utilities, 1 12
bath fullj furnished, AC Available
? both summer terms Call Eric at
? people to
Ms,( is ?
in area. Call 4
" ? ? ? 1 bedroom 'dose
to campus possib uire lease
5255 ' ' ?' ?- pi is it lities
? i iq Af AP
' rstands? i . sions
Ce n Di ? washer, disposal,
Pr"? ,tlp pah w itcr pad and fully
I 5187 n onth. 355 "s
iu-j. Housing availal l I - summei
smi kei to
ire 2 -
? ' '?: ? mil
H-(, KDF Ss-
Realtv w'w
I a . S
ii 464
MUST s i e IMMI 1)1 TEL
Ral gh 1 eed bike S6l
? ? ? ?? : speed I 535
? ? ??? ?
C works great S10 MFC
? Irives 64 -
' ' - ' ??? - ? - all itcn s
CaU 758-70991 - i? tails
FOR SA1 E Brar . an(j
penses paid vocation package for two
in the Florida resort of yourchoicefor
5 days4 nights, $200 Call 355-6284
and leave message.
FOR SALE. Watrrbed, semi-wave-
less mattress, bookcase headboard,
complete $175. Call Mike at 752-
MENT fisheries Earn $5,000
month Free transportation! Room
and Board! (ver8,000openings. No
experience necessary. Male or Fe
male For 68-page employment
manual,send $8.95 toM& L Research,
Box 3401 8 Seattle, WA 98124-Satifr
faction Guaranteed.
mer Monday-Friday, 9-3 p m. begii
ning May gth. Hvn transportation
needed 757-0629
what IBM, Xerox and Fortune 50
companies ki ib il ;r summer
m saving over 55 000
va r experience, build
'? resume, and ? e credit
peal to ? ? -
day (91Q
? eeded for summer sessions m
' ester Must be em -? as
? ???? i I Perfect glish
Broadcasting or foumalism majors
Part-time, flexible hours Ma
Microsoft Word experience
pp ? npersonat77w?flsfl at Imum
? all 758-7652 after 5 30 pjn
???? Bosti
K i T
available. ne year "merit
necessary Call 1800-937-NANL
EARTHSAfE Part-time sales. Sign
?'?"A' ' - ? Idsforrecvclingpick-
510( Help save the
envii leamgoodn
? all C ?? tt 757 5063 for ap-
THE SUMMER Going to stav in
Cavn ville, going to Summer Vh'Hl'
Brodscurrently has sales a isil
available in Juniors and Mens that
will run through the summer and
into the fall. Fill your free time with
apart timepositionwithBrody'sand
BrodsforMen App!yBrody's,The
Plaza, Monday through Wednesday
1 to 4 p.m
? Sell Students ot America
? ? ? ' '? ? iil stores N( 1N .
REQ WnteP. ; Box7 rualatin OK
?' 162
tartm w rush
S.A.SE plus Si 00 to H i
rs, Inc 1120 Plain ?8B Us
? s N.M 88001
REWARD Ixjst 4
? ? i
on mj - I the i
? - havealongfeather-
If you have se
iniiuold fowers
( '
2922,752-0626,931 7790or the Police
Animal C(inrrol.
SUMMER? ef there any! n ? v tl
AIRHTTCH ?foi S160froi
Coast! Reported in NY
lets Go?) 'mrhik H . -i
PLAYER lookingfoi
action Cam 1289,757-441
ALPHA PHI i ges all j
tl it 4:0 ?' ght Audil
. there!
Lees wil
Mississippi p
trawben ? ?
( atsMeow,hoo4 D
: . . . ?
,KAH LAI 14 ??
LCA ? ? ?? ?.
. - ?
M 1Mir
? ???-
If you're
and need help making choices
?Free, confidential professional
pregnancy counseling
?Financial assistance
.?Help select adoptive family
The Children's Home Society
of North Carolina
A United Wmj Agency
wc ?
S38,000 for A
Attention interested dancers (who
can dazzle and spalde) Becomea
irtofthel991ECt FootbaUSpirit!
Share the spotlight by performing
ast( arolina Rratesdur-
J football season. The
willhokitryonts April 14m m
1 p.m. Saturday and 1 p m -4 p m
lay m Memorial Gym. For
more information, call 7ws2
he 1991 Greenville-Pitt Co. 5pe-
aai( )vrr,picsspnng( meswillbe
held (m A pr. 119th at E B A ya xrk !r
Apnl 24). Vofonteersareneededto
help serve as buddieschapen nes
- flie Special CHympics. 'om-
teers must be able to wort allday
rh 9a.m2pm (Thefirst nts
there will be assigned a position).
An (rientation meeting will beheld
on Apnl 17 in Cld toyner I.ibran.
room 221 fn?m S6?)0 p.m Free
Iunc hes and volunteer t-shirts wiB
all volunteers who haw anemled
the orientation .session. For more
information, contact Lisa Mills at
The Office Or International Pro-
grams isstillacceptingapplicahoas
for summer study abroad pro
for the academic year 1991-1992
Students may apply for studies at
Ieicester Polytechnic (England),
Acadia University (Nova Saria,
Canada) or other semesteraca-
demicyearprograms. Applications
for the National Student Exchange
arealsobeingaccepted for students
who want to spend an exciting se-
mester or year at one of over 99
collegesor universities the US. It
you think ou might have trouble
getting theclassesyouneedatECU
consider an exchange to another
campus' Come by Brewster A-117
67691. r further inn ?rmati m i n the
programs available.
Butvoujustcantsleip Lawnpartv
to kick off RHA week. Featured
b,mds and D I Free food. Come
The Resident Hall Association til
updates tor offices in HouseCoun-
o and RHA are ?Apri! Hth-April
!sth Fhere will be an interest ses-
sion held Apnl 15th at 51X) p.m. in
the social ixx)m of Mendenhall.
ResKlertf Hall AsstKiarioneJectioas
will be from 9 a.m4 p.m. in each
Residence Hall. An vouesfions,call
SNCAE End -of the- Year Cala will
be Wednesday, April 10at5fl0p.m
inSpeight313. Wewillbehononng
the seniors and electing new offic-
ers There wi 11 a lso r refresh men ts
and prizes! All Education majors
are invited to join the fun
?Performances on Keyboards!
Improv dance group performs
ballet" Two works performed by
wind ensemble and choais! All
composed by one person? Come
see for yourself-Michael B. Dixon,
composer in concert at Wright Au-
ditorium, Tues, April 9, at 8:15.
Shine up vour frisbees because reg-
istration tor frisbeegoli will beheld
on Tuesday, Apnl 9 at 5:00 p.m in
BJO103. All interested individuals
must attend this meeting! For tur-
thtr formation call 757-6387 or
Recreatiortaj Servkes will bespon-
soring a goll classic for the spring
semester Regration will tike
place on Wednesday, Apnl 10 at
It's a new Intramural -rt! Expe-
rience the thnl! oi vollevball on ail
terrains! Registration for all-ter-
rain volleyball will held on
Wednesday, Apnl 10at 530 p m. in
BIO 103. Remember, a representa-
tive from each team must attend
this meeting. For further informa-
tion call 757-6387 or stop bv 204
Chnstenbury Gym. Get vour team
together to "tackle the elements"
with Recreational Services All-Ter-
rain Volleyball!
ECU Recreational Services is spon-
soring a wellness seminar entitled
"Defending Yourself from Violent
Behavior Pubiic Safety Chief
Keith Knox will be sharing seJf-
defense tipson Apnl 10 from 5:00-
6:00 Do yourself a favor and stop
by thus informative seminar free of
charge. For further information
call 757-6387.
Green vilie Society of Friends, Philip
Mitchell, clerk, 355-7230. Meeting
for Worship-9 a.m. Sundays, First
Day School for Children-9 a.m.
Sundays. Visitors and children
welcome, ie are Mv Friends
John 15:14. Pot hick everv second
Sunday, 12 nxm. Meeting place
Unitarian Universalisl Fellowship
Hall, I HO Arlington BJvd comer
of Sunset (one block east d Memo-
rial Driv
A meeting will beheld b Students
Supporting Our rroopson Friday,
Apnl I2at730pjn. rhe location is
unknownat this tune but numbers
may call for information. Sarah
931 8W9,Chrisde931 -86D, Nancy
931 9061 Abe check classified
Ihurxiav tormoaintormahon. Rr
all paid members there will be a
social after the business meeting.
On Tuesday, Apnl 9,1991,al 7:30
p m. in room 1026 of the General
Classrmm Building on the Fast
Carolina campus Phi Sigma Tau
Philosophy Honor Society will
sponsor a seminar entitled 'Just
'ar and the Persian Gulf
Michael Sprinker, a Professor
of Fnglish and Comparative
Literature at SL'XY - Stony
Brook, will discuss the
dilemma facing literarv
theory, April 11,4p.m.inGCB
3008. Sprinker, currently a
Rockefeller Fellow at the
Center for the Humanities at
Wesley an University, is the
author of htmgmmv Kdbnbns.
Aesthetics ana Ideology m the
Theory of Historical Materiatosm
and many articles. All are
welcome to attend.
HOSPTTAinry mgmt
i?-i iry Vta i; ment Associa-
tion meeting to discuss Fall ac.
ties will be held April 15at2p.m in
Room 237 HE
Liv you set n the Pink Flamin-
gos? Barefoot on the Mall will be
here on Apnl 18 starting at 12 pm.
Featuring the band Love Tractor
and comedian Todd Yohn.
Dr Mark D Dinner of the North
Carolina Biotechnology. C enterwill
sptakabout'TheFxpkMwC .rowth
of theU5 Biotechix)log lndu.strv
Trends and Oppnirtunities" on
Tuesdav, Apnl lnatSpm. in Room
BN 109 of the Science Complex
Anvoneu ishingh 'attend thespring
field trip to theOuter Banks should
afao come to this meeting
The Office oi Undergraduate Ad-
missions is hosting its Annual
SpnngOpen House on Saturday
April 2D, 11 Anyone interested
in volunteering to xtw -as cam pi is
tour giades ptease contad lackie
Bishop or Julie Hmton at 73 oo4)
or come bv Vvhu ' ird 106 by 5 00
p.m. Thursday, Apnl 11
ECU Recreational Services will he
sponsoring a Wind Surfing rl
shopon Apnl 11 Participant will
receive beginning instruction in
equipment, terminology, riggine,
safety and acmal practice The
workshop vmH fake place at 7 )
p m in the( nnstenburvCvm Pool
and the cost is $3 (Y!students and
$4.(107 facultystaff-guest Comeout
and learn a new skill while having
fun! For further information call
757-6911 or stop bv 117
Spa ? , .
eas Neus
State Park rhe cost
dents tr.r. - oe fiK
guests includes equipment tra
Pn' ? ?? it -
"?" ' '1 Forfurirjei
formation call 757-6911 or stop
the RCX
I L RecreationaiServM es ?spon
soring a White Water Rafting trip
Apnl i ? iperience the thri
o ad ear riot
Springs M )neda) willa so ?
T1 hi p Siatiorw
Forest I f$a , -&&
and $65 - faculty staff tests ir
ides equipment food tr-nspor
tation a rv fee pre'
? IbeheJdon nl 17
ScOOpm r BrevterD me
rock n roll ,d potn the fta
turtherin'ormarior. i 1757-6911
stopby117Chnistenhur Gym
Spendadav with ECU Recreabi ?
Services and all ol your Mends i
plonng the beaches oi c ape 1 ooi
out The trip on Apnl 21 abo I
o iesor re grazing the 21st ai
vtrsarv of Earth oSf and partici
upwhilehiking Theoostof7jOO
students and $10 00faculty-staff
guests includes transportation
equipment and hatch A prv-trio
meeting will he held on Apnl 17at
600 pm in Brewsttr rMOl R r
hirtherinftrmation call 757-6911 or
srop by 117 Chnstenburv Gvm
Kinsev Institi
Bv '


- -
Shooting Stars
ThebrothersFtory (CnacanoRon respective I
The band won last ween s open mike night comp

Arm 9. 1991
prii 9,1991
mijP 3Eint OTnroltnian
J lV hex Donald thewaiter,
featuring 'ty Brown and
, iPatCr Brians
ived the fcMA
II ?
. ? Vnril lOtl ll
K!l I ll? "

t up
tn your
m in
tail will be
W the N ?
luntties' on
Bid the spring
anks should
raduate Ad-
its Annual
T Saturday,
u interested
m as campus
ntact lackie
at 757-6644)
106 by MO
vices will be
rtingl work
aapants will
listruchdn in
hactice. The
lace at 7:30
Gym Pool
students and
k'hile having
brmation call
by 117
rtenbury I .n
Re ? ib inaJ Services is spun
? trip April 12 14
? ? 5 of piddling the
? f euse with an over
lifts of the Neuse
? -is and $30.00 'faculty staff-
ests includes equipment, trans-
portationand food There will be a
pre-trip meeting on April 10 at 5:00
in Brewster 11 101. lor turther in
ill 757-6911 or stop by
117 Christenbury .vm-theROC
Recreational Services is spon-
soring a White Water Rafting trip
Apn! 19-21 E xpenence the thrills
Broad RivcrnearHol
Springs, N t ne day will also be
spent hiking in Pisgah National
rarest Hh vost of $60 00students
and $650 faculty staff -guests in
dudes equipment food, transpor
lattott ami activity fee A pre-trip
meeting will he held on April 17at
5:00 p m in Brevfster D-101. come
nx-k-n-rol! and join the fun! For
turther inh rmation call 757-69111 r
St ip by 117 Christenbury Gym.
Spend a day with ECU Recreational
Services and all of your friends ex-
ploring the beaches of Cape Ixx
out. The trip on April 21 also K
cuseson recognizing the21stanni
versary of Earth Day and partici-
pants will helpout with beach clean
up while hiking. The cost of $7.00
students and $10.00faculty-staff
guests includes transportation,
equipment and lunch. A pre-trip
meeting will be held on April 17 at
6:00 n.m. in Brewster D-101. For
further information call 757-6911 or
stop by 117 Christenbury Gym.
hemistry students make superconductors
By Matt King
Features Editor
I cr the next two weeks some
l chemistry students will be
. g, with one of the most im-
l things in thechemical world
. m?t
lents m l George Evans'
: v nald (lemens' Chemis-
V451 labs will be working to
(' superconductors. Su-
inductora are on the forefront
emical research because of the
ng possibilities thev hold for
lh tun?.
?ercrmductors would make
. billsobsoletebecausethe
stol powering a house would be
? to pennies.
en inductors would enable
cars, trains, and other landbound
means of transportation to glide
alongon air using infinitely less gas
than they do now. The only gas
needed would be enough to gener-
ate the air current to move the ve-
hicle along.
In fad, a car battery might be
able to provide ample power for
just enough wind to move you
A superconductor is simply
that, something that is an excellent
conductor of electrical energy.
These chemical compounds offer
zero resistance to electrical energy.
Ordinary copper wire resists
electricity at about 56 percent And,
these floatingcars; a car battery that by the time electricity gets from the
could be recharged for free. power plant to the household ap-
With this cost of powering our pliance, about 90 percent of the en-
world and moving our goods re- ergy is lost.
duced so much, virtually everything
would become less expensive.
The recreational possibilities
are limitless. We would be able to
ski and skateboard on air.
Instead of pedalling the tire of would peddle a small
tan-like blade that would produce
If superconductingwi res could
be installed in powerlincs and in
homes, the resistance to our elec-
tricity would bczero,and our power
bills would be zcroOwpothctically).
Superconductorsalso haveone
other exa ting feature. When a mag-
See Superconductor, page 8
Pacesetters raise
?38.000 for Arts
III i-w Bureau
rhc Performing Arts
. esi 'tiTs. a citizens' organiza-
whkh supports and pm-
sl .ist Carolina University's
ial Performing Arts Series,
has raised more than $38,000 in tund-raismgcampaign. chair Ilcnc
tin Cox of Greenville has
? ?? cd over the campaign funds
. . ing 38,285 92 to ECU
? ,? ellof Eakin. The
tters gift has set a record
? ? giving .it ECU, according to
i McDonald, director of in-
, nal advancement at ECU.
rhe Pacesetters group has
- used more money, in the
irtest amount of time, than
iff other philanthropic organf-
? n supporting ECU pro-
, McDonald said.
Most of this amount was
? ? sed in the Pacesetters' Inau-
laque Fund Drive, Donors
enificant amounts to the
Unions, brings nationally and
internationally acclaimed musi-
cians, dancers and actors to
campus each year.
Highlights of the series
during the past two years have
been a rental by violinist ltzhak
Perlman, an appearance by
Broadway star Carol Channing
and a touring production of
Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mi-
Primary purpose of the
Pacesetters organization is to
help develop interest in, and
support for, the ECU Perform-
ing Arts Series thnuighout the
region. Interest from accounts
established with theinitial hinds
will beused to benefit the Series
The Pacesetters was orga-
nized in the fall of 1989 at the
instigation of Mrs. Cox.
"The ECU Performing Arts
series is the only program in
eastern North Carolina that
presents so many different as-
pects of the performing arts ?
dance, theatre, opera, instru-
The Hash' preserves comic book character
By Cliff Coffey
Staff Writer
When The Mash appeared on
CBS at the start of the 1990 fall sea-
son, it was the most expensive show
ever made for television. Now that
the first season nears the end, The
Rash has survived the Thursday
When Danny Bilson and Paul
De Meo announced that The Rash
would become a television show,
manv comic readers feared that it
would go the same route as the
other recent superhero shows, not
resembling the comic character at
all. Alas, Bilson and De Meo sur-
prised everybody. They not only
stood close to the character, they
brought inoneof comicbooks'most
admired writers, to write for the
show and to be the creative consult-
ant, Howard Chaykin.
The Rash has battled many
common villains, and those shows
were not as good as the shows in
which he battles super villains (like
the Trickster in the recent show,
who, by the way, is a DC Comics
super villain).
The Flash fighting a common
thief just doesn't seem reasonable.
A man that can run over 500 mfles-
per-hour against a man with a gun,
not believable. But under the same
conditions, only the villain having
gimmicks and special powers
makes the match-up much more Thor, who appeared on a Hulk spe-
interestingand believable. If a man oal, was nothing like the Marvel
all believable.
When Spiderman, The Hulk,
Thor and Daredevil (all Marvel
Comics characters) appeared on
television, a lot of the characters
character, except that he was a Norse
Finally, Daredevil, who also
appeared on a Hulk special, was
more like the comic character than
the rest, but the costume was com-
were changed. Spiderman was not pletely wrong. Comic readers be-
a high school book worm, he was a gan to get tired of the bad represen-
20-year-old geek, and the costume
looked like a child's Halloween
The Hulk was a non-talking
brute that appeared not to have
direction. They even changed the
main characters name from Bruce
to David. The Hulk looked right,
but everything else was wrong.
tation of the heroes on television,
and that earned over into the antici-
pation of The Flash series.
The first episode showed the
origin of the Flash's powers, and it
was exactly like the comic origin. A
bolt of lightening, along with a va-
riety of chemicals, gave Barry Allen
See Flash, page 8
warn against use of tannning
Nuetrogcna Skinc?r? Strvue
i paign will have their names
- ived on a large plaque to be mcntalists, symphonies, vocal
?unted in the lobbv of ECU'S ists and more she said.
"Our organization is in a
position to help the Performing
Arts Series maintain its present
quality and enhance the series'
ability to meet the increasingly
diverse interests of an ever-ex-
panding audience Mrs. Cox
They are someti mes ad vertiscd
on late night television and in the
backs of magazines. So-called
"tanningpills-carrvclaimsthatthev doscsintanningpills.canthaxanth.n
can provide a "safe, sunless, pain- can deposit an orange dyejo the
enhance the color of chicken skin
and egg yolks In these tinyamount,
it is believed safe for human inges-
When found in the much larger
righl Auditorium.
Donor names will be en-
graved on gold, silver or bronze
n les, depending upon the size
t the gift.
The ECU Performing Arts
aeries, sponsored by the ECl
?? partment of University
less glow Now there's evidence
that taking these pills is not safe and
amid be life-threatening.
The most commonly used tan-
ning pills contain an active ingre-
dient called canthaxanthin, a beta-
beta-carotenes, cannot be broken
down into vitamin A, and thus, is
not well metabolized by the body.
Canthaxanthin is approved by the
FDA as a food coloring and is used
in small amounts in animal feed to
skin and fatty tissues. The FDA has
classified the use of canthaxanthin
in tanning pills ? or in any other
cosmetic product ? as illegal,
though such products are available
through health food stores, tanning
salons, and mail-order services.
Recently doctors at Vanderbilt
University School of Medicine in
Nashville, Tennessee, reported a
case of a twenty-year-old white
woman who experienced malaise,
headaches, increased fatigue, easy
bruising and weight loss after tak-
ing a course of "tanning pills The
woman was diagnosed as having
aplashc anemia, a disease in which
the bone marrow is unable to pro-
duce platelets, and red and white
blood cells. Ultimately, the woman
died. After ruling out any other
appear orange, but inside, the liver,
intestines, even the blood are also
being dved. In this case, we believe
that the canthaxanthin caused bone
marrow toxicity, which, in rum, af-
fected all the other cells in the body
by lessening the number of red
biood cells and the amount of oxy-
nroblems, the researchers con- gen that reached cells.
eluded that her illness and death The researchers note that this is
were due to the canthaxanthin pills only one case report, but that there
she had ingested.
"The woman's skin was still
vellow, even four months after she
had ceased taking the pills says
Renata Bluhm, M.D Ph.D Assis-
tant Professor of Internal Medicine
w ho treated the woman. "We be-
lieve that canthaxanthin is a total
bodv dve; not only does the skin
could be other detrimental effects
from canthaxanthin pills. "If s hard
to know since the distribution of
thisdrug is illegal and therefore not
well monitored says Dr. Bluhm.
"Even if there is only a small risk of
a toxic effect the use of the drug for
cosmetic purposes does not justify
??Partment of University added. in small amounts in ammal teed ? ??? -? ? 1 ? A 4
KmsevnnstjHiteresearcher holds sexiest job in America
?1LJLlC:y ULC,UlVAl' A erouD the Seagulls) a dolphin the d.sheveled-looking, .
A . . u,k t'?vsRein,sch.ontour She was on board with Sly when group the ???? P Drofessor.
By Diane Hofsess
i s Tody'AppUColleRe Network
lune Rcinisch has perhaps the
, rid s sexiest job. The 5-foot-2
blonde woman is director of the
Kinsey Institute for Research in
5ex, .ender and Reproduction at
Indiana University in
Bloomington, lnd.
if she is not lecturing on sex or
iuctmg sex research, she's
probably writing about theUnited
States' favorite subject.
The Kinsev folks are the ones
who recently issued a headline-
grabbing report saying U.S. resi-
dents are sexual illiterates ? a
nation of individuals who still
think women can't get pregnant
during their periods.
The Kinsey people are also
the namesakes of the "Kinsey Re-
port the syndicated sex-infor-
mation column. Reinisch gets
questions about impotence, sexu-
ally transmitted diseases, meno-
pause, masturbation and ques-
tions in what she calls the "Am 1
normal?" category.
about sex says Reinisch, on tour
to promote her book, The Kinsey
Institute New Report on Sex: What
You Must Know to be Sexually Lit-
erate ($22.95, St. Martin's Press).
"Sex is such a wide topic ?
it's related to everything" says
Reinisch, who is 48 and looks like
Joan Rivers' twin. Before starting
with the Kinsey Institute, Reinisch
She was on board with Sly when
he released such hits as "Every-
body Is a Star" and "Everyday manager in Brooklyn, a chauffeur
" a , nrn(?ccnr at Rutpers Lini-
"When 1 worked with him, he
never missed a concert and was
never late she says of Sly, who
later became notorious for such
delinquencies. "Sometimes I'd
lock him in a limo and take him on
heldallsortsofglamorous,offbeat the highway to talk.
jobs,mostof whichhadhttletodo "H was about the on y place
with academia. we could be uninterrupted and
In the '60s, for instance, she get our talking done,
managed Sly Stone of the rock She also has worked as a rock
;???& of talking gTuy and the Stone, singer (with the Httle-known
group the Seagulls), a dolphin the disheveled-looking absent-
trainer in Honda, a nightclub minded professor
In the'60s, she was a master's
degree student studying psychol-
ogy at Columbia University in
New York in mini-skirt and white
boots "on full scholarship she
says with a smirk.
"1 did not fit Columbia Uni-
versity at all. I spoke black rock
talk for the first four months But
obviously she did fine there; she
later received her doctorate in
psychology from Columbia.
As a 6-year-old, June
See Sex. page 8
and a professor at Rutgers Uni-
versity. In addition she is a certi-
fied scuba diver, has earned a
pilot's license and enjoys sky
"June is a kind of explorer in
life says her husband of two
years, Leonard Rosenblum, a 54-
year-old psychiatry professor at
the State University of New York.
Reinisch, who was married once
before and adopted a daughter six
years ago, hardly fits the mold of
By Tran Gordley
Special to The East Carolinian
Arlington Hall Gallery is pre-
senting the works of a potter, Doug
Eubankand a painter, David Parker.
Both of these artists have chosen
works to exhibit which demonstrate
their convictions about what art
means to them.
Eubank's work is playful yet
serious while Parker's paintings
reflect a sober and tranquil ap-
Doug Eubank's pottery com-
bines his skill when throwing clas-
sical forms with a personal whimsy
which takes seemingly simple
shapes and somehow lets a portion
of the form go haywire. Thus, we
may find ourselves confronting a
beautifully executed teapot with a
spout that has grown far beyond its
normal limits in terms of conven-
tional proportion.
Surprises, such as the one just
described run rampant throughout
Eubank's work selected for this
In addition to the many varia-
tions of teapots, Eubank has several
small prismacolor drawings in-
cluded in the show. Thesedra wings
are flat and elaborately patterned as
if declaring themselves two-di-
mensional in contrast to his obvi-
ously three-dimensional potter.
However, like his pottery, the
drawings are constructed tradi-
tionally combined with a free spirit
for decoration; a fantasy is thus
David Parker shows watercol-
ors and oils,all landscapes, with the
exception of a beautifully orches-
trated pencil and watercolor tided
Taintefs Studio Although the
work is small, the authority with
art about art
which the artist expresses the im-
portance of the studio spacearound
him is very apparent. Forms are
merely hinted at, rather than slav-
ishly described. The sensitive touch
of the artist is felt with every stroke.
Parker's strongest statements
are made in three large oils: "Salad
Patch "Field Workers" and Xreek
TeopleTr?draimtksky in "Salad
Patch" created by free brushwork
and bold color is the dominant im-
age of the painting.
Parker's feeting for landscape
harks back to the artist, Francis
SrjeigNwithwhomParker studied.
In-CreekPeople" theuseof similar
tree forms repeated creates a lively
pattern across the painting.
The strong sense of gesture
both of the subject represented and
its execution give each of these
works a romantic quality which is

8 ghc gnat (Earolinfan
April 9,1991
pril 9.1991
Jack Nicholson flies over the cuckoo
nest this week at Hendrix Theatre
Finally, the Student Union Films Committee presents the
"Vincent Schiavelli Film Festival You're probably feeling quite
certain that you've never seen this distinguished actor, but you're
wrong. You've seen him in both of this week's features, "Ghost" and
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Schiavelli has made a good living in Hollywood playing de-
mented and deranged characters for a couple of decades now. In
"Ghost he was the subway-dwelling spirit who terrorized Sam
then taught him how to master his new paranormal state. In "One
Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest he was one of the resident psychos
that lack Nicholson tried to rehabilitate.
Our hero Schiavelli's gem of a performance in "Ghost" was
overshadowed, however, by those of mega-stars Patrick Swavze,
Demi Moore and VVhoopi Goldberg, who won this year's Academy
Award for Best Supporting Actress. The film also won the Oscar for
Best Original Screenplay
OK, is there anybody out there who still doesn't know the plot?
Patrick Swavze plays Sam, a Wall Street investment broker who
shares an idyllic loft with his girlfriend Molly (Demi Moore), an
artist whose sensuai and nchly shaped sculptures figure as a meta-
phor for their love affair. The two are very much in love but at the
moment that they are ready to commit to each other Sam is killed by
a mugger as the lovers make their wav home from the theatre.
Then, as a beam of Tinkerbell Stardust washes down from
heaven, Sam is transformed into a ghost. He quickly intuits that
Molly can neither see nor hear him. This proves to be a problem
when he later discovers that he was killed bv his sooopathic best
friend Carl (Tony Goldwyn). He is helpless in letting Mollv know
that she too is in danger.
Things begin to look up when Sam meets up with Oda Mae
Brown (YVhoopie Goldberg), a charlatan psychic from Brooklyn
who tumsout to have real powers She is theonly person able to hear
Sam's voice. Sam enlists Oda Mae's help in warning Molly of
impending trouble.
"Ghost" is a sophisticated and extremely engaging melange of
romance, comedy and suspense, a kind of general, all-purpose film
experience that slap us silly and seduces us to tears. Who'd of
thought that a movie starring the kitsch crew of Swavze, Goldberg
and Moore could ever be so well received and successful?
"Ghost" will be shown Thursday, Fndav and Saturday nights,
April 11,12 and 13 at 8 p.m. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" will
screen Sunday, April 14, also at 8 p.m.
Coming next weekend MISERY
? Compiled by Lisa Marie Jernigan
The E.C. U. School of Music presents:
"An Evening of Original Compositions"
Michael B. Dixon
In Recital
at 8:15 PM
in Wright Auditorium
free admission
open to the public
-Live performances on synthesizers:
(4 works on synths and Midi wind controller)
-a ballet performed by a Dance Improv group:
"Ballet in 5 Moods" (1989)
-2 works for Chorus and Wind Ensemble:
"A Short War Overture Op. 9 (1991)
"Sonx if the Universal Op. 8a (1990)
Continued from page 7
Machover Reinisch was a dyslexic
pupil at the progressive City and
Country School in Greenwich Vil-
lage, N.Y.
There she frequently led other
kids on forbidden tours of human
fetuses stored in jars in the school's
science room. "I was a serious
tomboy says Reinisch. "I was
alwaysdirty and always had scabs
on my knees, but wanted to be like
my very feminine mother. My
publisher made me wear a skirt
for this interview. I usually wear
Now, past her scabby-knee
days, Reinisch is highly regarded
by manyof her peers. Paul Pearsall,
clinical psychologist and author
of Super Marital Sex: Loving for Life
(Doubleday, $18.95), says: "She's
an outstanding teacher in sex edu-
In this field you very often
have a good teacher with inad-
equate or outdated knowledge or
a knowledgeable person who is
not the best teacher. June Reinisch
isa great teacher who has accurate
knowledge about sexuality.
Her eight years as director of
the private, nonprofit Kinsey In-
stitute have produced their share
of controversy. She was asked to
resign in 1988 by a faculty com-
mittee at Indiana University,
where the institute is located.
Reinisch was criticized ?
some say unjustly ? for adminis-
trative shortcomings and for the
quality and amount of research
done during her tenure. "I was
here during that time, as well as 13
other people says Stephanie
Standers, assistant director of the
institute and a former student of
Reinisch's at Rutgers.
"I don't know what exactly
motivated it. It seemed to be a
very personalized attack on June.
The university did request her
resignation, and the board of
trustees did not concur. That was
the past; we've all moved ahead.
The fact that June is still here says
a lotSince that time, Reinisch
managed to finish her "Report
and it seems to be a hit. With the
exception of a blistering Boston
Globe article that referred to
Reinisch's press conferences as
"self-righteous noises the report
got positive press coverage and
put Kinsey in a very positive spot-
light. The report has made the best
seller lists of the trade publication
Publisher's Weekly and several
"We're in our second printing
and we've sold more than 54,000
copies since the book was released
in September reports Jeanette
Zwart, sales manager at St.
Martin's Press.
Rather exciting stuff, says
Reinisch. And not bad, she adds,
for a scabby-kneed, dyslexic kid
from Brooklyn who didn't learn
to read until she was in the fourth
Continued from page 7
the "Flash" powers. All of this hap-
pened in the comic. The city he lives
in. Central City, is the same also.
The costume was perfect, too.
The blood-red costume with
lightening bolts as decoration is
taken directly from the comic
character. John Westly Shipp was a
good choice for the stature of the
Flash. The whole cast was chosen
well, right down to the parents of
the Flash
The Flash has had its highs and
lows, as all series do, and what
makes the highs high are the cos-
tumed villains that he takes on. The
Ghost, the Tracker, Gideon and the
Trickster have been sprinkled into
the series to spark more interest and
give the Flash a new challenge.
The special effects, which ma ke
the series sn expensive, are excellent.
The speed of the Hash is not
shown like the Six Million Dollar
Man and simply speeded up film,
but is depicted as a blur, giving him
the illusion of super speed.
The interplay between the
characters is played for humor, and
usually works, though sometimes
ends up a little corny.
His cohort in crime fighting is
Tina McGee, played by Amanda
Pays (Leviathan, Max Headroom
television series). Tina comes from
The Flash comic book, only not the
version with Barrv Allen. Barrv
Allen died in the DC Comics Uni-
verse. Barry's nephew, Wally West
took over as The Flash.
Tina McGee became Walk s
girlfriend Wally also was shown as
ha ving a hyper metabolism and wa s
forced to rest and eat heavily
Continued from page 7
net is placed on top of a supercon-
ductor, it will generate its own elec-
tronic current and levitate the
magnet. This is called the Miesner
If magnetic- trai ns are placed on
superconduct brailsand magnetic
carsare placed on superconducting
roads, they would float on air. The
energy required to move the ve-
hicles would be minimal (a good
push could send a car around the
For all their magic-like powers.
superconductors have a fairlv
simple composition. The most re-
cent superconductors, and the one
ECU chemistry students will be
preparing, a re called one- two-three
One part Yttrium, two parts
Banum , three parts Copper and a
varying number of Oxygen mol-
ecules are the essence of one-two-
threesuperconductors.The fact that
studentsattheunder graduate level
can synthesize these superconduc-
tors, is a testament to their relative
easiness to make.
The natural question is: if su-
perconductorsare so simple, so easy
to make and possess so many ex-
travagant qualities, whv aren't we
using them now?
A superconductor can oniv
achieve its super powers at what is
called the Critical Temperature.
Today's superconductors can
function at the same temperature
that liquid Nitrogen exist (-1 de-
grees Celsius).
This is up from the tempera-
ture of liquid Helium -2(8 degrees
Celsius), which was the Critical
Temperature for the first supercon-
To keep thesesuperconductors
cold enough to function is, at this
point, still inequitable. When the
Cntical Temperature of supercon-
ductors can be brought up to about
zero degrees Celsius (that of ice
water), then thev will begin to revo-
lutionize our lives.
For now, thev are just a unique
item oi interest to most people.
By any Means,
Read The East Carolinian
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Peer health educators are students helping students improve the quality of their
lives by creating an awareness of these crucial social issues and assisting students
in making personal behavior changes. As peer health educators, we have an edge
on communicating to students because we are also students
?Lifelong skills
?A chance to have fun
?Promote healthy lifestyle
?Attend training course and
For more information call:
Suzanne Kellerman
Health Educator
All majors eligible to apply.
Informational meeting to be held on Wednesday April 10th at 3:15 in the
Student Health Service Res. Room
Pick up application forms at the SHS Health Education Dept.
Deadline to apply is April 15th
ECU relay t
By Rick Chann
Staff Writer
The men s tr? k team h ok sin
of its members to Arizona to com-
pete against some of the be
ciate and club teams in the a untrv
last weekend
The4xl00fteamoflke Robinson,
Damon Desue, William Davis and
Corey Brooks ran a v? r. g odl
The team finished in fifth place be-
hind two club teams, F rida ? ?
and UCLA (40.14).
In the 4x2110 relay ti
enjoyed somegpod time
hid. The team of Rol - Brian
lrvin, Fred Owens av.d I test
running a strong sec md :? '? ind a
club team when a mishap 01
third exchange ended Iheir -
The exchange N
and Desue was sligl
Owens stumbled an? j
inghis shoulder Ph- n
pace to run a time that
ranked them second
Owens is expected
approximately ft ur wee!
the Penn relays, but (
Carson say ? ns is
should recoverquicklv"
him to be ready for the
With Owens or

step in and run I
relay Da.
a 46J l j
ed the baton and t
4 Map. pav . ?
a 46.6 leg. The ba ton
Ml-America Brian - 1
Pirates split do
against Mason,
By Matt Mumma
Sports tditor
Over the weekend the Pirates
plaved two doubleheaders against
lames Madison and Go rgi Mason,
splitting each one
ECU had a got id chance to in-
crease their conference lead over
1MU, but managed only to keep the
same distance between them
Going into the weekend, ECU
was second in Colonial Athletic
Association play at 4-3, and ' I
was a close third with a 5-5 record
After splitting twi doubleheaders
the Pirates arc now 6-5, and MU is
6-6. George Mason is I ftl in the
CAA with a 4-8 re rd.
In the first game against thi
Dukes, the Pirates used tour pitch-
ers in a dose 7-6 victory. EC I sen w
Mike Whitten (1-1) recorded the
win, and si . re Howard
Whitfield chalked up I is first save
oi the season
The Pirates started the scoring
in the first inning with a 1-0 lead
andmcrea iedi
junior Tommy Ea ?
enth homerun of ti
third s ringtw
The Dukt-s ???
whittled away at EC i
eventually tying the
bottom oi the sixth
In the seventh Ea?
first on an error, and
Gast, who went I i
RBL drove the ball ffl
fence, Easonl i -
to win the game.
The si- rtd game a
was a pit
Tom Move and MU s
Move gav up -
Stitch only
proved I
factors in the game
JM U v- i
a double and
winner M
loss but sn, ?
lowed one ea me
? " ' v'
H9 Txf$?rfiMi
rl .
In your face
Two students enpyed an intense game of volleyball - j
Hill during ZTA day on Saturday
Tennis team loses
By Kerry Nester
AMMUnt Sports Editor
The early arrival oi summer-
like temratures has thingshea ting
up in Eastern North Carolina this
year; unfortunately, though, the
men's tennis team is cooling off.
Heading into last weekend's
Wake Forest Invitational, ECU had
compiled a record of five wins and
10 loses. Add to this the four defeats
suffered over the weekend and the
mark now stands at 5-14.
On Saturday, the Pirates found
themselves matched up against the
College of Charleston. O leston
controlled the match
ECU by the score of 4-
Juan Alvarez clan
win for the Pirates at
one singles spot by dl
opponent 6-3,6-3. Sai
Camiel Huisman ai
Sa vusak) all were defei
McLamband DaveWaJ
up for ECU and fou$
to lose 3-6,6-1,3-6
Up next for ECU
Washington. Head
Moore switched the lii
thistime,and i Pirate
to winning a very

Continued from page 7
search Reinisch s press conferences as
N self righteous noises, the report
positive press coverage and
putKinse) in a very positive spot-
light rhereport has made the best
n er lists of the trade publication
Publisher's Weekly and several
? , , We're in our second printing
ac u' sold more than M 000
pies since the Knk was released
ieptembei reports leanette
- manager at St
? s t; 111 vlVS
? ? .1 : she adds,
kneed dvslexu kid
t learn
mti page 7
. i 1 ? ? rn . n t the
i s I ni
V est
IcGo?VlA s
? als ai iwn as
. . ,was

? degree
? ?
? ? ?- at this
V hen the
?? about
v ' '?? revo
ys ?.?

the quality of their
tes and assisting students
' rs, we have an edge
. I :nts
?Promote healthy lifestyle
?Attend I i g course and
ion call:
ble to apply.
Wednesday April 10th at 3:15 in the
ice Res. Room
SHS Health Education Dept.
is April 15th
A 9.1991
Site ?aat (garolfnian
&POH I o
ECU relay teams place fifth in Arizona
??? -n i . . ? i ?rr. iiJi ull? ;? - t n( TK.i Arrum'ci?Rf?l mlau ham Qrhnol r
Rick Chann
Matt Writer
5 back team ttnk mv
? rs tr nona to com-
t some o( the Km colle-
teams in the country
i teamoflkeRobinson,
illiam Davis nd
? ran a ver good time.
inished in tilth place be
? ams Floridal J9.93)
10 14)
1x200 relay tho Pirates
? of Robinson Pnan
wens and Desue was
? ng second behind a
a hen a mishap on tho
??? ended thoir race.
The exchange between Owens
and Desue was slightlv off and
Owens stumbled and toll, separat-
ing his shoulder. The relav was on
pace to nin a time that would have
ranked them second in tho nation.
Owens is expected to bo out
approximately four weeks, missing
tho Penn relays, but Coaoh Bill
C arson says Owens is "strong and
should recover quicklv" isexpected
him to he ready tor the nationals
With Owens on his way to the
hospital, the44lm needed I Vsuoto
stop in and run Owens lev; of tho
relay. Davisgot the racestarted with
a 4k2 load off lap. Desue then re-
ceived the baton and turned in a
47.3 lap, passing to Brooks who ran
a 4b.h leg. The baton was then given
to All-America Brian Irvin who ran
the anchor leg in 45.7 to set a new
schtxl record
A time of 3:05.97 was good
enough for fifth place and second
among collegiate teams, breaking
the old record of 3:06.15.
Coach Carson was very pleased
with his teams performance, espe-
cially among the competition at the
meet Carson said his team had
gained the respect of many coaches
at the meet and is expected to be
invited back next vear.
At Saturday's Wake Forest re-
lavs, the mens and womens track
teams had many top finishes. The
top performance came in the
hurdles, relav and field events( shot
Setting the pace for the Pirates
was L'don Cheek, who won thc400
Intermediate Hurdles in a time of
52.95. Bnan Williams finished the
event in 5655 for sixth place before
winning the 110-meter hurdles in
14.73. Williams then showed ECU'S
hurdling power by coming back
later in the meet to run the invita-
tional 1 IOmeter hurdles, where he
finished third in a personal best of
Competi ng for the l.ady Pirates
in the 40O-meter hurdles were
Danielle Smith (hnishingin 109.47)
and Cindy Speeney in 109.95.
Ryle Sullivan had another per-
sonal best performance in the 5,000-
meter placing second in his heat in
16:0b. He was followed by Ricky
Chann in 16:55 and Matt Moms in
17:11. Chann also ran the steeple
chase in 11.09.
The women's 4x800 relay team
of Theresa and Marianne Manni,
Catherine Norstrand and C iretchen
Harlev, improving by 20 seconds
over last weekend, finished fourth
with a time of 954
The 4x200 team of Danita
Roseboro, ov Dorsey, Sherry
Hawkins and Chanda Cooper hn-
ishingin 1:43.47, worn nipped at the
line losing by one-tenth ofa second
to Wake Forest.
Roseboro finished fifth in the
100-meter dash in 12.63. Hawkins
finished the race in 1336 along with
Diane Jacobs in 13 40. Enc Dillard
competed in the UK) dash for the
men, finishing in 1152
In the field events, the Ladv
Pirates had some cood perfor-
mances. They worn led bv junior
Pirates split doubleheaders
against Mason, Madison
B) Matt Mum ma
11 ! jitor
(veekend the Pirates
? ibleheaders against
v1adis n and George Mason,
I l good chance to in-
. r i rtferenee load over
ged nh tokeepthe
between them
? ?? ?. ? ? kend E I
? I rual Athletic
play at 4 ind 'ML'
? I ?- ? a5 record.
I ul ? headers
ites are now 6-5 and Ml is
Masoi s fifth in the
? ? -
? , against tho
irat - ised f ur pitch-
v " - . lory.ECl senior
hitten (1-1 re rded the
I so j '? ward
: I alked first -vivo
? Pirates started the scoring
? rst inning vs ith a 1-0 load
and increased their lead in tho third
lunior Tommy Eason hit his sev-
enth homemn of tho season in the
third, scoring two of tour runs that
Tho I hikes wore persistent and
whittled away at ECU's load,
eventually tving the game in the
bottom of tho sixth
In tho seventh, Eason reached
first on an error, Mid junior lohn
(.ast. who wont 3-for-4 with two
RBI, drove the Kill off the left field
fence Eason then scored from first
to win tho game.
The second game against Ml)
was a pitching duel between ECU s
Tom Move and 1ML s Rick Sutch.
Move gave up seven hits, while
Sutch only gave up five, which
proved to be one of tho deciding
factors in tho game.
ML) wont ahead in the first on
a double and again in the fourth on
another double 'hat was the game
winner. Moye (3-2) picked up tho
loss but stuck out six and only al-
lowed one earned run. The decid-
ing run came across on a throw mg
error bv senior Berrv Narrof.
ECU lost the second game 2-1
and traveled to Fairfax, Va to take
(n George Mason on Sunday.
ECU won the first game 5-4
and lost the second game 6-2.
Freshman lohnny Beck (2-3) got the
win, and Whitten got his first save
of tho year. Bock struck out six in
five innings oi work and gave up
eight hits.
Senior Corev Short won the
game for ECU on a solo home run in
the fifth after CMC tied the game in
tho fourth. Eason led the Pirates
and wont 3-for-4 in the first game.
In the second game the Patriots
wont on a scoring spree in the fifth
inningand scored five runs. GMU's
Chris Widger went 2-for-3 with a
ht me run in tho first and a double in
the fifth that drove in three runs.
Tho Pirates only had four hits
in tho game as opposed to 13 in the
first game against CMC
ECU is now 17-13-1 and plays
UNC today in Chapel Hill.
By Earle McAuley
Staff Writer
Awesome. That is the only
word that can describe the play of
the FCL' lacrosse team this past
Saturday afterncxn the team
handed the Virginia Common-
wealth Rams an 18-12 loss. A com-
bined score of 30 points happens in
lacrosse with about the same fre-
quency asa KXVpoint football game.
In short, tho Pirates generated some
serious offense.
Sundav afternoon did not fea-
ture the same scoring extravaganza
as Saturday did, but the Pirates,
playing perhaps their best game in
five vears, were able to destroy the
Richmond Spiders 8-1.
Saturday's game opened very
quickly with both teams scoringfive
goals in the opening period. Fans
were treated to almost every facet
of a lacrosse game in that period
alone; sconng, hitting, man-down
defense and coaching strategy.
In the second period the Pirates
were able to maintain their intensity
as well as pick up the defense, and
they built a four point lead just be-
fore intermission.
After the break, ECU decided
Dail Re?d ? ECU Photo Lab
ophomore centerlielder David Leisten gives a bat to the ball boy
gainst JMU Leisten went 4-for-3 with 2 RBI in the first game
to trv and put the Rams away by
sconng three straight goals to build
a seven point lead with 11 minutes
to go in the third quarter.
VCU was not yet ready to quit,
however, as thev answered with
three gcvals of their own to make the
game interesting again.
In the end condi honing was the
difference. Asthethirdquarterdrew
to a close the lesser manned Rams
wore showing obvious signs oi fa-
tigue. This led to a slew of penalties
against them.
The Pirates were able to capi-
talize bv sconng two goals in man-
up situations, which occurs when
the opposing team has a player in
the penalty box. The goals effec-
tively sealed the Pirate's victory
despite a last ditch effort by VCU.
Almost every offensive player
on the team scored at least one goal,
and the Pirate defense was led by
senior Wes Davis and senior goal
tender Phil Truitt, who played an
outstanding game despite the 12
goals allowed.
Sunday'sgame wasperhaps the
best ever for a Pirate lacrosse club
team. They were able to execute
well i n every aspect of the game a nd
continued to do it through four
Tho Pirates looked like a well-
oiled machine as they caught and
passed with proficiency, found the
open man. cxeeu ted well on defense,
scored on man-up situations and
held in man-down as thev thor-
oughly demolished a previously
undefeated Richmond team.
I"he Spiders did not arrive on
time and forced tho game to start an
hour late thus they did not have the
opportunity to warm-up properly
before tho game began. This may
have affected the first quarter which
the Pirates won 3-0.
The second quarter was ECU'S
proof that thev wore for real as they
again shut out the now warmed up
Spider offense while sconng three
more goals of their own.
The one goal thev scored came
on a clear attempt dunng a man-
down situation for the Bucs, when a
pass was intercepted and subse-
quentlv shot into an almost-empty
goal from 20 feet out. The Pirate
defense lost the shut out.
Leading the ECU offense were
senior midfielders Kelly Hoyt and
Drew Bourque, along with fresh-
man attackman Mike Schmidt.
The dav, however, belonged to
Truitt, who only allowed one goal
and had in excess of 15 saves.
school record-holder Susan
Schram's first place finish in the
shot put with a toss of 43-3. Janie
Rowe finished third in the shot and
seventh in the discuss with throws
of 40-3 and 110-2 14, respectively.
Rochelle Rodgers finished seventh
in the javelin, throwing it 63-6 34
In the 3,000-meter, Anne Marie
Welch finished fourth, and
Mananne Manni placed seventh.
Both the mens and women's
teams finished the day with second
place finishes in the 4x400 relay
The women s team of Harlev, Smith,
Cooper and Roseboro finished in
4:03 ThemensteamoflmarSims,
Dave Carter, Wil Duff and Cheek
lead from the start but were passed
in the final strech finished in a time
of 3:18.
Golf team
CAA title
Bv Francis Vaughn
Staff Writer
The ECU golf team was the
favoriteto win the Colonial Athletic
Association golf tournament this
past weekend in Wilson, but don't
tell ECU golf coach Hal Morrison
"There is alwavs a favorite in
any sporting event that e . .?
thinks should win Mr. ison said.
"The favorite m . win but it has to
perform to its capabilities to win
The first dav the Pirates got off
to their tvpical slow start, shooting
304 Thev were tied for tho lead
with Richmond and William and
Mary. ECU's John Maginnes shot a
rwo-over par 74, trailing early
leader DeugCregor of William and
Mary bv three shots.
"I think our poor start made the
guvs realize they had to play well to
win Morrison said. "Thev played
really well the last two days and
proved they were capable of win-
The Pirates shot a four over par
at 22 on the second day to take the
lead by 12 shots over Richmond,
lohn Maginnes shot a two-under-
par 70 to grab the indmdual lead by
five shots over James Madison's
Chad Bales. ECU's Mike Teague
and Simon Move were tied for third
after two days.
The Pirates matched their sec-
ond-day score of 292, pulling away
from the rest of the teams. They
won bv a whopping 26 shots. Wil-
liam and Mary nipped JM U by one
shot to capture second place.
John Maginnes shot an even-
par 2 and won the individual title
bv 5 shots over fellow teammate
Mike Teague. ECU senior Simon
Move finished third with a 224 and
Greg Powell finished at 227 and
tied for 5th place.
The Pirates had four playerson
the All-Conference team, which
consisted of the top five players in
the tournament.
This was the best performance
by our team in the conference
championship since I've been here
Momson said. "If we continue to
plav well, we will have a good
chance of going to the NCAA
The golf team has this week off,
but thev have a tournament in Sa-
vannah, Ga the following week
before the NCAA tournament.
Tennis team loses four straight, record drops to 5-14 during weekend
itlUULl wwva w O A A u. ?- Huisman. Savusalo and McL
By Kerry Nester
Assistant Sports fditor
The early arrival oi summer-
like temperatures has things heating
up in Eastern North Carolina this
.oar, unfortunately, though, the
men's tennis team is cooling off.
Heading into last weekend's
Wake Forest Invitational, ECU had
compiled a record of five wins and
10 loses. Add to this the four defeats
suffered over the weekend and the
mark now stands at 5-14.
OnSafuniay, the Pirates found
themselves matched up against the
College of Charleston leston
controlled the match and defeated
ECU by the score of 4-1
Juan Alvarez claimed the only
win for the Pirates at the number
one singles spot by defeating his
opponent 6-3, 6-3. Sammy Tounsi,
Camiel Huisman and Markku
Savusalo all weredefeated handily.
In the only doubles match, John
McLamband Dave Wallace teamed
up for ECU and fought hard, only
to lose 3-6,6-1,3-6.
Up next for ECU was George
Washington. Head Coach Bill
Moore switch the lineup around
this time, and iratescame close
to winning a very competitive
Alvarez again won his match
at the number one singles, and the
rest of the singles matches went the
total three-set distance.
At the number two spot, Tounsi
battled his opponent to three sets
and two tiebreakers. In the end
scrapped back though and won the
next two sets6-4,7-5 for the victory.
Anders Ahl came in for
Savusalo at the number four spot
and won the third consecu ti ve close
match 4-6,6-4,6-3.
With the match on the line,
Coach Moore inserted Huismanand
though, it was George Washington Savusalo to play the lone doubles
coming out on top with a 7-6,2-6,7- match. The two Pirate netters were
6 victory. embarrassed 6-2,6-1 and ECU lost
McLamb played the number the match 3-2.
three spot this time in place of On Sunday, the Pirates had a
Huisman and looked as though he chance to redeem themselves going
would take his opponent after up against Wake Forest and
posting a 6-2 first set win. Furman. Once again, ECU came up
TheGeorge Washington player empty losing 1-4 and 0-5 respec-
First up was Wake Forest. The
only Pirate win came once again for
Alvarez (the only bnght spot on the
ECU squad for the weekend) as he
won 7-5,1 -6,6-4 in a very close and
competi ve match.
At the number two, three and
four singles spots. Pirate netters
Tounsi, Huisman and Ahl all went
down in straight sets. The doubles
team of Savusalo and McLamb also
were defeated.
Coach Moore pulled Alvarez
out of the number one singles spot
for the last match against Furman
and inserted Tounsi in his place.
Huisman, Savusalo and McLamb
rounded out the rest of the lineup.
All four Pirate players lost in
straight sets, and the doubles team
of Alvarez and Wallace managed to
take their opponents to three sets,
losing in a third set tiebreaker 5-7,6-
The Pirates have four matches
before the Colonial Athletic Asso-
ciation championship in
Harrisonburg, Virginia, April 19-
Thiscould be the last chance for
the Pirates to salvage something
positiveoutof what has been so far;
a disappointing season.

The Final Four in Minges The Pre season Pitch
On Wednesday. March 2Qt the 1991 intramural
sports Basketball season concluded with the All-
Campus finals on the ECU court m Minges Coliseum
Games began with a jump boll and featured dunks
and three point goals in the Purple game. the
independent champion Young Guns 'aunched a
second half dunking exhibition m route to a 69-36
victory over the Fratern ty Purple wnners of Phi Tou "B
Bryan Lee and Will Thompson s explosive power jams
and high flying lumpers broke open a dose game
late m the first half oa ran awav ,K e title
members of the Young Guns
5d Jason Baile
Russ Arno, Steve Wimmer, Rob Maloney and Todd
Porter Leading he Phi Tau B crttack was the outside
shooting of Charles Taylor 3r j Mike Andrews
The voung Guns reache i the l nais v. a semi-final
win over the Funky Intellectuals r j their f e point
guard. David Moody an 3 then v. thstood a furious
display of area-code jumpers from Spencer Runge
and Brad Brewer to wc j on 'or a 56-54 victory in the
independent Purple t tie 3 ame r" Tcu "B' ran away
from TKE "B in the Fraternitv P r e Ch 3mp onship
behmd the ins de p a 01 Jerry Garner and the leader-
ship of Brian Weil
A Taste of Chocolate
efforts Of Clayton Driver
champ ens r ??? th ?. 52 ?"? ???
Epsiion A n the Go i finals
finals v. th a 50-48 divisional 5
Balling as Driver hit o 15 fc 3t
rema hing
in one of Ke gr? '?'? ' 3 3n
history A Taste of Chocolate
Trail nthe ndependent 3c
tofc ?
xrt Ploying st'
game t ng she
? -er - the 3r
con -?
got of o a qui'
e OT before '
ode tne ncrecjib e c utch
- take the Gold ACcdus
41 ? : : ng ' Sigma Phi
,ais - 3Ste reached the
- senr fina ?? n over Beef or
? th one see on d
g 3rn ;m EC nti 31T jral
fe 3te i Blazing the
Dis 57-56 n that
3$te beg on ??
- lee Greene
pp nute o an
Chocolate ? tl
spectacu'o' or
Fold Char di
s r 3yers ad were down
1 Bryan Haywood 'C 1 ? 1
the. : it ?' nt. .?. rked 'or a
Dr ;e agoir nai'eda 1
secor jtc 3c to send ?; e
e ?? me er'S squad
. the t ,s. f,vepc nts of
: ? .?. ?- slightlv ess than a
i?-jir t three A Taste of
Warm weather is upon us and so begins the season of
softbali1 The men s and women's pre-season soft bail
tournament was an outstanding success1 Three after-
noons and evenings were packed full of great plays1
With 32 teams participating, the men used a single
elimination format (32-16-8-4-2-1)
The winner was Pi Kappa Alpha "A. Captain Mike
Davis said that theirs was a total team effort" Davis
went on to say. Everyone hit really well, we made 15
funs m that last game and we were pleasantly sur-
prised by the overall win ' Team members include
Rick Rutler, T.J. Louis, Trey Weisman, Dean English, Bill
Wiggins, Mickey Whaley, Stacy Hall, Glenn Whitley,
Kevin McNamara and Kevin Smith. They played the
final game agamstThe Virgins with a score of 15-1
WATCH OUT they are play ng in the regular season
The women had only three teams in this year's tourna
ment. there fore a
round-robm format
was chosen The
teams were Rebels
With a Cause, Ama-
teurs and Tyler
The victors were
Rebels with a
Cause winning
Captam Sandee
Hacknee said that
c c'herteammates
did their share and
are looking forward
to the regular sea-
son which is already m progress There are twelve team
members including Lynda McCormick, Kim Russell,
Stephanie Rowe and Daniel Smith.
Women's Softball Top Picks
Water Skiers work wonders
Collegiate water sk ng is a rapidly growing sport The
ECU ski team is a member of the National Collegiate
Water Ski Association The team competes ir the
South Atlantic Collegiate Water Ski Association with
teams from Kentucky. North Cc 1 outh Corona.
Tennessee. Georg 0 cr d A 3bama
The fall season consists of 1 ?'? I irnaments.
the finals being team trials Thetearr Ainner of these
tnais and the tea ,r it has the l 3! ? I totive
score from the four toumamenl ?.???:? the
National Inv tat Dna
Four SAC tournaments are a ' tedthi igr :
the spmg season ' iding the Conferei ' jmpi-
onshps Partic pae e t irnament ro se-
lected to represent the ? nstitutior nthe ?'? a Sar
Team The top seec
the second seea s
e conferer ? rd r ier
- -? ferer '?'? ? 3rr r Dn ad
he resl '?????? ire
?? : : . nuiative scores
. ? . irr 3ments
ECU now r I the SAC
Aomen's n iTi ?
e ? : 3nd ho ? ' ' ne kiei
? - ?? e All Stars ii ' :?
ream continues s
Rebels With A Cause
women's round robin
pre season winners
rS Gil
P ? . - ther memt ? " 3f the
A Taste of Chocolate nc idedTim
Hubert, Martin Blue and Rafael McBroom
Sig Ep A" go' to the e 3 3me bet i a 59-37
thrashing o TKE A' n the Fi 3terr ty Gold finals A th
Brett Schecter r 3 r 3 t g 3f 3 Bruce Selby e ading
the fioor game TKE hung m iriy bel '? ? " e
of Jeff Emerson Rob Evans and Joel Suanders 35
as the nj Je dominance 3f Tee Mediin t e g 3n o
assert themse es
Congrai . 3t ??e
chomp ons thev
capped off a most ic
cess' seasor th
some superb e"os
' West End Girls
2 Options
3 Chap, Crackle & Pop
4 Brat Pack
1 Tri-Stgma
2. AlphaPhi
3. Chi Omega
Women's Purple
1 Tyler 'terodactyls
2. PMS
A Taste of Chocolate
wins Gold Basketball
Championship 1991
Cape Lookout, NC
April 21
Spend your day walking along crashing waves wi
well as the opportunity to visit the Cape Lookout I jhtl ? r- s one
day trip focuses on the 21st anniversanof Earth D : ? ?e our
natural resources with th s beach ean p hiking rip.
Equipment, lunch and transportation are yours for S 7.0"
ind S10.00
A pre-tnp meeting will be held Wednesday. April 1 7 .it 6 00 m n Bi terDIOI
Cape Hitteriis, NC
April 26-28
Disc Golfa great way o enyoy the .s v. thout the frustration of three
putting This year Recec onci Services is planning a "Pro-Am; to take piace at
the Disc Golf course near Hcrr r gton Field The information meeting w II be held
on Tuesday. Ap.1 9c5 Xp B o ogy 103 The action starts on Wednesday.
Apr:i 10 Registrations will a'so be taken on se the day of the activity
J The Golf Classic comes o Recreat onai Ser'ices on Tuesddy and
Wednesday. April 16 and 17. at the Aycen Golf and Country Club Tee times
are from 2 30 to 6 00pm The informal on meeting will be held on Wednesday.
April 10 at 5 00pm m Biology 103
LJ All-Terrain Volleyball - sand, court, and water are the surfaces you will
be competing on during this semester ending activity. This is a new sport format
at ECU. so come on out and try your hand at this unique volleyball production.
The information meeting will be he'd on Wednesday. April 10 at 5 30pm in
Biology 103
Camp next to the Atlantic Ocean at the National Park Service
Campground and windsurf both Saturday and Sunday in the
shallow waters of the Pamlico Sound at Canadian Hole.
Equipment, food, transportation and instructors fees are
yours for $25 students and $30 faculty staff guests.
A pre-tnp meeting will be held Wednesday, April 24 at 5:00pm m ? ?vsterDl 01
Step Into Exams
Recreational Services will soon be offering STEP classes (Sports Tra ning Exercise Pro-
grams), introductory classes will be held
during the April 29-May 7 drop-m class
schedule Regular sessions of STEP will
be held m the basement of Garrett
Pipeline Pumphouse beginning this sum-
mer. Look for additional information
coming soom STEP into fitness this fall
Fraternity Qo'd 1. Pi Kappa Alpha a 2. Sigma Pru Epsiion A 3 Theta Chi A Men's Gold 1. Cubbies 2. Renegades 3 Crash & Burn 4. The Newtons 5. StrokinFraternity Purple 1 S-gma Phi Epsiion B 2 Phi Kappa TauB 3 Lambda Chi Alpha B Men's P'jrD!e 1. Power Hour 2 Good 0l Boys 3. Proud Americans 4. 190 ProofCo-Pec 1. Cubbies & TheCubbets 2. Renegades and Babes Softball Swings into Action
Instructor Mentor
Program and Try-Outs
Do you want to try out for a fitness
instructor position? Find out what is
involved with FREE Instructor mentor programs with NO OBLIGATION TO TRYOUT
These programs will be held:
Monday, April 8 3:00-5:00pm Exercise Programming and Concepts of
Aerobics Class
Friday, April 19 3:00-5:00pm Choreography Development and
Aerobics Class
Friday, April 26 3:00-5:00pm Exercise Selection and Aerobics Class
These programs are designed to give you additional insight into what it takes to be
a fitness instructor. Instructor tryouts will be held on Tuesday, April 30 from 2.00-
4:00pm. Interested individuals any sign-up and pick up information flyer m 204
Christenbury Gymnasium.
Chancellors Cup Update
All points have been totaled through intramural basketball.
Fraternity Point System
Phi Kappa Tau 1758 ? Sigma Phi Epsiion
1419 ? Theta Chi 1327 ? Lambda Chi
Pi 1008

Q .
co p
3 if
Q 3

1616 ? Pi Kappa Phi 1614 ? Pi Kappa Alpha
1191 ? Tau Kappa Epsiion 1111 ? Beta Theta




The East Carolinian, April 9, 1991
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 09, 1991
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