The East Carolinian, November 8, 1990

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Qftft i?uBt (Eartfltman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
V64 No 59
Thursday November 8,1990
Greenville North Carolina
Circulation 12 000
12 Pages
Facilities for disabled are inadequate
Bv Lynn Hardison
Matt VVnler
While the coordinator of Handicapped Studenl
ices mv- campus facilities tor the physically dis-
d meet state building codes, an E I graduate tools
,u ilities are inadequate
1artv SilveTthorne,a 1988 graduate who was left
. iplegicb) a motorcycle accidental theageol W.
slid E I is lacking in areas of parking, transportation
and building accessibility
According to t c Rowe, coordinator of 1 landi
ii ped Prudent Services, thoro are no state funds
available tor removing campus barriers to the physt-
a!lv disabled, rhe onlv state hinds the program ro
ceives are for regular operating expenses, ho said
Silverthome said that at ECU, Parking places
i tvavs .i problem Silverfhorne explained that
d to park on campus, cars would park
- side his van, preventing him from using the wheel
rlifl solution totheproMernw-ouldbetoenlarge
: capped parking spaces. Silverthorne said
?owe feels E I s campus is fairly
In tted thai pnblems su h as the la -
indicapped park ces -xisl Rowe explained
atECl irrentlv meets all the building code require
i nts for parking spaces which inNorth Carolina is 2
p ? ent handicapped parking spaces per total number
ot regular spaces Rowe added that tho program is
onstanth working to increase tho number of handi
ped parking spaces
We w ill d spaces as we see the need Rowe
? ? parking problems, Silverthorne
d there are probk ms with the campus van system
i pnmarv transportation for disabled students rhe
d students without their ow n v ansmust ride the
impus in system hesaid Silverthorne feels that the
? us because the student van drivers
are i ? ; ? ; ? rl ti lined to transport disabled passen
???? ;? rs th ueht all you had to do
Rodnay Strickland ECU PnotoUb
Although this Meepwheelchair ramp allows physically - does not have adeguate facilities for the
? ,bied students to enter the General Classroom had.capped according to ECU graduate Marty
Building, the I ufding like many others on campus Silverthorne
66 In fact, itdidritevenlooklikelcouldget inthere
at all, and if I did, I'dhavetositrightinthedoorway,
which is a fire hazard
? Marly Silverthorne, disabled ECU graduate
I bacV ?" ip
? same wa he
?vas pu k up somebody gel then
them ' '? lnveacrovti
?ure you drove across t tvninyourcar but
voucan t dm o that way with people in chairs bei ausc
u I have no sense ? ?l balai o ?
rakes foi ? impleputaglassot ??? item
R'tis w hen v have no sense of balance
On th ntran R ???? said the student drivers
are instructed to obey speed limits, turn corners
smoothly and to avoid abrupt stops Rowe added that
the student drivers are r.?mindod that the passengers
arc not alv av s able to brat e themseh es tor r nigh rides
Although Rowe has had to n ; ? ?? ??? unsafedrh

1 I V l V I V I" l l s I
ers, he said that cases of this nature are rare
ECANS charges SGA
with irresponsibility
By Kob Norman
sutf Writer
while tho remainder i ?l the delega
bon would follow by car tram bus
rhe St .A legislative body
found tho amount requested as ex
cessive and cut tho appropriation
by $340
"It is really unfortunate for
us. Harrison said Our whole
budget was voted on by w hat they
(the Appropriations ommittec)
( hairman 1'npp Hogg was un
ivailable tor corronent
Harrison explained thai
(?( ANS asked tor a total of $1841
tor their 1990 budget which in-
cluded a travel allowance of $1485
tor four conventions, not just one
We included the Nashville
invention as an example ot how
much a convention could cost
members would tK Harrisonsaid "It was not intended
rhe! ast arolinaAssociation
t Nurs ng Students (E NS) has
rged the SGA Appropriations
mittee with irresponsibility in
? ? funding dtt ision
I ANS president 1 laley
Harrison said information pro
scnted bv the Appropriations
n m the (Id 29 meeting
? mi m; the nursing organiza
turn was incorrei I 1 larnson also
I legislation which was passed
i result will hurt theorganization
t theOcI s 'A meeting,
the Appropriationsommittec
rented a bill for E ANS stating
? it E ANS requested $1636 tor
?? ive! and hotel rooms tor an up
mine convention in Nashville
to be part of the budget request
Harrison also said that tho
n air fares in tho Nashville ex-
ample were because tho conven-
tion was being hold so close to Eas-
Only two students attended
tho Nashville convention in April
Harrison and one other studenl
were the two thai went to Nashville
and neither were offi rs
Both had been elected to tho
president and vk e-president offices
but were not serving thoseoffkesal
that time rheekcted president and
vice president were berth unable to
attend the convention
It (the convention) was not
lust tor officers, Harrison said
Anyone with an interest arid tho
st hedule could go
Theonh reasonweflew was
See ECANS page 3
Silverthorne hopes that studi nt drivers roalio
that thoro is a valuable lito in the back ot that van
Although I puichasedanewvan Silverthirnesaid
that he still had to use tho old van
1 ho old v .n had no heating or air conditioning
and it broke down a lot ho said
Because of his height ni tho size ol his wheel
(.hair tho old van had n wav tor him to be tacked
down Sirverthorr? further explained that van design
ors evidently think that all handicapped pooplo and
their chairs are a standard mo
rhe old van, which was replaced two years ago,
onlv had seat Kits for restraints, Rowe said l"ho now
van has tho proper locks to so ure wheelchairs, m
thov aro tho best restraints av ailable
Theotd van was a travesty, but 1 had to use it.
Rowe said
Silverthorne tivK that thoro aro additional faoili
tios that need improvement I he ramps arc not prop
erry sculptured to accurnrnodate all .hair users He
added that the ramps are either too steep, or they h
sharp rums which make th mhard to use He feels that
me ramp A accommodate pai ? - m smaller
chairs but thosi Ii "? - iHers and larger
? Hrs like his own ha t pi ' p the
Rowe saad that the ramps on EC scampusalso
. ? the N building des. rh de n quires iH
ramps to slope no more than one inch p i ne fo
irn line
1 don t know :r . . in buikt a i imp thai -
perfei t for everybody Rowe said
? iptteit - ???: ? ?? I design, th
, tassroom Building offers its shared mconven
aMed n ' ' rmorm
rnmented an n tata ? ? ? ? ' '?'? ' 'heel
.rs Siherthomi d poetry
reading tor me NX Writers Network so he reserved a
room for the event in the new buikiing He found that
to speak
See Disabled p I :?
Bv Heather Modlin
statt Writer
Calast Hoffman - ECU PholoUb
Jesse Helms will be with us for another six years ? 24 years m all
Tesse returns for six more
Erom Start Reports
Funding may not reach gro
in time for national conf ere
By Rob Norman
Staff Writer
In Monday s S iA meeting
legislators passed appropriation
bills buti ?ne gn iup may not be able
to rei eive funding in bme
I ho E l ollogiato C haptor
ot the Musk Educators National
( nlrron.oriuostodandrocoivtxl
1340 to yv i osts tor its upcoming
trip to Winston Salem, Nov 10.
Hut S .A Iroasuror Randy
Royal said that thoro may be a
pn-blom with tho groupgotting the
iho problem is that the lady
who actually hands out the checks
will be gone rhursdayand lnday
Royal said.
legislator asked if the group
could be reimbursed
We do not reimburse for
expenses, Royal said
They should got the money
somehow another legislator said
It snotourtaultorthoir sthat she
won't bo in
I have nothing against the
group getting their money and 111
do anything I can to help Royal
He suggested that another
countanl could handle the matter
In the next item, tho ECU Stu
dont Occupational therapy Ass
nation requested and received $650
without any debate.
Seven new legislators won'
sworn in and wffl begin serving on
tho SGA immediately rhe now
members are Eric Minius, rroy
Dreyfus, 1 sa Moore, Steve ones,
i isa Pinks,Brian Hill and Bradford
i Kbome
In othor business
? rhe constitution of the Beta
Kappa Alpha chapter of the 1 man
i ial Management Association was
? I'hcionstitutionsot thelCL
1 nitarian Fellowship and tho
American Marketing Association
wore st-nt to the Rules Committee
tor approval.
? Requests for appropriations
bv tho ECU Frisbee Club. ECU
Women's Flag Football team. ECU
Men's Flag Football Team. Phi
Sigma Alpha, Sigma Gamma Fpsi
ton and the Financial Management
Association wore sent to tho Ap-
propriations Committee for ap-
Dispelling pre-election polls
Sen fesse 1 Wmscaptured a fourth
term on Capitol Hill bv downing
IVn-Kvratk candidate! larveyt nintt
bv 6 percent oi tho total vote in
i'uesdav s senatorial election
(,antt carried a slight margin
m Pitt County by claiming l;
votes to Holms Ivi 14. according to
the final Associated Press official
North Carolina's largest
counties supported Gantt as well
Mecklenburg, the county with the
largest population and Cantt's
home base, wont 103,705 Gantt,
74311 Holms
Guilford v. ounty cast 62,128
votesfori .antt and V(iKr Holms
Wake v ounty hnbhed with
85339 votes tor Gantt and 66.Q94
for Helms.
Statewide. Helms finished
with a seven percentage point vic-
tory by claiming 1,078,924 votes to
Gantt's 97330.
Well there is no joy in
Mudvitte tonight Helms told
cheering supporters at a victory
speech in Raleigh luesday night.
according to the Associated Press
The mighty ultraliberal es-
tablishment and the liberal potiti
See Jesse page 2
rhe Inter-Fratornitv Council
(IFO has lomed together in an at
tempt tohelptheeiwironment The
t tratermtv system has started a
campaign u mw lealummumcan
rhe idea tor recycling was
brought to the floor of the IFC se
oral weeks ago after members
ieamed that other schools were in
stitutinc similar pi ocram- OnOct
M a motion to-tar: in '??. ling plan
was passed
A recychrig committee was
formed, and the Inter 1 raternitv
Counrilpurchased plastk trashcans
tor fraternities to keep in their
Every Monday a designated
member from a fraternity will come
bv the houses transport the
ahiminumcanstothe utoSalvag
cans .nd Aluminum on 7U0 N
Green St Each week, a different
fraternity will be respi msibie tor the
pick lip
rhe first pick up is s heduled
torMonday.No 12 BetaThetaPi
will participate m tho first drop off
BetaThetaPi sEarleMcAuley
chain-nan ot the rei y Img commit-
tee is hopeful the plan will work
We re encouraging other
campus groups to follow this, and
hopefulf) instigate programs like
See Recycling page 2
Editorial 4
groups should help
ECU with current
budget cuts.
Feature 11
Special on the ECU
News Bureau, a
realization of Mary
Green's dream.
Sports 10
Pirates set to face
the Huskies of
Northern Illinois in
their season finale.
Classifieds 6
Comics 9

aljc Cast (Carolinian November 8,1990
ECU Briefs
Law enforcement administrators
converge at disaster conference
Lessons in preparing tor and renting to emergencies will bt
studied by college and university public safety and law enforce-
ment officials at ECU Thursday and Friday.
Disaster planning is the topic lor a meeting ot the North
Carolina Association ot Campus 1 aw Enforcement Administra-
tors(NCACLEA)No 8-9at ECU Bet ween 50 and 75 campus law
enforcement administrators trom across the state are expected tor
the meeting
oe Goss, director ot pubii sateu tor the Medical College ot
S'uth Carolina, a Charleston s ? campus will address the
meeting about the experience ot his force during I lurricane I lugo
which struck Charleston in September 1989
Sessions of the N( i LEA will be in the EC! Sports Medicine
c !ontplex, near Mmgesoliseum 1 he hosl m ill be lames DePuy,
E I direetor ot publu safet)
oe Johnson of 1 V Charlotte and Raj rhrower of Queens
College, Charlotte, also will participate in the program on pre-
paring lor and coping w ith eff? is o( i hurricane disaster such .is
First sessions ol the meeting ? scheduled for rhursda)
afternoon 1 telesales w ill attend a pig picking at the Pitt Count)
Law Enforcement Officers ssn
Industrial Tech students attend
Construction Career Conference
Six students in the E( I ol Industry and IVchnolog) attended
the recent 1990Constructionareer Conference in Rock I till, sc
rhey are members ot the EC I student chapter of Associated
General Contractors
RepresentingE I were Swtt Boyle of Greenville; fyCrowder
ofClarksville, a Dana I lallol Eur Craigl ledgepeth of Wilson;
and DawnEdwardsand Brian Wilkorsonol Raleigh ilkerson is
president ot the E( I CC haptei
I he students were accompanied b then chapter's facult)
advisor, Dr Douglas Kruger who spoke at the conference on
"Networking tor t areer IXn elopmenl and dvancement.
Other speakers included representatives ol leading, con-
struction firms in the aroliruis . onference sessions featured
presentations on job opportunities in construction management
and a tour ol the 4 floor high rise 'Interstate I owcr" in dou n
tow n Charlotte.
I (. I s studentA chapter was one of eight represented at
the confererw e
Student planning association to
sponsor breakfast, gathering
The Student Planning Asso iation Network (SPAN I ol E( I
is sponsoring a breakfast meeting for students and others inter-
ested in the stud) ol planning and associated careers
The meeting will be held on Monday, No 12, at 8 am in
Room 207 ot the brew ster Building and will include information
anddiSCUSSJayith fj$4?N .ilx.uUh plumum; program ottered
through thoFCt Department of Geography and Planning.
Anyone intercomH'rnlu plairnlnTiwru uimiii ?mvi??f to
For further information contact LeeSnuggsat752 1 l79orthe
Department ol t leograph) and Planning .it 757-6230.
Taylor appointed assistant director
of Materials Management Office
Nellie Cwaltne) faylor acting assistant director of the E I
Offke ol Materials Management since lanuar has been ap
pointed to the post on a permanent basis
1 ler responsibilities w ill uu hide o ersighl ol iK to d.n of-
fice, storeroom, moving services and lived assets operations, as
well as procurement duties
She joined the K I stall in l2 and worked as an adminis
trative secretaryoffice supervisor tor the E I Divisions ol
Continuing Education tor 14 years.
In 1976 she became a pun hasing agent for the university, in
charge ot procurement ol mcdi al and v ientificcommodities. In
WH she assumed purchasing responsibilities related to capital
improvement projec ts
UNC scholar to speak on fiction
Professor Lilian Furst of l N(hapelHill a noted scholar in
the field of ECl rhursda) No 15, at 3 pm in Room 1031 ol
ECU's General Classroom Building
Her lecture, entitled "Not So Long Ago will deal with Wth
century realismin European fiction, notably historical allusions
in the novels ot I ,eorge Eliot, lames. Mann, Hal.u and ola
Prof. Furst's le ture, and a reception to follow, are tree and
open to the publu
l mpil.J trom I l I Si vn' report
Healthy diet reduces
risk of heart disease
Crime Scene
By Amy Clapp
Peer Health Educator
Many doctors, health profes-
sionals and others are constantly
speaking ol healthy eating and
nutrition What exactly is healthy
eating and what it means to you?
Healthy eating means taking
control of your eating habits and
following speeific guidelines set
forth bv organizations such as the
American Heart Association
In keeping with these guide-
lines you can lower your body fat;
reduce sour risk for certain can-
cers, such as colonrectal cancer
(the most frequently diagnosed
malignancy) and lower vour cho-
lesterol and blood pressure, thus
reducing sour risk for heart dis-
When you are ready to change
your diet, the first thing to do is
learn what tennis to eat in mod-
eration The first would be food
with a high fat content such as red
meat,gravies, fried foods, and high
fat dairy products like ice cream
and cheese
In addition to watching out
tor fat. it is also a good idea to
reduce salt intake High sodium
can lead to high blood pressure
Voods containing a lot of salt
include hotdogs. pickles, soups,
and "fast foods
last of all, steer clear of foods
with a high sugar content such as
soda, syrup, and candy to keep
away unnecessary and unwanted
Officer investigates 'student
cook' for setting off fire alarm
November 5
IVvl 10th and Anderson streets state citation issued tor
expired inspe tion sticker and licence plate
1712 Rcklen Stadium investigated report ot subjects play-
ing on the field; same were asked to leave
1720 Mendenhall Student entei ATM alarm activated for
unknown reason; bank personnel were advised.
17S4 kmes Reside? e 1 lall (south) campus citation issued
to student tor speeding
1952 College Hill Drive: campus citation issued to student
for speeding.
2001 Mendenhall Student (.enter assisted rescue unit in
transporting injured student to Pitt ounty Memorial Hospital
2007 College Hill Drive campus citation issued to student
for speeding.
2202 Greene Residence Hall campus citation issued to
non-student tor failure to dim headlights and impeding traffic
2307 Ivler Residence Hall assisted rescue unit in trans
porting an ill student to I'itt County Memorial Hospital
November b
0033 Jones Residence Hall Investigated an activated fire
alarm on the fourth floor; same caused bv student cooking in
(rime Scone taken In.m t.flicijl 6CU I'uhlu s.?fely logs
Another aspect of nutritious
eating is in the way you prepare
the food you eat. For instance,
when preparing meat, trim away
excess fat and skin and then trs
broiling or baking instead of Irs
Whentrving foods, use a
nonstick cooking spray instead ol
butter or margarine Also, since
there is more than enongh sod in m
in most ot the foods we eat, it is a
good idea to lease out the salt
when preparing food.
Now sou mas be reading this
article thinking to yourself, It
sounds like eating healths means
you can't have any foods that .u
tually taste good" Not!
There arc many substitutes for
fatty foods that are ust as satists
ing. fry poultry, fish or pasta in
stead of red meat; yogurt or ice
milk in place ot ice cream; and low
fat or skim milk as opposed to
regular milk
Deciding to change sour eat
ing habits tor a healthier was ol
lifeisa big step It will not beeasj
especially at the beginning It . ill
take a lot of planning and a solid
commitment to yourself
Expect temptations and set
backs, but don't give up In the
long run the benefits will definitely
outweigh the drawb.u ks
A long and healths life awaits
you, so go tor if
1 or more information on
healths eating (ontai t the 1 iealt'h
Education Departmer i
Mon - Sat 9 -5
Budget Nisht
$1.00 Imports $2.50 Teas
$1.00 Cans $2.50 Picthcrs
$1.50 Highballs
Sunday is
- Rassae ? Prosrcssivc Night
LdOICS FrCC ?$100 Imports
Every Thursday :?Sn
? .imimiiiiiiimiiiiini
Continued from page 1
cians and editors and commenta-
tors and columnists have struck out
1 letms, u lias been named
"Senator No" tor his staunch stand
i n conservative i ssues such as taxes
military spending and moral issues
hirst elected in N72, Helms
defeated Cantt in what political
analysts thought would be his
toughest test
"There have been a numberol
up-turned noses in this campaign
when you and 1 have spoken ot
orthCarolina values Helmssaid.
"There has been the pretense
that our adversaries did not know
what we were talking about. Well,
now maybe they understand
C.antt, the former mayor ot
Charlotte, thanked his supporters
at his campaign headquarters.
"I'm still smiling from was
down deep, even though I hurt a
little bit C.antt said 1 hurt quite a
bit because we gave our best
The candidates did not learn
the final official results until earls
Wednesday morning because ol
problems around the state.
In Pitt County, results were
not tabulated until Wednesday at I
a.m. This happened despite new
electronic voting machines which
wereexpected to make vohngeasier
and more efficient for Pitt Counts
Pitt County election officials
also blamed some of the problems
on an unexpectedly high voter
According to the Board of
Fkvtions.M percent of Pitt Counrv's
registered voters participated in this
election In all. 33,369 residents cast
their ballots tor the senatorial race.
Continued from page 1
this on their own McAuley said
Theta Chi representative Gene
Woznvsaid: "It'sa good program I
think it's great. IFC wanted to do
something to support the environ-
ment. Every fraternity has their
supply of beer cans. It's a good way
to contribute to the recycling effort
The revenue generated from
the project will go into the Inter
Fraternity Council fund to be used
for charitable organizations.
Casjno NiqhT
Haro Mountain
$60 Tanning Sessions
2 Alarm Clocks
Halloween T-Shirts
Monday, November 12
9:00 pm
Multi-Purpose Room
Mendenhall Student Cent
Presented By Student Union Productions Committee
? ????ii?iiiiiii.?iitniiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiininm
TAKE OUT ORDERS mon-thurs mo-930
FRI 1130-10 30
SAT 5 00-10 30
m 757-1818
12 00-9 30
11 00-9 00
T? Paza Cafes
In The Pill Pia:aMiii
The Plaza Greenville
C'mon, write for
The East Carolinian
Slfte lEaat (Haroltntan
Director of Advertising
Adam Blankenship
Advertising Representatives
Ken Earley Julie Roscoe
John Semelsterger Nechol Boone
Nellie Van Den Dungen
Advertising Production Manager
Warren Kessler (Graphic Artist)
National $6.00
Local Open Rate $5.00
?er column inch
Frequency Contract
Dicounts Available
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 - 5:30

aln t:u?t (Tarulinian November8,1990 3
Around other campuses
Statue causes
statue nl .in ti - moi
student holding bi.Kks md ,i kis
ki thill has .in .i
I N( v ha pel t iiU
I he statue pai l
. i?n statuesdonati I ?
I ? H'y has pi
Continued from page 1
I SC residence halls
may remain open
tor fhankseiving
tot reasons beyond our control E ANShtsreceived no noti
, nsonadded ficationof amkind fromthe Appro
I idirison w.?s involved in a pnations c ommittee m regards to
. , nienttnKinston,andtheoci how much money was appropn
nl had exams tw lose to the ated to the group
ention to take the nursing
m We haven t gotten phone
Harrison also said trw call or any message Hamsonsaid
, m ,tems tnvm last year s re In a letter sent to the ppro
nheKC VS constitution pnations Committee ECANS is
x t the Rules committee) asking that the Committee make
n rerundedhythc publu acknowledgement ot their
itMexliorKwhichwearen'l mistakes and to reconsider the
. s, tht t i( E As m Q91 budget request
I, . ?iikmi Because ot two negativt 11
, x Ithedecisnin tides with wronginformation,oui
in appoint image as a student and professional
:?. ppi pnations trgantaoon has been mad to look
I I larrison said
11 .(ibmitour Hamson added that E NS
. . Hamson does conduct its own fund-raising
?tforts, with $1 X1 having fc ?1
the time the legislature was rais?l so far
. hill, it was toolati CurrentStudentGovemment
? kret the monev tor a ssoaation president Allen Thomas
. ntion in was the Appropriations Committee
, , . hatrman at the rime
. ,alsosaidthatthewa We couldn t clear u up last
VN ? 11 ibout the mis vear because of the Rules Commit
t wntten teedecision rhomassaid
md another rhe representative has the
option to come in and speak We
?????? have channels to help correct th
j 1X irnsoi aid problem
Celebration cause
violence, damage
Campus Pol ice
refuse security
prr 1 compajmsowscoiwxa ted by ini nriNDtNT a 1 mm m inqvfki duff pent market
Continued from page 1
k in
' V .Ilk
? ? . edoor
erthomt' -?? '
?? ,t ? ilwavs those
he people that caust him not ?? in :
? get ou! f his
W ?rdmg to ?? 1 - ri 11
. - Disability c all federal y rstat
ied funded buildings must be n as? n
:? ? ibh a cessibk to thedisa I
SUverthome pointed out that
thi ??
mpi emai rthesetaeilitie
? fa Is that thi ' lent uepn
:? enth not recciv me,
: m rvices that tr ? ? ?
Rowe s ottuc has onh bei 1
- ? ? hut
ATithnoelevator .vitb
.?ears , .
? .? ? ?
a .1- ad
. - aus the
Silvert ?? dtl
is not simph trw
but that he is an ad
of the Disabled
Hi si- t Ithmk iv ? ?
iggi st thingstl it I
id ???'?'? ' '?
est ovenifil ? nc
the mall or going to th? movies to
,bod md tl ?? iuses go anc
.1 show the folks tin ixvd I
in to
sabled better facilities
SinceearningaB Vn
rrom St Andrews Presbvienan(
n fegeandaMA m Rehab.l.tatioi
.? njs v ciunselingfron E ' - ?me
? - ? ? hasworkedasasubstanc, abu?
shopri . . , ind inseloratPittCountv LVl
? ? . usualh ixxu tionC enter
. 1 Msvi i ???? riter
Silverthomehaspul Ikx
twnofhisptxrtrvM ntitk I '
Messiah and ha ?????
?ndWill' 1 bixk deTM'tii
?, ? ? ipper rm uoou ??
Cold Formula
10 a.
Flooding causes
tew problems
January 6-8 it
lays of day and night skiing tor
onlv $170.00 w equipment
s 200.OO w o equipment l ssons in luded
;0si includes all lift tickets, transportation
and lodging
OldFashioircu r?
Ice Cream
Vi Gal.
-?? n
College may become
independent school
! he Universit
? .Hi-
ivsplitfriunt impnsin
? , split I distinj ush
t. in ii '? "?
?(lompied in m Kdwuwfct
Begin ll"l in a ' f
beautiful resort
111 mdo overlooking
the ski slopes of
call 757 6587
1 '
i fy Reserve your spot
? A at the ROC In 117
j; Christenbtiry
A prrtrtp meeting wUl be held
December 12 In Brewster O101 ai
$100 depo?H ?? required
Prices Good Through Tuesday, November 13,1990
. ? Th,S Ad EHKI trough IU.S.M, ????????' '3 '?" ? &?? S101 0??
W. fllr? I? R? To H 0?an,?s No So? To DM?s W. M Acop. F? food Sumps

Btie Cast (Ear a tint an November 8,1990 3
Around other campuses
Continued from page 1
Harris teeter
Statue causes
A statue ot an Alro-American
student holding books and a bas
ketball has caused controversy at
UNC-Chapcl Hill
The statue, part ot a group ot
seven statuesdonated by the UNC
v. lass ot '85, has prompted some
students and faculty to question it
because thev feel it is sevist and
racist Many students who saw
the sculpture in front ot Davis Li-
brary telt it was a stereotypical
image ot the black male
The other six statues depict
students in various aspoct ot
campus lite, each figure holding
USC residence halls
may remain open
for Thanksgiving
Some students who live W
residence halls at I he L niversit)
ot South Carolina are wondering
when- thev might st.iv over
Thanksgiving break.
Hand members and football
players will be participating in the
nationally-televised The I s.
West Virginia football game on
Thanksgiving Day. Residence
halls usually close tor the holiday,
but this year thev might have to
remain open tor the students w ho
will be staving tor the game
The housing office said that it
would cost about $20,000 to keep
residence halls open during the
break. In addition, an on-campus
cafeteria would have to remain
open tor the students staying ovei
the break
Celebration causes
violence, damage
A homecoming celebration at
South Dakota state I niversit) got
outot hand last weekend when an
estimated 1,000 people roamed the
diunpus setting bonfires nd
throwing rocks and bottles
Police arrested about 50people
on charges ranging from aggra-
vated assault to intentional dam
age to property
The violence started late Fri-
dav when several ott-campus
louse parties grew and spread out
into the street.
Campus Police
refuse security
Campus Police at I N(
Chapel 1 hll will not pro ide set u
ntv tor parties held in the Student
Union until hanges are made that
will keep violence under control
said University police officials
Police, administrators and
black Creeks said that the) were
concerned about the frequent a ts
ot violence that have plagued the
black Greek-sponsored parties in
Great Hall of the Union.
The campus police feel that
the organizations who sponsor the
parties should be responsible tor
the guests and what happens.
"The police should not be to-
tally responsible tor so meoneclses
social activities Maj Robert
Porreca said.
Flooding causes
few problems
A broken water pipe caused
flooding between Davis Librar)
and the student Union at UNK
I hapel Hill recently,bul resulted
in little damage to the Union
The flooding left two floors ot
?the Union wet and stained with
red mud, said Union Director
Archie Copeland, but the
?university's insurance should
i over repairs
Telephone service disruption
rdnd plumbing problems also
caused postponement or caneeWa-
: tion of Union activities one night
College may become
independent school
The University of South
Iarohna'sCoastal( arolmabranch
I mav snht from the main campus in
n J T
I Columbia.
The split would distinguish
1 the college as an independent
I ?Compiled hyAmy Edwards?
for reasons beyond our control
Harnson added.
Harnson was involved in a
car accident in Kinston, and theother
student had exams too close to the
convention to take the nursing
school van.
Harnson also said that the
problem stems from last year's re-
view ot the ECANS constitution
"Thev (the Rules committee)
claimed that we were funded by the
School of Medicine, which vvearen' t,
? Harrison said. "So they voted us
as a 'non-funded' organization
KCWSappoaled the division
bul were unable to get an appoint-
ment with the Appropriations
We were told to submit our
budget again m the tall Harnson
Bv the time the legislature was
able to vote on the bill, it was too late
tor 1:C AS to get the money for a
mid year national convention m
Phoenix. A
1 larraonabosMd that the way
IX S found out about the mis
takes was through articles wntten
in The Easl Caiufa'wMH and another
1 saw the articles tor the first
time Thursday Harrison said
ECANS has received no noti-
fication of any kind from the Appro-
pnations Committee in regards to
how much money was appropn-
ated to the group
We haven't gotten a phone
call or any message' Harrison said.
In a letter sent to the Appro
pnations Committee, ECANS is
asking that the Committee make
public acknowledgement of their
mistakes and to reconsider the
ECANS 1990-1991 budget request
Because of two negative ar-
ticles with wrong information, our
image as a student and professional
organization has been made to Uxk
bad Harnson said.
Harnson added that ECANS
does conduct its own fund-raising
efforts, with $1,200 having been
raised so far.
Current Student Government
Association president AllenThomas
was the Appropriations Committee
chairman at the time.
"We couldn't clear it up last
wear because of the Rules Commit-
tee decision, Thomas said.
The representative has the
option to come in and speak. We
have channels to help correct the
Continued from page 1
Perdue Grade "A
In tact, it didn t even look
like I could get in there at all. and it
l did, I'd have to sit right in the
doorway, which isa tire hazard he
Row e said the new building is
not as accessible to the handicapped
as it should be and said, "1 didn't
design it.
Simply entering several
buildings on campus is also a diffi-
cult task tor the disabled who have
little or no use ot their hands.
Silverthorhe said the auto-
matic door buttons are placed m a
preeanouslocation behind thedoor,
so a chair user must hit the button
ind quickly swing inside the door.
Silverthorne said that St Andrews
college had grocer store-like
doors, that were much easier to use
thanK I Sautomaticdoorbuttons.
According to Rowe, the but-
tons are very sensitive and easv to
use by most disabled students. Re-
ferring to the grocery store-like
doors, Rowe said that he was ad-
vised not to use those because they
op - for everybody and that causes
a traffic problem for the disabled
who need to use them.
ECU campus is not the only
place where Silverthorne has en-
countered limited access. He finds
that handicapped parking spacesat
grocery stores, shopping malls and
office buildings are usually occu-
. ho ts not dis-
Most of those people that
(legally think that it (being
?d) won't ever happen to me,
?n mly (aping to he here tor a
minute. Silverthorne said
Hesavs that it is aln a S those
people that cause him not to be able
to get out of his vehicle.
According to the American
Disability Act, all federally or state
funded buildings must be reason-
ably accessible to the disabled
Silverthorne pointed out that
the disabled students at ECU bring
with them funds that could be used
to "improve many of these facilities
He feels that the students drv pres-
ently not receiving the quality of
services that thev are due
Rowe's office has only been
moved to the first floor of a building
with noelevator within the past t w
vears. ?$
Silverthomeexplained that he
is not simply trying to cause waves
but that he is an advocate tor Rights
of the Disabled
He said: "1 think one of the
biggest things that I can do to be an
advocate is to ust go on and live my
life to the fullest; even if it s going to
the mall or going to the movies, to
go and show the folks the need tor
better facilities
Sinceearmnga BA in English
from St. Andrews Presbyterian Col-
lege and a M.A. in Rehabilitation
Counseling from ECU, Silverthorne
has worked as a substance abuse
counselor at Pitt County Detoxifica-
tion Center.
Also a talented writer,
Silverthorne has published a collec-
tion of his poetry entitled "Dry Skin
Messiah and has co-written "No
Good Will a book depicting rural
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olifz ?a0t (Ear0limetn
Serving the Fast Carolina campus community since 1925
Joseph L. Jfnkins jr General Manager
Michafi G. Martin, Managing Editor
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Michaei Albuquerque, Asst News Editor
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advertisements thai discriminate on the pjms ol age, sex creed 01
5 not net cssanlv represent the views ol one individual, hut, 1 1 I 1
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( ? resCO es
national origin 1 he masthead editorial in each edition d
is a majority opinion of the Editorial Board The Eastt u
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27834; 01 call (919
houki be addressed to Fhc Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications RUIe. . ECU, Greenville N C
6 166
Page 4, Thursday. November 8. 1990
Pirate Club can make a difference
There s no question that the North
Carolina budget crunch has hurt education.
Cuts bv legislators have caused some ir-
reparable damage to the 16state-supported
colleges and universities At ECU,thesecuts
havetrimmed library hours, part-time work
for students and may force sections of classes
to be cancelled because oi a lack ot teachers
all detrimental to the education that we
have so dearly paid tor
However, something doesn't seem
righl Mow in some departments ol the
univei - il'tei its while others don t?
1 oi examph teaching assistants in the En-
glish departmenl have had their pay cut,
paper has become scarce and rumors are
circulating that some instructors may not be
back Mr the spring semester.
Meanwhile, there has been no report
ol how the budget cuts haw hurt the athlet-
ics departmenl Are the athletes suffering
an rep r tssions, or have any stall mem-
bers r job threatened? Athletics are
importai ttoam university. It brings morn .
into the university, but the majority of it
goestt scholarships athletic scholarships
In a recent editorial printed in a h
rtiaan, the C. State student newspaper.
editors praised the Rams Club (UNC-
Chapel Hill's financial heart and soul oi
athletics) tor donating$1 million to the uni-
versity tor general operations. The paper
then questioned why the Wolfpack Club
could not help in the plight" of its univer-
So, where is the PirateClub when we
students really need them? Are they going
to sit back on their haunches hke the
Wolfpack Club or will they come to our
We students have traditionally sup-
ported Pirate athletics, through the good
and the bad Yes, in turn, the PirateClub has
done a lot tor students some things that we
may take tor granted I lowever this situa-
tion with the budget ;s really getting out ol
We don t expect a million dollar do-
nation, but something is better than noth-
ing. And at this point, anything will help
Students no matter how you look at
it, are the most important part of the univer-
sity We are the that pay thousands i ?:
dollars to come hen- to learn Without us,
neither the athletics department, nor am
other department can make money And
don't forget the athletes they are students
Timeis running out. This snowball"
needs to be stopped before it gets any larger
It a solution is not found soon,students may
feel the pinch of further university cutbacks
The Technician summed it up best by
saying: "1 low about a little help1 Soon
Sparc tis song
cc ' A-ru
Resentment, fears still prevail in the South
By Michael Albuquerque
l (. olumnisl
Once again, esse I lelms has
proven that vou can run tor po
litical office in North arohna and
win with .i platform based on
homophobk fearsand resentment
toward blacks and other minority
Essentially I lelms platform
wasbased on these ideals Idon t
likehomosexualsbecause the in
different from me, and I don t like
the idea of blacks being chosen tor
jobs instead of whites
I sing ignorant e as his man
weapon 1 lelms w as abl I i
nipulate the voters of this tat
into supporting his .? .? I
d gma based ? m distort! d
truths instead ol the lac ts
In fact, during his re ? i I I :
mireenville. I lelms refi rred l
(.antt as the Mac k mav ??
( harlotte bet ?re ustil. ?
?? ?? ?.? - bv ?av mu; that thi
made b the distinguish! I - i
toi arc iust as brazen In n
;u re most of merica is trying
to rid itsell ol stereotypes .nc
prejudi es. I lelms uses his position
to condemn anyone who doesn t
i on form to his wav ol thinking
? instance, durine i
speaking i ; : ??? ? ears
ago 1 lelms vented his anger in a
? wi luld makeanv .? I.
basher proud V rding I
I lelms, I here is not ine single
cas ol AIDS reported in this
intr that cannot be ti I i
origu ' I m
It is a shame thai icl I it
menl in irtualh .vipe it the
? . Land ; ? md
irland n isti?' n
I . . October!
11 :
t the da ' ' ' ?
trn k rttlv,
i vi rtisi menl i ? in
thai w hile he ???? is "
mav or olharli ?tt i
ship that mi luded ! mtl
minontvstatus' .
sition to.? ? ?
? ? iv,h? i
? ns Gmmissi? i
Shitrtlv afti?r pur.
Zi te1 is '
part: ? 1?up s,K?
? ' 1 Mil'profit
? ? ?
: ' '

( sdei
aratit ki
id '
id rel
? ?
Letters to the Editor
j ?&???
ECU have
o the Editor
It has b en :???
dav that ??? as i ast u
students began to ??? ik ip t
some ot the things that ??? ? ??
happeningaroundus.Oni n
igo todav over ? f
marched dov ntown toitv
tall to voice our con erns In
weeks before that march the
l itv ol I ,room ilk' had tak i
awav noise permits and ar
rested I ;4 studentson i lallou
een night, rhismademe realize
that we were indeed second
class itizensin thiseitv 1 al i
w ith the help ol main people
decided to organize PI RP1 E
MONPAN . a financ bov tt
ss m iatii m ind
. ? ?
?ancfsp -

t luck on Satin lav
? TV
' -
' '

Sociological woes still hamper minorities
By Darek McCullers
tditnnal C olumnisl
rican American families; 43 per-
cent were headed bv women and
si percent bv men More than
halt ot all black children are born
into poverty This is a perplexing
problem that must be solved
The Rodney Stark sociology
textbook provides some insight
into the causes and results of the
Harriette P McAdoo con-
cluded in "The American Women
1990-91 A status Report" that,
"family structure plays an impor-
tant role in the economic situation
of families in the United States.
Whether a family consists oi a problem. In his chapter on gender ofyoungWackmendiefromacci
married couple or is headed by a and inequality, he discusses the dents, drugs and violence
this decrease Instead ot the nor-
mal ratio ot 103 to I06ma!esbom
for every female, the ratio is nearly
even in the black community 1 le
attributes this to a gender imbal
mmo in fetal deaths because ot
poor nutrition and health care
Blacks also have a higher infant
mortality rate and a larcenumber
single parent has a significant im-
pact on the economic well-being
ot that family 1 would add that
the current breakdown in the tra-
ditional family is a major factor in
the current breakdown of society
i particularly that of African-
Family breakdown is a
problem that is particularly trou-
bling within the Afncan-Amen-
can community In 1987, married-
couple families accounted for
slightly half of the 7 2 million Af-
ettects of sex ratios or the number
of males to females in a society
When there is a lower num-
ber of females than males, the val-
ues imposed upon them are more
traditional and restrictive When
thereare more females than males,
the values become much more
relaxed and liberal. According to
table 12-2 of the Stark Sociology
text, the number of black males
per 100 females has gone from
103.4 in 1820 to 89.6 in 1980.
Stark cites several causes for
Stark also states that con-
trary to popular belief, the black
family was not broken up bv sla-
very, and sexual promiscuity was
not the norm among blacks on
southern plantations A closer
examination of the statistics will
show that cultural assimilation
and increased prosperity may be
the cause of the breakdown of the
black family as well as the general
moral decline of the African-
See Minorities page 5
ot the citv ot (ireenv i
along with the march helped to
show the city that we would
not tolerate being treated this
w a
After one year it is now
time to re-examine how much
progress lias been made in the
relationship betwet n ECl and
the city ol (Jreenvillo
There has been some
progress made over the past
year After much lobb) ing, the
oise Ordinance Committee
was reinstated rhiscommittee
has iust recently finished
meeting and has recommended
to the City C ouncil that noise
permits be reinstated lfthe itv
Council dot's follow the recom-
mendation and reinstate these will be a ver positive
ith Halloween night run
ning smoothly this year, it looks
as if both the students and !he
city are taking the nv;ht attitude
toward Halloween It was .1
great help to have a concert in
Minges.and 1 hope that thiscan
become an annual event
It does look as it things are
improving, but there are still
things that need to be changed
There needs to be a line (it com-
munication between the area
neighborhood associations and
the student bodv On tour dif-
ferent occasions, I have offered
to go to the Tar River eighbor-
, Keel

? .
ild register I
itt Countv f even id nl
as n gistered to voti
nt we would m ik
rcent of thi .otet
i ountv ! hat is a big nun her I
contend with. It vou are regis
tered I ? ?urhomi ti ??
? ce '? ou to tr.inst. ? ? ?
istration ?? ? Pittountv
We must alsi - n i
wat htul ev n ??. hat is I i
penmg in our initv
methine. is hapj
l reen ille that v ou .i ?n't hi
then oie ou dissatisfaction
I el the i itv km?v tl il . ? ire
unhappv with their perl r
ma nee
? jrresshasbeen made but
there is still a long w av to go
( ei up the tight, last
(. arohna
1 npp Roakes
SeniorI iss resident
Fill Ficklen
Stadium for
last game
1 o the Editor
1 his Saturday in Ficklen
Stadium our football team will
play their final came ot 1990
rhis will also be the Una! game
tor 16 seniors that have given
their time and energv to our
football program As in years
past the final came has been
Sparsely attended 1 his is a tra
dition that needs to be t hanged
We as students can help to till
the stadium
Granted, our football team
has not had the most successful
year, they have come a long way
in the rebuilding process Coach
Lewis has put the Pirates back
on the right track We stand be-
hind Coach Lewis and all of his
players and wish them the best
A student
waxes poetic
about politics

hav e
nd ke
members f thi
Mav b ?
their fa i -
I hev o ining
not the emu nn
s, i . hen is our mi
ts it to help I
i are of he elderlv
Or to ensun
hank accounts in
Education is it tl
of their list.
Our kuis realh
v hanee
1'hev need a v
And a real senator to
the pants
so now the w ant to en
our art
And protect us from -
I guess next on then list is
banning the i lassies
lake rheGrapesol Wrath
and Hucklebem Finn
Our budget s in shambles
and all the Republicans are hop
ing tor our remission
Let's tace it. God played a
joke on the good people
When he made esse a poll
Don't get me wrong, (esse is
That is. tor twisting the
See Letters page 5

St)e J?aat(?arolinian November 8, 1990 LA
Burn all you want, we'll make more
o? Corley
I Jitorul c iliimni-a
Nowhere in the I irst mendmenl
does i! s.iv mericans have the free
dom to burn the Hag Yet this is what
the flag burners hide behind to defend
their actions
Rag burners do so to show disap
proval with the government or some
aspect of it Instead ol using their free
dom of speech to uce their opinions
Amendment dot's al-
low th? a ? r nselves up in a
? ??. whit h detra i- from their
,1 thev ????'? ' c omplish
? tg tor then cause these people
should use tl i rights the have, rights
M nil ldc? n the v onstitution
rather than cause furthei controversy
the flag
1irst ol all, the I irsl mendment
has come upon too loose a translation
V hen tl burner: hide behind so
i "ti i spec h, the) know
. are doing V hen the
ers fi amed the Bill ot
sureh did not intend to
mon sense point ol view, freedom of
speech means freedom of communica-
tion which includes speech, written
words and SO forth One may argue that
ise w ho v. hose
one it from a corn-
ncrcentaeeot the population participates more
Z not sav.n, that flag burning in What we need ,s for people to reahze rhosefO,
shou.dbeu i;a And we certamlv don't that flag burning accomplishes nothing have a point, though. pMte
-Uontopaamendment. constructive. A?lygpartol JZ
something radical to draw attention
to it But burning the Hag1 I don't
There are other radical things
they could do that are rational at the
same time Hold big rallies, go door-
to-door campaigning tor your cause,
just do something that is not going to
offend a lot ot people hue it. it some-
one is screaming and burning the tlag
at the same time, what impression
w ill be left on you what they said
or what they did1
The way 1 see it, this issue is a
common sense issue that has been
blown way out of proportion It you
want to make a positive, lasting im-
pression and make progress tor sour
cause, do something positive It your
goal is just to annoy people, burn the
flag Asa matter ot fact. Burn all you
1 ,
Uiewftj. ?-?
burning a tlag is a symbolic communica-
tion However consider the following:
what isbeings) mbolically communicated
b burninea flag? Certainly nothing con-
5X1Z 23?1oJ? M?
JZ ?i,h something .ha. only a small mo.uv Burn II ,
Continued from page 4
.irk s texl
. ? .?. - tm-
ratio de
1? dur
is was
1 tlc I larlem
Os when blacks
a loto! mone).
luring the
hen blacks
seeK id ol
1 a
mantal sex This promiscuity is
,i direct result ot Marcia
Cuttentagand Paul 1 Secord's
Sex Ratio and Sex Role theor)
w huh has been the subject of the
article. Consequently, black
economic and social progress has
beer, stagnated It has been stag-
nated because these childrenare
born into a frustrating poverty
-Ml this information leads
to ask the question how
can the problem be solved' !o
sephampbell hit on it w hen he
stated that i nance can t come
from without, it must comefrom
1 low-ever he tailed to real
ir that manv people do not have
the persi ?nal povs er to make that
change, rhey've been beaten
down b a system that has said
Continued from page 4
that they were retarded or 'spe-
cial is it what is known as
tracking rhey've been beaten
down by the likes of Sen. lesse
Helms .Hid his wife who are
slum lords exploiting them tor
profit rhev've been beaten
down by hot-mouthed, loose
lipped liberal politicians who
have promised to change the
world .r never delivered
It has been the purpose of
all theartu lesthat 1 have run to
show that the solution is a deep
personal taith mat iod who will
help those who believe in 1 lim
an ? j. ; : I nfortunately
mam people have not been able
to pr perl) mal ze the articles
andgetthi ni fth message
The spirit of my article- K not
despair racism and degrada
tion, but hope through spiritual
reiuv enation
ot the Helms campaign Thomas
Ellis and Carter Wrenn, were m
vising two Hispanic American
women to use the same racial
preference guidelines m an effort
to cam a Raleigh FM radiolicense
I ltimatelv. the issue boils
down to the pervasive southern
values that Republicans represent
ev erv thing that is wholesome and
good, while Democrats areinher-
entlv deceptive in nature
1 Hiring a re ent politk al rallv
in Stanlv County, Gantt said
'Republicans, tor some reason,
have cornered the market on pa-
triotism family values morality
It you re a DemcK rat you must
not be hv ing right
'What's so bad is so many
hard-working folks have fallen for
that public relations crap, and it s
gotten to the point that not a single
program to help people has got-
ten out ofongress for 10 years,
N ause people are intimidated
Despite all his ideals and
hopes tor the state of North t aro
lin.i Cantt was unable to defeat
Sen Helms so the question re-
mains 'a h
Almost everyone except
the candidates themselves
agrees that race was the most sig
nifu ant issue
1 he southern ideolog) that
reared its ugl) ho,hi on Nov 6, is
bv no means a stranger to (.ant!
When he enrolled at
i. Unison I niversity in I963as the
school's first minority student.
(,antt expenenced man) forms ot
the racially moti ated alues that
permeated the South in the '6fts
He faced ever) hardship
imaginable from other students
isolation harassment and even
death threats
1 lowever, his unwavering
family prideand a infidence kept
him strong in the face of adver
1 his is evident in a ret ent
quote in The Washingl
, cording to Cantt. his father
always told him, Abctterworld
is coming; the CanttS are come
to overcome Blacks are going to
d better 1 he South real!) is
going to be a great place to live
Pernaps a better wav is
coming Maybe one c. the
South will shed Us image IS a
bastionof fear and hatred of those
who are different
Hut tor now . the n v
progressive" South is nothmc
rnore rrwm I drram m the hears-
and minds o everyone who
hopes for a world without
Continued from page 4
Fire alarm in Garrett Resident Hall is no joke
? AAV- . ?ii ,?tv t.?. ,a .n tiva
1U "race) fohnson
? , . ? nisi
?? st that a
irretl ' u
iidom foi ?'?
,vever reent
ni . ? therw ise
? ? ght and
nights in a row
, irn t goe i off
. . t RAs)bangon
idents sleepily
ften for nearly
half hour the men ol Garrett
until the
as it r lined they
tl I at nearly
taf , ems the
iituation But when
mires evacuation, and when, in
fac the residents on the third
Ooor themselves are responsible,
jf v, seems the most logical to
limb a tew s.eps and redirect
that anger
Since the beginning of the
semester then have been 20 or
more reports concerning the hre
.larm in Garrett Hall AnRAsaid,
lhat s more than all of last year!
Oj the 0 Publi Safety says
feel m this
ite 11 ??? r
that there were only three in
,o! ing tire, but there were ac-
tuaU) five! On Oct 8, 1990, a
newspaper tire was discovered
on the third floor On Oct 24 a
small tire was found on the third
floor and extinguished On Ocl
25, m southwest Garrett, a tire
bl ied composed ol two rolls ot
el paper someone had taped
together, again on the third floor.
Monday, Oct 29th, on central
third floor wasanother paper tire
i mallv. the last such incident to
date was Halloween, Oct. 31,
whereagainon central third floor
is a small tire It has been sug-
gested that possible whoever
does this may not be a student.
but because of the tight securit)
on Halloween that is not verv
The night of Halloween
when residents were sent outside.
it was reported that there once
again was a tire but this time in
the street between Fletcher Hall
and (.arrett' Police arrived on the
scene but the fire was already
out No charges were filed.
On the third floor, approxi-
mate!) two weeks ago. was dis-
covered, as soon as the alarm
sounded, an actual tire I low ever
nature onlv took over w here man
had begun because this tire was
m the middle ol the floor! Set in
traditional tee-pee,campfire style
and made ot paper it seemed
this small fire blazed slowl) man
approximately eight-inch circle ol
open carpet and ash where there
had apparently had been other
similar tires Also reported was
that someone was seen kindling
the tire and tied the instant the
alarm sounded
Similar reports have been
made concerning tire hazards.
almost all ol which reportedl)
are on the third floor These range
from simple cigarette smoke to
an intentionally set and unat-
tended stove, spraying the sen
sors and the manual disturbance
of the alarm system
So main alarms are inves-
tigated and found false that resi-
dents are learning to ignore them,
which is an equally hazardous
behavior. Possibly no one is d-
tuallv aware that when an alarm
is sounded a device called a pull
station indicates where and ex-
actly how alarms are activated
Ihev show the exact location ot
the sounding alarm and whether
it responded to heat, smoke or
manual pull at the time ot activa-
tion Since the verv start there
have onlv been one to two inci
dents ol manual disturbances
meaning that all the others are
responses to something that the
third floor seems unfortunately
verv proud of fire!
On several occasions foot
.tops have been heard running
down third floor halls onlv sec-
onds before an alarm sounds
Upon investigation no one was
found and doors were Hosed
Residents have been questioned
concerning this issue but asusual
no one knows anything
Public Safety was notified
one month concerning this and
onlv stated that. "Yes. We had a
report Again last week they
were contacted and said thev
knew it was the third floor and
said, "We re looking into it "
Well, recent information
shows that there are two det?
tivesactively working on the case
As the search continues, no one
vet has been arrested Public
Safety urges that it anyone has
information leading to the arrest
of anyone involved thev should
notify them anonvmouslv or
otherwise, as soon as possible
But i guess it's all how we
Those good 'ole, North
( arolina v alues
C.J. Sleinad
SGA article
o the Editor:
In the future, E NS will
greatly appreciate it it you
would check with us before
printing a derogatory article
concerning our organization to
at least insure that your infor-
mation is accurate 'he article
that v on printed last week con-
tamed information that was
inaccurate and that has set us
back in our efforts to increase
membership and portrav a
posi tive, professional imageon
Our monies requested tor
travel were not just for onecon-
vention. The total figure was
for attending two national and
two state conventions
Regarding the convention
in Nashville, Tenn we at-
tended that convention last
spring The onlv reason more
students did not attend was
because the convention was
very close to final exams 1 he
president .vd vice-president
did fly because due to circum-
stances beyond their control,
thev were unable to ride the
bus chartered by the North
Carolina Association of Nurs-
ing Students
SGA did provide funds tor
motel and pre-registration tecs,
however, theair farecosts were
paid by the individual students
with the help of an individual
in the School of Nursing who
greatly supports ECANS.
The convention this spring
is in San Antonio, Texas and at
least four students have already
expressed an interest in attend-
ing We also will be attending
the state convention in C har
lotto. N.C . in February, and we
expect at least 15 members to
attend this convention. The rea-
son for requesting a large travel
expenditure: ECANS and its
members work verv hard
throughout the year perform-
ing community serv ice protects,
and the Fxecutiv e Board tries to
raise as much monies as pos
sible to help absorb the cost ol
attending conventions bv re-
warding members for service
and dedication ECANS does
have several fundraisers
throughout the year to raise
monies tor travel and does not
expect SGA to solelv fund ac-
Four conventions were
mentioned earlier, how ever.due
to problems with SGA concern
ing presentation of our budget
requests in the spring two con
ventionshavealreadv occurred
with ECANS with individual
members absorbing all costs
We hope that this informa
tion will help clear up anv mis
understandings misconcep
rtons concerning our budget
requests We regret that we w ere
not given a chance to clear up
inaccuracies before last week s
article was printed
Melissa Young
Vice President
Editor s note The reporter
covering the SGA meeting that
appeared in the Oct 29 tditkm of
The East Carolinian reported the
proceeding! they transpired The
article's facts mere not inaccurately
reported, they were presented a
actlyas they occurred )

(She JEaBt Ularolinian
November 8.1990
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throughtout the southeast Please
check the whitepagesorinformaytion
tor the store nearest you.
COACHES: The Greenville Recre
ation and Parks Department is re-
cruiting tor 12 to 16 part-time youth
basketball coaches tor the winter
youth basketball program Appli-
cants must possess some know ledge
of the basketball ski Is and have the
ability and patience to work with
youth Applicants must be able to
coach voung people ages 9 B in bas
ketbali fundamentals 1 loursarefrom
Jp.m to7p.m with some night and
weekend coaching rhis program will
rur from November 26 to mid Feb
man Salan rates start it S3.85 pei
hour For more information please
call Ben lames als - 6
T1S THE SEASON toeamextra cash
and use i merchandise discount to-
wards your Christmas purchases
Part-time sales and gift wrapping
Faculri Staff! ppl Rrodj s ITn
Plaza rvfon Wed p.m 4p.m
BRODVS FOR MEN has part tin e
sales positions available C omp I
rive salaries flexible hours VrA
Brody - I he Plaza Mori Wed Ip m
4p m
time oTA day and or night classes
reaching responsibilities include
composition jv development ilEi
glish Musthave 18 graduate hours in
English Send completed P C ppli
cation transcripts and Uetters frel
erenci to Personnel Pitl mt
Community C ollege PC I rawet
7007 (ireenville N 27835 Phone
55 4289
- s from I 10 p m and i
weekends Applj in person at Paynes
lewelers Arlington Village Pl -
no phone calls.
price nog Couch vvfold out bed and
mattress. S65.00 delivered. 355-1642
sale 5150.00 Please call Gillian, 931-
Cover and pillows included. Perfect
tor apartment and sieepovers. S75
tor both. 757-3274. Leave message
ADOPTION: We are a devoted
couple who ch rish children and are
able to have our own We will
provide a loving home, educational
tpportun tics and a warm extended
i: you are pregnant with a
child you cannot keep, please call us
collect Richand Rona (818)986-3944
LOST: Black Cat "Spanky 7 months,
wearing a whit fleacollar holdstail
,m : queshor mark Please bring
Spankv hom 758-7854 or 752-2135
111. 11 ()11.H, AND . We
re looking forward to the tailgate
before Saturda1
Know We're The Best. You Can't
Break Us! The Pledges
Fooling1 We Know YourEvery Move.
Remember It Only Gets Tougher.
The Brothers
TO:'SANDITKO'S: Thanks for
the pig-out lunch last Saturday The
idea was great and so was the food.
AKK let's get Drunk and ?@
JULIE WOOD We did n't forget your
birthday Monday! Hope it was good.
We love you! The pledges of Alpha
Delta R.
SIGTAU'S rhanks a tot for inviting
us to cook out with you Sunday It
was really fun and we're sorry we
destroyed theswing! Let'sdoitagain'
Love, the Alpha Delta Pi pledges
PI would like to thank the Pi Kapps
tor the awesome pig-pickin' on Sat-
i - game We are also
irward to the party that
i Brothers ol Sigma Iau
HELP WANTED; Jrd or 4th year
I riminal isticeSrudent for part-time
work running errands Must have
.? r car Appl) DuffusA Cotemar
155 1300
DAYS? Need a fun part-time job?
search of seasonal help to fillour sales
Arid counter and production posL
tions We have stores located in the
iwing markets Greenville, Co-
imbia, harleston, Knoxville, Ra-
leigh,Durham,( Jreensboro,Winston-
FOR SALE: NishikiColorado26 for
sale S250.00 Includes Kriph hit I id
Mirage helmet, gloves pump tools
eb Call Vincent 752 8476 MsoHP
18 ind (. asio FX i iphics I il
culator, S5I 00 each
FOR SALE Desk with omp
: iti? - bookcase ! Ji iw ? file
ibinet W match fakeoak 5125.0
752 81 M
SIGMA VU I: you get as fired ip
it even thing as you did ibout
LHL PERSONAL nothing coul
top us. Gil some!
SIGMA L I cktai! is n ing
Bettei get n id ind find tr- il nght
date il get here before you know
? Gel ps - hed
( Hi I cvk fo? ird to seeing you
? .?? 11 ? tl i pre downtowr ! el
- ? ? iusi we reready
part) Sigma Nu
K VPPA SIGMA ongrarulahons
ni ng th second place troph
? myth ng goes competition
ers ind iv.a ol Kappa
n ipha nil la phi We
know ? ? b it thanks for an awe-
somi pn : wntown last week It
is I ii getting ivet together! Love
? , ?? thers : Pledges of Kappa
With I s sMuch sYouWant. We
HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bedroom. !
bath, fireplace, gas heat, lovely pri-
vate vard 5 blocks from ECU Cam-
pus. Available immediately S630.00
per month. Call 355-3195.
3 expenses on bedroom, 2 bath
house, only 4 blocks from campus
1 or more information, call Doug or
Arthur at 830 3728
I'M OLTTA HERE Need a female to
fill vacancy in 3 bedroom house in
Spring Close to campus Cool room
mates, clean i. all 758-9432
urdav' Speoal thanks goes to Lee
Potter, Cindy (ones, and Amber
Dillow Without you guys, it would
not have been such a success Can t
wait until next vcar'
PH IT AC'S We are looking forward
to tailgartng with you guys on Satur
dav' We are going to haw an awe-
some time' Love, the Alpha Phis
XO, KA, AND RIKA We can I w til
until the social tonight (.et those
outfits ready to go because this ??
be a hoe down that will
unforgetable I ove, the Alpha Phi 3
KA Can't wait until tonight it " ?
hous Let's get country and have i
To down PIKES
MISS PRISS Hipp Birthday
wishes to you You re my swot ?
babv and you deserve the very tx si
Much love, Pleash.
Only two more days unl
nation' Get psyched up, we're gi ing
to have a great time!
PIKA'S As we passed around the
candle light, sou kidnapped is
wedtdn'tputupafight fo hnsto
pher Michael - we flew what w
happen? Nobody knew Go I
pany,goodmusi good
held captive with nowhen I i
Our lock-in would not: iv ? ?
same without you, so the Cl - m
pledges war to say ' ? ? - i
to coi ite ru ???? ?"? thers Scott
Arensman, Mark Gryder M
Pullen,and Mickey Ross B?
to I ittle ish r pled
Whitney Brittor Susai S
C ieorge ulie Ira -
Susan ! udvigs) n, Vkml
fina Rouse Elizab
.?. ? ti ii : I ? ?? ' '?' -
This space could
be working for you.
For more
intormation on
Classifieds or
Display Classifieds,
call The East
Carolinian, or stop by
at the
second oor of the
Building, across from
Joyner Library.
Professional Papers, Inc.
Computerized Research Libran
All Subjects, LeveU & Topics.
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Contact J T orToMRi) Williams
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?. tmt .ei ?jic Scdiuotn !umt?J'cu ?p?rtji?:fiu
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ci iwmiii? hi mi mit? wti?rr?i 11nupm
. icmi Brink Vtllev Gijntrv ljb
Comaa J 1 or Tonwtj William
756 Sis
fZ The Nail Designer
??io Wf off all n
off all riiiil strv ices
I ID 221 B Commerce St
LO. C FF x it h H )
.? -
Where Everybody is Somebody
1702 West 5th St. Across from Fuel Doc
Walk-Ins Welcome 757-0841
General College students should
contact their advisors the week of
i ivember 5-9 to makearrangem?tts
for academic advising for spring se-
nnester i Early registration will
begin November 12 and end Novem-
ber lfi.
The November meeting will be held
on rhureda,November8at; JOp.m
in GCB 1032. Parker Overton from
Overton Sportmg Goods, w ? t
guest speaker All students and fac-
ulty are welcome v attend'
LMPl OYMLNT OPPORTUNITY 1L ES, 11 n: Marv Akerman guitar,
ital Hall,
v hervle
: temal Revenue Service Position:
Revenue! )fficer,CoUection Envision.
1 ocation Statewide North Carolina
Anticipated HiringCtete lanuary 15
91 Rtuirements tir l.ret.t Hir-
ing J 5 GPA r top 1531 ot School
within the University. For Roster
( omptete Form 5003 to lake lest.
For further intormation, contact Kav
: (.KMrs, (919) 752-6605 or the Career
Planning and Placement Service
leeking a professton that involves
management7 Interested in working
in a health care setting1 Contact the
Dept. of Medical Record Adminis-
tration tor SpnngSemester Academic
AdvisementNov Sth-1 lth(7S2-7444,
44"to, 4437).
Lhinng the Sth through the 10th,
Arnold Air Society will be sponsor-
i ng POWMIA Awareness Week A
ervireorganization within AFROTC
Tks that you never forget those who
are unaccounted for and those who
e fallen.
Guest Rental (Fletcher
8:15 p.m tree" FRI II 9 Ch
Naberhaus, horn Fran Parr
trumpet, Senior Recital i Retcher
cital Hall, 7p.m free) MON 11
onathan lollev. voice Senior Re
!Retcher Rental Hall 7 p.m f
DIAL757-4370 FOR rHES IK
ree I
Oakmont Baptist Church tnvitesy i
to come and rx a par! ?( Sunday
SchoolatWSam.and worshipat I
am On November II Oakmont is
having a collegiate luncheon imme-
diately following the worship ser
vice. For additional information, give
the church office a call at 7b-124
ECC law sociLn
BCU law Society wall be having a
meeting November 12 at " 15 p m in
Ragsdale 218 Anyone may attend'
Interested in learning about manvot
the environmental problems facing
our world and community1 Come to
the next meeting of students tor the
Mother Earth on Ihur- No 15 at
5 15 p.m. in Mendenhall Student
Centert irratRoom ; A. (omusaswe
address some ol these environmen-
tal issues and learn what you can do
to make a difference Everyone is
An organizational meeting will be
held Monday, No 12 at 7:00 p.m in
Brewster Room 206 Everyone is
invited and present members are
urged to bring a friend Also the
Iding - ommittee will meet No 8
atJO p m in the libran Anyone
nterested in I labital for Humanity
or who has questions, call Kim
Norwood at 931 -7653
I r AlvinSimmons, an entomologist
and ECU alumnus, will discuss op-
portunities tor research and gradu-
ate studies in biological sciences. The
seminar will be held in MSC Gnat
Room 1 at 5:30 p m. with a question
and answer session and reception
immedlately following the discus-
sion. Lhis program will be hosted by
the Preprofessional Health Alliance.
All interested students and faculty
are invited.
Phi Sigma Pi National Honor
Fraternity's Tau Chapter congratu-
lates its new brothers for Fall Semes-
ter lWtV AmvCobb.lohnCongleton,
oi Fdmundson, Emily Groet, Char-
lotte lohnson, Michele Kennedy, En-
glish Loftin, Brenda Smith, Jonathan
Tavlor, Amy Terrell, Scott Tippins,
and loanna VVohcki
be having a pre-game cookout Nov.
HI at 11:30 a.m. This will take place
behind the student side of the sta-
dium. Members-S2.00, Non-mem-
bers-$3.00 Memberships will be
available for S5.00.
The Pitt County Young Democrats
will be having a Victory Party at
Chico'son November 12,1990 at 6:30
p.m. All Democrats between the ages
of 18-36 are welcome to attend. For
more information, call 355-5863
Friday at 4 00 p.m. for Tuesdays Edition
Tuesday at 4:00 p.m for Thursday's Edition
1ST25 WORDS: For students
For Non-students
Each additional word
Please notify the paper immediately if your ad is incorrect
We will not be responsible for incorrect ads after the first
day of publication We reserve the right to reject any ad for
libel, obsenity. and. or bad taste Fraternities and sororities
MUST write out all Greek letters Students MUST have IDs
to receive student rares All ads must be typed or neatly
Each announcement may run twice free of charge After
the second time, cost is:
1ST 25 WORDS: For students 52 00
For Non-students S3.00
Each additional word S 05
All announcements must be typed or neatly printed Due to
limited amount of space available. The East Carolinian cannot
guarantee the publication of an nouncements It is not adviseable
to rely on these announcements as a sole means of commu-

Vo " 8 1990
(Elic iEagt (fiaruHuuui
Information service improves ECU public image
Beleste Hoffman
' hi' t .1 s .1 fi ?! I II 1.1 M
new opus
mentioned mpnnt, on the air, masgond a wav as miuh newsrei ? ?t
s(,i, ? ? '? ?
It would he rocilh eas if we i mild rust take the
? rid and sit them hack and hvpnoti7 tl
and say F( I is preal I ha( -? I thi proh
hut it is not WiSMbk' so we ha vi todoitwil
bits jnd over time we hope that
Hhinj ' ' ma that will
In itsearh wears. IX L: w.i
? ? r pnl ? tt. -r World Wai ' ?:?
riencod a Lit ? th hoi auw ' '? ' '
round thae E ?:
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til nf that no I
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' ? rewnti
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? ' ? . ii
? . ? edia
. . indsa
rk.l ' ? ? ' ?
? ? ? .
Handicapped take
parking seriously
Heleste Hoffman
Spe ial lo I hi ? ist ? irolinian
ii ii.i: . .
I '
u;host nu
lei ??? pa
? . :
: -
? ? tiens
pped I
k it a iv it starti ? ?
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? t ixirkim; places
it as sxn as we
trolled the
night that
.???' llred mad i ' ' ?res
itors Alv
l . k galK park
- Ii
Goldsboio teacher receives child care award
. ? ? hild i are sponsors
ne ol the state s
? icher at First P iptisl
Kink I
' "
. , 1 1 '? to
. ? iti ? idi iwards program ointly
it landing
? it the Nt'VCC'sn
,? ? . idouartered in bar
,l tl e state ol North aro
lion's third largest fast sen ice
M and operates over
. ? ? pjgn ountries
Coming Up
. Bad Int lonci
1U Pt 1 I
v . " IS ?
- g Horse?
M w Dl 1 1
Mi I' tat. . Head
, Bad Influeno
Momi rho Ha

November 8,1990
tShe 3Eagt (Earqlinian
Information service improves ECU public image
By Celeste Hoffman
Special to The Fast Carolinian
In 1937 Mary Green, an English Professor at ECU.
t ped out press releases in her spare time rhese re-
leases were social notes sent to the local newspapers.
I oda the releases are no longer nist about social
topics -nd the tob is full time
The Office ot News and Communication Services,
formerly called the ECU News Bureau, is today the title
for what Green started 53yearsagp.Theoffice personnel
include the director, William Shires, editors Rranceine
mvs and Karen Simmons; radio and television liaison
George rhreewits photographers l"on Rumple and
Richard Davis m main student helpers and typists.
Rees, an information and communication special-
ist, edits Piecesol light, a newsletter for faculty and
-tatt published every two weeks
Rees said o( theOffice ot News and Communica-
tion Services, It is our function to get last Carolina
new opus
NEW M )RK I AP rhe year is
? I Eugene Debs Hartke, Vietnam
veteran and college professor who
istheprotagonistol 1 locusPocus,
is awaiting trial tor supposedly
having masterminded amassprison
1 le tries to pass the time by
telling what might become ot us it
humanih does not changecourse.
N' Ktore the reader starts Kurt
onnegul s latest novel, it's helpful
to know hal will sihmi be- missing
- nameh the Amazon ramtorost
and the Waldorf Mona
Other things would change
dramark ally Prisons would be run
. Bud weiser beer would
be controlled by Italians, and the
. lopaedia Britannica al-
ugh still published in Chicago,
a,mid be in the handset a mvstcn-
ptiar. amis dealer living in
! fowever some things will
never change Oil spills and thede-
filing ot the environment would
continue as would the collapse ot
savings institutions, and America
would become a bankrupt nation
whose assets had been sold oft to
Writing much like Mark Twain
with a pen heated in hell. onnegut
goes form and back, telling hisstory
about the last part of the 20th con-
uirv and displavingamoraloutrage
tinted by black humor ("The truth
an be very funny in an awful wav
sas the protagonist)
Hie result isa wonderful novel,
full of epitaphs for a lost world, and
the sad conviction that only a writer
able to don the mask ot a clown
could be taken seriously.
as possible.
"It would be really easy if we could just Like the
whole world and sit them kuk and hvpnotize them
and say ECU is great That would solve the problem,
but it is not possible, SO we have to do it with little, little
bits and over time we hope that if they hear enough
good things about East Carolina, that will stick in their
In its early vears. ECU was very small and had no
real need for publicity After World War II. ECU expe-
rienced a large growth because oi veteran enrollment.
Around that time ECU expanded from a teacher
college to a university and Dr. Mcssicksand Pr lenkins.
presidents of ECU, were trying to get funding from the
legislature. The university needed a department
present its image to the public in a positive way. The
Office of News and Communication Services has
emerged out of that need.
One of the main functions of the office is prepanng
news releases about coming events and points of inter
est about ECU for the local media
One wav to ensure news releases are used is to
include news of local interest to different papers. Pa-
pers pick up news im people from their areas and that
gives ECU a chance to be recognized in more places
Even, graduation, theotticesendsoutthenamesof
all the graduates to their hometown newspapers.
rheOtticeot Mewsand "ommumcations Services
has another publication that is sent out on a regular
basis. "Piecesof Eight tor faculty and statt. and The
ECU Report is mailed to alumni and friends
Pieces ot Eight covers regular topics such as pubH-
cationsarid presentationsby and tor the faculty,faculty
1 statt appearances on teleision. appointments and
. lections, recent awardsand other interesting informa-
tion about the I'Cl statt and faculty
The ECU Report edited bv Simmons, is sent to
52 5tX) alumni and fnendsot the University The publi-
cation keeps people up to date on interesting events,
plans and people.
An article written about the Pirate Tailgating As-
sociates formed bv ECU alumni, staff and faculty is an
example ot what is in the publication
Another important function of the office is to make
sure that unfavorable news and rumors about the
school are handled correctly with regard to the media.
The Office of News and Communication sounds a
lot like public relations work, but the office does not like
the bad image that title brings to the public's mind
We like to think of ourselves as a place to get
information Rees said. "In the process ot giving the
information we want to create the public relations, but
we do not want to label ourselves TR'
Rees said that many journalism studentsarc inter-
ested ina public relations career because ot the money
? It you are luckv. you will end up like I am I am not
making a lot of money, but l am working at something
l believe in, something that is g(xxl
Handicapped take
parking seriously
By Celeste Hoffman
Special to The Fast Carolinian
Kurt vonnegu. has wsted tak? olintrigue about esp?,nage. personal JZ
the world to an lev Apocalypse In his most recent novel he rewrites history and otters a macabre warning
,o meSrtMrt?EK M mm Throughout, one ,s led to believe Vonnegut wants us to take a
humorous look at ourselves
A woman stops by her local grocery store on a rainy afternoon after
work rhe store is not very crowded, but she still has to park a distance
awa Maneuvering her way out of her car, she starts toward the enhance
At the dtvr she pauses soaking wet. and watchesa man walk tohiscar.
Heis parked in a handicapped parkingspace she catches his eve tor a bnet
moment as a raindrop rolls down her cheek. The man turns away quickly
and getsinto hiscar I le isdry she roflsher wheek hair around, shakes her
head sighs and proceeds into the store
This scenario is very common to the disabled Artk les m ritten about
the problem of handicapped parking state that violations run in excess of
50penxnt.VvTwrtisbeingdoneabouttheprobiemby our regal systems?Not
The disabled are forced to tend for themselves. In places like Georgia
for example, there is a group known as the "Quad Squad quad alter
quadnplegK tone paralyzed in both armsand legs) The police decrement
has given them tickets hich they can uyturn. tetf &l9Mk&W&?&
in handicapped ones .? ,?.?? ?? , ?? i i
Some Other groups have notices that thev put on cars informing the
owner that they have parked in a handicapped area illegally, and that these
narking spaces are reserved for those who need thon.Cw group wrent as
tar as to pnnt hot p.nk stickers saying, This lerk Parked Here Illegally"
In C ,roen ille. efforts are also home made to alleviate the problem Dr.
I inda Mired a psychology professor at ECU, decided she wanted to
document illegal parking after being in a scenario similar to the one
mentioned above.
Mbed'sresearch consists 14 twi i controlled experiments and a survey.
grocery stores Each had six spaces ot equal convenience to the store
entrance rheditterenceK'tueenthom wasthatoneparkinglot a.marked
its handicapped spaces K onlj ground markings, the second (b), has only
an up-right sign and the third (c), had both rhe group watched to see how
many violations occurred. Thev found that the highest were in lot (a) and
the lowest lot (c). Abo, when it rains, violations go up, and younger people
are the highest number of violators.
Allred said that after she saw the findings she started looking at the
signs denoting the spaces as the possible problem. To study this the group
made skms they could place n front ot parking places. The signs were
yellow with black lettering reading, Warning this space watched bv
concerned citizens.
"Violationsdropped to 22 percentand stayed down, butassoonas we
took it awav it started to rise again " she said
Mired said she did not believe it was the sign that controlled the
decrease "Any changein the sign will work, it: is probably the thought that
someone is watching them that is in control
In the last part of her research, Allred made up questionnaires.
wanted to see what kind of people are violators The data revealed that
young socially affiliated males were the most frequent violators. Also,
people who smoked and drank a lot were more likely to illegally park.
Goldsboro teacher receives child care award
Hardees and the North Carolina Voice for Child Care, sponsors
Of the second annual "Salute to Child Care Professionals" Program
named (ioldsboro resident Sherry k. Cranberry one of the state's
outstanding d.n care teachers Cranberry, a teacher at First Baptist
( hurch Pax Care in (iotdsboro, accepts a $500 check from Hardee's
Marketing I Krector, I ma Holloman (right) and John Moms,Chair-
man of the orth Carolina Child Care Commission (left)
Sherry was one Of ten winners m the second annual "Salute to
( hild (are Professionals a statewide awards program jointly
sponsored bv 1 iardee's and the NCVCC to recognize outstanding
day care teachers Winners were recognized at theNCVCCs recent
Annual Conference which was held m Raleigh.
I he NCVCC, a non-profit organization headquartered in Char-
lotte, supports quality day care throughout the state of North Caro
hna Hardee's Food Systems, the nation's third-largest fast service
restaurant, is headquartered in Rocky Mount and operates over
3900 restaurants in 42 states and nine foreign countries.
fvumtUi I
Photo courtwy ot Hard??'t Inc.
Coming Up
Movie: Bad Influence
Back Doors
Cream of Soul
Bad Bob
The Rocking Horses
Movie Bad Influence
Chairman ot the board
Mr Potatoe Head
Harth Merchants
Movie Bad Influence
Movie The Handmaid s Tale

?lu tmU CLarultnian November 8,1990
WZMB Top 13
l in limbo hat'
2 c i muhI I- 'in' Simple Word
i. h.i! I,Han I k Mnc I riondiN
4. I . ' ? : ? ?po host
5 I lindu l o 1 lindu 1 ovo I ,od?
I I S,
? MMhod
hr K. kit' mi
Why not come by the RF.AI CrUU Interventloo Center 312 F,
10th Street; or call 758 HEI P For Free Confidential CoMMetlag or
Our Volunteer and Staff are on duty 24 hre a day year around
In order to aaalat you In virtually any problem area you might have
Our longstanding goal haa alwaya been to prrieivr and enhance the
quality of life for you and our community
Licensed And Accredited By The State of North Carolina
J h Hth I lltMin
Bits and Pieces
Maine leads in voter registration
th. m
s,u - M ,
port i
htMll.l ,i!
the lor
itti ding to
n 1 he' I
SAat almost
?? I bv( Hda
il ? . round out
Why Siestc
? ?
Home videotaping shows increase
RECFJV I $1.00 OFt

When You Can
752-7303 A 209 E. 5th St
Thurs Nov 8- Widespread Pan
$1 50 32oz Dl
Condoms tind practical new use
pap ?
th. ?. ?
(UMuiML -EtiOi
Survey reveals sexual deception
In a
obtdii ?
? ?
Abdul captures teen's admiration
Restaurants lean toward recycling
? ?-
? 1
gfeot ?
Tvson seen as 'beer-goggle' date
qua I
' -
? "port.uit
Economy sticks Sharper Image'
with Low Prices.
And More.
fee hi
avoi '
th. -
Sh.itp. ? h
then ?
Ruffles Brand
Potato Chips
Great Dogs
1 lb. Pkg.
Golden or Red
Delicious Appies
umei m
dr that dazlod
ra 1
Nework perceivedas being unsafe
sh. ? a k .is I Vfid next
Wltl 1 .
t saf ' ?'? tvond with rx
Guns post" a clanger for students
? ? ? ?? , '1 'iip. 'i 1 i in
homes wit ? ' ?
thai 1 ' ' . ? e after '
in ?? . . I 11 corn ?unsht
Gas prices experience a price drop
i in. ?? Sept 1H
ht expert ? ' '?'? tor?sts were
paving a f self-set regular
uni- adi'ti thsof atonl than the
eek N tedta : ? ' it frl &8
si-Vr ?
C H i L l F D K R 0
lm 0
Crackers b
- ?
4" .
- .
? x
Diet Pepsi or
Pepsi Cola
v v
Panel views Steak-O-Kama as best
? ? 1
1 panel i i kids at
: . ?. ngeles last
I rk tilth
rpprd -tc.ik pr. ?
nice on an i i

aiJie CoBt qjaroltntan November 8,1990
1. in limboWhat?"
2. Conndls. "One Simple Word" .
3. Charlatans U.K. - "Some Friendly"
4 10,(KX) Maniacs- "HopeChest"
5. Hindu Love Cods "Hindu Love Cods"
6. Mary's Danish - "Experience"
7. Carpets "Lite"
H Posies Hear 23"
s Verve! Monkeys - "Hake"
rfr. Meat Puppets - "No Strings Attached"
11. Soul Asvlinn And the I lorse They Rode in On'
12 Micks "Hawaii Ave
13 histhacks "very, verv pOvwrful motor"
? Compiled by Heth Mlison
Bits and Pieces
Maine leads in voter registration
People in Maine express themselves at the polls, according to
iheNationalClearingliousei-n Election Administration. TheNCEA
says Maine has the highest voter registration in the USA at almost
percent Minnesota is second at 92 percent, followed by Okla-
homa at about 91 percent Michigan and South Dakota round out
the top five
Home videotaping shows increase
Home videotaping ot IV shows tins season is up 2 percent.
NBC' credits the upsurge to so many shows in new time slots.
ABC's Twin Peaks is the most taped show, with 1T percent of its
viewers taping it on Saturda) night to watch it another time
Condoms find practical new use
In the ongoing battle to increase AIDS awareness! The Mid-
west Aids Prevention Project is ottering wrapping paper deco-
rated with condoms. A $" package two sheets of white, slick
paper with red, green, blue and silver condoms interwoven into
the words "1 loliday rapping To purchase the paper, call 313-
Survey reveals sexual deception
In a survey by the I niversitv o? Honda, 44 percent pf male
students surveyed said the) would use deception and coercion to
obtain sex; b() percent had tried to verbally coerce woman to have
sex bv saving things they did not mean or threatened to end
Abdul captures teen's admiration
Paula Abdul is the hrst woman to top the Heroes of Young
America surve in the 1991 World Almanac In a survey of 5,000
U.S. high school students, the entertainer was voted the indi-
vidual that AnU'riJjVWAs "wj admire Second choice: Mom.
"Prefjous wmitWMkvhaO?H titeWMi Mnrv Lou Ketton, Michael
Ionian and Sylvester Stallone. .
Restaurants lean toward recycling
Restaurants on the leading edge of recycling are offering tree
ecology literature and serving foods once found
only in health-food spots Menus ma) highlight organic toodsor
contain a bnet philosophical statement. The Time Cafe in New
York recycles glass, paper and cardboard and serves only tree
range beet and chicken and mostlyorganically grown produce.
Tyson seen as 'beer-goggle' date
. Janet Jackson and Bill) Dee Williams are the dream dates of
1,500 black night i lub-goers surveyed, last-choice dates: Mike
Tyson and Grace Jones. 1 he top song tor seducing a member of the
opposite sex is "any song by Luther Vandross Most important
quality in a prospective mate was "the ability to commit to a long-
term relationship
Economy sticks 'Sharper Image'
The day of the goof) gadget is out and "Sharper Image" is .
feeling the pinch Bei ause of the tear of recession, consumers are
avoiding spending cash on the electronic wizardry that dazzled
the '80s. Founder and president of the San Francisco-based
Sharper Image. Richard Thalheimer, is hinting at a more serious
theme for his store One possible option: gifts with an environ-
mental influence
New York perceived as being unsafe
A Gallup surve) ol more than 1,UK) adults across the nation
shows 85 percent pick New York as being unsafe. Miami is next
with 76 percent, followed bv Washington, DC. Seattle tops the list
of safe cities with kS percent. Minneapolis is second with 6b
percent, followed by Sin Diego.
Guns pose a danger for students
More than one million kids may be left unsupervised in
homes with guns. The (enter tor Disease Control says of more
than 1 ,(XH) homes surveyed, 15 percent were made up of elemen-
tary SChool-aged kids who were left alone after school with guns
in the house About 250 children died in lWW from gunshot
wounds while in their homes
Gas prices experience a price drop
Gasoline prices tell this week for the first time since Sept. 18,
but experts sav the drop probably .will not last. Motorists were
paying an average o? yl 37 for a gallon of self-serve regular
unleaded gas Monday That is three-tenths of a cent less than the
week before The highest prices reported came Oct. 29 at $1.38 a
Panel views Steak-O-Rama as best
Steak-O-Rama was voted top sandwich by a panel of kids at
the Ziploc National Sandwich Day contest in Los Angeles last
week. The sandwich was cooked up by Greenwood, Ark fifth-
grader Trent McDaniel. Ingnthents include chopped steak, pro-
volone cheese, bacon strips and Worcestershire sauce on an onion
bun, topped by an olive and pineapple slice.
eCownjfW l"? UA H)IM iAppIt Collrp lipirmalnm Nriwmk
Why not corn by the REAL Crisis Intervention Center: 312 E-
10th Street; or call 7S? HELP, Wot Free Confidential Counseling or
Our Volunteers ana SUfl arc on duty 24 hrs. a day. year around,
la order to aaelst you la virtually aay problem area you might have.
Our longstanding goal has always been to preserve and enhance the
quality of lift for. you and our community.
Licensed Ami Accredited By The State of North Carolina
Why Siesta
When You Can
1 EXPIRES NOV 21. 1990
The Holidays Art RightArommd
The Corner So dive I rl
t (all For Reservations.
??m Accomoilalionp To 611 People
209 E. 5th St.
Thurs Nov 8- Widespread Panic- Postponed to January
$1.50 32oz Draft
Friday, November 9
The long awaited Return of
iTHi ri r
" The Shocking Reincarnation of Jim
Morrison and The Doors"
521 Cotanche St. ? 757-1666
turdau, November 10
mmo ??
Beach Music's 1 Show
with Low Prices.
And More.

Ruffles Brand
Potato Chips
Golden or Red
Delicious Apples
Surf 3
Detergent 39 oz

TimewankerS: In the Days ot King Arthur
Rich's Squirrel House
JflU' ??' -
UrutiJ. '??? ? i
lk wrru A
By Haselrig
By Kemple, Mason, & Robinson

S 4i 'Hi t
J VtALM ' ?'
? . . s
'am r 2
7 WCY U?.LM-tJ?C. f

By Swain

P fJfcS
The King and I
By Racine
. -? ? nti
i. J&

? t
Hazardous Waste
By Manning
f) rmtrsriu
Whiskers n Chubs. Dentally Unstable
By John Shull
Vufe NCVf?ET0?i
fC T?I? tti1 i
! ? ir fh v y r'Mi )
ALREADT 11 ?-i?
PR0fe?FSS, TMT WIti. TTAaJ FVA?TPA r v e '
T T IMC- j I J
, m?u?)- s
By Reid2 Frecj'S Corner
By Parnell
I ?. .( to?i scours wit-u
? il MAX

a he tunu CLarulintan
?ggSf-v ????'
An inside look
Herrmann adds
quiet support to
occer team
BastC arolina v?. Northern Qlinoi
NIU wields
lllini receive sanctions from NCAA following investig

She gaat (EaroUntan
Northern Illinois facts:
Home: DeKalb
Nickname: Huskies
Mascot: Siberian Huskie
Enrollment: 24,443
Colors: Cardinal and black
Stadium: Huskie (30,998)
198) Record: 9-2
Head Coach: lerrv Pettibone
thth year)
NIL Record: V3 JO-1
Carreer Record: J3-30-1
Returning Lettermen: 53
Retruning Starters: 1?
Series: first Meeting
An inside look
12SQ Schedule;
Eastern IllinoisVV28-17
Kansas StateVV42-35
Fresno StateW73-18
Arkansas StateW35-0
Murray StateW49-7
EClNov. 10
SW LouisianaNov 1"
Herrmann adds
quiet support to
ECU soccer team
tarle'sPick: ECU J5-NIL 2S
East Caroliixa vs-Northerr! Illinois
Bv Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports Editor
The I 'lrates will attempt to end the luu0 season on a positive note
against the Northern Illinois Huskies Saturday afternoon in Ficklen
Northern Illinois, under the direction ot sixth-year head coach
lern I Yttilvmv shaving anotheroxcellent season Althoughthelluskies
were 9-2 last vear. they were denied a post yisni bowl bid They are
, urrently6 J and aie coming off four wins, indudinga73-18demolihon
of previous!) No 24 ranked Fresno State
Pettibone has compiled a S3 KV1 recordduringhistenureatNIl
which ties him for tbnrd on the school's all-time victory list In the
Huskies last 11 games he has a 710 winning percentage
tter a couple wars ot rebuilding (under rethbone1 they have
become an extremely productive football team said ECl head coach
Hill 1 cw is
1 ooking ahead to Saturday, E I will enter the game relatively
uninjured. All plavers who saw action against MemphisState last
week are available tor play Saturday.
E I will still be without the help of junior return man Dion
ohnson. According to Lewis, he should he back to lull speed m
about throe weeks. This is important tor the off-season preejam
Theonlv other plaver who will inn soeanvachononSaturd.ix
is sophomore corner back Travis Render, who is suffering from a
hamstring injury
On a more positive note, treshman nose guard Derek Taylor
who missed last week's game because ot a bkep injury, should
return this week.
Defensively the Huskies are an eight-man front defense
rrus is comprised of four linemen and four linebackers, two inside
,nd two outside This leaves only three players in the sendar
The structure is similar to that ot both Virginia lech and South
t arolina.
That concerns us because we have struggled against eight
See Inside , page 11
Bv Ted Christianson
Special t HiEast c arolinian
Asone ol th top tiv play ers
leading the Pirates so i er team in
assets. cm Herrmani ?uld ap-
pear lobev . aould
call an unsung hei .vith a knack
torn1 - - kgood
VVi id a lot ol ittention
things like that said head coach
Bob i u but oe has worked
quietlvbehindtheshadows I think
had a lot to do with helping
rony and the rest ol the team a
complish the thinj have this
Qu,ei res. rved,
gettn "?' i game
, r tem hen
in ta t tennis hecai ' ?'? hen
his stKcer ? gan at
during ill I thighs hool
vhen I d from
? , ' ? ? lerrmann
hscovei ? nd of
hisir rexa -
and applied to E( I
Hut even once he got to ECL
Herrmann still did not play soccer
rightaway 'I sat out a year at first,
then 1 decided to try out my second
year and made the team " even
though I'm a junior, I still have two
more years of eligibility said
Asoneol severalyoungj i ?
ers on the team. Herrmann speaks
See Herrmann , page 12
Joe Herrmann
NIU wields
Bv Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports I dilor
Stacei Robinson can run right, he can run left
and he can run it down vour throat it you let him.
Northern llinois' senior quarterback Stacey
Robinsonisone of the leading rushers in the country.
He led the Huskies to a 9-2 record last year and a 6-
i campaign so tar this year
When Robinson arrived on the Northern Illinois
campus he was playing back-up to The Wiz
Marshall Taylor. No one thought that hecouldever
till those shoes, but Robinson has made believers out
of skeptii s
Last season the Danville, Illinois, name set a
new single season record tor yards rushing by a
quarterback with 1,44 The record was previously
set by Dee Powisot Air Force, who rushed tor 1315
cards in !us
i le also tied an NCAA record that year tor most
rushing touchdowns in a single season with 19.
Robinson runs the 40-yard dash in 4.57 seconds,
quats415 pounds and has a J3-inch vertical leap
i ' ugh opposing defenses do not appear to
give Robinson much difficulty, he does have one
major collegi nemesis academics He was sus-
d ? i from the final week of spring drills last
A- il for ilating team rules regarding 'academic
rogress le then enrolled in summer school on a
tull-tim. is in order to regain his elligibilitv
5o this season he has run the ball !59timesior
' ,196 . .is and 15 touchdowns. Robinson is aver-
ing irds-per-carry and his long is 67 yards.
R . i had a career day on Oct. n against
- sno State rhe Huskies' quarterback ran the ball
,i Jsintheir7? 18trouncing. Fresno
ate was ranked 24th in the country at that point and
It! ? ions I 2m iked defense
R lave been able to break the single
jutw rushing record of 177 yards set last season by
Indiana tailback Anthony Thompson, but he did not
plav in the fourth quarter
I his p,r! irmance was good enough toeam him
the offensive plaver-of-the-week honors in Sports
See All-America page 11
Photo by Scott W?l?trom. Art-Photo Otlic Northern Illinois University
Stacey Robinson. Northern Illinois' All-America quarterback candidate dishes out another pitch from the
wishbone Robinson has racked up 1.196 yards rushing and 15 touchdowns this year
Iliini receive sanctions from NCAA following investigation
URBAN A, 111 (AP) rhe University of Illinois'
basketball program will be barred from postseason
play for one vear as the result of a lb-month inves-
tigation into its recruiting practices, a university
spokeswoman said today
1 he NC AA also is putting the lllmi on probation
tor three years and placing some restrictions on
recruiting for two years, said udy Rowan. She de-
clined to give details
The Chicago Tribune reported that the school will
be banned entirely from off-campus recruiting for
the first vear It said, quoting unidentified sources,
that the Iliini also will be prohibited from having
paid visits bv recruits to its campus during that first
The school also will be limited to awarding only
two scholarships in each of the first two seasons ot
the probation, Rowan said
The university's recruitment in lu89 ot prep
basketball star Deon Thomas touched off the inves-
tigation bv the NC A A into charges the school offered
cash and cars to kev plavers. The university main-
tained theevidenceciid not substantiate thosecharges,
but said its own investigation revealed some minor
infractions. Rowan said the NCAA investigation
concurred with that finding.
"The university has been cleared of all the seri-
ous allegations in the official inquiry Rowan said.
Alter our own long extremelv long ? and
thorough investigation, we concluded that the evi-
dence did not support any of the serious allegations
she said. The NCAA committee concurred. None-
theless, they imposed severe sanctions for a series of
lesser violations
"he Chicago Sun-Times reporti d
tions that the school has probable h ?
ot improper useot complimentary ti ketsby former
players, the setting aside of N( Uournarra nthekets
for purchase bv high school coaches preferential
treatment given to Kendall Gill and Stephen Bardo
last year when the plavers were not required to
completely till out auto loan applications from a
Decatur bank, and illegal recruiting contacts b re
cruiter Jimmv Collins during Thomas recruitment
and bv assistant coach Dick IMagy during the Prairie
State Games in Ink 1989.
The NCAA scheduled a news conference today
to announce its tindmgs in the case, and Illinois
officials planned to otter their own analvsis of the
Fitness programs
should match
individual needs
r With all the exercist pi n
toda howdoyoupicka fitness program that snghtft r
V tually, there's no single right answer because
everyone has individual fitness needs However by
takii i closer Uxk?ym?rfiness needs and interests
you can design a program that meets . ? g als
? ? I all, identifv your tunes- i ou
? ? lost ??? igl ? ? rease muscle stn I ?uild
improvt cardiorespiratory capacity
isck-tom 'Mostlikeh ? ? nttod binabon
? ? i well-fitness pi '?? saerobic
ictivin. ? sw imming runnu talking r cy-
It you choose to join a health club a fitness
instructor can help design an individual .
? ? ike sure v n ib ha lalified instructors as
? ? II is topquaiitv equipment
Instructors who havt been certified by the I ni
vi Fitness Institute, tor example, are qualified to
screei lients for medical risks c nduct fitness level
t? sts ind develop personalized exercise recommenda-
tions The have also studied exercise physiology
nutrition, motivational techniques and creative in-
stni( tion
;?? lint fitness equipment might include
state ot the-art i omputerized exen is bi w les tread.
mills and rowing machines. Mam clubs havi dst
installed FFTNl I a computerized weight tra i i g tnd
aerobic svstem from Universal(lym Equipment These
machines can be programmed with your individual
messages as well as track your progress
k for a club that otters innovative exercise
programming such as Aerobic Super c ircuit a total
? dy woricoutthatincludesweighttrainingandaerobK
tctivitv, and Verobk Challenge an exercise program
which provides motivational awards and involves
bike riding rowing and running
It you choose to pursue vour fitness goals at
home, you can com e same aerobic and weij
training activ ihes at vour convenience 1 lome models
ot exercise bikes, treadmills, weight machines and .
you get ata dub fust" make sure you thoroughly read
instructions tor all equipment and get vour doctor -
approval tor vour program
It seasy to combineaerobk activity such as (c
ring or cycling (done indoorsor out) with home weight
training ompaci multi-station weight training
equipment smh as Power-pak from Universal cai
easily tit into even the smallest home gym These
machines prov ide sov oral workout stations and ov er a
hurniredexercisesthatworkevery ma tormu vie group
While your aerobic activity builds caniiorespira
tory strength weight training can help build musi
strength .md tone must les ivth activinesare helpful in
a weight reduction program when combined vith a
proper diet
Moti v ation is important in helping you stu k w ith
vour chosen program, so make sure sou select activi-
ties you enfDy and are comfortable with. Remember
at hieving fitness takes time Start slow K and gradualh
UKieaae the length and intensity ot vour workouts As
vour workoutsbecome part of your daily routine vou 11
be developing a lifelong habit that will help vou
reach and maintain the fitness level vou desiav
For a tree hnx hure titled Fitting Your Home For
Fitness wnte Universal Gvm Equipment, Inc, Btx
1270, Cedar Rapids, 1A i24(Vorcall 1-8CXV353-7V0L

November 8,1990 $he ?aat Carolinian
Sports Briefs
lustice is N.L. Rookie of the Year
Dave lustiee was the near-unanimous winner of the National
I eague Rookie ot the ? ear Award in voting announced Tuesday bv
the Baseball Writers Association ot America lustice, who batted 282
vsith 28 home runs and 78 RBI in 127 games, got 2 of the 24 first place
votes He was second on the lone dissenting ballot and had 118
Vincent embarassed by performance
Baseball commissioner Vincent is "embarrassed bv the
performance ot a major league all-star team that is winless halfway
through an eight game four o? lapan It clearlv isa mistake to come
here it ou are not going to portorm well, he said The Japanese are
so disappointed in the level of pla they have suggested that the all
star torm.u be s rapped in the future
Steinbrenner's request not granted
v leorge Steinbrenner asked baseball Commissioner Fa) incent
twic? in September tor permission to become involved m the New
York ankees negotiations with free agents but turned down
Steinbrenner was forced to give upcontrolol theN ankees Aug. 20 for
his dealings with gambler Howard Spira
Jackson has trouble finding a team
i roe agent pitcher Danny Jackson has found mt that learns are
ir ol his previous shoulder and arm troubles said agent Ron
Shapiro fackson wason the disabled list three different times tor the
( incinnati Reds last season rhe Reds are negotiating to keep the left
hander who was paid $1.15 million in '90 and had a b-b record
Oilers try and find a way to score
The Houston (Wcrsare spending their bye week trying to find a
iv to be more productive inside the 20 lnlosing17 12 to the lets and
17-13 to the Rams the hlers scored one rDin nine trips inside the 20
?? - Bubba McDowell s blocked punt against the Rams was worth
?he value his v onrra t incentive i la use puts on blot ked punts
Gunnarsson upsets Gomez in Moscow
l nsecded an Gunnarsson of Sweden upset lop seed Andres
?lie of Ecuador 6-2,6-4 Tuesday in the Kremlinup at Moscow
?nd seed EmilioSanchez FranciscoClavet 7, 6 2, 7 band
id Wheaton ol Deephaven, Minn , trounced Eric lelen 6-3, 6-0,
Also MichaeH hang beat Mark Kratzmaroi 6-0 6-0 in the opener of
the Wemble (England) tournament
Martinez, Paulus win in Indianapolis
o 2 seedonchitd Martinez ol Spain beat Bet find Fulco ol
rgentinah 1 6-2 and No 1 Barbara Paulus of Austria defeated Elly
M.)k fthel SA 7-5 6-2 in first-round matchesat the Jell-OTennis
n in Indianapolis on tuesday
Track stars face wait for reinstatement
ind Barnes and Hutch Reynolds, track and field world
l Ihofders suspended tor positive steroids tests bv the intrrna
il Amateur Athletic I ederation, could face a long route to rein
? iti rr ? I rhe next step tor both athletes, who failed drug tests in
? :? ? ropean i ects, is an appeals hearing conducted b) fhc
? ?? ? sCongress the sport's rational federation
Holyfield, Foreman to fight in April
o promoter Dan Duva said Tuesday he completed a deal with
? i I I rump to hold the Fvander Holyfield-Gcorge Foreman
? ? ivyweighl title tight at IrumpI'laain AtlantKitv I April 19
6 hampion Holyfield will be guaranteed $20 million and
,n $12 5 million
Kingston victorious in Melbourne Cup
Kingston Rule a son ot Secretariat, won the 51 56 million
' bourne up in Australia ! uesdav Ridden by Darren Headman,
CO-favorite, made his bid three sixteenths ot ,i
Mile, a
end ol themile race when he overtook Our Magi.
Continued from page 10
man front football teams here in the
last two seasons lewissaid
The Huskies defense is verv
experienced Thev return eight
starters from last vear, all are up-
perelassmen The group is led by
lunior inside linebacker Steve
Hennksen.Hehasaccumulatcd 117
tackles. 48 solo, so far in the season
Another leader for the Hus-
kies is senior right end Cary
(alliendo He will play over your
tight end most all the day and it's
going to be a Kittle between he and
vour tight end said Lewis.
("alliendo has47 tackles. 29 solo. He
enters the F(L game with 205career
tackles and 30 career sacks
The Northern Illinois sec-
ondary is led bv two seniors, de-
tensivecaptam KevmCassady, who
has 7b tackles this season, and cor-
ner back Farl Upton
Their kicking game is headed
bv senior lohn Ivanic. "Thev have
one of the premier kickers in all of
college football, said Lewis. "He is
a preseason All-America in manv
of the polls ' He holds 10 NIL kick-
ing records and is 111 for117career
extra-point-attempts He is 46 of 63
in held goal attemptsand has scored
249 career points This season he is
4-1 in field goalsattemptedbetween
40 and 50yards.
ll s offense is one of the
most productive in the country
Thev currently rank first in team
rushing offense (366 yards per
game) and are ranked 12 in total
team offense (447.4 vpg Thev are
also ranked lth in team scoring,
boasting a 52 h points per game
Continued from page 10
Illustrated magazine
He is also currently listed as
Ml-America on two checklists
Robinson s name appears on the
Football Writers list in the OctO-
ber issue ol The Fifth Down and also
the American Football Coaches
Asscw lutions kodak list. Last wa?
son he was honorable mention in
The Sporting News ,
He ranks, in mv opinion,
among the finest wishbone quar-
ter to ever play the position in that
offense since it burst on the scene
manv years ago ECL head coach
Bill Lewis said "What separates
Robinson from some of the other
wishbone quarterbacks 'Thomas
Lotts and Dee Dowis) is that he
has the speed and quickness of
those players but he is 6-3 195
p ninds
Robinson and company come
into Greenville for a 1:30 p.m. date
with Robert Jones and the rest of
the Tirates this Saturday
Price cannot compete in South Africa
Nick Price, born in Zimbabwe, cannol compete in his homo
i, .untry unless he pledges not to play againinSouth Mri a Organiz
fthcZimbabwi Open on Ian 10-13 insist Price state in writing
nil not compete in South Africa or Sun City, Bophuthatswana
because t apartheid
DCMmk . ' riApfk CMtp tnfitmmm Nttvri
In the Locker
Atlanta's 1996 Summer Olympics budget
The basics of the 1996 Atlanta
Summer Olympics budget, based
on current estimates (in millions)
Where the money
will come from:

TV rights feesx
Olympic com
Interest $40V
Other $50 $1717
Where the
money will go:
The Huskies operate out ot
the wishbone and are led bv
Heisman Trophv candidate hope
ful, senior quarterback Stacev
Robinson. He is helped: bv the other
10 returning starters from last vear s
squad. All 11 of the offensive start-
ers are back
The wishbone is a verv run-
onented offense Itteaturesthefull
back and thei'iiarterback and passes
occuronlv m plav-action situations
The wishbone is so-called be-
cause that is the term it assumes
The line of scrimmage has seven
men across it, and the quarterback
lines up directlv behind the center
with the fullback directly behind
him. Two tailbacks split behind the
The Huskies are also led bv
senior center Enk VVenckowoski
"He is absolutely outstanding, as
good of an offenstvecenier as we ve
seen Lewis said
Another verv potent weapon
for Northern Illinois is junior full-
back Adam Oach Dach has rushed
114 times for 755 ards and tour
touchdowns Last week against
Akron, a 31-28 Husky victon he
rushed for 171 yards
This theonlv timi'this si.i-M i
that the Pirates have been con
(rented with the wishbone forma
If ECU is going to be sm i ess
ful this Saturday thev are going to
have to keep the defense off of the
field If the Huskies control the hall
for more than J5 minutes it could
be a verv lone da t. ?r the defense
Another kev for the 1'ir it
going to be keeping Robinson m m
turmngthei omeron theoption It
he is i ontmualh successful then
?? . ffi ns is going to have to put a
? ? nthi b kird m order to
w in
the Pirates last cam
. ?! the vear and it could also be the
? ? iting It is also the last
? pLivers I he senior
ptan ' ' ir as voted bv the
plavt ? ?? R.I Beeman, spe
? M irtn e; and
ild Pon h defense I'hi : ?
iptam is Q ' .??
No one reads
The East Carolinian ads.
??? 5" 6366
Source Atlanta Oganumg Committee
Sam Ward Gannetl News Ser ice
deserve a
big round of
Thanks go to ail of you ?
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everyone s cooperation,
and participation.

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18 o bottle
Store Hours:
Open Sundays 12 Noon - 7 pm Prices Effective Wednesda November
Monday - Saturday 8 am - 8:30 pm through Saturday November 10. 1990

12BIe gaat (Carolinian November 8JO
Managing Editor
I ast Week: (3-7)
To Hate: (57-41-2)
Northern Illinois
Notre Dame
Air Force
I louston
C State
Mississippi State
V ashington Stato
v ahtornia
Fearless Football Forecast
Northern Illinois at ECU
Notre Dame at Tennessee
Air Force at Army
Houston at Texas
Duke at N.C. State
WNC'T-TV Sports Director
Last Week: (7-3)
To Hate: (61-37-2)
I louston
C State
Memphis State
Washington Stato
Sports Editor
Last Week: (6-4)
To Date: (59-39-2)
ir Force
I louston
Mississippi State
Arizona State
Purdue at Northwestern
Mississippi State at Memphis State
Arizona State at Washington State
Ohio State at Iowa
Oregon at California
t-v -
LCI Chancellor
Last Week. (8-2)
To Hate. (53 ?5
Notre Dame
Air I orce
I louston
Mississippi State
Arizona State
(. ahtornia
1 ARl 1 McAlI I i
Assistant Sports Editor
1 ast Week: (4 6
Io Date: 15? W 2 I
Director Sports Info.
1 ast Week: (4-6)
To Date: " W 2)
I ennessee
ir I orce
I louston
Mississippi State
Washington State
( ahtornia
News I ditor
I ast Week
I o Date: ?
rthei mois
Steroids may disqualify Olympic
D Randy Barnes and Butch Reynolds,
world record-holders from the I ntied States, still
await Iheir dav in court after the announcement
that positive steroid tests could keep them out o(
the !vJiO Summer Olympics.
("he two athletes face two-year suspensions
tor flunking tests after meets last August in track
and field's biggest drug bust smce Ben Johnson
was stripped ot his 100-meter gold medal at the
-s Olympics tor taking steroids
Both Barnes a shot putter, and Reynolds, a
400-meter man. sa the) will appeal their sus-
pensions to The Athletics Congress, the I nited
States track and field governing body No date
has been set for the appeals.
Results ot the tests were announced Monday
in 1 ondon by the International Amateur Athletic
ration, the sport's world governing body.
("wo-year suspensions from international com
petition arc automatic tor such infractions
In six years ot competition, I have never
taken am prohibited substance Bamessaid in
an affidavit submitted luesdav to I Ac Barnes
said he had been tested about 30 times since lus"
and have always tested negatively
A statement signed by Richard A. 1 lollander,
chairman ot the grants committee tor IU indi-
cates Barnes urine samples weren't sealed in his
presence in violation of lAAFrules and that control
numbers used on the seal were added later, an-
other violation
In Hollander's report which rhe Associated
Press obtained through Barnes attorney lohn
Dowd, the 1 AC official also said that a breach in
the confidentiality ot the tests was in lolation ot
! A M rules, casting doubt on the procedures as
a w hole "
Reynolds issued a statement trom Washing
ton, D on Monday, also attributing the posi
ti e test result to some fallacy in the drug testing
I he IAAF said both athletes flunked not only
the initial test but also a second test i-t the same
urine sample done as a failsafe.
IAAF officials were not immediately avail-
able tor comment on luesdas and it was not clear
what impact it anv an appeal to IAC would have
on the IAAF suspensions
Dowd accused the IAAI ot Mind-siding'
Barnesand wasangrythatinformationdamaging
to Barnes reputation was leaked to the press
before the second part ot the drug test could be
1 hev assured me ot confidentiality Dowd
?.aid You can't condemn a man without a hear
ing, and that's what the did yesterday !he
smeared Rand) Barnes without a hearing
lc admitted thatthelAAF sannouncement
seemed premature
According to the Operations Regulations ot
1 AC -I SA. an athlete who tests positive isontitled
to apply tor a stav and to a tearing on that sta
before the news ot the positive drug test can be
announced to the media i U president Frank
Greenberg said in a statement WhilethelAAFis
not bound by our rules, I Ac isexpec ted to adhere
to the letter ot its own law S
" Iheretore. until the appropriate time under
our rules we will not comment on an) positive
IAAI general secretar) ohn Holt denied in a
letter to Dowd that an) ot the information on
Barnes had been leaked to the press trom the
In a letter to IAC . Powd said Barnes should
be granted a sta oi the suspension since "the
collection, transfer and testing of the urine samples
attributed to Randy Barnes were wholly unreli-
able ?'
Barnes sn the shot put record ot 75 feet, 10 1
4 inches last May in 1 os Angeles Reynolds set the
400-meter mark ot 43.29 seconds in Zurich,
?sw uerland. two years ago
Continued from page 10
highly ot the EC I program ust
about evervbod snew Hie team
has a lot ot talent and we re ?nl)
losingoneseniomext ear few i t
us w ill K'tumors and a lot ot us will
be soph mores I here sa lot fp
tentia! there
Herrmann also
complimented the oa hing staff ot
the program especiall) assistant
coach S? tt Care "He worked
with i t of us during the oft st a
son :ast vear ??? hi h is reallv im
n rtanl I ausi most of the teams
w pla ?? . ' '
v -a t the team I ? plays
teams! am also ranked in the Fop
21. this year as well Ironically, this
The East
Carolinian is
now accepting
for a computer
layout artist
Come by the office
today for details on
this educational
career opportunity1
tierce competition seems to build
determination mHerrmann "When
ou'replaving against a lop 20 team
t ial has l! gu) s on the field on a
tull-sCholarship.thething that keeps
eou going is pride You just want t ?
? . ;? them i bad, 1 lerrmann said
I nat vide began taking i
hen practices started in the -u
st heat two weeks before the fall
somestcrbegan At first, Herrmann
had dtuult i ombming and
Basketball tickets may be
picked up after football game
from Staff Reports
E L tans will be able to double
their enjoyircnt this Saturday asboth
the Pirate football and the men's bas-
ketball teams will be in action.
rhe Pirates' football team will
ku k i tt its last game of the season at
I 10 p.m against the Huskies ot
Northern Illinois. I "hen at 5 p.m the
men's basketball team will face the
Spartalub in an exhibition game.
Students interested in attend-
ing the basketball game need only
walkover to the ticket office after the
football game with their ID cards to
get a free ticket
Ihis policy vill be in effect for
the tirst game only During the regu-
lar season students will be able to get
their tickets the dav before a game.
ratlxT than having to battle w-ithother
non students on the dav of the game.
We re doing this to avoid the
OonfuSM n of selling both tickets (foot-
Kill and basketball hit the same time
said 1 ee Workman assistant athletic
director for special events and tic ket
"I ust wanted to let the stu-
dents know how they could get their
tickets for the exhibition game this
Saturday said Workman. "We've
alreadv had several peopk? call up
asking about tickets for this Satur-
Minges Coliseum holds ap-
proximately 6,500 people CM thos
seats, half are allocated to students.
However, it the students have not
picked up their tickets bv the day
pnor to the game, thev mav not he
able to get them on the day ot the
i(Tfie9ai( Company
if of QrunvtfU Ltd.
GREENVtiLE S fiRSl foil S??. I f NA? ?? s O
5 VISITS FOR $1500
10 VISITS FOR $25.00
J.2408 S. Charles St Suite5 (919) 355t459&
? id
at relieved now
It si
nuts he's sorm
that the sea r. The Pirates
ended their season tl past weel
?? i .
Mas, nLi
nit hisnarent'
promising s htxih ork and soccer
m hisdailv mutme ITiat
attnbuted I i
. ? :? : ast . ii lidn : pla as
much I his ear
tiouble. but I got it underconti
atxut mid-season
ntlv.a vei
cr of I
( OUIK ll
With Pure hast1 of
$160.00 - $299.00
With Purchase of
$300.00 or More.
MORGAN MOORE in the morning
6:00 ? 3:00am
Lunch Time Request Line With AC
JEFF DIOMAND in the afternoon
2:00 - 6:00pm
Top 10 at 10 with
Overnight with DAVE SCOTT

The East Carolinian, November 8, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 08, 1990
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