The East Carolinian, September 20, 1990

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?be iEaHt (Earaltmatt
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No.47
Thursdav.September 20 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Exchange plan provides
cultural diversification
H Michelle Castellcw
sum Writer
number ol E( I students
ha chad the opportunity to visit a
different ?ire?io( the nation t Install
b parti( ip iting in the National
Student I xchangi NSE)program
offered b the E I offi eol Inter
national Studies
! he M is an ex? hange pro
gram involving l,t' colleges and
universities in 4(1 states and the
I S territories in ' iding Guam,
i irgin K
can n olvcd in
tlu' pi fining two
other V i lina universities
N. Stal : I ' harlotte
1 he ;e program works
icnts attending
(las i it othei tini ersities while
stud thcr ampuses
attend al E I I his sc
mesl ? students are at
tending lassesat universities such
asthe L'i ty of New Mexico
theLi ' '
I ii ? -i and the
ust to name
ieE an
' rdinator in the I ? I
ten itional Studies the
?: ? ? ? nal exel ange is
with a dittrr
nit perception of the college expe-
rience by introducing them to a
ariety of cultures in the US and to
otter .? now outlook on the US m
rhe advantage to the stu
dents is that their horizons are
expanded and they get access to
i nurses that might not be offered
at their home campuses Evan
cho said
In order tor students to par
ticipate in the NSE, a 2.5 GPA
must be maintained with at least
one year enrollment at 1 ?'( I So
phomores, juniorsand seniorsare
eligible tor the program I hey pay
tuition at their home olleges and
pa the hoard fecsof the
host institution. I'heNSP program
stipulates that the number of ex-
changes must be equally di idod,
meaning the number of students
arriving to ECU will match the
number ot students leaving tor
other universities
rhey get a new outlook on
other cultures and ways o( life
even nationall) . E aiu ho said
i v anchosaid thai national ex
change benefits students bei ause
the I s is quite a diverse country
i or example, the( ultureol Puerto
Rico isquite different from that oi
North arolinaand the livelihood
ot the people ol South Dakota,
I ir Maine variesdistirn tK
from that of North Carolinians
Students have the opportu
nitv to set" other parts ot th. ? i oun
try, work with other students and
faculty,exponent, eand investigate
i .ireor opportunities at oil or i ol
logos Evancho said
There are eight students from
otheij universities enrolled al E I
this tall rhey are( hristine( arlo
t?f the I niversit) of Masa hu
sotts AmhorstKn hard Dingtedy
of the state University ot New
ork Buffalo, Pamela EasteTday
of Oregon State University Laura
Green of Bowling Green State
University in Ohio, Steven Km
nevot Fort I ewis( ollege molo
rado, Marcv McCloud of Hum
boldt State University iniilifor-
ma, and Adolfo Wittgreeri and
Denise do l.i Sierra of the I niver-
sit ot Puerto Rico Rk) Piedras.
An information session con-
cerning si will be held Oct ; at
1 M) p m in the (icneral las
room Building fhe session will
inform students on the be H.fits
and aspects of student e? I n ,??
and will include a pant ; vi ?
change students visiting E I and
students who have visited other
colleges through the sl 'ro
Blow m? down ???? PhotoL-h.
Members ot the Marchinq Band practice at the bottom ot College Hill
Drive Tuesday
Neal sets RHA schedule
I a I ova Hank ins
st.itf Writer
Residence Hall Association
president Shell)
a? i omplishmui h during her term
. i i ffii i
1 he Residen ?? ! lall ssm ia
tion.or Rl IV is a outk il ol all the
representatives fi the IS resi
den( c halls on i ampus I he
organization's agend i ? enters on
the i tual li ing i litions in the
halls and univcrsit) polu y
Rl IA recently passed a ruling
hu h calls for the k king of all
inside doors on West ampus
I he reasoning behind all this
has been due to the in reas
nuts, ? ? - ilcs in the ill girls
residence halls and protection tor
o eryone 1 he dot ision c ame
straight from I v Matthews ice
t hancellor oi student life
Neal along with other n
bers ot the governing bodv of all
the ridencc halls on campus,
have mam otherproje; tsplarmed
or the fall we plan to have
an ice cream social, helping out
.?. ith Parents I a and I lomecom-
ing, Operation 'sunshine, which
helps with underprivileged kids,
the Blood drive November ("an
Drive Smoker Awareness on
November 15, foys for lots and
Alcohol wareness "
I he Rl 1 also ,i goal of
involving evervone in their pro
? ams U e would like to mini-
mize mdi idual area participation
Anything Rl 1A does is tor all resi
dence hall dwellers We like to
havea i ess to every onesowekeep
rotating our programs so that
every no an get to thorn.
With the theme of "Rocking
5 All the lime Neal said the
Residence 1 lall Association would
like to encourage everyone to bo
Two females
linked to
donor scam
at White Hall
By 1 im Hampton
News I difor
I wo females posing as dona-
tion collet, tors are linked to a lar-
ceny scam occurring Wednesday
in White Residence Hall, accord-
ing to F( U Public Safety reports.
The two females approached
residents vesterdav afternoon ask-
ing tor contributions to a handi-
capped group, according to Lt.
Rhonda .urlev of Public Safety.
Thesuspei ts started convers-
ing with the young women and
when the women reached for their
purses, that is when the suspects
tiffed itemsairlev said.
Gurfey said the suspects stole
several articles of lewelrv valued
at an undetermined amount of
money from the residents
( Hie susp'i t is des, rtbed as a
white female in her late 20 with
short blonde hair approximately
5'6 to S'7 in height and weighing
1 35 pounds, with sears on her face
and nee k and a ne I he first sus-
pect was wearing purple biker
pants and a black tank top
I he second suspect is said to
be .? bla k female in her late 2Cs
also w ith a s ar on her neck. Yes-
terday tfternoon the suspect was
irii i white E I cap, a red
top and printed pants
Besides violating the univer-
sity policy against unauthorized
solu itation, the females are SUS-
pe ted of Ian eny and unlawfully
obtaining money under false pre-
We would like to alert stu-
dents bei ause these type of npp-
ofts do happenairlev said
Anvone with knowledge on
the ease is requested to contact
ECU Public Safety al 757-6787
03ll 3W3y 3t?v?Slal?y- PholoLaft
lumn on its way this sight al Atlantic Beach may quickly drift away The weekend looks like a
pi rw ? i one tor be.v. ? ' ncrs with highs in the low 80s?-
Voters may register at Jovner Library,
other campus locations before Oct. 8
By 1 aC lair Harper
Staff Write
School collects on student loans
B) I a I oya Nankins
statt Write!
i (
i Western
ids the state
(n the average thi- I?"( I I i
naix ial Aid Offk ein the fiscal year
past awarded to 2.KM) students
close to 54 6 million tor the Mat
tord 1 oan Eleven hundred stu
dents received $1.3 million in
Perkins loans The average loan
over lour years is $9,000 tor Stal
lord Loan and $4800 tor Perkins
Edwards cites many reason
tor this figure, hiet among them
is the type ol information given to
the borrower Before receiving a
Perkins of Nursing Loan, the
applicant is required lo attend a
.tudenl Fi Borrowers Conference he pur
. jyS East Carolina pose is to provide an opportunity
lefault rate to pass on information about the
,ult loan rate here for loan program The borrower also
based Perkins earn rights and responsibilities
!HI the federal Stafford I oan
s i trnenl ot I du
? ? ? ? . iti nal student
? mil rate tor tisil year
I is 15.i ' ? ? 'ds
? itc a ith a figun I ! er
"idents v ho beg in )
. ? i it wen m vietault m
tied with tin- loan
Similar procedures are tol
lowed tor the Supplemental I tw
for Students (SI Si whi h operates
federally An entrain e loan coun
seling session, which is the same
.is the procedure tor lo al loan
and exit interviews are required
I'xit interviews make sure tin
borrowers understands the pay
mjenl plan ol the loan before the)
go out to begin payments
Edwards added, "I honestly
believe thisi ounseling helps keep
defaults to a minimum It helps
student to better understand the
proi ess It makes sure that then- is
no misunderstanding that the
mbne is a loan It must be paid
It is extremely important to
repav the monies C t the1 1 mil
lion ot Perkins loan offered List
See Loans, page 3
Election Day, No 6, 1990, is
not faraway Ihereareafew things
students i,in do lo ensure voting
pri ileges
I lie first step is tor unregis-
tered -voters lo sign up to vote
! he official books for registr a
lion lose on Monday, Oct 8,1
The process is simple and quick
and available at manv locations
throughout Pitt County, rhe Board
ol Elections office is lex ated at 201
E Second Si One can register to
vote there and have questions
Special Registration Commis-
sioners, who are citizens qualified
to register people to vote, arc lo
cated at places throughout the
county. 1 hose places in lude
public libraries, thedriver s license
bureau the league ot Women
Voters, the town halls ot all nui
nil ipalities of Pitt Count) and
many other places. On the ECl
.ampus, Special Registration
( ommissioners are located in
Whu hard (Sherry IVrnell). Spill-
man (Ronda Pierce), and joyner
Study interests NASA
B) II News Bureau
An I I study on groups
le le. ing in a remote and
hostile plai eis drawing the inter-
est of tli National Acronautk 9
ii Space Administration
I r lettn i lohnson, a re
scan her tor the II Institute tor
Coastal and Marine Resourcesand
a professor in the IVpartmont of
So iologyand Anthropology, has
invited to speak to a NASA
workshop! k 11-12 in Washing-
ton lor the workshop, lohnson
will present details of a research
protect he will do at the South
lohnson will describe how he
will study the behavior and inter
ai lion ot people living at the re-
mote Amundsen Scott South Pole
station In his study he hopes to
learn how people react in isolated
groups and how conflicts arise.
Such information would be im-
portant in choosing people for
space stations and outposts on
other planets
See NASA, page 3
Two brass instruments were sto
freshmen parking lot over the wi
Si?w? St?i?y?Photo L?b
len out of this auto parked in the
i ibrar) (Lou I Rooks and Mel-
od) I ans).
When registering, students
should be sure to bring a picture
ID, preferably a drivers license.
Voters must be al least 18 years
old bv Nov. 6 Convicted felons
ma) vote only it your citizenship
has been restored Proof o( citi-
zenship tor felons must be given
to the Board ol Elections
Main students ma) ahead)
be registered in their hometowns
Voters registered in other states
and other North Carolina coun-
ties may request an absentee bal-
lot from the Board of Flections.
Absentee ballots are also avail
able tor those- who are unable to
enter the voting place because of
physical impairments or illness
Absentee ballots are available
in three different ways. ou may
request an absentee ballot from
your Hoard of Elections bv mail.
rhese requests can be made bv
mail until lues ,Oct 10 Besureto
sie,n the written request A formal
absentee application and ballots
will be mailed The application
and the ballots must be returned
in the proper envelope, which
must be signed bv two witnesses
who are at least 18 years old
Absentee ballots may also be
obtained bv a near relative (hus-
band wife, parent, child, brother,
sister, grandparent, grandchild or
legal guardian). A near relative
may request an absentee ballot at
the Board ot Elections until Tues
Oct ? The ballots will be mailed
to the voter. Again, the voter must
return the ballots in the appro-
priate envelope signed by two
witnesses over 18.
A voter may also vote absen-
tee by the one-stop process. The
qualified voter needs to appear at
the Board of Elections between
now and no later than Fri Nov. 2.
Heshe will complete the absen-
tee application and vote while
heshe is in the office.
When a voter registers, he
she will receive information on
voting precincts and locations and
Mich services as curbside voting
which allouspooplo with disabili-
ties to vote in their vehicle or near
the voting site it thev need to.
For more information on
voter registration, elections and
voting in Pitt County, contact the
Electionsofficeat830 4121 or stop
bv between 8:00a m and 5 00p.m.
Monday through Friday, 201 E.
Second St
Changing West Fifth
Street to Martin Luther
King Jr Avenue ? not a
good choice.
Personals, For Sale.
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered.
State and Nation7
President Bush contin-
ues crusade to cut capital
ECU Crime Prevention
Officer advises students
on safety tips.
A preview of this
weekend's football game
at Southwestern Louisi-

GJljc ?a0t(ara!iman September 20,1990
ECU Briefs
ECU professor's visit to Kuwait
put on hold by Iraqi invasion
An ECU professor might have been planning to spend a memo-
rable two weeks in Kuwait next winter it not tor the Iraqi invasion.
An invitation from the Kuwaiti College of lealth Sciences tor en-
vironmental health scientists to applv for a visiting professorship in
Kuwait reached Dr. Y 1 ao, chairman of the Department of Environ-
mental Health at ECU on the day Iraq overran its small, oil-rich
neighbor on the Persian Gulf.
Otherwise, ECU environmental health professors indicated they
would have been interested.
The Kuwaiti college wanted assistance in assessing its existing
program which offers associated degrees in preventive health and
environmental protection. It sought ad vice on procedure and require-
ments to achieve program recognition and accreditation.
Chemistry workshops at ECU for
high school teachers to begin in Oct.
ECU will present a seriesol orkshops for high school chemistf)
teachers beginning in i tober
The workshops will Kk us on the instructional goals ot the North
Carolina Standard Course ol Study in Chemistry and will be led bv
Drs. Wayne and Carolina Avers of the ECU chemistry faculty. The
preparation of lesson units and a review of instructional materials
such as video, videodiscs and computer lab software will also be
Dates for the workshops are: Oct. 5-6; Nov. 9-10; an. 25-26; and
Feb. 22-23.
The series is sponsored by the E( I' s icin e. Mathematics Educa-
tion Center in cooperation with the Northeast Regional Education
Center in Williamston, NX fea hers attending will be awarded re-
newal credit and will receive stipends tor successful completion ol
the series.
Seven ECU ambassadors attended
1990 National Convention in Kansas
Seven ECU ambassadors were among more than 800 students
representing 122 colleges and universities at the 1990National Con
vention, hostixl by the Univcrsit) ot Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas.
This convention, which ECl hosted last year, promotes spirit and
learning, and gives students ideas and skills to bring back totht'il cu n
Seminars were held on subjects ranging from fund raising to lead
ership to membership.
Entertainment included David Naster, the "CollegeComedian ol
the Year a band named "The Backsliders who were scheduled to
open up for Sinead O'Connor; and a drumcorps group known as "The
Marching Cobras "
Activities for the last night consisted ot a semi-formal banquet
dinner, a speech made by Dr. Steve 1 lav. lev (a NASA astronaut) and
the exchanging of paraphernalia from different schools
WesBoyd, president ol ECl Ambassadors, sa?d, "We were privi-
leged to haverbeen given the opportunity to discover tin pot oi gold
on the other -idco! jhe rainbow
The 1991 National SA ASFCon vention will be hosted by UCLA
Husband and wife cardiologist team
joins faculty at School of Medicine
Two cardiologists. Drs, Michael B. Williams and Prabodh M.
Mehta, have joined the faculty at the ECU School of Medicine as
assistant professors in ihe Department of Medicine.
Preceding his ECL appointment, Williams completed a three-
year fellowship in cardiology at the University of Cincinnati Medical
Center, where he also completed an internal medicine internship and
His activities at ECU will involve the treatment and care ot
patients requiring cardiac catheterization and angioplasty. He has
special research interests in areas related to echocardiographv
He received his bachelor's degree at The Ohio State University in
Columbus and his medical degree at the University of Michigan Col-
lege of Medicine in An: ibor
Mehta, formerly of Bombay, India, was in cardiology at Wayne
State University of Detroit before joining ECU. He has special re-
search interests in mvoeardial ischemia and the use of lasers in
coronary angioplasty procedures.
Mehta received his undergraduate education from fai 1 ii d Col-
lege of the University of Bombay and his medical degree at S ;thG 5.
Medical College, also m India. 1 le completed internal medicine resi-
dencies at K.E.M. Hospital in Bombay and Wayne State University
Compiled from ECU Vi-ws Bun ju reports.
Crime Scene
Officers ban two subjects from ECU
for trespassing in residence hall
September 17
1153?An officer checked with another officer in reference to a
possible bicycle larceny at the old 1 lodges parking lot.
1250?Officers and city police checked out Wright Building in
reference to an armed barricaded subject.
1359?Officers repoted to the Police Department with a subject in
1751?An officer took a bike larceny report from a student at the
Police Department
2346 -An oftu cr responded to White Residence I Jail in reference
to a report of harassing phone calls.
September 18
0()2O-Officers responded to White Residence Hall about a re-
quest from the dorm staff for assistance with males trespassing. Two
non-students banned from campus and one male student issued
campus citation and banned from White Residence Hall.
0139?Officers responded to the area east of White Residence
Hall in reference to numerouscomplaintsof loud subjects. Two male
non-students were located, and one was charged with intoxication
and disorderly conduct.
0232?Officers responded to Jones Residence Hall about report
of a male subject knocking on the door of a female's room. Subjects
were located and identified as students. Subjects were referred to ad-
1628? An officer checked with a student at the Police Depart-
ment in reference to filling out a bicycle larceny report.
2Q54?Officers checked the Willis Building and surrounding
area in reference to suspicious male subject lifting up car door
Crim Scene is taken from official ttTJ Public Safety logs.
Brittle bone disease to
effect one out of four
aging American women
By Monique Thompson
Peer Health Fducator
Osteoporosis, also known
as brittle bone disease, effects
one out of every four American
women. Women are effected bv
osteoporosis eight times more
often than men. Women at an
increased risk for osteoporosis
tend to be white, small-boned
As bone ages it gradually
looses minerals. As bone looses
minerals it becomes extremely
easy to fracture.
Osteoporosis is usually not
diagnosed until a person frac-
tures a bone The tractunng of a
bone or other symptoms of
osteoporosis may not appear in
women until later in life, al-
though the condition can begin
as early as the teens.
No one knows why bone
looses minerals as a person gets
older, but it is understood that
it increases in women alter
menopause Women who have
reached menopause are more
at risk because their estrogen
levels have dropped
Women who have stopped
menstruating be us of over-
exercising may experience bone
loss as well.
I he y,ifoo news is that os
teoporosis i an be prevented It
is not reversible, but women
can slow clown the disease
process bv adhering to preven-
tive measures fhese include
eating foods high in calcium,
eliminating or reducing the use
ot cigarettes, alcohol and caf-
teine and being cautious about
"continuous dieting.
The best way to obtain cal-
cium is directly from a daily
diet. The Recommended Die-
tary Allowance (RDA) tor cal-
cium is SIX) milligrams per day
Women who already have
osteoporosis or who .ire no
longer menstruating are recom-
mended to increase their cal-
cium intake to 1000 to 1500
milligrams per day.
It is also important in the
fight against osteoporosis to get
enough weight-bearing exer-
cise This is exercise that re-
quires the bones and muscles to
hear weight such as walking,
dancing, aerobics and togging.
Another step to help pre-
vent osteoporosis is to reduce
or eliminate cigarettes. Ciga-
rettes may lower estrogen lev-
els and cause women to reach
menopause earlier.
Frequent dieting increases
the risk of osteoporosis since
the body draws calcium from
the bones it it is not receiving it
from the diet.
Osteoporosis iv a painful
and disfiguring disease
"Dowagers 1 lump, which is a
hump in the back because of
collapsed vertebrae, may ap-
pear if a woman looses up to 30-
40 percent ol bone mass
Easily broken bonesarealso
Managers feel
schools need
Carolina plant managers would
prefer to see the state improve its
public schools as a means of
improving its economic future, a
survev suggests
The survev bv the University
of North Carolina at Charlotte
questioned 04 plant managers
about wavs to lure jobs to rural
counties and to those on the ur-
ban fringes.
It found that overall, 93.4
percent were either satisfied or
very satisfied with their plant's
But managers expressed a
consistent concern about educa-
They had less to say about
highways and utilities, the more
traditional location factors.
"Reading job applications
will make you just cry over the
education our kids are leaving
school without one plant man-
ager wrote.
a major problem tor those experi-
encing osteoporosis
By adhering to preventive
measures most women should be
able to avoid the development of
osteoporosis. It you have a family
history ol osteoporosis, consult
vour health care provider
For more information on os
teoporosisand prevention call the
Student I lealth Center at 757-6794
or stop by the Second Moor Re-
source Room
"To i our 1 lealth is a weekly
health education and information
column. Please direct any ques-
tions, comments, or suggestions to
EC Friends Extends
Application Deadline
is FOR
75S-11! . P
According to Dr. Linda
Mooney, Faculty Advisor,
Hast Carolina Friends is
extending the deadline for
applications "in order to
meet the expanding needs
of the children of Pitt
County. " Although the
organization must limit
membership this ear due
to administrative con-
straints, some member-
ship slots have been made
available to persons who
have not yet had the op-
portunity to apply.
The organization,
which was begun by
Mooney in 1986, lias be-
come one of the largest
organizations on campus.
ECF is open to all stu-
dents, faculty, staff, and
alumni. Students must
maintain a 2.2 gpa. and
all applicants should have
regular access to a ear.
Volunteers commit for
one academic year and
agree to spend at least two
hours a week with their
child. Children range in
age from 5 to 13.
In addition to the 2
hours a week spent devel-
oping a one-to-one rela-
tionship, several group
activities are planned,
such as a cookout, Hal-
loween, and Christmas
party. Members must also
attend a training session.
Persons interested
should come by Brewster
A-409 and get an applica-
tion packet or call Dr.
Mooney or Susan Moran
at the Sociology depart-
ment at 757-6883 for more
information. Interviews
should be scheduled be-
fore September 26th. Re-
turning members must
Do you need additional money in your pocket but need an easily accessible job9
is seekms applicants for.
Refrigerator Manager Supervise refrigerator and
microwave rentals
Refrigerator and Microwave Secretary. Organize records,
take phone orders and order products for refrigerator
and microwave rentals.
Must live in the Residence Halls
Must be self motivated
Eager to learn
Manager - $125 per month
Secretary - $4 per hour
10 hours a week
Apply at: The Department of Resident Education or
Call for more information 757-4264 or 757-6149
Applications Due September 26, 1990
Buyer's Guide
Coin & Ring Man752-3866
Heroes Are Here Too757-0948
New Deli758-0080
Profesor O'Cools355-2946
Putt-Putt Golf758-1820
Real Crisis758-4357
Slfte lEaHt (Earfllfman
Director of Advertising
Adam Blankenship
Advertising Representatives
Ken Earley Julie Roscoe
John Semelsberger Nichol Boone
Nellie Van Den Dungen
Advertising Production Manager
Warren Kessler (Graphic Artist)
National $6.00
Local Open Rate $5.00
?er column inch
Frequency Contract
Dicounts Available
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 - 5:30

Annual telefund begins Monday
I ci night, fun prizes will he
irded during the I elefund to
I torn st.itt Reports
l'a? ult resean l ind pro ure
ioditional needed equipment su h awai
m computers Our alumni and help motivate the callers "A little
? . sptvialh enjro Ihe op iriemth competition always
rhebXI Annual Telefund ,s portun,t to speak with the stu helps. - s allaway ?-V
ottohoemMondn Vol M rhe dents and find mil what is hap lunlohaf eanentireorgamzation,
et to tvi;in ionon pi i. i , certain fraternity or so
i i i i, nonme on ?.atnpus iaiiava mn
?letund hit Ii i- held eer tall
on campus will run through o
I v I lias ,i i it h tradition ol
private support I ei tall stu
denl .ol ? rsi ill 1 islarolina
alumni pan nts and friends seek
mi' sii;mmi loi oui linrichmenl ubbit oi
ii , i,i .imtwt .i V minute training ses
1 mid ? iihK i. allau a tele u
studi-nts al
ronl "i ?' pruup from a aorm,
"The Pelelund will take place calling a( the same time Everyone
Mondav through Ihirrsdax from realh ejts into the spirit ot things
hp.m until ?p.m Ml volunteers when thi-vre trying to'outdo'the
riVoiv ? fn i meal from a total jxi .on rjoxl lo them
restaurant -u. h asrabb Sams
,t s 1' lt.T
?s til
,iw a says thai the preek
u,jitionson? ampuslasl yeai
did an c ellenl job
! almbdat hi Mphaand Delta
theendol eta .v ere the top callers in the lasl
r hln.u hi
n is given am
? in " p m " p in t tt
leletuiil rhtsvear (hope to have
thedorrns omebai k strongagain
w I- have separate (ategories for
ite In
mi, ill-
,eai wi
had iKml UH1 the organizations so it s po?
i untmut'd from pane 1
audentsi all during I he 1
It! ' ed
t a
u -m
: . i -
? ? :
? itilie the
loi i Jorm and a traternib or so
? rit to take home the prize
It group has proven lo be
ii A has show n an interest
n m trjcstart then the will proKi
? ? i ?? itest i han e ol
. .illing i'n a regular basis. 1 hal s
. ,ii) gesl that a group sign
. ? ? n entire nighl I hal is thai
up 2(1 to 22 people to
ii nil up the phone bank
Movies at Mendenhall
sponsored in Student Union films Committee
Admission: Free with valid ECU student ID or film pass
Thur Sept 20
7 & 9 pm
rri & Sat Sept 21 &
H pm
Rated I'd
Willy vfow?,
?TCH0C0LflT? MOt
Rated (.
sun, Septi
2 & ii pm
Mv Macintosh is more important to me than my car.
1' I lent mv car to mv sister. But nobody's taking my Macintosh
8 A Scxiology f oHhom Coli?i?
M A Sooolog? Un.?rvfy o V.fg.n.a
Ph D Condidat Scxioloqy Urvv?n.ty ot Chuogo
i otne Ui (be M.nKm September 20 in the sudi
Shop in Writu Building or call Jeff Mill-at
V? ri fur mere Informaiioa
(Hhc ?aot Carolinian September 20,1990 3
More Than 70
Bath Tissue
Sq. Ft.
Or Caplets
Old Fashioned
Ice Cream
Vz Gal.
2 Liter Bottle
Prices Good Through Tuesday, September 25,1990

She tnat (Carolinian September 20,1990 3
Annual telefund begins Monday
I rom St.itt Reports
i he E I Annual relefund is
set iobegin Mond.n Sepl 24 tht
relefund, w hk h is held ever) fat!
on campus, will run through Ncn
'E I has ,i ruh tradition of
private support Every fall, stu
dent v olunteers i .ill East c arotrna
alumni, parents and friends see
me, support tor cur Enrichment
Fund Cind)allawa) tele
marketing dire tor. said
I he money raised goes to
support academic enrichment
programs and s? holarships en
nance library holdings, support
Continued from page l
lohnson's stud is to he cor
ducted over .i four-yeaf period
beginning in il,ui I he work is
sponsored K the Nationals ience
I oundation I sl I
lohnson said the workshop.
focusing on biomedical research
in the Ant.ui tu . v. ill bring u ?gether
ASA and sl si ientists to con
sider how the two agent ies i an
better utilize the remote environ
ment ol manned bases in Antan
tica ! lesatd NASA ispartii ularl)
interested in using Antarctica as
an analog foi the spa v em iron
I im ussion .it the workshop
will relate to biomedu al resean h
issues of interest to NASA I ife
SciencesBiomedii al Pngramsand
to the sl Polai Biolog and
Medicine Program
lohnson has also don. proup
dj namics studies ol isolated fish
inc i ommunities m M.isk.i
faculty research, and procure
additional needed equipment such
,ix computers Our .ilumm and
parents especially enjoy the op
portunit to Speak with the stu
dents .mJ find out vvh.u is hap
pening on campus i aHawaj
rhe relefund will take place
Mond.iv through llurrsdav from
ft p m until 9 p m. All vohmteers
receive a free meal from a local
restaurant sw h as Crabby Sams,
i ubbtes or Crusty's Pizza. After
dinner, a K minute training ses-
sion is given, and students call
from 7 p m. to9 p .m. At the end of
the evening, each volunteer re
ceivesone J minute free longdis-
tance phone call
I ast year, we had about MH)
students call during the I etefund,
and they raised over $150,000
We ve got a goal ot $200,000 this
year, and I think we can meet it
I he students at Eastarolina are
great volunteers This, tor added
incentive, Iheorganizat ing
the most mone) tor the i er
sit) . will receive a $10(1 he. it
the end ol the relefund rhe same
lor the indi idual who is our best
caller "
Every night, tun prizes will lv
awarded during the Telefund to
help motivate the callers. "A little
friendly competition always
helps, savs( allaway "It'salways
tun to h.n-e .in entire organization.
such as a certain fraternity or so
rority or a group from I dorm,
, ailing at the same Mine. Everyone
really gets into the spirit of things
when they're trving to outdo' the
person next to them
i allawav Say5 that the greek
organiations on campus last year
did an excellent )ob.
I ambda Chi Alpha and Delta
eta were the top callers in the last
rdefund rhis year, I hope to have
t ho dormsvome back strong again;
we have separate categories for
the organizations, SO it's possible
tor a dorm .n. a fraternity or so-
roritv to t.ike home the prize
It a group has proven to be
reliable and has shown an interest
from the start, then they will proba
hl have the greatest ili.ince ot
calling on a regular basis. I"hat's
w hv we suggest thai a group sign
up tor an entire night That is. that
they line up 20 to 22 people to
come in and till upthephonebank.
t Movies at Mendenhall-
h Sponsored by Student Union Films Committee
Jj Admission: Free with valid ECU student ID or film pass
Thur Sept 20
7 &9pm
Fri & Sat Sept 21 & 22
8 pm
Continued from page I
year, three fourths ol it was out ol
mone) paid ba k I dv? ards said
I ynn Mi Ian a junior ma
joring in nursing said I think the
? jramisboth helpful and prettv
Rated PC
Sun, !
2 &
Mv Macintosh is more important to me than my car.
l' I lent mv car to mv sister. But nobody's taking my Macintosh.
Jason Jimt'ton
B A Sociology tarlhom Cotlag
M A Sociology Univ?rwty ol Virginia
Ph D Condidat Sociology Umv?rwty ol Chicago
in t know how amborh gets thic?jgh college toda) without
i Mai iti sh Si imetimes l have?i manv assignments that I
i.ircK haw time f?sleep Yei my Marina ish .ill ws roe u i get my
w irk vl me i m tune without making sacrifices
v irking i m m (fesertatk m and field studies means
11 fleeting an maedible amount ot information
s i jumping fhm i ine program tiian ?het with can'
is imperative as is quicklv making charts and graphs
B enabling me n i di i these things. Macintosh
pin foabh saves me an h mr and a halt each day
!i. thcr great thing ah nit the Mat inn ish is thai
it makes yi u teel technicalh confident Remember
putting (i s u igether w hen you were a kid'
Win i reads the directu AS? N d VI ai It D k at the
pk ture i il the bike and you km m north what
k d i The Mac irw sh i iperates the same way
! a tuallv taught a mend t i use i me m tw i minutes
w1 .at w dd m htc be like witlu mt a Marir eh?
Coau u the MacRsi September 20 in the Stxla
Shop in M right Building or call Jeff MilLs at
"S6"31 for more Information.
Wr rj i po 'pic !i ivc Marina fifa"?
sk them
'9?C ??X? CompuW. ?x PO? tKt Ot?? ?oo ?nd kUc??o
?'? '?oM?l lr?o?nw?? ot ?co? ComootW ?C
Harris teeter
More Than 70 Lean
Anacin Tablets
Or Caplets
Old Fashioned
Ice Cream?2 cai.
2 Liter Bottle
Prices Good Though Tuesday, September 1990
?- "?

She iEaat (Earaltman
JOSEPH 1 ENKINS Jr General Manager
Mkhaii Ci. MARTIN, Managing Editor
I.i 11 vMPTON, Neuts Editor Dot G MORRIS, Sports Editor
Michaei Albuquerque, Asst NewsEditor Earli M McAuley, Ass SportsEditor
?m i Gigee, SteteaHdMrttkm Editor Carrie Armstrong, SrvnW Sri-fnms Editor
lrs King, Features Editor LeClaIR Harper, Copy Editor
Deanna NevglcsKI, Asst Features Editor An Edwards, Copy Editor
MlCHAEl LANG, Editorial Production Manager TbB BARBOUR, Circulation Manager
fEFF PARKER, StoJ' Illustrator STUART Rosni R, Systems Manager
CHRIS NORMAN, Darkroom Technician Phong I uong, Business Manager
MARGIE CSHEA, Classified Ads Technician DEBORAH DANIELS, Secretary
The East Carolinian has served the Est Carolina campus community since 1925. emphasizing information thai directly
affects ECU students During the ECU school year, rAe?oslCaro??ia?puNishestwiceaweekwithacirculationol 12.000
The I asti or oilman reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis ol age. sex,
creed oi national origin lhe maMhcui editorial in ea h edition does not n? cssarily represent the v iewsol one individual,
bul rather, is a majority opinion of the Editorial Board The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points ol view
I etters should be limited to 250 words or less Foi purposes of decency and brevity. The East t arolinian reserves the righl
toedil letters tor publication 1 etters should be addressed to The Ediu r. The I ast Carolinian, Publications Bldg . ECU,
Greenville, N.C 27834; or call (919) '57 6366
?fit CAN YOU
ha: vefct
People should 'find a sense of direction'
Street name should not change
ruesday night the Greenville I'lan- changing the name West Fifth Street, not the
and Zoning Commission listened to a entire street It the name of a street is going
il from the Southern Christian Lead- to be changed, would it not be sensible lo
Conference (SCLC) to change the change the whole name?
nameoi West Fifth Street (from Evans Street
nose troubles are indicated
he stones make headline
past the Pitt County Memorial I lospital '
E( l School ol Medicine) to Martin 1 uther
kme lr Avenue.
According to the SCI C and mem-
bers ol the community, the change would
not onh honor the late civil-rights activist
but would prove to be an incentive for change
in the drug-ridden West Fifth Street area.
But how can changing the name ol a
street possibly decrease drug-use or the
reputation of the area? Do the members of
the SCLC really think that people are going
to stop selling or using drugs because the"
name ol a slain civil-rights activist is on the
street corner? Ol course not.
Citizens opposing the name change
pointed out many things during the meet-
ing, including the high cost of the project
Not only would merchants on West Fifth
Street have to pay a tremendous amount oi
money to change mailing labels, letterheads
and other address-related paraphernalia,
but customers and new clients may find it
difficult locating the businesses at a new-
As one commissioner pointed out,
three government building are on the pro-
posed stretch, as well as PCMH and the
ECU School of Medicine. The cost to the
ECU School of Medicine to change the ad-
dress on business papers, letterhead, etc.
would be extremely high And, since the
university is currently facing a severe bud-
get crunch, the proposed change would put
even more of a burden on the university.
Another concern oi the proposed
change is the altering of city history. Ac-
cording to another concerned citizen,
Greenville was designed m 1776 "with the
existing streets as thev are Streets that run
east and west were named numerically,
while streets that north and south were
given names To change this historical lav-
out, for some, would be almost blasphe-
However, it was also pointed out
that the SCLC was only interested in
West I itth Street is predominately
black, both in residential ami business So,
wastheSCLC tryingnot to step on anyone's
toes1 Maybe. But it is important to remem-
ber that when king spoke, he was speaking
to everyone, not just African-Americans
It would be wrong to say that
Greenville-does not need to name a street
alter the slam civil-rights activist 1 lis life-
long actions did a lot tor America not just
the black man And to honor that, almost
every major city m Ameiica has either
dedicated a new street or renamed an ex-
isting street for king
t lowever, West Fifth Street is not the
right place A stretch oi I S. 264 from
burroughs Wellcome into the city currently
does not have a name And as members oi
the audience pointed out in Tuesday's
meeting, naming this portion oi U.S. 264
alter king would be the most appropriate.
economical choice.
A committee was tormed bv the
Planning and Zoning Commission chair to
Study matter further, and the students oi
1CT' should have a voice on the issue. The
events in the Greenville community directly
affect the university and the student body.
Therefore, Student C .overnment As-
sociation president Allen Thomas should
either sit on this committee or appoint
someone as a representative of the students
of ECU. West Fifth Street houses a number
oi ECU students, and these students should
have a voiceon the proposed name change.
The importance of this issue should concern
everyone on campus, whether thev live in
the area or not
Dr. king was and still is one ot the
most respected men in American history- It
is only appropriate that we, as students and
citizens ot Greenville, support the naming
ot a street m Greenville alter him.
Many of king's dreams have come
true, and others are becoming a reality ?
slowly, but surelv. To name a street atter
him would only be a small token ot thanks
lor what he did for all ot us.
Bv Darek McC tillers
I Jiiorul Columnist
(me oi the greatest tasks in
(Mir lives is to do Hop .i sense of
direction andor purpose, "he
result it a life without direction is
,i life ol (haos i )neof the greatest
challenges facing the African
American today is to find an
identity tor the future It w ?
no! rise to this . hallenge our
troubles i an only ct worse
new sr en Jav Even day. w esce
depictions of blacks who have
i ommitted rimes w h i are .il
dii ted to drugs and alcohol, or
who simplv are bad role models
rhese statistics bare witnesses to
the t.K t that we are a people w ho
are looking for an ansvv er;a sense
of direction.
Some African Amencansseek
this identity in the images of the
past I hev surround thems
ith liiiav.esetbl.u kness Malcolm
V Pr Martin 1 uther King, Nelson
Mandela and ethers 1 he wear
African medallions, I shuts, and
ether paraphernalia However
we must recognize the past isgone
and we must look ti the future
Some African-Americans long
tor the .j s of segregation 1 hey
feel we were better off whin
we were by ourselves; when we
could teach our children and
control our own communities.
iowcer. this is invalid be ause
v, c should nc er be satisfied v ith
lust a pue ot the world 1 he
world islargeand it uu hides Blat k,
V lute ellow and. Red
Finally, there are thosi who
engage in the manv pretest- and da wtv i
11 . ? '? ?
: ? m
demonstrating, thev i an gel their
way 1 low v ver tins is not ilway
true A friend i n e told me ou
? ? t get thi bees ??? " vinegai
ou pel them v. ith honey I am
notad ocatmg weakness. Rather
i am idv iting rea n iod
-peaks thi ?g( ei Hi ? in Isaiah
nhesaid i ome let usreason
toether Itismv contention that
is this age is to survive, the time
demonstrations that are going oi
in this country. ! hey feel that b
tor demonsti iti inu proi
hasei ded. f ??? I timefoi
11impassion i and in
standing; bul m 'Si of all G
It is my . i ?ntenl
is one w ho has an identil
jesussaid Behold 1 stand
door and knot k if
mv ?. i 'i. e,and i'pv thed
i ome in to him u I ?? ? ?'?
md I
is nol
our ski! ' ? " ?
guilti ' ;
find our ?
read i : n I
help When I
be no
?? ?
Campus Spectrum
Messages on animal reasearch are mixed
(. ontrovt ts over animal re
search is a hoi new s item of late
rvpically, television news co
erage ol the issue consists of
footage of sign-toting, slogan
chanting protestors with an
aiii her svoiceover statingthcir
grievances; followed by an oy-
posing view from a suited or lab
coat clad scientist
The residual messages
gained by most viewers are
probably markedly different tor
the two sides. A isual emotional
image is retained tor the
antivivisection side, whereas an
alledgedly rational argumenl is
the likely remnant tor the pro-
animal research side.
( ieorge Bernard Shaw
ingad k e to fellow aupportersof
dollar- ii
dering medi
suuandi ?
animal rights, orJSestati Ifyou
attempt to controvert a vivisec
tionisf by arguing that theexperi-
ment he has done has not led to
any useful result you imply that resources av i froi more pi
if it did, you would jutify it Nov ductive alternal
I am not willing to cede that posi- rhe war on cancer is a? i
tion point 1 Jespiti i Ii I ???
Nor am I. But that does not and expenditures ot billi
change the fact that, even it con- dollars and hundred ol milli
cernsovcr animal suffering could animallives
be swept under the carpet, strong, peoplean Ira tingand ly
compelling, scientific arguments of cancerthan before th
sharply denounce animal research declared It is no long
because it is not in humanity's controversial I f we had i
I Unfortunately few of the
scientific and philosophical ar-
guments against animal resarch
stead routed the billions I
into certain alternal .
se :
By ill not. tot
the most part referring I
best interest
Despite widely exaggerated
i laims b i isc tion apologists,
animal resarch is not er pro
ductive. It it were that would
filter to the publk through the raise many salient questions lor techniques, computer n
media, lost is the fact that the example, why does America's andtissuecuttures,mathemal
antivivisection postion largely average life expectancy rank in models, and the like Yes tl
originated in scientific and the middle of the pack among can replao ei
philosophical circles, whereas developed countries when our peri men ts and are usually si
the defense of animal research is country performs tar and away riorsincethey are based on hus
largely an ad hoc generation of more animal experiments than data whereas animal mi
those with vested economic in- any other" And why lias our fer physiologically form hun u
terests in its continuance nation's health continued to de but these alternatives fall i i
Campus Spectrum cannot teriorate since 1950, despite erably short of being able I
do justice to the case against ani enormous increases in animal ex- place all animal experimenl
mal research, especially given the perimenta tion since that time? When defenders ol animal r
dichotomous nature of the case, I am not arguing that animal search argue that alternatives
but I offer what I believe is a research has not produced any can't replace all uses of anumals
good, condensed outline. advances. Given the billions o See Research, page 5
Americans are really fortunate
By Dinah Eng
(ianneit News Service
Everyone loves money. People
work to earn it, love to Spend it, and
rarely seem satisfied with how much
thev have
Often, we nx vi n alx tut how hard
it is to save a dime, and fantasize
about what wed buv if we won the
We're not alone.
Having goods to buv, and the
money to buy them with, is the
dnving force behind change in the
Soviet Union today.
A revolutionary plan to trans-
form the Soviet socialist economy
into a free market sy stem of small
businesses, private farms and stock
companies wi thin two years has been
endorsed by President Mikhail
"And everybody thea1 wants
more change, taster, says Richard
Will, vice president-investments tor
legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc in
Gatthersburg, Md
Will, a stockbroker and friend,
recently journeyed to the world's
first communist republic as part off
an exchange delegation with the
The visitors were matched with
host families, and Will stayed with
an entrepreneur and his family in
"He was a director of several
restaurants, discos and Kirs owned
by the state, and at 33, was the
youngest director in his area says
Will. "He owned two cars and lived
ina two-bedroomapartrnent People
stand in line to get these apartments
and he paid 4,000 extra rubles a
erage income is 230 250 rubles a
month, or$15l s f to buy a person s
place in line tor that apartment
"The people were all erv curi-
ous about us. and want capitalism
But 1 tried to tell them' iat apitabsm
has the freedom to fail, as well as to
The 'sin lets have a long way to
gp, and money isn't going to do it.
Thev wouldn t know how to use
The use of money is something
Will knows about He is a man of
manv intends, and as he puts it, it
Uxik him seven vears to pet through
college, and now he's a millionaire.
See Fortunate, page 5

5hc ?aat (Earoltntan September 20,1990 5
By Bryan Creech
l ditoi ial C olummst
today we see that the threat
ot w,ir and evil lias brought a
sense oi hopelessness and de
spair Man s tirst response is to
shake our fist to the heavens and
tocurse( lod for not understand-
ing why le would allow this to
happen Noone tixl.n can look
at tneworld and honestJv deceive
hunseit into saying l am O k
and von are O.K evil is a
realit that plagues the heart ot
Man have sought to ques
tion the existence ot i .sl based
on His allowing evil to exist m
the work) The argument
i ordmg to Norman C .eisler, phi
kisopherot religion isasfollows
? It l ,ih! is .ill good I le
would defeat eil
? It.xi is .ill powerful, I le
(ould deteat evil.
? But e il is not defeated.
? rherefore, no suchiod
I "he tirst two premises ac-
cordingtot ieister,are 'most tra
ditk i(!hrisfian)theists would
agree with the first two premises
but would challenge the third
one One need only to include
,i crucial missing w,rd in this
premise to show its t.ill.u
Premise ; should actuaih read
But evil is not vet defeated But
once the time factor is placed in
the premise, the conclusion no
longer follows. For simplv be
cause( .ikI has not vet defeated
evil diHs not mean tha 11 le never
will defeat evil in the future
The Christian response to
the problem, according to
( .eisler, should be:
? If C(x1 is all good, 1 le
would deteat evil
? It C .td is all powerful, 1 le
can defeat evil.
? But evil is not vet defeated
? Therefore, evil will yet be
(Key concept. According
tin lod'snature,( (k1 will defeat
evil His good, all-powerful
nature guarantees 11.
Another attack bv the athe-
ist is .i moral argument he uses
to question Cod's nature about
the problem of evil. 1 le makes
the argument indefinite and
himself omniscient. The argu-
ment, according to (eisler, isas
? r?uteilisnotvet defeated,
and it never will be.
?Therefore, no such (i
The problem with this ar-
gument lies in the first premise.
How can any human with a
limited mind ha ean unlimited
all knowing view to already
know whether evil willoccuror
not? ITiev are taking on an all
knowing point of view that no
fallible being can do
The bottom line to all moral
arguments referring to the exist
enceof (.iod.according toCieisler.
is that the atheist c r agin stic has
no grounds to appeal as to what
evil actually is or is not When
on sav that there is evil in the
world, vouareappealmg to some
ultimate standard ot justice that
the world has not reached. It all
comes down to this:
? I "he grounds for rejecting
(.(x.1 because of injustice are
based on an ultimate standard of
justice or else thev are not.
? It the grounds are ulti-
mate then we are using an ulti-
mate moral standard to elimi
nate Cixl whom theists tChns-
tKins) hold is that ultimate moral
? Andifthegroundsarenot
ultimate, thenourargumont tails
because the injustice weperceive
mav only be immediate and not
ultimate at all
rhis is a very complex and
personal issue that no one can
do justice in ust one column.
My heart aches at the loneliness,
despair, and mearanglessness
that I see and hear Onlv within
the absolute sovereignty of (Iod
in I lis infinite wisdom is there a
reason that He permits evil and
we must submit ourselves to
1 lim in order to understand
Bush's Operation Desert Shield
fails to be a 'defensive action'
By Adam Blakenship
Director of Advertising
In the latter part of this sum
rner, the United States started what
is termed a "defensive action" in
the Middle last However, there
seems to be a discrepancy.
According to Websters Dic-
tionary, a defensive a tion is I he
act of defending against attack,
danger, or injury; protection. ITus
being the case (and not seeing any
Iraqi tanksdrivingdownCotanche
Street), what exactly are we de-
tending What George Bush is
actually trying to accomplish by
is not the freedom of Kuwait, but
the preservation of our decadent
wheelol fortune ' society and all
of its luxuries Kuwait is simply a
I he very president whociaims
himself as "the environmental
president" parades around m a
two-gallon-per in lie pleasure
craft, and tells Americans to con-
serve (everything one would ex-
pect from one with such a selt-
proclaimed title).
Manv countries support the
1 S embargo ot Iraq, but what
about the the countries that do
not?Why should they denied free
trade for fear of the strong arm ot
ourelected megalomaniac and his
solt-proclamated judge and jury
tor the moral standards of the
worldWe all need to be reminded
that Sadaam Hussein is a product
of the Central lntellingence
Agency, as well as was Manuel
Noriega, Samosa of Nicaragua,
Ferdinand Marcos, and countless
other dictators that facilitated the
corporate usury of the rich re-
sources of manv third world
The world's oil supply is in
jeopardy. Even more frightening
is that given no grow th, our do-
mestic oil reserves will begone in
just lr years The Middle East has
an estimated 50 years of reserve.
What will we do then Who will
get the proverbial arm twist asour
petroleum based society
Everything that we own, in-
teract with, even our dailv func-
tions be it the food we eat. the
clothes we wear, even the toilet
we flush all have a petroleum re-
lated history everything. This
castle of sand that we have built is
based on this finite rcsoun e with
a very foreseeable extinction.
We had a President in the late
70s who underwent an oil price
shock, asked the publu to con-
serve, and along with a plethora
of other reasons, lost the subse
quent election. This shock created
the anomaly known today as
supplv side economics (which for
the record. (George Bush dismissed
as voodoo economics in the lHO
primaries). We now have no na-
tional energy pohev to speak of,
which is a policy in and of itself,
but that fact has to confute
wornsom visions of the very near
future and bring to light our lack
of altruism
Hussein tor his actions, but let us
realize there is little difference in
his takeover and our manipulation
of our lesser developed neighbors
Be it oil or bananas, C .eorge Bush
and Sadaam Hussein have much
in common.
We as rational thinking hu-
mans should remove these blind
ersof ignorance and recognize that
our very existence is already too
fragile as to have tries ? men, or
anv others, decide our t.ite
Continued from page 4
Along the wa . he studied reli
.??n educaticinandthewa) tomake
When I wasin high - ho I and
ge 1 planned to become a Pres-
hvterian minister says Will, and 1
realized I believed in thehrishan
ethw but not the theolog
So he shifted from the ministry
ti ?tea hing and found he had a knack
tor making wise financial invest-
ments s he became a success in the
a orld ot finance, he never forgot the
foday, he is a big donor for the
N Mi because as ,i hiki the "?
camp was the one place where he
met peopk' from all ethnic and eco
nomi. ha. kgrounds.Money,hesays,
isn't worth anything unless you give
it away And in order to have it, you
must not K' afraid to be without it
rhat is true of most ever) thing
in life. Because we live in this world,
wemusthavefi?dandclothing We
all want a home that is comfortable
where we can find refuge and sim-
plv ho Fheso are the outer signs of
self-love, and when we love our
selves enough we do not deny our-
selves these things
rhe problems come when we
think we must hoard goods because
there won t he enough Otherwise,
rrieconsequencesof greed then come
into play. Or the fallout of irrespon-
sible behavior hits when we spend
more than we have, or di not save
enough for what we want. I haveone
mend who lives from pavchoik-to-
pwvheH and ffirc virruirrv no div-
"I was on vacation on the golf
course when 1 got hit in the head bv
a goH ball she says It suddenly
struck me that if I hadn't been
spending money on a vacation I
couldn tattord.I wouldn'thavoheen
hit in the head like that "1 decided to
reallv work on getting mvselt straight
with the wav 1 handle money be-
cause I deserve better
It is not always easy to believe
w e deserve material comt( irt lust as
we do not always believe we de-
serve love It we did. we'd have it
But monev has no mereor less power
than we cue it It is ,i necessity, a
resource, that we usually hold tx
Whatwei anbegintovaluemoje
is our human resources Theworid
is full of people of good will and the
thing that will savetheSoviet 1 nion
is exchanges ol working class
people said Will
'Thev need an army of Men
noTrttt-s showing them how to rarsr
chickens and cows Reared owners
ot trucking companies to teach them
how tii get the ginxds to market A
senior PeaceCorps, so to speak
And not tust Americans But
people from Eastern European
countries. Italy, France. Oechoslo
vakia And in the end. we will all
benefit Because we won't shtxt
people we know
It's time we began to place less
value on itk nev, and rrx we on po ple
.or ?? DAI Vr
, tf?N '? '?
Continued from page 4
thev are referring to the above
m? ntioned category of alternatives
to animal rev.m h
Examples ol alternate es that
can not only replace animal re-
. ai h but can improve upon it,
ire . rucal studies.epidenuologi-
i al resean h, pathological investi
gation and most importantly,
pre ention programs The poten-
tial tor prevention is astounding
Heart disease, our nation's num
. f one killer, is preventable in
over 5055 ol cases. Cancer, our
nation's number two killer, is
preventable in 80 90 percent of
cases (Muir and Parkin, British
Medical journal, Ian , 1985). Vir-
tually all other degenerative dis
eases are likewise highly pre
. ? nt.ible
I Respite this potential tor
prevention, expenditures tor re-
search astronomically exceed
those for prevention Byre routing
our the are resources, wet ould
make those resources go far further
towards accomplishing their
One mav wonder why our
health(aresystcmdidn tnaturally
evolve into the most productive
and beneficial form The answer
hes in economics. M a person
contracts a deadly disease and
someone develops . treatment, someone can charge a for-
tune tor his or her concoction and
thesuk person has to pawirtuallv
whatever price is set
It, on the other hand, some-
one prevents people from getting
ill in the tirst place, shehe can't
charge very much A careful re-
view of research is to develop
treatments, with very little re-
sean h tor i ures and virtually the
onlv type ol prevention research
is that to develop vaccines, which
are sellable commodities (the
reason cures are dow n played is
that thev .ire one time sales
whereas treatments bring con-
tinuing revenues i 1'harmaceuti
cal corporations trv to present
themselves as altruistic, onlv tor-
turing animals in the interest of
humanity. Interestingly, their al-
truism extendsonly as far as such
is profitable
Hvpotheticallv. it we could
tind a formula tor determing the
ultimate system of allocation ot
our health care resources to
maximize public benefit, some
animal research would be in
eluded, albeit a mere specter of
teh current amount But, in that
same formula, if ethics were ig-
nored, a measure ot invasive hu-
man research would also be in-
cluded Ethics, however, no mat
ter how convenient, should never
be ignored
The ethical arguments op-
posing vivisection are the same as
those damning the Nazi research
on Jews. And, interestingly, the
arguments that were used to de-
fend the Nazi's research are vir-
tually identical to those currently
King proffered to defend animal
research that is, that the ends jus-
tify the means. on human ani-
mals certainly differ from human
ones,but the enduring question is
whether such differences are
morally relevant It we insist that
our higher intelligence or our
ability to speak are the ultimate
moral criteria, then we must bo
prepared to shove retarded human
orphans into the category ot ani-
mals It we cling to intangibles
such asour "inherent humanness
we inadvertently fall in league
philosophically with racists who.
once stripped of their rationalia
tions, hide behind ethnicity. Re-
flecting on the issue of moral rel-
evance, leremv Bentham con-
cluded "The question is not. Can
thev reason, nor Can me) talk, but
Can thev suffer?"
Indeed, there is an inherent
ethical contradiction in animal re
search On one hand, researchers
claim that non human animals
are so similar to us that results of
experiments on them can be ex-
trapolated to humans, and on the
other hand, they claim that non
human animals are so different
from us that it is alright to torture
In our reasonably civihed
society which values social justice
and minority rights, animal re-
search seems an anachronism best
Craig Spitz
The East Carolinian
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allic iEaist (Carolinian
SerJEMHin 20,1990
NEED GREENERY? I am now buy
ing any football, basketball, and
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RAPE :? icc rdancewith RealCri
sis v (nter and I he East Carolinian, a
temalc reporter is willing to meet
with you to help prevent other rapes
on camp,is I"o keep your confiden-
rialit) call Rape Crisis Center at 758-
4357 or write in tothe East Carolinian,
EastC arolinaUniversity,Publications
Bldg Greenville NC 27858.
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rdsn :r fi professional typing
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n atii g and editing text
pecdv ti imaround 756-
WITH A ROOMMATE: 3bedroom,
2 bath lownhomeatTwinOaks. Fully
furnished with laundry facilities and
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Call 1 i Samsel at Clark Branch 355-
2000 or 946-8667.
WANTED: to share nice 1 bednvm
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Call 757-1238 for details.
Non-smoker, to share 2 bedroom apt,
3 blocks from campus. SI 12 50 per
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occasioi one to remember Our
sines will add that spe-
cial touch!all1 ASS ACT 1IM-
Ol SINEat757 J240 for information.
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distanceb tween your table and the
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HELP WANTED: female bartend
ers wanted Must be 21 Apply in
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company has two openings tor rep-
resentatives to sell curb self-defense
protection. Fantastic product sells on
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No experience necessary. Call: 752-
3969 for details.
DENT? It so, the Pirate Club needs
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LADIES: Get ahead, start on your
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BRODY'S FOR MEN: has limited
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Amazing recorded message reveals
details. Call 24 hrs. 1(202)310-3336
DIATELY: No experience necessary
Excellent pav! Work at home. Call
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tribute "Student Kate subscription
cards at this campus Good
income For information and applica
tion write to c 01 1 EG1ATE MAR
Ave, Mooresville, N 28115.
Stationery store. Responsible creative
individual Apply in person at
letferson's, 1720 W 5th M
WIEDER ULTRA: UXXi lb capacity
weight bench and 120 lb. weight set.
S200 or best otter 758 7610
Residenc) Status and Iuition, the
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tornev on the in state rcsidt nt ap
plication process No? available:
Student Stores, Wrighl B i ding
TRAVEl FREE Quality Vacations
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tordable spring break packages to
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FOR SALE Honda Rebel 2 ? 1985
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otter Must sell. Call at 758 7762
1981 SUBARU SEDAN: white AM
FM cassette, air condil
owner - Must sell. 514 or best
Call 355 8152
FORSAI EWomei sti sp edl k
545; ii roocabii et$ f vercist n vci
575 "f 554
FOR SALE Singh bed tail ed
and sturd 512(1 nee K ni n n
your shopping downtown We are
located two stores up from Cubbies.
1980 HONDA CM 400( Si Kit i
BIKE: New tires, 900(1 miles Needs
tune up, otherwise wonderful con-
dition. S350 call aftei 5 ; n k
for Milton Phone825 I
Storage Unil 7A behind Ramada Inn
Saturday (9 22 91 8 a rr to
Bedroom set, kitel er tl ings apt
things and clotl i s
FOR SALE Motorcyderadi gleath
ers Dainese. Red arid white with
black Rarel) used MetrH siz 52
Fits 5'9" to 6' tall. 165 185 .Ks 752
IS ITTRUE? (ecps foi S44 thn
thel' S Gov't? alll : facts!5( I 649
743. Exl S 5920.
FOR SALE 1982 PI EGO! 504 Die
sel Station Wagon. Automatic sun
riHifA( ' sh reo lr g( od o ?ndil ?
S1200firma I' 6511 ia; 746
2369 (nights)
Come by and, check out the lowest
prices m town' IvePvc I &S10, rank
$8, and even Pants for S24 Ourl
are 11 -h every da unless we re
hungover, so keep us in mind when
PHI BETA SIGMA: will be sponsor-
ing a chess tournament for all Creek
1 raternities and campus organiza-
tions cash prizes, tournament
ihess set and .i trophv will be
awarded Con tact Sorel (752-5580) for
more information. Pre-registration
MSC Soda! Room at 6p.m. Septem-
ber 19. Registration: 5;30 p.m. Sep-
tember 24, MSCSodal Rinmi $M) per
is in effect' ASF
would like to recognize the 10-91
executives for the greal job you guvs
aredong. Keep it up and meSmythe
will come PIKE IS m.
DELTA ZETAS: Flames were flying
and burgers were frying at the cook-
out Thursdav night We're l(Mking
forward to doing many more excit-
ing things with you ladies. Love, the
? I : Sips
FREE KITTENS: (.rev and white,
black r.J white and solid black
1 ree to good homesall 758 2479
RAIT: 1 hanks for all your help last
Wednesday nightatourBigLil Hunt.
1 know the little sish rs will never
forget it. I know we wont Love,
Wende, Karvr Rozzie Kelli, Kathy
indCla idine rhe Phis
ALPHA: wo i d like ti tl ank me la-
dies of l11' r oining us Saturday
We had blast and I opeyoudid too
I hanks igain ladies Pi Kappa Al-
CHI: A lot of burger, a lot of beer,
one too many blenders, jnd a very
g(xxi time. The tailgate social was
nothingbutawesome. I hanks Z103.3
FM and all who par tied. Alpha Sigma
help during rush. We really appreci-
ate it and look forward to more fun
with von lhanks, Kappa Alpha
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA: I he sisters
of Alpha Delta Pi would like to thank
you for a wonderful rimeon Wednes-
day Ihe Usuals were great and we
were mallv excited ti i have such a fun
time with evervi ne! We look h rward
to doing something again soon
Thanks! Love, rhesistersol Alpha
Delta Pi.
We had a great time at the tailgate It
was the right way to start the game
We can't wait to Jo it again. Love,
Alpha Phi
ALPHA SIGMA PHI: We look for-
ward toourpre-downtown with you
guvs this weekend Lefs make
great one! Im'e A i j N ta Pi
SPIKE: Happy Anniversary Sweet)
The last two years I ave een j reat
Lots of wonderful memories and
laughs You make me so happy ai d
you are definitely the best b yfriei
in the whole world! Let shave i great
weekend celebrating ??? itl - me
surprises I'm sure! All my lov I igs
and kisses,Slim PS "You'rem ??
and only true love
ternoon the tensi r '??? ?
that night was the Si rMixi
Alpha 1 Vita Pi Asevery
vous as to who their dati
The evening began to draw cl ei
and soon thev wmild see s strane
ers th. y nwt but not foi
thev stay For a th
progessedfriendsl ?
found romance, some a rw
ButfoumJafunrimethatwo ildso
to never end Fhai ks to thi ? ?
Lodge, the bus driver, and I it
alltheotherswl ??:? " ?'
night so great
Husky,n al(
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or 758 8953
SKA1AP1: 1 :
it the Ell ??.?
was at. Let's do Lovi
Alpha Phi
eu s last weeki for
Techgame W n
yousoon.Wi heat I
hue Alpl i I ?elta Pi
??? pledgi d iss Mu! Wi el
listanl ?'
! isti ? -
DEL M thenext
: I gs for
ver ? -
I. , ??
Lirgest Library ol information m U S
hot uw
an suoiecK
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Now 11 i rin g
toi waitstatt and
bartender posi-
tions .it Professor
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oils- Greenville Blvd.
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?rfE lEaHt (HaroIuTian
is your chance to get involved with
ECU's most exciting student-run media.
Appty1tofat!$etifliwr &flhttfiubCAlktxn Building Ucro frinti k?ucr libraryi

N ti meeting of the PC Users'
Croup will K' September 20, 7
p.m in Austin 205, ECU Campus.
1 he student Health (enter offers
a self-care Medication Gink to all
E I studentsHer the counter
mecl nations such as decongestants
and antihistamines for the treat-
ment of colds are available at no
COSt. The clinic is open Monday
thru Friday from 8 am to noon
and 1 p m to 5 p.m. Call 757-6841
for more information.
The Physical Education Motor and
Physical Fitness Competency Test
is scheduled as follows: Minges
Coliseum, 12 noon on Friday, Sep-
tember 28, 1990. A passing score
on this test is required of all stu
dents prior to declaring Physical
Education as a major. 1. Maintain-
ing an average T-score of 45 on the
six-item test battery. 2. Having a
T-score of 45 on the aerobics
run.Any student with a medical
conditionthat would contra-indi
cate participation in the testing
should contact Mike McCammon
or Dr. Cay Israel at 757-4688. To be
exempted from any portion of the
test, you must have a physician's
excuse. A detailed summary of
the test components is available in
the Human Performance Labora-
tory Room 371, Sports Medicine
Building. Your physician's excuse
must specifically state from which
item you are exempt.
Away from your family do tor tor
the first time and not sure where
to go for your allergy shots1 I hen
call the Student 1 leaith v enter at
757-b841! Allergy vaccines are
given by appointment bv a regis-
tered nurse, i on supply the anti-
gen, and an injection schedule
from your allergist! Available Mon
-FriHa.m-12 noon and 1 -4p.m.
Any student interested in serving
as a University marshal for the
1990-91 school year may obtain an
application from Room 212
Whichard Students must be clas-
sified as a junior by the end of Fall
Semester 1990 and have a 3.0
academic average to be eligible.
Return completed application to
Room 212, Whichard by Septem-
ber 28.
Pi Sigma Alpha , the National Po-
litical Science Honor Society, will
lv having its first meeting of the
year on Monday, September 24, at
4 p.m. in the Political Science Li-
brary (BC -105). Old members as
w ell as new, eligible members are
requested to attend. Plans for the
year will be discussed. Please let
Mrs. Smith, IOLSSecretary or Dr.
Scavo know if you will be unable
to attend
Get away for awhile and enjoy a
weekend of fun and excitement
September 28-30. There will be a
pre-trip meeting at 5 p.m. on
September 26 in BD 101. To reg-
ister, stop by the R.O.C. in
Christenbury Gymnasium. For
more information call 757-6387.
FR1,921: BrendaGootsby, piano,
Graduate Recital (Fletcher Recital
Hall, 7 p.m Free). SUN, 923: 4
p.m. "Concert on the Lawn" fea-
turing ECU jazz Ensemble, di-
rected by Carroll V. Dashiell, Jr.
(sponsored by the Friends of the
Schcxl of Music for members and
their guests). For membership in
formation, call the School of Mu-
sic at 757-6851. Dial 757-4370 for
the School of Music's "Recorded
The first organizational meeting
will be held in Room 1026 of the
general Classroom Building on
September 20, at 7 p.m. A repre-
sentative from the statewide orga-
nization will be attending. All stu-
dents and faculty are welcome.
( NOLIc,
There will be a canoeing work
shop on September 27al 7 p m in
Christenbury pool Io register tor
the workshop stop by the R.O.(
in Christenbury C 1 m before Sep
ternbor 27. For more information
call 757-6387
Interest meeting Sunday, Septem-
ber 23. Meet at Information Desk
in Mendenhall at 8:30 p.m.
Munchies served For more infor-
mation call 752-0751 or 752-8324
Students for the Mother Earth will
meet Thursdays at 5:15 p.m. in
Mendenhall Student Center. Great
Room 1. Everyone is welcome.

She lEaHt (ffaroHniaa
Bush continues
his crusade to
cut capital gains
I ormt i lexasoilmanC .eorgeBush
11 boon crusading to cut the
capital gains tax tor the past
quarter ol a century with his
distaste tor the tax possibly deep-
ened b a Q4 run-in with the Revenue Service.
I he current hang-up in bud-
get talks is largely due to a dead-
lock bet w eon the White 1 louse and
the Democratic congressional
leadership on the tax that bush
first tried to lower as a junior
congressman in the mid-lbOs.
V ithoul a budget deal or a
change in the Gramm-Rudman
budget balancing law, automatic
cuts ol about $100 billion will bo
red after Oct. I, the start of
the new tis?il year.
1 he c uts evenly divided be-
i n defense and domestic pro-
i tms would have a devastating
t on government programs
i ? nth r endanger an already
hi S e? onom
VIthough publicly the White
I as it will keep plugging
? a nrivatelvofficialshavebeen
, reasingh pessimistic that a pact
inberea bed intimetoavoid the
ne senior administration
fricial, speaking on thecondition
fanonvmih said ruesdaythata
in fa t be beyond grasp
in ti! the n ,iht sinks in" alter a
' i s under the harsh spend-
! he administration is hoping
(he P( rsianult crisis will
it easier to forge an eventual
, ? moretoitsliking.bytocusing
vibh, attention on the condition
? ? conomy and by helping
? , i stronger argument for
nlv modes! uts in defense
i ruling.
However, the SI billion-a-
month price tag of the US. mihtarv
effort and the potential growth of
oil prices makes the pact itself that
much harder to torge.
Bush's heels seem firmly dug
in on his insistence for a lower
capital gains rate
His repugnance tor the tax
levied on the sale ot real estate,
stocks, works of art and other as-
sets dates back to his oil field
business background, associates
In the 1960s, Push champi-
oned a lower capital gains rate as
a umor member of the House
Ways and Means Committee.
Then, and now, Bush argued that
lower capital gains rates would
encourage business investment
and economic growth
He lias strongly disputed
Democratic contentions that a
lower capital gams tax would
benefit mainly the rich
Capital cams are taxed at the
same rate as other income up to
33percent. Bush would like to out
the rate to 15 percent
Democrats have ottered to out
it to 23 percent But they want
something in return such as a
surcharge on the wealthiest tax-
Both the 1 louse and the Sen
ate voted for a lower capital gains
rate last year, but the plan died in
a Senate filibuster. Coming soclose
to victory served to further whet
the administration's appetite for
winning the tax reduction this
Bush's 1984 brush with the
IRS?which disallowed hisefforts
to claim a tax deferral on his va-
cation home in kenncbunkport
may have sharpened his zeal to
reduce the tax.
Then and now
If you think 18-cent a gallon gasoline
sounds cheap, just remember what else
you could buy 50 years ago:
Average prices
A new car
A five-bedroom houi
21? acres overlooking
the Potomac River near
Washington DC.
A pound of
ground beef
15C $144
860 increase
Pro-Iraqi media provides false information
concerning U.S. troops sent to Saudi Arabia
pro Iraqi media iontends that
American soldiers sent to Saudi
Arabia are afflicted with all the
manifestations of U S decadence,
including Alp's, alcohol, drugs
and a yearning tor prostitutes
rhe Iraqi people also arebcing
told that Israel, tar from being a
peripheral player in the Persian
(lull crisis, has sen! planes, tanks
and soldiers to Saudi Arabia, all
elaborate! v disguised asbeingpail
ot the American arsenal
A i. ,S Information Agency
analysis ol the pro-Saddam
Hussein media in Iraq and else
when- Says there has been an
"extremol v active" disinformation
campaign waged against the
United States and IS. forces in
Saudi Arabia since Iraq's Aug. 2
invasion ol Kuwait
"Although many Iraqi
disinformation claims are cnuk
and patently false, past experience
with disinformation campaigns
indicates that even the most out-
rageous i laims (an be widely be-
hoved. ' the analysts said
Siime examples of claims
found in the Iraqi media or sym
pathetic news outlets elsewhere
The Pentagon hasarranged
to send two groups of 5,000
Eg pti.m women each to prov ide
tor the "sexual satisfaction" ol
American servicemen in Saudi
I S troops, 40 percent ol
whom arc suffering from AIDS,
,ire oci upying and defiling Mos-
lem hot places m Saudi Arabia
some military planes in
Saudi .Arabia are actually Israeli
planes disguised as U.S. aircraft,
rhe Israeli pilots have been pro
vided with U S identity ards and
Amerk an-sounding names
Saudis resent the U S. mili-
tary presence in their country and
have sabotaged U.S. mihtarv
equipment In response. I s
forces have killed some Saudis
I s forces are dumping
nuclear waste in the Saudi desert
Even if Iraq had not invaded
Kuwait, the I nited states and
other countries would have sent
forces into Kuwait
The I nited States and other
countriesare covertly trading with
Iraq m violation ol the United
Nations embargo.
A station identifying itsell as
Holy Mecca Radio has been
broadcasting tendentious mes-
sages about the American pres-
ence to listeners in Saudi .Arabia.
purportedly from Saudi territory,
the analysis said.
'The .American foreigner is
on our land a recent broadcast
said "The I S. soldier has his
customs and traditions, which
include drinking alcohol, eating
pork and practicing prostitution.
The American soldier has come
with all the manifestations ol
decadence dominating I s soci-
ety drugs, prostitution and
Iraq, meanwhile, has claimed
for weeks that the Hush adminis-
tration has been operating its own
disinformation campaign by con-
tending that i; s forces in Saudi
Arabia areon a detensive mission
Iraqi spokesmen have noted
that the U.S. military arsenal in
Saudi Arabia, in addition to de-
fensive arms, includes offensive
weaponry such as the stealth
fighter-bomber tor use in a pos-
sible attack on Iraq.
Sniter testimony
aises doubts with
, meourl nominee David
uter 5 effort to calm liberals
nnnc !us testimony before the
n itt judii iarv Committee is
doubts among conser-
ve concern is that fudge
uter is a man of empty phi-
all things toall people
Fein, a conservative court
? aid I uesdav
i (, lVard Phillips, chairman of
. t ative Caucus, said in
ip ,i testimony that Souter
. q moral courage" because
, declare himself against
n at the hearing or vears
irlu r when he sat on a hospital
thai voted to permit abor
i al it- facility
utet testified for three days
. the committee, finishing
I e night. I he committee was
tec to i ondude its hearings
I , mdvoteonthenomination
I the end of the month.
, , rnmittee chairman foseph
i ivl , said the committee
the nomination could be
h next week The panel's
. larlv scheduled business
ting is sept 27
I ho panel spent Tuesday
,?? from other witnesses with
n.on whether the 51 yoar-
M.impshire jurist should
nth I u.on's highest court.
Many longtime acquaintances
?outer urged his approval. But
,1 ri.hts. women's groups and
supporting the right to
nrtion said they oppose h,m
spite his expressions of open-
indedness on the 1973 decision
Roe v Wade that legalized
nrtion. ? . .
I res.dent Bush has called for
, .turning that decision,but his
See Souter. page 8
Takeoffs at top airlines
USAir has more flights a day than any
U.S. airline. Average number of daily
departures for the 11 biggest airlines:
America West
H.IVCI ? mi v ? v.v ?
U.S. economy jolted by events in Gulf
. ' . , .1- .u ?.??? .a r.ins He noted Greenspan'
Source: USA TODAY research
U.S. economy, jolted by events in
the Persian Gulf, faces its worst
bout of inflation in nine vears, but
the Federal Reserve isconstrained
in what it can do to combat the
The oentral bank, the nation's
ohiel inflation-tighter, normally
would battle a run-up in inflation
with higher interest rates to
dampen economic demand
rhe IS. economy, however.
already is perilously close to a re-
cession and any effort by the led
to push interest ratcshigher would
slow the economy even further
The Bush administration has
been pressuring the led to move
in the other direction and lower
interest rates, contending the pimp
in oil prices is a one-time event
that's not likely to Wick of! an in-
flationary spiral.
ust what type ot economic
medicine the Fed plans to admin-
ister was expected to become
clearer today with the testimony
of Federal ReserveChairman Alan
Greenspan before the congres-
sional loint FconomicCommittee
Greenspan's scheduled ap-
pearance will be his first since
Iraq's Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait
and the subsequent economic
fallout, which has seen oil prices
jump by 513 per barrel.
Some private economists be-
lieve that it may already be too
late to avoid the first recession
sin. e tho steep 11-S2 downturn.
The Hush administration insists
that the economy can keep chug-
ging along, especially it the Fed
relents and helps out with a dose
of lower interest rates
The need tor an easier money
policy has been a consistent ad-
ministration theme tor months,
with President Bush tiring the
latest salvo Tuesday.
The president told reporters
the best thing thegovernment can
do for the economy is lower inter-
est rates He noted Greenspan's
indication last week that the led
would move to cut rates if Con-
gress and the administration reach
a credibleagreement to reduce the
federal budget deficit.
But the budget negotiations
are bogged down, making the
timing of any Fed interest rate cut
Because ol the volatility ot
events in the Middle Fast and the
uncertainty over whether there
will be a deal to cut the deficit,
many private economists believe
the Fed will bide its time, watch-
ing to see how the economy per-
forms in coming weeks
The news so tar has been
uniformly bad
The government reported
Tuesday mat consumer prkesshot
up a sharp 0.8 percent in August,
with halt ot the increase blamed
cm rising oil prices
With the latest blow from the
See Gull page 8
U.S. troops to leave Phillipines
MANILA, Philippines! AP)
The United States acknowledged
Wednesday that thedaysot a large
U.S. military presence in the
Philippines are numbered, and
asked for time to phase out its
oldest and largest bases abroad
"It is clear to me that the
days of a very large presence of
U.S. sailors and airmen in the
Philippines are coming to an end
chief American negotiator Richard
Armitage told the opening session
of talks on the bases' future.
"What remains for us to de-
termine is the rate at which this
presence will be reduced and the
nature of the relationship our two
governments wish to pursue
dunng and after this transitional
It was the first time a U.S.
official had publicly raised the
possibility that Washington is
prepared to give Up the six bases.
The talks continue negotia-
tions begun in May on the future
of Clark Air Base, Subic Bay naval
base and four smaller installations.
Their lease expires m September
1991, and Philippine opposition
to the installations is growing.
On the eve of the talks, a bomb
exploded at a Voice of America
relav station M) miles north of
Manila in an area where Com-
munist rebels operate. At least 17
people were arrested and 14 in-
jured during anti-bases protets in
Manila on Monday
US. diplomats have said in
the past that U.S. troops will re-
main in the Philippines only as
long as thev are wanted.On Mon-
day, however. State Department
spokesman Richard Boucher said
Washington wants to keep its
bases in the Philippines.
In his comments today,
Armitage proposed no timetable
for removing the 40,000 troops,
Defense Department civiKansand
military dependents But hehinted
that the process could extend un-
til the end of the century
Fie said the U.S. and Philip-
pine military, Filipino base work-
ers and other nations in the region
need time to adjust to the possible
closing of the bases.
"Let the voters of the 21st
Century decide whether or not
they believe a continued U.S.
presence will be helpful
Armitage said.
Rep StephenSolarz,chairman
of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs
subcommittee on Asian and Pa-
See Troops, page 8
state taxes
State tax revenue jumped nearly 7.5 in 1989, to $284
billion. Where most of the revenue comes from:

(Btje iEnut (Harolintan September 20.1990
Around the State
Six N.C counties to receive federal
funds for people with AIDS
RALEIGH si North Carolina counties will receive
federal funds for home health care tor people with AIDS and
those infected w ith the mis that auses AIDS
Each count) v ill re eive betw een $21,000 and $35,000ol the
$193,000 federal grant, said Stephen G Sherman of the state
Division ot Adult Health rhe grant will fund medical equipment,
home health aide and personal (are services, home intravenous
therapy da) treatment and routine diagnostic tests
'It'snot much mone) hut it sa start said David lolly, chief
of the state MDS ontrol Brant h People want to be at home,
not in the hospital It s more humane And even though some of
this involves high tech equipment, it s still cheaper it you can
keep people at home and out of the hospital
!hemone will go to Wake I urham, Mecklenburg,(.ml ion!
Forsvth and v umberland counties The six counties have the
creates! number oI patients with acquired immune deficienc)
Family, friends protest Carteret
County child protection policies
BEAl FOR! Famil and friends of a girl who died
.ittor being abused nuii hed I uosdav to protest i ounty policies
they said J nt t adequately protect children
('arrying nit tures ol the 2 year old Newport cirl and often
breaking into tears aboutpeople, led by the child's father,
picketed for fn ehoursoutside the( arterct( ounty Department
eit Social Services Dozens ol onlookers voiced support and
colic ted about 200 signatures on petitions tor improved child
abuse in estigations
Alicia Nicole rommasonedied Sepl 9 from injuries infli ted
b blows to her abdomen according to a coroner's report She
also was sexually abused and scalded with hot water on her face,
neck and back said Detective Anthon) Dennis ol the Carteret
( otintv Sherifl s 1 epaiImenl
(. barged with murdei and felony child abuse is . harles
rurcell Morris of Newport He is the boyfriend of the girl's
mothei Renee Tommasone News a nd Observer reported
? girl's father 1 tank I fenkins, 28, of Beaufort, said that
he a-keci the social services department about three weeks ago to
remove the child from her mother s home after he found bruises
on the cji 1 s i e k
Trial begins for two men accused
of the state's biggest land scam
HFI 'I Ki II It I uo men aci used in what authori
tie? call thi biggi I
their lozens ' ; '
C ('in"t ! uestl.i ,il
? . iminstatehistory temporarily waived
lions in Hendersonounty Superior
ing jury selection nd opening arguments
to get under v a
Phillip barrett and Paul Stephen can resubmil their motions
during the coursi of tht tnaJ but agreed to postpone them in the
interest of getting their trial started I uesda) The two .ire a ting
as their own attorney s and filled out subpoenas iuesda tor all
del. n i a iti esse;
?? ii : ? phen each face 22 counts of attempting to
obt.i n property through I ilsepretensesand conspirai v to obtain
property through fals? pretenses According to Henderson
Count) Sherifl s investigators, barrett. Stephen and two other
men attempted to pur. hase$4 million worth of land using funds
drawn on a fictitious trust account. Charges against the other
two men have been dropped
Champion International to remain
in court as permit remains in limbo
ASHEVILLE Contested portions (if Champion
Internationals year old discharge permit will remain in limbo
another several months while federal officials reschedule
courtroom heai rij i ill) set to begin in two weeks
lhee id. ntian hearingbeforean Environmental Protection
Agency judge had been s heduled tor an Oct. 2 start in Atlanta,
but was postponed last week amid scheduling conflicts
rhe move most like!) to an early December hearing
further delays resolution ol the controversial permit that was
tn e years in the making
The EPA agreed last November to hear challenges both by
( hampion and its loudest critic, the iVad Pigeon River ouncil,
to testing methods and water-color standards in the permit
issued two months earlier The federal agency then suspended
those contested portions t the permit until review by an .
ministrative lavs judge
hampion santon mill continues to meet other require
ments in the 12 page permit limits on temperature and a
doen other pollutants but tor now is exempt from EPA-
imposed standards on the sorest points in this environmental
battle dioxin and ri er color
I ioxin levels in the Pigeon River, already reduced by M
per ent in two years, are well within current immeasurable
limits,hampion has said It is that benchmark so low even
EPA scientists i tnnoi measure it that is among the challenges
filed b) the papermaker last tall
Man holds wife, son hostage,
suffers gunshot wound to grion
HENDERSON II 1 I A Henderson County man who
took his estranged site and J-year-old son hostage Fuesday
surrendered without harming them, but was hospitalize tor a
gunshot wound to the groin inflicted bv his wile, authorities
Phillip Met raw, H, formeri) of Flat Rode, was admitted to
Pardee I iospital in hk condition after being shot bv his wife,
Lind i I weed M?raw
McCraw was charged with second-degree kidnapping,
second degree ra pe a ndassa ul ton a law officer after the incident,
in which he allegedly tire! a shot at Officer Tom Starling
According to Hendersonville Police Chief Donnie Parks,
McCraw ki kel in the bat k door of his mother-in-law's house in
Hendersonville about 10a m ruesday. Mrs. McCraw apparently
grabbed a gun an tried to hold off her husband, Parks said,
when the gun tire! and hit McCraw twice in the groin area.
? Compiled from Associated Press reports
Continued from page, 7
cific affairs, said Friday that I s
officials were considering a Id
year phascout
I ast month. Manila new sp i
pers quoted unidentified sources
as saying the Philippines was
considering allowing the Amen
cans to remain inSubic tor up to K
years it they returnedlark ami
the othei installations in 199 1
i Opponents believe the bases
infringe on national sovereignty
and represent a vestige ol Amen
. an colonial rule, which ended
with independence in 1946 I v
forces have been in the Philippine
sin e the Amen, ans captured the
islands from Spain in ! v's
I hiring a nationally tele ise.l
speech Monday, President
(, oraon Aquino said her go
ernmont wants to maintain dose
ties with Washington But she said
the end of theold War and ab
senceol am external threat to the
Philippines made the bases less
It is now necessary lor oui
government to work with the
United States tor arrangements
regarding the orderly withdrawal
of their forces from our country
Mrs Auuino said
Continued from page, '
Persian Gull . i isis i nsu
prices so tar this yeai are rising it
an annual rate ol f) 2 pen ent the
worst showing since an H.9 pet
cent increase in b'Hl a year when
th' country was mired in a steep
recession bronchi on bv the I .? s
high interest rates
W ith inllati. 'ii ra. ing ahi id al
su? h a rapui . lip, main anal ts
s.uci thev ii!n t expe t a I ed eas
ing mov e
I thmk th I ed s frozen in
pl.u e ? id David lones an
economist with Aubre . 1 anston
& t. majorit of 1 ed
policymakers would like to ke p
policy unchanged while they lei
thedusl settleon the Middle 1 ast
I )a ul V ss, an e onomisl
with DRI Md .raw Mill, said he
believed a budget deal would
eventually give th' led room to
lower interest rates because it
would relieve pressure on finan-
cial markets by lowering the
government's huge borrowing
I thmk th- hed wants to
loosen but they are afraid to do it
until they gel something on the
budget Wyss said.
Monitoring of
toxins in N.C.
rivers is weak
CHARl (T1 E P) Indus
tries continue to pump chemicals
into Carolina rivers, such as the
( atawba, because the system tor
monitoring toxins is extremely
weak, authorities s.n
Few treatment plants are re-
quired to remove toxins they
produce, and others don't have
tests tor them t 'Pen when tests
do show a problem, it ,m take
years to tix
Although scientists from th'
Carolina governments sav indus
trial pollutants haven : poisoned
the (atawba River an! its lakes
there are signs of trouble
I ish and other riv( r lit are
now healthy, and monitoring sta
tions show no major contamina
tion, but the river's basin streams
and lakes occasionally show high
metal levels, which can build up
over years in tish an! people
I he unhide lead an! mer
curv, both of which can damage
the nervous system Pea! also
cause's cancer
State environmental officials
are still learning about toi met-
als and chemicals entering rivers
and streams, but information is
tar from complete.
"The state knows very little
about what's going in the water,
Millie Buchanan ol the Clean
Water Fund of North Carolina told
The Charlotte Observer. "In gen-
eral, there are 50,000 to 60,000
chemicals in use by industry; a
very small percentage of those1 are
Continued from page, 7
nominee de lined to take a
position before the ommit
tee despite repeated attempts
to get him to so b sena
tors on both sides of the issue
Souter also a oided tak
ing stan. . ?? i 'ii . 'ther issues
.in ie. lnn-il toi ritu ieothiT
. ontroversiah ourl !?. isions
. i the last few decades
But he raised conserva
11 v es e ebi ows w hen he
?. i 'i. ed suppoi t tor .ilium.i
tive a. ti.?n praised retired
liberal ustice William I
Bi .meui and talked ol filling
i Ii gal .u iiimi" w hen other
branches of go ernmenl
doi i u t the udi. .i.
ti v i- in that onserv ati es
Sen l Hi in I lat h K
I lah a . ommittee member
a. to. elv supporting the
non tination, sii.l some fellow
i onser atives inside an!
. Mit iide the Senate are w i i
I led But he s.iid. nl the
real far right w ingpeopleare
get ling physi alh un
ner ed
I Jespite the i on. ems,
1 Lit. h said he doubted an
Senati coi ervativi ??. i mid
vote aeainst the ni'innii ?
1 lv Club With Class
Tluimpin' Thurs.
Import Nisiht
2 For
2 For
Sharky's is a private club for mcmbci a
21 year old guests.
1 .ocated b Spoils Pad on 5th Street
Enter through Alley
"We Free Pour"
With this Coupon
Thursday andFriday
September 20 Cx 21
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10:00 - 5:00
Grt M
Select0' IM
jQ and under
also fine gallery posters ? most under $20
m repnxtucDuns, dance, iports, rock .nd movie sails, laser images, M. I'sher, gallery
jiosurs, nostalgic ?st is, Van Gogh, photography, Rockwell, Monet, wildlife prints, movu s,
l'u asso, Asian art, animal posters, 1 larvey I dwards, 1 raetta, music images, floral grap: i s,
science fiction, Remhrandt, modern ahstraci images, Eliot Porter, Rosamond, artdeco, an
nouveau, Renoir, ti avel posters, scenic posters, (.hagall, astronomy, Dali, humoi. cars, show
business personalities, Ansel Adams, 1 ilo Raymond, contemporary European art and photog-
raphy andMUCH,MUCH MORE!

flUyg ?aat Carolinian September 20,1990
Around the State
Six N.C. counties to receive federal
funds for people with AIDS
RALEIGH Six North Carolina counties will receive
federal funds for home health care for people with AIDS and
those infected with the vims that causes AIDS.
Each county will receive between $21,000 and $35,000 of the
$193,000 federal grant, said Stephen G Sherman of the state
Division of Adult Health. The grant will fund medical equipment,
home health aide and persons! care services, home intravenous
therapy, day treatment and routine diagnostic tests.
"It's not much money, but it's a start said David lolly, chief
of the state AIDS Control Branch "People want to be at home,
not in the hospital. It's more humane. And even though some of
this involves high-tech equipment, it's still cheaper if you can
keep people at home and out of the hospital
The money will go to Wake. Durham, Mecklenburg, Guilford,
Forsvth and Cumberland counties. The six counties have the
greatest number of patients with acquired immune deficiency
Family, friends protest Carteret
County child protection policies
BEAUFORT Familv and friends of a girl who died
after being abused marched Tuesday to protest county policies
they said do not adequately protect children.
Carrying pictures of the 2-year-old Newport girl and often
breaking into tears, about 35 people, led by the child's father,
picketed for five hours outside the Carteret County Department
of Social Services. Doens ot onlookers voiced support and
collected about 200 signatures on petitions for improved child
abuse investigations.
Alicia Nicole Tommasone died Sept. 9 from injuries inflicted
by blows to her abdomen, according to a coroner's report She
also was sexually abused and scalded with hot water on her face,
neck and back, said Detective Anthony Dennis of the Carteret
County Sheriffs Department.
Charged with murder and telony child abuse is Charles
Ptirceil Morns, 23, oi Newport I le is the boyfriend of the girl's
mother, Renee Tommasone, The News and Observer reported.
The girl's father, Frank 1. lenkins, 28, of Beaufort, said that
he asked the social services department about three weeksago to
remove the child from her mother's home after he found bruises
Oft the girl's neck
Trial begins for two men accused
of the state's biggest land scam
HENDERSON II 1 I' Two men accused in whatauthon-
tiescall the biggest land scam in state history temporarily waived
their dozens of pre trial motions in Henderson County Superior
Court Tuesday, allowing jury selection and opening arguments
to get under wav
Phillip Barrett and Paul Stephen can resubmit their motions
during thecoursoot the trial, but agreed to postpone them in the
interest of getting their trial started Tuesday. The two are acting
as their own attorneys and filled out subpoenas Tuesday tor all
defense witnesses.
Barrett and Stephen each face 22 counts of attempting to
obtain property through falsepretensesand conspiracy toobtam
property through false pretenses. According to Henderson
County Sheriff's investigators, Barrett, Stephen and two other
men attempted to purchase $4 million worth of land using funds
drawn on a fictitious trust account. Charges against the other
two men have been dropped.
Champion International to remain
in court as permit remains in limbo
ASHEVILLE ? Contested portions of Champion
International's year-old discharge permit will remain in limbo
another several months while federal officials reschedule
Courtroom hearings originally set to begin in two weeks.
TheevidentiarvhearingbeforeanEnvironmental Protection
Agency udge had been scheduled for an Oct. 2 start in Atlanta,
but was postponed last week amid scheduling conflicts.
I he move - most likely to an early December hearing ?
further delays resolution of the controversial permit that was
five years in the making.
The EPA agreed last November to hear challenges both bv
Champion and its loudest critic, the Dead Pigeon River Council,
to testing methods and water-color standards in the permit
issued two months earlier The federal agency then suspended
those contested portions of the permit until review by an ad-
ministrative law judge.
Champion's Canton mill continues to meet other require-
ments in the 32-page permit limits on temperature and a
dozen other pollutants but for now is exempt from EPA-
imposed standards on the sorest points in this environmental
battle: dioxin and river color.
I Moxin levels in the Pigeon River, already reduced by 95
percent in two years, are well within current ? unmeasurable ?
limits, Champion has said It is that benchmark ? so low even
EPA scientists cannot measure it that is among the challenges
filed by the papermaker last fall.
Man holds wife, son hostage,
suffers gunshot wound to grion
HENDERSONV1LLE A Henderson County man who
t(ok his estranged wife and 3-year-old son hostage Tuesday
surrendered without harming them, but was hospitalized for a
gunshot wound to the groin inflicted by his wife, authorities
Phillip McCraw, 34, formerly of Flat Rock, was admitted to
Pardee Hospital in good condition after being shot by his wife,
Linda Tweed McCraw.
McCraw was charged with second-degree kidnapping,
second-degree rape and assault on a lawofficer after the incident,
in which h allegedly fired a shot at Officer Tom Starling.
According to Hendersonville Police Chief Donnie Parks,
McCraw kicked in the back door of his mother-in-law's house in
Hendersonvilleabout 10a.m. Tuesday. Mrs. McCraw apparently
grabbed a gun and tried to hold off her husband, Parks said,
when the gun fired and hit McCraw twice in the groin area.
? Compiled from Associated Prsss rsports
Continued from page, 7
cific affairs, said Friday that U.S.
officials were considering a 10-
year phaseout.
Last month, Manila new Spa
pers quoted unidentified sources
as saying the Philippines was
considering allowing the Amen
cans to remain in Subic for up to 10
years if they returned Clark and
the other installations in 1W
Opponents believe the bases
infringe on national sovereignty
and represent a vestige of Amen
can colonial rule, which ended
with independence in 1946. U.S.
forces ha ve been hi the Philippines
since the Americans captured the
islands from Spain in 188
During a nationally televised
speech Monday, President
Coraon Aquino said her gov-
ernment wants to maintain close
ties with Washington. But she said
the end of the Cold War and ab-
sence of any external threat to the
Philippines made the bases less
"It is now necessary for our
government to work with the
United States for arrangements
regarding the orderly withdrawal
oi their forces from our country
Mrs. Aquino said.
Continued from page, ?
Persian Gulf crisis, consumer
prkes so far this year are rising at
an annual rate of 6.2 percent, the
worst showing since an 8.9 per-
cent increase in 1981, a year when
the country was mired in a steep
recession brought on bv the fed's
high interest rates
With inflation racing ahead at
such a rapid clip, many analysts
said thev didn't expect a Red eas-
ing move
"I think the Fed's froen in
place said David ones, an
economist with Aubrey G. Lanston
& Co. "A majority oi Fed
policymakers would like to keep
policy unchanged while they let
the dust settle on the Middle East
David Wyss, an economist
with DRl-McGraw Hill, said he
believed a budget deal would
eventually give the Fed room to
lower interest rates because it
would relieve pressure on finan-
cial markets by lowering the
government's huge borrowing
"I think the Fed wants to
loosen but they are afraid to do it
until they get something on the
budget Wyss said.
Monitoring of
toxins in N.C.
rivers is weak
tnes continue to pump chemicals
into Carolina rivers, such as the
Catawba, because- the system for
monitoring toxins is extremely
weak, authorities say.
Few treatment plants are re-
quired to remove toxins thev
produce, and others don't have
tests for them. Often when tests
do show a problem, it can take
years to fix.
Although scientists from the
Carolina governments say indus-
trial pollutants haven't poisoned
the Catawba River and its lakes,
there are signs of trouble.
Fish and other river life are
now healthy, and monitoring sta-
tions show no major contamina-
tion, but the river's basin streams
and lakes occasionally show high
metal levels, which can build up
over years in fish and people.
They include lead and mer-
cury, both of which can damage
the nervous system. Lead also
causes cancer.
State environmental officials
are still learning about toxic met-
als and chemicals entering rivers
and streams, but information is
far from complete.
"The state knows very little
about what's going in the water
Millie Buchanan of the Clean
Water Fund of North Carolina told
The Charlotte Observer. "In gen-
eral, there are 50,000 to 60,000
chemicals in use by industry; a
very small percentage of those are
Continued from page, 7
nominee declined to take a
position before the commit-
tee despite repeated attempts
to ?et him to do so by sena-
tors on both sides of the issue.
Souter also avoided tak-
ing stances on other issues
and declined tocnticizeother
controversial court decisions
of the last few decades.
But he raised conserva-
tives' eyebrows when he
voiced support for affirma-
tive action, praised retired
liberal justice William I
Brennan,and talked of filling
a legal "vacuum whenother
branches of government
don't act the judicial ac-
tivism that conservatives
Sen. Orrin Hatch, It-
Utah, a committee member
actively supporting the
nomination, said some fellow
conservatives inside and
outside the Senate are wor-
ried But, he said, "only Un-
real tar nght wing people are
getting physically un-
Despite the concerns.
Hatch said he doubted any
Senate conservatives would
vote against the nominee.
TUe Club With Class
Thumpin' Thurs.
Import Night
get Night
$ 1.00
2 For
2 For
Sharky's is a private club for members and
21 year old guests.
Located by Sports Pad on 5th Street
Enter through Alley
"We Free Pour"
Thursday andFriday
September 20 & 21
Multipurpose Room
Mendenhall Student Center
Q and under
also fine gallery posters - most under $20
Art repnKluctions, dance, sports, rock and movie stills, laser images, M.C. Kscher, gallery
jx)sters, nostalgic posters, Van Cogh, photography, Rockwell, Monet, wildlife prints, movies,
Picasso, Asian art, animal posters, Uarvey Edwards, Kramta, music images, floral graphics,
science fiction, Reinhrandt, modern & ahstract images, F.liot Porter, Rosamond, an deco, an
nouveau, Renoir, travel posters, scenic posters, Chagall, astronomy, Dali, humor, cars, show
business personalities, Ansel Adams, Lilo Raymond, contemporary European art and photog-
raphy and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

mbi h 20,1990
BIc lEast (Carojtnuui
series to
begin Oct.
hv Heather Modi in
st.ttt Writer
' ' I I 1 ravel Ad
? Im series w ill start m
i dm umenfary films
rthcrn I ran. c Alaska,
i hma Austria. Montana
i m will be featured
films will be shewn in
in rhratef located in
ill Student (. enter The
ippl ,u willbe Brittanv
- mand Fngland si ft neb
n Monday, (Vt 1
i OnOct 14 Ihe Alaska
til be shewn followed
e I law .in. ' Next 9C
n an N hirta the
ikens" will be viewed,
?d on February 14 with "To
nti I ebtuary
ind fifi illy on
, r main will be
films ill present Ihe
sque hafbofs and b i
fawaii Alaska
Ancient historic
? isl alaise, the birthplace
( onquereT, and the
it of Roiien, a hrn- a
I'lebi ite o m 11
higl lighted
also deph t st i rves
f For example
??' ,i Breton
man h, a bagpipes ofl
kefs manufacturing
. I i . ? mbefl i heese w ill
?? il iring
i , the films
?tric? will h prepared on the
I the -i reeninj
? ? -tcilisix I ravel
I ilms ife a ailable,
Mel lenl ill Student
il Ti? ket office 757-
h ft r the
ltd ? ? r faculty stall
t fof p fSOflS Hi
? rnofi will be
kel 't the doof will
ECU crime prevention officer advises
students on personal safety precautions
Bv Sheri lernigan
M.itt Writer
Ihe Gainesville murders have frightened rotk ge students all
over the nation It S tune to step being afraid and be mere .mar.
It Keith knex ol K I crime prevention say; that students
Should b? .mare et I nme t.u fs and take safet) pie. autions en and
ett the campus
Mestet the. nines en K I campus atv cotnmitti d b stud I I
rather than strangers, according to polio r p ri 1 arceny is ihe
biggest problem
i with said Kne Student' houU not impair their sens
with al ehel er drugs
Make tirm eye contact with ever) stranger failure lo loo
senieene in the eye shows tear and ulnerabilitv
Never earn weapons that. ?n be turned and used against you
guns knivesor tear gas l0 a: rv nen i onventional weapons mu h
as keys brushes or pen ils
For example held your key I rml) b. tween your thumb and
mdex finger with the jagged edge in ting downward I sethekey
ro s, rat. h the perpetrator' ? I i e ol ti -ti. k it m his eyes 1 urther
mere, having your k. . r . allows you to t;et to safety mui h
iiuicker. kniM said. 1 he time
offers students
fitness tests
By oe Horst
Stall Writer
"People are alwa) srippmg
ett each other in the dorms or
apartments u taking expen
sive items out of cars, It Kne
Alw.n s leek our room or
apartment Jeer, even it vou II
onlvhe out for a minute Hen t
give vour friends a key to our
room; sometimes) ou can t trust
vour "friends
Never att.n h an 11 atd or
driver's license to vour k( v-
It vou lose them, somebod)
w ill have your name, a. kit
pi. ture .vy the key to unlo. k
vour doof Knex Mid
o matter how hot it ma
be. windows should not be
raised more than tout in. Ins
and should be pinned it all
I he( .ames ilkmurder I
didn t ton e his va m " I t
Knex adds
it vou re in . i 111 I I ? I
hear sorneoi ? tampermg ith
the lo. ks or ?. ind v - get I
your phone immediatelyill
91 1 or the poll! e ami report it
said Knex iive 'I 1 operators
v our name, address md
location from where the noise
(scorning Stay on the line until
.then ???? autl ' ; It the
assailant enters before the police arn
Students rr often the larg I
being harassed b) i ?bs ene phont
M.ilt King ?? Photo
I a safe and crime-tri ??
? ? - in
re veil .lie
if ob ene ph ne alls When
ill - pal h ip it' m i ? ; i
hen. express n emotion, hap ; n I ill tl ; lid KftO
Be sure to write down the tim I tl ill and what is said
Most of the calls are harmless, madi I king e? itemvnl
from a woman's voice while masturl u can never be
Another way to slop violent crimes ist ' erl
i. save bv not fumbling
around to find vour keys an?
very preciousse ends th it i an
s,ie cnr lite
ape is the most unre
ported 'i all crimes About 85
percent of rape cases are not
reported, and most of these
? asesaredateer a. ijiiaintance
rape. A recent survey shows
one out of every six college
females have been raped and
one out ot every 15 college
males have committed rap'
i eth a ithin th pr . i iusear
i. tims must . ome tor
? ird or tht rapist m ill rap'
nn and again Knex .aid.
( reshmen arc targets
I he) re naive and :i from
home tor the first time iirls
vho drink hea ilv are targets
Many assailants set up rape
through alcohol or drugs
Weseelotsof y lunggirls
isually drunk, walku
. impus or in the ? h vs nt wn
area at I or 4 m he nm
ments I hey are prirnan tar
In an att.u k situation ke
these questions in mind i - it
possible to attract attention or
to rs ape? Wh it are m) ab li
tieai I li?;iu bkk or d
rtmrage him? What an his abilities? What are his motivations?
s a victim, veu have several options to choose from when
bcingraped reasoning fighting vomiting, telling the rapist you arc
nant telling him you have a sexual disease or not resisting his
a. lions, Slid Knex
Kne. warned, Not ev n option works on ever) rapist
I Icremembersa i asewhereagirl was so frightened from being
abdui t.xi b three young men that shu urinated and defecated on
? Prevention p ige 10
I ltness is in integral part ot a
healthy lifcstvk In order to give
?( I students this important op
portunity, ? reational Services
has come up with all new exercise
and fitness programs geared to
having the participant feel and
look better about themselves
(ine of the newest programs
ott.rcd this semester is the fitness
assessment program. Parti, ipanis
of this program will receive an
evaluation of their fitness level.
and then will be prot ided with a
plan for improving their overall
fitness I he testing tor th
sessment includes heart rat
blood pressure, tlexibihtv a: I
muse ularenduranceand strength
Set by app untm nts, th- i osl
is J10.00 tor students $lS.0fl for
fa uitv sp 'u??? s and free for n
students that a"e ahead) enroll
in other fitness programs limes
iign up ar. b f Lvn 12:0 no i
and hflfl P m Mendav thr u I
Ihur.sdav at 1 ?ihnstenbur)
( , mnasii h
Inconjunction with thehtness
i lessment pngram Recreational
Sen kres a' ? '? rng three spc
I ? rams the ommit
? ? ,tn ' ? th Centur)
tnd r il ind tl el-Fit
. ? ? ? itness i lub
i crib I as an ;i idual - I
dir ted titm ? s.i tivit) program
Parti ipants set th ir ow n ;
goal and then a hie ;
, ompleting h rol n '? ?' ?? ? '
at to. nn s
Designed to persoi?s inter-
ested in starting a fitness program,
registration t.r this club can be
dene at 204 hristenbnrv .v m
between a' a.m and ??' p.m
on Mendav through I riday rhe
( enturv Striders club is set as a
program toencouragepartk ipants
to walk over 100 miles in one year
Members set their own lengths
See Fitness page 10
Love-Hate developed music,
avoided working days
ate had played
night before its
i, - h, in
, up till dav. n. I'earl
in a little less than glib,
i n ?vi ivh)
LoV( I late u huh the Los
? s dubbed the best
tn that itv sun e( .uns
? i tout promoting it1-
Hla. kout m the Red
ifl 1 olumbia Pearl s.ivs.
ill m e.av fnm a
I 1 SO people ton .
1 th, ir favorite band
the best I 1 an hope lor at
. : I
I he 1 urrent single is "Why
n ink ih.v I illUDopc?'
K easily under
Urn Imeisthetitle Pearl
11 the question ot
n ,i lobriet) in our so, ietv
li a pro drug or untl drug it
. , f( ulgartsms 1 hop- it
? 1 innod b seetns to be the
ll 1 bad piiblu it that it
i fires on the people doing It 2
. i rew Is laughing H the vn.iv
ihe bank
I hke SUO ess Ihdt'? whv I
. 1 idonna
e always stress tht t-ut
?, 1 1 e.lorihcahon ot
Irugs Some people s-n inst My
1 iSglorifyingH hM. no-
aiuation I watch a FV com
men lal where people play tjoj
?II better when drinking beet
Isn t that I mixed Mgnal7 I don t
. volleyball better drunk Rock
n roil has tredlHonelly been
kedonMtbed mtluena
Bassist skid Rose pamtal the
ilbum cover teveielyttnigo On
one side, it shows e. hat ci ml l be
rnedh inc men ???. ith motil ? ol
snakes, skulls, pee-en and i i ai in
a tunnel, while "ii the othei side
are tour headless, nude nv mphs
dancing in flames with snakes
dis, reetly oiled around them
Inside that psychedelia is a
photo ot the band appearing
wasted the guitarist and drum
met call themselves on l l ove
ami loev.old
"I'm fromhu ago, sa) S
Pearl, adding that it people re
member the name li Pearl and
chuckle at it. he's pleased Before
he wfiln rock, he was in the family
air-conditionmgbusiness I hated
installing them in a tti sand under
porches, with the spiders It shard
work "
When Pearl Joined, th' band
had I song, "I ove I late It
ditched the song but kepi th. title
as its name "I met them 111 I9H ?
through a mutual friend Phej d
been playing together tor some
wars Their linger quit 1 m a apan
tour We've been together evei
"Before that. I'd been in si'v
eral bands that had really gone
nowhere What attracted me to
this group was a strong sense ol
1 ommittncnt to musu and all that
goes with it, namely not having a
dav (b lor us. it was reallv the
OAly way to devote the required
amount of tune that we needed to
rehearsing, going out at night,
promoting, recovering trotn that
night It was a brutal litestvle
"In mv opinion, theonlv way
to make it asa musician thetedays
is to give yourself no satotv rope,
so to speak
Institute serves professors, community
By Rich Ternan
suff Writer
a 1 nc
11 Fai
? ird 1! I' ? I
' pt : '
he i lurtl tor Red Octotx r
I tie Stegm 1
1 re mi ol Soul
1 tn? Amateun
ihe 1 lunl loi imd October
. .ilU'Jwb
(ii.idr.i Nixx
in 1 imbo
1 arth Men hants
M.iry on the Dash
Ihe Hunt tor Hed OctOOei
He,id Night
Willie Wonka and
Ihe Chocolate Factory
Ihe Institute for Coastal and
Marine re mim es is a resean h ta
, 1111n. el 11 1 It's a medium in
,i, I, - ret. ssol s inav i endu. t
n in h in addition to te.u hing
Ihe majority ol the people
ass i.ited with the Institute have
a dual appointmentship I Ins
means th it the) work part time
tor the Institute and part tune tor
other departments sin h as biol
ogy, home economies, geology,
?ologv and anthropology
I r William 11 Queen, the
direi tot ol the Institute has been
a paitel the I nivcrsit) sun eabout
1970 urrentlv there are nme
professors in addition to Queen
doing resean h Some professors
m,i have up to three or tour
proje t - going on at one time
ihe institute also employs
many students part time "hey
perform services from data entry
to lab assistance Graduate stu
dents may also be found working
with research scientists
Professors who condui t re
search U so by obtaining grants
from independant industries and
national government fbobtain .1
grant the) send a proposal stating
what the) wanttodo what results
they hope to find and a budget It
all these are approved, then the
professor heading up the particu-
lar proje t receives the grant
In essence, the Institute is a
part et the university, but receives
most et its funding for research
from outside sources in the term
ot grants rhe research that has
already been published lends a
large amount ol prestige to the
I niversitv
I here is a wide vanetv of re-
search going on at the Institute
(urrentlv research is beine, con-
ducted on striped bass and hybrids
Ol that species The bass's diet is
being manipulated to enhance its
nutritional value tor the general
Studies are also being done
on recreational and commercial
fishing and itsimp.u ton thecom-
munitv, the sett shell crab indus-
try, the enculturalization ol bill-
tishing and the hshing commu
eatv as a w hole
I here is research K ing : ? 1
formed concerning small scale
hydropower plants that are being
used on rivers tor local power
generation Researchers are try-
ing to find a way to keep the tish
from being sucked in vith the
waterandbeingchewedupb) the
turbines Utilizing the potential
energy ol a river without hurting
the em lronment is the ; ?l ol the
Ihe people at the Institute
area little like doctors, giving our
lakes rivers, streams and oceans a
continuous check-up lbe are
trying to keep our water ,n the
life it supports healthy Most im-
portantly they are keeping an ev.
out tor problems that may come
up, and nipping them in the bud
before they can affect us serious!)
,nA permanentlv
Cel?l? Hoffman
?'?? ?
ECU Pholo Lab
ECU band membersiake advantage ol Tuesdays seasonal weather Temperatures will remain
in the 70s throughout the weekend?????

She Cant (Carolinian Si?ptcmbfr20.1990
Campus Voice
How do you feel about the gun-
man incident that happened on
campus Tuesday?
Clarence Draunery
I think his vite should htVC Nvn there I le
COUld have de.ilt with his wile instead ot pla
iv; games ot lite and death
Mike Means
It was entertaining Rungs gtH pretty dull
on campus rhe cops handled it well
Katie raylw
t tementary Education
I tocl sit ter huu Ob lOUSl) he ? gol
some in (? o( mental problem
John Curt O Brian!
Political Science
It disturbs me to know thai something lik?
that can happen en v iimpus rhe law enforce
ment did a pood job ol containing the situ
Paul Gainey
l nglish
It was a situation where wc had a majoi
societal breakdown Ihetanuh unithasdete
riortted Ibis could be a prelude r4 v hat the
tna bring
Compiled b) Marjoric McKinsIr)
(Photo b Cl??tt HoffSMM I CXJ Pholo I ab
1 x Soup Dragons 1 ovc t lod
2 lell Rsh Bellybutton"
3 I Bob Mould "Black Sleets et Rain
4 sml Asylum and The Horse rhe) RodeOn
5.) The Pixies Bossanova
e lane Addiction Ritual de lo I lahitual
7 11 ivingcolor rimes I p
s FrequcNCy N C Compilation
Ultra Vivid Scene 1967-1990
10 I Sonic i outh v loo
11 I Hob i .eldot Vegetarians ot 1 t e
12 I lames Cold Metier
13.) Mojo Nixon Otis"
Music Notes
Continued from page 9
AC DC metal c?h!s from Down Under, has a new I P due out
on Sept. 25 tided The Razor sEdge rbe first video single frorn the
release is Ibundcrstruck. which had it debut on Headbanger s
Rill this past weekend
It's been throe years Since Ba) Area thrashers Heathen re
leased their much-acdaimed debut "Breaking the Silence I leathen
is ct to begin work on their new album, which will most like!) be
named bear ot the Unknown " The LP is slated tor March l
The king is Kick! The new King Diamond album will ho
called "The Eye" and revolves around the theme ot an ancient eye
necklace that is worn bv the King himself. Although most ot the
material ha been written bv King Diamond, guitarist And) LaRo-
que, bassist Pete Blakk and drummer Snowy Shaw ha'vealsocontrib
uted songs tor the I P Possible song titles include "Eyeol the Witch
Insanity and "Behind These Walls ' The effort should be out
around Autumn
Yoivod 1 in pre-production tor their new album I lowcver.
Mechanic Records IS planning to release a greatest hits package lor
November to hold over tans
Deep Purple w ill release Slaves and Masters on (At u A
single titled kmgot Dreams' is out now.
Megabreath oops. I mean Megadeth, has issued their new
album "Rust in Peace on Capitol The tirst videosingle "Holy
Wars The Punishment Due premiered on Headbanger s Ball this
weekend The song is fairly unique compared to their other stuff, but
will no doubt please the speed-metal guitar playerlistener. New
comers Marty Friedman and Nick Menza take up new guitar and
drum duties
Lynch Mob s debut. "Wicked Sensation will be released in
October along with Testament's Souls of Black" and "Faith, I ove
and Hope from King's X.
Judas Priest will be treking across North America with sup
porting acts Megadeth and Testament The "Painkiller" tour kicks
Off in Quebec on Oct 19 The triple threat attack should bo making
its way to the Carolinas around December. Music Notes will keep
you posted as the dates come in.
Quadra Nixx, which features former Sidewinder vocalist Ian
Fields, will plav the Attic on Saturday. The melodic, Raleigh-based
outfit has boon getting great reviews for playing hard rockin
original music in their live showcases.
Until next week, keep rockin moshin' and thrashin!
? Compiled by "Diuy" Deanna Nevgloski
Of walks and turn in their weekly
accomplishments at the meetings
every Monday and then at the
end ot the year awards will be
given to walkers who have com
plotod over HX miles Walking
st les and different routes w ill N
discussed at these meetings or the
individual van make their own
i hoice
Registration tor this club is
also at 204 Chrislenbur) at the
same listed times as above I he
1 ce! I it club is a combination ot
the other tw. clubs While sell
directed participants receive
points lor each aerobic or toning
i lass thev attend
Atter 75 points have been ac
cumulated a 1 shirt is awarded
and alter 150 points, the p.irtui
pant is eligible for a free session of
classes Registration tor this club
is .Use at iM Christenbun an)
time during the semester and the
club runs srom "September 4
through December9, 1990
lTioughthoseclubsarc ottered
to faculty, spouses and students
alike the Recreational Services
also otter other benefits Some ot
these are the varied fitness classes
offered to students With 11 in
structors, classes range from tra
ditionalaerobics totoningciasses
Students can enroll in high or
low impact aerobics power pump
Continued from page 9
herself In turv the men forced
her to consume her wastes and
repeated!) raped her any wa
IV what yon feel is t
It Knox suggests 1 rust our in
shncts 1 call it your Cod given
defense mechanism
tter King raped report it
v ot bathe or (hai thes
rhis evidence ma be vital to the
Men need to understand
there is no excuse tor rajv I t
knv? comments Especially the
excuse of alcohol lot of nun got
liquor courage and do things they
wouldn t normally vlo
Green ilk? pro ides counsi
ing centers tor rap- victims I he
recovery process is stow butvou
can recover
It vou area ictim ot any crime
or know about a crime callCnme
Stoppers at 758 7 You do not
have to lea e our name Kew ards
may be up to SI 000.
Don't drive
when you
didn't say
and interval aerobics, toning
classes and flexibility increasing
i )ne ot the major benefits that ihe
Recreational Services offers is
theisuperior weight lifting pro
Though there are other ?, ms
around Greenville Christenhun
offers ex tensi ely trained instriu
tors, who are taught by outside
consultants yearly Kathy Hill t'u-
ssistanl Director ol Outdooi
Recreation and Physical Fitness
said that they instructors! .u-
dy namic indi iduals
She als,? stated thai I
school s weight rooms have
more pleasant conditions and n i
sonable prk es I he aesthetu s an
very pleasure oriented
Atter fall break K i
dence I lall w ill ha e the Pipeline
Pumphouse in the basemenf
w Iik h will hokl additional turn ss
and weight i lasses
With a total ot ? . .i
ticipants every six week si
( hristonbury is a welcome alter
native for health and fitness Vs
Hill stati-s rhe program is anon
curriculum one, but personal
People come here to pel in shape
feel better and to took better 1 ?
prices accessibility and a
w ide variety o programsearnthe
right to be . he? ktvi into
o? ?"
This Week's Entertaininenfc
fry ire. 20th
Hard Soul Poets
Fri. 21th Sat22th
Cream of Soul In Limbo
$5.00 at Door
Open Mic Night
513 Cotanche St.
locate i from I
Serving food until 1 30am Kligrttly
I A decade jc ' ? grueling
Los Angeles mpj?' club circuit throughout the tghties
fftey $Ued on the jf ? . " .
album after jr
1 No tnef re set to i ? With a boi
produced by Tom Werm3n (Motley Crue
I Sfryptf J ? shell
SALE 7" 12"
- -
v K1
i('msh. Approved ('hecks. Credit Cmrdsl
Living Room, Bed Room, Dining Room,
Den, kitchen. Misc. Furniture,
Dorm Refrigerators, and Accessories
(lamps. Pictures. Mirrors. ecL)
Specializing In Used Student
at "Wholesale Prices'
Thursday, September 20
Their Last
Pscyadelk Rock
Friday, September 21
The Coin & Ring Man
On The Corner Below "Fizz
460 S. Evans St.
IlOOtl 5:MI Mon ? Sal
M?stl 12: Ml-lW
Saturday, September 22
Qua dm NixxA
Sex, Love and Money
Sunday, September 23
Tlie Good Friday Spell
Rescheduled for October 16th
For more info call. 752-7303

(Hlje ?aat Carolinian September 20.1990 11
Jcrk '10 LEAGUE
0Y APVV- -
P? H
? M

4 ?lUJ3l
By A. Reid
Fred's Corner
By Parnell
?? Tn?jy itti?om6 SOME-
Woup. UlTCUMr . HMW6
56ME&0 "P W- te "Vou,
?fi HETP6U
dV tVVt'
'5 l

gllie JEaat (garoUntan
September 20.1990
Pirate ruggers
crush Seahawks
at Wilmington
By Ann Paul
Staff Writer
Die ECl ruggers held on to
their number one position with an
outstanding season opener over
lone, tune rivals UNC-W with a
56- IT win
I he Seahawks came out
looking aggressive at the begin-
ning but the defense dominated
with svmu- excellent open field
running by the wing.
( ,uv ravers led the scoring
with 5 tries, an I'll record.
"Ziggy" Stables followed with V
Other scorers included wingers
Mike Shonk and bill C lillete each
with one trv 1 asi year s rookie ot
the vear ason Webb and veteran
Dave Wright blasted into the trv
.?one eliminating the Seahawks
v hances
Former ECU rugger Hill
Murphy, a member ot the Char-
lotte Old Originals Rugby club,
said this years club is the "stron-
gest, most aggressive team ever
assembled. He expects ECU'S
team to "turn heads He also
believes that the ECL schedule
sets the standards tor all rugby
clubs on the collegiate level.
The Pirates H team also had a
successful opener with a 24-12 win.
Rookie Hurt Hewitt led the team
with 2 impressive tries. I'wo other
rookies. Carter I lendenia ami
Ross Marshall,also scored. FheB
team made a valiant ettort and
should prove to have a very suc-
cessful this season.
1 he Pirates will trv to remain
number one as thev tace the Blue
Devil s ot Puke this Saturday at
LSL facts:
Home: Lafvette. La.
Nickname: Kagin' Cajun
Mascot: Ragin Cajun
Lnrollment: 162500
Colors: vermillion and white
Stadium: Cajun field 01.000)
1KS9 Record: 7 4
Head Coach: elson Stokley
(5th vear)
LSL Record: 27-20
Carreer Record: 27-20
NCAA Affilliation: Division 1 -A
Returning Lettermen: 50
Retruning Starters: 19
Series: USL leads2-0
Last Meeting: USL 48- 111 6,
Oct. 1. 1988
An inside look
149(3 Schedule:
Nichols State
Texas A&M
I ouisiana lei h
Memphis State
Southern Miss
Arkansas "state
Sept 1
Sept 15
Sept. 22
S pi
Oct 6
Ocl 27
Nov. 1
No 10
Northern Illinois Nov. 1'
Doug's Pick: E l Kl I SI
ECU vs Southwestern Louisiana
By Doug Morris
Sports Editor
referred to as the run and shoot
"What they've done is they've taken the wishbone offense and
taken the two wishbone halfbacksand moved them up into the slots'
Lewis said. "They arc a wishbone offense, and thai,of course, is triple
option football.
The part ot the option that thev emphasize is what we call the
rhis Saturday ECl will travel to Lafayette, 1 a to take on the
the University ot Southwestern I ouisiana Ragin' Cajuns.
Kith the Pirates ,na the I ajuns are coming ott loses 1 he
Cajuns fell to Texas A&M 63-14 last week and have a (2-1) record load option. The load option is the concept where thev take the I i ?
mi tar this vear. that is the not the pitch man, and he will, by the structure of the
it's going to be a very interesting game because you've got defense, block the man is responsible tor the quarterback
two teams trving to rebound from losses, Bill Lewis, head coach Iheretore, they're going to trv to get the ball in the hands i
ot the Pirates slid. quarterly k and get him outside ot the man who has the quart, r -
rheCaiunoffenseisavarietyofthewishboneoffensecommonly See Inside , page 13
1996 Olympic Games to be held in Atlanta
-Ml 1 - , (AP) I he
Olympics are coming to Atlanta
1 et the construe tion begin
Oh mpk planners began put-
tingawa thccelebraton confetti
!uesda to dig through a large
pile ot work that must be done
before the 1996lames. Buildings
must be built, monev must be
raised and athletes from all over
the w i rjdlaj c3oje t,?iircTifc$od?piV
withleorgia heat that is still si
summers away
We thebottomot
the mountain, looking up at the
ilimbing we ve got to do. said
lohn Hevilaqua. an Atlanta-based
consultant who worked with the
1984 Games in Los Angeles.
Bevilaqua is aiding planning tor
the 1UM2 Games in Barcelona,
Spain, and helped piece together
Atlanta's winning bid among U25.
"heOlympics will mean new
jobs as Atlanta organizers put to-
gethera staff to handle the (lames
"We're not a vcrv large utv
compared to other (Olympic) cit-
ies. Bevilaqua said ITiat'sgood
news in terms ot creation ot jobs
tor those who are here I hat may
indicate certain jobs would have
to be filled with people from out-
jpdjp Atlanta ,s-
Ihe Atlanta Organizing
Committee's preliminarj esti-
mates are that construction, reno
vat ion and other preparatory work
would create some 44,800 jobs,
including 21,300 in construction.
Almost as soon as it was an-
nounced in Fbkyo that the 1996
Olympics would be held in At-
lanta, callers began asking the
AOC about tickets that won t be
on sale tor at least ti e wars
That is most definite!v the
most popular question of the da v.
said ACX spokeswoman 1 .nine
But higher on the agenda are
Olympk construction protects.
An Olympic Village will be
built at Georgia lech A track and
field stadium, to seat 85,000, has
to he built.along with a velodtDrne
and a natatonum tor swimming
rhese things are expected to
cost between $300 million and $500
million, according to the At.X A
21t) million domed stadium.
which will house basketball and
gymnastics in the Olympics, is'
alreadv under construction to
house pro football's Atlanta Fal-
1 he AOC plans to spend SI
billion tor the I lames. It expects to
take in from licensing, televi-
sion and other sources $1.16
billion, leaving a surplus ot about
$160 million, t. "lsen said
state planiu r lohn Sibles -aid
bringing the i. lv mpu s to i ,i i ?
puts the state on the international
map as never before while requir-
ing little it anv otitlav ot t.o.
I he financial planning that
has been done in this ettort seems
to have been done quite conser-
vatively Sibley said rheprivate
source fr venue ought to cover
the la mes and there ought to be a
surplusmtheend swhat
we're going on
Some existing venues chosen
torOlv mpk e ents would ha etc
be renovated, said VV. Clyde
Partin, director ot the Olympic
Academy, a Iyear old seminar
series on the C lames.
Among those are facilities
slated to house tennis, fencing
water polo, field hockey, wres
time, and baseball, Partin said.
:i. i an impossible thing
todo ? I it ill. ' hesaid i here s
no question all these venues can
be built
In Savannah, Ga site ot the
vachtingcompetitions, the OK m
pic Harbor a $3 million com-
plex will be built on lands
owned by the University 't
ieorgi 's Board of Regents and
will have space tor 340 racing
sailboats and. 250 race manage-
ment boats
1 en classes ot sailboats .ill
race in the Olympics, and the
planned facility will accommodate
all ot those boats from
sailboards to yachts, lour electric
cranes, with three-ton lifting ca
pacity, will be built. A special
building also is planned at Priest
1 anding to measure the boats to
ensure thev meet Strict Olympic
Nancy Lopez
looks for first
win of 1990s
? ige J3, Nam v 1 opez is one oi
the 1 i' .As all time gr ats ti I
should be in her prime I I
still in searchol her tirst ictoryol
the I990s?
"I' ebeendisappointed in :h(
ay I've finished this year
? ope, who will defend her MBS
' l lassie at the I
. ?
Baseballs owners ordered to pay
$1025 million to free agents
NEW HMvK (AP Collu-
sion is finally catching up with
baseball owners after 3 1II years.
Arbitrator George Nicolau on
Monday ordered the 2?- clubs to
pay $102.5 milion to players as
compensation tor da mages can sod
during the 1987and 1988 seasons
bv the conspiracy against tree
Another arbitrator, Thomas
Roberts, last vear ordered owners
to pay approximately $10.5 million
in damages tor the 186 season.
The total so tar is $113 million, or
$4,347,234 per team. And that
doesn't include interest and other
damages the union is asserting.
"This agent Tom Reich said,
"is the first nuclear missile oi the
collusion damage war "
Reich, who represents Tim
Raines and lack (. lark, estimated
damages could reach $300 million
bv the time all rulings are issued
Donald Fehr, head ot the players
association, said he doesn't have
an estimate, bul union lawyers
have used $250 million as a
ballpark figure
"There will be much more to
come when the remaining dam
agesaredetermined, including tost
salary for 1989and I990andother
damages Fehr said. "Protest as
thev will, theownerscan no longer
downplay either the significance
or the effect ot their intentionally
wrongful conduct
Chuck O'Connor, head ot the
owners' Player Relations Com-
mittee, did that, pointing out the
conspiracy happened under the
regime of former Commissioner
Peter Ueberroth.
"While we disagree with the
amount ot damages awarded, it is
important to remember that the
events in question began more
than five years ago, O'Connor
said It is undoubtedly the case
that the origins of this dispute are
in part related to the . lubs efforts
to grapple with the serious eco-
nomic issues facing the game.
Commissioner lav Vincent,
I eberroth and former PRC head
Barrv Rona all said thev would
not comment, as did Milwaukee
owner Bud Selig, chairman ot the
Clubs alreadv have placed
$10.5 million is escrow to cover
the Roberts decision. O'Connor
said $102.3 million would be
added to the account.
? iv ??. ??, v
Hurricanes to 'tone down' big play celebrations
Jill Ch?rry ECU Photo Lab
No sweat
This student patiently awaits her turn to try out for the Pure Gold
Dancers Tryouts were held Tuesday night in MmgesColiseum The
Pure Gold Dancers perform with the marching Pirates in halftime
shows for football games as well as at other athletic events
Criticism bv the media, fans
and Coach Dennis Erickson has
persuaded the Miami Hurricanes
to cut back on their celebrations
after big plays.
"We're still going to have
fun linebacker Micheal Barrow
snd. "But we're going to tone it
Erickson said at least two
Hurricanes "crossed the line" of
good taste with dancing, prancing
and posing in last Saturday's na-
tionally televised 52-24 victory at
"I wasn't very proud of it, and
I know our team wasn' t very proud
of it the coach said at his weekly
news conference Tuesday.
1 here's a point where it s em-
barrassing to the program
Erickson said players guiltv
of excessive celebrating in the fu-
ture will be benched for the rest ot
the game and possiblv longer. It
was the coach's second edict con-
cerning team behavior in as many
weeks. Following an opening-
game loss at Bngham Young, he
ordered the Hurricanes to stop
making degrading comments
about opponents
Erickson declined to spell out
guidelines as to what kind of cel-
ebrating he will or will not permit.
"We arc going to plav hard.
and we are going to be excited
about (Haying the game, and we
are going to jump up and down
he said. "But there's that line that
we're not going to cross at the
Universitv of Miami. If they do,
they're just not going to play
Celebrating bv several Hum-
canes drew boos from the Cali-
fornia fans and a shower of post-
game criticism in Bay Area news-
papers and on Miami radio talk
Miami's next game is Sept. 29
at home against Iowa. What will
celebrations of big plays look like
I untry Club starting Thursd i ?
I ike to have had l iple oi
w ins bv now
A winner of 42 career tit
and nearly S3 million since turn-
ing professional in 1977, Lopez
ranks 16th on this year s LP I
monev list with $160 012 in in
She believes she knows wh -
her problems lie
"I've been hitting the b
great, but my putter has let me
down, she said. "Right now it s
a matter ot trying to get my con-
fidence back
??Ik 11 trv again at Los G ?
otes, where last vear sin carded
an 11-under-par 2 to edge
Pamela Wright and Alia Ritzman
by two strokes 1 ittledid she know
as she accepted thi $45
winner's check boosting her
yearly total to $487,153, that sh
was making her last victor) spxv.h
tor a while
"This would be a nice place
forme to turn things around, she
said. "I love to plav and I want to
win. Phot s what keeps me out
Perhaps at no time in her ca
than at the Nabisco Dinah Shore
at Rancho Mirage in late March-
when she shot rounds of 80and
to miss the cut tor only the third
time as a pro
She acknowledged being dis-
tracted that week bv an illness to
he. husband, former baseball
player Ray Knight, and said her
tocuson her family in general also
might have detracted from her
focus on golf.
"1 find that when I'm home 1
don't practice as much, said
Lopez, explaining that she prefers
to devote her time to Knight,
whom she describes as her biggest
tan, and her daughters, 6-year-old
Ashley and 4-year-old Erinn.
"After missing the cut at the
Dinah Shore, I realized I'm going
to have to work on my game more
when I'm not on the tour she
said. "1 realized that God's given
me a lot of natural ability, but I
think He wants me to work a little

uJtje iEast (?. aroltntan September 20.1990 13
Sports Briefs
Putifc-Puttf Golf & Games
Continued from page 12
Clemons to pitch against N.Y. Sunday
Roger c lemens threw tor 20 minutes without am problems I ues
w and it the team doctor does not find any problems, c lemens u ill
pitch for the Red Sox Sunda) inNcvs Yorklemens 20-6withanl RA
? ' 98 has been out since Sept 4 with tendinitis in his right shoulder
(vill be checked b) Pr Arthur Pappas rhursdav in Boston and then
n the Red Sox thi weekend in New VmK
Sara Lee gives to women's athletics
N A women's athletics 10 years old this ycai got a three-year,
i boost ruesdav when Sara I ee i orp became the first n?r
naV imajoi ?mmitment solelv I e female athletes
?? ? the arrangement Sara I ee vill present an . A Woman
Vthleteof the Year Award with S awarded to the host
SA TODA Sp rts sei tion )
lesi signs with Ferrari tor ll)cM season
I ranee signed with Ferrari for tr irmulaOne
ing team said l'uesda Vlesi 2n will replace
ni s Nigel Mansoll, retiring aftei this season and team with thro
? .?? . i ? ? i . f France
( anada's Stemmle wins fall ski race
lav of t n V mtei
?? I in 1
. ? ? ? I. A. 1. Ki11 ol
ie I s s'm i t
Spurs' Wingate charged with rape
? ? Spurs ow I Met
da that ion
ird I a id Wingal ' n hold aftei
. ith rapine i ? lav. Wn
l.acknowled rl at a party
? ? - i'sNo. 1 dral
because they're blocking him
I ew is add that thissetstwo
offensive men (the quarterback
mil the pitch man) against the
defender assigned to cover the
piti h man It the defender covers
the quarterback the offense goes
to the piK h man. It the defender
lakes the pitch man, the quarter
ba k keeps the ball
I o demonstrate the effective
ness ol this offense, I ewis ex
plained that tor the last 13 con
utive games, I sl s leading
her has been the i ajuns quar
I he Pirate defense will have
kvork to hold back the I SI of
nse I tie ke to flavin option
defense particularly tripleoption
. itball Is even time vou call a
defense someone has to take the
tullhh k, be ause they're reading
u ho has the tullhu k
1 he Pirate defense will have
koul for sophomores Damon
i enaburg(5 9, 205) at fullback and
i,unes Freeman 1 12, 207) .it
rl ack Also, both sopho
? A ivdeButler(5 11.I80iand
senior P D. Broussard (5-8 1II.
ill be open tor the hand-off
at runningback.
rhe onh injviry to the Cajuns
h i c in their offense is to junior
running ba k ohn loward (5 10,
I low ard is not likely to play
in the came Saturday
Olazabal is third on PGA money list
The Cajuns' defense is the ha
sic "SO" lineup with a tour deep
secondary "They're not a fancy
defensive team Lewis said
"They're one that likes to line up,
be sound fundamentally and play
great technique "
I lowever most of the( ajuns'
injuries are on their defensive
team Senior Clifford namp(6-l,
220) and sophomore John Frarw ois
(6-2, 211) will not plav Instead
freshman Lamar Ivans (6-1 12,
223) will move from inside line-
backer to take over the position,
further weakening that position
which was vacated bv sophomore
William Sims (6-3, 235) and senior
Rudolph Pennimon(6-2,232)due
to injury. Also Senior Pat I Vcuir
(6-6,288) is not likelv to play at left
tackle Saturday.
The Pirates also have their
share of injuries. Juniors tight end
Luke Fischer (6-3, 22?) and junior
runningback David Daniels(5-11,
233) are both injured in several
places and have had limited
practice time this week Sopho-
more Tom Scott (6-5, 335) at of-
fensive tackle and junior Ken
Burnette (6-2, 21?) at linebacker
have sprained ankles
However, he most critical in-
jury is junior quarterback Jett Blake
(6-2, 195). Blake has not been
practicing and may not plav in the
came Saturday
FREE Squeeze Bottle
with Purchase of a 3-f,ame Ticket
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F. lOh Eaa
wmiin m
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Stuffed with heel. rice.
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?D Guaranteed to fill you up!
- (s ' '
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vi into third plat e

rht- K.islarolinian is now accepting applications tor
ifl writer s tor the Sports Department. It vou are
interested, inquire at the office: Second Floor of the
Publi ations Building (Across from Joyner Library)
' l i ? icfu St
Sen td 2 514 'eei
5 Weeks
( anadiens flee from Russian crowd
? ?
? ? defense man
Reedy found guilty for drunk driving
i ?
at killed '
Florida's penalties disclosed toda)
I Vii
Petty has fastest time, earns $1000
d him
Griffith to have knee surgery today
.jSiVIL.l.ri s (AP) Left offensive guard Torn Griffith will
? ?. arthroscopic surgery today to rcrr i I rn. i Milage in his left
? ? M miss up to three w ix I
? ? 243-pound junior from Cartersville, Ga had
? f the Paladins' first three games He was injured during
1a and underwent an examination Wednesday
? ,m Griffith is a big blow t. urn offensive line and i
latterfield said He's been one of our top otlensiv. linemen
. I the n ' talented linemen w . ?
, ?? th was moved to left guard before the start of th seasonattei
. (trightta klelastsi i on for Furman, which is ranked No 1
n in ' I ivisi n i
In the Locker
TV sports towns
Areas with the highest andWst percentage of households
that watch sports on television
Highest households
43 9 ,
Lowest households
Indianapolis. Wheeling. W Va
Ind Steubenville. Ohi
Presque Bangor.
Isle. Maine Maine
. rhe Lifestyle Market Analyst 1990
. ? Wullins GNS
Serve fnf Save
Mb. Pkg.
Natural Grains
Oat Brian
Diet Coke or
Coca Cola Classic
Coffee n .5-02
Fruit Drinks
9 Pack
Big'n Soft , Ro;
Bath Tissue pg
Donald Duck 0 $Q
Orange; Juice fcwoz w

CWie Saat (0 aroltnian September 20,1990 113
Sports Briefs
r Putt-Putt Golf & Games
Continued from page 12
Clemons to pitch against N.Y. Sunday
Roger Clemens threw for 20 minutes without any problems Tues-
day, and if the team doctor docs not find any problems, Clemens will
pitch for the Red Sox Sunday in New York. Clemens, 20-b with an ERA
n 1.8, has been out since Sept. 4 with tendinitis in his right shoulder.
Vic will be checked by Dr. Arthur Pappas Thursday in Boston and then
rejoin the Red Sox this weekend in New York.
Sara Lee gives to women's athletics
NCAA women's athletics, 10 years old this year, got a throe-year,
so million boost Tuesday when Sara Lee Corp. became the first cor-
poration to make a ma)or commitment solely to college female athletes.
s part or the arrangement, Sara Lee will present an NCAA Woman
Student Athlete of the N ear Award with $50.lHX) awarded to the host
school (From the USA TODAY Sports section.)
Alesi signs with Ferrari for 1991 season
lean Alesi ot France signed with Ferrari tor the li Formula One
season, the Italian racing team said Tuesday Alosi, 2h, will replace
Britain's Nigel Mansell, retiring after this Mason, and team with three-
time 11 champion Alain Prost, also of France.
Canada's Stemmle wins fall ski race
Brian Stommlo of Canada won the wind shortened men'sdownhill
Tuesday, the opening day ot the inaugural Tan American Winter
Games in Las Lenas, Argentina. Stemmle finished in 1 mmute. 38.21
seconds, 0.11 seconds faster than countryman Rob Bowl A I. Kitt of
Rochester, N.i and the U.S. Ski Team, was third n. 138.93.
Spurs' Wingate charged with rape
San Antonio Spurs owner Red McCombs said Tuesday that con
tract talks with guard David Wingate have been put on hold after
Wingate was charged with raping a 17-war-old girl Sunday. Wingate,
free on$10,000 bond, acknowledges having sex with the girl at a party
but denies he raped her. Also, Rumeal Robinson, Atlanta's No. 1 draft
choice signed with the Hawks.
Olazabal is third on PGA money list
With a one stroke ytctorvagamst Colin Montgomonc in the I .ancome
Trophy in France, Spain's Jose Maria Olaabal moved into third place
on the PGA European Tour money list. 1 le has won $585,776 for the
season. Mark McNttlty of Zimbabwe remains first at $723,108, and Ian
Woosnam of Wales is second with $708394-
Canadiens flee from Russian crowd
Montreal Canadions coach Pat Burns took his team off the ice tor 10
minutes Tuesday, after a Moscow crowd threw debris at his players
during a 3-2 overtime loss to the Soviet Central Army "The crowd
starting throwing things -bottlecaps, coins said Montreal delenseman
Matt Schneider. "When that vodka bottle broke in front of the bench,
Coach Burnt said, 'Let's get out o here "
Reedy found guilty for drunk driving
A jury in Tort Crane, NY Tuesday found William Reedy guiltv of
driving wimablood-alcohol content above the legal limit for intoxication
in the 1989 accident that killed Billy Martin Reedy, cleared of ? lesser
harge of driving while ability impaired, was lined $350 and had his
driving privileges in New York state revoked for at least six months.
Florida's penalties disclosed today
NCAA pemltiesagairat Florida willbedixtosed today. Infractions
committee chairman Alan Williams of Virginia said the decision was
torwarded to the NCAA's enforcement staff last week.
Petty has fastest time, earns $1000
CONCORD, N.C. (AP) ? Kvle Petty posted the fastest time during
a special timed session at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Wednesday
luring a practice session as Winston Cup teams prepared tor the Oct.
7 Mello Yelk) 500.
IVtty's speed of 172-650 mph topped Morgan Shepherd s run ot
171 108 mph and earned him $1,(KK).
Behind Petty and Shepherd were Harry Cant at 170.014 mph.
Michael Wattripa! 164.450 mph and Larry Pearson at 168.271 mph.
Griffith to have knee surgery today
GREENVILLE S.C (AP) ? Left offensive guard Tom Griffith will
undergo arthroscopic surgery today to remove torn cartilage in his left
knee and will miss up to three weeks.
Griffith a 6-foot-2, 243-pound )unior from Cartersville, Ga had
started in each of the Paladins' first three games. He was injured during
practice on Tuesday and underwent an examination Wednesday
"1 Tom Griffith is a big blow to our offensive line and our
team " Satterficld said. "He's been one of our top offensive linemen
over the last two years and is one of the moat talented linemen we ve
had here , . to
(.r,f f .th was moved to left guard before the start of the "aaonafter
he started at right tackle last season for Furman, which is ranked No. 1
in the nation in NCAA Division 1-AA.
CKopyng 10 USA IPPttl lAppk I Mgt Impmmlm N,l?k
because they're blocking him
Lewisadded that thissets two
offensive men (the quarterback
and the pitch man) against the
defender assigned to cover the
pitch man. If the defender covers
the quarterback, the offense goes
to the pitch man. If the defender
takes the pitch man, the quarter-
back keeps the ball.
To demonstrate the effective-
ness of this offense, Lewis ex-
plained that for the last 13 con-
secutive games, USL's leading
rusher has been the cajuns' quar-
The Pirate defense will have
to work to hold back the USL of-
fense. The key to playing option
defense, particularly triple option
football, is every time you call a
defense, someone has to take the
fullback, because they're reading
who has the fullback
The Pirate defense will have
to look out for sophomores Damon
I Vnaburg (5-9,205) at fullbackand
lames Freeman (6-1 12, 207) at
quarterback. Also, both sopho-
more Wavde Butler (5-11,180) and
senior P.D. Broussard (5-8 12,
185) will be open for the hand-off
at runningback.
The onlv injury to the Cajuns
have in their offense is to junior
running back lohn Howard (5-10,
187). Howard is not likely to play
in the game Saturday.
The Cajuns' defense is the ba-
sic "50" lineup with a four-deep
secondary. "They're not a fancy
defensive team Lewis said.
"They're one that likes to line up,
be sound fundamentally and play
great technique
However, most of the Cajuns'
injuries are on their defensive
team. Senior Clifford Champ (6-1,
220) and sophomore John Francois
(6-2, 211) will not play. Instead
freshman Lamar Evans (6-1 12,
223) will move from inside line
backer to take over the position,
further weakening that position
which was vacated by sophomore
WilliamSims(6-3,235)and senior
Rudolph Pennimon (6-2,232) due
to injury. Also Senior Pat Decuir
(6-6,288) is not likely to play at left
tackle Saturday
The Pirates also have their
share of injuries, juniors tight end
Luke Fischer (6-3,222) and junior
runningback David Daniels (5-11,
233) are both injured in several
places and have had limited
practice time this week. Sopho-
more Tom Scott (6-5, 335) at of-
fensive tackle and junior Ken
Bumette (6-2, 212) at linebacker
have sprained ankles.
However, he most cntical in-
jury is juniorquarterback Jeff Blake
(6-2, 195). Blake has not been
practicing and may not play in the
game Saturday.
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Zi)c East(fiaroHnian Sepnember 20,1990
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N.C. State at Maryland
Virginia at Duke
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Central Florida at Memphis State
Kentucky at UNC
Southern California at Washington
Mississippi at Arkansas
Colorado at Texas
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I o Date: V1 Si
Managing Editor
last Week: (8-2)
Io Date: (21-9)
i Georgia
Southern Miss
Mrmphis State
Southern California
ECU Chancellor
Last Week: (8-2)
To Date: (20 10)
E l
N.C. Mate
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Memphis State
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Assistant Sports Editor
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The East Carolinian, September 20, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 20, 1990
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