The East Carolinian, January 17, 1991

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Qftiz i?uBt (Hutvimmtx
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No.67
Thursday, January 17,1991
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
18 Pages
War breaks out in Persian Gulf
U.S. surprises Iraq, Saddam with 'Operation Desert Storm'
(AP) - The United States and its
allies hurled a mighty air armada
against Iraq early Thursday to crush
the Arabnation'smilitary power and
drive it from conquered Kuwait.
"The liberation of Kuwait has
begun President Bushdedaied in
Iraqi I resident Saddam I lussein,
in a speech broadcast bv Iraq state
radio, retorted that Bush was a
hypocritical criminal" and vowed
to crush "the satanic intentions of the
White House
Wave alter wave of warplanes.
inhundredsof sorties, streaked north
from Saudi Arabian bases to punish
Iraq ft n its five-month defiance the
In Baghdad, reporters said bomb
explosions shook the ground of the
baqi capital. An oil refinery 10 miles
away was in flames, and flashes of
light brightened the night sky, ap-
parent anti-aircraft tin they said.
'Operation Desert Shield" be-
came "Operation Desert Storm"
around I250a.m (450 p.m. EST) as
1-131- fighter-bombers took off horn
a US air base in central Saudi Arabia
and streaked north. Thisishistory in
the making said Col. Ray Davies,
the base's chief maintenance officer.
The offensive included USal-
lied forces and was aimed at Iraqi
troops in both Iraq and Kuwait, U.S.
officials said. British Tornado fighter-
See War, page 3
U.S. strikes targets in the Gulf
By Tim Hampton
Staff Writer
A cool and confident President
Bush, saying "this will not be an-
other Vietnam assured the nation
that themulti-nationalattackof Iraq
would not be the beginning of a
prolonged and bloody war in an
address Wednesday night.
At press time U.S. defense of-
ficials had not released any reports
on military action executed by the
United Nationscoalition air force at
approximately 7 p.m. Eastern
StandardTime(EST)or3a m Saudi
Arabian time.
Solely limited to surface-to-
surface missiles and air strikes by a
combination of American, British,
Saudi and Kuwaiti warplanes, the
attack targeted military strongholds
in Iraq. No official report of actual
damagein Iraq was released at press
"These are the times that try
men's souls Bush said, quoting
Thomas Paine.
The first retaliation came at ap-
proximately 8 p.m. EST as Iraqi
MWpOW damaged a Saudi oil re-
finery in the town of Khafji.
Remaining unyielding in his
stand. Bush said the insurgence of
UN. military might was to dis-
mantle Iraq's weaponry.
"We will not fail Bush said.
"We are determined to knock out
See Speech, page 3
Federal, state authorities step up
security for possible terrorist attack
reality of Iraq's terronst threat is
sinking in after allied forces at-
tacked Iraqi territory Wednesday.
From federal agencies to local
police, authorities are stepping up
precautk we even as thev sty there's
no immediate cause tor alarm
The series ot ultimatums from
Iraqi officials and terrorist leaders
justifies heightened alert, terrorism
experts say.
"The situation looks bleak to
me savs Yonah Alexander, a
George Washington University ter-
rorist expert
In the event of war in the- gulf,
it's likely there will be attacks per-
haps at some "symbolic targets"
such as national monuments,
Alexander says.
While the FBI has received no
credible threats so far, anti-terror-
est priority, says FBI spokesman
Tom Jones.
Other agencies' actions
? Airports and airlines have
been given security contingency
plans from the Federal Aviation
Administration that includea halt
to curbside check in.
? Railroads, which have
roughly 3,000 of their own police
officer, am wa tching moa1 closr I v
for trespassers.
? The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission called the nation's 114
licensed reactors and urged in-
creased vigilance.
? Travelers with Iraqi or
Kuwati passports are being finger-
printed and photographed at US.
bolder crossings
Local agency actions:
? In Los Angeles, police are
"thinking twice - in terms of a
terrorist possibilityr. when receiving
cllsaboutsuspioousacbvitY says
police spokesman )ohn Stieglitz.
? In South Carolina, the
governor's office is considering a
state plan to counteract terrorism in
the1 event of war.
An open letter from President Bush
If armed men invaded a home
in this country, killed those in their
way, stole what they wanted and
thenannounced the house was now
theirs, no one would hesitate about
what must be done.
And that is why we cannot
hesitate about what must be done
halfway around the world in Ku-
There is much in the modern
world that is subject to doubts or
questions?washed in shades of
gray. But not the brutal aggression
of Saddam Hussein against a
peaceful, sovereign nation and its
people. It's black and white. The
facts are clear. The choice unam-
The terrorSaddam Hussein has
imposed upon Kuwait violates ev-
ery principle of human decency.
According to Amnesty International
reports: "Widespread abuses of
humanrights ha vvbeen perpetrated
bv Iraqi forces arbitrary arrest
and detention without trial of thou-
sands widespread
tortureimposition of the death
penalty and the extra judicial execu-
tion of hundmdsof unarmed civil-
ians, including children
There's no horror that could
ma ke thi s a rnoreobvious anftk: t of
gixxi vs. evil. The man who used
chemical warfare on his own
people?once again including chil-
dren? now oversees public hang-
ings of dissenters. And daily his
troops commit atrocities-against
Kuwaiti citizens.
Thisbrutality has reverberated
throughout the entire world. If we
do not follow the dictates of our
inner moral compass and stand up
for human life, then his lawlessness
will threaten the peace and democ-
racy of the emerging new world
order we now see: thislongdreamed
of vision we've all worked toward
for so long.
A year a fter the joyous da wn of
freedom's light in Eastern Europe, a
dark evil has descended in another
part of the world. But we have the
chance?and we have the obliga-
tion?to stop ruthless aggression.
I have been in war. I have
known the terror of combat. And 1
tell you this with all my heart: I
don't want there to be war ever
again. I am determined to do abso-
lutely everything possible in the
search for a peaceful resolution to
this crisis, but only if the peace is
See Bush, page 2
Air assault wipes out Iraqi air defense,
leaves 'flashes in the sky7 above Baghdad
? The furious early-morning as-
sault was the climax to a crisis that
built over more than five months,
as Iraq's President Saddam
Hussein, rejected world condem-
nation and dismissed international
economic sanctions designed to
force him out of the occupied
Less than three hours after the
U.S. jets were launched, reporters
in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, a stag-
ing base for the U.S. force, said air
raid sirens sounded an alert of a
possible Iraqi missile attack. The
"all-clear" later sounded with no
word of an attack.
Cheney said he had heard ru-
mors that Iraq responded to the
attack by firing Scud missiles, but
he called those reports false.
The American warplanes took
off in pairs, disappearing in red
clots that winked outasthey gained
altitude. The aircraft were heavily
loaded with bombs and underwing
fuel tanks for the long trip north.
They also were armed with cannon
and air-to-air missiles for self-de-
"We've been waiting here for
fivemonthsnow Col. Da vies said.
"Now we finally got todo what we
were sent here to do
In Washington, a senior military
official said the initial U.S. attack
also included "a wave of cruise
missiles possibly from U.S.
battleships in the Persian Gulf. The
missiles apparently werelaunched
to force Iraqi anti-aircraft defenses
to turn on their radars and be spot-
ted and destroyed by the attackers.
In Baghdad, ABC and CNN
reporters said there were "flashes
in the sky Explosions and ma-
chine-gun fire could be heard in
the background of their reports.
"The night sky filled with a hail of
bullets from anti-aircraft guns
CNN's John Holliman said.
Almost two hours later, re-
porters said bombs were still fall-
Cheney said the US. "focus is
See Assault, page 2
Editorial 4
A letter from the president to
college and university students
contradicts policies.
( lasitied I'
Features 8
Arlington Hall Gallery features
the abstract art of Charlotte-
native Carlisle Cooper.
Sports 15
Lady Pirates fad to the George
Mason Patriots. 77-76 in
Colonial action.
C Omit s: II

(BUt 3EaHt (Eartfltnian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No.67
Thursday,January 17, 1991
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
18 Pages
War breaks out in Persian Gulf
U.S. surprises Iraq, Saddam with 'Operation Desert Storm'
(AP) rhe United States and its
allies hurled a mighty ,ur armada
against Iraq earlv Thursday to crush
theArabnatiort smilitarypowerand
drive it from conquered Kuwait
Ilxx liberation of Kuwait has
begun President Bush declared in
Iraqi President Saddam I lussein
in a speech broadcast b Iraq state
radu retorted that Bush was a
hypocritical crirninal and vowed
crush the satanic intentionsof the
WhiteI ions,
,m- atifi waveol warpianes,
inhundredsof sorties, streaked north
from Saudi rabian bases to punish
Iraq for its five month defiance of the
In Baghdad, reporters said bomb
k istons shook theground of tlv
Iraqi capital. An oil refinery 10miles
awa was in flames and flashes of
light brightened the night skv, ap-
parent anti aircraft fire, they said
Operation Desert Shield be
IVvral : I esert Storm
iround i.i l:50p.m EST)as
F-15I fighter bombers took off from
a L S air base in central Saudi Arabia
and streaked north "Thisishistoryin
the nuking saidol Ray Davies
the base's chiel rnaintenance officer,
rhe offensive included I S. -al-
lied forces and was aimed at Iraqi
troops in bom Iraq and Kuwait, US.
officialssaid British rorrtadoflghtor-
See War page 3
Bv Tim Hampton
Staff Writer
A cool and confident President
Hush, saving "this will not be an-
other Vietnam assured the nation
that the multi-national attack of Iraq
would not be the beginning of a
prolonged and bloody war in an
address Wednesday night.
At press time I s defense of-
ficials had not released anv reports
on military action executed by the
I nitedationsoalitionairtorceat
approximately p .m. Eastern
Standard PuneiESl lor 3a m Saudi
Arabian time
Solelv limited to surtace-to-
surface missiles and air strikes bv a
combination of American, British,
Saudi and Kuwaiti warpianes, the
attack targeted mffitaiy strongholds
in Iraq o official report of actual
damage in Iraq was reteasedat press
ITiese are the times that trv
men's souls Bush said, quoting
rhomas Paine.
! he first retaliation came at ap-
proximately 8 p.m. EST as Iraqi
weapons damaged a Saudi oil re-
finery in the town of Khafp
Remaining unyielding in his
stand, bush sud the insurgence oi
U N military might was to dis-
mantle Iraq's weaponry.
"We will not fail Bush said
"Wo are determined to knock out
See Speech page 3
Federal, state authorities step up
security for possible terrorist attack
reality of Iraq's terrorist threat is
sinking in after allied forces at-
ta ktl Iraqi territory Wednesday.
From federal agencies to local
police, authorities an stepping up
precautk ns own as they si v there's
no immediate cause for alarm
rhe series i t ultimatums from
Iraqi officials and terrorist leaders
justifies heightened alert, terrorism
? ? nerts sav
"The situation looks bleak to
me, says Yonah Alexander, a
( ieorge W ashington University ter
rorist expert
In the event of war in the gulf,
it's iikeU there will k' attacks per-
haps at some "symbolic targets
such as national monuments,
Alexander says
While the 1 Bl has reel ived ni
credible threats tar. anti terror
est priority, says FBI spokesman
lorn (ones
()ther agencies' actions;
Airp. rts and airlines have
boon given scvuntv contingency
plans from the Federal Aviation
Administration that include a halt
to curbside check in.
Railroads, which have
roughly 3,1) o their own police
offk?B,are watching more closely
tor trespassers.
The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission called donation's 114
licensed reactors and urged in
creased vigilance
1 ravelers with Iraqi er
Kuwati passpi rts aR- being finger-
printed and photographed .it US.
I ion. lor crossings
1 ocal agency actions
In Los Angeles, police are
"thinking twice in terms of a
terrorist possibiliry,v hen receiving
wilKahoutsiispuiousacLivitN says
police spokesman lohn Shoglit.
In South t arolina, the
governor's office is considering a
state plan ti i lunteract terrorism in
the event of war.
An open letter from President Bush
It armed men invaded a home
in thiscountry, killed those in their
way, stole what they wanted and
then announced the house was now
theirs, no one would hesitate about
what must be done.
And that is win we cannot
hesitate about what must be done
halfway .iround the world in Ku-
There is much in the modern
world that is subject to doubts or
questions washed in shades of
gray But not the brutal aggress in
of Saddam Hussein against a
peaceful sovereign nation and its
people. It's black and white Ihe
facts are dear The choice unam-
Trie terror Saddam I lussein has
imposed upon Kuwait violates ev-
ery principle of human decency.
A. 1.1 rd i ng t A mnesty 1 ntematn ?nal
reports "Widespread abuses of
hii nun rightshave Kvn perpetrated
bv Iraqi forces arbitrary arrest
and detention without trial of thou-
sands widespread
torture, imposition of the death
penalty and theextta judicial execu-
tion of hundreds of unarmed civil-
ians, including children
There's no hornr that could
makethisa more obvious a mrliv 11 if
gtnd vs. evil The man who used
chemical warfare on his own
people once again including chil-
dren -now oversees public hang-
ings of dissenters And daily his
troops commit atro itics against
Kuwaiti citiens
Thisbrutalit) has reverberated
throughout the entire world, it we
do not follow the dictates of our
inner moral compassand stand up
tor human life, then his lawlessness
will threaten the peace and democ-
racy of the emerging new world
of vision we've all worked toward
tor so long
A year a fter the joyous da wn of
freedom slight in Eastern Europe; a
dark evil has descended in another
part oi the world. But we have the
chance- and we have the obliga-
tion to stop ruthless aggression.
1 have Kvn m war 1 have
known the terror of combat And I
tell you this with all mv heart: 1
don t want there to be war ever
again I am determined to do abstv
lutelv everything possible in the
search for a peaceful resolution to
this crisis, but only it the peace is
See Bush, page 2
Faith in the military
Very confident
Most people are
confident the
U.S. military can
achieve its
objective in a
war with Iraq:
Somewhat confident
doubtful 11
Very doubtful
Air assault wipes out Iraqi air defense,
leaves 'flashes in the sky7 above Baghdad
Source: USA
TODAY poll
1.008 adults
Dec. 29-30
The furious early morning as-
sault was the climax to a crisis that
built over more than five months,
as Iraq's President Saddam
Hussein, rejected world condem-
nation and dismissed international
economic sanctions designed to
force him out of the occupied
I ess than three hours after the
U.S. jets were launched, reporters
in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, a stag-
ing base for the U.S. force, said air
raid sirens sounded an alert oi a
possible Iraqi missile attack. The
"all-clear" later sounded with no
word of an attack.
Cheney said he had heard ru-
mors that Iraq responded to the
attack bv firing Scud missiles, but
he called those reports false.
The American vvarplanes took
oft in pairs, disappearing in red
dots that winked outas they gained
altitude. The aircraft were heavily
loaded wfthbombsand underwing
fuel tanks tor the long trip north,
rhev also were armed with cannon
and air-to-air missiles for self-de-
"We've Kvn waiting here for
five monthsnow Col Davies snd.
"Now we finally got todo what we
were sent here to do
In Washington, a senior military
official said the initial U.S. attack
also included "a wave of cruise
possibly from U.S.
battleships in the Persian C.ulf. The
rrussiles apparently were launched
to force Iraqi anti-aircraft defenses
to tum on their radars and be spot-
ted and destroyed bv the attackers.
In Baghdad, ABC and CNN
reporters said there were "flashes
in the skv " Explosions and ma-
chinc-gun fire could be heard in
the background of their reports.
"The night skv filled with a hail of
bullets from anti-aircraft guns
CNN's John Holliman said.
Almost two hours later, re-
porters said bombs were still fall-
Cheney said the U.S. "focus is
See Assault, page 2
Editorial 4
A letter from the president to
college and university students
contradicts policies
Features 8
Arlington Hall Gallery features
the abstract art of Charlotte-
native Carlisle Cooper
Sports 15
Lady Pirates fall to the George
Mason Patriots, 77-76 in
Colonial action.
C lassified 6


jANmin 17,1991 ul)c Santtfarolinian
ECU Briefs
Expert to explain new methods
for teaching algebra on Jan. 19
A different wraj of teaching algebra will be explained in a
presentation at ECU Saturday Ian. 19 sponsored by the ECU
Scici e and Mathematics Education Center.
1 r Nd K.ichlin, the project director for the University of
I lawaii Algebra I earning Project, will describe and demonstrate
e algebra learning methods from a.m. until noonin Room 201
of the Austin Building. His presentation is free to educators and
others interested in the topic.
I he Algebra 1 earning Project has developed algebra learn-
ing materials (hat help students learn algebra as well as develop
and stimulate thinking and problem solving skills.
rhose interested in attending are asked to register by calling
the I?( i ScienceMathematics Education Center at (19) 757-
Baritone Jay Pierson to perform
Ian. 20 in Fletcher Recital Hall
Baritone lay Pierson, a member of the ECU School of Music
veil e faculty, will be featured in a recital of vocal and piano music
in Fletcher Recital I (all Sunday an. 20 at 8 p.m.
Also featured are soprano Terry Rhodes, member of the
i 'NC "hapel I hll musu faculty, and Eton College faculty pianist
Vi ton.i Fis? her
W or ks 5 heduled to be performed .ire selections from three
Mozart operas I he Marriageo( Figaro The Magic Flute" and
. k n aovanni and Mozart's "Nine Variations on a Minuet by
Pierre I hiport K. 573; songs from 'oel Coward's "Words
andMtiSM Tonight at Eight Thirtvnul "Bit tor Sweet and the
duet 'Tonight" from 1 eonard Bernstein's "West Side Story
Three distinguished doctors join
ECU School of Medicine faculty
rhrce new facult) members have joined the ECU Medical
n ?? . in i lu'depart men tsot pediatrics, obstetrics and gynocology
and tamil) medicine.
? v harles Daeschner III has joined the faculty as an
i.ite professor of pediatric hematoioty and oncology,
t E I. his responsibilities includes working with patients
have a variety of blood disorders, with an emphasison sickle
. Mis has joined the medical school faculty as
? professor in the department of Obstetrics.ind Gynecol-
. tie will direct the department's section of gynecologic
rr inette Dolezal as an assistant professor and as an
?ist in the research division of the school's Depart-
? l ! amily Medicine. She will study the development and
spread ot disease prevalent in eastern North Carolina .
Complied from TCI' Vrws Rurrau
Alpha Phi Alpha sponsors Martin
Luther King Jr. birthday program
I he dream ot Martin Luther King Ir will be continued as his
ir ir.or .vill be observed in a program at Hendnx Theater on
'1 ndaj fan 21
Mpha Phi Alpha I raternity is sponsoring the program, which
I ? ? at p m I he program will be broadcasted live on radio
stationxnv 1 MO am
gram chairperson Anthony Rook said the program's go1
promote the ideals of Martin Luther King r. "People mu?t
realize that by any means necessary we must keep the dream
ill e he said
i he program will include Chancellor Richard Eakinand Dr.
Choi rhompson, chancellor of Winston Salem University.
n aw ards i eremony in which members of African-Amerv
reek organizations w ell asother African- American groups
eive awards tor keeping King's dream alive.
A ith the goal of tilling Hendriv, according to Rook, the
ram promises to be one filled with ideas of the past and
i l ils t the future.
( ompilcd trom sljff reports
Crime Scene
Students verbally warned for
selling T-shirts on College Hill
Mn. 11
Allied I lealth Building: investigated a car fire.
Minges Coliseum: investigated a damage to personal
property report.
15 o MingesC 'ohvMim(wost):investigatedarninor accident.
1644 Brewster Building: investigated damage to personal
756 Umstead Residence Hall: responded to student re-
i ng harassing phone calls.
848 Minges Coliseum: investigated damage to personal
prop rtv
? 10 I'vler Residence Hall: responded toa report of students
soliciting T shirts, same removed from the area by a residence
nail advisor.
"?017 ollege Hill Dr stopped car; same were students
?mg T-shirts and were given a verbal warning.
' Greene Residence Hall: investigated a vandalism re-
pi r
ai. IS
Residence Hall: transported a student to Stu-
d. nt I leelti
1415 I'r uilding: investigated larceny report.
I ? Austin Building: responded to commode overflow-
ing in i, janitor's closet on the second floor. On duty plumber
was il?l
1 29 Scott Residence Hall: assisted another officer with
damage to real property.
'TOO -Location unknown: responded to a domestic dispute.
A I mce was called. The matter was settled between the Sub-
2353 -The Pantry: assisted a Greenville officer with subjects
on the roof.
Crime Sent compiled fro official ECU Psbllc Safoty logs.
Continued from page 1
genuine, if it rests on principle, not
But while we search for that
answer, in theGulf young men and
women are putting their own lives
on hold in order to stand for peace
in our world and for the essential
value of human life itself. Many are
younger than my own children.
Most of them are your age. Doing
tough duty for something they be-
lieve in.
I et me tell you aboutoneof the
soldiers over there, Sgt. 1st Class
Terry I latfield, a young man from
Georgia. He sent me a Christmas
card, and this is what he wrote:
"Mr. President, 1 just wanted
you to know my soldiers and 1 are
ready to do whatever mission you
decide. Freedom as we know and
enjoy has been taken away from
another country and must be re-
stored. Although we are separated
from family, friends, loved ones,
we will do what must bedone. We
stand ready and waiting. God bless
you and the U.S.A
Terry understands the moral
obligation that has compelled our
extraordinary multi-national coali-
tion to make this stand in theGulf
To look this international terrorist
straight in the eve and sav no con-
cession. I'o proclaim for now and
for the future no compromises. To
bear witness by our presence to the
tact that aggression will not be re-
Terry waits thou sands of miles
trom the White I louse, vet we share
the same thoughts We desperately
want peace. But we know that to
reward aggression would be to end
the promiseot our new world order.
To reward aggression would be to
destroy the United Nation's prom-
ise as international peacekeeper. To
reward aggression would be to
C( nd( me theactst f those who would
desecrate the promiseot human life
And we will do none of this
There are times in life when we
curtfrunt values worth fighting for.
This is one such time.
Each day that passes means
another day for Iraq's forces to dig
deeper into their stolen land; an-
other day Saddam Hussein can
work toward building his nuclear
arsenal and perfecting his chemical
and biological weapons capability;
another day of atrocities for Am-
nestv International to document,
another day of international out-
laws, instead of international law.
I ask you to think about the
economic devastation that Saddam
Hussein would continue to wreak
on the world's emerging democra-
ciesif he were in control of one-fifth
of the world's oil reserves. Also,
reflect on the amble threat that a
Saddam Hussein armed with
weapons of mass destruction al-
ready poses to human lifeand to the
future of all nations.
Together, asan America united
against these horrors, we can, with
our coalition partners, assure that
this aggression is stopped and the
principles on which this nation and
the mst of the civilized world are
founded are preserved.
And so let us remember and
support Terry Hatfield and all our
fine servicemen and women,as they
Stand ready on the frontier of free-
dom, willing to do their duty and
do it well. They deserve our com-
plete and enthusiastic support ?
and lasting gratitude.
Continued from page 1
on the destruction of Saddam's of-
fensive military capabilities
The U.Sled attack came one
day after the Tuesday midnight
deadline set by the U.N. Security
Council for an Iraqi withdrawal
from Kuwait. After that, the coun-
cil declared, the assembled inter-
national military force would be
free to drive Iraq out.
Right to the end, Iraq had re-
mained defiant.Saadi MehdiSaleh,
speaker of Iraq's legislature, said
on Wednesday that Saddam ?
already de-facto military com-
mander ? would "from now on
direct the battle
Saleh said in an interview
Wednesday that Iraq was ready
for talks with the United States if
US. forces were withdrawn from
the Persian Gulf. But he reiterated
Iraq's threat to use chemical weap-
ons if attacked.
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Continued from page 1
Saddam's nuclear bomb potential,
ItTOy his( weapon f.uili
tirs and much of his artillery and
t.mks will tv destroyed
By Uirgottnp the Iraqi military
installaobnsand oil refineries, Mush
Mrid he hofx Saddam 1 luasern re-
ceives the message that tin-1 rated
Nations wants Iraq out of ktm ait. a
country it invaded in August and
has occupied for five months. After
ill diplomatic options were ex
hausted Hush said the otiy after-
atiT was military action.
"I he world could wait 110
saonger Hush said "Sanctums,
"though ha ing some effect, showed
no sipi ot accomplishing their ob
The 28 nation coalition, whul,
mi hides approximately 440,000
American troops, first deployed
nnse missiles from U S warships
in the Persianailt Hie forces then
unleashed sorties ol high te h air
raft which many military experts
say to be far superior In its Iraqi
i ounterparf
hen he returned from .m al
tack on rrrican fighter pilot said
Bagh ' i I .a'i t up like ahrist
Rssite threat
? ? ??. Imta -r i ilinga? i ?
? ? ? IS
?? OOfl ? ????.?
? ?
mas tree
hduded m the list of aircraft
usexl were the 1 1 I7A. or Stealth
fighter which hastheabilit) loevade
radar detection, the F 111, me
drum bomber; the 1 151 and 17 A-
18, both of which are fighter bomb-
ers,and the! I5t , a versatile fighter
with jamming equipment.
"1 am convinced, not only will
we prevail. but that OUtof the horror
of combat will come the recognition
that no nation can stand against a
world united, that no nation will be
able to mount a brutal attai kagainst
its neighbor, Hush said
Protestors ot Wednesday's -
tions Occurred around the I nited
States during the Hush spew h Ap
proximately l ,000protestors! hant-
ing Powci to the people; no blood
foi oil Stood outside the U .
building in New York, according to
c BS News.
Continued from page 1
bombers and 150 Saudi Ara-
bian FISand Tornados joined
the air assault, a Saudi spokes-
man said
In Washington, U.S. de-
fense officials said first reports
iihIk ah-d initial Iraqi resistance
was limited. Farly reports on
S easu,iltieswerc"very,very
encouraging said Defense
Secretary Dick Cheney. Bush,
on US national television, said
i lo i ,n nnd assault waslaunched
immediately against the dug-
in Iraqi army in Kuwait.
11 .re was no immediate
in Iraq and Kuwait. Nor was
there any immediate sign of an
Iraqi missile attack on Israel, as
Baghdad had threatened
Bush, in his 9 p.m. EST ad-
dress, said. "We will not fail
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1lLi riyv
Dear Rushee,
As you are contemplating rushing a fraternity this spring,
a number of doors will be open to you. Here at Kappa Alpha,
we offer the door like no other.
As a rushee, you must choose the organizationwhich you
wish to join. A fraternity of men with whom you will live for
the next four years, and whom you will call brothers for
the rest of your life.
We believe that you will agree that, in fact, Kappa Alpha is
the most unique and tradional of any college fraternity. We
strive for both unity and selection.
Won't you come by and sample a bit of Southern Tradition?
Good Luck Rushees!
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For Rides & Info: Call 757-0128

Stye ?aat Carolinian
Semng the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael D. Albuquerque, Managing Editor
B. air Smnnir. Hem Emm LeClaire Harper, Assf. Htm Editor
Mail King, Fattens Editor Stuart Oliphant, Ami. Features Editor
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c arofoiftM reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements thai discriminate on the bas1Sof ape sex treed or
i o, ,gin 1 he masthead editorial in each edition does not necessarilv represent the views of one individual but rather
?? majority opimfthe Editorial Board The EastCarolmian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. Letters should
DC limited to 250 words or lets Pbl purposes of decency and brevity. 7 East Carolinian reserves the right toed.t letters for
publication I clters should be addressed to The Editor. The East Carohman. Publications Bide. ECU Greenville N C
2 "su. or call (919) 57 6366 ' '
Bush lacks consistent policies
i i'i o: rd ,i presi
lietitial l? i i rinvsda thai White I louse
officials began distributing to colleges and
universities around the countn on Ian 8
President George Bush realizes the
importance of gaining the support of
American college students before attempt-
ing any military action in theGulf,something
neither former presidents I yndon Johnson
or Richard Nixon realized until it was uh
Bui is the President finding this out
too late himself? li seems that Mr Bush is
attempting to gain support for his actions
(at least fromcolli ge students) after the fact.
College students make up a small,
'? ? ' rtant,portionoftheUnited States.
Shouldn't tin' president win the support oi
r' n Mr) mmtmmgmw d
Middle I ast? ludging by Mr Bush's mosl
"il ?' ns apparently not.
i begins his letter by comparing the
violent crimes committed by Saddam
indisciplined army against the
pie to a hypothetical situation
military aggressor invades our
country andor killed American citizens.
Mr Bush continues with his "justifi-
cation" ot our military presence in Kuwait
with his statement that although much in
this world is "washed in shades of gray
the tacts are clear" in his case against Saddam
t lussein.
Perhaps Mr Bush does not pay
enough attention to his advisors and to the
national media. The only clear "tacts" or
military aggression against the United States
come from II Salvador when- two U.S. sol-
diers were murdered by Salyadorian guer-
rillas less than two weeks ao.
As some "liberal" members of Con-
gress and others have charged, it appears
that the president is more concerned with
sacrificing American lives tor U.S. oil inter-
ests in' the Guff than he his at retaliating
, WWf. Jk9$fi responsible tor shedding
American blood on a foreign soil.
Clearly U.S. interests are more at stake
in El Salvador than they are in Iraq. During
the congressional debates last weekend, one
senator summed it up best when he asked,
"How long must the United States be the
111 tor the rest ot" the world "
911 USA
tmmjm? aio z?f Hr a pa
How about some fresh air?
By Amy Edwards
I di tonal Columnist
There is one thing I've noticed
at ECU since enrolling this sum-
mer that is strikingly different from
my alma mater, UNC-Chapel Hill.
Besides the fact that everyone
here but me ownsa rainbow'scol-
lection of' tie-dye T-shirts and 1
actually wear shoes to class, I have
never seen so many people who
I'm not one who is going to
preach to smoker's about all the
harmful effects this habit has on
your hearth, and I'm sure you are
equally tired of non-smokers
complaining about breathing in
passive smoke.
However, the infamous issue
of designated smokingareasneeds
to be addressed on campus.
I'm all for smoker's rights ?
it's their life they are shortening
with every puff, not mine (well,
not according to passive smoking
data, but that's a dead issue). Plus,
my parents graduated from ECU
with the help of the tobacco fields
on Granddaddy's farm.
But I'm getting tired of pick-
ing up all my belongings (which
includes a massive Shakespeare
book that doubles as a 10-pound
hand weight) and moving to an-
other bench in the General Class-
room Building when a smoker
lights up beside me.
Yes, I've given the occasional
"you're so rude, puff the other
way" look but to no avail. So I just
get up and move again (while
working on my second set of
Shakespeare curls). But I've
learned. Now I move the ashtray
down the hall before I sit down.
However beneficial all this
literature lifting may be, I think
the University should designate a
non-smoking section in each
classroom building. Afterall, they
have designated smoking sections
in Joyner Library.
That's not asking for too much,
is it? Just one teeny-weeny corner
would be nice. (Oh, I won't men-
tion that I'm allergic to smoke and
took allergy shots twice a week for
nine years?ouch).
But put away the violins; I
don't want your pity. I just want
some breathing room.
Kindness holds unfamiliar reward
By Bill Egbert
Editorial Columnist
This year n finally hit me. I'd
always managed to keep it locked
away in the recesses ol my brain
before, but this Christmas Fve it
hit me square in the face I have
a pretty CUShy life. I have a warm
apartment, and I always have
enough to eat I can even afford to
go to graduate school.
Sore I have problems, or at
least inconveniences I can treat as
problems, but any problem that
doesn'i deal with putting food in
my mouth is a luxury.
Needless to say, on the heels
ol this revelation came an oceanic
flood of guilt. My choices were
obvious: go back to wallowing in
denial, or sell all my property,
move toalcutta and feed starv-
ing babies. In the spmt ol com-
promise, 1 opted tor the middle
ground: 1 became a volunteer.
At about 3 p.m. on Christmas
Fve. 1 called theGreensboro Urban
Ministry Shelter and asked if they
needed any help that night.
Coincidental, the church
thai was scheduled to send over
volunteers had cancelled on them
J5 minutes ,ar!ier and the shelter
was short handed
Ihe said it I could be thereat
6 p.m they would certainly have
something for me to do.
Because it was the onlv shel-
ter in town from the harsh, night
wind, the pl.u e was packed when
I arrived Voices bounced about
the ceiling girders of the old.
converted supermarket, and the
Andy Griffith Show had most
people's rapt attention
My job didn't start until the
cooks brought out the food; I was
a server. When the cooks finished
and the shelter's guests formed
their single-file line, a dvvp pan ot
sliced ham was placed in front ot
Grease skated across the
sloshing, brown fluid that hid th?
meat. When I fished out a slice
dripped thickly with itsown juices
As the line moved past and 1
added the ham to the biscuits and
potato soup, noticed that almost
everyone thanked each person
who put food on their plates Not
an off-hand, "thanks " but a
genuine, eve to-cve "thank vou
They even thanked me tor that
disgusting-looking ham.
The line moved quickly and I
had trouble keeping pace without
slinging grease everywhere. But
what I was doing still didn't reel
much like work. Although it didn't
ted like play either. It felt mote
like eating) like scratching an itch.
What I felt was the unfamiliar
sensation ot.lH.vog tborotighlv
appreciated Nothing I did went
to waste.
Every curled slab ot greasy
ham I shovelled onto their paper
plates was accepted like a Visa
Gold Card with unlimited credit
Every smile ! gave them was
sipped like honey
After the meal was servi
shelter held a sort of partv atmo-
sphere. People were mingling and
laughing like it was a cocktail
I sat down with a biscuit and son
soup, and met some folks.
Samuel Matthews told rr.ctha:
he fought in two wars and once
took a rule on a camel Hecoi
read, but he had a gocH.1 per:
the Gospel of John memorizi I
Bon 1 at um told me he a as
part Cherokee and said he spoke
Portuguc a i?d German I ie soeoi
six years wutking in the emerald
mines ot Brazil.
rhey both mumbled and
hara tofoUowattirnes,buta
needed me to do was sat there and
nod, anyway
RootswasonTV.and wet ? I
tor a while about how much has
changed and how much hasn't
When the Hems 2 Sam ? k am
on between commercials v.
pared memories Of when vv be
lieved in Santa Qaus
At around 10 p.m people
started going to bed lights cut
was 1030). When Sim and
called it a night, thev shook mv
hand long and tight.
j left .smiling. Not because !
had done mv penance i rS .i isi I
had done some Christmas) thing
but because it feels g n kJ to be that
A buzz like that is bt tter than
Boone's Farm, and better yet its
Campus Spectrum
Anti-skateboard stance questioned
By Adam Roe
Guest Columnist
As everyone knows, laws tor
the most part were created as
guidelines against dangerous ac-
tivitv and unwanted offensive
tvh.n tor
! ?ui i jg the formation of these
laws of course, certain consider-
ations were made lor both parties
involved. Specifically the public
and the offender. In the end, a
compromise is reached.
Indeed, ECU has such ordi-
nances, but those set only by Public
Safety are theones lam specifically
concerned with. It is the purpose
of this article to point out some of
the contradictions that exist.
Since the campus is fairly
spread out and walking takes too
long for some, there is a need for a
quicker means of travel. Besides
walking, cars and bicycles are the
most popular. Most popular, but
by no means the safest.
Another method exists that
has completely overlooked and
shutout. Iamspeaking specifically
about skateboarding. Public
Safety, under a group of elects
called the "Traffic Committee
has decided to outlaw anything to
do with the wooden board on
There are more bicycles than
skateboards, but the law doesn't
operate on Darwinism (survival
of the fittest). Understand, it is not
my intention to promote a ban on
bi kes, nor to persuade everyone to
ride skateboards. I am merely
pointing out that an equality needs
to be established.
Thisbringsa noteworthy issue
to mind. The punishment for get-
ting caught riding a skateboard (a
$50 fine plus board impoundment
and possible imprisonment), is a
suffer penalty than tor drinking
underage (a $15 fine at the most).
The irony is that one is illegal by
state law, the other (riding a skate-
board), is a "NO-NO" by the Fast
Carolina Traffic "Strike Force"
Whv then, you may ask. is so
much emphasis put imo to stop-
ping something that isn't even il-
legal? It must be pretty bad righi?
It all comes down to a single inci-
dent which happened roughly 10
years ago that r.o one working for
the school can even remember.
A skateboard accidentally flew
up and hit some girl in the back of
the head (which is physically im-
possible even now); hence a total
ban was initiated Ask any public
Safety Officer; they each ha ve their
own amusing variations.
Bicycles possess more hazards
than a skateboarder could ever
dream of. I have been witness to
several accidents where a bicyclist
plowed over groups of people at a
time (the domino effect, so to
Indeed, bicycles are efficient,
quick, unstable, deadly and ev-
erywhere. Some riders even come
equipt with their own attitude of
indestructibility. Yet according to
an article by Public Safety regard-
ing bi ke theft, "Bicycles a re agreed
to be the safest form of travel on
campus I would tend to think
walking is, but thaf s beside the
In all with skateboards in-
volving cars and bikes, never was
theskateboard to blame, always(if
at all) the individual was at fault.
Proof of this rests in the fact that
skatebords are not illegal.
Skateboards are slow, noisy,
few and incapable of traveling
above the knees. Try this yourself
and you will see. The people who
nde them are capable of ling
around large groups of p
Many use skateboarding pun u
transportation and are discor
nee ted from the spiritual elemeal
ot the sport Of course, this like
anv sport has it's beginners
But there a re a handful ot mdi-
vid'iais who have made
boarding a major pact ?f their ii,c
and you rost never confuse the
two. It seems unfair to penalize
them for the beginners' mistakes.
They seek constantly to im-
prove, creating a well-balanced,
technically minded individual
who is capable of operating at
levels most people would not un-
derstand. They don't ask for any
thing more than tho right 10 do
what they do best and humbly
occupy your paven roads.
Eliminating skateboards and
keeping bicycles is not eliminating
any dangerous element. Its like
keeping automatic weapons and
banning sharp rocks. It seems silly
to place them among the ranks oi
criminals for rolling on the
unapproved pedestrian transport
Most skateboarders, you
would find, would be accountable
for their own actions (should the
question of insurance anse) and
would not, for example, blame an
individual for being in the way of
having a hard pavement to fall on
And since this is one of the
only colleges in North Carolina
(yes, I checked) that Comes equipt
with it's own anti-skateboard rule,
I think the problem needs to be
addressed. Until a compromisehaf
been reached, the Traffic Com-
mittee" re-evaluates its decision,
justice has not been served.
Skateboarders don't ask for
any special facilities or special at-
tention, simply peace of mind and
the right to exist.
ThetaChi was first chanere I
are an established Fraternit) di
themselves on the concept oi unit) and c
hood. Theta Chi strives among the top ii
a catalyst for individual accompl W
Of our continued success and exi
nc?. house location is 312 I ast I lthSi c
Greek leader of the 90"s ROLL CHI!
Delta Sigma Phi was chartered at East Carolina in Ai
given ? hat it could toheuer the ECU Greek system
but loyal principles: Leadership. Scholarship, and
phenomenon that can he felt and itnesstd mu.h be.
a deep friendship with men who can alfcyaf be dorv
a need, and to be there to shar- the experience of a
world of college life.
Pi Kappa Alpha Fratemit) was founded on March l.u
Pika at ECU is a fraternity that lakes great pride in
and around the community. Pika was rechartcrcdl
flourished to he one of the g eat supporters of the Q
of going Greek this year check out Pi Kappa AlphJ
decisions of your college life.
The Kappa Alpha Order was chartered on Septets
University. At KA there is a deep tradition in prel
gentlemen. Kappa Alpha's athletic program iskaowi
Our brotherhood would like to extend an invitation io
at our house. We are looking forward to meeting yi
Your college years are a prime opportumt lochallenj
the most of the classes, people, and situations ouend
this; Phi Kappa Tau is composed of a solid brotherh
campus activ mes. We are also very strong on a nation
across the country and about S50.000 in academic
through our headquarters. The advantages of fratemn
graduation. Phi Kappa Tau graduates have to opporu
every yearaalumni events, such as Homecoming So
get involved with a fraternity
Phi Kappa Psi is the newest fraternity on the ECl
Nationally founded in February of 1852 at Jefferson '
ECU campus for 2 years and is fast becoming a worJ
systsm. During rush, if you are interested in rushing
We might be just what you're looking for in your col
Beta Theta Pi is one of the oldest fraicmiues in the naq
From a small town in Ohio has stemmed one of the
this campus we strive to combine all aspects of frj
athletic as well as many other acuviues which show
The Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity was nationally foundc
University. Alpha Sig has been a stong growing cha
many years. They give annually to the American Lur
active intramural, academic and social life. If you are i
go by and visit Alpha Sigma Phi.
Lambda Chi Alpha is a fraternity of honest fnendshi r
chapters nationally. Being a Lambda Chi means becor
men whose friendship will last a lifetime. Being a I;
there will always be someone who cares about you,
help you over those rough spots in life. The Lambda
of their association. Come by and look us over, we


ess .
t.imiliar reward
vas served, tin
' party atrno-
i nrtinglingand
? ' ktail party
? it and some
itthew stold me thai
wars and once
imelle couldn't
?od portion of
lohn memorized
told me he was
t nui mi he spoke
erman Hesoent
iking in the emerald
imbied and wore
met, but all they
a as it there and
? and we talked
how much has
much hasn't
S nta vaU ficame
ils, vr conv
? s ol when we bo-
i 10 p.m people
bed (lights out
t n Sun and Km
iit. they shook my
sv iot because, I
enanceor because I
' hristmasy thin.
Is good to be that
thai is better than
ind better vet it's
ncc questioned
irdii I
n el on
l to think
ride the
oards in-
ever was
always (il
- it tault
End that
h. noisy
topic who
tpablc oi riding
groups ol people
iirdingpurel) as
and are discon-
spiritual element
?urse this, like
? handful t mdi-
i made skate
i f poi: f their 111
ever cenfuat the
infalr to penalize
imters' mistakes.
k onstantty to im-
i well balanced,
led individual
iperating at
would not un-
t ask for any-
righl to do
? and humbly
I r ,ids
skateboards and
not eliminating
In rous element It's like
itii weapons and
irp rocks. It seems silly
'? them among the ranks of
r rolling on the
I pedestrian transport.
' ? iteboarders, you
find would be accountable
i tuns (should the
"?' ol insurance arise) and
for example, blame afl
individual for being In the wayor
ng a hard pavement to fall on.
Vnd since this is one of the
onh colleges m North Carolina
' v es I checked) that comes equipt
withit Mnn anti-skateboard rule
I think the problem needs to be
addressed I tool a compromise has
been reached, the "Traffic Com-
mittee re-evaluates its decision,
justice has not been served.
Skateboarders don't ask for
any special facilities or special at-
tention simply peace of mind and
the right to exist.
Theta Chi was firsi chartered ai l ast Carolina on March 15, 1958. We
arc an established Fratemit) with over 50 active brothers whom pride
themselves on the concept ol unit) and closeness within the Brother-
hood. Theta Chi strives among the top in athletics and scholastics and is
a catalyst lor indh iduai accomplishment We challenge you to he a pan
Oi Our continued success and extend an invitation to rush Theta Chi Our
new house location is 312 1 ast 11th St. (758-6X0X) Be a pan oi the
Greek leader of the 90s ROM CHI!
Delta Sigma Ph. was chartered at East Carolina in April ol 1971. and bascominualh
given what 'IcouldtoK-ttenheFCUGrcck svstcm. IX-luS, .shadon threesunple
but loyal principles: I eadership. Scholarship, and Brotherhood Brotherhood .v a
phenemenon that can he felt and ?itfleascd much better than .(can be explained It is
a deep friendship with men who can alwyas be depended upon to help w hen there is
a need, and to he there to share the experience ol Self growth in the incredibl v complex
orld of college life.
Pi Kappa Alpha t;ralemii was founded on March 1.1 S6Sat thel'imorsity ol Virginia.
Pika .11 ECl' is a fraternity dial lakes great pride in their involvement on the campus
and amund the community. Pika was rechartered at ECU six yean ago and has
flourished to he one of the ga-al supporters of the Greek system. II you're thinking
Of going Greek this year check out Pi Kappa Alpha it may he one ol the best
decisions of your college life.
The Kappa Alpha Order was chartered on September 26. 195S at East Carolina
University. At KA there is a deep tradition in preserving the quality of Southern
gentlemen. Kappa Alpha's athletic program is known for us consistent rate ol success.
Our bmtherhood would like to extend an invitation to all interested men to attend rush
at our house. We arc looking forward to meeting you during rush.
Yourcollcgc years are a prime opportunity to challenge yourself. This means making
the most of the classes, people, and situations you encounter. Eraternities encourage
this; Phi Kappa Tau is comprised of a solid brotherhood involved in a wide range ol
campus activities. We are also very strong on a national level, with over UK) chapters
across the country and about $50,000 in academic scholarships awarded annually
through our headquarters. The advantages of fraternity memberships do not end upon
graduation. Phi Kappa Tau graduates have to opportunity to get together at the house
every year a alumni events, such as Homecoming. So go ahead and challenge yoursell,
get involved with a fraternity.
Phi Kappa Psi is the newest fraternity on the ECU campus still in colony status.
Nationally founded in February of 1852 at Jefferson College, Phi Psi has been on the
ECU campus for 2 years and is fast becoming a working part of the Campus Greek
sysLsm. During rush, if you arc interested in rushing a fraternity, try Phi Kappa Psi.
We might be just what you're looking for in your college life.
Beta Theta Pi is one of the oldest fraternities in the nation; founded on August 8,1839.
From a small town in Ohio has stemmed one of the greatest fraternities ever. Here on
this campus we strive to combine all aspects of fraternity life: social, academic,
athletic as well as many other activities which show the day-lo-day life of a very tight
The Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity was nationally founded in December of 1845 at Yale
University. Alpha Sig has been a stong growing chapter on the campus of ECU for
many years. They give annually to the American Lung Association and enjoy a very
active intramural, academic and social life. If you are interested in rushing a fraternity
go by and visit Alpha Sigma Phi.
Lambda Chi Alpha is a fraternity of honest friendship. We have over 210 fraternity
chapters nationally. Being a Lambda Chi means becoming a part ofa brotherhood of
men whose friendship will last a lifetime. Being a Lambda Chi means knowing that
there will always be someone who cares about you, someone who will be anxious to
help you over those rough spots in life The Lambda Chi s invite you to become a part
of their association Come by and look us over, we think you will be glad you did!
Kappa Sigma was founded on die East Carolina Campus on November 22, 1966.
Since then the fraternity has stnvcd to represent the Greek system of ECU well.
Located on TcnUi Street direcUy across from campus, the fraternity offers a convenient
spot for its members to gather between classes, as well as being in easy walking
distance from the residence halls. The basis of the Kappa Sig fraternity is its
brotherhood and through that brotherhood we will continue to grow and prosper long
into the future.
Pi Kappa Phi was chartered at East Carolina in 1963. Since the beginning, we have
proven to be a strong force in the development of fine young men to serve our campus.
We offer a variety of activities to excel in ranging from a strong athletic program to
community service and projects for the handicapped. We are known to have a very
strong social program and hold many major events throughtout the year. We have a
very strong alumni association that helps in our endeavors. Our scholarship program
helps to develop our brothers as students. So remember, when you're in a rush to the
only way . . . GO PI KAPP!
At East Carolina, Sigma Nu is a combination of nch tradition and new memberhip.
First chartered in 1959, the Eta Beta chapter of Sigma Nu is among the oldest of all
Fratncmities at ECU. Fraternity life a Sigma Nu offers many things for all its
members: an active social life, strong support for athletics, community service, and
academics. Nationally, Sigma Nu is among the best in all categories. With over 230
chapters and 130 thousand brothers, it is the third largest fraternity internationally. Ils
comprehensive Educational Foundation (LEAD.) provides many scholarships and
offers many great leadership development programs. We encourage you to Rush
Sigma Mu and above all, GO GREEK!
At Sigma Phi Episilon we believe that as well as providing numerous opportunities
during the college years, the fraternity experience continues throughout one's life. Sig
Ep provides an environment where a brother develops and learns many important
social skills such as sportsmanship, scholarship, and communication among many
others. We pride ourselves on being one of the best fraternities at East Carolina as well
as in the nation. Sigma Phi Epsilon has been named ECU's most outstanding fraternity
two out of three years. On a national level the North Carolina Kappa chapter has been
recognized as one of the best all-around Sig Ep chapters in the nation. Sig Ep is looking
for balanced men who excel not only in academics, but in athletics, leadership, and
social skills as well. We extend an invitation to all interested, qualified men with a
desire to become a part of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
The Eta Kappa chapter of Sigma Pi was the second fastest chapter in
Sigma Pi International history. Sigma Pi currently has forty members
and is the up-and-coming fraternity on campus. Sigma Pi is know for
its diversity among members yet has a very strong brotherhood. Sigma
Pi is very competitive with each and every fraternity on campus and
with your help will become an even more dominant part of the Greek
system at East Carolina. If you want to go Greek, experience a great
brotherhood, meet lots of people, and have a good time then go Sigma
Sigma Tau Gamma has a long and proud heritage of offering young men the
opportunity to broaden their lives through fraternal brotherhood. With over 100
chapters across the country, Sigma Tua Gamma is recognized nationally and has its
home office in Warrensburg, MO. Our national office works closely with our chapter
here at East Carolina which maximizes our bonds to one another and the community.
Come see what makes Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity the most unique and diversified
on campus. Sigma Tau Gamma - taking tradition to tomorrow.
Tau Kappa Epalon, founded in 1899, has become the large interruuiof fraternity
with around 365 chapters in the U.S. and Canada. TKE calUitsdf fraternity for
life" and over 100,000 members worldwide are proving it (frou-di tter mtrxett ?the
fraternity that continues long after graduation. rnripatrt in trtmfif rangkag
from sports and scholastics to community projects If voa Ifce what you hear, co?c
on down to the bottom of the hill to the TKE bouse and fmdovifTKEfcfbryoa.

SHie JEaat (Earnlinian
January 17. 1991
daysonly $279! Jamaica & Florida six
days $299! Daytona$159! Panama
Gry $99! Spring Break Travel 1-S00-
We have trips left starring at $479.00
No hype or false claims! All prices
include air, hotel, transfers, parties,
and more Call Sun Splash Tours 1-
SPRING BREAK: Only S350.00.
Spend it in the Florida Keys or Baha-
mas on one of our yachts. All meals,
sun and fun vou could ask for. Easy
sailing, Miami, FL 1 (800) 780-4001.
Student Income Tax Returns
Program Developed b
Professionals Specifically lor
College Students
Pittard Perru
Ct?Ttri?0 U?UC ?CCOU?IT?MTl
The Waffle House is currently ac-
cepting applications for all positions
full and part-time. Must be neat,
pleasant, dependable and enjoy
working with the public. No experi-
ence necessary. We will train. Apply
in person only at 306 SE Greenville
Blvd. Mon-Fri 2p.m. to 4 p.m.
HELP WANTED: Welcome back
students! What better way to begin
the semester than with a position in
retail. Limited part-time sales posi-
tions available with Brody's and
Brody'sforMen. Apply Brody's the
Plaza. Mon-Wed lp.m.4p.m.
Assemble pnxiucts at home. Call for
information. 504-641-8003 Ext. 5920.
SOCCER COACH. Experienced
coach to assist with 1977 Greenville
Stars Select team. Excellent salary,
must be available Mondays and
Wednesdays after 4 p.m. Send letter
describing experience to Willie
Nelms,206 Lee Street, Greenville, NC
40 HOUR WEEKS. Seeking 30 col-
lege-age or older staff for Durham
YMCA summer day camps. Re-
quirements: Own transportation,
current First AidCPR certification.
Enjoy outdoor activities, 10-12 weeks
commitment required. Twosites with
swimming, gymnastics, archery,
crafts, music and nature. Salaries
range from $2400 to $4200 for the
season. Resumes including references
no later than 1-20-91. Apply to:
Summer Day Camp Counselor,
Durham YMCA-Eno, P.O. Box 15940,
Durham, NC 27704, or Durham
YMCA-Lakewood, 2119 Chapel Hill
Road, Durham, NC 27707.
seeks mature student to manage on-
campus promotions for top compa-
nies this school year. Flexible hours
with earning potential to $2,500.00
per semester. Must be organized,
hardworking and monev motivated.
Call Christine at (800) 592-2121.
DIVIDUAL or student organization
to promote Spring Break destinations
for 1991. Earn free trips and com-
missions while gaining valuable
business and marketing experience.
Please call Student Travel Service at
1-800-265-1799 and ask for Melanie
enjoy talking on the phone? II so, we
have the job for you! Telemarketing
positions open for spring semester
starting immediately. Work for ECU
and get paid while you gain valuable
telemarketing skills. Hours are 7-9
p.m. daily; earn extra spending
monev without cutting into srudv
time! Call Robbie at 757-4215 or 757-
6072 for an appointment.
Stock & Sales ,heavy lifting required.
Apply at Youth Shop Boutique at
Arlington Village.
PUS! Is your fraternity, sorority or
club interested in earning $500.00 to
SI ,000.00 for a one week, on-campus
marketing project? You must be well
organized and hard working. Call
Christine at (800) 592-2121.
nonsmoker preferably senior or
graduate student needed to share 2
bedroom house plus 12 utilities.
Located next to campus. Call Katieat
sity area, five bedrooms, 2 baths, ga-
rage, fenced area, 1002 Forbes Street.
Call 752-1116 for details.
bedroom furnished apt. $200.00
month plus 1II utilities. Prefer male.
nonsmoker. Must be neat and re-
sponsible. Call Scott at 757-2402.
month plus 13 utilities. Call 758-
0650 and leave message.
roommates needed to share apart-
ment. $150.00month includes all
utilities except phone. Call 830-0481.
S137.50month,all uhlities furnished.
Walk to school. Perfect for stud en ton
a budget. Call Larry at 757-3543.
IMMEDIATELY: S162.50 plus 12
utilities, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. 758-
proximately $140.00month plus
utilities. 1 12 blocks from campus.
Serious calls only 758-9617.
large house right off 5th Street less
than one block from campus
5160.00month for vou own room
Call Chaz or David at 758-6268.
? IUmuuIuI Race i' Live
? All V-u ?
? n) Ki .i.K tu Kcill ?
2XW I Sih Strict
?lxicaud Near ECl
?Near Major Shopping (enters
?AcfMl Kran Highwas I'alrol Station
Ianiilcd Ofter $MX) a month
Contact J T or lomm Williams
7S-7tl3 or 130-1937
Dfltceopcit Apt 8.12 S 30pm
t ki !?.?: r: ink brln?wn .?? afwuncnt
energy cfTfciem !tw waicr and ? ?ti ashen, dry
Cl? OiNt l -???:?- . ???. . Si- ??
6iHLHhte?t MOWU I IHMI KIM M S p,?
HI MJlfciC AftBIUlKl MM! Ml.ddl IMHM r r?
CrtldeUfc 1KJ Hliuk S aijc CouJiUt Club
CoMatf I ! r I omim Williams
PUTER with twointernal floppy disk
drives, extra software and all manu-
als. $1000 cash. 746-9157.
truck load. Delivered and stacked
free. Call 752-3368 and leave mes-
Residency Status and Tuition, the
practical pamphlet written by an at-
torney on the in-state residency ap-
plication process. For sale: Student
Stores, Wright Building.
FOR SALE: Twin bed mattress and
boxspring. $75.00. Call 355-0971 af-
ter 7 p.m.
pahble (MS-DOS 3.2) with 10 MFC,
HD, internal printer, external DD.
Full documentation with manv extra
accessories. $800. 355-5949.
FOR SALE: K Chev. Celebrity, 4
door,aircondAMFM cassette, (all
Amy 757-1988.
you enjoy a successful spring rush1
The Sig Eps.
TO MAGOO. You looked so sweet
last night with your little toothpick
standing at attention in the cold night
air. Revenge was so sweet! The Phi
Pledge Class Rules!
SIGMA TAU GAMMA would like
to invite all interested men to trater-
nity rush on January 22-25 We arc
located at 1210 Dickenson Avenue
on the aimer of 14th and lckenson
Avenue. For more information or a
nde during nish. call 757-0127.
- Joanne Britt, VP - Loanna Askew,
Sec. - Lee Manger, Treas Angie
Osboume, Pledge Trainer Claire
Purvis, Personnel - Tracy Lewis,
Panhallenic - Jennv Barnes, and
RUSH -Chnstv O'Brien and Jennifer
CHI OMEGA would like to con-
gratulate Kikki Dye on her engage
ment to Don Shepard. We love vou"
The sisters and pledges.
CHI OMEGA would like to welcome
everyone back to ECU from the
THETA CHI: Let's get psyched up
for RUSH! It's now or never
22-25, at the Rotary Club
PI DELTAS: Congratulations to the
newest sororitv at ECU. We're look-
ing forward to partying with you
Saturday nights The brothers of
Theta Chi
PIKES: Welcome back brothers, get
nidv for another dominating semes-
ter. PIKF IS IT!
vou looking for a fraternity that of-
fers: 1) Reasonable dues (Among the
lowest dues on campus), 2) A Short
Retention Period (Six weeks of
learning and you're in!) 3) No hazing
(We were founded against it and
won't allow it). Come experience
Sigma Nuand True Droiha hood, not
an expensive, embarrassing boys
club. Rush is next week Call Tom at
752-5279 for more information.
STUDENTS Become a part of the
Creek leaders of the 90s, Rush Theta
Chi 512 E. 11th Street Ian 22 25 8
11 p.m
ing their 1991 SPRING RUSH next
Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday
from 7 pm. to 9 p.m. at the Kingston
Place Clubhouse. All ECU men are
invited to attend. Transportation can
be arranged and dinner will be served
For further information contact Tom
Glass at 752-5279 or call the house at
ter Cocktail is this Saturday from 9
until at the Moose. The photogra
pher leaves at 11:00, so don't be late,
and come ready to jam! Call Hans
Mahoney for more information.
RUSH. Phi Kappa Phi is holding
rush Jan. 22-25. For more informa-
tion call 830-6767 or 931-9590
Largest Library ol information in U S
alt subjects
Ooer diaiog Txi3v ii Visa MC o? COD
800 351 0222
O rush S? 00 to HiiMfch Intofntion
Attn: ECU Students!
it's not loo soon to stan
planning that Spring Break trip
Spend seven day of fun and sun
on a sailing yacht in the
Bahamas. Call an li me for details
OPEN I l)i R
DELTA ZETA would like to we!
come everyone back from the break
lavr- nntt mm m y ll.LAkU.MA
Kl S I i K W
I I Mil S I Kl I I
luck with Rush - The DZs
AZDS: We're really looking forward
to the house warming partv There
goes the neighborhood. The Brothers
of Theta Chi.
would like to welcomeevervone back
from a safe vacation
Kappa Alpha would like to welcome
everyone out to spring rush January
in ! dim oi M WITH
52 2135
kOAU si KV id
1704 1 I Oth Street
( irivinillc M
Support Your
Local W.A.N.T.
A THtm wbafftoa u ntte IBanaom of j
waitresses, waiter bartenders and delivery '
The T-shirt is long sleeve, 50i cation-50 I
polyester, while with Hack letters and comes,
in sizes: small medium large x large
Cost: $17.00 2 00 postage and handling I
Phone ()
Send to Haves, PO 235.
Snow Hill. NC 28580
The 9aUCompany jQiunvtfeLui.
j tanning special: 10visits for S25 3 visits for SI5.00
S4.0()pci session (up to tOnttnate estaonj
l united Univ. Dill.
2408Crunks M Suite 5 155-4596
East Carolinian Honor's Organization
will be meeting Jan 17th,1991 at 5 p.m.
in the Fleming Hall basement All
Honor Students are invited to attend.
Did you know that high blood pres-
sure is one of the three majors risk
factors for heart disease? Know your
number. FREE screening will be avail-
able at the Student Store on Tuesday,
Jan. 15th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Call 757-6794 for more information.
The KologyQub is sponsoringa Blood
Drivethel6th and 17th of Jan. (Wed &
Thurs). It will be held at Mendenhall
Student Center from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Domino's Pizza will be providing free
pizza to donors! Due to the absence of
our troops in the US, the Blood bank
needs many new donors. Please come
out and give! Also anyone interested in
helping with the drive please contact:
Heather Pattie 752-1706 or Deborah.
Daniels 355-9183. Any help would be
Dial-a teen is interested in your valu-
able time. We are looking for special
teens, between the ages of 15 and 18,
who would like to volunteer their valu-
able listening skills to help others in
crisis. We are offering training classes
for out teen hotline beginning Jan. 23,
1991 ail 758-HELP or come by 312
East 10th Street.
Why not spend an exciting semester or
year at one of over 99 colleges or uni-
versities in the US and earn credit
towards graduation. Don't miss this
opportunity to see new places, travel,
and take on new challenges. If you
ha ve a GP A of 25 or better, you can pay
ECU tuition and avoid the red tape
normally associated with transferring
to another institution. There is a simple
application procedure and the dead-
line for next fall or spring is March 1!
For more information and a brochure
contact Stephanie Evancho in Brewster
A-117, or call at 757-6769.
On campus support-educational group
is forming for women students who
binge or purge and binge. For more
information call 551-2404, ask for
Tues, 115: Gerri Reese, clarinet, Se-
nior Recital (Fletcher Recital Hall, 7
p.m free). Thurs, 117: East Carolina
Brass Quintet, Jeff Jarvis, director
(Fletcher Recital HalL 7 free) Fri,
118: Steve Fitts, trombone, Graduate
Recital (Fletcher Recital Hall, 9:00 pm
free). Sun, 120 Linda Smith,piano,
Graduate Recital (Fletcher Recital Hall,
3:15 p.m free). Sun, l20Faculty Re-
citaL Jay A Pierson, baritone with guest
artists Terry Rhodes, soprano, and
Victoria Fischer, piano (Fletcher Re-
cital Hall 8:15 p.m, free), Mon, 128:
Paul Tard if, piano (Fletcher Recital Hall,
815 p.m free). Dial 757-4370 for the
School of Musk "Recorded Calendar
Models needed for figure drawing
classes spring semester. Wages $5.70
per hour. Contact Connie Follmer,
Jenkins office, 757-6563 or Tran
Gordley, Jenkins 1307,7574259.
In order to receive your Nursing Pin in
April, orders must be placed in the
Student Stores, Wright Build ing no later
than February 8,1991. Orders should
be placed at the Service Desk. Orders
must be paid in full when placed.
The Newman Catholic Student Center
invites you to worship with them. Sun-
day Masses 1130a.m. (Ledonia Wright
Cultural Building) and 8:30 p.m.
(Newman Center, 953 E. 10th St two
houses from Fletcher Music Building).
Weekdays8a.m and Wednesdays530
p.m. at the Newman Center.
Special classes will be offered at the
Family Practice Center and will focus
on different areas of nutrition. January
28: "Exercise and Your Health" will be
presented "High Cholesterol and High
Blood Pressure- Healthy Eating for a
Healthy Heart will be held on February
11,1991. On February 25,1991 "Eating
Disorders: HowThin is "IN"?" There is
a small charge for each program. Call
Mary Merner at 551-5459 Monday
through Friday from 8:00 am. to 5.00
p.m. to register for any or all of these
Registration for Co-Rec Bowling will
be on Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, 500 p.m.
BIO 103. For further information call
757-6387 or stop by 204 Christenbury
Registration dates for the first session
of fitness classes will be Jan. 22nd-25th
in 204 Christenbury Gym. The session
dates will be e from Jan. 28th- March
7th. The cost for the session is $10.00
students and $20.00 Faculty Staff
Spouse. For further information call
757-6387 or stop by 204 Christenbury
The ECU Kiting Club is sponsonng a
kite making workshop, including video
introduction and master demonstra-
tion by nationally ranked pilots. Learn
about stationary ,dual and quad-line
stunt kites, and techniques of flying
To be held at the East Branch Library in
Greenville near the JC Park on Satur-
day, Jan. 19th, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
All invited. For more information
contact Chris at 752-9627.
Learn more about the basic methods of
contraception. Classes are held Mon-
days from 2-3 and Thursdays from 3-4
in the Student Health Services Resource
Room. Call 757-6794 for more informa-
Be responsible. If you choose to be
sexually active, practice "safer sex
The Student Health Service Pharmacy
sells latex lubricated condoms at the
cost of $200 per dozen. Safer sex is
smarter sex.
Recreational Services will sponsor a 3
point basketball shoot out. Registra-
tion will be Thursday, Jan 24th at 5O0
p.m.BIO 103. For further information
call 757-6387 or stop by 204
Christenbury Gymnasium
Alpha Phi Omega National Service
Fraternity will meet tonight (Thurs) at
7 p.m in Mendenhall room 221 This is
a meeting for ALL members.
Tonight! Primetime, Brewster C-103,
7:30 p.m. Refreshments, discussion of
what it means to walk with God,a great
time! Everyone welcome!
Andre is coming!
There will be a full membership meet-
ing of East Carolina Friendson Monday,
Jan. 28th at 630 p.m. in GCB1031. This
may be your last opportunity to pick
up T-shirts before they are re-sold to
other members The meeting should
last about one hour. If vou are unable
to attend, please call Renee Cundiff,
ECF Secretary or your Director of Ser-
vices. Persons interested in joining
ECF this semester are also encouraged
to attend!
Persons interested in joining East
Carolina Friends should come by
Brewster A-409 anytime during the
month on January Only a limited
number of volunteers can be accepted
this semester Undergraduate students
must have completed 12 hours and
haveaI2GPA. Open to all students,
staff, faculty and alumni, ECF pairs
college volunteers with elementary
children in Pitt County in order to pro-
vide positive adult role models. For
more information, contact Dr. Linda
Mooney or Susan Moran in the Depart-
ment of Sociology Ant hropology, 757-
All faculty members and honor stu-
todesignor request an Honors seminar
of their choice. The Honors committee
makes the final selection. Please sub-
mit proposals (at least by phone) to
David Sanders (757-6373) at the Hon-
ors Office. 124 Fleming HalL by Friday,
Jan. 25th, 1991. See Dr. Sanders for
more information.
The College Republicans will meet
Thursday, Jan. 17th at 700 p.m. in
Mendenhall room 248. Anyone inter-
ested is welcome to attend.
The School of Education's Fourth An-
nual work study trip to Puebla, Mexico
isscheduled for thisspringbreak. Don't
miss the opportunity of a lifetime! All
ECU students may apply. Applica-
tions and further details are available
in the Dean's Complex, School of
Education, Speight BWg.
The ECU Tae Kwon Do Club an- ?
nounced to first meeting on Wednes- i
day, Jan. 23rd at 9 p.m in the lower !
level of Christenbury Gym. Member- j
shipduesare$5O0and insurance forms
will be passed our during this meeting.
The Tae Kwon Do Club b open to any
ECU student regardless of experience
i Servicemen
By LeClair Harper
Assistant News Editor
About 600 people honored
American service members in
volved in what is now Operation
Insert Storm at a Yellow Ribbon
Tree ceremony Monday at the
I .reenville Town Common.
The idea tor theceremon vcame
from Mayor Nancy Jenkins "She
wanted to do it to show the 0OH
munitv support to the people from
; ircenvUh: who are overseas1 said
( vnthia Marvin ot the City Man-
agement ottice.
Anyone was welcome to place
a nbb. mon the tree h i honorafnend
that not only pej
participahv) b
such plat. i
Fayetteville t
Abo partJ
emon) were
ft U including
cials Chancel
Executive Ans
ceilor Richard
tantVioe( hand
the rmi.
the ceren
They pla
to honor! I
st ? ists who h
duty Thoodo
Of relative overseas Marvin said Kevin Browi
Peace group
By Amy Edwards
Maff Writer
As theaflock approached the
nmlnightdeadlineTuesdav tor Iraqi
HkierSaddam Muslin to withdraw
his troops from Kuwait, about 200
people held a candlelight vigji and
prayer service in town to prav tor a
peaceful solution to the iulf Crisis
Thevipiland pravewrvnv, held
on the steps of the Pitt County
Courthouse at 6 p m Tuesday
I iopes were It emphasize the ?? alue
and meaning of peace The event
was sponsored by the Tar-Pamhco
Green Committee, in addition, sev-
eralarea nwrnbersof thedergy were
on hand leading tht pro-peace sup-
porters m pra)
crowd that he!
be a
tion 'inthdvH
with us he sal
amid pea
ground rhe
made uj
dents. E U sti:
dren and
. backgnn
The ie I
?Pentagon general infoi
families of service
Air Force
Coast Guard
? ECU'S La!
? 2 House
?Winner ol
Chapter J
? Awarded
Most Ou
Located a
Need A Ride
757 - 0487
830 - 9646
830 - 9647

January 17. 19$1
Ull?c lEnst (Earoltntan January 17,1991 7
from 7 pm to 9 p.m. at the Kingston
ace Clubhouse All ECU men are
. ted toartend. Transportation can
?x arranged and dinner will be served.
I or further intormahon contact Tom
issal 752 "Q or call the house at
? ck ktail is this Saturday from 9
,i: me Moose. The photogra-
pher l ives at ' I 00, so don't be late,
i ready to jam! Call Hans
foi more information.
Kl Mi Kappa Phi is holding
- For more informa-
S3( 6767 or 931-9990.
in K'l Students!
' o soon io start
al Spring Break trip.
:i daj of fun and sun
; sailing yacht in the
- Call anytime for details
8 00 147-2458
iK-?ramatrons of i
- : :n and delivery '
I '
SOI oaaon-501 '
black ieQetl and comes,
age ? itrtrc
1 ? postage and handling
npatiy f (jrtenvUle Ltd.
tot bl5 i?i
s bve adult role models. For
? ?-? ition, contact Dr. Linda
r Susan Moran in the Depart-
. Anthropology, 757-
irs and honor ata-
ri vmmdedofthciropportunity
r request an Honors seminar
ice The Honors committee
kea the final selection Please sub-
mit proposals (at least by phone) to
David Sanders (757-6373) at the Hon-
ors Office 124 Fleming Hall,bv Friday,
Ian 23th, 1091 See Dr Sanders for
more nformation.
I" ndav.
g should
kng East
pome by
rnr.g the
I pted
urs and
F pairs
The College Republicans will meet
Thursday, an 17th at 7:00 p.m. in
Mendenhall room 248. Anyone inter-
9 welcome to attend.
The School of Education's Fourth An-
nual work study tnp to Puebla, Mexico
b ?xheduled forth is spnng break. Don't
miss the opportunity of a lifetime! All
ECU students may apply Applica-
tions and further details are available
in the Dean's Complex, School of
Education, Speight Bldg
The ECU Tae Kwon Do Club an-
nounced its first meeting on Wednes-
day, Jan. 23rd at 9 p.m. m the lower
level of Chnstenbury Gym. Member-
shipduesare$5.00and insurance forms
will be passed our during this meeting.
The Tae Kwon Do Club is open to any
ECU student regardless of experience.
Servicemen honored with yellow ribbon tree
By LeClair Harper
Assistant News Editor
About 600 people honored
American service members in-
volved in what is now Operation
Desert Storm at a Yellow Ribbon
Tree ceremony Monday at the
Greenville Town Common.
The idea for the oeremon v came
from Mayor Nancy Jenkins. "She
wanted to do it to show the com-
munity support to the people from
Greenville who are overseas' said
Cynthia Marvin of the City Man-
agement office.
Anyone was welcome to place
a ribbon on the tree to honor a friend
or relative overseas. Marvin said
that not only people from Greenville
participated, but peoplecame from
such places as Washington and
Fayetteville to place ribbons on the
Also participating in the cer-
emony were several people from
ECU including students and offi-
cials. Chancellor Richard Eakin,
Executive Assistant to the Chan-
cellor Richard Edwards and Assis-
tant Vice Chancellor Ellis Hall from
the medical school participated in
the ceremony.
They placed ribbons on the tree
to honor ECU faculty and staff re-
servists who had been activated to
duty. Theodore Sunder, Charles
Kevin Brown, Lewis Dail, John
Mitchell, Marion Leiner, Charles
Nelson and William Telfair were
Ed wards said that they thought
it was a nice way to honor the ECU
faculty who had been called toduty.
"We thought it was just a very
thoughtful gesture on the part of
city government he said.
Several members from Army-
ROTC of ECU also participated in
the ceremony. According to Col.
David M" rese, a reserve officer
on active duty at ECU and a par-
ticipant in the ceremony, they dis-
cussed the idea when they heard
about it and decided they would
like to participate.
Matarose was joined bv Mai
David Santa Ana, Maj. Larry
Gwaltney, Capt. Steve Jones, Capt.
Gary Leamon and Master Sgt.
Rodney Howard. They placed rib-
bonson the tree for friends involved
in Desert Storm. Matarese said that
he placed several ribbonson thetree
Shumate, a graduate of ECU who is
Matarese said that he partici-
pated to show support for national
policy and to show support for his
fnends overseas.
He said that he thought it was a
positiveevent forGreenvillebecause
it brought people closer together.
He added that he felt it helped people
realize that thev are not alone in the
fedingsand concerns they are hav-
ing for their friends and family
Each person who placed a rib-
bon on the tree wrote the name of
the person in the gulf that they
wanted to honor on one side and
their name on the other.
Marvinsaid that over 600yards
of yellow ribbon was used and that
over 400 ribbons were placed on
the tree.
"We were thrilled by the rum-
out said Marvin.She said they ran
out of ribbons twice and had to
purchase more.
The yellow ribbons were made
possible by a donation from post
1732 of the Veterans of Foreign
Read your
Peace group holds candlelight vigil
By Amy Edwards
jftai f Writer
As thelock approached the1
midnight deadline Tuesdav for Iraqi
leader Saddam Hussein to withdraw
his troops from Kuwait, about 2(X)
people held a candlelight ngil and
prayer service in town to prav for a
peaceful solution to the Gulf Crisis
The igil aixl prayerservice, held
on the steps of the Pitt County
Courthouse at 6 p.m. Tuesday
Hope were to emphasize the value
and meaning of peace. The event
was sponsored by the Tar-Lamlico
Green Committee. In addition, sev-
eral area members of the clergy were
on hand leading the pro-peace sup-
porters in prayer.
Tar-Pamlico Green Committee
representative Ray Lee told the
crowd that he hoped that there would
be a "peaceful solution to the situa-
tion in the Persian Gulf. "Even if we
dogo to war, the idea of peace will be
with us he said.
The pro-peace supporters sat
amid peace-thomevl postersand held
lighted candles, ottering their com-
ments to the situation in the (iult
while .? harpist played in the back-
ground The diverse group was
made up oi local high schxl stu-
dents, ECU students, younger chil-
dren and adults from various reli-
gious backgrounds
The vigil opened with a prayer
for peace in the Middle East, asking services have helped the situation lr
blessings for the troops and for God the Gulf,
to send leaders to the bargaining
The Rev. Alonzo Millsof Taber-
nacle Missionary Baptist Church in
the Calico community and founder
of Mt. Saini Church in Avden, said
that the local clergy have been
holding num prayer services at the
courthouse since earty December.
"We are hoping and praying
that peace will be achieved in the
next few hours Millssaid. "We will
continue (the services) indefinitely-
hinging on the conditions in the
Middle East he added.
Mills is positive that the prayer
?Pentagon general information numbers for immediate
families of service personnel in the gulf?
Army 1-703-614 - 0 fit
Air Force . 1-8 0 0-253-9276
Coast Guard . 1 - 8 0 0-283-872 4
Alpha Phi Omega
Rush Alpha Phi Omega
National Service Fraternity
Open House on Sunday, January 27
in the Mendenhall Multi-Purpose Room
for anyone interested in pledging.
Call Howard at 931-8526 for more information,
i 11 i i.
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Located at Corner of 5th and Summit
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757 - 0305 Jan- 22 ?22
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"The, Mouse 'With A Jkart"

Bhc gagt (flaruliman
January 17,1991
IVIerrnaids' charms
audiences w jood
talent engaging story
ByHeather Modlin
tt Writer
? 5 success estab-
Oscar-wii rung
?i med
?es back in
' ' rmaids
.? -? irmance
ther of 1 wi i
? bv Winona
ri ?,
lugl nd watch for
hel Flax
? ed up her
?. hi n her
ntai glemenl be-
r ended 'idea
1 . : ? - penr ad
? ?: ft ,iithvaii-
: . ari tv of her
r foods She said
- ? h of a
? ? ? is : k ted
1 hei laughters
ml igi ?niz-
? ?
I ,md she k
mi raj the an-
? ? bid nous
though she- vas Jewish Mrs Flax
commented, "Charlotte, I know that
you plan on becoming a nun, but
with halt mv chromosomes it's go-
ing to be difficult " Charlotte con-
tinued ti prav before her collection
of religu his artifacts in exasperation.
Mrs. Flax s 9-year-old daugh-
ter Katie was played by energetic
newcomer Christina Ricci. Katie
seemed to rune limitless swimming
potential. She was the product of a
(ine night stand when Mrs. Flax was
working as a hotel maid. Her un-
kni wn Father reportedly had
Olvmpk potential
Katie's lifetime goal was to
swim the Enghh Channel. She
made a habit of practicing holding
her breath in the tamilv's bathtub
Mrs Flax would read a magazine
and hope that she wouldn't have to
dial 911.
Imagine this unconventional
family moving to a small Massa-
chusetts town and living in a house
right next door to a convent
( harlotte's prayers had been an
swered, Soft of.
Inter Bob Hoskin's of "Who
Framed Roger RabbiC" fame. He is
the iocal shv store proprietor in a
semi-married state (His wife had
lone since left him without the ben
? ? ? ofdivoro
New woman in town Rachel
flax immediately captures his in-
terest and when the interest beo nxs
mutual the two begin a semi-
meanmgful relationship Charlotte
and Katie become quite attached to
him as he expresses affection for
them as individuals rather than as
simply Rachel's children.
r? -manticjfircstPftjI nd f o
Charlotte in thfi mVenfs 26-j)wir-?
old Italian caretaker lie. Michael
Schoeftling, best remembered for
See Mermaids' page 10
? e 1 He d ? Doney Co?r ? -
Albatross aviator Wilbur throws his back out m the Outoack when he lifts
a piece of mouse luggage the wrong way, as Bernard (voice of Bob
Newhart). Jake (voice of Tristan Rogers) and Miss Bianca voice
Eva Gabor) look on Wiibor is exploring alternate means of fight
Disney's peerless animation tradition
mes with The Rescuers DownUnder
By Bill Egbert
Staff Writer
Disney's latest animated ef-
fort, "The Rescuers DownUnder is
quite a ride. The animation, as
usual, is superb, full of fluid
movement and busv detail, and
the writing is as sophisticated as
one expects from Disney. Excel-
lent voice casting (another hdll-
jnaji of Disnoyproductions fitfe
Rescuers with'such talentsas Boh
Newhart, Eva Gabor, John Candy
and (.eorgeC. Scott.
Allot the characters drip with
personality. Even the smallest
parts are round and developed
Each setting is interesting Noth-
ing in this film is thrown away.
Particularly striking is the
background art portraying the
sweeping Australian landscape.
The opening-credits sequence
alone is worth the cost of a mati-
nee. Frame after frame reminds
you of the effort which went into
tbea4ngi.Mer i
A bonus trrifcis film is T
Pnnct'and the Paujvr a witty, halt-
hour opener staring all the old
Disnev characters like Mickey,
Donald, Goofy, even that generic.
stubble-faced villain guv (you'll
know him when you see himi
Disney's adaptation of Mark
Twain's storv shows as much or
more narrative sophistication than
many feature films.
The wntersdon't water down
or over-explain any oi the intrica-
cies of the plot, challenging the
audience to understand the in-
Ji- A-T ?
-frvj? TrV-v rrntld do !his in a
half-hour piece staring Mickey
Mouse et al, would make Wait
proud. The Pnnceand thePauper
looks back to when such car-
were made to en tertain both a
and children, scratching
cal itches of both g? iterations
"The Racures DoumUnd ?
looksahead, showing Disne) s
novative side The action on tru.
screen is raucous and fast-paced
able tokeep up with the explosive
action-tnllers which draw kids liki
In fact, there - 2 tank tread
scene which would remind ye
The Last CruUe" it Harrison Foro
were a mouse who sounds liki
See Disney page 9
Arlington Hall to display abstract works
By RobinDuffy
Sla11 Writer
' 1iened an 1 at
?. featur-
?? iirlislr ooper
?? ?(( 00 his vorks in
- entura, Santa
rl ?? i Los" ?ios and Palm
ngthtpast few years,
as had 25one-man exibitions.
it 'I ? list does not limit it
elf to I S. ities In IH4. he was
invited toshowftftyof his smaller
u rVest .ermany. The
first exhibit took place in West
Berlin during the annual Berlin
? two hen ("Festival Week"),
which marks the r?-ginningof the
fall and winter cultural season.
His no ? t stop was 1 ieidelberg and
? . rt .
m rtthloi g showing in each
"his was Cooper's first
??. ing m Europe.
Th ftheme i f his wt rks seems
to be centered around the human
Iroon.l lebeneveathat the role
art plays in this era is what it has
alu.i been in history ?to reveal
man ti ? himself
Jill Cfwrry ? ECU Photo Lab
Arlington hall plays host to an exhibit ot abstract art by world renowned artist Carlisle Cooper Cooper's
art spans many subjects ranging fromsports stars to avant garde renditions of outerspace scapes
rl . are
markable vibrancy of color-
flame rexls, midnight blues, jungle
greens. He is quoted as saying
"Color has a tremendous emo-
tional effect in a painting
One of his paintings entitled
"Lovers" uses color to accentuate
the painting's tonality. By blend-
ing bold reds and soft pinks, he
produces a sense f rmth per-
meated by the two figu res. A patch
of green grass offsets the couple
and a subdued moon in the
backround creates a subtle aura
around the two. This emphasizes
their closeness.
Cooper's style has been de-
scribed as figurative rather than
abstract with distintive move-
men t. In his "Basketball Player he
incorporates a snapshot of Magic
lohnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabar
in mid-play withina larger painted
version of a player.
The acrylic figure is faceless,
painted with purple, blue, and
white quick upward strokes. He
looksquite mechanized compared
See Abstract page 9
Former ABt little
sisters embark on
road to sisterhood
By Sheri Lynn Jernigan
Staff Writer
Who stands for beauty and
ind i viduahtv? For uniqueness and
chanty? For peace and purity?
This sisters of the new local
sorority Pi Delta do That's who.
"We are very grateful to the
brothersof Alpha Sigma Phi says
the sorority president, Jen
Schuster, a physical education
major. "If it were not for them we
would not have our beginning.
They taught us the value of
The former little sisters of Al-
pha Sigma Phi left the fraternity in
early November to form their own
organization, Schuster says. Their
decision resulted from their
growing independence and the
bonds between the sisters, she ex-
Schuster say Pi Delta officers
will select new members next fall
during rush, based on how
Heavy metal, rock industry look to be busy in '91
By Deanna Nevgloski
SUff Writer
ludas Pnest will continue their
).iunt out on the road with Painkiller.
1990 was a rough one for the Priest
when they were used asscapegoats
for the murders of two unstable
Nevada youths Court proceedings
and endless trials, however, found
them and their music not guilty of
intentional subliminal messages in
their I P Stained Class. The first two
video singles, "Painkiller" and "A
Touch of Evil were a success as
will most likely be their '91 single,
"Night Crawler"
Ratt will keep exploding in the
new year with their comeback al-
bum. Detonator. The rock rodents
American leg
of their tour
in late March.
big entrance into the year with a
newLPdueonMarch2. Whileyou
wait for that one, you can catch
will remain
on the road
1991. Until
they hit this
area, Dave
Mustaineand crew areaudio visible
via their next video, "Hangar 18
Mr. Big is suppose to make a
four-stringer BillySheehan on video
with the incredible "Billy Sheehan's
BassSecrets an instructionalper-
formance tape out now.
Baltimore' Kix is set to release
their new effort by springtime and
a tour to follow.
Kix finally
made it on the
national metal
scene when
their Blow My
Fuse record
spawned the
hit singles
-Cold Blood"
and "Don't
Close Your Eyes
On Jan. 29, David Lee Roth will
graciously release his new one, A
Little Airit Enough. Diamond Dave
is back to his old sense of humor in
the new video "A Lil' Ain't
Roth's former band mates, Van
Halen, are in Eddie Van Halen's
5150 Studio working on material
for their next opus.
Death Angel will go by the
name of D.A. in "91 and thereafter.
The West Coast quintet released
ActUl last year thgt fed the metal
industry two singles, "Seemingly
Endless Time" and "A Room With
a View" In December, the D.A.
guys faced a tragic time when their
See Metal page 12
friendly, honest and outgoing
personalities of the applicant
pear to be. Eighteen mem be l
now enrolled in Pi Delta with 12
pledges, she adds.
According to Trad Burns
social chairperson and a cnminal
justice major. Pi Delta stand- for
diversity. During the selection
See Sisterhood page 11
Coming Up
Rev Billv C. Wirt
Presumed Innocent
The Stegmonds
Mr. Potato Head
Voodoo Squid
Presumed Innocent
Chairmen of the Board
Mr. Potato Head
Earth Merchants
Presumed Innocent
Movie: Wizards
Campus Voice
If you were asked to fij
Persian Gulf, would it
if you died for your

Scott Stapleford, Cradi
Marketing Managemer
t really. 1 Don't fee
It's questionable what,
ild be "
Bonnie I eague, Senior
"I herapeutii '?? reation
it's a I
m the . thing
. ? ? for

K im Pigford, Sen
C omputer Informatio
hi for tl
Wend knior
Special Education upp: n't feel
that thei? ?
1 LA
1 3 aKfTroy Dreyfus, Sophort Art
"Yes, whatever your ot Support it. If it b rations before that
t ompiled h Matthew D. o
'ht- beteste Hoffman- 1 c I' if
Campus Paperback E
1 rite Authoritative alvin & Hobbes
2 W tenei Dog Art
3. Daw n
?? ,i ui g girl is thrust :nto an evil wet
4. All 1 Really Need To Kncm I I earned i j
by Robert Fulgham
l ncommon thoughts on common thing
5 Seven Habits of Htghrj Effective Peopf
by v- ? '
(i) le to pi rsonal fulfillment.
b. the i ate Night with David l ettennanj
i ists, by David I etterrnan, et al.
i ! Need to Kntm 1 I earned from n
. Becker
Illustrated precepts ot a wise feline
v I he !uy Luck Club
Dtirues of Chinese immigrant women
m lav rs
Briei History of Time
b Stephen Haw king
1 heory on the i rigins of the cosmos
10. The Park Half
b u phen Kii
Afur being destroyed by his writer
ijtu.n it Amemjn 1'uhliNhcp. National
Bits and Piec
Minnesota students ri
in search of odd treasi
Studentsand faculty at Minnesota's St
sitv wul brave the dark trenchts of a
campus in smirch of treasure Ian 12
Fnev won't us their sticks to dig ol
treisuri'sot silver and gold. Instead, thev vsj
oil time favorite treasure out of the cracks!
The purpose is to understand bat
htestvle uniersit jHJMil)?rwm Debonj
sHe the late SN the hunt for big bro
Md intt resting way to observe their "
change that have may occurred because
tors. Hudson said
After the bats are retrieved, they are fc
thev jre weighed, tagged and identified
fnm hibernation before they are returned
-You could not pay me enough mot
sewer with a stick and dig out bats Hudsdj
handle it
?CopyrisW am USA TODAY Kpr CollefJ

January 17L1991
ion tradition
")own Under'
. 'ismV Mil
?n trw
. . .Hti
i'M V
? inktread
-s liki
r AIO little
embark on
) sisterhood
? ? Bi iros
? i (riminal
tands for
? lei tiort
hood ; i ;?' 11
Coming Up
v. irtz
M Dl I I
11 D1 Ml M 1
? nt
1 1 IC
l V Dl 1 I
tatol lead
Q1 k(k km 111 R'S
Ml NDI NHAI 1 h ncx ?n t
l IK
1 Vanrmen of the Board
ui Ha ? terialNEW DELI Mr Pol tto 1 lead
ifterl irth Merchants
t releasedMENDENHALl
'he metal p emJnglyPresumed Innocenl
pom With . 'he D A rhen theirSunday MENDENHALL
?Movie: Wizard!
Campus Voice
If you were asked to fight in the
Persian Gulf, would it be justified
it you died for your country?
Scott Stapleford, Graduate Student
Marketing Management
Nol really. 1 Pont feel it's a good cause.
it's questionable what the aftereffects
w ould be
Bonnie reague, cum;
'? Rei reation
? x ounti v i feel that
cxi te ha e been hoi n
m id that is something
fightini foi

jl 1

K mi Pigford, Senior
omputer Information Systems
res, 1 feel like 1 would. Our forefathers
light foi the freedom ol this country;
kvh should we not fight for the freedom ol
?h Stokes Senioi
Special I du( ation
var. I don't feel
? reason foi it
? ?
I roj Dreyfus, Sophomore
es s hatever your country is doing you
11 support it If it hadn't been for the
? ns before that gave their lives we
wouldn't have the freedom we have toda
i Hi ,1 hi 1 itthe D. tones
? '?' I Intfmatl 1(1 Photo I ah)
Campus Paperback Bestsellers
toritative Calvin A Mob!
.1 ! n-
I ! Jog rt
thrust into an e il web ?( unspoken sins
f Ml I Reall) Veed I o Know I I earned in Kindergarten
mon things.
5 Seven Habits of Highh Effective People
nal fulfillment.
'? Ihe i ate Nighl with David Letterman" Book of Top Ten
il. Herman, et al
I !?? Know I earned from my Cat
pts ol ,i u is feline
he oj i v. k c luh
nese immigrant women and their Chinese
tttriel Historj ol lime
igins ol the i osmos
Id Ihe Halt
?tnyed b) his writer, his pseudonym runs
' mn iu .in 1'iihlishcr. km ulion ?(oHcat Mori
Bits and Pieces
Minnesota students risk danger
in search of odd treasure: bats
lents and faculty al Minnesota's St Cloud State Univer-
brave Ihe i.ok trenches of a storm sewer near the
earchol treasure fan 1?
on t use their sticks to dig out the commonplace
f silver and gold Instead, they will retrieve everyone's
II time favorite treasure out of the cracks, hibernating bats.
She purpose is to understand bat hibernation and bat
tyle unh rsit spokesperson Deborah Hudson said.
?r 50s the f unit tor big brown bats has been a fun
md inti n sting w.i' to observe their behavior, growth and
i h inges thai have may occurred because of environmental fac-
Hudst n sato I
Alter the bats are retrieved, they are taken to campus where
tfa ,ir- weighed, tagged and identified by sex Few bats wake
from hibernation before they are returned to their resting place.
i ould not pay me enough money to go down into I
sewer with a stick and digOUt bats 1 ludson said. "I just couldn't
ban.lie it
.ipwighi 1W. USA TODAY'Apple College Information Network
5he Enat (farnlinian Januaiiy 17.1991 $
Continued from page 8
10 the contrasting picture of lohn
son and Abdul-abar in their bright
yellow uniforms.
oi the poetic aspects of space ex
pioration in his works. 1 le speaks of
man'sdilernmaof the "soul-psyche"
remaining separate and victorious
over the technological era well vein
As a young college student at
the C hicago Academy of Fine Arts,
Cooper created a nationally syndi-
cated adventure tvpe cartoon stnp
entitled "Fighting with Daniel
Boone whichappeared for several
years m America's largest cities.
At first he had no real interest in
fine arts But after he left the Army,
he returned to COlk ge to better his
drawing and painting skills Po
support himself he worked in com-
mercial advertising. Although he
liked the work, it began to interfere
with his painting
1 le attended many fine schools
including IXike University, Chicago
Academy of Fine Arts, American
Academy of Fine Art (Chicago), the
School of the Art Institute of Chi-
cago, Chouinard and U.C.L A.
Cooper also studied under
Isobei McKinnon Rupprecht and
Edgar Rupprecht (original students
a nd sponsorsof Hans Hoffman from
his school in Germany to the US.)
and Bons Anisfeld, internationally
known Russian painter and former
set-designer for the Metropolitan
Opera House, NY.
Cooper's works will be on ex-
hibit in the Arlington Hall gallery
through Feb. q. (alien- hours are
10-6 Monday through Friday and
11-4 on Saturday
Continued from page 8
Lunch onl)
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Hob Newharl
Ihe plot is nothing it nol pro-
gressive. The bad guy isa poacher
who captures endangered animals
and sells them to be made into all
serts ot wicked animal products.
The mam characters are called in
to save a young boj ami a gigantic
golden eagle whom he befriended,
both oi m bom have been captured
by the evil, carnivorous hunter
It's all very em ironmentally con
scions ihe pltt isn't complete!)
progressive however the villain
is still a bad t .
There are a couple oi prob-
lems with this film. Between the
opener and the feature there's a
grueling , iO-minute intermission
during which adults an children
alike bet ome dangerously bored.
Also, because "The Prince and the
Paupei is a half-hour long, it and
the intermission cut a big chunk
out t the feature's run time. As a
result, the movie feels
disappiontingly short. However,
if you like Mickey, Disney.orgood
animation, the effort is definitely
worththe price of a matinee
In the Jan 15 edition, a story on Patricia Weeks should have read '
(Weeks) is currently preparing to choreograph a piece for our
faculty concert not four hour
Poo! Toum ment Night! Doors open
7pm Game time 1:M) pm
Female 'exotic i dancers!
doors open 8 pm. Stage time c i I pm
Dl playing request'
Bring your friends and come out to the Silver Bullet nd let's
all have a real good time756-6278
Location: (Old 264 Playhouse) Big Blue Building behind
Earl's Store on Farmville Highway
4 miles west of Greenville 264 Alt.
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Diet Pepsi or
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10 sgtie feggi (Carolinian JmuAtrLlZ1331-
Continued from page 8
hismlesin "VisionQuest" and "Six-
teen Candles portravs the
?nvtakes in supposed selt exile.
I he young and impressionable
( hat lotte is immediately intrigued
by himandshesetsouttomakehim
roalioan equal interest in her Their
l.itionship never reallv develops
r i satisfactory way to the viewer
Tensions between the antago-
nist harlotteand Rachel Rax eaca
rte luring the course of the film
come to a climax on one dark
! when Charlotte drunkenly
lares war on her mother because
-he bestowed a Now N oar's kiss on
( hat lotto s secret ln luan, ?x
White the two kistbtrds. Char
and (oe, aa consummating
meaningless relationship, an
?H .nobnated Katie whoChar
lotte is supposed to be babysitting,
nearly drowns in the stream adja-
cent to the convent.
The nuns save Katie from the
treacherous waters and take her to
the hospital whea she struggles to
regain consciousness. Mrs. Flax is
justifiably livid since she and the
whole town realie where Charlotte
was. and what she must have been
doing, while Katie was struggling
with the stream.
Charlotte and Mrs Flax finally
have it out after Katie is found
healthv despite her mishap. Theau-
dience heaves a catharic sigh ot re
liet rhe two have an explosive
confrontation and eventually man
age to come to agreement.
i harlotteforesakes atholu ism
for Greek myths and convinces her
mother to stay in the town for an
enrin? year so that her children may
experience a real home.
Overall, the film was entertain-
ing and there performances were
convincing. Cher and Winona Ryder
meshed well as the hostile mother
and daughter set,andChristinaRicci
provided just enough buffer tomake
them both human. BobHoskinswas
superb and alwavs fun to watch.
Michael Schoeftling turned in a pre-
dictable performance.
The film also had a few slow
parts wherc action was missing and
plot lost. Most of thehumorousclips
were unwisely revealed in the pre
v lew clips. Asa whole, however, the
film was definitely a go-see with
gtynl talent and engaging storv
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GftflNVILLf n rue pu3 mm
cailNVILLI -UGreenv le 81vd
fta ironl H The Pun Ma S6 sis
anuarv 22.23,24 & 25
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Place: Pi Kappa Phi House
803 Hooker Road
?PUSH (Uople
Understanding the
Severely Handicapped)
(Call us if you need a ride)
process, the ssters will nut dis-
criminate agarst those ot differ-
ent races, religions, monetary or
social classes, ;he adds
Bums say Pi! Vita is perhaps
theonly sororiy.orat least -?
the few, that isaftordahie to more
students. PI Delta costs $60 per
semester, whenas other sororities
ccst about S69 i month, she sa s
The pnmaiy goal of Pi Delta
this semester is to h? me finan-
cially stable and to earn an out
Standing reputation throughout
ECU so that it -an be me a na-
tional sorority which will continue
to grow over thevcars Bumssays
Bums adds Ai
lty is to see tha: each sit i
leave the sorortv with lifetime
altv and le
lust a short)
order for I
ing as i T'
v hit hdesc
? PQCedures
?sill K
Schuster a
I and
for tJ
The Usuals o
Madison enters B
By Tim Hamptor
SUtt Writer
With bis trads ? iLes
Paul convulsing in his hands
New Deli on an 11, a
eled guitarist paid his last tribi
the town where t- - fafre
Drenched wit! :
smelling like a Bti Iwi - i ?? -
Madison ? t
and founder of The Usua
seemed content in realiz
nalitv of thenighfs show. This v4s
the showman's last gig IS I
reapphed to ECU for the 5 i
semester and thus leaving b? i
an illustrious career on the road
Rising from a snot-nosed E(J
freshmen in 1983, Madison a ? :
with once-soul m.o
tranged triei I - M Strutfc
ated what va at the time the I
mate college party band.
From trat parries to down
nightclubs. The Usuals quick ?
came C.reenville s most poplar
band bv offering hard c P (Os
rhvthm and blues. Pla
tlC" -
Ow I
and hundn)
young punl
lines tra I
roll As ? 1
ist Madisti
writing wl


Madison ai
ha V infli
N" 1
"C I
What -
ation and
tion iss ?

t X.
i ies
KI i'l
NO. l
'l l I1M
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41 TO
Mil RH K m I
u i
rstanding tin
'n'lv Handicapped)
io: 756-21-40
us if you need a ride)
SUie gnBi (Carolinian January 17.1991
process, the sisters will not dis-
i-rimin.ite agafrist those of differ-
ent races, religions, monetary or
sodftl classes, (he adds.
Bu rns My! PI IVIta is perhaps
the only sororiW,ora( least one of
the few, that isiittordable to more
students Pi lVita costs $60 per
semester, whertas other sororities
v i st tbout 160 month, she says.
The prim,)iv god of Pi Delta
this semester is to become Rnan-
ially stable and to earn an out-
standing reputation throughout
ECU so that it mii become a na-
t ional sorority which will continue
to grow over theyears, Bums says.
Hums tdds, "Another prior-
its is to see that each sister will
leave the sororty with lifetime
Continued from paoo 8
friends and a strong sense of loy-
alty and leadership
The vice president, Meg Lewis,
an art education major, says that in
just a short time the officers have
organized everything necessary in
order for Pi Delta to begin operat-
ing as a regular sorority this se-
For example, the officers have
complete the Pi Delta Constitution
which describes the organization's
procedures, rituals and guidelines,
she continues. Also, weekly meet-
ings will be held Sunday nights at
Schuster's apartment, Lewis says.
Other plans include helping
the homeless on Mondaysand Fri-
days and bringing canned foods
for the poor to each Sunday night
meeting, Schuster says. Pi Delta
will additionally participate in
dozens of fund raisers, such as
doughnut sales and car washes.
Schuster says the Pi Delta sis-
ters will promote themselves this
week by wearing Pi Delta
sweatshirts, passing out yellow
ribbons for the troops in the Middle
East, sending news letter to other
Greek organizations and handing
banners around campus.
On Thursday, she says other
students may go to Corrigan's to
meet the sisters of Pi Delta.
Burns says ?hx being a mem-
ber of Pi Delta, however, will mean
not only run and parties. School is
a top priority, and every sister must
maintain a 2.0 grade point averge
or better, she says.
Lewis says that their motto,
"Sister United Forever in Time
their flower, the orchid; their mas-
cot, the dove; their colors, teal and
purple; and their crest symbolize
Pi Delta's values: love, together-
ness, beauty, peace, purity, indi-
viduality, charity and scholastic
Other Pi Delta officers include
)enny Sanborn, co-social chairper-
son; Cathy Maas, treasurer; and
Nicki Pratt, secretary.
"We hope that the other fra-
ternities and sororities will wel-
come usintotheGreek system and
that we will be respected, even
though we're not a national soror-
ity Schuster says.
The Usuals complete full circle
Madison enters ECU for spring semester
By Tim Hampton
Staff Writer
With hs trademark gold Les
Paul convulsing in his hands at the
New Deli on Ian. 11, a wcll-tnv-
cied guitarist paid his List tnbutnn
the town where he first rose to fane.
Drenched with sweat aid
smelling like a Budweiser, Samtry
Madison the creative impetis
and founder of The Usuals -
seemed content in realizing the'i-
nalityot the night's show. This wis
the showman's last gig as ie
reapphed to ECU for the spritg
semester and thus leaving behild
an illustrious career on the road
Rising from a snot-nosed EG
freshmen in 1983, Madison aksg
with once-soul mate, now is-
tranged friend, Scott Strutts oc
ated what was at the tune the dri-
mate college psrty Kind.
From frat parties to downtdm
night clubs. The Usualsquicklybe-
came Greenville's most poplar
band by ottering hard core iOs
rhythm and blues PlaVng
"Cecilia" at a feverish pitch. The
Usuals were able attract both tradi-
tional rock-and-rollers as well as
ones geared toward the new scene.
Over the course of seven years
and hundreds of gigs later, that
young punk somewhere along the
lines transformed into an accom-
plished musician capable of un-
leashing the true power of rock and
roll. Aslead singerand lead guitar-
ist, Madison ventured into song
writing where he cross-fused dif-
ferent genres of music to forge "a
psycho-punk style
Saving his music for future
generation to become scared by,
Madison and his boys recorded
"Nothing To Fear" in 1985 which
has 50s influences in "High School
Daze reggai influences in
"Manute Bob' and punk sounds in
"Going Down to Libya" and
"What's Sex For
"What's Sex For is one of
Madison's most memorable cre-
ation and remains as inquisitive
commentary on the whole copula-
tion issue. Here is the taste of the
lyrics; "What's sex for, your a vir-
gin, you're a whore, you're secrets
well kept with me
The recording allowed the
band to reach notoriety outside of
N.C. as the band embarked on an
endless three and a half year road
trip which saw the four members
criss-crossing the Southeast book-
ing shows in 10 states.
During the incessant mean-
dering from drink hole to drink
hole, Madison particularly re-
members one night in Alabama.
"Man, it was great, they set us
up with everything, including X
and 1 played until my fingers start-
ing bleeding at four in the morn-
ing Madison said.
But the booze and wo men days
are over for Madison. At 25, he is
recently married and wants to
complete his B. A. degreeat the place
where it all started.
"Last Friday was the first time
I've been to school in three and an
half years, and I really enjoyed get-
ting up at 7:30, eatingbrcakfast like
regular people and going to class
?IThere are openings still
available for legislative
positions in the Student
Government Association.
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Then call 757-6366 to find
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hen you're tired of your
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Local & Out of Town
(ireenvilk Shopping Center ? 757-7177 ? Open 'III 9:30 pni Seven lays A Week
0X Rush '91
312 E. 11th Street
January 22-25
8 p.m. ?11 p.m.
Tue. Meet the Brothers and meet
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Fri. ? Invitation Only Party with
the Ladies of A ALT
For More Information or Rides Call:
758-OXOX or 830-6954

12SlitJEagt (Carolinian January1J991
Continued Tom page 8
tour bus tipped over while heading
to the next town.
Everyone escaped serious inju-
ries except for drummer Andv
Gafceon. Caleon suffered serious
damage to his legs that will evontu-
?By require plastic surgery Someof
the operations nwv have been done
already With a lot of bedrest and
corrective surgerv, Galeor) and
company should be seen sometime
in "91 I otters ot support can be sent
to IVath Angol. 44S5 Sweet Shnib
Court. Concord, CA 94521.
Whitesnake will be taking a
hiatustmmthomusicindustrv I"he
amount of time is undetermined at
thispoint Vocalist David Coverdale
is cunvntlv going through a divorce
and other members are venturing
out on solo careers
Guitarists Steve Vaiand Adrian
Vandenberg have decided to go on
with their solo careers. bav-iM Rudy
Saro has a new band in the works
and drummer Tommv Aid ridge has
decided to hovk up with another
Kind rather than start from scratch
Read Metal Notesnext week tor the
scoop on Saro's new band Sun
Warrant is still ruling high with
their sophomore platinum ettort
CherryPk rhedownboys an? soil
out on lour with Poison and will
spend some time with them m late
March earlv April in Europe and
la pan Warrant hopes to headline in
tin stat(s ui the spring.
? home video is in the works
tor the 1 A rockers, which will in-
clude the album's singles. Cherrv
Pie I Saw Red I nele lorn s
Cabin (the third video single
Bed ot Roses and Blind Faith
The home video will also include
footage of ocahst lam 1 ane's solo
acoustic piece of "I Saw Red Until
then, you can hear it on back ot the
In February, Lane will ho mak
inghismo ie debut in 1 lotelOkla-
homa starring actor David Keith
He'll ? imeoasa rock starbovfriend
ot a prison prima donna, placed bv
v narlieSpradling who kills her ex-
bovfriend and the cirl she caught
him with. The song "Cherry Pie"
will be heard in the movie and seen
via the television in Spradling's cell
lane mav write additional music
tor the score.
Lynch Mob will be louring m
support ot their debut. Wicked Sen
sation, in Europe with Queensryche
until thev hit Stateside.
Pamn Yankooscontinue to soar
high with their hit videosingle.
1 ligh Enough The Yankees will
start a headlining tour this month in
support ot their platinum debut
Now fronted by ex-Rainbow
vocalist loo Lynn Turner. Peep
Purple is Kick on the charts with
S(ir'N and Masters. They will tour
this month in support ot the ettort.
Pio is scheduled to release an
IP in the summer. Young Rowan
Robertson is still signed on as gui-
I'T welcomes new drummer
Johnny Mac to their Norwegian-
American act this vear Vocalist
Tony Harnell, guitarist Ronni
LeTekro and bassist Mom Black,
along with Mac are currently re-
cording in a New ork studio A
spring release is planned
Maryland s Wrathchild
America will release ; D in Febru-
ary and hit the road at the end ot the
month rhe Attic crowd got a sneak
prev icwot the.llbum when the band
came to t .room ilk? on Dec 2?
Motorhead's 1916 is due out at
the end ot this month Hie Pntish
Stivlers have re-released two al
bums, Orjjasmafron and Rocl md
RoM.They II hit I S shoresinMarch
Charlotte, N.C rockers
Firehouse will beon the road in ?1
supporting their sell titUxIdohut I P
I iuitarist Pill 1 evertv and the rest ot
Firehouse lensed a v ideoin Virginia
tor their smcle "All She Wrote
Watch Hcadbanger s Kill to catch
'lie v lip this month
I os Angeles-based outfit v eld
Sweat wasdropped from their M
rt Krd label in the middle ot a club
lour two months ago Iheir newlv
released video, 1 et s Make 1 ove
tonight, hit the Ball on M i alter
MCA revered ties with the Kind
Fvenafterall theletdownsthisKind
has face Cold Sweat continues to
tour and a second LP is due by
late '?1. You can support the band
by calling Dial MTV and requesting
the video. I he numbers are 1-8(XV
Pial MTV (freecall)and 1-900-786-
0688 (JO per call)
lighting up the MTV phones
with their video "Give it to Me
C.ixxi New lersev'sTnxtenstour
ing in "91. After a road trek with
Stvpor, the young metalhoads will
try their luck with Fon Dokken tor
a few months this vear
As vou can see from this two-
part series, the heavy metal hard
rock industry will be busv until the
end of 1991. And while you keep
tags on your favorite artists through
the vear, keep your earsopen tor the
hot sounds of metal's new blood. Fox), Young Guns, and Kik 1 racoe
Bands who will be making their (produced by SI. lighters Pana
marking include DirtvWh.teBov, Strum) Keep room all through
the BlonZ, lulhet, Jailhouse, thevearand read Veti.oleMoget
Blackeyed Susan (with Pean the latest new on al these bands
Davidson, fonner vocalist tor Bntnv and more'
This week at the FIZZ!
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For Ride & Info call
New Address is 1210 Dickinson Ave.
:ey conquers sibli
By Lewis Coble
Staff Writer
"Look Who's Talking Too" in
sequel that wasbirtheo, by "Look
's Talking the 1999 btocl
jster comedv starring ohn
avolta and Knstie Alles
The movie takes up where the
previous one left off with the
Lception of James IJohn Travolta I
MollieKrisae AI lev I being
imed. M4oey,lheyoungbo) with
? voice of Bruce Willis, is Kick and
jll learning the hardships ot life
Mnly this time he has to learn to deal
lth even bigger pr Mems i little
ster and potty-training
Julie, Mikey s little sister with
? voice of Rosanne Barr. pn
? the bane of Mikev's small world
alie makes her entrance into the
iorld smarting oft at people
intinuestothnMighoutthepu ?
Damon Wayans provides the
eforEddie, Mike) sbestfriend
informant about the trial
The movie shifts its focusfi n
likev and lul.erelationship Kthi
ationship of lames arki Molht
movie also brmgs ? a
?lationship to the setting which is
Jiollie's brothe- tuart. an out of
ork and inconsiderate accountant
slaved bv Ehas Koteas
T-ookWho ? had
la lot of potential to be a verj g ?
sevuel to its predei esaot Ho ??? evei
the sequel ran into to many : i
lems and failed to be e en neat
quahtv of the hrst movie.
The first problem the n
' developed was itsUxu The m?vk
presented tximanvdifferent v
for the viewer to follow Then
Lhowed the viewer problems be-
tween the mother and
and sister parents and childi
parent and grandparents parents
and other family members
parentsandwork. By showing
these pmblems. the movie h
choppv and inconsistent N
area or focus point was ever mil)
covered well enough bo best Ived
The next problem the n-
faced was the fact that this w M
vasadvertisedasacomev.i a
previous movie was a comt d
However, the sequel w as rn I
humorous. It had certain parts that
were funnv but overall it w a
serious than funny. The funniest
parts were when the movie centei
on Mikey or Mikey and Eddie
part of Julie was not that funny ai
did little to add to the mm ie
Another problem the mo vie ha I
was ptxr taste in the w? 't dealt
with certain subjects and lines
worst case ot poor taste was in I
very opening of the movie
scene portrayed the unborn child
Julie in distress. The umbilical o ?
was wound around the unborn
child's neck and Roseanne Ban
the voice ot lulie was making jokes
about the situation. The mow.
depicnng the near death of a i hild
and making lokes about it at tru
same time
Other examples of poor taste
were having Julie call her brother an
asshole No child would do that
The movie producers were show
mg Roseanne s character and not a
little child's. The use of Roseanne
Barr's voice as Julie s did little other
than subtract from the character of
the entire movie.
The movie did have its high-
lights. Most of the scenes with 1ike
were verv humorous and enter
taming, the voice ot Bruce Willis
actually lends to the character ot
Mikey a certain bovish aspect
The movie also contained a lot
of insight into the areas ot newl
weds learning to live with one an
other John Travolta and KriaftK
Alley both play their parts verv well
The movie portraved the prob-
lem of sibling rivalry to the extreme
anddidagoodiobofit. Yet these are
all serious subjects and were all too
often treated as such A lot ot things
that could have been tunny weren t
and a lot of things that were made
fun of shouldn't have been
John Travolta plays the part of
James, a taxi driver married to
Mikey's mother, Mollie Travolta
made his acting debut in the film
"Carrie" and has since then plaved
leading roles in movies like "Satur
day Night Fever" and "Urban Cow-
boy Travolta also stars in an up-
comingrnovieby Universal Pictures
called "Midnight Riders"
Kristie Alley plays the part of


(Ehc gagt (Carolinian January 17.1991 13
Continued from page 6
etal's new hlxl Pox) YoungGuns .iml Kik Tracts
he making their (produced h SMughtei s Dana
eDhty White Boy, Strum) Keep rockJn ill through
'l iet faiihouse theyewandi"ead MetalNotest&gM
i (with Dean the latest news oWaH these Nwia
r tcalistforRritnv and mon
- w eek
Joshi a Rvan k ou ;ti KJ
S balls
? ' riias a j ses
Sal Plo lsc .m!1 fornrsc 5855
Ml N "IN

N. 18TH
' R
s! I A c, j
1 ii

By Lewis Coble
Staff Writer
took Who's Talking Too" is
sequel that wasbirthed by "Look
he's Talking' the 1989 block-
lter comedy starring John
rravolta and Kristie Alley.
Ihe movie takes up where the
previous one left off with the
i -option of James (John Travolta )
Ind MollieKristie Alleybeing
lurried. Mikey, the young boy with
voce of Bruce Willis, ts back and
ill learning the hardships of life.
ilv this time he has to learn to deal
Lith even bigger problems - a little
,ter and potty-training
Julie, Mikey's little sister with
hc voice of Rosanne Barr, proves to
the bane of Mikey's small world
ulie makes her entrance into the
Jworid smarting off at people and
Ivntinues to throughout the pic tun?
Damon Wayans provides the
nce for Eddie, Mikey's best friend
,md informant about the trials of
I potty-training.
The movie shifts its focus from
Mikey and Jufie's relationship to the
Tlatioaship of James and Mollie.
i"he movie also brings in another
relationship to the setting which is
Mollie's brother Stuart, an out of
m ork and inconsiderate accountant
Hayed by Elias Koteas.
"Look Who'sTalkmgToo" had
a lot of potential to be a very good
sequel to its predecessor. However,
the sequel ran into to many prob-
lems and failed to be even near the
quality of the first movie.
The first problem the movie
developed was its focus. The movie
presented too many different angles
tor the viewer to follow The movie
showed the viewer problems be-
tween the mother and f
md sister, parents and children,
parents and grandparents, parents
.ind other family members, and
parentsand work. By showing all of
these problems, the movie became
choppy and inconsistent. No one
area or focus point was ever truly
covered well enough to be solved or
The next problem the movie-
faced was the fact that this was
supposed to be a comedy. The movie
was ad vertised as a comedy and the
previous movie was a comedy
However, the sequel was not very
humorous. It had certain parts that
were funny but overall it was more
serious than funny. The funniest
parts were when the movie centered
on Mikey or Mikey and Eddie The
part of Julie was not that funny and
did little to add to the movie
Another problem the movie had
was poor taste in the way it dealt
with certain subjects and lines The
worst case of poor taste was in the
very opening of the movie The
scene portrayed the unborn child of
Julie in distress. The umbilical cord
was wound around the unborn
child's neck and Roseanne Barr as
the voice of lulie was making jokes
about the situation. The movie was
depicting the near death of a child
and making jokes about it at the
same time.
Other examples of poor taste
were having Julie call her brother an
asshole. No child would do that.
The movie producers were show-
ing Roseannes character and not a
little child's. The use of Roseanne
Barr's voice as Julie's did little other
than subtract from the character of
the entire movie.
The movie did have its high-
lights. Mostofthescenes with Mikey
were very humorous and enter-
taining. The voice of Bruce Willis
actually lends to the character of
Mikey a certain boyish aspect.
The movie also contained a lot
of insight into the areas of newly
weds learning to live with one an-
other. John Travolta and Kristie
Alley both play theirparts very well.
The movie portrayed the prob-
lem of sibling rivalry to the extreme
and did a good jobof it. Yet these are
all serious subjects and were all too
often treated as such. A lot of things
that could have been funny weren't
and a lot of things that were made
fun of shouldn't have been.
John Travolta plays the part of
James, a taxi driver married to
Mikey's mother, Mollie. Travolta
made his acting debut in the film
"Carrie" and has since then played
leading roles in movies like "Satur-
day Night Fever" and "UrbanCow-
boy Travolta alto stars in an up-
corning movieby Universal Pictures
called "Midnight Riders
Kristie Alley plays the part of
e "990 Tn Star Pictures. Inc Ail Rights R?s?rv?i
Little Mikey (Lome Sussman. voice-over by Bruce Willis) thought his worries were over when his mother (Kirstie
Alley) picked hts best fnend, James (John Travolta), to be his new daddy, but now he faces another challenge ?
a baby sister (Megan Milner. voice-over by Roseanne Barr) and potty training in "LOOK WHO'S TALKING TOO
Mollie, a working mother with two
children ami a want-to-be pilot
husband, James.
Alley made her film debut in
"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan "
Alley has starred in other hit dims.
such as "Shoot ft1 Kill" and 'Summer
School She is probably better
known for her roleas Rebecca Howe,
the bar manager in the hit TV. show
"(' "beers
Olympia Dukakis plavs Rosie,
Mollie's wisecracking mother
fukakishasreceived manyawards.
including the Oscar, an Academy
Award, and the Golden Globe.
Dukakis has played in many feature
films like "Steel Magnolias "Dad
and "Moonstruck
Bruce Willis is the voice of
Mikey, the son of lames and Mollie.
Bnice Willis has had a very success-
ful career in film, television and
Roseanna Barr is the voice of
hihe, Mikey's sister. Barr's career
has just recently started to climb.
But hopefully with such scenes as
singing the national anthemand her
attempt in this movie, it will not be
long before she is gone.
"Look Who's Talking Too" is
not worth the five dollars it cost for
admission. It is worth seeing, but
wait for it to come out in the video
The Greenville City Council will
conduct a Public Hearing on
Thursday, January 17, 1991 at 7:30
pm in City Council Chambers, third
floor of the Municipal Building, to
consider amendments to the Noise
Control Ordinance. All interested
persons are invited to attend and will
be afforded an opportunity to be
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By Reid
Whiskers n' Chubs
V -vi' f v;ci : ??y ?, r ? . MjTl
By John Shull
Lady Pirat
by Lady P
overtime t
Bv Dug Moi
C i??

the Lad
only t.

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January 17J991
gHit gafit (ffaroltnian
and Kobinson
;?l tea

- 'i
, r1
By John Shull
. 35
B Manning
e to wacmt
Lady Pirates downed
by Lady Patriots in
overtime thriller, 67-66
Bv Ooug Morris
Sports Editor
I he Lady Pirates suffered a
h loss to the George Mason
ady Patriots Monday night
Phe game started slowly with
l ad) Patriots getting the tip
?U to miss their first shot (.Ml
is able to recover the rebound
il again missed their try at the
1 ins tune the 1 ady Pirates got
1 ball and down the court. The
? 1 shot b junior forward Tonya
irgrov e tos blcn ked, but senior
rward Safah 1 iray was able to
recover the ball and sink a lay up
: the first twopointsof the game
I he two trams traded the ball
- and torth tor the next five
Gaynor O'Donnell sank a thru-
pointer to take a marginal lead, 8-
The I Ad Pirates held Oti to
the lead tor most Of the halt until
the 2 33 mark. GMU guard Marcell
1 iarrisonhita layup to tie the score,
ECU got the ball back but was
unable to convert and the 1 ady
Patriots took the lead. J3 II.
It. Uwas abletoclosethescofe
to 3; 12 ol a foul shot before rime
ran out in the halt
1 he second halt started out
much the same w ith the I ad) I 1
rates taking the lead earl) on but
(his time, the I ady Patriots were
able to close the lead in the wan
ing mi onds
With 11 seconds lett on the
a three-pointer to lock the score at
(vi-M. sending the game into over-
The Lady Pirates started out
the overtime looking tired, and
allowed the lady Patriots to
steadily open the lead up
By the 1:07 mark ECU were
trailing bv seven points.
In the closing minutes, the
1 ,( v Pirates were able to close the
lead, and with onlv two seconds
remaining, junior forward Connie
Small hit a three-pointer, but the
shot came too late for the Lady
Pirates, as thev fell 77-7h.
( Pi Minell led the 1 adx Pirates
inscortngwith 15 points .Hargrove
and senior center Sandra (.race
wore close behind with 14 each
(iray ted the team defensively
Men's track begins
season looking good
minutes until Sophomore Guard, clock.GMI sAntionette Battle hit with 10 rebounds.
Student Pirate Club offers rides
to UNC-Wilrnington game
C?tlest? Holtmiin ECU Photo Lab
Junior forward Connie Small
prepares to pass the ball to a
By LaToya Hankins
Staff Writer
The ECU Men's Track Team
has begun on the first leg in the
race to have another champion-
ship season.
The 1990-91 team boast 18
members; four are hurdlers while
the rest primarily compete in the
sprinting events of 100 2(X) and
Four seniors are running for
the team this year and each bring
the team special talents. L'don
Cheek excels in the 4 X 400 relay.
Ike Robinson runs the 55 100
and 200-meter races and runs the
first leg of the 4 X 100-meter relay.
Jeff Shoemaker runs the 55-
meter high hurdles m the indoor
and the 110 meter high hurdles in
the outdoor matches and Brian
Williams whocan run the5t-meter
hurdles event in 7 41 seconds
The team has turned out 24
All Americans which is more than
double, the Wof alt the other sports
teams combined
Coach Bill Carson attributes
this fact to the strength of the
runners in their respectiveevents
The team has their meets on
the weekend at other colleges due
10 the condition of the ECU track
Their first meet an 12 at the
University of Virginia had them
pitted up against 11 other schools
includmgconference-mates lames
Madison and (.eorgc Mason, who
are the team's strongest rivals.
These types of meets are not
scored and serve mamlv as train-
ing ground lor conference and
higher competition
Sophomore runner Ken Hush,
who runs the 100-meter and 2(H)
meter events, feels the team's
success comes Irom their close
working relationship
"As a whole we are a great
team which has a lot of potential
. hoeksaid "Everyone works hard
and helps each other get better "
Bv Matt Mum ma
Assistant Sports 1 ditor
Ihe Student Piratelub will
? sponsoring a trip to the I N
mington game on Saturday
26, to make it easier for Pirate
i to watch the two rivals pla)
Ihe trip cost1- $20, which in
ides the prur ol the ride and a
? . ket tor the game In addition.
eopte traveling on the bus will be
given tree membership in the
student Pirrtt? lub 4
'Anybody can co to the
game Student Piratelub Rej
resentativc Tripp Roakes said
This will be our tirM aw.n bas
ketball trip and we thought it
would be a iiH idea and a tun
u ay to show support tor out ba -
ketball team
1 he deadline tor reservations
is Ian 18 Aiy the bus will li ave
Mmges Coliseum tor the game at
10 a.m.
Wo have 46 seats on the bus
and we hop- to till it all up before
mgp Raafcts sa,?d Wo ntst
thought it wouldht agdbdtogive
people the opportunity to sit to-
gether and show our support tor
our team "
Roakes said he hopes that tans
will show the same support at the
Seahawks game that they show al
home games
1 he Student Pirate Club will
also be sponsoring a pig pickin'
on Feb. 16 before the William and
Mar) basketball game.
At the pig-picking last vear
we had 75 people show up and
, ytKK S"1" cume uut aixiJid a
few word Roakes said.
NCAA makes extensive changes
in policy at 85th convention
CalMl Hoffman - ECU Photo Lib
Chase students cheer at the t CU-James Madison game The Student Pirate Club has made it possible tor
'?? students to travel to the UNO Wilmington game to support the Pirates on Jan 26.
By lames Frank
(inru'lt Now. Service
I he N A s85th onvention
ended with manv sweeping
changes Most were overdue.
It appears the greatest Oppo-
sition and the loudest voices raised
in protest came from co.u hes and
,i lew athletics duet tors
In reading and listening to
many of is appar-
ent iUjH?v an: irnsufttiwned .sod
did not understand how the pro-
posals were formulated.
To my knowledge, not one
originated with the Presidents
Most came from the NCAA
Council, the Cost Reduction
Committee and the Special Com-
mittee to Review the NCAA
Membership Structure.
All of these entities are com-
posed of knowledgeable athletic
directors, commissioners college
presidents, primary women'sad-
ministrators and coaches Input
was sought from coaches and
others in college athletics. The
Presidents Commission and the
NCAA studied the proposals and
endorsed them.
This is how the reforms will
affect the Mid Pastern Athleticand
Southwestern Athletic confer-
ences, the two black Division 1
Heritage Bowl The pas
sage of this proposal, which calls
for the ME AC and SWAC cham-
pions to plav each other in a
postseason bowl, should be a fi-
nancial boost tor both conferences.
It should provide additional
revenue for the schools and the
operation of conference offices.
W? hope tor each confujwve
ultimately to make $00,000. In
some of our classics, we put 30,000-
60,0tX) people in the stands. We'd
like to do that.
? Scheduling ? The require-
ment that Division I institutions,
to fulfill Division 1 requirements,
must schedule 100 percent of their
games against Division 1 oppo-
nents should not adversely affect
us. Some schools are doing that
Our location should enable us
to meet this requirement without
too much difficulty
Proposal 45 Thismeans
our member schools will have to
add one sport each for men and
women to reach the minimum of
This should not impose too
much of a hardship. Because in-
door track and outdoor track are
counted as separate sports, we
simply have to aM one each
Proposal46 Pur mem
her schools will qualify forDivi
sion I status with passage of
amendment 46-2.
Most can quality under the
financial aid requirement be-
cause of the number of Pell
grants thev receive from the
tederal government
Most of our schools won't
, have to com?, up .with an 4HB
tional $25000000,000.
? Cost-cutting measures
None of the proposals, such as
elimmatingathletK dormitories
and cutting coaching staffs,
scholarships and the time that
athletes spend in athletics
should adversely affect us.
In terms of coaches, manv
of our schools don't have the
limitanvwav.and wedon'thave
athletic dorms.
We don't have anything to
cut Cutting scholarships could
create parity
The two historically black
Division conferencesfared well
at theconvention Our programs
should improve and grow as
result of the reforms.
CCopynght ISM. us rc)Mrp
Colltgc Information Srtuork
Hershiser may return by opening day
New techniques in shoulder surgery showing signs of hope
By Steve Dilbeck
GannflM News Service
LOS ANGE1 ES This story
i omes equipped with all kinds of
LOS Angeles I )odgers general
manager 1 redlaire calls it a
"venture into the unknown
Irani physical therapist Pat
Vronarsaysit'sa "plan without a
And Orel Hershiser. the star
and main focus of this intrigue,
knows onlv that everything has
gone smoothly thus tar
Sosmoothly that he W arns "It
lm not ready by the All Starbreak,
that means my career is probably
in jeopardy
When Hershiser returns to
competition remains something of
a guessing game.
The former LOS Angeles
Dodgers ace and P89 Cy Young
award-winner, arguably the best
pitcher in baseball before he was
injured, may return from shoulder
surgery by opening day He may
He may pin the regular season
after a month. He m.iv not
And it he returns, he may
never be the pitcher he was before
but he might.
"There is no real cookbook to
follow here Hershiser Mid.
"We're kind of making new steps
and breaking new ground. Hie
thing I look at is, how dins my
body feel?"
The answer to this qmstion
the one that Hershiser figures to
be asked onlv sbOUt 400 times
during spring training is: so far,
so good.
Hershiser has been working
out three times a week at Dodger
Stadium under Screnar s super-
vision since early November.
He threw off the mound for
the fourth time Monday at the
team's traditional first day of
winter workouts at Dodger Sta-
His rehabilitation since the
surgery to repair an unstable
shoulder last April 27 has been
long and arduous. Yet at no time
has there been a real setback.
"1 think the most optimistic
thing during the whole process is
I've never had a day when I woke
up and said. What did you do
yesterday to make you feel so
bad? I lershisor said.
"P ve gotten upevery day,and
my arm hasn't been stiff. It hasn't
been sore. Everything is optimis-
tic now
Dr. Frank Jobe has warned
that no pitcher has ever returned
10 his former ability from the type
of surgery 1 lorshiser had.
Yet he has given the pitcher
hope that he will be able to return
?I full strength because new sur-
gical techniques reduced the
trauma, scar tissueand disruption
believed responsible for past fail-
Dr. Frank C.ambardella, who
assisted Jobe on the surgery, said
two surgical innovations may
prove the difference.
"We don't really know what
it is precisely that prevents a
pitcher from returning from the
repair of an unstable shoulder, but
what was different about this
procedure was we were able to
combine a number of innovations
to minimize the trauma and we
are hoping that this will allow
Hershiser to get back his power,
speed and control he said in the
November issue of Orthopedic
and Sports Medicine.
Jobe developed I new tech-
nique, using miniretractors, to split
muscle and tendon fibers that en-
abled less cutting.
And a new bone-to-tissue
fastener called a Mitek Anchor
? allowed Jobe to drill half as
many holes in the bone to pass
Hershiser began his rehabili-
tation last summer, was throwing
lightly bv the end of the season
and then stopped after the last
game of the year.
"It wasmoreof a mental thing
than a physical thing Hershiser
said. "Pat didn't say, You have to
shut it down physcially. We've
worked hard enough
"He said, 'I don't want you
burned out when we really need
to make our push
"This is the push. Not that
we'll do more than my arm can
take, but we want to continue to
make progress. We're not going
for the status quo workout
Claire is trying not to count on
Hershiser for the opening of the
See Hershiser page 18
Raiders' fan helps
Ellison, parks car
By Mike Terry
Gannett News Service
over, Diogenes. Los Angeles
Raiders linebacker Riki Ellison
has found the last honest man.
Or seven of them.
As Ellison departed off the
Harbor Freeway and turned
west toward the Coliseum for
Sunday's AFC playoff game
with the Cincinnati Bengals, he
ran smack into the kind of thing
that marked his days at the Uni-
versity of Southern California
? heavy traffic.
"While I was at USC, I went
to Raiders games every week,
and it was never that crowded
before said Ellison, getting a
sneak preview of the 92,045 fans
? the largest NFL crowd this
season ? driving in.
Although the Coliseum is
about a half-mile from the free-
wayexit, he satin his 944 Porsche
? a car he got after Super Bowl
XIX with San Francisco?for 10
minutes and "got panicky" he
would not get to the team trainer
by 10.30 a.m. to get his legs
worked on.
Looking over at a van et
Sevan guys, Ellison said he "got
spontaneous" and took a chance.
"I said, Hey, park my car, 1
got to go " he said. "Just see if
vou can meet meafter thegame
Which might have been dif-
ficult, considenng Ellison forgot
to tell the guys who he was, or
that he was a Raider.
"I just gave him my parking
pass. 1 don't think he knew until
after thegame. I just said park the
car. It had my uniform number
(50) on the parking pass, so he
must have figured it out Ellison
"1 just picked who was next
to me, 1 didn't search for peopkv
1 knew I didn't know if 1 would
have a car or not until after the
game. But you can replace the
cai, you can't replace the game
From there, Ellison pro-
ceeded by foot to the stadium.
He said that while the game was
goingon, he never though t abou t
whether the car would be there
when he left the Coliseum after-
See Car, page 16
' I

16 Bte ?aatQIaruluiian January 17, 1991
Sports Briefs
Home teams perform better in NFL
In the past 10 NF1. seasons, home teams have won 16 of 20
conference title games The I.os Angeles Raiders and New York
C.iantsmust buck that trend Sunday to reach Super Bowl V. In
the AFC championship, the Raiders visit Buffalo. 9-0at home this
season after beating Miami in the snow last weekend. In the NFC,
the Giants visit San Francisco.
Graf advances easily to third round
Thrce-rtime defending champion Steffi Graf raced into the
third round of the Australian Open with a (? b-0 beating of
Mava Kidowaki of Japan Wednesday (Tuesday night EST). Aus-
tralian OOen first-timer. No 1? lav lVrgor. of the USA breezed
into the third round with a 6-1, 6 1 6 0 victory against fellow
American Todd Witsken
Portland wins big over Minnesota
Clyde Drexler scored 13 of his 32 points in Portland's 41-
point first quarter and finished with 11 assists and 10 rebounds
as the Trail Blazers beat the Minnesota Timberwolves 132-117. In
other NBA games: Atlanta 11 Indiana 10h; Golden State 112,
New Jersey 111, in overtime Miami 1(4, Orlando 102: Phoenix
127, Washington l7: Utah 124. San Antonio 102: Seattle 14b.
Denver 9$ and I A lakers 128, Charlotte 103.
Missouri upsets No. 12 Oklahoma
Missouri gave coach Norm Stewart an upset, a milestone
and first place in thv lie ig t Conference Tuesday with their 80
72 victory againsl N uOkl ihoma. The victory, Stewart's 200th
in the Big Eight Conference, gave Missouri a 3-0 conference
record. In other games: No. 8 St John's beat Providence B5-79;
No. 25 Scion I latl 71, Boston College 62;and No. 2 Arkansas93,
Texas Christain 73.
Notre Dame downs Loyola by 10
Margerct Nowlin scored ISpointsto lead No. 22 Notre Dame
tc a 66 55 Midwestern Collegiateonferenoe winagainst Loyola
(111. at Chicago. Notre Panic 10 1,5 0) raced to a 36-14 lead at the
halt Loyola then outscored the Irish 41 -30 in the second half, but
could never catch up. In Other games: No. 6 North Carolina State
88, Wake Forest 83; andNo. 10 Auburn 86, South Mabama 48.
11 Mv sports first runner of the vear
Italv s Gelindo Bordin, the tirst man to win two marathon
titles in the European Championships, n Portugal's Rosa
Mota, the fastest female marathoner in 1990, were named Runner's
World "Runnersof the Year oe Falcon ami Lynn Jennings were
named U S. Male and Female Athletesol the Year In road racing,
Maria Iruiillo was named top female and Martin Pitayo top
Sophomore debates joining NFL draft
Jon Vaughn, a sophomore tailback who reached the 1,000-
yard mark rushing faster than any football player in Michigan
history will decide Wednesday whether to forego his final two
seasons ot eligibility and enter the Nil. draft. Vaughn, a 5-11,
200-pound rcoshirt sophomore returned to his hometown of
?Wvir??t- Ma JiMtav ?? talk iviih his family
Ex-olympian charged with assault
Sprintci Ben ohnson
banned in the 1988 Olymf .
charged with assault aft i .
complained she was alt i I
lice sai. Johnson sui n I
own recognizance. He ,
making a comeback after he was
: for testing positive for steroids, u,b
former teammate, Cheryl Thibedeau,
. d il York University (Ontario), po-
: ; police and was released on his
tears in court an. 24.
Blues dispatch Capitals easily 7-3
Brett 1 lull stayed on a goal a-game pace with his 46th and
had three assists as the St 1 ouis Blues routed the Washington
Capitals 7-3. In other N!fi games: Boston 5, N.Y. Islanders 4;
Edm mton ?. N.Y Rang, rs 2 (tie); Philadelphia 5, Pittsburgh 4;
Montreal 5, Minnesota 1. St. Louis7, Washington 3;and Cateary
. . innipeg 5.
Horse of year to be named Feb. 9
Go for Wand, Criminal Type and Unbridled are finalists for
the 1990 Eclipse Award as horse of the vear. The winner will be
am ounced Feb. 9. Trainer o the vear candidates are D. Wayne
Luicasj Ron McAnally and Carl Nafzger. In the running for "top
jockey are Gary Stevens, Craig Perret and Pat Day.
CCopyright 1991, USA TOOAYIAmfk Collegr Information Setu-ork
AP Briefs
Talks resume with N.C State
RALEIGH (AP) ? North Carolina State officials resumed
deliberations Wednesday with representatives of the World
League of American Football about the use of Carter-Finlev
Stadium. ?
The talks with representatives of the Skyhawks had been
delayed for weeks because of the holidays and because athletic
director Todd Turner and N.C. State were tied up with the All
American Bowl.
Turner said he did not expect a contract that would permit
the pro team to uscOrter-Finlev Stadium tobe signed Wednesday.
father of Hornet's guard dies
CHARLOTTE (AP) ? The father of Charlotte Hornets guard
Dell Cutjry died unexpectedly Tuesday.
The funeral for Wardell "Jack" Curry, 58, of Route 1, Grot-
toes, Va will beheld at 3 p.m. Friday at thcchapel of the l.indsey
Weyers Cave Funeral Home in Grottoes. Burial will bein thejohn
Wesley cemetery near the Harriston community.
Dell Curry likely will miss the remainder of the Hornets'
current road trip, team officials said. He likely will rejoin the
team in Charlotte for Tuesday night's game against New jersey.
Earley named tournament referee
NEW YORK (AP) ? Brian Earley, a resident of Charlotte,
N.C, and a long-time tennis official, has been named referee of
the U.S. Clay Court Championships in Charlotte, the United
States Tennis Association announced Wednesday.
Earley has been a deputy referee at the U.S. Open Tennis
Championships since 1981 and a tour director on the USTA
Circuit since it began in 1979.
CowpiU-d by the Associated Pess
Rose begins community service
By John Eradi
Gannett News Service
CINCINNATI ? Seven hours
down, 93 to go.
Pete Rose got off to a good
start Monday in his first day of
community service as a gym
teacher's assistant at Heberle El-
ementary School. He arrived at 9
a.m. and left at 4 p.m.
"I enjoyed it said Rose. "I
hope the kids did, too. We mostly
worked on the rings (in gymnas-
tics class) all day. It's not one of
mv favorite things to do. But I'm
looking forward to the basketball
and the volleyball niA the tum-
bling. It looks like we have some
good tumblers in there
He started his 1,000 hours of
readies for
IIAV ANA,Cuba ? As work-
ers dug holes with pick axes
nearby, a sports official stood next
to a muddy construction site
Tuesday and guaranteed that
Cuba will meet its deadlines to
host the Igtl Vin American (lames
in August.
'More than 95 percent of the
resources we need are in the
country said Renaklo Gonzalez
Lopez, head of the Cuban orga-
nizing committee and secretary
general of the nation's Olvmpic
committee. "Our main concern is
neither the economy or finances,
)iist the final construction push
Gonzaies Lopez, leading a
tour tor a IS. Olympic Commit-
tee delegation that arrived Mon-
day night, said Cuba's own
deadline tor completing venues
and athlete housing is May,
During luesdav s stop at the
mam stadium a 35,000-seat
oceanside facility - organizers
described it as being 95 percent
complete. Casual inspection re-
vealed concrete supports that are
chipped or cracked, some with iron
rods exposed.
At the nearby athletes village,
a 55-building complex, workers
mixed concrete bv hand in
wheelbarrows. A model oi a
typical athlete's room, in one of
the tew buildings that is ap-
proaching completion, was dimly
lit and famished with used tables
md chairs.
A member of the Cuban
Ministry of Foreign Affairs sur-
veyed the construction site and
"It is not neccessary to be
ready now said Pablo Diaz
Galindo, a retired baseball player.
"It is neccessary to be ready in
USOC president Robert
Helmick flew into Havana by-
private plane later in the day and
is scheduled to meet briefly
Wednesday withCuban president
Fidel Castro.
OCopyright 1991, USA TODAMAfrpU College
Informttion Ketwork
community service one week af-
ter being released from a federal
prison in Marion, 111 where he
served five months for cheating
on his income taxes.
Life away from prison is
gradually improving for Rose.
His halfway house has begun
to loosen up on its most famous
resident ? soon, he'll be allowed
out after supper on weeknights to
visit friendsand family. Soon, he'll
be able to travel on weekends to
sign his autograph at card shows.
Cal Levy, his business agent,
picked up Rose at the house and
dropped him off in the morning
and afternoon.
Rose will reside there tor three
Continued from page 15
"I just trusted the guy he said.
"I'd like to send him a noteor some-
thing, but he didn't leave an ad-
dress. He just left his name and that
he was real happy to drive the car
"I didn't check the mileage
The unknown fan?unknown
because Ellison, talking before
Monday's practice, sheepishly ad-
mitted he left his name "in the car"
? waited until after the game and
then tossed the keys to Ellison as the
Raiders departed out of the west
end tunnel to their locker room.
"It was hard for me because I
forgot his face Ellison said.
And were his teammates im-
"They were giving me a lot of
about it he said. "They told
me the car would be in Tijuana by
CCopyright 1991, USA TODAYtAffle College
btformttimt Network
Rose said he expects, to be al-
lowed to travel bi weekends to
conduct "business That would
mean doing card shows. Rose
talked to reporters briefly Mon-
day morning, and a bit longer in
the afternoon. In the afternoon, he
seemed invigorated and relaxed.
Rose will spend one day at
each of tive inner -city schools this
week. Then, he will begin doing a
week at each of the schools.
He will work 7 to 8 hours a
dav until the school year is over,
and then work at the I eBkmd Boys
and I.iris Club. After he completes
hiscommunitv service, which will
take until lurv. he intends to move
to bca Raton, Fla, where he hopes
to open a restaurant.
Rose assisted in seven classes
Monday Did students ask about
anything besides gymnastics ?
"They all asked me for an au-
tograph said Rose, "but 1
couldn't do it. A lot of them ?7,8
years old ? never saw me play 1
haven't played in four years But
the power of TV it's amazing
The students seemed pleased
10 have Rose in school.
Virgil Amison, 10, a fourth
grader: "He helped me do a 'bird s
nest' on the rings. He was fun
Tyrone Satterwhite, 8. a sei
ond-grader: "He taught us how to
hit and throw. He's a nice man.
Liwanda Bradley, 8, a third
grader: "He had fun being here
iU'npynght 1991, USA TOOAYtApfk I olUgi
Information Setu crA
ECU Students!
Stand up and be heard!
A Public hearing on the
will be held tonight
January 17, 1991
You can make a difference.
Meeting will be held in the
City Council Chambers,
third floor on the Municipal Bldg.
(Above the Greenville Police Station)
(Pi ap-pa Alpha
"A Step In The Right Direction"
Winner of the 1990 Chancellor's Cup
Athletic Championship
?1989 National Chapter Excellence Award
?1988-89 Most Improved Regional.(Jhapter Award
and Regional Chapter of the Year Recipients
1988-89 Interfraternity Council's Most Outstanding
Fraternity Chapter Award
West beats Ea;
14 in Japan Bo
YOKOHAMA, japan (AD ?
For Ohio State quarterback (-reg
prey and the East all-stars'offense,
leaving out the first 24 minutes
would have made it a happier Ja-
pan Bowl
For Oregon quarterback Bill
Musgrave ot the West. "It was a
pretty fun first quarter "
Actually, the West did all the
scoring it needed in the first 10
minutes Sunday, taking a 17-0
lead, ltended with a 20 14 victory
teHthtriumph in I6apanBowls
Frey's first two plays werea9-
vard loss on a sack and a 10-yard
loss on a slipdovvn I hen he com-
pleted a 1 yard throw and missed
on eight consecutive passes ?
including two interceptions
The Fast never got outside its
own territory in the tirst quarter
Musgrave, meanwhile,
missed on his first two passes be-
fore clicking on seven in a row in
the tirst quarter for 103 ol his 154
yards. In all, he 'a as 12 tor 18.
The West s tirst possession
ended in a missed !?l-yard field
goal attempt bvalitornia's
Robbie Keen But it scored thenext
three times it had the ball
Keen began it with a 42 ard
field goal One minute later the
West had its first touchdown, ona
three-play, 61 yard dnee.
Musgrave hit Mike Pntchard
of Colorado for 39 yards and Scott
Millerot I CIA tor lObeforeRicky
Frvins of Southern California ran
the final 12 yards
The West got tho ball right
back on an interception by lono
Tunnev ofStanfotd, who returned
n 27 yards to the last B rhree
plays later, Iowa's Nick Bell scored
from the 3.
Then it was Colorado defen-
sivehack Pave Mcvloughan'sturn
to intercept (rev
Musgrave drove the West
back into Fast territory before the
quarter ended.
Ralph Martini
terbai k
The Fast ol
into the game A
of Virginia intj
Lamonde Russ
covered a McC il
a punt return aj
Florida interce
with hi left n
That's w
would have St
In an 11-pj
he hit on pass
yards before
Barry fohnsont
yards and a tOf
left m thehal'
third quarter a j
close enough
goal bv ko
The 1
63 yards inj
Michigan sari
the final vard
spectators in "il
Frey kept the!
passesot lanl
Slaughter of
14 yards to I
Florida i
Time ran
that went as ra
Despite th
finished wit!
completions ij
East's second i
Moore of Virgil
with an miurq
yards and twt
West also ru?
while the East)
on the grounc
voted the bef.
while teamm
the defensive!
Whafs behin
Nationally we're a fraternity that s
oldest, with over 200 years of traditionl
A fraternity with over 175,000 initiates!
ters across the nation, making it one oj
the largest college fraternities.
It's a fraternity that
emphasizes brother-
hood and leadership
through its Leader-
ship Conference
Program and Schol-
At East Carolina it's
become involved in cai
by traditions that emphJ
It's a fraternity that's inj
with service projects tl
What's behin

ity sendee
;k to heal Monday Did students ask about
'kends to anvthinc besides gymnastics?
,1 at would
( . s Rose
I Mori
i r in
' he ill asked me for an au-
aph said Rose but I
couldn t doil lot or them 7,8
he yearsold never saw me play.
; n t pl.n i ur years Bui
power ol r it's amazing
i he students seemed pleased
i J isc in s? hool
a ?n, 10, a fourth-
He h? Iped me do a bird's
thei es. He was fun
? ? rwhite s .1 sec-
? mghl ushovs to
hi He'sa nice man
idle 9 i third
e heard!
ng on the
held m the
unicipal Bldg.
Police Station)
I pit a
aneellor's Cup
tccllcnc e Award
ma I Chapter Award
Year Recipients
l's Most Outstanding
January 17,1991 Che ?aBt (Carolinian 17
West beats East, 20-
14 in Japan Bowl
of Ohio State quarterback Greg
! rfv a ndt he East all-stars' of tense,
leaving out the first 24 minutes
would have made it a happier Ja-
pan Bowl.
lor Oregon quarterback Bill
Musgrave of the West, "It was a
prett) tun first quarter
Actually, the West did all the
scoring it needed in the first 10
minutes Sunday, taking a 17-0
lead. Mended with a 20-14 victory,
its 11th triumph in lMapan Bowls.
1 re stirsttwoplavs verea9-
v.rl loss on a sack and a 10-yard
loss on a shpdown Then he com-
mit ted a 1 -yard throw and missed
nn eight consecutive passes ?
in luding two interceptions.
i he East never got outside its
own terntorv in the first quarter.
MtlSgrave, meanwhile,
missed on his first two passes be-
fore elk king on seven in a row in
the first quarter for 103 of his 154
wirds In all. he was 12 for 18.
I he West's tirst possession
infiJ in a missed 1 yard field
il attempt by California's
. bbie Keen Bu tits, ored the next
three times it had the ball.
Keen began it with a 42 yard
field goal. One minute later, the
West had its first touchdown, on a
three-play, hi-yard drive.
Musgrave hit Mike Pritchard
i 11. Colorado for 39 vards and Scott
! r ins of Southern California ran
the final 12 vards.
The West got the ball right
back on an interception by lono
i unnov of Stanford, who returned
it 27 yards to the Fast 8. Three
pla) s Liter, lowa'sN'ick Bell scored
from the 3.
Then it was Colorado defen-
siveback Dave McCtoughan's turn
to intercept Frey.
Musgrave drove the West
back into Fast territory before the
quarter ended and San Jose State's
Ralph Martini took over at quar-
The East defense finally got
into the game as Tony Covington
of Virginia intercepted Martini,
Lamonde Russell of Alabama re-
covered a McCloughan fumble on
a punt return and Richard Fain of
Florida intercepted Martini again
with 6:41 left in the half.
That's when Frey gladly
would have started his day.
In an 11-play, 93-yard drive,
he hit on passes of 5, 11,6 and 7
yards before connecting with
Barry Johnson of Maryland for 34
yards and a touchdown with 1:56
left in the half.
Musgrave came back in the
third quarter and moved the West
close enough for a 38-yard field
goal by Keen that made it 20-7.
The East immediately went
63 yards in 11 plays, with
Michigan's Jarrod Bunch plunging
the final yard for the game's final
touchdown before some 30,000
spectators in Yokohama stadium.
Frey kept the drive going with
passes of 19 and 17 yards to Bobby
Slaughter of Louisiana Tech and
14 yards to Lawrence Dawsey of
Florida State.
Time ran out on a West drive
that went as far as the East 5.
Despitetheearlydisaster, Frey
finished with 174 yards on 15
completions in 35 attempts. The
East'ssecond quarterback,Shawn
Mooreof Virginia, sat out the game
with an injured thumb.
Martini was 4-for-13 for 37
vards and two interceptions. The
West also rushed for 118 yards,
while the East gained only 61 yards
on the ground.
Colorado's Pritchard was
voted the best offensive player,
while teammate McCloughan won
the defensive honors.
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Whafs behind these letters?
Nationally we're a fraternity that's among the
oldest, with over 200 years of tradition.
A fraternity with over 175,000 initiates and 207 chap-
ters across the nation, making it one of
the largest college fraternities.
It's a fraternity that
emphasizes brother-
hood and leadership
through its Leader-
ship Conference
Program and Schol-
At East Carolina it's a great way to meet new friends and
become involved in campus life. It's a fraternity distingusished
by traditions that emphasize members helping one another.
It's a fraternity that's involved in the Greenville community
with service projects that benefit various causes.
What's behind these letters?
maybe you.
East Carolina
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DEADLINE: Thursday, January 17

18 Bhc ?nat(!laroltntan January 17. 1991
CHAPE1 nil liAI'i
irth Carolina's basketball game
with North Carolina State was
postponed Wednesday night,
about two hours after L 5. fighter
bombers made their overnight raid
on Iraq. 30 minutes before tipott
I fniversity ol Northarolina
Chancellor Paul Hardin made the
announcement tothe rowd which
had begun to gather in the smith
enter around 8 25 p.m
This is just a moment of rec-
ognition that our lives are chang-
ing Hardin said in a briet news
conference iftei the announce-
ment 'This is not a moment to
pla basketball
Hardin consulted with N.C
State Chancellor 1 airy Monteith
around 7p.m , andoth men spoke
with the respectivecoa hesbefore
making the announcement.
Hardin said he was attending a
pregame part) when he called
school officials, student represen-
tatives and others aside and
moved to call of! the game
I think people will certain!)
understand the importance
oi the basketball game pales con
sidet ibl in omparison to what's
on the minds of a lot of Americans
and a lot of others in the world
thai we live in tonight North
C. State game postponed
of Operation Desert Storm
Carolina athletic director lohn
Swottord said
The postponement likelv
heightened the anxiety for North
Carolina senior Pete Chilcutt,
whose brother is serving with
Operation Desert Shield in the
Persian Gulf. Chilcutt was not
available for comment after the
postponement, but teammates
Rick Fox and King Rice said they
could see in their fellow senior's
face that he would have found it
difficult to play.
"I don't think our minds
would have fully been on the
game Fox said "Some people
might be disappointed, but life
goes on other than basketball, and
there are a lot more
tilings right now
1 lard in said the moment could
become "critical and devastating
including casualties among
friends and loved ones, and it iust
doesn't seem to make mu. h sense
to pla basketball right now
1 lardin said w hile officials
were warv of the prospect of w ,ir.
I guess all of us had a certain
denial and we had not focused on
it in terms of the ball game
I le said no date had been de
termmed to make up the game
Neither 1 lardm nor Monteith said
thev had considered their next
course of action because both
schools have games on Saturday.
"Ball games and life go on
during times of war Hardin said.
Most of us remember times Off
war when you conduct hfeas near
normally as possible. Therefore,
there will bo a resumption of, more
or less, normal activities. When
that will seem appropriate. I can't
tell at this moment
Onlv a tew of the 21 572 light-
blue seats Mere occupied when
word of the postponement was
announced i ver thepubl k address
System. I he I 'C pep band had
taken its place behind one of the
baskets and N.C . Mate's team had
taken the floor tor pregame drills.
I he announcement was
greeted with scattered applause
by the few tans in the arena, who
then filled the aisles and walked
out into the tool, cloudy night,
l hie cheerleader hugged a friend.
All around the arena before
the game, tans were gathered
around television sots at conces-
sion booths watching network
coverage Ol th? events in the
Middle East By9 JO, which would
havebeen about one-half hour into
the contest between the instate
mals. the house lights at the smith
Continued from page 15
season but Screnar said they are
the right handei w ill K
able to join the pitching
rkoutsb theopeningol spring
Fcb 21
? ? , . ? ? ????
said ' '
bv Api
I ki
thins ? ? ?
( laire
? ? ? ? ad
bonus 1 m not counting on Orel to
be there opening das. but he may
be. '
( laire said much will remain
uncertain until Hershiser gets to
. cro Beach, joins the routine
pitching workouts and pitches in
ant t i plan 11
.? everv-
"Ut 1
think it's
CCopynfhi 199 J USA TOIMV f-jilr
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Center had been dimmed, the seal!
were completely empty and onlv
television crews were left to break
down their equipment.
"I'msuchanupguy.but I'm so
down right now said ESPN
commentator Dick Vitale. "I'm just
finding it difficult to get up there
(in the broadcast booth) and talk
about theexcitementof a basketball
game when we've got these beau-
tiful people fighting
The postponement was remi-
niscent of the night of March 30,
1981, when North Carolina was
preparing to meet Indiana for the
national championship. Earlier
than day. President Reagan had
been shot by assailant ohn
Hinckley, but officials decided to
proceed with the title game
North Carolina Coach Dean
Smith described the decision as a
"tough call He said it was the first
time that hecould remember that a
game that he was involved in was
called off.
This is a serious, serious
business It does make athletics
insignificant Smith said There
are far more important things than
basketball, but I don't think thev
should cancel parries Thev keep
theaters, restaurants and universi-
ties open during times like this
Seafood House and Oyster Bar,
Washington Highway (N C 33 ExtGreenville North Carolina f
Phone 752 3172
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Save stamps ttx.
he's progressed beautifully "
1 lershiser said h' at hopes to
be ba k b April or Maj
" Ilus thine, might tall apart
and I have to go back to rehab
again, he said But it I'm not
rea.K 11 ?ming oil . il -pnm; train-
ing, or the tirst month or so, then
Hershiser said I about there's probably been a setback
i pitches this week at an esti- Because at the pace we ve been
mated 75 82 mph without letting progressing, 1 can sec me ready
loose. some time in the tirst month.
It hes back b the All Mar month and halt
thing where w re best break, that's fine. But to this point,
i b looking at it .is a simple everything has gone smoothly and
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-1984 v89 Won overall sports championship among all fraternities at
- 2 Houses and a party room.
Located at the corner of 5th and Summit
(Across from Garrett Hall)
For Information Call

Simply the Best"

The East Carolinian, January 17, 1991
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 17, 1991
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