The East Carolinian, December 4, 1990

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uJbc lEaHt Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Tuesday, December 4, 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
10 Pages
Vol.64 No.64 Tuesday, December ?, iau ??????????
Language instructors overloaded with students
Bv lohnnv Manning
stall Writer
ith l,710foreignlanguagestudcnts amemberol
the Department ol Foreign Languagesand 1 iteraturcs
says instructors are being overworked
t low eer, I h Martin S.Invar, current chairman
oftfjeDepartmentofForeignl anguagesand! iteratures,
said the claimsan' not true
they wanttohavi in their classes, Schwarz said It mere
students register for a foreign language class then the
department tries to accommodate the additional stu
1 have never sent a student away, Schwarz said
As a result, more students are enrolled in each of
the classes than there should be, according to instruc
tors Dt Schwarzsaidthattheidealnumberof students
tor a foreign language c lass is 15. Schwarz said that he
feels confident that the department can still ettix ti v el)
teach students even if this class size goes beyond I i
?"Hie Modem 1 anguage Association recommends
no more than 20 per language elass; we sometimes
teach 40 said one faculty member who wishes to
remain anonymous.
rhe average number d students in the beginning
and intermediate courses is 25 to 30, the source said
However, the courses for the majors and minors in
foreign language are maintaining this ideal number
with enrollments ranging fromeight to 15.
Schwarz said that the increase m the number ot
students in the beginning and intermediate courses
means that student's will get less individual help from
their instructors
It does not mean that the quality of teaching is
suffering Schwarz said.
Hut one instructor disagrees
It s true that there is a big problem concerning
research the faculty member said "Especially from
the point ot view of a full professor who enjoys doing
research, wants to .o research, has a good research
project m motion but has lo teach four classes with three
different preparations" the facultv member said.
Schwarz said: "It is my considered opinion that
those facultv members whoareresearch oriented would
continue to research and produce research, regardless
ot other circumstances
rhe sources said that teaching first year courses
diminishes research time.
"Teaching is time-consuming to .o correctly
the professor said about teaching introductory and
intermediate courses This teaching service invokes
keeping up with the research, preparing classes in
mw. giving frequent tests and giving input to the
students in the areas they need to improve
It is hard work, but it is certainly feasible to teach a
full schedule of classes, to do a good job teaching and to
pursue research interests, Schwarz said.
"Anew teacher whoishiredknowsthat the normal
load is twelve hours per semester Schwarz said.
"Most faculty members will teach either two or
three elementary or intermediate sections and then an
upper level course
Schwarz said that all of the language classes are
taught on a Monday Wednesday - Frida schedule
allowing "the faculty member the Tuesday and Thurs-
day off to either prepare or correct homework or dt)
their own work and so forth "
The teachers have received release time in the past
and will continue to receive it in the future, Schwar
said During this time they will be able to do the
research that is required tor them to obtain tenure, he
said. I enure assures protessors ot a position tor an
extended period ot time
There are breaks throughout the vear and tour
months during the summer that provide time f r fa
ultv members to pursue his or her research interest,
Schwarz said
The universitv'srtxiuiremenMor faculty members
to obtain tenure in the I tepartmentol Foreign I anguages
and Literatures is not "using the talents ot their faculty
to their fullest potential, the faculty member said
"We now have tenure requirementsequal to those
of Perm State the professor said, "hut our teaching
loadsand our service loadsare practically double what
they are at I'enn State
See Language page 2
?ns" the faculty memoer saw. w?v? ?" ? - -g ?
Committee to decide on library fundin
By Michael Albuquerque
Assistjnt News Editor
According to the S lAand uni-
versity offkiab, a proposal to bud
get $10,000 from the St.A reserves
account next semester may be
enough to return lovner Library to
its normal operating hours
The proposal will be reviewed
bv an appropriatu nsc n muttee n
Jan. 14 an I I i ed SGAoffi
trials hope a budget could beset up
tor the library the next da)
Richard Brown viee-chancel-
kw tor business affairs, said he has
no problem with the legal aspects of
this proposal.
" ' Royal I talked with me
last week he said
"We checked into the legisla-
tion of it and didn't see anything
that would prevent us from using
these funds We also talked about
the mechanics of how we would
spend the money tor this
SGA President Allen Thomas
said that a goal had been set to
return the library to normal operat-
ing hours beginning next semester.
As tar as making an impact
tomorrow, it's not gomg to hap-
pen he said.
"Instead we reconcentratingon
the spring semester
Vi ording to Randy RoyaLSGA
treasurer the university has a rather
large shortfall because of state cut
"As Ir Richard Brown (vice-
chancellor of business affairs) ex-
plained it to me, we had a $50,000
shorttall for the entire academic
vear Royal said
This amount decreased to
$40,000 when C D Spangler. presi-
dent of the UNC system, donated
his salary m $10,000 increments to
each university within the system
And that money was put
straight into thehbrarv fund ' Roval
However, next semester atone
an additional $16,365 1 is needed
to return lovner Library to its nor
maloperatingscheduleoi lOOhours
per week
"1 talked with Ken Marks, the
director of lovner Library, and he
told me that is what it will take to
return the library to its r .rmal per-
ating schedule Roval said.
"1 have been told that if we
cover (he $10X100, (the universit)
will try to cover the other $630
However, Royal stressed that
this money wiflonly be used tor the
wages to run the library and will
cover only u2 hours per week at
Fletcher Musk (enter 'which nor-
mally operateson94houre weekly).
tollow suit it they want to reduce
cutbacks at their schools as well
Thomas said
Parking lot scuffle
leads to arrest of
Tyler freshman
I mm Slafl Reports
Jill Ch?rry?Photo lab
Dav.d Yarbourough looks at ornaments at the art schools Chr.stmas
sale on Saturday
Two ECU students
become maritime
history fellows
? Vit-r-? is
iI News Bureau
1'a students in ECU'snation-
allv-acdai mod graduate program in
maritime history are among three
1990 winners ot the Lawrence 1
Brewster Fellowships awarded by
the E I I Vpartment i A I listory
The fellowships.established bv
and named for a retired E I history
professor, were presented by I 'r
brewster Wednesday at the
department's annual Awardser-
emony. Ihe Brewster Fellowsareas
Raymond Ashley olhula
Vista, alii. a summa i um laude
graduate ol the University of C ali
forma Sin Diego William Harold
i hiesen of Saint Paul, Mum . a
graduate i A Mm alester?llege and
transfer from the i niversity ol
Minnesota, and Susan Peek? of
amesville,a I990bachetor'sdegree
graduate .it E( I
Ashlevand Ibiesenarecnrollod
m the master's program in time
histor whu hattractsstudentsfrom
,), ross the I nit.HlMatesand abroad
Dr Fred Ragan, the departmental
director ot graduate studies, said,
"it is really a national program"
Another graduate student in
maritime historv. Shannon
Richardson of Tonawanda, N
was awarded the annual Paul
Murray Fellowship which honors
another former f L historv pro
lessor Murrav died several weeks
ago at the age ot H8
Richardson is an honor gradu-
ate in anthropology from the State
University of New i ork at Buffalo
Peek was an honors student
and was awarded RichardC Todd
and lave Mane Crevgan scholar-
ships .is an undergraduate She is
pursuing a master's degree in ilu
cation (MAE) in history.
The 1990Creegan Scholarship,
established to honor an ECl
graduate and school teacher who
was killed in a 1984 tornado, was
awarded to Eva Beaman (.nttin of
I armville, whiIhasa 3.87gradepmt
average (GPA). i.nffm is a former
1 odd Scholarship winner.
A $500 award made bv and
named for a member ot the
University's ECT 'last Carolina
bathersoltege) ('lub went to
Victoria Lynn Askew ot Ahoskie.
N.( for outstanding academic
achievement in historv Margaret
Matthews Milliard of Raleigh,a b'4l?
ECTC graduate, presented the
award to Askew, a Senior historv
Ihe loseph and Catherine
I hrsh Award, presented annually
to the most promising innior in the
historv department, went to Bonnie
Brew Batman of WmtervBle, for
outstandingscholarshipand service
activities The H?ch Award was
established by ECU historv profes-
sor Robert Gowen 10 honor his
The 1990 Todd Scholarships
was established by professor
emeritus Richard C Tcxld
According to Ronald
Averv. Pubbc Safety's chief of
police, two ECU females were
assaulted by another female in
the parking lot of Tyler Resi-
dence I lall at about 2:40a.m on
Saturday, Dec. I.
Apparently eana Tiersn,
anK I freshman,attacked two
females in the parking lot of
Tyler Residence HaH following
an argument over a parking
According to Averv, the
two victim sustained only mi
nor nits and bruises
( pi shane M Wheeler ar-
rested IVrson shortly after
a.mS.iturdav morning
Photo by John Ruth?rtord?Phololab
Log Cabin?
The industrious residents of thts Greenvi.Ie home have attempted to split the rise m winter energy costs
a.m.Nituroav mominuj -? ?
Legislature debates funding pohcy
O , lLJu.?,Wnl When asked this w
By Rob Norman
Staff Writer
The SGA debated tightening
loopholes in appropriations policy
but funded the ECU Snow Ski Club
and the Financial Management As-
sociation despite problems in dual-
fundinggroupsand reimbursement
The Ski Club requested $1,511
tor a ski tournament in West Vir-
ginia this December.
Questions were raised by leg-
islators over money how much the
group would receive from the Rec-
reation Services (RS). It was pointed
out that a groupcould get RS funding
and SGA funding without either
hxiv being aware of that fact.
S .A speaker Alex Martin said
that he would investigate the matter
by forming a committee to look into
abuse of funding procedures by
legislator and club vice presi-
dent Damon Johnson introduced the
bill and club president Joseph
Johnston spoke to the legislature.
Johnston said that the c'ub went
to the SGA because it was tot) late
for RS funding to come through
Legislator Eric Milliard pro-
posed an amendment that would
prevent the ski club from receiving
RS money this vear if the SGA
funding passed
Martin killed the bill, drawing
an appeal of the chair's decision
from Milliard.
Leslie Nichols, the legislature's
parliamentarian. said that This has
never happened here Nichols ex
Milliard withdrew his amendment
and the appeal and the bill was
Another question about fund-
ing procedure arose when the Fi-
nancial Management Association
requested a transfer oi hinds.
The transfer would allow the
group to delete money from line
items in its budget and shift that
money to the travel expenses area
The group needed the money
plained that Milliard and Martin to pay for speakers that cameto a
would present their sides and a vote meeting held on campus
ber. The group had not paid the bills
for the speakers.
would be taken.
In the contusion that followed,
When asked it this was a kxip-
hote that allowed reimbursement,
SGA treasurer Randy Royal said,
"It is not reimbursement, but it is
something you all will have to
SGA pohcy does not allow
groups to be reimbursed tor their
expenses but nevertheless the bill
Legislator Betsv Hicks pro-
posed a resolution concerning stu-
dents right 10 have mature rela-
tions m ith faculty and statt.
"Individuals at college should
See SGA page 2
4 Features
7 Sports
U.S. troops should not be blamed
for our country's involvement in
the Gulf Crisis'Rather, protestors
shouldfocuson policy makers.
The East Carolina Playhouse
pens its secomd production of
the season with "The Rain-
Oassifwds 6
Women's basketball team con-
quers Dayton and Northwest-
ern State University in tlie 10th
Ladv Pirate Classic.

2 Glic Eaat CarolfnjatLQ!cgMggff 4,1990
Campus Clips
Michigan sets new requirements
The Michigan Council of Presidents, the heads of the state's
15 public universities, have set new admissions standards to go
into effect in the fall of 199S
The new guidelines would require students entering a
Michigan university to have taken four years of English, three
years of mathematics, three years of social sciences and history
and two years of biological and physical science.
"It has been the concern of most academic leaders that
young people should be better prepared tor college saysDeither
Haenicke, president of Western Michigan University
eCapyiWM ???. USA TODAY Apr1' Colkgi InftfmaUam NMmw
Crime Scene
Umstead resident found drunk,
sleeping on floor in hallway
November 28
0954 Rolk Residence Hall: assisted rescue squad with trans-
portation ot a student to the emergency room al Pitt County
Memorial Hospital
1642- Ragsdale Hall: report oi damage to a state vehicle, a
minor accident report was tiled
2332- Belk Residence Hall investigated a report of breaking
and entering
2345 Fletcher and Garretl residence halls report ol a dis-
turbance subjects dispersed upon arrival
November 29
0103- -Cotten Residence Hall report taken of a bicycle lar
0151 Clement and White residence halls male subjects
observed in the lobby; same ad ised to lea e
020S -White Residence Hall report of unescorted males in
the building sub)ects gone upon arrival.
152t -Jan is Residence Hall served two legal documents
1756? Mendenhall Student Center arrested suspicious sub
ject for trespassing
1932- Aycock Residence Hall: responded toanactivated fire
alarm, small fire under smoke sensor contained and extin-
2016 Garrett Residence Hall report of a possible drug
violation; same was unfounded
2230- -Jones Residence Hall investigated report ol alcohol
violations; same handled bv residence hall statt
November 30
0OQ9 Aycock Residence Hall issued a campus citation and
a trespassing warning following a disturbance on the third floor
051510th Street issued state citation for driving with a
revoked license
1439? Student Health (enter investigated an accident that
occurred at College Hill Drive
1816 Aycock Residence Hall investigated a report of
breaking and entering
1843 10th Street and College Hill Drive issued a campus
citation to a motorist tor two stop sign violations
l49Avcock Residence Hall: issued a campus citation to a
student for speeding
Continued from page 1
be mature enough to handle rela-
tionships with faculty at that col-
lege Hicks said.
The SGA voted to support the
The legislature also passed an-
other resolution protesting the 20
percent tuition increase scheduled
to takeeffectin 1991 This resolution
was presented by Senior Class
President Tnpp Roakes.
"We are the last people to have
this on our backs Roakes said.
"We are the last people who can
afford to balance the state budget "
Roakesalso said that the money
could come from lottenes, higher
tobacco taxesand more taxes for the
A request for $10,000 to go to
lovner L ibrarv was sent to the Ap-
propriations Committee The
money would help extend the li-
brary hours next semester
Tnpp Roakes, the former SGA
president, also made his farewell
speech to the SGA. Monday was
Roakes' final meeting More his
graduation in December
"I've had a fantastic time
Roakes said. "I'll always remember
my time as a student and I will
continue to fight for student issues
In other business:
? An appropriation request of
$1,937 for Pi Omega Pi was passed.
? Appropriation requests for the
ECU Rehabilitation Council Asso-
ciation, Dance Expressions, the
FnsbecGub. the Lacrosse Club, and
the lnternatiorvl Student Associa-
tion were sent to the Appropriations
Committee for approval
?Constitutions for Phi Nu Al-
pha, Army Cadet Association, Inter-
national Student Association and
Angel Flight wen' sent to the Rules
Committee tor approval.
Continued from page 1
THE J??r
A Romanct
H A Richard Nash
November 30, December I, 3 and 4
f(l Students $3 00 ? General Ptabtie $7.50
;&? jm 5E
larvis Residence

an sc
rved legal
doc uments on a
December 1
0130? Aycock Residence Hall: responded to an activated tire
alarm on the fourth floor; caused by an unknown subjex t burning
0241- -Tyler Residence Hall report ol an assault on a female.
0717? Magistrate s office: subject who assaulted a female in
Tyler Residence Hall was transported downtown.
0809- I mstead Residence Hall: found intoxicated male
sleeping in the hallway same was a resident o( I instead
0847 Minges Coliseum parking lot): found a vehicle un-
secured and broken into; further investigation pending contact
with the owner
1259?Public Safety: took report of a bicycle larceny.
1345?Public Safety: issued a criminal summonson a subject.
1648?Mendenhall Student Center report of stalled elevator
with subject trapped inside
1846?Aycock Residence Hall: report of subject shooting
pellet gun in the area, same was unfounded.
1858?Old Cafeteria Building: campus citation issued to a
student for impeding traffic
1943- Fletcher Residence Hall I south I .campuscitation issued
to a student for speeding and failure to produceadriver'slicense.
2013- General Classroom building campuscitation issued
to a student for exceeding a safe speed, a stop sign violation and
an insurance slop.
2104?Fletcher Residence Hall, campus citation issued to a
student for a stop sign violation and speeding.
2305?Mamie Jenkins Building: report of suspk ious subjects
in the area; same were banned from campus
December 2
0005?Memorial Gymnasium: subject arrested tor driving
under the influence, possession of weapons and exceeding the
speed limit
0121 ?10th Street and College Hill Drive campus citation
issued to a student for speeding.
0129?lones Residence Hall (north): campus citation issued
to a student tor speeding
0218- Belk Residence Hall report of a dispute on the third
floor; same was handled by the Belk staff.
0335? Belk Residence Hall report of suspicious activity,
same was student carrying a Christmas tree inside
1420- Mendenhall Student Center report of a hit-and-run
1800 - Location unknown: campuscitation issued to a student
for a stop sign violation
1818 -Scott Residence Hall: campus citation issued to a
student for speeding
2037?Hetcher Music Center campus citation issued to a
student for a stop sign violation.
2054?Fleming Residence Hall state citation issued to a non-
student for careless-and-reckless driving
2114?Scott Residence Hall campus citation issued to a
student for speeding.
2204 Belk Residence Hall report of a domestic dispute
between a male and female
December 3
0007?Joyner Library campuscitation issued to a student for
0018?Jones Residence Hall, campus citation issued to a
student for speeding, state citation also issued for expired tags
Oi?ie Scene it taken from off k??l ECU Publ.c Safety o
"Untenured faculty are those
under a seven-year probationary
period the faculty member said
"They have seven years to get ten-
ure, but they will not get it nght
now without publication
Instead (if the university de-
manding research from the
untenured faculty, it should give
them tenure credit for service, the
faculty member said
"Some of our untenured faculty-
would like to spend their time on
good teaching the faculty mem-
ber said
'Excellent teachers should be
given credit for the extra time that
they are spending on good teach-
ing the faculty member said
Similarly, they should be given
cmdit for the service that thev do
In addition to requirements for
research, publication and teaching,
the faculty memborsare required to
work on service committees.
I'ntenured faculty are being
encouraged not to serve on com-
mittees, forcing the tenured facultv
to shoulder mom responsibility, the
faculty member said
I'ntenured faculty have been
trained in administration and have
been successful in the past in ser-
vice, the faculty member said "But
thev am discouraged from using
I their talents
"(Untenured faculty should not
be required todoso much research,
the faculty member said.
"Those who ha e talentsin ther
directions should be allowed to use
them in other directions While the
facultv untenured or tenured who
want to do research should be given
the time to do it
"Something has got to be done
or we are not going to have any
facultv left"
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The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program
resembles that
of Sheriff
Andy Taylor
than once he s been compared to
Sheriff Andy Taylor of "Maybeny
Now, after 23 years in office.
Alexander County Sheriff Tom
Bobber is leaving office todav for
the quieter pursuits of his farm
When Bebber first became
Sheriff, he was part of a four-man
force whose main tor was chasing
bootleggers, axing stills and blow-
ing up crates of sour mash with
"I've been here a long while.
and you know it kind of builds up
said Bebber, now leader of a forceof
22 facing a growing problem of ille-
gal drug traffic and break-ins.
"It's a lot of responsibility, and
it always gets more The sheriff's
department is like anything else
he told The Charlotte Observer in
an interview published Sunday.
"You have to grow with the growth
of the county
Tom Bebber is one of a kind
says Democratic Gerkof Court Seth
Chapman, one of his deputies in the
"He's the kind of guy who
would go out of his way to put a
man in ail and then turn around
Hc'sgot a big heart, and he'sa great
law enforcement officer "
Thomas E. Bebber Jr was bom
on Feb. 8. 1937 He grew up m a
white frame house only a mile and
a half from the home where he and
Hilda, his wife of 28 years, have
raised five children.
Though he worked briefly as a
Hickory police officer after gradu-
ating from high school, the sheriff's
son didn't want to follow in his
father's footsteps.
All that changed on June 2,1959,
less than two weeks before Bebber
was scheduled to leave for service
in the Army.
you have an excellent knowledge ol English, ho1I a
bachelor's degree (or will receive one b Vugust.
1(()11. and .or a I .S. iti.n. theJ.E.T. Program
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in Japanese schools .?.
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She Cast (Carolinian December 4.1990 ?3
Students protest Persian Gulf involvement
i ;R1 ENSBORO (AP) rhe
S involvernentinthePersian( -wit
h,s sparks) protests teach-ins
di.J rallies on some North Carolina
university campuses
Students t tmir Greensboro-
area universities held a ratty Satur-
day protesting the IS build-up m
thcMiddleEast About 150students
marched from the UNC I Ireensboro
ampus to downtown Theirchants
irw luded one that went "Hell No,
Wi I Go We Won t Fight tor
Ralhos were also held Friday at
1 hike University and the University
of North Carolina at Wilmington
About500Dukestudents heard
the Episcopal pnest im I ,e isspeak
about his recent top to Baghdad
"Organize! Come together
Lewis urged. The best way to sup-
port Our troops is to raise our voices
I hike student groups plan to
continue the protest action, with a
plan to occupy a campus ROTC
building sometime next wink
Shutting down R0T tor a
tew hours is a symbol about how
the military infiltrates our society'
student organizer Andrew Neather
said. It would be the tirst campus
sit-in since student occupied the ad-
ministration building in 1968 to
protest the Vietnam War
Other studentshaveformed the
DukeOommitteeforConsi ientious
Objectors. They plan toeducatestu
dents about procedures required to
obtain conscientious objector status
in the event ot ?i draft
An anti war rally at UNC-
Wilmington on Friday drew loud
responsesfrom fatigue-clad counter-
Speakers at the rally were
heckled repeatedly .is they tried to
speak iut against Iraq
"1 refuse t ? cept that war is
inevitable said the Rev. Hob
1 lavwood, campus minister
The East Carolinian
is now accepting
for News Editor, Assistant
News Editor and staff writers
for the spring semester.
Apply at The Earn Carolinian,
across from Joyner Library
Man stabs girlfriend to death
odes in less than a week, another
grisl) first in a bloody I990thathas
r orded 1'2 killings
T enewrseen t worn one wtvk
before and I've been on the force 1?
years come January said Charlotte
'ohcearrested (ohnm Bradte) polkeCapt. D R. I larkev
n Sunday on two counts ot Neighbors say Glenn and his
? deaths of 70-vear-old girlfriend moved in with Sampson
Idharlotte man hassurren
?olice in connection with
s stabbing deaths ol his
.Tid and then elderlv land
n Sampson and Sabrina
All three shared a one-story
brick house in northeast Charlotte
Saturday's murders were
nd double homi
lKuit three weeks ago. and were
paying theretiree$40a week in rent
A fourth tenant in the house,
Forist unior Foster, discovered the
two bodies at about 5:30 p.m. Sot
The East Carolinian
is now accepting applications tor
staff writers for the Spring:
Apply in person at
The East Carolinian
offices second floor
Publications Building.
(Across from the Library)
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Otye ISaat (EarDltntan
Sennng the East Carolina campus community since 7925
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
MlCHAFL G. Martin, Managing Editor
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Matt King, Features Editor
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Carrie Armstrong, Special Sec
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ns I ditor
Michael Albuquerque, Asst News Editor Ol.IPHANT, Asst. Features Editor
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TheEasti 'aroltnian has served the Kist Carolina campus conitruinn smce 112S. cmphasim information thai directly affects
ECU students During the EC! school ytV.TktEmU 'aroltman publishes twtea week with a circulation of 12,000 The East
Caroltntan reserves the right to refuse or discontinue art) advertisements that discriminate on the basis of age. sex. creed or
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IS majority Opinion of the Editorial Board The Fast Car, ltnnin welcomes letters expressing all points of view Letters should
be limned to 250 words or less lot purposes of decency and brevity, Tfu EmtCiwvfmim u x nm i the right to edit letters for
publication 1 etters should be addressed to The Editor, Tht Fast Caroiiftiam, Publications Rldg . ECU. Greenville. N.C
27834; or call (9191 r57 Mn
Page 4. Tuesday. December 4, 1990
Protesters should focus anger at government
With the United Nations Security
C nmcii's recent vote to US? force against Iraq,
students in the University of North Carolina
system are beginning to speak out against the
possibiity of war in the Middle East
Most notably, rallies ai Puke University
and the University oi North Carolina?
Wilmington on Friday, and another held at
UN Greensboro on Saturday, reveal an
increased awareness among college students
concerning the Gull Crisis Future plans tor
peace rallies ai Puke include a sit-in bv pro-
testers at a campus R0TC building later this
week, and the formation oi a conscientious
objector committee has already evolved
It we students do not agree with Presi-
dent George Hush's foreign policies, then we
should be commended tor raising our voices
in protest However, we need to remember
what we are actually protesting
We should not contuse the pohticallv-
based motives of government officials with
the honor that the t S military represents by
serving our country in Saudi Arabia Regard-
less o our individual views on the Persian
Gull Crisis, we must show respect tor these
men and women who are risking their lives
every day while in the Middle fast.
Whether we believeour presence in Saudi
Arabia is right or wrong, we should not con-
demn these soldiers. In comparison, the
Vietnam conflict brought about similar feel-
ings. American soldiers were in a foreign land
fighting, while their supposed supporters at
home condemning them for their actions.
Misplaced anger bv the American public-
most certainly contributed to the mental an-
guish and depression experienced bv Viet-
nam veterans after thev returned home from
the conflict And veterans from Operation
Desert Sheild stand to face that same mental
anguish and depression.
But those feeling could be changed if we
make sure we know who to target our anger
to. Those opposed to this military action should
direct their feelings toward the officials who
are responsible for this action, rather than the
men that may have to do the actual fighting.
Protesting is thebest way toshow that we
disagree with a policy or action. But who we
target is just as important as whv we are
Remember, the men in Saudia Arabia
are there under order, thev are not there by
their free will ? our goverment sent them
( Howe' ?s
Let's be Adamant
States should play role in progression
By Darek McCuIlers
t ditorul I nluinniM
I can appreciate the 9th and
10th Amendments to the Consti-
tution The 4th Amendment
states. The enumeration in the
( onstitutionot certain rights shall
not be construed to deny or dis-
parage others retained hy the
The World Book Encyclope-
dia explains that theConstitution
does not pretend to give all the
rights that American citizens have
to the federal government, rather
"the courts must consider such
claims of right on their merits
instead of arguing 'if the Consti-
tution had intended to give these
rights to the people, it would have
done so
That's why the issue of quo
tas and such programs are for the
courts, not Congress. Past presi-
dents and congresses have done
their jobs in giving minorities
their 14th and 15th Amendment
rights, ones that should never be
abridged. While I oppose any
"quota" bill, 1 support quotas
mandated by the court for spe-
cific incidents of injustice or dis-
crimination, as well as punitive
and compensatory fines.
The decision against the Uni-
versity of North Carolina system
some time ago is a good example.
The president has a responsibil-
ity to have an active Justice De-
partment to handle and prosecute
such cases.
We have the right to vote
without hindrances from any
discriminatory policy Therefore,
it is abominable that the Republi-
NEfiT61il?TTZ. Pour
LIKE- a"?
S Flr ?Akz S J S
Gillette's animal testing: another way to make a buck
Part one of a two-part series
By Scott Maxwell
1 aitorial Columnist
Those of you whose brains
have not been completely tried bv
this semester bothofyou will
recall a certain booth set up in the
Student Store's lobbv about a
month ago, distributing brochures
from People for the Ethical Treat
merit of Animals and the New En
gland Anti-VivisectionSKietv The
brochures claimed Gillette was
being cruel to animals Everybody
who picked up brochures, go get
them I'll wait
(While thev'n digging through
their Corporate Etiquette 1250
notebooks, let me fill the rest of you
in on what the brochures are like
Basieallv, thev assert that Gillette
"tortures" animals in unnecessary,
painful and expensive product
tests There are se eral pictures oi
cute rabbits and mice in most of
which the animal shad been visible
harmedhie brochure also gives a
list of (iillette products calling on
readers to boyoott them Part of
eachbrot hureisa membershipand
donation form Oh, good they've
all found theirbn k hures now; let s
get out of these parentheses
I'm basically sympathetk to
the animal rights movement I
don't agree with the premise that
non-human animals have the same
rights as human animals, but! still
think that animal cruelty should be
ended where it is not necessary,
and I have a prettv broad defini
tion or what it means to treat an
animal cruel!) So 1 was prepared
to believe w hat the brochures said
about Gillette
Then I read them, and I started
to get a funny feeling Readme the
brochures left me with the image
of a rapacious! allette corporation
deliberately narrowing its own
profit margin tor the sole purpose
of torturing a tew bunny rabbits
God knows I neither like nor trust
big companies hke( allette, but one
thing you can count on is that thev
don't deliberated reduce their own
profits unless thev have good rea-
son And I couldn'tsee pure sadism
as something Gillette would con-
sider a good reason. So what was
I started bv taking a kxk at
what n? I A and IMEAVS were say-
ing, once the emotionalisms and
pictures were removed. I distilled
two statements One. Gillette tests
products on animals, using meth-
ods that are harmful to the animals
and which cause them pain Two,
Gillette is not required to perform
these tests Therefore, runs the
implicit conclusion, Gillette is
knowingly mi willingly cruel to
animals, and deserves to be boy-
So 1 asked c allette or. more
precisely, I asked Michele Szynal,
of theirC orporate Public Relations
department is this true bGillette
unnecessarily cruel to animals?
I allettehadeidentlvbeenthrough
this before; Szynal provided me
with a prepared response via the
miracle ot tax
I had asked Gillette: Are you
cruel to animals?" Between the
lines Gillette's 13-page response
re kIs an awful lot like this v
we aren't Yes, we are. but onh
because the Food and Fh-ug Ad-
ministration savs we have to be,
and since the FDA savs we have to
be wecan'tstop Also twe'winthe
process pf stopping. And those
PE 1 A people are terrorists
I h-huh
Then! called the FPA. to find
out whether thev really require
animal tests as Gillette savs the
do. Director of the Division of
Colors and C osmetics Heinz I.
Eiermann (and I had a lot of tun
finding him) told me this though
the FPA encourages testing, the
law does not roufremanufacturers
to test products. But if vou'regoing
to test. he said. "there is no replace-
ment for the LD-50 test. None
whatsoever, at the present time "
(The LD-50 test ? criticized in the
brochures involves feeding ani-
mals more Md more of a product
until halt of the animals ii
sample an dead This is ?? ,
indicate the product stoxi I
said that he felt that sin h : I
needed in order to decid
produi ts should ha .?? ??? in ii
bels and which sb
putting warning label
products would ultimately n i I
the labels meffecttve I ?
enthusiastic ah ut
but he knows there are ?
placements and w uld rathei ii
mals were harmed than I
1 dent Mi ?w
Eiermann is repress
Fl A m this rcspo t. but I
strike me as beti ?
mutilate cute, turr animal
moreti thepomt, h
the kev questii ?n: th '?
require the tests
got to 1 - thei
Qlletti - ? :
make manufa tun I
on animals, or ltd
The latter case stn -
tikelv So if thi v kr
have to hurt the b
dered wh I th p
whv do I ' :
the lie about it becausi tl
to shirt responsibilit . -?.
themselves And th? . -
in animals to protect themsi
in court, ' that when the) re sued
as a result et injuries caused bv
of their products, tl m
and reams ,? animal test data t
haul into the courtroom lusl
suspicion (This suspicion was
shared braigSpitz thedire
(t I ? haptef of Students I
the Ethical rreatrnenti I Animals
1 figured it stirm I I
the othi ? side In separate int i
views I spoke to Nl
director Scott VanValkenbui
to PET A s Director of the (
Consumer Campaign c ath
The results of those inf
views, along with some gem i
summing-up typeramblings ???
be found in the next issue Sad
this column was nist too long
Letters to the Editor
can Party would stoop to the
intimidatory practices of the re-
cent senatorial election. It is
abominable that we have
districting and gerrymandering
policies that seek to eliminate
black voting power (this is cur-
rently a matter before the courts).
Corrective actions by the Con-
gress andor courts may be nec-
essary in these instances.
We all must have the right to
eat, sleep, recreate, educate, or
whatever in places that are ear-
marked for the American public.
These rights are guaranteed in
the 15th Amendment as well as
Article IV, Section 2 Number 2
that gives all citizens equal pro-
tection in every state of the Union
regardlessof race or other factors.
Unfortunately, many people
See State page 5
U.S. needs to
take a serious
look at war
To the Editor:
Someone told meonce that
the reason people act crazy
sometimes is because of a
chemical change in the grain
that thev eat. The person said
that the altered grain was re-
sponsible for the Salem witch
hunts, Nazi Germain racial
lynchings, and other atrocities
that whole communities of
people have committed. Ev-
ervbodv innocently eats the
grain, and so everybody is af-
Maybe this person was ra-
tionalizing, shifting the blame
to something more acceptable.
But people do act crazy some-
times. Take the present, for
We use spray cans that are
destroving theO-zone. We buy
products that permanently
damage our ecosystem. We
support companies that bla-
tantly disregard basic human
rights. We destroy our limited
natural resources instead of
recycling. But the craziest
thingof all is that we are ready
to begin another war.
My friend Carl and 1 went
through high school together.
He will probably never see the
effects that this war will have
here in the states He will
probabl) never come back
Our boys over there on the
other side of the earth are fo-
ing to die in terrible ways 1
won't print, and its likely to
continue for a long time
Over here we will be deal
ing with terrorism If Presi-
dent Hussein doesn't leave
quickly, the war will escalate
If thev wipe us out, a possi-
bilitv we ignore, we will con-
tinue to send troops until we
can't anymore. And then
what? It hurts to consider it
Maybe we should stop
eating our grain and import
some from Canada.
Andy Tornngton
Business Administration
Driving after
drinking shows
To the Editor:
After reading the article
concerning Coach Mike Steele
being charged with a DWI,
several thoughts entered my
When are people going to
start acting responsibly? We
all know drinking will always
be a part of college life, but,
with drinking, there is the re-
sponsibility of not endanger-
ing the hos of others ni
cent people are killed even
day by drunk drivers And
until drinkers eliminate this
threat bv not getting behind
the wheel ot a ehi. !e the
number ot victims w ill continue
to increase Luckily Coach
Steele did not cause someot
to lose his jfe but he coi
When reading the article I
also thought ot the children
who look at Coach Steele as a
role model Each summer
manv children attend his bas
ketball camp What kind of
influence is this incident on
Also, how does this affect
ECU'S "party image' In re
cent months. ECU has worked
to improve its public image as
a "partv school It definite!)
does not help this image w hen
members of the faculty create
such adverse publicity
I didn't want to write this
Letter to the Editor simply to
put down Coach Steele It is
mv hope that everyone will
think twice before getting into
a vehicle to drive after drink
ing A drinking driver affects
every driver on the road with
him Everyone wants to think
"it won't happen to me but,
will it? There are simply no
Regina Crumpler

aljc t?aat(?arulinian December 4. 1990 5
hav? confused these civil rights
writh social problems. Every poli-
tician vr Constitutional analyst
will admit that homekssmssand
po er tj are cra e social problems
that we all musl deal w ith How-
ex er the separating factor of the
liberals Horn the conservatives is
the stretching of theonstitution.
bo often the elastic clause has
been used to iu-tit social pro-
cram- that had not been autho-
l am not -a mc. that the fed-
eral government should not ad-
dress these problems butl believe
in a grant and revenue sharing
system, horeh control over
- ch programs would be given
v ? tlie states The 10th
!The Suntana !
Amendment states. The powers
not delegated to the United States
by the constitution, nor prohib-
ited by it to the states, are reserved
to the States respectively, or to
the people
The World book Encyclope-
dia provides an excellent com
mentary It stated that. This
provision makes it clear that the
tederal government is limited to
certain specific powers. The ted
eral government can do onh what
the Constitution savs it can do
but the states and the people
thereof can exercise any powers
not prohibited in the Constitu-
The tederal government has
not been authorized to create a
massive welfare system, but the
states can The tederal govern-
ment has not been authorized to
panzy to any special interest
bo it black- women, homosexu-
als or anything else
This can asMt the state and
local governments in achieving
Continued from page 4
common objectives. This way. it
can provide tor the general wel-
fare ? through acts such as Presi-
dent Nixon s dispensation of S30
billion dollars over live years
through the State and Local Gov-
ernment A-Mbtance Act.
It i my suggestion that black
special interest groups shift from
oppressive litigation and irrita-
tion to education and rededicat-
icn People must bo educated to
be productive citizens, then we
can become rededicated.
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Residency Status and Tuirion, the
practical pamphlet written by an at-
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plication process. For sale: Student
Stores, Wright Building.
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best offer. 758-9517.
Cover and pillows included Perfect
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QUALITY BMW'S at wholesale
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leave a message.
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chairs 830-9124.
MUST SELL! Day bed in excellent
condition $50. Calf Charlotte at 752-
6642 after 5:00.
FOR SALE: Solid pine bookcases:
48Wx50 I2Hxl1 l2D,3adjust-
able shelves, $30 and 40W x3lHx!1
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RENT. Takeoverlease. $250month.
Great location. Avery Street. 752-
to share mostly furnished 2-bed room
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(all v isar i Stephanie at 355-5539
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rooms available Great neighbors
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haveqwn room in house 1 block from
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Chaz or David at 738-6268.
available for female in a 3 bedroom
house close to campus Furnished
bedroom if needed Call ASAP 758-
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. mtm DM Brxa VaU) C CMBBT) ??&
t onua J I '???W?J
Remhng. Alumni V.P. Michelle
Gibbs, Quill Chairperson Bonnie
Sawyer, Scholarship Shanna Baker,
Marshall Marcy Feretti, Philan-
thropy - Beverly Ball, Financial V.P. -
Tnsha Miller, Membership Dana
McQueen, Pledge Trainer - Angelica
Pena, Panhellenic lean McAlese,
Ritual ReneeFnend.Chaplm Tricia
Boyd, Public Relations Melise
Nrozek, Historian Cathy Hill
Thanks to the 1490 officers tor doing
a great job! We're looking forward ??
a great year' Love, sisters : AZA
Lambda Chi Soccer tean Both A
and B undefeated and striv :ng f r the
championship. Ckhki job A team
volleyball perfect game last week
Turk 651.
BETA: Looking forward to Wednes-
day. Dillon Fence is going to be a
great show LAMBDA CHI
new brothers of 8X Carl Thorell,
Nathan lennings, jimmv Faulkni i
Patrick Carrol Bryan Alexand i
Miguel Esiarellos, Chris! ey. ryler
Getnn ell Ka Met oy.Matt Reeves
: Mike iamillo W me! tl
MUNUOMEGA Son-) you ill si
vi a ? : rodents il
WANTED: Adventurous, fun-loving
person to travelcamp to west coast
over Xmas. Itinerary schedule open
Vehideequipmentprovided Prefer
female, but will consider male. Call
Bill 830-1734 to discus1; furthei
REWAKDoffered forthere tveryoi
a ra:r ot go.d-coored glasses '?
12 noon on Monday, No 12 Please
rerum to Genera College office
1991 officers of A1S President
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Condit, Recording Secretary Mary
Marzalek, Corresponding Secretar)
- Leslie Black, Treasurer - Candi
while vou wait
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though it was fittii
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Women i ?? I ta I
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PI EASl PP '?? V
You are invited to attend a study of
(lod s Word with a group that wel-
comes all people. We provide fel-
lowship activities and serious Bible
study for those who are interested
We meet weekly on Wed. nights at
7:00 p m at 200 Fast 8th Street, be-
tween I otanche Street and Fvans
Street lfyouhavequestiom,caUTinri
Turner at 752-7199.
Prayer rally to be held FVcember 6th
fThursdiiv' in the Flanagan amphi-
theater ai QW p.m Chnstmas Car-
oling will follow the rally - Everyone
is invited 10 attend.
A nine week session for all faculty,
Staff and students on weight control
wiil begin )anuary 8 and take place
each ruesdayfrom 12:00-1250 p.m
An orientation class for this program
will be held FRFF OF CHARGE
Thursday, November 29 from 12:10-
1250 p.m. in 102ChristenburyGynv
For additional information, contact
Kathleen Hill at 757-6387.
The Ayden Theatre Workshop will
present thecountry'slongest-running
musical, the Off-Broadway hit 'The
Fantasticks" on Thursday, Saturday,
and Sunday, December 6, 8, and 9.
Performances are at 8 p.m. on
Thursdavand Saturday eveningsand
3 pm. on Sunday afternoon and will
be held at the Ayden-Gnfton Fligh
School auditorium. For more infor-
mation, call Kim Dale, Production
Manager at 746-3171 (home) or 355-
850(1 (work) or Blanche Ravford at
Our General Meeting will be in
Mendenhall Social Room at 5:00 on
Wed, Dec. 5
Attention Special Education Majors:
the Student Council for Exceptional
Children will hold its last meeting of
this semester Thursday, December 6
at 5:15 p.m. in Speight Room 201.
Hope vou can find the time to join our
family one last rime before we head
off for the holidays! Come pin usand
you'll see what you've been missing'
The North Carolina Chapter No. 1 of
the Pearl Harbor Survivor's Associa-
tion are joining other veterans in a
recruitment drive for all branches of
the armed forces - Army, Navy, Ma-
rines, Air Force and Coast Guard.
Any young adults (ages 17 to 35)
interested in getting information
should see representatives from these
armed services on Saturday, Decem-
ber 8, at the Greenville Holiday Inn,
702 South Memorial Dnve from 0900
tol3009a.m1 p.m.)
Everybody's doing it. You don't have
to be Jewish to do it Come to the
annual Hillel Hanukkah feast Tues-
day, Dec. 4 at the Old Pirate's Club,
7:30 and find out what it is we're
doing. For information, call 931-7811
or 931-9861.
Place: Minges Coliseum, Time and
Date: 12:00 noon Tuesday, Decem-
ber 11, 1990. A passing score on this
test is required of all students prior to
declaring physical education as a
major. Students must maintain an
average T-score of 45 on the six-item
test battery and have a T-score of 45
on the aerobics run. 'Any student
with a medical condition that would
contraindicate participation in the
testing should contact Mike
McCammon or Dr. Gav Isarael at
757-4688. To be exempted from any
portion of the test, you must have a
physician's excuse. A derailed sum-
mary of the test components is avail-
able in the Human Performance of
the test components is available in
the Human Performance Laboratory
(Room 371, Sports Mediane Bldg).
Your physician's excuse must spe-
cifically state from which items you
are exempt.
Alpha Episilon Delta will have its
Christmas Party tonight at 7 p.m. in
the Mendenhall Social Room. There
will be free pizza and everyone is
encouraged to attend. This will be a
fun evening (Santa might even show
up, or at least an elf). Sgt. Ken
McCullen will be speaking on fi-
nandng a medical education. See
you there!
All ECU students are invited to at-
tend a study abroad exchange ses-
sion to be held on Thursday, Decem-
ber 6 at 3:30 p.m. in General Class-
room Building 1001 If you are think-
ing of or have ever considered study-
ing in another country or on another
U.S. campus, this is the perfect op
portunirv to team how to make it
work for you1 rhe workshop will
present the opportunities available,
explain the programs and how to
apply. Students will loam how to
investigate study abroad programs,
application procedures, and how to
assure transtercredit. ECU programs
offer summer sttidv in Italy, France,
England, and Costa Rica and se-
mester or year long study in over 63
countries and at 9 U.S. colleges and
universities. Don't miss out on this
worthwhile meeting. It could make
a world ot difference in your educa-
tr.n! If vou are unable to attend.
contact Ms. Stephanie Evancho in
Brewster A-117 or call 757-6769 to set
up an appointment.
Tues Dec. 4 - Penny Adams, voice,
Senior Rectal (Fletcher Recital Hall,
7:00 p.m free). Wed Dec 5 - Mike
Banks, percussion, Senior Recital
(FletcherRecital Hall,7:00p.m free).
Thurs Dec.6-NewMusicCamerata.
Mark Taggart, directo; .Fletcher Re-
ntal Hall, 8:15 p.m free). Dial 757-
corded C i. :
The East Carolinian-
Youranly campiAsjiewspaper
1991-1992 PR! SIP! I
rheStudenl' i or
applications foi the
you're intert sted im
ship experit nee and
things happen at ECI comi
Mendi i - foi
Call 57 4715 with an) quest ? -
Getexcited aboutChristm
AMA Christmas Dinner al
Grandaddy K.?ss . - rhursday
Dec 6th around 'r.V p m I: : h I
ested in joining in on th fui m
sign up on Marketing Board s we
can make a reservation We posl
theexacttimeon the board
bers and guests .ire we o
Come worship God and celel
Chnstmas Communion with us s
Wednesday night at 5 p.m al I i
Methodist Student Center then ei ji
a delicious, all-you-ean-eal
cooked meal and good fellowship
The meal is $250. Call 758 20 SO tor
information. Sponsored by Pn -
tenanand MethodistCampusMii is

December 4, 1990
OHie gast fltarolttrian
The Rainmaker' comes to
East Carolina Playhouse
By Joe Horst
Staff Wnter
On Nov 30, the Fast Carolina
Playhouse opened its second pro
duction of the 1990-91 season with
Richard Nash's "The Rain
With various country music
tunes providing the background,
the plav started quickly .md kept
that pMv throughout the night
The actors' lines were speedy and
right on top of each other Al-
the dialogue was tough to follow,
as time went on, it settled into a
comfortable rhythm. A sense ot
family was constantly re-enforced
Costner's epic silences critics
Photo courtesy of John Sh?ann
ret Rainmaker cast members exhibit their talent m N Richard Nashs popular romantic comedy. The throughout the Play and marvel
OUSiy upheld bv an ot me auors
. ii close tonight
The biggest question that came
upconcerning this production was
whether or not lohn Sheann, the
director, could also serve a dual
role bv acting the part ot H.
Curry, the father
Though Sheann had initially
cast another actor in this role, he
was forced to understudy it him-
self when the actor "was stricken
with an eleventh hour illness For
Shean n himself, the ma jor problem
lav with the reversal from director
to actor, rather than actor to di-
By Bill Egbert
sum Writer
Mam movie-goers may have
skeptical hearing upon that
n Costner would try his hand
reeting hi- new film. Dances
ctors turned directors don't
?press me a- a rule They remind
wers ot sitcom stars who invent
excuses to sing on their programs.
Hut Costner went to great ex
pense hiring historians to authenti-
cate the Indian's costumes and
custom- I le also went against the
advice ot the 1 lollywood establish
men! and hired only Native
Americans to portray the Indian
roles. And in this film, the Indians
don't speak broken English in a
ridiculousaccent.but instead speak
their native language, accompanied
bv direct-translation subtitles.
Although the movie ran over-
budget. Costner covered the cost
ot finishing the production out of
his own pocket, lending the re-
mainder oi his salarv$2 million) to
the producers. Staving true to
Michael Blake's book. Costner in-
sisted that Dances run at least two
See Wolves page 8
Though Sheann himself may
have had problems or doubts with
his dual role, he did a masterful
job .is the father ot the Currv clan
Sheann provided the foundation
and base tor the other actors and
served as a constant mainstay
throughout the play, Shcarin's
professionalism as an actor set the
tone of the plav and in one actor's
words, "made the actors around
him teel very comfortable.
"Although all of the actors
meshed very well together, com-
mendations and congratd ulations
should be given to each of the in-
dividual actors.
Erk Cross, who played Noah
Curry, gave an outstanding per-
formance as the son who is "trving
to run the family like you run the
farm as H.C says. His over-
whelming, though often mis-
placed, concern for his family also
put-him at (Hlils with what is best
tor the family Kevin Varner. who
played lim Curry gave an excel-
lent show tor a newcomer to the
theatre. 1 lis fresh-faced innocence
was in direct contrast to Cross's
portrayal of the hard-line, single-
minded -on and brother
Tara Ridgley, who played
Lizzie Currv, gave a wonderful
performance as the lonely daugh-
ter She very convincingly pulled
oft the transition from an insecure
and frightened woman to one whi i
behoves in herself. Doug Ray, who
portraved the sheriff, gave a gn at
supporting role totheot her actors
His steadfast and constant good
nature was a good added touch to
complete the cast.
Cliff Stubbs, who played the
Deputy File, admirably portrayed
the man whose pride is tearing
him apart. The indecision ot
whether or not to risk his heart
with Lizzie captured the heart ot
the entire audience Christian
Keiberportraved marvelouslv the
grandioseandeloquent rainmaker,
Starbuck. Keiber's previous per
formancein the workshop 'Beirut
was in direct contrast to this role,
and his ability to make this com
plete change of character, which
Keiber did so well, deserves a
standing ovation, which the cist
received at their curtain call
All of the actors did a marvel-
lous job with Shearin's 1 ?
directing at ECU. Any doubts11 ? i
might have been around about
Sheann'sabilities were erased with
this wonderfully funnv and
touching story This production is
possiblv one of the best that ECU
has had the honor to host.
Yidetide traditions claim unlikely origin
? ?. .?I h tr md the sled led stnnes ot Lxuxom or nuts
H Sheri I vnn jernigan
sun Writer
??. em tin w
d thou shall con
mb, and bring forth a
f -halt. ill his name lo-u-
nd sh brought torth her
n on md v rapped him in
?'?,?- and laid him ma
? ho ausethere wasno room
(1 , inr (S? 1 uke2:7)
? ? Americans are familiar
he hristmasstory and many
: ? .?:??-that ha vede eloped.
ihe one in which Santa
? toy? lothes, diamonds
. inder the Christmas tree.
? most people don't know
me ot the traditional
- scameabout SantaGaus,
?ma- tree, lights and
, ards
. ? it . v man dressed in red
? ?. ? ? m Saint Nicholas or
Smta ? lau:
Hie real Saint Nicholas, who
sored a- bishop ot Mvra. in Asia
Minor, in the A P 300s, became
notorious tor In- generosity, some-
times giving guts
The periple Of the Netherlands
( hose Mmt Nicholas as the patron
saint ot children
Santalaus developed from
European beliefs Dutch settlers m
'lork referred to Saint Who
las a- Winter Klaa American chil-
dren.who loved theidea, called him
Smta C laus
Hie Norse believed the god-
dess Hertha would appear in the
fireplace on t hnstmas day to bring
good luck, resultinginthebefief thai
Santa Clause enters the house
through the chimney.
Clement G Mo-ore wrote the
poem "A i-it from St. Nicholas
now 'TheNight Before Chnstmas
where he des nKl Santa's red suit
trimmed with tur and the sled led
bv reindeer.
he Christmas tree originated
from various beliefs. For example.
people m Scandinavia once wor-
shipped trees They adopted ever-
green trees as part of their Christian
Another legend tells how
Winfrid, an English missionary,
found a group ot heathens near an
oak treem( iermany more than 1 ,000
vcars ago
rhey were preparing tor a sac-
rifice to the god Thor. Winfrid
stopped tin- sacrifice and cut down
the tree When it tell, a voting fir tree
appeared Winfrid said the fir tree
represented the tree of life, Christ
Wherever the Christmas tree
came from, the Germans were
probably the first to decorate the
Early decorations included
homemade paper ornaments,
strings ot popcorn or nuts and
candy canes
According to legend, Martin
Luther was the first person to put
lights on his Chnstnvis tree, to
represent the glorv ot the stars on
the night of Chnst's birth
The people ot liel md left
candle lights in their winck ws to
light the way for the Christ C raid
on Christmas Eve.
The exchanging of Christmas
cards is believed to have started
by a 1 ondon company in 1843. By
1862. printed cardsbecame widely
popular. Louis Prang, a Boston
lithographer, printed and sold
multicolored cards in the United
States in 1875.
Other traditional symbols
used during the celebration of
Christ's birth are the North star,
the Yule log, mistletoe music
paintings and literature
"And the angel said unto
Homemade Christmas decorations in vogue
B) Sheri Lynn jernigan
st.itf Writer
?urine the Christmas season,
? red, green and gold lights
through the windows of al-
? . r household, while
? ? enes continue to be a
pular enterpiece for living
ever, some individuals
h, to decorate elaborately
irnaments cannot
the other hand, thoswho
? r,i to buy holiday decora-
n preter to make their own,
? i greater feeling of the hrist-
hnstmas crafts from angels
aths are presented in "The
I hnstmas Magic The Art of
king I '? orations and Orna-
nttcnbv Margaret Perry
rr -tates that her egghead
?. itions take on personali
? me to life Perry says to
taki small holes in each end
n order to blow out the
? nts
Glue 10-inch pieces of yam to
pand to the back of the large
? the egg Braid the varn or
it hanging.
Make a seven-inch, cone-
.haped piece of cardboard for the
body, secured with tape or glue
Snip off less than an inch of the tip
-o that the head will fit securely
Make small holeson each side
t the cone for the arms about one-
half of an inch down from the neck.
Put a 12-inch pipe cleaner through
the two holes tape it at the
Tad the arms, chest and but-
tocks with cotton balls Next, glue
the head to the body.
For the clothes, start with the
sleeves, cutting straight pieces ot
calico about five inches long and
two inches wide.
Glue the seams with a glue
stick and tape the sleeves to the
shoulders. For the bodice, cut a
straight piece of fabric about six
inches long and four inches wide.
Make a small hole for the neck,
and cut the bodice down the back.
The bodice should cover the tops
ot the sleeves.
Use a straight piece ot mate
rial tor the skirt, making it a lull
skirtHue the hem and the back
seam, and glue the shirt over the
bodice Tie a nbbon around the
Finally, use a fine-point felt
pen for the evebrows, nose and
eves, and a red felt pen for the
mouth. Use some rouge tor the
Make several dolls. Place bas-
kets, brooms or gifts in their hands,
and place the dolls in a family
scene under the Christmas tree.
Another craft presented in
Perry's book is the apple pyramid,
traditionally used as a centerpiece
Perry says to start with a 10-
inch styrofoam cone, 13 medium-
size apples, 10 small apples, 5 feet
of 14-gviage, iron wire and several
sprays of evergreens.
Cut seven 4-inch piecesof wire
in order to attach seven medium
apples to thebottomof the pyramid
with the wire.
Insert the wire through one
end oi tin- apple, and then insert
the other end of the wire into the
cone. Space the apples evenly.
Evergreens will fill the spaces.
Place six apples (n the second
row The next three rows use
smaller apple; five tor the third,
four tor the fourth and one for the
top of the cone. As the cone nar-
rows, use shorter pieces of wire.
Place the finished pyramid on
a tray or plate And decorate it
with sprigs ot evergreens; placing
larger ones at the bottom.
Besides gleaming multi-col-
ored lights and decorative orna-
ments, the Christmas holidays
bring about sweet treats.
The editors of "Farm lournal"
present their favorite recipes in
the "Christmas With a Country
The editors write that two
quick-and-easy candies to make
that are delicious to eat and nice to
giveasgiftsare "Chocolate Peanut
Butter Balls" and "Caramel Corn
Flake Snacks
The "Chocolate Peanut Butter
Balls" do not require any cooking.
The items needed include the fol-
lowing: two cups of sifted con-
fectioners' sugar; one cup of pea-
nut butter; three-fourth's cup of
graham cracker crumbs; one-half
cup of soft butter; six-one ounce
squaresof unsweetened chocolate;
and 2 12-inch square paraffin
Combine and blend the con
fectioners sugar, peanut butter,
graham cracker crumbsand but-
Roll the combination into
one-inch balls, and chill for ore
Chop the chocolate and par
affih, and place the pieces into a
double boiler top ever simmer-
ing water. Stir until melted, and
remove it from the heat.
Ismg a fork, dip the balls in
the chocolate quickly. Place the
balls on waxed paper.
Finally, press a peanut halt
on top of each ball.
The ingredients needed for
the "Caramel Corn Flake Snacks"
include: one 14-ounce bag of
caramels; one-fourthcupof milk;
one cup of salted Spanish pea
nuts; six cups of corn flakes and
red candied cherries, halved
First, place the caramels and
milk in a double boiler top over
simmering water Stir until
Gradually,pour thcmixture
over the combined peanuts and
corn flakes in a large bowl. Drop
the mixture by tablespoonfuls
onto waxed paper.
For the final touch is to place
a cherry half on top of each candy.
Other desserts and foods,
along with crafts are found in
"Christmas With a Country Fla-
Stark images of war
presented in upcoming
dance recital at Messick
By Michael Harrison
Staff Writer
A dance recital will be held in
the Messick Theatre Arts Studio
Theatre on Dec. o and 7. The show
is free and will begin at 7:30 p.m. on
Dec. 6, and at 5 p.m. on Dec. 7.
Informal attire is permitted.
Choreography bv BFA dance
majors Christie Cox, Theresa
Hollowell and Emily Mattocks will
be featured. Additional choreogra-
phy b previous guest artist Roger
Boiman will be presented as well.
Cox's choreography is based
on images of war, including prepa-
ration and trainingand actual com-
bat, as well as inner emotional
problems caused by such conflict.
Hollo well's part of the program
will present a lighter look at pres-
suresand conflicts involved in daily
lives, which will represent a theme
of too much to do in too little time,
so to speak. This piece is symbolic
of the physical and psychological
stress of day-to-day living
The choreography bv Mat-
tocks shows images ot the home-
less, including a representation ot
the feelings of being in situations
over which one has no control.
Non-dancers will be included here
as well as dancers.
Belman is responsible for two
works to be seen at the program.
One will feature ECU dance in-
structor Path Weeks in a solo per-
formance Weeks desenbed it as
"very light and free-spirited
adding that the joy of movement
will also be epresented
The second work bv Belman is
a group piece, which was inspired
by a personal expenence in the
mountains of Utah. Weeks said
the choreography is very powerful
and possesses a spiritual feeling.
kssaid all the dances that
Belman is responsible for are in
the New York mode

8 OJljc ?aat (JJaroltnian
December 4,1990
This Week in Film
Surrealistic Evening" highlights
semester's alternative film program
The semester is winding down but the tree tilms at Hendnx
Theatre are gaining intensity This Wednesday night the Student
Union Rims Committee presents the highlight of this semester's
alternative film program, the much-awaited "Surrealistic
I venmg" featuring "Un Chien Andalou "Liquid Sky" and
"Santa Sangre
"An Andalusian dog howls Who is dead?" "Un Chien
Andakm created by artist Salvador Dali and renowned Spanish
filmmaker Luis Bunuel in 1928, captivated the first audience that
saw it and soon gamed a prominence thai made it one o( the best
known and most discussed experimentalavantgardefilmsever
made The purpose of the film is to go beneath the rational,
i onscious world to represent the world ol sleep dreams and the
1 hough many credit Pah with the creation oi the film, it is
primarily 1 uis Bunuel's talent that is reflected in "Un Chien
Andalou Bunuel's writing ot the film was based on the prin-
ciple oi association. A trail is blazed through a series ol discon-
nected images images that represent repressed conflict and
forbidden wishes. The film attempts to dislocate and subvert the
viewer from the visual narrative to the psychological narrative,
or a- Freud w ould saw the latent content ol the imagery where
wishes find fulfillment.
In the now famous prologue of the short film, a girl's open
eve is slued open. The scene tells us that we have to mow "t n
v hien Andalou with a different eye.
In "I iquid sk we are plunged into the delirium ol a drug
dream The film is a Stylish tongue in-cheek science fiction New
Wave comic strip that has become a cult favorite
I he film is not easily described, but the basic premise is this
Unseen aliens, searching for heroin, land their tiny flying saucer
on the roofofa downtown apartment building and attach them
selves to Margaret, the wanly beautiful definitively androgy
nous New Wave fashion model whose friends use a lot ol smack
As it turns out. the aliens are greeds they also want the euphoria
indiK ing hemical secreted by the brain during orgasm, a chemi-
cal similar to heroin.
Since Margaret is constantly besieged b seducers and rap
ists of both sexes, she product's a lot ot chemicals for the aliens
hen her pursuers make love to her. the) quickl) dematenahe
in an explosion ol iridescent orange green-blue spai e Margaret,
beginning to enjoy her power, becomes an a enger.
"Liquid Sky is a satirical look at New York City's New Wave
subculture of the early 80s. More than anything else, it is an
outsiders vision of meru a as a civilization light years beyond
any other in its decadence.
"Santa Sangre" ("Hob Blood"), the grand finale ol the
evening is as strong a movie as n be made Written and
directed by Alejandro lodorowsky, ahilean-born Pole, it is
brutal, comic, profane, and bizarre film making ol the highest
The film details the lite of Fenix, a psychotic mass murderer,
brought up in a cm us run bv his lusty, alcoholic father Crgo, and
his acn 'batic mother Concha, Fenix is heir to a tefJKy of theatri-
caftty, violence and hallucination.
? great deal ol the wonder ot Santa Sangre has nothing to
do with the plot. Jodorowsk) is a surrealist with a capital "S His
frames are tilled with gorgeous, reason detvmg clutter His
camera moves around the sots like a possessed intelligence. I he
film features stirring performances all around, many hilarious and set pieces, and remarkabh fresh photography and
editing isually, "Santa Sangre" is stunning
A word ol caution. "Santa Sangre" maj not be everyone's
cupoftea It is unforgettable Iike"Blue Velvet Itisadiabolkrall)
disturbing film, not tor the faint hearted But it you are a discern
ing film viewer, the opportunity to seea lodorowsky film should
definitely not be missed.
The "Surrealistic Evening" will be held tomorrow night,
Wednesday Dec 5 In (hien Andalou' will begin at 8:00 p.m.
"Liquid Sky" takes off at 8:20 p.m. "Santa Sangre" will screen at
10:15 p m. '
I hursday through Saturday, the jut-jawed comk book crime
fighter "Pick Tracy" hits the screen. And on Sunday, the ultra-
intense thriller "Dead Calm ' will be shown
Admission to all ol these films is tree to students presenting
a valid E I student ID. Next week the Italian masterpiece
. inema Paradisoi"
The Student Unions Films Committee would like to thank
Easloast Musk and ideo for use ol their videotapes in the
review ot these films.
Compiled In I isj Marie erntgan
PBS celebrates MacNeil- "
Lehrer's 15th birthday
Metal Notes
NEW YORK (AP) ? On judg-
ment Day, after the angel Gabriel
has sounded his horn and the seas
are merrily a-boil, some PBS view-
ers probably will tune in "The
MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour" for a
sober, reasoned, in depth report
And the?e of course, will be
co-anchors Jim Lehrerand Robert
MacNeil calmly poppingquestions
at bemused-looking Matthew,
Mark and ? in Washington l.uke
and John.
"Yes the Canadian MacNeil
will say with characteristic aplomb,
"but what exactly does this mean
in terms of, say, the afterlife?"
Well, maybe not.
But tonight's 90-minute PBS
special marking the 15th anniver-
sary of "The MacNeil-I.ehrer
News! lour" helpsexplam how and
whv the two men became the
longest-lived news team on televi-
sion, winni ng fi ve Pea bod v a wards,
four Emmys and dozens of other
1 lore we go' Rumor has it that Skid Row v? alist Sebastian
Bach has threatened never to release another skid Row album
again Apparently, Jon Bon ovi .?. hod is, o epl the New lersey
a t a couple years ago, owns all the publishing rigl ts to Skid
Row's songs, anil he supposedly made more money Irom the
debut album than the band bach stated in a magazine that Mr
Bon lovi is 'a liar and a thief" 1 leave' Ba h ,id the rest of the
Skids won't allow the nearly finished album to be released until
they get their publishing rights back.
Led Zeppelin will be doing a reunion tour in the very near
future. Guitarist fimmy Page is the man in charge of the planning
and is currently approaching the old crew members. The tour is
set to begin sometime next year Metal Notes will keepyou posted
Whitesnake is on the way toSplitsville (luitarisl Steve Vai
is going ahead with his solo career It seems Vai's deal ot one
album and one tour with Whitesnake is now up bassist Rudy
Saro is venturing out on a solo career, and vocalist David
( overdale will soon be a solo act in his personal lite. Cdverdale
and wife Tawny Kitaen ("Bachelor Party various Whitesnake
. ideos) are headed for divorce. Ouch1
You can catch Megadeth and Testament at the Boathouse in
Norfolk, Va on Dec. 13.
Slaughter and Extreme released new videos last week on
MTV Slaughter released "Spend My Life the third video
single from their platinum debut, Stick it to Ya' Extreme is visible
via their second videosingle, "Get the I link Out from their
second LP, Extreme 11: PornograffitH
There's a new Greenville heavy metal act in the works as 1
write this week's Metal Notes Bassist Mike Follmer and gui-
tarist lohn Rae are looking for other area musicians (namely a
vocalist, drummer and guitarist) to j?m in an all-original band If
vour interested, call ohn at 752-6181 and leave a message
Until next year, good luck on exams, have a great Christmas
break and moah the night away on New Year's Fee' See ya'
Compiled by "Piy" Dejnna Nevgloski
and a half hours, knowing that such
a demand would scare away big-
studio money. Even the most
doubtful 1 loUywood suits are now-
speaking in hushed tones of the
three-hour "epic" that lostner has
carved out ot the South Dakota
Dances with Wolves, is an
impressive movie. Costner expertly
balances his responsibilioeson both
sides ot the camera In fact his per-
formance in Dances is his best act-
ing to date 1 le avoids the stereo
typical western hero machismo,
giving his character an uncertain,
apologetic quality which is appeal-
ing and real
lhe performances oi the Na
tive American actors are also im-
pressh e. Because they were speak-
ingSioux, the actors had to convey
their complex emotions
nonverbauy. They all rose to the
challenge, enriching the film with
facial expressions, subtle gestures
and expressive intonations so ef-
fective that one almost torgets that
they re not speaking English Gra
ham.reene, who pbys Kicking
Bird, a Sioux holv man who be-
friends Costner's character, give a
remarkable performance. Thercarc
several near-silent moments be-
tween (reene and Costner that art
worth the price of admission.
Dances with Wolves is the story
ot 1t. lohn I Xinbar, a Union soldier
who becomes a hero in the Civil
War bv riding alone across a battle-
held, breaking a frustrating stand-
off. The Army rewards him by
granting him a transfer to any post
he chooses. Dunbar chooses Fort
Sedgewick,asodbrick building and
a rickety corral on the fringe of the
American Frontier, pressing on the
border of Sioux territory.
When he arrives at the "fort
he finds it deserted and littered
with ominous indications that the
detac merit had met with an un-
fortunate end. Dunbar decides to
Stay at his post and send his escort
back to inform the command nd
return with reinforcements The
escort never makes it bad . how-
ever. He's cut down midway bv
Pawnee scouts, and Dunbar is left
alone, standing on Indian ground.
hsfirst contacts with the Sioux
areanxiousand frightening for both
sides, like two wild animals meet-
ing in the forest, neither knowing
what to expect and both fearful of
the worst. But through the efforts
ot Dunbar and Kicking Bird, they
begin to understand each other.
Dunbar finds that the Sioux are
nothing like the "beggars and
thieves" described by other whites,
likewise, the Sioux discover that
Dunbar is not the dirty, violent,
treacherous creature they had ex-
The bonding between Dunbar
and the Indians is the focus of
Dances. Their interactions are
funny, dramatic and moving and
not always picturesque. At one
point Dunbar oversteps his bounds
and offends his adopted tribe,
bringing realism to their complex
Dances also carries timely po-
litical messages. When Dunbar and
the Sioux arc tracking the herd
during a buffalo hunt, they dis-
cover a field of rotting bison car-
casses slaughtered only for their
skin. That message is articulated
awards along the way
It also reveals human sides of
two very smart, funny, creative fel-
Lehrer, we learn, is the author of
five novels and several plays.
MacNeil, theauthor of four non-fiction
books,said he'sjust finished thorough
draft of his first novel. "Just to keep
up with him is something MacNeil
We also learn that the two men,
despite working in a business known
for oversized egos and bitter
internecine rivalries, are each other's
best fnend.
"It is wonderful to have some
body you can tell most everything
and be completely candid with We
are business partners and friends
MacNeil said. He also noted that each
has named the other as guardian of
his children.
Their nightly news show began
on Oct. 20, 1975, as a local program
called 'TheRobert MacNeil Report
Continued from page 7
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earlier in tht
explains his
film when Dunbar
choice ol posts: "1
wanted to see the frontier, .before
it s gone
After he helps defend the In
dian camp from a Pawnee raid
Dunbar writes in his journal about
the unfamiliar feeling ol fighting
because of necessity: to protect
needed winter food-stores, to de-
fend children fust a tew feet away
He contrasts this immediacy with
the "dark, political objectives that
drive the American war machine
In many ways, Dunbar doesn't
embrace the In inner as much as he
rejects civilization He is running
away from senseless wars, from
obscene waste, from insane bu-
reaucracies, from illiterates carry-
ing guns from an over-civilized
world. In this respect, Dunbar's
feelings aren t simple those ol any
typical western hero. They are the
anxieties ot most contemporary
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glhg iEagt (garnHnian
ECU men
take third
at Purdue
By F.arle McAuley
Assistant Sports ditor
rhcECU mcn'sbasketball team
"ed to West Lafayette,bid last
. ekend to compete m the Boiler-
maker Invitational, and did mar-
iv well
The Pirates managed to go l 1
the weekend. Thev were blown
by Purdue "S-4 m the opener,
but pulled a reversal mtheconsola
came bv defeating 1 oyola u
The Bucs were able to keep the
first game dose tor the firs! seven
minutes, trailing II 7 with 12:54
naming in the first halt The
Boilermakers then went on a 22 5
n to make the score 33-14 at the
09 mark
The Pirates never got back into
ihe game Purdue continued its
domination over the burs, taking a
46-26 lead by the hall
"1 wasdisappointed in the wa
we plavod the first half 1 thought
we were prettv good defensivehy
we ust couldn't score, said ECU
head coach MikcSteolc.
ECU played them doser in the
second half, scoring 23 points while
Civing up 32
leading the Pirates was fresh
nun guard I ester Lyons, who had
18 pointsand two rebounds 1 yons
wastheonly Pirate to scoreindoufole
figures Sophomore center Ike
Copeland added eight points and
eight rebounds, and senii vt forward
Stanley! oveamassed seven points
.nd five rebounds
Every Purdue player putsome
points on the board I eading their
? us' was imrm Oliver with 1"
points and five rebounds, other
mficant contributors were
melius McNar with It points
i five rebounds and Lira Darner
?? 10 pointsand one rebound
They mv a typical Purdue
im'saidSteele Theydon tgive
inything easy, thev don't give
transition baskets or second
The Pirates fared much better
in the consolation game
rhey came out firing building
i 12-2 lead four minutes into the
intesl Loyola managed to gain
me ground back before theend o(
the first half, pulling within six at
the intermission to make the s? ore
15-29.EC I
The Pirates Wean the second
U similar to the first After swap-
ping a couple ol baskets they went
p a 17-6 tear that made the score
4 37 with 1153 remaining in the
The Pirates remained incontrol
r the remainder o! the game and
ended the tournament on a good
The Pirates wen- again led by
I yons who scored 18 points Four
ther players were in double tig
urev Love had 14 points and nine
rebounds junior guard Robin
See ECU. page 10
Lady Pirates
crush visitors
in tournament
By Doug Morris
Sports I ditOl
C?l?ste Hoffman ? ECU Photo Lab
Senior center Sandra Grace drives down the pa.nt tor a lay-up Grace had 15 points m the game and 38 in
the tournament She also racked up 13 rebounds tor the tournament
Head coach Pat Piersori red a win over her alma mater and senior
forward Sandra I ira scored tin I 000th point ol her canvr m the i adv
Pirates 81 69 tournament win ?er Northwestern State 1 niversitv
In addition to her high seimng honor, Gra was named to the All
rournamentteam Also named kvereawtonskiniorhrvardLis.itjreen
Northwestern State's jui i i . ?rd Ins Dixonand - nun forward I eofa
Shaw and South Canlii I senKr guard Kasha Campbell ECU's
pnior forward Tonya Hargi i iv?medthetoumanu-nt'sMotValu-
able Player for the second year ma rim
The final game of the 1 adv Pirate lassii began with the Lath Pirates
winning the tip-off from the Lad) fX-monsof Northwvslern Stale Univet
sitv and scoring first. E r relinquished tht
At the start of the garnt ; i i ??etook the ball to ? I i ketbutwas
fouled on the shot SI I i f the shots h mthel ne.givn gthc
I adv Pirates the first point ? ? ? an uneven trade with I ' ei is
lualh openu pthelt ad I ?'
ur b 1 1 points
he Lady Demons then began a rui nswered baskets, closing
the lead to two p unts w ith five minutes let! in the halt But the 1 ady Pirates
wore able toopen the lead up ag m ? nding the half leading 4- 33
The second halt opened with the Lady Demons scoring first, but the
1 adv Pirates came back with sixunai ?:? d points making the score 51-
J5, just three minutes into the second hall
FortherestofthehalLbothteamstradedbaskets ECU opened the lead
up to 17 points, its highesl k id I th. gan ? ofl a three-pointer b)
sophomore guard Gaynor aDonnel iett m the halt
NSU was able to close the lead to within eight points with 8:18 left in
the half, but that was as dose as I ? iki come to the Lady Pirates Ihe
gameended with ECU upbv 12, winmi g81-( ?
Hargrove led the Ladv I il lt I "d 14 rebounds Also
See Pirates p I :? '
By Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports I ditor
Ihe Lady livers ot Davton
I niverit were unable to match-
nst ickcr Pirate squad
: opened the gth Annual
I ad) Pirate classk bv defeating
Dayton 100-801 riday night.
1 he Lad) Pirates began by
winning the opening rip off and
quickl) building a 6-0 lead with
three baskets from senior center
Sandra i .race
Thel advFlversthencameback
with their own center, sophomore
lube Arnold, who scored six points
of her own to make the score B-6
with 1653 remaining in the half
Dayton then scored tour mom
points to give them a two-point lead
and forced ECU too call a time out
with 15.47 showing on the clock.
The two teams essentially
swapped baskets for the next six
minutes with ECU holding a slim
24-23 lead with 9:01 left in the halt.
The Lady Pirates then scored
20 of the next 24 points, forcing
Davton to call another time out,
with 3 52 left in the halt Following
a time out, the I.adv Flyers were
able tocut the lead from 15 p ?nts to -
eight with the halt ending EC I 48
Dayton 40
Following the intermission
Dayton looked like they were gou
to make the game tight, pulling
within six pointsat 52-46 with 1850
remaining. Put that wasasdoseas
the game would be.
Senior forward Sandra (lra
opened up a 13-4 nm on a lay-in
under thebasketincreasingthe Lady
Pirate's lead to a 65-50 margin
n the -
and were able to battle tk k within
nine to make the score 72-63 it
12:12 mark forcing the Lad) l'i
rates to call their own timeout
It wasall E( I from this poii I
on (uniorforward ronya Hargrove
began the i inslaught, and the rest of
the Lady 1 Irateschipped in to build
the lead as high as 23 p? lints with HI
seconds remaining.
Ihe Lady Pirates were led b)
.race, who had 20 points and eight
rebounds Also playing significant
roles wereGray 21 points, eight
reboundsandHargrove 20points
Ifiverebounds Hargrovewasa
perl ? percent from the fkxr,
hirbngeight of eight
lunior forward onnie Small
d 11 pointsand six rebounds
to the Lady Pirates cause
Davton was led by junior for-
ward Lisa Green who had 20 points
and tour rebounds Also posting
good numbers tor the Lady Flyers
were freshman guard Natalie Hilt
15 points, five rebounds and
Arnold - 13 points and three re-
Bv Matt Mum ma
st.itt Writer
InSaturdav sc onsolation finals
ol the Lady Pirate Classic Dayton
quietly nd thoroughly trounced
South Carolina State 65-40 to take
third place in the tournament.
(n Friday, Dayton lost to ECU
100-80, and SCSI dropped their
game against Northwestern in the
first round of the tournament
Against the Bulldogs, Dayton
came out with an early 10 5 lead on
fivequickbasketsb) -junior forward
Lisa (Ireen and sophomore guard
shan Saunders Once Dayton got
the lead thev never Uwked back and
eventually extended it to 27 points
late m the second halt
"1 was pleased with mv team s
shooting Dayton head coach Sue
Ramsey said. "We were confident
in our inside and outside game
Davton attacked the ball and
managed to put the Bulldogsin foul
troublecarlv in the game The Lady
Flyers went to the free throw line 26
times, compared withSCSU'seight
"We were intimidated by the
aggressive plav of Dayton; we just
didn't plav to our potential SCSI
head coach Lyman Foster said after
the game.
It was the free throws that won
the game tor Dayton. Both team-
made about the same amount o(
field goals Davton made 22 and
SCSI made 18, but Davton had the
added benefit of 19pointsfrom the
foul line.
Four of those points came from
two technical fours called on Foster
in the first halt
"The officiating left something
tobedcsirecl Foster said. "1 leCthe
official) was nist looking for a tech-
nical foul; 1 don't know why We let
it get to us too much though
In the first half Dayton slowly
built up a 21 -point lead, and by the
end of the half they aHowedSCSU a
mere 18 points.
lli. ? second halt ipened up with
a 19 point Davton lead thai c SI
could onh cut to I5earh in the hall
Davton never lost control, though
Mid played steadil)
They increased ther, lead to 27
at one point and came out witha65-
40 wm. Davton finished a respect-
able third place in the tournament.
"We didn't execute our of-
fense Poster said. "Dayton's de-
fense was tough, they grabbed 26
defensive rebounds and scored 14
points off forced turnovers
"1 was pleased with our de-
fense; when you hold a team to 40
points you can win ball games.
Ramsev said.
Whenvouhavepooplolikel isa
( Ireen you can win even more ball
games She pulled down 7 re-
bounds had 18 pointsand sparked
Dayton's earl) lead which thev
never gave up
Shari Sender also had a great
game tor Dayton with three assists
and seven points.
1 was pleased with Souder
Ramsey said. She played a good
heads up game and found Green a
lot. rhey look for eajehother and if s
a good one-two punch
Shari makes me look g(nxl out
there. It it wasn't for her we'd have
nothing happening. C Ireen said.
See Dayton, paqe 10
Swim team overwhelms Richmond Spiders
By Christine Wilson
Slaff Writer
Calasta Hottmin ? ECU Photo l?b
These swtmmers take off from the blocks to back down the lanes in
FnTa?wh the Umverstty of Richmond Sp.ders in addtt.n to th.s event, the women won their compet-tion. 120 597 5
With a packed crowd cheering
in Minges Aquatic Center, the Pi-
rate swimmers began its Colonial
Athletic Association meet with the
University of Richmond Spiders
with control and ended it with
The ECU swim team competed
against the conference nvals Fnday
with the men's and women's each
claimmga victory Themen'ssquad
defeated Richmond, 122 while
the women defeated Richmond,
Head Coach Rick Kobe said.
"We completely dominated once
again. 1 couldn't believe that after
the first five events, before the div-
ing exhibition, the men were ahead
bv 51 pointsand the women 25 "
Out of the Prevents, the men's
team held fourexhibirions, and the
womon'steai nheld throe. The teams
do not score any points tor an ex-
hibition, so this helped Richmond
to shorten EC U's dominating lead
The men s team won tirst place
in everv even t, even the ones which
thev swam .is exhibitions tor no
points. The women's team won all
but rvvoevents, in which thev placed
second and tb lrd
Top swimmers for this meet
ranged widely-
"The whole team put forth an
outstanding effort said Kobe "1
think the support from the crowd
also played a jvirt in our dominat-
ing Richmond It helps the team
when they know someone is be-
hind them
Seniors Stove Benkuskv. Tom
Holsten and junior MarcCook had
outstanding performances in the
Benkuskv. who was sick with
the tin. managed to take firs! place
in the 100-meter free in 48.74 and
second in the 200-meter tree in
1 4 7 3
Moisten placed first in the 200
IM in 158.68 and also accompanied
senior George Walters, freshman
Lance Tale and sophomore Brad
Herndon in taking first place in the
400-meter medley relay with a time
oi 339.69.
Gxk placed first in the ZOOfree
with a time of 1:47.23 and first in
500-meter free in4:63.14 which was
anexhibition. Freshman Brian Solt
took tirst place in the 50-meter free
in 22.69.
The lead mg women swimmers
were senior Meredith Bridgers,
sophomore Suzanne O'Brien,
freshmen Nancy Depalo and
Bridgers took first place in both
the 200 IM in 2:15.17 and the 200-
meter breast in
he swam
the 200 breast as an exhibition.
O Bnen placed tirst in the 2W
flv in 2 12.64 and also helped win
the 4iM medley relay
Sophomore luhe Wilhelmand
senior Carolyn Green assisted
O'Brien and Bridgers in that event
with a time of 4:1053.
Impressive freshmen IVpalo
and Silber once again dominated
the water bv blowing out their
Depalo took first in the?Wback
in 2:17.hO and took second to her
teammate in the 1000 free with a
time of 11:05.76.
Silber placed first m the 1000
free in 10 4? 47 ami first in the 200-
meter tnv in 159.64
The men's and women's
records now stand at 4 1 each.

10 CDlie ?agt (Earaltntan DecemberAJ990
ECU Briefs
Hargrove is CAA Player of the Week
A1990 First Team AU: A A selection, junior forward Tonya
Hargrove picked up where she left off last year by totaling 65
points and 25 rebounds in three ECU victories last week. In the
Tirates' season-opening win at Coastal Carolina, Hargrove
scored 22 points and grabbed six rebounds. She followed that
effort with her second consecutive MVP performance in the
Ladv Pirate Classic. In ECU'S opening round win of the tour-
nament, she scored 20 points with five rebounds vs. Dayton. In
the championship tilt vs Northwestern State, she posted sea-
son-high totals of 23 points and 14 rebounds. Hargrove is
currently second in theCAA in scoring (213 ppg) and leads the
league if field goal accuracy at 813 127-33). She is also
averaging8.3 rebounds per game to rank seventh in the league
Players make All-Academic team
Keith Arnold, a junior center, and Ken Burnette, a junior
inside linebacker, have been named to the GTE Academic All-
America District 111 team, voted by the College Sports Infor-
mation Directors ot America
District 111 consists of schools in Honda, Georgia. North
Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.
To be eligible for the squad, a student athlete must have at
least a 3.2 cumulative grade point average, be a sophomore or
higher academic and athletic standing and be a starter or
prominent reserve on the football squad
Arnold, a native of Kennesaw. Ga.( made the district squad
tor the second year in a row. 1 le started each game at center tor
the Pirates and has a 338 GPA in business.
Burnette, a nativeof Spruce Pine, started lOol 11 games this
season and was in on 82 tackles, fourth highest on the team 1 le
has a 3 2" GPA in Business management
I he two players will go on the national ballot with the
squad being released on Dec 14.
Jones is third team All-America
FCC inside linebacker Robert tones was named third-
team All America bv Football News last Tuesday.
The junior from Blackstone a . led the Pirates in tackles
with 167, including 112 solo stops Earlier this year Jones was
named Sports Illustrated s Defensive Player of the Week tor his
1 tackleettort against . incinnatti.l le also had a school record
23 tackles against Temple.
The first team inside linebacker were Darnck Brownlow
a senior fromlllinois and MauriceCrum. a senior from Miami
The second squad consists of senior Randy Holleran ot Ken-
tnckv and Michael Stonebreaker a senior from Notre Dame.
ones and junior Chris Wilson from Oklahoma make up the
third croup.
oncs becomes the tirst Pirate to make the magazines All
America list since Terry 1 ong was named tirst team in 1983.
Cordelli to replace Crum as
head coach of Kent State
KENT, Ohio (AP) ? Pete
Cordelli jr offensive coordinator
for Notre Dame, today was named
Kent State University's new head
Kxitb.illco.ich, replacing fired coach
Dick Crum.
"We believe Pete Cordelli has
the coaching values, philosophy and
abilitv to make Ken t' s program very
competitive again school Presi-
dent Michael Schwartz said.
Cordelli said he was excited
about the chance to work with the
Golden Hashes, ot the Mid Ameri-
can Conference
"Kent State University pro-
vided the head coaching opportu-
nity I was looking for Cordelli
said. "When you come to the cam-
pus, you can feel that the university
is moving forward You can also
fed the commitment to the football
program and to making it com-
petitive again "
-? wmm Rqw v
Sports Briefs
Cordelli, 37, has been Notre
Dame's assistant coach since 1986.
He has coached seven bowl games,
including Notre Dame's national
championship title in 1988.
He also has coached at Arkan-
sasand Minnesota and was a player
personnel scout for the Dallas
Cowboys from 1981-82.
Crum was fired Nov. 14 and
had a three-year record of 7-27 with
the Golden Hashes
"We just decided not to renew
the contract Kent State Athletic
Director Paul Amodiosaid.
(mm previously had coached
at Miami of Ohio, where his record
was 34-10-1 .and at NorthCarohna
where he had a 7241 -3 record.
At Kent State. Crum went 5-h in
his first season, winless in 11 games
last vear and 2 10 this past season,
including a season-ending victory
over Eastern Michigan three days
after his dismissal was announced.
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-1991 Pontiac Sunbird
NEW YORK AP) ? Ty Detmer. the latest in the line of
reat Brigham Young quarterbacks, outdid them all Saturday
bv winning the Heisman 1 rophy.
Detmer, who has set or tied 25 NCAA passing and total
Offense records, became the tirst Pi U winner and third con-
secutive junior winner He finished with 316 first-place votes
and 1.4S2 total points
Raghib Rocket IsmailNotre Dame's all-purpose star
finished second with 23" first-place votes and 1,177 points.
Colorado running back Eric Rieniemv was third with 798
points, followed bv Virginia quarterback Shawn Moore (465)
and Houston quarterback David Klingler (125).
Angels and Blue Jay s complete trade
ROSEMONT,Ill.(AP) The California Angels and Toronto
Blue lavs got the winter meetings off to a hot start Sunday,
exchanging outfielders Devon White and unior Felix in a six-
ptayer trade, while Terry Pendleton and the Atlanta Braves
moved closer to their own big deal.
As the Angelsand Blue a s took action,Pendleton and the
Braves talked about a tour-year, $10 million contract. New-
Atlanta general manager John Schuerholz was confident the
long-time St. Louis third baseman would soon sign.
Daniel and Love capture Classic
TRPON SPRINGS. Fla (AD - Beth Daniel and Davis
Love III held off a challenge from Nancy 1 ope and Jay Haas in
Sunday's final round to capture the I C. Penney Golf Classic by
five strokes.
Daniel and Love earned $100,(XX) each with a 4-under-par
r7 on Sundav to complete the tour rounds with an 18-under 266
total at Inmsbrook Resort.
Lopez and Haas finished at 271 Pam Wright and hm Hallet
tied for third with Missie McGeorge and Hm Thorpe at 274.
Piccard wins first World Cup race
V ALLOIRE, France (AP) ? Olympic gold medalist Franck
Piccard captured the first men's World Cup race of the Euro-
pean season Sundav.
Piccard had a time of 1 minute. 27.59 seconds in the super
giant slalom, beating Franz Heinzer of Switzerland Heinzer
was second in 1:27.77, with 21- ear old Austrian Stefan
Eberharter third in 1:27.82.
Koss almost breaks world record
HEERENVEEN, Netherlands (AP) - World champion
speedskater Johan-Olav Koss of Norway came within two
tenths of a second of the world record as he skated to victory in
the 5,000 meters Sunday in the men's World Cup season
Koss was timed in 6:43.79, just off the world record of
6.43.59 set in the 1988 Olympics by Norway's Geir Karlstad
Labonte victorious in Australia
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) ? Terry Labonte won the
NASCAR 400 on Sunday when the stock car race at the Calder
Thunderdome was halted by rain at the halfway mark. Labonte,
driving an Oldsmobile, led fellow Ken Schrader, in a Ford
Thunderbird, and Ron Esau, driving an Oldsmobile, when the
race was stopped.
Compiled from Assort tted I'rtss Uritfs
continued from page 9
outstandingin thegame were
O'Donnell and senior center
Sandra Grace with 15 points
"We just had to comeOU t
real intense said Pierson.
'We did a giHxl job on the
defensive side of the flixr
ECU travels to Boone to
take on the Lady Mountain-
eers of Appalachain this
It's hard to beat
Appalachain at home said
Pierson. ' We must get Kick
defensively, ehmanate their
fastbreakand play real sound
continued from page 9
SCSU'S leading SCOrer W9S
Shena Brown who had 12 points
and seven rebounds Keshia
Campbell also played a tine game
for the Bulldogs
"Campbell is a great ptayerbut
she was trying to do too much and
not getting the other players the
hall " Foster slid
The East Carolinian
is now accepting
applications for
Sports Writers.
Anyone interested
should apply on the
second floor ot the
publications building.
across from Joyner
continued from page 9
House had 11 points and two re-
bounds, freshman forward Kevin
Armstrong contributed 10 points
and si rebounds and senior for-
ward Tim Brown with 10 points
and seven rebounds Copeland alsi
helped the cause with five points
and led all rebounders with 10.
Loyola was led by Enc Doleral
who scored 1? points and had six
rebounds. The only other Loyola
player in double figures was Benue
"It was a lot more fun than last
night. I'll tell you that Steele said
"This was a good win for us an
important win
Loyola head coach Will Rev
said all the teams in the tournament
are in the same boat but Purdue
"This tournament wasgo vl tor
us in the sense that we played two
teams in a similar situation as us.
and that's trying to rebuild a pro-
gram he said.
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At Hendrix Theatre
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The hottest detective is
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Fri. & Sat Dec. 7 & 8 8pm
ECU ID or Current Films Pass is Required for Admission

The Student Union Productions Committee will
have a Christmas Tree Trimming Party
Dec. 4 4-6pm
The Student Union Film Committee presnts
a sneak preview of awakening.
Starring Romrt DeNiro & Rorin Williams
Dec.4 8pm
Screening passes are availaue at the ineormahon desk in Menoenhau

The East Carolinian, December 4, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 04, 1990
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