The East Carolinian, November 6, 1990

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?hc SaHt GTartfltntan
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol.64 No 58
Tuesday,November 6 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
i0 Pages
Censorship controversy hits Hendrix Theatre
By rim Hampton
News I ditor
Universitv officials denied access to photogra-
phers from ECL"s Photo Lab and other local media
access to a debate on censorship in Hendrix Theatre
Monda nighl
Photographers from several area newspapersand
television stations were allowed to photograph speakers
lack rhompsonand Bill Siddonsprior to and after the
debate but w ere not allow il to take picturesduringthe
According to Ken Hammond the associate di-
rer, tor ot Mendenhall Student Center the media arc not
allow o?.l to use cameras during University events at
Hendm rhearre
rhe guidelines for media coverage ol the IV-
partmenl of I niversitv I nions Events states Photo-
graphic television video, and recording equipment
will not be permitted in hall during the time of the
However rhompson, a Miami attorney who
singk handedh pushed tor the - ensorship of band 2
Live rew said he thought the university should not
have sui - es
Its not something that i would encourage, 1 think
the should encourage photographers to come
rhompsonsaid ? sh they would have been here
V in v: ????. "? mpson did not understand
the polio
mi t think f anv i itn nal behind tho pur-
pose Iu ? said Media are allowed
? ? .??? i far mores mber proceeding than
w hat went n I
?I said Mendenhall instituted the media
guid tvears ago after audiences became dis
tu"? : . ? is at I 'niversitv L nion v ents
We cot a numbei ' implaints ,r'm patrons
?? ? imeras) turned in then eyes
? lin s ? ?? . ?? used for Mi ?nd
I . ?? fted to various functions in
OnCk t 3 photographers were allowed entry to
cannot think of any rationale behind the
purpose of restricting media, "he said. "Media are
allowed into courtrooms, a far more somber
proceeding than what went on tonight. J J
Jack Thompson, attorney who advocated
the censoring of 2 Live Crew
Speakers clash
over obsenity,
free expression
Bv Michael Harrison
Sutl Writet
Sltv? Stalty - ECU Pholol?b
Jack Thompson and Bill Sddon sit outside Hendn Fheatn '?' ? - oncenorship Sddon the
tormer manager of The Doors.sad the naton is mnetxJc '? ??'?'?? enorsNp
Hendrix rhearre to cover a speech by I S Senatonal
candidate! larveyC ?antt ! he event wasco sponsored
bv Student Unions and the Political Science D
'After some discussion the media
would not apply to theeveni theGantt speech bi
the event was co sponsored t lammond said
Photographers also attended Suzi I andolphi s
? ? ? ?. ident
snd tl it traveling speakers usually
? nntract which restrict
? ? ? the performance
?id Ions debate, Hammond
lid not a copy of the specific
??? he said the contract ptobebty
. ,i- K isions restricting camera use
Censorship and its arguable plao
debated Monday night in Hendrix fh ti
two notable speakers who are involved with thi
lack Thompson, a Miami based itt
opposing viewpoints bv Hill Siddons f ?'? hut m
of the Kind The Doors
Thompson pointed out that laws d
govern fret1 speech because words have onsecju
As a result, he said the lawsoug
Siddons said people should be ediu
objectionable material, learn i nstead ol sini
"The most dangerous thine is a Ln k ol ilu ?
Thompson stressed that he was opposed
sorship, saying it was a dirt word ind tl
unconstitutional In an attempt to clanfv
said the prevention of the distnbutu
materials was not the same as censor
His comment caused many people i
once to grumble in an irate manner ?on
vocally protested the statement sa ii
prevention of the distnbution ot am I
was virtually svnonymous with the t n
Thompson held ?
out the sometimes lesser known view than
organizations for women saw pomogi ?
oration tor the sewiahtv ot women
with such a view saying porrw
women "socialh silent
Commencing to voice statistics t
conclusion, rhompson said he felt pi i
pneed men to a t out rap- i rimes
See Debate pane
Where the North Carolina candidates stand
Art school enrollment
may decrease following
recent budget cuts
Harvey Gantt I Jesse Helms
Pio choice
' l support the rights of women to choose what they want to
do with their bodies
Art Funding
Supports the right of free expression and the federally
funded National Endowment for the Arts
Death Penalty
The death penalty cannot be used as a method ot cleaning
house and besides prison overcrowding is not a result ot
criminals who have committed capital crimes "
Reduction in new purchases
We are no longer involved in a cold war As senator I
would create a peace dividend and cut out the purchasing
ot new weapons
Believes that education is not only a major concern in our
state, but should be at the top of the national, federal
Supports legislation to protect the environment
Health Care
Supports a national health insurance plan similar to the
British model
Believes that abortion is morally wrong tnd ant to protect
the rights of the unborn child
Art Funding
They say I am a censor of the arts 1 say no way All I am
saying is if you want to scrawl dirty words on a r,1"n s room
wall, then you furmsh the wall, and you furnish the pen
Death Penalty
Supports the death penalty for capital crimes
Supports a strong defense as a means ot keeping
international peace
Emphasis should be placed on the local level
"By spawning impersonal, top heavy bureaucracies at all
levels?federal, state and local?Washington starves our
schools of the resources that really matter
"There is no difference between Jesse Helms and Harvey
Gantt on protecting the environment because everybody is
for the environment There is a difference on which
one. vote(s) for the programs that will actually work
Health Care
Against restoring budget cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
Bv Shannan Copeland
Staff Writer
With ECL's Art School hav-
ing the largest faculty and enroll-
ment in North Carolina, the recent
budget cuts mav have a major lone;
term effect.
"Shortfall, it has caused a 15
percent cut back on our operating
budget said Or Phil Phillips. As-
sistant Dean of the Art School
However, we have not lost anv of
our instructional division
Educational supplies and
equipment are the two main budget
lines at the School oi Art Since these
things are purchased in the sum-
mer, the money had already been
spen t
Most ot the money is now
coming out oi the travel budget
This cuts back on conferences and
bringing in new faculty for inter-
Instead of bringing faculty
herc to interview them, we now
have to count on going to the Col-
lege Art Association Conference or
the telephone for an interview , said
Assistant Dean, Dr Art Hanev
The School of Art hasalso seen
an increase in enrollment. Enroll-
ment is up from 601 students last tall
to 656 this fall. "If this trend contin-
ues, and unless we can get more
money, we will have to decrease
enrollment Haney said.
Jenkins Art Building is also
the largest facility in North Caro-
lina. Finished in 1977, it is 142.1XX)
square feet and cost about $5 million
to complete. The building is also
accessible to handicap students
"Because of our national and
international reputation of faculty
and facility, we have a very good
standing within the state said
"In our opinion we have the
Km art program in I
course- other hi ols 1
ferent. he added
In the last eight vi ars tl
School has added
and computer graphic - irt
dergraduates IT) ha
cently added interdi
classes Phillips said
expand to meet sti I
We are trying to tx i
si e to v hanges in the v
he said
Election Day. Stuck I
vote will be the Key in de
ciding today's elections
For Sale. Wanted
and Personals.
ECANS allows stu
dents to help feed the
Preview of novelist
James Gordon Bennett's
visit to ECU on Nov 12
Matt Mum ma reports
on how the Pirates
downed Memphis State in
the fourth quarter of
Saturday's contest
Pirate defensive end
George Koonce is fea-

v5K Caat UJarultninn November 6,1990
ECU Briefs
University to hold open house
for visitors, potential students
An open house tor visitors and prospective students will be
held at ECU Saturday, Nov. 10 at 9 am in Mendenhall Student
"Our visitors will get theopportunity to meet membersoi the
ECU faculty, tour the campus and attend a football game said
Dr. Thomas 1; Powell lr ECU admissions director
Powell said the open house is being held to help potential
students, their parents and other visitors learn more about ECU
classes and degree programs
Senior art major displaying work
in Jenkins' foyer through Nov. 11
A variet) ot art prints by Daren Paul 1 vndell. a senior in the
ECU School ot rt will be on display in the foyer ot Jenkins Tine
Arts Center through ov 1 1
1 vndall is a candidate tor the Bachelor ot Fine Arts degree in
art education w ith a concentration in printmaking Hits tall he is
an intern teacher in two Pit! County Schools W Conley 1 ligh
School and H Robinson Elementary
New international course to begin
Dr Oyeleye Oyediran, the first rhomas N Rivers Distin-
guished Visiting Professor, will be pining the EC! Center tor
International Programs in lanuary.
The new course which he will be teaching, is International
Studies 5000. rhis course will vary each semster, and this spring,
it will focus on "Democratization in Africa
Dr. Oyediran has said that the course will deal with historical,
political economic, social cultural and international issues and
it will meet on Wednesdays from 2-5 p m
Compiled Imm 111 S?-v?s Hurvju reports
Crime Scene
Student arrested after party in
Jarvis for lying to ECU officer
October J1
1007 Greene Residence Hall served legal papers on a
14 38 Garret! Residence Hall: investigated an activated
tire alarm, same caused b smoke from matches
2103 lovner I ibrary report ol a student being assaulted
2331 i haneellor sresidence: report ot trespassers in yard
same gone upon arrival
November 1
0013 rKE House report ol loud music and possible need
tor crowd control
033 Belk RosidonccHall reportol possible gunshots fired;
same was unfounded
0209 Belk Residence Hall: investigated a possible drug
violation: unfounded.
0220 lyler Residence Hall (cast hit-and-run involving
minor damage incident under investigation
November 2
1731 Garret! Residence Hall investigation of disorderly
conduct report A weapon nia have been involved subjects
gone on arrival.
1926 ones Residence Hall: disturbance on third floor;
subject located and escorted ofl campus
2205 Cotten Residence 1 lall (front): vehicle stop tor are-
less and reckless driving; state citatum issued to subjer. t tor left o(
2338 Fletcher Residence 1 lall complaint ot loud music on
first floor; residence hall staff wrote up students for underage
consumption of alcohol
November 3
0011 lamesStreet: vehicle stop tor stop sign violation: two
male students charged with possession of marijuana.
0113 5th and Reade streets (parking lot): responded to
domestic dispute settled without action being taken.
0208 Mendenhall Student Center (west), apprehended
two male non-students damaging state vehicles.
0320 I mstead Residence Hall: investigation into a lar-
ceny of jewelry report; subjects declined to tile report until a list
of stolen articles could be made.
0722 Greene Residence Hall: report of male subjects in
rooms on the 10th floor: male non-student located in female's
room and banned from campus.
1623 Allied Health Building: assisted injured student who
fell from a platform: subject transported to PittCounty Memorial
Hospital by Greenville rescue
IS-H l instead Residence Hall (basement) report of
someone pulling out the wires of a fire alarm.
1M12 I instead Residence Hall: report ol disorderly con-
duct on third floor
2Uh ones Residence Hall (basement): investigated an
activated tire alarm, caused by someone breaking glass on the
pull box
November t
0056 Fletcher Residence Hall: assisted.reenville police
officer with three intoxicated subjects; taken into custody by city
0152 oner Library (north): disturbance invoking two
male students; situation was cleared with no action taken
0650 Fleming Residence Hall male non student banned
lor visitation violation; campus citation issued to female student
with Fleming staff assisting.
n Scott Residence Hall (fourth floor): report ot an
activated fire i necausedbyburninglighterfluidatSuite
2143 Scott Residence Hall: report of subject shooting a
pellet gun. Same unfounded.
2H1 14th Street (freshman parking lot) vehicle Stopped
tor speeding, staff member given a verbal warning
2 4? larvis Residence Hall: report of a party in progress.
One non student was banned from campus, and the sublets
were dismissed from the party Further action was handles by
larvis staff members.
November f
0011 Sth and Evans streets: male student arrested for
giving false information to an officer concerning the partv at
larvis Residence Hall.
0201 Fleming Residence Hall: female non-student banned
from campus for attempted breaking and entering.
( rim Seme is lktn from offkUl FCU Publk Safety logs
Continued from page 1
said.isused in rapoenmesandgang
rapes against women.
Hespokeof elementary school
boys who imitated pornography to
commit gang-rape crimes. He said
he hoped to appeal to the "common
sense argument" thai pornography
has behavioral consequences.
rhompson also spoke of a
judge m Honda who released a
convicted rapist, essentially saving
the victim was so "pathetic" that she
deserved to be raped.
One of the major arguments
against censorship in any form is
that once censorship laws begin to
form, more and more restrictions
would gradually arise Bill Siddons
said when Jim Morrison was ar
rested for obscenity, Morrison had
to "fight" to be able to give further
live performances.
Crew was discussed at length
rhompson said as a result ot the
obscenity charges brought against 2
Live Crew, the group's career was
suffering. 1 le said the group's recent
song "Banned in the ISA was
not nearly as successful as was an-
ticipated by those in the record
company who released the song.
(. oncert dates are ver difficult
tor 2 I tve Crew to arrange,
rhompson said, adding that what
live performances the group did
arrange were in small concert halls.
that hail been arranged tor 2 Live
Crew to have a concert televised on
Pay-Per-View television. He said
the deal fell through because cable
operators wouldn't carry i!
The controversy, Thompson
said had hurt 21 ive( rewespecially
' having their album "Nasty As
Ihe anna IV removed from the
shelves of record stores, inhibiting
siles Siddons. however, said the
controversy surrounding the album
aided in the purchases of at least a
halt million more albums
lack (Thompson) claims
to lv against censorship Siddons
said but added that he felt
1 hompson used the legal system to
an advantage by having records
pulled (rff the shelves of music stores
rhompson continued to
voice his v lew that obscene" ma-
terials ,mcl violence have a cause
and-effeel relationship He consis-
tently used examples to support his
v iev. insisting ideas do have conse-
quences, and that the sexual acts
described in 2 Live Crew's alumb
'Nasty As Phey Wanna Re" should
not he "mainline entertainment
Children's abilities to some-
times obtain questionable materials
used Students raised voices saying
what their children are listening to,
watching reading, and so forth and
not interfere rhompson disagreed
The government did need to help
parents in preventingchildren from
obtaining objectionable matenals.
Phompson also said he felt
consenting adults did not have the
right to consume obscenity
"Thereisa v aluecalled virtue
rhompson said, later adding, "You
don't have a freedom to engage in
criminal acts
One of Thompson's more
openly opposed opinions was when
he said the terms rape and sex were
the same. One student said that
rape was a violent act. Sex itself, in
a seemingly more traditional
meaning, he said, was a display of
affection between two consenting
Although Thompson's
speech was well-organized, stu-
dents seemed to take an overall op-
posing stand against him during
the question-answer portion of the
Forum commi ttee member
Rana Harris acknowledged
Thompson's organization. "1 could
see his point ot view at the begin
ning but later she said she was
angered bv his "lack of properly
addressing the questions. 1 le was
more attacking the values of the
students who were asking the
questions rather than addressing the
questions thev had " Fellow com
mittee member lenniter lerrell
agTced with Hams statement
Another student was even
more blunt and gave no redeeming
values of Thompson. "He's a nut
she said "He had a bitchy attitude
No matter how often
Siddons and Thompson disagreed.
they did agree on at least one point;
that thev each had different defini-
tions of obscenity. But. Siddons
said, "Different values is what
America is all about
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(lire iEflfit Carolinian November 6,1990
He,mf, Ga?.t NoiftiCarolina
Sh?wdown Senates
RAI EIGH (AIM With one
day to make up their minds, North
Carolina voters will choose be
tween two Senate candidates w ho
both made a name during the ci il
rights struggle ot the 1960s but on
different sides
During that decade, 1 Ian c
(iantt 47 became the first black
student at Clemson I niversit aiul
1918 Fumifold M Simmons (D) defeated John M Morehead (R)
1924 Fumifold M Simmons (I)) defeated VVhitener (Rl
nayoI t, 1930 losiah W Bailey (D) defeatevi Geirge M Pritchard (R)
irlotte ll losinh VV Baile (D)dettvttod F"ranl R lYitton(R)
I lelms,b9, rose to prominence
m the same decade as a television
commentator who nighth railed
against civil rights integration and
i iunmiimsm 1 hat notoriet
? J him to tho I Senate in
1942 losiah VV Bailev (D) defeateti Sam I Morris (R)
1948 I Melville Broughton (D) defeated John A Wilkinson (R)
? 1948 I Melville Broughton '1?)
? 19S0 Willis Smith (D) defeated FI Gavin (R
1954 W Kerr Scott (D) defeated Paul West I
? 1954 V KerrScott '1 J
? 1958 B Everett Jordan (D) del Richard Clarke (R
i 'n Sunda. I Irlmv a three , , , , , , ,
? lv'o0 B. Everett lordan (D) defeated Kvle Haves (R)
term kepuMican iotro at heine
while Ganii his Democrat chal l9 B Everett Jordan (D) defeats John S. Shallcross (R)
? ittended church and I1 l?se Helms (R) defeated Nick Galifianakis (D
scheduled an evening rall in 'us lesse Helms(R) defeated John Ingram (D)
Charlotte Both candidates I984 Jesse Helms R ? fi ted B H ml
planned to flv around the state 990 esse Helms (R) vei i i " '
i in a tinal blitz before Election
I i ompilcd b) an .n.iw j
Class 3
I914- LeeS. Overman (D)defeated A A Whitener(R)
I920 LeeS Overman (D) defeated A.E Hokon(R)
1926- -LeeS.Overman(D)defeated lohnson I Hayes(R)
I932- -Robert R. Reynolds (D defeated lake F Newell (R)
I938 Robert R Reynolds (D)defeated Charles A fonas(R)
I944 Clyde R I loey (D) defeated A I (R)
I950?Clyde R Hoey (D) defeated Halsey B. Leavitt (R)
? I954 S.U111 Ervin, Jr (D)
I956 Sim I Ervin, Jr. (D)defeated Joel A ohnson(R)
l2 -SamJ Ervin, Jr. (D) defeated Claude I Greene, jr. (R)
l8 Sam) (D) defeated Robert Vance Somers(D)
I974- Robert B Morgan (D)defeated William E Ste'ens(R)
I980 lohn P East (R)defeated Robert Morgan (l
I986 rerry Sanford (D) defeated Janies 1 Broyhill (R)
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?Ire i?u$t daroliman
Serving the I iit Carolina campus community since 1925
Joseph L. Jfvkins Jk General Manager
Mkiiaii G. MARTIN, Managing Editor
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he EasiCarohnuinh?sctved the East Carolina campuscjwnmunii) since IV25. emphasizing information that directly al
Cl niuknis During the ECI school year, The I aslCaroliman publishes twice a wee with a circulation ol 12,00(1 The Easi
iini.m reserves the right to refuse 01 discontinue an) advertisements thai disc nminatc on the basis ol age, sex creed or
onal origin 1'hc masthead editorial in cacti edition does not necessarily represent the views ol one individual, but. rather,
j ,i majority opinion of the Editorial Board h, I asH aroliman welcomes letters expressing .ill points ol iew I ruers should
be limited to 250 words ? less Foi p irposcsi I decency ai I brevity, Tht I cut Carolinian reserves the right to edit letters foi
iblication Letters should fx- addressed to '??.? Editor. The Easiaroliruan. Publications Blile . ECU, Greenville, N (
M. or ill 0Mlo
Page 4, Tuesday. November 6, 1990
Student votes are key to election
In recent campaign swings through
Greenville, both Senator Jesse Helms and op-
posing candidate Harvey Gantl agreed thai the
younger voters were .1 key part ol this year s
election process Coupled with the fact that an
estimated 115 million adult Americans will not
bother to cist a ballot in today's election, ECU
students must make their voices heard now
more than ever
According to the Cable News Network,
ipproximately 56.8 percent of .ill nationall)
registered voters will decide the out, ome ol the
1990 political elections it these estimates are
accurate, this will be the second lowest votei
turnout (only J6 1 percent in 1986 was lower) in
.1 midterm election in 12 years
On i more positive, local note, c NN
predicted that North Carolina will be oneol the
top three states in the nation tor the largest
turnout of potential voters
A significant factor ol this expected in
v reasein voter awareness iscaused In an increase
n political interest among ell edu ated,college
students around the state and the . ountn .1- a
Both Helms aiid Gantt realized the need
to address this increasingly powerful group
within the voting process by their recent ap
pearances in the Greenville ECI community
In the two weeks prior to the Oct 8,
oter-registration deadline, approximately 1,500
I CU students registered to vote, based largely
on the efforts ol Musicians t rganized tor Voter
Registration (MOVE) On a statewide level,
MOVE has registered an additional 7,000 in
the last tew months prior to the election
However, MOVE can only register stu
dents It is now up to us We students have to
do our part to ensure the U S system of de-
mocracy provides a well-represented view ol
this state's values
It is important to remember that we
must look at more than just a single issue in
each candidate's platform to receive a well-
informed view of their heart-fell beliefs Al-
though Mr Gantt and Mr Helms both insisted
on exploiting the negative aspects of each
other s ke issues, it takes more than the mil-
lions ol wasted campaign dollars, of which
both candidates are guilty, to win the unde-
cided votes It takes an honest approach to
ward the people of North Carolina and a
willingness to listen to the voter's political
A 51 he mudslinging campaigns of both
candidates draw to an end with the closing ol
the polls today, we must ask ourselves as
representatives of thestateof NorthC arolina it
we did our part to see that the best candidate
will now represent our views as a majority
leader in Washington, D.C
As the future leaders ol this country,
we must not allow ourselves to be influenced
by the negative advertising which both can-
didates are guilty of Instead, we must take an
unbiased look at the tacts and decide for our-
selves where the future of North Carolina's
political agenda lies
Look to black conservative: leaders in the 90s
) tons& n wcicAHne'
Voting will get us the rights we want
By Scott Maxwell
I wasn't going to vrite a i ol-
umn about the election. Honest I
wasn t I was going to write about
animal rights and I iillette and
PETA and SETA and the FDA, bul
latek I ve become markedly less
efficient at wending my way
through the surrealistic work! ol
corporate and government bu-
reau nu v. so thai subject w ill just
have to wait so this column is
about the election, and why von
should vote
(Much to your relief, thou.
1 am at least going to refrain from
delivering a polemk endorsingmy
candidates of choice re you noi
sure whether you re g ing to vote?
Are you looking to me lor Ad ice
about whom to vot? for? I hen
veto and vote fi r I .antt otx dy
cares whom else vou vote for utt
I he Ireal I; 1 tupid-
ity the infamous Idiotic iois
Ordinance from I i these in-
fringe on our nghts, like on:
to assemble peaceably and
right to speak freely ? which, within
reason, implies the right to speak

H to be mad
iboul that And w hal ? ? . . ought
to infuriate vou is this: we students
brought these measures on our
selves ! know, 1 know; 1 m sup
posed to blame I d irti r and the
halt of the ityouni il that sup.
ported him Bul the truth is, in .1
wav we deserved both measures
bee ause w didn t ote
s most of you know (because
. ? tolls you w hen
wi . .ni t think t any thing else to
unto about' I I students don t
tein big numbers ndmakeno
mistake mayorsandcity council-
men and their ilk know this to be
true s" why should they bother
1 nurting our vote when election
time rolK around ' V hy ind
should they do anything to benefit
us wl thev'n 11 fl hen
we rei tg ngl 1 iproc ate ?
the ballot? VVh should they care
that .1 ouple il hundred ol us
, asionall. ?ugh at
them ti 1 m ircl 11 und and wa?
signs abil riei ni body man hes
into the p but
that S politii 5
, . p e en half ol
E I sstudents voted Inai ity the
size ol (In enville, an tanl po
tential 8 ? -? onstituency
suddenly starts t look ven for
midable I hal s why y
go vou iheer 1 11 bei
a difference If Ma
enkinsi who. by the ??? iy
of .1 stop up from i d
humble opinion I
into office partly n the bad
those pre ious f
who did vote) and the( ity
cil hear that hall if EC tun
out .it the polls I tarantoi
ha . ?? . -
nexty 11 nd thi
n tho ro 11; ? ? '
? , ? he. knows1
? ? ? power v
; ??'?
all have to maV 1 -
? ho'sn urinten
gan - rack ol
what our
? rry outth m itthi
to gi Ion' t d
he thai
cood habit to I
come the nextelectioi
still VI '
ing "
an ami untoi
v t in '
ote. damn 11 r. lei
Letters to the Editor
By Darek McCullers
I diton.ii C olumnist
Commenting in his book A
History of Ethnic America Tho-
mas Sowell slid, Among them-
selves, slaves had tc evolve some
pattern tcr living. Radical soh-
darity was basic, and betrayal to
whites unforgivable
Dr. Martin Luther king had
a policy of not giving political
endorsements; I think this was
wise. However, that did not stop
him from talking about and being
actively involved in the issues
In recent times, I have grown to a
point of self-realization not
speaking to you as some racial
radical (although 1 may talk about
these issues from time to time.)
Rather, I speak as one who is
concerned about the direction of
my country
I think the answer to the
political problems that we are ex-
periencing is more black conser-
vatives. As a black conservative, I
am concerned about the problems
that plague the people ot my race.
I iowever, I'vecome to realize that
they affec t every race and that we
ought to be t.ur and consistent
It is not fair for me to talk
about equality and then seek
protit, not is it tair tor me to talk
about equality and push tor a
women's rights amendment We
don't need women's power, we
need equal people power and that
includes everyone
I would be in favor of such a
bill with new language that not
only includes women, but all
people 's Constitutional
Amendment (similar but stronger
than Title IXV As a black conser-
vative, I will accept an anti -dis-
crimination law, but not a Quota
Bill To Ted Kennedy I say that it's
time to compromise and look at
the President's proposal.
I am also sensitive to the need
foreducation. Even my family has
used this tool to bring them out of
adverse- conditions. However, I
wonder why I got a better educa-
tion in Raleigh than some of my
relatives in Wendell, N.C. The
answer is waste
Money that the federal gov-
ernment gives to the states (and
the states to the counties) is wasted
in an unnecessarily high-paid
bureaucracy The money is also
unnecessarily wasted on an un-
equalled distribution of funds
across the state, and on scholar-
ships and salaries given to people
who don't really want to teach.
We should focus on reward-
ing and improving the quality of
our teachers, as well as better fis-
cal management of America's
See Leader page 5
Abortion letter
'stepped on
people's toes'
lo the Editor
I am responding to the let-
ter that was written November
1, 11 concerning pro-choice
and pro-abortion. The author
had comments about taxpayers
had rather pay money to fund
abortion rather than take care of
a child until they are 18 years
old. 1 think he may have stepped
on a lot ot people s toes. 1 am
positive that money is not as
important as having children or
most of us wouldn't be here to
day,consideringthecostof rais-
ing children now Money is not
the big issue here "hese chil-
dren thatarebomintothis world
that are "unwanted are treated
without care, love, and most ot
all affection. Children need love
and great attention to grow and
feel needed by their family and
society. An unwanted child
cannot feel this type of love in
order to grow up to improve
society and himself. So the
question 1 ask is why bring a
child into the world that nobody
wants to take care of and abort it
before it teels the (motions we
I have seen tirst hand the
abuse ot an unwanted child and
the results were harmful to the
mother and the son I le wound
not that uncommon tor you to
be this naive
bortion is not something
vou take lightly but must be
taken seriously Most teenage
gnancies arc not predicted
but care shi ml I ' ? taken tor the
mother as well a- the bain
Eleven v oars old is too y oung I
beamother Precautionary facts
should be taken, and the only
way not to rum her lite is to abort
the Juki So in my opinion
abortion is not the worst thing in
the world
kav lottorton
cx ounting
Rock concert
many lives
1 0 the Editor
1 was a little apprehensive
about attending a rock concert
at Wright Auditorium last Fri-
day I didn't know anything
about Mylon LeFevre and I he
broken I leart. a Christian rock
group from Atlanta, e.a But
sometimes vou find yourself in
unlikely placesi 1 immediately
recognized the sound of quality
rock musk Ol course the sound
alone did not justify my being
there. My old rock albums that
wont intothedumpstersabouta
year and a half ago used to sound
good lo me Nowaday s I should
up killing his father tor the 13 listen tor the right message and
years that his father beat him.
this the tvpe of society that we
want??? No, I don't think that
most people want to tear their
parents and what society will
bring because they are un
The point the author in the
the right attitude This group
had a fresh outlook. Their mes-
sage was truly good news
There will be no sin in heaven
lots of sinners, but no sin
Though security was light,
I felt sate, quite comfy, even m
the midst ol a cheering crowd
November 1 edition brought up and pounding sound that shvvk
about being able to predict the the auditorium. No harm could
future. No we cannot predict the
future, but vou can look at the
past and the present to see the
future for unwanted children It
you watch the news vou can see
this type of abuse everyday, it is
befall me among my own
brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thisconcert was more than
just a night of live entertainment,
but a turning point in many
individual's lives A startling
number ? studi nts ??? ei
for the alter call
nally offered prayer
and . to those beginning
pen i 1
personal relationship ? "
, hnst

norm il I - -a multitude
pie resoh e to cl their
lives at a rin k c oncer! 1 I see
talented entertainers hop of! the
stage to perforn is r ants
I he next day 1 sav a
bumper sticker that r
Sometimes we live no particu-
lar wa but our own What a
shame As the band and 1 rowd
sang together Friday night
I ove .od. hate sin
i n id I ee - herry
(iraduate Student
still await
lo the 1 ditor
I ast semester, it was an
nounced that Scott Hall would
be renovated Movable furni
ture, bunk beds and new light
ing wore to be installed I was
looking forward to this now li
ing atmosphere 1 even
during the summer to see the
work being done to the rooms
When I arrived at my room I
tound everything pulled from
the walls and stacked in tho
middle of the tloor 1 guess they
had done this to every room in
order to prepare tor moving in
the new furniture. Heft and came
back to school this semester to
find the old furniture put back
into place. It turned out that only
the football players' rooms w ore
changed this past summer So
we have people pa) ing the same
amount to live in a rtxm from
the roach motel as the people
living in the ntz hotel 1 had
heard that the rest ot the hall
would be renovated next sum-
See Letters page 5

t(J nrulinian

15 Oav Notice
's a cheap roommate

youf actually like.
For farther information visit
The Student Stores
Wright Building

(The JEaat (Carolinian November6.1990 15
Continued from page 4
education woes (like the care-
fully selected block grants for
innovative programs, not blan-
ket spending, as was done bv the
Nixon Administration).
As for the environment, I
believe that we should be good
stewards ol 1 .oil's green earth.
low ever, stewardship involves
a little spending and saving. Al-
though we must watch out for
ram forests and other natural re-
sources, we must multiply our
lobs and our homes and sup-
plies Therefore, better zoning
pra tices by federal, state, and
local governments should be
enacted without confining low
income people to cheap public,
inner city housing let them
share sonic ol this suburban ex-
pansion Better zoning, shared
expansion, v the creation of
protected "buffer ones" s the
approach of this black conserva-
tive to solving oui environmen-
tal problems.
raxes, foreign affairs, and
military spending are three issues
that are tied together, an area in
which our tax burden could be dc-
creased in expensive foreign aid.
This policy began with the Truman
Doctrine. The Democrats approved
nearly four billion dollars in aid to
Great Britain in 147. This was an
incredible amount for those times,
lean understand the social ills
that cause people to want abortion,
and they must be eliminated. I
would like to skim another billion
dollars off of defense and foreign
aid (half a billion each) to booster
pregnancy prevention education
efforts and for prenatal care grants
tn the amount of five?15 million
dollars to each state
1 would continue to examine
obscenity standards with reference
to funding the arts. I must be sure
that thegovernment does not spon-
sor things that could be offensive to
a large portion of society.
This is my platform this elec-
tion year and my agenda as a future
conservative politician It Jesse
Helms is not re elected, 1 would
the liberals to watch out for black
conservatives Then we will test
this theory Ol racial progression
There is a large contingency ot
black conservatives who are un-
With this reasonable agenda
that includes no tax increases and
only three billion dollars in cutset
foreign aid an defense spending
as opposed to $30 $60 billion as
well as solutions to many pressing
Finally, 1 beseech you to ex
amine your motivi ? as you g to
the poll todaj re the) based
upon race or the issue- I believe
whatSowell said is trm
There are a growing number
of black conservatives who will
test thi idea ol ra? ial politics b)
both the Democrats and Republi
cans. This campaign has not been
anexampleofparit) byeithersidc
Gantt appealing to blacks on
radio and Helms to whites on tele-
Continued from page 4
mer, so I let it go. But when I
called housing last week, some-
one there told me that the re-
maining rooms would be reno-
vated within the next five years.
That's great tor the class of 2000,
but what about now'The reason
for. this is that they had ran out of
money,and it you could only sec
some of the salaries of the people
on this campus, you would know
why they "run" out of money so
often seems runny
to me that they had enough
money to renovate all of the
tootball players' rooms and pay
people to remove turniture from
the walls ot rooms that were not
going to be renovated and then
pay them to replace the old fur
mture This all seems like DIS-
CRIMINATION 10 me, and 1
don't care to pay the same
amount ol money as someone
who lives m a much nicer room
in the same dorm. And another
thine that bothers me around
here is the billing process. Instead
of listing something such as
"Computer Technology Fee" on
our bill, why don't they just call it
a "You'reCettingScrewed Again"
fee? 1 guess it couldn't fit on the
paper It the school officials really
care, maybe they can provide a
little more monev to complete the
renovation of Scott Hall this com-
ing summer instead of wasting so
much monev on things such as
new building signs, Halloween
Beach Festival, etc Residents of
Scott Hall: either stand up and
complain for what is rightfully
yours, or let the school system
here screw you into the ground.
They love it when people let them
get away with things such as this
I also noticed one Sunday
afternoon where a small rodent
had come through the cracks in
the wall or either through the bro-
ken electrical outlet and eaten the
edge off of one of my important
Ronald Mercer


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DAYS? Need a fun part tin e job?
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COACHES: "hereenville Recre
ation and Parks 1 lepartment .
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sk :o: Sue
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like to thank you all for coming to our
pre downtown We had a good time
I he brothers and Pledges ol Sign
lau (lamma
ii d Pledges would lik? to th ink the
t's ol ADPi fw the t lp you
ladies gave in painting oui house
Youall did great job!
KK ! realh missed vou11 i
I back Love, JohPIKE PI ED ES
! ? i time as come when things w
done You re getting else guys I
, ip i ixjd uck Brothers ol UK
week is here IV on youi toes and
Don t He Afraid heBrothers
tor coming to our picnic Sunday af-
ternoon! We have such a good rime
with vou girls' Wc'n for
ward to getting together again stxm!
I ove pledgesol ALi
to thank the pledges ol VAI1
I1K1 tor having us
Sunda) attcm.o? We had real
time! I ooking forwai I I us
. ? mi togetl i ? igair -
CHRIS:I ust i ' i -? Hapl '? ' I
(a littU lata of o urs ' Also !
eyed pea
costumes all added ip t 11 m!
rbe bnrt ? pfodgi s ol i 1 KI
PI KAPP PI EDGE& I he rests ma
be over but trw
Soeetreadvanddor tbeafraHi! Fhe
ALPHA PHIS rh sisti rs
one to
start oft the v k I ? - A '
and Kt
cru ? foi
?? ? me vouth
HI si A MOVE! Call 752-982 vbasketball coaches foi the wint
v all C.wen at 756 1624 for prompl
pn tfessinal word processing services
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vouth Applicants must be able to
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basketball fundamentals Hours are
!rom3p.m to7p.m withsomemght
md weekend coaching rhisprogram
will run from Novembi r 2ft ti mid
Februan Salar) rates tart at s
per houi For mi r nfon
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r ivets ul booties ar
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HOUSE FOR RENT: I bedroom, 1
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F.N. Wolf & Co inc.
Investment Bankers
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Space Is 1 . ?
Wes2fel i1- a Christian fellowship
which welcomes ail students, and is
sponsored jointly by the Presbyte-
rian and Methodis! Campus Minis-
triesome to the Shident Center
(501 E 5th,across from (.an-ett dorm)
this Wednesday night at 3 p.m. and
every Wednesday night tor a deli-
cious all you can-eat home-cooked
meal (52.50) with a short program
ifterwards Signed for the hearing
impaired Call 758-2030 tor more in-
You are invited to attend a study ol
God's Word with a croup that wel-
comes all people We provide fel
lowship activities and serious Bil
study for those who are interested
We meet weekly on Wednesday
nights at 7 p.m in Room 22 ot
Mendenhall It you have questions,
call fim rumerat752 7199
Ml General College students who
intend to majw in Speech-1 anguage
- Auditory Pathology and have R.
Muzzarettias their ad visor aretomeet
on WEDNESDAY, NOV 7 at S:(X)
P m. m General Classroom 1032.
Advising and forms tor early regis-
tration will be available at that time
C.eneral College students should
contact their advisors the week of
November5-9tomakearrai gen s
tor academic advising for spring se-
mester 1990. Early registration will
begin November 12 and ends No-
vember 16
Residence Hall Association will
sponsor a bloodmobile on Novem-
ber hth from noon to fcOl p.m. in
Mendenhall Student Center. Please
come and show your support tor the
hdewater Region ol the American
Rev! c rossand Residence Hall Asso-
ciation. You can make the difh rena
Wednesday,Novembers 6 X p rr
s JOpm Room 205 OIL lassroon
(Vlk Building. It you an u ' "?
attend the group meeting on
Wednesday, November 7th, the OT
Department faculty will meet with
general college advises on the fol-
lowing dates and times
1112 Monday 9a.mll am
1113 Tuesday llam-1 ?pm
1114 Wednesday 11 30 am I 30 p m
11IS Thursday 11 ?am1 Vlpm
11 lh Friday 11 30 a m 1 ?p.m
(.raduatesand 1 VoemberCraduates
Internal Revenue Service Positkw
RevenueOtticer.l olieUtonlMision
Ideation: Statewide North Carolina
Anticipated Hiring Da January 15,
1991. Requirements for Direct Hir
ing: 3 5 GPA or top percent ot
School within the University. For
Rosteri mplete Form 5000B to take
?( v- For further information,contact
Kay E Goers 919 752 6605 or tl e
v areer Planning and Placement Ser
Spring semester registrahon advise
menl sessions tor all pre physical
therapy students will be held on
ruesdaj No 6th and Wednesday
Nov 7w from 7:00 p.m until 9fl0
p m ? the Physical rherapy De-
partment lab Belk Mlied Health
Etuilding). All general college pre-
P 1 stuiients are required to attend
i r.e ot these sessions in order to have
spring semester registration form
tpproved .w.d signed by advisor
Only excused absences will be re
A support group hasbe?i formed tor
people who are caring tor a patient,
spouse or other loved one at home
I he croup is led by Susan Redding,
RN,CreativeLiving enterand Freda
(. tOSS,MSW 1 astern i 'arohna Home
Health Agency
The support group will meet at St
lames United Methodist Church at
2tXX) E. bth Street, (.revmille. NC on
Tuesday Novemberl3froin7:30pjn.
until 9fl0pjn
Respite services are available. To
make reservations tor respite care,
calltheC reahvelivingC enter at 757
0303 from 8.00 a.m. to 530 p m 24
hours m advance.
"Nc At meehng will be Wednesday
November7at 5p m in Speight J13
V ernon C ulpepper NCAE Staff
Contact will be speaking on School
Law " I'md out what vou are liable
for as a teacher
Si hool of Social n i ?k is seeking nor
custodial fathers for a one hour re-
search interview to discuss feelings
about and non-custody.
( onductedbyGradiiateSrudent Call
coUect (919) 894-2716
Seeking a profession that involves
man igement? rnterested in working
in a health care setting? Contact the
Dept. of Medical Record Adminis-
tration tor spring Semester Academic
AdvisementNcrt 5m-llm(752-7444,
4436 0
Pr Maj the Dean ot Admissions
from UNC-CH Dental School, wiBbe
here todaj Nov 6th He will sec
Students on an individual basis dur-
ing the dav Anyone interested in
speaking to him can set up an ap-
pointment through Dr Wayne Avers
mtheChemistrv Dept LaterIY Mav
will be speaking on Oral Surgery at
the AED meeting. The meeting g aj
7jfJB prn in Flanagan 201. All stu-
dents are welcome to attend. This
promises to be an interesting meet
mg Fledges please meet at fc30 p m
During th 5th thi
Arnold Air Societ will be sp - i
ingPOW MIA Awareness Week
sen iceorganizahon within AFR() 1 (
tsks that yo i m va forget thosi
M ir and rh -
I here will be ? fund
tee meeting on Wednesday No
i) p.m. in Mendenhall Also the
?ulding committee will mei
rhursda) Nov Sal 2 JC p.m in the
library All rnterested persons are
m ited to attend I or more u? irma
?on call Kim Norwood u ;
Seeking i professior thai n lves
management? Interested in ?? -
in a health care ?M.?t;in? Contact rl
IVptot todical Record Vdministra
tion tor spring semester academa
advisement November 5 11 752
-444 4435 4437
1 he November meeting will be held
on Ihursdav. Vu Sat 5 V p m in
GCB UH2 Parker Overton, fro?
Overton Sporting loods, HI be the
guest speaker All smdenrs and (ac-
uity are welcome to attend'
TIES, ll? Marv Akerman, guitar.
Guest Rental (Fletcher Recital Hail.
Irt5 p.m. tree) FR1 11 Chervle
, ? s ? ind 1 : ?
1 ? Re? it
? .
iF Ml SIC s R
5X1 D! N PIKAT! c 1 L R
mg ruesd ? I p.m 11

Mill LL3? H
-? ' ? -
3 m and v
? - , ? ' Oakmi nt is
? 1 1 call ?
M. L I AW soul n
Fc I
Ragsdale s Vnj
Student I mon Ha low? n I si
nov avaual 1 I nivers
Book Exchange IN
colors with a unique Halloween d
smp I hej are available for S7 each

Ml R 6,1990
?tfje j?gHlgarDHman
Students unite to feed the needy
By Heather Modlin
Staff Writer
Students have probable seen
?: colorful, red flyers displayed
on campus advertising the East
Carolina Association of Nursing
Students(E( ANSI and rhetaChi
Fraternity's food drive tor Pitt
(, ounty tamihes in need of assis-
tant i' The food drive, entitled
'Foodstock '90 will run Nov. 5
e saw an article in the pa-
per that ECANShadbeguna food
drive said Sean i avanaugh of
beta ("hi "Wehad also intended
to do a food drive, so we joined
forces with ECANS
Downtown merchants are
ottering specials to support the
tood drive in conjunction with
I v ANSand rhetaChi.
fh rough Friday, the donation
ot one can of food will secure tree
memberships to the Attic and
shark vs 10 percent off any t-shirt
from HI.Is, 15 percent oft any
purchase- from Boulevard Garb
and a $1 membership trom
Pantana Bob's
Bogies is offering tree cover
charge tonight in exchange for a
can of toixl. and through Thurs-
day,studentscan receive one hour
of free pool at the Sports Pad in
downtown Greenville.
ECANS and Iheta Chi will
collect thedonatedcansal the end
oi the week and take them to the
Pitt ('ounty Social Sen ices The
( arts of food will then be distrib
uted by Social Services of Pit
( ounty.
We came up with the idea to
go to downtown businesses to
participate in the food drive
Cavanaugh said. 'The merchants
were verv cooperative All thanks
should go to the merchants "
The cans will be collected at
the following downtown busi-
nesses the Attic, B.I rs. Bogie's,
Boulevard Garb, Pantana Bob's
Sharky'sandiheSportsPad Iheta
C hi has donated the boxes to be
used for the collection
Cavanaugh said I'd like to
encourage everybod) to do it
We'd like to start doing it every
ECANS started the food can
campaign by contacting student
organizationsand asking them for
J5i worth of canned food or $50
tor the cause
"This is the first time that we
have taken it upon ourselves to
challenge student groups to par
ticipate ECANS' Hayley
Harrison said We sent out let
ters and submitted articles to the
newspapers in order to get stu-
dent groups to respond and meet
our challengi
dstO k 90 is part of the
"hanksgivii ? ? II toveproject
No N isthedropoffdateforthe
cans of ? I ' the Pittounty
Sex ial 5 ? '? i es
! hi . ill be distributed
V 15 mt ?rdir to reach theneed)
families intime tor 1 hanksgn ing
nttl rough the health
departrrx nt and targeted families
wit! pendent children
I i irri ; . :
Isttxrk 90 is the product
ofanalli i el i E NSand
Iheta I ? rmt
pedoul with the
- ? ging in down-
? . illcbusincsscs in the
hope ' ? ' : rnre people and
thu- ? ? more needy
Author scheduled to read from novel Nov. 12
From Staff Reports
C nth ally m c laimed author (amesGordon Bennett is sv heduled to give
i reading from his novel My Father's Geisha" on Monday, Nov. 12 at B
p m in Room 1026ol thee leneralC lassroom Building Bennett'sappear-
at E I is being sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta National English
lonor Stn iet)
Bennett has published work in such literary magazines as: The
rthernRew ma Quarterly,The Antiodi Review and theWestern
But, his first novel, "My Father'sGeisha has received
? n si praise, thrusting his writing career into the limelight
ton Post had this to say concerning Bennett's first novel
ittempl In jusl 176 find) textured pages, lames Gordon Bennett has
nanagedl pablc, heart-rending universe spanning 20 years
md containing two unforgettable characters (Cora and eddy) Mv
athcr s (,eisha is poignant, funny and powerfully perceptive It is not
rned with a simpk formal plot. Rather, it is a stream of gem-like
r- forming a seamless novel of subtle character development
; mam thename James Gordon Bennett rings another literary bell.
mavbe this will jog your memory. Dr Livingston, I presume"
That iscorrei t' Bennett s great great-grandfather, founder of the New
? ?, . ? wasthemanwhosentStanleytoseanrhforUvingston
fter the adding the public is encouraged to stop by the New IVli to
meet and talk with the author
James Gordon Bennett author ot My Fathers Fiesta will read
fromhtscrilically-acclaimednovelNov t; t8 General
Classroom Building
Diaper service offers economical, environmental solution
Rock) Mount kildsboro
and nt as in betw pen
Bargt r said thai he usuall) re-
ceives a plu ne( all w hen si mei ne is
interested m the service
Fhe first thing, that he does is to
find out how old the baby is,bccause
diapers are available in two sizes:
infant and regular
A customer receives 90 infant
diapers fen $1150 or 50 regular dia-
pers tor $10.00 rhe customer will
also rev cue a diaper pail, a piastk
bag to line the diaper pail, a mesh
bag in w hit h the diapers are kept
deodorant bats for the pail nd a
diaper cover with vekro closures
rhe diapers are picked up and
delivered on luesdays Each cus-
tomer is given two sets of diapers;
whileone set isbeing used, the other
is being washed.
I he customer will always re-
ceivcthesamediapers since the bags
are marked with numbered, silver
safety pins
In actuality, Barger s operation
is simple. There IS a small area set up
in the Kick comer of the dry . lean-
ers There are acoupleof ? ashers, a
couple oi tables stacked with bright
white diapers in white mesh bags.
IV'es of chemicals sat behind the
washers. Hut's it
The diapers are washed in the
mesh bags, enabling workers to
never touch the soiled material, rhe
diapers are laundered repeatedly it
necessary toremovestubborn stains
1 inng the washing process,the
diapers are treated with Bacteria-
Mat, a chemical that prevents the
grow th of bacteria and, thus, allevi-
ates diaper rash
Barger said, "When bacteria
grows, that's what causes the rash.
on can keep disposable dia-
pers on longer, but a rash will de-
velop With the v loth diapers "even
though its wet, it won't cause the
rash Barger added
Barger s son has proven thee!
kvtiveness of the treated v. loth dia
pets Andrew hasn't had one a
rash) since he sheen using them th
cloth diapers) explained Barger
Although the process is fairly
simple, it hasn't been all that easy to
get it going.
"Starting on a shoestring bud-
get is frustrating, Barger explained
Insteadotafull-timesecretarv driver
and production crew, he's had to
make do with other workers trom
the drv cleaning business
"I've been doing the
delivenes. It s about to run us all
crazy he said.
Barger went on to sa thai try-
ing to educate peoples also trustrat
It takes awhile to get things
turned around he said
? ? lyrefenngtothe
fa: people seem reluc-
lanl ? hange to cloth, but
also that most an a daycare centers
will not allow cloth diapers.
th diapers are no more
? upensive nor no less convenient
thantrw plastic disposables accord-
? For example, "it it
takes 2 seconds to change a Pam-
pers, it takes 25 seconds to change a
cloth diaper hesaid hefact thai
the diapers are better tor the baby
and for theemironrnent make Barger
feel that it'sagooddealallaround
convenient and reasonable altema-
tivt id of plastic, disposable
diapers that .an cause harm to the
environment and take p precious
spao Ifills
:d like he said its just a
ohvI thing to do
Up, up and away for a worthy cause
H Km balloons tiller ?C?ys " as the Down East Balloon Society held a benefit
the Chikjret
?. ? i ?ima
e use slang to express
differences in lifestyle
By Sheri Lynn Jernigan
Staff Writer
'Hey, dude. Are you like
psyched for the weekend?
'Daum straight. After 1 pull an
all-nighter I'mgonnazogabrewskv
and call tor some za
Slang plays a major part in ev-
eryday language. A numberof ideas
and attitudes toward the origins
and uses of slang aa presented in
Eric Partndge'sbookSlang Today
and Yesterday
According to Partndge, some-
one once said slang flourishes as a
part of colloquial speech. It evolves
to increase vivacity and intimacy in
the use of language. Slang is used as
I means of self-expression and hu-
mor and suggests personality.
Partndge wrote that slang is
not devised by the stupid, but by
those of wit and ingenuity.
When the bulk of the popula
tion adopts such inventions, the
words become worn and meaning-
less, and new phrases must be ere
A widely-traveled Italian
Alfredo icotoro, said that slang
vanes from one social group to an-
He said every group has its
own language resulting trom
physiological and psychological
characteristics oi the individuals ot
that group.
Political, economical and geo-
graphical situations also influence
the language of various groups
Niceforo said.
Partndge gave 15 reasons m his
book why Nicefom said slangexists
It is used for fun in high spirits
by the young It exercises wit and
ingenuit) Some use slang to be
different and some t i be pituresque.
It isused to be arresting or startling.
Slang escapes clich es It en-
riches .? language ll 's solid and
concn te It is used to lessen the pain
ofrejet bon,redu ing solemnity and
softening tragedy Slang is used to
be on a colloquial level with one s
inferiors and superiors. It eases so-
cial intercourse It induces tnendli-
nes or intimacy It shows that one
belongs to a specify group or class
It shows that one dees not belong to
a particular group or class Slang is
also used tor set retive reasons, be-
lovers or students.
Partridge wrote many critics,
like iceforo, favor slang, but oth-
ersdonot. J. Thomas, forexample,
stated in his book that slang is the
See Slang page 8

Slfte ?afit (Uarulintan November6J990
This Week in Film

Hendrix Theatre presents "Bad
Influence" and "Handmaid's Tale
The Student Union Flms Committee presents some deadly and
disturbing movies this weekend. Thursday through Saturday Rob
.1 owe and preppie pretty boy lames Spader star in the psychological
thriller Had influence And on Sunday. Robert Duvall and Faye
Dunaway lead an all-star cast in The Handmaid s Tale"
Rob I owe. in his tirst appearance since the infamous Atlanta
videotape, plays a Mestophelian figure in the wiry and irrestistibly
lurid "Bad influence Lowe plays Alex, a smooth, mysterious
stranger who befriends Michael Boll, played by lames Spader
Michael is a yuppie climbing the corporate and social ladders
Engaged to a beautiful and wealthy woman, he is on the mad to 2.3
children and a house m the suburbs His life is well planned orderly
when he meets Alex who successfully endeavors to turn Michael's
lite upside down.
Alex turns out to be a socipath who picks up on Michael 's
unconscious desires and goes him courage to explore his darker
inclinations 1 le provides Michael with the courage to stand up to
a convincing colleague, and to dump his fiancee. Their relationship
ultimately leads to armed robbery and murder
Don t miss the sew and intriguing Had Influence showing at
1 Icndrix Theatre this weekend.
Another incredibly disturbing film featured this weekend is the
screen adaptation of Margaret Atwood's nightmarish, best selling
novel I he 1 landmaid s Vale I he him is set at the end ot the
twenn first century where religious right wingers rule the country.
Disease -md chemical pollution have rendered most ot the women
infei itle
1 he leaders ,?t the country have developed an effective, efficient
w a ot continuing the human race Those still able to bear children
are aptured Mid contained in camps where they are brainwashed
to sen e as dispassionate baby makers, society's surrogate mothers.
Those tailing to cooperate or successfully reproduce are sentenced
to clean up toxic waste tor lite
1 he him portrays the life of Kate (Natasha Richardson), chosen to
sore as the handmaid ot the powerful, but infertile chiet commander
Robert Duvall) rhecommander'swife(FayeDunaway), tired and
humiliated from the unsuccessful fertilization rituals, sends Kate to
the commander's young, handsome chauffer (Aidan Quinn) The
result ot their relationship is an escape attempt
The Handmaid's I ale. directed b Volker Schlondorff The fin
I )rum ! Vaih o( a Salesman") was filmed on location in Durham
and Raleigh in the springoi 1989 1 ocationsinclude Duke I niversity
andSt.Marj s olfege rhefilmoffersthought-provokingcinematic
entertainment which should generate a great deal of post-viewing
dw ussion.
Had Influent e w ill be shown in 1 lendrix Theatre on Ihursday,
o 8at7and9p.m Friday Nov. 9 and Saturday, No I0at8p.m
Ihe Handmaid's I ale will be shown one bmeonl) on Sunday,
o Mats p.m Admission to all Student T nion Filmsis tree with
n It I student ID bearing a current semester activity sticker. Tor
more information on Student I nion tilms or other Student I nion
Student Union office at 757-4715.
Ihe Student I nion Films Committee would like to thank Hast
c oast Musk and Video tor use ot their videotapes in the review ot
i -e 'ilnis.
Compiled In Alan Vestal
Metal Notes
Continued from page 7
conversation of fools.
"Men of discretion will not
pervert language to the unprofit-
able purposes of conversational
mimicry It is actively opposed to
pure and grammatical diction
Thomas wrote.
Critics against the use ot slang
say slang is evanescent, vague and
ill-defined because it removes
meanings which are necessary tor
good style, according to Partridge.
However one feels toward
slang, it falls into one oi two cat-
egories good or bad. Partridge
said in his book.
I Hrander Matthews,a reviewer
ot slang, said good slang has an
expressive, even poetical meaning,
but bad slang has no meaning
Partridge wrote that lohn
Brophy,a novelist,said: "Bad slang ??
arises from mental sloth instead of
And after the exam, chill out
(relax), and drink a brevvskv (beer).
A large part of college slang
consists of dtrtv words.
Author of "Anatomy of Dirty
Words Edward Sagarin, wrote
obscene words emerged from un-
healthy attitude's toward sex and
bodily functions, and the words re-
inforce the attitudes
1 le said obscene wordsareused
because theyarecotorful, powerful
and shocking.
Sagarin stated it the human
body ever changes, obscene words
will change. He said, "Wean? slaves
of language, not its masters, and
perhaps thofirst stage in any struggle
tor freedom must he a recognition
that the state oi slavery exists
Every Wednesday Night
Progressive Dance Niqru
on compact d
? 1 .00 Tall Boys
.$1.00 Kamakazee
? $2.50 Pitchers
(Ladies Free Until 10:30)
SJ "17
? i
from mental acuteness It desires to
he witty but lacks the ability a ri
hash instead of a re-creation
Partridge said good slang is a ?
re-creation of old worlds, meanings ?
or ideas. I
PauDk&son,authcffofthebook I
Slangl.TheTopk by-Topic Dictionary
of Contemporary American I ingoes,
said, "The whole idea behind teen-
age slang is that it excludes adults i
He added that teen slang ?
changesbv the hour because it can't ?
be used after adults learn the mean-
ing of one of their words.
Dickson said when teenaeers ?
develop their own culture, they I
create a secret communication tor
only peers to understand 1
Flise Hancock, editor ot f fin
Hopkins Magazine, has gathered
Some ot the college b1 slang ex-
pressions and translations
Tor example, pulling an all-
nighter (studying for an exam all
i rom Ro tober to Rollvember, Metal Notes continues to bring you
the latest new s from the heavy metal hard ro.k world
Poison and Warrant tout has been rescheduled tor Hairs
di o 8 at theireensboro Coliseum . The show starts at 7:30
p m and you must haw your ticket stub tor admittance into the
Coliseum Refundsare available through ricketron and other ticket
outlets it ou can't make the show.
Epic recording artists Hrehouse burned the night away at the
Attu on Saturday Sen ing killer songs from their platinum-ready,
self-titled debut, hrehouse will be touring the eastern seaboard in
the months ahead The red-hot rockers will be in Baltimore at the
Network on Nov. 25 and hopefully back in North Carolina by the
end oi the month to play a show at the Switch in Raleigh. I.ixik in
Thursday's edition ot The East Carolinian look for a hrehouse
profilereview (of the Attic show) to get the scoop on what this
nationalNorth Carolina-based band is all about
Rak lgh'sown Paris Red will play at the Attic on Nov. 24. Dave
Rose and company plav hard-hitting metal with a slick, melodic
i )n Nov. 10, The London Quireboys and letboy will be at the
Baltimore rockers Child's Play are currently supporting MCA
recording artists Cold Sweat on the road. Cold Sweat will be
performing on Nov at the Network in Baltimore, in case you're in
the area this week C hild's Tlav will be at the Network on Nov. 21
and Annihilator, Mystic force and Reverend will be there on the
Nov. 16 No dates yet for Norm Carolina or Virginia. Metal Notes
w ill keep you posted if these bandsdecide to come closer to the area.
I pawning metal releases this month include records by Accept,
Badlands, Cinderella, Diamond Rexx, Dirty White Boy, Hellion,
King Diamond, Kreator, Andy Taylor, Rush, Mucky Pup, Raven
(long tune, no hoari.Tesla, Scorpions, ZZ Top and Wolfsbane.
After a recent all ages show in Charlotte, N.C David Murray
Brockie iaka Oderus Urungus), vocalist for the bizarre band
Gwar, was arrested and charged with disseminating obscenity.
According to the local authorities, Brockie depicted several acts of
intercourse on stage in front of 300 people. Club owner Mike
t'lumidesanda tan who supposedly incited a not were also arrested.
And now for some depressing news David Lee Roth has sacked
bassist Matt Bissonette and guitarist ason Becker (Cacophony).
"i uh, it's getting pretty old with good 'ol Diamond Dave. First he
parted ways with Steve Vai. and now Becker? Personally. I think it
was the Stupidest mistake, but that's the music business
Recently, drummer Igor from Sepultural Brazilian death metal at
its best) was drafted bv the Brazilian army, but was rejected for
having too many tattoos. What a relief for Igor' Igor and the rest of
the death stompers will release their new album "Schizophrenia"
on Roadracer records this month.
Quadra Nixx, a new melodic metal act headed by former Side-
winder vocalist Ian Fields, opened up for Firchouse this weekend at
the Attic. The quintet jammed through the night with some catchy,
harmony-laden originals that are sure to spark independent and
major label interest. Look for a Quadra Nixx profile in a future issue
of The Ftitt Carolinian.
Until next week, stick to your guns and cry tough! See Ya!
? Compiled by "Dizzy" Dcanna Nevgloski
night" means that you may have to
send out tor some a (pizza).
Onh geeks (diligent students) I
are alw a s psyched I very well pre- 1
paredfor exams I
It you start stressing (feeling
a grip (regain control so you won't ?
lose' it (tail to maintain control ot a ?
For the j
latest news
at ECU, I
turn to
Vie East
j "the
? IViih:
? Cofl
this ballol on Tuesday November 6th to the
ftDlAN HUSKEY will bel
What would you name the Coffeehouse
F( K)
11 ?
I ?
Plai ?
??: ? ?
Tuesday Night Live
4-44?i (xx'wto in) ?
louse in M
subs and Mocktails will L
&on?orcd by Sludcnl Union Coffeehouse (
V. V.
V s.
Mt iEaat (Karolfmatt
Circulation Manager
To start immediately for the
rest of 1990 Fall and 1991
Spring semesters. Submit
application by Friday, No-
vember 9,1990
Managing Editor
For 1991 Spring semester.
Submit application by No-
vember 23,1990.
Computer Artist
To start immediately. Submit
application to General
Advertising Production
For 1991 Spring semester.
Submit application by No-
vember 23,1990

Vn mbi R 6. 1990
(Hire lEast (Haruiintan
Pirates down Memphis State, 24-17
H Matt Mum ma
M.lll ! III!
mint conversion to tie the game at 1
Itwashere with 2:45 left in thegameand th -
tied that thi n it offense saw the : ? ? ?: ' triul
drive ! saw (Van Buren) and 1 ust thn I ;
fourth ke slid of his game-winning 4 vard I uchdow
4 ird Fuss Blakehad215vardspassingandranfor van
rhat touchdown was something that dreai
?11. lk:
s h;
? urtl
Defensive end
attributes glory
to work ethic
?" itf
K loin si
late Tiq
Blue Devils upend Soviet National Team
? : I

red ;??' "
? ?? ? . ? I
ngthehrsl feighl
I i nko si ored ! '
:? ? red 1
it thi cap and i immei

n t he i : ' ' ?
Itl Mlk - '
I ? c the I l
(iooi iio Ki;
? iwni
,0 irgia leu ? now
? ? ptheconferei ? tai In
il 0 1
rhe Yellow a ketsal - I ivi
theinsidetra konthi l ague stii kel
. , l0tj to theitrus Bowl on New 11 at s
. . . ),i GeorgiaTech'sloneremaining
M eame is No 17al Wake or
.?st wh? h is0-6in i onfen rw pl.i
Wr never t pped belie
ing, onessaid, 'and it paid off
V irginia s players beli
the were headn I ward an
und feated seas n ai ihle
? i irti rl i ?
better than lid last
, ? . rgi '?'? ? ' vl ist veai
led the C a iliei I ??????
10-victon ?? i - ' ' ' ? '
. ? 1 s hrst C '
( ?orgia 1i H ha ? ? i
the league title and the Yellow
i,i, ki ts have not been to i i
N eai s bowl sin e 17
More important foi the air
rent group o( players the Yellow
i? tsarc i mtinuinga resurgi
in which the are 14 1 1 aftei l
16 i onse urive A games
It s i great feeling to turn it
pted toi
that ' "
? ? ? plavs to m.

November 6.1990
gghe 3EaBt fltaroluuan
Pirates down Memphis Statj
By Matt Mumma
Staff Writer
In a game that could have been lost in the fourth
quarter, junior quarterback Jeff Blake threw a 34 yard
pass to junior running back Cedric Van Buren who ran
untouched, 40 yards for a Pirate touchdown making
thescore24-17, and squelchingMemphisState'shopes
of victory.
They had the strength, they had the courage to
reach down and do what we had to do in the fourth
quarter' head coach Bill Lewis said after the game.
What the Pirates had to do was find a way to win
with 2:45 left in the game and the score tied at 17.
They found it in the Blake-Van Buren team who
sealed the Pirate victory. Van Buren had 210combined
vards receiving and running on the day.
Before the Van Buren touchdown reception, the
tempo of the game had turned considerably in MSU's
tavor after they scored two touchdowns in the fourth
The Tigers' first touchdown came after ECU'S
senior kicker Robb Imperato missed a 46-yard field
goal. Tiger quarterback Keith Benton highlighted their
nine play, 71 yard drive with 24- and 17-yard runs.
Sophomore running back Leon Bosby plowed 2 yards
tor the touchdown, amassing 88 yards rushing on the
Senior free safety Donald Porch blocked MSU's
poifl after attempt and the score remained 17-9, ECU.
However the momentum was still swinging in the
Tieprs favor as Blake threw his only interception on the
Crate's next possession.
On the Tiger's next two opportunities they had the
ball inside the ECU 20-yard line, but failed to penetrate
i brutal Pirate defense.
"Our defense had their backs to the goal line the
who'e second half and they found a way to keep them
it of the end zone Lewis said.
MSU's Joe Allison, who drilled a 51-yard field goal
n the first quarter, miss-kicked a 33-yard field goal
luempl. On another opportunity, MSU elected to go
tor it on fourth and six, but junior linebacker Ken
Bumette came up with anil -yard sack, which gave the
ball back to a now stuttering Pirate offense.
rhe Pirates were unable to take advantage, how-
ever and three plays later senior John Jett came in to
punt On this trv, the usually consistent Jett miss-
VicVed rhe ball and only got 18 yards, giving the ball
back to MSU on the ECU 47-yard line. Senior free
safetv Ed Brogdon then answered in his own way,
?vcordmg his second interception of the day. 2CV
ipain tailed to move the ball and gave MSU another
chance to win.
This time lett's punt wasbUxrked and MSU got the
ball on the Pirate 7 yard-line. Benton completed a 3-
vard touchdown pass to MSU'sleading receiver, Russell
Copeland, shortly thereafter and ran a successful two-
point conversion to tie the game at 17.
It was here, with 2:45 left in the game and the score
tied, that the Pirate offense saw the need to construct a
drive. "I saw (Van Buren) and I just threw it up
Blake said of his game-winning 74-yard touchdown
pass. Blake had 215 yards passing and ran for 59 yards.
"That touchdown was something that dreams are
made out of Van Buren said who was swarmed by his
teammates after the score.
Earlier in the game, on ECU'S first touchdown
drive, Blake found junior wide receiver Hunter
Gallimore three different times. One time it was for 27
yards, another for 31 yards and the last was a 2-yard
See Pirates, page 10
Courtesy of Cliff Hollis
Junior fullback David Dan.els catches a pitch from junior quarterback Jeff Blake in Saturdays win over the
Memphis State Tigers Daniels left the game early in the second quarter due to an .niury
vils upend Soviet National Team
DURHAM (AP) ? Christian Laettner scored 26
rnints as Duke ran away from the Soviet National
Team in the second half for an 89-77 exhibition
victory Saturday night.
The Soviet team literally met at the airport and
tlcw into the U.S. on Friday after six of the country's
club tea ms were playing in European championships.
After 10 minutes of beating the Duke defense to
the basket, the Soviet team went cold and managed
lust one brief spurt in the second half before the Blue
Devils pulled away.
The Soviets held a 21-12 lead after two free
throws by Valeri Siuzov with 10:41 left in the half.
Duke took its offense inside to cut the gap and a
Uettner basket at 4:26 gave the Blue Devils their first
lead at 34-33. That layup came in the midst of a 10-
point run over three minutes that led Duke to a 40-33
Layups by Sergei Bazarevich and Viktor
Berezhnoi lifted the Soviets to within 50-48 with
16:58 to play. Duke responded with six points and a
56-48 lead after Bill McCaffrey's baseline jumper at
15:13. The Soviets were never closer than four points
from there, and Duke led by as much as 86-70 after a
three-point play by Brian Davis with 3:32 left.
Freshman Grant Hill scored 18 points, Thomas
Hill scored 14 and McCaffrey had 10 of his 12 points
in the second half.
Berezhnoi scored 27 points for the Soviet team,
playing the first of eight exhibitions in the U.S. Oleg
Meleshenko scored 12 before fouling out and
Bazarevich scored 10.
Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski, who spent his
summer leading the U.S. national team in the
Goodwill Games and the World Championships,
said he was still evaluating the progress of his own
"Ourbig-guy subs were good Krzyzewski said
"We need that
Neither 6-foot-9CrawfordPalmnernor6-10Clay
Defensive end
attributes glory
to work ethic
Buckley scored, but both had two rebounds.
Krzyzewski also praised Grant Hill, whose fa-
ther, former NFL running back Calvin Hill, watched
from just behind the Duke bench and stood the entire
40 minutes.
"Grant had a very good game. And I thought
Tony did real welcoming off thebench Krzyzewski
said, the latter reference to 6-8 Antonio Lang.
Lang had four points and three rebounds.
Soviet coach Vladas Garastas said his team was
still experiencing jet lag as well as lack of chemistry.
Five new players were on the Soviet team.
Six Soviet teams are involved in the European
Cup, and four of them were still playing as late as
Wednesday and Thursday
"Although we lost, if the public liked the game,
then everything is OK' Garastas said.
The Soviet team, which next faces Purdue on
Wednesday, shot 42.9 percent from the field on 33 of
77 field goal attempts. Duke hit 35 of 68 field goals,
including !9of 32 in the second half, for 51.5 percent.
By Tony Smith
Special to The East Carolinian
Anyone who knows ECU football knows
the name George Koonce, but it hasn't always
been that way.
Twelve yearsago. while he was still in the
fifth grade, Koonce was as uninterested in
football as most boys that age are uninterested
in girls. Then his mother stepped in and
permanently changed his life.
"My mom knew a guy in the neighbor
hood who coached a team Koonce said
"She gave me 15 dollars so 1 could get a
uniform, and I've been playing ever since "
For Pirate fans, that IS dollars that Lina
Koonce Wallace spent back in tne late 19705
has proven to be a wise investment. 1 ler son
has grown into one of the leading defensive
players for ECU.
At 6-2, 239, Koonce is an imposing man,
the kind one can pick out of a crowd as a
college football player He is broad shoul-
dered and barrel chested, vet lean and quick
looking. The more experienced eye would
unhesitatingtlvmakehimoutasa linebacker.
However, Koonce has achieved hissuocessat
a much less glorifying position defensive
Kooncedid play linebacker when became
to ECU from Chowan lunior College
plaved inside linebacker atChowan but when
I came here they moved me outside ' ?
backer) said Koonce. That was in ' 89
Things were going along pretty .noothly for
the transfer until the first game of the season
that year. "On the third plav of the game 1
twisted my knee really bad and the injury
kept me out for a few weeks' Koonce ex-
plained. He attributes his work ethk to his
recovery from mat injury more than anything
"When 1 came back from the injury I was
on fourth team defense. I had been a starter
all mv life until then. So 1 told myscM I'vegot
to work my way up to starter said Koonce.
In the process of doing that, he so impressed
the coaches that they moved him to defensive
end where he would have the chance to plav
every down.
The rest is somewhat recent history;
See Glory, page 10
George Koonce
Virginia's dreams
AP) Maybe now they'll stop
tilling him "the other Shawn
Georgia Tech sophomore
-farterback Shawn Jones was rel-
egated to second billing all season
A the Atlanta Coast Conference
while the spotlight was trained on
His counterpart at Virginia, senior
Shawn Moore.
But with a national television
audience, bowl scouts and a record
Scott Stadium crowd watching Sat-
urday, Jones methodically rallied
the Yellow Jackets to a 41 -38 victory
over No. 1 Virginia.
"We got a super job from
Shawn Jones. He was unbelievable
CnachBobbyRosssaid. "Youknow,
tor Shawn is a great quarterback,
By leading 16th-ranked Geor-
gia Tech back from a 14-point half-
time deficit, Jones helped the Yel-
low Jackets quickly change their
prospects for the remainder of the
Instead of being stuck in sec-
ond place in the ACC race behind
undefeated Virginia and being rel-
egated to one of the less glamorous
bowls, Georgia Tech (7-0-1) now is
at 5-0-1.
The Yellow Jackets also have
theinside track on the league's ticket
to the Citrus Bowl on New Year's
Day. Georgia Tech's lone remaining
ACC game is Nov. 17 at Wake For-
est, which is 06 in conference play.
"We never stopped believ-
ing Jones said, "and it paid off
Virginia's players believed
they were heading toward an
undefeated season and a possible
national championship showdown.
But now if s the Cavaliers (7-
1,4-1 )whoare in second placein the
league and hoping to attract the
attention of some of the second-tier
"We can still have a good sea-
son. Percentage-wise, we can do
better than we did last year said
coach George Welsh, who last year
led the Cavaliers to their first-ever
10-victory season and a share of the
school's first ACC crown.
Georgia Tech has never won
the league title, and the Yellow
Jackets have not been to a New
Year's bowl since 1967.
More important for the cur-
rent group of players, the Yellow
Jackets are continuing a resurgence
in which they are 14-1-1 after losing
16 consecutive ACC games.
"If s a great feeling to turn it
around senior offensive tackle
Darryl Jenkins said. "The first two
years were tough for us. We won
everybody's whipping boy
In the first half Saturday, the
Yellow Jacketslookedasif they were
headed for that role again. Moore
completed nine of 11 passesand ran
for three touchdowns as Virginia
built a 28-14 lead.
from scrimmage in the third quar-
ter, a lineman diving to open a hole
for Moore inadvertently kicked the
ball out of the quarterback's hands.
The recovery by Georgia Tech's
Cavlin Tiggle on the Virginia 28-
yard line set the stage for the Yellow
Jackets' comeback.
Jones, who completed 10 of 14
passes in the second half 157 yards,
hit Emmett Merchant on a 26-yard
pass with 4:34 left in the third quar-
ter to make it 28-28.
Virginia took an apparent 41 -
38 lead late in the game on Moore's
6-yard pass to Aaron Mundy, but
the play was called back because
the Cavaliers didn't have enough
men on the line.
That eventually left Virginia
facing a 4th-and-goal from the 6,
and Welsh opted for a field goal
that made it 38-38 with 2:34 left.
Welsh later said he was hop-
ing Virginia, which had all three
time-outs left, could hold Georgia
Techand get theball back. Butjones
needed just five plays to move the
Yellow Jackets 66 yards to set up
Scott Sisson's37-yard field goal with
seven seconds left.
Jones completed 17 of 29
passes for 257 yardsand two touch-
Moore, who went into the
game as the nation's passing effi-
ciency leader, wound up with a
school -record 344 vardson 18-of-28
Moore said he didn't know
how theloss would affect his stand-
ingasoneof the leadingcontenders
for the Heisman Trophy.
Jones had some thoughts on
the matter.
"I'd give him the Heisman
Jones said.
The game was played less
than six hours after crews finished
replacing an 18-by-32 foot section
of artificial turf near midficld that
had been burned by vandals over-
The school hascalled in a state
police arson specialist to help in the

10 November 6.1990 She East (Unroltnfan
ECU Briefs
Lady Pirates prepare for hoops season
The I ady Pirate basketball team will hold two scrimmages this
week in preparation lor the upcoming 1990 91 season
On Nov 7. the team will scrimmage the Cherry Point Marine
Corps Rise women - learn a! 7 W) p m in Minges Colisiscum
OnNo 10,before theE I Northern 111inoisfootba 11 game, the
I J Pirates w ill hold a Purple (iold inlersquad m nmmagefrom 10
.? m until noon in Minges
rhe I .ul Pirates finished the IWM) season with an IH 111
record and tied tvr set ind pi em the I olonial Mhlctu Vssot lation
Thesquad will open the I'HHl ?1 campaign on No 27at oastal
t arolina inonwa x
Cross Country teams finish seventh
rheECl men sand women s cross count r teams both finished
seventh in the Colonial Vthletn ssoaatu?n's lW0 Cross Countr)
championships held Saturda al rhe ollege of William and Mar
rhe women steam finished with 179 points m its division with
I m ii I illson being then highest limshei 1 illson finished 2nd vt ith
.1 time ol 202
F( I was running without itsnumbei onewomen'srunner, Ann
Marie Welch Welch was injured on ITuirsdav befon thecompetion
rhe A women s title was won tor the third time in four years
In William and Mar
hoi the men Kyle Sullivan was the Pirate's top finisher al Win
v ith .i huh' ol 2N
I'hemen s titU wasalsowonb WilliamandMarx who set a new
rhe Pirates pla Northern llli
nois this weekend in I it kin
dium .it 1 M) p ni lot tb ? fii
touchdown reception to make the shotgunandwasforodtoscramble defenses a. the ittimn
scene 10-3 ECU with9:49left in the twke when he found nwop umor tree safety Ed Bn
trsln,lt He was flashed out once by senior had two mtercepHons
"The (offensive) line blocked leorgc Koonce who had four tack
really well today because Blake had k-sin thegame
akrtoftimetothrowit, Galhmote 'Thecoacheshadu
1 he offensive line also did a
fine job of protecting Blake fnnrn a
much touted Msl defense
Hat pleases me aboul Ihe
whole day was the way we pro
tocted the blitz, coach I ewissud
Blake was sacked onh once the
whole da)
The line also opened up mam
holes and allowed 256 yards tor
E I running backs Among them
wasfreshmanl IrcgFloyd.whowas
called upon in Dion ohnson sand
I n iJ I toniel'sabsenccs an Burcn
totakd 111 yards rushing and had a
brilliant d.n
Continued from page 9
irne ot I t ?n whit h will be
?'? f mam players ca
? -
to tt to get in
: inie st nior
? ? ? . I Porch said
t ('ha mi
,rj t 0 p,mnt- fhe old record was 21
omts, s,t b a
ECU golfers fare well in invitational
CojchllalM ?? 'l ?ol! Uim set two school records en
route to a second ; i hnish in the annual Old Dominion L'niver
sity-Seascape C,i I Mtional No 2-3 in ags Head
SouthC arohna stwo da score ol 5b4 edged thePirat. sand Old
I fcuninion In three strokes 1 Ion finished fourth at s?M andoastal
t. arohna was tiltl
rht.pirat. sm lertv la ure n is a team record as was
lohnMaginn. - ? ? I ' ' 1 I'onSw.vtingtor thehuvesl
Ifhole score for an H ' ' '?' gmnes finished second in th
liHirnamenl ECl'Shigl I I ' " 'lson
i , ? ? ? ? , iuIiii the I om( Bnant
? , ? ? ? nd in the I larerove B
i i ,
Royd picked uphis first touch
dovvnol hiscarceron a ; yard run
that capped an 83 yard drive for
ECl to start the second half Floyd
tallied 49 yardson u carriesand v as
complemented by junior fullback
Michael Rhett, who had 9 yards
ECU played aggressively on
defense and held Benton to88 ards
passing Specifically, the Pirate se
ondan held the Tigers leading re
ceiver Russell opeland, to onh
one reception and thnv yards.
On 1s s last possession ol
the game. Benton dropped to the
' issu on No
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Players travel to Georgia Tech Classic
I v" I s In m ? ? m ' ? I ?hn N1! -Mnt' played
last t ? ' ? ind S.iti ? ' ? ' ' ennis t Lissu in
il int.i
Mel ambd. ? ? ' '?? ?' ??? - ? ?? ? A-Uhann I
w in i, ? ter defeated wh i? nwti hed against
Mike htlwotth ? mu h " -
Alveivz defeated lohn mosol rmvb-7 h h 2 Mverezthen
defeated losh' l-inshuts froi h-4, but w ?s stoprx-d b
Pertpi V amil in
Uuin-i ? ? ' nashisti 11 n ite winning the first
ni,lt, , ? ; ? ; nnstBi IPrbisofCiHrgia Itvh, before dropping
thestvoiul to Paul St ' ? rgia Tech,ivl.r?-4
In doubles, ???? ? ' ?:??? I short b
Volleyball team struggles last weekend
rhe I ad I'iratevi'llevball team ii'st two man heSatnrda itiuie.
Baptist College Invitational rhe losses drop then record to 13 k
rhe team los.t to Baptist 7 15 ?? 1" I ? md to Davidson 7 15 111
15,14 h Earlierin the season E( I liadKviten Baptist in hur games
Woo! io!n t pi i like a team at all this weekend We ve just In-on
playingrealb flat, s.ud head coach Martha Kt askill
I he I ad Pirates n ill pla their last regular season matt h 1 ties
da night at 7 p.m against U Cnvnsboro in Minges Coliseum
Rowing the I ' I match the team will have over a week oil to
prepare tor the A t mrnament in U ilmington
Rugby team defeats Cherry Point
IheK I Rugby team, oneofonlvivl teams lett m the playoffs toi
the national t hampionship d? lea ted the( herr Point Marines in the
last home game ol the season, 44 11
The ruggers were s hoduled to play l niversit) ol rennessee
Knoxville. i lowever because ol transportation problems the team
could not make it to (ireenv ille Brian 1 odd contacted c hen) Point
I rid.e. night so that the ruggers would be able to play According to
Doddphe Marines were glad to come bei ause it would be a privi
lego to pla the number one team in the state
I heruggersdid not want to lose their playing form " rhe match
against the Marines wasbasicallv a tune up to get us read for further
pla. Doug Schrade s.?id
E L team captain BlairBvrd led the st"t?nng with two success! ul
trys iin I'ravers continued his impressive scoring season with one
tr s hrade, alsti got on the board afterapenalt b the Marines and
V'an Berrv scored his first try as an "A side player
Other scorers included ason Webb Mark.rani and rookie
plaverFish Brian "Feet" DtKld continued his kicking skills b)
ctimpleting all eight ol the extra point kit ks
Bob Eason, a former E I pi.nor u hot urrentlv plays forhern
Point said K I isb far the strongest team we've played this year.
ihe ha v an ex client i hani e at i inning the regitinals
I hi' Pirates pla their last regular season game this weekend
against x irginia lech in Blacksburg lech is ranked second in the
state ol Virginia I his is going to ho our most dittu ull gameol the
season l:C'l ruggt ! Bert Hewitt said
?: ?? m itmh Kepi
I ?
American Travel
Sports Briefs
Continued Irom page 9
kooiue is continually one ot the
leading tacklersand pressure men
on the Pirate defense When E I
played Southwestern Louisiana
Koont ehad 15 tacklesand was in
on four sacks Perhaps more in
tereshng than his numbers is his
rhe defense u e use asks a lot
ml ot rm ptsition Ktxince sa s
Sti 1 do m best to respond
This response is probabK
niost indicative ol the personalitv
? k x n e 1 le is not the steret
tvpical cocks football player ?: H
sti mam assume the all are
net isrmrelikel totalkabout
the efforts ol the team than abtnit
himsell Hi- credits his pla this
year as a result ol the athletic abil
it ot junior inside linebat ker
Robert ones He gets double
teamed a lot so 1 get tree, says
things that wouldn t seem impor
tanl to the typical college player
rhe possibility of his grand mothei
coming to watch his final collegi
game isone that visibly thrills him
She hasn'l seen me plav since
was little Koonce sa s
Ktxince answers the question
ol playing professionally in the
future with shyness. Ill had the
chance I'd take it he says
It that chance never arises,
koonce has some definite back-
up plans He wants to use his
degree in construction manage-
ment to go into business with a
few friends, including N.C. State
football player esse Campbell
Koonce indicates that his know
edge ot construction comes from
his father, George Sr who has
been in the business since he w as
a bov
Additionally, Koonce has no
desire to mo e away from his na
live New hern I want to stay in
eastern orth C arohna when 1
graduate I've never really been
away from here other than toot-
ball trips, and 1 don't really want
to travel I like it here
koonce's role model in life is
Billosby. "Not ust because he
tells jokes, but because he sets a
gind example for people koonce
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Wakiihuri, Panfil win N.Y. City Marathon
NEW Y MK I Al'? I touglas Wakiihuri, a Kenyan who trains in
apan, broke away past the 20-mile mark and won Sunday's hot and
humid New Yorkity Marathon witha time of 2 hours. 12 minutes,
"W seconds
Poland's Wanda Panfil took the women's race in 2 JO:45 to spoil
Crete Waitz's bid tor an unprecedented 10th victor)
Kim ones ol Spokane, Wash finished second tor the second
straight year, five seconds behind Panfil to make il the doses! finish
in the race's 21-ear history
( vmmiM from moeimttd PitM Kijtortt
Ifs Nov.6
what needs
to be done!
Sun Nov 11

10 November 6,1990 ?fre aat (Earollnian
ECU Briefs
Lady Pirates prepare for hoops season
The I Jdy Pirate basketball team will hold two scrimmages this
week in preparation tor the upcoming 1990-91 season.
On Nov. 7, the team will scrimmage the Cherry Point Marine
Corps Base women's team at 7:30 p.m. in Minges Colisisoum.
On Nov. 10, before the ECU Northern Illinois football game, the
Lady Pirates will hold a Purple c .old intersquad scrimmage from 10
a m until noon in Minges.
The lady Pirates finished the 1989-90 season with an IS-10
record and tied tor second placein the Colonial Athletic Association.
The squad will open the 1990-91 campaign on Nov. 27atCoastal
Carolina in Conwaj . S G
Cross Country teams finish seventh
The ECU men'sand women's cross country teams both finished
seventh in the Colonial thletu Associations 1990 Cross Country
championships held Sarurda) at l'he College ot William and Mary.
The women's team finished w ith 179 points in its division with
Dawn nilson being their highest finisher HHson finished 32nd with
a timeof 20:27
ECU was running withcHititsnumber-onewomen'srunner, Ann
Marie Welch. Welch was injured on rhursday before thecompetion.
rheCAA women s title was won tor the third time in four years
by William and Mary.
For the men. Kyle Sullivan was the Pirate's top finisher at 38th
with a timeof 28KX).
rhc men s title u asalso won b illiam and Mar who set a new
CAA Championship record ol l? points rhe old record was 20
points, set by a in 19H4
ECU golfers fare well in invitational
Coach Hal Morrison s E( I golf team set two school records en
route to a second place finish in the annual Old nonunion I niver
sit -Seascape C kH liu itational Nov. 2 3 in Nags I lead
South Carolina stwo day score of 564 edged the Pirates and Old
Dominion by three strokes 1 Ion finished fourth at 579 and Coastal
i, arolina was fifth scoring 583
The Pirates nun- under two dav score was ,i team record, as mas
fohnMaginnes' score of 1 7 which tied Don Sweeting for the lowest
56 hole score for an E I golfer Maginnes finished second in the
tournament ECI s Inchest indi idual finish of the season
Earlier this season, the Pirates finished second in the lomO Brianl
Mt morial Im national in (ireensboro and second in the 1 largrove B
I )a is v U morial in Buies C reek
1 (. L finishes the fall season at the laguar i lassie on No 19-20,
at thi 1 '?resl 1 Milsountrv Club in ugusta, (ia
Players travel to Georgia Tech Classic
K L s juan Alverez Sammj rounsi and ohn Mel amb played
last Ind.n ami Saturday in the Georgia lech I all 1 ennis Gassk in
M I ambdefeated oe I leo from leorgia rech witha h 5, b-4
win. Mel amb was latei defeated when he was matched against
Mike Bllwoith ol Alabama b 4,6 2
Alverez defeated ohn Amosof Arm 6 7,6-3,6-2. Alverethen
defeated osh I ipshuts from lulane 6-3, 6-4, but was stopped by
Pertpi Vainikainer ol I ulane 6 2, 6 (1
rounsi savs the same action as his teammates, winning the first
match, 6-3,6-2 against Brad Prybis of Georgia fech, before dropping
the second to Paul Stevens, also ol Georgia rech, 6 1 6-4.
In doubles competition Alverez loinsi were stopped short by
Vainikainer Vilhrilhuren of Lander I nivcrsit) 6-2 6-1
Volleyball team struggles last weekend
The Lady llrate volleyball team lost twomatchesSaturda) in tne
Baptist College Invitational. The losses drop then record to 13-16
Die team lost to Baptist 7-15 9-15, 14-I6and toDa idson7-15,10-
15,14-16. Earlier in theseason ECI had beaten baptist in tour games
" e didn't pla likea team at all this weekend We ve just been
playing really flat said head coach Martha McCaskill.
"he Lady Pirates will pla their last regular season match Tues-
day night at 7 p m against L N -Greensboro in Minges Coliseum.
Mowing the IINC? match, the team will have over a week oil to
prepare tor the CAA tournament in ilmington.
Rugby team defeats Cherry Point
rhe ECI Rugby team, one of onl) 64 teams left in the playoffs for
the national championship, defeated the( herry Point Marines in the
last home game ol the season, 44-0
The ruggers were scheduled to play University ol Tennessee -
Knoxvilte. 1 lowever, because ol transportation problems the team
could not make it to (ireenville Brian Dodd contacted Cherry Point
Friday night so that the ruggers would be able to play. According to
Doddfthe Marines were "glad to come because it would be a privi-
lege to play the number one tram in the state
The ruggers did not want to lose their playing term. " The match
against the Marines wasbasicall) a tune up to get us ready for further
play Doug Schrade said
ECU team captain. Hlair b rd.led the scoring with two successful
trvs (luy Traverscontinued his impressive scoring season with one
try. Schrade, also, got on the board after a penalty by the Marines and
Van Bern scored his tirst trv as an A side player
Cither scorers included ason Webb, Mark Grant and rookie
playerFish Brian "Feet" Dodd continued his kicking skills by
completing all eight ot the extra point kicks
Bob Eason,a former ECU player whocurrently plays for Cherry
Point, said'TCl is by tar the strongest team we've played this year.
They have an excellent i Nance at winning the regkmals
I he Pirates play their last regular season game this weekend
against Virginia lech in Blacksburg. rech is ranked second in the
state ot Virginia. "This is going to be our most difficult game of the
season ECU rugger Bert Hewitt said
l itnifnlrd frum stuff Keinrt
Sports Briefs
Wakiihuri, Panfil win N. Y. City Marathon
NEW YORK (AP) Douglas Wakiihuri, a Kenyan who trains in
apan, broke away past the 20-mile mark and won Sunday's hot and
humid New York City Marathon with a timeof 2 hours, 12 minutes,
39 seconds
Poland's Wanda Panfil took the women's race m 2:30:45 to spoil
Crete Waitz's bid for an unprecedented 10th victory
Kim Jones of Spokane, Wash . finished second for the second
straight year, five seconds behind Panfil to make it the closest finish
in the race's 21-year history
Compiled from ssoaatrJ 'rr. Krpvrts
Continued from page 9
touchdown reception to make the
score 10-3 ECU with fc?9 left in the
first half.
"The (offensive) line blocked
really well today because Blake had
a lot of time to throw it C.alhmorc
The offensive line also did a
fine )ob of protecting Blake from a
much touted MSU defense
"What pleases me about the
whole day was the way we pro-
tected the blitz coach lewis said.
Blake was sacked only once the
whole day.
The line also opened up main
holes and allowed 23r yards for
ECU running backs. Among them
wastreshmanC.regFlovd. who was
called upon in Dion Johnson'sand
David Daniel'sabsences VanBuren
totaled 111 cards rushingand had a
brilliant day.
shotgunandwasforcedtoscramble defenses at the right times said came of the season which will be
twice when he found no one open, tumor free safety Ed Brogdon who
He was flashed out once bv senior had two interceptions
(,eorge Kooncc who had tour tack- The Pirates pU Northern 111.
les m the game. ?? this weekend in I k Win Sta
"Thecoacheshadusinthenght dium at 1 W pm for thew final
1 m Hist going to try to get in
one more good game ' senior
comerba k ! kmald Porch said.
Floyd picked uphis tirst touch-
down of his career on a J-yard run
that capped an 83-yard drive tor
ECU to start the second half. Rend
tallied 49 vardson 9 carriesand was
complemented by junior fullback
Michael Khett, who had 39 cards
ECU played aggressively on
defense and held Benton to 88 yards
passing. Specifically,the Pirate sec-
ondary held the Tigers leading re-
ceiver, Russell Copeland. to only
one reception and three yards.
On MSU's last possession ot
the game. Benton dropped to the
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Continued from page 9
Koonce is continually one ot the
leading tacklers and pressure men
on the Pirate defense When (:Cl
placed Southwestern Louisiana,
koonce had 15 tackles and was in
on tour sacks. Perhaps more in-
teresting than his numbers is his
"The defense we use asks a lot
cuit ot my position Koonce says
So I do my best to respond.
This response is probably
most indicative ot the personalit)
of Koonce. He is not the stereo
typical, cocky football playerthat
so many assume thev all are
Koonce is more likely to talk about
the ettorts ot the team than about
himself. He credits his play this
year as a result ot the athletic abil
itv ot junior inside linebacker
Robert ones "He gets double
teamed a lot SO 1 get tree savs
kooncealsogetsexcited about
things that wouldn't seem impor-
tant to the typical college placer.
The possibility of hisgrand mother
coming to watch his final college
game isone that visibly thrills him
"She hasn't seen me plav since I
was little Koonce says.
Koonce answers the question
of playing professionally in the
future with shyness. "If I had the
chance I'd take it he says.
It that chance never arises,
Koonce has some definite back-
up plans. He wants to use his
degree in construction manage-
ment to go into business with a
few friends, including N.C State
football player Jesse Campbell
Koonce indicates that his knowl-
edge of construction comes from
his lather, George St who has
been in the business since he was
a bo v.
Additionally, Koonce has no
desire to move away from his na-
tive New Bern "I want to Stay in
eastern North Carolina when 1
graduate I've never realty been
away from here cither than foot-
ball trips, and 1 don't really want
to travel I like it here"
Koonce's role model in life is
Bill Cosbv. "Not just because he
tells jokes, but because he sets a
g(Hd example for people Koonce
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Sun Nov 11
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sium Nl UNION

The East Carolinian, November 6, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 06, 1990
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