The East Carolinian, October 18, 1990

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ullie lEaat ftar0itniati
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No.52
Thursday,October 18 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
16 Pages
NOW president speaks
on the rights of women
Activist Molly Yard encourages freedom of choice
?,it,tK,rc.i- .ihortions were local at tho turn (
By LaToya Hankins
Staff Writer
rho Freedom Caravan tor
Women S I ives' rolled into
Greenville as longtime women'9
rightsai-tivist. Mollv ard. Spoke to
a crowd of about 70 people at ECl
Wednesday night.
ard. the president of the Vi
tional Organization for Woman
(NOW), urged everyone to become
involved in safe-guarding a
woman's freedom of choice to have
a safe abortion.
The "Caravan ' is a nation
wide effort bv NOW to organize
and empower college students all
over the country. So far the group
has been to several colleges and
universities across the nation
fhe group approached the
Women Studios department and
the Women Alliance Program ear
her in the war to Speak at EC I
Dr. Mane Farr. director of the
Women Studies department, at
tnbuted this desire to the political
Situation in the state
"Thev are speaking in states
where there are important elections
concerning pro-choicescandidatev
she said. North Carolina is one of
tew states which pro ides funds tor
poor women to receive abortions.
That fund is scheduled to run out
sometime this year
Yard, who was elected presi
dent of NOW in 1987 after nun
Alumni t
vearsot national service to theorga-
The walls ot Fletcher Recital
Hall were covered bv the pictures
and stones oi women who have
died from illegal abortions.
Before Yard spoke, an all -fe-
male trio called the Moon Beams
sang and Roberta Waddle, of the
North Carolina chapter ot NOW,
showed a ideo titled Abortion IV
nied shattered Young Women
1 ivcs.
fhe video, which was spon-
sored by the Feminist Majority Fund,
told the story of a Illinois teenager
who died from an illegal abortion
due m part, to the parental consent
law in her state
The Illinois law states that
children under the age ot 18 must
receive consent from at least one
parent prior ID having an abortion
rhe video also said every three
minutes a woman dies from having
an illegal abortion somewhere m
the world
ft also featured man) do? tors,
social workers and lawyers who
argued against the parental consent
laws, complaining that took thelives
of many teenage girls.
After the video A ard took the
stage to a standing ovation of ap-
She began her speo h b stat-
ing she was angry that the rights of
men in this country were being
tampered with
She told the audience that
abortions were legal at the turn of
the century because doctors were
appalled bv the high death rates of
those who w ere forced to use illegal
Abortions were the leading
cause of maternal death before the
1973 Roe-vs-WadedecisionaBowed
women the right to have a safe, legal
"Abortion is one of the safest
medical operations, contrary to what
the opposition would have von
thmk. Yard said "Out of the 11
million women who have abortions
a year, over one halt is due to tailed
birth control
Yard then addressed the au-
dience on the subject of birth con-
Although seven companies
(Mice worked to develop bettor birth
control, onlv Ortho is still working
todav to improve the existing meth-
ods available m the I Inited States
"1 challenge the opposition
w hi wants t? 1 st? rpaborbonsti 1 w? wk
with us to improve birth control
1 ard said.
she told the audience about
the safer UP that is available from
Europe Ires improved method of
birth control is not wide! used due
10 the stare of the Palkon Shield
which caused cancer and death in
some cases
Yard told the audience about
Rl 46, the 'wonder drug" from
f ranee which serves as an instant-
protest Yard
3 hecklers ejected by
Public Safety
By Matt Mumma
Staff Writer
Po!o oy Ce'este Ho
Molly Yard, president of National Organisation for Women addressed
a crowd of 70 at Fletcher Music Hall Wednesday night
In closing. Yard summed up
the reasoning behind her message
"Every hild bom should be a
wanted child, she said, it is a
woman's right tochoose and that's
what the Kittle is all about '
Shetia (iardner an ECL se-
nior, agreed with Yard sposition
Women must realize that
their basic rights as individuals are
indeed befog threatened t ardner
said It is not right Women must
realize this and take the appropriate
steps to make sure this does not
abortion pill Sheaboaddressed the
Opposition's problems with this
They must want ustogo back
10 the Middle Ages v hen men con-
trolled the women completely she
1 ard stressed how people tor
women's rights 1 an choose to make
their voices heard
We have a real opportunity
before us across the country she
said. "We can vot pro-choke .v.d
give a message to the candidates.
No Questions about it"
Anti-abortion protesters
picketed outside Fletcher Music Hall
where Molly Yard, the president of
the National Organization for
Women, spoke Wednesday night.
Three protesters sat in the
crowd and heckled ard while she
spoke before ejected bv & U Public
Safety officers
The picketing protesters who
numbered about 50, carried signs
and marched outside I"lek her while
singing songs with hopes to con-
vince passers by that abortion is
immoral and illegal
Adopt don't abort "Stop
trashingourbabtes and Abortion
Stops a beating heart" are fust a tew
of the signs displayed bv the pro-
testors (.Vie sign p Ttraved a graphic
mass of blood and fetal parts.
'We are protesting what
Molly Yard stand- tor which are
rights for womei r erningabor-
tion, said Sand Haddock, who
was at the pn 'test
Molly Yard was speaking to a
pro-choice and therefore, accord-
ing an anonymous protester " be-
lieve in killing bab -
The protest ? mncided with a
small Helms rail earlier that day.
I veryonequestioned at the protest
were strong leims supporters
I d vote for Helms just bo-
See Protesters page 3
ECU News Bureau
A composer, a chemist and an
audiologisf will he honored bv the
ECU Alumni Association during
Homecoming ceremonies on Sat-
urday, Oct 20, as Outstanding
Receiving the 1990 Outstand-
ing Alumni - wards are eltonRay
Bunch of foluca Lake, Calif, Dr.
Keith P Holmes lr. of Greenville
and Pr Brenda Morgan Rvals ot
Keswick Va.
The honorees were selected by
the Alumni Association board of
directors based on nominations
submitted by alumni, faculty and
statt All were presented engraved
pewter plates at the chancellor's
awards luncheon on campus and
introduced at half time of the
ECU?Cincinnati game.
Velton Ray Bunch is a selt
employed composer and arranger
whose most significant accom-
plishments unhide serving as
musk director for the 1987 U S
Olympic Festival in Raleigh and
1984 presidential inauguration,
and composer of the lw4 1 os An
gdes01ympicMessage ampaign
1 le has been nominated tor
five Emmy awards, most recently
m 1988 for Dolly Parton's variety
television program "Dotty in
the best song and best score cat-
Bunch's scores can bo heard
on several current television pro-
grams 'Quantum 1 cap "1 A
1 aw' and "Star Irek: The Next
( .eneration as well as "1 lill
Street Blues Magnum P 1 and
I lunter
The Pointer Sisters, Lionel
Ritchie. Kenny Rogers, Tina Turner
and Barbara Mandrell are among
the many stars who have recorded
songs composed by Bunch
"Itanvonodiditthehard waj
Ray did said Pr Brett Watson,
an EC U associate professor who
taught Bunch. His success vas
not at all easy to attain he had
quite .1 long struggle
Bunch and his wife Patt) have
two children, Farahand Justin He
maintamsdose ties to North t aro-
Ima through the Monroe radiosta
tion he co owns with Ronnie
Milsapand a summer home at I .ake
Dr. Keith D. 1 Ana-
lytical Development laboratories
director tor Burroughs Wellcome
Co of Greenville and Research
rriangie Park, and an adjunct
professor in the ECU Department
of Chemistry
several grants to K I s chemistry
dMrtmen" morethat$1 W ,000 in
to fund a
poa. .iOi position, $37,000
plus from 1987 through 1990 for a
research fellowship in analytical
chemistry, and $24500 tor scien-
tific equipment in 1983
In addition. Holmes has taken
an active interest in promoting tho
study of chemistry, long an area of
declining student interest.
Dr. Brenda Morgan Rvals is
coordinator of audiology and
speech pathology services at tho
Veterans Administration Medical
Center in Richmond, Va and pro-
fessor of audiology at lames
Madison University. She is a na-
tive (it Roanoke, Va.
"In our 21 years as professors
here at ECU, we have never been
Because to his sponsorship, as proud done of our former stu-
BurroughsWellcomehasawarded dents wrote Hal . Daniel 111
PNjro sy Cees:e Hoa"
Approximately 50 protesters picketed outside Fletcher Music Hall where
Molly Yard spoke last night
By Michelle Castellow
Staff Writer
PubttcSafety will soon have a
new look to their police vehicles
that will visibility while display-
ing the purple and gold.
According to lames Pepuv.
director of Public Safety, the po-
lice cars will take on the new ap-
pearance because of safety rec-
The cars will he marked with a
reflective purple and gold stripe
down both sides of the car and
with the words ECU POLICE
painted in visible gold letters on
the front doors and on the car's
Theemergency police number
will also he painted on the rear
quarter panel and tho cars will also
Photo Dy Rodney Strickland
Students stuff the ballot boxes to decide this years Homecoming Queen
The Women's Studies Pro-
gram did an outstanding pb in
bringing Molly Yard to ECU.
Suzi Landolphi left students
in a hot sweat following her
unique, educational approach to
safe sex
The Pirates will need a strong
bench to cover their many inju-
ries if they are to win the
Homecoming game against the
Cincinnati Bearcats
Insert Satire Page
Homecoming this weekend
be equipped with a front license
plate to promote crime stoppers.
"Satetv and visibility are the
major reasons for the change. The
reflective stripes provides better
visibility and has been proven to
deter accidents Pepuv said.
According u Depu) there is
one police car in use that has boon
marked tor experimental pur-
poses When the department de-
signed the new markings for the
car, it kept theschooi spirit in mind.
Next year, thedepartment will
acquire three new cars to replace
the existing vehicles which have
accumulated main miles The new
cars along with other the cars in
tho Hoot will be marked with the
new reflective insignas.
In an effort to gain public feed
back on the new designs, the ex-
perimental car will bo displayed
in this weekend's Homecoming
parade with one unusual passen-
ger - McC.ruff tho Crime Dog.
Welcome hck Pirate Alumni!

2 i
(Ulic ?a0t (Earallnfan
October 18,1990
ECU Briefs
Two LIS candidates for master's
degrees awarded scholarships
Two candidates tor master's degrees in the ECU Department
oi Library and Information Studies have been awarded scholar-
ships from the North Carolina Association of School Librarians
Ann Phelps ol Windsor, a graduate of Martin Community
College and a ' magna cum laude" graduate of ECU, received the
$1,000 NCASL Scholarship
Ms Phelps, who has taught in Bertie and Martin County
schools, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Murray E. Phelps of
Windsor and is married to Thomas Neal Thelps.
Receiving the $500Garret! Scholarship was Barbara Click of
Ahoskie. She is an alumna of Lenoir Community College and
Muhlenburg College in Allentown, Pa.
Ms Click is the wife of Phillip Click, director of St. Thomas
Episcopal Church in Ahoskie.
Both scholarship recipients plan to pursue careers as school
media coordinators
ECU Teaching Fellow wins
1990-91 marketing scholarship
1 oren R 1 Iks a North Carolina Teaching Fellow at East
Carolina I niversity, has been named the 1990-91 recipient of the
$500 William H. Durham Marketing Teacher Education Schol-
Elks is pursuing a degree in marketing and basic business
teacher education
The Durham scholarship, named in honor of a longtime ECU
business education professor is awarded each year bv the De-
partment ol Business. Vocational and Technical Education in the
ECl School ol Education
Recipients ol the Durham scholarship are selected from
undergraduate students majoring in marketing teacher educa-
tion They are judged on leadership, both demonstrated and
potential, and their dedication to the field of marketing education,
citizenship, financial need and scholarship.
As a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, Elks plans to teach in
the North Carolina public school svstem.
Afro-American literature to be
topic of spring conference at ECU
tn American children s literature has been selected as the
topic oi next spring's ECU children's Literature Conference. The
i onference, 15th in mi annual series, is scheduled for April 12.
1 eatured guest at the conference will be Elanora Tate, author
ol The Secret ol (iumbo Grove
Critical papers on African-American literature themes are
now being accepted tor the conference.
"Papers to bo considered tor presentation may address any
asptx t of fiction or non-fiction written by African-American au-
thors tor children or adolescents said I.eeAnna Lawrence
onference director.
The papers may be thematic, historical or generic, or they
' may focus on the work ol a specific author
I itmpik-d trom 1 Cl es Bureau reports.
Crime Scene
Officer finds five suspicious
fraternity members in woods
October 15
0859 An officer served papers on a subject at Whichard.
1162 An officer checked on a subject at Clement Residence
1 Kill who had taken an overdose of aspirin. Subject was taken to
the emergency room of Pitt County Memorial Hospital.
1256 An officer investigated a call about a controlled sub-
stance iolation of! campus.
l 552 An officer took a larceny report at the Brody Building.
1630 An officer took a report of credit card larceny
1640 An officer went to Umstead Residence Hall about
someone entering a person's room over Fall Break.
1736 An officer checked out a faulty fuse box at Garret!
Residence I Kill which ma v be a possible fire hazard. An electrician
vas called.
1858 An officer checked on a complaint of loud music
i lining from the southeast side oi Belk. The subject resisted and
was arrested tor delaying and obstructing a law enforcement
2028 An officer assisted a student in retrieving her pocket-
book which had been reported stolen from Room 330 in Fletcher
Residence 1 Kill
2319 An officer took a report of bicycle larceny on College
Hill Drive.
October 16
0121?An officer checked out a maintenance problem coming
from the northwest bathroom on the fourth floor oi Aycock
Residence Hall.
0901 An officer served papers on a subject at Belk Residence
1010 An officer checked on an ill student at the General
Classroom Building The subject was transported to the hospital.
1038 An officer served papers on a subject at Aycock Resi-
dence Hall.
1 J43 An officer checked out a car accident involving a
pedestrian at Tenth Street and College Hill Drive. The pedestrian
was taken to the infirmary.
1710? An officer checked out an alarm set off at the New East
Bank teller machine
13 An officer checked Fletcher Residence Hall for four
males reported to be acting suspiciously Subjects were escorted
OUt i t the building
2? 14 An officer checked out Jarvis Residence Hall in refer-
ent e to controlled substance abuse
2 J28 An officer checked an elevator shaft for lost keys. They
were not found
October 17
0024 An officer checked out the wooded area south of
Harrington Field in reference to suspicious activity. Five frater-
nity members were found.
0105 An officer checked out an alarm activated at Scott
Residence Hall. The alarm was caused by an aerosol spray on the
fourth floor
0112?An officer checked out an alarm activated at Scott
Residence Hall It was caused by students smoking in their room
on the fourth floor.
Crime Scene is taken from official ECU Public Safety logs.
Pyramid sexual activity increases risk
Multiple-partner intercourse exposes people to various infections
By Peggy Carawan
Peer Health Educator
The word pyramid is derived
from a Latin word meaning "oi
unknown origin This defines
most clearlv what is meant by
"pyramid sex Literally trans-
lated, it means having sex with
that oi an unknown origin (pre-
vious partners being unknown to
Pyramid sex is best described
with an illustration if partner A
has sex with partner B, then it is
the same as it A has had sex with
all ol B's partners also.
It you engage in sexual activ-
ity with someone, vou are expos
mg yourself toevery infection that
partner has been exposed to.
Our state's cases are mi n as
ing at more than double the
nation'scases. Asol Sept. 21, North
Carolina had 1,528 diagnosed
cases ot individuals infected with
It is estimated that tor every
one person who has been diag-
nosed, thereareat least 1 5 who are
infected with HIV, and probably
don'teven know it That translates
to 24,00(1 people who are HIV
positive. (HIV, the human immu-
nodeficiency virus, is the virusas-
scK Kited with AIDS I
I he( entcrol I HseaseC ontrol
in Atlanta,(la. estimates that three
in every 1,000 college students are
infected, that translates into a
possible 48 cases on our campus,
with another 720 infected, and all
of their partners, and ol their part
ners, and so on
The average size of a dorm
here is about 700-800 students, so
that means that possibly everyone
in an v one dorm could be infected.
What does that mean to you
personally? Remember when we
talk about AIDS, we are not )ust
talking about cases, weare talking
about lives
rake a minute to stop and
think about it vou werediagnosed
with AIDS. Who would it affect?
Your mother, your father sour
brothers, your sisters, and your
partner, just to name a few
So on top of the 720 we started
with, multiply that bv 5 I hat is
another 3,600. Add thosenumbers
up.and it is well over 4,000 people
That is the equivalent oftheentire
freshmen class at ECU.
Be informed. Get the tacts
Make smart decisions lake per
sonal responsibility to protect
yourself. Don't think it can't hap
pen to vou. AIDS does not dis
criminate It only takes one time
Protect yourself every time
Barring abstinence, condoms and
spermicidal foams and jellies an
the recommended methods t
protect yourself against HIV in
tei tion
For more information on safer
se practices, contact the Healtl
Education (iff ho at 757 6794
Gantt closing gap in
fund-raising campaign
RAl EIGH (AP) For every
dollar Democratic Senate candi-
date Harvey Gantt has spent to-
ward getting elc ted, less lelms
has doled out near!) three, cam
paign finance reports show.
Bui the spending gap hot wivn
the two candidates has closed
dramatically in recent months.
Overall the Republican in-
cumbent raised $11 7 million
through Sept V and t ,antt $4
million, according to reports tiled
Tuesday ith the Federal Ele tion
Helms' spokeswoman Beth
Burrus said the senator's re-ele
tion campaign was happy w ith its
fund-raising efforts
We've raised an enormous
amount ol money, but we need it
to get past the tree press larvey
(iantt gets everyday in the new s
papers ol this state. Ms Burrus
But Gantt nearK matched
Helms dollar for dollar from ul)
through September raising $3 2
million to I lelms' 1 million
And on Sept. JO tree weeks
before the election, .antt had
seven times more cash on hand
than did Helms $788,768 com
pared with $100 I Is
Helms also listed d bts as
$192,413. Gantt listed no debts
"I'm extremel) happy with
the support tor my candidacy in
general and especiall) trom all
parts of Northarolina Gantt
lel in Watt, (lantt's cam-
paign manager, said more than
25,000 North Carolinians have
given to the campaign, with an
average contribution ol $54. The
average contribution to I lelms was
$28, his campaign said
Gantt led Helms in contribu
tions from political action com-
mittees, raising $466,500. PACs
have given Helms $588,235 this
The star-studded lineup of
contributors reflects growing na-
tional interest in the race.
Contributors toC.antt include
actors Paul Newman, oAnn
Woodward, Christopher Reeve,
Barbara Bain-Landau, Bonnie
Franklin, Gregory Peck. Danny
Glover, Justine Bateman and
Meredith Baxter-Bimey.
Other well-knowns: David
Rockefeller. U.S. Sen. lav-
Rockefeller of West Virginia,
former Secretary of State Clark
Clifford, Los Angeles Mayor Tom
Bradlev, former California Gov.
Jerrv Brown, Carter White I louse
advisor Lloyd Cutler, former
Carter Commerce Secretary
Phillip Kutznick, entertainer Steve
Allen, rock star Don Henlev and
Broadway director and dancer
i omnn I une
(Iantt a!si? received nlonev
from well known painters Eric
Fischl, asper (ohns and Roy
I u htenstein
Notables contributing to
1 lei nis i nclude ulor i immv
Stewart, former I S Sens. Harry
Byrd ol Virginia and s I
Hayakawa ol California, retired
a run iacxecuth e ri hie Davis
ol Winston Salem, retired druj
? ? Chairman a k E ker I I
i lorida First i itizens Bancshares
chiel executive Lewis Holding,
1 lardee'sfranchiser M.iv o Boddie,
and several Republican state
law makers
Most ol,ant! s PA menev
( ame from oi ga nized lal
groups Since lune. Helms has
received most ol his PAC monev
from committees representing
business croups
Mam don.ithMistthe 1 lelms'
i ampaign since lunecamein small
amour's from out-ot state i on
tnbutors some ot them sent small
amounts manv times,suchasR !
lacobsen ol Broken Bow. Neb
whose 24 contributions range trom
$10 to $25 ea h
Most of the people con tribut
ing to the (.antt campaign since
lune were Northarolina resi
dents, the reports showed
While tin HolmsIantt r.i. e
ranks among the most expensive
in the state s history it is running
tar behind the $26 million Senate
race between Helms and Demo-
cratik lim Hunt in 1984
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(Utie East Carolinian
October 18,1990 $
Around Other
Senate keeps bomber alive
Duke to limit kegs
A new alcohol policy at Duke
University will limit keg parties at
and Saturdays at tor November
The poBcy was adopted atter
incidents of alcohol abuse on
campus prompted student and
university leaders to study tho
Because fraternities at Puke
are housed in campus residence
halls, the organizations will be
subject to the restriction, a Duke
official said
Classes cut at UNC
Almost 256 tower class sec-
tions will ottered at UNC Chapel
Hill this spring semester due to
budget cuts, administrations s.iul
last week
Still scheduling should not be
a problem registration has not
begun yet, said David 1 anier.l N(
1 his ull the number ot class
sections was reduced in 395, but
only m ? classes hail to bo canceled
afterschedules wereprinted Each
semester about 8,000 classes are
ottered and 5300 are tilled said
1 amer
Greeks decrease at USC
1 raternity and sorority mem-
bership at tin- Universitj ot South
t arolina is down this year, but the
Office ot C ,reek lite is not too
concerned, iv s offi ials
Kick (.ant. coordinator ot
Creek I ite, said the decrease ma)
be because ot a smaller freshman
class at I S and the tact that no
new fraternity or sorority chapters
have been added on campus.
Currently. there ot 40 tower
members in the 1 sororities t
70 fewer in the 1 fraternities
ASU offers fine arts
1 lie art department at Appa
lachian State University recentl)
expanded its degree programs to
include the addition of a ba helor
(it tine arts degree
Pre iciisK S1 offered de
groes in stndi( art and graphn
Board proposes budget
The l N( Board of Governors
budget committee proposed the
l.irgest budget ever tor the I C
system schools, but the plan is not
expected to pass in the N.( len
eral Assembly, said an Orange
County representative.
The proposal called tor more
than $1 03 billion tor each of the
next two fiscal years. It includes a
request tor $68 million to cover
the costs of antk ipated enrollment
iih reases
Also iih hided in the plan was
a request for $613.6 million to fund
a scholarship program tor N.
high si hool graduates.
Dorm uses ID keys
Students living in Carmichael
Residence Hall at I hapel
I (ill have begun testing a new se-
curity system that uses the stU
dents' ID ards as magnetic keys
1 he magnetized in card is
used to gain entrance to the resi
dence hall after the outside doors
are locked, an area director said
Tin- new IP key cards is part
of a pilot program tocreatea multi-
purpose card. Other uses will bo
as a library card, copying machine
cards and student ID
Dorm disallows men
Residents ol Burne) Dortnl
torv at the I Diversity ot South
Carolina are upset over a policy
that does not allowed men on the
second floor ot the residence hall
students on that hall are under
the freshman (enter Plan
restricts visitation bv members ot
tho opposite sex to tin' lobbies.
()ver HO percent of the floor's
residence have applied tor room
changes it the policy is not re-
ISl adds nursing students
Enrollment In Indiana state
University's nursing program in
creased by 134 students this tall,
according to tho ISUnursingdean
( urrently, there are 737 students
seeking degrees in tho program
Compiled by Amy Idwards
gressional proponents of the B-2
after the Senate narrow Iv rejected
an attempt to stop production of
the radar-evading aircraft
"Wehad tohaveit Sen. )ames
Exon, P-Neb . a member of the
Senate Armed
and a B-2 proponent, said Monday
night after the Senate approved a
$2h8 billion defense spending bill
By a 30-44 vote, the Senate
rejected an amendment that would
have halted production of the
stealth aircraft at six planes far
short of the 75 that President Bush
is seeking at a cost ot nearly $Sr?
million each.
Backers of the Northrop-built
bomber argued that a plane that
can penetrate Soviet air defenses
is still needed because ot uncer-
tainty (nor the future leadership
ot the Kremlin
The chairman ot the Senate
Armed Services Committee, Sen.
Sam Nunn, D-Ga also pointed
out that a predecesw Vt t the B- 2
the BIB bomber has tailed to
meets the levels set forth in the
budget resolution approved by
The legislation, adopted 79-
1b, trims about $1 billion from
Bush's $4.7 billion request for
the Strategic Defense Initiative
and cuts the number of U.S.
troops by 100,000, including
50,000 in Europe.
The spending bill also in-
cludes $238 million for the V-22
Osprey, the tilt-rotor aircraft
Bush has sought tocancel during
the past two years; eliminates
$1.1 billion the Pentagon sought
for the MILSTAR communica-
tions satellite and scales back the
administration's request for land-
based nuclear missiles.
The bill includes about $500
million for the MX missileand $200 p
million for the planned Midgetman A
missile as well as funds for one J
SSN-21 Seawolf submarine.
Negotiators tor the Senate and
the House, which had passed a
defense spending bill earlier, will
meet to thrash out a final version,
with an aim to wrap up the legis-
lation bv week's end before Con-
gress adjourns tor the year.
N ? E ? T
Carolina East Mall
?all markdown merchandise only I
Offer expires October 26, 1990 (
meet Pentagon performance stan-
dards.) le urged hiscolleagues not
to abandon the stealth capability.
"Opponents do not under-
stand we're talking about revolu-
tionary technology Nunn said.
But the opponents complained
that in the post-Cold War era. a
nation on the verge ot economic
rum cannot afford to bin a bomber
geared toward the Soviet Union.
'There is a threat to the nation
greater than the Soviet air de-
fense said Sen Male Bumpers,
Rejection of the amendment
came as House and Senate nego-
tiators on a military authorization
bill pushed to complete a final
blueprint fur thocurrcnt fis al year,
w 11 h t he B-2 bomber the ma i n jx int
ol contention.
Defeat ol the B-2 in the Senate
"would have taken the big thrust
OUt of the argument tor any con-
tinuation said Rep Hill Di( kinson
ol Alabama, ranking Republican
on the House Armed Services
Shortly atter the B 2 vote, the
Sena te verwhelmingl) a ppr i ved
Continued from page 1
cause he's against abortion
lonathan l.eake s?iid
One grievance ot those gath-
ered was that a class m i ,amage
and family was advised to attend
the Molly Yard lecture. Theprotest-
ersdemanded equality by suggest-
ing that the chairperson tor Con
cenudVVonx-n tor America, lVverlv
Lei lave, come and speak at ECl
"She is the chairperson of i me
ot the largest women'sgroupsin the
country Barbara Lynn, another
protester, said.
Students in marriage and
tamilv classes would, in turn, prob-
ably be advised to attend a pro-lite
rally it such a convention were held
here on campus.
Manv protesters brought their
young children to the gathering to
turthorstrcsstheirpositionand bring
a touch of reality to their views.
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JOSEITH L. JlNKINS Jr General Manager
Mu UAH Ci. MARTIN,Managing Editor
Tim I Lampion, News Editoi Dove. Morris, Sports Editor
Mil 1 AS Al BUQUERQUE, Asst Was Editor EaRI.E M. McAut.EY, Asst. Sports Editor
Pai i a Gigee, tatcund Nation i ditor Carrie Armstrong, Special Sections Editor
Matt Kim Failures EA'toi LfClair Harper, Copy Eaw
DEANNA NEVCLOSK1, Asst Features Editor Amy EDWARDS, Copy Editor
MlCl lAii 1 ,AN Editorioi Prodw Hon Manager Tom BaRBOUR, Circulation Manager
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The East i an
aflcctsECl si
Eastt at
1 ciicrs ??'
to cdil letters !
Greenville. i
tntan has served the East Carolina campus community since 1925, emphasizing information that directly
dents DuringtheECU school year. The East Carolinian publishes twice a week with a circulation of 12,(HH
nkinresen es the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements thai discriminate on the basis of age. sev.
? gin Hie masthead editorial meach edition does not necessarii) represent the views of one individual,
; opinion of the Editorial Board Fte East CarofoiHW welcomes letters expressing all points of view
v limited to 250 words or less For purposes of decency and bre it). he East Carolinian reserves the right
n publication, letters should be addressed to The Editor. The East Carolinian, Publications Bklg . ECU,
' . 27834; or call (919) 757 6366
Page4,Thursday,October IS, 1990
Gantt, Helms: a battle of the races
Choice belongs in everyone's 'Yard'
Despite being slightly marred by several
overzealous protestors. Molly Yard's visit
to ECU was successful in stirring up moral
and political debate on campus. In an era
when abortion has become such a central
topic ot both judicial and legislative delib-
eration throughout the nation, we applaud
Women Studies for bringing Yard, the
president of the National Organization for
Women, an outspoken authority on the
controversial issue to this university.
This editorial is not the place to argue
the pros and cons of abortion; both argu-
ments have become so recognizable that
most listeners and readers can instantly
predict the conclusion, and thus tune out
Women's rights, on the other hand, have
become the alternating current in this con-
troversy, and rightfully so claim an larger
Parallel to the suffrage movement, NOW
is lighting tor women's choice, like the
right to vote, the right tor a women to choose
what to do with their bodies is a prerogative
that should not be denied.
This is not to argue the morality ot what
people choose, but rather to state that choice
is a necessity. Whether to the decision is
moral or not should be left to the decider
Without these rights to deem what is im-
portant, we as a people are who are greatly
suppressed by big brother.
Ironically, the infrastructure oi the
nation's politics is composed of a majority
of men- -men who impose laws and regu-
lations which largely disregard the need tor
women's rights. Although women are en-
tering the political spectrum, the disparity
of equal representation is prevasive. fust as
it is unjust tor a majority ot South African
whites to set laws tor black South Africans,
American men should not be able to decide
the rights ot women.
In cases ot rape, incest or indangerment
to the women's lite, there should be no
debate: it is the woman's prerogative
whether the fetus should be aborted Male
legislature have no concept of the degrada-
tion involve with carrving a product ot
violent lust nor the dire moment ot dying
from child birth.
One Pro-1 ife stalwart recently revealed
that she was so vehemently opposed to
abortion that she would rather die on the
operating table than to abort during child
birth When faced with the realitv of the
situation, would she choose to give her lite
to child birth like countless women did prior
to modem medicine. We think not.
Molly Yard's presence last night dis-
plaved the divergent cross roads on the
issue: on one side the pro-life picketers, on
the other pro-women's righters. As Yard
said, the election in November will be an
interesting event.
By Darek McC tillers
li.iitnn.ii Columnist
The RRRj race for the North
Carolina seat in the I rated States
Senate is one that could make his
tore Democratic candidate
i larveyGanttchallenges two- time
Republican incumbent essel elms
in may be termed .1 battle ot
the races
Although I am one w ho has
learned the frequently negligible
value ot politicians to real social
change, this issue is learly open to
1 larvey l .antt 1- .1 man that I
i.wn respect 'asa person) I lecame
up during the rough days of im
( rowism and rtevet let race be a
1 c was involved in the sit-in
movement as a high school ? t n
dentinSouth arolina andhelped
integrate lemson University. He
proceeded t be 1 imethefii st blac W
N l
a Ian
stance on
m tl ei mat
mayor of har
urban cit)
1 low ever
'campaign issi
( antt approaches the problem
of discrimination and equal o
portunity from several perspe
rives 1 have n problem with the
fact that he believes fitle IX laws
tot the 1 ivil Rights -V t of l5)
should be expanded and( nforced
Furthermore I agree a ith the
notion that more job training pro
gramsand higher minimum wages
are necessary However, asa prac-
tical man (regardless of race),
whom one might call conservative
orfundamentalist. I cannot see how
the people's hard earned tax dol-
lars should fund such programs
I believe that we should re-
duce government spending
through the use of alternative mi
tiatives to solve social problems
I his can be achieved K putting
some teeth in President Bush's
Points of Light Program.
I support the typeof initiatives
that Richard Nixon pushed during
his administration ITits included
burden sharing between federal
mm state government, expansion
ot the Small Business Administra-
tion (especially to promote minor
itv entrepreneurship), and sub
stantial investments in education
I also supportJantt's vision of
uniform Child Support Enforce
ment procedures tostrengthen and
promote da vca re. However, I find
his idea to use nonexistent revolv-
ing funds in the community to in-
1 rease social sen ices to be unreal
It is net necessary to go over
his position on other issues (ne
gets the idea that he supports the
typical liberal positions
The liberals support the loos-
ening of our morals (as 111 support
for the National Endowment for the
Arts and aborting human lite be-
cause ot a personal decision) and
the expenditure oi more m
that we don't have tor increasi '
social services.
lam not knot king these things
Ideally they are all needed
However, in this time ?
shrinking revenue and expand) '
expenses wo must he careful
how the government spends
tax dollars
I may appear to some is a
per conservative However I 1
sure vou that I am not v tua
am quite disenchanted with tx 11
political factions, fheso called
erals have been promising tho ?
man-Americans that the wi
do one thing or another, ther tl
never deliver The conservatives
on the other hand, are somewhat
better because at least one kn
where they stand
This confrontation is I
proven to be class
tween big and littU g ? " ? '
loose (liberal) and fundamenta
(traditional) moral values I sup
port social change, but I believe it
conies host through indiv idual
tion, mentoring, and nv ?st ' 1
spiritual regenerat
Basil all) this campaign I r
me is a questii n between r ??? ?
religion. 1 would love to see 1
brother (by race) make histon
some of his values are not for 1
like main North Carolinians
will beaclosecall Although less,
1 ielms, tor some not too pleasing
his ideals (fundamentalist values
Letters to the Editor
Three party system may solve political disarray
and appease all the fans while sacrificing
the play of the team.
Republican senators didn't follow their
GOP president on his budget solution, nor
did the Democrat congressman take the
advice of Mouse Speaker Tom Foley and
other Democrat leaders on their resolve.
After giving themselves a three weeks
sabatical to clear up the disparity on whether
to make cut $300 or $500 billion out of the
and Democrats are not cutting the Gray budget, whether to include a rich-people s
Pou tax andor capital gain's tax, Washington
The culprits in today's politics: Political has set final deadline of Friday.
Action Committees (PACS) and senators When Friday come and gone, talk of a
pandering toward special interest groups, new party may begin to surface. Certainly
Every senator has suddenly become a free the two-party system has become obsolete,
agent and like the 1 lot Rod Williams of the because solutions are not being reached.
Friday may be the start oi the tri-party
system in American politics. Not since the
Whig party evaporated in the ISOO's has the
United States had trey factions in govern-
ment With the ineptness of the executive
branch and legislative branch in Washing-
ton to come to grips with the present bud-
getary woes, a third party may be deemed
imminent in deciding this country's most
pressing issues?given that the Republicans
Editorial on
meters needs
rheeditorial im hided tnthe
Fuesday, October 16 1990 I 1st
1 'an linian on thesubjt 11 ot park
mg meter rate 1 m reasesrequires
Some 1 hintk ation V hile the
news article reported the back-
ground to the rate im reasequite
fairly, fat ts need to he added.
The decision to raise the
parking meter rates was not done
"behind closed doors or with
out consultation, nor was it in-
tended to he a surprise to am
one. The rate increase was pro
posed ti- the Parking Policy
Committee during the Spring
Semester Not only wasthes.
rate recommended to increase
revenues to support metered
parking operations but also to
encourage the more rapid turn-
over ot those spaces tor legiti-
mate visitors and guests requir-
ing short term space to conduct
essential business, and to elimi-
nate the problem ot people no
longer carrying nickels (as
needed tor the old meters) and
ultimately receiving parking
tickets, the recommendation of
the Parking Policy Committee
was then, along with all other
parking related tee increases, re-
ferred to the Finance and Facil-
ity Committee ot the Board of
Trustees at their April 27, 1990
meeting. Thev, in turn endorsed
the proposal and reported it to
the Full Board ot Trustees at their
open meeting ot the same after-
noon. The increase to $.25 was
mentioned specifically bv the
Chairman of the Finance and
Facilities Committee. The East
Carolinian reported on a number
of other fee increases in a subse-
quent edition but apparently
overlooked this particular item
Regarding the timing ot the
implementation, it had been our
desire to modify the meters and
implement the new tees during
summer recess 1 lie rel.n mob
taming the required parts to
perform the conversion ot the
meters was the only reason that
Public Safety waited tor (all
Break tor implementation. In
retrospect, it would have been
wiser to have reminded the
campus ot this change in ,k
mc ot implementation We
will learn from that oversight
I appreciate The East
Carolinian - evenhanded re-
porting of this issue and recog-
nizing the need tor metered
parking at rates that encourage
the effective use of those spaces
Richard Brown
Vice Chancellor
tor Business Affairs
rape awareness
To the Editor
In the(Atiher2 issued ThtEast
dmiirmoi, there was an article con-
cerning visual n-minders rf sexual
that this was very well wntten and
finally the virJenl crime of rap; was
being attacked head-on As 1 under-
stuxi it the artists, Victoria Higgins
Sylvester and Marc Sylvester, had
been given permission to paint the
repasentaoons of sexual assaults
Obviously, 1 was wrong! As 1 walked
thmughcampusthe followiiigmorrv
ing I saw a maintenance men cleaning
was very upsetting and unfair
1 am a victim of rape that oc-
curred on campus almost a year ago.
Rw a while I denied tnat it had hap-
pened but 1 filially saw a therapist the experience had torn my
lite apart. 1 still rvnvpn iblerns dealing
made me realize tlvit I wasn't alone
aixi tnvilK sexual .nnvs were
being dealt with by the public instead
of being swept under the rug
the sidewalk hurt me. i fed ttiat BC I
dvs happen, even ne,ht under
ovorvotv sixv.lm rderti 'stoprap?"s
fromiKCumnv, there Ms to tx- pubbc
aw arenas and amoving the paint
Fashion show
article lacked
key facts
ro the Editor
It was gratifying to see vour
articleoovonngtho I ltnrvitehash
ion Show" which the Performing
Arts Senes Paa-setters presented,
however vou lett out a very im-
portant piece of information The
Pacesetters would not have been
able to ut on this very successful
event without having the support
ofthestudentsatECl specifically
Delta Zeta Soronrv
The Delta eta s. through the
efforts ot kellv Kane have helped
ourorgani7ation since it sineeption
with various functions open to the
community At the Fashion Show
thev helped us sot up tor the affair,
collect rickets, run the front desk, fill
out forms and then worked as
changers for the nnx1els who also
donated their time for this event.
So thank vou DZ for being the
student arm of the Iicesotters. We
could not have done it with vou!
llene Entin Cox
Chair. Pacesetters

She Eaat (garolinian
e r a. ot
Spalding to visit Nigeria for 10 months
as ECU recipient of Fulbright grant
ECU News Bureau
ipalding .?k! It's not at all what
you'd expect from watching
Preparations tor the tup were
especially diffk ult
! m trying to pack everything Spalding said
wo need tor our personal life as
wellasforteaching tor lOmonths
and pack lightly Spalding said
terrain is mountainous and thecli
matt- "like our Indian summer all
yearlong dry and cool, withone
toothbrush and a hairdryer wel season.
these are necessities most o( us "People expect Africa to be
must remember when packing for hot especially in the summer
n Hut the list w as mm h more
complicated tor Nancy Spalding
rofessor t political science at
w ho was lea ing tor a 10
nth isit to Nigeria
: the University ol losin os
? i ! Pr Spalding will teach
luateand undergraduate le el
.? analysis and research
ids a graduate level com
itive politics seminar and an
? ? .?? iduate leol course on
? i ;m She is funded b a
? ht 1 ia s grant
? - an exciting time to b
? i ospov lallv to observe the
'i mges Spalding said
are i on erting from a
lan to a civ ilian go ernment,
idingthepnxessout over five
? allow the country time to
igcrians will bo holding
dential eh I i in the near
and the are develop
, onstitution modeled to i
it extent after the U.S.
l teacl p fi deralism
? truh
erately to save money, had used a
toxic substance instead of alcohol
as a base in their cough syrup.
"We'll bo bringing our own
coughsvrupshesaid, "as well as
syringes, everything
There also have been incidents
of aspirin tablets being marketed
as anti-malaria medication
"Malaria can kill Or at least
make you very, verv sick
. .
'she also has to take teaching
materials to supplement limited
resources at the University. "1
don't think my students will have
books, she said 1 ibrarv resource
materials are limited as well
Spalding's motivation in her
traeK is due partly to a personal
interest in Africa she does re-
search on African countries
She also appreciates the effect
ot travel on her teaching
When you stand in front of ?
classroom having seen a country,
having witnessed their politics,
culture, economy, and history, it
greatly improves your under
standing of that country and
; she had therefore greatly increases your
ntibi ability to teach about that country,
she said
Spalding is making her trip to
Nigeria on the heels of a recent
visit to Kenya where she spent six
and one hall weeksasa memberol
Dr. Nancj Spalding
? pa k sore proscription
?? sandanti malaria medication
We might have trouble getting
dicine there, she said
I here was a ret ent int ident in
. ountries in which
ite sied Clt
' I c Moslem
brand of cough syrup Manufac-
turers, either accidenth or delib-
ropping her list of goals was
making a trip to Africa
? the area but
tural di ersity
? her 12-y ?'
phai villbe ivmg
isoprepai II r them 1 he
? ? . tricity and
. ? ? ? it no telev ision
? . ? ne telephone
in the ?? i
? ?? md ' ' ?
?1 ilding
. ?, ? ? t .is we kn ????
Ft. will b " lt( I ????
, . k 1V I J
? ? . . ?? mit tak
? ?
i i ?
i nd her
packing assette
? listen to ?
: the Nigerian
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(Btje gagt (flaroltntanOcmtR 18,1990 5
Spalding to visit Nigeria for 10 months
as ECU recipient of Fulbright grant
ECU News Bureau
toothbrush and I hair drvor
these are necessities most of us
must remember when packing tor
,i (rip But the list was much more
complicated tor Nancy Spalding,
a professor ol political science at
ECU who was leaving tor a 10-
month visit to Nigeria
t the I niversitvot osin JOS,
Nigeria Dr Spalding will teach
graduate and undergraduate level
policy analysis and research
methods, ? graduate level com-
parative politics seminar and an
undergraduate level course on
federalism She is funded b a
Fulbright-Hays grant
l s an exciting rime to be in
Nigeria espcciall) toobservethe
political changes Spalding said
w are converting from a
t.irv to a Civilian government
spreading the processout over five
V cars to allow the COUntT) time to
Nigerians Will be holding
presidential elections in the near
ture and they are developing a
?cw constitution modeled to a
i! extent alter the I S Consti
1 will be teaching federalism
i itizertS of one ot the tew truly
deralist countries in the world
os is a moderate-siied city,
with the universit) enrollment
a.$ 000 students. The Moslem
population is high in the area, but
there will be a cultural diversity
with 200 tribes in Nigeria.
Spalding and her 12-year-old
daughter Stephanie will be living
in a house prepared tor them. They
expect to have electricity and
running water but no television
t telephone
re is onl one telephone
the university in the vice
chanci llor s office and it onl
rks part ol the time Spalding
Entertainment as we know it
- the I S will be limited "We
expect to quick!) find ourselves
trt ot the local community, tak
part in the local entertain
n she said
Both Spalding and her
? lughter are packing cassette
? ipes so they can listen to the
musk they like
Spalding said the Nigerian
terrain ismountainousand thecli-
mate "like our Indian summer all
ear long, dry and cool, with one
wet season.
"People expect Africa to be
hot, especially in the summer
Spalding said Its not at all what
yott'd expect from watching
Preparations for the tnp were
especially difficult
"I'm trying to pack ever) thing
we need for our personal life as
well as tor teaching tor 10 months,
and pack lightlv. Spalding said
Dr. Nano Spaldinp
Among the necessities she had
to pack were prescription antibi-
oticsand anti-malaria medication.
We might have trouble getting
medicine there, she said
1 here was a recent incident in
neighboring countries in which
brand ol cough syrup. Manufac-
turers either accidentlv or delib-
erately to save money, had used a
toxic substance instead of alcohol
as a base in their cough syrup.
"We'll be bringing our own
cough svrup. she said, "as well as
svnnges. everything "
There also ha ve been inciden ts
of aspirin tablets being marketed
as anti-malaria medication
"Malaria can kill Or at least
make you very, very sick
Spalding said
She also has to take teaching
materials to supplement limited
resources at the University. "I
don't think my students will have
books, she said library resource
materials are limited as well.
Spalding s motivation in her
travels is due partly to a personal
interest in Africa - she does re-
search on African countries.
Shealso appreciates the effect
of travel on her teaching.
"When you stand in front of a
classroom having seen a country,
having witnessed their politics,
culture, economy, and history, it
greatly improves your under-
standing of that country and
therefore greatlv increases your
ability to teach about that country
she said.
Spalding is making her trip to
Nigeria on the heels of a recent
visit to Kenya where she spent six
and one halt weeks as a member of
Topping her list of goals was
making a tnp to Africa.
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and use a merchandise diso
ward your Christmas purd ises
Part-time sales and gift wi tpp
possitions available for students
facultystaff. Apply Brod) s lh
Plaza, M-YV 11:00 a.m to 5:30 p.m.
western Mutual I ifecan givt you tl (
competititve edge you need to lai d
your first real job. Call $55 77
GUITAR: Kramer ZX-10. Bright red
with wood grain trim. EMG-Select
pickup. Sounds wonderful. In brand
new condition. $150. Call before 10
am. 931-7493.
I RIP FOR SALE: Vacation package
for two to Hawaii Includes free air-
tare plus reduced rates on hotel
Valued at over $2,000 It could be
yours tor S700 or best offer C all
Natalie at 757-1551
FOR RENT: Half townhouse, Twin
Oaks,fumished Maleorfemale S20fl
plus half utilities Mike at 830-01 52
Green Mill Rui Apartments E. Ilth
Si S29I pei month 555-7473 days
? ? ? ?moRer I
5112 ;? rmonl
i share 2 bedroom apt
us Very nice
? ? ' ?. I -v. sk
RUSH: Are you interested in a fra-
ternitv that otters a pledge period ol
ony six weeks and has its dues set
among the least expensive ov. cam
pus1 Come by the Kingston Place
Clubhouse1 tonight between 7 and s?
p m. to find out more Ibnighl .
sand wichnight with thebrothersand
the beautiful sisters ol Alpha Phi
Need a ride, or more inforn
Call rom at 752 5279 or 758-6756
ZETAS: 1 lope even i
cellent fall break C let read y f ir
TONYA B:Wehopevi ?? have
22ndbirthday Love.KBI RFB&KI 1
( ongratulationsi m w inning theswm
(ESSE'S FANS tl u k thi
lai ling was fak and pi fessi i
wrestlii g isn I
LEIGH-ANN: Our new Zel
We are so happ) t( :? I part : -
1 ovc, lennv Shi rr . '? ti e
JLLEE TAYLOR: Congratulations
on becoming Ir Panhellinic Vice
President We are SO proud of you!
1 ovcyourChiOmegapledgesisters
TANIA B: Happy Birthday
Grandma! Sorry you can't have what
I you really w ti I for your IV
Jaw bul he's beyond i ir swimming
ties41 and ladies High Five'
Loveya, Karin, Kalyn, 1 inda, Robert
and Mark
coming c ocktail is finally here fs
going to be one heck ot a party
Pledg sg' ready and grab yourman
for the awe- ' ing! love, the
Alpha PI
I Mich
elle I raki - ming Nomi
rices We re pi f i! Low
sol Alpha X: Delta
11 KI S:Congi rtson your fine
i guysdid
? the future TIKI
GRI I ks ipe everyone
- Homecoming is go
. incredible! We're la I I
ward to the came r.r.d
with you guys! Lovi fneAlj haPhis
here Youhav? w rked ndl'M
very pro of you! Do y i ?
that sail anyi n kfor. Wii
lose you will alwa) -
Fayetteville to me GOOD LUC I
I ove, Nal
PI KAPPA ALPHA: fbbrotl i rsai
dates get pumped for Hon ?
' i throttle Frid
Oh, how were g
luck to EC U football H
ML' NL"S:S?rrv ya II
Homecoming dates We ??
obnoxious, sex-crazed frat boy
bx liev esse
humanity Naaaaa thegii
P.S And forget youi
person Famous Pizza Res
Corner of 10th and Evans Si
anci w
,u r
sing services. Assis
tance in creating and editing text
available Speedy turnaround, "h-
? ?- . SU I a KM U . (
M I V (iUDI s-
i. $195Kmom
Largest Library ol information in U S -
all subjects
0tde Cala ; ' ?? A " ? '?'
800 351 0222
iStiSJ Research mtofmitton
? t -? ? ? ?" ' ?? -
IIIi,j. A! TVsuN
t.SI1 I KNT cS?I EC1 IA1j
IC: c i i ?x ? i 1 h ? ?II
? ? ? -Where Everybodyis Some'body
?02 V. est 51?jel Doc
Walk h:
enquiring minds
y Flcwsis
3010A East lOih Street. GrcrnvttJc
Flowers and Balloons
Lei us help make your
The my to mke mney
is right under (his headline.
v n oo r
S V s,
western a Life Plusyoi
JcI E?aUIC VuIo a ? (alii'
able business wenence '
lent cb
;Key C Fleming M-UOti,

You are invited to attend a study of
God's Word with a group that wel-
comes all people. We provide fel low-
ship activities and serious Bible study
for those who are interested. We meet
weekly on Wednesday nights at 7
p.m. in Room 221 of Mendenhall. If
vou have questions, call Tim Turner
at 752-7199.
1 he EC U Ceramics Guild will hold a
coffee mug sale at Jenkins Fine Arts
(enter on Friday and Saturday, Oc-
tober N and 20. Friday hours are S
a.m. - h p.m. Saturday hours are 8
a m - 4 p.m. All mugs are handmade
and dishwasher safe. All proceeds
will benefit the Guild's programs.
This is an excellent time to get rid of
plastic and styrofoam usage, and be
good to yourself.
Meeting October 16,8 p.m. MSC 244.
Officers meet 7.15 p.m
The East Carolina University Gospel
Choir will be recording their second
"live album, from Wright Audito-
rium, on October 27, at 6 p.m. All are
invited. Admission will be $5 for
adults, $2 for children and S3 for
students with ID. For more informa-
tion, call 830-5391 or 757-0964.
Join Counseling Center profession-
als in this informal discussion group,
meeting every Tuesday through No-
vember 27. Attend one or as many as
you wish. Call 757-6661 for more in-
formation, or drop in on Tuesdays.
Group meets 3- 4:30 p.m. on the fo!
lowing dates: October 16,23,30, and
November6,13,27. Couples and indi-
viduals in relationships are welcome
Center. 11 i
tify others ii ??
also exercise
me as you ao
oordir ih
Win the Homecoming Spirit Award
this year at Homecoming! All vow
have to do is have every member :
your organization bring a canned
food item to the Piratefesl October I
Monday from 8-10 p.m. at Rcklin
Stadium. Make sure every member
writes the name ot their organization
clearly on the can, and drop it in the
boxes next to the entrance gates or
the press box side of the stadium
Every can will give your organiza-
tion points and increase your chances
of winning the Spirit Award1 En-
courage everyone to attend' One t. an
per member please All food will go
to the United Way of Greenville.
Thev thought thev could cancel
HALLOWEE.Vbut thev were wrong.
Thev didn't know about the Ik'aux
Arts Ball- a masquerade ball, if you
wilLat THE NEW DELI on Tuesday,
October 30 (Mischief Night) I eatur-
ing Billy Club Fest and I lellomes 2
Frogtown. Ticket sale locations: ITie
New Deli, Reggaeware, Quicksilver
Records, The Art Store, Fast Coast
Would you like to walk, run, or bike
in safety? If so please try to attend the
"Safety in Numbers" meeting at 244
Mendenhall Student Center on IX U
campus on October 18, at 7 p.m.
Safety in numbers is a program
sponsored byGreenville Jayeees with
help from community watch, ECU
Campus Security and Real Crisis
With this program you cai
exercise with others in ir neigh-
borhoodor isttx aware they're out
then and keep a watchful eye 1 o
enro learh please call the Real C nsis
c enter at "s 4357.
1: terested in learning about manj ol
the enviroi mental problems facing
our community and world today?
Well th time to voice your
opinions n ik a stand and take ac-
tionor e to the next meeting ol
Students :or the Mother r'arth on
I fctobi: I8at5 15 p.m. in Mendenhall
Studenl Center (Great Room 3-A).
join us as we address some ol these
environmental issues and leam what
vou can do to make a difference.
I he ECU Department of Chemistry,
along with the Eastern NorthCarolina
Section ol the American Chemical
Society v.d the ECU Student Affili-
ate Chapter will sponsor a seminar
by Dr. Fred Whitehurs, which is en-
titled, "Ierronst I'xplosives in Plain
View I he presentation isscheduled
for October lth, 8 p.m in Room
1032 of GCB. Dr. Whitehurst a 1974
EC U Chemistry graduate, b director
of the explosives analysis program
forthe Federal Bureau of Investigation
in Washington, D.C His seminar
promises to be an exatnng lwk at
forensic chemistry at work.
Remember to attend the monthly
meeting on Thursday, October 18 at
$:30p.m inB rhe guest speaker
will be Barbara C learj I :?. pre
neurship & Sn ill Busii i ss M in. ge-
ment. All students and I ? ire
welcome. P.S Don forget to meet
with your committees check th
calendar on the marketing! Board!
Students tor theEtl teal 1 reatmentol
Animals will have meeting
ruesaday, October 23 at 5 JO p
inGCB 2016 Craig Spitz and 1 rir
Becker will give a presentai nthi
Environmental Effects ol Animal
Agriculture. Afterwards plans wil
be finalized lor our upcoming infor-
mation table oi the ru. pi icticesat
Gilette. Everyone interested is wel-
East Carolina Honors Organization
will meet on ihursday, k h ber IS, at
5:15pjn in the meeting room located
in the basement of Flemingal
Senior Teaching Fellows will meet on
October 22, at 5 p.m. Dr im
Westmoreland will be speaking on
Career planning and placement in
the Great Room, Mendenhall Atten-
dance is required.
THURS, 1018: Symphonic Wind
Ensemble, William W. Wiedrich,
conductor (Wrigth Auditorium,8 15
p.m Free). FRI, 1019: Brad
Langhans, trumpet, Senior Recital
(Fletcher Rectal Hall, 700 pm, di-
rector (Fletcher Recital Hall,8:15p.m
free). TUES, 1023: (anette Fishcll,
organ, Faculty Recital (Kinston, NC.
at First Presbyterian Church on N
Hareitage Si 8:15 p.m free). DIAI
LA Anthropology Qub wiU sponsor
. pres b) I r Blanche
? is Dept ol thropolog)
entitled Edui itonal (loals Md Bc-
licfs Differences Between lapenese
and Vmerican ColU ge svU
ralk will ?wed a Question
and ?? ' essi n Wednesday
Octi ? ' ? p Brewsrer D-
2 Everv ne is vwlcomew.
C ampushapter Organizational
meeting be I d or Wednesday
October 24 at 7 p.m m Brewster
BuildingC Room206
rhe Ayden Theatre Workshop is
dii g auditions tor the musical.
rhe Fai tastiks" on Sunday, Octo-
ber 2s. al ; pm and on Monday,
October 29, at 7:30 p.m.Theauditions
will be held at Avden-Gnfton High
School s Auditorium. Interested
parties should bring their own music
Forfurtherunformation,call 758-0262
or 746 2560.
Interested inOccupationalTWe'renot
an employment agency1 Come see
what occupational therapy really
entails A Pre-0 I Mixer w ill K held
at the Belk Allied Health Building on
Wedrsday, October 24 from 7-9pjri
rransportationwilibeprovided from
Mendenhall Student Center. If you
need transportation, be in the lobby
of MSC al 6:45 p.m. Refreshments
served. Any questions call the OT
Department or 830-3835
Fhell Oand French Club are pleased
to announce the Ms C laude 1 e
coord ir itor ol Masters
Intemationsl Business Sti idies al th?
University or South C arolina will b(
speaking or (ppi I u ities in Inter
national Studies on Frida Octobei
"?- inGC B1026at3 JOpjn A: ?
interested is welcomes
i here will be a general me tingfi i
rnembersonC,ctober23rdat3 ; :
in the Foreign Lanmguagf I
(G( B 5016) Dues will bea xpted
this meeting New members in
The Department ol Recn St i
vices is sponsoring Hmex Rtness
Week October 22 - 2 to encourag
participation in leisure and fitness
related activities. The week's overt-
are highlighted with a 5K walk-run
al Bunting Track, register a: 4 p tr
the track: free participation in flex
relax class 112 Chnstenburv yn
Introduction to fitness assessrrw
clinic 107A Chnstenburv Gvm: Mass
Aerobics class in Christenbury 5J0 ?
6c30 pm. with ctxl down afterward
in the pool from 630 - 8 p.m. Other
events throughout the week include
Stairmanster steppers, Fnsbee goII
competition and 3 on
watcrbasketball Participants are eli-
gible for free drawing prizes For
bv 204 Chnstenburv Gymnasium.
want to know.

October 18.1990
GUie jEast (garoHntan


Comedian sheds light
on sexually surviving
AIDS-inf ected future
By Sheri Lynn jernigan
staff Writer
Young people left Hendrix
heatre ruesdav night fanning their
its bodies with pink pamphlets
distributed at the Hot, Sexy Niter
audience participation program
sponsored by the Student Union
? ?ommittee
More than 700 student path
crcd in the theatre at Mendenhall to
see Suzi Landolphi n actress
medianne director.and producer
? - about safe ma at 8 p m
iugh most studentsspent the
? ??. ol the two hours wiping
rsol laughter from their eyes at
dolphi sremarksaboutweiners,
noos and other sexual satire.
? overall themes included 1)
lax ing and enj y ing sex 21 Prote
tgainst the Alp's virus; and )
1 iving with AIDS
indolphi said Instead of
rtking safer is less we can start
king safer is more She said
ree things are vital to the sexual
? of both partners, also
i ling to safer sex Iriere must be
? munication honest) and trust
? een sexual partners
. andolphi demonstrated the
rtar ? 1 i ommunication
igr in exercise using a young
i the audience The object
to make him do what she
ted with no talking involved.
turned his ba k to the audience
she la on the floor, moving
? irms and legs in a swimming
r Allowing him to face the
n e again, 1 andolphi at
?. - pted I n ik the young man
eat what 'wed the
fused and
She described results of sexual
situations as being similar to the
ults of tht excr ise when com
munication does not exist, which
means an unsatisfying sexualexpe-
nonce She asked the students what
the purpose in having sex was it
both partners do not have orgasms
1 lonesty, also necessary tor
healthy sex, does not have to be
difficult, she said lor example, it a
man and woman meet -it a party
and become physically attracted to
each other, the honesty should start
with small things, such as words,
kisses or touches, working its way
up to bigger things sex
1 andolphi said. 1 ler ad ice was to
say something like That s theme
est thing anyone has ever said to
me. or "That was the best kiss 1 ve
ever had She explained honest)
will bring trust into the relationship
because ol comfortness 1 andolphi
said honesty d trust on smaller
levels will help sexual situations to
be more easily dealt with.
she said it communication,
honesty and trust has not been es
tablished before intercourse, the
subject of using a condom may be
too embarrassing to mention and
the partners may make a stupid
mistake. Not usingai ondomisone
ol the main reasons the AIDS virus
is transmitted, she added
Some students blushed, some
laughed and some whistled when
1 andolphi told a joke about a on
versation between two best girl
friends t Vie girl asks the other girl
it the guy she slept with the night
before used a condom The other
girl replies she did not know the
guv well enough toask him to wear
one The first girl sas. Well you
knew him well enough to let him
put his weiner in your no noo.
With more jokes landolphi en-
couraged the male and female Stu
dents to start viewing their private
parts she said It you view your
private parts, you 11 like them more
Curtains open this week for
'The Threepenny Opera'
By loe Horsl
stjtt Writer
. ast night the i;ast Carolina
r Artsdepartmentopened its
I ion with the musical
rhreepenny Opera
reepenny Opera"
(crtol Brecht, stars Mack
- ?? charming rogue who
: ? ?? entury 1 ondon'scrimi-
round Married once al-
? .? K pr eedS to marr
? ? the daughter of a promi-
businessman rhis business
all of the beggars of I ondon and
prosperous business out of
he story Hes within Peachum's
npt to have Mack hanged and
. iv Mack gets out only to
I upexactlv there his head m the
Coming Up
WF1QR A z' 6 Tiers
Benel: Beach Concert
B Meg iphon cs
ci"a gt' Ahead
M j 6 Pretty Woman
Cry o' Love
, , d Sound
KppI '?
fii on f p"ce
Move Pretty Woman
fl 8 Usuals
Cold Sweat
Mary on the Dash
Movie Pretty Woman
"Usuals' second
EP further
defines niche
By Tim Hampton
News Fditor
12 ' I
to Hendm
provocative and unconventional met ?' ??'? sex
and you I
more dun
than a ma!
tloor and ?
ii I
SH ll t S '
ty i h1
lal (orientation and then
into risk groups S
stressed She warned the students
not togn e casual contact their own
men at the top definition, like sex only six times a
a ith super studs,
the entire femalt
: n the list
hanngdrinks or toilet seats AIDS
issj re id through blood, semen and
nal fluid only. Landolphi said
Comedian page 9
? - as being casual contact Sh
said IDS cannot be transmitted
throuj ? ' ? ' ars, n
.cryone van be at
S inis i annot be con
:? nal ionta t, sh
Supporting characters, such as
chief ol police riger Broun and
w horehousemadame linny fenny,
lend erattie twists to the plot and
d a sense of lunacy to this pro
ductkm Upbeat musical numbers
and an elaborate set also contribute
to make this production one well
worth checking out.
Running from Wednesday
night through Saturday night, with
an additional performance on
Monday night, lbircvpennv rk k-
ets ean be purchased at the ticket
officein the lobby of Mc annis 1 "he-
ater Ticket pfkes are sh.50 tor stu
dents with a valid I.D and $12.50
without. Tickets are on safe now
and formoreinformationabout this
production and future ones, con-
tactiaty raircloth at the Messick
heater Arts building
Buy a Yellow Ribbon?
These concerned ECU I ? I turn caring into cash Wendesday afternoon
students collected books tosend to the troops
Back stage between sets.
Sammy Madison tilts a Bud back
and wipes the sweat from hisbrovv
Although it's vet another gig in vet
another city named Greenville,
business is anything but usual tor
Madison and his three (animates
Specializing in crazy rhythm
and blues. The Usuals lead
singer, lead guitarist Madison
bassist ManuteCain, rhythm gui-
tarist Pat Dkkerson and drummer
I Vug Drum returned to liner
aid City to unveil their "new look
tor the fall rock season Saturday at
The New Heli
"We are a brand new band
We are not the band that used to
play t king Louie-Louie Madi
son said
As an EC I student in 19S
Madison formed The Usuals to
realize his junior-high school
dream of playing in a rock and roll
outfit and doing so every night
from the onset, The I suals re-
ceived acclaimed as they satisfied
Greenville's musical thirst I he
quartet quickly became G-ville's
numero uno party band, and in
the process had to decide between
college and sex, drugs and music
rhelatter won, Buteventually
cover songs like Louie I ouie gi '
stale and Madison's creative im
petusbegantocreamwithastr i
urge tor originals In l6, 1 he
I suals released their firs! ?? I I
ingettort Nothingtol ear ' whu h
was a compilation of what Madi-
son called at the time "a bun h ol
scan music
Along with lassi - liki
What - Sex For "Going ! Kwn
ro Libya and 'High 5
Daze the first release captured
the electromagnetic thrasher style
now ignominious with the band
The release also allowed I
Usuals to see American, or at least
the Atlantic seaboard as requests
tor their presence begin to multi
ow the psychotic foursome
will release their second recordn e,
entitled "Green Peace an EP
which will be available shortly at
Quick Silver, all School kids nd
all Record Exchanges
As The Usuals attempt to fur-
ther define their niche, Madison
says 'Green Peace" is acoilection
of the best songs he has e er w rit
This is psycho hard-core
Hues straight out 1960 Wearen t
teohn around this time, but we
still haven't faced reality Madi
son said of the band's latest effort
MadiSOft was also referring to
one of the tracks on Green Peace
called FaceReality Beginmnga
with Impalaquick (animal, not
Chevy) guitar tntro, 'Face Real
itv" matches all that the blues has
10 offer with some genuine iv rics
The singer and recently wedded
See 'Usuals' page 10
'Goodfellas' portrays violent, realistic mafioso life
17 . . . , rhn?nest Violence and death ,s seen as a members, espial h the ? rve an
Bv Stuart Oliphant
Assistant I eaturrs fditor
I he latest motion picture
( Kitellas from director Martin
Scorsese follows the 30-year asso
eiation between Henry Hill.plaved
bv Ray I lotta, and the maha Based
on thebKk, "Wiseguv bv icho
lasPileggi, Cood fellas' provides a
disturbing inside look at the world
of organized crime.
the biggest chstmction bet ween
similar films, such as The (.odfa
ther ' is the focus on Henrv s per-
sonal involvement with the mafia
Through Henrv's first person nar
ration, the viewer is lntrcKluceil to a
wide arrav of characters that make
up the mafia world.
As a teenager Henry gets his
first job parking cars for future mafia
bOSS Paulic Cicero, plavod bv Paul
Sorvmo During this time, Henrv
recognizes the role of the mafia, a
police force for 'wisoguvs ' Being
from a poor Irish Italian fa
1 lenrv is lured into the mafia by
quKkandeasy mon v At th
16, 1 lenr. is ma kin
than his father
Atter a while 1 lenry begins to
see the benefits ol working tor the
maha Mo longer would he havi
wait in lineat the market dt'spiti If
length of the line ilie people in his
neighborhood know that he i
maha member, and to en ss him is
the same as crossing the organiza
Duringthe first half of the mo k
the violence that 1 lenrv encounters
is seen through the eve- of a hild
Henrv returns home 'in' "
receives a brutal beating from his
father, due to thefa tthathehad not
?Mended School in months I he next
day 1 lenry tells his boss Paulie, that
he has to quit because it he doesn t
his father will kill him I'aulie s s?
luhon, make sun? that the mailman
does not deliver any mail from the
I to Henry shouse. rherequest
put to the the mailman witfl the
p ol a few thugs and an oven.
1 lense (he problem solved
rhe violence comes completely
tpei ted to the audience Paulie's
. ition seems so outlandish that it
,i tually draws laughter Henrv
shows the effectiveness of Paulie's
brutish la tu s by explaining to the
audience that afterwards his farraly
received no mail, not only from the
9 hool but from no one else as well
Henry manages to survive
within the organization by being a
ipdfellow rhis means knowing
when to keep your mouth shut and
being able to take a fall.
By far the most interesting char-
acter in the movie is Tommv IX'
Vito,playedby oePesd foiwnyis
the epitome of It.ilian machismo
Although being somewhat more
diminutive than his fellow mafia
members, fommy is feared by all
loleiue and death is seen as a
iob to fommy What rommy hates
most of all is ridicule, t he man ust
can t seem to take a joke lummy s
solution to ridicule incorporates
death as a solution
rommy may seem like a de-
mon, but to his tamik and friends
he s a goodtellow
Robert IV Nrro's role, hmmv
'the Cent ' C onwav compliments
the character of Henry Hill Both
men n from Irish -Italian descent,
which makes them ineligible to en-
ter into the mafia hieranhv Onlv
tme Italians can become a made-
1 He Niro is not given much dia-
logue He nst seems to stand around
and look cool hmmv has the repu-
tation for violence, but it is Tommv
who actually instigates murder.
Scorsese dH-s an excellent rob in
showing a transition between de-
cades in each decade the mafia
members, especially the wives, are
seen asvktunsof fashion Members
of the mafia never associate with
people outside of their organiza
tion This proKiblv accounts tor their
gaudy taste m clothing . decor
Overall, "Goodfellas is one of
the best mafia Hicks ever made
Anyone tanliar with Martin
N orsese'sbrand of graphic i lenoe
will nct K disappointed with this
movie. Like in his earlier works
'Taxi Dnver" and Racing Hull
Scorsese sot-ms to go to great lengths
to capture the disturbing nature of
Howev er Si i m esedocs nt t use
the violence in the picture tor the
sake of violence Instead, he uses it
t( give example of what its hke to he
a member of a vorv violent organi
zation Still, the violence in
"Goodfellas" is enough to make an
audience member enngc from time
to time. "Goodfellas is definitelv
not a movie for the squeamish

5be ?aat Ularultnian Ocjober 9,1990
Campus Voice
How do you feel about the N.C. race?
Nlcolle C romster, I reshman
I lelms down t seem to i arc it teenagers 01
women in general have any rights (mtt
will l.ire Kite! bet a use he has ,i Im. iad I
perspo U e
ohn, unioi
Philosophy it
I thmk the most important issue is
Holms considers a vahio HisusoofN.t
values is liko an escape clause .1 .u.i .ne.i
rho results will determine N.( values It
voters l? and vouneei come out, 11 elms v-s. 111
Stereo VCR's add new
dimensions to television
NEW YORK (AP) Tolovi-
snip w ithout stereo is like driving
,1 sports i ,ir with an automatic
transmission It gets the job done,
but it s not ,is mm b tun
I Hgh definition IV broad
, asttne still is years away, but the
1 overs about 90 percent of the
country AB( has 87 stereo affili-
ates ol its 225, andBS about K1
About 40 PBS Stations have stereo
capability And even the 133-al
hliate Io has stereo affiliates
And it's not that there isn t
Saturday October 20th
Homecoming Concert
advanced technology of rVsound any hardware
is readily available in the market According to electronics in
y dustry estimates, stereo color l ?
Nowadays it's possible to will account tor more than JO
hear brilliant high fidelity sound p rcentofthc rVssoldthisycar;in
on television as well to see bright, June, stereo 1 olor rVs wen- in 21
natural colors In other words, percent of I S households
.undtrack is nothing Stereo videocassette recorders
ohn I SeniOl
l's etiology
Abortion is ,m impoit.m! issue to m
hoi ause I'm pro life It s important to 1 ;
I lelms in be. him I ? ; the
Senato Gantt would havi an impact on
abortion in the 1 ?ppsiti hri I nol
today's IV SO
lessthanahigh fidelity, 1 m stereo
broad .1st with rmn ing pi tures
People With tele
ision are missing an entire di
mensinn ol the 1.1? ision expert
w hu h plug into your home hi
ti system a i ounted f r ab ?u1
Ipen ent ol tlie nearly 10 million
V( Rs sold this year By l"(,l tho
industry expe ts In sell 2 million
ten o V !s
C lit tton l.11 low . Sen inr
I nglish

? . . ? ' ? ' I OOtl 1 I '
Bill iggins, untof
( onstiuttion Management
I don t liko eithet 1 andidate t no is too
consei it 1 tb 11 ? ' bora I I think
once Stereo 1 Vi rcates the illusion
nfspaceby soundsover Don't forget that virtually al
two 1 hanm Is, mimi king the way movies 0n prerei orded v id. 1
humans h? 1 ?"? ,hM' li'Us have sn '
When -channe!T sound soundtracks usually with Dolb
is pushed through larger twin, noise reduction
better quality loudspeakers the
illusion ol space, the depth and
source ol sound effet: ts and the
richness ol a musical score are
immeasurahh enhan od
Speaking very gi nerally .1
stereo V R or ! will cosl $1 1
: ; more th.m its monaural
i ounterpart. but bargains alv? 1 ?
canbefound Andremember any
And in a nation where the stereoV Rmakesany W i ten
tvpv al Amen, anhousehold keeps I'
the tube on tor as much as seven rhere soneotherlittlobonofil
how 1 .i.i why not have the to a stereo IV or VCR: A setting
nest' marked SAP or MTS, which stai
t's not that there aren't any forSecondary Audio Program
programs to watch -H BS, Multi hannel relevision Sound
NB and I ox Broadcasting0 I he setting puts an extra audio
originate ill their programs in track at your disposal and PBS
stereo.NB hasl47ofits208affi!i has been making good us ? tt 1
ates w itHfull -ti reoi apabilit I hat years
All Original Members the ORIGINAL NANTUCKET is
Larry Uzzel ? Eddie Blair
Mike Uzzel Kenny Soule '
Tommy Redd Mark Downing
Friday October 19th
Cry of Love ; h,s 1
New Roc- ?? : Band
Every Sunday Dead Nisht - No Band, No
Cover, All Psychedelic- $1.50 32oz Draft
209 E. 5th St.
( ompilcd h Marjoric 1. kmii
(Photos by t'el?"?tc Hoffman Ml Photo lab)
WZMB Top 13
I. Tho Pixies it .a
2 Bob Mould 1 ' I Rain
1 1 il.i. 1 im. r ' (Ol Ml
?J in In: Wl
. ,
? I
? M.irv Dai
1(1 s ul As lum And the Hoi ' n On
1 1 lane s AJ.ii. tion Ritual de lo 1 lahitii
12. I . Mums H
I Ihatnsavv Kittens ? ' ; n
( ompiled by Beth I llison
Music Notes
rhere's a lot etal i Id I
m.n ha obeen sei i . familiar fa 11 I
Maiden judas Priest it I M D( lanii kGoi
Maideniers who replaced lot tin
his debut i m tin p. l.P Prayer I r tl
hulas Priest It Irummei
? II Iron
? lition to
mith 111,ikes
? in K.i. ei X
IHM P0?CT 1. ? ? "mm .?.??- - . .
? ;??? M'MMyMMKl ??? ? f ' J? ' "
?, ' ? ?,? I I ?? . ? ??- I ? ? ' ' ?
?.?'??? i?i m oWw i - '
ontum ??? '? t?iiMBw ??'? ?????
?cvmgi b m rvaci wh? ' ?? ????. ' m ?? ?
d?THMd i?n ?i if ? i??n.??i . c? iu ? -???
? . - ? ?? ' ????:
?? ? ???? ? ? ??? ?'? " '
tint ?
with Low Prices. And More.
Perhapsthisexplainsthehi i thrasl nnd that dominates on their
new opt! I imkilit r " V I ' hack in actieir album
' rhundersti ucl I mpany recruited bashei
Chris Slade for the new relea ? i i may remember Slade from The
I inn w hi. h fcatund formet Bad t ompany ai I I ree vocalist Paul
Rodgers and bassist lorn Franklin now I Blue Murder.
I he tilth tudio I P foi King Diamond is due on Oc! I he II
song album is titled ihi Eyi 1 hi Kinj ofthealbum "This
is lyrically the m t evil albun e done, but it ictually i
( hristian album becausi-it depicts part ot hri l ii I ton
Bassisl (leozi i Butlei tBIai k il ? itl I ho) I i i tly left tho
(tsbourne hand I ita lord ha split ft haroi
I l ? ? ite
Reverend ? outfit nn tho mi tal ? in ml I rmed I Urmei
Metal Church vocalist David We watel Iron pray A'ayiv
two vearsau I is reminiscent of tho old (hurch stuff. No
commercial filkTs on this debut! S itteredWil istholirst viditi
nnglc which premiered on the Ball this pa I okond along with
restament s Souls ol Blai K
Cm the local meta ono Favetteville .Street Lethal is now a four
' s, urti-ntK ' kii for a i ' n I that is w illing
? 'i. i t I i-th il i . ,i ? iii ? lal outfit thai
d with their common lal hut metal sound irixtet
v i.i thru tu ! h ? .Ii' Ciiveit to Me Good
!1 i,II I ! Mil. .1! I
ion tin r
thrr. es 'ii tight musu lanshii I I terostod
i. mtai t Bemie Mangil . it il ? ? ? ; ' I" ' '
If you missi I Strypei m I Tritei it tl I h on Sunday then
, i i: . ? ? . ? ? i . ? 11 Ii t .ii . 'ini.i this
montl ??;?? In l f the trad from then iti I and
per ha best, LP "Agan ttheLavt New jersey newcomers Tnxtei
imprc ? 1" ?
is i urrently ? i
w hu h is one ol tho must requested on 1 ?ial M IV
Starting next wivli Musu Notes will mo I luesday Int
i rget!
t K metalheads this is vdui time to inquin il mc- ol youi
favoritebands If you would like to find it I it they'redoing now
, H - -? ind Music Notes will try to dehvei .ome information
en that band in the next issu
I ntil I uesday I leave you with tho words ol Headbangei s Ball
hostRiki rhey're my favorite band Rachtman Keeponefmitin
the euttei and i ne fist in the g ld
?ompilctt by Dimiiim I missed th? Bl W.rowes" Nrvgloski
Buttery ,? lCDfff
Pnnr.nrn Bag M. avjj1j?

(Bite gaat (tarolfnf an October 9,1990
Campus Voice
How do you feel about the N.C.
Senatorial race?
Nicolle Cronister, Freshman
"Helms doesn't seem to care if teenagers or
women in general have any rights. Gantt
will fare better because he has a broader
Stereo VCR's add new
dimensions to television
John, junior
"1 think the most important issue is what
Helms considers a 'value His use of N.C.
values is like an escape clause a gray area.
The results will determine N.C. values. If
voters 35 and vounger come out. Helms will
John Thomas, Senior
"Abortion is an important issue to mc-
because I'm pro-life It's important to keep
Helms in because ho is respected in the
Senate. Gantt would have an impact on
abortion in the opposite direction of
Cliffton Marrow, Senior
"The issues have been clouded by the
negative advertising of both candidates
The voters are not given a good teel for the
candidates views on key issues
Bill Wiggins, Junior
Construction Management
"I don't like either candidate. One is too
conservative, the other is too liberal. I think
we need someone more in between
? Compiled by Marjorie McKinslry
(Photos by Celeste Hoffman ? ECU Photo Ib)
WZMB Top 13
I. The Pixies ? "Bossanova"
2. Bob Mould - "Black Sheets of Rain"
3. Lilac Time ? "And Love for AH"
4. in limbo "What?"
5. Posies ? "Dear 23"
r. Jellvfish - "Bellybutton"
7. Cocteau Twins ? "Heaven or Las Vegas"
8. Soup Dragons "Lovegod"
9. Marv Danish "Experience"
10. Soul Asylum ? "And the Horse They Rode in Un'
11. Jane's Addiction ? "Ritual de lo Habitual
12. Dharma Bums ? "Bliss"
13. Chamsaw Kittens ? "Violent Religion"
? Compiled by Beth Ellison
NEW YORK (AP) ? Televi
sion without stereo is like driving
a sports car with an automatic
transmission: It gets the job done,
but it's not as much fun.
High-definition TV broad-
casting still is years away, but the
advanced technology of TV sound
is readily available in the market-
Nowadays, it's possible to
hear brilliant, high-fidelity sound
on television, as well to see bright,
natural colors. In other words,
today's TV soundtrack is nothing
less than a high-fidelity, FM stereo
broadcast with moving pictures.
People with monaural tele-
vision are missing an entire di-
mension of the television experi-
ence. Stereo TV creates the illusion
ofspaceby "imaging "soundsover
two channels, mimicking the way
humans hear.
When two-channel TV sound
is pushed through larger twin,
better-quality loudspeakers, the
illusion of space, the depth and
source of sound effects and the
richness of a musical score are
immeasurably enhanced.
And in a nation where the
typical American household keeps
the tube on for as much as seven
hours a day, whv not have the
It's not that there aren't any
programs to watch. ABC, CBS,
NBC and Fox Broadcasting Co.
originate all their programs in
stereo. NBC has 147of its208 affili-
ates with full stereo capability. That
Music Notes
There's a lot going on in the metal world this month, l-ately, you
may have been seeing familiar faces and not so familiar faces in Iron
Maiden, Judas Priest and ACDC Janick Gers is the new edition to
Maiden. Gers, who replaced longtimeguitanst Adrian Smith, makes
his debut on the new LP "No Prayer for the Dying British steelers
Judas Priest welcomed new drummer Scott Travis from Racer X.
Perhaps this explains the heavy thrash sound that dominates on their
new opus "Painkiller ACDC is back in action with their album
"Thunderstruck Angus Young and company recruited basher
Chris Slade for the new release. You may remember Slade from The
Firm, which featured former Bad Company and Free vocalist Paul
Rodgers and bassist Tony Franklin, now of Blue Murder.
The fifth studio LP for King Diamond is due on Oct. 29. The 11-
song album is titled "The Eye The King says of the album: "This
is lyrically the most evil album we've done, but it's actually a
Christian album because it depicts part of Christian history
Bassist Geezer Butler (Black Sabbath, Dio) has recently left the
Ozzy Osbourne band. Lita Ford has split from manager Sharon
Osbourne, Oz's wife.
Reverend is a new outfit on the metal circuit. Formed by former
Metal Church vocalist David "We watch the children pray" Wayne
two years ago. Reverend is reminiscent of the old Church stuff. No
commercial fillers on this debut! "Scattered Wits" is the first video
single, which premiered on the Ball this past weekend, along with
Testament's "Souls of Black
On the local metal scene, Fayetteville's Street Lethal is now a four-
man band and is currently looking for a new guitarist that is willing
to go on the road. Street Lethal is a melodic heavy metal outfit that
thrives on tight musicianship and great originals. If interested,
contact Bemie Mangiboyat at (919) 864-0557 or 483-6671.
If you missed Stryper and Trixter at the Switch on Sunday, then
you missed out on one of the greatest shows in North Carolina this
month. Stryper performed most of the tracks from their latest, and
perhaps best, LP "Against the Law New Jersey newcomers Trixter
impressed the crowd with their commercial, but metal sound. Trixter
is currently visible via their first videosingle "Give it to Me Good
which is one of the most requested on Dial MTV.
Starting next week, Music Notes will move to Tuesday. Don't
OK metalheads, this is your time to inquire about some of your
favorite bands. If you would like to find out what they'redoing now,
call 931-8552 and Music Notes will try to deliver some information
on that band in the next issue.
Until Tuesday, I leave you with the words of Headbanger's Ball
host Riki "They're my favorite band" Rachtman? "Keep one foot in
the gutter and one fist in the gold
? Compiled by Deanna "I missed the Black Crowes' Nevgloski
covers about 90 percent of the
country. ABC has 87 stereo affili-
ates of its 225, and CBS about 90.
About 40 PBS stations have stereo
capability. And even the 133-af-
filiate Fox has stereo affiliates.
And it's not that there isn't
any hardware.
According to electronics in-
dustry estimates, stereo color TVs
will account for more than 30
percent of the TVs sold thisyear;in
June, stereo color TVs were in 21
percent of U.S. households.
Stereo videocassette recorders
?- which plug into your home hi-
fi system ? accounted for about
15 percent of the nearly 10 million
VCRs sold this year. By 1991, the
industry expects to sell 2 million
stereo VCRs.
Don't forget that virtually all
movies on prerecorded vidcocas-
settes these days have stereo
soundtracks, usually with Dolby
noise reduction.
Speaking very generally, a
stereo VCR or TV will cost $100 to
$300 more than its monaural
counterpart, but bargains always
can be found. And remember, any
stereo VCR makes any TV a stereo
There'soneother little benefit
to a stereo TV or VCR: A setting
marked SAP or MTS, which stands
for Secondary Audio Program or
Multi-Channel Television Sound.
The setting puts an extra audio
track at your disposal, and PBS
has been making good use of it tor
Saturday October 20th
Homecomins Concert
All Orisinal Members - the ORIGINAL NANTUCKET is
Larry Uzzel ? Eddie Blair ri
Mike Uzzel 1?g& Kenny Soule jST
Tommy Redd v? ???? Mark Downing lead guitar
Friday October 19th
Cry of Love Raleigh,s 1
New Rock & Roll Band
Every Sunday Dead Nisht - No Band, No
Cover, All Psychedelic- $1.50 32oz Draft
209 E. 5th St.
witii Low Prices. And More-

$he ?agt (EaroUntan October 18,1990
Sculptoraff ectionately etches, sends marble messages
. J ator v.n.ont Price ? have i?- fromtheNEA.
Calif. (AP) ? You might call them
postcards from the ledge.
Artist Nick Agid carves mes-
sages into slabs of stone and mails
them to politicians, celebrities, world
leaders, authorsand fellow artisans
Using material left over from
his sculpture work, Agid has lov-
ingly etched more than 61X1 mineral
missives out of onyx, marble and
"It started out being a whim
and it became a serious art project
he says.
He spends about an hour chis
eling a message into each polished
stone, always including a request
for a reply.
The cost of mailing the four to
five-pound cards is heavy ? up to
$10 a throw, and much more for
international celebrities. But Agid
doesn't mind.
"The responses were so hu-
morous, it became Wind of addicting
to check the mail and see who wrote
me Kick he said. "1 got a letter
from the pope and Tod Kenned v on
the same day
Many who have gotten the rock
cards including President bush,
Elizabeth lavlor, director Mel
Breaks, author Ray Bradbury and
actor Vincent Price
Price sent his response on the
inner sole of a shix writing, "Upon
mvsole, l'veneverhad suchaheavy
fan letter. Aa1 you sure you have all
your marbles?"
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-l.os
Angeles, known for his opposition
to the National Endowment for the
Arts, cast stones at Agid's artistic
? The only true value something
ike your brick has is that which
people will voluntarily pay for it
he said. That's why so many no-
talent artists end up seeking grants
Activities that lead to high nsk
are using drugs, alcohol, tobacco
and having stress, she said. These
things lower the immune system
Additionally, anal sex is a nskv
sexual act because the anal passage
has delicate tissue that can tear eas-
ily and depositsemen into thebtood
system. She said homosexual men
are not the only people who partici
pate in anal sex. Some men do it
because it is macho. Some females
use it to save their virginity and
some use anal sex as a form of birth
I andolphi said oral sex and fin-
ger sex are only nskv it the person
has a cut in his or her mouth or on
his or her finger It the individual
giving oral sex does not have a sore
or cut in his or her mouth, the virus
will die in the stomach.
Peep kissing is not nskv
1 andolphi said. The only way AIDS
could be transmitted through kiss
ing is it both kissers have cold sores
on their tongues and French kiss so
hard that the scabs are knocked off
and blcHH.1 is swallowed, she said
1 andolphi informed the stu-
dents thatnew information on AIDS
hasbeendiscovered If an individual
does contract the virus, it is possible
tor the victim to live with it by stav
ing stronger than the virus she said.
he tour things that nun the im-
mune -a stem are drugs, alcohol, to-
bacco and stress She advised the
male students to leave alcohol atone
anyway because it does noting for
their sex life.
1 uo ways to reduce stress are
changing nutrition and exercising,
from the NEA
San Francisco Examiner col-
umnist Rob Morse took the Postal
Service to task for the way it handled
his five-pound slab of onyx.
"1 still have the rock he wrote
inhiscolumn. "Itarrived ina plastic
envelope and says 'Damaged in
"Only the post office could
damage a rock
Relations between Agid and the
Postal Service are indeed a bit rocky.
Postal workers tend to balk when he
shows up with as many as 40 stone
slabs to mail.
Continued from page 7
she said. The chemical released dur-
ing an orgasm is the same chemical
released during an aerobic work-
out, she said to encourage exercise.
DunngtheprogTam, Landolphi
ran around the room and across the
stage in her black spandex pants
and orange hi-top sneakers giving
safer sex advice in a humorous
manner Then she stopped. She
sUxxi in the center of the stage and
said, "After 40 years old, 1 have
buried more friends than 1 ever
thought I would bury at the age of
R?y Ban Ray Ban. Ray Ban Ra Ban K
C'mon That brovvn paper bag isn't a meal And your desk isn't a
d,Annd haeby-d.d you even taste what you grabbed at that drive-thru?
Did you really even see who handed it to you9
That's not lunch not really
SCoStoDarryrs We serve only real food (over 80 cho.ces brought
to you real etf ic.ently by really nice people at a real table wrth real style
Across from East Carolina University
Reservations and map redd ' arts Kcepieo
Ban Rav Ban Ra? Ban . Ra Ban Rav Ban. Ra lUn Raj Hun Raj Han Ka Ban
?aaaaaaaaam ?"
TAKE OUT ORDERS mok - thurs n30-93o
, f n ERl 1130-10 30
757-1818 SAT 5 00 -10 3C
Sunglasses & Eyeglass Frames
11 00 -9 00
The Piaza Cafes
In Tne Pill Plaza Mai!
The Plaza Greenville jm I I
1 ilUULCu
Mon-Sat 10 -
? Sunday 1 - 6
!$42.95! I
J ?? ? L
Located in the Plaza Mall Front Entrance
i Special orders available I
Phone: s
Jr BJU, tan ? B.n? BK H Uj H ?? ??" ???? ? ?gjj ?jB???j
The ECU Student Union
Special Events Committeee
Featuring Comedian
of Showtime
Day Saturday
Date October 27
Time 10:00p.m.
Location Hendrix Theatre
Look for the PONTIAC EXCITEMENT CENTER and check out
the latest PONTIAC cars - Friday, October 26 at the Student
Stores and Saturday, October 27 in front of Mendenhall
Cafeteria. Win a t-shirt and enter the sweepstakes for a chance
to win a PONTIAC Sunbird Convertible. Get your FREE
Admission passes then also!
Admission Passes available
at the Information Desk in
Mendenhall Student Center
(beginning October 18)
???. ?. vhmsh Of

flhe gaBt (garoHnian OCTQBERJ8J9909
SadptorSectionately etches, sends marble messages
. . ? - rtnr Vincent Price - have re- from the NEA.
Calif. (AP) ? You might call them
postcards from the ledge.
Artist Nick Agid carves mes-
sages into slabs of stone and mails
them to politicians, celebrities, world
leaders, authorsand fellow artisans
Using material left over from
his sculpture work, Agid has lov-
ingly etched more than 61X1 mineral
missives out of onyx, marble and
'It started out being a whim
and it became a serious art project
he says.
He spends about an hour chis-
eling a message into each polished
stone, always including a request
for a reply.
The cost of mailing the four -to
five-pound cards is heavy ? up to
$10 a throw, and much more for
international celebrities. But Agid
doesn't mind.
"The responses were so hu-
morous, it became kind of addicting
to check the mail and see who wrote
me back he said. '1 got a letter
from the pope and Ted Kennedy on
the same day"
Manv whohavegotten the rock
cards ? including President Bush,
Elizabeth Taylor, director Mel
Brooks, author Ray Bradbury and
actor Vincent Price
Price sent his response on the
inner sole of a shoe, writing, "Upon
my sole, I' ve never had such a heavy
fan letter Are you sure you have all
your marbles?"
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Los
Angeles, known for his opposition
to the National Endowment for the
Arts, cast stones at Agid's artistic
' The only true value something
like your brick has is that which
people will voluntarily pay for it
he said. "That's why so many no-
talent artists end up seeking grants
from the NEA'
San Francisco Examiner col-
umnist Rob Morse took the Postal
Service to task for the way it handled
his five-pound slab of onyx.
"I still have the rock he wrote
in his columnIt arrived in a plastic
envelope and says 'Damaged in
"Only the post office could
damage a rock
Relationsbetween Agid and the
Postal Service areindeed a bit rocky.
Postal workers tend to balk when he
shows up with as many as 40 stone
slabs to mail.
Continued from page 7
Activities that lead to high risk
are using drugs, alcohol, tobacco
and having stress, she said. These
things lower the immune system
Additionally, anal sex is a risky
sexual act because the anal passage
has delicate tissue that can tear eas-
ily and deposit semen into the blood
system. She said homosexual men
are not the only people who partici-
pate in anal sex. Some men do it
because it is macho. Some females
use it to save their virginity and
some use anal sex as a form of birth
Landolphi said oral sex and fin-
ger sex aR only risky if the person
has a cut in his or her mouth or on
his or her finger. If the individual
giving oral sex does not have a sore
or cut in his or her mouth, the virus
will die in the stomach.
Deep kissing is not risk v.
Landolphi said. The only way AIDS
could be transmitted through kiss
ing is if both kissers have cold sores
on their tongues and French kiss so
hard that the scabs are knocked ott
and bkxx.1 is swallowed, she said.
Landolphi informed the stu-
dents that new information on AIDS
has been discovered If an individual
does contract the virus,it is possible
for the victim to live with it by stay-
ing stronger than the vims, she said.
The four things that ruin the im-
mune system are drugs, alcohol, to-
bacco and stress. She advised the
male students to leave alcohol alone
anyway because it does noting for
their sex lite.
Two ways to reduce stress arc
changing nutrition and exercising,
t4 M &
she said. Thechemical released dur-
ing an orgasm is the same chemical
released during an aerobic work-
out, she said to encourage exercise.
During the program, Landolphi
ran around the room and across the
stage in her black spandex pants
and orange hi-top sneakers giving
safer sex advice in a humorous
manner. Then she stopped. She
stood in the center of the stage and
said, "After 40 years old, 1 have
buried more friends than 1 ever
thought I would bury at the age of
,Ray Ban. Ray Ban Ray Ban.Ray Ban Ra
C'mon. That Drown paper bag isn't a meal And your desk isn't a
'And hey?did you even taste what you grabbed at that drive-thru?
Did you really even see who handed it to you9
That's not lunch not really.
SCCome to Darryl's. We serve only real food (over 80 choices) brought
to you real efficiently by really n.ce people at a real table with real style'
Across from East Carolina University
?,990 G.?ei Rod-sot he Reserves ana rnapr creflrt cards accepted
Ban Ray Ban Rav Ban.Ray Ban. Ray Ban. Ray Ban Ray Ban Ray Ban Ray Bair

"SfuciAliyM? cm fawvut guiMMe"
TAKE OUT ORDERS mon-thurs 1130-930
4tHO FRI 1130-1030
757-IOIO SAT 5 00 10 30
The Plaza Cafes
in The Pitt Plaza Mail
Sunglasses & Eyeglass Frames
Mon-Sat 10-9
Located in the Plaza Mall Front Entrance
(Special orders available)
5 Sunday 1 - 6
- J1h JKl Ban.Ray Ban. Ray BanR.) Ban-Ray Ban Ray Ban Ray gJJjfJgj-JMg-JgJg-
The ECU Student Union
Special Events r
Featuring Comedian
of Showtime
Day Saturday
Date October 27
Time 10:00p.m.
Admission Passes available
at the Information Desk in
Mendenhall Student Center
(beginning October 18)
Location Hendrix Theatre
Look lor the PONTIAC EXCITEMENT CENTER and check out
the latest PONTIAC cars ? Friday, October 26 at the Student
Stores and Saturday, October 27 in front oi Mendenhall
Cafeteria. Win a t-shirt and enter the sweep stakes for a chance
to win a PONTIAC Sunbird Convertible. Get your FREE
Admission passes then also!
bHBM vememat

10 glit ?aat ?arplintaiLQ?ioBE5,rgJ9Sp
Legendary founder of American pop music dies ? jsuaS'
NEW YORK (AD Leonard
Bernstein, the "West Side Story"
composer and flamboyant conduc-
tor who won a wider audience for
classical music and became a pop
(elebntv of the rock n' roll age, has
died at age 72.
Bernstein died Sunday at his
home of lung failure, said his phy-
sician. Pr. Kevin M. Cahill
Hie son of Russian-lewish im-
migrants. Bernstein became the
wunderkind of American music
nearly five decades ago at a time
when all respected conductors in
the I nitod States were born and
trained in Furope
Bernstein was a conductor,
pianist, educator, author and com-
poser His compositions included
the theatrical, chamber music, sym-
phonies, ballet and even a Mass.
le was the most versatile
musician and he did more than anv
r person in this century tor the
;pnviationof Americanmusit and
usw culture, saidsir( ieoTgSoln,
husk dffectOf ot thehicago Svm-
. I irchestra.
man of strong passions and
ometimessloppy sentimentality,he
d an orcneslfa performance at i
liberated concentrationcamp, raised
mone) tor the Black Panthers and
on Christmas 1999 celebrated the
fall of the Berlin Wall bv conducting
Beethoven s Ninth Symphony' 'in
I lis televised Young People's
?? helped introduce the
- m generation to classical
music and won 11 Emmy Awards.
ilsi i won (irammysand a Tonv
I eonard Bernstein will be re
ercd as the man whi 1 began to
Americans what classical
was said violinist lsaa
II is trademark washwexubet-
the podium
lie shagged shimmied and,
c it or not, humped (om-
r 4 ? critk Virgil rhomson once
said Bernstein rose vertically, a la
Niipnskv and hoveTed therea good
nds Sew orfc fimescritk
?fibwg v rote
Bernstein maintained that con-
ductors should be actors
"1 don't mean that when the
music is tragic you've got to act like
Barrymore in Hamlet he said
"But you have to indicate to the
orchestra by your body and your
face, which is all you've got, what
the shape of the phrase is
Born in Lawrence, Mass
Bernstein he pronounced his
name the Ccrmanic way, BFRN-
stine ? got a relatively late start in
music Fie was 10 before his Aunt
Clara gave the family an upright
Shunning his father's beautv
supply business, Bernstein studied
at Flarvard, the Curtis Institute and
the Boston Symphony's summer
retreat at Tanglewood. Mass
Among his mentors were compos-
ers Aaron Copland and Serge
Bernstein in 1943 was a wirv
young man of 25 with dark wavv
hair when he gen his big break till
mg in at the last minute for an ailing
Bruno Walter to conduct the New
"York Philharmonic in a concert
broadcast on national radio
Fhe triumph joined World W'ar
II headlinesonThe New York Times
front page.
1 walked on with an awful
hangover and don't remember an
other thing until I heard a thunder
ous ovation Bernstein recalled
In 1943, he wrote the ballet
"Fancy Free about three sailors'
24-hour shore leave in New York It
became the Broadwav smash "(n
Fhe town
Soon to come were his cham-
ber Opera Trouble In Tahiti the
score I n "On the v ?? ?
iront, and Broadway's "Wondci
tul lown tor which Bernstein won
his only Tony I ater came
Broadwav's'C andide, and 'YiM
Side Story the Romeo and luliet
tale set amid the tire cs apes and
gang warfare of New Yorkitv It
was completed in 1Q7 and was
made into a movie in 1
In 1958 he became the New
Vorkl'hilharmonicsfirst American
born director In 19, he gave up
his post to devote more time to com-
Joan Peyser, author of
"Bernstein: A Biography said the
maestro "put Amencan music on
the map
A liberal Democrat and friend
of the Kennedy family, he wrote a
work for the Kennedy inauguration
and dedicated his "Mass" in 1971 to
John F Kennedy His star-studded
fund-raiser for the Black Tan thers in
1970 was mocked bv wnter Tom
Wolfe as "radical chic "
Four days before his death,
Bernstein, a heaw smoker, retired
from the concert stage, citing em-
phvsema and other lung ailments.
His last conductingappearance was
at Tanglewood on Aug. 19
Survivors include son
Alexander, a teacher, and two
daughters. aime Thomas, a rock
musician, and Nina Bernstein, an
actress His wife, actress Felicia
Montealegre died in 1978.
C vnfhkicM
3010 A Fast 10th St
Make Your
cS p e c
Continued from page 7
Samnw explains the duldv
"It came out ot the expe
nenceof being a punk in high
school, and the feeling like I
never wanted to grow up
said the stringy-haired
Madison clutching his beat
up gold Fes Paul.
Other new tracks bv the
band include "Your love is
Like (heap Wine "Rain-
bows In TheSky, "and Perm
Atter continuing a f iglist
which pulls the band from
Florida to DC . fhe I suals
make a period psychedeii
Stop tot .reemilletoi hat with
the oldtimers and jam the
town blue
"Greenville, ah sweet
Greem iHe, Madison hnishes
the inter, lew with a satirk al
Look for the
ECU Today
satire insert
in today's
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off I
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The King and I
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5 ?
1 lOffE KM Ovic
T?9t?05 '
fl 1 1 .?' Aitv: iffJPL?
By Swain
: keep on
Whiskers n' Chubs: Dentally Unstable
By John Shull
???- ? MS
Political Stuff Which you can't print in the Raleigh News and Observer) By Manning
?? iiamrrm mm -ne -
Fred's Other Corner
By Parnell
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t)" TWR KNt &
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? -
TH05C PtttiQ ?

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October 18.1990
(She gaat (Earojintan
Cincinnati facts:
Home: Cincinnati,Ohio
Nickname: Bearcats
Mascot: Bearcat
Enrollment 36,000
Colors: Red and Black
stadium: Riverfront (59 754)
IW Record: 1-9 1
Head Coach: Tim Murphy
? 2nd year)
Cincinnati Record: 2 14 1
Carreer Record: 17-21-1
NCAA Afilliation: Division 1 A
Returning lettermen: J8
Retaining Starters: 1 3
Series: ECl leads 4 0
An inside look
129Q Schedule;
Bowling Green L13-18
Central Michigan 1 0 U
Miami1 12-lb
Kent StateW27-24
West Virginia1 20-28
TulaneOcl 27
Florida StateNo 10
AlabamaNoi 17
Earle'sPick: H
( 14
By Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports 1 ditor
It's a must win situation tor the Pirates as the Cincinnati Bearcats
come into town for homecoming this Saturday.
ECU leads the series 4-0 including a 21-14 win last year in
( incinnati Hie win m asset upby 1 ton id I tomteb' two touchdown runs
and a very stingy defense
rhe Bearcats are coached by Tim Murphy who is in his second
season at C in innati. Murphy has amassed a 2-14-1 record Murphy
formerly coached at Maine for two seasonsbefore assuming hiscurrent
role He has a 17-22-1 overall record
I he Pirates are going to be without several playersfor this weeks
game junior tight end fohn Allen has an injury to his lower back and
sentordefeisivetackleRc?vesSpairtrKmr(shoulder). Also,sophomore
safety Derrick Fields (shoulder) will miss practice this week and i
doubtful for Saturday.
Several plavers are also in the banged and bruised i ategi i f r
the Pirates junior linebacker Robert Jones (bkep, ankk
linebacker Adrian Barnhill (shoulder), freshman nose guard 1 terek
Taylor (ankle), Freshman tight endariesterCrumpleT (shoulder)
junior tight end Luke Fisher (ankfe),kuuw strong nose (groin, si
der) and senior defensive end (ieorge Koonce (groin) All of these
players should be able to see action on Saturday
Looking ahead to the Bearcats, they have 13 starters returning
nine on offense and tour on defense. In all they have 18 lettermen
returning from last years l-w-l squad
"1 think that it is a program that has similarities to our- It sa
program that is in the building stages' said E 1 head coach Bill
See Inside , page 15
Former Pirate reminisces about old gridiron days
By Mike Martin
Managing Editor
HIGH POIN1 1 ike old friends reminiscing events of iheirlife
lost to lather rime, homecoming gives alumni a chance to relive
their college d, s
college tin 5
1 or former Pirate quarterback iohn Casazza, the memories ,
davs past on the gridiron and EC I are ?
some that will never K
1 loved the school, 1 loved Greenville Casazza said .is h
rec ailed the two ears he spent leading
of the Pirates offense
I he Madison township 1 , na-
tive still holds main E I football
rfchrd4- mt hiding: most attempted
pSSSR ih'a season P277), most comple-
tions (122), yards gained (1,512), yards
pergamed ; 5)and interceptions(20),
all in 197
Ironically,asazza set all o( his
single-game records against Univer-
sity of Richmond on (At 24. 1970. In
thai game, he completed 21 of 43 at-
tempted passes for 270 yards and five
"The reason those stats stick out
the most isbecause v e got behind early,
and we had to throw the ball a lot "
( asazza said ' That s the reason why
those records probabl) exist. I think we
were down 21 ?Oearly, and I was fortu-
nate enough to complete 21 or 22
passes he added
several Pirate career records also
fell duringasazza's reign a quarter-
bat k 1 leaveraged 1 W Byardspergame
for the 1470-71 seasons, and threw 35
career interceptions But his career
record of 459 attempted passes and 53
offensives plays in one game fell in
1989 to former Pirate Ira vis 1 lunter.
Casazza, a 174 healthphysical education graduate, is now an
assistant football coach and head tenniscoach at High Point Andrews
in I hgh Point. N.C And the offensive coordinatordefensive back
coach says his collegiate and professional experience helps when he
teaches high school players.
'Well, it's always
e i s.
good to have played and have that back-
ground he said Asa football coach, you have a better insight to
sme things And you understand what it takes the hard w rV
ethus It's just a character builder
And his football resume is quite extensive
"I went to the Canadian 1 eague for less than a war asaz,
said "I cameback to Greenville and managed a restaurant 1 think
Ihadl4hoursleft(tograduate),solmanag( Ifoi iycar,thenl ?
back and got those 14 hours
ButtheCanadianLeaguewasnottheonlyprofessional I
( asazza. After he graduated. Casazza left Ireenville tor (,r&
boro, N.C to play tor the ireensb
Redskins. I he team was a membei
the now defunct North u In
fessional football Leaj
"Lou Hallou called m ma said1
they needed a quartefWi k t-n this - i
bryonic league that consisted of i igl
teams he said "I pla; ? ' ' ' ?? year
with them, were successful and ?
won theleaguechampionship V ebeat
the Dixie League champions in what
they billed as the Mini Super ?
"Buttheteamdissolved headdi d
"A few other teams in the league were
not doing well goingbankrupt It just
didn't make it like other sports in the
Greensboro area competing with
professional football (the National
Football League), plaj ing on Sundays
that kind of stutt
Casazza also added that playing
tor the Redskins was the most tun that
he had playing football since high
As tar as 1I football. asazza
admits that he has lost base with the
"1 think the last quarterback that
I've really (followed' was in the Pat
Dye era he said 'Of course that was
Casazza the option-type quarterba k and that
was Leander Green. He had exceptional feet and handled the ball
"What they're trying to do now is become a little bit more
diversified at quarterback. They're in between a point of having
someone that can still be mobile and run some, and at the same time
See Reminisces page 14
Village Connection beats
Cavemen in flag football
ByMatt Wright
Staff Writer
The Village Connection
clubbed the Caveman 33-0 in
Tuesday night's Purple Division
final to take the flag football title
The opening series of plays
told the Story of the whole game
rhe Cavemen opened up the action
by throwing an interception The
YillageConnection went to work m
the air After a series of passing
plays, theViDagOTDTokeacross the
al ime tor six, but were unable to
convert the extra point
After a less than inspiring
kickofl return, the Cavemen wen
unable to move the ball effectivef)
tter a smattering of incomplete
passes, they were forced to punt
It didn't take long for the il
lage Connection to capitalize two
plays after a mediocre punt return
the( Connection was again marking
upsix on their scoresheet, following
it with a successful point after try
The Cavemen's following
possession was an improvement
as they had previously been unabk
rossndfield. However, 15 yards
away from the illusive six points,
the (.axemen grew stagnant and
were unable to convert on fourth
down with short yardage, and
possession to the Villagers
rhisoffensive failure seemed
to tire up the Cavemen defence as
tor the first time in the game, thev
forced the Village Connection to
Even with rhecontroBed play
oftheirdefi nse the avemenwere
still inabk to end the first halt
p fever) as the Villagers picked
, ffai rrant avemenpassandrari
. ? r a touchdown and a sue
cessful point after
. the h.ilt i ame to an end, the
I Village Connection
n seemed gean I
up and read to go for the second
halt. However it was the Village
. nnection that drew second halt
first blood as they capitalized with
k touchdown and good extra point
The following kkrkoff fed
further embarrassment for
???:?? n pit '
the ball I - th r- him. an
ponent I I into the path of tl
ball i ked it out of the air
ttet a short string of pass, s
ind run- tht Villagers i ?n
rossing the goal line rh ? ?
point atl pt was unsu
; final v rustle bk ; ? ??
iterated si nik?s co red tl
, ? 11 . : ? lion w hile
mt minj ' nous traces of n
were revealed on the mug
c ai men
In othei flag I ' ;
rpiedi isi i mi
ner as Sic Ei ? ?? I -?? '?'
Phi I an
! he t raternit-
' - th
? ?
let ited t
Timex Fittness Week to
begin this weekend
By Jennifer Chesson m Greg Can
Special to ITw East in linian
Can you take a lickuY and keepoi
. resented by Reebok may be tor 5
East Carolina has been selected
universities nation-wide to participate in a
I ti k eedsfrom thisevent will go to helj
in 5s V cek
olleges and
: ess
irenessVN ? ? ?
Ml participants v
ill be entered I I cendofthewei -
a k
in ?.
n which will
? - : site at 4
. ? J ind all faculty
? ? ? irge
? kt nd on Monda
?nbur t iym from 5
ee larswimming
? tit Reebok shoes. Other Intramural and al rizi - and .
cerfificateswillbeawardedtodrawingw'innei It theb tperformar
in each event.
Events start on Friday, Ocl lu with
at 4 30 p m. at ECU Bunting Track lndi
P m rhe K walk, run opens the I lorro
staff, students and alumni are encouragi
The events will continue after 1
Oct 22 with a relaxationflexibility class
to 6 p.m followed by water sports consii
waterbasketball,thrceH)n-mree,mtortubesoptiona roqua I fordravs
participants must swim 10 laps continuous!) pla) basketball for 15
minutes or to a 21 pointr game
On Tuesday, Oct 23, there will be a fitm i sment worksl
w hich w ill allow students to get a free a? essment i it their fitness abilities
and an overview of the process frus will be held at IDChristenbuiy I
from 4 to 5:30 p.m
On Wednesday,Oct. 24, join fellow students and faculty members
for a bike scavenger hunt in and around Greenville Participants must
register your beginning time at C hristenb.irs;ymbetween2 30p m and
5 p.m. and complete the hunt by r p m. fnebesl tune and the v, inner of a
mass drawing will receive prizes
Thursday,Oct. 25, will end Timex 1 itnessWeek with somethir very
hot and someming very cool There will be a mass aerobic class to heat
participants up from 530 to 6:20 p.m Hun. from6 0p m to8p.m ,cool
off in the Christenbury Gym swimming pool ?? ith a post aerobic cool
down. Partidpantsmtneseeventswillbe entered intoadrawing for prizes
Tor more information contat t Kathy 1 hll at 757 6 V87or stop by 204
t. hristenbury Gymnasium.
. ?J of U.S. Women's track team
charged with financial wrongdoing
1 he woman chosen to head the
I S women's track team for the
1992 Olympics and three other
people have been arrested in an
investigation of alleged financial
wrongdoingal Prairie View A&M
Those arrested uesday were
Prairie View athletic director
Barbara jacket, former athletic
director Brutus lackson, men's
track coach Hoover 1 Wright and
Harris County deputy constable
lames B "Tiny" Andrews
All four were released from
theWallerC ountyjailonTuesday
after posting bond
lacket, s4, recently waschost-n
o head the US. women's track
team tor the 1992 Olympics in
Barcelona, Spain
Indictments against four otb
ers, two of them out of state, re-
mained sealed late Tuesday as
authorities tried to locate them.
More indictments are ex-
pected, said special prosecutor
AM "Buddy" McCaigJr.
I he tour arrested I uesday
face misdemeanor and felony
charges ranging from official
misconduct to thett, bribery and
forgery. The charges stem from a
nine-month investigation into al-
legations that more than$100,000
may be missing from the athletic
department's coffers.
The charges against jacket
accuse her of altering receipts
submitted with athletic depart
ment travel vouchers She is
charged with twocountsofofficial
misconduct and 13 counts of se-
curing execution of a document
by deception, involving travel
vouchers from mid-1987 through
early 1989. She was released on
bonds totaling $41,000, authori-
ties said.
jacket, who lues in Prairie
View and has been with the uni-
versity since 19fv4, is accused of
altering restaurant receipts to in-
crease the amount the university
reimbursed her, McCaig said.
Officials of the U.S. Olympic
C ommittee declined comment on
her arrest, the Houston Chronicle
lackson, 50, a Jersey Village
resident who left Prairie View
A&M in August 1989, is accused
of keeping $12,5r6 worth of foot-
ball game gate receipts in 1987
and 1988, McCaig said. Other
charges accuse Jackson of altering
travel vouchers and receiving re-
See wrongdoing, page 15
Jill Ch?rry - ECU Photo Lab
The tension mounts
Every year Alumni flock to the ECU campus to watch the annual Homecomming game This year looks
to be no different as the Pirates face the Cincinnati Bearcats in Ficklen Stadium

CUbe lEtiBt Carolinian October 16.1990 13
ECU Briefs
Volleyball team defeats Campbell
rheE( I women s volleyball team defeated the Lady Camels of
ampbelll niversityonl uesda mfi e games 15-6,15 12,10-15,10
is i - t
rhe win increased the Lad) Pirates record to 9-9 Wendy
Sv hultz led thetheoffense v ith 18 kills and 15 digs Rhonda Jackson
had 14 ki!K .ui I6digs
Settei K'lun Parsons had 45 assists and Shannon McKay had 18
?' faces two Colonial Athletn Association opponents on the
i tins weekend against ilham and Mary and James Madison
. will return home to pa rival! M Wilmington on Ocl 23al
Soccer team wins first since Sept.
1l soccoi team won its first game since Sept 16 on
? -1 verett oll
Pirates were umoi ustin Batse one goal two
is iiinior Mattoppola one goal sentoi Robert Vanore one
I homore loe 1 lermann one goal one assist ami RobbScalise
? ? ne assist
to the n ginia Militan Institute, 4
? ? ?? ? nlv al foi the Bui s F. 1 pla s .it the
IM n ii I Fastern Shore on Saturda then returns
? t North irohna Weslevan on Ocl 24, at 3
. ?- t .i ? -
Cavaliers take No. 1
ranking in stride
Sports Briefs
NFL labor agreement eiven final OK
A r t 11N I ' i
?vs FI lean I I
ge approved an agreement
ister players practice with
I amberth gave final approval to the
? . , ,? ? . m in several vears after lawyers tor the
md suing pla ndnoj ivers had objected to the arrange
i ? ?? ? ? ? , ipprovcd on Sept ?1"
lor t ? roemont negotiated b Ml commissioner Paul
id ????. losoph Yablonski three to five
? ? ma pra( fice with each
? - must h ? kies or plavers with less than three
uponenceandan to be paid .it least,(XXleach week
ther team to bo ome part of an achvc
. m the ? u I ird pra ti c player contract
vith a team s next opponent
nderson rejoins ldmonton Oilers
? ? ? ?? untied forward ! ilenn
? Imonttm Oilers ending a holdout that
. . ;? - 100 a year an
. ?? ? this month h i i ??' ol the Oilers'
?? . ? nderson wanted the pad up
I of the $7m Boston Bruins pay
: ? best vs ings
rot an eight ontrai I said he has
? ? ? neral manager C ilen
: not he discussed until Anderson
(AP) While Virginia s players
and coaches tried to remain stok
about thcCavahcrs' No. 1 ranking,
Richard McGuire made no attempt
to hide his oy
"We have the resources, the
university, to be a model to be
the model I'm extremely proud (if
these voung people McGuire
said after the surprising Cavaliers
on Monday were elevated to the
top spot in The Associated Press
poll tor the first time in school
The source of McGuire's pride
is that Virginia, unlike some teams
that regularly dominate the sport
won't be mistaken tor a so-called
football factory where maintain
ing a plavers eligibilttv takes
priority over seeing that he
McGuire should know s
Virginia's director of academic
advising, he leads a team ol
counselors that has experienced
considerable success with too'1
plavers at the Atlanticeast
Conference school
The College Football Asso
ciation has recognized Virginia for
seven consecutive vears for the
graduation rate of its plavers In
1W and 1986, no school in the
CFA had a higher graduation rate
among its football plavers than
Virginia! and the school received
honorable recognition from the
group in the other five vears
Virginia mayormay not fin
ish number one, but they're gome
to be good tor a long, long time
because they're able to attract good
student-athletes "
Quarterback Shawn Moore is
one example The nation s pass
ing efficiency leader Moore has
thrown 16 touchdown passes and
lust two interceptions to help'
Virginia(6-0)toitsbest start sine
Moore also is one ol nim
graduate studentson the team this
Moore who was redshirted
as ,1 freshman, has earned his
bachelor's degree in psychology
and is taking graduate i Kisses m
Virginia s urry School ol Edu
i ation while he uses ins final yeai
ol football eligibility
( c ommissioner .ene
t orngan said Moore Virginia
coach (.eorge Welsh and the rest
ot the (. a alicrs n present one
those nice stones in athletn s that
von don t ilways see ou see
great i oach and a great institution
rea h thai level, and to have done
it while obeying the rules and
graduating people it s just a very
ni( e thing
( orrigan was irginia s ath
letic doe. tor from 1 sl a pe
nod when the avaliers had ust
one w innine season
deceive a second sel ol standard
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East Carolina University
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i 111 ii
u S, I'ltl : if
Muster holds on to win in first round
r lop seeded Ihonias Muster slogged,
. ? ton over zechoslovakia's
,h, ? md ot the $250,(XX1A Irophy
. i Stceb beat Roberto Azar 3, 6 V
hth-so viol Michael Sti h 7 5 6 2 and
i ha ? Silva 7-6, 6-3
Krishnan defeats teen-ager Santoro
imesh Krishnan beat teen-ager Fabrice
the first? md ol the 1 yon Grand Prix.
Mxth i Man Rosset beat Milan Srejber 7
I ? ? , Mass defeated Philippe Gauthier
radsky downed Luke Jensen 6-3, 7-6 (7-2)
. . . .uiilaume Raoux r6 4
Fernandez routs Tarabini in first round
PFRSTAlTi C.erman '? Second-seeded Mary Joe
? i Patn. ia rarabini 6-1 6-1 in the first round ot the
, , , It ? in i men I
.ma Garrison defeated Radka Zrubakova 7
lonnaMa ? erwhelmed Isabel Cueta 6-0,6-1; and Judith
ted 1 aura .olarsa b : 6 4
Leonard will no longer commentate


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eonard will no longer serve as
.mpIonVhipbci .mrnentator because the cable televi-
' ' , ijmM 1 , lawyer said the fighter's behind the
, Mj relationship with HBO virtually was at an end
u) that I eonard did not wish to continue it because he
, . , . . . ; ,mand has other things to do
Flyers' wife dies during childbirth
"mil DELPHlA(Ar Kath Kerr, the wife of Philadelphia
n,ht nger l,m Kerr and a former chairwoman of a club
i n?v fnve died of complicahons from childbirth.
Mrs Kerr Ml diedat7 lha.m ruesday at Pennsylvania Hospital.
re she Ra've birth Ocl m, girl Kimberly a hospital spokes-
letiveryby esarean section Mrs Kerr received treatment
mfeetion but developed a sudden cardio-pulmonary
Tanon. M hi. h resulted in her death, a hospital spokeswoman
u !
I mfi!ri from toctmtmi Pnm KgmyrU

?be gggt (garolintan October 16,1990 19
ECU Briefs
Volleyball team defeats Campbell
The ECU women's volleyball team defeated the Lady Camels of
Campbell University on Tuesday in five games 15-6,15-12,1045,10-
15. 15-6.
The win increased the Lady Pirates record to 9-9. Wendy
Schultz led the the offense with 18 kills and 15 digs. Rhonda Jackson
had 14 kills and 16 digs.
Setter lennv Parsons had 45 assists and Shannon McKay had 18
ECU faces two Colonial Athletic Association opponents on the
road this weekend against William and Mary and James Madison
fhey will return home to plav rival UNC-Wilmington on Oct. 23 at
Cavaliers take No. 1
ranking in stride
Soccer team wins first since Sept.
The ECU soccer team won its first game since Sept. 16 on
Monday against Averett College.
Leading the Pirates were junior Austin Batse one goal two
insists junior Matt Coppola one goal, senior Robert Vanore one
oal sophomore oe Hermann one goal one assist and RobbScalise
who had one assist.
On Sunday, the Pirates fell to the Virginia Military Institute, 4-
1 Scalise scored the only goal for the Bucs. ECU plays at the
I niversity ol Mar land- Eastern Shore on Saturday, then returns
homo tor a match against North Carolina Weslevan on Oct. 24, at 3
n m
CtMtmiitd front Sworti information linefs
Sports Briefs
NFL labor agreement given final OK
V ASHIN rrON (AP) A toderal judge approved an agreement
that allows NFL trams to have five non-roster players practice with
each club.
U.S. District Judge Royce Larnberth gave final approval to the
league's first labor agreement in several years after lawyers for the
league and suing players said no players had objected to the arrange-
ment Larnberth tentatively approved on Sept. 26.
Under the agreement negotiated by NFL commissioner Paul
lagliabue and players' attorney Joseph A. Yablonski, three to five
players who are not part o( the active roster may practice with each
. lub weekly
Those players must bo rookies or players with less than three
games of NFI experience and are to be paid at least $3,000 each week,
rhey may also sign with another team to become part of an active
roster although a clause in the standard practice player contract
forbids players from signing with a team's next opponent.
Anderson rejoins Edmonton Oilers
EDMONTON, Alberta (AP) Disgruntled forward Glenn
Anderson returned to the Edmonton Oilers, ending a holdout that
began on the eve ol the 1990 Mil season.
' The veteran winger, who makes about $315,000 a year, an-
nounced his retirement earlier this month because of the Oilers'
refusal to renegotiate his contract Anderson wanted the pact up-
graded into the neighborhood of the $700,000 the Boston Bruins pay
C am Neely, also considered one of the league's best wings.
Anderson, in the sixth year ot an eight-year contract, said he has
hired Tom Reich as his agent. Edmonton general manager Glen
Sather had told him a raise would not be discussed until Anderson
rejoined the Oilers
Muster holds on to win in first round
IENN A Austria (AD ? Top-seeded Thomas Muster slogged,
Martin Strelba in the opening round ot the $250,000 CA Trophy
tournament. .
In other matches. Carl I we Steeb beat Roberto Azar 6-3, 6-3;
Anders Jarryd overcame eighth-seeded Michael 7-5, 6-2 and
Patrick Kuehnen defeated oao Cunha e Silva 7-6, 6-3.
Krishnan defeats teen-ager Santoro
LYON France (AP) Ramesh Krishnan beat teen-ager Fabnce
santoro 6-1,4-6. 6-3 in the first round of the Lyon Grand Pnx.
In other matches, sixth-seeded Marc Rosset beat M.Ian Srejber 7-
6(7 5) 6-7(7-2) 7-6(7-3); Eduardo Masso defeated Philippe Gauthier
- 6 8-6) 6-2; Eric Wmogradsky downed Luke Jensen 6-3. 7-6 (7-2);
and (.arv Muller defeated Guil'laume Raoux 6-3, 6-4.
Fernandez routs Tarabini in first round
FILDERSTAOT, Germany (AD Second-seeded Mary Joe
Fernandez routed Patricia Tarab.n, 6-1,6-1 ,n the first round of the
$350,000 Filderstadt tournament.
n other matches, Zina Garrison defeated Radk z?taa ?:5'
6-2; Katerina Maleeva overwhelmed Isabel Cueta 6-0,6-1; and Judith
W.esner defeated Laura Golarsa 6-2, 6-4.
Leonard will no longer commentate
NEW YORK (AP) - Sugar Ray Leonard will no longer serve as
an H HO championship boxing commentator because the cable telev
In network is mffedabH?t not Leonards
Mate Trainer. Leonards lawver, said the fighter's beh,nd-the-
mUce contractual relationship with HBO virtually was at an end
invwn and that Leonard did not wish to continue .1 because he
'intends to fight again and has other things to do.
Flyers' wife dies during childbirth
PHI l A DEI PHI A (AP) Kathy Kerr, the wife of Philadelphia
Fivers right winger Tim Kerr and a former chairwoman of a club
k tv inve died of complications from childbirth.
' Mrs' Kerr 30 died at 7.46a.m. Tuesday at Pennsylvania Hospital,
where she gave birth Oct. 6 to a girl, K.mberly, a hosp.tal spokes-
W?"m'ndel.verv bv Cesarean section. Mrs. Kerr received treatment
,or a pelvic infection, but developed a sudden cardio-pulmonary
complication, which resulted in her death, a hosp.tal spokeswoman
Compiled from Auoctttd VfM Reports
(AP) ? While Virginia's players
and coaches tried to remain stoic
about the Cavaliers' No. 1 ranking,
Richard McGuire made no attempt
to hide his joy.
"We have the resources, the
university, to be a model ? to be
the model. I'm extremely proud of
these young people McGuire
said after the surprising Cavaliers
on Monday were elevated to the
top spot in The Associated Press
poll for the first time in school
is that Virginia, unlike some teams
that regularly dominate the sport,
won't be mistaken for a so-called
football factory, where maintain-
ing a player's eligibility takes
priority over seeing that he
McGuire should know. As
Virginia's director of academic-
advising, he leads a team of
counselors that has experienced
considerable success with f
players at the Atlantic Coast
Conference school.
The College Football Asso-
ciation has recognized Virginia for
seven consecutive years for the
graduation rate of its players. In
1985 and 1986, no school in the
CFA had a higher graduation rate
among its football players than
Virginia, and the school received
honorable recognition from the
group in the other five years.
"Virginia may or may not fin-
ish number one, but they're going
to be good for a long, long time
because they're able to attract good
Quarterback Shawn Moore is
one example. The nation's pass-
ing efficiency leader, Moore has
thrown 16 touchdown passes and
just two interceptions to help
Virginia (6-0) to its best start since
Moore also is one of nine
graduate students on the team this
Moore, who was redshirted
as a freshman, has earned his
bachelor's degree in psychology
and is taking graduate classes in
Virginia's Curry School of Edu-
cation while he uses his final year
of football eligibility.
ACC commissioner Gene
Corrigan said Moore, Virginia
coach George Welsh and the rest
of the Cavaliers represent "one of
those nice stories in athletics that
you don't always see. You see a
great coach and a great institution
reach that level, and to have done
it while Obeying the rules and
graduating people, it's )iist a very
nice thing"
Corrigan was Virginia's ath-
letic director from 1971-81, a pe-
riod when the Cavaliers had )ust
one winning season.

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14 5lje Cant (Harollntan October18J&0
Legislators want to delay post-game interviews to
" time to shower and change clothes
Women reporters should be al-
lowed in the locker room, but a
New lersey legislator wants to give
athletes an extra half hour after a
game to shower and prepare for
the interviews.
State Sen. ohn F. Russo in-
troduced a bill on Monday that
would bar all media interviews
for 30 minutes after the conclusion
of sporting events. The legislation
includes sports from high school
wrestling and college football to
the four professional franchises
that plav in New lersey.
The National Football League
and the New lersey Press Asso-
ciation oppose the proposal.
Russo. an avid sports fan who is
friends with officials and players
of the New York Giants football
team, said Tuesday he decided to
propose the 30-minute rule after
nationally publicized incidents
involving female sports writers in
football locker rooms.
"Lisa Olson made me think
about the problem Russo said,
referring to the Boston Herald re-
porter who claimed she was ha-
rassed bv members of the New
England Patriots during an inter
view in the locker room following
a practice session. 'Something
should have been done. We jusl
can't allow things like New En
gland and Sam Wyche to con
Wyche, coachoftheOncinnati
Bengals football team, was fined
about $30,000 for banning women
reporters from the locker room
after a game. Federal courts ruled
in the early 1970s that female
Continued from pcge 12
writers must have equal access to
locker rooms
Russo said he believed it
would be m the best interest oi
sports and journalism for players
to be allowed "to cool off and take
a shower" before giving post-
game interviews. The tormer state
senate president said it was a
preferable, more fair alternative
than having separate interview
Russo s bill runs counter to
current MI policy. Jim Heffernan.
public affairs director for the NFL,
said the league police is for equal
access tor all reporters to the
"Once the last player has en-
tered the locker room, the doors
should be opened within a rea-
sonable amount of time, like five
to seven minutes 1 leffemansaid.
Thomas V O'Neil. a lobbyist
representing the New Jersey Press
Association, said the JO-minute
ban would pose an onerous bur
den on reporters who already
scramble to make deadlines be
cause many sports events are al
The bill was introduced in the
State (kvernment( xunmitteeand
already has eight co sponsors
Russo said he did n ?l know when
the lull Senate might vote on it.
buthedocsnol think it willbtx ome
law this year.
ra j( '
be a excellent passer Casazza
added. "I can see East Carolina
going more towards the throwing
quarterback and have some great
runningbacks that are going to
take care of the program
As far as the Tirates' program
and the progression of the team
under second-year head coach Bill
lewis, the team has shown defi-
nite improvement.
"1 think he's already made a
tremendous contribution, and you
can see the program turning
around he said. "EverythingI've
heard about him has been a plus
According to Casazza, the
style of football, especially in the
collegiate ranks, has changed
dramatically since his days in a
Pirate uniform.
"You've got to think about the
athletes being bigger and stronger
and faster. 1 think that's obvious
in most every (collegiate) sport
he said. " As far as desire and self-
motivation, discipline and stuff, it
also has changed Put I don't think
for the good.
"I think some of those athletes
when 1 played had a little bit more
desire and self-discipline than
maybe some of them have today.
You know, the old type ol athlete
? gutsy, hard-nosed and tough,
he added. "Of course we had some
talents too. Carlester Crumpler
was a gifted athlete, Les Stra vhorn
and Billy Wallace
Even though the tough, hard-
nosed players may be a thing of
the past to Casazza. he admits that
if he could go back m time, there is
not much that he would change
about his days at ECU.
"The onlv thing that 1 wish I
could have done differently was
perhaps had a better junior year
? a far as victories, success of the
team and myself personally he
The team finished the 1970
season 3-8,under head coach Mike And was that
same vear that Casazza set the
majority of his records
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CBtie Eaat (Carolinian October 18,1990 15
Continued from page 12
Looking at their alignments,
thev are very similar to Southern
Mississippi in structure. Theyruna
0defense. They will not line up
direct!v in front of the offense, in-
stead they have the tendency to
shade to one side.
"What they try to do is domi-
nate the lineof scrimmage with their
two defensive tackles. They have
two outstanding tackles in senior
lett tackle lohn Thorton. Senior
Kyle Srroh is the other tackle and is
the emotional leader of their de-
fense said I.CW1S.
Cither standouts for the Cin-
cinnati defense include junior cor-
ner back Kellv Sims and senior line-
backer Mick Schell. Sims may be a
first round draft pick according to
NFl scouts. "What he has done
with a couple of young safeties is
ei e them a lot of confidence and he
has really rallied them to play ex-
tremely well said Lewis.
Offensively the Bearcats run a
multipleformation. They will rarely
line up in the same manner two
times in a row.
"They have a mix between a
two-back formation (l-formation)
and sometimes they will move their
fullback behind a tackle to aid in
pass protection, as well as give him
a quick start for a play action pass
'They arc going to run the
typical 1-plays (toss sweep and dive
option) said Lewis. Standouts for
the offense thus far in the season
have been senior tailback Terry
Strong, who has rushed for 290
yards and one touchdown, and
sophomore tailback loe Abrams
1178 yards, two TITs).
Their line of scrimmage is an-
chored bv sophomore left guard
John Arena. One player who may
be interesting to watch is freshman
walk-on Mike Britford, who ran for
close to 100 yards against West Vir-
ginia last week. He is a Cinderella
story according to coach Lewis.
They also have a tight end
whom Coach Lewis compares to
ECU'S Fisher. He is the leading
receiver for the Bearcats. Cincinatti
is quarterbacked by redshirt fresh-
man Taul Anderson who has
thrown for 870 yards and 7 touch-
downs on the season.
Their kicking game is also very
solid. Senior punter Jeff lones is an
all-amenca candidate. "He has
punted the same number of times
as John lett (44) with a 39-yad aver-
age said Lewis.
"Their kick return game is
very dangerous. Thev are averag-
ing almost g yards a punt return
and up in the mid twenties as a
team on the kick-off returns said
This is a team that cannot be
taken lightly despite their less than
excellent record (1-5). They played
West Virginia last week losing by a
slight 28-20 margin. However, they
totally dominated the game statisti-
cally. A few mental errors at key
times in the game were the demise
of the Bearcats.
The Pirates are going to have
to be fired-up and ready to go on
Saturday if they want to salvage
anything out of the season. ECU'S
homecoming captains will be
George Koonce and Robert Jones
on defense, Dion Johnson and John
et t on specia 1 tea ms and Lu ke Fisher
and Tom Scott will lead the offense.
These are the players who have
performed the best up to this point
in the season, according to Lewis.
This Homecoming Weekend
Come out and
support the Pirates as
they take it out on the
'Bearcats of Cincinnati!
r ? fuTnitnVi ?-?? v
Krzyzewski says team will have to rebuild
us. We've
DURHAM (AD The Blue Devils won't get
,nv early breaks when they open season next month,
but Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski says it's
better that way.
I really think that playing this schedule will be
the best thing for this team. We may be 19-14 in
March but we'll be ready bv then he said.
On Nov. 14, the Blue Devils face Marquette in the
first round of the preseason NIT tournament. In
IVcemher, Duke will plav national powerhouses
Georgetown, Michigan and Oklahoma before
opening the Atlantic Coast Conference season in
Krzyzewski opened practice Monday with his
youngest basketball team in more than seven years.
"We're anxious to get started he said. "We've
cot a lot to do in a short period of time.
Foremost is replacing Thil Henderson, Alaa
bdelnabv and Robert Brickey, all of whom gradu-
"Thisiskind of a different situation for
got so manv freshmen and sophomores practicing
he said. "We've got a lot of decisions to make
Because the loss of Brickey and Abdelnabv, the
Blue Devils will feature more of a perimeter attack
this season, Krzyzewski said
"I think quickness will be a big part ot what
we're going to do this vear. Because of the depth we
have on the perimeter, we're going to have to look at
a lineup sometimes with one big guv or no big guv
he said.
Sophomore guard Bobbv Hurley will be asked toj
do more this vear, Krzyzewski said
"I think he's going to be a better scorer. He needs
to be more vocal and he needs to be a leader, and I
think he'll do that he said
Besides Hurlev, junior center Christian Laettner
is the only returning starter He averaged 16.3 point
and 9.6 rebounds last vear Also back are senior Greg
The Plaza Mall
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ated They averaged 45.3 points and 15.8 rebounds Koubek. junior Brian Davis and sophomores rhomas
last vear as thev led Duke to a 29-Q record and Hill and BUI McCaffrey. Freshman Grant Hill wil
runner-up finish in the NCAA tournament. also battle for a starting spot.
?n incoming group of five freshmen will figure "He's just too talented not to plav Hesaid
prominently in Duke's plans, Krzyzewski said. "He's got to plav for us to be a really good team.
Continued from page 12
pairs on his personal vehicle at
university expense.
Wnght, 62, is accused of alter-
ing athletic department travel
Andrews, 42. of New Canev,
is accused of submitting false pur-
chase orders and receiving pay-
ment from the university for work
done on Jackson's personal auto-
mobile in June 1986.
Prairie View A&M president
Julius W. Becton Jr. was at a re-
gents meeting in Corpus Chnsti
Tuesday and issued a statement
through a spokesman.
believe in the American tra-
dition that you're innocent until
proven guilty Becton said.
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Fearless Football Forecast
Managing Editor
Last Week: (7-2-1)
To Hate: (4-23 21
Texas Tech
Southwest l ouisiana
Cincinnati at ECU
Maryland at Duke
Wisconsin at Northwestern
Florida State at Auburn
Mississippi State at Tulane
WN'C I-TV Sports Director
I ast Week: (4-5-1)
To Pate: (43-2S-2)
Florida State
I ulane
Notre I )ame
( alifornia
Sports Editor
Last Week: (5-4-1)
To Date: (44-24-2)
Texas Tech
Southwest Louisiana
Texas Tech at Rice
Southwest Louisiana at Tulsa
Michigan State at Illinois
Miami at Notre Dame
UCLA at California
ECU Chancellor
Last Week: (2-7-1)
To Date: (38-30-2)
Honda State
Texas Tech
Southwest Louisiana
Michigan State
Assistant Sports Editor
Last Week: (6-3-1)
To Date: (42-26-2)
Mississippi State
Texas Tech
Southwest Louisiana
Director Sports Info.
Last Week: (5-4-1)
To Date: (43-2-2)
Mississippi State-
Texas Tech
Southwest Louisiana
News Editor
Last Week: (7-2-1)
To Date: (49-19-2)
Florida Mate
levas lech
Southwest Louisiana
Michigan State
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Bush insists
on capital
gains tax
page 5
Bush: 'Let's
this capital
gains thing'
page 6
WEATHER: Apart from a mi-
nor hurricane or two, no problem
Lawyers say the case to watch is
Satan v. William Bennett Appar
ently, the Prince of Darkness and
Master of Evil took umbrage at the
Drug Czar's allegations that His
Infernalness was the real cause of
drugs 1 got a reputation to protect
says Satan. 42A
TV: This week, PBS airs an im-
portant new series. But who cares?
On all the other channels, life goes
on in its usual 195()s-emulating way.
mean there's entertainment other
than TV? We refuse to believe it
President praises life-saving corporation
SOS saves U.S. economy
At first, it was just a few scattered
contributions It grew almost over-
night into a multi-billion-dollar en-
terprise on which thousands ot jobs
depend. And jusl two days ago, Presi
dent Bush called it the new linchpin
of our economy
That's the abbreviated Story ol
Save Our Soldiers. Inc . a highly
profitable corporation synthesized out
ot the hundreds ot local efforts to send
books, letter Beatles albums,
condoms and other useful time-
passers to the 100,000 U.S. troops sta-
tioned in the Saudi desert
And now, according to presiden-
tial press secretary Merlin Spit water,
"if SOS Inc goes, the economy goes
"Fortunately, we've worked out
a deal with Hussein Spitz water con-
tinued. "We lift the embargo, he gets
to keep an aggressive posture, we de-
velop Kuwait for economic purposes
everybody's happy
The development Spitwater
spoke of is a pint effort involving
Disney Corporation and the U.S.
government Thetwoeconomicgiants
will be opening "Disneyland of Ku-
wait' or "Kuwaitland" tor short a
sprawling theme park which will OC-
( upv most ot the Oil-pumping nation
"We're very excited about this
said Spitzwater "It's the first theme
park ever constructed in an Arab na-
tion you know. The really surprising
thing was that Saddam was willing to
go along with it, provided we turnish
him with tickets to the grand open-
Spitzwater then revealed that
Hussein alsoagreed to keephisarmies
poised on the border ol Saudi Arabia,
tO take a hostage er, we mean, a
guest every few weeks, and to make
threats of violence on Iraqi television
from time to time
I mean, it he didn't do all that
stutt, we wouldn't have any pretext to
keepour lads over there. . we'd have
to bring them home, and it we did
that, we'd nevergel Kuwaitland built
And who can be against a new Disney
theme park1"
Asked if the project wasn't in poor
taste, not to mention that it violated
toe administration's stated reasons for
sending US troops to Kuwait in the
tirst place, Spitzwater responded an-
grily "What are you trying to imply?"
he demanded "That there's some-
thing wrong with turning the Arab
nations, with all their rich heritage
and culture, into tinv little clones ot
the US ' Huh? Is that it7 Huh7"
out-of-context statistics that prove nothing
Women may be
forced to give up jobs
We're Putting Off More Budget Decisions!
oooo -r
8000 -
6000 -
4000 -
2000 -
Tin Amah.amaii n Press
heohiwn( ontrolst ompany's
controversial policies excluding all
women from positions that might
endanger fetuses even it the women
are not pregnant sparked debate
nn( apitol I (ill this week when Senator
esse Helms, R-N.C , introduced a
measure making it illegal lor any
women to have jobs any where outside
their homes, because a woman
could tall down or something and
have a miscarriage
When a liberal young Congres-
sional page pointed ut that women
are perfectly capable of tailing down
in their own homes, the Senator lit
erally bit the kid's head clean off.
After retaliating by biting off the
head of a conservative page, Demo
cratscountered with a bill that would
guarantee women exactly the same
rights in the w rkpLu e that men have,
pregnancy notwithstanding I his
Listed until Helms threatened to tell
the DerrKX rats constituents that thev
were anti children, at which point the
I Vmocrats began to fawn over Helms,
grovel before him, and bite the heads
ofl whomever he designated
Independent senator Middla
Road had hoped to reach a compro-
mise with a bill requiring businesses
thai employ women under SO years ot
age to i over their floors in pillowsand
mattresses But Helms and his sup-
porters were having none of it.
claiming that their concern tor the
fetus transcends all other matters
Senator Road persisted, and it looked
as though he might be on the verge of
getting a t'w votes when, tragically,
his head was bitten off

2 ? October 18, 1990 ?ECU TODAY ? It's only a joke; please aon t write or phone I hank vou
Plain TalkirT
By Alvin Newhart
ECU Today founder
I don't mean to brag or nothin .
but me and the president, we go
way back. I remember back when
everybody thought George (that's
what I call him, "George" ? 'course,
there was that one night 1 called him
"my littleGeorgie-poo but the less
said about that, the better) ? uh, as
1 was saying, I remember back when
everybody thought George was a
wishy-washy wimp. Seems like I'm
the only one who remembers those
After George took the really
gutsy move of invading Panama,
everybody wised up and realized
he's actually a strong and brave fel-
low ? strong enough and brave
enough to send other people to fight
a teensy-weensy Latin American
country, anyhow.
Now, though, I think we're
starting to see thebeginnings of good
old Mr. Flip-Flop again, and 1 for
one think it's about time?though if
I ran a teensy-weensy Latin Ameri-
can country, I'd be getting a little
nervous right about now.
The one thing I don't like is that
those damn irresponsible liberal
journalist muckrakers are making
fun of poor old George ? as if
changing your mind every twenty
seconds about some solemn oath or
other was something to be asha med
of. Why, Ethel ? thaf s my wife ?
she changes her mind about a sol-
emn oath at least once every ten
seconds, and it don't seem to hurt
her none.
All in all, I gotta say this: I'm
sure George was sincere in his origi-
nal belief that you could cut spend-
ing without cutting programs, so
you wouldn't have to raise taxes. He
just honestly thought the economy
would grow at 180percent a month.
Is that a crime? And if taxes have
gotta be raised, at least having
George do it is better than having
some liberal Greek do it.
Esther Mator
Unrelated drivel
Help me fix
the economy
Most of vou have neve? heard of me
before, m let me introduce myself I m
Esther Mator It's mv nb to tell Uxrg?
Hush what I think the economy issuing
to do nexl I don t get quoted by name
much;the) justsa) "govemmcntexperts
predict this" or "government experts
told the president"
Well, can I help it if I'm an optimist'
I believe in the power of positive think
in that's all I think that it vou Mf the
economy's going to be fine, and vou
believe in it really really hard, and vou
squcexe vour eyes tight shut and clap
vour hands and wish upon the first star
you seeat night and knock on wed, it'll
all COHM out all right
Hack, when JohnSununu hired me,
he sdid I was ust the kind of person the
administration was looking for
But I want to try a little experiment
I got the idea from Peter Pun Are vou
ready, everyone7 Okay, now, you must
believe the economy is going to get bet
ter Do vou believe7 Of course' vou do
Nowclap vour hands togetherand make
it come true ah, hoik, it doesn't work
Published by Offense Unlimited
? a division of Frohnmayer
Published every other week,
unless there are more pressing
considerations. Like, for
example, if we're taking refuge in
a nearby tax shelter.
ECU Today is a satirical
publication. All monetary
donations to the writers and
editors are tax-free. At least, I
think they probably would be.
Why don't you try donating, and
find out? If it is taxable, we
promise to return the unused
portion of your money.
"Well, Amenta ain't payin' up You know w hat to do when a customer
don't pay up, boys Now I want you to go around and break everyone in the
country's kneecaps unless thev hand you the dough
"Mr. Chairman, I had planned to spend this time telling the committee
why investigations into the effects of high volume disco music on rodents
are vitally important to the security and continued welfare of this fine
country but the power company seems to have turned the microphone
- Ceneru snout in the trough wastrel
"Read my lips: no new taxes. Huge increases in old taxes, yes. Tax
revenue enhancers, yes. Out-and-out stealing, yes But no new luxes
President Hush, (lanfymx it
VOICES What do you think should be done aboul the federal deficit?
lma Learntn, .32
College student
Greenville, N.C
Well, I'm a college student, and I
think they should cut spending. I
know what it's like to have to cut
spending, because, after all, I'm a
college student. Of course, they should
put more money into what benefits
me, like scholarships and educational
grants. Also welfare, because, after
all, one day I'll be a college graduate
Crifton, N C
Well, naturally, thev ought to Oil
wasteful spending and go on provid-
ing exactly the same services as be
fore. As long as thev don't take any
money away from defense, farmers,
or programs with lots of supporters
and lobbyists and organized move-
ments ready to write scads of hate
mail at the drop of a hat, I doubt
they'll have mucn trouble doing that
Hall O'Ween 2
i k (upanl
Ayden, N.C
Ignore it Steadfastly I tell vou, son,
no harm ever came ol simply turning a
blind eve to something and letting it go
sway by itsell All this ulk about doing
something, that's rust negative thinking
I hi'V should ust spend money like there's
no tomorrow, and hope it all works out in
the endXps, I just remembered, Reagan
already tried that and it tailed Nevermind
Pre$ley, U
Resident t h i upanl
(Inn ourinity, N
I think thev should usi keep vol
ingthemselvcsextensions'til ihecows
come home Avoid decisions .it all
(osts Like I always say ifyoudon'l
make unu decision, vou can I make
the wrong dot ision I hen. when eter-
nity ends and all the people ami
Countries we ever owed money to are
dead and buried, we'll hi' in the clear

It's only a joke, please don't write or phone Thank you. ? ECU TODAY ? October 18. 1990 ? 3
Bullet control gets blasted
1 Ml Am l i.M All i ' I'kiss
"Bulletsdon't kill people fcoles
kill people "
I hat's thrmess?iy,eot tin- National
Bullet Association, a fighting mad or
ganization dedicated to tlu- proteetioi i
of tin- fundamental c onstitutional
right to nuke .i small piece of lead
enter human beings ?tt high velocity
"We have all these laws on the
books regarding where you cut buy
ammunition, where you em't buv it,
how long you have lo wait says
l mma A rnmo, the woman at the helm
ot the thirty seven member group.
Hibbertv floo! tiullet aren't the
problem kottS are If we eould just
stop DGOpic from allowing holes to
form in their body when bullets strike
them, then there wouldn't be a prob
lem "
Asa result. Ammo has persuaded
two Congressmen to introduce a bill
that imposes stiff penalties on anyone
who allows artificially created holes
to form in their bodies. The bill has
widespread support and the encour-
agement of the president
However, the president thinks the
current legislation does not go far
enough and has threatened lo veto
legislation that allows people to have
any holes in their bodies, artificial or
natural "We've got to stop people
from becoming hole-ier than thou
Hush said at'? press conference yes-
Hut that view has already raised
some hat Uea Enter lohn Void ot the
National Hole Assc iation
I loles don't kill people in
sutficiently effM lent biological regen-
erativemci nanisms kill people Void
points out
"Well, this is just tin example of
the kind of abuse we get all the time
from people who are anti-people
with insufficiently-ef tic 'lent-bio logi-
cal-regenerative-mechanisms com-
plains Khan Valesce, founder and sole
member of the National People-With-
I nsuff iciently-Efficient-Biological-
Regenerative-Mechanisms Associa-
"Insufficiently efficient biological
regenerative mechanisms don't kill
people asserts Valesce. "Huge-
amounts of blood pouring out of a
gaping hole somebody made in your
body with a gun and a bullet, that kills
people. No mistakin
One more time:
You, the voters of North Carolina, know what Jesse Helms stands
for. Jesse Helms stands for whatever reflects traditional North
( arolina values like negative campaigning, f'r instance.
Jesse Helms: negative campaigning values.
Harvey Gantt: extreme liberal values.
? Paid for by the ever-truthful Helms-For-Senate Committee
out-of-context statistics that prove nothing
We're Flipping More Flops!
0 0 0 0
eooo -
4000 -
1982 1984 1986 1988
Coming soon to an Iraqi government
propaganda theatre near you
He crushes the evil American infidel
pig-dogs wherever they may hide!
"I laughed. I cried.
I raped. I pillaged
? Saddam Hussein
As always, attendance
is mandatory.
Buy popcorn, too.
Coming this fall
A new concept in television
entertainment from Steven
Botchedup and ABC ?
m a m bo
They're cops.
They're octogenarians.
And they love to mambo.

Falafel: miracle food of the '90s
In! AmaicmaiipPress
In a sudden departure trom pork
nnds and steak, President Bush de-
clared at 937 this morning that he's
switching to talatel, "and you should,
'Falafel is the miracle food of the
'90s the President said "Better than
oat bran Heck, I might even eat some
with broccoli
The President also cited some re-
portsand somedull figures and stutt,
but who cares about them1 Let's get
into the controversy
(unque Food junkie, thechairman
oi Citizens Against Falafel Fating
(CAFE), decried the President's an-
"Waah said Foodjunkie.
o, no, no, vou idiot' ot "cried
? "decried " Abused,denigrated,bad-
mouthed, belittled, condemned, de-
famed, denounced, deprecated, dis-
paraged, insulted, maligned put
down, reviled or vilitied!)
"Oh, sorry apologized
Foodeater. "Oh, yeah, the president's
announcement I wondenfhissudden
discovery has anything to do with
Babs's recent acquisition ot .1 falafel
factory, hm?"
Foodeater handed us some Al I
literature and was about to reveal
more disquieting things about the
president's plan, hut a team of Secret
Service agents somehow mistook him
tor lohn Hincldey and shot him to
Falafel-mania sweeps hungry nation
Tut. Amalgamated Press
At 11:42 this morning, it was of-
finally reported by Time magazine that
the entire nation was in the grips of
falafel-mania. As grocery stores ran
out of the wonder food, angrv crowds
surrounded falafel factories, de-
manding they produce more
There were also scattered reports
that ordinary citizens suspected ot
hoarding falafel were dragged from
their houses and shot. Though these
reports were unconfirmed, they
would help explain why our manag-
ing editor didn't show up tor work
this morning
In an effort to help quell the rising
tide of violence, the President and
Congress jointly agreed to dip into
the nation's strategic talatel reserves
However, thev also implemented
mandatory nationwide talatel ration-
ing, certainly a gutsv move in an
election year.
Tensions were heightened when
the Helms-for-Senate Committee be-
gan running television commercials
charging that Harvey Gantl wasanti-
falafel The commercials show Gantt
moving his lips as a dubbed-in voice
says, "I'manti-talatel "Jesse Helms
pro-talafel values the commercial
concludes. "Harvey Gantt extreme
anti-talatel values
The Gantl campaign, suddenly
thrown on the defensive, countered
with commercials describing (iantt s
pro-falafeJ voting record as mayor of
charlotte When Harvey iantt is in
office, everyone wins, say the com
mercials Falafel eaters and nor
falafeleaters " Butthisallended when
the following story tame to light
Surgeon General: new study proves
falafel is leading cause of cancer
Tin Amalgamated Press
The Surgeon General's office
shocked the nation at 1:35 this after-
noon, when it revealed a new study
proving that falafel is a major cause ot
The study, commissioned only
hoursearlier, left nodoubt that "falafel
isa killer food from hell as the report
so scientifically put it.
"Falafel is a silent killer, an in-
sidious carcinogen masquerading as
a miracle health food. Let US Stamp Of
it, 10 punish it for its dangerous mas
querade. Ugh! Argh! Take that, you
impostor! There, now we teel much
better said one of the more hastily
scribbled portions of the study
The study studied three people
who have eaten falafel at some point
in their lives, and two people who
haven't. Each of the five subei ts was
X-rayed tor several straight hours
I wo ai the talatel eaters contracted
cancer, while only one of the non-
falafel eaters came down with the
deadly disease.
"See1 Falafel causes cancer said
the Surgeon (General, interpreting the
results tor reporters Two is a higger
number than one. Anyway, two-thirds
is bigger than one halt See? Huh?
I ensions were heightened when
the Helms tor Senateommittee be-
gan running television commercials
charging that 1 larve) ?antl was pro
falafel. I he common ials show (iantt
mining his lips as a dubbed-in 1 i( v
says, "I'm pro talatel "esse Helms
anti-talatel values the commercial
com hides "Harvey Gantt extreme
pro-falafcl values "
The Gantt campaign, suddenly
thrown on the defensive, countered
with i ommercials describing Gantt's
anti-talatel voting re ord as mayor ot
( harlotte "When Harvey Gantt is in
office, everyone wins sav the com
mercials "Falafel eaters and non
talatel eaters "
Rise and Fall of the Falafel Empire
tops bestseller list for fourth minute
Thi Amalgamated Press
At precisely T46 this afternoon,
Gregory Hackwriter's smash hit
bestseller The Rise and Fall of the falafel
Empire entered its fourth straight
minute at the head of the New York
Times Bestseller List.
Rise and Fall is a gripping tale of
Intrigue, plotting and counter-plot
ting in the very highest levels of gov-
ernment between those who would
have us eat falafel and those who
would protect our free society
By now, of course, everyone
knows that President Bush didn't
know about the C.reat Falafelover
up,but was, in hisown words, "out of
the loop As he explained to Dan
Rather, "If I erred, it was on the side ol
getting that falafel down everyone's
throats I mean, it was on the side ol
protecting freedom and democracy!
Stop twisting my words' Stop twist
ing my words
Rise and Fall documents the eerie
work ol former CIA director William
Casey, who, though dead, neverthe-
less manipulated a nation into ac-
cepting talatel as a miracle food as
opposed to the deadly, fungus-rid-
den killer all sane humans now know
it to be
Some havecast doubt on this view
of events, pointing out that even the
i ratty Williamasey would have a
hard hme brainwashing a nation trom
beyond the grave, still, others dis
agree, noting that Rts and Fall is
carefully documented with oil the
record comments by senior Hush
Administration officials
Rise and I all is soon to be a major
1K miniseries

The East Carolinian, October 18, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 18, 1990
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