The East Carolinian, October 30, 1990

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?fje i?nzt (Earaltnian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No.56
Tuesday October 30 1990
Greenville. North Carolina
Circulation 12 000
12 Pages
ECU, Greenville prepare for Halloween celebration
Public Safety
no incidents
Bv Michelle C astellow
sutt VVritiT
In an effort to reduce the pos
sibility of violent incidents Pitt
Countv law enforcement agencies
are joining forces in preparation
tor lalloween
We're doing the same thing
we did last vear Poli e Chief
lerome esmond said We w. 11 f
patrol the dov ntovs n area like we
did last year and the rest oi the
i it as well to make sure even
thing gies v ell
I xpressing 11 m ern o er the
in reasos in i it wide arrests in
recent vears resmond said his
of fit ers will be watching for viola-
tions of the law and will not tol-
erate am disturbances or other
' iopetulh we won t have
another I ar River incident like we
did last v ear he said
I ast far ! M people w ere
arrested mam of whom were at
tending various parties at Far
River Estates, befon?a riot broke
out, police officials said
l aw enforcement officials d
not want any violence to happen
again m are preparing for the
; t b ha ing even one rt ad
past in case
Greenville Police, EC I PubUc
Safeh N. Highway Patrol, Pitt
( ounh Sheriff's Department and
the (. Alcohol Enforcement
Law enforcement
agencies join forces
Dinner for four
in years gone bv unique costumes like this table
setting were commonplace during the infamous
Halloween celebra? treets of downtown
File Photo
Greenville ECU students are facing another year
under the city wide ban of downtown ?? ons
?gern w ill all be i opi ratine, in
an ottort to redu e potential pi h
I'm ver) optimistK that the
students will be erv mature and
hav e a good time will
dent !esmond said
According to esmond. al
most all the downtown bars and
restaurants will be closed on I lal
loween, although dow ntow n w ill
not he off limits u the publu
I w e restaurants
(iranddaddy Rosser s and Sub
Station, will be open on Oct
although Granddadd) Rosser's
igement has de tded to lose
earK that evening. I he Sub sta
tion however w ill operate dur
ing us normal business hours, he
I he private parties didn't
bother anybody last year
I esmond said !
an d velop ratl
OilII kl
oneor two mighl gel i ml i ?( hand
Police will be patrolling van
ous,hationsamund thei it man
effort to d te t potential
pots !esmond -aid
When a parts get to tx '
large, thei II ti ? ? ind
we certainly don't want that to
happen he said I lopetullv
v e ll ha e a peat etui time
By Michael Albuquerque
Assistant News Editor
With Halloween approach-
ing, E I PuWii Safeh feels stu-
dents w ill not poseanv major pmb
V cording to EC I Polii e
( hief Ronald vry, Public Safer)
does not expect students to hold
unauthorized parties like the far
River incident of last l lalloween in
which I V4 people wcrcarrestod
'We have arranged to have
allnu nonduu onl lalloween night
nisi jn case something aniesup It
i- better to be prepared and not !?
needed than to be needed and not
have any aailable men vcrv
Publu SafetN is planning to
divide the It L campus into patrol
zones with reserve student i n duty
toasstst the full timeofficers vty
The only possible problem
Tublu Safety faces this vear will be
in encountering the crowds oi stu
dents leaving MingesC oliseum tol
lowing the Connells concert I he
(!onnellsareexpei ted todrawasdl
out crowd e en though the show is
openonh to!L students and one
quest per student
?er s,ud that Publk Satet assigned n em student ? to
assist ; ith the innellsi n J but
they d(?n't expect any majordistur-
As tor the I lalloween lw, h
Musk parly it the Pittounty fair
grounds Publu Safety does not
support it. but it is out of our juris-
du tions ven siul
I he sponsors ol the beach
miisu parts htivearrangedto have
buses tr.nisp, rt I 1.11 low it'll Mr tiers
to and Iron ?? I und 'nl
the students with valid II s v ill be
allowed to ride the tr msit bu
W ith sevei : aller pn iti
parties, the nunibers ivill Iv more
manageable for law enforcement
otneers We have not picked up am
information to lead us to believe
that there will he any problems on
or off the campus on Halloween
night en said
I he numberous private par
hesareexpected todeh rdisrupt
bohav iiT bv E I students
Dormitories to be locked as a precaution
Bv Angie Camp
Special to I ho t .ist Carolinian
?s a precautionary measure
tor the students safety on Hal-
loween, all EC I residence halls
will be Ux ked at 8 p.m. on Oct. 31,
and residents will be required to
show student IPs to enter their
According toarolyn
ulghum, din tor of the housing
department and lanet ohnson,
assistant dire toi ol residents
education, locking the residence
halls doors early is a normal
Halloween procedure which has
been practiced tor the past three
v ears
" The reason we do this is tor
the prot? lion of srudentsand their
property and to keep outsiders
from coming into the build
Fulghum said
lohnson agreed tnd -aid tl it
it is not the E I students that
pose the greatest 11 ?n ern but the
'outsiders" and stragglers that
come to Greenville looking tor
All resident. oordinators and
resident ad isors , ill be on duty
and Publu Safety i ill man every
dormiton in an effort to keep
outsiders ,m ay
Residents student II s will be
checked against each residence
hall s roster before they an il
lowed to enter the building
mong the students who live
on campus, reactions varied on
the necessity of sin h rules
I thmk it sgood to hav esecu
iits but we should be able to have
r two guests, saicj Nissa
i resident of 1 letcher
Kevin Fin h and Matt
hsmith both residents of
Garretl said they feel locking the
doors earlv is stupid because
they i an t even have friends in
their rooms to lust "hang out
I hev hav e de ided one way
around the pn n edure is to simply
not come home
ithers students said outsid-
ers have access to E L sdormsall
vear round, so why not 1 lalloween,
since danger can happen any
1 ulghum and lohnson re
billed one I lalloween in the mid
hen this danger turned into
reality and tl rty damagi s
at theuniversit exceeded -
We housed maybe N - to
unexpe ted v tsitors that
night 1 ulghum said
lohnson said the university
hopes the Halloween activities
scheduled on campus will deter
any potential trouble, but the a?
tivities scheduled at the Pitt
( ountv Fairgrounds draw some
concern about busloads of stu
dents returning home and being
dropped oil on the streets
W hen the stigma of E I spasl
downtown I lalloween parties is
finallv put to rest lohnson said
she hopes to be able to stop the
pro edureot Kh king the residence
halls doors earlv
StevB Slanoly Photo Lab
Watch out Ichabod Crane the Headless Horseman awaits his
chance to gather ammunition for his mid night Halloween nde
lodging appropriation to nursing
By Rob Norman
SUtf Writer
In the weekly 5 1A meeting,
legislators i ut travel expenses to a
student organization bv approxi-
mately half arid passed other hind
ing Monday
1 he E( I Association of
Nursing Students requested $1636
to pav transportation and lodging
tees for their upcoming tnp to a
four-day convention in Nashville,
According to the appropria-
tion chairman, the president and
vne president would fly to Nash-
ville, with the other delegates fol-
lowing by car, train or whatever
A debate began over whether
or not the amount requested was
I egistator I rippRoakes wrote
an amendment that would cut the
hotel allowance by 1340, thereby
reducing the total appropriation to
I support this group going
Roakessaid "But $600 istoo much
to pav tor hotel rooms "
Legislator Dare Met utters
"In light of our budget tight
ening,theamounttosend this group
totheconventionisway toomuch.
The amendment to i ut the
hotel costs was passed
Another amendment to
eliminate the $400 airfare cost, was
introduced by legislator Mc( ullers
"I think it's a little ridiculous
to fly two people out there.
Met ullers said 'We should make
it fair by having everyone ride
Roakes responded to the
amendment, sav ing "We have cut
them enough and the) have to get
there somehow
Mc( ullers withdrew the
amendment alter arguments that
the S4(X) request covered all trans-
portation costs The motion to with-
draw the amendment could not be
procedure Ihe
inentlv tailed
acted on due to
amendment subseq
Roakesalsospokeonthel lal-
loween issue
I don't know w hat the police
will d this vear Roakes said I
hope the C ,reenv ille Police Depart-
ment has learned something
Roakes added, If something
does happen, cooperate and let the
police make mistakes
Roakes also encouraged stu-
dents to attend theConnellsconcert
and light show in MingesColiseum
Wednesday night.
An additional appropriation
of $800 was made to the SGA Elec-
tions Committee I he money will
he umI to pay vote counters and
poUtendersin the ovember Selec-
tion for St.A Secretary.
The SGA legislature voted down a funding request to pay a student nursing organization s hotel bill at an
upcoming conference m Monday s meeting
CgmIMUlllH fCU Photo lab
ECU students, admin-
istrators and city officials
should learn from past
experience this Hallow-
Personals. For Sale,
Help Wanted. For Rent
and Services Rendered.
Thp Connells are on
the verge of stardom as
they roll into town tor their
Halloween concert
Pirates lose chance for a
winning record by losing to
the Temple Owls, 30-27, in
last minutes of the game
Rugby team defeats
UNC to win second state
tournament in a row

GUje East (Carolinian October30, 1990
ECU Briefs
ECU chancellor, wife selected as
co-chairs for children's telethon
Df Richard lakin. the ECU chancellor, and his wife will serve
as honorary CO chairs tor the sixth "Children's Miracle Network
Telethon, which benefits the Children s Hospital of lastorn North
C arolma
The ll telethon will K' aired in eastern North Carolina next
lime 1bv VVI l 1" It will run tor ?1 hours
I astlune theC hildren's Miracle Network local telethon raised
? 1 $,747 to benefithildren s 1 lospital ot Eastern North C arolma.
a division of Tilt ount) Memorial Hospital
Margaret Sullivan the telethon coordinator, said the Steering
c ommittee for the two vla telethon is comprised of 20 committee
Chairpersons and approximately St) members throughout eastern
Health care agencies, institutions to
interview students at Careers Day
Nearly I (X) health care related agencies and institutions will
interview students seeking career opportunities at ECl 's Health
areers I )a on No 1
rheinstitutions registering to ha eempk) ment representa
lives on hand irn lude hospitals, medical centers, clinics, rehabtli
titi.Mi i enters state and lot al government agencies and the I s
Airlotce I S a the Arms Nurse Corps and medical depart
ment ,nA eterans Administration hospitals
1 niplox ment areas include nursing, social work, recreational
and oct upational therapy, speech, language and auditory pathol
ng) musk therapy, rehabilitation studies and other fields in
ECU's Schools ot Nursing Social Work and Allied Health Sci
CTK es
Interviews will be held from 10 a.m until 2 p m
School of Medicine to host family
conference on health care of poor
Meeting the health care needs ol underserved Americans"
will he the theme when the It. I St hoolol Medicine hosts family
medii ine fa? ult members from throughout the Southeast at a
major conference next week
fhe Society ot feathers ot Famih Medu me will hold its
annual southeastern regionalontereiueat the Hilton Inn, ISkn
I he two da s w ill be pa? ked w rth presentation ot papers
ninars and pester sessions as well as plenary addresses b
two national tie,tires familiar with the problems of people with
limited access to health arc
; i. d from I I m-s Hum.iu frports
Crime Scene
l ive underage subjects caught on
roof of College Hill Dining Hall
October 24
1931 Intersi i tion of 1 1m and 14th streets subject arrested
tor Jrn ing ilh revoked pnei'u i;ts on campus
2151 (ones Residence Mall two summonses served for
w i rthless , hei ks
October 25
0144 Intersei honol 3th and Reade streets investigation of
an audible v ehu le alarm sounding Alarm reset and no damage
ohsi ed around . ehu le.
1819 Police Department larceny report taken
mu, Fletcher Residence Hall investigation ot solicitation
mplaint Non-student banned
016 Sycock Residence Hall medical emergency call Res
i ue transported student to Pitt Count) Memorial I lospital
21 15 I let her Residence Hall (south) campus itahon issued
to student for stop sign . iolation
2229 otton Resident e I fall papers served on subjei t
'356 ?iirett Residence I la II responsetoa mated tire alarm
Small fire contained and extinguished Same logged
October 26
tHHt.1 Garretl Residence Hall (west wing): checked a fire
actr ated alarm on the Jrd floor, i aused by students smoking m
the room
0059 s(lt Residence I lall report of an assault on a student
0112 Met Residence Hall visitation violation on the 6th
floor same was unfounded
0136 Garrett Residence Hall (central) checked activated
fin alarm same was caused by smoke on the Jrd flooi
? lement Residence Hall investigation of subjects tres-
mg non student was banned from campus Another officer
pro ided ba k up
?249 Brewstei (south) vehicle stopped for stop sign viola
student given citation Another officer provided backup
H White Residence I lall: report of male entering build
ith a curfew door key Subject gone on arrival.
1315 5th street ,nd Reade Circle: investigated subject in-
? d in a controlled substance violation in the parking lot
lent resolved on st ene
5th Street and Reade Circle vehicle stopped for stop
. iolation in the parking lot student given i itation
ktobet 27
?ilj white Residence Hall investigation of a possible fight;
,ii m unfounded
H05ollege Hit! Dining Hail report of subjectson the roof;
fiv underage subjei Is banned from campus.
017 (.arntt Residence Hall (southwest) responded to an
acti ated fir. iiatm Alarm activated on 3rd floor by toilet paper
?n tire, same contained and put out Residence Hall statt
evacuated the stud ntsleared
2354 Br nlding (south) vehicle stopped tor
.(.? dine ampu n issued to student for speeding ami
failure to carr) operatoi s license
Octobei 2K
040 White Re idence Hall (southwest) checked out report
i?( unest orted personnel trying to get into the building,
s?tmi were run off of i ampus
iw20 Avcock Residence I lall report of damage to personal
property; same i ould not be contacted at this time.
1256 Scott Residence Hall (Suite 114) report of plumbing
problem in bathroom Alternate pi umber called out due to flooding
ot adjacent rooms
I I M) Scott Residence I lall investigation of I wallet larceny
rep( l t
2049 (.amtt Residence I lall responded toan activated fire
alarm, same caused bv cigarette smoke
( nm?- Su-nr in likrn Inim otlitul I ? I I'uMk Sjtrlt lK
Decline of tree populations discussed at lecture
By Rob Norman
SUff Writer
The death ot North Carolina
torests was the topic at a lecture
held Wednesday night by Sigma
iand the ECU BiologvC lub Dr
Robert l Bruck spoke about his
research in the Appalachian
mountains Of North Carolina
Hnuk a plant and forestry
expert spet lalimg in the epide-
miology 't tree diseases at North
t arolina State University, focused
on the decline of red spruce and
Fraser tir populations on moun-
tain ridges in the southern Appa
lachian range Brack has been
studying thedyingtreeson North
( arolma s Mountain Mitchell
since 1983
"It is an upsetting topu
Bruck said "One question we
should ask is 'is the decline related
to air pollution V"
Bruck chose Mount Mitt hell
tor three main reasons it is the
second-largest spruce fir ecosys
tern on the east coast, it is the
highest peak on the east coast and
the proximity of phone, elecfrk al
and water facilities
A slide presentation included
before and after shots of the Mount
Mitchell region showed large ar
easof forest ten years ago and the
dead bare trees of toda
Among some areas of the
Appalachians the rale of tree
mortality now approaches so per
I ent
Bruck explained several pos
sible causes, including soil and
atmospheru chemistn rhceffei ts
of soil and tree fungi were also
Bruck also pointed out that
ozone levels on Mount V1it hi II
are very high
Around i ities with high air
pollution the ozone levels iluetu
ate Bruck said 'On Mount
Mitchell, the OZOne levels remain
the same
A study ot loud hen
rounded out the discussion
I he effei ts of polluted mists
or ' orographu i louds tl
pors that give the Blu
mountains their name wen
a mined
Brw k noted that after 15hours
oveT the forest with trees a t
within the i loud, newly spn
needles were visiblv burned) .
I he content of the 11 ud
found to be high in sulfates, usu
,ilK found in volcano emisst ? s
,md burning fossil fuel exhaust
Inhisstudiesm Europe I
found thesameeffei tonarej
scale espe iall industrial n
he smoke from the ' I ?
nesjustblowsi mand around l
Bru? k said rhe effeel I
the orographu loud is
similar to theeffect
trial plants
W.W. II bomber to be on
exhibit at Kinston airport
Bv 1 arrv Muggins
Stalt Writer
Although over 18,000 B 24
I iberators were produced during
Work) Uar II onl one tullv re-
stored aircraft remains today ,iud
will be on display at the kinston
Airport Nov. 1 I
I hopublu is wek ome to v icu
thisbomborat the airport between
10 a.m. and 5 p m
rhere is m fee to see the I ib
orator, although a small contribu-
tion is requested to v alk through
the exhibit
Hie aircraft has been touring
the I mtod states tor one year and
IS expected to tl tor another tour
then be put on displav in a mu
scum, said Gus Dietrich av V
11 veteran who flew a B 25 I ib
orator in
Dietrich, along with several
others, volunteered to help restore
the aircraft when the proiei I was 1989
tirst div ussed
"There are several B Ms in
museums that are static displav s
and one that theentederate Air
Forcefhs he-aid Butthisisthe
only tnlK restored I iberator
The I iberator is a 4 engine
lone range hea bomber that
saw extensive service m even
m.n. r nmbal i ?f theseci ?nd
World War
Owned b the olhns i oun-
dahon based in Massa husetts,the
B-24 on displav is a I model,
which was more frequently pro
viu. ed 'ban anv ther . anation
Featunng ten I aliber ma
i htne guns and i row s of ten men
the i iberator- had I I ingi I
2 000 miles to delivi i tl t- ands
ot poundsot mumtionsont .rrman
mihtan targi I
Originall) built in August
lu44 at Fort Worth fexas this
1 iberator was tulh restored m
Every Wednesday Night
Prog re ssi vt Danc k Niqhi
now on compact disc
? $1.00 Tall Boys
? $1.00 Kamakazee
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(Ladies Free Until 10:30)

' -?
Charlotte leaders ask for
state's help to fight crime
state's largest city with the
state s highest crime rate is m
trouble.harlotte leaders s.n
We re losing our abilitv to
, ontrol violent (rime, said si
Kaplan, chairman ol the
Mecklenburg ount)nminal
ustice( ommission lc n?losing
the. oniidenceoi the. ommunit)
mong the nation's largest
.ities (harlotte ranks eighth in
the rate ol serious crime
I he county panel called a 90-
minute meeting al the I niversity
of Northt .irolmaatC harlotteand
begged stateSupremeCourtChiel
lustiee lames hum and Franklin
freeman director of the erth
( arolma dmmistratne( Mticeot
theOUrtS, ter help
Bloodshed's kind ol routine
here new, s.nd panel member
and former City Manager David
Rurkhalter. telling of police ottic
ers and schoolchildren being shot
nub lal distru t It he does n, ?
the amount he' requests
vie. ide where to mak ut
I he number ol proset utorsin
each distru t 1 reeman said is
based on a formula that onsi
population and the numbi i
c.mrt i ases tiK'd
In September ? ? i "
( itouiw il agreed to spend
J32 40) I to temporaril) ; i
prosecutors It was the first time
thecin spent rm ine) onthecourts
traditional!) finant ed by the
count and the state
were among
Mecklenburg County and Char
lotto officials al the Thursday
meeting including Mecklenburg
( ounty District Attorney Peter
( alihnst.harlotte Police t hief
s.un Kill man and Charlotte 1av or
sue Myrick
The things I've heard today
have worried me Exum said "I
Ao think you have some special
problems here '
He spoke after Charlotte
la wyerCariton Fleming read 1989
F HI statistics on serious crime in
orth Carolina. Those show R,
leigh had 14.H serious crimes in
1989; (.reensboro had 14,8hl, and
Winston Salem had ln,20b That
combined total 45,382 is less
the same year
"That demonstrates that we're
not iist hHiling' Remmg said.
There is a horrible, horrible
I'lemmgcomplainid about die
unfairness of the system because
those three judicial districts have
a total of 45 prosecutors and the
Charlotte district has only 21.
As director of the N C Ad
ministrative Office of the Courts,
Freeman lobbies the General As-
sembly for money to pay pros-
ecutors, judges, public defenders
and clerks of court for each state

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She last (larulinian October 30.1990
SETA launches educational campaign
By Heather Modlin
statt Writer
nu'iit also includes information on eralion have .illil on i .illi'ttr and
solid wastes rhe EPA estimated all I S. corporations to leave South
that 811 percent ot existing l.mdtill Mrica asa wa toapph prcssureon
space will close by the year 2.CMX) the kiovernmont tor negotiations
A campus organization is Incineration has proven dangerous Gillette maintains $28.2 million
working toward educating the pub as millions ot pounds ol .ur toxics worth ol investments in suth At
li on animal rights and environ are released,and the tonsot hazard nc.i
mental issues ousash cannot be safely disposed j js important t know
E I sStudentsfor the Ethical Plastics are problem! bi since thelilletteorporation dors not
i reatment ol nimals (SETA) will they produce dangerous toxics nk prtxiuce razors. Other prod
have an information table available when incinerated and they do not nets include Silkience White Rain
to faculty and students in front o( decompose in landfills Gillette is Mink Difference, rhe Dry Look
(he Student Store on Tuesday from the single biggest producei and fame loni Home Perms, Lustrasilk
.1 m to t m p n
trash-can distributor of disposable plastu ra tr?i Daisy I r.u II Gtxid New:
Sensor A.ipn. I.itr.i. I iquid Paper
Papermate Flair, Soft & Dri, Righl
he Good Neighbor Vgree Guard, Drv Idea and Imagine bod
receptacle will lv provided in the
spirit ol the ! ump (.illette Day
campaign in opposition to themak
ersol many produt Is ment also states that by investing in
rheacttvih is coordinated by South tm.i. (allette profits from
tin? Dump Gillette Coalition, which and participates in theruel ami
includes nine animal rights envi unjusl system ol apartheid rhe testing are Revlon, Aon Nexxus
? i ilMiti hell listingol I ru
n example ol major compa
nics who do not usr animals tor
ronmentarrand racial justice orga greemont mentions that the Vfn
tiations Chei " ?thei Dump can National Congress the I ntted
Gilletti tables will be set uonation YmtKTatii Front, and traded lev!
prodiu Is i ill be distnh
the booths
1 hese groups have beooii
' ? ial the beliex eis( ru I
pra tu os to tost animals by i iillette
TivH't began to mount when docu
mentation was pro ided by an em
plo ivatthecompam slestingplant
in 1985
Photographs were taken ol
rabbits whoso blistered skin had
been treated . ith dandruff sham
poo rassub-i ? ?? li massiveinha
lation ? - ? ? dorants and
hairspra its re?ti i
w hilo 1 kjuid Pa pel ??? .i- In
National Dump Day
? said
t ii lags behind HXI other
rudea i
? ? pie bin
? mi ind sham
n?H?. ? ? they're sup
: II ring
Neighborhood Grill & Bar
Annual Halloween
Costume Party!
? inimal rights
i d thi pihk!
tooiiH'tit in
u. ??? pTS?' .uiihaUilletlo
(in I " invtoxi smto
? torn such as petro
' ? '
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i m the i
o irntng
v IliftOfl
And they're rxh repre-
sented b the insignia v?ui wear
as n member oi the Army Nurse
( a ?rps. The t adiieeus m the left
meansyiHi'repartita health are
system in which educational and
c areer advanc ement .ire the rule,
n ' the exception. The gold har I
ht means you command respect as an Army officer It you re
i BSN, write: Army Nurse Optortunittes, FU box un
, Nl 07015. Orill toil tree: 1-8CXM ISA-ARMV ext. 48.
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CS Pop Shrimp
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?Jj? i?uBt (EntolxtXXntl H vote is still nooooooj
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael G. Martin, Managing Editor
Tim Hampton, News Editor MiCMAE! Ai.buquf.rque, Asst News Editor
Matt KlNG, Features Editor SlUARr Ol II'HANT, Asst Features Editor
Douc; Morris, Sports Editor Eari i M. Mc Auley, Asst. Sports Editor
Carrie Armstrong, Special Sections Editor Scon Maxwei.i Satire Editor
Amy Edwards, Copy Editor Dfanna Nfvgioski, Corn Editor
Michael Lang, Editorial Pwduction Manage Tom Barbour, Circulation Manager
Jeff Parker, Staff Illustrator Stuart Rosner, Systems Manager
Chris Norman, Darkmnn Technician Phong Luong, Business Manager
Margie O'Shfa, Classified Ads Technician Deborah Daniels, Secretary
rheEastCarokmim has served the Fast Carolina campus community sim :e 1925,emphasizing information thai directly affects
ECU studenu. During ihe ECU school vear. I he East Carolinian publishes twice a week w uh a circulation of 12.(MX the East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements thai discriminate on ihe basis of age. sex, creed or
national origin. The masthead editorial in each edition does not necessarily represent the views of one individual, hut. rather,
is a major it) opinion ol the Editorial Board , he Bast (irolinum welcomes letters expressing all points of view Letters should
he limited to 25(1 words or less For purposes ol decency and brevity. The Eastinlinnin reserves the right to edit letters for
publication Letters should be addressed ti The Editor. The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg . ECU, Greenville, N.C
278.M; or call (9191 757 M60
An All Hallows Eve relived
When the word 'tradition' is mentioned
around or to ECU students, the first thoughts
that usually enter one's mmd are ol the infa-
mous Halloween parties in downtown
Greenville We still reminisce about the great
crowds at the celebration some years num-
bering ItiW ? comprised mainly ol college
students and people who would drive from all
parts ot the state tor the festivities.
With city officials cancelling the party
following the 998 event private gatherings
increased tremendously In Tar River Estates
last year, revellers gathered on Ash and Oak
streets lor .i celebration that turned into a big
fracas. Over 125 ECU studentsand visitors were
arrested in the fiasco thatGreenviUe Policecalied
a "riot The ensuing weeks left students and
city officials at odds.
In protest ot thearrestsand a toughened
stnnceonthenoisoordinaiuv .students marched
toCttyl tall and organizeda boycott of (IreenviUe
merchants called Iirplelonda Itunreased
tensions between the citv ol Greenville and
ECU students. But has the hatchet been buried ?
A lot ot the students that were arrested
in the not stili hold a deep grudge toward the
Greenville Police tor their lack ot profession-
alism " And three EC "I media representatives.
all students, sutler. i time away from dass and
money lost battling charges when they were
covetingthesituation -onlvtohaveuniversiU
administrators fail to support them
But that was last year, and it should be
used as a learning experience. To prevent a
similar situation events have Kvn planned tor
Wednesday night by Greenville businessmen
and the Student Union to keep residents
especially ECl students ?out ot trouble
TheConnells, a Raleigh-based band that
has traditionalh Kvn popular among ECU
students, will be playing in Minges Coliseum at
$5. Meanwhile, a beach festival ameert is
planned lor the Pitt County l-airgrounds. Four
bands will showcase this tirst-time event
The traditional E( I 1 lalloween stignu
is gone - a markot the past But the memories
should not be forgotten, onlv looked at as a
lesscttlearnedby ECl I students, administrators
and citv officials
Emti THNKAoarir

Society has adopted amoral values
By Darek McCuIlers
Editorial Columnist
lohn Donne once said "o
man is,in island, wo real a part ol
the continent, a part ot the mam
Vhat is to say that we are all inter
connected and inextricably bound
together in a common fate. The
problem ot domestic violence and
abuse of women bv nvn is one that
I am particularly sensitive to Re-
cently, these problems have hit the
ECU communitv in a serious was
One month ago an estranged
black man. Albert Witherspoon
faced oft with ECU Police at the
Whichard Building in central cam
pus Things were not going well at
the home or job for Witherspoon.
therefore, he decided to talk to his
ex-wife. She was out to lunch, so he
decided to be a "macho man" and
demanded to see her at gunpoint
ECU Police Chief lames DePuy
handled the situation with great
skill Fortunately, no one was hurt
This incident was not is?
lated I hear on the news all the
time about estranged husbands
who shot their wives and then
themselves Several wars ago, a
man in my communitv shot him-
self. Leo Champion shot himself
because he believed t ma bo knew I
that his wife had Kvn unfaithful.
Recently, this problem hit
close to home oni Olanivan was
a cheerful young black lad) of J3
vears old. Her life's passion was
African dance and ethno-contric-
itv Those students who have par
tuipated in cultural programs put
on bv the Allied Blacks tor I eador
ship and Equality knew her well
She performed at last year's
Kwaana celebration on campus
as well as the Black History Month
ProgramFashion Show
Several weeks ago. she was
stabbed to death bv her estranged
husband, Michael langston, who
killed himself. This tragic episode
leaves several questions in mv
mind What was the cause of this
estrangement1 Whv did he ha veto
vent his frustration on this sweet
lady1 Why did he commit suicide
and not face the consequences ot
his actions Lett to face this mys-
tery are four children, ages 18
months to eight v ears.
According to one survey
(Showcase Sociologv Program),
approximately Ml percent of mar-
ried women said that they had
Kvn hitasan adult I attribute this
gnm statistic to one major factor.
America and indeed the world is
quickly becoming an amoral soci-
ety. Our lack of "true" religion has
caused a breakdown of (Mir minds,
spirits, and family structure.
Hopefully. such tragic inci-
dents can be prevented through
increased evangelism and spiritual
revival as well as a strengthening
of the law Some say that
Witherspoon should get off easy.
I believe he should get the full ten-
year sentence I hope we can use
the word (Bible) and the law to
eradicate domestic violence and
female abuse
Letter to the Editor
Pirates teach
To the Editor
I wish to respond to the
editorial Marching Pirates
gavea Poor Show" by Mr Virgil
Clark It is my contention that
yes, indeed, ihe Marching l'i
rates are the Performing Pi
rates Ihe reason however,
that there i poor student bod)
support ,u football games, isnot
reflective ol the Marching Pi
! he Marc hing Pirates
whose numbers range from 180
to rt1 members depending on
the vear are a performance
group ot the E I School ot
Musk Ks performers and mu
sicians their goal is to learn from
the music they plav The edu
? ational value ot songs such .is
Malaquena and ohnny One
Note (two v harts in the March
ing Pirates I990show), keep the
students interested in learning
musk and thus keep the StU
dents m the "Performing Pi
rates, so that their (the bands)
numbers don't drop Ihe
Marching Band relies heavily
on the performances ot music
majors, and without playing
such music, the music majors
are not interested in the hand
Contemporary music is progress is needed
it we are going to have one ot
the premiere music schools and
one ot the premiere marching
hands m the southeast
Kurt Schmiemann
Musk Education
Class of 1992
is not dead
To the Editor:
Ihe famous Halloween
Celebration at ECL is not dead
nor has it gone underground it
is happening in Minges Coli
seum at 9 p m on Halloween
The Student I nion is es
tabhshing a new Halloween
Tradition with its second an
nual Halloween Concert. Ihou-
sandsot costumed students will
rock to the sounds ot
Connells and Chit of the Darkness
I user light Show. This major
concert was planned bv the Stu
dent Union Program Board and
booked bv our Major Concerts
Committee using Student Ac
tivitv Fees.
The Student Union has
received strong support tor this
concert from Chancellor Eaktn,
SGA President Allen Thomas
and the SGA Legislature,
Intertraternitv Council,
ranhelhnic Council. Residence
Hall Association, University
Book Exchange. Dining Ser
v ices, and WZMB
It is our goal to continue
this concert as an annual Hal-
loween event. In order to do so,
and to bnng in bigger and bet-
ter concerts in the future, we
need your support. If you have
not already purchased your
ticket, stopby the Centra I Ticket
Office in Mendcnhall and do so
Tickets are on sale now for
$5.00attheCcntral Ticket Office
in Mendenhall Student Center
( ostumes are optional. You
must present ou student ID to
purchase a ticket and to enter
the concert You may purchase
one guest ticket with your ID
and you must accompany your
guest into the concert
ken Drake
Student I nion
I o the Editor
I would like to make a
v hintw ation in Mr Matt
Mumma s article on the rime
1 itness 5K Run I Ran the entire
distance (3.1 miles). In the Ird
lane i w hich means I ran further
than anv other participant
1 hank ou
Proud to bean alumni w ho
brings up the rear
April I1 Ross
I c I Alumni
Are gay
rights 'too
fo the Editor
Every Helms tor Senate
commercial says that Harvey
(iantt is too liberal A recent
one criticized that Gantt held
tund-raisers.itgav barsand that
he supports a gay rights bill
What is so "liberal about that ?
1 v erv American deserves equal
rights, no matter what their
sexual preferences are It that is
too liberal" then we re all in
Nicole Pratt
record on
education is
!o the Editor
As a teacher. I've heard
I larvey Gantt's TV' commercials
withsomeamusenient A voung
woman savs to the camera
Helms has Kvn Senator
tor IS vears. and we're 50th in
the country in education 1 she
sav s "o, that won't work
in a campaign tilled with
15 second sound bites, this
one still winsaprize. Let's try to
sort out the layers of contusion
1) Education is a major
charge oi the local and state
government, not of the U.S.
2) It the Senate has Kvn
poor in its (small) role, then
blame the Senate majority
congested with liberals like
J) It a legislature at anv
lev el is to blame, then it is sure!)
our State legislature -filled
withhKrals Votethomout.and
vote m candidates of sense and
proper v alues
4) Consider (lantt's cm ?
opportunity to affect Edu
lion his two terms as
c harlottc s mayor, before fi ? ?
fired '?! the voters Here was his
btgcha nee toimpro ve edu ati
right? Hutharlottc is am
the worst problems in the State -
Cantl believes that
should send more ot our edu i
ttonal tax money toV ashing!
hoping it will somehow help
inC arohna Hut most of uski
this is toolish Washington keeps
a lot ol the money, then spends
the rest in ways that are often not
helping and are even dar-
N OU I an t blame (.ant' I i
trv ing t lc has v erv hKral v iew s
he's against the death penalrv
?except tor unbom innocents
he favors tax supported ho
mosexuatart, he favorsa weaker
defense These won t bear
( arolmascrutiny Sohepretends
that in the Senate he would im
prove our Education Bui he
ne er s,i s hove
Surely Carolina voters
won t be so gullible as to believe
him ?
I et's be sure to vote' And
keep our Senator 1 ielms, a man
of great courage! of high and
consistent principle
LI I is Page
Oakstonel Vive
( hapel Hill
should not
be relocated
To the Editor
I m writing in response to
a 1 etter to the Editor" pub
hshed in the October 2"1 1990
issue Mr ames S Sweet sug
cost that the primary reason that
the C Hazardous asti
Management Commission is
considering a parcel ot state
property in Burner tor a haz-
ardous waste facility is the
proximity of the property to
hospitals for mentally ill per-
sons 1 le stated that this sma ks
of the pre World Uar II
Snake Lit era -s,i member oi
the Hazardous Waste Manage
ment Commission, I categori-
cally dispute his claim
The Commission held 12
public hearings over a period ol
nine months during which citi-
zens had opportunities to com
ment on the screening and siting
criteria. The criterion adopted
bv the Commission relating to
minimum distances ot the facil-
ity from hospitals, nursing
homes, schools, etc. provides
adequate distances tor safetv
It is unfortunate that op-
ponents of the facility have re-
sorted todistortionsof the truth
and emotionalism rather that the
tacts. The Commission has de
voted considerable time and ef
tort to matters relating to pro
tectionof thepublic'shealth and
the environment initsdeliKra
Mr Sweet's comments
were inflammatory and in
tended to elicit an emotional not
a rational response
TrentonC Davis, Dr. PH
Professor ot
Environmental Health

Et?e ?aat (Carolinian October 30.1990I?
Public Safety should
criticized for parking
Students should consider bicycle use too
By Joe Corely
tditorial Columnist
Everyone wants to criticize
Public Safety tor the parking situa-
tion. They write too many tick-
ets They sell too many parking
stickers tor the spaces available
All they realh (are about is taking
'ur mone) Bvit Public Safety is
nottotalh to blame for the parking
Students know before they
ome to school here that parking is
.1 problem Heck, parking is .1
problem at most campuses Hut
a hen students show up at school
and start receiving those tickets,
the feel a need to blame someone
The Student Government As-
sociation recently passed a mobon
asking Pubhc Safety to took into using
less patrol cars Instead, and rightly
so, Public Safety could use foot patrol
andbicvclestogiveout all those tickets
everyone complains about
(hit what the 9CA and every-
one else seem to have overlooked is
quite simple. The majority of students
either live within one mile of campus
or live on one of the bus routes It
everyone reallv wanted to do sonx-
thing about parking I and save money
in the process) they'd utilize other
methods o( transportation.
1 00k at it from a monetary
Standpoint A parking sticker pres-
ently costs $50 Ihen add in cost ol
istration is free and it's not hard to
find a place to lock up your bike
Bikes don't require gas and upkeep
is cheap. Furthermore, you can get
exercise on a bike
And then there's the bus. It
may not be the most attractive mode
ot transportation but it is free And
money is what it's all about for col-
lege students, nghO
Biking, walking or riding the
bus mav not be tor everyone But it
everyone who lived one mile or less
trom campus would leave their cars
at home when they come tot lass we
could really alleviate part ot the
parkingproblem A oumayevensave
some money in the process.
Virtually all college students plan to move up in their
career. But Air Force ROTC cadets can begin the train-
ing toward a career that goes higher and faster In fact, if
you'd like to begin a life in the sky. your best first step is
Air Force ROTC
You'll learn the confidence you'll need whether
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controls as'a pilot FAA-approved flight lessons will
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Begin early in college, and you 11 be eligible for schol-
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each academic mouth, tax-free After graduation, you'll
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training program
Move up with Air Force ROTC ROW. and you can
move up with the Air Force as an officer Contact your
campus Air Force representative.
leadership Kxcellence Starts Here
and that someone is usually Public upkeep on a car, gas, and parking
Safets tk ketsinot to mention the time wasted
Until students realize that while waiting for a parking space in
parking isevervone sproblemand the morning) and driving to class can
eryone s going to haw to be a be pretty expensive
part ol the solution, the situation Riding a bike is extremely inev
will keep getting worse. penavecomparedtothis. Bicvclereg-
Make Halloween safe for everyone!
before you
a DuWK Mrrica ?????? brought 10 you trom your rr.?nd? it The ?.?(,
ECU Graduate 1977
? Active Pirate Club Member since 1977
. Committed to fighting for ECU in the General Assembly
Vote Randy Doub
N C House of Representatives. District 9, Pitt and Greene Counties
November 6, 1990
Paid For By The Randy Doub Committee
ECU Student Union
Featuring: The Connellsand Out of The.Darkness Laser Light Show
October 31st 9:00 P.M.
Minges Coliseum
Tickets on Sale at Central Ticket Office, Mendenhall Student Center
ECU Students and Guest - $5.00 each
(Guest Must Be Escorted By Student With ECU ID)
Limit One Guest per Student
Dr. Richard R. Eakin, Chancellor SGA Special Concerts Panhellenic Counc
, , tmir. M?vir
Voice Your Opinion!
Positions are Available on
the legislature
of the SGA
Potions Available:
Day Representatives
Dorm Representatives
Sophomores V.P.
Graduate President
Apply in SGA Office in
Mendenhall Student Center
Any questions call 757-4726

gibe lEast (Carolinian
Octobih 30,1990
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mone IS Grants
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cies Resi
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LOOKING FOR: a fraternity, soror-
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51,000 for a one
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ns oi
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VICES: 24 hi
projects Desigi er T pi ? i
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sumes Letter C ?' '
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so BUS1 A U !
i essing for papers re
Data-base ind
Wl Rl C,i I n.NG Kl KD l-OR
i hi istmas sea
Idttior to
: 1 ? nt that ca
vv. Fl irs ppl
. ?: Moi fhurs : -i
HI I P WANTED: : 1th year
rpart time
rk nn rands Mast have
s V IRK i X( I I I I NI PAY!
me. Call fot
DAYS? Need a fun part time job?
search oi seasonal help to fill oursalcs
and counter and production posi
tions. We have stores located in the
following markets. Greenville, Co
lumbia, Charleston, Knoxville, Ra-
leigh, Durham, Greensboro, Win
ston-Salem, Wilmington, Charlotte
Atlanta and other major cities
throughout the southeast Please
check the white pages or ii torn itioi
for the store nearest you
CO AC HI S: The Greenville Recre
ition and Parks Departmenl is re
cruiting tor 12 to 16 parl tin i yo ith
basketball coach s foi thi .?. i ?? i
vouth basketball p
cat Is m. isl :t ssi ss s.
? ? he basketball ski
ability and patience I ? work ??? tl
youth Applicants musl be abl( to
coach young people ages M8, n
basketball fundamentals 1 lours in
iron-p m to7p m w ith son
and weekend coaching ll ispi in
will run from Novembei v to
Februan Salan rates si
please cal 1 tier i - . -
1 iAN DA rhursday November I
9a m to4 p m Mendei hall S i
this is your 11 ano to fii alizc all
preparations for graduatioi ' Grad
application, career planning &
placement, graduate school cap &
gowi parking & libran fines ett
m'pi iompi ii r ro'Bi c.rvi
yeah right, pledges You re d i
pood job, but then sAI WAYS
for improvement! 11 Brotl ersof Pi
Kappa Phi
irn ni i i pi
: in -pptl
i i l d ?e
ind havi thi
ci ?? lotation iti
uci cv H use 5 ?' i ?
watei ca i
replace, gas h
? ti yard 3blocl
pus A' '? ?

row rs pl ?' i '?
teh Call L l 7"
CHIOS: HANKS for all) r hel
on buildinj tl it Even
Bl AST! 1 el - parl
i: i Brothers ind ;? i '?:?? so! ' "
ALPHA PHI: ! - .
for all the help v
? j Wl ??
hi p that ??? ? ?' ??? ? ' ?
again Witl
fhe Phi Psi -

?Ve look foi
- .
dav VV realh
? ??
??. itl
Ml l OMI GA: 1

l I'll DI I I PI
. . ?
PI K M'l' ! PH
1 2 ,v '
monitor, mathei
printer softw in
-vs all Ron ;
: bright red witl ??
EMG pick up So u d
great all 1 v k
Please lea e message
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all suDects
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Tree FUm Offer
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wl ? . w a i t
Free & bnfidential
Sen ices & ('oun eli
( arolina Pregnancy Center
757 0003
11 li 3rd. St.
The Lee Buildi
Greenville, NC
Ml ?
Wes2fel is a C hristiai ? .
?a : i: (. c imes all stud?
5pi ?.?? v i i - tenar
and Methodisl i m : is M
l flit, to the Stud "
5tl ktoss rom Garrett d
Wedi esda . it5p.i
52 . . . ?
nvill have communun
;hf hearing mpaired
for n't 'rv informatii i
You an
; - Word ??
comes all people We pn
We ? ?
nights ai 7 pn
Mendenhall If you ha1
Thev thought tl .
Ihev didr t know a
?"s Ball a mascj lei idi I you
? if rHENEW DI esda
October JO (Mischief Nij
mc Billy I I ib Fesl and Hell
I rogtown rickel sail ?
t Deli, Reggaewan .u - - ?' ?
Records. Ire r Ston I asloasl
Lambda Alpha tothropolog)
wtII sponsor a mini-career seminar
on Tuesday.t?er X)13:30 p m in
Brewster D-302 Questioi ! ? ich as
'What can I do ?? a B A in
AnthropoJog) ' and '?'? I al si
kK)k tor in a graduate s hi Hii1 will be
dealt with. All Anthropology majors
minors or other interested persons
are encouraged to attend
ng aboul man) oi
ironmental pi blen s facing
I w rld?G ?me to
. ? eel ii ?! Stud? nts toi tl e
n Tl irsdaj Novem-
it 5:15 p.n ? Mei d( rthall st
Center Ri 12' Ev ryoni is
. ; . nus isw( d Iress
: kea
: lir
5l Apl ?'? Non members are en-
. ? td li you have any
:? 31 7732 or
? ?
honorssocii n
ors Society will
Mi lenhallatSp.m
fuesd lober 30. (fficers meet
' ? ationol Nursing
? ?- f C NS) would like toex-
ill campus orga-
nizations toi ? Is goal oi raising
$51 won odsforane?d)
family al rhanksgiving Any groups
interested in participating in this food
drive should contact Hayley Harrison
? . . j or 757 6075 on or before
November 1
iy, )ctober30fltat5'JOfiwre
will bi a Phi Eta Sigma meeting in
Generall?s?roorn Building, Room
1006 Anv questions call 931-7799
See vt u there'
1 riday November 2 to Sunday Nt
vembier 4ome camp w itl fi
lews at c amphestnut Ridj
sideChapel Hill (nlvS25 I
weekend! C all Mike
. ?
Sharon at 931 -78 for more inl
dim rent rn
On fuesday, Octobei S( idi i ts
for the Ethical 1 reatn ei I oi Anin ils
(SE1 A) will sel up u ii formation
table in fr i I ol th Studenl stt.res
from9a.rr K pm todissemii ati
information or how the ' iilett(
( i rnp m tortun s ai in als trashes
Ix" prm idet
r those wishing to
"dump Gilette :A depositing am
( ilette products the have rhese
products will be senl to( iilette
rUESOCI V ! liotl rank, guitar,
Faculty Recital (Fletcher Recital Hall,
8:15 p.m , free) WED . OC1 Jl
Dennis Alleman, saxophone,
Graduate Recital (Fletcher Recital
Hall,7:0(1 p.m ,free) rHURSNOV
1-Los Angeles Guitar Quartet,
Chamber Music Series Hendrix
Mendenhall Student Center, 8:00
P m , for ticket information call "
47HS), Percussion Ensemble, Mark
Ford, director (Fleti her Rental Hall,
8:15p.m,free) SUN NO 4-ECl
lirector, lo Ribeiro
.?. right Auditoi
MON NO "? ?
nber Music rt (Fletchei
Ha - fi
I he North I arolina Studi i I i gisla
. for new members II
you lovi
issues, have n r
? am more
tnd sei is
on Monda) nights al
room 247 Mci di nhall Fi i
formatioi all Barbara HurU al;
( ?neral Ah ge si tdents sF
contact their advisors the week ol
No ember 5-9to make arrangements
foracademu ad ising for spring se
mester 199C Eai i tratioi will
begin Novembei 2 and end Novem
ber ' 6
I )or ? forget! W have a Genei
Meeting al 5 p.m on October Jl,
Mendenhall, Crea: Room
three part worksi
i;Tl rsday,N ,en er 15 '?
sessii ?? ? ?? ? I
I IN Nl I i
1N (, Ml NI
? ?
I l( )N sn CIAL I
directh ind
ns in a n
?. ? . r offend
registratii ? "
Or Vtond '? i r 199
p m iri Hendi
: xnsorship debate I he
bate will feature lack l"hon pa
key figure in 2 I ive Cn
banned and arrested in Florida
Bill Siddons
a: en im Morrison wasarresh
obscenity Come and voice
opinion on the Question
ship Sponsoredbj rheStuck I
1 ILMtNl m
I 1)1 C IK
i 11 H Ml MBI RS
atfje iEafit (Earaliman
is your chance to get involved with
ECU's most exciting student-run media.
ApfriyttxLtyJ $eC6rtd tfbor oflhfiybifction BuUdktg Uiross trow tuyner Library)
.???? :?: ?????ViiVi'irii i i ? ? i i ? ? i' ? ? ' ?-


Oi roBER 30.1990
(Biit lEaBt Ctlarolfniaii.
Connells to howl in
Minges Coliseum
on Halloween night
K Michael Harrison
st.ilt Writer
students demand tor a fun-filled activity
n is being answered.
rt will h given at Minges Coliseum at 9
n t t 11 that will feature music group I'he
mells and an Hil ol the Darkness 1 aser l ight
ire $5 each
lls described their sound .is "multi
l md full ol life I'hev usl completed a
ilbum their fourth, titled "One Simple Word
? six weeks working with Producer
h field studios in Wales
publicist said that "One Simple
itiibtish the group as 'one ol
? . k bands, helping them to
ignition. The songs 'Stone
tk lo Me and Waiting Mv
twelve songs featured on the
? rmed in 1984 m Raleigh Guitar-
?nneil and his brother David worked to
md and soon Doug MacMillan
id vo alisl
imberly, a former member ol the punk
band johnny Quest, joined as ,i drummer
The Connells managed to get their first single
called Parker Days" from their hrst album ol the
same name bv March 1985 I heir album Parker
Pays" was released in England, and critical praise
soon followed
At this time, The'onnel Is worked with friend Ed
Morgan to form their own label. Black Park Records,
and then released Parker Days" in the U.S. The
album had a sound that the group called "New
Stream" music. Their first musu video, 'Seven, was
then put into MTV's regular programming
Producer Mitch Easter offered to produce I he
Connells'second album, Boylan Heights during
the tirst tour in the I S Boylan Heights received
favorable reviews in RollingStone md Musician"
magazines. It made fourin 1 he ia in Report Rolling
Stone's National Mternatn e i hart and soon bei ame
a favorite on college campuses
The Connells continued to build a loyal follow
mg so that their thud album 1 un &iames, wasa
big success Fun lames" reached the IbplOofall
Modern Rock charts, including Die Album Network,
Rockpoot, Gavin, Ml and I he I lard Report
See Connells page 9
T he Connells will be the featured entertainment at this year's Halloween celebration at
1 he band is touring to support their latest opus. One Simple Word
m Photo ?? Kana
Minges Coliseum
Ceramist to demonstrate kiln firing
By Gretchen Ivcs
si.itt Writer
Fll? photo
o dig in and tight tor their lives against an
nero revamps
sic cult film
i; I en is c oble
? I V nl I
' V.ld IS
li him In
i the I e.
?it i
: mal
iki isaboul sevi n
irri ide themselves
house whiletryingtosave
. Hosh eating zombies
ii s rsion ol
rittenb) (ohnRusso
? i Romero, and was
; la) a ritb n
i . mi! version
i ow ,i budge! ol
auessed that the
?uld ha e mii i ceded and
II lassk. I hev re
you Barbara Isthf
,i, ilogue ol the movie
ime a classk line
,k, follows the basic
the original movie,
rnero fell that since
pie had seen the
the audience could be
manipul ited rom Savini, direc-
w hen you expect
so ' happen and it
. . re's that element of
sum I' ls lms ek?menl of
surprise whi h makes this movie
n , rnovietakespiaceinarural
tow nship in Pennsylvania in
stor ci nters around seven char-
?. ? Ben Barbara,Harry,Helen,
i dSarah rhestorvis
btsicall) about a battle with flesh
ii ombies and the internal
strugj seachi haracter faces with
him ? II tnd the other characters.
Othe! ombieoi horror finks is the
underlying theme that Romero
placed in this movie fhe true
is man i failure to communicatt
with one another m desperate
limes ,md therefore, his failure to
sun ive
lonv lodd plays the character
Ben who is the leader ol the little
group Ben has to not only fight
the zombies, but also has to con-
front and deal with the internal
conflicts that threatens to destroy
the group 1'odd has had several
roles in many major movies, such
as Platoon" and "lean On Me"
Patricia Tallman plays the part
Ol Barbara,
rises above her timid life to fight
for her life against the zombies
rallman has had roles in "The
Guiding I ight" and in the movie
"Road I louse"
Tom lowles portrays the
character 1 larrv Coopper, who is a
man disliked bv most of the
members of the group. Harry
succeeds in causing the most of
the problems that lead to the
eventual tate ot every member of
the group. lowles has worked on
such films as "1 he Borrower" and
"Men Pont leave"
William Butter is cast as rom
rom is a teenager who hides m the
farm house with his girlfriend,
ludv played by Katie Rnneran
Bolter has had parts in several
horror films and has died in each
one Such as in "Choulios II
"Friday the 13th, Tart VII" and
"Buried Alive" Finneran is mak-
ing her film debut
McKee Anderson, who plays
I Men Cooper, is also making her
film debut
The new movie is unlike man v
remakes or. for that tact, zombie
movies Ihislilmhasdlotofartistic
See Classic page 9
"v ukio N amamoto an influen
tial Japanese eramii artist is
scheduled to visit the M I Si htnl
ot Art on I ndav ov .uu will
Conduct demonstrations through
ov 1 J The event is sponsor.I
bv theceramk department in the
Art school
YamamotO is known lor his
traditional wood-firing tech
niques 1 le v ill hold firings, tor
the public to attend, in lerrai eia
(approximately 45 minutes from
( ,reenv ille)
Yamamota built his nrst kiln
in 1955 in his present hometov no!
demon, lapan It was ,i three
chambered kiln
After various unsuccessful fir-
ingsofcla) pieces Yamamotobuilt
long bv eight feet wide
i imamoto built a climbing
kiln at Northern Arizona Univer-
sitv (NAl I in 1985 rheconstriM
lion took over six months
I he l lozan Noborigama
kiln is one of two of its kind. 1 he
kiln at NAl is fired once I year
Ni amamoto has attended one tir-
ing, but gives instructions when
he . annot be there.
I hr Don Bendel, professor ol
art at NAU has worked closely
with Yamamoto. Bendel says
si amamoto teachespanence in un-
derstanding the lapanese point oi
view as well as his personal phi-
losophy ot life.
! he ECl School of Art says
this upcoming event poses an im-
portant cross-cultural connection
Ri hard Spilter , ECU art professor
said. "It has great potential tor an
exceptional learning experience tor
the School of Art. the university
and the community "
Art Haney, dean of the art
school, said ECU is very lucky to
have a "national treasure" visit the
art school as oneof the stops on his
American tour.
Hanev further commented. "It
will bo a great oppurtunitv to lis-
ten to a very humble person talk
about his work and his life
N. amamoto's scheduled events
start off with wood firings on Sat-
urday, Nov 10 and Sunday, Nov.
11 at Richard Spiller's studio in
Terra Ceia. Spilter has built a kiln
there especially tor Yamamoto's
On Monday, Nov 12 two
demonstrations will be h Id in
Room I03of Jenkins The demon-
strations are scheduled tobeginat
10a m and 2 pjn the latter event
bomgacalligraphv demonstration
A full dav of final events are
scheduled for Tuexdav. ov 13.
Yamamoto will also bo making
studio visits beginning fuesdaj
horn9a.m.until 2 p.m. - demon
stratum will take place at 2 p m
and a lecture at 7p.m.
YamamotO will -pond the re-
mainder of his trip sightseeing at
the coast.
For additional information
contact the art department at 757-
what he considers to be lise per
fection amamoto ?- invention is
called a lozan Noborigama kiln It
is .i medieval lap.mcsc version ol
the hinese Noborigama ktln
amamoto attributes his
firing failures to his poor knowl
edge and techniques 1 le wrote in
an English translation. 1 real
ized that the worst thing was mv
attitude toward the kilns 1 never
thought ol how to understand mv
kiln's hearts and how to talk vith
them "
lozan Noborigama means
"climbing kiln"
The lozan Noborigama tea
tutes 11 tlues. 17 dampers, four
chambers ,i smoke room and the
dogi la tiring chamber). Other
wood-burning kilnsconsist of one
flue and a single damper
Fhe large kiln measures 50 feet
File pho?o
Y?k,o Yamamoto known lor trad.tional woodfinng techniques. will visit the School ol Art on Friday Mov 9
I"d wl cond?rdemons.ra?ons and tatks -egarding h,s work as welt personal ph,tosoph,es ol -e
By Stuart Oliphant
Assistant Editor
Iraq placing troops on the Svr
win border, an attempted assassi
nation of Saddam Hussein: iist
two hypothetical stiuations that
could cause a world crises. How
would a United Nations ambassa
dor handle situations such as
The ECU Model United Na-
tions Club had the opportunity to
find out when thev participated in
a competition held by the National
Collegiate Security Commission
The event, which took place Ot
tober 18-21, was hosted by
Georgetown University and held
at the Omni Shoreham hotel.
Basically, the competition
consisted ot'a dramatic simulation
of the United Nations and its
functions, where students from
different colleges plavod the part
of diplomats Among the different
colleges participating were Duke
I niversitv the University of Vir-
ginia and the University of West-
ern Ontario.
During the competition, each
of the colleges functioned as
separate UN. delegations. As a
task, each delegation would per-
form a scenario in which the stu-
dents negotiated lor theirassigned
country or committee's interest
Representing FCU in the
competition were: Robin Andrews
and Doug Kasales, United King
dom (Security Council); Andy
Walker, Special Political Commit-
tee; lohn Nagy, Political and Se-
curity Committee; Steve Reynolds
and Rusty Dixon, European Sum-
mit; Keith Uambe, Peru (Organi-
zation of American States); Sandra
Singh and Karen Mills. Political
and Security Committee; Becky
Shultz, Greece (European Sum-
mit); Nadira Sansour and Mike
Hadley, Syria (Arab League);
Charles Mandelin, Politburo.
At the start of the event, Clovis
Masoud, former Arab League
ambassador to the United Nations,
gave an address. After Masoud's
address, it was down to business.
The Svrian delegation had the
following problem to contend
with a build up Of Iraqi weapons
on the Syrian border To further
complicate the matter, it vas
learned that among the weapons
being placed were SCUD chemical
In order to solve the situation,
it was up to the Syrian delegation
to get support from the Arab
League. The Syrian ambassadors,
Nadira Sansour and Mike Hadley,
worked with the Jordan delegation
i n an effort to deescalate the tension
on their border. Syria's mam op-
position came from the Egyptian
ee U.N . page 9

vSljc taut (Uarulinian October 30,1990
This Week in Film
Frankenstein double-feature to play
at Hendrix for Halloween enjoyment
Hendm rheatre offers monstrous laughs this week as the
Student l mon I ilms C ommittee presents I rankenstem as nwn
stei .hhI i ntertainei a hopeless misogynist and .1 fool
Pot those who choose to celebrate Halloween in a cinematu
rather than epicurean manner a Frankenstein double feature
v ill be slunv n W ednesday night I ho films are tv ariations ot
MaryShelleysclassic legend rheoriginal Frankenstein willbe
screened first rhedark foreboding sets Boris Karloffs perfoi
mance as the grotesque pitiful monster and I k Herce s -tun
hum; make up su? iceded in burning fhe imagesof this film
in our minds iore ei
rhehilanuis Mel Brooks parod) Young I rankenstem, m!1
screen next 1 he 1 lassie comed features1 iene V ilderas the old
Baron von Franki nstein sscientist and grandson Mart Feldman
ashistrustN assistant Rycgore Peter Boyle as the new monstei
and Madeline kahn .?- fhe scientist - fiancee who become the
monster - bride Ml the repulsion and soi row you will feel for the
monster in theongmal film will bereplaced kv?h tears of laughter
m Mel Bi '? - fan ical interpolation
Frankenstein .nvi Young Frankenstein will bo shown
Wednosd.n night Ocl tl beginning at 8:00 p.m Both are must
sees foi movie connoisseurs
"hursda through Saturda rhe dventuresof Ford I airlane
vvjl . . ? s rhefilm features ndaw Dice la the
foul mouthed misogynisti comedian in his leading man debut
AS rU ul ?wn-on In- luck detective specializing inn
ECU graduate student deals with handicap
By Sandy a Shetty
Special to The East Carolinian
wheelchair and says "In the old
days 1U 1 wanted todo was party
I though! I was Superman, 1 ould
natorforHandicappedServieesat think the have got h,m trapped
Motol it deals And there ha vealsobeen occasions
when he has come close te rutl
m bar- over taunts and
the I niversitN
w uti tuns pet iple p r eive them
selves 1 ou have to be von advo
rimewasshort rheboyshur getany girll wanted a successful whcnlseeMdrk.idon'l goadsaboul tandmj
ried across the road fhe concert ob,a family and I always wanted
lobe a young father neexpiams,
I felt I would relate to my children
better because of the smaller .u;e
1 inginthehospitalbed gave
me tune to think Ml you redoing
is looking at the ceiling I realized
that life doesn't go on forever
Steelesayshedidn t suffer an)
depression I saw people m the
hospital worse off than me and
Ami realized how lu k 1 was to
12:15 p.m. and class was over havemy family's support. I mint
noisv group of students nneout m hlessings even da
of a school building rhev were He is studying for a masters
hungn and thev headed toward dee.reem rehabilitation,
.dineracrossfromthesportstield 1 d substance abuse counse
solitan lacrosse post 'h. accident made h.i
n the sunlight at the bottom of the aliz.
hall wasin sight Mark w .im-v ited
1 bin he saw it the narrow door
1 le slopped.
1 le looked down and remem
bered he was in a wheel, hair
Moments like that hurt him
I hey trigger painful memories
memories of a day that was to
change him and tuin his lite
It was November l81 on a
!rkla afternoon the time was
He says
?? I
see the chair I tie biggest rest?
tion a disabled person experiences down hi
.sthesocialstigmaofbeinglabeled look.nga
handicapped rv
f ? ii,?,u,Hitt tin- window in
Steele sas we are all an a 1 Mt km ks
nd savs 1 '
dent awa from being handi
i apped "i ou i lassifv all peopleas
disabled under one umbn lla, but ou
you forget we are all individuals, are tnmrrw
Peopledon t know what our needs changin
are Wearejustlike v? ryoneetse '
Steele laughs an Idescnbesl
pet pe? vi ' - when :?-
nered b a salesman in a mall and becau :
because I helples
the student hall ana say?
eeth 1
tside? I notice
?d in a ? ? ? md
Of tlv

roll related cases who is trying to solve a murdet in the I os
ngeles musk? community rhisfilm shows ndrew DtceCla
us chauvinistic best worst omesee wh smead 0( onnei
1 . 1 ?? Might 1 ive witl I
iundav matinee I turn I fine
? ? n lim Varne. m hi
t P '
tor wl rinds hinwli ti I tvhenhi
lut tun 'lit thai nnocted to tl
I : whu h ?
md tl nvict ti
haps and tomfoolen ensue quickly in tins
I stone Studios mi
field high spirited h' yeai old
swung himself up the pole
his friends wat hed
It w as sudden
horrified eyes of Ins friend;
exile swnne, and 1 ishi I,
? und '
tk nl
Sex en years
optimistu about thi
ml is ad ' 1 ' ' making ;
Plans an n it but not tai 11
I like to 1 "
la I

Office Hours:
8V0 A.M. - 800 P.M Moa-R 1
&0O AM -4:00 PM Sat
t 4Wll
H ttli (J
George Klein. M.D, F.AAF P.
Henrietta Williams, Ph.D.
No Appoiritmofil N?H.?ss.?iy
The East Carolinian isi irrentl) i epting
applications for a compu U rla) itai t st Pie
stop by the office for details
M '
? ? it nieht at SO
ihd F student
? . ? ? ? moi ? niom 1
? i ? ? ruon programs
at ' ?
,1 ident nion I ilmsC omm l
Coiist Musu ?nd Videt for use of th 1
: ?ttice
mk East
111 the re lew
of these nlms
CofTipilcd b WVmtt I'iHilln
Music Notes
i meieil
? : ? ? ? s?of I d nin
I ynch Mob is issued ? I '?'? ? nsatioi
k. Lynch Mob teatui ' Dokken
. ? , : . ? ? issist nthony
I formei I okken dnimmi r Mick Bi
? ?? ? . erosmith fans are pttil ' n officials to
mmonwealth venin toi Imark the
. . ? t lived at this ad
??:? ?? shabbv apartmei t. St r and mpai
? , ? ? that wiMild tualh nil uj 1
eceivf a second set ot standard
sue onnts absolutely FREE with
your ron ot 35mm Disc. 110 or 126
color print Mm left for developmo.
andonntinq'Excludes4 super
sire pnnts
? ? a uticfttd so I

Oct. 29. 1991
Esst Caroliiiii University
WriRlit Bids.
Greenville IMC, 27858
There isn't one.
Downtown taverns will be closed;
restaurants will close early.
No one will be allowed to drink
alcoholic beverages or congregate
on sidewalks, streets, or parking lots.
The City ofGreem ille u ould like to thcutk
East Carolina I 'nil eraity officials,
SCX students, und the downtown
tavern und restaurant owners
for tluir gent rous cooperation.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
i, i
I new hit
imi Shame Shanv "
? rmei Megadeth
jtUt, v. isual line up changes
. A have a i I ir song demo thai isquiteunlik.
prefers to take 1
nlahle forSH
? .ilence I anlub V t
.sl' tt.i
i.tih releases
mmlati n a
? , b '???'
? Hollywood '?
ill at ten pi toi
Ml nd in stores thi
n.isshi .e ilbum i 1 itl met
, i( , . ? . Seputtura Bi iilian
Deicidc Death mdObituaiy Mso King s
. inj Dweezil Zappa an be
morei ft'orl
? ? . poison in I Warrant ? ? luled 1 ?y at
liseuminl in cnsbi r ??? ?
nlaved an excellent I" minutt
209 E Fith
nj; killer
inson didn I ? the
set ocalisl Brel
a diabeh rea tion
? '? ii'rultsfrom'atow level of sugar in the blood before show
i i rc, t he i ker I 11
Cherrv l'u' and tl
StinkmgRich Sadl ei ug
theirl ir"I lesh i
ti dl went into insu1"
ai niisM-
diabetu sim e the
; ? .pital and is said to be
n show this time around
.xxausetheunskinm hoppers will reschedule u
1 a ,or Musu ott"s ,VOllld llkl
t K tuturc An I n ?' wiu??
hBrettheven best in health and to keep rockm on tour with
, rnusi ii d ? it ittitude -od Bless
t hme. Heave you with th. ? ??? v,nspmng words ol
Brel Michaels, It you can't do it right, do H 1na,
Compiled b Diny" Deaima Nevgtoski
Look for
Campus Voice
on Thursday
Costume Party Over $500.00 In Cash and Prizes
November 1
Ayvarness Art Ensemble
November 2
In Decision
November 8
Widespread Panic


8 She Caat (Carolinian October 30,1990
This Week in Film
Frankenstein double-feature to play
at Hendrix for Halloween enjoyment
Hendnx Theatre offers monstrous laughs this week as the
Student Union Rims Committee presents Frankenstein as mon-
ster and entertainer, a hopeless misogynist, and a tool.
For those who choose to celebrate Halloween in a cinematic
rather than epicurean manner, a Frankenstein double- feature
will be shown Wednesday night. The films are two variations of
Mary Shelley's classic legend. The original Frankenstein will be
screened first The dark, foreboding sets, Boris Karlotf's perfor-
mance as the grotesque, pitiful monster, and lack Picrce's stun-
ning make-up have succeeded M burning the images ot this tilm
in our minds forever
The hilarious Mel Brooks parody, "Young Frankenstein, will
screen next. The classic comedy features Gene Wilder as the old
Baron von Frankenstein'sscientist and grandson, Martv Feldman
as his trustv assistant Rvegore, Peter Boyle as the new monster,
and Madeline Kahn as the scientist's fiancee who becomes the
monster's bride All the repulsion and sorrow you will teel for the
monster in the original film will be replaced with tears ot laughter
in Mel Brooks farcical interpretation.
Frankenstein and Young Frankenstein will be shown
Wednesday night. Oct. 31. beginning at 8:0(1 p.m. Both are must
sees for movie connoisseurs.
Thursday through Saturday, The Adventuresof Ford Fairlane
will stir up audiences. The film features Andrew Dice Clav, the
foul-mouthed, misogvnistic comedian, in his leadmj; man debut
Clav plavs a down-on-his-luek detective specializing m rock and
roll related cases who is trying to solve a murder m the Los
Angeles music community This film shows Andrew Dice Clav
at his chauvinistic best (worst). Come see why Sinead O'C onner
refused to appear on Saturday ight live with him
Truest kws to l.ul is the Sunday matinee featuring the Pine
stl.te Lin master thespWW hm Varnev. in his third Ernest role
This time around Ernest P Worrell is a dim-witted inexplicably
arrogant bank unitor who finds himselfm b.g trouble when he. s
called tor ii.rv dutv. It turns out that a convict connected to the
trial is Ernest's spitting image A swap is arranged which finds
Ernest behind bars and the conv.ct tree to rob Ernes s bank
Shenanigans, mishaps, and tomfoolery ensue quickly in this
Disnev owned Touchstone Studios movie
Don t miss this movie generation s fcrrv Lewis m a .omical
adventure that will amuse voung and old ,ilike
Ihe Irankenstem double feature will be shown tomorrow
rtiehf Wednesday, CM H.atftOOp.m I h. Adventures of Ford
Fairlane w til be shown Thursday night, ov I at 7 00 and W?
pm.lndav ov 2 and Saturday ov ? at fcOO p.m. Frnest
Goes to lail will be greened as a m.itim-e on Sunday. ov. 4 at
200 p m and later that mgtrt at MV Pm Admission IO the films
1S free with a valid ECU student ID bearing a current semester
activity sticker For more information on Student I nion Films
and other Student Union programs, call the indent Union office
at 797-411
The student Union Films Committee would like to thank hast
C???4 Musk and Video for use of their videotapes in the review
.of these films.
Compiled hv Wmdn PtttiHo
Music Notes
This week let's ,ump right into the meta! news. Phil Sandoval
and let! Hum an havereplaced guitarist Pave Pnchard in Armored
Saint In February. Pnchard died of leukemia Of course, the
metal world will mourn the loss of such a talented drummer
Lynch Mob has issued their debut 1 P Wicked sensation In
stores since last week. Lynch Mob features former Dokken
guitarist (.eorge l.vnch. vocalist On. I ogan. bassist Anthony
Lsposito and former Dokken drummer Mick Brown.
Some faithful Aerosmith fans are pet.honing Boston officials to
declare I ?5 Commonwealth Avenue an historic landmark. The
reason1 I he quintet lived at this address from 1970 to 172 In this
three-bedroom, shabby apartment. Steven Tyler and company
iMMttcd and WfOte songs that would eventually end uP on a few
successful albums.
Ratt has a new home v.deo titled Oekmtt (A Vtswn) to
H.omram their latest album "Detonator " The rele.w ? mi hides
S ,deo clips of "Dance. ? "I Want a Woman" and two versions of
their X-?ted new hit "Lovm' You's a Dirtv lob which was
,mned from TV' "Shame Shame Shame also from the new
, cord comes to life in video form
efl Voting tormer Megadeth has a new band called
Broken Si.ence. After going through the usual line up changes
Youmtand crew have a new four-song demo that is quite unlike
lhc M, gadeth style Instead, Broken S.lence prefers to take the
2 uJ: metal route The demo avaie for ??W?g
pn u.t e, handling) by writing to Broken S.lence Fan C lub. I O
r , Hollywood. (A 91615
" V ? kU I au less will attempt to revive h,sband WASP at a new
, hel EMI And in stores this month, look for new releases
I ,V (andlemass (a Hvt album), a death metal compilation called
At teath's DOOT featuring tracks from Sepultura (Brazilian
. ,1(at.t best Deicide. Death and Obituary Also. Kings
y rs I Hope and Love while Dweezil Zappa can be
heard' a his sophomore effort
0 , Saturday, Poison and Warrant were scheduled to play at
he ,reensb,?roCol.seum.n(.reensbonv C Incasevouweren t
there Warrant plaved an excellent 4-mmute set, serving killer
LVngsofl iheif new IP "Cherry P.e" and the.r 1909 release Iirtv
Ko.un hl?hvM,nk,ng Rich Sadly enough. Pmsondidn get the
,han, e to Plav their two-hour "Flesh and Blood' sot Vocal.s. Bri t
M.chaels reportedly went into msul.n shock, a diabetic reaction
thai results from a low level of sugar in the Wood before show
me leaving the rockers to cancel the show A diabetic smce the
aKe of s, x M.chaels was treated at a local hospital and is said to be
&,? Hne. So if vou missed the Po.son show this time around,
have no fear because the unskmny hoppers will resohedu e in the
very NEAR future. And of course. Music Notes would like to
wish Bret the very best in health and to keep rockin on tour with
his awesome music and great attitude Cod Bless.
Until next, I leave you w,?h theever-sonsp.nng words of
Bret Michaels, "If you can't do it right, do it anyway.
By Sandya Shetty
Special to The East Carolinian
Time was short. The boys hur-
ried across the road. The concert
hall vvasin sight. Mark wasexcited
Then he saw it-the narrow door
He stopped.
He looked down and remem-
bered-he was in a wheelchair.
Moments like that hurt him.
They trigger painful memories;
memories of a day that was to
change him and turn his life
It was November 1981, on a
wheelchair and says: "In the old
days, all 1 wanted to do was party.
I thought I was Superman, could
get any girl 1 wanted, a successful
job, a family and I always wanted
to be a young father He explains,
"1 felt I would relate to my children
better because of the smaller age
"Lyingin the hospital bed gave
me time to think. All you're doing
is looking at the ceiling. I realized
that life doesn't go on forever
Steele says hedidn't suffer any
depression. "1 saw people in the
hospital worse off than me and
and realized how lucky 1 was to
Friday afternoon. The time was
121S p.m. and class was over. A have my family's support. I count
noisy group of students came out my blessings every day
of a schoolI building. Thev were He is studying for a master's
hunerv and thev headed toward degreem rehabilitation counseling
ad.neracrossfromthcsp(.rtst,eld andsubstanceabusecounsel.ngat
nator for Handicapped Servicesat
the University. "A lot of it deals
with how people perceive them-
selves. You have to be you advo-
cate. Also, when 1 see Mark, 1 don't
see the chair. The biggest restric-
tion a disabled person experiences
is the social stigma of being labeled
Steele says we are all an acci-
dent away from being handi-
capped. "You classify all people as
disabled under one umbrella, but
you forget we are all individuals.
People don't know what our needs
are. We are just likeeveryone else"
Steele laughs and describes his
pet peeves. It's when he gets cor-
nered by a salesman in a mall and
because of his helplessness thev
think thev have got him trapped
And there havealso been occasions
when he has come close to hitting
people in bars over taunts and
goads about standing up
He says the accident slowed
down his lifestyle, and he started
looking at life from a different per-
He looks out of the window in
the student hall and says: "I notice
things now You see those bushes
outside? 1 notice how often thev
are tnmmed in a week and the
changing color of the leaves So
many people rush through lite
Nature should not be taken for
granted. Stop to smell the roses
because one dav vou're gone or
they're gone
A solitary lacrosse post gleamed
in the sunlight at the bottom of the
field A high-spirited 19-ycar-old
swung himself up the pole while
his friends watched.
It was sudden. Before the
ECU. The accident made him re
altze that he wanted to help people.
He's optimistic about the future
but is adverse to making plans.
"Plans are great but not guaran-
teed. I would like to settle down
horrified eyes of his friends, the owe day perhaps near the beaches
pole swung and crashed, pinning or the mountains but I tend to
him to the ground. A freak acci take lite on a dav-to-dav basis
, Its very important that
"seven vears later lite is verv people learn to fend tor Arm-
different. Mark Steele s,ts m a selves says C.? Kerne, coordi
Office Hours:
8V0 AM ? 8O0 PM Mbn-ffi
George Klein,M.D FAAJP.
Henrietta Williams, PhD.
No Appointment N?o?ssary jbj ? GSEENVliE BUD
GflEENVIUf. NC 27858
- Compiled by "DiMv" Deanna Nevgloski
Look for
Campus Voice
on Thursday
The East Carolinian is currently accepting
applications for a computer layout artist. Please
stop by the office for details.
There isn't one.
Downtown taverns will be closed;
restaurants will close early.
No one will be allowed to drink
alcoholic beverages or congregate
on sidewalks, streets, or parking lots.
The City of Greenville would like to thank
East Carolina University officials,
SGA, students, and the downtown
tavern and restaurant owners
for their generous cooperation.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
ireenvilie NC
209 E Fith St
Tuesday October 30
Halloween Costume Party Over SSOO.OO In Cash and Frizes
November 1
rarness Art Ensemble
November 2
In Decision
November 8
Widespread Panic
? tm mmm0mlit

(Jlje Eaist (Carolinian October 30,1990 9
Continued from page 7
helaser light show ,tobepre-
sented at the ?oru ert will feature
the most sophisticated ion lasor
system available t.ui.n "Out ot
the l darkness" is i 58 minute laser
light shov ih.n uses computer
graphics tilm I'tdvo electronic
crdphk s slides and sp( k ial effects
he progi am took three months to
produce and is synchronized to
Student I rtion President Kon
' akesaid publit support for the
cornert has been enormous. "rhe
response has bet ;i super, he said
rhe concert is sponsored b) the
11 I 'student I nion and is sup
ted h i 'hancelloi Richard K
! akin the Student Government
iation I F Panhellenic,
Rl I dining sen ices and
'MB i ho i itl nnod the
university's support, as well as full
approval bv Mavorlenkins Drake
I ast year's concert, which was
held in Memorial I .v in, had 1 .00
peopleattend It was an "awesome
coneert 1 rakesaid rhegym was
not large enough to house all the
people who wanted to attend, so
Minges Coliseum was a natural
choice tor this year's event.
To help reduce ticket costs,
the SGA and the chancellor each
contributed $2,000, and the Spe-
cial Concerts Committee gave
T-shirts will be sold tor $7,
and the people w ho come are en-
couraged, hut not required, to wear
costumes. The event is estimated
to List until about 1 2 30 a.m.
Drake and other people in-
volved want to have the event
mainlv tor ECU students. Students
are thus required to present their
ID s, but are allowed to bring one
guest The student ami guest can
get in ateach
TheConnells were booked for
this performance bv the Major
Concerts committee, and Student
Union members are excited about
the show The Connells are a ter
rifle band, Drake said. Even it the
album "One Simple Word" does
not result with widespread public
recognition, the group will get such
recognition anyway within a year
and a halt, Drake said "The
downtown thing is gone Drake
said in reference to the traditional
I lalloween celebration many ECU
students enjoyed
Continued from page 7
ut a i
?Ik sp
i! make much realism as possible present a Menaham (-elan Pro-
indl verett Overall the film was very en duction of a film by Joni Savini,
lealoftime joyable "Night of the Living "Night of the Living Dead rhe
movie. Dead is more a suspense thriller producers are John A. Russo and
than it was a horror film. The Russ Streiner, and the executive
hingssuch movie contained an intricate plot producers are Menaham Golan
rvbooks and very good theme- Predict- and George A. Romero rhe co
abilit was not a problem with this executive producer is Ami rtzi,
picture rhe movie is defimtel the director of photograph) is
worth seeing even it one has seen Frank Prinzi and the composer is
the original. Paul McCollough Night of the
rhe 21st i entun film orpo ' iv'nfi v'u) ,s ' l ??himbia Pi
ration and George Romero tures release
l lolent
in ,ui
c realistic,
?t ntion to
iicate as
Continued from page 7
. bat? ? i -
ylirafrom the
Idle ?. i goixl
'i, issues : tend well
adors a niov k attempt was made on his m and In tar the most intense,
rsity ol life, cutting his visit short said Mike Hadlcy. "For most of us
it was a learning experience
rhe I niversit of Western Hadley added
Ontario Egypt(ArabLeague),won 1 he ECU Model I nited Na
the gavel tor best delegation Del- tionsC lubiscurrentl) looking for
egatesfromE( I vvinningawards ward to participating in the na
tor honorable mention were: Doug rionalcompetition, which will take
Kasales and Rohm ndrews, place the last week of March. The
? itional United Kingdom (Security Coun- competition will be held at the
dedan cil); Nadira Sansour and Mike actual I nited Nation Member
I Saddam Hadley, Syria (Arab I eague). ships for the organization will tx
rhis has been the third com- accepted at the beginning ol tin
tition that our group has been spring semester
N.C. House of Representatives
Walter B. ones Jrs commitment to integrity in government and
reform in political campaigning has brought htm statewide recognition.
THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER called Jones efforts to reduce
big spending tinting political campaigns and to establish a
public campaign fund essential to restoring fairness and trust
to the electoral process.
The Greenville DAILY REFLEi 7T R called Jones work to pro-
hibit the use of confidential information by public officials a
safeguard of the public interest.
The WINSTl )N-SALEMJ H RXM. called Jones an advocate
of curbing campaign finances and supported his bill to pro-
hibit fund raisers during regular legislative sessions.
An editorial in THE FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER applauded
ones efforts to reduce the influence of lobbyists
Raleigh's NEWS AND OBSERVER editorial staff commended
ones for legislation aimed at setting better limits on the in-
fluence of special-interest groups
Columnist PAl L OC( NNl )ft called Jones a one-man reform
movement for his efforts in cleaning up the political process.
WALTER B. ONES K has worked to restore truth and integrity to
the political process For eight years he has served the people ol Pitt
and Greene Counties well. For eight years he has been serving the
citizens of North Carolina
Solid Representation
rized and paid for b "HI WALTER B ONES R COMMITTEE
Tmng t?strett h d lars when you're
(i imputer sh ipping 11 esn'i mean v lu're willing
lo make sacrifices
That's whiu sh mid 1 msider (he new.
affordable Mat mt ishK (3asac" computer.
It has everything v u need?inducing a monitor, keyboard, mouse,
2 rnegtoytes?i RAM, and a 4fcmegabyte hard disk.Just piugevemhingin and
the Marina sh (3assk is ready to run, because the system software is already
installed'And. thanks t i the Macintosh a mputer's legendary ease )f use. vcri'II
Ixuip and running in no time
Lite ever) Mac mt sh. the Classic can run th wsands i available applicant re
th ,t ,ll work in the same, a insistent wav?so once vouYe learned one program
y, nire well ?n yi nir way t i learning them all. And this is one cheap roommate
th ? rj esn'l have m mble sharing Trie Apple SuperDrive'?starKlartj
equipment with ever) Macintoshreads from and writes to Macintosh.
MS-DOS. OS 2, and Apple II loppy disks, which means
you can share information with s meone wh uses a
different type of computer
See the Mat ink eh (lassie f wrsef It'll hange yi wr mind
For further information visit
The Student Stores
Wright Building

The ?wvr to be your best

She Cnat (Carolinian October 30,1990 9
Continued from page 7
The laser light show, to be pre-
sented at the concert, will feature
the most sophisticated ion laser
system available Uxlav "Out of
the Darkness" is.i 58 minute laser
light show that uses computer
graphics, him, video, electronic
graphics, sMdesand special effects.
The program took throe months to
produce and is synchronized to
Student Union President Ken
Drake said public support for the
concert has been enormous. "The
response has been super he said.
The concert is sponsored by the
FC U Student Union and is sup-
ported bv Chancellor Richard R
I akin, the Student Government
Association, IFC, Panhellerac,
t BE, RHA, dining services, and
WZMB rheevent has attained the
university's support, as well as full
approval by Mayor Jenkins, Drake
Lastyear'sconcert, which was
held in Memorial Gym, had 1,500 was an "awesome
concert Drake said. Thcgym was
not large enough to house all the
people who wanted to attend, so
Minges Coliseum was a natural
choice for this year's event.
To help reduce ticket costs,
the SGA and the chancellor each
contributed $2,000, and the Spe-
cial Concerts Committee gave
T-shirts will be sold for $7,
and the people who come are en-
couraged,but not required, to wear
costumes. The event is estimated
to last until about 1230 a.m.
Drake and other people in-
volved want to have the event
mainly for ECU students. Students
are thus required to present their
IDs, but are allowed to bring one
guest. The student and guest can
get in at $5 each.
The Connells were booked for
this performance by the Major
Concerts committee, and Student
Union members are excited about
the show The Connells are a ter-
rific band, Drake said. Even if the
album "One Simple Word" does
not result with widespread public
recognition, the group will get such
recognition anyway within a year
and a half, Drake said. "The
downtown thing is gone Drake
said in reference to the traditional
Halloween celebration many ECU
students enjoyed.
Continued from page 7
quality and realisti spec ial make-
up effects lohnVulk hand Everett
Burrell spent a greal deal of time
and creativity with this movie.
The two men did things such
reading forensic pathology books,
studying photograpl s of violent
deaths and even attending an au-
iS) e wanted it to be realistic,
not stylized Vulich explains
rreli savs, We paid attention to
every possible to create as
much realism as possible
Overall the film was very en-
lovable. "Night of the Living
Dead" is more a suspense thriller
than it was a horror film. The
movie contained an intricate plot
and verv good theme. Predict-
ability was not a problem with this
picture. The movie is definitely
worth seeing even if one has seen
the original
The 21st Century film Corpo
ration and George A Romero
present a Menaham Golan Pro-
duction of a film by Toni Savini,
"Night of the Living Dead" Th?
producers are John A. Russo and
Russ Streiner, and the executive
producers are Menaham Golan
and George A. Romero The co-
executive producer is Ann Arti.
the director of photography is
Frank Pnni and the composer is
Paul Mc( oilough "Night of the
1 iing Dead" is a Columbia IV
tures release
Continued from page 7
delegation, who ambassadors
represented the ! niversity of
V estem mtari
Instrumental in the debate was
lira Sansour Being from the
? ' Idle last and having a good
knowledge ol its r gional issues,
Sansour was able to contend well
with the opposition
Adding to tin international
intrigue,(leorgetow rtpro ided an
actor who port raved Saddam
1 lus in Soon after ! lussein's ar-
rival, complete with bodyguards,
a mock attempt was made on his
life, cutting his isit short
The University of Western
Ontario, Fgvpt (Arab League, won
the gavel for best delegation. Del-
egates from ECU winning awards
for honorable mention were: Doug
Kasales and Robin Andrews,
United Kingdom (Security Coun-
cil); Nadira Sansour and Mike
Hadlev, Syria (Arab League).
"This has been the third com-
petition that our group has been
in, and by far the most intense
said Mike 1 ladlev. "1 or most of us
it was a learning experience,
Had lex added
The ECU Model United a
tionsC 1 ub is currently looking tor
ward to participating in the na-
tional competition, which will take
place the last week of March. The
competition will be held at the
actual I nited Nation. Member-
ships for the organization will bo
accepted at the beginning oi the
spnng semester.
: at
'X ? o -? ?A ri oe w ? 9
N.C. House of Representatives
Walter B. Jones, Jrs commitment to integrity in government and
reform in political campaigning has brought him statewide recognition.
THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER called Jones' efforts to reduce
big spending during political campaigns and to establish a
public campaign fund "essential to restoring fairness and trust
to the electoral process
The Greenville DAILY REFLECTOR called Jones work to pro-
hibit the use of confidential information by public officials "a
safeguard of the public interest
The WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL called Jones an advocate
of curbing campaign finances and supported his bill to pro-
hibit fund-raisers during regular legislative sessions.
An editorial in THE FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER applauded
Jones' efforts to reduce the influence of lobbyists.
Raleigh s NEWS AND OBSERVER editorial staff commended
Jones for legislation aimed at setting "better limits on the in-
fluence of special-interest groups
Columnist RAUL O'CONNOR called Jones a "one-man reform
movement" for his efforts in cleaning up the political process.
WALTER B. JONES. JR. has worked to restore truth and integrity to
the political process. For eight years he has served the people of Pitt
and Greene Counties well. For eight years he has been serving the
citizens of North Carolina.
Solid Representation
Authorized and pud f by TH1 WALTER B (ONES K COMMITTEE
u'll actually like.
Thing to stretch dollars when you're
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That's why you should consider the new,
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the Macintosh Classic is ready to run, because the system software is already
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like every Mac intosh, the Classic can run thousands of available appbeaums
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mure well on vour wav to learning them aU. And this is one cheap roommate
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MS-DOS, OS2, and Apple I floppy- disks, which means
you can share information with someone who uses a
different tvpe of computer
See the Macintosh Classic for yourself. It'll change v m mind
about cheap roommates.
For further information visit
The Student Stores
Wright Building
?A tana ? H? ea"M- ? ? O08
ySgaSJVgiFiTir ??
The power to be your best"

October 30,1990
Sire iEant (Carulintan
Pirates fall short of winning season
Owls hold on 30-27 following unsuccessful field goal attempt
Bv Tim Hampton
News I'dilor
rilll.APR PH1A ECU'S chances of a second
consecutive non losing season fell six yardsshorl in the
wanning seconds ol Saturday's contest as the l emple
(v Is in aped the Pirates and the etet tnt ing running
oi l hon lohrtson with a K) 27 victor) at eterans Sta
rhe Owls game-winner, a 24-yard held goal
from kicker Bob Wright, came with 1 II remaining in
Ihe fourth after "emple had evaporated six minutesoi
the clock on a short dnve
I ollowingtheensumgku kofl the Pirates started
with favorable field pisition at their own K) Quarter
back left Blake rjroceeded to go to work in the air In
completing three consecutive passes to 1 Whiting
I uke Fisher and edrk Van Buren respectively rhe
three - omplctions drove the quick Pirate ittai k to the
Femph ;s
I ullb.K k I )a id I anicls then burst up the middle
foral3 yard gain to the Temple 25 Withremaining,
E I had a first down and was apparently looking foi
the kniH koul pum h
Instead temple nose guard David fhomas an
I will th game s first s.n k kno - iketothe
a seven-vard loss Following i timeout
I 1 lost .mother three vards after a Blake pass wa
ot Sal irday ;
batted Kick to the quarterback and ruled his first the . I ry
Brown's I ? i ? I
pie 30-27
receptun ol tin' year
On third down and 20, Blake connected with
Daniels tor a five yard pass Faced with fourth and 15
F.CI : h Bill Lewis opted to go for the tie-game
. ivi re trying to salvage the best ol the situa
? entages on fourth down u I
: t ? salvage the tie by going tor the I
aid after the game
; remaining Robb Imperato's 47-yard
field rM ittcmpi was straight enough to split the
upright ' licked the needed distano asitlanded in
the ndzone
rhe last ditchefforti appedasee sawsei ondhall tackh
which ncluded three ties and thru- lead changes total I
?. k put remple ahead, the Owls tied
the a me on a livvard bull mnbv tailback Leon Bmwn starink ki
Scott 1ca
? ii
I alcon an I' .
v.ounosy ot Cli't Ho-

the V ? -
i pi ? .
unter I ? ?
? ? Football .
ECU soccer's scoring leader hails from W. Afri
i ?
By Howard Shelley
Spe I" I he I .i-t l .milini.m
1 hi ?' soc? er team's se on I
carro ? ?. ille the long way
?ustin batse lived in West Africa bel n
tohapel 1 lill with Ins parents in I 85 I hs fathei tirsl t
brought the family to Ameri.) when ho do ided t i
obtain his d ctorate in sociology from I
hen his parents returned to West frica Batsi
remained here to put himself through high schoo
and college I stayed behind for my girlfriend too
he said
rhis is his third year with the team and also hi
third season starting Soccerisalcarningexperienct
i net
famsintl ' in
Madison .r. ?'
? ? ? ther still h
? ? nc tournan nt N
lude An ? '
Mason, and tlu- ah
physical I V VN illmington
Batse believi rates have a i hani e toi
the M A A round ihe winner ol the Southern
asBal ? ? t plained, I feel like I know w hat i mdoing onterei
this season K freshman year I just used my speed
to outrun people and get the ball to our scorers I ve
learned a lot by my mistakesover time too rhisyeai
when the ball comes to me I know where I want to
ci with it
Austin s appreciation for the game has risen to a
nevs level this year, and along with it the team's
morale "Playing the last two years with people who
didn't want to play dragged the team down Even
In he said lvo
? ? ?
i ing
L.en great ? nd rhe
i tin' athletii department have helped
with classes tutoringand even things sin has how to
dress tor a certain occasion and the meetings with
In addition to being a team i aptain Batse serves
when I wanted to play, some people were fooling on the Student thlctii dvisory Council He ex
pinned Whenl'mnotplavingor i tl i id I work
.i ? k, ? tent befon tball games ' talk to
around and I tended to fool around with them.
I hat attitude has changed this season Now
w hen we gel behind in a game wepi kupour heads
get it together and try "i ou can score in a matter ol
s( onds It's not like football
Batse has contributed at several positions tor the
our athletu program i e
ikm and. the other adminis
Austin Batse
Austin . include v eyball
on the hill and He recently went white
watei rafting ; irginta I le i
ranks raft ' '
learned a lot fi
trators too like how business works how things up there with spend i i with his girlfriend, who
are done and even how I i lu t irsell I he N. State Bal tekick r number 10 lb find
Pirates I usually play right half rhis year 1 started have been really helpful
Rugby team takes state title
for second consecutive year
him m a canx forth hall
By Anne Paul la I ho I ? I jnilinun
It you want blood, you got it'
Ihe ECt ruggers lived up to their
motto as their dominance was
proven once again
I he ruggers destroyed vet an
other Atlanticoastonterence
opponent to recapture the state
rugby title rhe victim this week
l hapel Hill
In the first half the far Heels
failed to make two penalty kicks
I lowever, Brian "I-Vet" Dodd illus-
traled hisnicknameby clearing two
field goals tor the Pirates, giving
them a M) lead at the end ot the first
Ihe Pirates came oul rtr ?ng in
the second halt Rick Snov
oft with a 50-yard run din tly i I
the try one to boost the si ore '
The lar I leelsattempted b ?:? t
the ball into scoring position onl) to
be stopped by the E I defense
rhe Pirates wing demonstrated
a finesse incomparable to anj other
After a beautiful behind the back
pass bv Doug Schrade, Rick Snow
soared back into the try zone tor the
score Dodd then completed the
extra point giving the Pi rates a lead
ot 16-0
rhe larl feels wereable to make
a penalty kick to make the score 16
J A temporary lapse in the Pirate
defense allowed UN( anopportu-
nit to score late in the game rtus
would i lose oul the scoring giving
I I in impressive 16 vl victory
I he I1 ruggers remain
undefeated eteranl iougSchrade
Lady Volleyball
team improves
record by three
From Staff Reports
Ihe I .A Pirates improved th u rail
record to I? l Iwithanimpressivi I i -
ovei the( ampbell Camels Monday night in
. first game wasall E I , as the b in
won the game 15 Iampbell man i
one point in thegamebecaus I tl
serving ol sophomore Windy '?'
freshman I raceV Sumrell
I think we (ame out ready ' I
head coa h Martha Mc asklll said I tl
n - pertormani e in the first g i
( ampbell did no! rollover tl igl
. ame out in these i ?nd game ??? ith a
E I trailed the first part ot the game ui I
sophomore Shannon Mi Kay pulled the P
rates within one on her ser
Sumrell tied the game al I
moment tualh bni .
hesecond ime
illlH'st . ? ? ?
? ? '? ? nd t tl
. ime but hung n to a pi in
In tl ' started
cad and seemed n idvl tight
to the end Bui ? i I i ? pomt
ring run on Sumrell s sen I push
, id 12 "
In thai
? - ?
? ? .?:??????? ? '
pack witn tei
I tight and
rapp bul vvasn t do led uitz
inn ? sere and scored seven straight
I - nts and put E I ahead i I
lumor ronya I largi ve put awai
thai ended the match in EC ' I M '
I think we played hard ai I
kill said
allv, Rhonda la. ksoi
ii : ! tigs nnitei ' ? ns,
had assists, pla. I ??
? ? ? ral vei impbell
er the weeV I, the tean iptui I
f five matches in th
ortl ? ?'t l irecnsboi
? ? - ? v inday th ? '
defeated Appalachian State University
. 10-15. eadingtl ' ?
the 1 adv Pirates was soph n i '? ?
S hultz 'a ho had kills 23 dig ind thro
solo blocks
U i'u ox also had a stnn g ince
,vith seven killsand I8digs Par ? '
assists and eight digs
Intheirsecond mat h I riday i i
? ? is in throi straight '
15 I (V15 t-15
Schultz iga ed ten the I ady Pirates
having seven kills ind eight dies Hargrove
i ontributed eight killsand W ilcox eight digs
In the Lady Pirates first match Saturday
the team defeated the ollegeof( harleston
15-5, 16-14, 12-15 15-12 The match was
controlled by hitters Jackson (15 kills 21 digs
and five service aces) and Schultz (14 kills 21
digs and three solo blocks)
Sumrell also had a strong performance
oft the bench, add ing 11 kills 11 digs and six
service aces Setter Shannon McKay had 41
assets to pace the offense
See Volleyball page 11
beamed W
next vi tuns'
Kn'k forward U our
Ihe Pirates will head into
Gamecock country in Colombia,
S. on Nov 10
Ihe Pirate H side displayed
their aggressive prowess with an
other impressive v k torv downing
the! N B team 16-4 Hvir talent
will hopefully lead future Pirate
rugby teams to many more state
CUNta Hoffman ? ECU Photo Lab
Winter water sports
This person braves the October cold to go jet skiing in the winter months, most ECU students torget about
ttie beach to atten 11 warmer pursuits but some can nol seem to leave behind the sand and the surt

ijlie ?aat (Earolintan October30,1990
ECU Briefs
Lady Pirates win cross country meet
The Lady Pirates cross country team finished first in the UNC-
Wilmington All-Comers meet on Oct. 26.
The Pirates were led by Ann Mane Welch who finished second with
a time of 18:14.1.
Pawn Tillson, Bobbie Welch, Gretchen Harley and Denise
Wehrenberg finished third through sixth respectively to give the Lady
Pirates their fourth team victory of the season
The mens cross country team was able to place second and were led
r.v William Chad wick who tinishis.1 the course in 21:09. 7 for eigth
nlaceand Kyle Sullivan (21:10.1) who finished ninth
In the men's race, there were several unattached runners who did
not earn team points, thus ECU officially had runners finish sixth
through 11th
ECU soccer team continues to falter
The ECU soccer team dropped two close games over the weekend
The first loss was to Wmthrop (0-1) on Oct. 27 and the second was
to Si Francis (1-2) on tVt 28
The Pirates were only able to get two shots on goal against Winthrop.
i reshman goalie Brvan DeWeese had 13 saves in the contest DeWeese
also had 11 saves in Sunday's contest
The Pirates record now stands at 6-15-1 as thev head into the CAA
tournament scheduled tor Oct. Jl-No 1
Go for Wand suffers fatal accident in Breeders' Cup
f n
Iaf1 Hrrotts
Sports Briefs
Archer overcomes deficit, wins tourney
RANCHO MURIETA Calil (AP) George Archer overcame a
tour-stroke deficit over the final 10 holes Sunday tor a one stroke
ictorv over Pale Douglass in the Rancho Murieta Senior c .old Rush
American golfers prevail over Japanese
l A, Japan (AP) Nine ol the 16 Americans bettered par and 1 3
ii them won matches Sunday asa team of U.S.I P( .A golfers beat their
lapanesecounterparts 22 1 2-9 1 in the uhirei International
Coleman signs $15 million contract
E ST RUTHERFORD, N I (AP) Derrick Coleman, the NBA s
draft choice, signed a five-year contract Sunday with the Nev?
erse Nets that will pay at least $15 million
;he NCAA's all-time leading rebounder from Syracuse missed
training camp and said he won t be at full speed for two to three weeks
The first tour years ot the contact are reported!) guaranteed I he Nets
th option to pick up the fifth year
Tarkanian appeals to committee
CHICAGO (AP) l niversit) ol Nevada-Las Vegas coach erry
Tarkanian ottered to sit out the championship tournament, torteit a
a rsonal stake ot as much as $100,000 in playofi revenue and abstain
from recruiting for a year it the NCAA reverses a ruling blocking the
RunnuV Rebels from defending their national title
The olfer was one of four alternatives rarkanianand I NLA offi
.ials presented during a two-how meeting Sunday with c AA In-
fractions Committee, which capped a n vear legal dogfight with
UNI V in lulv by banishing the Runnin Rebels from the 1991 tourna
Becker victorious over Edberg in finals
STOCKHOLM Sweden I AP) se ond-seeded Boris Becker de
Open on Sunday. Becker earned SI $7,450 tor his fifth ATP Tour title ot
the vear.
Graf prevails in Brighton tournament
NEW YORK (AP) ? Millions
saw it on television, the twisted,
shattered body of Go for Wand
spinning gruesomely through the
air. as though some giant hand
had swatted her across the track.
And horsemen wept at a sight
they dread the most. The screen
went up m front of Go for Wand as
she was humanely destroyed on
the track bv lethal injection.
Rose Badgett, Go for Wand's
exercise rider who married trainer
Bilk Badgett tust three weeksago.
knelt over the horse's head and
added her tears to the torrent that
would be shed that day.
I lorse racing had lost one of
its brightest stars on what was
supposed to have been its greatest
day of the year the $10 million
Breeders' Cup
i on go on Billv Badgett
said Sunday morning, facing what
probabh would be the longest
workday ol his life. There's
nothing else you can do You ust
go on
My wife is still beside hersel I
she couldn't face coming to the
racetrack today I think she loved
(,o tor Wand more than she does
Badgett s stable held 32 more
horses who needed training.
! thought about not getting
out ot bed today, he said, but I
i .in t really o that.
It could have been a day of
unbridled glory Meadow Star, the
marvelous 2-vear-old filly, ex-
Continued from page 10
In their second match ot the
day theLady Piratesweredefeated
bvc onferencefoeUNC Wilmington
torthe third timethisyearlnstraight
sets the Lady Seahawks upended
the I ady Pirates hopes ot revenge.
8-15, 10-15, 10-15.
a kson and SchultZ again lev!
E I with almost 20 kills and 20
digs combined. McKay added 2
more assists against UNC-W.
In their final match ot the tour-
nament. EC I spiked Winthrop
( ollege 15-11. H-15, 15-5, 15-12.
s. hulthad a team-high Ukills.
1 digs and 4 service aces. Christine
Belgado added 12 kills, while
McKav and SumreM both had 10
tended her unbeaten streak to
seven races in the Breeders Cup
juvenile, British champion jockey
Lester Piggott came out of retire
ment to ride Royal Academy to
victory in the Mile, and Kentucky
Derby winner Unbridled stormed
from next-to-last to win the $3
million Classic The Distaff itsell
could have been a glorious hieji
light to the day, with Go for Wand
and trainer Ron McAnallv'smare
Bavakoa. battling for the lead all
the way around Belmont Park s
track Instead, it turned into a day
of horror when, with the finish
line in sight. C ,o tor Wand's right
front ankle shattered on impact
with the ground, sending the
vear-old filly tumbling in a heap
'It's a bittersweet day
McAnally said I don't like to
wm like that It's unfortunate that
it happens on our biggest day of
rhree horses died on Breeders
Cupday twoon the track and om
a tew hours later in his barn
It began in the Sprint w hen
Mr Nickerson, a 4-year-old colt
who had won five stakes r.n esthis
vear. dropped dv,d ot an appar
ent heart attack going into the turn
for home. Another horse Shaker
Knit, went thing over the top ol
him and had to be destn ed Sal
urda night after sustaining i i
vere trauma to his spinal chord
shaker Knit wasawakeand alert
but he either couldn torwouldn t
stand up
Mr ickerson'sockev hns
?ntlev, broke a collar bone, while
shaker knit's jockey, lose Santos.
was not seriously injured.
A third horse in the race d
indicating broke a canon bone in
Ins right hind leg and was retired
Santos recovered to rideirl
U ahn s Meadow to vu ton in
the next race, the luvenile I illios
and. on the next page ol the pro
gram, was the Distaff
Go tor Wand, winner o( five
straight Grade I stakes, tek the
lead shortly after the start ot the I
I s mile race, with defending
hampion Bayakoaon her outside
flank Mever more than i halt
length separated them until .e
tor Wand'sankle shattered inside
the sixteenth pole
When her leg gave way un
derneath her, Co tor Wand's nose
dug into the track, sending up a
plume of dirt like a i rashing air
plane Ihen.herih k. urlcd under
her. she went over onto her ock
Randy Romero As Romero I ly
motionless on the track ; tor
Wand struggled ba k to her feet
and lunged drunkenlv across the
tmish line.
trackattendantqui klytook
Go lor Wand bv the reigns and
twisted her head in sorl t a bull,
Joy, move that dropped her
herside. wheresheremani. I
the horse ambulant c
I hat s when workers h
screen to shield her di
from the itowlI
Do you know
something that may
be of interest to the
ECU campus
community or have a
question about
something that was
printed in The East
Carolinian9 Then ca
us at 757-6366 or
stop by the
Publications Building
(Across from Joyner
I he team s next action will be
No 2and J at the Baptist College
ln national
BRIGHTON, England (AP)
seeded Helena Sukova 7-5, 6-
tournament Sundav
lop seeded Steffi i .rat beat third
in the final ol the W I A Brighton
Maple Leaf coach Carpenter fired
TORONTO (AP) 1 he Toronto Maple I eats, oft to the worst start
in their historv with a 1-9-1 record, fired coach Doug Carpenter and
replaced him on an interim basts with assistant coach Tom Watt
Carpenter compiled a 39-46-5 record with the I.eats and last season
directed Toronto to its first 580 record in 11 years.
Manley requests to have ban lifted
WASHINGTON (AP) Former Washington Redskins defensive
end Dexter Manlev has applied toC ommissioner Paul Taglibue to have
his lifetime ban for violating the National Football league's substance
abuse rules lifted
Tagliabue said he would consider it on No 18. the anniversary ol
Manley's ban for using cocaine
Fourteen players eligible for free agency
NEW YORK (AP) Fourteen plavers, including Bob Boone ot
Kansas City, Willie Randolph of Oakland and ohnandelana of
Toronto, became eligible tor free agency when their teams declined to
offer salary arbitration bv the midnight Thursday deadline and nine of
the 14 were among the 20 plavers who filed, raising the tree agent total
to 79
Also tiling were first basemen-outfielders Danny Heepof Boston
and Cary Ward of Detroit, catchers Rich (,edman of 1 louston, and Rick
Dempsev of I.os Angeles; second baseman Wallv Backman of Pitts-
burgh; and pitcher Tom Niedenfuer of St 1 (mis
Chicago files lawsuit against NBA
CH1CACO (AP) The Chicago Bulls and Tribune Co. officials
filed a lawsuit against the National Basketball Association over new
restrictions on "superstation" broadcasts of NBA games
The federal antitrust lawsuit challenges the NBA 's decision to
reduce from 25 to 20 the number of games a superstation is allowed to
broadcast per season Such a reduction could lead to a cut in the tee a
team would receive from a station tor broadcast rights
Brown wins poll position for final race
MARTINSVILLE, Va (AP) Chuck Bown, the 1990 BuschGrand
National points champion, was awarded the pole for his division's 200-
lap portion of the season-ending Winston Classic triple header
Compiled from iMMM ? Hepnrts
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12 St?e ?aat (Carolinian October 30,1990
Clemson wins 500th
game by defeating
Wake Forest 24-6
WINSTON-SAI EM (AP)lerraorr's defense wa$ the
Mai m tho school's 5O0lh football ktory
I hi- tigers socked Wake Forest quarterback Phil Barnhill
eteht tunes for 59 yards in a 24 6 h lory Saturday in the Atlantic
t. (wst Conference
It you don't keep pressure on him, he can hurt veni real
tast first year Clemson coach Ken la t held said. "Wake forest
has been able to score touchdowns on everybody this year and
I'm iust thankful that we held them to two held goals
Clemson(7 2 overall, 4 2 -U i i had just enough offense io
seem two ITs against surprisingh sting) Wake Fores! (2-6,??
Freshman tailback Ronald Williams scored on ? l yard
plunge and safety Arlington unn ran back an interception 2t
yards as the ngerstooka 14-3 lead
lor the liters who entered the game ranked No 19, it was
the 14th straight tune the have beaten the Demon Deacons.
Del hane Cameron completed lOof l5passesfor 111 yards
while tlu' c femson defense, the tap ranked unit in the ACC
h.ld Wake Forest ta two field coals and 200 yards, including 58
on the ground
I he rigefs sacked Barnhill five tunes in the hrst halt tor 36
yards and held the Deacons s orefessfor the final M minuiesof
the i;amr
"They USt final!) came at usoff the ball and in the end we
couldn't hold them Wake I reM i,uh Hill IVolev said We
should have had a couple of Imichdowns there in the first halt
Wecarrven Km but had to settle for a couple ot field goals
1 hr I V i. ens trailed onl) 14 b at the halt thanks to two
strong j ??Tinani es In its defense w hen c lemson was threat
? ?nun; deep in ake I orcst territory
11? Deacons stopped i lemson on three straighl plays
Starting from the midw a through lheSC end quarter and late
in the halt Sou Shelhamet pi? ked off aameron pass at the 5
ti halt another drive
lht'lemson defense was even stronger in the opening
hall Nunn pu ked off Barnhill s pass in the game s first posses
siontogivef femson an earh 7-0lead
ttrra Wake I ores! field goal Williams plunged over from
tin to n plete a In pla drive thai used up ncari) eighi
minutes 11 big pla; V i- .i 10 ird pass from ameron to
I air Ryans for a first down on the Wake Forest 2
On his second tr. Williams scored with 1 25 fell in the
period to make it 11 I
I iger fultbai k Rud) I lams scored the only touchdown of
the second half on a 1 yard plunge that tapped a 14-play
( femson drive with 4:29 left in the thud quarter
(lemsn s Chris Gardocki connected on a 31 yard field
i?oal m it It eighl minutes remaining to finish out the scoring
NCSU dominates Gamecocks 38-29
RALEIGH (AP) - orth
Carolina State's offense found an
identity Saturday, while the crack
in South Carolina's defensive
shield continued to widen
Quarterback Terry lordan led
scored on six straight possessions
to run away from the Gamecocks
39-29 in a game featuring two of
the nation's top defenses.
One would have never known
though, as Jordan, who completed
13 of 23 passes for 188 yards, and
Gamecock signal-caller Bobbv
Fuller each riddled the opposing
defense for huge gains through
the air. N.C. State came into the
game ranked seventh in the na-
tion in total defense, while 'vuith
Carolina was 10th.
"We tackled poorly and thev
hurt us badly on third-down con-
versions said South Carolina
coach Sparky Woods, whose team
also allowed 38 points last week-
end in an upset loss to The Cita
"We're trying hard, but we're
tackling poorlv and just not lock-
ing up when we make the hit I feel
like we're struggling now You've
got to tackle well if you want to be
good on defense
After starting the game 0-for-
, lordan completed 13 of his next
16 passes in leading the Woltpack
(5-4) to a 15-15 margin earlv in the
third quarter.
It was just a matter of set-
tling down and getting into the
game rhvthm said lordan
bleeding after the game from cuts
to both sides of his chin
'We don't pav loo much at-
tention to the (recent) criticism (ot
the offense) because we know
when we do bad When we do bad
we want to build like I said, we
have a team of g(Kd character'
But Fuller, who completed 27
Of 46 tor 36 vards and three
touchdowns, drove South Caro
lina (4-3) 83 and 76 vards on scores
in the second half to rally the
Gamecocks within nine points.
I ate in the fourth quarter
fuller threw three straight
Continued from page 10
incompletions before hitting on
an 18-vard strike on fourth down
to the Woltpack 20
But the umor s mastery of
N.C State ended three plays later
when he was intercepted by
Sebastian savage in the end one
with Mil left
The outside receiver had
been running the same route the
previous twoor three plays Sai
age said. "I ust played inside and
baited him made him think the
plav was open and I ust broke on
the ball
Savage said the si rambling
Fuller gave the Wolfpai k defense
When you have d quarter
back that is moving around there
is no guarantee how long you are
going to hold your receiver
down he said
State ran out the remain
ing time with its punishing ground
attack, fed bv.arv I 'owns 1 1
va rd s
Bralvn Bennett recovered a
blocked punt and raced in from20
vards out to give the( iamecc ksa
6-0 lead 10 minutes into the con-
test But it proved to be Suith
Carolina's only advantage
Jordan's 15-yard si oring pass
to Aubrrv Shaw over the middle
gave the Wolfpack .nd kad tor
good at 7 6 with 40 left in tht
opening quarter
1 our minutes Liter (.r-c
Manior a ored the first ot V
States three short touchdown
?ttera( olm Mat kietuld g(?a
former starting quarterba? k
( hartes Davenport took i reverse
and hit 1 Bvrd with I 2" vard
scoring pass between twoiame-
v ix k defenders in the end one
A 43-yard scoring pass from
1 offer to Robert Bmoksdosed the
gap to 21-15, but three kev third-
down passcompletionshv Jordan
during A State s next drive set
up a 1-yard scoring plunge bv
Vwns VMAondsbetorehalftime
A "4 vard kkkott return bv
I edl.eorge to open up the sec-
ond haM set up Downs second I-
v ard s, poring run
Southarolina had 161 total
yards, while the Wolfpa k gamed
Vote on
Nov. 6
I nompson at the lemple 20 before
gliding into the end one
Imperatto s poinl after attempt hit
the goal post and bounced back as
I i I ked 13 three minutes had
expired in the second halt
lemple responded ith a 1;
yard Wright field goal atter
marching45 yardsonastx minute
drive to knot the game at 13-13
I leldingthekKkotlatthe 10,
lohnson ran straight up the Kit
sideline ao then pulled in at to
km. '?I degree spin as he was
tx'iin;hitbv lemple ? Roman I lale
Keeping his balance, lohnson
ev aded the sideline tackle and cul
h,i, k at the 50 t that point, lohn
?W turned on thealterburnetsand
lelt everyone in the smoke as he
rolfed to the Lnl vard torn h down
I was iust running between
mv blocks Johnson said adding,
but I was verv confident coming
into todav
I ntortun.itelv. lohnson was
hit hard during a fourth quarter
plav causing an injury to his right
knee He is listed as questionable
tor Siturdav S game at Memphis
State with a bnnsed knee.
1 he first halt wasacomedyol
errors with E I suffering from
? oral turnovers In a seven minute
flurry Ol give and take lemple
fumbled, K'l threw an intercep-
tion and lemple fumbled again be-
fore ECU'S Blake smelling the end
zone, fumbled on the lemple l
I lowever, Blake did hook-up
with favorite target, tight end fisher,
tor two scoring stnkes during the
contest. Fisher's first scoring grab, a
two-varder,capped a 57-yard drive
tor the Pirates to make the score 7-3.
Blake found Fisher again in
the fourth quarter on a 12-yard
touchdown which gave ECU a 27-
20advantagcafter the Pirates staged
an impressive 85-yard march down
the field.
Unfortunately for Fisher, the
turnover problem hit the tight end
in the fourth quarter as ECU was
driving to break a 27-27 tie
After delivering a lethal blow,
Temple's Rush recovered Fisher's
tumble to give the Ow Is field posi-
tion at the ECU 38 Nine plays later,
Wright nailed the game-winner
Be a part of the Tradition
Be photographed for the Yearbook
Registration for Senior Portrait
Appointments will be held Oct. 30 -
Nov 1 From 9am - 4pm in front of
the Student Stores. Pictures will be
taken Nov 12th -16th. You will also
have an opportunity to reserve your
copy of the '91 Buccaneer.
Please Have Your ID Ready
For More Information Call 757-6501
Fri Sat Nov. 2,38pm
ECUJtudent Union
What's Up?
Call the Program Hotline 757-6004
To Find Out What is Happening at ECU
t "ThisWeVk at Hendrix Theatre
Halloween Double Feature
Frankenstein &
Young Frankenstein
Wed Oct. 318pm
i Jail
w Sun Nov. 42&8pm
1 ECU ID or Current Films Pass is Required for Admission J
The Student Union
Major Concerts Committee
Laser LigfrtShow
Halloween Night at 9.00pm
Tickets are $5 and may be purchased
at the Central Ticket Office
T-Shirts will be sold for $7
The Student Union would like to wish everyone a
Happy Halloween!

The Los Angeles
will perform as part of the ECU Chamber Music
esonNov.12inHendr - rheatre ' i
? nas toured extei .???, I in h N
.? the Far Easi i
guitar quartet repe its transc i
ana commissioning of new work
Student Union'

The Los Anaeles
will perform as part of the ECU Chamber Music
which has toured extensively in Europe. North
Amenca and the Far East, has ennched the
guitar quartet repertoire through its transactions
and commissioning of new works.
I awaii
it's (loser than ?u think'
Student Union's
scan hes f n new name
offers exciting tn

1- ?
Chamber music3
Dance company6
Travel committee7
Mendenhall Movies8
Trrrrrf'ff'wrr'T'ffrr.rr'f1? ? m!tfr:
Managing Editor: Michael Martin
Editor: Carrie Armstrong
Editorial Production Manager: Michael Lang
Advertising Director: Adam Blankenship
Advertising Production Manager: Warren Kessler
The Entertainer is an arts and entertainment supplement
to The East Carolinian published the last week of the
month. The Entertainer welcomes all comments and
story ideas. Address correspondence to Special Sections
Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg East
Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. 27834, or call us
at 757-6366.
On Nov.6. The Student Union Coffeehouse will present Brian Huskey, a North Carolina-based singer.
songwriter and humorist
Coffeehouse Committee
searches for new name
The "best kept secret" on campus
is the entertainment provided in the
Coffeehouse, located on the ground
floor of Mendenhall Student Center.
While the shows are always free,
with complimentary munchies and re-
freshments, the Student Union Coffee-
house Committee will sponsor two
programs in November.
In addition to the programs, a name
change is in the works. Images of beat-
niks, bongo drums and poetry reading-
sareare associated with the Coffeehouse.
However, it is actually an up-beat, yet
intimate, non-alcoholic pub where stu-
dents can enjoy the kind of entertain-
ment found in the local bars, without
the accompanving expense and hassles
ofgoingdowntown.Acontest to rename
the Coffeehouse will be featured in The
East Carolinian. Nominated names are
Fool's Paradise, The Plank, The Spoli-
ght, Pirate's Den and Tuesday Night
Live. In addition, more nominations
are being accepted.
On Tuesday, Nov. 6 (Ejection Day),
students can enjoy the evening's perfor-
mance featuring North Carolina-based
singersongwriterhumorist Brian Huskey.
Currently touring to support the impend-
ing release of his third album, "In the Line
of Fire Huskey's performance may seem
to be a radical departure from what he's
been doing for the last several years.
"I really felt like it was time to get
back to what I started doing this for -
making good music that made me feel
good too he said. "If I'm not comfortable,
how can I expect my audiences to be? The
thrust just naturally returned to writing
and finding solidly crafted songs that any-
one can relate to
Huskey began his performing career
in London in the early 1970s while attend-
ingschool in Hertsfordshire on an exchange
program. He spent every weekend in the
city hanging around the street musicians
that performed in the subway stations and
parks. It wasn't long before he was inter-
ested enough to buy a guitar and start ?'
The Entertainer November 1990

&? learning licks from the "buskers" willing to
share their expertise. Bv the end oi the year he
was proficient enough tocarry his own "buskers
union" card and perform songs in Hyde Park
and the South Kensington tube station.
His return to the U.S. and subsequent
graduation from school found him searching
for a career choice. Brief attempts at college
and the military proved less than fruitful.
Huskey landed a house gig in Ins native
Charlotte, NC, playing four nights a week.
His popularity soon expanded his performances
to six nights.
With the owner's discovery that he was
underage, Brian suffered his first career stumble
- he was fired from that bar and had to find
another gig. It didn't take long to plant himself
firmly on the circuit of the many clubs in the
southeast big on acoustic music. B the late
1970s he was actually making a living at it and
has never looked back.
I luskey's first album was released in 1979,
a self-produced and marketed venture with a
decidedly folkbluegrass flavor. Selling albums
off the back of his VV bus and through his
mailing list, his first album sold over 25,000
copies - unheard of for an act with no national
label distribution.
The second album, released in 1986, was
a simpler production - a collection ot live and
studio cuts that feature I luskey as he per-
formed solo, just guitar and vocals that ac-
curately reflected the fun ,md spontaneity ot

his live shows. It also fared well in the numbers
game. His third album, produced by Jamie
Hoover (Spongetones, Don Dixon and Marti
Jones) will be out soon. While the album is
slated for (II) and cassette release only, Huskey
plans to continue the self-marketed approach.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it he said. Featuring
songs by other writers as well as his own, it will
be his most elaborate production so far thanks
to Hoover's studio expertise.
The college circuit continues to be one of
Brian's main stomping grounds. He has pre-
formed on over 400 campuses to date and
although he eschews doing as many college
dates yearly as he once did (primarily to meet
other market's demands, he explains) he remains
a favorite on campuses throughout the south-
Although "fame and fortune" have not
factored into the picture (yet), he has had the
good fortune to have a taste of it via tours as an
opening act for heavyweights like The Band,
Emmylou Harris, America, Poco, Todd
Rundgren, Firefall, Leon Russell and dozens
more. He enjoys his work but doesn't actively
seek it. "It's good for the resume but the bot-
tom line is that people come to see the he
liner I luskev savs.
The current tour began in mid-August in
Scandinavia and will carry him to about 100
cities by the year's end. The 1991 leg will cover
even more ground throughout the U.S. and
back to Europe in the spring.
His current show still mines that "well-
honed sense of the ridiculous" with a plethora
of hilarious songs ami comic commentary on
"life's little absurdities But there is a time in
the show when he puts his serious musical foot
forward and steps into an odyssey of intense
tunes that show off the skill he has gained in 1 5
years of professional songwriting and per-
forming. It's a tune that's hard to resist. Not
abandoning his roots, he still has a repertoire of
some 300 tunes, and often openly solicits re-
Comedy will be the name of the game in
the Coffeehouse the following Tuesday, Nov.
13, when Comedy Zone comedian Mark
Dishera performs.
Dishera has perfortned at a number ot
comedy clubs and universities all across the
south. His performance at ECU is sure to be a
welcome relief from all those exams the pro-
fessors will be throwing at students before
Thanksgiving break.
So tal ? a break from the usual, and enjoy
the wide va. lety of entertainment found at the
Comedy will be the name of the game when the
Coffeehouse presents Mark Dishera on Nov 13
Chamber music
series features
guitar quartet
The Los Angeles Guitar (uanet will
perform as part of the ?JV Chamber Music
Series on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 8 p.m. in
Hendrix Theatre. The series is co-sponsored
by the Department of University Unions
and the School of Music.
The Los Angeles Guitar Quartet was
formedin 1980atthe University of Southern
California by Spanish virtuoso Pepe Romero.
Since then they have become recognized as
one of America's leading guitar ensembles.
Thev have toured extensively in North
America, Europe and the Far East and have
enriched thegiutarquartet repertoire through
their transcriptions and commissioning of
new works. The first ensemble of its kind to
be a prizewinner at the Concert Artists Guild
International New York Competition, the
quartet was also chosen in 1989 as a touring
ensemble by the Xew England Presentors
Consortium, which provided funding for a
major new work.
The program for the evening includes
the followingselections: Rossini's "Barber ot
Hoist; "Anatolia by Carol Domeniconi;
"Dances from Terpsichore by Michael
Praetorius; "Cuban Landscape with Rain
by Leo Brouwer; and "El Amor Brujo" by
Manuel de Falla.
Each memberofthequartetisa talented
soloist as well; all four were selected by
nanonwideauditiontoperform in the historic
Andres Segovia Master Classes in 1981, and
members have won further recognition as
top prize-winners in major guitar competi-
tions in North America and Europe. In the
1989-90 season, the quartet returned to
Europe for three tours, in addition to nu-
merous appearances throughout the United
States. In 1991, the Los Angeles Guitar
Quartet will appear on the prestigious guitar
series at New York's Lincoln Center.
Tickets for this event are now on sale at
the Central Ticket Office, Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center. For more information call 757-
4788, or toll-free 1-800-ECU-ARTS. Ad-
vance ticket prices are $8 for the public, $6
for ECU facultystaff and $5 for the ECU
studentsvouth.Tickets at the door are $8.
The Entertainer November 1990

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Performing Arts
Series presents the Sofia Philharmonic
The ECU Performing Arts Series will present
the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra in concert on
Thursday, Nov.S,at9p.m in Wright.Auditorium.
Asa result of its innumerable foreign tours, the
Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra is recognized
worldwide as Bulgaria's "s mphonic ambassad r"
and as one of eastern Europe's major orchestras.
Conducted by Emil Tabakov, and featuring
violin soloist Mincho Minchev, the program lor
theeveningwill include the fbllowingTchaikovsk
pieces: I812 Overture "Violin Concerto in D
Major "Op. 5" and "Symphony No 4 in F
minor, Op. 36
Founded in 1928 by violinist and conductor
Sasha Popov, the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra is
its country's longest-standing symphonic
ensemble. For its ereat achievements in the field ot
modern Bulgarian musical culture, the Sofia
Philharmonic Orchestra has twice been awarded
the "Georgi Dimitrov" Order, Bulgaria's highest
cultural honor.
Individual nckets for this event are now on sale
at the Central Ticket Office. Due to tremendous
season ncket sales, individual tickets are extremely
For ticket information, contact the Central
Ticket Office, Mendenhall Student Center at
757-4788, or toll-free, l-800-ECU-ARTS,
Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
On Nov 8, trie ECU Performing Arts Series will feature the Sofia Philharmonic
Orchestra conducted Dy Emit Tabakov
Avante Garde dance company to
perform in Wright Auditorium
Wall Street Dance-
Works, a captivating
company of energetic-
dancers presenting cut-
ting-edge dance and
dancetheatre works, will
present a varied program
of dance as part of the
1990-91 Young Audiences
Nov. 17 at2 p.m. in Wright
founded in 1983 in
Asheville, has been named
an "Emerging Company" by
the N.C. Arts Council, mak-
ing it a leader among contem-
porary dance troupes.
Through modern dance, jazz
and tap combinations, Wall
Street Dance Works is able to
offer a fresh and innovanve
look at contemporary dance.
The hour-longprogram
will include seven different
pieces. Tickets for the per-
formance are now on sale
at the Central Ticket Of-
fice, Mendenhall Student
For more information
call 757-4788, or toll-free
1-800-ECU-ARTS, 8:30
a.m. - 6 p.m Monday-
Friday. VISA and Master-
Card are accepted. Advance
ticket prices are $8 for the
public, $6 for ECU faculty
staff and S3 for ECU StU-
Playhouse to present
'The Rainmaker'
The ECU Playhouse will present N. Richard
Mash's comedy hit, "The Rainmaker on Nov. 30,
Dec. 1, 3 and 4.
This romantic comedy is set in a ranch house in the
Southwest at a time of searing drought. The father and
two sons not only are worried tboni the lack of rain, but
also the lack of suitors for the daughter of the house.
They have sent Lizzie on courtship visits away
from the home and have tried to entice an eligible but
woman-shy deputy sheriff to come a'courting to no
avail. The answer to both droughts seems answered
when a charming, eloquent, roving rogue promises to
produce a fine rainstorm for a mere hundred dollars.
While this prairie swashbuckler makes his magic
with the clouds, he also begins to work a spell upon the
lovelorn Lizzie. 1 le woos her and teaches her the way
to her dreams.
6 The Entfrtainf.r November 1990

Travel Adventure S e
Havaii is closer than you think
"Closer than you think ? lovelier than you
dreamed Hawaii is a land of great beauty and
Every year 5 million tourists discover this
paradise, and on Wednesday, Nov. 7 you can also
when the ECU Travel-Adventure Film Series
presents lawaii - Lovelier Than Everwat8p.m.
in Hendri.x Theatre.
Trav elogue expert Shenlvn. Men tes, through
her cinematography and narration, will take you
to Waikiki. 1 ere you will see what big city life in
I lawaii is 'ike, from rush hours to highrise hotels
ti i suntanned (and sunburned) beach r rs.
But. is Mentes shows, big cit) life isnoi
that I law tii has to offer. You will visit sugarcane
and pineapple fields on I ,anai. In the largest t
onMolokai.youwillsee thai dogscan sleep in
middle oi mam street and residents still have time
to sit on then front porches and wave at the
()n Kauai, you will see how tar ? is planted.
harvested and made into pot just as it has been
done for a thousand years. On Maui, enjoy roast-
ing a pig at a traditional wedding luau.
Like every place in the world, Hawaii has
changed over the years, but much as its scenic
beauty remains as it was when Mark Twain called
them "the loveliest fleet of islands anchored in
any ocean
A hundred years later James Michener said,
"Hawaii is soil the most attractive state in the
See for yourself when the ECU Travel-
Adventure Film Series presents "1 lawaii Love-
lier Than Ever
A Theme Dinner featuring foods of the
regions visited in the film will be served at 6:30
p.m. in the Mendenhall Student Center Multi-
purpose Room. 'Tickets for the 'Theme Dinner
are $12.50 and must be purchased two business
days prior to the dinner.
Tickets for the film are S4 lor the public and
ECU facultystaff. ECU students may receive one
free film racket when valid student I.D, is pre-
Tickets may be purchased at the Central
'Ticket Office, Mendenhall Student Center. For
more information call 757-4788, or toll-free 1-
8(X)-ECU-ARTS, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m Monday-
Through the film "Hawaii ? Lovelier than Ever you will visit Waikiki, the world's most famous beach
Student Union Travel Committee sponsors trip to Hawaii
The Student Union Travel Committee is
sponsoring two more trips this year to help make the
most of your holidays.
Think about how you always celebrate New
Year's Eve ? probably at a party that is too loud,
with too many people you don't know and too much
to eat and drink. If so, then how about a New Year's
Evt that is breezy and balmy, under a moonlit sky
with palm trees swaying. How alxmt New Year's
Fve in Hawaii!
The Student Union Travel Committee can
make it happen for you if you sign up today for the
I lawaii Trip scheduled to depart from the Raleigh-
Durham Airport on Dec. 27, 1990 with a return
there on Jan. 4, 1991.
You will arrive in Honolulu at 2 p.m. (Hawaiian
time) Dec. 2 7, and spend eight days and seven nights
on the island of ()ahu. You w ill be greeted with a lei,
transported to the Outrigger East 1 lotel on Waikiki
Beach where you are free to plan your time the way
you like. The services of a Trade Winds Tours tour
director are available to help you make the most of
your time in Hawaii.
Each trip participant is responsible for hisher
meals in Hawaii, admissions and incidental expenses.
The cost of the Hawaii Trip includes round-trip
airfare from Raleigh-Durham to Honolulu, seven
nights hotel accommodations, baggage handling
(two bags per person), lei greeting, airport-hotel-
airport transfers, welcome orientation with full
American breakfast, state and hotel taxes and the
services of the tour director.
The trip prices range from $1,125 for a tnple
occupancy room to $1,445 for a single occupancy
room. There is a pre-payment schedule you can
make so you don't have to come up with the cash all
at one time. For an application form, contact the
Central Ticket Office. The deadline to sign up is
Dec. 1.
Don't miss the boat when it sails on the Bahamas
Cruise scheduled over Spring Break. A46-passenger
bus will leave Mendenhall at 10 p.m. March0,1991
and proceed to Cape Canaveral, Florida, where you
will board the Carnival Cruise Line ship,
CARNWALE, with a sailing time of 4 p.m. March
The ship will take you to Freeport on Monday
and Nassau on Tuesday. Arrival time back at the
Port of Cape Canaveral will be 7 a.m. March 14. You
will be back in the Emerald City (via that 46-
passenger bus again) on Friday at 3 a.m.
The prices for the cruise include round-trip
transportation to and from Cape Canaveral and the
Continued on page 8
The Entertainer November 1990 7

Mendenhall goes to the movies
I he demures o( Ford
Nov. 2 3-8 p.m.
Rated R. 104 nun.
Andrew Dice foul
comic, ? -
nun debut in d - lark n e l is i
ve in m ? ?solve I
murder m the Los Vngeles music
1 nu-st docs to Jail
Nov. 4-2 p.m. 8 p.m.
Rated PC SI min.
Master thespianjim Varnev. this
movie generation's Jern Lewis,
turns aj tin as I rnest P. V i irrell, a
n-witted, inexplicable arrog
? initor who finds himse I
trouble when he is called foi
t that
met ted i tria I
spitting image, i i sw i
which finds Ernest behind bars and
the com ict tree to roll 1 rnest'sbank.
Shenanigans, mishaps
tomfoolen ensue quick) in this
I )isne owned I out hstone Studios
B.ul Influence
Nov. 8 - 7p.m. & 9 p.m.
Nov. 9&IQ - H p.m.
Rated R, 10s min.
Rob Lowe, in hisfirstappearance
since the infamous Adanta videotape,
plays a Mestophelian figure in tins
?-)- Continued from page 7
A N 0 fi l WD I C CLAY
lit 4tu4?tu?4 0
?? ?
( h( Kol.U
.?. 2S - H p.m.
Not R.ited. 10 min.
? ?
the w.ii
? ' V '
- I
in re thehomeol
distui bmj io il tni irovoJ
I x)wi ? mysterii i s
explon clebration
kei ion
Nov. 14 - H p.m.
Not R.ited. 10 min.
1)k Hard 2
Nov. 2 7 p.m. v 9 p.m.
Nov. 10 & le I H p.m.
Rated K. 122 mm.
I he I l.uuim.lid's I .lie
No .11-8 p.m.
R.ited R, 10s min.
cruise, which includes: air conditioned
cabin accommodations, all with toilets
and bath orshower, complete gourmet
meal service; gala cm part) and
professional international
entertainment; use of the ship .is a
hotel while in port; deckchairs. port
taxes and gratuities during the cruise.
Each trip participant is responsible for
01 . . .
religious right-wn
ountn I sease 11
pollution have rendered most ot the
a'i imen infertile. I hose still il
be ir childrt n are capture : i
. mtained in camps whei ? in
brainwashed toserveasdispassion iti
bab) makers. Natasha Richardson,
Rober Duvall, Fa 0 maw i md
udan iniiin star in tins thought
hisher meals on the round trip,
admissions, incidental expenses,
laundrj and items of a personal nature,
alcoholic beverages aboard ship and
shore excui sions.
Prices stari n $429 md a
registration fee ol $100 is due whei
you sign up for the trip md you an
make monthl) payments ol Si1)" with
the ti.iian. e iue by Feb. I
Foi application forms an
information on an) if the trip pleasi
? on tact the (Central I i kei "
Mendenhall Studententei
K o - free in N'T it I BOO
ECl AR'l S
?a j riders r co tume take me King Kamenamena lay Paradi
II J . . ul - St Vlli 99(

The East Carolinian, October 30, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 30, 1990
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