The East Carolinian, November 13, 1990

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otije iEaHt (Earnlttrian
64 N 60
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Flags fly as SGA debates football funding
AirloireROTC g
holds awareness
week for POW(s)
Center offers
l .a I'ov.i Hnnkiiv
Poetry Reading
Store profits yield scholarship program
i l vnn M.u iiison
? ;
The Buccaneer yearbook
will be distributed today, Tuesday, Nov. 13, beginning at 9 am. in the
back of Wright Soda Shop. Students who wish to receive a yearbook
are urged to bring university IDs and to come early! Supplies limit
distribution to sophomores and upperclassmen.
Editorial 4
U S Diploma .
thekey t mgl
Pen lan Gult cri:
Features 7
? u otti ba ed
! IS
? ? . ish then
a tlbum
Sports 10
? ? , . ? d
todefi ?? ? ? kn
of NIU. 24-20

W$z lEant ftarritman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No.60
Tuesday, November 13, 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
12 Pages
Flags fly as SGA debates football funding
Bv Rob Norman
Stjtf Writer
I vhate over appropriations for
a flag football team and geolog)
studies organization headlined the
weekl) Si lAmecting Monday night
During the meeting, a bill re
questing the university reconsider
its change m the operating hours of
lovner Library was passed by the
lhet-Vl womens flag football
91 budget rhc appropriation would
include travel and hotel costs tor a
team trip to a ew . Weans tourna-
Their budget vas p.isM'd by a
voice vote after heavy debate
When asked how much money
the team received last year, Si .A
Treasurer Randy Roy aisaid theteam
was givenc' V71
Appropriations hairman
Inpp Iogg explained the increase
over last year's appropriation
The registration tee tor the
team went up $30 Hogg said. "A
new participation feeof$l6 per per
son on the team has been added by
the organizers
1 iogg also said that the travel
funding figures needed to be raised
as well
"Last year, when the) went
down there, they said it was about
70 miles 1 Iogg said "ldrovcmy
car down there, and it's about 1,000
Hogg also said that the hotel
v osts were higher because the tour-
nament is bring held during Sugar
Bowl weekend in southern Louisi-
I egislator Darck McCullers
made an amendment that would
an the hotel money from $720 to
4ib MiC ullers said he thought the
hotel costs were excessive and that
the Si , should not pay
The amendment failed and the
budget was passed
A budget request tor the Sigma
Gamma Epsilon Geological Honor
Society was also discussed
rafter the Appropriations om-
mittee reammendcd $750 for the
See SGA page 2
Air Force ROTC
holds awareness
week for POW(s)
By im Rogers
StJtt Writer
With a bamboo cage in front oi
the Student Store, the Prisoner of
War Missing in Action awareness
campaign hit the ECU campus last
POWM1A week was staged
throughout the country to gam, rev
ogmtion tor the issue of soldiers
who never returned from wars, rhe
campus campaign was sponsored
by the Arnold AirSocietv.a service
organization within Air Force
In addition E I - local chap-
ter, the kitty 1 lawk Squadron pro
moted awareness of the POW MIA
issue by displaying a bamboo cage.
distributing information about the
POW Ml As and selling identifica-
tion bracelets T shirts and decals
The bamboo cage is a replica of
the cages m which some American
Prisoners ol War were detained in
during the Vietnam conflict.
The group also held a 12-hour
overnight igil from sunset Thurs-
day to MinriH' Friday, burning a
lantern mthocage to svmholie hope
tor tin safe return ot those missing.
Approximately 2,400 American
m.t icemen remain unaccounted tor
in the aftermath 't the Vietnam
The governments of Laos and
The Peoples Republic of Vietnam
have been delinquent in the release
i if information concerning these men
and women
today nearly twenty yearsal
ter the end of the Vietnam war the
POWMIA issue is controversial
ancl emotional tor thcso with loed
ones still missing
"The response we have had on
campus and in the community has
bevn tremendous Matt Beobe a
senior Air Force KOU cadet said
"The student response was Stron
ger this year than it has been in the
We e en got a phone call from
a woman in acksonville, who saw
us on the news and thanked us tor
remembering the issue and doing
something to promote it It helps a
lot to get this much positne feed-
rhe Kitty ! lawk Squadron sold
overlOOPOW MIA bracelets. Each
bracelet was accompanied by a
complete biography ot the sen k e
man and information about sup-
porting the POW 'MIA cause
All of the money madefn m the
bracelet, T shirtanddei alsaleswenl
to support POWMIA awareness
groups, who are pressing tor the
release ot information about those
w ho remain unac ounted tt??r
Arnold Air Society - hapters at
other Northarolina schools are
also doing their part in remember-
ing the POW Ml As
At NX State the 1 iolloman
Squadron conducted a candlelight
vigil with termer u tnam eterans
and It W s) in attendance
The Armstrong Squadron at
UNC-Charlotte conducted a
candlelight vigil thatconcluded with
.i fly-by of F-16 fighters in missing-
man formation.
POWMIA Awareness week
within Arnold MrSooicU is .man
nual event that occurs the week be-
fore Veterans Day
Center offers
Bv LaTova Hankins
Slat Writor
Jill Cherry ? ECU Photolab
This bamboo cage, on display last week in front of the Student Store is a replica of cage?
in which American soldiers were imprisoned during the Vietnam conflict
Living in the ever-changing campus enxinmrnent
students often have problems they cannot sh.ire with
friends The EG Counseling Center is familiar with
prolMemst.Kingsrudentsandisprepvinxltootter.i listening
Located in Room Hh of the Wnght Building the
center hasexisttd since 1963hancellor I Leo Jenkins
established the center to serve as a location when- help
could be found
The purpose ot the tenter is to support the student
development Igniter W llhert Rill said
The center seesaround M people on a weekly Kisis
Not all of them are m a one-to-v me basis !ho (enter (Hers
many group programs "
( ontrary to popular notion, a student docs not hae
to be crazy" to benefit from the center, Ball said
Someof the programs provided by thecenter uvhide
asupportgoupforsexuaByassaulledstudentekan increase
in-self worth seminar and assertiveness training. ITvre
are also open groups for discussing academic problems
and choosing fields of study.
nu'CenteralsoottersaclasscallodHU I000,taught
by I tonjoyner, which orfersheshmen the opportunity to
learn the skills mtxitxi to suiat vein a co!let;roimronnv!M
Ball said that the student response to tin program
ottered bv the center has been very positive
While manv students max attend four vearsot college
without seeking the aid of the center, the counseling is
available tor all students
"TteCounselmg Center isa resource for students tor
any issue Ball said. Wcare here to help the students txi
deal with what they ha veto deal with them and help them
to get back on track
For those students with serious problems, thet oun-
seiing Center suggests seeking help from the Student
1 lealth Services and recommends seeing a family ph, si-
While most counseling session last between six to
eight sessk m Ball said that he prefers to kindle problems
in three to tour meetings between counselors and the
Balleshmates that last vearover 25 percent ot all E I
StudentSCame in oontact with the center, either through
sessions or on personal kisis
Ball said that he is proud ot what tin center kis
accomplished and hopes to extend an imitation to all
Poetry Reading
Li-Young Lee has recently
been featuredon Bill Mover's
PBS show. Power of the
Word and on National
Public Radio. He is the
winner ot the 1990 Lamont
Poetry Prize for his book'The
City in which I Love You
Lee has won the Pushcart
Prize and is published in the
Norton Anthology of Poetry
and the American Poetry
Review. He is considered
one of the nation's premier
poets. Li-Young Lee will
appear at ECU on Nov. 15,
at 8 p.m in Room 1031 of
the General Classroom
Store profits yield scholarship program
By Lynn Hardison
Special to The Fas! Carolinian
MichaeK'oston. manager ot the
ECU Student Stores, presented a
$75,000 check to Chancellor Rich
ard Eakin Nov 5 I he check will
provide 240 book scholarships tor
prospective students.
In dividing the check, the L ni-
versity Scholarship Committee de-
cided that $55,000 will be used tor
220 $250 book scholarships.
Another $5,000 will go toward
20 $250 book scholarships tor
transfer students I he remaining
$15,000 will go into a variety ot
scholarships, including a minority
leadership program.
I'hoeommit tee also determined
that eligibility tor the scholarships
will be based on semester hoursand
grade point averages Basing the
scholarships on C PA, Coston said.
"is the only way to get the scholar-
ships distributed this spring with
equity and in a timely manner "
Eakin said the financial assis-
ta ik eotthetudent Stores was "tnil
remarkable because it operates on
an "expected annual basis
I he book scholarship program
arose from an ECU Board of Trust-
ees mandate that Student Stores
profits be set aside tor deserving
But renovation and expansion
of thestore prevented thepracticeoi
issuing the scholarships until 19W.
in that year, the first $75j000gift w as
In addition to the scholarship
donations,oston said there are
other methods in which the Student
Stores set aside profits to benefit all
ECU students
? We want to make a reasonable
amount ot profit to maintain the
scholarships, .but wc feel like we
can help all students by lowering
the price of books Coston said
Coston said reducing 20,000
books by $1 each would amount to
a $20,000 profit-loss to the hook-
"Students don't see that but
that's 520,000 we've just put back
into their hands that we could have
charged them Coston said.
Costonsaid that thebookstore's
pnmarv function is "to serve the
students and to assure the avail-
ability of the educational material
they need to receive their educa-
Coston feels the $75,000 a year
will be a minimum annual contri-
bution to the ongoing scholarship
The Buccaneer yearbook
willbedlstitxitedtoclayjuesday, Nov.13,beginningat9am?nthe
back of Wright Soda Shop. Students who wishtoreceiveayeartx)ok
are urged to bring university IDs and to comeearty! Supplies limit
distribution to 9ophomores and upperclassmen.
Editorial 4
U.S. Diplomacy is still
the key to solving the
Persian Gulf crisis.
Features 7
band, Firehouse. is
set to unleash their
new album.
Sports 10
The Pirates hold on
to defeat theHuskies
of NIU, 24-20.
Insert: Satire

(Elie Cast &atatiutiNovEMBER 13,1990
ECU Briefs
Student body represents
forty-five foreign countries
A total of 42 foreign nations are represented among ECU's
student population this semester
Fho number ol international students total and includes
both graduates and undergraduates enrolled in a wide range ot
academic programs
With nine students enrolled, India has tho largest represen-
tation on campus, followed hv Taiwan with eight students,
lapan, with seven and the People's Republic of China, with six
Other nations with significant numbers ol students at ECU
are Canada and France each with live students, the United
Kingdom and Hong Kong (four each) and Germany, Norway,
ordan au the Republic ot Korea (three each)
Also represented among ECt 's student bod) .ire the Neth-
erlands Sweden, Finland, Greece, lurkev the Dominican Re-
public, Spam. Ireland, the Philippines, Ecuador, Costa Rica,
t. ulombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Algeria and Syria
Also included are the I nited Arab Republic, Thailand, Pa-
kistan Iran, I ebanon, Malaysia, Singapore, Afghanistan, Togo,
Malawi. Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and the Ivory Coast.
Geography professor to talk
about his journey to Ethiopia
An EC L geographer who recently returned from a three
month long L nited Nations mission to Ethiopia will describe that
troubled, strife torn, African nation's political and economic
turmoil in a public lecture this week
The lecture, which is tree and open to thi' interested public,
will be part of ECU'S observance of National Geography Aware
ness Week, Nov. II 17 Geography professor Mulatu Wubneh
m ill deliver the lecture al 7: JOp.m. Wednesday, in Room B-102ol
the Brow ster Building on campus
A reception hosted by the Department ot Geography and
Planning will follow Wubneh s presentation
Wubneh, a native ol Ethiopia, will present an overview
entitled "Window on the Horn ot Mrua dealing with such
? oun tries as Ethiopia, Somalia, the Sudan and Eritrea. Allot those
nations have suffered vearsof revolt warfareand political unrest,
as well asde astating famine and drought The 1 lorn ot Africa"
lies east ot the Nile and is across the Rod Sea from Saudi Arabia.
National (leograph) Awareness Week, declared annually by
. ongress, focuses on studies ot political and economic changes
taking place m strategic areas ot the world
l nmpiU-J Ifum I t I News Kurtju reports
Crime Scene
Printer stolen from General
Classroom Building Nov. 10
1618 Pitt County ail escorted intoxicated subject for 24-
hour lock lip.
1S4 Memorialmnasium report ol student struck bv a
vehicle; same suffered no injuries An report
ls? arvis Residence Hall investigation of a larceny report.
lm Scott Residence Mall campus citation issued to a
subject for breaking and entering, a larceny report was tiled.
140 Scott Residence Hall investigated a possible drug
violation; same was unfounded
2039 Brewster Building campus citation issued to student
lor speeding and a stop sign violation
2055 Mendenhall Student (enter: campus citation issued
to subject tor speeding and a stop sign violation.
2120 Greene Residence Hall campus citation issued to
s ibjed tor illegally parking in a handicapped one
November 8
0119 lones Residence Ha 11 campus citations issued to three
subjects for alcohol violations
0131 larvis Residence I fall report ot an assault on a female
141 Maintenance Building (east) campus Citation issued
to student for careless and reckless dm ing.
2030 Georgetown Apartments (parking lot) domestic dis-
pute between two male and female students; scene cleared bv
responding officer
2032 Intramural Field (north of Ficklen Stadium): assisted
an injured student transported to emergency room of Pitt County
Memorial Hospital
November 9
1230 10th and Rockspring streets state citation issued for
expired registration
November 10
imh)1 5th and Elm streets: campus citation issued to student
tor not burning headlights.
0005 Erwin Building: report ot two sublets breaking and
0053 Clement Residence Hall (east): assisted with trans-
portation ot injured student to Pitt County Memorial Hospital
0113 Cafeteria Building: student transported to PittCountv
ail for driving while intoxicated.
1 552 Cieneral Classroom Building report of a larceny of a
printer; subject to tile report at a later date with information
about printer
3 Bolk Residence Hall report ot a dispute between a
male and female; subievts divided to settle dispute among them
1908 Hernm ? Residence Hall, investigated report of a lar-
ceny of hubcaps . n,n chicle at 5th and Reade streets parking
2251 Location unknown: campuscitation issued to student
to speeding.
2341 7th and ?. otanche streets campus citation issued to
Student for speeding
November 11
0017 Aycock Residence Hall two subjects taken to Police
,X partment and given campus citations for fighting
0453 ?Joyner Library campus citatum issued to an mtoxi
cated subject tor tampering with a bluelight phone
1545 -Gan-ett Residence Hall: larceny report, no report at
this time because of insufficient information.
180M 5th and Rotary streets: campus citation issued to
student for a stop sign violation and failure to carry an operator's
Crime Scene it taken (mm official ECU Public Safely log.
Continued from page 1
group, questions arose over a trip to
the Smithsonian Institute in Wash
ington, D.C later this semester
The legislature was given no
date tor the trip It was pointed out
that it the trip was to be a conven-
tion, dates would be known
I egislators questioned appro-
priating money tor a trip with no
details given
McCullers proposed an
amendment that would strike the
$20 travel request tor the tnp
"The reason l have objected to
this is because they have tailed to
provide any detail about this trip
McCullers said
But Hogg objected bv saying
the trip was tor a worthv cause
"They asked for money to goon
a trip to the Smithsonian and we
should fund them l logg said.
I logg could not state positively
that the Smithsonian has a geology
department, but another legislator
confirmed that while in lurkev, the
Smithsonian was conducting geo-
logical research in the same area
I .egislator Eric 1 iithard said that
the group should be given the
"We are sending them to the
Smithsonian Institute, one of the
finest institutions m this country
1 lilliard said "There are specimens wecould never provide at
this school
The amendment to cut travel
expenses was defeated and the or
ganization received $750
Legislator Iripp Roakes pro
posed a resolution requesting that
the university reconsider the hour Kner I ibrary.
'(. hir hours were already short
in comparison to other universities
Roakes said "I understand that
budget cuts need to be made, but
these cuts could bo made else
Roakes added an amendment
to the resolution that explained that
Miriam ii '
Sherry Smith
students with jobs often work until
the library's new closing time and
would lx' unable to do homework
or papers requiring library time
"Students come here to learn. ommitti
and the librarv is a focus ol learn
ing Roakes added.
The resolution was amended
and passed
In other business
?Appropriations lor Beta
kappa Alpha chapter i ?t the 1 man Management Assocwtton Phi
Sigma Alpha National Political s i
ence Honor Society and Phi Alpha
I 'beta were passed
? "heRules( ommitteedcx ick .1
that the E 1 (iospel hoir was .
non religious e.roup
? "he constitution ol PsiPhiwas
? The constitution ol the I i
Frisbee ? lub ??? a - sent to the F
i no
The East
Carolinian is
looking for
a computer
layout artist.
Sexist, racist statutes
may find new site at
UNC - Chapel Hill
Every Wednesday Night
( HAITI till I (AP) i ban
cellor Paul I lardin said he will ask a
committee to recommend a new site
tor seven statues that have been
called racist and sexist b) some
students at the l ruverstt) ol North
(, arolina at Chapel I lill
But I lardin has not dev idel
whether the statues should be
moved, he said l"hursda
Student Body President Bill
I lildebol tasked I lardin to move the
statuestremmfrontof Pa isl ibrar
to some other less prominent pUu e
on campus
Hardin said he would ask
mittee, comprised ol students, t.u
ultv ,nui administrators, to recom
mend a nev sit the committee
traditionalh approves building
sites, facades and choices ot archi-
I he statues sculpted by Iuli.i
Balk whose ?rks include a New
York state memorial to Vietnam
veterans, were a gift from the i lass
ol lu rhe six statues were placed
in front of Davis I ibrarj (. X t 23 and
cost about $65iXi
'students have crituted two
ol the statues as racist and another
pair as sexist he student
Movement and a newly formed
Committee Against Offensive Stat-
ues have organized protests that
continue Friday.
The statues that have drawn
the most firedepid a black woman
carrying a book on her head and a
black man spinning a basketball on
his outstretched finger.
Students at a Oct. M meeting
called by 1 lildebolt to discuss the
statues said they promoted nega-
Boone crowd
burns rock n'
roll tapes of
Prince, Eagles
members ot the Fellowship of
Christian Athletes ripped selec-
tion rock n roll tapes apart last
week under the supervision ot a
Watauga High School teacher
The destruction ot tapes by-
such groups as the Beatles, the
Eagles. Prince, Earth, Wind and
Fire and Iron Maiden happened
Monday al the home of varsity
football coach lack Roten. the
school's FCA sponsor.
The original plan to burn
tapes and compact discs at the
school was rejected by school
Principal Shorn C arreker
Roten said the action was
spurred bv a videotape the group
saw at a previous meeting titled
"Hell's Bell's which lists more
than 16(1 rock n' roll acts
live bl.K k stereotypes
A pair ol the statues show a
man and woman walkingand read
ing the man standing upright with
his hand on the woman ship as she
leans on him
That pair has been ailed sex
ist because it depicts woman as
needing a man's support
i Hherstudentsnavedefended
the statues, saying there are valid
non sexist and non racist interpre-
tations of the statues Others have
said a would becensorshiptomove
the statues
& Danc i Niqhi
now on compact d i sc
? 1 .00 Tall Boys
? $1.00 Kamakazee
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(Ladies Free Until 1030)
trx - -
The East
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Student Store
East Carolina University
Wright Building
Greenville. NC 27858

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She Cast (Carolinian November 13.1980 3
up despite
lew er freshmen enrolled this year al
the I6carnpusesinthel niersit ??!
North Carolina system but the de
chne was offset K more returning
Aneshmated I23.2l5full tune
student enrolled a4 percent in
vTease oer las; i ai
but svstemwide the number
ot entering hrM time freshmen this
veai tSClovvnb tpK'ent overall and
b 7 percent for North Carolinians
paralleling a decline in high-school
nbet ot high-school
graduates in thestal
in l?89 tot?J 52 or 7.4 pei
? prvxtittxi i
. . ?? ?? at a
meeting t ruin
veai is not the product of increased
freshman . lasses I v-
Former professor promotes 'safe cyclical storage'
former economics professor says
he s hit a "wall ot silence from a
state government he sees as bent
on building a hazardous waste
incinerator, but state officials saj
his alternative won t tlv
Marvin Krieger a former
protess?r and a spokesman tor the
States ille based Community
Council of North Carolina has
been promoting sate cyclical
storage as an alternative lot
handling orth Carolina waste
1 le en isions putting w aste in
Uik proot containers in earth
covered bunkers in six oi seven
sites around the state I h ivastt
would Sit foi one to five
awaiting methods that ould t
tract metals and chemicals oi
? mlcssk detoxitx the stufl
waste should N si
until industry can reclaim usuabk
materials !o? kii in the goo hesax s
vever. with North an
tlv sed t
choose a Granville County sue tor
an incinerator. Kheger is having a
tough )ob selling the idea of bot-
tling up waste.
1 argument is economics.
Kneger 67. said in an interview
published Monday in The Char
IteObsertw 'It's too valuable to
State officials don't think
kneger spian would uork, in p.irt
K i ause they interpret federal laws
as discouraging companies from
storing waste unless it's destined
incineration or other con ven-
al disposal
It s not a viable way to deal
iste problem (in the
?: stat waste regulators and
nvii onmental Protei tion
gi rx v said 1 inda I ittle, the
state s top w aste-polio adv iser
ittle executnedirev torot the
i i ernor's Waste Management
? nies state officials have
? i n Krk $ei the i old shoulder
-iv sjiil she passed out :
ot his plan to the Inter-Agency
Committee on Hazardous Waste,
a group of regulators and policy
officials The commit tec discussed
the storage alternative in meetings
in August and September, com-
mittee minutes show.
She also said Cm im Martin,
who committed North Carolina to
building the incinerator, "is very
familiar with the plan and has read
it and discussed it with his staff
kneger said as waste volumes
build up they 11 become more at
tractive to a recyder As u hnokv-
gies emerge, industry will reclaim
their waste to make a buck
lor the plan to work the 1 PA
would have to let industries store
?. aste tor up to five years
Storage is permitted to t.u ill
tate proper recovery, treatment or
disposal' according to an EPA
regulation kneger said hedoesn t
believe the regulation rules out
long-term storage tor future tech
But EPA officials say the pur
pose ot the regulation is to let
companies accumulate waste to
make it more economic to treat,
not to await a future technology.
I ittle also says industry is al
ready reclaiming materials from
waste and questions whether
there's enough in incinerator-
bound waste to pay oft
It the state were to substitute
long-term storage for incineration,
the legislature ultimate! must
approve what would beadramatk
shut in state policy
rti ersit ? ?
eshm ? edbv2:
. ?
ki more in-state freshmen in
c dun in l?
Most ot the m?r - ed
? . - seinSch Vp
si si ' - ' ' " v
ores ten ? sesnst
???? tost . It5 "
rvas scores rosel
f-sta studi itsfron ?
s stood
h - " s
-s; u. 772
ntn - " v
; ? ?? ? ?
5j ? ? ? ' poa ts " n S
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7 V66
Pagl 4. Tuesday, November 13, 1990
U.S world must utilize diplomacy
It has been over tour months since the
United States military took a defensive stand in
Saudi Arabia, and the American public has be
come a ware that the Persian Cult t risis will not be
over any time soon With President Bush's recent
decision tosend an additional 150,000 troops into
theGulf, a military confrontation seems inevitable
between the US. and Iraq.
President Bush, as well as the American
people, now realizes Saddam 1 lussein is a poten
tiallvdangerouadversircarAibleot unleashing
mass destruction on various middle-eastern tar
gets with his chemical weapons, not to mention
the possible threat of terrorism on American soil
As U.S. citizens, we must ask ourselves
where we are headed asa nation, and re-evaluate
our reasons tor being in this position in the first
place. Can we justify our involvement in Saudi
Arabia, or is this conflict over nothing more than
oil rights in the Persian Gulf? And is President
Bush doing everything he can toavoid a military
The best way to answer these questii ns is
tolookatsomeofthepre kmsmilitar) encounti i ?
in our nation s history
Many people have said this crisis is tor
power over oil rights in the Middle East. But what
might have happened had we ra it sent tn ps into
Saudi Arabia1
LS Intelligence reports indicate thai the
invasion ot Kuwait was only the beginning oi
Saddam's plan to control an empire of oil-produc-
ing nations in the Middle East. 1 lave we forgotten
that Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Arab
nations are allies of the United States? Should we
allow a military dictator to exert his power over
weaker, allied nations until they bow in submis
If this was the basis for our ft ireign p? hc,
should we not also have allowed another mad
man to realize his vision ol a master race toi the
I"hird Reich during World War II7
Various intelligence agencies also report
that Iraq is working todevelopruklear capabilities
within the next decade. If Saddam is allowed to
continue his current trend toward Iraqi domina
hon of the Middle East, where would he stop' I
we honestly believe he would be satisfied with
Kuwait? Was 1 Iitler satisfied by merely invading
The answer us ultimate!) no. No matter
how Saddam justifies, his actions, the world com
munity stands behind the United States At this
point, however, war ls not the answer. e must
looktoour world's leadersand demartda peaceful
settlement to this delicate situatit n.
lo date. 4h American soldiers have been
killed, and no enemy shots have even been fired.
loo man) people, including Iraqi and Kuwaiti
citizens, havealready needlessly been killed. Until
all options for a peaceful solution have been ex-
hausted, wemust not give up hope that thiscrisis
can be s lived through diplomatic means
I lowever, it appears that President Bush
has grown tired of waiting for the effects of his
naval blot kade to take its toll on Iraq. Hecontinues
to deploy reinforcements to Saudi Arabia in what
can only be construed as preparation tor a U.S.
offensive earlv next year
As he did during the U.S. invasion of
Panama, President Bush is once again sending a
liarsh message to dictators unwarranted aggres-
sion and oppression have no place on this planet
By contesting the actions of Manuel oreiga and
Saddam, our foreign policy has and is taking an
active role in assuring global justice, like the
treat men! n Panama sNoreiga, US. Foreign Policy
has geared itseil toward a hawkish appearance in
It ivoul
1 1
be optimistic to believe Saddam
will avert war and pull back on the Iraqi reigns ol
aggression Unfortunately, hiscountry continues
to support his barbaric actions In a land where
anti-American sentiments are pervasive, Iraq is
preparing tor its second major conflict in the last
det .kU follow ing itseighl year war with Iran.
President Bush now holds the "wild card"
with the large number ol mobilized U.S. forces
Prompted by harm to nationals at the American
Embassy in Baghdad, Bush could dtvlare war on
groundsoftiieprovocation (r the president might
(pt ti r .1 quit k, first-strike offensive m an attempt
to surprise and overwhelm the Iraqis.
It a massive invasion by the American
military forces occurs in the near future, it would
bet hesecond such offensive in less than two years.
rherc is no doubt we have the striking power and
readiness toattack, but whether or not theUS. can
pull off another clean sweep remains to be seen
(liven a situation in which allied forces could
successfully dispose of Saddam, what would
happen next? I'S. occupation of Iraq would seem
Whether we exert military force or con-
tinue our stalemate with Iraq in future months,
I S. invoh ement in the region may continue for
years The American public needs to realize there
ls m Kjinck fix:solution to thecnsis. Fhepresident's
i it i.sK n to deploy an additional 100,000 troops to
the( .nit is (hecorrect one. By raising the ante, thr
I 5 has proved we will not back down from
aggression against our allies
VA?re t
America's foreign policy remains inconsistent
Bv Darek Meddlers
i ditorial i olumnt!
Rci ? ntiv the demCH r
supt rp, , its itv
given themselvi ind
applaust il 'a hdl I i .ill
Demot r a 11
In I tew yeai
have so-p the I i the I rlti
in mucl ? ? . : i I trv
"chipping aw i
in South Afrit a. Hi am
not st. plea st da - ?? ? i th
violence that w have smiled
at and I want to -1 this sub
)tvt some desei ' "
would like to I.e. dow n somi
principles of revolution
I have observ ed thn e
i .is shi eked recently to
read an article about tho bru
tal murder and torture
form i Liberian r- sid nl
Samuel K Dot Mthough it is
true thai ? as a brutal dicta
'? ?? i n. a should not act ept
these Winds of factious gov- the air
? ? rhis man was mm ? ? ?
Ii ?? d md tortured witho il
, , ? ? irr I in a
ban ' ' '
i k1 ' firing)
? i
? i
More t!
? ? ? . ther
id bt
gs and ?? i -
her. I rhey wei
? ? ?
ihnson s mi i I ???
mat Ketc and ?' ff his
1 hen they cut his: ike this
types ol revolution rhen is (heillustrated how they
the stcio-political revolution
I much like that ol the African-
Amerit an or (ierman re
tions), the organizi A
re1 olution i like the Ame
Revolution and th pontai
ens. unorganized or gui 11
re olution I like the Frcncl
u araguan or Libei ?
? I ?? : ? ? mg this h?ir
incident said Doe's ive fled I
? African p i ? -
diagonal slashes across
cheeks) He was crying and
the blood was running down
his cheeks
"At one point, he blew
m the blo d that has p oled
Kisbody (probabh because
it was stinging mij one ol
lohnson s men thtught he wv a ?
tr mg to do some kind of juju
rv for heh
tons of i " '
ii led
1 his situaii. npi lesl
. . . . ? race pi
lem is no! v ct re??h
Free speech is being stifled on campuses
Bv Jonathan 1). Karl
C olleciatc I icm -
1 rec spew h is under atta. k n
college campuses ind even its tra
ditionallv staunches! defenders
have foined in the assault
Student journalists and fi -
srxxxh advocates art' concerned
about a proliferation of college
speech codes so widespread thai
according to 1 ime magazine, No
where is the hirst Amendment mere
imperiled than on college cam
puses" As is often the case with
censorship, these cedes have been
adopted with the best intentions:
Campus racism is en the rise anil
something has tn be done about it
So token measures are taken which
exacerbate racial tensions and ig-
nore the first Amendment
Speech codes drafted in re
spouse to this important issue are
dividing the American Civil Liber
ties Union, which basal ways tended
toward an absolute" position on
free speech While the Wisconsin
and Michigan ACLU affiliates have
sued their respective state universi
ties over the codes, the northern
and southern California affiliates
adopted a resolution in July favor
mg narrowly drawn policies whit h
prohibit harassing speech
lohn Powell, national legal di-
rector of the ACl.U, asserts: M
concern is less with the strength ot
the First Amendment than with the
wave of racial harassment that has
swept the country Ibe campus is
net under the threat of being si-
I Vtending their resolution, the
( alifomia affiliate's cite the legal
? balance the first Amend
nl righf vt students to an equal
education The) argue that the
resolution onl advot atesa ban en
speech which is clearly harassing
and that hostile, even offensive
speech in classroom debates and
public discourse is soniethmg stu-
dents must endureor challenge with
speet h ot their own
Free speech proponents such
as writer Nat Hentoff are not buy-
ing it Pointing out that cases
brought under the codes will be
heard by untrained, college judicial
panels, net civil libertarians or
CLU attorneys, Mr. Hentoff de
t rtesthe inevitably vague nature ot
speet hcodes. "Mostcottegeswhosc
due process' hearing I've covered
are unshakablv tend of the British
star Chamber model ot the 17th
century he remarks sarcastically.
lust the places to deal with these
bread ,nj vague restrictions on
Rules which limit speech are
only as good as those who enforce
them Eleanor Holmes Norton,
former President Carter's chair ot
the federal Equal Employment Op-
portuntty Commission, explained
this bitter realitv: "It is technically
impossible lo wnte an anti-speech
code that cannot be twisted against
sjxxvh nobody means to bar It has
been tried mk tnod and tried
Indeed sp ech o des have been
defended by voices tar less moder
ate than those of the ACLU's Cah
lorma affiliates At Stanford Uni-
versi ty, law professors provided the
philosophical rationale tor a new
studentcondut tpolicy thatonestu
dent sponsor candidlv admitted "is
not entirely in line with the hirst
Amendment BA Journal, the
publication of the American Bar
Association, quotes Stanford Paw
professor Man Matsuda, who ar-
gues that traditional views of free
speech act asaseif-servingcover for
continued domination h majority
InOnvellian fashion,ad i vates
Of the code argue that Speech hm:
tations would actuallyircreascsfrei
speech and "vigorous debate
Drscriminatoryspeech, they reason
is meant to silence the victim
Such arguments are no! onh
clearK pptsf u First Amend
ment principles, the also thread n
tc undercut the achievement of
equal nghts. Civil nghts activists
have always relied on speech as
their principle weapon In the lonv;
run. any compromise of principles
of free speech works to the detri-
ment of minorities
Inaddieon to infringing on free
speech, these codes may actually
fuel racism As the recent incident
with the music group 2 Live Crew
dramatically demonstrates, at
tempts to censor offensive views
makes martyrs out of the censored
See Speech page 5

(Etje iEafitUJarulinian November 13, 1990 5
Make politicians
campaign the 'ol
fashioned wa
Kiuin 846CSf wteV
By lell Parker
I ditnrial c nlumniM
iua! e I me Rule will remedy
this stheoldnewspapersaying
goes It it ain t news, don't print
Ina period when education, it So should the broadcast me-
health and other state supported diaalso exclude politicking which
rams are suffering from ait is not legitimate news'
backs it seems ridiculous that Now the expected fear may
! impaign dollars are arise that questionable aspirants.
ixl into advertising the or more directly, ins! inv bozos,
who are expected to will he able to vie for a seat in our
problems rathei government rhis fear will be put
I . ? ipphtxl It is I - rest once it becomes obvious
that the bulk ol those hov ditticult it is to kecpa name
irs are being spent in the publu ear until the voting
intrusive media booths open, without the help ot
vision and radio radio and television Candidates
,aVe relied foi office will ncv, to put them
selves in positions that invite
more scrutiny and thereby givi
the publw ample opportunity to
, he? k them tor bozo ness
( loser measure will be
ghl upon our future leaders
,n hen !he have to return to the
i! ipaign trail in i i apa? itv the-
hlU, ? ? , .??. 11 since the .ent
r msmitted h porbole
mais souneol know 1
t candidates for so long
?tten there are
t ishioned vet efftx live
? . i nation I lew evei
d? ral v ommunica-
? ihibit the
L-ast -? ? ? po
able to enter the
Although the
: an s tl it
: i.Mi h the
rubli as
his oppom
ists comparabli
wealthier politician s
ved by larger better
? ? ? . ? ips
ol the t ommunn ation ue In
;n, nca's eounger da s most
pa ime, was done on the
I themaor problem thai
vas conflicting cam
paign vows thai promised mi
possible to deliver rewards spe-
cial to the respective areas on the
i ampaign trail 1 or the mosl part.
our watchdog media prevents this
in theW s oratleast allows us to
can h it1
Sucha necessity for blazing
trails would no doubt draw op
position from many incumbents
and tin ir supporters w ho all of
ten attest that there isn't enough
time for a working senatoi ?i
go ernor to leave their duties and
goon the road While this state
men! may be quite ustified in i
state with as much territory to
i o er as c alitornia 1 londa oi
evas sin h is not the c ase in tht
on text i 'I areas the size ol N
( arolina ?i mi ??
tber stal
fact, the urgency to get out, kiss
hands and shake babies may force
our oft-procrastinating senators
to get earlv starts on such matters
as deciding the budget Should
anv travel sh obstinates still
decline this route, then there is
one more media option left to
Once exiled from broad
casting political campaigning
w uld have to turn to and make
use ot the print medium
though election committee
sponsored advertising would be
mev itable here as well mosl
this promotii?n would likt ?
, , .unt for little sin i few rea Ii i
j t iste tot manifesto I hi
e sir.ible alternative would he
that thi mdid t n il I m
selves more available tor news
paper i m ei ige and ultimately
be fon ed to disi uss a greatei "
rav ol pertinent issues so as not to
lapse into safe npetition and
risk falling out i I tl i publu e ?
But somenasally pit hod
voi e whines from the bai k
'wouldn t putting all the issues
in print do, nminate against the
veragi oe " ho gets most ol his
information tn m f 'A re trw
lion upon
debai i ' ' ?
n look
I - '
? ' ? ;ns
a ilm, assun d. void ' n ison
l ed
quip run
mdidal illprol
,ibl be left out
? ? ?
edge will be limited ti a more
i and sophi ti ati d
keepinj tbi ' platforms
: m my prospei
ike .1 return to
theai uatedartol re iding
be less influenced by thephysical
tai tors wl
ml( voting i hitheprinted ha th FC let I ? n
pag( everyone's demeanor is thai Mil the road and roll
oils ? '
unless th
mea i
ing in publu
i i ?
? ? . ? ? r n
n.r mill i ' ?
Many politu lansbuild i
tul platform
back I basic
II 111!
j ? esl
i vi a 11?
Letters to the Editor
Van drivers
defend their
ous, in my opinion that he is
unaware ot the sen ice v hu h is
provided today He did how
t state much about the old
v hi sc Rowe said thi vn
i r, placed withanup to date
.?del two vears igi
it is mv opinion that the
irdsto information in regard to what
aciiities lor wasstated aboul the van si
unprecedented md tw o ? oars
i I .mate that
eol out ot dMi
?. be more
to sj
? ? the
it is
rs currently on
i, other two an
? Andrew
ii i ourqualtfi
? 11 r - ? no
. us Instead it
uni ?
) Miller
? ? ? port disabled passi n
. ? ? the ?? -ird n
. tithe van for three
ind 1 leather for almost
irs I am tl Es' "n
taff ha ? tarted in the
? jummer session Bui
? r transported stu
I went through a
training session on
. . the van in i ompari
,i nvine m ???!1 "
Let it also be
known that each ol us have
training as personal care
,tt? ndents for the physically
handicapped Andrew has
, ,ghteen earslie lived with a
handicapped family member), I
ears as a personal care
I rhese time spans are
rking for the Depart
ind ? ; Student
M ? OS
Our dro. me. skills were
also questioned in this article
. Te a student is allowed to
mea driver he she must
tless dnving record
?, it a van driver receives a
lM!l violation, whether in the
or a personal car. that driver
il(,sl h,s or her job immedi
it. -b.
t only did this article
fail to say anything about the
current van staff but .t tailed to
m comments from the
current van riders I he com
ments made were by a l
graduate from E ' l?
I leather Mi Mlister
Seni ?
I listory
nd,r ow somi
People should
overcome race
lo the I'ditor
About eV4 n election
. . nine I wentoul fora drink
h? Rio ' (a local night-
, uh that draws a crowd et
. to 4,( some year
olds i By Up m the D I
announced the proje ted
mer" of the l ,antt Helms
race Being a follower of
politics, .is web. as a Gantf
supporter I wanted some
feedbai k from people while
ihe were out party ing and
their defenses were down, so
I subtly polled peopleon win
they voted a partii ular way
As l mingled with ac
quaintam es and strangers
alike the election would
come up (usually by my say
ing, Well it looks hke we've
got lesse tor si more years"
m as matter ot tut tone as
n ,ssible I he vast majority,
all ol thom white except tor
two, said statements to the
effect it sbetter -anti.
It they didn't continue to
speak on the topic I would
drop the subject tor a short
Some continued to
elaborate on their feelings It
they didn't say more, in a few
minutes I would say I was
torn n what to do I was
atraid iantt would -pond I
much, but I was e
atraid 1 lelms w as ?-
touch with reality
stateme nl ne er t
bi inu out the othei p :
reasons tor v oting tor their
I am sorry to report that
ol the 12 people who i lain I
have voted tor I lelms tour
(33 peri en' I said as their
first reason ? w hen there was
more than one reason I "at
least he s white One othei
person five I tal or 41 h
cent) listed rn e a - m ? I se
eral reasons
Ihe good !H' 5 is that
seven ot 12 (58 1 perlit'
never mentioned race -nd
backed their de ision with
"valid issues such as taxes
spending or medii al pro
gr ims supported b; I
their r.Ms,mis tor voting for
VVHili ' he siirv ey is i
scientific and probably not
the most accurate represen
tation ot all white people the
fact that such a high percent
freely admit race isnde iding
ta?. tor is very disturbing!
I can t positively say that
race was the reas n Ganttlost
but to s.iv it w as not a fa tor
,s to be to ourseh es! 1 hi
most disturbing fact I dis
covered was that a couple ot
the people who mentioned
race were educated, corpo
rate employees in Greenville
I guess 1 was naive to
expect more from these SO
called "educated indivulu
What hurts most is that
main v hites made comments
to me presuming that I agreed
with them I hoard comments
like "I hope you voted today;
they were busing them in
the "them " ot i nurse, being
We all have a very long
way tii go I whites and blacks)
to wipe out our tears and
prejudices toward one an
other It is dittn ult to break
that raeist school ot thought
thai has been taught to so
many ot us, but we (an edu-
cate ourselves and outgrow
u I know; I'm one that's
doing it every
Helms must
speak for
lo the I ditor
In light of th ? I !? te itol
i i. rno rati i naton il candid I
1 (arve Gantt.wen tkahead
optimistically lessi I U Imsisbat k
in office, but we must feel that bus
campaign h id to ha e piled the
con - itivi Iti? '
. in ol Mr I Ii
ictory tl ? ?' pi ' v l
jy-in ? e consen ate e o
are not speaking tor us as North
( arolinians bui i ? easji sse
1 hope he -v ill have enough sense
. . lt( this opp?sitii ? i
Educational program
motivates students
i ? ip t
act that N. I
Todd bonnett
MBA Candidate
! i . ; ? iblems that esse has
sp, nOud tadoquateiv Pi th
Mr 1 lelms will hannelallot the
? - h.r has mto being an ai l
h. b the way he
lousy at) into things such as t du
ition the environment and North
( arolinians then there will bi
positive change Although less
hasunbecomingqiwlihes, perhaps
hecan ushis pull" and (experi
ence) to make a difference
eremy Parhsh
Reader expected
after elections
Po the Editor
I knew it was mev itable that i
would see whimpering in the edi-
torial page over the defeat ol
Harvey Cantt fterall, I saw the
same whining over the loss suf
tered by the I vmoeratic Presiden-
tialandidatom 1988 I have al
wavs been ow who accepted de
teat with silent grace .n victory
with some humbleness But, be-
cause of the anti lessebtelmssen
timents that ran rampant on this
campus overtly supported by
this so-called newspaper, and
because oi mt?e who NhnwH me
to a racist and neo ai. I would
,ke to take this opportunity to
laugh in your collecnvefaces HA!
Sean Magill
H Darek McC ullers
Ufttawul ,iuiniii?
m, nca is a very stratified
? tinct divisions
bv r.KV, ?;i i ! class b great
? ' negotiatKns
tlii r wi should bur
pper lass) or the
? ptavsan im
t pa rt
n-umcertuml ytanycredit
ll : .0 ?
.seea program
in tl " ' " ' ' ?'
, tern that targets tl
. ?? . , student lb,
pri ? ' ? nd; eai iscal
,l,t ?? the 5chtx?l It
opl and si-
tudi nts) witl
. i atmosphere ?
designed to in
, their ertormance
.idle ot south
Meckk?nburg stated, rhere is a
whi U ? ntage of a student
rxxjh th it has passed through high
;UH.i :uA hasn t connected with
' ' ?' ?
have tnuL li vi' mi ? Nita M(d e
musl percent prndtn ti ?
iwting povi "
iminarv review Ol th
ued that at k
.?.i.utes Ihe lvi ?
. , ? to just above a (
rui niversi I
. ? ?
te A's and b
vasn 1 '
? rwtvn
! ? '
uwlvdv rhe
re not in the band
onthedebal t- amorathletics rhe
Jon t t el stKTcessrul .nJ tl
not sii, 11 ssful
1 his program is an important
breakthnmghbei ause the National
Associationdeclai a4, in
February What our best students
can achieve now. our average stu
lents must be able ti achievebythe
? . ?
potential Students ?? id
discipline proWen san
This program is one that is

the importance t the middle
man 1 applaud this pi
because the key torn, reasingour
pro luctk n so often l ly in the
unseen as opposed to the seen
Educational and so k tal
should focus on the modi
black hispank pixi ind mostly
een students Motivation must
rom the bottom up it wean- ti
rum iur dedining status as a
world power around
Did the censortogof the album a-
ast as Ihev Wanna Be' silence
themisogynistlyricsof2l ive( rew
Definitely not.ltshoweredtheband
in publicity thereby propelling
them to the topot the charts
Alan Keyes, a former assistant
secretary of stall ,pointsoutthatth
codes themselves arise out ol a r
ist .uA condescending reasoning
In a debate wMt the professor who
wrote tltecodeadopied by Stanford
I nnersitv this spnnt: Mr. Keyes
argued against the "patronizing
paternalistic assumptions upon
which the code is founded He e
pressed surprise that someone
would actuallv think that I will ac
tuallv sit in a chair and be told that
white tolks have the moral eharac
tertoshrueo'Hinsultsanci I do not
Continued trom page 4
IvK.sinisapro'rlc m aIui run
be addressed v-ith more than mis
uuicci nv asures Uki lim I
tensivi speech Not onb an su
measuresopen to abuse they also
driwraasmuiuiergnHind where it
An m ademn en . u nmi i
characterized by an untettered
sun of tru and knowledge should
be the ideal torum to expose and
defeat the ignorance ot racism
ihe c I I sfohnPoweWforce
rutty argues lh?- prirnarj prob
lom is that we haven t begun to
seriously discuss rac ial issues I k
babsohiieh right But?iespeech
r?sahcting policies he seems to
vo, ate willonlv hav e a chillme et
text on the needed dlSCUSSWU

SHie 3Ea0t (Entaiimuti
otter typing and photocopying sei
vices We also soil software and
computer act essories. 24 hours in and
out c Guaranteed typing on paper up
to 20 handwritten pages. SDF Protes-
tiona v omputer Services, 106 Fast
sth street (beside Cubbie s)
reenville N C 752-3694.
I VPING si KVICfcS: Term Papers
Reports Resumes letters Lasei
'? ? teiall 756 1783
Rl si Ml l rYFINC SER-
VICES: 24 houi turnaround or most
i cts Designer rvpe near ECl
WE Rl YOl R Ml sic SOI RCE
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? I MO E1 (. al
tout hthis
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Call Gwen at 756 ?624 for prompt,
professu n i vvi rd processing services
tec caivvr itei ie.i-
de spell check and editing ol
J du tii fdesired Ml A
: udelines no problem
pers Dissert il ?ns I etters
i s Mar us ripts Projects Call
ssmg tor papers reports 'otters
M base ind iddress-merging
ible Protessional help with re-
i vvi itmg ill! oni i air
va M V Bkl " rSpringBn ih
i Cancuri Margarita Is
. star( . ????.? in
t. CasGetFax 1
PROFESSIONAL PROCESSING tterCni'lNC, WORD Papers Re iry $554695
nivn R for sale S150.0f)
! l , n '31 7642
H89 SUZUKI GS 500 E. Pear! white
and blue, S1700. Call 830-1193
LOOKING FOR: a fraternity, soror
like to make 5500 SI 000 for a one
week on campus marketing project.
Must be organized and hardworking.
( allfenm orKevinat 800)592 2121
COACHES: rhe Greenville Recre-
ahon ind Parks Department is re-
cruiting for 12 to 16 part time youth
basketball coaches tor the winter
youth basketball program Appli
cants must possess some knowledge
ot the basketball skills ind have the
abilitv and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must be able to
coach voung people cos 9-18 in
basketball fundamentals Hours are
from3pm ro7p.m withsomenight
and weekend coaching I hispmgr im
will run from November !6 to mid-
Februan Salarv rates start al S3.85
pei houi Foi mort ntormati i
please . all Ber lames n t Ul-4567
?H.vks outgoing,part rime individual
:o ms area colleges to implement
special marketing projects Flexible
hours and excellent pav t all Fha
bethat 8001 W 2121 ex: 114
Assemble productsat homeall for
informatioi 504-641-8 Exl 592(1
science reseai
dataenrn comn uni : ?
fessionals Send resumi I ? fessor
Mansfieldenter for Health Services
Research, Phys Quad N ECU
(REENVILLE? If so we know how
you can earn extra money and make
new tnends Brady's has part-time
salesgift wrap positions available
tor StudentsFacultyStaff. Applv
Brady's The Plaa Mon-Wed 1 p m
to 4 pm.
BROWS FOR MEN is looking tor
part-time Sales Associates Must
possess professional imae promote
high level ot customer service Good
salarv flexible hours Applv Bnvlvs
The Plaa Mon-Wed 1 p m to 4 p.m
terested in working in a health can'
setting? Contact the Pept of Medical
Record Administration forspring se-
mester academii advisement No
5th 11th (752 7444, 4436 44371
texpenseson bedroom 2bath house,
onlj 4 blocks from campus Formore
information, call Doug or Arthur at
non-smokei female to fill v acancy in 2
bedroom 2 bath townhouse for
spring v lose to campus v all 758-
Own room, share bath w ith one per-
son, I 4 ihlities tw ap n ntall "
0857 after 5 p.m Leave message il
APTFORRENT KingsRow S340per
month basi cable included vail
i I tecember I "?4
to - ibk ase ipt w ith i urrenl i ? :r
mate, spring semester onh New 2
bedroom barb $1573 per month
md ' ihlities Call 355 1644 ifterG
p m A pt md bedroom fi
DIATELY to share Jbedroom house
1 3 rent and utilities Male or female
Call 758-9824 or 756-1600 Not a
Close tocampus.S135per month. For
more information call 830-5314
ONE SIDE: ot duplex tor rent Hall
block from campus Btltmorestreet ;
IxviriHims S375 Call 752 753H
A llcuulul Place lu 1 nr
2S99 E 5th Suva
?LoCMcd Ncjr IC I
?Seal Major Shopping Centers
?Atnjjj From llihwas Patrol Slaiiun
I united tffei S JOC j month
( OMUd J I or W'tnm Williams
rse "m5of 830 i'M ?
Office open Apt V 1- 5 JOpm
I .? t. ?i?i ci uofl bwdlliuil -v i a. a.
? m rgj r EGcmi hmMratewa ryii?naiirinn
trTt? rr 1 t lupttB nnrtrmn . Si95 ?
bMMfrlMM liOUtfi Hi Ml KI VI Al-S K.pei
m tfmm fmtnwru md rootaifa ItMnM - - .
(lantern :u Bmot iu.c Cmmtr) Ctub
Contact J I ?i vnnii! W tlli Am s
m B15
Interventior in South America Stop
?Vus biological war or iddicts.Stop
the assault on theonstiruhon Stop
?he wholesale criminalizatior ol mi
NO 10 19 DR1 C RFFCiRM
! im rSYj HEP
si . i! S HA
Sigma Nu! Ac mtlv ' ? ? Ptrr
REWARD For i irm braa
lei with .i lot o( senhmenttil value
LOST or '? 7 Please call B30 85
tor any informahon
FOUND Onesetofkeys Foundal
2 V a.m on Nov s outside ol art
building (side near financial aid of
See). Call ' 11 MS" alter 7 tXl p m to
Mclntyreonbeammgtb ?? VEA
Creek Cod! Your brothers ind
pledges ol Kappa Sigma
IMM D nother s ir'e How
often do yo i goto PHYS 1 SO? k
ALPHA PHI . ke to extend
verv special thank you to
who attended our all ireek Innl il
We appn ii - ipi i - ip "
terriblt time at the s
was greal the 1 was nd the
music was just right Wecai
do ? igaii -h lph i Phi
s sters ? Iges
Lugtst Library ot information in U S
alt suhiecis
Gree nMclntyi
up were
Eveic'h h ' ? ?
Griffith, Jrdrui
4th : p -I '
winning categories ???? n
Tim Mclntvre ft
Tanre: Besi 1 egs 1 d
and Besl
rhanks town
Lov : ' ? l ??
?- ?
pldgi of Theta
Professiunal Papers, I
if Computerized Research 1 I
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Send $2jN or Call 4 Research Inl
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i 355-7579
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while you w;
Free Confidi i
Services & Counse
Carolina Preunantseui
11 E. 3rd. St
The Buildi
Greenville, NC
M-FS am- 3:3
. OUD-U vjietTi iviue uivu
? ?? ? g aboul manyol
?. ? environm ntal problems fa
? rr unit)Com( I
ts for the
er ' rs o ' 5
ill Si .U. : '
? ? ? '?
ss 'U't f these envii nmi
esand l irr w hal you can d
m i Jitfereno 1 ven ? ?: ?
Pi National Honor
?. - lau Chapter congr ifu
?new brothersfor f all Semester
I obb fbhnl ongletor foi
VI ? ? ? Kenned) Englisl
Brenda Smith onathan lac
' m ferrell, Scott Pippins md
eneral Meeting in
M . ti PurposeRooi
I rt 5
? a meeting November
I " - Speight W rr Charles
?. irv will be our guest speaker
rrsand T-shirts should arrive
? late bring money if you
: ? ilr ady paid
ffeehouse in the basement of
Mi ndenhall has a new name! The
rground" was the winning
T the new name contest held
i mberotfl The Underground
e hosting "Comedy Zone" co-
il Mark TVshira on Tuesday,
mberBthatOOpm Refresh-
rs will be provided and admiv
sion ;s free Come out for the last
rmam e ot the sen tester!
Hillel party next Wed ' I4at9:0l
p rr r. the old PirateI ib "ear
Minges Everyone is welcom Call
it752-f)655orAnk31 S177 for
November 15, a Nationalel i
rid sdayisset iside to recognize
??- it free enterprise "as made our
countr) great! Fhrough greater pro
? vity, better technology and en-
rrepreneurship, the American free
enterprise systen - builds a better
torn ? m for all Sponsor)
National Future Business 1 eadersol
America Phi Beta I ambda ind your
local (hapter
rues No 13 ECl la Band.
Dennis Alleman, director Fletcher
Recital Hall 8 15 p m free) Wed
Nov 14 stee I itts I rombone,
? Recital ' Fletcher Ri
7 00 p m free Fhurs, ov 15
( oncerto Compehtion Finals fea-
turing students ot the School or Mu-
sic (Fletcher Recita; Hall. 00 p.m
free) Dlal757-43 for the School erf
Musics Recorded Calendar
K I. school ot A Christmas Sale.
ov ember 2 and V from 8a.m to6
p.m and TVeember 1 from 10a.m to
4 p m in the Lobby of lenkins Fine
r-s Building. All items are hand
crafted and ptoceedsbenefitstudents
and art guilds. Creat place to
i. hristmas shop'
Meet m Room :44 Mendenhall, ftOC
p m . Nov 13, 1990. Officers meet at
7:15 p.m
The Fast Carolina Honors Organiza-
tion will meet at 5:15 p m. on Thurs-
day. November 15 in the Central
Campus Meeting R?Hm located in
the basement ot Fleming Hall
ttenriori Special Education Maiors
Si ick n ?ouncil ??: Exceptional
i hildn r will be holding its last
meeting on Thursday, No 15th Ifs
our Season Celebration! foir is and
see what vou've beer missing! Meet
in p ight 2'i' a: " :n n
Help dean 2 2 miles oi the earth
participate in -dopt-a-Highway m
Thursday, Nov I5tt?at3:30 Meet at
Centura Ban (formerly Planters
Bank) in the Carolina Fast Mall
i irking tot I W ? n . ers irt
encouraged to participate and bnng
a friend -wear long pants Formore
rtfo contact Knstinea: 930 9270
Ues2tel is a Christian fellowship
which welcomes all students, and is
sponsored lomtlvbv the Tresrvvrr
and Methodist Campus Ministries
Come to the Methodist Student
t en ter (501E 5dl. across tnm C.arrett
dorm) this Wednesday night at 5 p m
ctx)ked meal (S2 50. Signed for the
heanng impaired Call 75S-2O30 tor
more lntormation
Friday at 4:00 p.m. for Tuesday's Edition
Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. for Thursday's Edition
1ST 25 WORDS: For students$2.00
For Non-students$3.00
Each additional word$ 05
Please notify the paper immediately if your ad is incorrect. We
will not be responsible for incorrect ads after the first day of
publication. We reserve the right to reject any ad for libel
obsenity. andor bad taste. Fraternities and sororities MUST
write out all Greek letters. Students MUST have IDs to receive
student rares. All ads must be typed or neatly printed
Each announcement may run twice free of charge. After the
second time, cost is:
1ST 25 WORDS: For students$2.00
For Non-students$3.00
Each additional word$ .05
All announcements must be typed or neatly printed. Due to
limited amount of space available, The East Carolinian cannot
guarantee the publication ot announcements. It is not
adviseable to rely on these announcements as a sole means
of communication.

Novimivh 13,1990
?tie ?aat (garglinian
Firehouse unleashes platinum-ready album
By Deanrta Nevgloski
Malt Writer
? then band in North Carolina destined
mi! -in i ess ui tin- music industn it would
him .1 White Heal demo tape and a live club perfor-
mance of die band
Pwo days later, Bon jovi called 1 everty and told
him he would be interested in working with the
With the advice and direction ol Bon ovi,Leverty
rei nrding artist Rrehouse Based in and company were signed tohrrv Management in
red-hot quartet features I Snare on NewYonV Ihe band was then flown to Los Angeles to
ertv on guitars. Perry Richardson rccordatt riemkcvStudH?sforThreeCherricsltecords.
tcrondrums an independent label "he result was a KVsong demo
? inthespnngof I982byatop not. hguitarist that was not being distributed .it the time
rolina rock scene and a hard hitting Firehouse (White Heat) returned to Charlotte and
oster recruited the talentsof Snare continued performing on stages throughout the
n I ?? Mu well known metal act Ma Southeast
1 lavingalread) secured a deal withThreeCherries
ision of the besl of both hands the Records and looking for a producer, Leverty and Snare
ik m the monicker White Heat and thus stumbled upon more luck when me duo went to see me
rd-drivin lineup Vinnie Vincent Invasion at the Park Elevator club (now
? ? name White Heat the Southern the 13 13 club) in Charlotte
first liscovered by WROQ, Charlotte's We had some four-track demos that we had made
. . and we had been shopping our 24-track demos all over
lomelsW here the Heart Is, whu hisfcaturedon the place I everty said
Firehouse put them on top of the lverty'smaingoalthatntghtwastogetademoto
m( harlotteand neighboring areas theInvasion'sbassistDanaStrum,whohadbeenknown
ame the longest running request song u produce new bands rhe dedkrated guitarist finally
1 a demo tape to Mark Slaughter the Invasion's
ih alisl night, Strum asked 1 evert) and Snare back-
staee ind ti ?ld them it he liked the tape thai he would
Top 8 at 8 lii Myrtle Beach, S.( the
heated to their home turl was number
1 row on W KZQ
1 , ?: t and companx hooked up with
rkingata ret ord store in Ru hmond
stringer was given .1 pass to .1 Bon ovi
kstage, Levert) mot Mr Bon Jovi and gave
See Firehouse' page 8
Staf Photo
Charlotte-based band F,rehouse (formerly White Heat) has released their self titled debul ;
Records The band and the album promise to ignite the fancy of hard rock fans across the nahor
Blake Babies tie up all loose
ends with release of second LP
Bv Matt King
Features Editor
Photo courUsy ot Universal Ptcturw
? ? -mventional slasher returns to movie theaters this
to the d lamol his co stars
Chucky runs amuck,
wreaking havoc again
B) stu.nt Oliphant
Vssistanl I eatures I ditoi
? rs over the past two
havebeenattra ted
lerall) known .is slasher
? movies that involve .1
idal mania who kills tor no
- reason
VI ?.ies 5ut h .is 'Halloween,
ghtmare on Elm Street and
. ? popular "I nd.i tho I Mh
? mployed the deranged
rhe killer's victims .ire almost
always teenagers who don t have
the good ense to know when to
tth ' lloutof Dodge . widely
accepted theory behind the sitting
du W nature of the v ictim is that they
deserve to die
typical too stupid to realize
that-I'm-going-to be muhlatedsce
nario goes something like this
Dick That's too bad about
Rkrkie and l.imu When 1 found
their lifeless bodies impated 1 n me
See Chucky page 8
I hoover dvn.iniK Blake Babies
will round out I990bygoingon the to support their latest offering
to the always-hungry world of new-
music enthusiasts rhe hand spent
their summer in I no with
producerin. Smith 'known tor
his studio wotk with the Pixiesand
thi onnells) recording Sunburn
rhealbum theband sthirdl S.
rek'ase should leave no promise of
their impending greatness
unfulfilled Allot the U Hse ends that
seem to dangle from theband sfirsl
full length album, I arwig havebeen
tied and the Babies are poised to
grab their slue ot the audience pie.
I here is always a correlation
between the amount ot time a band
spends tr ing to perfect its craft and
the successol that band The Blake
Babies have probably worked
harder this year than any other act
arwig was released in the tall
of 1989, and a vicious six-month
tour ensued before it was right back
to the studio to record Sunburn
side from touring members
of the band have spent time in the
last sear working on other projects
ranging from training tor the Bos-
ton Marathon to sitting in with the
Lemonheads and Giant Sand on
their latest releases. A work ethic is
not something the band needs to
work on
In the ten months between the
release of the two albums. Earwig
Photo court?sy ot Mammoth P.?acords
Emm.nant alternative rockers The Blake Bab-es take to the road with the Conneils to support their ?.
Mammoth Records release Sunburn
managed to mount rave reviews
from critics for Rolling Stone Melody
SAakei and I u et Pulse magazine
"he album also received substantial
airplay on commercial alternative
stations and college radio stations
Earwig was in WZMB's he.n y n ?ta
hon tor over a month Sunburn
is presently being showcased in
Mil's rotation
ohn Strohm and Freda Boner
who play guitar and drums respec-
tively, hail from Bloomington, Ind
In 1985, they moved to Boston where
they crossed paths with luliana
Hatfield, who was attending the
Berkeley School of Musk Hatfield
liked the direction the band was
going so she signed on as the resi-
dent bassist
While on theclubcircuit in Bos-
ton, theband received rheattention
of producer Can. Smith, who saw
them as a band with a future and
consequently took the Blake Babies
under his 'studio wing' Fhe band
has also recorded two EPS Nicety
. in 1987 ind hu
(released in the I Konl
I blit label) Few ban I
dish a library so dei "
threeyears rheir dedication equals
their talent
Mthough Sunburn 1- only
months older than I ? eig its an
lentisanexponential improvement
giveitalislen Mso iftheopportu
nityarisesgoseethebandoni ne I
its southeast dates some of w hi? I
are as the opening 1 '
Students examine Greenville police
B) Sheri I vnn lernigan
st.itl Writer
going or at least some
? the years, student police
. n ati d nti ? rsial
. ccnEC itudentsand
?. md ampus poln e
. .indents sometimes make
, . Mr their wrong doings.
police officers sometimes act
. .nd the call of duty?
ay Patrick Niemeyer, an E I
junior majoring in business said
rhisexperienceswithf in enville
police and m m hearsa) he thinks
he can safely assume that most E I
students disagree with police m
volvement concerning thestudents
Niemeyer said the police are
rtotflexibte the) refuse to work with
students m solving problems
rhe police watch students too
, (osely Mi wail for them to '
111; wrong he added
AnarticleintheSept IHissueof
I hr East Carolinian reported that
students filed a complaint against
two city police officers after a party
Niemeyer, who attended the
party said it was ridiculous for the
police to even show up I he musk
played at a low volume and the
guests kept their v 1 m. esai 1 n irmal
speaking level
rhe officers forced the resident
lo tell his guests to leave and then
threatened ever) 1 me with arrest tor
trespassing. Niemeyer continued
According to Niemeyer, one
officer pushed females while the Niemeyer
In reference to last year's lar
River Halloween part) hesaid per-
hapsa few of the students needed to
be arrested, but the police officers
carelessly rounded up and arrested
almost everyone, even those Irving
to come home trom work
"There's no communication
between the Universit) and the po-
lice Niemeyer said I don'l see
this problem coming to an end any-
time soon
Barbara lean Thompson, a se-
nior marketing major at ECU, said
some students ask tor trouble, but
many policeomcers took for iteven
when it s not there
Thompson said the city and
campus polne officers enter situa-
tions with bad attitudes anticipat-
ing students reactions Ihev see
college students as wild, loud
Also, a guest at the Sept 15
party on lams Street, Thompson
said the presence (?f the police offic-
erswasunnecessary but the arrests
were absurd
She said the witnesses were
dumbfounded whin the officer ar-
rested John Derek Cain for disor-
derly conduct atter asking the offi-
cer not to push a young woman.
Thompson calls am .1 sweetheart
who would never o anything to
deserve being arrested
Nevertheless, the magistrate
dropped the charges against Cain
that morning, she said.
Thompson mentions a similar
incident on Bi It more Street, some-
times referred to as the "Biltmore
Massacre where she says police
officers beat and bruised a male
student with their Stk ks
Again, witnesses stood in das-
beliet because the young man had
done nothing w rong. she said
Thompson also comments on
the article in the (At. 3 issue ot The
I ulu Reflecta regarding two sisters
trom HC I who sued thecitv because
they said two officers manhandled
The suit alleged that when one
of the sisters asked the officer what
w as going on, he grabbed her, pulled
her around and hit her on the head
knocking her unconscious, causing
the student to sutler mental and
physical paw 1 he otticers said they
were defending themselves.
I hompson says the SistersSu?
City, 2 Pobee Officers incident
another example of officer s use
needless force She asked, It th
female student wascausinga prob
lem.whvdidn ttheofficerhandcuff
her and put her in the car'
Thompson said the lar Rivt
Halloween party also shows h.
police officers search for trouble
she said the) came prepan d
it r something bad t 1 happen w ear
ing helmets and bringing out buses
to cany people awa rhe otficers
arrested more than a hundred
people without cause, because tho
failed totn todistinguish the guilty
trom the innocent, she argued
For instance she said some 1
her friends were arrested just foi
walking bv
Thompson said: Police offk
ers can utilize their time in better
ways, instead of harassing students
Why don'l me) direct their time
and ewrg) to issues such as drug
dealing and related crimes?"

jtic ?aat (Carolinian November 13,1990
This Week in Film
The Student Union films Committee presents one of tin-
most critical!) acclaimed anthologies ol animation of the twen
tieth century. Wednesday night, Hendri rheatre will house the
most innovative and talented works ever (reated in the cartoon
"The Second Animation Celebration rhe
tovie' is a newly selected batch of short films from the recent
I os Angeles International Film Festival, featuring the Oscar
winning "Tin toy But more importantly the movU also lea
tures the country's most worshipped family since the days ot
Bedrock The Simpson s
Hart I isa, Maggie Margeand Homer can now be seen on the
silver s reen as they appeared duringtheii formative earsonthe
I r.u L llman Show
Fromsit comtostafdom the) have swept through America
like a plague ot ktcusts It is this classk footage thai made the
Simpsons the notorious entity thai the) are today and helped
them gain a larger cull following than im ones
I his film offers entertainment for all agesand all walksof life
so don t miss it
The Second Animation Celebration rhe Movie will be
shown Wednesday o 14 al 8 p.m
,imission to all student I nion Films is free with an E I
Studenl ID bearing a current son steractivit) stickei 1 or rrHre
mformatKn on Studenl I mon programs call the Studenl nion
office al 757 4715
rhe Studenl I mon Filmsommittee thanks Easl Coast
Musi? and ideoforuseol their videotapes in the review ol these
c ompiled by Kathleen Mooney
Continued from page 7
I .?m explained, Well priori conmhtmen, oo. o, Epic nuvK roundIheme.1b H- ta??
lartingnow ? H Xiv) kH,k ,(,r ,hnr first video to an
iywo rd SM4 BaviW nu?, laM ????&?Z ZlZJ'ZEF ?
i a
s later he (Strum) said 'guys,
r.u k vourbaes,yourcomin'toHol-
wrked a lot ol interest from major David Prater to proc
record labels and would eventu- platinum
,1K eel Firehouse their major deal songs guaranteed to blow your
withEpk Records speakers, a video in the works na
During the demo production, tional magazine coverage and ana
Strum and slaughter parted ways tional tour being sought out.
with the Invasion and began put- Rrerwuseismorethanreadytoheal
ting together a band of their own upttenatkmwimtheirstronghook
Slaughter! I p All Night "Fry to laden rhythms and vocal guitar
the fcngels' I became the name of melodies supported by a solid con
the band a
rfclk: ? tlt -mate,oar I
S ,s included and rocks with pure album go platinum 1- oilier
rock'n routines nd m ?.dowi tcvearthptrsonal.ti.
1 s'lvautitu ldnintl?rhea;houH
Recordedal racks Stud
in Suffem, vi nnfrs
heeame me name 01 "?tr , , .
took off so suddenly crete metal foundation And their home a pota
Look for:
rum and Slaughter did not polished radio oriented sound is a bous debut r
that Si
have time to produce Ftrehouse's
debut record
Kfter showcasing forsuch large
record companies as( .etten M( V
Polvgram and Atlantk Firehousi
us to surviving 111 the big leagm s
r . . ' 1 k ,l t 11-1 n Satin
Firehouse shrstsingteis Shake m
,nd Tumble"atrackfromtherecord Firehousepui ed
thai isgeared toward a heavy nxk . utsfromth. u .Ibui Leverty explained, Wc
White Heat decided to go with want it (first smgle) to be in your n. xi all
ind e
In Thursday's
The East
Metal Notes
t.ue since we're going t 1 be pla mg
a lot ot clubs all over the country
Leverty said there are a lot ol
sides to thebandon the record. And
the proof definitely standsout Most
Uemet"ViJhaeU apian and .t of the songs deal with experiences
he beginning of a great reia
I pk Michaelapian, who is the
vice president of A&R al Epw
Records w enttoa 1 hrehouse(White
i leat)show in December 1989 and
cried theband to the label
vertv s?iid
Ifyouhaven t noticed In now Musi Notes has been changed
to Metal Notes. So let's dive right ' ; ?
metal news LastThursdas Poison put on.
? ? ? mute
show at the Greensboro Coliseum in C.reonsboi dto
tout through Inland 41 Poison will release a double-live
jlbumnextyear rhealbumwillteaturecoiio rttracksfn mtheir
I s Hoshand Blood tourplus tour new studio songs that did
IK,I nuke it on their last three releases Ihev ? includi Souls ol
in, No Mon 1 ooking Back So fell M A ? ? ' ?nl
In Will lell lentatne titles tor the I Pan Sim vV
and is n Li ? '?????
Vttanta rockers Blonz have gone nation vitl
their self-titled debut album Formerh ill I irtv Bl 1
quintet otters strong melodi
Hlon openevi for Poisol
In th irse of securing the
major label deal, White Heat be
. 1 irehouse It seems there was
. , K.n.l out in the industry
r?ts to the White Heat
or "imaginar) pictures" ol how an
expi rience miht be
A catchy, melodu tune that
(omes with all the metal trimmings
All She Wrote ' is one siK h song
From Rock on the Kadi to
"Oughta Be a Law' to Helpless
Firehouse brings ouf all their ener
gies to provide rippin jams with a
bands pubticitv sobdbeal "Lover s 1 ane isadittv
Plavs 1 majir role in getting a band about going down to your fav
? tund And a lack of ,t make out spot when the passion is
? ?? , trim talented band just too overwhelming and Over-
ltalbum'intoaflop How night Sensation depicts the dream
housi haspknu ofconfi- of making it in the musK mdus
Records and their Don't Walk Awa5 asemi-ballad
' 1 1 -1, . . 1 (1 . I'w . 11 tti
Soils ul
SUjma Phi Kpsilon
November 13, ,
Sports Pad
7:00 - 9:30 AllnitjhtS
1st - $75
2nd - $50
3rd - $25
th a blues touch and the beauri
Warrant I ho t
ind pl.o
minute sot Blon hopes begin tourn . tatei
Incasevou re wondering what restament'snewopus si: isall about, it definitelv has nothing I ?
or all that other mumbo umbu that is asstx tatevl ??? th he 1 ? .
ocahst t huck Bill) 1 ?; ?ns Politii ians 1 l
I - piople1o 1 uptothem.yet thev 11 I ??
llt. else; inside, their souls are ?kick Noughwid
Del 1 eppard is in the 1 1 ling studio with V - SI .
No word vet on when the new 1 rd v
Slaughter's debut IP "Stick ti 1'a has reached platinum
0 Osbourne iscurrentlv working with producers
rhtunpson and Michael Barbiero on the tentativelv titled efl
I lon't blame Me
Dangerous roys'stphomore I Pisgoingundei the working
title 1 lell.u ions A res
Ratt launched their headlining "Detonator tour on N
strvper . Vixen are the ro. k rodents guests I he triple iam
umr will stop in Norfolk. Va onNov 23.Roanot .a nNov
24 md 1 airfax, a on No .v
lion ?)i homo video titled lour lap
onNov 2 Enuff'Z Nuff hasahomevideo in the works thai vil
feature .ideoclips thnv live tra? k: ind lei '
ludas Triost Viegadeth and restamenl tvill pla al
harlotte oliseumonDe, b' Mlthreebandswillbesuppi?ri
their new releases 1'amkiller Rust in Peace and Souls ol
Black respectiveh
1 )n 1 hanksgiv mg t inderella w ill release their third ettort
: irtbreak station rhe lead ott vid 'belter Me
has been added to the Headbanger's Ball I rn il ?n MT
th ? ew videos airing on Headl 1 1 1 Ball include
Vnthra In M World JudasPriests Toucl I Evil blue
ears rush and Danger Danger Po : k av
ongon new albums are I he front,, Bang
rang rathchild America md Saraya
1 nhlNov 27,haveasafeandrtH.kin lurkcyDaj andenjov
thi 1 lu rr Pie
Compiled b) 'Dizz) Deanna Nevgtoski
The East Carolinian is currently accepting
applications for a computer layout artist. Please
stop by the office for details.
Skjn-lp? itt front ol Student Stores
Food provided by Cliicos & Dominoes
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Bits and Pieces
Fares decrease for card members
Virlincs have raised most fares 15 percent sinct -uv. ? but
I , promotional deals between airlim .and other compo
,i Mib savinj 1 ? sample American I pres;
, 1 nTember can buv a $244 certificate .vvi on Continental
Airlines for a round trip coach night in the continental I nited
Pot belly unattractive to Women
'alluppoHot 250coupl
mmissioned b 1 he . pi
Winfrey Show asked mi n and women to name their favonti
and least favorite body parts on the opposite sex Men's favorite
were breasts, least favorite feet Women.on the other hand a
a man s best bod) part 1- his face, and .1 pot belly 1- the worst
Wii ire) will discuss the results on Monday s program
Dating service scores with salon
. hair salon owner inalifomia - San t ernando V alley has
.omrupvMthlrsnnnrd.mpU't.vvlu.hJ.i.i.tbrtlH nations
onU combination beauty salon and dating service Woodland
Hills shop owner Daryl Rapoza J7, says if a client is not happy
ith a match, the salon'sstatt tu pnotherapisl 1 an helpoffset the
lisappomtment for $50 an hour
M ?
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Wed Nov. 148pm
Call the Program Hotline 757-6004
ECU Student Union Halloween T-Shirts Are
On Sale Now At U.B.E Gft Yolrs Today!

gUie ?agt (Earoltnian N ember13.1990
'Back Doors' deliver
convincing rendition
Continued from page 7
Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports EditOf
exactlv like Morrison's own hair Hakin s voice is
haughtingly familiar to Monrison s rhc major
difference is that 1 laktn isnotas "wai ked out i
Morrison was
pproximatels 100 people came to the uk When Morrison look the stage he was often
la night to listen to The Back Doors, a so drunk, drugged or both that he could hardy
??? band ol rhc Doors function rhis wasevidenth tin reason tor j lot
' he band is omposedof I mi 1 lakin who is the of his success
d portrays I im Morrison ITierestol ccordingtoabiographyofMornstMi '?
? ti I is Re n Stone drums; Uncle Paul CetsOut of Here Alive, he used to ride the en ve
ke tx ai .i- md Chris Fenicchia quitar lope and people liked that because the knew
; k ors are based out of Pennsylva that they could not
. then rendition of IheDoorsin When he used to recite p " ? viuild
ntu is) ind parts of Canada Hakin actually live it Hakin does not
-1 th the band and has been words but it just does not have lh am illureas
. v ? ? ten years rheothermem Morrison
ing with the band tor much 1 ho musu it-H'll was ven
yeai however and those in attendance appeared to
1'hc likeness thai Hakin has to Morrison is en)o the show I shut nn eyes and I m tl
- ible He dresses identical to the late said Diane Noble a devote Doors fan after the
and reportedh wears a wig that is show
ss time al
gravey ard fence, 1 realized that there
was a terrible evil at work here
lane Do you think that the re
i ent news report concerning the es
caped mental patient has any bear-
ing on their deaths
Dick Maybe But Jane, wecan'l
let their deaths rule our lives It's
smh a lovclv nighl Let's go for a
walk in the park
Dick and lane then proceed to
take a romantic stroll in the park
I he stare at the lull moon, while
confirming their vow ot love rhe
monotonous piano scale back
ground must, increases Ihen it
happens SSSSSSLASH (blood,
guts, an ixe through the head) an
other teenage murder statistic
I sualh the killer manages to
kill off the entire cast except ol
eourse the best looking girl, who
somehow manages to thwart her
att.k ker and su ceeds in banishing
him to the underworld
1 lowever it isalmost inevitable
that the killer will return tor a se
unique approach to tin
slasher theme tixik plan- two years
ago w hen thedemonk doll C hik k
took to the screen in the movie
( hild s Pla " In the first movie
I huck relentlessly pursiuxh
Andy Ban l.n le in ent -
ing several people along
and dn ing several mi re t raz
Atthemov ie'send.
with a terrible demise But ?
to lamenthui k isKv k an I
obnoxuus than evei
Universal release, hi! I
"Some peoplt in ?i ni
I've e,ot a bad attitu 1
said but the ?'? .?? ?tital
just don t liki - :
?nd !?? lav '
young bi iv wl ?
t(l p, N1'SS
i 1 in OK kid
needs ?
s,ud So what il ?? ?
htsbtxJv, w th tl
isn t thai
In '
. . ? ?? in I
bin kv's n ii '
wants to di
lii in, that arose when the Barclays
. . , press '
hile nd been
. : in a foster home while his
n ceives psy hiatrk treat
? mu( h tor protecting the
rding to a I niversal press
In ' hild's Play ? pro-
?avid Kirv hner hopes to
rtl ? : velop hik kVs relation
ith ndv. while giving au-
i in re tot hnologically-ad-
I realistit doll whose savage
? , . n greater play It
? pactol the original concept
: ttnues to motix ate
? nthusiasm tor the
? ? read the first sen pi the
? ?. fear in me,
? , ? aid Wh? n i was tittle
? ? . ared the hell out
iv gi ?s ang ? '
was hug iccess for
hild sl'liv 2 issureto
? , ? ?. ? ??: c Soas
. rru nl says, Sorr
ickv's b.u I'
Vanished writer sobers, returns to scene for infamous 'second acf
I Scott Fitzgerald was that further details the tunnv sad ' Mason
v h the lone, quiet time '
had met in Gold Fitzgerald might not Drink, says Cold a tall lean white-bearded tf
here are no second acts in American year old Atter those two bev ks
wet period for me ldrankmvs l ul
- who makes an acclaimed careei
teratui a nishes from the scene Goldsavs I got into drink
rtly to return to take anothci days when I was stationed in lapan I war
d s case the silence between lason in my, books
re than 20 years fter all my books arc based ?n m lif i
ihed in 13 when Nickel though! take certain liberties. San
? ? Hi ?? n appeared l r:tu tion but his lite parallels mil
? ? ? stories gave promise that fhere are certain incidents wi ; iv
t the commanding writers ot all of my writing is autobiogra
? I Sick Friends was In Sams in a 1V Sea
? ? : ? with the adventures of employs the stream-of-consciousm ss ' I ue a
i fondness for drink, and well as moving easily back ai m first ti
i Mation third person to powerfully toll about th hard-drink
s silence Until now, with the ing philandering Sams
I novel Sams in a Dr He had drunk through b md ml ;
? ? ?? i ? ? written ston turned over i ars bought in in ted real ?t.l
. . k In idships and otherwise wreak
cial life, but had also s rewi I tip
? tessional lite therebv weakening hisont ren
rationale, too main importanl
vntei i1 or even further ba k id
mi Ii n ks making it quite clear th it irl ii
hoi went hand in hand so witl illtl nplaci
had gone wrong? How many vi irs i
he had writ fen anything worthwhili ? mpleted
;? thing it all while his drink'
,i s,n - he managed to disl n
drink mg to U oh ii s Anoi
? Innk m August ? ?'??
had i drink n ?
I ld ho lives with his tamih i I :
wasaln trei ni iled to the ta tthai lone a
,nter Mv talent, if such it is, did nol -? i
- .?, ith sobnet But 1 began pub ishn
e ancxrdotes about AA Fnends
t hat 1 bad done was good so I
moir i hen. it i ame u ?
: iki i novel and Sams
k me nine months to
irs ol li ing
.? md literature at Bos
? ,un business in writinc
but it it als i an
? - I ?
ther ,u t
The East Carolinian
?tly accepting
applications for computer
layout artist.
, ampus Itureau
r details on this educatioal
i,in portunitv!
Annk- iiHiDvIuvVMIk- MdtiniDslH .kiNNK
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Za-vf He Suo?rf?? ?? ??
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rtie power to be your best!

ultje ?aat (Earoltnian November 13.1990
'Back Doors' deliver
convincing rendition
Continued from page 7
Harle McAulcy
Assistant Sports Editor
Approximately 100 people came to the Attic
Saturday night to listen to The Back Doors, a
tribute band ot The Poors
T heband lscomposed ot lim Hakin who is the
lead singer and portrays Jim Morrison. The rest of
the band ik
mi Stone, drums; Uncle Paul
Benitez, key boards and Chris Fenicchia, quitar.
1 he Back Poors are based out of Pennsylva-
nia and they play their rendition of The Poors in
the entire east coast ,nd parts of Canada. Hakin
has been involved with the band and has been
singing Morrison tor ten years. The other mem-
bers have been playing with the band for much
less time, about one year
The likeness that Hakin has to Morrison is
remarkable He dresses identical to the late
Morrison and reportedly wears a wig that is
exactly like Morrison's own hair I lakin's voice is
haughtinglv familiar to Morrison's The major
difference is that Hakin is not as "wacked out" as
Morrison was
When Morrison took the stage he was often
so drunk, drugged Of both that he could barely
function. This was evidently the reason tor a lot
of his success
Accordingtoabiographyoi Morrison, Noi ne
Gets Out of Here Alive, he used to ride the enve-
lope and people liked that because they knew
that thev could not.
When he used to recite poetry he would
actually live it. Hakin does not He knows the
words but it just does not have the same allure as
The musk itself was vorv well portrayed,
however, and those in attendance appeared to
enjoy the show. "1 shut my eyes and I'm there
said Piane Noble, a devote Poors tan after the
graveyard fence, I realized that there
w as a ternble evil at work here
lane: Do you think that the re
cent news report concerning the es
caped mental patient has any bear-
ing on their deaths
IVk: Maybe. But lane, we can't
let their deaths rule our lives It's
such a lovely night let's go for a
walk in the park
IVk and lane then proceed to
take a romantic Stroll in the park.
I'hev staa at the full moon, while
continuing their vow of love. The
monotonous, piano scale back-
ground music increases. Then it
happens, SSSSSSLASH (blood,
guts, an axe through the head) an-
other teenage murder statistic
I sually, the killer manages to
kill oft the entire cast, except, ot
course, the best Uxtking girl, who
somehow manages to thwart her
attacker and succeeds in banishing
him to the underworld
However, it isalmost inevitable
that the killer will return for a so
unique approach to the
slasher theme took place two years
ago when the demonic doll C huckv
took to the screen in the movie
"Child's Play In the first movie
Chuckv relentlessK pursued young
Andy Barclay (Alex Vincent), kill
mg several people along the w.i
and driving several more crazy
Atthemovie'sendhiuk met
with a terrible demise But noneed
to lament, Chucky is back and more
obnoxious than ever in the latest
Universal release, "Child's Play 2
"Some people are saying that
I've got a bad attitude. hucky
said. "But thev ve got it all wrong
lust don't like kids who e.i t out ol
I his is an apparent refer nee to
Andy Barclay (Ale Vincent), the
young bo) whosesouK huckysoeks
to possess
"Andy's an (1 kid. but he inst
needs to loosen up a little hu k
said "N what it I want to possess
his bod) with the soul ol a killer
isn't that what friends are tor"
ln"( hild'sPlav 2 '( huckv has
been resurrected by the Play Pals
toy factory And the reason for
t huckv s resurrection? Play Pals
wants to "dispel the negative pub
Hetty that arose when the Barclays'
stor hit the press
Meanwhile. Andv has been
placed in a foster home while his
mother receives psychiatric treat-
ment So much tor protecting the
? timer
ccordtng to a Universal press
release Inhild's Play 2 pro-
ducer David Kirschner hopes to
further develop C hucky's relation-
ship with Andv, while giving au-
diem es a more tivhnologically-ad-
vanced, realistic doll whoso savage
humor is given even greater play. It
isttn impact ol the original concept
that continues to motivate
Kirschner's enthusiasm for the
projei t
When 1 read the first script, the
inur ? a dollcoming to lite brought
th k a very primal fear in me
kits, hner said. "When I was little,
mv sister's dolls scared the hell out
: me"
( hild's Play, grossing over
I I million, was a huge sir i ess for
Kirs, hner "Child'sPlay2"issureto
dop ist as w. 11 at the box office. So as
the advertisement says, "Sorry
a k hu ley's back
Vanished writer sobers, returns to scene for infamous
NEW YORK (AP) F Scott Fitzgerald was
It he had met Kan (old Fitzgerald might not
have said There are no second acts in American
( iold is that rare writer who makes an acclaimed
debut in literature then anishes from the scene
seemingly tor good only to return to take another
ears later In (iold Sase, the silence between
his books went on for more than 20 years.
I .old was first published in 13. when "Nickel
Vhsi "rs a short story collection, appeared Critic
; "rilling said tin- stones gave promise that
? s uld be one (it the commanding writers lit
? time Gold's first novel, "Sick Friends was
ished in 1969 It dealt with the adventures ot
ason Sams, a writer with a fondness for drink, and
?. is highly praised by I he Nation.
And then there was silence Until now, with the
nation ol .old s second novel, Sams in a Dry
on" (Houghton Mifflin), a finely written stor
that further details the funny sad life ol ason Sams
Why the long quiet time?
Drink, says Cold, a tall, lean white bearded 58
year-old "After those two books, there was a long
wet period for me I drank mysell out ot any possible
C .old savs I got into drinking during my Army
days when I was stationed in japan I was?? lust like
ason in my books
After all. my books are based on mv lite al
though I take certain liberties Sams may be an inven
turn, but his life parallels mine in main respects
There are certain incidents we ha ein ommon si nee
all ot my writing is autobiographical to a degree.
In Sams m a Dry Season Cold effectively
employs the stream-of-consciousness technique as
well .is moving easily back y forth from tirst to
third person to powerfully tell about the hard drink
mg, philandering Sams.
lie had drunk through his JOsand intohis40s,
turned over cars bought unwanted real estate
wre ked friendships and otherwise wreaked havo
with his social life, but had also screwed up his
professional life, thereby weakening his (me remain-
ing rationale, that too many important American
writers since Poe or even further back had been
roaring drunks, making it quite clear that art and
alcohol went hand in hand so. with all thisin place
what had gone wrong? How many years now since
he had written anything worthwhile, or completed
anything at all. while his drinking continui d
(,old says he managed to distance himself from
drinking by going to Alcoholics Anonymous ! had
mv last drink in August oi 1976. I was 44 I haven't
had a drink since
c ,old. who lives with his family in Boston says
1 was almost reconciled to the fact that 1 was done as
a writer My talent, if such it is, did not come flooding
back with sobriety. But I began publishing a series ot
magazine anecdotes about AA. Friends convinced
me that what 1 had done was good, so 1 used those
articles as the nu leus tor a memoir 1 hen. it came to
me that'ims ma ri . uld make a novel, and Sams
inaDrv Season v isborn It took me nine months to
write the book but 2D years ot living
Gold i anting and literature at Bos-
ton I niversity say - My main business m writing
this book d novel but it it also can
persuade pop: t sober, that's good too.
I feel blessed I've been given another act
The East Carolinian
is currently accepting
applications for computer
layout artist
Come by "ur Campus Bureau
or call h tor details on this educatioal
v areei opportunity!
ap roommate
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i I prevails
Illinois 14 M
Shultz lead
LMlCJ .1 i
i i

GUie JEaat Uluirultniun
Novembers, 1990
ECU prevails over Northern Illinois, 24-20
B Doug Morris
Sports I dttOi
I lu" Northern Illinois Huskies came into
Greenville Uniting the wishbone wizard quarter
baekStaces Robinson Robinson billed b ll head
coach err Pettibone as the best .ill purpose
quarterback in tlv countn was leading theNC A A
in scoring U uchdovvns and rushing But the Wiz
was not enough to lead the mercurial Huskie team to
a victors oei the Pirates at home
When vou nlav an excellent team in this type ol ning around the corner to block a
game il globe a natter of inches that's going on the Pirate 17-yard line
to detertnuv mnei said Pettibone
n. it wasa in hes ! k tuall) I hi
Huskies almost won the game on their final pl.n
ivitl mg but not quite
there, they were unable to punv h the h i
zone and senior place ki ket Robbing
tor a 2 yard ku k putting the Pirates up
' 118 left in the quarter
Imperato then kicked oil t Nil
return man, Larrv VVvnn who fielded the
I aid line and then ran ba ?
were unable to capitalize on th ;
e et ,uA tour pla s lah r, were punt
Pirates or trying to
sunioi punter Dave i , d
l t. I s senior i ornerbat k
il tin
I he Pirates tk ad
field position and in foiu pla ?
option into the end ?. ine Imp i
extra point to give the Pirates n
ed with winds gusting up to I :W still in the first qua
ph rain. 1 he 1 luskies elet to to
font ?
ig with the w ind
lunioi ku kei Matt t olden started the game b)
kit king the ball to the Pirate ; yard line Sophomore
t )nce again. Imperati k
rn goal in hopes of gaining an earl) kies W nn at the lb yard line
18 v aids to the M-yard line sell
luskie possession
1 his time, Robinson mooi
il recei ved the kickoff the wishbone wizardn I
five plays H mart hod ? irdsdowi
m it 1 ards to the 2 I v ard line
ai ieK show With a tield and into theend
a. k left Blake s p.e
i ards and a tout hdew n I
lull back David lohn Ivanic came on toi
? Pirates drove to the
plav s I lowevei once
score 10-7 with 2 20 left in tb
(iolden ku ked the ball
Celes'? Hoffman feCU Photo Lab
rambles to avoid the Huskie rush Blake i tyed ii epl ?
and rust I for 61 yard i iddrtton hi eta l
I wit ' V, '? , ?rds breaking the previous record of 1.818 yard
returned the ball VI brought on ti itl ? : I i :
the Pirates posses attempt ho ked fl ndu
: ? ? : . ? befon lk- ard lim
,rti r ended I rhe Husl

11 procedure pei iit bv onsistem rat!
: - Imj ? ' -as
? ? ECU . .
Pirates stop Czech
dub team, 84-59, in
exhibition game
K ? arle McAuta
. i, , if (Tti
L'l I tie s?. in as i
i iftei fi minutes of i i
Shorthr stt,efense
helped ?? ? n 11? ? :
at th?? ?
rhis?; . i; Illld DO
all FX ,Iresh
man guard ! esttr 1 vonsu ith 1 i 01
Ii ft intlink spliked a
ten point iratimaking the
'remaining in
!h, ? ? '
i he I'iKiti
lutsidc sin i? witl. ?
inside pla 1 I i " iii cad
throughout tin r?stol the ha
entered the l kling 1
44-30 lead
E( pit k.d up wlure tlu
left off in the sei (ind halt antit-talk
dominated I?had in
creased theii Ii17 with
10 left in l ?I
thesami? ?
the 1 H.itt - av.i ISI II
exlremel) tiredl arta( hit' Sparta
had played 1?sin,is mam
days ti t elingannind five hours
: i bu el mtests
In their pn? tourititings
? ilosttoWHhamand Man
i st to Richmond, 67-92, defeated
I v Wilmington, so 73 and de
fcatcd "south irortna M
That w as a tinxi team v e
i ttnight s,ud head ? h
1 ' ki Steele rhev plaved S itl
:? ma last night rho : iv d
? . night sirw ethe ?. ebeen hi n
? i re able to put in nough
pie to wear them down a little
m sU re they made some rum
'luit the) don tusuall) make
H I was led b sophomore
tei Ikeopeland, who had 1"
points and eight rebounds either
idi ? for the Pirates were junior
ud Robin I louse, 11 points and
two rebounds, sophomore guard
Steve Rk hardson, 1 Jpointsand four
rebi iunds; I eons, lOpointsand twn
rebounds and senior forward l'im
Brown eight points and eight re
bt ninds
Sparta was led by liri idek
ho had 16 points and two re
unds and Mil hael lezdik 11
points and to e rebounds
I he game was the first t ham c
that E( I had to plav against an
ither team this season It was time
fi r us to pl.i a game said Steele.
1 v as pleased with a couple things,
, thought the enthusiasm of our
kids was really good I think the)
were excited to play somebod)
' Weareverj tired i Hirpla)
ing was net as we expected said
Sparta coach lira Konopasek
through an interpreter konopasek
said that he was impressed w ith the
pla) of 1 louse and c 'opeland
II has another scrimmage
next Sunday against the Verier)
Reps .it 5 p m in Minges
Swim team holds out
against Old Dominion
H Christine ilson
Staff Writei
: i : intheirh :?
????:? ' ninioi '
thn iugh
n deteatim: I DI 140 to Hx

: ? ? -
? ii
men and mei
hada total tea fl i' heal
Kobe said
. : ? ? mi because I
, , ? ,
?men s team d b
: it year Oi igan tl
?men showed a total teamefl -1
said fhe had to win tl
i ?.
Its to ' did It
. . .

: -
? ?
Shultz leading force at
power hitter position
Celeste Hoffman ECU Photo Lab
Sophon -? i
Saturday i ?
isket in
i parta
Copelai with 1
Indoor treadmill excellent for improving aerobic fitness
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vent injuries, streto H slowly, with
out bourn mg
Always ? ar athletn oi run
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? lothing
Remember to w alk or t un in a
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sively. You don't nin-d to push
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or run with a comfortable stride
Land on your heel and rock tor
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Never step off or on a moving
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satetv handles are an unpor
tant feature provided on some
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I ni versa! Gym Equipment Use
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movement ami vour stride Hold
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when m
. nances
Ith till-
it )
i ince vou u ?
fbrtabh let one irm sv i
side. th n thi ' ? Maki
i an walk sih , i full) on th?
mill before igging oi i unnin
Walk or run snxnthh
st(ni pa Keej our i
mg forward to retain ilanci
hen v ii an n a k to end
vimr workout take time to . ool
downhrst Progressive!) slow youi
speed over threi oi tburminutesto
a walking speed of -1 to i mph
Walk at that speed loi at least one
minute before turningthe treadmill
off Never sit or lie down immedi
! ill e a
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ills w ith spet ial fea-
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Rapids i N 2406oi call l R00 553
By Matt Mumma
suit Writei
I eading the Pirate volleyball
team in kills service aces and digs
Wend) S? hulte has taken this sea
son in hand and made the best of it
as realh surprised at il
the results because 1 don t talk
anything up ifter the games
N hlllt s,lld
n huh moved to the power
hitter position this season after the
spot was vacated by Michelle
Macintosh, last yearSchuItz was
primarily a setter tor the team
She moved out of the setter
position and I think moving her
from that has been ver) important
said Head coach Martha Met askii!
1 his vear was nn first real
chance at power hitter ,n. I was
reall) excited about that m that
helped do well Shultz said
U ith 297 kills. 50 service aces
anil $90digS the move no doubt
was a good one s-hult is onlv a
sophomore though, and according
toe o.uh MiC askill some improve-
ment is hi order
She needs to improveon her
passing accuracy and she needs to
work hard in the Ku k ot the court
Ma askill said
Shultz a criminal justice ma-
(ortromPenn .said thatshechecked
out some other schools but liked
orth Carolina and ECU She is a
Criminal justice major and savs that
she has adjusted well to living such
a long way from home.
She played basketball and ran
track in addition to voleyball soshe
? ? iried
w ill place w ell
? rencetouma between
We have ctntlu ts
differentcliqui sontl tea but
all had a big talk ,no t vervthinj
ng well now n. hultz said
oach Ma askill .u
i nui se peoplt d n I set
but we are young and ! think s
people have matured ?lot overt
season Wend) hasagreatattitu
and that s helped her
onflit ts oi no the vo
team will face ieorge Masm this
1 ridav at 11:01 i m at tht A
tournament in Wilmington
1 in really excited about tht
tournament and I think we regoing
to do prett) well, Shultz said
See Shultz page 11
Wendy Schultz

(Bite nstQlaraimmn November 13,1990
ECU Briefs
Crew team does well in Va. Regatta
Fairfax, Va ECU'S ohn lusaitisand Angela Brown t(xk first
place in Ihe Regatta's 3 l (A mile ran' t?r r reatkmal doublesat tho
ISJov 31 lead of Occoquan Regatta in ! airfax a Robin Andrews and
Sandraarter look thud in tin same t.u v
Included in the race was a men's four man sweep, a men's single
m'uII, two mixed double recreational s tills and two v omen's double
ret national sculls
usaitis also v ompeted in the mens single s? nil event Results tor
that race were unavailable at press tune
rani members are Andrews Brown ? arter Robin Cocup,
lennifer Cordcr Stephanie( rease . vnthiaDauker Nathan Hicks,
lusaitis David Leah hnsSea) David Sloan Michael Snipes and
Kimberh W olfe
Persians interested in joining tin i revs team shtuild contact (usaitis
t, i"?ii(t.J frtim Sldff J M
Continued from page 10
Sports Briefs
Sampras withdraws from tournament
W EMBI E"i England (AP) rop seeded Pete Sampras w ith
drew because ol injun and tilth seeded aron Krickstein wasde-
teated in an indtxii tournament leaving onh thnv ol the seeded
plavers entering the quarter!in i
Sampras pulled oul before his ocond round match against
. hristian Bergstrom btn ause ol paintul shin splints that threaten to
keep him out ol nexl week s ATP'l oui W orldhampionships
r I undgren d feated Kri? kstein 7-5 f-A
Second seeded ioran Ivanisevu and third seeded Mk haeU hang
I moresut cess Ivanisovicdefeated NiclasKulti 7-6(10-8),6 4 and
( hang beat It rem Bates h ;
Sanchez, Korda victorious in Moscow
MCS Ol W Second-seeded Emiho Sanchez defeated Veli
heimo 2 h 7 ? h 2 and I ti korda heat an iunnarsson I r, 7 6,
l i idvance to the semifinals of the Kremlin up
vi asal and Knders larrvd also advanced Casal defeated
Rosset 6-4 h land Jarrvd beat David Wheaton6-3, 7-5
Wilander wins easily in quarterfinals
PAPARK Brazil V ? Mats Wilander defeated Andrew
ijder6 1,6 Oand Mart - erniansbeat MauriceRuah7 6(7 4)
? idvan e to the somil l itibank toumamenl
Graf defeats Zvereva in 36 minutes
WORCESTER Mas lop-seeded Steffi Graf defeated
ilia Zvereva f-0 h I in a 16-mmute match to advance to senun
of the . irginifi Slims ol New Fngland
Sixth seeded Helena Sukova ? tghth seeded mv Frazier and
unseeded Mere ? id iiued to the quarterfinals with third
round victories.Suki i I teatedStephanieRehe4-6,6-2,6-2;Frazier
? . , ndrea nd Paz defeated sixth-seeded
ii:t na Sanchez ; "
McGarth upsets Paulus in Jell-O Classic
IND1ANAPOI Is 1' Meredith McCrath rallied to upset
third seeded Barbara Paulus ? 6, 7h - 6) fi 2 and seventh seeded
Susan Sloane defeated Peanut I oui? Harper 6-4, 6-2 to advance to the
quarterfinals ol the fell 1lassn
Christensen has fatal attack in Marathon
SHINGTON i A 1" year-old woman who had a fatal
,ri irta k during the Marine orp Marathon had a congenital
rt defect that ma have been iggravatedb) the strain of the race,
i medi al examiner said
1 isaChristensen asophomoreatBostonl niversity. collapsed a
? more than two miles short ol the finish line of the race and latei
i at anArlington, V a I lospital
Dr lames Beyer the Northern irginia Medical Examiner, said
it she had been born with a condition in which the two arteries dial
pph blood to the heart join rather than taking separate paths
Phoenixstillhaschance for Super-Bowl
R( HMOND Va ? F) Oneda) after saying Phoenix should
I get the 1993 Super Bowl, Nl 1 commissioner Paul lagliabue said
tl . re - still time for the ? it) to mend its fences with backers of a
Martin I .uther King holiday
I've told thepeopk in Phoenn that we're trying to keep the
? open and tr ing toact ma lair minded and responsible way
igliabuesaid rhursdaj nighl Were not trying to do anything
irut?ve. And there are people in the communitv who hope that
mething could be done and woukl be responsible tor mat
Arizona voters last week n jected a holida) honoring the slain
ivil rights leader, and th, nexl da fagliabue said he didn't want
enix to be the site ol the L" Supei Bowl
1 telt there was a x er negati?eand divisive message in that vote
rejecting the holiday and that it was inappropriate to play the game
under those circumstances, lagliabue said in Richmond, where he
.poke ata fund raiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
I liabuediscounleddaimsthat Arizona voters' rejectionofthe
holiday -as a re bon to an implied mreal bj the NFL to move the
game it the holiday was not adopted
1 really don t think .lure s anj thing to that' he said "We had
a ?o comment polk y from Man h right up until yesterday. We never
went into the Mate We never made any comments
I, wasobviouslv kno n by people there thai if they d.dn t have
the holiday, the leadership. A the community itself telt that it would
he inappropriate to pLu the game
?So there were no threats l think there were people m Arizona
1, loldng to blame outs.ders tor hatever they could blame outsiders
tor That stypicil ?? tights hke that '
Thestatecouldhaveakmg holiday on thebtHikslongbe ore the
1993S?perBowlispUy?d House Minority Leader Art Hamilton, D-
PhoenTsaid a King 1 6y NB b. introdm ed in the next session
o! hv Legislature
ODU's Seaver Kxik first in 10:IX)82
ECU'S Cook and Walters, placed
second and third respectively.
Women's 1000-yard freestyle- 1.
Whanger, ODU 10:37.05. 2, Silber,
ECU 10:44.47 Breitbeil. ODU
Men's 200-yard freestyle- 1,
rhornas, ODU 1:44.86. 2, Nelson,
ECU 1:4h,45.3, FarreB, ECU 1.47.69
Women's 200-yard freestyle- 1,
Silber, ECU 1 59.31 2, Breitbeil,
ODU201.37 3,Green,ECU2:02.18.
Men's 50-yard freestyle- I,
1 orranger.ODU 22h8.2,Soltz, ECU
22.75. 3. Bcnkusky. ECU 22 7
Women's 50-yard freestyle- I,
Pardue, ECU 2548 2. McArdle.
ODU 25.87. 3, Simms, ECU 2631
Men's 200-yard individual
medley- 1. Moisten, ECU 2:00.71 2.
Christensen, ECU 2:02.20 J.
( ,eisler, ODU 202.22. Women s
200-vard individual medlev I,
Connollv.ODl'2 14.(V.2.W'ilhe!m,
ECU 2.17.32 3, Bridgets, ECU
I -meterdiving-men's, I,Smith,
ECU 2, Lawrence, ECU M ?irbc.
ECU 1 meter diving-Women s, 1,
Young, CMX 2. Rohland, E L
Kesel.IC I
Men's 200-yard butterfly- I,
(,eisler,l:Cl I 59.98 2,HoBoway,
2:02.43. 3, Holsten, ECt 2 03 44
Women's 200-yard Butterfly- I,
Connolly,ODU 2 1137 2. O'Brien,
2:1236. V kilWke.OPl 2 19.81.
Mens 100-yard freestyle- 1
Thomas, OPl 48 X). 2. Benkusky .
ECU4931 Ulerndon.IVl 50.00
Women's 100-yard freestyle- I.
MoArdle. OCX " 52 2 Pardue,
g( jj 559q v rexd, ECl 56 51
Men's 200 yard backstroke- I,
O'Brien. E I 2 01 09 2 Walters.
ECU 2.019 V Holioway, ODL
2)6.42 Women's 200-yard back-
stroke-1, Carraway ODl 2 18 15
2, Davidson. ODl 2 18 27 J.
Wilhelm. ECl ? 2i 16
Mens 500-yard freestyle- I,
Nelson,E I I 52.83 2 Farrell.E I
4:52.l7. V Cetszler, ODl t)4
Women's 500-yatd freestyle- I,
Whanger. ODU 5:tlX?. 2, Silber,
ECU 5:16.29. 3. Breitbeil, ODL
Men s 3-meter diving I,
1 awrence, ECU. 2, Garbe. ECU J,
Smith.ECU. Women's3-meterdiv
ing 1.Rohland,ECU 2,Burk,ODl
J, Young, ODU.
Men's 200-vard breast 1.
Lorranger, ODU 2:13.98. 2, Tate,
l"C L 2:15.04. 3, Springer. ECU
2:18 70 Women's 200-yard breast-
1, Bndgers. ECU 2225.73 2. ,nvn,
ECl 2 12 3. Killackev. ODl
Men 's400-yard freestyle relay
1. (.rittin. Wunderlkh, Lorranger.
rhomas,ODU 3:17.94 2, Benkusky,
Soltz, FarreU. Nelson, ECl 3:19.19
(Disqialined).3,Sever, hrtstensen,
Ward. Cook, ECU 2124 (Dis-
qualified) Women's 400-yard
freestyle relay- I, Pardue. Ieel.
Simms, Green, ECL 3:46.74. 2,
Baylis, Davidson, Carraway
Whanger. ODl 3:4963, 3, Smim,
O Bnen Baldndge. I onus K I
1 52 23
The E I swim team traveled
to lames Madison I niversity No
2 and William m Marv on No 4
Ihe team suffered .n upsetting
losstoJMU, I35lol06 rhewomen
W-st tin UM io 1 M
( I had an expected win
against Williamand Mare hemen
won 1275 to 107 5whilethewomen
won 131 hi 104 (Hitstandingsw im
mers t?r that weekend wire jumoi
Derek Nelson .ok! Senior ohn
Farrell and sophtHnttn' 1 la Pardui
and freshmen Lu queltni sili, i
The men are 2 1 in the
conference and the women are 1 I
! in v enteretue a tixn I he Pirate
suimmerswilllu'stl v. i harlotti
on Saturday. No 17 .it 2 i m in
Mmees oliseum
Georgia Tech nears
conference title,
needs one more win
Office Hours:
8,?7 AM - 8O0 P.M. Mon-Fri
George Klein, M.D FAA.F.P.
Henrietta Williams, Ph.D.
Graanoia Bfvd
S 'ognr
No Appointment Nocessjty jREEM I - ?
ATLANTA (AP) - Its been
J8 years since Georgia Tech last
won a conference football cham-
That drought could end Sat-
urdav when the seventh-ranked
Yellow lackets visit Wake Forest
in quest of their first Atlantic Coast
Conference title and a berth in the
C ltrus Bowl, probably against
Tech, the nation's onlv un-
beaten team with an 8-0-1 record,
carnesa 5-0-1 ACC mark into their
final conference game. The lackets
haven't won a conference cham-
pionship since lq?2 when they
won their fifth title in the South
eastern Conference, a league thev
left following the 13 season
The lackets preserved their
unbeaten status on a pair of Scott
Sisson field goals Saturday in a 6-
3 victory over Virginia Tech, the
first a 33-yarder with 3:0 to plav
tor a 3-3 tie, then a 38-varder to
m in it with eight seconds remain-
v ith M se onds lefl
?tter two incomplete passes
Richard Bell ran 2 yards to the 21
and lech called timeouf to bring
(Ml SlssOll
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"Virginia Tech is a good team
and thev had a good game plan
comerback Willie Clay said of the
Hokies. "You keep good teams
hanging around long enough and
vou never know what will happen.
Their record (5-5) is very
deceiving Clay said. "Now we
have a big game next week and it
will be for that big ACC nng
The lackets and Hokies ap-
peared headed for a rare scoreless
tie until Mickey Thomas broke the
deadlock on a 22-yard field goal
that capped a 53-yard drive with
H:1h remaining
Both teams squandered sev-
eral scoring opportunities in the
blustery northwest wind that
gusted from 15-25 mph
Thomas missed a 32-vard field
goal in the opening quarter and
had a 38-yard attempt in the thud
period blocked by Keith Holmes.
Sisson, who beat Virginia 41
38 one week earlier with a 37-yard
field goal seven seconds from the
end, missed attempts from42 and
44 vards in the second quarter.
He said a Hokie timeout may
have been the difference on his
game-winner. Sisson said the wind
was whipping pretty good when
the visitorscalled time. When time
resumed, there was a slight break
in the wind, just enough to allow
him to kick the 38-yarder
"It was a big kick, but if I had
made either one of the first two, it
probably wouldn't have come
down to that Sisson said.
"I've yet to see him rattled in
that situation, so I knew he'd make
it Shawn Jones said of Sisson.
Jones was the spark in 10-play,
63-yard drive to the winning field
Jones completed 4 of 7 passes
at the Jacket 16 with 1:10 fo play
He started the drive with a 17-
yard pass to Emmett Merchant
and reached the Hokies' 23 on a
18-yard completion to Merchant
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3Uje flEaet (Uarultnlan November 13J990
Virginia turns
back on Fiesta
Bowl overtures
O W flLL(AP) Sugar Bowlexecutivedirector Mickey
HneshassomeadvioeforVifginia don'tcallus,we'llcallyou.
Without saying as much, athletic director im Copeland
announced that the school would turn its back on overtures from
tho Fiesta Bowl. He issued a prepared statement saying the
Cavaliers would gladly pU) the Southeastern Conference cham-
pion on New oar s 1 )a) in NewVloans it asked
Isn t that nice? We know where wc re going to be on the
24th and e 11 react then, 1 lormes sa s
He said the bowl committee has narrowed its search to one
team as the visitor but woukfn I saj which team that was I ho
Southeastern Conference champion is the host team.
Copeland was scheduled to join Coach George Welsh at his
weekly news conference toda to comment on the decision
Sugar Bowl President MUtonWalther said bowlofficials had
talked with Virginia officials
rhey had been sitting on the fence, keeping negotiations
open with us as well as others. Walther said. They wanted to
come here and indicated we vnci-c thoir tirst choice.
So they will be with us Oi course, all we can do is agree to
shakohandson a gnendato. No 24. At that time, it thovaroopen.
wo will extend thorn an im nation And they haw said they will
be open and happy to receive the in itation.
Virginia had barel) recovered from tumbling out of the No
1 position when confronted with the issue of playing in the Fiesta
Bowl which is one ol two bowl games hold in nona eters
there defeated an Election Da) referendum that would have
designated Martin 1 uther King s btrthda) as .i states ido holida
rhat decision prompted NFI commissioner Paul laghabuo
to begin tho pro, ess ni pulling tho 1W 3 Super Bow 1 out ol Arizona
and tnggerovi discussion ol whether college teams should go to
bowls in tho state.
Back at Virginia Rick Turner the dean of African American
affairs, expressed pleasure at the move
'I'm not -urpnsod That s what quality institutions do
1 umer said in a telephone mten iew 1 think the d? is? n u as tho
right decision
rheNC A A Postseason I ootbalK ommittee also announced
that it has auth ?nzed the Fiesta bow 1 tomo eits game toa site that
does not currentlvhosl mN certified bowl game rhefiesta
Bowl made the request on Saturday
Committee chairman John Swofford, athletic director at the
University ol North arolina convened the panel b) conference
call atter he received the request from ohn junker the Fiesta
Bowl's executive director lunker was one ol seven bowl scouts
attending the V irginia-North C arolina football game in Chapel
Swofford said he cud n t think the N A A would become am
further involved in tho Fiesta Bowl s situation beyond tho
committee s do ision
1 think this is i situation that tho bowl itseli has to deal
within theirkKalenvimnmenl Swoffordsaid Ithinkthev arc
very diligently trying to do that to tho best ol their (apabilities I
think tho bowl has some ideas ot refocusing the purpose ol this
year's actual came Evidently there are some possibilities in the
state ot Arizona.
In the rrudst of the controversy, the Cavaliers still had to pla
football in order to maintain their bowl chances In front ot the
scouts, the) handled North c arolina 24-10 but after tho game.
they had to handle questions about their thoughts on playing in
Ouarterback Shawn Moore, who threw tso touchdown
passes in the victory said ho wouldn't comment in keeping with
Coach C.eorgo Welsh swishes Wide receiver Derek Dooleydidn't
hold Kick, though
'1 don t see how the Fiesta Bowl hasanything todo with the
oitiens decisionout there not to celebrate a holidav.Poolevs.nd
"It wo do go to tho Fiesta Howl, that doesn't support their decision
not to have a holiday, it we don t go. 1 don't know what kind t
statement that will make I don't think it'll make any impact on the
people there
On the held, Moore helped the C aalters (8-1 5-1 in the
Atlantic Coast Conference) rush to a big first-half lead. But instead
ot increasing tho score, tho best that Virginia could muster was a
lake Mclnerney field goal
Coach Welsh told me that was the best the) had been
defensed all year Northarolina coach Mack Brown said But
wedidn'tmakeanythinghappenoffensivcly And give the Virginia
defensecredit tor that wasn't the same defense that gave up
41 points last week
Continued from page 10
across the field to the Pirate 12-
vard line. Once there, however,
they suddenly were unable to
hold on to the ball
On second and three, senior
halfback Corey Rav took a hand-
off and tumbled it out of bounds
The Huskies kept the ball, but
then two plays later on fourth
and two, Robinson mispitched
the ball out of bounds again, re-
turning the ball to ECU.
The Pirates were unable to
take advantage ot their reprieve,
however, and tour plays later,
lohn ett came out to punt lott
booted the ball 42 yards to W vnn
at the 31-yard line, who brought
the ball back 20 yards to the ECl
49-yard line.
A combination of penalties
and an unrelenting Pirate do
tense prevented the Huskies
from taking advantage ot their
position, allowing them to gam
only eight yards in nine downs
Jensen again came on to punt.
this time for 40 yards The ball
was downed by the Huskies on
the 1-vard line with 30 seconds
lett in the half
The Pirates took no chances
and ran tho clok down to five
seconds on two quarterback
sneaks and a run up the middle
by junior tullback Michael Rhett
before punting back to IL The
Huskies had time for only one
pla betore the end ot tho halt
Freshman defensive end Bernard
Carter destroyed any hopes ot a
last-minute scene bv sacking
Robinson and ending the halt
Golden started off the second
half with a kick into the endone.
which was fielded b Wright
I he ball was downed tor a
touchback and the Pirates began
the tirst drive ot the second halt
at their own 20-yard line
With a 22-yard gam on the
option bv Van Buren and another
20-vard gain on a Blake keeper,
the Pirates carried the ball down
to the ML 4-yard line On third
and goal, Blake completed a pass
to senior wide receiver Al V hit-
ingtor the Pirates' second touch-
down ot the game Whiting, in
turn, threw the ball into tho
stands, garnishing a 15-yard
unsportsmanlike conduct pen
alty to be assessed on the kickott
lmperato kicked the evtra
point making the score 17 7 K L
with9:l9left in the third quarter
I mperato kicked oft from the
Pirates' 20-vard line to freshman
cornerback, Eric Lacv. who was
unable to return the ball, and lett
the Huskies starting their drive
from their own 44-yard line
1L again began a steady
progression across the field until
on third and six. Robinson'spa-s
was intercepted bv junior defen-
sive back, Chris Hall at the 28-
yard line. Hall returned the ball
21 vards to the Pirate 44 before
being brought down bv the Hus-
kies' senior halfback. Mike
Strasser with h 30 lett in the game
ECU carried the ball back
near to Huskie territory, but
could not score. On fourth and
tour with the wind in their face,
the Pirates elected to try to con
vert. But Blake's pass was in-
complete and Ml got the ball
back on their 20
The Huskies then came a live
and in lb plays drove the ball SO
ards tor their second touch
dow n with 10 06 lett in the game
Golden kicked ott to Van
Huron who ran 19 cards trom the
lOtogivcECt the ball n the2J
yard line On the first pla) from
the line ol scrimmage. Blake ran
7 yards, only to tumble the ball
to tho Huskies senior outside
linebacker, Paul Rogan, return
inc possession to ll on the
Pirate 16-yard line
Ihe Pirates held the 1 hiskies
for the first three downs, but with
time winding down in the final
quarter the Huskies could not
accept a held goal On fourth
and two trom the 28-yard line
Robinson converted and in five
more downs IL took the lead
20 1" with 4 54 lett in the gai
Ivank came on tor the evtra point
attempt I he luskie playersand
media on the field said that the
kick was good, but the officials
ruled that it was w ide lett
1 was standing on the side-
line, said Pettibone I couldn't
tell tor sure what happened but
all our players that .sen- on the
extra point team ran over to me
on the sideline and said oach
that ball went inside the lett up
right ' and thettu ial -aid that it
went o or the top i it and -a as
wide Well it wasnot kicked that
high, it either went through on
the inside or the outside, it wasn't
high enough togoover rheol
ficial saw it differently
In the final outcome ot the
game the point wouldn t have
made a difference but it could
mperato then unleashed a
boomer lor the Pirates into the
end one w hen it w I I ? ?? nod
b Wynn tor a tou fiba k
1 he Pirate- d tense held
strong in the final minuteso! the
ea me, allowing onl
completions one to W y r?n U i
vanJs saving Nil in a third ind
I " situation, .md one to Stra ei
? hat
?n the
hould h ?
t the emu
should have but
V hat happened, is w
error in siibstitutu i
We had a iu run on
ea ?? us 1 2 pei 'pli he I leld
We went toa prevent tv l '
1 (defense '? eling like it i
going to be the 'last pla
game, whi h il would
without the penalt V ?
wc had 12 n the fn I ?'
Irving I .???? il ?
the snapped tl I ill bel
e.i -I t inn
So the Hu -
nin final i ham
l itii n
the 1 hiskies
and laddt
a pass ?
lateral t.
. a
.?. asn t
? id an
. is
iti that
it the
I ?
d and
: on
Continued from page 10
ECU hasn't beaten
George Mason this season
butC oach McCaskiU hasan
opportunist outlook "We
played well against them
during the season and we
could upset mem it weplaj
well she said
McCaskiU will return
.ill but one starter next yeai
senior apt c hnstmi
With a tough learning
y at behind them the Lid
! 'irates sh( mid l Hik torw ard
to a winning season next
year vith more amazing
teats b Wend S.hult
dou n
And -
I ields
? I
,id . ho i ? ball almo
icendzom le ibroui
?n the ! . ird iinebv Porcl
. ifety I K rck
J tl line
? as something a little
t said I ewisof the I
i he ob lously had pr i
tii i d it and rehearsed it and did
? a ell, and it got them awtuih
close i m clad thev didn t haw
Golden ki ked ofl tor Ml to
the E( L 13, where it was fielded
b righl ho returned the ball
21 yards Ihe Pirates wasted no
time, carrying the ball 66 yards
in nine plays and an Buren
made the final touchdow n ot the
game lmperato came on tor the
point atter. making the score 24
20 Pirates, with 1 11 left in the
i our celebrate m koi s KI IUKI- TOO anni-
versary! Storewide bargains! Register to win free
gilts. Offer good entire month ol November.
Heroes Are Here Too
116 E 5th Street 757-0948
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?Register For I roe Gifts!
Anyone For Comedy
"Comedy Zone" Comedian Mark Deshira
Will be at the Underground (formally the Coffeehouse) in Men-
s -i
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denhall Student Center.
Tuesday November 13,9:00pm
Refreshments will he provided, Free
Sponsored by the Student Union Coffeehouse Committee.
K'l MihImhI Ii K
'sKiiHM.KHk W.
ItwmrVM O-H

R)e SKast Jttfecttotuan
Stinking up the East Carolina campus community since 19 '5
Vol.69 No.42 Grunsda- Ma 4, 1807 Emerald Cty, North Carolina Circulation 2
Too Many Damn Pages
SGN President becomes
Supreme Dictator
By Michael Toledo
Assistant Taco Editor
( EN IKE Thomas Alien, president
of Student Government Not (SCN)
approved a bill to increase' his salar
by a 1 .(MX) percent a measure which
overwhelming passed through the
legisleighture 69 1 Monday
In addition the measure, rescinds
Allen's title of president and in turn
allowshim to become Supreme Dicta
tor with complete power over the EC L
ampus, including the office of Chan-
cellor Bach Hurtin.
With signs saying "Thomas is
Right and "Thomas Allen, that
is supporters tilled the legislature
with extended right arms and up-
raised palms in the direction of Thn
"There will benojoyin Yeastville
tonight Thomas said before Ihc
ei static s crowd
"The liberal news media over
thereat The Yeast Infectionianbavebfxn
salivating over the prospect of getting
rid of I homas Allen Well. 1 got news
for them they ain't gonna do it
The new law also includes
? The General Classroom Build
mg will he now called the Alien School
for Fascism.
? The Yeast Infectionian vmII be
cornea propaganda tool for Allen
? The Chancellor's Mansion now
becomes The Allen Abode
? No more Ice c ream Socials in
? Greenville will now become
AI lento wn
? And ol course photographers,
w ill not be allowed into jimi I lendnx
1 heatre
Distaught Student
Yells Obsenity at Cite
By LaToy A-Hankie
Bad Writer
rORlUM K L student err
Mathers told school administrators
Monday that he cannot remember
anything he has ever learned, in-
c luding how to spell
After an extended screaming
match between Mathers andhan-
cellor Bach Hurtin which fea-
tured many mispronounced cuss
words on the student's part, sin has
"I don't give a Shnte" the two
agreed that Mathers must immedi-
ately apply ,(,r a job a' 'he student
newspaper, The Yeast Infet Ionian
"Mr. Mathers hasdemonstr.ited
a creative interpretation ot the En-
glish language, a impetus most
suited tor The Yeasl Infectionian
Hurtin said
Soun.esat The ois Infectwnian
welcomed Mathers with open arms
I is very dilated to has Mathers
on our Bad Writers Staff Turns
Hamptonlnn, I'he Cheap Hotel Edi-
tor said, "he will be a great edition to
our stupidous staff"
Hurtin said he wishes more
distaught students would come
hither forth and applv for positions
at the newspaper a publication
besieged by editors who only imi
tate other newspapers
Al the titi Hurtin went onto
sight main other attributes of
Mathers such as his Hear toresite,
before siting a sigh tat ton which he
presented to the student Hurtinalso
gave Mathers a vear's supply of
Goody's Powder as part of his "1,000
Points ot im I ight campaign
A note from the Satire Editor
This is obviously, a parody of The East Caromwn. I knew from the start that the parody, liketherealpaper.wasgoingtohavetobelitteredwithmisspellings,
misuse and abuse ot language, and so on . . the kind I if thing that makes you grind your teeth int. 1 a fine powder it you re a right thinking person like me
V hat I didn't know was that even making fun of this newspaper In deliberately employing flagrant misuses ot the language as the two above stories
do would engender the same tooth-gnashing response I herefore, the rest ot this parod) confines awful misspellings and incorrw I word 1 hoice to the
headlines, where it's most obvious any way. We now return you to your regularly scheduled amusing material, already in progress
Ex-Contra testif ize in Senit
AMALGAMATED Pkkss ? The Nil a
raguanontras regularlv beat and
tortured civilians with the assistance
of the U S. Congress and president,
formerC ontraonicer Antonio Miguel
lose Filipe (esus Andres Escobar testi
tid before the Senate foreign Rela
rions Committee Ihursdav
Hailed as a hero tor his
unswervingdedication to creativelv
causing harm to non whites" by Sena
tor lesse Helms, R-N.C , Escobar
bragged of Contra accomplishments
HrVe used to use regular instru
ments of torture knives, whips, lit
cigarettes said Escobar. 'Then you
guys cut off military aid, left us only
humanitarian aid.
"You make do with what you've
got he shrugged.
Escobar revealed that the hu
manitananaid approved bvCongress
was easily enough to enable Contra
forces to continue their vitally impor
tant actsof terrorism against civilians
"We'd bludgeon civilians with
first-aid kits, hang them with surgii al
eauze,anything, said Escobar And
.s hat would we have done without all
those shaving razors' I shudder to
Escobar also testified that the
( ontras used Med-Evai helicopters
as makeshift guillotines, throwing
citizens into the whirling blades
"Oh, we were mighty creative
chuckled Escobar "Oneguv came up
with the idea of dropping K ration
cans on people's heads from trees
just liko a video game'
"NeverdiJdo much towardsget
ting us any freedom Escobar re-
flected "But then, it was more fun
than sittingaround watching Nicara
guan soap operas Yeesh f fey, any of
you guys want to put up a former
freedom fighter in your home for a
couple weeks7 Jesse7
Escobar also revealed that I'nsi
dent Bush, then the vice president,
personally provided the ontras with
ideas tor using items in the humani
tanan aid pa Rages to slav and muti-
late miKK ent (ivilians
I remember one night we sat
around the. ampfireand watt hed him
show us how to make a hand grenade
out ol hypodermn needles ana surgi
1 al tape 1 hen we did a tew lines, and
he went home Never seen a guy so
clumsy with surgical tape, though
Escobar do umented Bush's
many visits very thoroughly, listing
names of aides, times of visits, and
exactly what the president was wear-
ing each time he sallied into camp -
even the names, addresses and phone
numbers of the native girls Bush slept
with before he left the next morning
Eorhispart, Bush denied the alle-
gations, calling them "absolutely true
I mean, absolutely preposterous!
Darn you guys in the liberal news
media' Stop misquoting me! Stop
misquoting me
Don't have an opinion9
Then you II agree with our
opinion Read on
If you're not Greek, don t
bother reading
Kurt Vonneguts latest
novel, a brilliant piece of fiction
most of you will never read,
gets reviewed anyway.
All ECU teams post mis-
erable losses. What a surprise.
Special Satire Insert
This time, it doesn't make
tun of Jesse Helms, not even
once Honest.

2 ? November 13. 1990 ? THE YfcASl INI
on.y a Ok?
ease don : write
p r ;one
k you.
?&e geast Mectiottiatt
Stinking up the East Gif inn ?? ? ?
(osii'hL liRKiM ehAanagingGeneral
Michael G. No: GTL. Martini r. Editing Manager
Tim HamftonInn, Cheap Hotel Editor Li nTiRs Ai blqc ikque, Win - ally I iitor
Matt Queen, Nicely Featured Editor Sixart Eiwhant, Never Forgets Editor
Cat Morris, Nine lives Editor Earl or McAuUY, Royary Erfifor
Carry Stroncarms, Spaced-out Editor Spot Holsecoftee, Sneering Editor
Amy Edwierds, Copyort Editor DixssALiPciossKi, Other Copycat Editor
Mike Clanc, Glorified Layout Artist
Jeff Douileparker, Staff Ticket-getter
Chris Normandy, Dark Roomer
Marcie CSlay, Psychotic Killer
Toby Barber, S'Jwue V a Haircut Marnier
Stlart Rosiner, Violin Manager
Dong Long, Date-getter
Deborah Daniels, Not Named Barbara
ite??in?Mn !?!?pin?i iii?,hyfjsir?tns!
Something mite be amiss,
but we're not shure
There's no question that
something's wrong some-
where. The problem is, we don't
keep up with the news well
enough to know about it.
Look, we're students. We
have classes, just like you. And
then there's working at The Yeast
Infectionian, which is a full-time
job in itself. Try it sometime.
And even though we make
more money than God (to hear
the Media Board tell it), a lot of
us have to work one or two
additional jobs, just to keep up.
So we don't have a lot of time
for the niceties, like keeping up
with world events and cover-
ing important stories and spell-
ing words correctly and sleep-
ing occasionally and burning
flags and attending all the local
Socialist Party meetings.
Oh, hey, a news flash
seems Public Safety is replac-
ing all their parking meters with
vicious, rabid Dobercnan Pin-
schers that savage anyone who
doesn't immediately fork over
all money in their possession
whenever they park anywhere
on campus.
Well, there's subject matter
for an editorial . . uh, let's see.
First, I'll need an opinion.
Heads, it's a good policy; tails,
it's bad tails! This is a bad
So maybe something could
be done by someone about that
problem, or maybe not. I mean,
it's possible something could
be done about that problem,
and then again, perhaps it
What I'm trying to say is, I
think someone could do some-
thing, maybe come to the res-
cue, here. You know, make the
problem go away. So, to sum
up, maybe somebody could
look into the possibility of
maybe doing something
Ah, screw it. I need some
sleep ? I have my Socialist
Party meeting tomorrow.
Again this ishyew: why I think
African-Amoricans need God
By Dalek McCrullers
Editorial Columnist
African-Americans used to be in
chains Now they aren't. I am not
cognizant of this simple fact. For, as it
was spaketh in the Bible, "Yeah,
though vou shall walk through the
Valley of the Shadow of Well-placed
Criticism, still shalt thou emerge un-
scathed And thy head shall be as
dense as granite, and ye shall be the
only dark-skinned one in the state
insane enough to support the Doer of
Evil, My Nemesis, esse Helms
Groovy "! supported I lelms. lean
live with thai My race doesn't obli-
gate me to support one candidate or
another, and that's the truth. Granted,
it's kind ot like a Jew chanting "six
more years" for Hitler, but hey. As it
is spaketh of in the Bible, "Oh, yeah,
thou shalt do some walking through
the Valley of the Shadow ot The Real
Problems Thy Race Faces, and then
shalt thou emerge oblivious. I hou
shalt spend thy time and energy
quoting largely irrelevant passages
from a musty two thousand year old
tome and never shalt thou pull thy
head out of thy anus in order that thou
couldst see the good thou could do it
thee would iist put thy damn mind to
it, and lay off this preaching crap "
So to sum up again, Mrii n
mericans need to get rid of theii
white oppressors, like I larvey (lantl
and get themselves more decent, hon
est, helpful folk, like lesse I U Ims
i omin at( ha twi e a week, this has
been Dalek Mc rullers.
Letters to the Editor
Student newspapper filled to the
brim with 'socialist commmies'
-t. i i .r.imn ?rH rtrittil eookino he Sill'l,
To the editor
I am writing to expose you to
your readership for what you really
COMMIES! This was made blatantly
clear in the last issue of your paper.
Naturally, I'm referring to abso-
lutely every story in that issue. The
story "Celebration causes violence,
damage" blatantly pushed the idea of
collective ownership of the essential
means for the production and distri-
bution of goods; "Facilities for dis-
abled are inadequate" blatantly
rammed home the notion that compe-
tition among privately owned corpo-
rations should be replaced by coop-
eration and profit seeking by social
service. In addition, "I errmannadds
quiet support to ECU soccer team
blatantly trumpeted the idea that in
come and social opportunity should
be distributed more equitably than
thev are at present.
lethro Bopeep
Eighteenth-year senior
Maritime Basket-weaving
(Editor's note: We have absolutely no
idea what the heck this guy is talking
about Neither, we suspect, does he
I fl

j joke; please don r write or phone. Thank you ? iHE yEASf INhtCTIONIAN ? November 13. 1990 ? 3
June 12, 1997
bt $at luiecnotnan
rtzMI unto
Johann S. Bach plays at Deli
By Joe Nobody
Special to The Yeast Infectionian
johann Sebastian Bach, recently
returned from the dead, performed
this weekend at local hangout The
Nude Deli. Of course, he'll be long
gone by the time you read this, so why
am I tellingyouaboutit?Tworeasons:
one, The Yeast Infectionian needsall the
copy it can get; two, it's required for
my journalism class. So shut up and
pay attention.
Bach took the stage amid the
normal background noise of a sparse
crowd chanting "We want R.E.M
and throwing beer bottles in various
random directions. Naturally oblivi-
ous to the noise as a result of a severe
hearing impairment (of course I mean
he's deaf, but this is a kinder and
gentler America), Bach began to gen-
tly stroke the keys of the battered old
piano, producing what I'm sure were
mellifluous sounds and all that, but I
wasn't paying attention because I was
putting the moves on this girl, who ?
get this - later tells me "Thanks but
no thanks, buddy - like I've been
trying to tell you for an hour now, I
have a boyfnend, so will you kindly
take the hint and get the hell away
from me" and leaves and I spent
three bucks on drinks for this chick!
Of course, she threw them in my face
immediately after the bartender
brought them around, but that just
makes me think she owed me that
much more, ya know? I mean, I'm in
a fraternity, I deserve a little more
respect than that from the peons
around me.
So anyway, I was talking about
Bach. Well, by the time I'd dried my-
self off from thednnk that bitch tossed
on me, some nut professor was
shouting at the crowd to shut the hell
up and listen to the greatest musician
of all time, like maybe they'd learn a
little culture, or some crap like that.
Well, they dumped him out on his ass
pronto, I tell you what I'd have helped
them, but I had a pretty good suspicion
this guy was like the head of my de-
partment, which is of course the
business department, seeing as how
I'm a frat boy I did mention I'm a
frat boy, didn't I? Yeah, I thought so.
Minor in journalism, major in busi-
ness, though Idon't know why I bother
since I'm just gonna end up in Dad's
company anyhow. Heownsthreeauto
dealerships, ya know. That's how I
got my car. 1990 Nissan Pulsar, CD,
but even so it handles pretty nice. Plus
I get free oil changes, insurance, and
all the gas money I could ever hope
for. Dad's cool. So I hid in the back.
Well, after a few minutes of
growing even more restless, the crowd
pitched Bach out on the street pretty
much the same as they did with the
prof, and cranked up some real music
on the jukebox It was pretty fun.
Coming Up
My lunch. Apart from that:
Movie: Get Hard 2
The Neophytes
Big Rob and the
Mambo-ing Horses
Bored of the Chairmen
Big Rob and the
Mambo-ing Horses
Bored of the Chairmen
The Neophytes
Bored of the Chairmen
The Neophytes
Big Rob and the
Mambo-ing Horses
rlPE tor prompt, profffessinal wurd-
prosaessing services by a very very very
accompmphsht writer. Reason ablerates
include Spell-chek and editing of
grammer and diction if desired Ml.A
guidelines no problum. Give mea try, if
you dare.
BLOW JOBS: Daily in Austin building
at 5 p.m. Reasonable rates. Bring your
own kleenex.
ting started writing your report7 Been
tcx) busy7 Just plain lazy? Well, worry
no mon1: Report Archiving Services of
Greenville has plenty of award-win-
ning papers that you can you know
. get ideas from. Wink wink, nudge,
nudge. Reasonable rates.
sorority! We all thought it would be
really cute and original to say hey in the
classified section, 'cu2 no other sorori-
ties or fraternities ever do that! Hey!
Love, the Gamma Rays
SINE QUA NONS: Hey, guys, thanks
for last night. Next time, we get to be on
top Love, the Phee Phi Pho Phums.
know how to tell vou this we mean,
we care for you and all, but we have
girlfriends but last night was really
special really See va round. Love,
the Sine Qua Nons.
SINE QUA NONS: We knew it! You
bastards' Men are all alike, even our
lathers. Girlfriends, huh7! Who are
they7! The Alpha Beta Soups?! You
bastardsl You said you loved us! Love, the
Phee Phi Pho Phums.
you know last night was meaningful
and all that, but What are you ?
now, er, let's not do anything, uh, rash
hey, put down those frying pans!
Hey! Ow! Ow! Cut it out ? ow! Help!
Ow! Love, the Sine Qua Nons.
GAMMA RAYS: Well, youdidn'tmake
the cash payments. Guess we're going
to the police and telling them about the
hazing. You blew it this time. Love, the
Sic Transit Glona Mundis.
Who put the bop in the bop-shu-bop-
shu-bop7 Love, the Dip De Dip De Dips
DEADLINES: Yesterday.
Please notify the paper immedi-
ately if you are planning to turn in
a classified ad, so we can know
to be elsewhere. Due to the lim-
ited amount of space left over
after all the Greeks have finished
with their little giggly adolescent
inside jokes, The Yeast
Infectioniancannot guarantee the
publication of your classified ad.
Therefore, we do not advise you
to rely on us to publish classifieds
for you. Don't rely on us for any-
thing else either, come to that.

C&t $tat lutetioutati
February 32, 1912
ECU football teem loses mizerably!
By Cat Morris
Sine I ives Fditor
EC I s football team had vet an
other miserable loss yesterday, com
ing in with a store of just six to the
Sunnydale Nursing Home's 714
Things started off well enough
with the Pirates giving up only three
touchdowns in the first minute of play
"Then the defense started to make
mistakes commented coach Hill
Loses "Defense and offense both
How true After accidentally
managing to gain control of the ball
for i tew moments, the team tried
Coach I OSes' patented punt on the
first down plav but to no avail as
the punter missed the ball by a good
two feet
Seventeen touchdowns later, the
Pirates regrouped and gained control
of the ball oik e more, only to give it up
again when a Nursing Home player
veiled at Pirate quarterback Cro
Magnon "What's that over your
shoulder"1 and grabbed theball from
him when he turned to l h ik
In the second half, the Pirates
managed to perform even worse,
usually standing around and picking
their noses as plav went on around
With jusl three minutes left to
play tn thegame coach 1 osesdecided
to test out a theory that had been
advanced bv some spectators Proving
the theorv true .1 team ol half blind
lame hamsters actually did a bettci
job than tin regular football team it
ECU soccer team posts
anothr losing seasin!
ECU bowling teem luzes
evin wors then usual!
By Cat Morris
Nine laves Editor
K I 'ssoccer team lost six to tour
to the superior forces oi the lesse
Helms Academy Slugs this weekend
The Slugs moved slowly but
surely to victory, exuding a foul
smelling slime that stuck to the ball
and made it imp iSSlbfe tor the Pirates
to get a toot in edgewise
"We really needed to win thisone
to pull ourselves out oi a 476-game
losing streak said fullback Killer
Backus "But we took one look at that
ball and vecch1"
I he game progressed at a snails
pace as the Pirates stood helplessly
by, powerless to take control of the
beslimed ball from the Slugs The slugs
scored goal atter goal, easily disgust-
ing several successive Pirate goalies
to the punt where they were vomit
mg uncontrollably
With seventeen seconds left to
plaventer forwardal C ulating got
a bright idea Spyinga large bag of salt
that )ust happened to be sitting on the
sidelines,Culating knew immediately
what to do He and some teammates
grabbed the bag and ran around
pouring salt on the slugs, who with-
ered and died horrible, unimaginably
painful deaths
( ulating and the others managed
to scorea few last-minutegoalsagainst
the now dissolved slug goalie, but it
was too late to pull the game out
( ulating,however, w asmt total!)
disappointed by the game's outcome,
since it gave him an idea of what to d 1
to lesse Helms the next time that tat
bastard oozes into town
Bv tarry Kissins
Stjtt Writer
Not verv surprisingly, the E I
Pirate Bowlers lost vet .mother mate h
this week, thisone to the I N( Chapel
Hill Kind- l Effete And-Not- er
Cood-But-Still better I ban I he-Pi
The Pirates beat their own previ
OUSrecord, as the) rolled every single
ball straight into the gutter, leaving
them with a score ol zero I he Kind
Of-Effete And Nol Verv Good But
still Better I ban- I he-Pirates
Bowlers, bv contrast, rolled all but
one ball into the gutter and the one
that made it all the wa) down the
alley barelv kno ked over the game
w inning pin
Wc placed hard we plaved
well said Pirate coach Balla Rollem
to his d ??- n ast team 'Ah, vn ho am I
kidding? You guys stink stink Heck
I resign
This is the fourth time (oa h
Rollem has resigned tins season, but
rumor has it that this time he realty
means it
ECU rugbee!
teem luzes! I
By joe Mo nun a
si.itt vsntiT and damn proud of it
ECU men's swim teem bittes dust!
By Earl of McAuley
Royalty Fditor
After ECL's downright pitiful
showing at the last men's swimming
competition. Coach Weann
Leadweights is mapping out some
imprtant changes in the team's fu-
"The thing we've got to concen-
trate on now is. we've got to start
cuttingdownonthedrownings. said
Leadweights "Thedrnwnings are our
major problem at this pint in time "
Indeed, much of this v ear s other
wise promising men's swim team has
been lost to drowning Coach
I.eadweights attributes this spate ol
deaths to inadequate training
"I would have to attribute the
spate ol deaths to inadequate train
mg Lead weights said "I mean, these
kids come in, none oi them knows
how to swim, we haul them oft to a
competition and toss them out in the
middle ot the pol that's probably
a bad policy We're looking into
changing that
1 eadweights also blames the
team's embarrassingly bad perfor
mance on budget uts Notmgthatthe
swim team is near the bottom ol the
athletic department's priority list,
Leadweights revealed that the swim
team didn't even have enough money
to buv water to till its own pool
"We lost a COUpfe Ol kids that way
right oft Leadweights muses ' ust
lumped into a dry concrete floored
poolheadfirst Idiots Better off with
out 'em. I say "
h wh) bother' I hi' headline
sav s it all
ECU golfe
itself into
a frenzy!
By Cat Morris
Nine I ives Fditor s not a tuall) a story jusl a
bit Ol gossip

The East Carolinian, November 13, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 13, 1990
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