The East Carolinian, September 27, 1990

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W$z iEafit Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No.49
Thursoay,September 27 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
12 Pages
Students, faculty
leave school for
service in military
By LeClair Harper
The Persian (nil insix is
starting to hit home -s reserves
from across the countr) are re-
ceiving phone calls from brat Kes
of Ihe armed services
Some students are dropping
booksandmid term papers to pk k
upM-16sand military fatigues. A
total ot 23 ECU student reservists
have recently been called to active
duty, according to Dr RotTsixMor
Joan ot students
Eight university employees,
including medical doctors, have
also been recalled to active dutj
according to Dick lams, director
ot personnel.
Dr. MarleneSpringer, dean ot
academic affairs, released a
memorandum on Sepl 5 to deans
and directors reiterating the policy
earlier released by UNC system
president t D Spangler rhe
memo also stated that 'all inquiries
should bo referred to Ron Speier.
dean ot students, who will initiate
appropriate withdrawal proce
In a cordance v ith the policy
ECU students involuntarily re
called to active duty will receive a
full refund of tuition and required
Of the 23 students withdraw n,
one has been reinstated as a stu-
dent. When he arrived at hiscamp
he did not have the training that
was needed so he was sent back
The J98th Army Reserves unit
of Greenville was recalled toactive
duty and left for 11 BraggSunday,
Sept 22 I our K I students were
among the 398th resen ists I hose
students are senior Alicet ooper,
middle grades education major;
senior Sonia c ireen, broad asting
major; sophomore rimothy
lottcrton psycholog) inaioi and
11 James Clark, English graduate
student and instnu tot
1 he J98th will be at 1 t Bragg
tor at least two weeks Alter that,
their destination is unknow n and
they were unable to comment
further on the nature ot their
both Cooper and c Ireen said
that it wasdifficultha ing to leave
m hool SO i lose to beine, finished
It hurt a lot, stated ireen Both
girlssaid that then ml! refund w ill
be mailed to their home addresses
Cooper was on her way to a
night class when she heard about
the recall on the radio She said
thatshedidn'tpa) mm hattcntion
to it until she i ailed during a break
in i lass and onfirmed that she
had been called 1 realK didn t
think it was going to ometothis,
she said, adding that she had put
the thought ot being called out ot
her mind to go on w ith her daily
lite as usual
(Ireen didn't find it quite as
ease to dismiss the fact that she
m,n be i ailed to ,u tive dut) "It
was almost like lh ing on pins and
needles shesaid Sheadded that
Commuters question
lack of parking spaces
Petition circulates for possible refund
I iu IMwi
Members of the Army RO1C load last
I ifth Street Recently. 23 reserves
service by the qovernment
she understood her obligation but
had expected to di her time and
be through w ith it
I etlerton said that he did not
want to leave but expected it to
happen all along
both I Ireen and C ooper e
pressed a certain amount ot Mir
prise at their obligation including
having to withdraw from school
i ooper said, 1 never thought they
would take us (ml ot school "
year's homecoming parade down
from ECU were called to active
i Ireen expressed (oncern
about the possibility ol going over
10 the Middle I .ist and exponent.
ing trauma . 'iting the psycho
logical adjustment problems of
some Vietnam veterans, she said,
"1 want to come ba k like 1 went
over there
both (Ireen and c ooper
agreed that civilians can he insen-
sitive to what is going on inside a
See Reserves page 2
By Amy Edwards
Staff Writer
Pubhi Safety's current policy
of selling more parkingdecals than
spaces available has created furor
amongst commuters while
adminstrators say existing lotsare
not being filled
(. ommuters complain about
docals being oversold and faculty
members wonder why thev have
to pay $50 (sometimes more in the
private lots) so that thev can walk
a tew blocks to work since ceil
trallv located lots till up eark in
the morning
Currently, a petition is being
Circulated containing several
hundred signaturesof fat ulty, staff
and students rhe petition, started
by student Karen (Ireenwell,states
the following
"We the undersigned feel that
ECU parking decals have Ken
distributed unfairly, and feel that
any person wishing to get a lull
refund on their parking deed
should be able to do so until the
drop date ot the semester ol pur
(Ireenwell has met with( iertz
about the parking problem and
plans to meet with other university
officials concerned with transpor-
tation-related issues
"Thev (the publu safety and
traffic services office) have been
verv cooperative and are inter
ested in helping come to a rea-
sonablesolution saidt Ireenwell
She still hopes that the petition
can stress to the office the impor
lance of this issue to the students
In 1989, 3,M4 parkingdecals
wen-sold to ommuters for use ot
the si i ommuter lots on campus
Ihe lots accommodate a total ot
591 parking spa es,ao ording toa
report written last o ember tor
the I 'iret toi et 1 rattit ! Sennes.
I his leaves a dtffercrw c of
J,()2 spat es vvhi h tor many
commuters ausesin onveniences
and initiation bet aiisc the) feel
the trattit ottn e is "money hun
gry" In overselling the available
Hut i ommuters do not havi
all the tat ts sacs I'atru iilertZ,
the thret tor ft tr iffii SCI '� i es
Many commutei lots are not be
ing utilized, su h as the one at
14th street and Berkley Road be
hind Bell I K�rm I ins is bci ause
i ommutei �� n to g t as i lose to
t ampus as possible
We have been spoiled says
(ierti "Parking has always been
crowded, but close But now as
the campus grows, there is no
where else near campus to park
People need to realize that then
has to be other options, sin h as
parking farther a wa and walking
to campus
Some of the I I 'minuter lots
that are within a 15 20 minute
walking distance to campus can
hold I50cars,butthereareusuall
no more than 25 in the lot, says
Because there is not a (ut oft
See Commuters page 3
Health educators set October
as AIDS Awareness Month
Bv Sara Martin
Staff Writer
A host of events .ire sched
uled tor October's AIDS Aware
ness Month to educate students
and the Greenville community on
the disease, I HV intei tion and the
prevention of AIDS
"The purpose ol AIDS
Awareness Month is to educate
the campus community core em
ing I IIV infection and to promote
positive decision making skills to
aid indiv iduals in avoiding expo
sure to 1HV infection said
Suzanne KeHerman, Health Edu-
cator tor FCU.
AIDS, or acquired immunod
eficiency syndrome, is a disease in
which the body's immune system
breaks down. AIDS is caused bv a
virus, the human immunodefi-
ciency virus, or I UV
person van have 1UY for
ears and show no symptoms but
can give it to another person
through unprotected sex, sharing
needles and through childbirth
fheC enter for DiseaseC'ontrol
now estimates 1 out ot loop , ol
lege students are 1 ll positi
Mam students view tlV
infection as intangible and still
associatecertain risk groups v ith
infection Kellerman said l Hjt
hope is to make students aware it is not the group that you are
in, but the behax iors that you
prat, tice
"Any individual, regardless
of sex, age, race or sexual orienta
tion, v. ho engages in unprottn ted
se or shares injecting drug
needles can put themselves at risk
for 1 IIV into tion she said
The first three Mondays in
i Jctober, ECU Peer Health 1 du
. ators and S( IA will present The
Love Shack lhe will otter Hl
and AIDS education and infor
mahon. rhese booths will be lo
cated at Mendenhall student
("enter and the "student Store
OnOct. I lendrix Theatre
at8p.m(.arland I ancaster lr ol
Greenville, will speak openl) on
how having AIDS has affected all
aspects of his lite
Father Joseph ones will speak
at Mendenhall Student enter in
Room 244 on Monday,Oct Rat5
p m lather onesisthe president
elect ot the Pitt ounty AIDS lask
I on e and is the i haplain tor the
�IDs Isolation 1 nit .it Sing sine.
Prison. He will discuss how stu
dents an help those with All )S
Suzi I andolphi will return to
E( 1 I uesday.Ot t 16, at 1 lendrix
! heatre at 8 p m 1 fer program,
I lot,Sexy aiul Safer will offera
different and interesting was to
incorporate your use ol condoms
and other sale sex prat lues
Kimberl) Scott, the co chair
ot minority issues tor the Pitt
County AIDS Task Force will ad-
dress the issue of "Women with
AIDs' and how other issues per
tam to women with I IIV at 5 p.m.
on Oct. 24 in Mendenhall 244
"At this point in time, there is
iu- vaccine to prevent AIDS, nor
cure. Our best method ot protec-
tion is educating individuals and
encouraging individuals to make
behavioral changes to reduce their
risk of infection Kellerman said.
Success in eastern N.C. to be
topic in Chancellor's Forum
From stall Reports
idebrationmthelast Successful
! estemNorthCwviinums isthetheme
ofthethirdannualECUC haiuellor's
Forum, set tor January 7-8, 1991
"Its purpose is to establish
mentoring systems to develop the
potential ot vouth in eastern North
Carolina said Dr Bertie Fearing of
the English department and the
forum's director
"Ihe forum will feature a cor-
nucopia of successful eastern North
Carolinians who will talk about the
benefits of growing up in the east
high achievement in government,
business, medicine, family, athlet-
ics, broadcasting, music and nur-
nalism. Speakers, their home towns
and accomplishments are
lormeri lovemor James B I hint
r. (RodeRidge); Harry M jacobsjr
(New hVrn), EO of me Martin
Agency oi Richmond, Virginia, a
national advertising firm; lames c,
(ones (Pembroke), a physician-pro-
fessorwhoheadsthe Family Practice
Center in the ECU School of Medi
cine, Detoris Jordan (Wilmington),
mother of NBA superstar Michael
Jordan; Clyde E King (Goldsboro)
and Horace "Bones' McKinne)
(I owland), both distinguished ath
letes, coaches Md members of the
N C Sports Hall ot Fame; ValeriaO
Lovelace (Mount Olive), director o
research for "Sesame Street lames
H.Maynard (OnstowCounty),chau
of Investors Management Corp. and
Golden Corral Corp Looms
McClohon(Avden) piano-composer
and co-producei ol s- �'� ; ��� '
law b My Home 1 ugenc I Rob-
erts lr oldsboro former ex
ecuhve editor of th
See Forum page 3
Dr. Bertie Fearing
College campuses
thwart violent crimes
By Marie Hodge and
Jeff Blskal
(Editor's note: this is the sec-
ond installment of a storv looking
into methods students are using to
prevent violent crimes on cam
puses throughout America.)
Use escort and ivn semces Stu-
dents at the University of Califor-
nia at Los Angeles don't have to
worry about walking home alone
at night. They can use UCLA's
campuscscort service Started with
just seven volunteers in 1477, it
now has 200 part-time student
employees who shepherd more
than 1(X) students a night around
the 411-acre campus. In addition,
vans providcnearly 385,000 ridesa
Thanks to escort and van ser-
vices, says ohn Barber, chief of
UCLA's police, violent cnmeisfive
to six times lower on campus than
in surrounding communities.
Curb alcoholabuse According to
studies bv Towson State Univer-
sity, alcohol is involved in 90 per
cent of rape's, assaults and acts of
vandalism on campus Most states
have raised their legal drinkingage
to 21, disqualifying roughly throe-
fourthsof undergraduates But the
laws are useless unless schools
enforce them.
Since Texas raised the drink-
ing age in 1986, alcohol consump-
tion at Rice University in I louston
has dropped markedly "Alcohol-
related crimes at Rice assaults,
criminal mischief and public in-
toxication are trending down-
ward too says Mary Voswmkel.
chief of the Rice police
A key factor has been the in-
volvement of Rice students in de-
signing the school's policies. Any
campus party where alcohol is
served must have a student bar-
tender trained bv Rice's police to
know when to cut off an mtoxi-
cated person's liquor before tmublo
starts Parties that last more than
two hoursand have two university
See Crime, page 3
Education needs to be
a priority in AIDS
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered.
Streep and Madame
share mother-daughter
relationship in new movie,
"Postcards from the
Alfredo's New York
Style Pizza brings dollar-
a-slice pizza and $1.50
pitchers to new downtown
A preview of this
weekend's football game
against the Georgia
Bulldogs at Athens, Ga.

(Jltc East (Carolinian September 27,1990
ECU Briefs
President of NOW postpones her
visit to ECU campus until Oct. 17
Molly Yard, the president ol the National Organization tor
Women (NOW , has postponed her visit to the ECU campusonSept
She has rescheduled her speaking engagement tor 7 p.m. Oct
17. in the (ireat Room ol Mendenhall Student Center
K Yard is appearing with NOW's Campus Caravan t'oi
Women's Lives, a multi-media pro-abortion rights campaign aimed
specifically at students The public is united to attend.
I or more K'hervl 1 Hidasik-Wiggs, ECU Women's
'AIDS Awareness' begins in October
Poor Health Educator
studies I
il. .1 iron 111 N�-v�s Him in report.
Campus Clips
GED tests restructured to reflect
interests of today's students
AM HNGTON, D.( Since more kids are taking advanced
science and math courses the American Council on Education is
restructuring (.11) tests and curriculum to reflect what students are
now interested in I he( .IP 1 ests are intended to measure the major
and lasting out omes ol a tour ear high school program ol Stud)
A recent study b the Educational Testing Service revealed that
there are some major changes in the pattern of courses being taken
by high school graduates The new GED tests will, in turn, reflect
these patterns
Halt ot the questions in the current GED Mathematics test
draw on concepts from algebra and geometn I la It ol the science
test questions involve concepts from physics and chemistry
Nike , Inc. joins with education
foundation to combat dropout rate
WASHINGTON, D.( MIKE ln and the National
1 oundation for the Improvement ol Education have joined efforts
to i ombat the nation's 29 pen ent dropout rate In pro iding aI
million program tor tea. hers
I he lust 1 v It program is aimed at recognizing teachers who
do the follow ing stimulate their students v ithoriginalitv; encourage
students to take responsibility for their own learning; challenge
themselves (as teachers) to find ways ol creating supportive
em ironments to foster academic suc ess; and who show efforts that
tie self-esteem actn ities to academic a hievement.
We're targeting teachers at the middle school level said
Virginia I Jensen, spokeswoman for IK1 Itu . "but we have not
foreclosed on the actual grade level because we don't want to
eliminate any good ideas
"We're ust interested in programs that will prevent kids from
dropping out ot v hi ol
New Illinois bill to help minority
males with teaching certification
The ECU AIDS Education
�subcommittee has designated
October as AIDS Awareness
month on campus.
The purpose of the month is
to educate the campus community
concerning the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV),
the virus that causes AIDS; risk
behaviors that spread HIV; and
recommended measures to
prevent the spread of IIIV.
The (enters for Disease
(. onrrol estimate that three in 1,(KX)
college students are 1 IIV infected.
With these numbers in mind, it is
imperative tor the campus
community to become educated
about HIV and help halt its spread
on our i ollege campuses.
I IIV is present in certain body
thuds in an infected individual.
I hese fluids an? blood, semenand
aginal thuds.
An individual can become
intei ted with 1 IIV by engaging in
vaginal, anal or oral sex with an
inftx ted person.
Individuals who "skin pop"
or inject drugs such as steroids,
cocaine or heroin and share
syringes and needles can also
easily spread 1 IIV fromone person
to another
An infected pregnant woman
can spread the virus to her unborn
child before or during, birth
The virus is not spread
through casual contact 1 IIV is a
retrovirus that must live and
reproduce inside human cells. The
virus is extremely fragile, and does
not survive outside of the body
North Carolina has
approximately l,4l)- individuals
known to be HIV infected.
Eorevery one known i ase it is
estimated that there are 15
individuals who are I IIV inU ted
and show m signs or symptoms.
This translates to approximate!)
22,000 North Carolinians u ho are
unaware that they are I 11
Remember, most people who
are 1 IIV infected show no signs or
svmptoms ot the disease it ma)
take years tor them to appear
It is very important to realize
Continued from page I
that risk behaviors are more
relevant to contracting HIV than
risk groups.
Behaviors put individuals at a dearer head
Ihev cloud your judgement
may lead you to do sorru tl
you would not normally do with
risk lor HIV infection. No matter
what your sex, age, race or sexual
orientation you can become HIV
infected if you engage in risk)
I ake precautions to prole t
yourself. The risk of contracting
I IIV can be reduced by the
Not sharing intravenous
drug, or steroid injection needles
I k not
share needles when "skin
I 'on't mix aK ohol or other
druis with sexual encounters
It you have sex u �
lubricated ondoms Ever) t.
Proper, consistent use of
lubruati d i ondom � redui �
risk ot i out r.n ting
sperinu ides .ml condon I .
containnon oxy no!9ah oi
protei tion
Cni x t 2at 8 p m it �
I heatre, (larland la
person with All S, ��� ill :
what it islikc to have Ml 6ai
effect on his life
1 en moreinformationon Ml n
and All 6 Awareness Mi i tl
the Stuck nl I lealth i nt i
person when they are recalled to
a tive utv and face the possibility
of going to the Middle East (Ireen
said that the worst question a ci il
ian could ask her was it she was
going to the Middle East
She said. "I've had some good
days and some had days (since
being called I adding that thebad
days were when people asked her
it she was going to the Middle I-ast
reminding her ot the po sibilitv
Cooper said she didn't like being
asked it she was scared
All the students said that it is
important to thorn to receive mail
from their friends lhe isl
that their friends please mail lei
ters to their home addresses until
the know where they will b
Budget Night
$1.00 Imports $2.50 Teas
$1.00 Cans $2.50 Picthers
$1.50 Highballs
Ladies Free
Sunday is Raggae Night
� $1.00 Imports
Every ThUrSCby -Free Admission
vi-r�rrv.� -in .
('I IK 'At i ), ill A new Itlfnnttrrll will irmrrrtc mmrcv u-
minority male educators in a step toward creating role models
for youngsters from broken homes
Ci James Thompson signed the lull Sept t to provide
about $250,000, to pa half the room and heard costs ofminorit)
males seeking teaching certificates from Illinois universitii
and colleges
rhe hill is intended to "increase as a whole the visibility ol
minority males seen as role models said Ripley Young, legislat ive
assistant for Sen Earlean Collins, l Chicago. Collins is one ol
the sponsors of the lull.
The bill will help about loo minority students each year.
KiNcxus program gives colleges
nationwide access to student data
Approximate!) $00 colleges and universities are participating
in a program which gives graduating students national exposure to
the largest corporations m the countr)
rhe program, kiNexus, is a computerized information gathering
sorting and distributing system that provides college placement
offices the opportunity to transmit student data nationw ide.
It is a partnership between the nation s top employers and its
major colleges and universities to build a national
students seeking employment.
Copwrtgkt 1990 IM J(U 1ii- Collegt Information Network
The Pitt
County Fair
(Fastest Growing Fair in N.C )
will be in Greenville
with its giant exposition
all next week.
The Largest Midway
East of Raleigh.
Watch Next Tuesdays
Paper for details.
�m 1 ng
il datab.iso ot
Crime Scene
Officer notifies housekeeping,
plumber about exploding sink
September 24
1120 An of ficer investigated report of a stolen license plate at
Wright Annex.
1527 An officer checked out a Belk resident's complaint of
harassment and communicating threats.
1706 An officer took a bicycle larceny report from a student
east tit Garret! Residence 1 all.
1818 An officer took a bicycle larceny report from a student
at the polu e department
1936 Anottn erassisted w ith the rescue ol a student hit and
run victim at 10th street and College 11 ill Drive.
September 2t
0115 Officers responded to noise disturbance at Jones
Residence Mall I wo non-students banned and three students
gi en campus citations tor alcohol violations.
1206 An officer becked report of unauthorized solk itation
m I vler Residence I tail Subjects banned from campus
140 An officer checked on larceny report at the police
110 An officer checked White Residence Hall concerning
report of an elevator continuously opening and closing on the 10th
floor Elevator No. 2 turned off
2035 Officers investigated a smell of smoke report in the
office area of Garrett Residence Hall Source unfounded.
2127 -An officer checked with C lenient R. A. concerning report
of an exploding sink in the laundry room causing water to go
everywhere. Housekeeping and plumber called out.
September 26
0723 An officer investigated an abandoned bicycle at the
vacant lot by Wendy's on 10th Street. Same not reported stolen
Crime Scene is taken (mm official ECU Public Safety logs.
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She Cast (Carolinian September 27.1990 13
Continued from pa&e 1
police officers in attendance And Orprizcd Agn top, (COAR) book on -�7v;is
in ws? Her research shows thai ihing from protecting dormirooms
trained student "drunk sitters m.iv
vith intoxicated party goers until
they sober up
�t tirst attendance at on cam
pus parties down, but no
longer "Before ihe law i hanged in
W the mam draw was all Ihe
alcohol you wanted tor onh a del
lar says Scotl Wiggers a recenl
graduate Now alcohol is second
,irv and people arc ha ing tun jusl
dan ing and socializing
Even Rice students oul on the
town are protected thanks to a
transportation sen k e that picks up
those who have had t.H much to
drink at area bars "he school also
has i counseling center to help
students deal with alcohol abuse
stress depression and other prob
ith cdu ill n fhc

t a woman s being raped
i ollege
s,l s C
istonishinglv high
ncrceni ol tho female
initiation have been vi�
� i" mpted rape
, Walsh dim tor ot tho
Sexual ss,ult Recover) Setvk i il
the I niversit) ol 1 lorida In most
i .ws the rapist isan acquaintance
ot dale
Gang rapes, which lypicalU
,h , .ir at fraternity parties art all
too common on many campuses,
report lulie 1 hrhart and Bemice
Sandier, who studied the sublet
for the Association of American
olleges rhey'vcdocumentedlOO
suchcasesatcollcgesofcveT) strip'
publu private, big, small, reli-
giously affiliated and Ivy 1 cague
Determined lo reduce rape,
i laire Walsh establishedampus
women who recognize potential
danger are better able to avoid an So COAR runs awareness
seminars, which are attended bv
men as well as women Walsh
Stresses that men need to take re
sponsibility tor stopping rape and
that most men are allies ot women
m the war against rape, they have
an interest in protecting their
mothers, sisters and girlfriends
Walsh's advice lo women tor
avoidingrape Date in groups until
sou gel to know your dates Avoid
being in �m) isolated situation
1 Jon t drink v ith people you don t
know well beware ot men who
talk about women as conquests or
as ,ni ersanes
. � -Hi ii � ' ni
� j students must be aware
thattherctsi rime on campus, says
Pan Smith Stanford I niversih -
spe ial ser ices manager Sm� c
M Stanford issued a 48 page
or apartments trom burglary t(
den nbnu;asuspeit I Tie university
,ilso (Otters crime prev ention ynn
Chvn up bad neighborhoods No
college can isolate itself trom Ihe
community. It a school is sur
rounded by a high crime area,
crime will seep onto campus un
less people tight back The tvpical
response is tocloseranksand battle
crime at the gate I I Calvin Handv.
ot the University of California at
Berkeley campus police t wee,took
a different approach
c in I riday and Saturday
nights more than 1000 teen-agers
would swarm onto Berkeley s
telegraph Avenue to hang out
(.anessaw anopportunit) and rat
packs ol 10 or 12 youths began
robbing and assaulting students
and residents alike
1 land began working with
tVrkelev police to clean up this
Southside neighborhood He ag-
grossivelv moved his troops oft
campus Joint City and universitv
police toot patrols were increased
Task torceswereestablishod. which
over the past two years have made
more than 1000 drug or weapons
related arrests Doormen were in
stalled m university buildings and
residence halls to check tor sehHl
ID cards blighting was improved,
escort services were increased, and
i nme prevention seminars taught
students to protect themselves
lo ensure the safety ot stu
dents, colleges must develop an
aggressive strategv against crime
Parents should entourage college
'administrator- to adopt proven
safeguards, and students must ex
en ise common sense prei auhons
It all do their part the scandal ot
v ampus loleme can be ended
Reprinted i ith permis i �� " �
the � tobet 1989 Reader's Digest
mm jht 1989 by Tfo v- �; '
�r � � � iatu : Irk
Army ROTC scholarships pay tuition
and provjd at allowance for fees and
�� rtbooks Find out if you qualify
I im Into Contact Capj I
b l camonRawl 144 75 ' MW74 tm
( ontinued trom page 1
point for ihenumberof dcealssold,
the i mbcr is i luite high s ot
I, � ; i ommuter de als
� -old in ' September 1 'hat
number exceeds the alloted spa es
b 112 in 'list one month In
,si thi r re 2 W decals
I � � mn iters In jusl two
-���� I
� � ommuter spaces has exceeded
thetota I ii ' - ' '
1� muters are not theonlv
�who sutttr bv the� er
1 irkuu; .spa es sthereareIn 41 1,417
wilpao i -ulablebut1
,r, - d in 1 W
ces t � illdecals w11 in
�i � is, hool VIr siul
. hi. h mghl affet the
'� � !��. alssold
5e � sals hav�� � � �
�' ��nth�ned in an ffort to alletate
1problem ' otsmight
, graded - ,tt :n maning ill. (st
buttle SVSem to t arry stu
dl'� itt frm fringelots to
i ampus might Km operation as
Firsi Wachovia means unlimited potential for personal
growth and career advancement tor outstanding Easl C arohna
I'niversity graduates Individuals who are ready to accept the
challenge's ol a career in the financial services industp. contact
iueet Planning and Placement tor an interview or further
information First Wachovia
recruiters will be on campus HS 1
for interview-Vtobet 2 I. WACHOVIA
earlv as next semester, said.ert
I urrently the s !A runs j -buttle
trom the freshman lots to I ampus
trom 8 p m 11 p.m tour days a
weeV Ibis operating schedule
mighl be increased lo accommo
: it, tho � ���.ho park on the fringe
1 hese two systems ol graded
f(. and an operated shuttle system
pen verysu ccssfulatl N(
. hapel Hill and N State E I
plans todisi ussa similar system at
thc V t tbarkingand 1 ransporta-
tion ' ommittee meeting
The ECU Department of University Unions
Proudly Announces
the cqrneliqus-c:rueqrd duo
. ontinued trom page 1
andWilliamE "Billy" raylor
��. ) educator and fre
( . . .� on i BS-TV s "S in
vfomii g
Following dvekeynoteaddresses
the first d.w. invited aders fr �:
eastern North arolina
. ; � icusswaysof
ementins what was i overed b)
, ,� ired speakers Discussion
iedbyB I facultyand
� rnembers who have grown ipm
, a m North t arolina said forum
, .� Hrector John Patterson The
rwo morning sessions are free and
� publll
According to Fearing, who is
English Department, this .s her last
war as dire, tor ot the I haiuellors
Forum Ihe incredible talent and
accomplishment at next ymt'
( han.ellor s forum SpMks well ot
ow students, fa�ulty,staff,schooland
eastm NlorthCafoUna she said
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"Mack The Knife" m a Musical Masterjnea
THRKEPKNNY OPERA - October 17. 18, 19, 20 and 22
1 Rousing Romantic Comedy
THE RAINMAKER � November 30, December 1, 3 and 4
Beth cCnmes of the HeartHenley's Hfadh Family Caper
t THE WAKE OF JAMEV FOSTER - Eebruan 15, 16, 18 and 19
� '
2 The Tennessee Williams' lender dawn
THE GLASS MENAGERIE - March 22, 23, 25 and 26

1 Galvanic Evening oj Damt

EAST (AROLINA DANCE THEATRE - April 24, 25, 26 and 27
Five Terrific Shows for ONLY $30.00

B, Mail Or.harut b phase: r.onu- b:
I ,� Carohna Playhouse (n 7� AU1Q nh "frc
Ras. Carolina Univcrsit) (9 19) 7 ! 7-6829 Mooda) Fnda
GreenvHIc, NC 27858 M:00�Wlil4;(ip w







vr- -vcv UMH jin until � iljl piji . . .1
We are celebrating our first
birthday and at this party,
YOU receive the presents
The party ends Saturday, September Z9-
University Center
14th & Charles St.
Men � Sat 10-9
Sun 1-6

�Ire Saat (Earoltnian
cM n i 1. ENKINS Jk General Manager
ln hah G. Martin, Managing Editoi
TlM I lAMPTON, News Editoi Doug MORRIS, Sports Editoi
MlCHAE! Ai in QUERQUE, Asst News Editor EaRI f M. Vh An EY, ,4ssl Sports I ditot
PAI i GlGEE, State and Nation Editoi CARRIE ARMSTRONG, Special Sections Editor
Math King, Features Editor I eClair Harper, Copy Editoi
DEANNA NevglosKI, s$t Features Edit Aiv Edwards, Copy Editoi
MlCHAEI 1 NC, Editorial Production Mamga TOBY BaRBOUR, Circulation Managei
EF1 P VRKI K, s Wustratoi STUARI ROSNI R, S � ����� V1aMfl.e�
CHRIS NORMAN, PflHtrooni Technician PlIONG 1 UONv Busim Wawiieei
March O'Siiea, Ch bed ds Technician Deborah Daniels, s ��
lhi i �, u , ,� nas served the East Carolina campus community since 1925. emphasizing inforrmtimwh dire�h;
tffcctsECl ttudents DunngthcEt I school year, TheEasl Com ,��anpuWiShesWiccawecknhac.rculauono( 12,000
lh, 1 isH a, hntan reserves the i gh lo refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the hasis of age sex.
, , rhe masthead editorial in each edition does not necessarily represent (he views of one individual
,u. . najorityopm he Editonal Board he �al CViroinw� welcomes Ictlers expressing all points ofv,e
L !h( od to 250 words or less For purposes of decency and brevity.fe�f ast Cam timan reserves the right
OOUI1 rttors , �� Letters should be addressed to The Editor, The East Cat timar, Publications Btdg ECU,
Greei vil c NC �7H.H � call ' " '51 666
On the Fringe
Dog and pony show seen near Ayden
Page 4, Thursday, September 27, 199(
By Tim E. Hampton
Editorial Columnist
AIDS awareness should never stop
the idea oi your kid1- using crack
cocaine ought to scare von to death said
Walter Cronkite in a radio commercial
warning parents to talk to their children
about using drugs But suppose the ad read,
The thought oi your kids having sex with-
out a condom ought to scare you to death
Would it have the same impact, but tor a
different cause?
lust like drugs, the chances of tailing
victim to the acquired immune deficiency
svndrome (AIDS) is increasing everyday
But it seems that our legislators are not
taking this deadly virus as serious .is they
Millions ol dollars are being spent by
individual states and the federal govern-
h year to combat the war on drugs:
But littleis being done to helpeducate people
about AIDS specifically prevention
in the government can tunnel
money into the research, ol AIDS, but what
is really being done with the money? It
seems that the money could be better used by
the government to launch a massive "safe
sex" campaign to educate people before they
contract the virus, rather than spend the
majority ot the money on finding a cure.
According to a recent Cable News
Network report, by the year 2000, nearly 23
million people could be infected with the
AIDS virus And most ot these people won t
even know they have the deadly virus. Re-
search has opened the doors to stop the
spread ot AIDS but people should become
more concerned with the prevention ot the
disease rather than the cure
1 he only wa to prevent the trans-
mission ot the All 1vs virus is through educa-
tion. On campus, ECU officials have roal-
led the importance ot tins lwie and have
dedicated October as AIDS Awareness
Month This is a positive step toward edu-
cating students about AIDS
As students, we must also realize the
seriousness ot this deadly irus. We need to
take advantage ol the educational tacts on
AIDS, and gel involved with AIDS Aware-
ness Month
The health educators on campus are
doing .i tremendous job promoting A1PS
awareness at ECU. And university officials
should continue to follow this positive ef-
fort. They should take more steps to educate
students, which could be taken as tar as
possibl) reconsidering some policies from
the past that could prevent AIDS
Observations from the mail
N, ihe Wright fountain and th.
Albert walks into the admis
Monsbuikbno-arrvinga 30 gauge
hunting rifle Says he pumps iron
in his tree time, but just wants to
talk with his wife
Saddam makes a lengthy
statement on ideo tor the
American media Sayshe'snot that
bad ot a guy, just believes all this
Kuwaiti thing" is a matter ot
lesse bombards the airwaves
with advertisements promoting
his senatorial campaign Says he
has loads ot .onsen ative Repub
lican money and wants to blow
issues out ot portion
As a poverty stricken, soup-
eating, light-beer-dnnking slum
living, no gas-in m tank walk
ing coupon-clipping check-to
check surviving, aluminum-can
collecting, v haucer reading lib
oral. 1 needed a Sunday drive to
digest the week's events
So robin and 1 poured two
bucks ot precious petrol in the
isiiuanudei ided to be true . isl
reU on a glorious, sunny ltt I
noon in Pittountv Never mind
that oil had doubled in price since
the (lull crisis and that the
Redskins tailed to cover th.
spread, the . nuntry side was i
i ailing
Ihe ice in the Bojang i up
started to melt about the timi �
rolled through Wden
the recent v isugt ol the iv I �
crownedC ollardKing ind Hard
Queen still bum � bnghtlv in ti
mindset main Aydenians. Oi th
ether side of Aydei (hei �� � i
long launt ot mobile home i.e
and burned up" I
and things us liberal a idemu
types just an t fathom
But lone, about that time
started to slow down Seeing h
it was Sundav thei isn't am
i arson th � huir
retilN "kick u
i f in the distance
house with gianl � I ry
umns in the front It is i md,
old Southern home with ta
drivewav md i " pastun
one side
i obir �'� eavod �
shoulder i lid wal
animalsin thep istu
jus! tw la pony rail
intensive and then il
r �bin and ' sti �pped fl
� rthof Avdi �
bol ot the id - tness an
impromptu I u I ; - . � ���
bile the pom reallv 1 - I
more like a 18-veai I ����.��
had fertilized mam a
and had be ome mu
fortable near the old
the animal nev ertl
i non so we will i all
i nto I
� � ' � '
� � . nderpastui
. : : no harm
� .
inti 11 place U"
ti I msi -t K hakai

� ' : �
inv i scrap

EdS words hi I � �
s Tobm and
� � � - :
I poi ; ' �
I� ;u;h bugle
'�. : �� � I ' �
� � . � � � I � �
Social understanding is key to integration
Honesty proves to be the best policy
BvDinah Eng
Canned Ne. s Service
5ht IS 'V�� ,h� ii � knoM tlv in .at 1
-usAndI'm n�� iboul tocon
front her with mknow ledgi
:ter all, it's pre ol my busi-
ness Bui il I could talk '� � mj friend
about what she is doing, I would
tell her this
We hae all done things in our
iives that we would not broadcast
to the world What is important is
being honest with ourselves about
what we are doing, and why
1 hw never been married, so I
cannot sav I know what it is like to
try to sustain a lifetime commit-
ment when arc rough, when
people change and it s easier to
itray than break up
I do know what it is like to
want someone who is unavailable,
and I also know how much it can
hurt whim vou discover the one
you love is secretly seeing another
But such betrayals rarely come
as a surprise When they 'y we
weren't reallv being honest with
ourselves about what was going
A marriage is made ot tv i
people, each oi whom brings a dif-
ferent set of life circumstances to
the altar Regardless ol which one
has the atfair. both must deal with
the issue When one or both do not.
the problems worsen
1 received a phone call once
from a woman I'll call Penny. Her
husband David, a colleague of
mine, had come over to help fix An
electrical fixture in my home
"Was my husband with vou
this afternoon?" she asked, quietly
"Yes I said "Is there a prob-
"Yes she said, starting to cry
"But not with you David's been
having an affair with someone at
the office, and I know it's not you.
but it drives me crazy when he
leav es the house now
I just had �� . heck out his
story this afternoon Please don't
tell him I called
1 he picture she painted of her
husband was nothing like the com-
petent, responsible professional mv
friend was a work
That was five years ago Penny
and David are divorced now, and I
never told bam oi my conversation
with his ex-wite
1 have told him that unless he
truly looks at the relationships he
enters, he only will set himself up
tor further heartache. He listens,
but does not hear
1 he meaning ol marriage, as I
see it. is joining together with in-
tegrity and commitment, to honor
the Cod within each other, and to
nurture the greatest possible
Affairsdo not contribute to this
H rvf IfW UM o-o Ajpt Cjitefe
By Darek McCullers
Editorial Columnist
Several years ago, I wrote a
paper dealing with the topic oi
social integration entitled
Physical ,nd Social Integration
1 he Problems ot the Brown vs
I opeka decision
In this paper. I asserted that
the problem oi social integration
has vet to be solved 1 would like
to make an attempt to deal with
this problem at EastC arohna I ni
versify, Md possibly otter a so
The Supreme Court noted m
the Ptessey vs Ferguson decision,
Legislation is powerless to eradi-
cate racial instincts. . . If the two
races are to meet upon terms oi
social equal must be the resuli
ot natural affinities, a mutual ap-
preciated i t each other's merit and
voluntary consent of individuals
I propose that thiscan happen
bv doing Iwo things.
First we must strive tor a
higher level of understanding
Both whites and blacks have rea-
sons tor their attitudes and ac-
For the past tew hundred
years, African-Americans have
been put in a situation of depen-
dent During period, the Afri-
can-American had to depend
upon the so-called liberal to pro-
vide him with the means of uplift
to achieve equality However, of-
ten, thev have failed
It is mv contention that black
people have been stagnated by an
attitude of dependency; which is
not their fault. They have become
dependent on social services (such
as Affirmative Action Programs),
and on set asides, remedies and
Ihe w hite lib rals ' "
so called i lod I �' in
the north with a f the south
These people Struggli d with the
hv pocrisy ol belief in I d ar I
perset ution oi bla� k people
There were times in history
(such as pos( �'� .�
Rightsrraw emenl ��� I i I � - med
thatthegood i
1 lowever their praei as
overruled their moi ihtv n mam
As mv brother
Would anv domtn ml i ;
differently? It is nol liki
one who is in control regardless
of their color, would give up
Full integration would mean
that main white people would
sutler a loss ol power (thev don't
understand that despite seme ini-
tial displacement equitv or parity
would eventualh be reached.)
Man is controlled bv power the
Garden of Eden was an act or
What will be necessary to
reach the coal oi integration will
be a meeting oi the minds Each
partv in this struggle must realis-
tically examine their positions
make it clear and work towards
real solutions
1 lowever, tins cannot come
from our minds - sue h e ents will
come from our spirits
We must also recognize that
laws are external while the spirit
of C ,od is internal The bible sav s
"Thv word have 1 hid in mv heart
that I might not sin against thee
A solution will come through
the word of Cod It we read the
word, it is found that oppression
issin It isalso found that injustice
is sin and that selfishness is sin
Creating strife and contention
issin Ml of these thu
in th ' ' �� hu h sh u I
our 1
There is an exo enl
whi h it orre tly apj � I
us h, '�.�. to nd i ippressi i
I thi st ry � �' �� I
� ��.
was deeply di ided

lewish law made il :
ir that thev were to ha
doings w ith thes.nuant.uis �
another im �. n w
i lev vho I
among thieves and was badlv
beaten The priest and the I ev ite
looked at him and passed on the
other side I like both the so-call
� , s ind republicans, t today
1 lowever there w as 5 I
man tan his arch enemy
Samatanan had the mind of G I
and he stopped and pu - 1 up I
man He took him to an inn gavi
the keeper money, and said '
he needed anything more I
iuld take, areoi it on hisretui
The answer tor those w ho n
oppressed is to know that ( J
will never leave you He looks it
your heart not vour skin
neighborhood, situation or pi
Acts 10 2S reads ' And hes
unto them. i e know how that it -
an unlawful thingfora man that is
a lew to keep company or comt
unto one ot another nation bul
. od hath shewed me that 1 should
not call anv man common or un
We should not discriminate
in any form or fashion Discrimi
nation will eventually end on this
old earth or in the new one
Do you have an opinion on a subject, or disagree with something that was
printed in The East Carolinian? Then let everyone know by writing to the Campus
Spectrum, Campus Forum or a Letter to the Editor.
Faculty, staff or non-students, should submit opinions to Campus Spectrum,
while students or student groups should write to the Campus Forum.
T� Etttt Carolinian merves the rigkt to edit opinions for itnpk and!or decency:

QJlie JEaet CEarglisian
September 27,1990


Alfredo's brings
back pizza slices
for a buck
By Rich I ernan
stjtt Writ!
Do � , -
back and it's
lfredo s New York St
located nexi toChii
pres c:
riPA t a I
Alfredo s pizz
lo ated at Can
it s grand pening dov rtt
was ul I, and
hasbeen . � usiness
would be :
Ont . I
it's success could
w nei Ifiedo
college si idents :

� ii

beer H
a vet") nict pi
slice of pi
small pizzas
pitcheT oi beei
onh $"
'Postcards from the
Edge' explores mother,
daughter relationships
By Stuart Oliphant
Statf Writer
;st budgel
Photo by Mali Ki-g
a ana �reenviltepi ced malt beverages are a downtown delight lor the
a v hal
: s a

fredo n akes his sa it e
�cratch e ei yday rhc
pe was la ighl to 1 n his
n ol hei ai d has been ir his t'ai
� ions Both his w ife
Zahara and his fifteen yeai old
son, Ricardo are a part of the
busii ess
Families, attorneys or
any one else ou might I
dov: low n v. drop in for a
slice I if play s mellow rock lui
mg the day time and pumps up
WZMB late night and ifyou ml
to hear a certain tape bring il in
and he 11 play il
Next week ltreoo s will
also have tree delivery to the
dorms and Tar River F.states
apartments He hasa simple phi-
losophy for his business. "Good
product, good service, good
prit e v. e no problems
International House provides diversified
culture, language for foreign
By Sheri fetnigan
st.ut Writer
It slikt 1 rcj rdon I
but we ha . � '
Intern itional I

foreign studi 1
an ext hangi pi
studi nt pei 11 " �
live in thi housi it a tirm
to ma in tan
1 ultureand lang
s manager. I"
apan said his
consist ol pr pannj
the resi lenl kitchi
signing lean 1
dent contact
repairs and a tii t;asti asun
also takes chargt
Reports of n
,1- well is :
problems tnd
it it the meetii
� � iM bound to
he difft r
� Some
. � : right to
tional ! louse

� 1

� 1
� I �
I '�
It 5 expensive for them and they
don t want to waste their money
1 hex re really educated, too, be-
1 ause thc have traveled a lot
Ohno said
( )thei inti� ' r's
tics he said are their eating hab-
its 1 . ents stvles of dress and
1 )hno aid he is thankful for
the opportumU to live and stud)
in the I nited States He calls the
L nited States a true melting pot
with its variety of races and places,
whereas Japan is a homogeneous
I country
'ln)apan,everybody looks the
same and at ts the same 1 lore
i nited States 1 e eryone has their
own identities he said
rhc main differences between
the I mted States and japan, he
added, are the prices and freedom
of speech
In apan, there are not main
1 ourt i ases bet ause we don't talk
too much with too mans
opinions "Ohno said
! ina � hiwona from last At
� aw � tint �-
n a t. 'id win she 1 hose to be a
resident of E( I S International
�she s,ud Stud) ing and travel
ing abroad has been rewarding.
As a result she speaks three lan-
guages Malawi English and
1 rench By living at the house she
has met students from China, In-
dia, the Phillipines, (apan, West
Africa and the South
Chiwonasaid, "1 he people in
the house are quiet, a !A and cable
system is provided there'sastudy
room and nobodv steals your
she said the residents of the
Internationa! House receive imi-
tations to all the International
student Association USA) func-
tions. Hie organization plans
meeting, dinners, cook-outs,
dances and hips The purpose is
solely to bring students together
tii have tun and learn about each
other, Chiwonasaid Sometimes
it's so busv that you can't do ev-
Ihe ISA is not limited to for-
eign students anyone 1 an join
See International, page 8
What happens when Holly
wood actress Suzanne Vale suffers
a near fatal drug overdose? Well
for starters, she enters into .1 drug
rehabilitation program, and then
later goes home to live with her
mother, who has her own problem
with substant e abuse alcoholism
Ihis turn ot cents sets the
stage torelumbia Pu hires latest
release Postt ards i rom the
The movie enters around
Suzanne Vale played by Meryl
streep. and her readmittam e into
the realm of at ring a task that is
not altogether easy considering
hertrat k ret ord ol drugabuse In
order tor her to get an acting job
Vale must consent with her
producer s request tomo ein ��� ith
her mother. Doris Mann, played
by Shirley MacLaine.
Moving back home with dear
old mom does not overly excite
Suzanne Suzanne sreason.Dons
is an enormously popular actress
who s career completely over-
shadows Suzanne 5 career
Both Suzanne and Doris are
very stubborn and will not givean
inch of ground to theother during
an argument Most of theconflicts
that erupt between the two are the
result of a mother knows best
"AH of her life, Suzanne has
been Doris Manns daughter, a
big movie stars daughter ex-
plamsStreep and this is the story
of her shaking off mat Doris mantle
and coming out and becoming
herself at last I think it's a really
interesting story not just for movie
stars with progeny in the busi-
ness, but tor anybtxjy w ho
an indelible t har.u ter tor a mother
or father
I his holds true tor ai I
Fisher, daughter of actress Debbn
Reynolds, who wn�te the screei
play for Postcards 1 rom th.
I dge based on her hot k ot tin.
same title
1 alwavs tl ht that in
appriached 1 lugubi
with energ ind humor 11 I
tality. com d
at somethn g that
i ssanly examine in 1 sen � i
preach. sa . 1 hrectoi
Mike Nichols
When drugs ind 1
the upper-middle class �
proached to. sob rh I n � ul
iikeafternooi I ision
Ihe m � :���-
ibmshovs ingSuai 1 truggl
tooven 1 meherdrug dependent
and re enter the at ting scene In
an amusing dream sequence
Suzanne finds herself walking
downalonghalllinewithpii lures
of famous Holly wood persoi
ties (in luding Elvis and lohn
lushi) who died In n h
Suzanne eventually reai I - ��
medicine cabinet at the end ol I
hall and proceeds- is mam
drugs as possible Vssl n gles
to find a pocki
found stash, Suzanne looks up and
observes Nancv Reagan striding
toward her
Shaking her ind� . finj
'tiskttsk fashion Nancylooksat
Suzanne and say s, N.
his scene marks Suzanne's en
trance into drug rehabilitati
At ttrst 1 tons 1 hoos -
See Postcards, page 5
Theater progr;
Meryl Streep and Shirley MacLaine their mother-daugl
relationship m Postcards trom Ihe Edge
success in related fields
HN oe Horst
stall Writei
It th� ' ' pi
� enjovs one �l the inchest
'�it isstill
. n around ti impus
I hi; pi . � im has more graduates
� ted fit Idsthann

I he th. at. 1 i. partmenl at
1 , ffers mam opportunity s
students to work in profes
� 1; ettingsof acting and other
related I � �' Ihe st hool's
ffci ng� is the Meisner
� ,Ugh a two year program in
11 ting
Dance, lighting and the u h
nk al aspet 11 �f the theater are also
covered in this school and allow
students to experience a broad
variety of work in the theater
Possibly the most well-known
aspect of the theater department
is the at ting program lohn
Sheann, head of the department,
said, rhe theater program at EC!
is an excellent one m it it contin-
ues to develop ui this way, EC 1
will become nationally renowned
in acting and theater
been seen to go on to work in
commercials, 1A andmoviesafter
they graduate A good majority of
the students who graduate trom
the Meisner technique go on to
work in the movies, he said
t meol the most recent success
stones is that ot 1986 graduate
sandra Bullock. She has the lead
role in the new sitcom "Working
(iirl" and has starred in the movie
Who Shot Patakango?"
Movie work has gone excep-
tionally well tor ECU graduates:
148b graduate Mary Kate
Cunningham had a role in Dear
� nil "erini's is me xieisoei in ovwut ����� �w. ,
�. p, StudenBintepmgnmhave PWI0M8)N���worked
Folk artist performs at New Deli
x, L,�j�.r,nru concertina and the harmon
with Robert Duval and lav
Dunaway in "Handmaiden's
rale, � bJSSasey Ivey worked
m Stitch and 1990 graduate
Manley Vp had a minor role in
The Exorcist 111
Though movies have been
what a lot of graduates end up
working in, it's not the only work
thev do Main students work in
various places, such as Husch C lar-
dens, doing children's theater and
Shakespeare. King's Dominion
and in repertory theaters around
the country.
One of the biggest successes
was at Irvon Palace in New Bern
ast summer All ol the actors and
actresses who participated in this
endeavor were trom E I and
portrayed characters that had
lived in the Palace in the llWOs
But the most common mis
conception about E( I stheateris
unavailability to the general pub
Ik Main people think that all the
auditions tor performances are
onh open to theater majors
Lin the contrary a good poi
lion of the people who have and
are working in the theater arc from
totally different majors students
See Theater, page 9
By I ewisoble
si.ut ritei
I k a t t -
nietv ot
, � me ,� b 1 �� -enting lain
Mat Kintoshon I ui sday .Octobei
- at the New Deli l"he perfor
will bcbegii it 8:30 p m
,1(,n will be J3.00 tor
and -?l 00 tor non
ind admi;
lain Mat kmtosh isa nativeof
� 1 land and has traveled exten-
sively throughout his homeland
and throughout Europe the
; nited Statesfor well over twenty
. ' II s
Mckmtosh is no stranger to
the folk musK scene and is con-
sidered the quiet man of S Ottish
tolk musK " I le is one ol the most
popular tolk musicians Scotland
has ever given birth to and is
considered a master of his tratt
Mckmtosh learned to plav
music on the Highland bagpipes
but has since given them up tor
other instruments McKintosh's
favorite instrument today is his
five string long-necked banjo. His
banjo has traveled with him on
tour for over two decades now
Besides the banjo and bag-
pipes, U Kintosh also plays the
concertina and the harmonica He
often plays both of these mstni-
ments simultaneously as part ot
his show and it is a real crowd
lam McKintosh's music has
been described as humorous,
poignant, and incisive and even a
combination ot all three. Other
than his music, McKintosh's
genuine warmth and friendliness
allows him to interact with his
audiencesand hisGlasgow humor
makes him a crowd favonte where
ever he performs.
See Folk, page 9
"1 he band 8 or 9 feet will be bringing their rock-and
the New Deli Saturday night
j roll machine to

� Ulljc �aat (Earultnian September 27,1990
Brokerages decide to clean up act
Brokerage houseopnnions arc becoming remarkably honest. Rather
than rank stocks based on their chances ol outperforming stock
market averages Kiddei Peabod) and Pearson Lehman Brothers
have switched to making selections based on thou absolute' per
formance Analysts have to pick stocks they think will go up
regardless ol the market
Swatch cars compete with the Yugo
Swatch, maker ol i heap multicolored w ristwatc hes is out to pro
ducea tin) cheap i .11 foi it drivers, according to the Petroit t ree
Press rwo prototypes are in the works one ol which run by
battery Swatch officials would nol comment, but the car would
compete ith the 1 ugo.
Pump prices expected to rise in future
1 asl week s surge in oil prices will i atch up with motorists before
long sa experts rudt oil for November delivery Friday climbed
$2.01 to $35.43 a barrel its highest level since April ol 1981 Analysts
sav prices are up almost $14 a barrel stnee Aug I means
unleaded gas should have risen about 2 cents a gallon Bui it has
iumped onl 22 . cuts a gallon
Teen pregnancies cost taxpayers more
American taxpayers pent $21 5 billion lasl vear to house, kvd,
educate and baby -it the families headed by teenage mothers 1 hat
figureisup lit r� entfrom b'ss a cording to a report b the( enter
for Population Options Reasons inflation the growing number ol
teens havine children and an in� rease in tunding tor maor federal
support programs
ludine Meduaid
More teens giving birth each year
In 1988 488,9r�l teei ig i gave birth accounting for 12.5 percent
of all I s birth- accirdi I the I S Center for Health Statistics
The birth rate went from ? foi every 1 (XX)girls aged 15 to 1� in
1986, to 53.6 in I iSS ITie birth rate had been declining in that age
group since 19711 when hH of every I,(XXI girls had a baby
More college students use diet pills
Nearly 0 percent ol fema ege students, aged 18 to21 used
diet pills in a given yi ai cording to studies by Michigan State I ni
versitN researcl irevs annuig nearly V000 students at
Michigan StaU i ersil found that almost Id percent ol the
women who consider themselves to be slightly underweight had
used die! pilK
i , pyrtghl � � � � �� v �
nore Suzanne's problem This is
evident from their conversations.
when1 Pons never seems to listen
to her daughter, but instead to
cuses on her own personal di
Driving Suzanne home from
the hospital. Doris totally ignores
the fact that her daughter almost
In fact, Doris seems more con
cerned with the possibility of her
own death
Suzanne seems to take her
situation at home in stride 'she is
reunited with fa k 1 aulkner
placed by Dennis Quaid, and
seems to be enjoying hersell de
spite her mother's disapproval
Street does an excellent job
portraying an actress making a
movie w ithin a mm ic Although
at times she almost seems willing
to turn to the camera ,nd sav
(. ut,let'sdo it again asSuzanne
often does on the moc k film -et
But then again w hi e er said
that 'Mr.�v ingan .u tress m.i film
within a film was eas Mi this
situation opens the dooi for con
Post, ards From the 1 dge
Continued from page 7
has an incredible supporting cast
that includes Gene Hackman, Ri- i
chard Drevhiss and Rob Reiner .
However, it's a shame that these .
actors are not given moredialogue J
But as Mike Nichols explains, J
"1 assembled this particular cast '
because there's a large gallery ot
remarkable characters in this
story. And since the world with
which we're dealing comprises
very strong,colorful personalities,
it seemed necessary to me to have
such strong personalities in the
actors, who truly animated their
This is especially true of One
Hackman, who gives Suzanne's
director, Lowell, a verydominat
ingpersonality. From the moment
1 lackman walks onto the set. the
audience knows that this man is
incapable of taking anv crap from
the neurotic performers that mav
inhibit his function as director
1 laving the patience to listen
seems to bo the motif of the movie
With parentsor with children this
is not alwavs the easiest task to
accomplish. This is what makes
Postcards From the Edge" a
movie that almost everyone can
identify with
Continued from page 7

N � E � T
Carolina East Mall
Ot�er expires October 5 1990
Saturday, September 89
Sunday is Psycadelic Night $1.50 32oz Draft
( I iwona talked about In ing
in tru a and i lears up some mis
i on eptions about its c ountnes
She savs all ol Atru a is not
poverty stricken and underdo
veloped Main places in Atru a
are rich, jus! as the I nited States
has Beverh 1 iilN and the New
V I 1
y iUK siums.
Chiwona grew up in the (it
ol Zomba She emphasizes every
thing is basically like large lties
in the U S. Many styles of dress
and music are the same. They even
speak Fnphsh in some sections
Nothing is new to me here
except freedom of speech' sh
said That's reallv something.
209 E. 5Th
i.t Int. (iii.lti- " n I v'rk
WZMB Top 13
2 Soul As lum And tin- I lorses l hey Rode in l n
? S�up l ragons I ove od
4. elly I ish Belly Button"
? Bob Mould Black Sheets of Rain
h Mniv y outh Goo
CreenSo Real � i'r, I ine
8 Frequency N. Compilation album
u i . Davis Scouts Deposit
10. lane - Vddn lion Ritual de lo Habitual
11 L Itra Vivid Scene "Joy"
i he Pixies "Bossanova
13 Li ing olour " 1 ime s Up
And More.
led t H�-ih WMK 1 llison
i .
- S.
Music Notes
Golden or Red
Delicious Apples
On the local metal front, Charlotte-based quartet lirehouse
has just released their self-titled debut effort on Epic Records.
Firehouse originally went by the monicker White Heat but had to
make the usual change when another band (in England) claimed
rights to the name I irehouse has received much help from Jon Bon
Jovi and Richie Sambora in inking a major label deal And it that
wasn't enough slaughter s Mark Slaughter and Dana Strum pro
duced the demos that were submitted to the companies The full
length LP is heav with a solid, melodk foundation "Home is
Where the Heart K which gamd the bo vs notoriety in the aroh
nas, isi.u hid. d in the pa, kage If you pit k upa copy ol the new issue
of Metal I t magazine and turn to page 19 you'll see Firehouse
c iongratulatii ns guy s!
Quadra ux jammed at the Attic this past weekend I tie
Raleigh based hard rock act performed a slow of originals that
rocked the Mtn .ill night long Vocalist Ian Fields formerly ol
Sidewinder ha-a voice reminiscent ol ourney'sSteve Perry I he
band a- a w hi �lc ise client Smooth and polished guitar work w ith
a melodic rhythm section completes the overall melodk sound
Quadra Nixx ,vill be at the Switch in Raleigh on Friday rhe opening
a t will be rhe Reactors.
Also coming to the Svs it, h w ill be Boston's bad boys Extreme
on (Vt 8 and V est (ioasl re kers Stryperon C Vt 14. (penmg up for
Stryper will be Raleigh's own Paris Red. For more information call
(s-i4 832-54 11
fackyl will beat the Attu on Friday, belting out favorites by
AC IK . Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin
It you're in 1 ayette die this weekend, xou cancaU h two great
metal acts at the apeFearVallcy lair Fayetteville-based band Lasl
( hild will play on Friday at 7 ,uk 9 p.m and other area favoriti
Street lethal will play on Saturday at 6 p.m Admission is$4
A couple weeks agoWarrant made a guest appearance on the
Arsenic Hall show Ihe Down Boys kicked butt on the title track
from their second I P "Cherry Pie Pobon'sCX DeVille plays the
rippin' guitar solo on the studio version ol the track speaking ol
Warrant, ani I ane and company are being sued tor supposedly
copying an old Bav City Rollers' tune Bayit) Rollers?! Remem
berthem? No, I didn't think so. Well, they're fust an old Scottish pop
rock band w hi made it in the 70s and are looking to get some extra
cash on the side Music Notes will keep von posted on the court
In the nuantime,Warrant will be treking across the States
with Poison this vear on the flesh and blood" tour The double
threat atta. k will be making its w as to North Carolina on CVt 27 to
plav the (Irecnsborooliseum.
Until next week, turn it up and let it plav'
( ompiled by "Dizzy" DtMMM Nevgloski
20-02 �
24 Ct �
Gt . ��
9 b 0Z HAG
Ruffles "Light'
u Potato Chips
$2A9 fi
Meat Wieners
N0NRE1 �'�� � ' ' ' �
�'����� El
Diet Coke or
Coca Cola Classic
Candy Bars
Keebler Fudge
Stripes Cookies
4.3 �
4.6 oz �
Light n' Lively
Country Oven
Iced Jumbo Rolls
Kroger Zips
Snack Crackers
16 02
16 oz

Sire lEaat (Carulmtan
September 27,1990
i IP SH? l ED MOM '
l i 1H.KI I NT KV! �� i
. � i basketball 11 J
� � � ave. Anv veai
s wi nun pi rn rs
� r o � �
s S100 51500
ioi $80 ' �
I )P IM.s K K ES � "��
U l OCX Mi �
nnui ssi ks wwii n immi
ll l I n o xpci encvm cssan
Kl 1IN; SERVICES SC13 Venter
ve Men i -� e N( 28 i
I ll I " N � � . necessan
� Call

� � � ' d
� � - � � I
� ' � �
person job and typisl ob pp '�
tvveen ; 5 p m al sl 'I I on u
ro II 6 1 5th v Greenville (
es. Clubs
� , Son
1988 J00ZX .HUH. Whit. , one else- The Brothers ol Mu N , TOCHJR " �J
lck , rims Fa ton Omega ANDMGDOG: ll
R.caros oaded 1 rool Pcrtecl acookoutand the. tud ����'�'
,Khwv.n esBestofferover CONGRATULATIONS rO when wc showed u, ou two sure
vriiiv.iiiii � ifrowi l � �� ntown wasa
olace in the horse sl I ��' " ���' �� � - vV
" � t � i .
company in college
Ski and sm 1 iurs
Residency Status ind 1 tioi
pra, n( il n mph 11 wntti i b
� � �� . Excellent
Si � � � 315
V. c'n
hirts " ids $30
res Wn
A .tereo� ib
7 s v�
is II rRLE?
FORSALE:St ur,end
, . � Ian p - 155 4542
i l l lv ' - tf social
, :� i � er 3,at7
I . "���
. ii � 7s ��"
bracelets m
V 1 K I
�n rcmissingonc! ������� � �
t, even tl i I I iln l
. . - . �� vnnd ncxl imi
IHI POSSE: is always w itching our adventure; it sun is �wecl al
waitii ; and itenu beware thougl �� couUi I see what was
Pledges u'r ,n;r ! '�'�'�' ' ' no S
dogs left blind as a bat. while
UPHASIGPLEDGES inksfor pupj itaycdl thein iti
m( ettcroi ttlcmal Fl � trip to Hardec - � in
, ,P Iv, b ��.�� ��� b - ��� s wond(
iastTl Lirsd w rhe Brothers �'�� ere we had �'� � i �3
in i � : � ard a mo ir h, 1 i;otta
�) ntS I ' � �� A ����� Mi A �� ll
Gennctt toi tind it was a littli
. � i �-�.�.
1 . ' ' � �� .tat th Rw
AOIM s ngrats . r 1 ttl sis
ters 1 ���� Mp � S ;s
W sis I Rs hi l ril M
Dl I I �
Bers( : Crysl Elemn Rene
Friend Mi lis Mm �- - �

� : - r Alpl ' IX'lta
nrrs i
. � : IV( iCCl tl
roves! V
indgotn ' ii �
iree than v
. : � �. rand '� P
M . M
PROI I SSION i n l'li . WD
Rl i nun t SSING
Kl rn 1 IK WOKK
SI Wl lM Is )U DPI N
� �
� . � ' rwaru to
. . � � . En�
Hit sl(l PIR 1 1 CLUB
� �.
I 1BD t Ml l PM �

1 OK sl
i l'i , s K U I s
Ltrgtst Library of information in U S
alt subects
. . .
o 3cg�cv'
i u ��: mi
I rll
Ri �
- ,
sis 11 RSOEETA I'l '�
� :
pa ��' . .w -
� " �
, heads � '�� ' �
jsr $:
800 351 0222
� Bt��ircn lnlo�mitton
� l I (. UI� Ns-
1C � r r -r "
. . . Ml HI

e-LBd3B ax rKTttx)aje
S( H )l RSHII'
01 MM 11
sc HO(M Ol
Wl D2 Don �
sll 1)1 NTS
. sea i
i ronwi '�
���-�. � �

. i i .
I kl B C K
, Octobei : p-n
v thi �'� � ' �
� I on I
i rh� ; �


. I bi �� In l - "
I enetil

. )2H
. �: oprai
� � Sei r Ri
ii 7p.m FR1 1 M i.N
� � irii M
t Fletcher I
FREE. Dial 757-1371) for the
Music - Re rdod . � !ai
VI ss (,I
meenio '� ixingorstin
� � iy,0
ti v. � � en by stud
: mtse I e wort! the tim
it t letcher y - . the i � � - '�� :
ations Fc-
I wcarorbrii " ing
rts Maks
ring shorts Re
lorflvi reup iroui d cai

- � �. isit beautil
I tl � �rld vou've
,0f and get � crcdil it
We 11 tell � h
your rL when
� rsl Stud bi
� �.
1 sl C AKOl IN
-� �
. .� toi in �
ind i it thi door
� .

me earn
, �� , .
net 11 ipp
i I.
� �
. �
Mend - '
be pre
: .
. f the I

I - , V-v
r rev
� py, except for poetry m's
IhcPul iti . i Bldg
icross fron loynei I rar) I hi
II), 3 i
t AMPl s
��.��. Sl lenl entei
;�; ��: I acl men ersl
er thai ittei danc is mand
� , � � ii t service prof I Vn
now member tl it 1 is not n �
thi meeting

: '
lowship achvihes and
ll Wl
. 1( fcl
, Ril
veui iisi
( on n ittee meeting Monday ('
terested We ber 1st at Jp.m . MSCoffeehouse
. nights Attendance is open to all students
i n furnei
I vervone is welcome to thi mi
on 1 hursdav Septi n bei
Mendenhall Sl id nt Centei
Social Roon
g Meeting will be held Wednesday
i ctober VI at 1 JO p m . and oonsisl
�e ol a tour of (Iradv White Boats
mt i' �
Fxchangi Progi im v � - sl :
, . . er 3rd v �
r e Evancho Iron
Center for Inten
ntheexc! pi cdun
i NS! irii ' lStu lent! chai �
ISI P Intornatioi alSt � ntE
� . IS changes witl
thcAcadiaUnivorsity(i la),ESCI
I reni b Busim ssS htxl �nd 1 eiccs-
tei Pol teel i i( 1 ondon y �
n posed ol exchange students
il � �id iswell -i- E I -�'
;� � - hi' : �'�' : ' ' : �' �'�
� ei colleges will be presenl I
their firsl nd experiences
kvithvo iomesharetheirexperience
. �; . �, �: . �� W( re
tcii �. � '�� ims ame true! II
cam ot attend contact Ms
i v n( � 6769 for informatior
Vrm) ROT is spoi �� � p y '�
back1book drive for American troops
nSaud t ibiaollection boxes will
it oyner I ibrary, Mendenhall
StudentCenta ind the Student Book
Store from September 2" October
Ml di ; itions e greatly ap-
Attention There will lv a meeting at
5 JO p.m on Tuesday, October 2 in
(,(. H 1008 See VOU there
i Bl ikelock will i snui
-�. � . � � . '� � - n Ocl
it 7 nkin's Audit
Craftsri like :o
i �� ill EC studci tst. attend
rheWine& Cheesi 1 iculry Mixi i -
on ruesdax Octt�cr2 it 5 f:3 p.m
in a B ird n(Hi '
rtunitvtotalkl I get to km �'����
, � pnfcs'sirs! V ' � �'� XMAl
n cmb rs in wel m c to tti nd

di esda)
p.m in thebookston
medicalschoolfaculty.studei I
l � ,� Ipers- nm
la) I ctober8 fi
p.m in the back hal � '
ling,E I 5ch)l �fM I
Look for your Entertainer in this issue.
skip Waters from WNC- IVC hannel
12 is coming to present a lesson on
weather and class activities Meeting
will be October 4 p.m in Speight
J08 Everyonecome'Cuarantoodrun'
vi v '
ingwilltx . � lon( � � ' "�� �' '
OakSl pl LEvcrytn .invitedI
nd. Anyoni � �
welcome to �m n. If you
haveanN rucshon? m � -
r, or Kim � ' i
Approxim it I) - � "
awarded in schobrsl psl School of
Business majors. Students interested
in making application foi -nose
scholarships should secun forms
from one ol the following depart
mentofficcs Vccounting GCB32 S
Decision Sciences M18 Finance
J420 Management-3106 Markehng
J414 Ml application musl be sub-
mitted to Ruth JoncsfGCB )21
Chairman d Scrwol Business Schol-
arshipommittce, by October 19
Final selection will be made b the
ECU Student Sdiolarships Fellow
ships and Financial Aid Committei
upon recommendation ot the EVan
of the School ot business The Dean's
recommendation will be made trom
candidates selected by the School ot
Business Scholarship Committee

' - -A s,?
,( iKKSI K l' S II '
� - ! !( l IM N
r(iI : i �'I
TODAY -5:30
By Mason
Rich's Nuthouse
aaff.wuar" 7 sicy potto

&�f un wee
INO w fii �Cl
-HM(llV Adventures of Kemple Boy
7 7" 5 A
By Chris
isc IS M -fr,
The Dead King
� Ai-LY .

, ud Ttf � '&2EiJs vi TOP DOLLAR1-
�WHO . l6?rs SOW! tfAOOV TttOKfS
�f A (Sow I
CfcTS R.l4MT,0Oy 0�J
i Whiskers 'n' Chubs: Dentally Unstable
By John Shull
� jujt ri
rAilf �-
. KfcftH I � 'J!TH 'g luw1t�T
fxiA T?oy from nyscmsirt
�"Re- ,
5lN-� WITH
wwiskas v 7ZJ n
screen should be replaced

dllie iEaBtUlarultntrn September 27.1990 I 9
Continued from page 7
tlis musi has made him
popular amongsf other perform
ors in Scotland and he is often
� upon to assist on their al-
ls However lain truly excels
as a solo artist ! iveofMcKintosh's
ilburrts have been recorded
ivc which is proof of his popu-
� ivith Ins audiences
rhe following is a list of lain
M kintosh s albums Hv Re
En ore Man sa Man
w ith I lamish lmla hi 1 ive
fromGlasgow "Singing from the
Inside "Straight to the Point
"Home tor a While, Standing
Room Only "Live in Hamburg
(with Hamish Imlach)" and
' (.entle Persuasion
"Gentle Persuasion" is
McKintosh'slatest album and has
received rave reviews from both
sides of the Atlantic lain will be
touring the United States this au
tumn and is an evenl no one v ill
m ant to miss.
Continued from page 7
have graduated from the
� � te� hnique program have
m ss i diK itionandeven
- makers
uidittons whether it be
� i i irkshop are
� freshman has
� an c of gettinga roleas
� : es major or year does
. i part rn the asting pro
docs Shearin said
lent Iocs not sut ceed
. � ng .isp, t of the pro
it is not the only waj he
� k in the theater All
-� igt ind 'a orkshop pro-
ire handled by the stu-
i n!t members sere as
supervisors while the students
themselves handle all the physi
. al work.
1 ighting and sound, sot de
sign costuming and make up arc
done by the students and have
been praised tor their quality year
in and year out
For a college that is not spe
nhcally designed to thearts,ECl s
theater program has an extremeh
good success rate As shown
students from any and all majors
anil backgrounds have su ceded
m this school Always open to
anyone interested, the theater can
be a good place to experience
something exciting and new
Some say that the
'me generation'
has given up on
democracy; that
we're too apathetic
to vote. While
around the globe, a
generation is, for
the first time,
taking advantage
of this long
awaited privilege.
The time has come
to choose .To
which generation
Jo we belong?
Let's set the record
straight in
Please register to
vote byMonday,
Octctoer 8.
vlljc Cast Carolinian
Motion sickness
remedied bv
static neutralizers
cars ago my uncle
,ham from the rear fender
ar rhe chain was long
� touch the ground
I car si kness
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FREE Squeeze Bottle
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innot easily dissipate
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� �, . n . pcrience
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a pair of
. � � � itta bed to the
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� . Yt manufacturer
inti static
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ir passengers
� � feel woozy
le's homemade
. eutral Auto
static electricity
� all car sickness is
� ,i . urrents
, . , irsare anothercause
,u might give it a try it car
tess is i problem
ii its have been tested
irsin Europe with sue-

�) AND

Tom Togs Outlets
icntists agree that the
� n sickness lies in the
,�. lationship between the
fo us and the inner ear's tiny
mgmechanisms Normally
�� ,enses operate in perfect
in the air or at sea in tur-
eather, the eyes register
n ovemenl white the inner
icts to the shaking. The brain,
. mg conflicting messages,
nfused Motion sickness
Sea Bands from Sea-Band
International in Boston, are worn
on the wrist to prevent traveler's
nausea through the Chinese
� eofa upressure rheyhave
i button that applies slight
-sure t i �) pressure point on the
� rist
I here is a good deal of
indentation that agrees these
levices work It you find motion
sickness medication makes you
drowsy Sea Bands may be the
Now that summer is wind-
ing down, you mav decide to turn
off the air � onditioner and open
thedoorsand windows. But those
holes in the screens'
Butterfly Screen Patches are
easier to use than traditional metal
screen patches Unsnap the but-
terfly into two pieces Place the
pieces on opposite sides of the
screen and snap them together
The hole is covered. The
manufacturer claims the butter-
thes will cover a 2-inch np. Any-
thing bigger than that, and the
screen should be replaced.
MOW-SOT 3-5 j i
,� t�i
,C Q o'
This WeeKs Entertainment
Thurs. 27th
Mind over Matter
Fri. 28th
$5.00 at Door
Sat. 29th
8 or 9 Feet
Open Mic Night
513 Cotanche St.
(located across from UBE)
Serving Food until 1:30am Nightly
Breasts � b-
Washington State Red Or Golden
Paper Towels
Sq. Ft.
Aqua Net
Hair Spray
6 Pack-12 Oz. Cans
Pepsi Cola,
Ml Dew
Prices Good Through Tuesday, October 2,1990
We Rr?'i

ultlE iEast (Earultntan
September 27,1990
m �
S OS! .ilst
drug testing program challenged
hv athletes al Stanford I niversih
A as ! � I itS .Hi UlH
doubtful i ' � ippeals court
s� s
!he hth I is�i � � t ol p
� ttit- pro
ran ted b the National
v I'll, it ' � ssch lation
v ioI a I : I pr iv acv
i state
thai I
i ou said
Tiei v idencedid not support
N iim that there is
dent athli I I thai testing
� tition
rt nn� in th
� :on

' !1J
Florida State tacts:
Home: thens, (a
Nickname: Bulldogs
Mascot: Bulldog
1 nrollment: 27,200
( olors: Red and Black
Stadium: Sant'ord (82 1221
WOT Record: 6 6
lle.ul Coach: Ray (ott
' 2nd vear)
I SI Record: 6 6
("arreer Record: 6 h
A Atttlliation: Division '
Returning I ettermen: t-7
Retaining Starters: 15
series: i irst Meeting
East C
An inside look
mi�n Schedule:
.SI M-
Southem Miss. 1 s-17
labama W17-16
1Isept. 29
iXt h
Ote Vfiss( kt.13
nulerhiltOct. 20

i eorgia I echDec. 1
I arle s Pick: I
Una vs Georgia
P I arle McAulev
Sports I ihtor
I I e IS
( . :
el t ' hens


wwntuv to be 1 '
noth tean - ir�
ti d th. R
� -� 11 .� I he Iirates �
, ol Soutl estern Ion
� V
he plav I
�� �.
wevei Pirate hi I
iinator ; � i � i ason
. , . . .ss I I ��
� I

kVhei - � this tootba "
he has entered
� �. � �
P i

; . � itbali pn gl HI ' '
, - ibout Georj l her
v - ver opponent I am not going I koui
ean re in mv memories and to share
� ost import int garni i ius it is this � � -
�. entei nto th am wrifh sevei ke
le is nose guard Ernie Logan EmieLogari whou
� .
ep in pre-season prachce, did exactly thesai ep
He is going to be lost to is for probably four I I i �����-
� team. Hoi only t werr
Inside .
Pirate soccer team
disappointed with tie
ition at
t to (hi � ' � '
, all ! lie
Hv Matt Mum ma
suit Write
I om an I . Ih Pirates a
much needed advantage in the
first n ertime 1 en ir Rh ne rose
I hi- 1 � I soccer team played to the occasion th
� � i
� tin
I . ni dlege 1 uesday to
: ; 'ui 2 2 lie
i mming info the game the
� ii . t. I hand 1 enoir Kh ne
. but II was still t.i
-� d to in We should have
w. n the game said II coa h
I ust who �� disappointed
w ith thi .� ime
ame otit strong in the
five minutes later threading a
wear) K I defense
Everybody is a little lired
right now said goalkeeper Bryan
eWeesc 1 hePiratesha � played
three games in the last four I
against the likes of Na. and
AnnTii an Ivt n lOllgl '
II played wellagainsi Nav v
md AiniTu an and w ere onhdent
. . ! .1 1 I I ' - l v (. . . .v . . .t, .
heels beginning ol the first hall ind wmtrnirigintothegamebiitLeTioir

am iiii-ii
Ih-I itef
Hill pi. ked
s i red early f reshman Mike IV'i k
si end for the Pirates in a centre
i-rsiai goal thai hit tin- cross bar.
bounced on Ihe joal line then
n bed baik into the field. At
� i c onsiderable pause Ihe etfi
i filled that it was a goal
I .ill its all I evei Leru�ir Rh) neansw ered
� , -late in tin-first halt te
Is to k at lie tin- game at I 1
rhesecortd halt produced no
� � , if, � res an.l sent the game into
; � � � , j . � rtime lumer I hris Blo h
� for scored foi 1 1 on a pass from
Kin ne played aggresiveh 1 hey
came in hen- and hum; on, said
Austin Batse
In the last minute of overtime
Lcnoir Rhyne had a brcakawa)
,m had a chant c te u m the game
but DeWcesC denied the shet te
save a tie "I figured i owed them
one. s,ud I JeWeese 1 le shew ed
a let et composure today said
1 usf et the freshamn goalkeeper
1I plays 1 Nc Wilmington
Saturda) Sepi 29 at I 00 here a!
to face
C arolina can boaof back to back
ii tones for the first time in thn �
asons, but o�i� h Mai k Bi
is being guarded about bis team s
v ham � ' ' �; ' ' � ' � "
� - ima State Satur I i
Br ��� �d � ' '
earK to sa th. I �
turned the orner
re mu ' � �
. � � en the :

plav then
. � nfcreno
Cai �' '
� �
hich i a I
Satur ' � torv ovei
Mister ptnne ' "
7 Place-kickei
meanwl kicked
. . for thi
- - gami
ir j
: A'e've got a
. . u ftense has not
turned tl
i - � � hall so well Ken: -
: � ' : ts irds to �
. - et n '� � '� r
tb i that meai
� rtse still ne :
� I �
rhe Pirate s goalie makes anothet save m (he battle agmst Lenoir
Rhyne The game was finally railed �: I :� tw after double overtime
� I i - -
: � V il ' ' � '� '
e : iving 12.3 p nts per
. � " -
h isNort na
�- � th
I "The
� id in
mthi � .�
.�� - - Jai
V rb1 i ar I � � I ��� ill I �
made more dirtk - I
loss of start ' - -

pounds, suffered a I
practici Moi :a w hei i I m
iterolledintohisleg and I - ��� -
r is "ven
"v doubtful for �� ��-�
� He -
Brown said. "It
I � ill � � nt
sicalh ��
� : ap mi ve been in this vear Si
we il be limited in the amour- I
hittmt; vm' can do in practice this
week as compared to what wi
dene the preA i � ks
iwyer ier hhuu hm i en n (i- vv
South Carolina joins the Southeastern Conference
� . .i ii i fk CL'i ktwv , . i�i.�.r��.i ivinki.ut limit
CO ' i w
mifb ' il I . hunt ter in all
. . .
I then I in I
� r i ��.� �
� � � � � . i.Mie
i ' �" I s. heels finished
I � n nationally in l6oi
porl I � en three N A
But tliat d � n't scan South
lina ithletii dire ter King
ma iri . �-� I 'i .en
V hen i eii o ihfOM n in
� n with Sotitrn astern enter
in c ,( hools and you re seeking
ition ii hampii n ihips, you'll
11 ,ee a.amei ei k Ii i ik mj; at
i , iitt mi re going t. ' ,i e him
1. .eklin( empetlte ui ihe . es ol
si mebedv else We're going alter
Southarolina made it official
I uesil i n i epilog an invitation
to join the SE and accomplishing
its goal et bet oming a member of
an all sports league
SE presidents voted imam
mously earlier luesdav m a ten
tereme call te ask South (arolina
to om the league
Sim e adding Arkansas to its
roster tir, I. the SEt had been
searching tor a 12th member to
give it an even number ot si hools
south Carolina and Miami ot
1 londa were the front runners to
become Ihe 12th team
" This isan emotional moment
tor me said hixoii. who foughl
b,n k tears at a news i onteremeat
Williams Mm e stadium " ! In-
decision to become a member of
the Southeasternonferencc will
prove to be a milestone in the
history of our university I his is a
giant step new era
"Todav isagreatday forSouth
( arolina Arthur K Smith, the
university's interim president,
said This decision culminates
more than three months of gTOM
ing expet lation during whu h the
university and the SE became
increasingly convinced that our
membership in the SE w i iuld K-
very y,o tor hth ot us
"We now nm the finest all
sports collegiate conferera e in the
Country, one With a proud history
that began nearly 100 years w
when member teams began com-
peting with one another
More than 1(H) tans and st hool
officials, in luding football i ea. h
Spark) Woods, trustees hairman
Michael MungoandSE( commis
sionerRo) Kramer, were in itten
dance when Smith made the an
nouni ement
Kramer, uhomet with Smith,
Pixon and other South I arolina
ettii tals tor about tour hours
I hursda). said the SI I was
proud to extend the warm hand
oi invitation to South I arolina
"When one accepts member-
ship in the Southeasternenter
ence, one understands the COTO
petitivc opportunity thai lies
ahead. Kramer said The chal
lengeinallof lifeistobeyoui best
Ixith in the classroom ,u on the
Held of competitive strife lonight,
Southarolina has accepted that
he sl hopes to integrate
all South . arolina sports ex( ept
teetbail into the league by the
" season 1 he school s
partu ipation in football probabh
ill be postponed a yearbei ause
�blems, al
though that i ould be moved up
a year or delayed a year officials
Krami r also said the vote
was unanimous on the tirst bal
lot Even Arkansas. whi h could
not cast a ballot, approved South
( arolma s inclusion.
si i membermstitutionsdid
not vote on .mv other sihoi'l
luesdav Kramer said. But he
said SE pri-sidentsarecontinu
ing to evaluate other schools as
possible members, although the
league has set no timetable or
expansion limit.
1 here is no entr tee fcojoin the
SE which onlv requires annual
dues ot $50 sked when uth
( arolma would write that check,
Dixon said Whenever the com
missioner wants it
Dixon was interested in an-
other type of check the SB s
revenue-sharing check 1 ast vear
SE teams received from $1.7
rralbontoabout$3.0million Whcn
Kramer said that. Dixon turned to
him and said
Goodness Thank you sir,
he said "1 didn't get that print
South Carolina, which has a
very limited revenueshanngplan.
received ust $(0.000 from the
Metro Conference last year, otti
cials said.

vLliu iHuwt (Tttriilumm September27,1990 11
Sports Briefs
Continued trom page 10
Walsh traded to Saints for draft picks
� irterb�i k Steve Wubh acqutredb) thel �allas owboysal
'of the N�i I pieV i thisyeai �NH. draft was traded to New
� ' � c picks. Dallas �et the Saints' No. 1 and
No I � o ' in W2 thai d become a No 1
n Walsl tx� . ha. : t pi U in ihe first
: i e t t v o vl
Oakland clinches Al West title
Oakland Mhleties clinched theii third consecutive
V I ' �� i v. i oM ' i u ii h . m� in o ei
n. I eSti wart pit hed J five hitter
tu' A'sbocanv l first team sin� e
� : �: adelphio all ivr� s
! oieinao KO's Anderson in 6th
i ii
�' i . ' i' I consecutive
� . ivith a tirst-rou I knockout ol
� � . ti n at 254 pounds,
� : i i � i : m with a i ighl w ii h
. I i knockout was I oreman s
McEnroe suggests younger players
ol Mel nroi
M i
. i � si h its in
. � lv. 2. "It is nol thai I d
v' i I 'etersbur I la
. � w:iore to find me
Rinaldi, Capriatti win openers
�. � - k
� i;eiou nil

. lcrl'a
onal L
1 tv4. 7 t
Gilbert has easy win in Australia
past Peter
! I '
� 11 dooi
Fovt in fair condition after car crash
Florida will not appeal sanctions
, . � . � .but vs ants
, i
Lakers acquire Warriors' Teagle
I'ti tOI � I
. � . � m five
Penguins start without Lemieux
ring to stae season
M l� lemieux. Ia mieux,
1 left the team in
I � � erapvon hisba k
that h lovei
(leorgia rivals game to be televised
: , Kti .s said the addil
msl South
tared to 1 he i onditions the
, , imbia in theaftei math ol
� before the
I 4 pi � lech's Bobby I knid
led I Si
ljSl iilavers R�ss said 'I he) re
i . . Ids to theemotioi
Ross said, the ti �n entraU on
� the n: ecocks
M�H w Ion ethe stay and cutoff all
i-lectncity m then
Durham Bulls may move to Raleigh
V) I : . n
ui hamoi;nt
m IXH auseoi piki
1,1 r
(i.u rison l learsl v h is ,i true
freshman Hearst is the 'rising su
perstar" according to lewis id started in ever) football y.
ilus year and is Georgia's leading
rusher, averaging s ards a game
Phe Bulldogs operate .1 mul
. ile defense rhej are prone to
stunting and trying to ki ep the �'
tense off guard I he) tr and be
extrcmel) mobile,and sour. toha e
iueded in their first games
I he appear u ha e Lxtt� 1
team speed than Georgia has had
in the last couple of years I) is
p irti� ularh e idenl in then 1
ondai said I cu is
I heieoi i defense will
md seni 'i 'iitside linebackei
Mori is Mo" I evvis I he
, rush in th 11 .
�ehimasadropin,I e rej
� hin from iidi to �id
0 w hi re the) w anl to pi 1!
- bi si football pla ei
noi ke plav ei I
on defense is freshn i'Ui
lieh I'heP
:� i' tn
I c w is md p
Ii j ol thi fii d md I
K issc 1 thinV ' hi have tl e pr�
11 a i place kickei ' lxI ege knil
ball l i' is said I le h is V ked
everv ex h � ce: t ield m w I
(ainii every kuk ott since he ai
rived as a true freshman
I le has a perfet t 7 7 in field
v;o.ils (this season), his U�ngesl
ing 53 yards; he lias kicked onl)
one Ku k cit that dul not goo '
biii k ol the endone I !n �ooi
tmn Kasse) kick the ball fron
yards out on the prat t;� c field
I he Bulldogs have ha I
�ult tmu 1; 11 rating offense thus
fai in l he season a� 1 un il igonl
M .uis per game w: �us
opponents EC I has av� 1
igi1 t27.8 yards per game vers is
ipp( ijii � � 1(1 � H
In order for I 1 Pii ti to i 1
t he ng 11 ' to I ep thi
take - pen tii
. , . , teminin
ill alsti have to kix'p
II lefensi � thi held 1
omi point
�'�� I opportui
ram to mo1
ms I'vi
. . . .
I ! . - I � 'i '
. ' . �� IH s
h .I 1 : � nienl .n havi p ived
inall yeai said I evvis
Indeed this wil : il .
the third irgi I rowd to w p h
i itegame Sanford -� idu im holds
K2 !22andH(l (KXlp isareexn
llw East Carolinian is act eptkig apptU ations
for News Writers. If you want to ham the ins-and-
outs of the newspaper industry, stop In the office
in the Publications Building; or call 757-6366. See
what the student newspaper can do tor von.
Ihe 'Biggest 'Burrito
you ve 'Ever Seen!
Stuffed with beef, rice,
lettuce, beans, tomato bits.
L'Aj sour cream and com ml with
IjllEllig enchilada same.
MlWyfV l.naranUvd to till sou up!
2? $3.45
Think of the six women
Bssffiassa closest tO VOU.
A M I' ' l
Jigi Now guess
which one will be raped
this year.
Miles Wolf I has agreed losel hi Bulls to Raleigh broadcast
, Bulls to play in a baseball park that
would be built ii west Raleigl 1 irCartei Finley Stadium
i ioodmart has pit idea ol .1 regionally subsidized
sports center neai Research rriai gle Park as a new home for the
hile su� h an arrangemei t would mean the Bulls' depai
ruretnm downtown Durham, it would keep the team in Durham
But Wolit told the I Ku nam Rotary c lub Monday he is skep
� i, al that local offo ials would accepl the regional idea
"Having dealt with this foi two years, I don't think the vision
is there he said
� v r 1 I
l omriilf.l from uteU l(- rrrffN
IM fiM pplt Colttgt Imformmtio Nttwort
Oh mm erf sucoMege women will w - ��lh svuhed this, yem
BwyoucMchanjetheoddsrt Klwppeninc Simpl) hj trytagm
,ixa awttnii !h.n lewe youa yow fnewb vomcnMe
h.i suiuiv (otto mkw�) rwmnks DontpropieMdeaeelMB
doon open WUfc nh � friend tftei tjrk nd K iwvc ih.u dale
rape it .1 iii.ii problem on l irfirr omptoe. Wi� num M mm
Rpa itnKmi: dhabai
Ihcn riwc mtm hoswi ax at yam fnemm hmi ttmybt bom
,t ihom ill become Mother itatistx
lv Club ;tfl Class
Thum pin' Thu rs.
Import Night
Bud get Night
$ 1.00
Sharky's is a private club for members and
21 year old guests.
Located by Sports Pad on 5th Street
Enter through Alley
"We Free Pour"
We Buy:
�Gold & Silver ewelry
(Class Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, EtcJ
Regardless oi t ondition
� TVs, VCR's, Stcaxis, Waikn ians Etc
� Microwaves 6c Donn Refrigerators
�Cassette apes, Compact Dies
We Also Need: Men's & Women's
Large & Extra I arge Clothes
Jeans Sweaters, Jean Jackets, Etc
(Extra Nice Smaller Sie Items Will He Considered)
It your Parents Have Nice Large &
X-Large Clothes they Don't Need,
Bring Them Back From Home!
On The Down Town Walking Mall Bellow The Fizz
416 Evans- Down Town Walking Mall Above Cubbie's
(Divisions of Coin &. Ring Man)
i � B yr

&hs �a�t (Uarnlintan September 27,1990

Fearless Football Forecast
ECU at Georgia
Tennessee at Auburn
Southern Califronia at Ohio State
Cincinnati at Kent State
Vanderbilt at Alabama
Sports Editoff
I astWeek: (6 �
roDatc: (27 I )
Georgia Ih
Southern Mississippi
Wake Forest
WNCT-TV Sports Director
List Week: (5 !)
To Pate: (27 13)
Ohio State
Georgia lech
Southern Mississippi
Wake Forest
N.C Stale
Managing Editor
Last Week: (5 5)
To Pate: (26-14)
Southern California
South Carolina
Southern Mississippi
N.C. State
Washington at Colorado
South Carolina at Georgia Tech
Louisville at Southern Mississippi
Army at Wake Forest
N.C. State at UNC
LCL Chancellor
Last Week: (4-6)
To Pate: (24 16)
Southern California
krnt State
Georgia Tech
Southern Mississippi
N.C. Stale
Assistant Sports Lilitor
Last Week: (4 6)
To Pate: (22 18)
Ohio State
( olorado
Georgia rech
Southern Mississippi
Wake Forest
N.C. State


Director Sports Into.
1 ast Week: (6 I)
lo Datr
Ohio Si ���
Kent State
I rado
i ieorgia 1 ech
I iiiis illc
News t ditor
I .�-t Week: (6 4)
To Pate: (28 12)
(. in inn.iti
c Georgia I cch
Southern Mississippi
Wake Forest
N Stat
��������� � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �
i M o v i e s at M e n d e n h a I I
I Sponsored In Student Union Filmsommitlec
U Admission: Free with valid ECU student II) or film pass
Garland Landcaster, Jr
PWA, will describe what it
is like to have AIDS and its
effect on his life.
Tuesday, October 2
.8:00 p.m. Hendrix Theatre
Sponsored b Student Health Services
Rat I'd R
Thur Sept 27 7 & 9 pm
Fri & Sat Sept 28 & 29 � pm
Rated R
Sun, sept () 8 pm
Hew yorkjFK
$ 130

Council Travel
for The
tould contact
the Sports
7: j �muh si-�ii �
919-286 4664
:�� I
Ground Fresh Daily
Fresh Ground Chuck
$1.99 per lb
Golden Ripe
380 per lb
White Seedless
99e per lb
Oscar Mayer
4.5 oz pkg.
Tide Detergent
39 oz Box
Regular - Unscented - Bleach
Kraft Orange Juice
12 Gallon Paper Carton
4 roll pkg.
Whole Split
Chicken Breast
Coke Products
All Varieties
2 Liter Bottle
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
7 oz Box
2 for $1.00
Chef Boyardee
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Assorted Varieties
Prices effective Wed Sept 26th thru Sat Sept 29th
Open Monday Thru Saturday 8:00am - 8:30pm
Sunday 12:00pm - 7:00pm
Master Card
Visa American Express
Food Stamps Welcome

' i
ill that separate us from the a:a
I all op in
�u.i i Lindolii

M Entertainer
VOL.2 NO. 5
" i i'1 � 'iiy.
Fall on the Mall
ECU'S first FaJI on the Mali The main focus of
the event will be the Maxwell House New Music
College Tour, featuring Masters of Reality.
All that separates us from the Savages
Suzi Landolphi
On AIDS & safe sex
Focus on music
movies and more

Fall on the Mall2
Mendenhall Movies8
Managing Editor: Michael Martin
Editor: Carrie Armstrong
Editorial Production Manager: Michael Lang
Advertising Director: Adam Blankenshtp
Advertising Production Manager: Warren Kessler
The Entertainer is an arts and entertainment supple-
ment to The East Caroltntan published the last week
of the month. The Entertainer welcomes all com-
ments and story ideas. Address correspondence to
Special Sections Editor, The East Carolinian, Publi-
cations Bldg East Carolina University, Greenville,
N.C. 27834, or call us at 757-6366.
The group, Massters of Reality, will be trie mam focus of ECU'S first. Student Union
sponsored, Fall on the Mall
Fall on the AXall
Student Unbn to sponsor concert in Oct.
Johnson, to throw a no-hit game this summer.
As the story goes, Johnson received a copy ot
the CD and proceeded to play it over and over
for a reported four and a half hours, then went
out to pitch che legendary no-hitter. YWien
someone asked him what his inspiration was,
he said "The Candy Song
In addition to the nighttime concert, 15
exhibition booths will be set up on the Mali
during the day featuring free samples, premi-
ums and product literature from such sponsors
as Zenith, TDK, Sony, Maxwell I louse, Soft
& Dri, Crunch Tators, Salon Selectives, Care
free Sugarless Gum, Xouvage Nail Enamel,
Pontiac, Request, the Mew Music Magazine,
Bausch - Lomb and Compri Hotels.
Everyone is invited to come out and have
fun at the Student Union's first Fall on the
Following the tremendous success of
its annual springtime fest Barefoot on the
Mall, the Student Union will sponsor a
Fall on the Mall on Oct. 8.
The main focus of Fall on the Mall
will be the Maxwell House New Music
College Tour featuring a concert at 8 p.m.
by the group Masters of Reality.
Chris Goss, Googe, Daniel Rey and
John Leamy are Masters of Realitv, a blis-
tering, stomping concoction of '60s70s
style hard rock with a trippy, tuneful inten -
sity all its own.
The group recently signed with the
record producing rap-label Delicious Vi-
nyl, home of rappers Tone Loc and Young
The group's single "The Candy Song"
inspired Seattle Mariners pitcher, Randy
The Improv focuses on music
Music is the focus of The Improv this
Located on the groundfloor of
Mendenhall Student Center,The Improv
is a non-alcoholic nightclub that brings
the same entertainers found in the bars
downtown to an on-campus location for
students to enjoy without all the hassles
and expense of bar-hopping. The Student
Union Coffeehouse Committee is respon-
sible for programming presented in The
On Oct. 2, "Knack Knight" will be
held featuring open mic performances. The
various performers will begin at 9 p.m. If you
would like to perform, contact the Student
Union Office at 4715, ext. 2 6 in
A "Rag's Time" performance featuring
an as yet to-be announced musKian will be
held on Oct.9 at 9 p.m.
Admission to The Improv is free and
refreshments will be served. For more infor-
mation on the programs in The Improv, please
call the Student Union PROGRAM
HOTLINE at 757-6004 - 24 hours daily.
The Entertainer October 1990

Comedian addresses
is nothing u rong w ith ayint
to �a! � sex
Shi � ' i �
"iih f hs" mi rri un i �� an
-dine of the hi in
iscuss S�X
ents "who don't
their children
( tndoms constitute i kej el
nt in her routine, and s
the details about "strengths
ind weaknesse i' of rhe birth con-
trol device as well .Is- views on its
� i vs AIDS

�s uDon cc
i ; l afe h
Ii will bi i
�� i . s �. ii iafer" routim
ECl on ()ci 16 at 8 p.m. in
f !� itre 1 ler ippearance
is sp H - student i nioi.
Forum (Committee and is tree and
open to the publi
Three years ago, Landolphi
designed an audience-participator) l'st
AIDS and safer sex presentation She said one of her biggest
for college students. The presenta- "gripes is meatmude some women
tion addresses the issue of accept- have about asking their male part-
ing and negotiating safer sex prac- tiers to use them. "A young woman
rices. Her lecturedemonstration told me once she had sex with a
combines humor, compassion and man and when I asked her it he had
encouragement through the use of used a condom, she looked sur-
Stand-up comedy and presents a prised and told me, i didn't know-
refreshing way to expose and calm him well enough to ask him to use
the fears that surround sex and it
change. " you imagine that
Landolphi, who said she thinks Landolphi said. "She ould have
she is the only performer in the sex with someone she barely knew,
United States with her type of rou- but she felt she couldn't ask him to
tine said she believes there is noth- use something that would protect
ing wrong with saying "yes even her from a disease thai r uA Sail
u he n sex is involved her.
"Everybod) seems to sa) no This presentation is part or
a bout something she said There AIDS Awareness Week at ECl.
jjrass quintet uses an arra
The Chestnut Brass Company will open the
1990.1991 ECU (lhamber Music Series onki.
) at 8 p.m. in Hendrix Theatre. The series is co-
sponsored by the Department ot University
Unions and the School ot Music.
The Chestnut Brass Company has earned
international acclaim as the only brass quintet in
the world which regularly performs on both
historical and modern instruments. A complete
collection of cornetti, sackbuts, keyed bugles and
saxhorns provides the ensemble with this unique
opportunity to present Renaissance and 19th
century brass music authentically.
The program includes the following
selections: "Sabre Dance" by A. Khachatunan;
two works from "Art of the Fugue" byJ.S. Bach;
Renaissance selections performed on replicas ot
period instruments; "Quartet No. 2" by Wilhelm
Ramsoe; "Deplorauon" by Jan Krzywicki; music
of the 19th Century American Brass Band
performed on original keyed and vaived brasses;
and a Gershwin Suite featuring "Love is Here
"The Man I Love and variations on "I Got
Chestnut Brass Company has displayed their
versatility in thousands of concerts at home and
abroad, most notably at the Accademia de St.
Cecilia in Rome and the Academic Internationale
de Musique in Dijon, France. A finalist in the
prestigious Naumburg Competition, the
Philadelphia-based group has made guest
appearances with many .American orchestras and
given recitals in 47 states.
Founded in 1977, the Chestnut Brass
Company was formerly guest faculty at the
International Institute for Chamber Music in
Munich. The group now serves on the wind
faculty of uie New School Instiaite at Temple
University as an Ensemble-in-Residence.
The quintet is committed to expanding the
repertoire presently available to brass players,
both with its own transcriptions of classical and
popular material, and through commissions. In
the past three years they have premiered 12
major works by world-renowned composers,
including Pulitzer Prize winners Leslie Bassett
and Richard Wemick.
Tickets for this unusual music event are now
on sale Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m6 p.m. at the
Central Ticket Office, Mendenhall Studem
Center. Ticket prices are: $8 for the public, $6 for
ECU facultystaff and $5 for ECU students. For
more infoination call 757-4788, or toll-free -
The Entertainer October 1990 �

mentlenhaM student center
Tjavb AovfNiue Thm Dhnh
6 301 MfWWHAU
TtAVR-Aovwiw F�m:
Bwttan 4 Nocmanov'
800m Henmx Txaw
Facuty liaTi Mam Fob
8 15m Futchh Reotai Hau
Last Day io Dk
Gou Toussamwt 3 00pm
Vouiyiau: Coasiai Casciiw
7 00m Mwks Cousjw
900m T�4 Imwov
Gsounwoob Meoen�a
SoocH Wuiam we Mat-
2 00m ECU Socch fcic
315 FmcMB Raui Hau
FALL BREAKimmmm$M8S!ttHm
Fau On The Mau
Co-O hmMMBR Seua�
I 00m GCB 2028
Inonom Pk-T� Meping
500m Bjewsth D-IOI
Conceit- Mastejs a hMl
800m Unjvhsty Mau
4-00 .m GCB 2028
Pwqmng An Sms
PDQ. Bach
BOO p.m. Wbgmi Auoitobum
C ass Ring D-
100m GCB 20,8
Srjoer Comkbh's Reotai
8 15m FtncHS Recitai Hau
Facji Senate Meeting
2 00m Meoenha. 244
Bowowiss Contbence
4 00 i 7 00m HMM iMi
RaG! rui
900m la Imwos
Gkxjnorx Mendenmau
Voueyuu Reostsaton Micnw;
5:00 � m Chosimw Gm 204
Socch Rwk�i�n Meetmg
5:30 Ml C�stb�y Gym 204
Sub Iankxm: 'Hot. Sexy and Safb'
BOO � m Henmx Tkatk

Cuss Rg Day
Co-Rec Fug Fooiau
5.00m Cmbstenbujy Qm 204
7:00m Mwges Couseum
800m Mendenmau 244
Bacipacikg Woksmc
500m Bkvwtb D-101
Swn Meet 700m Min�5 Poa
C-ams! Muse Stats
CrNU7 Biass Company
800m Hennb T�uto
Socch: Si Anmews Coue�
300m ECU Socch km
Co-O Inkxmation StMtNAJ
400m GCB 2028
Kaming I Wokshc
7.00m OXHMM Poa
ID Cabs Avalaile
2 30-3 30m Menoenhau
Oem Scenes
800m F'Jtchh Recitai Hau
Pajehts Day
Fooau SoutHH Mbjssw
1:30 Run Staoun
Cabajf Dnoi:
Cojneuus Coob Duo
630m Mekxnhau Gaui Room
0u Scenes
8 00m F it -� Rechai Hau
Soccss Unmss oi Rc-c
2 OOm ECU ScccfJ hi
Bacpacih; !� Leaves
3.00m C-as-E�.6.f Gm 108
ID Cabs Avuabu
2.30-3 30m MtweMAu
4001500m HeacwTxaib

Cuss B� Day
Socca NC Wesyan
3O0m ECU Socch Far
Tuva Advmk Fim Thm Dte
6:30m Meksmau
Tsa6-Ajv'ewh Fim
G�at Alasu Caa'
800m Hejoo Theah
Cc Infowatcn Semmas
400m GCB 2028
Chamh Muse Conchy
700m Futhh Reotai Hau
Co-C� 0�UT�ON SttWAi
400m GCB
Pekuskn Puyhs CoNar
700m Rrcw Rwwi Hau
3-ON-3 Baxebau
Reostuiion Meeting
500m Cmshnmv Gym 204
Baomcimb Pn-Tv MEETttt
5:00m Buwsth D-101
Faculty Rkhai EuotFum
815m FutHB Reotai Hau
ID. Cabs Avaiahe
2:30-3:30m Mem�mau

Performing Arts
Performing Arts Series to open
with The Intimate P.D.Q. Bach
Tie opening event of ECU-ARTS.Ticke
the 1990- ! ECU are S15 rbr i i2 foi
Performing Arts Series, The ECU I fl S
Intimate I'D Q. Bach, will ! -r E U
be presented on Oct. 15 at 8 whenpur - jce.
p.m in Wright Auditorium. All tickets i th
the night of the
Due to tremendous performance will be $12.
season ticket sales.
.ndividual tickets tor this Presented b) classical
event are extremely limited music humorist Peter
and are now on sale at the Schickele, P.D.Q. Bach is
Central Ticket Office, the imaginary, youngest and
Mendenhall Student not very talented son ofJ.S.
Center, Monday-Friday. Bach- Pan Mont) Python,
8:30a.m. - 6p.m. For ticket Pjrt Dr. Demento,
information call 757-4788, Schickele combines musical
or toll free in X.C. 1-800- ggs. satire, informative
: S
iti tmei '
P D.iJ � i
ba ss m n �
tromfx me, tor an e ening
i 11 ess.
I he program for the
performance at F.( 'I will
include the following
selections: "Excerpts from
Littie Notebook for'PigffS'
Bach "Tour Folk Song
I'psettings "( roldbnck"
Variations; and "The Magic
bassoon a tragic
eommoditv in one act.
Tne opening event of 1990 91 ECU Performing Arts Sene
The Intimate PDQ Bach, comomes musical Qgs satire
and one-imers for an evening of musical madness
Woodwind quintet presents 'Peter and the WolP
The opening event of
the inaugural season of the
Young Audiences
Performances Arts Series is
the Quintessence
Woodwind Quintet's
performance of "Peter and
the Wolf
While you may be
familiar with the musical
story of "Peter ami the
Wolf chances are vou
have never experienced
anything quite like the
performance Quintessence
Woodwind (Quintet offers.
This Cincinnati
ensemble will be telling the
story with musical
instruments, costumes and
slide projections. A special
added attraction will feature
John Sheann, the new
chairperson of the ECU
theatre arts department, as
narrator. The performance
will be held on Oct. 13 at 2
p.m. in Wright Auditorium.
Quintessence was
strictly business when it
formed in 1982. The
quintet played only classical
music at dinners and
receptions. Then some fun
things happened, one of
which was the creation of a
new version of "Peter and
the Wolf
The familiar fable
features Grandpa's voice
booming out of the bassoon
and the wolfs growl flow ing
from the French horn. Vou about music. "The kids
will also hear a lazy cat really respond to the story,
(clarinet), a twittering bird enjoy our elaborate
(flute) and a frantic duck presentation and don't even
(oboe). realize the) are learning
The five musicians said bred Martens of
thought such a story told Quintessence,
with instruments ccnM be "Children a' ! �dnlt
both entertaining and a alike are fascinated to find
means of teaching children the characters played
simultaneous!) b
expressive words, beautiful
mus cand fancy costumes
said French hornist,
Charles Strain. "They realh
like our original water color
illustrations which appear
'like magic' on our six l
eight loot
M'oiect ion
As part of the Young Audiences Performances Art Series,
"Peter and the Wolf" will oe performed by the quintessence
Woodwind Quintet
Audience members will
be able to meet these
"costumed character"
musicians up close at the
end of the performance
during a free reception
sponsored by the Burroughs
Wellcome Company.
The rest of the program
will feature short, familiar
classical tunes, movie
vocal quartet
to perform
Aclassical vocal quartei
from Urgent i na will E 'I' onCt.2 v
( )pus (!uai ro is one i il
�� most outstanding
musical group
cultivating the vocal forms
ot Latin' American anil
V tjentinean music. I I
performance w ill be held in
Room 2 IVtendenhall.
.Admission is free
Theperformant e is pan
ot then first I tilted States
tour. I hey have given over
1,500 presentations in
(lentral and South America
and Europe. The musical
program will be1 sung in
Spanish, accompanied b)
guitars, bombos, bongos,
charango and various
percussion accessories.
Fins free program is
sponsored by the Student
Union Minority Arts
C o m m i t t e e . F o r
information,call 757-4711.
The Entertainer October 1990

Cabaret dinner
features dazzling
jazz performance
Cabaret Dinner featuring the jazz duo oi
Eve Cornelious au Chip Crawford uill be an
added attraction to this years 1'aiciu's Dav on
Oct. 6.
The dinner, which is sponsored by the
Department of Universit) Unions, will begirt at
6:30 p.m. in the Great Room of Mendenhall
Student Center and will be catered by O.r ipus
Dining Services
The unusual versatility ot the Cornelious
Crawford Duo has dazzled audiences throughout
the Southeast and gained them a respected in usual
reputation. Their repertoire consists oi song
and mstrumer.tals ranging as far hack to the ' ?0s
up to contemporan music.
The buffet menu for the evening will be:
roast heefau jus, baked herb chicken, green bean
almondine, potatoes augratin, peas and carrots,
tossed salad, bread and butter, cherry c heesecake
and tea and coffee.
Tickets for this memorable evening are
currently on sale at the ('crural TicketMfice and
must he purchased by Oct. 4. Tor more
information, call the Central Ticket Office.
Mendenhall Student Center, Monday-Friday,
8:30a.m. - 6 p.m. or "57-4788.
Carol Channing to perform in Oct
I'earl Bailey was scheduled to appear as
part ot the Performing rts Series on ()c 26.
Her date here was eagerly anticipated and ner
death left some large shoes to II.
Rudolph Alexander, chair ot the
Performing Arts Series Committee, said:
"There is no replacement for Pearl Bailey. We
will do OUT best to find a substitute
On Sej t. 10. the Performing Arts Series
Committee met to address the open date.
Carol Channing, the original lead and
predecessor to Bailey :n the lead role ot "Hello,
Dolly and a star of stage and screen, will be
the substitution for Bailey.
Channing's concert will be at 8 p.m. on
Oct. 26. Season subscribers who have already
received their I'earl Bailey tickets will have
these tickets honored at Channing's
Best known for her roles as Lorelei Lee,
the coy and mincing gold digger in "Gentlemen
Prefer Blondes" (making famous the song
"Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend"), and
Dolly Gallagher Levi, the shrewd, aggressive
busybody of "Hello, Dolly (for which she
won the 1 Tony award for Best Musical
Comedy Actress). Channing's performance at
ECU is sure to be one of comedy, dance and
music that the audience will remember tor a
long time.
Tickets for this event go on sale Oct. 8 at
the Central Ticket Office in Mendenhall.
I ickei prices are: S2 for the public. $20 for
faculty and staff and S15 for ECU students. AJI
tickets at the door will be $25. For more
information call 757-4788 or toll free in X.C.
.t t-800-ECU-ARTS.
Carol Channmg,
will appear as part of the Performing Arts Series on
Travel Adventure Se r i
Series begins with film comparing French, English coasts
The ECU 1990 ('l
Travel-Adventure Series
begins with "Brittany and
Normandy England's
Trench Connection" on
()tt. 1 at Spin, m I lendrix
Filmed and narrated by
Frank Mugno, "Brittan)
mm Normandy" reveals
the geographic and
historic similarities
between the French and
English coasts and their
You will visit many
p i c t u r e s q u e a n d
interesting sues, such as Coast, the Emerald Coasi bay oi Mom-St-Michtl,
the harbor atHonfleurand and the Alabaster Coast, and the unique
the beautiful sandy Vou will also see the Power Plant ot Ranee,
beaches of the Floral magnificent Abbey on the I rating the Similar
histories ot the two shores
of the English Channel,
you will visit Carnac,
where lies megalithic
remains of the same
Druidical society that
created the mysterious
At Falaise, you will visit
the birthplace of William
the Conqueror. In the
medieval city of Rouen,
join i he festival that
The charming port city, Honflecr is one of the many places
featured m this month's travel adventure film
celebrates the inspiring
story of Joan of Arc and
her role in uniting the
French people against the
English invaders.
The hallmark of
Mugno's film is his
emphasis on people In
"Brittany and Normandy"
you will see how religious
festivals are celebrated and
how people work and play
in this fascinating culture.
A theme dinner
featuring foods of the
THE Entkrtainfr October 1990 7

Mendenhall goes to the movies
Driving Miss Daisy
October 4 at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
October 5 and 6 at 8 p.m.
Rated PC, �� min.
The 198 Oscar Winner for Best
Picture follows 2 5 years in the
relationship between Miss Daisy (Jessica
Tandy), a 70-year-old southern, Jewish
widow, and her resilient chauffeur,
Hoke Colburn (Morgan Freeman). I
black widower in his sixties.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
October " at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Rated PC. H min.
Those "heroes on a half-she II" stage
an attack on the big screen in this live-
action adventure film based on the
popular animated series and comic
hooks. In the movie, they meet their
ultimate challenge as thev battle against
the Darth Yader-like Shredder to free
their kidnapped leader and martial arts
trainer, the wise old rat Splinter. Filmed
on location in Wilmington, NX this
movie will provide entertainment tor
all ages.
Roger & Me
October 17 at 8 p.m.
Rated R. H) min.
Michael Moore's width praised
muckrakim: documentary is about his
pursuit of Roger smith, w ho. according
to the film, is directly responsible tor
closing 11 auto industry-related
factories and bringing about the
eventual destruction of Flint. Michigan
�� General Motors' birthplace and
Moore's hometown. The film is
simultaneously humorous and tragic,
and without question, unforgettable.
Pretty Woman
October 18 at p.m. and � p.m.
October 19 and 20 at 8 p.m.
Rated R, 11" min.
In this touching and tender IWOs
update ol Pygmalion, Richard Cere
stars as corporate mogul F dward Lewis,
a tough negotiator who meets his
romantic match in Vcadctm Vwa
nominee Julia Roberts, starring as
young woman who lives In hcrwits n
the streets ol Hollvwood Swept up in
his world ol politics and power. l�oth
discover that the best things in lire .in
love have nothing to do with mone)
Honey, I Shrunk the kids
October 2 1 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Rated PC. 93 min.
Rick Moranis stars as a suburban
nerd-scientist whose new shrinking
machine accidentally transforms his lads
down to a quarter-inch in size. 1 he tun
tots are adrift in their backyard
where pebbles become mountains and
insects are giant monsters. I his film is
a friendlv, good-humored and
unpretentious Disney movie featuring
incredible special effects. A special
added attraction is the all new Maroon
Cartoon "Tummy Trouble.n
featuring Roger Rabbit and Baby
I lertnan.
Tales from the Darkside
October 25 at 7 p.m. and 9
October 26 and 2" at 8 p.m.
Rated R. W min.
This thriller offers three separate-
horror tales as told in a cage bo)
attempting to dissuade Deborah.
! lam from cooking him tor dinnc i
"Lot 24u" is .� mumnn tale abti
reclusive college student looking I
revenue "Cat From Heir features
David Johansen as a hitman pa
$100,000 to kill a vicious house cat
"Lovers Vow" is a bittersweet
romance involving .1 Satanic beast
dome it vou dare
We're No Angels
October 28 at 8 p.m.
Rated PG-13, 101 min.
Two intense actors. Robert De
Niro and Sean Penn, turn comic in
this remake of the 1955 Humphrey
Bogart tale. Set in the 1930s, the rw
pi.n a pair ol escaped convicts wh
take refuge ina small (Canadian horde:
town where the ue mistake!
men of the cloth.
Halloween Double Feature
October 31 at 8 p.m.
Not Rated. 71 min.
The dark foreboding sets. Boris
Karloff s performance as the grotesque,
pitiful monster, and Jack Pierces
stunning make-up have succeeded in
burning the images of this film in our
minds forever It's the original. Accept
no substitutes.
Young Frankenstein
Rated PG, 105 nun.
far, h ol i loUywood -
mad scientist movies, (iene W ildt i
the old Baron Von Frankenste
scienrist-gTandsori Man
his trusty assistant F.yegore I eterl
isi ne new monster, and Madeline K
is rhe scientist's fiancee who bet
the monster's bride I his is direct
Mel Brooks' most sustained pie
movie-making the laughs never ci

Student Union offers exciting trips to Hawaii, Bahamas
Do vou wish to cruise around
Mass fabled Island Princess
� 'I ove Boat" fame? It so. join
expert 1 )oug lones as h.
nenrs " 1 heGreai Alaska (Iruise"
on t V: - � ai N p m. in 1 lend
1 heatr
rhis is the second iourne on
the ECl I ravel-Adventure Film
series .n, is sure to please all w ith a
fascinating look at a nigged country
through the lap ot luxury.
The trip begins by boarding the
Island Princess in Vancouver and
heading north on a breathtaking
adventure In Ketchikan vou will
take a float plane ride to Misty Fiords
National Monument. InJuneau isit
the Mendenha.ll Glacier Bay and
take a helicopter rule to the Juneau
Icefield, nGlacier Kav and College
Fiord the cause will glide bv the
most breathtaking mountains - A
in the woi
Before on boai th kui ious
Midnighi Sui I "1- ess trail
Anchorage, you musk, ox
and reindeer farms iskan
ractngpigsand the Alaska state 1 a
In Fairbanks, visitt lei niversit)
ol Uaska and pan lot gold at the
Little Eldorado Mine. 1 ater, seethe
oil fields and fly above the Arctic
Circle. Finally, reboard the Island
Princess anil sail through the
icebergs of Columbia Glacier back
to Vancouver.
Since 1968, Jones has been one
ot the leading figures in the
travelogue business. He has
produced 13 feature-length travel
films and his lecture season includes
over 200 appearances annually.
Jones' appearance at ECU is sure to
be top notch.
A theme dinner featuring foods
of the regions visited in the film will
be served at 6:30 p.m. in the
Mendenhall Student Center Multi-
purpose Room.
I ickcts tor the dinner are SI50
and must he purchased two business
days prior to the dinner. Tickets tor
the film are 54 u r the public and
FCl' facult) staff. ECU students
may receive one free film ticket �ith
valid student ID.
rickets may be purchased .it the
Central Ticket Office, Mendenhall
.Student Center, 8:30 a.m. � 6 p.m
Monday-Friday. For more
information call 757-4788, or toll
0 990

The East Carolinian, September 27, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 27, 1990
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