The East Carolinian, October 9, 1990

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?iie lEast (Earfliiman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 925
Vol.64 No.52
Tuesday,October 9 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12.000
12 Pags
Trustees unveil
new strategy
to aid research
By Alicia Ford
Special to Th? ! as! Carolinian
ECl sboard ol trustees intro-
duced .i Strategics for Distinv
tion" plan at their annual tall
meetin 0 tober 5 .it
Mendenhall Studentenh r
The main purpose the p1 in
is to help guide decision making
in all of the various segments of
the university.
A few of the goals outlined for
the plan included the expansion
of the doctoral program ? distinc
tion in undergraduate education,
and improvement in teacher edu
cation and publk schooling Fhe
plan also hopes to strengthen the
commitment to research scholar-
ships and creative activit) from
both students and teachers.
After the strategics for the plan
were outlined, th( ti istees voted
to name the new ' i -i being
built oni liege 1 iill Drive after
ECU professor-emeritus Richard
' odd and his wife Claudia :M
Additionally an announce-
ment was made of a 1 5 million
dollar joint award given to both
ECl and UN ton tot
improvements needed in therrsci-
ence departments.
Following the announcement,
Chancellor Richard Eakinopened
his speech on a positive note con
cerning this year's record-high
enrollment of 16,500 students.
The number of enrolled stu-
dents, especially transfer and
freshmen, was much higher than
what we projected tor the 10-1
school year. 1 lowever, we are tar
from pleased about SAT scores,
but thev are up one percent more
than last year Eakin said.
1 he chancellor added a com-
ment concerning the gun man on
campus last month. "The Depart-
ment ol Public Safety demon-
strated exceptional degrees ot
professionalism with their han-
dling of the situation on campus
. n September 17.
I'he( rcenvillo Police Depart-
ment, as well as the university,
would like to send an expression
ot thanks and praise tor a job well
Chancellor Eakin concluded
his speech by saying that the uni-
versity budget is deteriorating
tast and more uits can be ex-
pected in the upcoming year
"uba heads?
The ECU Marching Band performs during halttime festrvrties Saturday on a somber note as Southern Mississippi held otl the Pirates to claim
at Fickten Stadium However the football game ended
Student Union offers Halloween
alternative by signing Connells
. .1 V . . I , I l,t IV l'
By Amy Edwards
Statt Writer
PCC adds health
science courses
By Michelle Hancharick
Special to The 1 asl C arolinian
Four i lealth Science programs
have been added to Pitt Commu-
nity College's (PCC) fall curricu
lum through funding from Pitt
County Memorial Hospital
(PCMH),theECl School of Medi-
cine and a grant from the Kate B.
Reynold Foundation
Imaging Technolog). Occu
pational Therapy technology
Radiation IK rap fi i hnology
and Medical Record ("a hnolog)
have been added to PC s si e
isting Health Sciences programs
Fhev are Nursing Assistant,
Nursing Education Options for
RNs and LPNs, Medical
Sonography, Radiologic echnol-
ogy. Respiratory Care Technology
and Medical Assisting.
Proposals for the new pro
grams were initiated to the De-
partment of Community Colleges
in tall b'H1-) Fhe Department of
Community Colleges voted to
approve the new curriculum
standards, course descriptions and
instru tional standards
.V cording to Susan Nobles,
P( C Director of Marketing m
Public Relations, the need for the
new programs started through the
PCX Health Sciences Advisory
( ommittee and the PCMH Ad-
ministration Another request has
been made to ,nd Pharmacy
technology to the curriculum by
next fall.
Ihe addition of Health Sci-
ences programs has increased the
need tor instructors.
"Often they (the instructors)
come from another program or
straight from a clinical setting. We
prefer teaching experience, but
many times we don't have that,
said ludith Kuykendall, PCC's
Division Director of Health Sci-
According 10 Nobles, student
response toward the tour new
programs has been better than
We re very phased for our
reputation with the response, and
we think it'll be even better next
year Nobles said-
There are 310 students en-
rolled in the Health Sciences pro-
grams, with Nursing, Radiologic
Technology and Respiratory (are
dominating half of the enrollment
Some of PCC's students have
transferred from ECU'S Schools of
See Health, page 1
Plans tr a campus-w ide I lal
loween conceri m. laser light
show to be held in Minges (
seum are being finalized this wtk
by several student groups
mce the renown Halloween
parts- in the streets of downtown
Greenville was banned in the af-
termath ol a record number ol ar
rests in 1988 students have been
searching for alternative
Ken Drake, president ol the
student I nkn,said that thegn nips
are working with the agent tor I he
Connells, a popular alternative
rock band trom Raleigh, and in
all likelihood the band will be one
ot the two headlines
The concert will be followed
bv a laser light-show coordinated
with "classic rock from Pink Floyd,
led Zeppelin and other groups
with a broad appeal said Rick
England I i nan ol the Major
, n ; ? ? ? the Student l ni
" Ihis will tie into the idea ol
I ast Haili the Student
I nion sp, ii ored ? oncert I ?
? ii iteurs md 1 ri in
i dsthat
appeal to i ollege audu nces
? ? ? ?: i is not as
,stul is antii ipated, said
Drake, becauseof other competing
e ents sponsored b ario i
campus groups that same night
I I led to tn
to organize all ti ? i i that
I an evi nt last I lallow
lh n so that then ild nl
one campus-wide i ' enl aui
itudenl -
with ' I dt i it ? ? ? ' nent
rsity 1 k Ex
hani i and (Ireek urgan it
mpu mak this year's
?.ecu concert .ipp- . ?
iddition Pra-
b i "Corned
in uit i omi dienneisap ?sil
I fur main
a traditioi I 'raki said
?le uni ' ' 'his
? ? ?
So far, t
toward theevi i hdonatii .
is onlv one sixteenth of the total
11 si, s.iio i rtgUnd
ncert will cosi ? ' '
Students may bu Iditii nal
tic Wet for gu
We an not ul to make
rakes.nd We just h
totakealossot - ?
But our goal is 1
irs ' -
Drakeand I ngland i
about tlu . ' ' an .i
peararw i he c onm
We in ?" . them
cutting I
about to i kp! i I ' iki
Record number
register to vote,
1;S(X) on campus
Fiona stjtt Reports
Officials crack down on alcohol
? i t l 4 . , ?, 1 . , i
ECU News Bureau
ECU cautioned students and
fans Monday that it will impose
strict enforcement ol a ban on al-
coholic beverages at future home
football games.
In its statement, the EC I ad
ministration announced "stricter
enforcement of regulations pro
habiting alcohol at future games,
which began with Saturday
afternoon's game at Ficklen Sta-
dium against the University of
Southern Mississippi
"Wishing to ensure the en-
joyment, safety and family atmo-
sphere of such events, additional
efforts, including stepped-up sur
veillance,willbe taken by campus
police to prevent alcohol trom be-
ing brought into the stadium or
consumed in the stands and to
prohibit entrance by individuals
demonstrating visible signs of in-
toxication the statement said
The nnes will apply to stu-
dents alumni faculty, statt and
sum of alcohol will be es -
from the stadium and. those re
fusing to comply vs ill be subject to
arrest the turn ersity said.
I hirobjecth eis to reduce the
antisocial behavior that is so often
i iseQucnc ?
lames DePu director of Public
Approximately 1,500stu-
dents registered to vote on
v ampus in the last two weeks.
rding to a Ireenville
' Anu n pn n ted
amount of young adults are
taking anactive role in politics
tor the first time in the last
nil i ee McGeej an or-
? ? Mi ' Musicians
(rganized f r Vott r Educa-
tion), said
Md .e. said this year's
trai n drive was the
most in several prior elections.
In five days in the last two
. istra tion booths
d mV new vot-
ers a da)
is registered
oi r 7 ?" in the state in the
last f nonths. This year's
MOVE campaign has taken
an unconventional twist. said
deshitting university
impuse tne
lO E has also begin
registering voters in night
ibs and bars.
While attracting some oi
the largest numbers in recent
v i ar- t( ? the registration tables,
Mc iee said it is now time to
see record number turn-outs
ti the polls on Nov. 6.
all other visitors E I officialsaid. atetv. said
Fireworks explode in SGA
By Rob Norman
Staff Writer
Appropriatu nsand i bjocti ns
to rule suspensions became the
main topics at Monday's Student
(overnment Association meeting.
I he major firewi irkscame over
proposed funds tor pyrotechnics
to be used during homecoming
A motion was made to ap-
propriate $1,500 to the 1; 1
Homecomingommittee to pay
fora fireworksdisplavat thisyear's
The fireworks display com-
pany has approval from the city
and was in the process of acquir-
ing its insurance certificate and
pyrotechnics licensee
In a 12-2h standing vote, the
bill was defeated. Senior Class
President Tripp Roakes said, "I'd
rather see a band or something
that would draw more people to
the rallv
In addition, a bill was intro-
duced to give money to the ECU
School of Medicine's flag fiHtba!l
team. The money was to be used
to pay for their tnp to the flag
football tournament in Ohio.
The team's constitution,
however, had not been renewed
after the two ypar period had ex-
pired. A motion was made to
suspend the rules so that fhe new
constitution could be voted on.
The motion was defeated bv a
vote of 18-20.
In the notices and announce-
ments time, some objections were
raised as to whv the rules were not
suspended, thereby preventing the
team's representative trom speak-
A new motion to suspend the
roles was made and passed The
team's constitution was approved
and funding will be discussed at
next week's meeting.
Tripp Roakes made a state-
ment in support of SGA President
Allen Thomas
"Allen Thomas did nothing
wrong this summer Roakes said.
Also, Katie Carstens was des-
ignated Secretary pro tern.
What a pane
r.este K I ttw?0 1 ar
Maintenance workers begin spacing up the campus last week as warm
weather continued The forecast looks good for tall break
Police should substi-
tute motorcycles for their
patrol cars to help con-
serve energy.
Personals. For Sale,
Help Wanted. For Rent
and Services Rendered.
New weekly soap op-
era, Dead Hopes to be-
gin airing on WZMB on
Oct. 31
Pirates lack ot offense
leads to disappointing 16-
7 loss to Southern Mis-
Also, a preview of this
weekends football game
against South Carolina.
Insert: Static

OUjc ?aat Carolinian October 9J990
ECU Briefs
AIDS educator to use comedy
routine to promote safer sex
Nationally noted AIDS prevention educator Suzi l.andolphi
will speak at ECU on Tuesday, Oct 16, at 8 p.m. in Hendnx
Her presentation, "Hot, Sew and Safer is a highlight ot
ECU'S observance of October as AIDS Awareness Month and is
free and open to the public
An award-winning video and film producerdirector as well
as an actress and theatrical director, Ms. l.andolphi has directed
her energies toward educating high school and college students in
prevention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. 1 ler
lecturedemonstration combines humor, compassion and encour-
agement through the use of Stand-Up comedy and dramatic tech
When she is not touring schools and campuses, Ms Landolphi
works with the Eenwav Community Health Center in Boston,
which provides a broad range of medical, mental health and Al DS
care and research services.
Her ECU visit is sponsored by the Student Union Forum
Committee in cooperation with the ECU Aids Education Commit-
Global conference to feature
third world housing speakers
Addresses bv representatives of third world housing and
development agencies will be featured at an Oct. 15 program at
ECU on global housing.
Millard Fuller, of Amen, us, C.a the founder and president of
Habitat for Humanity, will be the featured speaker at 7 p.m. in
Hendnx Theatre of Mendenhall Student Center hie will talk about
"Habitat for Humanity's Han to Shelter the World The program
is tree and open to the public.
In addition to Fuller, other speakers include Linda Fuller, the
CO-founder of Habitat for Humanity; George McRobie of London,
an author and consultant on using appropriate technology in
helping developing countries; Johnny Astrand, director of the
Center for Habitat Studies in Lund,Sweden;MikkiMtewa, director
of the International Development Foundation in Washington; Dr.
Michael Wuuiev of India, an expert on small vale housing devel-
opments and Agwu Okali of New York, director ot the United
Nations' Center for Human Settlement.
The program coincides with the ECU Global Schelter confer
ence Oct. 15-16. The conference will focus on the global shelter
crisis and the use of the most appropriate technology for building
homes tor needy people.
Fuller began Habitat tor Humanity in 1976 after he and his
family worked in Africa on a Christian-based project to test the idea
of building houses on a non-prof it, no interest basis and making the
houses available to poor people. Today the organization is inter-
national in scope with local chapters formed in most states and
many countries.
Compiled from ECU News Burrju rcportv
Crime Scene
Israeli government
begins distributing
gas masks to public
YOQNEAM, Israel (AP) In
this town overlooking the Plane of
Armageddon, Israeli civilians
have begun puking up the gas
masks their government is dis-
tributing to counter a feared Iraqi
chemical attack
Government officials
launched the program Sunday in
Yoqneam, where the Bible says
the battle ot Judgement Day will
be waged, and in two other small
towns They say they will provide
the free masks to all 4million
Israelis, which is expected to take
several weeks.
Despite the ominous biblical
resonances, officials tried to pro-
mote public calm as residents
trickled into instruction centers in
school classrooms where soldiers
showed how to use gas masks and
poison antidotes.
The classrooms were fes-
tooned with the handiwork of
pupils, and children received col-
ored gas masks to help ease their
"It's colorful and pretty so the
child should not get afraid said a
female instructor, holding up a
red-and-yellow gas mask for in-
It's troubling said Aliza
Arti, after putting her 2-vear old
daughter through a plastic anti-
gas tent tor mtants (ler daughter,
Tali, seemed unphased.
Ms. Arti said she hoped the
kit would never be needed, but
believed otherwise. Asked
whether she believes war is likely,
she said, "I think so
Officials said that within days,
they will have handed out masks
to the 30,000.
There is a system under the
war powers resolution of I973,but
that never has worked. It requires
that a president get approval
fromCongresswithin 40 days it'hi
Officer investigates student
vomitting on cars at Jenkins
October 3
1558?An officer checked Wright Circle in reference to a
weapon being spotted inside of a parked vehicle. No contact was
made at this time
lhlXV An officer checked west of Graham Building to assist
Greenville Rescue A student fainted and was transported to Pitt
County Memorial Hospital.
1630?An officer checked Wright Circle in reference to an
earlier call. Contact was made and subject advised of the policy
concerning weapons on campus.
1831?An officer checked out the freshman parking lot in
reference to damage to a vehicle. The vehicle was not called in by
the owner. The damage was about three to four weeks old. No
contact was made with the owner.
2336?An officer checked Aycock Residence 1 lall in reference
to a possible drug violation.
October 4
0245?Officers were on College Hill in reference to possession
of stolen property.
0334?Officers responded to Jenkins Art Building in reference
to a subject vomitting on vehicles.
0501 ?An officer was at Greene Residence Hall in reference to
a domestic dispute outside.
0559?An officer served an arrest warrant on a student at the
Kappa Sig House.
October 5
0820? An officer checked the Brody Building in reference to
a larceny report.
1527?An officer checked south of Garrett Residence Hall in
reference to damage to two bicycles.
2012?An officer checked with three subjects on 10th Street
and College Hill Drive. The subjects were banned from campus
for damage to real property.
2028An officer checked the Chancellor's Residence in ref-
erence to loud music The report was unfounded.
2128?An officer checked the Chancellors Residence in ref-
erence to loud music. The report was unfounded.
2230?Officers checked west of Belk Residence Hall in refer-
ence of a suspicious person on the fourth floor. Contact was made,
and the subject was given a verbal warningandalsoadvisedof the
escort policy on the campus.
2246? An officer stopped a vehicle east of Aycock Residence
Hall. The student was arrested for dnving while impaired.
2351?An officer responded to the fourth floor of Scott Resi-
dence Hall in reference to subjects throwing beer cans from a room
onto a vehicle in the parking lot. The officer was unable to locate
the owner of the vehicle.
October 6
(K)18 Officersrespondedtoanactivatedfirealarmat Aycock
Residence Hall The fire alarm was activated on the west end the
third floor. The alarm was reset, and the suspicious subjects were
turned over to the dorm staff for administrative action.
1057 -An officer stopped a vehicle east of Umstead Resi-
dence Hall for expired registration, no insurance, no inspection
stickers, DW1 and driving with a revoked license.
1820- An officer checked Faculty Drive about a domestic
dispute The male non-student was banned from campus.
2316?An officer checked Fletcher Residence Hall in refer-
ence to a larceny report
Crtw Sce?e t Uken lro? oHklil ECU Public Salrty log-
sends troops into situations in
which hostilities are imminent
Bush got around it simply by re-
porting that hostilities are not im-
minent in the Middle last
"We are operating today on
the false premise that our troops
in the Persian Gulf are not in
imminent danger said Sen
William S Cohen. R-Maine. "I
simply do not accept that
Sen. Mark O HattieldK Ore .
said Friday that Congress should
invoke the war powers system by
adopting a measure authorizing
the Middle Fast troop deployment
for another 90 days. That's not
likely, and it would he subject to
veto anyhow
'The alternative is to go home,
and come back, and find a battle
and then everybody's going to be
up here talking about the Hush
war Hattield said.
Sn. Sim Nunn, D-Ga , sug-
gested the call tor regular White
House consultation with con-
gressional leaders instead 1 lesaid
Congress already had "implicitly
authorized what the president is
doing" with its resolutions earlier
in the week
Those measures declare sup-
port tor "continued action by the
president to deter Iraqi aggres-
sion and protect American lives
and vital interests, stipulating
that it must be in accordance with
United Nations decisions, and
with U s processes including
congressional action to appropri-
ate the funds.
Mitchell said the Senate reso
lution was not an authorization
"for the use of force now. or in the
Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind
said the House vote "does not
support futureactoonsexcept those
actions that continue current
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Mystery pilot faces
longer prison term
for other felonies
Attorney lay B Stephenshasasked
a federal judge to lengthen the
prison sentence of mystery pilot
Thomas L. Root for allegedly
committing a crime the week after
he pleaded guilty to five other
felony charges.
Root, of Alexandria. Va , was
a Washington-based communica-
tions lawyer until he was disbarred
this vear. He gained nationwide
notoriety last vear when he
blacked out while flying hisCessna
210 from National Airport to North
Carolina on lulv 13, 1989, and
wound up ditchingin the Atlantic
Ocean near the Bahamas. After
being tailed bv 19 military planes
for four hours, Root was rescued
with an unexplained gunshot
wou nd
Root is awaiting sentencing
bv U .S. District) udge John Garrett
Perm after pleading guilty in June
to felony charges of counterfeiting,
forgery and defrauding clients
seeking I'M radio station licenses
from the Federal Communications
According to court records,
Root could face a sentence of 27
months to 33 months in prison.
But Stephens wants Penn to extend
the term up to 41 months, in part
because of Root's alleged conduct
while he is free and awaiting
The request stems from Root's
activities involving a client from
Austin, Texas, who wascompeting
with other applicants for a
broadcast license in Elgin, Texas.
Against the client's instruc-
tions, Root withdrew the firm from
the competition for the license on
)une 12, the week after his guilty
plea, by allegedly forging his
client'snameon settlement papers
and directing the $25,000 settle-
ment to be paid to Root.
Root's attorney, Eugene M.
Propper, contends that the Texas
case is not related to the felony
charges to which Root pleaded
guilty and should not be consid-
ered bv the judge when Root is
The National Transportation
Safety Board last week released a
report on Root's flight which did
not reach any conclusions, but cast
strong doubts on Roofs version
that his gun tired accidentally

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ollic lEaat CEaroltntan Ociomh9, 1990
Schools push for learning at home
JL .1 . . , vi 1.1 r.ii . r. ill- .? liirmiH" i ill
I! I it,IO I M't
Kla called tin- Parent Involvement
nanage the program
ihiklren reate .1 learningen
Spruill left her job in Sanford and Project
l drove 20 miles to eal Even parent wants their
Mr Wortman said he was ler" at home Parents are encour-
confident that it local districts aged to limit television, to make
ading a priority, to make a spe
i-ursiul the program aggressively re
aplastu child to do well but not all know j. would Tear down a wall thai cial effort to listen to their children
v elementary school hew, she said And ediaators 7 K.tutVI1 Northarolina's and to 'make education a
ha en t made it eas for them We
nd hei husband have to rea h out to make it 1 om
ol honoi et their fortable for parents
; , ? s vvhohadbiN 1 though DPI has taken the
i the week at lead in the program it is leaving
iman Schinil its fate largeh in the hands ol the
? served two pur state's 134 local school systems
? ? Ms ! nv is working with a $1
I budget which pavs for little mon
schools and their communities
? We are not going to be su rhepacket to be distributed in
cessful unless there is a partner October coincides with the first
ihip he said round of report cards. Parents are
North c arolina is not alone in ad ised on hew to rea t to disap
its effort to involve parents. DPI s pointing grades and how to pre
program was copied in part from pare for and approach parent
programs in ether states that have tea. her conferer5
been operating for several vears Theke to this is going to be
thanthemton hesendsout rolina-seffort"bcf;an in the (local) superintendent's of
M1n,nt71rnK , th,s month with a packet that ex f.ce, Ms.Fryesaid rhiscannot
plains how parents t an help their he a shotgun kind ol thing
1 herespoi
? ? ulls Mem SO s? hool sv s
is have attended training
iinars around the state Other
UK ts are re epti (he pi
m but are holding of! she said
pennl ' ?
,ith it
? H a r n e 11
? n 11 I '
Su pennl V
to hold
amih "
rents. Herei
t- scl
m u n 11
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?he last (Earnltman
Josepi i L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael G. Martin, Mana$m$ Editor
Tim I Iamiton, News Editor
Michar ALBUQUERQUE, Asst. News Fditor
Pali a GlGEE, State and Nation Editor
Matt Kinc, feature Editor
Deanna Nevgloskl Asst Features Editor
Dove, Morris, Sports Editor
EARLE M. McAlI FY, Asst Sports Editor
Carrie ARMSTRONG, Special Sections Editor
Scott Maxwh i , ecu Today Editor
Amy Edwards, Copy Editor
MlCHAEl Lang, Editorial Production Manager To? BaRBOUR, Circulation Manager
EFF PaRKER, Staff lllustratot STUART ROSNER, Systems Manager
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Margie O'Surv Classified Ads Technician Deborah Daniels, Secretary
The East Carolinian has served the East Carolina campus communit) since 1925, emphasizing information thai directly
affects EC1 students During thCU school year, The East Carolinian publishes twice a week with a circulation of 12,000.
he I astCat liman reserves the right to refuse of discontinue any adverttsementa thai discriminate on the basis ot ape. sex.
en ri n sthead editorial in each edition does not necessarily represent the views of one individual,
f the Editorial Board The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view.
? ted to 250 words ot ioss For purposes of decenc) andbrevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right
. ters should be addressed to Die Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU,
's U oi , al " 19 15 ' 6 166
reed or national
Lettei d ?
iii edit letters f 1
Greenvdle, N i
Page 4, Tuesday, Octctoer 9, 1990
Cut rising gas costs with bicycles
c )ne thing that the Persian c lulf crisis
has made painfully obvious i that America
can no longer balk at fuel conservation.
Roads tilled with single-driver cars have
always been hard on the environment, and
now Western wallets as well. Adaptive
measures will have to be taken With gas
expected to reach two dollars per gallon by
the end ol the year, the nation's fuel costs
will double what they wen-at the beginning
ot 1990, and no new taxes will be able to help
Our only immediate alternative is to
seek cost-effective avenues of transporta-
tion It would not be surprising to see a
return to mass transit in the form of train
travel, and even electric trolleys for mtra-
city use. It also would not be surprising to
ee these changes come too little too late,
given the procrastinating nature ot .Ameri-
Large-scale alternatives will have to-
be initiated by the metropolitans with larger
budgets, but change can also be effected on
another level. Smaller cities such as
Greenville don't have to wait tor the me-
tropolises to pave the way to conservation,
they can begin by combatting their own
wastefulness right now
A very noticeable exercise m ineffi-
ciency in C ireenville can be observed in our
own police force. Single-driven patrol cars
with 305 engines modified tor speed are an
all too-common sight on our city streets.
What this affords in a sense ot' security will
probably seem trivial when the next re-
quests tor budget allocations are made
1 lere is where we can take a cue from
our larger urban relatives: start substituting
these standard Ford dinosaurs tor vehicles
that are just as efficient and economical at
the same time. Motorcycle patrols can go
anvwhere (Md in many instances, more
places) a police car can, and ust as last.
Speeders and drunk drivers will pull over
tor a motorcycle blue light the same as they
will tor a car's.
When the containment area ot a back
seat is needed tor arrests, then a car can be
called tor back-up, which appears to be
standard procedure tor night patrols any-
way Besides, fully equipped motorcycles
would cost less than halt" what an outfitted
car does, and proper training tor drivers
and mechanics would be a short-term in-
vestment that could soon pay tor itself it the
police department made any siable cut in
car use.
The Lireenville police aren't the only
ones who can set the example. ECU can
make it's own productive changes with
campus police vehicle use.
Why does a patrol tor vehicle regis-
tration or parking violators require a car
An all-terrain bicycle would suffice m mam-
cases, or even a moped would bo adequate
tor an area no larger than our campus. Again,
the car can be radioed tor it necessary.
There are several wavs our commu-
nity could serve as trend setters in this war
on gas-addiction, and our police depart-
ments would make an excellent starting
The time may not be tar off when
laws will have to be passed to force more
success!ul economic commuting, and our
own law enforcement divisions could be the
vardstick to measure the success.
-RAT-S' JUST WrlEti lb r
1 r

Domestic problems can be linked to money
By Darek McCullers
l-ditorial Columnist
All indications show that the
1990s will be a time of financial
difficulty. The latest figures show
that unemployment in this state
rose several percentage points
last year.
A recent newspaper article
spokeof the great possibility that
there will be fuel shortages this
winter. And analysts predict that
the stock market will inevitably
tall despite recent highs
Perhaps the greatest indica-
tor of financial decline in America
is the large budget deficit.
Historically, morality does
not go along with economic dif-
ficulty. Statistics show that there
is a rise in anti-semitism. hate
groups, and hate crimes during
periods ol recession.
Michel-Ciuillaume lean de
Crevecoeur said it best in his
"Letters from an American
Farmer" when he stated, "Their v ill cool for want oi fuel and
will be extinguished in a little
The demise of Gehazi, vvhc
was a minister of Cod and pupil
of Elisha, is a classic example of
the destruction of greed Second
Knu;s, chapter five, records the
storv of how Elisha cured
Naaman sleprosy but would not
take any money in return
He stated. "Behold, my mas-
ter hath spared Naaman this Syr-
ian, in not receiving at his hands
that which he brought: but as
Do you have an opinion on a subject, or disagree with something
that was printed in The East Carolinian?
Then let everyone know by writing to the Campus Spectrum, Campus
Forum or a Letter to the Editor.
? Faculty, staff or non-students, should submit opinions to Campus
Spectrum, and all submissions should be limited to 300 words.
? Students or student organizations should write to the Campus Forum,
limiting your work to 300 words.
? AH letters to the editor should be limited to 250 words.
TTu East Carolinian reserve the right to edit opinions for length endor decency
the Lord hveth, I will run after
him, and take somewhat of him
1 le ran after Naaman and ob-
tained two talents of silver and
two change of garments. How-
ever, when he returned to Elisha,
his punishment was waiting.
Fhsha asked Gehazi this im-
portant question that we should
consider; he said, "Is it a time to
receive money, and to receive
garments, and olive yards, and
vineyards, and sheep, and oxen,
and menservants, and maidser-
In other words, is it a time for
you to pursue money and mate-
rial things or is it time to seek the
things of God?
The United States has over
16,000 troops in Saudi Arabia
poised and ready for war. while
rapes, murders, and violent
crimes are on the rise.
Babies are being aborted and
senior citizens are being deserted.
Poverty, homelessness, and dis-
ease seem pervasive.
I think that it is time to seek
the things of God ? things God
otters man.
It appears to be dear that faith
in God is the onlv way to over-
come the temptation of finances.
I have experienced times of
prosperity and times of need.
However, it is confidence in
the timing of God that has kept
me on the straight and narrow.
Financial temptation diffi-
culty for the African-American
This problem affects issues of so-
cial welfare, crime, and violence
Statistics show that a dis-
proportionate amount of black
people receive welfare Half of
all violent crimes are committed
by black vouth and half of them
are born into poverty.
Many civic and religious
leaders are at odds over the solu-
As a young Christian who
has been through these situations
I offer a simple solution A
that is dedicated to the servi.
God and the principles of lesus is
the best means of escape' from the
vicious cycle of temptation.
In conclusion, I would offer
this practical example which you
can call coincidenceor providence
(I choose the latter). In August, I
camped out overnight in the Fi-
nancial Aid Office only to find
out that I could not get a deter
ment. It seemed like I might not
be able to enroll this semester
However, bv faith 1 obtained
a miracle. The next morning, I
checked the messages on mv an-
swering machine
An employee at the Cashier's
Office said that everything was
taken care of, all 1 had to do was
go to the office.
In essence, mv message todav
is not to let our pocketbooks con-
trol our morality It is ot little
profit fo be" angrv'w'itrf the One
that can help vou when no one
else can.
Have the faith to be an over-
comer. The same God that fed the
multitudes can take good care ot
little old me and vou'
New ABC show hits a sour note
By Scott Maxwell
Editorial Columnist
First of all, 1 make no claims
that any of this is literally true or
even moderately accurate. 1 got a
concussion somewhere in the
middle, so maybe it wasn't as Kid
as I seem to remember. Jeez, I hope
it wasn't as bad as but I'm get-
ting a little ahead of myself.
I'm talking about ABC's stu-
pendous new musical cop show
Cop Rock, which airs, as near as I
can tell, whenever something else
they were thinking of airing is even
worse. This happens rather a lot.
The first episode started off
well enough, I suppose. There was
the traditional nighttime raid on a
crack house, with the cops violat-
ing everybody's civil liberties and
righteously beating up on the evil,
mostly black drug users. But when
they're hauling the "crack heads"
out to the cop cars, everybody sort
of breaks out into a rap Not unex-
pected (partly because they'd been
playing that damn clip about forty
thousand times a day), and not too
bad, either. 1 began to relax.
Well, the next morning, the
druggies get let back out on the
street because the pnsons were
overcrowded,and a little later one
of them ends up shwting a police
officer to death. Liter that evening,
the husband of one of the cops
sings a little solo about how sur-
prised he is that the cop, an slim,
attractive young gal, loves htm, a
fat, unattractive old guy. My guess
is that his surprise was shared by
most of the viewing audience, but
this surprise was as nothing com-
pared to their utter astonishment
at his severely limited vocal range.
A night, and many commer-
cials, pass. By the next day, the
whole city is up in arms about the
young cop's death. Judging the
problem to be a shortage of prison
space, everybody decides it would
be a good idea to build more pris-
ons. (Well, actually, the problem is
that we have these senseless anti-
drug laws the overzealous en-
forcement of which is putting too
many people in prison in the first
place ah, never mind; that's an-
other column.)
Then the mayor stands on a
desk while these three guys dance
around her, singing (to what I can
only assume was meant to be a
'50s-type tune) about how they're
all gonna make a nice profit off the
new jail they're erecting to avenge
the slain cop. Apparently without
provocation, the mayor bellows
somethingabout having been born
in Delaware.
At this point I realized that I
had been pounding my head
against the wall for some time, and
I was starting to feel a little woozy.
1 kept thinking that must be the
one who's tone-deaf, that someone
at the network must have noticed
that nobody in this charming en-
semble is in the same key asanyone
else. I didn't know, then, that the
mayor was played by the wife of
executive producer Steven Bochco.
Of course, that doesn't explain the
pitiful performance of the three
guys, who, presumably, are not the
wivesof executive producer Steven
Bochco, but maybe some mysteries
just aren't meant to be solved.
I'm leaving out a lot. There's a
police chief who owns Buf falo Bill's
Colt .51 revolvers and uses them to
play quick-draw with a machine in
his office. Uh-huh. There's a bad
cop (named LaRusso), and an im-
maculately tailored, imperturbable
good cop who's LaRusso's supe-
rior. LaRusso murders the cop-
killer, and the good cop finds out
and threatens to catch LaRusso at
any such future wrongdoing.
There're two cops, one male,
one female, who are partners and
are fighting a mutual attraction
The female of this pair is the one
married to the old fat guy men-
tioned above, by the way
There's a jury rendering its
verdict kinda-sorta gospel-style,
which was the only really good
song in the whole show.
There's a junkie who sold her
baby for $200 to support her habit.
Not a good businesswoman. Must
be the crack. The crack also seems
to have adversely affected her
singing voice.
My memory of the rest is a
little hazy. I know that my girl-
friend noticed I was drooling and
gibbering more than usual, and,
bless her heart, she had me taken
round to the hospital straightaway.
I'm currently on a diet of The
Simpsons and MM'S'H, and thev
sav 1 can go home soon.
In the meantime, I'm trying to
find out as much as possible about
how the show is playing in the
press. USA TODAY said about it,
in sum, that the show would be a
success if people tuned in, but that
it would flop if they didn't. Ooo,
some more of that in-depth analy-
sis, please.
I've had a lot of time to think
about it,and I've watched theother
show that aired (don't tell the
nurses here), and I've come to a
few conclusions. Creativity is a
good thing ? especially in televi-
sion, where it's long been too rare
by half ? but not all products of
creativity are themselves good
things. A television show should
use singing and dancing like any
other effect ? tnat is, they should
only be used if they're the best way
to make the point. On Cop Rock,
they're used as gimmicks to get
people to tune in.
And, last but hardly least, if
you must do a musical get people
who can sing.

?lie ?afit (Carolinian October 1990
Hog slaughter raises concerns
I K Hill (AP) rhepros-
pecl ol having iHH1 hogs a da)
slaughtered .it a proposed giant
ham processing plant has some
Bladen County residents worried
about the possible fin ironmental
efftx ts
Hut supporters i the
Smithfield Foods Inc facility
would us' modern waste
ment equipment would
eliminate the feared pollution and
r Hun ,ilsos.i ihe plant would
pro ide .in economu txxsl tor the count
Smithfield nods Inc the
irgi !u,i based . ? mpan re
nowned tor its smoke cured
country hams has planned to build
the plant about t o miles outside
ol far I leel
It will be a tremendous thing
? ? Bladen i I. ind southeast
orth.1111.1 said Paul
Butler ir , the counts - industry
bout ; - to i-1 supporters re
nth formed .1 group called We
Invite Smithfi) d I n W ISH1 to
i punter the opposition and to tout
the economu benefits the plant
w ould bring
! hev 1 ontend the $45
million to $30 million investment
in the plant ? ? bsl intially
thetaxbase anIthal bsfoi about
; N a ill help n 11 ; ? pic bring
homethebacon According to
But some residents told The compiled by the clean industry
News and Observe of Raleigh group, Smithfield and its subsid
the) re worried about odors from iaries were charged with hundreds
the slaughters and the hundreds of violations tor illegal di harges
of hog-hauling trucks. Others said into the Pagan River in Virginia in
they feared that the companv was the last 10 years
looking tor less stringenf regula- ?" 'MS4 ltu' company was
tions than it faces in Virginia and charged with 23: violations be
that the) worried about pollution tween I979and 1084 for discharges
ofthe ape Fear RiveT of excess amounts of chlorine, bac
We don't want this kind of teria and nitrogen compounds
thing imposed in our back yard Under a settlement with envi
without being part of the process, ronmental groups, the compan)
said David Borchert, spokesman paid $299,000 m fines.
lor i itizens for C lean Industry
I he group is pressing tor an
environmental impact statement
and i-i hallengingt lainisthat state
regulations and modem facilities
w ill prote t the eny ironmenf
Although main in this small
community agree with Borchert,
main businesses farmers and or-
canirations in luding the
1 lizabethtoyv n V hite 1 ake
(. hamberoK ommerce, the Bladen
Countv I arm Bureau and the
count) industrial development
commission hav endorsed the
company's plans ICfeaS for th
Hut i ritu s point to Snuthtield
Foods problems with environ
mental regulations in irginia
where processing plants n
company ru I'armshavebecn
cited tor lolations
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SHre JEaat (Carolinian
October 9,1990
NEED GREENERY? I asm now buy-
ing any football, basketball, and
baseball cards you have. Any year,
any shape, I'll give you a fair amount
Call fim, 830-534 or 757-6366.
otter typing and photocopying ser-
vices We also sell computers, soft-
ware, and computer accessories. 24
hours m and out. Guaranteed tvping
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M )F Professional ComputerServices.
'? ! ast 5th Sfreet Ixide Cubbies)
Greenville, N.C 752-3694.
occasion one to remember. Our
stret h limousines will aM that spe-
cial I uch! call CLASS ACT IIM-
oc SlNEat757 240 for information.
dance and progressive ou cant
touch this so Bust a Move! Call 752
t'Rl m t AIR WORK: Word pro-
cessing for papers reports, letters.
Data-base and address-merging
available Professional help in resume
writing, typing. Call Tom Fairat 355-
si R ICES:Eightyearsofexperience
ii ? iser printing system mean you
el ghesl possible quality for
? term papers dissertations, and
?? : materials Electronic
eck md pickup and de-
.??. . i vhereintheGreenvillearea
led o extra charge. Onlv
??. W about a Plan
m until or more informa-
tion, Call Markal 757 Uafterfp.m.
TOO Bl S TO TYPE? Call The
rdsn : ?: professional typing
rd pi services -W
- M ma in creating and editing text
ible Speedy turnaround 756-
LOOKING FOR: a fraternity, WTOT-
ltyor student organization that would
like to make $500 - SI,("XXI tor a one
week on-eampus marketing project.
Mustbeorganized and hardworking.
Call Jenny or Kevin at (800) 592-2121.
DIATELY: No cxpenence necessary.
Excellent pav! Work at home Call
toll-free: 1-800-395-3283
EARN$2500:and FREFSpnngBra
Trips to Bahamas, lamaica as part-
rime Campus Rep for Spring Break
Travel 1-800-638-6786
ATTENTION: Fraternities, Sorori-
ties, Clubs, and individuals. Trip
organizers wanted tor fantastic Ski
and Sun Tours. Earn cash commis-
sions andor go for free Call the ?1
company in college travel. Moguls
Ski and Sun Tours, Inc. 1-800-666-
Mondav through Thursday from 2:30
p.m. - 6 p.m. Must have own trans-
portation; starting pav $5hr. Call
Pitt County Community Schools at
children of local Chinese-American
family, grades 3 and 10. Prior teach-
ing experience desireable but not re-
quired. Good personality essential
Call Dr. Gowen, 752-4086.
HELP WANTED: Immediate open-
ing for salesperson job. Apply be-
tween 3-5 p.m. at SDF Computers.
Inc 106 E. 5th St Greenville, N.C.
SPRING BREAK 1991: Individual or
student organization needed to pro-
mote Spring Baik trip Earn money
free trips and valuable work experi-
ence. CALL NOW' Inter-Campus
Programs: 1-800-327-6013
BRODY'S: is interviewing for part-
time clerical position in Credit de-
partment. General office skills and
strong communication skills requires
Must be available Tuesday through
Friday 1-6 p.m Saturdays and
through the holidays Aplv Brady's
The Plaza M-W 14p.m.
CASH: lamaica! Bahamas! Sell trips
on yourcampusand earn tree trip tor
vou plus bonus cash! Call FOUR
SEASONS 1-800-331-3136!
Part-time Apply in person or send
resume. Larry's Carpetland, 3010 E.
10th St. Greenville
ROOM WANT! D: Private room for
serious full-time graduate student.
Must have access to bathroom and
kitchen Available November 1 or
sooner Call Bill .it 752 1620
to share ; bedi ?? i ly fur-
nished Call Rob 758 -
ROOMMAll s M EDI D: fwo
small roms tor rent i3 bedroom, 2
bath mobt 1 mi itesfrom
school Nor mokinj. it nalespre
ferred 1 ow rent nid prtion ot
utilities $5 . ?.red 5 5
2 BEDROOM AlI: :orrent
Ringwold rowers V.?: 5apu
immediately 758 2"
son to share Jbedrooi- ? in eti
Wild wood illas !
il ties 758 1529
Beautiful I i
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FOR SALE: Two Pan Am 25 dis-
count coupons, $25 each. Valid until
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Call 830-9125.
FOR SALE: (old white couch, $200;
brown rectiner, $100; wing chair with
ottoman,S50;2end tables with marble
inserts, $50 each; coffee table, $30; 2
drawer tile cabinet. $40; 2 grew chairs.
S2; All in m condition Call 752-
4946 after 530 pm.
1474 TOYOTA SUPRA: Brown
Electronic windows,sunroof, $850 or
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Parker at 830-1887 or come by 605 A
Fast 1 st st
TICKETS: forsofcl iut MC Hammer.
Fn Vogue, Vanilla Ice concert on
November II in hapel Hill Floor
seats! Call 758 1234
SB 15 speedlight, Vivitar relephoto
7 :r, 2X magnifier, carrying case and
manuals $280. Call 355-8947 and
leave message
tersol Alpha Delta Pi would like to
wish everyone the best of luck on
term examinations and w
list ike to wish everyone a safe and
fur fall break! Have a blast. Sincerely
rhesistersol Alpha Delta Pi.
ALPHA XI DELTA: want to wisl tl i
flag football team lots ot luck We re
ind vou guj s all t) i wraj'
to you, Happy Bird d a) to you
Happ) Birthday DearDawr Fiapp)
Birthdav to vou' Love your Ac MM
Sisters av. Pledges
EVERYBODY: When you go home
over fall break, gamer all of vou rold
; . . dbooks,and I
to the table in front of the Student
Store on Tuesday and Wednesday
(ctober 15 & 16) !he Chi Omega
p edge class is going to send then
ops in Saudi Arabia Wewould
realh appreoate your help
ALPHA PHI: would like to wish ev
eryone a sue and happy fall break
Rest up because when we get back,
homecoming is just an i cor-
ner Love, the Alpha Phis
ANDREA ONES: Haj r v Birtl
Have fun tod iy! W i ???' 1 ov
the pledges of AMP.
Damnit! Scotl
Al PHA XI Dl 1 I A PI i DC1 S:
wo ild lik t sa Wl LOVE Ol R
BK, SIST1 RS! lYymgl
lies,wehunted fon eritse
when we foui d v. ? ? t! e sock rti
so well" We are so ??? . v tl all of
you and look forv n I
with our big sis ! 1 o e ; ui ?" ?
1 hanks I i tl i . ? I I i ?
I et s J,
ip a ? ' ?? ? I
forget you!Conj
i rw w EC1 V: ? . ?
you guvs al . : :
Largest Library ol information n U S
an subiects
Ordc ? : ? '?'
800 351 0222
Of rusti S. Heswreh intormatwn
Earn up? $1000 ?
Plus a chance at
$5000 more!
I his
Mo investment ne
Call 1 800932-0528 Ext. 50
get together again soon I ove,Al PHA
SIC TAirSeCongratu ?tions
ting vour new housei ? ?
is successful and that you ha
1 ove, the ADPI's
DEI I A PI: WOUld ??
?? rs tor ev ?
tl e greatest and wi lov
afi md rela
'?.? M'l
I PHA X! DEI I A: ? lid -
? ?
eareproudof) ?
pledges ? .
SI X WITH si I1 :
safer I lesdav, October 16, 8
Ml l 'S: I
ie We II ea! i pie in
kit ? e. Eta Pi
while you wail
Free & Confidential
services & Counseling
( arolina PrtffUmcy ('enter
11 E. 3rd St.
The Lee Building
Greenville. NC
M-F S am- 3:30 pm
You are invited to attend a study of
(iod s Word with a group that wel-
comes all people We provide fel-
lowship activities and serious Bible
study for those who are interested.
We meel weekly on Wednesday
nights al 7 p m in Room 221 of Men-
denhall. If vou have queshons, call
Tim Turner at 752-7199.
Armv ROTC is spxmsxinng a paper-
bck Ixxtk drive for American tr(xps
in Saudi Arabia .Collection boxes will
beat lovnerl ibrarv.Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center and the Student Book
Store from September 27 - October 10.
Ml donations will be greatlv appre-
I he ECU( eramies Cuild will hold a
coffee mug vile at Jenkins Fine Arts
(enter on Friday and Saturday, Oc-
tober 1 and 20 Friday hours are 8
am 6p.m Saturdayhoursarcfla.m.
4 p m All mugs are handmade and
dishwasher safe All pnxTeds will
benefit the C iuitd's programs. This is
an excellent time to get nd of plastic
and styrofoam usage, and be gexxi to
Founders for Habitat for Humanity,
International, Millard & Linda Fuller,
will be guest speakers in Hendnx
Theatre at Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter. Mondav,October lSat7p.m. Free
to public Entitled, 'The Excitement is
Shidents for the Mother Earth will
meet Thursday, October 18 at 5:15
p m Place to be announced Everyone
is welcome.
The AHPAT will be offertxJ at Fast
Carolina University on Saturday,
November 10, 1990. Application
blanks are to be completed and mailed
to the Psychological Corp, 55 Aca-
demic Court, San Antonio, T 78204-
052. to arrive by October 12, 1990.
Application blanks are also available
at the Testing Center, Speight Build-
ing, Room 105, East Carolina Univer-
If vour life has been affected, past or
present by having been raised in a
home or environment where alcohol
orother dysfunctional behaviors wen1
present, join others like you each
Tuesday at 5 p.m. at the Counseling
Center in Wright Building, Room 312.
For more information, call: 77-673.
The ECU Black Alumni Chapter in-
vites you to our 4th Annual Home-
coming Pig Pickin on Friday,October
19,8 p.m. at the Pirate Club Register
on October 15 and 16 from 5 - 7 p.m.
at the student Organization Fkxith in
Mendenhall. Cost is $8 per person
The Wrestling Club will hold its 2nd
organizational meeting on Tuesday.
October 9, at Mendenhall Shident
from 5:30-6p.m. in Room 248located
on the second floor Anyone who is
interested in wrestling competitively
or just for the fun of is invited to
attend. For more informabon contact
Ansel Walden at 757-2489.
Meehng OctobeT 16,8 p.m. MSC 244
Officers meet 7:15pm
There will be a meeting on October 15
at Ragsdale 224 at 5:15 p.m. Don't
forget S5 dues.
School ot Art models needed tor
Figure Drawing classes: s M MWF
10-12 MW1 and 1 MWE contact
ConnieFolmer757 6563 fenkinsRne
Arts Main Office oi Iran Gordley,
Jenkins 1307 757-6259 Both Fall se-
mester and contii ring with greater
demand in the Spring semester with
varied hours
A program bvSui Landolphionsafe
sex will bepn'scnted Tuesday. Octo-
ber 16 at 8 p m. in Hendnx theatre
Sponsored by the Student Union Fo-
rum Committee
Friday at 4:00 p.m. for Tuesday's Edition
Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. for Thursday's Edition
1ST 25 WORDS: For students
For Non-students
Each additional word
$ 05
Please notify the paper immediately if your ad is incorrect. We will not be responsible
for incorrect ads after the first day of publication. We reserve the right to reject any
ad for libel, obsenity, andor bad taste. Fraternities and sororities MUST write out all
Greek letters. Students MUST have IDs to receive student rares. All ads must be
typed or neatly printed.
Each announcement may run twice free of charge After the second time, cost is:
1ST 25 WORDS. For students$2.00
For Non-students$3.00
Each additional word$ .05
All announcements must be typed or neatly printed Due to limited amount of space
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ments. It is not adviseable to rely on these announcements as a sole means of
Stye 2?a0t ?ar0liman
iflPHMI get involvedMth
HBlcHHi $tudetJ t-nm media.

h 9,1990
QHte ??aat (Earultntan
Soap Opera to air on WZMB
? Sheri I van ernigan
stjii Writer
soap opera about zom
. ioontoWZMB91 3
-t. i behind the weekly
v- concerns
. a wealthy busi-
1o proposed to Marilyn
- eat s vounger than he
Mai ilyn s grand
1 because ol the
nee and threatened Ri
im ttei nalcurseil they
he married
md Mai iK n wedded
? rats
? the) were in-
it il car accident.
tai tK and so did
md spirit; however
led to roam the
e eating human
llesh and blood to
nsin present day
? ?. ol Black Hill,
of Winston-Sa
isre ently
? tl his sec ond
Hunter ! lastings
mo ed t rom
vhen he broke
iti 666 ditter-
ent animals and the store man
Richard is now having
cravings again, and his wife
Audrey tries to eomtort and stop
him. Stubborn with his eating
habits. Richard hunts tor victims
Richard never loved Audrey
I le only married her because she
faithfully loved him anil acted as
his only confidante. Eventually,
growing sick at the sight ol her
drab face and shapeless body, he
will eat and replace her with
someone he loves.
Other main characters include
Ava Hunter. Audrey's young and
beautiful sister who secretly lusts
tor Richard Charles Grant,
Marilyn's brother who learned o(
Richard's(urse and is determined
to tmd and destroy him; Katherine
Phillips, the 20-year old
the Country Cottage restaurant
bar and also the reigning Miss
Black Hill 1990; Ibdd Anderson
(Catherine's fiance and a popular
rV anchor in Winston Salem
(ieorge Phillips, Katherine s father
,u alcoholic and a bisexual; and
Gladys Phillips, Katherine's
mother, a loyal housewife and de
vout Christian
Michael k. Harrison stars as
the zombie and is responsible lor
much (M the music editirjg and
sound ef fee is 1 larrisonsaysplay-
ing the zombie comes easy to him
because he has had main roles as
vampires in se eral other projet ts
lohn Rae, also playing at
twohara tors and the narrator
be ause ol his spec ial talent in im
personations is the production
manager 1 le organizes the whole
Sheri I lernigan performs tor
two parts, .is well, and is the re
ator and script writer She says
she wants to bring back radio
drama combined with classic
monster horror.
I larrison, Rae and lernigan
began discussions and work on
DEADH( )PI Sabc utamonthago
Iheir tirst recording session be
gan Sept 28
1 larrison sa) s It's taking
much longer to make one episode
than I thought it would 1 hope
we can cot things wrapped up in
Rae designed a schedule
which shows about toiu promo
tion commercials airing on WZMB
throughout tober and the pilot
episode airing I
I or more
two separate characters, one being VVZMB91
New Star Trek begins fourth season
Mii hael Harrison
et (.enera-
? .d 'he air-
t h siasn n
Iepie ious
is taptain
i1 a ed b 1iakes iates
, i r vrusher
? ormna
. . .Engineer
A'esk irusher,
MiHi ael Dom
? , t Wort
Shakespeare Company said, It
seems improbable tor someone ol
my background to be involved in
the series, but the episodes are
relationship-oriented dramas with
a classic epic feel
1 he only east members who
were generally known b the
public before the series began were
1 eVar Burton, who played Kunta
Kinte in the monumental I'
mini series "Roots nd Will
Wheaton, who has a major role in
the successful box office motion
picture "Stand By Me
"The Next Generation takes
plaee 85 years after the time ol
Captain Kirk and Mr Spock. I he
Enterprise is all new and holds
overl 000 personnel. "heKlingons
have now pined the Federation ol
Planets, but new enemies the Borg
and the Ferengi have provided a
Romulans ai
time to time t
t on pan
replac ement I he
? still iround from
? ? ?? uble as well.
ions between 1 he
i ? ? thi irici
et i .i nerati
nal Stai I n t ? ion - rics
starring WilliamShatner, Leonard
Nimo and Deforest Kelle) hap
pened frecjuenth almost inces-
santh among tans ,nd c ntic s
when I he Next G ratioi be
can in thcfallol 87 I lowever, the
comparisons have abated some
what in more recent months.
Patrick Stewart has proved him-
selt to be a worthv successor as
captain ol the Enterprise and
( omm Riker is most capable et
handling his duties even it he is
im t from time to tune Mean-
while, I t. Data an android, pro
vides a fresh hildlike i uriosit)
See Star Trek page 8
Prolessor" Peter Schickele and the rest of the ?? "? ?Antigua" v perl ihiei rhe
intimate PDQ Bach comedy spool next Monday night in Wright Auditorium
Comic musical group
terf orms Monday at ECl
Paramount buys professor's first novel
By Paw Futrell
: he 1 ast Carolinian
tx ? gisan English
r at I astarolina Uni-
me people
t ki is that he is also a
. irs has tirst novel,
?en ' whichhas
ed the most original,
md wonderfully
?vel ever to come
fail a
Is usuall) don't Ao
it sales figures tor this
, , ? ?, client
i enough copies that
ibleday Dell Publish-
. ht the rights to
. paperback. Paperback
so well that Para-
mount pictures bought the rights
to make it into a motion picture
The movie has gone into pro
duction, and should be out next
summer. Even though his first
novel has done so well, he doesn t
want to stop there
He is also part of a book en
titled "Perfect bios; Golf Short
Stones" that is in stores now 1 he
book has sold more copies on
hardback than "The Rub ol the
Green and is also being sold in
His second novel is due out
soon. Although the book has
nothing to do with golf, it is sure to
be )ust as exhilarating and well
written as the first one.
When asked who or what in
spired him to write "The Rub of
the Green he simply said, "the
loveoi thi . ai
1 love the .mi u s an hitec
ture, the greenness, the landsc apes
and its toughness I lallberg said
People ma) wonder how a
well known author has time to be
an English professor
1 caching is m m ijor sou re e
o( inc ome, and I love to le ach. I
write in the evenings, on week
ends when the kids are asleep
Plus 1 m an insomniac and that
helps me have more time to write,
Hallberg states
Hallberg not only writes
books, he is also a contributing
' nterto 'Golf"magazine Hehas
interviewed and played golf with
such stars as Michael (ordan and
Vice President Pan Quayle
He hasdates to play with Sean
See Novel page 9
ECL News Hureau
.C Museum of Art features
late Czechoslovakia's traveling
photography exhibition
rountrysides and cityscapes o(
rhe Intimate P D Q Bach a
spirited spool of serious music
presented b Professor Peter
Schickele, will be staged at E( I
Monday, Oct. 15, at 6 p m in
Wright uditorium
The P D.Q bach concert tea
turing Prof. Schikele and the
'semi Pro Musica Antiqua in
music by the fie ti i al Gen
composer, inaugurates the
91 season ol EC I 's Performing
Ms Series
Music to be performed at the
concert was reportedly composed
b) one P.D.Q. Bach UB07 1742?),
identified b) Schickele as "the last,
least and oddest' ol lohann
Sebastian bach s main musical
children and "history 's most justi
fiabh neglected composer
Works on theOct 15 program
include "Excerpts from the Little
Notebook for'Piggy' bach 1 our
1 olkSong I psettings for mezzo,
devious instruments and piano
(' 1 ittle bunny Hop Hop Hop.
Oft of an E'en Ere Night Is Nigh
He Game I i '? ?
ai I
1 Vie" I the Gold
for piano two hands and
Besides Sc hicl
semble includes 'n ?
prano i ana Kruej :
Peti r
Stage" William Walters i
hand) stagehand Hal -
Peter n. hickeh ; i
his unflaggingly inforn
lustrated lecture- and "
tions to each work ensures that
the audience will ht able to .vith
stand everything from tl e
ing batatelle to the final fulh
staged opera.
Aclassic alb ti iii ed musician
ancj comj studied al
Swarthmoreollege and the
ulliardSchtxlol M m? Schic kele
"discovered P D.Q Bach s music
25yearsagoand haspresented his
whimsicalbuffoonerx atcampuses
and concert halls throughout
North Ameri iu in Europe 1 lis
wacky musical intics h.e
ijcas! ' n and radio
ted by I ' ? jl
ans ohnn Cai "hers
Brotl I Garrison KeiHoi
5 - j . . B ??? h music
I beer rev orded on
eral relarc and v. inguard al-
bums, including A 1 ittle Night-
marcMusk " Vurstofr.DQ
Bac h and Music You c an t Get
cut - t Your i id rhe relarc re-
cording of the dubiouscomposer s
17120vertureandOther Musical
, ilts wonaGrammy ward
t omed Recordingot lUsu
S hickelc s Definitive Biography
of P.D.Q Bach has been publisheo
m English by Random 1 louse. New
i ork. and in a later C ,erman edi-
See Comic pane 9
H ill Doczi
Special to The I J-i Carolinian
rhe North Carolina Museum
in Raleigh will exhibit 220
I white photographs by
ceased zechoslovakian
? osel Sudek, from October
j ugh December 30,1990
! he retrospe five exhibit,
: .set sudek, Poet of Prague
? gi iph) 1911-1976, is the
irgesl and most comprehensive
travi ling exhibition of his photo-
iphs in the U S.
Sudek, who wasinfluenced by
19th centuryzech landscape
nters, chose topics in his imme-
diate environment to photograph
ii : exi - rimenl with
Manv of Sudek's subjects are
( zechoslovakia. Heexperimented
with light and taking photographs
of the same objects during differ
ent seasons and times of day
Sudek was born in 1896 in
Koin, Czechoslovakia and he was
introduced to photography while
working as an apprentice book-
After loosing his right arm in a
grenade injury during World W ar
I, he became a professional pho-
The exhibition was organized
by the Alfred Stieglitz (enter of
the Philadelphia Museum of Art
and it received funding through
the National Endowment for the
See Photography page 9
Harvest Time
As the temperatures drop and
Halloween slaughter
Jill Ch?rry ECU Photo Lab
the days get shorter this batch of ack o-lantern fodder prepares for the
Coming Up
WRQR Comedy Zone
Movie Roger and Me
Movie Pretty Woman
Movie Pretty Woman
Tree Huggers
Movie Pretty Woman
Dead Night
Movie Honey, I
Shrunk the Kids

uUje ?nat (Earoltntan October 9,1990
This Week in Film
Box office hit 'Pretty Woman' makes
premiere at Hendrix this weekend
This week tho Student I nion films Committee and Hendrix
Theatre presents three unforgettable movies about relationships ot
all kinds Wednesday night's "Roger and Me" is a controversial, up-
close-and-personal documentary about big-business America and
hard times going down in the city ot Hint, Michigan.
Screening on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week's feature
tilm is "Pretty Woman" starring Rnhard Cere and lulia Roberts.
'Pretty Woman" explores the relationships between power, love
and money.
rheSunday movie this week is I loney, I Shrunk the Kids which
deals with family-size relationships in a highlv entertaining movie
tor all ages
Roger and Me is written, produced and directed by the rebel-
lious filmmaker Michael Moore It deals with the automobile plant
closings in Hint, Michigan, which is. ironically, not only the birth-
place ot General Motors, but also Moore's hometown.
The "funny business begins w lien Moore and his crew attempt
to track down C ,M chairman Roger Smith in order to interview him
about the goings on in Flint Hut corporate chairmen have a way ot
making themselves scarce, especially whenthe) know they're about
to be nailed to the w all rhe chase leads from a fanc acht club to
hotels in ew i ork c it
1 his movie was a hit land the cause ot much controversy) at the
ew ork Toronto, Vancouver andTelluride Film Festivals. It is at
the same time compassionate and ruthless insightful and daring.
and packed full ot Moore's wr humor.
It s an unforgettable movie about a little guy putting big business
on the run Don t miss Roger and Me
This summer's hit romantic corned) 'Pretty Woman" will have its
Hendrix fTieatredebut ITiursday, Oct. 18 and will run until Satur
da i.Vt 20 rhe setting of this modern day fairv tale is among the
bright lights of the big city 1 lollywood
Richard Cere I American Gigolo I gives his best performance
ever as a suave, millionaire genius who plays corporate hardball
and never loses luha Roberts(' Mystic Pizza "Steel Magnolias
and Hatliners I stakes her claim as the star of the '?His
I ler role as a tree spirited, unpredictable call girl is as endearing
as it is sew Roberts w on an Oscar nomination tor her role in "Steel
In Trett Woman she proves she is deserving by delivering a
heart warming and pulse-quickening performance. Thistilm
has been described as touching tender and sew and as "a love
storv that works
Directed Marshall and featuring Ralph Bellamy I lector
Elizondo and Laura San Giacomo, I'retu Woman isanunforget
table tale which proves that "the best things m life and love have
nothing to do with inone
Rounding out this week in mo ies is the wonderful storv ot a
would-be inventor who accidentally reduces his (and his neighbor's)
kids to a height of one-quarter inch and then tries to find them in the
new gargantuan backyard Rick Moranisgivesa hilarious portrayal
of the bumbling and desperate lather, while the young actors
(Robert Oliveri, arcd Rushton, Thomas Brown and Ann O'Neill)
provide strong and competent performances.
Fun special effects and an outrageous sense 't humor make this
movie the perfect source ot Sunday entertainment for adults and
students, as well as children I loney I Shrunk the Kids" isa mo ie
that is enjoyable to all ages
Roger and Me" will screen Wednesday Oct. 1" at 8:00 p.m
Pretty Woman will beshown fhursday through Sunday, Oct 18
and Oct. 20. Show times are at tH and w iHl p.m onl'hursdav, and
8:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturda)
I loney, I Shrunk the Kids w ill air at 2:00 p.m. and at 8:00 p.m
on Sunday, Oct 2) Admission is free with valid ECL student I.D.
and Activity Sticker and one guest is permitted tree of charge.
I or more information, please call the Student Union Office at 757
4715 or the Central Ticket Office, Mendenhall Student Center, 757
4788 fheStudentl nionFi!ms ommittee would like to thank East
. oast Music and Video for its cooperation in reviewing these
mo ies
B I isj ljru- lornigjn
Bits and Pieces
Traffic in West Berlin grows worse
West Berlin traffic has increased and is expected to grow worse,
officialssav Hie mi rease in East c lerman trattK is due to better and
v heaper goods in the western part of the now open city Cars are
gainingpurt hasingpopularity Eachda over600carsareregistered
m West Berlin Over the next I months officials expect numbers to
double to 1 3 million
Economy headed for sharp decline
Most economists say the economy w ill suffer a sharp decline in the
fourth quarter 1990 Nineof the l5economic forecasters surveyed
b USATODA already sa the economy is in a recession. The other
six experts sa the economy is near a recession or is so weak that
debate is irrelevant recession is a long period of flat or declining
onomic acti it
Lexus, Toyota's thief buster on job
Ibyota s luxury line 1 exus is getting mileage out of its trkk
locks Inside Edition" called the LS400thehardestcartosleai in the
L SA Newsweek said 50 New Yorkers cheered when a tow crew
took more than an hour to break into an IS 400 Lexus locks have
shields against Sim lim picks, hard-to-copv keys and inside
switches to keep away coat hangers
Black proves third popular car color
Black is the third most popular I S vehicle color, passing blue and
grav in the spirts, compact, truck and minivan classes, says a Du
Pontsurvey of l989models Bright red is the top sportsand compact
color, white is the top color tor trucks, mnmans, luxury, full, and
niid-sie cars Up-and-coming teal, turquoise and bright yellow
Glass top cars avoid heat buildup
C &C lnc of Brighton, Mich . says it has a glass root that can be
raised or lowered in cars as it thev are being driven. Another C&C
glass top has a retractable, opaque inner "headhner" with a sun-
sensor That wav. it the sun comes out after parked, the headhner
c -loses to avoid heat buildup rhe product is expected to be available
tor mass production with '93 model year vehicles.
Star Trek
Continued from page 7
about the habits of humans, and
the telepathic counselor, Deanna
Trot, gives the show an added
humanistic feel by helping to
soothe anxieties aboard the ship
during emergencies.
Although The Next Genera-
tion is a success, fans ind critics
remember that the original "Star
Trek" was never a big commercial
triumph during its 1966 beginning.
Network programmers consid-
ered cutting the show from their
program line-up in '68. Once word
of this motion circulated, a mas
sive letter-writing campaign saved
the show from cancellation Star
Trek" did not have a large audi-
ence at the time, but it had a loyal
one. BC programmers telt one
more season of "Star Trek' should
be profitable with such loyal sup
porters, but the programmers gave
up anyway after one more year
Speculators said "Star Trek"
had come onto the networks at the
wrong time. The country was
suffering from Vietnam. "Star
Trek" wasopenlv optimistic about
the future when the public as a
whole did not feel optimistic about
many things at all.
"Star Trek" was not raw vio
lence, a format that was almost
always successful, and did not sa-
tiate the country's hunger tor es-
capists entertainment. Shows like
"The Tartndge Familv" and The
"Brady Bunch" did that It was
only until "Star Trek" was can
celled and entered off-network
syndication that it became a com-
mercial success, a success big
enough to spawn five high-budget
box office motion pictures.
When considering science tu
tion programming for television.
hardly a decent production ever
hit the airwaves. The mini-series
"V" and its sequel -The Final
Battle both from NBC. were
enormously popular with the
viewing public. But 'V as a
weekly television series was a gross
production, lookup sickenlv un-
der budget with inexpensive
looking sets and simplistic writing.
Within a few telecasts V-The
Series' established itself as a
children's show much like I ost
in Space did a number of years
When news was released that
Star Trek" was coming back to
television as a weekly series, the
first question asked was whether
the original cast would becoming
back. The answer of course was
no, and the outcry from tans was
enormous. Networks short
changed science fiction shows
making them cheap children's
programming or something so
terrible that all would wonder how
the series was ever approved tor
production in the first place
Networks also shortchanged
the shows in the literal sense ot
budgeting. During Star
Trek's'run in the '60s, its weekly
budget was $20,000 less than an-
other show at the time that was
enormously popular. "Mission
Impossible a program that did
not have to have virtually all of its
setsand scenery built from scratch.
'star Trek" was embedded in
the minds of tans as a production
rich in quality, the stuff legends
are made of, as tar as thev were
concerned Plans tor a new series
would likely destroy the high
quality image of "StarTrek Soon
talk circulated ot actually bo) cott-
mg the new show
"Star Trek's" creator (lene
Roddenberry had a difficult time
with NBC officials while making
the original series "1 was doing
this strange thing that network
people didn't particularly like.
he said Thev weren't sure it I was
writing for kids or adults, and
wasn't it faintly communisti
Network brass in the '60s told
Roddenberry that noonebut white
males would be appropriate on
the Enterprise bridge
Roddenberry fought the networks.
however, insisting that women be
allowed on the bridge of the ship
and even placed a black female as
the communications officer Net
work officials cried that viewers
would bombard them with hate
mail tor dome, such a thing
Roddenberry held his ground,
though, and years later said not
one such letter ever arrived
Roddenbeny learned fi
past headaches with B
Trek The Next General
presently the ?!? - i biggest
first-run syndi atu n
Fortune" and Jeopar I
numbers one and I ?
ently, the i onsiden d I
among tans was um i ?
Next ienerati i
also been applauded f I
anil tasteful stones, ri h i
nation and character Lik
original show Roddenbt rr
not steer from contrcn et ilto
like civil rights Roddenl errys
"Unless we sho k md
people we re not doing
Let the Student Union Travel Committee
take you to:
Hawaii Bahamas Cruise
for New Years over Spring Break
Dec 2Jan 4 March 9-15
only $1125 onlv$-f9
New York
over Thanksgiving
Nov. 21-25
onlv $119
Sign up nowl For more information call T-HiS or stop by
the Central Ticket Office in Mendenhall Student Center.
Pi ?- - ' in Cxi il ii it irii ?'
Helen Smith
Monotypes Paintings
M- Works by 1 ? ?
Opening Deception Tue&, Oct.
in Mendenhall Gallery.
j ?
Department Oi
fcesiocnt education
Accept ZUt Challenge
lak tCfje Commitment
?0 ucceco
Be A Resident Advisor
All new applicants should attend an organizational meeting on one of the toilowing dates, times, and places.
October 8
Greene Hall Lobby 4:00 pm
Tyler Hall Lobby 4:00 & 7:00 pm
October 9
Umstead Hall Lobbv 4:00 pm
White Hall Lobby 4:15 pm
Cotten Hall Lobby 7:00 pm
October 15
Fletcher Basement 7:00 pm
For information, contact the department of Resident Education in 100-A Fletcher Residence Hall,
757-6100 or any residence hall office.
Application Deadline: October 17, 1990

Cghe gaBt (EaroHnian October 9, 1990
Continued from page 7
, nrurv in I Ofldotl and M tress
k.ithliHMi Tumor He just tin
h?f an Interview with I her) 1
add of "Charlie's Angels" tame,
.shich will bo m the lanuar is
sue (f "Golf" magazine
I'hrmigh his su cesses as an
uithcr. an Interviewer ot the
stars, and even an English pro
snt Hallberg iKx not con
? himself as ,1 st,ir tr a ta-
YUv people 1 meel and in-
?u are stars thej arc up
re .nd I'm dov n here he
us Even though he Ihinksthis
. n he is a ?-tar in people's
v hi' read his work Ami
- William Hallberg pets
I 't giving people his auto
i he'll realize il I
Meet the
Queen Can-
dictates Tues
Oct. 16 at
2:15 on The
75H-HI , T
Continued from page 7
A nativeoi Amos. Iowa, who
now resides in Brooklyn, PeteT
Schickele developed his flair tor
music parody during his torn
wars when ho organized a band
to perform piko (ones style sal
iros (it classical music When not
on "Intimate P.D.Q Bach" tours
or 'discovering moreP.D.Q Bach
works. 5( tin kele devotes his tome
to serious composing and musical
rickets to the I' D Q Bach
Con ort.Ho.nailablotrom thol t I
Central Ik kit Office in Menden-
ha!l Studententer tor $15 each
tor the general publk SI1 tor tar
ulty and Staff and S tor students
and youth Alsoon sale are tu kots
tor the entire it? wont Perform
ing Arts Sj-rios season or one's so
lection of seven of the lOprograms
lukot ordors may bo placed
In mail addrcssCTO,Mcndenhall
Studententer, E U, Greenville,
( 27858orb) phone919)757
4788ortoll free 1 S.H E I ARTS
Major bank ards are a ccpted
PhOtOgraphy Continued from page 7
I'lii't.igraphs voio iin I tided
from the Museum t I nrativc
Arts Prague the Philadelphia
Museum ol rt and private collec-
I ho Northarolina Museum
ot rt is low atod at 2110 Blue Ridge
: in Kaloh'h Museum hours
aro " 1X1 a m 1I'?' p m i uesday
through Saturda 9:00 a m 9:00
P m 1 nda and 1 00 p m 5 :00
pin Sunda
fhen hargc for admis
sion and more information is
availablobv allinc(919)8 13 1935
"Mack The Knife" in a Musical Masterpiece
THREEPENNY OPERA - October 17, 18, 19, 20 and 22
A Rousing Romantic Comedy
THE RAINMAKER - November 30, December 1. 3 and 4
Beth ("Crimes of the Heart") Henley's Hbcky Family Caper
THE WAKE OF JAMEY FOSTER - February 15, 16, 18 and 19
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olhg grant (Untaiinmn
October 9,1990
Southern Miss
defeats ECU, 16-7
By Doug Morris
Sports Editor
Great football teams need
more than jiist great players and
great coaching. It takes emotion to
win the crucial games, something
the Pirates lacked in their 16-7 loss
to the Golden Eagles oi Southern
Mississippi this Saturday.
"I think our football team
played hard, but they didn't play-
well said ECU head coach Bill
Lewis. I had the feeling that we
played the entire first half with ab-
solutely zero emotion, and it's a
game that requires emotionand
as a result we really didn't make
anything happen
The Tirate offense was
plagued by mistakes and the inabil-
ity to get first downs, converting
only 11 times for the game. Junior
quarterback left Blake also had a
disappointing game, passing 30
times for only 13 completions and
two interceptions.
The Pirateoffense was played
poorlv, but it was the Tirate defense
that kept thegameascloseasit was.
Robert lones had an outstanding lr
tackles with one interception and
one fumble recovery. George
Koonce also had a gixxl day with 12
The Pirates received the
game's opening kick-off, but were
unable to gain a first down, and
after three downs, punted the ball
totheGoldon Eagles. Junior tailback
Tony Smith returned the ball 32
yards to the 50 yard line for South-
ern Miss before he was brought
down bv senior defensive end R.l
Southern Miss took the ball
and drove down into the endone
in 10 plavs with one fourth down
conversion to make the score 7-0,
with 8:45 left in the first quarter
luinor Jim Taylor kicked ofl
(or the Golden Eagles to the Pirates
runningback David Daniels, who
fumbled the ball but Dion Johnson
recovered returning it one yard to
the 20-yard line.
The Pirates began an 11 -play
four-minute drive to the 34-yard
line. Junior John Jet t punted theball
into the end zone to end the Pirates
See Fooftball. page 12
Pirates' senior safety Ernest Tynes tackles Golden Eagles junior tailback Tony Smith to keep him from scoring on third and goal from the
eight-yard line Unfortunately, after a delay of game penalty against USM. the Golden Eagles scored a field goal making the score USM 16-
ECU 7. putting the game out of the Pirates' reach
South Carolina facts:
Home: Columbia, S.C.
Nickname: Gamecocks
Mascot: Cocky
Enrollment: 26,435
Colors: Garnet and Black
Stadium: Wiliams Bride (72,400)
1989 Record: 6-4-1
Head Coach: Sparky Woods
USC Record: 9-5-1
Carrecr Record: 47-24-3
Returning Lettermen: 46
Retaining Starters: 1 1
Series: USC leads 7-0
An inside look

1990 Schedile:
Va. lechW35-24
Georgia Techlh-27
ECU(At 13
CitadelOct. 20
.C.StateOct. 27
Florida StateNov. 3
Southern IllinoisNov. 10
ClemsonNov. 17
West VirginiaNov. 22
Pirate soccer team
blasted by Tribe
Larle'sPick: ECU 27-USC21
East Carolina vs SovitrtCarolina
By Matt Mumma
st.itt Writer
Afterbi gii rtingea a ?
impressively against St Andrew s
and VS illiam and Mar) the I
so aT team folded w ith
warning incacl - ?? ? ? - aiid
allowed a tota I i als.
Both St. ndrewsand Wil-
iam and Mary scoi ithin the
first minute ? I ? i nd half ol
er k' -
to a
any 1 lerrmann's
? lefense
ingest one
ByEarle McAuley
Assistant Sports Editor
rhe struggling Pirates will be kxking for upset overSouth C arolina.
rhe Pirates will beheading into Williams-BnceStadium onSaturda)
to face the Gamecocks of South Carolina. The Pirates haw had a lot ot
trouble with the Cocks since the series began in 1977.
I CLhasbeen unable to earn a single victoryfin seven meetings. After
amassing a 14-3 lead in the first quarter of last years' contest, the 1 frates
faltered and the Gamecocks came alive and out-scoring the Pirates 43-0
in the final thav quarters.
The Gamecocks are coached by Sparkv Woods, who is in his second
year and has a record of 9-5-1. Woods was formerly head coach art
Appalachain State University where he compiled a 38-19-2 record from
When the Pirates enter into C olumbia they will be without the
help of several players. Senior defensive vno Ernie Logan .md
sophomore safety lVrm k 1 ields are bom still out; Logan is oul for the
remainder of the season.
A few other players are currently listed as questionable tor
Saturdays game, luruor linebacker Adrian Bamhill did not dress
against Southern Mississippi last week due to a shoulder injury but
may see some action. SentordefensivetackleReevesSpainhourisalso
questionable due to a shoulder injury. Also, junior fullback Michael
Rhett is currently suffering from an ankle injury.
1 ooking ahead to the iamecocks, they have 11 starters returning.
five on offensive and six on defense. In all thev have 4b lettermen
rhe mam loss tor the (Iamecocks wasat die quarterback positk
See Inside , page 12
Swimmers determine rankings in Penthalon
By Christine Wilson
Staff Writer
Two ECU swimmers started
the season Thursday by setting
new pentathlon records.
Senior George Walters broke
his own 100-yard backstroke pen-
tathlon record of 56.20 seconds.
Freshman Lance Tate set a new
pentathlon 100-yard breast stroke
record of one minute flat, tweak-
ing the old of 1:01.23 set by
Raymond Kennedy in 1988.
Manv great performances
came from seniors Danny
Martinez and Tom Moisten
Martinez and Holsten came within
tenths of a second from the 100
vard bdtterfly record. Freshman
Julie Wilhelm came two seconds
off the 200 vard individual med-
ley record and one second from
the 100 yard backstroke record
I ia Pardue also came one second
from breaking the 100 vard but-
terfly record.
(n the pentathlon competition,
each swimmer competes against
one another for preliminary
standings. The swimmers compile
points to rank first through fifth
positions. First place for the men
M Cherry - fcCU Photo lab
Freshman Jaqueline Fiber warms up Thursday in preparation for the teams annual pentathalon The event
determines the preliminary rankings to see which swimmers travel to away meets, and allows coach Rick Kobe
to get an idea of how well his swimmers will perform in the year
went to Holsten with 3,261 points.
Second went to Tate with 2,700
and third to junior Derek Nelson
with 2,659. Senior Ted Christensen
took fourth with 2.A71 and senior
ohnLambrakis finished fifth with
2,210 points.
For the women, Wilhelm took
first scoring 3,412 points. Second
went to junior transfer Paula Texel
with 2565 and third to senior
Meredith Bndgers with 2.457.
Sophomore Tia Pardue took forth
with 2,3e5 and sophomore
Suzanne O'Brien finished fifth
with 2,285 points
Stewart Esposito,
undergraduate assistant for the
team,savs, The pentathlon helps
to break up the monotony. It's
kind of like a place marker. It
helps to see where each swimmer
Coach Rick Kobe said that the
overall performance was impres
"The pentathlon went well
he said. "1 saw some super perfor-
mances out there today. The sea
son is looking good
The Purple and Gold swim
meet is Thursday, Oct. 18, at 4 p.m.
Both the men's and women's
teams open conference action Nov.
3 against James Madison in
Harrisonburg, Va.
a 7-0 win for V illiam n
Man E rd fell to 4-9-1
and remained fei
i ? pla
oe i lerrmann, a stead)
plaver and dri ing forci r th
Pirates,wastl ratetoscoi
in both games v had a
gamesakiE( I coachBobLust
E L also out shot St
Andrew si 2-11 but failed tocome
away with a win X Hir ?
wasn't properly prepared said
Lust alter the game
Against St ndrews
Pirates came out stn i . kii
tor revenge after last year's
loss despite outshooting the
kme.hts?1 K I had throeeaHv
ilsopiav eo w
? mil
ing up I
Inthesecond halt,how. v i r
I thi
swered .
? : ; : ' lliani
Mary hurv
ind Mary, coming ofi a big vi
win L M
? I imr
- ; ?- kshad beaten
ft I - ? kr
rhe rat ? ? la
solid 45 minutes tra
halt mu? h like ' nd
game Mistakes " turned
the ball ova nd ?'? illiam and
Man, scored five more firm
the game.
Weplayed well for a v i
but against William and Man
ii . mistake islethal u p.
them with said 1 ust
William a I ' lary recorded 25
shots on coal to ECL 's 5.
ser-y ECU Photolac I
Joe Herrmann attempts to steal the ball from a St Andrews player The j
Pirates lost to St Andrews 4-1 despite outshooting them 12-11

Olrje Ea0t (Carolinian October 9, 1990 11
Sports Briefs
Continued from page 10
Fittipaldi triumphs over Mears
Emerson Fittipaldi averaged 112.70 mph as he outdueled Rick
Mears in the Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix on Sunday.
?1 Unser Jr captured his first CART PPG Cup championship
despite crashing hard midway through the 200-lap event at Penn-
sylvania International Raceway
I nser. 28. was taken to a hospital in Faston, Pa tor a precau-
tionary CAT scan on his head after he walked away from a three-car
crash with what CART doctors called a mild concussion
iwr a second-generation Indv car star, had onlv to finish
sixth or better to clinch the $400,000 season championship, but he
still won the title with one race remaining when Michael Andretti,
the only driver with a chance of catching him, fought handling
problems and wound up fifth
Allison holds off Shepherd for win
Davey Allison taking advantage ot Bill Elliott's tire troubles
,ith ust over 100 miles left, held off Morgan Shepherd to capture
Mello N. elk) 500 Winston ("up Stock-car race at Charlotte Motor
dv, a on Sunday
it was the second ictory of the season for Allison, who boat
herd by ; 4 seconds Allison averaged 137.375 mph in a race
that featured 14 lead changes among 10 drivers. There were si
. autions tor 38 laps
Sacks enjoys first stock car victory
sterling Marhn passed (-reg Sacks with six laps to go for his first
ireer Buscn (.rand National Series victory in Saturday's All Pro
? ;ito Parts MM) stcx"k car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
Becker defeats Edberg in Open
Second seeded Boris Becker defeated fop seeded Stefan Edbefg
I 7-4), h 4,6 4 in the final of the Australian Indoor championship
Navratrolova wins Nokia Masters
Martina ,r. ratilo a beat lana Novotna fj-2, 6-1 in the final ot
Nokia Masters on Sunday
Athletics lead Red Sox 2-0 in series
Maybe Babe Ruth still has a curse on the Boston Red Sox, and
.he not But the Oakland Athletics sure do
? Welch shut down the Red Sox for 7 1-3 innings and IVnms
? rsley finished them off Sunday night as the Athletics won 4 1
I 2-0 lead in the American League playoffs
Two days, two wins tor the Athletics l"hev won their eighth
? ghl postseason game
too little talent for the Red Sox, apparently They tied a record
their sixth straight loss in the playoffs, including a four-game
? p against the Athletics in W8S
Once again, Boston hung tough They led earlv. as thev did in
irday night's w 1 loss, but again the Red Sox bullpen could not
Id it
i laroid Barnes RBI grounder put (Jakland ahead in the seventh
IOakland added two runs in the ninth tor insurance.
Wek h. a 27 game winner in the regular season, held Boston to
nm on tour hits Eckerste) escaped a bases loaded jam in the
by striking out Dwight Evans on three pitches
I he serifs resumes today in Oakland, where the Athletics are
? (he same r? ord the fed Sox were at Fenway. Mike Moore (13-
?) will pitch against Boston's Mike Boddickef (17-8).
ECU Briefs
Cross Country wins in Fayetteville
? f( ! ross( (inntrv team travelled to hivetville last Satur
ompete in the Methodistollege
1 he wi?mens team managed to come away with a second place
finish they were led bv Anne Mane Welch who finished first
rail with a time of 18:29 Pawn Tillson turned in her best time
if the 199 i 9ea? ?t,2(? 27and (ifetchert I larlev turned in the best time
of her career
The men's team, led bv Ricky Chann who finished with a time
? 29.03, was able to pull out its first overall victory of the season
.hadwi. k and kvleulhyanalsoturned ingocxl timesof 2s?:08
md 29:12 respectively
( ur men usually havelittle trouble with the men from
Methodist but we pulled it out today. " said ECU assistant coach
' harles Justice "The times turned in don't show how really well we
men ran This is because the course was so hilly and tough; strength
? Important' continued Justice
' n t 13 head coach ohn Welbom and Justice will escort
Welch lo the State Cross Country Championships.
ECU's McLamb wins tournament
(?'(s on McLamb advanced to the finals of the Old Dominion
lenms Invitational on Sunday and took the win over hisSt John's
opponent to-3, to 1
1 he Pirate's number one and two player's were unsuccessful in
the first round last Saturday Mc lamb started to turn it around for
the f'irates with a victory over ("lenient from the University if
Richmond to 1,63 McLamb Continued with a victory over Cohen
from ld Dominion 6-1, to 4
Andre Moreau followed McLamb's victory by defeating
korhnerrof William and Mary hi, 75 Oft Saturday However, he
was defeated on Sunday by Slang of St Johns 4-to, 1-h.
Pommy Mt I tonald fell lo Matui of St lohns In the first round
with a store oi " 6, 6
amille 1 luisman won a mate h'against Williams from William
and Maryb-1,6-2 Huisman later fell to Virginiaommenwealth s
I pin 7 5,to, 4-to Smith of the 1 niversitv of Richmond defeated
John Hudson -4, 7 to
The F'irates will compete next weekend at the Wake Forest
ullegiate Tournament
nmpiltd from Sport Informtlum Hflf?
The Golden Eagles started
with the ball on their own 20-yard
line and drove for only 15 yards in
eight plays. USM ended their pos-
session with a 40 yard kick to John
son, who called for a fair catch
The Pirates'possession would
not last long. Thev could not gain
enough yards for a first down, so as
the second quarter started, lett
punted to Smith at the 25-yard line
Roth teams traded possession
until theh:43 mark of the half, when
ECU blocked a 4(Hard field goal
attempt by USM
For the remainder of the tirst
half, the Golden Eagles and the Pi
rates traded the ball back and forth
The Pirates kicked off to the
Golden Eagles to start the second
half. USM got a first down off a
four-vard run because ot an
unsportsmanlike conduct penaltv
called against ECU On the follow
ing plav, senior Brett
Favre fumbled the ball and lories
recovered tor the Pirates
The Pirates were again un
able tii convert and Jett ku ked the
Kill to the Golden Eagle 2 V Thebal!
was returned 11 yards by Smith to
the 4 yard line
The Pirates stopped the
Golden lagle drive and forcing a
punt, but the ball was called back
because of a roughing the kicker
penalty against ECU. USM then
look the ball down to the Pirates
15-yard line in seven plays setting
upa 12 yard fieldgoal by Junior Jim
Iaylor. making the store 10-0.
In the Pirates' next sequence,
thev gained 85 yards to score their
onlv touchdown of the game with
$59 left in the third quarter, making
the score 10-7.
i Vtensive back Terry I L liner
received the ball tor the- Golden
Eagles at the five yard line and re
turned it J1 yards to the I IS!W $6
The (iolden Eagles moved the ball
to the 45 in six plays until Favre
threw an interception to ones with
4-1 so. onds left in the quarter.
The quarter ended with E( I
still ui p'ssc ssion ot the ball. Ivo
plav s mto the fourth quarter, Blake
threw a desperation pass into the
endone that vas intercepted by
I sm s senior free safety Kerry
! he (Iolden Eagles began to
move the ball once again and got to
the V?-vard line, but Smith tumbled
to the Pirates to transfer possession
again ECU did not capitalize on
the mistake and the Pirates were
forced to punt again
M took the ball and in ten
plays, drove L'2 yards to the EC!
yard line before the Pirates finally
stopped them. USM capitalized un
the long drive, with ! avh r kicking
a 22-yard held goal to make the
store 1 Vuith Wlettmthegame
I s1 kicked ott to the Pirates
and junior runningback Dion John-
son dropped the ball, allowing the
( ,olden Eagles' defensive end. KckI
Reed to recover Once again. I si
was able to capitalize, with raylor
booting another field goal rhisone
from21 vardsout, bringing the si ore
to 16-7 with 250 left in the game
After two quick changes of
possession, EC U began a last des-
peration drive toward the endone
USM stopped thednve when senior
cornerback Ben Washington inter-
cepted to end the game
I ewissaid that there werestill
things that the team needed to learn.
'When it's a i lose game, a game
that's going to go down to the wire,
were still searching tor what we
have SO do as a football team lo ? in
those games he said
an Buren said that the Pi-
rates need t gam confidence in
their abilities leexplained )nce
we understand what we have, then
1 believe we are going to realize we
have a great team
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glhe gaet gLaroUnian OcToggg9. 1990 11
Sports Briefs
Continued from page 10
Fittipaldi triumphs over Mears
Emerson Fittipaldi averaged 112.70 mph as he outdueled Rick
Mears in the Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix on Sunday.
Al Unser Jr. captured his first CART PPG Cup championship
despite crashing hard midway through the 200-lap event at Penn-
sylvania International Raceway.
Unser, 28, was taken to a hospital in Easton, Pa for a precau-
tionary CAT scan on his head after he walked away from a three-car
crash with what CART doctors called a mild concussion.
Unser, a second-generation Indy-car star, had only to finish
sixth or better to clinch the $400,000 season championship, but he
still won the title with one race remaining when Michael Andretti,
the only driver with a chance of catching him, fought handling
problems and wound up fifth.
Allison holds off Shepherd for win
Davey Allison, taking advantage of Bill Elliott's tire troubles
with just over 100 miles left, held off Morgan Shepherd to capture
the Mello Yello 500 Winston Cup stock-car race at Charlotte Motor
Speedway on Sunday.
It was the second victory of the season for Allison, who beat
Shepherd by 3.4 seconds. Allison averaged 137.375 mph in a race
that featured 14 lead changes among 10 drivers. There were six
(Millions for 38 laps.
Sacks enjoys first stock car victory
Sterling Marlin passed Greg Sacks with six laps to go for his first
career Busch Grand National Series victory in Saturday's All Pro
Auto Parts 300 stock car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
Becker defeats Edberg in Open
Second-seeded Boris Becker defeated top-seeded Stefan Edberg
7-6 (7-4), 6-4,6-4 in the final of the Australian Indoor championship
Navratrolova wins Nokia Masters
Martina Navratilova beat Jana Novotna 6-2, 6-1 in the final of
the Nokia Masters on Sunday.
Athletics lead Red Sox 2-0 in series
Maybe Babe Ruth still has a curse on the Boston Red Sox, and
m.ivbe not. But the Oakland Athletics sure do.
Bob Welch shut down the Red Sox for 7 1 -3 innings and Dennis
Fckersley finished them off Sunday night as the Athletics won 4-1
tor a 2-0 lead in the American League playoffs.
Two days, two wins for the Athletics. They won their eighth
straight postseason game.
Too little talent for the Red Sox, apparently. They tied a record
with their sixth straight loss in the playoffs, including a four-game
sweep against the Athletics in 1988.
Once again, Boston hung tough. They led early, as they did in
Saturday night's 9-1 loss, but again the Red Sox bullpen could not
hold it.
Harold Baines' RBI grounder put Oakland ahead in the seventh
and Oakland added two runs in the ninth for insurance.
Welch, a 27-game winner in the regular season, held Boston to
one run on four hits Eckersley escaped a bases-loaded jam in the
eighth by striking out Dwight Evans on three pitches.
The series resumes today in Oakland, where the Athletics are
51 -30, the same record the Fed Sox wereat Fenway. Mike Moore(13-
15) will pitch against Boston's Mike Boddickcr (17-8).
Compiled from Associated I'rtss Briefs
ECU Briefs
Cross Country wins in Fayetteville
The ECU Cross Country team travelled to Fayetville last Satur-
day to compete in the Methodist College Invitational.
The womens team managed to come away with a second place
finish They were led by Anne Marie Welch who finished first
overall with a time of 18:29. Dawn Tillson turned in her best time
of the 1990 season, 20.27and Gretchcn Harley turned in the best time
of her career.
The men's team, led by Ricky Chann who finished with a time
of 29.03, was able to pull out its first overall victory of the season.
Tony Chad wick and KyleSulli van also turned ingood timesof 29:08
and 29:12 respectively.
"Our men usually have a little trouble with the men from
Methodist but we pulled it out today, " said ECU assistant coach
Charles Justice. "The times turned in don't show how really well the
men ran. This is because the course was so hilly and tough; strength
was important continued Justice.
On Oct. 13 head coach John Welborn and Justice will escort
Welch to the State Cross Country Championships.
ECU's McLamb wins tournament
ECU'S Jon McLamb advanced to the finals of the Old Dominion
Tennis Invitational on Sunday and took the win over his St. John's
opponent 6-3,6-3.
The Pirate's number one and two player's were unsuccessful in
the first round last Saturday. McClamb started to tum it around for
the Pirates with a victory over Clement from the University if
Richmond 6-1,6-3. McLamb continued with a victory over Cohen
from Old Dominion 6-1,6-4.
Andre' Moreau followed McLamb's victory by defeating
Korhnerr of William and Mary 6-3,7-5 on Saturday. However, he
was defeated on Sunday by Stang of St. Johns 4-6,3-6.
Tommy McDonald fell to Matus of St. Johns in the first round
with a score of 3-6, 3-6.
Camille Huisman won a match against Williams from William
and Mary 6-1,6-2. Huisman later fell to Virginia Commenwealth's
Egan 7-5, 2-6, 4-6. Smith of the University of Richmond defeated
John Hudson 6-4, 7-6.
The Pirates will compete next weekend at the Wake Forest
Collegiate Tournament.
Compiled from Sports mformtticm Releases
The Golden Eagles started
with the ball on their own 20-yard
line and drove for only 15 yards in
eight plays. USM ended their pos-
session with a 40 yard kick to John-
son, who called for a fair catch.
The Pirates' possession would
not last long. They could not gain
enough yards for a first down, so as
the second quarter started, Jett
punted to Smith at the 25-yard line.
Both teams traded possession
until the6:43 mark of the half, when
ECU blocked a 40-yard field goal
attempt by USM.
For the remainder of the first
half, the Golden Eagles and the Pi-
rates traded the ball back and forth.
The Pirates kicked off to the
Golden Eagles to start the second
half. USM got a first down off a
four-yard run because of an
unsportsmanlike conduct penalty
called against ECU. On the follow-
ing play, senior quarterback Brett
Favre fumbled the ball and )ones
recovered for the Pirates.
The Pirates were again un-
able to convert and Jett kicked the
ball to the Golden Eagle 23. Theball
was returned 11 yards by Smith to
the 34-yard line.
The Pirates stopped the
Golden Eagle drive and forcing a
punt, but the ball was called back
because of a roughing the kicker
penalty against ECU. USM then
took the ball down to the Pirates'
15-yard line in seven plays setting
up a 32-yard field goal by Junior Jim
Taylor, making the score 100.
In the Pirates' next sequence,
they gained 85 yards to score their
only touchdown of the game with
3:59 left in the third quarter, making
the score 10-7.
Defensive back Tcrryl Ulmer
received the ball for the Golden
Eagles at the five-yard line and re-
turned it 31 yards to the USM 36.
The Golden Eagles moved the ball
to the 45 in six plays until Favre
threw an interception to Jones with
44 seconds left in the quarter.
The quarter ended with ECU
still in possession of the ball. Two
plays into the fourth quarter, Blake
threw a desperation pass into the
endzone that was intercepted by
USM's senior free safety Kerry
The Golden Eagles began to
move the ball once again and got to
the 36-yard line, but Smith fumbled
to the Pirates to transfer possession
again. ECU did not capitalize on
the mistake and the Pirates were
forced to punt again.
USM took the ball and in ten
plays, drove 92 yards to the ECU 7-
yard line before the Pirates finally
stopped them. USM capitalized on
the long drive, with Taylor kicking
a 22-yard field goal to make the
score 13-7 with 5:39 left in the game.
USM kicked off to the Pirates
and junior runningback Dion John-
son dropped the ball, allowing the
Golden Eagles' defensive end, Rod
Reed to recover. Once again, USM
was able to capitalize, with Taylor
booting another field goal, this one
from21 yardsout,bringingthescore
to 16-7 with 250 left in the game.
After two quick changes of
possession, ECU began a last des-
peration drive toward the endzone.
USM stopped thedrivewhen senior
comerback Ben Washington inter-
cepted to end the game.
Lewis said that there were still
things that the team needed to learn.
"When if s a close game, a game
that's going to go down to the wire,
were still searching for what we
ha ve to do as a football team to win
those games he said.
Van Buren said that the Pi-
rates need to gain confidence in
their abilities. He explained, "Once
we understand what we have, then
I believe we are going to realize we
have a great team
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Jhc ?nut(UaroIinian October 9, 1990
Managing Ed i tot
Last Week: (7 )
To Pate: (38 21-1)
South Carolina
I ennessee
Ohio State
IVnn State
(ieorgia rech
1 louston
Southern California
Fearless Football Forecast
ECU at South Carolina
Oregon at Washington
Florida at Tennessee
Ohio State at Indiana
Syracuse at Penn State
WNCT-TV Sports Director
i ist Week: (4 b)
to Date:9 20 D
Ohio State
Penn State
( lemson
rexas A&M
Mi? higan
Southern California
Sports Editor
Last Week: (5 5)
To Date: (39-20-1)
i Jhio State
IVnn State
(ieorgia lei h
Clemson at Georgia Tech
Texas A&M at Houston
Mississippi at Georgia
Michigan State at Michigan
Southern California at Stanford
It l Chancellor
I .ist Week: (6 4)
lo Pate: I 23 I)
I lorida
Ohio State
Penn State
( lemson
rexas A&M
( Ieorgia
I AM L McAl'l.LY
Assistant Sports Editor
1 ast Week: (7 3)
I'o Pate: ' 6 23-1)
V ashington
I ennessee
(Jhio State
Penn State
(ieorgia le h
1 louston
Mi hian
Director Sports Info.
Last Week: (5-5)
To Pate: (3-71 I)
Ohio State
Penn State
1h higan
St uthern ahtornia
News Editor
I ast Week: (7-3)
to Pate: (42-17-1
South C arolina
I ennessee
i hk) State
svr.u use
(ieorgia rei h
1 louston
Mil higan
Southern I alifom
Continued from page 10
Iodd hllis was one oi the best quar-
terbacksinthenationprii i togetting
hurt last war Ihis sppl is now filled
K junior Bobby Fuller
South Carolina opcratesa mul
tiple offense which has been vcr)
balanced to this pemt in the season
rhev have scored five touchdowns
on the ground and six in the air
Most of the gains on the ground
Mike Dingle who has carried the
ball s times lor MO yards and tour
When Southarolina is throw
ing the ball the) have three prii
receivers juniorw iderci eh erl ddie
Miller, junior tight endharles
Steward and junior running back
AlbertHaynes. rhethreehavci
bined tor 408 yards and Ihree
torn hdi ?wns
Ilif (mul ocks also i tperate a
multiple defense rhe) are led by
senior I nvb.ii krrlatn. kl lintonwho
has v tackles, one pass break up
and one interception on the year
Anotherdefender thathasbeen ha
inga solid year for the lamecocksis
junior free safety 1 eon 1 lams who
1 uis v t.ulues, i aused two fumbles,
broken-up two passes ant) has one
Southarolina has been lead-
ing their opponents in every facet of
the game up to this point except
vards rushing fhey have a cumu
lated 540 vards against '72 yards for
tin-1 pp tnents rhe (lame ih. ks are
averaging MT3 vards per game and
22 ; points versus opponents 261 8
yards per game and 16 5 points
nie Pirates rave averaged M l 8
vards-pcr-game and 19.3 points
against opponents 400.7 vards and
21 8 points
In order for the Pirates to win in
VVilliams-Brice Stadium they are
ng to ha ? to show up ready to
I i. If cvei iif perst ?n is lethargi
they are going to have trouble in
addition to being ready, the) are
going to have to pl.n a n i intelli
gent game rhe amount ? I turn
overs and penalties that has been
haunting the Pirates oi late cannot
continue it they hope to pre ail.
It they can these things and
execute the Pirate game plan, whii h
must include keeping the defense
off of Hit t: ; I more than it has in the
pastfewweeks thenthegamesri
be m r i lose wd ex? iting
Phekk koffisscheduledfor 12:08
p.m. and will hi aired live loi illy on
vu n l It will also be aired in
Raleij ? irham,hapel Hill,
i harli n d Ksheville Several
stations are alsi liring the game in
the South arolina ?( ieorgia areas
fhe gam h? shown on tape
delaj s da at 4 00 p m on
Piratefest Banner Contest
Women's soccer loses to Duke
By l.rika lenkins
Stjtt W nlcr
llv 1I wi inn i .sixccei
fcU to the Duke Blue DeviK lub ; 1 in
a see-saw battle Sunda)
rhegamebn ugl tl i ! sw i
downto2-lovcrallinainfeTena play
rhe Blue Devils struck first with two
goals in the first halt b) apitalizingon
ECU sdefensivi breakdowns
Midway through the second
half, the I Iratesstn k k Kh k with
by tn"shni,in forward Kim Ki
Theunassisted goal wasseoredwhi n
Duke's keeper misplayed the ball.
rhePlrates offensewasmarked
heavily throughout tlx- whole match
fhe Blue Devils physical pfcn kept
sophomore lean Monaghan and se-
Dior Susan Vanore neutral through
out th ????? G ?- h Stuari Franck
. : hadour hancesbuttheball
just dkin t bmince our wav
rhe Blue Devils held a 12-4 shol
advantage against frie Pirates. Several
by fn si iman sw ?ep T.Joe) 1 "ierceand
freshmen goalies, Shellc) English
amk? Pierce,and Missy Cone
PheBluel Jevibusedtheirspecd
and baU control to keep the Pirates oul
of balance during most of iheniahh.
rhePirates ddwrsowasbrokendown
several (inn's by the Blue Devils' ac-
curate, one touch pissing
The Lady Pirates will resume
play on Sunday, (At 21 at 2 pm
against the t V hapel Milk tuba)
Hew YorkJFK 130
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?What 'Piratefest Represents' to You.
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tober 18, 193
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Daydreaming is an absolute!) delightful
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it gets oui i reati e ui es fl w ing
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mind ofi life s stressful dail grind.
Hut there i omes a lime when tireams
must i ome into fi n us A lime In n
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spei live and bei nme real life goals. So
for those ol vou who are read) lo start
thinking about Ihe future and the real
world, i onsider "Afterollege
Attt-i ('?)(??(? is a d nainii uou magazine
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? bos imagint
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more about emplovment trends, office
inlitn s. salar ranges, business travel,
i osi o! li ing i omparisons and industry
growth proo( lions? After I College will pro-
vide all the answers, and more.
So wake up and smell the coffee. Now's
ihe lime lo quit daydreaming and plan tor
your future Sign up tor vour free sub-
st ription to After College magazinebe-
i ause tomorrow is iist around the orner.
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" 4 subsc' ftt ons w" ft processed on fust come first
served basis Jo Quai'ty 'or your tree subscription piesse
, ompiete fi.j tpim and mail to tne add'ess beio
Mm College Magazine ? r arls Court Publishmg Co ? 4324 Barnnger Drive ? Charlotti NC. 2C17 ? Phoi?? 704SW-MI4

. -

12 $be gagtdarolinlan October 9, 1990
Managing Editor
Last Week: (7-3)
To Date: (38-21-1)
South Carolina
Ohio State
Fenn State
Georgia Tech
Southern California
Fearless Football Forecast
ECU at South Carolina
Oregon at Washington
Florida at Tennessee
Ohio State at Indiana
Syracuse at Penn State
WNCT-TV Sports Director
1 .ist Week: (4-6)
to Date (39-20-1)
Ohio State
Penn State
Texas A&M
Southern California
Sports Editor
Last Week: (5-5)
To Date: (39-20-1)
Ohio State
Penn State
Georgia Tech
Clemson at Georgia Tech
Texas A&M at Houston
Mississippi at Georgia
Michigan State at Michigan
Southern California at Stanford
ECU Chancellor
Last Week: (6-4)
To Date: (36-23-1)
Ohio State
Penn State
Clems mi
rexas A&M
c Georgia
Assistant Sports Editor
Last Week: (7-3)
To Date: (36-23-1;
Ohio State
Penn State
Georgia Tech
Southern California
Director Sports Info.
Last Week: (5-5)
To Date: (3-21-1)
Ohio Stele
Penn State
Southern California
News Editor
Last Week: (7-3)
To Date: (42-17-1)
South Carolina
Ohio State
Georgia Tech
Southern California
Continued from page 10
Todd Ellis was one ot the best quar-
terhacksm the nation pnor to get ting
hurt last war. This Spot is now filled
by junior Bobby Fuller
South Carolina operates a mul-
tiple offense which has Kvn very
balanced to this point in the season
Thev have scored five touchdowns
on tho ground and six in the air
Most of the gains on the ground
ha vccomefrom senior ninningback
Mike Dingle, who has carried the
Kill 7 tones for 310 yards and four
When South Carolina is throw-
ing the Kill they have three primary
receivers: junior wide receiver Eddie
Miller, junior tight end Charles
Steward and junior running Kick
Albert Haynes rhethieehaveeom-
bined for 408 yards and three1
Hie Gamecocks also operate a
multiple defense, (hey are led by
senforlinebackerPatrickl iintonwho
has 4 tackles, one pass break-up
and ono interception on the year.
Another defender that has Kvn hav-
ing a solid year for the Gamecocks is
junior free safety Leon Hams who
has 3 tackles, caused two fumbles,
broken-up two passes and has one
South Carolina has Kvn lead-
ing their opponents in every facet of
the game up to this point except
yards rushing. They have accumu-
lated 540 yardsagainst 572 yards tor
the opponents The Gamecocks are
averaging 303 yards-per-game and
22.3 points versus opponents 2M.8
yards-per-game and 165 points
Iho Pirates haveaveraged 311 S
yards-per-game and 19.3 points
against opponents 4007 yards and
21.8 points
In order for the Pirates to win in
Williams-Bnce Stadium thev are
going to have to show up ready to
play. It even one person is lethargic
thev are going to have tumble. In
addition to befog ready, they are
going to have to play a very intelli-
gent game, rhe amount of turn-
overs and penalties that has Kvn
haunting the Pirates of late cannot
continue if tho- hope to prevail.
It thev can do these things and
execute the Pirate game plan, which
must include keeping the defense
off of the field more than it has in the
pastfew weeks, then thegany should
be very dose nd exciting.
ritekk kott tsschedukd tor l ?03
p.m. and will be aired live kxallyon
WCTl-TV It will also be aired in
Raleigh. Durham, Chapel Hill,
Charlotte and AsheviBe. Several
stations arc also airing the game in
the South CarolinaGeorgia areas
The game will be shown on tape-
delay Sunday at 4:00 p.m. on
Sport sSouth.
Organizations 2
Women's soccer loses to Duke
Bv Erika Jenkins
Stiff Writer
Ihe BCD women's soccerdub
fell tii the Duke Blue Devil Club 3-1 in
a seesaw Kittle Sunday.
do wn to2-1 overall in conference plav
The Blue Devils stnick first with two
ECL's defensive breakdowns
Midway through the second
half, the Plratcsstn ick Kick with a o vil
by freshman forward Kim KBgore.
The unassisted goal was scored when
Duke's keeper irisplayed the Kill.
heavuy throughout the whole match
The Blue Devfls' physical play kept
sophomore lean Monaghan and se-
nior Susan Vanore neutral through-
out the game. Coach Smart Rrandc
said. WeKidourcKiiveshut the hall
just didn't bounce our way
Ihe Blue I Yvils held a 12-1 shot
advantage against the Pirates Several
oiXMMi-oivbn-aka wavs worn stopped
by freshman sweeper, foey I Vrce and
freshmen goabes, Shelley English,
lamie Pierce, and Missv Cone.
1 he Hue I vils used Iheirspeed
aixl Kill control to keep the Pirates out
of balance during most of the nvitch.
The Pirates' defense wasbrokendown
several tinvs by the Blue Tunis' ac-
curate, one touch passing.
The Lady Pirates will Resume
plav on Sunday, Oct 21 at 2 p.m
against the UNC-Chapel Hill Club at

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Daydreaming is an absolutely delightful
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mind off life's stressful dailv grind.
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thinking about Ihe future and the real
world, consider "After College
After College is a dynamic new magazine
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So wake up And smell the coffee. Now's
the time to quit daydreaming and plan for
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scription to AfterColkge magazinebe-
cause tomorrow is just around the corner.
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Yoi I V-
(.1 ID! I( l KOl I I (.1 Ml S( I 1
9 ()( KIKI K 1("()
Contest seeks best college radio band
It you're a struggling garage
band, it's tough to make it big in the
music bi2 especial!) when you live
u.i out in North (!arolina.
Hut guess what? The big dudes
at Snickers are sympathetic. That's
why the) u established the Snickers
New Musk Search . wh) W.MI'
participates in it.
1 he Snickei s New Music
Search is a a ntest that's I ?? i un
ning an foi the pasi - . . ?
s is W ZMB'ssec i inil . eai w ith it
to find the Ik'si
I he contest :s nationwide and the
litdges arc y u.
I he wa it works is local bands
send in recordings ol two of their
hippest songs to their local college
lio statii ?n. Then listeners m that
area call in and vote tor the rl write
band. Phis year, the P arthMurchants
un Ireem ille.
Step tw i i il the contest is ; hat
Nations across the
send their winners to the
pie atS ! inick
? rs panel selec is thi 16 b mils
; we enss imr tinsieis thai
EarthMurchantswillbeoneofthem), back to us at Mil. This will take
and they press 16 songs on an album place in Februan I he album is
and send it back to ZMB and all played on Urventures and you call in
the other participating stations. to vote once more.
Then, in November, the album I he winner ol the finals will be
will l?e played at New Rock VI (91.3 offered a recordiiontraawitJi EMI
KM) on the Adventures in Modern Records, ami the station that entered
Recording show. You, the ?? the winnii l'Ls a big Ikxx ol
call in and voti in We send the Snickers Last year's winner was
? mr votes to Snicl the Chapel Hill's own Sex Police.
? p the votes '? n ? .r I lelp ns rool toi the r u I
tnil i n thetoplivi M ircham.s I i N' ij I
,hi Ni ivember u I
ii ? ??,c sure ' ?
i ?: tl I ill) Wl
h is
l'at' tinir
I'm sure b now you know that
October is II)s Vwareness Month.
The WMI! executive statt knows
ti M i and teels t hat sex can ne er I e t K)
safe even if you're just having sex
with yoursell (you don't know what
you might have1)
So in honor ol AIDS Ware
ness Month, WZMB is giving awaj
condoms on the air. All Aa from
Oct. 14 to (let. is, you can win a
three pack of condoms just by listen
ing, calling and taking the Condom
The quiz and the condoms are
Supplied by the Student 1 lealth (!en
ter. 'I he quiz is kind of tough, so
maybe you should (Mine up on your
condom knowledge But don't warr)
too much, even if you tail the quiz,
vou still win the condoms and a copy
ol the quiz (you need all the help you
can get!). nd girls, you need to has e
v (mr ou n pers inal supplv . Safe sex is
the responsibilit) ol Ixith parmers,
but this isn't an ideal world. It's even
person for himherself.
Nevertheless, don't teel too
alone. VVZMB cares about your
health and your life. 1 he) 're looking
out tor vou. Consider them your
mom away from home. I his week,
they're reminding you ol that warn
ingMomalwaysyelled ion't touch
that! Vou don't know where it's
been So call. You'll win .i lot more
than condoms.
As a final point, I'd like to say
that although joking about sex pro
motes a health) and relaxed attitude,
dying ot All )S is not lunnv.
by Kate McClelland
ymmg, ' ?
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DJs from WMB keep the tunes going every Wednesday during Progressive
Dance Night at Bogie S Photos in Steve Suley Photo l jb
Concert Link
?IfScNirc?A?c:ASiTK of the TVIonth

Vol I V 2
9 Oc fobfr 1990
Contest seeks best college radio band
If you're a struggling garage
band, it's tough to make it big in the
music biz ? especially when you live
way out in Norm Carolina.
But guess what? The big dudes
at Snickers are sympathetic. That's
why they've established the Snickers
New Music Search and why WZMB
participates in it.
The Snickers New Music
Search is a contest that's leen run-
ning annually for the past six years
(this is YVZMB'ssecond year with it)
to find the best college radio band.
The contest Ls nationwide and the
judges are you.
The way it works is local bands
send in recordings of two of their
hippest songs to their local college
radio station. Then listeners in that
area call in and vote tor their tuv rite
ba nd. This year, the Earth A lure han ts
won from Greenville.
Step two ot the contest is that
the participating stations across the
nation send their winners to the
people at Snickers. There, the Snick-
ers panel selects the 16 lest bands
iand we cross our fingers that the
Tm sure by now you know that
October is AIDS Awareness Month.
The U"ZMB executive staff knows
too and feels that sex can never lie tx)
safe ? even if you're just having sex
with yourself (you don't know what
you might have!).
So in honor of AIDS Aware-
ness Month, WZMB is giving away
condoms on the air. All day from
Oct. 14 to Oct. 18, you can win a
three-pack of condoms just by listen-
ing, calling and taking the Condom
The quiz and the condoms are
supplied by the Student Health Cen-
ter. The quiz is kind of tough, so
maybe you should bone up on your
condom knowledge. Butdon'tworry
too much, even if you fail the quiz,
you still win the condoms and a copy
of the quiz (you need all the help you
can get!). And girls, you need to have
your own personal supply. Safe sea is
the responsibility of loth partners,
but this isn't an ideal world. It's every
person for himherself
Nevertheless, don't feel too
alone. WZMB cares about your
health and your life. They're looking
out for you. Consider them your
mom away from home. ITiis week,
they're reminding you of that warn-
ingMomalwaysyelled: "Don't touch
You don't know where it's
been So call. You'll win a lot more
than condoms.
As a final point, I'd like to say
that although joking about sex pro-
motes a healthy and relaxed attitude,
dying of AIDS is not funny.
? by Kate McClelland
Earth Murchants will be one of them),
and they press 16 songs on an album
and send it bacl: to WZMB and all
the other participating stations.
Then, in November, the album
will be played at New Rock 91 (91.1
FM) on the Adventures in Modern
Recording show. You. the listener.
call in and vote again. We send the
results or"our votes to Snickers, they
count up the votes tor each hand
nationwide, and then the top five arc
The top five hands are recorded
onto another album which is sent
back to us at ZMB. This will take
place in February. The album is
played on Adventures and you call in
to vote once more.
The winner of the finals will be
(rfered a ICO irdmgon tract with FAII
Records, and the station that entered
the winning hand gets a big box ot
Snickers! Last year's winner was
Cha;el Hill's own Sex Police.
Help us root tor the Earth
Murchants this year. Stay tuned lor
the semi-finals in Mod ember and be
sure lo vote'
?bv Patty Zegar
DJs fror
Dance N
ig Progressive
fy ? Photo l.ab
Iconic:FRi Liimf.
I & Nfvwcasifk or tiif. Monih

WZMB became FM station in late 70s
(Editor's note: This article is a continuation
of the article tided "WZMB has weathered much
since WWW'S which appeared in the first edi-
tion of STATIC last month.)
In resuming our documentary on the origin
of WZMB, a quick recap of the article in our last
issue would be in order.
WWWS was the first FM station to operate
on the college campus. A terrible storm came
through and caused the transmitting tower to
come crashing to the ground. Several attempts
were made in reviving the radio project, but
handing and administrative disagreement made
this a virtual impossibility.
Once again, historical information has been
gathered by a taped conversation between Profes-
sor Jim Rees and Media Advisor Greg Brown.
Rees said that while the WWWS project was
trying to be reinstated, "the students had begun
what was known as a earner current station This
is a station that transmits its signal through the
electrical wires, and reception is gained by plug-
ging an AM radio into a standard AC wall outlet.
Recent listeners of "Radio Free Jamaica"
may have noticed a great deal more than reggae
being aired during the show.
The changes are in line with those occurring
in the world of music in general. It's becoming
more difficult to categorize and label a particular
band or artist as a reggae act. In fact, most of the
major music and radio trade magazines, such as
CMJ (College Music Journal), have abandoned the
label reggae and have chosen instead to adopt the
term "world beat music This term encompasses
reggae and reggae-flavored hip-hop, as well as
music from Africa, Asia and Brazil. This mixture
"The station was called WECC and was 570
on the AM dial Rees said. "The students used to
call it "Big 57 and it operated in the residence
halls and campus buildings, utilizing the electrical
wi res T( X) w as entirely studentn iperated and
managed throughout the mid60s.
As the 1960s came to a close, a new name was
given to our college ami to its student-operated
broadcasting media. Fast Carolina College be-
came East Carolina University, and WECC be-
came WECC The 1970s brought a new age to
the campus radio station. WE( T was no longer
satisfied with broadcasting through electric w ires.
"The old earner current transmitters were very
unreliable; the sound was lo-fi, and the students
were making a lot of noise about 'going FM
Rees said.
This revolution was brought to a climax
when a certain student named John D. Jeter
stepped in. Jeter had some previous production
and engineering experience; however, his real gift
was charm and a persuasive vocabulary.
"Jeter knew how to sell himselt to the ad-
ministration said Rees. He was eventually suc-
cessful in convincing what was then the Office 01
Student Life that WT.CC should occupy a spot on
the FM dial.
Rees said. They (Student Life) bought his
proposal, and filled out an application to the
FCC The application was signed in the late
spring of 78 by Chancellor Leo Jenkins in the last
days of his administration. This revelation ot
"going FM" was kept virtually a secret to the rest
of the campus, especially the people that had
originally pushed to reinstate the status ot
WWWS. In tact, no one knew of this until a
headline in The East Carolinian read, "WF.CU to
go FM which included a smiling picture ofjohn
Jeter. Shortly after, Leo Jenkins left office as
chancellor and Thomas B. Brewer took the reins
of a rapidly growing institution.
In our next issue, we'll discuss how ECL
had plans of increasing its power to 50,000 watts,
and how administration handled the eager, young
FM station.
?by JefTSkillen
incorporates international
of international music adds variety to the bi-
weekly shows.
Contrary to what some seem to think, there
is more to reggae music than Bob Marlev and
Peter Tosh. You'd be surprised by the many-
bright, new, contemporary reggae artists that are
out there making good music. Along with these
contemporary artists, there are also many acts
from Kenya, Soweto, Zimbabwe and India. Playing
these new artists along with the long-established
acts not only adds spice to the show, but also
broadens our view of reggae and world music as a
In light of this, it has become apparent that
the label "reggae" has become outdated anil re-
strictive. It would be more appropriate to call
"Radio Free Jamaica" the "World Music Shou
That name more fairly assesses the wide variety ot
music the show otters.
So to hear vour favorite Jamaican artists, and
to get a sampling of other international acts, rune
in to the WZMB "World Music Show" each
Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from
6 p.m. to H p.m. I'm sure you'll be enlightened,
uplifted and entertained.
? by Tim Johnson
DJ of the Month enjoys industrial dance music
Managing Editor: Michael Martin
Ami Cakes. Armstrong
WZMB Coordinator: Kate McClelland
Editorial Production Manager: Michael Lang
Advertising Director: Adam Blankenshw
Advertising Production Manager: Warren Kessler
STATIC, a tabloid concerning the campus radio
station, WZMB 91.3, is a supplement to The Fjut
Carolinian and is published monthly. STATIC wel-
comes all comments and story ideas. Address corre-
spondence to Special Secnons Editor, The East
Carolinian, Publications Bldg East Carolina Univer-
sity, Greenville, N.C 27834, or call us at 757-6366.
Jason Holtisa nineteen-year-old sweet thang
who just joined the WZMB family this past sum-
He'd had radio experience before he came to
us, after transferring from Elon College, so he was
put on the air right away. It was a smart move, as
Jason turned out to be a very good DJ and our
September DJ of the Month.
Jason is really into progressive music. Some
of the stuff found in his record collection includes:
The Church, REM, Midnight Oil and New Or-
der. He enjoys industrial dance music as well and
occasionally can be found down at WZMB's
Progressive Dance Night at Bogie's.
One of his radio pet peeves is: "I listen to
other DJs and other stations, and one thing that
bothers me is when you hear somebody and it
sounds like they're reading from a script so I just
try to talk to them the listeners like I'm talking to
a friend who's sitting next to me
You can catch Jason on the air on Tuesday
andThursday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon. He
also does the news on Mondays and Wednesdays
at 2:30 p.m.
Jason really likes his job at ZMB. "I like a lot
of the music that comes in, and I get turned on to
a lot of new stuff he said. "And basically it's ust
a great station, and everyone should listen to it
Gee, do you think he means it?
An an major concentrating in commercial
art, Jason enjoys soccer, gin and tonics and the
Oxford Bx)k of English Verse. "That might
sound crazy, but for some reason, I can get into it
See DJ on page 3
f s ' '
2 STATIC October 1990

Newscaster of the Month lives life to the fullest
Dave Kelly is a familiar face
around W7JVIB.
Since last March, he's been both
a newscaster and a disc jockey, and he
does a damn good job. That's why
he's September's Newscaster of die
A junior majoring in broadcast-
ing, Dave is interested in cable man-
agement, r le plans to do something
in the music industry. I Iowever, he's
oxm to the idea of remaining a news-
caster or a DJ for the rest of his life. "I
just don't want to sit back in the
business world taking notes or some-
thing; I'm not interested in that he
Some of Dave's favorite Ixinds
include Killing Joke, Deisel Park
West. Love and Rockets and Wall of
Voodoo. He Hkes college radio and
isn't sure if he wants to graduate into
the world of commercial radio. "Be-
ing a non-profit station definitely has
ils advantages he said. "In commer-
cial radio, the stations are pre try much
am by business people who are re-
moved from the everyday on-air as-
pect of it I Iere at ZMB it's run by
us. the students ? we make the dif-
Besides the fact that the music-
is better. Dave has a great rapport
with his co-workers. "Everyonegets
TOP 91
1; Jane's Addiction ? Ritual de to
2) INXS - X (ten)
3) Soup Dragons ? Lovegod
4) Bob Mould ? Black Sheets of Rain
5) Jellyfish ? Bellybutton
6) Anne Be Davis ? Scouts Deposit
7) Posies Dear 23
8) Dreams So Real ? Glory Une
9) Dharma Bums Bliss
10) Soul Asylum ? And The Horse They
Rode In On
Adventure Picks
'3D Picnic
'Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet
'Change of Heart
along with everybody else
great he said.
Dave's mam motivanon to be-
come a newscaster was
"uneducation "People are iust so
unaware of what's going on around
them, " he said. So Dave tries 10
bring us a little information. "I don't
reaily have a whole lot of Dine to do
it ? iust the 10 minutes per day But
even- little bit helps.
You can catch Dave Kelly's
newscasts Monday through Fndayat
5:30 p.m and vmieames he's on the
Sunday news program, "Insight at
11:30 a.m. He also does his radio
show Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday from noon all 2 p.m. You'll
1 sure to enjoy his show and his
newscasts, since Dave gives it his all
to make them good.
Since his recent brush with
death (a big ar nearly hit him),
Dave has changed his views about
logging at nignt and decided to live
life toits fullest, doing everything to
the best of his ability. That's prob-
ably why he earned the nde of
Newscaster of the Month. Congrats,
?by Patty Zegar
and Marc Petruska
Tuesday, Oct. 9
'Bad Mutha Goose - Cat's Cradle
(Chapel Hill)
'The Game - Mad
Wednesday, Oct. 10
'Smithereens - Boathouse (Nor-
folk, Va.)
Thursday, Oct. 11
"Superchunk - Cat's Cradle
'Mr. Potato Head - Mad Monk
Friday, Oct. 12
"Thee Accused - Mad Monk
Monday, Oct. 15
?Strawberry Zots - Cat's Cradle
Wednesday, Oct. 17
'Drivin n Cryin - Cat's Cradle
Thursday, Oct. 18
'Dnvin n Cryin - Cats Cradle
'Megaphonics - New Deli
'Straightaheads (former members
Jason Holt WZMB's DJ of the Month
Concert Line
of Pots & Pans) O'Rockefeller's
'Marshmallow Steamshovel - Monk
Friday, Oct. 19
'Liquid Sound - New Deli
?Dillon Fence - O'Rockefeller's
'Voltage Brothers - Mad Monk
?Eek-A-Mouse - Boathouse
Saturday, Oct. 20
?The Usuals - New Deli
?Mary on the Dash - O'Rockefeller's
'Widespread Panic - Cat's Cradle
?Feelies - Boathouse
Tuesday, Oct. 23
?firehose and Scrawl - Cat's Cradle
Wednesday, Oct. 24
'Egypt - New Deli
Thursday, Oct. 25
'Valence - New Deli
Friday, Oct. 26
'The Reactors - New Deli
Saturday, Oct. 27
'The Mood - New Deli
Dave Kelfy Newscaster of the Month
Continued from page 2
he said. And if he only had three
weeks to live, he would "get in my car
and drive as far as I could But since
Jason is going to live longer than
three weeks (we hope), he plans to
work in advertising, perhaps in Xew
.Maybe you'll see Jason riding
around campus on his skateboard.
It's his alternanve to constant car
crouble and constant parking rickets.
But I've been ticketed on my skate-
board, too he said.
WZMB is proud to have Jason
working for us. He's just an all-around
great guy. So rune in, you'll think he's
swell, too.
?by Susan Nelson
and Marc Petruska
Thursday, Nov. 1
'Marshmallow Steamshovel - Deli
Friday, Nov. 2
?Funkenstein - New Deli
Saturday, Nov. 3
?Rolfy Gray and Sunfire - New Deli
Tuesday, Nov. 6
?Soul Asylum - Cat's Cradle
Thursday, Nov. 8
?Modem Logic - New Deli
?Redd Kross - Cats CraoTe
Friday, Nov. 9
'Cream of soul - New Deli
Saturday, Nov. 10
?Mr. Potato Head - New Deli
'Sex Police - Cat's CraoTe
Friday, Nov. 16
'Sonic Youth - Cat's Cradle
STATIC October 1990

bign On
(5:45 A.M.
oaturaay ana ounaay
(Sign On 8:00 A.M
6:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
New- Rock 91
10:00 A.M.
12:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
8:00 P.M.
10:00 P.M.
12:00 A.M.
2:00 A.M.
Sign Off
Specialty Weekend
Sounds of Jazzr Classical
(8:00-11:00) (8:00 11:00
Monday through Friday 6:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M
Music View (7 30-8 p m ,
Adventures in
Mod. Recording
WZMBs Top 13
All Request
Rock Outlet
All Request
WZMB Blues
(11:00 1:00)
Radio Free
Steel Trax
Pirate Talk (11 00)
Insight (11 30)
Sounds of Jazz
WZMB Blues
Radio Free
(8 00 - 10:00)
Club 91
Rap Attack
Request Line News91 Mondays Fridays
-7C-7 GCH O XM ?30'9:3ai0:3?
J HuH I 5 P M 12:30,1:30,2:30.4:30.5:30.6:30
8:30 a.m 11:30 a.m 3:30 p.m 7:30 p.m 9:30 p m
Metal Mayhem
Heavy Metal 12 A.M. - 4 A.M.
Night Dreaming
Ultra Vivid Scene: Joi1967-1990 (CBS Records)
The latest release from Ultra Vivid Scene, "Joy
1967-1990 is not their greatest hits from 1967 to
The title is tricky. In fact, the title is unexplained.
But I did a little detective work: I read the liner notes.
There I found the remark, "our apologies and thanks
to Joy So with my masterful muni, I've come to the
theory that Joy was a friend of the hand's who died at
the tender age of 23 and the album has been dedicated
to her memory.
I "hat aside, let's talk ab nit the album. Ultra Vivid
Scene is another one of those English, post-techno
bands. If you like that romantic, danceahle sound,
these fellas are for you. They do that best. They even
add some novelty to their sound. With a guest cellist
and other various musician, the sounds are complex,
melodic and just plain hip. Another bonus: Kim Deal
of the Pixies sings on one of the tracks.
"Joy" is an album to listen to when you're in a
good mood and soulful, dreamy, sometimes-depress-
ing music won't get to you too much.
Tracks such as "Staring at the Sun" have a great
guitar tone, nice licks and progressions and breathy
vocal. "It Happens KveryTime" features subtle feed-
back, a g(X)d dance beat and an interesting break in the
chorus. All the tunes are masterfully arranged.
The WZMB picks of the album are "Stanng at
the Sun "It Happens Kvery Time "Poison" and
"LightningOf course, the other tracks are great, too.
I he craft and technique oi Ultra Vivid Scene
make "Joy 1967-1990" one of the best releases of the
fall and one ot their personal best.
by Kate McClelland
Soul Asylum And The Horse They Rode In On
There's something admirable about a band that
stays together for eight years, has seven albums, anil
has stayed on the road for the majority oi their years
together. Then again, there's something admirable
about a band that names themselves Soul Asylum.
Now, after two years without a lull length album,
Soul Asylum is back, and are definitely being heard.
With their new I J "Soul Asylum and the I lorseThcy
Rode in ()n the band is making a respectable attempt
at Stardom without jeopardizing the sound and attitude
that made them what they are today.
From the very beginning, "The Horse . .
explodes into the air. The energy, volume and melodies
are what make Have Pirner, Karl Mueller, Daniel
Murphy and (irant Young a true asylum tor our souls.
The first two tracks, "Spinning" anil "Hitter
Pill set a tone for the album that in speed, is only
repeated a couple more times throughout
After such a lengthy past, it seems that Dave
Pirner is directing the song writing towards a bigger
audience with songs such as "Veil oi bears "Easy
Street" and "(irounded But don't take that descrip-
tion as selling out. Not one note of "Soul Asylum and
the I lorse They Rode in ()n" has been misbegotten.
It is a more mature, appealing group oi son i
Basically, if experience yields greatness, then
Soul Asylum has a great album But as Pirner sings,
"Nice gus don't get paid
by Dave Mason
Jellyfish: Bellybutton (Charisma Records)
My fust encounter with a jellyfish wasn't pleas
ant. It was squishy, ugly and it stung me.
However, this new band, Jellyfish, is firm, at-
tractive and feel nice. They're from the (lalitorma Bay
Area and this is their first album. Not a bad debut,
Their psychedelic, Beatlcs-csijue sound infects
your IxhIv like jellyfish poison, causing you to writhe
rhythmically. I he songs have that nng ot '60s pop
with a '90s edge in the recording studio.
With trumpets, a xylophone and that groovy
I lammond organ, the sound is a cornucopia of aural
delight. "That Is Why" has a wailing chorus, a simple
!cat and sticks in the mind long after you turn off the
The DJs' choices from the album include "The
Man I Used To Be "I "hat Is Why "The King Is
I Wf Undressed" and"(filing Sarah All of these are
sunshmey songs that add day glo to your day John
Lennon is grooving in his grave.
"Bellybutton"certainly will n t be the last album
froinjellytish. While you wait tor the next one, you i an
listen to their LP any tune on New Rock ll
by Kate McClelland
STATIC October 1990

The East Carolinian, October 9, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 09, 1990
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