The East Carolinian, December 6, 1990

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?hc ?Ea0t (Ear0ltman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
V? 64 No6f
Thuhsoav, December 6, 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
16 Pagec
Co-op looks for
tuition solution
B) I Min I (ardisoti
S I i I I w
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rani .in hremi nt.mda
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h : ' ' ' ' prant wore
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pbackl thc'lcvel
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Matthews discounts
Animal House'
By Michelle C astellow
Suit Writer
Stop, Thieves!
Stava Statey ECU Photo Lab
? ?
Aduaiiv rracy Hinegadner and Mike WetebrougN m.s Christmas tree for
? i ? living room Only 16 shopl ng d ly " and only five exam days
hm tlu'ii i urricula, it would improve
tin signifu .hi. ? ' Co op i
llr Mulk'i s.i s thai would also
,n a i it interest ol the univer-
sity whi h would hopefully in
i rease bu Ij?? ? ?' " " ns toi o-
; ? ? d is some
thinj ? io bui not ruxevary then
said that it a ad.MTiu depart- us p ?ing 1.1 pet lew attention than if
would rcquin students to il the ml i is viewed as a
a co-op internship as part ol ? Co-op page 3
iothcr onsidcratu ?n foralle
( p s financial stresses is
a sp? fee to the studeni s
I ins fee would beapproxi
?' i Mullei s,iui
. also states that they look to
indents pen eiveo-op as a
? pgram worth paying for
College life has its ups ai I
downs tor Ihe I6jfl00 students at
ECU,andbelievt itornot, thev face
a number ot pressing issues whu h
will determine whether or not they
will be successful m the college en
vironmenl According to Dr Al
Matthews, Vice rtancdlor ol stu
dent l.ite. the opinions ol students
differ from that of student life offi
cials on what is c i tnsidered t( i be t h? ?
most eminent issues faced by the
majority of students
Themosl important probk m
the students have is their mis. on
ception ol what it means to be a
college studeni Matthi ??? I
Freshmen, especially,? ome to i ol
lege with the idea that the college
campus is,in unrestrained nA un-
conditionapart) scenefullofak
hoi. sex and drugs with a minimal
amount of actual si hoi I work in-
Movies, ?-in h as the . Iassn
ample Animal Hi use instill tW
notion that i ollege is not tor study
mg.but forfroh kmgand part) n
andtheonly need topassthecuurses
taken is to remain on the partx s ?
without parental supervisi I
Tas miscoi eption by college
underclassmen explains, in part
why there isaconsidorabk? amount
ot drop-outs du to unaccepl
gradesdurmg th firs! two years of
"A maprity ol underclassnxn
strive to live up to the college norms
an suit .mostdnnkingdrug
and sex n lated problems involve
underclassmen Matthewssaid
? se ond problem, acciwding
to Matthews. itln -endless neo'ia
tionsovef tin in. lal matters
Students who use the campus
dining facilities average approxi
mateK 10 dollars a day on food,
resulting in an alarming MlOdollars
a month for meals only Matthews
Parents understand the high
cost of books, tuition and fees, but
? - merimesunawareofthelarge
amountof money needed formcab
and as .i result students nvoc
?. r kxx.1
n r let to havt more spend
y -UidentSprcfi rto
skimj oi th? t xxl bill and direct
that money toward party supplies
such as il ohol or drugs, or clothes
i Hher areas of concern to stu-
dent life officials involve questions
such as how to relate to others, who
and what students are of what they
want to be, and how to man ige
nd use time wisely
I 'i. tiie other hand, students
put registration on the top of their
major problems list 1 onglinesand
un.r ailability ot lasses concern
. lents most
? ; ? ? . ? ? iced by students,
. as residential problems
Studentspul financial asa tore
? , or em but altogether n A
Of those problems .ire minor ones
, t?mj in I I the more seriousi i n-
cemsof student hfeofficials
Athletics f onn student advisory
council to examine leadership
By lean Caraway
st.itt Writer
Rodnay Slnehland - ECU Photo Lab
m r?elcair ramp and d i I the side ol the Student Stores
uarters, finally
K listen Page
ial "? II" I ' ' '
MB will b
? ? ndenhal
. ? ? ,i ioi
, delayed
I nv st re
W which
includ I ' ng of Ihe studio, n. vequip
mentam l" ' ' ' ; ' l
,l? ECU Media I theWZr II i mtFund
lhl. ?, ? ? lei ij in the completion beg in
ihissummei wh npip abovi th new studio became
(logged ausing tliem to burst
Aaording to efl Skillen I eneral Managi i ol
WZMB, All the ceiling tiles had to be replai eddueto
all the water damage
Rudolph AWxander, Vice hancellor for Student
Affairs, said We were Iw k) we did not have all the
equipment in thestudiooT it would have had to been
taken out and replaced
Heavy downpours In October caused water to
Win UD through tl ora Ihe production loom and I
hall ol the control rxm were covered vsith a small
amount ol water
Mthough the leakage did cause sewne concern,
there was no damage to the studio
1 cspttethesetba ks, WZMB is now in the process
ot mo inc. to the new studio
? . WZMB page 3
Avery claims err
in Tvler scuffle
1 mm Stall Report
Public Safety Police Chid Ronald Avery said
Wednesday that he inaccurately reported the name
of a female arrested tor tin- assault on two females
1 yanaSiler.1 vot 712 Tyk-r Hall, was arrested
Saturday morning m connection with the assault
parking space SUer, not the female onginally re-
ported, was ?Treated, according to Avery.
Avery said he regrets any misunderstanding
involved with the err in the names.
In an attempt to give balance
and perspei live to the J75student-
athletes on the E( I campus, the
Department of Athkticshas formed
a Student-Athlete Advisory Coun-
1 hecouncil, whu hmeetstwice
a month is made up of two athletes
from each of the 13 teams t ach
member can serve tor two years
and ischoscnon thebasisof their
leadership skills, academic
achievement and KlSt the willing-
ness to be involved and to be a
leader Pamela Penland, Assistant
Athletk 1 Krector tor Academic Af-
fairs said.
Ihe meetings give the mem
hers input on what they think is
good tor the athletes They meet
with the athletic director and
speakers also come in to talk about
the different programs on campus
Ihe council was formed with
several goals in mind in order to get
the athletes more involved and to
create a better reputation tor them
Promoting leadership skills is
one of the primary goals ol the
council (ne ol the tilings that we
find wtth athletes is that they spend
their mornings in class, their after-
noons in practice and competition
and their eveningsstudying, so they
don't gel as involved in extra-cur-
ricular activities m the university,
Penland said
The council members serve asa
liaison between theathletesand the
Office of Student Development.
Penland said that the athletes .ire
"encouraged to go to a concert, to
get involved in dormitory activity,
and to make use of the writing cen-
ter The athletes are made more
aware of the Other items that are
available on campus
'Being as visible as the athleti s
are, thev have an obligation to give
Penland said. As a result, the ath-
letes are focusing on community
sen ice. rhey serve as posith e role
models tor the kids.
Football players Robert ones
and chad drier recently visited a
scout troop and brought their ath
letic equipment tor the boys to try
By speaking to the children
about what athletics can mean in
them how they can spend their idle
time to become more involved
physically and to make themselves
better rather than using drugs
According to Penland what
most students don t realize is that
the athletes here are mst as average
as the next student, rheonly differ-
ence is that thev have a special tal-
Penland said TThe student-
athletes) are coming in the same
doorregulai students come in. But,
we feel like it we encourage aca-
dem excellence without athletes
that they can work harder Because
we do have have an academic sup
p h t pr. igram tor them, wedoexpe I
expected rathei than a surprise
? ? othei goalsiru luctcthcfol-
. , ncouraging student at!
letes to apply what is teamed in
athletics to their course of study
and ultimately, to their career de-
velopment; implementing orienta-
tion programs tor student-athletes,
promoting positive relationships
between student athletes and the
student body, the staff and faculty
and the residents of the eotnmu-
raty and implementing programs
that will promote a positive image
tor intercollegiate athletics and the
Io speed up the process, the
council has formed several com
Ihe Academic AchkvementCom-
mittee has ,i T-shirt incentive pro-
gram and next semester will have
an athletk director's honor roll
which will list the number of stu
di nt athletesthatdomakcthciionor
!he( ommumt VrKVv OHV
mittf" d'i's with events like the
. .e Athletes page 3
Managing Editor Michael Martin
reflects on his tenure at The East
Carolinian and comments on
the progressive limes.
Deanna Nevgloski speaks with
Midwest metal band Sweet F A
about their strong debut album.
"Stick to Your Guns '
Classified t
Mens swim team downs 1989
Colonial Athletic A ssociation
champion American
University. 133-106
Pirate ComicVIO

2 $hc ?aat (farotttttatl December 6,1990
ECU Briefs
Fall commencement to mark
farewell of 1,800 ECU students
E 1 s H'HlljIKmnnH'in , mi nU( u m?n will be held Satlir
A w B, in Ftcklen Stadium beginning al lOa.m Preceding
the ceremonj will be a concert b Ihe F.CI Symphonic Wind
Ensemble scheduled to begin at MSa-rii rhcacadcmi proces
sion ill foi m it 9 If? i in
boul 1 KlH) und' aiul . raduatc students will re
i v! .? degrees ,it (In- ceremom lanicc I iiulkncr, dire toi ol the
F.CI Regional Development Institutt -ill dclivei the com
men I mint ,i.1. Iii S
In case i?t iiHiement iveathci the commencement will be
moved into Minecs olisciim Sincescaling is limited candidates
for degrees will b ? ?. nie parate morning and afternoon
. omnuni ement pi ngrams
rhe 1 la.m commencenx'nt wuld rcooentzi hacca laureate
i, mdidal n tl ' liools, andidates foi
recipients I It ol ad
eatl ei
will ,i!iikhuh f tin1 i
houi of Friil P,
? ? Ivu ' laureate
,i! bools
nit' the altei nate plan ol two
tati ms as ell
Hi, . i7-4884)
: ? . ? ? noon and i "? enine
Two hunters killed after
confrontation with family
n,EYV1I l I (AP) lu" was beating his father
Durham mint) hunters were un Hampton said neither ol the
armed when they wereshottodeath Dunevants had antic howevei I k
in the back while fleeing alter a said one unloaded shotgun was
confrontation with a Caswcll found 4(1 feet Inmi the bodies and
i ounty family, a pmsecutoi says an unloaded ntle was found in the
During .1 bond hearing Duncvanl ti
Wednesda) District Ittornc) Dcpiil I believi dthat
rhurman Hampton said he would Kim Dune' ml as hot under tin
svk the death p n lit) against Pete hin
1K jq of Pmspect Hill who is rhey nmv believe that hi
charged with t?unts "t first was shil in thi ha k and the
degrtvmurdei wound to the chin m is an exit
Rodncv linevant l3,andKim wound
I hinevanl Ul hothol Rmigi mont, ' l??dj
M'iiin,nir.r,l,ili.i! nnKM'Irvinil. Mack well denied Irb) I
I feetawax when they were shot Wi choduledapmb
inthrhi. k whileruni ' iHecausi hi lor 1 ei lq
travel road in frontH lrb shome Coyl Kn ? l.thefatl roftl
The East Carolinian
is now accepting
for News Editor, Assistant
News Editor and staff writers
tor the spring semester.
Apply at Thi'East Carolinian,
across from Joyner Library
ZThe Wail Company
Xf ff ol Greenville t td
unpton sin
h tmv has snd he I '?
. ? ? iii ie
WTEB to broadcast university's
performance of 'Messiah' Pec.L)
OsmoixiSmith.lrb) sattirne) frontations 1
said Irb) a ted in - ell defense Irb)
against the I Hine ants Irb) main
tains the Dunevants were al the da huntin
I lesaidhi sonswhi
ta king Irb) - I ith 1 Ack
In ith said autopsy results in
;randmothei - pi pert) '?
Hind red .ir,l- In 'in lrb 's I
di? ited the Dunevants had blood would not h
w 11 H i
a ' ' '
1 I I
inn.i I
, I mo r
1 (.oncer!
pi lessoi
? ?? Soloists
; dacki
m tenoi
ah ohol levels ol 1.24 an I 11 I
dah ohol 1 ' "?' nnsi
vi Iru i in Northai
: , as sun 1 ised al the stal
1 the Dui -ant
evs tx Ket
n H" N thecasi ? ?
pertA unl ?
tt m i ?
! Mln in! Wed '
SIK ittll! I '?
1 Hinevanl lai din limxl
1 iVi
Budget Nisht
1 ?
' 11 r

I iah isbaseil
hi' t.
rheli i?ld(i ' ? ' ? '? !
shei iff's deputu
tsattacked.a. ?? il
his wife I ' nted
!lv Irb) nd tl
: ?
? ?

$1.00 Imports $2.50 Teas
$1.00 Cans $2.50 Picthers
$1.50 Highballs
Sunday is
Rasgae - Prosressiwe Nisht
Ladies Free
Every Thursday
? $1.00 Imports
?$2.50 Pitchers
? Free Admission
lour students show cased at ort
evhihit in MeiutenhaJl's gallery

? . ih ,t
u it.
H Mso iturdav, a i I - dm
of tl iitured lud " '
Cory succeeds Frisell iis chairman
of I epartm nl of Bio hemistry
iiiip.i .in.
I'Medit mem
rsity of South
nthel iuversit
it I lorida Stati I Ie
Crime Scene
Staff member receives campus
citation for illegal passing
! )i-i i mhe
f hi i- ? md
i 11e,hI in ?
,1 ,id isi'd the
I i
' Hi. ti. i t
(X52 l(th ? I i
i iKe a test
l4r- Stud nl
pi i I '? i'?
, ii i'
If) ? ' I hll Dri
! icedin
230(1 Whil Ki I
i tftice) is; ued i ampus i itation to
i ith j t.itt niember t1
. , t w as sludenl preparing to
? ? : I luilding assisted
? the hospital
. hgated a laro rep ti
u.itii 'ii to tiidvnt
il papers on .1 Mih
iued ??' ampus citation
1 loieinhi-r 5
1 j Bell R kJi nee I fall (south
to ih i't for -p eding
0118 While Residence I lall investigau vl .1 ri-p ri of .1
leak vchii ie found Icaktifud Student moved hei velticleuntil
it could repaired
l rime So n, i.k. ?? tram ? "II' I tiM? sttv IH-
shot, killed
by a hunter
VVi di ' sda aftein h .1 hunti 1
ho mistixifc him f" a deei
M o rr i s v i 11 e po I ice I Bi
v 11,1111
(. Ian n e K B.itts ? ?l 1 at was
short time later Newnamsaid rhe
chiel said the shooting apparent!)
was.?' v idental
? is ,1 m ierk e ten her it
Athensl r ef irthepast nineyears
PrevH?usl heser'edasanassi' tanl
principil it Washington Elenxn Si ho? '1 and then i arnagi
1 v. S hi 1 ' "i R V igh
I Kibbinsman'
. ? 'questioned at mttlwini idenl
hul had n tbeei hargi d Weilncs
' . n.i thi two men
. . di d area oft -?
inside the N lornsi ille it limits
? n tl ? 'iiv .h urred
11 timapparenth had bei n
using a metal di tei toi t ? sean h the
wds ti trinkets and the othei
man had been deer hunting, tht
'hut s,iui Neither man knew the
other was tin re, hi said
I he hunter spotted what he
thought ,is a deer and fired his
ntlr. stnknu; Kills. Mewnam siui
rhe hunter summoned .1 passerb)
to go for helpaftei he realized what
had happened, thevhut said
Halts is the sixth person to have
been injured or lolled in the
during hunting related shootings
within tin- past two weeks A 13
year-old hathani( ountyboywas
kill.vl wlul hunting with friends
two weeks ago, and tour nun were
shit two fatally during hunt
ing cm ursions ina- wellbunt)
last iveekend
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The Fast Carolinian is now hiring
advertising representath es
and an advertising production manager.
Apply in person at The East Carolinian offices
on the second floor of the Publications Building.
(Across from the Library)
Director of Advertising
Adam Blankenship
Advertising Representatives
Ken Earle lulu Roscoe
John Semehberger Net hoi Boone
Nellie V?m Den Dungefi
Advertising Production Manager
Warren Kessler (Graphit Artist)
National $6.00
local Open Rale $5.00
per cc?lumn inch
Hulk & Frequency C ontract
Dicotints Available
Business Hours
Monday Friday
7: U Ml

ahc tost (Carolinian December 6. 1990 3
Around other
Two Appalachian
students arrested
for bomb threat
lu' pp 'tochian Slate
I niversih students rei entl)
were arrested tor making ?
bomb tlinit io Waj I l.ill on
i iimpus.
( liiton Daniels III and
qui line Ki-acws were
i harged with making .1 false
reporl ot .i destructive device
under NorthCarolina general
.tatutes rhey were released
.mi $00 se? ured Nnd
1 he misdemeanoi 1 hargc
, .inies.1 maximum tineol $
and up to H)daysinjail ASl
li is possible suspension
Barbara Daye associate
via 1 han ellor foi Student
I velopment, said the Daniels
and Reaves have been sus
pended from the university
ling .1 hearing before the
student judicial system
students make
Continued from page 1
very important part ot thedegrec
s?i s Muller.
Mutter lot-Is that some kind of
student fee would supporto-op
so that there would be some sub
stantial and ongoing funding
Another way to increase the
program's validity. Muller -is, is
to make students aware ol the U t
that someCo-op programs become
recruitment programs tor empto)
I n-alk think that studentsand
departments need to make other
students aware ot the fact mi that
those students can -n 'Hey, Id
like to have thisopportunit) says
MulU-r sivs she would like to
seeempkiyers require some type 1 t
e o-op experience.
c Hher universities such as N
State, chargestudentsan expensive
fee tor the use of these types rt
servk cs
Mulki small to-tot
all instead ot .1 large fee tor onh
those w ho dr um' c o op 1 a mot.
t.ur deal since the . o op services
benefit all students
Mullersavsthattorcnxxh most
ot . o op's existing problems, hot
goal is to get the frozen positions
tillod get the universirj toappnv 1
some l pe ot fee and to inform
students ot the opportunities thai
v o or can offei thom
Continued from page 1
involved in
the most
medi 11 m.
Apply for
an editorial
position at
The East
I he student bod presi
lents at Northarolina Mate
? rsit and the University
f rtharohna at 'hapel
hll ha o. hallenged the other
? 1 tund raisingcontcsl
. h s? hool s libraries.
. o I)
I show the North arolina
? ssembh thai stu
rned about
: for edi ition
a ill he held in
??? nl fun Is until
ixted foi each
10I u ith the
: v b 5 p m I eb l
. kvin
Students fast for
homeless people
bout 15 students at Ap
i.u hian State I mversity
spent the night outside and
lasted for 50 hours to experi
lite as a homeless person.
I ho event was scheduled
as an ottort to raise awareness
in t! ? i ommunity by Actve
lentsfor thecommunit) as
a par! ,11 lomelessand I lunger
name toN.C.Xi
? , foi mei SAH fraternity
at the Universit) ol North
iii.i athapel I lill is
planning t 11 hange its name to
N vi pending riling of nee-
? peperwork
SAE had their charter re
voked by their national orga
nization,Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
m Ma tor failue to turn in
paperwork, he fraternity has
boon calling itself by the En-
glish lotters SAE since they
Special Olympics rhe Newsletter
( oinnntttv has put together a stu
dent athlete newspaper, fhe an
non, keeps the athletes aware ol
what is going on in the universit)
I"he Publk Relations ommit
tee is now working on a slide show
on what it is like to be a student
athlete, and the different organiza
lions and croups "his slide show
u ill be made available t. - commu
!ut organizations 11 schtw
ordci tO shou the positive asp !s
ot student athletes
! heVientation Program v. 1
be held the first Saturday of even
school year where freshman loam
about the equipment, facilities,
athletk statt, rules and regulation
and code ot conduct
Dean of Student Affairs Ronald
Speiei and a facult) athtetii repre
sentative talk about the obligation
anathteteand thercsponsibilit) that
goes with that And. finally Ihe
convocation, where the char ellor
speakstoall t75studen1 athtetesb)
about the university and their role
rhe 1 tm. ellor makes a point
ol sayn . thai the all teles I
? ibilih tob ? 1 " I ?
and also an obligation to be hettci
With the help ot the Stu
Athlete Advisor)oun il, th ath
lotos will now be more involved in
'? k ; ? ictivil - and have a more
posil mage on tins , ampus
Continued from page 1
i have received all the new
equipment and furniture Skillen
Now it is just a matter ol in
stalling n and getting read) foi
hroadcasl i
Members ol the WZMB l ill
a 11 a -
M 'Oil as pOSSUMC
Students .a
' ' hi
the first da
WARNING Not smce iite appeared o
tn panel ias humanity nad to concern itseit ?m
the consequences ot its own genius What we do
n this generation -nay very wen determine the
future ot the earth and the destiny ot mankind j
" P'
ohibited from using the
k name
In October, the national
: mization threatened tosue
the I M fraternity for viola-
tion ol 1 opyrighl laws
Chancellor won't
press student's
fall from roof
l(. Ht ham ellor Paul
Hardtn said that the university
would not takea tionasa re-
sult ot a student sfallingfrom
the rool ol the Sigma Phi
Episilon fraternity in October.
Holly Hancock, a umor
fr,mKoioSville.w?is hospital-
ized for several days after fall-
ing from the roof four stones
to a garden area betow.
The fraternity house is lo-
cated on private property and
is not policed by university
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Attention Students and Teachers
Many of you students have been wondering what to get your favorite
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CUlie lEaHt (Eartfltman
Serving the Eat Carolina campus community since 1925
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael G. Martin, Managing Editor
Tim Hampton, Was Editor Mu haei Ai buqui rqui , Asst. Nexus Editoi
Matt King, Features Editoi Stuari Onm.wi, Asst Features Editor
L )c?i c; Morris, Sports Editor Earle M. M Am t , 4ssl Sports Editor
CARRIE Armstrong, Special Sections Editoi Scot i Maxwi i i , Satire I ditoi
Amy Edwards, Copy Editor Dt anna Ni vcloski,opy Editor
Mu HAEL LaNC, Editorial Production Managei Larky Hi GGINS, Circulation Manager
ii i Parker, Staff Illustrator Stuari Rosner, Systems Manager
CHRIS Norman, Darkroom Technician Phong I UQNG, Business Managei
MARGIE O'Smla, Classified Ads Ta hnician DEBORAH Daniels, Secretary
, ?. i .? man hasscrvcdlhc EastCarolmai itnpus community: i
Ii cuts During the ECU school ycai I he Etui Carolinian publish
c ? ?. .? reserves the right to refuse ot d coi I nue an) advertisement?
ii iti Hie masthead editorial in? h edition does not nccessari
yo monol the Editorial Board he Easi Carolinian wccvm
he I in ted to !50 words or less Forpurpos ofdecency ndbrcv ty ?.?
publication Letters should be addressed Rk Editor, 7'n East i i
27S ; i or? ill (M19) r5 ' 6 166,
. nformation that directly affects
cek i rculation of 12.000 Tfu East
??? natc on the basisol age. sex, creed or
views of one individual, bui, rather,
sn gal points ofview. Letters should
? .?? reserves the right to edit letters for
Bide . ECU. Greenville, N C .
Page 4. Thursday, December 6. 1990
Editor snvs good-bye, paper continues to progress
It has become ? irolin
tan tot the managing editor to stray from tradi
tional style of writing the masthead editorial iri
their last paper Dubbed the 30 column (sym
bolic ol thecodt a journalist uses to show the end
ol story) it gives the managing editor a c hare e to
refli et the progression of the papei and learning
experiences encountered from the start to the end
of the job
The Easl Carolinian has definitely changed
tremendously over the past seven months We
have adopted a new st le, a new look and mam
changes in the people that put the paper together
In my opinion, all of these combined reflect pro
When 1 first started as managing editor in
M.iv of this year, my goal w.ts to uphold tht
tradition of my predecessors U givestudents
faculty and staff of ECU thebest coverage of news
sportsand features thecampust ommunity has to
offer In addition I sought to increase the ex
change of ideas and opinions through theeditorial
page. 1 think we have accomplished tins
Every section has undergonechange, both
aesthetically and in content Stories like gunman
Albert Witherspoon and theSenatorialelection led
the list as the top stories of 1990 overing the pages
of the paper. Changes to the editorial page have
also allowed students, faculty, staff and members
of the community to become more involved by
expressing their opinions through columns, letters
and editorials
While on the way to achieving these goals,
we ran into problems ? problem! that we at The
East Carolinian had never faced before The paper
felt the loss of a large number of graduatingeditors
and a series of resignations that left us without a
general manager, an advertising department and
only three editors ? anv newspaper's skeletal
staff. But in light of the turmoil, we survived and
Some old faces reappeared tor anothet
tour, while a host ol new people brought enthusi
asm and desire to the office Alter a couple of
papers, everyone came together as one, and we
have reached plateaus that before, we could have
never dreamed of reaching. So it's time to give
credit to the people that were in
accomplishing these goals
In the news department, Tim Hampton
and Michael Albuquerque have combined leadeT
shipand experience, resulting in coverageol some
of the most exciting news stories ever to hit the
ECU campus. Tim came back to E l after a nine
month stint at The Eden Daily News to pursue his
Master's Degree in English, so look tor his name
and work tor a long time to come. like came to the
p.ipei aftei working for Fht Charlotte Observer. He
will assume the managing editor's position next
semestei and readers should expect the paper to
progress t ven more than it already has.Good luck
tooui 'A.P.deit) in the coming months.
Matt King and Stuart Oliphant will still
run the features department next semesti Matt.
in his "infinite wisdom will continue too verthe
latesl e ents ol downtown c aeenville. as well as
the newesl I n ds and other features that hit the
E( I v ampus Stuart, another new face, will con-
tinue as assistant features editor until he graduates
in May
In sports, assistant editor Earle McCauley
t. ouncil president. Editor Doug Morris will con
tit te Ins current role, and will be joined by new
assistai I Matt Mumma 1 ook forDougand Matt to
giveat omprehensivecoverageol EC I athletics in
the sprit
But most importantly general manager
oev Jenkins should be recognized for all of the
help he has given me since day one foe) has had
tlu most difficult job over the past seven months
keeping the paper running, and keeping me from
burning out 1 ook forjoey to come up with some
new ideas for the paper as he finishes his term .is
our '(.ai in-chief" next semester.
1 won Id ,11st?like to thank: C a rrie Armstrong
(foi all ol the work she put into The Entertainer and
Statn St i it Maxwell (for keeping me on my toes
and making me use my journalism law book tor the
satirepage er ECU TODAY), Mike Lang (for
the new look he brought to the paper and the
lablokis I is creative designs and very, very late
nights) Parker (for aU of the cartoons), Beth
1 upton lor the talks) and all of the other employ-
ees at the paper You all have made my job fun,
ext iting and at times, very trying.
As l finish my last late night as managing
editoi 1 look back on the day I first started at The
I f olinian thecoun ?all-nighters,missed
Masses and deadlines all come back 1 guess it's all
a part of being a college journalist. I'm definitely
going to miss it.
1 he paper, with all o the new stall mem-
bers, will continue to progress. That's what makes
writing this sod if ficult Nothing is truly coming to
an end here, it s only starring. 1 guess the name of
thiscolumnshould reflet t that Maybe"?More?
would be an appropriate title since it is a
journalist's symbol signifying there is more to
t ome
I ike the old saving goes, "traditions are
made to be broken
On the Fringe
Big Al, Jesse headline a packed semester
By Tim E. Hampton
I ditor ul Columnist
The semester's end. Brain
s napses becomes frazzled, blue
books become scribbled andlit!
Notes become hot commodities
Actual studying waits until
the last microsecond before we
lunge into those swivel chairs
that swivel only one wa and
sweat profusely for two hours
until drenched with oil tasting
excretion, wait an hour, 45 min-
utes to write a word, and w .ilk
out into the hall all slouched in
despair. nd i r tears of a mix
ture ol joy, relief and utter her
ror because the (iermans didn't
bomb Pearl 1 larbot
s( here we are in .1 " orld
where both i lemingway ian and
Fauknerisl sentences seem
abound, lest in a mani depres
soi' setting ot short and long.
What to remember, since people
including those liberal news
media people like te think
Big Al, Choked Nabs and
Nervous Renta Cops.
The largest storv ever on
EC U campus hit this semester
When Al Witherspoon lumped
eut et his bH but Ai isn't a
irat bo) ith his loaded high-
powered semi-automatic, steel-
tempered, 40-gauged, egg-beat-
ing, dicing-slicing and mincing,
t an opening, two cle washing,
microwave cooking, rifle, 1 had
)iist purchased a pack of orange
crackers from the nice, handsome
woman at the Student Stores
Nabs an unknown nomen
are an excellent lunch-time
source of sodium nitrate and
cholesterol, especially for people
on the run like liberal news me-
dia people. The ellophant pa k
was hall empty . er halt full d
pending upon your perspective,
when I turned the ? orncr besidi
the Wright Brothers Auditorium
only to sic a bum h of 'p . at s
After I hoking on the imita
fion orange olorcd baked flour,
mv beat up Nikes the ones
: It 1 'k. about daily vent
into high gear, running three
the grassless andhii k t:l aless
Mall all the wa back to the pi
called The (ffice
t mce ited
enough I ib ral ne w s med
people to start
ance, we ilki I down I pok
our noses ii
I h re, 1
Dorm oh . .
dm. e H lid M
see Big M
dow But the RentaCoj . h b .
the wa. majors in Industt
11 giene, said our lives were en
daricered be ause -l didn't NI
ollege kids and might shool
from a half a mile iwaj ivith p
point 1 111at j ind kill
Bui lidi ? want ti
us becaust ? nvere going 1
him famous and besn I
other kids were itandii ?s i
than we were so there Rei I 1
( op said he didn't like oui ill
tude since we wen tryinj
our jobs being snoopy and su. h
"This is the last time i am g
to tell you he said before I
bribed him with the last thri
September 20, .1 cl.w of rest
Slept all d.w don't ti ii-
ber much
esse comes to Big I
t lu isttan Academy sings 1
Bless America I hree 1 inn
Rednet ks go to Hog Hea 1 1
I was beaming
' ' ? "
ictuallvseetl ?
? and imital
? ? ?
k behind
? : ?
. ?? ? ? : ? indam
I ?
1 k gti I looked like
ii:vl hoi ytil
er pt er nt
a in : v
less s,
I ; .
Students need fair representation
Bv Michael Albuquerque
ditorul I ohimnisl
It's been over 34 years since a
hip-swiveling, slicked-backed
rocker named F.I vis Presley ap
pea red on The Ed Sullivan Show
to shock the nation with his "bad
boy" antics and that killer snarl.
Mothers and fathers across
America reeled in horror with the
fear thai thisgyrating-pelvie ma-
ma might soon lead to the cor-
ruption ol their own sons and
Try as they might, parents
were unable to stop this "vile
tilth" called n?.k and roll
This momentous occasion
marked the beginning ol a youth-
oriented backlash against the era
of Congressional witch hunts and
widespread conservatism known
as McCarthyism. Everyone
knows termer Sen. Joseph
McCarthy, nght He was the '50s
answer to one Greenville City
Council member, Lorraine Shi nn
Actually, rumor has it that
McCarthy, like Elvis, never reallv
died and is still hiding out in dis-
guise. Sources close to the store
point out that McCarthy has never
been Men in the same room with
However, today these same
people that made Elvis "The
King" have gotten away from
their roots and threaten todestroy
the ideals that they fought so very
hard to obtain when they were
By just looking around we
can see their forces at work, slowly
but surely cutting away at the
rights ot anyone under the ageot
25: censorship, banning books, the
( ,reen ilk' noise and housing or
dinances the list goes on but
this looks like a good plat C I
Simpl) put, the mess
reads loud and clear if you are in
college no fun "aloud espe-
cially in Greenville!
The latest in a series ot ante
student sentiments to surface in
Greenville occurred last week at
a Citj Council meeting. On Nov.
2b, the Noise Ordinance om
mittee, headed K Shinn, added
its final recommendations for a
new amendment to the current
noise ordinance.
Among the new recommen-
dations presented at the meeting
were the abolishing of Thursday
night noise permits, a mandatory
11 p.m. curlew for permit hours
specific guidelines for hiring off-
duty police otficers and a re
quirement for permit holders to
clean up the area after a party b
10 a.m. the next day.
While these recommenda-
tions seem reasonable al first
glance, they are a far cry from
what we, as ECU students and
residents of Greenville, used to
Whv should City Council
stop here7 Whv not enforce
Shinn's proposal at a Sept. 7
meeting requiring police tonotits
parents of ECU students who
violate the noise ordinance? Hell,
why not fine them, too, and put
them in jail.
Perhaps we should also be
put to bed without any supper it
we wak 11 1
nn witl l-l ' -aken r. -
last ear w
n to ban I
right before 1 lalkm een
Although these ret omn
dattons or made b a com
tee Ol eight or nine pt oplt 1
two student- S( iA Presid
Allen I homas and Legislal
Iripp Roakes, w hich translal
a student repi ? ntation of ab
2 i p? 1 1
1 low ever, EC 1 :
ot wer 16,000students repres
nearly 13 percent oi the cits s
population I feel the university
has boon w ell represent! d
Mayot Nan enkinssaiddui
the No 2 meetii
Afu 1 the meeting 1 homas
w as opti mi -ii. about
committee's findings "This in
vol ed a l t ol compromise, . '
believe ii is the best decision toi
both (thecity Md the students
he said
I can imagine. It must be
nearly impossible tor two stii
dents to sway a ruling majority of
adults stance on anything, simply
because the adults (as thev like to
be called) have voting power on
City Council and the students do
Another stipulation of the
new recommendations does not
allow permits in residential areas
except lor university, Greek-on
ented functions In other words,
residents who are interested in
See Students, page 5

Regulations on animal testing
need to be uniform, obeyed
Part two of a two-part editorial
Bv Scotl Maxwell I olumniM
replacement one can model the eftoi ts ol some,
but by no moans all, products w ith it
However, VanValkenburg and .uillermocoi
When we last left the Intrepid Columnist he rectl) po.ntod out that you don't need to test a
was untangling a web of half-truths awebspun known corrosive, cm product alre yknown tc
bv (allot and strengthened b) the 1 ood and 1 )rug have delete, ious effects (like bku h). to know thes
Administration But the FDA's Director ol olors damage eyes or to know if the) should havewam
and Cosmet.csHcnnz Eiermann had just told him inglabels In effect they said ivhere poss.blc an
that.contrarvtowhatCilletteclaimed.theroAdoes mal test.ngshould be replaced by common s,nsc
not require manufacturers to test their products on Spacx.rxohib.tsmuchfurtrKdi.ssKMiof the
animals 1 h, Intrepid Columnist was about to tell various claims ami counter claims Suftux ,1 tosay
vou wrwt Scott VanValkenburg the New England that three days on the phone everybody and
n? Vivisection Society s program dircxrtor and hisbrothe, led me to the followingconch.suins
KathyCu.llermo, Director of the Caring Consumer (DCiUette may or may not "??
( ampaign -or People tor the Ethical rreatment o. cemed about ending produc lesmg ??J?Ij
Animals had to say about all this B thewav he but it is sincere!) concerned touts, .wn, ohts U
had also mid vou about the 1 D 50 I 1 ethal 1 ose believes, with good reason, that ,t -yds
XI I tost, uhu-h involves feeding something to a animal-test data as "trance against m It. m.
.upofanimalsunrilhalfofthemdie.Thistestsfor hon dollar verdicts Evenil. hotes data an thmwn
s t out of court half the time, as CuiHermo says the)
3 PnBoth VanValkenburg and aaillermo are, in the long run ? still must be cheaper for
c allette to conduc t the tests i allette will thou ton
nrettv much thesamethings none too surprising
given the close relationship between their organiza
tions lho told me the FDA already accepts varia
tions on the I D ?0 tost which kill fewer animals
thoueh thou regulations don t make that any too
continue testing products on annuals until it has
?ason to believe that the tests are no longer useful
al)C lEaBt(?arulinian December 6, 1990 5
in cutting its losses in lawsuits Inmyopinkm that
clearly indicates where PETA and NEAVS ought!
SJieiStedthatErmannwas'ing concentrate the,r efforts , hev - n
s,mplishc u hen he implies one has l0 choose lv making a , hange (1 panted this t, .
twtvnsacrif,cingahuman'seyeorananimarseye She said, We ve done a lot of that through cm,
;he has a two vear old daughter and has promotion o. companies thai don I t. si on an
,L?ho, a.hamprlot.onthathasbcen mals- Rwil wasn't really what had mm.nd
, made the point again, more explicit!) Shesaidi
UM aXrlnu, andluillermo also admitted pom. was well taken 1 Ihink this means .hi
H-a.onootthoolain.inthoirhnvluuowas W NES anTas 1St as one
i thebrochuresra.laga.i.ttheDra.zeeye ETA andNEAVS
irritancv test w hi( h is as disgusting and as ha. mful
as.tsounds.Oneinrroduccsdropsofaproductinto theirbrochurctocreatetrKmpress.onthatG kit
n ammal s eye, then observes' me damage, fhe is manned b) sad.sts. though ??J??? ?
brochures imply that a replacement exists. But that representatives say (ami I behove
, eplaccmen a computerized test known as an don'tth,nk ailet.e sexecutivesare hke h a. Aw
Evtex s, is not and does not claim to be a true rate, 1 think the brochures were deliberate slanted


inordertofostei outrage in the reader, which, PE 1 A
mJ t WS hoped would translate into more do-
nations and uv reased membership (not to mention
a more effective boycott) PETA and NEAVS are
comprised of nice people but they're fighting a
battle, and they're not overly concerned about being
honest with the troops I hats a shame, too. since
:i? claim to occup) the moral high ground.
iya aiillermo and VanValkenburg both said,
the 11 A could go a long waj toward straightening
out this moss It the I DA would state clearly and
ifi, alh what it understands to be "scientifically
cpted standards ol testing thouallette would
bcoff the hook If, to concoct a simplified
the EDA said that scientifi. standards of
tin hold thai .illeltc should condiu t one Eytex
. , testinvolving U)animalsfo. ea h
nnxlm t illettewishedtoreleasc then iillettewould
no longer find it necessarv to coivduct tests involving
rnoreanimalsthanthal Plus, when in court they'd be
able to poml to the FDA's regulations and say,
oofc we did what thev said we should oo
i iuilfermoand an al kenburg both expressed frus
tration ??. ith the FDA's failure to provide leadership
in this an a I li Imi thai frustration.
At least I can close with something resembling
good news When 1 spoke with Guillcrmo. she
stated that PETA would have "an update on our
relationship with (allette' this week She didn't
make it sound ominous, so 1 assume she meant
PI 1 A would be repotting something thev consid
ered an improvement in their relationship with
(allette 1 don't know what thev 11 say. but I know
what I'd like to hear
Id like to hear thatallette isi;ouu to saveitselt
a lot oi trouble bv switching to non-animal tests
wheie possible I'd like to hear that PETA and
NT A Varegomi; to save themsdvesa lot ot trouble
by shifting the focus of their efforts away horn
individual companiesandtowardstheFDA,andb)
bt ingstraight w ith thejx-opli-w hodp-nd on them
tor accurate informatum about what indusrricsdo
nd I'd like to hear that the FDA is going to save us
all a lot ol trouble by simph w riting down what it
understands to be scientif kail) accepted standards
of testing. s that companies likeallette can s t
erring on the side of "safety and. presumably,
kill and maim fewer animals
But then, it the world were perfect, w hat would
I write about?
Continued from page 4
Let's be Adamant
iKt I .1111'
i ,lorv w ith suii-
k e sure then
wasn t a i iol the (hon sang
; i Bless meri a in real tired
ng 1 amilv 1 i? s
Onlv the hardcore waited An
hour and 4" minutes late, the
I lelmsian Order finall) reviled
in to Big 1 ots in a innebagi
He's addled, he saddled
"s. ou know back there a few
vears auv. he was the black
mayor ol harlotte, but that's
all right, that's the voters
? . iid midwav thrcvugh his
sp e h I couldn't believe it.
what a racist. ?
Nov. 6 was a bigger trav
esty You,as the voters of North
( arolina re elected him but
that's all right, that's the vot-
?a e no w arm. i
e r s
Nov. 7, Hating It, Went to Dais was th ?
I lamingo's to Prow n Sorrow w hen
Hold type -ax ? I Shinn a.
Go to Loud Party at urdinanct i
i hristine's craz and ' ' '
Christine railed, said she got broken up and peo
was having a trashei Later on ud and thou
a bunch of (ohnnies came by marching to it) Ha
uninvited, whipping little guns only time ECI t. ?
oul to sensor noise and such. knocked out ol then apatheti.
Said people were too loud Mate is when our parti are
VVh it7 loo loud What? Wav crashed,
too loud No Wav Wav You know, bad there a
Christine said she wasn't coupleof yearsago,she wasa
? .pleased seei ng how the po- i ol le g c ha t i n g
lice fined her 5100 and she councilmember
worked a low paving job at one
of the finest supermarkets in Farewell to semester
the whole Southeast region of Goodbye
the country. But she wasn't Goodbye, Big Jesse dine
happy about the fact that the See vou in
, ods eave her two tickets and anuary from In the Bunker.
Bush's critics fail to see the whole picture
Bv Darek McC oilers
! : inrial i olumni!
on .i I
mi- a
nctltS and
Continued from page 4
having a part) would be unable
t0 do ?. even it thev could meet
all the necessarv requirements to
gain .i pe. mit
Asit stands now. the law onlv
works in Greenville it you play
bv the adults' rules and it vou
haveafraternit) or sorority house
.(ir it you -wn commercial prop-
Sgt Doug lackson of the
(Ireenville Police Department,
who researched information for
the Noise Ordinance Committi e
stressed that working with stu-
dents is the key tofindingacom
promise on this issue
'We need intensified efforts
to educate students (about the statutes' and increased co-
operation between the university
and the cit) , he said
Instead the C ommittee do
,Acd that a one-sided "compro-
mise would be better than too
mui h input from the students.
I fespitc his optimism, I ho
mas agreed that students are not
well represented on ityCouncil,
and next fall sele. tionscould re-
shuttle the power structure it
enough students support .and)
dates sympathetic to our needs
"We (the students) ton Id be a
major voting block next tall he
said And there are a number of
at large seats(onCit) oun il)
rjarring a miracle on I ifth
street this amended resolution
will pass despite its flaws, -u
students v ho .ire registered ot
ers in Greenville will be left to
deeide their fate next fall.
Presently . our onlv hope is a
return ot The King to save us
from these adult oppressors. I n-
tortunatelv. Elvis was last seen
working at the I astFareinl izard
Lick, N.C and given heis55,it's
doubtful he would consideraca-
reer move trom cashier to CTU-
sader this late m life, especially
with all those I winkiesand Mallo
(. ups staring him in the face
r? national
v seems to be
? ; . Domestk
? ising on the is
? nsorship, civil
ial problems. Such
situations call tor an innovative
yet critical approach to leadership
Ralph Waldo 1 merson once said
? ? olisfi consistency is the hob
in of a little mind
Bas I merson s,nd we
shouldn t be afraid to move in
ital areas ol oui life 1 lowever, I
am against this idea lodav. we
especiallv need a consistency of
thought no! necessarily action.
Presidentieorge bush has
become a more ontroversial tie,
ure on the political -none than he
eve. was before 1 le started out
with the premise ol promoting a
kinde. gentler" nation Onewill
soon learn that this is not a kind oi
gentle world It it was up to the
radical liberals and elements ot
the press, it never will be.
A kinder, gentler nation must
be one that is based in C iod whk h
is an idea that many can't accept.
W should move toward this kind
Ol nation because the increasing
ice md secularization will de-
stroy our moral character It we
destroy our moral character, we
will ultimately destroy our in-
dustrial character. Ourmoney will
be spent on avarice and desolation
and our land will be laid to waste,
ah coiManp rmmtSK. :
7?? 7ZJ7sN To GREEN YJUi
mu? ri like the ities of Sodom and
( .oinmor.ih
When President Bush mack
that statement main people 'es
po iall) liberals) thought that it
meant that he would try to solve
the problems ol the world. Main
thought that this meant he would
tb.iow moremoney; astheliberals
do at ever) social problem that
faces America It simply meant
that he would listen to people's
concerns, promote the application
ofhristian ethics and principles
through o!un!eerism (points ot
light I and strengthen party unit)
which the dissenters make a
difficult task
President Hush has been
criticized for being inconsistent in
his actions. This may lv true.
1 lowever, he has been consistent
in his thought. 1 hs thought is
consistent w ith the American ideal
of opportunity that is advanced
through a free enterprise, capital
istk svstem, not big government
Hush has been criticized tor
pushing tor a reduced C hild are
bill which analysts say will onlv
provide an additional $234 per
vear per recipient m tax credits
mk f0 million dollars to the
states toexpand child care services
He is criticized for rejecting a
questionable Civil Rights bill that
needed more work to be accept-
able I le has also been criticized
tor his record on environmental
and educational issues. 1 lowever,
these critics fail to recognize that
hispohciesareconsistent with tlu
C constitution
rticle H. Section 3 ol the
c (institution states that the Prcsi
dent shall take care that the laws
be faithfullv exc uted fheC on
stitution is tlu law of the land and
the liberals are not faithfully ex
ecutingthem Article I, Section H
gives thecongresscertain powers.
It states ' fo by and collect taxes,
duties, impostsand excises, topav
the debts and provide tor the de
tense and general welfare oi the
United States
In considering what the role
of the government should be, the
liberals have focused on the words
"general welfare I'veoftenbcen
accused bv them ot pulling scrip
tures out of context from the "two
thousand year old tomb They've
down the same with the Consti-
tution. The sentence reads in
context, "general welfare of the
I nited States It is talking about
the bod) politic ol America "
not necessarily it's people
The national government has
no place in the lives ot individuals
either tor the good or the bad
Ihev can help the States which
address critical issues such as
poverty and hometessness, even
though thev can't be expected to
solve everyone's personal pre
ferns! thev are not Constitutionally
authorized tointrudeinto people s
President Bush's critics tail to
see this 1 commend him tor tul
filling hisduty and taking steps to
prevent a big government
Letters to the Editor
Errors in 1989-90
yearbook were
blatent, costly
lo the Editor:
1 realize that being on a
yearbook staff is not easy. As a
matter ot fact, it is a very hard
anil demanding task. Hut the
glaring faults in this year's
yearbook cannot beoveriooked.
There are several spelling
errors The one that astounds
me the most is "Angle Flight.
At first, I thought this might be
a tv po. But then I read further
and it was misspelled every
lime. Come on guys, it's Angel
Right, not Angle light I his
w as ust one ol the many spell
ing errors that should have been
i aught before the book went to
the printers. This is college, and
mistakes like this should not
A picture is not supposed to
be spread across two pages un-
less it is a natural spread, lust
thumbing through! the Knk. 1
have come across at least eight
pictures spread across two pages
in a spread that is not natural.
And speaking of pictures
lust how much mileage are you
supposed to get out of one pic-
ture? Many pictures were used
more tharj once in the yearbook
There are at least 16,000 st u
dents at ECI , but by looking at
the yearbook, one would never
know it
Other than the People and
Sports sections, it seems as
though the same people keep
showing up in the pictures. Is
this all ust a coincidence? Or.
more than likely, are these the
people who know the photog
raphers and the people on the
yearbook staff?
Perhaps we would all be
better off if there had been no
vearbook At least we would
have saved some money
loseph S. Corlev
'?, '

? m . , i?? ?? m ?-
. - i ?? ? ?
41 ?? am?? ?

?ht iEaat QIarglinian
ttARFR 6.1990
typing and photocopying services.
We also sell software and computer
accessories. 24 hours in and out
iuarai leed typing cm paper up to 2(
tend writtenpages SOTProfessional
bmputerServices,106 East 5thStreet
beside Cubbie's) Greenville, N.C
ICES: 24hour turnaround on most
projects Designer fyp neai ECU.
751 933 M-F3-5
Ferni papers, Dissertations l-etters,
Resumes, Manuscripts Projects Call
loan yb-y ft
WAKE N'BAKEHFoi Spring Break
In (Jamaica 'Cancun Margarita Is
i ravel Free?! Eariy Birds Cot Free I
shirt Call 1-800-426-771 )
Spend it in me Florida KeysorBaha-
ison one of our yachts 11 meals,
. , ind fun you could ask for Easy
Miami Fl 1-800 78 ? I
l II l (Ireal gifl ECU! tecembei s
. ition video tape I mlj S25!Call
I i Si .N to order
NEED rYPING?: 15 years experi
? ?; a ln ludes proofreading sp 11
ingand grammatical correction 1 ow
rates C al! C ind) after 5 JO p m or
lea t message I) loll
. imes li tters term papers reports
isci Dts v anabilitv ol storing
ig, jteboard-
ing,arteand crafts,ropcscourse,ctc.),
nurses (RN),and more. Camp Kanata
otters this experience with com pen -
satton based on age, certifications,
to S2500D0 plu RHim and board for
10 weeks Apply: Assistant Director,
Camp kanata, Kt. 3, Box 192, Wake
Forest, N.C 27587. i?iu) 556-2661.
DIVIDUAL or student organization
tor 1991. Eam tree trips and com-
missions while gaming valuable
business and marketing experience.
Please call Student rravel Service at
1-800-265-1799 and ask foi Meianio.
Residency Status and Impon, the
practical pamphlet written by an at-
torney on the in-state residency ap-
plication process. For sale: Student
Stores, Wright Building
: eai ? MIA
ovei and pillows included Perfect
2"4 Leave message
i vears i ?
truck toad Delivered and stacked
free Call 752-3368 and leave mes-
QUALITY BMW'S at wholesale
prices Any year, an mode) Call
Ronn al 830 9339 It noone'shome
lea i a message
MUSI si LL! Daybed in excellei I
. litionS50 c aD( harlotteal 752
ROOM FOR RENT in young
couples homeUemaleonly). S200.00
month plus 14 utilities. Private
bathroomand kitchen privileges. Call
preferred SI 75 monthly rentsplit
expenses Good location to school.
758-0723 ask tor Wade.
MATE? Male roommate needed tor
Spring semester Only S197.50 a
month 12 ot electricity Blocks
from campus and downtown C all
752-8146 or leave a message
$105.00PER MONTH! That sail our
3rd roommate needs to live with us
Clean, big, and excellent apartments.
Includes your own bedroom. Rest
deal around! If interested, cal 1M AIT
or SCOTTEE at 758-0464.
RENT. Takeovcrlcase $250month.
Great location. Averv Street. 752-
It MAI L NON-SMOKER needed to
share mostly furnished 2-bedroom
townhome. S170month halt util
( all Susan or Stephanie at 355-553?
leave message
FREE rent, uhl & cable in house near
campus in exchange for careattendant
services Will provide own riwm
NO experience necessary (Avg.
worktime: 10 hrwk) Call Michelle
752-1932 after 6:30 p.m.
decorated,spacious centrally located
townhome, 1 or 2 people. $200
month111 uhlihesorSI25 month
' 3 utilities if share room. For into
month and 13 utilities Call 752-
6130 and ask for Cheric or 1 Joyd.
HOUSE FOR RENT: 2 bedroom 1
bath less than 1 block from campus
$520 per mont Available on Decem-
ber 15. Call Gregg 758-6318
WANTED: Ad venturous, tun-loving
person to travel 'camp to west coasl
overXmas. Ihncraryschedulcopen.
Vehicleequipment pro ided Prefer
female, but will ansider male. Call
Bill 830-1734 to discuss further.
REWARDoffcrcd tor the recovery of
a pair of gold colored glasses left at 12
noon on Mondav IMo 12 Please
return to General College office.
ATTENTION ECU Something ex
citing and new is in the rise. Lookfor
it in the lanuarv sky'
CHARMIC: is being my last
newspaper, mv last semester, and
my last'headache, 1 would like to
thank you for puttin up with me and
being my friend rumpy (Hd Man.
AMS: 1 lavca safeand happy h today
season 1 ove, the sisters and :
of Alpha Xi Delta.
Ill Kl, AND llk-v We're tool
forward to getting together with
ot you Friday night 1 efs make this
last social the Km' Love, Al PHA 1
there!You re ill doing i ? I ob'We
love vou guvs! Love th sisters ol
Alpha X: Delta
school I was i razy to believe all your
lies and deceit about what a great
time we'd have at Myrtle Beach
Vou re a scum and cold-hearted with
everything K lose You' re the biggest
jerk I know m one could ever till
your shoos
STUDENTS: Good luck on your ex -
amsand ha vca wonderful Christmas
Break 1 ove. the Alpha Plus
SIGMA PI: Wc had a great time with
you guvs "uesday night Looking
forward todoing it again Love-The
Alpha Phis
ALPHA PHIS: I he semester is al-
most ovei l; ' n there "ion guys
will mak( il Study hard and dogood
on your exams Lovccxec.
DELTA SK.S Wc are looking tor-
ward to our end of-the year-bash
with vou guys Gel ready to party
because wc are going to have an awe-
some time Love 1 he Alpha Phis.
like to congratulate David Ashford,
MikeA d I ro Plavesonthi i
indu tioi : to ?: ? rotl erhood
, v ? ' from
youi ranks, bul the true mer wil
is II Rl At OR IS ITFAKE? on i
sec tor yourself Worldnan
Wrestling Sunday Nighl De
cembt i 9tb Mingeslis im and
Wachovia Banl Be then
- ? rts gi luates! We ire - ?
proud of you Wewisri youthel ?
egreatlyi ised 1 ove,
rO taZcta ish i
off the ship Mvrtle Beach will nev
be the same.
Baird, ohn CantrcB, Rob Bart.
Wheller, Mark Davis, Kevin Han
Vincc Bovd, Brian Johnson,n
Centre. Randall Wynn, and B
Schiff. And to the 1990 dl o Oui
thanks tor another great
brotherhood ot Alpha Sigma Iv
SIGMA U: Our pilgrimage ?
nonal Headquartersm I exington, ?'?
was a blast' We would like to th ? ?
theChi-Psi'sand especially the SAl
for evcivthing! Ron Harris
char is that? Randy Whaley
Grand Pooh-Ha Tommy B -
Ihe Vicc-Pooh-Ba Lee Rog i
"Destruction Master LecCa
"DecorationChairmanTon I li
'Stair Wrestling Champ Hai
ChneKA orSN? Briar M ?
Watch for falling brothers 5p
thanks to let' Mahoncy (Bon
MD, Emerson Crowe (Crowes i
chicken), Troy Plavec (Dow? I
gottadoandgctout),Keith rurl
V, ? erc's you underwear
Ashford (My brakes arc on fin
Dennis 1 Ion t wear that Zcta
;? dto( lay 1 oweryandMike As- i
foralltheirback-upandquietsuj ?
1 ive the Legion of Honor, 11
1 ive Sigma Nu!
through a lot of late-nights, sm -
.?? okes, writtei
? eaten many ot Westernh
and bowled manv or gutter
Don tknowwhal I would haw
? you, you eam the i .
becomea BROTHER ML' NU( MB
: stud 12 15 nrs 'wk
.i: ice researc I t i i . h d
li i Mansfield,enter for 1 leall
rvia ; Research, Phys Quad. N
'ss 4353
I OR SALE Zenith SOSK dcaMop
hlft r rwd 20M byte hard disks,
; 25 floppy drive s's rr ith co-
iroc ssi i and 240J Baud modem
ffer. Ph
A 's
rUNlTY: Going 1 ?me for the holi-
davs? Need i fun part-time job? Ihe
Hi '?? ?. BAKED HAM CO. is in
. rcl of seasonal help to fill our sales
indinter and production posi-
We have stores located in the
markets: c lreen illeo
lumbi Cl ai I ti n, Knoxville, Ra
leigh I ' irhamjGreensboro Winston
Mlmington, Charlotte, At-
a: - ind other major (ities
out the southeast. Please
rheel " e white pages or infom
forth ton nearest your home.
gaining valu il k lif expen
is one or more l e foil mj
counselors, procram special
EOR s l I AK v i Sj ii iel
pies Ready I te 23rd 51 ow
quality Good temperamenl L
pos i old until Christmas ?'?'?
355 ?587 or 756-5988
FOR SAIL: Mattress v boxspring
Rivierasel 2 l2monthsold greal
coi dition. Futons$25. Must s 830-
semester share 4 BR, 2 1II bath fur-
nished apartment. Private room SI 2S
or male, 3 BR, 2 bath house Va
reighborhood. $325 phis 12 utili-
ties Available Dec 15, call (919)87
Room with private bath in largt
house, 1II block from ECU. S20I pa
LOST: lackel and keys Contact
SLICK RIC, Hair, The Total Pack-
age. I e I uger, 1 oom Soul
Boys,Am V !ers i Z M ti
to Minges Coliseum Sund
Bell firr 7-30p.n
MORS Gel ?
membership toth Piratt I
r-4"4o Ket
I ots of extras! Great buy! SharpP '
rape PlayerSlOO.
FOR SAIL: 1 Kceptioi ally nice top
laliry wetsuit, boones and gloves.
756 6823
LOR SAIL 1987 F rd Escorl Good
lition. just take over
S3I 48( ; afto i I p m
condition, jusl lake over payments
HcaiiUful 1'Ijcc i if
? All He ?
? And Rcad i o Kent ?
28W E 5th SiiL-ci
?lAK'aicd Ncji lC"l
?Near Major Shopping CeBUCTi
? lh l-roni Htj;h?a I'atrol Stalixi
1 united Oik-t S3O0 a month
Contact J.I of linntn Wilhams
756-7815 or 830-193"?
t Ifttoe open ? Apt h. 1- S SOpn
c!KlKctT?.n.tI????'?nJ?e,M? .??v???Mi'??fr?
?-? ,ii vhic 1" (?.pe?i?iuitc?'?i.v Wi-Ji??hci
.J Jryei JMO ? umiiui. ?ilh.iul Ji;o a iiKiitth. 6
a urn ii uriMi miirrni iipiii
:rx: Hri? t.cs t. OBatT) Ink
i ? I T Of I OflVR) llllaltlN
WRLSTUNc. Rill RNS day
Night, December 9th, 7 U p n
MingesColiseum. Am And rson.Ric
Flair, Doom, Lex 1 uger i ny
others. Tickets available at Minges
Coliseum and Wachovia I
ILNMILR JOMS: ! love V"0
all my heart Christmas Hinl
Christmas is here so you better be-
ware, because what you're getting
vou can always wear
TO AN ALPHASIG: You know who
are. You have no conscience
certainly no hearl 'rd
tor me to conVINCE, It's only in my
walietthatyou veleftadertt Screwing
me over was sp uncooi, but I guess
that's jusl tvpical ol fral boys ai this
KlRsi iv ? ?esl ?
ZM1 ??? '? ' '
; e vour boyfriend I ? i I g I
js. trkothersol Mu Nu Omega.
DEI TA IT v ??? to wish
every i ? ? ? rtd ii tppy Holiday
President Beth Speno '? ce-Presi-
d nt Membersl ip 1 V liters
Vice Presidenl Pl d I mmy
Preislei Recording Secretary Marie
Hooper; Corresponding Secretary
Amy West 1'reasurer WendyBailes;
House Manager Becky Lewis. We
know you will do a fabulous iob'
: . was a bias; 1 he
cruisewasexce Inobodyfcll
tn uSmfmmtmttm mu S
Orow C4MW9 TotUy 'ln (H MC V COi
Or iva I? 00 w Wiitch ?????????
n i ase Aim t nu
The Nail Designer
Wfji off all nail servioa
BjCwmyi ecu id
221 B Commerce SI
Vou are invited to attend a study ot
God's Word with a group that wel-
mesafl pei ple We provide fellow-
ship act'eities and serious Bible study
forihosewhoareinterestiti Wemeet
weekly on Wed mghtsatruipm al
200 Hast Hth Street, between C otanche
Street and Evans Street. It vou hae
Oiiiestions.callTim I urnerat72-7199.
( ome worship with us at Medical
( enter Baptist Church in our new
location: 1348 SW Greenville Blvd.
(12 west of Lowe's) Sunday school
at 930 a.m Church service at 10:30
a.m Christmas Program on Sunday
December 16. Coffee and doughnuts
will be served before each service.
Contact Mike Lamb at 756-5349.
The Department of Recreational Ser-
vices will be hiring a student photog-
rapher for Spring 1990. Persons inter-
ests! should have experience in black
and white developing, printing,
srtootingacuonand team photos Slide
(35 mm) work is also required. This
above minimum position is ideal for
art students or photography enthusi-
asts. Contact leannette Roth at 757-
6387 A portfolio is required during
the interview
A fantastic deal1 Enjoy 3 days and 2
nights of prime skiing at the Winter-
green Ski Resort tor Si 70 (with own
equipment), S200 (without equip-
ment-lessons supplied), blU) (with-
outskiing). Cost includes: lodging,all
lift rickets and transportation. For
additional infocall 757-h398orstopby
204 Christenbury Gym. A pre-trip
meeting will be held Dee. 12 at 5:00
Attention Special Education Majors:
the Student Council for Exceptional
Children will hold its last meeting of
this semester Thursday, December 6
at5.15p.m.inSpeightRoom201. Hope
you can find the time to join our fam-
ily onelast lime before wc head off for
the holidays! Come join us and you'll
see what vou've been missing!
The North Carolina Chapter No. 1 of
the Pearl Harbor Survivor's Associa-
tion are joining other veterans in a
recruitment drive for all branches of
the armed forces - Army, Navy, Ma-
rines, Air Force and Coast Guard.
Any young adults (ages 17 to 35) in-
terested in getting information should
see representatives from these armed
services on Saturday, December 8, at
thcGreenville Holiday Inn, 702South
Memorial Drive from 0900 to 1300
(9am- lpm).
Place: Minges Coliseum, Time and
Date: 12.00 noon Tuesday, December
11,1990. A passing score on this test
is required of all students prior to
declaring physical education as a
manor Students must maintain an
average 1 -score ot - on the six-item
test battery and have a T-score of 4
on the aerobics run. Any student
with a medical condition that would
conrraindicate participation in the
testing should contact Mike
McCammonorDr Gay Isaraelat757-
4688 1 o be exempted from any por-
tion ot the test, vou must have a
physician's excuse A detailed sum-
mary oi the test components is avail-
able'in the Human Performance of
the test components is available in the
Human Performance Laboratory
(Room 371, Sports Medicine Bldg.).
Your physician's excuse must specifi-
cally state from which items you are
All ECU students are invited to at-
tend a study abroad exchange ses-
sion to be held on Thursday, Decem-
ber 6 at 3:30 p.m. in General Class-
room Building 1001. If you are think-
ing of or have ever considered study-
ing in another country or on another
l S (ampus, this is the perfect oppor-
tunity to learn how to make it work
tor vou! The workshop will present
Ihe opportunities available, explain
the programs and how to appK Stu-
dents will learn how to investigate
Study abroad programs, application
procedures, and how to assure trans-
fer credit. ECU programs offer sum-
mer study in Italy, France, England,
and Costa Rica and semester or year
long stud v in over 63 countries and at
99U s eoilegesand universities. Don't
miss out on this worthwhile meeting.
It could makea world of difference in
your education' If you are unable to
at tend, con tact Ms Stephanie Evancho
in Brewster A-l 17 or call 757-6769 to
set up an appointment.
Get excited about Christmas break -
AMA Christmas Dinner at
Grandaddy Rosser's on Thursday,
Dec. 6th around 5:30 p.m. If inter-
ested in joining in on the fun, please
sign up on Marketing Board so we
can make a reservation. We'll pos
theexact time on the board. AllirH
bersand guests are welcome
The Tar PamlicoGreen Committee is
hosting an International Vegetariai
Supper on Friday,DKenber7,at6 v
p m The dinner will be held at I
Baptist student Center on 511 E M
Street. Tickets will cost S5 per pers.
Live Entertainment will be provided
For ticket information, call Heathci
Modlin at 830-9483.
All members of ECF are encouragcx-
to participate m this year's Christmas
Parade scheduled for Saturday, De-
cember 8. All volunteers and their
Little Fnends should meet in front ot
the Old Farm FresMcomer of
Greenville Blvd, and Arlington) at 9
a.m. The parade begins at 10 anv
Dress warmly, wearing your ECF
shirts weather permitting. For more
information, contact David Overton
or any of the Executive Council.
? ?
? ? ? ? ?

December 6, 1990
elite i?aiit (Karnlinian
Sweet F.A. sticks to guns on debut LP
Bv Deanna Nevgloski
St.itt Writer
It was sometime last year when I first heard ol the
Midwestern quintet Sweet F.A I saw them in .1 lot ot
magazines and tlu rumekeptpoppingupinconversatiorts
with some of mj musician friends Anyway WZMBPm
gram 1 Hrector U Records Rep. John Raehanded mea
pubiicif) pi. kageof the band List mixter
hafswhatlhadbeenwatting tor itwastheonh, wa
i could team about Ate band. Although, thou killer debut
release, Stk ktoYourQ ins" pn-ttv mi m h si mis i ip what the
band isrvalK .ill about but more on that later
Soaftej all the talk about Sweet I A. it was about tune
that I meet thesegii s nxl t atdh .meof their liveshows Aixl
tint sanother thing ! want to talk about
1 01 months on end, in ever) magazine article, I kept
reading ah mt their livesht ws I waseven k ld that the) woe
the best riew live band to come out in a long, long time
And ftnailv it happened, lohncalkd me one afternoon
to toll me that Sweet 1 A is coming to North Carolina.
I lailohiMlv Hio would beat the Switch in Raleigh on Nov.
h and vours tniK would get to do an interview with the
band ptusseealiveshow thatwasgiseaitfeedtokickmyburJ
and leave me deal kx the next week orso
li the
Rileieh. 1 omldn't think ol an thing
1 k but Sweet A Ehe now album made me think about
? - ? iRHimwouldbehke.btrtthenIthoughtInr?ght
be getting ahead it myself. I pulled up m tn mt 14 the Switch
at 7i 11 p.m sharp llx- interview was to take place at 730.
lsto? 1 an mux! tor anovtra rive minutes waiting tor lohn
toget there. kThnandlwentintothedubaround7:30tDmeel
vocalist Steven 1 X-l ongfthe nest of thvbaixl iscoinprisedof
guitaristsjon' I jghtring hrffmanandJarnes'T'Thunder,
bassist lim Quick and dntmmerTricky 1 are)
Since the band was pn-ssod tor tinx vw decided to kill
hods with one stone DeLrmghadtDbeattheN.CState
? on k .its.? 1' SowedeeJdedtodopartofthe
interview onthewav InVS Kt , and the rest of it on the wa)
hack to the club
Since neither (ohn nor I know the wav two guvs from
Sweet FA is a blue!
I ane Jim Qmc St
birth. t the band V I
together :? r the ? 1 ? ?
five-rnanbandv .
and the rest f th m
becorrttnga Kind in I ?-
Hi.?outfit togeth 1 It
eight 01 mi tunt- ontl
then headed out lob 15 Vi
labels rheshowcasest am
soonSweetl wasdoini
and '? ?n puHisJ 11
V the hand waite
1 ompanies Sweet F.A. I ?
N. State showed us how loget there I took the backseat,
- -? ? ngwasmthepassengersidc
: , ? ts- it ?? andamuktoioredbandani)
, ? ??? ?;? . ratuUtirDeLongonthebirthol
KhttT,Min.Lil4vlK4kandti)eIiKiiaui Uistdlotxi s
Bmmlf&Mbt0l Stick tolfourt tat Ihealrnimdnpswiih
? . ? ? ,K ? tuncstl ? ? ? iranteedloput nppei
. ? .? 1 . ?? . rse nespeciallyappealingattnbutc
fed to thel2-packed and loaded debut
s wednm through the at) I fcLong went into the
Mrp'v ;?- : ?
workingband ? ?
And so perhaps I v I ? 1
t, 1 bn ak cfc .vn tin ban iei
miiMciixfustrv WhiteL m.i
metalrneccas i" nabo
mon loth Midwest tl
I eeSun mer ! i&nQu
"Ve had to break d ? ei '??
Photo by James Bland . courlasy of MCA Beords
ma I outfit features the talents of Tricky
nb is to break downtratf barrier in
1 , minds
' H Re 1 irdsHoed the music and theSweet F.A.
? I them last year to their label. Sgned to a
. irdanlTstiarrngupthechartsCtetxmgsaidthat
Lvtl ' srwi i .? 1 siuavstul-tintvntlx'nvid.
I tesaid : ialt was dHoughthehrstsuiig people resize
Wehrvilh hittheN Statecarnpusandneaii) ranovei
some gu who wasn't pa) ingattenbon Wealagreed fxd
mum -pi bump, but then apam it niieht
essupthe bag 'o tapes" in the trunk
tth ? tdiostibon eLongta?aboattherecording
? eir .ilb'im I used words liko "burned out" atxl
? .its, nl 'lx' endless hours ol singing and
? ? ? libumjust nght
. ?. , ti V.spentl2tol3hixssadayinthestudio
eks downing plont t Mountain Dew to stay
H . HTtgwentimoastar) abouttheha?drodan' ruix-
! ii uttk-i mM ontlvalNim
in the iniamousRV from Hcfl"
Liaixlthei recorded in Atlanta, ? wheretherest
? Mlbum. ? rded with producer Howard Benson.
thatthesongwasactualy recorded m the
RV instead ot tlx- srudk.
Thit's vvhv vou can hearall tliount.imiliar siunvls it
you listauloselv. aixl vou 11 hoar tlx' arm al 1 'I th. 1 V Minn. -
pia lad Wo toiiixi out tnm this stewy thlt 1 1 ?'in; is.i
confesGedcarnrvtre Ye5tofcs,heisarneatvaterindii 1 ??
arxl roll business
The driving force behind another fcwt-stompHi b
"Nothin for othm was written when DeLong w.i-
pouring concrete back m hndianapois
Back on the mad Ifs around &30 We're right
schedule but Ivilt wa) down tlx- mad we reafea that th?
cheesvdinv1U'nsworotioto,i'ini;toworkti'rtlM a b I I
the dub. So, we decided to find our wa) out ot tfosh 1
pompon with the interview
W)iik'l(hnaulI-loiv,tilktiab?utK A mm.Kitm
iiebackseat trytogto figure out where we wcreg tog
Wen-lost' 1 huiwiHudeawlion wvan ' fohnandiari 1
IromRaleighsohe'sjustdrivingaroundandl mfookin
locations on our drawn map Wegetona road that vm
think will load us to tlx- Switch and .ontnuu
Benson.feewanresponsibleformakingakii kin'Sweet I A
nvord HesaidtfKrt they used tieawchpkiyer-oriei
roLitxnship.allowinpbiththoKiixlaiKipri?.iiK.Ttr. hai .?
Iakoak-ttornejit.Tistraii;ht'WU !? an ??
hopekssh lost! (K'te'sadeadend Isitbackandwatthk"
break noncrous trattu laws whilethinkinpabout nn next
question Spread Eagle, a cool Ml AbandfrornNlev York
is Hanng rnm the speakers
Anyway, sina- K A was nOuikiiru tlx ir nx-Uil hard
lock depvirrnx-nt. 1VI ong said tkit his Kind was picked ti 1
help strengthen therecord compan) s foundation
As w- begin h' circle the beltlirx- tor trx ritth tin.
DeLong and lengagL'inaconversatioiia ?
Fxcursjon Sirxv txth i us come rn ?n mihtin. femmhes
! VI t ng's tatrx-r was in the Amu and nnn ? is 111 tU- Manix-
1 rr1 wrventundintothesi'n.u-u'nxorNiti?'r.tok.p
ninxlsoM thenxxl
"SticktoYourt ,11ns. a Western stkvi, bfose) ballxJ
major. "Ya carry your own weight well. You potui team to
earryotfieistoo, WhmtrnesstartgiL-ttnV tougKlustreniemKi
he-n- s what you gt t b - ck ,Oh you g tta stic k to yom
boy DeLongsfogs
I'Uix; h.Ki hopes ot guingovvr to Saudi Arabia ten
OaisaiMS to pfcry for US troops statfomd over there His
cousin is oix- ot them ! nfortunately, logistics anadn I h
worked out aixi tlx-Kind waspohtoh rerused
See Sweet page 9
Holidays provide ideal
pleasure reading time
By Robin Duff) t Wnlr
tront ot the 1v with a I ?? ink
one hand and a trashy novel in the
ired reading for classes Best ot all. those sleepless
11 be a tedious, time-consuming nights spent typing end-of-the-
nrocess tor students in those semester papers and cramming for
packed in study hours during the finals, vou may find yoursell at . 1 home a COUple ot weeks Liter.
' nfortunateh reading from bored to no vnd with I eave it to
textbook must some tunes Heaver reruns and predictable
. . , it to mon len ind- Harlequin love plots
types i work like If you enfo) reading outside
? iper or studying for an of class and you're looking for an
xHn alternative to Danielle Steek? and
, . . n you tmalA do manage Stephen King (although they re
0 take a breather, some- great authors m their own right),
itablycomesup, whether vou might want to drop by a used
hour at the Elboor some book store
They have man) books by
contemporary authors al dime-
storeprices I nlikea library, used
book stores allow vou to keep the
books vou want to read over and
over or trade or sell back books
that vou don't want to keep
See Books, page 10
tin tin
It si
? 1 n
?nt that was somehow
,r. be asking yourself
around 8:15 in the
f ,1 Monday night Ro
? ? iture le lure, "When
m- to get the chance to
plop into mom's barcalounger, in
Throwing partie
Orristmas traditions
observed around world
By Mary Parrish
staff VVril-r
Partving is ust as essential ti-
the ollcgc expeftence as skipping
class all night (ram sessions and
Oodlest NoodlttSoup. Witfi the
endol the semester andhristmas
appmat hing, b'th lir(l core and
freshman level patUers are looking
tokn V up their heds
Although sotneexeellent parties
are born of! loo many guests at one
time, the best parties are carefully
planned and prepared it vou are
new on the p,irtv eireuif or it vou're
looking tor a chance to earn vour
"I'arty Master" Seoul Badge, then
throw your own bash Here are
some hints to make vour party a
sik ess
Guests. Inv.tea lot ot people!
t hancesare only half ol theinvitees
will show up, so unite twice as
main as you want there It ever)
one does show up, well, what the
hell the more the merrier I once
heanl the following announcement
over the loud speaker system at a
bar SWrfeyisftaw'nganflrrySawrifd ?
late night I) vou can find it, you ??
ln iteditterent kindsot pei ipfe
Nothing is m(n, boring than an all
prep or all hippy party On sour
guest list include both hippies and
preps, republicans atxl denioi rats,
Baptists and atheists. Hacks, gays
skin heads.shv people, wild pel ple.
tall people, short people Encourage
your gueststodrop their inhibitions
and get to know one another
Refreshments. Forget the po
tato chips. Get a keg. For little more
I. tit
? 1
till be
bu. ks b.i. k thn ugh
so don't even w
i ? tap it and
li itel)
in 'li. tiv
ur 50
Mil it II
, ; . thing Idon t believe that people
.in- innatel) dishonest, but I know people have a tendency to pick
up small items and forget thai they
h them rhat button or sea shell
1 ; . tion will simpK not make it
through to morning. I Vsignateone
nxjmascompletelyoff limits where
vou can hid yom precious items.
It you have nice furniture, a
white carpet, or any other non-soil
so ,jon I even worn anOUt ll U wnmtarpei, 01 .inv 011K.1 nwii
peoplefeellikehelping; lk i with resistant items, tfen have tire part)
a few dollars just 1 on id 1 it a m. ?
gestun and use thee tra dough foi
ten ming Person
the hat, or
tin d
bre ikfasl ttv
all) 1 ?
woi ?
simi? i K
invited ? ?
afford tl
have had it
I reparin
it your neighbor's house. Youdon't
want to spend the whole evening
cleaning Spills or ordering drunks
oil the sota You II come across as
eitherbitchy or anal retentive- tx-i-
ther of which wfflcontributetoyour
ou couldn 1 party reputation. PlanonsonretWng
Xl int getting broken or permanently dts-
? h
u I
hotiso i lul
See Parties page 9
Bv Michael Harrison
StJtt Writer
c hnstnxis is cerebrated in e
er time zone of the world. Legend.
foikloreandwaysof celebration vary
trtMri country to country, but com-
monalities exist, too. Gift-giving
lasting, singing carols and having
reiigpousoeremoreesareaB common
characteristics of Christmas that
differ onlv in detail.
The Middle Fast. Christmas
here is marked as a mingling ot Fast
and West as well as ancient and
mcHJern traditions.
Recordings ot Ping Crosby s
version of "White Christmas are
sold (even though snow is rare
there), as well as Arabic versionsot
Silent ight Fewer shopsdisplay
vacant lots house Chnstmas trees
(Modem city streets an- decorated
with colored lights, tinsel, and street
vendors roam the streets selling
Santa (.lausballoons. University or
ganiations perform Amahland the
Night Visitors, and schools present
Bethlehem lies 150 miles a wav.
and an Eastern atmosphere with
biblkal undertones infiltrates the
town, despite large numbers of
tourists Mosques stand alongside
Christian churches, and prayers
trom Muslim worshippers are said
to intermingle with singing trom
Trees planted before the time of
Chnstarestillthnving outside town,
and shearers still watch flocks bv
night in the fields.
Great Britain. Bells signify the
oncoming of Chnstmas here.
Candlelit church services are held
around communal Chnstmas trees
where people sing. In Wales, young
men escort the minister to pro-dawn
services by lighting the way with
tonhes. After prayers and the ser-
nxn, psalms and hymns arc sung
until dawn.
Families feast on turkey, mast
potatoes mincepiesand plum pud
dings Tables are decorated with
whistles, paper hats and crackers
that contain riddles fortunes and
small gifts
rhoscwholiveinScotland wait
tor midnight outside the Iron
Church in Edinburgh Otwv the
midnight hour strikes peopledancc
to festive music from bagpipes
AtStoneh.u en. balls otbumin
ropes coated with tallow, or animal
fat, are swung about on cords
some parts of Angus, peopk will
dance around bonfires
Germany Austria Main of
America sChristrnastraditionsha-e
stemmed from Austria
It was in Europe that evergas n
trtA-s were brought into peopW's
homes to symbolizeeverlastinglifi
See Tradition page 8
Coming Up
1 hursdoy
rhe Farm
Sex Police
Movie Dick liacy
The Blonz
Mr Potato Head
Billy Club Fest
Movie Dick 11 acy
The Treehuggers
Johnny Quest
Movie: Dick Tracy
Movie: Dead Calm

8 HIk ?aat (Tarolinian December 6,1990
Campus Voice do you think about the five
cent raise on the gas tax?
Continued from page 7
Kevin Carraway, Senior
i didn't oven really notice the increase
Saddam h.i already raised it so high
differcn c does five more cents make'
Beck) Tope I reshman
Edu ation
I don i like it ! he gas has been raised I . ?
emuigh already I don't think it - the right
time for an increase in the pi i e
Ike Copeland, Sophomore
Industrial 1 echnology
I tin nk it s going to be gotxi cons d i
deficit .nd the situation in the i .nil
rrees .il1 came to be nvl .is an
integral pai t ol hristmas and
eventually trees were decorated with
class balls and tinsel
holida treats like Marzipan,
lebkuchen springerlc and stollen
I a me fromkrman as well as the
dvenl calendars with windows
that are marked off, da b day, as a
countdown so to speak, to hrisl
mas das
I vei crei n iv reaths v ith t h it
. arniles are hung in man hi i i ?? ?
about .1 month heton Chiistmas
and one i andU is lit ea h Sunda
until Chnstn i: I ?
naspe tofChristm.i real
Britain that is perhaps most unii lal
I has a more smistei undertone Lee
end -viwl m I spit it roanuxl alxnil
Id inne I hi istmas I o drivi .i . ,n
the spirit- ; - ; ? ui hornfn
tumes traveled from honv to home
the fTiursda) b tore hn: tn isand
kmx ked on dooi rattled ? owbells
and cans and cracked whips
Another ire it Bntaii '? .?? i
that of I atheri h ?? tn i i kind
hearer ol gifts I lesuj : ll tra
i led w ith i ostumed i : inions
Ik i w ould punish in '? ?
dren stmehmi v I .vitch
? ? hristmas hoh
? ? it Bi itam is marked h
l.mie I ).n is. Senior
(. ninitial fustice
It s not a good id? .)
Ixvnraisi I
v ink Mirakh, I reshman
I i onomus
It s too high alread 1 van onlv afford t
put 5(1 ients in at .i time ni
I 'implicit h M.iriirn K kinMi
(Photos bv Steve Stalev 1(1 Photo Lab
WZMB Top 13
I onnells ? '()ne Simple Word
; Sisters ol Men s ision ' I n
3 harlatans I k Some Fru ndl
?J in liml
5 I he Ricks Hawaii Av
h Naked Raygun Ravgun Naked
7 And) Ban kman Pen l,cl K
skw ioo Pells Hold Me I p
v Brian Kit. hie I See a Noise
( iang ol Four ? Brief I liston of th ll
11 Excne ervi nka Running S in
Hindu I ove? .ods Hindu I
13 Blake Babies Sunbum
ompiled b Beth III ison
Next Week in Film
"Cinema Paradiso" to conclude
Student Union film series for 1990
rhe finale of this semestei sfilmseriesat M i I ' II ' ' nt
( (liter is the Italian masterpii ? incma Parad ; :
Tornatore wrote and directed this enchanting film full li
romance and fun It is no wondi i thai this movii I I
( irand lur Prize al the prestigious Cannes Film Fcstiv il and the
. adein ard for Best Foreign Film ol 1WN '
Tornatore tells his stor) in a small villagi in postwar Su il
before rVs and VCRs. The film recreates a time whei peopli
gathered in shoebox theatres, like the illage s inema Para lisi ?
ti watch flickering images thai i ould conjureup the w hi tie ?.??
? ? ?. beginsasaflashbai k througl tl i ? fafal rless
etghl year-old boy named Salvatorc played b Sal il re ascio
i vatore persuades Alfredo 'Philippe Noiret) the Paradiso's
projectionist, to take him on as an assistant !h. little bo quiekh
? ilshishcarl Alfredo soon grants him a ver spo lal priviegi
he al I ? issistanl to si tl films uncul I I i I
villa : ? ' rdei thei m isionol u . gin ; I amoi
Later, Alfred urgesthi adolescent Sal va ton Mai i 11
to find new experiences outside the confining village rheyoui
man takes his advice and docsn'l look bacli until .itter he has
become a successful filmmaker in Rome I pon hearing thai
Alfredo has passed away he returns to Sicilv for the funeral This
gift is too wonderful a surprise to reveal You must see it foi
yourself Wednesday, De 12 at8p.m
Admission to this and all Student I Inion tilms is tree w ith a
valid ECU Student ID The student I men Films Committee
would liki to thank EastCoasI Musicand ideofortheus. fthi -
ideotape in the review of this tilm
Nexl semestei s film s hedule leeks even bettei than ?
I he coming attra rions at Hendrix I heat re m. In l thefollown
?(.host: "Flatliners "Young Guns 2 Presumed Innocenl
"Jacob's! adder I aud I j m h's "Wild at I lean theoutrageous
I ie Me Up! 1 ie Me I town "I lenrv and lime" and much mm h
more' hook for the Spring Semester Film Schedule al the inter
matu n desk at Mendenhall Student (enter when veu return from
(hristmas Break You won't want to miss out on a single reel'
Compiled by Amv Yongue
and dnnk tor them Today, however,
ti u d is left i inly tor Santa Clans
Making candles is a popular task
in Sweden On December 13, Saint
i ucia's Day, a young v;irl wcanng a
white gown and a crown ot candles
will lead other young people to awake dawn and offer them coffee
and wheat cakes
The girl with the crown rcpre
sents the revered 1 ueia of ancient
Syracuse who was said to have her
eves gouged out foi net renouncing
In jhn hanfaith Repn ntinghcr is
a SOUghl alter hener among voting
A re enactment of the (ourra ol
the ITiree Kings te Bethlehem is an
ether time honored tradition People
in costumes will follow the three who
portra the I hrei !? i
As ter te d ,i i hristmas ti ast
tradihonally in ludes a pig beer and
A vigil is held at many ? him lies
on December 31 and prayers begin at
midnight Parties an then held in
restaurants and halls where voung
peopk1 parade down streetsandi hur h
bells run; bringing in the n ?? ear
Itah ? : I ?- if mali 5ai ta 1au
nanuxi I ad Befana I vn anuarv 6
,i :ldf' "i ream the streets and hlov
paper trumpets .?. hile lad) Betan
We Buy:
?Gold & Silver Jewelry'
(Class Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, Etc)
Regardless of Condition
? TVs, VCRs, Stereos, Walkmans Etc
? Microwaves & Dorm Refrigerators
? Cassette Tapes, Compact Dies
We Also Need: Men's & Women's
Large & Extra Large Clothes
leans Sweaters, Jean Jackets, Etc
(Extra Nice Smaller Size Items Will Be Considered
1 f your Parents Have Nice Large &
X-Large Clothes they Don't Need,
Bring Them Back From Home!
i ? ?
On 1 he Down Town Walking Mall Below The Fi
Ah Evans-1 )own 1 own Walking Mall Above Cubbit
(Divisions ol C oin & Ring Man)
AOVtHTISEO ITfM POUCY Eac of These advertised irems is 'eaui'ert to oe 'earliiy ava'labta 0f vai? in each Krog
Sto'e sxcept as Spa ' af!v 'sited this uri aw do run out o'ao advertised ite we will i??r you yoj' choc? o
i imparal ?? ????? when available nvflscting the same savings or a ran "?? ? a- ? - wiM entitle vou to puichase ts?
HdvpriH.t tem at the advertised ; e within .10 davs Only one dor ropon win be accepted pef rten-
COPYRIGHT 199 I ' ?'?' ?'??? " I iOOD 5 NDAN - . rHBOUGH SATUROAY
DEC B. 199 N Rl ; N . ; lAi p ? ?? ? ? ' '?' " ? ENTITIES NONE SOl D tq DEAlEBS
Cottonelle OflC
Bathroom Tissue Pkg
Tortilla Chips

? ? )
8 Ete lost (Carolinian December 6,1990
Campus Voice
What do you think about the five
cent raise on the gas tax?
Kevin Can-away, Senior
"1 didn't even really notice the increase.
Saddam has already raised it so high. What
difference does five more cents make?"
Becky Pope, Freshman
"I don't like it. The gas has been raised high
enough already. I don't think it's the right
time for an increase in the price
Ike Copeland, Sophomore
Industrial Technology
"I think it'sgoing to be good considering the
deficit and the situation in the Cult
Janie Davis, Senior
Criminal Justice
"It's not a good idea because it has already
been raised. Tins is the season to be pity, not
to be broke
Cenk Mizrakli, Freshman
"It's too high already. I can only afford to
put 50 cents in at a time now

Compiled by Marjorie McKinstry
(Photos by Steve Staley?ECU Photo Lab)
WZMB Top 13
1. Connells - "One Simple Word"
2. Sisters of Mercy - "Vision Thing"
3. Charlatans U.K. - "Some Friendly"
4. in limbo - "what?"
5. The Flicks - "Hawaii Ave
6. Naked Raygun - "RaygunNaked Laygun"
7. Andy Brcckman - "Don't Get Killed"
8. Goo Goo Dolls - "Hold Me Up"
9. Brian Ritchie - "I See a Noise"
10. Gang of Four - "A Brief History of the 20th Century'
11. Exene Cervenka - "Running Scared"
12. Hindu Love Gods - "Hindu Love Gods"
13. Blake Babies - "Sunburn"
Compiled by Beth Ellison
Next Week in Film

Continued from page 7
Trees also came to be used as an
integral part of Christmas, and
eventually trees vveredeeorated with
glass balls and tinsel.
holiday treats like Marzipan,
lebkuchen, springerle and stollen
came from Germany, as well as the
Advent calendars with windows
that arc marked off, day by day, as a
countdown, so to speak, to Christ-
mas day.
Evergreen wreaths with four
candles are hung in many houses
about a month before Christmas,
and one candle is lit each Sunday
until Christmas Eve.
An aspect of Christmas i n Great
Britain that isper haps most unusual
has a more sinister undertone. Leg-
end said evil spints roamed about
during Christmas. To drive away
the spirits, people in hornfic cos-
tumes traveled from home to home
the Thursday before Christmas and
knocked on doors, rattled cowbells
and cans and cracked whips.
Another Great Britain legend is
that of Father Christmas, a kind
bearer of gifts. He supposedly trav-
eled with costumed companions
who would punish unbehaved chil-
dren sometimes with switches.
The end of the Christmas holi-
days in Great Britain is marked by
New Year's Eve, at which people
drink wineand beer,danceand have
stnxn parades.
Sweden CnnstmasisSweden's
most cherished holiday.
In heathen times, a Christmas
holidav was still celebrated. At that
time, the dead were believed to re-
turn to earth, so people set out food
and drink for them. Today, however,
food is left only for Santa Claus.
Making candles is a popular task
in Sweden. On December 13, Saint
Lucia's Day, a young girl wearing a
white gown and a crown of candles
will lead other young people to awake
families at dawn and offer them coffee
and wheat cakes.
The girl with the crown repre-
sents the revered Lucia of ancient
Syracuse, who was said to have her
eyes gouged out for not renouncing
herChristian faith. Representing her is
a sought-after honor among young
A re-enactment of the journey of
the Three Kings to Bethlehem is an-
other time-honored tradition. People
in costumes will follow the three who
portray the Three Kings.
As for food, a Christmas feast
traditionally includes a pig, beer and
A vigil is held at many churches
on December 31, and prayers begin at
midnight. Parties are then held in
restaurants and halls where young
people paradedownstreetsand church
bells, ring, bringing in the new year.
Italy. Italy hasa female Santa Oaus
named Lady Befana. On January 6,
children roam the streets and blow
paper trumpets, while Lady Befana
gives presents. January 6 is known as
Ephany, and a church festival is also
held that commemorates the Magi's
arrival to Jesus at Bethlehem
The legend of Lady Befana says
she delayed setting out to see Christ
when He was bom.
Ever since, she has searched for
the Holv Child.
We Buy:
? Gold & Silver Jewelry
(Class Rings, NecklMis, Bracelets, Be)
Regardless of Condition
? TVCR Staeo Walkgarc Be
? Microwaves k Donn Refrigerators
?.?. v .
? Furniture
? Cassette Tapes, Compact Dies,
We Also Need: Men's & Women's
Large & Extra Large Clothes
Jeans Sweaters, Jean Jackets, Etc
(Extra Nice Smaller Size Items Will Be Considered)
If your Parents Have Nice Large &
X-Large Clothes they Don't Need,
Bring Them Back From Home!
On The Down Town Walking Mall Below The Fizz
416 Evans- Down Town Walking Mall Above Cubbies
(Divisions of Coin & Ring Man)
A0VFRT1SE0 ITEM POUCV-Each of th?M advertised items is required to be readily available tor ??? n each Kroger
i specifically noted in this ad. If we do run out of an advertised item, we w off?r you your chain of
in. when avertable reflecting the same savings or a ramcheck which wit entitle you to porches the
at the advertised price within 30 days. Only one vendor coupon will be accepted per Mom
ith Low Prices!
And More
Cinema Paradiso" to conclude
Student Union film series for 1990
The finale of this semester's film scries at Mcndcnhall Student
Center is the Italian masterpiece "Cinema Paradiso Giuseppe
Tornatore wrote and directed this enchanting film, full oi magic,
romance and fun. It is no wonder that this movie received the
Grand Jury Prize at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival and the
Academy Award for Best Foreign Film of 1989.
Tornatore tells his story in a small village in postwar Sicily-?
before TVs and VCRs. The film recreates a time when people
gathered in shoebox theatres, like the village's Cinema Paradiso,
to watch flickering images that could conjure up the whole world.
Thestory begins as a flashback through theeyesof a fatherless
eight-year-old boy named Salvatore, played by Sal vatore Cascio.
Salvatore persuades Alfredo (Philippe Noiret), the Paradiso's
projectionist, to take him on as an assistant. The little boy quickly
steals his heart. Alfredo soon grants him a very special privilege;
he allows his young assistant to sec the films uncut, before the
village priest orders the excision of any glimpse of amore.
Later, Alfredo urges the adolescent Salvatore (Marco Leonardo
to find new experiences outside the confining village. The young
man takes his advice and doesn't look back until after he has
become a successful filmmaker in Rome. Upon hearing that
Alfredo has passed away, he returns to Sicily for the funeral. This
gift is too wonderful a surprise to reveal. You must see it for
yourself?Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m.
Admission to this and all Student Union films is free with a
valid ECU Student ID. The Student Union Films Committee
would like to thank East Coast Music and Video for the use of their
videotape in the review of this film.
Next semester's film schedule looks even better than before.
The coming attractions at Hendrix Theatre include the following:
"Ghost "Flatliners "Young Guns 2 "Presumed Innocent
"Jacob's Ladder David Lynch's "Wild at Heart the outrageous
'Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down "Henry and June" and much, much
more! Look for the Spring Semester Film Schedule at the infor-
mation desk at Mendenhall StudentCenter when you return from
Christmas Break. You won't want to miss out on a single reel!
Compiled by Amy Yonguc
125 SIZE
Florida Tangelos
Fresh Tangerines
Golden or Red
Delicious Apples
5-lb. Bag
Lunch Bucket
125-4.5 Cut
Diet Coke or
Coca Cola Classic
Bathroom Tissue ??"
?MM 124H. CAMS tt.1l
Tortilla Chips

(Htje liaat Carolinian December 6,1990
You will need very few party
supplies, but do stock up on toilet
paper. I f you ha ve a house, you may
want to designate a nice shady spot
in the back yard for "emergencies
Also, never leave out all the cups.
You're guests will be more likely to
guard their personal cups if the
think there are only a few cups left
Break out the extras only when it
becomes necessary
Playing hostesshost Prepare
yourself. You must be in a pod
mood, so relax and get ready to
parry' If you secretly like Rndy
Travis then play a few songs before
vour guests arrive Dress comfort-
ably; blue jeans and a Tee sHirt are
always appropriate Overdressing
mav make some of your guests feel
uncomfortable. Also, I aUvays do
ome pre-dnnking before many
people arrive. Catch that little buzz
and get friendly' Get a really big cup
iso you won't have to hang around
the keg), and just keep good buzz.
but not too big a buzz! You won't
want to get too drunk, because as
hostesshost you set the tone for the
whole party. At my first keg party I
got pretty drunk, casually spit in
the comer of my living room, and
that was it! Everybody got wasted,
and I spent the nextday denning up
a ridiculous and unnecessary mess!
Playing hostesshost is not easy,
so try to get a friend to help with
some of the chores. If you have a
date for the party, remind him or
her that you have responsibilities to
all your guests. You don't want your
lover to get jealous because you ap-
pear to be flirting or just spending
too much time away from him or
Undoubtedly, the most impor-
tant job of the hostesshost is intro-
ducing people to oneawther. I have
silenced an entire housef ul of: people
and insisted that we all sit in a circle
and state ou r names and something
silly about ourselves That's a bit
Continued from page 7
extreme, but a party can't work if
theguestsaren'tmixing If you know
that oe likes to ski and Bob has a
boat, introduce them, get the con-
versation going, then slipaway. You
are the magnet tha t can bring people
Monitor those conversations,
though. Poll tics and religion are still
taboo party topics To avoid taking
sidesinpolitical debates, simply say,
"No one will be free til everyone is
free ! still believe m the Constitu-
" Whose God?" will kill any reli-
gious debate
Entertainment. Skip the
planned games or activities People
lust like to get together and anv
excuse to get out of the dorm or dul I
routine is tine It vou can afford .1
band?- great
Continued from page 7
decided to find a place to ask h r better directions It was
afterQflOand Del ong,alongwithlohnandl.wassweating
bullets. Showtime wasn't tor another three hours, but we
had to find the club before then So we pulled up at this
fancv hotel and got some more directions We had to look
for the CM Wake Forest exit. We kept seeing signs fnr
Wake Forest, but where was theOlcP
We spot theOkl Wake Forest exit and find our way
hack to the Switch. We got there a little atef ?30 )ohn and
Tel ong decided to go out to dinner, while I got some rest
and relaxation back at the club.
1 waited around tor two hours to see the live show,
and it was well worth the wait!
Sweet FA kicked some major bu? and toe names!
I was more thin impressed, I wassptadhleSG
Thev aretlxTxXnew livebaixl around! Pertorminu
s. mgs mm their tfx -hot-t(-handle LP, I wasmesmena d
1 esp t-i.iIU liked the wav thev did the title ait. "Sfc
ID Your Guns (the acoustic pica- in the beginning is
beauhfulland "Whiskey River " "Pnnceof theGty" was
great, too Oh, and ther first videosingle "Rhythm of
Acton was awesome
From De Long's raspv. but stnmg vocals to the guitar
work of Thunder and r Mfcnan (the Thunder and Ught-
Line, 1 wasbrainwashexl bv their music
Who would think tat fiwc guvs from the Midwest
(Kansas) hdtann ami Kentucky I a utd play groat raundh
and mil with go-tor-the-thn vit songs
Not to mention the cot 1 perst iulity ofFEMLong who
hardlv fits thestereotype 1t.1 rod and M'11 stir (which he
willbv no doubt)
Sweet F. A is the Kind I t mc"9fe With a tvillsy, mugh
gtMngtobeannindtorawhile And I betyourwondenng tKit F A stands for?
Well,l Gin'tti -11 vou, but check tiutthealbumand oix-
pi their live shows and vi u II be wantinga piece 14 5?Cl
FA,too! You bet vour Sweet F.A von will1
Oecr. 5th-8th
Femdle"Exotic" Dancers
Open 8pm Dancers 9-1 1pm
F r i da y
Female"Exotic Dancers
Open 8pm Dancers 9-1 1 pm
Bad Bob and Rocking Morse
Rock 'n' Roll and Blues Music
Open 8pm Band Time 9-1 pm
1 iaf?H H inrtaa wf? dfCvmrnmrflm o 20 A'f
A-Aofi 3nft?t0tH)?i 7'0J0Vt
A.partments For Students
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Kingston Place Otters:
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Call 758-5393
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The Student Stores
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cf Apple Qmpur,hK

a Ik ?aat (Carolinian Dicember 6.1990
Continued from page 7
w I
w !
hristmas vacation lasts taste of the aggressive lifestyles of
?a 11 ksoi so iu might some New orkers who thirst for
? fast paced book success .is well as many other
v I'll engrossed foi a things
I he B movie ol "SlavesofNew
written b con tempo York camcoutin 1989; the book
. provide in arra ol is the more preferred of the two.
????, t liki rmisted Other engaging and funny
; tinit rxHks you might want to chock
the first book of a scries out are " The World According to
he ston of a naive but Carp by John Irving
?' ? ? ewoman r,am you might have seen
ih home the movie, but 1 recommend the
? in the fast book
Rita Mae Brown's "Rubyfruil
rm realh lungle 'and'Six of One are also
outstandingbooks with characters
i b I.i'n i who have a unique outlook on life.
Iav : ?w It you need some inspiring
ai subject I his words in your life, checkout "Jllu-
ii mire than just a sions bv Richard Bach.
And if you'r up lor some
comics, there'salw stheFarSide
Calvin and Hoblxs and Bloom
County. The newest Bloom
County, "Classics of Western 1 it
orature is a good choice
If you're into horror chillers
trv Ann Rice's scries of vampire
novels like "Interview with a
Vampire the first book in hei
vampire chronicles
It will definitely give you a
now perspective on vampires
So, if you've reminisced
enoughwitholdfriendsand you r
on tap for some real relaxation
during the holidays, try reading a
coupteof these books. They're wel I
worth it. This way, you can keep
those brain colls exercised for next
East Carolina University's
Student Union Board of Directors
is taking applications for
I i die 1991-92 Term
Any Full-time Student Can Apply
Additional Information and Applications available at
Room 236 - Student Union
v Al )LINE: Thursday, January 17
)bc there at ike
?CU Student Stores
Three nours Onlij
rsdau, December 6, 5-00Km. to 6-00 P.nt.
'Vonderftd &wr
Holiday Salt
? off off r&sweat skirts
10 oirdC"3?
a $soare
Stuffed Animals
Also onearoup of-wearu
(ucediWtc 50
House of Raeford Grade "A'
Florida Oranges, Rome
Apples, Tangelos, Anjou
Pears & Eastern Red Or
Golden Delicious Apples
5 Lb.
White Rain Shampoo
Or Conditioner
15 Oz
Old FashionedJiTTJ.
Ice Cream
Vz Gal:
6Pack-16 0z.N.R.
Prices Good Through Tuesday, December 11,1990
I'ruos In Ihi Ad Eftectiv Dirough runday Decnnfea II 1991 .
We Reserve The KigiM Fo Laatt Qmirtihoi Nooo Sold To Onion WcCUdl) I

Special i

(She iEaHt (garulinian
December 6, 1990
Bucs take
swim past
i hi istine Wilson
suit Writei
nii1' was tlii" name ol the
; n the ECU men s sv im
ti red iiifi'u an I ni ei sity
ixia EC! s olonial Ath
? hampionshiptitle
? iihi lastar
ii: ?. ; iahs now
. said head coach
, !? ? ? .mi! to regain the
mi came away
:?? tory in Washing
American 1 'ni-
: ' i i big meet foi
1 We went in
ithii : ionstoshw them
111 sw miniei n i
' ; than thev did at the
nference i hampionship
iorMarkt yBrien said
?: ? seven broke theii
. C hint's
Itl meet with
i in the 410 yard
i I : I S ? ' ' .
ni Holsti n Steve
? ? ? :? . Lit.
I listen ? ior led
liter lotk iirst
? gh third plaee m Ihe 200-yatd
? ?? ?? ?? ?? I????.?, Amori-
I ossible points to
. : H Isti n took
i tin f 1:58.52
sports in dire
need of funds
By Wendy Smith
Special to The East Carolinian

Celeste Hoffman ECU PhcMo Ljd
I Flipping out
rhts diver and the rest ot the ECU swim team aim to make some waves in the Colonial Athh I
tins yeai After having beaten last yeats CAA champion American University coa hi - - : ? ays that
? im has a chance to take the title tor themselves this season
The alarm goes off .it 530a m
The swimmer gets up, gctsdressed
and coes out the dooi rhe swim
merarhvesat me pool and enters the
buildmg. At precisely 600a.m the
swimmer dives into the cold water
ot the Minges pool to begin the
morning workout
l"hisisnot the way most college
students begin their Monda)
Wednesday, and Friday; however,
tit those swimmers who are tal
eniedandatededicated to their sp ?rt,
thisisexacth how their da) begins
Swimming is not just something
vou an pi k up arid put down like a
book.bul ni.Hu people fail totr.ilii
v.r understand the imountol time i
swimmer put into thespori
A swimmer's day, howevei
involves mere than ust morning
workouts three times a week On
theseda) sthesw immerhasanothei
practice both in the pool and in the
weight room In addition, practices
takeplaceonl uesda) and rhursda
afternoons, as well .is Saturdas
mornings rhe swimer does hov
ever, get Sunday 'sort
day in the life forany student
athlete is tough, espe ialh when the
sport participated in does not gel
much respect or support Ask am
Pirate swimmer.
rhe worst thing sophomore
i ia Purduesaidisthattheet"fortW(
put into it i observed only bj our
fellow sw immers
Although 1 ?( I has a quality
based on a tradition ote
cellence both in the classroom as
well as thr pool, it isotten dittunlt to
recruit swimmers to the 1'irate pro
gram rhe reason tor this is because
Hrateswimnwnghasaverj minimal
There are various items nee k- d
fortheswirtrmingbudget lust mere
needs to be money available tor
scholarships Although the program
isruh in tradition, voiu an notattra, t
top swimmers on tradition all n?
Theswimmcrisalways looking
tor both a quality swimming pro
gramand a program whu hortersthc
most scholarship money Monc) i;
suchake) factor todaj, because the
cost of a college education continues
to rise and the student-athlete needs
to go to a - hool that she can afford
Another part of the h
v. In his net essary ismonej roi fxxi
and kxlging tor the swimmers al
awa meets Monc) is important
herebecauscyoudo not want to put
the swimmers up in a shack ot a
Phi last part of the bu Igettl I
needed t. r theswimmtngpi
is mono for equipmi nt Sim
swimm i needs a suit to sww
this i- a relative necessit) It tl
? ivaHable the
would li kbothridicukusandma
notbeabletoperfjHmorapp i
Ui I'form as the uruvi rsity
ild i:k' "?? tl
suits are i major part of the eq
meni sweatsuits,parkasrkickbtvi
pullbuoys, caps and goggles an
.il-i tiu luded
Even though all of these items
are needed to establish a strongei
swimming program the funds
w Imh an available to the team do
See Funds,page 13
ei ti
lolsten and
ninated first
(lolsten took
f 2:0 I9 and
Simpsons down Plasmids
m tition ami
By Matt Wright
st.itt Writei
.it. -L
The Men's Independent Gold
Division hampionship game
npehrion lay between played luesda) night was not one
for tl eragesoi cer fan In that 40
: place first and di eatherwith20mileanhour
esfirsl savs winds, it would take a true soccer
Walters took first thistimt enthusiast to appreciate the eitort
Brien takinj se put in by the participating players.
ite placed first in I espite the bitter cold and the
ard breastrokein2:12 i2 frei 'ing winds, the Simpsons were
? team suffered a ab! to down the Plasmids, 4-1.
ii merican rhe effect ol thecold could be
id a hard meet against seen from tlvciperungloekoff Botf
!iu' hung in there teams seemed slow getting to tin
? itall they had I fed the) ball. However, the Plasmids con
- American page 16 trolled thekickoff and proceeded to
make a dangerous run as a cross
went ii-t Vi ideot the goal
The Simpsons immediately
worked the ball back upheld ott ot
theensuinggoal kick Thee ripped a
shot, but it was deflected out of
hounds The resulting goal kick al-
lowed the Simpsons to string to
gether effecti ve passes asthey traced
their way back into Plasmid deten
sue territory
Attei successfuly gaining pos
session ot the ball from the denied
Simpson's offense, the 1 lasmids be
gan to apply someattackirol their
own. Asthey were turned away, the
Simpsons shot the ball up their left
wing I'he offensh e drive resulted
in a goal as the Simpsons were able
of the Plasmid giul.
As soon as play resumed, the
Simpsons began to reapply pressure
as they went down field and earned
,i corner kick The crowd ot eight
ogled in disbelief as this
"wormbumer ofacornerkickfound
its way direct!) from the foot of the
kicker, to the far, right hand comer
to the net Hits goal was tallied iist
two and a half minutes after the
on a u His our
l"he Plasmids refused to give
up The) took thekickoff and moved
into unfamiliar territory, the
Smpson'sdefensh v third ot the held
Their attack resulted tnacomer kick
The shot from the comer was
puni hed out bv the Simpsons'
Phe Simpsons again obtained
possession and crossed a Kill al the
mouth ot the Plasmids' goal rhe
Kill was i leared by a defender as a
Simpson was unable to get hi toot
on the ball
rhe Plasmids made another of-
fensive run Ilus attack ended in a
crank from 20 yards out that was
easih smothered by the Simpsons'
goalie. This was the last pkrj of the
first halt as the Simpsons led the
Plasmids 2-0
The second halt opened with
promising attempts nude by the
Plasmids as they made their way
See Simpsons page 15
ECU golfers finish season
By Jeff Craig
Staff Writer
While thev were dreaming oi
sin lngturkev.thel'irategolferswere
sluing up the fairways as thev fin-
ished up their fall season in the ag-
uar Classic held on Nov. 19 and 20.
Ihe twodae event, with seven
teen teams competing, was played
at the forest Hills Colt Course in
Augusta, (ia , the site of the first
Masters tournament. The course, a
difficult par 72, played at over r,W0
Coach 1 lal Morrison wasdisap-
pomted m the teams twelfth place
finish "itelttKitallourplaversu'uld
havedonea little better. Mavlv thev
didn't have their minds totalh ou
golt due to the fact that the tourna-
ment was held over Thanksgiving
lunior Mike "Worm" league
was the low man on the team tiring
st oresot 74and 77 Sor.iono captain
limmy the Troll" Manosshot sur-
prisingly high scores of 7l and 78
I feel im should have played
better because the course seemed to
suit his game Morrison said.
"It was not mv best performance
but I'll be back in the spring playing
likea firecracker Manosexdakned
with his nostrils flaring and fist she
ing theairwiman imaginary dagger.
Coach Morrison tell that over
all, this tall season was a very prom
ismg (mu: "I was pleased with the
results we achieved We had three
straight second place finishes with
our total team scores rarely going
over the 300 mark This is good sign
for us. I am reallv looking torw ard ti i
the spring season
Celasle Hottnu ? ECU Photo Lab
32 Jump Street
Sandra Grace soars over her
oppnonets to shoot tor two
Grace has helped to lead the
Lady Pirates to a perfect 4 0
start this season
Campus offers variety of weight-training facilities
By Scott Palmisano
Staff Writer
jkin' it out
. forward lim Brown drives toward the basket in ECU'S game
i Duke University While most ECU students will be geanno up
ams, Brown and the rest of the team will travel to Appalachian
ite to take on the Mountaineers this Saturday
Have you found yourself
looking in the mirror and won-
dering time and again what you
could do to tone upyour body and
improve the definition of your
muscles, but do not know where
to go or how to go about getting
set up on a program.
Well wonder no longer, be-
cause Recreational Services and
the Department of Housing have
teamed together tocreatea system
of weight rooms and programs
that are set up to fit the individual
needs and wants of every student
interested in improving their bod
There are currently three
weight facilities at ECU that are
open to all students. They are lo-
cated in Christenbury Gym,
Minges Coliseum, and C.arrett
Residence Hall. Plans are also in
the works for a new weight room
in Aycock Hall sometime in the
Spring that will be similar to the
one located in m Carrett.
All three weight rooms have
different types of weights to sat-
isfy the individual. Most serious
power lifters may prefer the free
weights that are located in abun
dance in Minges Coliseum. If you
are the type who reallv wants to
bulk up men these may be the
type of weights tor vou and the
location that is most convenient
Hours of operation are Mondav
thru Thursday (2pm-8pm) and
Friday (2pm-5pm).
For those who simply want to
tone up or maybe improve their
cardiovascular conditioning . the
weight facility located in
See Facilities page 15

uJl?c iHast (Earulintan December6, 1990
Sports Briefs
Southeastern Ski Report
North Carolina:
Vppalachian Made snow ruesday and Wednesday. Will
re 'H'n todaj
Cataloochee: Plans to open Friday Dec. 14
l airfield Sapphire Valley Plans to open Saturday, Dec.
Mill Ridge Plans t open Saturday, Poo. S
Hound Ears Plans to open Fridaj Pee. 21
Scalv Mountain Plans to open Wednesday, Dec. 19.
?ski Beech No report available.
Ski Hawksnest Plans to open Saturday, Dec 15
suar Mountain 15 inch base 1 inch new natural snow
, machine made snow One slope open Packed powder
siirfcV o
Wolf I aurel Plans to open Friday, Pee. 7.
Bryce Resort Plans to open Saturday Pee. 15.
Homestead Plans to open Dot 15
Massanutten Plans to open Friday, Pee 7.
Wintergreen . pen Frida Dec. 7,
ct Virginia:
Canaan Valley 11 inch base. 4 to 6-inches new natural
New Machine made snow Two slopes open Packed
:w dor sutt.K e
Silver Creek: Plans to open today
Snowshoe 18 inch base 1 out to five inches now natural
New machine Made snow Six slopes open Groomed
? lace
rimberline No word v el as to opening date
Salaries rose to record proportions
NEWYl tk P) rhe average players salan rosebya
? , rd $100,000 in 1990 to $597,5 7, .u i circling to tmal figures
issued by the Majoi iseball Players Association.
rhe dollar in rease was the largest in baseball history and
2 percenl increase was the steepesl single season ny
1982 so.ison
Although th ? I
maverai I $8 1 6-1
rld Scries c hampions
the pax ioll race with a
Bruin teammates lead balloting
NEU YORK(AP) Boston Bruin teammates Rax Bourque
and Cam Ncclv extended th ii IsinNHl All-Star balloting.
? ?? ? phvxvinnerastheleague's
top del leads all Prim t Wales Conference players
th lr?8 WS2 x otes Neeh . a right v ing, leads his position and
? ill with 122 1
Peeters named Player of the Month
Philadelphia goalie Pete Peeters, who
s i record n I ils against average in Novenv
is named NHLPlayei i the Month. Peeters, whodidnol
urine October had a 926 save percentage in 15 games
' t career shutout during the month
ordeel hi!
Hall of Fame inducts new members
N (AP) Heisman rrophy winners Earl
- d im Plunketl were among 11 players and a
. . . nduci I into the National f:ooball Foundation's
nan .is a ninnum b.u k at
, hile Plunketl i aptun I I
w ard as quarterback
. j ,(t, rj into the ! lall ol 1 ame at the I oundation's
iwards dinner were Miami fullback Don Bosseler,
estern halfback Ron Burton, William & Mary fullback
: Penn State linebacker jack Ham, Purdue halfback
- . yes Alabama center Vaughn Mancha, Puke guard
??. Washington guard Max Starcevich and Indiana
ntcr ivener.
Ray I Iraves who coached 1 lorida trom 1960-69. was m-
? into the Hall in the coach's category.
Williams captures Butkus Award
ORLANDO Ha (AP Alfred Williams thedefensive
. cr for top-ranked Colorado captured the Butkus Award as
the nation's top linebacker
lliams,a6-foot-6 236-pound senior from Houston, had
uvi 2 12 sacks this season. 1 fe also recovered a
blocked a field goal and broke up five passes for the
0-1-1), who will pi iv Notre Dame in the Orange
j imsedged Illinois Darri k Brownlow for the award.
ived six first-pl.Ke votes, but Williams topped
.?. ?? I 28 in points
Tvvoends voted Players of the Week
V CORK (AP) Ends Al Noga of the Minnesota
IV ? es and Bruce Smith ol the Buffalo Bills were named
. . . players ol the week in the NFC and AFC. The
ive a wards went to tackle JimLachey of Waslwwgfcmawd
m; k Marion Butts of San Diego.
Continued from page 12
not cover everything which is
In 1953, the ECU coach some-
times drove his own ear on away
trips, receiving onlv six cents per
mile compensation. Yet the team
usually traveled in the old paneled
station xvagon That is. however,
when the station wagon was avail-
able. The team members also Uxk
turns driving.
Although the times are not as
bad as in 1953, the very minimal
budget remains a significant factor.
According to head swim coach Kick
Kobe, "we receive an annual five to
10 percent budget increase; how-
ever, this is onlv a cost ot living
Even in 1953, swimming took a
back seat to the revenue sports ot
rootbaH, basketball wd baseball.
cult to increase the budget when
there is no money coming in from
ticket sales.
Although many sportsandaca-
demic departments have been at
fected bv the enormous budget cuts
throughout the state, the swimming
program remained untouched by
the cuts.
According to Kobe, "we have
suffered no cuts or bonuses Non
revenue sports have had nothing to
cut because the budgets were mini-
ma! to begin with It thebudgetwas
to becul anymore, there would be
no budget ai all, In said.
rhe budget is not only minimal
tor the swimming team in general.
but even more so for the women's
Since the women's program
began in 1UT it is not funded as well
as the men. Hie men's program has
more funding because it is a more
established program
I"he main difference between
these two programs is the scholar-
ships and grants-in aid that are
available Since the men s program
has been around longer, it has more
Muffin named Player of the Month
. , YORI ' hns Muffin, who led the (.olden
, V Vrr.ors to their best start in 15 wears, was named NBA
, ,t me m, nth for Nov. mber Muffin averaged 27 l
points S4 rebounds and 4 ?SStStS per game and shot 551
during' the month as the Warn rs .von 10 ot I games
Coleman leads 1990 rookie class
NEW Y iKK I V'1 Derrick Coleman of the New Icrsev
Nets the No I F" k m K,st summer's ?? w8 named NBA
rookie ot the month tor November
Cole-man led all NBA rookies with I6J points and 10.7
rebounds pet ga?W during the month I K is the leagues sixth-
p uhnerebounder with K1.9 per game and established a Singie-
oime high tor the season when he grabbed 21 and scored 28
pomM against Philadelphia las. I uesday.
CmifxIfJ fro"i -l u'ci Vress linrfr
Thisscholarship, however,lstunded
by donations given trom parents,
friends and alumni.
Although the funding remains
minimal, the team and statt both
hope that it will improve As an
optimist, Kobe sees the budget
"getting better however, he has
been here 11 wars, and it hasn't
Nevertheless, the program has
come a long way in It' years, lor
example, the team now travels in a
team bus that is equipped with a
television and V( R. This is an im
provement over the entire team pil
mgintoacoupleot vans Also, when
Kobe took over the program in 1982
the team sunitorm consisted of onk
sweatpants Today, members have
been suited in both brand new
sweatsuits, and custom designed
swimsuits. Yet, theonly reason these
unitonns were possible werebecause
thev were donated to the program.
The team has also managed tit
get brand new equipment and to
stavm nicer hotels with fewer swim
mers m each room.
Although the progress is still
very slow, it does seem to be im
proving somewhat In the past two
years things have started to look up
tor the program.
Nevertheless, ihe budget is not
the onlv issue that plagues the B
swimming programs
Swimming on the It. Li campus
has been oneol the most successful
sports tor the past several years;
however, main pet ?ple would never
realize mat. Most of the KTU student
body tails to realize that the non-
revenue sp -rts are as exciting . it not
ivk ireexciting than therevenue sports
of football, basketball and baseball
Manv students and faculty
probabh do not even realize that
there is a quality swimming pro
.?jam right here on campus
Swimming is torn in main di
rections. ihe tailure to obtain tlu
funds and support is hard tohandk
but the swimmers do so quite well
Does a year or semester of study in England, Scotland, Whales, Ireland,
Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Malta, Kenya,
Mexico. Argentina, Costa Rica, Cvprus, Korea, or Hong Kong sound
Sounds fantastic? But it s just not possible because its too expensive; or
it will delay graduation; or you aren t fluent in a toreign language7
The truth of the matter is that many institutions otter programs in
ENG1 ISH It, ot course, you do have sufficient fluency m another language,
then v our chokes ot study sites will be even greater
The cost7 The cost ot attending a participating institution in the
ti w travel costs, exactly the same as attending, ECU And, in most cases, credits
earned abroad can be transferred back to ECU
It is a fact that some of the finest univ ersities in the world are available at
ECU prices to qualified ECU students Want more information7 lor the
i penence ol your life contact immediately
Dr Robert Hurseyjr.
1S1T Coordinator
Austin 222, Ph. 757-6418
Stephany Evancho
i Mike of International Programs
Brewster Al 17, Ph. 757-6769

?k aunt V) UAJUUt nMLM. TtWttlNUmNbuMRiX
grants-in-aid available to u Accord-
ing to Kobe, "everything else be-
tween the two programs is tairlv
The Wi irnen put in asmuc h time
and oth rt and (i intribute as much h i
their program as the men; yet, the
amount ol scholarships available to
the vvi men is i( it ern ui;h to field the
team that E( L desires or is capable
of having.
Grants-in-aid are not the only
type ot scholarship available to the
Pirate swimmer The Glenn Dyer
Memorial Fund, which is sot up in
remembranceoK .lenn All-
American diver from ECU who was
killed in Vietnam, is also available.
Manor Apartments
New 1 & 2
Available Now.
Brass Wood
Apartments are
with in 2 miles
of campus
and we offer
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Call 355-6187
or 756-8060
for more
application deadline for
spring interviews
January 4,1991
Teach For America is
a national teacher
corps of talented,
dedicated individuals
from all ethnic
backgrounds and
academic majors who
work for two years in
urban and rural schools
that have persistent
teacher shortages.
Applications are available at Careerl
Planning and Placement
Sorry No Pets

Recreational Services
That Made
Fau. Famous
Fitness Flashes
rill be held Fi
lurke rot C !hampion: Pal Dougherty
nul lay Faircloth ol E( I I )inine
Club Sport Shorts
) . Id titles in d( rubles ra ng
i irginia Ibis was the teams
mpelihon Kobin Andre and Sam
iII Crew
. Iin u.iitis and Angic Brown
? the I lead ot the I. V i oquan R I
l doubles and louts
? arter took the bronze CrewCoach Tom Allen took th first place
tit?n in the men's masters at tb I Mike Snipes, Rob
i in, David Burnette, c luis Sea) t ind) I anber, I ?.e id l eah)
ephante Creasy, and Robin ocupwen additional I ist arolini
?. ho li ok part in the c enl
vin t. limbs to llij;li Standards
ithusiaslu undergrad i iti In it students
lent Johnstmon Lam ari . I benefits of
imI pn ess found in the ' I am ai
,t I i l' is a s, ven veai el n md foi n et rrv
i, ? residenl Vpril
in her career at LNt I in Ml
ITie team i uiieniK praci
lei rv Cvm and ii led ?ns i
ii ; I a tn
Friday Fitness Fling
? special Supraclass in fitness ?
5 30pm in I08 hristenbur) lj m 1 h. i lass is I RE I I
consists of a 90 minute workout of warm-up aerobi
toning lower body toning and cool-down Th
workout for individuals regularly
the addition of lights ? &hts toadd res
strength i omponents
Drop-in Schedule
I rop in fitness ? lasses will
tn ket and drop in s
1991 dr t in ? ?? Mondd
Winding Your Weigh Down
I ollow through on youi
i ailed Winding - wn-1
?d i
offered i u h ruesda
in ludes I -
Mass erobic: !? !
meai ana
limited I
1 he ?
I New Year 1991 Highlights)! yr-
ft Reei (ration Activit I ovation .
4 ?5ilS 5?4S ? i ??J?S5 &? !???
.?- 103 ft
Biology 103

Students Pump It I p in Mil
Weight Room
?!iss oigsga ft
ness Assessments Find Vur 1 eel
Give Them a Hand
Intramural Sport sup. i is
grief weekly than an) othei students
donning the fields of E l big thank
you to the following students for their am
Iributions t i Re r ational '?? i' i i s this
enu lei I iin Driscoll, I am a Gelo, Hen
Harris, Geno "Mi Nightt lass" Kennedy,
lilt i he Pride of Ke?. Servh es' Matlock,
Satalie Rocke, Dawn VicNamara, Kristen
Kisgnolo, Peggy 'Bulb tin Board' Senecal,
vlikt Siik;ht, Melissa'Flirt foretchand
i Danielle ai mat.
Schick Basketball
Champs crowned
Rosie rhompson and Angela Robbins led
the defending championship learn P
Reject to yet anothei l-on I basketball
title over (ur Prerogath e Kristen Rosig-
rvolo and Kim I loyd fueled tin Preroga
live atlaek but ran oul of ga during the
tecond halt of plaj to take the second spot
I psets and suprises highlighted the men s
braked as The fellow and I'd Rather He
Hallin'exited early m the competition
opening the doors tor theinderella squad
who were Strictly Husiiuss Darrell
(.riffin provided a long range shooting
aitaek that gave his Sig Epopponents th
business' in the gold hampionship Phi
lau B under the leadership ot I odd
Wilson rallied past the purple independ
enl winners Mark Harnlv's I 00 Short fol
the all campus tide
Tri Sies Take Flag Football
Sie tips I lead t NewOrleans Alter All
( anipu Flag Football Championship ROC Exposures
Wintergreen Holiday Skiing
Zeta Tau Swims To Victon
rreat yourself or tell Santa you want the Holiday Snow Ski .
Wintergreen Va. January 6-8 rhe trip offers a wheel of a di
$170.00. Transportation, 2 nights condo lodging and three days of lift
tickets are included in this package Youmayadd$3 ? forthreeda)
ski rental and lessons in package 2. Holiday package number tie.
includes a winter vacation tor non skiers tor a $110 ptu c Wii
green facilities include indoor pool, Jacuzzi, restaurant workoul ?
and thrcv outdoor hvt tubs A minimum $100 deposit is required with
lull payment needed by Friday, December 14 to confirm reservation
For additional information stop by the Kt.K 117 Christenbur c iym
tor details.
A Break in the ROC
The Recreational Outdoor Center w ill close I nda Det ember 7 at
MX)pm and will remain closed through Sunda January 13. Inter
ested in checking out ciuipment for the Holidays? Contact Kathleen
Hill at 757-6387.

ullie lEast (Earoltntan December 6, 1990
Continued Irom page 12
.tonbury i . m maj be more
ni'ii! it foi noothei reason
hei iiuseit theonh one on the
, nd
t is equipped with several
. s foi toning even thine
? cops to the glutens mai
? ilso has s 'Mic dumbbells
, v Irs and tu ostairmasters
i designed 11 r ,i ardio
: ,i! w nrkoilt I lours Ol op
re Monda thi u I hurs
?am "pm I t ida l 10am
turda i 1 lam pm' and
Ipm ?pm)
.iivl ripped a shot I
a ci the i N'sskir
nsretahatev1b sce?nngai;ain
,i -M rie
nl passes Hi, a lut a shot just
rp ? imtherighl?
minutes remainii
i k bleak tt tin
i fused to gi c up
- the w.ik?i theii .i
lield .ini ni a . omei
his opportunity ved use
shot fi I int '? tx'i
It location is a problem then rhursday (2pm ftpm) Fridax
tlir new and improved Pipeline (2pm f?pm) and Sunda (Ipm
Pumphouse in larrett I lall might 5pm)
be tin- bosl i hvMvi nvone interested in tindmg
it I- i nipped utih both tier out niorc about the selet tin ol
and lixed wiir.hts mirrors hi vveighl retms oi who needs to
celeand a new aeribic rtHm It knew how to set up .
! ?? tting stairmasters training program should go h
U i ' ititi u i Rmrni MM it the Recreational Sei
I hi is .i new project i ; ih vices Department located in
Recreational Services and was hristenbun C.vm oi callCathN
ded I (he Department ol c rhe facilities are
I tonsil available but students need a valid
Pipeline Pumphouse's hoii RCL' IP and the d in to in
ol ? p? ration an Monda thru pi ? tlv ii ? Ives
Coniinued from page 12
ids n . ,n the balaiv ? hut
?? ; . . ?. and their on the ?? lelint as the i
shot found tin back capitalicl with a wi II
t them " into ' " I i I rnei
In Memory of
James Walter Rishel
ti' l
Wintergreen, Va
Professional Papers, Ihc
O C irrvj mterized Research I ibrary!
All Subjei ts, I c vels & Rpics
Send $2.(X)or c all 4 Research Info.
MC ? VISA ? AU L-80G-447-243
lOti Santa M a Blvd A I as Angeles 90 2
. 3 days of si p ici
s 1"0 ? iiti i hit equtin
s2()() without own equipment
si 10 price without skiing
' in hides .ill lift tit kits.
? msp iti m and lodging
i rve ui sp 't .it the R X
(117 hnstenbury (.m
? h ? deposit is required
? registratii n
i ; re trip meeting will be I i
1290 in Brew stei I
5 00pm
all ECl? Recreational Ser ces at
757 6387 foi deta 5
I Lunch Only
Huv One
J Small Shrimp Regular Shrimp
Platter at $6.50
Get the 2nd
I Regular Shrimp
Platter I Kit
1967 - 1990
By The
Brothers and Pledges of
Delta Sigma Phi
Bond Eternal
Three new ways to survive college.
With Apple? ictioi if three new
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life ius' g t a whole 1( n easier Because now; event k
i an aff rd a NU ii i s
l!y?STifflBITffW5!8 :s ur mi ist at t iaiablc
model, yet it i mes with e erything you need including
a hard disk dnu- IV.i MWWIHWM ?mhnu-s"lr
capabilities with attordabiln iul lie lisailliElllEJ
perfect for students whi ineedaanrtputei with extra
l)wvr and expandability
N matter whu h Mat intt eh u i Inkee, yi uf 11
ha e a a miputer that lightens w mr wi rk V ad witln uf
giir vxhi another tough subje 11 ikram. Even Macintosh
computer is easj to set up and even easier to master And
when you've learned one prt gram,yt ?u're well mi v ur
a t( i learning them afl.That's because th tusands i ii
available pn igrams all rk in the same,o insistent manner.
V hi (dn even share inft umatk n ith si imet ne w hi uso a
different type do nipnter thanks ti i Ajples ersatile
Super! hive"which reads fin ?i and writes t i Ma intt sh.
MS DOS, US 1. and. Apple' 11 ft ipps disks
See the new Macintt ish computers t wyourself,
and find ut Ik ? sun rving c Uege just gi n a w h ie i i
For further information visit
The Student Stores
Wright BuUding
The power to be your best1
f?g.?w?o lr?omaA Kvodlo C?"oul? ??.
. ,v ?

Dt ct we 6 199i h' feast arulinian
Big East Conference outplays ACC in two competitions
- ?
SI v
?. ? su - limb i' .1 . ?
lourth rai -
In Bir, 1 .ist swoop
. ith th i
behind tin
rsl ave
d 1'iiK Owen;
i ? Stati s
? . ? hi
? - ? ktorv . ? ?
tho ; rsl ?
?U ?
Continued trom pi.qo 1:
? . rnoxtnxvtinVest I'alln I ? i I
i I Ashland Collets rhe next
k met i will be against I N
nington .tt Minges Aquatn
i . ntei onSaturdav. anuan 12 at 2
I hop ' .i many supporters
at our next inn t and others Wi are
dehnitl) on our way to .i p ssible
( Ahampit ?n ship said Kobt
? ? isingcx ' buying back your textbooks
n throw in a free ECU
aperwoi k ; u with
istmaspr the
?sters from UBI ; art
?tints and handcrafted gifts
MonThurs. 9:00 A.M8:00 P.M.
Fri. 9:00 A.M5:30 P.M.
Sat. 10 A.M5:00 P.M.
ysosdi All for you
516 South Cotanch Street ? Greenville, NC 27834
ri ?.?

December 6,1990 eUt Cabt (0aruliniau
Big East Conference outplays ACC in two competitions
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) point range
Syracuse's refusal to succumb to Syracuse which Jed 16 M n
ulitime, took control of the came
defeat was demonstrated dearly
b tho fourth-ranked
Orangemen's clogged rebounding
and helped tin- big last sweep
toe to toe clashes with the ACC.
Syracuse (5-0), behind the
over the final seven minuti ? after
North ? arolina State took a i "?
lead on Monroe's reverse layn
with 7:09 to pla)
Syracuse scored tin- n t nim
tif the half, saw its largest deficit ofhis20 na 12-2 spurt as
: hiani sank one of North Seton Hail put together the final
i arolina State's six first-half ; run in a game of streaks to outlast
pointers to make it 36-28 with 5:44 lemsort
strong reboundingof juniors Dave I
lohnson and Billy Owens,
Mints for .i
nl v on hi.mi s miim rnis
the Orangemen, who scored il
next : and to ? .i 18 5
ushion then lead when Owens pui back
outlasted North Carolina State's
3 point assault lor an 86-79 tn
umph on "uesday night.
I arlier luesda), Seton Hall
(3-D grabbed a 78 62 victory over
Clemson (4 P It is the first time
one league lias won both games
on the same night of the series.
which began last year and is
played with double headersover
foui nights
? I he) played a very strong
iiame, especially on the offensive
boards said North Carolina State
u h I Ki?binson, whose team
fell to I I
1 hey hurts us there a lot.
i iu' wiit to the boards hard. We
knew thai coming in. It's one ot
then strengths and when you
know a team s strength and they
still hurt you with it it shows you
the re pretty doggone good at
it. said Robinson
'ins,n had 24 points and a
i ireoi 1 est 17 rebounds, while
i v rns added 2' points and 12
rebounds iolead the Orangemen
-?ivu, ii ,? their combined 29 re
bounds wore offensive.
Even team tries to double
nd triple over Bilh W hen the)
- iim mil it lea es me open to
.?: iss said lohnson
I ? reb und high was
ral o assions
? s, n didn t kill us
m i obsei k-ed
1 f o a c k s e n i o i i: i' ' 'iris
Corchiani He killed us on the
oards, pounding and getting the
liKise balls
hir philosoph is to shoot
is a no we're coing to have nights
.vhenwe'n cold When you have
those nights we're going to
iccle, s,i . I . m hiiini w ho
ute missing tic
Innne the I ma
l lllss(
5ophom re guard I err)
ne most 25 points t
forSetonHall ivhilet lemsonwas
ledbv ? enter I ilel a is' l5points
('lemson i ascd an eight
point halftimcdefi il ???? ith itsow n l
I ! ' bursl fo tai t thi i pe
nod ami took Ms final lead, 43-41,
when Sean i yson hit a lav in at the
16 25 m.rk
ButaftcraSetonl tall timeout,
the Pirates regrouped to push then
lead Kn k to 33 45 over the next
shots from the long range I lis
pointer with 2:28 to pi his
fourth ot the period and fifth ot
the game gave Seton Hall its
largest lead of the game : 56
A pair of ; point basket:
with the eVfoot-9 guard David Younggave lemson
nne ,w i ,n the inside itsbiggest lead of the hrsl halt. :i
; a pair of free throws
I h h re runnei up in the Big
st as the Ii topnewcomer
? ason, then began dropping pressure
afterward the I igcr began to t,
ter under Seton Malls ml
; i in sj i
x ints and ntii
? ?lfpa? k w .is led b) the
? h i!t of itsbai kcourt tandem,
?I Rodnex Monroe v. ho had
nts Monroe made six ol 1 1
nti as jusf nine ol 2
North . arolina
asa team was l2ol 27 from 1
Continued from page 12
did a great joband some of the girls
had fantastk performances, said
I he women's team started out
with a great performace in the 4i
vard medley relax Sophomore:
InheW 'ilhelm,SuzanneBricnant
I i,i Iirdiio .ilo'i??? v. ith s, nior
Meredith Bridgers, took first place
m thisevenl with a time of 4:04 55
Freshman acquelineSilber had
i outstanding performances in three
events Silbcr took second in the
lOXXVyard freestyle in 1039.18. She
also took second m the 200-yard
freestyle in 159.02 and second in
the 500 yard freestyle in 5:15 19
Pardue placed first in the ,o
yard freestyle with .i tune ot 2" 4r
whileOBrien tixk first in the 200
ri 1'uttertK in10.88 junior
Paula lexel placed second in both
the 50 free in 25-87 and the 100 free
in 55 65
Bridgers, who is preparing toi
I VA.indNc A A competition, took
first place in trie 2GObn?ast in 2 24 84
and placed second in the 200-yard
individual medley in16.80.
I ho m 'iinn's learn ended their
meet by placing first in the 400 tree.
Wilhelm, who began the race, was
i-1 onipaniedbx () Hnen. level and
freshman Nancy Depalo
rhe women S record now
Stands at 4-2 Both teams are pre
paring tor (. hristmas training and
their next meet in West Palm Bm h
against Ashland College The next
home meet will be against UNC-
Wilmington at Minges Aquatic
C enter on Saturday, January 12 at 2
"1 hope to see many suppork rs
at our next meet and others. We are
definitly on our way to a possible
CAA Championship said Kobe
As sooi
soothe tH
and puttir.
razor for
(hey, you're
quickly on
you get the
folks a.thomv
supplies from
at university I
BE and we'll
: your textbooks
in a free ECU
o deal with
and you'll be
m. At UBE,
nts tor the
JBE; art
?afted gifts
Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 A.M. - PrOO P.M.
Fri. 9:00 A.M5:30 P.M.
Sat. 10 A.M5:00 P.M.
All for you.
516 South Cotanche Street ? Greenville, NC 27834

The East Carolinian, December 6, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 06, 1990
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