The East Carolinian, February 21, 1991

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Stlre iEaat (Eariiliitimi
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol 64 No.77
Thuhsday, February 21, 1991
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12.000
10 Pages
Check it out
? - ?
? ' ? ibout a
Rodney Strickland ECU Photo Lab
ich ? imenthi rj last Saturday in Mendenhatl Student Center. For
it Mei lenhal i ' ? ' II i nti irmation d ! k at 757 470C
Air Force honors cadet society
Bv Jim Rogers
staff Writel
ECU's Kitt Hawk Squadron
ol Arnold Air Socierv a sen ice or-
ganization within Air! orce ROT(
won five awards at a regional eon
vention in Myrtle Beach, si last
They received awards for the
best medium-sized squadron in the
rhey also wen the best pledge
program, the best civic projei tsand
the most supportive auxiliary
The squadron sad isor,( apt
Steven f 1 Minnk h, wash inored as
the best advisor in the area
1 he E( I squadron competed
against groups from I Nihapel
I till, North arolina State I niver
sity, Duke, UN -Charlotte, North
( arolina A,sc 1 and 1 avi tt nlleState
I niversity
last semester, thi squadron
worked with non militan groups
sin h as the t ireem illehamber ol
Commerce, Grady White Boats,
Greenville layeces and the E I
Athletk Department, as well as
military groups like the let al Veter
ansof Foreign Wars, letnam V et-
erans Association and the Air Force
I he squadron is composed of
l7AirForceROT cadets who per
formspecial projet tsinthecommu
nitv and on campus to increase
awareness ol Air! on e ROTX and
the US Air Force.
To become a member ol the
society, the cadets must have an
overaUgradepointaverageof 2.5or
betterand must ompletcasix week
pledge period.
After a six-week program the
new members are indu text into the
society al the Wright Brother's Me-
morial in kittc (lawk
I he kittv Hawk squadron is
named after kittv I law k. the town
where Orville and Wilbur Wnght
made the first powered ilu;ht
1 he kittv Haw k Squadron won
thi: Franks Hagan rrophy for be-
ing the best moeinini sized squad-
ron in the nation. They won the
award last April in a national
11 ?nventionhekl in Atlanta
Winning last weekend in
Mvrtlc He.ii h qualitied the squad-
ron to win the Hagan 1 rophv tor
the second i onset utive year
I lopetulh we! an w in it again
but right now we ire ust happy
with hat we've pot, Matthew
Becbe, cadet commander of the
squadron, said
(An campus, the squadron is
most visible during then annual
POWMIA awareness week
1 ast November they displayed
y in iront ol the student sti res
and sold H V A1IA bracelets, T-
shirts, and stM kers
This project generated aware-
ness ol the It W MIA wins by
attr.u ting th i. h ,il media to the site
ot the cage
Arnold AirScx ict isa natn inal
organization was tounded in the
I947at the L niversitv on irn innati
It is named titter ' .eneral 1 It 1
I lap Arnold, who is responsible
t t making the r I tree a sej miti
branch of military service.
Duke scholar
to speak
about Islam
Slafl Reports
ECU professor says
war cause of recession
pn si ntation ? ntitled i he
? and Niatui am w ill
begi en Monday Feb 25, at
: ?? i ?? ? ? ? ? ?
i : ? in Build
ponsoi : b the
? us Studii ' ?
s served as a visit
. , . . ki
nidi Arabia
? iltant in Mala sia
it ?
: r ir establisl i
e Rvuvku Islands
who is the presidi
(the ? .hi Instituteol I 'akistan
I ntl id . -r - b. ardsol
the " ' 'A ouncil on I S Arab
American-Arab Affairs
1 ind the National ount il
? r I idv ol Amil. n letit s
Braibanl : iresenth lames B
I ik ? i ? . merirus ol Politi-
it 1 uke 1 niv? rsitv and
k distinguish) d h it i na
? ? ? ? i ' r Amen, an r. A
i ?r i. alv in Mercer,tix?rdinator
ol the program said "While the
iar thrust of the new Religious
"studies Mim irPn igram is to provide
anacademu minor for students we
See Islam Page 2
By Kelly Hoyl
Special to llu-1 jst i arolinian
An E( I professor savs th
irx reasmg unt mplo ment
and decreased onsumer spend
ing hascaused the bush admin
istration to say America is in a
1 he National Bureau ol Kco
i Ri ?sean hoftu uillv lefine
a recession as ,i de line in
al alui i Is prod
? I ross National Produ I
( P ? i : I ilJ i vi II
! he I 1NP is th it i ? tar
m of all gtx ids and sei
I n duced durine a certain time
. ri(xi
Pr ?. arson Bavs a professor
of" ' mi s at E 1 feels I
the war has not vet begun to pla
a determining factor in our
i onomv nationalh
Bays said "The u,ir hasn t
pumped much monevback into
.?lit econom because we have
been fighting off ol a surplus
.nut it has reall) onl been hurt
ing our country Kh all, not rta-
ti inally "
i !e s,nd i ommunities sin h
ii ksonvilk and Norfolk, a
h.i .i N'ett hit hard bv the de
pli i ment of I s s. ildicrs
I le s.)ki mam economists
ivere anticipaiing tlas countries
recession since early in I990,and
b thesummerol I990mostwere
convinced that we would beex-
periencinga rev ession. orsorne-
ing c lose to it, by 1991
The warning signs of the
recession were our countn s
steadih increasing unemplov
ment and the longest peact time
expansion in the histor .t our
economv, Bays said.
1 ie said industries which
have been afte ted the most b
the recession include automo
bik makers,constru tion hnms
ind airlines Most ol these are
industries which are sensitive
to consumer spending
When dis?. ussing remedies
Bays said there is not much
bush can do His power over
(the 1'ederal Reserve, or Fed ? is
limited, so therefore it is really
.nit ol his hands tor the most
As tar as Congress is con
cemed. Bays said: The need
to work on the deficit but to do
it now might be dangerous
rhey also nitd to implement
new spending controls ai d
Structural changes in order to
make a morebalanced budget"
One way the government
i euld helpis to have the Federal
Reservebuy bondson theopen
market which would increase
their value Stock prices would
then increase Bavs said
The Federal Reserve has
tried to help bv decreasing the
discount rate which is the in-
terest rate that they charge banks
tor short term loans, Bavs said.
See Recession Page 2
? Rta Photo
Taking precautions like wearing an effective sunscreen while sunbathing will reduce skin damage from
overexposure It is also recommended to wear a hat and avoid intense sunlight
Sunbathers should take care to
prevent skin damage, disease
Bv Debbie Lirtton
I'eer Health Educator
.As spring appro,k ius and the
great migration of college students
seeking fun in the sun gets under
way, stop and consider the largest
organ in your body your skin.
For manv college students an
important part ot the tun will be
getting a tan. But in recent years
physicians have been warning that
a lifetime of exposure to the sun
puts the skm through a repeated
cycleofinjur) .repairand ultimately,
permanent damagt
1 ffei ts i an include w rmkling.
premature aging and -kin cancer.
skm cancer is associated with
aging, although dermatologists re-
port seeing it in a number ol adoles-
cents and young adults It is esti-
mated that 40 to 50 percent ot all
Americans who live to age rA will
have skin cancer at least once.
Anyone seeking a tan or just
going to be out in the sun exercising
or working should take special
pre autions in doing si i
I hese pre autions irx hide us
ing an ettev live sunscreen oil or lo-
tion with a sun protection factor
that otters the best protection,
posurefrom 11 a.m to 1 p m when
the sun is most intense
it would be a giHd idea to be-
gin now, while in college, to exam
See Sunbathers. Page 3
Campus lighting improvements designed to inhibit crime
ECU News Bureau
An improved lighting system
is making ECU'S campus safer and
brighter after dark.
It makes strolling after dark a
pleasure, says Beatrice Blount, an
ECU junior.
"1 reallv like it she said. You
can see everything. It s like day-
time, almost
Lt. Keith Knox, crime preven-
tion officer for the ECU LXvpart-
ment oi Public Safety, said ECU
now has one of the best-lighted and
safest campuses in the state.
"It's like a dream come true
said Knox, who conducted a studv
three years ago and concluded tl t
lighting on campus was inadequate.
With an enrollment of 16,500
students, ECU has the third-largest
student hodv oi am university or
college in North Carolina.
With classes in progress com
puter labs and libraries open and
cultural and entertainment events,
evening hours on campus are busy
and pedestrian and vehicular traf-
fic is heavy.
The new high pressure sodium
lights now emit mom light tor the
same wattageas the mercury apor
and quart lamps the replaced. In
addition to thecampuslighting, the
citv of Greenville is replacing and
upgrading lighting on the campus
Robert Webb, director of
Physical Plant and Architectural
Planning, said engineers used a
computer-generated readout ol the
campusareas 'todetermine which
areas needed the most concentra-
tion of light
The University ot North . aro-
lina General Administration
awarded a $500000 grant to ECU
tor the lighting protect, and this was
augmented by $78,000 in special
funding by the university.
"None of this money was from
state operating funds, said Rich-
See Lighting Page 3
? Courtesy of ECU Nmm Bureau
Lighting improvements have been made in an effort to make the campus safer after dark Also, bushes will
be trimmed smaller so no one can hide behind them
The Student Government
Administration needs to take a
close look at a smoking policy
Features 5
Silence of the Lambs, starring
Anthony Hopkins, is an edge-
of the seat thriller
Sports 10
The ECU baseball team lost
their season opener to Barton
College 8 6
Oasaified 8

?he i?nBt (Earttimxun
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1 9
v 64 N
I ihsday, Februarv 21, 1991
Greenville. North Carolina
C'RCulation 12.000
10 Pages
Check it out
? . ? ?? ? and ECU Photo Lab
? nd ? . ?? ? enter I i
Air Force honors cadet society
( ireem ilk- lave r ind thi !I
thletli ??? well .1-
militai - i
K I s Kitt Hawk Squadron ansot Foi i?
Bv im Rogers
st.itl Writel
ird ? ? ?: ? i tutu niciI
?????? tl.inl
Win ? kend in
Mvrtte I I ? pi.ui
? , . ? . . . ? , .
of Arnold Air Sx"iof i . ? ? . r ? ? i - il i ! thi- I ro ron l
gani7ation within Air Foro ROT ociatioi ?? ? .
won five awards at a n i Phe squad i i ? ? : ? Hoi
venfton in Mvrtli 17Air 1 rceROT .vhopei ne,ht
, eekend ? ? ; ? ? :???? 11 thi omnni
e rocei i ' nit. i I . I ? i lvi ? ; . . ?.
best medium-sied squad i i tl ? i ot ir! i OT I quad) i
.r. ,i the US ir Fbro Ci
? ? . 3 ?von the I- ? . ? - ? ? - ?? ? ? ? hie during then
program, the best project ind socieh. the idol ist ha MIA a ?? i ?
? . ii
I Matthew I
the most supportive auxiharv erall grade pointaveragi I
? " i I pled period
tevenH Mini ? . ek program thi
the best advisor in the area r ersai I ? ?
quadroi mpeted ? tvatth. A'i thei M.
. ? . . , .? .
rill ? ??
sir, Duki C -i irlotte. ortl - towi
Carolina A& land . , . . . .
made the I : ? I
??.??. ? ?
Commerce. GradA White Boats, ron in the nation, fhev won the branch or mihtan
1 ast . .ember the ? :
1 rW MIA bra. I

? ? ?
? ?? . ? . ' ' ? . ? .
Duke scholar
to speak
about Islam
ECU professor says
war cause of recession
t keli Hint
i! io I he I
i I
reasing in
? n I ? ?
I aid
. . . .
? - Islam
ill .
?? ? 'Mrl in '?" ? and
? ? ??-? twere
;ihfil that ,n ?? wonW be ex
Tu intz : "? n,or -?? ?me
nt ol Is for th
- i ? ? . ?
n thi I ? I
v mi; ? - langei
???:? mpk'i ?
? ? pei ? ? ntrols h I
? ? . ingi ? rder I
keai triced bu I
the goveri
ildhel ' ? ? ? it
? ? ? ? iv h ndson trw
- ? ? 'iilj inci
Federal Reserve has
" ? I to help in dei reasing the
disi ciint rate which is the in
terestratethatthe) harge banks
kit short letm loans, Bays said
See Recession Page 2
? File Photo
- nq precautions ke wearing an effective sunscreen while sunbathing will reduce skm damage from
. ? exposure It is also recommended to wear a hat and avoid intense suniignt
Sunbathers should take care to
prevent skin damage, disease
B Debbie I intern
t Health I an. .in.
i repeal
. - ?
. ?: . ' ind the
sei king fui in the sun gets i :? i
ii sti ? and i nsider tl
organ in your bod) your skin
For manv i olkee students an
i ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? inexei
. ? ? - pecia I
. . .
? . ; ' Ultll'l

lion w ith a sun pn fad
???'? -
Skii r is a ?? ? lated w ith
? ill kvrmatokgists re best protectioi
port seeing it in a number ofadoies- weanngahatand .?? erex
cents and voung idtilts It is esti posurefron 11 am to 3 p.m. when
important part of the fun will be ? it 40 ?( pei ent ot'all the sun is rnost intense
getting a tan. But in recent years Amencans who live to age 65 will It would be a good
physicians have been warning thai have skin cancer at least once gin now, while in co eg I exaro-
a lifetime ol exposure lo the sun nyonc seeking a tan or just See Sunbathers Page 3
Campus lighting improvements designed to inhibit crime
ikr. ,n.i iii .i, ,t uptradinc liehtinc on I
FI Sews Hurcni
An improved lighting system
is making E( I s campus safer and
brighter after dark
three tearsagoand corn hided that
ighhngon i ampus was inadequate
ith an ennIlmenl of h" i;
ihting in
perimi ? ?
Robert Webb dm I i ol
student tdv of am uni i I
It makes strolling after dark college in North aro! i
pleasure, says Ikitriie Bkunt, an With classes in progress
E I junior,
"1 really like it she said 'i ou
can see everything It's like day
tune, almost
It Keith Knox, crime preven
turn officer tor the fI Depart-
ment oi I'uHk. Safety, s.nd EC I
nowhasoneof thebest lhtedand same wattage as themercun
safest campuses in the stale and quartz lamps the) replaced In
"It's like a dream come tnie. additiontothecampuslighrii
s,ikI knix, who conducted! a studv (itv of C .roi-nviile is npl.u ing and
itudents.ECL has the third-largest Physical Hant and Ai l tural
Planning, saij engim ? I i
computer-generatedri id iti?tthe
campus areas I letermine which
puter labs and libraries open and ?'? ? needed the n osl
cultural and entertainmenl i ents
evening hours ncampusan bus
and pedestrian and vehicular trat
hi is heavy
nh i rsit) i I N ill I iro
Ima C ieneral Admi i stral
awarded a $50 ?? rant to E I
llieneu high pressurcsodium fwtlwlightmgrjroicct, and this was
lights now emit more light for th augmented by $7B 00 in special
funding bv the university
NJoneof this mono was trom
state operating funds said Rich-
See Lighting Page 3
Cour???y of ECU Nmu Bur?au
I iqhtmq improvements have been matt m an effort to make the campus safet after dark Also bushes will
b' trimmed smaMet so rio one rin hid- ttnnd ihem
5 Sports
The Student Government SilenceoftheLambs, starring The ECU baseball team lost
Administration needs to take a Anthony Hopkins is an edge their season opener to Barton
dose look at a smoking policy of the seat thriller College 8 6
Classified 8

w 0
2 ehc ?n0t Carolinian February 21. 1991
Fishy going
on Hero!
1 tastic February lank Sale

All Links 1 n sale
Fill your Tank at Greenville Aquarium
25 oh
'f All Fish
and invertebrates
(Expiration date: Feb. 28, 199
I m ersits t"eiitei 3
I Ml I
t:htl till ()pm
The East Carolinian
This week at FIZZ!
1 11 in r Ladies Nite! Live musii with Gael and Rich
Ladies in FREE!
) !2 l'ii Rich Struman la
f 23 Sal LA Bookci Acoustic
Continued trom page 1
??' Open Nlon Sat Please call for reservations 752 shss
also want to wi- the information as accura md
ilemk communitv thmiighqualit pletc as possible aboui iHh. ?
programs on religions topics Hires, he s.n.1
Wearenioslfortiin,itetohave crtainU understand
the ser u: otsonxnnv with such religion provide ?' l 11
deep knowledge and widecxperi intotheculrurein which that rd
I deliver this lecture hesaid is found and into thi livesofj
In terms 11I nnmlvi il adher
ni ,md influence around the
who adhere t it h
rhisisso inijxirt.ii I
:& J
Student Bud net ,
2.50 Pitchers
1 1 Ih. l I al 5:00 kl (. I'AK I V I
lli VJV.MI
, worM Islam is one ot the most im when- cultures .in- ben
portantworidreligKms.Mcrcersaid ingly hurled together atrinv
'Givon current Middle Eastern dangerous and mi Hung
1 nt- in Mill. ami the in
I. r inch interrelated nature i l
lU Hi 's
qui" tKmandans i i i
world communities in central, I will be held at the. ixl
! 1 Ik ? it is 1 im tal that we have
Continued trom page 1
However, he slid this will not fall, therefor, causing i I ri
rune much affect on the average end to the recession
imei exi epl lor .1 minor de He ton
lline in home mortgages and credit hardship on th
i ,ird rati dustrv and si 11 IUui
B.i , ?, t; the 1 .l' to start have 1 upcru need
growing h late summer or earh in demand
Seafood House and Oyster Bar
Y A Washington H.ghway (N C 33 Ext 1 SMWnvillc KMh Carolina
iJ Shrimp
S? I
Phone 752 3172
Mon. thru Thurs. Night
?,m?? hii- nm wci t?. ?"??? ??.?ki??i tn? ? .??? 10 b ia?t nattMi ' ???? ? ?. Knag Si.?? ?? tot m ?t? ?- h.
?1 I ?' m ?1 ? ? 1 ? ?r ?.tv?rT??ri 1?rr ,? a? ullti yov, VCHJ' f-ho?C? O ? I Ofrit?'?t? Imn- .?,??- . - ??fl?ctiog lh? u -
?tvvigl '? '?i' "? ? -1" . ?T? pou h v, ?? i.i? KtvarTMrl T?r ?t th? ?v?rT?c1 p.if? n If- rUv Onh ? .?rv ou(Mir ?i
?? . tpttd per imiii -??
? ? " ER 'IMS as ? ?? ? ?x.)D SUND fEB ? ? SA1 ?: ? (H 23 '?
,Mit . ! ?'?!?" '?'? ??' M ? : AST 'US NOHl SCUD TO RtAlfHS
1 1 . , ii i t y
i i ? . ' W.iy
Why not come by the REAL Crisis Intervention Center 312 E
10th St; or call 758 HELP, For Free Confidential Counseling or As
Our Volunteers and Staff are on duty 24 hrs a day. year aronnH
'? "vdfir to StsIsI you in virtually any problem area you miyht na.?
Our longstanding goal has always been to preserve and enhance
the quality of life for you and our community.
Ilr5?'1 Aurt AcC'?(1itt1 fly ,??S(.I? ?Jor? in
Nachos. Mexican Pizza, Potato Skin:
Oscar Mayer
Beef Franks
Macaroni & -
Cheese Dinners ?iloz.
i h-? -i 11T
2 Ltr.
CANS $2 99
8 oz.
Diet Pepsi
or Pepsi Cola
12 PACK 12 OZ
Fritos or
Raisin Ring
No Nonsense
Hosiery pair FREE!
11 oz.
Granny Smith
II Apples
Cool Down ev Relax
"ifh an ice cold
or enjoj these
? r i n h S p t c: d j s
Sun Blood) Mar) S2.25
Mon Draft 95c
I ucs Sangria I N
w ed Mcxk an Imports ?
I hurs Lime Mars
If you're not thirsty,
Let's Munch Out!
Buy One Appetizer
Get Seeond (of equal or lesser
value) for 12 price
Expires 331-91 Valid with
Tec Coupon
Buy One Lunch
Get Second for 12 Price
Valid MonFri. llam-3pm
Expires 3-31 ?91 Valid with
Fried Ice Cream
Expires 331?91
Valid with Coupon
fl taste of old mtxieo
521 Cotanche Street, 757-1666
'Chicken Fingers, Guacamole, Buffalo Wings
Tennessee senator sir
By La risha Butler
fanned n Servi I

: it'?
. ? '
A ?
' -
'? ropn
I e I e c o
Auditorium R
Sponsored I
theECl 5 ' ssaull ?
Resid I ;
Im - '
Date: Sunday, February 24th
Sign-up Time: 1 Hour before
(6:00 pirn

2 c he tfiiiit (larulinian February, 1991
Fish going
on I lore!
tastk Febiiian lank Sale
Fill air Tank ai GivenvillcAqiuuium
25 off All I-in
and m ertebrales
p IF,
The East Carolinian
i his week in 11'
' I I hiii I adu s Nile! I ? (i I kid
I adies in I Rl I '
I : i K'k Ii Siiinii.i11 l.i .
? Sal I Konkci ci uslu
I v II Moil S.ll I'I. MM , .ill I. 11 H ?? . . 1 i, ?-SSSS
Continued trom pa ?
' ? '
t&.&.A -4k M
Student Budget
& 2.50 Pitt hers
2.75 K I I HAS
I h. M iv i mi Kl t. I" K' I
. ? , . .
? ? llll
? ?
ht session
Continued trom p.i"

Si txfood House and Oyster Ba:
J Washington H qhj( .N C 31 fc?t ?r??i
Phono " , t '
Mon thru Thins Night
U ? I
?rittvel ?tm ? ? ? ??-??- ? ??
lf llr' tllf HI Al M;i?. IlllAC'l' I
10th Si or r rill 7 R HFI I . Tor Trpn Confld?ntial Cnn- ??
leers and Stall nre on duty 24 hra a day year
I , u in virtually any problem a'?a you m .
Our longstanding goal has always bpon to preserve and ei
the quality of lite lor you and our community
Nac hos, Mexican Pizza. Potato Skins
Oscar Mayer
Beef Franks
. Pkg.
Macaroni &
Cheese Dinners
2 I ti
Diet Pepsi
or Pepsi Cola
VI PAi K Y2 () CAI
Fritos or
Cheetos s.
Raisin Ring no,
No Nonsense
Hosiery par
Granny Smith
1 II 1 Ii
?MI Down Ktl.ix
vith .in m mid
oin riti sc
,j :
'?? '
ir you're not thirsty,
Let's Munch Out!
Buy One Appcticr
(Jet Second (of equal or lessei
value) for 1 2 price
Kxpires 3-31-91 Valid with
'u Coupon
Buy One lunch
Oet Second for 12 Price
Valid Mon. Fri. LI am-3pm
Expires 3-31-91 Valid with
Fried Ice Cream
Expires 331-91
Valid with Coupon
trie taste of old HltXteO
521 Cotanche Street, 757-1666
'Chicken Fingers, Guacamolc, Buffalo Wing:
Tennessee senator sli
in i
i oc i i :
Pale: Sunday, Februar) 2 ?
Sign-up Time: IHourbef
10 pin I

ellie iEast (Earolinian February 21, 1991 3
Continued from page 1
(l , information as accurate ?nd com.
I, hil?i,tv Mete as possiHc about other ct
he ikI
? tmk understand in? ,1
n nrovidos critical insights
into the ulhirem v htchthat retigkiri
ixl iixl into the lives of people
? (l( I.I- S.llli
! histsso important ina world
"Hi .in being increas
il togcthoi at times with
us and t.u flung consc
? iix1 answersessinn
I r the end ol Braihanti's
itinued from page 1
?iin ,11x1 otftdal
.i prolonged
nstrtK lion in
,i in ind It,ins. who
i severe decline
ouse and Oyster Bar
, ?Pnv p sMh Carolina
m thru Thurs Night
mp $3.95
Ih? REAI Istt Intervention Center: 312 E.
M Confident Counseling or As-
i Staff are on duly ?4 hri n day. year around.
rlualty any problem area you might have.
joa! has always been to preserve and enhance
you and our community.
i 1
xican Pizza. Potato Skins

Cool Down & Relax
with an ice told
or enjoj
J '? '? '? -? 3 p $3 n H s I
If you're not thirsty,
Let's Munch Out!
Buy One Appetizer
Get Second (of equal or lesser
value) for 12 price
J Expires 33191 Valid with
'ti Coupon
Buy One Lunch
Get Second for 12 Price
Valid MonFri. Ilam-3pm
Expires 3-31.91 Valid with
Fried Ice Cream
Expires 3?3191
Valid with Coupon
tt? task of old flMXteO
521 Cotanche Street, 757-1666
rs, Guacamole, Buffalo Wings
Tennessee senator slims down, possibly for presidential race
By LaCrisha Butler
Gannett News Service
Al GOK lr , D-Tenn be slimming
down for a run at the presidency in
At a congressional party last
month, Virginia Gov. Douglas
Wilder, whose name also has been
bandied about as a possible presi-
dential contender, asked C .ore if his
15-pound drop in weight meant he
was going to run Core did not an
Gore was equally reluctant
Tuesday to answer questions about
his weight and any he that it might
have to his presidential aspirations
"How much do you weigh?"
he challenged when asked his cur-
rent weight.
He added: "I have no plans to
run for president, but I have said
previously I am considering the
question. 1 have no timetable
Instead. Gore said yuletide in-
dulging back home in Carthage
courtesv of his family: wife. Tipper;
mother, Pauline; and family house-
keeper Matrie Lucy Payne added
a few pounds to his normal 200-
pound frame
"My weight goes upand down,
particularly during the Christmas
holidays said Gore who jogs four
miles dailv.
"After I ate fried chicken and
fruitcake through Christmas and
New Year's, I was heavier than I am
now. It's not a big deal, I tell you.
And it's not unusual
Or, as press secretary Maria
Romash put it: "I think Sen Gore is
not unlike a lot of us. He gains and
loses the same 13 pounds
About his presidential aspira-
tions, sheadded: "1 would not watch
his waistline for clues
(ore madean unsuccessful bid
tor the presidency in 1988. He is
expected to decide nn next year's
race in une
CX opyrifkt !? USA TOOAWAfpd Cotkft
lnurmufiim Network
Continued from page
ard Brown, vicechancellortorbusi campus safer
ness affairs it u ill not affect this Ken Pail, an ECU senior from
year's budget 1t dive, was especially pleased
I le said: The safety related is with the lighting of wooded areas
sues have been addressed. It's a behind classroom buildings and
dramatic change loynerl ibrarv
"While lights alone cannot "You can actually see to walk
completehassiireone sstvuntv.the through thissmall patchot woods
purpose of the project is to make the Pail said. It was something we
had really been needing and it has
made a tremendous difference
New lighting installations .ire
to be completed mall high-priority
areas such as the high rise dormi to
nes. Mendcnhall Student (.enter,
the College Hill area and parking
bushesarebeingreplaced with tow-
growing shnibsincertain high-risk
' It makes the campus moreat-
tra rive and leaves potential crimi-
nals no place to hide Knox said.
"We have already noticed a
reduced number ol complaints
Also, kno said, overgrown hesaid.
Continued from page 1
me your skin once a ear. IV sure to
examine your whole biKfv.
Look tor changes in moles. I he
average body will have about two
dozen moles and these should be
checked tor changes in shape or
Look tor sores that won't heal
or bruises that take longer than a
month to go away.
It you notice any changes, call
your physician. If found early
enough, nearly ail casesol skin can-
cer can be cured.
I lave a site spring break and
look tor "Safe "sun Fun: Hie ultra
violet affair programs offered bv
the ECU Student Peer Health Edu-
For more information on sate
sunning, con tad theStudent I lealth
Service at 757-6794.
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Showtime: 7:00 pm
Even if you're not performing, come by just for laughs!

&t lEant (ftartflinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael D. Albuquerque, Managing Editor
Bi air Skinner, News Editor LeClair Harper, Ass. News Editor
Matt King, Features Editor Stuart Oliphant, Asst. Features Editor
Matt Mumma, Sports Editor Kerry Nester, Asst. Sports Editor
Amy Edwards, Copy Editor Jason Johnson, Copy Editor
Doug Morris, Fditoniil Pnxiuction Maruiger Larry Huggins, Circulation Manager
Jfff Parker, Staff Illustrator Stuart Rosner, Systems Engineer
Chris Norman, lirkrwm Technician Phong Luong, Business Manager
Carla Whiitiei d. Classified Ads Technician Deborah Daniel, Secretary
The FiistCarolinum has served ihe Fast Carolina campus community since 1925, emphasizing information that directly affects
ECU students During the ?.CV school year. The Fast Carolinian publishes twice a week with a circulation of 12.000 The East
Carolinian reserves the nght to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis of age, sex. creed or
national origin The masthead editorial in each edition does not necessarily represent the views of one individual, but. rather.
is a majority opinion of the Editorial Board. The FastCiirolmian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. Letters should
be limited to 250 words or less For purposes of decency and brevity. The Eavi Carolinian reserves the right to edit letters for
publication Letters should be addressed lo The Editor. The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU. Greenville. N.O.
27834; or call (919)757 6366
Page 4, Thursday. February 21. 1991
Smoking policy deserves fair look
On Fob 11, the Student Government
Association rejected .i proposed resolution
to expand guidelines tor the current cam-
pus smoking policy by a vote of 28 to 21
The new resolution, it it had passed,
would have restricted smoking in hallways,
rest rooms, all classroom buildings and in at
least 50 percent ot all campus dining facili-
The proposal followed a research sur-
vev ot about 300 students enrolled in 1 lealth
1001. According to Jennifer Phillips, a
graduate student in Health Education and
tounder ot the survev, the study concluded
that over 50 percent ot the students at HCL
prefer smoke-tree facilities.
However, the majority of legislators
said they opposed the resolution because or
its bias toward non-smokers and under-
classmen. One legislator also said that the
majority of Health 1001 students are fresh-
men and therefore do not provide a true
representation of the student body.
While this is true that freshmen alone
cannot speak tor the entire universitv, thev
do comprise over 20 percent of the student
body and should not be ignored. Perhaps
the SGA fails to realize that, despite their
naivete, freshman are quite capable of hav-
ing opinions about topics on campus.
Rather than dodge the issue because
the only information available is from
"freshmen the SGA should take a closer
look at ECU's smoking policy from a cam-
pus-wide perspective ? building upon what
has already been learned from the freshmen
surveyed and applying it to additional sur-
veys oi upperclassmen.
True, the SGA made the right choice by
not accepting the resolution based on only a
portion of the student body, but further
information should be obtained, represent-
ing everyone's viewpoints, before a final
decision is made.
A Victory
Letters To The Editor
Comic book
reviews spark
interest, request
To The Editor:
In reference to the Features
section, I reallv enjoyed the
comic book reviews that the
paper ran. Only two such articles
ran, and have since missed
I was very excited that The
East Carolinian acknowledged
the comic medium. I thought
the reviews were intelligent and
informative. Clifford Coffey
obviously has read comics for a
long time and has amassed a
vast knowledge on the subject.
It is refreshing to see that comics
arei t accepted as plain funny
books anymore.
I know that I'mnot theonly
student that reads and enjoys
them. The comic store that 1 go
to had several people talking
about them.
I don't know if these were
a fluke, or a one rime deal, but I
certainly hope not. Please get
Coffey to write more for you, as
soon as possible.
Jacob Zom
Communications Arts
objectors need
to register now
To The Editor:
Conscientious objectors to
war for moral and religious rea-
sons ought to register as such as
soon as possible.
The 1962 Department of
Defense Directive 1300.bdefines
a conscientious objector as a
person who has "a firm, fixed
and sincere objection to partici-
pation in war in any form or the
bearing of arms, by reason of
religious training and belief
There is no official way to
file for conscientious objector
status with the Selective Service
System, but it is important that a
conscientious objector gather
letters from friends, family.
teachers. etc. that
document your beliefs. The
letters can be addressed 'To
Whom It May Concern" and
should state how the writer
knows you, and how long and
how closely. Those writing
should attest to the sincerity of
your beliefs.
There are two national
organizations that have been
in existence for some time
whose purpose is to provide
information and counsel to
potential conscientious objec-
The Interreligious Service
Board has its office at 1601
Connecticut Ave NW, Wash-
ington, DC 20009-1035, (p2)
483-4510, and the CenSai
Committee can be reached at
(415) 566-0500.
A more local organization
is Quaker House, 223 Hillside
Ave Fayetteville, NC 28301,
(919) 323-3912.
Mike Hamer
February 21.1991
'Tenants' feel guilty for actions
By Bill Egbert
Fditorial Columnist
We all shuddered when
Saddam Hussein opened the
valves and created the world's first
(or at least best-publicized) mali-
ciously-inflicted oil spill We
winced not just because of the
immediate implications oi the ca-
tastrophe, but also because it
highlighted some basic and unsa
vory tacts about our society
When we denounced his
heinous act of "environmental
terrorism we tried to wail loud
enough to drown-out the voice in
our heads that reminded us who
made such an act possible
Who filled those tanks with
oil in the first place1 And who's
going to fill them back up again as
soon as the valve handles cool off?
That's right The putz you see in
the mirror every morning And
none of us are willing to change.
Sure, we pretend. We buy
recycled-paper greeting cards We
wear earth tones We put lots ot
bumper stickers on our cars. But
we'd drive around wearing gas
masks sooner than we'd walk to
If we took disposable dia-
pers off the market there would be
nots in the streets. Pampers are
too damn convenient. They're just
going to keep piling up and in a
million years the cockroaches will
build cathedrals out oi them
So, we wear sandals and go
to Sting concerts and hope that the
ozone layer hangs around until
we die. (Knock on styrofoam.)
But we can't blame our-
selves. Life as we know and love it
is incompatible with actual envi-
ronmentalism If we stopped
dumping garbage on top of our
landfills uM because thev were
overflowing, our cities would col-
lapse Our society is based on not
having to deal with its waste.
Without flush toilets, Homo
urbarris would curl-up and die
Plumbing isn't a luxurv it's part
of our digestive tract
At the other end of our new
and improved digestive system
we're dependent on diesd trac-
tors and pre-digestive juices likt
fertilizers and pesticides And
then, oi course, there's make-up
Americans wouldn't think ot
buying a tangerine that wasn i
spray-painted at the factory with
fluorescent-orange auto primer
Why buy food that looks real when
tor few cents (and carcinogens
more, we can buy food that looks
We cover ourselves with
wardrobes oi clothes all woven
from either synthetic fibers de-
rived from petroleum products,
or (if we re rod armchair environ-
mentalists) natural fibers which
have to be harvested by those t'os-
sil-fuel-buming combines.
We dnve to work, and that
mcanscarsand gasand fuzzy dice.
Wed have to eat our steroid -
soaked beet raw without electric-
ity, which means a few more tons
of airborne pollutants And what
American could go on without a
television ? nav, a VCR"
Regardless of what our T-
shirts say about our commitment
to the environment, wecan t denv
the fact that we are all consenting
adults participating in an indus-
trialized society.
Anything that wedon't raise
Let's Be Adamant
in our backyards oi u
with stone tools (i.
we wear, eat.plav v. ith i -
our bumpers' has I : trapped
in plastic at fatn
on fossil fuels, shipp I
continent in trail
automobiles and arranj I
shelf in an air condil
All for the i ? : i
than vc might to have
Ail ot the n ?
goods, utilities and tl
?.m- enjoy here in the
nation on the plan I
an industrial infra
on cheap energy (i.e. I
and painless wast
Any significa
fuel consumption
output will have I
profound restructuring ft
our society works
mean giving up n
We pretend th
hodv else who perpel
system ? theorp i
government.thenetghb i
land yacht ? but we a ?
reap its benefits
At the moment I
wailing, we are still un
let go oi the cheap ?nl
flavor-enhanced life that
vironmentallv irresp
etv makes possible
Wc use the world 1
car.and weadmit it We'i
willing to change that ;
starting to fee! reallv guiltv
it. and that's the first step
The next step is u
we re not vet willing I
and to start feeling realh .
about that, too.
Progressive conservatism solves problems
Foundation for change lies in biblical examples
By Derek McCullers
Editorial Columnist
Some people have called the
Bible a "two thousand year old
tomb It is true that the Bible is an
old book. However, one will find
that wisdom, knowledge, and life
flows from it to this generation.
Our generation is blinded unless
we know the truth: that God, not a
"big government is the answer
to the problems that ail society
I've said before that African
Americans need God to lift them
out of their situation; which some
people made light of. However,
this is a very serious subject.
Nobody can dispute the fact
that throughout history blacks
have been the victims of oppres-
sion. However, the solution (or
end) of that oppression can, and
will, be disputed.
African Americans can be
paralleled to the story of the
woman who had a spirit of infir-
mity in Luke chapter 13.
It deals with a woman who
suffered froman illness for 18 years
and "in no wise could lift herself
African-Americans today
suffer from a spirit of infirmity,
but Satan has blinded their eyes
from the truth. Rather than
blaming the devil for his work of
deception and degradation, they
blame the government or white
The story goes on to say that
lesus called her to him and said,
"Woman thou art loosed from
thine infirmity Then he laid his
hands on her and immediately,
she was made straight.
We need to hear the call of
Jesus. We need to get close to him
so we can be touched by him and
begiven the power to stand against
the deception and oppression of
the devil.
Pastor Paul A. Thomas of
Victory Christian Center once
stated, "God does not dwell in
movements. God does notdwell
in these things. God dwells in
us. God said, I will dwell in be-
tween the Cherubims "
The message here is that
change will come through human
beings carrying out the will of God.
Change will come when
more people get involved in doing
God's will, like Millard Fuller who
founded Habitat for Humanity.
Change will come through active
churches like Evangel Church of
God In Christ in Greensboro, that
has a soup kitchen for the home-
less and hungry.
These are ways that change
will come. It will not come through
a "big government which will
end up being a broke government
This will make America a broken
country. I don'teven thinkextreme
liberals want mat.
If one would study the Bible,
they would see that God has tried
the corporate approach. He tried
having a chosen people, the chil-
dren of Israel, but they blew it.
He delivered tru rr
captivity, but thev ould
mze themselves so he .
badges Thev weren t s
with that so he gave them K
Thev couldn't deal with tl
they were divided into 12 h
Basically, thev could m I
responsible as a corporate pe :
For all their attempts to establish
laws and doctrines, thev coukJn t
execute his will on earth.
Therefore, God got -
the business of politics and of
choosmgand anointing ruler- and
kings. Instead, hecame up withan
individual approach.
He gave us one Lord and
King who would sacrifice his life
to give us victory over not the
government but Satan, who is the
origin of our social problems
Some say jesus was a liberal
but I say that he was more of a
progressive conservative. He
served as a role model. He healed
the people and the multitude-
However, he said tha t we can hav t
that power, too, if we ust have
faith and act upon it.
He didn't just give people a
fish; he taught them how to fish
That's the plan of the progressive
conservative. Althoughit has been
characterized as uncaring, insen
sitive and apathetic, it's reallv
common sense.
This isGod's plan forendinc
oppression and social ills, and a
"big government" is not the an-
swer. That has been proven a fail-
Teacher shar
Costa Rican
By Sherri Lynn Jernigan
tjrt Writer
1 moestas?
1 ittttTi North (arohna publk
?v.iJ th- ? on
? ? - immeron a five-
? ; ? : ? ' -? ?
' :
s foreign ; lej art-
progran ?
ith more
in ? ? roni
: though she
ild njoy -
was initially
far I ?
she explained
families hkt to
individual d ?
til he oi
then ??
tiT example, in the United
? people learn to be indepen
? ? ? oft h sire to he alone
? lthvut the responsibilities I or children. Mannings
ases after individu-
i thev dor I g
back lo their homes or hometova i -
to live she continued.
? said the pe
? -? Rica m' family oriented.
? ? '?:? a says th
is referring t
immediate family and the aunts
iincta es nephews, cousins


lambs' hailed as
? ?
By Bill Egberttrust 1
Staff Writeri
serial kilter who skins his-
ton 6 a demented psychiatrist.
m ho ate his patients, and a promis
eFBIt line ?' mustlookmemher an I refi
? thin thoevvarethevolatileingre
dxsits erf the stimulating, troublii'
-hcvk-treatment ot a thnller Sforced
Shi 1
TrcircurastMwesunderwhich? -
! BI trainee, Oancv Starling od? ? -
sn r meets the insane Di
Hannibal Lecter (Anthony?
? rbing to say the?
? describes-
mas a monster andnoteshi
it is to "captureoneaKve
A she is taken down into the??
itacombs ft hfch
is been ii
;ht viir- (behind in h thick bul
? ? ? a -? s given strict.
id . ? ns she is not to pass him?
.tnv thing but paper no pens, no?
pencils no paper clips no staplesAnd
??fc. 4r l lw
" 1 'l

? ?'? - 1 l k A. 1 X
1 t V-sA K . v -l
Art as nature
John DunstaBs A Pollard Oak near West Hj
series that wi? be on exhibit at The North Cl

m 21.1991
gthe iEagt (flap oilman
or actions
olves problems
ird and
? fi ? his Hf
. r not thi
hoist! ??
iswasa lib i
? . re oi a
? m e He
. He healed
11 ? , an hav
f we just have
lidn'tju people a
gj i then ??? to fish
will I f thepn ign ssive
nservative.Altl ighil hasbeen
chara t. ri; i I i in aring, insen
Itreme sitivi and apatru ti it's real)
? mon sense
IBiWe rhisist llKi s plan for ending
tried oppression and social ills and '
nod "big government" is not the an-
hil- swer rhat has been proven a W"
I urc
Teacher shares
Costa Rican visit
y Sherri 1 ynn ernigart
Staff Writei
i amij moestas?
ifteen Northarolina publk
? ssaid these vvordson
ist su uro ; imi a live
- I ? ?gram in t. osta Rica
R Kjuel 1 ano Manning ol
? ? im ??
in ba? k ???, ith more
appro lation toi the
iiHtin' and em ironment
? mitialh
i or example, in the I mted
pk leam to be indepen
I ?? sire to be alone
,ponstbilifi s
tsts. after inuivid
. their 1 mesor hometowns
she continued.
,r she said the people
? j i m ? imih oriented
, ? i ' i saysthc word
(u n ferring to the
ite family and the aunts
es nephews cousins
and especiall) the grandparents
she explained
Furthermore,osta Rican
families like to sta together An
individual doesn't leave home un-
til he or she marries and even the,
the married couple tries to live near
the parent, she added
Manning also said the grand-
parents often move in with their
children as the) crow older, be-
cause the elders .ire greatl) re-
spected and are welcome in their
ildren s homes.
Fhev lelders represent ma-
turity, wisdom and experience
Manning added
rhe( osta Ricansadditionally
display strong emotions and pas-
V ? ? ??- ? said 1 he men are
tto withhold feelings,she
? tx.1 As a result of such ex
i. , ista ? love to
? ? (I '
the Men ue
iid they feel that life
? ? . , ryone should be to-
? md ili'
? ? rence that con-
1 the ulture shock was
. f p, ? transportation,
i, Most families do not
irs and must reK on buses
Aa Rka are in
.? ? lenond ible sin-
add d
V .? ? ? said
hnnv - ' ? :
Students ignore
dangers of sun
By Sherri Lynn Jernigan
Staff Writer
I a no
h( arolina dishes, such
as, ountrv ham and collards I
tvpu II -V
East Carolina University otters an
various countries abroad Shown he
Ricans prepare mam dishes like
beef stews and steaks with black
Ivans and rice, and especially arroz
con polio, all cooked with a spice
called cilantro. she said.
in Costa Rica during the rainy sea-
son, Manning said The sun shone
brightly sending hot rays to Costa
Rica every morning, but every af-
ternoon clouds termed with heavy
rainfall following, she said.
I after each sunny day with
temperatures around "0 degrees,
the cold night air. ot about 40 de-
grees, would hit she continued.
excellent education program m
re is a Costa Rican beach tront
Manningsaidthechange in weather
conditions kept the teachers con-
Manning slid at ter the first two
weeks, the teachers adjusted to the
various culture changes and began
to appreciate their stay in Costa
"1 think it was a positive expe-
rience tor all of them Manning
Manning stressed that Costa
Rica isa progressing country inhab-
ited by people who believe in the
importance of education.
See Costa Rica Page 7
Suntans can kill you.
Although the best sun is no
sun, most EC I students do not want
to be told not to he in the sun,
Suzanne Kdterrnan, health educa-
tor at the Student 1 Icalth Center,
Suntanning, a social event on
the ECU "beaches provides the
opportunity to meet people, play
sports, drink beer and listen to
music, she said, besides, nobody
wants to be deathly pale but ev-
erybody wants a healthy tan, she
"But pale is healthy she said. ?
Kellerman provided informa-
tnHi frombnichures, medical 1M ?ks
and magazines which explain the
sun's damaging results and give
safer sunning advice Sheiilso said
E I ' ationdepartment
presents various programs on satcr
sunning around the i ampus
What are the results of too
much sun1
A suntan,a sign of exposure to
the sun, is a defense mechanism.
When exposed to the sun. the body
covers itself with a dark pigment
called melanin to keep UV radiation
from doing harm; however, once a
been done
Sunbathing increases the
number oi freckles or moles and
causes premature wrinkling by
destroying the elastic fibers that
keep skin young and smooth.
Suntanning ma also cause
tinea versuolor.a fungus infection
that thrives on heat and moisture
which appears as round, yellow
breaks, such as cold sores around
the lips
Ultimately, overexposure to
the sun ma; lead to cataracts, par-
tial blindness, skin can. er and a
crippled immune system, in w hu h
the body loses its disease fighting
Becoming the most . nmmon
form of disease among m? ri ans
is skin cancer About 5
Americans are diagnosed I iskm
cancer each year, and about? ?
people die with the disease B the
year00(1 statistics show thai
out of 90 mericans will de elop
malignant melanoma tl
rious form i ?l -km cai sinvlt'i ' ' '
cancer will stnki Ul percent ol
Ann ri .in- '?'? ho li?
older at" li ist n ?
Malignant Melanoma appe u
after thesun'sultra violet rays injure
the cells in the outer layer of the
skin, the epidermis Atterone hour
in the sun, the skin cells cannot
produce anymore melanin to form
the protective layer in the form of a
suntan. Skin stops tanningaf tor and
hour and only becomes thickened
damaged and wrinkled, although
wrinkles may not show until the
agesbetween M)and 40
Melanoma has a strone I
dertcy tospread t 11 ?ther part-
See Sun. Page 6
Lambs' hailed as greatest movie in years
p, Bill Egbert
stall Writei
. il killer who skins his
i ? ? led psv hiatrisl
. . .? ? ? mda promis-
i an-1 look them
. ringti tubling
h ?? . ? ? , thriller, SU
I traino ' Starling (Jodie
? the insane Dr
rtniba! Lectei Anth
ire disturbing to say the
him as a monstei andnotesho
ire it is to "captun one alive.
s she i- taken down into the
? ?? . asvlum in which
nedfi r the past
I , . .? in, i thu k, bul
hi is given strict
? . ? ns -he is not to pass him
? ?? pai? r no pens, no
? paper dips, no staples.
Dr. Lectei is tto dangerous to be
trusted with a staple
Imagine s hat he could with
a ball-point pen.
The two most important in-
structions the asylum staff gives
her are to refuse anything he tries
pass to her. and to never tell him
anything personal. She is scion
tor. ed to break both rules.
She needs to tap Dr. Lector's
intimate knowledgeof psychosis in
order to uncover the identity of a
i rial killer He, however, is unco-
I. rative. 1 le toys with her as he
tl ? ? ?ne else on the
ickii her ulnerabilities
lik( . , j ? res. Even in a cage
he isin.omplete and confident con-
1 ie doe- however, have one
vulnerability himself-a need so
powerful thai ? supasplinter
of his manipulative ground to sat-
isfy it "I want says Lector, "a win-
And so their disturbing part-
nership begins
The character M Dr 1 lannibal
1 i ter is the m. ?t electnf v inglv dia
bolical persona toenthrauthescreen
in years. 1 feissohyperbolicaflyevil
that to describe him second-hand
would make him seem almost ab-
He is not absurd, however,
when channelled through Hopkins
onto the screen. There is a com-
pressed . d ry ice energy in Hopkins'
performance like the torque oi a
h ?ne before it snaps. He makes you
believe that Lecteriscapableof any-
thing his (arbon-Steel mind deems
The most terrifying aspect of
1 ectcr is his seeming omniscience.
1 le knows who is approaching by
their footsteps He can smell a
change in mood He prepares his
intricate deception before the ques-
tion is asked. Lector's brilliance is
almost supernatural You begin to
feel that everything he says and
See Lambs. Page 6
Courtesy of tp Gonpn G.ns
srasssssszsssssz: s : :
Pure gold dancers are 24- Karat
Ow r,?mnes to the bvitfes while thc are in collq
By Lara Ellington
Staff Writer
It you have ever gone to an
ECU football game, you have prob-
ably noticed the ladies in purple
and gold sequins entertaining the
fans with their choreographed
dances. The Golden Girls are a
dancing group who perform with
the ECU Marching Pirates at all
home football games. But the girls
not only dance, but do dnlls and
Wendy Thomas, current cap-
tain, said, "We perform a pre-game,
half-time, and sometimes a post-
game routine. We also go to at least
one away game a season In ad-
dition to'the ECU games, the group
also performs exhibitions at high
school band competitions.
Thegroup, which variesinsize,
but currently consists of 16 girls,
choreographs dance routines to tht
music the band plays The band
director, Dr. Thomas C ioolsby, tells
the girls what songs will be per-
formed by the band that season,
and the captain makes up a routine
tor the w hole group.
"AteachganieweusualK start
behind the band, moving our way
up to theside,doingditterent dances
and marches. Then we move to the
center to do a feature song where
onlv we dance and the rest of the
band stands still Thomas com-
mented. Music ranges from con-
temporary hits such as "love the
World Away" to a different Span-
ish tune performed each season
There are no real requirements
to be a Golden Girl, and most
members are not even dance ma-
jors. Most of the girls come from a
dance or cheerleading background
and wanted to stay with those ac-
Coming Up
tivities while the an
Members also get one hour ot se
mester credit, similar to the March-
ing Pirates members
During football seas ?n th girl -
practice from onetotwo hours three
times a" week, in addition to
unschedutedandpick-upprai rices.
They are also required to attend
band camp one week before fall
classes begin.
Iryouts tor the t .olden arts
consists of tour parts, two dances,
one fight song, and a march. Those
interested do not need dance or
cheerleading experience, but se-
lected girls are "usually ones who
can pick up the dances quickly, and
look good while performing
Golden Girl tryouts for the 1991
football season will be in mid-tcv
late Apnl. For more information,
call Dr. Thomas Gooteby at
Art as nature
In Decision
Richard Struman
LA. Booker
, c a Pollard Oak near West Hampnett Place. Ch.chester is part of the Nature into Art
SSiEKE Z nonu CaroL Museu. o, A, March 23 m,ou9h June 2.1991.
Mo' Better Blues
Comedy Competition
Sunset Boulevard

21 1991
uHlc iEagt (Caf alinian

Teacher shares
? ?
Costa Rican visit
y Sherri I nn letnigan
i ? W ritei
me esta
ii J c-spet ialh the grandparents
she explained
Furthermore osta Kuan
families like to sta together n
individual doosn t leave home un
marries and even the,
, imi : iple tries to live near
? she added
? ? ? ilsi said the grand
. ? ? ??. ? move in ith their
? . . . ? ilder be
in reatl re
, nv 11 tl ? ii
? es
? ? represent ma
? 1?? ? tionally
? ? d ; i
' '? ? ? ;i. she . . mlxid
Students ignore
dangers orsun
By Sherri Lynn Jernigan
Staft Writer
? .?? excellent education progran i
: Mi ? en ? a Cost ?? anbeachtroni
I ?'
am to be indepen
he ilone
it' should b? to
ther difference that
n shock was
i k ; te trai sp
. : Mi ? in ii
: must rel on buses
? ? i osta Rii a are in-
. . , . ; : ? . ? id ible, she
?o.u h
: hes like
and steaks with black
ms and rice, and especially arroz
con polio, all cooked with a spur
ed cilantro, she said.
in (!osta Rkra during the rainy sea-
son Manningsaid. Thesunshone
bnghtlv sending hot rays toosta
Rica even morning, but every af-
ternoon louds formed with heavy
rainfall following, she said.
And alter each sunny d w ith
temperatures around 70 degrees
the I ? nt air. of about 40 de-
kvould hit she continued.
Manningsaidtl hang nwi ather
conditions kept the teachers con-
Manning saidafter the first two
weeks, the teachers adjusted to the
various culture changes and began
to appreciate their stay in Costa
"1 think it wasa positive expe-
rience tor all of them. Manning
Manning stressed that Costa
Rica isa pr (grossing (- luntry inhab-
ited by people who believe in the
importance of education.
See Costa Rica Page 7
Suntanscan kill you.
Although the best sun is no
sun,mostE( I students do not want
to be told not to lu1 in the sun.
Suzanne Kellerman, health educa-
tor at the Student Healthenter
Suntanning, a social event on
the ECl beaches provides the
opportunity to meet people, pla
sports, drink beer and listen to
music, she said. Besides, nobody
?a ants to be deathh pale but ev-
erybody wants a healthy tan, she
"But pale is healthy stir said
Kellerman provided informa-
tion from brochure? ? '? il books
and m ip ?" i i s which explain tl ?
sun s damaging results and give
satersui i i ? I vice Shi il ?
lucal department
present i ' ; :
sunnii ? nd thi impu
What .ire the results of too
much sun?
A suntan.a sign i ?f exp isure ti
the sun, is a defense mechanism
When expt sed t i the sun the N dy
covers itself with a dark pigment
called melanin to keep 1 rv radiation
from doing harm; however, once a
been done
sunbathing in reases the
number ot fre kles or n u I
causes premature wrinklii
destroying the elastic fibers that
keep skin young and smooth
Suntannmg ma al ?? ?
tinea versicolor, a fungus infection
that thrives on heat and moisture
which appears as round yellow
patcheson the skin and herp sout
breaks, such as cold sores around
the lip
I itaracl
.km cancel ind a
?. ? .?. hi h
1 Itinu
the sun n
rial bhn Ii
crippled inn
the bod es its d
cap '
? . ?: ? '
form ot diN .isc AmiM
is skin
??.???? ' I '
. ? ? i ?

nous' ' ?
" id I
. ? ? . ith thedi-
? . ?

? ?
? ? ? , m iltravn
the cells in thi outer layei
skin, theepidi mil
ni the sun. the skin i ?
produce anvn re i n to t
thepi teel
suntan SV
hour and onh ? -
damaged and wnnk I
wrinkles may not si
. ? betweer n ? :
?? "
dencv tospn idl therpai
See Sun Page
! ambs' hailed as greatest movie in years
1 opC
? t C1
nt in-
st.itt gives
? , rol I r
! cs teristhemostelectrifyinglydia-
rx?lica pei na to enthrall the screen
invears 1 Icissohyperbolicallyevil
that to describe him second-hand
would maki him seem almost ab
cr tell turn
SI i is soon
n rules
at 1 I . ter i
. les
,tru t
ii i staples
He is not absurd, however,
u hen c hannelled through 1 lopkins
unto the s, p.fii There is a com-
pressed.drx ice energy in Hopkins'
pei rmai liki the torque of a
;?? ? ? naps. 1 le makesyou
believe that I ecteriscapablei fan
rbon steel mind di i mt
net essary
; . most terrifying aspe t ol
ter is his stvming omnis ii nee
I c knows who is approaching by
their I steps 1 le can sm i
Si . . nn I. He prcpan - Ins
I, . ; ? . n before the ques
wit tion is asked I o ter s brilliance is
? .? ivvin almost supernatural. You begin to
feel that everything he says and
disturbing part- See Lambs Page 6
: . in I
fidi ntcon-
?md to
nthi I Cl ampusf
? ed themselv
V( '? km We lo otherwise listless sporting events ii I n
Pure gold dancers are 24- Karat
-? . .l i-???c??tKf. tivitics whili thc
Bv Lara Ellington
Staff Writer
? ni
in tor ending
il ills and a
? ? i a
n tail
It you have ever gone to an
EC U tootball game, you have prob-
ably noticed the ladies in purple
and gold sequins entertaining the
tans with their choreographed
dances. I he Golden Girls are a
dancing group who perform with
the ECU Marching 1'irates at all
home tootball games. But the girls
not onh dance, but do drills and
Wendy rhomas, current cap-
tain, vnd. "We perform a pre game,
hall time, and sometimes a post-
game routine We also go to at least
one away game a season In ad-
dition to the ECU games, the group
also performs exhibitions at high
school band competitions
The group, which vanesinsize,
but currently consists of In girls,
choreographs dance routines to the
music the band plays The band
director,Dr. rhomasGoolsby tells
the girls what songs will be per
formed by the band that season,
and thecaptain makes up a routine
tor the whole group.
behind the band. mo ing our wa
up to theside.doingdittercnt dan, cs
and marches, rhenwemovetothe
, enter to do a feature song where
only we dance and the rest of the
band stands still Thomas com-
mented. Music ranges from con
temporary hits Mich as "Love the
World Away" to a different Span-
ish tune performed ea. h season
There are no real requirements
to be a Golden Carl, and most
members are not even dance ma-
tors. Most of the girls come from a
dance or cheerleading background
and wanted to stay with those ac-
Coming Up
tl itH's ill " ' ?
V1 mbcrs also c I
mestercredit,simil irtotl
ing Pirates members
During football seasi
practicefrom no to I irsthni
times a week. in addil
unscheduledam.ipu k . pi
Ihe are also requu
hand .amp on. .vivk befoi fall
classes b .
1 rvouts tor tl ? ?
consists of tour parts I dances
one fight song ind 1m.11
interested not ntvd dance or
cheerleading experii nee but se-
lected girls are "usually ones who
canpickupthedancosquickh and
look good while perform
Goldenarl tryouts for the 1991
football season will be in mid-to-
late Apnl. lor more information
call Pr- Thomas c kxilsb) at "
Art as nature
In Decision
Richard Struman
I .A Booker
a poll ard O Hi near West Hampnett Place Ch.chester is part ot the Nature into Art
i0n e'ht, 7Z Nth CaS Museum o, A, March 23 through June 2 1991
Mo' Better Blues
Comedy Competition
Sunset Boulevard

jgjie JEaat (Karnlinmn
February 21, 1991
Term papers, Dissertations, Letters,
Resumes, Manuscripts, Projects. Fast
turn around. Call Joan 756-9255.
daysonly $279! Jamaica & Florida six
davs$299! Davtona$159! Panama
Dry $99! Spring Break Travel 1-800-
SPRING BREAK: Only $350.00.
Spend it in the Florida Keys or Baha-
mas on one of our yachts. All meals,
sun and tun you could ask for. Easy
sailing, Miami, FL 1 (800) 780-4001.
toring in Math 1063,1065.1074. Call
NEED TYPING? Call Cindy 355-
3611 after 5:30 p.m. Only $1.35 per
page, includes proofreading, spell-
ing and grammatical corrections. Fa-
miliar with all formats Over 15 ts.
PET SITTER available for Spring
Bn ik or anytime). Leave message
at B30-I 186 Pont wait! Limited
open : available References upon
SPRING BREAK: Sail throughout
the Bahamas on 67 ft. yacht. All
meals, snorkeling, fishing gear and
windsurfer included. Onlv$350. Call
SS-JQ including RT airfare from Ra-
leigh.great hotel,gratuiriesand more!
Call the Spring Break experts at Four
Seasons 1-800-331-3136.
Amplifier. Excellent condition,
neg. 830-9293. Ask for Neil.
FOR SALE: Dining room table and
four chairs,$50.00;easv chair-shades
of green, $15.00; lamp - black glass
base wwhite shade, $15.00. Call
FOR SALE: 3 Bahama tickets. 5
days,4nights. $200each. Calljulieat
FOR SALE. IBM 95 Typewriter, 1987
wmemory, excellent condition,
S2000 new, must sell. $400 or trade
FOR SALE Jamis 18 sp Mt. Bike w
cyclepro lock $165.00, call 757-0409.
KENWOOD 65 wattchannel re-
ceiver. Good condition, lists for $420,
asking $130.
STUDENT to be company for eld-
erly lady in house. Call after 500
p.m. 758-1666
ROOM FOR RENT in young
couples home (females only). $200
month plus 14 utilities. Private
bathroom and kitchen privileges. Call
FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment
behind Pantrv, 10th Street. 1 12
bath, 5425month. Call 757-0409.
Student Income Tara Retams
Program Developed by
Professionals Specifally tor
College Students
; 497
Pittard Perry
A Beautiful Place u 1 ivc
? AH Nc? ?
? And Rcad To Rent ?
2891 SdiStrea
?l.oca!i Near EC!
?Near Major Shopping Ccntrr
?Across From Migh?a Patrol Station
jitttted v ! t ?? ?
Contact J I or fofmn) Wi rr.s
rS6 '815 or 8 1917
O! I ice open Api B, I 5 'ifim
l. .can and j: -rr nrdroocn furr the ' a ;?:? r? ?
pne-gveffioevr free ?rtnndww, . ? ? mmimn
drw jKc I" riwfJjjiiM ulmjmwt) 1 "a
I n0l r?xe MQflfJ HOMf R-VIAIJ. t MtHM
m ningjtf Ar;Lmrn; jd motile hoMN ? ?, -?
Contact J T 011 omrnv v iliims
R )R SALE: Portable 110 volt washer
and dryer, $125.00 each. Dorm size
refrigerator. SI00.00. 20" apt. size
electric range, SI 25.00. Like new and
guaranteed. Call 746-2446.
Residency Status and Tuition, the
practical pamphlet written by an at-
torney on the in-state residency ap-
plication process. For sale: Student
s. res Wright Building.
758 4
car or house. 200 warts each. Con-
tains 12" sub, mid, tweet. SI50 for
pair, 931-8155
tar with case. Also Dean Marklev
Assemble products at home. Call for
information. 504-641-8003 Ext. 5920.
MENT is seeking enthusiastic
hardworking individuals for sum-
mer employment. Positions include
pool managers, lifeguards, camp
counselors, nature, athletic, arts, and
lake personnel, park maintenanceand
therapeutic programs. Application
Deadline: March 30. Contact: 2401
Wade Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27602.
Phone 831-6640. EOE MFH
Cruise Ship Jobs
HIRING Men - Women Summer
tour guides recreation personnel
Exceiiem pa, plus FREE travel CVDbean
Haan Bahamas Sou Pacific Mexico
CALL NOW! Call refundable
1-206-736-70QO, Ext.fgggl
500 COMPANIES are interested in
graduates of our Summer Program.
If your interested in developing vour
rcsume,cnhancingvourfurure career
options, MAKING OVER S5000 and
traveling, call us today. (919)745-
5429 or (919) 249-2213
NEEDED: TheGreenville Recreation
and Parks Department is hiring part
time positions for Aerobic Exercise
Instructors. For more information,
call 758-6892 and ask for Kathleen
recruiting 12 to 16 part-time youth
indoor soccer coaches for the spring
indoor soccer program. Applicants
must possess some knowledge of the
soccer skills and have the ability and
patience to work with youth. Appli-
cants must be able to coach young
people ages 5-18 in soccer funda-
mentals. Hours are from 3 p.m to7
p.m. with some night and weekend
coaching. Thisrjrogram will run from
the first of March to the first of May
Salary rates start at S3.85 per hour
For more information, please call Ben
lanes at 830-4567
Bright 11 th grade student needs help
with basic concepts and problem
solving. Hours and pav negotiable.
Call Dr. Gowen, 8752-4086.
DENT? If so, the Pirate Club needs
you. General office experience de-
sired. Call Flo at 757-4540 for inter-
BRODY'S is interviewing for part-
time Saies and Modeling Associates.
Enthusiastic individuals who enjoy
fashion and have a flexible school
schedule should applv. Brady's, The
Plaza. Mon-Wed. 1-4 p.m.
provides a network of camps, now
hiring, from 'The Keys to Wiscon-
sin-Minnesota. One application
reaches all camps. Applications at
the Student Employment Office.
Gamma Gamma Pledges of P: Kappa
Phi President - Douglas 1 nnken,
Vice President - Scott Curtis Trea-
surer - Rob Jones, Secretary - Brad
Davis, Historian - David UtrJewood,
Energizer Bunny - David Gilbert
Other Novices - Steve Butcher, Mike
Mullock, Christian Conrad, Brandon
Byers, lim HoUoman and Rob Jones
relating to people that J.v : ii der-
stand you1 Do you feel guilt and
isolation associated with feelings ul
homosexuality? We understand and
are currently meeting on campus to
discuss these issues. Call 757 6661
Schuster) and the fine women of this
sorority at ECU. You are really
making big strides at ECU. Hard
work really paid off girls. Also, good
luck Jennifer with the E.C.U. Softball
team. "Dad"
CHI OMEGA: We had a great time
at the pre-downtown at Sharky's.
Hope you did n' t get too much spilled
on you at the band partv. Love, Al-
pha Sig.
PIKES: Get vour money m tor Greek
Week. NOW!
a killer time. Let's do it again. Alpha
AXA: We had a blast Friday night
with the veldt! Thanks for a great
time! Love, the Sigmas.
sorry you hurt your knee in ourgame!
Hope you teel better soon! Love, the
THETA (HI'S I had a great time
You guys are so nice and fun to party
with' Love, Pi Delta 8
Alpha: Congratulationson vour new
fratcmitv' We wish you the best of
luck in the future and are behind you
100S. Love, the sisters of PI DELTA.
until tonight. It's gonna be a blast
PIKES: Nu pledges get your act to-
gether and keep the traditions. PIKES
QUESTION? Why did Fred R. cross
the road1
KA'S AND riK.VS: We're looking
forward to throwing down tonight!
l.F.C Executive officers on their
Southeast Fraternity Council Honor-
able Mention Award Randy, Marty,
John, Carlton and Cale. You did a
great job!
this straight - Was the Sigma Nu
College of Chapters Conference in
Rock Hill, S.C. supposed to be busi-
ness or personal? Our theme wasn't
reallv "SffT FACED AT DENNY'S"
was it? Ron Hams, our fearless
Commander, paid how much for an
order of heartburn? Jeff Mahoney -1
can't believe they threw a stink bomb
in the hospitable room in the hotel!
Tom Glass - Were the souvenirs from
The Money" reallv necessary hell,
we don't even have a pool table!
Harold Cline - Did you really serve in
the Marine Corps1 left Dermis-Where
did those crackers come from? And
Ted Dunlap - Why didn't you offer to
let us stay at your house instead of
that cheesy Ratnada Inn1 Enough
sud. now everyone get psyched tor
rush next week.
DELTA SIGS WeCANT wait until
the conclave social with vou cuvsor
Soturua) It's gonna be a BLAST
RUSH will be held in Mendenhall
Student Center Multipurpose room
from 8-10 p.m. next Tuesday and
Wednesday night. Tuesday will be
sub night with the lovely ladies of PD
and Wednesday will be pizza night
with the sisters of AP. Look for more
information in next Tuesday's East
Carolinian or call Tom at 752-5279 or
the EN house at 752-9607.
THETA CHI. We had a great time at
the pre-downtown. Letsget together
real soon. Love, the Delta Zetas
AiltN AXATheVekitTaujarr
and I can safely say we raged onct
again. Get ready to party again
Thursday with Johnnie Quest. The
Kappa Sigma Brothers and Pledges.
that social way way back? Yeah
that one! We all had a blast and want'
to repeat the pounding. Love, the
Brothersand Pledgesof Kappa Sigma.
ATTN AZA AND EEE: We know its
late but thanks again for the help
dunng rush. Yes, we're slack but
better late than never. Love, the
Brothersand Pledgesof Kappa Sigma.
Faircloth, Scott Mulvvec , Matt
Westmoreland, T.J Powers, O.J.
Carolan, Robert Senseny, Robert
Hooten, Johnnie Brown, John Best,
Doug Drum, Casey Matt, Robert
Plumb, Gary Savoie, Steve West,
Chns Sauls, Blame Bkawley, Chuck
Hav, and Preston Aldndgc on be-
coming New Kappa Sigma Brothers.
It's about damn time! Love, the
Brothersand Pledges. ? KappaSigma
TKE. We had a killer time on Thurs-
da v the 31 st with the V dd: We also
had tun on Thursdav the 14th wr
the M-K)'s. Thanks for having us
over Now, if you guys want to have
a filler time on Thursday the ISth at
the Attic, give us a call. Sigma Pi.
ZETAS: The pre-downtown at
Flamingo's was cool. Whenever or
where ewer you girls feel like hanging
out, just give us a call. Sigma Pi.
BLAIR SKINNER Thanks for the
cheap wine, seafood quiche and the
Barry Manilow montage Try not to
keep me up so late next time. Love,
Ann: HO I
Enjoj a fabulous inp to the
Bahamas aboard a sailing yacht.
(Drinking age is 18 on the island.)
Discounts available tor trip
orgaiiHzers. Caff anytime lot details
wfthqi utyb.p
lt)' CMSCOt r un h
Largest Library of information in U S
all suDecls
QMv Catalog Todav 1 I sa MC y COD
T0U mtt
0' rush C00 to RtiMccrt Intor-nation
" '?" cav -?? ?: a ,?sA-gee :a 90C2r
52-2135 7(M
K()AU ShKK i
ioih bttxet
Greenville NC
President of Pi Delta (Jennifer
( OI 1J (IE. STUDENTS - TEACHERS- ,I)1 1 IS AGE 19 and up
WHEN. Early MayJune to Lute WI AT: Field scounts Go
AugustEarly Sept.
WHERE: Eastern NC Cos.
l.enior. Craven, Pitt, Jones.
Onslovv. Greene
PAY: Min 5.50hour plus
Mileage expenses
SffiOTJJ&ESlimiESTO: MCSI - PO Box 179
Grifton, NC 28530
monitor crops. We train.
Ol ALIF: Conscientious.
Good physical shape. Have
Own Vehicle. Reliable
Free & Confidential
Services & Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
HIE. 3rd Street
The Lee Building
Greenville, NC
M-F 8:30 am-3pm
The public is invited, free of charge, to
attend all recitals Recitals will be held
in the A . Fletcher Recital Hall on 10th
Street. Wed , Feb. 20 - Jim Carey, per-
cussion, Graduate Recital (7:0fp.m.).
Thurs Feb. 21 - Guest violinist Eliot
Chapa with ECU faculty John B.
O'Brien, piano, and SelmaGokcen, cello
(8:15 p.m.). Fri Feb. 22 - Suzanne
Marsden, voice, and Russell Smith,
trumpet. Junior Recital (7.00p.m.). Sun
Feb 24 - Coloratura soprano A. Louise
Toppin with guest artist Howard
Watkms . piano, faculty recital (8:15
p.m.). Mon , Feb 25 - An Evening with
Chamber music featuring the ECU
School of Music Faculty. Tues Feb. 26
- Henry Doskey, pianist, faculty solo
recital (8:15 p.m.).
It's not too late to consider an exchange
for next academic year or a semester'
This is your chance to take courses that
you may not be able to get at ECU
Why not spend an exciting semester or
year at one of over 99 colleges or uni-
versities in the U.S England, or Nova
Scotia, and earn credit towards gradu-
ation. Don't miss the opportunity to
see new places, travel and take on new
challenges If you have a GPA of 2.5 or
better, you can pay ECU tuition and
study out of state! There is a simple
application procedure and the dead-
line for next fall and spring is March 1!
For more information and brochures
contact Stephanie Evancho in Brewster
A-117, or call at 757-6769 for an ap-
Looking for people interested in colle-
giate water ski competition. For more BRIANSMrTHat355-
Get your outdoor gear together be-
cause ECU Recreational Outdoor Cen-
ter - The ROC - will be sponsoring a
backpacking and white water canoe-
ing trip over Spring Break. A pre-trip
meeting will be held on Feb. 27 at 500
p.m. in BD 101. All individuals who
plan to go on the trip must attend this
meeting. The cost is S185students
and 5195facultystaffguests. For
further information, call 757-6387 or
stop by 204 Chnstenbury Gym.
Feeling tired, bumed-out? Is stress
interfering with your ability to enjoy
life or do the things you need to do7
Leam to control your stress level rather
than letting it control you. Monday,
Feb. 15 from 3-4:30 p.m. in 329 Wright
Recreational Services is sponsoring a
Scavenger Hunt for the residents of
Central Campus on February 26 Sign
ups will be held in the Central Campus
residence hall lobbies on February 20-
22 from 11:30-100 p.m. So, get your
teams of four together and get ready to
hunt for everything from a dead fly to
a hockey puck. For details call 757-
6387 or stop by 204 Christen bury Gym.
Are you interested in becoming a part
of a special incentive, self-directed fit-
ness program? Then Recreational
Services has the perfect opportunity
for you! The Commit-to-Fitness Club
is an individualized fitness program
where participants work towards
achieving pre-set fitness goals and are
then recognized for their efforts through
t-shirts and other prizes! Get geared up
for spring and join the Commit-to-Fit-
ness Club. For more information call
757-6387 or stop by 204 Christenbury
Attention Volunteers! We have be-
gun work at the Homeless Shelter
Transient housing project. Meet at
Mendenhall on Saturday, February
23 at 800 a.m. or call 757-3356 for
more information.
Begining Fall Semester, Fleming Hall
will be a residence hall for Honors
students and N.C Teaching Fellows.
Any undergrad uate student who has
a 3.0 GPA. and who is a Teaching
Feilow,or ishas been taking Honors
courses, or has already graduated
from the Honors Program, or is tak-
ing Honors work in the major field
qualifies to live in theair-conditioned.
central-campus residence hall. The
Housing Office requires a signature
on your application blank for place-
ment in the dorm. Come by the
Honors Office (124 Fleming) or the
Teaching Fellows Office (Speight210)
for the signature before you turn in
the application for housing.
On Monday, February 25 at5:00 p.m.
in GCB1008, there will be a meeting.
Any questions, call 931-7799. See you
There will be a meeting of all GROUP
LEADERS of East Carolina Friends
on Sunday, February 24, at 6:00 p.m.
in Mendenhall 247. This meeting is
very important! If, for any reason,
you cannot attend, call Susan Moran
at 830-1639.
Any student interested in serving as
a university marshal for the 1990-91
school year may obtain application
from 212 Whichard. Student must be
classified as a junior by the end of
spring semester 1990 and have a 3.0
academic average to be eligible. Re
turn completed application to 211
Whichard by March 5.
If cupid missed you on Valentine's
Day, maybe he'll find you on the 21st.
244,80-10:00 p.m February 21,1991.
TheChancellor'sTask Fbrceon Recy-
cling meets every .bird Thursday of
the month in Room 2002 of the Gen-
eral Classroom Building at 3:30 p.m.
Attention faculty, staff and Hillel
members. If you are concerned about
Israel's involvement in the Gulf War,
please come to our program Tues-
day, the 26th at 7:15 p.m. in Room 221
Mendenhall. For more information
call fill at 931 -7748.
Rich's Nuthouse
?f i
amp omit
Mvmjoa. finis- tt? -f- aaxr
Hazardous Waste
sumyuCrUDZWx; mryoo
r- . -
uje ujiu. , iM
The Law
j Tlf 'It
n raF
my. thm j
I fly ' tlr'7
TM?T '?? ft?
Ahoy mates! If you hi
to direct towards Pii
The East Carolini
Joyner Library). If
there,? we'111

February 21, 1991
I ho Veldt was kii-kin'
sans,n w raced once
? ' read) to part) again"
lohnnie Quest The
ers and Pledges
n CHI OMEGA Ren embc
il way way back? Van,
da blast and wanf
inding 1 e the
edges of Kappa Sign i
M"IN NI! , knoM ? i
- ? pair fi q I
Yes wen -
Love 0
! kl
I I s
. J'jes? 1 rftwy o' alternation m U S
all subects
800 351 0222
Research Information
I rce .v Confidential
s ? S &ounseiing
' Carolina Pregnancy Center
111 E. 3rd Street
I he Lee Building
Greenville, NC
I Kit N)S
1 Susan l
' ? the end of
1 ? ind raw a 10
iveragel eeligible Re-
' " to 211
? '? I hard ?? Man
ed you on Valentine's
? ' ' ' - ? ? n the 21st
DATINGGAME,Mei lenl Room
14,8 i : ?; 99
? ifsTaskForceonRecy-
?? ' irv .aird Thursday of
th?- month m Room 20Q2ol the Gen-
eral Gusroom Building at 3 30 p.m
Attention faculty, staff and Hillel
members If you are concerned about
Israel's involvement in theflulf War,
ptCMC come lo our program Tues-
day, the ?rsthat7:15p.m in Room 221
i application Vlondcnhall For more information
lidentmusflv .ill hi! at931-7748
UDJ n i
n serving as
r the IJO o
(Brie lEant Carolinian February 12, 1991 9
kill M.
and Suitin
By Kemple. Law. Mason, Parker and Robinson
o,rh s Nuthouse
M . ?! 1 Mrw v?t for
of putrmMinu
By Haselrig
moxo. hWJl kZrHil vtf
last episode, KEMPLE BOY and REX wet rescued (mm certain death by the timi-K
appearance of the legcndar) CAPTAIN NEMO, vbile.rhc DEAD KING ? s i.?m?l U j ??
?rfevil SUB-ATIANTEANS led by the nefarious MACK PIRATf . We now i heroes in
A I I AN I IN . where grand feast awaits. And now
hi toe Mvfr
f?m nt f ntv?X
. r
' l,OUt?N WtPrjNA
(LCOMt cxi ro
I ?UD you Lltf t"0
'j0ir!ru7 CtWT mho rnl X?
Hazardous Waste
HEM I B?2? mi' THL
(toMAh) UX&HMi OJTOtt 00
mt' T0Wlri Ih U&Xb BUT
By Manning
?vj WD nun rrr raw
m mat oniott om mow 'Msfi " '
gfA -0AL ICMWntf - O A Tfa C?A(
wirAiio ahoimek
H It ?fStC ?? H? MUCH
I .rlii ' Bj ????-? -v? ?
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Xi M-ftS
By Shull
Ajwf frrn it.
The Law
By Reid2
tV? K-?OT o' y
???' MOT fcoaoA )
Fred's Corner
By Parnell
Ahoy mates! If you have any comments or questions you'd like
to direct towards Pirate Comics, send 'em along to us care of
The Fast Carolinian, Publications Building (across from
Joyner Library). If they're witty, insightful, or just darn, well,
there,? we'll probably print 'em! Avast Swabs!

February 21, 1991
W Hv Veldi m is fidon
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M-l S:30am-3pm
ter 199 ragetobe i Re-
1? 11
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I Dl M
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prali ? row ;
ttention faculty, stafl and Hillrl
members It you an rd about
Israel stnvo verm wr
o our progi im lues
? " ? " it7:15pn rt Room 1w
Mendonhall Form, n i formation
i.ill hll at931 ?748
BRUARV 1?, 1991 9
Rich s Nuthouse
By Haselrig
X rL iSm i?- 4,vpom
m hM
M4 we Hrvc
V i r
CXHN& fCB?Pffl?Mlf
? ? . ?' 1 MFW V f(Mt

fVc M4V( vuT4e.t H m
Timewankers BY Kemple, Law, Mason, Parker and Robinson
Last episode, KFMPI.E BO and Kl were rescued from certain death by the limch
appear ante of the legendan CAPTAIN NEMO, whilc.rhe DEAD KING was Unnui l .group
.tvil si I! l IW I l-ANS kd by the nefarious M(,l( I'IKVII IVe now join oui h ,
I I I IS . where .1 grand hist .m.iits. And now
V Mi si?r V ?
Hozordous Waste
QmUOckh) DO&HME CUT off Oo
si rpfy a w z ?w that you
WVto T 7?V IO U)?lKb, RU T
c- -t j5 'c ? e??? -a vvorti.
f - ?. . .
By Parnell
a ,
Ahoy mates! If you have any comments or questions you'd like
to direct towards Pirate Comics, send 'em along to us care of
The Fast Carolinian, Publications Building (across from
Joyiter Library). If they're witty, insightful, or just darn, well,
there,? we'll probably print 'em! Avast Swabs!
1??- I
Court ?t?ir
??c A 'f oK


Pirates lose opener against Barton college
n'WSB ' mil
Dail Roed ECU Photo Lab
Senior John White wmdsup in Wednesday's game against Radon College I CU lost their home opener 8
6 White stayed in until the titth inning when he was replaced by Johnny Veck
By Tim Hampton
Staff Writer
Barton College took ad vantage
an 8-b win in the Pirates' opener of
the 1W1 baseball season Wednes-
day at Harrington Field.
The loss broke an ECU 19-year
winning streak in season openers
With the wind blowing toward
right center held, the conditions
were conducive for the long ball.
The contest saw three home runs to
right field, beginning with Pirate
iirst basemen Corey Short's shot to
lead off the bottom of the second
and break a scoreless tie.
Barton answered with three
runs in the third, fueled by a two
RBI single from Steve Lowery, to
load 3-2.
In the tilth, Lowery chased Pi-
rate starter fohn White with a slid
ing double to usher johnnv Beck m
from the ECU bullpen. Beck, a
freshmen, was met with the heart of
the Barton lineup in his collegiate
pitching debut.
a single into shallow center held to
SCOIC Lowery. Dexter IImil, who
hit a double in the third, foBowed
with a lifting fly into the sailing
.vind which cleared the fence for a
two-run home run shot The tilth
inning surge give Barton a 6-2 lead.
ECU's Glynn Beck, the desig-
nated hitter, used the wind to his
advantage as well with a homer to
right in the bottom of the seventh,
but thePiratesdid not put theottense
into gear until the final bat
Rallying with three runs m the
bottom o the ninth inning, the Pi-
rates had the bases loaded before a
pop-up ended the game.
Greenville native Tom Moyc
led off the final at bat with a stand-
up double before teammates Da vid
Letsten and Berrv arron came
aboard to load the bases. ECU third
basemen John Cast then nailed a
two-RBI double to the gap in right
Following a walk to catcher
Tommy Eason to again load the
bases. Short scorched a shot to the
Shortstop which scored Niarron, the
Pirates final run. With two outs.
Bock leached base after being hit bv
a pitch, to toad the bases tor the
third lime of the inning
ECU left plaverson base in the
third, sixth, seventh and eighth in-
nings while the I rates' three errors
lead to two Barton runs The most
COStly ot the errors came in the top
of the ninth .is reliever I.vie
Hartgrove fielded a Barton bunt
and had an errant throw tolirstbase
which suled into foul territory.
The error allowed Barton's
David McDonald and Wayne
Sullivan to advance to third and
second, respectively I lartgmvewas
replaced, after throwing one pitch,
with im Ambrosius
Lowery answered w it ha sacri-
fice fry to score Sull i van, to make the
score 7-3.
Lacrosse team looks ahead to new season
By Earle McAuley
Staff Writer
one hundred mile an hour
shot a bone jarring hit, a clear and
three seconds later the ball is at the
other end of the field as the offense
sets up another scoring attempt
I he srt of lacrosse combines
the speed of soccer wim the violence
of hocke) it is considered the tast
estgameon foot, and anyone who is
familiar with the sport will support
that theon
1 heoriginsof lacrossdateback
to the American and Canadian In-
dians w ho used to plav tor days at
was not uncommon tor players to
die during such contests.
Lacrosse is still the national
srt of Canada.
It is generally considered a
northeastern sport, played mainly
in New England and as tar south as
Virginia. It is, however, beginning
to spread to some universities and
their communities
A lacrosse teamconsistsof three
attackmon(offensiveplavers) thnv
midfielders (both offense and de-
fense), three defensemen and a
The rules of the game make it
very similar to hockey in that a
a time using a door skull as a ball It penalty box is used, and man down
situations arc very prevalent.
I he history of the team at EC I
began with a varsity squad m the
1960s and 70s. The varsity team
wasdisbaitded in themid7ts, and
there wasa void until the "80s, when
a few men formed a club team.
The club has improved every
year since its inception, and this
year they pined a league which
consists of 25 teams andtive divi-
sions Included m ECl 's division
are Old Dominion, William and
Mary, Virginia (bmmonwealthand
the I mvorsitv of Richmond
It's.i tough di ision. but we'll
do well said senior midfielder
The team has high hopes of
doing well with their combination
of tested veteransand very talented
Hoyt and senior Brandin
ITiorne lead the Bucs. The two give
the team an explosive offensive
combination and leadership
Other key plavers for the Pi-
rates this year include senior
attackman Bobby Modes, who offers
a good stick and guidance to that
position and sophomore
defense man left Cauland.
The team will mlv on junior
Phil Tmit in the goal while expect-
ing many things from rookies 1 arrv
Rortierand IP Reynolds
Rowing harder than appearance suggests
By Nicole Pratt
Spt ial tu the I ast C jrolmun
I he sport ot rowing dates back
to past rowers of the IS century in
i ondon According to Tom Allan
thcEO 'RovingCrewcoach,mcy
usiN.1 lightweight boats as tais and
tor swt races so thej decided to
build boats specifically tor racing
Allan aid the Americans
picked it up easily in the Northeast,
and rowing was predominately an
Ivy I eague sport An American in-
vented the sliding seat, and thus,
the sport went from an arm and
back sport to a leg sport
"Rowing is not a Southern
sport so many people down here
are unfamiliar with it he said.
That will change soon, though,
because more and more Southern
schools are picking it up
The ECU Crew Team shares a
boathouse with the Pambeo Row
ingdubin Washington. The team
practices six days a w ook and rows
five miles a da. (ohnluaitis said
Rowing is a total bodv work
out equivalent to cross-countn
skiing Rowers arc among the top
athletes in the world. Every muscle
is used: the legs tor the initial drive
then the back and then the arms for
the finish of the stroke. Allan said
Sandraarter, who has been a
member tor about one year, said the
hardest thing about rowing is
building up endurance.
1 i id Bumette, a membersmt e
September, agreed that for those
who are not in shape, endurance is
the hardest part; for those who are
in shape learning the technique
takes awhile.
Burnett said some have told
him rowing looks easy. Allan said
the rowers who look the smoothest.
like the Harvard nun. look like
they're not working
It looks effortless llansaid.
" ou can't see the agony that really
goes on
Bumette said one of his frater-
rtit) brothers took him out and he.
too tell in love with rowing
When the team is not in the
water, they workout on weights.
jog and usetheergomeier machine
(a simulated rowing machine with
a tlv wheel). The "erg" helps you
build up your endurance, aiwl is
harder than actual rowing, luaitis
The ECU Crew Team partici-
pated in me I load-of the Occoquan
(Northern Virginia) race in No-
vember. Threeof their fourdoublcs
placed first third and fourth
rheteamhassM racessetupfor
the spring a scrimmage against
SkJdrnore(PA)Coilege, the Augusta
Invitational Regatta, the Duke Re-
gatta, a race with UNC and the
SIRA (Southern Invitational Row-
ing Asstviation) Championships in
Most races are sponsored by
the US Rowing Association, so
participants must be members,
Bumettesakl Everyoneon the ECU
team is a member.
luaitis s.nd everv oneeatsa lot
of pasta the night before a race oe-
causecartxhydratos convert eiorgv
quickly. It takes about seven vears
to prepareatopathlete for his maxi-
mum potential, Allan said.
Rowing is a growing sport.
Allan said that 10 years ago. the
USRA had about 10,000 members
whereas now they have about
ABandoes not get paid tocoach.
hut ho loves itanvwav. "Itgivesme
a lot of good feelings he sa:d.
White to
lead ECU
By Matt Mum ma
Sports Iditor
As the 1991 baseball season
begins many new faces will
emerge as leaders on the team as
a result ot last vear sgraduaubn.
In me pitching staff, two top
pitchers. Tim Langdon and
lonathanlonkins. graduated and
left a large gap to till. The most
qualified candidate to takeover
the number one pitching posi-
tion is senior lohn White
"John White is our most ex-
perienced pitcher bv tar head
coach Gary Overtoil said. "Heis
coming oit of a stellar sopho-
more season as well as a fine
season last vear '
Last season White pitched
in 65 innings and had a 3 44
ERA. He had a 7-3 record that,
?though not overly amazing.
Served as a training grounds tor
this season.
"He pitched more as a
freshman than most youngguys
get a chance to pitch Coach
Ova ton said
"If the season were to start
tiviav, John White would he the
starter on opening day based on
his experience Coach Ovvrton
White is in his final vear of
eligibility at ECU and, no doubt,
expects to be called upon in the
John White
big games this season Yet,
handles his responsibility with
"It is not a real big deal,
Whites,ud. "I had an off vear last
year, and this season I ixxxl to
come out a do w hat is expected
of me
White's tirst big challenge
will he starting in the season
opener, but he is looking for-
ward to it.
T veal ways wanted to pitch
the first game hitesaid. ' I ve
been here tor tour years now,
and I've put all my efforts into
pitching, so it is a good feeling to
know that 1 am needed
hite is protected to be the
pitcher to watch in the Colonial
Athletic Association, m hichisnot
surprising since he is pitching for
last yearsCAA champions.
As d senior pitcher on the
number one team in the CAA.
White should get much expo-
sure if his season turns out well
tor him. This will be the last vear
for professional scouts to come
10 the games to siv it White has
the mettle to plav in the big
R.S. basketball prepares for playoffs
David Gaskins
jtional Services
Asa, on in Intramural Basket-
ball nears the final week of tlv
angular season, nm bounces and
aerial displays have taken a variety
of twists and turns.
The Women's Cold features
the weaponary of the Golden Girls,
led by lori Rose, Amy Pierce and
Angela Robbins.
However, lurking in the wings
are a host of eager challengers with
Clueless and Rosie Thompson at
the forefront.
The Lethal Injections, fueled by
Kris Waters, Kristin Rosignok) and
Kim Floyd, and ECU Volleyball,
with Shannon McKay and Suzanne
Ussell are also in the championship
Mondaynightshave witnessed
enthusiasm and excitement as the
Sorority division begins to heat up.
Alpha Delta Pi, with the tough in-
side play of Cara Vallas and the
outside bombing of Kelly Morton,
appear to be the team to beat.
However, the ladies of Chi
Omega have a host of fine shooters
and a quick guard in Julie Pope.
Also, Sigma Sigma Sigma is
making a bid for their third con-
secutive sorority title with Holly
Holland and Michelle Klun leading
their attack.
Despite the loss of several key
big men, Sigm Phi Epsilon has
shot to the top m the Fraternity
Gold rankings behind the guard
play of Joel Saunders.Rob Evans
and eff Emerson.
Those who wish to topple Sig
Ep from their perch arecapableand
Phi Tau seeks the opportunity
to atone for an early season loss as
well asa loss in the3-on-3 basketball
fall tourney. Kevin Satterfiekl, Bob
Durda, Todd Wilson and John
Dickinson represent a strong con-
tingent of scoring machines.
However the ultimate scoring
machine may be TKE's Brett
Schecter, who may just lead hif.
brothers to the promised land.
Chris Stewart leads an
unheralded Pi Kappa Phi team that
may also make some rumblings in
the playoffs.
The Fraternity Purple division
has provided both lopsided scores
and some wild finishes as teams
jockey for playoff position.
Defending champions Pi
Kappa Alpnaarodirected by Steven
Cowin and Mickey Whaley.
The men of Sigma Nu an? set-
ting new standards of soft defen-
sive play as they implement their
Loyola Marymount-style offense.
The Men's Cold has featured
numerous fast-break action as the
top teams prcparo for the quest for
the title.
Darrell Griffin's Strictly Busi-
ness is the favorite of many after
capturing the 3-on-3 title in the fall
and adding several plavers to their
already powerful roster.
The Business approach can at-
tack with the unlimited shooting
range of Dean Alley and Brett
McKeithan,as well the smooth play
of Mark Hoch, ECU Intramurals'
answer to Magic Johnson.
However, rumor has it that
several members of last year's
champions have reunited and
pulled from other rosters in an at-
tempt to retain the title as the De-
fending National Champs (DNC).
Steve Maxwell of "The Fellows"
leadstheattackasthe quickest point
guard at ECU.
Other leading contenders in-
clude Too Short, with the bruising
inside play of Cliff Purcell,and Mark
Weatherford, Sean 'The Rocket"
Lynch's Tuff Crew, Beef or Balling,
which features Chad Grier and
Grant Lowe from last year's runner-
ups and Scott Schcckler's
Also hiding out on Wednesday
nights is won! of Bryan Haywood
and Clayton Driver's A Taste of
The teams in Men's Purple di
vision has the largest percentage of
the 154 teamsinvolved in Intramural
Among those expected to be
elevated to the Goki playoffs are
Just Houzin' Gold featunngexcep-
tional ballhandlingoi Dennis Mor-
gan and the speed of Greg Stewart
Other Gold-caliber teams in-
clude Blazing the Trail with Tom
Scott and Greg Brandison's Bulls.
Z's, team with the power inside
play of John Allen and Pete Zophv
and Kurk Seekford, hope to parlay
their Jamboree and Situation Tour-
nament success into Gold.
A semi-finalist from last year,
the LA. Bad Boys with Kevin
Hyman and Brandon Eleby's
mercilousoutsidc attack have been
hiding in the Purple division white
Al Pannell and Quinton Manley
lead the opponents into Mass Con-
fuskn as their team appears headed
for Gold success.
The direction of the Purple
playoffs is difficult to forecast be-
cause i t appears relatively unknown
teams will be in the hunt.
Stay tuned as the achon in
Christenbury and Minges reaches
the fever ot March madness with its
quickly approaching playoff tixir-

Pirates lose opener against Barton college
White windsup in Wedru day game against Barton College EC
J in until the lifth inning ? n he was re) iced by Johnny ? - Reed ECU Photo
lost itii'n horn openei 8
By Tim Hampton
Staff Wriler
Barton College took ad vantage
ofE( I sdcfcnsivemishapstoclaim
.in s ?? win in the Pirates opener of
the 1991 baseball season Wcdnes
day at I larrirtgton I ield
rhe toss broke an E( I 19-year
winning streak in season openers
With the wind blow ing tow .?ro!
right center Held, the conditions
were conducive tor the lone. Kill
I he contest saw. three home runs to
right field beginning with Pirate
first basemen( orey Short's shot to
lead off the Kttom ot the second
and break a scoreless tie
Barton answered with three
runs jn the third, fueled b .1 two
RBI single from Steve 1 ovven to
lead 1-2
In the fifth, Lowery chased Pi
rate starter ohn White w ith .1 slid
ing double to usher ohnn Bet k in
from the 1I bullpen Beck, .1
freshmen, wasmet with the heart 1 it
the Barton lineup in his collegiate
pitching debut
.1 single into shallow centci field to
st ore I ewer I X xIt1 Harris, u he
hit ,1 double in the third followed
with a lifting fly int.? the sailing
.ind which 1 U ared the fern e tor ,1
two run home run shot fhe tilth
inning surgi ga 1 Barti n .11 2 lead
E( I s c ,l im I'? 1 k the vltsig
ivited hittei nsl the wind to his
advantage as well with a runner to
right in the bottom ot the seventh.
Kit the Piratosdkl not put thee ?f tense
into gear until the final Kit
Rallying with three runs in the
Kittom ot the ninth inning the Pi
rates Kid tin Kin s kvided Kforc .1
'P up ended the ganx1
( Ireein ill' nativ c I om Moye
led oft the final .it hit with ,1 stand
updouHctotbrc teammates I )a id
I iston and Bern Narron canx
aKxird to kvid the bases l( l third
basemen ohn (1st then nailed .)
two RBI double to tin gap in righl
att her
?d the
1 enter
I ollowing .1 walk to
fbmrm I ason to igam
bases, short scorched a sKt to the
shortshopv hit hx orod .nron the
Pirates final run ith two outs
Bo. k ro.n bed base after bi ing tut b
.1 pit. h, to lo.i.i th. bases tor the
?hud timeol the inning
E I lett plaverson base in the
third sixth seventh and eighth in-
nings while the Pirates i!nn errors
lead 1 two Rarti n runs i K most
i ostlv ot the errors 1 anx in tin- lop
ol t he ninth .1 ? ? or l.vle
Hartgmve fielded a Barton bunt rrant throw tolirstKise
whuh sailed int. 1 tonl l rrit, r
i he error allot I 1 ton's
i ?a id M I onald .11 d V a ne
Sullivan to advat ? ? third and
socotxl.respet ti eh II rl 1 . . is
rej laced, after thr ingonepitt h,
w ith lim Ambn suis
I owen 11 d .?. ith a -1 ?
tuotK to scon Sullivan tomakt tin
111 7 J
Lacrosse team looks ahead to new season
B) Earle McAuley
Stall Writer
was not uiii ommon tor plavers to
die .luring such contests
I .1. rosse is still the
one hundr.i mile an hour sport of Canada.
sht - janing hit a clear and It is generaII considered .1
tier the ball is at the northeastern sport, played mainh
he field as tK offense in New England and as far south as
sets up n tl ? ? scoring attempt Virginia It is. however, Kginning
?? ? acrosse combines to spnvid to some universities and
iK speed ' - er with me violent tKir communities
ll s considered the fast- Iacrtsseteamconsistsofthnv
est gam 1 I I and anyone who is attackmen(offensiwplavers).thnv
tan 'sport will support midfielders (Kth offense and di
defensemen and a
? ?. nsot lacn issdate ha -
in and Canadian In Rx" rules of the game make il
diai . ed toplavfordavsat ven similar to ho. ko in that a
? itn.ithms .uo . ; pn 1I1 nt
I he histoi s ot the E
h .in with .1 .usit squad in the
l0 and 70s Ibe ' arsih team
w asdisbanded in the mid- 70s, and
tKrewasa void until me 80s when
.1 few men formed .1. lub team
"heclub has improved even
war since its inceptiein, and this
0.1r tho joined .1 leagw whnh
consists o( 25 teams andfive divi
sions In. hided in I ?. I s division
I he team has high Kpes I
doing well with their comKnation
of tested veteransandverj talented
I lovt and somor Brandin
Thome lead the Bin s The two give
the team an explosive offensive
. ombination and leadership
Other kov pl.ners tor the Pi-
rates this year include senior
attackman Bohbv 1 lodes, w hoot tors
1 good stuk and guidance to that
ire Ok! Dominion William .m.l position and sophomore
Mai Virginia ommonwoalthand defenseman Jeff Gauland
the! niversih of Richmond I he team will relv on junior
It's a tough division but we'll Phil rruit in the goal while expect-
do well s,nd sen 101 midfielder ing many things from mokies I .arrv
naltvKisiised.and mandowi
K IK Hot
I order and IP Reynold;
Rowing harder than appearance suggests
By Nicole Pratt
? 1.1I tn the I jst Carolinian
? ?
txMthouse with the Pamlico Ro
; lub in Washington frtcteam
practi i davs .1 week .md n ?v
? 1 dav . lohnluiitis iui
' ? f the 18 nturv in ing is a total ! di w 1 -
Loixlon Wcording to Tom Allai il equivalent to cross-counti
1 ' km 1! iwers aro among v I ;
: 1 ' (weight I ' md it tesin tho world Even musi l
1 ? 1 ? ? ? : led I isod th. legsfoi tKiiiitial h
build Iwits spivificalh- for r.i irkand then thearmsfoi
Allan said thi n - ms tK finish of the stroke, Allan said
picki : ? 0rtK1st, Sandra Cartel wKihastxvna
and 1 ispred minateh in memlxTforaboutoneveai saidtK
Ivy League sfxirt n American in hardest thing about rowing is
vonio.ittu sliding seat and thus, building up endurance
the sport went from an arm and "XiidBumette,a membersino
back sp(?rt to a k?g sport September ae.rood that tor tKse
"Rowing is not .? Southern who m not in shape, endurance is
sport so mam people down here tK hardest part; for thost who are
vith il he s,iui in shape1 learning tK technicue will change sexm though. t.ikos awhile
Kvause ni?re and more Southi rn Burneltt .n.i somo Iwve told
scKh?Is are picking it up him r. Unikseas Mian said
I he U I Crew reamshresa themwtTswKilooktKsmootKst
like the Harvard men. l.ok like Invitational Regatta tK Duke Re-
gatta, a race with I and the
SIRA (Southern Imitation.)! Row
ing Association bampionshipsin
I ennessee.
Most r.ues .iro sponsored b
the I S Rowing Association, so
parti, ipants must K members
Bumettesaid EveryoncontK'Et 1
team is a member
luzaitissaid everyoix eatsalot
ot pasta the night before a race be
causei arbohydratesconvertenergv
quit kK It takes about seven years
to preparea topathletcforhismaxi
mum potential Allan s.uvl
Rowing is a growing sport
Allan s.ud that IP years ago, the
1 SRA had about 10,000 members
whereas now they have about
Allandoesnotgetpaxltoi .u h
Kit he loves it any was !t gives me
.1 lot ol good feeling he said
?P. re working
It looks effort less Mian said
You can tsoe theagon thai niall
- on
Bumeth said (m 1 t his ir.itor
? bmthers took him ml 11
' ? 1 fell m I. e with row ing
hen the team is not in tin-
il ' tho workout 1 weights
ixl use tKergcmx'tei m.uhint'
a simulated row ing m u bine with
.1 tK vs'Kvl) iln erg Kips vou
build ui our enduraixv, and is
harder than actual mwing luzaiHs
1 ho 11 l c row 1 earn part it 1
pat .1 in the I lead ot the 1 V. oouan
thern V irginia ? r.? e in No
vemlxT I hrooot thoir lourdoublos
placed tiist third and fourth
ITic team has six races set up fni
the spring ,1 scrimmage against
SkhimorelPAX o!kve,the ugusta
White to
lead ECU
Bv Matt Muni ma
sports I ilitor
sthe 1991 baseball season
boejns main now ta. es v-s 111
emerge as leaders on tK team as
aresult of last year graduation.
In theptti hingstaff, tw(i lop
pit. hers, I im 1 angdon ,n.
lonathan lonkn, grx1uatidand
left .1 large gap to till 1 he most
qualified candidate to takeover
the number one pitching posi-
tion is senior ohn White
"John W hiteisour most o
perienced pitcher b far head
coach(iar 1 h ertonsaid 1 Ins
coming off ol .1 stellar 'p:
more season as well as .1 fine
season last vear
1 ast season W 1 I ; itt hod
in 65 innings .id had .1 ; 14
1 RA 1 le had .1 : ? 1 that.
athough nit overh amazing
served .?s,i training grounds t.r
this season
I le pit. hod more .is a
freshman than most voungguvs
gel a i hance to piti h ' . h
l "lorton said
"It the season were to -aart
todav, (ohn VN hite wcmld K' the
starter on opening dav b.istxl on
his experience . ivxrhi hxrton
hite is in his final vear ot
eIigiKhtyatE( I ,m.l. nodoubt
ejx ts to K?called upon in the
lohii White
big games this 1 ??. ?, ?
handles his n :? ? itv w ith
It is ii" 1 '? il ; ? deal,
hi to s.iid lhadanott vear last
t .ir. and this season 1 need to
come out a do w hat is cxpw ttxi
oi me
hite s first Kg i hallenge
will be starting in the season
opener, but he is kxnking tor
ward to it
I vcalwavswantedtopitch
the tirst game v hiti said I ve
been hen: foi I ?ur ars ixiw
and I've put all m efforts into
pitching so it 1- 1 si tei Im I
know that I am ?
hite is profit tod to tv tho
pit. hor to watch in theolomal
Athlftn Asstxiatuni whichisnt
surprising sin eKispiti hingfor
last vearsA A champions
s a senuw pit. her on the
number one team in the i
While should get much expo
sure it his season turns out well
tor htm rhis will K the last vear
tor scouts to come
to the games to see it W hite has
the mettle to pla in the Kg
R.S. basketball prepares for playoffs
B' David Gaskins
it 1 on.i 1 sot ices
Asa . 'ii in Intramural Basket
ball nears the final week ot the
regular season, rim bounces and
aenal displays have taken a variety
ot twists and turns
Ibe Women's Cold features
the weaponarvot the( .olden (.iris
led bv Ion Rose, Ann Pierce and
Angela Robbtns.
I lowcver. lurking in the wings
area host of eager challengers with
Clueless and Rosie Thompson at
the forefront
The I othal Injections, fueled bv
Kris Waters. Kristin Kosignoloand
Kim Floyd, and l( U Volleyball.
with Shannon McK.u and Suzanne
L ssoii are also in thechampionsKp
Monday nights have witnessed
enthusiasm and excitement as the
Sorority division begins to heat up.
Alpha Delta Pi, with the tough in
side plav ofara alias and the
outside bombing of Kelly Morton,
appear to be the team to beat.
However, the ladies of C hi
(mega have a host ot line shooters
and a quick guard in lulie Pope
Also, Sigma Sigma Sigma is
making I bid for their third con-
secutive sorority title with Holly
Holland and MicKlle Klun leading
their attack.
Despite the loss of several key
big men, Sigm. Phi I'psilon has
shot to the top in the Fraternity
Cold rankings behind the guard
play ot lixM Saunders.Rob Evans
anil left Emerson.
Those who w ish to topple Sig
Ep from their perch arecapabieand
Phi Tau seeks the opportunity
to atone tor an early season loss as
well asa loss in the 3-on-3Kisketball
fall tourney. Kevin Satterfield, Bob
Durda, Todd Wilson and lohn
Dickinson represent a stmng con-
tingent of scoring machines.
However the ultimate scoring
machine may be IKE's Brett
Schecter, who may iust lead he
brothers to the promised land.
Chris Stewart leads an
unheraldixl Pi Kappa Phi team that
may also make some rumblings in
the plavoffs.
Ihe Fratemitv Purple division
has provided both lopsided scores
and some wild finishes as teams
jockey for playoff position.
Defending champions Pi
Kappa Alpha aredirected by Steven
( tuvin and Mickey VVhaley.
The men of Sigma Nu are set-
ting new standards of soft defen-
sive plav as tKy implement tKir
Loyola Marymount-style offense.
Ihe Men's (.old has featured
numerous fast break action as tK
top teams prepare tor the quest tor
the title
DarreH C iriftin 5 Strictly Busi-
ness is the favorite of mam atter
capturing the 3-OU-3 title in the tall
and adding several players to their
already powerful roster.
The Business approach can at-
tack with the unlimited shooting
range of Dean Alley nd Brett
McKeithan, as well the smooth play
of Mark Htxh, ECU Intramurals
answer to Magic Johnson
However, rumor has it that
several members of last vear's
champions have reunited and
pulled from other rosters in an at-
tempt to retain the title as the
tending Nationalhamps DM 1
Steve Maxwell of "The bellows
leads theat tack as the quickest point
guard at ECU.
Other leading contenders in-
clude Too Short, w ith the bruising
inside plavot'C'lift Purcvll.and Mark
WeatKriord, Sean The Rocket"
Lynch'sTuff Crew. Beef or Balling,
which features Chad Crier and
C.rantl owctromlastvear'srunixr-
ups and Scheckler's
Also hidingouton Wednesdav
nights is word ot Brvan Havwcxxl
and Clayton Dnver's A Taste of
The teams in Men s Purple di
ision has the largest percentage ot
the 154teamsinvolved in Intramural
Among those expected to K
elevated to tlx- Cold playoffs are
lust I louzin (.olvl featunngexi ep
tional ballhandlingot Dennis Mor
gan and the speed ot C .reg Mew art
Other Cold-Caliber teams in-
clude Blazing the Trail with Tom
Scott and C.reg Brandison s Bulls
Z's, team with the power inside
play of lohn Allen ano Pete oph
and Kurk Svktord, hope to parl.n
tKir jamboree and Situation Tour
nament success into Gold.
A semi-fmalist from last vear
the LA. Bad Boys with Kevin
Hvman and Brandon Eleby's
mcrcilous 011 tside attack have been
hiding in the Purple division while
Al Panned and Qutnton Manle
lead the opponents into Mass Con-
fusion astheirteamappears headed
for CKld success.
The direction of the Purple
playoffs is difficult to forecast K-
causo 1 tappoarsrolativelv unknown
teams will K in the hunt
Stav tuned as tK action m
C hnstenburv aixl Minges reachei
tKtevorol March nvulix-ss vith its
quicklv appnvxTiing plavott ttnir-

The East Carolinian, February 21, 1991
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 21, 1991
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