The East Carolinian, September 18, 1990

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

?he i?uBt (Hut clxnxnn
Vet 64 N. Jt
? bf pi
imih it 1H 1990
Ser ng the East Carolina campus community since 19. 5
Cjmi i nvii 11, North Car m ina
ation 12 000
14 Pages
Gunman surrenders after standoff
Distaught man threatens to kill self with
high-powered rifle in Whichard Building
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Students file complaint after
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' ?? Ea ' Carolinia ends ECU Publi Classifieds Persona 1 ' Salt ??? p Wanted. For Ret md Ser .es Renaered State and Nation ???? ranks etgh in ? tl s serious ennI 1 rj 1 1 6 1 ' 1 7 1 th 1 ie 1 9 1
Local artists combu pussy cats and politics new art 1 11 1
A looW at la weekend's 24-23 loss Virginia Tech Lady Pirates'volieyt team increase record 4-0 over weekendist 1 to 1 aii 1 to 1

W$z lEaat (Earaltmatt
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.64 No 46
Tuessdav,September 18 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Gunman surrenders after standoff
Distaught man threatens to kill self with
high-powered rifle in Whichard Building
By Michael Albuquerque
Assistant News Editor
Carrying a hunting ritlo. a
former Kinston postal employee
held police at bay tor approxi
mately 55 minutes Monda) at
Whichard Building on campus be
tore negotiators com inced him to
surrender without firing shots
Albert l ee itherspoort lr
28, of Kinston, entered the K I
administrative building at 12:45
pni with a.30 U) Winchester rifle
in search of his estranged wife,
Carol) n baker ithcrspoon.
Ms. to ttherspoon w ho works
.is ,i secretary at the undergradii
ateadmissionsoffice, wasat lun h
when her husband arrived
Shortly thereafter, he re-
turned from lunch but was
stopped by another employee in
side the building before she
reached the office w here her hus-
band was waiting.
She then escaped into another
office along with several cmploj
ces and students until university
officials and police could evacu-
ate them
The incident apparentlj
started over a domestic dispute
between Witherspoon, who re-
signed from his postal job Mon
day morning, and his wife. Ihe
two ha ve been scpa rated for about
a vear.
"He talked about his wife and
son. 1 le was quite distraught i er
thedomestk situation, said fames
DePuy,the ECU dtrectoi at Public
DePuy, the mam negotiator
dealing with the gunman, said
there were some rather tense
moments during then conversa
"When we arrived, he was
very dug in. very stubborn he
said There wore times w hen he
would stand right at the window
with the rifle under his i htn.
Policefirsl learned of the situ
ation after Whichard employees
called Public Safety to re rt an
armed man in their fti .l
mandmg to see his wife
Although most of th ;
ees were at lunch w hen tl
den tot i urred.a small . ? ? .
trapped in a room in the to hi hard
Annex before escaping through
an outside window.
Bvron Brooks, a student at
ECU, entered the building short K
after Witherspoon and was among
the group that escaped through
the tirst tloor window.
He pointed the weapon at
me and told me to leave the build
inc. he said, "so I walked into
W hu hard Annex
brooks said he was locked in
the same room with Albert's w ife
and other ECU employees.
"II came ilown to him
pointing Hi's weapon at me
and me pointing mv
weapon at him and asking
it he'd put his down, I'd put
mine down, and he did,
thank (.od
lames IVI'uv, director
of ECU Public Safety.
According to Brooks, She
was hiding under a desk. She was
extremely nervous and crying
before thev took us out through a
w indow
Sophomore Scott Stevens was
walking nearthe front of Whkhard
when an administrator told him
to take cover because a man inside
had iiist put a rifle to his fat e and
told him to leave.
W lien I first s.iw him (W ith-
erspoon), 1 was hiding behind a
tree in front ii the building, and
he was hanging the rifle out the
window Stevens said.
I moved to another tree to
get away, and he followed mv
movements with fhefifle,sol txk
nil hv sild.
ECU Public Safety responded
immediately,andSgt. ohn Austin
and C pi. Mike lordan were the
first officers to respond to the
More ECU I'iiNk Safet) offi
cers, along with Greenville police
i lIn ers, sheriff's deputies and Ml
agents, arrived at the scene and
began rerouting students and tr.if-
tii away from the area.
IVI'uv. who has had pre i
ous experience in these situations,
began negotiating with Wither-
in upon his arrival.
I tried to get a feel for his
mental state he said And I tried
to start friendly conversation with
'Everything happened so
quickly, our main concern was
securing the scone and starting
negotiations with him
i cording to DePuy, Wither-
spoon asked officers to kill him
several times during the standoff.
"I said, 'that's not going to hap-
pen; wo're going to be here for two
days, but we're not going to shoot
He occasionally threatened
to come outside with it (the rifle)
DePuysaid. Hold theoffieersto
be ready, that he was coming out
with the rifle down
DePuy said for some reason.
Witherspoon instead moved back
inside the doorway.
It i ame down to him point-
ing his weapon at me and nit'
pointing my weapon at lum and
asking it he'd put his down. I'd
put mine down sikl IVI'uv
nd he did thanGod
During the standoff, Wither-
Spoon asked to see his wife and
child and made comments that
only he knew where his child was,
although this turned on t to bo false,
DePuy said
"All the officers responded
very well to the scene. They did a
wonderful job. h there had been
hostages, we might have taken
more direct action he said.
According to police reports,
the crime spree began earlier this
See Gunman, page S

It 11111111111
v t : "771
Celeste Hof1mjr Phdo LaD
Albert Lee Witherspoon Jr was arrested Monday after holding police
at bay with a ntle tor almost an hour Witherspoon entered Whichard
Building during lunch hour and demanded to talk with his estranged
wife an employee in the undergraduate admicsmnc office
. s!f Hoffman -Pholo L3b
James DePuy (right) director of ECU Public Safety negotiates with the gunman before the two had a
standoff Shortly afterwords, the gunman dropped his weapon - a 30 caliber lever action rifle
Students file complaint after
city police arrest two cohorts
David Valenzuala- Photo Lab
Albert Witherspoon wearing his postal uniform peers out one of the
front windows of Whichard The gunman ended the crisis after
speaking with police for approximately 45 minutes
By Matt King
Features Editor
Earh Saturday morning two
ECU students were arrested in the
wake of a gathering that Green-
ville police diffused m a manner
that was questionable to many
witnesses. I ater that dx an offi-
cial complaint was filed with the
police department by witnesses
The complaint states the cir-
cumstances o the gathering and
listed specific actions by Green-
ville police officers that were con-
sidered to be outside the realm of
police protocol in breaking up a
party at 404 larvisSt.
John Derek Cam and Elliot
Paul Orr wen1 arrested and ini-
tially charged with disorderly
conduct Cam was released by the
magistrate on duty, Mr Wooten
because there was no probable
cause for the arrest
Orr was arrested for disor-
derly conduct and then released
on a $300 secured bond. Orr was
not available for further comment
According to witnesses there
were roughly 20 people in the
house and a few people were on
the porch at approximately 3 a.m.
when the police arrived
"The music was so low that
we weren't even having to talk
over it sud kim I isman, who
was at the scene.
"The first time 1 saw or heard
any police they were on the porch
tell ing people to leave or they would
be arrested for trespassing slid
1 isman
Other witnesses claimed that
initially the twoofficersarnved and
asked everyone to go into the house
Soon after that everyone was being
asked to leave by officers that had
come into the house.
"At one point 1 heard one offi-
cer tell oneof the residents that it he
didn't get the people out of his
house he would be fined and ar-
rested said Barb Thompson, wit-
The resident responded by
saying that the people there were
drunk and he couldn't get them to
leave said Michelle Maclay.
"The police came in the house
and said the person that lives here
said you all have to leave " said
Mary Beth Rohrer, one of the
When the people at the gather
ing begin to disperse the police
officcrsat the scene, "began yelling
and snatching people around, if
vou ask any questions the police
were just rude said Thompson.
Becky Hardee, ECU junior, sud
she was sitting on the porch of the
houte when ,n officer came up to
her and snatched hercupoutof her
" 1 his is mine now and it you
don't leave I'll give you a ticket
for trespassing said theotticer,
according to 1 lardee.
Rod brewer, who was also
standing on the porch, was
grabbed by a point- officer and
yanked off the porch by his shirt
according to one witness
Maclay was walking down
the driveway when officer 1 LD.
Mini's approached her. flashing
his light in her face. 1 le then, by
Maclavs account, pushed heron
the shoulder and slapped her cup
"It was the last thing I ex-
pected him to do said Maclay.
I lines is theotticer tor whom the
complaint was tilled.
"Girl. I already told you to
leave ome is what an officer
allegedly said to Rohrer as he
pushed her backwards dow n the
At this time Gain, who was
standing nearby and being led
off the property turned and ask
the police officer not to push the
girl. Officer Mines, who was
behind i ain, along with two
other officers grabbed and threw
him onto the trunk of a car that
was parked in the driveway.
According to w itncsscs,Cain
See Complaint, page 3
Police succeed
in diffusing
volatile crisis
By Tim Hampton
News Fditor
Bringing Monday's crisis to a
non-violent conclusion took a
concentrated effort trom area law
enforcement officers.
Campus police, city police,
sheriffs officers state high-
way patrolmen converged on
V hu hard Building in an effort to
secure the ampus from a man
brandishing a rifle Albert Lee
to itht-rspoon lr , wearing a postal
uniform, first threatened to kill
himself and Liter requested that
police shoot him
rWo ampus officers were the
tirst to me on the scene after
personnel in Whichard telephoned
to report that the man was de-
manding to sve his wife. , - ?
Cpt Michael to lordan and
Sgt. fames Austin, ot ECU Public
Safety, were the tirst officer to
arrive at the scene.
"I asked him to put the gun
down and hedidn't respond Move
or less, he said he was in the mili-
tar and he knew how to use the
weapon, lordan said.
"My officers did a fantastic
job Ihe two officers to tirst re-
sponse did so within three to tive
minutesof the can. They saved the
day, lames DePuy, director of
Public Safet). said.
( ireem ille police, Pitt County
sheriffs officers and the highway
patrol arrived shortly afterwards.
Campus police, with assistance
trom the KOIC. cordoned off the
area surroundingthecirclein tront
of Wright Auditorium. Road-
blocks on campus and Fifth Street
werequK klv set up todivert spec-
tators and motorist from the scene.
ith the threat of the Wither-
spoon firing a high-powered. 3d-
J0 caliber lever action rifle, the
enforcement personnel tookextra
precaution to protect those walk-
ing on campus.
to itherspoon pointed the gun
toward the u (side ot the building
several times during the 55-nruh-
Mteordeal.Theareaaround Wright
circle is usually heavily congested
during the post-lu ich flow of
students, faculty and staff.
Campus police sequestered a
specialSB1 tactical team trained in
negotiations from Raleigh, but
DePuy persuaded Witherspoon to
See Crisis, page 5
The East Carolinian
commends ECU Public
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered.
State and Nation7
Charlotte ranks eighth
in nation's serious crime
Local artists combine
pussy cats and politics in
new art exhibit.
A look at last
weekend's 24-23 loss to
Virginia Tech.
Lady Pirates' volleyball
team increase record to
4-0 over weekend.

Sljc Cant iiiriilinijiii September 18,1990
ECU Briefs
Hallock succeeds Connell as vice
chancellor for health sciences
Pr AlastairM onnell has resigned as East Carolina University's
vice chancellor for health sciences and will be succeeded In Pr
lames A Hallock, dean of the E( I School of Medicine
I heuniversitN announced that Hallock will continue to serve as
dean of the School ol Medk ine and thai the dual appointment will
be effective Get 1 thcda following the date of Conncll's resigna
Hallock's appointment . confirmed Friday b) Ihe Board of
c lovcmors ol the Univerist) of North i arolina, meeting in Chapel
Pr Richard R Eakin P I chancellor, said Connell will become
a part time special program officer tM E( I and will assist the
chancellor with federal pro velopmenl through une, ll,gl
Eakin said he was acceptingonnell s resignation with "consid-
erable regret I le added that i onnell s isionol new directions for
health care lias helped shape the future course ol the health sciences
at ECU
Connell v as appointed vice hanccllor tor health sciences in the
summer ol last year succeeding Pr William E. 1 aupus who had
retired from tin-dual post ol vice chancellor health sciences and
dean ol the S hiol ol Medk ine
1 he I lealth St ien es 1)i ision which I lallock will head includes
the E i s. hool ol Medk ine and the Schools of Nursing and Allied
I lealth Scient es
Buck to become permanent director
of materials management at ECU
City resident receives alumni status
. . . i i . Inn. knrtn that pairi'd A
director of materials management at
. has been selected permaneni
Allan Scotl Mik k ;I
EastCarolina Uni
Materials Manager ; ri f ECl s Division of Business At
fairs, is the administrate e component which involves all procure
menl responsibilities tor la l s main and medical campuses. These
include central stores I ? moving services, fixed
assets, insurance, contrai ting and motor fleet management, as well
as pur hasin ship ; iperations
Annoui - ipi nt, ECl Vice Chancellor He si
ness Affairs Hi hard I Mr Buck has demonstrated ihe
technical knowledgi managerial talents and personal characteris-
tics necessar) to su la In dor of Materials Management
Buck was sel iearch from among 65 candi-
dates, Brow n said
ECU graduate student to perform
piano recital on campus Sept. 21
ECU News Bureau
1 he E I Alumni Association
bestowed honorary alumni status
on a Greenville native and resi-
dent Saturday during the
organization s annual Leadership
Inducted into theClassol 1990
was Samuel C. Winchester r
technical manager of DuPont's
Dacron Staple Division tor east-
ern orth Carolina.
"Sam W uk hester is an excep-
tionally good friend of the univer-
sity said David B McDonald,
ECU director ol Ad
vancement. lor him to do as
much tor us as he does saysa lot.
An adjure t professor in the
ECU School of Business, Win hes
ter serves on the E I Foundation's
Board ol I Hrectorsand established
the university's only fully en-
dowed Alumni Honors Scholar-
ship in honor of his wife, Sylvia
Weeks Winchester, an ECU gradu
ate who is a guidance counselor at
111 Conley High School.
In addition. Winchester was
instrumental in arranging a sub
stantialeiftfromDuPonttoEC I 's
1 le really saved usa bundle
said McDonald, who oversaw the
fund-raising drive. "We wouldn't
have been able to afford the uni-
forms without DuPont's help
Winchester graduated from
N.C. State University in 1961 with
a BS degree in chemical engineer
ing And holds a master's degree
and PhD from Princeton Univer-
sity A charter member ol the Inte-
grated Manufacturing Systems
Engineering Institute at NCSU,he
serves on the Planters Hank Board
of Directors in Greenville.
Winchester was presented
with a trained certificate desig
nating him as an honorary mem
ber of the ECU Alumni Associa-
His outstanding advocacy
tor East Carolina has earned him
all the rights, honors, privileges
and responsibilities of member-
ship said Donald Y. Leggett,
alumni association executive sec
The leadership conference is
a one day event sponsored annu-
ally by the ECU Alumni Associa-
tion to educate its key leaders on
the universitv'sprogressand goals
tor the future. If is attended by
Alumni Association officers and
outstanding organization, parti i
pation and (reativity
"()ne ol the goals the Pur
hamOrange Chapter made last
fall was to v in( hapterof tho'i eai
honorsagain said S ott A ells,
assistant dim tor of Alumni Rela
lions at 1U. '1 laving accepted
thatchallenge for themselves, they
put forth twn c the energ) effort
and enthusiasm to accomplish that
goal In doing, so thev greatlv
enhanced the image ol E I in
their area
Among the activities spon
sored this past year by the hapter
luncheon that paired ana guid
ancecounselorswithE I Adi
sions (fficials, numerous parties
.nul a summer planning retreat a?
1 ake iaston tor the board
It was as ending ! " ? all
that they accomj I ? ?'?
Heather Webb presidi i I
.h i epted the award on beh i I I
the i hapter She is emj ? ? I ?'
Duke University in the payi
1 rank (irayiel, n gtonal man
? for I (? Balfoui
? ? ? the 1 Kirham I
were the first annual E( I Baxter I I r,wasnam? l lunl
Ridenhour Memorial.olt lour th
nament with the Pirate lubwhk h
raised $1500 tor their s holarship
fund, a float in the EC I I lome
coming Parade, hosting an 1 i( I
1 oda rot option tor alumni and
hn-h school seniors as well as a
oik has put his hi irl i
soul nit " hie ing a
, i;??. ? . , Wells said I li
? ? mth (i imii ?: ?? "
. hapter I I ; i
raising projci f raisi I i
Putt-Putt Golf S3 Games
Hav? you play!
Putt Putr'CoIS
Bin (Ine (lame
(let)ih I ree
fund raising drive to purchase
new uniforms tor the Marching board members as well as profes
i KiPont donated all ol the
fabric used tv make the uniforms
through an arrangement with the
fabric manufacturer DuPont
manufactures one ol the fabric s
mam fibers at its Kinston plant
and tradod more than $10,000
worth tor the amount of fabric
Pianist Bn i ii
present a ro on cai
( olsby is a gra lual
1 ler program willinclud ich Sonata in G Minor for flute
and ke board. Robert Schumann's Fantasv Pieces Opus 73, the
Francis Poulenc Sonata I ino,and"Sentimentale"from
CvBollings's "Suite I r Fluti Piano
Assisting will b i ? '? - indclarinetestCalvinBraxton
Ms,oolsb i- ' r the Master of Music degree with
a concentration in i graduated from ECU in 198P
sional society and chapter repre
Also presented during the
luncheon were the Alumni
Association's top awards tor
Chapter ol the Year and Volun-
teer ol the Year.
Ihe Durham. Orange Chap-
ter was named C hapterof theN ear
tor the second year in a row tor its
mei Iv ol Salisbury Md , will
l . 1 beginning at 7 p m Ms
I and a student of Pr ohn
Dangerous inmates face
little chance of escape in
N.C. correctional facilities
1 ler parents an Ml
ve . Salisbun, M I
II M Miles ol 130 Hollaiu
. I
; i l ? w Bureau reports
Crime Scene
Officer warns suspicious subjects for
public display of affection on campus
September 12
- n offi ?' ked rei rt of stray animal at Tyler Resi-
dence Hall; same left fylci vner of the dog was contacted,
1659 Officers assist I tvj with fraternity members using
a sling shot to prop at vehicles and property Presi-
dent voluntary turned r d
2059 Officers ked rv report of pizza delivery person
before entering Scotl R he ollcge Hill campus area
as s, I for i iti subje ts.
September I s
0226 An officer si ipped a moped, northwest of the Mamie
Jenkins Building, for n I md a stopsign violation. Male
student charged with: 1) DW1 2)Stop sign violation 3) No safety
helmet 4) False information given to officer 5) Obstruction and delay
of officer. Officers assisted
September 14
1717 An officer was sent to the lobby ol Tyler Residence I lall
to investigate the Ian en) i l a bike
1819 An officer was dispatched to ones Residence Hall to
investigate the report ol a black male knocking on students' dorm
rooms. Ibis incident o im d earlier in the day and an officer
handled the situation Officers provided back up; suspect was not
found All appeared
1857 All units were dispatched to the South Side of White
Residence Hall wherea fight was reported to be happening with four
to six individuals Hie fight was broken up, and all participants
involved were banned from campus b) officers Participants were
2W An offu er responded to suspicious subjects at the Inter-
national House Same given verbal warning for public display of af-
September 1
(H10 An officer stopp da ehi Scat I ourth and Summit Streets
Subject was given to (ity poli e who arrested tor P I.
01H Officers resp, mdcd U i breaking and entering in progress
Two students were given verbal warning due to intoxication and
Luk oi positive ID from complainant.
September lh
0217 An officer dispersed non student male from Tvler Resi-
dence Hall tor sleeping in lobby
040f Officers responded to report ol males verbally harassing
females at east door of Tyler Residence! lall and trying to gain access.
Subjects gone on arrival
1V24 An officer took a larceny report tor Tyler resident
who had several items taken from her purse
2241 An officer was south of loyner to investigate break-
ing and entering ol motor vehi? le
September 17
011f An offk en becked an anonymous report of a stolen
van on College Hill Missing vehicle located but had not been
reported stolen Owner notified and case turned over to city police.
( riatcSCMM islak.n In.m official It U I'ublu. Safety Iors.
KINSTON(AP) Duringthe
fiscal year from uly I, 1989 to
(une JO 1990, J inmates escaped
from correctional facilities in
The thought of nearly 400
inmates on the loose could be ter
rifying, but the st.ite Department
of Correction says that 99 pen ent
ol the escapees were low risk
inmates who posed little thi eat to
Five ol the esi apes that took
place during fiscal 1989-90 were
from medium or Jose custody
facilities No maximum security
inmates escaped in North Caro-
lina during fiscal 1989 90
State officials say that the sta-
tistics prove their point Crimi-
nals who are really dangerous
stand little chance of escaping from
prison in North Carolina.
"As these numbers clearly
demonstrate, the percept ion (if the
problem is far greater than the
reality said David (.uth, special
assistant to the secretary of the
Department ol t Correction
C.uth savs the normal escape
doesn't fit the popular image of a
desperate jailbreak All but one
percent of these inmates did little
more than simple walk a way from
a job site.
"Most (
mates are verv close to release
They are classified as minimum
custody because thev are seen as
nearing release and not being a
threat to the community said
David Chester, district manager
in the Eastern Region, which is
basivl in Greenville.
"A good number of them are
misdemeanor sentences. Many go
out into the community on a daily
basis on work release, home
leaves study release, emergency
leavehe said
People who are in minimum
Custody bv definition are within
five years of release or parole, says
Guth.They've had a good enough
prison record and an evaluation
from the staff that they are consid-
ered low-risk to public safety.
C.uth savs he believes correc-
tional facilities are a positive addi-
tion to any community.
"History has shown time and
time again that prisons are good
neighbors. Certainly we bring
inmates to a community. But we
also bring our people (employees)
to that community he said.
"They (prison employees)
have kids. They participate in the
community. All in all, they're good
Ihe prisoners should be
looked upon as community asset.
Guth s.ns, citing work done b
inmates in helping with cleanups
and emergence aid following the
tornados that struck eastern North
Carolina in 1984, and duringother
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&ht ?aat (Larulininn September 18.1990 3
Charleston still suffers from Hurricane Hugo, one year later
One year after Hurricane Hugo
smashed ashore packing 135 mph
winds,Charleston still bearsscarsol
the most destructive hurricane to
ever hit the IS mainland
Shingles an- missing from the
tattered nx'totSt Michael'sEpisco
pal (, "him h. theoldestin thecity rhe
spin- at tho top ot tin- bell tower has
vet to be replaced
The ne.irK v. harleston bunt)
c ourthouse stands empty its roof
to focus on
ECU News Bureau
Remembering Our Past
Preserving Our Future Restora-
tion and Preservation in an
Agrarian Setting' isthetopicot an
Oct. 12-13 conference sponsored
hv the ECU Division ofontinu-
ing Education and se oral 1 lalifax
county agencies.
Conference sessions .ire
scheduled tor tho 1 listoric 1 lalifax
Visitor (. enter
I ho week nd i" ? 'nts in lud
tours of antebellum b"i' lings in
the ! listoi i I lalifax area and
elsewhere in tho Roanoke river
Valle and lectures b) speaalists
on 18th century architecture, the
social history of the South, agri
i ultural pra h o- ol the past and
restorahon of old dwellings tor
modern In ing
highlight of the conference
is a Fridav evening progressive
dinner .in! home tour in the
Whitakers Chapel Community
with stops at six restored homes
dating from about 1770 to 1880
Strawberry Hill, 1rtlo lawn
Delphi, ()aks and ellar Planta
Speakers and their topics are:
Architecture of the Area
Peter Sandbeck, eastern regional
supervisor tor the Division
of Art hues arid History
"Social 1 ife in the Old South
Pr ohn David Smith of the
tato Iniversity history faculty,
1 ho Art of Restoration
Dean Ruedrich of the Historic
Preservation Foundation of N.
! ploring the Possibilities
Bod & Breakfast Arch B.
Edwards owner-operator of I he
Lords Proprietors Inn. Edenton,
New Use, New Life, A Sec-
ondhance Ross Steckley,
president of an Ontario, Canada,
building rehabilitation firm,
'Facts of Nature: Biological
Thought and Agri ulture Pra ti e
in the 1 Mhentury I r.leorge
Tern Sharrer, curator of agricul-
tureat the Smithsonian Institution,
Washington D.(
rheconfereni ealso f? aturesa
slide film presentation, tours ol
Historic Halifax and the sur
? uncling countryside and an
ea; tern North Carolina pig pi kin
Historic Halifax is located in
the fertile Roanoke river Valley
which was first settled in 1722
The town prospered during the
18th century as the agrarian
economy produced landscaped
estates and plantations I ho most
well-known occurrence during the
late colonial period was the April
1?, 1776, ratification ol tho! lalifax
Resolves, making North (Carolina
the first state to claim indepen
dence from Ireal Britain
Currently, many of the town
and country houses once inhabited
bv the local gentry are still stand-
ing, some restored asmuseumsor
residences, while others are in the
process ot restoration Of par-
ticular interest architecturally is
( ,lon Burnev. a plantation homo
built in the highly decorative
Federal Tripartite style found only
in northeastern Northarolina
and Tidewater Virginia
A block ot motel rooms has
been reserved tor the conference
participants at the Hampton Inn
ami the Holiday Inn in Roanoke
Rapids Conference fee is pet
person, which includes lectures,
materials, refreshments, tours and
some meals Teacher renewal
credits are available
Further information about the
conference is available from the
ECU Division of Continuing
Education, Greenville N.C27KS8;
phone (919) 757-6143.
destroyed. Masking tape still lines
its windows in preparation for the
Storm which thundered aslioreavear
ago this week.
But across Meeting Street, c itv
1 lall bustles with the business of
government, ust as it did that
lightless night last Sept 1 when
I lugo crashed into Southarolina
Hugo's wrath claimed 29 lives
on the PS mainland and was felt
across hundnis of miles from fish-
ing communities on the South Caro-
lina coast to mill towns nestled in the
North Carolina mountains
1 he storm caused an estimated
$5.9 billion damage. A vear later, the
recovery both physical and emo-
tional continues.
But for a relatively small, poor
state, a iot has Ixvn done in the past
12 months to put things Kick in or-
"It Sa miracle we7 re back where
we are given the enormitv of the
storm that hit us and the tact that
over halt our state was declared a
1 le notes the beachos have been
mpainsa1 and the tounsm industry
has rebounded Millions of dollars
have Ixvn spent helping residents
put their lives back in order
rhe histonc distnet, the heart ot
( harleston's tourist economy, was
cleaned in quick order. Indeed, visi-
tors would have trouble telling
C harleston weathered such a severe
"The rvovctv has Ixvn phe
imenalsaid MavorostphP Rilev
r "It isalnxst a miracle Irsatribute
to tho citizens of the community,
rhey didn't ctv or whine or get an-
gry. PvorvrxxK' got to work and
pi U hod in
Iunng the past vear, the city
opened a waterfront park and a now
visitor's center is neanng comple
"The city has not onlv recov-
ered, this was not a soar we treaded
wafer. Riley -
rhe recovery among the rural
p?. irhastakenk 'ivor Andthesound
ot hammers and the buzz of power
saws can still be heard on the hard-
hit barrier islandsn rtheast ?( town
Following Hugo, hundreds of
tons of suppbe i I ibout $3.7 mil-
lion in donations flo led into
. harleston Last month, the final $1
million was distributed to relief
Happy Congratulations
On Your Merry Christmas ?
Birthday wedding.

No matter what the occasion, and even it there is none.
University Book Exchange has a card to express your senti-
ments. Great cards by Sandra Boynton, Gary Larson, John-
Richard Allen-the folks Recycled Paper products and
American Greetings love to love. And many more.
We don't stop at cards. UBE has a great line ot athletic
wear at great prices, including Russell Athletic and
Champion. Sweatsuits, t-shirts, shorts, jackets-with or
without ECU insignia or your Greek letters.
Speaking of ECU memorabilia, UBE lias the worlds
largest selection. 1 )ecals, mugs, clocks, pillows, kevchains,
music boxes-you name it, we can Pirate it.
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Sure, UBE is the best source for school supplies. We're
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All under one roof. All tor you.
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Come shop UBE, and have a good day
don't be sorry gee we'll miss you it
516 South Cotanche Street ? Greenville, NC 27834
All for you.

?tie i?uzt (Earaliman
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael G. Martin, Managing Editor
Tim Hampton, News Editor
Michael Albuquerque, Asst News Editor
Paula GlGEE, State and Nation Editor
Matt King, Features Editor
Deanna Nevgloski, Asst. Features Editor
Doug Morris, Sports Editor
EARLE M. McAUl EY, Assi Sports Editor
Carrie Armstrong, Special Sections Editor
I eCi aik I arper, Copy Editor
Amy Edwards, Copy Editor
MlCHAtT. LANG, Editorial Production Manager Toby BaRBOUR, Circulation Manager
Jeff Parker, Staff Illustrator Stuart Rosner, Systems Manager
Chris Norman, Darkroom Technician Phong Luong, Business Manager
MARGIE CSHEA, Classified Ads Technician DEBORAH DaNIH S, Secretary
The East Carolinian has served the East Carolina campus community since 1925, emphasizing information thai directly
affects ECI' students. During the ECU school year. The East Carolinian publishes twice a week w uh a circulation ot 12,000
he Easll 'evolution reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements thai discriminate on the basis ot age. sex.
creed or national origin. The masthead editorial in each edition does not necessarily represent the views ol one individual,
hut. rather, is a majority opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points ot view
letters should he limited to 250 words or less. For purposes of decency and brevity. The East I arolinian reserves the right
to edit letters for publication. Letters should be addressed to The Editor. The East Carolinian. Publications Bldg ECU,
Greenville, N.C . 27834; or call (919) 757-6366.
Page 4, Tuesday, September 18, 1990
Public Safety proves professionalism
lor many years now, ECU students
have ridiculed Public Safety officials and
officers. From accusing these crime fighters
of "frequently stopping (living) at the
Krispy Creme to the dubbing them "rent-
a-cops students (and some faculty) have
made their job somewhat difficult.
I lowever, it is time to credit Public
Safety for something everyone has
seemed to have forgotten they do ?
protect the students, administrators,
faculty and staff oi ECU.
Early Monday afternoon, a gun-
man occupied Whichard Building that
virtually brought the center of campus to
a standstill. After an intense confrontation
with the gunman, ECU Director of Public
Safety fames DePuy persuaded the armed
man to drop his weapon without any
This is not an everyday practice by
the officers and officials of Public Safety.
DePuy put his life on the line for the
safety and protection oi the university's
employees and students.

Credit also needs to be awarded to
the quick response and cooperation of
other law enforcement agencies that as-
sisted Public Safety. The Greenville Po-
lice Department, Highway Patrol and the
State Bureau oi Investigation were all
beneficial in the capture oi the gunman
However, the action oi some by-
standers wasquitedisturbing. Manvot these
bystanders (specifically students) did not
understand the seriousness ot the situation.
When officers warned that there was a
gunman, students acted as if they could not
have been a target.
Some oi these students, when asking
about the situation as they arrived at the
scene, also sounded "disappointed" that
there had been no shooting. Not only is this
immature, but pathetically mane.
The events that transpired in
Whichard vesterdav wer real, not some-
thing off oi the television. People could have
really been killed But thanks to DePuy and
thecampus police, thegunman was captured
and no one was injured.
Letter to the Editor
lives should
not be risked
To the Editor:
Afterreading Tuesday's, Sept.
11, letter to the editor, "The US
Must Have a Role in the Middle
East I was somewhat disturbed
but not surprised as most people
support our massive deployment
in the Gulf.
I do not think that the live of
Americans should be risked to
guarantee oil shipments for Japan
and Europe. Further, I really do not
understand why Bush is so very
eonoemed about budget cuts and
then spends about $47 million per
day on his operation. We obvi-
ously cannot a f ford to keep this u p,
especially if combat is to occur,
which would escalate the cost.
In addition to the President's
inhumane troop deployment,
should there be a conflict, I'm not
so sure the US is handling this
operation in its best interest. On
Aug. 12, the New York Times
quoted: "The Iraqi crisis has been
a sobering experienceIt has
demonstrated the limits of Euro-
pean power, and it has shown
that only the United States can
play the rolcof global policeman
I cannot find anywhere in the U.S.
Constitution where such a role as
being "global policeman" is au-
While the massive Middle
East deployment was taking place,
U.S. Marines went into Libena to
rescue American citizens threat-
ened by one of the warnng fac-
tions. They landed, accomplished
their mission and left. This is the
correct usage of our military just
as the defense of U.S. territory is,
and not to stop the aggression of
some military dictator in the
Middle East.
Representative Patricia
Schroeder (lCo) supports Presi-
dent Bush'sactionbecauseof "oil
But she wishes "we had gone in
under a United Nations flag
Former State Department of-
ncialGeorgeW.Ball claimsIf sa
United Nabonsaction and urges
the President to defend himself by
keeping that fact "firmly in the fore-
Are we or are we not ruled by
the UV? It attacked, won't our
men's response be dictated by the
world body. I know that I sure
wouldn't want to be' righting over
there, if nations other than the U.S.
through the U.N. weredictating the
way our military should fight.
I think that this crisis or any
other one should be formula ted and
earned out in the intea'sts of a sov-
ereign United Suites of America
without anv requirement tor ap-
proval by the United Nations,
NATO, any other multinational
group, or any other nation.
Why should we be willing to
fight for someone else's interests'
and possibly the loss of thousands
of American men and women,
should there be a conflict? I don't
see any other nation deploying a
gigantic buildup of military hard-
ware or thousands of soldiers.
Steve Rowley
Political Science
ttD T IxfT CtR 'Til
The youth of today lack strong morals
By Darek McCullers
Editorial Columnist
This year, 1 have the pleasure
ot being a Resident Advisor. One
night .is 1 looked out ot my win-
dow, I saw some students (who
were most likely underage) car-
rying .i pack of beer into the resi-
dence hall.
1 thought about the fact that
all ot the RA's and policemen in
the world could stop such acts of
folly. Ihen ! pondered the qucs
lions of what purpose could it
serve. At that time, my mind u ent
back to a scripture. Exodus 14 4
reads. And 1 w ill harden Pha-
raohs heart, that he shall follow
alter them: and 1 will be honoured
upon Pharaoh, and upon all his
host; that the Egyptians may know
that 1 am the Lord. And they did
1 he 1990s is a time that looks
particularly turbulent tor the up-
coming youth Fhev are drinking
alcohol before the legal age usu-
ally early in their teens 1 hey are
engaging in premarital sex years
. before the age of marriage. I inally,
thev exhibit a central attitude of
selfishness and lavishnessand lack
moral fortitude: thev always give
in to peer pressure.
As one who matured and
dedicated his life to Cod at an
earh age, I've always wondered
why youth on the whole cannot
Stand against the pressure ot their
peers. I've always wondered why
things are turning out the way
they are I he scripture thai 1
quoted provides the answer
( ,cd has intentionally hard
cned their hearts and caused them
todo these things so that the world
will know that he is I lust as
Pharaoh pursued what he con-
sidered his worldly possession, the
children ot today pursue the
jectS Ol prosperity, materialism.
and success One will be popular
it thev follow thecrowd and party
and drink, instead ot studying
C )ne w ill be prosperous when they
have a BMW or Mercedes Ben
One who is a lady-killer, having
defiled himself by sleeping with
the women ol his choice, is con-
sidered Successful. It seems as it
today's youth are chasing these
things straight into perdition
Pharaoh took six hundred
chariots and chased the childn i
it Israel. The Israelites cross I
the Red Sea, but Pharaoh's army
was drowned, rhis episode had a
dual effect. Pharaoh saw this
mirac leand said, "Hisg d is lod
Sometimes the worst ol sin
ners will become the best of saints
The peer pushers lot evil thine
of today may bethepreac hersand
ministersof tomorrow Secondly
we read in Exodus 14:31 nd
Israel saw that great work
the I ord did upon the Egyptians
and the people feared the I ? i
and believed the 1 ord
1 hose of us who mike it
through these times of moral a
spiritual decay; those of us vvl
make it through our acts of f strer I
will surely have faith in.ed
essi I this storv is that some-
times! iodallowsthingstohappi n
or a w i kid generations imctimes
he allows us to be given to folly so
that werecognize Hismajesty i
it we look at the current
troubles in this perspective, we
will see a miracle generation and
not a troubled generation
The U.S. celebrates Constitution Week 1990
In commemt rati n i I the draft
ing signing, ratifying and perfet ting
? the Constitute n, former Chief
lusHceWarrenE.Burger(196S 1986)
wrote :?:? ' ring article on the
evolution of the udiciary Brance.
When the founding fathers
wrote the Constitution during the
summer oi 1787, i rearing the struc-
ture of a "national judiciary was
ease thev left it up to The First
Congress. In a summer ot dispute
and compromise, this compromise
by procrastinationdidnothingmorc
than turn over to The Eirst Congress
the potentially volatile problem of
establishing a federal judiciary.
Article 111 of the Constitution
merely provided for a "supreme
Court, and such interior Courts as
the congress may from time to time
ordain and establish as well as es-
tablishing tenure (during good be-
havior) and pay (cannot be dimin-
ished while in office) for Supreme
Court Justices.
The First Congress completed
action on the nation's first judicial
legislation on Sept. 21. and on Sept.
24, 1789, President George Wash-
ington signed the judiciary Act of
1789, creating the office of Attorney
General, 13 federal districts and 13
district judgeships and a means to
review their decisions. I he judi-
ciary Act put the I Vtrut Courts at
the base of the pyramid. I he next
level was the Federal Circuita mrts
and the apex was theSupremeCourt.
TositonthefirstSupremeC ourt,
President George Washington
sought men he had worked with in
the past and who shared his philoso-
phy of a strong central government
ofS.C, James WilsonoJ PaandJohn
Blair of Va . served in the Constitu-
tional Convention and had signed
the document. William Cashing of
Mass and lames Iredell of NX had
carried the Federalist banner in their
state rautving conventions
lor the hrstChief usticeof the
U.S Washington again turned to a
staunch Federalist, lohn ay of V i
av was one of the leaders in the
state sratiticationbattle tomingwith
lames Madison and Alexander
Hamilton to author 77k Federalist
PirpeTs in support of ratifying the
Constitution. Thefirst session of the
Supreme Court was scheduled to
meet in New York Otv on Feb. 1,
1790, but only Chief justice lav and
Associate justice lames Wilson had
taken the judicial Oath. The next
.l. lohn Rutledge and John Blair
Ux-k their oaths, and the Court had
anofficialquorumand convened for
the first time.
Courtdecided few cases. Tne justices
spent the majority of their time
"riding thecircnit serving the thnv
circuits created by the ludibary Act
of 1789
In the beginning, the Court was
not held in high esteem, lohn
I farm son ot Man, land refused Presi-
dent Washington's nomination to
he an Associate ustice to Like the
positionofChancellorof Md. It was
John Marshall, the fourth Chief jus-
tjceof the I s . who set IheC ourt on
the path that would eventually gain
for it a co-equal status with the Leg
islahveand Executive branches.
Although Marshall had previ-
ously declined an appointment to
the Court, he did accept appoint-
ment asChief Iusticein 18( i and the
year 1801 began a great epcx h in the
history of thisCourt and thecountry
In his U years as the nation s
chief jurist Marshall took part in
over 1,000 Court decisions, writing
sdS opinions himself. Ihe leader
ship and the decisions of Chief lus
tier Marshall have been praised Md
discussed tor almost 200 years H
rhetime Marshall had served 34 years
on the Court, in ls4 the Court and
the judiciary were firmly established
and Marshall was to he known as
the "i Ireat Chief justice
Amd Noiv . . . IHE IEAaH lor IB If II POLITICAL
For the
find the most frank,
releuant, and gripping
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.Jesse Ewruxi
SUCH ThmS SACK 7?&l.(

5l)c East (Earoltntan September 181990 5
Continued from page 1
was handcuffed and put into a
patrol i,u without resisting in
any vv ay tter sitting in the back
o! the patrol i,ir lor about ten
minutes he was taken to the
magistrate's office
tter that about eight o! us
went down to the magistrate"s
office to bail ohnnj out it we had
to, said I lardee.
I he group wasallow ed to stay
in the office tor roughh five min-
utes before the magistrate asked
them to leave said Ma la)
I he group I except tor
ohnnv) went outside were we
w aited for about 1 5 minutes, w hen
the magistrate came outside and
ask us what all this was about
said I hompson
Members ol the group stated
that Brewer talked to the magis-
trate for about five minutes before
he went bac k inside the building.
In less than ten minutes Cain
was released w ithout a court date,
without a bond and without a
Me was released because the
magistratehad ruled that therewas
not probable cause to charge him
When the magistrate was
askedbv witnesses weream was
he saidWe let him co with no
Celeste Hottman ECU Photo Lib
?.?-? Rc enl fentofTheta Chi fraternity, accepts a service
rd e S ?. . enfietd. Coordinator ot the Pitt County
Special Olympk Rc enblatt and the Theta Chi s support the
Spe i -s their philanthropy
fine and he doesn't have to go to
court. "For all practical purposes
he was im arrested said Mr
The complaint that was filed
noted that Cane's hands, "looked
hurt and were bleeding
Saturday at 9 a.m. five ol the
witnesses filed the complaint with
the police department, l.t. I. E.
Ennis was present while the com-
plaint was being filed.
I he complainants will be
contacted bv C hiet M. Tesmond
and informed ot the status ot the
Durham jails
begin to
Dl RHAM (AP) Durham
Sherift Roland I eary has made an
emergency plea to the county's
judges, askitu; them in a letter not
to sentem e any more people to jail
be ause ot inmate oven rowding.
but judges en the District
court last week said that while
the) s mpathize with the
law man splight, thevstillaredut
uind to send people u jail in
appropriate cases.
"My position is that the citi-
zens ele ted me to administer us-
hce udgeC arolyn lohnsonsaid.
I hey elected trie county commis-
sioners to take care ot the jail and
other sueh problems
I earv was on vacation and
could not bereac hed tor comment.
His letter last month about
overcrowding was Addressod to
Senior Resident Superior Court
fudge Anthony Brannon, who
passed it 'ii without comment to
other judges
I he mam I Hirham County jail,
on the top floor ot the courthouse,
has ,i l apacity ot 164 inmates, but
routinelv houses, more than 2lHV
gBwLt ?- ?'??-ay
Celeste Hotlmjn Photo Lab
This house at 404 Jarvis St was the scene ot two arrests mad" early Saturday morning Witnesses state
the Greenville police were wrong in their handling of the ordeal and tiled a complaint with the city In the
background is the Chancellor s house.
( on tinned from page 1
weekend Sundav at 1 58 a m withadcadh
Witherspoon allegedU assaulted (? kill
his wife, threatened to kill herand
her male friend and tired shots at
her while she was in a vehicle at
l oby Circle in (Ireenville.
Later Sunday morning, police
had warrants (Mi Witherspoon tor
communicating threatsand assault
E I buhli. Safel ' . ; u .? -d
Witherspoon ithav .?? ant-
ing a gun assault ' i tn irn
in.) lawenforcementofficer,going
armed to the terror of people.
communicating threats and pos-
session ot a weapon on campus.
I le is placed in the Pitt
i oimt ail under a $53,000 bond
? ? ? ? ? ,vas taki n into us-
: . tv police ser .1 i utstand
ing warrants tor assault on a fe-
male and communicating threats,
bond for these i harges was set .it
- ?
Newton to vote on liquor
NEW rON(AP) Newton community said Newton lawyer
residents will go to the polls rues- Allen Wood
day to vote in a liquor-by-the-drink Supporters point to the grow th
referendum a measure propo that Hickory, 10 miles to the north
nents hope will bring growth to west, has seen since it approved
the Catawba County tov n. mixed drinks a decade v,o.
It would help attract busi- Liquor opponents see
nesses and organizations into Hickory's growth, but they ques-
Newton and result in increased tion the value ol having mixed-
tax revenue and more jobs in the drink sales.
Continued from page 1
surrender approximately 45 min-
utes after arm ing on the location.
! eP'c i arried on negotiations
with With rsptxm through a front
window ol Whichard b protect-
ing himself behind a corner post ot
the building some Is feet awaj In
the final stages of the crisis, DcPu
walked closer to the gunman
eight feet awa) before Wither-
spoon surrendered.
Keep informed
on the issues,
events, and
people that shape
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East Carolinian

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cations Bldg .Greenville, NC 27S.
a irdsmith foi professional typing
and word pnKessing services, As-
sistana n en iting and editing text
ava lablt Spccd turnaround. 756-
occasion on? to remember. Our
stretch limousines will Md that spe-
cial touch! Call CLASS ACT LIMOU-
SINE at 757-3240 for information.
dance and progressive You can't
touch this, so Bust a Mine! Call 752-
distance between your table and the
dance flwr is inversely proportional
to your skill Murphy. Narrow that
distance, learn the right mines. You
can do it. "Thelongestjoumeybegins
with a single step Lao Tzu. Fake
that step: Call Donna 355-5150.
MORES: h 2 sources tor financial
aid guaranteed by computer search
service Contact SCHOOLAID, P.O
Box 24 Washington. NC 27889 or
TUTOR: K-6, All subjects, all learn-
ing abilities 737-1425
for your carpets, treasured objects?
ic you ever said, "1 wish 1 could
find someone who does it nght1"
Seek no more!all K S .it 155 5150
TELEMARKETERS: Work at home!
Up to S20hr! Customers call you to
order our directories (919)931-2932
24 hr. message
HELP WANTED: Female bartend
ers wanted. Must be 21 Appk in
person at Bogies 752 4vs
company has two openings for rep-
resentatives to hM! curb self defense
protection Fantastic product sellsori
sight. Everyonea potential customer
No experience necessanall 752
j9 !or details.
DENT? If so, the Pirate Club needs
you. General office experience, in
eluding typing desiredall( Iwcn al
757 4540 tor inten iew ol i
LADIES: ( el ahead, start on your
new fall wardrobe with a part time
siles position that otters ,i clothing
discount. Applv Brody's The Plaa, 8300miIcs.ExceIlentcondition.Make
Mon Wed 1 ? 4 p.m. offer. Must sell. Call at 7H-77h2.
BRODY'S FOR MEN: has limited
part rime sales positions available,
wrc offer good pay, dothingdiscounts
and flexible schedules. Apply Brody's
The Plaa, mon - VVtxi 1 - 4 p.m.
home Up to S5Q0 a week possible.
Amazing recorded message reveals
details. Call 24 hrs. 1(202)310-3336
NEED STUDENT: to help with yard
work, paint work, trimming, wti
ing. Flexible hours. S5 per hour. I all
756-0449 after b p.m.
DIATELY : Noexpereince necessary.
Excellent pay! Work at home.all
toll-free: 1-800-395-3283
tribute "Student Rate" subscription
cards at this campus. Good
income For information and appli-
cation write to: COl LECIATEMAR-
Ave Mooresville, NC 28115.
HI I.p WAN 11 D:( ashierpart tin ?
Applv in person, Famous Pizza
Restaurant, 100 East 10th 'start.
HI AR: Call tor most huggable at
ml ? eva le price! 756-013 or 756
Wll 1)1 R LI TRA: 1000 lb. capacity
ai ighl bench ,nd 120 lb. weight set.
S20C cm csl offer r58 7630
Residi : i . Status and tuition, the
practical pamphlet written by an at-
torney on the in state residcnc) ap
plication process Now available:
student stores. Wright Building
rRAVEl FREE Qualirj Vacations
to exotic destinations! rhe mosl af
fordabie spring break packages to
1AMAK A andAN( I N Fastest
wav to free travel and SSS ' SOO-426
FOR SAl L: Honda Rebel 250 1985
1981SUBARUSEDAN: white, AM,
FM cassette, air conditioning. One
owner - Must sell. $1400 or best offer
Call J55-8152
open 10 12 Friday and Saturday
MARY REYNOLDS: Happy birth
day, girl! I lave a great v' We love
you! Love, the Alpha Delta Pi pledges.
PHI BETA SIGMA will be sponsor-
ing a chess tournament tor all Greek
Fraternities and campus organiza-
tions. Get cash prizes, tournament
chess set and a trophy will be
awarded Con tact Sorel (752 5580)for
more information. Pre- registration
MSCS mal Room at 6p.m. September
N Registration: 5;30 p.m September
24. Ms Social Room. S30per tc im
would Uke to congratulate the 1 all '
Lagesl Library rjl information in U S
all subiects
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liams it's going to be a great semes
RITA PHIS: We hope you had as
much fun as we did at Big I " ?
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arolina Prcunarw v etif? r
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Didn't forget to take your student ID
cards along with your ticket to the
football games. 5rudent ticket pick-
up ' uesda) fhuraday.
September meeting will K Tuesday,
the ISth at first Presbyterian Church
in Greenville at 7 p m Search refer-
ralsavailabte Call52-1891 formore
I bvou have the magic we're looking
for? rhe 1990 Madrigal Dinnersare
in need f .in expert slight-of-hand
gag gimmicks and illusions per
former (ireatfood ,good pay, and an
excellent venue todisplay your talent
To interview
Marshall at 757-47
this position call
The ECU Committee on the Status of
Women is the sponsor of the9th An-
LUNCHEON SERIES rhis year the
series will focus on pay equitv.The
tirst seminar will be held Tuesday,
September 18th, and features Sandra
Bftbb, President of North Carolina
Equity Sandra Babb will speak on
pay equity issues in North Carolina.
The presentation will begin at 12.30
p.m. in the Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter, Room 244 Purchase selections
from Mendenhall Dining Services or
bring a bag lunch
All general college pre-physical
thcrapv sophomores or higher, who
plan on applying to the May 1991
class should report to the Physical
Therapv Dept. office, Bclk Annex HI
School of Allied Health Sciences) no
later than the end of September to
confirm your eligibility and pick up
an admissions packet.
For those who are interested in fenc
ing or in a forming a fencing club,
please meet at 8 p ;r I lm sciav, Sep-
tember 18, basement ol Memorial
Gym, or call lohnson 1 am at 72-
3052, evenings
The Financial Management Associa-
tion will meet on Tuesday, Septem-
ber 18, at 2:15 p.m. inGCB 1007.
(lamma Beta Phi will meet Tuesday,
September 18 in Room 244
Mendenhall at 8 p.m Officers will
meet at 7:30 p m.
The East Carolina TaeKwon Do Club
will hold a self defense demonstra-
tion on September 19, at 9 p.m in
Memorial Gymnasium downstairs.
female, who is interested in self de-
fense or the martial arts This also
servesasan information pemxi about
Tae Kwon Do or self defense classes.
Call Robat880-5183 for ndesor infor-
The Health Center will be open
weekendsdunngthefall semester on
Saturdays and Sundays from 2 p.m
to 4 p.m. Call 757-6841 for more in-
Next meeting of the PC Users' Croup
will be September 20,7p.m. in Austin
205, FCC Campus.
Dial 757-4370 tor the FCC School ol
Music's 'Recorded (. alendar
I he Native Americans of Fast C aro-
lina University will meet Wednes-
day, September 19, at 6 p m at 302
11m Street, Apt 5, Tar Kier Estates
call Cheryl 757-1039 or Maria s
3816 tor directions or rides
Students tor Environmental Action
wiUbcha ing a meeting cm Wednes-
day, September 19, at 5:15 p m. The
meeting will be held in Rwm 212 ol
Mendenhall student Center We will
discuss recycling on FCC Campus
and what you can do to help. Take
action and participate, because it is
up to us to change the world.
law socicn
EC I Law Society will be having a
meeting cm Monday, September 24
in Ragsdale, Room 218 at 5:15 p.m.
The Student Health (enter offers a
sel f-careMedication Clinic toall ECU
Students. Over the counter medica-
tions such as decongestants and anri-
histamines tor the treatment of colds
are available at no cost. The clinic is
open Monday thru Friday from 8
a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Call
757-6841 for more information.
The Physical Education Motor and
Physical Fitness Competency Test is
Scheduled as follows: Minges Coli-
seum, 12 noon on Friday, September
28,1990. A passing score on this tost
is required of all students pnor to
declaring Physical Education as a
major. 1 Maintaining an average I-
score i 4 on the si-item test bat-
ter 2 Having a 1 score of 45 on the
aerobics run "Any student with a
medical condition that would
cntraindicate participation in the
testing should contact Mike
Mc ammon or l . lay Israel at 7"
4688. o be exempted from any por-
tion of the test, you must have a
physician's excuse A detailed sum-
mary oi the test components is
available in the I iuman Performance
Laboratory Room 371, Sports Medi-
cine Building, "lour physicians' ex-
cuse must specifically state from
which item you are exempt.
It you were a Cirl Scout and would
like to continue, or if you have never
been one but would like more infor-
mation, please call 752-6823 for
Debbie, or 931-9706 for Karen.
A workshop is being held on Thurs-
day. September 27 trom 6:30 - Q
p m, tin writing Individual Educa-
tion Plans (IEP) for Exceptional
Children. It will be held at the Belk
Building on Charles Street Parents
and Professionals are encouraged to
come who have an interest in children
with physical andor mental handi-
caps, leamingdisabilihes.ora chronic
illness. There is no fee and child care
will be provided by calling and mak-
ing a reservation. For more informa-
tion or to make rc'servahons for child
a re, con tact Sand y Stcele a 1757-4494.
Away tmm your family doctor for
the first time and not sure where to go
for your allergy shots? Then call the
Shident Health Center at 757-6841!
Allergy vaccines are given by ap-
pointment by a registered nurse. You
supply the antigen, and an injection
schedule from your allergist! Avail
able Mon - Fn 8 a.m. - 12 noon and 1
- 4 p m
There will be a meeting September I ?
at4p.m.in308Speight. Thetopii ????
be the Model Clinic Teaching Pro
There will be a General Meeting in
Mendenhall. Room 221 at 5 p.m. on
Wednesday, September 1Q.
Any student interested in serving as
a University marshal tor the 1990-91
school vear may obtain an applica
turn from Room 212 VVhichard Sru
dents must be classified as a junior by
the end ot Fall Semester 19M1 and
have a 3.0 academic average to in-
eligible Return completed applica
tion to RcHim 212, VVhichard by Sep-
tember 28.
Pi Sigma Alpha , the National Politi-
cal Science Honor Society, will be
having its first meeting if the vear on
Monday. September 24, at 4p.m. in
the Political Science Library (IV
105). Old members as well as new,
eligible members arc requested to
attend. Plans for the vear will be dis-
cussed. Please let Mrs Smith, POl s
Secretary or Dr. Scavo know if you
will be unable to attend
Decision Sciences Society is having a
meeting on Wednesday. September
19 at 4:30 p.m. in GCB Room 3007
Anyone interested in becoming a
member or in finding out more about
Decision Sciences is encouraged to
? -
SI l M V
? ?
K 1R
nan and M v' ?
. v ?
c e n tci ? '
. Vednes
p m.and ghtfoi
cooked ? " : '
hearing impaired
more inform iti i
com' ? HOUSi
1 rt Student Union ise
( ommitta ? r E el ry?
Tuesday Sej erl8
1 Ip.m in the coffei
Mendenha - tei Re
fn shn ents willbi provided and ad
m sv. -?- i frei
Registration dates and times tor in-
tramural sports will be as follows
Badminton ?J ? -ember 18 5
p.m.BIO 103; Almost Anything
Goes. September is, 5 30 p m BIO
103; Raquetteball Singles, September
25 5 ? p.m BIO 103 Swim Meet
September26,5p.m PlOh'H o Rec
Water Basketball September 26 5 W
p ntBIO 103 t ome by and regis-
ter" All activities are open to stu-
dents, faculty and statt

September 18,1990
CBlic lEast QTarolintan
Bush says Gulf
crisis in hands
of Saddam
ent Bush making his case
irecl ? tht Iraqi people, says
th.for Iraq to a oid a t win is to end its t Kuwait d ision is in the hands ? n Bushsaidin id In ?- broadcast over
ele ision Sunday toda was meeting with
. uss the Persian
1 .u!t,sand h? at firsthand from
Se n? State lames A Baker
III ab? thi $14 billion pledged
b meri i's allies tor the gull
irned earl) Sunday
da mission to Europe
? the Mid I duringwhich
he solicited help tor the costly
d in the Saudi desert.
bush has accused Saddam
ibout his intentions.
sident made good
n ,i promise to let his people hear
Bush s appeal, taped last
Iraqi television broadcast the
?d Sundd e ening in
? hiding the rabie
? translation and cap
li d b the State IV
? ?
: Idam answered Bush's
- with ridicule, disdain and
aking through a
th li up leader said
Iress .as lull ot lies
Bush s national security d-
? ow roft, said Sun-
5141 ion in pledges
i . ted from Saudi
i .est rerman) .theI nited
Emirates and other allies
. ??. he irtv arming ex-
led i tion against
have here is the
immunity rising up
? m outrage! us a t ot ag-
. m S nv v roft said on( BS-
the Nation
Bush, m his message, empha-
: that Iraq stands isolated
gainst worldwide
Charlotte ranks
eighth in serious
crime statistics
Kuwaitis flee homeland while
food becomes more scarce
KHAFJl, Saudi Arabia I V
Kuwaitis fleeing through i
suddenly opened border crossing
s.n tood is becoming scarcer in
their homeland and Iraqi soldiei ?
are trying to quell resistanci b)
blowing up blocks ot houses.
rheir government in-exile
called the unannounced weekend
exodus of several thousand Ku
waitis the first allowed b) ll
in about .1 month e idem c that
Iraq's Saddam I lussein intern I
depopulate Kuwait anel move in
his own people
One refugee, the 45 year-old
owner ot an investment ompan
said "peopleare not obe) ingthcm
(the Iraqis) 50 they want to get rid
ot us
Iraqi soldiers confiscated all
identity documents, including car
registrations, from those leaving
the oil-rich emirate, refugees said
They said the Iraqis apparently
wanted to make it dittuult tor
am i
on t
W ,ll!
' :
1 talh wasa ailable
mbcr ot refugees who
d into Saudi Arabia at
ce word spread in Ku-
? i that Iraq was lift-
tu ns o'i departure
le border p. 1st the onlv
sing between the
l ho
ti me
waitis w he
a l
i ntl) made the journey, refugees
included a r'uposlav woman
married to a Kuwaiti and about 20
: iudi offi ials said
: , . aid the) w t re too
ov rwhelmed with paperwork to
gi e exa? t t igui es.
id not announced
the b rdei ling, i he refugees
learned ot it b) ? mouth
,n could only speculate on the
reasoning behind it
i he Kuwaiti Cabinet dis-
?I the deelo
l Ussi. o
ipment in an
emergency meetingSunda) in the
southwestern resort of ait, where
the govemment-in-exile has es-
tablished its headquarters.
Afterward, it issued a state
ment saying the border opening
reflected a new Iraqi policy of
'getting the Kuwaitis out after
stripping them ot their identity
papers, and bringing in Iraqis to
settle in Kuwait.
Kuwaiti leaders have previ-
ously accused Saddam of intend-
ing to eventually repopulate Ku
wait with Iraqis.
On Sunday, Mercedes,
Chevrolet Suburban jeeps and
stores of other expensive ears
stretehed 500 yards from the
i heckpointasSaudi border police
checked vehicles and demanded
some identification.
1 here's just too many of
them to handle. It's a very slow
procedure getting them through
See Kuwaitis page 8
( HARI TU: (AP) orth
( arolina's largest city has the
nation's eighth-highest serious
crime rate, with violence spread-
ing to s hools and playgrounds.
Statistic s through August, re
leased Friday by the state, show
h. mi ides inharlotte are up 36
percent, armed robbery up 55
per ent rape up 30 percent.
Already this month, there
have been eight more killings At
this rate,( harlotte will average a
homicideevery31 2 days in 1990.
By the end of this month, five
more( harlotte residents probably
m ill be slain. I he tilth person will
be t harlotte s 73rd homicide vic-
tim in 1990, tying iw all-time
hiunii ide record.
By comparison, Raleigh
with half ofharlotte's population
had 15 homicides last year. In
1989 violent crime rates tor North
( arolina, only Fayelteville 2.2
per 100 000 people) topped Char-
lotte (2,050 per 100,000).
I he iolenl crime rate is
shm king said Me klenburg Su-
ra riorourt lodge Sam Wilson.
"We re promoting a sense of
lawlessness People feel like they
can shoot people with impunity
mong the vu tims:
MarcusC .ner.a 15 year-old
( ochrane junior I ligh student shot
in the head and killed at Myers
Park I ligh S hool after a football
game 1 le was an innocent by-
lett 1 angston, a counselor
t r troubled youths, shot to death
hv junior high school stwdonfi in
an armed robbery. Both of his sus-
pected killers were 14
I irnis amont, 15, shot in
the head by a robKT who wanted
his Philadelphia Eagles jacket.
Other homicides were less
publicized 1 eslie Wilson, killed
by .1 stray bullet as she ran from a
group of arguing men; Carlotta
ones, 27, killed by a bullet through
the window of her Ford Mustang;
Dennis Eugene Miller, 34, shot
dead Sept 4 in the westbound lane
ot West sdh Street in an apparent
Conventional wisdom among
homicide investigators is that most
slayings are not committed by
strangers, but rather by husbands,
wives,loversoracquaintances But,
in Charlotte in recent years and
across the country, that's less and
less true
'When you read about people
driving along the street getting
shot, that'scause for corn em said
MecktenburgSuperiorCourt udge
Shirley Fulton. "You would hope
you could leave your house and go
about your business without get-
ting shot
Of Charlotte's 68 homicides
this year, police said 17 were do
mestic. 34 were drug-related and
14 were committed during another
felony, usually armed robbery.
Most of the ictims and the
suspects are young. Most of the
weapons used were guns 40
handguns, five shotguns.
"It's the mix of ingredients
guns, drugs and youth said
( harlotte policemdr Bruce
Treadaway. "We are concerned
about the increased assaults on
innocent bystanders that seems
U be the trend all over the a untry
As bad as Charlotte's homicide
rate is. it could be worse, says
"Our hospitals have had a lot
of practice keeping our murder rate
down he said. "We have a lot ot
poo pit walkingarourktonw, who
?three or four vearsao, would have
been part ot our homicide statis-
tics "
Wilson, the North Carolina
Parole Commission's former
chairman, agrees with city council
member Richard Vinroot and
Charlotte Mayor Sue Mvnck that
North Carolina must build more
"These criminals know we're
See Crime page 8
Unique warning
Dopes now warning signs along Interstate 5
in Diego will curb fatal auto podostnan accidents
Wetlands pose major concerns for developers
net loss it's to wetlands what "no
new taxes" was to taxpayers
yw) thistitTM it's developers who
art vvoi d rii whether to take
I 'resid nl it hi ?v ?rd,
North c arolina ranks ninth 111
the nation tor the amount of wet-
land losses. In the last 200 sears.
; ?lillion a res ha been lost,
ac ordineU I S t ishand Wildlife
Sen ice figures.
! would reall) love to talk to
President Bush and a At him it he
re,i!b understood what he said
? n he said no more wetlands
would be lost said i- ourtney
Hackney, a biology professor at
the University ol North Carolina
t V ilmineton. "I think he had no
idea the bottle he'd uncorked with
that statement
Like a lot of other people who
are watching Bush's campaign
pledge ot "no net loss" unfold,
Hackney believes bush was
thmkmgot "splashable" wetlands
the salt marshes, lakes and
ponds that nm the nation's coast
But bush didn't qualify his
statement, and now people are
beginning to realize that "no net
loss might have tar-reaching
Developers accept the need to
protect the state's fragile marshes,
said Ken Stewart, director ol the
development-oriented Economic
Alliance. Those areas are impor-
tant to the state's fishermen, since
they provide food and habitat for
saltwater tish.
But the need to protect poco-
sm wetlands upland swamps,
usually covered with evergreen
shrubs and trees is harder tor
developers to swallow, Stewart
Developers have trouble see-
ing great environmental value in a
field ot pines that sits miles away
from the coast's sensitive sounds,
he said.
Stewart's group recently re-
leased a study that attempts to
show the economic impact wet-
land regulations could have on
tour coastal counties lhe group
estimates New Hanover County
could lose almost $16 billion it
developers aren't allowed to build
on wet inland areas.
The group advocates more
lenient rules that would recognize
the value ot a wetland. The niles
would guarantee preservation ot
pristine marshes, but they would
be more flexible in controlling
development of inland wetlands,
which Stewart's group considers
less valuable.
Nationwide, 117 million acres
of wetlands havealready been lost
to drainage projects, farming,
forestry and urban development
projects. Fish and Wildlife Service
figures show That's more than
half ot the nation's original wet-
ixperts claim AIDS spreading at
ilarming rates in all social levels
reasing at an alarming rate in
rtharolina, and every social
1 . inomi class has reason to
erned, experts say.
1 es already account for
tut halt the number Of AIDs
in North Carolina, social
? rkers sav
rhc one thing that connects
dDS patients) is that it's an op-
mistk disease said John
mv. executive director of
lina AIDS Project in Char-
It takes advantage of people
mnoi use the health care
arm And now we're seeing it
1 ng very poof inner-city resi-
nts, Conley said.
W men are getting AIDS from
oial partners who use intrave-
us drugs or have been with
someone who has, exports sa)
'The bottom line is it's not
just drug users, it's partners ot
drug users said Louise Move,
executive director ol lYiad 1 lealth
Project in Greensboro. "And it's
not necessarily injectable drug
users. Some people are going to
crack houses and trading sex tor
the drugs They're doing drugs,
but they got the AIDS through
Recent statistics showed that
the rate of infection bv acquired
immune deficiency syndrome in
the Raleigh-Durham area rose
from 9.7 per 100,000 in 1988 89 to
19.1 per 100,(MX) in 1989-90 The
Triangle cities have a higher rate
than Greensboro, 9.7, ami (bar
lotte, 9.3.
"In ten years, 1 think we'll be
caught up to the big cities said
Louise Burton Mston,anoutreach
worker with All ? learinghouse
and Network enter in Durham.
nd experts said it will not be
lone before the disease becomes
more common among teen ag rs.
"The concern is foi teen-
agers, said Beth h AHister, ex-
ecutive director ot Hospice ol
Wake County and a former
president ol .AIDS Services of
Wake County. "That's another
wh ie population. Thev're not
using sate sex Ibis state is not
getting the sale sex education into
the schools How can we get the
word to junior and senior high
students it we uin't sav the word
Ihe reason voung people are
at risk now is partly because ot the
incubation period of the disease,
See AIDS, page 8
Ringing up sales taxes
State sales tax provided $93.4 billion, 32.9 of total revenue,
for the 50 states in 1989. States with the highest sales tax:
Connecticut New Jersey Rhode Island Washington
Source: Tax Foundation
Marty Baumann, Gannett News Service

QHl IfuatUlnrultnian September 18,1990
Around the state
Minorities recruited to participate
in a national hone-marrow registry
I he tust federally funded drive to recruit
minorities to parti( ip ?te in a national bone-marrow registry was
In Id Sund ,v i" ! 'urh
Bom marrow transplants have been successful in saving the
lives of people u ith cancer and immune deficiency diseases, but
minorities Hue i problem finding donors, said 1 isa I larpolr, a
spokesman to th nuncan Redross in I hirharn
I lu- Viti. mi Ma o Donor Program has received federal
mone ? t ol bone-marrow typing. People
between th ??? I md ?f are eligible for testing.
Voters in Clemmonsdecide on the
sale of liquor by the drink
CLFM' tors in lemmons will decide Hiesday
ivhetru r I ot liquor by the drink and Mt AlU
rhe ?? ' ouncil called for the referendum in
lul aid m the Winston-Salem ABC system said
that Clemi t up to $b8,000 in profits during the
Mist veai
Horace first ol tin- ABC system in Winston
Salem d Id save money by operating an ABC
its large neighboring city.
Men ? First Baptist hurch in Clemmons are cam-
paigning igainsi the sale ol ah ohol, comparing the money made
from liquor sale tint spent tocombat alcohol problems.
N.C . Equity's Women's Agenda
Project decides on issues
rhov debated sex education, better pay for
teacl ? Hindu loi battered women's programs
nrned Saturday participants in North
i arol - Women s genda Project emerged with the
women s is van) to push in the General Assembly
during ?
f them representatives of women's
tte Saturday to help draft a 1991 92
11 " ? th arolina women
: mportant were
? ? ? ? h al option tor all women
i ? r battered women's programs and
mum wage Now$"V80 thefederal
mimmun ? !5inApril I he state wage is still
le sexuality curriculum in the publi
schi ? formation about reproduction and
Landmark torn down to make room
for proposed NFL stadium
: . rapsare all that is left of Good
pita ? pened 99 years ago .is the first
tal for bla ks
: ark building will be cleared away by
iv i n psed l I stadium near uptown
( harli tte
I ? i in 1891. it was the only hospital
? ed to practice before the mid-
ion Is in M ntv.
Wilmington itv council considers
ordinance to open sidewalk cafes
Ml" Pasta primavera and ratatouille may
soon be as common a sight on downtown Wilmington sidewalks
ascami irists and skateboarders with attitudes.
ingdowntown restaurants toopenside-
:? I b the( ity Council Tuesday.
"What ? nd to do is make an already charming commu-
nity down hi n more so said Ferry Fisher, the owner of
ir ii,d restaurant on Market Street.
Nsheri man of the Outdoor Dining Committee
h drafted the proposed ordinance,
rheordii ch would apply only to thecentral business
distrw I i restaurant to obtain a permit from thecitv
toopen a idi
tt i ith the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
havea ipprovi the sale and consumption oi
hecit approves the ordinance, Fisher
Tornado hits Carteref County causing
power outages and minor damages
tornado touched down in C arteret
Saturday, overturning a car and
I minor damages, according to the
md county officials.
injuries reported, sheriff's department
Mi REHI ' 11
( . lUrttY a! ll ? 1
causing ;
National '
, - aid
II ripped the roof off an newh; (ompleted
buildii t ? concession stand and tore down power
: t H irktrs Mand. about 20 miles east of
M, ?
i' vere known, Rhodes said.
Bill to give permanent wildeness
status could languish due to Crisis
Iuhii ! ill to give permanent wilderness status to
13,000 acres in the Pisgah National forest could languish in
.ubcommittei iset ongress is preoccupied with the Persian
Gulf crisis ai ? an aide to I S Rep C 'ass Rallenger said
I ridav
Ihendi I 'i id Murray, said valuable groundwork has been
laid for the bill even if it does not pass before Congress adjourns
at the end l ir
compiled by Associated Press reports
Continued from page 7
she said. It can take several years
tor symptoms of the disease to
"People who were in junior
and senior high school a few years
ago, they are susceptible Ms
McAllister said. "People who
didn't know Now, six or seven
years later, here thev come with
the virus
The AIDS experts agreed that
the disease eventually will affect
everyone whether thev contract
it or not.
It could be disastrous tor local
economies because taxpayers
would have to foot the bill when
state agencies react to the epi-
demic, Ms McAllister said And
Medicaid costs will increase as
well as hospital fees
This is not jvist about AIDS
she said "It's about poor people.
How are we going to get them
health care? The predictions are
that the health care systems liter-
ally are going to implode
Ins Fuller, coordinator and
health educator tor AIDS Clear-
inghouse in Durham,a grassroots
organization serving 10 counties,
said more money is needed for
education and support services
Continued from page 7
K cause they havenodcx uments
said i VV stern diplomat stationed
at the border to monitor the trat
A committee ol Kuwaitis at
the border screened refugees,
askingquestionsabout such things
as membership in local organiza
tions aiidi officials have ex-
pressed concern the Iraqis opened
the border to sneak in Spies and
Kuwaitis said the Iraqis have
blown up or burned up to 20
hMisesat a time in neighborhoods
where Iraqi soldiers were killed
by resistance fighters
The Iraqis also were sealing
off whole neighborhoods to con-
duct house-to-house searches,
looking for resistance maternal and
the several hundred Westerners
still reported in hiding, the refu-
gees said
Saddam's troops have plun-
dered most public property
carting off everything trom hos-
pital mat himrv to street lights
but have generally stayed out ot
Kuwaiti homos
Continued from paga 7
not going to punish them for as-
saults with deadly weapons, for
larceny, for having cocaine Wil-
son said "There's a sense that
anything goes ? a sense that
nothing is going to happen to them
it thev commit a crime This is
"We can do something about
it. It we can keep these people
locked up longer and impose real
punishment, we can change this "
District Attorney Peter
( alchnst thinkscnmeinCharlottc
is out of control. The prosecutor
blames much of the problem on
the lack of resources ? everything
trom prisons and jails to prosecu-
tors and judges.
In the past 10 years, Gilchnst
has been given only two new
prosecutors ? one full time, the
other temporary ? while the
caseload for his 21 assistant dis-
trict attorneys has almost doubled
The number of felony charges has
increased from 4,388 in 1980 to
7,944 in 1999.
"Government has a responsi-
bility to protect its citizens
Gilchnst said. "And the govern-
ment is not protecting its citizens
m Charlotte
Charlotte, the country's 30th
largest city with about 357,000
residents, had the eighth-highest
serious-crime rate among cities
with populations more than
300,000, according to the U S. De-
partment of justice.
So far, the rising crime rate
isn't affecting all parts of the city
equally. The safer areas up-
town and east and southside
neighborhoods, are still relatively
sate, according to a studv of Char-
lotte crime by John Mark, a Uni-
versity of North Carolina at
Charlotte geography student who
also worksasa Charlotte building
Mark, whose study consid-
ered the connection between en me
and poverty, lack of education and
substandard housing, said part ot
the problem is that in poor
neighborhoods, "Police are the
enemy. Nobody wants the police
Vinroot said Charlotte police
are doing a good )ob.
"We are arresting them at as
great a rate as ever before, but
thev can't get into the jails. They're
right back on the streets as quick
w we arrest them

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September 18,1990
QJJtc iEast (ffaruHntan
N.C Symphony
plans fall
visit to Wright
K Heather Modi in
Siafl Wtiii
? i in erl o( the 1990-
"Mi I ,trrn ille by the
ii lin.i Sy mphom W ill
1 Imii i.i i ep 27, .it vp in
? Auditorium rhe con
n d In Till ? ountv
tlio . S mphony
ng with ttii s in
i he rleon uger, .)
pi i itu singei
; ? ult.ito lubilate,
ang to .i telev iscd
' " ?" million people
Vndrew s wedding
N t nil d ko r'l?'s
pei.i- n h as thi'
? ? i )pera .in.) ! .1 St .il,i
igoi has made 10
' w ide tours
i toe the 27th uger w U
? I r 111 Ex ultatc hihilid
? .nil Strauss Meinem and
kinde I ranz I ehar 5 Meine
npen tie kussen to hcitl
h inn Strauss zardas" from
ipera 1 )ic Fledermas and
lions In ()st ar Straus.
I) ? hi Ira is under the
f condut tor (ierhardl
??nan Zimmerman has
1 w ith the l sv mphony
' 2 Prior to j ining
1 1 1 1
nductoi 'i tht Si loins
?? Or hestra a position
? ii 1 i.b am ed from
ml onductor
rrenth . 'immerman di
? 1 . ntsbi tvvi ' nhisma
btHMta ilht Nil 11 tharolina
? ?n I ofldut tor and his
? ; IS the I 111! I'
. ? Canton, Ohio
tra I ; al u
. ?rar position
d isor tor I in
' h imbor r
rm 1' 1 ? 1
rture " : ?
1 i
? ?. ? ittanottm n.i
? it Suite in D ma 1
I r a, O p u s ' l
- ? ? informatu n 1 all
hall Studnel enter
I ii kel oin, ? (757 1788)
- ? for ad ' ind$
ind cnior cil izons
ECU broadcasting
instructor reflects on
past experiences
Celeste Hottmdn ? ECU Photo Lab
Mai l fward ytve! lei s paintings exume the dark side ot Helm; tan politK s rhe Sylvesters' artworks
eei ndi play al Arlington Hall in the Arlington Village 1 hi pping 1 entei
Local artists' exibition combines
political, whimsical expression
By Michael Harrison
SUff Writer
Catherine Wkrkern was born
in Kansas City, Missouri (pro-
nounced "Missou-ruh" it you'rea
native) on September 2, 1956 She
was the last c hild out ot lour to he
horn to her parents ,w the only
I ike all families, her family
had problems, but overall, her on her resumes, and more job ot
childhood was very wholesome fers began to come
1 lie onlv different e bt I ?? 1 en her
family and rhe Brady Bunch, she
said, was that she and her broth-
ers were born to the same parents.
television football i Sun-
father's military background, so
she went to graduate school and
got her master's degree in com-
mumcations. It was a move she
does not recommend to commu-
nications majors unless they
are going to teat h Shediscovered
that perspective employers were
,n tually intimidated by her new
degree Eventually she began to
not mention her master's decree
I moling obs, however, was
always a diflit nit pro ess in all,
she sent off more than 501 (resumes
and went on about 200 job inter-
views With stub unswaggering
days was virtually a routineevent, perseverance, she would always
By oe Horsl
st.Ut Wilier
i ombining pussy atsand
politics Mart. EdwardSylvestre
and Victoria 1 liggins Sylvestre
have come up w ith a new and
exi itine arl 1 xhibition. Cur
"The Wall" will ret ognizi
Sylvestre's imagery as the same
Higgins-Sylvestre's sculp
tures are focused on the subjet 11?l
eats. I ler thesis of work beingt ats
she explained the reason tor her
1 hetcc: "I've always loved 1 ats
When I finish a s ulptureol one il
e .is 11 1
tenth beinp displayed at Ar
lington Hall in the Arlington gives me the same ft
Village shopping center, this gave birth to a child ulp
lures fulfill my need foi mothei
I hough Ln I vest re - iy s thai
painting is (junker for
Higgins-Sylvestre says thai hi
"keeps thespontaneityol the work
by adding beads, tqy s, etc to the
sculpture I he one other w ork
1 liggins-Sylvestrc has on display
is titled "Musing hi Men w hii h
deals with teminist v lew s
exhibition is two fat eted
ivlvestre's paintings dealing
w ith lesse I Iclms and oppres
sion and I liggins svIvestre's
sculptures, which focus on cats
,?p,i the mtrc v himsical side ol
o ?siu pAtntHigfr are
primarily acryli on canvas,
t'hicl in his ? ? ords, is faster
? I ill i motions to tlow
He also uses im-
lo relate his v iews on
1 li'lnis and I ii Ims ! tarn e to
n Is UPS The eihpsed
1 ? ?een in some of
vb 1 in s paintings is used to
1 ib'Ii ?? 'the use .uiA abuse
? t liristianilv
nothor predominant im
! . in the paintings is ' I he
hei w ho, v ith a pig
tout and liea v jowls, reflects
Ii , minded i-w on All1s
md its victims " Sy Ivestre
niotes l' 'lms rants and raves
ibtuil people ? ith Ml S, and
then wants to take the medit ine
, from pi ople w ho need
? 1 ih fansoK ieraldS arf's
Both artists have displays
throughout NorthC arolinaand
in Washington, D.C . and have
received awards tor their
showings Sylvestre's most re-
cent accomplishment was the
sale of lour goblets to the Sheik
ol Qatar Now on permanent
display at the! mbassy of Qatar
in W ashington, 11 C Sylvestre
nginalb did the goblets tor
,vork and received a
t foi them
t toen Monday I riday from
10-6 and Saturday from 114,
ihn,ton I lall .allerv will be
tunning this exhibit until Oc-
tober I I ocaled at 690 Arling
iin Village, contact the gallery
1! 2426 tor metre mforma
1 ii t.
and attcr thai game on l she
and her brothers would play
football in the yard Whenever
she would get a hold ol the ball to
make a touchdown, her brothers,
tint nice to tackle their baby sister,
would stand still to let her pass
foreseeing an empty victory, she-
would stream, "Come on, guvs,
you're not playing tair'
The first time she heard about
the Beatles was in'63. "Why would
anyone want to call themselves a
'beatle she asked herself at the
time. The singing group's name,
however, did not keep her from
lining their music the tirst time
she heard it She has been a fan
ever since.
Wu kern holds warm memo-
nesot her father, who died in 1981
after a long battle w ithcanccr. 1 lis
find employment stnner or later
But sometimes the jobs were not
1 he worst job she slid she had
was at a men's uniform factory m
Missouri Her duties were to in-
spect pants as they came off the
assembly line, but the concrete
tloor that she had to stand on for
hours and an air conditioner unit
that blew directly on her made
work very uncomfortable She
quit alter her first five-hour shift
More employment camt with
an "educational program associ-
ated with the business commu-
nity and although she liked mam
of the people she worked with,
certain practices ot higher-ranking
officials disagreed with her s,?,in
she was looking tor work else-
It was after this job that
special and memorable features
were his laugh and "twinkling Wkrkern wasstruckwith what she
eyes ' He was 1u1tea neat guv teels was perhaps her greatest
she said fondly. Now. While driving, she was
Wkrkern graduated from high struck from behind by another
school in "4, one ot 54 students driver "I didn't have mv seafbelt
She then entered Central Missouri
state University, ' home ol the
mules and earned her commu-
nications degree. I he world is
truly a global village, she said,
and the concepts and technology
on she said. The crash left her
with two herniated disks in her
back She experienced pain as
never before, and her left staved
numb. The pain was constant,
and with strong muscle relaxers
rhe art of Victoria Htggir
Ikjhthaerted to md toy
Celeste Hoftman ? ECU Photo Lab
?1 incorporates many
ot communications and broad- and pain medication she saw cv-
casting never tailed to fascinate erything through a thick haze.
her Once she was finished with At the time ol the accident
school,shcentered the work force, doctors insisted that despite the
Her first job after college was intense pain, the injury was not
the executive director position ot severe enough to do an X-ray. She
a visitor's bureau in Kansas, but was told she would simply have
attracting visitors to Kansas, she to live with the pain Mental an-
said, was not a very easy thing to guish then surfaced "Ijustcan'l
,U at times, mu eventually she live like this, she said,
left but not for another job Luckily, she discovered a
rime was running out to take clinic that specialized in treating
advantage ol special financial back injuries. She- was taught
benefits tor education through her
See Instructor, page 10
Greenville resident provides male
students with off-campus housing
East Carolina Playhouse sets season schedule
By Michael Harrison
Stjfl Writer
Mrs I annie Peel mov M to
r, ? nville with her late husband
? ?? 1 iU- rt Peelin I946 Bat kthen,
said, there were not enough
- for studt nts to live W hen
. I ,?, t Ht that she and hei hus
, were going to build a house
n- uickly approached and
, feed it they could possibly
mmodate some students.
It took a while to convince Mr
. i but eventually he agreed to
tarl renting rooms in their yet to
. . .iiipleted newh. meat506l a I
1 1 o?l housing ol 1 ours, did
? . (ist in 1946, so it was soon
i i, 1 that they would rent rooms
? male students only It'sapoHcy
thai has remained Mrs IVel is
ii k and forthright with her opin
ions and sivs that she fell that te
males would have been more diffi
ult to control rhe) d have run
me"it, she slid
In the fall ot that tirst year, the
hi,l, nts moved in, although the
house was not ? ven completely
I mil
I here wasn't even a honl
door, Mrs INiKiid with.uhu. kle
B th. - ? "nd v. ar.housingfoi
university studentsbecameaneven
bigger problem. Roomsatthehouse
design! rl tor twt 1 petple were soon
holding three
I he tudentsdid notcareifthey
had to sleep on the- tloor, though.
"They werejustglad they had a
place to stav Mrs Peel said.
Rules of the household were
never formally written. Mrs Peel
aid 'hat everyone automatically
knew wtv'i 'hev could and could
not do.
kit. hen privileges were never
given either A cafeteria on campus
was open during breakfast, lunch
and upper hours.
In m. ?rc ret enl years, she had al
I. 1st one tenant complain about not
having kitchen privileges It was
too expensive to eal out, he had
Mrs Peel did not relent, how-
ever,and thesimerestrn turn would
continue to W enforced End ol
In 1946, room rent was hftivn
dollars a month for each tenant, a
fee that was lower than anyone else's
in tow 1 today, the rent tor each
tenant is eighty live dollars, a foe
that is pro! aolv still cheaper than
, ??. 1 iv one else s, though shehasHx-n
thinking about going up to ninety
The rent is all that the tenants
pay; there are no extra charges for
eltvtricitv, utilities or the phone All
long distance calls are to be made
Upon entering the house, a
SiTseof tranquility seems to t.lter
through the n .111 1 be a . ning
over the front porchkeepsoutmiM h
sunlight, as well asalot of the stifling
summer heat A sitting, room is
situated on either side" ot the ! ?yer
Ahead is the dining, room,
which houSCS .1 table she' bought
around 1918. It was one ot the In t
pieces of furniture she ever bought.
The house's lovely antkjuefur
nishings create a feeling ol perma
nence; everything probably looked
very mue h the same in 1946. The
house was furnished as soon as she
and her husband moved in, and
gradually she accumulated other
things that are now plat ed here and
there throughout the first floor.
Upstairs are six bedrooms and
two bathrooms. It was the second
floor that once housed her tvv sons
and enough tenants to lill the rest of
the available space
Relations between Mrs Red
and her tenants have always
beengotxl. Occasionally,oneol her
"bovs" would even come to her tor
See Peel, page 10
The East Carolina Playhouse is pleased to
announce its 1990-91 season. Season tickets will go
on sale for the general public beginning Sept. 17,
WK and will go cost only $30 for five outstanding
Season rickets entitle the subscriber to one
reserved seat ticket for each of the five scheduled
productions. Tteboxofficeisopen Monday through
! riday from 10a.m. until 4 p.m and is located in the
ibbv of the McC.innis Theatre.
The season will open on Oct. 17 with
Threepenny Opera This musical bears the cre-
dentialsof having been the longest-running musical
show in the history of the America theatre when it
ended its six -and-a-quarter years' run in New York
and gave the world such song-hits as "Mack the Knife
and 'Tirate Jenny
Next will be N. Richard Nash's come h hit, "The
Rainmaker on Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 3, and 4,1990. This
romantic comedy is set in a ranch house in the South-
west at a time of searing drought.
Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Beth ("Crimes
of the Heart") Henley's comk romp, 'The Wake of
Jamey Foster will open on Feb. 15, 1991, with the
additional performances on Feb. 16,18, and 19.
The season's fourth show, Tennessee Williams'
"The Glas Menagerie one oi the American theatre's
r ?Sl compelling and universally acclaimed dramatic
works, will be presented March 22,23,25 and 26,1991.
See Theatre, page 10
Environmental group emerges on campus
By Heather Modlin
Staft Writer
There is a new group emCTging
on campus. Students forthe Mother
Earth (SFME),an environrnentally
. onscious club organized by senior
MicheleCrane.held its tirst meeting
on Thursday, Sept. 13.
liie organization lsentirely new
to I (. U. 'To my knowledge, there
was no active organization on
i ampus Ihat's why I wanted to
put it together. It's not for me. It's
tor IX I We reallv need it Crane
( rane worked during thesunv
mcr establishing an affiliation with
c state's chapter ot student En-
vironmental Action Coalition
(SE AC). Thegroups will shareideas,
but will remain separate.
Since the club is new, the first
order of business will be to elect
officers and write the constitution
Immediate plans include recycling
and tree planting protects. Craneis
optimistic and hopes that even
though ECU has not had a full-scale
recycling program, accomplish-
ments can be made.
SFME will also be traveling to
Illinois, October 5-7 with SEAC to
attend a nationwide invitational
conference called Catalyst. There,
different groups will come together
to share ideas concerning environ-
mental issues.
Crane foresees no immediate
problems with theorganizationa-id
would eventually like to expand
the club into a variety ol commit-
tees, so as to cover even more issues.
"In the future, I would like to
see a very active club, with a full-
scale recycling program and a lot of
committees workingoncampusand
in Greenville I think I'd like to see
more students become more aware
of what is going on. A lot of people
don't do anything because they
don't know Maybe we can help
educate students Cranesakl
For interested students, the
group will meet weekly on Thurs-
day at 5:15 pan at Mendenhall
Student Center

Blje EaatOIaralinian September 18,1990
This Week in Film
Hendrix Theatre starts with classic
cult favorites, ends with fantasy film
This week the Hendrix rheatre films run the gamut from fad
to fiction to fantasy I"he cinematic entertainment kicks off Wed
nesda) nighl with a docucomedy double feature: "Heavy Petting"
and Atomk Cafe rhe tense undersea military drama "The I Unit
for Red October" mivciis rhursday through Saturday. And the
magical "Willie Wonka and theChocolate Factory" rounds out the
week as Sunda) s family feature matinee.
I ho docucomedy double feature otters unique films by Obie
Benzand Pierce Raffcrty thai have becomecult favorites. The two
documentaries combine newsreel footage, government archives,
motion pictures, and television programs in exploration of two
major facets ol lite during the 1950s sex and fear.
I lea Petting examines techniques used to instruct adoles-
i cnts about sex and so ial condu t during the post World War 11.
pre sexual revolution time frame rhe film tics together lips from
those cornball sex cdu ation films you may have soon in sev-
enth grade it your school s budge! was skimpy enough. Some ol
the footage comes from an old filmollcction clung to by a ?. orrupt
old school official who, fortunately tor our filmmakers, disobeyed
orders to destroy it
Interspersed with thefilmfootageareconfessionsand testimo-
nies from vour parents contemporaries. David Byrne traces the
pet tin stages from a male s perspec five David 1 ettcrmanantago Sandra Bcrnhard talks about he days ot playing doctor Poet
UleiH iinsbergdis usses being punished for a sexual faux pas. and
the late Abbic 1 loffman rumps around the screen in relating his
participation in f"h? Great Circle Jerk ol 1951
Atomicate is ,i mind boggling compendium ot misinfor
ition aimed at selling nuclear war to the American public as it it
were a now brand ei laundry detergent. The film explores "nuclea-
rosis, pervasive when the cold war was at its chilliest ma manner
that is both educational and hilarious It you've never seen nor
even hoard ot a docu omcd . these films are not to be missed,
rhe long awaited screen version ot " I he 1 lunl tor Red A to
her, based on 1 onH lancvs best selling novel,is another film that
should not bo missed. 1 ho box office giant features Sean Connery
as a legendary So iet submarine commander who seizes control ot
I state ot the art super silent, ultra high-tech Soviet sub. which
has just been taken ott the bKs ks The commander approaches
initiating World War 111m an attempt to carry cut his own private
? Mec Baldwin stars as the voung American intelligence
? a'? ? risks his career and the lives of his crew i,i carrying out
an operation based on a hum h
The film directed bv ohn Mc I iernan ("Die 1 bud I, is touch.
suspenseful and thrilling Spc? ial attention was paid in ensuring
that the set design and the protocols carried out by thecharat tors
were accurate b I s Nlav standards rhe result is a fact-based
store ot w hat can happen v hen a powerful military loader de ides
to live by a higher code ot personal ethics.
Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 'is a children's cult
classic, if there is such a thing Gene Wilder plays chocolate-churn
ing billionaire who hosts five innocent children on a tour through
his fantastic chocolate factory. The movie is a parable about greed
and bad manners related m 9ong by poetic and wiseOompa 1 oom-
hown m continuation ot the newly instituted tamih filmseries,
Willie Wonka .iyi the 'hocolate Factor) will be shown Sunday,
Sept 23a; 2 and H p m The 1 lunt tor Red O tober will beshown
Thursday, Sepl 20 .it 7 and 9 20 p r.i . t riday, September ?1 and
Saturdav Sepl 22 at s p m rhe docucomedy double feature will
be shown Wednesday, September 19. "Heavy Petting" will begin
at8p.m "AtomieCafe startsat9:20 Admission to Student Union
films at Hondnx rheatre is absolutely free with a valid ECU stu-
dent ID with a current u ti ltv sticker.
1 ho Student Union Films . bmmittee would like to thank last
c oast Music and Video for the use ol their videotapes in the review
ot these films.
? Compiled by Malt Buj and 1 isa Marie ernigan
Kitchen Korner
Honey mustard chicken, orange
pork chop add spice to cooking
Every now and then it is nice to have a meal at home to enjoy
It may also allow you to test vour cooking abilities and mavbo trv
to impress someone with a nice, romantic dinner
Here are a couple ol recipes to start you on your way:
Honey Mustard Chicken
(Servos two)
two boneless chicken breast
one small jar of Grey Poupon Mustard
34 cup of honey
two pinapple rings for garnish
Take 34 cup of honey and about 4 tablespoons of mustard tor
to taste) and mix in medium sized bowl. Then place both chicken
breasts in honey mustard sauce. I et breast marinate for at least 5
minutes Heat frying pan or skillet to medium heat then place
breast in pan, suing sauce tor later C(Mk breast for 4-5 minutes on
medium heat (in both sides then pour saute over breast in pan and
cover let simmer for 1-2 minutes and place on plate with pine-
apple rings mi top of breasts
Orange Pork Chops
(serves two)
two large pork chops or two medium boneless pork chops
one orange
one cup orange juice
12 cup sugar
one tablespoon cornstarch
one pmch of cinnamon
Take juice and pulp from orange, cup (if orange juice, 1II cup
sugar, cornstarch and cinnamon and mix thoroughly in bowl Then
place pork chops in frying pan on high heat and cook until light
brown on both sides Pour 1 2 of the orange sauce in pan and let
simmer (covered) for 5 minutes. Place on plate and cover with
remaining orange sauce.
Both of these recipes are excellent when served with rice and
a green vegetable of your choice. Good luck and have an enjoyable
? Compiled by Draughon Cranford II
Continued from page 10
numerous stretches and exercises.
which essentially keep pressure
oft her back bv making her legs
stronger Thebackclinu , shohvls
was invaluable to her "I could
literally feel myself getting stron
ger every day she said She
continues todothcexercises every
morning lor an hour. Even skip
ping one J will allow painful
pressures to creep into her lu k
Reflecting on theac c ident,she
said ithanged her life Enjo) ing
life seemed to take higher priority,
because the fragility ot it daw ned
on her with full intensity I lor
next jobata flower shop rcinfon ed
that idea. She said, People cs
sent i.i IK get flowers three limes in
their lives when the) reborn,
w hen they get married and v hen
theydie ' It would be depressing
she said, especially on nice days
when a large number of funeral
w reaths and arrangements had to
be prepared rhat job helped ko p
her in touch with life s brutal re
( athy tools thai w ith e i i
ui o ent in her life there i
opposite good event ol equal in
tensity It has been consistenth
proven to her, she said i oubts to
o, .i o . a, ii ?
she never does Shesaid that when
she was in elementary school she
refused to touch a live snake in
si it'in e lass 1 lu'Si h K'l pruii i al
came and while holding her - till
? he pM ssed hei hand i nt the
snake Ml the other students
pointed and laughed It was a
toi nblo ep 11 !
( athv is also ivell informed
about state and national t ;
Sheav idly supp it-1 lar i iantl
tor (. Senator i ' hddle
i ast( risis he ha mixed feel
I he i ountn mui redui e it I
pendoIH W'lV'll
sheadmits, m re.i i
c athv isop n to di uss more
personal matters ti i i
she said '? ith full 11 r
rolati. mshipsin the pa -t ha ? ? i
II 111 (v i I I ha i '
v t found tl Sh?
Jis, i : .vever. that

ncs (er I ireei
ma litetimi
here at I v I is her 11 rd
iter ai
The 'Biggest 'Surrito
'You ve 'EverSeen!
Citiai inteed in till m
that outlook surt
time ot the iccid
?? in thai terrible situa
come until two and a halt years
later when shedlSi overed theb.u k
i linic
It was while she was working
in the flower shop that Edgar
1 asine, the former c hairman of the
rheatre Arts Apartment who
retired last semester honed her
and presented her v ith job ??;
portunity here at E 1 she to k i
plant' here, checked things mil
found a Ma e to live and a. i epted
the job She began August S8and
now s,i s that until E( I eight! ? i
months was the long ' he stayed
w ith any one job
1 love te.u hmg, shi
matter of fa th 1 vene er rruidi
such a difference in other pe ; li
lives Iea hing, she feels ha:
' '
? ' II
Ilk'IllKl i t tlv
v ri. The c.lcluc
iiuu i ? ; '
s stem in w ! ik i
i in oi u .UK oiik ' ?
? r t he
Surse ?, Vl '
O I! I 11! I
n.1"). Un ill u 'II tree:
ii os i ea nine sne reeis nas
taught hoi even more about
broadcasting She does ? .?
deal o( outsidereadingai di: n
well informed and confident
enough about the subject so tl tl
she could now d? an en tin lass
v ithout a sun1 i ' it her sid
1 hestv eofI i tures
is lighthi at ted and tun ll is
corn. she said, but life is ti o
short to be l in d iv.d miserable
She also said thai she adapts into
'k t tea hing methods thequalitn s
she respected most in her teachers
Intentionalh humiliating her
students, she said, i- something
Continued from page 10
Eastan lii a ' ai ? i riv iti
. ill close the playhouse season on
Vpril24,25,26and27, with its
galvaniceverungofdance. Afavor-
ite with area residents the evening
will feature a varied program ol
modern, ballet and jazz dance.
The original choreography ot
he East Carolina University Dance
Faculty will be performed by the
most gittod students in the profes
sional dance programs within the
Departmentol rheatre Arts. Thisis
an annual event that is a "mustsee
tor all ages
Season tickets are on sale at
Mc annis rheatre box office, Mon-
day through Friday, from lOa.m
until 4 pin Tor more information,
call 757-6829
Continued from page 10
advice tor some common "every
day problem Many past tenants
have even kept in touch with her.
Mrs Pool is now nmetv one
years old She describes herself as
being independent
she is also strong willed and
spunky Sheisana tivemembero
a kx al Baptist i hurch .is well as a
Senior Citizens organization.
As tor her family she seems to
hold a high degree ot love and ,k
"Mv grandfather, Kader
Kadorlillev. had a street named af-
ter him she notes graciously In
addition to her church and (lub
activities, she spends much of her
time tending her home and sard
I here is iw outside help
tudent Union
gs Happen at ECU
Do You Know
What is Going on at ECU
f Not Call the Program
Hotline 757-6004
This Week at Hendrix Theatre
Double Feature
nnjpsi n
Wed Sept. 19 8pm
Thurs Sept 20
7 & 9pm
Fri Sat Sept. 2 1 ,22
8 pm
W Sun Sept 23 2&8pm
.CU ID or Current Films Pass Is Required for Admission
The Student Union Coffeehouse Committee
Musician Bruce Frye
Tues Sept 1 8
In the Coffeehouse on the
Ground Floor of Mendenhall

tShg ?agt QIarolinian
Sfptfmber 18.1990

S:SySft:v:S:?5xS?S:SS?S ?: 5
Hokies come from behind to defeat ECU 24-23
By Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports vlitor
irginia rechblocked anextra point attempt late
the fourth quarter to beat the Pirates 24-23 in
n stadium Saturday night
: i, I head coach bill 1 ewis Kt his tirst home
in two seasons in front oi ?3,810fans, the tilth
si rowd in Ficklen histor
?? present at the game sav a first hall which
da large number oi penalties for both squads,
tal Six were against ECl for 60 yards and five
. icd against the 1 lokies also lor 60 ards
In the tirst quarter ECt return man Cedric
ren received theopening kickoff and returned
;rds to the EC I 36 1 he Pirates proceeded to
dow n the field -md on a David I )aniels
from the lech 13 yard line
i inthefoltowingdnvcthe Pirates were successful
. pmg the Hokies and forced rechtopunt E I
?an their drive at their ew n -e en vard line 1 he
drive was penalty ridden, the most significant being
off-setting on a tlee flicker pass from Erik booker to
1 lunter (iallimore tor 7 yards.
However ECU wasabletoovercome this mishap
and 10 plays later junior quarterback left Blakeran in
tor a one yard touchdown giving ECU a 14-0 lead
with 4:29 left in the tirst quarter
In the second quarter lech replaced junior
quarterback Rodd Wooten with junior Will Furrer.
Furrer passed 19 times with 14completions tor 237
yardsand two touchdowns. There was no big deal
about putting in Furrer in the second quarter We
planned to do it the whole time, said Virginia lech
head coach Frank Beamer.
On thedrive after Furrer entered the game lech
scored. The drive featured two key passes of 31 and
-UK ards.both to sophomore tailback Vaugn 1 lebron.
The Pirates countered with a seven-play drive
which was kept alive by Blake's 31-yard pass to
Gallimore The series resulted in a 43-yard line drive
held goal by senior place kicker Rob Imperato, giv-
ing ECU the lead at 17-7 with 3:34 left in the halt.
Less than a minute later Furrer connected with
sophomore tailback Tony Kennedy tor a 69 yard
touchdown. That would complete the seoring tor the
tirst halt, with the score 17-14
The second halt began with lech receiving the
ball ou their own 25 vard line, alter a 22 ard kk kolt
return from junior return man Marcus Mickel E l s
defense held and lech punted the ball out of bounds
on the ECU 42 vard line
1 hat set up the key driveof the game E U drove
to the Hokies 1-yard line and had a 2nd and goal
situation On the next play junior fullback David
Daniels tumbled and lech's junior linebacker An-
thony Pack intercepted the ball and returned it 75-
yards to the ITT. 24 vard line.
The 1 lokies were unable to score in the ensuing
series and Thomas missed a 22-vard attempt "We
were clinging to a 17-14 lead in the third quarter, but
that one play saw the momentum definitely shift,
lewis said.
After stifling the ECU offense in three downs,
Tech retained possession after a 49-yard punt from
:t? ?,?s j.
- e runs the ball in for the Pirates' second touchdown of the game
junior lohn ett. Four plays later Furrer connected
with sophomore strong end Bo Campbell for a 31-
vard touchdown That gave Tech the lead for good.
1 he Pirates began to mount a drive but were
stymied on Techs 36 yard line after a crucial holding
penalty set them back to their own 49-yard line.
I welve plavs later Thomas hit on a 35-yard field goal
to give the Hokies a 24-17 lead.
Alter the kickoff ECU drove to the Tech 37-yard
line, d on the next play Daniels ran 37-yardsup the
middle tor a touchdown. This would complete the
seoring in the game as Imperato's point after attempt
was blocked. lett.whoholdsforlmperato, attempted
to run the ball into the end zone but was stopped on
the two-yard line.
"The snap washigh and the operation was a little
bit slow The ball never seemed to get up It hap-
pened so last, vou don't know if the snap was real
good. They got some inside penetration and one of
their inside people jumped said Lewis.
The Pirates were able to get the ball back for one
last attempt with 1:47 remaining in the game. How-
ever they were unable to convert. Tech received the
ball alter a hobbled handoff with 48 seconds re-
maining. Furrer stepped down and ran the clock out
to finish the contest.
I hey kept our backs against the w il! all night
long 1 thought it was a great game from a great
burw h of guvs We scratched, bit, clawed and did
everything wecould do (defensively) said Beamer.
lett Blake was voted the player of the game by
the media in attendance ' I think Jeff Blake put on
one of the most courageous performances I've ever
seen 1 le went out and did everything that needed to
be done to help this football team win the game said
I think the whole team played a real solid game.
e made a couple of mistakes here and therethose
m ere the breaks. Virginia Tech came up with the big
pld . s and we didn't capitalize on our big plavs We
played hard and we never gave up said Blake.
ECL goes toSouthwestern Louisiana to play the
Rajin' Cajuns next Saturday at 8 p.m
Terry Jordan
Florida State becomes ninth team in the ACC Clemson
squeaks by
lidi ?
?. ? ? . ?? irouna
? ?? . irterback
? v. - ? md hedidn't
: : ? ? a hen his tss .
? ?.?
rdai id a rocky debut as
? ? ?: for the injured
nport. 1 le did com-
I 21 passes for 181 yards
i third-quarter touchdown,
? t was counterbalanced with
nterccptions and two
s The 20-15 victory did
to lift his postgamc spirits.
I he win was great My in-
. lual performance was not
I .it all Jordan said as he
? Eighl was just the right
? r the Atlantic Coast Con-
ferenci until last week, but several
??? ils sav the sudden growth
spurt brought on with the addition
: lorida State is still a perfect tit.
1 think everybody at the end
, ? i pretty exhausting day felt that
we considered everything as fully
as wecould, said lorn Spragens,
faculty representative to the league
trom Duke. "Even the schools thai
were against expansion were cer-
tainly perfectly w illingtoextend a
warm welcome
In the spanol 24 hours, 1 londa
State went from being a football
independent with basketball af-
filiation in the Metro Conference,
to the ninth member of what has
been considered the nation's pre-
mier basketball league. It also
marked the tirst major move tor
the ACC since Georgia Tech joined
12 years ago.
It's the third major move by a
collegiate conference this year,
following the switch by Arkansas
from the Southwest Conference to
the Southeastern Conference, and
Penn State's decision to join the
Big 10.
"The window oi opportunity
for me was to get into the state of
Honda said ACC commissioner
Gene Corrigan in a telephone in-
terview. "There are more college
athletes that come out oi the state
of Honda than anywhere except
California. And. it's jus! a great
opportunity tor us.
'What our people felt was that
this is an outstanding opportu-
nity to get into the state. It does a
lot of different things for us
Todd Turner, the new athletic
director at North Carolina State,
had earlier s unded the concern
of some in the league that any
expansion should consider the
AC l. s reputation tor academics
as well as athletics. He con-
vinced after the pick that the league
had made the right move.
"It's a fine academic institu-
tion with a top (light athletics
program. They embrace the phi-
losophy that we hold as important
in the ACC lurnersavs ' ITievTe
committed to our reform package
that we've been a proponent of
Honda State might not have
projected the academic image that
some in the ACC wanted. But in
the midst of discussions between
the two parties, Spragens says the
evidence came in as to the lalla-
hassee school's reputation.
"The day that they met with
us tor the first time was the day
that it wasannounced that Honda
State had won the$50miHkm grant
from the National Science foun-
dation to become the site of re-
search into ultra-strong magne-
tism. Spragens savs, noting that
Honda Stale beat out the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Iechnologv
tor the grant
I hat was something that
opened people's eves. too. It
opened Mils eves, that's tor
sure Spragens says. People
were probably a good bit more
impressed than they expected to
spragens says the ACC went
into the idea of expansion by look-
ing tor a school which shared its
values Already, Honda State has
said it will close its athletes-only
dormitory and do other things in
keeping with the league's attempt
at changing the face of college
See ACC. page 12
ed into his street clothes in
N.C StatclcK kerroom. foday
ed me that Terr) Jordan has
? way to go and a lot of room
? t impn ivement.
rdan's preparations tor his
start including considerable
i with the tirst team during
: r ngdrills-Hewasbattlingwith
ivenport for the job when a knee
rain put Davenport out of action.
I here was no formal an-
mcement ol ordan's move to
starting role Davenport was
ipparently struggling to get
? mgh the week's practices after
iffering a bruised right shoulder
the loss at ieorgia Tech. All
i. h I k k Sheridan said during
.seek was that if Davenport
. dn't play, Jordan would be
All along, though, the6-foot-
iophomore from Tampa, Ha
i I i feeling that the game would
? all his.
I had a hunch that I might be
ible to start said Jordan, a
nephew of former Pallas Cow-
boys' great Lee Roy Ionian
"I'd been ninning with the
first team and I guess that was
more or less it, plus the fact that
Charles' shoulder was sore he
said "It's more non-verbal com-
munication. They really don't have
to come out and say anything
rhe coaches didn't say much,
hut Jordan might have been talk-
ing to himself by the end of the
See Jordan,page 12
Lady Pirates boost
record to 4-0
Sports Information
l he l ady Pirates increased their record to 4-0 this weekend by
defeating The Virginia Commonwealth Lady Ramsl2-15,15-8,15-
10,11-15, 15-13 and the 1 ady Eagtesof Winthrop College 13-2,15-
3, 15-10.
In Friday's game against VCU,the Lady Pirates fought five hard
games to come out with the win. Head coach Martha McCaskill
said. "Any time vou go five games and win it's great It's a
tremendous high for the kids because that's really tough
Hitter Rhonda lackson (18 kills) and Wendy ilM kills)
ignited the ECL) offense and helped in sealing the wilt Setter
shannon McKay had 38 assists and 12 digs.
"We had a lot of heart and determination that really helped us
pull through said McCaskill. "We rust went alter it and nude very
smart plavs
In the Winthropcollegegame Saturday, the Lady Piratesdowned
the I .dv Eagles in three straight sets. Coach McCaskill was proud
of her team for being able to play so well after such a big win.
"I'm glad we didn't come out flat. A lot of times a team gets
drained after a win like that, but we came out upand ready to play
she said
The lady Pirates received strong performances by Jackson (7
kills, 8 digs),Christine Belgado (? kills) and McKay who anchored
the offense with 28 assists.
I he lady Pirates also picked up additional honors this weekend.
FCC has been ranked No. 2 in the nation for hitting percentages by
the American V ollevball Coaches Association and Jackson was
named the CAA player of the week for her performances this
weekend. ??-?-??
ECU will take to the road on Tuesday to face the AVCA s tn
ranked Lady Tarheels of the University of North Carolina.
The Lady Pirate volleyball team is still undefeated at 4-0 after
playing VCU and Winthrop College this weekend.
Thomas returned a kickoff for a
touchdown and set up the winning
score with a 37-yard reception as
No. lb Clemson beat Maryland
18-17 on Saturday m an Atlantic
Coast Conference game.
The Tigers (2-1 overall, 1-1 in
the ACC) drove n8 yards for the
go-ahead touchdown with 7:59
left, then held Maryland to two
first downs the rest of the way An
interception by Dexter Davis ?
his second of the game and
Clemson's third ? with 2:23 left
assured the Tigers of the victory
after last week's loss to Virginia.
Maryland (2-1,0-1) lost to the
Tigers for the fourth straight time
despite 266 yaras passing by Scott
Zolak, who was 18-for-43.
Maryland ?ook a 17-12 lead
with 10:25 remaining in the game
on a 39-yard field goal by Dan
On Clemson's next series, the
Tigers faced third-and-7 from their
35 when Thomas caught a short
pass from DcChanc Cameron and
sprinted to the Maryland 28. Five
plavs later, Cameron hit Rudy
Hams with a 12-yard pass for the
winning touchdown.
After beinglimitedtoone first
down in the first quarter, Mary-
land scored two touchdowns in
the second period to take a 14-10
With Clemson leading 3-0,
GeneThomascaught a third-down
pass from Zolak at the Tigers' 25,
twisted away from Jerome
Henderson and completed the 43-
yard scoring play for 7-3 lead with
nine minutes left in the half.
Clemson bounced nght back
when Doug Thomas took the en-
suing kickoff at the 2, found an
opening in the middle and outran
three Terrapins to the end zone.
Thomas' second 98-yard kickoff
return of the season made him the
first player in school history to
return two kickoffs for touch-
downs in the same year.
Maryland responded with a
64-yard drive that was kept alive
when Zolak connected with Barry
Johnson for a 27-yard completion
See Clemson, page 12

2 '
?3t)e iaiat ylnrnlinian September181990
Sports Briefs
Hall of Fame inducts new members
RALEIGH ? Harvey Reid r who holds the state record for
high school basketball victories, will be among tour men inducted
into the North Carolina High School Athletic Association Hall of
Fame in November.
Joining Reid in the Hall of Fame this year will be Bill Futsler,
a former Rockingham football coach and Richmond County
athletic director; Jay Robinson, a former coach and three-time
NCHSAA president; and Simon Terrell, a co.ich at Warrenton,
Cary and Durham High and former executive secretary of the
Reid ranks among the top 20 high school basketball coaches
in the countrv with an 8G3-198 overall record His teams at Flm
Citv and Wilson like have won seven state titles and have been
ninners-up five times, including the past two years.
Futsler wasa three-sport coat h dunnghis4lVvear career. His
Rockingham football learns had a 28 year record of 22w4-H
with 13 conference championships and tour tate titles.
Robinson, currentlv vice president for public affairs for the
University of North Carolina was county school superintendenl
in Stanlv. Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. He also spearheaded the
effort to build the current NCHSAA offices.
Terrell was the NCHSAA chief executive from 1967 to 1984.
During his coaching career, he led CafV to the 1954 1-A basketball
Parham inducted into Hall of Fame
Tennis 1 lall of Fame will induct
arh im during ceremonies Nov. 17
continued from page 12
Please excendse your right to vote
Eton men's tennis coach I om P
in Greensboro
Tarham began his college coaching career at Atlantic Chris-
tian or the Carolinas Conference, where his teams won 278
matrnesand lost 7S over a 19-ycar span In lShhe moved to Flon
of the South Atlantic Conference, where he is 59-18 and the
viihT of last year's NAIA national championship.
Farham has twice been selected N Al A Coach of the Year and
recently was inducted into the NAIA 1 lall of Fame.
Also being recognized is ohn Peddycord. 1 le is honored tor
his many years of service to the promotion of tennis from the local
level to the national level, where he is serving as chairman ot
Junior Creative tennis tor the IS. Tennis Association.
Broadwell wins mackerel tourney
ATI ANTIC BEACH LonnieBroadwell and his son, Boyce
Broadwell, reeled in a 38.05 pound king mackerel to win the
Hatdec's Atlantic Beach king Mackerel Tournament.
They took home $47,000 in the 1 2th annual tournament The
two-day event ended Saturday.
Both Broad wells were fishing in their first Hardee's Atlantic
Beach King Mackerel tournament, which had b74 boats regis-
Boyce Broadwell said he and his father were trying to repair
two dead batteries when the fish hit their bait
Clemson upsets WFU in soccer
4KR. SAl.FM Forward lames Glenn scored two
go. is to Jead Clemson past No Wake Forest in Atlantic Co .st
Conference soccer Sunday.
(ilenn opened up scoring in the first halt. He rebounded a
shot from Wake Forest keeper Matt Olson in to the lower left-hand
corner of the box.
Wake Forest came back shortly more than a minute later.
Sophomore midfielder RaimodeVries blasted a right tooted shot
from the six-yard line past Tiger keeper Jaro Zawislan.
But toward the end of the first halt,iemson midfielder
Thomas Najjar scored a second Tiger goal And (-lenn finished ot t
the scoring effort shortly after the second half opened.
Wake Forest improved to 3-2-1 and iV2 in the ACC. Clemson
f' 11 to 5-1 with a 2-0 conference record.
Sheehan wins LPGA tournament
KFNT, Wash. Tatty Sheehan. who lost the U.S. Open when
she blew a nine-shot lead, didn't lei the LFC.A's Safeco Classic-
escape her grasp Sunday when she nosed with a final round of 2-
under-par 70 for a nine-stroke victory.
Sheehan finished with an lH-under 270 total over the 6,222-
yard Meridian Valley Country Club course. Deb Richard finished
second at 279 and Martha Foyer third at 280.
Massengale defeats Hill by one
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) Don Massengale shot an
6-under-par65 to capture the rain-shortened PGASeniors' Grand
Rapids Open by one stroke Sunday with an Sunder 134 total on
the 6,453-yard Elks Club Highland Course.
Dave Hill, the first-round leader of the 36-hole tournament,
had a chance to tie Massengale, but his tec shot on the final hole
went out of bound sand hebogeyed the hole for a 71 and a second-
place tie with Terry Dill and Larry Laoretti
McEnroe wins tennis challenge
PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) ? John McEnroe defeated Paul An-
nacone, a late replacement when a wrist injury sidelined Jimmy
Connors, 3-6, 6-4, 6-2 in the final of the Tennis Challenge on
? Comptttd from Attoctmttd I'mm Krportl
first quarter. The Wolfpack lost a
fumbleon its first possession, then
gave up a safety when the center
snapped the ball of the punter's
head and out of the end zone.
N.C. State's third possession
ended in a Jordan fumble and led
to a Wake Forest field goal. The
last two plays of the fourth drive
were an 8-vard quarterback sack
and a Jordan interception
Jordan finally maneuvered the
Wolfpack into Wake Forest tern
tory from his own 20 to the Demon
Feacon 19. He broke past the line
of scrimmage, then lost the handle
on the football and gave it back to
Wake Forest. That might havebeen
the last straw for some.
"I don't think that it affected
me at all. 1 just went out there and
I made mistakes, and that's part of
the game he said.
Jordan came out in the third
quarter and his first pass became
thefifth N.C. State turnover. Wake
Forest turned it into a touchdown
but it would be the last time the
Demon Deacons would be in
Phil Barnhill threw an inter-
ception and Jordan threw an ap-
parent touchdown pass to William
Turner. A holding penalty negated
the score.
"1 tried to keep mv cool out
there. Next play, we came back
and scored said Jordan, who
came back on the next plav and
threw a 33-vard touchdown pass
to Reggie Lawrence
Hegot the victory, and though
Sheridan wasn't pleased with his
team's performance, he did have
encouraging words for Jordan
I'm very proud of Terry Jor-
dan. It was a tough game tor him
in a lot of ways, but I know I'm
proud oi his performance,
Sheridan said
Next weekend comes Mary-
land, but Jordan isn't harboring
I anv thoughts of leading the first
offense again
"I would be surprised. I don't
know how Charles' shoulder is
going to feel he said.
on third and-12 from the Terra
pins' 47. Six plays later, Irov
Jackson scored from the 1 to make
it 14-10.
The Terrapins threatened to
increase1 the lead late in the half,
driving from their own 36 to the
Clemson 17 before Henderson
ended thebidwithan interception.
Maryland blew two more
scoring opportunities in the
opening minutes ol the third
quarter. IVArmas was wide right
on a 47-yard held goal attempt.
and after the Terrapins recovered
the Tigers' fourth tumble ol tin-
game at the Clemson 30, Davis
intercepted Zolak's pass at the
Clemson 2.
The Tigers pulled within 14
12 with 5:20left in the third quarter
when Zolak, operating from the
shotgun formation, was toned to
smother a high snap in the end
zone tor a safety-
this newspaper
'cause if you don't,
someone else will.
Attention Jewish Students.
I Icrc is the Temple Bayt Shalom
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continued from page 12
One facade that will be
changed is that of schedules by
theexisting schools. Theresa good
side and a bad side. Spragens
There is a certain magic to
eight. Once vou break that, then
there's really no reason that 10 is
better than nine' Spragens said.
"In scheduling terms, both in
f ootba 11 a nd ba sketba 11, t here a re a
lot of good reasons that nine is
better than 10
Football will provide some
problems because current ACC
schools will have to alter sched-
ules already arranged through the
end of the decade that provide for
an eight-game league format. Bas-
ketball adds two more conference
games and a different type of
"It really constrains what we
can do in terms of national
matchups, which are important to
us and important to the confer-
ence he said. "We can swallow
two more conference games and
make those adjustments, but if we
were going to go up four games
from where we are now, that
would cause us very serious
Florida State will be able to
compete for championships in
most sports starting with the 1991 -
92 school year.
Already, there's been talk of
adding a 10th team to the league
lineup that now includes North
Carolina, North Carolina State,
Duke, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech,
Clemson, Virginia, Maryland and
Florida State. Corngan says it's
not out of the question, though it's
not currently at the top of discus-
"One of our schools would
have to really get out there and
promote another team to get con-
sideration he says.
Spragens says the question is
premature right now.
"I think there are a couple of
schools within theconference who
may have their eye on one or two
other schools he said. "I don't
think there's going to be any fur
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(She iEaat (Carolinian September 18,1990 13
Olympic committee debates location for
100th birthday of modern Games in '92
Two Americans share the lead in the Canadian open
KYO ' Om
ired an end Uh1.i in the
' :tUv
, n sth Scssi
.ill reach its
t foi
'? ? inta a nd
? i be the

h Toi f behind
lax i'
id silver
should become the privileged
forum for the encounter, refltn
t ion and lionoi the rising ton es
t our w orW
I he address broke little new
? I but touched upon the
: ? ts impaet o( the i risis in the
i asl the ih onom? nd
political problems tat ing the s?'
viet I nu-ii and Fastern Europe,
rl - to end apartheid in South
Atru.i and the spread of drugs
throughout mh iety
! lu- ICX . one ?-t the world s
biggest organizations with 167
n her nations was the p
umbrella under which answers
could be found to such problems,
Samararw h said
By establishing betw i en
them a kind 't Olvmpu truce in
,t our lime, ttu-M- rising I
v ould come together beneath tho
symbol ir tin- five interlinked
rings to make a reality
aluesi easek?sslvpro laimedand
i easele; - ed tnto question
?, .I1, r eltare t
all.sohdanh and pe e he said.
rhe bidding for 96 started
re than three iirs ago and
iuirii ts i nd imid creal
urw iTtaintv
Members have said tor sev-
eral months that choosing among
die six candidates wasoneH their
toughest jobs because all had solid
proposals, with Athens, Greece,
adding the historical element as
the birthplace ot the ancient
( Mympk s and tht' site ot their re-
birth in 1896.
I honestly think most ot the
KX members remain undecided,
said Agustin Arroyo, a veteran
member from Ecuador. "What
makes them decide? It s different
for everyone. It depends on what
details they pay attention to. what
their interests are.
V iths-7Kmemlvrspresent.
the winner needs 44 votes
Samarant h traditionally does not
? .?. . DO
OAkVll.l.F, Ontario (AT)
A couple of Americans share the
lead, but there's a pair ot Canadi-
ans in position to break a 36-year-
old non-winnmi; string in their
national go It championship
"When vim look up and see a
rellowCanadian playing well, it's
a great feeling said veteran Dave
Barr, one stroke ott'the first-round
lead in the Canadian Open
Two shots back of Parr and in
a 14 man tie tor fourth was Rich-
ard okol, also verv much in the
chase tobecome the first Canadian
to win this national title since Pat
Fletcher in 1954
"It sa great race to be in We're
riding on each other's momen-
tum said okol. who recorded a
i areer best, ninner-uptintsh three
s eeks ago.
ohn Cook, on the rebound
trom wrist and hand surgerv that
threatened his caret r. and Brad
Faxon shared the top spot with
65s, 7-under-par on the relatively
benign C.len Abbey Colt Club.
"It's about as easy as you're
going to see it said Cook, who
won this title in 1983. "The winds
v.ere calm and it was playing
loth Cook and Faxon, who
has vet to win in a seven-season
PGA lour career, credited their
short games as the major reason
tor their high standing
"Chipping and putting umi-
aiiv are mv strong points, but ob-
viouslv this was a little better than
usual Faxon said Thursday
He one putted 1 1 times, m-
(. hiding tour birdies trom 20 teet
(r more and a !5-f 'oter to save par
and a piece of the lead on the final
hole He did not make a bogey
"Chipping left me. mv short
game left me I've probably
worked on it more in the last two
months than 1 have in mv other 10
years (as a touring pro put to-
gether he said.
The vork paid oft with a
couple of 30-foot birdie putts and
a 75 toot pitch inbirdieonhis 17th
When that one went in. I
knew it was ioing to be a good
ending to the day, no matter what
1 did on the last hole Cook said.
He made bogev there, rust as
hedid on his first hole In between,
however, he recorded nine birdies.
"more than I had .ill of last week
he said.
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?bc ?a?t UJnrnlintan September 18,1990
I would Ye bought a Macintosh even without
the student discount.
Greg Gallent
Consume' Economics and Housing
Cornell University
. .
'hefirsttin it aMacini si Iwasii i Jiat
ked Its a vv ?rk i ?l an i sav( the si . k "
pneingand ' i v i - v;i ibi( lis gel
Soitu ' en omnuters arc ch
pa ? learn.and rkii g n them ai
gr i ling experience ! asi ar. a hi
igl ' ;? ' lerkii J ' r : . r tgaii "
advia and has isedittoi ;
urs.W I at a waste
? sh. on the other hand, is a logical
nsioi : the mind. It lets y u c mcentrate i n
ir paper, no! on how to get it o?
ican create professional looking
? ts in minutes, and y u k se the tear i i
n ii gnew programs because they all work
the same way
()e vnierked with;a Marinttsh,
there's no turning back"
( omc to tlu- VfacFest September 20 in the soda shop in
Wright Building or call Jeff Mills at -i"M for more
Vh d) xj pie k ve Macint ?sh'?
Ask them.

i&lie Cast (Earolfnfan September 18,1990

I would've bought a Macintosh even without
the student discount.
Greg Gallent
Consumer Economics and Housing
Cornell University
The first time I saw a Macinu sh. I as immediately
hooted. Its a work of art. I saw the student
pricing and my next itm ve was (bvi hjs: get me.
"Some other c wnputers are cheaper, but they're
a pain to learn, and working on them can he
a grueling experience. Last year, a friend
bought another kind of computer against
my advice and has used it for maybe 15
hours.What a waste.
"lacmu )sh. t?the other hand, is a logical
extensk m of the mind. It lets you concentrate on
what's m your paper, not on how to get it on
paper. You can create professional-looking
d( vuments in minutes, and you lose the fear of
learning new programs because they all work
in the same way.
'Once )uve )rked with a Macintosh,
there's no turning back
Come to the MacFest September 20 in the Soda Shop in
Wright Building or call Jeff Mills at T-631 for more

The East Carolinian, September 18, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 18, 1990
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